#may 01 1967
presleyspassions · 1 year
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May 01,1967 ~ Priscilla & Elvis Presley at their Las Vegas wedding reception at The Aladdin.
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djkibrit · 6 months
During Which Months Did Persona 1 And 2 Duology Take Place?
It’s well known among fans of the series that the later entries take place during an entire school year, however the same can’t be said about the earlier games. The only confirmed information about the time frame that P1 and P2 occur is the year, but dialogue present in these entries and the characters’ birthdays allow us to stipulate a more precise date of when they took place.
Before starting, it’s important to be aware of how the school year in Japan is divided (I’m not Japanese and all the information I got is from the internet. So if you are more familiar with the system, feel free to correct me or to just talk more about it): The academic year in Japan starts from April and ends in March, having summer vacation in August (normally going from July 20 to August 31) and winter vacation in the end of December to the beginning of January (normally going from December 26 to around January 6).
-Obs: All of the dates that I have just mentioned are related to 2023/2024. I wasn’t able to find anything about it in 1996 or 1999. So take them with a grain of salt.
Persona 1:
List of the main cast birthdays + their ages:
April 09, 1979 - Yukino -  17
June 04, 1979 - Maki - 17
July 11, 1979 - Mark - 17
August 18, 1979 - Reiji - 17
September 21, 1979 - Eriko - 17
October 02, 1979 - Nanjo - 17
December 24, 1979 (it's a complete nonsense) - Protagonist IN THE MANGA - 17
January 01, 1980 - Brown - 16
March 03, 1980 - Ayase - 16
Analyzing the age of the characters, it can be assumed that the game takes place at the end of 1996 since Nanjo is already 17 when it occurs. However, the birthday date of the protagonist in manga, generates some inconsistencies: if taking this date into consideration, the game would take place between December 24, 1996 and December 26, 1996 - since, after that, the winter vacation starts. It could be hypothetically possible for the game to only last two days, however, considering that there are two routes and that most people believe that P1 happened during a whole week, I’m ignoring this date. With this, we can conclude that:
Persona 1 Probable Time Period: Between October 02, 1996 and December 26, 1996
Persona 2 Duology:
List of the main cast birthdays + their ages:
April 09, 1979 - Yukino - 20
February 14, 1982 - Jun - 17 
May 04, 1982 - Lisa - 17 
June 13, 1967 - Baofu - 32
July 04, 1976 - Maya - 23
July 27, 1981 - Tatsuya - 18 
September 21, 1979 - Eriko (P2:EP) - 20
October 02, 1979 - Nanjo (P2:EP) - 20
November 15, 1982 - Eikichi - 16 
November 30, 1974 - Ulala - 24
December 30, 1973 - Katsuya - 25
-Obs: If you want to know why I only used July 27, 1981 as Tatsuya’s birthday while ignoring August 21, 1981 (present in the SMT Wiki) as a possible date, there’s this post explaining it.
Let’s begin with Innocent Sin. Besides the age of cast, there’s another variable that needs to be taken into account: when the Grand Cross happened. In real life, this event occurred on August 18 1999 and, while, in Eternal Punishment, many NPCs mentioned that the Grand Cross had passed during the summer, we can’t be sure if it happened during this specific date due to one small thing: rumors becoming true. It could be very plausible that the Grand Cross in IS took place in a different time because it was influenced by rumors, while, in EP, the actual Grand Cross occurred as normal. That being said, I’m using August 18 1999 as the day that this event happened (only because I can’t even think of another date) since I don’t believe that the creators would change it.
Well, we found out the period of when the game ended so finding when it began should not be that difficult, right?... Oh, is August 18 during the summer vacation in Japan? And are there characters attending class both during the beginning as well the end of the game? Well… things just got a little bit more complicated. 
In front of this adversity, I have two prepositions. The first one depends on the assumption that the summer vacation in Japan used to happen during a different time frame in 1999 than the one we have now. With that, we can guess that the game starts around July 27, 1981 since Tatsuya would already be 18. On the other hand, the second one regards the vacation period of 1999 as the same one as the one of now. In this hypothesis, we can guess that the game began some time before July 20 as well that the Kasugayama School Festival happened on the last day of class. Personally, I’m putting the latter just because the former’s time frame is also included in it. With this, we can conclude that:
P2:IS Probable Time Period: Between July 12, 1999 and August 18, 1999
Finally, we can get into Eternal Punishment! After the many contradictions present in Innocent Sin’s time frame (Nyarly would be proud), discovering when EP takes place is going to be way easier and this is only possible due to the main cast’s birthdays along with their dialogue. 
First of all, it’s been confirmed by the creator that EP occurred some months after the Grand Cross, more specifically, during the autumn 1999. With that, we can take a closer look into one dialogue said by Nanjo in Parabellum a bit before going into Mt. Iwato: “Ms. Amamo, he is still a minor. I do not feel it wise to bring him to this kind of establishment… NO, I’m not being tense!”. For those unaware, the drinking age in Japan is 20 years old. Based on that, Nanjo becoming tense could be interpreted as him being nervous since he’s just recently turned 20. With that, it’s possible to presume that the game takes place after Nanjo’s birthday.
Another series of dialogue to take into consideration are of Ulala’s. During the entirety of the game, she is always stressing out that she’s turning 25 soon which indicates that her birthday has still not passed. With this, we can conclude that:
P2:EP Probable Time Period: Between October 02, 1999 and November 30, 1999
And now, we can say that this analysis is finished! Remember that this is only a personal theory of mine, done only because I couldn’t find any posts exploring the subject. Feel free to discuss your own opinions on the matter and to correct any errors I’ve made.
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k00293721 · 8 months
Movement: Artist Research (29/01/2024)
Emory Douglas
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Is an American graphic designer who was a part of the Black Panther party from 1967 until it's disbandment. He created iconography to bring awareness to black oppression. Douglas is most noted for his political drawings and cartoons in the Black Panther Newspaper.
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Back then the way he used his art to rally people together and spread awareness of their suffering was truly inspiring and something I want my art to reflect. Not just the suffering but also the beauty of being black.
Nothing is easy in this life and being a minority doesn't help that but with self love we can live contently. Anti-blackness has been engraved in a lot of us from a young age, to try and conform with the majority. Just being ourselves and embracing that we are different and that is also beautiful is what I hope to show in my project. And hopefully help people reflect on their views of type 4 hair and any misconceptions they may have had about it.
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alain-keler · 9 months
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Journal du vendredi 5 janvier 2024.
Après les accords de paix entre Menahem Begin et Anouar El Sadat en 1982, l'intégralité du Sinaï occupé par Israël depuis la guerre des 6 jours en 1967 fut rendu aux égyptiens le samedi 25 avril 1982. Des villes comme Rafah furent coupées en deux. Sur la photo d'aujourd'hui on voit des enfants palestiniens s'amuser sur une borne marquant la frontière, quelques jours avant le 25 avril.  Des colons israéliens quittèrent Yamit et d'autres colonies du Sinaï pour s'installer à Gaza, jusqu'à leur évacuation en août 2005, racontée dans ce journal.
 Lundi dernier des propos provocateurs de deux ministres du gouvernement dirigé par Benjamin Netanyahou appelant au départ des palestiniens de Gaza rajoutaient à la confusion de la situation actuelle.  
 "Itamar Ben Gvir, ministre de la sécurité nationale et chef du parti d’extrême droite procolons Force juive, avait appelé lundi à un retour de colons juifs à Gaza, après la guerre en cours, et à « encourager »la population palestinienne à émigrer, au lendemain d’un appel similaire de Bezalel Smotrich. Le ministre des finances et chef du parti Sionisme religieux, qui fait partie de la coalition gouvernementale au pouvoir, a, lui, préconisé dimanche un retour de colons juifs dans la bande de Gaza après la guerre, estimant que la population palestinienne de ce territoire devrait être « encouragée » à émigrer vers d’autres pays".*
 J'espère que tout ceci n'ira pas plus loin. Ce serait une grande catastrophe, d'abord pour les palestiniens qui souffrent déjà énormément de cette guerre qui n'épargne pas les civils, mais aussi pour les israéliens, et tous les juifs du monde déjà en proie à une montée de l'antisémitisme que rien ne semble pouvoir arrêter, boucs émissaires d'une situation qu'ils ne contrôlent pas. 
Réveille-toi Yitzhak Rabin, ils sont devenus fous !
* Le Monde: https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2024/01/03/guerre-israel-hamas-l-union-europeenne-condamne-les-propos-de-ministres-israeliens-ayant-appele-les-palestiniens-a-quitter-gaza_6208917_3210.html
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its300am · 1 year
Pseudo desafio das referências de Barbie (2023)
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Greta Gerwig, diretora do filme mais esperado do ano, fez uma lista com os principais filmes que inspiraram ela e sua equipe a fazerem Barbie do jeito que assistimos hoje. Nem todos estão disponíveis no Brasil e a maioria é muito antigo e super difícil de achar por aí dando sopa, então não dá para propor disso realmente ser um desafio.  Mas quero me incentivar a ver e comentar direitinho sobre os que consegui achar nas plataformas nacionais que sou assinante, então dos 33, minha lista ficou com estes:
#01 — O Mágico de Oz (1939) dirigido por Victor Fleming. Musical. Fantasia. Adaptação.
O filme é inspirado nos livros do Maravilhoso Mágico de Oz de L. Frank Baum. A trama se dá com Dorothy (Judy Garland) e seu cachorro Totó sendo levados para a terra mágica de Oz quando um ciclone passa pela fazenda de seus avós no Kansas. Eles viajam em direção à Cidade Esmeralda para encontrar o Mágico Oz e no caminho encontram um Espantalho, que precisa de um cérebro, um Homem de Lata sem um coração e um Leão Covarde que quer coragem. O Mágico pede ao grupo que tragam a vassoura da Bruxa Malvada do Oeste em troca de sua ajuda.
Eu já assisti ele algumas vezes e sempre que acho uma desculpa eu vou lá ver de novo, é um filme que não me canso de rever porque tem algo de mágico ali (além do óbvio), mas realmente parece uma superprodução para a época. Eu amo como minha eu criancinha assistindo nas primeiras vezes não percebia porque as personagens de Oz pareciam tanto com as do Kansas, foi algo que só adulta eu raciocinei. Isso é o quão imersa eu ficava pela história e ignorava completamente as alegorias, para mim esse filme era o auge do "aconteceu de verdade e eu tenho como provar".
Disponível na HBO Max.
#02 — Os Guarda-Chuvas do Amor (1964) dirigido por Jacques Demy. Musical. Romance. Drama.
Geneviève Emery (Catherine Deneuve), cuja mãe é dona de uma loja de guarda-chuvas, ama Guy Foucher (Nino Castelnuovo), um jovem mecânico. A mãe de Geneviève não vê com bons olhos o romance e preferiria casar sua filha com Roland Cassard, um rico comerciante de diamantes. Guy é convocado para a guerra da Argélia. Geneviève se entrega a ele antes de sua partida com a promessa de que iria esperá-lo.
Eu assisti pela primeira vez essa semana e já revi! O filme é incrível, muito lindo! Estou escrevendo um comentário detalhado sobre ele que vou postar aqui depois, mas em resumo: eu me apaixonei pelo figurino desse filme. É um filme que destr��i quem está assistindo, tudo muito delicado e imersivo, você sente até que é com você.
Disponível na Telecine.
#03 — Duas Garotas Românticas (1967) dirigido por Jacques Demy. Musical. Comédia. Romance.
Em Rochefort, Delphine (Catherine Deneuve) e Solange (Françoise Dorléac), duas irmãs gêmeas de 25 anos, radiantes e espirituosas, dão aulas de dança e música. Elas sonham em ir a Paris e aproveitam a oportunidade quando uma trupe de fora passa pela cidade. Tudo isso acontece enquanto nossas heroínas gêmeas procuram o amor ideal.
A própria Greta estava tentando não listar todos os filmes do Jacques Demy, mas este entrou para lista por inspirar o figurino, ainda não assisti, mas como adorei Os Guarda-Chuvas do Amor e é do mesmo diretor e mesma atriz principal, tenho certeza que vou amar também.
Disponível na Telecine.
#04 — Sinfonia de Paris (1951) dirigido por Vicente Minnelli. Musical. Romance.
Após a Segunda Guerra, um soldado americano (Gene Kelly) resolve tentar a sorte como pintor em Paris. Ele é descoberto por uma mulher rica, com outros interesses além de seus quadros, mas se apaixona por Lise (Leslie Caron), que está noiva de outro homem.
[Ainda não assisti]
Está no Prime Video para aluguel.
#05 — Cantando na Chuva (1952) dirigido por Stanley Donen. Musical. Romance.
Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly) e Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) são dois dos astros mais famosos da época do cinema mudo em Hollywood. Seus filmes são um verdadeiro sucesso e as revistas apostam num relacionamento mais íntimo entre os dois, o que não existe. Porém, o cinema falado chega para mudar totalmente a situação de ambos no mundo da fama. Decidido a produzir um filme falado com o casal mais famoso do momento, Don e Lina precisam, entretanto, superar as dificuldades do novo método para conseguir manter a fama conquistada.
[Ainda não assisti]
Disponível na HBO Max ou Prime Video para aluguel.
#06 — O Show de Truman (1998) dirigido por Peter Weir. Ficção Científica. Drama.
Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) é um pacato vendedor de seguros que leva uma vida simples com sua esposa Meryl Burbank (Laura Linney). Porém, algumas coisas ao seu redor fazem com que ele passe a estranhar sua cidade, seus supostos amigos e até sua mulher. Após conhecer a misteriosa Lauren (Natascha McElhone), ele fica intrigado e acaba descobrindo que toda sua vida foi monitorada por câmeras e transmitida em rede nacional.
Assisti apenas uma vez, uns dez anos atrás, quando estava me aventurando em uma fase cinéfila, lembro que gostei muito e passei dias com esse filme sendo meu único assunto. Pretendo revê-lo agora.
Disponível na Telecine ou Prime Video para aluguel.
#07 — O Show Deve Continuar (1979) dirigido por Bob Fosse. Musical. Drama.
Quando não está planejando seu novo musical ou trabalhando na produção de seu filme, o coreógrafo e diretor Joe Gideon (Roy Scheider) está tomando pílulas e dormindo com uma fila infinita de mulheres. O stress mental e físico começa a afetar Joe, que agora tem que tomar uma decisão sobre o seu arriscado estilo de vida. O filme é uma semi-autobiografia escrita e dirigida pelo lendário Bob Fosse.
[Ainda não assisti]
Disponível gratuitamente na NetMovies.
#08 — Jejum de Amor (1940) dirigido por Howard Hawks. Comédia. Romance. Adaptação.
O filme é uma adaptação baseada no, também filme, Última hora (1931) dirigido por Lewis Milestone que por sua vez é uma adaptação de uma peça teatral de mesmo nome. Na noite de seu novo casamento, a repórter Hildy Johnson (Rosalind Russell) é convencida a fazer mais uma pauta por seu editor e ex-marido, Walter Burns (Cary Grant). Enquanto entrevista um homem condenado, Hildy percebe que seu enforcamento é uma armação para conseguir votos. Espontaneamente ela ajuda o homem a escapar. É curioso saber que depois de Jejum de Amor ainda houveram mais adaptações das adaptações desta adaptação.
[Ainda não assisti]
Está no Prime Video para aluguel ou gratuitamente sob demanda na Pluto TV.
#09 — Mulheres à Beira de um Ataque de Nervos (1988) dirigido por Pedro Almodóvar. Drama. Comédia.
Uma mulher é deixada por uma amante, mas não se conforma e tenta entrar em contato com ele através de sua esposa, que também não sabe de seu paradeiro. Enquanto isso, sua amiga acha que está sendo perseguida pela polícia devido ao seu namorado terrorista. Se a sinopse parece não ter pé nem cabeça para você, bem-vinde aos filmes do Almodóvar.
[Ainda não assisti]
Disponível no Prime Video.
#10 — 2001: Uma Odisseia no Espaço (1968) dirigido por Stanley Kubrick. Ficção científica. Aventura. Adaptação.
Uma estrutura imponente preta fornece uma conexão entre o passado e o futuro nesta adaptação enigmática de um conto reverenciado de ficção científica do autor Arthur C. Clarke. Quando o Dr. Dave Bowman (Keir Dullea) e outros astronautas são enviados para uma misteriosa missão, os chips de seus computadores começam a mostrar um comportamento estranho, levando a um tenso confronto entre homem e máquina, resultando em uma viagem alucinante no espaço e no tempo.
Sendo bem honesta, tentei assistir uma vez e achei muito viajado. Acho que eu nem era o público-alvo na época, devia ter no máximo 16 anos e não tinha sido introduzida nem ao menos em Star Wars, inclusive, graças a essa péssima experiência, eu me fechei para o gênero. Darei outra chance agora, mas provavelmente vai ser o último que assistirei.
Disponível na HBO Max ou Prime Video para aluguel.
#11 — Núpcias de Escândalo (1940) dirigido por George Cukor. Romance. Comédia romântica.
Uma herdeira entediada, destinada a se casar com um executivo chato, vê seus planos de casamento frustrados com a chegada de seu ex-marido playboy. E família então gradualmente começa a perceber a importância da integridade e dos verdadeiros valores.
[Ainda não assisti]
Está no Prime Video para aluguel.
#12 — O Terror das Mulheres (1961) dirigido por Jerry Lewis. Comédia. Caricato.
Rejeitado por seu grande amor, Herbert (Jerry Lewis) decide recomeçar a sua vida, de preferência longe das mulheres. Ele aceita um emprego de zelador em uma pensão sem saber que o estabelecimento só hospeda jovens solteiras.
[Ainda não assisti]
Disponível na Telecine.
#13 — Janela Indiscreta (1954) dirigido por Alfred Hitchcock. Thriller. Mistério. Adaptação.
O filme é uma adaptação baseada no romance investigativo de mesmo nome do autor Cornell Woolrich. Em Greenwich Village, Nova York, L.B. Jeffries (James Stewart), um fotógrafo profissional, está confinado em seu apartamento por ter quebrado a perna enquanto trabalhava. Como não tem muitas opções de lazer, vasculha a vida dos seus vizinhos com um binóculo, quando vê alguns acontecimentos que o fazem suspeitar que um assassinato foi cometido.
[Ainda não assisti]
Está no Prime Video para aluguel ou na assinatura da Oldflix.
#14 — E La Nave Va (1983) dirigido por Federico Fellini. Drama. Comédia.
O ano é 1914 e o funeral de uma famosa cantora de ópera reúne artistas e nobres a bordo de um luxuoso navio. Quase que essa sinopse disse "assista e descubra".
[Ainda não assisti]
Disponível gratuitamente na NetMovies.
#15 — Contatos Imediatos do Terceiro Grau (1978) dirigido por Steven Spielberg. Ficção científica. Drama.
Um grupo de pessoas tenta entrar em contato com uma inteligência alienígena. Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) não apenas viu um objeto voador não identificado: ele tem uma marca de queimadura para provar. Roy se recusa a aceitar uma explicação para o que viu e está disposto a dar a sua vida para descobrir a verdade sobre OVNIs.
[Ainda não assisti]
Está no Prime Video para aluguel.
#16 — Tempos Modernos (1936) dirigido por Charlie Chaplin. Comédia. Drama. Romance. Semimudo.
O icónico Vagabundo está empregado em uma fábrica, onde as máquinas inevitável e completamente o dominam e vários percalços o levam para a prisão. Entre suas passagens pela prisão, ele conhece e faz amizade com uma garota órfã. Ambos, juntos e separados, tentam lidar com as dificuldades da vida moderna, o Vagabundo trabalhando como garçom e, eventualmente, um artista.
Olha se não é o filme mais adorado pelos professores de História e Geografia desse Brasil. Confesso que devo ter assistido umas quatro vezes em sala de aula, mas nunca assisti sozinha para apreciar a obra sem pensar numa prova que viria a seguir. Quase 10 anos depois de largar a escola, irei me dispor ao flashback.
Disponível gratuitamente na NetMovies.
#17 — As Grandes Aventuras de Pee-Wee (1985) dirigido por Tim Burton. Comédia. Infantil.
O esquisitão Pee-Wee (Paul Reubens) é um homem excêntrico que possui um comportamento infantil. Ele embarca na maior aventura de sua vida quando parte em busca do seu bem mais precioso: sua bicicleta vermelha, que fora roubada em plena luz do dia. Pee-Wee percorre a imensidão do país para achá-la, e no meio do caminho se depara com pessoas e situações bizarras, como um caminhão fantasma, um cowboy, uma garçonete sonhadora e seu namorado invejoso, além de uma gangue de motoqueiros.
[Ainda não assisti]
Está no Prime Video para aluguel.
#18 — Grease — Nos Tempos da Brilhantina (1978) dirigido por Randal Kleiser. Musical. Romance.
Na Califórnia de 1959, a boa moça Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) e o metido Danny (John Travolta) se apaixonam e aproveitam um verão inesquecível na praia. Quando voltam às aulas, eles descobrem que frequentam a mesma escola. Danny lidera a gangue dos T-Birds, um grupo que gosta de jaquetas de couro e muito gel no cabelo, e Sandy passa tempo com as Pink Ladies, lideradas pela firme e sarcástica Rizzo. Quando os dois se reúnem, Sandy percebe que Danny não é o mesmo por quem se apaixonou, e ambos precisam mudar caso queiram ficar juntos.
Nem sei por onde começar a descrever o tanto que eu sou apaixonada por esse filme! É um filme que sempre me marcou muito por ser o único filme que me conectou com minha mãe, pois ela, ao contrário de mim, odeia cinema. E Grease é o filme que marcou a adolescencia dela e ela trouxe para minha e eu sei que um dia estarei levando esse filme para minha filha (que eu não tenho). Foi o musical que me fez amar musicais, também foi o filme que me introduziu ao Travolta e eu fui muito apaixonada por ele por um tempo. Óbvio que não perderei a chance de revê-lo, e vou tentar arrastar minha mãe comigo.
Disponível na Telecine.
#19 — O Poderoso Chefão (1972) dirigido por Francis Ford Coppola. Crime. Drama.
Uma família mafiosa luta para estabelecer sua supremacia nos Estados Unidos depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Uma tentativa de assassinato deixa o chefão Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) incapacitado e força os filhos Michael (Al Pacino) e Sonny (James Caan) a assumir os negócios.
Mais um que assisti em minha época de cinéfila, mas como faz muito tempo irei rever.
Disponível na Star Plus.
Todas as sinopses são a versão padrão que surge quando se pesquisa o título no Google, algumas foram adaptadas por mim, pois julguei que ficaria melhor. Até agora só assisti 6 dos 19, mas como vou rever muitos, vou considerar como zerado e conforme eu for assistindo vou fazer algum post sobre o que for visto que eu achar relevante. Se você quiser assistir junto, a gente pode ir trocando ideia. A lista completa você encontra no Letterboxd. A entrevista que deu origem a essa lista está disponível em vídeo no YouTube e também como artigo.
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nyupreservation · 1 year
Preserving the Shael Shapiro Papers
by Josephine Jenks, Institute of Fine Arts Conservation Center graduate student
Shael Shapiro is an architect best known for designing and helping to legalize live/work loft spaces for artists in downtown Manhattan. Shapiro was born in Brooklyn and studied architecture at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY. In 1967, he moved into George Maciunas’ original “Fluxhouse”–an industrial loft building turned artists’ cooperative at 80 Wooster Street in the SoHo neighborhood of Manhattan. It was there that Shapiro “helped mastermind the first conversion of an industrial loft building to residential use.” (Rosenblum 2012). By 1971, several hundred artists were living and working in SoHo lofts, in violation of the city’s zoning laws. That same year, Shapiro played a major role in the writing and ratification of New York’s “Loft Law,” which changed zoning rules to legalize residential use of the SoHo loft spaces.
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After the passage of the Loft Law, Shapiro spent the seventies shaping “the transformation of hundreds of dilapidated loft buildings in Lower Manhattan” (Rosenblum 2012). During the fifties and sixties, SoHo had become an economically depressed neighborhood of mostly-vacant, fire-prone commercial buildings. Known as “Hell’s Hundred Acres,” the area was slated for destructive re-development projects like a ten-lane highway proposed by Robert Moses. Shapiro, along with other members of his creative community, fought to preserve SoHo’s identity as a rich site of artistic and cultural production.
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The New York University Libraries Special Collections hold hundreds of Shapiro’s architectural drawings and plans. Some were drafted by hand on tracing paper, some are printed on paper or sheets of transparent plastic, and others are duplicates that were made using early copying technologies, such as diazotypes.
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Many of the Shael Shapiro drawings were folded or rolled up for several years; some are torn and tattered around the edges. In an effort to expand access to and preserve the condition of these documents, the Barbara Goldsmith Preservation & Conservation Department is undertaking their treatment, rehousing, and potential digitization. The first step of this process is a survey that gathers information about each drawing’s size, materials, content, and condition. Next, the drawings will be sent to the Conservation Center for Art & Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) in Philadelphia for treatment.
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Already during the survey, we’ve come across drawings of New York landmarks like the Singer Building, Keens Steakhouse, and Studio 54. It’s been a pleasure to see so much of the city’s architectural history reflected in these drawings, and we’re looking forward to the day when they are safely rehoused and accessible to researchers.
Bernstein, Roslyn and Shael Shapiro. “George Maciunas: The Father of SoHo.” The Gotham Center for New York City History. May 17, 2011. https://www.gothamcenter.org/blog/george-maciunas-the-father-of-soho
“City Drafts Plan for Lofts in SoHo.” New York Times, January 11, 1971. https://www.nytimes.com/1971/01/11/archives/city-drafts-plan-for-lofts-in-soho-calls-for-legalizing-artists.html
“Guide to the Shael Shapiro Papers.” New York University Archival Collections. http://dlib.nyu.edu/findingaids/html/fales/mss_200/bioghist.html
Rosenblum, Constance. “Less Familiar, but Still a SoHo Presence.” New York Times, December 28, 2012. https://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/30/realestate/shael-shapiro-guiding-sohos-transformation.html
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bm2ab · 1 year
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Arrivals & Departures 17 November 1938 – 01 May 2023 Gordon Meredith Lightfoot Jr.
Gordon Meredith Lightfoot Jr. CC OOnt  was a Canadian singer-songwriter and guitarist who achieved international success in folk, folk-rock, and country music. He is credited with helping to define the folk-pop sound of the 1960s and 1970s. He has been referred to as Canada's greatest songwriter and his songs have been recorded by some of the world's most renowned musical artists. Lightfoot's biographer Nicholas Jennings said, "His name is synonymous with timeless songs about trains and shipwrecks, rivers and highways, lovers and loneliness."
Lightfoot's songs, including "For Lovin' Me", "Early Morning Rain", "Steel Rail Blues", "Ribbon of Darkness"—a number one hit on the U.S. country chart with Marty Robbins's cover in 1965—and "Black Day in July", about the 1967 Detroit riot, brought him wide recognition in the 1960s. Canadian chart success with his own recordings began in 1962 with the No. 3 hit "(Remember Me) I'm the One", followed by recognition and charting abroad in the 1970s. He topped the US Hot 100 or Adult Contemporary (AC) chart with the hits "If You Could Read My Mind" (1970), "Sundown" (1974); "Carefree Highway" (1974), "Rainy Day People" (1975), and "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" (1976), and had many other hits that appeared in the top 40.
Several of Lightfoot's albums achieved gold and multi-platinum status internationally. His songs have been recorded by many notable artists. The Guess Who recorded a song called "Lightfoot" on their 1968 album Wheatfield Soul; the lyrics contain many Lightfoot song titles.
Robbie Robertson of the Band described Lightfoot as "a national treasure". Bob Dylan, also a Lightfoot fan, called him one of his favourite songwriters and said, "I can't think of any Gordon Lightfoot song I don't like. Every time I hear a song of his, it's like I wish it would last forever.... Lightfoot became a mentor for a long time. I think he probably still is to this day". Lightfoot was a featured musical performer at the opening ceremonies of the 1988 Winter Olympic Games in Calgary, Alberta and has received numerous honours and awards.
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
Detective Comics (vol. 1) #359 – The Million Dollar Debut of Batgirl!
Read Date: May 07, 2022   Cover Date: January 1967   ● Writer: Gardner Fox ● Penciller: Carmine Infantino ● Inker: Sid Greene ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Gaspar Saladino ● Editor: Julius Schwartz ● 
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Barbara Gordon, daughter of Gotham City Police Commissioner, James Gordon, prepares to attend a policeman's charity masquerade ball. She designs a costume in the style of Batman and names herself, Batgirl.
As she arrives at the country club, she finds a villain named Killer Moth and his Moth-Men attacking one of the guests, Bruce Wayne. Batgirl dives into them, giving Wayne a chance to escape. Bruce takes this opportunity to change into Batman, then returns to the spot to give Batgirl a hand. Killer Moth uses his silk gun to web Batgirl to the side of Bruce's car, and then escapes with his underlings. Batman pulls Batgirl free and introductions are made between the two.
The following day, Bruce Wayne receives a letter in the mail. Killer Moth wants him to pay $100,000 or else he will murder him. Bruce consults with Dick Grayson and the two lay a trap for Killer Moth.
That evening, Barbara Gordon leaves the library where she works. She has acquired a rare book that she intends on selling to Bruce Wayne. As she arrives at Wayne Manor, she finds Bruce lying dead in his study, with Killer Moth and his goons hovering above him. She hurriedly changes into Batgirl and leaps into the study. She fights off all three men at once, but once again, they succeed in escaping. Batman and Robin appear and tell her that the body of Bruce Wayne is actually just a dummy. They were laying a trap for Killer Moth in the hopes of tracking him back to his lair, but Batgirl spoiled their plans. Fortunately, Batgirl had planted a tracer on the Mothmobile so they can easily trail their foes back to Moth Mansion.
Batman and Robin arrive at the mansion first and enter through the front foyer. They suddenly discover that the room is in fact a gravity-well and they begin floating towards the ceiling. Batgirl follows in behind them and uses magnetic boots to keep herself on the floor. She disables the gravity-well, setting the caped crusaders free.
Batgirl manages to find the secret closet panel where Killer Moth is hiding. Batman and Robin each knock him out with one solid double punch. After taking the villain to prison, they say goodbye to Batgirl wondering when, or if, they will ever meet her again.
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Favorite Panel: Chose this one because it's the first contact between Babs and Dick <3
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Fan Art: Barbara Gordon by mullerpereira
Accompanying Podcast:
Batgirl to Oracle - episode 01
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
Episode 92: The Falcon Lake Incident Feat. Elliott Morgan Photodump
Image 01: On May 20, 1967 Stefan Michalak was prospecting for rare metals deep in Whiteshell Provincial Park (Canada) when he was burned by the noxious gasses of parked UFO. He became violently ill- vomiting and blistering. Image 02-03: Stefan’s clothing and tools were taken as evidence. Image 04: Stefan sketched the UFO as he believed it to belong to the USAF. Image 05: A police officer who encountered Stefan thought he was drunk. Image 06: Under the threat of UFOs, RCMP took an official report of the incident following Stefan’s release from the hospital. The RCMP and RCAF tried to find the landing site with Stefan’s tools, but were unable to find either the site or the tools. The authorities urged Stefan to show them the landing site in order to take samples and investigate further. Image 07: Stefan, too sick to leave his bed, drew a detailed map of his prospecting site which led authorities directly to the site. Image 08: The landing site. Stefan chose this particular place to mine for quartz as there is a large quartz vein running through the rock. Here we see the quartz vein and the steep incline where the UFO rested. Image 09: Curiously, authorities noted that the entire landing site was radioactive. Pieces of metal were melted into the rock that suggested a very large blast had occurred there. No other surrounding areas were found to be radioactive. Other agencies became involved in the investigation and metal samples were sent to the United States Air Force. Mysteriously, all of the samples tested by the USAF and the RCMP have “disappeared” aside from this one shard of metal (which is still radioactive so this guy holding it is hard af) Image 10: The land annexed as Whiteshell Provincial Park has been sacred land to the indigenous tribes of the area for thousands of years. Petroforms, or rocks arranged in specific patterns, exist all over the park and are thought to reflect astrological events. Shamans used the area for healing rituals and sacred rites. Additionally, the whole park is rife with rich quartz veins. Quartz is thought to have healing magical properties.
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data2364 · 2 years
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via Trekcore.com
Arlene Martel (T’Pring) 1967 in Star Trek: The Original Series "Amok Time“
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presleyspassions · 1 year
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May 01, 1967 ~ Elvis Presley being fed a mouthful of wedding cake by his bride Priscilla Beaulieu at the Aladdin Hotel, Las Vegas.
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talkingpointsusa · 5 months
Matt Walsh goes on a bizarre rant about minorities in the construction industry and somehow manages to be both misogynistic and racist simultaneously
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The May 8th edition of the Matt Walsh Show was absolutely stupid and infuriating, even by Matt Walsh standards. Apparently he's up in arms about female construction workers now, apparently the fact that Maine is trying to get more women involved in the construction industry is proof that white males are being systematically replaced. If this doesn't sound like bizarre white supremacist ramblings from a complete lunatic, I don't know what does. Lets get into it.
01:54, Matt Walsh: "If you've ever worked in some capacity on procuring a federal government contract than you're familiar with maybe the single most obvious and grotesque form of affirmative action that exists in this country. It's been around for a long time, as far back as Nixon's administration gender and racial affirmative action became mandatory for federal construction projects in the city of Philadelphia."
Naturally, Matt's mad that federal buildings aren't built by a team of white men and white men only. First of all, these kinds of projects aren't even that common. A majority of federal projects are things like post offices or military bases. It's a total non-issue unless you are obsessed with white people getting special treatment like Matt Walsh is.
Secondly, these rules don't just apply to race and gender. They also apply to people with disabilities and even veterans! These groups can include white males so his stupid argument falls apart even in that regard. Naturally, Matt Walsh wouldn't dedicate an entire episode of his show to how hiring veterans is an example of "woke DEI in action" or whatever because then he'd look like a dick to his audience as opposed to his usual form of looking like a dick to everyone but his audience.
Thirdly, even if those two things weren't true, who cares? People who aren't white males are allowed to have jobs in the construction sector. That is unless you're Matt Walsh and your entire point leads to the conclusion that people who aren't white males shouldn't have jobs in the construction sector or really any field because that would mean that we're being ungrateful to white men.
Just to shred the last bit of credibility Matt's argument might have, he's not even historically correct here either. The Philadelphia Plan was a short-lived federal affirmative action plan meant to address the racist hiring practices of the 1960's that lasted from 1967-1970. The bizarre thing about this episode is that Matt's seemingly trying to pretend that this is still in action. Check this out.
02:14, Matt Walsh: "And any federal contractor that hired fewer than 80 percent of the local share of quote 'any race, sex, or ethnic group' risked losing their contract and being barred from working with the federal government entirely. Within a year those requirements applied to contracts with all federal agencies nationwide. As attorney named Michael Toth pointed out recently in the Wall Street Journal, those rules are still in place today half a century later."
So Matt and this guy Michael Toth have found an obscure program from the 1960's that was basically "Hey guys, stop being racist when you hire people" that lasted for all of three years and has suddenly projected this program onto the present. I'm afraid to ask but do these guys want us to go back to what it was like in the 1960's? Oh yeah, of course they do because that's the only way to show gratitude to white males.
02:40, Matt Walsh: "Now the federal government can award no-bid contracts to so-called 'minority owned businesses' in many cases."
This isn't a bad thing, in fact it helps small businesses particularly ones that are economically disadvantaged. Supporting small businesses is something that we should all be doing and the federal government putting incentives in place to help them is an inherently good thing. What we're seeing here is absolutely naked racism.
03:07, Matt Walsh: "Now this is all highly inefficient, it's fraud basically and it's resulted in taxpayers being forced to waste a lot of money. As City Journal reported recently, some government contracts cost nearly 20% more than they would have without these affirmative action programs."
This is funny because a lot of the stuff that Matt Walsh supports such as unnecessarily high military spending and even more unnecessarily high police funding cost the taxpayers infinitely more than affirmative action in the contracting sector ever could.
03:28, Matt Walsh: "Instead of ending this social engineering and simply allowing markets to work without crude demographic manipulation, the Biden Administrations allies in state and local governments are doubling down. They've decided that they know exactly what the demographic makeup of each industry should be and it just so happens that white men aren't wanted in any industry."
This is so ridiculous. As if white men, a group that makes up %52.9 of the construction industry are underrepresented. Matt's essentially devoted this segment to giving a passionate defense for racist hiring practices based on the weak evidence of some program that lasted for three years and "muh taxes". Without these measures in place, we'd be seeing massive amounts of discrimination in the workforce.
No citations for anything he's saying by the way, just feelings and a couple opinion articles from right-wing sources as per usual.
03:51, Matt Walsh: "So I'll start with Maine where this week Democrats have determined that the field of construction, where blacks and hispanics make up nearly 40 percent of the workforce, simply isn't diverse enough somehow. Specifically the governor, Janet Mills, has determined that more women need to be construction workers and therefor Mills has signed an executive order that among other things will use state and federal funding to prioritize construction projects that involve women."
Essentially, this executive order is designed to help women enter the construction industry. This is mainly due to Maine experiencing a shortage of construction workers, something which Matt never acknowledges. Some of the things that it puts in place are the pursuit of grant opportunities to incentivize hiring women in construction and connecting businesses with women studying in the trades.
This is one of the least offensive bills on Earth. It's completely innocent and is really more of a push to help the construction shortage if anything. Matt is really raging about this though.
05:00, Matt Walsh: "We need construction workers, especially women now. Why? Why especially women? And this is odd coming from Janet Mills who spent her college years travelling through Europe and learning French before going into law school and spending the rest of her life in government. What does Janet Mills know about construction exactly?"
This is such a stupid argument. If people in congress could only pass legislation on exactly what they studied in college we'd get absolutely nothing done. Lets think about what the world would look like if Matt's argument had any bearing on it for a second. For starters, we can kiss NASA goodbye because I can't think of any congresspeople who studied aerospace engineering. What do they know about rocket science? No more vaccination programs or bills dedicated to combating cancer, these congresspeople know nothing of immunology and research on cancer.
I don't know if Matt knows this, I hope he does because he's a grown man, but people in government consult experts. Lets flip this around too. Matt's a high school graduate. Lets kick him off the Daily Wire because he has no qualifications.
05:24, Matt Walsh: "Now as always this DEI initiative is a solution in search of a problem."
Except that Maine is going through a construction worker shortage you dimwit. This is absolutely horrendous journalistic work even by Matt's standards. I propose that Matt learns the journalistic practices of "doing a twelve second Google search" and "actually reading about the thing that you're talking about so that you don't look like a stupid dipshit".
06:01, Matt Walsh: "By all accounts, fewer women are in construction for two simple reasons. First, because most women don't want to do construction and second because men are generally much better at it."
Citation needed. Matt never really backs up any of the stuff he's saying with legitimate evidence. I guess he just has a mental link with every woman in America which is how he knows that "most women don't want to do construction". That must come as a shock to the 1,173,000 women currently employed in the construction industry in the United States.
07:29, Matt Walsh: "Men tend to do most of the physically demanding and dangerous jobs everywhere. This is not a privilege that men have but rather a responsibility that they have carried. The takeaway from this shouldn't be that we need more women doing these jobs, it's that men and white men in particular historically, have had a unique and essential role in building and maintaining our civilization."
So, Matt's putting his misogyny and racism eggs in one basket here. Matt literally just admitted that 40 percent of the construction workforce consists of Hispanic and African American workers. Even historically Matt's completely incorrect due to the fact that a majority of our civilization historically was built using the horrific practice of slavery.
What exactly has Matt Walsh contributed to the world by the way? Really stupid easily debunkable commentary that's presentable enough to con people into believing it's gospel.
"Yeah, I'm not saying that I, Matt Walsh, am a hero. BUT civilization was built by white men just like myself so maybe show a little gratitude."
08:01, Matt Walsh: "So rather than this constant drum beat of scolding and lecturing and guilt and resentment, treating the presence of this group as a problem that must be solved that must be solved or a cancer that must be treated, the appropriate attitude is one of appreciation and gratitude."
This must be one of the greatest examples of acting oppressed over nothing in the history of humanity. Matt's essentially saying that he's mad that people are pointing out historical atrocities carried out by white males, such as the aforementioned slavery, and instead wants people to just kiss his ass for the rest of time. It's such a childish attitude to have.
08:18, Matt Walsh: "Men built every building you've ever been in, every bridge you've ever crossed, every road you've ever driven on."
More broad sweeping generalizations. Also, I find it so insane that he doesn't recognize that maybe that's because men have prevented women from building bridges, buildings, and roads. Keep in mind that this is still about legislation designed to address a construction shortage, something which he still hasn't acknowledged. He's acting as if men are being kicked out of construction in Maine which is a bald-faced lie.
09:05, Matt Walsh: "And this same logic applies to race as well, I mean these days of course as noted it's not just white men in the construction industry but historically speaking white men have been uniquely indispensable contributors to western civilization."
Yeah, because white men historically speaking didn't allow anyone of other races and creeds to contribute. I can't believe that this is an adult. Plus, people of other races and sexualities and genders have made massive contributions to our civilization. This is historically ignorant at best and borderline white supremacist at best.
09:48, Matt Walsh: "A sane society would be finding ways to get this group more involved in things given it's incredible track record of success, instead we go the other way."
Did I say borderline white supremacist? Yeah, I meant barely dog-whistling anymore pure unfiltered white supremacist. What Matt is essentially saying here is that white males are inherently superior to every other race and gender just by virtue of being white men. This is mask off for even the Daily Wire.
10:22, Matt Walsh: "It's also happening in the most populated city in the United States. Officials in New York have just proudly announced that they've awarded more than 2 billion dollars in contracts for the purpose of renovating JFK Airport and all of that money has gone to so called MWBE's which is short for minority and women owned business enterprises."
So, supporting small businesses in a region of NYC that's primarily made up of minorities. Got it. Is this the part where I'm supposed to be horrified that they're not just giving all the contracts to whites?
Alright, I'm tired of this segment so for the sake of my sanity lets look at some of the other more humorous stupid crap that Matt Walsh is peddling. We go to Matt's May 7th show where he's attempting to do a little bit of media criticism.
00:00, Matt Walsh: "Well it seems that Star Wars has gone woke, again, for approximately the ten thousandth time Star Wars has been used as a vehicle to push a radical left-wing agenda."
"A radical left-wing agenda", sounds serious. Clearly this is some really serious business that justifies stating that a piece of media pushes a radical left-wing agenda (as someone who works at a right-wing media company by the way, rules for thee and all that).
00:11, Matt Walsh: "A new animated Star Wars television series features a nonbinary Jedi who is nonbinary (sic) with other characters referring to this Jedi as 'them'."
Some character in a TV Show uses they/them pronouns, this is what you're concerning yourself with you complete and utter dimwit?! Dude, Star Wars takes place on a different planet. If any franchise should incorporate nonbinary characters it's Star Wars. Like, how can you look at Chewbacca and Jabba the Hut and go "Yeah, these characters fit into a male/female human gender binary". That aside, who cares? This is such a nonissue that it's not even funny.
By the way, Matt's struggling a little here because it looks like his team forgot to switch out the headline on screen from one displayed in a different segment. Brilliant work.
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01:51, Matt Walsh: "In any event, you know I find this line to be pretty funny. She says 'Let them die'. She doesn't care if the nonbinary Jedi dies and yet even as she expresses that level of disdain she still makes sure to respect the pronouns."
Yeah, it's a cartoon Matt. I feel like you might be reading a little too into this all things considered.
Well that was certainly.....something all right. Like I've said all along on this blog, if anyone displays this level of concern around the "white race" you should really run. Between Matt Walsh and Charlie Kirk it's been a pretty mask off couple of weeks for right-wing media fearmongering about race. Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
Original Videos:
“Ep. 1364 - White Men Deserve Gratitude, Not Demonization.” The Daily Wire
“And yet Another Reason Not to Watch Star Wars.” Rumble.com.
“Project Type: Is the Construction Project Private, Public, or Federal?” NCS Credit, 15 Mar. 2021.
U.S. Department of Labor. “Affirmative Action | U.S. Department of Labor.” Dol.gov, 2019.
David Hamilton Golland. “The Philadelphia Plan (1967-1970) •.” Blackpast.org, 26 May 2014.
“Governor Mills Signs Executive Order to Increase Women’s Employment in Maine’s Construction Industry | Office of Governor Janet T. Mills.” Www.maine.gov, 6 May 2024.
Whittle, Patrick. “Maine Has a Workforce Shortage Problem That It Hopes to Resolve with Recently Arrived Immigrants.” AP News, 19 Jan. 2024.
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sobreiromecanico · 6 months
Leituras da Semana (#11// 01 Abr 2024)
Harlan Ellison's Last Words: The Ambitious Plan for Sci-Fi Writer's Posthumous Comeback [Los Angeles Magazine]
Vale sempre a pena recordar Harlan Ellison, falecido em 2018, e autor de um legado impressionante na ficção científica: de contos desafiantes a antologias inovadoras (Dangerous Visions, de 1967, foi uma pedrada no charco, e mesmo hoje ainda lá encontramos alguma irreverência) e a guiões televisivos, Ellison foi célebre pelo seu talento, e também pela sua personalidade arisca. J. Michael Straczynski, amigo de longa data do autor (e sim, o criador de Babylon 5), é o executor literário de Ellison, e tem dedicado imenso tempo e imensa energia a resgatar as suas histórias do lento e injusto esquecimento a que pareciam estar destinadas. E graças a este trabalho neste ano teremos: Harlan Ellison's Greatest Hits, uma colectânea de contos editada por Straczynski e com prefácio de Neil Gaiman; a reedição de Again, Dangerous Visions, o segundo volume da antologia de Ellison, publicada em 1972 e há muito fora de publicação; e finalmente a edição de The Last Dangerous Visions, sem dúvida o mais famoso livro de ficção científica jamais publicado, um projecto que Ellison começou logo após a segunda antologia, mas que jamais concluiu. Vários autores que escreveram contos para o projecto já faleceram; outros retiraram os seus trabalhos há muito (Cristopher Priest foi um deles, e um crítico severo deste projecto); e agora Straczynski propõe-se concluir a empreitada com o material deixado por Ellison, e mais alguns contos de autores contemporâneos. De fora ficarão decerto as famosas introduções de Ellison a cada conto, já que aparentemente só terá escrito uma, mas será decerto interessante descobrir não exactamente o que teria sido, ou o que poderia ter sido The Last Dangerous Visions, e o que acabará por ser.
Nobody Wants to Buy the Future: Why Science Fiction Literature is Vanishing [Typebar Magazine]
O título parece-me clickbait-y, na medida em que existirá decerto uma diferença entre a ficção científica não constar nas listas de best sellers (os exemplos dados também não são os melhores) e não encontrar leitores, mas este artigo de Simon McNeil levantar alguns pontos interessantes.
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juliehowlin · 9 months
Tribbles were first encountered by Humans in the early 2150s when Denobulan doctor Phlox brought a small number aboard Enterprise NX-01 as an easily sustainable food source for his pets.
10 things you might not know about tribbles:
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inah-rosario · 11 months
sino ba si Angela Valdez. pinag-iipunan talaga siya nina Manang Aida at ng mga Panganay.
masyado siyang Puti na may Color Black nga. pang-view ng Persecution pala yung bodycon. puro blackhead lahat.
taong may Bao daw yan.
nangingitim siya for the first time????
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Review & Rating
* School ID : 300273 * School Name : Angela Valdez Ramos National High School * School Name w/ Add : Angela Valdez Ramos National High School, Asingan, Pangasinan * Short Name : AVRNHS * Previous Name : Asingan Community High School * Address : Macalong * Municipality : Asingan * Region : Region I * Province : Pangasinan * Division : Pangasinan II, Binalonan * Legistative District : 6th District * Curricular Class : Junior High School with Senior High School * Date of Operation : Sunday, January 01, 1967 * Sub-Classification : DepED Managed * School Type : School with no Annexes * Class Organization : Monograde * Telephone : 0755634638/563-4637 * Fax Number : n/a
kasi tinirhan niya yung bahay ko sa Cubao O.O
eh yun nga yung lugar ng The Virgin Suicides O.O
Miranda na Miranda siya masyado pala.
nakita talaga namin sa krus ay Miranda Cosgrove O.O
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pdj-france · 1 year
Publié par : Aashi SadanaDernière mise à jour : 01 août 2023, 22 h 19 ISTLa police israélienne inspecte la dépouille d'un assaillant palestinien sur le site d'une fusillade en Cisjordanie. (PA)Un officier de police qui n'était pas en service à Maale Adumim a entendu les coups de feu et s'est précipité sur les lieux, où la police a annoncé que l'agresseur palestinien avait tourné son arme contre lui.Un homme armé palestinien a ouvert le feu mardi dans une colonie israélienne à l'est de Jérusalem, blessant au moins cinq personnes avant d'être tué par balle, a annoncé la police israélienne.La fusillade à l'extérieur d'un centre commercial dans la colonie juive tentaculaire de Maale Adumim, en Cisjordanie occupée, était la dernière de la plus violente étendue du conflit israélo-palestinien dans la zone depuis près de deux décennies.Un officier de police qui n'était pas en service à Maale Adumim a entendu les coups de feu et s'est précipité sur les lieux, où la police a annoncé que l'agresseur palestinien avait tourné son arme contre lui.L'officier a ouvert le feu en réponse, tuant le Palestinien, qui était habillé en agent de sécurité dans un gilet fluo.Les groupes militants islamiques Hamas et Jihad islamique palestinien ont qualifié l'attaque d'"héroïque" mais n'ont pas revendiqué la responsabilité.Dans un clip audio prétendument enregistré par l'agresseur et partagé sur les réseaux sociaux, il jure de "mourir pour l'amour d'Allah" et demande que son attaque "ne soit revendiquée par aucune faction politique"."Cette opération est une réponse naturelle à la prise d'assaut de la mosquée sacrée d'Al-Aqsa", a annoncé le porte-parole du Jihad islamique, Tariq Salami, provoquant référence à une visite sur le lieu saint sensible de Jérusalem par le ministre israélien de la Sécurité nationale, Itamar Ben-Gvir, et des milliers de personnes. d'autres juifs religieux quelques jours auparavant. Le complexe contesté a longtemps été un foyer de violence entre Israéliens et Palestiniens.Le ministère palestinien de la Santé a identifié l'agresseur comme étant Muhannad al-Mazraa, 20 ans, d'Azariya, une ville de Cisjordanie juste à l'est de Jérusalem.L'agresseur a blessé au moins cinq personnes, d'après les services de secours israéliens. Les hommes, âgés de 14 à 40 ans, étaient pleinement conscients et dans un état modéré à grave, a-t-il ajouté.Les confrontations entre Israël et les Palestiniens en Cisjordanie se sont intensifiés au début de l'année dernière lorsqu'Israël a lancé des raids quasi nocturnes dans les zones palestiniennes de Cisjordanie pour répondre une série d'attaques palestiniennes contre des Israéliens.La violence a augmenté cette année, avec plus de 150 Palestiniens tués par des tirs israéliens depuis le début de 2023 en Cisjordanie et à Jérusalem-Est, d'après un décompte de l'Associated Press.Israël affirme que les nombreux personnes tuées étaient des militants, mais des jeunes lanceurs de pierres protestant contre les raids et d'autres non impliqués dans les affrontements ont aussi été tués.Au moins 26 personnes ont été tuées dans des attaques palestiniennes contre des Israéliens pendant cette période.Israël a capturé la Cisjordanie pendant le conflit du Moyen-Orient de 1967, de même que la bande de Gaza et Jérusalem-Est. Les Palestiniens recherchent ces territoires pour leur État indépendant espéré(Cette histoire n'a pas été éditée par le personnel de News18 et est publiée à partir d'un flux d'agence de presse syndiqué - Associated Press) Aashi SadanaAashi travaille au 'Breaking News Desk' de News18.com. Après avoir fait des distinctions en histoire au Lady Shri Ram College de Delhi, elle a poursuivi ses études de mas...Lire la suite
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