#matt brando
lordazazel23 · 2 years
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Because for some reasons tumblr wouldn't allow me to post shit for 10 monts
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melodiimelon · 2 months
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quality-street-rat · 2 years
My college AU explained
Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polnareff and y/n all collectively rent a house near their university. It's somewhere in the US.
Joseph and Suzie have an open marriage because she wanted a few side pieces but Joseph turned into a massive slut
DIO and Jonathan are vampires. Diego is DIO's cousin who just shows up sometimes.
Josuke isn't Joseph's son, he's a distant relation of Jonathan's but everyone just calls him cousin. He started a cult for the sole purpose of performing "miracle healings" with Crazy Diamond
Stands exist here but nobody really cares about fighting or world domination or anything
The Pillarmen are like, cryptids. Everyone knows they're there somewhere but nobody messes with them either because Joseph tried and came back missing half an arm
Morioh is still a hub for peaceful stand users
Kira moved to the US because it's easier to fit in with nutjobs like Americans
He hasn't been caught yet
Josuke travels a lot for Cult Reasons™
Golden Wind and Stone Ocean haven't happened
Dio has three toddlers and an infant to look after because he didn't practice safe sex and the mothers wanted nothing to do with him
Giorno is the baby
He tries very hard to be a good dad
Jonathan helps
Caesar's alive because fuck you
He's Joseph's other partner and tries to keep him responsible
Kakyoin's English is better than Jotaro and Polnareff's
Joseph found Shizuka in a box in an alley near his and Suzie's main house in Manhattan and they both absolutely dote on her
Abdul and Polnareff are dating and everyone knows that but Polnareff
Abdul visits the house like, all the time
He practically lives there
Polnareff and Kakyoin are like, total gym rats
Jotaro is just Like That™
Iggy, Petshop, Coco Jumbo, Stray Cat, and Danny are all lovingly cared for by Jonathan
They talk shit about DIO all the time
Bucciarati is in the middle of Doing Normal Tweenager Things™ in Napoli
Jotaro actually really likes dinosaurs and likes Diego more than DIO, which DIO really hates
Abdul is really into electric swing and teaches Polnareff swing dancing
Jotaro drinks tea like a fish, he hardly ever drinks water, just tea
Diavolo and his nonsense is happening in Italy so it's not a problem until later
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catboymccartney · 1 month
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cuz everytime we touch i get this feeling
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honeybadgerss · 1 year
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my wives !😁
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drzootsuit · 2 years
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Mod Eater NPC halloween costumes baybee! Can you identify all of them~?
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claire-is-6ft · 1 year
The last two picked in the RHAP draft are pretty much in the best positions rn
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
"I don't know if there's many actors who like looking at themselves on camera, maybe I'm wrong. I've seen it, I've seen - I've seen it, I was kind of; I was completely knocked out, I was completely kind of emotionally winded by the whole experience. It, it does leave you kind of in tatters, you know? Yeah."
"You know I was talking to Matt Damon about this because he had to do very similar equations in Good Will Hunting, and it becomes kind of like hieroglyphics, you know? It was very satisfying to do it and very satisfying to learn as I wrote. I had a vague, conceptual kind of understanding of what, of what I was doing, but I remember the first time I got to write the, the equation - I'd be practicing for months and months and months - and then Chris just turned the camera on me and not on the board so you never even see it."
"Oh that's interesting. Yeah that's interesting because normally I do have a playlist for, for every film, but for this one I, I didn't - yeah, I didn't. I think because it was so intellectual and there was so much weight - I mean he was, he was very into the arts, Oppenheimer; I mean like he really appreciated music, he wrote poetry, you know, he was, he was a big reader, spoke so many languages. But no I, actually for this one I didn't; I don't think I had enough room in my brain."
"Oh gosh. Gosh, that's a very difficult question. Oh, I don't know. I, I - you always hope that there's one film you make that touches someone and kind of speaks to them directly and that, that can be held up as, as a work of art, if you can do one of those I'd be very proud."
"Yeah, I actually sleep pretty well. The - we worked at such a furious pace on this film, like we shot it in 57 days or something, like we were flying all over America and I, I - so I slept, I slept, I slept pretty well when I, when I could, yeah."
"Oh I don't - I don't know. You see like I, you know many of his contemporaries said he was the most brilliant of them all - of the men of, of that time in physics; that he was the most brilliant. I don't know, you, you, apparently he had a very, very dry sense of humour, he made a great Martini; I'd probably keep it on that level, yeah. Yeah, yeah."
"You get used to it. I mean I'm lucky that I've kind of, I'm a, I'm a Nolan veteran so I'm used to the, the cameras and we have an amazing DP, Hoyte van Hoytema, so you - you get used to it, you know; you get very, very used to it. They do make an incredible racket when they're rolling, but again you just get used to that."
"He was busy; he's very much in demand these days. But yeah, Rob, off the back of Tenet, where we refer to Oppenheimer and I, and I wrote a thing about this incredible moment that, that Oppenheimer and the scientists of the Manhattan Project had where they could not completely eliminate the possibility that when they triggered that first gadget, that first atomic device, they might start the chain reaction that would destroy the world. And that, we use that as metaphor for Tenet which, which Rob was in, and as a wrap gift he gave me a book of Oppenheimer's speeches from the 1950s, where you're reading these great intellects trying to deal with the massive consequences of the way in which they've changed life forever for all of us. And I really got, got hooked and got hooked on the story."
"You know, I think I mean all of these big gags from, you know, stuff we did to Dark Knight, Tenet and obviously Oppenheimer with the Trinity Test, you're always focused in on that moment where your massive team of talented people have brought it together for some giant event that there is the limitations of theory; you've theorized about it, you've planned it, but you never quite know how it's going to go off, and so you have to build in massive safety margins and, and all of that. But there is incredible tension leading up to that and, for example in The Dark Knight where we destroyed the hospital and Heath, as the Joker is walking out of that hospital, that was a one-time thing. That building was collapsed at the end of it and, and we were done. And so there's incredible focus and tension from everybody and doing the Trinity Test in Oppenheimer in camera, doing real world effects and having us out in the desert with the actors waiting for this incredible moment, it gave us you know, some small feeling of, of what it must've been like to be there for the, the original detonation and it was - it was thrilling and terrifying and beautiful and dangerous all in equal measure."
"I, you know, I am a pretty good sleeper these days but no, sometimes you get a lot of thoughts going on, you, you're trying to wrestle with all those things and yeah, you'll, you'll process them and that'll keep you awake sometimes. But I trust that process; that you need to be working things out in advance and then you get to set or you hit the typewriter, or whichever bit of the process you're engaged with, refreshed and, and having thought a lot ahead of time about what you need, because my job on set is to provide answers. You know, I have to be there to answer everybody's questions and wrangle things and everything, so preparation's everything and yeah, some of that preparation does happen in the middle of the night when you'd rather be sleeping, yes."
"I couldn't possibly answer that other than by saying probably the latest one, whatever I've just done. Yeah, I mean that's the thing, you don't know; I mean the thing with every film is - for me the film's not finished until the audience finishes it. You know, you put it out to the audience and you're in a dialogue with them and they're telling you what it is you've done, and that's when you feel what the movie is and how it might resonate in the future. And you know, my hope for every film is that it sticks with people in some way."
"Oh no, I don't, I don't really notice it that much anymore. I can't - I think maybe it's just like you become a creature of habit, of trying to block that out and maybe I was just sucked into the vortex of Cillian's eyes too much to notice anything: I was just like: "That's all you see.""
"Also Hoyte, our, our DP, and he operates; he's very - he's very unassuming, he's very -"
"He sort of disappears, and Chris also is not someone who hides behind the monitors, he doesn't even have monitors -"
"No, he's right there."
"He'll stand by the camera and Chris is like a tall guy, but you somehow don't see him either. I don't know; there's so much focus on set, that's what I think is really it. There's no chaos, there's so much focus that even as you're doing the scene whether there's a massive IMAX camera or Chris Nolan right there, it's focused on you, so you just are concentrating."
"Well there's also an intimacy like, you know, you're kind of in a little group, in a huddle that it's like you're there with Hoyte and Chris and talking, and then suddenly Hoyte's got the camera on his shoulder and -"
"I don't even know how he puts it on his shoulder."
"I know that camera's gotta be 100, it's 85, something crazy like that."
"He's just permanently in back pain, he must be."
"Nobody's - you don't complain on a Chris Nolan set, ever."
"Drinking? I mean I was sort of just, I was practicing off set, but I wouldn't do it on set."
"Yeah; I don't think you can play drunk that well if you're drunk."
"I've tried it once; I've tried it once. Yeah, not on this one - years ago, and it was a disaster."
"There's a famous story about Brando doing that."
"And about Robert Shaw on Jaws."
"Oh really?"
"Brando went down to a beach and said: "Come and get me when you're ready to shoot" and he was just -"
"Was he wasted?"
"Passed out. That's the story; I don't know that, if it's, if it's -"
"The amazing speech in Jaws that Robert Shaw does, they - they tried it one night and he'd been drinking, and they went and re-shot the whole thing the next day, because Robert Shaw woke up the next day and he said to Spielberg: "How badly did I embarrass myself?" and Spielberg said: "Not monumentally, would you like to do it again?" and he goes "Yes." And he did it again - and of course, it's the best monologue in history."
"This one."
"Yeah, this one would be right up there. I mean, there's not a bigger story to happen to humanity in the last, you know, in the history of humanity. So I don't know, I don't know what bigger story there would be to tell."
"I'm so proud of this one. Yeah - maybe this one."
"I feel like my problems are so insignificant compared to Oppenheimer's, you know?"
"But what Opp - what, what his problems wrought on and you know, his beautiful brain kind of wrought on the rest of us, that keeps me up at night. That's certainly one of the things I think about, and I think about it a lot more now having done the film and having kind of re-engaged with this. Because it's that kind of thing when you start to think about it you go: "I don't want to think about that, it's - it's too much", but it's there and it's been there, kind of looming over us, for, for eighty years now."
"Well I think, I mean to play a character like her was interesting because she's - I mean I love being a mother, I think Kitty was not a natural nurturer, I don't think she should have been a mother. I think she had great ambition for intellectual pursuits that she had to contort and limit to make sure his, his were fostered. And she did it happily; that was sort of what was expected of her at the time, but clearly you see a deterioration in the character, of that brilliant brain sort of going to waste at the ironing board in that isolation of Los Alamos. And so I think as a parent, playing her and how crap of a mother she was, was tough you know; I always feel bad like not being sweet with kids on screen, it was just brutal."
"But you were very sweet with them after that, after cut."
"I mean off set, I'd be singing like Peppa Pig and stuff and, you know, and they were so cute those kids; they were so lovely, so I just had to be so sweet with them when the cameras weren't rolling. And then when the cameras were rolling, I was sort of in eye-roll mode. I was like: "These poor babies.""
"No, God no, no, no. I, I never did that. We were laughing about it, it's like - it's a different language; and you just look at it and memorize it like it's hieroglyphics and you, and you try to get it right and, and the technical advisor looks, it was like: "You nailed it" and you're like: "Good, never make me do that again.""
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twinncam · 2 years
hmmm... i wonder what this might be 👀
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burnouts3s3 · 11 days
In the South Park episode "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", viewers thought that the North American Man Boy Love Association was fictional and made up. NAMBLA a real organization that advocates for sex with minors. (Not the Marlon Brando Look Alikes).
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hdiane133 · 2 years
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The Colorful Diamond Leopard Pattern iPhone Case
The Colorful Diamond Leopard Pattern iPhone Case is a perfect fit for your new or older model iPhone, it has an elegant look and feel. The case is constructed from top grain leather with a smooth texture that feels great in your hand. Whether you're at work, school, or just out for fun, the CC-3244-1 color has everything you need to protect your iPhone. When it comes to the iPhone cases, you will find lots of options in different styles and materials. But, not all of these are able to stand up to the test of time. One such case is the Colorful Diamond Leopard Pattern iPhone Case. This is a durable, sturdy and beautiful case that offers protection for your phone at an affordable price.
Slim profile, transparent for your phone's color to shine through A flexible and durable case that provides a comfortable grip Scratch-resistant The Colorful Diamond Leopard Pattern iPhone Case is a great protective case that will keep your phone safe.
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mangosrar · 10 months
matt sturniolo x fem reader
this isn’t proof read 😛😛
suggestive ???
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i knew this would happen. it happened with the last guy i went on a date with, and the guy before that. they just werent him. it was such a horrible feeling to sit across from someone in a restaurant searching their face for a more familiar one, one that had memories etched into his smile lines, one that had a piece of you with him. but the feeling of having him, but not being abel to have him, wasnt much better.
it was hard, finding the middle ground between my ex and my best friend. we both promised that if we ever broke up nothing would change between us. but it did. i was more cautious of him. i picked my words carefully when they left my mouth. i studied his body language whenever i was close to him. he was like a ticking time bomb. he could be set off at any minute.
lazy footsteps could be heard before i saw matt pad his way into my living room before he plopped himself down next to me. he let himself in. of course he did. he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees before turning to look at me with a sad smile on his face.
"you okay?" his voice was hushed. like if he spoke too loud i might shatter. i just nodded with a gloomy smile on my face.
"so why do you look so sad y/n?" he knew me so well and i hated it. i couldnt differentiate wether he knew me so well because he was my bestfriend for so long, or if because he was the love of my life at one point.
"just the date. i dont think you wanna hear about it" i let out a sad laugh as i spoke. his eyebrows furrowed for a second before he replied.
"youre still my bestfriend y/n. just because youre my ex too doesn’t mean you cant tell me about the new guys" he sounded genuine. like he didnt care about the new guys. like he wasnt mad about them. but he should be. i wish he was. i wish he was repulsed at the thought of me ever being able to move on from him. but he wasnt. i kept my eyes trained to the ground. there was a heavy silence as he searched my face. i could feel his wandering eyes burning holes into me. like he could see straight into my brain.
"he called me cerebral matt" i paused, eyes still boring holes into the carpet beneath me. "i didnt even know what it meant" i raised my eyebrows and let out a huff of air through my nose. "would it have killed him to call me pretty instead?" i finally looked up at matt to see his eyes still on me. a look on his face that i couldnt decipher. i hated that he could see my walls crumbling.
"you are pretty y/n" he cooed, his voice so sickly sweet. matts hand moved onto my leg. rubbing slow circles with his thumb. i hated this. i hated that he could sit there and tell me this and not be mine. how could he promise to soften every edge and hold the world to its best when he was killing me.
"you cant say thing like this matt" i pushed his hand off my leg and just like that the walls were built back up again. his eyes dropped to his hand that was now slumped onto the sofa then back up to my face. he knew this was coming.
"why not?" he knew why. he just wanted to hear me say it. i paused momentarily. weighing up my options. deciding wether to say the real reason or to just leave it hanging in the air and say something that we both know is a lie. i didnt know where i stood with matt. he would treat me like in still his girlfriend in some ways, caring for me, being a shoulder for me to cry on and always being there to hold my hand when i needed him to, but he would drop it after a few seconds, leaving cold, heart shaped scars in his wake.
"because im still in love with you" tears were threatening to spill as i spoke. his face didnt move a fraction. he didnt even blink, just staring at me like he was deep in thought. this was old news for him and he probably could have beat me to it but atleast he was kind enough to let me say it. matt didnt even speak. he just kept staring at me as he brought a gantle hand up to the side of my face.
before i could even pull his hand off my face his lips were on mine. i didnt have the type of self control to pull away. i leaned into him, craving the closeness, luckily he got the hint and pulled me into his lap so i was straddling him and the kiss grew heavy, his tongue forcing its way into my mouth, his wandering hands grabbing and groping whatever skin he could. he moved his mouth off mine and began trailing wet kisses down my neck and jawline making my breath hitch and my eyes close.
he began sucking and biting the skin on the side of my neck making me while. my hands found home in his hair, tugging softly, earning a satisfied hum from matt before he spoke against me.
"lets just get back together mh?" i was so lost in the way his lips felt on my skin i didnt even register what he had said until a few seconds later. i immediately pulled his head away from me and stared at him with wide eyes.
"what?" surprise evident in the sound of my voice.
"i dont see what the problem is, we both still love each other and i hate seeing you go on dates with shitty guys so why not?" i couldnt even reply to him. i just stared at him with my wouth hung open. what the fuck.
"if you dont want to, ill stop, but if you do, just say the words and ill give you whatever you want." he sounded so sure.
"yes" that was all he needed before he smirked and brought his lips to mine again, kissing me, hot and heavy.
the kiss was sloppy and desperate, both of us urgent for a touch we craved so badly. he ground his hips up, pressing his hard on into my heat making me whine into his mouth. i felt him smile against my lips before he kissed down my chin and throat before licking a stripe up it, pulling a moan from me, causing my hips to stutter against his involuntarily.
make up sex is good for the soul.
pt 2 coming soon an it’s spicy 🤓
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @soursturniolo @freshlovehacker @urmyslxt @kitaysworld @kvtie444 @chrisenthusiast @flowerxbunnie @mattsd0ll @itsjennarose @hearttshapedkisses @lovingsturniolo
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quality-street-rat · 2 years
College AU
y/n: You know Jotaro, I really don't care for your uncle.
Jotaro: ....Which one? Jonathan?
y/n: Oh no, Jonathan's a giant puppy. I meant DIO.
Jotaro: I feel like I don't really want to know the answer, but why?
y/n: We both have god complexes but he's a bitch about his.
Jotaro: ......
Kakyoin: Y/n's right, he IS a bitch.
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t33n-writ3r · 7 months
Smut one shot requests (I write them on Wattpad & here but you can only request on here, my Wattpad user is sm_twrit_r) I only do male smut sorry
-damiano younes
-niccolo govender
- Brando de sanctis
-fiore fiorenzi
Harry potter + fancast:
-theodore nott
-mattheo ridde
-tom riddle
-lorenzo berkshire
-regulus black
-blaise zabini
-cedric diggory
-harry potter
-ron weasley
-fred weasley
-george weasley
-draco malfoy
-professor snape
-professor lupin
- James potter (fancast)
Outer banks:
- JJ maybank
- john b
- poper heyward
- rafe cameron
- topper Thornton
The vampire diaries:
-damon salvatore
-stefan salvatore
- Enzo st john
-jeremy gilbert
-tyler lockwood
- alaric saltzman
-klaus mikealson
- elijah mikealson
-kol mikealson
- kai parker
The walking dead:
-daryl dixon
-rick grimes
-carl grimes
-negan smith
-glenn rhee
-ezekiel sutton
-jesus (Paul) monroe
-abraham ford
-merle dixon
-shane welsh
-micheal mercer
Stranger things:
-steve harrington
-eddie munson
-billy hargrove
-jonathan byers
-jughead jones
- archie andrews
- f.p jones
-fangs fogarty
-reggie mantle
-ian gallagher
-lip gallagher
-carl gallagher
-mickey milkovich
-kevin ball
Grey's anatomy:
-derek shepherd
-alex karev
-jackson avery
-mark sloan
-george o malley
- Jake webber
- johnnie guilbert
- Colby brock
- Sam golbach
- Vinnie hacker
- ghost (cod)
- ghostface
-dominic fike
-javon walton
-jaden walton
-matt sturniolo
-chris sturniolo
-dean winchester
-percy jackson(og)
The rookie:
-tim bradford
-john nolan
-wesley evers
-aaron thorsen
-henry nolan
----------------------------------------------- if there's any kinks, tropes or setting you want in lmk in comments or lmk in messages
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dndadspolls · 11 months
Hello there ! I'm Aether (it/its) ! You can find me on my main, @justablah56 I just thought it'd be fun to have dndads specific polls, so why not do it myself ?
this post will be constantly updating , so if you want to keep up with what's happening make sure to check in here every once in a while !
all current poll information will be above the cut, and then general rules for this blog will be below !
the current poll is : favorite dndads quote , which is open for submissions until September 23 at 11:59 pm MST :]
"I want a snickerdoodle and to die" - Hermie
"Paeden's eight, DAWG!" - Henry
"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but chains and whips excite me" - Ron/Rhianna
"Measure once, cut twice" - Glenn
"Let's just piss in his open mouth" - Taylor
"Light me like a French man" - Tony
"I notice you guys are eating tater tots, uh, I'm a businessman myself" - Ron
"Darryl I can say with complete confidence I wish I could die too" - Ron
"Yeah, I'm a doctor. *throws ax* " - Da Rul/Darryl
"It's so books!" - Password door
"I see that you're a bird, I'm a spider myself" - Ron
"Laugh at my joke dammit. Stool!" - Darryl
"Shhh, just let the yeast do it's thing..." - Taylor
"Smell that? That's fungus!" - Normal
“How would you like it if someone ripped off your skin without your consent?” - Henry
“It’s okay to be angry, it’s not okay to be cruel” - Henry
“Those least likely to lead who want to lead are the best leaders” - Link/Matt
“Is what you said it will work” - Darryl/Matt
“I silence his dumbass with a kiss!!” - Henry
"The greatest strength is not in violence. It's in loving people and also being a wolf. So that's going to be my new thing that I'm psyched about." - Sparrow
"Because you're the glue, Norm!" - Scary
"What the freakin ding dang gosh darn willy nilly heckin shark tooth banana chicanery hootin tootin raspberry freaking fuck are you two doing here!" - Henry
"Heh." - Glenn
"Heh." - Taylor
"Heh." - Tony
"Heh." - Freddy
"You chose wood, Ron" - Darryl
"I'm very fast!" - Cookie (fetch quest)
"My son's name is not glark, Darryl." - Henry
"That flimflam man, Scam Likely made off with our dough!" - Henry
"As you turn and look at him, he's already moving like a calzone." - Anthony
"Goblin on DEEZ NUTS!" - Glenn
"To where, Ron?" - Darryl after Ron suggested they build a bridge during the four knights arc
“Just remember, I'm very tall. And I don't sound like it, but I am tough, and my voice will sound tough at some point." - Lincoln
“I love my parents, I love my spouses, but love’s not real, so I feel nothingggg.” - Lincoln (in a sing-song-y voice)
"It's a rookie mistake to intentionally fall asleep during a fight." - Taylor (?)
"I had so many other plans for this episode." - Anthony
"I just- Am I... enough?" - Scary
"Y'know, I- I was just kidding when I asked for a hug." - Scary
"I'm an Asian baby???" - Lincoln
"Father! The afterlife? It is dark." - Lark
"We're married now, dude." - Lincoln
“That’s our relationship status? Enemies til the end?” - Lincoln
"Women can be women!" - Beth/Trudy
“You can be polyamorous in space!” - Anthony
“Sir if I have a sin beyond saying the B Word, it's that I love gos.” Normal
“I have an unhappy marriage and an unhappy son. The only thing I live for is busting commies." - Big Shane
“We have to kill it” / “We have to help it” - Lark / Norm
"He didn't burn down the entire school, the fire damage was limited to one or two classrooms." "I'll do better next time!" - Henry and Sparrow
"And i throw the cop... at the nerd!" Da Rul/Darryl
“Fuck you Anthony we’re Spider Boys!” - Will
"Confucius say a-measure once cut-a twice." - marlon brando as glenn close
"Riding a horse broke my hymen." - Erica Drippins
"44 damage." "Okay, cool, so what does that do to you?" "It damaged me 44..." - Beth and Anthony
each poll will have 3 days of submissions, and then each round will last a day. after the poll finishes I'll reblog with the winner , then the next day there'll be another poll to pick the next competition and so on and so forth :3
in general , I try to have the polls start around 3pm MST , and submissions always end at midnight , also MST .
poll submissions are always open , so if at any time you have a poll you'd think would be fun feel free to send it in !
any poll we've done previously is fair game , there are quite literally no limits for what polls you can submit , so send in your ideas !
current poll submissions :
best Lincoln fact
best Taylor fact
best Jodie fact
favorite s2 episode
favorite catch phrase
favorite s1 episode
best Henry Fact (rerun)
best ship name
favorite ship (rerun)
favorite crackship
autism swag (rerun)
least favourite unpopular/niche ship
least favorite popular/canon ship
least favorite poly ship
least favorite s1 character
least favorite s2 character
most iconic duo
biggest third wheel
most functional marriage
favorite nationality/decent headcanon
favorite disability headcanon
favorite intro
best peachyville character
trans swag (rerun)
favorite non-poly niche/unpopular ship
kiddads’ favourite bands/artists
s2 teens’ favourite bands/artists
s1 dads’ favourite bands/artists
if any poll submission gets three or less votes in the poll to pick our next competition , it will get moved to the bottom of the list :]
propaganda is 100% welcome ! feel free to send an ask or bribe via art requests, and if you make a post just tag me and I'll reblog it here tagged with " *poll* propaganda" if your propaganda is in a reblog , make sure you write it on the post rather than the tags if you want it reblogged here !
I don't just post polls on this acc ! I also reblog fanart , fandom events , and other polls including dndads characters! for fanart I use the tags "not a poll" and "fanart" , for events I use "fandom events" , and for other polls I use the tag "not my polls" , so if either of those are things you don't want to see , feel free to block those tags :]
Previous polls (as of our come back in February ! )
best Normal Fact : ep29 - he is the most published author in the teen high fanfiction tag on ao3
favorite headcanon : Taylors sword cane is his mobility aid for his balance issues that come and go
best Glenn fact : Glenn still considers himself married to Morgan even though she's dead
best npc : Terry Jr Stampler
best non-song intro: ep27 - Glenn and Ron on shark tank for the elevator button
funniest npc name : Sexcallibur Horsepower
favorite character headcanon: Taylor's sword cane is a mobility aid
best s1 arc : going through Ron's memories/Ron's anchor
favorite niche/unpopular ship : polywagon (Normal x Taylor x Lincoln x Scary)
biggest saddest eyes : Dood
best Daryl fact : ep16 - his favorite part of being a father is when babies wake up confused until they see you and smile (this is also Matt’s favorite part of being a father)
favorite gender/sexuality headcanon : closeted gay Tony Collete
best Scary fact : ep??? - she once punched a hole in the wall and blamed it on Terry's plant
favorite song intro : s2 ep37 - the all star parody
favorite poly ship : Lincoln x Hermie x Normal x Scary x Taylor (polywagon)
coolest npc name : Sexcalibur Horsepower
funniest guess for Will's middle name : William [beep noise] Campos
if you want to know who won what before the hiatus , you can find those here !
if you have any questions about the blog in general or anything else , feel free to send in an ask and I'll do my best to answer it !
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
QUESTION: Who is your favorite actor? INTERVIEW GUY: Arnold, Sly, your mom . . . just playin', guy. . . . ACTUAL BEN: Morgan Freeman, Denzel Washington, Benicio Del Toro, Sean Penn, Meryl Streep, Cole Hauser, Casey Affleck, Jay Lacopo, Vince Vaughn, Joaquin Phoenix, Don Cheadle, the brothers Wilson, Ed Norton, Nicolas Cage, Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando, Zeljko Ivanek, Dennis Franz, Julianne Moore, Steve Buscemi, Frances McDormand—there are really a ton of actors I think are great and whom I admire. And I honestly believe after seeing The Talented Mr. Ripley and All the Pretty Horses that Matt Damon is one of, if not the, finest young actor around. INTERVIEW GUY: That Ripley thing, that's a gay picture, right? ACTUAL BEN: Well, no, it's not. . . .
— From Ben Affleck's self-interview in Premiere (January/February 2000).
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