#mattsun steamy
eeclare · 1 year
Haikyuu Fic Master List pt. 2
Part 1 is just FULL of IwaOi so if that’s what you’re looking for click here
Part 3 is KuroKen and AsaNoya. If you’re interested, click here
We started off strong with part 1, and while there may not be as many for future pairings that I will rec for, trust that there will be a lot.
Hanamaki Takahiro x Matsukawa Issei
Kiss Cam (Pull Me In)
Word count: 4,327
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed
Summary: they sit together in the stands and watch the argentina vs japan match and curse everyone who didnt introduce them earlier because holy fuck
It’s so funny to me that Iwa and Oikawa wouldn’t let Maki and Matsun meet. Great start to this portion of the list.
Would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek <3
Word count: 3,943
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: au where matsukawa issei joins seijou a couple years late and falls in love at first sight. it's much the same on the other end. it takes hanamaki a while to admit it though
This one is love at first sight, fluff, and just cute. It is a common rec if you’re looking for MatsuHana but yeah. Def recommend.
Boyfriend jacket <3
Word count: 3,835
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Matsukawa Issei, self-proclaimed fashion critic, hates the Aoba Johsai school uniform with a burning passion.
The beginning of the punk Matsun hc
face the sun
Word count: 3,317
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki cashes in his ice cream date with Matsukawa and it's better than he expected.
Short and sweet, not much more to say about this
Something of a disaster
Word count: 1,405
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “This is the part where you make a wish and blow.” “Now, let’s not get too hasty—“ “I meant the candles you bastard.”
Cute lil bday fic. I like it and I think you will too :)
Try Before You Buy
Word count: 11,373
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Matsukawa took a deep breath to steady his nerves as he approached, the casual calm façade falling quickly into place as he crossed over the border of Hanamaki’s personal space, planting a ‘friendly’ kiss on his cheek. “Hi there, sweetheart.” He greeted teasingly, a smile appearing on his face as Hanamaki made a soft and rather fake squealing noise and held both hands to his faintly blushing cheeks.“Mattsun, stop, people will see us…!” Hanamaki looked away into the crowd and swatted Matsukawa’s chest with the folded magazine, the open page full of stylishly decorated cakes and sweets.
This one is sooooo good. It’s another one that’s recommended often enough, but this one contains a few and far between bottom Matsun which makes ur better.
who tops? <3
Word count: 1,904
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: neither of them want to admit that they are more submissive than the other so they make out to force each other to admit that they're the more dominant one
Mature cuz it gets just a lil steamy but this is a really good one and one that I reread often.
Wingman Watari <3
Word count: 22,481
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: It begins as an accident. Watari never planned on setting up all the members of his volleyball team, but, for some reason, it turns out he's the perfect matchmaker.
This is not just Maki and Matsun, there are a couple different pairings listed in the tags, but Maki and Matsun are the main pairing (technically speaking). This fic is so funny and cute and I love the Watari rep :D
Word count: 2,308
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Nobody likes to talk about how Hanamaki and Matsukawa met, which is a shame, because they both think it's the funniest fucking thing to ever happen to either of them.
This fic is SO funny. They truly are an iconic duo.
If You Do
Word count: 9,104
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Issei consults the internet for steadily worsening proposal ideas, Hajime has had enough, Tooru is surprisingly the most helpful in the most roundabout way, and Takahiro—well, actually, nobody really knows what Takahiro is thinking right now.
Maki and Matsun are known at this point for their funny fics and this one is no exception. I love their dynamic and the way Iwa and Oiks try to help but fail miserably lmao
This is getting Annoying Fast, Maki
Word count: 2,372
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki disease: for an unknown amount of time, Hanamaki Takahiro must go “eyyyy” whenever someone locks eyes with their crush. Thus, of course, it’s going to be pretty damn awkward for Sejioh’s volleyball team.
If most MatsuHana fics are funny, this one is Hilarious. Do yourself and favour and read this one!
Stolen Kisses <3
Word count: 2,649
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "What brute would steal a maiden's first kiss?" "I'm pretty sure you're not a maiden and that definitely wasn't your first kiss," Iwaizumi deadpanned.
This one is funny! I love it! And it’s cute!
Long Time, No See <3
Word count: 10,000
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 3/3
Summary: Hanamaki and Matsukawa broke up just before graduating Aobajousai, and haven't spoken since. A drunken call he doesn't remember, and suddenly the face that haunts him is there once again.
Heavy angst, you know, because it’s a break up/ getting back together AU.
three strikes, you’re out <3
Word count: 1,527
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "bro, is our entire team gay?" *muffled laughter* "bro" but mattsun and makki fail to realize that they themselves are gay, too
This one is super funny and fun to read! Truly the meme lords being oblivious idiots.
Break A Leg
Word count: 3,681
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Hanamaki thinks he might have a thing for legs (for a certain middle blocker’s legs, apparently).
I really have nothing to say other than it’s short kinda funny, and I like it lol
Foolish Mortals Welcome
Word count: 12,389
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki visits a club catering to those that are...hungry for something more.
This one is well written and monster(ish) porn. It’s lovely.
Boiled Frogs <3
Word count: 91,500
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 13/13
Summary: They've always been really close friends, but Hanamaki begins to question how close when Matsukawa begins dating someone else - someone else that doesn't treat him well. When he suspects that Matsukawa may be in an abusive relationship, Hanamaki realizes that opening his best friend's eyes to his situation may be harder than he had ever anticipated.
This is a fic that I’ve only been able to read once. It’s really upsetting as it features Matsukawa in an abusive relationship with an OC and it’s just really hard to read. But this IS a cult classic, which MatsuHana doesn’t get ever, so I think it’s a must read if it’s not too triggering. I also want to say that even though the rating is explicit, all the sex featured is completely consensual. Again, this is a sad fic but it’s so well written and incredibly well done. I really do love it.
Get a Lick of This
Word count: 3,064
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki's face pinches in obvious irritation before he opens his mouth. Right there, sitting in the middle of his swollen tongue, is a plain silver bead. The reactions vary greatly: Oikawa gives an awed little woah, Iwaizumi goes a little pale, and Matsukawa...Matsukawa is trying to figure out why he's suddenly sporting an erection.
This one is reallllly good. I do have a thing for piercing AUs tho..
Rated M for
Word count: 10,692
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Excuse me,” Hanamaki starts, raising a pen in the air while staring blankly at the packet in his free hand. “Just to clarify, you want me to record a boy's love CD with Matsukawa?”
Voice actor AU? Enemies to lovers? Hilarity? Yes. Good god, read this.
Kiss me Cause you Want to
Word count: 3,216
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “My ass is a lot of things, and you are definitely not thinking about how heavy it is right now.” Matsu cursed Makki for being 100% correct. “For real though, did you think I couldn’t feel you stare almost every single day during practise?” Hanamaki’s hand moved higher and tangled in Matsu’s soft, slightly spiky hair, ruffling the strands playfully before gripping it lightly. “Can you honestly say you’ve never thought about bending me over and just, I dunno, fucking me into tomorrow?”
It’s alright. I enjoyed it but I’m not as into it as most people were :) well written though
A Cat Brought Good Luck
Word count: 6,575
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: the one where Matsukawa's cat finds itself in Hanamaki's apartment and a love story unfurls because of that
This one is so cute! Pls read it, I’m a sucker for these kinds of fics
This isn’t exactly how I thought I’d be spending my adult years <3
Word count: 7,522
Rating: N/A
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: "I didn't sneeze." The guy looks a bit surprised. "What?" "I coughed." "So?" "Who the fuck says bless you when someone coughs?"
Hilarity ensues. I love this fic with my whole heart.
on the anatomy of crushes
Word count: 2,350
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: A part-by-part dissection of their relationship. Medical school AU.
Med students Maki and Matsun meet on the bus on the way to school. This one feels like there’s a lot of unresolved stuff going on between them by the time it ends but it’s a good fic :)
By the Time We Realized
Word count: 3,531
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: How Hanamaki Takahiro doesn't realize he's a little in love with his best friend until they're already kissing.
Companion piece to an IwaOi fic, this is really just good. I’ve read it a few times and I really enjoy it! There are sexual references in it but other than that the fic is literally just them making out
Morning Glory
Word count: 3,725
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: On their days off, Hanamaki and Matsukawa's mornings follow a sort of routine.
This one’s a pretty common smut fic among MatsuHana fans. If you’re into smut, I recommend!
There’s a Lot of Love in this Place <3
Word count: 3,464
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It’s not love at first sight. It rarely is. Three (awkward, ridiculous, absurd) times Matsukawa and Hanamaki encounters each other during the semester before something like love actually happens.
Ugh this one is so cute and absurd I love it
What I Like About You
Word count: 3,051
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: I’ll give a bit of a synopsis; Maki enlists Matsukawa to help him confess to the person he likes (it’s Matsun)
[obnoxious clucking noises]
Word count: 3,481
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: On the last night of their last training camp together, Oikawa has a bad idea, Hanamaki goes along with it, Iwaizumi sort of wishes he had better friends, and Matsukawa proves himself to be particularly adept at intimidation tactics.
CLASSIC MatsuHana fic
Texting (with a capital S)
Word count: 2,119
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki breaks his No Texting In Class rule, and it's all downhill from there.
Same author as the last one, this person really just knows how to write Maki and Matsun’s characters.
a life time of chemistry
Word count: 1,195
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki doesn't like chemistry for different reasons - but loves it if only for his lab partner.
Short and sweet
Rainbow Mittens <3
Word count: 1,344
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “I can’t believe you, you’re a fashion disaster,” Matsukawa huffed, eyeing the yellow monstrosity that was his best friend out of the corner of his eye. “I’m the peak of fashion, Issei,” Hanamaki hummed, sticking his tongue out in response.
I want to own Maki’s rainbow mittens
Parallel Lines <3
Word count: 16,298
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Yesterday night, Matsukawa had told his parents that he was joining math club, which lead to several confused smiles from them as they tried to figure out his change of heart.“Didn’t you say you were allergic to competitive math?” His mom had asked. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, we’re very supportive of your decision, but-” Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, they’d let it go because no sane parent prevents their child from joining math team, which is intellectually beneficial and looks very nice on college applications. This, in turn, prevents Matsukawa from having to explain that he’s joining- dear god- because of a crush.
Ugh so damn good. You better love it as much as I do.
call me maybe
Word count: 33,689
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 14/14
Summary: Hanamaki texts the wrong number when trying to extort tips out of Oikawa in order to defeat Iwaizumi in arm wrestling, and then continues to text the witty stranger who had answered.
Love wrong number AUs
True Ending <3
Word count: 12,856
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: He never really questioned the handsy nature of their friendship, it was just something that felt normal after falling asleep on a tiny couch while watching movies too many times. Who was Hanamaki to say no to cuddles with someone he considered his best friend? The fact that Matsukawa was always a bit cute in the wee hours of the morning was just something Hanamaki would have to file away in the back of his mind…
Omg this one’s so good. Another classic for this pairing it’s just so good
Something in the Water
Word count: 3,794
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Hanamaki went for the sting rays and came out with the sting ray caretaker.
This one’s cute but also has smut
vodka coke <3
Word count: 8,236
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed: chapters 1/1
Summary: He only ever expected one night of sex with one (1) hot as fuck piercing artist. And yes, he got that, but along with it, he got so, so much more.
This is SO good. I literally love it. Omg
Deal with a Devil
Word count: 12,921
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 5/5
Summary: Matsukawa will do anything to pass his classes. Up to and including making a contract with a devil.
This one makes me giggle
Stranger Things <3
Word count: 10,218
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In 2012, the men’s national volleyball team took home the bronze at the Asian Cup. Tokyo Skytree opened to the public. Also, the dashing Hanamaki Takahiro and painfully cool Matsukawa Issei started a radio show out of Aoba Johsai’s abandoned A/V room and accidentally became the two most popular guys in school.
HOLY FUCK is this one amazing. It’s a classic and I promise you will LOVE it. It’s genuinely just so fucking incredible don’t doubt a word I say. It’s a bittersweet fic but at the end of the day, it’s beautiful
party hardy
Word count: 3,012
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: in which Makki and Mattsun think it's a good idea to sneak into their captain's house when his parents aren't home.
This is the funniest fic in the entire world it literally makes me squeal and kick my feet
My Pace <3
Word count: 1,281
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Matsukawa always thought his life would go a certain way. However, his life changed the minute he met Oikawa Tooru, who introduced him to Hanamaki Takahiro. Who knew Makki would be his better half?
AWWH A/B/O MatsuHana fic? Yes please
Just Drop the ‘B’ Already
Word count: 2,220
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Issei needed a date to his sister’s engagement party, so he asked Hanamaki. As a friend. He thinks.
This one’s sweet and silly
Word count: 5,135
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Beginning university brings a lot of changes with it. As Iwaizumi and Oikawa deal with going to different universities, Hanamaki thinks about his own relationship with Matsukawa.
Explores their relationship after high school. Really nice and interesting
In Your Dreams <3
Word count: 1,080
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It is said that you share dreams with your soulmate. Matsukawa Issei dreams of volleyball for the first time when he's ten years old, and he knows that it's someone else's dream.
Oh my god??? This is… so good???
Word count: 1,270
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Hanamaki realises that Matsukawa is a werewolf, and has a few other realisations while he's at it.
Monster porn. Again lol. Love werewolf issei
Hang Out, Fall in Love
Word count: 5,689
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: In which Hanamaki's humble medical practice is threatened by an intractable asshole a witch doctor who's just moved into the shop down the street. Medical/Witchcraft AU.
This one is so damn funny. I’m sure if you’re big into Maki and Matsun as a pairing you’ve already read this but if not, it’s totally worth the read!
That’s it for Maki and Matsun! Love this pairing so much! They’re not big characters in the actual anime so a lot of their perceived personalities are fanon instead of canon, but I just think that they’re so funny and such a sweet couple to read about :)
Ennoshita Chikara x Tanaka Ryuunosuke
(not) a protagonist
Word count: 1,436
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Ennoshita and Tanaka go to the cinema. It's not supposed to be a date, but then...
I’ll be honest here, while I love Kiyoko and Tanaka together and am so happy that they become a couple by the end of the anime, but I have a hard time finding fics for them that are actually compelling and well written and Tanaka is my favourite character in the entire show, so this pairing was my next best option. This fic is super sweet and just a cute lil fanfic
Word count: 1,412
Rating: General Audience
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: They both agreed they wanted to tell their teammates they were an item, but Ennoshita was not expecting what Tanaka had in store for the big reveal.
This one is cute and very in character for Tanaka’s personality
Word count: 1,458
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: The morning after is not as fun as Ennoshita had hoped.
This one is about the morning after sex and I quite enjoy it. We get to see Tanaka’s softer side and I love it
A World for Two
Word count: 2,191
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Their eyes meet and the feeling gets stronger, and Ryuu watches as those gorgeous brown eyes widen a little. He pauses in whatever it is he’s saying before he goes back to his conversation, though he doesn’t quite turn away. Ryuu takes a step forward, completely intent on introducing himself, ready to start down the path of getting to know his soulmate.
Ahhh I love soulmate AUs and this one is so sweet
question for you
Word count: 3,474
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “Even Nishinoya passed, who couldn’t care less and ticked the first answer at every question,” Ennoshita comments. His hands flatten on top of the table, on each sides of Ryuu’s failed mid-term test. They look so pale, almost as white as the paper between them. They could flatten across a back. “You say that in a way that it feels like an insult,” Ryuu protests, voice weak in his throat. Ennoshita’s fingers dip in, nails scratching the surface of the table. “Good. Feel insulted,” Ennoshita huffs, annoyance thick in his voice. “I know you could pass if you paid attention in class, so do tell, what distracted you so much that you couldn’t tell the correct dates for the second world war?!”
The way this one is written is just, wow. So we’ll written, the characters are in character which is wonderful and even though it’s smutty I just really enjoy it!
Tunnel Vision
Word count: 2,582
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Chikara falls into a pothole while ogling his new neighbour. Instead of taking the hit to his pride, he decides to declare a war on potholes, wherever they may be, using unorthodox methods.
This one is super funny!
Where Tanaka Fucked Up
Word count: 2,905
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Thinking back on it, Tanaka knew exactly where he fucked up. It was probably when Ennoshita stood in front of the club, Kinoshita and Narita on either side, and came out as gay. Like, absolutely terrified, looked a little pale, and Tanaka was kinda worried he might throw up. “So, um, I hope that won’t be a problem for any of you,” he concluded, as if that was the important part. So what if their new captain was gay?
Very light angst, and this one does the characters very well
Just Once I’ll Let Go (because I want to fly)
Word count: 11,476
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Chikara has told his parents that he would introduce his boyfriend the next time he visits them, but his boyfriend breaks up with him before he can do so. With only five days to find a replacement, he ends up hiring a boyfriend for rent. To Chikara's surprise, his fake boyfriend turns out to be the man of his dreams (aka Tanaka Ryuunosuke).
This one is SO well done and a classic in the rarepair community of EnnoTana
Hey it’s OK <3
Word count: 6,946
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: Chikara is trying to hide his relationship and sexuality from his parents, but his boyfriend's bentos complicate everything.
A lot of EnnoTana fics center around Ennoshita being insecure or having trouble coming to terms with his sexuality, and tbh this one’s the epitome of those tropes lol
Practice Makes Perfect <3
Word count: 1,850
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Ennoshita Chikara has had a few confessions, but this one takes the cake.
Ennoshita the gay Yoda. This one is SO popular??? Like I never thought in a million years that an EnnoTana fic would have this many hits and kudos lmao
Close your Eyes and Kiss Me <3
Word count: 7,334
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 4/4
Summary: Ennoshita has a crush on Tanaka and is trying to figure out how to deal with it, while also trying to be a good senpai and captain for the rest of the team.
Hey it’s OK is basically the sequel to this one, but both fics can be read on their own. This one is significantly less angsty than Hey it’s OK, at least in my opinion.
And the Words Just Spilled Right Out
Word count: 1,260
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: “What? No!” Tanaka protests, “Obviously I was in love before that but I only just figured it out!"
This one is quite good. Short and sweet.
Here we Are Again
Word count: 8,990
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 2/2
Summary: Ennoshita drops a bomb and Tanaka tries to deal.
This one isn’t bad. I like it :)
I’ve Been Right in Front of You (This Whole Time)
Word count: 1,577
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: When Tanaka receives a letter in his shoe locker, from a girl, confessing her feelings, he is over the moon about it (even though he doesn't even recognize the name of the girl in question). When it turns out that the letter wasn’t meant for him at all, he’s crushed. Meanwhile Ennoshita decides that it’s time to get it over with and tell Tanaka how he feels
Ahhh this one’s adorable and a total classic!
And Call Me in the Morning
Word count: 1,617
Rating: Explicit
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: 'Your moaning sounds like you’re getting slaughtered and now that I’ve made sure you’re not actually dead I could help you with that' au
This one’s just a lil silly goofy
The Naked Apron Dilemma <3
Word count: 1,085
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Ryuu's spent too much time dreaming about his (eventual) relationship, and now that spring has finally sprung, he finds that all of the scripts he thought to rely on are mostly useless.
This one so SO funny guys I def recommend
Definitely Interesting
Word count: 2,101
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Drunken college shenanigans and Narita being Captain Obvious might just give Tanaka the push Ennoshita’s been not so secretly hoping for.
Narita is a sassy wingman
Surprises all Around
Word count: 2,082
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: It's Ennoshita's birthday and Tanaka will make sure that it's the best day ever.
Mpreg is mentioned, this is an A/B/O fic lol
Point of View
Word count: 1,483
Rating: General Audiences
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Chikara spends a lot of time looking at Tanaka.
This one is so good and so damn cute
Absolutely, Yes <3
Word count: 3,819
Rating Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Send help ASAP, because Tanaka Ryuunosuke has the biggest, stupidest crush and he just doesn't know what to do.
This one is really sweet and funny and cute and I love Tanaka
Learning Us
Word count: 42,778
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 20/20
Summary: Tanaka Ryuunosuke had a lot to learn - about himself, about Ennoshita Chikara, and that "happily ever after" is rarely a direct path.
This is probably the longest EnnoTana fic that I will recommend, mostly because there aren’t a lot of slow burn EnnoTana fics. I love this one, it’s angsty, it’s slow burn, it’s amazing.
He’ll Never Love You <3
Word count: 11,065
Rating: Mature
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Tanaka was supposed to be rooming with Noya. That was her plan, anyways, because obviously she wanted to room with her best friend when they all went off to college. And as far as she was aware, Noya was totally on board! But then, out of fuck-all nowhere, Noya suddenly declares she’ll be living with her girlfriend Asahi instead. Seriously, where did that come from?
Teeny tiny lil gender bend fic for the soul. It’s been a while, but I remember really liking this fic.
one step, two step <3
Word count: 5,113
Rating: Teen +
Status: Completed; chapters 1/1
Summary: Tanaka's made enough of a mess trying to confess to Ennoshita, he doesn't need his attention-hungry kitten getting in the mix too.
This is it for part two y’all. I hope you all read and enjoy these! I’m starting pt 3 as we speak so sit tight!
16 notes · View notes
multifandhoem · 4 years
server collab || iii
A/N: It’s that time of the month again! Haikyuu Headquarters nsfw server collab!!! The prompt this month was: “I told you to stay still.” This is kinda short, sorry, but I’ve been really busy since university started again, but I’ll try to be more active, maybe I’ll make a thirst night!
Anyways, here is the link for the full masterlist of the collab, be sure to give others some love too!
Genre: smut, fluff
Warnings: oral (fem receiving), mentions of sex, cursing
Word count: 1132
Tumblr media
“What are you doing?”
Your cheeks immediately started to redden, as you threw a glance over your shoulder to see your boyfriend Issei leaning in the doorway, an amused grin on his face. “It’s facial yoga. It helps against wrinkles. You should try it too, you know.” Still embarrassed you stuck out your tongue at him before grabbing your moisturizer and gently rubbing it into your skin, finishing your yoga session early.
“It looked quite funny. Like those over-exaggerated drawn anime characters with way too many wrinkles. You sure it’s supposed to help?” He was full out giggling now, catching you by your waist as you wanted to slip right past him to avoid the detailed description of how ugly you looked while grimacing into the mirror. But it helped keeping your facial muscles relaxed!
“You’re stupid.” A small pout was on your lip, which was immediately kissed away by him. Being in his arms in the doorway you took the opportunity to thread your fingers into his dark curly hair, pulling him down again.
“Quite greedy, aren’t we?” He wasn’t making any moves to pulling away, only deepening the kiss.
“I gotta brush my teeth, too, baby, you gotta let go sometime.” With a small sigh, you pulled away, looking up into his brown eyes, which twinkled with love.
“I’ll wait for you in bed,” you told him with a smile, giggling slightly as he failed to grab you again for one last kiss.
When Issei reentered your bedroom, you were already snuggled under the covers, blinking at him. “It still feels unreal. Seeing you in my bed, in our new apartment.” His fingers caressed your ankles when he leaned against the bed frame. “Seeing me in your bed isn’t that new.” You grinned when you saw his smile widening.
“It isn’t, is it? But it is in the context that it’s our bed now. In our apartment.”
You huffed in surprise, when he pulled you towards him to the edge of the bed, starting to caress your hair slightly.
“I kinda wanna fuck you again.”
At that, you scrambled away from him in a hurry.
“Issei, no! I can just feel my legs again! We did it already a couple hours ago!” Not gonna lie, you loved fucking Issei. You could fuck him again right now, but the logical part of your brain reminded you that you had work tomorrow and had to walk and stand a lot during the day.
“Babyyy, come back here again.” To anyone else maybe would seem like a whiny boyfriend. But you heard the underlying command. If you wouldn’t obey, you would be punished.
But sometimes punishment was enjoyable for you.
You quickly shook that thought out of your head. Of course, your punishment was enjoyable when you came. But often he just didn’t stop.
“Let’s play a game, hm?” You were naked, hands strapped to the headboard with Issei’s fingers drawing different patterns on the sensitive skin of your sides, making you shudder.
“If you don’t move until you come, I’ll stop after fucking you once. Deal?”
Not moving? You could manage that. There might be hope for your legs.
“Deal.” In your mind, you cursed how shaky your voice already sounded, but Issei seemed pleased and bent down to press a short kiss to your lips, moving down immediately, to press small pecks all over your body. “Issei, don’t tease,” you whined, already fed up with the challenge when his mouth hovered over the place where you wanted him the most, his breath giving a premonition of what was to come.
“Don’t worry, baby.” He kissed the small mound over your clit, and you felt that little shit chuckle, as you took a sharp intake of breath.
This was a bad idea.
By now that was the only thought in your head, as Issei pressed small kisses on your outer lips, careful to give you not too much pleasure.
You were twitching to wrap your leg around his head, press him down where you wanted him, ready to relish in the pleasure you knew he would give you.
But you didn’t. A small part of your brain was still hoping to win this. To only push one session in and not spend the rest of the evening fucking your brains out.
As if he felt you were growing used to the small pleasures he was giving you, he dived in, tongue dipping between your lips, greedily slurping up the juices you were giving him.
A grin sneaked its way on his lips at the moans that were escaping you at his ministrations, but you kept still.
You weren’t sure if you ever put so much willpower into your leg muscles as you did right now. You didn’t want them to move. You felt them twitch occasionally, as his tongue hit that spot on your clit, pushing it around and rubbing it in the best way.
Either he didn’t sense it, or he let it slide. But you were happy either way. You just needed to hold out a bit more.
Issei was a god with his tongue. With every one of your other partners, fingering and fucking was the best part, if they were eating you out it was enjoyable, but not overwhelming.
But Issei, oh Issei, he was on a whole other level.
“Fuck, fuck. Issei! Please!” Thank god he had tied your hands over your head, or else you would have buried them in his hair ages ago.
You didn’t know what you were begging for, anyways. Of course, you wanted to come, but how you knew him, he would drag this out as long as possible.
“Come on, baby.” Maybe you were imagining the vibrations his voice made against your cunt, but none the less, when he doubled his effort, you couldn’t help the twitch of your hips towards him.
There was no way he would let that slide. So might as well make the best out of it.
“I thought I told you to stay still?”
With an exasperated whine, you hooked your leg around his neck, pulling him down towards your cunt again, let him finish what he started, as you chased your high, grinding up against his tongue.
Now that your ass was raised from the mattress, his large hands found its way to your cheeks, pulling them apart, all while using it to push you even closer towards his mouth.
With one guttural moan, you finally came and all the tension left your muscles, letting your limbs fall down powerless.
“Now,” You were already dreading his words, as he emerged from between your legs with a shit-eating grin on his face, after slurping up the last of your juices.
“Seems like I won, doesn’t it?”
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heartkiyoomi · 3 years
🌷 — high sex: matsukawa issei
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includes: i. matsukawa
genre: smut
warnings: f!reader, use of the devil’s lettuce, grinding, dirty talk, squirting, fingering, pussy slaps <3, thumb sucking, mentions of spitting, titty sucking, lmk if I missed anything!!
*minors and ageless blogs go away or else you’ll catch these hands*
main masterlist aoba johsai masterlist
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“issei, you’re hogging.”
“am not.”
“are too.”
“am not.”
“matsukawa issei, give me the damn joint.”
“geez fine. you’re so needy,” he passed the joint to you, careful not to accidentally drop it and burn your bedroom carpet.
“and you’re rude,” you snipped, your mind feeling hazy and light as you placed the joint between your lips and took a long drag.
you could feel him staring at you, eyeing the way the smoke blew out of your glossy lips, the way it swirled into the room that was already on its way to being a hotbox. it made you feel small, the way his lazy, intimidating gaze always seemed to fall on you. you didn’t know how to feel or act around him sometimes, especially whenever you guys would have your little smoke sessions. your heart would start giving you strong palpitations where you swore he could hear it too, your hands would become shaky, your thighs clenching, your panties getting wet-
you were snapped out of your own trance when you felt him snatch the joint out of your fingers, finishing what was left of it. you sat there in mock shock, giving him the poutiest glare that he swore he would’ve kissed right off your face if you let him.
“got a staring problem sweetheart?” he teased, tilting his head cutely, his thick curls bouncing along with the movement.
you narrowed your eyes at him, “remind me why i’m friends with you again?”
he let out a light chuckle, scooting closer to you to where you could smell his minty breath mixed with the weed. as cliché as it is to say it, he was intoxicating. you felt his warm fingertip start sliding up and down your thigh, his lips going to hover over yours.
“i-issei,” you whispered, your lips brushing over his.
“you wanna know why i’m friends with you?” he asked.
you gulped, trying to decide whether or not he was being serious. “because i got good weed?”
he let out a loud laugh at that, his body shaking with yours and his breath fanning across your face. his grip on you tightened suddenly, pulling you onto his lap where your cunt sat all nice and pretty atop his clothed cock. you let out a gasp as you took in the size of it, pussy throbbing at the possible opportunity of having that inside you.
his large palms came up to cup your face, forcing your gaze to his. his thumb came to brush over your bottom lip, pulling it down a little before slowly sliding it into your mouth.
“it’s because i know you’ve got the prettiest cunt there is. always giving me peaks of it when you bend over in those pretty skirts you wear,” he said, a dull throb settling between your legs.
you don’t know what switched in him or you, whether it be the newfound confidence from the weed or the dam of oblivious mutual pining finally breaking, all you know is that want him to absolutely ravage you.
your hips started a slow grind, your pretty mouth sucking and your tongue twirling around his thumb. his other hand moved down to your hips, guiding you along his cock. you let out a whimper as the fabric of your underwear dragged along your clit just right, sending a shock down your spine.
“fuck, i bet you’re getting so wet for me. can feel you through my jeans sweetheart,” you hated how right he was, your slick sticking to your thighs and soaking through your underwear and onto his bulge.
“issei… want you to touch me,” you mumbled around his thumb with your bloodshot eyes pleading into his.
“i am baby, use your words and tell me what you really want,” he pushed his thumb closer to the back of your throat, his cock throbbing at the choking sound you made.
he pulled his thumb out of your mouth to let you speak, a thin string of saliva connecting his thumb and your lips. “want you to fuck me, spit on me, fuck- do whatever you want, want you.”
he smiled at you like you just walked into his trap, your hands wrapping around his neck when he suddenly stood up, your legs immediately wrapping around his waist. you could still feel him in this position, even as he walked the way to your bedroom.
he dropped you onto the bed, your body bouncing slightly as he threw his shirt across the room, pouncing on you not even a second later. your hands started roaming his large frame, moving from his big arms to his broad chest, scratching your nails lightly against his soft skin just to tease him.
it was no surprise that issei’s extremely attractive. everything about him and everything he does is just so…hot. the way he smokes a joint, the way he grips the steering wheel, the way his eyes crinkle whenever you show him a dumb meme, the way he stares at you like he’s gonna eat you right up.
you soon felt warm hands start pulling at your clothing, tugging your shirt over your head, letting out a low whistle when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra. large palms cupped each one, his thumbs twirling over your peaked nipples.
“pretty tits for a pretty girl,” he winked, your back arching when you felt his mouth suddenly latch onto one, keeping his other hand pinching and twirling your other nipple.
you bucked your hips against his, the small amount of friction making you whimper. the feeling of his hot tongue circling your bud sent you into euphoria, your senses heightened from the remaining high taking over you. your hands were all over him, running through his thick curls, grasping his biceps.
you let out a huff when he pulled away from your tits, only to be replaced by a gasp when he tugged off your bottoms along with your soaked panties. he quickly stopped your motion to close your thighs, heat crawling across your cheeks at how embarrassingly wet you were from just a little foreplay.
“tsk, don’t be rude. open up baby,” he pushed your legs out as far as they could go, groaning at the way your pretty cunt lips spread, clenching around nothing. you squirmed under his gaze, whining for him to do something, anything,
“issei, stop staring,” you brought an arm to cover your eyes.
“but you look so pretty all spread out for me,” he teased, running a finger through your slippery pussy, “so wet for me too. did me playing with your tits turn you on that much?”
you nodded your head quickly, but that wasn’t what he wanted. he used the hand that was rubbing against your cunt to squish your cheeks together, “use your words baby, or else i’ll be the only one cumming tonight.”
“yes it turned me on,” you said, your voice slightly garbled by how tight he was gripping your face.
“atta girl,” his voice suddenly sounded deeper, almost hungrier, while you felt two thick fingers prod your cute little hole. you were about to chastise him for teasing you again but you quickly ate your words as he pushed into you. you let out a choked gasp, eyes squeezing shut when he’d found your sweet spot.
“oh!! ‘sei, ‘sei don’t stop,” your back arched deeper when he started using his other hand to rub your hardened little bud.
“fuckkk,” he groaned when you clenched impossibly tighter against his fingers, his hips digging into the mattress as an attempt to relieve the throbbing of his hard cock. you looked so beautiful like this, with your head thrown back in bliss, hands trying to find purchase anywhere in order to keep you grounded from the immense pleasure your receiving.
“fuck yeah baby, squeezin’ so tight around me, so fuckin’ pretty,” you whimpered at his words, the warmth that was once only settled in your tummy starting to spread throughout your body. you were getting close.
“hngh, fuck issei- pleaseplease, gonna cum!!” your hands flew down to his wrist when he started thrusting incredibly fast into your drooling cunt, wet sounds and smacks filling the hot bedroom.
“c’mon pretty, make a mess around me. so good for me, doing so good for me. cum f’me baby, oh shit-“ he let out a gasp when your poor cunt started spraying around his hands, keeping the same animalistic pace as you drenched the sheets.
issei almost came untouched, he’d never have someone squirt for him so quickly before. he worked you through your high so easily, finally slowing down and giving your clit a few tiny slaps to make sure he really fucked you good. you kept your eyes closed, chest heaving up and down from the mind-blowing orgasm, until they shot open at the sound of a belt unbuckling.
you looked down to see his monster cock, large hands pulling you towards him. he positioned his leaky tip against your dripping pussy, grinning at the sight of it clenching around nothing.
“i’m not done with you yet pretty, we’re just getting started.”
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a/n: I FINALLY FINISHED IT PLS BE PROUD OF ME <//3 also i wanna get high with issei ugh and not proofread lolz
reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
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©heartkiyoomi 2021, all rights reserved.
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mad-katsuki · 2 years
tw: 18+ NSFW twt porn links
minors dni
OSAMU MIYA edition
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imagine make-out seshs with Osamu 🥺. it’s a friday night and samu is finally free from practice. Inarizaki has a major game coming up soon so you haven’t been able to hang with Samu that often. but the night he’s finally free he’s all over you. body’s tangled together on his bed, hands roaming, he feel’s bad for not giving his princess any attention the past few weeks. what better way to make up for it than his hand rubbing your sweet pussy?
missionary sex with samu. there’s no better view than seeing your cunt being split open by samu’s fat cock. osamu loves hearing those pretty moans of yours while he’s rutting into you. watching you whine and fall apart while rubbing your cute clit in circles drives him insane. 
i dont know what it is, but the thought about having a lazy sunday morning with samu that turns into a breeding frenzy gives me butterflies. imagine staying in with osamu wanting to cuddle and keep him close, but the feeling of your body against him is driving him crazy. he can’t help but grind into you, desperate to feel you. and how could you say no to that face? you’re daddy’s cute little cum dump anyways, it’s not like you can refuse. 
imagine showers with samu. poor baby had a long day at work and just want to get home and hold you in his arms. as he walks through the front door he can hear the shower running. making his way towards the bathroom, osamu opens the door to see you through the steamy shower glass doors, washing your body. you look over and notice samu’s presence. you smirk, “welcome home baby, come in and let me take care of you. you must be exhausted.” 
imagine osamu breeding your pussy nonstop. he’s been at it for hours and doesn't plan on stoping until you’re filled to the brim. you poor baby, your legs are sooo soar from being push up against your chest for so long. tears streaming down your face from the overstimulation of samu orgasming you over and over again. you’ve begged him to stop, and asked him nicely like the good girl you are. but samu just can’t get enough of your sweet pussy, he just can’t. 
late night dates with osamu always leads to something more. every weekend samu always takes you out on late night dates to make up for the times he couldn’t be with you. you’re his sweet girl, he always want to spoil you. so what’s a better gift than his fat cock?
a/n: tysm for reading! if you have any request please feel free to dm me or put in my ask inbox. up next is mattsun <3
as always reblogs are appreciated
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duino · 2 years
Will you maybe take into consideration an idea about the reader being Makki's little sister (half sister, step sister, bio sister, w/e just want to be inclusive) and Mattsun realizing she's now 🎆🌠 a woman 🌠🎆. The reader always having been in love with him but starting to lose hope he would ever see her as more than his bestie's sister. Wasn't thinking a huge age gap just like a year or two if that matters.
Thank you for your time.
I love your work. 💘🐬
The way this request unleashed me and reignited my passion for writing fics BLESS I am so sorry if you didn't want NSFW BUT HERE WE ARE ANON, HERE WE ARE. “WAKE ME UP FROM THIS (FEVER) DREAM” Pairing: Mattsun x Fem!Reader, Afab!Reader
Rating/Warnings: 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader has a vagina, cishet relationship/sex, doggy, missionary, reader throws up (not sexual lol), (am I missing anything?)
Word Count: 7.4k (wtf)
Summary: Mattsun comes over to take care of you. And then he takes care of you.
Note: Smut. Some fluff. Some pining. Friends to Lovers. Reader gets sick and gets looked after. I am out of control, what on earth is that word count. HOPE YOU LIKE IT!
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You think it’s a fever dream when Mattsun shows up at your apartment. You had been having one, tangled up on the couch (you hadn’t even made it to your bed last night), sweating through your dress you still haven’t been able to take off. Strange visions that made you twist and groan as your fever burned through you. The flu had come for you, quick and vicious.
And then, his knocking, breaking through the waves of hot and cold and hot again.
You nearly have to crawl to your door to open it, and when it swings open and tall, familiar Issei is holding up a bag full of steamy to-go food, you almost collapse in relief and embarrassment.
“I’m in love with you,” is the first thing you say, though is comes out slurred. It’s usually what you say when he shows up ion your dreams and you’re sure you must be dreaming now.
Mattsun shakes his head lightly, smiling and pitying. “You look like shit.”
“That’s not what you reply with,” you mumble. You have to crouch back down on the floor –your legs bend on their own accord since they’re apparently made of rubber now.
“You’re not dreaming, dummy,” he says, affectionate. He places the take-out bag on your coffee table. “Your brother sent me.”
“He’s a coward,” you say and then decide to lay down completely on the floor. You close your eyes; you don’t want to see Mattsun looking at you in your sorry state, dreaming or not.
“Is he?” His voice is amused from above you. There’s a creak of your door shutting and a rustle of fabric. You peak open your eyes and see Mattsun kneeling down beside you. “Why’s that?”
“He couldn’t come face me himself.”
Mattsun laughs, and it’s so real and ringing that you have to reach out a heavy arm to touch him. You miss and grab only the fabric of his sleeve. “It’s so soft,” you say in wonder. Your hand thumps to the floor immediately after.
“You got it for me last Christmas.” He’s smiling at you like he always smiles at you, patient and kind and not at all like the dark and hungry smiles of all your dreams before and so maybe this is real and you are actually awake.
The thought of him coming over and seeing you like this makes you sick. Or, your flu makes you sick. Either way you manage the word, “puke,” and Mattsun rushes into your kitchen and throws a Tupperware under your mouth just before you start dry heaving. It’s pathetic, but you’re glad you’ve already thrown up everything in your stomach in the past few hours so that he doesn’t have to see you more disgusting than you already are. You feel his hand rubbing your back and your skin prickles with it.
“I hate this,” you whine.
“I know, I know.” His touch is still circling you and you lament the fact that you’re too sick to enjoy it properly.
“No, not being sick, you seeing me sick,” you say and then make a valiant effort to turn and roll yourself onto all fours. “In my mind I’m usually wearing something nicer.”
He’s still holding his patient smile for you, but a line does form between his brows. “You’re delirious,” he murmurs. He stands and wrangles you to your feet, against your protests. “How much medication did you drink?”
“I don’t know,” you slur. “I kept throwing it up.” Standing makes you remember just how miserable and painful existing with a flu is and your voice gets warbled and teary. “I hate this,” you pout and this time you do mean being sick.
“How about a shower?” he asks gently. You groan. Washing the sweat off of yourself sounds like heaven, but moving at all sounds like hell. “I’ll help you,” Mattsun says. Despite yourself, you manage to raise a sardonic brow.
“Help me shower?” You’re swaying on your feet.
“What? No!” he sputters, eyes wide. You want to laugh but you only have enough strength for a wan smile. “I meant I’ll help you get to the bathroom.”
“You’re a saint,” you say. He’s thrown your arm over his shoulder and has to bend way down to support you. You pat his chest. “Really.”
He starts helping-slash-dragging you to your bathroom. “Makki said you sounded like you were dying,” he says.
You slump further into him, half because you really can barely stand on your own and half because of course, he came for Makki’s sake and not yours. “So my loving brother sent over the nearest funeral home director, just in case?”
Mattsun snorts. “I’m not the director.”
“Are you still licenced to put me out of my misery?”
“You’re awfully chatty for someone supposedly on death’s door.” His voice is low and amused. He plants you on the tile floor by your bathtub and starts turning knobs and testing the water temperature. You watch him through fuzzy vision, his long arms, his broad shoulders, his hair that’s grown out just a little (but you can tell, of course you can tell). He’s changed so much since high school and yet, in your eyes, changed almost not at all. He’s still your older brother’s best friend that ruffles your hair like you’re a little kid and teases you like a friend. Maybe, in his eyes, you’ve barely changed at all, too.
Which sucks, because you’re a full ass adult now and you’ve spent the better part of your youth oscillating between being desperately in love with him and desperately trying to fall out of love with him. How many times have you imagined him showing up at your doorstep? And now he’s here and you’re clutching onto the cool bathroom floor for your dear life, trying not to hurl again.
“I’ll wait outside,” Mattsun says, and you look up at him as he stands.
You try for some dignity. “You should go. You’ll get sick.”
“Don’t be silly,” he says, and flashes you his boyish grin. “Your brother would never forgive me if I left you.” You start to reach for the back of your dress and Mattsun makes a sound and turns abruptly.
“Can you…” you ask. You’ve never wanted to fall asleep so desperately in your life. You can’t possibly unzip a dress.
“Uh, uhm.” Making Mattsun nervous like he usually makes you nervous is a joy. Even in your sorry state you can appreciate the two splotches of red dusting his cheeks.
“Relax, I’ve got something under. I just can’t reach the clasp on the back of this thing.”
“Clasp. Right. I can help with that.”
“Yes,” you say, finding a scrap of amusement left in your body, “you’re very helpful.”
Mattsun crouches down and unhooks the tiny little clasp at the top of your dress and then pulls your zipper down halfway. “There,” he says. His knuckles, where they had brushed your neck, felt so cool and nice you could’ve cried.
“Thank you,” you heave a sigh. You look over your shoulder at him. He’s closer than you thought, but then again, depth perception is not currently you strong suit. “Go, leave while you still can.”
He gets a little exasperated. “I told you I’m not leaving.” You can feel his huffiness against the nape of your neck.
“Yeah, yeah,” you say, waving at him. “Makki would kill you, blah blah blah.”
“You’re so—” he breaks off. “Do you want me to go?”
“Obviously not,” you say, standing on wobbly legs. “But when do I ever?”
“What?” he asks. He stands too and touches the back of his hand to your cheek. You close your eyes at the gesture, which he takes for discomfort, and he takes a quick, respectable step away from you. “You’re so hot.”
“Please, Mattsun, at least buy me dinner first,” you mumble. You’re dizzier now that you’re upright. He gives you a concerned smile.
“Funny. Get in the shower and then let’s get you into bed.”
“Shower. Bed. When did you get so bossy?”
“Don’t,” you say, but you’re barely registering what you’re saying. The steam coming off of your shower feels so good you could collapse. “I like it.” You turn and finish unzipping your dress.
Matssun’s voice sounds tense and far away. “Okay. I’m going to wait outside, okay?”
You don’t know if you respond him out loud or not, but you do hear the click of your bathroom door closing behind him.
The shower is simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to you. The water hurts where it falls on you, but you somehow relish the pressure, the hotness, the near unbearableness of it. You have to kneel in the tub and grip the edge of it to make it through. The idea of shampooing and conditioning your hair is blasphemous and you knock the bottles away so you don’t even have to think about it.
They clunk around as they fall and Mattsun’s voice comes, muffled. “You okay?”
“Peachy,” you whisper and then, finding strength, you shout it. “Peachy!”
“…Okay. Great.” There’s still that tenseness in his voice. You wonder if he’s annoyed at the fact that he has to be here, helping his best friend’s lame, sick little sister. Mattsun has only ever been a kindness to you, but maybe it wears on him. You don’t know, you don’t know. You rest your forehead on the lip of your tub and feel sorry for yourself for the rest of the shower.
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It’s either been fifteen minutes or fifteen hours when you finally manage to emerge. Mattsun isn’t waiting for you in the living room, and there’s a brief moment where you think you’re back to dreaming it all. It would make sense. You dream about him often enough. But then he calls out to you from what sounds like your bedroom —oh god, your bedroom— and you slink in to go find him.
He’s sitting on your newly made bed, fresh sheets and all. You stare at your linens (they had been your first adult purchase) and then you stare at him, sitting on those linens, on your bed, in your room. Somehow, it’s gotten dark out. He’s staring back at you and then seems to register that you’re still just wrapped in a towel, and he gets up like he’s been jolted.
“You should get dressed,” he says, and his eyes are looking everywhere but at you.
You’re too body-weary to feel shy or embarrassed —though no doubt you’ll be feeling all of those things when you aren’t half-crazed from fever. You start pulling out clothes from your dresser at a random, anything that feels soft and breathable. You can’t tell if you’re too hot or too cold but you’re already sweating again so shorts and a tee it is. You look at Mattsun expectedly.
“Let me know when you’re done,” he says and rushes out of the room. Man, you really couldn’t chase him away fast enough. Putting on your new clothes is decidedly easier than taking your sweat-soaked dress off. You climb into your cool sheets shivering and perspiring and coughing. Mattsun’s got medicine in his hands when he comes back in and a glass of water. You peer at him from over your sheets.
“You’re so tall and strong,” you say. Your voice is lost in the blankets, but Mattsun seems to hear you just fine.
“You’re so sick and incoherent,” he replies gently.
“Sexy, right?” you ask. Mattsun huffs out a surprised laugh and then laughs some more until you’re grinning.
“Very,” he promises, in his kind, patient way. He sits down on the edge of your bed and places the water on your side table. “Here.” He opens the bottle of syrup-sweet medicine and starts to pour it into a spoon. He holds it to your lips, and you clamp your mouth around the metal, grimacing and licking the medication off. Mattsun starts laughing again at your expression. “Good girl,” he says, putting the spoon beside your water glass.
You close your eyes, swallowing hard. “You shouldn’t say things like that to me.”
Instead of replying, Mattsun places his hand on your forehead again. It’s cool and reassuring and your mouth trembles at the touch of it.
“You’re so unfair,” you whine, opening your eyes.
“You’re feeling a little better.”
“I’m suffering here,” you say, and you kick your legs a little just to make a point.
“Okay, you’re suffering,” he says, moving his hand away, tapping your nose briefly. “Can I get you anything?”
“My dignity. A time machine so that you never saw me throw up.”
“I’ve seen you cut your own bangs when you were fourteen. Your dignity’s long gone.”
You throw your hands over your face. “You were being so nice I forgot what a bully you are.”
He’s chuckling. “Would a bully show up at your doorstep and nurse you back to health?”
You glare at him from between your fingers, your eyes going droopy and heavy from the medication. “I’m not healthy yet. I could still die.”
Mattsun rolls his eyes good-naturedly.
“Besides,” you continue, “You’re only here because my brother forced you to be.”
“Well, he did ask. But no one has to force me to come help you, silly.” He presses a long finger onto the centre of your forehead.
“You’re silly,” you counter and lift you arm up to poke him on his forehead. “My hand is one hundred pounds.”
“You should probably stop poking me then.”
“You should stop poking me first.” He grins and relents, and you let your hand drop with a thud. “I’m so tired.”
“Then go to sleep,” he says.
Your eyes are struggling to stay open, but you blink against the exhaustion. “Are you going to disappear?”
“Not if you don’t want me to.” You shake your head and this time, when he puts a hand on your forehead, you know it’s out of affection and not concern. “I’ll take the couch then.” His smooths his hand over your head.
Your body wins and you close your eyes but you force your mouth to move and make sounds. “It’s better on my bed.”
His voice comes out a little stilted. “I thought you didn’t want me to get sick.”
“Ah,” you manage. “Fuck it. You can handle it.”
He’s laughing again and you’re smiling and struggling to stay awake to keep hearing his laugh.
“Don’t you ever think?” you ask.
“What was that?” His voice sounds faded and muffled.
“I said, don’t you ever think about it?”
“Think about what?” It’s like you’re swimming and hearing his words from underwater.
“Think about that yellow dress,” you say and then you can’t say any more. You can’t even listen to his reply.
The yellow dress, of course, is the only time in your life you’ve seen Mattsun slip from the easy, casual way he always regards you. You had just turned twenty-one and he was twenty-two and the three of you, him, you, and Makki, were out for a walk in the summer market. And you had bought a new dress that year, the yellow dress that hangs on the nicest clothes hanger in your closet, and you had worn it and when Mattsun had seen you in it you swear —you swear— his eyes had changed. It had been just like how he looks at you in all your dirty dreams.
And it had been just for a moment, and so maybe you had imagined it, but you’ve always wondered. You suppose you’ll keep wondering. You’re so tired and you don’t fight it anymore.
When you dream, it’s not the endless twisting and leg-kicking of your sleeps prior. You dream of you in your yellow dress, and Mattsun’s voice in your ear. Good girl, he’s saying and you’re moaning under him.
Then a deeper layer of sleep, and it’s all black like bottomless water. You think, though you can’t be sure, that there’s a cool hand on your face and kind words being whispered next to your ear. Wouldn’t that be nice?
But of course, that could just be another dream, full of your hoping.
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That damn yellow dress. Why did you have to bring it up? Mattsun runs a hand through his hair, thinking of what to say as he sits on the edge of your bed. You’re quiet behind him and he stares out your bedroom window at the sunset, mind skipping around.
Did he ever think about you in that yellow dress? There have been moments where that’s all he’s been able to think about, the way the back of it had scooped low on you, the way the wind made the fabric press against your body. He’s surprised you brought it up at all, but maybe he hadn’t been as subtle as he thought back then. It’s not that he had never found you attractive, but he had looked at you then and realized —what?
That he wanted you. He wants you. But he doesn’t want to think about it now, when you’re out of your mind sick. So he says, quietly, “I remember,” but when he looks back at you, you’re already sound asleep. He sighs and smiles, tucking the blanket around your shoulders, starting to get up.
Your hand on his sleeve stops him. At first he thinks you’ve woken up again, but you’re snoring lightly and mumbling something incoherent. He lets out a light snort, going to move again.
But then you say, “stay,” in your thick, sleeping voice and Mattsun’s heart does a strange little leap. Has he ever refused you? Not as children, and certainly not now.
“Okay,” he says to you softly, “I’ll stay.” To make sure you’re okay, at least, he reasons.
He moves to the other side of your bed, laying on top of the covers, leaving a comfortable distance between you two. He closes his eyes and listens to you mutter senselessly, unable to keep the smile off his face. For a while, he tries to make out your words, piecing them together into a little, secret poem in his heart. He almost drifts off until,
“Want,” you grumble under your breath. You moan and turn in the bed. Mattsun opens his eyes worriedly, looking at you. You’re shifting under the sheets, groaning and sighing and clutching at the edges of your pillow.
Mattsun turns towards you, pressing a gentle hand against your skin, but your fever’s dying down. His brows furrow. Do you need more water? Do you need to throw up again? But then you say what you say next and Mattsun has to fight against the hard rush that enters him.
“Want you, Issei…” you trail and sigh and your hips shift for a friction that isn’t there. “Fuck…” your voice is loose and heady. “Please, give me…”
Mattsun flinches away from you like he’s been burned. Maybe he’s mistaken, he thinks. He has to be misunderstanding you. But you let out another wanton moan and there’s no mishearing that: You’re having a sex dream. About him.
He rolls onto his back again, flinging an arm over his eyes. There’s desire in him, torturous, and he grits his teeth against it. It’s only because he’s the last person you saw, he reasons. It’s only because he’s familiar and a friend and you’re comfortable with him. The mind can conjure up stranger things. You’re still high off medication. There’s a million different possibilities as to why you’re saying his name right now.
But he keeps circling back to the one: that you want him, too.
It doesn’t matter though. A dream is just a dream. You let out a shallow little gasp from beside him and Mattsun lets out a twin moan, willing sleep to take him.
“Issei,” you say again, so clear it’s almost like you’re awake. But you aren’t. “Please…I want…” Your trail off into a sweet little whimper.
Mattsun digs his nails into his palms. It’s going to be a long night.
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When you wake up the next —morning? Time to be determined— your fever’s broken. You can take in a lungful of clear air and though your eyes are still bleary, your mind is shockingly aware. The contrast to how miserable you were before makes you feel like you’ve never felt better in your entire life.
You do a long stretch and there’s a miraculous glass of water next to you that you don’t remember getting but who cares? You take a hard gulp of it and sigh and fall back down into your sheets.
“Feelin’ better?” a voice beside you says.
You screech and roll half off your bed, limbs flinging and connecting with a warm, hard surface. “What the fuck,” you shout.
“Hey, it’s me, it’s me,” Mattsun says. Your forearms are held, and your kicking legs are pressed under his thigh. “Hey. Geez, you’ve got an arm on you.” He’s grinning and wincing.
“You’re here.” The night before comes back to you in vague pieces, blurred by the flu drugs and restless bouts of sleep. “Oh no,” you say, a wave of embarrassment hitting you. You threw up in front of him. You were a pathetic mess of rubber limbs and sweat and crying. You’re pretty sure you told him you were (are) in love with him. “Oh, no.”
“What?” he asks, he laughs. His hands are still holding onto your wrists. His thigh is still laying on top of yours.
“Oh no, oh no no no no no,” you turn and bury your face into the pillows. “Fuck me.”
“So you’ve said.” His hands have let go but his leg has not.
“What?” you moan, turning so that only an eye is peeking out. “What do you mean ‘so you’ve said’?”
Mattsun’s eyes flicker away briefly. “You were talking all night, in your sleep.”
Hard dread fills you. This could not get worse. You hide your face again. “I’ve humiliated myself in every way possible.”
“What? I can’t hear you. Hey, look at me.” A hand touches the back of your head, gentle and fleeting.
Grudgingly, you turn to look at him fully. “You should go before I embarrass myself even more.”
“You didn’t embarrass yourself,” he says, kind. You raise a brow until he amends himself. “Okay, some might say you were embarrassing…but not me. You don’t have to worry about shit like that. Not with me. You were sick out of your mind, it’s okay.”
“You’re so generous.”
“Relax. Seriously. I was happy to look after you.” And then, seeming to remember why he’s on your bed in the first place, Mattsun places the back of his hand on your forehead. “How’re you feeling?”
“Like tossing a bunch of clothes into a backpack and disappearing forever,” you say. His hand moves to your cheek.
“You’re warm,” he says, but you both know it’s not because you’re sick, not anymore. You swat his hand away. Is he teasing you?
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with me all night.”
Mattsun shakes his head. His leg shifts away from you, like he can sense your nerves and is giving you space for them. You are equal parts relieved and dismayed at the loss of his touch. “You know I never mind dealing with you.”
“Don’t you?” you ask. Then, before he can reply, “I thought you were going to sleep on the couch.” Not that you’re complaining.
It’s Mattsun’s turn to get nervous. “You, uh, asked me to stay.”
You close your eyes. “Okay, just tell me how bad I was.” You can’t look at him and face how lame you were.
His voice is quiet. “It…wasn’t bad. You just,” he breathes, “were very insistent.”
“How insistent?” You weren’t sure you really wanted to know but you needed to gauge how much apologizing to do.
“You told me…well, it doesn’t matter.”
Your eyes flash open to see Mattsun rubbing a rough hand over his face. You can see splotches of red on his cheeks.
“Oh my god, Mattsun,” you rush out. “I’m so so sorry if I said anything inappropriate to you. I was sick. I was high off flu meds. I wasn’t thinking straight. I’m so sorry, I’m so—”
“Stop. Stop apologizing.”
You shut your mouth immediately. His hand is still covering his eyes.
“I’m so embarrassed,” you continue, needing to fill the silence, unable to help yourself. “I’m so sorry. How can I possibly repay you?”
“Please, really. You don’t have to. I told you it…wasn’t bad.” His voice is tight. He’s never going to talk to you again after this, you think.
“I’ll do anything,” you breathe. “I’ll do anything.”
Mattsun moans and turns away from you. You stare at his back. It’s a minute before he speaks, and his words are stiff. “Did you mean it?”
You watch the lines of his shoulders helplessly. “Mean what?”
“Everything you said last night.”
“I don’t remember what I said, Mattsun.”
He turns only partially, so you can see the profile of his face. His body is still facing away from you. He says, in a strange voice, “That you wanted me.”
You freeze. You could lie; you were half-delirious with medication and fever. Would that save you your dignity? But Mattsun is sill here and even though he’s facing away from you, the sound of his voice…you’ve never heard him like this before. And you’ve loved him, and wanted him, for so long in secret. He turns his face a little more and his eyes are dark and waiting.
You swallow. “I meant it,” you whisper. “I’ve always wanted you.” Your heart is hammering in your throat and stomach.
At first, Mattsun turns his face away and you think you’re about to be rejected. You bite your lip and prepare for it. You’ve always been his best friend’s little sister. You’re sure you could swallow down your heart and continue to be friends. But then, slowly, Mattsun turns and faces you and you see why he's been hiding.
“Oh,” you say. Your eyes are wide.
His erection is straining against his sweatpants, hard and thick. You fight the compulsive urge to reach down and touch him. The body can want one thing, but the mind another and you know this. He seems to be composing himself and you wait, perched on the edge of something, wondering if he’s going to take the step and drop down with you. “You’re…”
“Yeah,” his voice is rough. “I am. Have you really always wanted me?”
“Yes,” you breathe. You’re trembling lightly, with your confession, with your growing need. “I’ve always wanted you.” His cock twitches at your words and you look at him, half in wonder, half unsure of what this all means. “I don’t…I don’t know what to do,” you admit.
He takes that step out to the edge. “Do you want to touch me?” he asks. He has the gall to be impish with you.
“Yes, but…do you want me to touch you? I don’t know what you’re thinking right now. I don’t know if you want me, too.”
He lets out a light, throaty laugh. “I though it would be clear by now that I want you.”
“You’ve…you’ve never seemed like—” His reassuring hand on your shoulder cuts you off.
“You have no idea how much time I’ve spent trying not to want you. But I do.” He squeezes you. “Fuck, I do.”
You’re still struck wordless in amazement when he slides his hand down your arm and catches your hand with his. “Can I?” You’ve never heard him speak to you like this before.
“Am I dreaming?” you blurt out, only partially aware of what you’re saying. You regret it immediately because Mattsun furrows his brows and lets go of your hand.
“Are you still sick?” he asks, gentle and concerned. Your heart folds in your chest at this. “Do you want more rest?”
“I’m not sick,” you say, firm. “I’ve never been better.” And you reach down for his bulge, cupping him over his pants.
Mattsun’s hips jerk a little at the contact and his hand grabs at your wrist again, almost as if to stop you. “Are you sure?”
You quirk a smile, finding yourself. “I thought it would be clear by now that I want you,” you say.
And then he’s kissing you.
You always thought that when (if) you finally kissed Mattsun, it would be hard and desperate and reckless. And maybe it still is a little reckless but there is nothing rushed about him. His fingers are skimming your jaw, over your cheeks, playing with the curve of your ear. He kisses you so gently it’s almost like you’re still dreaming, chasing a sensation you can never quite reach; you always wake up first.
But you’re wide awake now and he’s pressing against you, lips, chest against yours, hips insistent. It’s so much better than your fever dreams. He loops his long arm around you and pulls you even closer. He does a slow grind against you, like he’s telling you how much he wants you, in case you were still unsure. Your mind is floating, your whole body is floating with the strangest sensation of relief and desire.
Mattsun is so sure of his movements, so intentional in the way he’s kissing you. You try to open your mouth, get closer for more, but he slows you down, pulling away and laughing breathlessly at your eagerness before kissing you again. You try to press against his shoulders and pin him down but he nips your bottom lip, playful and reprimanding.
“Quit holding off,” you sigh, prissy. Now that you’re having him you can’t seem to measure yourself. Mattsun’s grinning against your mouth.
“Quit rushing me,” he says, and then breathes in your neck, the dip at your collarbone. “Fuck, I’m so turned on right now.” He rolls his hips into you again.
You shiver at the featherlight press of his lips against your throat. “Then have me,” you say (you beg).
“I want to, I want to,” he’s saying, against a hundred little kisses against your skin. “But I don’t want to rush anything. I want you sure.”
“I’m sure,” you say. “Please.”
He laughs a little against your skin. “You have no idea what your begging is doing to me.”
“Please, please, please,” you say, and then laugh with him. Mattsun presses you onto your back, thumb circling your nipple through your top. You’re having the strangest time of trying to capture every moment with your mind, with your touch, and at the same time you can’t help but feel so completely shaken with nerves. You’ve wanted this for so long.
Mattsun senses this and pulls back a little. “Good?” he asks. His eyes are half-lidded and the way he’s looking at you is doing unspeakable things to your body.
“Good, I’m just…”
“Freaking out a bit?”
And somehow, him knowing that and saying it, helps. Because he’s not just your older brother’s best friend, or some shadow in a dream. He’s also your friend. And you remember this, and he sees your remembering and smiles.
“I’m nervous, too,” he offers. The idea baffles you.
“You are?”
Mattsun grabs your hand and holds it against his chest so that you can feel how quickly his heart is beating. It’s a hummingbird against a cage. “You’re not the only one.”
You pull him down for a kiss again and this time wrap your arms and legs around him. You’re both laughing, with nerves, with excitement and it’s better than good.
And then Mattsun reaches between the both of you, slipping his fingers under the waistband of your shorts and your laughing turns breathless and begging. He’s playing with you over your underwear, circling and pressing lightly against your clit and you grind up against his touch, shocked at how good it feels.
“Good?” he asks again, and this time his voice is low and gravelled. He’s watching your reactions closely, the way you tilt your head back and moan when he touches you just right.
Your voice is slurred, like it was last night. “So good.”
He flashes a grin down at you, smug and bright and then kneels between your legs. “Lift your hips up, beautiful.” It’s the first time he’s called you beautiful, and he matches your dopey smile. “You’re beautiful,” he says again and pulls your underwear down with your shorts. He makes a pleased little sound when he looks at you and swipes an experimental finger through your folds. You shudder at the touch. “Such a pretty pussy,” he murmurs, touching you again.
You never thought you’d hear him say something like that outside of your own dirty mind and fuck, if it doesn’t get you wet. You’re bolder now, and wanting, and you stick your fingers in your mouth before reaching down and playing with yourself, showing him how you like it.
Mattsun curses at the sight and you watch, with delight, as precum stains the front of his sweats. “You have too much clothes on,” you say and it’s a command more than anything else. He strips off his shirt quickly and pulls his sweats down after, leaving only his black boxer-briefs on. You nudge him lightly with your knee. “Are you gonna return the favour?” you ask. You slide a finger into yourself and drag the wetness over your clit, making yourself moan.
Mattsun chuckles and palms himself over his underwear, gripping his cock through the fabric in one hand and cupping his balls with the other. You watch him touch himself as he watches you touch yourself and the both of you get flushed and panting.
“I need you,” Mattsun spits out after a moment. “Fuck, I’m getting close just watching you, baby.”
The pet name jolts through you, making your skin all hot and tingling. He says it so sweetly. You look up at him and bat your eyes, coquettish. “How do you want me?” You thought it’d make him laugh but it makes him moan instead. He fists himself harder.
“Ugh, fuck, whatever you want,” he says, half-thoughtless, “whatever you want.”
You turn over onto your stomach and prop yourself up on your elbows, looking back at him. “Like this, Issei?”
“Oh my god,” he manages, and grabs onto your ass with both hands, squeezing. “You saying my name is —you’re so hot. You’re so hot,” he says again. You wiggle your hips a little just to hear him curse again. “Do you —do you have a condom, baby?”
“Top drawer.”
Mattsun shifts from above you and you hear a crinkle and tear of foil. You’re on hands and knees and you watch him kick his boxers off awkwardly to roll the condom on. You’re not surprised that he’s big, but it still takes the breath out of you to see him fully naked, touching himself.
“You’re gorgeous,” you say, without really thinking. Mattsun looks at you, flushed and bright-eyed.
“That’s you,” he retorts, easy, and reaches for your hips, smoothing a hand down your spine. He slides his cock along your wet folds, and you both sigh in unison.
“More,” you say, but he just keeps rubbing against you gently, relishing in the feel of your heat against him.
“Let me take my time. Please.” His voice sounds as wrecked as yours. But you rest your head against your pillows, your ass tilting further into the air and Mattsun’s restraint vanishes.
The first press of him is light and leaves you desperate for more. You try to back up onto him, but he shifts and makes you wait, ignoring your whining. Then he gives in a little and you almost thank him for how slow he’s going because the stretch. He pushes in an inch at a time, waiting for you to adjust to him at every interval. He’s so patient, so slow, but you can feel his thighs trembling at the effort. You’re letting out little sounds, begging sounds, and Mattsun’s doing the same, his breathing shallow.
When he’s pressed to the hilt, the moan you let out is pulled straight from your chest. “Fuck, Issei,” you sound like you’re drunk.
“I know, I know.” His hips are flush with your ass but still he manages to press a little deeper. “Ah, fuck. Fuck. You feel so good, so, so good.” He’s holding onto your hips like he’s afraid to move. “Just —shit, being inside of you is enough,” he murmurs, mindless. “God, I wish you could see yourself right now.”
“Issei.” You’re bossy and he laughs and acquiesces, pulling out slightly and pushing back in. It’s hardly enough; you take matters into your own hands.
Mattsun makes a desperate sound when you start bouncing back on his cock. It takes a second for you to find a rhythm against him but when you do, you both moan at the friction, the fill of him inside of you. His fingers are digging into your hips like he’s holding on for dear life, not guiding you, just feeling your plushness in his hands.
You say everything you’ve wanted to say to him for years. You never thought you’d get the chance, and now you have it, and it all comes rolling out. “I’ve wanted you for so long. Fuck, I knew you’d stretch me out so good. I’ve been fucking —ah, fuck, there— dreaming about this. Been wanting you to fill me with your cum.” He snaps his hips into you at that one and you let out a surprised little gasp.
“Sorry,” he says quickly. You back up against him with the same snapping gesture, getting a little oof out of him.
“Don’t be sorry,” you say. “Do it again.”
He does and it knocks a sound out of you, which knocks a sound out of him. “Your voice,” he says, ragged, “is going to kill me.”
“Please,” you beg, and you aren’t entirely sure what you’re asking him for, but he presses into you again, this time long and slow and you babble a thank you.
“Feel good?” His hands are guiding you now, pulling you toward him with each cant of his hips. You let out a wordless sound into the pillow and he thrusts harder, insistent. “What was that?” He has the audacity to be teasing you now of all times, but of course he is. And so you have to give it back to him.
“Could always make me feel better,” you say. His thrusts slow.
“I’m sorry?”
You turn your head so he can see your smile. “I said, you could always make me feel better.”
His eyes go dangerous in the best way. He leans forward, caging you with an arm, deepening his reach inside of you. With his other hand he reaches down and starts to circle your clit. You shiver immediately at the contact. “There we go. Feel better, huh? You’re —shit, you feel so good— you’re in for it now.”
You clench at that promise and Mattsun lets out a string of low profanities, hips stuttering against you. “Sounds like you’re the one in for it,” you grin, and he growls and presses his fingers against you, drawing subtle shapes on you, drawing out your pleasure until you’re panting and wordless.
There’s something hot and electric building in the base of your stomach and Mattsun can feel it. It’s embarrassing how quick he’s got you close, but you can’t feel any shame for it now. You’ve been wanting this for too long.
Mattsun’s angling you until you’re crying out with every snap of his hips, until you’re begging him not to stop, to keep going just like that, to do this forever. You can tell he’s staving his own climax off because he has to slow every few strokes with a broken groan. “You’re so good, you’re so fucking wet for me,” he pants, his thrusts getting a little erratic. “God, I’ve fucking dreamed of this.”
“Fuck, please —please don’t stop.” He picks up the pace, your sweat and slick mixing where his fingers are rubbing at your clit, the fill of his cock stretching you, making you tremble. “’M close, Issei,” you whimper. “Gettin’ close.”
“Yeah?” Mattsun grits his teeth, slapping his hips into you. “Cum for me, beautiful, let me, ah —fuck, fuck— let me hear you.” He’s chasing your high desperately, the feel of your walls pulsing around him nearly undoing him. “I need you to cum for me, pretty girl, I need your cum —fuck, ‘m not gonna last.” He’s almost pained, relishing at your wetness, your plush ass pressing against him. “Please, please, I’m gonna cum soon, please cum for me, cum for me—”
A blinding shot of pleasure tears through you, and you let out a strangled moan, legs shaking as you bury your face into your pillow. You’re gasping and trembling and Mattsun fucks you through your high. You can hear him praising you through it, fingers brushing over you until you’re too sensitive to take it and you have to grab at his hand with a whine. Weakly, you turn your head to look at him.
He’s stopped thrusting and his face is knotted in concentration, chest heaving and glistening with sweat. He hasn’t cum. He’s half pulled out of you, his fist gripping the base of his cock and he’s letting out these despairing little grunts.
“You didn’t cum?” you ask, dazed. Mattsun looks at you and pulls out slowly, both of you moaning at the slick squelch of your pleasure. “Are you okay—?”
He grabs at your hips and moves you onto your back. You look up at him, confused, but he gives you a breathless, boyish smile. “Wanna cum looking at you,” he says and your heart flutters at it. He leans down and catches you in a long, sloppy kiss, pushing the tip of his cock back into you. He groans against your mouth. “Wanted you for so long,” he murmurs, gliding into you, stretching you out all over again.
“Really?” you ask. Your orgasm’s made you softer, pliable and sentimental. Part of you can still barely believe he’s hear, with you, like this.
Mattsun sees your vulnerability and catches one of your hands with him, threading your fingers together. “Really,” he says and starts to move his hips against yours, slow and controlled. You both dissolve into moans. “Wanna feel this forever.” You wrap your legs and arms around him, shifts and trying to match his rhythm. “’M not gonna last,” he warns, and you can feel his cock twitching inside of you, aching for release.
“Give it to me,” you whisper into his ear and that frees him. He fucks into you, hard and frantic, vibrating with need.
“Oh, fuck, ah, ah—” He buries his face into your neck, but you can hear him, still. You loll your head back at the delicious pace he’s set, encouraging him, pressing him into you with your heels. “I can’t—you’re so good, you’re the best, you’re— shit, shit, shit—”
“Let me hear you, Issei,” you murmur into his ear. “I wanna hear you cum for me.”
Mattsun growls, spending inside the condom. You meet your hips to his, trying to drag out his pleasure as he did with yours and he keens, rutting into you recklessly. He collapses on top of you after, smacking his lips all over your face until you’re giggling. He pulls back slightly to look at your face. “Good?” he asks.
You nod, demure. “You?”
He presses his mouth against yours again. “Perfect.”
“I can’t believe…” you bite your lip and he crinkles his nose at your shyness.
“What is it?”
“I can’t believe you felt the same.”
“Feel the same,” he corrects gently. And then he goes a little shy, which you never thought you’d see from him. It’s endearing as all hell. “That is, if you do feel something after—”
“I do,” you say quickly and Mattsun sighs happily nuzzling against you, soaking in your warmth before he has to get up and dispose of the condom. He’s still inside of you, softening, and you run your fingers through his thick hair, like you’ve always wanted to do.
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Makki stares at the text his best friend just sent him.
Can’t meet up, I’m sick
He types back,
Lame. Want me to bring you something?
A few minutes pass before his phone buzzes again.
Your sister’s here.
Makki snorts and shakes his head, slipping his phone back into his pocket. Finally, he thinks, and grins.
179 notes · View notes
saintobio · 3 years
pov: he’s a racer and you’re the finish line. (3)
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↳ oikawa tooru/reader (feat. miya atsumu)
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summary. driven by the thrill of illegal street racing, an esteemed racer from Miyagi shows up and makes a tough bet against your abusive boyfriend in exchange for you.
genre. angst/fluff, action, street racer au
cw. illegal street racing, mentions of physical and sexual abuse, mentions of past suicide, reference to substance abuse (drugs), strong language, gambling, guns, violence (please read at your own discretion)
notes. it got hella dark in here lol i am sad but also excited to post the final part!! thanks so much for reading this street racer oikawa short fic i rly hope u guys enjoyed it <3 i might consider a lighthearted suna spinoff to this series :>
previous <- masterlist
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Kim didn’t get the chance to tell you about ‘Isabel’ because Tooru came out of the bathroom just before she was going to give you the answer you wanted.
You believed talking about Isabel was something they avoided in this house, otherwise Kim wouldn’t have hesitated to tell you everything about her in front of Oikawa. You couldn’t measure if it was something to worry about and you certainly wouldn’t want to know that you were stepping on someone else’s heart in exchange for Tooru.
Isabel couldn’t possibly be his current lover, right?
You waited for your chance to hear the full story, patiently and respectfully, even though you could see that Kim wanted to tell you then and there. If not for a busy day ahead of her, you would’ve had the time and space to be alone to talk about it.
However, now wasn’t the perfect time. They had to be at their automotive garage to run their business and accommodating your concerns were the least of Kim’s priority right now.
“Seijoh Auto Repair Shop,” you read out the signage as you hopped out of Oikawa’s Nissan R34 Skyline. “You guys tune cars?”
He nodded, walking inside the garage while holding your hand. “Vehicle modifications and customizations. We also do repairs for exhaust systems, transmissions, and all that,” he answered, pointing towards an Auto Parts shop across the garage. “You see that over there, baby? That’s where I get all the high performance parts. Street racers in Miyagi would go there to get whatever I have under the hood and then they go here for mods.”
As impressed as you were, you also remembered to point out his Skyline that looked exactly like a replica of Paul Walker’s car. “Let’s talk about your R34 Skyline, Mr. Fast and Furious geek. Did you purposely customize your car just like Brian’s?”
“You got me.” He let out a faint chuckle before urging you to sit on top of a table where Mattsun’s huge toolbox was laid out. Tooru stood in between your legs and placed his hands on your thighs. “It’s cool, right? That bad boy’s not cheap, either. It’s got a higher market value after the movie came out and I exhausted all the money I earned from street races to build the exact specifications. It’s hard earned, that’s why it’s my favorite car.”
“I wonder what’s under the hood,” you innocently pondered, thinking about the exact modifications that he did on his engine.
The corner of his lips lifted into a sly smirk and you could see his eyes briefly checking out your body before looking back at you. “I’d prefer to see what’s on top of the hood.”
You blushed at the memory of the previous night’s steamy sex on top of his McLaren Senna. There was no way in hell you could ever look at the car and not be reminded of that night.
Tooru was about to kiss your lips until the crew’s footsteps and loud teasing had distracted you two.
“Okay, sweethearts. This isn’t a motel,” Kim commented in good humor, stopping in front of a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IX that was currently under repair.
Mattsun followed shortly, opening his toolbox beside you with an amused smile. “Where were you two last night?”
Makki showed up, grinning before he did his best imitation of you, “A-Aaah, Tooru! Mmh.. Yes, yes faster!”
“Oh my god! Stop,” you squealed, hiding your embarrassed face on Oikawa’s neck.
Your guy, however, was laughing along. “Shut up, Makki. I bet my ass you jerked off to us.”
You were partly grateful when Iwaizumi came to end the teasing as he delivered another news that quickly took the crew’s interest. “Hey, I was just at the auto shop and guess who ordered a Magnaflow xMOD in time for Friday’s race?”
“Your mom?” Hanamaki joked which earned a middle finger from Iwaizumi.
“Semi Eita,” he confirmed, turning to Oikawa who remained unbothered.
“Fuck that guy, bro,” he merely said as he leaned his back against your chest. “He’s just gonna end up losing to me either way.”
Kim sniggered while wiping her hands with a towel. “What car you gonna use this Friday, baby?”
Oikawa shrugged as if it was obvious enough. “Skyline.”
You didn’t mean to chime into their conversation but you thought that your idea could help, “Why don’t you use the Senna?” you asked naively.
The guys laughed at what seemed like a funny proposition and Tooru leaned in to kiss your cheek as a response. “You’re cute,” he stated. “But no one’s gonna take me seriously if I show up in an expensive ass car, baby. It’s underground street racing, not Formula One circuit.”
You ended up pouting because you didn’t have any fucking idea about it. Back in Hyogo, they simply did street racing for fun but they seemed to take the whole street racing scene more seriously here in Miyagi. It was definitely a huge change of atmosphere.
Tooru pecked your lips to erase your silly pout. “Come watch Friday’s race. I’ll win one for you again.”
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Oikawa’s crew was vastly different from the Atsumu’s crew and some of the main differences were easily noticeable through their bond. With Oikawa’s crew, they were more chaotic but highly experienced with automobiles. Atsumu’s crew, on the other hand, were more relaxed and the only people that were causing the chaos were the Miya twins.
You loved two groups of people equally, but now that you lived with them and was basically part of Tooru’s crew, you learned to appreciate the great company they offered you. They gave you a warm welcome and treated you like a family right away, despite being with them for only a couple of days. It felt nice to finally belong somewhere where you weren’t being disregarded or treated like dirt by one or two people. For them, anyone Oikawa liked, they also liked.
It was on a Thursday night, which was the night before the race, when you finally had the chance to be alone with Kim on the balcony of Oikawa’s house. The guys were downstairs playing videogames so you were assured that no one would bother you two.
She was drinking a cold Corona beer while looking at the stars in deep thought and you took this opportunity to bring up the question that had been lurking inside your head for days.
“Kim,” you called for her attention, which she immediately gave. “About Isabel?”
Her eyes quickly recalled the last conversation you two were in. “Right, well—”
“Sorry if I seem so nosey or anything,” you explained beforehand, just in case. “I’m just really curious ‘cause I don’t wanna find out that I’m Tooru’s sidehoe or something.”
Kim found humor in it. “No, you’re fine. I would’ve been curious, too.”
Silently, you were wishing that you weren’t going to end up hurt with what she was about to say.
“Isabel was his girlfriend for six years,” Kim explained. “But he’s been in love with her more than that.”
Yup, that definitely hurt. You couldn’t even understand why there was a pang of jealousy creeping in your chest because it was just unacceptable for you feel that way. It wasn’t like you and Oikawa could magically fall in love after a few days, even if you were easily and strongly attached to him, you had to know your place.
“Where’s she now?” you silently asked.
She exhaled a deep sigh. “You’re gonna be shocked but... she ended her life two years ago. Her uncle, he physically and sexually assaulted her and the trauma she went through eventually made her commit. Oikawa didn’t find out about it until a week after she died. She never told anyone about the abuse ‘cause she was scared.”
It almost felt like your heart dropped to your stomach after hearing about what the poor girl went through. At the same time, your heart was hurting at the puzzle pieces that were slowly coming together as a whole.
“God, I’m telling you Oikawa was so enraged after that. None of us could talk to him because he was angry at the world—at the fact that he didn’t get to do anything to spare Isabel’s life and the fact that her demon uncle ran away instead of rotting in jail.” Kim’s eyes reflected the pain that she was feeling for Oikawa because she had been around him longer than you could imagine. She had seen it all. “You know, the reason why Oikawa would drive across Japan, from town to town, isn’t just because of street racing.”
Your eyes locked with hers. “What do you mean?”
“What I mean is, Isabel’s uncle is still hiding somewhere across Japan and Oikawa made it his lifelong goal to search for him,” she explained, pausing to give you a few seconds to fully understand it. “Oikawa’s trying to find his traces and he vows to kill the guy with his own hands. He wants to avenge Isabel’s death.”
You were left extremely shocked at all the information you were hearing. You truly, truly did not expect that it was this serious. It was difficult to imagine how much resentment Tooru had inside of him because you thought losing his dad was already the peak of his pain. He also lost his soulmate, his one and only, in an exceedingly brutal way.
“It’s sad and scary, right?” she asked, looking up at the night sky. “Isabel was such a beautiful girl. She’s extremely gorgeous, so kind, so gentle. You know those types of girls that just makes you speechless on the first look? She looks like an angel, to be honest. Oikawa and her were the perfect match and we all supported their relationship because they were really each other’s soulmates. Unfortunately, it just ended tragically for both of them.”
You fell silent, listening to her words while admittedly feeling an ache growing deep down. Inside your head, you could picture him out with the girl he loved with all his heart and thought of the should’ves and could’ves if she was still alive.
“Maybe that’s why Oikawa’s wrapped around your fingers.” Kim then turned her head back at you. “Because you kinda look like her.”
Actually, you realized it wasn’t just that.
When Oikawa saw you for the first time, he also witnessed the abuse you were going through with Atsumu and it must have struck a nerve on Tooru’s desire to act as a hero to the abused. He saw Isabel through you and he thought that saving you would give him a sense of comfort. You reminded him of Isabel with what you were going through and it was the only reason he even pursued you.
You were simply going to live off of her shadow and as much as it hurt, it was the raw and hard truth.
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Tooru noticed your sudden odd behavior when you woke up that morning and scooted away from his warm hug. He thought, maybe you were just having a bad day, but even until the night of the race came, you had been silent on your own as if there was a battle going through your head.
Call it rash or whatever, but he did care about you more than he ought to. You were like a magnet, a gravity with a force strong enough to keep him attached. He barely knew you other than the stories you told him, but it did feel like he’d known you for so long.
“Wanna hold my hand?” he asked affectionately as he parked the car along the parking space for tonight’s race. Makki and the organizers managed to close down the street for tonight’s race while the cops were busy involving themselves on a homicide case in the city.
“I’m fine.” You avoided his gaze when you got out of the car and he figured that something was wrong. Were you missing that blond toolbag from Hyogo? Were you homesick? Those were his theories. However, he saw you smile for the first time today when a familiar guy with dark middle-parted hair came to greet you. “Suna!”
“Hey! I almost lost my way,” the guy immediately ranted after embracing you. “How are you? I got your stuff in the car.”
As a man, it was natural for Oikawa to stand behind you and claim his territory. He knew Suna was only a good friend, but the guy was still loyal to Atsumu so he was only being cautious.
“I can’t believe you drove all the way here,” you said, apologetically. “I really missed you and the guys!”
“We miss you, too.”
“Sup, bro.” Oikawa offered Suna a manly handshake that he soon returned. “You should join the race tonight. We got a four-man quarter mile race and we need one more racer to fill the slot.”
Suna seemed delighted. “What’s the bet?”
“Maybe fifteen grand,” Oikawa casually answered. “Or a pink slip, whichever works.”
“Man, pass. I don’t have enough cash,” the guy chickened out. “Next time.”
Oikawa simply grinned. “That sucks, bro. I’d want to see your GT86 doing god’s work.” He later moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and leaning in to kiss your temple. Thankfully, you didn’t move away from his touch.
Suna noticed the affection with a surprised look. “Are you guys, like, dating?”
“I don’t know,” Oikawa teased, looking at you. “What’cha think, baby? I think we’re dating.”
You shook your head, but still let him intertwine his fingers with yours. “Too early to say.”
“Dude, as long as you treat her right, I support it.” Suna shared a look between him and you.
Your attention was shortly diverted when the three of you heard the sound of an engine violently revving nearby. It was followed by a loud bass-boosted song Pump It Up playing from the stereo and you realized that it was Iwaizumi’s dark green Subaru BRZ.
He parked his car next to Oikawa’s and got off with Kim greeting everyone enthusiastically.
“Hey, guys.” Kim quickly saw Suna and offered her hand. “Hey, baby. I’m Kim!”
“Kim, stop calling everyone ‘baby’,” Iwaizumi scolded before greeting the new guy. “Hajime. Nice to meet you.”
“Suna,” the guy responded in the same friendly manner.
You were the one who introduced the guys to him just so he had an idea about the acquaintances that you’ve made in Miyagi. “Kim and Iwa are in Oikawa’s crew,” you paused, seeing the other two. “That’s Makki and Mattsun, also in the crew.”
Oikawa was visibly confused, just as you were, when he saw Makki’s girl cousin looking at Suna in utter shock.
“Sunarin, what the fuck?”
“Yo, what the fuck are you doing here?”
“You tell me, bitch.” The girl crossed her arms. “You following me?!”
“Holy shit,” you muttered in amusement, realizing that it was the girl from Suna’s neighborhood. First of all, what, where, and how was she in Miyagi?
“You’re the one following me, the fuck?” Suna retorted in grave denial. “I was here for Y/N, not you.”
“I’m here to visit my cousin for the weekend,” she clarified with an eyebrow raised. The whole crew found it hilarious how the two seemed to hate each other so much. “Makki, don’t tell me this loser’s gonna race tonight.”
Tooru immediately dismissed. “Nah, he’s not. You could, though.”
Makki’s younger cousin huffed. “No way, I’m just gonna lose to you.”
“Don’t embarrass me with that lack of self confidence,” Makki told her before looking at the crew leader. “Hey, Tooru O’Conner. I got word we can start the race in ten. Semi’s here and two other guys also filled the spot.”
With excitement filling his veins, Oikawa lifted your chin and made you stare at his caramel eyes. “Ride with me.”
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They changed the route to a 1km stretch because Oikawa complained about the quarter mile being way too easy for him. His opponents simply went for whatever he wanted because they were only racing to beat him in the first place.
Your grip on the seatbelts were tight the moment the flagger yelled ‘go’ and Tooru had immediately stepped on the accelerator at the signal. The sound of the turbo got deafeningly loud when the four cars sped off the road with people cheering on the sideline. Kind of suprising how Oikawa ended up tailing behind a burgundy Toyota Supra MK3 with white race stripes. Apparently, the said car was driven by a guy named Semi Eita and he appeared to be a skilled driver.
Although Oikawa was only second in the lead, he was calm and collected while he shifted his gears with full focus. You realized how different he was from Atsumu because the latter would have already been cursing or yelling angrily. Meanwhile, Tooru simply manned the steering wheel with one hand and held the gearshift on the other. The muscles on his forearm were flexing with each precise movement but you paid more attention to the way he was licking his lower lip with a smirk.
“Watch this,” he said, oversteering the car and losing traction but still managing to control it as he drifted on the corner. He was drifting in a complete 90 degree angle, passing his opponents with a smug face. “Yeah, boy!”
Your lips formed a small smile at how cool your ‘boyfriend’ looked while he did that.
The Supra caught up when both cars entered a narrow street and you were kind of nervous at how close the car was from you. “Oh my god, Tooru,” you muttered, holding your breath.
“It’s okay, baby.” He quickly grabbed your hand and made you grip the gearshift—he was doing it so he could hold your hand while he drove off. “Nice body kit, bro.” He took a good look at Semi and gave him a playful wink before he skillfully turned to the left.
More tire-screeching sounds, more engines roaring.
At one point, a neon green Mitsubishi Eclipse had almost collided into Oikawa’s rear end which essentially caused his distraction. He was annoyed by this and had made you tighten your grip on the gearshift as he bumped the car with his sideframe. The Eclipse skidded to the side and completely lost its control.
“You’re so mean,” you told him when you saw him grinning at the unfortunate fate of the Eclipse.
“Baby.” He glanced at your eyes and then to your lips before watching the road again. “If I win tonight, can you give me head?”
You suppressed a chuckle, shaking your head at his silly request. “If you win. The Supra just utilized his NOS.”
Oikawa watched Semi’s arrogant smirk on display when he drove past him after acquiring more speed with the Nitrous Oxide. You figured that maybe the Grand King would be dethroned tonight, but he thought otherwise.
“Too soon, bro,” Tooru confidently claimed, glancing at his speedometer and flipping some switches but you had no idea what purpose they had. Once again, he drifted towards the last turn before his car increased into a superb speed.
Guess you were giving head tonight.
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Oikawa kissed you in front of everybody after he won the race and yet, people still surrounded him, particularly the girls as they all vied for his attention. It didn’t bother you because you didn’t really feel like you were Oikawa’s real girl, but a simple prize. A trophy. Just like how you were to Atsumu.
The night was still young and the cops were nowhere in sight. Due to this, they decided to do one more race with Iwaizumi’s participation this time.
Oikawa, acting as a supportive best friend, was busy hyping him up just before the race would start and you took that opportunity to take a quick bathroom break.
“Where you going?” Suna asked while seated on the hood of his car.
“I’ll be back,” you assured, making your way to the nearest convenience store you could find.
You ended up finding one just across the street and the lady from the counter was nice enough to let you use the bathroom. When you got outside, she gave you a look of recognition as if she knew exactly where you came from.
“Street racer?” she inquired.
You smiled and shook your head. “No, just came to watch.”
“Oh, did Oikawa win again?”
Her question surprised you. “You know him?”
“Everyone knows him,” she answered. “He used to come here with his girlfriend, too. They were really perfect together. It’s sad to know about what happened.”
Almost everyone who knew Tooru had been saying how him and Isabel were a match made in heaven and it was leaving you utterly hurt. You understood that she was no longer alive but this doesn’t change the fact that she had more significant memories with him than you. You were just a filler to the void she left and even if Tooru did learn to love you eventually, you would always just come second. That was all you’d ever be.
He was just using you to move on.
While you made your way back to the racing scene and having a million thoughts running in your head, you barely noticed that someone was trailing behind you as you made a turn to the dark alleyway.
Your heart stopped.
“Get in the car,” Atsumu growled, pointing a gun at your head. “Don’t speak another word.”
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You were holding your tears while you sat at the passenger seat of Atsumu’s car, feeling anxious and frightened for your life, feeling terrified and traumatized, feeling all the worst things that more than a single person could take.
Tooru was too good to be true.
Now you were back in your abuser’s car because you couldn’t leave even if you wanted to. He had threatened your life and everyone else around you if you didn’t listen to him.
You couldn’t escape when he drove through the city while you eventually released your muffled sobs. “I don’t wanna be with you anymore.”
Atsumu let out a laugh, a cruel one, that almost sent shivers to your spine. “You wanna be with him? You don’t know him.”
“I’d rather be with him,” you stated, swallowing hard. “Than to be with a bastard like you.”
“Try,” he challenged. “I can just kill the both of you then, if that’s what you want.”
“You’re fucking crazy.”
He was about to respond, however your phone started ringing loud enough that it almost made you jump from your seat. Both you and Atsumu saw Oikawa’s name on the caller ID and it felt like the anxiety in your chest was only growing each second.
“Answer it,” he instructed with gritted teeth. “Put it on speaker. Tell him you’re leaving. Tell him you’re not coming back. Give him a reason why you’re leaving.”
You were paralyzed.
“Fucking answer it, bitch!”
The rage in Atsumu’s eyes intimidated you into eventually answering Oikawa’s phone call and taking a deep breath.
Atsumu stopped driving and had parked the car on the sidewalk of a barely lit street. He eyed you warily as you pressed on the phone and he pointed the gun in your direction.
“Where are you?” was the first thing you heard from Oikawa on the other end of the line. “Baby, please tell me.”
Atsumu urged for you to speak while threatening you. At this point, your breathing was ragged but you managed to speak, “I’m leaving for good.”
“What do you—What’s this? You’re not leaving me,” he spoke in urgency. “I’ll go to you. Let’s talk about it.”
With your eyes closed, you poured your heart out to him. “I-I can’t stay with you and be in your life knowing that... that Isabel, she’s the person you see when you look at me. I can’t stay with you knowing that I’m only just with you because I remind you of her and the sad thing is I can never surpass her. I can never be her. I never belonged to you, I... I belong to Atsumu because it’s my reality. Even if my relationship with him is imperfect, he’s who I belong to. It’s the life that was given to me.”
It was true and you just had to accept it. This little runaway with Tooru was just a taste of heaven but you deserved to go to hell with Atsumu because that was simply your fate. You already knew, after hearing it from everyone that Isabel was and would always be the person that Tooru could ever offer his life to. Not you. Not a stranger he merely won as a prize.
“Tell me you’re fucking kidding right now, Y/N.” It was the first time Oikawa called you by your first name and his voice sounded painfully grim and serious. “Who told you about Isabel?”
“That’s not important.”
“It is important!” he yelled through the phone. “Isabel’s gone. It’s been two years and fuck, I know I’ll always love her but I’m allowed to find someone else and love again, too. I’m genuine with everything I ever said to you and I don’t want you to go back to that lunatic ‘cause he won’t treat you right!”
Atsumu scoffed at Tooru’s words while gesturing for you to end the call. Your heart felt suffocated at the realization of your final moments with the guy you thought could save you from misery. The truth was, he couldn’t. You two lived very different lives that weren’t fated to merge together.
“I-I have to go,” you said, sniffing silently.
“No, tell me where you are right now! Baby, please.. Please.”
“I’m sorry.”
Atsumu snatched the phone off your hold and ended the call while you were wiping the tears from your face. You couldn’t understand why you had to live a life like this when you deserved so much more.
“So fucking dramatic,” Atsumu snarked before he started sniggering. “You’re good for mentioning the Isabel chick, though. I heard about her, too.”
You turned your head away from him and didn’t speak a word.
“He can be convicted as a criminal, you know,” he added, clearly entertained at the thought. “I found out some things about that punk and the reason why he was in Hyogo was because he was after that chick’s uncle who lived four blocks away from us. Poor man almost got beaten to death, broke several bones, but that stupid punk of yours was a pussy and spared his life for some reason.”
You tried to conceal the horror on your face at the information you just heard. At the same time, you felt Tooru’s pain and how hard it must have been for him to see the man that abused the girl he loved.
“You wanna be with a criminal, huh?” Atsumu mocked, pulling your chin to face him. “Stop moping around before I spit on you. We can just go back to the way we were. You love me.”
You forcefully pushed his hand away. “You’re the criminal here. You’re an abuser and a drug addict, you disgusting pig. What did I even do to you?”
And he couldn’t even answer. What he did instead was to grab his gun, which startled you, and then he started guffawing at your frightened expression. “This gun isn’t even real. You’re really stupid.”
You clenched your fist and glared at him. “You’re sick! You’re fucking mental.”
“Say what you want,” he said, pulling you by your shirt as a way of intimidation but not long before he noticed the hickeys that Tooru left all over your shoulder blade. His hand balled into a tight fist while he gripped your shirt and you already knew what was about to happen. “You fucked him?”
“Many times,” you spitefully retorted. “And I liked every second of it—”
Atsumu slapped you across your cheek and it sent an extreme wave of shock and disbelief all over your body. You looked back at him with eyes full of fury before you smacked his face in return. You ought to return what he was giving. Every bit of it. So when he later grabbed you by the jaw to look at him, you pulled away and spit on his face, but the bastard enjoyed it.
He fucking enjoyed it.
“You’re dead to me when we get home.”
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You sat in complete silence and chose not to utter a single word after Atsumu laid a hand on you. Needless to say that you were taken aback by his violence and you started worrying for your own sanity once you finally go back to Hyogo. You knew his threats weren’t empty and you had no way out of it.
He was driving along the freeway at 12AM with a satisfied but somehow stern look on his disgusting face, probably thinking of all the cruel stuff he planned on doing to you.
His expression, however, had immensely turned into alarm and frustration when he eyed the side mirror and saw about three cars speeding off to chase him.
“Shit,” he cursed under his breath, forcefully stepping on the gas to increase his car’s speed in urgency. You turned around to take a good look at the cars and recognized them immediately. The sound of the turbo and the speed of one specific car already gave it away—it was the R34 Skyline.
Tailing behind it was Iwaizumi’s BRZ and Makki’s 350Z who both skillfully evaded the other cars through the light freeway traffic.
“Oh my god,” you gasped, feeling the adrenaline and the anxiety combining.
They were coming to get you, and they were coming fast.
You heard a loud horn from Tooru’s car as he went past an SUV that was two cars away from where you were and you managed to get a glimpse of his face for a brief second. You recognized that the look of determination and the unwavering focus he had was the same expression he displayed on the day he raced to win you.
“Sit the fuck down, will you?!” Atsumu whined like the little bitch he was and used his remaining NOS.
You staggered on your seat from the sudden boost and almost hit your head on the window if not for your seatbelt. “You own a GTR and can’t even fucking drive.”
“Shut your fuckin’ mouth.” He was exceeding the speed limit, dodging the cars that were blocking his way until his car grazed into a sedan. “Get outta the way, man!”
The Skyline’s engine roared and you knew Oikawa was pretty close even without looking back. It caught you by surprise when the BRZ appeared on your left side, the Skyline to the right, and the 350Z drafting on the rear end. Atsumu tried to steer his car but Oikawa willfully bumped him in return and made sure to keep him inside the triangle they created.
You were cussing inside your head as you started overthinking of how this could lead into a fatal car crash or a lawful jail time. It certainly could, but Atsumu had been cornered to drive off the freeway and steer the car into the frontage road, eventually entering back to the city.
Atsumu was cussing over and over knowing that he could never outsmart these three cars because Miyagi was their territory. They knew these roads better than anyone else and it wasn’t much of a shock until Atsumu’s reckless driving made him turn to a dead end with Oikawa drifting to block his car. The two other cars joined the makeshift border and you were still panting from all the adrenaline rush.
Surely, all of these made you dizzy but you didn’t miss witnessing how Oikawa angrily stomped off his car, pulled Atsumu’s door open, and grabbed him by the collar before harshly thrashing him on the floor.
You got off the car in surprise and tried to stop the two. “Tooru!”
He threw a hard punch across Atsumu’s face—once, twice—the blond guy was laughing with blood in his mouth. “You gonna kill me?”
“Tooru, please!”
“Hold her.” The said guy pointed at you with a stern face and you were later pulled back by Kim and Mattsun while Iwa and Makki helped him with Atsumu.
The dark expression on Oikawa’s face scared you because you’ve never seen it before. This was a different version of him. It was scary and menacing with no trace of his normally flippant personality.
You tried to get away from Mattsun’s grip and turned to Kim for some help but she refused. “Sorry, we follow Oikawa’s orders.”
“We got someone to track your phone,” Mattsun added while the brawl continued from a safe distance.
You saw Atsumu trying to fight back as he managed to hit Tooru on the cheekbone but the guy kicked him against a wall with Iwaizumi and Makki holding him back. “What did we fucking agree to, huh?” Tooru questioned, grabbing Atsumu’s shirt. “You tryna snatch her off in my territory?”
“She’s not yours to begin with,” Atsumu answered back which earned him another punch. You could no longer bear seeing more violence.
“Enough!” you cried, hands shaking. “Please, Tooru. I’ll come with you. Just... Just stop this now!”
It was hard for him to listen to you and simply let Atsumu off but with his crew’s reassurance that they weren’t going to let your abuser go, Oikawa eventually stepped back. For you.
“We’ll take care of this douche,” Iwaizumi promised.
In an instant, Oikawa was heading off to you and pulling you to get inside his car. Atsumu was spewing some words protest even until the Skyline drove off.
That was the very last time you’ve ever seen Atsumu Miya.
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It was afternoon when you wake up from Tooru’s bed feeling an intense rush of pain searing from your head as you barely recalled the events from last night.
“Baby,” he softly whispered, moving some hair out of your face before he touched your cheek. “You fainted last night.”
You realized he was holding you in his arms with your head resting against his chest. “Wh-What happened to Atsumu? Please tell me you didn’t—”
“Cops sent him back to his town. He’s got a restraining order,” he narrated. “He can’t get anywhere near you.”
You let out a sigh of relief at the fact that he didn’t end up into something worse. You hated the guy for sure, but you weren’t heartless to wish that he’d just die.
“Are you mad at me?” Oikawa lifted your chin so you could look at his caramel eyes.
How could you get mad at him?
“No,” you answered, your eyes not leaving his.
“I’m sorry for not telling you about Isabel.” He pressed his forehead against yours as he delivered his apology. “But I promise you, I pursued you because I genuinely want you to be mine and you’re not just her replacement or however you call it. I swear it’s not that. I like your smile, I like how you’re not afraid to speak your mind, I like the way you make me feel—I like you, in your own unique way. I can’t let you go. I’m asking for your chance to let me be here for you and I’ll work hard to prove to you that I’m sincere. Even if I have to show you every single day how much I wanna be with you, I’ll do everything. Just stay with me.”
You touched his cheek and sighed. There were two choices you could make and it’s a) to go back into your miserable and abusive relationship with Atsumu or b) stay with the guy who, despite the circumstances of how he met you, was willing to be a better man and treat you right.
And fuck, you’d be dumb not to choose the latter.
It was only natural for him to still have Isabel in his heart and you weren’t going to take it away from him. She held a special place in his heart that would always be there and it was okay. You were already comforted by the thought that Tooru wanted to learn how to love again, just like you, and be happy with someone else.
Cruel world, truly. You two didn’t have the best ending with your previous partners but here you were now, finding each other to make up the broken pieces.
It wasn’t just about winning you through a race anymore. It was so much more than that.
“Promise me you’re not gonna play with my feelings?”
Oikawa offered a heartfelt smile. “You don’t have to ask, baby.”
You pulled him for a kiss, a gentle and endearing one that left your heart fluttering in bliss. You were glad to have chosen this heaven with him and wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
The past was definitely just in the past. Everything else should move into the future. This, you, him. Together. Maybe you two could be each other’s ride or die. Maybe this was your fate after all.
For now, he pulled away to meet your gaze. “Let’s go for a drive?”
“Where to?”
“Isabel’s grave,” he answered. “To let her meet you and say goodbye.”
He planted a kiss on your forehead, reaching for his keys on the bedside table and handing it to you.
“Hope you’re good at driving a McLaren.”
general taglist: @x-cloudyyyy @iwazubean @elianetsantana @cottonheadedninnymugggins @centvry @kageyamakock @sunnsettee @bluesylveon2 @tsukkisfatsimp @cuddlesslut @mysteriousparker @asdfghjkl7things @02hhsailor @anejuuuuoy @minswags-posts @chemnerdkuroo @misssugarless @deeznutss @tanakax123 @oikawa-bubs @lust4keiji @black-kuroover @stel9
@bakus-stuff @l0v3y0ub0nn1 @kagsluvr @ems1des @daylghits @oiikawaslut @chaeringpop
1K notes · View notes
hornime · 3 years
⚠ indicates DARK CONTENT, please read at your discretion.
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please and thank you | f!reader | 2.9k
in which aran wants you to use your manners in bed.
offerings at the altar | f!reader | 0.6k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which aran treats you like the deity you are.
ripe for the picking | f!reader | six parts | FRAT AU COLLAB
in which you are akaashi’s newest fixation.
home workout | gn!reader | 1.5k
in which you’re always down to make bokuto sweat in unconventional ways.
watch and learn | f!reader | 3.1k
in which iwaizumi shows his team how to treat a girl right.
110% | f!reader | 0.4k
in which bokuto always puts in his all when tasting you.
insatiable | f!reader | 0.3k
in which bokuto eats ass like its his last meal.
smile for the camera | gn!reader | 0.6k
in which bokuto wants to film a home video.
close the distance | f!reader | 1.2k | INKY 500
in which you miss bokuto and he makes up for it by sucking the soul out of you.
sweet submission | gn!reader | 0.4k
in which bokuto lets you suck his tits pecs.
merciless | gn!reader | 1.0k | INKY 500
in which you tease bokuto until he breaks. 
international rates may apply | gn!reader | 0.5k
in which bokuto needs your help when it comes to being away from home.
charmed | gn!reader | 0.5k 
in which bokuto loves being marked as yours.
made for me | f!reader | 0.5k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which bokuto knows that your pussy is his.
enough to share | gn!reader | 1.3k
in which makki and mattsun decide there’s plenty of you to please both of them at once.
watch and learn | f!reader | 3.1k
in which iwaizumi shows his team how to treat a girl right.
starry-eyed slut | f!reader | 0.9k | ⚠
in which you’re hinata’s dumb bitch.
softly | f!reader | 1.1k
in which hinata has endless stamina... but you don’t.
messy | f!reader | 0.6k
in which hinata can’t help but like it when you’re all embarrassed.
crave | f!reader | 1.4k
in which hinata and you can’t get enough of each other.
watch and learn | f!reader | 3.1k
in which iwaizumi shows his team how to treat a girl right.
heaven and hell | f!reader | 0.4k
in which iwaizumi and kyoutani show you the lust in the light and the dark.
hit me like you hate me | f!reader | 1.1k
in which iwaizumi needs to blow off some steam... on you.
nsfw alphabet | gn!reader | INKY 500
in which there is a to z of nsfw content for iwaizumi.
adapted for film | f!reader | 0.8k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which iwaizumi wants to see you on the big screen.
voyeurant | f!reader | three parts
in which kenma and you keep in steamy online.
nsfw alphabet | gn!reader | INKY 500
in which there is a to z of nsfw content for kenma.
audacity | f!reader | 0.6k
in which kita puts you in your place.
coercion | f!reader | 0.5k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD | ⚠
in which kita doesn’t care whether or not you say yes.
home at last | f!reader | 0.6k
in which kita finds solace in mommy’s tits.
greedy | f!reader | 0.7k
in which kuroo wants more than just your pussy.
nsfw alphabet | gn!reader | INKY 500
in which there is a to z of nsfw content for kuroo.
hate that i don’t | f!reader | 1.2k | INKY 500
in which being fwb means no-strings-attached... right?
plus interest | f!reader | 0.9k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which kuroo doesn’t take kindly to brats.
like this | f!reader | 0.5k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which kuroo loves it when you treat him like your bitch.
mutually assured destruction | gn!reader | 1.7k
in which kyoutani and you fuck each other like you hate each other because you do.
heaven and hell | f!reader | 0.4k
in which iwaizumi and kyoutani show you the lust in the light and the dark.
playing with fire | f!reader | 0.9k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which kyoutani has had enough of your attitude.
enough to share | gn!reader | 1.3k
in which makki and mattsun decide there’s plenty of you to please both of them at once.
stay sharp | gn!reader | 0.7k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which mattsun likes to live life on the edge.
deviation | f!reader | 0.9k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which mattsun breaks your routine.
watch and learn | f!reader | 3.1k
in which iwaizumi shows his team how to treat a girl right.
cloud cover | f!reader | 0.5k
in which atsumu treats you like the fucktoy you are.
when life gives you lemons | f!reader | 0.4k
in which atsumu doesn’t like it when you’re such a tease.
like putty | gn!reader | 0.9k
in which atsumu surrenders completely at your touch.
all bark, no bite | f!reader | 0.9k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which atsumu’s great at handling brats.
guilty pleasures | f!reader | 0.7k
in which you fluster osamu and he makes it a goal to fluster you back.
nsfw alphabet | gn!reader | INKY 500
in which there is a to z of nsfw content for osamu.
mommy’s girl | f!reader | 0.3k
in which you suck osamu’s mommy milkers.
watch and learn | f!reader | 3.1k
in which iwaizumi shows his team how to treat a girl right.
guns out | f!reader | 1.1k
in which sakusa gets teased and threatened.
trigger happy | f!reader | 2.3k | MAFIA COLLAB
in which sakusa lets you use him as you wish.
for your viewing pleasure | gn!reader | two parts
in which suna discovers that you’re a big fan of his cock and makes you his co-star.
watch and learn | f!reader | 3.1k
in which iwaizumi shows his team how to treat a girl right.
five more minutes | f!reader | 0.5k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which suna loves it when you reduce him to an absolute mess.
dust bunny | f!reader | 5.2k | MEN IN UNIFORM COLLAB 
in which suna needs to fulfill his part of the debt.
twinkle tits | gn!reader | 1.8k
in which saeko drives you crazy in more ways than one.
supernova | gn!reader | 0.3k
in which saeko loves using you and you love it too.
tease you to tears | f!reader | 0.2k
in which its your fault for being such a needy whore.
all hers | f!reader | 0.8k
in which saeko owns you.
saeko, an angel | f!reader | 2.0k
in which you take a leap of faith.
sucka | gn!reader | 0.2k
in which you’re happy between her tits.
live fast, fuck faster | f!reader | 2.5k | INKY 500
in which saeko finds out about your little crush on her.
input, output | f!reader | 0.8k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which you like pushing saeko to her limits.
fraying | f!reader | 0.9k | A WHOLE LOTTA LEWD
in which saeko likes pushing you to your limits.
unravel | gn!reader | 0.5k
in which you introduce ushijima to a new world of pleasure.
it’ll fit | f!reader | 0.7k
in which he’s probably too big but neither of you can bring yourselves to care.
pretty boy | gn!reader | 1.1k
in which you doll him up and treat him like the good boy he is.
pup | gn!reader | 0.2k
in which puppy boy ‘dashi can’t handle the pleasure.
>> and other stuff...
hq boys and toys (karasuno, nekoma) | f! and gn! reader
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© property of hornime 2021. do not plagiarize any of my writing and do not repost/copy my writing onto any other sites.
455 notes · View notes
risjime · 3 years
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♡ 𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛 𝚡 𝚐𝚗!𝚛
♡ 𝚌𝚠: 𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎, 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍 "𝚍𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢" 𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚎
❧ a blushing mess, stuttering, trying to say what you wrote was great but can’t get it out bc they’re so flustered: kageyama, yamaguchi, YACHI, ASAHI, kenma, goshiki, lev, akaashi (if he’s feeling shy), alisa
❧ a couple of questioning looks, pretty wordless throughout, just walks away after reading, audible noises heard from a couple doors down: TSUKI, kiyoko, ennoshita, kyotani, yahaba, sakusa, kenma, SHIRABU, kita, suna
❧ looks up at you several times while reading with heated eyes and a wild grin on their face, ready to pounce on you when they finish, but they probably won’t even make it to the end: hinata, NOYA, tanaka, lev, yamamoto, bokuto, tendou, TERUSHIMA, atsumu
❧ little appreciative noises while reading (like soft hums), raises a brow at particularly steamy parts, sets the phone down when finished, "let’s try some of this out, yeah?": suga (he’d make comments throughout lmao), daichi, ukai, saeko, OIKAWA, KUROO, yaku, tendou, semi, terushima, kita, suna (if he’s in the mood to tease), ATSUMU, aran
❧ gives you NO reaction while reading it, sends you a really heavy look when they finish while licking their lips, literally doesn’t even say anything, will straight up just pick you up and carry you to the bedroom, initiate daddy mode: DAICHI, ukai, IWAIZUMI (better prepare yourself), akaashi (when he’s not feeling shy), ushijima (good luck), kyotani (good luck x2), sakusa, MATTSUN, bokuto, suna, osamu (if he’s really in the mood, good luck x5), aone
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masterlist | taglist
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© risjime | do not repost! reblogs are appreciated! ♡
430 notes · View notes
kkusuka · 3 years
Aoba Johsai <3
team matserlist ----main matserlist 
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(so it turns out there are some other members of Seijoh that we never really see so I'm just going to the main group.)
Poor manager-chan was bothered by Oikawa for a full week before you gave up and became the manager
You already had a pretty vague understanding of the team, hell you went  to Seijoh everyone knew about the volleyball team
After being cornered by Oikawa for the fourth time you just couldn’t take it anymore and just agreed to the poor boys begging.
Everyone on the team knew and was pleasantly surprised when you came with him
And even more, surprised when you announced that you would be the new manager!
(the team knew about you from Oikawa's constant chatter about y/n from his math class, the one with the pretty face and sits two rows in front of him.)
And when they saw you they could tell why you were just so magnetic
All of them wanted to be around you at once
And you were actually a really good manager, so that was helpful
You listened to them, took really detailed notes, had great team spirit, and you make hella good break time snacks
So it was really no surprise when some of the younger boys formed some little puppy dog crushes on you
And the ever-observant captain immediately noticed and was willing to talk to them about it
This led to multiple team meetings where it was discovered that all of them at one point would have loved to have you be theirs
With this revelation, Oikawa realized that he was not the only one who liked you, but he was going to be the one that got you.
So at practice, he was all over you, putting arms around your shoulder when the two of you spoke, and the final straw was the subtle kiss on the cheek
Oikawa had started a war
A war that came to head at one of the team dinners you were generously hosting
You had to mention how the recent days all the boys were kind of tense, and they would take every opportunity to be all over you, not that you minded but it was odd.
And they just unloaded everything on you...like everything including how you wearing a big shirt and shorts was not the best outfit to an all-boys-- and you--get -together
And somehow that turned into you indirectly, somehow daring almost all of them, it's confusing but it makes all of you happy so it’s ok
This wasn't the first time something like this had happened, it was a game day, of course, and some teams realize that they aren't going to win
And take a turn for the more vulgar route, mostly towards you
Just inappropriate comments across the court and makes everyone on your team lose their shit (for a lack of better terms)
This lead to two things: a win for Aoba Johsai, and a steamy rough fucking in the locker-room
Much to Oikawa's dismay: the younger boys start first, you don't want to tell them it’s because they prep you well and it easier to get rid of them first
Kunimi takes the opportunity to lay back and let you do most of the work. Much to the team's disbelief, it’s not entirely because he’s too lazy to do it himself; he likes watching you. You squeeze your eyes shut a lot, to which he loves to tell you to open them back up, if he was on top he would be too focused on moving to tell you that. And it means your boobs are bouncing right in his face too, he can't stop that one.
“Open ‘em, y/n, stop closing them”
“You can go faster, actually just go faster”
Kindaichi is actually always pretty hesitant, Kunimi is almost settled before he even has his hands on you. Two things can happen one easier than the other, the first is that he just tries to fit his dick in your already stuffed cunt. Or he’ll squeeze himself into your ass, which requires a bit more vocality from you to make sure he isn't hurting you. Then after some time he just reams whatever hole he’s in.
“Keep her steady-if you want to get off so bad move yourself” (they always argue)
“You-you feel so nice, I'm gonna fill you up”
After the first-years the only clear option is to let the second years have a turn, considering Kyotani is already on you before anyone can say different.
The team normally just lets Kyotani have his turn alone, he’s rather...aggressive- to say the least. He has a sort of ritual before staring, getting you on your back, missionary and he just attacks your thighs. The majority of the bite marks and hickeys come from him.
Then when he feels he’s left his mark, he flips you back onto your hands and knees and shoves himself into your dripping cunny. He's a big fan of hair-pulling and/or pushing your back until your stomach is on the floor but your ass is in the air, nonetheless speaking of the constant spanks.
(but he doesn't really talk all the much, mostly growls and lots of grunts)
When he finishes and finally lets you go, the other two second years take their turn.
Watari and Yahaba are significantly softer than the previous three, this time it's like an aftercare/ preparation for what's to come. Watari takes your mouth, telling you that any pace you want is fine and he’ll sit back. He’ll run your cheeks and give you soft mewls about how well you’re doing. Yahaba takes his chance to softly fuck your abused cunt, soft and slow strokes as he rubs little circles around your clit, making sure you cum.
“Just like that- oh you're so good”
“You’re doing so well honey, just a bit more, you can do it”
Then the real Armageddon begins.
Oikawa is on you in seconds, Iwaizumi following seconds behind.
Oikawa tries to stay on top but he only gets as far as marking up your neck before he’s pushed away. You both end up his chest, to your back, and your head falling over his shoulder as Iwaizumi takes his place. Oikawa-still marking up your neck enters your poor little hole and holds your legs open for Iwaizumi while rubbing your clit.
Hajime settles between your legs and maneuvers his penis around Oikawa you get himself in. He's the one who holds your hips and keeps you from jerking away, he’ll rub circles on your waist. And he’ll lean down taking one of your nipples in his mouth, then giving the same treatment to the other. Both of them are so in-sync it’s crazy. They also speak two different ways; Oikawa's praising moans compared to Iwaizumi degrading growls.
“You’re just a fucking cockwhore, you love this huh? You’re just a glorified cumdump and you love it”
“Oh, baby, you're squeezing me so well, and you sound so absolutely delicious.”
When the two of them let you go after cuddling you until you come back into reality, and they wouldn’t let you if not for Mattsun and Makki yelling about how they still have to go.
So when they get to you they waste no time, there is no foreplay everyone else has done for them. They are the most adventurous on the team, it seems like every time they have you they try something different. One time they both tried to fit in your ass, another they had you sit on Makkis face while Mattsun fucked your ass. But this time they seemed to settle for one in your pussy and the other in your ass.
Mattsun graciously took the place in your cunt, and he normally holds your ass open so Makki has a better view of your puckered hole. They always find a way to joke around like when Makki thrusts in he’ll jerk you into Mattsuns arms, then Mattsun thrusts back pushing you into Makki’s arms. They are also the meanest in retrospect. They jeer and make fun of you when you cry, they don't let you cum until they have to cum. But they never talk directly to you, they always have conversations with each other.
“Look Makki! Crying again? Really? We aren't doing anything bad, you’ll feel good in a minute if you stop feeling a baby.”
“You feel that Mattsun, should we let her cum, I don't think so she’s been bad, hasn't she? Well, maybe next time right!”
On the rare occasion, you immediately fall asleep after you wake up as they pamper you with food and bubble baths.
If not, you're carried around until you go to bed and waited for the next day. One time you even convinced them to go get food from a restaurant in an entirely different prefecture
It's a double reward- bomb sex and an entire team of boys waiting on your hand and foot. <3 
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444tsumu · 3 years
congratulations on 100!!!! i’d like to request for tier 3, what are hanamaki, mattsun, & tsumu like when they’re drunk 🥺💕
INCLUDES hanamaki, matsukawa, and atsumu.
WARNINGS drinking, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tones, nsfw, explicit language
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                     𖥻 HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO !
lmao makki is an idiot drunk
definitely one of those people that attempt to dance
key word is attempt
he’s an absolute embarrassment on the dance floor
he’s still hot though lol
way meaner when he’s drunk
but not mean maliciously
like……flirty mean
will definitely talk to you about how your body should be physically incapable to hold up a head of your size
but then ask if u want some head in the club bathroom like 10 minutes later
like smh makki there’s more to me than my body smh meet me there in ten minutes
prefers light liquor
drunk anthem is itty bitty piggy by nicki lol
he hates to admit it but he’s a lightweight
makes friends with everyone at the bar
definitely offers to buy everyone a shot but doesn’t pay for a single one that isn’t his lmao
thinks oikawa is a pussy for getting blacked out by 3 shots but after 2 he’s already incoherent
doesn’t like to drink a lot bc his brain never remembers shit
“hey makki i can’t believe you stole that street sign last night”
(googling if you can go to jail for removing street sign while heavily intoxicated bc technically he didn’t even know he did it so why should he go to jail for it 🤨)
definitely thinks drinking under the legal age is more fun than drinking after 21
doesn’t condone underage drinking though >:(
honestly just a blast in a glass
a drama queen though
turns into a frat boy with issei when the alcohol really gets into his system
will tie his shirt around his head and be one of those guys
still a sweetheart though at the same time
ily makki come kiss me plz
will make sure everyone else is drinking bc go big or go home
it was his idea to get a matching tattoo with issei
cried on mattsun’s shoulder bc he doesn’t want to stop being his friend
mattsun denies it but he definitely cried too
they never speak of it tho smh
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                         𖥻 MATSUKAWA ISSEI !
he’s such an asshole lmao
you can barely tell when he’s drunk
but once he opens up that big ass mouth???
nvm lmao
a sexual drunk lol
always wants to fuck
not that he isn’t already dtf 24/7 but esp when the liquor gets into his system
a barb through and through
always pregames because he can’t bare the thought of stepping into a club sober
one of those assholes that wear glasses in the club
he likes both dark and light liquor but hates mixed drinks cause he thinks they’re for pussies
not much of a dancer
more of a “i’m gonna stand here and look hot while you dance on me and make me look good” kinda guy
yk the type
if you throw it back though he will catch it
a slut for rap music when he’s drunk
fav alcohol is 1942 bc hello
when he’s shitfaced?
he turns into a fuckinf frat boy for gods sake
shirt is untucked and half on
makki is by his side eating that shit up right with him
hates yelling but will tell everyone to look at his hot ass s/o
if you aren’t there tho he’ll definitely text you a dick pic in the club bathroom lmfao
“hey pricness g et rwady fr me to rip tkay pusay 2nite haha”
definitely a drunk texter
funny as fuck though
and he’s hot so how could you not say yes to that
passes out once he gets back home though and you have to haul his over six foot ass to bed
doesn’t really throw up but will wear his sunglasses and act hungover for a week
remembers everything surprisingly
he’s the one who actually stole the street sign but blamed it on makki lol
him and makki have matching drunk tattoos on the inside of their bottom lips
makki’s says fuck bitches & issei’s says get money
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                              𖥻 ATSUMU MIYA !
a fuckboy off dark liquor and a sweetheart off light liquor
when atsumu gets drunk off light liquor???
he’s a whiny little baby who slurs his words and is very touchy
after like 4 shots he’s calling Samu saying that he loves him with all his heart
(remembers some stuff but coincidently never remembers that 🤨)
will tell random strangers he loves them and will buy random people uber’s home
smh he thinks he has money to blow cause he’s a pro athlete
that results in many drinks for every single girl at the bar
if he has a s/o (that’s where ur beautiful ass comes in)
then he’s yelling at everyone at the club that they could never amount to you
tsumu please stop embarrassing yourself your like 30 years old already
will 100% try to fuck you in the bathroom
tries to make it hot steamy club sex but keeps whispering how he loves you because he’s a pussy lol
dark liquor atsumu is the one that is 100% ready to make you drop on your knees on the dance floor
every single picture of him drunk contains him having his tongue out
god his tongue
i definitely see him as the party animal if the group
his accent sounds even stronger when he’s drunk
it’s hot lmao
will encourage everyone to get as shitfaced as him
definitely one of those people with alcohol courage lol
got into a fight one time bc some guy said he doesn’t like onigiri
after like 3 more shots he cried bc his fist hurt bc of it on the way home
will never tell samu that happened
very protective of his teammates
but once that liquor get in his system he forgets he was supposed to be the most sober one tonight
takes his shirt off once he gets hot
swings it around arrogantly but he’s hot so everyone just deals with it lol
will get a drunk tongue piercing
thinks he regrets it in the morning but is so cocky he leaves it in for a while
195 notes · View notes
infinitebells · 4 years
hate me. (h. iwaizumi)
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genre: smut, fluff if you squint
description: you and iwaizumi used to be lovers, that is until you realized he was apart of the rival gang of your brother, daichi. what happens when you reunite during a job to take out his gang’s leader?
word count: 3656
warnings: mafia au, dom!iwa, fingering, light bondage (handcuffs), choking, degradation, mention of jealousy, hate fucking, orgasm denial, dumbification, squirting, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy is mentioned like one time, dacryphilia one time
a/n: this is my first piece for tumblr!! i really hope you guys like it, obviously give feedback, i’ll appreciate everything!! i also can’t remember how or why this idea came to me but it sat halfway done in my drafts for like a month or two before i finished it all tonight.
✧   ✧   ✧
“daichi where the HELL is the target?!" you growled through the earpiece, frustration flooding through your veins as you tried to spot the man through the scope of your sniper rifle. your fingers clenched the handle of your gun as your finger hovered steadily over the trigger.
your brother sawamura daichi, otherwise known as “king pin" throughout the japanese underworld, had assigned you to take out a member of a rival gang that had been screwing with your brother's cargo operations. he was confident in your sniping abilities, simply because he was the one who taught you everything he knew.
“i don't fucking know, suga said oikawa would be at the event tonight. he confirmed it with tendou too," his voice strained as his anger started to seep through the small wire resting daintily behind your ear. you huffed hearing the maniacal red head's name. his own gang wasn't necessarily an ally of karasuno however, shiratorizawa also wanted oikawa's organization taken down too.
“you know how goddamn crazy he is, how do we know he's a reliable source dumbass?" you gritted out, staring down every patron through the glass of your scope.
“he was. luckily, we have better sources love," a voice rasped right next to the same ear that held your ear piece. you could feel every cell in your body freeze from the foreign voice right next to your now ice cold ear, the intruder's lips faintly ghosting over the shell of your ear.
"Y/N WHO THE HELL IS THAT?!" you could hear daichi's voice through your comms, but had no way to respond as your new companion gently plucked it out of your ear.
“hello again daichi-san. I'll make sure to take care of your sister while we have her," the new voice spoke lowly, the slight rasp ticking you off as you finally recognized it.
“hello iwa-chan. so nice to see you again," you finally said as you looked slightly to the side to see your only communication to your brother and the rest of the team crack and shatter underneath his foot. the last thing you heard was your brother's and suga's frantic voices screaming through their mics. you hadn't moved a muscle yet, but feeling the man behind you stand up from his crouching position gave you the opening you needed. you whirled around, swinging your gun as swiftly as you could towards his face, hoping to get a shot off on him. unfortunately, he predicted your movements. as you release the trigger, he dodged to the left as his left hand darted out, grabbing the end of your rifle as his other hand flew out and gripped your throat, pushing you up against the edge of your roof. you forced yourself to remain calm, realizing you were on the verge of plummeting to your death, knowing the only thing between you living and dying was the well built, smirking man standing before you, his body uncomfortably close to your own.
“i wouldn't do that if i were you sweetheart, unless you want to die without seeing your brother again," he said, gently pulling the gun from your right hand. his smirk grew wider as your glare hardened, only encouraging him to grab your right hand and pulling you closer, twisting it behind your back, his grip on your neck still firm as ever.
you hadn't seen the man before you since your first days in the gang with daichi. at the time, you didn't know anything about his rivals or allies. which was why you found yourself dancing in a club, with iwaizumi grinding on your backside. you two had shared a few steamy nights together, basking in each others unbridled lust and love for one another. until one night, you were spending another night with him at a different club with a few of his gang members watching you closely, when your brother, accompanied by suga and asahi, stormed through the door, guns loaded. you had turned frantically towards iwaizumi, taking one look at his facial expression before understanding what had happened. since then, you had avoided him at all costs, putting your whole being into fueling the rivalry between your brother's gang and iwaizumi’s gang.
“bravo iwa-chan! you did it!" you rolled your eyes seeing oikawa, clad in his usual midnight black suit with light blue accents, clapping slowly as he emerged from the door leading to the roof you had been stationed on. you hadn’t seen the brown-haired gang leader since the shoot out between him and your brother, and you certainly were only planning on seeing him tonight, preferably dead. iwaizumi turned to glance at oikawa before spinning around and moving you so your back was pressed tightly against his chest. your gun clattered to the ground as he grabbed both of your wrists in one had, using the other to secure them tightly behind your back, the clanking of handcuffs jolting you out of your own head.
“it's best if you don't struggle y/n,” iwaizumi's low voice spoke against the shell of your ear.
“if you struggle y/n-chan, i’ll have mattsun put a bullet through daichi-san's head!" oikawa spoke in his usually cheery voice, his head tilting to the side as he smiled widely at you. it was moments like those that truly showcased his almost psychopathic nature as a gang leader.
"NO YOU CAN'T!" your voice cracked, wrists straining against iwaizumi's tight hold. he held you tighter, yanking you back, making sure to secure the handcuffs even tighter.
“then don't struggle!" iwaizumi growled in your ear, tugging on the cuffs so they dug painfully into your wrists.
“fuck you," you responded, smirking at oikawa as you attempted to piece together how to best get out of the situation.
“i’ve already had the pleasure of doing it once before, but i’ll be happy to do it again," iwaizumi responded, and you grit your teeth in frustration.
“now now y/n-chan, we have to bring you downstairs to the car that's so eagerly waiting for us, so you can either behave until we get there, or your brother and everyone else in your pathetic excuse for a gang will be picked off one by one. understood?" oikawa explained, a dangerous gleam in his chocolate brown eyes. as stubborn as you were, you couldn't risk putting your brother and everyone else at risk, especially the younger, more bright-eyed members like hinata and yamaguchi. so, you stayed silent, only staring down seijoh’s leader who had moved in front of you, bending down to peer into your eyes.
“i’ll take your silence as your choice to behave. wonderful! iwa-chan, put your jacket over her shoulders so no one can see her cuffs," oikawa ordered, and iwaizumi nodded before moving in front of you. he shrugged the black jacket off of his shoulders before tugging it onto your own, your arms still behind you as the sleeves of his oversized jacket dangled loosely in the breeze. you took a moment to look him over, taking note of the black jeans that adorned his legs, the light blue bandana attached to a belt loop on his left hip, and the tight black t-shirt that accentuated every single one of his deftly toned muscles.
“stop staring sweetheart, you're being too obvious," his voice jerked your eyes back to his own. without a second of hesitation, you brought your knee up, slamming it into his lower region, before walking around his now crumpled form, following oikawa. he groaned from behind you, forcing himself to get up as his friend and leader watched the scene with slight amusement present on his pretty face.
“oikawa, leave and give me a minute alone with her. i think she ought to learn some damn manners before we take her down," iwaizumi spoke lowly, his usual level voice now shook slightly with anger. your eyes widened as oikawa smirked towards his friend before turning around and opening the door.
“do as you want. i’ll give you a half hour, just don't kill her please!" he responded, waving his hand to his friend before letting the door slam shut behind him. your heart dropped to the depths of your stomach as you willed yourself to turn and face iwaizumi hajime, who's gaze was trained on your small frame. as soon as he made a move towards you, you turned towards the door, sprinting to the best of your abilities in hopes that you could make it inside without having to face iwaizumi's obvious rage.
just as you made it to the door, his hand shot out and grabbed you by the back of the neck, flipping you around, and pressing you against the door, thumbs squeezing dangerously tight around your esophagus. his eyes were lit with pure fury as his grip around your throat tightened. despite the very dangerous situation you were in, your body still reacted to his close proximity and touch. you were ashamed to feel that familiar warmth you used to feel with him pool in your lower abdomen, but you forced yourself to match iwaizumi's hardened gaze as his eyes bore into your own.
“that was a dangerous move love. you're just asking to get punished aren't you?" he whispered, his head parallel to yours as his teeth grazed over the shell of your ear. You internally reprimanded yourself as a shiver flowed from the top of your spine, all the way down to your feet. You knew this man, this lover you once had, had noticed your movement, and he pulled back to smirk wildly at you.
“i’m sure if i stuck my hand down your pants right now, i’d pull my fingers out and they'd be soaking wet wouldn't they?" he questioned, and you could do nothing to stop the light blush flowering against your cheeks.
“shall i test that theory out love?" his voice was just barely above a whisper now. no matter how much you wanted to say no, to scream at him to get off, to kick him in the nuts once again, you didn't have the self control to do so when you felt his unoccupied hand ghost over your clothed crotch. instead, you stared him straight in the eyes, almost daring him to do what he so desperately wanted to do. he grinned, pushing his fingers past the waist band of your leggings to rest delicately over your underwear, his pointer finger hovering over your clit.
it took every fiber of your being to not moan out loud right there as slick started pooling in your underwear, waiting to be released. he gently rubbed his pointer finger along your slit through your underwear, stopping for a moment before pressing lightly onto your small bundle of nerves (which you swore would be the death of you). you couldn't help the slightly sharp intake of breath as you felt him give more attention to your clit, pressing lightly and rubbing impossibly small circles onto it outside of your underwear.
what frustrated you most was that he knew every nook and cranny of your body. every beauty mark he had kissed five times over, every dip and valley of your breasts down to your navel, and every spot covered by your underwear that turned you into putty in his hands. you hated how he knew exactly what to do to rile you up. the fucker knew that one swipe of his finger-
“fuck," you whimpered out, losing grasp of the control you thought you had. you were so lost in your own head you hadn't realized he had sneakily moved your underwear to the side and rubbed a semi circle along your clit. that one single move had always been your downfall. it had pushed you over the edge so many times for him, he had practically memorized the exact motion that had you moaning for him.
“attention on me love. we only have about 25 minutes left right? wouldn't want to waste it in your own head," he said before taking you by surprise and pushing two of his long, thick fingers into your soaked cunt. you couldn't help the cry of pleasure that spilled out of your mouth like honey, your body immediately reacting to his familiar touch. except this time around, it was different. he pressed more into that one spot inside of you that forced stars into your vision with more precision, pushing into it so that your legs went weak. his fingers flew in and out of your cunt, juices building up and dripping into your underwear as he continued to smirk down at your weakening state.
“i’ve changed you know. fine tuned my ways. i met a few girls since the last time you and i saw each other," he confidently stated, his words lighting you up with pure jealously.
“iwaizumi shut the fuck u-" but you didn't get the chance to finish your sentence as his grip tightened on your throat, stopping your voice. simultaneously, he shoved a third finger into you and abused that spongy section inside of you. another, louder moan of unbridled ecstasy was forced out of your throat, and you hated how much he was turning you on. his fingers thrusted rapidly in and out, in and out, until you felt like you were going to go numb from pleasure.
“such harsh words princess, i thought we were starting to get along again," he teased, his fingers pushing harder into your g-spot simply to illicit a choked moan from you.
“i hate you," you breathed out, and he shook his head. he quickened the pace of his fingers, and the squelching sound of your pussy only spurred on more of your guilty moans.
“f-fuck," you whimpered, trying to catch your breath from the overwhelming pleasure iwaizumi gave you. he knew from the slightly dazed look and the whimpers escaping your throat that you were close. as soon as he connected the dots, he yanked his glistening fingers out of your spasming cunt, ripping away your glorious orgasm. a cry of defeat left your lips, and a second later, you were whirled around so your face was pressed against the door and your leggings were yanked down to your ankles, along with your black panties.
“only good girls get to cum. i don't think you've been a good girl. i think you've been a cock hungry slut hm? such disrespect for your daddy," he clicked his tongue in annoyance, and you finally found your voice once again.
“iwaizumi i swear to god-" his hand wrapped tighter around your throat as you felt his clothed hips push forwards to grind on your own.
“princess, if you keep back talking, you won't get to cum OR see your brother again. the choice is yours," he said, and your pussy clenched at his dominating tone. your natural instincts were forcing your head to swim with pure lust and desire, forgetting completely about the original situation you were put in. the clink of Iwaizumi's belt elicited another whimper from your throat. low chuckles invaded your head, his teeth grazing the shell of your ear. your weak moaning only spurred iwaizumi on. his shiny fingers, coated in your essence pushed past your lips, pressing down on your tongue.
“taste yourself love, see how slutty you are? how badly you want to get fucked into oblivion? i wonder what your teammates, what your brother would say if they knew you were letting me treat you like the whore you are," he growled out. juices gathered below you as your hole clenched around nothing. you moaned around his fingers as you feel the head of his cock push against your ass cheeks. your tongue swirled around them, cleaning them of every drop of your essence, the essence he had skillfully drawn out of you. after cleansing his fingers of your juices, iwaizumi pulled his fingers out of your mouth, allowing your drool to drip down your chin.
“beg for me like the cock hungry slut you are," his voice was the only thing you could focus on, your primal instincts taking over before you could stop them.
“please iwa, i-i need you inside of m-me, please f-fuck m- AHHH!" all the breathe left your lungs as iwaizumi shoved his entire length into you, his tip brushing against your cervix. short shallow breaths escaped you, tears pooling in the corners of your eyes from the sheer force of his thick cock invading you.
“ahh, there we go princess. that feel good huh?" his arrogance sparked something inside of you.
“f-fuck y-you," the breathiness of your voice betrayed the bite behind your words. his low chuckles were the only warning you were given before he pulled out and slammed all of himself back into you, setting a brutally fast and hard pace. screams erupted from your throat, your nerve endings firing erratically at the sheer pleasure he was fucking into you. iwaizumi angled your hips to push into that one spot that had your vision go white. whatever fight you had left in you dissipated almost instantly, your bones going limp in his hold as broken moans and occasional screams were torn from your throat. noticing your body grow limp, one of his hands snaked around to grasp your throat again, while the other held you up by your waist.
“oh is that your spot love? i can feel you creaming all over me," he rasped out. his words made you unconsciously clench around him, eliciting a groan from the man behind you.
"'m close iwa, f-feels s'good," you slurred out, your grasp on reality waning from the snap of his hips against yours.
“is my little cock slut getting fucked stupid hm? can't think about anything but my cock split-fuck, splitting you open huh?" you wanted to growl back at him, argue, be a brat, do something, but the way his tip brushed against your g-spot, and the way he was pounding into you the exact way you desperately needed rendered you utterly helpless in his arms.
“fuck i missed this princess," his voice so low you barely caught it. his words injected a warm feeling in your bones, his hold on your throat loosening at his confession.
“haji, please," you finally whimpered, your eyes fluttering close as your head tipped back to rest on his shoulder. his lips attached themselves to your neck, pressing light kisses right above your sweet spot. his thrusts kept hitting all the right spots, and that familiar warmth built up in your lower abdomen again. you could feel the buildup spreading throughout your limbs and tingling into your toes and fingers.
“cum for me love," his words were softer this time, more affection slipping through his usual harsh tone. it was all you needed to allow yourself to let out one final moan, bursting at his slight command. you gushed around him, dripping down his balls and onto the ground beneath you both. white spots clouded your vision as your hearing dulled for a moment. your cunt clenching and fluttering around his painfully hard cock was all it took for him to release into you. his warm load painted your walls white, some leaking out as he thrust up into you a few more times to help fuck you through your earth shattering orgasm.
after a couple more thrusts, he stilled inside of you, completely removing the hand around your throat to rest on the wall in front of you for support. his other arm tightened around your waist, keeping you close to him to help you stand since your legs hadn't stopped shaking for the past five minutes. shaky breaths exited both of you as you both attempted to catch your breath.
iwaizumi wordlessly turned you around so your back was to the wall, giving you a view of his disheveled state. his cheeks were tainted pink, sweat beading at his hairline as his chest continue to heave slightly from the exertion. His right arm was still extended against the wall for support as his other arm moved to tuck himself back into his pants. he removed his arm from the wall and fumbled with his belt before finally redoing it. you admired him as you leaned into the wall, still attempting to ground yourself after the mind blowing sex the two of you had. iwaizumi untied a light blue bandana from one of his belt loops, moving closer to you. he gently wiped the mess of your and his cum that was dripping from your (still quivering) cunt. sharp intakes of breath signaled for him to go slower, so as not to overstimulate you. he softly cleaned the rest of your lower half before dropping the bandana onto the ground and kneeling to pull your underwear and pants back up.
“what happens now?" you were surprised your voice didn't crack, but you were proud that it hadn't nonetheless. iwaizumi finally met your eyes, a slight sigh escaping him.
“i take you down to the car and hope oikawa doesn't tease us," he explains. a breathless laugh leaves your lips, iwaizumi matching you with a chuckle of his own.
“i still hate you," you say after a beat, looking down at your feet to try and hide the blush still decorating your cheeks. iwaizumi's finger hooks itself under your chin, carefully moving your face up so your eyes can meet his.
“i know. i hate you too," he finished with a kiss, the soft pressure against your own lips melting you from the inside out. you push back against him, unable to help yourself. he finally pulls away, blushing lightly, as he pulls his jacket tighter around your shoulders before pulling the door open and leading you through it.
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serowotonin · 3 years
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LiPS𝐓1CK St4𝐈NS ! (💋)
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❝ having lipstick and giving him a kiss and he doesn't realize he has it on his face until his teammates are all like 0-0 ❞ — @/luna-in-luv
++ fem!reader x oikawa, kuroo
| wc. 1.3k 
| note. djslsdf it took so long to edit this post T-T,,,,, when ur indecisive af and can’t decide on a post format :D anyways just wanna say reblogs are greatly appreciated and i hope u guys like this<3
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( ➷ ); ― OiK4WA
another day of school, another day of.. well, another day of boredom
you had to admit though, school had become a lot more fun since you and oikawa got together;)
altho you were in different classes, you’d still pass each other in hallways and see each other during breaks
and ofc every interaction, no matter how small, definitely made your day brighter
the smaller interactions consisted mainly of random head pats as he walks pass by, or a smirk and a wink whenever you two make eye contact 
when there weren’t as many people around,,, maybe a hug or a kiss if either of you felt like it
and very rarely.. 
a makeout session in an empty classroom or staircase
its rare but it does happen
and it was happening… right now
school ended about half an hour ago and everyone either left or went to do their club activities 
which was what oikawa should probably be doing too,, but today he just “felt like going in a little later”
and so there you two were, in the dark corner of an abandoned classroom grasping at the other as if you haven’t seen them in years
idk how to describe a steamy makeout sesh okkk
anyways,, after about 6 ignored calls from iwaizumi tho.. you two figured it was probably time for him to go to practice
you two straightened yourselves out; cleared the ruffles from your uniforms, tidied your hair, etc.
oikawa texted iwa that he was on his way while you touched up your makeup
“you gonna walk me to practice?”
“of course,” you smiled. “altho i have my own club activities today too so i can’t stay and watch :( ”
“dont worry babe,,, just walking me there is enough” he replied with a grin
then he slung an arm over your shoulder and the two of you walked out of the classroom as if nothing happened
as you neared the entrance of the gym, you slowed to a stop and tugged at oikawa’s shirt
he turned and you leaned to give him a kiss on the cheek
“good luck with practice” you said before giving him a small wave and walking off
did you see the dark mark your lipstick left on his cheek?
were you going to say anything about it?
well,,,, you already turned to walk away and oikawa was already entering the gym
so no.
anyways,, as oikawa entered the gym, the first thing he saw was his beloved iwa-chan
looking not very happy
oikawa waved sheepishly as he turned his head to the side to look at where everyone else was
this for some reason made iwaizumi look even more not happy
makki and mattsun then walked over and snickered upon seeing oikawa
“ah was y/n here? why didn’t you invite her to watch hmm?~” makki teased
“she’s got club activities too you know..”
they probably realize oikawa doesnt know bout the kiss mark
the three of them were just staring at oikawa like (¬_¬;)
and oikawa's just standing there like (◕‿◕)?
“can we go practice now..?” 
iwa: ( ̄︿ ̄) “wipe that stupid mark off your cheek”
huh? mark? he was pretty sure he wiped off any evidence from ahem what was happening earlier…
at this point some of the younger members started staring at them
and oikawa spotted them out of the corner of his eye and could practically feel the awkwardness in their gazes
he put a hand on the cheek everyone was staring at and removed it to see the same color that painted your lips
a slow smile spread on his lips at the realization of what you did
he laughed to himself
‘she’s gonna be the death of me..’
and with that he wiped off the remnants of your lipstick and hurried over to start practice
later tho, he asks you to kiss him again wearing that lipstick
and you do
and he snaps a selfie,,, which is now his phone wallpaper ;3
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( ❣︎ ); ― KUR0O
today, you’re boyfriend, the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, had a volleyball match
and ofc being the amazing, supportive gf you were, you were present in the stands, cheering him on
you didn’t get to meet or even talk to him before the match started, save for a few quick texts 
so when he came on to the court for warm up and spotted you in the crowd,,,
he gave a cheeky wink and wave
you could practically feel the confidence roll off him in waves but you knew, deep down, he was the tiniest bit nervous too
afterall, the opponents weren’t a weak team by any standard
they were strong and known for their relentless attacks
which were put to display almost immediately after the game started
nekoma held on though, and managed to put in a few attacks of their own to level the game
you could see the hard work behind each of the members’ skills, having witnessed a lot of it yourself
it was most clear in kuroo tho
and as he jumped to block another spike, you were on the edge of your seat
the boys just needed one more point… which came when kuroo shut down the last spike
you and the rest of the people in the stands around you erupted into cheers
and as they were leaving the court, you ran to steal kuroo away for a more personal cheer
the two of you walked the halls of the stadium talking abt the game
you were gushing about this block and that and he was smiling at your gushing cuz damn was his y/n cute 
N E WAYSSS,,, he received a text from kenma saying that they were all waiting for him at the bus
“i should go.. don’t wanna keep them waiting long”
“yeah.. you should”
before he could move tho, you tiptoed and placed a big fat kiss on his cheek
you swear you saw a blush on those cheeks as you backed down
he grinned and gave you a kiss of his own on your forehead before saying bye and running off
as he did, you realized you forgot to mention the lip-shaped mark on his cheek 
oops… its too late now ┐(︶▽︶)┌
anyway,, kuroo arrives all smiles to where the team are waiting 
and make no mistake they all CLEARLY see evidence of ur “little” kiss from back there
they just kinda,,,, don’t say anything at first?
kenma rolled his eyes and went back to doing whatever on his phone
yaku glared at it out of spite or some similar emotion
the others just choose to ignore mainly cuz they assume kuroo already knows and chose to keep it there
to them its just kuroo being a cheesy mf who was rubbing the non-single life in their faces or smth
ofc he has no idea tho
which just makes it all the more better when lev says
“y/n has nice lipstick”
and kuroo’s just like wtf ?? whatcha goin on bout my gf’s lipstick hUH
and he says that.. or something similar at least
and lev just points to his cheek like
“duhh i can see it right there”
he grabs his phone, opens the front facing camera, and is met with the outline of your lips on his cheek
and thats when he obviously started blushing
but then he just kind of smirked once he realized you knew about the mark
not like that but practically exactly what he was trying to say anyway
tbh kuroo’s a little reluctant to rub it off cuz idk,, he likes it ?? 
but he does anyway cuz they were still in public and there were teachers who were gonna come soon and all the other reasons
once hes comfortably seated in the bus tho, with a clean cheek, he sends u several texts
‘ saw that gift you left on my cheek… ’
‘ wouldn’t mind if u gave me more tmr afterschool ;) ’
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| taglist. @lilikags @luna-in-luv ... send an ask if u wanna be added !!~
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ahkaahshi · 4 years
finding out their s/o has an onlyfans account [hcs]
pairings: miya osamu; bokuto koutarou; iwaizumi hajime x fem reader
genre: humor, crack
warning(s): suggestive themes (nothing too intense tho), crude humor (but that’s a given for me), some swearing; also, time skip content
note: I know that onlyfans can (technically) be used for all kinds of content, but for the purpose of these hcs, you will be using it to make money off steamy pics
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finds out when he gets home from work earlier than usual and walks in on you having a lil photoshoot with your fine self
he’s not normally an expressive person, but this man is shook
not just at the fact that you’re wearing cute lingerie but at the fact that you’re taking pics of yourself
the most he’d gotten from you was a booty pic
“hope those’re for me,” he says
you’re mortified because they're not
when you tell him that you're taking pics to send to your special subscribers, there’s a long moment of awkward silence
but then he just shrugs and smiles
“yer an independent woman; do whatcha gotta do,” is his response
supports you and your endeavors to make some extra cash as long as you agree to send a few pics just for him every now and then
literal minutes after you have your conversation about your account, samu says he's going to take a shower
but he’s actually making an account so he can subscribe to your content and quench his thirst for you whenever he wants (well... for a month, anyway since he already waives the cost of any meals you eat at his restaurant)
you get a message moments later from him on your account
I'll make a special dinner 4 u if ur not wearing anything when I come back into the bedroom ;)
of course, you oblige since you know the dinner’s just a bonus
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finds out from atsumu at practice, who came across your account and shows him on his phone
“whaddya know? looks like yer girl has a side hustle!”
bokuto is completely clueless
thinks it’s your instagram
has never heard of onlyfans before in his entire life
even hinata and sakusa know what it is lol
once they all explain it to him, he’s sprinting home from practice to come see you
when you explain to him what you actually do, he immediately goes all emo mode on you
“b-but I thought I was the only one who got to see you like that...” he whines
you reassure him that he is still the only person who sees you naked on the regular and his pride is restored
wants to be your photographer
is not good at it but you let him have his moment since he gasses you tf up
also, you know he just wants some photos of his sexy gf on his phone for himself and you ain’t mad at that
asks how much money you make and if he can be your sugar baby
you say no but console him with an offer to buy his favorite snacks for him
you’re the only snack he wants tho ;)
overall, is very supportive. loves that you are a strong and confident woman!!
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finds out when makki mentions it during a lunch with him n mattsun (they go on weekend dates to catch up with each other 🥺)
asks for a to-go box and immediately goes home to talk to you
“what’s this I heard about you having an onlyfans account to post sexy photos?” he wonders
the sudden daddy tone catches you off guard, since you were just straight up chillin on the couch, eatin chips
but you explain what your account is for, what you do, and that you’re using the money to pay off your student debt
once you tell him this and assure him that you don’t post/send nudes, he relaxes a bit
understands that you’re a grown woman who can make her own decisions, so he doesn’t try to stop you or limit you
only wants you to promise him that you won’t sell any naked pics
once you come to that understanding, he's okay with it all as long as you’re safe :)
gets kinda turned on by the fact that other people have to pay for your content but he gets to see you in less for free cuz you’re his girl ;)
will probably ask to be your manager LOL
don’t let him; he’ll get jealous n empty out your inbox 🤣
will text makki and tell him to unsubscribe to your content immediately
makki then texts oikawa and tells him to unsubscribe, since that mf was the one who was subscribed and told makki in the first place lmao
oikawa doesn't want to at first, but when makki sends him a screenshot of iwaizumi’s text, he instantly does without question bc daddy iwa is terrifying
if anyone gives you any trouble or if he finds out one of the former aobajohsai guys is subscribed to you, he will destroy them in that fatherly, don't make me count to three, kinda way
situation’s different for oikawa tho
makes sure that mf knows that he’ll buy a plane ticket on the next flight to argentina in 0.01 seconds to beat his ass if he tries anything funny
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Thirst Night 1 - July 3, 2020
Trying to Dom Kuroo 
In a Classroom with Akaashi 
Kuroo is Daddy
Iwa’s Veins
Bakugo Snaps
Soft Morning S*x with Suna
Dom**ng Akaashi
Rough With Osamu
Atsumu Walking In On You
Aizawa’s Wife Singing
Edg*ng Ushi
School Bathroom With Suna
After a Long Day with Kita
Suck*ng Osamu
Akaashi’s Bre*ding K*nk
Atsumu Wants a Family with You
Akaashi Co**warming
Feral Bokuto 
Aftermath Suna
Terushima’s Tongue Piercing
Mystery Kisses to Nishinoya
Akaashi’s Fingers
Getting Rekt by Mattsun
Edg*ng Goshiki 
Praises and Dom Izuku 
Tendo’s Favorite Wh*mpering Mess
Helping Suna
Tanaka Teas*ng You
Bakugo’s Queen 
Riding Bokuto’s Thighs
H*rny Ushi
Kuroo Helping You Relieve Stress
Suga’s D*rty Mouth
Bakugo’s Babygirl/ Tsuki’s Princess
Semi T*asing You
Brat Tamer Kita
Bakugo’s Hands
Atsumu Being a Brat
Wrapped up with: Steamy | Sakusa Kiyoomi
Thirstlist | Masterlist 
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nostalgicpxxrl · 3 years
Matsukawa and his Body Mods
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Notice: Slightly steamy part with nothing super explicit. Let me know if I need to add anything else.
A/N: This is kind of all over the place cause I started it in May and couldn't figure out for the life of me how to finish it off, so sorry bout that
I can't imagine this dude as the badass brooding type, but I'll always entertain the idea of him having hella piercings and tattoos scattered all over his body.
I think he just had a general fascination with body modding and wanted to take advantage while he’s young (wasn't really interested in the extreme stuff, though... his mom would kill him anyway lmao).
But the catch is that he’d have an especially hard time finding work at a funeral home if he was visibly tatted and pierced.
So in college, he probably kept that in mind and didn’t do anything too spontaneously.
Regardless, Matsukawa has all kinds of tattoos-- some meaningful and some he got cause "Why not?"
That being said:
In the afternoons that you walk in on a sleeping Mattsun, his face will be smooshed into your pillow after a long day spent with his younger siblings. His love for them is obvious since his face lights up every time they're mentioned; so the golden sun that leaks through the blinds helps him out by making their names glow in time with the rise and fall of his back. 
When you guys go on road trips and you sneak a glance of admiration at his side profile, the fading holes of what used to be a ton of piercings decorate his ear. There's a scar on both of his lobes where he reluctantly got his gauges sewn up, but the pretty double piercing earrings that you bought him cover them up nicely so he isn’t too self-conscious of them now.
You'll be listening to whatever Matsukawa’s velvety voice has to say about what happened at work, then when you absentmindedly watch him unbutton his shirt, the tattoo of your name that rests on his collarbone will stare right back at you. He catches you every time, lightly chuckling at your suddenly flustered demeanor.
In the moments where you guys wanna be as close to each other as possible and your kisses are getting more desperate, Mattsun will quickly pull his shirt off and reveal the nipple piercings he got after drunkenly losing a bet. Working your way down with teasing pecks and bites, the belly button ring that you always lightly tug at while you're snuggling with him compliments the happy trail you love so much.
One day when y’all were raiding the kitchen for some snacks, you had accidentally dropped a chip on the floor. On your way to recover it (5 second rule amirite😏), a rancid doodle of My Melody aggressively flicks you off from his shin and you can't help but burst out laughing. Apparently a grumpy Makki had drawn it when Mattsun had jokingly told him he was leaving Japan for school like Iwa (poor baby was shook for a week).
Asking this dude for a pain scale is futile cause his tolerance is kinda high
He's still a sweetie pie and will help you out if you get anything done yourself, though.
He loves receiving jewelry for the piercings he kept and always wears the stuff you bought him when he goes out.
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alto-march-of-death · 3 years
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- Haikyuu
Akaashi Keiji
➥ Bookstore Finds: You and Akaashi go to a bookstore and you find an... interest... book; WC: < 300; gn!reader
➥ Falling For You: A moment in which Akaashi realizes that he’s in love with you; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Now, Always, and Forever: Akaashi plans a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt for you!; WC: 2.2k; f!reader 💫
➥ Headcanons
Flips like a switch
Aran Ojiro
➥ Gloves:  a special tradition that doesn’t go the way you planned; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Sitting: Aran requests you sit on his face. Who are you to deny him?; WC: < 600; f!bodied reader
Aone Takanobu
➥ A Helping Hand: Aone is a stable boy for your royal family. He’s just the stable boy, and he has to keep telling himself that, but all he can really do is keep watching you, the princess; WC: ~2.4k; princess(f)!reader 💫
➥  Mistletoe: You and Aone spend a moment under the mistletoe; WC: < 500; gn!reader  ✨
Azumane Asahi
➥ It’s Too Cold: Asahi plans a lovely date for the two of you, though he knows how you feel about the snow; “It’s too cold,” you always say. He’s hoping that you’ll enjoy it despite the weather.; WC: 1.4k; gn!reader  ✨ 💫
Bokuto Koutarou
➥ A Moment When They Fell: a moment when Bokuto realizes he may just be falling for you; WC: 500; gn!reader  ✨
➥ Believing in Santa: a Christmas tradition with your family and a bit of believing in Santa; WC: <500; gn!reader (you have a child together, but it doesn’t specify if you birthed it)  ✨
➥ Bo Comforting You: Bokuto comforts you after you’ve had a long day; WC: < 300; gn!reader
Ennoshita Chikara
➥ Body Worship: What starts as a massage... well, we know how those end up; WC: 700; f!reader ✨
➥ Getting Into the Christmas Spirit: you make it your job to get Ennoshita into the Christmas spirit this year, using something a bit... risqué; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Keeper of the Panties: Ennoshita keeps your ripped panties; WC: < 500; gn!reader
➥ Show Off: Ennoshita likes to show you off in any way he can; WC: < 500; f!reader
Fukunaga Shouhei
➥ Brat Taming: you thought you could pull off a joke during one of Fukunaga’s shows. He didn’t take it well; WC: < 700; f!bodied reader  ✨
Hanamaki Takahiro
➥ Keeping Warm by the Fire: you and Hanamaki can’t afford a home with a fireplace but... you make do; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Slipping on Ice: maybe falling on the ice isn’t such a bad thing; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Hinata Shoyo
➥ Actions: just some soft Hinata things; WC: < 500; gn!reader
➥ Brat Tamer Hinata: all Hinata wants is for you to be good, and he has ideas for when you can’t be; WC: 400; f!reader ✨
Iwaizumi Hajime
➥ Baby, It’s Cold Outside: you spend the day with Iwa over the holidays; WC: < 500; gn!reader  ✨
➥ Cuddles: just what cuddling Iwa would be like; WC: 500; gn!reader
➥ My Car Broke Down in the Snow:  your car breaks down in the snow, so you call Iwa to help you out; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Ugly Matching Sweaters: what’s a Christmas party without matching sweaters?; WC: < 500; gn!reader  ✨
Kita Shinsuke
➥ Soft and Steamy: after a long day in the rice fields, Kita comes home to take a shower with you; WC: 700; gn!reader ✨
Kozume Kenma
➥ Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer: Kenma comes across you while at work, and finds himself returning the next day; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Kunimi Akira
➥ How You Met: at first, you were annoying. Now? He’s not so sure; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Kuroo Tetsurou
➥ The Best Part of Wakin’ Up...: one morning, you wake up to see Kuroo needs a little help from his bunny; WC: < 500; gn!reader
Matsukawa Issei
➥ Falling for You: Mattsun is a big sap, and he falls in love with you; WC: < 400; gn!reader ✨
➥ How You Met: in a rather unconventional way, you and Mattsun meet, and go from there; WC: < 600; gn!reader ✨
➥ Santa Tell Me: a bit of nerves and a holiday confession; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Miya Atsumu
➥ Don’t Go: it’s a good day, or so he thinks. It definitely doesn’t end up as one; WC: < 500; gn!reader; please read the warnings on this one! ✨
➥ He Loves You: in which Atsumu realizes he loves you; WC: < 400; gn!reader ✨
➥ Mistletoe: a shared moment under the mistletoe with Atsumu; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Mornings: soft morning sex with Atsumu; WC: 750; f!bodied reader ✨
➥ My Only Wish: it’s the night before Christmas, and you serenade Atsumu at the bar; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨ 
➥ Slipping on Ice:  you and Atsumu decide to go for a walk after it snows; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Sugar: sweet sugar daddy Atsumu wants to give you the world, but all you want is him; WC: < 350; gn!reader
Miya Osamu
➥ After Hours: Osamu decides to tease you a little while at work, and reward you once the shop closes; WC: < 700; f!bodied reader ✨
➥ Family Traditions: you get to witness a Miya holiday family tradition (that ends in disaster); WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Hot Chocolate: Osamu discovers the wonders of those melting chocolate orbs; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Keeping Warm by the Fire: Osamu dabbles in decorating the yard with blow up Christmas decorations... it doesn’t end very well; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Writing a Letter to Santa: Osamu writes letters as Santa, and you write him one of your own; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Nishinoya Yuu
➥ All I Want for Christmas is You: Noya tries to get you to tell him your Christmas wish list; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Oikawa Tooru
➥ Christmas Tree Farm: Oikawa takes you to a Christmas tree farm to pick out a tree for the two of you; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ It’s Too Cold: after getting used to Argentina, Oikawa isn’t such a big fan of the snow; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨ 
Sakusa Kiyoomi
➥ Body Worship:  one night, you spend some time giving love to Sakusa’s body; WC: < 700; f!bodied reader ✨
➥ Snowball Fight: Sakusa loves fresh snow, but maybe not when it’s directed at his face; WC: < 500; gn!reader  ✨
Sawamura Daichi
➥ Body Worship: Daichi spends a little extra time appreciating how beautiful you are; WC:  < 600; gn!reader ✨
➥ Coming Home: after a bad day at work, Daichi wants nothing more than to come home to you; WC: < 600; gn!reader
➥ Seeing You Again: your cat gets stuck in a tree, and firefighter Daichi comes to your rescue; WC: < 700; gn!reader  ✨ 
Semi Eita
➥ Brat Taming:  during his show, you decide to give one of your own, much to his dislike; WC: < 700; f!bodied reader ✨
➥ Christmas Cookies: the two of you try your hand at making Christmas cookies; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Sugawara Koshi
➥ Diner Date: You, Sugawara, Daichi, and Asahi catch up at a diner. Things turn... interesting, and you somehow end up under the table; WC: 1K, f!bodied reader
➥ I Trusted You: Sugawara had given you his trust and his heart, both of which you threw aside; WC: < 500; gn!reader  ✨
➥ Snowed In: you and Sugawara get snowed in; WC: < 500; gn!reader  ✨
Suna Rintaro
➥ Pierced: Suna gets his tongue pierced; WC: < 700; gn!reader
Tanaka Ryunosuke
➥ Keeping Warm by the Fire: you and Tanaka keep warm by the fire; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Tendou Satori
➥ Grandma Got Run over by a Reindeer: you and Tendou’s family go shopping for Christmas decor, and things almost end up very badly; WC: < 500; gn!reader  ✨
Tsukishima Akiteru
➥ Bred: after a family dinner, the thought of breeding you nice and full gets stuck in Akiteru’s head and won’t leave; WC: < 900; f!bodied reader  ✨
Tsukishima Kei
➥ Falling In Love: he wasn’t one for second dates, but he’d go on one with you; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨   
➥ Going down on you after an argument: You and Tsukki argue about something. He makes it up to you by going down on you; WC: ~550, f!bodied reader 
➥ I Dare You: while on a date, Tsukki issues you a challenge; WC: < 800; f!bodied reader
➥ Ice Skating: you and Kei (his first time) go skating together; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ I’ll Always be There: after something happens to you at work, Tsukishima reminds you that he’ll always be there for you; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ In Love: Tsukishima watches a leaf fall to the ground, and realizes he’s in love; WC: < 700; gn!reader ✨ 
➥ Strawberries: Tsukishima Kei loves strawberries, and he loves you; WC: < 600; gn!reader ✨
Ukai Keishin
➥ After a While: you and Keishin see each other again after a long time; WC: < 600; gn!reader  ✨
Ushijima Wakatoshi
➥ Making Christmas Cookies: you and Ushijima make cookies together; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
Yamaguchi Tadashi
➥ Post Date Goodbye: after a date, you and Tadashi say goodbye... just for now;  < 500; gn!reader ✨
➥ Wrapping Presents: wrapping presents is more fun with Tadashi; WC: < 500; gn!reader ✨
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Some characters don’t have things written for the yet! (I’ll write for anyone, though, so please don’t hesitate to request)
My requests are currently open!
A ✨ indicates this was written for an event
A 💫 indicates this was written for a collab
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