#mass murder mention tw
destielmemenews · 2 months
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bluebeetle · 1 year
revealing that the nashville shooter is supposedly transgender, without revealing what gender they id as or any other information other than that, being a former student, and a name... absolutely evil, because it allows people to construct their own narratives and this is going to mean so many awful people blaming the entire trans community (and assuming the shooter is a trans woman bc transmisogyny)
(edit: i wrote this rly early in the morning when reading the news, see tags and notes for more thoughts ig cuz im making this unrebloggable bc transphobes r annoying)
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tuulikki · 6 months
Why, then, did the killings go on for so long? The same irrationality lies at the heart of many other mass murders. In the Soviet Union, for example, shooting or jailing political opponents at first helped the Communist Party and then Josef Stalin gain absolute power. But after there were no visible opponents left, seven million more people were executed, and many millions more died in the far-flung camps of the gulag. So many engineers were seized that factories came to a halt; so many railway men died that some trains did not run; so many colonels and generals were shot that the almost leaderless Red Army was nearly crushed by the German invasion of 1941.
In the Congo, as in Russia, mass murder had a momentum of its own. Power is tempting, and in a sense no power is greater than the ability to take someone's life. Once under way, mass killing is hard to stop; it becomes a kind of sport, like hunting. Congo annals abound in cases like that of René de Permentier, an officer in the Equator district in the late 1890s. The Africans nicknamed him Bajunu (for bas genoux, on your knees), because he always made people kneel before him. He had all the bushes and trees cut down around his house at Bokatola so that from his porch he could use passersby for target practice. If he found a leaf in a courtyard that women prisoners had swept, he ordered a dozen of them beheaded. If he found a path in the forest not well-maintained, he ordered a child killed in the nearest village.
Two Force Publique officers, Clément Brasseur and Léon Cerckel, once ordered a man hung from a palm tree by his feet while a fire was lit beneath him and he was cooked to death. Two missionaries found one post where prisoners were killed by having resin poured over their heads, then set on fire. The list is much longer.
Michael Herr, the most brilliant reporter of the Vietnam War, captures the same frenzy in the voice of one American soldier he met: "We'd rip out the hedges and burn the hooches and blow all the wells and kill every chicken, pig and cow in the whole fucking ville. I mean, if we can't shoot these people, what the fuck are we doing here?" When another American, Francis Ford Coppola, tried to put the blood lust of that war on film, where did he turn for the plot of his Apocalypse Now? To Joseph Conrad, who had seen it all, a century earlier, in the Congo.
—King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, & Heroism in Colonial Africa
Reading this due to current events (Congo, Palestine, Ukraine, Myanmar, Azerbaijan, Xinjiang, Tigray, Manipur… nothing ever changes, does it)
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elhopper1sm · 2 months
Being able to empathize with bad people is not a bad thing. Empathy does NOT equal endorsement. Being able to empathize with people is important in understanding how to prevent bad things from happening. Being able to empathize can be healing for many people. That does NOT mean that if you don't personally empathize with someone who has harmed you that you're a bad person. How you feel about your own personal experiences is completely valid. I think it's important to be allowed to feel how you feel. What I am saying is that it's not bad to understand why people are the way they are and to seek to understand other people. Someone is not an "abuse enabler" just because they can empathize with and understand how people end up as they are. Or can see alternative perspectives? Many people with trauma from abuse feel empathy for the people who've harmed them or find solace in recognizing that person was going through their own issues as well. I'm so sick and tired of whenever an abuser is portrayed as anything but am over villainized caricature people say it's romanticizing or simply having empathy for people who have done grave harm is seen as a bad thing. Sometimes it's not even being made to feel bad for people who have done bad but simply people with so called "evil thoughts or disorders"(great way to talk about people with intrusive thoughts or personality disorders by the way jackass) . It's not ever bad to empathize with people who've done wrong.
There's no limits to who you can empathize with.
None whatsoever
You can empathize with murderers, mass shooters, your abusive parents or partners, domestic abusers, rapists, child sexual abusers, child physical and emotional abusers, dictators, fascistic politicians, war criminals, animal abusers, cult leaders, people with personality disorders, or etc. , or cannibals, stalkers,wealthy people , cops ,or anyone for that matter fictional or not.
It doesn't mean you condone shit or endorse shit!!! And also half the time people aren't being called out for empathizing with people who've done bad but simply for people who've thought bad things(people with PDs or intrusive thoughts and shit). Don't say "thought crime doesn't exist" and then enforce thought crime. Humans are complex. And just because someone feels bad for someone who abused them or tries to see things from their point of view doesn't mean they're justifying or minimizing their abuse. Empathizing with bad people actually allows us to understand and prevent and build bridges. For some people that's their path towards healing is empathizing with and maybe even forgiving the people who've done them wrong and their path to recovery is none of your business.
If you don't empathize with bad people or don't care to or want to. That's fine. Again that's fine completely. It's not my place to tell you how to feel about the things that have caused you grave emotional distress. Never was and never will be. I'm just saying don't call the people who do empathize and who do explore that capacity. I've literally seen a professional child sexual abuse expert be called a "pedophile enabler" for trying toe explain his own research into the minds of people who've committed sexual offense against children. That's his literal job! yes it's good to empathize with bad or evil people. It's important. It's not wrong to do that. And unless you want to hang every criminal who you've decided should be hung building some sort of path to integration or healthy place to keep them locked away from society should be the standard.
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The thing about Sans that (esp in the context of Sans Deltarune) makes the character endlessly funny/sad is how badly he wants to be Just Some Guy. Here he is cursed with knowledge of saves and resets and game mechanics and faced with an anomaly in time and space that could tear his entire world apart, and his response is basically to say "gee that's a lot, hope everything goes okay with that." Then his friend ropes him into PROTECTING the potentially universe-destroying entity and he says "sure" and basically just. Checks in with the kid every so often to be like "hey u still alive? killed anybody yet? oh a lot of people? ok proceed" you dont have to fight him unless you have literally tracked down and murdered the entire Underground. heck you dont have to TALK to him past snowdin until chamber of judgement. Man THRIVES as an NPC it is his calling it is all he wants to be. But through circumstances beyond his control he has to keep getting involved in emotionally traumatic morally complex bullshit. We're all laughing about sans' reaction to "eggs-husband" as if his reaction to ANY conflict in UT isn't to turn around and hope it ends soon.
This is the central tragedy of sans' arc in any of the neutral runs and finally genocide. You see just how far Sans will go to stay out of all of this. Just how badly he doesn't want to hurt this kid. Especially early on in the Genocide run, when you're being creepy, disregarding Papyrus' puzzles, and--lest we forget--hunting down every monster in the area so that the entire town flees from you--there's this odd kind of peacemaker desperation to Sans' dialogue. Pretending to like Junior Jumble. Not returning any of Papyrus' jabs. Saying "cmon just humor him you might like it" to a child who is showing every sign of being a homicidal maniac. Even his (objectively terrifying) warning before the Papyrus bossfight seems pretty weak given the situation he's in (faced with losing his brother!) and the power we know is at his disposal. He is literally doing the equivalent of filling up a watering can and pouring it on a burning building. He does not WANT to be the antagonist! He does not WANT to be the hero! He wants to be the weird funny little guy who tells jokes! He wants to be the convenience store guy! But the game won't let him!
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iamquitepissedoff · 9 months
I am gonna repeat what I said to the prime suspect for why my account, @/popcornpie , was banned this morning.
There have been transgender mass shooters...but it's been four in 300. That is only 1.3% of all recorded mass shootings.
The other 98.7%? Take a guess.
Philadelphia shooting, July 3 2023: Cis male.
Uvalde shooting, May 24 2022: Cis male.
Topps shooting, May 14 2022: Cis male.
Parkland shooting, February 14 2018: Cis male.
Oxford shooting, November 21 2021: Cis male.
Old National Bank shooting, April 10 2023: Cis male.
Philadelphia Synagogue Shooting, October 28, 2018: Cis male.
Meanwhile, I have Googled "school shooting trans person" and all of the most recent results have been about the same man. Aiden Hale is the only recent transgender mass shooter out of the eight listed.
The "rise in transgender shooters" is a boogeyman. And the boogeyman is puny.
It's another scare tactic.
They want you to buy into this and they hope you don't look into it yourself.
To that said prime suspect: No, I am not okay with anyone of any race or gender identity shooting children. I never said I was. A trans person who shoots up a school is still a child killing monster. However, I am also not okay with anti-trans rhetoric being spread. You know damn well it's not about protecting kids. If it was, you would be okay with abandoned children finding loving homes no matter who the parents are. You wouldn't have already forgotten Uvalde.
And before I get asks and replies calling me trans slurs, or the N-word, or any of that stuff...I'M CIS AND WHITE. In fact, I am Irish on my mother's side, and that makes me the whitest cracker you can find. I'm so white, you could put a piece of meat on me and call me a ham sandwich.
I do not express remorse to any right wingers I offend with this post. I don't give a shit. I'm only expressing my freedom of speech, aren't I?
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zukkaoru · 9 months
sskk is so funny bc upon realizing they have feelings for the other, atsushi has like 6 1/2 consecutive mental breakdowns and akutagawa skips straight to debating suicide
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fleetstreetpies · 7 months
TW: political talk, mentions of war crimes and genocide, mentions of terrorism.
Preface and addendum, added 11 December 2023: I’ve been watching this conflict off and on for years now and have been keeping an eye on this most deadly wave of violence. Israel should not fucking exist; it is an apartheid state based in colonialism and only able to maintain funding and any legitimacy by using pity and guilt tactics against European nations and the United States (based in guilt or fears from after WWII) and propaganda that biases these nations further against Arab people who have lived there for centuries, vs American and European Zionist Jews who have only had a politically-recognized “nation” there since 1948. Yes, there were Jews in the Middle East (i will make another post later about why I as an Arab Jew hate that descriptor personally), and there have been Jews there since the dawn of Judaism. And Israel, as a “nation”, was originally written in sacred text to be a large family and community that defended itself when needed and only to the extent needed and other than that left everyone the fuck alone. The Israeli apartheid regime as we know it today is very well and truly NOT founded in scriptural law. I feel as if my post pre-addendum made it sound as if i thought the apartheid nation should continue to exist. I have never once believed it should; the extreme racism and violence against Arab people regardless of religion that i have previously discussed should more than show what i believe. And while yes, i do support Judaism as a religion and Jewish people (and why wouldn’t i as a fellow Jew?), i refuse to support, tolerate, or otherwise allow a genocide against my fellow human beings in Palestine.
Furthermore, Israel is a notoriously homophobic political entity, and the fact that the IDF is spreading propaganda that they are more tolerant than Palestinians is honestly bullshit, and it is a disgusting way to attempt to cover their own crimes and aggressions toward another marginalized community in order to further delegitimize and attack Palestinians.
Palestinian people have no food, no power, no water, and no hope of humanitarian aid because of the increasingly dangerous situation caused by the IDF and its allies and supporters.
UPDATE: turns out part of my family is actually Palestinian too. My great aunt did a little digging and found some old papers. This was really stressful to learn on the same day I learned about the fact that there are no more hospitals in Gaza. I’m kind of going through it.
End addendum; original post begins below.
I’m not gonna make any more fucking comments about politics except in the United States for a while because my heart is torn to pieces by the act of a certain nation using white phosphorus over populated areas, which is a war crime, and murdering, displacing, and injuring (over the course of several years) over 2.4 million mostly innocent people, or 1.5 times the amount of people killed and displaced in the Armenian Genocide. On top of that, they started attacking a THIRD country. Also with white phosphorus, a chemical known to be so flammable that it burns people, buildings, trees, infrastructure, crops, etc., ON CONTACT.
The second nation mentioned is allegedly the main origin of a terrorist organization that has taken over 800 people hostage (the real causes of the conflict as it is currently unfolding), but the first nation’s response is disproportionately affecting civilians and not having the intended effect on the actual source of the conflict.
My heart is torn in two because my mother’s family is from one nation. My father’s family is from another. Both are now wrapped up in this conflict. And I can’t help but be mad on behalf of the poor civilians on all sides caught in the crossfire and the chemical weapons residue on all sides.
This is not to say I condone a terrorist organization taking hostages and murdering people. I loathe terrorism. But I do believe that this is something way larger than we’re all making it out to be and that there are facts being buried because they don’t suit a narrative. A fourth nation, nowhere near the geographic proximity of the affected areas, promised the same parcel of land for two of the nations and colonized the SHIT outta that land for many years.
And yes, I will share my complicated and nuanced feelings about this, as this will be my ONLY post on the subject.
I am Jewish, and I am Arab simultaneously. My family is not Palestinian, but Lebanese. White phosphorus is being poured over my family’s original homeland. Another ancestral group is the group using the chemical weapons over populated areas and committing a war crime. I don’t condone the actions of Hamas (edit: some of what i have read may be propaganda and i am attempting to find better sources), as they do not speak for the majority of the people of Palestine. I also do not condone the Israeli genocide of Palestinians over the past several years. As I mentioned before, the total casualty count of this genocide (and I WILL call it that since it does meet the criteria even if it isn’t formally recognized as such yet) is currently at least 2.4 million people, probably more. This is, as I’ve said, 1.5 times the casualties of the (formally recognized) Armenian Genocide, and over 1/3 the total of people killed in the largest formally recognized systemic murder of a target group or set of groups in human history.
Atrocities are being committed by a terrorist organization, but the response disproportionately affects civilians. Especially children. Most cases being treated by Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), are Palestinian children. Actually, scratch that, nearly one hundred percent of cases. They as an organization have confirmed that number.
ADDENDUM: Médecins Sans Frontières have also just confirmed, as of about three hours ago, that BOTH SIDES of this conflict have been beheading CHILDREN. So far at least ten beheadings of children have been attributed to Israeli forces. We also must not forget that Hamas has also been beheading children, in much greater number that has yet to be successfully totaled. My heart goes out to the grieving Israeli and Palestinian mothers and fathers and siblings today.
UPDATE: the above may have since been proven incorrect and i am locating all possible sources to re-evaluate this statement.
Furthermore the injured are currently at immediate risk. See below.
I don’t agree with Hamas and their policies of beheading and assault (edit: as previously stated, these may have been disproven), but I don’t agree with any of this shit that the Israeli government’s response has caused. This isn’t antisemitism, this is being against human rights violations. The Zionist movement’s governing body does not speak for all Jews. Hamas does not speak for all Palestinians.
There really is a colonial power to blame for a majority of conflict since 1918, and that is Britain. Everything got SIGNIFICANTLY worse when the British came in and promised the same parcel of land to two groups of people, and then worsened even more at a rapid rate when the British left.
And now Lebanon has been dragged into the crossfire; i will edit this post if I find evidence of direct involvement of the Lebanese government in these events.
EDIT: as confirmed by Al Jazeera news, at least two Lebanese people and a journalist in Lebanon have been killed by Israeli air strikes. Israel has infringed on Lebanese airspace more than 22000 times since 2007. Lebanese rockets or similar very rarely land over the border.
But for now, I’m really against Hamas but also against the Israeli government’s decision to arbitrarily hurt civilians in their efforts to stop Hamas.
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altairtalisman · 5 months
Li's Bio
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"Time to make this eternal party bleed a pretty red!"
More details on Li is under the cut
Name: Lu Ma Li
Age: 2571
Height: 180 cm
Birthday: 19 Alstas 549 BCE (Lihanfayl)
Orientation: Cisgender Pansexual Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Chronoven (formerly human)
Title: The Third Hour
Country of Birth: Fuusamoa Empire (present-day Xhing'Tien)
Likes: Sex, seafood (especially oysters), fruit liqueurs, complicated puzzles (except riddles), cats, Sarnai (as her former pet owner/friend)
Dislikes: Anything bitter, early mornings, riddles
Hobbies: Partying, martial arts, puzzle solving, chess
Personality: Upbeat, hedonistic, and just a little bit unhinged, he's the epitome of a party animal… which often makes others forget that he also has a whimsical and bloodthirsty side and would happily shed some blood (not his own) just to get "those lights pulsing and that bass grooving". No one really knows if he was originally like that to begin with, or time has taken its toll on his mind…
Style: Usually only wears grey smart casual pants that are stretchy enough to double as sportswear, a pair of sandals and his signature CAUTION buckle belt. Only wears a blue Hawaiian shirt if there's a 'no shoes, no shirt, no service' policy, which is extremely rare in Ratein
Abilities: Able to freely cross between Ratein and the Astral Realm without the need of dimension gates. Is able to use cosmic magic, stop time, view events happening in the past, present and future, as well as cause anything that his weapon comes in contact with to 'dissociate' from existence (apart from chronovens, The Caretaker and The Artiste)
Like the rest of the Hourly Twelve, Ma Li is also able to open portals that allow him to travel anywhere. Also able to reverse time, but only once and at the cost of his life. Being a chronoven, he's only able to die either by his lifespan naturally running out, or by time reversal
Due to his martial arts training when he was still human, he's extremely skilled in Xhing'Tienese martial arts and by combining his skills with cosmic magic, he's able to perform martial feats that can only be described as dancing with time and space. As a result of the way he was 'executed', he's able to inflict intense stabbing pain onto anyone he comes into contact with
Background: The heir to the tyrannical rule of the Lu Dynasty, Ma Li grew up to be a cruel and whimsical emperor that everyone in the Fuusamoa Empire feared and loathed. He didn't understand why his servants feared him, nor did why his subjects seemed to avoid his gaze whenever he visited various parts of the empire. All he knew was that he was living up to his ancestors' legacy, and didn't wish to disappoint them
When he turned 24, he decided that in order to gain the favour of his empire, he should ensure that his subjects could afford to spend time partying instead of tirelessly working. As such, he decided to readjust the budget so that everyone could afford to take longer breaks. Ma Li was surprised to discover that productivity improved in contrast to his expectations, and started to wonder if his ancestors' way of ruling was flawed
Unbeknownst to him, the budget adjustment meant that the military, which previously received the majority of the budget, had lesser to spend on and wages started to drop. Ma Li was also oblivious to the discontent the rest of the nobility experienced, for if the commoners had some semblance of a work-life balance, it meant that eventually they would challenge the nobles and demand even more
Disgruntled, the military started to plot his demise while the nobles plotted to overthrow the emperor and end the Lu dynasty. The two parties caught wind of the other party's plans and decided to work together to bring Ma Li down, the latter still oblivious to the dissent experienced by these two parties
They carried out an assassination attempt during the emperor's 26th birthday after the nobility had given him a meteorite necklace for his birthday, hoping that the gift giving would distract him. This failed as Ma Li had long noticed the assassin behaving shiftily since the start of his party, and was simply waiting for the right moment to drag them to the highest point of the room. After he brought the assassin up to the very front, he personally executed the assassin in front of all the attendees with his trademark smile on his bloody features before feeding the remains to Sarnai, his beloved pet snow leopard. The two parties temporarily backed off as they were reminded that the emperor that they were trying to overthrow was still tyrannical as before, and they decided to seek other ways to overthrow the dynasty
At the same time, due to the public execution, public sentiment towards Ma Li worsened as they came to the conclusion that he was reforming the empire on a whim and that he would easily reverse his own decision. Fearing for their safety, the citizens started to revolt against Ma Li, with their worse fears proven true as he executed whoever he caught in a flamboyant yet cruel manner
The revolts went on for two years, and Ma Li was forced to find new ways to send the message to obey his rule. This was so as he discovered that if he didn't have enough commoners, he wouldn't be able to conscript them into the military to defend against other countries. Moreover, he was starting to suspect that the military was on the verge of rebelling against him and thus, wanted to keep them happy by sparing their loved ones
On 20 Durna 521 BCE, he was overwhelmed by the majority of the capital and was forced to flee. A few of the nobles as well as the highest ranked general helped Ma Li to flee, bringing him to a room that not even the emperor himself knew it existed. Once he was safely inside, the general stabbed him in the abdomen and locked Ma Li inside the room
Realising the general's betrayal, he ordered the nobles to subdue him and free him. He was surprised to hear a mechanism starting up instead, soon discovering that the ceiling was starting to close in on him, spikes groaning as the ceiling slowly approached him. Ma Li heard his subjects whispering excitedly at the prospect of his death, and seethed at the realisation that his subjects had been planning to overthrow him for a good while
Enraged, he declared that when he escaped the room, he would colour his palace's walls red with their blood no matter how long it took. The necklace suddenly glowed, seemingly acceding to the declaration. Ma Li then felt his body burn, the wound that he suffered started to eat away at his organs while his left eye burnt coldly. He sneered at his subjects' pathetic attempts to bring him down, declaring that only he could decide when to end the dynasty. As a result, he didn't realise that he was being broken up and reformed in a galaxy
Once he had reformed, Alexia introduced herself as the First Hour, a chronoven who had time-related abilities and an immensely long lifespan. Ma Li laughed, asking if he was a chronoven like the woman before him. Alexia answered that while he was indeed like her, returning to resume his rule wouldn't end well for the whole of Ratein
He laughed once more, reassuring her that he was merely going back to give his subjects the freedom they craved. Alexia, though doubtful, expressed relief at Ma Li's change of heart and left him alone after informing him that he could create portals to wherever he wished
Grinning, he returned back to the cheering population of the newly dissolved Fuusamoa Empire, a blade in his hands as he prepared to set the stage… a stage where blood reigned supreme and one where only he was permitted to dance…
True Form:
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lighthouseborn · 2 months
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this is kind of me still marveling at that i can make gifs that look like this now but also i am just. thinking thinking thinking about how Afraid of salazar henry is, is all. what a flinch. he didn't even see salazar kill anyone he just Knows that he did and the rest is the immense vibes of Bad coming off this thing that is entirely too far into his personal space at all times
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hyumjim · 1 year
Is there a law like Godwin’s law but for the concept of pedophilia because I swear to god you cannot have any kind of serious conversation about anything online without someone being like “BUT WHAT ABOUT PEDOPHILES” and then if you say that’s not what I’m talking about they say “I FIND IT HIGHLY SUSPICIOUS YOU ARE DIRECTING THIS CONVERSATION AWAY FROM PEDOPHILES!!!!!!”
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lpvncnt · 6 months
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On a good day, Lip's body is just an instrument being played by his consciousness, constantly adjusted for performance — today is turning out to be a very good day. I do not feel human. It is all so in tune. There is a slow, quiet rattle within his chest. Or maybe it is more like the fuzzy hum of a theremin, singing its sad spacey song. For certain, it is no human heartbeat nor could it ever easily be mistaken for one. One could question that he is from Earth at all if they opened him up on a table. I feel nothing. Stalking in the twinned-shadows of this juiced, luxurious enemy-crowd, a monster lives unseen. His spine is a twisting electric-tense cable, all this nonsense violence churning through his brain and thickening up, been given the time to marinate. God's gift is, truly, the power of rumination. Reliant on what is, what he would imagine to be, a similar feeling of a semi-blind, bat-like radar, and an equally blind faith in a grim mother's fairytale, is where his intuition resides. Lip is inebriated, but not quite to his detriment tonight. I'll huff, and I'll puff... All he sees around him, is some fever-dreamy-rose-colored-powder-faced-mescaline-unreality royalty, and his sick, sick leper brain pictures their pretty frills bloodied from an unforgiving barrage of gunpowder. He'd go as far as to say that they're just as beautiful covered in blood, and worth twice as much as they were alive. He vividly imagines shooting at them all with a primitive antique musket of the 18th century. And I'll blow you the fuck down... Sending them into the essence. "I would love to know," nothing but a premonition of a person, he floats into earshot and lingers beside Dmitri, avoiding casting his eyes in the other's direction. He is feigning having had to stop behind some convenient old friends who have decided to catch up in the hallway. God loves Lip, and Lip is a sucker for that sort of love where you can confess anything, so he'll take the time to pray later about how grateful he is to be graced with good timing. "You aren't ... waiting for someone, are you? You've got this, sort of ... Pitiful, look on your face," a brief glance. It is an arrow shot so close that you cannot see it, but you can hear it. A warning, maybe? "Then again, what do I know."
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Learning about Canada while growing up in white leftist circles in America is Wild because it gets framed as this promised land of free healthcare and reasonable politicians, you've got people making jokes about evacuating to Canada when trump was elected and the handmaid's tale portraying it as this almighty place of refuge...
...then you start learning about the meaning behind Orange Shirt Day and the Sixties Scoop and residential school denialism and MAID and I will never, ever say that the us is above any of that and worse, but how the hell did Canada get the reputation of being better?
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Were you ever just thinking of the cutest moment ever between your characters or your versions of characters from fandoms but then all the sudden you just start thinking of like the most morbid scenes like dead children with their insides ripped out or like smth else🧍‍♀️(this happens alot with me)
And yeah, sometimes. Hate when it happens but, it is what it is
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obsessivefangirl · 1 year
I'm sorry but "Hitler was right" people can actually go die. Maybe I'm being cruel but I don't care I genuinely wouldn't do anything if I saw someone getting harassed like okay so doxxing might be over the line but other than that I have no sympathy for you fuckers. You lost your ability to be defended by me from death threats or suibaiting when you decided that you agreed with such the fucking cruel actions that I can't even describe they were so monstrous. I might be the asshole but I can't see someone who wants to kill everyone but a small amount and put them through the worst things and think "I disagree with them, but I think they shouldn't be harassed!" You want us all dead. You want us all to go through hell. Why should I care when you want us DEAD
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blairwaldcrf · 1 year
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