#mashallah this makes me smile
mchiti · 2 years
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He’s getting a belated birthday party with the family🫶🏽♥️🥹
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shitsndgiggs · 6 days
heyyy Kaya!
im so sorry again haha i feel so greedy. May I have a fic where reader x jobe bellingham. Reader is also from Birmingham and has been Jobe’s childhood best friend. And finally when he goes to Sunderland Jobe begs her to stay with him and they both open up on their feelings for each other tyy
Jobe asking you to move with him
Jobe Bellingham x fem! reader
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The news hit me like a punch to the gut—Jobe was leaving Birmingham. He was off to Sunderland for a new chapter in his football career, and even though I knew this was a big opportunity for him, it made me nervous.
The thought of him leaving, of being so far away, made my stomach twist.
We’d been best friends since childhood, growing up side by side on the streets of Birmingham. He was always there, and now, everything was about to change.
I sat on the edge of the park bench where we’d hung out countless times, my mind racing.
Jobe was pacing in front of me, hands running through his hair, eyes flicking to me every few seconds like he was trying to gauge my reaction. “You’re not saying anything,” he mumbled, his voice edged with worry.
“Please, say something.”
I finally looked up at him, my heart heavy. “You’re really going to Sunderland, huh?”
He stopped pacing, his expression softening. “Yeah... it’s a big move, but it’s the right one for my career.”
I nodded, forcing a smile. “I know. You’re gonna be great there, Jobe. I just...” I trailed off, unsure of how to express the pit in my stomach. “I just don’t want you to forget about me.”
He blinked, stunned. “Forget about you? Are you mad?” He dropped onto the bench beside me, his knee brushing against mine. “There’s no way I could forget you. You’re my best friend. You’ve always been there, ever since we were kids.”
“But it’ll be different,” I muttered, staring down at the grass. “You’ll be up there in Sunderland, making new friends, living a new life. And I’ll just be... here.”
He was silent for a moment before letting out a deep breath, turning his body to face me fully. “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
I frowned, glancing up at him. “What do you mean?”
Jobe rubbed the back of his neck, clearly nervous. “I don’t want to go without you,” he blurted, his words rushing out. “I don’t want to leave you behind.”
My heart skipped a beat. “What?”
“I’m serious. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks. I don’t want to do this without you,” he said, his eyes pleading. “I need you with me.”
I stared at him, my mind racing. “Jobe, you can’t just take me with you. It’s your dream—”
“And you’ve always been part of that dream!” he interrupted, leaning closer, his voice earnest. “You’re my lucky charm, Y/N. You’ve been there for every big moment in my life, and I don’t want to do this without you.”
My heart pounded in my chest as he continued, his words coming fast and a little frantic. “I need you there. You’re not just my best friend—you’re everything to me. I didn’t want to say anything before, but... I have feelings for you. I always have. And I can’t imagine going to Sunderland and leaving you behind. I can’t...”
His words started to jumble together as he rambled, trying to convince me. “We could make it work. We could get a place together, and I promise it wouldn’t be weird. Or, well, it might be at first, but we’d figure it out. And I’ll be there for you, I swear. We could—”
I couldn’t take it anymore. Before he could finish his sentence, I reached up, grabbed his face between my hands, and pressed my lips to his.
The world seemed to freeze. His breath caught, and for a second, he didn’t move. Then, as if everything finally clicked into place, he kissed me back.
His hands slid up to my waist, pulling me closer as the tension and nervous energy between us melted away.
When we finally pulled apart, he stared at me, his eyes wide, his breathing uneven. “Does this mean... you’ll come with me?”
I laughed softly, shaking my head. “You really do talk too much, you know that?”
He grinned, his hands still resting on my hips. “Yeah, but... you love it.”
I smiled, my heart feeling lighter than it had in weeks. “Yes, Jobe. I’ll come with you.”
His grin widened, and he let out a breath of pure relief. “Good, because I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
I leaned my forehead against his, our noses brushing. “You don’t have to worry about that. I’m not going anywhere.”
Jobe let out a soft chuckle, pulling me closer. “Thank God.”
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0alanasworld0 · 2 years
Hidden connection (Yassine Bounou x reader) *request
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Request: "Hey 👋, okay first of all I’ve saw your fics and they are brilliant, so I’ve would like to request you a fic on Yassine Bounou where the reader is the is the daughter of Walid Regragui and they met during the World Cup. Thanks in advance ❤️"
Warnings: none
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“Please don’t take unnecessary holidays just for this tournament, habibi” your father says over the phone while looking over the team training. You’re not entirely sure why he’s so nonchalant about the whole ordeal. He’s the coach of your country’s team, the big reason for why so many retired players decided to make a return. A beacon of hope for Moroccan football with a glittering vision for the team that no other coach has had the courage to pursue.
“You can’t be serious, dad. It's your big moment and I’m coming. It's bad enough that you convinced me to miss out on the qualifiers.” you remind him, with a tut. You can miss a few weeks of work for this. Absolutely worth it. you can feel it in your bones that it's gonna go well. He hums with slight disapproval but is relieved internally. Should anything big come from this, he wants you there with him.
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Thankfully, your bosses were only a small bump in the road. Being Moroccan themselves meant that a single implication of your father’s name had their ears perking up, when they realised anyway. 
“Hmmm, we can’t just give out holidays Ms. Regragui” he states, not bothering to look up from his laptop.
“I understand that! Trust me, I do! but since my father is helping out, I would really like to be there to support him.” you reply, trying to hint at the reason without fully going down the nepotism route.
“Helping out? Ms. Regragui, that's hardly specif-” his eyes widen in realisation.
“You know what, maybe I'm being too hasty. 3 weeks is good, right?” Bingo.
“Thank you, sir I-”
“Yes yes it's fine! Great even! Just get a shirt signed for me, yeah?” He looks at you expectantly as you nod your head vigorously.
“I really appreciate it, sir!” You say, walking out of his office and sighing a big breath of relief. 
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The perks of your father’s status means that you’re in the stadium earlier. You have some time before the match as the team squeezes in a final training session, nervously awaiting their big debut. They're revived with a new sense of hope and excitement that they haven't felt in far too long. The weights of resentment and general discontent are lifted and there's a burning desire to make their big chance count, to make everyone proud.
You’re on the grass just daydreaming with your music, admiring the beautiful day, looking out at the team every once in a while. One of those glances, lands you on someone familiar. Sevilla vs Real Valladolid. March 2021, the 2nd ever goalkeeper in La Liga to score a goal himself. You also know that he has some impressive stats to match that goal. He’s practising some basic footwork with one of the younger players, stopping to give him some advice every once in a while. You zone back in to see him smile at you. You feel butterflies in your tummy already and you haven't even spoken to him. He has a gorgeous smile, in all fairness. The rest of him is gorgeous too so you shouldn't be too shocked at that: he’s got thick, dark hair that swoops over his forehead, dark brown eyes that are slightly obscured by his heavy brow, an adorable mole on his cheek, a small scar on the other and lord help you that dimple on the apple of his cheek- enough. you cut the rambling thoughts off short as you wave back with your brightest smile, hoping that the pause wasn’t as long as you were imagining. You don’t see it but as you’re scrolling through your phone he asks Hakim about you, gaze never leaving.
“Oh that's Walid’s daughter. Mashallah, she’s a sweetheart. So talented too!” he praises, eyes narrowing as he notices Yassine continuing to stare at her. He hums in vague acknowledgement with a smile on his face and soft eyes. Hakim rolls his eyes playfully, leaving Yassine to collect his thoughts.
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You made it to your seat in the stadium with little fuss. You’re behind the Moroccan goal post and close enough to the pitch to discern some faces. Admittedly, you’re a little disgruntled that you can only see the keeper’s back but you can’t complain, It's still your father’s world cup debut.
The match has been frustrating, some clear opportunities that were just short of a goal for your home team and some close calls by Croatia to score. Yassine does well to hold them off. He certainly lives up to his legendary La Liga status, that's for sure. 
The game ends after what feels like years, the score remaining at 0-0. It's not ideal but given the competition, you consider it to be quite impressive. Not a moment of celebration necessarily but your father brings you onto the pitch anyway so you catch up with some of the players. You have a good friendship with Achraf in particular.
“You were pretty impressive out there huh?” you smile at him, it's been a while since you both spoke. Both of your schedules are packed as ever. You know that his career has blossomed quite spectacularly over recent years and you couldn't be more proud.
“Could have been better, thank Allah that Yassine was okay for this match!” You both laugh together. His name makes your eyes light up a little bit, what is wrong with you?! You hug again as he leaves to talk to one of the coaches.
You make eye contact with Yassine again but this time, without the bounds of his training, he jogs up to you. Your heart starts beating quickly again as you try to come up with something to say. C'mon be cool be cool be cool be cool-
“You’re really living up to that Zamora trophy, huh?” you joke, wanting to kick yourself for being so forward but thankfully he chuckles.
“I try my best. Not easy when Luka Modric and co. are coming at you with full force.” you hum and giggle a bit in agreement. There were certainly some close calls and having to face such a strong attacking force must have been one of the most nerve-wracking moments of his career.
You both begin walking together as he continues to make you cackle with his corny jokes. You’re stood very close and he goes to nudge your shoulder every once in a while, trying to coax more laughs out of you. He’s absolutely smitten. You're gorgeous with an infectious personality that he feels compelled to be around. And the feelings are mutual. He’s obviously mesmerising but he’s so unbelievably sweet and down-to-earth. You feel all warm and cozy in his presence. Not to mention that you absolutely love the way he towers over you. 
In the midst of enjoying each other’s company, your father, among a couple of other players is keeping a watchful eye on the pair of you. The chemistry is palpable already and Yassine is the picture of a complete sweetheart but your father is naturally a little weary. However, he keeps quiet. Maybe this is a one-off moment that will pass.
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It was not a one-off moment and it certainly wasn’t passing. He enters your bedroom to see you knocked out cold at normal hours in the night and hears your hotel room door opening at odd hours in the morning. He thinks he can hear you laugh and mumble quietly about something? Weirdly early for a night owl like you but he doesn’t want to pry. You've always loved exploring so perhaps it was just the excitement of being in Qatar that began waking you up early. It's a good habit to maintain, far more productive and healthy than waking up in the afternoon with no coherence for a good few hours. He's had enough stern talks with you throughout your teen years for that.
He really should have trusted his intuitions from observing the first encounter because the early mornings were in fact the only times you could spend with Yassine before training began. And you had learned to adapt to a normal sleep schedule so you could make it work. It was nothing too wild, just a couple of friends walking through the streets of Qatar… hand in hand… or an arm around your waist. You've shifted your sleep schedule and adjusted your body clock to a healthy one after years of being told off for the opposite. "Friends."
The pair of you had exchanged numbers after the Croatia match and couldn’t stop texting/calling/facetiming each other since. Every free minute he had, he rushed to his phone; eagerly checking his notifications and hoping to see the emoji he picked out for you pop up. His friends have began to notice the wide smiles whenever he checks his messages. Yassine, one of the most focussed and dedicated people they know, is all of a sudden counting down the minutes until he can look at his phone again.
“What has gotten into you, man?” Nayef asks, incredulously. Yassine returning from break about 5 minutes late.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, and I'm the queen of england. C’mon, spill.” Hakim retorts. He has a good idea of what's going on but is eager to be entertained by Yassine’s explanation.
“It’s nothing! Look, I’ll check my phone less often. This game is just a little addicting, that's all.”
“I sure hope that this is more than just a game to you.” Hakim smirks, narrowing his eyes as Yassine widens his.
“Huh? In what world does that make any sens- OH MY ALLAH YASSINE YOU LITTLE SNEAK! HOW COULD I FORGET YOU AND-” Yassine shushes the outburst quickly, panicking as he looks around and hoping that no one, especially Walid, has caught wind of that.
“Can you calm down for a second?! Fine, we’ve been talking a little bit here and there, nothing too serious.” he sighs with exasperation, so much for keeping things quiet.
“Please, you’ve practically been glued to that screen since the Croatia match. And this is you we’re talking about! You might as well start buying flowers already!” The boys cackle as Yassine blushes.
“I mean that's just stupid when she’s got a pollen allergy” He mumbles to himself with a small smile. He recalls one of your early morning walks together, opting to walk through one of the botanical gardens. 
Your pinkie intertwined with his, you were talking about a show that you thought he would like and in the middle of your excited chatter you paused with a gasp. Your hand leaves his to cover your mouth and nose.
“Everything oka-” You sneeze, he doesn’t think anything could compare to how cute it was. You manage to pause for a second, hurriedly grabbing the medication from your purse and taking a couple of pills, you cover your nose with a tissue, sneezing again.  His head is cocked to the side and he’s really trying to hold his smile off.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying my misery(!)” You jokingly cry out as you wipe the tears from your eyes. You sigh as the sneezing fit settles.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Would some flowers make it better?” You smack his arm as you laugh together. When you both calm down, he looks at you with a soft stare and you blush under it. He doesn’t mean to but there’s an intensity to him that has blood rushing to your cheeks whenever you make eye contact.
He dips his head down to press a sweet kiss to the tip of your nose and the blush darkens.
You respond by kissing his chin. He follows by kissing your forehead. You peck his cheek and he finally ends the suspense by kissing your lips. He originally intended for it to be quick but the second he makes contact, he can’t let go. They’re so soft and he’s addicted to the taste of the cherry lip balm you applied within seconds. His arms snake around your waist and your hands play with the hair on the back of his neck as he lifts you up in the air. You squeal in surprise and he smiles into the kiss. You reluctantly part to catch your breath but he holds your forehead to his, barely a second passes before he joins your lips again.
He wishes he could live that moment again and again and again…
“Earth to Yassine? Hellooooooooo? Anyone there?” Achraf calls, snapping his fingers and successfully pulling Yassine out of his flashback.
“You’re whipped already and it's been just over a week, man.” Hakim nudges him playfully as a blush returns to Yassine’s face. He’s not wrong.
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You’re now sitting at the edge of your seat, smile widening as the extra time against Portugal comes to a close. 
That morning, you had managed to sneak Yassine into your room. Your dad decided to give the boys some time to themselves, opting to run the final training session before the match a little bit later. He wanted them calm and well-rested before the most difficult competition they’ve had to face so far. Walid did not have this luxury and had to spend his time confirming all the necessary paperwork for the match. That proved advantageous for you as 
You were sat up, with his head resting on your thighs. He relished the softness, loving the feeling of your fingers through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp and you felt comforted as the ache was settled by the weight of his head. You stayed quiet, allowing Yassine to vent all of his concerns about the match ahead. Somewhere in between, you lifted his hand up to your lips and kissed the bandages in an attempt to reassure him just a little bit. He pulls away from the warm of your thighs, lifting himself off to be level with you and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips. When you part, his eyes don't leave your own. 
“Thank you” he whispers against your lips.
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You can see the players pretty well from your seat. The tension was thick in the air as the Portuguese players flowed through the Moroccan defence with more ease than the preceding teams had managed. You see the pass that you’ve been dreading. Felix now has a hold on the ball and is quick to make a shot. You feel the tension leave your body and breathe out a heavy sigh as Yassine comes through with one of his world-class saves. The crowd cheers almost as if Yassine had scored himself. He probably could, knowing him. You can see your father sigh out in relief too, quietly celebrating with the other coaches; there was still a chance. You’d never felt more stress in your life than this. 
Half-time is ticking to a close and you don’t have the best view of the free kick from your seat so you make do with squinting. The corner kick looks to have been miscalculated as Costa moves for it but you tense again, a smile making its way onto your face and eyes widening. There's no way.
He’s a second off the mark and you think you can see En-Neysri jump for the chance. The crowd erupts into cheers and you feel the electricity of the moment move through your body as the ball buries itself in the back of the net. You may not see the celebration from that end but you can see Yassine fall to his knees in relief. You can’t wait to see him when it's over.
There have been a couple more anxiety-inducing moments in the second half with Felix and CR7 himself taking multiple shots. You beam with pride as Yassine saves all of them.
One moment has you particularly stressed, however. A collision very similar to the one in that qualifier match has him tumbling to the ground. Your heart stops as you think about how you’re going to jump the barrier if he’s hurt again. The worries simmer down as Yassine gets up quickly, going to comfort and cradle the head of the man who caused the collision in the first place. You laugh with the crowd at the faux-intimate moment and the game continues.
The minutes are now running thin as the defence holds off the Portuguese attack until you finally hear the beautiful sound. The Moroccan team pours onto the field in exuberant celebration. They’ve just made history, done the impossible, and brought pride to so many people. Morocco are the first African nation to make it to the world cup semi-finals. Holy fuck, they've done it. Holy fuck.
You jump and scream with the crowd as the realisation settles in, they did it. Your father immediately races to you, requesting that the guards let you through the barrier as he wraps you in a tight hug. You’re both crying as your father’s hard work has finally proven to be worth it. All those days where your heart broke at his exhaustion, even apparent from the facetime that he’d been losing sleep over this. Those moments have been vindicated finally. Walid brings you onto the pitch to celebrate with the rest of the team. You go to hug Hakim and then run to Achraf who’s still laying on the ground, stunned by the moment. As you walk back to hug your dad once more, your eyes catch Yassine’s and you smile brightly. All you want to do is hug and kiss him but you know better than to make your blossoming relationship public before it's even begun. You also would prefer for your dad to find out before the public rather than with.
When you’re in the bunker, you manage to catch Yassine alone for a second and run over. There are still people around so you know you need to be careful but you have to talk to him. You tap his shoulder and his face breaks into a joyful smile the second he sees you. 
“You were amazing out there, you know?”
“It feels so much better hearing it from you, sweetness.” You blush as he bends down to give you a quick peck on the cheek. 
He’s then pulled by one of the coaches to the locker room so they can all get the celebration videos they need. The feeling of his lips lingers on yours as he leaves.
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The party is buzzing with the excited chatter of players, coaches and family members celebrating the victory. You’re quietly admiring the surroundings and a certain someone brings an immediate grin to your face. He walks up to you and takes your hands in his.
“You look gorgeous, sweets.” a blush appears on your face as you rub little hearts into his palm.
“Could say the same about you” his smile is wide and bright and you wish he could stay this happy forever. You reach to adjust his tie and his hands wrap lightly around your wrists. he looks at you with a sappy, love-drunk haze glossing over his eyes. 
Walid and Hakim are once again observing the moment.
“How could this even happen?” Walid asks, utterly confused by the scene unfolding. He may have had suspicions but this is very different. 
“Your guess is as good as mine, coach” Hakim replies, amused by the events unfolding.
He feels a phone ring in his pocket, realising that he forgot to return it to you after making an emergency call. He sees the phone background and sighs out loudly in frustration. Its annoyingly adorable: Yassine’s head resting on top of yours as you both smile brightly for the camera
“I ought to talk some sense into him.”
“I get it but anyone can see how happy they look. And Yassine is probably the most reliable and harmless person we know. Maybe it’s worth a chance?” He hates to admit it but Hakim is right. His daughter deserved happiness and if that's with someone as lovely as Yassine, who’s he to stop it from happening?
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“I can’t believe this is still going,” Walid comments.
Your relationship with Yassine has stood the test of time. you still look at each other in the same way, he still tells awful jokes, you still laugh and everything is just how it should be. Currently all wrapped up in soft boutique decor and the most luxurious dresses that Yassine insisted on you trying for the upcoming wedding. Walid doesn't catch exactly what Yassine has said but you're doubled over in laughter, the dress you're trying on crumpling on the floor as you try to catch your breath. All of the to-be bridesmaids are laughing too.
Walid would never admit but he’d grown very fond of the relationship himself, it brought him great joy knowing that his beloved daughter was so happy in such safe hands.
“C’mon, you have to admit that its kind of sweet.”
“Whatever” he holds back a smile shaking his head softly at the two of you. Completely and utterly content with each other’s presence.
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And thats another bounou fluff complete! sorry that its a bit of a long one, i hope u enjoy anyway my lovelies xxx
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aceduchessdragoness · 9 months
This was uploaded Nov 29, 2023 by [@]wizard_bisan1
[id: Minor grammar/punctuation changes in Bisan’s English subtitles done by me
 [Playing over footage of smiling children and a quick peek of a man using a shovel]
Child1, in Arabic: Rain leaked into the tent!
Child2, in Arabic: We can’t sleep at all!
The tent collapsed!
[Quick footage of a woman making a sort of flat bread]
I swear life if very difficult!
Bisan, in English, to camera: Winter is coming, people are living in tents, and most of us are homeless; we don’t have homes. So, let’s ask the people – and kids – how (do) they feel about winter.
Girl1, in Arabic, while smiling: We feel cold and rain leaks into our tents at night!
YoungGirl1, in Arabic: We can’t take care of ourselves, at all!
Boy1, in Arabic, half-smiling: Half of us got their houses bombed. We escaped with nothing.
YoungGirl1, in Arabic: Because its Winter, we get sick! So we have to wear warm clothes.
Bisan, in Arabic, to Girl3: Do you like Winter?
YonugGirl2, in Arabic, smiling through the conversation: Kind of.
Bisan: Why?
YoungGirl2: Because at home we can get covered and we don’t get wet! But in the tents, the rain leaks into our tents and we get soaked.
Boy1, while smiling: It’s disastrous. It rained at night and the tent collapsed!
Man1, in Arabic: We keep emptying the tent roof of the rain water all night. What can we do?
Bisan, in Arabic, to YoungBoy1: Are you happy with the Winter time?
YoungBoy1, quietly in Arabic, while half-smiling: No.
Bisan: Has it rained last night?
YoungBoy1: Yes.
Bisan: Why aren’t you happy with Winter?
YoungBoy1: Because we got flooded from the rain water!
Woman, in Arabic, while cooking flat bread along with another woman, and a boy: We are soaked wet! I had to send my sons to my uncle’s house. There is no space for them to sleep! I swear to god, all night, the rains caused holes in the tent roof and we had to keep emptying it out! It is really bad! The mattresses got wet, so I put them outside in the sun. I don’t know what else to do!
Man2, in Arabic, while holding a shovel – in the middle of construction with a couple of men: We got flooded! The tents, the children, the mattresses, we are trying not to get flooded again tonight! God protect us!
Bisan, in Arabic: What are you doing? [pans camera to ground, where they are burying the end of a wooden plank]
Man2: We are strengthening the tent and fixing it.
Bisan, in Arabic, to Boy2: How is Winter with you?
Boy2, in Arabic, as he’s holding a ladder along with Boy3: Not bad!
Bisan: What are you doing? [pans camera over the ladder]Where are you taking the ladder?
Boy3: We are going to build tents!
Boy2: We are going to build tents!
Bisan: You two can build tents?
Boy3: Yes.
Bisan: How do you make sure that rain doesn’t leak into the tent?
Boy3: We place the wood stick in the middle so the water can drain from the sides!
Bisan: You are professionals now. [Boy3 smiles] Good bye!
Bisan, in Arabic, to YoungBoy2: What are you doing?
YoungBoy2, in Arabic, half-smiling: Cutting wood. [He’s chipping away small bits from a piece of what appears to be OSB]
Bisan: Why?
[YoungBoy2 doesn’t answer, and is no longer smiling]
Bisan: Are you cold?
YoungBoy2: [hums in affirmation but subtitles say Yes.]
[Bisan rubs his head]
Bisan: So, what do we want?
Girl2, in Arabic, who is standing besides Girl1: We want a ceasefire,
Girl1: and to go back to our houses and be safe.
Bisan: Hopefully.
Girl2: Hopefully.
Bisan: You both are so beautiful! Mashallah
Girl1 or Girl2: Thanks!
Video captions read: Cease Fire Now /id]
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dashingwishes · 3 years
Happy Birthday To You @sw33tnight 🌟
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🎂🎁🎈🎉 🥳🧁🍰💐🎂🎁🎈🎉 🥳🧁🍰💐
I hope you have the sweetest birthday with your loved ones, with good food and vibes. Sorry, I can’t come to your birthday party haha. Anyway, last year (I was about to say this year instead of last, this year just started lol) was full of challenges. But as usual, you somehow overcome them that’s my girl. You are so brave and strong mashallah. Also despite having a bad day yourself you still manage to cheer people up around you. I love that! There are days I am laughing and smiling randomly because of something funny you said it’s the best feeling ever. Thank you for always teaching me Turkish and German phrases randomly sometimes haha. Those endless nights we stayed up talking for hours on Tumblr about literally anything! It’s something I will always treasure 💎
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Beyza Jaan whatever your little heart desires and wishes for I hope Allah grants them for you. I pray for you to get better and heal soon dakhaira. I know it’s super tough sometimes. Life is an emotional roller coaster. Everything will be okay inshallah. You’re in my thoughts and prayers 🤲🏻✨
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You have taught me so many important lessons in life I will forever be grateful for you and what you have done for me, to cheer me up when I was so low sometimes ♥️🥺 
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I just love how we can still be ourselves with each other even if it’s been over two weeks long. I love the comfortable feeling you give me. Thank you for always making me laugh, cry, and excited. Especially being there for me and trusting me. You are so just amazing, so gorgeous, sassy, and iconic honestly. You deserve the world. You are so special & so important to me and I am so lucky to know you. I love you always no matter what, thank you for existing 💜🫂
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fiddles-ifs · 3 years
debated sending this for a long time. then i wasn't sure if i should send this here or on discord. decisions decisions (tbh u shouldn't expect a bi person to make choices, not in this society atleast)
anyways, last year, as i was coming to terms with myself (sexuality and gender) i was like no way there are bisexual muslims, stop lying to yourself. AND then i was absolutely sure that no muslim is non binary, nope nada none. cue depression. and then, by the blessings of the almighty Allah, i found this. your game.
and i was absolutely overwhelmed. my cheeks were legit hurting from smiling too much. i cried so much when i discovered nazeri. oh man nazeri. they can be non-binary?!? why did no one tell me this before? and they're attracted to more than one gender (like me!!!!!!!!!!) 😭😭😭
and the update? where we can see nazeri praying? reading namaz?! that was the most accurate description of a proper namaz i have ever read. allah only knows how many times i have cried for absolution, sitting with folded legs on the ja'namaz (prayer rug). u are insanely good at this!!!!!
i don't know how to thank u. i love u. i love greenwarden and nazeri and mr. fidds and the universe for making this happen. i am so so emotional rn after the update.
just know that im making dua for u. love u.
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Anon I am SO glad I could do this for you, especially in the times we live in. It’s hard being Muslim and it’s hard being queer and it’s hard being non-binary and I’m over the moon that, even if it’s Just through the power of Words, I could make you happy with a character you see yourself in.
Mashallah. I love u too anon.
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monstress · 3 years
thoughts on cowboy bebop 2021 under the cut
my expectations were LOW so like...the show isn't bad but it wasn't great either
the pacing is sooo slow why did they need to pad an original 20 min eps series to 40-60 mins??? after eps one, i played this in 1.25x speed and turned my brain off and it immediately became more watchable
speaking of padding, i was excited for more Julia backstory but not like THIS......ma'am im so sorry but you'll always be a bad bitch who had her own mysterious adventure outrunning the syndicate in my mind instead of gaslight gatekeep girlbossing your way to the top. spike was right...JULIA THIS ISN”T YOU!!!!
after the first eps, i do ffw every syndicate scene which isn't great since it covers half the runtime. i think what’s great abt the original is that much of the shadowy organization - its characters, relationships, and influence is left to the viewer’s imagination so like demystifying them diminishes their intimidation
the sexytumblrman-ification of vicious. why........
the writing is rough as hell and i deeply admire the few actors who could pull it off....
......which leads to the julia and vicious characters. oof wow. what was casting thinking. switch them with asimov and katerina’s actors and i’d might actually watch their Marriage Story b-plot
that fetishizing comment to jet like i cringed so hard but at least it had a cute moment of spike and jet laughing abt it afterwards but we could do without that
i know they changed gren’s plot bc the writers might want to avoid the bury your gays trope but i wish they were more essential to the plot and had more to do
oof i wished this adaptation was done by apple tv or amazon prime like netflix is cheap as hell for scrimping on the production budget for a show where it is all abt world-building and ~vibes
and the vibes were OFF...like choose a tone! choose a genre! what are u trying to say here! what is permeating and unsaid in every eps!
the Ed reveal...god that didn't translate well to live action....i was also like...who the hell is this pale child 😭 not this show going 2 for 2 on casting white ppl for lead roles originally of poc
THE ENDING??? et tu, julia? the last 10 mins sours the entire show mashallah what a disservice to spike, julia and vicious and abt how tethering yourself to ghosts while trying to survive in capitalist isolation will ultimately undo you
the music??? new Seatbelts???? yoko kanno i owe you my life
EIN....majorly underused but a delight everytime onscreen
sorry to my mans john cho but mustafa shakir is carryingggg this show i mean GET this man booked in every project like i’ve been saying since luke cage honest god he deserves it
john cho is great i like him he makes me smile like we as a society are overdue of him gracing the screen as THE sexy leading man (rip abc selfie...)
faye is gay and i knowww it’s because they had the mechanic substitute gren since they had so many changes to their character but the moment where she gets all emotional since it taps into something she hasn’t realized or FORGOTTEN abt herself like idk if im reading too much into it but i shall
when the bebop team bicker, banter, then work together...peace and love and friendship on earth and beyond 😇❤️
they actually bought the loofah on a stick T T the callback made me laugh and broke my heart at the same time
the flashback scene in eps 9...ok maybe i DO allow some syndicate scenes and julia & vicious can actually hv chemistry! just not with each other :/ 
eps 7 is the best eps. i did like the small alteration in faye’s backstory and u can’t play the scene of faye watching that tape of herself and not have me cry. that scene in particular is a standout it’s like the first time the show actually breathes and hv a quiet moment - letting the actors do their thing and hv the viewer emphatize with their reactions (gonna ignore the irony that the best part of this show is when there’s no dialogue slgsklgkslgkl)
tl;dr: not a good show, you can skip this even if ur not a fan. it’s fine and not as bad as ppl make it out to be but watching the og is a much better use of ur time.
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Oooh 9 and 38 for the two part Drabble game please! 💖 thank you! (Your choice between the two pairings~)
[9 - Settling in for a cozy night together/38 - “You just feel really good. Soft and warm…”]
Shatters!!!💖🥰✨ Thank you so much for this ask! I went with Joe/Nicky and I might’ve gotten bit carried away with the fluff, but here you go! Hope you like it <3
Read on AO3
Joe pulled the autumn-colored quilts tighter over his shoulders, snuggling into the downy mattress. His cheek was cradled by a feather-soft pillow, fragrant with the scent of eucalyptus and pine from the forest surrounding the hotel. With a contented sigh, he noted the sound of the shower shutting off in their bathroom. Nicky would be out soon.
The hotel had been Nicky’s idea, a new place he’d found online. From the moment they’d arrived, it had felt like home. Joe had been utterly taken with the charm of the little woodsy building, tucked away in a pocket of golden-red trees.
“Mashallah, Nicolò, what a beautiful place!”
Nicky had smiled as he sifted through his wallet. “The forest is lovely in this season. I thought you would like to spend some time here. It’s got a homey feel, no?”
Joe ran his hand over the glazed wooden countertop as Nicky finished checking in. He glanced around the vast foyer, reveling in the crackle of the blazing fireplace, the warmth radiating from the quaint brick walls.
“It feels so familiar. Like we’ve been here before.”
“It’s only been around for a decade, ya qalbi.”
“In a previous life, then. Or maybe a parallel universe.”
Nicky had chuckled, turning around to hand Joe a room key. “Go upstairs and shower. I’ll swing by the kitchens and bring us something for dinner. The reviews said they make an unforgettable focaccia.”
Nicky hadn’t come up yet when Joe stepped out of the shower. He decided to rest his eyes for a bit, to shrug off the lingering fatigue from driving - the freshly made bed just looked so comfy - and of course he promptly fell asleep. He’d awakened but a few minutes ago to the heavenly smell of garlic and rosemary, and the sound of Nicky humming in the shower.
The focaccia now sat on the table across the room. Joe blinked at it longingly, willing it to float over to him without him having to leave the blankets. He huffed when it inevitably did no such thing.
Behind him, Nicky laughed softly. Joe turned, breath catching in his throat at the sight of his husband standing in the slanting rays of evening sunlight, wearing only sweatpants and rubbing a towel over his hair.
Nicky leveled Joe with a crooked grin. “What, you think the food will just fly over to you if you stare hard enough?”
“No, but you might,” Joe replied, gazing at him with all the love he could muster. Nicky was walking towards him before he even finished the sentence.
Joe untucked his arms from the auburn quilts, reaching for his husband. Nicky buried one hand in Joe’s hair, curling the other around a bicep as he leaned down for a kiss. Suddenly, he paused.
“What?” Joe asked, watching Nicky’s expression soften to one of almost unbearable tenderness. “What is it?”
“Bello,” Nicky whispered after a beat. He brought his hand up to cup Joe’s face, swiping a thumb over his cheek. “Così bello. What could I possibly have done to deserve eternity with you?”
Joe’s breath hitched. When Nicky got like this, eyes sparkling with a hint of tears and endearments flowing from his lips like liquid love, it was all Joe could do to lay still, open and receptive to a millennium of devotion made immediate.
Nicky shifted to lay his body over Joe’s, carding a hand through Joe’s hair as he held his gaze. “Have I told you yet today how much I love you?”
“No, but the ‘spending eternity with me’ kind of gave it a-” Joe’s voice cracked traitorously as Nicky’s breath ghosted over his lips. He fell silent.
“It is well that I haven’t, because I don’t think it’s possible.” Nicky pressed a feather-light kiss to the corner of Joe’s lips, pulling away as Joe leaned his head up for more. “To put what I feel for you in words is like trying to pour the ocean into a wine glass.”
He kissed Joe again, another barely-there brush of their lips. Joe couldn’t suppress a whimper. “Nicky, please…”
Nicky kissed him properly, then, taking Joe’s face in his hands and capturing his lips with his own. A small noise of relief escaped Joe’s throat. Nicky kissed him with a depth of attention that would have driven a lesser man to madness, and even now, Joe thought, it was a near thing. After a moment, he trailed his lips down Joe’s jaw to his neck, tugging back the top of the quilts.
Joe laughed shakily. “What brought this on, amore?”
“Nothing in particular.” Nicky nosed at his neck, dipping to lay gentle kisses along his collarbone. “You just feel really good. Soft and warm…”
Soft and warm, Joe’s brain echoed lazily. Then his eyes widened in realization. “Oh shit. Nicky, it’s like 10 above freezing outside. You’re not even wearing a shirt.”
“I’m okay, my love,” Nicky chuckled. “The heater’s starting up, and I just got out of a hot shower.”
“No. Come under the covers.”
“Per favore, Nicolò?” Joe held Nicky’s hand, intertwining their fingers together.
Nicky sighed around a smile. “A thousand years, and I still can’t deny you anything.” He pushed up off the bed, and Joe opened his mouth to protest. “A moment, ya amar, let me get the focaccia so we’re not flipping a coin to see who gets out of bed to get it later.”
He set the bread on their bedside table and slid under the covers with Joe. Joe hummed contentedly, curling into Nicky and laying his head over his heart. Nicky wrapped his arms around Joe, running his hands over the warm skin of his back.
“I was thinking,” Joe mumbled after a beat, tracing his fingers through the soft hairs on Nicky’s chest.
“Were you, now?” his husband teased. Joe snorted. “What were you thinking, love?”
Joe glanced at the falling leaves outside their window, startling reds and yellows against the gray light of dusk.
“About change. We are no longer the same men who fell in love outside Jerusalem, nor will we be who we are now a thousand years in the future. But this - what we have - endures, does it not? Love feels like too small a word to describe it. I- I wonder sometimes if I take you for granted.”
“Yusuf.” Joe felt Nicky’s hand on his jaw, gently tilting his face up. “Look at me.” Joe complied. “I will love you like this for as long as you want, until the end of time and beyond if you let me. Why worry about taking for granted this basic truth, inviolable as any law of nature?”
“What if I lose you? Amore mio, I can’t be without you. I can't.”
Nicky’s eyes welled with tears, and Joe instantly regretted his words. His beloved had brought them out to this beautiful retreat to relax and enjoy, and Joe was being like this. He jumped to take it back.
“No, Nicky, I’m sorry-”
“Shh, it’s alright. I understand. We spend so much of our lives fighting that it is hard to relax without going over all the what-ifs. But for now, Yusuf, trust me on this one. I will not leave you.”
“I know,” Joe said, nuzzling into Nicky’s chest. He felt Nicky’s arms tighten around him. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Bringing us here. Saying that. Everything.”
Nicky smiled. “You never need to thank me for this. Now get up, let me feed you something before you fall asleep like an exhausted puppy.”
“Excuse you, an exhausted puppy couldn’t have driven us 120 miles to this hotel,” Joe grumbled, sitting up.
“Of course, love,” Nicky said easily. Joe rolled his eyes, reaching over Nicky’s lap to steal the focaccia. He realized with a start how hungry he was.
But when Nicky intercepted his arm and manhandled him into another melting kiss, Joe couldn’t bring himself to mind even a little bit.
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theveiledrose · 7 years
While me and my friend were praying today I heard her little sister saying ‘I want to pray to God too’ in the background and it warmed my heart :’)
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vol. 1
Media AU
Society Rules by @Tiger_Tiger_Burning_Bright [it is apparently based on films i’ve never heard of - The Philadelphia Story / High Society - which does not make it any less entertaining. malec are childhood friends, who had a falling out 5 years ago, and now Magnus is back from London to interrupt Lightwood wedding, aka the social event of the season]
Making my way to you by @asharee_arie [woah, what was that??? is the correct answer “a perfect fanfic”?? what a muthafuckin delight, where has this gem been hiding this whole time??? i was on the floor, rolling around and squealing like a newborn piglet. Intended as some kind of Office AU, this piece does not necessarily follow the outline, but who cares, when the story, and characters, and author’s style are all that perf??? i am in luv]
Mistletoe and Margaritas by @nevermetawolf [this is legendary, and i mean, muthafuckin epic - Office AU so authentic you’d feel it in yo old bones... author calls it a crack fic, although it was anything but!!! major must read for those, who’s ever loved office, allllllll the kudos]
Once Upon a Time in the Clouds by @Fatale (femme) [one of my all-time fav authors, every time i come by a piece i have not read yet, is like a huge YAY, what a talent. so this piece is an AU of something called “sky high”, which i have no idea about, but luved it nevertheless, Alec is born to a family of Supers, and is going to school for children with superpowers, but he himself is yet to manifest any.]
Quite Magical by @lorenzobane [Hogwarts AU, and what an adorable thing it was! granted, i’ve never actually read any of HP books, this was such a delight though... alec is bad at potions, and magnus has to tutor him *wink*]
Chef AU
the way to a chef’s heart by @lecrit [okay, the GIANT SMILE one’s face acquires when one finds out there is a new lecrit fic ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ ≧◠‿◠≦ was reading it, and legitimately squealing like a feral piglet all the way through, cause i fucking luv every single word this woman writes, is like a tiny endorphin explosions in my brain. i know am a hopeless fangirl, but i’ll die on this hill. the way she gets malec, and every variation of them in her works just makes me go (❁´◡`❁) every. single. time.]
kids in the kitchen by @perpetual_journey [cuteness personified, malec are both chefs, and magnus is a single father of max and rafe, and go and read ittttttttt, its that soft content we all need in our lives sometimes]
Knives at the Ready by @harrysglasses [restaurant AU, that is supposed to be a malec rendition of Burnt (am guessing it’s a movie...?), and what a sweet treat it was! i liked author’s style, this is the kind of smooth, unproblematic content one would require to take repose from all the heart-clenching longing i’ve been reading lately... delightful piece to ease thy soul]
Single Parent AU
I Knew From the First Time by @KlaineJane [emmm, excuse you, dear author, who gave you the right to use Rafe and Max to get to my heart, and be generally so fucking cute??? Alec is a single dad of both rascals, that has a meeting with the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and Chairman meets new friends]
And Then I Met You by @everydayfandom [malec are single parents of max and rafe respectively, and alec gets called in to school about the accident max was involved in...who doesn’t luv them some gud ol’ sweet piece of kidfic? those are like a soothing baths for your soul, and lightwood-bane kids are incapable of being anything less than extremely adorable in any interpretation, so]
College AU
Don’t say goodnight by @alistoney [this the kinda lighthearted content i am always here for - College AU]
One year and a bottle of whiskey by @CryptidBane [yassssss, yet another version of the College AU, but with malec as both clueless and pining professors, this type of fic i can read endlessly]
All is Fair in Love and War by @LadyOxymoron [aaaaaaaa, what was this adorableness *major heart-eyes* what a piece, mashallah, college professors AU, where magnus is new in town, and malec is engaging in an elaborate prank war, which, undoubtedly, is nothing more than a prolonged foreplay (c), what a gem]
Canon Divergence
oh, i’ve waited for you by @manticoremoons [so, the fic is happening a little bit further in a timeline, than the books or the series, and Alec is around 30, and... married to Lydia. i know, i know, it almost stopped me from proceeding, and boi am i glad it hasn’t completely, cause it is a damn good piece!]
Hey There Demons, It’s Me (Your Dream Boyfriend) by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how many recs of this author can i make, without being deemed obsessed? cause y’all should go and read every single thing they wrote, stat. this adorableness is outta this world, literally - magnus’ summoning went sideways, and the loft ends up populated with the teenage ghost-demon, who is very clearly enamored with alexander... all kinds of fluff ensue]
Something Else verse by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [maybe it’s my fever talking, but i am such a sucker for memory loss AUs, and SH fandom has the richest canon base for those, yay! this time, it’s an AU verse after 3x10: rather than asking for his magic, Asmodeus curses magnus by taking away memories from everyone who’s ever loved him, in exchange for freeing jace from lilith’s thrall... oh, what a beautiful and delicious angst ensues]
Home by @otppurefuckingmagic [waaaaaaaaat... *sits with her mouth open* how did you....? how did he...? damnnnnnnnnn you authors in this fandom, stop being so talented!!!! this is uncannily brilliant]
I’ll hold on until you’re home by @alistoney [how dare you sir, right in the feels... the missing scene in the midst of 3x18/3x19, when magnus realizes what his idiot of a boyfriend has done, and confronts him about the Asmodeus deal]
First time for everything by @nebulein [“Nowhere in a Shadowhunters’ job description does it read ‘must look adorable while infatuated with the local High Warlock’.” - series of firsts written with such tenderness and adoration for characters, that it warms your heart while reading, - it shows how much the author cares for them. it is not finished, but whatever has already been written, is gold]
Fake dating AU
The Great Repression by @CryptidBane (Impetus) [although it might not be exactly my regular cup of tea, i still appreciate this author’s style so damn much, and the way they do malec dynamic overall, so it’s here. magnus is a camboy, and alec is hired to protect him from a stalker]
Friends to lovers
Family is Family by @hexicity [my brains are fried by the covid, so any coherent rec would be unlikely right about now, but the softness of this <333 alec sees an ad about a free room, and when he moves in, he finds way more, than he bargained for... gave me a bit of a “happy, shiny people everywhere” vibe, and that’s an automatic rec in my books, so]
Spinning Around In Circles by @lemonoclefox [my fav friends to lovers/mutual pining trope, here you are, and what a pretty pretty wrapper are you wearing - absolutely amazing interpretation of a trope, that seems to has been done to death, and yet here i am, never able to get enough of it <3]
If it walks like a duck by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [this. i was reading this. and after every single word. all i wanted to do was get down on one knee and propose to this person. i dunno who the hell you is, but.... how did you do this? it was... another level of fanfiction.]
Neighbors AU
Meow 17:1 Love Thy Neighbor by @high-warlock-of-brooklyn [again, not a fan of drabbles, but who could resist such softness??? Neighbors AU, where Chairman takes some lessons he learnt from “Parent trap” to heart, and alec is a stumbling mess, but he gets shit done, kudossssssss]
Various AU mix
Solid courage by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [how goddamn CUTE was dat???? answer - the cutest. mashallah people in this fandom can write]
Paper Love by @thealmostrhetoricalquestion [it would not be an exaggeration to admit i thoroughly fell in love with this author’s style, i mean, all and every version of their malec is all kinds of awesome. this one is no exception - catarina works in the library, and malec have to take madzie out to a coffee shop, cause their obnoxious flirting is too loud for the quaint environment of catarina’s workplace.... it’s tiny and so so sooooooo sweet]
make no bones by @ohfreckle [yaaaaaaaaay, what a cutie, tiny preciousness about magnus having an awful day and taking it out on a no-good useless building super, simply delightful]
Freud is a Dick by @sanctuary_for_all [Alec works in IT firm, and accidentally sends someone else’s dick pick to his boss, whom he has a crush on... do i need to say more]
shadows in moonlight by @kaeg [damnnnnnn, son, that was a ride!! something exquisitely soulful, tender and so, so poetic... young malec meet in summer vacation home, and it will take your breath away in the best way possible... warning, it is unfinished, but whatever was written, is absolute preciousness]
For the Love of the Game by @TicklemyPickle [Hockey AU, where malec were childhood friends, but had a falling out, and were not in touch for the last 7 years, until magnus gets traded in to alec’s team... i was somewhat unsure about reccing this, as some of the choices author made regarding their dynamic did not exactly resonate with me, but decided to go on, because, god as my witness, one thing this world definitely needs more of - is malec Hockey AUs, word upppp]
Love Is A Gamble by @la-muerta [i myself do not completely understand, why has it taken me so long to get to the “The importance of elsewhere” author’s most famous piece, but i finally have, it was amazeballs, like, the world-building...? off the charts. the language, the moral struggle, what a gem. alec is a grumpy and surely sheriff *duh!!!* of a tiny town, and magnus strolls in being all... well, magnus-y, and opens a gambling house, the potential!!! anyway, i highly doubt this piece needs recs, so imma zip it]
@ohprongs [this author has too many tiny pieces i like to name them individually, but as far as reccing goes, they should def be mentioned here for their effortless, seamless style, and clear love for the characters in all interpretations, that simply shines through all and any AUs they choose to put malec in]
special mention:
@theleftboobgrabber [i wasn’t aware that at this stage it was still possible to come by someone like this. the author, who’s style would impress me so. that unbelievably glorious Mafia AU, absolutely delightful and literally perfect My mama don’t like you series, and something that went straight to my top-5 - MI6 AU ohhhhh, that MI6 AU... i have no coherent words to express the depths of my appreciation, this is unbelievable fucking talent for writing malec]
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haram-jaan · 3 years
I can’t cope with how pretty you are Mashallah!!!!! Your hair looks so thick and your smile is so nice and your blush looks amazing!! Teach me your ways omg how are you so photogenic
ah ur so sweet !!! my hair is so thin tho it makes me so sad 😭😭😭
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hoseokscum · 4 years
*It's morning in Nador. Jungkook and Mariam wanted to go to the beach....*
Mariam: Annyeong Kookie oppar! 👋🏽
Jungkook: Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatu Allahy Wabarakatu sister Mariam 💖📿
Mariam: So we going to the beach ouleh?
Jungkook: Bitch we are in Nador... there ain't no beach here, estúpida 🤦🏽‍♂️
Jungkook: Mariam... i'm disapointed in you 😔 I tought you knew there's nothing in Nador, Eh hmar.
Mariam: I'm jinja sorry oppar 🥺
Jungkook: Whatever 😒
Mariam: Wait! I'll make it up to you!!
Jungkook: How?
Mariam: We're gonna go to Alhoceimaaaa!!!
Jungkook: Alhoceima??!!!?? Landverrader!!
Mariam: ANNYOOOO!!!! It's just for a day! Just so we can go to the beach.
Jungkook: Morocco is surrounded by see. thERE ARE SO MANY FUCKING CITIES THAT HAVE A BEACH AND YOU CHOOSE ALHOCEIMA!?!?? I thought you knew better 😔😒
*Mariam ran away and cried her eyes out infront of a tree*
Mariam: WHY IS HE SO MEAN TO MEEE?? 😔😔😭😭😢😫
Mariam: He'll pay for this 😡👿!!!!!
*Mariam moved to South Korea and came back after 5 years*
Mariam: Ottoke 😱😱 Nador became soooo beautiful 😍! It was so ugly the last time i was here 🤢🤮🥴
Shownu: Tf did you just say 🤨
Mariam: Uhm... and you are??
Shownu: I'm the one and only Shownu Mohamed Conzaluz Ashraf Abdullah Hyunwoo Son. And you are?
Mariam: That's none of your business 😒
Shownu: Kifesh? You just asked me what my name is so it'll be kind of you if you'd tell your name too.
Mariam: Whatever 😒
*Mariam walked away from Shownu*
Mariam: *Ignores*
*It's 2 hours later and Mariam arrived at the Golden Nador Plaza hotel runned by Hamid Alboussi*
Hamid: Ewa zina, i see you arrived 👀
Mariam: My name is Mariam. Not Zina 😒
Hamid: I know... but you're so beautiful mashallah 😍😍
Mariam: Can i get my room please?
Hamid: Saff. Just wait here for a second.
*5 hours later*
Mariam: Ugh it takes sooo jinja long oof!
Mariam: I'll just go to another hotel.
*But as she was about to leave... she saw... a very familiar face*
Mariam: JUNGKOOK OPPAR???!!?!
Jungkook: Mariam? ....oh no 😒😭😪
Jungkook: Oh yeah.. I missed you too *fake smiles*
Jungkook: Actually... i cant... i've a concert today at Nador Dome. Mihanae.
Mariam: It's okay 😔
Jungkook: Another time okay? *Lying*
Mariam: Okayyy 😔
*As soon as Jungkook walks away a very mysterious guy in a black bourka comes to Mariam*
Mysterious guy: Hello Mariam *creepy voice*
Mariam: Hello. Who are you?
MG: I'm sorry i cannot tell you 🤭
Mariam: Ight issokay.
MG: I heard you're in love with Jungkook
MG: I have my people...
Mariam: But please dont tell anyone!! PLEASE!!
MG: I wont...
Mariam: Omg thank you 🙏🏽
MG: ...but...
Mariam: Oh no...
MG: You have to spy on Halima (Hwasa) for me.
Mariam: Who tf is Halima?
MG: See that girl, who's tryna buy tomatoes from that seven year old.
MG: Uhm yeah whatever. So you see her.
Mariam: Yeah.
MG: Okay. I want you to spy on her and tomorrow you'll tell me what she did all dat today. K?
Mariam: B- but i dont want to 🥺
MG: You have to!! Or else i'll tell everyone that you're in love with Jungkook.
*Mariam hides behind a tree spying on Halima (Hwasa)*
Mariam: I cant believe i'm literally doing this. I should be on a beach with Jungkook right now 😭😭
*Halima (Hwasa) walks to Mariam*
Halima (Hwasa): Kifesh you're hiding behind a tree staring ar me?
Mariam: It's not what you think it is!!!
Halima (Hwasa): Okay explain.
Mariam: See that guy. Points at the fruit seller. He wants to kidnap and rape you!!
Halima (Hwasa): HE WHAT!!!
*Halima (Hwasa) rans towards the fruit seller and jumped on him*
Mariam: NOO!! HALIMA (Hwasa) IT WAS A JOKE!!! NOOOOO!!!!!!
*Halima (Hwasa) gets of the man and pushes Mariam*
Halima (Hwasa): SO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?????
Mariam: I just wanted to...
*Halima (Hwasa) stubbed Mariam with a stick because she was so mad and couldnt conroll her anger.
No one helped Mariam. Instead they all made a rwina and filmed it on their Snapchat*
*But it was too late to do something*
Police: AL BOULICE!!!!! DONDEROP!!!!!
*The police arrested Halima (Hwasa) and called an ambulance for Mariam*
*The ambulance came*
The ambulance: PEEE OUHHH PEEE OUHH 🚑🚨��
*When they arrived Mariam was gone*
Docter Mordeda: Huh this is the right destination right?
Doctor Henoua: Yes.
Doctor Mordeda: B- but where did she go??
*Mariam is blindfolded and is in a car*
To be continued...
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salmankhanholics · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
★ Salman Khan: Who am I? Even I don't know myself! 
May 22, 2019
Salman Khan admits he has changed a lot over the years, opens up about future projects, joking that Dabangg will stop at 743rd instalment... He’s the boss even in a makeshift shamiana in the parking lot of a city studio. The night is young, and the mood is mellow. As he gears up to embark on a six-decade cinematic journey, Salman Khan, as always, is full of surprises. He cracks jokes with a straight face, shares changes that he’s noticed in himself without the slightest discomfiture and reveals plans that sound impossible but with Salman you can never tell. Excerpts from an interview: Your director Ali Abbas Zafar has said that Bharat is a film that could only be made with you because of the beautiful relationship you share with your father (Salim Khan)? Everyone shares a beautiful relationship with their parents. So, this film could have been made with anyone and they would have done complete justice to the film because the script is so beautiful. Ab bolne ke liye it can be said that because I share a beautiful relationship with my father, mother, sisters, brothers and friends I was the only choice but the fact is that had anyone else done it, it would have turned out just this way, maybe better. It’s an official adaptation of a Korean film, Ode To My Father… We’ve taken the rights of that film, but it’s changed a lot. Their culture is different from ours and when you adapt it, scenes change, moments change, the screenplay changes. But the plot has remained the same. Having written stories and screenplays yourself, what was it about this one that caught your attention? My visual of this film is that of two old men standing together at the end with tears in their eyes. Beta bhi buddha, baap aur buddha.. Since the age of nine, this guy has been waiting for something like this to happen… Ali says he now has a two-hero script for a film which he’d like to make with Shah Rukh Khan and you. I don’t know anything about this. At the moment there’s only Bharat. What does the word Bharat mean to you? It means my country, the country I love, and what I can do for it. Every year on Eid you come with a film which is like a gift... an Eidi for your fans. Films arrive during every festival, whenever one is ready, aa jaate hain. Dabangg 3 will come this Christmas and I’ve had releases during Diwali too. It’s just a coincidence that some of my films have opened around this time which makes people say that Eid is booked by Salman Khan. Arre, any actor can come during the festival, it’s a good date, a holiday, when people have got their salaries and their bonuses. Since this is the only entertainment we have, they come flocking to see their favourite heroes. It’s strange, when you are watching something on the digital platform, you watch alone, but when it’s a film, you always take family or friends along. Picture sab saath mein baith ke dekhte hain aur isse bonding ho jaati hai theatre ke andar. What kind of films did you grow up watching? The kind of films I’m making right now, and I went to the theatres to watch them. And believe me, the best kind of marketing for a film is still in-theatre promotion. The posters we saw in the foyer and the trailers we waited for, are what draw cinegoers. People come to the theatres to watch films all the time and for them posters must be tangaoed and trailers chalaoed so they know what’s arriving next.
There’s another Korean film, Veteran, around a detective and a crime syndicate…
Yeah, it’s an outstanding film. Atul (producer brother-in-law Atul Agnihotri) has acquired the rights of both Ode To My Father and Veteran. Will you feature in the Hindi adaptation of Veteran too? We will see about that. Dabangg 3 traces how neighbourhood rowdy Chulbul became Inspector Robinhood Pandey. What triggered off the idea of a prequel? The plot was in our minds when we were writing Dabangg. So the franchise was conceived as a three-part series. No, the first and the second parts which were linked lead up to the third. It was like iske baad yeh hoga aur third mein yeh hona chahiye. So there’s going to be a Dabangg 4, 5,6… Where do you stop? We will stop at (after pondering for a moment) Dabangg 743. It will spin for 700 years? No, we will finish everything Ek saal mein kitne aayenge? (Smiling) Aa jayenge. The TV show, Bigg Boss, has become synonymous with you but buzz is, you will not be hosting this season. True? I wish it were true but I’m doing it. What do you enjoy about getting people into the house every year? I don’t enjoy it. Endemol and Colors enjoy picking up people and putting them in the house who I have to then deal with. Sometimes I enjoy it, sometimes I don’t enjoy it, not at all. But I get to learn a lot from them. Would you allow anyone to lock you into a house like that? I would never allow it, but unfortunately, I don’t have a choice. They do come and pick me up and block me. Not anymore… No? I hope not. As an actor you’re always playing characters written for you, in the process don’t you lose sight of the real Salman Khan? People write different characters for me and I think I am doing them differently, but they all turn out the same. That’s my speciality! Kitna bhi different le kar aao, they all end up looking alike. As Ali says, even when you are playing a character, Salman Khan doesn’t disappear 100 per cent. Perhaps that’s what your fans like… They come to see Salman Khan, but they need to see who I really am. Who am I? Even I don’t know myself. I have no idea. So you see a lot of changes in Salman today from the one who did Maine Pyar Kiya? Oh, yes. But your director, Sooraj Barjatya, says he saw the same “beautiful soul” of Maine Pyar Kiya a quarter of a century later in Prem Ratan Dhan Payo… Sooraj sees what he is in others. He has not lost his innocence and his niceness. But I know that naivety in me disappeared a long time ago. I see a huge change in me and that’s how it should be. You can’t have the same innocence at this age, you will look like an idiot. Sanjay Leela Bhansali who is reuniting with you on Inshallah after almost two decades mentioned that you simply picked up from where you had left off… That’s how it should be, whenever he and I meet, there is this connect It’s just not an actor-director relationship. Just because he was working with other actors, it didn’t have to hamper or spoil our equation. I work with other directors too, so should he. Now, we will be collaborating on this very sweet love story. The film pairs you with one of the most promising young talents we’ve had in recent years… See how she’s turned it around, from a student to now, it’s beautiful! And no one can take credit for her growth except Alia herself. Jo bhi bole humne usko banaya hai, is not to be believed. It’s Alia who has honed her talent. What’s it like to be working with this bundle of talent? A godown of talent will be meeting with a bundle of talent… (Laughs) Actually there’s no talent here. Tiger Zinda Hai 3 is expected to start soon... It might, I’ve still to hear the script. Right now, I have two films. Will Katrina Kaif return? Of course. Dabangg will always have Sonakshi (Sinha), Jackie (Jacqueline Fernandez) will always be a part of Kick and Tiger can never be made without Katrina. Talking of Jacqueline you brought art into her life… (Smiles) Yeah, she was painting a lot during Race 3. Planning to share some of your paintings with the world? There’s just no time to paint now, but in around three months time I’ll have an exhibition for sure. What about your other ventures? There was talk of you starting a restaurant… Restaurant? No, that’s not on the cards, but we are retailing in clothing, jewellery, gyms and equipment, with the focus being on quality and durability. Mashallah, all the ventures are doing well with plans of getting much bigger. As a producer you recently gave your nod to a romcom revolving around a wedding to be directed by Rohit Naiyar… Rohit was the assistant director on two films I’d done with Raj Kanwar. Minutes into the narration I stood up and began laughing. It’s one of the funniest scripts I have heard. Your wedding has become a national concern…. Yeah, I think I should announce it on May 23… (Laughs) Seriously, any plans? Not for some time. And children? You love them… (Smiles) I want children, but with children comes the mother. I don’t want the mother, but they need one. But I have a whole village to take care of them. Maybe I can work out a win-win situation for everyone.
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sambusa · 6 years
yee and i cannot express this enough .. haw… u truly are a cowgirl huh sdnjksdhkj so you post she-ra and i dont wtach it yet but lord do i FEEL like i do .. i feel like i know everything even tho i probably know nothing except some drama things ? idk MAN I HAVE NO IDEA… but its so cute :( and u are so cute!! ur name - the arabic one - is actually one of my favorite arabic names so like . iconic . and ur so funny ? like the shit u tag me in .. the asks u send .. i still have that big ol one that u sent the love letter one i know i answered it in a different ask but i saved the og one it makes me smile like wow :( i really do love u so much!! u are so so so so cute .. and ur so sweet ! ur selfies .. are so beautiful cant wait for u to drop some more .. and ur smile is so adorable !! i wish i could boop ur nose . kiss ur cheeks . hug u . u give off such good energy mashallah i love u
send me 💌 for a love vague about one of my mutuals!!
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sunshineforeveryone · 6 years
Skin skin skin
So I am being extra with my skin care routine. The thing is I'm getting married in less than a month inshallah and I'm so worried and scared. About everything. And yes, about my skin not being great lately, greatly.
I must say I had better skin before. It was to the oilier side and it was really acne prone. But still it was great that way. Because that was my natural skin and Allah had made it that way. And Allah's ways are PERFECT. But me being an ungrateful paranoid soul, despised my acne. I went for oral retinoids and man, do I wish that day never came into my life. Worst day ever with long term permanent results. The first worst thing I noticed was my severe hair fall. I had SUPER thick hair mashallah. Had. I had thick lovely eyebrows, which too have been thinned out in a weird way.
Next thing I notice and only recently so that's more worrisome. If I had known about it earlier I would have taken steps for it. So the thing is. This oral retinoid has made my skin really dry! That's the reason for the hairfall. And what else has it done? WRINKLES! Man I am only 23. And I have wrinkles in my eye region and I have also been noticing smile lines (on my nasolabial fold).
So the thing is: crying won't do me any good. Like at all. So instead of fretting over something which no one else can do anything for, I have started to take as much care as I can for my skin Inshallah. May Allah put His rehmah and barakah over me and over what I do and over my whole fate (and over my marital life😍), ameen.
So wrinkles is my major concern right now. I am now applying coconut oil daily in my eye region as well a little on my face. It is said it fades acne scars as well so that's a two in one.
Aloe vera. We literally have 11 aloe vera plants in our house! Alhamdulillah I would say. Although I had planned to put aloe vera on my face twice a day, but I only get successful in doing it once a day. Need to put in more effort.
Tumeric powder. I think it does wonders. Turns my face yellow though. Once a day!
Drinking milk everyday!
Here are some other things I planned to do but haven't done yet, so from tomorrow inshallah 😉
Banana and yougurt mask!
Egg mask. Egg smell isn't too pretty for me. Plus, seems like a wastage to me. Like I'll have to use a whole egg and I can't possibly use the whole egg on my face (maybe I should put it on my hair). If it remains, which it will, it will go to waste. And anyways, I already eat an egg everyday. Totally not using it for non-edible purposes. They don't come cheap!
Honey and lemon mask! Something I will try tomorrow inshallah. The thing is, my lemon tree has been out of lemons lately.
Eat 2 cucumbers daily!
Eat 2 tomatoes daily!
Drink 20 glasses of water daily! (I know that's a lot, but desperate times, man)
Oh and a cucumber mask! And a tomato one!
Oh and I read of a potato mask. Have you try that one out too definitly.
I should make a list of which masks to put on daily.
I have gone all herbal. Medicines really damaged my youthful skin.
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soultataan92 · 3 years
Amazingly fun day with my fiancé!
She looked jaw dropping gorgeous mashAllah <3 she is the most precious thing in my life and she will always be no matter what.
Some of the breathtaking moment/moves/quotes:
-cutting fruits for me + feeding me
-appreciating my every single flower =(
-comes downstairs to receive with wit a big wide cute smile
-makes me choose the nail and apply it!!!!!
-caresses my beard and touch it
-touches my hand and plays with my finger and arm
-SITTING ON MY LAP!!!!!!!!!!!! <<he forgot the other things after this oneeeeeee
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