#masculinity is beautiful
spookymakesstuff · 4 months
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cut me open and sew me back together so that i may shape myself in my own image. baptise me in testosterone so that i may partake in the joy of rebirth. and give me trans love and trans friendship so i may live and finally feel the kiss of the sun.
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horrorslashergirl · 1 year
For all the KINGS out there
This is probably unrelated to my blog, but I had to write this out because it keeps haunting my mind. The constant hate men get on Tumblr and other social media platforms have been getting out of hand. I lost count of how many times I heard or read this phrase: "Men Are Trash." by women and I kept wondering... How can one person assume every single man on this planet is like that? Have you talked to all of them to prove this theory? Before I speak more, I want anyone who reads this to know it's not a hate-related post, but rather a wake-up call... especially for women who have been brainwashed by society.
NOW. Tons of women spoke about how men are useless, trash, and unneeded in society and how the world would be better without them.
The question is... Who works mostly in the construction industry? Who works mostly in the military department? The special forces? What about engineering and mechanics? Who is mostly down in the mines... getting all dirty and putting in loads of physical work?
Let's see something else...
Leonardo da Vinci
He invented the helicopter and the battle tank. He came up with designs for mechanical looms and hydraulic saws. He drew plans for submarines and robots. The list of his contributions to the world of engineering is virtually endless. 
Thomas Edison
A keen businessman with unbridled imagination, he is credited with thousands of inventions, including the phonograph, the electric light bulb, the telephone (although Alexander Graham Bell made it to the patent office first on that occasion), the movie camera, the microphone, and alkaline batteries.
Benjamin Franklin
His legacy includes the lightning conductor, bifocal lenses, and, according to some, the first experiments in nanoscience.
Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was arguably the greatest geek who ever lived, always fixing things that weren't broken and coming up with amazing inventions in the process. We have him to thank for alternating current, the modern electric motor, remote-controlled boats, and, rumor has it, radar technology and wireless communications.
What about social media? Something that most women wouldn't be able to live without?
Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg
TikTok: Zhang Yiming
Twitter: Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, Evan Williams
Youtube: Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim
Instagram: Kevin Systrom
Still not enough? What about the luxury brands women are dying to have?
DIOR, Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci.
Oh, and let's not forget the brand of cars...
Ferruccio Lamborghini, Enzo Ferrari, Ettore Bugatti, Henry Royce & Charles Rolls, Ferdinand Porsche & Ferdinand Anton Ernst Porsche
Everything surroundings us... MEN have built, and I find it highly offensive to call all men trash. The Audacity!
The thought of waking up one day without men on this planet is simply a nightmare. Now, I am no doctor but I am pretty sure the human race needs MEN too so we can reproduce because, from my knowledge, women aren't capable of parthenogenesis.
Now, many women say that men have an easy life and lots of privileges, but I would like to disagree because if you said that, then you don't know anything about men at all. Just look up the case of 53-year-old journalist Norah Vincent, who pretended to be a man for a long period to see what living as a man is like. The experiment ended up in a tragedy as she committed suicide. She couldn't stand living as a man; she said it was so horrible, and she was shocked by how WOMEN treated her as she kept the disguise of a man.
I get it. Maybe some women ended up with shitty guys, but that's no excuse to treat the entire male population like that. There are good men and evil men... JUST like there are toxic women and good women.
This world needs women and men... to work together and not let social media brainwash them... and ultimately kill something beautiful.
Again, this post is not hate-related but a cold bucket of reality because sometimes we need reality to hit us upside the head and wake us up.
I see many posts like "You go, Queen!" or "Slay them, princess!"
Well... I just wanna say, "Keep your golden crowns straight, Kings!"
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bubblesnakekiss · 1 year
Masculinity is not toxic, Men are not toxic, there are good men and there bad men but Men are not toxic, not inherently
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nestito702 · 4 months
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viridian-pickle · 4 months
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ausdemnorden · 5 months
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beautyallaroundus25 · 7 months
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joselito28-1 · 2 months
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the handsome guys are on @joselito28-1 's blog
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bubblesnakekiss · 2 years
Men are Beautiful
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uncanny-tranny · 3 months
I think it's incredibly important to remind folks on testosterone or folks who want to reverse patterned baldness about their options, but man, does it sometimes suck wondering how much of our insecurities about our hair stem from backwards beliefs that to strive towards beauty is not only preferable but "makes you good."
As someone with a rather masculinized body pre-medical transition, patterned baldness has always seemed neutral. Hair is incredibly important (hell, much of my own energy is spent on my hair because I like it), but the pressure to have hair, to have hair the "right way" is something that I absolutely loathe.
I'm not here to judge people who don't want patterned hair loss or baldness, I'm here to say that those traits will never make you lesser. Not only is it neutral, but it is also just as worthy and beautiful.
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viridian-pickle · 4 months
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ausdemnorden · 23 days
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beautyallaroundus25 · 9 months
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undefbug · 5 months
the transmasc transitioning experience is really just being told again and again that you’re making yourself gross. which there is a big narrative surrounding all transitioning no matter which side that you’re going to end up “undesirable” i think there’s a lot of hate surrounding trans masculine transition that surrounds becoming a gross man.
really it’s enough of a mental challenge going from fem presentation where any body hair is immediately seen as disgusting to trying to become comfortable with yourself in masculine transition with your body hair. even facial hair which is something that is a big part of masculine transition and something a lot of trans masc people may look forward to can still bring shame and guilt especially around how people will perceive you with that very masculine presentation.
honestly in my personal experiences with medical transition, the amount of negative comments i’ve gotten on body hair and facial hair from close people in my life can be disheartening and really does push on that “gross man” mentality, i transitioned for those traits. i transitioned to be a big hairy guy with a nice beard. and people thinking that’s gross or whatever shouldn’t take the fun and euphoria out of transitioning. but it does sometimes and that sucks
remember that’s it’s okay to be big and hairy and masculine! it’s beautiful too!!!
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