#matt murdock x mom!reader
mattmurdocksscars · 10 months
Back From The Dead Epilogue
I know you guys waited a long time for this and I'm sorry it's so short. But the good news is, I've left it open for future installments and potentially requests. This won't be the last we see of Sweetheart and Matt, I promise 💖
So, without further ado, here's our temporary goodbye.
Word Count: 841
Pairing: Matt x Mom!Reader
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“Matt! Is Michael almost ready?” You called from the kitchen. Matt had been tasked with getting your two year old son ready for his birthday party while you finished getting everything set up. A herculean task given that the toddler had much to say about his outfit choices nowadays. 
“Incoming!” Was all you heard before the sound of little feet running across the hardwood floors reached your ears. You had just enough time to turn around before Michael was launching himself into your arms.
“Hello, my love! Look at you!” You exclaimed. Michael was dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that said “Two Rex” with a T-Rex below the writing. Michael grinned then made a face like he was growling.
“That's right, baby. The T-Rex says rawr!” You heard a chuckle coming from your room and smiled, looking up to see Matt walking into the room. He was dressed down for the day, jeans and a simple blue shirt. He walked over to the two of you and wrapped his arms around you both, kissing first your head then Michael's. 
“Is he dressed to your satisfaction?” Matt teased. 
“Yes, he is. How'd you convince him to wear this shirt. He was so against it this morning.”
“I may have promised him extra cake if he wore it.”
“Matthew!” His deep chuckle rumbled through you as he grinned. 
“Come on, it's his birthday. Let him have the extra cake.”
“Alright, but when he's all hopped up on sugar and doesn't want to sleep tonight, that's on you.” You giggled. Your joking was interrupted by a knock on the front door and Michael immediately began wiggling to get down. 
“Uncy Foggy! Aunty Karen! Grammy Maggie! They're here!” You laughed as Michael ran for the front door, little hands reaching for the door knob but not quite able to turn it. Matt followed him over and opened the door, letting everyone in with a cheerful greeting. You put the finishing touches on the cupcakes you'd made just as everyone came around the corner. 
“Hey! Thanks so much for coming. We really appreciate it.” 
Foggy, who was currently holding Michael, shook his head.
“Like we'd miss this little guy's birthday for anything!” 
Everyone nodded their agreement and you and Matt smiled, glad for the little family the two of you had. It hadn't been easy, raising a baby, but the help you'd gotten from the three individuals in the room had been absolutely critical in the two of you making it through. 
Shaking the thoughts from your head, you guided everyone back into the living room where you all began to play and spend time focusing on Michael. The day passed by in a whirlwind of fun and before you knew it, everyone was heading home and you were putting a worn out toddler to bed. 
Heading to the kitchen, you quietly called out to Matt.
“I think I'm gonna have a glass of wine, do you want anything?” You were just reaching for the glass when arms wrapped around your middle and a warm body pressed against your back. Matt settled his head on yours and began to sway the two of you back and forth. 
“I don't think that's a good idea.” Your brows furrowed and you lowered your hand.
“Why's that?” You could feel his face shift and you assumed he was grinning. His hands shifted so one was on your hip and the other rested on your lower belly. 
“We're pregnant.” He breathed out. You froze, eyes going wide with shock. “You'll need to take a test to be sure but… I'd recognize that sound anywhere.” 
“Oh my God, Matt…” You felt tears well up, your hands coming up to cover your mouth. Anyone else would assume you were panicking but Matt, knowing you so well and knowing your body, knew you were excited. 
“Oops again?” He said, with a small laugh. It brought out your own laughter and soon the two of you were giggling like crazy. It took a few minutes for the two of you to calm down. You wiped your eyes.
“Oh, Matt. I'll get a test tomorrow and we'll check but I trust your ears. I can't believe it. How long have you known?”
“Just a couple of days. I wasn't sure at first but then we were laying together the other night and I had my head on your stomach. It was pretty obvious then.”
“Why'd you wait to say something?”
“I wanted to wait until after Michael's party. In case you reacted differently.” You hummed and nodded. That was fair. If you had reacted badly, it would have affected Michael's party and that wouldn't have been fair to the child. 
You turned in Matt's arms and faced him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“A lot of things are gonna change. You and I are gonna be evenly matched. Are you ready for this?” You asked him.
“Sweetheart, with you by my side, I am ready for anything.”
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minami97 · 2 years
Peter Introduces Hero Mom To Daredevil (But they met beforehand)
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Peter: Um ... Ms. Y/N, this is ...
Y/N: Matt Murdock, I know who he is. We met. *Reaches out to shake his hand*
Matt: Nice to see you again Y/n. *shakes her hand*
Peter: H-how did you two meet?
Y/N & Matt: Work.
Peter: *Side eyes them* Okay... So... IHop? 🥺👉👈
Y/N: Sure! *Turns to Matt* We'll talk about the bill after we eat.
Matt: *Smirks* Yes Ma'am.
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farfromstrange · 2 years
My mom be like: You’re so obsessed with celebrities and fictional characters, grow up!
also her: So, how’s Charlie doing? How’s Harry? ESPECIALLY HARRY? What are they up to? Are they healthy, doing alright, what’s going on in their lives?
I wish I knew, mom. I wish I knew. If I did, I probably wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be broke as fuck.
She sometimes asks me how my writing’s going. I tell her that I will never let her read a chapter of any of my stories EVER.
She goes: Why, are you writing porn?🤣
Me: well…
That was an awkward conversation.
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souliebird · 3 months
[[and then I met you || ch. 23]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
chapter masterlist
Words: 3.2k
ao3 link
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Matt’s eyes flutter shut as you smooth your thumbs over his forehead. The urge to press forward into your touch is nearly overwhelming, but he controls himself. Your fingers run down his temple and to the apples of his cheeks, oh so gently rubbing sunblock into his skin. He doesn’t remember the last time he used the product, but his sweet Minnie demanded he wear it, and who is he to deny his daughter on her birthday?
You are in complete Mom mode - focused on making sure all his exposed skin is covered - so you don’t realize how intimate you are being with him. He wants so badly to reach out and touch you back - to hold your waist and rub your arms and feel you against him. It is far from the first time he’s felt this and mentally repeating the Lord’s Prayer helps him keep his thoughts from straying. 
Especially when your fingers dance down to his neck. 
He may or may not have fantasies about you pressing your hand into his windpipe while riding him. He may or may not have finally given into his mother’s pressures about talking to the new priest because he was beginning to feel guilty about how often he may or may not have touched himself to those fantasies. 
Matt wants so badly to show you how much he loves you, but you aren’t ready for it yet, and he understands. You’ve accepted him for who he is and what he does. You want to know more and aren’t accusatory when you ask questions. You’ve been snatched up into his whirlwind of a life and are adjusting in a way he didn’t think was possible, but you are still adjusting and he’s not going to push more onto you. 
You’ve been slow to accept physical gestures and as much as it pains him, he’s happy to go at your pace. He cherishes each moment you let him hold you and his heart soars when you are the one to initiate it. You don’t flinch or pull back when he rests a hand on your hip or back. Slow and steady wins the race and if you want to stroll, he’ll stroll right along with you.
“All done,” you say, breaking him from his thoughts as you step away. “We shouldn’t be out here long enough that we will need to reapply.”
“Thank you,” he replies. He puts his glasses back on and he follows your movements as you put the sunscreen back in your purse. “Do you need help with anything?”
The second phase of Minnie’s Birthday Bash Weekend - after her princess breakfast and makeover - is the Park Party. Multiple blankets have been laid out for everyone to sit on and the wagon is filled to the brim with supplies - there’s a drink cooler, a snack cooler, a series of toys Minnie insisted they add so no one gets bored, and tucked in the corner, unopened presents they picked up from Sister Maggie. Foggy showed up early so he could enjoy the walk to the park with the birthday girl and Karen and Frank should be arriving soon. 
Matt knows you are going to fuss over the details and try to play Good Host, and he wants you to relax and have a good time instead. 
But sometimes, he thinks fussing is your idea of fun. You make a shooing motion at him and there is a bit of a laugh in your voice when you tell him, “Go play with your daughter.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. 
Foggy and Minnie are on the sidewalk, setting up her newest toy. Fog got Mouse some sort of pogo stick for toddlers and from her excited explanation to him, it is pink and princess themed. Matt has no idea how a pogo stick for toddlers could possibly work - Minnie can barely balance on one leg - but you seemed to have no issue with the device, so he chalks it up to having missed something in the explanation that would be obvious to a sighted person. 
“Okay, squirt. Go ahead and step on,” Foggy tells Minnie. Matt can sense some sort of small platform that his little one steps onto, then she is being handed something that reminds him of a bike handle. “Okay. Try jumping.”
Mouse jumps straight up, and to his surprise, the little platform bounces when it hits the ground again, sending her back up about half an inch. That seems like more than enough height for her, as she lets out an absolutely delighted scream and quickly starts to repeat the motion. 
She bounces four times before she loses her balance and falls off the platform, but Matt doesn’t even get the chance to step forward to help her. She’s right back on and jumping in place - beaming ear to ear. 
“Look at you go!” Foggy cooes and Matt can’t help but grin. “You are a little hopping machine!”
“Hop! Hop! Hop!” Mouse cheers as she does just that. “Hop! Hop! Hop!”
“Hop! Hop! Hop!” Both he and Fog echo, and they are on the same wavelength, because they both mimic her by bouncing on the balls of their feet. 
Matt can sense you aiming your phone at Mouse, most likely taking a picture or filming them, so he quickly prompts her, hoping for a cute moment. “Sweetie, what do you say to Foggy?”
“Thank you, Froggy, you are the bestest!” 
“You are very welcome, birthday girl!” Fog, of course, quickly turns to Matt to jokingly rub in, “Hear that, Murdock? I’m the bestest.” 
Minnie stumbles again and Matt realizes she will not need help unless she trips and falls to the ground. She’s back to bouncing within a second and defending his honor. 
“You’re the bestest, but Daddy’s Super Bestest and Mommy is Super-Duper Bestest.”
Foggy must pull a face, because both you and Minnie laugh before he gives in, “Okay, I will allow this because it is your birthday. But no take backsies. I’m the bestest.”
“No take backsies!” Mouse quickly parrots before turning her attention back to her toy. She dissolves into giggles as she jumps up and down and he can only imagine how big her smile must be.
He takes a moment to focus in on one of the gifts he got her. He didn’t get called Bestest for it, but Matt hopes it will be something she grows to cherish. He spent a pretty penny to get it custom made as he was incredibly particular about the quality, but it was more than worth it - a gold heart necklace with ‘I love you’ in Braille on one side, and on the other, the date he found out she existed. 
He knows she can’t always wear it - it is a choking hazard until she’s older - but right now it is bumping against her manubrium and he can’t help but smile and reach to fiddle with the bracelet hanging on his wrist. 
It has become almost like a rosary to him. When he’s thinking, he finds himself pulling the beads up to go around his hand and he will thumb at them, tracing over the hearts his sweet Minnie gave him. The only time he doesn’t wear it is when he’s out on Patrol - and that is only because he’s scared he’ll end up breaking it. Otherwise, he has it on - asleep, in the shower, in court - Matt proudly wears his friendship bracelet.
Of course, no one is none the wiser to his private moment. Foggy continues to encourage Mouse to bounce and enjoy her gift. Matt is pretty sure this is one of the toys she is going to run into the ground because she uses it so much. 
“Hey, Fog, where did you get this thing?” 
“Online,” his friend quickly replies. “I’ll send you the link. One of the Littles got one for their birthday and loved it, so I went with a peer-reviewed product instead of trying my luck on something unknown.”
“I didn’t even know this existed,” you say from your spot on the blankets. “This is amazing.”
“Thank you,” Foggy says with an uptick in his voice, indicating he is smiling. “But I’ll warn you, some of them come with a squeaker in them. I hunted for the one without one. I wanted to take pity on the bat-ears.”
Matt throws back his head as he laughs and concedes, “Okay, maybe you are the Bestest.”
“I knew it!”
“Froggy is the bestest! Froggy is the bestest! Froggy is the bestest!” Minnie starts to chant as she plays. Foggy joins her and Matt claps along for a moment. 
You laugh at them, and it is one of the most beautiful sounds he’s ever heard - it is you actually being truly happy.
The joy is cut short, and it morphs into panic when Minnie very suddenly drops her pogo stick and takes off running towards the other side of the park. Her movements are so quick and erratic that Matt doesn’t react right away, having not anticipated them. You scramble up to chase her just as he begins to move to do the same.
“Minnie! Come back here!” You shout as you hurry after your daughter.
Matt opens up his senses, needing to know what has Minnie so excited that it overrode her being the shy little angel he’s used to. He zeroes in on it instantly.
Karen, Frank, and Frank’s dog Max have just arrived, parking on the street outside the green space. Minnie is making a beeline right towards them, but luckily, her little legs are no match for Matt and he scoops her up before she can get too far from their picnic. She instantly begins to struggle against him, flailing and kicking and trying her best to fight his hold, but he turns her around and forces her onto his hip. 
“Minnie, you cannot run off!” he chastises as you catch up to them. “You know better than that. You know you need to stay with us.”
“It’s Mister Frank and he has a doggie!” She tries to explain, clearly excited and overly enthusiastic, but Matt won’t be swayed. “I gotta go say hi to him! And asks if I can play with his doggie! I’ve never played with a doggie! I wanna play with the doggie!”
“It’s dangerous to just run off. You have to ask Mommy or me first.” Matt tells her. He’s trying to remain calm, but the fear from her just running away is still in his system. He knows he can’t yell or scold her - it’s her special day and she just got too excited, but he needs her to know that isn’t okay.
Luckily, you seem to know how to handle this.
“No running off,” you emphasize, putting your hand on her back and almost crowding her into Matt, which he is more than okay with. “Part of being a Big Girl is knowing the rules. If you can’t follow the rules, what happens?”
Minnie deflates against him, all her jubilation evaporating, and guilt pools in his chest as his precious little baby mumbles out, “We go home.”
“That’s right.”
“I don’t wanna go home. I wanna play with Froggy more and Mister Frank and his doggie.” 
You reach up to push some of her hair out of her face and gently comfort her, “we’re not going to go home. But you gotta be good, okay? Mister Frank and Karen are coming to us. You don’t have to run to them, okay?”
It seems like Minnie will not bolt if Matt sets her down, so he takes that chance. She fusses with smoothing out her princess dress for a moment and patting it free of any dust before looking up at you, “When he gets close can I go say hi? Please? Please? Please?”
She asks so sweetly it is a miracle you don’t cave immediately. You put your hands on your hips as you pretend to think over your answer. After a few moments, you reply, “When he gets as close to us as we are to Froggy, you can go say hi.”
Minnie whips around to judge the distance - she had only gotten about thirty or forty feet before Matt caught her - before turning back. She literally bounces from foot to foot as she waits for Frank and Karen to get close enough that she can run to them and that helps to dissipate the lingering guilt he has. He defaults to you to give the ‘okay’ signal, and when you do, Minnie takes off again at a speed he didn’t think toddlers could achieve. 
“Mister Frank! Mister Frank! It’s my birthday!” she yells as she streaks towards him. 
Matt isn’t exactly keen on Minnie’s excitement for Frank, but he accepts the man is entering his circle more now that he and Karen are in a relationship. When they aren’t butting heads about the morality of killing, he thinks he and Frank get along well enough. They take jabs at each other and even if it can be scathing, neither of them takes it personally. Danger follows Frank and Matt is acutely aware of that, but he also has some je ne sai quoi with kids and Minnie is not immune to it. 
You and Matt follow after your daughter while Frank passes off Max’s leash to Karen so he can catch the toddler rocket coming right at him. The Devil in Matt’s chest growls with jealousy and possessiveness when Frank picks Mouse up to hold her without any shyness from his little one and she’s tossed slightly up into the air.
“It’s your birthday? Well, it’s a good thing we got all those presents in the truck, then, ain’t it, Karen?”
“I wonder who they could be for,” Karen teases and Minnie turns into a giggling mess, hiding her hands in her face.
“Are they for me?” She asks, so sweet and genuine and not at all greedy. Matt’s heart glows with how pure his daughter is, and he doesn’t think he’ll ever get over it.
“It is your birthday,” Frank tells her and that just makes her more delighted.
“I’m getting so many presents! Mommy gave me presents and Daddy gave me presents and Froggy gave me presents and Froggy’s Mommy gave me presents AND…and Daddy’s Mommy gave me presents. That’s like…” She pauses and lifts up her hands in front of her face and Matt thinks she must be trying to count. Finally, she decides on a number, “That’s like twelve presents!”
She certainly received more than twelve presents from you alone - there were so many components to her new kitchen set - but he knows everyone understands what she means. Minnie is being absolutely spoiled for her birthday. 
“That is a lot of presents!” Karen cooes, “You aren’t tired from opening them all?”
“Not uh! I’m a Big Girl!” 
“We can have a second round of opening presents after the park,” you inform Minnie and even without his enhanced hearing, he can tell you are smiling - you sound so happy. “We can have cake at home, and you can show everyone what you got.”
“That sounds like a good plan to me,” Frank says, bouncing Mouse in his arms a little. “What do you say, Princess?”
She nods eagerly, “A good plan!” 
You all begin to walk back towards the picnic - and Foggy, who has relocated the pogo stick to the blankets - and Minnie gets to the next order of business. 
“Can I pet your doggie?” 
Max seems to know he’s being talked about, as he starts making little noises and adding a wiggle to his walk. Matt has met the dog a few times now and even he admits the animal is a sweet one, especially for an ex-fighting dog. He knows that Frank didn’t keep Max initially, but when he resettled in New York a few months ago, the dog also reappeared. Matt doesn’t question it - he thinks caring for the dog is good for Frank and Karen absolutely adores him. 
“Do you know how to pet a dog?” Frank asks, amusement clear in his voice.
Minnie shakes her head, but as always, has a solution, “No, but I can learns! Mommy says…Mommy says when we don’t know something, we can learn it by askings! I can asks my tablet!” She pauses, then dramatically slaps her hands to her cheeks. “I don’t have my tablet, its at home.” 
They all laugh at her antics and as they approach their picnic, Frank sets Minnie down, “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I can teach you. And I can show you how to play fetch, too.”
Karen goes to hug Foggy a hello, while you and she start to strike up a conversation catching up. Matt decides to allow you the time to have an adult moment, and he keeps his attention on Minnie, Frank, and Max. 
“Before you can pet him, you need to introduce yourself,” Frank starts, moving to sit down on the blankets as he does. Minnie plops down beside him and Matt takes a seat beside her. “You need to hold out your hand so he can sniff it. He can’t talk, so he gets to know you through smell.”
He demonstrates by holding out his hand to Max. The dog snuffles at it, then begins to lick at Frank, his tail starting to wag. Matt can practically feel Minnie analyzing what is happening, then after a moment, she sticks her little hand out towards Max. The dog clearly gets excited by this and turns his big head towards his daughter. He could so very easily bite off her whole arm - Minnie is small for her age and Max is a big dog - but instead he oh so gently presses his nose to her skin before giving it a tiny lick. 
“He likes me!” Minnie says in a whisper-gasp and Matt tries his best to not laugh. 
“He does, he wants to be your friend,” Frank tells her.
“I wanna be his friend, too!” She declares before mimicking Max by leaning in and sniffing at him loudly. He can’t hold back his amusement when she sticks out her tongue with a, “He’s stinky!”
“He’s a dog, all dogs stink,” Frank laughs, “but he’s still a good dog.”
“How do I pets him?” Mouse asks, obviously so very excited and wanting to learn how to pet Max correctly. 
Matt leans back and observes as Frank gently guides his daughter’s hands, showing her where to pet the sweet dog. He hopes this doesn’t lead to her wanting her own puppy - though she will probably spend a fair amount of time pretending Scooby is a real dog instead of her companion in trouble. 
Matt has never wanted a dog before - mostly because it has always been pitched as a guide dog and he doesn’t need one - but he wonders if his mind would change if you wanted a dog. He knows it isn’t possible in your current apartment, but what if you moved to somewhere bigger? Where Minnie could have her own bedroom and maybe you could have your own yard. 
Where, maybe, he could move in with you, and you could be a proper, traditional family. He could be with you - provide for you like he should have always been doing. He could sleep in your bed at night and tell you he loves you in the morning. Where he could tuck Minnie in before he goes on Patrol and he could learn all her Quiet Games.
Where he could protect his family.
Where he could have something he’s always wanted.
Where maybe, just maybe, Matt Murdock could finally have a home. 
Every one say Happy Birthday to the Birthday girl!
part one of the birthday weekend. Sorry it is a little short We have another birthday day chapter after this then Minnie gets her Zoo Trip!
@midnightreids @cloudroomblog @yeonalie @thychuvaluswife 
@petrovafire39 @ghostindeath 
 @allllium @waywardcrow @thatkindofgurl
@anehkael @akilatwt @lostinthefantasies @reluctanthalfwayoptimism @ethereal-blaze
 @nennia-2000 @seasonofthenerd @abucketofweird  @mattmurdockstateofmind @imagineswritersblog @hazelhavoc @smile-child-13 @allst4rsfall @hashcakes @kezibear @mapleaye @sammanna @gamingfeline @moon-glades @nightwitherspring @phoenix666stuff @dare-devil
@ladyoflynx @hobiebrowns-wife @sarcasm-n-insomnia @lillycore
@dorothleah @mattmurdocksstarlight @mars-on-vinyl @mywellspringoflife @sleepdeprived-barelyalive @simmilarly @soupyspence @darkened-writer @akila-twt
@murc0ckmurc0ck @groovycass @sumo-b98 @just3rowsing @tongueofcat @zoom1374
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Specialagentjackbauer @yarrystyleeza @ofmusesandsecrets 
@mayp11-blog @danzer8705 @thinking-at-dusk @remuslupinwifee @akila-twt  @nommingonfood @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @dil3mma @allllium 
two-unbeatable-beaters @kiwwia-wiwwia @1988-fiend @xblueriddlex @loves0phelia @ninacotte @lovelyygirl8 @littlenosoul @ednaaa-04  @ astridstark13
 @lovingkryptonitehideout @moongirlgodness @soocore @bluestuesday
@starry-night-20 @rebeccapineapple @writtenbyred @cherrypie5 @capswife @silvercharacterchaos @resting-confused-face
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bellaxgiornata · 2 months
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A Favor from the Devil Series Masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!Mom!Reader
Warnings/tags: 18+; Domestic abuse, depictions/mentions of sexual assault, struggles with past trauma, canon-typical violence, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut (possibly more warnings to come)
Between working cases at Nelson, Murdock, and Page and combating crime as Daredevil in Hell’s Kitchen at night, Matt had little time for much else. Until a new neighbor moves in across the hall and you attract his attention with your odd behavior. But when your quiet four year old doesn't just befriend the Devil–she unravels his biggest secret–Matt only grows closer and more protective of the both of you. Inevitably he learns the truth of your past, but that's not what surprises him most. It's a favor you ask of the Devil–a favor that initially leaves Matt conflicted.
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six {Coming Soon}
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joybabyjune · 7 months
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Pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader (Matt Murdock has a tiny role too)
Summery: You’ve been casually sleeping with Frank for a while now, but you decide you need something more stable and go on a date with Matt (who you don’t know is Daredevil). Frank shows up on your date to show you who you belong to (maybe in a public bathroom 🙊) and to show Matt to back off 😈.
Warnings: Explicit (minors dni!!!), semi public, unprotected piv, oral (m receiving), little bit of praise kink (good girl, attagirl), little bit of degradation kink (slut, whore), dirty talk, tiny bit of exhibition kink, sort of cuckolding Matt. Think that’s it, feel free to let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s note: This idea was stuck in my head for so long and I finally finished it! I hope you guys like it. I would love to hear what you guys think, so reading notes will make me happy! And if you really like it, please reblog so others can enjoy as well. You’ll make my day and it’s completely freeee.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language ✌🏼
You’re sipping on your second beer while you chat and laugh with Matt. After working together for over a year now, he finally asked you out.
Matt is a good guy. He’s everything you should want in a man. Reliable, kind, not a murderer on the run for law enforcement that most people think is dead... You mentally kick yourself for thinking about Frank while on a date with Matt. There’s no future with Frank. You shouldn’t want him. You need someone more stable in your life, someone like Matt.
“You okey?” Matt asks sensing your mind is elsewhere.
“Eh.. Yeah, yeah, I’m sorry. You were saying?” You ask, shaking your head as if you’re shaking the thoughts of Frank from your brain.
“That this new client is really gonna make a difference for Nelson and Murdock..” He continues talking, but your mind drifts again while you look around the cozy, dark bar at all the people who decided to get drinks tonight. There’s a few couples, a group of co workers who look like came straight from their office jobs, a few middle aged men at the bar that you feel safe to assume are regulars and then your heart stops for a second as you see him.
Frank Castle is sitting at a table by the window, sipping on a beer. Your eyes widen when you make eye contact and he nods at you as a way of saying hello. You wave back almost nervously. How is he out here in public?
“Want another beer?” Matt asks, bringing your attention back to him.
“Eh, y-yeah, thanks.” You say. You’re so glad that your date is blind and didn’t see your interaction with the criminal he told you to watch out for.
What you don’t know is that Matt has already sensed Frank from the moment he entered the bar. He has been noticing his smell on you for the past months as well and it doesn’t sit right with him. It’s part of the reason he asked you out tonight, to get your attention away from the other man.
You grab your phone while Matt orders your drinks and hold it up to Frank to show that you’re gonna text him.
You: What are you doing here? What if anyone recognizes you?
Frank: Don’t you worry about me, sweetheart.
Frank: Saw you go in here with that lawyer guy..
You frown at your phone. Is he.. Jealous? It’s the first time you’re on a date since you started seeing him, but you didn’t think he would mind. It’s all been pretty casual between the two of you.
Frank: Looks like a date..
You look at him and he raises his eyebrows to urge you to answer him.
You: It is.. Matt is a good guy. He would be good for me. Reliable, available..
You look at him and see him scoff as he reads your text. You know it was a low blow. The only reason Frank is away most of the time, is to make the city a saver place.
Frank: Yeah? That what you want? A good Christian boy?
You: Yes.
You lie and Frank knows it. You should want a guy like Matt. Matt you could bring to Thanksgiving dinner with your parents and your mom would, for once, not be disappointed in you.. But you and Frank both know you like the danger and excitement of your little arrangement way too much. For months now, Frank comes to your apartment on a regular basis. You have amazingly intense and kinky sex and have the best conversations while eating takeout afterwards. Sometimes he stays the night and sometimes he leaves while you fall asleep, but either way you’re left alone until the next time he has a night to spare.
Frank: So full of shit.
Matt comes back with your drinks before you can write a reply, but you scowl at Frank.
“Thanks.” You say taking the drink from him and smiling extra brightly, to convince Frank you’re having fun.
“Sorry it took so long, was very busy at the bar.” He says, holding his glass up to toast with you.
“Oh don’t worry about it.” You say as you touch his glass with yours before you glance at your phone.
Frank: Did you let him fuck you?
You: Not yet..
You look over at him and he scoffs again as he reads your message
Frank: Think he can fuck you like I can?
You gasp when you read it and you see Matt frown. “Something wrong?” He asks.
“N-no.. Just need to go to the bathroom for a second.” You say. “Excuse me.”
You don’t go to the bathroom. You walk straight to Frank and sit down next to him. “What the hell, Frank.” You hiss.
He just looks at you. “Tell me.” He finally urges. “Think he’ll fuck you like I can? Cause I don’t think he can.”
“Oh please.” You scoff. “Think very highly of yourself, Castle. I think Matt will manage just fine.”
He laughs dryly. “Just fine, huh.” He says. “Think I do just fine? Well I remember that differently, sweetheart. I remember you begging, crying out my name, barely being able to walk..”
“Stop that, Frank.” You hiss through your teeth. “I’m trying to give this thing with Matt a chance. I need something more serious in my life than just some good dick every once in a while, okey.”
“Oh now I’m just some good dick, hm.” He chuckles through his nose and looks to the side before looking at you again and licking his lips. He places his hand on your bare thigh, right at the edge of your dress. “You look good. Got all dressed up for your little date, huh.”
Your breath hitches at his touch. And your stupid body reacts instantly to his. “Y-yes..” You say.
“Got something pretty underneath it too?” He asks, fingers toying with the hem of your dress.
You swallow thickly. “No..” You say honestly.
“No?” He asks in disbelieve, knowing what you have in your collection.
“No, I’m not wearing anything.” You say smiling teasingly. “Felt like doing something risky for my date.” You like to make him jealous. It feels good to know that he wants you and doesn’t want another man to touch you.
He growls a little. “You gonna let him get under this dress tonight?” He asks.
“I might..” You say.
He grips your thigh tightly and leans in so his mouth is at your ear. “Let me remind you first..” He says. “Of what you’ll be missing if you do that.” His lips connect to your neck and he slides the tip of his tongue over your pulse.
“Frank..” You whimper, you brain clouding over. Why does he have to have this effect on you?
“Bathroom.” He rasps. “Now.”
Your eyes widen and you look at Matt. He looks unfazed as he drinks his beer, his back towards you. You know this bathroom. It’s beat down, broken lights and mirrors, graffiti everywhere and it has multiple stalls, so there’s no way you can get away with this without anyone noticing. “I can’t, Frank..” You sigh.
“I said. Now.” He says. You almost moan at his demand and get up. “Attagirl..” He says as you walk toward the bathroom, your feet moving on their own accord.
You can sense him following you closely. He pushes you into the bathroom and slams you with your back against the door to barricade it before crashing his lips on yours.
He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around him. Your dress hitches up to your hips and you moan in his mouth as he rolls his hips into your, basically bare, core. “Hmhmm.” He hums and he breaks the kiss. “That’s what you need, huh?”
“Frankie..” You whine a little, but you know he’s right. “But-“
“Shh shh shh.. No buts.” He says and lifts your dress up more so it bundles at your waist. You feel your naked folds against the rough material of his jeans and you moan loudly. He snakes one hand between your bodies and slides his fingers through your soaking slit. “Fuck..” He mutters to himself. “That for me or for lawyer guy out there?”
“Y-you, Frank.. You..” You say, your voice breathy, as he starts rubbing circles on your clit.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He grunts. “Pretending to be a good girl, but you’re just a little slut for me..”
“Frankie..” You moan, sounding desperate, but you know he’s right. “Please..”
“Hm? What’s that?” He rasps against your throat. As he presses on your clit harder.
“Oh fuck..” You pant. “Frank, p-please.. Need more..”
“Oh yeah? That slutty hole needs to be filled?” He asks. “Why don’t I get Murdock to do that for you, huh? ‘M sure he can help you out.”
“N-no!” You gasp and grab onto his shoulders desperately.. “Need you, Frank.. Need your cock.. P-please!”
He growls and mutters something under his breath while unbuttoning his pants. You can barely hear it but it sounds like. “Hear that, Red.” You frown but get pulled out of your thoughts by Frank slamming his cock inside you without warning.
“Oh my.. Fuck!!” You cry out, fingers digging into his shoulders. You keep forgetting how big he is.
He growls loudly. “That’s it, take it..” He says as he starts thrusting right away, not giving you any time to get used to the intrusion. “Tight fucking pussy.. So wet for me.”
There’s a knock on the bathroom door that you can barely register. “Taken!” Frank rasps loudly, giving you a particularly hard thrust that makes you cry out loudly.
“Y-you’re so bad..” You whine. “T-they can hear us.” You add in a whisper.
“Let them..” He says. “Let them hear what a whore you are for this cock. That you let me steal you away from your date and fuck you in a public bathroom.. ‘S because you belong to me, hmm?”
“Frankie..” You whine.
“Right?” He growls through gritted teeth.
He’s never been this harsh, but you’ve also never been this aroused and you can feel your orgasm building up fast. When you don’t answer him, he pulls out. “Nooo, don’t stop!”
“Say it..” He growls and rubs the head of his cock against your clit.
“Ohhh.. I-I’m yours, Frankie! P-please!” You moan.
“That’s right. Mine.” He growls as he sinks back inside you.
Your eyes roll back in your head and he starts fucking you with deep, hard strokes. “I-I’m gonna cum..” You pant into his shoulder. “Please don’t stop..”
“Good girl, cum on my fucking cock.” He rasps, never losing his rhythm.
You cry out when you explode around him and immediately know that no man can ever top this. You’re addicted to Frank Castle, even with all the hassle that comes with him. “Fuckkkk!”
“That’s it, attagirl.. Can feel you squeezing me..” Frank talks you through it.
“Oh my god..” You pant as you come down from your high.
“Think I’ll send you back to your date with me dripping down your legs, hm, how ‘bout that?”
“Noo! Please don’t!” You chuckle.
“No?” He asks shaking his head with a smirk on his face. “Better get on your knees then.” He adds and he pulls out.
He lets you down and you quickly get on your knees. You don’t care about how dirty the floor is, you need this right now.
His cock, wet from your juices, glistens in the dimmed lighting as he holds it in front of your face. He’s rock hard, the veins are pulsing and his balls look heavy. He’s definitely close.
You ‘open up’ when he tells you to and he slides in as deep as he can until you gag. “That’s it.. Attagirl..” He mutters and he slowly starts thrusting into your welcoming mouth, one of his hands resting comfortably on the back of your head, the other pushing the door closed above you. “Look at me..” He orders and your eyes shoot up to his. “Gonna make sure that if that fucker tries to kiss you, that he knows you belong to another man. Cause this fucking mouth’s mine too, hear me?” He growls, speeding up his thrusts and making you gag again.
You make some sounds to agree with him, not being able to talk. “Fuck.. Gonna give you my cum.. Fill up that pretty mouth..” He groans loudly and his hips stutter while you feel his load land on the back of your tongue.
You gently suck his softening cock to get every last drop before letting him slip out and swallowing the proof.
“Fuck you..” You sigh as you rest your head back against the door.
He chuckles silently. “That good, hm?”
“Shut up..” You smile lazily.
“Still think he can give it to you like that?” He asks as he tucks himself back into his pants.
“No.. Don’t think anyone can, Frank..” You say honestly. “And I hate you for it. You ruined me..”
“Should have warned you for that.” He says smiling down at you smugly. “Gonna get up?”
“‘F you give me a hand.” You say and he helps you get up on your shaking legs.
“Fucking Frank.” You curse as you look in the mirror. Your hair is messy, your makeup messed up and your dress is all wrinkled.
He chuckles. “Go end this date, I’ll be waiting in your room for round two.” He says slapping your ass and leaving you in the bathroom to freshen up.
“Thank you for your patience.” You hear him say to someone on the other side of the door.
Your eyes widen and you pull your dress down just quick enough for two women around your age to walk in.
“‘M s-sorry..” You mutter without looking at them. They don’t say anything, just disappear into the stalls.
You quickly try to salvage what you can and hurry back to your table.
“I-I’m sorry, Matt.” You say sitting down.
“You okey? You were gone for a while.” He asks.
“Ehm.. N-no, I don’t feel so well. Think it’s best if I go home.” You say as you put on your jacket and grab your purse.
“You sure?” He asks, frowning a little, and you get the feeling the question is about more than just you going home.
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
“Shall I walk with you?”
“No, that’s okey. I’ll eh, I’ll see you tomorrow at the office.”
“Alright.” He says looking a little disappointed.
“Bye.” You say, hugging him and hurrying home.
To Frank, once again.
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goldenlikedayl1ght · 9 months
false god - m. murdock
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a/n: sorry if this is bad i did my best because i have been thinking about him a lot warnings: cursing, smut, cunninglus (reader recieving), exhibition (kind of?) matt has an oral fixation, praise, premarital activites, reader is deaf and uses hearing aids but it's only mentioned once, if i missed any let me know! word count: 1.8k summary: the night before your wedding, you and matt are starving. you want to order room service, matt wants to eat out. pairing: matt x fem!reader now playing: false god - taylor swift "but we might just get away with it/religion's in your lips/even if it's a false god/we'd still worship/we might just get away with it/the altar is my hips"
When the devil finally proposed to you, he did it amongst flames and darkness.
Okay, maybe it wasn’t quite as dramatic as that.
Matt had proposed to you in the empty office of Nelson, Murdock & Page where you had met, with the lights turned down and candles lighting up the air around you. It was romantic, just as the two of you deserved.
Planning took a long time, too, with flowers, dresses and food taking over your every thought.
But now, all of that was done. There was nothing to be worried about anymore, as you and Matt specifically requested that if anything were to go wrong, Foggy and Karen would take care of it the best they could and not alarm the two of you unless someone was either dying or threatening to kill you.
So, in less than twenty-four hours, you would be Mrs. Matt Murdock, doomed to a life of lawyer jargon and patching up wounds, with no way out. The thought made you giddy.
The ceremony was going to be held at the church, but the pair of you had moved in with each other a long time ago, so it felt weird to try and avoid each other the night before the wedding and the morning in your own apartment. So, you and your future husband, as well as your small wedding party, had booked a few rooms in a hotel near the church.
You both had your respective ‘last hurrah’ a few weeks prior, so there was really nothing to do after the rehearsal dinner other than head to your room and relax, waiting for your alarm to go off to start getting ready.
You had decided to take it easy, enjoying a glass of wine after what you deemed to be an ‘everything’ shower, taking all the necessary precautions to feel like your best self on your wedding day. You had even bought yourself a nice silk pajama set, white, just like your rehearsal dress, and just like your wedding dress.
Your wedding dress hung freshly steamed in the closet of the hotel room, your shoes placed neatly beneath it. Your jewelry and accessories were laid out neatly on the dresser across from the bed. Your wedding ring sat in a box, inscribed with your husband’s name on it. He sat next to it, your name in braille on the inside of the ring.
In the morning, your mom, your sister, Karen, Marci and the woman who had been doing your hair and makeup for every major life event would be there, coffee in Karen’s hands, as your soon to be husband and his best friend got ready together, reminiscing on how they had landed themselves here.
Everything was perfectly set in place. Your job now was to just get married, and really, how hard could that be?
So, with your wine, you tuck yourself into bed with full intentions of getting a good night’s rest in your silky bridal pajamas.
Except, your job was almost done. There were no more seating arrangements to make, no one else to chase after for an RSVP, no more fittings, and no more menus to create to adhere to you and your soon to be husband’s particular tastes.
So, for the first time in weeks, you weren’t stressed at all.. Which left you with one conclusion:
You missed Matt.
You had seen him a few hours ago for the rehearsal dinner, but you were suddenly left with the conclusion that you were aching for the man you’d spend the rest of your life with.
Before you realized what you were doing, you were calling him.
On the second ring, he answered.
“Hey, sweetheart. Everything okay?”
“Hi. Everything’s great.”
A pause.
“Okay, do you want to talk about anything..?”
“There’s nothing else to do, Matty!” You’re out of bed and pacing now. “I’m stress free, and I can’t even be with you!”
You hear his laugh from the other side of the line, and it makes your heart flutter.
“We have the rest of our lives to spend the night together, baby.” He must have had a drink or two like you, because ‘baby’ is his tipsy nickname for you.
“I know, but I miss you now. And I’m hungry.” You tell him.
“Do you want to come over, order room service, and make out?”  He grins. “You just have to leave before midnight, it’s bad luck to see the bride the day of the wedding.”
You’re putting on your slippers when you pause and consider this for a minute.
“Matt, You’re blind.”
“And you’re deaf, don’t forget your hearing aids, baby.”
“How drunk are you right now? How would I be talking to you if I didn’t have them in right now?” You question.
A pause.
“I can’t wait to marry you.” His voice is softer now, and before you know it, you’re out the door and walking down the hallway.
He opens the door before you can knock, because of all the men in New York, you’ve landed the one with heightened abilities.
“Hi.” You grin, but he doesn’t respond. He simply leans down and picks you up bridal style, much to your objection. He kicks the door behind him closed before he carries you to the bed. He lays you down on it, finding himself on top of you.
“Silk?” He asks gently, his hand on your side.
“Mhm. Bridal pajamas.” You giggle. He just grins and leans in to kiss you. He pulls away from the kiss only to move to your jaw, and then down your neck. “Matthew, I want to order room service, I’m starved!”
His hands find their way underneath your top, his fingers beginning to creep up your skin.
“Me too. Been planning so much, I’ve hardly had the chance to be with you.. To touch you like this.”
You hum softly, but then your stomach rumbles loudly. So, when He lands on his knees in front of you and pulls you forward so that his head is between your thighs, he takes a second to lean over, searching for the room service menu before handing it to you, as well as the phone.
“What looks good, baby?” He asks, leaning his cheek against your thigh. Your pajama bottoms are shorts, so his warm cheek is a sharp contrast to your skin.
“What are you up to, Murdock?” You ask suspiciously, sitting up to look at the menu.
“Nothing, what kind of desserts do they have on there?”
What a weird, secretive man your future husband is.
“Uh, they have a crème brulee, apple pie, angel cake with chocolate ganache frosting—”
“Oo, can you order me one of those?” he asks, starting to kiss your thighs. Your face flushes.
“Sure, But I’m also gonna order the chocolate covered strawberries and the brownie al a mode—”
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” He hums, “You just have to order it for me.”
You raise an eyebrow at him, but you go to dial the number for room service.
The woman on the other end of the phone is very nice.
As she begins to talk, Matt listens in, but mainly focuses on pulling down your shorts and panties, kissing along your thighs.
Your free hand goes to his hair to try and keep him from eating you out while you order room service, but he is a persistent man.
His lips meet your clit first, and he listens as you gasp, trying to finish the order that he had so kindly requested you to make. His tongue meets your folds, finally satiating the hunger he had for weeks leading up to this.
Your fingers grip his hair, only making him quicken his pace.
“Can I also get uhm—” You can barely think straight. “The uh, Fuck—” Matt’s nose rubs against your clit, his tongue moving at a devastating pace.
“Ma’am, are you okay?” The woman on the other line asks.
“Yeah, Sorry, stubbed my toe on the dresser,” You explain. Matt grins from his place between your thighs. His tongue drags up and down, as if he’s licking every inch of you, like maybe he’ll never be able to taste you again. “The angel cake, can we get two slices of that?” You ask, your fiancé’s pace increasing.
“Yeah, of course. Anything else?”
Matt takes only a moment to stop his assault on your pussy, to add, “The strawberries, baby,” before continuing to lap his tongue against your wet heat.
“The chocolate covered strawberries, and that’s it,” You finish.
“Alright, we have the brownie, the strawberries, and the cake..” She finishes. “What room?”
“Two twenty six,” You tell her. You roll your hips up to try and get more from Matt, but one hand leaves his grip on your thigh to hold your hips down. He knows you’re close, he always knows.
“Oh, are you the bride for tomorrow?” She asks.
This god damn wedding.
“Mhm,” You manage out, biting your lip to try and stop yourself from moaning.
“Congratulations!” She chirps, “Consider the room service complimentary, then,” She gifts.
“Thank you, very much.” You hum.
Matt stops his assault again.
“Ask her how long,” and then he’s back to tasting you, relentlessly.
“How long?” You ask, breathlessly.
“Should only be about ten, fifteen minutes.”
“Okay, thank you,” You say again, your grip on Matt’s hair tightening as you edge closer to your orgasm.
“Of course! Have a very happy wedding day!” And with that, she hangs up, and you toss the phone in the general direction of the machine.
“I’m gonna kill you,” You tell Matt, who stops quickly.
“Do you want to kill me, or do you want me to make you cum?” He asks. He looks really pretty between your thighs.
“Please, Matty..” You give in, and he smirks.
“That’s my good girl.” And he continues to suck your clit, edging you closer and closer. His pace quickens, somehow even more. You let out a soft moan that sounds like absolute heaven to Matt’s ears.
Your thighs are starting to shake because you’re so damn close. Matt keeps his licks consistent, waiting for your release. Your fingers tug on his hair, as you moan, finally hitting your release. He lets you ride out your high, licking all your cum up, making sure to suck up every last drop.
“So sweet and so good for me..” he hums, planting a soft kiss to your clit before pulling away, licking his lips.
“You’re such a dick..” You giggle.
He laughs, kissing your thigh.
“Did so well for me, Sweetheart..” He hums, leaning up to give you a soft kiss. When he pulls away, he slips your shorts back on, and looks like he has a new idea. “Ten to fifteen minutes, huh?”
“Mhm..” You’re just looking at him with such adoration.
“We could probably put that pretty mouth to good use while we wait, right?”
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bornagainmurdock · 2 months
author's note: hi omg thank you anon for this request! i was a band and orchestra kid and love love love this idea! i decided to go with cellist, not sure why but i have strong feelings about matt loving cellos.
contents: fluffy, matt murdock x reader, gender neutral reader, meet cute technically, and then a series of cute dates, first kiss
word count: 1.9k
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Matt had been a regular at the syphony since he had graduated law school. It was a nice constant in his life knowing that every month on the third Friday he could go to the music hall and hear music. Various guest musicians shuffled through, each featured for one show before traveling to a new city to guest, but tonight was something different: a member of the symphony was being granted a guest spot, performing as the soloist for the week.
You had started playing cellos what felt like eons ago. Playing felt like second nature, so when you were offered the guest spot for April, you accepted on the spot, already having put together a concert's worth of music to perform.
Matt had heard your name before. You had features every now and then in pieces. Since he was a regular, the music hall started printing braille programs for him. He liked running his finger over your name. It was his favorite song. So when he heard you were the soloist, he couldn't have been more excited.
He hadn't spoke to you, but had heard you speaking in the lobby post shows talking to your family and friends that had attended.
Tonight, the night of your headlining show, Matt spent an extra hour getting ready, trying his best to look pristine and perfect, not a hair out of place. He had asked Karen to help him find some nice cuff links for the show a few weeks back, so tonight when he finally unboxed them, he pressed over them with his fingers as he clasped them and smiled. Two little metal silver forte designs.
At the show, Matt recevied his braille program, finding his way to his usual seat and dancing his touch over your name over and over, excited and smiling the whole time.
When the curtain rose and the auditorium fell silent, Matt wiggled in his seat, placing the program in his lap to clap the director providing your introduction.
Throughout the show, Matt gasped and clapped at your skills, constantly impressing him with your musical abilities.
Once the show ended, you approached the mic and thanked the audience for coming, and laughed. It felt like golden sunlight to Matt, his smile glossy and bright as you spoke.
When the curtain fell, Matt stood, walkign out into the lobby and waited to hear your voice.
"Mom! Thank you for coming. I'm so glad you could make it." You shouted.
Matt wasn't trying to eavesdrop on your conversation, but he did want to congradulate you on a great show, so he began to walk over to you.
"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to say that you chose a lovely program. I am constantly amazed by your talents." Matt spoke, blushed and starstruck.
"Mr. Murdock, what an honor to hear a compliment like that from you, one of the best lawyers in New York. I'm really glad you liked the show." You smiled.
"That's far too kind, but thank you." Matt said.
Your family and friends walked away for a second, giving you some time to speak to Matt.
"I'm grateful you came to talk to me this evening. You always seem to dart out so fast, never get a chance to thank you for supporting the arts." You said.
"The symphony gives me some time to myself to enjoy the wonders of the world. I'm glad I got to speak to you this evening as well. I feel very lucky to be in the prescense of such greatness."
"I could say the same. I have to mingle about the room, but could I get your number?" You said, perhaps a bit too forward, but willing to embarass yourself nonetheless.
"Absolutely. Here why don't you put yours in my phone, and I'll call you." Matt smiled.
"I'd like that."
You grabbed Matt's phone that he passed to you and typed in your name and phone number before handing it back to him.
"Hope to see you soon, Mr. Murdock." You smirked.
"Same to you."
Matt messaged you that same night, sending you a beautifully crafted congradulations message about the performance. Then, within the minute, asked when you were free.
You both set up a date for the next week, choosing to go to a new restaurant you both had never been to before.
The night of the date, you got ready, and started to head for the restaurant, seeing Matt on the opposite street corner, crossing to meet him.
"Matt. Hi." You said, trying not to startle him.
"Hi. It's good to see you. We're close to the restaurant, right? Sometimes I miss count my blocks." He joked.
"Allow me to escort you." You touched his arm, allowing him to use you as a lead.
When you got to the door, he opened it for you, allowing you to walk inside. At the host stand, Matt spoke.
"Two for 8. Under Murdock." He shuffled, folding his cane away.
"Yes, of course. Follow me." The host said.
Matt reached for your arm again, and you walked to the table.
Once the host brought waters, Matt took a sip and then sat back into his seat.
"Your show really was great. I really appreciated your choice of Haydn's Cello Concerto No. 1. A classic, but not played much anymore." Matt started.
"Well thank you. It was once of the first cello features I got to play in high school. Fell in love with it immediately and wanted to honor that memory here." You smiled.
You bantered the whole night, starting the discussion with mentions of the show and classical music as a whole, but eventually making your way to childhood.
"DId you play any instruments as a kid, Matt?" You asked.
"Didn't have the chance to. Came from an athletic family, and then the church didn't have anything but the organ. I've played a bit of guitar, but just the basics. Foggy taught me during law school." He laughed.
"Maybe you should show me some of your skills. That is if you still have that guitar."
"I think if I touched a guitar now I'd start on fire. I prefer to admire the music, not create it myself."
"I think that's fair. I mean, without music appreciators like you, I wouldn't have an audience." You said.
Once you both had finished your meal, you helped escort Matt through the maze of tables and out onto the New York street.
"I've had a really great time tonight." You said.
"I did, too. There's a jazz trio show around here next week. Would you like to join me?" Matt asked.
"I would. I don't get to hear much jazz, so I think that's a great idea. I'll see you then, Matt."
"Let me know when you get home safe." Matt said, unfolding his cane.
"I will. See you soon."
That next week you met Matt at the cocktail bar for the jazz trio. He was already sat at a table when you got there, nursing a bourbon.
"Hi! Hope I'm not late." You said, sitting down.
"Just in time. They go on in a few minutes. What would you like to drink? I can order for you at the bar." Matt asked.
"A vodka martini please."
"You got it."
He stood and ordered at the bar, bringing back your drink.
"Do you come here often? It's really nice in here." You looked around.
"I do. One of my favorite nicer places. Got an espresso martini here once and kept coming back. Not every cocktail bar can pour an espresso shot as good as here." He chuckled.
The band entered the stage, adjusting the seats and mics before introducing themselves and starting the set.
Between song, Matt would talk to you about the music, telling you about his favorite jazz musicians and other lore that he found important to the show.
"I've heard these guys play before, and let me tell you their bass player, off the charts. Can't top him. Can't listen to the original version of that last song since him."
After the set, Matt took both of your glasses to the bar, and walked outside with you.
"Thank you for inviting me. I had a really nice time. I love hearing your insights into music. It's like you're breathing fresh air into everything." You blushed.
"I'm so glad you enjoyed the show and the bar. Do you need to get back, or would you like to walk for a bit?"
"I'd love to walk."
"Or we could go get late night ice cream." Matt suggested.
"I think you're a genious."
Matt grabbed your arm again, but this time he led, taking you to his favorite late night ice cream spot.
You looked at the menu and decided, allowing Matt to order first.
"I'll take two scoops of pistachio in a cup." He smiled, allowing you to get closer to the counter to speak.
"I'll have two scoops as well. One white chocolate and one cotton candy." You said.
When they finished scooping your orders, you grabbed both bowls and joined Matt at the picnic table outside.
"A pistachio guy, hmmm. I'm learning a lot." You teased.
"White chocolate and cotton candy. Says a lot about you, too."
"Oh and what does that say?" You joked.
"That you're fun loving and adventurous. You've never been here before and you got two non-typical flavors. You're not scared of change." He attemped to appear serious in his attempt at reading you but continued to smile and giggle as he spoke. "What does pistachio say about me?"
"That you're a weirdo that likes pistachio ice cream." You laughed.
"You got me there."
You both fell into a pit of giggles, trying to catch your breath before laughing again.
"My cheeks hurt. Stop it." You continued laughing.
Once you were both done, you tossed both bowls and spoons, Matt standing beside you.
"Can I walk you home?"
"I'd like that."
"Lead the way captain." Matt ironically saluted.
He took your arm again and you started wlaking the few blocks back. Since the date had started, you don't think there had been a moment of silence besides during the jazz set. It was magical just how well you both got along.
Once you got to the stoop of your apartment you unlached Matt's arm.
"Thank you again for tonight. I had a really good time." You said.
"I really like going out with you." Matt agreed.
There was a minute of silence: you looking at Matt, and Matt fidgetting with his cane.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked.
He leaned in, placing his hand on your cheek, and kissed you.
It only lasted a few seconds, but you were seeing stars. When he pulled away, he kept his hand on your cheek, smiling at you.
"Wow." He spoke.
"Wow." You repeated.
"You should get inside, it's getting cold." He said, blushed again.
You leaned in to kiss him once more and put your hand on his cheek this time.
You walked up a few steps of the stoop before turning back.
"Let me know when you get home safe."
"Will go." He smirked.
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Finding You
Small Creatures, Chapter 2
Series Masterlist Next Chapter
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader 
summary: Matt Murdock always assumed he’d never meet his soulmate. After all, who would want to end up stuck with a blind vigilante carrying enough baggage for a whole jet? Unfortunately for you both, his cursed love is closer than ever and determined to support him as his paradoxical life falls apart.
warnings:  minor swearing, misunderstandings, awkward meetings
a/n: there isn’t a ton of Matt in this chapter, but there will be MUCH more of him from here on out. We are running straight for the hurt, comfort, angst, and fluff of this story, y’all. As always, please reply and reblog! And a huge shout out to @zomtart for helping me create this AU!
w/c: 4.5k
You couldn’t shake the feeling of him. 
A tight coil of smoke, constantly twisted around your every limb. Your dreams were now hazy with clouds of ash, the bitter taste of charred organic material blanketing your tongue when you woke. 
On the surface, he was dangerous, filled with a rage that burned more intensely than any flame in this realm. You understood that it was meant to scare you, to create distance. But, you were drawn to it like a newly hatched moth–seeking its warmth and light, not shying away from its destructive power one bit. 
Whether your intense longing was due to your bond or simply a lack of self-preservation, you weren’t sure. 
Walking home after the Devil snatched you from the jaws of death, it all suddenly made sense. One of those “you have to feel it to believe it” kind of things, meeting your soulmate. Your steps were unsteady and too light, like your weight was constantly fluctuating as you moved, or you were being carried along by an external force. You felt thoroughly inebriated, oxytocin and dopamine saturating every cell.
With each wobbly pace home, your chest pulsed with clipped waves of pain, like you’d been bruised. But even the dull ache couldn’t ruin the pleasant floaty feeling carrying you back to your place. 
At points in your life, you’d heard musings. Of what it was like to be bonded with another. Though none of them had ever truly made sense until now.
You were torn, unsure of how to feel about it all. On one hand, knowing he existed was comforting. You weren’t crazy or damned or any other awful thing people sometimes said about marked souls. On the other, watching him creep away from you in terror was definitely a blow to your ego.
It was possible he’d had to go take care of something—there was never a dull night in the Kitchen—but given how your mark was radiating a concoction of doubt, shame, and another feeling you couldn’t quite place…it was probable he was truly not interested. You needed a clear answer, though. Whatever his decision was, you’d respect it, but you needed to be sure before giving up on him.
Therein lay the issue. How could you ask him for a clear answer when you didn’t even know his name? You had no idea where to begin looking for him, or if he could even be found.
And what would you say if you did find him? “Hi, you clearly want nothing to do with me but apparently we are destined to mean something to each other so here’s my card”?
What if he was in love with someone else? He could be married, have a family..oh god what if he was married–
A familiar voice called your name, snapping you out of the trance you’d apparently been in. Ripping your gaze away from where it had been listlessly staring at your coffee cup, you met your friend’s amused look with a sheepish laugh.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
Imogen shook her head fondly, clearly not actually upset that you’d zoned out.
“Nothing more important than whatever’s on your mind. Spill,” She giggled, poking your arm with a manicured finger.
You groaned, pulling your exposed limb out of harm’s way. “Midge, it's nothing–”
“It's not!” Crossing her arms, the woman across from you gave her best attempt at a stern mom stare. “You've been out of it all day. We've been friends long enough for me to recognize when you're stuck in your head. So tell me, what's got you in such a funk?”
Sighing, you dropped your chin to your chest, overwhelmed with indecision. It's not that you expected Imogen to react badly, but how much could you tell her? I mean, he was a vigilante, a criminal. Would she truly be ok with that?
Taking a leap, you allowed her to clutch your hand, your nerves settling slightly under her encouraging gaze. “I may have met my soulmate last night?”
As if an earthquake had suddenly struck Manhattan, the two flimsy cups standing on the table quivered as the table vibrated beneath them. Your friend had erupted with joyful movement, kicking her feet and gripping your hand painfully tight as she shrieked gleefully.
“WHAT!? WHEN? HOW? Tell me EVERYTHING!” Eyes boring into yours with more enthusiasm than you'd ever held for something, Imogen beamed at you.
As much as you appreciated her zest for life, the other patrons in the small cafe were glaring daggers in your direction, apparently not willing to risk hearing loss for a stranger's happiness. Sending them an apologetic glance, you lay your free hand on Imogen's.
“Hun, I love you, but people are staring.” You chuckled, flicking your eyes to the annoyed regulars behind her.
“Alright, alright, I'll try to contain myself,“ Midge rolled her eyes. ”What's his name? Is he cute? Oh gosh, I shouldn't have assumed it was a he–”
Shaking your head, you patted her hand reassuringly. “'He' would presumably be correct. He sort of..helped me out last night.”
“Helped you out how?”
Deciding on an altered version of events, you left out the part about him donning a mask and saving you from certain death. Two birds, one stone in terms of things Midge would worry over.
“I was trying to snap a picture on the roof of Ink 48. He saw me struggling to get in position and..spotted me? I guess? When we touched...god, Midge. You weren't kidding.” Your voice was breathy, your heart pounding as you thought of his beautiful smirk, his warm hands.
“It's..indescribable.” She agreed, her smile softening as she studied your love struck expression. “What's his name?”
Averting your eyes, you felt a haze of lingering doubt settle over you. “See, that's why I've been out of it. We connected, forged a bond or whatever you want to call it, and he ran away. I..didn't get a good look at his face and I have no clue what his name was so I'm kind of at a loss.”
“Oh sweetie,” Midge pouted, dragging her chair closer to wrap an arm around you. “No leads? He wasn't wearing anything with a company emblem or an ID badge?”
“No, and honestly..I don't even know if he'd want me to track him down. I mean, he ran, Midge. Full on beelined outta there like I had the plague. He could be married? Or just not interested?” Your voice trailed off. You were at a loss, that much was clear.
“Or!” Imogen interjected, her voice optimistic as always. “He was surprised and he panicked. I think we both can relate to that.”
You raised a brow at her in disbelief, but Imogen was undeterred. “Babes, it's a big thing, finding your soulmate. Cut the poor guy some slack! He's probably nervous just like you are.”
“It's possible.” You relented. “But I still don't know if I'll ever see him again.”
“You will.” Your all-too-positive companion shrugged, withdrawing her hand from your hold. “You're way too capable and determined not to.”
“You're too sweet to me.” You scoffed, heat fluttering in your cheeks.
“I'm just being honest!” She giggled, tossing back the rest of her coffee. “C'mon.”
“Where are we going?” You laughed, draining your coffee so Midge could toss both cups in a nearby waste basket.
“You're going to show me exactly where you met him and we'll see if there are any cameras or other things we could use to track him down.”
Steps faltering, you blinked in shock before scurrying after your friend who was confidently traipsing out of the store.
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Shifting the strained handle into the crook of your elbow, you angled your body so the weight of the large bag bumped against the flesh of your hip, rather than knocking into unsuspecting strangers. One solid kick from a passerby and the carefully stacked contents would topple–either into the street or onto you. Regardless, you’d have a mess on your hands and you’d be out a solid chunk of money. Take out wasn’t cheap these days, dammit.
You just hoped the hefty bill would be worth it.
It had been almost a week since your run-in with your soulmate and you were still mostly at a loss. Despite Imogen's confidence and your combined dedication, you were no closer to knowing his identity. Your failure to find anything definitive at the scene was partially because nothing had been left behind and almost entirely because Midge was still under the impression you were looking for a standard nine-to-fiver.
You weren't quite sure how to come clean, not when she'd spent so much of her free time over the past few days accompanying you to the same street, scouring the crowds for anyone who might look familiar to you. But, until you knew whether he wanted you in his life, you were hesitant to confess  the one thing you did know about him.
After the third day of returning home empty-handed, you'd cut your friend loose. Telling her you were going to regroup before trying again. As lovely as Midge was, she was as clueless about the Devil's whereabouts as you were.
The internet, however, was chock full of fanatics and critics overly willing to share the opinions they had about him. In general, the city appreciated his efforts--the local message boards and blogs brimming with praise and gratitude. You couldn't help but feel a gleaming rush of pride with every compliment, appreciating the citizens for recognizing the man's work.
Of course, there were negative threads too. Calling Daredevil a threat and a coward. Screaming at him to give himself up, leave the crime-fighting to law enforcement. At first, you'd engaged with those users too. But, after one argument sparked so much rage you almost shattered your laptop screen in an effort to remove yourself from the fight, you began to ignore anything less than positive. Whether because of your bond or your genuine admiration for your soulmate, the disapproval created a primal urge to protect, to defend. Standing by wasn't an option, so you put blinders on to filter out the objections.
As a whole, however, the online forums were helpful. There were a few sites dedicated to tracking local vigilante news, allowing you to assemble a makeshift map of places the Devil frequented. You'd reached out to a few of the more active users to see if they could help you, but pretty quickly realized that the claim 'daredevil is my soulmate' was probably more common than you'd originally thought. So, for now, your feeble, hand drawn maps would have to do.
Unsurprisingly, Daredevil seemed to have a flexible schedule that mostly revolved around where he was needed. The idea of staging a crime, or intentionally putting yourself in harm's way did occur to you, but you weren't that desperate quite yet. And you doubted that would be well-received. Instead, you categorized locations by number of sightings and planned to work your way down the list.
Tonight, you were starting just before sunset for the roof of a building near the Clinton Community Garden. According to your limited research, the crimson-clad vigilante was often spotted between 47th and 50th street, around the intersections of 9th or 10th. A decent area to start with for sure, given that it was pretty central within Hell's Kitchen, and 10th street was a haven for petty crime.
Two failed attempts to buzz into apartment buildings later, someone finally answered your request over the intercom, unlatching the door for you. Dashing up the stairs two at a time, your stomach was in knots by the time you found a roof access door. Your every breath was measured, laden with doubt in the wake of so many possibilities. Pulse racing, you gulped in the humid evening air, bending at the waist to allow blood flow to your brain.
You'd been so nervous to confront him, you'd neglected your own needs. Dehydration and low blood sugar were only exacerbated by this obnoxious heat. Cringing at the realization, you paced to the edge of the roof, settling into a cross-legged position with your back against the squabby brick perimeter. With the back of your hand, you swiped at the beading sweat along your brow, doing your best to mop it up.
Now for the fun part. Waiting.
Patience was a virtue that didn't always come easily to you. Especially when your anxiety stepped up to the plate. Twiddling your thumbs, anticipating every possible thing that could go wrong only made time pass more slowly. And it wasn't as if there was a deadline you were inching towards.
Not a set one, at least. The food you'd brought wouldn't last forever, though you were hoping the thermal bag would keep it from spoiling too quickly. If it didn't, well, you'd feel pretty foolish for bruising your arm carrying the sizable thing around town.
Lifting the strap from where it was currently digging into your shoulder, you set it carefully on the ground, peeking inside to inspect the contents. Everything looked ok, thankfully. A bit banged up from the journey, but mostly unharmed and definitely just as tasty.
Relaxing into the prickly surface holding you upright, you scanned the skyline, admiring the wash of pinks and oranges slipping between skyscrapers. You hadn't wanted to tote your camera around in addition to all the food, but you were regretting that decision now. Somewhat remorsefully, you pulled a paperback book from an outside pocket on the tote. Imogen would be thrilled you were finally starting it.
The book was better than you'd expected. A historical fiction novel about the Nazi invasion in France–something you knew very little about. It managed to keep your attention for nearly 90 minutes, though you did take brief breaks to stretch and scan the horizon for a familiar figure.
As much as you wanted to stick it out, the food wouldn't last too much longer. Knee-deep in a mental quarrel with yourself about whether to give up for the night, your stomach dropped–yanked by an extreme force as if you were driving over a massive hill. It was intoxicating, thrilling and terrifying all at once.
Scrambling to your feet, you teetered on wobbly legs, nearly faceplanting on the concrete. All sense of balance had been ripped from you, as if the flat roof had been replaced with a trampoline, bouncing with every step you took. Before you could regain your bearings, a shadowy figure appeared at the opposite end of the roof.
His chin was angled down, mirrored fists clenched on either side of his broad, menacing stance. In the sliver of remaining sunlight, you could make out his sharp jawline and pink lips–your heart fluttering as they parted.
“You shouldn’t be up here.” He strode toward you, graceful and precise. Far more coordinated than you felt at the moment.
“Please,” You murmured, focus lost in the glow of fading light lining his body, a flexible halo around him. “Please, I-I just want to talk.”
“Are you sure you have time?” Stopping his approach about 10 feet from you, his mouth twitched with a smirk. You were surprised to sense humor in his words. “Seems like you might be late for your dinner plans.”
Chuckling weakly in response, your face flooded with heat. Something about his presence made your brain melt into soup. His confidence and cocky attitude stole the explanation right off your tongue, leaving you to stand there uselessly until he nodded to the rectangular bag lying at your feet.
“Oh, sorry, um,“ Scurrying for the shining handle, you pulled it into your arms, extending it out to him. ”I brought this for you actually.”
In a remote corner of your stomach, a tiny curl of something warm unwound. Surprise, then a much stronger sensation, not unlike fondness or gratitude. A mix of both perhaps?
“For me?” As he whispered, you couldn't help but smile. Those sudden emotions, they were his, not your own. The hesitant acceptance continued into his rasping voice.
“If you will accept it, then yes. As a thank you. For saving me and, well, for everyone else you’ve saved.” You answered, taking a step in his direction.
Hands shooting up, blocking an incoming hit you hadn't thrown, his guard slid back into place. With each inch you moved forward, he withdrew, like there was an invisible barrier forcing the two of you apart.
“I don't do this for handouts.” He growled, shoulders squaring off. You'd spooked him somehow.
“I never said you did.” You shrugged, sending him a soft smile. Retreating towards your end of the roof, you drew the bag towards your chest. “I just wanted to thank you, and to ask you a few questions. I figured they would be easier to swallow if I had something for you in return.”
Tilting his head at you, Daredevil flexed his fingers, no doubt fighting the urge to lock them into fists. His tongue dipped between his lips, sliding over the lower as he pondered. “What sort of questions?”
A bubble of pride rolled up your throat at the idea you'd gotten this feral cat of a man to trust you, even marginally. “About the other night. Nothing about your identity or anything, and if they seem too invasive you don't have to answer them at all. I'll respect whatever boundaries you need to set, but I would have regretted never asking. Does that make sense?”
The stubby horns on his helmet arced in semi-circles as he nodded. “I think so.”
“I just...did you feel it?” Grimacing as the question slipped out, you tried to clarify. “I mean, that's a horrible way to ask that but, er, when you..caught me, I think something–”
“Yes.” He interrupted you, his voice barely audible.
Another coarse nod. “Yes. I felt it.”
“Oh my god,” You'd expected this answer, but you were still dumbfounded. “I thought maybe I was just crazy.”
“You're not crazy.” He huffed, a glimpse of his teeth shining in the city light as he smirked.
“So, that means we're...” You trailed off, not wanting to scare him away with the word.
The Devil stilled, his jaw quivering as his teeth grit together. The fragile peace you’d somehow achieved began to crack.
“It's ok!” You hurriedly reassured him. “I don't, I'm not–”
Tripping over your words, you held up a hand. After a deep breath, you tried again. “It's up to you what we mean to each other. I didn't come here to nag you, or demand things from you.”
“You didn't?” The question was posed as a statement. He didn't believe you.
“Not at all. That wouldn't be fair. To you or..well, to the other people in your life. I just wanted to know if it was real and to show my appreciation for the other night.” Shifting your weight from foot to foot, you watched as his posture slumped slightly.
“You didn't,” He sighed, crossing his arms. Holy shit was he hiding saplings under there? “You didn't have to do that.”
Swallowing harshly as you collected your thoughts, you giggled nervously. “I know, but I wanted to. Can't be easy to eat while flipping around the city.”
Another puff of breath, a hint of laughter. “What exactly is my reward?”
Chewing at the flesh of your lip, you fumbled for the zipper. “Well, I wasn't sure what you liked, so I brought a few options. They're sort of all over the map.”
Laying out the thin cotton blanket you'd packed, you withdrew a myriad of plastic containers and lined them up, describing each as you went. “Gnocchi and bolognese from Il Tinello, very hearty and comforting. If you want something a bit different, an Alice sandwich from that shop 'Toasties'? And, if you don't eat animal products, seitan satay from Plant-Blossom.”
“You weren't kidding.” The Devil remarked, creeping towards the edge of the blanket. “You ventured all over the city for this. You didn't–”
“Please don't feel bad!” You rushed out, stomach sinking at the guilty little pout on his face. “I was looking for something to do. Besides, you deserve a decent meal for sticking around to hear me out.”
“As much as I appreciate it, it's more food than I can eat.” The man protested, crouching beside the edge of the blanket, not quite crossing the boundary yet.
“I'll have some of whatever you don't want. And, if we still can't finish it, well I'm sure there's someone around here who will take it.” You reasoned, settling atop your folded legs. Despite your nerves, you kept your voice steady and your stature unassuming, not wanting to activate the man’s “scary Devil mode” again.
“Thank you.” Kneeling on the concrete, the vigilante cocked his head at the lineup of options, fingers dancing over his thighs hesitantly. His gravelly voice diffused into a murmur, showering you like a spray of glass beads. Cool and solid, steady as rain.
You nibbled at the inside of your lip, smiling softly as the treacherous defender of the city flushed pink in the pale golden hue of the sun. Despite his harsh exterior and skeptical nature, you were swooning at the glimpse of the man behind the mask. He was passionate and humble, truthfully taken aback by your gratitude. “I'm pretty sure I'm the one who should be thanking you. So, are you hungry?”
Lips splitting with a beautifully subtle grin, the Devil nodded. “Always.”
Satisfaction tugged at your heart, making you crinkle your nose as you held back a proud smile. “Help yourself!”
You hadn't been lying to him, the array of options was for his benefit; it wasn't much of a repayment if he didn't enjoy the food. As his hand reached for the first take out container, you realized there was something in it for you as well. In addition to him answering your brief question, and spending more than a moment nearby, you'd end up learning about him.
Something as simple as choice of meal wasn't overly revealing, but it confirmed some suspicions you had about your other half. He wasn't adventurous for the hell of it, his decisions–though seemingly rash–were purposeful and thought out. You understood the enticing pull, the desire to stick to your routine or things you already knew.
Bruised fingers popped the seal on the gnocchi, cradling the warm plastic tub with a fond glance in your direction. “Did you happen to bring silverware?”
Heat rushed to your face, embarrassment swatting at you as you scrambled for the utensils in your bag. “Oh gosh, yes, I am so sorry–”
“Don't apologize.” A comforting weight settled over the back of your hand, the rough pad of a thumb brushing over your knuckles. Tearing your eyes away from the packets in your grip, your mouth hung open in surprise as Daredevil tenderly swiped his finger over your skin. You froze in place, scared that the smallest twitch would ruin the moment.
Face slackening with realization, the man dropped your hand, sliding a set of plastic silverware out of your loose grip. “This will work. Thank you.”
Shoulders hunching, he pointed his body away from you, still kneeling rather than fully relaxing into a seated position. Busying yourself with your own plate of food, you tried to shove down the disappointment that gnawed at you, your fragile consciousness unable to stave off the feeling of rejection as he turned to face the city.
“Has it been busy tonight? The crime fighting, I mean?” You posed the question, hoping to bridge the literal and metaphorical gap once again widening between the pair of you.
The man opposite you hummed thoughtfully, swallowing before he spoke. “Not too bad.”
“That's good. Hopefully you'll be able to get some rest, then. If you need rest, that is. I mean, if you don't have a day job that would make it easier but how could you afford to live in this city? I guess you could probably bounce around and evade capture, but that sounds exhausting. How do you–” Cutting yourself off, you clamped a hand over your mouth. “Shit, I am so sorry. I really didn't mean to ask about that,  I'm just nervous which tends to make me ramble.“
Scratching at the back of his neck, Daredevil curled further in on himself. “I, uh, I guess I can't blame you for being nervous.”
“Oh, it's not your fault.” You promised, shaking your head violently. “I'm sort of like this with everyone. Lack of experience, I guess.”
Studying you for a moment, his lips briefly flickering with a smile. “I understand that. People are complicated.”
“Understatement of the century.” You huffed, a familiar blossom of warmth pooling in your chest when he echoed the chuckle.
Sitting in cozy silence, you ate quickly, stealing peeks at the muscular man every so often to gauge his discomfort. As much as you wanted to believe you were making progress, the rational side of your brain recognized the finite nature of this exchange. It was likely that he didn't intend to do this again. This was a favor extended to you for your appreciation.
As darkness descended on the skyline, cloaking the stark angles in shadows, a tightly wound knot of sorrow clogging your throat as you tried to finish your sandwich. Choking down the last bite, you lifted the final plate.
“Don't suppose you'd want any of this for the road?” Ignoring the tremble in your words, you began folding the blanket, avoiding his gaze.
“Sure,” He gently accepted, prying the container from your grasp and taking extra care not to make contact with your skin. “Thank you, again.”
“You don’t need to thank me.” You croaked around the lump in your throat, coughing to clear it. “Just, be safe out there.”
Giving you a sad smile, the masked man nodded firmly. “I’ll try my best.” 
Swaying awkwardly as you stood, shouldering your bag on the way up, your mind raced through its entire vocabulary in an attempt to find the words for a proper goodbye. You’d interacted with this man for less than an hour, yet he meant the world to you–but telling him that would be weird, wouldn’t it? You really needed a manual for these things. A roadmap to help you tread lightly, avoid landmines. Unfortunately, you were pretty sure the whole “my soulmate is a vigilante” thing wasn’t common enough to warrant an expert. 
“I, um, I’m going to head home before it’s super late. But, here–” Rushing through the excuse as quickly as you could, you held out a tiny rectangle of cardstock, holding your breath while he slipped it from your outstretched fingers. “My phone number is on there if you, er, if you ever need it.”
Chin dipping towards his chest, he cocked his head, studying the scrap of paper. “I appreciate it. Be safe getting home.”
“I will.” You vowed, blinking back the building sheen across your vision. “Take care of yourself.”
Before you could stumble and say something he didn’t want to hear, you made your exit.
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Taglist: @reluctanthalfwayoptimism @marytheweefrenchie @cheshirecat484 @siampie @xxdrixx @gracethyomen @ignore-mp3 @silas-aeiou @screechingphantommaker @spiderstyles04
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writingdumpster · 9 months
first impressions
pairing: Matt Murdock x reader (no pronouns used)
warnings: none I think
summary: i wrote this purely bc i know matt murdock is excellent at meeting people’s mothers. after impressing your parents matt gets to thinking about his future.
word count: 1.6k
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“I’m nervous.” You sat next to Matt in the restaurant he had chosen for the evening. It was fancy. There was a pianist in one corner of the room and linen tablecloths. It was nicer than the hole-in-the-wall joints that you and Matt usually preferred. He wanted to impress your parents though, so he had made a reservation at a swanky restaurant in midtown Manhattan. 
Matt was in his court suit and you had donned the blue silk dress he bought for your anniversary. It was by far your favorite dress. Beyond being a treasured gift, it fit you perfectly and the fabric always felt soft against your skin. Karen had helped Matt pick it out, but she had told you that all she did was describe the dresses and that he had completely ignored her opinions. She had strongly recommended a yellow dress but he had refused her suggestions, insisting you would like the one he picked better. Never having seen the yellow one, you knew he was right. If he picked it, you loved it. You would have him choose between options you put out when you got dressed in the mornings by describing them to him and he always had you match his tie to the rest of his outfit. 
“It’s going to be fine,” Matt said and kissed your temple. 
“I only ever introduced Caleb to my parents,” you told him, not that you hadn’t said it before. Matt knew that Caleb was not someone you had pleasant memories of. He had heard the stories from you and he was the one who helped you get over many of the fears that Caleb had struck into you. Matt was remembering those stories while he heard in your heartbeat how nervous you were. 
“You know I’m not like Caleb,” Matt reminded you. 
“I know, Matt. I just…this is a big deal for me,” you said. 
“It’s a big deal for me too, sweetheart,” Matt told you. “It’s just an exciting big deal for me.” You inhaled deeply. Matt smiled. “You have nothing to worry about. Moms always like me, angel. It’ll be great,” he assured you. 
“All women like you,” you said. Matt laughed lightly. 
“Then that will include your mom, won’t it?” He asked rhetorically. He gave you a light peck as he tangled his fingers with yours beneath the table. “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” he cooed. You sighed. 
“You’re right. I know they’re going to love you. I just…” You hesitated. 
“Caleb was a mistake and you think it’s bad luck,” Matt said, always knowing what you were thinking. 
“Yeah,” you agreed. 
“This isn’t a mistake, sweetheart. I promise. It’s just the next step,” he told you. You nodded and Matt gave your hand a squeeze. You looked up at the doorway to the restaurant. 
“They’re here,” you said. You rose from the table and greeted your mom and dad with hugs. Matt was standing by your side with a charming smile across his face. 
“Hello, Mrs. y/l/n,” Matt greeted with a smile. Your mom held her arms out to Matt and pulled him into a hug. He returned it kindly.  
“Oh, please, call me y/m/n,” your mom said. “Y/N has told us so much about you. I think we can be on a first name basis,” your mom said. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as your mom told Matt how you spoke about him. Matt simply turned to you and smiled. He loved that you told your parents about him. He wished he could tell his dad all about you. Your father held out his hand for Matt to shake. Matt stayed still, not wanting to give up his powers. You took Matt’s hand and pulled it to where your father’s hand was waiting. 
“Oh, sorry about that,” your dad said in embarrassment as he shook Matt’s hand. Matt chuckled lightly. 
“That’s alright, sir. Took y/n months to stop answering me with nods,” Matt joked. 
“It was not months,” you said sharply. 
“You still do it sometimes,” Matt teased. You pursed your lips, biting back the comment about how you knew he could tell. The four of you sat down, Matt pulling out your mother’s chair for her before doing the same for you and taking his seat.
Matt was right about mothers loving him. He charmed your mom with his dry sense of humor and enchanting smile. He won your dad’s approval when he mentioned he owned his own law firm. Your father didn’t need to know that Nelson and Murdock was nearly always on the edge of bankruptcy. Your parents told Matt stories about you from your childhood, despite your protests that they were too embarrassing. Matt loved the stories. All he could do was smile at you. The night was perfect. Matt was perfect. Your father refused Matt’s attempt to pay for the meal before the four of you left. You said your goodbyes in front of the restaurant before getting into different cabs and going back home. Matt’s hand was resting innocently on your leg while the two of you sat in the back of the cab. 
“I told you it was going to be fine,” Matt teased you. You rolled your eyes. 
“Yes, you were right, Murdock,” you agreed. Matt chuckled. 
“Doesn’t happen that often. I have to brag when it does,” he said. The cab pulled up outside of your apartment and the two of you got out. You made your way up the stairs and walked through the sliding door. The glow of the billboard outside of your window was blue. A new advertiser had taken over a few weeks earlier and the red light that usually filled the room had been replaced with a blue light, making it seem like your apartment was bathed in moonlight. You were looking through the mail that you had collected on your way up. 
You realized you didn’t know where Matt went when music started playing. You smiled to yourself as you tossed away the junk mail. Suddenly you felt hands on your hips as Matt pulled you away from the counter. He spun you around and moved one of his hands to the small of your back. The other went to cup your hand in his. You giggled before moving to wrap your free arm around his shoulders, fingers tangling in the hairs at the nape of his neck as the two of you began swaying back and forth. Matt loosened his hold on your waist and moved to let you spin beneath his arm before pulling you back into his body and dipping you. 
When Matt pulled you back upright you leaned up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips. Matt smiled against your lips. You stared into his eyes when you leaned away. His eyes were so beautiful. You never cared that his eyes didn’t see you the way yours saw him. He saw you in so many other ways. 
“You really impressed them,” you said as you leaned closer to Matt, tucking your head against his neck.
“I told you moms like me,” Matt said. 
“My dad liked you too though,” you said. 
“Yeah,” Matt agreed. “We just can’t let him visit my office. He won’t be impressed anymore.” You chuckled. 
“I certainly hope he won’t ever need a lawyer,” you said. 
“If you hadn’t needed a lawyer we never would have met,” Matt reminded you. 
“Yes, and that worked out very well,” you agreed. “But when we tell our kids how we met I think we should make something up.” Matt beamed. 
“Our kids?” He asked. Your heart dropped for a moment and your face went blank. 
“I mean, umm…” You started stuttering. 
“We’ll have to get married first,” Matt interjected before you could start backpedaling. Your panic turned to excitement. You grinned. 
“You obviously have my parents' approval now,” you said. Matt smiled. 
“And you’ve certainly gotten Foggy’s approval,” Matt replied. 
“Foggy likes me better than you,” you said with a laugh. 
“Yes, I know,” Matt said flatly. “He’s very clear about that.” You held back your giggles. 
“If you came into the office with cookies instead of bruises like me he might like you more,” you joked.
“I do bring in cookies,” he grumbled. 
“Yes, but Foggy knows I made them,” you said. Matt sighed. 
“He wouldn’t like me at all if I brought in cookies that I made,” he said. You giggled at the memory of Matt trying to make your birthday cake and causing the building to evacuate after setting off the smoke alarm. 
“When we have kids I bet he’ll like them better than both of us,” you said. Matt smiled. 
“That’s alright. We can use him as a babysitter that way,” he said. 
“Maybe if Karen’s there too,” you said. Matt chuckled. 
“You don’t trust Foggy with our kids?” He asked. 
“Matty, you have told me far too many stories about you dragging Foggy back to your dorm after a frat party for me to trust Foggy with our kids,” you said. “He will most certainly let one of them do something stupid.” 
“And you think I won’t?” Matt asked. 
“You won’t let them do something stupid, you’ll do it for them,” you said. Matt spun you around in his arms once more as the song came to an end. He kissed your forehead when he pulled you back against him.  Matt’s heart was full at the way the two of you were so casually talking about your kids. He hoped it wouldn’t be long till they were real. He knew what he wanted. He didn’t want to wait for it anymore. There wasn’t anything stopping him now.
“You want to go ring shopping tomorrow?”
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 8 months
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Sweet on You, Chapter 1
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Rating: M (Rating Subject to Change)
Story Summary: You had joined 'Sugar and Spice' in a desperate attempt to help your mother with her medical bills, so when an opportunity comes along to make a lot of money simply by spending time with a lonely attorney, you jump at the chance -- not expecting to fall for him in the process.
Tired of one-night-stands, Matt Murdock decides to sign up for a sugar daddy/sugar baby website, where he stumbles across your profile. However, despite making it clear that he only wants a platonic arrangement, Matt eventually finds himself falling for you.
Will the two of you be able to come to a permanent arrangement or will more than a contract be broken?
Warnings/Tags: Sugar Daddy!Matt Murdock, No Age Gap, Alternating PoV, No Use of Y/N
Word Count: ~1100
A/N: Thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged the teaser! A few notes before we dive in:
-- While Reader's age is not actually specified in this, it's stated several times that she's closer to Matt's age than most women on the 'Sugar and Spice' website.
-- Matt & Reader do not actually refer to each other as their sugar baby/sugar daddy (although for all intents and purposes, that's what they are).
-- Divider is by the insanely talented (and just as awesome IRL as she is on Tumblr) @theradioactivespidergwen!
-- This is rated M for now, however rating may possibly go up in later chapters. 😈
-- If you'd like to be added to the taglist or if I've tagged you by mistake, please let me know!
Tag List: @danzer8705 @capylore @shouldbestudying41 @atemydadforbreakfast
No, it's fine, Mom, I promise,” you said as you spoke to your mother over the phone. “It's not your fault you got laid off and lost your medical insurance right before you got sick.”
“It's not your responsibility to pay my medical bills, sweetheart,” your mother protested. “I'll come up with the money somehow.”
You shook your head even though you knew your mother couldn't see you. “You’ve sacrificed so much for me, Mom. Let me do this for you.”
Your mother sighed. “Okay, fine. But only because you just got that big raise at work.”
You cleared your throat awkwardly. “Uh, yeah. Lucky me. Listen, Mom, I have to go, but I'll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay. Love you, sweetie.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
You hung up and blew out a breath. You knew your mother wouldn't approve if you told her the real way you had been affording to make payments towards her medical debt for the past several months. 
The truth was that your job as an administrative assistant barely even covered your own bills, so you had been supplementing your income through alternative means.
You had joined Sugar and Spice after one of the junior admin assistants had confided in you that she had managed to put herself through college by dating rich older men for money. “It's actually not a bad gig,” she had told you. “Most of them really just want arm candy to show off to their friends.”
You had gone home that night and checked out the website, and after discovering that you could select your comfort level/how far you were willing to go (by indicating that you were into either ‘sugar’ or ‘spice’) you had signed up.
It had been working out okay -- you had only been making a few hundred dollars extra a month so far because most of the men on Sugar and Spice wanted someone much younger than you were, but you had at least been able to scrape together enough to make the monthly payments on your mother's medical bills.
And speaking of…
You grabbed your laptop and pulled it over to you, then navigated to your Sugar and Spice account, pleased when you saw that you had gotten a new inquiry.
You clicked on it.
Hi, the message read, I ran across your profile and I think you might be what I'm looking for. If you're interested and available please message me back at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
You huffed out a laugh. Usually the messages you received weren't quite so… polite, so to speak.
You clicked on the sender's profile.
Matthew, 35
Occupation: Attorney 
Interested in: Sugar
Huh. Matthew was a lot younger than most of the men who frequented the site. Maybe that'll be a good thing.
You clicked the reply button. Hi, Matthew, you typed. I am available if you'd like to discuss things further.
You got up to fix yourself some tea, and by the time you came back you had another message from Matthew. Great! Is it okay if we meet in person to discuss possible terms of an agreement? Over coffee, maybe?
Okay, you replied once again. When and where would you like to meet?
The Brew Towers on Saturday, say, 9 AM?
That works for me.
Your eyebrows raised as a notification popped up stating that you had received $100 from Matthew.
As a sign of good faith , Matthew explained. See you Saturday.
See you Saturday.
You logged out and closed your laptop, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. This was the first time you'd be meeting a potential client in person and needless to say, you were nervous.
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Matt sat back and took another sip of the glass of whiskey he had poured himself before he had signed up on Sugar and Spice. He had been in court earlier that day and had overheard a conversation during recess between opposing counsel about Nesbit’s much-younger girlfriend.
“How'd an old dog like you manage to score a hot piece of ass like that?” Peterson had asked jokingly.
Nesbit had chuckled. “You'd be amazed at what you can find on the internet these days. Let's just say Candy and I have a… business arrangement.”
Peterson had dropped his voice down to a whisper. “She's not an escort, is she? You know the partners don't want wind of any kind of impropriety possibly getting out to the public--”
Nesbit had made a dismissive sound. “No, nothing like that. You ever heard of Sugar and Spice, that website that connects men of a certain wealth and caliber with women who are looking for someone to take care of them? Well, Candy and I met there. She takes care of my needs, and I take care of hers.”
“So, what, you pay her to date you?”
“In a way. I keep her happy by giving her money and buying her things, and she lets me do whatever else I want when I'm not with her.”
Matt's eyebrows had furrowed. Maybe Nesbit had a point -- maybe it was easier to have a business arrangement with someone in order to fill the romantic void in his life rather than having to pick up a different woman every couple of weeks because they got too attached. Better to have someone who knows exactly what they're getting into.
As soon as he had gotten home he had looked up Sugar and Spice, and not finding anything in their terms and conditions that raised red flags, had signed up and began to browse through profiles.
After scrolling through profiles for over an hour and not finding anyone that piqued his interest he had almost gone ahead and given up when his voiceover function read out another profile header to him, this time for a woman who was at least closer to Matt's own age than all of the other women he had checked out. 
He had listened to your profile then clicked the “Send Message” button, typing out a quick message and hitting send.
He had gone to answer the door for a delivery, and by the time he had gotten back to his laptop he’d had a reply.
Before he could second-guess himself Matt had asked you out for coffee, then sent $100 to your Sugar and Spice account to show you he was sincere.
He shut his laptop and stood, then headed to go shower and get ready to go out as Daredevil. He'd gotten a tip about a major drug shipment coming in through the docks that evening and needed to go stop it.
He'd worry about his love life later.
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brokebonewritings · 1 year
Growing Pains
Matt Murdock x reader
Tags/Warning: 18+, Language, Emotional Abuse (NOT from Matt), Hurt/Comfort, Angst
Summary: You take Matt home to visit your family, now as a couple, and he finally experiences what you had vented to him all these years. Song: Matilda by Harry Styles
Word Count: 3.2K
Masterlist || Series Masterlist
A/N: This is a content warning, I'm not gonna lie. The EA part is short but can hit home to a few people I'm sure. I hope you enjoy, and please take care of yourselves!
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The drive to Maine wasn’t too bad. It was the summer so no risk of ice on the road. Your childhood home was on the coast in Bar Harbor, and it was beautiful.
Too bad there wasn’t a better view in your little Hell’s Kitchen apartment. Maybe you would have felt more comfortable in the city then.
Matt had been more than willing to finally meet your family when you asked. The only hesitation he had was the way they treated you. You had started complaining about them in college after your father had passed. 
He could feel how tense you had gotten the closer to Bar Harbor you drove. It was the same every time you visited. It was nice to see your aunts and uncles that came to events, however your mom and sister were a different story.
You had warned Matt that the dynamic the three of you had was a bit toxic. He reassured you that nothing would scare him away. That was reassuring to say the least.
“Can I ask you something?” You ask while turning the radio down a bit.
“Anything.” He replies.
“Have you ever seen the ocean before?”
It was an innocent question. You always felt awkward when you asked about his sight, and if he had seen certain things before he went blind.
“Maybe. Does the view in New York count?” He turns his head towards you.
“Yeah, I would say it does.” You say. “The view here is breathtaking though. Better than the harbor.”
“Describe it to me.”
You take a moment to truly look out the window. There weren’t many cars on the road so you slowed down a bit. 
“Well, The ocean is a deep blue color, and the wind is pushing the waves against the small cliffs.” You start. “On the other side of us are green cliffs. When I say green, I mean there is no patch of dead grass anywhere.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Matt give you a small smile. Turning your head, you can see his face in full view. It makes your cheeks blush in a rose tint. He was beautiful to you. Nothing could have prepared you for this man loving you.
An hour later, your car rolls up to the gravel road and you park in the grass. It was a surprise that you were invited to say the least.
The last time you had been in Maine was 2 years prior. You take a step out of the car and walk around the car, waiting for Matt to exit the car.
You both walk up the front porch together and you knock. To your surprise your mom answers the door. She has a big smile on her face as she sees the both of you standing there.
“Oh! y/n! Come in, Come in.” She says holding the door open. “And who might this be?”
You smile nervously, before looking at Matt. “This is my boyfriend, Mom. Matt Murdock.”
“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am.” He says, extending his hand, a smile on his face. God he was such a charmer.
“Nice to meet you.” She starts, while taking his hand. “I didn’t think she got out much, no less having a boyfriend.”
Your mom turns around and walks you both into the living room, where some distant relatives were joined together in groups. The family takes turns introducing themselves to Matt and catching up with a bit, before you take him outside for some air.
“I didn’t think your family was that big.” He chuckles.
“You can finally tell Foggy I beat him at something.” You giggle in return.
The breeze felt nice against your bare arms once you reached the backyard. You see your sister and her fiance sitting at the patio table, and she waves you over.
Hesitantly, you guide Matt over to the table and greet your sister before introducing them. You both take a seat at the table to be more comfortable.
“I didn’t know you could catch someone this attractive, y/n.” She says with a sly smile on her face. You wince in reaction and turn to see Matt’s face. He’s smiling, but you can tell deep inside he’s holding back from saying anything.
You clear your throat before speaking up. “So how is everything? It’s been almost 2 years. Congratulations on the engagement by the way.”
Chelsea, your sister, smiles at you before turning to her fiance. Their hands molding together, not letting go.
“Yeah, It’s been great! We were planning on moving back here before the winter.”
“Are you looking near here?” You question. 
She hums and nods in response before turning to Matt. “So how did you both meet? What do you do?”
“Well we have been friends since college.” He starts, turning his head to smile at you. He places his hand on your thigh. “I’m a lawyer. A friend and I have our own firm in Hell’s Kitchen.”
Just as he finishes, your mom comes to sit at the table. “A lawyer. Well at least one of you will have a successful career.” She says.
You turn bright red at the comment. She never approved the fact that you changed career paths in college. Stating that it was the most embarrassing moment in her life.
“I actually have a decent career at The Met.” You say in defense.
“Sure, y/n, that’s why you live in Hell’s Kitchen and not Astoria.” Chelsea says.
“Actually,” Matt’s voice startles you. “Y/n make more than I do. I take more pro bono cases than anything.”
Smiling, you appreciate him coming to your rescue and defending your honor. You sister huff, before your mom speaks up.
“Well that is very charitable of you.” She smiles.
More of your family files out into the backyard as it seems like the party has moved on from inside the house. It was a nice day. You watched as your younger cousins ran around the yard and chased each other. The older men of your family stand around talking about sports and projects. The women, you assume, are gossiping on current affairs.
“Congratulations, Chelsea!!” Your aunt says as she passes by your sister. The confused look you gave her was prominent amongst the groups.
“You got engaged 3 months ago though.” You say, Matt’s grip on your knee was a sign to let the topic drop.
Your sister looks at your mom uncomfortably before turning back to you. “Well, actually Gio and I got married.”
Now you were even more confused. “Like a courthouse wedding?”
“Now, let’s not turn this into a big argument” Your mom starts. “It was a small affair, just family in the backyard.”
“It wasn’t even a big deal, y/n.” Chelsea says nonchalantly.
Mouth falling open, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Your sister had gotten married, all your family knew. Everyone except you. Looking at the empty seat at the table, you wondered what your dad would have thought.
“Papa would have been so disappointed.” The words fly from your mouth before you have a chance to think. You see your sister stiffen in her seat.
“Don’t you dare bring Daddy into this.” She spits. “This is exactly why you weren’t invited.”
That was your breaking point. Pushing Matt’s hand off your lap, you stand and rush away. You don’t bother looking back because you know the only person following was Matt.
You didn't stop walking until you reached the end of the dock by the house. Standing there a moment, you considered going back, telling off your family and leaving. Hearing footsteps on the wooden dock makes you turn around.
Matt is walking straight towards you, using his cane to guide him down the way. Not that he truly needed it. Once he reaches you, you let out a choked sob and lean your head against his shoulder. He wraps his arm around your waist to bring you closer.
“They do this to me, every time.” You sobbed. Matt’s eyebrows twist in worry. He’s never seen you cry like this in a long time. Not since your dad had passed.
“Just let it out, sweetheart.” He said as he pressed soft kisses into your hair. That always seemed to sooth you.
The both of you just stood there as you cried. Saying nothing. You didn’t mind though, it was nice of him to let you just feel. No questions asked.
As your breathing slowed and the tears stopped flowing down your cheeks, you looked up to Matt and stared. He looked down at you with a frown plastered across his face.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get emotional.” You finally say.
“You don’t have to be sorry. This was not your fault.”
“Yeah… but my family didn’t make things better.”
You tug at his wrist for a moment to indicate that you were about to sit down. He kneels down at you until realizing you had your feet dangling off the dock. Taking a seat he folds up his cane and places it next to him.
“Sweetheart. You don’t have to keep coming back here if you don’t want to.” He says slowly.
“I feel like I do, or else I can’t see this home again.”
“What do you mean?”
You sigh as you look out onto the lake. A secret you had been keeping for a long time finally falling out of your mouth.
“The house is mine.” You say before looking up to him. His jaw moves as he clenches his teeth. Watching his lawyer brain start to work, you continue. “My dad left me the house, paid in full. I just haven’t had the heart to take it from my mom yet.”
The sigh he lets out is comforting. Like he understood the reasoning behind your current turmoil.
“I see.” He thinks for a moment. “Do you ever plan on taking the house?”
“Maybe one day. When I'm done living the city life, or maybe as a summer home.”
He tilts his head towards you. You smile and lean against his shoulder. Nothing mattered in this current moment. Just you and Matt. 
“You know. We’re your family.” He says.
You lift up your head and give him a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“Foggy, Karen and I. We’re your family.” He elaborates. “Family doesn’t have to be blood, y/n”
Smiling, you nod your head and take his hand. Bringing his knuckles up to your lips, you kiss them softly. Watching as his lips curl upward into a smile. 
“You always have the right thing to say, huh?”
“I try my best, sweetheart.” 
Just as you open your mouth, you hear steps running down the dock. You turn your head to see your cousin running your way.
“Y/n! Your mom wanted you to help her in the office.” He said warmly “Oh! Who’s this?”
Matt turns his head towards the young man, same as you. 
“Peter, this is my boyfriend, Matt.” You start “Matt, this is my cousin, Peter.”
“Nice to meet you, Peter.” Matt says with a smile still on his face.
Peter kneels and sticks his hand out for a handshake. “You too, sir!”
You giggle at the sentiment and tap Matt’s leg. Though he was fully aware, he has to keep up the act.
“Pete, he’s blind.” You say.
“Shit! I’m sorry!” He stutters a bit, taking back his hand. “I- I didn’t know!”
“It’s okay. Kinda crazy how we all look like normal people huh?” Matt chuckles, and you giggle as Peter turns bright red. “Where are you from, kid? I’m getting a slight accent from you.”
“Queens.” He says proudly. 
“My mom didn't tell me you lived in Queens?” You said confusion in your voice.  “We live in Hell’s Kitchen”
“Well Aunt May took me in.”
“Right, I’m sorry Pete…”
“Ah it’s alright, that was years ago…” He stands. “Anyways, your mom?”
“Fuck…” You groan, starting to stand.
Matt reaches his hand out for you and you grab it. Helping him to his feel, you kneel back down and grab his cane and hand it back to him.
The three of you walk back to the house. You listen as Peter and Matt discuss the best pizza in the city. It was like they knew each other for years. As you approach the back door, you see your mom in the kitchen. 
Once she notices you, she moves slowly to the next room. Your heart speeds up a bit as you realize your mom probably didn’t need help. Most of the time it was a way to trap you in a corner and bombard you with guilt.
“Matty, you wanna come wait in the parlor while I help my mom?” You say as you turn to him.
He smiles at you and nods. “Of course sweetheart.” He gives Peter a brief goodbye before stepping behind you.
Opening the door, you let him enter first. He waits and grabs your forearm when you shut the door. You lead him into the parlor room that's right outside the office, and he takes a seat on the couch.
“I’ll be right back.”
He nods, and you turn to knock on the office door. You hear the okay to enter before stepping inside. Something was off as the air felt tight. Smothering almost. Your mom sat at the desk in the center of the room.
“Are you done acting like a hurt puppy?” Your mom says as you shut the door.
“Excuse me?”
“You know you hurt your sister’s feelings. I expect you to apologize to her.”
Was this woman serious? She expected you to apologize for your feelings getting hurt? 
“I will not be doing that.” You bluntly say. “If anyone needs an apology, it's me.
She snorts at your comment. “You weren’t invited because you always make it about yourself.”
“How could I make it about myself if I never get invited?”
“Because when you are invited, you do this!”
“You know what, stop!” You shout. “I’m not going to be gaslighted over this!”
“What are you talking about, y/n?” She starts. “Don’t you dare raise your voice at me.”
“No! I will raise my voice for once!” You can feel the in the palm of your hand. “You always leave me out of things!”
“We do not! Stop being so dramatic.” She looks back down at the papers on the desk. “I need to discuss something with you, if you’re done yelling.”
That makes you shut up, it always did. You step closer to the desk wiping your hands against your shorts. “What is it?”
“It’s about the house.” She starts. “I’m going to move out of it.”
“You’re moving out?” You knit your eyebrows together “But I thought you were going to wait until you retired?”
“I’m relocating actually. To Washington.” 
“So you have to ask me to sign the paperwork for the house?”
“Well…” She hands you a stack of papers. “I want you to give the house to your sister.”
Looking up from the paper, you drop your jaw. “But Papa gave the house to me. It was the only thing I got!”
“Your sister is married now, y/n. She needs a home to start a family in.”
“So then she can buy a house! I’m not signing this.” You say, placing the paperwork back on the desk.
“If you’re not going to use the house, then give it to someone who will.”
“Who said I wasn’t going to use the house?”
The older woman sighed, “There’s no sense in keeping it if you’re going to keep living in New York.”
“Well I’m not signing it over. That’s it.”
There was a beat before your mom started talking again. “You are being incredibly selfish. I’m very disappointed in you.”
“Yeah, well, I knew that for a long time.” You turn to leave.
“Your father would be disappointed too.” She says. “He knew you were a fucking brat, but if he could only see how much.”
This makes you stop dead in your tracks. She was only saying this to get you to do what she wanted. Finally this was what you needed. The final straw. Turning, you smile at your mom.
“You know what, Martha. I’m done.” You start, crossing to the desk. “My lawyer will be sending paperwork for the house. So I think you should start packing.”
“You little bitch.” She stands. “You’re going to kick your poor mother out of her home?”
“Funny. You don’t act like my mother.” That’s the last thing you say before leaving the room.
Once you exit, Matt is already standing by the door. You knew he had heard every word, and part of you wanted him to.
“Let’s go home, Matty.” You say softly, as he takes your arm.
You walk through the house and say a brief goodbye to your relatives before leaving. You wave to Peter and he runs over to give you a hug.
“Don’t be a stranger, Pete.” You say. “If you need us, you know where we’ll be.”
He nods, and you and Matt are on your way. In the car, your hands gripped the steering wheel. You had only been drive for about an hour. Guilt was beginning to build up in your chest once again. The sound of your heart must have been deafening because Matt places his hand on your thigh.
“I’m proud of you.” The words were tender coming from his mouth. You couldn’t help but shed a tear.
“Remember in college when I found out my dad passed?” You say suddenly, he nods in response. “I found out after the funeral. They didn’t even tell me.”
“What?” His hand gripped a little harder. “You never went to his funeral?”
You shake your head. Feeling the tears begin to fall more intensely, you pull the car off to the side of the road. This was the constant routine your mom and sister pulled. A major life event would happen, and you would be the last to know. Finding out through another family member, or in that case, a lawyer.
“That’s why it had been so hard on me. I didn’t even know he was sick. I didn’t get to say goodbye.”
Matt unbuckled his seatbelt then yours and then pulled you close to him. When you felt like that wasn’t close enough, you climbed over the divider and into his lap. He cradled you against his chest while you both sat in silence.
“It’s time you make a new family.” He says softly. You look up towards his face and his blinded gaze is upon you. “I won’t be going anywhere. Neither is Foggy and Karen.”
“That’s a pretty big promise, Murdock.”
“A promise I intend on keeping.” He leans in and kisses your temple. “It seems like you got good aunts and uncles too.”
You smile at the thought. He was right. “I noticed you and Peter were getting along.”
“He’s got a great personality.” He chuckles. You nod in agreement.
The both of you sit there for 10 more minutes before you get back in the driver’s seat. It was a 7 hour drive back to New York anyways.
There was a new peace you felt at the end of the day. Like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
Matt had been right. You had a family that loved you, and wanted you to be around. That’s all that mattered to you now.
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siampie · 2 months
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Risk and Reward||Chapter 9: Like Real People Do
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: Just fluffy moments between you and Matt.
Warnings/tags: lots of fluff and a hint of angst.
A/N: Sorry for the late update, life had been hectic lately. And also been dealing with some face pain due to a wisdom tooth. Commentaries and reblogs are greatly appreciated.     
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Tag list: @marytheweefrenchie; @sunflowersandsapphires; @abbyhaslongshorts; @schneeflocky; @danzer8705;
@ebathory997; @sarraa-26; @cheshirecat484; @rebeccapineapple; @msjb2002
Dividers by @cafekitsune
Song the title is referring to:
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I had a thought, dear, however scary
About that night, the bugs and the dirt
Why were you digging? What did you bury
Before those hands pulled me from the earth?
I will not ask you where you came from
I will not ask and neither should you
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like real people do
The soft music filled your apartment while you hummed, swaying lightly, to the song. Enjoying one of those rare moments where you felt in the mood to cook a full meal for yourself. The pan singing as the freshly cut vegetables were frying in the hot oil. You added the broccoli to the stir-fry you were cooking, your eyes caught sight of the numerous drawings on your fridge. They had been made with love by your nieces and nephews. Your goddaughter, now 6, were also learning how to write now. So, of course, some of drawings were now accompanied with love notes.
“Je t’aime, Marraine.” (I love you, Godmother.)
The words were misspelled, and she still needed to get a grasp on grammar. But every time you read the words; you felt your heart swell with love. And the few times she came to visit you, she was proud to see her pictures on your fridge. And she and her siblings, and her cousin, drew more of those stick figure, knowing their arts would find room on your fridge and walls.
The shrill sound of your ringtone pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Ah, you’ve reached the procrastination hotline. Please hold…indefinitely.” You answered the call.
“How many of those do you have?” Your sister’s voice came from the other end of the line.
“As many as I need.” You shot back. “So, what’s up?”
“I need to vent,” she declared.
“Our brother; Henry.” She dramatically sighed.  
“I’m listening,” you puffed out a long breath.
“So, you know how he decided to let mom have access to his kids,” she started. You hummed, “well, now, his in-laws are getting involved and asking me, why don’t I want mom anywhere near my boy?”
“How is that any of their concerns? It’s your kid, you get to decide who’s in his life or not. Why are they getting involved?” You asked quite angrily, you never liked your brother’s in-laws. They were quite nosy people, always wondering when you were going to have kids, while your own father just let you live your life at your own pace.
“Oh, that’s not even the best part,” Ann continued. “They think it would be beneficial for my son to meet his maternal grandmother. Can you believe that?”
“I can believe they haven’t been hit enough in their lives, that I can believe.” You replied, your sister chuckled. “No one cares what they think. Axel is your son, and you are his mother. If you don’t want our mother to meet him, it is your decision. And frankly, bad parents don’t get to be grandparents. So, I’d say don’t let her meet your little boy.”
“Thank you,” she exclaimed. “I thought I was going crazy over here.”
“You’re not, don’t worry,” you reassured her. “And I’m fairly certain, Dee would agree with me.” You killed the fire under the pan, “what did Henry say to that?”
“Nothing. As usual.” Ann scoffed, “Didn’t defend my decision or even tried to explain to them why I wouldn’t want that.”
“It doesn’t need explaining, they know our story. It’s quite understandable why you wouldn’t,” you leaned your elbows on your counter. “Do you want me to give him call?”
“No, it won’t be necessary,” she told you. “I just needed to know I wasn’t alone in this.”
“You’re not,” you assured her. “Just to let you know, if you do decide to let her see little Axel, I won’t be mad. I’ll support you no matter what, you know that right?”
“I know,” she sighed. “Would you?” she questioned you, “would you let her in?”
“No,” your answer was firm. “Never again. Do you want to let her in?”
“No,” Ann was a firm as you in her answer. “She doesn’t deserve it.”
“Exactly,” you nodded. “Don’t let them get into your head. They’re not your in-laws, so, their opinions don’t really matter.”
“You’re right,” she agreed. “So, whatcha doin’?”
“Cooking some stir-fry, and then some netflix and chill—or maybe some video games, haven’t decided yet.”
“Oh, come on!” Ann groaned, “It’s Friday night, you’re single. You should be out there having fun, meeting new people. Do this for me, let me live vicariously through you. Please!”
You huffed out a laugh. She had yet to know about Matthew. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to share him with your family, you did. You wanted them to know about the new man in your life. You wanted them to share in your happiness. However, you were just very protective of your relationship with Matt. You wanted to keep him for yourself a little while longer.
But this was your sister. Your first ever best friend. It didn’t seem fair to hide it from her. Not when she came to you first, after she had said yes to her, then, fiancé.
“Well,” you started, “it’s been a very long week. And I didn’t feel like socializing tonight.”
“Typical,” Ann snorted.
There was a knock on your door. “And who said I was single?” Your feet made no sound as you quietly walked towards your door.
“You have a boyfriend!” She squealed, “tell me everything.”
You shook your head while pulling your door open, revealing Matt on the other side.
His tie was loose and crooked around his neck, his dark and soft locks, a mess on his head. A grin was plastered on his face, your lips tugging up at the corner, mirroring his.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he greeted you. You caught the smell of Josie’s stale beer in his breath as he leaned in to rest a soft kiss on your lips.
“Hey, Matty.”
“He calls you ‘sweetheart,’” your sister’s voice rose from your phone, reminding you that she was still on the line with you. “What’s his name?”
“Matt,” you answered quickly as Matt let himself into your apartment. “I’ll be right with you, okay?” He nodded with a smile, shedding his coat.
“So, that’s you meant by Netflix and chill, uh?” You sister teased,
“No, I genuinely meant Netflix and chill,” you hissed at her as you watched Matt sit down on your couch.
“No one means Netflix and chill when they say Netflix and chill,” Ann told you. “It’s what my husband and I get up to when baby’s with grandma.”
“Nope,” you shook your head. “I don’t need to hear about that. Absolutely not,”
“Alright, sorry,” she chuckled. “I’ll let you join your beau, but first tell me the basics. What’s his name? What does he do in life? And how hot is he? And most importantly, how long have you been dating?”
You looked up, your eyes landing on the back of Matt’s head. “Alright, basics,” you turned around and leaned against your counter. “His name is Matthew Murdock. He’s a lawyer and has his own firm. He is blind and very—very hot. And sweet as honey. And it’s been—almost four months.”
“Almost four months? And you kept it from me?”
“Says the girl who only told us she was pregnant at the six months mark?” You reminded her.
“It’s not my fault, the props I needed to make the big announcement took too long to be delivered.” She defended herself, “when do we get to meet him?” Ann questioned excitedly.
“Not yet, I don’t want you to scare him away.”
“We won’t, I promise,” your sister said, her voice going a little higher.
“We’ll see about that,” you snorted. “Look, I gotta go. My boyfriend’s over.”
“Okay,” she retorted. “Go Netflix and chill, ‘all night long,’” she sang the last part.
“Alright—bye bye.” You said before hanging up.
You put your phone on the counter, heaving out a deep breath. You had not lied to your sister, you didn’t feel like socializing with anyone that night, so, you opted out of your usual hangout at Josie’s. You walked up to the couch where Matt had settled in, waiting for you patiently. Leaning over the back of the couch, you put your arms around his shoulders and laid a kiss on his cheek. His hands came up, his fingers wrapping around your forearms.
“Not that I’m not glad to see you,” you started, “I’m very glad to see you but aren’t you supposed to be at Josie’s with the others?”
“I’ve been looking forward to spend some time with my girlfriend, and she doesn’t show up,” Matt said quietly.
“I did warn you,” you told him, one of your hands raking through his hair.
“I know,” he gave a pleased hum, “I thought I skipped on the hangout and come and find you here,” your lips tugged up at the corner. “I just missed you,” Matt admitted, pulling your arm away from around his shoulders, to rest a kiss on your wrist.
A soft smile made its way onto your face, “I missed you too.” His lips found yours, kissing yours in a weird angle over the back of the couch. You pulled away, “do you want some food? I cook a really mean stir-fry. Or so, I’ve been told.”
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You later found yourself lying in bed, with Matt’s nose buried in your neck. His body was draped over yours, not crushing you under his weight. His weight on top of yours felt comforting, you loved feeling the way he was relaxing under your touch. You wanted to ravish him here and there, but you were enjoying this cuddle session too much to put a stop to it, in favor of mind-blowing sex. One of his hands found its way under your shirt,
“Long week?” He asked quietly.
“Yeah,” you replied in the same manner. “My workload has sort of doubled, I also had to go to meetings. Too many if you ask me,” you explained, your hand rubbing up and down his spine. “I just wanted to enjoy a night to myself, without having to socialize with anyone.”
Matt kissed your collarbone, “sorry, I’ve ruined that for you.”
“I’m not complaining,” you smiled softly. “And you haven’t ruined anything. I had a few hours to myself staring at a wall, which was truly relaxing,” your lips found his brows. “And you’re not anyone, you’re Matt. My ruggedly handsome boyfriend,” a small giggled escaped your lips.
He moved off of you slightly, and you whined at the move. He leaned on his elbow, facing you, his sightless eyes staring at your chin. “Stare at a wall?” His brows were scrunched up.
You giggled again, he smiled at the sound, “yeah, stare at a wall. Technically, not for hours and it wasn’t really a wall. But I do stare at nothing at times, and let my mind wander to the confines of the universe.” You finished with a solemn tone.  
“The confines of the universe, uh?” He laughed, “what does that entail exactly?”
“Well,” your hand ran up his arm, “it’s just another way to say daydreaming really.”
His hand slid higher under your shirt, “what were you daydreaming about?”
Your face flushed in embarrassment; the top of your ears heated up. You usually didn’t share the object of your daydreams. It was in your opinion too intimate for anyone to be let in, and also, you didn’t want them to judge you for it. You’d rather tell him something about a really embarrassing experience than to share what they were about.
You started toying with the short sleeve of his black shirt, “nothing really interesting. It’s just, you know—” you shrugged up one of your shoulders. “—stupid stuff, nothing too important,” you cupped his face, your thumb running across his cheek, rough under your fingers. “And that’s not the point.”
“What’s the point, then?”  Matt smiled at you.
“The point was that daydreaming is really relaxing and resting. It’s like my brain shut off, but not completely. My mind can just wander aimlessly and it’s beneficial—for the health.”
“Ah,” he nodded, “should I try it then?”
“You should,” you replied. “Studies showed that people who ‘practiced’ daydreaming have better control over their emotions, have more empathy and are naturally better problem solvers.”
“You read a study about daydreaming?” His eyebrows went up.
You barked out a laugh, “yeah, I looked it up.” You bit down on your bottom lip, “you think I’m weird, don’t you?”
“Sweetheart, I don’t think you are weird. I know you are,” you slapped his shoulder. Matt burst out a laugh. “It’s part of your charm.”
“Huh, uh,” you nodded.
“Truly, it is. Next to your voice,” he laid a kiss on your throat, “to your laugh,” another kiss on the corner of your lips. Your breath hitched in your throat. “Your weirdness is one my favorite thing,” his lips brushed against your temple. “It’s very entertaining.”
“It is, isn’t it?”
“Very much.”
He dove for your neck, and started peppering kisses, down your collarbone, up your neck, before attacking your face. The action sent you into a fit of giggles. Being spurt on by your laugh, Matt kept on doing it. Conversation about your daydreams, or your weirdness completely forgotten. Especially when the peppered kisses turned into something more passionate and heated.
You were nearing the four months mark in your relationship with Matt. You often wondered how you’d gotten so lucky with this man. Everything seemed so easy with him. You, who needed alone time to recharge your social battery, found that you didn’t really need one with him. It was the complete opposite, spending time with Matt, recharged your social battery even faster.
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Spring was slowly fading away, making room for Summer. The rising heat in the streets of Hell’s Kitchen had a way to irritate people. Walking to work with Amelia, had given you a glimpse into how quick and prone were to anger. All because of the rise in temperature. You didn’t truly mind it, although, at night you did leave a fan on, and slowly wore less and less clothes to bed.
“There isn’t even a lick of wind,” you complained to Amelia. “We should have taken a cab.”
“To go to Josie’s? You’re out of your mind,” Amelia snorted. “Don’t be such a wuss, it’s not that bad yet.”
“What do you mean yet?”
“I mean it’s only the beginning, and it’s going to get worse.” Amelia patiently explained. “It’s not for the weak.”
“Thanks that’s really helpful,” you said as she pushed the door open. “The coldest beer you have, Josie, please.” You almost begged the woman, sitting down on the stool.
“You’re so dramatic,” Amelia huffed out a laugh. “So, weren’t you suppose to meet up with lover boy tonight?”
“He cancelled,” you nodded, turning your stool to face Amelia. “He’s still working on his big case. Needed to tie up some loose ends.”
“When’s the court date?” Amelia questioned; Josie pushed your beers towards you.
“Not for another month,” you retorted. “But you know court case takes a lot, and they need to make sure that they covered all their basis. So, they won’t have any surprises when it comes to trial.”
“You did a deep dive on this, didn’t you?” Amelia cocked up of her eyebrows.
“Not exactly deep dive, but I did look it up,” you gave her a sheepish smile. You took a sip of the cold beer, “That feels so good.”
“You are so not surviving the summer,” she joked.
“Oh, I will. Just to spite you, and Summer.”
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Your window was cracked opened slightly, in hopes you would feel some breeze to alleviate the heat. You lied down on the cold floorboard, staring at the ceiling. He had cancelled again that night. His latest case was more complex than he had anticipated. It wasn’t that big of a deal, you understood. But adding to the cancellations, his absences on Fridays at Josie’s had also become more frequent. It wasn’t unusual. He had been unavailable on some Fridays, in the beginning of your relationship, working on opening statements. And you had often popped in to visit him, and fell asleep on his couch while he did so.
It wasn’t unusual.
And yet, you couldn’t help but feel that Matt was probably pulling away from you. Maybe that was the moment the other shoe would drop. Maybe you were right, everything with Matt was too good to be true.
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kasdan · 1 year
Carving Pumpkins Headcanons
Pairing: marvel characters x gn!reader
Characters: Frank Castle, Loki, Carol Danvers, Kamala Khan, Bucky Barnes, Peter Parker, Yelena Belova, Matt Murdock, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: just pure fluff
𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝑪𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆
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Remembers when you briefly mention it one time that you wanted to carve pumpkins this year
Will go buy all the things needed, without you asking
Lays everything out to surprise you with when you get home
Makes sure to put newspaper under the entire area for an easy cleanup
Prefers to just watch you do it to see the smile on your face, but will join in if you ask
Is one to do a more simple design
You convince him to put on halloween music after you argue that there are more halloween songs other than Thriller and the Monster Mash
Takes the seeds and starts to cook them as you’re carving
Puts the finished pumpkins facing outwards on the windowsill for the city to see
Places tea lights in them so they light up when it’s dark out
Cleans up everything after you’re done and doesn’t let you help
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Looks at you like you’ve grown an extra head when you talk about carving into pumpkins
Calls the carving utensils ‘torturing devices’
Doesn’t understand the point of it, even when you try to explain that it’s for fun
Leaves an uncarved pumpkin sitting in front of him while he just sits and watches you do your own
You eventually get him to try doing his own
Tries to use magic to immediately get it done, but stops when he sees the look you give him
Goes completely overboard in his design, even when he’s not using magic
Accidentally carves too much for the design he was going for
Uses magic to fix it
You pretend not to notice
You can tell that he’s proud of the final product, even if he doesn’t act like it
Nit picks the perfect place to put his pumpkin so it’s in just the right place to be admired
𝑪𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒍 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔
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Would be excited to get the chance to carve pumpkins with you
Has experience with all the times she would carve them with Monica when she was young
Will blast music while you’re carving, be it halloween music or just a mix of everything that happens to come on
Gets distracted by the music and takes a lot longer to finish the carvings than it probably should have
Carves more pumpkins than you have the room for
Ends up finding random places to put them all
Goose ends up knocking one of the pumpkins down and smashing it, so that solves some of the problem
𝑲𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒂 𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒏
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The most excited out of everyone
Will plead with her mom to use their kitchen and get the things needed to carve
Finally gets her to agree when she promises to do chores for a week and to clean up everything after
Ends up carving the Captain Marvel logo into one of the pumpkins
Her brother comes over to visit and you all end up throwing seeds and pumpkin guts at each other
Gets the week of chores she said she would do doubled to two weeks when you both don’t see a clump of seeds that was left under one of the counters
Will try to suck up to her mom so she’ll let her do it again next year, who will get tired of her daughter following her around everywhere and just agree
She immediately regrets it
𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑩𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔
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Used to carve pumpkins with his sisters
Would be the one to supervise all of them to make sure no one got hurt
His siblings would make fun of the outcome of his pumpkin when he was rushing to get one done from helping the other girls with theirs
Is happy when you ask him to carve with you
You have to show him how to use certain tools because some are different from when he used to do it
Has to remember how to carve again as he hasn’t done it in decades
Has a smile on his face the whole time from the memories
Gets embarrassed when you catch him just watching you carve as he was used to watching his siblings do it
The end product turns out better than they usually did
Picks different places around to put the pumpkins
𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒓
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Competes with Kamala with how excited he is to carve
Will get all the things needed for it and more things you don’t
Goes on a tangent about how you guys need the other stuff in order to make the most out of it
Ned it behind him the entire time shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders at you
Eventually lets you guys start to carve
His pumpkin doesn’t turn out as great as he was expecting it to
He spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to make it better all while Ned was just laughing at it
His wasn’t any better
Becomes a competition on who made the better pumpkin and they force you to be the judge
You don’t pick a side and just continue to innocently carve your pumpkin
However you at some point have to step in to break up the argument as they hadn’t let up after almost a half hour
You force them to make it a draw and to help you clean the mess that they made
𝒀𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒂 𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒂
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With her upbringing she’s never really carved pumpkins before
She’s hesitant when you bring it up, but agrees wanting see what it’s like
She’s excited like Peter and Kamala, but will try to play it cool
You can tell she’s excited when she starts grabbing different things, letting a smile out on her face
Is surprised when the inside is messy
Can’t clean the inside that well with the scraping utensil and ends up just grabbing the guts with her hands and pulling it out that way
You get her some basic stencils to use to get the hang of it
She says the basic ones are boring so will try and do one of the more complex designs
Tears start coming out of her eyes as she laughs at how bad the design comes out
Ends up having to go back to the easier designs
𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝑴𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒐𝒄𝒌
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Doesn’t see the point in you wanting him to try and carve a pumpkin, it’s not like he’ll be able to see it
Makes an attempt to carve one anyway
Has to stop when his senses go into overdrive by the smell and the feel of the guts and seeds mashed together
Feels bad for not being able to do it for longer with you
You reassure him that it’s completely fine and it’s not his fault his senses were sensitive
He talks with you through the whole process though
But it’s across the room because the smell is a lot milder over there
You don’t mind because at least you still get his company
You end up lighting a small candle for him so the potent smell of the pumpkin leaves the air
He says the scent relaxes him even though you would think that the smell would also be overwhelming for him, but you can visibly see him relax more, taking his glasses off with a small smile etched on his face as you work.
𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐟𝐟
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Just smiles at you when you show up with pumpkins and all the carving material for them
Gets straight to work with setting up and preparing
Ends up making a very complex and precise design
You stare in awe at the finished product and she just shrugs it off like it’s nothing, but you can see a slight smirk on her face
You accidentally fling some of the pumpkin guts from yours onto her and she takes it as a challenge
You both end up having to clean the entire room of guts and seeds by the end of it
While picking up sections she continues to throw scraps at you so it takes longer to clean than it should have
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟
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You carve with her and her boys
She makes sure to get extra utensils and pumpkins when if the boys end up breaking things
She has to supervise the competition that they make into who can carve the best pumpkin
You continue to carve by yourselves when she ushers the boys to bed
You chat, quietly, as you finish up the designs you’re making
Decorates the porch with all of the pumpkins carved
Uses magic to make the pumpkins look like they’re glowing 24/7 and also so they’ll last until after Halloween
You clean up everything together at the end when it’s all finished
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all photos used were found on pinterest ❤️
buy me a coffee ♡
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souliebird · 1 month
[[and then I met you || ch 26]]
Series: Daredevil || Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader || Rating: Explicit
A one-night stand years ago gave you a daughter and you are now able to put a name to her father – Matthew Murdock. Everything is about to change again as you navigate trying to integrate your life with that of the handsome and charming blind lawyer’s and Matt realizes he needs to not only protect his new family from Hell's Kitchen, but from the world.
chapter masterlist
Words: 3.6k
ao3 link
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Depression is a funny little emotion.
It starts as a seed planted in your stomach by some inconsequential action that slowly grows throughout the day until it is strangling you. Tendrils sprout and creep up your sternum, creeping through your airway and constricting your lungs, making it just a little harder to breathe. Your chest feels tight and no amount of closing your eyes and counting slowly will make the feeling go away. The vines go for your heart next - weaving between the arteries and veins and squeezing until you are hyper aware of every beat it makes. 
You know you cannot let anyone know what germinates inside of you, so for hours and hours and hours do you pretend you can function properly. You ignore how heavy your heart feels or how much your throat stings. You turn off the urge to cry and scream and beg because you know there is no point to it. There is no relief. No amount of comfort will free you from the jungle forming inside of you. All you can do is wait.
Wait until you are finally alone, and the growth is finally allowed to bloom in your brain. Thorns pierce you, pumping their poison into your thoughts. Sap leaks from your eyes as stems force their way up your throat until leaves sprout from your mouth. You are consumed from the inside out until you are a hollow husk of a person.
And who would want to be around that?
Who would want you?
No one is the answer.
 It has always been no one. 
Your parents were the first to show you the truth. There was no care or comfort in your childhood - you were set aside and ignored.
You’ve never blamed them for this. As much as it hurt and as much as it messed with your self-worth, you’ve always understood they were not meant to be parents. You are sure they loved you in their own way, but the lack of affection left your soul to wilt.
College was no better. You made a few friends but quickly learned the meaning of superficial. They did not have time for your awkwardness and personal issues - this was their time to grow and blossom. So, you buried yourself in your studies and were always grateful when they were kind enough to invite you somewhere. 
When you started having romantic relationships they warped your mind even more. A few sweet words would lure you in, then you would become a caretaker and a warm body. Their needs were always top priority and yours were never to be acknowledged. You were strung along to a breaking point or told you were no longer needed, even when you were still heart eyed over them.
A few rounds of this showed you your niche in the world. 
You’re a background character. A friend of a friend’s girlfriend. A one-night stand. Minnie’s mom. 
You don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. You are meant to assist others - meant to raise your daughter to her full potential. 
You’ve long accepted this, which makes it all that much harder when Matt smiles at you like he does. 
You believe he cares for you - he is full of love - but you know there isn’t anything deeper in it. 
You are the mother of his child, a child he is head over heels for - it is natural for him to grow affectionate towards you. He finds you physically and sexually attractive and you yearn for that.
But you know you are nothing but a placeholder.
You have his attention now and you want to bask in it, but next week, next year, or maybe in two years, that attention will move onto someone who deserves it. Someone who is exciting as he is - someone who is smart and passionate. Someone who understands his life and what being Daredevil entails. Someone who cares about the injustices on the streets and does something about it.
Someone who isn’t broken. 
Someone who isn’t a shell going through the motions. 
Someone who isn’t you.
You want to cover your ears and pretend you don’t know the truth. You want to bury yourself in the three little words you thought you heard, but you know you can’t. 
You can’t do that to yourself again. You can’t handle another heartbreak. Another disappointment.
Another reminder you are Nothing. 
You can allow yourself to enjoy your time - enjoy the touches and kisses and moans - but your heart must remain locked away. 
Matt can have all of you but that. If you allow yourself to have hope it will hurt all the more when you have to let him go. 
And you’ll let him go easily when that time comes. You’ll step aside without a fight because his relationship with Minnie is more important than you will ever be, and you are not going to be the reason for a rift between them. You are not going to deny Matt time with his daughter because his destiny is with someone else. 
It will hurt, but it has never mattered if you hurt.
You just want them to be happy.
The progress bar on your screen is finally full and you now have the option to select ‘continue with install’. You click on the button, then warily eye your laptop as new windows pop up with technical information you do not care about. 
Work is pushing a bunch of new updates through their system, and because you are remote, you have to play IT to get your machine up to spec. They sent you an email with everything you need to do, which is to sit back and click a few prompts, but they failed to mention the process would take hours and that your laptop would be useless during that time. 
It is nearing two in the morning, and you are starting to run out of steam and patience. 
Between installs and reboots, you have cleaned pretty much everything in your apartment that you could without risking waking Minnie up. You did dishes and dusted. You cleaned out the pantry and washed the windows. You even swept the carpet to get out any lingering dog hair.
You’ve tried to sit and watch something, but it left you fidgety and you couldn’t pay attention to what was being said and you had no chance in hell of following a plot. You attempted to play around on your phone, but you became angry at yourself for not having the funds to buy things that were advertised to you. After Minnie’s birthday and your hospital bill, your bank account was getting dangerously low.
You want to turn off your brain and do your job. You don’t have to Think when combing through orders and producing invoices. 
You don’t want to Think anymore. You are so tired of Thinking. 
You slump into your chair and bury your face into your hands. You’ve got no way to calculate how much longer all this technical setup is going to take or how much longer you are going to have to stay up. The only relief you have is knowing you are being paid for this time, since the email specifically told you to be on the clock while running everything. 
You debate going over to the couch and trying to nap. You could set an alarm so you can periodically check on your computer, but you might disturb your sleeping toddler. The alert could be set to vibrate only, but would that wake you up if you really fell asleep?
Your only solution is to stay awake and try to find something to do to distract yourself. 
As you start to consider deep cleaning the linen closet, your phone lights up with a call from an unsaved number. It takes but a moment for you to recognize the sequence and your heart leaps into your throat as you answer.
“You’re up late,” Matt teases as a greeting, his voice a few octaves lower than normal and sending a delightful sort of chill up your spine. “Working hard?”
“Hardly working,” you groan in response, but the mere fact he is calling has your lips turning up into a small smile. “My computer is doing updates and I’m waiting for it to finish. It’s been going for hours.”
Matt hums in sympathy and you wonder if he is just getting home. The fact he is a superhero is still very hard for your mind to wrap around. Sweet Matt, who lets his daughter put star stickers all over his face, is the same man who so routinely breaks people’s arms that local ER staff have a monthly betting pool about it - a little fact you learned from Karen. The man in videos dangling someone off a high rise or a bridge is the same man who becomes a clingy octopus when asleep. 
You understand his need to protect the city and you admire it, but fear and uncertainty gather in your belly when you think about Matt out on the rooftops. You are terrified of him getting hurt, despite the fact you trust him and his abilities. You know there is always a bigger threat out there as well as the possibility of an accident. Matt may be amazing, but he can’t fight a random act of God.
Three light knocks from behind you rip your thoughts and you turn in your chair to see Daredevil, in all his red suit glory, standing on your fire escape. He cheekily waves at you as he snaps his flip phone shut and stores it in a hidden pocket. You scramble up and over to the window, yanking it open. He waits patiently, though a bit smugly by the smirk on his lips, as you figure out how to remove the screen. He climbs through with ease and once he is inside, he starts removing his gloves and helmet.
“What are you doing here?” you ask as you close the window again. You aren’t opposed to him coming by, but this is the first time he’s done so, and you aren’t exactly sure of the protocol. Is it a social visit? Does he have some Daredevil news to share with you?
Before he replies, he shakes his head much like a wet dog would. His hair is damp with sweat and the skin that was previously covered is glistening. There is a slight tint of red to his usual paleness and you wonder if he is hot to the touch as well. You try not to squirm at the thought.
“I always check on you before ending patrol,” he finally says, like it is the most obvious thing in the world. He sets his helmet, gloves, and batons on the window-blocking table, then steps to you, reaching up to cup your cheeks when close enough. “I need to make sure my girls are okay.” 
The words come out of him so easily and you want to melt into them like you do with his touch, but your mind is quick to remind you that you’ve given him reason to have to check up on you. This isn’t him being sweet - it is him making sure you haven’t somehow managed to kill yourself. 
Before you can mentally chastise yourself and pull away, Matt is closing the distance. He brings you into a sweet and slow kiss and for a few wonderful moments, your mind goes quiet. His lips are so soft against yours and you can just barely taste the salt from the sweat that has dripped down his face. It ends far too soon, and you try to tell yourself you are not disappointed.
Your thoughts kick back into hyper drive, and as you notice how damp Matt’s hair really is you imagine he would appreciate some cold water. You gently pull away from him, turning as you do to head towards the kitchen. 
“Did anything interesting happen tonight?”
“Nothing out of the usual,” he answers as he moves to follow you. “There was a kid breaking into cars that stuck out, though. He should probably be on his school’s track team if he isn’t already - he made me work to be able to catch him. It was actually a little impressive.”
That would explain the sweat then. It is already warm out and racing through the streets in leather sounds exhausting. It makes you want to shower just hearing about it.
You find Matt’s designated cup and fill it using the pitcher in the fridge. As you pass it over to him, you question, “what did you do once you caught him?”
He doesn’t answer, instead taking the water and downing it all in just a few gulps. Since it is clear he is in need of it, you quickly refill the glass.
“I gave him a warning and let him go,” Matt says after taking another sip, “He seemed like a good kid just getting into the wrong things. I think being chased by the Devil will scare him off crime, at least for a while.”
That warms your heart a little - you like Matt’s sense of justice and how he does not have a hard stance on what is black and white. He truly wants to help the community and not rule it. 
You have to turn away as he drinks his second glass of water. You want those brief moments of mental silence back and watching his throat work only makes you want to kiss him again. You think he wouldn’t mind it if you threw yourself at him, but it isn’t the time or place, and honestly you are a bit scared of the idea that has that kind of effect on you. 
It is something to crave and ask for and get addicted to. If he can turn off your brain so easily, all you will want to do is touch him.
Ever on high alert, you see Matt roll his neck and shoulders as he goes to put his glass into the sink. The movements look a little stiff and anxiety takes hold as you hyper analyze every movement he makes, “Are you alright?”
He pauses at the question, clearly confused by it. He tilts his head back and forth in minute ways like he does when he’s searching for something before answering you. 
“Why do you ask?”
You feel yourself start to flush at the counter, feeling a little silly. If there was anything actually wrong with him, he has a competent nurse on call, but you can’t stop your worry. It courses through you like your blood and you know it will fester and nag if you have any doubt. But you are still hesitant as you vaguely motion to your own neck, “I don’t know, you were out all night. I just…I want to make sure you’re, okay?”
You know that Matt is analyzing you, listening for something you’ll never hear. His lips dip into a frown for a microsecond before lifting up into that soft, beautiful smile you are becoming so fond of. “I’m fine, darling. Just a little stiff is all. It’s hard to have good posture when crouching on a rooftop.”
You take in the words, and you can easily picture Matt on the edge of a building, sitting like a gargoyle. It does ease your own tension that he isn’t injured, but your head just keeps spinning. 
Matt came all the way into Chelsea to check on you, the least you could do is make it worth his while. Offering yourself up for sex doesn’t feel appropriate at the moment, but you have more up your sleeve than just that.
The words tumble out of you before the idea is fully formed, “Do you want a massage?”
The shock on Matt’s face is nearly priceless. His brows shoot up his forehead and his mouth parts just slightly and a small voice in the back of your head wonders if anyone has ever offered him one before. You know his upbringing was as barren as yours, but given he is a fighter, you would have guessed someone would have given him one. 
Finally, he nods, his smile starting to come back, “That sounds amazing. If it’s okay with you - I know it’s getting late.”
“I’ll be up anyways,” you tell him quickly, not wanting him to think it is any inconvenience to you. “And it sounds more enjoyable than more cleaning.”
“Okay.” His boyish grin gets even bigger, and your stomach does a funny twist. “Where do you want me?”
You direct him to sit in front of the couch, on the ground, and as he removes the top half of his armor, you go to fetch wet wipes and lotion. You do not want to be rubbing Matt’s sweat all over his back - you are going to be trying to help him relax and that is a little bit disgusting. 
As you come back to the living room, you have to remind yourself you aren’t supposed to throw yourself at him. It is not fair how good he looks shirtless - he’s well defined and muscular, but not so overly buff it is gross. It’s clear his muscles are for athletics and not to show off how cool he is. His scars only emphasize that. You have no idea how he got them all, but you very much want to lay him down and run your tongue over each and every one. 
Your view changes as Matt plops himself down in front of the couch, seemingly unaware of your various mental crises. You tell yourself to Behave before your feet start moving again. When you get to the couch, you maneuver yourself to be behind Matt and have to bat away all your thoughts again at the sight of his shoulders.  
You force yourself to focus on the task in front of you. As you grab the wet wipe to start cleaning off Matt’s back, you advise him, “Let me know if I go too hard or if anything starts to hurt, okay?”
Beneath your hands, he huffs, “Darling, I don’t think you’ll be able to hurt me. If anything, the harder, the better.”
Your face heats up a little at his words. You remember he said something similar when over you on the couch just a few nights ago. He likes things a little rough. 
Once his shoulders are mostly sweat free, you get to work. 
You start with smoothing your hands down his neck, then fanning out to the edge of his shoulders and back. You aren’t exactly an expert at this, but long ago in college, one ex liked to play video games while you rubbed his shoulders and you had done your fair share of research to make sure you were doing it right. You still remember most of the tips. 
You add some of Minnie’s scent free baby lotion to your hands, then dig your thumbs into Matt’s neck. The muscles are tight and as you begin to push and pull at them, a deep, pleased groan comes from the man under you.
“Mmm, that feels so good.”
You can’t help but smile at the praise and it only encourages you to make sure the entire experience is enjoyable. 
It is surprisingly easy for you to get completely lost in the massage. You focus in on one area and mentally picture different little arrows telling you to rub up this way or swirl your thumbs in a certain motion. Matt’s shoulders quickly become a grid for you to complete and not a laborious task of trying to bond. 
Under your unskilled fingers, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen melts. Whenever you find a knot - and there are many - he grunts and sighs and you can tell he is starting to relax. The tension in his shoulders fade and you actually get to see the moment his jaw unclenches. He opens his mouth and scrunches his nose, making the apples of his cheeks plump up. You peek at the television to catch his reflection and your heart warms at the pleased look on his face.
You wonder if it would be possible to get him to fall asleep like this and decide that is a challenge for another day. Right now, you want to pamper him. 
You slowly work your fingers back up towards his neck, then decide to take a chance based on what you know he likes. 
As you reach his hairline, you tilt your fingers forward so your nails are against his skin, then begin to slowly scritch at his scalp like he’s an overgrown cat. 
The results are instantaneous. Matt pushes his head into the touch, a low guttural moan coming up from his throat. 
It is Filthy. It goes right to your core, making you clench around nothing, and you can’t stop yourself from asking in a soft, teasing voice, “Feel good?”
He hums in an affirmative, tilting his head back far enough that he needs to lean against the couch for support. You keep your fingers where they are, as it's clear he is trying to direct you to where it feels the best - the top of his head. You scritch there, smiling as you fluff up his hair even more. 
Matt looks absolutely blissed out - his eyes are closed, his lips are parted, and you are pretty sure if you keep at this, he might just turn into Jello. 
Which is exactly what you want. 
He works so hard for everyone, running himself into the ground to bring justice to Hell’s Kitchen, and you think he needs some time to just relax. 
So, you begin to plan.
As you gently drag your nails through Matt’s hair, you let your mind begin to think up ideas for a nice family spa day while your laptop and dark thoughts sit on the dining room table, forgotten about.
tag list:
@two-unbeatable-beaters @kiwwia-wiwwia @1988-fiend @xblueriddlex @loves0phelia @ninacotte @lovelyygirl8 @littlenosoul @ednaaa-04  @ astridstark13
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bellaxgiornata · 29 days
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A Favor from the Devil |Chapter Five|
Pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!Mom!Reader Word Count: 4.5k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/tags: 18+; Domestic abuse, depictions/mentions of sexual assault, struggles with past trauma, canon-typical violence, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut (possibly more warnings to come)
a/n: Another update to this little series that I'm really enjoying working on! Feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
Tag list: @kee-0-kee @dethspllz @a-half-empty-g1rl @senjoritanana @kezibear @sleepysleepymom @danzer8705 @scriptedmoon @flowher @wanda-maxamommy @guccicloudz @loves0phelia @withasideofmeg @mattmurdock-wife24 @sarraa-26 @mylastarrival @mdanon027 @kmc1989 @abiisscared @dreamtofus @rebeccapineapple @peterman-spideyparker @littlenosoul @writtenbyred
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Rubbing at your tired eyes, they’d begun to burn from staring at your computer screen all day long. The mindless data entry you'd been doing for most of the day had been turning your brain to mush, your eyes frequently glancing down at the corner of your screen to check the time. You were dying for your shift to end so you could pick Evie up from preschool and go relax at home for the evening. 
Secretly you were also hoping to hear that her second week at preschool had started off better than her first. You'd already been told by her teacher that she'd been very quiet all of last week, barely speaking unless she absolutely needed to. And it sounded like her lack of speech was affecting her opportunities for making friends in her class, which had only broken your heart to hear. Because every mother just wanted their kids to succeed and be happy, yet here your daughter was seemingly miserable and struggling. 
Jaw tightening, your eyelids slowly lowered. All your fault , the voice in your head reminded you. She's like this because of you .
“If I have to stare at a spreadsheet any longer I'm going to lose my damn mind.”
Your eyes flew back open at the familiar voice of Amira behind you. She'd become your only real friend in the city ever since you’d moved here and gotten your job and you always welcomed a free moment to chat with her at work.
Pushing your chair away from your small desk, you turned it around to see her leaning against the entrance to your cubicle. She was raising a mug of steaming tea up to her lips which were stained a dark purple today. 
“Gary in the bathroom?” you asked her.
Swallowing down her sip of tea, she nodded before a grin spread on her face. “Of course he is,” she told you. “I swear that man shits at the same time every day.”
Biting your lip, you fought down a laugh. She wasn't wrong, though. Your boss always kept a tight schedule–even when it came to his bathroom breaks. 
“Gives us time to catch up, though,” she said. “And I hope your weekend was more eventful than mine because I did nothing but clean and wished I'd won the lottery so I didn’t have to come back to this damn place.”
You shrugged in response. “Not really anything interesting to share on my end,” you told her. “Found a park near our building that I brought Evie to play at. Did some cleaning and some grocery shopping, then I brought Evie to the library for Sunday morning story time. That's about it.”
“Hmm,” Amira hummed out, glancing down at her mug as she tapped a finger thoughtfully along the side of it. “Sounds about as eventful as my weekend.”
You watched as she brought the mug to her lips and took another drink. As she did, your eyes slid over to the clock on the wall behind her. You still had twenty minutes left.
“What about your love life?” Amira asked. “Anything more going on with that?”
A bitter laugh fell out of you as your attention returned to Amira. Shaking your head, you tried to stifle the humorless sound.
“You know I'm not looking for a relationship,” you reminded her. “That's the absolute last thing I want right now.”
“So you mean to tell me if some man asked you out, you wouldn't even consider it?” she asked. “I mean, I'm sure you've got needs, you know?”
You glanced down at your hands that were now fidgeting in your lap. “That's not exactly a priority in my life anymore,” you told her. “And I'm not sure I could even trust someone to get that close again anyway. Besides, the only man who's taken an interest in me is my weird neighbor from across the hall.”
“Oh?” Amira asked, instantly perking up. “Why's he weird?”
“I don't know, I somehow just keep running into him,” you answered with another shrug. “It's just odd. And he's always so…friendly?”
“Like friendly friendly?” she asked. “Or like I'm-going-to-peep-through-your-panty-drawer-when-you're-not-home friendly?”
You shook your head, your mind returning to your neighbor and that damn charming smile of his that he always threw your way. You still weren't entirely sure what to make of him. He'd seemed sincerely concerned when you'd encountered him on the roof that one night, even though you figured there was no way he could know that it was you he'd talked to briefly. And he had brought you that lasagna, which as weird as that had been, you couldn't deny it wasn't a nice gesture. Assuming it really was a no strings attached lasagna.
“I don't know,” you answered. “I haven't exactly figured it out, but I'm also not really interested in trying to, either. As long as he leaves Evie and I alone, I don't really care. But he…brought us a lasagna last week.”
“He did what now?” Amira asked, suddenly straightening up. 
“He brought us over an entire lasagna,” you repeated. “Apparently he's a lawyer that does a lot of pro bono work in Hell's Kitchen and I guess his firm often gets paid in food? So he brought us a literal whole lasagna.”
Amira's head tilted to the side, her eyes narrowing curiously back at you as her finger began tapping against her mug again.
“Is he one of the men from Nelson, Murdock, and Page?” she questioned.
“That sounds about right,” you answered.
“Alright girl, now you need to tell me which man it is. Nelson or Murdock?” she pressed. “Cause they are both fine as hell and I've only ever heard good things about them.”
“Murdock, I think?” you answered, brow furrowing in thought. “He said his name was Matthew?”
Amira let out a long, low whistle that only had the crease between your furrowed brows growing. A bright smile lit up her face immediately at the look of confusion that landed on your own. 
“Are you telling me,” she began, “that Matthew Murdock, the hottest lawyer in the goddamn Kitchen with a heart as big as his ass, is your weird and friendly neighbor?”
“Yes?” you replied hesitantly. 
Amira barked out a laugh, shaking her head. “I would let that man peep through my panty drawer while I'm home if he was my neighbor. Are you kidding me? That man is sexy as hell and with all the things I've heard about him in bed?”
You pulled a face at her comment, your nose immediately scrunching up. If his sexual prowess had somehow landed in your co-worker’s ears then you could only imagine what that said about him. Good in bed or not, that definitely didn’t brighten your view of the man.
“So he sleeps around, I assume?” you asked her, a look of disdain still on your face. “Because then I can completely assure you that he's absolutely not my type.”
Amira sent you a stern, serious look, her laughter immediately fading. “I think he'd be great for you, actually,” she said matter-of-factly. “He's a kind-hearted man who'd fuck you senseless and then leave you be. What more could you want?”
“The just being left alone part?” you half-joked. “Seriously, I don't care what he looks like or how good in bed he is, I don't want anyone, Mira. I've got enough on my mind as it is.”
“You're right,” she agreed, tone softening. “In all seriousness, how've you been holding up?”
Leaning back in your chair, you exhaled a long sigh. You were close with Amira, and she understood quite a bit about your situation, but you still weren't about to be entirely honest with her. It wasn’t necessary for her to know absolutely everything about your past.
“I've been alright,” you answered. “Things are going as good as they can, I guess. Wish this job would give me a raise so I could afford living here, but I'm making it work.”
“How're the nightmares?” Amira asked.
You shrugged. “I don't think Evie is having nightmares exactly, they're more like–”
“I meant you,” she cut in, shooting you a knowing look. “I imagine you have them, considering what you’ve been through.”
You could feel your throat closing up and your mouth going dry at the fact that she’d been able to see right through you so easily. How she kept managing to do that remained a mystery to you. Hands beginning to tug at the hem of your blouse, your attention returned to where they fidgeted once more in your lap. 
“I'm–I'm fine,” you lied. “I'm managing.”
“You know, I think you'd benefit from some self-defense classes,” Amira said slowly. “Probably make you feel a whole lot safer at least. Have you considered something like that?”
“You know I can't afford self-defense classes,” you told her quietly. “I'm lucky to pay rent on time and put some food on the table as it is. Anything extra goes to Evie.”
Amira opened her mouth, clearly about to say more, but her eyes darted over the top of your cubicle. A frown settled on her lips as her eyes narrowed and you immediately recognized what that look meant.
“Appears his bathroom break is over,” she grumbled, pushing off of your cubicle wall. “Guess that's my cue to pretend I'm busy until we can get the hell out of here.”
You sent her a strained smile before she ducked out of your cubicle. Slowly turning your chair around back towards your desk, you sighed in defeat as your work glared back at you on the screen. Eyes darting down to the clock on your computer, your shoulders dropped when you saw you still had fifteen minutes left. 
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The elevator felt like it was moving exceptionally slow this evening, partly because you were eager to get back to your apartment and change out of your work clothes already, and partly because the lift had been fairly crowded tonight with everyone else coming home from work. 
As you impatiently waited for the elevator to make its multiple stops on its ascent to the top floor, Evie silently held your hand, her eyes remaining fixed on the numbers changing above the doors each time it stopped at a new floor. She’d barely spoken more than four times on your entire walk home. From what you’d gathered from the lopsided conversation, this week of preschool had started off about the same as her previous one, which had only further dampened your mood after the long day at work. So when the doors of the elevator had finally opened onto the sixth floor and you’d stepped out of it with Evie in tow, you weren't thrilled to see that not only was your strange, friendly neighbor in the hallway, but he was in the hallway with two other people. 
Your hand gripped Evie’s tighter in yours as you reluctantly began to make your way down the hall towards your apartment and inevitably towards the small group that was chatting in front of your neighbor’s door. You desperately hoped you’d be able to get away with just giving them a polite smile before ducking inside your apartment, but your hopes were dashed the moment the pretty blonde woman on your neighbor’s left spotted you passing the door to 6C and making your way ever closer to them. 
“Oh, Matt, I think your neighbor is actually home!” she exclaimed. “What perfect timing!”
Briefly pausing midstep, your eyes grew wide in fright at being acknowledged by the little group. What could they possibly have wanted with you ? Trying to regain your composure, you plastered a stiff smile on your face, but your pulse increased the second your neighbor’s covered gaze fixed on you. It felt as if he was looking right at you, almost as if he knew exactly where you were walking as you finished making your way down the hallway. The gentleman on his other side turned at the waist, focusing his attention on you next. You wished that you could drag Evie straight through the wall into your apartment with how uncomfortable all three sets of eyes were currently making you feel. You heard Matthew say your name and the hair on your forearms rose at the impending conversation.
“Yeah?” you answered awkwardly, pausing in front of your door.
Directly across the hall, Matthew took one step towards you before holding out a hand. Eyes darting down at what he was offering you, your brows shot up onto your forehead in surprise when you noticed it was a plate of peanut butter cookies covered in cling wrap. Beside you, you heard the excited inhale from Evie just before she began ecstatically tugging at your hand. 
So he hadn’t forgotten the cookies he’d mentioned to your daughter a few days ago when he had dropped off that lasagna. You’d entirely expected him to, but now you supposed you’d at least give him credit for not crushing her hopes. She’d certainly excitedly mentioned the cookies he’d promised to you a few times over the duration of the weekend, and you’d tried your best to prepare her for disappointment when he inevitably forgot that he’d ever brought them up. But here he was proving you wrong and not disappointing your daughter like so many others would have.
“If I recall,” Matthew began, a broad smile on his face, “I think I owe someone peanut butter cookies today. If that’s still alright with your mother, of course.”
Evie’s head immediately darted up in your direction, her eyes big and pleading. “Please, mama?”
You knew there was absolutely no way you were about to deny her and decline the baked goods, especially after having already agreed to accept them in the first place. Trying to maintain that strained smile on your face, you briefly released Evie’s hand and cautiously took the two steps across the hall to accept the plate from Matthew’s outstretched hand. Your heart was pounding loudly in your ears the whole time, your body begging you to just get inside and away from this situation already. 
“Thank you,” you replied quietly, taking those two steps immediately backwards towards your door and grabbing Evie’s hand again. “I know Evie appreciates that you remembered her.”
Matthew had opened his mouth to reply, but your daughter shocked the both of you when she spoke before he’d even had the opportunity to get a single word out. Your eyes flew to her in surprise the moment you’d heard her voice.
“Thank you, Mr. Murdock,” she said.
For a second you stood there dumbfounded, holding the plate of cookies in one hand as you stared down at your daughter. She had intentionally raised her voice when she'd spoken, speaking loud enough to be heard–something that wasn't common for your daughter because she often spoke so softly whenever she did speak. As you openly gaped down at her, you saw that she was even smiling up at him, wearing a smile so bright you couldn’t even recall the last time you’d seen one like it on her face. 
“You’re very welcome, Evie,” Matthew replied, having focused on the place where she stood when she’d spoken. “Maybe another day I can bring you something else from the office. Assuming, of course, your mother is okay with it.”
His attention returned to you and you immediately began shaking your head. Whatever this was, you weren't about to begin accepting his constant charity. Or worse–to feel like you owed him something in return after the conversation you'd had with Amira earlier today. You absolutely weren’t about to sleep with your neighbor to thank him for his kindness.
“Oh, no, really,” you began, “This was plenty already. You don't need to bring us anything else.”
“Mrs. Anderson makes a mean cherry pie,” the gentleman beside Matthew said, drawing your eyes towards him. “You might not want to say no until you’ve tasted it. It will quite literally change the way you see the world.”
You shot him a tight, friendly smile as you once more shook your head. “I’m sure it’s great,” you continued politely, “but really, that’s alright. We don’t–”
“Who’s that?” 
You stopped short at the sound of Evie’s question. Head shifting over your shoulder, you saw Evelynn’s little hand pointing across the hall. Following her finger’s path, you saw she was pointing at a newspaper partially folded beneath the blonde woman’s arm. The woman looked startled before she glanced down at the newspaper tucked against her body. 
“Oh,” she exclaimed softly, slowly beginning to pull it out from beneath her arm.
She glanced down at the front page before exchanging a look with the man on Matthew’s left immediately afterwards. Something strange and tense seemed to settle among the three of them as they stood across the hall from you. Clearing her throat, the woman quickly plastered a smile on her face before she turned, bending partially over and holding out the picture on the front page of the paper for Evie to see. 
“You mean the man in this photograph?” she asked. 
Evie nodded quickly, her eyes wide and glued to the image that you couldn’t quite see at this angle. 
“That’s Daredevil,” the woman answered.
You briefly caught a note of something strange in the way she’d replied, but the thought completely left your mind when Evie whipped around towards you, her finger still pointing to the paper.
“That’s him, mama!” she shouted. 
Pulling a face, you shook your head in confusion. “That’s who, cricket?” you asked.
“The man!” she exclaimed. “On the roof!”
“What?” you asked.
The woman straightened, a smile on her lips as she showed you the paper. Your eyes narrowed, squinting at the dark and somewhat blurry image of a man in a costume crouched on a roof. You could vaguely make out the shape of something like horns on his helmet. 
Eyes flying up toward the woman, panic rose within you. If this psycho was real, then there really was a man out on the rooftops that your daughter had been seeing. Which was a completely horrifying thought.
“Who is that?” you nearly demanded. “The deranged man running around in a devil suit?”
“Oh, uh,” the woman stammered, clearly taken by surprise. “Daredevil isn’t–he's not crazy. He's just uh–”
“Kind of like a superhero who beats up bad guys,” the man next to Matthew quickly cut in. “Though technically he is considered a vigilante.”
Quirking a brow at him, you shook your head in disbelief. “A superhero vigilante?” you asked skeptically. “What do you mean?”
“He’s known to protect Hell’s Kitchen,” your neighbor’s smooth voice cut in, your eyes drawn back towards him. “You don’t have to be afraid of him, though. I can assure you, it’s well known that he’s never harmed anyone that wasn’t a criminal.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, eyes narrowing at him, “but there’s a madman dressed as a devil running around on the rooftops near my daughter’s bedroom at night and you think I have nothing to worry about?”
“He’s more like a protector, not a lunatic!” the other man told you. “He protects the people of Hell’s Kitchen specifically. He’s rescued all kinds of people from human traffickers, he’s stopped various gangs–”
“He even saved my life,” the blonde added, a hesitant smile on her face. “Once or twice.”
“And he’s helped our law firm put bad men away,” your neighbor said. “I can assure you, he’s not a danger to you or your daughter. No matter how…startling it is to hear your daughter say that she’s seen him outside of her window.”
Jaw tightening, your eyes darted around the three of them, scrutinizing them closely. It was strange how quick they were to defend this costumed lunatic. You also weren’t thrilled at the prospect of a violent man running around outside your apartment at night while you and your daughter slept. How were you supposed to believe his violence was any different than Daniel’s? How could you trust he wouldn’t break into your apartment and hurt either of you? How could you know he was safe?
“I told you.” 
Evie’s small voice broke through your thoughts, your attention returning down towards her. She was smiling proudly up at you, the sight only further confusing you.
“Told me what, cricket?” you asked.
“He protects us,” she answered.
Frowning, you found you weren’t entirely sure what to make of the masked vigilante that this city seemed to respect, especially after the comments these three had made. And you didn’t quite understand why your daughter wasn’t afraid of him and repeatedly kept seeing him at night–something that made you more uncomfortable now knowing he wasn’t imaginary. 
But you knew there was nothing you or the three people across from you could do about this Daredevil, and you really wanted to end this interaction already. Clearing your throat, you glanced back over at Matthew. There was a conflicted twist to the shape of his mouth, the corners a bit downturned. You ignored it, the feeling of your growing panic the only thing that mattered right now.
“Thank you for the cookies,” you said tersely, “but I should probably get Evie inside and make dinner. I hope you have a good evening.”
You turned your back on the three of them, releasing Evie’s hand so you could dig the apartment key out of your purse. In a hurry you began to unlock your apartment door, not remotely surprised when you heard your neighbor behind you.
“I hope you both enjoy your evening as well,” he replied. “And like I said, I’m just across the hall if you ever need anything.”
Biting the inside of your cheek, you pushed your door open without a backwards glance or another word. You ushered Evie quickly inside your apartment before you darted in after her, locking the door and the deadbolt behind you.
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“Seriously, man?” Foggy asked in exasperation. “Her little girl has already been seeing you out on the roof? They’ve only been here a week, Matt! You need to be more careful!”
“I thought I was being careful!” Matt shot back, pacing in front of his apartment windows with his hands on his hips. “I didn’t think she’d caught me the first night when I’d been on their fire escape, but she must be seeing me when I’m heading back home at night.”
“You do need to be more cautious,” Karen warned from the couch. “You don’t need her to see you heading back into your apartment. That could be dangerous.”
Foggy let out a low groan, his body slumping forward in one of the armchairs. Matt ran a hand across his mouth, feeling a little rush of panic inside of himself. He really hadn’t realized your daughter had been so aware of him coming home in the evenings. She was surprisingly observant. 
“The last thing we need,” Foggy complained, “is for your neighbor to realize who Daredevil really is and to take that information to the authorities. That’s dangerous information that could get you killed, Matt. Or disbarred and imprisoned. Hell, it could get all of us disbarred and sent to prison!”
Matt shook his head, still continuing his pacing. “That won’t happen, Fog. I won’t let it, don’t worry,” he assured him.
“Well,” Karen began slowly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ears, “at least her daughter trusts Daredevil. Even if her mother thinks he’s batshit crazy. I suppose that’s something. I don’t know what, but it’s something.”
“Not helping,” Matt grumbled. “I don’t need her to be more terrified in her apartment than she already is. I imagine her being put further on edge won’t make it any easier for me to get closer to her.”
“Matt, buddy, did you ever think that maybe she won’t want your help?” Foggy questioned. “Maybe you should just, I don’t know, let this one go? You can’t help everyone, dude. I mean, she seemed pretty cold at the end of that conversation out there.”
“She seemed scared,” Karen softly corrected, her attention focusing on Foggy. “She was scared, not cold, Foggy. There’s a difference.”
Matt came to a stop at the edge of his rug, his hands readjusting the waistband of his dress pants. He’d felt your fear the moment your daughter had recognized Daredevil as the man she’d apparently been seeing at night in that newspaper. It was just as strong of a rush of the feeling through your body as when you’d first seen him in the hallway. Daredevil terrified you.
“Karen’s right,” Matt told Foggy. “I could feel her fear. Someone has her afraid. And the thought of some other violent man running around the city at night only seemed to scare her further. Something is going on, and I’m not going to stop until I figure out what.”
“ No ,” Matt nearly growled the word out, immediately quieting Foggy. “Don’t you tell me to let this go. They’re a part of Hell’s Kitchen, Fog. And I’m going to make sure they’re safe. Because no one hurts the people of my city. I won’t allow it.”
“Alright,” Foggy relented, nodding his head slowly. “Okay. I hear you, Matt. I just worry you’re going to drive her away in your best attempts to do the opposite is all. She seems quite set on keeping you at a distance.”
Foggy wasn’t wrong. Matt knew you were repeatedly pushing him away at every opportunity he took to get closer. And he was afraid of pushing a little too hard and having the opposite effect of what he was after. But your daughter, somehow, seemed to be reacting to him differently now. That first night when you’d both run into him in the hall after moving in, she’d matched your terror. But tonight…he hadn’t felt her fear towards him. Or towards Karen and Foggy. Though you were still putting your walls up. 
“He protects us.”
Your daughter’s words about Matt’s alter ego ran through his mind. She’d been so positive in that thought, he’d read it in the tone of her voice and the steady beat of her heart. She wasn’t afraid of Daredevil, not like you appeared to be. And hearing that from a scared little girl had somehow further softened him to the both of you in that moment. This was quickly becoming less a matter of Matt trying to do the right thing while attempting to keep the people of his city safe, and instead steadily becoming something personal to him. Even if he didn’t fully understand why exactly that was himself.
“I’ll figure it out,” Matt murmured, running a hand across his forehead. “Somehow, I’ll figure out how to get them to let me in so I can help.”
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