#mateo is very loyal
mindful-mateo · 8 months
send 🖤 and my character will answer about yours.
repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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paperstorm · 10 months
Andie what animal would you atribute to each of the LS characters and why?
It took way too long to make this list but here's what I came up with:
TK - this one was easy. Feral cat turned domesticated cat. Back alley scrapper with bloody knuckles to pampered prince sleeping on a silk pillow.
Carlos - A dog but ... not like a golden retriever or something that's super happy and friendly to anyone it meets. Maybe like a husky or an arctic wolf. Solitary at times, stoic, very wary of strangers and outsiders, but fiercely loyal once he finds his mate and his pack.
Owen - Also a dog but not in the same way as Carlos. Maybe more like a sheep dog or a border collie, hard working and hyper active and very dedicated to service. Always wants to help and move and have something to do.
Grace - some kind of bear. Soft and loving when she needs to be, will rip your face off when the situation calls for it. Very protective, an excellent caretaker. Loves getting into other people's business. Do bears love gossip? Idk this bear does.
Marjan - A tiger. She doesn't wear so many tigers on her shirt just for fun it's because she is one in her soul. The queen of the jungle. Regal and fierce and dangerous and mesmerizingly beautiful.
Judd - Capybara. You know how they have that reputation for being so chill that all animals feel safe/comfortable around them? That's Judd. He's protective and strong and loyal and all those things but he also just makes people feel safe with his presence.
Paul - Elephant. Strong but exceedingly gentle.
Mateo - Meerkat. Idk I'm just going with vibes on this one. Small and scrappy.
Tommy - Peacock. Idk much about the personalities of peacock but all her showy hairstyles and outfits led me there.
Nancy - Some kind of sea creature like a whale or a seal. Elegant, goofy at times, illusive. Could do tricks for frozen fish but will not, she is too cool for that.
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hannahhook7744 · 16 days
Got any Foulfellow sibling aka The 3 kids of Honest John and Gideon hc ? (Dante , Mateo and Julieanna Foulfellow )
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Mateo, featured on the left, is a part of Uma's crew and is a very loyal member.
Dante (featured in the middle) is a loner conman.
Julieanna, featured on the right, is a conwoman with only one friend (that friend being Sabina Stromboli).
Dante is the oldest at 18, Mateo is the middle child at 16, and Julieanna is the youngest at 13 (in d1).
Honest John and Gideon try to make family dinners mandatory for all 3 of their kids because they want to be a normal family sometimes.
Dante and Julieanna are partners in crime. Mateo does not get involved most of the time because he's tired of their antics most of the time. That doesn't mean he NEVER gets involved though.
This gives him ‘the benefit of the doubt’ from their dads whenever the three of them get in trouble.
Dante can be described as responsable, serious, and stoic. As well as a loner and a conman.
Mateo can be described as an anxious mess, overprotective, and firey when pissed off. Mischievous with those he knows really well. Like with Uma's crew.
Julieanna can be described as a hyperactive, mischievous, impulsive, short sighted con woman. Some might even call her a thieving brat (but not within earshot of her older brothers).
Honest John and Gideon tried to get all three of their kids to fill out applications but Mateo refused, feeling that it would be a betrayal to Uma. He respected his siblings' choice to fill them out, however.
All three siblings aren't really big fans of school and it's one of the few things they can agree on.
Mateo is better at scamming people than either of his siblings.
Dante is the worst at scamming people and had gotten roughed up on more than one occasion when a con’s gone south. Which has caused both of his siblings (and his dads) to have to play nurse for him.
Dante has absolutely no friends and doesn't want any.
Julieanna’s future boyfriend, Pin, has to gain the approval of both of her brothers…which will not be easy.
They all use very outdated slang and no one knows what the heck they're saying.
Dante wants to be a pilot, Mateo doesn't have much of an idea of what he wants to do outside of being a pirate, and Julieanna wants to be a famous tap dancer.
They have some outdated hobbies as well.
Once the barrier is brought down, the three of them adore the auradon video games (and have fought over them) almost as much as they do Dr. Facilier's arcade games.
One of which is the Go Go Ballroom dancing game that Julieanna cheats at. Even if she won't admit it.
Julieanna is the best dancer and Dante is the worst.
Mateo’s best friends are the Gothel twins (Mason and Glenn). He doesn't have many friends outside of the crew but he also doesn't have many enemies either.
Mateo likes Diego de Vil’s music. Dante and Julieanna very much do not.
Mateo’s favorite colors are gray and blue, Dante’s are black and red, and Julieanna's are pine green and white (but she also likes gray and black).
Julieanna’s favorite food is water pie, Mateo’s is potato candy, and Dante’s is bacon roll ups.
Dante can't stand water pie but Mateo tolerated it.
Mateo hates bacon roll ups and Julieanna tolerates them.
The three of them all love 'State Fair Cream Puffs' and hate 'torta de coco' though (look, Honest John and Gideon suck at that particular dish. It's not their fault).
Honest John and Gideon got Julieanna when she was a few hours old as payment for a debt one of the Bimbettes (no one is quite sure which one) owed them. They got Dante the same way that year and Mateo the same way as well a year after that.
Dante has anger issues because of this and doesn't want any friends because he's scared they'll leave him like his real parents did. Nobody but him, Honest John, and Gideon know who his real parents are.
Julieanna doesn't know or want to know who her birth parents are. She's happy enough with the parents she has.
Mateo doesn't remember who his parents are but they are the route of his anxiety. Only Honest John and Gideon know who his parents are.
Honest John and Gideon refuse to tell anyone who the birth kids of their kids are because it's no one else's business but their own.
Dante has a glass eye collection. Everyone is too scared to ask where he got them.
Mateo has a weapon's collection. Honest John and Gideon have tried and failed to confiscate them.
Mateo nearly drowned in d2 during the pirates vs core four and co fight after he got kicked into the water. Hardy Hearts saved him.
Honest John and Gideon tried to get him to quit the crew after that but Mateo (loudly for once) refused.
Dante has pink-ish skin, blue ovalish shaped eyes, and short slightly curly black hair. He's also shorter than Mateo which infuriates him. He has a crooked nose from the three times it's been broken as well as one on his chin and behind his left ear.
Mateo has light tawny skin, big brown eyes, and short coiled dark brown hair. He has a hook shaped scar on his nose (Harry was very sorry about that).
Julieanna has pale skin, freckles, big green eyes, and copper red hair that goes down to her shoulders. She also has a scar on her left cheek.
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theghostofashton · 1 month
grief week
thank you @lonestar-s5countdown @bonheur-cafe @corsage @reyesstrand for the tags!!
1. Which character death in 911 Lone Star hit you the hardest?
gabriel's, for sure. i was in denial that they would actually kill him all the way up until they did it. i don't think it's fully sunk in yet. it probably won't until s5 starts and they reference it and i'll have to face it head on lol. ik it was the very point of the storyline but thinking about everything carlos lost in losing his dad, the potential of their relationship.... it was a lot, especially within the context of the end of s4. really excited to see what they do with this in s5!
also, as many have said, the astronaut call from 1x10 hit me really hard. every time i rewatch, i know it's coming, but it still ruins me.
2. What is your favorite grief-related moment in the show?
i think the carlos owen conversation in 4x18 is probably my favorite. what owen says about not letting obsession ruin his life, him giving carlos knowledge he probably wished someone would have given him when he was grieving his brother, his old crew, etc is just...it's really beautifully done, especially as we've watched owen grapple with the consequences of the way he handled his grief
i also love the 126 getting together to pay tribute to tim at the end of 2x07, and tommy asking tk if he'd be interested in going to the grief group with her. the scene where she asks him is so sweet and i love how much care these characters have for each other, her knowing how that group's helped her and wanting to share that with tk.
3. Do you think there will be a character death in season 5? If so, any guesses about who it might be?
i really really hope not lol the only one i can think of enzo, that's why he's showing up to texas out of nowhere
4. Which living character's death would destroy you the most?
any of them tbh. they're all so close, such a tight-knit family, that losing any of them would mean not only grieving that character but also watching the rest of them be destroyed over it and that would be so awful
5. Which character's childhood trauma do you think was most significant in shaping them?
feels like a cop out to say this but truly all of them? i don't like comparing trauma because things that are "objectively" the worst may affect someone less than someone else being more affected by something that may not have been objectively bad.
but things like owen having such a hero complex because of all the people he wasn't able to save (his brother, his old crew, etc), marjan being such a fierce and loyal friend and placing so much value in that due to losing a dear friend at a young age, judd losing a friend as well and sort of losing himself in the way the aftermath played out, tk dealing with the fallout of his parents' divorce, the way 9/11 changed everything for their family, paul being so atuned to the details of a situation so he could watch out for anything that could harm him, developing that sense of threat assessment, as he figured out his identity, mateo being forever changed by losing a cousin he was so close with, nancy dealing with how to move forward after losing tim in such a horrifying, tragic way, carlos signing himself up for a life he didn't want and struggled to be okay with because he was so affected by the way his parents reacted to him coming out.... it's hard to truly say because i think they've all been so impacted by what they been through, it's impossible to separate that from who they are
leaving an open tag bc i'm very late to this!
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freneticfloetry · 2 months
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911 lone star: found family
Thanks to @liminalmemories21 @reyesstrand and @tellmegoodbye for the tags!
(1) What is your favorite 911 Lone Star Found Family moment?
This is tough, there are so many good ones! I’m a big fan of the group slow walk (with donuts!) near the end of Push, and of everyone joining forces (under the expert command of Marjan) to help Mateo pass his written test on his final try, and Team Tarloft presenting Nancy with the MVP trophy in Red vs Blue, and of course the “yes way” engagement celebration… but the moment that always gets to me, without fail, is the boys bringing food to the hospital while everyone waited for word on Grace, and all of them rallying around Judd, group hug-style.
(2) Which platonic pairing/friendship dynamic are you most looking forward to seeing again in season 5?
Can we just have a moment of silence for all the Crace content we will now be denied? Because Carlos and Grace are my perfect platonic soulmates — the way they work together, the way they mirror each other, the way their cool heads and crazy big hearts make them so capable — and the world will always need more of them. But since that won’t be happening… I crave more TK and Nancy, especially in the context of exploring Nancy as a character, and I am forever a ride-or-die Paul and Marjan girlie.
(3) If you could pick one Lone Star character to be friends with, who would you choose?
Absolutely Grace. Her wisdom and empathy would be stellar qualities enough, but she’s also quick and witty and fiercely fucking loyal, and everyone should have a girlfriend like that.
(4) Which would you rather attend: Catan night at the loft or game night at the Ryder house?
Oof. Probably Catan, for the vibes, but it’s a very very close call.
(5) A character of your choice ends up in jail. Who would they call to bail them out (assuming their romantic partner, parent, and/or child didn't pick up)?
Honestly? I think Firehouse Dad Owen would bail any of his kids out no questions asked. Well, okay, there would be questions. But not judgement, and certainly not any assumption that they’re guilty of any actual wrongdoing. Knowing Owen, he’d automatically assume that, no matter what happened, it’s either a misunderstanding, some vast conspiracy, or something completely and utterly justified.
Again, open tag for whoever hasn’t done this yet!
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docpiplup · 11 months
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Upcoming series: Ena
In September, the filming of Ena began, a biographical series that will focus on the life of Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, queen of Spain through her marriage to Alfonso XIII between May 31, 1906 and April 14, 1931, after being the monarchy deposed later by the proclamation of the Second Republic. Great-grandmother of the current king Philip VI of Spain, of whom she was godmother at his baptism. Throughout six chapters, the series will tell the life of Victoria Eugenie and at the same time offer a portrait of a time that changed the world, the first half of the 20th century, from 1905 to 1945. Born on October 24, 1887 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Ena was the daughter of Henry of Battenberg and Princess Beatrice, youngest daughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Her godmother was Eugenia de Montijo, empress consort of France as Napoleón III's wife. The name of the series comes from what her friends and family called her since she was little, Ena.
The fiction is based on the novel of the same name by Pilar Eyre. Javier Olivares, who was behind the acclaimed Isabel and El Ministerio del Tiempo, will be the showrunner and plot manager for Ena. In addition to Olivares, the script is written by Isa Sánchez, Daniel Corpas and Pablo Lara Toledo. The series will be directed entirely by women: Anaïs Pareto, director of the series as a whole, in addition to four episodes, and Estel Díaz, who will direct two episodes.
“Ena is the portrait of historical moments that seem distant but are not so far away, because without them we would not understand the times we live in now,” Olivares declares in the press release sent by TVE. The writer and screenwriter remembers that Victoria Eugenie “fought to be happy in a bitter time, in which she witnessed two world wars, a civil war and a great pandemic, the tortuously called Spanish flu.”
For Pilar Eyre, author of the novel, she was "an extraordinary woman: cultured, supportive, liberal-minded, modern and very loyal." And she is excited because "finally all Spaniards can know" the story of a "misunderstood" woman. in their time, which they will always consider foreign." It is a fiction co-produced by RTVE with Ena La Serie AIE, La Cometa TV and Zona App. José Pastor, director of Film and Fiction at RTVE, has pointed out that "it is a "RTVE is proud to be able to portray this interesting historical character, from the point of view of two women directors and with Javier Olivares as showrunner, in one of its best series."
The Spanish actress of Anglo-Danish descent Kimberly Tell will play Ena and Joan Amargós will play Alfonso XIII. For her part, Elvira Mínguez will play Maria Christina von Habsburg-Lothringen, mother of Alfonso XIII. The cast is completed by Lucía Guerrero (Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Raúl Mérida (Alfonso of Orleans and Bourbon), Juan Gea (Álvaro Figueroa y Torres, Count of Romanones), María Morales (María del Carmen Angoloti y Mesa, Duchess of Victoria), Pedro Mari Sánchez (Rodrigo de Saavedra y Vinent, Marquis of Villalobar), Luisa Gavasa (Eugenia de Montijo) and Joaquín Notario (José de Saavedra y Salamanca, Marquis of Viana)
Mariano Peña will play Miguel Primo de Rivera; Jaume Madaula will play the anarchist Mateo Morral, author of the attack committed at the royal wedding; Tomás del Estal will be Emilio María de Torres y González-Arnáu, and Ángel Ruiz will once again give life to Federico García Lorca, a character he already played in El Ministerio del Tiempo, among others.
The series will be filmed entirely in natural exteriors and interiors, like the Royal Palace of Madrid, the Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia), the Palace of Santoña (Madrid), the Palace of Fernán Núñez (Madrid), the Fort of San Francisco (Guadalajara) and the Magdalena Palace (Santander), built in 1911 by the City Council as a tribute to the monarchs and where Ena spent a good part of her summers in Spain, accompanied by the Royal Family. Filming for the series will continue until the end of December.
So, the Magdalena Palace is going to be an important location during the series as a summer palace, the main filming location in Gran Hotel, and in that series Ena appeared in the episode 3×13, played by Aída Filx.
Apart from that, are we getting an Olivaresverse (XD)? Most likely not, and it's just references about his previous works as a showrunner, but there are connections between Isabel, Emdt and Ena: Michelle Jenner starring Isabel as Isabella I of Castile, then appearing in a couple of scenes in Emdt episode 1×04 and being an important figure in the lore as the foundress of the ministry (& Eusebio Poncela playing as Cisneros in both series, and also he played Cisneros in the film La Corona Partida and the Carlos Rey Emperador series); Alfonso XIII is a descendant of Isabella I of Castile; Ángel Ruiz appeard as Lorca in Emdt in 4 episodes and now he is on Ena playing as Lorca again, we don't know yet how much screentime he will get or which will his role be (secondary character most likely), but it's great to see more about him!
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hearttohaato · 11 months
Encanto OC Event Week 2
Part 2: Tomás Herrera & Others
(Part 1 Here)
The second half of my OC relationship info post - this'll include some info about Tomás's bonds with my other OCs, as well as those background OCs' relationships with each other and canon characters.
Tomás in regards to his natal family:
Tomás is the youngest in a family of four, born to Lucía and Horacio Herrera.
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Lucía was a schoolteacher and volunteer in the town library, who passed away when Tomás was still a child. Tomás loved and admired his mother, considering her to have been a saint in life. The memories he has of her are fond ones, recalling her as being a kind woman without a bad word to say about anyone. He thinks highly of her optimism and humility, and her ability to make anyone feel understood and listened to.
Lucía as well as Tomás's older brother, Mateo, are both canonically deceased as per the events of the story the Herrera family is introduced in. This leaves Tomás and his father as the last living of their family within the Encanto.
Horacio used to be a mason, having to retire early due to weakness in his legs. Between this and the loss of his parents, his wife, and eventually his oldest son, Horacio sometimes thinks he's cursed - but his one silver lining is his remaining son, Tomás. Horacio has zero qualms about being openly affectionate with Tomás both physically and verbally, and though he's a little oblivious at times, he only wants the best for his boy. Tomás in turn is a loyal and protective son to Horacio, willing to put up with a little embarrassment if it makes his father happy. It doesn't matter how old Tomás gets, he'll always be his papá's conejito.
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Art by cringecanto (right)
It's a bit self-indulgent of me, but I'm of the mind that when Tomás marries into the family, Casita springs up a small in-law suite for Horacio so he won't have to spend his days in an empty house. I also am of the mind that in their youth Horacio and Bruno were quite friendly with each other, due to both more or less being underdogs with not a lot of friends between them.
Horacio likely approached Bruno before his wife's passing, just on the off chance he saw her make a miraculous recovery. That isn't what he saw, of course. But though devastated, Horacio accepted the result with as much grace as he could and didn't blame Bruno or his visions for the bad news.
They ended up losing touch when Bruno became more withdrawn and eventually "left", but upon Bruno's return to society their friendship ends up picking right back up where it left off. When Tomás marries into the family and Horacio tags along, he and Bruno spend a good amount of their time having tea and playing cards as old men tend to do.
The rest under the cut to spare the poor dashboards out there!
The Patch:
The Patch, or El Parche, is the group name I use to refer to Camilo's small group of older friends, including Tomás (as introduced in the previous post). They're childhood friends; as a unit and individually they're all well-liked young men within their peers and the community as a whole, decently popular in different ways. They initially were meant to be unnamed background characters whose designs were pulled from random Encantownies, but I accidentally got attached to them and now they all have proper designs and development. Such is my life.--
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Cristián Vargas, Rafael Molina, Santiago Torres, Tomás Herrera
Santiago (22) is the oldest not only of the friend group but of his own siblings, of which he's got 6 younger sisters and brothers. He's the designated 'mom friend' by nature, easily slotting into leadership positions and able to keep a handle on multiple goings-on at once. That said he very much is a mother hen type, a bit fussy and prone to scolding his siblings and friends (usually Rafael) whenever they start steering towards bad decisions.
Tomás and Santi are usually on the same page when it comes to caution and forethought, contrasting with Rafa and Cris's more go-with-the-flow attitudes. Santi's compassionate nature makes it easy for him to pick up on what Tomás is feeling without him voicing it, taking it upon himself to either make decisions based on what Tomás would most prefer or urging the others to do so instead. Tomás appreciates Santi looking out for him, feeling it alleviates pressure off of his own shoulders when he's unsure of what to do.
Rafael (21) is the most boisterous of all of them, the beacon of activity and extroversion to balance out his more subdued companions. He's a risk-taker and extremely liberal-minded about topics that usually wouldn't be openly bragged out, often leading to Santi urging him to keep it down (which will inevitably be ignored or expanded upon specifically to make Santi flustered).
His loud and brash personality clashes with Tomás's reserved ways, but the two have a unique bond despite the expected incompatibility; Rafael is not at all discouraged by Tomás's quietness and Tomás isn't put off by Rafael's brazenness. They both think the other is easy to communicate with - Tomás never has to guess what Rafa's feelings are and Rafa likes Tomás's predilection for being a listening ear.
Cristián (20) is far old enough now to have an identity and social circle separate to those of his twin brother César, but when he was a young child he used to be very shy and hesitant to leave his brother's side. When Santi and Rafa became his friends it was the first time he felt comfortable with something (or someone) that was more or less his own - so when his new friends started chatting with Tomás he felt a little threatened. Fears of abandonment were unfounded though, as not only did his friends not dump him in favor of the New Kid, but he very quickly realized why they liked Tomás and ended up getting attached to him too.
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As adults they have similar mellow temperaments and get along quite nicely, though Cris's vastly improved self-assurance has made him a lot more laidback and unflappable than the more organized and prim Tomás. Tomás admires Cris's ability to be both steadfast and considerate, unwavering in what he believes in but knowing when to handle situations with delicateness and care.
When Camilo entered the picture and turned the Patch into a five-man-band, all four of the older members collectively decided that he was more or less their joint little brother. Santiago attempts to provide Camilo with proper advice and look out for him in ways an older brother should, which often means trying to make sure Rafael keeps his crude language in check around him. Rafael usually does not, taking a completely different approach to being and older brother and totally enabling Camilo's mischievous nature. Cristián is somewhere in the middle, oftentimes siding with Santi or Rafa purely based on what he think would have the most entertaining result.
Beyond this though Cris is a unique source of understanding for Camilo, as Cris is the only other person he knows who doesn't experience romantic attraction for anyone and has no interest in dating. He could have asked Bruno, of course, but solidarity feels a little better coming from someone close to his own age rather than his quirky hermit uncle.--
Cris, Santi and Rafa are the older brothers to Cecilia, Alejandra and Juancho (the town kids) respectively.
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Other relationships to Encantownies include:
Santi and Alejandra have five other siblings, and José (the tall fellow Camilo shifts into near the start of the movie) is their tío. Osvaldo is a tío to Rafael and Juancho, as well as their teenaged sister. Cris's parents are seen bringing Cecilia into Casita before Antonio's ceremony, and his twin brother César is the young man who asks Luisa to help upright his leaning house.
Other OCs:
Claudia Reyes (19) is the young lady with the drum seen during The Family Madrigal, whose family owns the music shop they're playing in front of. Beside her are her brother-in-law on the left and her father on the right.
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She's Rafael's long-time girlfriend, on his same wavelength of open-mindedness and free spirit. They've been in a strange will-they-won't-they situation since they were teenagers, with Rafael playing it off like they're not all that serious and just messing around. Everyone knows Rafa's totally full of it and is head over heels for her though, including Claudia who's more or less just waiting for him to finally get around to proposing. They're going to have at least 4 kids together.
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She knows the rest of the Patch more or less as her boyfriend's friends, but there's still rapport between them and Claudia's more than welcome to hang with the boys whenever she wants. On top of that, she's also Luisa's good friend who oftentimes will suggest Luisa try out outrageous things in an effort to push her out of her comfort zone.
The town librarian, usually referred to as the Maestro, is an enigmatic yet helpful figure in town whose mission in life is the sharing of knowledge. They can be considered everyone's friend, though like Horacio they have a kinship with Bruno that goes back quite a few years. All perfectly platonic, mind you! Additionally, given Lucía's history of volunteering in the library, the Maestro also is on good terms with the Herrera family and still keeps in touch with Horacio pretty regularly.
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And I think those are the most notable relationships to get into for now! Up next will be the AU posts, and... boy, do I have a lot of those. 🫠
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lvckyarizona · 12 days
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Name: Arizona Ponce
Nickname(s): Ari, Airhead
Age: Twenty-nine (29)
Gender: Cis-man
Sexuality: Homosexual
Nationality: Dual Spanish and American citizen
Mother tongue(s): Spanish, Italian, and English
Birthday: February 24th
Job: Masseuse at Seasalt Spa
Neighborhood: Ocean Crest Apartments
tw: grooming, age difference, emotional abuse, drug abuse, depression, divorce mention
Alternative means of escape were etched into the very genetics of Arizona Ponce. Before his conception, his parents—Mateo Ponce and Elena Giordani—escaped from their home countries of Spain and Italy to flee from the constrictions of organized religion. They found each other within the ranks of a carnival travelling across the greater European continent before expanding to more global pursuits. Elena's skill in tarot reading made her attraction among the most popular while Mateo served as an organizer for the various tents. They danced around each other for years long before they ever settled into one another.
The couple had six children before Arizona was born and two after, creating a family of eleven in hopes of having the means to further staff the carnival that had offered them safe haven. Each child was gifted in their own ways, from juggling to sword-swallowing. Angelo, the eldest, left the family when he was nineteen to pursue a life more grounded in what he deemed reality and this decision was met with disdain from their parents. Arizona at the time was only five years old. It was hard to explain to someone so young that their brother, the man that was looked up to by all of his younger siblings and family, would never see them again. This was the first heartbreak.
Despite this, Arizona and his siblings grew up fiercely loyal to one another. He had developed a gift for palm reading and interpreting tarot, a feat he was singular in amongst his generation, and he was given space within his mother's tent at the age of thirteen. Under his mother's watchful eye and the alias “Lucky”, he established himself as a mainstay at the carnival. 
People followed after the wandering troupe just to see how truly magical such a young clairvoyant was. Arizona found a myriad of regulars. Some came to be read before every big event in their lives. Others showed their faces just to share how accurate the interpretations were. It was a blessing to be considered playing a part in the biographies of some of the most interesting people the boy had ever met, getting a glimpse into the lives of those who would make magnificent change to the world around them no matter the size or scope.
One man in particular was amongst the former group. Arizona had never learned his real name; he likened him to George Clooney due to the man's incredible charm and greying hair. George's first reading came about when the young man was freshly fifteen. He had foreseen a messy divorce with the man's wife—this came to pass. Then, Arizona met the man again in six months only to see a loss in George's career—This too came to pass. The misfortunes continued and for three years, Arizona had grown quite fond of George. The feelings were mutual in every regard, though much of those feelings were far from okay. George had never acted on any of those feelings until Arizona was of age but it was grooming nonetheless.
Being the supposed only positive thing in George's life made a shift into romance easy. There was comfort in knowing that Arizona could provide a light in the man's otherwise dark life but he was foolish to believe himself capable of casting a net and hoping to catch only beautiful things. George was more than what he seemed in the readings years prior. He was downtrodden and objectifying, pitiful. He made Arizona believe that he was the only person who could save him and this led Arizona to escape with him from the carnival, abandoning his family with nothing more than an apology note.
From there, the once bright world lost its color. Arizona settled into a rhythmic life with George in California. They shared a home together but there were signs of problems all around. None of the mail ever had the same name. They had to pretend to be father and son out in public. Neither had any real employment. It was because of this that Arizona turned to sex work. He had his looks and men seemed to really enjoy that, returning to the alias of “Lucky” yet again. Lucky was scouted, one day, on the street by an amateur porn site and the rest was history.
Several adult films, a handful of messy breakups with George, and a drug-induced haze later, Arizona was left feeling empty. He isolated himself from everyone because of it, avoiding the potentially shameful glances from his family and friends he'd come to know along the way. One particularly bad night ended with Arizona checking himself into a rehabilitation facility. Somewhere in the cloudiness, he determined that he needed help.
Recovery was and is a long process, but it taught Arizona how to be more comfortable in his skin without thinking of himself as an object. He worked tirelessly to feel whole again. It took years before he was able to view himself as carefree as he'd been in his youth but when that feeling finally arrived, he embraced it wholeheartedly. He found new outlets for his feelings, developed a love of massage therapy to appease his deep-rooted need for physical intimacy and desire to please, and left San Francisco for good to seek new horizons. He settled in Aurora Bay for now, a stop along the way to rediscovering his love of life.
Arizona grew up in a traveling carnival with a bunch of siblings and two loving parents, working as a fortune teller and palm reader. He left his home to pursue a relationship with a man he didn't really know, made some foolish mistakes, did adult films, and recovered while learning how to be a massage therapist. Now he lives in Aurora Bay.
Arizona was homeschooled and is considered a high school graduate, but he's far from considered academically gifted. Many people have made jokes at his expense as to whether he knows how to read (he does)
He is the definition of a Himbo™. Very stupid, very friendly, very pretty
He prefers going by Ari if he feels comfortable enough around someone…and usually “comfortable enough” just means after about five seconds because he falls in platonic love so quickly. Arizona has a habit of giving people either bedroom eyes or longing eyes and will hang on a person’s every word
If there’s any way to get on Arizona’s bad side forever, no one has found it yet. He just loves people, from the grumpiest of grumps to the sunniest of sunshine people
He will do literally anything for a Klondike bar
…or a $5 bill and an I.O.U
Roommate (?)
Anyone really. Just come message me!
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shes-an-oddbird · 1 year
So while I did very much enjoy 4.11 and would never want to complain about any Mateo content I have to say I’m a little irritated that the one episode where he gets a significant story line its done so messy. Ignoring the fact that instead of giving us new information about Mateo, it fully contradicts the whole four facts we did already know about him, it feels like they wanted to tell two stories and couldn’t decide which one to roll with.
Its such a hard sell that Mateo was ever a bad kid but Mateo perceiving himself as the bad kid is absolutely believable and would have been a nice parallel to Judd’s storyline, who also saw himself in a negative light. Because the backstory was told through the caricatures of sitcom characters, Marvin cast as the sitcom’s nerdy well behaved twin and Mateo as the wild child slacker twin (character traits that no one would have ever pinned on Mateo), its hard to say if it was just how Mateo saw them or if that’s how they really were, which is unlikely. While I appreciate the creativity of the sitcom, I would have loved some confirmation to its accuracy and to know how Mateo got involved in the incident in the first place. If he was a troublemaker, you better find a way to make me believe it.
Alternatively they could have leaned into the trust and loyalty side of the story. Mateo is overly trusting of people in general and loyal to extremes. Owen briefly touches on Mateo enabling Marvin by always bailing him out and it would have been interesting for them to focus on that. Mateo constantly believing that Marvin would try harder to do better and stay out of trouble would be very much in character. They definitely could have kept Mateo feeling indebted to Marvin, though perhaps for something far less dramatic or just revealing why Mateo was so sure he could do better. It also would have better tied in Nancy’s contribution which was also a clear act of trust (and probably would have been less of a shock and more of a moment of growth had we actually had the resolution to her clear insecurities about their relationship two episodes prior but that’s a whole other thing to get into).
The grief and the guilt were the most successful parts of the story and Marvin dying was really a great twist. Julian did an amazing job and always does when they hand him this emotional stuff to do. Mateo’s conversation with Owen and their relationship in general was amazing as always and I’d give anything for more Mateo x Nancy content so that was all fantastic and great for learning more about them. All in all it was a good episode, it was just also a disorganized one which in hindsight I should come to expect from this show.
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docrotten · 4 months
DR. SATÁN (1966) – Episode 177 – Decades Of Horror: The Classic Era
“I have just completed the final test on a beggar. I have given him the serum XX-34 in the center of his neck and he died. But immediately, I injected the antidote and he returned to life. … After that, death is inevitable. I succeeded and now I can make any living being into a zombie. I can create soulless slaves loyal only to my wishes.” Sign me up for some of the XX-34 stuff! Join this episode’s Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt and Jeff Mohr along with guest Chris Peters – as they discuss Dr. Satán (1966), a fun Mexican horror mashup.
Decades of Horror: The Classic Era Episode 177 – Dr. Satán (1966)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
ANNOUNCEMENT Decades of Horror The Classic Era is partnering with THE CLASSIC SCI-FI MOVIE CHANNEL, THE CLASSIC HORROR MOVIE CHANNEL, and WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL Which all now include video episodes of The Classic Era! Available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, Online Website. Across All OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop. https://classicscifichannel.com/; https://classichorrorchannel.com/; https://wickedhorrortv.com/
Interpol officer Mateos and his companion Nora are in charge of discovering and capturing the members of a shady organization that has been flooding Mexico City with counterfeit dollars. What they don’t know is that these dollars help Dr. Arrozamena (aka Dr. Satán) and his research to turn people into mindless zombies who obey only the Doctor’s orders.
  Directed by: Miguel Morayta
Writing Credits: José María Fernández Unsáin; Sidney T. Bruckner (story) (credited as S. Tomás Be)
Produced by: Sidney T. Bruckner
Music by: Luis Hernández Bretón
Cinematography by: Raúl Martínez Solares
Editing by: Carlos Savage
Selected Cast:
Joaquín Cordero as Dr. Plutarco Arozamena – Satán
Alma Delia Fuentes as Nora
José Gálvez as Inspector Tomás Mateos
Judith Ruiz Azcarraga as Elsa
Gina Romand as Luisa
Carlos Agostí as Baltasar
Quintín Bulnes as Javier Rodríguez: Cain
Antonio Raxel as Daniel (as Antonio S. Raxel)
Roy Fletcher as Agente policía
Gerardo Zepeda as Dino (Zombi)
Fernando Saucedo as Médico forense
Queta Carrasco as Testiga rapto (credited as Enriqueta Carrasco)
Manuel Trejo Morales as Carcelero
Francisco Meneses as Agente policía (as Francisco G. Meneses)
Arturo Fernández as Mendigo raptado (as Arturo Fernandez)
Magdaleno Barba as Enterrador (uncredited)
Chris Peters joins Chad and Jeff for this police procedural/occult horror. Or is it a spy-gadget, science fiction flick? In this Mexican horror film, you have your mad doctor creating zombies and talking face-to-face with King Devil, a gang of counterfeiters, Interpol agents hunting said counterfeiters, assorted James Bond-type gadgets, a blonde bombshell serving as a liaison between the doctor and the counterfeiters, a woman agent shooting the hell out of a gun, and a plan for world domination. This is a surprisingly fun flick with good acting, a complicated, but well told, story with pathos, strong female characters, and the devil hisownself. Thanks go to former Grue Crew member, Whitney Collazo for picking this episode’s movie!
At the time of this writing, Dr. Satán is available to stream from YouTube.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era records a new episode every two weeks. Up next in their very flexible schedule, as chosen by Joseph Perry (a founding member of the Classic Grue Crew), is Curse of the Crimson Altar (1968), aka The Crimson Cult, featuring Boris Karloff, Christopher Lee, Barbara Steele, Michael Gough, and H. P. Lovecraft (sort of) in a Tigon production!
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: leave them a message or leave a comment on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel, the site, or email the Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast hosts at [email protected]
To each of you from each of them, “Thank you so much for watching and listening!”
Check out this episode!
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lalo-tellmeagain · 2 years
I just need to get this off my notes— I’ve been working on it a while and hopefully it’s enough to convey my feelings. I’m putting this here with the preface that I love this character so much!
While I’ve been enjoying the fan fiction and art and all the various ships, I just don’t see Lalo as capable of having any sort of relationship with anyone.
I don’t think he thinks about love or friends or sex at all beyond maybe just the most basic of bodily functions. And that’s a very big maybe.
This is perhaps best illustrated during the scenes at his home in Mexico. Every person there is hired help, and so they are loyal for the pay and probably out of fear, and yes they seem to sort of enjoy his company (maybe) but it’s all superficial because they know what Lalo is capable of.
It’s hard for the audience to get past the idea that this handsome middle aged man would just sit around by himself in this giant compound, barely sleeping, and working on his hobbies without at least wanting a partner or a family, but I really don’t think he cares or thinks about it.
He gets off on endlessly plotting his next moves- which brings us to Sylvia and Mateo. What happens to them shows us how utterly insidious Lalo is- he has imagined scenarios where he may need to fake his own death, or use Mateo in some way because of their similar looks, and he keeps them around solely for that purpose. He’s generous to them and they appear to be very loving and grateful toward him— he will always turn on the charm to deflect his true intentions. They think he really wanted to help them with the dental work, and he did, but for his own twisted reason.
Speaking of employees, poor Ciro! Here’s a kid who has been clearly bullied by Lalo his whole life, and who clearly lives in a constant state of fear and uncertainty. Lalo tells Jimmy he’s known Ciro since he was a little boy, but neglects to mention using the kid as a human shield!
Nacho is also an employee. Lalo treats him as such, even in moments of seeming to be friendly (Nachito!) there’s always an undercurrent of distrust. He’s not going to send Nacho to pick up 7 million. He makes Nacho drive him everywhere and never tell him what they’re doing or where they are going. And let’s be honest- his gut feeling about Nacho was correct-
That’s why Kim’s lecture is so incredible- you see the moment where Lalo doubts himself- maybe she’s right? Maybe I do need to try and let someone in and try to trust a little bit- even against my better judgment…..
And he’s immediately betrayed. He’s never going to make that mistake again.
The argument that Lalo has the ability to care because of his attitude toward Hector also doesn’t really work for me because Hector is absolutely the worst kind of person. Cruel. Hateful. Joyless. Where does Lalo get his own lack of humanity? Probably Hector.
Lalo admires him, constantly talking about how family is everything, but none of the Salamancas even have their own families! It’s an empty sentiment. Plus Lalo could easily bring Hector to live with him in his giant mansion and provide him with round the clock medical care, and he doesn’t! He cares about the business and the money and taking out his rivals. Imagine if the Salamancas succeeded? To what end? Who gets their vast fortune when they can never trust anyone and have no families of their own?
I think Lalo has fun playing mind games with Gus. I think he enjoys the chase a lot. He’s never not going to have a good time. And we love him for that. It’s really hard to not be curious about him (and his potential relationships) and I’m endlessly fascinated with the idea that someone could really just exist this way because to us he has an incredible life! And why wouldn’t he be sharing it with someone or many people? Why live this way? He’s just really an extremely shallow person- he cares most about his money, his cars, his house-“don’t get grease on my sink!”
Bottom line — he cannot care about any person other than himself. He doesn’t think about others at all beyond what he can use them for. He’s happiest in his own head. In Lalo land.
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elias--jensen · 6 months
[ colin morgan, cis male, he/him ] — whoa! ELIAS “EJ” JENSEN just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for 5 YEARS, working as a FRONT DESK MANAGER. that can’t be easy, especially at only 32 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit STUBBORN and SNARKY , but i know them to be AMBITIOUS and LOYAL. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN! — (jessie, 30, est, she/her, none)
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Name: Elias “EJ” Jensen FC: Colin Morgan Age: 32 Sexuality: Bisexual Pronouns: He/Him Birthday: May 11, 1991 Zodiac: Taurus  Birthplace: Cranford, NJ Current Location: Brooklyn, NY
tw verbal abuse
EJ grew up in the suburbs of middle class America. Picture perfect families surround the hell hole he was living in. Some on EJ's first memories are his parents fighting in the living room. Their voices would echo through the home, but Nat was there. Natalie is his older sister. His rock, his protector, his home. She would squeeze him close to her chest, and tell him everything was alright. Even if it wasn't. Finally once their parents got a divorce, they would spend their school year in Jersey with their mom. And during the summer they would be with their dad in the city. During this time in his life, he was very angry. At his parents, at the world, at himself. It took years and a lot of family therapy to work past it, but it lingers and bleeds into his friendships and relationships.
Always known for kissing ass, EJ seemed to thrive in customer service. He knew how to plaster on a smile and to read in-between the lines. From a young age, he was always working and trying to make money. He wanted to grow up so badly, and to be on his own. In high school, he found a love for music. Blasting the speakers as loud as they could go, and singing on the top of his lungs. It was the pipe dream he followed for a long time. To his parents disapproval, he dropped out of college to travel with a band he had auditioned for. The problem with pipe dreams, as his father would say, "They always fail. You need to be realistic." When EJ found himself sleeping in his childhood home, with his mother and her boyfriend of week in the kitchen, he knew his dad was right. After applying for any place that was hiring, he landed an interview for a front desk job at a Holiday Inn. With that smile and a lot of luck, he got the job. Until he had the money, he would take the train into the city. But as soon as he could afford it, he found a room in Brooklyn. Whenever he has the opportunity, he plays open mics here and there. But he's had to put his love of performing on the backburner.
Natalie Cruz, 35, EJ's Older Sister
Natalie is EJ's rock and wants to know everything that's going on in his life. She would fuss and worry over him, even lecture him when he got in trouble. As much as it annoyed him, he needed her. They needed each other. Nat is almost like a second mother to him, but it's hard for EJ to admit that. Plus she has her own babies to look after. She has a 3 year old daughter named Maeve and a 1 year old son named Mateo. She's married to her partner, Valerie Cruz. They been together for 7 years. She stayed in Jersey and he visits them as often as he can.
Judy Byrne, 56 and William Jensen, 54
Looking back, it was a miracle and curse that his parent's marriage lasted 10 years. EJ's parents were the exact opposite, and it over time they hated each other for it. His mom was very outgoing, but his dad was more shy. His dad loved getting to their destination, while his mom would find any reason to stop and look at the view. It was hard to believe there was a time they got along. They met when his dad was studying abroad in Ireland. "Almost like a fairytale, it was love at first sight." His dad would say, reminiscing about people they didn't exist anymore. After the divorce, EJ didn't really have a relationship with either of them, as much as they tried. It got easier as time went on, and they all grew up. His mom never remarried, and his father is on his 3rd marriage. EJ's relationship with his parents now consist of awkward phone calls, and showing face at holiday parties.
James Anstead, 33, EJ's Childhood Friend (WANTED)
The first time they met, James was standing at their front door and tears in his eyes. A few minutes earlier, a ball had flown through their window, glass shattering everywhere. His mother had made him come to their door to apologize. All EJ could think about was how James was able to kick the ball that far. That not only did he find out they were practically neighbors, but he found his new best friend. Throughout their whole lives, they stayed partners in crime. Even now when they don't get to see each other as often, he would drop everything to help James.
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
C.w: Mention of injuries and burns.
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Name: Ibhana “Vesper” Baske
Date of birth: July 28
Zodiac sign: Leo
Dorm: Ramshacke
Class: 1A
Place of birth: ????
Mother: Aseel Baske
Father: Roman Baske
Older brother(18): Mateo Baske
Little sister(15): Arya Baske
Youngest sister(8): Mirable Baske
Vesper is 177cm with tan skin, but he has a bit of white very here and there. His natural hair color is black but he has it died green and some parts blond(this time). He has one purple eye and one pink one. He has Beaty marks all over his face that connect with a birth mark too form the Leo constellation. Has a spider web tattoo on the back of his neck.
⊱Vᴏɪᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ⊰
Miles Morales (into the apidervese)
Light/Pop Music Club
⊱Bᴇsᴛ Sᴜʙᴊᴇᴄᴛ⊰
History of magic. Biology.
Any string instrument. Baking. Cooking. Drawing. Gymnastics. Photography.
The only thing known as Vespers history is that he grew up in a loving home, and his time at twst. Nothing else:)
Everyone, just everyone.
⊱Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs Oɴ Cʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs⊰
𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚕𝚎: I wanna punch him mom. So bad. Punch his mom would be so therapeutic.
𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚢: the only sane student in this school. How is he not in rsa and instead here?
𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛: cay-cay~ so fun. Best camera man ever. And I mean ever.
𝙰𝚌𝚎: the little shit. I wanna punch him all the time. Not just punch. Just kill. He’s like a brother it’s so stupid. Love him.
𝙳𝚎𝚞𝚌𝚎: Deucy~ love him. He’s like my best friend here. I usually help him with his school work since I finish mine very quickly. And I like helping Deuce, he’s dedicated to his work.
𝙻𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚊: ah yes, his Bitchness. Annoying him is not a hobby, it’s a job. I’m very dedicated.
𝚁𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚒𝚎: the best person in this forsaken school. He has a brain and he’s using it.
𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔: jackie! I have some fruit and veggies for him in the fridge in case he stops by while I’m sleeping on his morning run.
𝚃𝚊𝚘(OC): I’ve talked to him a few times. Every time it ended in a fight. Always a good spar.
𝙺𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚖: my baby boy. My sweet Angel. My smol child. I love him so much. I would kill everyone for him. He’s like the little brother I never had.
𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕: my darling princess~ I wanna kiss his pretty face. I mean come on, he’s gorgeous. And so very irritable. Now I understand why Floyd like messing with Riddle.
𝙰𝚣𝚞𝚕: Zuzu~ he gets annoyed rather quickly for someone who who’s known the leeches for years.
𝙹𝚊𝚍𝚎: this guy, so fucking creepy, love him.
𝙵𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍: ayyy!! My favorite Octavinelle member and my second favorite upperclassmen!! Yes, I know I’m dating him shut up!
𝙸𝚐𝚘𝚛(OC): I haven’t talked to him much, but he seems normal.
𝚅𝚒𝚕: his royal highness, queen Vil shoenhit. I have a love hate relationship with him.
𝙴𝚙𝚎𝚕: my favorite thing to do with him is just give him junk food. Will Vil yell at us? Yes. Do I care? No.
𝚁𝚘𝚘𝚔: I know most people are scared of him. But I find him fun, It’s like playing a deadly game of hide and seek.
𝙸𝚍𝚒𝚊: have you ever wanted to punt someone? Yeah, but he’s ok I guess.
𝙾𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚘: an Angel. I don’t know how he handles mister flames for hair.
𝙰𝚒𝚔𝚊𝚝(OC): makes the best macaroons. And knows the weirdest things.
𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚜(OC): that guy is so weird and so fucking fun. Never a full moment with him.
𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚞𝚜: Mal-Mal! My dearest older brother. Yes I know I have an actual older brother!!
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚊: General Lilia!! Fucking love that guy! I mean how could you not??
𝚂𝚒𝚕𝚟𝚎𝚛: I don’t know how he deals with Lilia or Sebek. He’s so calm ya know?
𝚂𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚔: oh that piece of shit. I wanna punch him do fucking bad. He’s one of my best friends.
𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚂𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚏𝚘𝚝𝚘(OC): She’s normal I guess.
Positive traits: nice, Generous, Smart, intelligent, clever, Creative, imaginative, Responsible, Reliable, Brave, strong, Confident, Independent, Loyal, Dedicated, helpful, Hard-working, Ambitious, Organised, easygoing , Open-minded, Funny, Patient, Self-confident, Witty, Talented, gifted, Passionate, Charismatic, charming, Friendly, sociable.
Negative traits: rude, Argumentative, Clumsy, Bossy , Possessive, Destructive, Difficult, Jealous, Spoilt, Uncontrollable, wild, Unpredictable, Petty, Double-faced, Self interested, Passive, Cunning, violent.
Neutral traits: Honest, Sarcastic, Lighthearted, Competitive, Complicated, Sentimental, Impulsive, Stubborn, Private, secretive, Flirtatious, Curious.
⊱Fᴜɴ Fᴀᴄᴛs⊰
Everyone calls him Vesper. Because no one actually knows his actual name.
His favorite hobby? Flirting with Jamil.
Has a drawn family photo in one of his drawers, he’ll die before telling anyone.
Calls grim “cat” and “my child”
Is at Heartlabyul 20% of the time Diasomnia 20% Scarabia 30% the headmages office 5% of the time and ramshacke 35% of the time.
Plays every single stringed instrument, except the lyre, it bothers him so much.
Cooks when stressed.
Bakes when annoyed.
Always had a small mirror in hand.
Doesn’t like being touched except by friends and some family members.
Used to take ballet and gymnastics with his sister Arya.
Has nicknames for everyone.
His favorites are: Princess for Jamil. Your bitchness for Leona. Sweetheart for Riddle. And Loidy for Floyd.
No one really knows anything about him.
You can count how much stuff everyone knows about him collectively.
That excludes Grim Ace Deuce Floyd and Malleus
Sees Malleus as the older brother he never had(he does, he just likes to say that for fun)
Can handle spicy food, and often can be seen just eating something spicy or drinking straight from a hot sauce bottle.
Speaks like 10 languages and 3 sign languages. This does not include his native languages or English (his mother is from India so he speaks Indian Fluently and his father is from Puerto Greco so he speaks Spanish fluently)
Is one of the top students even though he can barely do magic
The reason he can do magic is because Kalim gave him a staff that takes some of your blood and let’s you preform basic magic.
The more vesper gets used to the staff the higher spell levels they can preform.
Loves children and is great with them.
Every Tuesday at 4AM he goes over to Savaclaw to annoy Leona.
Respects only two people at nrc and those are Trey and Trein.
Has a burnt arm from Idias overbolt. And many more scars from the others overbolts.
Is dating Floyd leech. And is madly in love with him. Will he admit it? No, he’d rather die.
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turtle-runner · 1 year
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[Cisgender Woman She/Her]. Hey, is that [Morena Baccarin], no that is just [Esmeralda Marquis] around Turtle Bay. I heard they are [43] years old, and their birthday is [July 1]. They rest their heads in the [midtown] but they can mainly be found working as [Trauma Doctor]. Some say they are [Loyal, Determined, and goal oriented] and can be [vindictive, mercurial, and secretive]. If they had a theme song it would be, [Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande]. I hear they are [Native], either way Turtle Bay is home and welcomes you!
full name: Esmeralda Marquis nicknames: Esme, Mimi Alda age: 43 dob: July 1st, 1980 hometown: Turt;e Bay current location: Turtle Bay, South Carolina neighborhood: Midtown occupation: Trauma Doctor gender: Cis-Female pronouns She/Her sexuality: Bisexual/Queer relationship status: Single POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Determined, and Goal Oriented NEGATIVE TRAITS: Vidictive, Mercurial, and Secretive theme song: Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande Trigger Warning: Miscarriage
face claim: Morena Baccarin
hair color: Brunette
eye color: Brown
height: 5'7"
weight: 150lbs
tattoos: [1.] ,( On Shoulder.)
piercings: ears
scars: A jagged scar on her stomach and a few scars on her arms and shoulder
mother: Anna-Maria Manuel
father: Angelo Marquis
siblings: Mateo Marquis and Javier Marquis
children: Miscarried Daughter.
significant relationship(s): Ex-Fiance
Esme was born not long after the family relocated to Turtle Bay. She never really got to see her father but she became her brothers shadows for a while and spent a good portion of her childhood refusing to speak English because her brothers had issues with it and instead would respond in Italian or Spanish though she understood English very well.
By the time she made it to third grade though her teachers cracked down on her and told her she would be stuck in elementary school if she didn't start speaking the language and while stubborn she was also someone that liked to excel and wanted to make her family proud so started speaking English which she primarily speaks with outsiders now.
She was her father's daughter even if no one really saw it and seeing everything that happened in his life she wanted to take care of him and so became a doctor spending years in med school proving herself and winding up in the trauma ward of Turtle Bay Hospital.
She was never planning on going into her family business. She was there to patch them up but it wasn't like she was going to join in. She didn't see the merit in that life. She found a man and was going to settle down with him and even found herself pregnant. She did not realize he was an undercover cop tasked with getting close to her family and did so through her..
She was about 8 months pregnant when she brought him to a family dinner thinking nothing of it. They were engaged. He had met her brothers and her mother. He just hadn't met her father and that night he was meant to. He showed up at her house before going there and she noticed something off about him he seemed almost too excited.
Nervous on the ride over she saw a badge and told him to take her home. She didn't want to lead anyone to her father. He screamed at her and they fought until he drove off the road into a light pole. Her daughter died and she nearly did as well she was rushed to the hospital and did an emergency c-section hoping to save the child but she was gone.
Esme did not tell her family everything that happened. She told her fiance to leave and never come near her again or he would wish he was dealing with her father or brothers. She fell into a depressive mood but went back to work and told Javiar she was going to join in on the famly business. If it was her legacy she might as well make the most of it.
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paperboy-pb · 2 years
Okay, so there isn't good art available of *everybody* yet, but I think you should all have a little somethin'-somethin' about Matthew's class. So... there's 12 kids you need to know!
1: MATTHEW I. BOSTON -- Our protagonist! Physically disabled, even though you can't see it. Often thought of as weak. He is artsy, imaginative, sensitive, and holds a great love for life itself. Wants to leave Special Ed in pursuit of a better life, due to the abuse that many of its staff dish out.
2: ANDREA Z. BELTRAN -- Matthew's best friend! Has Dyslexia & Conduct Disorder. Seen as a "lost cause" by most. She's a bit explosive, but there's more to her than that. Andrea is old-fashioned, cynical, surprisingly caring & MUCH smarter than she's given credit for. Tends to bully their bullies.
3: MATEO-RUDOLFO ("RUDY") N. DELACRUZ -- HoH (Hard-of-Hearing) boy who's known for selling all sorts of knickknacks-- snacks, fidget toys, etc.-- to his peers. Tends to hide his hearing aids under his long hair. Allegedly crushing on Aza. Doesn't talk much, not even with ASL. But his close friends know him to be serious, organized, a little uptight, & very stubborn... with a few silly or mischievous moments here and there. >:)
4: OLIVER K. HANES -- "Frenemies" with Matthew. Dysgraphic, Dyspraxic, + some other probably-undiagnosed neurodivergence. Is ALL about tech + social media-- even filming his own vlogs, skits & pranks! Oliver is very conceited, boastful, self-centered, impulsive, and a spoiled rich boy... but not at all shallow. Will always put others first when it matters the most. Close with Jack.
5: KARL HO -- One of Rudy's friends! Has Down Syndrome + Intellectual Disability. Is often babied & lowkey excluded by others... despite being (secretly) VERY perceptive. Known to be sociable, silly, messy, & chill. Absolute gamer. Loves cartoons. Always ready to talk about girls. Sometimes makes bad choices in the name of being included, like laughing along when other kids bully Matthew.
6: AZA A. KANAAN -- Disliked by Matthew, dislikes him right back. Loved by literally everyone else. Levi's "Right-Hand Man." Aza is an ADHDer, leaning way on the hyperactive side of things. Aza is rowdy, random, & LOVES immature, vulgar shock humor. Plus anything clowncore or neon. But somehow, those closest to her claim she's also the mom friend, very loyal, open-minded, and down-to-Earth. Matthew won't believe it till he sees it.
7: JACKSON ("JACK") J. MARINE -- Matthew's #1 bully since forever! Jack speaks with a very prominent stutter, which made him a bullying target. Started various sports outside of school, as well as Karate. Thus, Jack is now tough, mean, & the strongest of the boys. Uses that status to hold himself above others. Will ALWAYS take an oppurtunity to torment Matthew for some laughs. Still only has 1 real friend. (Oliver.)
8: AMELIA MILLER -- Matthew's 2nd favorite girl! Was born with one arm. Doesn't know if she's been diagnosed with anything else. Amelia is very bubbly & soft-hearted. She loves llamas, hanging out with friends, sweets, coffee, cute boys, and pretty much anything girly. More sheltered than other kids. Doesn't have much of a backbone. Seems to fear abandonment. Usually seen with Levi & Aza.
9: WILBUR B. MORA -- Matthew's now-distant family friend. Only has one working eye, which is slowly but surely losing vision anyway due to Retinitis Pigmentosa. Wilbur is a calm, collected & peaceful math / science nerd. He especially loves animals, and can & WILL remind the teacher about the homework. Introverted, but not shy. Feels VERY held-back by Special Ed academically & tends to overwork himself at other programs, trying to fill the void.
10: AARAN PATEL -- Rudy & Karl's 3rd friend! Aaran has Tourette's, which makes him a bullying target. Not only that, Aaran's also a little awkward & VERY spiritual. He's super into Tarot cards, zodiac signs, fortune-telling, third eyes, religions, etc. And all of those factors tend to weird people out. So most don't talk to him. And they're missing out; because he's excitable, easily-impressed, and always has PLENTY to say! He also has a bit of a random fascination with superheroes & the idea of magic. Never a dull moment with this one.
11: LEVI T. TRAINOR-FANG -- Matthew's #2 bully! Claims to be his best friend despite hating him. Levi never discloses what she has, but she has implied that it's an emotion thing. Levi is an edgy, dark-minded, and cut-throat Queen-bee. Like Regina George mixed with a scene kid. Starts drama for fun & feels little remorse. While she & Jack both have the most fun tormenting Matthew as they find him to be weak & a crybaby, Levi will go after almost anyone. Her other victims include Andrea, Rudy, Amelia, Aaran, Linus, and even Jack himself. Almost everyone is terrified of her. Seems to respect Aza.
12: LINUS S. TRAINOR-FANG -- Levi's twin brother & the most disliked kid in the room! He has ADHD (Inattentive type this time!) along with Epilepsy. Linus is a gloomy yet chatty emo boy who loves writing, music, dance, & spiders. Unfortunately, he's also pretentious + overbearingly desperate to be cool. Instead of being himself or seeing others as people, he makes every trend his personality, puts people on pedestals they don't want, & refuses to talk to other "unpopular" kids like Matthew or Andrea in public. Only to be called cringe by the cool kids anyway! It's a vicious cycle that he refuses to break... and Matthew is lowkey kind of concerned.
Phew, that's a lot! It... gets easier to keep track once you see their designs, I promise, lol.
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thekingswench · 2 years
Tiago Saavedra
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Faceclaim - Pedro Pascal
Full Name - Agustín Tiago Bustamante Saavedra
Nicknames - Auggie, Tee
Age - 46 years of age 
Birthdate - 15 April 1975
Gender - Cismale, he/him  
Sexuality - Bisexual, Polyamourous 
Ethnicity & Nationality - Latinx, Chilean 
Occupation - Biostatician with emphasis in pharmacology & botany
Educational Information - Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics & Botany, Master’s dissertation on statistics pertaining to spatial dimensions, PhD on the medicinal importance of exoticized plant species pertaining to psychotropic medications 
Mother - María Estrada Saavedra (67)
Father - Tomás Agustín Ureta Bustamante (72)
Siblings - José Santiago Bustamante Saavedra (m, 39), Maite Bustamante Saavedra (f, 49), Sofía Isidora Bustamante Saavedra (f, 46), Mateo Bustamante Saavedra (m, 42)
Tiago is very close with his family and, when not working, can be found taking his leave with them. The Saaevedra household is full of laughter and good humor so that, no doubt, infects the people they bring to meet the family, as well. 
Affectionate - Tiago is very loving and has a lot of love to give to the people he cares about. There is never not a time when he is actively trying to do sweet things for those he considers his, whether that be family or friends. Often, that affection is very lowkey, seen in physical touch or acts of kindness (such as cooking a meal or carrying someone to bed), but it is something that is almost ingrained into his personality. However, that does not mean that his affection cannot take on different forms with different people, and sometimes that affection may look odd to people not in on the “secret.” 
Dependable -  If there is one person you should be able to count on, it’s Tiago. Whether you’re on an unfamiliar planet or just need some help around the house, he is the one you want to back you up when you need it. That dependability leaves him feeling very steady, something secure that you might not have otherwise. Despite his eccentricities and the fact that he is passionate about his work, and that might come across as being very “out there,” Tiago is one of the loyal people in the world. Once you have him, you have him for the rest of your life unless you do something too unforgivable to jeopardize that trust. (Even then, depending upon the circumstances and the relationship, he might let you in again, but he would never stop caring, even if he says he has). 
Humorous - Tiago is always laughing and always there to entertain. A bit of a class-clown type, when circumstances call for it, he is often the one to lend a bit of humour to an otherwise heavy situation. He makes it his goal to get each of his team to laugh when they need it because, as his mother always used to tell him, ‘laughter is the best medicine, mijo. Use it as often as you can.’ 
Argumentative -  Despite his genteel attitude (most of the time) and his seemingly bookish persona, Tiago has a lot to say about a lot of things and when he thinks (or knows) he’s right, he will defend that knowledge like a pitbull. He doesn’t let go of an argument until it is sufficiently played out when it is serious. When it’s not, well, sometimes he argues for arguments’ sake. Particularly when it comes to Fredi Castillo, the argumentation is often just a chance to speak with the other man, to get him to notice him, but far be it from Tiago to ever reveal that information. 
Sarcastic - Growing up with four siblings has made Tiago adept at not only understanding the intricacies of sarcasm, but perfecting his own brand of it. His witticisms are often dry and, with the right tone, may go directly over someone’s head. Even still, it is perhaps one mode of communication that Tiago is most fond of. He employs it liberally and delights in doing so, much to his partners’ chagrin. Sometimes that sarcasm can get him into sticky situations, but he is smart enough to get him out, too, most of the time. And, if not, he has three other people that have his back. 
*Eccentric - Tiago’s eccentricities are vast and bred deeply into his being, something that he has had since he was a young boy. His family are well aware of his ability to monologue about a rare flower species for hours at a time or to infodump about something he has hyper fixated on for months’, which is often how his research begins, but those who might not be used to him may find it tedious or difficult to work through. When he was growing up, he often had to curb these eccentricities for fear of being ridiculed, but he has since embraced them. Visiting his workplace means that you will often come into contact with Tiago at his most open so his eccentricities will not be hidden, just as they would not be when with his family. If you are asked to put your right shoe on the left side of your left and hand your laundry to him from the left instead of the right, an upward motion instead of downward, just indulge him. He promises you’ll get used to it or, if not, will be able to, shortly upon your arrival. 
Agustín Tiago Bustamante Saavedra was born fifteen minutes ahead of his sister, Sofía, on a warm April morning, welcomed into this world with an eager older sister smiling down upon them and two incredibly relieved parents. The Saveedra family is one of love and laughter and Tiago and his sister were quickly welcomed into that tradition by a warm extended family and quiet, friendly community. When María brought her children home, there was homemade food, as much supplies as the new additions to the family could need, and a neighborhood that rallied around their newest additions with open arms. 
Kindness and community are what Tiago grew up in and, with them, he thrived. 
As he grew from a curious toddler into a bright young boy, Tiago’s thirst for knowledge and the unknowable continued to grow. He was constantly asking questions of his mother and eagerly awaited his father to return home from the hospital after each shift so that he could hear all about his day. Even when the stories were not perfect, when they did not have a happy ending, Tiago wanted to know them. Tomás never denied his son, even when he probably should have, but that indulgence ultimately created a man who loved to learn, who thrived in that space, and who would become the top of his class at the academy where he received his education. 
While a bit of an eccentric and a lover of all things mathematical, Tiago’s easy-going personality usually endeared him to all those around him, even when they didn’t initially get along. He was a bit of a nerd in the lower grades but he eventually grew out of that, looks-wise, and grew more confident. He is still quiet, but now that quietness hides an over-active mind and a man that always has a plan, even when it might not be one hundred percent perfect. 
His thirst for knowledge led him to a career in academia, one which would become integral in his assignment to his current workplace and the affections that would grow between the team; doing this work, they become a family. Hand-picked for his theses on the spatial dimensions and his work with psychotropic fauna species, Tiago and the rest of his team have been tasked with searching to find the substances most likely to aid medical researchers, hoping that the work they do may prove to be the key to unlocking significant advancements in medicine, enough to save lives and earn their place in the history books as the research team to do so. 
Tiago cannot have children. While he recognizes that that would bother some people, he does not care. His family is large enough and he has enough cousins and nieces/nephews that there doesn’t feel like a “void” in his life without kids. He always has children around him, even if they are not his own, and that is enough for him. Tiago is also definitely open to the idea of raising children with his partners, but would sooner adopt than have anyone birth one of their own. For him, family is not only that which you are born into, but that which you choose. 
Tiago is potentially on the autism spectrum, as he has tendencies toward those behaviors, though he has never officially been diagnosed. He has lived his life long-enough - and has learned how to remove himself from stressors that would endanger himself or his crew - to know how to cope with certain things, so he's never really chased one. 
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