#married klance my beloved
bleepzip · 2 months
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married klance doodle <3
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vldkeith · 4 years
i'm a bit late so feel free to ignore this if it's no longer relevant, but you are absolutely correct about what you said to the blacklisting anon, ik they didn't mean to be rude or anything but it does hurt to have people ask you how to avoid something you spent time on and are proud of. also i would read anything else you thought about of the medieval au that sounds amazing -🍑
🥺 i rly appreciate this, it means a lot. i truly know they meant well and i rly don’t blame them but....yeah it’s just a Bad Feeling u know. but im okay!! thank you for this message, it makes me feel a lot better. 
i think that lance is a prince and he’s betrothed to allura and they’ve been friends forever because of that, but allura is like...homosexual jafkhgksdg so she doesnt wanna get married to lance, and tho lance had his teenager crush on allura he realized at some point that he thought of her more as a friend/sister than anything else, and obvs he wasn’t gonna try to date a lesbian!! and allura knows lance rly rly likes the moody but ridiculously skilled knight and she’s constantly talking to shiro (who is the lead knight idk what they’re called it’s been a minute since i went to medieval times) and scheming abt how to get them together, tho shiro often tries to get allura to Chill a bit bc she gets overexcited abt matchmaking and shiro doesnt want her to scare keith away gsfkhgkshgfsdk but they scheme and talk and allura rounds up the castle chef hunk (who is lance’s best friend), the ever-tired steward pidge, and the beloved jester coran and gets them to help make klance happen. which is hard bc keith in particular is dense as fuck. all he thinks abt is being a knight, it seems (but that’s not true bc he has a massive crush on lance too and only shiro knows this but he’s too nice to say anything) and medieval shenanigans ensue as the group tries to Make This Happen. that’s my medieval au fksghkfsdghs
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rubymoon-snape · 4 years
Author Note: This is an AU, where Lance is an Altean Prince and Keith is the Prince of Marmora. This is also Dads of Marmora, Antolivan, Thulaz, and Klance.
"Prince of His Dreams"
Lance looked around. He was in the gardens of his father's castle, but it was in the middle of the night. Why was he out here when he should be in bed?
"Hello again, your highness," a smooth voice spoke from the shadows.
Lance jumped slightly at the suddenness but relaxed as he recognized the voice. Everything made sense to Lance then. This was a dream; a recurring dream he has had for the past phoeb; ever since his father told him he was getting married to a Marmoran. Lance hadn't even met his intended!
"Lost in thought, are we?" The voice spoke again, but this time from behind him.
Lance jumped slightly. He hadn't seen his visitor move. "A bit. I'm supposed to meet my fiancée tomorrow morning."
A purr came from the visitor. "Who is the lucky girl?"
A light blush stained Lance's cheeks, somehow complimenting his blue Altean markings. "It's not a girl. I'm to wed a Marmoran by the name of Keith. It is such an unusual name for a Galra though. Not that it's bad! I rather like it, but I-"
A light purple finger gently rested against Lance's lips. "Take a breath, your highness. You're rambling."
When Lance took a deep breath, the finger was removed. Lance couldn't say he wasn't disappointed. That was the most of his mystery visitor he had ever seen. Other than that, he had only seen an outline. Lance could tell the visitor was Galran, confirmed by the color of the finger only moments ago. He had also seen the outline of furry ears and a long, constantly moving tail. The purr was another give away as to his visitor's species. The voice was the only indicator as to gender. His visitor was male.
"Keep getting distracted, and I'll think I'm boring you," the Galra teased.
Lance grinned. That was something he liked about his visitor. He liked to tease and joke with Lance. Not many people treated Lance like a regular person. Most just saw him as Prince Lance, the beloved second child and only son of King Alfor. "You could never bore me. I just wish I could see you or at least know your name."
The Galra grinned, the moonlight glinting off his small fangs. "You already know my name, and we will meet tomorrow, my prince."
Lance gasped. "You're Keith?"
"And you are astute." A kiss was pressed into Lance's white hair. "When we meet tomorrow, I would like a real kiss."
The dream faded away, leaving Lance sleeping with a smile on his face and eagerly anticipating the next morning.
Allura stared at her brother, who was quickly eating his breakfast like he hadn't eaten in days. "What's your rush, Lance? The Marmoran delegation won't arrive any earlier no matter how swiftly you eat."
"I want to make sure I have enough time to look absolutely 100% presentable when they arrive."
Allura grinned. "Especially for Keith?"
Lance blushed again. "Yeah. I can't wait to meet him."
"Dad, can't we leave off my title when presenting me to the prince?" Keith asked, almost begging.
"Why does it matter? You are both princes and a perfect match for one another," Thace replied.
"I just don't want him to think any differently about me," Keith admitted, his tail swishing in nervousness against the ship's flooring.
"He won't think any differently. You have been doing the meditation ritual, right?" Ulaz inquired.
The Marmorans had discovered that they could contact their mate through a meditation ritual. It wasn't difficult or strenuous, and it allowed them to speak with their mate, even if they had never met in the real world. If they had met, they could even hold their mate and both mates could see each other. As it was, only Keith could see Lance, and only small touches were allowed, since they hadn't officially met. Keith sighed. "He's excited to meet me. I just hope he's not disappointed."
"If he hurts you, kit, he answers to me," a gruff voice spoke up from the cockpit.
It was quickly followed by a growl. "Stand in line, Antok. I'm first."
"But, 'Van, I thought we agreed I would be first if someone hurts our kit!"
"In all other matters, you are first. In diplomatic matters, I am first."
Keith grinned. His four Dads were quite the overprotective pack. Not that he minded. He was quite important to the Marmoran people as their only prince. Kolivan was the advisor to Keith's late father, and Antok was Kolivan's mate. Thace and Ulaz, who were mates as well, had a claw each in actually raising Keith. They were decorated members of the Marmoran society. Ulaz was a successful doctor, who had cured many diseases on their home world and others, and Thace was a war veteran.
It wasn't long before Keith was jolted out of his thoughts by the ship landing. He peered out a nearby window to see a beautiful white castle with cyan blue lights. It was a much brighter castle than what he was used to. The lights in his castle were a strange pinkish purple. He never could figure out if they were supposed to be a unique color or if the original design team couldn't decide on one color and just combined the two.
Keith saw three people standing just outside of the castle. One was an older man that had to be King Alfor, another was a girl a little older than Keith, and then there was Lance. Keith's tail swished in excitement. He couldn't wait for the ship to be parked. He knew better than to disembark the ship before it had stopped. He had made that mistake before. He waited for the ramp to reach the ground before he raced out.
Lance watched as the Marmora ship came to a stop. The ramp extended and out raced a tailed Galra. He was light purple with furry ears and a very animated tail. He had the most unusual eyes for a Galran. They had white sclera and purple irises. He stopped right before he crashed into Lance. His tail swished, and he grinned. "Hello again, your highness."
"Prince Keith! You weren't supposed to leave before you are announced!" Kolivan scolded.
Lance looked gobsmacked. "Prince Keith?!"
Keith's tail swished. "Yes. I'm a prince. Does-" Keith's tail swished again. "Does it matter?"
Lance smiled. "No. Of course not." He drew closer and whispered, "I believe I owe you a real kiss."
Keith put his forehead against Lance's. "Then what are you waiting for?"
Lance wrapped his arms around Keith's neck and gently pressed his lips against Keith's, giving him a sweet loving kiss.
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ao3feed-klance · 4 years
The man in the swamp
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cRTy7C
by Hollow and Merciless (HollowandMerciless)
I wrote this story right after season 8, because I thought it was a terribly unsatisfying ending after all the build-up we got in earlier seasons, and I know I’m not the only one. Our beloved characters were done dirty. So I’ve decided to change some things and rewrite the ending. I never had time for a thorough reread and corrections, but then, more than a year later, the lockdown provided me with more free time than I bargained for, and now I’m finally ready to publish.
The story takes off around the S7 ending, then moves on towards the S8 ending, and continues a couple of years afterwards (but before the “canon” wedding of Shiro and Curtis).
Oh, and by the way, I never liked Curtis, so be warned. I can’t stand how one of the main characters got married to someone we barely know, without any build-up. I might have come to like him if we’d gotten a chance to get to know him – but now it feels like he stole our main character from us.
The story consists of 30 chapters and an epilogue. Some chapters are long, some are very short. POV's are Shiro and Keith. I’ll update regularly, so please subscribe!
I present to you my alternative ending for Voltron, Legendary Defender.
Words: 12159, Chapters: 2/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Lance's Mother (Voltron), Lance's Siblings (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt's Parents, Matt Holt, Krolia (Voltron), Kolivan, Veronica (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Iverson (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Kaltenecker
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Curtis/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Lance (Voltron), Kolivan/Krolia (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Shiro (Voltron) is a Mess, Lance lives on a farm, Hunk & Keith (Voltron) Friendship, Keith & Lance (Voltron) Friendship, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Fluff, Soft Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Eventual Keith/Lance (Voltron), Slow Burn Keith/Lance (Voltron), Past Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Shiro can't forget Adam, Shiro feels guilty, Hunk & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk & Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt friendship, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Minor Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Paladins, All the paladins are friends, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, After the mess that was season 8, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Romance, Angst and Tragedy, Allura is only mentioned, Grief/Mourning, Loss, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, Eventual Happy Ending, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Mild Smut, smut in later chapters, lots of fluff, Tears, Crying, Lots of Crying, so much crying, lots of hugs, keith is an angel, Keith is there for everyone, suppressed emotions, Happy Ending, Gay Keith, keith is bad at feelings, Lance is a broken man, Keith is determined, keith is confused, Feelings Realisation, protective keith, overprotective keith, Blade of Marmora Keith (Voltron), Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, First Kiss, First Sex, Grinding, jerking off, First Time, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Bisexual Lance, Personal Growth, Healing, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Boy Love, Boys Kissing, Falling In Love, shiro needs a hug, Lance Needs a Hug, Making Out, Friends to Lovers, Krolia is the best Mom, Love, Keith (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Comfort, Keith and Lance bonding, Bonding, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychological Trauma, Panic Attacks, Rejection, Break Up, soft smut, porn with emotions, Suicidal Thoughts, NSFW in later chapters, Bittersweet, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Liking is not loving, klance, shurtis, Shadam, allurance, Depression, Refusing to move on, Losing partner, Lost Love, dreams do come true, bonding moment
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3cRTy7C
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echodrops · 6 years
Look, don’t get me wrong at all, I am so excited for actual LGBT representation in Voltron and I’m so glad that they chose a beloved character like Shiro to be that representation--I am absolutely not ungrateful and you will never catch me whining that it wasn’t any of the other characters such as Lance. This is a great thing! Absolutely!
But I’m still a literary critic at heart. And I still can’t turn off the part of my brain that goes “Who is writing this stuff???”
Because like, getting representation is great, but well-plotted representation would have been... you know... even better?
I’m not going to comment at all about the building of Shiro and Adam’s relationship; I haven’t seen the whole SDCC episode and I don’t know what other flashbacks they have planned for season 7/8. Maybe it will unfold on-screen in such a charming, convincing, and well-written way that we will all be writing home to tell our parents how beautiful their relationship was. I’m not especially hopeful, but I can withhold judgment.
What bugs me, what really irritates me as a writer, is the lack of foreshadowing. The second thing that went through my head after getting hit with all the spoilers was “Did this show really need another new character?” In a show that can’t even handle the number of characters it currently has, the idea that there will be time to sufficiently flesh out YET ANOTHER background character enough to make me deeply care about them is just... not heartening. We have so many characters already who aren’t getting the screen time and attention they deserve, and now I’m supposed to find room in my heart and attention span for another? Yet another character who will exist in the spotlight for the one or two episodes he’s necessary for and then will be relegated to the background forever--if we ever even see him again outside of flashbacks?
There just isn’t time in this series for new people so close to the end. Hell, there wasn’t time for new people after about the end of season two! When I think of all the characters who were introduced and then criminally underused by the writers, the exhaustion I feel at the thought of having to weigh whether or not I should tentatively extend my investment into yet another character is crippling.
I’m just worn down, man. I don’t want another character. I don’t want another person paraded on screen to do his touching flashback scenes and then shuttled off to the corner to make room for big explosions and pretty space set pieces.
It didn’t have to be like this, and that’s what bugs me. If there had been any amount of reasonable foreshadowing for this character, the audience would have been clued in in advance, and we could have braced ourselves for another person coming in now, in the final arc. We could have been building anticipation to meet this character all the way up to this moment, so that by the time he arrived, we'd have been chomping at the bit to finally see him. The groundwork for an emotional connection between this character and the audience could have been laid out so far in advance that his finally appearing would have been like a bomb going off in the crowd...
And it wouldn’t have even been hard? Tiny throwaway moments could have done this--have Shiro mention Adam in any of his Champion/captured by the Galra flashbacks. Have Shiro mention someone back home when they were all visualizing the things they missed from Earth in season one. Have Kuron reminisce about Adam as he was flashing back while escaping from the clone facility. Have Kuron ask Sam to take a message to Adam on his way back to Earth. Have Kuron name his Monsters and Mana character Adam instead because of how much his ex still means to him or something.
Like... anything? Even a single mention of the name before now?
I’m supposed to believe that Shiro was almost married to this guy, had a tragic break-up right before leaving on a mission that his boyfriend explicitly warned him against going on because it might claim his life, and apparently still thinks of this guy fondly... BUT only when it’s plot convenient to do so???
Writers. PLEASE. Throw your audience a bone! We WANT to be emotionally invested in your characters. Why won’t you give us the means to do that?
I know some people might say “Dreamworks wasn’t settled on giving representation until late in the game”--but that doesn’t mean that Adam couldn’t have at least EXISTED before now. They could have passed him off as just Shiro’s best friend, his flight partner whom he was ride or die with thanks to being Garrison partners with so long... No one would have batted an eyelash at the idea that Shiro had--god forbid--A GOOD FRIEND back home.
This character could have been foreshadowed to build expectation and make the audience feel connected to him before his appearance, which would have more smoothly integrated him into the story and made for a significantly higher emotional impact upon revealing his relationship to Shiro. But like so many other things in this show, that degree of planning just wasn’t present.
And of course, this just leaves aside the whole other point that introducing a brand new character to be Shiro’s boyfriend is actually MORE complicated than at least one alternative they could have chosen. Because I mean, hello? MATT IS RIGHT THERE. BEING CRIMINALLY UNDERUSED.
It would have been significantly easier, plot-wise, to give Adam’s role to Matt, who has been part of the plot since episode 1, was at least briefly implied to have good rapport with Shiro in season 1, whom Shiro is shown on-screen risking his life for, and who came crashing back in in season 4 to ascend to a fan favorite by virtue of a) being a great big bro in flashbacks, b) being hilarious and c) having taken a level in badass, creating a--at least by Voltron standards--fairly well-rounded and very interesting character that the fans were clamoring to see more of.
And then... the writers just dropped the ball on him completely, like they had no idea why he was even in the show in the first place. Is he even there with Team Voltron when they’re all shown going back to Earth? WHERE IS MATT?
Why did they bring him back into the plot, make him cool and funny, tease us with the idea of him being an awesome support for the Green Lion, and then let that all completely fizzle out?
If they really had nothing else exciting for him to do in the plot, they could have at least kept him relevant to the story by making him Shiro’s romance arc. That would have been a two birds with one stone situation where we both get the long-awaited LGBT representation and get to keep a cool character like Matt involved in main events instead of painfully shunted off to the side.
I’m getting a headache just thinking about the thought process behind Matt’s story line. Like which writer invested enough time to make this character that lovable to the audience and then agreed to just let him disappear?
And if, again, it was a matter of not having approval for the representation until season 7, why not just make it so that Matt was suspicious of Kuron and kept his distance from day 1? Then we get a situation in which Kuron being a different person than Shiro would have at least had an impact on the plot, Matt would have looked super in love with Shiro by virtue of being able to tell something was wrong with him without the writers having to do any real work, they could have had a real reunion at the beginning of season 7, and Matt could have helped to build a new arm for Shiro as a touching, symbolic way of repaying him for sacrificing himself to the Galra arena to save Matt in season 1...
I’m so tired, my dudes. 
Yes, yes, you’re welcome to tell me I’m just unpleasable and nit-picking, but I’m not trying to trash on this show because I’m irrationally throwing shade, personally hate the creators, or some bullshit about Klance isn’t canon king--I’m just the kind of person who really, really appreciates good writing, and yes, secretly, I get really, really salty when I see people getting paid to make bad writing choices.
I love that we got LGBT representation in Voltron! But I hate that, like almost every other notable plot point in this show, it--so far!--appears to have been done without any attention to building up strong audience expectations in advance and more carefully investing in character development over time.
And seriously, if it turns out that Shiro and Adam don’t even ever reunite, and all we get of their story is Lauren’s off-screen comments about their “beautiful relationship,” I will not be surprised be so done with this nonsense.
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riverlovesyou1 · 6 years
Voltron: An evaluation(spoilers) pt. 1
Written: December 15th 2018 4:18 AM
Can I just say a few things?
This season was unbelievably bad. I’m not even sure how I’m supposed to feel. But there were so many good things that came out of this show. this season had good moments. We should not avoid those good things.
They really did us in huh? Endgame Allurance wasn’t real. Allura died. OUR Princess, our Empress, is dead. Can you really believe that?  I can’t. Klance that was given hints at and parallels for ALL 8 seasons. Lance is basically not allowed to e happy. He really went through Voltron with no arc. He really went through all of that for nothing. He got what? a romance that ended as soon as it started? Lotoura couldn’t even e redeemed. They could have done something. They really ended it in the worst possible way. Fuck the ships though.
Shiro, Kuro, Narti, Lotor, Ezor, Adam, Lance, Keith, Honerva, Zarkon, and Allura all either died, was willing to sacrifice themselves, or was brought back to life.
Shiro was tortured, mangled, traumatized. He had PTSD.  He was fucking cloned. I don’t get it. He already went through so much. Why did he have to DIE? And not only that! His soul was fucking captured by black and he probably had to watch the paladins suffer and he couldn’t do anything. His soul was transferred into a body that was his clone and IT STILL TRIED TO REJECT HIM. I’m sorry that the only openly gay main character couldn’t be fucking happy. He was gay. He was engaged to a man. He married a man(even if we know NOTHING about him). He was done so wrong. Shiro is such a good character but after his arc, after him leaving his position of the black lion, his character felt forced and didn’t really have a point to be there at all.
Kuro is a clone. There are so many Shiro clones but he got to live with the paladins. He got to grow as a true Shiro in his own way. Yes, he was never quite Shiro but he was apart of him. He loved the paladins. I truly believe this. He got to see them as a family. They were his family. And in his last moments, as he struggled to control himself, you could see him fight. He didn’t want to hurt them. He wanted to keep them safe. Hell black let him pilot her. I don’t get it. They killed him. He’s dead. He had to fight Keith. And that hurt the most. He tried so hard to connect to Lance but Honerva/Hagger stopped it. (refer to lance’s paragraph) His body was stolen to contain the real Shiro's soul. It’s devastating.
Narti is Lotor’s blind general that could only see through a cats eyes, not her own. Narti did nothing wrong. She was loyal to Lotor. She hadn’t rebelled against him, the cat did. It holds a deep sadness that she was killed. It wasn’t her fault, Lotor shouldn’t have killed her.
Lotor was put through the most crap(alongside Shiro). He was neglected by his parents as a child. He was abused by his parents. That’s hard to live with. He’s biracial and that made him struggle so very hard to try to find love. His Altean side leads him to his mother's things, lead him to find the altean’s and make a colony for them. Yes, he took them and used them for quintessence but he could have been redeemed. He could have been taught what true love was. And he was. That's the worst part. He had changed. He changed. The only reason he went into the quintessence and went mad was that the paladins began to distrust him. If Keith had never shown up and told them about the colony, would he have gone mad in the first place?
Ezor is not proven to be a lesbian but it’s quite obvious that she and Zethrid are together. The thing about her is that its confusing. We all thought she died. The way Zethrid began to talk about Ezor in season 8 made it seem like she died, but then moments later she comes out. She’s alive. I can not express my relief at seeing her. But she should have never been thought to have been dead. 
Adam. He is Shiro’s ex-fiance and had no significance in the series at all other then he was Shiro’s lover. It didn’t change Shiro’s character at all. All it did was make queer baiting happen and gave the LGBT+ false rep. This isn’t the first time that the #BuryYourGays trope has been shown but it is one of the first times that a fandom has taken it by stand and Stood their ground because it was unjustified. He wasn’t even in the series for a full minute. It’s just sad that they did this to a character that should have significance but doesn't.
Lance is such a sad character. I’m not just talking about how his girlfriend of less then a week died. I’m talking about his character as a whole. He starts off with a one-sided rivalry with this guy that barely acknowledges him and as he proves himself to Keith they begin to get close. They grow into being the closest friends. They have a bond so similar to one that would be romantically coded and yet, their friendship ends there. That's it. No advancements. Lance died for the team and was revived by Allura. I found this so odd. Why would they make him die all of a sudden just to have allura revive him and then never address it? He’s insecure. I love lance. He's relatable and he worries just as much as Hunk does but in a different way. He shows concern about allura throughout the series, talks to the mice about how he loves allura but when allura finds out, it's obvious she doesn’t feel the same way. She chose Lotor. She loved Lotor, not Lance. What worse is that other than the first season, the lions switch, and season 8, they never really seemed to communicate other than in battle. They never joked around. Nothing. The only reason he died was so that allura could save him and then they could have at least one thing that point to romance. But there is no chemistry there.
Keith is my favorite character. But I’m not gonna lie he was an asshole in certain parts of the show. I know he was going through a lot with finding himself and finding his mom, but that's no excuse for the way he spoke to the other characters. But his near death scene was stupid. You might be thinking “no it wasn’t” but it was. It was vital that he take the shot, sacrificing his life. But he didn’t get the chance. Someone else shot at Zarkons ship and he was let go. Keith tried to die. And then what? Nothing. Lance and Keith both nearly died. Both never got a chance to talk about it. It's really sad. 
Honerva is such an important character. Are you shocked she’s on this list? Well don’t be She was redeemed. She had a redemption arc. Her arc was bigger than Lance’s! Common now. In the beginning all she does is cast some spells and work with quintessence but then you meet Lotor and you can tell she slowly growing her memories back, slowly becoming Honerva and not Hagger any more. She’s the villain we all wanted Lotor to be. The only thing was: It was too late. she had already caused too much damage. Honerva wasn’t a bad person. She went insane. It wasn’t her fault. Yes, she ruined the realities but there should have been a spell to change everything back. Even if that spell required her to die in the end. It should have been her alone and not allura as well.
You might be even more surprised that I put Zarkon on this list. Zarkon was a very important villain as well. But honestly, in the end, he wasn’t the villain. In the end, it was Hagger. Zarkon was once good. He loved Honerva so much, wanted Lotor to live so much, that he took her to the quintessence. He knew it would save her. He never knew the price for it would be. They all died from quintessence. Zarkon, Honerva, Allura, and Lotor. They all died in quintessence. They died the moment they stepped in there. Zarkon was good and he went bad quickly. He was power hungry. He didn’t even know how he was meant to live anymore.
Allura is the one that hurt the most. She’s a beloved character. She did nothing wrong. She tried to keep her life on track and she did an okay job at being the Empress/Princess of a planet and race that(at the time)  no longer existed. It’s crazy to think that she died for no reason. She died for a reason, but she wasn’t meant to die. Not yet. Not now of all times. Why did they kill her? I asked this probably a million times after I watched it. I looked in the mirror after crying for hours over this and I’m asking myself, “why?” But its pretty simple as to why. They needed a reason to end it. They needed a way that made sense to make all the realities come back and to not have it all ruined, but at the cost of her life? It just made no sense to me why Allura had to die of all people.
Idk guys this series has kept me in high spirits till now, but Right at this moment, I feel dead. They killed me and I’m not sure how I’ll recover from this one. And don’t tell me it was “just a show” because it was more than that. This was a cartoon made for 7-year-olds and up and they’re going to watch this and they’re gonna think that most of that are healthy. They’re going to watch Lotor kill Narti and think stabbing your friends in the back is okay. They’re going to watch Lotor and Zarkon and see how Zarkon doesn’t acknowledge him for the good he’s done. There’s not going to be a good memory with this show. I wish I could remember the good in these moments, but it’s all numb. I’m sorry for everyone who suffered as they watched this show. I thought I was ready. I thought I could handle it. I was wrong. We were all wrong. Nobody got a happy ending.
I’m glad Zethrid and Ezor worked things out though. They’re the only ones I feel happy for with the last season.
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kurara-black-blog · 5 years
Don’t Start Reading This Story
Date: 10/01/19
Words: 1119
Warnings: Unreliable narrator, Langst, post-season 8, Klance.
Tag: @moonsworllld ; @xarphay ; @skydisneylover ; @mutantgurls ; @spooky-the-owl ; @hauntedfreakdeputyhero
A/N: Welp.
If you’re here to read about two oblivious men falling in love, you opened the correct story. But if you came here expecting an easy romance, I fear you won’t find any of it here. If you came here expecting a happy story, I fear I might not attend to your expectations fully. For the story of Keith and Lance, while it does have its moments of sweet joy, is not easy nor happy.
Had I written the story, it surely wouldn’t be as somber, but my job here is to only tell you what truly happened, to show you the events through the eyes of the protagonists as they try to survive and go back to their normal lives.
As the being I am, I can only promise and assure I am telling you all the truth there is to tell. In fact, I won’t even tell you, I’ll only show you the truth, for nothing shall be more truthful, more faithful to the facts.
I must warn you yet again, what you’re about to read is in no way a Coffee Shop Alternate Universe, or a Fake Dating Alternate Universe. Only words and more words of bittersweet feelings.
The oldest register I could find was a letter sent by a mister Handall Cemels, someone I was informed was a fine gentleman with respectable lifestyle.
Koturn is known to be a distant planet from everything, and annoyingly closed off enough for even the Galra to avoid. It bears a striking resemblance to Earth, with its beautiful blue oceans and green forests. The habitants, curiously named Driowana, walk like humans, talk like humans, act like humans and God, Vagone for them, have pity of whoever compares them to humans. They look very different, you hear? With their blue flesh and brightly colored hair, all either too skinny or too chubby. Eyes with an unending orange sclera will glare at you for certain and unless you’re immune, I’m afraid to tell you will at the very least shiver.
Here is the letter, translated from the complicated language of Uotrecina, sent to Handall’s wife, the lovely lady Bathsheba Cemels, who at the moment was at her parents’ house, completing the monthly visit tradition.
“My dearest,
Every day without your presence has been torture, no matter if it has been four or four hundred days since we last saw each other. I am pleased to hear your mother is still as repugnant as the day we married, for few things bring me more joy than remembering her of her sickening genius. It’s also refreshing to know your father shall never again annoy the living, now being Vagone’s responsibility until his soul is light enough to ascend on this plane of existence yet again, and, by Vagone, I pray it happens when we both are long gone.
Yesterday the most curious thing happened. I was at the Temple, avoiding the faithful and evading the unfaithful, when a curious noise made me curious enough to go search for its source. Moreover, there, near the old statue of those old gods the Temple tries so much to forget, I found what I could only call the reincarnation of one of the gods. A man with—socking, yes!—dark brown skin and brown hair—brown, I tell you!—was there, unconscious. His resemblance with one of the gods is uncanny!
I couldn’t let the poor man there, no, that would be too cruel. He is now resting in our guest room. He woke up earlier today, and oh, my dear Bathsheba, you had to be here to see it! With what calm he talked, with what charisma he smiled! His eyes, oh my most loved, his eyes are so peculiar! White sclera with a blue—bluest blue, even bluer than you!—circle and a smaller black circle in the middle of blue circle, and there are some exquisite markings under his eyes, blue like water. Lance is his name, and he is a human, whatever it may be, from Earth, wherever that may be. He has no idea how or why he is here, all he says he can remember is being at his home—he lives in a farm, my dearest dear, a farm, can you believe?—and fainting, only to wake up here.
God send, maybe? Maybe. Maybe the old gods send him here to finally correct this rotten society of ours, to finally teach the faithful and the unfaithful the truth they so long forget.
Without knowing how he got here, and therefore not knowing how to go back the same way, he asked me for advice on what to do. He asked me for advice, how quaint! I told him about the Temple’s rigid rules, that the ships were only available to legal citizens and that he wouldn’t be able to put foot outside our home if he wasn’t recognized as one. He immediately got a glint into his eyes—blue, remember?—, asking questions on how to gain citizenship. His insistence made it clear he would to whatever it took to hopefully get back home, and which one of us can’t understand such a feeling?
I promised him I would look into it tomorrow first thing in the afternoon, right after I woke up and ate, and he smiled oh so gratefully, you’d need to be here to marvel at it in its fullest. You, my adored, who adores beautiful things—making me wonder, still, what you saw in me, who only beautiful trait would be this orange mustache—will be enamored with him once your breathtaking eyes clash with his otherworldly ones.
He is now sleeping, and I’m tempted to let him, but soon is dinner time and I do not wish for him to get hungry. Oh, dilemma! Dilemma, what am I to do without you, my decision maker, my most trusted?
I should end this letter now. My beloved wife, the very thing keeping me alive, be well for you and for me. Also, tell that wretched creature you’re supposed to call a mother that she can let go of her string of life already, for the living has no need for real walking nightmares.
Yours, truly and faithfully,
Handall Cemels.”
The response received is not important for this narrative, only long paragraphs of complaining about Bathsheba’s mother, a creature so vile that some believed she was not dead yet because not even Vagone wanted his own creation around, and maybe two of curiosity about the guest.
I need to warn you yet again, my reader, that this won’t be a happy story. Maybe it will have a hopeful ending, but is hope enough to justify the suffering?
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paladinromelle · 6 years
Romelle pairings with my rate🌸
(This is only my opinion and contribution to romelle because I run out of ideas jsjsb)
Rate: 7/10
I really like this ship a lot, because I think the two can pull off the relationship, and the fanart is so adorable. At the same time, I kinda don't want it to happen. I say this because I feel allura should fly solo in the series. Not because I don't think the girl deserves love, but I think after the heartbreak, she needs some time to heal, and I really wouldn't want anyone to end up as a rebound.
Rate: 9.9/10
The only reason I'm not giving this ship that extra .1 is because I've been a klance stan for way too long to give it up. I've shipped it, and hoped cannon before I started even watching voltron. Anyways, I really really really really really really fucking adore this ship because Keith has never been such a gentlemen?? Like, you can see those two as best friends, sibling-like relationship, a couple, AND YOU CAN STILL TELL THESE TWO HAVE THAT SPECIAL CONNECTION. And after season 6, I instantly wanted to see more of them together. Keith just did so much for her, and they really didn't have to trust Romelle, but he put all his faith into her. THE BOY LITERALLY DRAGS HER ACROSS THE UNIVERSE TO MAKE SURE HER WORD GETS OUT THERE. Get you a man that supports you like that??
Rate: 8/10
Okay, Romelle and Matt are my two most beloved characters in the show, no joke. Matt was originally my favorite character, until Romelle came along, and made my heart feel certain things. I didn't give the ship the 2 extra points it deserved, because I'm die hard Nymatt, and if Romatt is gonna overpower Nymatt, gotta slide over those interactions. Other than that, Matt using flirtatious pick up lines against Romelle is something worth crying over.
Rate: 5/10
Ehhh, even though Sven is another version of shiro, and Sven did end up marrying Romelle in DotU, I don't know. I'm on the fence with this ship, I think it could be really cute and a responsible relationship. At the same time, I feel like the ship would just be squeezed in so that Shiro can have a love interest. Depends on how the relationship would build up.
Rate: 8/10
I really enjoy the idea of this ship because I thought of a few parallel ideas myself. If they ever get a proper first impression, Romelle can comment on how his ears look ugly, just like how allura did. Lance wouldn't be flirting anymore, because he wouldn't want the same thing to happen to him, but Romelle is found of his goofy attitude. Falling in love with a different Altean, for who they are, is a whole goal right there. Too bad none of that actually happened lmao.
Rate: 6/10
It's okay. I mean, I really don't believe these two will end up together, but I have a few ideas for why I'd like this ship. Pidge can show her different technologies Romelle didn't have access to on her planet. Show her how to play video games. There can also be a parallel, to when Romelle was startled by the Green Lion, to Pidge showing Romelle that Green is a good kitty.
Rate: 7/10
It won't get the 10/10, because Hunk and Shay for the win, but if Shay didn't exist I can see it happen. I see the two more platonically, but if they were together, Hunk would make her feel like the most loved girl in the world. He would really smother her heart with sympathy for her family, and make her feel at home.
Rate: 2/10
Overall would just be toxic in cannon. I mean, I've seen theories where they could've known each other beforehand. How Romelle could've been friends with him, to which why she had suspicions. I'm not against that theory, but overall just toxic. I feel they wouldn't even consider. MAYBE, JUST MAYBE before the second colony if they knew one another, but not now, never currently.
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bunnieplott · 6 years
Voltron and LGBT+ rep.
So I am one of those people who jumped for joy when the news came out (lol) that SHIRO was our LGBT+ rep. This made me happy on so many levels!! As well as kinda worried for how the show’s going to continue in varying levels of awesome. All below the cut cause... this got long.
Things that made me HAPPY!!
1) That they actually followed through a gave us a rep at all! And not a side character!
2) That it’s SHIRO! Shiro. The poc, ptsd, superman-ly, everyone looks up to him Leader of Voltron who could be said is the driving force behind the vast majority of the plot. SO Many things happen in this show because of him. The only other person who could pull as much “main character”ness is probably PRINCESS Allura.
3) That and, according to the few clips I’ve seen from s7e1, they actually manage to bring his sexuality up in a really organic way. Again going off clips here, but it really looks like they manage to go for a show not tell approach. Everyone is talking about going back to earth. This leads Shiro to think about things that happened before he left, which brings us to Adam. Then through their conversation we see that Adam and Shiro are together.... and breaking up... but! They had a romantic relationship nonetheless.
This took 7 seasons to come up and honestly it times out perfectly. This is the first time since the beginning that the Paladins have really talked about earth. Likely story is that they’ve been trying really hard to avoid even thinking about their home, knowing that they might not ever get back.
Now they’re headed back, and are all probably thinking about their families. We just SEE Shiro doing it.
4) .......This honestly surprised me. I totally thought our LGBT+ rep was going to be Keith. Though I did have the head canon that they were going to get back to earth, Keith was going to see a male former classmate and go “Quiznack that’s my ex! Hide ME!!” and be all awkward. ...... So I was kinda right? In a way?
So yes very happy! But kinda worried about how it’s going to play out going forward....
Awesomeness levels of LGBT+ness of possible future events as predicted by Bunnie! (DISCLAIMER!; I order ships in levels of probability according to MY own thoughts. Please don’t take offense)
Great) Shiro is obviously still gay, still has interactions with his former boyfriend Adam. (This is all pretty much a given considering spoilers given by the cast/reviewers) However, they either don’t get back together or worse one of them dies.... anyway they don’t actually continue their relationship on screen. This is kinda the level most progressive shows are at right now. They either have LGBT+ character who’s out and proud in some way but not in a relationship, or they get two characters of the same gender together.... at the very end of the show and we don’t actually see the gay. So great! but not yet awesome.
Awesome) Adashi/Shadam do get back together, we have excellent, real on screen interactions of the romantic kind. Definitely a kiss, maybe a wedding..... This does rank kinda low, though, ‘cause it would mean that though a main character is LGBT+, they got him with a guy who was kinda.... invented to be the gay lover? I mean I’m sure that Adam will wind up playing a larger roll than that but... this is how he’s introduced.
REALLY AWESOME) They don’t get Adam and Shiro back together.... HERE ME OUT! They don’t get back together BUT, Shiro does get into a relationship with one of the other male main characters. Probability levels go Keith>Lance>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hunk (really don’t see much of possiblity of that last one sorry Shunk shippers). Not including Coran cause..... that pings my ick senses a little. (again sorry to anyone who does ship them)
Keith and Shiro are one kiss away from going from “family of choice,” to “family cause we’re married.” (Really strange how those two things are REALLY different feelings but look so similar from the outside....) Lance was really broken up at the end of season 6 about almost losing Shiro, referred to him as his hero on more than one occasion and is in that picture with Shiro’s arm around him as they hold up the LGBT+ sign. ....... Can’t really think of anything for Hunk.
This would mean that not one but TWO of our beloved main cast are in fact LGBT+. Bonus point’s if it’s Lance cause he would most definitely be Bi where Shiro has been revealed (I think) to be Gay. That’s two characters and two letters of the alphabet soup of pride.
MEGA AWESOME!!!!!!!) They do get the Shadam going again it’s as beautiful as we hoped AND two of the other main characters are ALSO in a LGBT+ relationship!! So this would mean 3!! main characters are LGBT+. 
Now possibilities for this would likely include Lance as he’s the character who has been talked about the most for having a romantic endgame. Soooo.... Klance>Hance>Plance with Pidge being Trans and/or Ace. Non Lance ships.... kinda swim around on similar levels of probability for me. Romelle or Krolia in any LGBT+ ship would kinda be a step down in awesome simply because of when they were introduced, they’d fall close in line with Adam for the “introduced nearly entirely for this purpose”ness....
MIND BLOWN IN A RAINBOW EXPLOSION OF SHEER AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!) Everyone is LGBT+!!!!! Personal preferences of most awesome include. Gay!Shiro+Gay!Adam, Gay!Keith+Bi!Lance, Bi!Allura+Lesbian!Romelle, Pan!Hunk+NonBinary!AlienYetToBeInroduced,  Ace!Pidge+technology and finally past Coran+Alfor+Allura’sMom as a wonderful poly!ship.
......Unfortunately the likely hood of being cannon is inversely proportionate to awesomeness level.... This is a cartoon made to be child friendly. A scifi space adventure which is traditionally content aimed at a masculine audience.  From a LGBT+ standpoint it’s already great, and can very easily be awesome. Don’t give up hope on it being even more though. And Hey, even if it doesn’t reach peak awesome levels...... that’s what fanfiction is for. =P
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klance-is-my-oxygen · 6 years
My Thoughts On Season 7 In A Rush
I’m tired. I’m emotionally and physically tired. I pulled an all nighter and I rarely do those. Anyways this season left me mixed. There were MANY and I mean MANY moments when I was smiling my ass off and just really happy. There were also multiple times I was bawling my eyes out. Really emotional season that’s for sure. I’ve been seeing some posts going around with how they’re upset on the advertisement of the show and marketing and such. Frankly I agree. Now I would’ve been fine if klance didn’t become canon, i’m alright with that I always got fanfic and others to give me the OTP moments i wanted, but are they really doing this? Are they gonna sell the quiznak out of possible klance only to have allurance and kexca become legit? I love me some good romance whether it’s straight or gay but the way they’re doing these it’s just feels weak and wrong tbh. I get that it was an action packed season and that was really cool but I would’ve liked to see some more moments or sit down and think about them moments to help me get on board with the ship. I’m afraid i’m not buying Keith being straight, he’s 100% gay to me. Lance being Bi is pretty legit too although if it doesn’t show up at all i’ll be peeved but i won’t being blowing my house up or anything. Here’s how I allurance might end up it’s either going to continue being shy and maybe feelings towards a confession and kiss or whatever or it’s gonna be Allura likes him and is intrigued in the idea and wants to be with him but Lance got closer to keith to maybe not have an interest anymore. Who knows anymore, the vld crew could pull anything by now. I really liked the bonding they had going on this season and while i’m saddened that the show looks to be turning away from klance i’ll still support it. Another thing, ADAM. Now I wasn’t going crazy about shiro being gay and with adam, but i was definitely happy that Shiro had someone there and could be happy and it was just the most perfect closing for him. No they couldn’t do that, they kill adam off when they were so close to reuniting. I’m aware their romance was recently added and not that flushed out but if they weren’t going to interact much and he was gonna die why give it so much hype? vld crew upset many with this and i was just excited to see them reunite and possibly have a cute scene between them. THEY WERE GOING TO GET MARRIED, AND THIS HAPPENS. I wanted more of them tbh that’s all. All the family reunitings were beautiful and I loved them. There was a lot of good Keith this season and I liked the idea of the paladins going mad and seeing things and such, it added another level of stress and fear  and they could’ve done so much more with that in my opinion. I liked how a bunch of older stuff got brought back in and had the loose strings tied up. Gosh so many amazing and funny moments. SO MANY HEARTWRENCHING SCENES AGH. I LOVED COLLEEN SO MUCH.everybody was great this season and i think i really like Hunk a lot more now. We got to see the paladins messages to the families and just GAH SO GOOD. I’m curious to see what season 8 will bring. I have no clue what could be the main drive for the newest plot other than perhaps taking out haggar. That last mech guy who showed up though. It seemed so random i said out loud “are you serious?”. The atlas was really cool too. I’ll possibly make a list of all the pros and cons but i literally just finished the entirety of season 7 and these are just my jumbled thoughts. In the end I really liked this season and was upset a few times but i’ll live. I wish that if Klance doesn’t become canon that they’d stop baiting so much. I won’t accept deep down that Keith is straight and Hunk is more beloved than before. Season 8 better be damn good and finish what the crew started that’s for sure. Also i want more Lance and Keith bonding plz, doesn’t have to be romantic but i want one to comfort the other or something like the Hunk and Keith scene (LOVED THAT). Alright sorry for this and it’s almost 8:30 am so i’m going to sleep now. Respect to you if you read all of this lol. <3 Also i don’t know how to make this a read here text so you’ll have to expand R.I.P.
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thecaroliner · 2 years
Can you do 001 for Voltron? For real this time, no Adam jokes, even tho they were funny. lol!
Favorite character:
keith i think
Least Favorite character:
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uhhhhhh god i don't remember enough about the series to remember
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
i was not attached to any pairing in voltron at all, however i find pidge x lance fan art cute sometimes i guess
Character I find most attractive:
Character I would marry:
Character I would be best friends with:
hunk maybe
a random thought:
did y'all finally stop obsessing over adam or
An unpopular opinion:
having adam as your fav character is dumb
My Canon OTP:
My Non-canon OTP:
Most Badass Character:
Most Epic Villain:
lotor my beloved
Pairing I am not a fan of:
klance lol
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
pidge because her backstory made no sense
Favourite Friendship:
pidge and lance i think?
Character I most identify with:
none really
Character I wish I could be:
0 notes
splinteredworld · 7 years
To Say I Do
They all knew this day would come. It was only a matter of time. Keith messed with his tie once more as a hand landed on his shoulder.
“Hey.” The voice was soft and comforting before it broke into a barking laugh. “You look more nervous than I do.” Shiro smirked as he ruffled Keith’s hair. Glaring at him, Keith flatten his hair back down.
“I’m not good with crowds, or people, or being in the spotlight.” He huffed as he glanced back at Shiro. Shiro stood tall in his tailored-to-fit black suit. He meet Keith’s gaze as he sighed.
“I know I’m asking a lot of you today, but I promise it’s a very small wedding and all you have to do is stand up there by my side.” He patted Keith’s back. “You don’t even have to speak. Just don’t trip down the aisle.” Shiro barked out another laugh as Keith threw his hairbrush at him.
“Come on.” He growled under his breath as he forced Shiro out of the dressing room. As the neared the door to enter the sanctuary, Shiro turned and pulled Keith into a hug.
“But really, thank you.” Shiro whispered. Keith sighed softly as he hugged Shiro back.
“It’s nothing. Now, let’s go get you hitched.” Keith smiled up at him. Keith pushed open the door for Shiro to walk through. They situated themselves up by the left side of the altar by the clergy, who greeted Shiro. Keith glanced to his right, seeing Lance talking to some relative of Shiro’s. Lance grinned when he caught sight of Keith, winking at him as he waved. He stifled a giggle and he waved back. As he turned to face Shiro again, music filled the air as the back doors opened. Keith heard Shiro take in a deep breath. The first person down the aisle was Pike who was tossing white, silk rose petals onto the carpet. Following alongside the now toddler was Black, who had the rings tied to his collar. Pike smiled up at Keith, who signed ‘come’ to him. Pike finished tossing the petals before running to Keith, who hauled him up into his arms. Pike waved over Keith’s shoulder to Lance, who had a soft smile on his face and a few tears in his eyes. Keith laughed to himself, shaking his head at how sentimental Lance could be. Next came Pidge, dressed in a suit that had a long flowing skirt instead of pants. They took their spot parallel to Keith as the music faded out and switched to a different track. As the first few notes filled the air, everyone stood and turned towards the back. Matt, dressed in a white suit that was similar in design to Shiro’s, slowly emerged from the doorway. Keith glanced at Shiro to see him with tears in his eyes and his mouth hanging open. Keith gave him a minute before whispering, “You’re drooling.” Shiro shot him a glare before stepping down to grab Matt’s hand. Shiro leaned forward and kissed Matt’s cheek before leading to the alter. They held hands as they turned to face the clergy.
“Dearly beloved…”
After the ceremony ended, everyone migrate to the nearby hotel for the reception. Chairs, tables, a buffet, a open bar, and even a dance floor were set up in a side room for the celebration. As people came forward to congratulate Shiro and Matt, Keith slipped away to find Lance. Pike still rested on his hip and was playing peacefully with his hair.
Suddenly, Pike started to slap Keith’s shoulder. Pike held his hand up and tapped his forehead with his thumb before pointing to Keith’s far left. Turning to see where Pike was pointing, Keith was met with the breathtaking imagine of Lance in his suit, leaning across the table to shakes hands with someone. Keith bit his lip and he bounced Pike up his hip before he started to make his way to his boyfriend. Pike tapped Keith’s shoulder as pointed down. Keith slowly lowered him to the ground, making sure he was stable before releasing him. Pike ran the last few feet to Lance, grabbing onto his leg. Lance let out a little squeak as he settled his hand on Pike’s head. Lance smiled down at him before turning back to the people he was previously talking to. Keith let a soft smile pull his lips upwards as he wrapped an arm around Lance’s waist. Lance kept talking but returned the action with a slight grin.
When the people bidded the couple goodbye, Lance turned to Keith and kissed him. Pike stuck his tongue out as he signed ‘gross’, a reaction Pidge had taught him. Lance gasped before picking Pike up and kissing his face. Pike let out his gurgle giggle as he struggled to get out of Lance’s grasp. When Lance finally stopped, Pike settled on his hip, sticking his thumb in his mouth. Making a face, Lance tried to stop him, but only ended with Pike making a fuss. He sighed before letting Pike continue. He didn’t want to cause a scene.
As night grew closer, a few people left, making the crowd more suitable for Keith. Until just recently, he and Lance had kept to their little table in the back, enjoying their downtime together. Yet, after a few drinks were passed their way, Lance had pulled Keith up and to the dance floor, leaving Pike with Pidge. Lance wrapped his lanky arms around Keith’s waist and leaned his head on his shoulder. Lance hummed along to the slow beat song as they swayed. Keith reached up and threaded his fingers into Lance’s hair. Humming in thought, he turned his head to let his lips touch Lance’s ear.
“We might have to get your hair cut soon before we both have mullets.” He chuckled softly as Lance pinched his side. He let his head fall onto Lance’s as he pulled him closer. They danced like that until almost everyone was gone. Pidge and Allura had stopped by at some point and time, saying that they were taking Pike up to their room for he had fallen asleep on Allura’s lap. With Lance still leaning on Keith, they bidded the newly married couple goodbye before heading up to their own room. Lance lazily kissed at Keith’s neck as Keith fumbled with the hotel room key. As they slipped into the room, Keith lowered Lance onto the bed, helping him remove his suit before stripping himself down to his own boxers. He slipped them both under the covers and turned off the bedside lamp. Lance slid up behind him, nuzzling his chin against Keith’s shoulder. Humming, he wrapped his arms around Keith’s waist, pulling him close.
“Maybe one day we can do that.” Lance whispered as he dosed off. Keith smiled as he threaded his fingers in between Lance’s,
“Maybe we will.” He whispered, falling asleep to Lance’s light snores.
Continuation from my “Homes Don’t Have to Be Perfect” fanfiction
Read Here: http://splinteredworld.tumblr.com/post/160258283060/homes-dont-have-to-be-perfect-klance-fanfiction
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raphidae · 7 years
Lantor Altean!Lance AU (1/?)
Okay so I am utterly in love with these Altean Lance AUs, and the Klance versions of this AU are so lovely that I can’t find myself adding anything of value to them.  Thus, I’m making a Lantor version for myself to enjoy (I also wanna make versions with my other Lance ships)!
Tensions between Altea and the burgeoning Galran Empire have come to a near-boil, and as a desperate last resort, Emperor Zarkon and King Alfor have arranged a marriage between their children.  Prince Lotor and Princess Allura are to be wed to each other to save an alliance and avert war.
Keith, Lotor’s younger half-brother (half-Galran, half-human), absolutely despises the prospect of his beloved free-wheeling older brother (they were raised together in this AU) being sold off to an unwanted marriage.  Keith also knows from cruel experience that Zarkon doesn’t particularly like his half-breed children, Lotor included (Lotor’s half-Galran, half-Altean).  Lotor still hopes that one day, he’ll prove himself a worthy son of Zarkon, and if this marriage is what it takes, then he’ll do it.
Lance, Allura’s younger brother, is equally unhappy with his older sister being arranged in marriage to a man she doesn’t love, especially since she’s in a secret relationship with Takashi Shirogane, the Earthling leader of the Kerberos mission (he went with an older Katie Holt, who still calls herself Pidge, and an older Hunk) who was rescued from Galran clutches by Allura and Shay (the Balmerans and Altea are recent allies) and the newly-appointed Captain of the Guard.  Lance even goes so far as to volunteer himself for the arranged marriage, despite his flirtatious reputation and openly-stated desire to marry for love, but the contract between Altea and the Galran Empire is binding: it is Lotor and Allura who are to marry.
So the day comes, and the two parties meet in the Castle of Lions (the birthplace of both their alliance and their tension) to make the betrothal official.  Both Lotor and Allura are nervous as all get out, and it is Lance and Coran who save the day by absolutely insisting that a party be held before the betrothal is made official.
The nerves of everyone in the castle are calmed to some extent by the party, and as it goes on, Lotor and Allura find themselves separated from each other.  
Allura finds herself happily ensconced in her beloved Shiro’s embrace, and Keith finds himself shocked to see his older Earthling cousin wrapping his arms around the Altean princess.  Shiro and Allura beg him to keep their affair a secret, and even though Keith wouldn’t mind using it as a way to stop his half-brother from being chained to a loveless marriage, he keeps his lips sealed.
Lotor, on the other hand, finds himself doing what he does best once he finds that his father isn’t there; flirting his way through the Altean court and having an utter blast doing it.  However, one particular Altean he’d very much like to talk to if only he’d stay in one place for more than a minute keeps catching his eye.  Perhaps, Lotor thinks to himself as he grabs a cup of nunvill, it should be him staying still for once and letting this famous Lance come to him.
Lance is busy making sure everyone at the party is enjoying themselves; if he finds Hunk and Shay making out behind the curtains, he simply closes them more tightly.  If he finds Pidge playing with Galran tech and furtively looking at the young Galran prince with an Earthling’s face, he nudges her toward him and tells a little white lie that this Keith would absolutely love to hear about how Pidge likes Galran technology.
And if Lance sees Lotor sitting down by himself with a cup of nunvill in his hand and finally takes the chance to introduce himself with a flirtatious line between his lips, then he and Lotor only have themselves* to blame for the fantastic mess that comes along after they find themselves falling madly in love with each other.
*not technically true, because Zarkon is a dick and some Alteans have their own... interests as well, but still, it sounds pretty so yeah.
Here’s Part 2!
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ao3-feed-shadam · 4 years
The man in the swamp
by Hollow and Merciless (HollowandMerciless)
I wrote this story right after season 8, because I thought it was a terribly unsatisfying ending after all the build-up we got in earlier seasons, and I know I’m not the only one. Our beloved characters were done dirty. So I’ve decided to change some things and rewrite the ending. I never had time for a thorough reread and corrections, but then, more than a year later, the lockdown provided me with more free time than I bargained for, and now I’m finally ready to publish.
The story takes off around the S7 ending, then moves on towards the S8 ending, and continues a couple of years afterwards (but before the “canon” wedding of Shiro and Curtis).
Oh, and by the way, I never liked Curtis, so be warned. I can’t stand how one of the main characters got married to someone we barely know, without any build-up. I might have come to like him if we’d gotten a chance to get to know him – but now it feels like he stole our main character from us.
The story consists of 30 chapters and an epilogue. Some chapters are long, some are very short. POV's are Shiro and Keith. I’ll update regularly, so please subscribe!
I present to you my alternative ending for Voltron, Legendary Defender.
Words: 12159, Chapters: 2/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Lance's Mother (Voltron), Lance's Siblings (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt's Parents, Matt Holt, Krolia (Voltron), Kolivan, Veronica (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Iverson (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Kaltenecker
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Curtis/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Lance (Voltron), Kolivan/Krolia (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Shiro (Voltron) is a Mess, Lance lives on a farm, Hunk & Keith (Voltron) Friendship, Keith & Lance (Voltron) Friendship, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Fluff, Soft Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Eventual Keith/Lance (Voltron), Slow Burn Keith/Lance (Voltron), Past Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Shiro can't forget Adam, Shiro feels guilty, Hunk & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk & Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt friendship, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Minor Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Paladins, All the paladins are friends, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, After the mess that was season 8, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Romance, Angst and Tragedy, Allura is only mentioned, Grief/Mourning, Loss, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, Eventual Happy Ending, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Mild Smut, smut in later chapters, lots of fluff, Tears, Crying, Lots of Crying, so much crying, lots of hugs, keith is an angel, Keith is there for everyone, suppressed emotions, Happy Ending, Gay Keith, keith is bad at feelings, Lance is a broken man, Keith is determined, keith is confused, Feelings Realisation, protective keith, overprotective keith, Blade of Marmora Keith (Voltron), Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, First Kiss, First Sex, Grinding, jerking off, First Time, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Bisexual Lance, Personal Growth, Healing, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Boy Love, Boys Kissing, Falling In Love, shiro needs a hug, Lance Needs a Hug, Making Out, Friends to Lovers, Krolia is the best Mom, Love, Keith (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Comfort, Keith and Lance bonding, Bonding, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychological Trauma, Panic Attacks, Rejection, Break Up, soft smut, porn with emotions, Suicidal Thoughts, NSFW in later chapters, Bittersweet, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Liking is not loving, klance, shurtis, Shadam, allurance, Depression, Refusing to move on, Losing partner, Lost Love, dreams do come true, bonding moment
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24661339
0 notes
The man in the swamp
read it on the AO3 at The man in the swamp
by Hollow and Merciless (HollowandMerciless)
I wrote this story right after season 8, because I thought it was a terribly unsatisfying ending after all the build-up we got in earlier seasons, and I know I’m not the only one. Our beloved characters were done dirty. So I’ve decided to change some things and rewrite the ending. I never had time for a thorough reread and corrections, but then, more than a year later, the lockdown provided me with more free time than I bargained for, and now I’m finally ready to publish.
The story takes off around the S7 ending, then moves on towards the S8 ending, and continues a couple of years afterwards (but before the “canon” wedding of Shiro and Curtis).
Oh, and by the way, I never liked Curtis, so be warned. I can’t stand how one of the main characters got married to someone we barely know, without any build-up. I might have come to like him if we’d gotten a chance to get to know him – but now it feels like he stole our main character from us.
The story consists of 30 chapters and an epilogue. Some chapters are long, some are very short. POV's are Shiro and Keith. I’ll update regularly, so please subscribe!
I present to you my alternative ending for Voltron, Legendary Defender.
Words: 12159, Chapters: 2/31, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Lance's Mother (Voltron), Lance's Siblings (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge | Katie Holt's Parents, Matt Holt, Krolia (Voltron), Kolivan, Veronica (Voltron), Curtis (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Iverson (Voltron), James Griffin (Voltron), Shay (Voltron), Romelle (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Kaltenecker
Relationships: Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith & Lance (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Curtis/Shiro (Voltron), Allura/Lance (Voltron), Kolivan/Krolia (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Lance (Voltron) is a Mess, Shiro (Voltron) is a Mess, Lance lives on a farm, Hunk & Keith (Voltron) Friendship, Keith & Lance (Voltron) Friendship, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Angst, Keith/Lance (Voltron) Fluff, Soft Keith/Lance (Voltron), Keith (Voltron) is Bad at Feelings, Eventual Keith/Lance (Voltron), Slow Burn Keith/Lance (Voltron), Past Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Shiro can't forget Adam, Shiro feels guilty, Hunk & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt Friendship, Hunk & Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt friendship, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Hunk (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Minor Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Paladins, All the paladins are friends, Female Pronouns for Pidge | Katie Holt, After the mess that was season 8, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Romance, Angst and Tragedy, Allura is only mentioned, Grief/Mourning, Loss, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, Eventual Happy Ending, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Smut, Mild Smut, smut in later chapters, lots of fluff, Tears, Crying, Lots of Crying, so much crying, lots of hugs, keith is an angel, Keith is there for everyone, suppressed emotions, Happy Ending, Gay Keith, keith is bad at feelings, Lance is a broken man, Keith is determined, keith is confused, Feelings Realisation, protective keith, overprotective keith, Blade of Marmora Keith (Voltron), Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Kissing, First Kiss, First Sex, Grinding, jerking off, First Time, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Bisexual Lance, Personal Growth, Healing, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Boy Love, Boys Kissing, Falling In Love, shiro needs a hug, Lance Needs a Hug, Making Out, Friends to Lovers, Krolia is the best Mom, Love, Keith (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Comfort, Keith and Lance bonding, Bonding, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Shiro (Voltron) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychological Trauma, Panic Attacks, Rejection, Break Up, soft smut, porn with emotions, Suicidal Thoughts, NSFW in later chapters, Bittersweet, You Can't Always Get What You Want, Liking is not loving, klance, shurtis, Shadam, allurance, Depression, Refusing to move on, Losing partner, Lost Love, dreams do come true, bonding moment
read it on the AO3 at The man in the swamp
0 notes