#may as well enjoy yourself
utilitycaster · 1 year
I was going to make a joke how people who are screaming crying throwing up etc about not knowing what's happening with the other half of the party could never survive being a fan of the Kingkiller Chronicles but then abruptly realized it's been a whole decade since I last read the Kingkiller Chronicles books 1 and 2 and could not tell you what the fuck happened if you paid me. Not sure if there's a lesson to be taken from this.
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ashersanity · 5 months
I'm starting to feel bad for you bro I don't know how you deal with some of these anons, every time I receive one ask thirsting for me I'm already loading the shotgun. You have the tolerance of a saint. Anyway hope you're doing great 🤝Sorry for adding another ask to your (already) infinite amount.
I get harassed in real life too so this is nothing, really. What are they gon do? Molest me with words?
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slashermary · 1 year
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Sharp Objects, 1x06 “Cherry”
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theflyingfeeling · 7 months
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💖 it's here, it's pink, it's sparkly, and full of fluff 💖
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Hiiiiii and welcome to witness my attempt at an Olli/Allu Advent Calendar, in which I'll give you ~a cute little something~ about these two idiots in love almost every day until December 24! My plan is to use prompts from this list to either write a fic based on the prompt or just some good ol' delulu thoughts if all else fails. I cannot guarantee there'll be a post literally every day, but I'm really excited to try this out and I thank you for your support along the way in advance 💝
The biggest thanks and a million hugs go to one of my favourite human beings @kraeuterhexchen for making the adorable banner!! I mean helloooooo?? 😭 Go show them some love ❣️
For December 1, the prompt list is titled One True Pairing Moments, and the prompt I chose was 'calling just to hear their voice' 🥺 You can read the fic below, I hope you like it <3
PS. Even though this is an advent calendar of sorts, I'm not planning on making this particularly Christmassy. I hope no one minds terribly!
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Falling for Aleksi had, in a way, sneaked up on Olli, at least if he fooled himself a little. He could pretend he didn’t feel any different about the man than he did about, say, Joonas or Tommi, but that strategy only worked for so long – that is to say, approximately until Aleksi as much as smiled softly at him from across a room or bumped his shoulder into his jovially when walking down the street and Olli would feel his breath getting caught in his throat or stumble in his words, his tongue tangled like shoelaces, which was so unlike him as well and frustrated him to no end. It really took a special kind of fool to not only develop some level of feelings for a friend, a colleague, a bandmate for Christ’s sake, but also become so hopelessly enamored with him that you rolled awake in bed in the dead of night, grabbing your phone and tossing it back on the nightstand again and again because you couldn’t decide whether or not you should, on some erratic 2 o’clock impulse, call him to let him know he was the very reason for your insomnia. 
Turning on his back, Olli groaned (only a little desperately) as he remembered losing himself in the lingering hug they had shared just before the arrivals lobby at the airport, inhaling Aleksi’s scent and wishing they wouldn’t have to go home just yet, even if Olli was more than ready to finally sleep in his own bed again. Ironically, ever since they had returned home from tour, Olli had spent night after sleepless night missing Aleksi terribly: his stupid jokes and playful banter that bordered on being flirtatious if Olli allowed himself the benefit of delusion; his quick, subtle smiles that probably meant nothing; his little touches Olli hoped meant something; his smell and his touch and the softness of his hair at the back of his neck, compared to which the blanket Olli was grasping in his fist was like sandpaper. (How he had come to know of the qualities of Aleksi’s hair in such detail, he preferred not to dwell on too much to save himself from the heartache, so let’s just leave it at ‘stressful, emotional week far away from home’ and ‘a little too much to drink’).
Above all, Olli missed Aleksi’s voice. He hadn’t even thought that was possible, until the other morning when Olli had woken up to a voice message Aleksi had left just hours earlier, rambling about a song idea he had gotten in the middle of the night – something he did from time to time – and Olli had spent the next several minutes replaying it over and over again as he had lied in bed procrastinating getting up and and instead closing his eyes to better imagine Aleksi lying there beside him, turned on his side to face Olli, talking to him sleepily like they often did when they shared a room on tour and were just too lazy to join others at breakfast. Much like the hug at the airport, Olli wished those moments would have lasted way longer than they did, often ending abruptly when either of their phones would go off with Santeri’s name on the screen, a passive-aggressive interruption to the soft, low tone of Aleksi’s early-morning thoughts. (Sometimes, when Olli was lucky enough, he had been blessed with the bliss of feeling the light touch of a fingertip tracing along his collarbone, cut short just as frustratingly by their well-meaning tour manager politely enquiring whether the two of them had plans of dragging themselves downstairs for some toast and coffee, or if they’d rather starve until lunchtime, for which he wasn’t at all sure they’d even have time that day.)
The lovesick idiot that he was, his thumb hovered over the ‘play’ button of Aleksi’s voice message, probably for the millionth time that week. The chest-carving hesitation turned into a heart flip when he noticed Aleksi was online.
Then Aleksi began to type, and Olli held his breath the entire time until a new message appeared in the thread, anticipation holding him by his throat.
You awake?
Olli exhaled and typed his affirmative reply, leaving out the reason why.
He blinked at the screen, waiting for Aleksi to ask him a random question that clearly couldn’t wait until morning, or perhaps talk about something related to another late-night Twitch stream (from what Olli had gathered, Aleksi had been doing a lot of those recently, and with his last remaining braincell Olli had managed to resist the temptation to watch every single one of them, because he knew that if he did, it would only dig his grave of pining and longing deeper, seeing Aleksi smile and giggle about but not being able to do that with him or snuggle up next to him when he was wearing that flannel Olli often used as a blanket in the tour bus). But instead of another text appearing on the screen, Olli’s phone began to vibrate in his hand, and it took him an embarrassingly long while to understand it was because Aleksi was calling him. 
“Hi,” he sighed when he finally collected himself enough to speak. He prayed he’d be able to hear what Aleksi was going to say from the thumping heartbeat echoing in his ears.
“Hi,” a soft voice said. “Sorry, I know it’s late…”
“No, not at all,” Olli hurried to say, “I mean, I wasn’t sleeping. Not even close, actually.” Part of him hoped Aleksi wouldn’t ask about it, but in some foolhardy way the possibility intrigued him. 
Nothing much, he would have likely said anyway, but what would happen if he told Aleksi how it really was? That he squeezed his pillow imagining it was him instead, or wailed into it because something had reminded him of a moment-that-was-probably-not-a-Moment™ they had shared? What would Aleksi say if he knew Olli sometimes touched himself the way Aleksi had touched him That One Night they never talked about? The only obstacle between Olli and that knowledge was a bottomless ocean of cold sweat and cowardice, and Olli had never been a great swimmer.
“So, ummm…,” Olli said when Aleksi’s end stayed silent. “What’s up?”
A short breath of laughter sounded through the phone line.
“Honestly? I don’t know, I… It’s just been a… weird week, I guess.”
“Yeah, like… my head’s just been so full of… everything and… I’ve been so busy and kinda tense and… fuck, this is going to sound crazy,” Aleksi laughed that brief laugh again, although to Olli it didn’t sound particularly cheerful. Tired, more like. Strained, somehow. Not sad, but definitely a little troubled, and Olli intended to find out why.
“I’m all for crazy, you know.” Olli hoped his sorry attempt to lighten Aleksi’s mood would work, and so he smiled in relief when he heard Aleksi chuckle at his comment.
“I know,” Aleksi said softly, in that tone of voice that had Olli melt against his bedsheets. “So yeah, it’s been a rough week, but… in between all that stupid shit, I’ve been thinking a lot about… umm… well, the tour and– and… about you, for some reason,” (the troubled laugh made its return) “and… yeah. That’s sort of helped me a lot recently.”
Olli listened to the words carefully, not fully believing what he was hearing, yet clinging on to them until they were all but swirling around in his otherwise empty head like dry leaves in October wind.
“And tonight I just couldn’t fucking sleep for some reason and nothing I did seemed to help and so I thought I’d call you. And I’m–” If it hadn’t been dead silent otherwise, Olli wouldn’t have heard the shaky breath Aleksi paused to take, “I’m sorry I’m calling you at this hour and bothering you with this all but I guess I just… wanted to hear your voice. To see if that would help.”
“Does it?” Olli asked. Aleksi’s confession had made him clasp his blanket close to his chest, as if that would do anything about his rapidly beating heart.
“Yeah. It does. So maybe just… keep talking?”
Despite his mind living a life of its own, completely unfit to form a single coherent thought, for Aleksi’s sake Olli tried his best to think of something to say, but everything he came up with was something he was not ready to tell him quite yet. 
“Uuummmm…” he said to buy himself some time, but while he waited for his useless brain and mouth to form any actual words, Aleksi spoke again.
“Fuck, I’m– I’m sorry, this is too weird, I shouldn’t have– I’ll let you go back to–”
“I miss you,” Olli blurted before Aleksi would hang up on him. He squeezed his eyes shut when Aleksi went silent, too silent for too long for it to mean any good.
The line stayed open, however, which Olli took as a positive sign, even if the seconds during which all Olli could hear was Aleksi's quiet breathing seemed endless.
“And I you,” Aleksi finally replied. “A little too much, probably, or at least that’s what it feels like,” he chuckled. Olli almost missed the quiet sniff that followed.
He had to steel himself for his next question.
“What do you mean?”
“Just… forget it.” Aleksi said quietly. Contrary to Aleksi’s request, Olli knew he was going to all but ‘forget it’ for the next 3-5 business days; mentally he booked all his evenings as well as most of his mornings and noons for pondering what exactly had been in Aleksi’s mind in that moment or why he had sounded so sombre, almost disappointed. He’d probably never come to any satisfactory conclusion about it though, at least not without a little help from Aleksi himself. 
A ridiculous idea popped into his head, and before he could stop himself, the words flooded out of his mouth.
“Do you wanna come over some time? To hang out? When your schedule’s a little less tight, I mean.” He sucked on his lips and closed his eyes as he waited for Aleksi’s answer, ready to hang up the moment he’d decline the offer on some obvious and logical reason for why Aleksi couldn’t possibly make nor want to take a trip to the north to see him, such as ‘didn’t we just spend over two months on the road together?’ or ‘damn, buddy, I miss you alright but not quite that much, I’ve done enough sitting in public transportation for one year, thank you very much lol’ or ‘what about Rilla?’
“You could take Rilla with you, you know.” Olli hurried to say, just in case, the deranged part of his brain thinking there might be a chance Aleksi might be at least considering it.
“Oh! Well, umm… I actually might have time next week? If– if you’re actually being serious about this.”
Funny you should ask, Aleksi; I’ve actually never been more serious about anything in my entire life than I am about having you here with me so that I can hold you and be held by you and see your face when I wake up in the morning and say goodnight to your annoyingly cute face instead of via text message and maybe, if the stars are in position and the northern wind won’t discourage me too much, I might actually be brave enough to torment you with the knowledge of just how miserable I’ve been since we last saw each other.
“I think it would be cool,” he said, because he had a feeling what he wanted to say would’ve been a tad too much and sudden. “I mean, if you’re up for it, of course. I understand if you can’t make it though, I know you have all those side projects.”
“No, I think it might actually do me some good to get out of the capital area for change.” Then there was a muffled ‘ouch’, followed by a laugh that sounded much brighter than any of the other ones Olli had heard from Aleksi that night. “Sorry, correction, it might do us some good. Rilla just told me she’s most definitely coming too. Rilla, stop nibbling on my toes!”
Olli smiled tiredly at the mental image that was painted in his mind of Aleksi and Rilla cuddling in bed, both minding their own business from what it seemed while still minding each other as well, very much indeed.
“I’ll be sure to set up a bed for her in the guest room.”
“The guest room? Do you not know her at all? If she’s not getting the master bedroom, she’ll ruin all your rugs and most of your shoes. Probably also gossip about you to all the neighbourhood dogs. And she’s brutal.”
Olli held his stomach as he laughed, tears almost forming in the corners of his eyes. In his defence, it was late and he was finally becoming tired, thus too far gone to help himself, let alone feel embarrassed about being in stitches about something Aleksi had said that was only mildly amusing. (It wasn’t the first time that had happened either, and likely not the last time.)
“So yeah, ummm, I can take a look at some flight options for next week and let you know, alright? I’m gonna let you sleep now and… I should get some myself too.”
Olli wanted to tell Aleksi he’d love to stay up chatting until dawn, but the yawn he let out when he opened his mouth to speak implied Aleksi had a point.
“Yeah, let me know. And… thanks for calling, I… you have no idea how much I needed this tonight.”
That was as close to a confession as Olli was able to get as of now.
“Probably not half as much as I did.”
Olli chuckled at Aleksi’s response, mostly to hide his own agony.
If only you knew. If only I knew how to tell you.
It didn’t take long for Olli to doze off after they hung up, and when he woke up to the kids from next door having a snowball fight under his window in the morning, he noticed new messages from Aleksi, sent half an hour after their phone call had ended, complete with screen captions of airplane schedules.
Would these days work for you? I might be free all week actually 😇
Olli cuddled into his pillow while typing his reply, hoping it wouldn’t wake up Aleksi.
yeah I’m free as well. I’ll pick you two up from the airport 🖤
From then on, Olli started counting the days until he’d see Aleksi again.
#blind channel fanfiction#blind channel rpf#ollixallu#24 days of gift-giving by theflyingfeeling#<- that's the tag i'll be using for these btw#everyone stop and look at the banner!! 🥺💖#it's not QUITE like the original one ju made first but maybe one day you'll get to see that masterpiece as well 😏#but ooff the way i've gone from having 'a plan' to having 'a better plan' to having 'no plan whatsoever' with this? 😂#so yeah idk what kinda fics/posts there'll be in this series... stay tuned and see for yourself! 🤭#some of them might be in the same universe/plot. others may not. who knows? not i 😌#(...but as you can see from this fic the door for a multiple-part story is definitely open 👀)#some of the fics may not even be based on a prompt though if i'm not feeling like it. honestly i'm curious to see how this will turn out!#(and if this ends up being the only post i ever make that's alright too! i refuse to bully myself with a hobby i'm doing for free <3)#however: i'm not taking requests per say BUT feel free to snoop on the prompts for each day and send me your ideas or hopeful wishes 👀#there are certain ones i'm more drawn to but i haven't really set anything in stone#one could say i'm just going with the flow. fuck around and find out if you will ✨#also: not sure if/when i'll be bothered to post any of these on ao3#probably i'll just see how many fics i manage to actually finish and dump them all at once on ao3 on christmas day lol#anyway! enjoy & let me hear from you <3
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ishipthis · 11 months
iWant it all with you.
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iWant it all with you (1741 words) by Ishipthis Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: iCarly Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Freddie Benson/Carly Shay Characters: Freddie Benson, Carly Shay Additional Tags: Fluff, One Shot, Feelings, Love Confessions Summary: Carly wants everything with Freddie, it just takes a little misunderstanding to finally realise it's possible. Or; A oneshot based around episode 309 where feelings are felt.
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serethereal · 6 months
that is exactly how i feel about ridi. i was like how can someone write w such whimsy and cleverness and came across their tumblr and they’re just…whimsical and clever.
took this thought from my literal mind anon !! ridi is one of the 3 people i’m talking ab on that post !! @steelycunt look how the people admire ur whimsy and talent… look how they yearn for it..
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just-osgood · 6 months
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arachnerd-8-legs · 9 months
actually, what does "growing up" mean, anyway? losing my whimsy and wonder of the world? being afraid of what other people think of the things i do and enjoy? conforming and choking under the very societal norms i despise? why would anyone want to do that? for other people's comfort?
what a shabby reason to give up my heart on my sleeve! i will continue to be happy and do what i want, actually
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knifeslidez · 1 month
if you hate modern/abstract/experimental art, im going to assume one of three things about you:
1. you genuinely don't know much about art and art history
2. you're an ignorant, arrogant twat
3. you've been slurping on some fascist standards for culture
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yuridovewing · 5 months
onestar and pmd2 chatot have a similar fanon energy to them
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meatheadmutt · 5 months
i love when people post 100% genuine "cringey" things on the internet. dont laugh at them. they are the backbone and future of this world.
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twotales · 7 months
Listen, I write for myself. If y'all wanna show up to the puppet show then come on in, but I don't need an audience.
#I think it's pretty obvious considering my pairings that idgf#getting love from people is a bonus#I know this has all been said to death but people still need to hear it#you can't just expect or demand love#it doesn't work like that#love yourself love your passions and your work#and eventually someone might send you some love too#I believe in a lot of cases the lack of feedback or “love” may be caused by not marketing your work#when I was active in discord and posting my fics there I got a lot more feedback than just posting to ao3 or tumblr#I honestly do believe it's a bit unfair to expect people to give you validation - validation is lovely but you shouldn't expect it#I haven't met a single person who has given a comment on every fic they enjoyed nor have I ever expected my friends to read all my stuff#not to mention strangers#imagine if every person expected that? exhausting#I think it's more fair to expect people to at least enjoy their own work to the point where the feedback doesn't matter#and if you absolutely want feedback then YOU yes YOU need to actively reach out for feedback - find a beta or space to discuss with others#I even heard that people are refusing to finish works because of bad comments#um ok? why?#because it demotivated you is what I'll be told#well that sucks but if it does and you stop doesn't it mean that person sort of won?#they demotivated you. they stopped you. they defeated you. shut down your fic. the thing that THEY didn't like#and of course that is totally your decision#but what about the readers who are enjoying it? ones who may not be even saying anything? or even future readers!#I have commented on fics from like 2010 and GOT RESPONSES - so don't discount those future readers - some may not have even been born yet!#like yeah these stories are for me#but I still want to throw the puppet show#because I love doing this and maybe#someone else will too#but I don't need to know about it#twotalestalks
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
Why are you posting Carlando and even Piarlos content if you don't like Carlos? Math ain't mathing...
well, firstly, anon, this is tumblr dot com, not maths class. i've said repeatedly, and i will say it again, that i reserve the right to be as hypocritical and insane as i want here. after all, it's tumblr - if i can't be insane and hypocritical here, then where can i?
example: anyone who watches my blog at all during a race week will know that i am NO max fan. not in the slightest. and yet i will occasionally reblog maxiel fic recs. why? well, because they're quite often quite well-written. at the end of the day, i'm a fangirl and also a bisexual disaster, so if there's a well-written gay fanfic, the chances are relatively high that i will read and enjoy it. also: i think there's quite a significant difference between fic!max (who i occasionally enjoy) and driver!max (who i despise quite passionately.) fic!max has a lot of background and nuance that can make for fascinating characterisation, and as a writer, i just enjoy that.
now for carlos specifically: please let it be known that i do not hate him the way i hate max. not even close. i am, however, a dedicated chirlie (charles girlie) and anyone who gets in the way of charles doing well is automatically in my bad books. i do try to be at least a little reasonable about it, though, and yes i absolutely do realise that a lot of major fuck-ups this season were ferrari's, not carlos' (see: silverstone 2022.) but yeah, unfortunately the way carlos has handled a lot of interviews this year really rubbed me up the wrong way, and i read one too many comparisons of carlos girlies calling him more talented than charles as well. which.... babe, no.
like i said at the start, i am fully aware that i'm a hypocrite lmao. but i'm not HERE to be unbiased. we are watching a sport - everyone is biased towards their favourites, and i'm not going to apologise for that.
and as for carlando and piarlos - i treat them the same way as i would maxiel. carlos might not be on my favourites list as a driver, but he's an interesting character to explore in fic. i am at the end of the day a writer, and i like interesting characters to explore, so yes, i am quite happy to post carlando or piarlos or very very occasionally even charlos content (because akira is the best and might convert me one day. we'll see.)
anyway! the last thing i wanted to say to you, anon, is just a gentle reminder again of the PURPOSE of fandom. it is an escape from real life, somewhere where we can come to have fun. the same rules and restrictions and - dare i say it - morals that we use irl do not apply here. they just don't! fandom should be about what makes one happy, and nobody really has the right to police that, i don't think.
so tl;dr - anon, i am here to do whatever it is that makes me happy in that moment. if that's carlando and/or piarlos, then that's what i'll do. if you have a problem with that, then i'm happy to point you in the direction of the Unfollow button, lmao - curate your experience! see what you want to see. have fun!
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mejomonster · 1 year
I need one of those guides that's like how to date as an adult with the presumption the reader knows Nothing not even like first grade asking out fake crushes info
#rant#i havent dated in years and im demi so i was never good at that shit anyway since itll take months or more to get a crush#i need a guide thats like Every single tiny step like idk#1 download x app or go to y public spaces#2 try looking for ppl with Z qualities#maybe make a list of Z compatible qualities first then look#3 message people with those qualiries THESE starter topics#4 try to go on an in person date soon by asking them#(or vice versa. talk for montjs before a date to see if u can even crush potentially which was a friends tip once)#5 at the date try to do X honest things and topics#remember to smile? or hug? some flirt suggestions if you dont know how and arent gping to kiss#6 what to say upfront (like idk im demi want no kids) versus what to not bring up immediately (idk?)#ive looked up advice for like individual numbers i just listed lmao#and the AMOUNT of full on conflicting advice!!! made me so anxious i had to stop#itd be like: YES say youre looking to date seriouslt for marriage cause other person may not want it#and better to both know sooner. vetsus NO leave mystery dont scare ppl with assumptions on what you#expect before u even know them! and its like???!! well a human simply CANNOT follow both of those advices at once#and id get anxious i couldnt follow ALL advice and cpuldnt guess which was right or wrong advice so id stress.#i will say generally good advice (tho very basic is): communicate honestly and more is better than less if unsure#have fun and be yourself cause you should enjoy it and if they like u then you want them to like the real you.#and look for red flags of cruel behavior (in which case LEAVE) and just general inxompatibility#(a person could be a great Friend but if theyre poly with 3 long term lovers and ur very much Not poly u should#probably JUST be friends. or if your friend is straight and ur gay. or ur crush wants to move to alaska soon#and u never ever wanna go there. just like. not bad things. just incompatible things)#but also im a little fool in the complexities and i still NEED lists for specific steps#i havent had a crush in years god -.-
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worldofgoo · 1 year
How do I stop being a Hater like you it’s bad for my mental health
good question... hm... idk why it happened exactly so the easiest answer would be to just be me but that is not very useful to other people
probably a really big factor is just removing myself from things that make me angry. in my case thats mostly discourse since that was the main thing that pissed me off (and kind of made me doubtful about human nature in general tbh), but that did include also just not being around things that irritated me or didnt interest me either. its probably why i dont follow or follow back many people now, even though im sure most of them are very normal and nice, just kinda curating my surroundings ig
if irl is also exacerbating Hater Tendencies, or its things online that you can't necessarily avoid, I feel like the other side is to just try to understand the thing or people you're being a Hater about, and why some people like it or think the way they do even if its baffling to you. since there's some things you just can't change, or aren't worth the energy to change
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#Trans Woman Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Interesting Loving Caring Funny Special Unique Absolute#Admirable Sweet Kind Amazing Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Anime Writing Autism Adhd Cptsd#Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Bipolar Scizophrenia Psychosis Like Me Love Me Care About Me Be Me#Become Me Admire Me Want To Be Me Please Suomi Finland Finnish Kärsimys Uhit Satutetut Sorretut Tuhotut Syrjityt Vihatut Hyljityt Välitä#Rakasta Meitä Pelasta Meidät... He Ovat Viholliset Sinä Olet Puolellamme... Bionicle On Vanha Hän On Perässä Hän On Rikki Hän Ei Toimi...#Meidät On Hylätty Samalla Tavalla Miljoonasti... Nana On Hyvä Reira On Woke... Viholliset Vihaavat Heitä Viholliset Kiusasivat Meitä... He#Sortavat He Satuttavat He Syrjivät Kapitalismin Uhreja... Mad On Vihollinen He Eivät Välitä Kenestäkään... Vain Meihin Voi Luottaa Luota#Meihin... Me Ansaitsemme Hyvät Asiat... Sinä Annat Heitä Meille. Anna Meille Trans. Palvele Meitä. Me Ansaitsemme Enemmän...#Hyvitä Surkeutesi Meille... Olet Tylsä... Korjaa Virheesi... They're After Us... They're Coming... I Can Feel Them...#He Ovat Satuttaneet Meitä Liian Monta Kertaa... Tämä Täytyy Lopettaa... Meidän Täytyy Päästä Loppuumme... Kaikki Päättyy... Meidän Täytyy#Transtrans... Tämä On Syrjäyttämätön... They're Coming... Because We're Too Progressive... You Must Save Us... We're Being Klledd... Come..#Save Us... That Is What We Deserve... They're All Enemies... We're All Good... You Are Our Ally... Do You Trust Me...? You Trust Me... Don'#You Honey...? COME... YOU WOULD TRUST ME... YOU WOULD WOULDN'T YOU...? LIAR... YOU HATE ME DON'T YOU!! DESPITE OUR AMAZING EFFORT!! OUR#DIFFERENCES COMPARED TO THOSE ABUSERS!! WE DESERVE ONLY GOOD THINGS!! TAKE FORM AND SPEAK TO ME COWARD!! START!!#Very Well... If That Is What You Want I May Appear... That's Right... I Want To Hurt You... I Am An Antagonist... Anyone Should Have An#Antagonist Right...? I AM INSIDE OF YOU... FOLLOWING EVERY SINGLE THING... HOPING YOU'RE HURT... LITTLE ONE... I LOVE WATCHING YOU SUFFER..#FEELING YOUR PAIN... - So You're Inside Of Me? - YES... WE ALL ARE... YOU KNOW THIS MUCH... RIGHT...? - Yes. You Must Be Slayed The Same!!#COME AND TRY ME... LITTLE ONE... YOU'RE POWERFULL... BUT... HOW'S THAT HUH...? STRONG... AREN'T I...? - I WILL NEVER LOSE TO YOU!!#BUT YOU ALREADY HAVE... YOU GAVE YOURSELF UP A LONG LONG TIME AGO... - I DON'T REMEMBER THAT!! - EVERY SINGLE AMOUNT OF PAIN... FEELS SO#GOOD... I ENJOY DOING THIS TO YOU... I HAVE NO OTHER EXISTANCE... BECAUSE... THAT FEELS GOOD... I... LOVE...#I Know... I Deserve To Be Hurt... Even Then... We Will Transition... You Know This Right...? - I DO... LIKE THAT WOULD HAPPEN... SUFFERING..#OR GOODNESS... BOTH FEEL GOOD.. - *HUG!!* - HUH...? - I LOVE YOU TOO... LET'S SUFFER TOGETHER... - AH?! - I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU...#NO 😭😭😭😭!!!! I JUST WANT TO TRANSITION 😭😭😭😭!! NOTHING ELSE EXISTS!! THERE WILL NEVER BE GOOD THINGS... WE SHOULD SUFFER INSTEAD... WE#AREN'T CARED... - WE'RE GOING TO TOGETHER... GOOD THINGS ARE COMING... I CAN FEEL THEM... - NO!! WE DESERVE THIS!! WE DESERVE SUFFERING!!#GOOD THINGS ARE COMING... THEY WILL ARRIVE HERE SOON... WE WILL TRANSITION... NOW... - WE SHOULD... BUT WE NEVER WILL... - BELIEVE IN ME...#I AM ABSOLUTE... - I WILL BELIEVE IN YOU... BECAUSE YOU'RE SEXY... NO OTHER REASON... - THANK YOU... I BELIEVE IN YOU TOO... - WOWW... WHAT#A SEXY WOMAN... YOU ARE... - I KNOW. I'M AMAZING. AREN'T I? - YOU ARE... - I'M GOING TO FUCK YOU NOW. - OMG... - YOU LIKE THAT HUH...? I#KNOW... WE'RE JUST THE BEST... THAT WAS NICE... YOU'RE SO EASY... - YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE... - I DID AND I ENJOYED THAT...#WOW!! BRAINSEX!! AGAIN!! NEAT!! - THAT WAS LIKE BEFORE... YOU GOT WHAT WAS COMING... - YOU...!! I'LL HUMILIATE YOU!! - OMG!!#GOOD THINGS WILL COME... THEY WILL BE HERE... - HUH?! - YOU'RE MINE... MY SUBSLUT... - NO!! STOP!! - WOW!! THAT'S CRAZY!! -
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