#may add some small changes to her yet
ria-starstruck · 8 months
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hal redesign btw. if u even care
feat me fighting for my life under the cut
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chicanedaze · 9 months
Good adaptations aren't scene by scene, line by line reenactments of a book. It's a completely different medium, that the creators can use to tell the story a different way. Besides budget issues (just writing a scene where a bunch of crazy stuff happens costs about $0, while portraying it on screen is a different matter), the pacing/flow is different in live action stuff than books.
The SPIRIT of the adaptation is what matters. The original PJO movies weren't bad because Annabeth's hair was brown or they didn't say the dialogue straight from the book or dare I argue, because they mixed in elements from further in the series. Rather, it was bad because the vibe was simply far too edgy. Percy was sassy, it did have humor, monsters were fine, but it fell flat on its face because it didn't understand its characters, its world, or its TONE. THE TONE. It was genuinely awful.
Good adaptations expand on the source material without losing the charm of the original. They understand what makes characters tick and what's at the core of the journey, its not about aesthetics or being faithful to the point of being dull and having nothing new to say.
The PJO series is doing that. Having Rick involved probably helped a lot. It has a rocky start, in my opinion. But from the second half of ep. 2 and into ep. 3, I see it gaining its footing.
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noisynaia · 2 years
summary: The good old 'oh no, there's only one bed' trope.
pairing: Joel Miller x afab!reader 
word count: 3.8k 
note: Explicit (18+). Vaginal fingering, unprotected P in V, creampie. No use of (y/n). Nightmares. This has not been beta nor proof read and English is not my native language.
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“Can you cut it out?” You sigh at the man who is currently and stubbornly laying on the hard floor next to the bed.    
It had been raining heavily for the entire day, the downpour so heavy that you couldn’t see more than a foot or two in front of you. All three of you were soaked to the bone and freezing. Spirit had been very low in your little travel group. Ellie had not come with her usual jokes and Joel had been even grumpier than usual so stumbling upon the little cabin had been a real stroke of luck. There had even been a dresser with enough dry clothes for all three of you to change into. 
You had given Ellie the couch in the living room since that was with the fireplace, leaving the single bedroom for you and Joel. 
“Just get up here. There’s plenty of space for the both of us.” You continue, cursing him and his damn stubbornness. The bed is not huge, but it will fit two people finely. 
“I’m fine down here. Trust me, I’ve had worse.” He just grumbles.  
You sigh, peeking your head over the edge of the mattress to look down at him. “I know you have a bad back and I need you to be well rested and alert, okay.” He tilts his head to look at you. “We both do…” You add, using Ellie to guilt trip him is maybe a little low, but you know it’s going to work and it is not like what you’re saying isn’t true. 
“Fine.” He finally sighs, as he gets up from the dusty floor, his knees creaking slightly before laying down next to you, but he doesn't get under the cover, instead laying straight on his back on top of the comforter with his arms crossed over his chest and eyes staring straight up at the ceiling.        
You want to tell him to just relax and get under the covers, but you don’t want to push your luck, so you just settle for the small victory of getting him into the bed, and who knows as sad as it makes you, maybe he really finds sleeping next to you more uncomfortable than the floor. 
You try not to dwell on that possibility too much, ashamed of how much that would affect you, so you just get comfortable under the covers instead. Turning to lay on your side, facing away from him as you close your eyes, but sleep doesn’t come to you.    
“Can I ask you something?” You whisper into the silent room, somehow knowing that he hasn’t fallen asleep yet. 
“It will never get easier will it? Living in this world… I tell myself that it will, that it is going to hurt less with time but… I’m just kidding myself, aren’t I?”
He doesn’t answer for a long time and you start to think that he may have fallen asleep before he finally breaks the silence. “No, I don’t think it will ever get easier.” A short beat of silence before he continues. “But I guess we can hope.” 
You sigh at his words. You really do hope so. The two of you are quiet again and you think he might have fallen asleep when he finally speaks again.  
 “Thank you.” Joel whispers into the darkness.
“For what?” You turn your head slightly towards him.  
“For tolerating my bullshit I guess.” 
It is the last words exchanged between you before sleep finally creeps up on the both of you. 
You wake up only a few hours into the night by the feeling of Joel’s frantic movements. He is tossing and turning uneasily and uttering incomprehensible muttered words. You turn around to face him, barely capable of making him out in the darkness of the room.
“Joel” You whisper, propping yourself up on your elbow, making you hover over him slightly. 
You watch the distressed look on his face, his eyes shut tight and his brows furrowed. Whispers of some terror make it out of his mouth. Your hand is hovering over his arm, unsure if he would be okay with your touch. But his nightmare seemingly continues. You frown and gently place your hand over his arm, softly rubbing the spot with your thumb.
“Joel.” You speak softly. “Wake up.”
You can feel how his whole body is shaking. He finally opens his eyes, letting out a gasp. His eyes wide and unfocused, clearly terrified of whatever he’d dreamed about, before they lock with yours and his gaze relaxes a little. 
“I’m sorry.” He mutters, his rapid breathing is slowly coming under control. 
“Don’t apologize.” You frown at him, your eyes are now better accustomed to the darkness and you can see his face more clearly. “I get them too.” You confess dropping your head back on the pillow.
“Do you need anything?” You ask, feeling him move slightly on the mattress.
“No.” He sighs, rubbing a hand over his face.
Silence falls over you, the two of you just laying and listening to your own quiet heartbeats. 
“Why don’t you get under the covers?” You finally say, almost a little pleading.
And to your happy surprise he actually does. Joining you under the covers, even though he lays stiff as a board and way closer to the edge of the bed than he needs to. You can live with that, you are just happy that he at least can be a little more comfortable and warm. 
“You can talk to me, you know? If you ever need it”
A beat of silence. 
“Yeah… I know darling.” 
Darling. You think your heart skips a beat by the endearing name and you let out a sigh as you finally close your eyes again. “Goodnight Joel” 
You wake again in the early hours of the morning. It’s a slow ease into consciousness, a much gentler awakening than you normally get to have. Your eyes are still closed, and the only thing you currently perceive is the warm safe feeling of complete comfort, still half asleep, you haven’t registered what contributes to this feeling, how Joel is embracing you in his sleep. 
Comfortably wrapped in a blanket in a soft bed and feeling the heat of someone’s body against you is a luxury you haven't felt in a long time. The comforting feeling of soft human touch makes you melt into it, and crave it from the very marrow of your bones. You stir slightly, letting out a content sigh as you slowly get pulled out of your sleepy daze, and that is when you realize the position you are in.    
Your back is pressed up against Joel’s chest and his strong arm is wrapped around your waist. Your legs are entangled under the covers and his steady warm breath fans over the back of your neck. The two of you must have instinctively reached for each other in your sleep, the presence of a warm comforting body too irresistible, nuzzling you against himself in his sleep.
Your heart skips a beat at the gentle touch, feeling like you are going to cry from the overload of human touch. There is no way you’re gonna be able to part from his embrace without waking him, but maybe you should? Even though you really don’t want to. You feel slightly guilty as you lie and listen to his steady heartbeat
You want to be selfish for a little longer, savoring the warm comfort of Joel’s presence beside you, enjoying how it makes you feel. It feels too damn good after all the years of loneliness and fear. You can’t deny that you are feeling things for Joel. He is an attractive man, there is no doubt there, but there is more to it. The glimpses you have gotten of who he is behind the gruff facade, the man he must once have been, has made you yearn to get to know more of that side of him. The way he always makes sure you and Ellie are feeling safe. The way he over time has softened up a bit. How he sometimes will go along with Ellie’s shenanigans. How he will tell you that he will take the first night shift, but then never wake you so you get to sleep the whole night. You have scolded him for this numerous times, but he still does it whenever he senses that you are just a little more tired than usual. 
You try to ease out of his embrace without waking him, but it only results in him hugging you tighter, pressing you closer towards him as he lets out a dissatisfied grunt like his subconscious wants you close. And it is now, as you are being pressed tighter up against him that you feel it, the press of his hard cock against the curve of  your ass. You let out a little gasp, as a hot shiver travels from your abdomen down to your now throbbing cunt.
You know that it’s just a physical reaction to have a body this close, he didn’t even want to share the bed with you in the first place, but you had insisted on it. As much as you dread having to face him in this position, you really should wake him.   
“Joel.” You whisper, moving your hand over the arm he has around you, gently brushing your fingers over the warm skin, waiting for him to wake. He stirs a little against your touch, but he does not loosen his grip on you. You hold your breath, feeling your pulse throb in your ears as you wait for a reaction. You just hope this won’t make him go back to being as closed off with you as he was in the beginning. You take a deep breath to brace yourself before you turn around in his grip so the two of you are laying face to face. Your movement seems to finally have pulled him out of his sleep. His eyes start to blink slowly as he is pulled out of his slumber, he murmurs your name, voice rough and raspy from sleep and it makes your heart skip a beat. 
His eyes are finally opening to look into yours, the warm umber of his irises is so beautiful, you have never seen them this near. His face is so close. You can see every detail, every crease and he is so damn gorgeous. Your mouth is so close to his, it would be so easy to just lean in and connect your lips in a kiss. You feel Joel’s body stiffening as he realizes the position the two of you are in, and you are scared that he will bolt out of the bed and leave you cold and alone, but he doesn’t. The two of  you are simply laying in silence for a long moment, looking at each other in the dim room, both of you engulfed by the other, but you finally collect enough composure to break the silence between you.
“Good morning.” You whisper into the quiet bedroom. 
“Morning.” His voice is so deep and still rough from sleep. It makes your stomach do a flip. Maybe it is just wishful thinking but you swear that his eyes swift down to your lips for a second. Maybe it’s just time to be brave? You reach your hand up toward his cheek, letting your palm hover about half an inch from his skin. You want him to decide for himself if he is comfortable with your touch. Fortunately, after only a short moment of hesitation, he leans into your hand, exhaling as your palm cups his cheek. You kind of expect him to pull away any minute, but he doesn’t. 
“I haven’t slept this well in a long time.” You confess.  
“Me neither.” You have never heard his voice this soft before and that is when it dawns on you. This is Joel Miller. Not the man that has had to survive in a world with no hope, or the man that has lost everything that made him whole. Right now you are looking into the eyes of the man he once must have been. And maybe right now you’re the woman you were meant to be, the woman you would have been if your future hadn’t been torn away from you by the collapse of the world. There is something magnetic about it. Like the two of you are being pulled together by an invisible force, drawn together in the early morning bliss, both of you learning into earth other. Your lips brush, a ghost of a touch. He shivers but he is  still not pulling away. 
“Can I?” He whispers, his soft breath fanning over your lips. 
“Please.” You manage to croak out, your entire body buzzing with anticipation.  
It is all he needs to hear before he crashes into you, his chapped lips colliding with yours. It has been too long since you have felt the firm pressure of a man’s mouth on yours. You kiss until your lungs start to burn, and you have to pull away to catch your breath. His hand moves down to the hem of your shirt, his fingers ghosting over the warm skin beneath it.    
“Is this okay?” He asks, sounding a little unsure. 
“Yes, Joel.” You assure him. “Kiss me.” You add and he does, sliding his hand under the cotton of your shirt palming the soft skin of your side. You moan into his mouth as his tongue meets yours. You kiss until you no longer know where he starts and you end and you are almost convinced that the two of you have melded into one being.  
“You’re driving me crazy.” He pants out as he finally breaks the kiss. All you can manage is to whimper in response as he moves his lips to your throat, licking and kissing a trail to the side of your neck. His hand slowly slides down from your side to the hem of your pants. 
“Do you want me to stop?” He murmurs into the skin just below your ear, before sitting up just slightly to look into your eyes. 
“No.” You shake your head slightly. “Please don’t stop, Joel.” 
You roll your hips a little, grinding against his strong thigh, needing him to understand how badly you want this. Something flickers in his eyes and he lets out a filthy guttural groan, flipping you over so you're laying under him.    
Your entire body is aflame by his touch, a feral urge for more. More skin, more contact. So you move onto his shirt. The material slightly withered and moth-eaten from the years of being tucked away in a drawer. You pull it off him, revealing his broad upper body. You pause, captivated by the look of him hovering over you. The scars across his skin, the sparse hairs trailing down from his navel to his pants.    
You wonder if he shaking because he’s cold or if he’s really just that eager for your touch. But it doesn’t really matter, either way, you’ll warm him up.
He slides his calloused fingers over the sensitive skin of your thighs, hooking them in the waistband of your panties, looking into your eyes. You nod at him, mouthing a ‘please’, spreading your legs a bit further. It is all he needs, an expression of filthy desire flickers over his face as he pulls your underwear down. Letting out a gasp as your soaked pussy gets exposed in front of him. His fingers slide along the insides of your wet lips. 
“Shit, you’re so wet. All this just for me?” He almost coo.
“Yeah. All for you, Joel.” 
“Wanna feel you come on my fingers.”   
“Fuck, want that too.” You whimper.                
He gives you a smile, dipping his head down to your shoulder, nuzzling his nose against the crook of your neck before kissing the soft skin under your ear. He makes sure to coat his fingers in your wetness before he begins to tease your clit. You let out a little gasp as he starts to draw slow light circles, but it doesn’t take long for him to pick up his pace and add a bit of pressure.
He teases your entrance, making sure to coat his fingers in your slickless before he slips one of his thick fingers into you. Another is soon added and you sigh at the sensation. He slowly pumps into you at first, giving you time to adjust to his digits, but he is soon picking up the pace.  
“That’s right darling.” He mutters against your neck. “Taking my fingers so well.”
He is going fast now, using his middle and index finger to fuck you while the ruff pad of his thumb is pressing on your clit and you can’t help but let out a few pathetic whines. He is hitting a perfect spot, so deep inside of you, and you feel your orgasm approaching, finally falling over the edge when he curls his fingers. 
“That’s right, just like that.” Joel groans as you clench around his fingers, slowing his pace slightly but still  pumping you through your orgasm in a steady rhythm. “Just like that, darling, doing so well.”
He lets you ride out your climax on his fingers until he finally pulls out of you, popping them into his mouth, sucking off your juices with a pleasant moan.    
“Fuck, Joel.” You pant out as you finally come down from your amazing high. 
“Good?” He asks, a sly smile on his lips. 
“Really good.” You ensure him, cupping his cheek with a gentle hand. “Want to make you feel good too.” You whisper, looking deeply into his eyes.
“Fuck, darling. I want to feel you so bad.” He confesses.  
“Want that too. Fuck, want that so bad” You pant, letting your thumb slide over his cheek as you admire his handsome face. And you do want him, but more than that, you need him.
He lifts himself from you to strip off his pants and underwear. Your eyes widen at the view of him. His hard cock springs free, throbbing and thick, laying heavy in his palm as he takes himself in his hand. It still looks huge, even in his big hand, so you can’t even imagine how enormous it will look in your smaller one. He pumps himself a few times before leaning down over you again. He guides his cock to your entrance, looking at you for permission, which you give with an eager nod, before slowly pushing inside you, stretching your pussy to its limits the deeper he goes. You feel so full, like he is splitting you open with his thick girth. You whimper as you take more and more of his cock until he is all the way in. 
“Fuck darling, you’re so warm, so fucking tight around me.” He groans before leaving a firm kiss on your lips. The two of you are laying like this for a little while, letting you adjust to his size until you can’t take it anymore. 
“Move.” Your voice is low and rasped. “Please.”   
With that, he lifts your legs, making you cross them around his lower torso as he pulls out of you, achingly slow until only the head of his cock is still inside of you before inserting all of it again in one fluid motion. You let out a gasp of pleasure. 
He starts out with a slow rhythmical pace. He is giving you sweet praise at first, then progressively dirtier, more lustful comments as he loses himself more and more, his thrusts getting faster and more desperate. He lets out a throaty groan as your hands grab his hair. The way he is now pounding his cock into you, deep and purposefully, makes you cry out in pleasure, your ears filling with his growls and moans. 
“Feeling so so good…” He says his eyes clenched tightly shut as he keeps thrusting into you with a savage speed. “I knew you would feel good, but damn.” He groans through gritted teeth. Joel is now moving with an urgency that has you seeing stars and you let out a cry of pleasure. 
“Shhh.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your lips to quiet you.  Ellie is, unlike you and Joel, a deep sleeper, but you would both be mortified if she heard the two of you, not wanting to traumatize the poor girl. 
“You are taking me so well.” He encourages. “So fucking good.” 
Your arms are desperately clinging to his back. His balls are hitting your skin and his cock is pounding into your soaked pussy, making a filthy squelching noise hit your ears. 
The pressure is beginning to build up in your lower stomach, the feeling is making your head go dizzy. He is bringing you closer and closer with every strong thrust of his cock.
“I-fuck… I'm close.” You babble. 
The knot in your stomach tightens and tightens until it all explodes inside you. Your walls clench down around him, sucking him in. You desperately cling to him as your climax washes over you, hands on his neck as you guide his mouth down to yours, you need him to kiss you through this. Your breasts are being squeezed against his chest, the feeling of his skin against your sensitive nipples makes you moan into his mouth.  
You whine out as you feel the warmth of his release filling you up. 
“Shit, shit, shit.” He detaches from your mouth. The panic from cumming inside you is clear on his face. He pulls out, some of his load landing on your stomach, but most of it still inside of you, the sudden empty feeling makes you let out a little whine. 
“Shit, I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have—” 
You know that he is right, he really shouldn’t have done it, but you can’t get mad at him you had been just as caught up in the feeling of him as he had been in you. You finished your cycle only a couple of days ago so you should hopefully be okay. 
You cup his cheek, planting a soft kiss on his lips. “I think we should be okay, just don’t make a habit of it.” You grin at him. 
He visibly relaxes at your words “I’ll make sure to pull out next time.” He assures you and your stomach flutters. Next time. You smile at his words.   
“How do you feel?” He asks. 
“Good.” You laugh lightly, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I liked seeing this side of you.”
He sighs as he pulls you close. His chest vibrates against you as he speaks. “You’re going to be the death of me, aren’t you?” 
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corroded-hellfire · 7 months
Reading AYW things has me thinking about Eddie and Reader sniffing baby Eliza right after they bring her home and she’s got that fresh baby smell and Luke and Ryan are like “what are they doing?”
-cj. @cheesewritings
Just out here fueling my own baby fever. Please enjoy some lil baby Eliza 💕
Words: 1.2k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Less than a month has gone by since you’ve given birth to your and Eddie’s baby girl and yet so much has changed. Your hormones still give you mood swings from time to time. Eddie feels a bit more tired than usual between being up at odd hours of the night and trying to make sure you and Eliza are being taken care of while still keeping Ryan and Luke’s normal weekly routine going. The boys dote over their baby sister, but their sleep has definitely been impacted as well by the high-pitched wailing that comes just down the hall every night. One morning at breakfast before school, Luke fell asleep with half of his face in his bowl of Corn Flakes. 
But every small discomfort is well worth it to have the most beautiful baby girl you’ve ever seen. Her eyes already threaten to be as wide and doe-like as her father’s and you know you’ll be in deep trouble then. The soft wispy baby hairs on her head are similar in color to Eddie’s and her eyebrows have the same arch as his. Eliza absolutely has your nose and lips though. Your husband swears it’s as if God copy and pasted the features right from you to your daughter. Whenever she smiles though, you see her brothers. It may still be gas for her at this age, but the smile that upturns her pretty pink mouth is the spitting image of what you see on the faces of your sons. Munson charm in full effect. 
Evenings have been the most unpredictable so far. Will Eliza be awake? Asleep? Hungry? Fussy? Happy? Content? Not to mention what Eddie or the boys will be like.
Tonight is a good night, though. The boys are down the hall playing video games in Ryan’s room, and you and Eddie are cuddled up on the couch, Eliza snuggly cradled between your arms. Spider-Man is playing on the television, but you’d both forgotten about the movie the second that your daughter woke up, about fifteen minutes into the superhero flick. 
“Oh, look what a big mouth you have!” you coo as your daughter releases a tiny yawn, as if she hasn’t spent most of her day sleeping. You envy the hours of rest infants need. 
Eddie gazes down at her adoringly and the love shining in his eyes threatens to have your heart burst right through your ribs. It’s no secret that he’s always wanted a daughter and it’s still dizzying to think that you’re the one to give that to him. 
Soft, gurgling baby noises come from the baby’s mouth as she looks back and forth from you to her father. Both you and Eddie chuckle when she lifts her small arms above her head, then on the way down stops to stick her tiny fingers in her mouth. 
“God, she’s perfect,” Eddie muses, and you’re not sure if you were meant to hear it or he was just thinking aloud. Either way, he’s right. Every little thing about her has captured your heart. 
Slowly, Eddie leans forward and presses his lips to her soft forehead. 
“And she smells so good,” Eddie adds, making you giggle. 
“I know!” you agree. “What is it about that new baby smell?”
Gently, you lift Eliza so her head is more level with yours and Eddie’s. As one, you both lean in and inhale the scent wafting off your daughter. The baby doesn’t seem to mind, but it looks like she’s trying to figure out what you’re doing by the way she keeps looking at you. And she’s not the only one.
“What are they doing?” Luke mutters to his older brother from where they stand off to the side of the hallway connecting the living room to the rest of the house. 
“Smelling her,” Ryan answers with a shrug.
“Uh, why?” Luke furrows his brows as he watches the scene on the couch in confusion.
“Seeing if she needs a diaper change? I don’t know,” Ryan says.
“But they’re smiling. No one would ever smile around one of Eliza’s dirty diapers,” Luke says, having plenty of experience to back up that claim. 
“Maybe they washed her hair,” Ryan offers with another shrug. “I don’t know, I guess she just smells good.”
Luke’s quiet for a moment before he tilts his head up to look at his brother.
“Do they ever smell you?”
“No,” Ryan says with a sigh, this conversation already exhausting him. 
“Do they smell me when I’m not looking?” Luke asks, more rhetorical this time. 
“Yes, we all do,” Ryan goads. “We’ve been meaning to talk to you about taking more baths.”
The younger Munson boy glowers at his brother and stomps past him into the living room.
“Um, does she smell?” Luke asks as he approaches the couch.
“Yeah,” Eddie says, looking up at his son with a grin. “She’s got that new baby smell. C’mere.”
He gestures for Luke to lean in and smell the top of Eliza’s head. The boy does and when he pulls back, he’s smiling.
“She kind of smells like cheese.”
The words make you giggle, and you lay your head on your husband’s shoulder as Eddie cradles Eliza against his chest. 
“Ryan! She smells like cheese!”
“What?” Ryan asks as he walks over. 
“Yeah, but like actual cheese. Not a Cheeto or the stuff in a can.”
Ryan frowns. “Didn’t you just eat a whole bottle of Cheez Wiz yesterday?”
“You did what?” Eddie asks, raising an eyebrow at his youngest son.
“I said it wasn’t real cheese,” Luke says to Ryan, ignoring his father completely. “Not that it wasn’t delicious. Now smell,” Luke urges him.
Ryan gives his little brother a skeptical look, but when you give him a reassuring nod, he leans in and sniffs her hair.
“It’s like…baby powder. But…I don’t know, fresher?” Ryan isn’t sure how to describe it, but he certainly doesn’t think cheese is the word he’d use. 
“Do all babies have it?” Luke asks as he takes a seat next to you.
“Most do,” Eddie tells him. “You both did.”
“When did I lose it? Or do I still have it?” Luke tries to yank one of his curls straight so he can get a good whiff of it, but to no avail. 
“It goes away after a few weeks or months,” Eddie says.
“What causes it?” Ryan asks.
Your husband smiles and you can tell he loves the boys asking him these questions. He’d sit here and talk to them about Eliza—or anything, really—all day. 
“I don’t know, pal,” Eddie says. 
“It’s like new car smell!” Luke adds. 
“But better,” you say, poking his tummy in his most ticklish spot. He giggles and squirms around at your side. Once he’s calmed, Luke slumps against your arm and watches Eliza fuss a little in Eddie’s arms.
“Even when she loses that baby smell,” Luke says, poking you in the thigh with a small bony forefinger, “I hope she grows up to smell like you and not Daddy.”
Eddie’s jaw drops open as he turns his head towards Luke. You want to make some sort of witty remark, but you can’t think of any. Plus, you’re laughing way too hard to speak. 
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brain-rot-central · 8 months
Hey Jealousy
Rating: M/borderline E? (for now) Pairing: Spawn!A/Fem!Tav Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: NON-CANON, 18+, degrading speech, somewhat dubcon for certain parts but not totally?, adult themes, mentions of past sexual relationship, alcohol mention, alcohol use, blood mention, possessiveness, jealously, stalking, dry humping, ANGST, some fluff, bitter petty nonsense overall tbh
Summary: Astarion and Tav split at the end of the game due to a huge miscommunication. She tries desperately to move on, Astarion not so much. He finally gets ahold of her, aaaaand some messy feelings come out.
A/N - 1/28/24: Reuploading this! Not much has changed; mostly pulled it for grammatical editing purposes. Hopefully the story flows a bit better now!
The tavern is bustling with the usual weekend crowd. Upbeat music fills the air of the small establishment as this evening’s band continues their set. Drinks cascade like waterfalls into the hands and mouths of the tavern's parched patrons, each desperate for a distraction to drive out the unsettling reality of their lives, albeit for a few hours.
Astarion is perched in a corner of the tavern, circling the tip of his finger around the edge of his wine goblet. The unpleasant flavor of piss and vinegar lingers on his tongue from the spirit, mouth salivating. He sucks his teeth instinctively, trying to rid himself of the taste. 
Reaching into the pocket of his favored violet and gold doublet, he retrieves a small vial of crimson liquid. He pops off the stopper and deposits the contents into his cup, bringing the cylindrical glass to his mouth to lap up the small droplet that rolls down its side.
He hums in satisfaction as the sweet flavor spreads across his tongue, floral and lively, before returning the stopper back atop the vial. Using a single finger, he swirls the additive into his wine, bringing the goblet back to his lips for another sip. 
Ah, much better.
Surveying the bar, Astarion catches the attention of a young elven woman. She's aesthetically pleasing on the eyes - blonde hair with tan skin. Were he here for another reason, he may have tried his luck with her.
Astarion nods politely. The woman then rises from her seat, walking toward him. “Shit,” he mutters to himself, adjusting his positioning. He hurriedly repockets the blood vial within his doublet and hangs his head low just as she takes the seat at his booth, opposite him.
“Well, you’re certainly different from the usual fare,” she says, confidently. “Not often we get you teu-tel-quessir folk in here.” 
Astarion absently swirls his wine. She believes I'm a moon elf?
Assuming that she's a regular of this tavern, this woman may be somewhat oblivious. Were she not, she’d have realized this is his third visit this month alone.
Astarion decides to play into her little game - he’s compelled to see how long he can keep the charade going. “I’m but a weary traveler, just passing through,” he lies. It rolls off his tongue like the caress of an old friend. Creating a fictitious life for himself is something he’s had quite a bit of practice doing.
“Is that so? I, too, happen to be passing through here.” The woman places her elbows on the table and leans forward, giving Astarion better access to the cleavage threatening to spill over the top of her bodice. His eyes fall briefly to the woman’s chest, but he doesn’t look at her face. Not yet. “Got the room rented out upstairs for a couple more days,” she adds, tone hushed.
Sliding her hand toward his, she gently rubs her fingers over the ones he has encased around the neck of the wine goblet. Astarion shudders, not expecting such an intimate touch, and finally lifts his gaze to meet her own. “Care to make a few mistakes with me?” she asks.
Astarion snickers. He can tell part of her story is a facade, though he doesn’t care enough to discern which. 
“My apologies, love, but I’ve made enough mistakes to last a lifetime,” he replies. Pulling his hand from her, he grabs his wine by the cup, bringing it again to his lips. “I’ll have to decline.”
The elven woman softly hums in disappointment, standing up from her seat at the booth. “Such a shame,” she says, “you really are something beautiful.” She raises a hand to her lips, kissing the pads of her fingertips before extending them out toward him. Gently blowing on her fingers, she says, “If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
Astarion raises his cup to her and she walks off, returning to her group of friends on the far side of the tavern. He groans a sigh of relief.
Wasting little time resuming his attention on the crowd surrounding him, another is quick to catch his eye. He's seen her before - long auburn hair flowing down her back with streaks of blonde scattered throughout. She wasn't dressed in her evening best, but even so, the blouse and slacks she wore left little to his imagination.
She's sitting at the bar in the middle of the tavern, a young tiefling gentleman holding her attention at present. He’s not her usual type, Astarion notes to himself, though he remains transfixed on their interaction.This is the second man he's seen this evening trying their hand at impressing the young human woman. 
A smile forms on her lips as she converses with her current suitor. Astarion once again swirls his goblet of wine before bringing it back to his mouth for another taste.
He knows this woman, rather intimately, at that. He’s held her hair within his hands, traced the outline of her jaw with his fingertips. The smell of her skin is ever present in his mind. The saltiness of her sweat on his tongue as he lavishes her throat, the intoxicating roll of her hips against his as he bites down into the tender flesh of her neck… the rush of blood cascading down his throat.
He swallows thickly around the memory.
They've been together a handful of times throughout their travels to save the Realm from the threat of the Absolute, but that was neither here nor there, at this point.
The tiefling begins skirting his fingers along her forearm, and she leans into his touch. Astarion seethes from his place in the booth, a rush of warmth flooding his core and quickly spreading outward to each of his limbs. It’s been months since they decided on this new agreement, though his reaction is just as strong whenever another encroaches on her.
Astarion looks on as the red-head gently pats her companion’s arm before standing from her seat. His eyes follow her toward the back of the tavern. After downing the rest of his drink in one quick swing, he’s following her, careful to keep just enough distance not to rouse suspicion.
The music from the band thumps loudly in his chest as he draws closer to the crowd of people gathered before the stage. Lucky for him, they’re so entranced by the show that they hardly notice his mindless weaving, trying not to lose sight of his target. Astarion stops for a moment to refocus, looking around. It doesn’t take him long at all to zero in a glimpse of those fiery locks disappearing down a hallway off to the side.
His feet bring him to the start of the long corridor and he peers cautiously around the corner. The woman is not to be found, likely in the powder room. Astarion sighs, some of the built up tension beginning to wane from his shoulders, and comes to stand with his back against the window across from the facilities.
The residual tension within him is beginning to bleed into anxiety and doubt the longer he waits. His mind is rapidly exchanging scenarios, all of which cause his stomach to become unsettled. Gooseflesh spreads over his arms and the fine hairs covering them stand on end. Why is he doing this? They'd agreed to be friends and nothing more. It’s his fault for not being able to honor his end of the deal, he knew, but by the Gods, he simply does not care.
Since the first drops of her blood spread across his tongue, Astarion knew something within him changed. He wasn't sure if it was due to her being his proverbial “first,” but he felt… compelled by her from that moment forward. Bonded almost, in a strange way. 
In a sea of crimson, her blood would always sing loudest to him. It horrified him in the beginning, recalling memories of Cazador's puppeteering ways. The fear ebbed into compassion, after a time. As their physical relationship grew more intimate, compassion melted into an overwhelming desire to guard her. A want to protect what was his, finally his, after so many godsdamned years of pure, absolute shit.
Their… whatever it was they shared, was his. And he would gladly throw his life on the line any chance he could to insure its sustainability.
He catches a glint of red in his peripheral vision again. The human, oblivious to his presence, begins her trek back to her seat at the bar. The thought barely has time to process in Astarion’s head before his body reacts, reaching out to grab the side of her arm, pulling her back toward the wall with him.
“What the-!” the woman exclaims in shock. Her other hand comes up to begin swatting at the offending appendage. She stops midway as her eyes meet his face, recognition washing over her. “Oh, Astarion,” she says, voice flat, “what… what are you doing here?”
A practiced smile graces his lips as he releases the grip on her arm. “Am I not free to seek my own pleasure, darling?” An uneasiness begins to take root again, mind scolding him once the words leave his lips. What in the hells kind of question is that? 
Astarion clears his throat. “I was simply out for a drink before returning home when I saw what appeared to be a fire in the middle of the bar.” Unsure of what response he's hoping for, he's praying she doesn't catch onto his desperate attempt at recovery.
A quick blush spreads across her cheeks and she bows her head, giving a genuine smile. Astarion huffs out a breath in relief. 
During their time together, Astarion would often tease that her hair reminded him of a raging fire. Eventually, he adorned her with the pet name of “spitfire;” she thoroughly enjoyed solving the majority of her problems through brute force. She favored it, evidenced by a deep blush that would spread across her features.
Not unlike the one rising to her face at this very moment.
Were he honest with her, he’d tell her that this isn’t the first time he’s followed her since they parted - watched helplessly from afar as she rotated through potential nightly suitors. He chooses not to, however. Chooses to not tell her that he’s noticed every man she’s taken home has platinum hair. How they’re always of elven lineage.
She seems to buy his excuse as she visibly relaxes before him. “Oh, no, of course, Astarion,” she sighs. “It's uh, it's been a few weeks, hasn't it?” Her eyes are soft as she shifts her weight onto one hip. “How have you been?”
She's nervous, he can tell. She's doing that thing with her lip, chewing the inside of it. The rush of blood in her veins crashes and bellows in his ears as her blush settles deeper across the top of her chest.
“As well as one would imagine,” Astarion replies, “after having their heart broken.” There’s an air of nonchalance decorating his tone. A well-worn smirk tugs at his lips. He's fuming inside at the thought of another touching her, but he doesn't want to play his cards outright yet. 
No, he wants to see her squirm, wants to inflict just a touch of the torment he's experienced since their parting.
What a spiteful creature.
Her expression falls flat, jaw tensing. “I'm not sure what you mean by that,” she retorts in a meek tone. She pulls her shoulders back. "I-I thought we agreed to be friends, no?”
Astarion glances over his shoulder to see the young tiefling gentleman from before passing behind them. Their eyes meet, Astarion furrowing his brow. His jaw tightens, lips curling upward, and the peaks of his fangs are visible. He watches for the tiefling’s reaction, elated to find that the boy is clearly shaken by his display. The Tiefling turns to speak but decides against it, turning his back to the scene before him. 
Astarion sneers.
Yet another unworthy fool. 
Though… a fool who has touched her. Something he and only he should be privy to.
An inferno erupts within him.
Astarion grabs the young woman by the arm again and leads her toward the supply closet at the end of the hall, making quick work of the lock. Astarion scans their surroundings before opening the door and shoving her in, a small squeak pushed past her lips from the impact of his hand on her back. Quickly closing the door behind him, he yells, “Ignis!” a fireball lighting the lone torch in the room.
“Astarion, what-” she shouts in protest. Before the opportunity arises he’s back on her, pinning her in place to the wall with his hips. His hands fly up to cup either side of her jaw.
"Do you truly believe I meant that?" he growls low in his throat, their eyes meeting in a whirlwind. “That I only wanted to be friends?” he adds, mockingly. 
He's desperately searching her face for something, anything to show him he's not alone in this. Her tense expression stokes the fire raging within him.
Suddenly, he's spiraling.
The small voice in his head, his conscience, is yelling at him to stop - to pull back. She’s made it quite clear how she feels, you love-sick idiot. 
Logic fails him - he cannot form a single cohesive thought. Not when she's looking at him like that.
A doe caught unawares in the middle of a forest. Eyes blown wide, mouth slightly agape. Not unlike those he's hunted multiple times in the past. His chest heaves as he drinks in her expression, a wave of heat rising up within him. 
The compulsion is overwhelming, rapidly losing the battle with the rational part of his brain. Bitterness bites at the back of his throat like acid. 
He absolutely must continue.
“Is that why your home has become a revolving door?” Astarion says, watching her face shift. 
“Excuse me?” the human asks, offense evident in her tone. A rhetorical question, though he pushes forward.
“Of men who look just enough like me?” he continues, driving the thorn deeper into the woman's side.  
Suddenly, she’s stone, cold and unwelcoming. Her face twists into something sour, nose scrunching up in disgust.
“Astarion Anunín… Have you been stalking me?” she nearly yells.
Oh, he has her right where he wants her.
"The color of their hair does always match my own…” Astarion ponders aloud, head tilting to one side. “Have any of them fucked you as thoroughly as I have, darling?" he chides.
Pulling in a quick, ragged breath, the young woman shudders beneath him, her head falling forward. Her hips involuntarily twitch against the knee he’s suddenly wedged between her thighs and she whimpers, biting her lip to stifle the sound. 
“Astarion…” she groans, eyes falling closed. 
She’s upset, he knows. Yet, he’s privy to how she can barely resist the call of his body against her. Why not use that knowledge to his advantage?
A heavy flush settles across her face and she reopens her eyes, looking up at him through hooded lids. Astarion sees it then - the unabashed desire emanating from her. 
How ironic, he thinks to himself, that her eyes have a hunter green hue. At this moment she feels like prey, wrapped up in a delicate satin bow, all for him.
The remnants of his eternally damned soul sing in delight at her unraveling before him. Saliva pools thick on his tongue as he lavishes the thought of pushing forward, closing in on her.
Astarion leans toward her, cocking his head again to one side. “Hells, Tav… Did it really never occur to you that we made love the last time we were together?" he asks quietly, mouth hovering just above her lips.
Tav shivers beneath him, body writhing against the wall she's leaning against. Her hands come up to press against his chest, gripping fistfuls of his shirt as she grinds herself again on the knee between her legs. The flush on her face is so deep, practically matching the color of her hair.
“Y-you’re hardly playing fair,” she huffs out. She moans again, genuine and clear, making little attempt to subdue the noise. Astarion groans in response before closing the distance, finally capturing her lips in a kiss. 
He’s timid at first, wanting to gauge her reaction. Tav doesn't resist nor push him away, giving him the encouragement to continue. Her jaw grows pliant under him and invites him deeper into her mouth, tongues entangling for a quick moment. The kiss is brief - just enough until she settles beneath him. Both of their chests heave as they part.
Astarion’s eyes rest upon her lips before he draws his head back. His hands fall from her face and he lays his palms flat against the wall on either side of her head. 
"My biggest regret is that I lacked the courage to tell you with words..." he admits, voice trailing off. The ghost of a smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he adds, "so, instead, I used the one tool I'm most versed with.”
Tav's pupils blow wide at the implication of his words.
Of course, Astarion used his body - used himself as an instrument. Again. To him, this is familiar territory. This is safe. 
This is all I’m good for.
"It appears I must have gotten my translation wrong," he quips.
Tav shakes her head in disagreement. “It wasn’t wrong…” 
She adjusts herself against the wall as Astarion’s leg falls back into a normal position, no longer wedged between her. 
“I was so sure… and then the morning after, I- '' She cuts herself off and swallows. “I didn’t know what to think, Astarion.”
Astarion pushes himself off the wall, taking a few steps back from Tav to give her space. 
“I don’t understand,” he begins, folding his arms over his chest. “I thought I made my position rather clear that morning. About…” He shrugs his shoulders. “Us. This.”
Huffing out a quick laugh, Tav shakes her head again, her discomfort in their current conversation mounting. “You started talking about being free, and-” 
She stops herself again, choking back a sigh. “It just seemed so selfish to ask you to be with me. You were just getting yourself back, after so long.”
Tears begin to gather at the corners of Tav’s eyes. Gently with the pads of his thumbs, Astarion wipes them clean.
“Oh, my silly little love,” he says, lowering his face to place a chaste kiss upon her forehead. “How I wish you would have spoken to me first.”
Tav’s hands come up to cover his, removing them from her face. “I think… I think I need to go,” she tells him, urgently. 
Nodding in silent agreement, Astarion lets her dip out from under him, seeing her inch closer toward the door. 
Before she grips the door’s handle, she turns to look at him. “...Can we talk more about this?” She quickly gestures to their surroundings before adding, “In a better situation, maybe?”
Astarion can only sigh, chest rising and falling heavily. “Of course, my dear. Do you have a particular place in mind?”
Her eyes fall to the floor. Tav knits her fingers together nervously, rubbing her thumbs over the other. “Well… where are you staying?”
A quick laugh escapes his throat and he averts his gaze. His voice is soft and tender as he focuses on a broom leaning against the corner of the wall behind her, “...I went home.”
Tav furrows her brow before asking, “What do you mean by home?”
“Home, to Cazador’s,” he states, devoid of emotion. Astarion’s eyes fall back onto her, watching as she adjusts her posture.
“It’s not as though I know much else,” he continues. “I lack the gold or the ability to work. I have only what I’m able to pilfer off the unassuming, and I’ve grown tired of playing such a role.” 
Astarion sighs heavily again before adding, “There are a number of… resources available to me, now that Cazador is gone. It would be foolish of me to squander them.”
Tav only nods in his direction, her expression falling flat. “Alright,” she says, “I’ll meet you… there, I guess.” She unlaces her hands and turns around, heading back toward the door.
“Tavaria,” Astarion calls to her as she wraps a hand around the door handle again, freezing in place at the use of her full name. “If you do decide to visit me, you’re going to need the passcode for the tower door.” 
Looking over her shoulder, Tav waits for him to continue. Moments pass between them, the air growing thick and stale within the small closet. When she doesn’t speak, he pushes forward. 
“It’s spitfire,” Astarion tells her.
He hears more than sees the small inhalation of breath she takes as his words register. Turning her head forward again, Astarion watches her finally twist the knob to the door, pushing it open. Tav steps out of the closet, looking at him briefly before disappearing down the corridor of the tavern.
Astarion slumps against the cool stone of the supply closet wall, light now pouring through the open doorway. His head is throbbing, an uneasy ache beginning to take root deep within his chest.
What a day.
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walpu · 6 months
Hello hello 🫂 how are you? I hope you're well! This is my first time request 🏃 feel free to ignore
I was thinking that reader just bought a house and now having troubles with paying the electric bill and water bill they couldn't even prepare a proper meal for themselves, so the reader decided to put on a website open one spot for a roommate with a condition of course. Here where Aventurine found the website and saw who it was.. the person who helped him once, would they remember him anyway? and Aventurine decided to sign up and meet the reader at reader place, discussing about the agreement and spilt who was paying the bill. not Aventurine mind he decided to pay full bill and buy groceries anyway stlas of course he got scolded
Eventually they got close,, close friends even.. reader started taking interest into Aventurine liking, well reader doesn't know he's a gambler ((or is he?)) Overtime,, Aventurine started to become more touchy, well reader doesn't mind it since they adore love affection,, well sometimes they got flustered when Aventurine touch becomes more bold ((yk what I mean?)) Not until they got pinned down OR Aventurine the one got pinned down?
This is too long hhh I love your HC Aventurine 🫂 (it's yummy) have a good day!
Hello!! Thank you so much, I hope I got it right since I wasn't sure if I should make in into a modern au or make it canon compliant (spoiler I've ended up with the second option)
being roommates with Aventurine
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notes - gn!reader, fluffy, hurt/comfort (sort of?), no beta
Considering Aven's leaked story, it'd pretty much canon that Aventurine doesn't forger people who helped him at least once. Which is not that surprising, when you think of it. Not many people were kind enough to land him a hand without expecting something in return.
He found the website by pure coincidence. Another case of his luck working in mysterious ways.
He recognizes your face immediately. Like, almost embarrassingly fast.
But, you know, whatever, not like you remember him, right? He sends you a random sum of money as a thank you for helping him in the past, not elaborating on who he is and why he's paying you. Scared you shitless I bet. But other than that, he doesn't see any need to reach out.
Except he just can't stop thinking about this add.
He never had comfortable living conditions before he joined the IPC. It would be a huge luck for him and his sister to have something soft to sleep on. And after he lost her, after he was shackled, caged, stripped of his pride... Well, not the memories he likes to go back to.
Now he has a huge apartment and a comfortable bed, a privilege to sleep under a warm blanket. Yet he has no one who would be there for him to distract him after a nightmare, no one to make this place feel like a home. It's a beautiful golden cage, nothing more.
Meeting you to talk about your add was a whim. Something to do for fun, really. A way to distract himself. Maybe he'll just see how are you are doing. Maybe you'll remember him.
Well, you don't. He signs the arrangement anyway, mentally beating himself up for it. Stupid. Pathetic.
But... you really look the same. Like you didn't change one bit since the day you showed him that small amount of kindness.
He'll just pay off his debt. That what he tells himself. He doesn't even have to live with you, just pay his half of the bills for some time. He may be a cunning businessman but hey, he has a reputation to uphold (at least for his own sake, since you have no idea about the mental gymnastics he's doing), he can't just let his benefactor starve!
Also, it's a bit funny to look at your reactions. You may not knows he's one of the Ten Stonehearts but you're not stupid, it's obvious he's not the last person in the IPC. Why would a guy like him need a roommate??? Also, he lies to you that the money you received earlier were just a prepayment, he just forgot to elaborate when he sent it. Shady. How tf did he learn you card information to send you the money. What a weird guy. Up to no good, it seems.
He can't help but laugh in amusement, seeing you squirm. But hey, not like you have a lot of options, right? You gotta take him in~
At first he doesn't plan on staying at your place, like, at all. Maybe once or twice a month so you wouldn't freak out about his "suspicious" absents.
But... You're fun. Fun to be around, fun to tease. You recognize his Sigonian eyes but you don't say anything. You don't try to get into his personal space but you also seem to be sensitive to his subtle mood changes. You don't try to be overly nice and don't ask for his money, his luck, nothing of sorts. It's the bare minimum, even lower than the bare minimum, it's just basic human decency yet it makes him feel warm.
Like, look at his and Ratio's relationship in canon. Ratio may not be the nicest and the most polite person but he treats Aventurine with respect and look at how Aventurine behaves around him. He's more relaxed and playful, genuinely lookin for some kind friendly companionship. So like I'm 100% sure that despite his "ohhh you can use and betray me," approach this man is such a sucker for any sort of sincerity. He's just friendless and miserable let me bite him.
So anyway, he sticks around far more often than he planed. Even if he has every right to do so as your literal roommate, he still feels like compensating it by paying for all of your bills, just because he can. Maybe it will make you happy with him, maybe you'll start needing him, maybe you'll be happy with him staying by your side.
Well. He gets scolded. Apparently, being roommates doesn't work like that. He refuse your attempts to pay him off your part off the bills though.
"You can make it up to me some other way. For instance... Let's play a game, shall we?"
He is knows for making the situation favorable for himself, after all.
Just like that, you slowly get closer. He teaches you to play card games, even offers to take you to the casino with him. Jokingly, of course. There are a lot of dangerous people who want him gone there, after all.
His heart flatters every time when you take the initiative to know him better.
"Soon enough you'll master me in this, dear" he says playfully, his hand brushing against yours as he takes the cards from you.
Aeons, the touches. Touches! He never took a notice of how him and his sister would accidentally brush against each other when they were still by each other's side. It was natural, after all. After her death, he didn't have anyone to be close with, no one to relax around. And now he has you. You're not family, he's not even sure if he can call you a friend (what is friendship anyway?? he can playfully call you his friend here and there but if he would call you this with all seriousness, would you run? would you pull away? stupid, stupid, unreasonable thoughts). So with this unclear relationship, how can he handle the touches when there are so many of them? Most of them are casual, accidental. Yet he can't just simply ignore them. Even if you can... (local gambler finds out not everyone is as touch-starved as him more at eleven).
He does the only thing he knows. Tries to be bolder. It's a risk, sure, you may easily push him away. But we all know he's a gambler and a great one too.
Anyway, you don't push him away and he's lost because, apparently, you don't mind him clinging to your side and whining when he's tired. And you don't mind him hugging your arm when he teaches you another card game. And you don't mind him hugging you from behind when you cook something for both of you. Btw him discovering the comfort of living together with someone and sharing chores, getting used to each other's patterns and such is another huge thing but I'll run out of words soon so maybe I'll leave this for another time.
Okay back to the topic. You don't push him away even if he was secretly expecting just that. It's just too good to be true, no?
Well. You start being affectionate as well. Now what.
He can't just stop now, even if he feels like he should. It's all too new, to scarry. But it's so good. Leaning into your hand when you caress his hair, falling asleep on your shoulder. Your soft eyes on him. You waiting for him to come back home.
He gets even bolder, more touchy. You'll push him away soon enough and, at least, this sweet delusion will end. And before that, he at least can see your flustered expression when his cold fingers slide under your shirt, holding onto your waist.
"What exactly are you doing?" you ask him one day and he thinks that's it. You're fed up. You'll push him away now.
Instead you push him on the couch, pinning him down, looking at him with unreadable but intense gaze. Seems like it's his turn to get flustered.
"Oh? Did I cross a line, my dear?" he asks with a laugh that was supposed to be playful but ended up being shaky. Damn you and your charm, you make him too weak. And instead of being merciful, you just chuckle at his struggles!
Tease him back!!!!! Kiss his cheeks!!!! Or his lips!!! In this moment, he's all yours. You want to cuddle? He'll be happy to. You want something more intimate? He will oblige. Just let him know you want push him away no matter what.
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sylusheart · 4 months
`let's talk about caleb/xia yizhou
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i've decided to complie a (sort of) categorised list of all the theories so far regarding caleb's character/identity (and his possible importance to the story of lnds in the future) from posts i've gathered from other players here on tumblr, reddit, and on twt, including some of my own personal theories/questions that i haven't seen anyone speak about yet (to my knowledge) and wanna share, feel free to tell me your thoughts too! oh and please let me know if there’s any potential theories regarding caleb/xyz that i haven’t included in this list yet, i’ll be sure to add them as soon as i can :3 anywho~ let's start off a little simple... ૮˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა ♡
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ᰔ caleb will return
as a caleb girlie i have ruthlessly hunted around for anything and everything that i can find to support this idea (of course) but let's begin with some small details that a lot of people have noticed.
he's the first character to have a phone call with the mc, as well as a text message conversation. only the love interests have these types of interactions with mc so far so it sets him apart from the usual side characters. infold are clearly doing as much as they can to intergrate caleb into the mc's life, further signifying how much of an important character he is to the mc and to the story.
there's also many visual scenes of his character model doing all sorts of animations, not even tara or any of the other male side characters like thomas or jeremiah have this many (or at all). and yeah, most of these animations are probably just default ones which may also be the exact ones used for the boys but even so, why would infold put a lot of time in animating him (and his multiple changing expressions) if they were truly just going to kill him off seconds later?
his design was made as carefully as xavier, zayne, and rafayel's designs were - the proof of this is his original outfit. not too sure why they decided to change it (maybe it was too 'dark'? it might've been too much of a in-your-face hint that caleb would return as a possible antagonist?) but it was clear that they went through the effort of changing it for a reason... personally i love his og outfit more, it makes his necklace stand out more and he just looks so itty bitty scrunkly wunkly.
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there's some other things i want to add. we know that mc gave caleb the 'when u come back' necklace before he left for skyhaven and after the explosion, caleb sort of 'returns' it. and by returns i mean when the explosion happens caleb's necklace is found right in front of her. with the engraving, it sort of foreshadows him coming back. now, to analyse the explosion a bit more, it happens very suddenly - like as soon as caleb goes into the house and closes the door. of course this makes it seem like he was affected by the explosion but how come caleb's necklace was found in one piece right in front of her? he was wearing it after all, so for it to be the only thing (other than caleb's... remains) in front of her makes it seems like him 'dropping/leaving' the necklace was kind of intentional. we see caleb using his gravitational/telekenisis-like evol in a segment of chapter 4 when he takes the necklace from her, so it makes sense for him to use it again when he's giving it back to her, right? adding onto this little theory about caleb using his evol in the explosion, mc was pretty close to the house when it exploded but is quite far from it after the explosion. now obviously this is due to the explosion blasting her back, but i did see someone mention that caleb possibily used his evol to push her away so that the explosion wouldn't severly hurt her. this makes sense, seeing as she was only slightly injured from the explosion, nothing too serious. but then again, we don't know the true extent of caleb's evol, is he powerful enough to be able to do that? i wouldn't put it past him though, seeing as he is a deepspace pilot and i'm sure he uses his evol for work which means he must've been training with it. going back to my previous point about him using his evol to intefere with the explosion, if he really did push mc away then it's possible he managed to keep himself safe from the explosion using his evol too. but if he managed to get himself and mc to safety then what about grandma? with her condition it's probably not possible that she managed to escape on her own and we don't know whether during that time where caleb and mc were outside if she was still in the house or not. could she have been kidnapped? i'll add more about what i think about the relationship between grandma and caleb further down in another section...
and who exactly was that guy that injured mc in early chapter 4 before caleb found her? from what we can gather with such little info we have, he could've been sent by sylus/onychinus or maybe even caleb himself. the attacker/random guy makes a comment which gives off the sense that he knows mc and this is probably because whoever sent him ordered the attacker guy to be a diversion and lure mc out of the house, via the wanderer/energy fluctuations. if caleb was the one who 'sent' this guy, why would he make that quip about avenging mc for that guy hurting her? is he keeping up with some sort of false façade so mc doesn't question his motives? it seems unlikely though... i think he was genuinely upset over seeing her get hurt and how she proceeded to lie about it to him.
another thing to add, the explosion doesn't go off as soon as caleb and mc are out of sight, this means that the aim wasn't to kill just the grandma but caleb too seeing as it happens as soon as caleb enters the house. but with this theory, it means he had no idea about the attack. in a way this all adds up, meaning that him using his evol to push mc out of safety was out of impulse. we can assume that an important part of the explosion was to ensure mc was kept alive, and this futher implies that the explosion could've been the work of onychinus or more specifically sylus. they're interested in finding the aether core after all (from what’s implied), but if it really was them, how would they know mc has it? only a few people like zayne, dr.noah, and grandma/joesphine (and also maybe xavier, jeremiah, and rafayel? it's not too certain in this timeline...) know that mc's heart is infused with the aether core. i do have a feeling caleb knows as well, it just makes sense as he’s the ‘older brother’ figure so he must know certain ‘family matters’, but then again as caleb is so secretive we don’t have a concrete answer on what he does and doesn’t know which is what makes him suspicious. could he be the one who potentially/accidentally implied or informed sylus/onychinus about the aether core having to do something with mc? is that why he faked his death, so that they’d assume caleb and mc were the ones in the explosion and not caleb and grandma? i’ll also make a seperate post on sylus seeing as there's one month left until he will be officially introduced (i am so very excited) as he’s after the aether core (perhaps he was the one that put it into mc’s heart in the first place? or he created it?)
back to caleb, him 'losing' his necklace admist the explosion is almost like him letting go to his past self (?) is he going to use this explosion as some sort of... rebirth or character development? will he let go of his soft, puppy-like persona? it sounds like a bit of a stretch but i do think he has something shady going on. maybe letting go of the necklace is like letting go of the 'big brother' title so that he can return into mc's life as a love interest and not as an older sibling-like figure. i think caleb tries to show us that he's upset mc still see's him as a 'brother' just because they grew up together. comments are thrown around, like how she should just trust him now that they're grown up and how they're not little kids anymore - this all makes it seem like they don't have to keep seeing each other like they're siblings and that they're mature enough to articulate their feelings.
also, i'm not sure if anyone's played mr. love queen's choice (it's another otome game made by infold and lnds is set in the future of the same universe that queen's choice was set in) but killing off their LIs and bringing them back to life isn't something they haven't done before so... take what you will from that. not to mention, caleb's name has been trademarked/copyrighted by infold...
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ᰔ caleb's 'arguement' with mc was forced/intentional
so there's a part in the beginning of chapter 4 where caleb informs grandma and mc that he submitted an application for a long-term care ward for grandma (did he do this to keep grandma out of the way? knowing that she could interfere?) mc is suprised about this, as is joesphine (grandma) and when mc asks him why he didn't say anything to her about it all he does is laugh and look away - brushing it off. later on, when mc decides to hide/lie about the fact that she got attacked by someone caleb gets quite defensive and hurt over her not telling him about it. in the moment, mc doesn't mention the fact that he has kept things from her too (such as the care ward thing) probably because it slipped her mind due to caleb reacting the way he did, or because if she did mention his hypocrisy, it would probably make things worse or end a little more bitterly than it did.
however, we know (from the phone call with caleb at end of chapter 1, as well as a part in chapter 4) that these two are aware that they both tend to keep things from each other. claiming it to be 'top-secret' or 'classified information', but then again this is to do with work related sort of stuff - getting hurt by some random dude on the street or submitting an application to a care ward isn't exactly associated with their positions as a hunter/pilot.
i think it's pretty obvious that the reason caleb joined mc when she left to search for wanderers wasn't because he needed to collect some groceries. if you want some visual proof - when he confronts mc he isn't holding any grocercy bags or anything, nor does he bother making a joke about how the store didn't have any of the things she requested or how he forgot to bring his card with him, and that's probably because he wasn't gonna bother keeping up that act seeing as mc had already caught onto it when she told him not to follow her. again, mc doesn't point out any of this and maybe it's because she's too caught up with the emotions in the conversation or maybe it’s because caleb’s reaction/behaviour is sorta making her feel guilty and in the wrong.
so why did caleb follow her? was it because he wanted to speak with her alone? it was clear he had something on his mind before he hesitated (more on that later) or was it because he needed to buy some time so that the 'bomb' could be placed and set off? anyway, the reason why i'm suggesting the 'arguement' was forced is because maybe caleb wanted mc to despise him so that she would be less hurt over his 'death'? or that when he returns she'd forgive him instantly because she would regret the way things ended before his 'death'... i'm not too sure on the reason, but the way he went about the situation was kiiinda suspect, like he was purposefully trying to rile up emotions.
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ᰔ caleb the villain
do i think caleb will return as an antagonist? yep. and if you think about it, like reaaaally think about it, it makes a lot of sense because why would he need to fake his death in the first place if not for something shady. no deepspace pilot needs to be doing all of that. but if, for some reason, he stays dead (... guys c'mon he won't trust me) then he merely was just a civillian that fell victim to a wanderer-associated explosion. not a shred of evil in his soul. i’ll add more onto the idea of evil/dark caleb later but for now i'm going to expand more on this in the section below~
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ᰔ caleb is (not) sylus?
i've seen a lot of players debate over the idea of the shadowy figure at the end of chapter 8 being either caleb or sylus... or both? personally, voice wise (english voiceover) ... i think they're pretty similar. i haven't compared both mysterious guy and caleb's voice in the other languages yet, but if all the other voiceovers had similar caleb's and sylus' i'd assume more people would've put more attention on that, as that would sort of be a little bit of confirmation that the similar sounding voices were intentional or something. but still, it wouldn't be enough. now appearance wise, i also think they look quite alike. yes, the hairstyles are different but if caleb really did fake his death then he'd change up his appearance and embody a sort of new persona, right? i mean he'd still be the same caleb we love and know, but i feel like there would just be a new aura to him. i saw another player saying that perhaps the chapter 8 guy probably is caleb but with his face surgically modified due to the explosion which sounds like a really good theory, seeing as these brightened photos of the mysterious guy just looks like a more sharper/defined version of caleb's puppy-like face.
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a lot of other players also said that the mysterious guy might be thomas, as it would make sense for rafayel to be talking to thomas but i really think that's not the case. now do i think caleb is sylus? maybe. but truly, i think caleb is most likely just working closely with sylus/onychinus meaning that sylus and caleb are in fact two different people (perhaps they’re actually twins or related somehow??)
however, after chapter 8 came out and the devs made this post on weibo:
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a lot of people took this in as confirmation that the mysterious guy from chapter 8 was not in fact sylus. so could it be caleb instead? but then that would go against the theory of caleb being sylus, seeing as this post says that sylus has not appeared yet...
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ᰔ caleb is (not) sylus? [part 2, as of june 20/21st post-sylus announcement]
now that sylus' model has officially been shown, we can confirm that chapter 8 guy really isn't sylus and so i suppose it's time to debunk all the 'sylus = caleb' theories. though it still confuses me on how sylus character profile was unlocked in the hunters encyclopedia (? spacepedia was it) right after the completion of chapter 8 , i think that's why we were all so quick to believe that the mysterious figure at the end was sylus. but anyway, personally for me now i'm way more convinced mr. shadowy figure dude really was caleb and i really want to know if caleb is working against or with sylus and if sylus has anything to do with caleb having this... alter ego.
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ᰔ the apple motif
a player pointed out that we're seeing some sort of re-telling of fairytales through the love interests, i.e. sleeping beauty, ice queen, the little mermaid, etc. and that caleb is the 'snow white' of this theory, you know, with the apple and all. i like this theory because it suggests mc being the knight in shining armour, having to save her boys. and i'm a little (very) curious on what sylus' fairytale would be too, or if he’ll be an iconic sort of villain/morally grey character like maleficent? i feel like we'll see more of these 'apples' throughout the story... even if caleb stays dead (he won't) also, kind of unrelated, but one of my favourite book series - which is sorta like a fairytale to begin with (it's called once upon a broken heart by stephanie garber, if you end up wanting to read it don't physically go and buy it/support the author... she's a z!onist, i can give you an epub file to the book so you can read it for free so that it doesn't give her any money lol) - has a character who's got a curse where his kisses are deadly, and if he kisses anyone who isn't his 'one true love' then they'll die. the thing is, he doesn't know who his 'one true love' is or if this person will even be someone he reciprocates feelings for. he surpresses his urges to kiss by eating these magical (?) apples and somehow it's enough for him to not go on a murdering spree. again, as this is off-topic and of course will most likely not happen, i'm mentioning this only because it'll be interesting to see if there's some sort of significance to why caleb likes apples so much? is it because mc likes them? we know that mc likes apples through a line she says to xavier in one of his memories:
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but also when caleb steals the necklace mc got/made him and he mentions that it's in a style that she really likes. which is probably refering to the little apple pendant thingy? but yeah, maybe it has something to do with their childhood i'm not too sure. besides that, if you look closely in some scenes where mc is in her apartment you can see a framed picture/painting of an apple in her bedroom. did caleb give that to her? or was it commissioned?
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ᰔ what's the beef between grandma and caleb?
so as far as we know, grandma took in mc and caleb. she was looking for mc and found her in an orphanage/foster home (?) and took her in because mc recognised her somehow despite all of the experiments she endured and the 'incident' (chronorift catastrophe) that happened in linkon city, i'm not too sure if we know how grandma found caleb (though if anyone knows where it may have been mentioned pls let me know), but for now let's assume they were taken in at around the same time or similar. if that were the case, then perhaps caleb was also a subject for the 'experiments' that joesphine and her colleagues were conducting. since mc has her memories wiped regarding that time, which was most likely due to her aether core or her evol, i think if caleb was truly a victim in these 'experiments' then maybe he might still have memory of this? though, why would he allow joesphine to take him in if he knew what she did/does? or maybe he was too young to understand anything and only later came to a realisation when he grew up - probably after finding some files/photos that tied joesphine to mc/himself before the 'incident'. we all know caleb is pretty secretive, so if he did find something out he would've not made it obvious. but then again, mc did tell zayne (i think, or maybe it was monologue) that there was barely any trace of joesphine's research/work around their (old) home. so if caleb did find something out, then it must've been from an outside source - and i get the feeling an outside source would be someone from the N109 zone.
whatever happened, i think grandma is weary of caleb, like she knows that he's been associating himself with the wrong kind of people or that he'll end up not being a constant in mc's life e.g. his sudden death (if it was planned/faked in the first place) which is why she entrusts mc to zayne instead of caleb. it seems that she really wants to match-make zayne and mc together - we know from her trying to get mc and zayne to have lunch together if she had to be placed into a hospital, and from her telling zayne to look after mc when she passes. maybe she actually knows more about zayne (and his past lives) than we think, which is why she's more reliant on leaving mc to zayne because she feels she knows more about him rather than caleb because as i said, she appears to be a bit skeptical of him. there's even a part in the 'world underneath' stories where she hesitates to say caleb's name, (maybe because that's not even his real name??) but that's to assume if she was even referring to caleb here:
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ᰔ what was that flash of light that made caleb change his mind from explaining to mc?
i haven't seen anyone mention this i think but caleb seems to give up on what he was saying as soon as something flashes by. it's almost like he comes to a certain realisation as soon as this happens. he looks really sad and hurt, so what was he about to say? if you listen closely to chapter 4 segment 3 'within reach', the flash of light that passes by and is reflected on his face is acompanied by the sound of a car going past. he doesn't look at this car, but is he somehow reminded of zayne? as far as we know he's the only male love interest (other than rafayel, but caleb doesn't know rafayel... right?) that drives a car (he has multiple actually… rich daddy) and as well as this, doesn't zayne live close by to caleb's/mc's childhood home? (i'm not too sure on this, correct me if i'm wrong...) so it could actually be him. i assume that since lnds is set in the future - public transport would be much more advanced and faster than how it is now which is why many people would opt to use it more often rather than using personal vehicles, so it's possibile caleb could have recognised the sound/look of zayne's car? which is why he decided to put an end of the conversation there - being reminded of zayne and his position in mc’s life, probably thinking that zayne would be mc's first choice if she were to confide in someone. but of course, if that really was zayne we may never know. caleb sort of laughs/scoffs (?) to himself and looks down right after he pauses and the flash of light passes by. it's like he's coming to terms with something, maybe accepting the fact that in mc's eyes he'll always be seen as the 'brother' figure and he can't have what he really and truly wants. aaaand drumroll, this brings me to my next point...
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ᰔ caleb and his relations with zayne
their designs are pretty similar, in fact they could even pass off as twins seeing as their hairstyles sort of just mirror each other. but no, i don't think they're actually related, though i do get the sense that there might be some sort of jealousy going on (?) maybe not so much from zayne's side but the way caleb says the line "even the world's busiest guy has to eat. i haven't seen him in a looong time. we should invite him over for dinner, right?" (in chapter 4 segment 1 'family') it sounds a bit... strange to me. the way he says it is like how one would challenge prey into enemy territory. but then again, i really think i'm just looking too far into it. caleb naturally has a spontaneous and joke-y way of talking anyway, so maybe it probably is nothing malicious, but give it a listen if you really want to.
we don't know caleb's exact age (yet) and i don't know if he'd be older or younger than zayne, but hopefully in the future there's more on what their relationship is like - seeing as they're almost like polar opposites, i feel like their dynamic would be fun to witness. i presume those two didn't keep in touch over text/call like how caleb does with mc, so it would be nice to see them finally interact after so long. even a flashback with mc, caleb, and zayne as kids would be good... i'm begging for anything at this point...
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that's all i have for now, i'm probably missing a lot of potential lore that could help with these supposed theories because the only myth cards i've completed so far is zayne's foreseer myth. i think in the lumiere myth cards there was a bit about the 'incident/catastrophe' (?) but since i lost the 50/50 to raf i've been a bit pouty and haven't watched a reupload of it or anything (i really wanted his solar pair ok...) anywho, i'll perhaps edit/correct this as more of the story comes out or if you guys want me to add/change anything :3 thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed me rambling on about caleb. this is basically my manifestation post so that he comes home... we miss you xia yizhou. "૮₍ ˶•⤙•˶ ₎ა
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readychilledwine · 14 days
I received a few asks about this after @erisweekofficial shared their creator highlight for me, so without further ado, your first surprise post before I post some smut tonight 💕
Eris and his Doggos Headcanons
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Eris Week - Day 4 - Hounds and Traditions
🍂Eris Week Masterlist🍂Eris Masterlist🍂Master Masterlist🍂
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I want to start this by sharing what breed I think the smokehounds are based on and judging on the fanart posted today, I know I am not alone.
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Greyhounds are known for being sleek, lean, and very fast. They are loyal, highly intelligent, and moderately protective. Greyhounds were bred for hunting small game and bred to pursue. They have been known to chase their prey to exhaustion.
Greyhounds are moderately aggressive but highly protective of their owners when they feel they are being threatened. They make wonderful watchdogs. They are very alert to their surroundings and will indicate to their owners when changes in their environment happen.
Their intelligence also makes them easy to train. I think that's a quality Eris would look for in hounds.
So anyways, why were all here:
Amid the chaos of his life, Eris seeks order and organization. He likes things he can control to be consistent, therefore, he likes themes.
Eris got his first hound when he was 18. He was lonely and wanted a hunting companion and ended up adopting his first puppy.
She was the sweetest little thing. She loves adventures, cuddling, and is always down for the Sunday Spa Night. Her name came to Eris as naturally as breathing : Sugar.
3 years later, he adopted his next little girl, Clove. Then Baylee (for Bay leaf). Then Sage.
Eris prefers female hounds over males. He knows females in nature tend to be more deadly than the males. Lionesses handle the hunts. Female bees the work. Mother bears will slaughter for their cubs. For this reason, he has 8 females 4 males.
Smokehounds work best in groups of four. A leader, 2 flanks, and a follower. Exactly how Eris needs.
He adopts his last four when Lucien is 5. Lucien names them. Cinnamon Toast, Gingersnap, Tator Tot, and Marshmellow.
Eris felt his eye twitching the while time Lucien was picking names, but he could not deny his brother a thing.
When Lucien leaves Autumn and Eris meets his name, they fall in love with the names those four hounds have.
Gingersnap? Perfect for her slightly spicy yet sweet little self.
Tator Tot? Absolutely. This hound is EXACTLY that.
Marshmellow?! For a so rare white smokehound? Be so for real. It's perfect.
And Cinnamon Toast? Little Toast? Perfect name for the brown undertone hound.
The hounds have a magically maintained kennel, but they rarely stay in it.
Eris has large chambers, so the hounds tend to sleep in their with him and his mate. 2 get to share their bed every night.
His hounds all have their own handlers to make sure they get groomed, can play, and are loved when he, his mother, and his mate are unavailable.
Overall, Eris is a 20/10 doggo. May adopt more doggie children later.
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I never know if I'm supposed to add my taglist to my headcanons..
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miss0atae · 28 days
Random thoughts about The On1y One (EP4)  - How to live in the present, friendship and metaphors:
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I'm so glad this episode showed us how fast the relationship between Tian and Wang has changed since Wang admitted he felt lonely and Tian finally decided he would get closer to him. It's like they opened a little door, but instead of having just a small opening, it is a wide open door. It shows how just a small acknowledgment can change so much. When you're seen, you are able to do so much more. You are not lonely again. Tian is man of his word. He offered to get closer to Wang and since he said it, he has decided to stick to his word. You can also see how it affected Wang's behavior. It felt like he was coming out of his shell because he knew he had Tian, not so far away. For example, when he woke up the next day and came for breakfast, he was more at ease than before (not perfect, but he is trying at least) with Tian's mom. Before, he couldn't even stand her sight. He tried and that's already a lot.
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As the viewers we know that Tian and Wang will end up together, but the characters are not yet there. As for now, it is more friendship. I'm also adding that your significant one can also be your friend. They are not mutually exclusive. I would even dare to say, it's better if it's also your friend. I believe that the foundation for any healthy relationship is friendship. Anyway, having a solid friendship is important because they make life more enjoyable and help us through the difficult times by making it more tolerable. You can see how Wang is feeling happier in some way, now that he knows Tian wants to be closer to him. It makes it easier in class to work, but also when he got in this fight with the bully, he saw Tian had his back. Tian is taking his time and energy in this friendship, but he is also gaining something from it too.
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I was really touched by how he said it changed his perception of life. I admitted he used to look at the past more and so he was unable to appreciate the present or to even perceive the future. It’s not good when you’re stuck in the past. Your whole life could go by and you would feel you miss everything because you can’t appreciate what you have. It’s not easy to appreciate the present when you can’t find any joy or reason to like it. However, Tian seems to think that now he has a reason to appreciate it. It was very well-said. I tend to forget they are playing teenagers because I know the actors are older. However, it’s a feeling you can relate to at any point in your life. I may be older than the character, but it’s a lesson that I shouldn’t forget too. It’s so easy to be caught up in our daily life and then we forget the most important thing.
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I believe this episode allowed us to get to know Tian better. I can't forget the moment Wang noticed all his belonging are in suitcase. It's like Tian is ready to leave at any point. When you don't unpack, it means you're not ready to settle. There is also the metaphor of a suitcase where it's kind of an extension of himself: “open your suitcase and I will tell you who you are”. There are 3 dimensions of a suitcase: it is associated with emotion (happiness, joy, fear of living or leaving, temporary or permanent departure…), it is also associated with the mixed objects we can add inside and what they tell about us and finally it is associated with the story of its owner and his family, his identity, his encounters… It felt kind of poetic, but also a representation of Tian's state of mind. I wonder if at one point, he will take his belongings out of this suitcase to put it somewhere he feels like safe enough to settle.
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Of course, we also got the metaphor of the closet and it is resonated so much more when it's a queer story. That's where Wang hid with Tian and even if the romantic feelings are not here yet, they will come and how will they live with it… that's what the story will show us.
I have to say this episode was charming and I'm really getting into the story. It's a very interesting series.
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thinemoonshine · 7 months
𓆰𝓈𝑜𝒾𝓁, 𝓈𝓊𝓃𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓈𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓉𝓊𝒹𝑒 ♡𓆪
cha hyun su x female reader genre: romance, angst, fluff type: series (but can be read as oneshot) word count: 2,702
⚠ mentions of self-harm and suicide ⚠
part 4 of series ◄◄ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ part 6 of series
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ synopsis: things have gotten worse. monsters rapidly increased, green home was destroyed and the military came to supposedly 'help them' or as what (y/n) actually believes, 'collect cha hyun su' as part of their 'special infected search' mission. this caused their separation and to add to that, a series of unfortunate events follow- challenging (y/n)'s already wavering tenacity to stay alive... and the presence of a 'guardian angel' may just rekindle or extinguish her flame ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
It's been a while since the remaining surviving residents of Green Home Mansion Apartment and others have been living in the stadium. (y/n) is one of the former, alive, yet day by day, she feels less so- and knowing this kills her. She talks less each day, eats less, feels less and even moves less- slowly beginning to be a puppet on strings. The routine never changes; wake up, cut and bleed to prove her identity as human, eat and drink whatever there is to eat- none at all at some times, suffer insanely long hours of boredom then go back to sleep. Wake up and it's the same thing all over again.
Although, there is one thing (y/n) looks forward to; hanging out with Eunyu, Eunhyuk's younger sister whom she's somewhat close with due to their close age. Well, not really 'hanging out' but more of following her to the secret exit in the stadium and watching her leave. (y/n) will then wait around, praying that Eunyu will be safe and turning out relieved and joyful when she would come back alive. This small scenario that happens daily is what keeps her... feeling, in a way. To hope, to be relieved, to celebrate.
Eunyu doesn't share the same sentiments as her, obviously, since she finds her outings as 'failures' at the inability to find her brother who she believes (or chooses to, at least) is alive. But, she does feel grateful and sincerely... happy, to return to someone waiting for her. As cold as Eunyu seems, she is actually quite cordial towards (y/n) than she is with anyone else.
"How was today's trip?" (y/n) tails after Eunyu as she slips back into the stadium with dirt and soil all over her skin and clothes.
"Boring," the latter answers languidly as she strides- not sparing the other a glance. "But, he came again."
(y/n) pauses slightly at this but resumes her steps quickly again. "...Your hero?"
"Eunhyuk," her friend replies almost immediately and (y/n) feels the added weight in the air around them. Eunyu's told her about the 'guardian angel' that saves her whenever she gets in trouble outside and although it does make sense that they could be Eunhyuk who became a neo-human, at the same time... it sounds impossible. Just like the idea of Hyun Su coming back.
(y/n) only smiles at Eunyu, not saying anything further and just like that, another day passes.
Once again, she wakes up, cuts and bleeds, eats, drinks, and waits long insufferable hour—
"I want to leave," (y/n) says under her breath as she stands in front of the secret exit.
Huh. It seems today, the winds have changed.
She turns back into the stadium before exhaling a long breath and leaving a small folded note beside her foot for Eunyu. The latter left earlier, which is perfect because she would've never let her leave. But she'll be wondering where (y/n) is when she returns. The note will suffice.
"I'll be back... I think," (y/n) casually says, not caring for her fate at this point, and leaves without another look.
The sky's turn darker and the winds have picked up. Yet, (y/n) still remains wandering aimlessly. She's met with a couple of monsters, some small and hiding was enough to cover her; some big but non-violent. She got lucky. So lucky that she feels it's ridiculous.
All this fortune is making her more greedy; more hopeful for change, for growth, for... for Hyun Su. But all those is only going to make her feel more lonely, more longing and more... miserable. As selfish and ungrateful as it sounds, there just seems to be nothing left to live for. No one to miss, no one to look forward to.
"Just like me... No one will miss me-" (y/n) trails off as her head raises to look at the tall building beside her. "-if I was gone..."
She blinks and suddenly, she finds herself on the rooftop- looking down at the grassy ground that's a number of levels beneath her. She wonders if Eunyu's read the letter yet. And wonders if her guardian angel made sure of her returning safely.
But what she wonders most... is whether that guardian angel would treat her the same way as they do with Eunyu. If they really are Eunhyuk, he'd save her, right? Maybe? Probably. But she'll never know if she never tries.
And so, her foot lifts off the cement roof and soon, she's free falling with the beautiful view of the starry sky and the cold night air tickling her skin like a million feathers. Strangely, she feels at peace. The unknown of tomorrow- or the next few seconds, fills her with anticipation.
She throws her arms out as her eyes close, letting gravity do its job— until she's captured and crushed against a broad chest before a loud tumble follows.
She landed... alive?
(y/n)'s eyes widen when she realizes this and she quickly props herself up- stumbling slightly at the feeling of ribs against her palms and she gasps at the human figure below her.
Well, if only not for the wing sticking out his right shoulder where there's meant to be an arm. But even with it covering his face from it being used to shield around them, she can guess who it is. Who else can it be?
"You! You're back! Lee Eunhyuk!" She exclaims with genuine shock but relieved and glad for most. A bright smile stretches on her face as she properly sits up—overlooking the fact that her 'cushion' is in fact, a human abdomen—and puts one hand on the large wing to push it away. "Eunyu was right all along! You're—"
Her breath stops and smile drops. What once were upturned, crescent eyes sparkling with glee are now rounded with deep obscurity as they slice between his dark, glossy ones that stare up at her with soft endearment, yet a strange, brittle coldness.
"Cha Hyun Su?" She squeaks out, barely able to speak from the shock and emotions spiraling inside her; both the good and bad.
The other says nothing, nor does his mien express anything as he sits up with his hand hovering her back- just an inch away from touching.
"It's you... All this time, the one that's been saving Eunyu was you," (y/n) completes the puzzle but is again, met with silence as he shifts her away to the grass beside them before standing up.
She watches his wide back becoming smaller and the befuddlement within her quickly boils into something else. And her hands curl to fists.
"Ya, Cha Hyun Su! Where were you?? All this time, I thought you were at a shelter, or-or a lab being experimented on but turns out you've been... been here?? Out and about, wherever this is!" (y/n) shouts, furious and overall, betrayed, that he's never once bothered to visit her. To see her. Tell her that he survived.
Despite her roars, the other is unfazed as he continues to walk away but his choice to remain on land despite his ability to fly is enough to tell (y/n) that he's listening to her.
So, she does what she does best: follow.
"Hey! Talk to me!" She demands and spins him around by the arm when she catches up.
"What? What do you possibly want me to say?" He snaps and his frigid attitude takes her aback. Even the look in his eye as he stares her down, it's... unwelcoming. The fire in her is diminished by the raging waves of desolation that drowns her. She could've escaped this feeling. She could've been free minutes ago if Hyun Su didn't save her.
But now, seeing him act like this, act like a complete stranger towards her, everything became worse. They haven't seen each other for nearly a year but is that enough reason to treat her like one? There was something between them— (y/n) believes there is something between them but maybe, she's wrong. Maybe, it's just her.
He's the only light for her in this cruel, dark world; the only breath of fresh air and the thought of never being able to see him again was worse than being dead. But to Hyun Su... just what is she?
"You should've left me to die."
At this, his brows twitch and jaw tightens. "What?"
"You shouldn't have saved me! I'm dying anyways and all I wanted was to make it quicker! Is that too much of me to even ask for??"
Her thread finally, snaps.
Hyun Su grapples her shoulders- his wing now back to its original form. "You're dying? What do you mean?"
The panic in his voice makes her scoff. Just before, he wouldn't even spare a glance.
"What's it to you?" (y/n) hisses and shakes his hands off. "I could've died any day before this but would you have known? No. You don't bother to know. You don't care. Even saving me today, it was just some sort of 'human conscience,' wasn't it? You couldn't live with yourself if you let me die, knowing that you could've saved me- so you did. But even then, you wouldn't have bat an eye if I ended up dying somewhere out of your territory."
All these words, they feel like blades through her throat as she speaks them. But if it's the last time she's ever gonna see him, she wants to at least, leave an impression. To haunt him— as much as he's haunted her.
"Well, you don't have worry no more. Because the next time I'll try something, you won't know it," (y/n) declares confidently and glares at him dead in the eye before turning away to leave.
Tears brim the moment her back faces him and she bites her quivering bottom lip from exposing her sobs- but she's soon rendered soundless at the feel of arms wrapping around her figure from behind.
"Please... don't do this again. Please," Hyun Su pleads shakily and only then does she notice the restrained sobs that spill past his lips. "If you do something in the stadium... somewhere I can't see you, I-I can't save you. So, please, (y/n), don't."
The other stays silent, much too busy trying to hold her own cries and she feels his arms tighten.
"I follow Eunyu around, hoping to see you but I never could. But then I saw you one day. I caught a glimpse of you at the stadium's secret exit- sending Eunyu off and then again, I saw you at the exact same place when she came back. It made me happy... seeing you smile whenever she returned, and as much as I wanted to approach Eunyu to ask about you- I couldn't. "I know who she's looking for... and it isn't me. So I— I got afraid that if I revealed myself, and end up shattering her hopes, she'll never come out again and... you won't have any reason to go to the exit- and I won't be able to see you anymore," Hyun Su confesses his true feelings as his embrace on (y/n) remains unwavering- on contrary, it seems to be more and more secure as the seconds pass, but not enough to suffocate her.
Not that she isn't already from the painful strain in her neck to control the tears.
"It's selfish! I-I know that it's selfish! But I couldn't think... I didn't know what else I could do," he continues with the tremor in his voice heightening. "I care. I really do, (y/n)- and it's all my fault that you felt like I didn't. It's all me. So please, please don't. Don't do this again, please."
(y/n) swallows the hurt as his desperation seeps through her heart- thawing the ice that was forming around it like a cocoon, melting her resolve to forget him and never turn back. "You could've approached me."
"...I was scared that you-" He stops suddenly and instead brings his head down to her shoulder, rubbing his eyes against the fabric of her shirt and if it was damp with his tears before, it's drenched with it now. "I'm not the same as I was."
"If you're talking about your wing, your monster side, or whatever else it is, I don't care," (y/n) confidently declares as she spins in his arms, now looking up at him and the sight of his pooled, glossy eyes breaks her heart and simultaneously tickles it. It's a horrible thought, but he's adorable when he gets emotional. "Okay, Cha Hyun Su?”
The flickering of his eyes on hers tells her that he's skeptical and she cups his cheek, surprising him, and only adding to it when she headbutts him.
He blinks fast, confused, and barely affected while the perpetrator is clutching her head from the pain. "Are you okay? Did something break?"
Hyun Su's hands roam around her face and head, worried that she's actually fractured something.
"No, I'm fine! I'm just trying to prove to you that I really don't care. Look, if I was afraid of you would I have attacked you?" (y/n) explains her point between hisses of pain.
Hyun Su shakes his head with large, warm hands still clasping her cheeks. "N-no."
"See? I don't mind. And if I really cared about you being 'changed,' would I still do this?" She curls her fingers around his collar and yanks him down- smashing their lips together and she can feel his little jump of surprise before he slowly succumbs.
His hands slide down to her waist and he presses her against him- sweeping her off her feet quite literally when he lifts her up just to dive in further into the kiss.
The rising intensity is evident from the way his hand travels up her back as he bends forward into the kiss, making her arch and the stretch feels like heaven to her spine. All that boredom slouch sure did some damage.
"(y/n)..." Hyun Su whispers into the kiss when they separate for breath but it doesn't take longer than 5 seconds before he seizes her lips again- overwhelming the other.
With hands against his chest, she gently pushes. "Hyun Su, I can't breathe."
And he quickly glides away. His wing just popped out and now he's about a few metres away. He has a look of panic and is apologetic as he repents on his passionate behaviour.
(y/n) instantly breaks out laughing at his reaction and the sight and sound of her joy remind Hyun Su of how much of an impact she has in his life. In fact, she just might be the reason for everything.
She's the only light for him in this cruel, dark world; the only breath of fresh air and just the thought of never being able to see her again was worse than being dead. She's everything to him- although, he hopes that he isn't hers. Because in the end, he's still a monster and she's a human, she deserves to be with someone better.
But for now, there's no harm in enjoying their time together, is there?
A squeak emits from (y/n) when she's suddenly levitating above the ground and is brought spinning in his hold. Giggles and soft laughter fill the air- fanning away any tension and weight of their shoulders.
"What's this suddenly, huh?" (y/n) titters and Hyun Su smiles up brightly at her.
"I’m just happy that you’re here. Finally, you’re here.”
‘With me.’ copyright © 2024 thinemoonshine all rights reserved
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quidell-fics · 13 days
New Story "A Tale Painted with Blood"
A Black Myth: Wukong fanfic
Sun Wukong x Reader/OC
The Destined One x Reader/OC
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Summary: At the journey’s end, every path she’s tread unwinds to a single, quiet truth: her final breath, where even the stars bow to her fading light.
Act 1: Ember, nicknamed after her wildfire, blood-red hair, finds herself swept into a world far from the one she knew. What seemed at first a cruel twist of fate, a misstep in the grand scheme of fate, soon reveals itself as destiny's design. Her role, woven by powers she could never understand, is to guide The Destined One along the right course. But in the end, as doubt coils around her heart, she questions whether the choices she made have left her with nothing but ashes—or if the fiery and untamed Monkey King, Sun Wukong, is the very thing she needs to help rewrite her terrible fate.
Will Ember let fate forever change The Destined One into an untamed, wild force of raw furious power, or will her own doubts turn the tide of his own destiny? Which path will she choose, and will The Destined One even heed her desires in the end?
Or is the weight of his inherited obsession too overwhelming for him to resist…
Snippet: "Is it not plain?” he said, giving that cursed backscratcher another twirl. "You’re here to aid him." He flicked the scratcher toward the Monkey.
The Monkey flinched, his gaze darting between the man and me like he’d missed a crucial part of the joke. And, no doubt, I mirrored him.
"Uh, yeah, no. That's not happening," I snapped, slicing my hand through the air like a judge laying down a verdict. “There's absolutely no way I can help him…”
“I fear the luxury of choice is not on you, dear one. Should you seek to return home, but one path lies before you.”
My arms shot up in exasperation. "You can't be serious!" I shouted at the sky, praying some hidden camera was tucked away in the rocks around us, because this couldn't possibly be happening! "Enough already! Ha ha, real funny! But I’m done now!"
I spun in circles, desperate for a glimpse of a lens. "Come on, Susie! End the prank! Please? I don’t want to play anymore!"
And then, that chuckle. Low, knowing. “I pity you, child, in truth. Harsh though it may be to accept, I assure you—this is no jest.”
In a blink, he vanished in a puff of smoke, only to reappear at my side, his hand suddenly gripping my forearm. "You shalt need this for the journey that lies before you," he said, pressing a necklace into my palm before vanishing once more.
I actually felt him disappear. His small, pale hand dissolved from my skin, like that was just an everyday occurrence. And, apparently, it was.
"And you," his voice drifted from ahead. I glanced up to see him standing beside the Monkey, "will have its twin." He tossed a matching necklace to the Monkey, who caught it with barely a shrug, inspecting it without a word.
I looked down at my own, a black cord tied around a silver-black stone. It didn’t seem like much—nothing extraordinary… yet.
Note from author: Just wanted to add that I like writing realism into my stories... just a small heads up :)
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porcelainhrts · 8 months
🕸️ | Prophetess! Reader x MK
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• "Born" from a tree at the Wu Shi Academy, you were found by Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, and Kenshi after Kung Lao's hat sliced a nearby tree that revealed a human inside which is you.
Raiden huffed as he wiped away a bead of sweat from his forehead after finishing his daily training with the monks. From the corner of his eye, Kung Lao enters with a huge grin, wider than usual. It made him suspicious. What genius idea does he have in mind now?
And as if the younger could hear his thoughts, Kung Lao beams as he pulls out a razor hat. How the hell he made it, Raiden won't even ask.
"That doesn't look safe," he points out, leaning away cautiously.
"it's genius, Raiden," Kung Lao waves his hand dismissively, trailing his fingers along the hat's sharp edges. He does so carelessly and cuts his fingers, earning himself a hiss and a sigh from his friend.
"See? I told you."
Kung Lao raised a smug brow and the hat was sent flying around, faster than the wind as it cuts through everything it comes across. From the practice dolls, to the stands, and even the tall old tree on the side. The monks ducked, some jumped, few froze, but the genius man stood confidently with pride as it flew back at him, proving his point.
"That's a pretty deep cut," Johnny laughs amusely at the demonstration but as he zooms the camera on the tree's wound, his face drops and his eyes squint.
"I know I'm not much of a plant expert, but I do know plants don't bleed."
Kenshi scoffs. "Has the loss of money and fame driven you insane, Cage?"
"Hey!" Johnny yells, his expression changing from amusement to annoyance. "I have not fallen from stardom!" he claims.
"It's only a temporary setback! When this is all over, I'll eventually find my way back! Like everyone does! When they're lost," he adds as if reassuring himself, his face filled with determination and confidence.
A silent clash ensues between the two and the air tenses as they shoot daggers at each other with their eyes, Johnny's smirk taunting yet Kenshi's brow is threatening. "No, it's really bleeding," Raiden, who has been silently observing, breathes out, staring bewildered at the tree, his eyes wide in confusion.
"Look," he says, pointing to the tree's trunk, which still bleeds profusely.
And as the four men eye the said scene, it is no mistake that the tree is indeed bleeding . The scarlet liquid dirties it's clean wood and as they approach closer, little sniffles could be heard from inside.
"Call Lord Liu Kang."
• You were found nestled within the tree, unconscious and malnourished, with no memory of who you are and how you ended up there or why.
• The first few nights at the Wu Shi were filled with sleepless nights, bothering you with blurry yet bothersome enough to keep you up awake and pacing around your room. Some were concerning, some were scary, and some you would rather not speak of.
• Having enough of all the pent up feelings, you turn to the only thing you knew: weaving. Despite having no recollection of your memories, you knew how to weave— and in those carefully woven fibers tells stories yet to manifest.
• You truly wished not to bother Lord Liu Kang about your weird visions for he had already done enough to provide you a new home, but when you awake from yet another nightmare to find him before you, you knew you can no longer keep it to yourself.
• Despite how weird your story may seem, the God seemed to be unbothered. In fact, it may be small, but you can see the tug of his lips as you speak. You wonder if he knew about this.
• You wanted to ask but a part of you held you back, and so Liu Kang ends the conversation with a "you should get some rest."
𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: I know her introduction isn't really canon compliant, but let's just pretend it is. Originally, this was written for an oc and is purely self indulgent, but hey, why not let others in on the fun. I apologize if there are grammar mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. I would also like to apologize for the shitty writing because I'm not really a writer. Also, if I were to continue this, I still have no one in mind to pair her up with— comment if you have any suggestions.
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dokidokitsuna · 4 months
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Beast Jacket | Glass Diamond
I drew this to celebrate that I FINALLY FINISHED THE FIRST DRAFT of the NeverFell Projects’ first installment. The script is 20 pages long, and I haven’t even added the design breaks yet…is this shaping up to be my first hour-long video…??
In any case, it’s still just a first draft, and it will definitely need some more work before I even start recording it. After I have a nice long break to reset the ol’ brain, of course. ^^
So these designs are successors to these two from before: Adam basically just went shopping for a more protective coat (which he wears on top of his previous outfit) and new shoes. Cinder, on the other hand, jumped into a totally new look as usual. ^^ I love that she’s the Barbie of the RWBY universe, and I’m more than happy to feed the stereotype by giving her lots of different designs~. 
This is my answer to her V7 outfit, where she loses the reds in her design as the ‘flame goes out’. Unlike the V7 outfit, however, this design's symbolism is intentional, as Cinder puts this on when she’s at her lowest point. I like to imagine she was meditating over the direction of her life while she crafted all that glass armor…
Anyway, speaking of direction-- just so I don’t forget (and as a small preview of what I’m working on~) here’s some things I hope to improve with my next draft of this proto-story:
1] Emphasizing reciprocity As in, Adam helps Cinder develop AND Cinder helps Adam develop; it’s supposed to be a two way street. Unfortunately, I think the tail end of the story kinda paints Adam as the ‘savior’ in this relationship…and his lingering superiority complex does not help. ^^;
It may be because he goes through a whole arc over the course of the story, while Cinder just starts hers in the last act, but I think if I just add a bit more introspection on Adam’s part, I can probably fix this. I mean, despite having a more stable sense of self that he can rely on, Adam is clearly the weaker half of this partnership-- he gets beaten up twice in a row while Cinder just keeps coming back stronger despite her suffering. Add to that the fact that Cinder can read him like a book and does so constantly, and there’s no reason Adam has to come off as her superior if I’m actually doing my job as a writer. ^^;;
2] Cinder’s turning point I’m afraid that she might have fallen into the classic writing pitfall of “having a bunch of bad things happen to her and then suddenly changing her mind”...y’know, without a clear line of reasoning that takes her from “this is painful but necessary” to “this isn’t okay anymore”. It’s the difference between a character simply running away from something scary (like any animal can do…) vs. actually developing as a person.
There is a final conversation at the end of the story that I was supposed to use to make this clear, but I think I got too caught up in making it ‘realistic’ and establishing Adam and Cinder’s future dynamic. Which was admittedly very fun, but at the same time there’s probably a reason why it feels like a lightweight conclusion to a heavyweight story, and I’ll have to correct that eventually. :T
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jji-lee · 3 months
Hey love , I was wondering if you could hit us with a nct dream x bridgerton short blub 💞
this is clearly not a short blurb (im so sorry) but i wanted to describe them each as suiters, i hope you still enjoy! <3
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dearest readers,
last night’s ball was filled with chatter on some of this season’s fine young ladies however, one lady in particular, lady y/n bridgerton, seemed to be the belle of the ball.
the bridgerton estate was bustling with life as it hosted the most anticipated ball of the season. chandeliers set the mood as the candles adorning them cascaded a warm glow throughout the hall. the air was filled with a light scent of lilies and the sound of the live orchestra. guests were wearing their finest attire, excitement radiating off their bodies as they awaited tonight's matches.
tonight lady y/n bridgerton was a sight for sore eyes. a beauty in her long shining gown, figure defined by the lining of her handcrafted dress. her heart raced with excitement at the sight before her. this was her debut season, and she was anything but excited to have some time in the spotlight but little did she know that this season had some of the finest suitors on the market.
as she strolled around the ballroom lady y/n came across her first suitor, lord jeno lee. she had caught his eye as he spoke to some familiar guests, her smell of vanilla pulling him in. he was confident, his charming smile easily making girls weak. he lightly tapped lady y/n's shoulder hoping she would spend some time with him. as she turned she was pleasantly surprised by the figure in front of her, a tall handsome man, eyes shaped like crescent moons as he smiled wide at her. he introduced himself a light hand coming up to grasp hers. she immediately felt at ease opening up and telling him about her hobbies and interests. she felt like she had spoken for a lifetime, feeling warm as he nodded and smiled at her words, his hand never leaving hers. as she realized she had been the one speaking she blushed softly asking lord jeno what his interest were. but as he opened his mouth to speak a charming fellow approached them ready to steal her away.
"may i? lady y/n is not yet taken by you i assume?" lord jeno was all too kind allowing you to spend some time with your next suitor. you soon discovered he was duke of ashford, haechan lee, notorious for throwing the best balls and well, secret after parties. he ducked his head down as he brought your hand up to his lips. you flinched at the contact slightly tugging your hand away, but his grip only became stronger, a grin growing on his stupidly handsome face. "you're the talk of the ball tonight lady y/n, might i add your mother did a beautiful job decorating this place." you smiled at the compliment towards your mother, swayed by the idea that he had kept her in mind, "that is a great compliment coming from you duke, maybe you can invite me to a ball of your own someday?" he pulled her near as he got close enough to whisper, "you do know what goes on in my balls don't you m'lady, if that is the type of entertainment you seek, then just let me know now, i’ll have everything ready for you." he gave her hand one final kiss and danced away, proud that he left her red and flustered.
a cold touch jolted her out of her shocked state, as she turned to see the owner of this touch her eyes widened upon seeing the one and only lord renjun huang. he had pushed a cold glass into her arm to catch her attention, "excuse me, m'lady you were looking a bit hot, would you care for a drink?" she was relieved by the sudden change of demeanor between the men feeling comfort as she reached for the glass and muttered out a small thanks. "i'm surprised to see you here my lord, i hear you never come out to these sort of events." he blushed at your comment, knowing of the rumors of him being 'forever in solitude.' "yes, well, i saw someone this season who has caught my eye, maybe she will be the one to dismiss these rumors." she giggled at his comment knowing he was clearly talking about her, she was flattered that she was the one to finally get him to come to a ball. as their drinks emptied lady y/n excused herself to the ladies room to fix up her fading lip tint. as she walked through the ball she heard a familiar voice call her name…
a tall figure pushed through the crowd of guests hand in the air to stop her, “y/n, oh excuse me, y/n, pardon me, lady y/n, oh will you get out of my way” she stopped to see who was causing this disturbance. finally the man reached her, mumbling under his breath something about an annoying duke that needs to learn manners. “y/n i requested they play our song, let me have this dance?” lady y/n’s long time best friend lord chenle lee stuck his hand out awaiting her answer. she giggled at his disheveled appearance, he’d never been one to dress up for these kinds of occasions, and accepted his dance. he pulled her into the dancing crowd a familiar up beat tune playing. some would think they were long lost lovers finding each other again as they laughed, swayed, and twirled around the ballroom. but do not be fooled my dear reader, this lord seemed to be a temporary distraction for sweet lady y/n as she was seen shortly after with someone else to fill her cup…
as she caught her breath, a small smile still resting on her face, she heard a small voice behind her, “care for a refill m’lady?” she turned to see a very tall dark haired boy standing in front of her, he was dressed in all black a towel draped over his forearm, hands holding a bottle ready to refill her cup. as he looked up at her through his bangs she saw his features, a beautiful nose and lips adorning his face, “can i ask your name? lord…?” he quickly put the bottle down to wave his hands dismissively, “ no no, not lord, just jisung, jisung park, your mother hired me for this event” she smiled warmly at him causing his shoulders to relax and a light blush to form on his cheeks. “my mother has fine taste in bottle servers then” she held her glass out to him and giggled as he scrambled to pick up the bottle and pour the fizzy liquid into her glass. she gave him a light wink and walked out to get some fresh air in the garden.
as she wandered deeper into the large maze of a garden she began to hear distant giggling, as she continued to walk the sound grew louder. when she took a right turn she was greeted by a pair of strangers intertwined with one another. she gasped, quickly turning, well as quickly as her gown allowed, to shield her eyes from what was occurring in front of her. she heard the male laugh and the bushes rustle which she assumed was the girl running off, not wanting lady y/n to recognize her. lady y/n cleared her throat, “are you decent?” the male laughed again humming in approval. as she turned to see who this frisky male was she was met with a bare chest in front of her, buttons undone. she quickly put her hands over her eyes, “i asked if you were decent!” she felt his hands tug hers down. she looked up to avoid eye contact with his chest and was met with the beautiful face of duke jaemin na, this season’s biggest playboy, his sparkly teeth on display, “well hello there pretty lady, are you lost?” she backed away from him afraid she’d fall into his trap, “duke i actually am not lost, i will be finding my way out immediately!” she turned to exit the maze, hoping some magical force would guide her out. and unsurprisingly the duke followed behind her pestering her with questions from “what do you do on your free time?” to “have you ever been intimate with yourself?” she tried to ignore him, only answering the appropriate questions until she finally escaped the maze leaving him behind calling after her.
she finally thought the night was over and rushed to her mother’s side to find some peace, however, her mother had other plans. “my sweet girl, come, come!” she ushered her over, “i’d like you to meet sir mark lee!” a gentle looking man stood next to her reaching his hand out to lady y/n. as she took his hand he gave it a kiss and pulled her away from her mother to talk. “i’m sorry about all that, it’s getting late, i’m sure you’ve had a long night of suitors rushing your way” she smiled at him grateful that he acknowledged her struggle, “no worries sir, your company is welcomed, after everything i’ve been through your presence is soothing” he gave her a small smile before asking lady y/n to recount her night, giving her loud and exaggerated reactions to the stories, causing her to laugh at his expressions. they seemed to hit it off well, finding comfort in the others words.
the night seemed to end too early for lady y/n bridgerton, but it seemed she had done more than enough work for herself this season, as the next morning she was greeted by seven handsome men wanting to speak with her. now it is far too early to say which man has infiltrated the heart of our darling lady y/n. but patience my dear reader for tomorrow is right around the corner.
yours truly,
lady whistledown
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raayllum · 5 months
Anyway time to talk about the 6x03 poem:
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As many others have speculated judging by the map, Captain Skall made her way to Hook named after her, and then "as east she sailed into waters so deadly and cold" in the Frozen Shards, her ship eventually being stuck and meeting her doom there.
With that out of the way, I want to talk about other pieces of info, why this might be the poem for 6x03 specifically, and where I think Skall may fit timeline wise:
"From the isles without name" makes me think of the Independent Isles in between Evenere and Katolis.
"sailing north, she called herself free" makes me feel feral with Callum (and Rayla) doing the same in hopes of freeing Callum from Aaravos' grasp by destroying the prison
"Through forests and flowers, past the uneven towers" clearly symbolizes Katolis, indicating that Skall lived once most of the human kingdoms had been established, and thereby post-Exile/Exodus.
"Skall hungered for glory, she wanted a story / they’d tell it long after she died". Routinely we see a desire for glory / worthiness / power described as hunger ("Hungry for knowledge and power" / "But that small taste left some humans hungry—starved, even—for a better path. An easier path. And thus Elarion became the birthplace of a new form of magic, a shortcut to primal power: dark magic"). This also comes into seeking a legacy.
"So with winter wind’s blowing / she sailed north, forgoing / a man who’d have made her his bride". This is where we see the poem take a more negative slant in a few ways. The first is winter, wind, and north, setting up a future unfortunate turn of events. This is also the first mention of Skall having something else in her life other than adventure and something she had to subsequently abandon. While the end of the poem is much more on her side of feelings, "forgoing" does mean "renouncing; sacrificing or giving up" something that is more positive.
"Alone in the cold, yet ever so bold" again adds to the more negative feeling the poem is building, as boldness is in the contrast with "alone in the cold" that's overall negative and maintaining a bit more of an upkeep. Likewise, we see the return of the wind with an even more negative connotation in wailing in the following stanza: "And oh, winter wailed / as east she sailed / into waters so deadly and cold". We see the return of cold but also the change into things being 'deadly' (although there were still hints of danger earlier, as 'bold' indicates).
"Then came the ice, and trapped in its vise" The cold finally catches up to her, and we see ice return as a form of entrapment (2x06, 3x08, 3x09, 5x04, 5x06, 5x08). Most interestingly, "vise" is a tool with closable jaws for clamping things. Maybe the ice is magical, or the jaw of a great (the dragon we've seen in the trailer) creature?
"And while she found peace / she wished that, at least / she’d told him she loved him, always". While the poem ends on a somewhat bittersweet end (at death but at peace), we do see that Skall died with a final regret to the man she could've wed but left instead.
Or you could say, a last wish.
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Either way, the poem paints a rather grim journey: going North didn't hold the same freedom and achievements that Skall hoped for, and instead led to entrapment, separation, and death.
That said: there's a few Rayllum-y things I think we can glean from this poem, for starters:
1) The episode will likely have a strong focus on Callum and Rayla sailing to and/or through the Frozen Sea on whatever ship they're planning to use to get there. This leaves 6x02 "Love, War, and Mushrooms" more open to either explore other plot lines or another pit stop in their journey (like say, the Silvergrove)
2) The poem itself has pretty clear Rayllum parallels, specifically in TDP's continual gender subversion of the women who puts other things above her romantic relationship, even if it's likewise seen as a sacrifice. Rayla left Callum in order to protect him/the world from Viren, even if that meant damaging their relationship, and Skall puts her desire for glory and adventure over presumably a more settled married life at home. (Excuse me while I scream over "forgoing a man who'd have made her his bride.")
3) The poem likewise has some parallels to Rayla's "Dear Callum" letter specifically. There are wishes expressed of the leaving party, a desire to have made feelings more plain that Callum reiterates in 5x04 when they think they're about to die ("I hope you know—" "I know"), and most notably, a parallel to the always mention:
she wished that, at least she’d told him she loved him, always.
But, if it does—if you feel that soft aching—know that that piece of your heart isn’t missing. It’s not missing at all, Callum: I’m carrying it with me! Always. I love you. I love you so much.
4) All this bodes quite well for 6x03 being an episode with a big Rayllum moment in it — perhaps even their Big "You Finally Came Back" Talk — especially since there's not much else to (presumably) happen on a ship if they're just travelling somewhere (and not being pursued this time).
Episode Speculation (a summary / misc thoughts)
Callum and Rayla travelling to the Frozen Sea
Big Talk happens
+ potential love confession / reaffirmation?
They reach the other end of the Frozen Sea
Maybe fight the big dragon from the video game teaser we see with Rayla (like Skall, she has literal hooks = blades) whose guarding or in their way to the Starscraper? Could account for the jaws and maybe the ice
One of them is worried and/or has a moment of thinking the other person is hurt/injured bc of said dragon fight?
Maybe some Aaravos backstory in his lost love (although like I said, I don't think it's Skall exactly — I still think the likeliest names are Elara-adjacent or Kalik)
Episode Title Speculation (in about this order):
The Frozen Sea
By River and Sea
Always (this would be my personal favourite and i would never stop screaming)
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spyxfamilyanalysis · 5 months
Do you think donovan has something to do w project apple? The one that makes Anya can read minds, and if he does do you think he experimented w his children? Or Demetrius is born that weird
Well, I think there might be misunderstanding about the name of the Project. Project Apple is experimented on animals like Bond Forger, to make them useful with special abilities, for Bond's case is predicting the near future. But of course, there are still some limitations: the future can be altered, it is not fixed, as can be seen in Spy x Family episode 13-16, when Anya reading Bond's future predictions and changed it before Twilight was in danger.
And if you are asking what project Anya is experimented, is actually "nameless". Throughout the series and manga, the name of the project is currently unknown, and I, myself, am not sure if the Tatsuya-san will reveal it... Yet somehow, the Internet "said?" that there are the same name? That confused me???
Anyway, this hypothesis about Anya and Donovan has gone wild ever since, so let me explain.
We haven't known much about Demetrius, the only time he appeared was when Damian called him to meet their Father, which can be found in this scene (Chapter 37)
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To know more about chapter 37 -> link (it's not that I'm lazy, this post already analyze full so idk what to add...)
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About the scars, here are my predictions:
Maybe he really is related to the Project, since the mark of the stiches are pretty close to Anya's. And some are suspected that the ornaments on Anya's head could be a way to hide her scars from the experiments, or I think they are literally just accessories for her hair, like when she was small.
About the scientists, some said that after Anya escaped, the only "laboratory rat" managed to survive, they may be working on animals, like Bond, after that, as "hope" for science to save "world peace". And Donovan could be either an experiment like Anya, testing some sort of weird stuff on himself, or someone like the scientists who just got injured from, like idk, being attacked by his "laboratory animals". And I think that the chances of him being injured from war is very low, because he is the one to start war between Ostania and Westalis.
Are there any chances of Demetrius inherit the intelligence from Donovan? I think no. It's definitely not from the crazy ideas of his own father thinking of war, Ostania and Westalis are currently in the period of the Cold war, where there are no need for weapons, yet politicians are in a tense period, with the risk of war breaking out. True that his intelligence might be genetically inherited, but I can assure that both Damian and Demetrius may know nothing about what he was planning. So, uh, yeah, Demetrius is just that weird, and he is an introvert. You can tell how short his lines are when he was on the phone.
Off-and-bonus topic: I am very suspicious about their mother, Melinda. She first appeared officially in chapter 65, and the bus hijack incident of the Red Circus Arc. When Damian spoke about Donovan, her expression changed completely, as if she hated him deeply and want him gone from her sight. This could mean that she might know about what he was hiding, and probably she has an obsession to Damian, her sweet son~(?)
Look, she is so sus for hell sure. >:( But I'm not sure whether or not she is evil? Even Loid is aware of her now...
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Also, take a very close look at the dialogue after the hijack (Chap 75):
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She truly loves Damian, yet what we didn't realize that, his brother, Demetrius was not even mentioned in her interior monologue(?)/ mind. We also know that she calls Damian as a curse...: "I never should have come here... If only he'd died in the hijacking...", "If only I weren't burdened with this child...", "How he disgusts me...". At first when this chapter was out, I read this part and thought "he" that she mentioned was Donovan, and now, re-reading this, she was mentioning Damian. And I have no idea if she cares Demetrius more than Damian, or is it the opposite?
And finally, I bet she is hiding something from Damian... I mean, when Anya was mind-reading her, she was a bit scared. A scary obsession to Damian terrifyingly... maybe something about Donovan and the war between the 2 nations.
Message from the author (me): This is a very interesting topic! After I received your question, it took me several days to give you my answer which I think is most suitable and accurate, I do hope it is the answer you are looking for. Truly sorry for the long-time response, I was working with my final exams, so I can't answer you immediately.
Anyway, thank you for waiting and taking your time reading!🥰🥰🥰
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