#mars in gemini 12 signs prediction
alchemylight · 2 years
✨October 2022✨Mars Retro in Gemini Begins! Mars-ruled Full Moon & Eclipse - The Heat Is On!✨
✨October 2022✨Mars Retro in Gemini Begins! Mars-ruled Full Moon & Eclipse - The Heat Is On!✨
Watch it live on:30th September 2022 (Friday)2130 Singapore Time 1430 London Time 0930 New York Time 0630 Vancouver TimePlayback is chaptered for easier navigation. ★ Donations to my channel @ Paypal Address: [email protected]★ E-business card: https://linktr.ee/alchemylightTHANK YOU!! ♥️ To book a consultation with me, you may contact via the following ways:E-mail:…
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lilacstro · 4 months
Astro observations pt 1
Hey y'all this is my very first post :) Please take it with a grain of salt. These are just my interpretations and observations and a placement could mean million different things on how its being viewed and understood and nothing is sure on how it manifests for you in your chart.
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Jupiter in 8th house can mean many things, one of them being your spouse would bring transformative experiences into your life.
2. Scorpio mercuries may have a tendency to over analyze what is being said or always wanting to read between the lines
3. I have seen Pluto in 5th house of all the people who's mothers were dominated. Though this can mean the other way around too, and could be that the mother was dominating.
4. I think other than most people saying Pluto 1st housers go a massive change in appearance, I think it could actually mean that their personality and persona goes a massive change at some point in their life, or its constantly being evolved through learning experiences
5. Venus in 1st house people, are extremely beautiful.
6. Check Asteroid fama (408) and industria(389) if any of these positively aspect your venus, you could get fame for your beauty or work within the beauty industry.
7. Most women with major scorpio/capricorn placements appear intimidating even though it might not be so...but they indeed hold themselves to high regards mostly
8. Having an earth rising in your SR can indicate having a calmer and a predictable year. Nothing chaotic or major. I had Taurus Rising in my SR and I had lost a lot of toxic/chaotic people in my life and things were stable and peaceful throughout. I was on a gap year so I did not make friends either hahaha
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9. Having sun/moon in 10th house synastry or 10th house stellium could mean you both together are quite talked about or people are aware towards your feelings towards one another visibly. Sometimes it could also mean, you two's business isnt as private as you think lmao and people are aware on whats happening.
10. Having moon in 10th house in SR can indicate your emotions being extremely visible to everyone, even if you tend to hide them.
11. Libra mars people, might not come off as too masculine but rather a little more in tune with their feminine side (thats cool imo)
12. I think Moon in Gemini people often tend to say "I never said that" when they absolutely said that or "What do you mean" even when its clear what is being talked about lmao.
13. Leo women are usually very outgoing, charismatic and fun imo. Leo anywhere in the big 3 can mean that this side exists to the native though it might be overshadowed by other aspects in the chart. The types to dance at the empty dance floor and then suddenly everyone wants to dance lol
14. I was watching Nat Geo a long time ago and saw how lioness protect their children from the Lions and often go hunting. I think all mothers are protective of their children but for Leo women, its on another level lol. Also, they might like taking pride in their children and providing for their children. Not as in boasting, but just genuinely taking pride.
15. Cancer men and the love for their mothers. NEVER met a single cancer guy who did not have a lot of love for their mother.
16. Sag placements usually Sun and risings usually have a very comforting presence. Even it maybe like you met them for the first time, they can make you feel grounded and comfortable. Very non judgmental too.
17.If you have Saturn in 6th house, please try having a routine even if you might dread it lol
18. Capricorn moon men usually have very traditional or maybe orthodox beliefs about how women should be. I have seen that a lot.
20. Taurus Mars may like slow recreational activities like cooking.
21. Wanna know how you would react during a break up? See your moon+8th house sign. Example, a Leo moon with 8th house in cancer would be extremely emotional and everybody would know.
22. Girls with Libra Sun, Rising or MC may really like makeup and have good fashion sense.
23. Having your moon sign same like your mothers sun sign may indicate some kind of special connection between two of you. It could be that you understand her much better or could be that you don't get along at all too? idk there is something much special about it.
24. Sun in 10th house could mean your dad had a status in society. Could also mean, your birth could bring him luck in his career.
25. Jupiter in second house people usually come from wealth or hold potential to create generational wealth.
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That's it :) I hope it resonated with you all :)
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uyuforu · 10 months
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Jungkook' Solar Return Chart 2023 - 2024 Analysis
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What is a Solar Return Chart?
A solar return chart is a chart that literally describes your year from your birthday of a year until the day before next year. For example, Jungkook's 2023-2024 Solar Return will starts on September 1st 2023 until August 31th 2024. It describes the year for you, what will mostly happens. It said as a solar return chart because your sun returns in its home sign (your natal sun).
How to check your Solar Return Chart?
Go to astro.com > Free Horoscopes > Horoscope Drawings and Data > Extended Chart Selection
Enter your birth day, month, year, time and location
Where it's written chart selection with "natal chart", scroll to Solar Return Chart
On the box down there you can add asteroids to see more details ("additional objects")
-> This post will be featuring a dear anon, we talked a lot about this, I will be talking about his solar Return Chart and I will add what she told me as her opinion of it. Hope you enjoy!
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✌️ anon's predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 So a spoiler: He'll be doing a shit ton of shadow work and healing in 23-24 and you'll know why.
‧₊˚✩彡 Also even though there IS a 5H stelium I don't think any relationship would occur because homeboi will be focused on himself AND himself only.
‧₊˚✩彡 So he has Jupiter, Uranus, North Node and Chiron in 12h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Chiron at 19 degrees in Aries: He'll stop people pleasing, wanting to be who HE is, would show individuality, start confronting, healing his inner child, stepping into his power, becoming independent, creating boundaries for himself and others. Self love will be a big theme too as it's in Libra degree.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler is Mars in libra at 3 degrees in 5h: Again healing his inner child and falling in love with himself, accepting himself, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 North Node in Aries at 25 degree: Becoming a leader, creating his own path, being himself, focusing on himself, wanting freedom, becoming self reliant. It's at an Aries degree so it intensifies these themes.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 5h Mars in libra at 3 degree: Again about self love, innerchild healing, wanting creative freedom, re-evaluating shit from school years. (The reason for me talking about self love and not relationships is because we have Aries here and Aries are very much about me, myself and I. He moves on VERY FAST from relationships so he doesn't have any baggage about it)
‧₊˚✩彡 There is a conjunction in Jupiter, Uranus and Ascendant too!
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in Taurus at 15 degrees: extreme luck, business tactics and GROUNDING in money matters because he NEEDS it. It's at a Gemini degree and you know what it is.
‧₊˚✩彡 Its ruler in 4h in Leo at 12 degrees: He'll learn the value of family and homeland. He'll be admired in his homeland(overseas too because its in Pisces degree and it is about foreign affairs as well)
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus in Taurus at 23 degrees: His views on money and possessions will change, he'll learn to be independent in those cases too. It's at an Aquarius degree so it could also be that he'd join people for business purposes(which he already did by collabing).
‧₊˚✩彡 The Uranus and Jupiter conjunction tells me about him learning to be smart (he applied for trademark on his logo <being smart and not letting others take advantage of him anymore> {very much Aries} and being successful in doing it) in business and money game, also needing independence.
‧₊˚✩彡 Uranus conjuncting Asc: He'll also "upset" those that admired him by being rebellious and not playing by their rules. ☆Jupiter conjunct Asc: Personal growth, beneficial relationships and HUGE luck in material/money matters.
‧₊˚✩彡 Now the 5h because it's the most aspected house with 12h. He has sun, mercury and mars in 5h.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in virgo at 8 degrees in 5h conjunct Mercury at 18 degrees: Identifying his innerchild by focusing on it, changing his views on love and relationships. Waking his delulu self up and realizing what actual love is and also realizing that he really hasn't been in love because of his delulu expectations (but he'll know that it exists when he meets his wife)
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars in libra at 3 degrees: It has been aspected to Aries so its more about "me" again so self love but also realizing that his intense thoughts about love and relationships are very delulu since the time he started dating (again would also realize that no relationship was actual love and they were just delusions too).
‧₊˚✩彡 It's ruler Venus in Leo at 12 degrees in 4h: He'll be loved/admired/adored in his family/homeland (overseas too) and gain more fame too. I see him starting to invest more in lands,etc. Due to Uranus and Jupiter's ruler being in 4h too and he'll be lucky in it!!!
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn Pluto in 9h at 28 degrees: So what I've noticed is that half of the things this year will be focused on his homeland/family. He'll reform/change his beliefs/views on life,spirituality,etc. That will be different and foreign to his homeland/family. Its ruler Saturn in Pisces at 3 degrees in 10h: He'll start diving deeper into spirituality. His views on career will change,after this year he may spiritually start making decisions in his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon in Pisces at 29 degree: He'll be highly sensitive and emotional,it will be a completion of his spiritual lessons. Will imagine and think more about his wife,fall in love more deeply with her. Would also make emotional connections with big communities. Its ruler is in the same house so it's gonna double up.
‧₊˚✩彡 Neptune in Pisces in 11h at 26 degrees: Will open himself to learning more about spirituality and focus on his future become more dreamy and imaginative. Would also think about stepping up the future business game. Sort people from his circle that don't have a good influence on him.
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon and Neptune conjunction: Will have vivid dreams and exciting imaginations about his wife(i could've talked about other things but its Pisces we're talking about so its romance for sure and I'm certain about it being his wife because we have late Taurus degree in Neptune and late Leo degree moon, these both tell us that its his endgame we're talking about). Will imagine his life with his future wife too!! (That's cute)
Summary: He'll be getting big fat bags, will be himself and say fuck you to those that don't want him to be that way, be independent, big on self love and healing, being creative/imaginative about his future (especially his wife) have vivid dreams, transform his views, dive deep into spirituality and be open to learning it. It's a shadow work and self love/embracing, new views on money and beliefs, healing his self created wounds, being independent, becoming more spiritual and falling in love more with his future wife.
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Uyu's Predictions
‧₊˚✩彡 Scorpio DSC: To me it's a year of being single, it's not a year of being in a relationship, it gives me the hermit kind if vibe. 7H is empty meaning nothing serious is over there this year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Sun in 5H conjunct Mercury: Focused on this year is creativity, fame, being under the light for our ideas, conducting mercury (voice) so focused on singing and singer ideas. His album went out after his birthday so I'm not shocked it happened during this solar return. Sun in 5H could make him dating or enjoying flings, flirting, but not searching for a serious relationship.
‧₊˚✩彡 Mars 5H Libra 3°: Mars shows one's drive and ambition during that year. In 5H it means all ambition are focused on creative ideas, he will have many ideas for this year and it's all about art and so his career. The 3° (gemini) means to me the ideas are really focused on his voice, and so singing. So technically the focused this year is his career.
‧₊˚✩彡 MC Aquarius: Career is more important and focused on social medias, and in foreign lands. This also shows because how much JK has been present on social medias already? He ain't stopping. 5° (Leo)= creativity, art, etc.
‧₊˚✩彡 Venus Leo 4H 12°: Def more focused on family life. There could be a changment in his home life, how he feels loved and secured. 12° is pisces and there could be some hidden stuff coming out, and it may change a lot.
‧₊˚✩彡 Taurus Rising: Rising means how you appear this year. Jk will appear as very stable, harmonious and expensive person. A bit secretive or just looking cold or introvert, but more like shy and distant, looks like he enjoys to be on his own, and he enjoys his sh*t basically. Uranus conjuncts the rising meaning he may look different or just unique this year. He could look very weird or just people don't recognize him in a way. He may change suddenly? (could be bald hair for military lol)
‧₊˚✩彡 Capricorn over 9H: Traveling and foreign land are part of his job much
‧₊˚✩彡 Saturn in 10H: Limitied in career, mostly I think caused by military service that is happening quite quick and early in this solar return chart
‧₊˚✩彡 Moon conjunct Neptune in 11H: People will have delusions about him this year, mostly on social medias. It could be people creating rumors about him, or just gossips. Or it could be people building a fantasy about him on social medias. There is for sure an illusions that people create about him on social medias. And hear me out on this one, you will understand after why I said that. I said in my BTS Tarot Reading about military that people expect JK to have the time of his life during military while he will not enjoy it so much in reality (based on cards), and it actually make sense to me in this src. The illusions people create about him could be related to that, people expecting him to haver a good time and actually ignoring the reality about him. It conjuncts moon, his emotions, which means people will not see it or notice the reality of him. It's also in Pisces, that represents the hidden things. Like bro, everything is connected. Why do I think it's related to military? Keep reading....
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries 12H: So 12H is all about the spiritual stuff and hidden things, like the hidden worlds, etc. If we focused on this part, and remember what Aries is about, you can then remember that sign is about anything that involves physical body, the war and so military. Fighting too. In the 12H it means it's part of the spiritual world, but such a sign in it would make me feel like it's more a shadow work, because it's about fighting. So this military service was just right there, in that year.
‧₊˚✩彡 Aries Chiron conjunct Aries North Node in 12H: Chiron is about traumas and the wounds, whatever it is and where it is, it is never pleasant to experience. Man this is literally in Aries in the 12H. Do you still think he will enjoy it????? Yep. Literally to me it means that he will not like military and will mostly see it as a painful experience than anything. It's also in libra degree which means it's also unbalanced time for him. There are no harmony and he hates that. He will experience such a shadow work to do, for real. But, don't worry too much for two different reasons. The first reason is that it conjuncts North Node, which represents your purpose this year, and it's also in Aries 12H with an Aries degree. THIS was his destiny this year, okay? He needs to go to military, because it's his Korean duty but also for shadow works. Shadow works are supposed to make you work on yourself, and any triggers you have or red flag (in a sense) for you to grow up (in a sense). So he needs to go through it.
‧₊˚✩彡 Jupiter in 12H: This is the second reason you don't need to worry. Jupiter shows where you will be more lucky in/at. It's also in the 12H, now not conjucting Chiron and NN, but in the same house. So despite the rough year spiritually, we know it has to happen. But it will also bring him a lot of luck and abundance afterwards. And here's the thing about shadow works: it's literally "blue sky after the storm". Or the rainbow after the storm, I don't remember. But you see what I mean, it's literally realizing how lucky you are and how the universe blessed you to go through a shadow work. He will realize how lucky and bless he is that it happened, and how much he grew spiritually. He will grow spiritually for sure.
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saturniandevil · 1 year
October 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's October forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and Nicholas Polimenakos. Notice how the charts look different? Today Chris is using AstroGold for Mac OS instead of his usual SolarFire for PC (same developers). Working title for the month is "the wobbly scales."
September recap: the Venus & Mercury stations have corresponded with new celebrity birth data, including an update for Dua Lipa's birth time and a time for Elon Musk. The WGA strike, which began under Mercury retrograde in Gemini, has come to a tentative resolution just as the Mercury rx in Virgo ended.
Jupiter's transit into Taurus has put him in contact with Uranus, and we've seen an explosive change in laws and rules with other organized labor strikes, such as UAW, airline workers, and fast food/service employees. We've got 7 more months of Jupiter in Taurus copresent Uranus, enabling changes in contrast to Saturn's negating influence from Aquarius & Capricorn over the past few years. Think "delayed revolts." Nicholas predicts labor will be an important factor in this year's election, based off configurations of previous labor actions.
The Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn corresponded to flooding at California's Burning Man festival (symbolically negating the fire for which it is named), and disastrous floods in Europe and Libya.
Auspicious Elections for October: October 1 at 11:25 AM with Sagittarius rising (has passed by time of posting; apologies) October 2 at 12:20 AM with Cancer rising
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Around 12:30AM local time you'll have Cancer rising and the Moon exalted in Taurus in the 11th house (whole signs), just after a conjunction with Jupiter and applying to a square with Venus in the 2nd house of finance. This is a good chart for friends, groups, alliances with the Ascendant ruler Moon in the 11th house with Jupiter, and the ruler of the 11th house in the 2nd tying friend groups and finances together. Saturn in the 9th house makes this chart not recommended for foreign travel, education, and publishing.
October will be pretty intense, with the two eclipses and heavy Pluto involvement. Keywords include power plays, transformation, and concealed movements.
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October 4th - Mercury enters Libra Mercury, Venus, and Mars all change signs before the middle of the month, giving us a theme of major beginnings and major endings. When Venus moves into Virgo in a few days, she'll be in mutual reception with Mercury. Previously the two planets were on separate journeys, both retrograde but not communicating, so we'll have cerebral and social functions in harmony again. (A/N: Venus is fall in Virgo, but this Mercury contact significantly mitigates that lack of dignity.)
October 8th - Venus enters Virgo, Mars square Retrograde Pluto We've been moving back and forth over the summer, and will now settle into how things are going to be. Early October contains the the tail end of the Venus retrograde, as she finally passes the degree where she stationed & exits her post-rx shadow, as well as the sign overall, where she's spent an inordinate amount of time (she entered Leo on June 5th). We may see events from as far back as 5 months finally reaching a resolution.
Venus also opposes Saturn right after her ingress (Oct. 8th-10th), and in fact both benefics oppose one of the malefics this month (Mars will oppose Jupiter around the time of our 2nd eclipse). Saturn in Pisces has been weighty, highlighting big, sad things we may not be able to change but must bear nonetheless. Virgo Venus, in an awkward but manageable position for practical help, confronts Pisces Saturn's burdens to our souls. Austin compares Venus's recent transits to exothermic reactions in chemistry, which give off heat, but in Virgo she'll be much more endothermic, drawing heat in.
At the same time, Mars reaches 27° of Libra, putting him in a square to Pluto at 27 Capricorn. Mars is conjunct the South Node, and his ruler Venus is opposite Saturn. The solar eclipse a week later will also occur in the third decan of Libra. This may combine to feel like we're trying to juggle too many balls. Even if you're good at spinning plates, you can only keep track of so many. Inner conflicts, intensifying relationships, and a need for caution are all in order. It would do well to put down in one of the plates, as Mars is in no position to power through all of this (detriment in Libra, South Node encouraging release).
If there's an opportunity to use Mars-Pluto constructively, it comes after an honest assessment of the facts. Chris brings the image of not knowing your own strength or needing to exercise restraint, like a gorilla holding a kitten. We need to know the power dynamic--what we can and cannot do--but the square aspect makes it hard to see directly what's going on (A/N: symbolically it's cross-purposes or seeing events in your periphery). We need to know what the scale of conflict is. Austin uses the example of holding a rope around a rampaging elephant: maybe it's best to let go.
With Pluto relating to money and the US (Sibly) chart having Sagittarius rising, our hosts also predict some kind of "market correction" (trouble) in the US economy, and/or a government shutdown over budget. Mars conjunct South Node in Libra has corresponded to economic trouble of varying intensities (every 19 years with some skips), namely the crash in 1987--which was also on this Libra-Aries eclipse axis.
October 10th - Pluto stations Direct The US Pluto return is still happening since the planet regressed into Capricorn, posing questions of whether a certain impeached ex-president will see some success in the 2024 election. We're also raring for Pluto's (second) ingress into Aquarius in January. Our hosts think the AI story is related to the new Pluto sign, and Google is starting to release hints about a major system to compete with or outclass ChatGPT (text, image, and more).
October 12th - Mars enters Scorpio This is one of his home signs, and he'll immediately trine Saturn over at the beginning of Pisces. Mars working with Saturn gives us drive and determination, the union of impulse and staying power. More generally, Mars in Scorpio connotes precision strikes and the patient, persistent hunter. We can identify the point of weakness and direct all our force at that exact spot.
There's also a brooding quality to Mars in Scorpio. Things brew under the surface. The intensity cultivated here can easily turn inward rather than outward. Any planet in its own sign has high standards, so be careful not to take them out on yourself. Famous Mars in Scorpio natives include Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain, Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins, and Taylor Swift--think raw emotions (literally in the vocal style of the former two).
October 14th - Annular Solar Eclipse at 21 Libra
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As soon as Moon conjoins the Sun & South Node, her next aspect is a square to Pluto, bringing Plutonic significations into the eclipse. You've only got two hands; are you holding onto something that's past its life cycle?
In general eclipses signify the end of a major chapter, and with it the start of a new thing. When we let things go they don't just disappear--in fact, they may assume a more natural, harmonious state. Instead of holding onto something that takes a lot of energy, let things fall as they may. Whatever we're concerned about, it won't go away, as in 6 months another eclipse will respond to this call. Don't let the sunk-cost fallacy get you: you've put in a lot of time and effort, but it's time to step back and let things assume their natural shape.
October 20th - Sun conjunct Mercury At 27 Libra, they're also squaring Pluto. Generally Mercury-Pluto contacts correspond to major disclosures. Expect investigative journalists to reveal new evidence around this time, and in light of transits earlier this year Austin says specifically this will be the third part to an ongoing story. Think "deep state," as in, actors behind the scenes or in the foundation of events rather than what we see on the surface.
October 22nd - Mercury enters Scorpio At this time, Venus also trines Jupiter from 12° of Virgo to 12° of Taurus. Jupiter being in Venus's sign strengthens this helpful aspect even more, and the Moon even goes into Capricorn soon after to give us a grand trine in the earth signs. We'll get a brief reprieve from some of the more intense configurations this month. Enjoy the simple pleasures: a nice stew, a hot bath, some tea from the garden.
October 23rd - Sun enters Scorpio
October 28th - Umbral Lunar Eclipse in Taurus
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This is our last eclipse in Taurus for the next couple decades. The Scorpio-Taurus axis eclipses (beginning in 2021) have corresponded to major celebrity scandals, as well as the skyrocketing prices of food worldwide. Bitcoin, FTX, and other finance crashes have occurred to the Taurus eclipses, a sign which indicates money and food. The increase in labor activities during Jupiter in Taurus will likely also see developments from this eclipse. Between the eclipses, Uranus, and Saturn, fixed sign people (suns and angles especially) have been getting a beating the last few years, and Nicholas says "congrats, you've made it!" (Though Saturn will retrograde into Aquarius soon, and then Pluto will transit that sign for the next 20 years or so).
Mars conjoins Mercury and opposes Jupiter during this eclipse, bringing even more tension. Mercury-Mars indicates arguments and destroyed or corrupted roads and communications, or on the positive side, incisive remarks we needed to hear. Mercury in Scorpio also loves investigating a good mystery and cracking the code. We can get major investigative journalism, or obsession and seeing connections that aren't there.
This is a Full Moon and a North Node eclipse, making it easy to lose your head in all the excitement. Austin advises trying to keep your head cool. Don't go with the flow, because the flow is crazy! This eclipse is the end of a year-and-a-half long saga in Taurus and Scorpio, bringing the last installment of that arc in our lives. Chris has an episode called "eclipses as transits in astrology" where he goes through people's charts and talks about the two-year sagas that are enacted with the nodes in a particular pair of signs.
October 29th - Mercury conjunct Mars (exact) (not pictured)
October 31st - Venus trines Uranus (not pictured) From 21 Virgo to 21 Taurus. Think "I'm here for a good time, not a long time!" for Halloween. We ended September with Venus squaring Uranus, and now they're finally trining. After all this month's tension, we deserve to let loose a little. Nicholas says there are hidden pleasures inside oft-orderly Venus in Virgo, whereas Austin compares it to ordering a different item off the menu at your favorite restaurant. Mars in Scorpio is great for Halloween, scary movie viewings, and seeing beauty in the dark side of things.
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houseofbrat · 2 years
I really believe you “harkles divorce” chart but i dont think it is within timeframe that you give. Probably dec next year. *Sigh*
Put example on Late Queen, you read her death will happen before jubilee because of her children chart etc but then she able to survive till sept.
So my question , how is that possible?
If you reply , please know i really appreciate your effort.
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1. a. Death is notoriously hard to predict.  b. I chose the correct dasas/time periods for both QEII’s passing & Charles becoming king. (That would be Jupiter-Rahu for QEII’s passing and Jupiter-Venus for Charles.) Those dasas just happened to be quite long. (Also, if I had known what I know now about the progressed ascendant with Yogini dasa, I would have picked autumn 2022.)
Anyhow, the transits for next year look better for Harry and much worse for Meghan. There are a lot of major changes that happen in the first part of the year. (All of these are sidereal zodiac, not western/tropical.)
2. Major transit changes for Meghan in 2023:
a. Saturn. [moving from Capricorn to Aquarius]
From her lagna/ascendant in Cancer, Saturn moves from her 7th house to her 8th house on 17 January 2023 when Saturn moves into (sidereal) Aquarius. This is a difficult transit, Saturn in the 8th. It makes one much more prone to stress & vulnerability due to the increased likelihood of sudden changes. Saturn will also aspect these houses 2nd/finance, 5th/children, and 10th/career, which means that difficulties, obstacles, & delays will occur around these houses.
From her natal Moon in Virgo, Saturn moves into her 6th house. The 6th house is work, health/disease, struggle, and enemies. From this placement, Saturn aspects her 8th house/partner’s finances, 12th house/secrets, and 3rd house/communications. 
With Saturn in the 8th from the lagna and aspecting the 8th house from her natal Moon, this is a double indication that solidifies that Meghan will have 8th house problems. 8th house is the house of the partner’s finances. Saturn’s aspect will deny her access to her partner’s money with this transit. Or just make it very difficult to obtain money due to obstructions and delays. 
Additionally, her 10th house/career will have only negative aspects to it from 17 January until 12 March, when Venus starts its transit through Aries. 10th house is career & public reputation. 
b. Jupiter. [moving from Pisces to Aries on 21 April 2023]
From her lagna, Jupiter moves from her 9th house to her 10th house. Currently, Jupiter in her 9th house is aspecting her lagna/ascendant, which protects her. Once Jupiter moves into Aries, it will be conjunct with Rahu (north lunar node), which will put some turbulence towards the houses Jupiter rules in her chart, which are the 6th and 9th houses from her lagna. From Aries, Jupiter will also aspect her 2nd (finance), 4th (home & happiness), and 6th (health & enemies) houses. 
From her natal Moon in Virgo, Jupiter moves from the 7th to the 8th house. While in Pisces, Jupiter aspects her natal Moon, which gives some positivity to her mind. After it changes signs, that positivity won’t be directly aspecting her consciousness. Jupiter moving to the 8th house tends to indicate a lack of financial support from the spouse. Also, Jupiter in the 8th can indicate problems regarding children. 
c. Mars [moves from Taurus into Gemini on 12 March]
From her lagna/ascendant in Cancer, Mars is the ruler of her 5th (children) and 10th (career) houses. When Mars moves into Gemini in mid-March, it’ll move into her 12th house (losses) until 10 May. Mars will also aspect her 7th house/marriage (Capricorn), when it moves into Gemini.
From her natal Moon in Virgo, Mars is the ruler 8th house/scandal moving into her 10th house. Mars will directly aspect her natal Moon, making her more aggressive mentally and in her public reputation.
Current Vimshottari dasa (time period): Jupiter-Ketu until June 2023. The Kalamritam describes this as not very favorable:
a. The partner, although strong, will die. b. The native will change his place of abode. He will be separated from his relatives and friends, and he may leave his business or forsake his occupation because of all this.
I don’t think Harry is actually going to die, but the marriage will definitely die.
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Even though Meghan probably would rather be a widow than twice divorced. Because that’s the kind of person she is.
3. Major transit changes for Harry in 2023:
a. Saturn [changes on 17 Jan 2023]
From Harry’s lagna/ascendant in Sagittarius, Saturn finishes its Sade Sati across his lagna. Sade Sati is one of the more difficult Saturn transits. Saturn will move into his 3rd house, which will cause more focus to be on communication and effort. This is an easier transit. Saturn will also aspect his 5th (children), 9th (father), and 12th (losses) houses.
From his natal Moon in Aries, Saturn will move into his 11th house, which will bring a focus on long-term goals and friends & networks. However, his natal Moon will be aspected by two malefics--Saturn & Rahu--from now until mid-March, when Venus moves into Aries temporarily. It’ll be a tough period mentally for Harry from now until mid-March and later on in the spring.
b. Jupiter [moving from Pisces to Aries on 21 April 2023]
Form his lagna, Jupiter moves from his 4th to 5th houses, where Jupiter will aspect his lagna/ascendant. This is a more positive transit. The focus will change from the 4th house/home to 5th house/children. His 9th (father), 11th (friends), and 1st (self) houses will all get a boost of positivity.
Additionally, Jupiter will be conjunct Rahu (north lunar node) from mid-April towards the end of the year, which means that Harry’s life will be quite turbulent from then until the end of the year.
From his natal Moon in Aries, Jupiter moves from the 12th house to the 1st house, which will give his mind a much needed positive boost until 2024. 
c. Mars [moves from Taurus into Gemini on 12 March]
From his lagna, the planet of aggression (Mars) moves into the 7th house of marriage. If he hasn’t been aggressive in his marriage prior to that, he will be at that time.  
Current Vimshottari dasa: Rahu-Moon until March 2024 which the Kalamritam describes as:
a. Loss of relatives. Loss of money through the wife. b. Pains in the limbs. He will leave his native place or his present residence. c. There will be danger of personal hurts. d. The health will be unstable.
Also, Rahu + Moon is a mentally agitating period. Rahu is a natural agitator while the Moon is the indicator of the mind. 
Harry is likely quite mentally unstable right now, as the rumors seem to indicate. If he can hold on until the spring and have his family extract him back to the UK, things will work out much better for him later in the year. 
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
The Week Ahead: November 14-20, 2022
Lunar Phases
Wednesday, November 16, 13:27 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 24°10’ Leo
The key phrases for the Last Quarter lunar phase are to “turn away” from what we’ve been doing, and to “tear down old structures” that aren’t serving us any more. This is always a difficult phase when it’s in fixed signs, like now! We’re hyper-fixated on something, and we can see all kinds of potentials and possibilities for it, but it’s something whose time has come and gone. Give it a rest and make room for something new and improved.
Sunday, November 20, 11:07 UT - Balsamic Moon, 13°06’ Libra
The key phases for the Balsamic lunar phase are to “let go of the past” and “envision the future.” By this time, although we may still be focused on “something,” it’s harder to ignore the new changes seeping in, especially if they can bring some healing.
Void of Course Moon
Monday, November 14, 10:41 UT (Cancer) - 12:48 UT (Leo)
Wednesday, November 16, 23:55 UT (Leo) -Thursday, November 17, 03:14 UT (Virgo)
Saturday, November 19, 08:47 UT (Virgo) - 10:58 UT (Libra)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Pallas Athene/Cancer
Retrograde: Mars/Gemini, Jupiter/Pisces, Chiron/Aries, Uranus/Taurus, Neptune/Pisces, Eris/Aries
Post-retrograde shadow: Juno/Pisces, Vesta/Aquarius-Pisces, Saturn/Aquarius
Wednesday, November 16, 06:09 UT - transiting Venus enters Sagittarius
I am predicting that everybody is going to belly- flop right into the “holiday spirit” - just don’t get too carried away! By the time the actual holidays are here, Venus shall have moved on into Capricorn, and we’ll want our celebrations to be more traditional and restrained. (Maybe even austere and stark.)
Thursday, November 17, 08:42 UT - transiting Mercury enters Sagittarius
Mercury is going to be a tremendous help in getting us away from the attitude of “the glass is half empty” and closer to “the glass is half full.”
Sunday, November 20, 21:17 UT - transiting Vesta re-enters Pisces
Vesta is still retracing her retrograde steps. Her move into Pisces will be a big boost to our spiritual studies and progress.
Et Cetera
There is one Opportunity Period this week: Monday, November 14, from 05:35 UT to 12:58 UT. “Intuition is heightened with a positive grand trine in water signs. This OP inspires and delivers.”
Three planets moving into mutable signs - Venus, Mercury, and Vesta, in that order - is going to feel good. We’re seeing some impossible situations begin to break up - or have we just decided to move on from them? There’s more optimism and hope for the future, which isn’t at all a bad way to wrap up the year.
And I mean “wrap up” - there is going to be an even bigger series of ingresses into cardinal signs, starting December 6 and culminating with the Capricorn Solstice on December 21. That’s a great way to start a new year! So let’s use the mutable energies to finish things up, while the energy supports that - so we can have as clean a slate as possible, for the new year.
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tipsycad147 · 1 year
How Mercury Retrograde Affects Each Zodiac Sign
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Mercury retrograde predictions for each astrological sign
Catherine Boeckmann
How does Mercury Retrograde affect your zodiac sign? Here’s a list of all 12 astrological signs from Aquarius to Capricorn, and a brief summary of how the planet of communication and cognitive function will influence you and your life!
During Mercury Retrograde, the planet nearest the Sun appears to be spinning backwards; ancient astrologers believed that the patterns of the cosmos influenced our own lives. Thankfully, Mercury Retrograde only happens a few times a year as part of your annual solar journey! Learn more about Mercury Retrograde and see this year’s Mercury Retrograde dates. 
Mercury Retrograde Effects by Zodiac Sign
When Mercury enters retrograde motion within the range of dates for a given astrological sign, be wary of the listed effects.
Note that the planet Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, so these two signs are most heavily affected. 
IN AQUARIUS (Jan 20–Feb 18): With Mercury retrograde in Aquarius, the sign that governs relationships, friendships are put at risk. Petty squabbles, misunderstandings, and miscommunications abound. Know who your friends are.
IN PISCES (Feb 19–Mar 20): Foggy thinking, daydreams, and escapism are the norm; day-to-day realities confound otherwise clear heads when Mercury, the planet that rules logic, is in Pisces, which governs illusion. Practice creative pursuits—writing, dancing, photography, film, or painting.
IN ARIES (Mar 21–Apr 19): Expect to be frustrated and frazzled. Assertive, impulsive Aries wants to move ahead, and all of the energy is going backward. Watch what you say and how you say it. Pay attention to what people say to you; you might be pleasantly surprised.
IN TAURUS (Apr 20–May 20): Take time to formulate your thoughts. Taurus, an unhurried sign, slows down the mental processes. He also governs banking, so delay money matters. Review financial matters, and position yourself for growth.
IN GEMINI (May 21–Jun 20): Because Gemini rules communications, be prepared for miscommunications when Mercury is in this sign. Expect lots of phone calls or none, and lost or misplaced mail. You may not articulate clearly, and gossip abounds. Old friends may reconnect.
IN CANCER (Jun 21–Jul 22): Expect annoyances at home with baking, gardening, and household duties under domesticated Cancer. Complete repair projects that weren’t finished or done correctly.
IN LEO (Jul 23–Aug 22): Avoid speculative investments. It is not a good time to buy and sell or do any trading. Instead, analyze your investment portfolio. Use your know-how and advisory skills to help friends and associates.
IN VIRGO (Aug 23–Sep 22): Challenging situations arise, especially in the workplace. Expect product delays and equipment breakdowns, as well as crankiness among coworkers under finicky, detail-oriented Virgo. Double-check your work before you call it finished.
IN LIBRA (Sep 23–Oct 22: Accept your physical attributes; do not have a makeover. Indecision reigns, so limit purchases—or risk returning them. Libra, representing beauty, grace, charm, and diplomacy, is out of balance. Refresh, relax, and rejuvenate.
IN SCORPIO (Oct 23–Nov 21): Emotions rule—not common sense—so beware. Avoid affairs of the heart. Passionate Scorpio is also secretive, and your secrets may seep out. Keep them in a diary.
IN SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22–Dec 21): It is not a time to travel, so reschedule or expect delays, lines, and lost directions. Instead, take care of local affairs. Patience and a sense of humor are needed.
IN CAPRICORN (Dec 22–Jan 19): Avoid buying, selling, or renting real estate under Capricorn, the sign that governs property matters. Expect problems with paperwork, packing, and movers. Reunite with family or vacation at home.
There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen.  –Hugh Prather, American writer (b. 1938)
Planet Mercury and Astrology
In astrology, all of the planet’s attributes are rooted in ancient mythology. (Mercury is the name given by the ancient Romans to the Greek mythological god Hermes.)
In mythology, Mercury was the official messenger of the ancient gods and goddesses and, as such, governed communications. Mercury is depicted as a male figure having winged sandals and a winged hat, indicating the ability to travel quickly. Correspondingly, the planet Mercury has the fastest orbit of all the planets in the solar system, taking 88 days to swiftly orbit the Sun. 
Mercury’s name is also translated as the “keeper of boundaries,” as he will travel between the upper and lower worlds and often serve as the guide of souls to the underworld. As well as communication and travel, Mercury represents mental quickness, cognitive function, and reasoning. The flipside of Mercury’s cleverness and wit is cunningness. He is also recognized as a trickster, prone to misbehavior. 
In 1782, Mercury became the first symbol of the United States’ fledgling postal service. Today, he is recognized as an icon of an international floral delivery service as well as the official symbol of the postal service of Greece.
In medicine, Mercury is associated with the nervous system, the brain, the respiratory system, the thyroid, and the sense organs.  See The Man of Signs—a representation of how each astrological sign affects a different part of the body.
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jothishi · 1 year
What is the difference between Sun and Moon Signs?
Fundamental Differences Between Sun and Moon Signs
November 24, 2019 by Team Jothishi
Astrology whether western or Vedic cannot work without sun and moon signs. But there is a major structural difference between the two because of the sign they follow. Western astrology follows the sun sign while Vedic astrology applies the moon sign. Hence, there will be a considerable amount of varsity in the interpretations of the two most widely known astrological formats. Let’s understand why.
What is Moon Sign?
Moon sign is the constellation on which the moon was shining the most at the time of your birth. For example, Gemini will be your moon sign if the moon was in the Gemini constellation when you were touching the surface of the earth. The moon sign gives an insight into an individual’s mental construction. It highlights your emotions and feelings. Moon sign changes every two and a half-day because the moon is also changing its positions while orbiting around the earth. Hence every two and a half, it is in a different zodiac sign. Though, Vedic astrology follows moon sign it does not make future interpretations merely on the basis of it, unlike western astrology, it studies planetary aspects and conjunctions as well as degrees of the moon for best results. Moon also represents mother so the moon’s placement can tell a lot about your relationship with your mother.
What Are Sun Signs?
Sun sign refers to the zodiac sign that the sun was standing at the time of your birth. There are 12 constellations forming a band around the earth. The one sign on which the sun was directly shining at the time of your birth becomes your zodiac or sun sign. It changes every 30 days.  Each sun sign is further ruled by a planet, which influences your personality and traits. For example, Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury and are known for their intellect, curiosity and analytical properties. Aries is governed by Mars is attracted to challenge and excitement.
Differences Between Moon And Sun Sign
There are instances when a Gemini person never feels connected to the sign of the twins. Instead, they are emotional, family-oriented and get irritated at the drop of a hat when they become moody, like a Cancer moon. You can be born as an inward, mysterious Scorpio but fall in love with adventure, spontaneity, being blunt and calling a spade a spade. In short, have more Aries moon in you than Scorpio sun sign.
The basic reason for this is that there is a wide difference between sun and moon signs. Firstly, the sun takes care of your basic personality, character, ego, and will. It gives the knowledge of your identity. While, the moon governs your subconscious, emotions and instinctive responses to the world around us.
Secondly, you can know your sun sign if you know your date of birth, while for the moon sign you need your date, year, time and place of birth.
Thirdly, the sun takes 12 months to cover all 12-star signs, therefore astrological predictions are valid for one month. On the other hand, the moon moves quicker and stays in a sign for only 2 and a half days.
Fourthly, the sun sign provides you a general overview of a person, whereas the moon sign gives you detailed information on your inner workings and untapped potential.
Further Reasons
Fifthly, an astrologer’s help would be pertinent for knowing your moon sign. The amount of details you need to have and calculation on that basis is possible only through expert help. While finding your sun sign is the easiest task on the earth. You match your birth date with the period each zodiac sign covers and know your sun sign.
Sixthly, western astrology considers the sun sign while Hindu Vedic astrology follows the moon sign.
Seventhly, your feelings, and emotions are controlled by the moon, hence sun sign alone cannot give a complete picture of yourself. If you don’t know your moon sign, you will lose a big chunk of information which answers ‘why you are, what you are?’.
Ninthly,  the moon does not stay in a zodiac sign for a fixed period of time. While, while the sun stays in a zodiac for a 30 day period.
In Conclusion
However, it is best to see a person through both sun and moon signs because that will give the most clear knowledge of the person. For example, revolutionary and erratic Aquarians can become spiritual and submissive under a Scorpian moon.  Taurus, a pleasure-loving, dependable sign can show traits of discipline, willpower, and structure, if it has Capricorn moon.
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alokastrology1 · 2 years
Energetic Mars transit in Gemini! How will it turn out for you?
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Mars has been referred to as the leader of the nine planets in astrology. Mars is seen as a symbol of daring and courage. The lord of Aries, Scorpio, and exalted in Capricorn is Mars. All 12 zodiac signs will be impacted by Mars’ change of sign. But, certain unique funds will assist as a result. On March 13, 2023, Mars will move into Mercury’s sign of Gemini. This will harm many zodiac signs’ lives, and as a result, there may be issues with family life, particularly those involving health and money. Tell us the impact it will have on any given sum. Find out which zodiac signs may have issues as a result of Mars’ entry into Gemini, according to astrological predictions.
Know about the impact of Mars transit on your zodiac sign.  Book your astrology consultation online with a World-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.
Mars transit : Effects on Zodiac Sign
There will be a major effect on your life from Mars’ transit. Although courage will grow, conflicts with younger family members or brothers could also do so. You will benefit financially from crossing the border. There will be a rise in interest in spirituality and religion. Initiatives for citizenship or service in foreign corporations will be successful. You will triumph against adversity with the power of your strength and might.
Mars’s impact throughout its transit cannot be characterised as very positive. will experience mental illness as a result of familial strife. Be mindful of your health, particularly any issues with your right eye. During this time, refrain from lending somebody any more money to avoid the offered funds not being received on time. You will be more productive if you can keep your obstinacy and zeal under control and maintain the secrecy of your ideas. Don’t engage in meaningless debates.
Mars will make you enthusiastic while it is in your zodiac, but it will only make you strive harder. Your closest people will attempt to make you look bad, but they won’t succeed. Do not deal with further loans during this time. The means of generating income will rise. Moreover, the ancestors’ property will be given. The choices made and the work completed will be valued. From that perspective, too, the planetary transit will be advantageous if you want to submit an application for any type of government procurement in the central or state government departments.
Mars’s transit will force you to engage in excessive running and spending. Possibilities of hearing bad news from relatives and close friends abroad. The planetary transit will be to your advantage if you wish to purchase land or other real estates. Even in legal court proceedings, there are indications that your case will win. You will frequently feel as though your efforts are not yielding the desired results. Don’t let this way of thinking control how you view planetary yoga.
You can reach any level of success you desire thanks to Mars’ transit, which is nothing short of a blessing for you. High-ranking officials will become good friends of yours. Successful endeavours will be undertaken in the pursuit of employment. Social obligations will expand. Despite all of this, there will still be a tense scenario for one reason or another. Keep your conflicts with older brothers or family members to a minimum to meet the child’s obligation.
Mars will elevate your rank and dignity while it is in transit. The government will provide its full cooperation. Use this chance to your advantage if you wish to try your hand at politics as well. The opportunity is good even if you wish to submit a bid for a government department. The globe will be transitory and advantageous from that perspective as well if the student body decides to study abroad. The child’s obligation will be met, and any fears associated with it will also vanish.
Read Also:- Top Vastu Tips for Factory in 2023!
The results of Mars’ transit will be extremely unpredictable and mixed. Although there will initially be challenges in your career, you will finally succeed. You would be able to effortlessly handle even challenging situations thanks to the power of your energy and unwavering courage. There will be a rise in interest in spirituality and religion. In foreign companies, applications for services, visas, etc., will be successful. Land, home, and property-related issues will be resolved.
More fluctuations will result from Mars’ transit, especially concerning health-related issues, which can be upsetting. Avoid falling victim to a conspiracy, even at work. It would be wise to resolve disagreements and court-related issues outside the court. We will settle any disputes involving land or paternity property. Keep the family from entering a separatist phase. will carry her family obligations well despite challenging conditions.
Marriage-related matters will take a little longer due to Mars’ transiting effect. The tasks that are pending tender will be finished in the state or federal government’s departments. There may be some growing distance on the part of the in-laws. You’ll be more effective if you work to maintain your plans and strategies with assurance. signs that the court will rule in your favour in cases involving disputes and litigation. Be cautious because your people will continue to plot.
During its transit, Mars will provide enormous success. The planetary outcomes will be advantageous if you want to begin any major work or sign a contract. indications that the court will rule in your favour. You will benefit financially from crossing the border. The efforts made for citizenship and service in foreign corporations will also be successful. Also, your family and friends will have pleasant news to share. Despite this, focus on your health.
You will experience many unexpected outcomes as a result of the Mars transit, especially if you are a student or a competitor who must work harder to do well on tests. The means of generating income will rise. High-ranking government representatives will also work with us. Be sure that your older brothers and family members do not start acting separatist. The young person’s amenability will be met. likelihood of delivery and infection for the newlyweds.
Mars will force you to deal with numerous unexpected outcomes, chances of advancement at work, and acquiring a new contract while it transits. Prevent luggage theft while travelling. likelihood of hearing bad news from family. You will experience family conflict and mental instability for one reason or another. Be careful because your employees will try to make you look bad. Land and property-related issues will be resolved.
Read Also:- Planet of love Venus transit in Aries! Will it be good or bad?
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skyreadersworld · 2 years
12/26-12/29 predictions (RECAP)
December 26th
Key Transits: Mercury and Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, Venus conjunct Mercury trines Uranus in Taurus, Moon and Saturn in Aquarius conjunct, Jupiter is in Aries
Key Message: As Jupiter begins its transition into Aries, acknowledge opposing signs Gemini holding Mars Rx. There is a makeshift of energy towards all the experiences and journeys we wanted. People are becoming forward about their passions and dreams. This is overall great energy if we are methodical of our plans.
December 27th
Key Transits: Mars digresses to 9 degrees in Gemini, Moon enters Pisces Squaring Mars, Jupiter Squares Capricorn Sun,
Key Messages: There is a decision to be made. There is a calling to manifest the desire, follow your intuition when in doubt. Acknowledge your Third Eye/Crown Chakra. Things are formulated just through the decision to act, control your sense of time and enjoy the ride. As time formulates we will struggle being enervated.
December 28th
Key Transits Moon in Pisces conjuncts Pisces Neptune and Aries Jupiters…Jupiter's… Taurus Uranus opposes S. NODE Scorpio 
Key Message: there is sensible luck dealing with trips and team work. There is a moment of team building for an actionable experience. The lines seem to be blurry along with possibilities- this can be good or bad. 
December 29th
Key Transits: Moon in Aries conjunct Jupiter in Aries.  Sun in Capricorn Square Moon and Jupiter in Aries.
Key Message:  Be aware of the fact that we can't even be regulated. We are operating without considering the momentary pass of exploration we are experiencing. Do not second guess or breathe life into limitation especially if everything shows you are willing.
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etherealdiva · 2 years
Astro Observations: Part 7
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✨It’s best to not date during mercury retrograde. You can do whatever you want but by actual experience ESPECIALLY if the person you’re dating is a mercury rx native. Once it goes direct, they’ll directly leave also. Doesn’t have to be true for everyone but it def was true for me. Just wait until after the period over. My advice. Frankly, don’t date all. Lmao. Kidding!
✨Also please please please try and avoid accepting a new job offer during mercury rx and REVIEW the paperwork! During a rx in 2020 I was working as a temp and then they wanted to hire me full time. I was hesitant to sign anything but I did anyways (also idk why I even agree to the pay when it wasn’t that great :/ ) but I did and then a month later I got laid off. Also it was the year of the pandemic but still.
✨A way to look/learn at aspects: my little cheat sheet
✨Air/fire- sextile (Leo sextile gemini)
✨Water/earth- sextile (Taurus sextile cancer)
✨Same element- trine (Aries trine Leo)
✨Same modality/different sign- square (moon in Leo square moon in Taurus- they’re both fixed signs but not the same signs- they’re in the same group)
✨Sister/opposite signs- opposition (Pisces opposition Virgo) also count 6 months ahead from the current month to get the opposite sign.
January is Aquarius and 6 months later is July which is Leo season.
February- Pisces + 6 = August Virgo
March- Aries + 6 = September Libra
✨Same sign- conjunct (Aries conjunct Aries)
✨When reading a chart, for Psychological use then use placidus system. You will understand why a person acts the way they are.
✨For predictive skills then use whole sign and sidereal astrology I believe is much more accurate for events. Just my thought.
✨Are you a morning or night person? I always thought I was a night person since I’m a Pisces and I find myself overthinking late at night. But i also always fall asleep lmao. Anyways to figure it out 👇🏽
I have a day chart (sun through houses 7-12 is day chart and sun through houses 1-6 is a night chart) And I find myself actually an early bird. Doesn’t matter what time I sleep, I HAVE to be awake in the morning lol. I absolutely love the sun and the day time. I’m also a Leo moon in the 1st🤔 which is below the horizon
My sis is a sag sun in the 4th and she has trouble sleeping and absolutely loves sleeping in and hates waking up early. Her moon is in Aries in the 8th which is above the horizon. So it’s the opposite side for us both.
My best friend has her sun in the 11th (so she’s a day baby) and her moon in the 10th. It’s above the horizon and she will sleep all day but stay up all night. She’s a Taurus moon also so she does take a lot of naps lol.
A guy I dated has his sun in the 9th (he’s a day baby) and his moon is in the 12th and he also can stay up late! Or basically he’s active at night! We went on a date and then he came home, took a nap and then woke up at like midnight and worked for 3 hours!
For this, Focus on your moon placement since it’s a luminary!
✨Moon houses 1-6: below horizon and you are active in the morning
✨Moon houses 7-12: above horizon and you are active at night
✨The sign & planet that’s in your 5th house indicates what you buy that brings you pleasure or something you enjoy! Or in general what makes you happy/brings you pleasure.
If there’s no planets in there, look at the ruling planet.
Example: Sagittarius and Jupiter is in the 12th house (a Pisces house)
You would buy anything that has to do with spirituality and learning. Maybe esoteric books, counseling sessions with a spiritual mentor/coach, life coach, astrologer and/or tarot reading. Trips! Especially to foreign lands. Maybe always taking courses!
✨Aries/Mars: video games, sports and sports events, working out, a personal trainer, theme parks (like six flags), ziplining, things that you give you an adrenaline rush, sky diving
✨Taurus/Venus: fine wine and dining, satin sheets, candles, music, instruments, treating yourself to nice restaurants, spas, woodwork
✨Gemini/Mercury: journals, anything to do with your hands, books, trivia games, getaway trips, your car, spoiling your sibs
✨Cáncer/Moon: your home, redecorating, food, spoiling your mom, your kids, music, home made items, diy stuff
✨Leo/sun: concerts, anything that makes you look good, a makeover, your hair, camera, ring light, anything to invest in your performance (YT, tik tok etc)
✨Virgo/ Mercury: your pets, health, personal trainer, nutritionist, your meals, books, holistic healing
✨Libra/Venus: facials, spa days, art, spoiling your significant other, dating coach/advice, aesthetic items, dessert
✨Scorpio/Pluto: spell work, witchcraft, tarot reading, anything that changes your appearance, candles, shopping in general
✨Sagittarius/Jupiter: life coach, foreign trips, courses, school, self help books, experiences, going out drinking with friends, traveling anywhere, fun adventures
✨Capricorn/Saturn: designer brand, business items, anything that invests in your business, stocks, spoiling others with gifts instead of telling them you actually love them lmao (jk!)
✨Aquarius/Uranus: technology, computers, games, sci fi movies, volunteering, spoiling your friends, comic books, astrology readings
✨Pisces/Neptune: candles, crystals, tarot readings, substances (such as drinking), tattoos, psychic readings, music
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servantofthefates · 3 years
How to Understand Astrological Placements
It is a simple three-step process.
STEP 1: Know the difference between Planets, Signs and Houses.
Planets are the sources of energies that influence our lives. For example, Jupiter is the source of abundance, Venus is the source of beauty, and Mercury is the source of intelligence.
Signs are the categories of our personalities. To illustrate, Cancer is a nurturing personality, Libra is a harmonious personality, and Pisces is an intuitive personality.
Houses are the areas of our lives. Such as, the Second House is the area of our money, the Sixth House is the area of our health, and the Seventh House is the area of our partnerships.
STEP 2: Know what each Planet, Sign and House represents.
Sun – Source of your stamina
Moon – Source of your instincts
Mercury – Source of your intelligence
Venus – Source of your beauty
Mars – Source of your aggression
Jupiter – Source of your abundance
Saturn – Source of your ambitions
Uranus – Source of your eccentricity
Neptune – Source of your intuition
Pluto – Source of your power
Aries – Driven and dominating personality
Taurus – Tenacious and stubborn personality
Gemini – Sociable and deceptive personality
Cancer – Nurturing and passive-aggressive personality
Leo – Brave and prideful personality
Virgo – Disciplined and critical personality
Libra – Harmonious and fickle personality
Scorpio – Passionate and vindictive personality
Sagittarius – Optimistic and tactless personality
Capricorn – Determined and greedy personality
Aquarius – Humanistic and emotionally detached personality
Pisces – Intuitive and escapist personality
The First House of Self – Area of your self worth, your confidence, how you judge yourself, what you believe your purpose to be.
The Second House of Value – Area of your finances, the money that you earn, whatever you consider as your valuable possessions.
The Third House of Communication – Area of your contracts, the messages you receive, the conversations you have, how you express yourself.
The Fourth House of Home – Area of your actual home, the people you live with, whatever you define to be your foundation as a person.
The Fifth House of Pleasure – Area of your creative passions, your children, the things and places that give you comfort and happiness.
The Sixth House of Routine – Area of your daily life, your health and energy, your schedule at work, your projects and assignments.
The Seventh House of Relationships – Area of your romantic and sex life, your business partnerships, the one person you consider closest to you.
The Eighth House of Transformation – Area of your evolution as a person, what others find mysterious about you, rewards other people will give you.
The Ninth House of Philosophy – Area of your adventures, your beliefs, your learnings in terms of spirituality, what you wish to explore.
The Tenth House of Reputation – Area of your career, your place in the world, how you want other people to see you, your public image.
The Eleventh House of Community – Area of your close friends, your outer circle, the causes that you care about, where you stand in society.
The Twelfth House of Secrets – Area of your own secrets as well as truths that have been kept from you, your intuition, your deepest dreams.
STEP 3: Interpret them all together.
Now that you understand what each of them means, you should be able to interpret any placement simply by combining them.
Pluto in Scorpio in the Seventh House If Pluto is the source of power… Scorpio is a passionate and vindictive personality… and the Seventh House is the area of relationships, then:
A man with this placement has very powerful (Pluto) emotions for the people in his life (Seventh House). He is exceptionally kind and protective towards those he loves (Scorpio), but extremely hateful and dangerous towards those he considers his enemies (Scorpio).
Jupiter in Leo in the Fourth House If Jupiter is the source of abundance… Leo is a brave and prideful personality… and the Fourth House is the area of home, then:
A young girl with this placement could someday have a truly amazing family life (Fourth House). She could marry a wealthy man (Jupiter), and their beautiful, intelligent or talented children would be the source of her pride (Leo).
Neptune in Capricorn in the Ninth House If Neptune is the source of intuition… Capricorn is a determined and greedy personality… and the Ninth House is the area of philosophy, then:
Someone with this placement has the potential to become a cult leader. Spiritual dogma (Ninth House) will be very easy for them to create (Neptune). And their ambitions could push them to preach it to others (Capricorn).
All you need to memorize are the 10 Planets, the 12 Signs and the 12 Houses. Using that knowledge, you can easily assess anyone’s personality and make reliable predictions about their destiny.
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astrobydalia · 3 years
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sugar-petals · 4 years
tips for interpreting your birth chart:
see how the ascendant puts the 12 signs into the houses one by one. aries rising places taurus in the 2nd house, gemini in the 3rd, and so on. those will be the topics describing said areas of life. e.g. you will act venusian in relationships if libra is in your 7th house. 
knowing your chart ruler and how it functions in its spot is the most important thing. you can find it by checking which planet governs your rising sign. e.g. if you’re a cancer asc, the aspects, sign, and house placement of your moon reflect the theme of your life to a high degree. traditional rulership is pretty interesting, so — attention scorpio rising, look at pluto but you are also co-ruled by mars. aquarius ac, look at uranus, but saturn also. pisces asc, check jupiter next to neptune.
dignity and debilitation is key. beside rulership of the signs, keep in mind how certain planets to well or are stifled in specific signs. learn about exaltation, detriment and fall (table). knowing that mercury is at home in gemini or virgo is crucial to interpret your chart, but also how saturn is exalted in libra or how venus falls in aries. most of it is intuitive, e.g. see how venus’ gentle nature clashes with aries’ martial approach.
the moon sign is your true identity. how you act when you are by yourself. like the actual moon is serenely present at night in darkness. if you want to know how your crush is really like, their lunar placement will tell you. meanwhile, the sun sign is your self-presentation. the sun is ruled by leo after all, that’s how you want to prove and establish yourself. there’s attachment. the sun sign is a mask. at the end of the day, where you find true comfort is only the moon sign and its house.
followed by the venus sign which symbolizes everything you find nice and pleasing. you’ll notice how your coping mechanisms — caused by your sun sign’s struggle — are all in these moon or venus areas. realize that you don’t need a reason of pressure to comfort yourself or admit to those areas that make you feel great. let venus be venus for its own sake.
a lot of value can be drawn out of interpreting the IC versus the MC. that is, how your childhood life leads to your career life. the contrast of the 4th house (domestic) and the 10th house (public) is in a natural opposition with good reason, 180° apart. you will find a fulfilling career if it brings balance to what happened in the home.
accept squares as they are. a lot of astrologers try to pull something positive out of them, but the experienced ones tell you that you can’t overcome them, it’s supposed to be like that. all that’s possible is using your sextiles and trines to get back on track. and it is true that the more squares, the more karmic rewards. oppositions, even more so. especially when saturn is involved, there will be benefits down the line.
see where your parents’ north nodes are. even if you don’t have their birth times, you can find it. now, if you have any personal planets in your own chart at those very spots, it is likely that your parents wanted you to fulfill their purpose for them. if your mother’s north node is in taurus and you are a taurus sun, she passed on a need for stability in life. that purpose is not complete by her own efforts, you continue it. in essence, the north node tells you the people you’re bound to. the south node shows you people you were bound to.
predict the time of meeting a spouse by your jupiter return. if jupiter visits your natal jupiter sign again, it’s due. venus being in good aspect or conjunction shows an increased likelihood. the presence of saturn there indicates it takes more time and growth. until saturn leaves the conjunction, opposition or square, the jupiter return’s effect will be delayed. but: you will be much wiser and experienced afterwards, and your partner will be time-tested and a quality spouse.
if you want to know in which place or environment you can find love in at the moment, calculate which house of yours venus currently transits. e.g. if it transits your 9th house you can find love abroad, in the 10th house at the workplace, in the 11th online.
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myastronastrologyhelps · 10 months
Stars and Vows: Your Personal Guide to Marriage Predictions!
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Astrology offers insights into potential dynamics between individuals based on their zodiac signs. It's important to note that while astrological compatibility can provide some guidance, it is not a definitive predictor of the future of a marriage. Individual personalities, communication styles, values, and life experiences play crucial roles in relationship dynamics. Here's a brief overview of how astrologers often interpret compatibility between zodiac signs: accurate life prediction by date of birth free  1. Aries (March 21 - April 19):    - Best Matches: Leo, Sagittarius    - Challenging Matches: Cancer, Capricorn 2. Taurus (April 20 - May 20):    - Best Matches: Virgo, Capricorn    - Challenging Matches: Leo, Aquarius free kundli reading 3. Gemini (May 21 - June 20):    - Best Matches: Libra, Aquarius    - Challenging Matches: Virgo, Pisces 4. Cancer (June 21 - July 22):    - Best Matches: Scorpio, Pisces    - Challenging Matches: Aries, Libra kundli in hindi 5. Leo (July 23 - August 22):    - Best Matches: Aries, Sagittarius    - Challenging Matches: Taurus, Scorpio  6. Virgo (August 23 - September 22):    - Best Matches: Taurus, Capricorn    - Challenging Matches: Gemini, Sagittarius marriage prediction by date of birth  7. Libra (September 23 - October 22):    - Best Matches: Gemini, Aquarius    - Challenging Matches: Cancer, Capricorn 8. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):    - Best Matches: Cancer, Pisces    - Challenging Matches: Leo, Aquarius free janam kundali analysis for marriage 9. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):    - Best Matches: Aries, Leo    - Challenging Matches: Virgo, Pisces accurate life prediction by date of birth free 10. Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):     - Best Matches: Taurus, Virgo     - Challenging Matches: Aries, Libra 11. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):     Best Matches: Gemini, Libra     Challenging Matches: Cancer, Scorpio 12. Pisces (February 19 - March 20):     - Best Matches: Cancer, Scorpio     - Challenging Matches: Gemini, Sagittarius astrology by date of birth for marriage It's essential to remember that these generalizations are based on sun signs and provide a broad overview. The compatibility of a couple is influenced by the entire birth chart, including moon signs, rising signs, and the positions of Venus and Mars. Synastry charts, which compare the birth charts of two individuals, provide a more detailed analysis of compatibility. Astrology is a belief system, and interpretations can vary. While astrological insights can be interesting and entertaining, it's important not to make relationship decisions solely based on astrological compatibility. Real-life communication, understanding, and mutual effort are key factors in building a successful marriage.  Visit the best astrology site, Myastron.com to get a marriage prediction report for free.
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
On houses, house rulerships & how ya'll should stop associating them with signs + a rant on the meaning of the 8th house
This is one of those moments where I'm going to say (read: rant, so heads up, I may sound pretentious) that modern times keep distorting astrology. I’m talking about associating houses with signs/planets (aka the “12 letter alphabet”, briefly mentioned by William Lilly in the 17th century but ultimately it became a product of modern astrologers: first attempted by Alan Leo and decades later popularized and named by Zip Dobyns). Can we just... use a neuralyzer and make people forget that method? It's ingrained in people's minds because, seemingly, it's easier to learn that way - search astro basics in google and you'll see things like "9th house=Sagittarius=Jupiter". This compressed version of astrology seems more accessible and easily digestible for a casual reader and not many newbies try to even question that approach. But there's a reason reputable astrologers these days are trying to erase it from everyone's minds. Signs are traits, planets are vessels, houses are areas of life. Houses are a completely different thing + every person has their own chart with their own house rulers. You can't say Mars is the “natural” ruler of the 1st... well unless, of course, you're an Aries rising, then yeah, your 1st is ruled by Mars, 2nd by Venus and so on.
Sure, some houses share accidental similarities with planets that have been assigned to them by modern *cough*lazy*cought* approach. Example, the 3rd rules communication... oh and so does Mercury. But then again, Mercury has nothing to do with health, injuries, work - all things 6th house. 7th is relationships and 2nd is money & values... and it so happens that Venus shows our attitude towards these things. I would sometimes find myself loosely refer houses to planets, like “oh the 3rd mercurial house” just because SOME of them do fit with the characteristics... and because it's a language that is well-understood (I won't do that anymore). BUT even when I started learning astrology, I had a red light go on in my head when people would straight up go "Moon in Virgo or Moon in the 6th". It never made sense to me. These are completely different things. And I've seen some awesome astrologers who would state things like "oh Aquarius Sun is basically the same as Sun in the 11th", like nah, dude. Because why? Aquarius is the friendly type and the 11th rules friends? Because Aquarius is the big innovator and 11th stands for hopes and dreams? But Aquarius is also a rebel who's stiff in their beliefs. Aquarius is a weirdo, is the 11th house the house of weirdos? No. Aquarius likes to be independent and usually has issues with feeling of not belonging anywhere, while 11th rules communities. THAT'S CONTRADICTORY. Because they're not the same.
Want more examples? Having Venus in Aries is completely different than Venus in the 1st. What do people usually say about Venus in the 1st? That it makes the native charming, lovely, well-put together, with great manners, maybe beautiful, graceful, maybe a bit shallow. When in Aries? None of these characteristics fit, on top of that, it's in its detriment. Our poor gal Venus is uncomfortable and confused in Aries. She's like, "conquer? Swords? Selfishness? Obnoxiousness? Sparring? You're telling me to fight people? What am I doing here???" 
I think it most shows in the 8th house, which... *deep breath* has gone through so much (ironically since it rules transformation), like, there's a lot to unpack here. "tHe sCorPioNic HoUse": tell me in what way does Scorpio have to do with inheritance, death, taxes, other people's stuff? These are the og topics associated with the 8th house. And by the way, it doesn't have to be a material inheritance, because I saw people being confused by that. You can have your 10th house ruler in the 8th so maybe you'll inherit that job as a chairman in your father's corporation, along with its renowned name. Or your 6th house ruler is in the 8th so you'll inherit a genetic health condition from your parent. 
Now, modern astrology, as per usual, tried to turn it into something positive (and psychological because apparently according to modern notion, astrology can’t predict anything so it’s only psychological *eye roll*) and put its rose-colored glasses on it so they'll say things like: transformation or taboo topics - like okay, makes sense, it's an intense house after all. Like a near-death experience or a metaphorical death will be transformative and maybe hard to talk about. And Scorpios do have the tendency to go through drastic situations in their lives and to dig deep & not being afraid to uncover secrets and all that's unknown and scary for others. There you have it, some convergence. But still, Scorpio and the 8th house are two different things.
Then there's the topic of the 8th house and sex. Actually, side note, a quick history bit, the 2nd century astrologer, Vettius Valens saw sex in the 7th house - because that was the thing that happened after marriage - it represented two people coming together. In medieval times it then moved to 5th house of kids - because children-making requires intercourse, duh. Listen, I get that the 8th, as the follow-up to the 7th, is seen as joined resources; and joined everything, including bodies... or bodily fluids... (tmi?) after you get married or whatever. I don't think that makes sense in the modern times. I mean, go ahead if you want to associate the 8th with sex but after some time of studying astrology, I see it almost exclusively in the 5th as it's the house of pleasures. Simply. Besides, technically you can get yourself off and don’t need anyone else to assist you. My issue, again, comes from the root of the association with the 8th. Modern astrologers started linking 8th with Pluto and Scorpio in medical astrology rules reproductive system and so Scorpio is seen as the fReAky sEx dEMon blAh blaH (honestly, try asking Scorpios about their intimate life and they'll run for the hills abashed). So it turned out that 8th house is the "plutonian one" (I had a moment today wondering if it's plutonian or plutonic and idk anymore) so therefore it must rule sex. Well that logic doesn't make sense because everyone knows that the first and most important planet in the matters of sex is Mars but none of ya'll go and say "1st house is the house of sex because it's ruled by Aries". So no, houses are not the same as signs/planets.
12th house has a similar issue. This one has literally nothing to do with Pisces. Like, I feel bad for Pisces honestly, you guys don’t deserve being dumped into the 12th. It's a rather gloomy house and the most positive thing you could come up with it is being the house of imagination and intuition - because it rules the subconscious and partially your mind. And Pisces is usually characterized by those two. Or you could say that they're both kinda foggy in nature - 12th is the unattainable. But that is literally the closest you can get with them correlating. Other than that, 12th is hidden enemies, succlusion, illness (but mental or chronic, it's a bit different than 6th). There's nothing piscean about it really.
But I get it, open most of the astrology books and you'll see chapters called that way. Why? Because it's easier to publish something that's shorter aka simpler for the reader (actually that was one of Dobyns' reasoning behind spreading that approach). That’s why I said it’s lazy. And someone would argue that it’s easier to learn this way - because the information is compressed into 12 sections (signs) instead of 24 (signs+houses) or even more if you include delineations of every house ruled by each sign. Like, “well if I memorize the meaning of Cancer and Moon then automatically I’ll also memorize the 4th house”. But in fact, it’s so limiting in the long run and then forces you to unlearn what you have learnt, which is actually harder than taking the time and grasping the proper meaning right away. And again, with time it warps the meaning of everything.
Saying house=sign completely discredits the purpose of even having houses. And then on top of that it leads to people not understanding their own charts because they don't know the core meanings of the houses and instead look at them through the lens of signs. "I have planets in Gemini but I'm not that talkative and extroverted". Well okay, where are those planets? Are they in the 7th? Then maybe they're not talking about you but about people you come in contact with? Are they in the 4th? Well maybe it's your fam that has those qualities? The 11th? Are your friends like that? Houses are areas of your life, you can't say "Moon in the 3rd or Moon in Gemini" - Moon is "how", house is "where" - these are not the same things, even if they have a few traits in common. 
Ok, rant over, bye.
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