#mary macdonald x asexual!reader
starstruckwillows · 2 years
♡ there are kind people - m.m ♡
starstruckwillows 🂱
requested by anon <3 pls lmk if u see this sorry it took so long 💙
mary macdonald x reader, platonic!regulus black x reader, hurt/comfort, trans masc!reader, he/they pronouns, asexual!reader, rumours and anxiety, swearing, innuendos
whispers leak your asexuality back to your girlfriend
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with a dramatic yawn, you stretched your arms above your head and rose from your seat at the back of history of magic.
mary became dislodged from where she was curled into your side as you did so, causing her to dip her head slightly before waking up grumbling.
"warning, next time maybe." she was tired, clearly, words almost incoherent as she looked up at you like a kicked puppy.
you laughed quietly, kissing her forehead and whispering, "sorry," as you packed your books away.
it was her turn to yawn, linking her arm around yours as you left the room and sagging against your side all the way to the main grounds where you sat with your assorted friends.
"m'gonna take a nap before dinner." she announced after a while, eyes still drooping every few seconds.
you stood with her too, planning to hand in a late charms essay you'd been given an extension for, when lily giggled, making eye contact with marlene.
dorcas was the one to make the comment though, "nap, with your boyfriend? right."
your stomach turned at their insinuation, flush sweeping hotly up your neck as you became very self conscious of the space you took up, cracking your knuckles.
mary just rolled her eyes at their antics and linked your hands, pulling you away from the situation, murmuring "vulgar," beneath her breath.
you part ways at the entrance to the school, turning away from mary's trajectory to follow your own, when you hit into someone elses side.
severus snape.
still in a cold sweat from the innocently made but misinformed joke earlier, you're in no mood to deal with the git, hoping he'll walk straight past.
he does, thankfully, after scanning you up and down suspiciously before darting off, looking like something of a bat.
you scoffed, thinking to yourself what a weirdo, before continuing on to flitwick.
the end of lessons rolled around the next day too, which for you was herbology, a class you did not share with your girlfriend.
while you folded the gloves and hung up your earmuffs, you heard the unmistakable sound of giggling. you thought nothing of it, why would you, until you turned to see the giggling group were staring right at you.
you narrowed your eyes, challenging them. one rose to it, the bravest sauntering over to ask, as casually as you may ask for the time,
"are you bad at sex?"
you almost spluttered indignantly, but kept your cool as you leveled them with a cold eye, "are you bad at manners?"
they cocked an eyebrow, "that wasn't a no."
you cocked one back mockingly, "it was a fuck off."
"well everyone knows you and macdonald don't sleep together."
"not sure it's everyone's business, mate."
they shrugged, "we feel bad for the girl, you've been together for two years, that's a long time to not get laid."
running out of ways to say how dare you, you reached for the last resort of anyone attending school in the united kingdom,
"well, be glad your mum clearly doesn't have that problem."
while the idiots' pack of friends heckled them mercilessly, you rolled your eyes and left the greenhouse.
as you walked to the gryffindor common room to find mary, you were suddenly aware of the amount of people whispering when you passed, pointing at various areas on your body, the younger groups blushing and looking anywhere but you, while others openly stared.
then you heard the word floating around, the one you'd only recently come to acceptance with, the one that had left your cuticles bitten and your hands trembling.
they hadn't been kidding - everyone was talking about this.
and not a single person can mind their own bloody business.
biting a scab into your lip, you rounded a corner and changed your direction, instead heading to seek your best friend.
you discovered him half sitting, half hanging from an alcove in an upstairs corridor, unfrequented at that time.
he instantly saw your tense posture, shaky breath, reddening eyes, and sat with his back slightly straighter, discarding his book to the side.
"you alright?"
it wasn't a genuine question - regulus knew you weren't alright, it was simply a gateway for you to open up.
you pulled your cuffs down over your hands, shrugging awkwardly, "there's a rumour."
gossip was not something regulus black excelled in. if it wasn't for you telling him, he wouldn't know for another week.
he gestured for you to go on.
"and it's true. sort of. about me being, y'know..."
"that's not a rumour, everyone knows that."
he nodded, "asexual."
regulus was also more comfortable with the terms than you were. they made you nervous sometimes, scared someone would overhear. but that didn't matter now.
"yeah, asexual."
there was silence for a moment, before he reached down to help you climb up to his elevated level.
"alright. who matters?"
this was what regulus had done with previous rumours concerning you. who was it that needed to know? who was it that found it? but only referring to people that were important to your life, for good or bad.
"you. but you already know. paisley curdis probably knows now, i'm sure she'll have something to say about it."
regulus nudged you with his elbow, "curdis won't say a word. she's already on her last chance with half the teachers at this school. they aren't blind."
unconvinced but half assured, you nodded stiffly, "right. then there's the people in my dorm."
"they're nice, right?"
"yes. they'll be fine. and then..."
the last component.
you could take almost anything from almost anyone provided mary was on your side. you could be battered by an army and smile if she was on the other side of the mob. she mattered.
your best friend filled in for you, "mary."
that seemed to summon her.
you heard her voice echo down the empty corridor, probably about twenty seconds away from rounding the corner and finding you.
she was raising her volume, something she hardly ever did, calling your name. your eyes widened.
"reg, i don't- i'm not ready. i can't talk to her yet, i need to-"
he cut off your spiral by prodding you down from the marble shelf and coughing aggressively to cover the noise of you shutting the door to the classroom you dashed into.
just in time.
"hav- hey, regulus! regulus, hello!" she shouted, and you could picture his lazy stare lifting to meet hers. you always said he could be an actor.
"have you seen-"
"no, sorry. haven't seen them."
your chest physically ached at the dejected tone of her voice, seeming lost. a rustle of fabric you knew was her rubbing her sleeve subconsciously.
these rooms should be soundproofed better.
after a beat of silence, "alright... well if you see him, please let him know i need to talk them really bad. and tell them i'm not like... mad or anything. please."
when you were certain her footsteps had faded from view, you exited your rushed hiding spot, not meeting regulus' eye.
"don't look at me like that, i know."
he shook his head, "i'm not judging you mate, that's not my job. but you heard it yourself, she isn't mad. macdonald doesn't have a hostile bone in her body, you knew that."
kind people can fall in and out of love just as the cruel do.
you avoided mary, and pretty much everyone, until long after dinner ended. left with your thoughts, the recurring one was where? where did the rumour start? who made the first comment that became a game of chinese whispers?
was it lily, dorcas and marlene having a laugh that a bypasser misinterpreted for vicious mockery?
you thought it must be. who else would be commenting on that?
that's when you remembered snape. his sudden appearance, his smug smile.
but you didn't have the energy to be annoyed at him or anyone, all of it was being used up by chewing your insides apart with anxiety as fuel.
it seemed you were not the only one to forgo the mass public event of dinner, opting to grab a plate from the house elves and bring it up to the astronomy tower.
because two seconds after you'd sat down, mary charged through the door, curls abouncing, setting another plate down next to you.
"i... wasn't sure if you'd forgotten dinner."
you almost cried then, because she'd gathered an identical plate, knowing exactly what you'd eat from tonight's spread.
mumbling a thanks, mary reached for your hand nervously. she was never one to beat around the bush, that was something you loved about her and always would. she came straight out with it.
"i don't know if it's true. you don't have to tell me right now if it is or isn't, though i suspect, based on your reaction, that it is. i want you to know that it doesn't matter to me."
you frowned, "it doesn't? even a little bit?"
mary sighed, "i mean, i was surprised. it never really crossed my mind. but in two years, love, neither did it not cross my mind if you know what i mean."
"no, i've lost you."
"my bad. i mean that, since we've been together, i haven't been bothered by the fact we haven't had sex."
the way she said it, unashamed, made you confused. it was a word that usually made you uncomfortable, because it wasn't something you wanted. but mary made it sound like just another word. not one you were interested in, but not one that would isolate you from the sentence.
"and i'm still not bothered. i guess, i don't know, i just don't care about it that much. whatever you're comfortable with is fine with me, wherever that stops being comfortable for you, it stops for me too. i love you, and i want to be with you for many other reasons."
if she noticed the way your hand involuntary had been squeezing hers in fear, she said nothing, just smiling and pushing your hair from your eyes.
"can i kiss you now? you've been away from me all day."
returning her smile, you uttered your somewhat shy consent and her eyelashes brushed your cheek as her lips brushed yours, shifting to face you as your arm slipped around her shoulder.
fear returned with a sharp bubble in your stomach, afraid she wanted more, but after a minute she rolled to the side, digging into the plate she'd originally prepared for you, and asking you to name some stars.
you knew fuck all about stars.
canis major became brian (she couldn't wait to tell sirius), carina cast as tinkerbell, and ursa major affectionately dubbed 'some shiny dick'.
mary kindly didn't point out your inadequacy, nodding seriously at each ridiculous name you conjured, only a twitch in her mouth giving her internal laughter away.
there were still kind people.
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@anordinarymuse @kingshitonly
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siriously-sirius · 4 years
the first chapter of my new fanfiction is almost done (and it’s almost 6k like what???)
(still need a beta reader btw since english is not my first langage and i make a LOT of mistakes)
so here’s a little bit more about it 
- there’s jily. a lot of jily okay. lots of love and drama and tears and you’ll see. 
- dorcas meadowes is gay af. and two years older than the marauders BeCAUsE I SaID sO 
- ... there’s a thing with hestia jones. like, what would dorcas and hestia ship name be? destia? idk they’re cure okay 
- she’s also a bisexual disaster. 
- marlene mckinnon and sirius black are also bisexual disasters. 
- sirius black IS a disaster. 
- also.
- blackinnon. lots of them. i love them. 
- black!mary macdonald. she’s the best okay. 
- still don’t know if she would be mary cattermole or will just die. who knows.
- peter pettigrew is asexual. and there would be a lot about it and how he figures it all. 
- (someone close to me came out as asexual not long ago so it’s for them. i had to.) 
- remus x happiness. we don’t talk enough about it. 
- peter has maybe a thing with emmeline vance. 
- emmeline vance is half vietnamese and you can’t take that away from me.
and more to come.  
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