kocourmokroocko · 7 months
Jsem nevyčerpatelný zdroj horečnaté moudrosti a věnců
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selidor · 9 months
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gutachter · 2 months
Gefahr für Kinder: Die neue Mauer in Gundelsdorf bröckelt
Gundelsdorf: „…Die Trockenmauer am neuen Dorfplatz ist schon marode. Der Bürgermeister verspricht Abhilfe. Das tut er auch bei manch anderen Anliegen der Gundelsdorfer. „Kein akzeptabler Zustand“, stellte der Pöttmeser Bürgermeister Mirko Ketz bei der Bürgerversammlung in der voll besetzten Gaststube Zur Post in Gundelsdorf fest. Gemeint war dabei die Tatsache, dass beim neu gestaltetem…
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politikwatch · 3 months
Von wegen starke Armee #Russische #Offiziere schockieren mit #Details über #Putins #Armee #Fehlende #Ausrüstung, #Korruption und #Schmiergelder: Alltag in Putins Armee
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bernhard-schipper · 1 year
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Coming soon - new album:
"Jurij" by Šćiperta Maroder (track list under development)
01 - 'And now I wanna be your God' (Music: The Stooges / Lyrics: B. Schipper) 02 - 'Herman P.' (Music: Psychic TV / Lyrics: B. Schipper) 03 - 'Brat Moj' (Music: Laibach / Lyrics: Laibach) 04 - 'Roman U.' (Music: Psychic TV / B. Schipper)
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vainaspaver · 6 months
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by franconiangirl
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dogsaver-blog · 1 year
Dinner for one by Anne Köhler
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aradxan · 2 years
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berlinverkehr · 2 years
Werkstätten: BVG muss U-Bahn-Wartung umkrempeln Landesunternehmen braucht rund eine halbe Milliarde Euro für Betriebsgleis und Werkstätten
Werkstätten: BVG muss U-Bahn-Wartung umkrempeln Landesunternehmen braucht rund eine halbe Milliarde Euro für Betriebsgleis und Werkstätten
04.10.2022 https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1167414.u-bahn-bvg-muss-u-bahn-wartung-umkrempeln.html 325 Millionen Euro. So viel Geld brauchen die Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (#BVG) in den kommenden Jahren, um mit einem zeitgemäßen #Instandhaltungskonzept die #Betriebswerkstätten der #U-Bahn für Hunderte neuer Wagen zu ertüchtigen, die demnächst anrollen. »Das ist allerdings der Preisstand von…
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notajoinerofthings · 8 months
finds absolut deprimierend, dass migration (und lbr, eigentlich gehts da ja vor allem um die begrenzung von migration jeder art) von so vielen anscheinend als das thema und die ultimative krise der gegenwart in deutschland empfunden wird, obwohl die klimakrise, unser marodes bildungssystem, steigende kinderarmut und der pflegekräftemangel einfach right there sind 🤷‍♀️
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deutsche-bahn · 4 months
Ich habe vor kurzem beim Frühstück in einem Airbnb mit zwei Fremden, zwei Briten und einem Interpol-Angestellten zum ersten Mal einen Diplomatenausweis in meine Kinderhände bekommen. Der Interpol-Mitarbeiter erzählte mir dann auf englisch, dass er demnächst für einen Job nach "Latvia" zieht. Habe danach mehrere Tage damit verbracht, zu überlegen wo zur Hölle Latvien liegt. Am vierten Tag googelte ich es. Es ist Lettland. Latvia heißt Lettland, du marode Kohlmeise von einem Hirn.
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takovanormalnielie · 2 months
Zaučuju kolegu na svoje místo a mísí se ve mě naštvání, zklamání a apatie. Měla jsem na jeho zaučení zhruba měsíc a půl. Hned z kraje se hodil na tři týdny marod, protože mu přišel novej počítač. Doufala jsem, že nová pozice, výzva a zvýšení mzdy ho doženou k zodpovědnosti, ale je to pořád malý dítě i ve svejch 28 letech. Nechápe vážnost situace a je mu to jedno. Ono to nějak dopadne, žejo, ale já na konci měsíce mizím a nikdo jinej mu tady mámu suplovat nebude. Štve mě to, protože je to chytrej kluk a je pečlivej. Bohužel nedokáže převzít odpovědnost za cokoliv. Pořád se musí ujišťovat, než cokoliv udělá, i kdyby to byla naprostá trivialita. Potřebuje všechno schválit. Nedokáže se sám rozhodnout. Maximálně tak v tom, že zazdí práci, aby si mohl tři týdny v kuse hrát. Teď tady lítá celej zmatenej a já mám sto chutí nechat ho v tom utopit.
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gutachter · 3 months
Zukunft des Kongressparkhauses: Baureferent lässt Optionen prüfen
Augsburg: „…Über einen Komplettabriss des maroden Parkhauses wird diskutiert. Bei der Stadt Augsburg möchte man jetzt Anwohner im Antonsviertel einbinden. Wird das marode Kongressparkhaus bald komplett abgerissen? Die Grünen haben den Abriss bereits gefordert. Die Gesellschafter des Parkhauses haben noch keinen gemeinsamen Kurs gefunden. Augsburgs Baureferent Steffen Kercher war zuletzt als…
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politikwatch · 3 months
Olaf Scholz und der #Westen haben Angst vor #Putins völliger #Maroden #Armee, statt Aufrüstung, #Korruption ❗
Liefert #Taurus an die Ukraine ❗
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payingrental · 1 year
kisi ko kala jaadu atta hoga tho meri gudiya banake uski mundi marod do
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twistedapple · 7 months
I have decided to share the beginning of my BG3 fic! Keep in mind it'll be subjected to an editing process so it's not necessarily matching what you'll see in the final product (especially since I'm still working on getting Raphael's tone right).
A BGM for the vibe, as well as a sneaky peek into the WIP playlist I have for Nuria, my OC. After that post, get ready for Part 3 of my Perfume Rant, which will be about Nuria and give us more insight into the type of character she is.
@kiss-inferna since you requested a ping for the Nuria content :)
* * *
Something was brewing, the echoes of change running through the Planes as a great change was starting to unfold. The Mortal Plane needed to be mended, and superior forces were hard at work to put some order back into the giant mess caused by the Spellplague and the death of too many Gods. While mortals would be able to find relief in this resolution, in the years to come, this entire process was not exactly to everybody's taste, and agitation could be felt in the Nine Hells. With Gods dead and their portfolio rearranged, devils had notoriously benefitted for the straying of souls to strike many a valuable deal, however it seemed that Ao's intervention was going to slow things down a bit.
Not all of them worried, though. For all of his dislike of chaos, Raphael still had hope that mortals would behave as they usually did. It was a matter of waiting, observing, and striking at the right time to obtain worthy deals and snatch valuable souls. Besides, certain lands on the Mortal Plane were a proof that no matter how much higher divinities could intervene, chaos would always find a way.
The cambion was standing in front of a tall mirror, one among the many in his Chamber of Egress, that facilitated his travels around the Mortal Plane. Through it, a warm wind could be felt, sand rustling under a burning sun. Calim Desert displayed its expense through the mirror, its quietness a complete lie. While many a land had been ravaged through the various catastrophes that had erupted in the wake of the Spellplague, Calimshan had been embroiled in a chaos of its very own making, old history rearing its violence-inclined head to take hold of the country again. In the years following the Spellplague, the Calimemnon Crystal holding genies Memnon and Calim sealed in the desert shattered, resulting in the genies coming back to fight for control of the then wealthy mercantile nation. In the process, genasi of various elements, having lived hidden for generations and passing as humans, had revealed themselves and picked a side, Air against Fire, Djinn against Efreet, once again for the Second Era of Skyfire. The devastation that followed had been a real feast, feeding opportunistic devils for decades in a process eased by the notorious absorption of Azuth, the God of Magic revered in Calimshan, by Asmodeus himself. Anybody wishing for more magical power became an easy target. This decades-long conflict kept going even after Memnon and Calim's banishment to the Elemental Chaos, the once prosperous kingdom being turned into slavers' land as numerous genasi proclaimed themselves rulers and maintained the fights, while the human stronghold of Almraiven felt like the last place of decency in a sea of unabashed decadence. The latest event in a long series of miseries had been the murder of Pasha Marod el Arhapan by his own son, leading not only to the destruction of the fighting arena of Calimport by way of floating palace that had fallen on it following the aforementioned murder, but also the political fall of the city in the hands of Marod's Vizar, the scheming genie Shahrokh.
The place was a vile and incredibly lucrative nest of vipers, that was for certain. However, Raphael had been focusing on a highly specific type of soul - one directly associated with the noble djinns from the Elemental Plane of Air. One that could be in the best position to provide him with a mighty tool if mentored in the right direction. Before Calim's banishment, some of his retainers had joined him to support his efforts against Memnon. Noble djinn Kacem was one of them, and he had graciously left something behind with his departure. His half-elemental progeny, Isham, had then mingled with an air genasi sorceress working for Shahrokh, a spymaster named Ashemmi who in turn blessedly provided Raphael with what he had been hoping for, without even needing his nudge. He allowed 20 more years to pass before aiming for the soul he was seeking to obtain.
Now, the 20 years had just passed, and it was time for him to make his move. He had made this precious soul wait long enough, after all.
* * *
After the murder of Marod and the subsequent chaos caused by the fall of his floating palace over the arena, Shahrokh found his duties doubled. As a vizar, he had to keep the city reined in in the wake of the brutal destruction, however he also had to keep an eye on both allies and foes, the whole lot of them vultures ready to scavenge what had been left after Marod's brutal rule, ready to take over and use the opportunity to frame themselves as saviour of the city. The genie would not allow such a thing to happen, and strenghtened his own political position by increased use of spies and assassins to keep everybody in check.
What he had not seen coming - although, in hindsight, he should have anticipated it - was to see one of his advisors entangled with a devil to support his cause - not just the political one, but also the more personal goal of figuring out how to release the mighty djinn Calim from the Elemental Chaos so he could restore his righteous rule over Calimshan.
That was how he found himself indirectly involved in the diabolical deal as well, as the devil in question, Raphael, had requested a meeting to clarify certain points.
Shahrokh floated through the old Palace, shunned by the late Marod but so much more appropriate for ruling. He had a devil to meet.
* * *
The circular room was ample and pleasantly cross by a breeze. In classic Calimshite fashion, it was covered in ornate tiles and elaborate carpets, its arched ceiling shining with golden mozaics. Raphael did have a soft spot for lavish displays of wealth, and Calimshan never failed him in that regard. He was seating in one of the richly carved chairs surrounding a round table and settling the negotiations with the genie Vizar and his genasi advisors. No matter the state of this country, one couldn't remove the mercantile part of these Calimshites, who were definitely set on getting the best out of this bargain. Raphael did enjoy it when his potential clients were playing hard to get and entertained himself in the process, keeping his own personal goal well under wraps.
-Thirty souls in exchange for the Ritual of Return? Considering the importance of that book, I am afraid you are being a low bidder right now. Surely, you have souls more valuable than those of thirty slaves...
-Add the soul of whoever is holding one of the books on top, in that case. If it is hidden even from my sight, it must be kept by someone who can at least be considered competent.
-Hm... And what about the security, then? Who among you will sign this deal?
As the negotiations were taking place, polite but sharp exchanges over the conditions of the contract, a small and slender figure was moving around the table and serving the men. Dressed in twilight, she moved silently, each one of her gestures poised and elegant. Raphael occasionally set his eyes on her, drinking in the sight of her golden earring dangling softly, hands covered in tinted patterns skillfully serving hot tea in the theatrical fashion of the country. Her clothes would rustle softly, the light and high-waisted trousers providing a subtle view of her shapely legs, the golden embroideries of her short, purple jacket catching the sun. She kept her hair up and under an elaborately tied scarf, strands of dark air still coiling around her heart-shaped face. Their eyes met at some point, and she was quick to lower her own dark doe eyes, prettily lined with khôl, with the deference of a servant.
When she approached to serve him, however, he noticed a very different story. As she leaned right next to him, he breathed in a metallic rose, damp from a storm and something else. When she left, the ghost of her perfume lingered, turning into an enticing pepper-and-incense, along with the slight feeling of a fresh breeze.
The negotiations kept going until a common agreement had been reached. Whatever Raphael would get from this contract, he considered a gratifying bonus to his own plans. What he hadn't been expecting, however, was the way the meeting concluded. Suddenly, Shahrokh turned to the serving woman, and all eyes turned on her.
-What do you think of that, Nuria?
Maintaining her elegant composure, a faint and polite smile lighting up her face, Nuria took a second to choose her words before replying in a soft, breathy voice that effortlessly carried through the room.
-I'm afraid the clause regarding assistance in the various tasks hasn't been clarified, oh my Vizar.
Her smile never fully reached her eyes, which suddenly went from quiet deference to alert calculation. She had the look of someone who already knew the reply to her own comment. Shahrokh turned to Raphael, crossing his fingers before speaking.
-With our current occupations, you may understand that not all hands can be on deck. Nuria yr Ashemmi el Kacem will remain available for you as a consequence. Anything relating to this contract will pass through her - I personally vouch for her trustworthiness and discretion.
With that, Nuria bowed respectfully in agreement to the task. When their eyes met again, all trace of the quiet servant had disappeared. Raphael had to contain his own exultation. The first step of his plan was well underway and served to him on a silver platter.
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