#masamis distant relative
hikari-m · 4 months
Digimon Adventure tri. (Japanese version) ~ Kōshirō Izumi {& bonus Jō Kido} + (Direct if Vague) Mention of {Koushiro}'s Biological line/relatives
(Narrator) is meanwhile Still {implied same/similar as Epilogue!Takeru}
"The SUMMER of 2001." {Pre '02!!} "Koushiro was {ON THE WAY to} (via Shinkansen) {visiting} Koushiro's {biological parents}' ["Ryōshin" is the term/word used for 'parents'; implying 'BOTH' 'parent's, which we know is Confirmed, thanks to information from the 3rd Adventure novel] {the Izumi}'s family GRAVE{s}..."
Japanese note: "Ryōshin" as a term is used elsewhere in the main Adventure series too. An example is in Episode 33's Japanese version, the episode with Pump{kin}mon and Got{t}sumon. In the beginning of that episode, Tsunomon verbally uses "Ryōshin" when informing Patamon about the current relationship state of Yamato and Takeru's parents {divorced}, (indirectly implying 'both' involved). Thus, it is not unusual the term 'Ryōshin' would apply in standard Japanese usage when being used for Koushiro's biological relatives.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{Digimon Adventure Episode 29} (Japanese Version) ~ Koushiro[u] Izumi + TIMELINE Notes +  Reacting to Events
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(Note: This cap is near-exact same style-wise to entryway above. Even the placement of the stand, things on wall, umbrella holder, etc. are the same. Even the rug is)
Just before they had moved to Odaiba, Koushiro had woken up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. His parents’ voices could be heard through the thin crack of the open door.
- (Credit to Onkei of Digital Scratch); Novel version
{The Novel indicates Koushiro’s flashback should have been Hikarigaoka, when Koushiro learnt about it.} [It is also possible Izumis simply brought all the furniture with them?] (But in that case, it wouldn’t have changed very much over those years, from the looks of it...)
“He was a distant relative of mine...” - Masami,
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“...And a genius mathematician.”
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(Note: According to the Novel, Koushiro’s biological mother was an assistant professor.) {Going by those details, it can be presumed they likely met through their professions.}
Koushiro’s real father, who was a distant relative of Masami Izumi, was a university lecturer and genius mathematician. His wife, Koushiro’s real mother, was an assistant professor, but despite having such a promising future, they died in a car accident almost right after Koushiro was born. Around the same time, the boy that had been born to the Izumi couple had died young from illness. When asked if they could take Koushiro, it was Yoshie who had accepted first.
- (Credit to Digital Scratch)
{The Novel also indicates, as said above, Mrs. Izumi had accepted first, despite Koushiro’s biological father being Masami’s distant relative}
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ahiddenpath · 5 years
So you think Koushiro and his wife were "unexpectedly pregnant"? What's the story there?
Ah!  Anon is referencing my Epilogue Celebration: Daughter post.
I’m hoping to write about the Chosen as adults someday, so I don’t wanna get too detailed here (annnd of course, I did it anyway)…  But, yes.  I think Hotaru (Koushiro’s daughter) is an “oops” baby.  
Thanks for the ask!  It’s long, so read on below the cut.
Basically, Koushiro and his wife (Eimi in the ‘ol Hidden Headcanon Universe) both have demanding careers, especially Koushiro.  This may be surprising, given Koushiro’s status as Disaster Human/Romance Dunce/King of Workaholics, but he and Eimi have a smooth and close marriage.  The only contention points between them are: Koushiro working too much and Koushiro failing to take proper care of himself (because he’s working too much).  Luckily, Kae and Masami live in the same apartment complex and help out a lot.  Er… probably more than they should, if we’re honest, but Koushiro kind of gets spoiled XD
Let’s see, Koushiro was born in 1989, so in 2028, he’s 39.  Let’s say Hotaru is 7-9 in 2028, so Koushiro and Eimi were about 30-32 when she was born.  At that point, they had barely discussed children, and when they did…  They both vaguely said, “Someday, maybe?” and dropped the topic.
When Eimi tells Koushiro the news, he’s…  Abject terror comes to mind?  He’s leading the field of Digital World research, and he’s intimately involved with the Chosen as a global unit.  He doesn’t want to step back, doesn’t even know what his life will look like if he does.  And he fears that he’s too busy and emotionally distant to properly father a child.
Meanwhile, although Eimi loves kids, she’s been low-key planning to not become a mother.  They’re both so busy, and she can barely get enough time with Koushiro as it is…  Plus, there’s a lot of family baggage on her end.  
So, at first, they’re both flailing like chickens with their heads cut off!
Sometimes despite herself, Eimi is sentimental and soft, and it doesn’t take long for the idea of “mini-Koushiro” to win her over (it probably doesn’t occur to her to think of the child as “mini-Eimi,” which I guess is good news, because uhhhh).  
Koushiro remains terrified well into Hotaru’s infancy, but at some point…  It hits him that this will be his first-ever blood relative.  And, although he made his peace with his adoption long ago…  He wants to know what it’s like to have a blood relative.  Suddenly, he needs to know what it’s like.  
At first, infant Hotaru seems like a screaming potato monster, and Koushiro has no clue how to relate to her.  He keeps handing her off to Eimi and Kae and feeling inadequate and awful.  But eventually, she grows enough to show interest in the world around her, and suddenly…  
Suddenly, Koushiro realizes that he can teach her.  Literally, one day he doesn’t know what to do with her, and the next, he’s obsessed with how babies learn, how children’s brains develop, and how he can help her understand the world they share.
And, just as suddenly, shifting his career from a lifestyle to a more normal job seems not just worthwhile, but vital.  
It takes a few years and a lot of help from his wife and parents to get there, though!  And I think there will always be the occasional emergency where Koushiro is on call for days at a time.
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izzyizumi · 5 years
‘ Koushiro’s real father, who was a distant relative of Masami Izumi, was a university lecturer and genius mathematician.
His wife, Koushiro’s real mother, was an assistant professor,
but despite having such a promising future, they died in a car accident
almost right after Koushiro was born. ’
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nerdy-nonbinary · 6 years
Reunion Ch. 2: The Evening Prior
Mako arrived at the party much earlier than she had planned. Sure, she’d wanted to get there early to help set up and bring all the food. But then she thought the train’s might run late, and the weather had said there was a chance for rain, and she knew she would have to walk slow with all the food she was carrying. So she decided to leave a bit earlier just in case.
Now she was standing outside their grand apartment over an hour before she was supposed to be there. She considered texting Masami and asking her, but she decided it would be easier if she waited outside, in case Masami and Suehiro were busy with something. She found a bus stop nearby and, arms loaded with goodies, sat down to pass the time.
Mako had known Masami and Suehiro would be moving before she sent out the email, but she still didn’t believe it was true. But now that she was attending what was essentially their going away party, she was hit with the full weight of what it meant. Since middle school, Masami had been her closest friend. Even in their childhood, cut off from resources and outside support, they had had each other. And now, that was going to disappear. Sure, the two of them had found support groups as they were older, made themselves a community outside of their small, splintered friend circle. But nothing would replace that genuine connection they’d had, two young trans girls with no direction, no idea who they were, who had nothing but each other. It still hadn’t really sunk in yet.
She stared into the distance, the setting sun glowing just below the cloudline. The life she lived had always been uncertain. Transitioning, even at a relatively young age, had been terrifying. Even after nearly five years on hormones, she still got nervous glances in public, and she’d had slurs hurled at her more times than than she could bear to remember. She still had a small amount of money saved specifically for repairs to graffitti and attacks at the bakery. She hadn’t needed to use it yet, but she felt safer knowing she’d be able to fix whatever damage people like that could bring and keep on doing what she loves.
But now was no time to worry. This was meant to be a joyous occasion. Shamefully, Mako hadn’t talked to anyone besides Nitori, so she really was excited to see how everyone was doing. Even Chiba, whose relationship with all of them had been strained at the best of times. She needed to head back to help set up. If Nitori was going to leave, why was she sitting around and fretting, rather than enjoying what time they had left?
Mako hopped up and sprinted back to Nitori’s house.
“Ms. Sasa, where do you go when school is done?”
Kanako turned to face Rina, her last straggler before she shut down her classroom for the day. She bent down to the girl’s level. “Well, where do you think I go?”
The girl put a serious look on her face as she thought, before replying “I don’t know. Maybe you have a bed in the school?”
Kanako couldn’t help but laugh. “No, Rina, Ms. Sasa doesn’t live in school. Usually, I go home and make myself dinner, and then get ready for tomorrow’s activity. But tonight, I’m actually doing something special.”
The girl bounced on the balls of her feet, impatient at her teacher’s vague answer. “What? What are you doing?”
“I’m going to see some friends that I haven’t seen in a long time.”
“How long?”
“Well, let’s see. How old are you, Rina?”
She stuck out one hand, her chubby thumb tucked in. “Four!”
“Wow!” She feigned surprise, and Rina let out a little giggle. “You’re so old! But the last time I saw my friends was so long ago, you weren’t even born yet!”
“What! Ms. Sasa, you gotta be like a million years old!”
Kanako pouted at the comment. “Hey, I’m not that old! Maybe just a thousand years old.”
Her ears caught the sound of heels on linoleum, and she stood up to see a disheveled businesswoman sprint into the doorway, holding the frame as she caught her breath. “Ms. Sasa, thank you so much,” She said, panting. “My meeting was late and my phone died, and-”
“Mrs. Okano, it’s no problem. Just doing my job.” She bent back down to Rina. “Bye, Rina! See you next week!”
The girl looked over her shoulder as she left, her mom’s hand holding hers. “Bye Ms. Sasa! Have fun with your friends!” Her voice drifted down the hallway, and soon the classroom was silent.
It was odd. Until then, recounting her plans to a toddler, the weight of the night hadn’t truly hit her. Now it collapsed upon her shoulders, weights dragging her deep into the earth. Most of her students weren’t even alive the last time she saw them. Sure, there was social media. She’d been a little startled when Ariga had come out immediately after graduation. It made sense, looking back, but she hadn’t been as vocal about it as Nitori had. Takatsuki identified as x-gender now, but there was a period from after graduation until just over a year ago where she’d heard nothing from them. Then they’d popped back up on social media, with a guy’s haircut and FtX on every bio page. They were a student teacher now, working towards a degree, but she couldn’t help but wonder what had made them fall off the map for so many years.
Sarashina was the opposite end of the spectrum, showering in the spotlight (or, as much spotlight as there was) of women’s basketball. The star player, Sarashina was becoming more famous than even some of the male players, despite almost nonexistent media coverage of women’s sports. Of course, there was a little twist.
Sarashina wasn’t a girl.
They’d come out as genderfluid about three years ago, a post on every piece of social media they had. A quick selfie with that signature smile of his, with the caption “btw I’m genderfluid. he/she/they.” Not even an explanation. Kanako knew enough to find accurate sites and definitions, but others would be lost. It seemed hasty and poorly planned, from her point of view.
But maybe that’s what Sarashina had been going for. Spontaneity, confusion, casual mention of their identity. That was the Chi-chan way.
Then, of course, there was Chiba. Chiba, who had been a part of their friend group all the way back in fifth grade. Chiba, who always had had a crush on Nitori, even in denial of her gender. Chiba, who became… Kanako hated to say it, but it was the truth: Chiba became an asshole.
Kanako hadn’t seen her much since high school, and Chiba wasn’t one for social media. After the text she’d sent her, she was willing to her the benefit of the doubt, but Kanako was still wary. Out of the whole group, she’d definitely been the most transphobic (excluding Shirai, who had only been a part of the group by being glued to Sarashina’s shoulder at all times). Everything she had said to Takatsuki, denying their identity when they thought they were a guy. Even Nitori, the object of her constant affections, was a target, as she was almost painfully straight, and wanted her to hold on her male identity, even when dressing her up in skirts and blouses. Sure, Kanako had been airheaded as a kid, and none of them knew much about any of this at the time, but even she could tell something had been up.
Still, Nitori was inviting her, and that had to count for something. Who knows? She may have changed, and Kanako was willing to give her a chance.
But past all the memories and afterthought, a childish sense of glee bloomed in her chest. Everyone, together again, a way they hadn’t been since the end of middle school. It was thrilling, in an odd way. A private high school reunion, without the distant acquaintances to weave through and drunk dancing. Well, drunk strangers dancing, anyway.
Kanako finished tidying up the classroom, and silently skipped her way out the door. She couldn’t wait to see her friends again.
Saori was a bad person.
This wasn’t some huge revelation, any action or scenario that triggered the thought. Hell, she was sitting in the middle of a café, typing away at an essay when she realized it.
Saori was a bad person.
It was ironic, really, considering her area of study. How could she be a therapist if she couldn’t even help herself? But the position suited her. She’d always dealt with her problems by focusing on something else, some new project or plan separate from her mind. Writing a play, dressing up friends, going to church. Now she was going to do it for a living.
Saori was a bad person.
The room went silent, eye contact unbroken between the pair before she pulled her eyes away, staring at the floor. Dr. Yamada continued. “Ok. You’re a bad person. What are you going to do about it?”
Dr. Yamada sighed, shifting her notebook in her lap. “Do you want to be a person?”
Saori paused. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Ok. So let’s work on changing that.”
“But it’s not that simp-“
“It’s not. I know. But saying you’re a bad person doesn’t make you any less of one. It just makes you self aware. Nothing is going to change unless you put in a little effort.”
Saori let the clock echo through the silent room for the rest of the session. Her weekly therapy appointments often left her emotionally drained, but she’d asked to have a lighter session this week, as she was meeting old friends afterwards.
So much that did.
But it got her thinking. Why did she think she was a bad person?
Well, for one thing, she was attending a party hosted by a girl she bullied mercilessly for years under the guise of love. How many times had she given Nitori clothes to match her true self, only to deny her identity in the same breath? As Sasa had bluntly put it the last they had seen each other, her “distinctly oppressive heterosexuality” had not only blinded her from truly seeing Nitori for who she was, but also irreparably hurt their relationship. She still couldn’t believe she’d been invited, though the email had gone out months ago.
For another thing, she’d narrowly avoided again seeing someone who she had truly, deeply injured, even more than Nitori. She recalled the sigh of relief she’d breathed when Takatsuki had reluctantly declined the evite, and she still felt that stab of guilt. For all that she was right in saying Takatsuki wasn’t really a boy, she had actively dissuaded them from presenting the way they wanted to at the time, and she’s couldn’t help but wonder if their declining mental health during the last years of high school had been partly her fault, for denying their identity.
As she exited the office building, she questioned her decision to attend the party for the millionth time. None of them had genuinely enjoyed her presence by the end of school, really. Did she have any good reason to go, besides bringing up bad memories?
But Dr. Yamada said it took work to fix oneself. Maybe she needed to go. Maybe she needed to bring up the past in order to make herself a better future.
Saori was a bad person.
But tonight, she will take the first step to become a better one.
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izzyizumi · 6 years
Taishiro Fic Notes: REPEAT? [10]
pt./Ch. 4, pt. 2 (also Ch. 10) (under the cut!) [previous parts’ notes] [original fic outline]
Pt./Ch. 4, pt. 2 + Ch. 10, (Shards) So in case if it wasn’t obvious, these two parts basically parallel each other, but they’re happening in different timelines. Ch. 4′s happens in [one of?] the “original” timelines (our main verse / canonverse or at least a canon-compliant verse) while Ch. 10 happens in Archaeology AU [this fic]. Basically, it’s Greymon vs Parrotmon battle in Hikarigaoka (reimagined) yeah. [specific dialogue notes] - ‘ Explosions. Everywhere, the sound of explosions ‘ happening at-scene too obviously but also [looks at Mugendramon arc] (I think Taishiro fans forget sometimes the battle from the first movie may have sounded like this, too ?? but they forget? but like hidden memories etc ....) - ‘ Kids his age - one, looks a bit taller, older ’ hi Jou ;A;/ (I thought this bit was obvious I hope) - ‘ others, younger? -- ’ hi the rest too (again) (also includes Mimi and Takeru, who aren’t referenced in the main fic often either, Takeru especially) - spotlights ok so there were some slight ... differences? between the movie version and the flashback version in the Hikarigaoka ep I thought (and also when recalled later) (during the Homeostasis scenes in canon Adventure) so this was to indicate the Chosen noticing something’s up yeah (of course they forget it all after in canon, too) basically, it’s them becoming ‘Chosen’ (which is also very important for this AU verse Koushiro who ... yeah) - ‘ He's staring not at the monster - or maybe he had been, but now he -- He was staring right at Taichi. ‘ hi tiny Koushiro’s awareness ..... - ‘  ("What do I do?!") ‘ hi ... timeloops effect ... (ok but what can they do? Koushiro feels helpless, too) - ‘ His baby sister. He has to protect her, he has to -- ‘ of course he’s naturally protecting Hikari too [in canon, too] but this is maybe meant to parallel his later protectiveness over Koushiro too (... even the canon kind of does it ??) (’Why won’t you let me fight [too]?!’) - ‘ A charred phone booth -- on the street, an overturned bus -- cars? -- ‘ hi the bus from Koushiro’s flashback (Hikarigaoka ep) (..... um) (cars) - ‘  The other boy looks about ready to cry, too. ‘ (i’m sorry Koushiro) [jump over to Ch. 10] - ‘ [electricity] ‘ hi ... Koushiro’s ... element (... that was natural though) (he’s spelling it out too) (also, Parrotmon = electric) (car ... = electric) (... also fire) - so in this verse Koushiro is also basically frantically trying to escape the wreck naturally too (timeloops effect isn’t helping though) - ‘ his mind still seems to be rational ’ again, natural + timeloops - ‘ I was enjoying myself up until now ’ Koushiro ... hopefully had a happy enough life [if an average child’s life] before the car accident happened (in canon, too?) (i’d like to hope anyway ;;) - ‘ ('There's still so much I don't understand...') ’ this is a common theme with Koushiro ... I’d imagine a tiny Koushiro would feel similar in this kind of situation too ... - ‘ a tiny family ’ sometimes others give the Izumis more living relatives [grandparents, etc.] but considering they were already ‘distant relatives’ and no one else is ever mentioned I’m ... not sure it’d be more than just them [Koushiro, Yoshie/Kae + Masami?] otherwise, wouldn’t Koushiro’s hypothetical distant family members have had more impact upon his life at all re: the adoption thing ... ?? (hmm) (yeah I think it’s just them I’m sorry) (considering a lot of the issues related to his adoption + what he likely angsted about....) - ‘ [contact] with their distant relatives - ’ (hi Izumi family ;A;/) - ‘ -- and he didn't have a ton of possessions, he wasn't spoiled, after all -- ’ relates back to the beginning - Koushiro’s overall lack of possessions before Koushiro gets hyper involved with tech and his office in Tri I imagine as a kid he really didn’t need / want / ask for much this is kind of implied in a Vamdemon arc episode, when Mrs. Izumi talks on the phone iirc / basically Koushiro is a polite, good kid who doesn’t ask for much [but also his adoption angst] before his adoption though I don’t think he’d be spoiled otherwise too though like ... he’s never implied to have an attachment to like. anything. (that isn’t the computer) - ‘ ('LIVE--!!') ’ an important theme overall, yes (... I did not actually intend the Daiken/Kensuke parallel but. it happens) (why are Daisuke+Ken so great too ;;) - ‘ His legs hurt so much he feels like he's on fire, but he isn't (yet?) -- ('You know this is wrong!') ('You weren't here before--!!') ’  this comes back up in ch. 11 and various other points, too, concerning his legs so I figured if he was ever involved in the accident and it was that terrible he’d have some injuries/scars, yeah but I didn’t want it to be his eyes/face and he needs his hands for tech the back is a kind of obvious spot too but it didn’t feel right? ... so. that kind of left his legs ;; (but it kind of related to Mugendramon arc too so...) (there’s a scene in Mugendramon arc where they burst through the glass / debris and. yeah) ‘You know this is wrong!’ / ‘You weren’t here before--!!’ and that’s his subconscious picking up on timeloops yet again yup - ‘ (Or was he?) (Maybe he had forgotten.) ’ seriously where the heck WAS Koushiro on that night -- (... if the Izumis were a tiny family and no other relatives no one related to him would have been at his home right ..... while he was a ‘baby’ [maybe in the original they just meant young? they don’t even use the word ‘baby’ there] .....) (’distant relatives’ implies they didn’t see each other often maybe ....) (idek anymore who knows) (but yeah either they leave him with a babysitter / caretaker [??] or .....) - ‘ Looks up at the starry sky above him. ‘ so, that scene with Adventure Koushiro & Tentomon pointing at the starry sky in Tri? ;; ‘I Wish’? ;; -  ‘ ("Please!! Please beat him--!!") The dinosaur's eye somehow moves -- -- looks straight at him. ’
Greymon ;; (if Greymon towers over everything enough that he can see Koushiro here) (even when fallen?) - ‘ Koushiro, on his back, the spotlight on him, catches his eye with a gasp of surprise. Just before the monsters' eye had moved -- -- a whistle had been sounded. ’ Greymon is seriously huge here, so even when fallen he towers Koushiro sees him just before (‘powerful?’) but then Greymon did fall briefly ... young Taichi’s blowing the whistle, yeah - ‘ The monsters' eye opens. ’ (Ch. 4 end) - ‘ ...[Koushiro] closes his eyes. ’ (Ch. 10 part/end) the parallel / crossover (also waking up / falling asleep) ... I haven’t fully decided, but depending probably timeloops effect crossed over these timelines and this happens (yeah) (so... little Taichi + Greymon indirectly [directly??] saves AU Koushiro / everyone ??) (at the least, if Taichi isn’t aware here yet in this point, Greymon definitely is) (..... depending [on AU circumstances], but let’s just say) (he can tell something’s up at the very least) (and maybe feels a need to protect AU Koushiro[s], too) (it also depends on if it’s the same Agumon [Tri implies it is, now....] but probably if it wasn’t Greymon here would still be involved on the side too he’s awesome like that?? [even if in a heartbreaking way]) [to be continued] (also the ending scenes of each to be elaborated on later too)
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