#massage for stress relief
holistico021 · 2 years
5 Benefits of Shiatsu Massage - Holistico
This article discusses the theory and Benefits of shiatsu massage. Shiatsu massage is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and uses finger pressure on particular points in the body to help heal common ailments and conditions. 
 5 Benefits of Shiatsu massage:-
Shiatsu massage is a form of Japanese bodywork that follows the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. Trained Shiatsu therapists use their palms and fingers to apply pressure along energy lines in order to release muscle tension, restore balance and improve full-body health. The word shiatsu translates as ‘finger pressure’ and this forms the basis of this type of therapy. Through gentle finger pressure and stretching points on the body, the therapist is able to relieve pain, reduce stress and help release tension in the muscles. Pressure is applied along energy lines in order to re-energize energy flow throughout the body which can help reduce pain and anxiety.
It is a form of massage therapy that helps strengthen the body’s healing abilities and helps in healing and relaxation. It is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, which believes that energy flows through pathways in the body called meridians. Tension can be relieved by applying pressure to specific pressure points along these pathways, allowing for improved overall health. This form of body treatment is used as a complementary mind-body approach to individual improve health.
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Shiatsu massage therapy relies on using fingers, thumbs, and palms to apply pressure to various areas of the body. The techniques used in shiatsu massages include acupressure, assisted stretching, joint manipulation, and kneading. It can also involve stretching, joint rotations, and soothing tapping. Shiatsu massage therapy depends on applying finger pressure along energy lines in order to treat a variety of conditions in different areas of the body. This type of massage therapy can be effective for treating musculoskeletal issues as well as providing relief from stress, anxiety, and other emotional issues.
Shiatsu massage is seen by healthcare professionals as a form of acupressure, as it focuses on stimulating specific areas of the body to restore balance and alignment. It is a form of massage therapy that combines elements from yoga, Chinese medicine, and Swedish or Western massage. It focuses on improving blood circulation and lymphatic flow, which can help to relieve tension in the body and mind. This type of therapy works by applying pressure to specific points on the body while manipulating muscles and joints, which helps to release tension and improve circulation.
It is often performed with the help of massage chairs, calf massagers, or even hand-held massagers. The therapist targets chronic muscle tension and injured muscles by using their fingers and palms to apply pressure in specific areas. This method corrects imbalances in the body, releases tension, and relaxes tight muscles. It can also be used to treat certain medical conditions or injuries.
 A therapist who specializes in shiatsu massage is also known as a shiatsu therapist or yoga instructor. Looking for the Best Massage therapist, Then you are at the right place.
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woag i found this 'music for adhd relief' video and i clicked on it to find out what the fuck That meant
yeah it feels like there's a weighted blanket on my brain
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trashyswitch · 1 year
Day 14: Soft
Roman is giving Patton a massage to try and treat the neck pain he's experienced. But the lower he does down his back, the more ticklish Patton appears to be! Is his back that ticklish!?
Okay...Day 14. Of course, a day late. But, I guess that means I'm uploading 2 fanfics in one day again. I hope you enjoy!
Patton was laying on his stomach, resting his chin on his arms as he watched TV. But he found it a bit difficult to focus on the TV, due to Roman’s palms and fingers against his back. 
Roman was trying to massage Patton’s back and neck in an attempt to help him relax. Patton had been complaining about knots in his neck, and Roman offered to massage them out. But Roman quickly began to wonder if he bit off more than he could chew. Or maybe, Patton was holding in more emotions than he lets on.
Why was that his theory? Well, it’s simple. Patton’s neck and shoulder muscles felt like rocks. Literally! They felt like they had been stretched out all the way, and were physically unable to relax. Roman worked at his shoulders as gently, but as effectively as he could muster. 
“Oh yeah, right there, aaaAH-!” Patton reacted, closing his right eye as he winced in pain. God, it felt really painful. But it also felt good getting his shoulders worked out. He badly needed it. 
“Is that doing anything for you?” Roman asked. 
“Yup! You’re doing great, kiddo!” Patton said, before letting out a deep breath. 
Roman worked at his neck and shoulders a little bit more, using his elbows to get some of the knots out. In all honesty, he didn’t feel like he was achieving anything. Roman had never come across anything this bad. Not even Virgil’s neck and shoulders were this bad! And he’s the embodiment of stress and anxiety! 
“Patton…” Roman asked, strain in his voice. “How did your neck get this bad?!” Roman asked. 
Patton grunted and breathed out slowly. “I…have no idea.” He admitted. 
Roman dug his fingers into Patton’s trap muscles. Patton bit his lip and grunted before hiding his face in his hands. It hurt so much, but he knew it had to be dealt with. If he didn’t deal with it now, then he would be in so much more pain. But this…was a little difficult to deal with. 
“Okay…” Roman stopped his hands. “I can tell you’re in pain. I’m gonna stop.” Roman told him. 
Patton opened his eyes and looked at Roman. “What?! Already?” Patton reacted. 
Roman sighed. “I know you’re in pain, Patton. I don’t wanna put you in more pain.” Roman admitted. “But…That’s part of the massage.” Patton told him. 
Roman moved his hands down his neck. “What about your back? Would you like me to work on your back for a bit?” he asked. 
Patton nodded his head and smiled. “Sure!” He replied. 
Roman smiled a bit more and started pushing on the areas right beside his spine. “How about starting here?” Roman asked, pushing down. 
Patton hummed and grunted slightly, feeling the thumbs push down on the muscles directly beside either side of his spine. It felt a little unusual, but it felt good too. It felt like he was stretching out his back with literally just his fingers. It felt…different. 
Roman moved his thumbs up and down the spine, before pushing 4 fingers each on either side of the middle of Patton’s back.
Patton opened his eyes and smiled, gasping lightly and letting out a relaxing breath. “That feels amaaaazing…” Patton mumbled. 
Roman smiled and started to push the fingers down on his back ribs. Indexes, middles, rings, and pinkies. Index, middle, ring, pinkie. He kept this going, making sure to push on and in between other ribs. 
Patton smiled a bit more, loving the feeling of his middle back muscles being worked on. “You’re so good at this…” Patton told him. “How you’re not a masseuse…I can’t fathom it.” The dad admitted. 
“Oh hush…don’t make me blush.” Roman told him with a smirk. 
“Why? Is it working?” Patton asked, smirking as well. 
Roman poked the left side of his ribs in response, making Patton wheeze and cackle. “Shush.” He warned. 
Patton laughed a little more at his reaction. “Ohoho myhy gohohohod!” Patton giggled, hiding his face in his arms. 
Roman rolled his eyes with a smile as he maneuvered his palms and fingers onto his lower ribs. “Yeah yeah, I get it. I’m the laughing stock of the group.” Roman teased. 
Patton squeaked and tried to cover his face with his hands. “Ohohoho gohohosh! Heheheheheheee!” Patton giggled. 
Roman’s smile stayed on his face for a bit as he kept going. “Am I really making you laugh that much?” Roman asked, not fully expecting Patton to still be laughing. Patton giggled a little more and kicked his feet up like a ditzy little girl. “Kkk-Kihihindahahaha.” Patton admitted. 
Roman’s smile lessened slightly as he looked down at his hands. They were currently located on the lower back, near Patton’s sides. Hmm…Maybe Patton’s not laughing at him…but rather…he’s laughing because of him…
Roman stopped his hands and lifted them up. Patton’s laughter quickly lessened to giggles, before calming down. He looked over his shoulder at Roman. “Why’d you stop?” Patton asked. 
Roman narrowed his eyes curiously as he planted his fingers back onto his lower back. “Hmm…” He hummed, looking down. But Roman’s head shot up to look at him the moment he heard Patton’s squeal and laugh. 
Patton gasped and yelped. “Wahahait- NahahahaHAHA!” Patton laughed, covering his mouth and muffling his giggles. 
“Oooooh…Are my pushes and massages…tickling you?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled and nodded his head. “Yeheheheah! Yohohohou dihidn’t knohohohow?” Patton asked.
“I’ll be honest, it was hard to tell at first.” Roman admitted. 
With this information in mind, Roman quickly began to spider his fingers on his lower back and occasionally on the sides. He did this by going softer in his finger strokes. He was no longer massaging and was now, just gently petting the back muscles like he would to a dog.
Patton’s reaction was immediate. He arched his back and started squeaking and squealing in between his little giggles. “EEK! Hehehehe! Hahaha- EEEHEHEEEK! NAhAhaha- nuuuuhuhuhuuu!” Patton giggled. 
“Oh my gosh…” Roman started gently tapping his back like it was a keyboard or a piano, making Patton squeak and giggle with every touch. “You’re so ticklish here! How have I never known this?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled and shook his head. “Ihihihi dohohon’t knohow!” Patton admitted. 
“What would happen if I just…” Roman removed his fingers.  
Patton blinked and attempted to look at Roman. “Hm?” But the moment he grabbed Patton’s sides, Patton jumped and giggled a little. “Wahahait…What are you-” 
Roman took in a big breath and blew a raspberry onto his lower back. 
Patton gasped as well, but followed it up with a SCREAM of hysterical laughter! “NaaAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!” Patton cackled, hiding his face in his arms. “NAHAHAHOHOHOHOHO!” He yelled, tapping the ground with his fingers. 
“I’m shocked, Padre. I never would’ve guessed you had a ticklish back.” Roman admitted. 
“Ihihihi…Hehehe…Whyhyhyhy a rahahaspberryhy?” Patton asked. 
“Because it’s fun!” Roman admitted. “And because you’re very fun to tickle.” Roman admitted. 
Patton blushed a bit as he looked down, clearly embarrassed. “Sh…Shut up.” Patton muttered. 
This only made Roman cackle in reaction. “That worked?!” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled. “Yeheheah…Ihihit dihihihihid.” he admitted. Roman started very softly fluttering his fingers onto his lower back. “Do you prefer softer tickles?” Roman asked. 
Patton hummed and giggled little by little. “Yeheah…Ihihi lihike sohofter ticklehes.” Patton admitted. 
“Okay.” Roman responded and continued to flutter his fingers on his back. “Is it just your whole lower back that’s ticklish?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled. “Ihi thihink?” Patton replied. 
“Okay. What about here?” Roman moved his fingers closer to the spine, and pushed there. 
“OhgodohgohohOHOHOD!” Patton kicked his feet wildly and pounded the ground with his fists. 
“Holy-” Roman quickly got his hands off him, terrified he went too far. “Sorry! I’m sorry.” Roman attempted to wipe the tickles off as best he could. 
Patton giggled and rolled himself onto his back. “Ihihi’m tihihired.” Patton admitted. 
“Tired bean?” Roman asked, poking his belly. “Ye-EHEhes! Yeheah. Sleepy eepy.” Patton admitted. 
“Sleepy eepy.” Roman summoned a fluffy blanket and a dog stuffy. 
Patton gasped and hugged the stuffy. “Thomas’s first stuffy!” Patton reacted. 
Roman giggled and laid down beside him. “Is your neck better?” Roman asked. 
Patton bent his head to the right and left, twisting his neck around, just making little popping sounds with his spine and joints. “Oooookay.” Patton leaned his head back, making the spine between his shoulder blades snap and pop. “Yes! I feel so much better.” Patton replied. 
When he looked at Roman to get his approval though…Patton would discover that Roman was staring at him with his jaw dropped, and his eyes the size of saucers. 
“...What?” Patton asked. 
“18 cracks…” Roman muttered. 
Patton laughed and opened his jaw a bit, making two more pops. “20.” Patton said with a smirk. 
Roman sighed and shivered, disturbed by Patton’s bad, yet flexible back. But this only made Patton laugh at him more. Something about Roman’s disturbed reaction was absolutely hilarious to Pat. To calm him down, Patton wrapped his arms around him and gave him a side hug. This, thankfully, helped Roman calm down. His back may be screwed beyond fixing…but that’ll never stop Patton from giving everyone all the love they need. 
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musclemassagegun · 6 months
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Power Up Your Workout Routine: Renpho Muscle Gun
Looking to maximize your fitness gains? Meet the Renpho Muscle Gun – your ultimate companion in the pursuit of peak performance. Renowned as the best massage gun in the market, this innovative device, available on Amazon, is designed to revolutionize your workout recovery.
The Renpho Muscle Gun employs advanced percussion therapy to penetrate deep into muscle tissue, effectively targeting areas of tension and fatigue. With its customizable settings, including adjustable speed and intensity levels, it delivers a tailored massage experience tailored to your specific needs.
Say goodbye to post-workout soreness and hello to accelerated muscle recovery with the Renpho Muscle Gun. By promoting increased blood flow and circulation, it helps alleviate muscle stiffness and enhances flexibility, ensuring you're always ready to tackle your next workout session with vigor.
Don't settle for mediocre recovery methods – invest in the power and performance of the Renpho Muscle Gun. Elevate your workout routine, experience faster recovery times, and unlock your full fitness potential like never before. https://renpho.com/collections/massage-gun
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gingiberiequis · 8 months
Gingiberi Equis
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Website: https://www.gingiberiequis.com
Address: Lincolnshire, UK
Gingiberi Equis, based in Lincolnshire, UK, specializes in equine sports and rehabilitation massage therapy. Offering professional services for horses, ponies, and donkeys, the business focuses on relaxation, tension relief, and overall well-being of equids. Techniques include massage, Light and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), and bit and bridle fitting, aiming to prevent and treat diseases, promote optimal health, and achieve calmness in mind, body, and spirit.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083065672289
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gingiberi_equis/
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gillianoshea · 1 year
A range of wellness services to address pain, depression and other health concerns
A range of wellness services in Knysna to address pain, depression and other health concerns
I provide massages, kinesiology, reiki, frequency medicine and wellness interventions in Knysna. Frequency medicine and wellness interventions are also provided remotely to clients all over the world. Sadness, pain, stress, illness, feeling stuck… whatever you are wrestling with in this present moment, you CAN always bring about vast positive change –  be it physical, mental, emotional,…
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jagwell · 1 year
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Peanut massage ball - is your personal masseuse, a tool for self-massage.
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cutejennydawson · 2 years
A Scrub Above the Rest: The Luxurious Experience of Table Shower Asian Massage in Miami
Table shower massage, also known as body scrub massage, is a type of Asian massage that involves the use of a table with a built-in shower system. During the massage, the client lies on the table while the therapist uses warm water to cleanse and exfoliate the skin, followed by a massage with oils or lotions. The combination of the warm water and gentle exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells, leaving the skin feeling smooth and refreshed.
One of the main benefits of table shower asian massage is that it can help to improve the appearance and health of the skin. The warm water and gentle exfoliation can help to unclog pores, remove impurities, and stimulate blood flow to the skin, which can help to improve the overall tone and texture of the skin. Additionally, the use of oils or lotions during the massage can help to nourish and hydrate the skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth.
Another benefit of table shower massage is that it can help to relieve stress and tension in the muscles and joints. The massage therapist will use a combination of techniques such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and acupressure to target specific areas of tension and pain. Warm water and gentle massage can also help to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.
Table shower massage is often performed with the use of special oils or lotions that are infused with herbs and botanicals. These oils can help to provide an additional layer of therapeutic benefits, such as improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and even aromatherapy benefits.
When looking for a table shower massage, it's important to look for a massage clinic or spa that offers this type of massage and make sure the therapist is licensed and trained in this type of massage. Additionally, it's important to let the therapist know about any health conditions you have, as well as any medications you're taking, so that they can tailor the massage to your needs.
In conclusion, table shower massage is a unique and luxurious form of Asian massage that can provide a wide range of physical and mental health benefits. It's a great way to improve the appearance and health of the skin, relieve stress and tension in the muscles and joints, and improve overall relaxation and well-being. With many options available in Florida, it's easy to find a massage therapist who can help you experience the benefits of this invigorating and rejuvenating massage technique.
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careercrafty · 2 years
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holistico021 · 2 years
Trained Massage Therapist - Holistico
Do you want more energy, less toxins, more endurance and easier recovery from exercise? Read on.
A trained massage therapist is a professional who specializes in providing therapeutic massage to clients. Massage therapists who have received training can work as independent massage practitioners or in fitness centers, natural health clinics, physiotherapist offices, and other healthcare facilities. A certification board ensures that those practicing therapeutic massage are qualified professionals who have met the necessary requirements for safety and quality of care. A trained massage therapist can be a valuable asset to any healthcare team by helping clients, by reducing stress, relaxing tense muscles, improving circulation, and improving their overall well-being through their therapeutic touch.
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Massage therapy is a form of bodywork that involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to improve overall health and wellness. A therapist must complete a formal education program and obtain licensing in order to practice massage therapy. Training programs may include anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, and pathology. Students learn about many aspects of massage treatment and develop knowledge of the services provided by clinics in an hour-long session.. With the proper education and licensure, those who complete the session will be well on their way to becoming successful massage therapists.
A trained massage therapist is a professional who has completed different therapies programs to learn the necessary skills and also to provide enhanced massage therapy to their clients. Coaching at Holistico,The students will acquire the necessary techniques and knowledge which  they need to become successful professionals in the field of massage therapy. With its comprehensive training, Holistico provides coaching with all of the tools they need to succeed in their new profession as a trained massage therapist.
The program is eligible to apply for licensure with their state massage board and become certified to practice massage therapy. The state-of-the-art facilities at Holistico provide students with hands-on training in various massage techniques, including sports massage, Relaxation massage, Therapeutic massage, and Massage for pain management.    
If you're looking for a Trained Massage Therapist to make your body feel relaxed then you are at the right place. Click Here.
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businessorservices · 8 hours
Swedish massage for relaxation and stress relief
Founded in 2011, Narawadee Therapeutic Massage is committed to the healing art of expert therapy. With over a decade of experience in healthcare and bodywork, we specialize in personalized massage treatments, ranging from calming relaxation sessions to deep therapeutic therapies tailored to your needs.
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wojtekxp · 7 days
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The Healing Power of Touch: A Deep Dive into Massage Therapy's Role in Recovery
In the intricate dance between injury and healing, massage therapy emerges as a graceful partner, offering solace, support, and a gentle nudge towards recovery. It’s more than just a luxurious indulgence; it’s a therapeutic modality with profound implications for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Let’s embark on an exploration of the multifaceted ways massage therapy can catalyze your…
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balimaspageneva · 23 days
Discover the perfect sanctuary for relaxation at Balima Day Spa in Geneva. Explore a range of luxurious massages, including Balinese and hot stone treatments, designed to restore your physical and mental well-being.
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diwmassage · 27 days
Discover the Benefits of DIW Massage Therapy
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Experience the transformative effects of DIW Massage Therapy, designed to enhance relaxation, relieve tension, and promote overall wellness. Our skilled therapists use specialized techniques tailored to your needs, helping to improve circulation, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle pain, leaving you feeling renewed and revitalized after every session.
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gillianoshea · 2 years
Self care for Vagus Nerve Inflammation
Self care tips for inflammed nervous system
What are the symptoms of an inflammed vagus nerve? Abdominal pain and bloating.Acid reflux (gastro esophageal reflux disease, GERD).Changes to heart rate, blood pressure or blood sugar.Difficulty swallowing or loss of gag reflex.Dizziness or fainting.Hoarseness, wheezing or loss of voice. As you can see from the image below, all these functions can be affected if the parasympathetic nervous…
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