neverlandparker · 6 years
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He stole my heart!!!
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jasntodds · 6 years
Hello there! Wow!! Congrats on 14k that’s amazing!! Can I request a best friend!roommate!tom holland x reader? Maybe where haz finally gets the two to confess their feelings to each other? These are the absolute cutest! Thank you!
The three of you are seated in yours and Tom’s shared living room just having a day off from the real world. But, what you and Tom don’t know is that Harrison is a second away from snapping because you and Tom have been giving each other the “look” as long as he can remember and he’s ready for the two of you to just spill. You’ve both told him that you like each other so he feels it’s his duty to himself and as your friend to get you to just SAY it already.
“So, y/n, about that guy you like.” Harrison starts, his attention on you and Tom’s neck snaps in your direction so fast you’re sure he’s given himself whiplash.
“Um...what...what guy?” You stutter, eyes wide and silently cursing Harrison if he says another word.
“The guy. You know? He has brown hair and brown eyes.” Harrison smirks and Tom is eyeing the both of you, utter confusion coming over him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You deny it, your lying face not exactly good.
“And that person you like Tom?” Harrison turns to look at Tom. “What’s their name?”
“What?” Tom says through gritted teeth, eyes saying he’s going to kill Harrison so the second he can.
“Yeah, y/h/c and y/e/c, right?” Harrison is trying his best not to laugh as you and Tom look at each and light bulbs start to go off.
“You like me!” You and Tom yell at each other at the same time.
“I mean, maybe, do you like me?” You ask.
“Well.....yeah.” Tom blushes as red as an apple.
“Oh.” Heat rises to your cheeks and maybe you won’t be killing Harrison after all. “Then yeah.....I like you.”
14k Blurb Night - Finishing what’s in my ask!
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galaxy-parker · 6 years
hey! do you have any advice about how to start a fic? because I have some really great ideas but for some reason for this particular fic, I have absolutely no idea where to start! thank you, have a nice day :)
hey! i always kinda wanna mix it up but a lot of the time i find myself describing the surroundings or the weather or something like that like, ‘The wind is cold and it bites against her skin with sharpened teeth,’
somethin like that, but you could always start with dialogue too and work from there. hope this helps!
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sunshinesteviee · 6 years
Hi! Can I please have #10 in fluff/angst prompts haha I'm gonna keep it in the fluff zone w/Peter and #16 in holiday prompts w/Peter? Thank you so much! You're awesome! :)
hi babe! it’s all yours!
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mcuspidey-archive · 6 years
🌷+ peter parker x stark!reader for a paragraph fic? thank you!!!
“what happens if we get caught?” you raise your brow, trying not to laugh as peter pulls you down an empty hallway.
he smiles and drops his arms to his side as you lean against the wall. he was still in his spidey suit having just gotten back from a ‘very important mission’ with your dad which turned out to be an easy excuse to get you two away from each other.
“come on, mr. stark loves me and besides...” he lifts a finger to his ear. “i’ll know if anyone comes.”
laughing again, knowing far too well that his senses usually got him into more trouble, you shake your head as he pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. he leans in after your favorite smile appears on his face until you hear a loud cough right behind him.
sleepover time cuties !
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neverlandparker · 6 years
“Could this be another lead?” (peter parker)
Word Count: 2.4k words
Warnings: none, enjoy!
Author: @neverlandparker
Requested By: @broadwayshtuff p.s. thanks so much for requesting!
Prompt: #7 from my prompt list: “Peter, my favorite avenger is Spider-Man. He is super amazing and believe it or not, I think I’m really close to finding out his identity…”
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The shrill school dismissal bell finally rang and jolted you out of your thoughts. You couldn't be any more excited. You quickly gathered all your belongings and rushed through Midtown’s main hallway to wait by the main entrance for your best friends, Ned and Peter.
This week had seemed especially long and a stressful one too. The teachers somehow decided to dump loads of homework on you this week. You heaved a great big relieved sigh. 
It was FINALLY Friday, and you couldn’t wait because Fridays were the best. Not only were they the last day of school for that week, but it also meant that you and your friends, Ned and Peter, would walk home and spend some time together. 
You guys would often hangout either at Ned or Peter’s house and build legos, watch movies, or play games. Friday nights were something you’d constantly look forward to each week, and you were especially excited since Peter had promised he would be there after mysteriously skipping out on the last few Fridays. 
What brunette nerd was oblivious (or hopefully oblivious) to was that you had begun to slowly develop feelings for him and you saw him as more than a friend, but afraid of risking your friendship, you had kept the secret to yourself. 
You shook out of your thoughts as the boys spotted you and made their way through the crowd, weaving between students in order to get to where you were standing by the doorway. 
“Hey Y/N! What a week huh? But yay, it's Friday! And you know what that means??”
You gave a laugh at Ned’s enthusiasm and smiled, and off the three of you went.
When you arrived at Ned’s house you made yourself at home, after all, it was almost like your second home because you practically went over all the time. You grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around yourself sighing at the comfort and warmth.
Then all three of you sat down and somehow, your conversation with Ned and Peter about Star Wars turned into one about the infamous Avengers.
It's on.
Let’s see who the biggest fan actually is...
You were the ultimate Avengers fan, you had posters, drawings, and even Spiderman pajamas that you were only slightly embarrassed about.
When you had the opportunity to speak, you practically fangirled and told Ned and Peter all about your love of the Avengers and your newfound fascination with the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
“Guys, my favorite avenger is Spider-Man. He is super amazing and believe it or not, I think I’m really close to finding out his identity…”
After your little fangirl moment and rambling about how much you adored the Earth’s youngest Avenger, you looked up to see Ned who was weirdly smiling like Earth’s biggest fool (which you had no idea why) and also Peter who was totally red in the face and a sputtering mess.
Expecting them to agree or even chime into your fangirling, you were confused  and a bit disappointed by their strange facial expressions. Weirded out, you quickly back and forth between the boys several times.
Pausing because you registered the awkward atmosphere your fangirling had suddenly created, you frowned.
“Wait. Was it something I said? I’m sorry...”
The boys gave you no response but all of a sudden, Peter abruptly walked out, mumbling over his shoulder some lame excuse about having math homework to finish (but Pete, its Friday) or something like that to do, and then you heard the front door click shut, signaling Peter’s rushed departure.
When Ned’s front door shut, it seemed to end this trance that Ned was in after you finished your little Avengers outburst.
“Sooooo....uh what was that about? Did I say something wrong?” you questioned Ned with a slightly accusing look. 
“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” was all Ned managed to say.
You sighed.
He was such a bad liar. There was definitely something suspicious that just happened here.
For the past few months, you had been obsessed with the Avengers. After all, they had saved your city. There were all these crazy space aliens who invaded and caused chaos upon New York, but thankfully, the Avengers were there and managed to save the city. It was thanks to them that New York was still standing and the fact that you were still alive. 
More recently, you noticed a new superhero, “Spider-Man” as YouTube dubbed him. And you had been fascinated with the new hero and curious to learn his real identity. So all things led to other things, and for you, your Avengers obsession quickly turned into an investigation to find the face behind the mask of Queen’s very own Spider-Man.
You quickly told Ned an excuse that was something like, “Uh...yeah I will go do that, but actually, I also really need to go, my mom just texted me and she wants me home. I’ll see you later! Bye!”
And with that, you booked it down the hallway and out of Ned’s house. As you were making your way back to your house, you were too busy thinking about Spider-Man and your mind was running wildly. Could this be another lead in your rather far-fetched investigation in finding the identity of the spandex superhero?
So you paid more attention to Peter Parker over the next few days. But every time you tried to approach him to talk with him, he would just avoid eye contact with you, make a random excuse, and walk away. He seemed to be desperately trying to avoid you. You were heartbroken. What did I do to deserve this? 
At lunch, it seemed like every time you had tried to bring it up the topic of the Avengers or Spiderman, he would start to fidget awkwardly and avoid the conversation. You also noticed he seemed to grow more distant. If you were partners in Chemistry class, your once lively conversations with Peter now dwindled to little or none besides the occasional muttered “hey, can you pass me the beaker?” or “what do we do after stirring the mixture?” And to be honest, you felt strange and tired of this weird treatment you had been receiving after that one “fateful” Friday night at Ned’s house.
You decided that as Peter’s friend, it was your responsibility to find out what had exactly happened on Friday night when you had had your little ramble that had led to Peter avoiding you for the entirety of this week. The question that you had left to ask yourself was, “Did this have anything to do with the identity of the superhero?” 
Deep in your thoughts as the history teacher rambled on about your assignment, you had begun to think of possible reasons to why Peter was avoiding you. Then, after several focused minutes of thinking, you finally came to your questionable, crazy, and absurd but only logical conclusion. 
What if...What if...the reason that Peter had been avoiding you had been because...
You gasped at your conclusion, the fear and shock making your drop your pencil which dropped to the hard tile of the school floor with an audible “clank” and it seemed that half the class seemed to stop whatever they were doing before to stare at your shocked expression. Your hands flew up to your mouth in a failed attempt to cover your loud gasp. Embarrassed that you had made quite the noise, you shrunk in your seat and laughed it off, hoping your fellow peers would buy it and turn their attention back to what they were doing before. ,
...because he himself, 
Peter Parker...
was Queen’s very own neighborhood Spider-Man?
At first thought the idea of nerdy, socially awkward Peter Parker as the spandex hero almost made you laugh out loud, but thinking about it again now, it made perfect sense. 
Suddenly, everything clicked:
...why he had decided to avoid you after the conversation at Ned’s house
...why he had tried to avoid you this week
...the numerous times in the past he had skipped your Friday movie nights that you, him, and Ned would enjoy after a long week of school
...why he had seemed to gain quite the athletic form recently.
...why he specifically avoided the topic of Spider-Man
and now, you had been assigned yourself a new mission:
To confirm the identity of the web-slinging hero, Spider-Man, as your friend, Peter Parker.
Feeling energized with a the sense of discovery and epiphany, you could hardly wait until class was over. And when the school bell once again signaled the end of the school day, you dashed out of the classroom and walked out towards the front grounds of the school. You had a plan. And one that involved with you spying on Peter. 
If he wasn’t going to tell you, you might as well take the initiative to figure it out yourself. Besides, you were getting tired of Peter treating you like Flash Thompson, the school bully who Peter always actively tried to avoid because of the taunts that he would often shout at him to ridicule Peter whenever saw him. 
That’s right, you, Y/N, are on an investigation to identify the face behind the mask of the web-slinging hero. 
Instead of waiting by your usual spot to wait for Ned and Peter, you had decided to hang out in a secluded shady spot underneath a tree where Ned and Peter were most unlikely to spot you. 
Waiting in the shade, you noticed Peter and Ned looking for you, but after a while of looking, they gave up and went their separate ways. But what caught your attention was the fact that Peter walked away from the school in the direction completely opposite of the neighborhood he, you, and Ned lived in. Instead, it seemed like he was heading straight towards an alley. Tailing him loosely, trying hard not to get noticed by him, you followed him into the alleyway. And what you saw, only seemed to confirm your earlier suspicions.
You cautiously approached the-person-who-must-be-Peter in his Spider-Man suit standing with his back facing you in the alley, but despite your best attempt at not getting discovered, he whipped around, recognized you, and jumped backwards. His spider eyes of his suit seemed to dilate and you could only guess it was out of surprise.
“Soooooo...Parker...you have some explaining to do...” 
But before he managed to modify his voice....it was too late and in a timid and surprised voice he exclaimed, “Y/N?!?” 
He tried to cover it up...he really did...but he tried...and failed...miserably.
“I mean...u-uh w-w-who’s Parker? I don’t k-k-know him...a-anyways hey, whattcha doin’ here?” he said, but this time, in a newly modified voice an octave lower than his normal one. 
His stuttering only grew worse and you grinned, knowing that his cheeks would be flaming underneath his mask. His best effort to fool you failed miserably, and you shook your head, responded with a slight giggle, and gave him a look. 
You laughed...“Please don’t do this, Pete.” 
However, despite his failure in the beginning, he seemed adamant on keeping his act up.
“Okay, if you are so convinced I’m Parker, then you can prove it to me” he stated in a gruff voice, this time, with new-found surge of confidence that you were 99% sure that only came with the Spider-Man suit. He was still hoping and trying to mislead you. But you wouldn’t be deterred. You knew it was him under the mask, but for some reason, he was still trying his absolute best to throw you off your little investigation. 
You confidently strode up to him and to be honest, you think you surprised him with your confidence because he seemed rather taken aback by your actions, judging by his almost-comically dilated Spider-Man eyes. You smirked. 
“You are Parker...Peter Parker because...
“number one...,” you counted off on your fingers, giving your favorite hero an award-winning smile, one that translated into that’s right, I’ve solved the mystery now, its game over... “...our height difference is the same.”
“number two...,” you continued to list off. “um, you sound like him, duh.” you stated flatly, at which he shook his head wildly against, which you found so amusing that you almost just burst out laughing right then and there. But reminding yourself that you were in the middle of your oh-so-serious interrogation, you managed to stifle your laughter.
“u-uhhhh, n-n-no I d-don’t...” Peter interjected, but instead of his gruff confident voice, his normal stutter voice slipped out. 
You raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
“andddddd…..” you continued...
“o-okay, okay, okay, okay,” the masked hero sputtered, but this time in his ordinary Peter Parker voice.
Sighing, he dropped his shoulders, and he turned away from you to check his surroundings, making sure that there weren’t any peeping eyes, to which indeed thankfully there were none, before finally lifting his mask up and off his face to reveal a brunette boy standing with his back towards you.
You held your breath, waiting for the big reveal that would confirm your suspicions.
surely you were right...right? 
Finally, after what felt like 10 minutes, but was only a few seconds, he finally turned around to meet your glance. 
“You caught me.” it was indeed no other than your best friend, Peter Parker, who turned around, grimaced, and raised his hands in surrender. 
You gave him a look that said really?
He just gave you a sheepish smile, rubbed the back of his head, and you swear that you could see a blush that had crept up his cheeks. 
Glad that you had managed to solve the mystery as you felt your investigation come to an end. But you still had one last thing you wanted to tell you friend. 
“Oh! And Peter?”
”I meant what I said,
But Peter just stared at you with confusion written all over his face. 
”At Ned’s House...I meant what I said...you’re my favorite Avenger,” and with your reference at the words you had said “that one fateful night,” you gave Peter a wink and a wave, and walked out of the alleyway with an uncontrollable smile tugging at your lips and a new bounce in your step.
And once your words had sunk in, Peter Parker was left in the alleyway, once again, a sputtering mess, but this time his cheeks were a flaming crimson color...
...one that perfectly complimented his Spider-Man suit. 
Author Notes: Sorry this one took me a while to write...I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!! :)
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neverlandparker · 6 years
Love, Peter Parker
Word Count: 770 words
Warnings: none, just purest flufffffff ever! the only cuss words are freaking and heck??
Author Notes: Ahhhh I have been v busy recently, so instead of a huge fic, I thought of making this series of love letters. Eventually, I might write a fic which involves these love letters but...as for now, these are going to be an independent mini love letters series. 
About: Also, this is largely inspired by To All the Boys I’ved Love Before! I love that movie! Plus, did you know there’s gonna be a sequel? Yay! :) Okay, enough of me talking, now on to the writing. 
Prompt: Peter Parker has pent up feelings for Y/N, which also happens to be one of his best friends. One night, after homework, he decides to write a love letter....
Dear Y/N,
I know you’ll never ever probably see these and I kinda hope so because I’d be so so freaking embarrassed. Anyways, Y/N, as best friends now, you may be completely oblivious, but I may or may not (screw it, I definitely do) have a crush on you. Honestly, how can I not? I mean, you’re amazing, and just this amazing person, and you have an amazing smile, and, and yeah, you are just an amazing person. Sorry that I keep saying the word amazing, I guess I kind of can’t help it. And I’m really afraid of messing this up...this being our friendship, Y/N. When you first moved here from Oregon, I thought you were going to be another one of those annoying stuck up’s or a really really shy introvert person...kinda like me, but no, you were completely the opposite, you came here on your first day, and you smiled at everyone, and you were so nice, and it appeared like everyone liked you instantly. At least, I know that I certainly did. And it was from that day that I saw you, I knew I had it. You know, whatever that feeling you’re supposed to have when you look at that special someone, like you know, and you get all flustered and nervous, and you feel your heart skip a beat (maybe that’s cliché, but I swear its true), or maybe your heart rate picks up a notch. Whatever it was, I certainly felt it. And when we locked eyes in the hallway for the first time, it felt like nothing else I’d quite experienced before, the playful taunt I was going to say to Ned caught in my throat, my breath seemed to hitch, and no matter what I did, or how hard I tried, I seemed to be frozen, stuck, staring at you. And you probably thought I was staring just because you were new and I didn’t recall seeing you before, but no, it was for another reason entirely. But, you, being that nice person you were, just flashed a smile and gave me a little wave before slipping out of the hallway, and returning to your class.
And from that day forward, I couldn’t stop stealing glances at you, when you were in the halls, in class, and heck, even at lunch. And when you asked to sit with me and Ned at lunch, I was practically floored. I swear I probably couldn’t have looked anymore stupid than I did at that very moment, probably looking like a fish, straight out of water, soundlessly opening and closing my mouth, thinking of the right words to say to you, but desperately failing to do so. Ned probably looked at me funny but honestly I didn’t even care because you were right in front of me, asking if you could sit with us...with me. Thankfully, I guess I finally got a grip on myself because I managed to talk to you, but sadly not in a way that didn’t involve me being a stuttering mess. But despite me making an utter fool out of myself in front of you, you were so kind and just smiled at me. You didn’t laugh; you just smiled. And from that moment forward, you continued to sit with us at lunch, and I got to learn more about you and you about me. And the next time that our math teacher had us choose new seats, we choose seats right next to each other. We gradually talked more often, and my stuttered sentences soon grew to become full fledged conversations with you, and we got closer, and soon enough, we seamlessly became friends. And to be honest, I don’t have many friends. It’s only been Ned and me for quite some time, and then Michelle recently too, I guess. But, you were and are special, somehow I guess you managed to look past my social awkwardness, and decided to befriend me anyways, and I’m so grateful for that, Y/N.
So thank you, Y/N, for making my day a little more exciting. And for being my friend. You really are a wonderful person. If only I had the actual courage to say that to you. And also the courage to say that I really really really like you, like more than a normal best friend. And I guess I would be lying if I didn’t want us to maybe be something more. Anyways, I kinda have to go, I have some uh business to take care of...anyways see you tomorrow, and I’ll hopefully write again soon.
Peter Parker
Author Notes: Hope you enjoyed reading this! More love letters to come soon...
Taglist: (tagging some of my supporters, mutuals, and people whose blogs i really love...i really hope you don’t mind me tagging you! at least just this one time)
@broadwayshtuff @plushparker @petersshirts @peterstrainingwheels @moonkissedtom @peterparklr @thothollandd @marvelousxtsh @peterplanet @rileywrites-parker @poetrypeter
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neverlandparker · 6 years
”you don’t seem dangerous at all” (peter parker) pt. 1/2
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: none, just pure cuteness :)
Author: @neverlandparker
Notes: First Fic!! Please like and/or repost! Your support is appreciated. Thank you so much!!! Hope you enjoy reading.
-You have the ability to measure how “dangerous” people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them. On the first day of school, you go to chem class only to discover an unassuming kid at school who measures a 10.
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Author’s Notes:
italics=reader’s thoughts
It was the first day of school and ugh summer went by in a blink of an eye. All those moments spent on vacation and hanging out with your family and friends seemed already so distant. This was your first day at your new school: Midtown School of Science and Technology. It was quite a prestigious high school with good programs and good students—you were lucky enough to get in on such late notice. You sighed as you walked at a brisk pace to your first class of the day, Chemistry, not wanting to be late and hoping to build a good reputation. After all, it was your first day at a new school, not that many people got a fresh start like this. It was a clean slate, a new opportunity. Well...might as well make the most of it. 
To be honest, you were pretty excited for this year at Midtown and for Chemistry class. It seemed fun, or at least, judging from what you were told. You paused for a brief moment, taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. Exhaling, you pulled on the door handle to enter the classroom. You walked in and all of a sudden, you felt kind of shy, your earlier feeling of confidence had now slipped away, only to be replaced by doubt and concern as you glanced at all the unfamiliar new faces. They seemed to all stare at you for a few seconds and when you returned their gaze, they all quickly turned away. You almost sighed with relief when you spotted the friendly girl you had talked to on the bus, Liz Allen. She waved at you and excitedly pointed to the seat next to her for you to sit down in. 
After setting your bag down, you plopped down in the seat and decided to take a chance to survey your surroundings. You eyed the classroom, taking in the new environment and discreetly observed some of your classmates.
You had this unique secret ability that enabled you to measure just about how “dangerous” people are on a scale from 1 to 10, just by looking at them. It was kinda weird and useless most of the time because most people ranged from 1 to 5. Suddenly, a boy that walked in with your new friend and neighbor Ned, was measured by you to be a 10! You always assumed someone who was a 10 was insanely rare...so rare that actually, it had never occurred to you that someone would ever measure to be a 10. what??? a 10? oh my gosh what if he’s secretly a serial killer? only serial killers have a rating of 10, right?
Caught off guard, you gasped in shock, causing some weird glances to be cast in your direction, and you grimaced at the embarrassment. Gladly, you casually, or a casually as you managed to, tried to cover up your loud gasp by laughing it off and turning to face Liz. Thankfully, your classmates decided to soon ignore you, probably thinking it was just something funny that Liz had shared with you. 
Slowly turning back around, you scanned the room for Ned and the “boy-who-measured-as-a-10″ and studied them for a while, (don’t worry you're not stalking) trying to figure out why this unassuming kid was a 10. He was wearing a light blue sweater over a plaid shirt with black jeans and worn-down gray new balance shoes. He had brown hair complete with an impressive jawline and the cutest smile that made your heart flutter. he couldn’t possibly be dangerous right? you don’t look dangerous. in fact, you don’t seem dangerous at all!
No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t figure out what could make him so dangerous! So on a second try, you eyed him more carefully, trying not to make it obvious, but despite scanning him up and down you just couldn’t seem to figure it out. You shook your head, perhaps your “talent” was just a weird fluke or something, maybe it didn’t work accurately on all people. This innocent looking kid couldn't possibly be dangerous, right? The thought of him looking intimidating was so funny you had to stifle your laughter. pfft. that kid, intimidating? that’s ridiculous.
The teacher came in, greeted the class, and introduced herself as Mrs. Baker. Then, she started rambling on and on about her life and the curriculum and at this point, you looked at the clock and realized it had been almost 30 minutes of class just her standing up there and talking. You were so bored so to keep yourself from dozing off, you decided to continue your “quest” of trying to figure out what made Ned’s friend so dangerous. After all, the boy-who-measured-as-a-10 could be actually dangerous and he seemed like he was also friends with your friend Ned...you didn’t want anything bad to happen to Ned so you decided to make a third attempt to try to understand why this kid was so dangerous.
Again, you shifted your glance towards where Ned and his friend were sitting, and this time, you paid more attention and studied him carefully. Your glance traveled from down from his chocolate brown locks down to his actively tapping fingers. wow, his hair looks so soft and it looks great under the pretty morning lighting from the window...and those dreamy eyes...and his jawline?!? wow, what nerd has that kind of jawline? it should be illegal for him to casually sit in class and look so darn cute at the same time....what holdup, cute?? do serial killers actually look cute? whoa there. You jerked yourself out of your thoughts. no. most definitely not cute. he could be a serial killer just putting on this innocent act. anything can happen here in new york. gosh, Y/N you should be more careful. 
While you were busy scolding yourself for thinking such ridiculous well...not thattttttt ridiculous. no!! Y/N get a grip! thoughts, you turned away from him only to glance down at your desk to discover that Mrs. Baker had handed out lab papers with assigned lab partners. Looks like you are partners with someone named, Peter Parker. You sighed. You didn’t know anyone...well this would be kinda awkward. Okay here goes nothing. You mingled around with your classmates turning in what seemed like every possible direction trying to find a classmate named Peter Parker. You must have asked at least 15 other kids the question, “Hey, are you Peter Parker?” before deciding to find Ned, hoping he would be able to point you in the right direction. 
However, before you could find Ned, a boy had never talked to before walked up to you, you sighed internally, yes! finally, maybe this guy is Peter Parker! Before you could confirm if he was indeed Peter, he asked you, “Hey there, were you looking for Penis Parker?” You were about to say yes before stalling to realize what he had said. “Um...actually I’m looking for Peter, calling him a penis is really rude!” The kid just laughed and said, “You must be new, I’m sorry you are stuck with such a loser for your lab work, anyways, I’m Flash.”  He held out his hand for you to shake only for you to whip around and ignore him. You had zero tolerance for stuck up bullies who called other kids degrading names in order to poke fun at them. ugh, what a jerk! 
“Then, you spotted Ned across the room. Grateful that you had finally spotted your friend, you practically made a beeline right towards him until you realized that standing next to Ned, was no other than the “kid-who-was-measured-as-a-10,” the one that you had been eyeing earlier. You composed yourself despite your racing heartbeat and nervousness at approaching “kid-who-was-measured-as-a-10″ and possibly a potential threat by plastering a smile on your face. In an attempt to calm yourself, you decided to temporarily ditch your thoughts about ever knowing that “kid-who-was-measured-as-a-10″ was rated a 10 on your danger scale. “Hey,” you greeted them, “Do either of you guys know a Peter Parker? We are supposed to be lab partners.”
Then, “the-boy-who-was-measured-as-a-10″ spoke up, “Hey-y, actually I-I’m Peter, uh-h..P-Peter Parker.”
You locked eyes with him as he smiled and greeted you. You couldn’t help but notice the butterflies in your stomach that appeared when you kept his gaze.
“Sorry, I didn’t catch your-r name...” he stuttered.
“Oh, my name is Y/N, it's nice to meet you Peter!”
You couldn't help it and returned the smile. wait...he stuttered? do serial killers stutter?? either he is really just shy and nervous, or...he has some serious acting skills. anyways let's just forget about his danger rating Y/N, you have a lab to do. 
At this point, Ned had wandered off to find his partner leaving the two of you alone so you said, “Peter, let’s go and find a lab station.”
You managed to find an open lab space and began reading the instructions. You were still curious about Peter so you decided to strike up some friendly conversation. 
“Hey. So I’m new to Midtown this year, well haha you can probably tell, anyways, I know Ned because he is my neighbor and we are friends, and I noticed that you guys walked to class together...you’re friends right?”
Peter grinned at you while gathering the lab materials and reading the procedures. “Yeah! He’s pretty much my only real friend here. Sometimes we build LEGO Star Wars together. Do you like Star Wars?” the way his eyes light up when he talks about building lego star wars is actually pretty adorable actually. wait what the heck? jeez Y/N, what are you doing? daydreaming about a potential serial killer??
You nodded while measuring out chemicals. “Yeah I do, but sorry if this offends you in any way, but I’ve actually never seen the original trilogy. But I’ve watched some of the more recent ones and I have loved all of them! Plus, I was so obsessed with LEGOs when I was a kid, to be honest, I still like them,” you laughed before realizing what you had gotten yourself into. The chemicals you had just mixed in with the salicylic acid had just fizzed and bubbled over on to your hands, effectively sticking them to the table.
“Oh no! Uhhhh...Peter? I think my hands are stuck from that weird reaction...” you exclaimed, gesturing to the now-overflowing beaker.
Peter’s eyes widened. “Oh no, wait, Y/N! You forgot to put on your safety goggles!”
“Haha...Whoops......umm Peter? My hands are stuck. Would you mind grabbing me a pair of goggles? Thanks”
Without hesitating, he went to fetch them. “A-Actually your h-hands are p-pretty stuck, here, let me h-help..,” and with that, he gently and carefully slid them on for you over your eyes and tightened the straps to secure them in place. During this time, you stopped breathing and tensed as you realized you practically just let Peter a.k.a maybe the serial killer who is acting like an innocent kid into your personal space to put on your lab goggles for you. do serial killers actually do nice things? gosh this is really not okay. what if he really is an amazing actor, hiding his real identity as a potential threat? You sighed. ok, i need to make up my mind about this...but seriously, what if he's actually dangerous? 
When he was done, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. And when Peter stepped away, you realized that he must have just realized what he just did because he gave you a little nervous chuckle and you noticed a slight blush that had crept up his neck. awww...wait, do serial killers blush? And on that note, Mrs. Baker called everyone to attention by announcing, “Everyone, the lab is homework if you didn’t finish and please clean up because there are only a few minutes left of class. Thank you.”
After Mrs. Baker’s announcement, you turned around to face Peter who had already started to clean up, so you quickly joined him in rinsing out the beakers and test tubes. You went to put back your safety goggles and when you returned, you asked him, “Hey Peter, can I have your number so we can communicate to finish the lab?”
“Y-y-yeah that s-sounds great Y/N,” he smiled as he typed in his number into your contacts.
“I’ll text you about the lab homework,” you told Peter as you hurriedly gathered your things, knowing your next class was in the Tech Wing, which was practically all the way across campus. maybe you are wrong...maybe he isn't dangerous. 
“Okay I gotta run...see ya around, Peter!” you yelled as you waved goodbye to Peter, turning around the corner to head towards your next class. You walked with a newfound bounce in your step as you felt an uncontrollable smile tugging at your lips, perhaps this school year wouldn't be that bad after all. also maybe Peter isn't dangerous...or maybe you just have some serious investigating to do.............starting with Ned.
Author Notes:
Thank you so much for reading!! :)
Part two now available!!
Read Part 2 here!
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neverlandparker · 6 years
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“I'd rather just stay on the ground for a little while. Friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Somebody's got to look out for the little guy, right?”
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neverlandparker · 6 years
“How can you possibly look good with snow in your hair?“ (peter parker)
Word Count: 2k words
Warnings: none?
Author: @neverlandparker
Author Notes: Hello everyone, hope y’all had a great holiday and also happy new year!! hello 2019! bring it on :) hope you will enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Also, this is for the lovely @thothollandd‘s holiday writing challenge. Congrats on 3.5k! That’s amazing!! I’m so excited to be a part of this, thanks for the opportunity :)
Finally, the “Parker Pete” idea was actually originally someone else’s but I thought it was so cute that I would incorporate it and I feel really lame for not giving proper credit but I can’t seem to find where I found it originally anymore :(
Anyways, enough me rambling...enjoy!
Prompt: “How can you possibly look good with snow in your hair?“
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Your family had just moved into your new apartment in Queens, New York a few days ago. It really was a pity that you had to move during the holiday season, but what had to be done had to be done. And that’s why you were currently dubbed the “new girl” at your new school, Midtown School of Science and Technology.
It was the last day before winter break and you were feeling quite done with school. The last few weeks had been exhausting for you, adjusting to the new time zone, unpacking all of your belongings, helping around the house, decorating for the holidays, Christmas shopping, and lastly, of course, keeping up with all your academic school work. 
At the ringing of the release bell, which signaled the end of the school day, you shook yourself out of your thoughts and eagerly dashed out the classroom door, hoping to avoid the massive swarm of students that proceeded to crowd Midtown’s halls everyday.
However in your haste, you didn’t watch where you were going as you rounded the corner and ran SMACK into someone.
You groaned and rubbed your throbbing shoulder before looking up to apologize to the poor person who had fallen victim to your clumsiness.
You looked up to see a quite adorable...wait what? y/n!? brunette boy who just ran his hand through his hair and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly before extending his hand toward you to steady you from tripping.
“Are you okay?” he met your glance as he began to introduce himself.
“H-Hi um I’m Pete—I mean uh Parker Pete, agh I meant Peter Parker.” 
His cheeks flamed a dark shade of pink and sighed, “S-sorry, I’m Peter Parker. I d-don’t think we’ve met before.” and at the last part, he tilted his head slightly towards you in curiosity.
You smiled and laughed, “Hey Parker Pete” you smirked at him shyly. “I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you…” however, noticing the time, you had to cut the conversation short, and told him, “uh but listen, I’m really sorry but I gotta run, but I really do hope to see you around!” you waved at him quickly before spinning around and fast-walking, resuming your mission to get out of the school without getting caught up in the crowds. 
What you didn’t realize was that you had just left Peter Parker in the hallway an utterly speechless and blushing mess. 
You were home, having finally walked home from the bus stop in the pouring rain. You closed the front door and leaned against with a heavy sigh. Then, you slid all the way down to the floor and plopped your legs in front of you. You had just flung your drenched backpack and lunch bag in the hallway and were now sitting in your rain soaked jacket with your back against your front door. 
Looking at your legs, finding out your favorite pair of jeans were wet from the rain, you groaned in frustration and shivered, realizing you had still not taken your soaked jacket off. 
Despite it officially being winter break, it certainly didn’t feel like one. You were in no mood to be festive for Christmas and were absolutely exhausted from school. You had to wake up extra early this morning to attend a club meeting and stayed after school to help a friend with a project that was due before the break. Then, you were greeted with pouring rain on your walk home from the bus stop. 
What. A. Day.
You heaved yourself off the floor in a manner that did not resemble graceful at all, you dragged your backpack and lunch bag upstairs to your room and hung up your jacket. You curled up on your couch with a content sigh and decided to catch up on your reading. 
Regaining a bit of consciousness, you finally figured you must have passed out on the couch from sheer exhaustion. You were feeling lazy, and you decided that you would keep laying on the couch. Just a few more minutes.
Finally, you decided to get up, but upon doing so, you happen to steal a glance outside your window to find the ground coated with a fluffy white substance.
Wait what in the world—
You rubbed your eyes, thinking it must have been some mistake, you did a double take at the view outside your window. 
And what shook you wide awake was the delightful screech of a neighborhood kid yelling, “It’s snowing!!!” at the top of his lungs. 
Snow? Wait. SNOW?!?!
From where you previously lived, snow was a very rare occurrence. You had very few encounters with this magical weather “phenomenon” and you found it very exciting and fascinating in the few times that you had.
Without further ado, you stumbled off the couch, dashed to your closet and pulled on your warm winter snow pants and pulled on your previously drenched jacket. On the way out, you quickly grabbed your favorite pom-pom hat and pulled it snugly over your head. You bolted downstairs and to the front door where you clumsily pulled on your winter boots. 
Finally, grinning like a 5-year-old kid at a candy shop, you made your way outside into the downpour-this time, not of rain-but instead-a flurry of snowflakes. 
You smiled, stuck your tongue out in delight, and twirled around and around and around, looking up towards the sky full of snowflakes. You began to stop when you got a bit dizzy and you had to steady yourself a little looking down at your feet to regain your footing. Guess you were a bit too excited to see snow. 
And when you had successfully regained your footing in the slippery white snow, you looked up to meet the gaze of Peter Parker. 
“Oh. Hi there Peter Parker, or should I say Parker Pete?” you giggled. 
Peter flashed a grin at you, but when you used the nickname, he slightly frowned. 
He arched an eyebrow. 
“Parker Pete?”
“Yeah it’s what you introduced yourself as,” you smiled as you desperately tried your hardest to stifle a laugh
With the reference to his embarrassing moment of tongue tied self introduction at the Midtown’s main hallway, he was rendered speechless, staring at you while his cheeks helplessly turned a shade of deep pink.
Then all of a sudden, Peter got hit in the shoulder with a snowball.
He blinked at you owlishly, and when you shrugged as to say “That wasn’t me,” he spun around to find one of the neighborhood kids with a very sheepish grin on his face.
It was probably an accident but inspired by their method of snow play, Peter bent down, scooped up some snow, molded it into a little ball, and proceeded to chuck it at the poor kids who had hit him before.
They yelped and screamed their “I’m sorry’s” before running as fast as they could away from him.
Peter ran back to you with a mischievous smile on his face. And at first, you had no idea what had him smirking at you, but when you saw a glimpse of a glimmering white snowball that he tried to hide behind his back, the realization hit you, your eyes widened, and you tried to cover your face as Peter sent the snowball hurling in your direction. 
Thankful for your fast reflexes, the snowball only ended up hitting your body, slightly dampening your jacket as you let out a playful laugh.
“Parker Pete, did you just hit me with a snowball?” You gave him a playful smile
“Well.....would it be okay if I did??” Peter stuttered
“Well that depends...did you?” You smirked
“Ummmm y-yes??” Peter managed to say as his face contorted into a sheepish grin that rivaled the ones the neighborhood “rascals” had on their faces after accidentally hitting him with their snowball. 
And with that your smirk transformed into a gleeful smile as you hurriedly crouched down to scoop up some snow to make your snowball, and when Peter realized what you were doing, his sheepish grin slipped right off his face and he too, turned around to make his stash of snowballs.
Oh. It was on.
You hurled the first ball at Peter, which he unfortunately dodged, and before you could react, Peter seemed to appear all of a sudden behind you and sneak attacked you with his snowball, which made you screech and knocked you over into the fluffy ground of snow.
Luckily, it didn’t hurt at all since the ground was covered with a thick blanket of glistening white snow. And you hit the ground laughing hysterically.
However, Peter being the caring person he is, immediately rushed over after realizing what he had done. An extremely concerned expression overtook his face and he hurried over towards you.
“Oh my gosh, y/n are you alright??” 
His concerned question was only met by the strangest answer. 
Your infectious laughter. 
He couldn’t seem to tear his eyes off of you. You seemed so happy laughing uncontrollably on the snowy ground. 
He was utterly confused for a few moments but when the relief that you were indeed alright settled in, he started laughing too and the two of you were laughing hysterically together.
That is until peter laughed a little too hard and he bent over from laughing too hard probably trying to get some relief from his stomach hurting from the laughter. but he accidentally tripped over one of your legs and he fell on top of you with his hands propping himself up on either side of you.
When the both of you realized what position you were in, you stopped laughing and when you looked at him you found him a little...too close. 
Peter’s face was only inches from yours and a raging blush started creeping its way up both of your faces. 
“How can you possibly look so good with snow in your hair?” He whispered.
It was barely audible but you picked up on it.
And you couldn’t help it as your heart melted a little more for the brunette nerd. 
By then, Peter must have realized what had said, and his eyes went wide as he clamped his hand over his mouth. “Uh oh. Umm d-did I say t-that our l-loud?” 
You just laughed.
“I mean, um, what I mean is uh I like how you look,” and he mentally kicked himself, “I mean you look good, wait I mean you always look good...but how do you still look good with snow in your hair??” he winced. “I think you know what I’m trying to say??” he stuttered and looked at you as if pleading you to understand his words.
Thoroughly embarrassed, he quickly darted up from the ground and took a seat next to you instead.
Peter, who has obviously embarrassed himself again, blushed and stuttered and you just sat there, smiling and laughing. 
“You’re adorable, you know that?”
And this time, turns out it wasn’t only “Parker Pete” who blurted their thoughts out, and it became your turn to be embarrassed.
“U-Uh I a-am?” 
“Yes you are” you felt your cheeks heat up as you kept going along with what you said earlier but still wanting to desperately sink into the floor in embarrassment.
“O-oh u-um t-t-thanks? But y-you’re more a-adorable” he responded cheekily.
“U-uh I didn’t mean to say t-that out loud” realizing that he blurted out his thoughts once again, he quickly backtracked and started blushing all over again.
“Why thank you Parker Pete” you smiled and peered over at him through your eyelashes.
Then you smirked as an idea formed in your head, and you realized that this was the perfect moment for your little “revenge.” 
“Hey Peter?” 
“Yeah?” he responded, that was probably a little too breathy for his liking.
And when Peter saw your smirk, he eyed you a little nervously, and all of a sudden, your smirk transformed into a big smile as you ambushed him square in the chest with a snowball and ran as fast you could in the opposite direction.
“Hey!” he yelped in surprise.
“Catch me if you can Parker Pete!” you screamed over your shoulder, as you ran further away from him, laughing.
“I’m going to get you!!” he yelled after you as he got up and chased after you.
The sound of laughter and delight filled the street, and let’s just say that it turned out to be one wonderful and magical snow day in Queens, New York.
Author Notes: I had a lot of fun writing this one because of the winter theme and snow :) please check out my...
if you haven't already, thank you, and as always, your support means a lot! :)
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neverlandparker · 6 years
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NEW set pics from Spider-Man Far From Home!! 
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neverlandparker · 6 years
Neverlandparker’s Masterlist:
I write about the adorable Peter Parker who may or may not be the love of my life :)
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thank you @nxverlandtom for my adorable masterlist header!!!!
* = over 100 notes
Peter Parker <3:
- “You Don’t Seem Dangerous At All”: Part 1/2 | Part 2/2
   ↳ in which a y/n has the ability to measure how “dangerous” people are on a scale from 1 to 10 just by looking at them. On the first day of school, y/n goes to chemistry class only to discover an unassuming kid who measures a 10
- “What’s a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist doing at Midtown?” (ft. tony stark!) *
   ↳ in which peter parker has a career day problem and a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist comes to the rescue (ft. a very shocked flash thompson)
- “Could this be another lead?”
   ↳ in which y/n is on an investigation to find the face behind the mask of queen's very own spider hero
- “How can you possibly look good with snow in your hair?”
   ↳ in which y/n is ecstatic at the sight of snow and peter parker is marveling at just how good y/n looks with snow in her hair
- “Love, Peter Parker”: Letter one
   ↳ in which peter parker is adorkable and writes a series of love letters to y/n, pouring his heart and soul into each individual one
More coming soon…
#1: A Text to Ned
#2: A Text to Happy
#3: A Conversation with Karen
More coming soon…
p.s. feel free to REBLOG my fanfiction or any of my posts (just as long as it is a reblog and I’m given credit for my work.) Thank you for your support! :)
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neverlandparker · 6 years
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This is my favorite photo of Tom Holland in the Spider-Man Suit! :)
Also rumor has it that Spider-Man Far From Home trailer will drop tomorrow!!
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neverlandparker · 6 years
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my heart is melting!!! 
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neverlandparker · 6 years
Hello everyone! I saw these sleepovers happening and I thought “hey, why not?” So we are having a sleepover, yay!
The goal of this sleepover is to get a chance to interact and know some of you, so here we go! I’m so excited :)
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Just a Few Rules:
- you have to be following me
- reblog! spread the word :)
- this sleepover will begin now and end on 1/27/2019!
- I will be tagging this as #first sleepover
Time for the Sleepover:
- ask me stuff (pretty much anything!)
- tag games and what not (such as this or that....no FMK plz!)
- introduce yourself! say hello!! 
- ask for my advice :) I always try to help!
- send a 🌻 + and a request for a paragraph fic (either irondad or peter parker x reader plz) :)
- send a 💫 + a description of yourself for a peter parker x reader ship! :)
go to my asks here!
Tags (please don’t mind!): @peterstrainingwheels @broadwayshtuff  @loverholland @sergeanttpoliteness @peterparklr @parkerprotectionprogram @darlingtaurus @plushparker @moonkissedtom @blackberrywidow @mysteryavengers @marvelousxtsh 
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neverlandparker · 6 years
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Me @ people who don’t like Marvel
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