#mauga x y/n
owlwithanapple · 6 months
So Hot ya.
Part 01
Mauga x Y/N
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You are a freelance writer. You often work from home, so you have never had a chance to go out for a holiday. Finally, one day you finished the manuscript. You remember that summer is a very suitable season for vacation at the seaside, and there are many water activities to play. So you searched for a good place for vacation on the computer and found a place called Samoa. It's just a place that suits your ideal. There are beaches and seaside. You can indulge yourself and have a good time, so you booked a flight to Samoa.
"Oh, my God! Finally! I can have a good holiday. That bastard temporarily shortened my submission deadline, causing me to work all night. Now that the work is done... It's time to take a bath!" You happily take off your clothes and go into the bathroom.
You turn on the warm water to fill the bathtub and then throw a rose-flavored bath ball into the bathtub. The whole bathroom is full of fragrant roses, and you slowly soak yourself in the bathtub and enjoy it.
"I have to wear a bikini when I play at the seaside. I must wear it boldly! I have a good figure, of course I want to show it! Since I'm going on vacation, of course I have to dress up." You said excitedly.
You left the bathtub, went to turn on the shower and wash the soap on your body. You take the bath towel and wipe your body clean, then put the bath towel around your body and leave the bathroom. After you dry your hair, you start applying skin care products after choosing a set of pajamas in the wardrobe. The inexplicable excitement of going on vacation, you quickly take out your suitcase and pack your things.
On the day of departure~
Before departure——
You bought a cup of Americano at the airport, you went to the waiting room and waited for boarding.
"Great, I'm not late, otherwise I would have missed the flight." You sit and wait for the time.
At this time, the radio report said that customers going to Samoa could board the plane. You quickly got up and walked into the cabin.
"Miss, your seat is first class. Please follow me to your seat." The stewardess said.
"Thank you." You follow the stewardess to the seat.
15 minutes before the plane took off, you raised your feet and picked up the magazine and read it. When you see your work ranked first in the magazine, you laugh excitedly.
"Hey, hot girl, why are you laughing so happily?" A rough voice said.
"Ah? Hot girl? Where?" You are confused.
"Here." The voice said.
You turn your head, a big and strong man sits in the seat next door and looks at you. Tattoos, muscles and body shape highlight the man's wildness. You were shocked to see his wild hairstyle and muscles, and you couldn't help looking at it a few more times. At this time, the man also noticed you, and he laughed before you came to your senses.
"Hot girl, I'm inexplicably excited when you look at me like this." The man said flirtingly.
"Ah! Sorry! I was distracted for a moment. I shouldn't have stared at you like this. But are you calling me?" You asked.
"That's right! There are no other hot girls here. I'm just calling you." The man said with a smile.
"Oh, hahaha. Your mouth is so sweet, strong man." You flirted with him.
"Great! I have dressed myself well!" You think.
"But hot girl, you haven't told me why you laughed so happily?" The man asked.
"Ah! In fact, my work ranked first, so I laughed. " You answer with a smile.
"Wow, you're awesome. The sexy hot girl writer who ranked first." The man said with a flirty smile.
"Awhhh, thank you." You answer with a smile.
You noticed that he had a few fangs when he smiled, and with his wild image, you felt inexplicably hot and excited. At this time, you are thinking that if you have a vigorous passion with this man, it may be very fierce. You couldn't help peeking at him. You found that he was asleep and you almost laughed.
At this time, you heard the radio saying that the plane was about to take off, and you put away the magazine and sit still. After the plane took off, you looked at the scenery outside the window, and you were relieved that you could finally enjoy it. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.
Part 01 The End.
If you have any suggestions, you can leave your comments in the comment section.💻
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cursedpiratestash · 4 months
Mauga x Reader
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Not very many things can bring this man to his knees however you do it with grace
He casually worships the ground you walk on but enjoys teasing you to hell whenever he gets the chance
He adores how you keep up with him in conversation with witty comebacks and silly banter
But when a fight gets a little too serious he manages to take his precious time with an apology if he's in the wrong
Fortunately his day quickly begins to look dull without someone there to have a fun back and forth with
His way of apologizing unfortunately is annoying you and hovering before he actually gathers a decent little speech for you with your favorite snack/meal/item to close the deal
As stubborn as he can get he is a real sweetheart towards you when he wants to be
Getting him to forgive you however is a little different considering he enjoys hearing you beg for forgiveness above all else
Maybe asks for a backrub to speed up the process
When it comes to comforting you he's a little panicked beneath the facade
Regardless he is your rock as you are his so he makes the effort to do whatever it is he needs to do whether you've discussed it with him or he's picked up on it on his own
His main tactic is to try to cheer you up with flattery or jokes
Despite his revision he does take the time to seriously listen to your problems before going for jokes though
Sadly he isn't easily consolable as he tends to fly off the handle on occasion
A hand on his arm or chest and a calm voice may help but it doesn't always work
Thankfully he doesn't make it a habit to lose control
On another note he loves to cuddle
Getting out of bed after a night at his place will always be an uphill battle
I can picture him with some degree of attachment issues considering how things ended with Baptiste albeit he hides it incredibly well
Even though Mauga lives everyday as if it were his last you easily humble him when you need to and remind him that even slow days have value
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maritotoy · 5 months
MAUGA X Support/Medic Reader ((Part. 1))
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NOTE: Believe it or not, I never realize how long I've written this one.
This narrative tracks Mauga's obsession with Y/N as it grows to the point where he is prepared to kill everyone who stands in his way. With this in mind, Mauga's commitment would gradually grow. He would start out softly and then this need on you would get stronger.
It all began when your talents were initially utilised for recruitment. You were a terrific help, willing to assist your teammates in whatever way they needed.
Your main issue was that you could never truly let them handle things on their own. As a result, it became increasingly difficult to care for yourself.
They promised you riches if you helped them fight back against their threat. There were only so many ways to profit from rival worlds, after all. You were aware that you were going into a whole new universe when you agreed, but you also felt that you had no choice but to accept them.
Ultimately, you didn't wish to pass away, did you?
It was stated to you when you first joined TALON Organization, that you should concentrate only on the battlefield. Up until you met Baptiste, an exceptional combat medic, it was great with you. Your shared enthusiasm for curing illness is what unites the two of you. It turned into a shared passion. As you try to acquire experience in several areas, like medical supplies, you both hope to discover some more useful abilities, like healing or even a unique kind of combat capability.
But you can hardly ever get to Baptiste, he's constantly at the top. Both a combat mercenary and medic. You're always looking for ways to sharpen your skills.
Even after meeting him again at your base and on missions, you are still determined to improve your ability to deal with any possible emergencies. Not until later do you find out what happens when a member of your unit gets injured.
Baptiste surged in, carrying an imposing stature and a solid, muscular frame. His voice sounded desperate, asking, "I'm sorry if I came to you! I know you are busy, but I need help with my friend, please, Y/N!" The urgency was so obvious that there wasn't much resistance. Even if he was a doctor himself, it must have seemed urgent enough.
Besides... You were in the right place to help.
You rushed over to his side and helped him stabilize his huge friend. "What happened, Bap? Are you hurt?" He didn't reply, but his eyes told you all you needed to know.
You fix your sight on his pal. He does not appear to be hurt or seriously damage. However, the man's body is completely soaked, which looks very suspicious to you. "Is he alright, Bap? I don't see anything wrong." He shook his head and gave a sigh.
"We were attacked. Mauga and I found the source of the enemy attack and got separated."
"How long has it been since then?"
"Four hours, maybe five."
"Do you have any idea of what may have caused the damage?"
"I'm not sure. However, I had already discovered him unconscious but unharmed on the ground. It should not take long for him to awaken.." You glance at the unconscious man again before you say, "Let me take a look at him." He nodded and stepped aside.
"Mauga could never be wounded by shots like that. Despite his size, he could easily absorb one hit thanks to his physique." He explains.
You crouch down and check on his comrade. He seems fine to you. There's nothing unusual about him, other than the fact that he's a bit too heavy.
You knew Mauga.
And with such.
You just don't know how to engage with him.
On a conversation? Yes. Your profession is your duty.
You don’t really get along with those who rely solely on themselves as an advantage, even though you respect their abilities.
The feeling is mutual. Every time someone gets hurt because of something beyond their control, you are there to help them.
Because that's your job as a medic.
You both have quite a difference in interests, though. You can't stand the fact that he’s so reckless, you can't understand why he doesn't think more carefully before he acts. As soon as he sees blood, it's always the most important thing.
Mauga stands tall, towering over his opponents with an impressive height of 7'5 ft tall. (My headcanon)
Mauga is a formidable opponent on the front lines thanks to his strong, muscular physique. His broad shoulders and thick neck gives off an air of strength and power, and his body is well-built, demonstrating his strength and capacity to deal severe damage to rivals.
Did I mention he has two hearts?
Unlike you, Mauga is a ruthless and cunning individual, driven by his own motivations. He never lets anyone interfere with his goals, whether or not they involve you. While he might act with reckless disregard sometimes, he is also able to calculate the best course of action.
Not anyone knows this. But you knew nontheless with Baptiste.
You may be underestimating him in some way, or you may have witnessed the genuine thing, up close and personal, but he always brags about his achievements without hesitation or shame. His fighting style turns wild and unpredictable when he fights. If Mauga doesn't want to win, he will take his time, before using ChaCha and Gunny, his chainguns, to grab the victory, and he won't give up until he achieves his objective.
He definitely is careless, isn't he?
"He's breathing just fine, Baptiste. I would say he is in perfect health, aside from the injuries, I can't detect any signs of any damage injuries either." You said as you stood up. Baptiste sighs relief. "I'll leave him to you doctor. Don't worry, I trust that you have everything under control." He says this to you while nodding in satisfaction.
This gesture of his is a way of gratitude towards the medic's work.
"I will be back later," he says as he leaves to make a round to prepare for battle.
While Baptiste was gone, you sat next to the downed mercenary soldier and begin to observe him. In the midst of his unconsciousness, he seems to be in a good state. There was no sign of discomfort or pain. His pulses are fast but steady, knowing that Mauga have two hearts, one that allowed him to replace his damaged, organic heart with a cybernetic one. That way, his heart will beat twice as fast. You can easily tell that Mauga is in his natural state.
Your eyes began to feel heavy after observing him for some time. You weren't sure if it's due to fatigue from watching him, or simply exhaustion from your duties as a medic.
Before you knew it, you fell asleep.
When you awoke, you find yourself staring back into the face of Maugaloa Malosi, whose lips formed into those flashing, same pasted smile as usual. “Ah, Doctor. How nice to see you again.”
You quickly wake up, sitting straight up on the chair. “M-Mauga!" You exclaimed, alarmed. "H-How is you- I mean are you feeling alright?”
He grinned at you. “I am feeling rather fine.” You let out a long, sigh of relief. However, you didn't anticipate that this would happen frequently. “I see..." You replied.
Silence takes over for a while. Mauga stared at you intensely before taking a step forward. “Your Y/N, correct? Baptiste little assistant. I've heard much about you, but never expect that I would get to get treated from you.”
You flinched slightly at his words 'assistant' and the word 'little', but you remained calm. “I'm glad that you feel better now. You should rest and recover. If you still need them..."
“I appreciate the concern,” he says as he reaches towards your shoulder. You instinctively raise your hands in preparation of blocking. This caught him off guard, causing him to pause in his movements, then booms laughing.
“My apologies, Teuila. I thought that you might have forgotten what I do here,” he said in that familiar, friendly tone.
“If I recall correctly, I haven't given you permission to touch me.” This comment caught him off guard as he chuckles deeply.
He stares at your hand for a while longer. You're beginning to become worried. After a brief silence, he reaches forward and lightly holds onto your wrist.
“That’s a very sensitive spot…” He whispers gently. Your heartbeat begins to accelerate. “And your pulse is fast. Is this normal?” he asks. “Yes,” you respond in a soft voice.
“Then why are you afraid? You know I'm not going to hurt you...” He grinned. His sharp teeth glinted menacingly in the dim light. "Surely you've already made a friend? You also gave him a lot of attention than you do with me. Or have you grown to dislike me?"
"...I... I beg your pardon-" your speech is interrupted by Baptiste with a tired expression.
"Hey... Sorry that I took so long. I went to gather supplies. Mission was a success." He sighed in relief as he approached you.
"Mauga, I'm glad your awake bud." Baptiste sighs in relief and smiles at Mauga. Mauga returned the gesture before looking back at you.
He still has that huge grin plastered across his features while his eyes darted towards yours. "You're crazy out there Mauga. Do you really think that you can defeat the enemies single handedly?" Baptiste says with a chuckle. “You know me Baptiste, I never do things without planning them out.” He grinned, revealing that row of dazzlingly white teeth. “I still don't understand how you've been knocked down so easily. It's hard to believe that you can be beaten like that.” Baptiste gives a half smirk, half frown.
You listen to their conversation, and you try to make sense of it. Mauga laughs at the situation, as if it's all so obvious. "C'mon, Baptiste, we have bigger problems than me right now. The mission is a success because we finally found the enemy camp. But it was a close call, and we needed your medical expertise to treat the wounded," Mauga explains to Baptiste while looking directly into his eyes with a sly smile. "I carried your massive ass in this camp with support of your weight alone. You ought to be pleased to have a subordinate with such skill." Baptiste smirks. He was referring to you. Mauga laughs at his friend's criticism, displaying his amusement at the circumstances.
"So yeah. It was pretty rough, but we managed to secure the objective! Isn't that great news?"
It's not really a surprise to you.
Mauga does tend to put himself in danger, especially when he's in an unfamiliar place.
This guy is completely reckless, which is why you can't believe that he managed to survive so many battles without falling apart or breaking down.
"Your a loose-canon, but I hope ended well..." you say calmly, hoping that you sound convincing enough.
"I can assure that I have the highest respect and admiration for your abilities as a medic. I would never doubt your skills, even if I hadn't personally experience how skilled you are in dealing with wounds." Mauga comments, he sounds sincere as ever.
Baptiste grins again. "That's a big ego of yours, my friend. You should consider giving a few compliments to the people who did more than you."
"I would love to, my friend, but there's nothing wrong with being modest about our accomplishments."
"Alright," Baptiste said, sounding annoyed.
After several hours, days, months of treating your patients at base. You cannot help but wonder seeing Mauga quite often, whether that is purely because of duty or something else. Although it is difficult to tell what he's thinking, there are moments where you notice the way that he is constantly staring at you. Like he's trying to figure out something about you:
studying your appearance, facial expressions, mannerisms. Sometimes he gets lost in his thoughts, sometimes he appears to be lost in his own world, occasionally, you could catch him smirking knowingly, or even smiling to himself. These small gestures usually only occur during times when it's with you with him. Sometimes, the man is just too cheerful, or too energetic in general.
You could hardly handle the stress of handling all these patients in the infirmary on your own. You're starting to miss having Baptiste around to keep him occupied while you go through patients. You sighed loudly not until Mauga appears behind you
You found him with wounds on his chest and torso. You turn to look at him, "What happened?"
"Nothing serious..." He grins, showing his sharpened teeth.
"Just a minor injury, eh?" You raise an eyebrow at the mercenary, crossing your arms over your chest. Mauga simply shrugs as he sits on a table.
There was another period of silence between you two, and the atmosphere seemed to tense up considerably. This time, it's you who breaks the silence. "I'm sorry that you got injured. I don't know how I should react seeing someone else getting hurt so casually. You could have died out there. And that's not the worst thing that can happen," you said sarcastically and sternly.
He chuckles. "Oh really? Tell me more." He leans closer to your face, gazing deeply into your eyes. "Ah. So that's how it is."
You glare at him angrily, but he ignores you as you continue working. "Are you seriously going to mock me for worrying about you?"
"Not at all," he replied, with a hint of sarcasm. "But there is one thing that concerns me."
"What? You're going to insult me too, aren't you?" Mauga laughs while Y/N tends his injury.
The felt of your touch sends shivers throughout his entire body. He tries hard to suppress the sudden urge to grab her hand and hold on tightly. It's becoming harder to control these urges though. He shakes his head rapidly as he pulls away from you. He looks at you with narrowed eyes. "I'm not mocking you, you know?"
Your gaze flicks briefly to his. "Hm."
There was a short silence between you two, until you began to clean a cut on one of his legs. You noticed his gaze follow every movement of your fingers. "Why are you staring at me like that?"
"I'd prefer that you didn't ask questions so frequently, Teuila."
"Teuila?" You face him. "You know, I never asked you of this... But why do you call me that?" He lets out a deep chuckle and replies. "Because you look like Teuila. It fits well, doesn't it?" He flashes you a warm smile before turning his head away again.
You shrugged of his answer, continuing your work without saying anything further, although you were extremely curious. "Teuila... What does that word mean?" There's a brief moment of silence in between the two of you once you finished cleaning up the blood staining his leg. A faint smile plays across his lips again. "I thought you were better than that."
"And you think that you're better than me?"
"Yeah," he replies smugly.
"Then... You've obviously underestimated me, don't you?" You give him a challenging smirk. He returns the smile with a smirk of his own, but he then turns serious again. His eyes narrow. "Let me enlighten you. That name means 'flower'. Do you understand what kind of flower it means?"
You gave him a blank stare. He continues to smirk, waiting for you to understand his meaning. Eventually, you sigh, putting your hands on your hips. "Do I look like I care to know?" You scoff, rolling your eyes lightly.
Mauga laughs. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter what you think of it..."
There was silence between you two for a few seconds, and you looked away with furrowed brows.
You finish patching up the mercenary, placing some bandages around him and securing them securely. "Now that I finished helping you, you're dismissed." You professionaly said after you made sure that everything was covered properly. Mauga laughs at this. "Really? Now? Just like that?" He asks mockingly.
"Yes Mauga, I don't have any other duties besides tending to your wounds. I've been doing that for quite some time now," you responded coldly.
Mauga raises an eyebrow at this. "You know, if you start beginning to care about those wounds, you might find yourself losing them. If you want me to leave your clinic quickly, then you'll have to earn my trust first, which requires some work."
You sigh heavily. Of course Mauga will insist on making things difficult for you. "I am no doctor Mauga, I cannot cure your injuries." You sarcasticly said.
"Oh I know that. But you're still willing to take the risk." He chuckled.
"You wouldn't had to waste precious time coming here in order to talk shit."
Mauga laughs at you again, grinning like a cat that ate the canary. "I wouldn't waste too much time coming here either, but I also wouldn't be able to enjoy it quite as much because you'll be gone by then," he says confidently. "Besides, you're not exactly known for your patience." You roll your eyes, turning back to the table in front of you.
"You know I've always wondered what it feels like to be your patient," Mauga mused. "To be the one receiving the attention of the most skilled medic in your battalion."
"You must be joking," you replied, you know what he meant, not wanting to think that you would ever become his patient.
"No. You know me... " He grins. You groaned. "Don't' make such assumptions, we don't know each other all that well yet."
You glared at him as he laughed. "Whatever. It seems like there's no stopping you, is there? We haven't even officially met yet, and already you're acting as if you have a good relationship with me." You sighed exasperatedly, massaging the area of your forehead in irritation.
"Listen, Mauga. My job is simple, I care for my patients and treat them well. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Oh yeah? Well, maybe I'm different," he said cockily.
"How? Are you not afraid of dying?"
"No... No I'm not... I've done so much more reckless things than death." His expression suddenly shifted to an emotionless one. For a moment, it felt almost as if he wasn't looking at you anymore. Then he chuckled softly, giving you a playful wink. "But I'm no saint."
"It must be hard to admit being human." You shook your head slightly.
"Sometimes." His grin returned to his features.
You couldn't help but stare directly into his eyes for a little longer, taking in how dark they actually are.
Mauga shows a huge plastered face. His still wearing his dumb smile.
You blinked at him.
He blinked back.
You rolled your eyes. "Stop smiling so much." He continued to laugh, as you turned away from him again. Mauga stood up and stretched lazily, "I have something to attend to, I'll be seeing you later," Mauga teasingly said as he made his way towards the door. He opens it, but he glances back.
A small smirk forms on his lips.
You watch him disappear outside the door, closing it behind him with a click. Once the door closes you let out a heavy sigh, resting your back against the wall behind you. Your heart is racing a mile, a minute, both at the prospect of having finally been alone with Mauga again, and the strange feeling within you after you spent several hours alone with him.
This feeling...
It's definitely not normal.
End of part 1
Part 2- ???
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alientee · 7 months
This is rated 18+ just in case minors don’t interact Maugaxreader
I’ve had Mauga brain rot since he came out and there not enough fan fiction for me so I’m weighting this because it’s a funny thought I had in my mind I may even make it into a series. Reader is AFAB. Mauga x reader, some fluff, just a lil smut (barley) maybe more in the future enjoy!!!!!
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You were relatively new to overwatch, but you were strong. The team knew you had their back, and that’s all that mattered; it also helped you have omnikinesis. But you couldn’t control it that well; you were unstable.
That’s why you reached out to overwatch, to control yourself before you hurt the others around you again. It’s a good thing they found out about you before talon or who knows what could have happened?
Speaking of Talon, you are having a team fight against them now. They tried to destroy another omnic and human peace event. Some of the richest humans and omnics were attending.
So you, Ana, Mei, Winston, and Lifeweaver were on guard duty. And lo and behold, here comes Sigma, Sombra, Reaper, Moria and some other big guy you didn’t know to ruin the party. Everyone began to run around in the grand dining room.
Sombra was hacking communications, so you couldn’t check on your backup. Mei and Ana were dealing with Reaper, and Moria, Winston, and Lifeweaver were dealing with Sombra and Sigma. That left you with the hulking, raging giant with tribal tattoos.
You quickly dodge his machine guns, using everything around you in the room as a shield. You quickly hide, trying to regain yourself; if you lose focus, you lose control.
You hear smashing and bullets flying, trying to think of a plan in your head.
“Ok your completely insane” You whispered
You snuck around the hulking hot head. You hype yourself up to do a sneak attack that hopefully won’t take down the whole building. You focus on all the skylights and chandlers, bringing them down on top of the hulking man before jumping on his back, ready to detain him.
Until you were encased in darkness.
You find yourself squished by the man who was trying to kill you just moments ago. You were lying on his chest and straddling his waist while he was scrunched up and bent forward. You look up at him, seeing the snarl on his face.
“Ummmmmm hi there” , his eyes narrowed at you.
“What the fuck did you do!”.
You look at him startled and confused. “What do you mean I thought this was you?”
He looks like he’s about to yell at you again untill you both hear somthing.
“(Y/N)! Can you hear me!” It was Ana “YES!”
“Sigma got you two stuck in there!”
The large man shouted right in my ear while his chest rumbled underneath me. “HE DID WHAT!”
“Ah Mauga my friend would you like to hear about my new project. I was trying to trap the other one but you’ll make a great tester as well!” you could hear the collective sighs outside.
“It’s a black cube! One could say it’s a miniature black hole, but not a black hole at all, just a void in cuboid shape. It’s supposed to hold matter and keep it stabilized in place. It’s purpose is to hold things until it fully disappears on its own. Can you hear the melody within the universe? ”
You could feel the man named Mauga stiffen beneath you, you stiffen as well.
“Does that mean we dissapear to!” You scream
“Hmm possibly or maybe it will disappear without you in it the possibilities are endless.”
Your about to speak again when you hear Mauga grunt, you look up seeing him move his head down, that’s when you realize it’s shrinking now.
“It’s shrinking now!”
“Don’t worry (Y/N) given the circumstances we will work together until your both out”
“Don’t die in there Mauga I still have use for you” You shiver hearing Moria speak in such a way it’s gross.
You look up and see Mauga looking annoyed and uncomfortable “I’m sorry”
“Why you didn’t do nothing”
“It’s just that, if it shrinks without disappearing you’ll die. I could probably protect myself if I think of a way but I don’t know how it would affect you I can’t fully control my powers.” All he does is hum in response.
“(Y/N)! Can you use your powers to force the cube open!” Now that’s and idea but before you could even think about it Sigma speaks again.
“If you try to force a black hole to seperate it may disrupt everything around it destroying us all”
but sigma speaks again “But if she uses her powers and makes a black whole within a black hole?”
“Then Mauga dies, it would be such a waist but it may be an easier option” Moria spoke again, you could see Mauga rolling his eyes “Fuck you”
You look back up at Mauga you can still see the cube slightly shrinking again. “Mauga who are you?” He looks at me confused not saying a word. You sigh and speak again.
“If I’m going watch someone die in a cube I at least want to know them.”
You can’t help but stare into his eyes; he looks very handsome. Just something about him being a giant hunk of muscle with a sharp tooth smirk had you enticed.
He looks at you and puts a smirk on telling you the basics: he fought a war, he got two hearts, he lives his life as he pleases, and the rest is history.
You learned he liked video games, he takes pride in being strong and actually works out, letting you know he’s not an experiment with Moria, he’s a hot head but he’s passionate, and you even learned you both own a pair of shark slides.
The cube really did seem to be some type of black hole because you lost track of time and talked for what seemed like hours.
“Since you wanna know me so bad you mind doing me a favor” you nod looking at him
“If I die in here do something for me” You stiffen and look away sadly; you didn’t want to think about him dying in here, especially being responsible for someone’s last wishes.
You may be able to save yourself with your powers, but not at the expense of Mauga's life. You could only hope you would get out before then.
“I need you to tell Bap that I was mad at him for trying to blow me up and for leaving me behind. I was willing to drag his ass back; I missed him. Tell him the next time he grows a conscience, don’t skip out on your friends.” You looked at him confused, but nonetheless agreed.
“Ummm ok I’m not even going to get into that, is that all” He looks away and ponders “Make sure my turtle plush and guns are buried with me to and make my funeral a celebration of me not some sad ass drag of a day”
“Considering we’re technically supposed to be enemy’s I don’t think I’ll be able to plan that who knows what they’d do to your body, but I’ll try my best”
“That’s all I ask”
We stare into each others eyes what seems like forever. Until he leans down more moving his forhead to mine “One more thing?”
You look into his eyes shyly looking away when his gaze got to intense. He looks at me giving me a wink and that damned smirk of his. “What is it?”
“I always said if I died, I’d be on my terms. I wanted go out happy with a gun in each hand and a smile on my face. But right now I think the only thing that could make me happy is if I was taken care of by a beautiful lady?”
You blush looking at him with wide eyes “Are you asking me to have sex with you!?”
“Can’t really do that in this position doll” He’s laughing his ass off, you want to wipe that smirk off his face.
“Then what do you mean?”
He looks down your breast and you blush getting and idea of what he wanted. “If you could let me lay my face in those big tits of yours that’s a way to go” he smirks.
You feel your blush go from your face to your neck. “We don’t even know if your going to die Mauga, they could be done getting us out any minute.”
You listen outside to see if I can hear anything.
“We are not destroying the cube Moria!”
“Why not Mauga can be replaced and that girl can cause the destruction of our universe she’s a liability and a threat”
You could only mumble under your breath. “Your ugly face is a liability and a threat to everyone’s day and stomach”
You hear Mauga chuckle. “Don’t worry I’ll make sure to fuck up all her lab shit if I get out of this”.
You noticed his words if. And you couldn’t deal with that. If he died you’d have been to useless to stop it and in that moment you didn’t want to think about him dying.
You can see the cube shrinking more but Mauga doesn’t make a sound of discomfort, it’s like he doesn’t want to bother you every time the cube gets smaller.
“Hey Mauga”
“What’s up?”
You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and push his face down into your breast. You don’t know what possessed you, but the thought of giving him his last wishes made you confident in your decision.
Mauga snuggles his head in your chest. You hold him there pushing his head down , not wanting him to see your blushing face making this even more awkward.
As if he can sense your distress Mauga motor boats your chest making you laugh. “Hahaha what the heck Mauga!”
“Just enjoying my new home. I love it here.”
He pushes his face deeper in your breast, inhaling your sent. “Hmmmm I really love it here” You feel him lick your chest.
“Mauga! W-what are you doing”
You pull back to find him looking at you with lust in his eyes and a shit eating smirk.
“You looked nervous I wanted to break the ice. I want you to enjoy this too. Can I?”
You don’t know if it was the way he looked at you, or because this was the first time you’ve felt a man’s touch like this, or maybe it was the fact that you wanted to help him; either way you nodded your head giving him the green light.
He puts his forehead against yours once more. “I need words sweetie, tell me what you want”
You look down refusing to make eye contact “I want you to touch me Mauga”
He slowly moves in and kisses your lips, his lips are surprisingly soft he pulls back biting your bottom lip. He moves his face down back to your breast, kissing and biting them slightly, leaving read marks on your skin. You use the front of your hands to pull down the top of your dress, thanking yourself the dress you had on didn’t require you to wear a bra.
He looks up at you as he slowly licks around your breast, taking a nipple in his mouth. His hands cant reach your chest so he settles on placing them on your ass.
Your eyes roll back in pleasure as he suckles on your nipple, his tongue flicking against it softly. He gropes your ass, squeezing your cheeks roughly. You can’t help but moan softly in his ear.
He releases your nipple with a loud pop giving the same attention to the other while nibbling it.
You can feel something slightly poke at you. You realized Mauga got hard. He felt so big even behind his pants. You slightly raised yourself to sit on top of his dick and begin to grind on his erection.
Hoping to give him and yourself some relief, your panties were soaking wet from the attention. You didn’t want to think about the wet spot you were about to leave on his pants.
“Fuck~, you feel so good sweetheart.”
You were about to respond but the cube starts to shake rapidly. You quickly pull your dress up and hold on to Mauga. All you can think about is his safety wanting to put both of you in a shield that could protect you no matter what.
And it seemed like your powers agreed. Because the next thing you know, you and Mauga are in a giant bubble floating above everyone.
He’s looking at you with wide eyes his frown turning into a giant smirk. “I made you feel so good you broke the cube huh”
Your embarrassment must have faulted your concentration, because you two instantly fell from the sky. You land on top of him in front of everyone making it even more awkward.
Everyone looked down at you two before you quickly got up and walked towards your team while covering yourself, just incase you didn’t put your dress on quite right. Reaper spoke up
“Next time you all die”
Ana spoke before anyone else “Oh shut up Gabriel I’m sick of the death jokes”
As they begin to leave Mauga turns towards you giving you a wink.
“It was fun sweetheart”. And he walks away with the rest of talons members.
Mei spoke up while everyone else looked at me “Did he hurt you (y/n)?”
“No he didn’t, he’s just messing with me”
They all nodded and we all begin to retreat back to headquarters. You could only guess sombra hacked everything before you even tried to get back up because no one showed. You started to wonder if you’d ever see Mauga again.
That thought alone made you blush. Lifeweaver tapped your shoulder. He gave you a smirk showing you he was laughing at you. You look at him confused wondering what was so funny.
“What is it?”
He leaned down and whispered in your ear.
“I hope he wasn’t to rough with you”
You looked at him in horror and confusion how could he even know! You looked down to your chest seeing dark red marks all over your breast.
Dammit Mauga!
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amzthycrazzy · 2 months
Hi! I was wondering if you can do mauga x venture x reader? Like venture and mauga like to fight each other to see who loves reader the most? Also if it’s not a problem can it be hc’s?
A fight for your love!
Mauga x Venture x Reader
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Warnings : Sexual jokes, but nothing to nsfw!
• Ohhh boy. This is a little rough already but with these two it's a 50/50.
• mauga will always try to impress you while ventures trying to distract you, they both struggle with getting your attention then fight eachother for it
• "hey sweetheart. How you do-" "y/n y/n! Look at this cool artifact!" "Move you idiot!" "No you!"
"..." (Reader walks away as cartoony ahh fight starts)
"I bet I can show them I love them more than you do!" Venture pouts, crossing their arms. "Alright. But don't get your hopes up kid." Mauga laughs and leaves to go get your attention.
Your sitting, watching TV as you hear heavy footstep, the seat besides you to your left get taken up and you slide right towards mauga as he raps it hand around your shoulder, you giggle and lean into him. "How's bout you and me go to the bed hmm.~" you blush red, than the other side of you gets sunken down and theres venture, giving mauga a deep stare before pulling you towards them.
"I think I'll give them more pleasure than you."
Venture states, your face redder than ever as they start arguing about who can do you better. By the end your messed up and sweaty.
• NGL, these two cuddle with you every chance they get, their big cuddle dudes with insane strength, mauga likes to hug you from behind while you cook and venture likes to help you out and let you sit on their lap!! <3
That's it, sorry I was so late I'm trynna finish a fic 😭😭
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r4d1c4lw31rd0 · 1 month
Unseen Grave (Yandere!Venture x Reader)
My first post and it's about Venture LOLZ- I've never used tumblr before, I kinda just skim through here on occasion for cool art, writing for some of my favorite characters, and headcanons- Sorry if this is bad- This is also on AO3! I don't mind any requests either, can't promise to get to them quickly though-
CW: Minor Character death, implied/referenced past non/con, dead dove kinda, stalking, non graphic violence, skippable NSFW (This isn't non-con), a kinda abrupt ending, OOC Mauga, No use of Y/N, Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
Your POV
Where did all of this go wrong? You only ever wanted to live a normal and happy life. Forced into a world of crime, you made it your mission to get yourself and your comrades out of this hell hole. This slimy, sludgy pit you all had seemed perpetually stuck in, but you knew there was better out there. You could all live that lavish and carefree life you always dreamed of, you just had to claw your way to it. So when Mauga approached you, you saw it as an opportunity. Talon spotted your talent, your knack for creating poisons and toxins capable of killing or simple paralysis. Why they sent this big brute you’d never understand.
He held his hand out to you, that devious smirk on his dashing features captivating you like no other, drawing you in like a fly to a honeypot. You couldn’t see the web just inches from it though, nor could you see the spider eyeing you and waiting patiently for you to get stuck in its home. He gave you an offer you simply couldn’t ignore. A whole new identity and payment beyond what you could fathom, more than petty pocket change for simple side hustles, no you’d be playing in the big leagues. If you impressed Doomfist himself enough that is. All you had to do was complete a rather simple task and the position was all yours.
Despite what you’d heard about Mauga, he was quite tricky and conniving with his words. The smartest? Not by a long shot. He couldn’t quite comprehend the big words you used, but he could read you like an open book, and that was enough for him. The smallest twitch or glance was all he needed to know almost exactly what you were thinking and just how much more persuasion you were going to need. A true predator cornering its prey.
If you knew then what you know now, you never would’ve agreed. Then again, Talon may not have let you off the hook so easily. It may have cost you your life. You agreed to the simple mission, poisoning an important political figure and rendering him desperate enough to turn to Talon for a cure. Your unique little toxins could only be cured by you, considering they were abominations to medical science and were something entirely new and original all together. The mere fact that you only had to change one component to make it cause different effects was something you were proud of.
You didn’t doubt yourself in the slightest, so when word of your success was all over the news you felt your pride and ego swell. Doomfist had introduced you into a new world, one where the pay was greater and the tasks were challenging enough for a brilliant mind like yours. Working alongside Dr. O’deorain was fascinating, considering it was she who had inspired you to push the boundaries of the medical world. At the time, Talon seemed like it would give you everything you needed, but blinded by that desire for more and where it could take you you didn’t see it for what it truly was. Just as much of a hell hole as the rest of the world had been.
They squashed your hopes of getting somewhere, of having peace and calm rather than the hustle and bustle of the streets. No, working for them you never knew any kind of peace. A sense of hate began to form inside of you, alongside resentment. Watching them turn your brilliance into mush and treat it as if it was the common whore was devastating. They had the audacity to demand better from you. Working with Talon, you began to develop the belief that a life of crime and hate was your only option, that staying in this pit was the only option for you. The heinous acts you committed just to gain a lick of fortune was the only thing you’d ever be good for. Of course, you blamed Mauga for all of it. He had gotten you into Talon after all with his stupid face and smug words. 
 You had found yourself in some kind of relationship with him. He never said you two were together but he surely acted like it, getting irritable when others flirted with you or tried to ask you out. The relationship hadn't been the best nor the healthiest, but at the time you were just happy someone wanted you and didn't view you as a monster because of things you couldn't control. He called you so many sweet names, complimented you when Doomfist tried to put you down and offered you a place to run to in any time of need. It was all for his own advantage of course, but you didn’t know that. You just knew you could be vulnerable with him. You were unaware that you’d finally crept too close to the spider's web. No, he wasn’t a spider, he was a wolf. And you were a lamb, strayed too far from the safety of the herd and right into the wolf’s den.
Needless to say, he took advantage of you and your trust in him. The whole time you two were entangled in your complex relationship, he was almost always borderline violent with you and was very hot and cold with you, treating you as if you were some kind of dog that needed to be trained. You complied with almost everything he asked of you, and even when you didn't he forced you to anyway. Countless nights you lay next to him feeling used like some cheap toy for a rabid animal, and yet you stayed. Because Talon was all you had. Because he was all you had. No one was coming to save a monster, especially not one as sneaky and atrocious as you.
In the end, when you finally had enough, Mauga broke you down and ripped your heart to shreds. He called you so many awful names, told you how much he despised you and watched you crumble with disgusting glee. It hurt. Even though  he had treated you so poorly, you were still so distraught by his words and callous behavior. The fact that you were readily available for him was the only reason he kept you around, to be a punching bag and plaything when he felt like it. His betrayal fueled a kind of rage you didn’t know you were capable of feeling, and made you realize for the first time that this world was cruel no matter where you looked at it from and you were stuck in an echo chamber of miserable people. Maybe that's why they let you spiral. Used that rage and hurt against you, and made you numb to everything because it was just easier that way. It kept them from picking at your vulnerability any longer, from seeing you as weak..
You weren’t cared for in the slightest at Talon and you were just fine with that. You didn’t need to be babied or coddled anymore than you had when you were first introduced to this raunchy life, especially not by people who were as disingenuous and callous as your “co-workers”. The only one who showed a hint of sympathy or empathy was Dr. Kuiper and Sombra, probably some of the only people in that place capable of expressing such a thing.You couldn’t complain. You  still made money so long as you did what was asked of you and didn’t retaliate when you were degraded for your progress or your work. You were pretty sure things took a turn when you met Sloane, who at the time was “Venture” to you.
Pesky, annoying, and constantly getting in the way of your mission to find some artifact for Doomfist from some kind of ancient gravesite. The two of you were naturally enemies, being on opposite sides and all. And yet they intrigued you. Their happy-go-lucky manner and their quippy remarks as they effortlessly kicked the asses of your useless “assistants” you didn’t understand why Doomfist bothered sending. Truthfully, you could’ve accomplished the mission just as well on your own. You probably would’ve killed them too if Overwatch hadn’t shown up. Just as annoying as ever, they helped finish off the rest of your shitty squad, leaving you running off to hide like a dog with its tail between its legs. That mission you had been left behind, abandoned like an injured pup and left to fend for yourself. Badly injured, you would have cared less if you died. Sitting and stewing in your own misery had made you indifferent to life or death.
Doomfist didn’t want to lose you as an asset, but your location didn’t provide him any opportunity to send you an escape route, so you were stuck slinking about the Petra ruins, avoiding the ever-watchful eyes of Overwatch and the Wayfinders as you waited for your wounds to take you out. You’d only been caught because that insufferable archaeologist found you. You were dehydrated with infected wounds, and even then you still bared your teeth at their approach. They had been on guard at first, but seeing you in such a pathetic state had made them take pity on you, something you hadn’t been gracious enough to receive since you were a child.
Taken to the on-site medical facility, you were put under watch but nonetheless you were cared for. You were unfit to go to jail and serve for your crimes right away, so you were stuck there with the Wayfinders, under their care until you could be sent off. For whatever reason, Venture had stuck with you whenever they could, offering short conversation that was mostly one-sided. You didn’t talk much and only glared, uncomfortable with the hospitality. You would’ve preferred if they were rude to you. It was what you were used to. Three days was all it took for you to finally crack. Three days of consistent visits and kind words. Naturally, you were hesitant. Last time you had opened yourself up you were burnt terribly, and had been several times before. Kindness was a poison to you, and yet they made it so desirable. Their genuinity with it and the way they handed it out so easily had you craving it.
After about a month you had completely recovered, well enough to finally go serve for your crimes. The last day you and Venture spent together, you had taken their hand, feeling its warmth as you pressed a small kiss to the back of it. Their flustered reaction made you laugh for the first time since becoming what you were, and it was warm and joyous.
“Thank you, Sloane.” You whispered, refusing to look at them. You didn’t want them to see you cry. “You’ve been so kind to me, even though I’m so undeserving of it. I wish things were different. I wish we’d met before . . . everything.”
“Not everyone deserves a second chance.” Their words stung, making you shrink in on yourself slightly. “But, you’re . . . different. I don’t think you ever really wanted to do the things you did.”
You looked up at them. They saw you, truly saw you, what you were beneath the muck that had clung to you and thickly coated your skin. Something about the way they looked at you gently made you want to melt and embrace them, but you didn’t, still too timid to trust completely.
“You’re not a bad guy, you were just forced into a shitty situation. Try not to be so hard on yourself.” Their smile wasn’t as wide as it usually was, but it was still filled with just as much charisma and warmth.
Looking back on it, you believe it was this small interaction that led to the actions after. That simple and innocent act of gratitude. If not that, then you weren’t sure what, but you could recall that new glint in their eyes when they watched you get taken away. The way their gaze lingered far longer than it ever had. The way they subtly caressed the hand you kissed.
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Your time in jail wasn’t bad, made better by the fact that you received letters and small gifts and pictures from Sloane. The letters were innocent to you at the time, but thinking back on it the signs were there. You wrote back, sent small handmade gifts of your own, and kept every picture and ecstatic letter they sent you from each of their journeys that they shared with you. Unfamiliar with the whole concept of having someone truly care about you, you didn’t notice anything weird. You fought a bit with the other inmates who tried their hand at intimidating the newbie, especially with how widespread your reputation had become working with Talon. You had believed yourself doomed to rot there, considering you had attacked several political figures, harmed many innocents, and stolen that much more. You’d also broken Hippocratic Oath and used your research for worse.
 But like some unwanted blessing, you found yourself hightailing it out of there early. Talon had come back for you, after abandoning you for months, and before you would’ve run back to them with open arms. Things were different now though, you had changed for the better and knew going back promised nothing but misery. You ran the second you could, barely escaping but escaping nonetheless. Hiding in a sewer wasn’t ideal but it helped you get away from that prison and away from Talon. The one good thing they could’ve done for you, and probably the last. You knew now though that they would be looking for you. Doomfist would be pissed, knowing he wasted valuable time and resources trying to get you out of prison just for you to run off, but that was his own problem. You never asked for his help, perfectly content with rotting in a cell but now gifted a chance of freedom. With nowhere to go though, you turned to the only person you felt you could trust. The one person who made you feel some sense of normalcy.
Going to Sloane was a huge gamble, considering that you were still a wanted criminal and they were pretty much some kind of vigilante hero type. It took you forever to get to Petra, but you managed, lying in wait until you could talk to Sloane again. In the dead of night, you startled them awake, covering their mouth to prevent them from shouting.
“Shhhh. It’s just me.” You whispered, letting their sleepy eyes adjust to the dark, watching them widen at the sight of you. “Follow.”
The simple command was all they needed as they trailed after you, the two of you finding a quiet little spot away from the dig site to speak freely. Sloane was dressed in a form fitting tank top, allowing you to see the various tattoos that decorated their muscular arms, but you tried not to oogle too much.
“W-What are you doing here? I thought you were in prison? . . .” Sloane spoke slowly, voice still laced with the smallest inklings of sleep as they yawned, pushing stray strands of hair from their face.
“Talon came for me.” You saw them tense, scrambling to finish explaining. “I ran though. They don’t know I’m here, but they are searching for me, and I-” your voice caught in your throat as you swallowed thickly. “I can’t go back.”
You never told Venture the full story of your time at Talon, just that it was awful. They didn’t know about Mauga, didn’t know what was said to you, or any of what you had experienced. It was difficult to bring up. What they did know was that you weren’t treated kindly, and that was enough for them.
“I just need somewhere to hide so I can create a new identity for myself. I just want to live a normal life. That’s all I want.” You stumbled forward, taking a hold of their hands, steady in your trembling ones. “I can’t trust anyone else to keep me hidden. Please, I promise you’ll never have to hear from me, I won’t cause anyone any harm, I just-”
Your desperate ranting was cut off as they pulled you into a tight hug. Their scent was calming, earthy and refreshing. They held you gently, a solid rock amidst the swirling storm of emotion you felt. You weren’t sure how to react, arms shaking as you cautiously hugged them back. You felt safe. Accepted. Warm. You began to hitch as your legs buckled and gave out, taking both of you to the ground as you buried your face into their shoulder. How long has it been since you allowed yourself to cry like this? Ugly sobs wrench their way free from your body as they hold you, rubbing slow and calming circles between your shoulder blades.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid anymore. You’re safe with me, I promise.” They spoke in a hushed tone, accepting you as you were. “You don’t gotta explain anything to me right now, all that can come later.”
They shifted so that they could hold you more comfortably, letting you cry into them without complaint. When you calmed down, you leaned back, their arms slowly falling from you as you stared down at your lap, furiously wiping away tears. You sniffled slightly, before their hands came into view, holding yours.
“You’ll rub your face raw if you keep doing that, it’s okay to be not okay, camarada.” They were gentle with you, scooting closer to you. “I’d be happy to help you out, especially if it’ll bring you some peace. You deserve at least that much, and you’ve more than proven that you deserve it. Apologies won’t make up for much though, there’s only so far words will take you. You gotta make an effort to do better.”
You looked up to meet their gaze, warm brown eyes scanning your face. You didn’t feel judged, and instead could feel that love and care you always so desperately searched for. You did have a long way to go if you even wanted to atone for a fraction of what you had done, but you were aware no amount of repenting would fix anything. You still did what you did, and there was nothing you could do to fix it. And yet, here in Venture’s arms, you felt so sure that things would get better, especially with them at your side. So distracted by your thoughts and their comfort, you barely registered the way they looked at you with a burning possession and the way their smile slightly faltered when you removed yourself from their hold.
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Venture POV
Six months. For six, sweet months Venture had you all to themself. It was a miracle of some kind, it had to be. When the two of you had been separated they could hardly stand it, they wanted to go to you and take you from that prison themself. Hide you away from the world where only they could find you. But they had a reputation to uphold, and they wouldn’t be doing anyone much good if they were in prison with you. When you had first arrived all that time ago, Sloane had thought of you as a bad guy working for talon and nothing more, but when they talked to you in the infirmary, they could tell you were different. When you kissed their hand so sweetly, holding back tears, they felt their heart nearly explode.
At first they were scared and confused. These feelings were new and foreign, they’d never felt this way about anyone else before. But you . . . you lit a new fire in them they didn’t know existed, and they wanted more. They wanted you, but you were gone, so they made do with letters and sending you gifts. They remembered when you finally started writing back they could hardly contain themself, not to mention when you sent the little gifts you made by hand. Countless nights Sloane had spent thinking about you, depressed by the thought that they’d never get to touch or hold you. They tossed and turned dreaming about what it would be like to have you next to them instead, but it did nothing to soothe the growing flames of their obsession with you.
And then right out of thin air you appeared, needing them. It had to be fate, the way you came back to them like a lost dog, dependent upon them and their helping hand. Talon had finally done a good thing for them, and that was bringing you two together again. They had been more than willing to do anything for you, but you were so shy and timid. They had to be careful, or else you’d run off and never come back. They had to put on a facade, but was it really a facade when it felt so genuine with you? Because they did care about you, they’d go so far as to say that they loved you. However, they knew you were fragile, knew that this pillar of trust they had built up could be snapped in an instant if you caught a whiff of how they truly felt, because no matter how right this felt to Venture, they knew it was wrong . They had to do this the right way, and that meant keeping their feelings for you a secret.
At first, there wasn’t much to worry about. They had you all to themself by default, considering if anyone saw you they’d send you right back to prison. As they had promised, they kept you hidden away from the prying eyes of everyone at the dig site, whisked away where they wouldn’t find you while they helped you rebuild. They helped you change your appearance, making you look different than what you were before but still vaguely the same. They gave you a place to rest your head, and provided you with food and water. They took care of you, like any good partner would. You probably didn’t see it that way, but Sloane had convinced themself you would with due time. You’d recognize their effort and fall into their arms. You’d let them touch you more, and you’d open up to them and share all your secrets like good partners did. But you didn’t.
No matter what they did, you always seemed to be so far from their reach, withdrawing from their attempts to touch or soothe you when you clearly needed it, and each time they respected that boundary, though patience was wearing thin. You were so close, how could they not want to touch you? They always made due with taking things of yours. Articles of clothing in particular that smelled strongly of you. They loved your smell. It was a unique scent, and they always felt so perverted sniffing your shirts in private. The shame fueled their hunger though, and occasionally they’d get bold enough to take your underwear. Not often, but when they really wanted to.
When you finally cultivated a new identity, they helped you get a job at the Petra site, if only to keep you closer to them. You may have been part of the bio-archaeology team, but you were still theirs. They had been concerned at first, afraid that someone there might catch your eye and take you away from them, but you did wonders in keeping people away. The others might have called you ‘rude’ and ‘scary’, but Venture knew the true you, them and them alone. You kept the rest of the world at bay, and kept them close.
If it wasn’t obvious before, it was now. The two of you were clearly meant for each other, and everyday that passed that you still treated them as a simple friend pained them more and more. Why couldn’t you see what the two of you had? You still tortured them, tempting them to get closer, close enough to touch. Sloane was content playing a well-behaved best friend, but they couldn’t explain that aching desire for more that coiled in their gut as time ticked by.
Despite their own turmoil, you were happy and that was all that mattered. As upsetting as it was seeing you start to open up with others, they couldn’t deny that the look on your face was worth it. Nothing compared to what they could make you feel, but it satisfied them knowing that you were getting what you wanted and what they had promised you’d have. Peace. And they planned on keeping it that way. You believed that Talon couldn’t find you. But the truth was they had, and tried several times to take you away and back into their nasty clutches. But every time, Sloane was there to stop them, dispatching them all with ease. Every time they rammed their drill into a talon goons body, piercing and mangling their flesh, they always thought of you. How this was all for you and only you.
Every bone broken, scream muffled, and skull cracked beneath a boot was all done in your name. These guys wanted to take you back to a place that hurt you, wipe that sweet precious smile off your face forever and undo all of Sloane’s progress. Sloane didn’t feel bad watching their blood stain their clothes because they deserved it, and if they could they would’ve killed every single person working for Talon, but they needed to stay here with you to keep a watchful eye and keep you blissfully unaware. These disgusting bastards wouldn’t ruin you again, not if Venture had anything to say about it.
Tonight was no different as they carelessly tossed more mangled bodies into a ravine, a small smirk of satisfaction evident on their features. How many more would they send before they stopped trying? Then again, it always gave them a rush when they took out these idiots, thinking about how grateful you’d be to them if you knew. Sometimes, when you pulled away they wanted to drag you closer, shake you and confess everything. Confess their love, the things they’d done to those Talon goons who were trying to snag you, maybe then you’d appreciate them. Perhaps you’d even reciprocate their love.
It was becoming too much for them to bear, and as ashamed as they were of the action, they had tried to get closer to you while you were sleeping. They always wanted to consider that it would be the perfect moment to get close to you. They underestimated how light of a sleeper you were though, panicking when you opened your eyes and caught them right in the act. They had to come up with an excuse, one that you surprisingly believed before they excused themself. It wasn’t their proudest moment, but at least they knew not to try it again. You were sleeping now, tired from the day's events, but Sloane lay wide awake in their bed, twitching with anticipation. They hadn’t seen you most of the day, with both of you being busy. As much as they loved what they did, Sloane loved you more.
They wanted to visit you now more than ever, feeling hot and bothered after dispatching those goons, but knowing damn well you wouldn’t allow it. They thought about it several times, coming to you after finishing them off, covered in their blood and giving you a kiss. Your hands roaming them as you praised them for their work. They huffed softly, hands grabbing at their shirt as they flipped over.
They were feeling particularly needy tonight, pulling out a shirt of yours they had recently taken. They pressed it to their nose, inhaling deeply and taking in your delectable scent. It still smelled so strongly of you, and it brought them inexplicable joy. They practically salivated over it, breath coming out in whiny gasps. They sat up slightly, taking their pillow and pushing it beneath their body. They let out a soft growl as their hips grinded against the pillow, imagining it to be you instead as they closed their eyes and sniffed again. They shuddered as they let out a breath, whimpering as they continued to grind some more against the pillow.
They thought about how vocal you could be, imaging your hands roaming over their muscles, massaging them as you went. Your legs wrapping around them as they provided you with pleasure, your face contorting in ways they could only cause. The praise you’d give as they followed your every command. Sloane moaned softly as they humped the pillow faster, rougher, free hand curling into the sheets as they pressed their face further into your shirt.
“Joder querido por favor~ I need you~” They whispered the words in a hushed tone, slowing their pace for a moment. “ He sido tan bueno, lo prometo~”
Gods, they could imagine how you would feel, body pressed against theirs, flesh touching flesh as the sound of your love would reverberate through the room. The two of you could care less who would hear, it would just be the both of you in the moment. The marks they would leave on you, nipping at as much exposed flesh as they could, marking you up and claiming you as theirs. You’d beg them for more and they’d happily oblige, giving you what you wanted. They could be gentle, or they could be rough. They could pin your hands and make you squirm and beg for their touch, or perhaps you’d like to be on top, having them worship every inch of you and beg to touch you. Beg you for relief.
“Dios ya no puedo más, te necesito mucho mi amor por favor~” Their voice was high pitched and whiny, desperation laced in their tone. “Tell me how good I’ve been for you~ Fuck ~ You feel so good mi amor~ Tell me how good I make you feel~”
Their moans gradually got louder the deeper into the fantasies they sank, desperately wishing for the real thing. They could only think about how soon enough it could be you, you just needed a little more coaxing and to realize your feelings that you undoubtedly had for them. They could see it in the way you looked at them, feel it when you touched them. Your words were so gentle with them, and you were so sweet. God they couldn’t wait to have you. They’d take it as slow as you needed if only it meant you’d be closer to them. How would your lips finally feel once you let them get close enough? How would you taste?
“Mine, mine, mine. All mine. Only mine.” Their words were muffled, coming out in short growls, matching the pace they had set for themself. “Eres toda mía, mi amor, toda mía~” The words came out in a chant, laying some unknown claim on you for their own sake and sanity.
Sloane slowed their movement against the pillow, thinking about how whiny you’d get when they went slower than you liked, and then picked up again in the same beat to keep you on your toes. Their thrusts got rougher as they groaned, panting desperately as they approached their climax, their last few thrusts desperate as they let out one last cry, sweat dripping from their body as they relaxed, nuzzling their face into your shirt.
Sloane instantly felt much more relaxed, feeling the tension leave their body. Such a mess they’d made. They thought about laying next to you, giving you soft kisses and praise as they cleaned you up and snuggled close to go to bed. Unfortunately, they weren’t with you and couldn’t sleep while being such a mess. They lifted themself from their bed, tucking your shirt away again for a later date. For now, they needed to clean themself up, grabbing a towel as they headed for the showers. In due time the two of you would be together. You’d recognize your love for them, and they’d be waiting for you with open arms, no matter how long it took. Until then, they were content just being near you, protecting you from afar.
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beelbubz · 6 months
Lost Chance
Mauga x reader
Y/N stared at the empty glass, still pondering her decision to leave Talon once and for all. Her fun murderous adventures with the people she called her ‘family’ all the trips she went on with them, the days she spend laughing, crying, fighting. But one Fateful night it all came to an end, she had to leave. She wanted to start her new life, but had to leave her old one behind.
So she packed and never looked back. Too scared that if she did, that she might reconsider all of her months of crying and comforting herself in order to leave. Soon snapped from her thoughts he feels a familiar presence surround her, it smelt like death and gunpowder. She couldn’t place a pin on it but she knew it had to be a familiar. A small shock of fear run up her spine, fearing for the worse to come, sure enough it was. “Well, We’ll, little Mrs too good for Talon found out in the wild” Y/N knew who that voice came from and she knew what he was exactly talking about. “Y/N. It’s time to come back, I’m not leaving this bar without you in my possession. Moira’s words.” Y/N continues to stare into the void acknowledging Mauga’s words but not reacting physically.
Mauga put a large hand on her shoulder getting ready to pick her up by her shoulder but Y/N reacts sooner and retreats so he couldn’t grab her. “I’m not going back Mauga, tell Moira she can suck it..” Y/N snarled at Mauga, showing her seriousness. “Come on Princess you left us in the dark for long and sorry to break it to you but I kinda have no choice” He smiles at her. “I’ve associated myself with others now..” Y/N looked at the ground for a quick moment. “Overwatch..?” Mauga questioned. With no response for Y/N, he lets out a booming laugh. “Overwatch? Really? How low Y/N.” He continues “I’m surprised with how much blood on your hands that they let you join.” Y/N glares at Mauga. “I was young and stup-“ Y/N is cut off “Don’t bring that young and naive shit here, you knew what you signed up for you knew what you did and how you did it, and last time I check old Y/N didn’t care” Mauga seemed anger and he seemed short tempered. “I’m leaving.” Y/N says, “No you’re not” Mauga smirks and laughs in Y/N face. With that Y/N bolts away from Mauga and pulls out her phone, she pressed the contact and was named ‘Lena’ and pressed dial. Unfortunately 5 attempts later she didnt pick up. Looking back Y/N didn’t see Mauga, so she ran to the nearest bush and tried to call Winston instead. But I’m the back of her head she could feel eyes watching her. “Hello?” She could hear the familiar friend on the phone. “Winston! I need your help- Talon- After- Help- Mauga-“ Y/N connection was breaking up and eventually her call was disconnected. She prayed that Winston could understand her short message and send help to her location. She soon let out a breath of fresh air, but soon was lifted up in the air and face to face with Mauga. “MAUGA STOP” “I’m not going back, Talon they don’t care for anyone but themselves, they don’t care about you, me, baptise, reaper, widowmaker, no one.” Y/N desperately yells. “I don’t want to go back to the endless loveless void. I want to be free..” Y/N cries out. “Psh. What do you know about love..?” “Where does that get you? Nowhere.” Mauga scoffs. “Mauga…” “I loved you, I still do..” Y/N stares at him. “ I loved you since I met you, you were so different from the rest, I care for you and love you with my heart.. I just wished we were in different circumstances, away from Talon, Moira..Everything..” Both Mauga and Y/N become silent in the moment. Mauga brings Y/N back down to the ground. “Y/-“ Mauga is caught off by the loud helicopter coming down from the sky. “Y/N!” They both hear the voice of Lena. Mauga looks at Y/N and the. At the helicopter “Please don’t” he tries to pled with Y/N. “I’ll- I’ll protect you from Talon. I’ll-“ Mauga sees the look in Y/N’s eyes, he knows it’s too late for him to pled. Y/N starts to tear up and slowly walk backwards to the helicopter. “I’m sorry” she mouths to Mauga. “Quick let’s get out of here!!” Cried Lena to Winston.
Part 2??
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hauntingkiki · 10 days
Hi! I was wondering if you can do venture waking up from having a nightmare about reader dying and readers like lying right next to them and hears venture crying but reader try’s to comfort venture? Just some angst fluff please :c
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Hellish Night
Venture x Reader
2nd POV
venture scrambled into their room, tears poured out of their eyes, rolling down their cheeks and dripping on their clothing, skin and the wooden floor beneath them. “oh my fucking god.” they shakily sobbed, their mind backwards as they immediately forget where everything was located around their room.
their knees gave out from under them, catching themselves on their desk with a sucked in breath. their heart hammered against their chest, the scene from a few hours ago replaying in their mind.
“SLOAN!” you screamed, struggling against the strong hold that was around your waist. you threw your fists into the back of your kidnapper, trying to wiggle out of their hold.
sloan chased after you, stumbling as they tried to keep up with the pace. “Y/N!” they cried, reaching a hand out in your direction.
your kidnapper turned his torso, grabbing his mini gun then firing at sloan, dropping the weapon back to his side as he continued to make his way to the get away helicopter that drowned out the loud mini gun sound with the obnoxious whirling of the propeller.
venture was lucky that all the shots missed, punctuating the ground that was at their feet. venture came to a halt, skidding against the orange dirt as they started at the flying machine in front of them.
your attacker threw you off of his shoulder and onto the metal floor, enemy troops snagging you off the floor, trying to detain you but struggling as you kicked and bit, wiggling around.
venture covered their face with their arm, turning their torso away as the wind around the helicopter pushed them back slightly. when the wind slowly stopped, sloan peeled their arm away and cocked their head up towards the pink and orange sky, wide eyes, horror completely washing over their body as they watched the helicopter zoom off. they faintly noticed you reaching out the open side of the vehicle, getting pulled back by the troops inside.
it kept playing in their mind.
over and over and over again.
a hand shot over their mouth, wide eyes as they gagged, but thankfully swallowed it down. sloan started at the wooden floor beneath them, the wax having a faint reflection of themself.
they felt so stupid.
they could’ve prevented all of this from happening.
sloan should’ve been more cautious about the situation, they could’ve warned winston about their past encounter so he could’ve been kick out of overwatch.
sloan knew what he was capable of. fuck, they’ve seen it first hand! back at illios, talon and some of his troops came into the sight, including mauga.
groaning through gritted teeth, sloan pulled themselves off of the floor, whipping their head around to find the needed supplies they were going to need for this journey.
their eyes landed on their canteen that was hanging on their doorknob. ripping it off of the door, they stormed out of their room and into their kitchen, placing it onto the island before walking off.
they did this for about 15 minutes, going into different rooms and grabbing things that they were going to use.
letting out a breath they didn’t even notice, they stood in front of the island, glancing over all the items that were scattered around the countertop.
a first aid kit; full of gauze, wrapping tape, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol wipes and a lot of other shit sloan didn’t even know were medical stuff.
a canteen with backup water bottles.
a few snacks; crackers, chips, small baggies of fruit and some assorted sweets. anything to give them and you fuel.
a pistol that their grandfather gifted them with boxes of backup ammo.
and their drill.
with backpack in hand, they started to pack, trying to organize everything so it would fit into the pouch the best it could.
just as they finished filling up their canteen, a knock echoed through the room. turning the tap off, they twisted the lid on the metal container, gently placing it on the counter as they walked over to the door.
“angela?” sloan gasped when they opened the door, revealing the medic. their eyes looked around her face, brows knitting together. “what are you doing here?”
angela peeked behind sloan, getting a glimpse of their backpack and their drill. she sighed when they stepped over to the side, blocking her view from inside, even though they were too late. “venture, you can’t go there alone.” she muttered, adjusting her glasses before reaching out and grabbing their calloused hands. “lucio’s getting winston now; we’ll all go with you to save y/n.”
venture turned their head to the side, eyes glued to the ground. “i can’t wait, angela.” they huffed, looking her in the eyes, watching as her face slowly softened at their words. “she needs me. she’s my girlfriend for christ’s sake!” they chuckled faintly at the end, shrugging their shoulders.
the two fell silent, angela letting go of their hands with a nod. “go get her then.” she whispered, nodding in approval. “just…stay safe. and bring her back safely.”
venture started at her with slightly wide eyes, their lips parted at her words. they nodded faintly before nodding eagerly. “i will.” they reassured, running a hand through their chocolate locks. “when winston gets reported of it, you guys can head straight there.”
angela hummed in agreement, giving them a quick hug before running down the hall to alert the others about the situation at hand.
venture quickly put the backpack on, then their canteen around their body. they grabbed the gun and put it in their waist band before dragging their drill and walking out, making sure to grab a pair of keys with them on the way out.
locking their door, they made their way over to all the hero’s vehicles, speed walking over to their motorcycle. they got their drill adjusted onto the back of their bike before they hopped on, putting the keys into the keyhole and started up the bike. revving the engine a few times, they slowly drove out of their parking spot before accelerating and driving off.
coughs and hacks filled the room, the sound of liquid dripping into the floor faintly made it’s presence. shoes clicked around you as one of the soldiers walked around your hunched over body, all of the soldiers who took you hostage watched with chuckles and smirks as blood slowly started to cover the floor from their torture.
tears pooled into your eyes, your attention glued on the blood and spit mixture that dribbled down your chin and into your legs, rolling down your skin and spreading onto the concrete. you slowly turned your gaze over to mauga, your body shaking as you watched one of the soldiers try to coax him into joining the torture, but thankfully for you, he declined, staying in the shadows with his arms crossed.
“i’m going to ask you again!” a male voice spat, baton in his right hand. he got onto one knee, grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking your head up, making eye contact with your wide, tearful eyes. “WHERE is the ffFUCKING ARTIFACT?!”
you shook your head against his hold, blood and spit rolling down your chin. “i don’t FUCKING KNOW.” you spat, blood spattering onto his mask that was covering his identity.
he let go of your hair and spun the baton in his grasp before swinging, landing a clean hit on your jaw.
you cried out, your head snapping to the right. you scoffed faintly, opening and closing your jaw before you spat out some more blood.
the soldier pushed you over with his boot, making you whimper as you landed on your fresh cuts and bruises. you brought your knees up to your chest, hissing as blood gushed out of your abdomen from one of the many stab wounds you’ve received. he raised his arm over his head, getting ready to hit you before pausing.
everyone froze, turning their attention onto the doorway as faint gun shots echoed throughout before a booming drill sound followed.
then silence.
your heart fluttered in your chest, pushing yourself up from your laying down position. you knew that clunky drill sound from anywhere.
venture walked into the room, blood slightly dripping off their drill and off their coat.
your eyes went wide, shuffling forward as tears started to pool into your eyes again. “VENTURE!” you sobbed, your body violently shaking as you wailed.
“GET EM!” a soldier from behind you called out, the rest of the soldiers (besides the one that’s next to you and mauga) started to shoot at the archeologist.
sloan dived behind a pillar, using the pistol to pick off some of the soldiers, groaning when they remembered they left their bag full of ammo back with their bike. tossing the gun to the side, their hands wrapped around the handles of their excavator before they burrowed under the concrete.
you watched your partner with a twinkle in your eyes, your lips parted slightly with a faint smile.
you were going home.
mauga slowly walked over to the soldier who stood a little ways behind you, clearing his throat to gain the man’s attention. once he had his gaze, he jerked a thumb over towards you. “she, uh…she won’t say anything.” mauga admitted, rubbing his neck as he glanced over to you before turning back to the soldier. “we just need to find someone else to tell us.”
the soldier’s eyes landed on a dagger that mauga was holding out to him. he gently took it from the inked up man, caressing the blade between his fingers, being careful to not cut himself with it. he slowly nodded, getting a comfortable grip on the handle. the soldier inched his way over to you, kneeling behind you and-
your eyes shot open, the coldness of the blade entering your skin before it quickly left. you slowly and shakily looked down, blood oozing out of your skin, soaking into your shirt. you felt the liquid trickle from your chest and your back, seeping into your pants.
breathing quickly became hard to do, making you put all of your energy onto a simple task.
the two men behind you quickly left, the dagger staying behind on the floor a few feet away from you.
sloan had their back towards you. their chest fell and rose rapidly, sweat building up and collecting in the blood that spattered onto their skin; they were covered, almost head to toe.
sloan snapped out of their odd state, turning to you with a grin before it quickly slipped of their lips, fear washing over. “y/n!” they gasped, dropping their drill as they ran over to your laying down frame. they slid on their knees when they got to you, rubbing a bloodied hand through their hair. “no…no, nonononono.” tears collected in their caramel eyes, gently lifting you up and holding you in their arms.
you wheezed, coughing as you felt the blood pool into your lungs, time quickly running out for you as you were drowning by your own blood. your own body was killing you.
slowly, you reached a freed hand towards your partner, sloan meeting your hand halfway as they leaned their head down into your touch, placing their bigger, calloused hand over yours.
tears were flowing out of venture’s eyes, dripping onto your face as they slid down. “i love you, cariño.” they whispered, their shoulders shuttering as they sobbed. “don’t leave me…please.”
you smiled meekly, caressing their cheek with your thumb, the blood on their face and on your fingers smudging into their skin. “i love you too, baby.” you muttered, taking a deep breath before slowly exhaling, your eyes closing for a brief moment. “i…” you sighed, before going quiet, falling limp into sloan’s arms.
sloan let out a gasp, clawing at the bedding that was placed over them as they shot up. their hunched over frame stared at the base board at their feet, their chest rising and falling quickly.
sweat rolled down from their temple, their shirt was drenched in the salty liquid, so they quickly tugged the shirt off, some of the left over sweat sticking to their chest from the shirt, but it seemingly disappeared once the ac kicked on.
their vision was a haze, impossible to see in the dark. they blinked a few times and their vision got adjusted to the darkness. they glanced around the room they were in, their eyes stayed glued to the right side of the room first. a bunch of maps, drawings, rocks and gems, history books and other things littered the side of the room; their side of the room.
slowly they turned their head to the left side, their eyes immediately shot down to the bed that they were in.
there you were. sleeping peacefully, your lips slightly parted as you lightly snored, your hands gripping at the sheets and comforter that coated your body.
sloan immediately broke down at the sight of you, relief quickly washing over them when they realized that it was all a dream, a nightmare more than a dream. they threw their face into their hands, their back pressed against their pillows and the head board.
their hics and weeps were quick to wake you up, your hand rubbing the sleepiness out of your eyes as you let out a yawn. “babe?” you yawned, fluttering your eyes open once you were done rubbing them with your knuckle. you let out a gasp, pushing yourself up into a seated position as you leaned over to the person sitting next to you. “sloan?! w-what happened? are you okay?” you panicked as you turned on the small lamp on your nightstand, the soft light casting a gentle glow onto the two of you.
your eyes darted around the backs of their hands, scooting your way in between their legs so you were front of them.
sloan peeled their hands away from their tear stained face, choking on their sobs as they struggled to make eye contact. “i…i had a nightmare..” they admitted, almost embarrassed that they were sobbing like this over a nightmare.
you nodded, showing that you understood, sincerity lingering in your eyes. “okay..” you whispered, your hands rubbing gently along their bare, muscular arms. you would be lying if you said you didn’t blush a little at the sight of their bare chest, a small skull with your favorite flowers in your favorite color on their left side immediately catching your eye. you shook your head, scolding yourself at the thought. you can think like that later, you cursed to yourself. “what happened in the nightmare?” your left hand reached out towards their face, gently cupping their cheek as you gently made them look at you, a worried look twisted at your face.
sloan swallowed thickly, their hand atop of yours. they also linked their other hand into your free one, immediately getting a reassuring squeeze from you. “you were taken by talon…” they started, their eyes flickering between your eyes as you watched them. “and you were killed.” they whispered, you almost didn’t catch it.
you let out a huff, a frown tugging on your lips as you brought sloan into a hug. “oh, you poor thing.” you muttered, rubbing a hand in circles along their bare back as your other hand got lost in their thick curls.
sloan dove their face into your chest, gripping at your top as their body shook once again, sobbing into your pajamas.
you shifted around as you comforted your partner, your legs straddled their hips as you gently shushed them, your chin atop of their head as you gently pressed kisses against them every now and then.
“i don’t want to let go.” they muttered against you, loud enough for you to hear it. they pulled away from your body, looking up at you as your hands cupped their cheeks, thumbs grazing under their eyes.
“you don’t have to.” you whispered, kissing their forehead. “i’m not going anywhere.”
sloan sniffled, nodding their head against your hands as they leaned into your right, kissing your palm. “i love you.” they whispered, hands snaking down to your waist as they pulled you closer. “so much.”
smiling, you bright them into a kiss, their lips chapped from the cold air that was being blasted into the apartment. “i love you too.” you muttered against their lips, pulling them into another hug.
that took so long to write holy😭 but totally worth it! (if you couldn’t tell, they’re my favorite character to write) i hope you enjoyed!
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junkratsjunkertown · 7 months
hii can i request a sombra x fem!support!reader smut and/or fluff ? :)
Sure. I can do both if you want. Just let me know. Y/T/N means Your Talon Name.
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Hijacking Health
Sombra x F! Support! Reader Fluff
You knew Olivia Colomar before Talon existed. But you haven’t heard from her in many years. You were with her in the Los Muertos gang. You treated her wounds after every fight. But she left the gang and deleted every piece of information about her. It hurt you that she didn’t take you with her, but you knew she probably had her reasons.
Now you are Talons newest Support member. You work alongside Baptiste and Moira. You’ve gotten to know Sigma, Mauga, and Realer pretty well. You didn’t bother Widowmaker after you met her. You only spoke to Doomfist when he gave you orders. But there was one person of their team that you haven’t meet yet. Sombra.
You swear that you’ve heard that name before. It wasn’t until you, Baptiste, Mauga, Sigma, Reaper, and Sombra were told to go on a mission. You were going over your medical supplies and making sure that you had your boomerangs. Your healing method is that you use a sniper rifle that’s like Widowmaker’s but it does more healing than damage even though you do have other bullets too. But when you’re on the move you use your Cloth Healing that Moira gave you. Basically you heal yourself and others using bandages, gauzes, and rarely cotton cloths.
After you finished making sure you had everything you started to double check that Baptiste had enough of his healing items. You know he said that he has enough for the mission, but you just want to make sure and even said that he could double check your stuff. As you were doing that you heard Sigma coming into the airship talking with a woman. It sounded very familiar, but you couldn’t tell.
“Ah. Hello Y/T/N. Are you checking on Baptiste’s things?”
“Hello Sigma. Yes I am. Just double checking.”
You say as you stand and turn around to face him and the woman. You freeze as you lock eyes with the woman. It’s Olivia.
“Y/T/N this is Sombra. Sombra this is our new Support Y/T/N.”
“Y/N? How’d you end up here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Sombra. But if we both live I’ll tell you after the mission.”
Sigma feeling the tension in the air decides to change the subject
“So Y/T/N how are you doing with your Cloth Healing? Have you been working with Moira on it?”
“Oh umm. I’m still getting used to it. But she said that she wants to add Digital Healing to my abilities.”
“And what did you tell her?”
“That I’ll think about about it. Anyways I’m going to check on Mauga real quick before we take off.”
Sigma nods and takes his seat next to Sombra who took hers. After 9 minutes Mauga and Baptiste sit next to each other and you sit next to Reaper.
~5 days later~
You and the team return to Talons base and go to write your individual reports of the mission to give Doomfist. You had to write a report on the mission and a report on your Cloth Healing for Moira. The mission report took you around 20 minutes. You started on your report for Moira. That’s when you hear Olivia’s voice next to you.
“Why did you let that woman experiment on you?”
“Because I knew it would help the team I’m with and the other agents at Talon.”
“Why did you join Talon?”
“Because Olivia I had nothing left after you left the gang.”
You say as you turn to look her in the eyes. You see the shock in her eyes when you say her real name.
“I had reasons to leave. People knew what I was doing and who I was. If I didn’t leave the gang and you then everyone would get hurt. Or even killed.”
She puts a hand on your cheek and wipes away a tear from your face.
“I missed you, Y/N. I wanted to take you with me, but I didn’t want to put you in more danger.”
“The day I found out you left was the day I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend.”
“I wanted to ask you same thing before I left.”
“Well. Sombra will you be my girlfriend?”
“I would love nothing more. Can we go and cuddle while I mess with Gabe through his lights?”
“After I’m done with my reports and hand them to Doomfist and Moira.”
~later that day at dinner~
“Yes Reaper?”
“Have you seen Sombra?”
“No. Why?”
“I think she’s messing with my lights again.”
“Well she was with me after the mission in my room. But I don’t know where she is right now. You could ask Widow or Sigma.”
He signs as he walks off to find Widow or Sigma.
“He’s gone.”
Sombra uncloaks herself and continues to eat your fries.
“Thank you, my healer.”
She kisses your cheek as you laugh.
“Your welcome, my hacker. Oh by the way I’m working with Sigma tomorrow if you want to join me.”
“I’d love nothing more.”
“No one hides from my sight.”
You and Sombra look at each other. You two now hear Reaper running towards the room.
You say as you and Sombra try and escape the angry man. You pass Mauga and Baptiste. You stop and look at them.
“Distract Reaper, please. Thank you.”
You run off before they ask why and you hear them distracting Reaper. You get to your room only to see Olivia beat you there. You both lay on the bed after you lock your door. Olivia pulls out her laptop and you two cuddle while watching a movie.
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wisteriaiswriting · 6 months
once again asking for kiriko Could you write a smut fanfic with her, where she is in a kinda heat cycle or something along the lines of that?
𝔻𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 ℝ𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕖𝕗
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Words: 1112
This is my first smut so beware! [Kiriko x M!Reader]
There were a few agents you would see everyday, some were rather heard then seen though. That included D.Va, Tracer, Brigitte and Lúcio, rarely did Kiriko join them. But it seemed today was one of those days, her voice managed to overpower the others.
“Oh, Y/N!”
She ran off from the group towards you, fully aware but ignorant of the items you were holding. Either you let her jump on you and risk damaging them and yourselves, or drop them and definitely damage them and catch Kiriko.
And your body chooses the latter.
Your armful of items went clattering onto the floor, quickly replaced with Kiriko. Her arms wrapped around your neck, legs around your waist while her face was shoved against your own face.
“All good Kiri?”
The others paused in their step, watching as the events unfolded. But before they could do anything a nearby door opened, a frantic Winston followed out. His eyes scanned everyone around before settling on the pair.
“Good, I need you two for a mission. The other 2 got injured and can’t go, can you?”
You hesitated, other people were relying on you for certain items. The ones you had to drop for Kiriko, who answered for the two of you.
“Yeah, c’mon Y/N.”
Dropping from your arms, although she didn’t run off. Grabbing your arm to pull you into the room, revealing your new team. Winston had just followed you both in, Reinhardt was finished putting on his armor. Hanzo was sitting a bit away from the group while Lúcio was on his device.
The other two places were now filled by the both of you, unsure of who you replaced. But Winston wasted no time, briefing everyone on the mission.
Talon had some materials needed by Null sector, and they would escort it back to an air carrier. But this is where you would come in, either slow them down enough until more backup could come or stop them completely and move the materials.
On the flight over you were informed of the location, Rialto. Your carrier had landed soon enough, and loudly. Alerting Talon to your location, sending the majority of them towards you. Meaning the flight was instant.
And when the action started, it started. Sombra had initiated it, managing to hack Hammonds mech causing him to back away. But someone else; Mauga, followed him. Breaking walls in the process, but also leaving their materials with less people.
Widow had a clear shot on Winston but before anyone could do anything Genji had jumped up and pushed her away, managing to get a few slices in. Though your attention was stolen by something else, Moira and Reaper were slowly creeping around buildings. Clearly planning something.
And you were correct. Trying to jump Winston when he was alone, but was saved by Lúcio jumping off the hallway above. This kept their attention long enough, also dragging most of the others into the fight.
This also left the payload alone and unmoving, Kiriko had snuck back to move it to its starting point. Though this left a problem, she couldn’t see who was in the fight, and two people were missing.
Her normally silent movements were loud and sloppy today. The fight was going in your favour, quickly pushing everyone back. So you took the opportunity to leave, able to swiftly find her. Crouched behind the payload, her breathing was harsh and heard from across the area.
You were barely standing alongside the payload before she launched at you. Sending both of you onto the ground, with her landing on top of you. On your waist specifically.
You couldn’t get another word out before she leaned, her mouth crashing against yours. Low, muffled groans managed to escape from between your locked lips. Barely able to push her back once oxygen became necessary, feeling her trying to close the gap again.
When she couldn’t she took too getting another type of attention. With no build up her grinding starts, her panting soon became louder groans and slight moans. They were increasing in volume, causing you to quiet her with a hand.
A hand that she grabbed, slowly putting your fingers into her mouth. Her tongue gliding over every inch of them, between each she sucked on them. Letting them slide over her teeth, especially on her canines.
This whole time she didn’t stop grinding, instead adding more pressure. At some point her free hand slid down and started undoing your belt, rushed movements showing her excitement.
Only removing her other hand to remove your pants and underwear. Somehow through her hazy thoughts she remembered her own pants, rushing to get her shoes, socks and leggings off. Alongside her hakama, letting them drop into a pile on the ground.
Once everything was off she started. Leading your now wet hand to your own length, letting you cover it in a layer of saliva. Pulling it away before lowering slightly, letting your head enter her heat before pulling away.
Her panting increased as she lowered herself again, quickly dropping the whole way down. Both of you staying still as she adjusted. Slowly lifting her hips before slamming them down again, during the action moans and pants escape her mouth. While also leaving yours.
Her fingers caught themselves in your shirt, managing to tear it in the middle. Her nails didn’t stop there, leaving white streaks in their wake. At some point her actions become quicker but sloppier, needing your help to keep going.
Your hands held onto her waist and helped her movement, kept her going. You could feel her body tense before freezing completely. A long and loud moan escaped her gaping lips, slowly dragging out.
Her walls clenched onto your length before relaxing. Neither of you moved until minutes later, her legs lifted her off. Watching and feeling your own release leak from her, she let it drop for a few seconds.
Slowly dressing herself, eventually looking all put together again. The only difference was the heat covering her face and her shaking legs. While you fixed yourself your shirt was finished, leaving it on but unable to completely cover yourself and your new markings.
“Pretty good huh?”
Looking over to see her leaning on the payload, a smirk covering her face.
“I mean, uh, yeah.”
You weren’t sure how to continue the conversation after that. Luckily she did.
Beckoning you over, spinning you around once in range. With your help to get onto your back, head leaning on your shoulder.
“Hope you know this isn’t a one day thing, and I won’t finish this with anyone else.”
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montcumbry-gaytor · 14 hours
can i get a smut of top mauga x bottom male reader? you can choose the plot yourself, please <3
The man who sold the world.
mauga x male reader smut
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- ohmg... i kind of am madly in love with this big boobied man so.... ill indulge you :3
tw : NSFW content, smut written in heavy detail.
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Mauga was roughly considering the wildest Talon agent, his impractical measures and his incredibly excitable nature was exactly what Moira and Gabriel hated.
They couldn't stand him outside of his use for Talon, and so with the mutual organization and decision from the two, Mauga was sent off on "vacation", a beach house rented and stocked for him, just a walk away from clear shores.
Mauga thought it was funny how they'd sent him off, but it didn't hurt his feelings, that was silly, but he didn't leave without making a comment that made Moira sneer.
He'd spent the first few hours getting settled in this little beach house, not little by it's size, but in comparison to Mauga, but as long as he wasn't having to keep his head down, he wasn't complaining.
Then, He made his way to the beach, a little polo shirt on, some beach shorts, and some comfortable sandals to keep the hot sand away.
Normally, he'd lay back in a nice beach chair, get a nice tan, let the sun warm him up, but this heat was too good to waste not being in the water, and so after setting his things safely underneath an umbrella, entered the cool water.
You, on the other hand, were a valuable overwatch agent, though that didn't mean much when you were forced to be dormant, hiding away due to the Petras act.
You'd practically lived on this beach, it started as a vacation, something to take the fall of Overwatch off your mind before you returned to whatever society considered normal life, but every time you thought it was time to leave.. you couldn't bring yourself to.
You've lived your entire life fighting this war, you didn't know what to do with yourself now that it was subsequently over.
The water's chill nip in comparison to the sun had become usual to you, people came and went, you knew the regulars well by now, but as you stepped onto the beach, an unfamiliar figure met your gaze.
Large was an understatement, he was hulking, his shirt looked like what you could use as a blanket, and his dark hair reached long down his back in thick swirls.
"You're new here." You say as you approach, the warm breeze tickling your skin, but even that is lukewarm in comparison to the warmth in your belly when you look at him.
He's got a devious grin as he turns to look at you, the attraction is mutual, though neither of you admit that out loud immediately.
"I'm Y/N, I'm basically a resident here." You introduce yourself, and hold out a hand for the practically gargantuan stranger to shake, and he seems to grin wider —if possible— and accepts by taking your hand in his and shaking it.
"Maugaloa, Friends call me Mauga." He replies, his hand practically swallows yours whole, calloused fingertips, but a firm and strong grip.
"Mauga, then, nice to meet you." You reply, stepping into the cool water yourself as your hands slip away, water rushing up past your ankles.
The sun beams its way down on the both of you, like it was spectating with a watchful eye, it's a good thing your skin had eventually gotten used to that.
"You too." Mauga replies, and he keeps with you as you continue out in the water, the both of you unaware that this would play out much differently than what you expected.
You two spent time out in the water, watching fish swim by your ankles much to your dismay —that's what you never got used to— and talked like you'd never spoken to anyone before.
And when it got too late to be in the waters, you exchange numbers, and stay up unreasonably late texting, it was unreal how the two of you clicked.
Days passed, the two of you spent about every hour you could together, it filled a little void that had festered for years since Overwatch disbanded.
So now the two of you were getting drinks at a small mini bar, the sun setting in the horizon, and the two of you progressively warming up to each other more and more.
"I guess I'm just picky, I don't know." You replied, the two of you diving down a lengthy conversation about relationships, and why the both of you were single now.
"So you've been single because you've been picky for four years?" Mauga questions with a laugh, he can't believe it, how such a pretty thing like you doesn't have people flocking to you.
And he aims to make that known, his fingers brushing up over your thigh. "Nah, I don't believe that for one minute." He says, and his touch sends a shiver up your spine that rattles you like lightning.
But God, he's welcome, you'd invite him to create a thunderstorm in you if only you had the words. "It's true, that or I'm just a hideous beast that haunts this place and I just haven't figured it out yet."
You say, and let your free hand run up Mauga's arm, holding onto his forearm, creating undeniable tension.
"A beast? maybe, but hideous? I don't think so." He replies, the both of your confidence boosted by the alcohol in your system.
You want him, terrifyingly bad, and he feels the same, but words halt in your throat, but that doesn't stop Mauga, he doesn't need words, and his fingers slide just underneath your shorts, caressing the skin there.
"You're buttering me up." You state, and Mauga chuckles lowly, and leans just close enough so you can hear him murmur: "I'd like to do a lot more than that tonight."
Dear fuck, you'd be shocked to find he wasn't an undercover poet of some kind with that sweet mouth.
You can barely remember how, but you practically force the door of your beach house open to get in, and Mauga does you the courtesy of pushing it closed behind you as his other hand pulls you close by the dip in your back.
Your lips meet, there's not a second of doubt or patience, like this entire week of chatter was just drawn out foreplay, you can taste the alcohol on his tongue, as if he alone didn't make you tipsy.
Your fingers find his shirt, and unbutton it with lightning speed, and he pulls his hands from you for just a second to toss it off into the darkness before their hold grasps you again.
He's so gentle and yet so rough in a way you can't explain, he's eager in every sense of the word.
And in the moment you have to part from your kiss for air to reach your lungs, your heart beats in your ears, nothing has been as exciting as this.
You practically shuffle for your bedroom, peeling clothes off as you go, though there's the fact that there's not many, considering you live on a beach.
"Fuck me.." You murmur as Mauga as you caged to your mattress, his teeth nipping at the skin on your neck, and he chuckles as he replies. "In due time, Doll."
His words are like a shower of heat down your flesh, you can't even remember when your conversation and whatever this was began.
And Mauga can see that unsureness in you, and leans up to place a kiss to your lips, just a small peck of reassurance.
"You can tell me to stop if you're not sure about this, Doll." Mauga says, and you nod in understanding, you do want this, you don't need alcohol to make you think that way.
Your approval is all Mauga needs to get going again, and deft fingers pull your damp swim trunks from your hips and dispose of them into a dark corner of the room.
You can barely contain the gasp that reaches your throat as Mauga's lips press to the inside of your thigh, his head nestled between them as he pulls out a soft cry of pleasure from your mouth.
His finger presses into your hole, it's thick, like double the size of yours, which only made you think of what other things are double the size.
Though that thought dissipates like a cloud of smoke as Mauga's breath tickles your shaft.
"Focus on me, Doll, just me." He whispers, and you can barely mutter an "Okay" before his hot mouth envelops your sensitive cock.
Your back practically pulls up from the bed, and your hands grasp into his hair, but it's nothing to him, and you writhe as the pleasure burns in your skin.
"Mauga- Mauga! Wait-" You stammer, you don't really want him to obey your commands, as your body only craves more, but your subconscious panics with how good it feels.
And he doesn't listen, he understands, and when he deems it appropriate, slips another finger slick with his spit into you, and it tightens the knot in your belly.
"Wait- I'm gonna-" You gasp, you don't know if you've ever cum so quickly, but pleasure sears into your flesh so sweetly you thought you might've teared up for a second.
You're practically limp as you lay there trying to catch your breath, and Mauga rises with a chuckle, his trousers pushed down and a condom rolled over his girth.
And when you muster up the strength to pull your gaze from the ceiling, your face burns as you watch the mix of cum and Mauga's saliva spill from his mouth and to his cock.
"Fuck, Baby, I've been aching to give this to you." He murmurs, tapping his tip over your aching hole, and his free hand runs a thumb over your cheek, chuckling as he sees you're still in a daze.
"You good, Doll?" He asks, and after swallowing down your exhaustion, you wrap your fingers around his wrist and give him eyes that make his knees weak.
"Fuck me, Please." You plead, and Mauga's bottom lip catches between his teeth as he grins at that, he loves how eager you are, you're perfect.
So he obeys your demand, and pushes into you at a cruelly slow pace, but he doesn't want to hurt you, and so he fights his urge to ram into you.
"Oh.. God." You murmur at first, but it doesn't take long for his size to make your hips ache, and as he pushes in further you grit your teeth to try and steady yourself.
But it doesn't help, he's larger than anything you've ever felt, he doesn't even feel real, and as he pushes all the way in it pulls tears from your eyes, it doesn't even hurt that badly, but your body is still put to shock.
"Breath, Doll, Breathe." Mauga says, sweeping the tears from under your eye with his thumb, and you try to obey his request, but your breaths are shaky, it feels like he's poking into your lungs.
"I'll go slowly, just tell me when." He speaks, and the sweetness in his voice makes your heart quiver, you missed this feeling of kindness.
He gives you as long as you need to adjust, and when you ask him to move, he eases his hips out, before sliding himself back in, finding a steady and slow pace.
He doesn't want to hurt you, it's been a while since he treated someone with such a tender hand, but you feel right to treat that way.
"God- Fuck— the fuck are they feeding you..?" You rasp, and Mauga chuckles as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips, hooking the back of your knee over his arm.
His thrusts get quicker, slowly but surely, until he's certain you won't get hurt, and he practically slams into you.
"You're so damn tight, Precious." Mauga says as he grins against your skin, biting and sucking at your flesh, and he relishes at the moans that escape your throat.
Your guts twist and squeeze with the pressure he brings to them, and your fingers cling to the muscle of his back, you're sure there's rows of scratch marks like claws in a scratching post.
You're practically folded as you two hold each other as close as possible, Mauga ruts into you with an intense pace, it practically tears the air from your lungs.
The knot inside your stomach is like a hot molten wire, and your legs quiver, your voice barely manages to mutter "I'm close- I'm gonna cum-' and Mauga loves the sound.
"Do it, Doll, Cum for me." He says in a deep growl, and his words alone make you unravel, forcing white ropes to spill over your stomach, and it doesn't take much longer for Mauga to meet you there, riding out your mutual orgasm.
And then, when he's caught his breath, he presses a kiss to your forehead and pulls out of you as he raises up, letting out a deep breath, sweat clinging to your skin.
"Let's get you in a bath, Yeah?" He says as he tosses the condom in the little trash bin next to your bed before picking you up in his arms like you weighed nothing, and carrying you off to the luxury bathroom.
Little did you know, there would be much more rounds after that, and that this was far from over.
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A/N : so urmmm.. I struggled for the longest time with this because I could NOT get a good plot going, but hey! here u go anon... months later than u requested, but my requests r open now!!
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owlwithanapple · 6 months
So Hot ya.
Part 05
Mauga x Y/N
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10 a.m. ———
When the alarm clock rang, you got out of bed and walked to the balcony to stretch out. "It's a nice day today. What should I have for breakfast?" You remember there is a swimming pool on the top floor of the hotel, you sign up immediately and change into a bikini with a coat. When you enter the elevator, press the button on the top floor, and the elevator will slowly rise up. As soon as the elevator door opens, you see that there is no one in the pool. You take off your coat and jump in. You enjoy the freedom of swimming in the pool alone.
Hotel reception——
"Miss, do me a favor. My love lives in this hotel. Her name is Y/N. Can you inform her that someone is looking for her for an emergency?" Mauga said flirtingly.
"Oh...Okay! Please wait a moment." The lady at the counter said shyly.
Swimming pool——
"Miss Y/N, excuse me." The waiter said.
You swam to the pool and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Someone came to see you in the hall. He said there was something urgent." The waiter said in a panic.
"Urgent matter? Then help me tell him that I will be there at once." You said it.
Are you thinking that someone from the company is coming to you? But it's impossible to come to Samoa to find you. The more you think about it, the more wrong it is. You leave the pool, pick up a towel and dry yourself before putting your coat around.
When you arrived at the lobby, you went to the front desk and asked who was looking for you. She pointed to a man sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper and wearing red aloha shirt. Look at his strong back. You already know who he is. You quietly walk behind him and cover his eyes with your hands.
"Guess who I am?" You exhaled in his ear and asked.
"Hmmmm let me guess... This voice that will make me excited is lo'u lalelei." Mauga said flirtingly.
"You so smart, handsome. So you have something urgent to do with me?" You stood next to him and asked with a smile.
He noticed that you were wearing a bikini in your coat, which completely highlighted your sexy figure. "Wow, the early birds eat insects. Then I'm the man who got up early and saw a sexy bikini." He looked at you flirtingly.
You remember that you were in a hurry and forgot to change your clothes, just wearing a bikini and a coat. Hurry up and pull up the zipper to cover your figure and look at the other side shyly. You remember that you two had sex on the beach last night, and you two just wanted to have a one-night stand to vent desire. Now Mauga is coming to you, which makes you so embarrassed.
"So... What can I do for you?" You ask with a smile.
Mauga noticed your physical reaction and also noticed that you were shy. He got up and stood in front of you, raised your chin and looked at him. " Lo'u lalelei, look at me and don't avoid me. " He stroked your cheek and said, "You are a very attractive person. Be confident. We were really passionate last night. We had sex last night, but it doesn't mean that I will turn against others. I also said that I can't bear to leave you alone, so I will never let you alone. "
You are surprised that he would say such a thing.
"It's so affectionate that I thought you were going to fall in love with me." You said with a smile.
"Ah? Don't you know?" Mauga asked.
"Ah? What do you mean? " You are nervous.
"Hahaha, I'm really in love with you. I thought you knew it a long time ago." Mauga said.
"Ehhhhhh?! I thought we were sex friends, right? Just vent the desire together to satisfy each other's relationship!" You said nervously.
"I was so active that I thought you had noticed that I was in love with you." Mauga said with a smile.
You immediately stepped back, and Mauga looked at you with curious eyes. You didn't expect that you had a good impression on him since the first time you saw him, and now he has fallen in love with you.
"Hahaha, don't think too much! I'm hungry. Would you like to have breakfast together?" Mauga invites you.
"Ah? Ohhhhh! All right. Give me 20 minutes to change my clothes." You said it.
"I don't mind if you wear a bikini with me for breakfast. Oh, yes, remember to bring your swimsuit. I'll show you around later." Mauga blinked and said.
You got shy and patted him on the chest and quickly went back to the room. Come on, he is too active. With such a direct confession, you don't care so much about last night as a one-night stand. Now you really care about his confession.
You open the wardrobe, change a set of clothes and put on sandals. You remember that he just said that he would take you to play, and you prepared a swimsuit and slippers for later use.
When you arrive in the lobby, you see him standing next to the gate, and you poke him in the back. He turned around and looked at you with a smile and showed his fangs. You inexplicably thought it was cute. " Hey, handsome, you lead the way. I'll treat you today. " You said with a smile.
"No problem, I'll take you to eat delicious food." Mauga said with a laugh.
Mauga leads you towards his car, which is a "Dodge Challenger Convertible". You fasten your seat belt and Mauga starts driving.
"The car is good and suits you." You said with a smile.
"Thanks for your praise, Lo'u lalelei. You are also suitable for this secondary seat. " Mauga flirts with you.
"Haha, I hope so." You look outside.
Mauga noticed your reaction. He knew that you might be embarrassed, so you didn't dare to face him. His other hand held your hand, and you looked at him shyly. He flirted and said, "Hahaha, you're finally willing to see me. Although the scenery outside is beautiful, don't forget to have a tough guy next to you. Ohya ,Lo'u lalelei, you know what I like about you?
"What?" You are curious. You care about this answer. Maybe you can know why he fell in love with you.
"When you look at me, your eyes are full of love." Mauga flirted with you.
You shyly pinched his cheek and he didn't avoid it, but laughed. Your heart is pounding. Maybe you really have fallen in love with Mauga.
Arrive at the restaurant——
Mauga opened the door for you to get out of the car, and you two walked into the restaurant together.
“Talofa lau susuga, laulau mo le 2 tagata?” the waiter asked.
"What?" You are confused.
Mauga stands in front of you and says "Ioe, 2 tagata".
The waiter arrange you to get your seat and then hand you the menu.
"What do you recommend?" You are looking at the menu.
Mauga looked at the menu and spoke a fluent Samoan language to order. Looking at him, the corners of your mouth smile inexplicably, and you feel strange to hear him speak the local language. After knowing Mauga, to be honest, you don't feel lonely.
"Are you sensitive to any food?" Mauga asked.
"Seafood, except fish." You say.
"Ok! No problem! I ordered a local breakfast, and you can try it after it is served. " Mauga said with a smile.
"Okay, thank you." You are looking forward to it.
“Fa'amolemole, misi, e te fia inu?” the waiter asked.
"Ah?" You are panicked.
"He's asking what kind of drink you want." Mauga said with a smile.
"Oh, yes... I want to drink coffee." You say.
“Tuu atu i la'u pele se ipu kofe.” Mauga said.
"Lelei, leai se fa'alavelave." The waiter left.
“In Samoa, coffee is called kofe.” Mauga said with a smile.
"Oh, oh... So that's it." You said with a smile.
"Did you sleep well last night?" Mauga asked.
"Ah? Thanks to you, I slept well. " Thinking of what happened at the beach yesterday, you couldn't help blushing.
"Lo'u lalelei, you are used to leaving directly after a one-night stand. If you meet that person again, you will feel very embarrassed. " Right? Mauga said directly.
Your hand clenched the skirt under the table, and he pointed out your embarrassing problem. He's right. You always leave without saying goodbye. It's not that you don't want to get along with people, you just don't know how to maintain the relationship.
He tapped the table with his fingers, and you looked at him doubtfully. " Lo'u lalelei, I know about your expression when you saw me in the hall. You don't have to tell me why. " Mauga said with a smile.
"I... I'm sorry." You whispered.
"To be honest, I believe in my fate with you." Mauga said with a laugh.
“Faamolemole fiafia i lau taumafataga.” The waiter brought the food and said.
“Faafetai!” Mauga said.
“Mauga….. I also believe in my fate with you. “ You whispered.
Part 05 The End.
*If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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junkercrush · 4 years
“That’s Not Me”
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"That’s Not Me” by junkercrush
Pairing: Roadhog x Female Reader (and special appearance of Mauga)
Rating: Slightly NSFW
Words: 1,605
Author’s Note: I’ve written this story originally in August 2019. Hurricane Dorian and Mauga were my inspirations. 
God, you loved this game.
You were never the exhibitionist until Roadhog changed your mind.
You stood on the balcony in your underwear under the bright, full moon. You only had a phone in your hand. It was a chilly, windy night. You were cold, a little terrified, and absolutely turned on. The heat of your arousal kept you warm.
“Take off your bra.” Hog ordered you from your cell.
What if somebody sees me?!
You ignored the voice in your mind and swiftly removed your lacy bra. It was new but quite itchy.
“Grab your luscious breasts. Caress them.” Hog ordered again.
You warmed your hands together and cupped your breasts. You closed your eyes and imagined Hog’s large hands on you. It would’ve been great to feel his heat right now.
You could hear Hog heavily breathing and chuckling in the background.
“Mako,” You sighed.
“That’s right, beg for me.” Hog said.
“Mako, come home!”
“That’s a good pig. Get ready for me. I’ll be there in a sec.”
With a tiny squeal of delight, you got off the balcony, closed the door, and climbed into the California king canopy bed you and Hog shared.
“One more thing,” You heard Hog from your phone. “Put on the blindfold.”
You grabbed the silky black blindfold tied around a bedpost and covered your eyes with it.
“Shit.” You gasped. You forgot to turn off your phone. You could hear Hog’s heavy footsteps approaching the bedroom door.
You lifted the blindfold just quick enough to turn off your phone and set it aside. Roadhog entered as soon as you laid down on the bed. He let out a heavy sigh and removed his mask.
You could hear your heart thumping in your head. He was so close yet still so far away. Your body was desperate for his touch. Hog’s massive weight shifted the bed. You felt his hot breath on your skin. His thick fingers traced the curves of your body.
“Hoggy’s here,” He whispered into your ear. “You’re safe now.”
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The shrieking woman in the horror movie jolted you out of your slumber. You forgot you were supposed to stay up and wait for Roadhog until he returned from his mission fighting TALON. You weren’t worried; he’s been kicking ass in those missions. So far, Hog hasn’t texted you yet. It must be a late one.
You laughed at the damsel in distress on TV, trying her best to escape a Zomnic in her shredded outfit. Her huge breasts were about to pop out of her blouse. You hollered at the ridiculousness.
Any texts? Still, no texts.
“Hoggy, where are you?” You moaned.
You left the screaming TV to find yourself a snack in the kitchen. A huge bowl of mixed popcorn and candy corn waited for you by the microwave. It was initially reserved for you and Hog to eat together. Now, it looks like you will be the only one consuming it tonight.
You checked your phone; It was Hog!
Hog: I’m coming home.
You: You’re missing the movie marathon! :-(
It took a moment for Hog to respond. You tapped your French manicured nails impatiently on the marble kitchen island. Finally, he replied:
Hog: What r u wearing 2nite?
Wow, getting down to business already. You gobbled down some popcorn mix and sent Hog a text describing your night attire. You were wearing some boy shorts, pinstripe thigh-highs, and Hog’s oversized “FUCK YOU” t-shirt.
Hog “2 the balcony.”
You sped upstairs to the bedroom balcony. You sighed as the soft wind blew your face. The palm trees on your front yard swayed back and forth.
Thunder rumbled in the distance. A storm was coming. Let’s hope the lightning doesn’t strike you while you were out here.
But fuck the storm! Hog was coming home! Or was he already back? His motorcycle wasn’t on the driveway, but you had a feeling he was close. Might be hiding behind the overgrown azalea bushes like last time.
You gripped the balcony rail, phone in one hand, waiting for Hog’s commands. A chorus of oinking pigs erupted from your phone. It was Hog!
“I’m here.” You answered.
You heard a dark chuckle from the other end. “You have such a pretty voice. Can you see me?”
You peered around your landscape. Not a single hint of Hog’s whereabouts. Lightning flashed across the sky.
“No,” You replied. “I don’t.”
Chuckles came out of your phone once again. This time, much more sinister. Aw man, what did Hog have in mind for you this time? Was this even him?
“I can see you.” Was the reply. Suddenly, the neighborhood lamp posts blew out. Lightning flashed closer to your house. You backed up to the balcony door.
“Stop.” Hog ordered.
Your hand was on the doorknob. You almost failed to follow orders. That was part of the game. You weren’t supposed to do anything while you were on the balcony until Hog told you.
“The door’s unlocked?” He asked.
Of course, it was unlocked. You always left the front door open for Hog as soon as he let you know he was coming home. You remained silent, your hand still on the doorknob as you watched the skies. Fear lingered in your stomach.
The wind was picking up, and rain was pelting the balcony. Hog better hurry up and say something!
“I’m coming in. I’ll meet you upstairs.”
Ah, finally! You rushed back into the bedroom and closed the balcony door behind you. A thunderclap sent you retreating to the comfy bed and hide under the covers. No matter how old you were, thunderstorms scared the crap out of you.
You heard a scream from downstairs. The horror movies were still on. In a hot second, the sound was cut off.
Your phone rang. Some unknown number. You hung up on the call and placed your phone on vibrate.
You could hear Hog’s footsteps treading around downstairs. You wished he would come up fast so he can cuddle you and protect you from this storm.
A light emitted from your phone, the unknown number again. It started spamming video chat invitations.
“Who the hell is this?” You muttered, annoyed. Under the covers, you accepted the video chat, and Hog’s beaten mask filled your screen. One side of his mask had a massive dent like somebody Hog’s size punched it. The rest of the mask was riddled with bullet holes. Boy, this last mission must’ve been pretty rough. You could hear Hog’s motorcycle roaring in the background.
Wait, he was still on the road?!
“Don’t let him in!” Hog shouted. Fear hit your stomach hard like a Doomfist punch.
“What?” Your voice trembled.
“Don’t let him in,” Hog cried. “THAT’S NOT ME!”
Oh fuck. You could hear the intruder in your house coming upstairs.
“Hey, pretty lady. I can’t wait to see you.” The intruder said, making kissy noises. Awww fuck, who did you invite into your house?!
You locked the bedroom door, shoved a large dresser in front of it (thanks to strength training with Reinhardt), and pulled out a gun hidden underneath your bed.
The gun looked like Roadhog’s but smaller. It was a swell gift Junkrat made for you last Christmas. ‘Bout time you were going to use it on a real target, not training Omnics.
Hog’s motorcycle rumbled among the brewing storm outside. A heavy sigh came from the other side of the bedroom door. The doorknob jiggled.
“So close,” The intruder breathed. You could hear him descending back down the stairs.
“(Y/N)!” Mako shouted outside. You were about to meet him out on the balcony, but he already charged inside the house.
You quickly pushed the dresser out of the way as soon as Hog kicked the door down. He pulled you into a tight hug as soon as he laid eyes on you. You felt his tears dripping on your neck.
This was the first time you’ve ever witnessed Mako so worried about your safety, and it scared you.
“Hoggy, what happened?” You asked, smoothing his frazzled white hair and kissing his forehead.
“The bastard took my phone!” Hog growled. He held you so tightly you feared he was going to break you. “If you didn’t answer my call—”
“Hog,” You cupped Hog’s face and stared deep into his teary eyes. It was heartbreaking to see your love like this. Tears silently streamed down your face too. “I’m alive. I didn’t take off my clothes for him.”
He chuckled a little, then his eyes widened. “How the hell did he know about our game?”
Good question. You didn’t know. Apparently, TALON knew everything. Hog stomped to the closet and threw a suitcase on the bed.
“Pack up, piggy. You’re going to live with Overwatch from now on.”
You blinked. “Okay.”
You said nothing else as you packed your belongings. The balcony door creaked open, letting in some rain. The storm calmed down since the intruder bailed out.
You closed the door and noticed somebody in the distance. An enormous, dark-skinned man stood in the azalea bushes watching you. His open tropical shirt revealing his tribal tattoos. The storm left him soaked, but he clearly didn’t give a fuck.
Dear God, did he have red eyes? Who was this real-life monster? He smiled at you as you finally took notice of him and disappeared into the darkness.
“(Y/N)?” Hog called out behind you. All you could do was stare outside. Hog’s frightened voice from earlier echoed in your mind:
That’s not me!
                                                  THE END
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owlwithanapple · 6 months
So Hot ya.
Part 03
Mauga x Y/N
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"Are you here on vacation, too?" You are curious.
"No, I'm a local. Come back to rest after work. Are you on vacation?" He said with a smile.
"Yes, I'm here to relax. I haven't been out for a long time. I want to go somewhere far away. I'm under a lot of pressure at work... I want to take a break." You look at the scenery outside and say.
Mauga laughed and said, " Hahahaha! Then you are so lucky to meet me. You won't feel bored with me. "
You looked at him and laughed and said, "Yes, you're funny. I really don't think it's boring to have you for dinner with me. Instead, it's excitement and expectation. "
When you hear the music in the restaurant, you get excited and go to the crowd to dance together. Suddenly you find a rough hand around your waist, and you almost lost your foot. When you saw that Mauga pulled you closer, you laughed secretly. You put your hands around his neck and dance with him.
"You didn't invite me to dance with you, sexy." Mauga flirts with you.
"I still want to wait for you to take the initiative, strong man. Fortunately, I wear high heels, otherwise I can't hug you." You said with a smile.
You get closer to him, and you enjoy the moment with the rhythm of the music. The atmosphere is full of romance and passion, and you like this feeling very much.
"Sexy, you make me feel very excited. You're so close to me." Mauga said flirtingly.
"Don't you like it? Then I'll let go." You let go of your hand and go away.
At this time, Mauga grabbed your left hand, and you noticed him. You walked slowly into his arms with the accompaniment of music, and he put one hand around your waist and looked directly at you. You see his eyes, you know that his eyes have never left you since the moment you got up and walked into the crowd.
"You know I like this excitement very much, and you dare to let me go." Mauga is close to you.
"What would you do if I did it on purpose?" You said it mischieously.
He slowly put his other hand on your buttocks and stroked it, and you were so excited about the sudden intimate contact. You can't help but look forward to what will happen next. Suddenly he patted your ass twice, and you looked at him in surprise.
"Hey! You fouled the rules!" You pat him on the chest and said.
"Heya sexy, you lit the fire, and I came to accompany you. Do we need rules between us?" Mauga flirts with you.
"Wow, it hurts, Mauga." You said it mischieously.
"I can be more ruthless. Do you want to have a try?" Mauga winked at you.
"If there is a chance." You answer flirtingly.
The waiter approached you two and said, "I'm sorry, your food is ready. Please enjoy it while it's hot."
"Wow, it seems that the happy hour should be suspended first." You let go of him and prepare to return to his seat.
"Haha, sexy! Happy Hour has just begun today." He put his arms around your waist and followed you back to your seat.
Part 03 The End.
*If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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owlwithanapple · 6 months
So Hot ya. 🔞
Part 04
Mauga x Y/N
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After dinner, you two left the restaurant.
"So? Do you want to go back to the hotel? " Mauga walked beside you and asked.
You smiled and said, "Ermmm, I want to go for a walk by the beach before going back. Thank you, Mauga. I had a good time. "
You leave alone and walk to the beach. You take off your high heels and walk slowly on the beach, enjoying the sea breeze. You take off your hair rings and let your hair spread out and immerse yourself in nature. You feel lonely without Mauga around you. After all, that guy's voice is always very lively. You find a seat and sit down to look at the endless sea, watching the waves fluctuating towards the shore.
"It feels so free." You whispered.
"Miss over there, if you feel lonely, want a handsome to accompany you?" A rough voice said.
You know who is talking, and you are wondering why he is always by your side. You turned your head and looked back , you saw Mauga standing with two bottles of beer. You motioned him to come and sit next to you, he smiled for a moment and came over to sit next to you.
"Looking at your lonely back, I really can't bear to leave you alone." He opened the beer for you.
You took the beer and looked at him and said, "You are so sweet. Also bought two bottles of beer to accompany me. Next time I'll treat you a good meal. But why did you follow here? "
"Hahaha, Lo'u lalelei, I can't bear to see you sitting here alone and being unaccompanied." He laughed and said.
"Lo'u lalelei? What is that?" You are curious.
"Hahaha, let's not guess. Let's drink to it!" He put his arms around your waist and began to drink.
"Cheers, handsome." You put your head on his shoulder to drink.
You are lying on Mauga's wide shoulder drinking, and his rough hands are stroking your back. You don't hate him touching your body, but you enjoy spending time with him. Mauga gives people a sense of security, passion and romance.
"Hey, handsome man, have you touched enough?" You said flirtingly.
"What's enough, Lo'u lalelei. It feels irresistible." Mauga said flirtingly.
"You have such a sweet mouth." You look up at him.
After drinking, you feel drunk and hot. He noticed your eyes, and he put aside the finished bottle. He loosened his hand on your waist and picked you up let you sit on his lap. You looked at him with your hands covering his chest, and you were surprised that he was so active.
You find yourself sitting on his lap, and you are shy. His hands are very irritable. You feel that the parts he has touched are so hot. Maybe it's because of drinking. You put your hands on his cheeks and looked at him blushingly, and he felt you. His hand slowly touched your ass along your back, and you breathed excitedly.
"Beach? Strong man. Many people will see it. " You teased and said.
He buried his head between your chest and looked up at you and said, "No one came here so late, or do you mind?"
You cover his face and shake your head, indicating that you don't mind. He understood your hint and kissed you directly, and you closed your eyes enjoyed his fierce kiss. After the fierce kiss, he licked your lips to signal you. You moaned, he put his tongue into your mouth for a kiss.
"Ha... Ha... Mau...ga....... It's so hot..." You moaned and said.
He put his hand into the bottom of your skirt and rubbed your private part and said, "Hahaha, you're wet."
"Mauga..... I'm coming... I want you." You said shyly.
"Have your fest, Lo'u lalelei." He said flirtingly.
He licked his fingers to make it wet then put it in out of your private part. You moaned excitedly. You put one hand on his shoulder to maintain balance and then move your waist slightly.
"You are also very active, Lo'u lalelei. You are so wet, do you want more?" Mauga said flirtingly.
You were intoxicated by the pleasure. You took the initiative to kiss him. After retreating, you nodded and signaled him that you wanted more. He didn't refuse your invitation. You feel that there is something between your thighs against you, and you know that he has an erection. You excitedly rub the penis between your thighs with your private part.
"Wow, it seems that someone can't wait." Mauga said flirtingly.
"If you don't like it, I won't move." You say.
"You ignited the fire, Lo'u lalelei. You make me very excited. I want to love you well." He said with a smile.
He opened the zipper and you saw his penis standing up.
"Wow, you're excited too." You teased and said.
"The fun can't be owned by you alone." He said with a smile.
You slowly put his penis in. This guy is really big. Fortunately, you are so wet, otherwise it must be very painful to put it in. After going in completely, he patted your ass hard.
"Ahhhh…..!" You moaned excitedly.
"Hahaha, as I said, I can work harder. Give you the initiative and satisfy me to the fullest." He hugged you and said to you.
You move up and down his thighs and feel his penis going in out of your private parts.
"Mau....ga, oh yeahhhhhh…….!" You move your body.
His hand patted your ass and made you more excited. You have reached the extreme and felt that you wanna cum.
At this time, Mauga grabbed you and said, "I'm almost done. I'm gonna cum."
"Ha... Ha... I want it too. Fill my Mauga." You signaled him.
He pulled it out, and you changed the backward posture. He put it in and moved it in out at a very fast speed.
"Inside?" Mauga gasped and asked.
"It's just... Inside... I have taken birth control pills...." You moaned and said.
He patted your ass and you moaned loudly. Mauga hit it hard and cum in you. You are gasping and resting on the beach, Mauga pulled out and clean it up.
He handed you a wet tissue and asked, "Want me to help?"
"I'll do it myself." You sit up and take a few wet wipes to wipe.
"Lo'u lalelei, are you satisfied?" He asked you flirtingly.
You get up, stretch your hands, and take a deep breath.
"I haven't sex for a long time. I'm very satisfied now. Thank you, handsome. But next time I really don't want to have sex on the beach. The new skirt is stained with sand." You clean up the sand on your body and turned to look at him.
"Hahaha! Next time? You are so good at moving your waist. Do you wanna sex in the car?" Mauga laughs.
You patted him hard on the chest, and you felt very shy to hear his invitation. You picked up your high heels and were ready to leave, and he came to you and took your hand.
"What are you doing?" You are curious.
"I can't bear to see lo'u lalelei go back alone. So I'll send you back to the hotel." Mauga winked at you.
You followed him to the side of the car. He opened the door for you, you smiled and got on the car. He drive and parked the car in front of the hotel, you get out of the car and close the door. You heard mauga call you.
"What's the matter?" You look curious at him.
"A kiss?" Mauga asked.
You are shy, but you still take the initiative to kiss him. He pulled you closer, making the kiss more intense.
"Don't kiss, or you won't be able to go home." You said with a smile.
"Hahaha, then I really don't want to go back." Mauga laughed.
"Good night, Mauga." You said goodbye.
"Good night, Lo'u lalelei." Mauga winks at you.
Part 04 The End.
*If you have any ideas, you can leave them in the comment section, and I will try to add in the story.*
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owlwithanapple · 6 months
So Hot ya.
Part 02
Mauga x Y/N
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After arriving in Samoa, you get your luggage and are ready to leave the airport.
"Hey! Hot girl!" You heard the man shout.
You turn around and see him waving to you in the distance, and you walk in front of him. "Hey, strong man, what's wrong?" You said it.
"Let's play a game. If we meet next time, you can tell me your name. What do you think?" He flirted with you.
You thought about it and looked at him doubtfully. "Why?" You are curious.
"Hahahaha, if I knew your name directly, it would be really boring. How about it? Are you playing?" He raised your chin and asked you to look directly at him.
You took the initiative to get close to his body and responded to him with a smile, "Okay, I'll play with you. I hope we are predestined." You give him a kiss and say goodbye.
"So hot ya, sexy." He looked at your back and laughed loudly.
You arrive at the hotel and check in at the counter to get the room card. After entering the room, you hang your clothes in the wardrobe. You chose the Sea View Hotel, so you can see the seaside outside the window.
You stand on the balcony and feel the sea breeze blowing towards you. Take a deep breath and stretch your waist. "It's a good day for a holiday. That guy doesn't know where it is. Is it really fate to see him again? There are so many people here. I don't know where he will fool around." You whispered.
You go back to your room, take off your clothes, and go into the bathroom to take a shower. You chose a white dress with high heels and left the room. You searched on the Internet and found a seaside restaurant near the hotel, so you chose to have dinner there.
Arrive at the restaurant——
You chose a seat where you can see the scenery. At this time, the waiter showed you a menu, and you looked at the menu and hesitated to eat.
"Sir, Table for...?" The waiter standing at the door asked.
"One. "Huh?" The man noticed you. He smiled and said, "My girl is here. I'll go first." He walked to your seat, knocked on your table and said, "Hey, miss."
You look at the menu and ignore each other. He took your menu, you looked up in surprise and said, "It's you?" When you see him smile at you, that passion is about to emerge.
He said to you, "It seems that fate has tied us together, hot girl." You flirted and said, "Haha, we meet again so soon. Do you want to enjoy dinner together? "
"I can't refuse your invitation. I'll treat you this time." He said with a smile.
"Wow, that's good." You ask the waiter to order.
"You are very good at choosing clothes. This white skirt suits you very well." He said flirtingly.
"Thank you. Your mouth is so sweet. You eat a lot of candy." You said with a smile.
"Hahahaha! You are so funny. My name is Mauga. How about you?" He asked.
"My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you." You say.
The fate is so wonderful that you are so close to him. Obviously, he is only a passenger on the same flight, but you are impressed by him. Look at his figure and listen to his voice. You think he is so hot. There is a feeling of passion, impulse and desire in my heart. How long has it been since you vented your desire? It's really irresistible to look at him.
Part 02 The End.
If you have any suggestions, you can leave your comments in the comment section.💻
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