#because there is just so much convoluted extra stuff going on here
werewolf-witchboy · 3 months
😇✨ Sugar Daddy Lucifer Morningstar X Gender Neutral Sugar Baby Reader ✨😇
SUMMARY: you're the king of Hell’s favorite influencer and he wants to make it very clear how much he appreciates you and loves your content, thus starting a transactional relationship between the two of you that slowly turns into something more.
WARNING: light stalker stuff going on for a little bit lol ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ also some sugar baby catching feelings for sugar daddy nonsense
(also- i'm using the terms "sugar daddy" and "sugar baby" pretty loosely, and there are no sexual transactions in this story)
NOTE: I keep going back and forth between saying “livestream” and “video,” so just assume that in the story y/n mainly does livestreams and uploads them as videos later.
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•You started out as a humble influencer in Hell.
•What you didn't know is that you happened to be the favorite influencer of THE king of Hell Lucifer himself.
•I personally headcanon that when this man finds something he likes, he REALLY obsesses over it.
•I can imagine him laying in bed with a cozy blanket and a snack, kicking his knees while watching your latest upload.
•Not gonna lie Luci got kinda stalker-ish in order to find you and know you in person.
•He is the king after all, so therefore he has ways to find and keep track of his people.
•It started as him sending you money anonymously as a way to give his appreciation to his favorite content creator.
•You'd sometimes get small donations here and there from different people, but you definitely noticed the big donations you'd consistently get. Even though they were all anonymous, you assumed they were all from the same person because it was usually always an absurd amount of money to donate to an influencer.
•While livestreaming one day you mentioned that you wanted to find out who this anonymous donor was and somehow do something special to thank them.
•Lucifer NEVER misses one of your livestreams and felt extra fanboyish thinking about his fav influencer doing something special specifically for him.
•He knew he couldn't just message you and say “I'm your anonymous donor” because he didn't have a public account. If he were to message with his anonymous account saying that he's the king of Hell you'd obviously think he was lying.
•HERE is where his stalker era starts. 💀
•Luci comes up with this convoluted plan that actually somehow ends up working exactly the way he wanted.
•He happens to “find” you at a place he knew is your favorite café just outside of Cannibal Town.
•He pretends to just be casually walking by (well, as “casual” as the king of Hell can be)
”Oh hey! I've seen a few of your videos, I like your content!”
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•You're absolutely baffled that the man in front of you praising your content is Lucifer himself.
•Lucifer invites himself to sit down with you, and how could you possibly refuse.
(He knows using his status to get what he wants is a lil problematic, but he easily pushes any guilt aside cuz he gets to be in your presence. He honestly wonders why he hadn't done this sooner.)
•He uses this opportunity to ask you a bunch of questions he's always wanted to ask, as if this were his personal Q&A with you. You happily answer his questions and even ask your own, eager to get to know Lucifer.
•Eventually he asks the main question that'll set his plan into place.
“Have you ever done any collabs?”
Of course he already knows the answer is no.
•”I've never asked anyone to collaborate with me, I'm a little insecure and automatically think they'll say no.”
•”I'm shocked! I'd personally love to be in one of your videos!” He boasts.
•Even though you've been talking for a while now, your brain still hasn't been fully able to compute that you're not only talking to Lucifer Morningstar, he says he enjoys your content, AND he just said he'd like to be in one of your videos.
•”Wha- I'm sure you've got so much more important things to do!”
•”I've got spare time!”
•When he realized he was probably starting to sound desperate, he backed it up a bit;
“I'm not trying to invite myself into one of your videos, but what I am saying is that IF I were one of those people you were to ask then I'd definitely accept your offer!” He twiddled his fingers nervously under the table, his smile never faltering.
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•”oH I mean I do want to ask you- I am asking you!” You become just as nervous as Lucifer, fumbling over your words a bit.
•Before you can say anything else he raises from his seat and extends his hand out in agreement. “Sounds good to me!” You quickly stand to take his hand and shake it.
•The two of you calm down a bit and start discussing times and dates, even though Lucifer knows he's just going to accept whatever day you suggest and cancel any plans that he might already have for that day.
•Lucifer's little plot went perfectly.
•The day came when Luci got to feature in a video with his fav influencer.
•The video blew up super quickly, you gained a whole new wave of fame.
•Not only was he in the video with you, but he also got to spend the whole day with you.
•Somewhere along the way he kind of forgot that he was with his fav influencer and started to feel more like he was just hanging with a friend…which, honestly, he hasn't really had a friend in a long time.
•Also- you had noticed that during the stream with Lucifer you didn't get any donations from your special anonymous donor who never missed any of your previous streams.
•THIS MOMENT is where Lucifer knows he could potentially ruin everything with you, but he wants to be honest.
•He tells you that he's the anonymous donor, and that he can prove it with receipts. He admits that he didn't just casually watch your content like he said previously, and that he's actually a super huge fan. He doesn't go into detail about the stalker-ish extent he went to find you though.
•You take a second to process everything.
•I think if it were any other man you'd probably be a bit weirded out. It's definitely mainly because he's the king of Hell, but also he's just so charming that it's kinda hard for you not to be flattered.
•Now the king of Hell is in your phone contacts and you've got a viral video of the two of you together that shows literally everyone that you know him, it all feels so surreal.
•You still get donations from him on your streams, they still say they're anonymous but you know it's him.
•Lucifer calls you ALL THE TIME, usually to talk about absolutely nothing and everything at the same time.
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•Suddenly he started showing up at your door with random gifts. Usually things that you mention very briefly on social media.
•Like one day you posted a pic on your story of a cute pair of shoes that you'd like to have, and the next day he's on your doorstep with a shoebox in hand.
•This escalated to him taking you out to dinner quite frequently, and he'd always go out of his way to reserve a special private area or even book out the whole restaurant.
•Then he started inviting you to visit him. Movie nights at his place, or he wants to show you something new he made.
•Eventually it turned into you staying the night at his place sometimes. You'd fall asleep during movie night and he didn't wanna wake you, or your home is just so far away and he didn't wanna let you go home in the dark.
•THEN it became you staying at his place for multiple days in a row, and sometimes it felt like you practically lived with him.
•You’d always ask Lucifer what you could do to repay him for all of the stuff he does for you, and he just replies that your company is enough to satisfy him and when you aren't around he still gets to watch your new videos.
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•After getting to know the king of Hell over the span of almost a full year, you've come to realize that he was a pretty lonely man before you met him.
•He almost never talks to his own wife, whom you aren't even sure is his wife anymore. He rarely talks to his daughter, and is terrified of not being a good enough dad to her. Most of his time is spent home alone if he isn't tending to somekind of personal royal business.
•You knew Lucifer meant it when he told you that your company is enough to repay him.
•Somewhere down the line, you've started catching yourself contemplating your feelings for him.
•Don't get me wrong, he's always made you swoon and get flustered. It's really hard not to when a handsome man is literally handing you everything you want on a golden platter.
•There are much more raw moments you have with him, when you're just sitting on the couch together and you start to think about your possible future together.
•You usually end up getting slapped with reality when you remember who it is you're looking at. The king of Hell.
•Being in a relationship with a man of such status could never be in the cards for you. You're aware that you're basically just his sugar baby and that's probably all you'll ever be.
•You were definitely fine with the transactional relationship between the two of you, in fact you enjoyed it.
•Now, with these feelings constantly creeping up on you it made everything so much more complicated, and it made it hard for you to be around him knowing you'll never be anything more to him than a sugar baby.
•Lucifer is a sweet man, but you know there's another side of him that's a powerful king. His wife was an equally powerful queen. You're not enough for him, he just wants someone to keep him company.
•What you don't know is that while you're sitting there on the couch next to him having an inner depressive episode, he's got a box in his pocket that he's waiting for the perfect moment to whip out.
•In the box is a flashy custom engagement ring that he wants everyone to be able to see from a mile away.
•That man wants to make you officially his and he has been trying his hardest to make that VERY clear.
•You're just kinda insecure and don't think high enough of yourself. ಥ⌣ಥ
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lemonhemlock · 1 year
So then, maybe a weird ask, how would you write or explore Lucemond?
So, a couple of months ago, I accidentally stumbled upon this lucemond fic that completely rearranged my chakras. Thing is I tried to find it recently but couldn't, so perhaps the author deleted it, which is such a pity because it was truly spectacular. I don't remember a whole lot bc it was late at night when I read it (thinking I would come back to it later), but it was very much surreal poetry body horror. I am not a gore girly at all, but the language was mesmerising. I happen to have sent my bf a few snippets for shock value (also not a gore enjoyer), so I can share the little of it I saved:
The tender jelly of Lucerys’ eye bursts like a ripe grape between teeth, climbing, sheer white, up Aemond’s blade, as if it were dripping wax.
Its viscous liquidity leaving no gruesome trophy or good-luck charm to pickle in vinegar and make a gift of, Aemond decides to lick the mucoid fluid from the metal and impel it through his own flesh. When he puts the blade to his tongue no taste but that of his own blood stains the quivering muscle.
If the author of this fic happens upon this post, I'd just want to let you know your talent with words was very appreciated. 🙏
Returning to the topic, I would definitely keep this element and lean into the horror aspect. I'd keep some background jace/luke as vibes, with aegond on the opposing side to make it as spicy and convoluted as possible. (It took me ages to remember I have a jaceluke tag since I hid it so well from team black I ended up hiding it from myself, too. Updated my tags list with this occasion lest we forget!)
Readers of my blog will know by now that I sometimes go on rants about The Magnus Archives, but, bear with me, I think we could borrow some elements to make lucemond really extra fucky. So, within the TMA universe, there are several entities that govern different sets of fears and the one I like the most and the one I think fits really well here is The Beholding - so lots of eye imagery, the fear of being perceived, of secrets being revealed, of forbidden/awful knowledge, of knowledge that would destroy you, of being exposed or shamed or judged. The problem I have with Luke (which permeates a lot into lucemond fics) is that he's so fucking boring and milquetoast & doesn't really react / isn't affected enough by the events surrounding him, so much so that it kind of turns him borderline sociopathic, just in the most boring way possible. So let's give him some internal conflict!
I would give Luke a serious case of scopophobia, basically turn him into the perfect victim for the Beholding. Make him realise deep down that he's a bastard and how much danger he's in because of his mother's lies and gaslighting. Make him terrified of becoming Lord of Driftmark, like actively paranoid some Velaryon cousin is going to slash his throat in his sleep or something (maybe even Rhaena??) Have that intensify after Vaemond's execution, because now the blacks have already spilled first blood in his name. Have him feel increasingly isolated from his family because they feel like he's exaggerating and don't really grasp the gravity of the situation - in addition to more gentle gaslighting done by Rhaenyra, who thinks this is the proper way to assuage his fears (even ridiculous stuff like how he shares blood with Borros Baratheon via Rhaenys), and more violent type of suppression by Jace, who absolutely does not want to hear about how they're bastards and everybody knows about it. So the fear of being perceived, of his "secrets" being revealed, only worse, because they're already out in the open, so what he really fears is shame and judgment, which could come at any minute. Any person could at any time start pointing out what an obvious bastard he is and the entire foundation of his life would start cracking.
This intense fear of judgment would be where lucemond comes into play. Aemond as a person he actively harmed, an act that he did his best to sweep under the rug, absolutely horrified to face him, because that would mean facing his actual crimes; the punishment/retribution for that would have to be immense and he's not in a proper headspace to handle that. When he finally sees Aemond again, fighting fit and ready to go, all those feelings of inadequacy would come crashing down. Aemond casting his single eye of furious judgment on Luke, painfully aware of each and every one of Luke's flaws and planning his wrathful comeuppance!
In TMA, I really enjoyed the statements where The Eye would terrorize their victim* because I personally found it hilarious, so I think I'd try to recreate that dynamic a bit between Aemond and Luke. Whether it veers into body horror and violence or remains at the promise of violence and psychological torment, I think there's a lot to explore in a funky, novel way that doesn't involve this unearned Romeo and Juliet binomial.
If you're really intent on turning this sexual, I think an under-discussed aspect of the eye-gouging is how Luke essentially gave Aemond a huge disadvantage when it comes to participating in traditional masculinity, something that we know Aemond cares a lot about - being a model Targaryen prince, having the depth perception necessary to ride his dragon, his martial prowess, even him being suitably attractive to the opposite sex. It wouldn't be outrageous to presume all of these new issues halted Aemond's sexual and social development and that it would make him feel Some Kind of Vengeful Way about it that would maybe manifest itself not in a very socially-appropriate way. Like, mayhaps, wanting Luke to undergo similar pains? ☠
For Aemond's side, I stumbled on this tik tok once that really encapsulates the kind of vibes I think would be really fun to play with. A corruption arc, being consumed by vengeance, allowing yourself to give into your worst impulses, contemplating the nature of justice etc.
For the aegond bit mentioned above, I really like this idea. Luke pondering which is worse: facing Aemond directly or being decimated by his big brother, who he himself once looked up to.
*Here is an example if anyone is interested in the vibe I'm going for. I bookmarked the clip for when the statement begins, because the rest of the episode is filled with the metaplot: MAG 193 A Stern Look,
Some quotes from the transcripts!
He recognises those eyes. He’s seen them all his life, watching him, judging him, cutting through him so no part of him was secret or safe. They peel away the armour, his carefree smile and practiced shrugs. 
His mind races. He can’t tell the truth, obviously. Elias can’t look this man in the face, and tell him that he is what scares him. That his eyes, the curiosity and judgement that pulses out of them, they terrify him in a way he can’t put into words. He feels that prickly panic building in the back of his skull, that worry that spills through: he knows. 
A cough from over the desk breaks his train of thought. His interviewer is staring at him, and all at once he’s back with himself, burning with embarrassment. Those eyes stare, impassive and stern as ever, but… is that a twinkle of satisfaction? As though he has been given him an answer he likes.
He stops. Those eyes. They know. They can see right through all his bullshit, right to the core of him. They know what he really thinks.
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shadamyheadcanons · 1 year
Submission #90: Yet another take on Sonic Adventure 2
(Ok so quick warning, this part here was written after I finished everything else and Warning: it’s pretty long…like REALLY long… this was supposed to be a quick concept thing but I ended up creating a whole ass rewrite of a section of SA2 I would recommend you set aside like 15-20 minutes to read this as I’ve included a lot of detail)
Convoluted title I know but this one is going to be pretty jumbled up as it’s just an idea I’ve thought off and wanna see if anyone does anything with it. You know how Amy has the rings similar to Shadows inhibitors, hers are probably weights whilst shadows are inhibitor rings, I’m not sure if this has been mentioned or something but I think this idea could be cool, though it would also deviate from the original story of SA2 quite a bit, let me explain.
My idea is that with Amy’s modern design for SA1 and SA2, her outfit would be the exact same but without the rings on her wrists (maybe replace them with the bands she has on her riders design).  Instead she doesn’t get the rings until the end of SA2 when sonic returns to the ark after him and shadow fought the final hazard. Obviously the story would have to get reworked slightly with Shadow and Amy possibly having a few more scenes together and give Amy her own character arc, she still doesn’t fully believe in herself as she isn’t treated as an equal. (because let’s be honest the early 3D days Amy was ignored and not taken seriously by almost everyone in CD, SA1 and SA2, including Sonic).
One way to make Amy more important to the story of SA2 is to have her get to the ark much quicker so there could be an extra scene or two with her and Shadow. (It doesn’t even have to be shipping stuff but Shadow having flashbacks of Maria through Amy’s words similar to the how Amy helps Shadow remember Maria’s final words in SA2)  A way I think would work best to get Amy on the Space Colony Ark quicker is during prison island, instead of Rouge being trapped fighting the R-1/A Flying Dog (the Rouge boss fight in prison island, I’d show a picture but I don’t know how to)…
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((Admin’s note: the submitter’s talking about this one here ^ ))
…she fights Amy instead.  The way this would occur is that when Amy would free sonic, he would tell her he needs to find that faker and make him pay, then runs off instantly, leaving Amy behind. In the hero story, after the stage metal harbor there would be a cutscene with Amy walking around, saying that she’s lost and she’d get annoyed and say out loud  “I would sacrifice anything for everyone to take me more seriously, even that fake hedgehog”  (Remember this)  (Also this might seem out of character for but at this point she‘s like 13? I’m not sure but she’s angry and this is something someone her age would say. Keep in mind she only sees Shadow as a Sonic copy, thinks he’s a Villain so she doesn’t really care about like, same with her and metal sonic.)  This part would be in the dark story Playthrough.
Then she runs into Rouge, Amy remembers she was with Eggman and fights her, trying to get answers however they both get locked in the room like Rouge did in SA2. The story would continue as normal with shadow showing up and surprisingly, he’d save both of them without hesitation, teleporting to the ark just before prison island blows up.  A scene would take place right after with Amy looking confused and relieved however Rouge instantly begins questioning why he saved them, Shadow says it would’ve been more hassle for him to get the emeralds off Rouge in a few seconds but Rouge counters by saying that’s a fair point but he could’ve just left her behind (pointing to amy) however he actively ran over to her and saved her too. He just walks off saying she talks too much however amy runs grabs his hand and says.  “Thank you”   Shadow just stares back for a second and says “it won’t happen again…” then walks off. (This would purely be a dark story cutscene)  To me this makes more sense as she doesn’t really do much in the story other than help shadow, maybe even have sonic and tails think she died (and in the hero story, actually have the player think she’s dead for most of the story) and have sonic realise that he should’ve treated her much kinder and as an equal and not someone who holds them back. This could even make sonic wanna go after shadow even more as he thinks that him and eggman killed her, to further set up the rivalry his shadow but that part is just me throwing ideas around for a potential SA2 rewrite I’m thinking of doing. This new concept also won’t be a typical “damsel in distress” as it’s flipped on its head since Shadow actually saved her by “kidnapping” her.  Let’s say in this hypothetical rewrite Shadow starts off like the others, he doesn’t take Amy seriously at all similar to everyone else as he’s only known her as “sonic’s fangirl” but Amy begins to learn that there’s something more to shadow, he doesn’t just want to conquer the earth like eggman, he wants revenge on everyone on earth (maybe he’d say something like “they took everything I cared about away from me” when she’d ask him why he’s doing this, I dunno) and she’d grow to understand him.   Through this, shadow would learn to treat Amy as an equal as she says she’s fed up of not being taken seriously by anyone so shadow does just that, he actually begins to listen to her closely. Through shadow treating her as an equal and talking to her, he begins to realise she’s making valid points about how no-one deserves to be killed but he doesn’t falter in his mission however she’s slowly chipping away at Shadows exterior as he acts slightly kinder to both her and Rouge.  Maybe even Rouge could get some development from Amy too with Rouge listening in on one of their convocations and amy says that  “I try to be kind to everyone, even though sonic doesn’t treat me as an equal…I know being kind works because you’ve treated me as an equal because of it…”  This causes Rouge to hold some of the master emerald shards and think…She’s used to being around selfish people so that’s all she knows but being kind…She’s never tried that. (this could explain why Rouge gives the master emerald pieces to Knuckles after he saves her because she’s learning to be kind as well)
At the end this, all this buildup and the extra scenes would would make it more believable for Shadow to be convinced by Amy and she will also learn a lesson here, correct me if I’m wrong but shadow would be the first person to treat her as an equal. The way shadow would truly treat her as an equal is by actually thanking her, at the risk of sounding too cliché he would tell her.  “Thank you…you’re worth much more than you think, Amy Rose”  This coming from the ultimate life form himself would mean something, at least to Amy.  After that he says   “I need to keep my promise to Maria…and to you” then he runs off.  When Shadow appears to fight the Biolizard,  Knuckles would ask why he suddenly changed sides, he could say something like  “That friend of yours, Amy Rose, you should all thank her…”  With sonic responding with a in a guilty tone   “Yeah…I know that now…”  And the same thing would happen, Super Sonic and Super Shadow would fight the Final Hazard and using the chaos emeralds to become super for the first time along with taking off his inhibitor rings would take its toll on shadow and cause him to fall to earth…only leaving his inhibitor rings remaining like in the original story.
The final scene of this version of SA2 would have Sonic returning aboard the ark without Shadow, he has a smile but it looks sad most of them would congratulate Sonic but Rouge would ask where’s Shadow? Sonic would close his eyes and let out a shaky breath, saying that he couldn’t have won without Shadow…   (I do recommend that this part is best experienced whilst listening to SA2s “the last scene” OST on loop whilst reading this part for extra emotional kicks, trust me it makes a difference. this all is purely emotional but in a good way so you have been warned.)
((Admin’s note: here’s a link to the track))
(Each “ending scene” between the rivals would take place in this order)  Firstly a unique one, amy and rouges reaction to shadow death.    Sonic walks over to Rouge and Amy who are standing at the centre of the room, giving them Shadows inhibitor rings and says  “This is all I could get before I saw him fall to earth…”  He’d give one to both of them and say he’s sorry. Rouge would look away and walk off, holding her tears in however Amy’s eyes widen…like she’s realising something. The blue hedgehog would look at amy and speak.  “I’m sorry…I never took you seriously, even after you’d stop chasing me…I promise to listen to you like I do with Tails, Knuckles and even Eggman…” He puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her but  she drops shadows ring and she slaps sonics hand away and shakily whispers…  “No…”  This confuses everyone but this time she shouts…tears streaming from her eyes  “I did this to him…I don’t deserve any of your respect… I sent him to his death, he wanted to help because I begged him too. I killed him”  “I even said I would sacrifice anything for all of you to take me seriously, even him and…it feels like I did! It feels like I sent him to his death just to get you guys to listen to me! It’s all my fault!”  With that she runs off, running past everyone, sonic and tails would try to chase after her however surprisingly Rouge tells them to leave her, that she’ll talk to Amy.    The second “ending” scene would take place and it would be another unique one.     Rouge would find her where the convocation between Shadow and Amy took place about how she knows being kind pays off because shadow begun to treat her as an equal. She’s crying and Rouge walks over to her and just watches, unsure of what to do however Amy wipes her tears and says she can’t be weak…  Rouge nods her head and helps her up however Amy asks Rouge something…  “S-Shadows inhibitor rings… could I have them?” Rouge at first looks confused but then after smiles and nods her head, giving them to her.   The final scene between Tails and Eggman would play.   Eggman and Tails look ahead at the stars…The fox is unsure on how to feel, they won but it feels like they lost…surprisingly Dr Eggman speaks up in a tone Tails has never heard before.  “As a child, I looked up to my grandfather because of all the great things he accomplished in his life. He was my hero, and I wanted to be a great scientist like him. But… did he really mean to destroy us? To destroy Me?”  Doctor Eggman, the most renowned genius in the world sounds so defeated, even cracking at one point, even after Tails and Sonic have stopped him time and time again, the mad Doctor has always bounced back…but now…he sounds so defeated.  Much to the doctors surprise, Tails speaks up, attempting to comfort him. “I’m…Im not sure but one thing I know, he was tipped over the Edge, pushed to a limit that no person should ever have to endure, he lost everything and took it out on everyone…he had the right to be mad but he didn’t have the right to destroy everything… I…I don’t know what to say Eg-“ Tails stops himself “Ivo Robotnik, I’m sorry you had to go through that, I can’t imagine what it must feel like.”  The Doctor looks down and wipes his glasses clean… “T-Thanks… I’m going to be shutting down the Space Colony Ark in 30 minutes, that’s all the time everyone has up here, then it’s never to be set foot on again”  With that, the Doctor walks off, tails looks back to see Sonic look at Ivo Robotnik. They seem to stare at each other, almost as if they’re having a mutual understanding through their sight alone but the Doctor kneels down and sonic does something unexpected, he surprisingly hugs the Doctor, he can’t hear what they’re saying but Tails figures it’s private…but he could’ve sworn he saw the Doctor wipe his eyes…    The scene between Rouge and Sonic would play after that     Rouge walks over to the blue blur and speaks. “I calmed Amy down…I don’t know when she’ll feel better, could you and the others…be there for her? Help her get over her grief?”  Sonic looks at the bat and slowly nods… “I will, I promise. Me, Tails and even Knuckles will help her, or at least try as much as we can… Again I’m sorry about Shadow”  Rouge looks at him and shakes her head. “You tried your best…in the end that’s all that matters. But do you think…that the doctor only creates him for revenge? Or something more?” She questions with sonic looking at the planet below.  “I’m not sure…but what in do know is that he was a brave and heroic hedgehog who sacrificed his life to save everyone, that’s who he was.”  Rouge nods her head and walks away.     The scene between Knuckles and Rouge would play.    Rouge is standing, looking out to the coldness of space, uncomfortably with her Arms crossed and biting her lip, trying desperately to hold back her tears, she may not have known shadow for long or as personally as Amy did…but it still doesn’t change anything, right now all she feels is the coldness surrounding her.  “Got any plans” A gruff but soothing and kind voice asks, Rouge slowly turns around to see the Echidna looking at her with…worry? Surely that can’t be right, the same Echidna who crashed the shuttle the heroes used to get here…  “Y-yeah, I think I’m going to give up this line of work, too much work for too little pay, plus-“ She looks at Knuckles’ reflection in the window “I’ve got something better than jewels in mind…” She says with a crack in her voice, she hopes that the Echidna didn’t pick up on it, that’s he’s as dimwitted as everyone thinks he is but obviously he catches on…  “Hey…are you okay?”  “Y-yeah…I’m just looking down below. It’s beautiful, don’t you think?” She says, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from current events.  Knuckles looks down at earth and grunts… “It was…but after today…I can’t look at anything the same way again” He pulls out the master emerald which has shrunken down. “Heh, Tikal helped me learn to do this, makes it much more easier to carry around, want to hold it? I know you love jewels…”  Rouge looks at him wide eyed…why had he offered to let her hold the master emerald? Surely he’d know she could easily run off with it, Knuckles opens up her hand with his own and gives it to her, letting her hold it.  “I-I think it might make you feel at least a little bit better…”  That’s when it clicks in her head…he’s trying to comfort her, in his own little odd way, he’s trying to comfort her, make her feel better, sadly at the realisation of this, here eyes begin to water up, her vision getting blurry and the facade breaks, she slowly begins to let the tears fall from her eyes…  She drops the master emerald on the floor and cries into knuckles’ shoulder, hugging him as hard as she can, expecting him to push her away or shout at her that she dropped the master emerald but…that’s not what happens, he holds her tightly and tells her.  “Don’t worry…It’s alright to cry, he was your friend”   And finally the scene between sonic and Amy would place but slightly altered.   Here it is…   Planet Earth, such a beautiful and disturbing place, after this day, after what he’s heard and seen happen, he can’t look at it the same way again, what anyone can be capable off if they are pushed enough to the edge…  Sonic looks ahead at Earth, the stars and and feels…guilty…he was there, he saw Shadow fall however he lied to everyone…  After the final chaos control on the Space Colony Ark which retuned it to its normal position in space, no longer heading towards earth, Super Sonic looked around and saw two Rings floating, he picked them up and flew over to where he saw shadow, no longer in his Super form, very slowly moving away from the ark and towards earth.  Suoer Sonic quickly flew over to shadow however what happened…was heartbreaking.  Sonic would’ve been able to catch the ultimate Lifeform, in fact he should’ve but Shadow…Shadow pushed him away, he said that he doesn’t  deserve to live after what he’s done, he broke Maria’s promise, hurt so many people and almost killed everyone. Sonic told him that he deserves a second chance to make them happy but Shadow smiled…  “Sonic…it’s funny you know, I think in another time, we could’ve been friends, maybe if things turned out differently we would be…but we’re both running out of energy, my super form has already run out and yours… it’s going to run out anytime now. So this is my final gift to you…goodbye, Sonic The Hedgehog.”  “SHADOW! NO!”  Shadow ended up using his remaining energy to use chaos control on sonic to teleport him back to the Ark, which right after it happened, Sonic’s Super form ran out…
From the observation deck Tails told sonic that Eggman was going to shut down the Space colony ark in 30 minutes which was around 20 minutes ago so the teleporters from earth and the Ark wouldn’t work, Sonic said he’s gonna catch up with tails nodding and walking off, leaving Sonic alone in the observation deck…  “The Ultimate Life form…Shadow The Hedgehog”  Just as he goes to walk away he sees Amy walk over into the observation deck, her eyes are puffed from crying but he can tell she’s trying to be strong, he smiles and walks over to her.  “I’m…Im so sorry Amy…I don’t know how close you got with Shadow, but I couldn’t save him… I appreciate you easing off on the romance but I shouldn’t have just ignored you when you needed my help…”  “I forgive you” Amy replies with a smile, a sad smile but a smile nonetheless. “People make mistakes, we’ve seen that today…but we also know that we can change for the better…so here’s to a better tomorrow Sonic.”  Amy extends her arm for a handshake with Sonic smiles and accepts.  “Here’s to a better tomorrow”  However he looks down at her wrist and sees something…new.  “Hey…are those?  Amy looks at her wrist and let’s put another smile, but this time it’s not a sad one…  “Yeah…these were his, I asked Rouge if I could have them, she said yes. Even when Eggman saw me wear them I could’ve sworn I saw a genuine smile from him. I think they look great but I also want to remember him like I remember you.  As a hero, someone I admire and want to be like.”  Sonic closes his eyes smiles.  “Me and you both Amy…me and you both”  Amy asks if he’s ready to leave and sonic Smiles.  “Yeah, let’s go back to the planet as cool and blue as me…”  They leave the room and the lights turn off but sonic looks back one last time.  “Sayonara…Shadow The Hedgehog”
The End…
Author’s notes: (you can skip if you want cuz this is long enough already but it gives additional context to some scenes. There are also some other submissions I’ve written noted here to)  If you haven’t noticed I have written some submissions here before as (I think?) an anonymous user but finally made an account, specifically for this blog.  Most notably  Submission #59: A take on Shadamy I’m 60-40 on this, it’s not written the best but I think my concept of their relationship is good enough  Submission #68: Yet another take on Shadamy Not particularly proud of this one I can’t lie, the concept is decent but I didn’t proof-read it so it’s it’s sloppily written, I might either make a part 2 as a submission or just rewrite it and make it a complete story, though there was that one person who enjoy commented that they enjoyed it, I’m glad they did  Submission #74: Yet another Shadamy Scene Rewrite I think it’s my best Shadamy piece I’ve done, it’s  a very simple SA2 (can you tell it’s my favourite sonic story/game yet?)scene rewrite based on shadow and Amy’s first encounter on prison island.  Though I kinda wish I called the title of my first submission “yet a take on Shadamy” to fit in line with my “yet _____ Shadamy _____”  I wanted those final scenes to pull at the heart strings, sure it’s possibly too emotional for a Sonic story but I really don’t care, all of those scenes were based on experiences in my life so I tried to write the characters as “realistic” as I possibly could. I even snuck in some Knuxouge because I think it’s the only sonic ship that should be canon in the games, it makes the most sense to me. I also really hope I didn’t come off as bashing Sonic, that really wasn’t my intention, I really like Sonic as a character but I think this was the most realistic character development I could’ve given him. Rouge was definitely more emotional here but I think that makes sense, I didn’t even think of knuckles consoling her until a bit after so I promise it wasn’t just for a knuxouge moment. I couldn’t really do much with Tails, best I could do is have him sympathise with Eggman and referring to him as “Ivo Robotnik” was my was of showing that tails truly cared about Eggman in that moment. Also Sonic hugging Eggman might be slightly out of character but everyone is at their emotional limit here, including Eggman himself was hurt here, he found out the man he admired, his grandfather didn’t just not care about him but was willing to kill him, if felt personal to him and sonic saw that…   What I tried to do was not to create a Shadamy story (even though it certainly comes across as such because even though I love Shadamy, I don’t want any relationships in any main sonic games, hint at them sure but not proper relationships). Instead I tried to create a story with the basis of Sonic adventure 2 (my favourite sonic story) and improve certain aspects.   It just so happened that in my eyes, giving Amy a proper role would do exactly that and filling in details such as making it even more believable that Shadow would turn good at the end, giving a proper character arc to Amy and improving on Rouge’s and giving Sonic a character Arc with both realising that people can change for the better because knuckles wasn’t evil in 3&K, he was tricked. Sonic would also learn to take Amy more seriously.   Side note but I’ve always head people say that sonic has always been a flat character however I disagree, I think that became the case after SA2 because in that game, he learned that not everyone is purely good or bad, he learned that people will do bad things for good reasons and good things for bad reasons.  Another detail this adds is making it way more believable for Sonic to go back to Eggman when he takes Amy hostage because in SA2, sonic and tails just leave amy wondering around, both creating a liability and ignoring their friend however up to this point (in the hero story), Sonic, Tails and eventually Knuckles thought Amy had died on Prison Island but hearing her alive and being taken hostage would make it a good twist from a story standpoint along with making it WAY more believable that Sonic would rush back to Eggman. (even though tails was there).  Of course I had to add a scene between sonic and shadow, making it make more sense as to why shadow fell to earth and sonic couldn’t save him, I wanted to add shadow saying that they could’ve been friends in another time because that WAS true at one point, in heroes and 06 they respected each other and were friends with a slightly rivalry. In shadow the hedgehog, minus all the “evil” paths (which I don’t seem as canon) shadow and sonic are usually on good terms. Only in Boom is where there was an active distaste between the two.  Anyway that’s enough of me rambling. I originally wasn’t going to write some scenes and just skim through them like I have done with others but the ones near the end were too important for me to just simply skip. I’ve been writing this for about close to 3 hours now on my phone and I still have a few things to say but I’m satisfied with what I’ve written for now.  I’m going to be honest but this is the most emotional piece of work I’ve ever written, (coming from a guy who doesn’t think these characters beyond a few should be all “lovey-dovey” but speak through their actions and what they’re willing so do to make friend/partner happy) like I did with knuckles here. Anyway I’m not going to link my AO3 here because my work isn’t nearly as emotional, it doesn’t have much shadamy and I also don’t wanna self promote here as well but if I write a SA2 rewrite with this concept, if I’m allowed to link it I will however it won’t be for a while as uni is killing me.  I hope you all enjoyed me rambling, I apologise for it being so damn long but I just has WAY too much to say and just ended up writing another part of a fanfic. Leave your thoughts below and owner of the blog (is that what I call you? Idk) keep up the great work.
((Hope you don’t mind that I added a few line breaks. Makes it easier to read.
I do have thoughts on Amy’s bracelets! This headcanon is a good overview, and it includes a link that goes into greater detail. It’d be interesting if they had taken your approach, too. I like it!
You’re not the only one who’s wondered if Amy ever felt guilty about being the one to convince Shadow to fight. I have a super old headcanon about it. It’d be nice if the others had had a wake-up call of some kind around then that they shouldn’t just leave her behind and ignore her. It was a trend that continued for far too long. I also never liked Tails’ line to Eggman in the game, as the chipper “We all did it together! :D“ declaration sounds super jarring after Eggman’s serious line. I really wish he had matched Eggman’s tone like this in the game.
I recognized the style of the title and submission formatting, so I did remember you. Great to see you made an account! If you ever do make that rewrite or write any shadamy stories, I’ll gladly reblog them from your blog. Just let me know!
Honestly? I’ve been considering doing a shadamy-centric rewrite of SA2 myself, but it’d be much different. In it, Sonic either never existed or died sometime before the events of SA2, and a more mature, possibly older Amy stepped up as the leader and goes on adventures with Tails and Knuckles. It’d be named “Amy Adventure 2” in reference to that one SA2 mod that replaces all the playable characters with Amy. I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to it or how I’d format it, but it’s a fun idea. I’ve got a bunch of other things to take care of first, though!
Thanks for your dedication! It was cool seeing your ideas again. I’m the admin/owner of this blog, so I guess you could call me “admin” or just “shadamyheadcanons.”
Submitted by @just-a-guy119 (in case tumblr erases the credit)
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nehswritesstuffs · 9 months
I really enjoy your TTOU AU. I’m curious if you’re going to continue writing chapters for it. Thanks for your awesome writing!!! 😊
*side-eyes people in my DMs*
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Here's the short answer: I plan on it, but cannot give an estimated start date since other varying things are taking priority. In the meantime, know I love you and your support, Greyscale, as it keeps me going.
Long answer under the cut.
The thing about The Thick of UNIT is this: it's very long and very convoluted. At this juncture I need to do a complete read-through, probably do some slight editing to what's already up, take a long look at what I have planned, and then edit that to hell and back as I tighten the story and get it on track again. The main things keeping me from doing this are:
Size: We're talking 225k words thus far by AO3's estimation. That's a lot to go through! And that's just the main story! It's 283.5k words with all the extras!
Time: There's only so much spare time I have available to write, let alone edit this monster.
Writing Resources: This is something a lot of fic writers understand, I think, because it's about what ideas are flowing and when. You have to go where there is flow, or else things will be bad.
My Editor: He's still not done and is even more scattered than me when it comes to this, if you'll believe, and since he and I don't control what the other does...
Real Life: I've been job hunting for a year (exactly; I was let go a year ago today) and I'm engaged, so I've been trying to get house-hunting and wedding planning off the ground (there's a lot of barriers here I won't go into). Plus there's a bunch of normal things that I'd do anyhow involving family and friend groups that take up time. energy, and resources. And I'm a tante now?! Tantes are cool.
Indifference: Now this is admittedly a weird one that deserves explaining. I still love The Thick of UNIT, as well as the parent shows Doctor Who and The Thick of It! They all still hold a special place in my heart. It's just... well... I average single-digit notes on here. I don't have enough reviews on FFN for there to be one per chapter. Most of my comments on AO3 are conversations. Although I'll be one of the first to say that you need to write fic for yourself and don't worry about an audience, I will also admit that it's very difficult to put into practice. I hit a big ol' wall of burnout with TTOU, which is something that can happen to anyone about anything, even stuff they love, and I'm trying to get over that and the indifference it causes. also everything that i've seen of DW post-Twelve is just irritating and i feel so fucking bad for Gatwa and none of that helps any
So... yeah... the double-edged sword with longfics is that they are a lot of time and energy, which I unfortunately do not have a lot of to spare. "But what about those other fics I see you posting?" That's where all my writing resources go, because the ideas are flowing there. It's probably weird to think about since I was almost exclusively writing fic for Doctor Who and The Thick of It for nine years, but what I've been able to churn out lately hits something completely different, deep down in my soul from before I even knew what Doctor Who was, before The Thick of It first aired, and a lot of it is a bit existential in its own way.
"But what am I going to do in the meantime?!" Feel free to check out my bookmarks on AO3, which has a lot of TTOU fic (including some by the lovely @fajrbismuth, whose tumblr url is yes from the fic). That not enough? Maybe, idk, create something of your own. Write some fic, draw art, create a moodboard, do something that channels your love for it. and maybe if you make sure i see it, i can reblog it for everyone here to see. Hell, I don't even care if you do your own Malcolm/Kate stories independent of TTOU. I can't stop you.
Thank you, though, for all your love and support over the past, what eight years of this. It's humbling when I get to see how much people love my writing and it really does make it worth it in the end.
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kromlock · 1 year
A transcript of my relationship with JK Rowling
Joanne: Hey kid, would you like a decent children’s book? It’s a little dark but it’s also a fun quirky story about a magic school.
Me: Oh hey, I like lots of those things! Hey, this is pretty good for the stuff that’s usually aimed at my age group!
Joanne: Yes, cool. Here’s a sequel. It’s foreshadowing some political intrigue and has a gut wrenching portrayal of the horrors of slavery, but I swear it’s still for kids.
Me: Oh wow, this is even better than the first! Hey, you’re a pretty good mystery writer too.
Joanne: Why, thank you! Now this next one gives Harry some deep backstory.
Me: Wow, I love this! You did a great job shattering the illusion that James was such a great guy!
Joanne: I beg your pardon?
Me: Well, I mean, you kind of outed James as the bully, and like even though it doesn’t excuse his behavior at all, Snape was right about Harry’s dad.
Joanne: ……huh.
Me: And I loved the disability rights theme so much I didn’t notice the part where the central character in the disability metaphor then turns his condition into a deadly liability in a boarding school. Or the skin crawling ideological implications of that.
Joanne: Hold on a second. I have to do something.
Me: What’s up?
Joanne: Just jotting down notes. Snape…. Was… Right….
Me: Well I didn’t mean it like THAT…
Joanne: Skin crawling… ideological…. Implications…. Okay, all done. By the way, here’s an extra long book!
Me: WHOA HOLY HELL does the shit hit the fan here! The bad guy’s back in action, the government is Fucking Horrible, and the Avengers are assembling. And that gleam of triumph in Dumbledore’s eye! I bet you’re going somewhere great with that! God I can’t wait to find out what happens next. It’s just… umm… a couple things.
Joanne: Yeah?
Me: Why did it have to be so long? And I like plot twists and all but this was just weird and convoluted.
Joanne: No, but you see, more is better.
Me: Huh. I guess I see your reasoning there. But another thing I just realized. This is a bad school.
Joanne: Excuse me?
Me: It’s a death trap and the faculty is incompetent. 
Joanne: Dumbledore is a legendary sorcerer, philosopher, and warrior!
Me: But that doesn’t make him a good teacher! That’s a completely different skillset!
Joanne: And about the death trap! That’s because of Voldemort. He does evil things.
Me: Voldemort didn’t resurrect an ancient blood sport for children. The first event was throwing teenagers one by one into an arena with a pissed off dragon to just see what happens.
Joanne: They were all supposed to be of age, and the binding magic contract-
Me: They couldn’t just rewrite the contract? Do they have to use the exact same cursed artifact that they used thousands of years ago, with the only guard around it having easy exploits?
Joanne: ….
Me: Come to think of it, the other books were pretty fucked up too. It’s quicker to list the school years where someone doesn’t die on campus.
Joanne: I-
Me: And I don't mean "Old Professor Giddyfart passed away in his sleep last night. He was 239 years young." I mean "Our star pupil was murdered in cold blood by Wizard Hitler during our international child bloodsport tournament."
Joanne: Technically that was off-campus.
Me: "Last year our students almost had their souls stolen by undead horrors that were posted here -at a fucking school- because that’s a good idea. This was minutes after almost being mauled by our werewolf on staff."
Joanne: They were only there because they thought a convicted-
Me: "Oh, that was also the same day we had a former Nazi combatant come to lop off the head of a hippogriff who actually did maul another student for the dreadful crime of not paying attention in class.”
Me: "Oh and the year before it turned out we just kinda had a basilisk in the plumbing and it kept turning students to stone, it was really annoying, totally disrupted the curriculum”
Joanne: But that was because-
Me: "Oh and the year before that one of our teachers was possessed by the still-living shade of Wizard Hitler. He set a troll loose in the school to try and steal our Bring-Shades-Back-To-Life Macguffin. We just figured it was the safest place because our unhinged headmaster is fucking Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus rolled into one. He could've taken a sabbatical to guard it without putting children in harm’s way, but he's just that quirky!"
Joanne: Well, perhaps Dumbledore isn’t all perfect-
Me: "What's that? Oh yeah, it's guarded by goddamn Cerberus, and a series of challenges even more dangerous than goddamn Cerberus. But don't worry, we sealed the door with a spell that a first year student can unlock."
Joanne: What are you getting at?
Me: Where’s the lawsuits? Absolutely nothing was done to rein Dumbledore in. Well, except for once and it was the one time the danger wasn’t his fault and it was at the behest of the bad guys and swiftly overturned.
Joanne: Government regulation?
Me: And what the fuck was with that “Hermione is an idiot for being against slavery” thing? That made me feel icky.
Joanne: Well, I will be right back!
Me: Oh, okay.
Me: Maybe that was a bit rude. Every story has its flaws.
Me: ….
Me: Wow, Lord of the Rings is really good.
Joanne: Here’s book 5! Harry Potter and the Reason Government Regulation Is Bad
Me: Uh… this is quite a bit longer than the last one.
Joanne: Yes.
Me: The one that I thought was way longer than it had to be.
Joanne: Yes.
Me: And I just read it, and like nothing happened in it. You took the shortest story so far and padded it out with a weird political manifesto.
Joanne: More is bette-
Me: And it’s not even good politics! Anyone but the most Randian hardcore libertarian would want to do something when a school actively contributes to the death of a student.
Joanne: Yeah but the person doing it is juuuuuust a fucking cunt.
Me: I mean, yeah I have to admit she was a pretty good villain. Kinda overshadows Voldemort though, you should really step up the menace in your main antagonist because all he’s done so far is get his ass kicked by a bunch of high school students.
Joanne: Ohhhh just you wait. Okay I’ll be right back.
Me: Oh, okay.
Me: I think we really connected that time.
Me: …..
Me: Huh, Revenge of the Sith was pretty good actually.
Joanne: Okay, this one is all about Voldemort. Also I heard you like Lord of the Rings, so you’re in for some good stuff!
Me: Do tell!
Joanne: So the One Ring was cool right?
Me: Oh yeah, it’s menacing as hell.
Joanne: Well Voldemort made SEVEN One Rings! You can One Ringify any object in this universe.
Me: …please tell me you gave it a name other than One Ring.
Joanne: I sure did! It’s called a Horcrux.
Me: ….Horcrux.
Joanne: You got it!
Me: …….so you can turn anything into a One Ring?
Joanne: You bet! And that diary from book 2 was a One Ring.
Me: Hey that’s a pretty cool retcon.
Joanne: Or maybe… I had it planned all along.
Me: No you didn’t.
Joanne: And just you wait, I have a big twist on those things coming in the next-
Me: It’s that Harry’s scar is a One Ring.
Joanne: …
Me: What? It’s kind of obvious.
Joanne: ….anyway they’re being super careful to make the school safe now so YOU’RE WELCOME. Plot hole fixed.
Me: This book ends with a bunch of Wizard Nazis infiltrating the school, assassinating the headmaster, spray painting a Wizard Swastika in the sky, trashing the place, and just walking out. So yeah, pretty safe. You know what, screw it. The movies are pretty good so I’ve tricked myself into still liking this shit. Hey, if you keep up your writing pace then Harry’s gonna graduate the same year I do! You gonna have the grand finale out in time?
Joanne: I sure am! Here it is, it’s more than worth the wait.
Me: WHOA now this is more like it! The last book was kind of a mess, but this? I love the dystopian setting and the breaking of the formula, and the moral complexity of Dumbledore, and you even managed to do some cool stuff with that Horcrux shit. And ohhh, the schoolgrounds are an actual castle so of course that’s where the final battle takes place, and it’s still fucked up that this is a school but that’s also pretty cool. And here’s the final confrontation, aaaaand…..
Joanne: And? And?
Me: …..what the hell was that ending?
Joanne: Excuse me?
Me: The bad guy dies on a weird wand ownership technicality? Not a whisper about freeing the slaves or undoing any of the other heinous shit the government does and permits? Harry names his son after the greasy incel who blew it with his mom when he shouted slurs at her and never got over it?
Joanne: Severus is a tragic figure who never stopped caring about the woman he loved!
Me: He held on to a creepy obsession with the idea of her while devoting his professional life to tormenting her surviving loved ones.
Joanne: He had to keep up appearances to fool Voldemort.
Me: He tried to poison a sensitive awkward child’s pet in front of his class, just because he could! Well before he was a blip on Voldemort’s radar! You know what, the movies have been doing a pretty good job cleaning up this mess so far, so I guess your job’s done. Oh, one more thing. I still don’t know what the hell was up with that gleam of triumph in Dumbledore’s eye?
Joanne: Oh, that’s a thing to do with his blood and Lily’s protection and the power of love and-
Me: You didn’t have anything planned, got it.
Joanne: Well, I never! I bid you farewell! And by the way, you were wrong! Harry’s scar wasn’t a One Ring! Harry’s SOUL was a One Ring!
Me: …okay, bye 
Me: Say, the movies really did clean up that bullshit. You know, I think the series was pretty good after all.
Me: ……
Me: Well the new God of War was a pleasant surprise-
Me: Uh, what?
Me: Is this a troll account?
Me: Oh no, this is just awful. Please stop tarnishing your weirdly good reputation.
Me: You know, maybe I can do without Harry Potter in my life.
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just-a-guy119 · 1 year
(This was originally posted on #shadamyheadcanons as a submission but for some reason when I submitted it the paragraphs were missing, no idea why that was the case so I’ve decided to resubmit it here to make it much more easier to read)
Convoluted title I know but this one is going to be pretty jumbled up as it’s just an idea I’ve thought off and wanna see if anyone does anything with it.
You know how Amy has the rings similar to Shadows inhibitors, hers are probably weights whilst shadows are inhibitor rings, I’m not sure if this has been mentioned or something but I think this idea could be cool, though it would also deviate from the original story of SA2 quite a bit, let me explain.
My idea is that with Amy’s modern design for SA1 and SA2, her outfit would be the exact same but without the rings on her wrists (maybe replace them with the bands she has on her riders design).
Instead she doesn’t get the rings until the end of SA2 when sonic returns to the ark after him and shadow fought the final hazard. Obviously the story would have to get reworked slightly with Shadow and Amy possibly having a few more scenes together and give Amy her own character arc, she still doesn’t fully believe in herself as she isn’t treated as an equal. (because let’s be honest the early 3D days Amy was ignored and not taken seriously by almost everyone in CD, SA1 and SA2, including Sonic).
One way to make Amy more important to the story of SA2 is to have her get to the ark much quicker so there could be an extra scene or two with her and Shadow. (It doesn’t even have to be shipping stuff but Shadow having flashbacks of Maria through Amy’s words similar to the how Amy helps Shadow remember Maria’s final words in SA2)
A way I think would work best to get Amy on the Space Colony Ark quicker is during prison island, instead of Rouge being trapped fighting the R-1/A Flying Dog she fights Amy instead.
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The way this would occur is that when Amy would free sonic, he would tell her he needs to find that faker and make him pay, then runs off instantly, leaving Amy behind. In the hero story, after the stage metal harbor there would be a cutscene with Amy walking around, saying that she’s lost and she’d get annoyed and say out loud
“I would sacrifice anything for everyone to take me more seriously, even that fake hedgehog”
(Remember this)
(Also this might seem out of character for but at this point she‘s like 13? I’m not sure but she’s angry and this is something someone her age would say. Keep in mind she only sees Shadow as a Sonic copy, thinks he’s a Villain so she doesn’t really care about like, same with her and metal sonic.)
This part would be in the dark story Playthrough.
Then she runs into Rouge, Amy remembers she was with Eggman and fights her, trying to get answers however they both get locked in the room like Rouge did in SA2. The story would continue as normal with shadow showing up and surprisingly, he’d save both of them without hesitation, teleporting to the ark just before prison island blows up.
A scene would take place right after with Amy looking confused and relieved however Rouge instantly begins questioning why he saved them, Shadow says it would’ve been more hassle for him to get the emeralds off Rouge in a few seconds but Rouge counters by saying that’s a fair point but he could’ve just left her behind (pointing to amy) however he actively ran over to her and saved her too. He just walks off saying she talks too much however amy runs grabs his hand and says.
“Thank you”
Shadow just stares back for a second and says “it won’t happen again…” then walks off. (This would purely be a dark story cutscene)
To me this makes more sense as she doesn’t really do much in the story other than help shadow, maybe even have sonic and tails think she died (and in the hero story, actually have the player think she’s dead for most of the story) and have sonic realise that he should’ve treated her much kinder and as an equal and not someone who holds them back. This could even make sonic wanna go after shadow even more as he thinks that him and eggman killed her, to further set up the rivalry his shadow but that part is just me throwing ideas around for a potential SA2 rewrite I’m thinking of doing. This new concept also won’t be a typical “damsel in distress” as it’s flipped on its head since Shadow actually saved her by “kidnapping” her.
Let’s say in this hypothetical rewrite Shadow starts off like the others, he doesn’t take Amy seriously at all similar to everyone else as he’s only known her as “sonic’s fangirl” but Amy begins to learn that there’s something more to shadow, he doesn’t just want to conquer the earth like eggman, he wants revenge on everyone on earth (maybe he’d say something like “they took everything I cared about away from me” when she’d ask him why he’s doing this, I dunno) and she’d grow to understand him.
Through this, shadow would learn to treat Amy as an equal as she says she’s fed up of not being taken seriously by anyone so shadow does just that, he actually begins to listen to her closely. Through shadow treating her as an equal and talking to her, he begins to realise she’s making valid points about how no-one deserves to be killed but he doesn’t falter in his mission however she’s slowly chipping away at Shadows exterior as he acts slightly kinder to both her and Rouge.
Maybe even Rouge could get some development from Amy too with Rouge listening in on one of their convocations and amy says that
“I try to be kind to everyone, even though sonic doesn’t treat me as an equal…I know being kind works because you’ve treated me as an equal because of it…”
This causes Rouge to hold some of the master emerald shards and think…She’s used to being around selfish people so that’s all she knows but being kind…She’s never tried that.
(this could explain why Rouge gives the master emerald pieces to Knuckles after he saves her because she’s learning to be kind as well)
At the end this, all this buildup and the extra scenes would would make it more believable for Shadow to be convinced by Amy and she will also learn a lesson here, correct me if I’m wrong but shadow would be the first person to treat her as an equal. The way shadow would truly treat her as an equal is by actually thanking her, at the risk of sounding too cliché he would tell her.
“Thank you…you’re worth much more than you think, Amy Rose”
This coming from the ultimate life form himself would mean something, at least to Amy.
After that he says
“I need to keep my promise to Maria…and to you” then he runs off.
When Shadow appears to fight the Biolizard, Knuckles would ask why he suddenly changed sides, he could say something like
“That friend of yours, Amy Rose, you should all thank her…”
With sonic responding with a in a guilty tone
“Yeah…I know that now…”
And the same thing would happen, Super Sonic and Super Shadow would fight the Final Hazard and using the chaos emeralds to become super for the first time along with taking off his inhibitor rings would take its toll on shadow and cause him to fall to earth…only leaving his inhibitor rings remaining like in the original story.
The final scene of this version of SA2 would have Sonic returning aboard the ark without Shadow, he has a smile but it looks sad most of them would congratulate Sonic but Rouge would ask where’s Shadow?
Sonic would close his eyes and let out a shaky breath, saying that he couldn’t have won without Shadow…
(I do recommend that this part is best experienced whilst listening to SA2s “the last scene” OST on loop whilst reading this part for extra emotional kicks, trust me it makes a difference. this all is purely emotional but in a good way so you have been warned.)
(Each “ending scene” between the rivals would take place in this order)
Firstly a unique one, amy and rouges reaction to shadow death.
Sonic walks over to Rouge and Amy who are standing at the centre of the room, giving them Shadows inhibitor rings and says
“This is all I could get before I saw him fall to earth…”
He’d give one to both of them and say he’s sorry. Rouge would look away and walk off, holding her tears in however Amy’s eyes widen…like she’s realising something. The blue hedgehog would look at amy and speak.
“I’m sorry…I never took you seriously, even after you’d stop chasing me…I promise to listen to you like I do with Tails, Knuckles and even Eggman…”
He puts a hand on her shoulder to comfort her but she drops shadows ring and she slaps sonics hand away and shakily whispers…
This confuses everyone but this time she shouts...tears streaming from her eyes
“I did this to him…I don’t deserve any of your respect… I sent him to his death, he wanted to help because I begged him too. I killed him”
“I even said I would sacrifice anything for all of you to take me seriously, even him and…it feels like I did! It feels like I sent him to his death just to get you guys to listen to me! It’s all my fault!”
With that she runs off, running past everyone, sonic and tails would try to chase after her however surprisingly Rouge tells them to leave her, that she’ll talk to Amy.
The second “ending” scene would take place and it would be another unique one.
Rouge would find her where the convocation between Shadow and Amy took place about how she knows being kind pays off because shadow begun to treat her as an equal. She’s crying and Rouge walks over to her and just watches, unsure of what to do however Amy wipes her tears and says she can’t be weak…
Rouge nods her head and helps her up however Amy asks Rouge something…
“S-Shadows inhibitor rings… could I have them?”
Rouge at first looks confused but then after smiles and nods her head, giving them to her.
The final scene between Tails and Eggman would play.
Eggman and Tails look ahead at the stars…The fox is unsure on how to feel, they won but it feels like they lost…surprisingly Dr Eggman speaks up in a tone Tails has never heard before.
“As a child, I looked up to my grandfather because of all the great things he accomplished in his life. He was my hero, and I wanted to be a great scientist like him. But... did he really mean to destroy us? To destroy Me?”
Doctor Eggman, the most renowned genius in the world sounds so defeated, even cracking at one point, even after Tails and Sonic have stopped him time and time again, the mad Doctor has always bounced back…but now…he sounds so defeated.
Much to the doctors surprise, Tails speaks up, attempting to comfort him.
“I’m…Im not sure but one thing I know, he was tipped over the Edge, pushed to a limit that no person should ever have to endure, he lost everything and took it out on everyone…he had the right to be mad but he didn’t have the right to destroy everything… I…I don’t know what to say Eg-“
Tails stops himself
“Ivo Robotnik, I’m sorry you had to go through that, I can’t imagine what it must feel like.”
The Doctor looks down and wipes his glasses clean…
“T-Thanks… I’m going to be shutting down the Space Colony Ark in 30 minutes, that’s all the time everyone has up here, then it’s never to be set foot on again”
With that, the Doctor walks off, tails looks back to see Sonic look at Ivo Robotnik. They seem to stare at each other, almost as if they’re having a mutual understanding through their sight alone but the Doctor kneels down and sonic does something unexpected, he surprisingly hugs the Doctor, he can’t hear what they’re saying but Tails figures it’s private…but he could’ve sworn he saw the Doctor wipe his eyes…
The scene between Rouge and Sonic would play after that
Rouge walks over to the blue blur and speaks.
“I calmed Amy down…I don’t know when she’ll feel better, could you and the others…be there for her? Help her get over her grief?”
Sonic looks at the bat and slowly nods…
“I will, I promise. Me, Tails and even Knuckles will help her, or at least try as much as we can… Again I’m sorry about Shadow”
Rouge looks at him and shakes her head.
“You tried your best…in the end that’s all that matters. But do you think…that the doctor only creates him for revenge? Or something more?”
She questions with sonic looking at the planet below.
“I’m not sure…but what in do know is that he was a brave and heroic hedgehog who sacrificed his life to save everyone, that’s who he was.”
Rouge nods her head and walks away.
The scene between Knuckles and Rouge would play.
Rouge is standing, looking out to the coldness of space, uncomfortably with her Arms crossed and biting her lip, trying desperately to hold back her tears, she may not have known shadow for long or as personally as Amy did…but it still doesn’t change anything, right now all she feels is the coldness surrounding her.
“Got any plans”
A gruff but soothing and kind voice asks, Rouge slowly turns around to see the Echidna looking at her with…worry? Surely that can’t be right, the same Echidna who crashed the shuttle the heroes used to get here…
“Y-yeah, I think I’m going to give up this line of work, too much work for too little pay, plus-“
She looks at Knuckles’ reflection in the window
“I’ve got something better than jewels in mind…”
She says with a crack in her voice, she hopes that the Echidna didn’t pick up on it, that’s he’s as dimwitted as everyone thinks he is but obviously he catches on…
“Hey…are you okay?”
“Y-yeah…I’m just looking down below. It’s beautiful, don’t you think?”
She says, desperately trying to steer the conversation away from current events.
Knuckles looks down at earth and grunts…
“It was…but after today…I can’t look at anything the same way again”
He pulls out the master emerald which has shrunken down.
“Heh, Tikal helped me learn to do this, makes it much more easier to carry around, want to hold it? I know you love jewels…”
Rouge looks at him wide eyed…why had he offered to let her hold the master emerald? Surely he’d know she could easily run off with it, Knuckles opens up her hand with his own and gives it to her, letting her hold it.
“I-I think it might make you feel at least a little bit better…”
That’s when it clicks in her head…he’s trying to comfort her, in his own little odd way, he’s trying to comfort her, make her feel better, sadly at the realisation of this, here eyes begin to water up, her vision getting blurry and the facade breaks, she slowly begins to let the tears fall from her eyes…
She drops the master emerald on the floor and cries into knuckles’ shoulder, hugging him as hard as she can, expecting him to push her away or shout at her that she dropped the master emerald but…that’s not what happens, he holds her tightly and tells her.
“Don’t worry…It’s alright to cry, he was your friend”
And finally the scene between sonic and Amy would place but slightly altered.
Here it is…
Planet Earth, such a beautiful and disturbing place, after this day, after what he’s heard and seen happen, he can’t look at it the same way again, what anyone can be capable off if they are pushed enough to the edge…
Sonic looks ahead at Earth, the stars and and feels…guilty…he was there, he saw Shadow fall however he lied to everyone…
After the final chaos control on the Space Colony Ark which retuned it to its normal position in space, no longer heading towards earth, Super Sonic looked around and saw two Rings floating, he picked them up and flew over to where he saw shadow, no longer in his Super form, very slowly moving away from the ark and towards earth.
Suoer Sonic quickly flew over to shadow however what happened…was heartbreaking.
Sonic would’ve been able to catch the ultimate Lifeform, in fact he should’ve but Shadow…Shadow pushed him away, he said that he doesn’t deserve to live after what he’s done, he broke Maria’s promise, hurt so many people and almost killed everyone. Sonic told him that he deserves a second chance to make them happy but Shadow smiled…
“Sonic…it’s funny you know, I think in another time, we could’ve been friends, maybe if things turned out differently we would be…but we’re both running out of energy, my super form has already run out and yours… it’s going to run out anytime now. So this is my final gift to you…goodbye, Sonic The Hedgehog.”
Shadow ended up using his remaining energy to use chaos control on sonic to teleport him back to the Ark, which right after it happened, Sonic’s Super form ran out…
From the observation deck Tails told sonic that Eggman was going to shut down the Space colony ark in 30 minutes which was around 20 minutes ago so the teleporters from earth and the Ark wouldn’t work, Sonic said he’s gonna catch up with tails nodding and walking off, leaving Sonic alone in the observation deck…
“The Ultimate Life form…Shadow The Hedgehog”
Just as he goes to walk away he sees Amy walk over into the observation deck, her eyes are puffed from crying but he can tell she’s trying to be strong, he smiles and walks over to her.
“I’m…Im so sorry Amy…I don’t know how close you got with Shadow, but I couldn’t save him… I appreciate you easing off on the romance but I shouldn’t have just ignored you when you needed my help…”
“I forgive you”
Amy replies with a smile, a sad smile but a smile nonetheless.
“People make mistakes, we’ve seen that today…but we also know that we can change for the better…so here’s to a better tomorrow Sonic.”
Amy extends her arm for a handshake with Sonic smiles and accepts.
“Here’s to a better tomorrow”
However he looks down at her wrist and sees something…new.
“Hey…are those?
Amy looks at her wrist and let’s put another smile, but this time it’s not a sad one…
“Yeah…these were his, I asked Rouge if I could have them, she said yes. Even when Eggman saw me wear them I could’ve sworn I saw a genuine smile from him. I think they look great but I also want to remember him like I remember you.
As a hero, someone I admire and want to be like.”
Sonic closes his eyes smiles.
“Me and you both Amy…me and you both”
Amy asks if he’s ready to leave and sonic Smiles.
“Yeah, let’s go back to the planet as cool and blue as me…”
They leave the room and the lights turn off but sonic looks back one last time.
“Sayonara…Shadow The Hedgehog”
The End…
Author’s notes:
(you can skip if you want cuz this is long enough already but it gives additional context to some scenes. There are also some other submissions I’ve written noted here to)
If you haven’t noticed I have written some submissions here before as (I think?) an anonymous user but finally made an account, specifically for this blog.
Most notably
Submission #59: A take on Shadamy
I’m 60-40 on this, it’s not written the best but I think my concept of their relationship is good enough
Submission #68: Yet another take on Shadamy
Not particularly proud of this one I can’t lie, the concept is decent but I didn’t proof-read it so it’s it’s sloppily written, I might either make a part 2 as a submission or just rewrite it and make it a complete story, though there was that one person who enjoy commented that they enjoyed it, I’m glad they did
Submission #74: Yet another Shadamy Scene Rewrite
I think it’s my best Shadamy piece I’ve done, it’s a very simple SA2 (can you tell it’s my favourite sonic story/game yet?)scene rewrite based on shadow and Amy’s first encounter on prison island.
Though I kinda wish I called the title of my first submission “yet a take on Shadamy” to fit in line with my “yet _____ Shadamy _____”
I wanted those final scenes to pull at the heart strings, sure it’s possibly too emotional for a Sonic story but I really don’t care, all of those scenes were based on experiences in my life so I tried to write the characters as “realistic” as I possibly could. I even snuck in some Knuxouge because I think it’s the only sonic ship that should be canon in the games, it makes the most sense to me. I also really hope I didn’t come off as bashing Sonic, that really wasn’t my intention, I really like Sonic as a character but I think this was the most realistic character development I could’ve given him. Rouge was definitely more emotional here but I think that makes sense, I didn’t even think of knuckles consoling her until a bit after so I promise it wasn’t just for a knuxouge moment. I couldn’t really do much with Tails, best I could do is have him sympathise with Eggman and referring to him as “Ivo Robotnik” was my was of showing that tails truly cared about Eggman in that moment. Also Sonic hugging Eggman might be slightly out of character but everyone is at their emotional limit here, including Eggman himself was hurt here, he found out the man he admired, his grandfather didn’t just not care about him but was willing to kill him, if felt personal to him and sonic saw that…
What I tried to do was not to create a Shadamy story (even though it certainly comes across as such because even though I love Shadamy, I don’t want any relationships in any main sonic games, hint at them sure but not proper relationships). Instead I tried to create a story with the basis of Sonic adventure 2 (my favourite sonic story) and improve certain aspects.
It just so happened that in my eyes, giving Amy a proper role would do exactly that and filling in details such as making it even more believable that Shadow would turn good at the end, giving a proper character arc to Amy and improving on Rouge’s and giving Sonic a character Arc with both realising that people can change for the better because knuckles wasn’t evil in 3&K, he was tricked. Sonic would also learn to take Amy more seriously.
Side note but I’ve always head people say that sonic has always been a flat character however I disagree, I think that became the case after SA2 because in that game, he learned that not everyone is purely good or bad, he learned that people will do bad things for good reasons and good things for bad reasons.
Another detail this adds is making it way more believable for Sonic to go back to Eggman when he takes Amy hostage because in SA2, sonic and tails just leave amy wondering around, both creating a liability and ignoring their friend however up to this point (in the hero story), Sonic, Tails and eventually Knuckles thought Amy had died on Prison Island but hearing her alive and being taken hostage would make it a good twist from a story standpoint along with making it WAY more believable that Sonic would rush back to Eggman. (even though tails was there).
Of course I had to add a scene between sonic and shadow, making it make more sense as to why shadow fell to earth and sonic couldn’t save him, I wanted to add shadow saying that they could’ve been friends in another time because that WAS true at one point, in heroes and 06 they respected each other and were friends with a slightly rivalry. In shadow the hedgehog, minus all the “evil” paths (which I don’t seem as canon) shadow and sonic are usually on good terms. Only in Boom is where there was an active distaste between the two.
Anyway that’s enough of me rambling. I originally wasn’t going to write some scenes and just skim through them like I have done with others but the ones near the end were too important for me to just simply skip. I’ve been writing this for about close to 3 hours now on my phone and I still have a few things to say but I’m satisfied with what I’ve written for now.
I’m going to be honest but this is the most emotional piece of work I’ve ever written, (coming from a guy who doesn’t think these characters beyond a few should be all “lovey-dovey” but speak through their actions and what they’re willing so do to make friend/partner happy) like I did with knuckles here.
Anyway I’m not going to link my AO3 here because my work isn’t nearly as emotional, it doesn’t have much shadamy and I also don’t wanna self promote here as well but if I write a SA2 rewrite with this concept, if I’m allowed to link it I will however it won’t be for a while as uni is killing me.
I hope you all enjoyed me rambling, I apologise for it being so damn long but I just has WAY too much to say and just ended up writing another part of a fanfic. Leave your thoughts below and owner of the blog (is that what I call you? Idk) keep up the great work.
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022 Halloween Special)
Well, that's the end of the Thirteenth Doctor. Does anyone else feel like she still never quite hit her stride?
Dan ended up being one of the most useless companions in Doctor Who history! I found him so charming and interesting to start, he had so much potential, but pretty much all his adventuring with the Doctor happened offscreen. We never got to establish a relationship between him and the Doctor properly.
And that's just generally true of so much of this Doctor's run. I loved the stuff with her and Yaz. There was a brief spark of something great with the Fam, there for a while. It sure was great to see Graham. But in terms of who this Doctor is, and what her specific vibe is, I don't think I ever really clicked in with it. It's not the acting, I think that was pretty damn solid across the board. It just felt like someone was holding these seasons back from reaching their full potential.
The plot got a little too messy and convoluted, and I'm going to praise the frantic energy in the "pros" section in a second, but honestly between the Master and the Daleks and the Cybermen and the cameos, I was getting a little dizzy with all the different stimuli, and I'm not sure I had a chance to properly appreciate much of what was happening on my screen.
After all that from Yaz and the Doctor, they couldn't even give us a goodbye kiss? Come on. They created a whole convoluted scenario so we could see 10 and Rose share a kiss, and Yaz and 13 can't even have a little goodbye peck on the lips? Sigh. That's a big disappointment.
I did like the chaos, as I said. We started off strong with a space train and a Cyberman fight, we had plenty of crazy and wacky set pieces, with volcanoes exploding and Cybermen shooting themselves through a holograph of a future-Doctor, and a gang of companions around the console of the TARDIS... there was a lot of iconic imagery here, and even when I wasn't 100% clear on what the heck was happening in the plot, I honestly didn't care all that much, because I was still caught up in the energy.
Tegan and Ace are pretty great! I have no familiarity with Classic!Who at all, but these two had so much fun energy, and their chemistry with the Doctor was undeniable. We got some cute energy with our current regeneration, but also brief moments where they got to talk to their Doctors. Honestly, I felt more energy between those older Doctors reuniting with their companions than I ever got between this Doctor and, for example, Dan.
The Master's plot, and his desire to literally become the Doctor, makes no real sense whatsoever, but I will say that performance-wise I loved watching the Master be utterly deranged, and I did like the psychological aspect of the Master's obsession with the Doctor being... envy of her. Wanting to be her literally, because there's nothing else big enough to encompass his dissatisfaction and longing.
Also it was fun to see Vinder, but mostly because I've fallen extra in love with Jacob Anderson since the last time I watched this show and saw that character. He's a bad-ass. Best moment was the Master thinking that any friend of the Doctor's wouldn't shoot a gun at someone, and Vinder being like "BITCH you thought." That was pretty great.
WHY didn't Yaz and the Doctor share a kiss when they were sitting out on top of the TARDIS? Cowards. I'm just saying. But setting that aside, I loved how much their bond got to have a final spotlight. Even as the Doctor lists all the companions who traveled with her during this regeneration, it's Yaz who got to be with her last, before she goes off alone to meet whatever comes next.
And then the wonderful idea that Graham came up with, to create a support group for former companions! All of them sitting around and chuckling about the crazy adventures they've been on. I absolutely adore that idea and hope somehow we can check in with this group at some point in the future.
And then the regeneration itself! Honestly I'm going to reserve judgment about David Tennant. Obviously I love him, and it'll be fun to see him, but at the same time this feels like it's banking on nostalgia to a comedically absurd degree. Instead of judging those last twenty seconds, I'll judge Jodie Whittaker on her breathtaking mixture of sadness and joy in those last few seconds. She did a beautiful job with a role that suffered many years of extremely subpar writing for the show. I wish we'd done more justice to her time as the Doctor, but I'm glad we got to hang out with her for a while all the same.
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applepi00 · 2 years
Y’all. I’ve been writing Phantoms for like four years at this point and there really never has been an actual plot has there? It’s all been character study through whatever convoluted unreality lens I decided to do it through.
Which is to say that even if it’s four years of character pieces it’s finally getting done, I think the boys are finally going to be hitting a point of being able to effectively communicate as well as get a grip on their own traumas.
It’s been very fun with the recent instalments being able to incorporate the light novels a bit more, because obviously when I started the series there were a lot fewer novels and I had been an anime only fan at that point (you can note that, in phantoms and other older stuff Chuuya has blue eyes, in some of my more recent stuff he has grey, as an example of me becoming a manga-primary fan lol).
There’s a lot of stuff in Phantoms that I don’t really vibe with as much as I did, like the implications of Mori don’t sit as well with me now, like I don’t think he was a good dad but I think there’s definitely more fun to be had than just having him as extra creepy, but I wrote it in years ago so I may as well commit for this last bit. He’ll be a bit more canon-typical in Tattoo.
Likewise I’m not as fond now of the stress put on in the early instalments of Dazai leaving the Mafia, like granted we didn’t have Chuuya backstory at the time but if I wrote it now I probably wouldn’t have put such a point to it, hence why it’s being lightly retconned now in Perfect Disaster as kinda the loss that stacks y’know, like it’s a culmination thing, between the Sheep, the Flags, the unnamed squads of subordinates, Dazai defecting, WYWH’s dream Dazai’s death, and then real Dazai’s abduction, it’s sort of a culmination of loss and grief that’s raining down now and I think that’s a much more interesting and maybe more nuanced way to do this. Anyway. Hi I’m Emi and I ramble and if you had any fun with this ramble or are at all interested and haven’t read it yet, you can find Phantoms here.
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hislittleraincloud · 1 month
I have deleted the "Teaser" chapter from Satisfying Afterburn, since it really doesn't tell much of anything now (you can see and hear the teaser here in my pinned post anyway) and because I might need the extra chapter.
It has always been my intention for Satisfying Afterburn to have 13 chapters. Right now working on 8.1, 8.2. ...and a possible 8.3 🫠✨
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I can't believe I've been working on this for over a year. Christ. I haven't even put this much time into some of my screenplays. It barely took me what...a few months to crap out Cardinal Pleasures? But then again, the storyline for that wasn't as convoluted as this monstrosity.
Afterburn was first published on my birthday (end of this month). So... I dunno if I'll get 8 out on my birthday or what, but I do hope to at least get 8.1 then. But I want to have all parts written and ready to publish before I publish, like how I did it with UVC.
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I never published this one bc I ended up using the sexier one, plus the Easter Special was Wenovan-based. I have hundreds...hundreds...of Jairo generations. 💀
I will likely publish another Miller's Girl fic/the fluffy In Three Bites (working title) before then. Stop looking at me like that. Jairo is easier (and more pleasant) for me to write. I hate it. I love it. I hate to love it and love to hate it. I have the same relationship to Jairo that I have with the unwanted muse. 🫥
Doing the audio work with Donovan's voice/song helped a lot to get my motivation up. I was going to use it for 8, but the ficwives put their ideas in my head and now I can't unsee them too, so...it'll probably be saved, just as I saved the Big Twist that will be revealed in 8.2 (a secret I been sitting on all of this time). But when I listen to the piece I just melt into ABW's black and loving heart towards him and...ooo, iss so cute. It makes ABW want to just wrap herself around him and never let him go. But only after Tyler is subdued.
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I never published this one either. I have a bunch of others like this, with a grumpy Little Wednesday in them. I just have a shit ton of AI generated stuff for all of my stories.
I'm still working on the poll question post too, but that's not a priority rn. Wenovan/Afterburn is, and deciding on a potential 3rd part for this has lifted some weight off bc there's still a bit of story in here and I don't want to feel like I'm cramming it into two crowded chapters. I'm still unsure if that's how it will be (and changes my header needs a little), but the space is there if I need it.
That's where things are rn. Plus there's that bullshit with the broken image links. If anyone has an idea of where I can host my shit without the links being broken af, lemme know.
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tehamelie · 6 months
So I don't know where I got half of the stuff in this dream from or where I got the mental energy to make it up (I've been pretty exhausted with depression for the last month or so) or why Kill Six Billion Demons - it's a great comic, but not one of the three comics I'm currently rereading or giving a lot of thought. But still:
Me and about five or eight people from my high school class (I graduated 24 years ago, I don't always remember the distinction between the various people) were locked up in a room in a big house in a small town by Jagganoth, the Red God. I guess we had insulted him or been prophesied to fight him or something. Three of my mates were chained up, I guess because they were extra guilty.
Now, somehow some guard was taunting us by unlocking another prisoner's chains in front of us, I don't remember exactly, but it was very ironic when I was able to use the same gold key to free my classmates and unlock the door to the room. So we all took our bags and instruments (I had a long unwieldy string instrument of some kind in a crappy case without handles or locks) (I do not play any musical instrument, although up to about sixth grade the school tried to teach us to play recorder), and ran away. There was some incredibly dangerous shuffling on a ledge on a building wall several floors off the ground involved, where I had to go first and had to do it with my big, flat instrument case in a feeble grip between my side and upper arm.
Somehow it was a very difficult decision to prepare myself to drop the instrument if I had to rather than fall and die, but I made it across anyway and was jealous of everyone else who had cases with handles and that stayed closed. But anyway we got all the way back to our cars and were ready to get back to the school trip and then everyone decided we had to try and loot Jagganoth's house of everything we could load in the cars.
Possibly they were thinking more of trying to find a weapon to fight him but I surely don't have to tell you, dear reader, that would be an equally bad idea. Dude's literally invincible, and it's not like we had a way to locate Allison's resistance to help out even if we should manage to locate some piece of magical destiny loot and identify it if it did exist. I think I protesteth too much, but this was pretty much my thought process at the time.
And of course he spotted us walking into the front door of the house. Jagganoth here was using some sort of avatar form that was blue and only like three meters tall and walking around everywhere, it was ridiculously lucky that we managed to sneak out in the first place, I should have mentioned that.
But we split up and he couldn't catch everyone. Or at least he didn't catch me. I was able to shadow him and stay hidden in the many nooks and alleys between the many little wooden houses, though I kept almost letting him see me leaning around corners to watch him for no reason. At least I managed to look busy when he walked right past me standing in a narrow alleyway, but he still recognized me and turned back after going three steps.
In a movie it would have been a funny-scary moment. But at this point I was too angry to be scared. I had a whole speech forming in my head about how he doesn't get to be right just because he's tougher and stronger than everyone, and I tried to say something along the lines of you can kill me any time you want if you are scared of having one honest conversation. While he kept pretending to hit me and making me flinch, going "oh yeah? What did you want to say?"
Still, I knew I got to him. Bullies can't start thinking about how fear and violence is all they have cause they know it doesn't hold up against having actual arguments that can defend your actions. Okay, in my dream I clearly didn't remember the convoluted and ambiguous arguments he does have for why killing every living thing in the multiverse is just and necessary, this wasn't super clever of me. Just the usual things I dream of saying to bullies.
I should also mention this person appeared drawn in Abaddon's style. It seemed to make sense in some kind of otherworldly creature way.
Anyway Jaggy gave me some spark of power cause what else can the bully do but give you a chance to prove you'd be a bully too if you had the opportunity.
Now, as I feared, trying to write all this down has taken enough mental effort that I've forgotten the weirdly coherent way the dream held together as a narrative with more plots and intricacies than I can usually keep track of when awake. There was a timeskip. A soccer field filled up with courtiers to the god. I had to desperately figure out how to use my new superhuman strength to jump between buildings. That was the intriguing part, it was almost like flying, but a kind of flying I had to work for more than I have in any dream I can remember. Just barely making my jumps, usually having to pull myself up from the ledge by my hands, and knowing each time I could only make it by fighting the fear of failing and going for it, which made me super self conscious of how scared I was. . .
Unfortunately, I was so scared I woke up.
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loiswolf · 1 year
Day 23 June 21 Rycroft - Falher 103kms
You say the name of this place a bit like flair…with a quick A between the f and l.
Another perfect day to cycle! There was no-one to help me to get Shirley and all my stuff downstairs so I did it in three trips. I know this place doesn’t look great from the outside
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But I really enjoyed staying there. The room was huge and even had a lounge which felt a lot like my lounge at home. So nice!
It was a really easy day’s cycling. After 10kms there was a bit of a hill but otherwise the morning kms were very quick. After only 21kms there was a small town to the left called Wanham. There was plenty of time to spare today so I decided to ride down and take a look. This very intriguing shop was irresistible.
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I went in and asked the man if I could get a cup of coffee. Sure! He put the coffee machine on and I answered his and his friend’s questions. I paid for the coffee with some loose change ( not much) and sat outside to drink it with my last muesli bar. ( really glad they’re all gone). Eventually I managed to move on passing this interesting looking museum on the way out.
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A tail wind and flat road made for speedy kilometres. There was unending farmland to both sides.
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I just had to take a photo of this lovely “house” for my sister. ( he he)
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Google maps always gives a convoluted bike route if you put in the bike option. It takes you on all dirt roads, extra hills and a lot more kilometres. I don’t know why! The highway is a dream to cycle. The shoulder is wide and smooth and mostly free of debris. The traffic is light, mostly fuel tankers, who make a point of giving me a wide berth even when I’ve moved to the far side of the shoulder. I kind of wish they wouldn’t because I miss out on the fantastic pull you get when they come close.
At around 55km there was another little cafe/shop. Oh well, why not? This time I enjoyed one of those amazing cinnamon buns from yesterday with my coffee, sitting outside on the conveniently placed chair.
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These breaks weren’t getting me to Falher so I forced myself to move on again. I knew that there was going to be a big drop down to a bridge over a river, then a big climb uphill on the other side. Yep! At about 70kms it appeared.
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The river was called Smokey River but it should have been called Mud River. I didn’t take a photo because it was just dark brown nasty looking water flowing under the bridge Nothing like the gorgeous crystal clear water before Toad River.
I really didn’t mind the long slow climb up the other side but I was glad I’d taken my long sleeves off. It was very warm cycling up that hill.
Only about 25kms from there. A lady driving a truck pulled up beside me at one point to tell me I was awesome! She had seen me back near the border yesterday and was obviously impressed with my progress. She asked if I needed anything as she lived nearby but I told her I was good and she drove off.
The turnoff to Falher was on the left then it was a couple of kms into town. I booked a room at the hotel last night when finally my phone worked. I actually called a number for somewhere else but somehow I ended up here. It’s cheap but it’s not great. Probably a typical pub room.
I’ve made sure I’m somewhere nice tomorrow and it’s going to be a shorter day…..not that I need short, today was easy!
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Raven Cycle Characters as Things my Friends and I have Said because I have a Backlog of Quotes and enjoy Assigning them to my Little Guys: Mr. Grey Edition (not exclusively)
"I choose armor based on aesthetics rather than benefit" - Blue in reference to her very fashionable collection of pastel knives (she gets more, she is worse than a boy scout about hoarding knives. Which says a lot. I know scouts with upwards of 23 knives…) "Where the fuck is that [psychopomp]!?" - Ronan when he can’t find Opal "[He was] a moron" - [Declan] about his dead [dad]  "The pure idiot" - Adam about literally anyone, there are so many people this could apply to "Combining Spirit Naga powers with orb powers" - Ronan and Adam literally binding their souls together, or whatever fuckery they did. It went over my head not going to lie* "Possessed land" - Gansey about Monmouth after learning the truth about Noah "Fuck around until we get more information" - Gansey "I never said I was literate" - Ronan refusing to do his schoolwork "Who can I get to clean up this shit [literal]?" - Declan scrolling through the contacts on his ‘work’ phone "He's going to be pissed about this shit, no pun intended" - Ronan after fucking something up, probably on purpose to piss off Declan "'Hey [Ronan]...is there room for two in there?' [Henry] 'No' ([Ronan cozied up in a blanket] without hesitation)"  "[Adam] has never done everything wrong" - Gansey** "It's just self-defense with extra steps!" - Blue "[Gansey] uses confusion" - This was about me, and I have to imagine Gansey also just says stuff that is incoherent to anyone but himself or starts a conversation in the center and neglects to give context. So he’s just like me frfr  "Consume grain" - Blue eating the healthiest out of all those motherfuckers. That’s a feat since we’ve seen the state of cooking in her house…then again someone let two rich kid teenage boys live on their own so who’s fault is it really? "Shoot a dagger" - Mr. Grey is doing crimes the convoluted way*** "That is a big, bad thing" - Henry about the literal demon "The rat is most dangerous when cornered" - about Adam "Lightweight bay-bee" - Henry about Gansey**** "Stabs successful" - Mr. Grey "Hit twice, attacked thrice" - Mr. Grey reviewing his fight with Declan "Woe be upon you, surprise appendix removal" - Mr. Grey is having a busy day "On a scale of 1 to...53, I'm looking like a...17" - Henry looking in the mirror the day he runs out of hairspray "You broke it you fuck" - Ronan at Opal or Chainsaw "You could use your smith's tools, you fool" - Adam fixing easy car problems that the owners could do themselves "If he's going to be vulnerable he shouldn't be wearing clown make-up" - about Henry "'How buff does [Adam] look?' [Ronan] 'He doesn't'"***** "I don't like when he says things" - Gansey about K "5 [dollars]? In this economy!?" - Adam "Turtles can have...turtles can have a little ancient artifact as a treat" - Ronan pampering his animals
*Our DM is really making us ponder orbs over here **Look, I love Adam as much as the next person, but Gansey really needs to stop putting his friends on a pedestal ***I retain that our DM should let us shoot daggers with bows. I will get a dagger and go to an archery range to prove my point if I have to (this is in reference to the fact that he let a player say he could load his revolver "one-handed" after said player sent him a video of him loading a revolver with his foot. Please don't ask where I find these people) ****Gansey will nurse one glass of champagne for an entire night and still have a hangover, my headcanon *****He's one of those people who have surprise muscles
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jmrothwell · 1 year
conspiracy theories you say?? please share!! i’m so new here i’m confused and intrigued
Hi Anon!
It's really not the most convoluted of theories and quite frankly I am sure I haven't been the only one thinking it or saying it.
Ever since I discovered JatP last year I 1000% believe Netflix wanted it to fail and tried to bury it. I have no solid proof of this (had? if we say the Kenny Netflix news of last night is some level of proof? which I honestly don't know)
Like I never heard of it. It's a kids show, sure, but like I HAVE a kid and the last few years they have pretty much dominated the netflix viewing. They watch stuff like Disney(when Netflix still had it), MLP, and general wholesome fantasy and musical stuff a lot. No one in my family even HEARD of JatP until I stumbled on it, looking for Glee of all things. Even my Sister and Brother with their OWN kids with similar musical, magic, disney channel esque viewing patterns never heard of this show until I told them about it. (This all happened during my tumblr hiatus otherwise that would probably be how I learned about it)
Then after binging it and doing the math and seeing it was given like a grand total of like 4.5 hours for its first season I got really extra pissed. Like I don't know whose decision that was but like WTF!? (This might just a be streaming thing but I am TIRED of shows being given like NO time to develop like shows should be able to.)
And then the real like WTF of it all is JatP is consistently left out of my Watch Again reccomendations. Shows I have binged/watched more often than JatP show up. Movies and shows I started years ago and never finished show up. Shows/movies I watched a week ago and shows/movies I watched years ago show up. JatP, I consitently have to search for because it doesn't show up.
I actually told my wife all this like last week and the first question out of her mouth was something along the lines of "Was it a show not led by a cis white guy?" which really only added fuel to my paranoia filled brain.
Part of me wants to reason and logic there are other explanations but then I just see other people mourning the other shows netflix has cancelled and my wifes question just keeps replaying in my brain.
Netflix keeps claiming its low viewership but HOW THE HELL could I have added to the viewing numbers if I never heard of the show in the first place? If you NETFLIX never reccomended it to me in the first place.
Netflix keeps making shows to seem diverse but more and more it just comes across as pandering to me.
Strangely the thing that really made me go Netflix is full of shit and doesnt care was what happened in S4 of Stranger things(spoiler warning just in case) but like they killed Chrissy(I think thats her name I haven't actually watched S4) and got all remorseful. "Oh we regret killing her." " Oh the chemistry" blah blah blah because they then went and killed the character that any of that applied to! Which just made all that remorse come across as performative and pandering.
Which is exactly what they are doing with so many of these other shows they keep canceling. "Look at our representation" "Look at our wide variety of entertainment"
...."Ope no one is watching better pull the plug quick"
And I KNOW regular TV used to do similar stuff to regular TV shows but like....it doesn't make it better. Older TV shows also got like pilot episodes to gauge initial interest. They got weekly rating reports that helped those involved gauge what their future looks like. There were patterns that could tell you where your show stood(Thursday lineup was a BIG deal)
Sure there are shows that just got randomly canceled mid season (firefly being one of them) but that doesn't make it FEEL any better or any less like pandering.(also if I remember correctly a lot of those shows got shafted by their networks as well)
Sorry....I went on a rant there. . .but yeah basically in the back of my mind I just think Netflix WANTS certain shows to fail but they do it in a way where they can still claim they are pushing to be full of representation and thats basically the conspiracy theory
And I feel like I need to end with I KNOW it is all circumstantial evidence based on my own experience and perceptions. I know I have no empircal data to back this up. Thats why I call it a conspiracy theory and strong opinion.
if you made it to the end of my rant have a cookie, 🍪 and I hope you have a good day.
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echodrops · 6 years
Look, don’t get me wrong at all, I am so excited for actual LGBT representation in Voltron and I’m so glad that they chose a beloved character like Shiro to be that representation--I am absolutely not ungrateful and you will never catch me whining that it wasn’t any of the other characters such as Lance. This is a great thing! Absolutely!
But I’m still a literary critic at heart. And I still can’t turn off the part of my brain that goes “Who is writing this stuff???”
Because like, getting representation is great, but well-plotted representation would have been... you know... even better?
I’m not going to comment at all about the building of Shiro and Adam’s relationship; I haven’t seen the whole SDCC episode and I don’t know what other flashbacks they have planned for season 7/8. Maybe it will unfold on-screen in such a charming, convincing, and well-written way that we will all be writing home to tell our parents how beautiful their relationship was. I’m not especially hopeful, but I can withhold judgment.
What bugs me, what really irritates me as a writer, is the lack of foreshadowing. The second thing that went through my head after getting hit with all the spoilers was “Did this show really need another new character?” In a show that can’t even handle the number of characters it currently has, the idea that there will be time to sufficiently flesh out YET ANOTHER background character enough to make me deeply care about them is just... not heartening. We have so many characters already who aren’t getting the screen time and attention they deserve, and now I’m supposed to find room in my heart and attention span for another? Yet another character who will exist in the spotlight for the one or two episodes he’s necessary for and then will be relegated to the background forever--if we ever even see him again outside of flashbacks?
There just isn’t time in this series for new people so close to the end. Hell, there wasn’t time for new people after about the end of season two! When I think of all the characters who were introduced and then criminally underused by the writers, the exhaustion I feel at the thought of having to weigh whether or not I should tentatively extend my investment into yet another character is crippling.
I’m just worn down, man. I don’t want another character. I don’t want another person paraded on screen to do his touching flashback scenes and then shuttled off to the corner to make room for big explosions and pretty space set pieces.
It didn’t have to be like this, and that’s what bugs me. If there had been any amount of reasonable foreshadowing for this character, the audience would have been clued in in advance, and we could have braced ourselves for another person coming in now, in the final arc. We could have been building anticipation to meet this character all the way up to this moment, so that by the time he arrived, we'd have been chomping at the bit to finally see him. The groundwork for an emotional connection between this character and the audience could have been laid out so far in advance that his finally appearing would have been like a bomb going off in the crowd...
And it wouldn’t have even been hard? Tiny throwaway moments could have done this--have Shiro mention Adam in any of his Champion/captured by the Galra flashbacks. Have Shiro mention someone back home when they were all visualizing the things they missed from Earth in season one. Have Kuron reminisce about Adam as he was flashing back while escaping from the clone facility. Have Kuron ask Sam to take a message to Adam on his way back to Earth. Have Kuron name his Monsters and Mana character Adam instead because of how much his ex still means to him or something.
Like... anything? Even a single mention of the name before now?
I’m supposed to believe that Shiro was almost married to this guy, had a tragic break-up right before leaving on a mission that his boyfriend explicitly warned him against going on because it might claim his life, and apparently still thinks of this guy fondly... BUT only when it’s plot convenient to do so???
Writers. PLEASE. Throw your audience a bone! We WANT to be emotionally invested in your characters. Why won’t you give us the means to do that?
I know some people might say “Dreamworks wasn’t settled on giving representation until late in the game”--but that doesn’t mean that Adam couldn’t have at least EXISTED before now. They could have passed him off as just Shiro’s best friend, his flight partner whom he was ride or die with thanks to being Garrison partners with so long... No one would have batted an eyelash at the idea that Shiro had--god forbid--A GOOD FRIEND back home.
This character could have been foreshadowed to build expectation and make the audience feel connected to him before his appearance, which would have more smoothly integrated him into the story and made for a significantly higher emotional impact upon revealing his relationship to Shiro. But like so many other things in this show, that degree of planning just wasn’t present.
And of course, this just leaves aside the whole other point that introducing a brand new character to be Shiro’s boyfriend is actually MORE complicated than at least one alternative they could have chosen. Because I mean, hello? MATT IS RIGHT THERE. BEING CRIMINALLY UNDERUSED.
It would have been significantly easier, plot-wise, to give Adam’s role to Matt, who has been part of the plot since episode 1, was at least briefly implied to have good rapport with Shiro in season 1, whom Shiro is shown on-screen risking his life for, and who came crashing back in in season 4 to ascend to a fan favorite by virtue of a) being a great big bro in flashbacks, b) being hilarious and c) having taken a level in badass, creating a--at least by Voltron standards--fairly well-rounded and very interesting character that the fans were clamoring to see more of.
And then... the writers just dropped the ball on him completely, like they had no idea why he was even in the show in the first place. Is he even there with Team Voltron when they’re all shown going back to Earth? WHERE IS MATT?
Why did they bring him back into the plot, make him cool and funny, tease us with the idea of him being an awesome support for the Green Lion, and then let that all completely fizzle out?
If they really had nothing else exciting for him to do in the plot, they could have at least kept him relevant to the story by making him Shiro’s romance arc. That would have been a two birds with one stone situation where we both get the long-awaited LGBT representation and get to keep a cool character like Matt involved in main events instead of painfully shunted off to the side.
I’m getting a headache just thinking about the thought process behind Matt’s story line. Like which writer invested enough time to make this character that lovable to the audience and then agreed to just let him disappear?
And if, again, it was a matter of not having approval for the representation until season 7, why not just make it so that Matt was suspicious of Kuron and kept his distance from day 1? Then we get a situation in which Kuron being a different person than Shiro would have at least had an impact on the plot, Matt would have looked super in love with Shiro by virtue of being able to tell something was wrong with him without the writers having to do any real work, they could have had a real reunion at the beginning of season 7, and Matt could have helped to build a new arm for Shiro as a touching, symbolic way of repaying him for sacrificing himself to the Galra arena to save Matt in season 1...
I’m so tired, my dudes. 
Yes, yes, you’re welcome to tell me I’m just unpleasable and nit-picking, but I’m not trying to trash on this show because I’m irrationally throwing shade, personally hate the creators, or some bullshit about Klance isn’t canon king--I’m just the kind of person who really, really appreciates good writing, and yes, secretly, I get really, really salty when I see people getting paid to make bad writing choices.
I love that we got LGBT representation in Voltron! But I hate that, like almost every other notable plot point in this show, it--so far!--appears to have been done without any attention to building up strong audience expectations in advance and more carefully investing in character development over time.
And seriously, if it turns out that Shiro and Adam don’t even ever reunite, and all we get of their story is Lauren’s off-screen comments about their “beautiful relationship,” I will not be surprised be so done with this nonsense.
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imaeraser · 3 years
I really love your headcannons about Strawhats with Teen reader, that's why...
If you don't mind - Can I ask for Platonic Strawhats with Female! Teen reader that tend to be the quietest in the crew because of her shyness?
I also had and the next idea after this one- but I don't want to overwhelm you with it. Take care of yourself!
Have a nice day!
Sorry for the wait, here you go!
He was intrigued by you
That’s why he forced you onto his ship. And then he realized that instead of having a convoluted backstory, you were shy
And quite honestly it was refreshing
Even though he likes being around Chopper and Usopp and be loud as heck, he likes spending time with you
You balance him out
And even though you’re not an adult, he’ll go to you for advice. This makes the rest of the crew confused (and low-key mad) because he doesn't want their advice
But most of the time he doesn’t take your advice anyways
I think that you two are close, seeing as he is endlessly extroverted and will break through your walls no matter how hard you try
Most of the time he leaves you to your own devices, but he will drag you to large parties and make you feel as welcome as possible
He does the same on the ship, but that was never a problem anyways because everyone likes you
Feels the need to protect you, not only because you’re a member of the crew, but also because you’re the youngest
10/10 I can see him giving you some of his food (only some)
Ultimate big brother vibes
Likes to go to you for a quiet space because the ship can be loud
So he spends a lot of time with you… sleeping
He also half-asks questions to fill up the space and gets to know you pretty well
He also feels a need to protect you since he sees you as kinda weak (but almost everyone is weaker compared to him)
He will also feel the need to shield you from the craziness of the ship
Like sir, it’s nice that you care, but they can take care of themselves too you know?
Doesn't incorporate you into the crew since… he’s mostly sleeping. But he would try, and he would fail because they already like you
Cue him being shocked that he wasn’t your only friend on board, but to be fair he is sleeping most of the time and not watching you
He likes the calmness you bring to the ship, good for his meditation sessions (but I don't think you want to just sit there why he meditates)
I can see you having fun with him and Chopper, maybe play a board game
8/10 calm down sir, they can take care of themselves
She’s like the cool and fun older sister
She likes to dress you up in her old clothes, and then gush about how cute you look (no, not her super tiny bikinis)
She takes it onto herself to guide you through… whatever I guess
Also feels the need to protect you from dudes
I think that she gives good advice, but when combined with Robin the two of them give life-altering wisdom
You can go to her for anything from how to sew to how to manipulate people
Always gives you juice when the crew starts drinking
If the ship starts to get too rowdy she will shout at everyone to keep it down, and then turn to smile at you as if her actions were for you
She will share her tangerines with you
I think that she wants to protect you, but is frustrated at the fact that she can’t be as strong as the Monster trio (but everything works out in the end)
If you borrow money from her, she will reduce the interest (only by a little)
9/10 only downside is the interest (if you ever borrow money)
He was high-key suspicious of you
To be fair he is suspicious of anyone and everything, and seeing as you were quiet he was on the edge
But after you saved his life, he gets all buddy-buddy (really Usopp? You got saved by a teenager)
I think the two of you would get to know each other when he’s working on a new invention, and you guys are having idle chatter
Now he tried to act like a cool older brother. Always ready to swoop in and talk about his “accomplishments”
He will do just about anything to make you laugh
I can see some crazy (but fun) times with him, Chopper, and Luffy
He would give bad advice, but occasionally he does have some piece of wisdom
He would try to protect you, but… yeah
He ends up feeling bad, and incompetent. But tell him that he was amazing or something and he’ll be fine
I think he would get frustrated when you beat him at a game of cards
10/10 he is just so fun to be around
Also acts like an older brother
He tries to protect you from guys, saying that they’re all dogs (but then you point out that he’s a guy)
This also means he tries to limit your time around Zoro, saying that he’s a bad influence
Then the two start to fight and right as they pull you into it, Nami hits both of them and carries you off to eat or something
Gives you more food because you’re still growing
He is a surprisingly good listener and when he chimes in his advice are always good
And like all of the crew, he will try to protect you from danger (ma’am you are still a teen, why are you on this ship? Oh wait, Luffy…)
I said he acts like your older brother, but he also acts like a proud dad sometimes
Like sir, why are you crying? All they did was perform twinkle twinkle little star on the piano (Brook taught you)
He also tries to restrain his pervert tendencies around you, but when they inevitably happen he can’t look you in the eyes for several days (he also smokes more. It gets to a point where you have to confront him)
He also teaches you how to cook
8/10 he can get a little extra sometimes
If things get too crazy on the ship, he likes to go to you
I feel like he would try to act like a big brother, but you would just pet him (sorry Chopper)
I can see Chopper trying to get you to socialize more with the crew. Just drags you out with his tiny Reindeer paws
I can see you confiding in him a lot because it’s kinda like venting to a stuffed animal (again, sorry Chopper)
He gives (almost) child-like advice, but it’s so simple and it always works
I think you would beat both him and Usopp at games, and then they would proceed to chase you around
He would try to protect you, but he also knows that you need to push yourself to get stronger, so he lets you fight some of your fights
When you end up hurt, he always makes sure to be extra vigilant with your care
I believe that you would also try to protect him, but his pride would end up hurt
I think you two would spend a lot of time in his office for a quiet place to read (and for him to do work)
He makes you help him organize stuff
10/10 a great duo
She is the kind older sister
She is such a good listener, and her advice would solve all of the world's problems
If things get crazy on the ship, you go to her. She has the presence of calm around her that just soothes you
I think she would also like to participate in dressing you up with Nami. That means you get to wear Nami’s old clothes and Robin’s old clothes
Robin always has an extra book and cup of tea reserved for you. Tea times are when you two like to ramble about anything and everything. This is also the place where you can vent and the both of you talk about your past
She would like to teach you about world history, while you listen and ask questions
She would try to teach you how to read one glyph, but if it’s too hard she stops (and low-key gets sad)
Robin also lets you help her garden. She enjoys having a person keep her company while she does the things that make her happy
She thinks that you are too adorable, and that also makes her go into a momma bear mode when she thinks you are in danger
She will yell at crew members, and she will annihilate the enemies
Robin sees you in a similar way to Chopper, so if you say something dirty or cuss, her image of you will be ruined
10/10 she is perfection
I see him as a weird uncle figure
He mostly hides in his workshop and creates weird but cool inventions while you watch him and ask what he is doing
I don’t see you two talking about important things, just you two having fun and making jokes
He is fun to watch, but when he tries to get you to participate— it’s even more fun
I can see Robin trying to shield you from him (hey, he says he’s a pervert)
He would share his cola with you (I can see some very fun crew bonding time when everyone gets cola and huddles around Franky’s new invention)
Franky is the opposite of shy, so sometimes it gets to be a bit too much
Like sir, please leave them alone for one second
I think that Franky and Usopp would try to teach you how to make things
And if you like to prank people… they’ve created a monster
Expect all three of you to get yelled at
8/10 pretty good, but he does say some stuff that you don’t get sometimes
Another weird uncle
When he asked to see your panties, both Robin and Nami slapped him so hard, he had flown off
He never asked again
I can see him joining in on the Robin history over tea, and add things in he knows from living during the period (dang he’s old)
He occasionally makes the tea you three drink
I think he would try to teach you how to use a sword, and then get yelled at so he teaches you to play instruments instead
He’s a surprisingly easy-going teacher, if you don’t practice he’s not mad. He just assumes you don't want to learn. That means he won’t teach you, which leads you to practice
He would let you peek inside of his skull and then jumpscare you. It works every time
Brook would tell you about what he did during the two-year time skip, all while you’re laughing at the fact they called him Satan
I think that being around you and Luffy would make him remember his days as a teen
Starts to get all weary like a dad (and just like Sanji)
7/10 rough start, but good ending
He is the dad (not like, is)
He is always concerned for your health, and whether you should be fighting or not
He told Luffy that it was ridiculous to bring a teen on board, but then he realized Luffy is only 19…
Jinbei is always there to make sure you feel included, and will often leave the crew’s festivities just to hang out with you
Honestly, his old man self likes the quiet you bring
If you ask him, he’ll tell you about Fishman history (also over Robin History Tea Times)
100% tries to protect you. I think that can make you frustrated at times, but he has saved you so you can’t be too mad
So he teaches you Fishman Karate (it gets Robin’s stamp of approval because there are no sharp objects)
Jinbei gives the best advice, again dad and old man
He’s able to see different perspectives and tell you the best course of action (that gets annoying when you just want him to take your side, but you have Nami and Robin for that)
Also is proud of you when you achieve something (part of the tears dad group)
10/10 every group needs a parent figure
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relatablegenzwriter · 3 years
How to write erotic moments or short stories without making it convoluted, cheesy or tacky? I grew up very religious and although i no longer believe have lots of trouble with sexuality in general. I'd like to try writing stuff as exploration cause i find p*rn too exploitive and iffy and dont wanna support that industry. but i'm not really sure what to do to do it "right" instead of dull or cringy. I just sit for hours with a blank paper till i give up
Writing Non-Tacky Sex and Romance
I'll start right off the bat by saying that this is definitely not my writing area of expertise, and I don't know how much I can tell you that you don't already know. So I'm gonna offer a couple of tips and then send you to a lot of posts that might answer your question better than I can! (P.S. I know your question was about sex specifically, but as you can see from the title, all of this can be applied to romantic scenes as well, which I got similar questions about.)
1. Be careful with metaphors. Of course, no writing style is "right" or "wrong", but flowery language can often make or break any scene, especially romantic ones. Many times, the overuse of dramatic, romantic metaphors can overload a scene and make it feel cheesy and cliche. And let's face it, millions of tiny stars aren't bursting around a couple every time they kiss, and we all know that sex is not magical in the slightest. I think the biggest problem with these kinds of descriptors, though, is not that they make you groan with how sappy the writing is, but because they often feel impersonal to your characters. So instead of your character "hearing a symphony swell around them", maybe "for a moment all their worries about [plot conflict/subplot conflict] seemed to move toward the back of their head". (not my best descriptor i could come up with on the spot but you get it) Although, while this will remove the cliche aspect of your scenes, it can still go overboard. Bringing me to my next point…
2. Be realistic. Like I said before, not every romantic or sexual interaction your characters have is going to feel like a Nicholas Sparks movie. There are lots and lots of awkward, ordinary moments. Include these! Of course, you probably won't want to make every moment of every sex scene say "yeah it wasn't that special" (unless of course this is the direction you want your story to take). If your character enjoys kissing or sleeping with someone, say that. But there are very few people whose worldview has shifted after one night together, and I doubt this is true for your characters, either.
3. Be careful about your source information. It's okay to take inspiration from everywhere, but it's important to take everything with a grain of salt. Particularly with sex scenes, writers tend to take inspiration from two major places: porn and WattPad (you know, THOSE fics). Keep in mind that porn is not meant to be realistic in the slightest, and I could go on a whole other tangent about the horrible expectations it sets for sex in real life. And don't get me wrong about wattpad: there are great writers on there and it's a great option to share and read fiction (for free, too!). But a lot of the ridiculously smutty fics, while entertaining and well-written, depict fun-sounding but sometimes unrealistic sex, that may not fit into the fantasy novel you're writing, @sjmaas. (Disregard that last bit if you are writing something akin to wattpad smut) Also, just a little side note that you should never be treating porn or wattpad as legitimate sex ed for real life!
4. Try building your scene from the ground up. I did a post on this a while back, but I used to really struggle to write romantic scenes until I figured out a method that works for me. Basically, you picture your scene as a building that you first need to lay the framework for, then fill in the cement/bricks/whatever, then furnish and decorate. First, I go through and write all the dialogue that will be taking place and mark crucial events. (example: "Hey, can I tell you something?" "What?" "I think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." [kiss]) Next, I rewrite the scene almost monotonously, in the plainest way actions can be written. ("They held hands." "She took her jacket off." "He walked across the room.") Once I have my "building", then I can go in and add all the emotions and little details. I do this so that I don't have to stare at a blank page, since I already know how my scene is going to go. Then all I have to do is fill in some little details that make the scene more personal to my characters. I highly recommend this to you, since you talked about how you know what you want to write but can get scared of a blank page (hey, me too!).
5. Extra Resources! Here's some people that can probably help better than I can with specifics:
Including Consent In Writing (SUPER IMPORTANT)
Non-Explicit Scenes
Explicit Scenes
Romance In General (with a section containing tons of nsfw writing advice)
Good luck with your story!
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