#may the guilt eat at them like rats for the rest of their lives
Cricket here. Boy oh boy, shit just keeps pilling up. Lemon claims that he or anyone he knows haven't been saying that shit about Griff having to end themselves.But maybe someone should tell xxlemon-chanxx that if you make a call out on someone, the GOAL is always to get them harassed. The goal is to get everyone in that call out bullied and harassed. And pretty suspicious the fact that Griff and their friends have been stalked and spied on for about 2 years remains entirely unadressed. There is also evidence of Lemon pressuring at least two of Griff's friends to cut contact with them. SO LEMON, YOU MEANT TO HARASS AND BULLY GRIFF, IF YOU DIDN'T YOU NEVER WOULD HAVE MADE THAT CALL OUT, OR GOTTEN INVOLVED TO BEGIN WITH, THIS WAS NEVER ABOUT 'CLEARING MAGPIE'S' NAME' AS YOU SAY, YOU CAN CLAIM ALL YOU WANT YOU ARE 'AGAINST HARASSMENT' BUT THERE'S ENOUGH EVIDENCE TO SUGGEST YOU ABSOLUTELY WANT GRIFF TO BE HARASSED, ALL THE WHILE YOU ARE LITERALLY AN OUTSIDER TO THIS WHOLE SHITSHOW, YOU HAD NO INVOLVEMENT YOU JUST INSERTED YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU'RE CLEARLY DELUSIONAL ENOUGH TO THINK YOU ARE THE MAIN CHARACTER OR SOME SHIT.
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If you REALLY did not mean to bully Griff out of the fandom you would not be celebrating it. And it also remains very intresting that multiple people including Griff themselves have pointed out a lot of these screenshots came from private chats very suspicious that the other party refuses to adress this point. And also intresting that for being a supposedly neutral party, neither Griff or any of their friends were approached and asked about their side of the story. I guess none of them want to admit they were in the wrong. I'm stepping away as well, I like the owl house, but am glad to say I was never to involved in the fandom, you're all a bunch of self absorbed toxic jerkwads. Cricket signing off.
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preemshots · 1 month
oc smash or pass
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tagged by @theloverstemperance tagging ANYONE who wants to do this but hasn't yet. please tag me as the person who tagged you so i can read about your OC :D rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Full Name: NV ("nut v". i never picked a real full name, but it's also not valerie or vincent lmao) Nickname: V Age: 27 in 2077 Height: 5'10" Eyes: Black Kiroshi "The Oracle" with red emissive pupil UI Gender: nonbinary Pronouns: they/she; masc>femme nouns Sexuality: yeah. (bi/pan/queer/poly all of the above)
obvious: NV is outwardly reserved and focused most of the time; brow furrowed, slight resting grump face. but they're also terrible at hiding what they're feeling and it's easy to break this focus. if they like you, they'll react strongly to you--usually with snark, bold suggestions, or by getting flustered.
dependable sucker: prefers to serve others before self, and once making a choice follows through with it (even if they know they'll regret it or have been deceived).
observant: pays attention to every detail of everything they can, will randomly give you the most thoughtful gift or something you mentioned needing/wanting but forgot about.
enduring: can tolerate a lot--physically, mentally, emotionally, even without certainty of reward at the end.
switch: their dynamic depends on the person, but generally are top-leaning. they are just as eager to struggle for dominance as they are to be put in their place.
work hard, play hard mentality: they overwork to justify seeking pleasure and good times, believing strongly in indulgent treats and blowing off steam--and most importantly, treating others.
1TB SDD memory: their sense of humanity is extremely dependent upon their connections with others above all else, whether close/personal, casual/transactional, or human/AI. they will not forget you.
cybernetically enhanced: stronger than average, but they're made of mostly doll parts, so you know. pleasure enhancements are included >:3
thrill seeker: they constantly want to test the limits of their cybernetic body in ridiculous ways--whether with new, dangerous drugs, by jumping off buildings in corpo plaza, or watching hacked BDs. their cybernetics aren't even particularly strong; they deliberately choose cheap/basic models and are more than willing to blow money on repairs/replacement parts.
rat: refuses to buy food unless it's for others. they'll openly steal food off tables as they pass by random people dining on the street to get the very limited caloric intake they need. if that fails, they'll even eat something off the ground if it doesn't look too gross.
deeply unwell: it's not just the creepy look of the kiroshis; years of cybernetic replacements have eroded NV's sense of humanity. while there's no risk of a full blown cyberpsychotic breakdown, a sort of gnawing omnipresent craving for violence lives inside them, something they consistently indulge in on a small scale via work when the opportunity presents itself. though it's not enough to motivate their decisions, they do enjoy the excuse.
the fool: their sense of identity is largely defined by choice and the guilt that follows. nudging them into misguided choices is not particularly difficult.
indifferent reaper: they are acutely aware of the nature of merc work, how often they're required to pass judgement on behalf of others whom they may not agree with, as well as how often they are given the unique opportunity to pass life-or-death judgement themselves. but even when executing something they feel is right, they don't really believe in greater moral justice, only luck and bad luck.
feral: the relic and johnny's influence prevent further decay of their humanity but also exacerbate a tendency to overindulge in all their vices. they WILL get themselves into trouble.
narrow viewpoint: particularly focused on individual survival, they don't often examine the larger picture (of corps, society, long-term manipulation, etc.)
former nomad who loves cars and driving around. they are either the best driver (on the clock) or the scariest (off the clock the thrill seeking mentality kicks in, no thoughts head empty, my insurance will cover this, etc.)
utility netrunner: very skilled but only uses it for doing spooky shit, never direct attacks.
throwing knife user. likes to pounce on their prey and abuse finishers.
also a failed arasaka corpo who loves bullying other corpos but is absolutely embarassed about being a failed corpo. it is not hard to see why they were bad at it.
eager to follow a leader but generally suspicious of organized groups that recruit. indiscriminately hazes every ganger in night city, will beat their asses for fun and then sell their guns back to them
more propaganda under the cut (warning for slight spice 🌶)
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billcyphersballsack · 7 months
Spoilers for the funny timeloop game
A big factor I think is fun to consider in the “a different party member is looping” AUs is why the characters keep it to themselves, and also how they’d behave at their tipping point, and most of all how they’d s specifically dehumanize the rest of the party by the end like how Siff starts calling them actors on a stage. If I may throw my two silver coins in the pool
Mirabell would experience major chosen one guilt. She’d see the loops as an opportunity to make the head house maiden (I’m gonna say HHM from here on out for her btw) proud for choosing her and also the rest of Dormont. She’d do everything to keep everyone safe of course, really starting the downward spiral after her first failure to defeat the king. But after meeting with HHM and having the loop corrupt I think she’d experience major religious guilt. She failed her house and she already thinks she’s following the change belief wrong because of her aroace status so I think she’d start assuming this was all a punishment for her sins that needed correcting. Her party members becoming nothing more then her entourage as she is the vessel of change, and at their worst they’re obstacles to her redemption. She doesn’t even wait for them to start talking shit about her at the clock tower before she decides to go it alone I think
A lot of Odile loops aus or maybe just the one I’ve seen have her as a diligent note taker. Real. I think she’d be unwilling to tell the party because I think she’s smart enough to figure out why the loops are happening immediately. But she refuses to believe that dumb wish she made on the tree she doesn’t believe in could actually do anything so she pushes that fear to the back of her mind and forgets about it till the end. She follows exact scripts and does everything perfectly for the first few loops but I think given the fact she’s the only one who attacks you in the finale fight she has it in her to start distancing herself form the party super quick. Even before meeting HHM she starts seeing the group as lab rats minus Bonnie to test out possible scenarios both to their benefit or to their detriment but after the meeting they become nothing more then Serial numbers, Bonnie included, and she couldn’t care less when it comes to their safety since she can just restart whenever she likes
Isa is tricky because he’s too sweet a guy I think but that’s what’s fun about it. I think he’d have a full blown identity crisis, I think lying to his friends and keeping secrets more intense then a little crush would eat at him, I think the fact his friends can’t remember all the things they’ve shared in the loops would make him feel hopeless over time, I think the fact they can’t remember when he was cold to them in later loops would get on his nerves. He’s a bundle of emotions and keeps the loops from the others just because he’s worried about them seeing him differently now that he has this ability, and after he meets the HHM he’s erratic and all over the place mentally. I’m taking a que from his backstory using body craft and saying his friends become shapeless formless husks over time that he can’t see as anything but failed clay sculptures. For an extra bit of sadness he finally confesses to siff in one of the loops before the last one and it’s big and perfectly choreographed but Sif gets overwhelmed and is himself worried how isa would feel if he knew more about Sif so they turn him down. And from then on he goes through the 5 stages of grief treating Sif worse and worse each loop because all of their good chemistry and funny banter is soured by the fact it will never happen. When the final fight ends he confesses it more like he’s telling Sif he’s got weeks to live, quiet and subdued and apologetic, and Sif accepts this time because it was genuine and they know a lot more about each other now
Bonnie tells Odile. Every time without fail. Sometimes they let Mira and Isa in on it, sometimes they insist it stay between them, sometimes they don’t tell the whole truth and pass it off as a prophetic dream or a hunch or something. But they always tell her. And they never tell Sif. Bonnie would obviously start getting stronger because of the loops and would eventually show off to Sif that they didn’t need his protection anymore, and that’s when the two can have their heart to heart and they’d trust him more. But after that loop fails Bonnie would become more and more agitated, aggressive, they’d snap at the others and become increasingly annoyed they treat them like a baby when they’re more powerful then all of them. It’s after the HHM that they stop telling Odile, they stop getting excited about snacks they stop chiming in with jokes and everyone assumes, naturally, that the kid is obviously stressed and they leave it be. On the last loop they absolutely lose it on the others and that’s when they all agree to leave them at the clocktower because this is too much for them. I wanna say the party becomes something like dolls to Bonnie, and that they feel as though they’re too old for dolls now
That’s it that’s the post
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nolita-fairytale · 2 years
living on a remote island with sirius & raising baby harry together (remote island au)
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au headcanon where you and young!sirius black flee the country to live on a remote island and raise baby harry instead of going to azkaban
pairing: sirius black x fem!ravenclaw reader
warnings: none.
a/n: ok so hear me out: i thought that this is the last part. but then. i had some ideas of how this remote island au would fit into the storyline of hp so i may write two epilogues (one where it lines up with the hp storyline and one fluff happy ending).
thank you again to all who have read, liked, reblogged, and commented. there's an instagram account called @aendthesea and this is what i feel reader, sirius, and harry's lives are like on the island. check it out if you're a visual person like me.
part one | part two | part three |
there's a letter in the kitchen of the cottage from your father that explains that it's not safe for you to meet up with your parents yet. you must wait a full two weeks to make sure that you haven't been followed and you're sure that you destroyed the armoire correctly.
when sirius finally comes to a few days later, he's expecting to wake up in azkaban. boy, is he surprised to find himself overlooking the mediterranean as he makes his way out onto the back porch.
"what did you do?" "sirius, i couldn't let you go to azkaban for a crime you didn't commit. remus helped me. he wasn't the traitor, sirius he-." "i know. it was peter. the traitor. that bloody rat."
your conversation is interrupted by the sound of a baby crying. as you emerge from the house with baby harry in your arms, sirius falls to his knees in grief, the events of what happened coming back to him. he knows that it means james and lily are dead.
there's so much grief but sirius grieves more openly than you. he grieves for his best friends. for baby harry. for the life he was almost condemned to.
waking up in the middle of the night to sirius having nightmares.
sirius has major survivor's guilt.
about a month after you settle in, you receive a letter from dumbledore. remus has gone to him for help. he will keep your secret and help cover it up, as long as you agree to let harry come back for school. you both oblige willingly and figure, it's a problem for future-you-and-sirius.
moving from the safe house to a home inside of your parents' villa. while not pleased that they've practically become grandparents overnight, it takes one look at harry for them to fall absolutely in love. and they make great babysitters.
adjusting to life on the island takes time but sirius is beginning to warm up to being only a short walk from the beach.
roaming the island sirius in his animagus form (he is a wanted fugitive afterall) and becoming known around town as the girl with the black dog.
giving in and finally marrying sirius because, you know, for the diplomatic immunity, of course.
having a competition of who can learn the native language fastest, then competing with each other who can learn the rest of the languages that line the coast of the mediterranean.
once it's safe for you and sirius to venture into more mainland territories, sirius begins exploring in his human form. sirius continues increasing his new language skills by reading sleep training books in the native language, after baby harry regresses and refuses to sleep through the night.
sleepless nights because you two have a freaking baby.
sirius really brings a whole new meaning to 'speaking in tongues.' think: sirius speaking french in bed and then all of a sudden he switches to greek, italian, or turkish. he's got a real knack for it too.
baby harry is bilingual, that is, until sirius begins teaching him french. can you imagine a harry potter raised in the mediterranean?
enjoying a slow life filled with simple pleasures: walking to the beach, eating slices of melons & fruits under the warm sun, and sunday sauces that simmered on the stovetop all day long to pure perfection.
keeping an herb garden, pulling lemons straight off of the trees and making lemonade for the three of you.
family beach trips with lots of sunscreen involved. baby harry absolutely loves the water and as he grows older, you practically have to pry him out of the ocean to get him to come to dinner.
while you take up photography as a hobby, sirius finds an old piano that someone's just left on the street and takes it in. he takes up his old hobby, playing the piano and humming along. singing and playing lullabies to harry omfg.
having a long conversation when harry first calls sirius 'dada,' and deciding how you'll tell him about his parents. debating whether or not you let him call the two of you mum and dad and questioning what lily and james would've wanted. you decide to let him choose when he gets older, what he'd like to call the two of you.
sirius has a phase where he wants nothing more than to give harry a sibling to play with, but you know it'll be too complicated with him being a wanted man. he's fallen head over heels for harry and for being a father, but you feel it would be irresponsible to bring your own child into it.
"gods, you're so beautiful. c'mon, just think about it. harry and a little brother... or little sister." "sirius, i-, we're barely twenty two! i love being harry's godmum more than anything and i just-, i don't know." "bet you'd look so good carrying our baby too, love." "sirius... damnit. we can practice if that's what you're getting at." "always, my darling. always."
also, does anyone think about how the marauders would've only been 30-32 when harry began hogwarts, yet they were played by grown ass adults in the movies? just me? ok, cool.
taglist: @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy
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shae-la-hyene · 3 years
Top 10 Villain Songs of all times.
Because I just watched the worst takes ever in a Ms Mojo video, I'm giving you my own top to scratch the itch and fix the balance in the universe.
The songs will be judged by if they're a bop, make you shiver in genuine fear, or just have perfect aesthetic.
10 : Queen of Mean
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Regrettably, this song is a BOP. Even if every inch of me hates Disney Channel movies and frankly any disney that isn't animated (I didn't watch any Descendant or HSM movie), I must give it to Audrey : she made her point clear and I want to do the same.
9 : You play with the big boys now
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Is it the best song from The Prince of Egypt ? No. It may be Deliver us, but it is probably The Plagues. But none of them are pure villain songs and You play's aesthetic is ON POINT. The animators for this were fucking geniuses. If you weren't an Egyptology nerd kid before, you were now. The perfect balance of artifice and us knowing it's fake, or seeing people believing it anyway, the symmetry of it all, the COLORS and just the overwhelming presence of the Gods' representation... This is a song that swallows you whole and spit you out wet and shivering.
8 : The world's greatest criminal mind
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Let's face it, Ratigan is a disgusting, despicable, hottie. If I got wet over the mouse stripper first, the Rat in Cape did make its place in my dreams more than once. You can taste the megalomaniac and the greed in that song. And it's a fucking bop. So easily, you find yourself singing along... Love me some narcissistic, susceptible, mafia rat.
7 : Shiny
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I don't know, man. That crab does something for me. He's so unapologetically vain and shallow, and I can't really blame him. This one lives in his own reality and it rocks. Only real interactions with others are to be an asshole (cf Maui's insecurities). He's beautiful and hot and he knows it. That's his purpose and he's great at it.
Worth to note that in the french version he says he's 'bling bling' which gives to his performance a 2002 rap song clip's aesthetic. Also in a asexual way, which I appreciate, because he doesn't value himself by a potential mate's desires. He only cares about himself and his own opinion of his appearance. No 'all the girls will fall for me' like we see in Mine. Fabulous. I'd follow him in his reality any day. 10/10 would let him eat me.
6 : In the dark of the Night
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I like Dr Facilier. But necromancy up an army of undead to serve as chorus is Rasputin's thing and he does it better than anyone else could. Ever. The part where he brushes his hair like he was Anastasia is creepy, man. The rest is just soooo good. You fall in love with every insect, you wish you were them to worship the Corpse God. The colors are on point and the music enthralls us to follow. Rasputin is one of the few villains who sound genuinely mad as fuck and out for blood. Sweetie, you're right, kill that bitch.
5 : Hellfire
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The Hunchback is my second favorite animated movie, it's no surprise Hellfire in on the list. Hellfire is something else... The animators in that movie obviously focused all their efforts on light and fire and it shows in the God Help the Outcast scene, when the cathedral spits burning oil, but most of all : with Frollo's scene. Very few villain songs managed to dig so much into their character's personalities and motives than this one. You see the faith, and how it's twisted. You see the guilt, the hate he has for himself that he projects on her, you see the desire and how it clashes against his values burning through his very core and leaving a shell behind, filled with madness and single-focused drive. Frollo may be seen as a mindless monster, but that scene makes us see him as the tortured soul he really is, with more depth than any other character in the movie. This song leaves you horrified and sad, with your heart beating too hard, and your chest raising too wide. Frollo's soul is dragged to Hell under your eyes, and you learned something you'll never forget.
4 : Kill the Beast
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If Gaston's main song is grotesque and scary in how 'normal' it looks, Kill the Beast is bloody terrifying. Genuinely, Gaston and this song are the ones I fear most in all the list. How not only allowed but expected and glorified, this kind of violence and ostratization of the different is, is blood-curdling. Kill the Beast taught me to fear crowds and how easy it is to manipulate them into mindless drive for blood. Mini-me saw themselves at the mercy of such a crowd for the sole crime of being different, and had to accept a truth that they never should have to face. Kill the Beast has an intensity and fury that is far too believable and real. Being human makes us susceptible of being one of them and it's a fucking hard pill to swallow. Every word of it sounds insane if you stop a second to think it calmly. But crowds are foolish and deaf and won't stop and think. In a crowd we lose our individuality and our reason. In a crowd we follow Gaston and his drive to kill. Still stops my heart and induces freeze and flight instinct.
3 : Poor Unfortunate Souls
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Absolute GODDESS ! We all know the chart post. Ursula is sexy and she knows it. She's also smarter than everyone else and knows it, with no respect for any of those lesser fish. I can get behind that far too easily. Triton made the mistake of underestimating her and chase her off the court, and oh boy what a mistake that was. This song is the perfect balance of a siren's luring song and derisive mockery. The Drag Queen aesthetic is here, you hate Ursula but you can't deny she's fucking fabulous and awesome and that you'd let her turn you into a worm if she only looked at you like you were dirt. Ursula is the reason tentacle porn exists. 10/10 I want to bury my face between those breasts just to hear her voice resonate from within.
2 : Be prepared
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Scar has this little something that the others don't have. The bad boy attitude with the battle scar and scrawny stature. This is Famine and Pestilence incarnated, the evil that bid his time. He is THE ultimate lime green villain and he has the best aesthetic of them all. Just look how he walks... No wonder the hyenas followed what he said. I'm a hyena and I was sold the first two notes in. He's not convincing anyone it's the right thing to do. But it's what he's going to do, just wait and see. And he mostly reminds us to choose our side well for soon his will be the winner's. There's only one energy that could make hungry wild and chaotic hyenas yield and walk at pace like an army, and it's his. Be prepared is an hommage Scar sings to himself. It says look at me rising to the top. And we can only look and let our eyes burn from the sight.
Honorable mentions :
Humiliate the boy because it's so over the top it's hilarious and frankly concerning.
Trust in me, because I'd fall for it, that snake can do what it wants with me.
Mine, because if the english version is a meh at best, the french version can rip your pants off. You feel the hunger and greed with every note and that's something you remember forever.
Not one of us, because even if not technically a villain song, has this dark aesthetic, that very very wrong emotion and reason, and slithers into your very core.
1 : Savages
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Colors of the Wind may be the song that won the Oscar, but everybody knows it's only because they couldn't give it to a song that spoke of hatred and racism and war. Savages is the best Pocahontas song, the best villain song, and bloody hell the best animated movie song of all times. This damn thing transports you into a whole other dimension and a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. This is a horrible situation that escalated horribly and you see everything coming to an inexorable and all destructive end. Hatred is the same, no matter your color, and there is no winner in war. Pocahontas as a movie tried to remind us to fight for what we believe is right, no matter who says it's worthless, and that we're more than our fear and violence. But Savages is here to make you see exactly how wars start and how little hope there is to avoid them. Savage taught me of the violence within us, how the world is ruled, how any reason given for hatred and war are just hollow excuses for all fights are for power and blood, and taught me who I wanted to be in the middle of it.
Every damn frame of that clip is a bloody masterpiece and the sight of the reflection of the soldiers on the waterfall has been there behind my eyelid every time I closed my eyes in the past 23 years. The dichotomy of pastels blues and pinks slashing with blood red and night blue followed all along the movie, but is best expressed in this song, and we see it meet in the fire and smoke of an explosion. The dawn tinted everything in fire yellow and orange and we watch the world burn.
100/10. Savages has gutted me times and times again and it still does every time I hear or watch it, even if I watched it 10 000 times already. Made me cry more than once. The hardest fights are not the ones we think.
Also see : Top ten Villain songs, Top ten sad songs, Top ten romantic songs, Top ten intros that slap, Top ten pretty songs, Top ten not-that-bad sequel, Top ten worse sequels, Top five terrifying villains
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trashcanfanfics · 3 years
May I get a fanfic in Val’s POV where Valentino is in one of the worst moods he’s ever been in since nothing has been going his way correctly and he ends up lashing out in reader?(Im a sucker for angst) 🥲
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There were a few more asks that I felt could fit into this so thats what I did! Also, friendly reminder, I write gender neutral! Hope you enjoy!
Valentino was pissed. Nothing was going right. Three actors were maimed, five more killed, and to top it off, Y/n wasn't at work or answering his texts. He had half a mind to march down there and demand why they didn't come to work. He missed them more than anything, really. Val thought that seeing them would definitely would change the whole day. That was before he remembered that he confessed while drunk. He decided to let them be, but he was irritated to say the least. He was losing money, afterall!
He gave up on trying to be the bigger person. Valentino was their boss, fisrt and foremost. He pulled out his phone and pulled up their contact. He'd call them.
The phone rang twice before a groggy "hello" answered. Val's anger raised. They ditched work to sleep in? Absolutely not. It doesn't matter how much he loves them, this was unacceptable.
"Y/n where the FUCK are you?" He was seeing red. Val was also slightly hurt. It seemed like they were avoiding him the last few days. Whenever he tried to talk to them, it seemed something else was in the way. Their breath caught in their throat. Fear. That was fear. They were scared of him. That didn't sit right in his mind and made his anger worsen, but this time, at himself.
"I'm sorry, Boss, I-" there was vicious coughing fit, "-I'm a lil' under the weather." There was more coughing. Guilt bubbled up in his chest. Of course they're sick. They've been looking awful for at least two days now. He can't believe he didn't notice sooner.
"It's alright, it's just been a stressful day today." They hummed back in tired underestanding. "Get some rest, babycakes." He hung up the phone and turned to the closest office person. Val informed them he would be out for the rest of the day and to contact his second in command to take care of whatever else was needed today. With that, he left.
Y/n's place was that little house Val murdered their stalker in. They appreciated not living in a run down apartment now, but was slightly confused as to how he got the house. He told them not to worry about it and enjoy their new space.
Upon entering the house, he took off his coat and hat, hanging them on the rack by the door. The furniture was replaced with lovely red and black walnut instead of that tacky white and bright makore it was before. He had let Y/n take over with his interior designer and decorators. They certainly had taste, just as he knew they did. The ceilings, he was pleased to notice, were now high enough that he could stand properly.
Val made it to the kitchen and opened up some cabinets, looking for some type of soup he could make for them. That's what people eat when they're sick, right? It's what Vox always made him when he wasn't feeling his best. When they weren't fighting or on a break. He found it weird that he didn't feel empty the way he used to when he broke up with Vox before. Maybe it's because he didn't have anything past platonic feelings for him now? Hm.
He found the soup and then went searching for a pot. The pot he pulled out was...very well used, to put it nicely. Val made a mental note to get them a new pots and pans set. Heating up the soup, he added a few extra seasonings to it to make it less bland. the next thing he found that needed replacing were their dish and silverware. How did they live like this? Their bowls and plates had chips in them, silverware with dents and scratches. Plastic cups from the second hand store? No wonder they got sick! He immediately went online and bought them new dishes.
He grabbed the bowl of soup in his bottom hands while grabbing a chipped mug (more replacements needed) and pouring some juice from the fridge into it. Putting the juice back, he handled both items in both sets of hands. He carefully made his way down the hall to the room.
Inside, he was greeted by Y/n's sleeping form. Their peaceful face made his heart melt. He gently placed the soup and drink down on the nightstand before gently shaking them awake. They snorted and sat up, immediately groaning, then held their head. A headache probably. Their eyes met his and widened.
"Bo-" They started coughing harshly. Val placed a hand on their back, rubbing up and down to help. His lower hands reached for the mug and brought it up to them. They looked at it when their coughing calmed down and then took it, taking a drink.
"How're you feeling, Y/n?" The question took them off guard. Had they expected him to be angry? The thought made the guilt from before rise up again.
"I'm...not the best." They looked down at the mug in their hands, gently rubbing the rim with their thumb. Val rubbed their back some more before grabbing the soup in his upper hands and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"I heard soup can help with that." He smiled as he dipped the spoon into the soup. Val offered the filled spoon to them. They stared at it amoment before looking him in the eyes and taking the bite. Val's face erupted with a blush. Why did they have to do it like that? He looked away as his lower hands smoothed out the bedsheets near them. The thumping in his chest reminded him that he had drunkenly confessed just a few days ago and hasn't said anything about it to them since.
"...Val?" His breath hitched wheen he heard them say his name. He looked back at them. "Can I have more?" He just about died again. He quickly dipped the spoon back into the bowl and raised it back to their lips. Their...very soft looking lips. The way they wrapped around the spoon and took the soup with it. He was getting very hot and bothered. Oh no.
"How about I take that cup and you take the bowl, precious. I'll get you more juice." He stood, holding out the bowl with his upper arms while the lower ones reached for the mug. They let out a soft laugh and handed him the cup before grabbing the bowl. Both of their hands touched and Val swore it felt like fire raced across his skin. He squinted, awkwardness forgotten for a moment, and leaned down to place an unoccupied hand on their forehead. They had a fever!
"Uh...Boss?" Their face was red, probably from the fever. He removed his hand and hummed. Val left the room without a word and headed for the kitchen. He opened the fridge and picked up the jug of juice in his upper right hand, twisting the cap off with the upper left. As he was pouring the juice into the cup, he wondered what he wwould do about the confession thing. He capped the juice and put it away.
Back in the hallway right outside the bedroom door, he knew he had to tell them again. But sober this time. He entered the room and walked over to place down the mug. Y/n watched him, the bowl, empty, had been placed on the nightstand.
"Y/n, there's something I'd like to discuss with you." He sat down on the edge of the bed again as they went ridged. There's that fear again. He hated the way his chest hurt at the thought of them being afraid of him. "About a few days ago. When I was drunk." He wasn't looking at them, but heard their sigh as they relaxed. The ache in his chest eased a bit when he saw that from the corner of his eye.
"Yes...That." Their reply almost made the moth laugh. They felt just as awkward as he did over this. That made this easier somewhat.
"Yes, well, I meant what I said." He took a breath. "I love you, and that's the reason that Vox and I aren't together anymore. He called me out on my infatuation with you a while ago but I said it was just a passing thing and that I wanted to make things work between him an' me."
"So...You two are back together now, I'm confused by the continuity, here." Y/n's voice was hoarse. They cleared their throat as Val reached over to hand them their mug. They thanked him and took a swig.
"No. This time it's for good because I want to pursue you." He grabbed one of his antenae and scratched where the base and his head meet. A tic he'd picked up from Y/n. Though, they have hair that they run their fingers through instead. "I would like to become your lover." He finally met their eyes. They were staring blankly at him. His heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. They didn't feel the same.
"...You do know how...inappropriate this is right?" They ran their hand through their hair, undoing knots as they came across them. Val itched to help them with that. Even when their hair looks like a rat's nest, he imagined it'd feel soft. "If we were to be together, how would that look? I'm your employee, a porn actor. everyone'll see this as you taking advantage of me. How would that be for your reputation?"
"To hell with my reputation! I couldn't give less of a fuck. All I want is you! If it makes you feel better, I'll fire you, I'll make you co owner of the studios! Anything to have you beside me and share your existance with me."
"To allow me to kiss you! To let me hold you! To let me wake up to you every morning and fall asleep with you every night!" He was waving all four hands and his lower ones reached out to hold them by the upper arms.
"Boss!" He didn't hear them, too caught up in his feelings.
"To share meals and experiences! To live with you and laugh with you!"
"Valentino!" This snapped him out of it. His upper hands were now gently holding their face. He enjoyed the warmth and how close they were. They let out a breath. "Calm down, I still have a headache." He immediately let go of them and scooted as far as he could from them.
"I-I'm sorry, precious, I don't know what came over me." He looked down at all four of his hands folded on his lap. They sighed and reached over to hold the bundle of hands.
"I do. You've got it bad." They huffed out in amusement, but their attempt at a joke made his heart sink further. "But, uh, I kinda got it bad too." These words made him whip his head back up to look at them.
"What...?" He could have slapped himself if he wasn't so focused on the next words to come out of their mouth.
"I love you, too, Valentino. I would love to be your partner." Those words made him grab them into his embrace and snuggle his head into the crook of their neck.
"That's wonderful, precious! I'll make you so happy, I promise!" He squeezed them tighter. They wheezed slightly.
"That's great and all, but," they wheezed again, "I'm still sick." Oops. He let go and stood up to take care of them thoughout the rest of their sickness.
The word after may have changed, but they wwill always be his favorite.
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Polkadot Man x M! reader Pt 2
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Warning-Vent and a little bit of fluffy.
Summary: you manged to find out the truth but it didn’t help the fact you were still clinging onto something that has been proven true. Abner couldn’t help but comfort you even if you keep on rejecting every advantage. The thinker couldn’t help but feel a sense of justice but also a hint of guilt.
You sat within the bus eating girl scout cookies that you bought against Rick’s thoughts pressured on the cookies. “I can’t believe you actual bought girl scout cookies” Rick pondered on your childish behavior. “Your just jealous for your not stuffing your face” Rick rolls his eyes but smiles and gives you a fist bump. 
Cleo grins for Rick stomach growls “And when was the last time you ate Rickie” you tease. Rick huffs and takes the offered cookies and says “Shut up” you hum. More boxes of girl scouts cookies are handed out to everyone expect Nanaue for he doesn’t eat such foods.
“I like strawberry” Abner mumbles to which cause you to trade over your strawberry for his chocolate ones. You gave him a sly wink to which cause him to hide his face with the help of the box. 
“Hey why are you afraid of rats?”  Cleo asks Robert while you moved and took a sit beside Abner. “Why are you so in love with them ratcatcher 2?, you know what I think?, I think you have serious case of daddy issues” you frowned at Robert. Robert isn’t exactly known as a expressive type and everyone can see it regardless how cold heart he is you know otherwise.  
 “I have no issues with how much I loved my father” Robert sighs “You remind me of my daughter that’s why I’m here”. You couldn’t help but smile while biting into a cookie. “Why are you afraid of rats?” Cleo once again asks the same question. “My old man. when I was a lad, if I didn’t finish a task right, he would dole out a punishment. And one day, he just locked me in a create for twenty-four hours. And it was full of starving rats”.
You sighed and whistled to gain Roberts attention and threw three cookies at him, he caught all three of them. “As imperfect my father was ,he loved me. I wish I could give that to you”. ‘Don’t worry yeah?, I’m gonna get you out of here alive” Cleo smiles “I’m going to get you alive out of here”.
“What about clock” you hummed “Your oddly quiet” Robert pips up “Oh yes whats your story”. Cleo smiles up at you while Abner turns his attention to how close you were. “I don’t want to bore anyone to death” Rick scoffs “Shut up and tell us, I’m all eyes and ears” you frown at him. 
“Uh...where do I start, I was born in may the 18th 1918″ you thought of how you lost your mother. “My mother died after bring me into the world. I was small but strong while my father walked out of my mothers life the moment he found out she was pregnant”. Cleo frowns “So my granddad took me in so all I knew was that I had to live through a time era where if you were caught crying even a little your shamed for it”. Abner places a shy but comforting hand on top of yours “I was different I knew that but different made me strong and I reached for knowledge”.
“I found it easier to keep to myself until Benjamin came along in shape of defending me” you chuckled a little. “He is my childhood friend who glued himself to me from the very beginning, you see we both grew up in the back houses” Cleo frowns out of confusing. “That is what we called them, it’s just houses that were mistaken for apartments” Cleo nods. “I remembered getting into fights with older boys and I was an idiot for believing that I’ll win but I never did” Chris now understand why you protect Abner. 
“But I ain’t no coward for I didn’t run away from a fight other then that the old crow wouldn’t let it go” Robert chuckles or something like that. “I would come home all scruffy every two weeks to the crows dismay” Rick nods. “Years past and I was top of my class even tho I caused trouble and had been caned for it” Abner winces at the thought of it. “I enrolled into university but halfway through my second semester I dropped out to join the air force in 1939 August the 18th” you had to take breath. “I had trained enough to find myself within the sky in the midst of 1942 defending my country” you found yourself growing a pit in your stomach and you felt like vomiting.
“I was battling above a filed like nothing had gone wrong in the first place, the very Nazi manged to slash me out of sky” Robert doesn’t know anything about the air force but can see it. “I found myself hurrying to my death until an enemy pilot collided with me but I didn’t meet death instead I found myself two days before the whole entire event”. “Other then that when the fall of Poland had happened I had to be the last to know” You squint at the box of chocolate cookies before you.
“Around the time Benjamin had been set off to Poland and hadn’t returned so when I had been shipped off to Poland, I searched for him” Robert clears his throat. “I think that’s enough” Robert could tell that you didn’t want to go any farther with your side of the story. Abner squeezes your hand and when you notice you move your hand from his to which caused him to shutter away.
“Hey penis-maker, we’re on a mission” Chris makes a face “Easy inspector gadget. A little drink never hurts nobody”. You frowned at the idea but you really need a pick me up so you gone with the flow. “Expect the thousands of people killed in drunk driving accidents every year” Abner commented. You stare at him and could tell he was still a little hurt from you moving away from him.    
“Here’s to last three hours of being alive” Robert didn’t agree “I’ll be alive. You speak for yourself”. You drank your drink like a shot and didn’t hesitate to ask for another. You find yourself laughing and watch as Abner gag on his drink to which cause you to pat his back. “Easy there dots, you want to be somewhat sober” Abner nods.   
Everyone found themselves dancing with the music blazing in the background. You watch them fail at one of the most simplest thing in the world and you couldn’t help but laugh. “C’mon Y/N join us” Abner spoke while holding out a hand. “No you guys got it handle, I’ll just get in the way” you weren’t an upbeat dancer your more of slow dance type of guy. “No your not, you need this too” You smiled but caved in “Fine”. You took a last swig of your drink before standing up to dance with him.
You held onto Abner’s waist from behind and dance with him, for the truth you weren’t that bad. Abner sways his hips in synced with yours and you couldn’t help but evolve your arms around him. Swaying with your face just a few inches off from his right shoulder. You held his hand and kept on swaying while the both of you smile and laugh. You tugged him back to which cause him to look down at you, you grin and “Damn you are one dish”. Abner frowns out of confusion but by your grin it must be a good thing.
Abner turns around and stares down at you and without warning he captures your lips with his. You stood thunderstruck but kiss back after a few seconds, it never accrued to you how soft his lips were. How gentle and shy he can be, how easy a red tent grows across his cheeks. He had to be the most sweetest thing you ever had met. Far too sweet, Abner had to be the number one candy in the world. 
The two of you pull away with a small smiles on each other faces. You hum and kept on swaying to the music until Cleo poke Abner side. “Sorry for breaking you two up but you gonna have to focus for his here” you look and saw The thinker himself. You nod before parting from Abner to keep an eye on the weirdo over at the bar with Robert pressing a gun to his side.
But now here your with this odd looking man making a way to the back door with him mouthy off. “If you think that big mouth of yours is gonna save you sadly think again” he hums at your words. “Your the 1940′s guy right” you grow surprised “Pardon” he just smiles. You push through to the back only to see half-naked women “Sorry Loves we just want to get by” they screamed of course. 
A solider turns to us but Cleo makes a rat shove it’s way into his mouth to which cause you to frown. “Ah geez now you don’t see that everyday” you watch the man squirm while the others moved on. “Now that is nasty” the man reach a hand out to you but you declined his odd muffles for help. “Sorry mate it’s more like a you problem” he still lays there until he just stop moving. You made a face “Oh my goodness that’s fucking gross” you watch the rat scurry off somewhere else. You flinch when the rat doubled back and ran pass your right shoe “Ugh, fuck no” you shiver “Y/N!” you hear Milton call out.
“That was a gross way to die” Cleo only sighs “I’m sorry if that creep you out”. “No I didn’t mean it in that way for it was unexpected” Cleo looks up at you and smiles. You can tell she is still jumping “Welp weirdo how does it feel to be here” the man only grins. “Benjamin called out to you but you never came” you glare at him and kicked him. “Y/N” Abner spoke softly “Don’t his just lying” you frown and said “Yeah, his just lying”.
“Look Abner about before I..” you were cut off “don’t worry about it  we all have our ups and downs”. “For I killed my mom” you frown and by his very life you can tell he had done it for the greater good. “I know Abner and I’m truly sorry” Abner smiles and lays his head on your right shoulder. “Num Num” Nanaue says so you groaned “No, he isn’t Num Num’s” Nanaue seems disappointed.
Abner cuddles into your right side “Hey Abner” he hums “What are you gonna do once your free”. For the truth Abner doesn’t know himself “I don’t know” you smile. “You can see the rest of England with me then” Abner smiles and says “I’ll like that. Cleo came and said “Hey can I join” you smile and move over for her to join. She took your left while Abner has your right, Weirdo looks at you three before he started pondering over his own life.
“Okay so operation Harley” Rick says to each of us while we all nod.
I know I said two-parts but I’m gonna stop here for now.
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Prince of Nothing III
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~ Part Three of Five ~
Release Date: July 17,2020 @ 12 a.m. (GMT-4)
Word Count: 6,646
Jeon Jungkook was the prince of everything except for you…
Jeon Jungkook was the prince of everything: heaven, hell, and everything in between. His family was an enigma who came to power under mysterious circumstances and had managed to retain hold over the kingdom for centuries - even if no one knew how. There was one thing that Jungkook wanted though, something that could never be his: you. A nobody. A girl with no title. No land. Just money and a pure soul to your name. Jeon Jungkook would’ve never spared a look your way, had that incident not occurred. Now you find yourself the target of his affection and the most hated woman in all the land. Which will kill you first?
Trigger Warning: Some of the contents in this story may not be suitable for all audiences. These include toxic relationships, manipulation, gore and various forms of abuse as well as rationalization of said abuse. This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
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           A small part of Yoongi trembles at the sight of the light blue house just a few feet away. It had been several weeks since he’d been there and it took all of his self-control, and a bit more, to stay away. It was his safe space. Somewhere he felt incredibly safe and after the guilt threatened to eat him alive Yoongi needed a break. Needed his songbird to take away his pain even if it was momentarily. The driver opened the car door, allowing him to step out. His saunter was light, feet barely touching the ground, even though he desired nothing more than to break into a sprint. Min Yoongi must always maintain an air of pacificity and general aloofness. Emotions were a weakness and now that the prince was aware of his, Yoongi had to proceed with caution.
           “Welcome home, Master.”
           “Where is he?”
           Yoongi wasted no time with pleasantries. His cat-like eyes darted around every corner of the room attempting to find any trace of his beloved. “He’s in the garden master. He hasn’t eaten much since your departure.” Yoongi sighed, heading towards the back porch. There were many places that his songbird was allowed to be inside the manor, but he always preferred the garden. It was the only piece of the outside world he was entitled to see, Yoongi had told him it was for his protection. Even if they both knew it was a lie.
           As he turned the corner he suddenly stopped, from where he stood he could see the porch in all its entirety. The glass that encased it allowed for one to view the beauty of the outside world without being exposed to the harshness the elements may bring. It was a beautiful day, the setting sun filtered through the glass creating prisms of rainbows which danced around the room but what shined brightly was him: draped longingly across the plush blue velvet chaise. The tan of his skin glowed effortlessly and Yoongi always found himself admiring it. When he wasn’t admiring the pillowy lips, sharp eyes, and rounded bottom that is.
           “Songbird?” The man in question paid him no mind, despite Yoongi knowing he'd been heard. Slowly he approached him, his songbird was delicate yet ferocious. Life had forced him to live on extremes to survive and though Yoongi wished he could say that all of this had changed since being in his care - it had only worsened.  
“I thought you would’ve replaced me by now. Seeing as you have found yourself a new toy.” There was an edge to the man’s tone, the words almost withered at the end.
Yoongi rushed towards him, his strong arms cradling his fragile lover, as he tried to calm his fears. “No, my love. That wasn’t for me. It was a favor I did for the prince.” His songbird stilled in his arms, he had only met the prince once in his life but it was enough to instill fear in him forever. A repressed memory of blood and screams flashing in front of the young man’s eyes. Yoongi didn’t understand why his lover struggled to get out of his hold.
“So you’ve condemned someone else to suffer the same fate as I have?!" There it was the rage in his eyes. Yoongi shakes his head ready to defend himself, but his love doesn't buy it. "Why else would a Jeon be interested in a commoner?!" Despite all his efforts, Yoongi managed to maneuver the man back into his arms. Yoongi felt fire travel through his veins, vexed at how his beloved behaved.
“Don’t speak as if you are a prisoner. I have given you the world.”
“In return, you’ve locked me away in a cage, so that your songbird may only sing for you.”
Yoongi scoffs, shoving his songbird off him and standing up. "If you don't want me then, I'll leave. Wallow in your self-pity by yourself." Before Yoongi could take even a step away, the younger man had grabbed hold of his wrist. It was several seconds of tense silence before he finally spoke. "I've longed for you so much. Please don't leave me alone again." Just like that his songbird was broken once again, unable to sing. Tenderly, Yoongi placed his hands on either side of his lover's cheeks, cupping them gently as he leaned in closer. Their kiss was superficial, one-sided, but it didn't mean it wasn't passionate. Even if one side was fulled by love and the other by loathing.
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YN ran through the long-winded corridors attempting to find a way out. She had been running for several minutes now and knew that she couldn’t be too far off from a staircase or the servant’s quarters, but her surroundings remained the same. It felt as if she was running in place. As if the castle itself was determined to not let her escape. Eventually, YN’s body grew depleted and she rested against the wall, listening intently for either guards or her captor to come to find her. It was the rhythmic clicking of heels that alerted her that someone was near. Vito, who had been comfortably resting upon YN’s forearm trailed up her body, wrapping across her neck and dangling down: ready to attack.
Jungkook had given YN a weapon, one that wouldn’t attack him, but wouldn’t hesitate to defend her. It caused her to worry, it meant that the prince was certain he was not the only threat to her safety. It seems there were those who were bigger and worse than him - or liked to pretend they were. Mistress Eun rounded the corner, her flamboyant yellow dress caused her to stick out like a sore thumb. It had been weeks since YN had seen the woman responsible for her brother’s death. If it were up to Eun both of them would be six feet under. Mistress Eun, in a world of her own, didn’t notice YN until they were mere feet apart. Her expression was one of shock before she quickly schooled it, grinning maliciously.
“Well if it isn’t the talk of the town.” Eun’s eyes dragged down YN’s figure and a disgruntled look overcame her face when she noted how YN’s lavish gowns far surpassed hers. “If it isn’t the prince’s whore, look at you effectively climbing up the social ladder. What would your brother say?”
YN didn’t respond, too furious to even attempt too, on the outside though she looked nonchalant and that bothered the older woman. It enraged her. “You really ought to be thanking me, child, if it weren’t for me you would have never met the prince. Likely would’ve died in a pigsty with no one to remember you.” The wrath turned icy cool and YN began to wonder if this is how Jungkook felt at times. She could almost hear him whispering to her: Do it. Hurt her. You know you want to. Mistress Eun stepped closer to YN, face mere inches away from hers as she hurled more insults. “The two of you were rats. Pests. If it weren’t for me you wouldn’t be here so don’t think so highly of yourself. You’re just a plaything to spare his boredom.” YN smirked causing Eun’s blood to boil.
You wouldn’t get caught. It would be so simple. Vito could do it. YN tightened her fists, letting her nails dig into the palms of her hands.
“Then again, had your brother simply accepted to sleep with me and not embarrassed me with his rejection he’d still be alive.” Had Eun known those words would seal her fate, perhaps she’d have been more careful. Though it is unlikely she would have, she was never particularly smart and always brash.
YN’s hands flew around Eun’s throat tightening and squeezing as Vito jumped out aiding her. Do it! Kill her! It was not her voice inside her head, it was not her controlling her movements. Once YN realized that she ripped her hands off Eun's throat, taking Vito with her. By then, however, it was too late. Mistress Eun lay dead on the castle floor. The shock caused YN to remain frozen staring at the hollow eyes that seemed to plead at her. Her haze dropped to her hands where Vito was resting, they were shaking incessantly. Jungkook’s voice was no longer in her head, but YN was certain it wasn’t a delusion. What is going on? Strong arms wrapped around YN’s torso hoisting her up, YN’s reaction was too delayed to have been able to do anything.
It was someone YN had never met, blonde ashen hair stood out against his dark palette. He cast one glance at Eun before his hooded eyes fell upon YN a sense of familiarity in them. “The guards will be here any second. Run straight and turn left, there is a large tapestry attached to the wall. Push against it with all your might, it’s a door. Follow the sound of the cicadas and you’ll make it out.” YN parted her lips to question him, but she heard the distant murmurs of guards. “Take that thing with you.” The stranger looked disparagingly at Vito who hissed back. YN gripped the serpent in her hand and took off, sparing one final glance at the mysterious stranger.
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Jungkook held the mouse over Morte’s head, allowing the snake to lunge before quickly moving it away. This continued until the activity eventually grew dull and Jungkook let the dead mouse drop into the snake’s jaw. The young prince rolled over onto his bed, his mind drifting towards YN’s fear-ridden expression when she’d failed at hurting him. Not to mention the look of shock when he’d called her his queen. The girl was full of surprises and was like a drug to Jungkook - strangely addicting. A part of him longed to be near her at all times but knew that wouldn’t be the smartest decision. There were always eyes on Jeon Jungkook, but now there were eyes on YN too and he couldn’t risk it. Not if he wanted his plan to work.
Morte stilled beside him alerting Jungkook to the potential danger. Jungkook lifts himself from his bed, looking towards the door. Awaiting the knock that was sure to come, Jungkook wondered who would be so audacious as to bother him in his bed chambers. They were likely more reckless than bold. "Come in." Jungkook mumbles, seconds later Seo Kangjoon is greeting him. Jungkook supposes he should have known it wouldn't be long before the Seo’s came to force his hand. It aggravated him to no end that they thought he would simply bend over to their will. The Seo’s held power: their family was the head of agriculture in the land. The crown needed them for crops and they were very popular, along with the peasantry, seen as beautiful yet polite people. What a fucking joke. Jungkook saw through their facade, much like everyone else the Seo’s were desperate for more power. Becoming part of the royal family would provide that in unprecedented amounts.
“To what do I owe the pressure of having the Kangjoon in my bedroom unannounced? Hoping for a repeat of that night?” Jungkook smirked, seeing Kangjoon visibly tense. The prairie’s golden boy had too much to drink during his bachelor’s night and Jungkook was there to witness his true depravity. Kangjoon shook his head, “Would you have accepted my requests to see you had I done so officially, your highness?” It annoyed the prince to no end how Seo refused to play along. Kangjoon wasn’t as smart as Soojin, not by any means, but it was his sex that determined he be the heir. Even if Soojin was destined to rule. Though Kangjoon’s intelligence lay in his practicality - which is why he always refused to engage in mind games with the prince. He knew he’d lose.
“I am here to warn you.” Oh? "I have a meeting with the king to discuss your marriage with my cousin. We don't wish to force the hand of a future family member, but given the recent developments, we are quite embarrassed. I hope you understand." Kangjoon bowed deeply, excusing himself before heading towards the King's corridors. Jungkook gazed out towards his spot, his hand lashed out gripping the canopy of his bed and in one swift move, it crushed in his hand. It almost landed on his snake had Morte not had fast reflexes. Jungkook left the room searching for his beloved fiance.  
           Soojin had never looked worse. The purple welts around her neck were too small and thin to have been caused by human hands leading Jungkook to assume it had been Vito who’d done the damage and not YN. Still, Soojin’s usually perfect hair was a tangled mess that darted in every direction and her almond eyes were puffy and red around the edges. The second she saw Jungkook she let him know who was to blame, “She did this to me.” Jungkook didn’t answer simply kissing her forehead gently, Soojin leaned into his embrace. Soojin places her head in the crook of the prince’s neck closing her eyes. Her neck ached painfully, but she had refused any more medication not wanting to see the pitying look of the palace’s healer.
           “Your cousin is here to speak to my father about our wedding.”
           Soojin stills, raising her head cautiously. She recognizes the edge in Jungkook’s tone. “I’m sorry. It isn’t him, but my mother who insists we be wed. I told her about the king, but-”
           “Shush.” Jungkook smiled tenderly, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “It’s okay, I forgive you.” Soojin frowned, confused by his words, Jungkook hated being told what to do. Undermining him to go see his father would have definite consequences. “In fact, I think they’re right.” Soojin pulled away from Jungkook, needing space to properly comprehend what he was saying.
           Jungkook smiles, dimples on show, “Let’s get married.”
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           YN had been walking for hours, it had been evening when YN had escaped but something told her it was nearing dawn. The corridors were cold and damp, unlike the rest of the palace they looked incredibly old. A testament to its legacy. The cold had been too much for Vito who was now nestled inside YN’s bosom, needing heat to survive. Being unable to properly see anything in front of her due to the darkness, it made her footing sloppy. So, when she stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle she went down with great force. “Fuck.” It was then that YN began to wonder if she would die inside the castle walls. Her body withering away until nothing, but a corpse remained. Would she join her brother? Or had her actions led to her having a reserved space in hell? YN was somewhat surprised Jungkook hadn’t found her yet but was also terrified that her thoughts seemed to always go to him.
           It was as if she was under a spell. Though it was certain that Jungkook had found a way to bind Vito to her, she didn't want to focus on how she questioned if the prince had done the same thing to them. Before with Eun, she had not been herself. As if someone were coercing her into doing said things. YN trembled with fear if Jungkook could coerce her into murder then what else could he have her do?
           “He’s a menace!”
           Her head snapped left as she heard more yells and strange noises. YN pushed herself up from the ground with the little strength that remained and walked towards them. Soon enough, YN saw a light, getting closer; she saw what looked like a window peering into the room. Upon closer inspection, it was a mirror that looked into someone’s private office though who YN couldn’t decipher. Not until the figure emerged from the corner babbling to himself in an incoherent way that explained his state of mind. “Jungkook has been a murderer since the day he was born and will lead this kingdom to ruin if I don’t stop him!” YN’s hands flew up to her mouth to stop the gasp. YN had heard much about King Jeon the II growing up, the man was ferocious in the way only a Jeon could be. Still, he paled in comparison to Jeon the I, and that meant the war and social injustices that had long plagued the kingdom ended during his reign, or so it seemed.
           YN couldn’t see all of him now, his back was towards her as the King faced a portrait hanging on the wall. Nonetheless, she could recognize the familiar slope of his shoulders and rigid posture as something his son had inherited. Yes, Jungkook was very much his father but managed to surpass him at a young age in just about every aspect. Even the love of his people. For that, it was said the king would always despise him but the real reason lay in the portrait he spoke to. No one knew much about the late Queen only that she was effortlessly beautiful and seeing her portrait YN couldn’t agree more. She held a softness to her that contrasted greatly with her husband and son, though if YN looked deeper she could see Jungkook had parts of her too.
Jeon muttered to himself once more and it dawned on YN that he was speaking to the portrait. "You're right my love. If I do it the people will turn against me, but if we blame the Kim girl…" YN's eyes widened, she stepped back, her back hitting the stone wall behind her. At that moment, Jeon freezes as if aware he's being watched. "Come out." The king speaks lowly, all the anguish has gone from his voice. In a split second, he draws a dagger from his clothes and sends it hurtling toward its target. But instead of the mirror, it is the door. YN doesn't waste the opportunity and flees once more.  
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"Mistress Eun was found dead last night. Similar attack to the one that occurred to the princess, Miss YN is nowhere to be found." Baekhyung announces loudly, his back bent at a ninety-degree angle to not offend the crown prince. Jungkooks nods, wiping his hands free of blood before returning to the book on his desk. Baekhyung grimaces slightly at the sight before him, knowing it’ll be him cleaning up the mess as the maids won’t go near the body. “Make sure to find her Baekhyung and bring her back to me.” Jungkook picks up the book leaning back in his chair, the title ‘Golden Ones’ had always drawn the guards attention but he knew to ponder any further would get him killed.
           “What is the official story, your highness?”
           Jungkook cast one final glance at Kangjoon’s corpse, it was a bloody mess with the heart ripped out and blood still oozing. The prince would have to replace his favorite carpet. “The king was so upset with having his hand forced about the Seo matter that he lost it and killed their last male heir. What a tragedy.” Baekhyung nods, before tilting his head towards Jinyoung who sighed under his breath and helped him carry the body out.
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By the time YN had managed to escape dawn had broken and the sky was a pleasant mix of oranges, pinks, and purples all blended. Perhaps it had been the fact that YN had remained surrounded by darkness all night, that it had been so long since she had felt the warmth of the sun on her skin and the beauty of nature surrounding her that caused YN to stop. Vito was still asleep, YN felt exhaustion spread throughout her body. She began to sway from one side to the next and knew it wouldn’t be long until she collapsed. YN forced herself to continue forward, attempting to reach the edge of the forest before anyone caught her. The more distance she traveled the farther away the forest seemed. YN wasn’t sure if her perception was muddled or there was something else at play here.
It wouldn't matter anyway for the prince's guard hounds were on her tail. "You there! What do you think you're doing?!" YN let out a sigh of frustration. Every damn time. YN watched a large man with dark hair and thick eyebrows approach her, a bit of tension leaving her body when she realized he must have been a regular guard and not part of the knighthood. “I’m sorry, I was visiting my sister in the servant’s quarters when I got lost.” YN couldn’t think of anything more convincing but figured something complex wouldn’t work well in her case. The guard’s eyes narrowed, “As if I’m going to believe that. You look like a common whore, probably hoping to snag some nobleman, huh?”
The guard gripped her tightly pulling her close so that their bodies were touching. Almost instantaneously, the man fell to his knees back twisting painfully as he groaned out in pain. “I would refrain from touching what isn’t yours.” YN recognized the voice and turned around to see Jinyoung accompanied by another man dressed in similar attire. “The prince wouldn’t appreciate knowing some lowlife dirtied his favorite toy.” YN’s face scrunched up in disgust at Jinyoung’s words, she began to wonder whether she could escape the men but it seems they were onto her.
“Miss YN, the prince has been searching for you all night. He requests your presence.” The shorter one spoke, YN raised her eyebrow at him but he simply smiled. “Kim Baekhyung, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” YN ignored him, “You can tell the prince that I dissent his request.” Jinyoung smiled, “Ah, I forgot to mention the prince never did say we had to bring you back in one piece.”
    “Oh, how you always manage to surprise me, darling.” Jungkook’s smug smile was far too large for YN’s liking. She’d been brought to his chambers against her will and judging from the glint in his eyes, he had something planned. “I’m happy to see you’ve taken a liking to Vito.” He eyed the snake draped across her décolletagle. YN crossed her arms over her chest as Vito slithered down her body towards Morte’s resting bed, desiring to be with the other snake. “Look their friends.” Jungkook seemed too enthusiastic to YN which was the exact opposite of what he normally was.
“Morte could eat him alive.”
“That’s what makes it fun.”
Jungkook turned his attention back to YN, noticing the state of distress of her gown before his eyes crawled back to her. “So tell me,” Jungkook leaned back onto the settee tilting his head slightly. “How did you escape?” If Jungkook knew about YN’s discovery then she’d be screwed. Though YN was beginning to pierce through the enigma that was Jeon Jungkook, she could never be sure whether she had managed to evade his game or play right into it. “Your fiance tried to murder me.” Jungkook shrugged, “I expected as much. Lions are volatile creatures, hot-headed too, best not to mess with them.” YN rolled her eyes, “The only reason Soojin attacked me was because of you. Shouldn’t it be you facing the actions of your consequences?!”
“You would blame a man in love?”
YN scoffed, “This isn’t love, it’s nothing but a game to you.”
“You’re wrong. It’s a love game.” Jungkook smirked, enjoying intensely how YN’s brows furrowed in frustration.
“What did you call me in for, your highness?”
Jungkook stood up abruptly, YN's stepped back a few feet in trepidation, something that the twisted prince enjoyed. He lifts his hand and brushes YN's lower lip delicately, "I wanted to tell you to switch your m.o. Strangulation is far too noticeable. I'd hate for you to draw unwanted attention." Slowly he circled YN letting his hand trail above her torso. "It was an accident, I didn't want to hurt her." Jungkook chuckled, arms wrapping tightly around YN's waist. "Who, darling?" His lips brushed the long arch of her neck, his arms tightening every second that passed by. "Soojin or Eun? Which one was an accident?" YN cast her eyes downward focusing on the snakes noticing how Morte had wrapped around Vito and was embracing him, or was it the other way around?
"You made me do it." YN struggled to get the words out, all she could see was Eun's dead body. All she could remember was the feeling of wringing her throat out until nothing remained. Jungkook gripped her chin, "Did I make you do it? Or did I permit you?" When they kissed it was tender so opposed to how the prince usually was. Jungkook was holding her as if afraid she would break. The kiss immediately distracted YN and she couldn't help but give in to it, just to escape the darkness in her mind. That is until a bitter tang filled her mouth and went down her throat. YN pushed away from Jungkook, spitting out his blood from her mouth.
Jungkook smiles sadistically, his tongue swiping across his lips to clean any remnants of blood. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" YN screams wiping her mouth in utter disgust. The man in question rolls his eyes as if the answer was oh so obvious. "I love you that's what." YN knew it was never good to reveal a trump card as it may come in handy later on, but she would have given anything at that moment to knock Jeon Jungkook down a peg or two.
“Your father is plotting to murder you.”
Instantly, Jungkook's face crumbled, his eyes widening in shock as he numbly asked, "What?" He looked so much like a lost child and YN felt regret pool at her stomach until his expression changed to one of rage. In the blink of an eye, Jungkook stood in front of YN, hand wrapping tightly around her neck as he lifted her from the ground. "What did you say?" YN struggles against his hold, her hands clawing at his to get him to let go. The only did he did was place her back on the ground, but his clasp remained.
“I saw him speaking to a portrait of a woman. He was going on and one about how you were a murderer from a young age and a threat he had to put a stop to.”
The pupil had all but consumed the iris in Jungkook’s eyes allowing YN to see herself perfectly reflected in them. “I don’t fucking believe you,” Jungkook screamed though there was a hint of pain towards the end that YN latched onto. “I swear it’s the truth!” She searched her mind for anything, any detail, that could convince the distrustful man that what she was saying was the truth. YN was beginning to feel dizzy as if she could pass out at any second, finally, she remembered. “S-she had your eyes.” Jungkook’s eyes filled with unshed tears as he let go of YN, letting her crumble to the ground. YN wheezed as she tried to regain her lost breath, well aware of the glare the prince had fixed on her.
“And how exactly were you in the king’s private study?”
In her disoriented state, the words slipped right out. “I saw it through a mirror.”
A moment passed before Jungkook smiled once more, a small ‘Ah’ leaving his lips. “You found the corridors. That’s how you escaped.” He crouched down in front of YN, “Though I doubt you’re aware of all of them, so you must’ve stumbled upon the one behind the tapestry.” Jungkook reached out patting down YN’s frazzled hair and tugging one side of it behind her ear. “Don’t worry I’ll have it sealed soon enough.” YN shoves his hand away, climbing to her feet. “I should have never told you.” Jungkook nods, “If it weren’t for your kindness you might have had me off your hands.”
He went to continue speaking but suddenly paused as if something had just occurred to him. “Why did you tell me?”
“He was going to pin it on me.”
A pause, then. “You aren’t as selfless as you think you are.”
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News traveled fast of the wedding meant to bind the Seo’s and Jeon’s, while Jungkook had yet to mention it to YN there were too many outside forces for him to be able to avoid going through with it. Something which caused her great satisfaction. Though it was a cloudy day, YN found she enjoyed being outside nonetheless. Sana was currently by her side enjoying how the king’s many hunting dogs pranced around the garden. They were in the balcony near the throne room, YN was once again dressed in the finest garbs money could buy - Sana having forced her into them.
“Don’t worry, Mistress. I’m sure everything will be fine.” Sana reached out, squeezing YN’s shoulder comfortingly.
YN had told Sana everything one night after having one too many cups of wine and being cared for by the maid during her bath. Sana had assured YN that as much as the prince desired to wed her, as long as she was a peasant it wouldn’t be allowed. She wasn’t too certain that Jungkook wouldn’t be able to find a loophole, but it pacified her nerves. Not to mention her prompt meeting with the king had caused more rumors to surround her. Even while she was certain it was just Sana and her, YN could feel eyes piercing through her.
“Miss Kim?”
YN turned around to see Baekhyung bowing before her, instantly YN knew something was wrong. “They’re ready for you.”
When YN stepped foot inside the room it was filled with nobility, hushed whispers of incredulity falling from their mouth. Sitting perched upon the throne with a crown resting upon his perfectly styled hair was the prince of everything, Jeon Jungkook himself. No. It can’t be. He wouldn’t have…
“Unfortunately, my father is ill and won’t be able to attend any of his royal duties today, so I shall do it in his place,” Jungkook announced to the crowd of people, the second he spoke a deadly silence weighed over the room. Whether it was out of fear or respect was yet to be deciphered. Jungkook fixed his stare on YN and she could swear the prince blinked at her, but it was to quick to tell. "As most of you are aware by now, Mistress Eun has suddenly passed due to her misuse of substances. This has caused her land and title to have been lost." Jungkook wasn't just speaking to YN, but everyone.
“Due to her lands needing to be tended for and properties managed, someone needs to step forward to claim.” His dark eyes fixed on YN, “I hereby name Miss YN Kim and her heir’s sole proprietor of Eun’s lands and assets. Thereby granting her the title of Lady.” YN stilled in fear, but aware of the eyes on her she bowed deeply. “Thank you, your royal highness.” She spoke through gritted teeth. Once again Jeon Jungkook had won.
 “A Kim?!”
“The king must be really out of his mind.”
“Another Kim in court? Isn’t one enough?”
“Everyone knows the real reason she received them. Has she no shame?!”
 “Lady Kim,” YN turned around to see the crown of someone’s head, the ashy blonde hair all too familiar. It’s him. The man who had found Eun’s body and helped her escape. But why? The man rose from his bow, YN being able to see the deadly look in his eye. “Lord Kim Namjoon, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” YN’s eyes widened, but Namjoon remained unaffected. Taking her hand into his and placing a small kiss over the knuckles. Though Jungkook was nowhere in sight, YN was certain she could feel him gauging her. If Jungkook knew it was Namjoon who aided her escape, heads would roll. Best to pretend then, it seems that is what Namjoon desired to do as well.
“Pleasure is mine, my lord. I was unaware there was another Kim in court.”
Namjoon smirked, “It’s not necessarily something the King would so openly acknowledge.” He tilted his head away from the crowd, signaling her to follow him. As they walked YN could hear more hushed gossip surrounding her, but most of it came from faceless individuals - no one of importance. “You’ve managed to cause quite a stir in your short time here, my lady.”
“It wasn’t my intention to do so.”
“Still I am not surprised, a woman as beautiful as yourself is bound to cause a ruckus anywhere.”
YN blushed, “You toy with me, my lord.”
Namjoon smirked, a wicked gleam in his eye that said he was. “I would never dare.”
           They stopped moving and YN realized Namjoon had maneuvered her away from the crowd, still close enough that they were in the room, but too far away for anyone to hear what was being discussed. YN longed to know why he’d helped her but figured that it hadn’t been done altruistically. The young lord stepped forward, “If I were to be so bold as to offer a word of advice, my lady?” A chill went down YN’s spine and her hand tightened into a fist, wishing Vito was there with her. “You’ve been so bold already,” YN cast her eyes around the room seeing Sana standing by the door speaking to Jinyoung. Her brow furrowed as the two seemed to be in a heated discussion. “I don’t see what harm a bit more could do.” She turned back to Namjoon who seems to have followed her line of sight.
           “Are you familiar with your family’s history?”
           “I have no family.”
           “You are a Kim are you not?”
           “It is only a name.”
           Namjoon chuckles, “Ah, but what’s in a name?” Once again the lord stepped closer, “May I recommend the story of Soo and So? I think you’ll find it quite an intriguing read.”
“As much as I’d like to, my lord, I own no such story or book. I’d doubt the king is stocked up on history books that do not relate to him.”
“Ah, that is true. What a shame indeed.”
Sana trailed behind her quietly, something YN found quite odd as the girl tended to be incredibly lively. Perhaps Sana pitied her given the circumstance, but that couldn’t be it. The girl had previously stated how much more she enjoyed being YN’s personal maid than having to run around the castle. Maybe she’s tired? Or maybe it had something to do with her conversation with Jinyoung - YN's guard dog. Before they reached the door leading to YN's bedroom Sana suddenly halted. "I'm sorry mistress, but if I could be excused? I'm not feeling all too well." YN was a bit shocked but nodded nonetheless. She was about to ask Sana if there was anything she could do to help, but the maid had already runoff.
YN sighed, unlocking the door to her bedroom. When she entered she noticed Vito was feasting on his latest meal, so YN shed her dress and headed straight for bed. Hoping to catch some sleep before dinner was delivered, her actions stopped when she noted the gift placed on her bed. It was nicely wrapped in fine silk with a ribbon on top, peeling back the layers YN found it was a book. When she opened it, a note fell out:
I could only find the abridged version, apologies - KNJ
YN’s hands ran through the spine and bold lettering at the front, the words ‘Golden Ones’ peering back at her in a metallic red.
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Jeon Jungkook had just finished his bath when his peace was once again disturbed by the rasping of knuckles on his door. He groaned asking who it was as he imagined harming whoever deemed themselves important enough to intrude on his time. Imagine the surprise on the young prince’s face when none other than his lover appeared. “Well, to what do I owe this surprise?” YN stood hesitantly by the door consciously trying to convince herself not to back out of the plan. If he was annoyed at her silence he didn’t say anything instead Jungkook tilted his head and asked, “What game are you playing?”
YN stepped into the room, closing the door behind her careful not to turn around. Jungkook was like a predator - eye contact was essential for survival. YN’s eyes danced around the room not finding Morte anywhere in sight. “I’ve decided to not play any games. I know I’ll never beat you.”
Jungkook smirks, eyeing YN's figure up and down. "Well then, this may be the most fun game we've ever played."
YN ambled towards Jungkook, their eyes remaining on each other. Waiting for the moment the other faltered to strike.
“Where’s your pet, my lady?”
“In my bedroom, your highness. He is shedding.”
“Where’s Morte?”
“Where she needs to be.”
As they neared each other Jungkook took a seat at the edge of his bed, encouraging YN to join him. YN straddled Jungkook, trying to calm her racing heart from giving her away. “What am I to you?” Her eyes were wide and honest, as she asked. It had been foolish to think the answer would change.
“My Queen.”
It was the intensity of the prince’s stare that caused YN to look away, her eyes landed on a glass and gold chessboard. “I’ve never been a good player.”
Jungkook chuckled, eyes-rolling. “I doubt that’s true.” His warm breath fanned her neck causing goose-bumps to rise.
“Isn’t the king the most vulnerable of them all?”
Jungkook nods, letting his lips brush against hers trying to draw her attention back onto him. “Which is why he needs a powerful queen.”
YN chuckled, parting her lips and allowing the venom laced words to hit their target. “Good thing, Soojin will be your queen.”
The prince visibly tenses, his hand coming to grip YN’s waist tightly. He forces her to look at him as his eyes filled with a heady mix of lust and rage. “That’s a dangerous game you're playing, love.”
YN shrugs, “I’m not playing a game. I’m only trying to prove a point.”
“Oh?” Jungkook uses his grip on YN’s waist to push them closer together, leaving only centimeters between the star-crossed lovers.
“What you feel or think you feel is not love. It’s infatuation fueled by lust.” YN allowed her lips to brush Jungkook’s, though they never fully kissed. “I’m just a shiny new toy you want to play with until you get bored.”
"I will never tire of you YN, you can be certain of that." Jungkook's tongue swiped across his lips to moisten them. "Though if you are so certain, let's have a wager." Jungkook released his hold on her waist allowing YN to move away. Now that they stood feet apart, it felt as if this was a serious affair. "If what I feel for you is nothing more than infatuation, I promise to let you go." He lifted his palm as if taking an oath.
YN scoffed, “No. If I am right, then you will marry Soojin and make her your queen.” She wasn’t going to fall for his schemes any longer. Jungkook nodded, leaning back to rest on his elbows. When he failed to speak any further YN’s eyes narrowed, “Declare your wager.”
“I think I’ll save mine for later. Makes things more interesting don’t you agree?” Jungkook looked all too pleased with himself, the prince thought everything was under his control. But, just as YN often underestimated him, it seems he had now underestimated her. “So, what’s your big plan to prove your point?”
“Sleep with me.”
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Meeting and Courting Doc Scurlock
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(My bad gif)(Requested by @that80sslytherin )
(Why is everyone in this movie so damn attractive. Even the dirty rat boy is hot.)
- If the story ain’t broke then why fix it? You first meet Doc during the towns New Years Eve party. You’d been standing off to the side with your friends when he first laid eyes on you, or rather on what he thought was the closest thing to an  earthbound angel that he’d ever seen. 
- He immediately decided that he needed to get to know you so he walked over, introduced himself and asked your friends if he could steal you away for a dance. 
- Doc gets kind of awkward when hes in the presence of a pretty girl. He stumbles over his words, blurts things out, laughs nervously; for a rough and tough cowboy he’s pretty adorable.
- While you dance he tries to make conversation, asking you questions and complimenting you. He recites some poetry and confesses that he’s a poet himself both in an attempt to impress you and because he can’t resist doing so when there’s something so breathtaking in front of him.
- All it took was one dance and you were hooked. How could you not be?
- When you finished your dance (or several dances), he kissed your hand and said that he’d like to speak with you again. You told him where to reach you and made your way back to your giggling friends, leaving him smiling and lovestruck.
- For the next few weeks he sends you letters full of poetry and pressed flowers. Every letter you send back makes him fall deeper in love with you. He reads them over and over, savoring every curve of your writing and the scent of your perfume on the pages.
- He’s definitely snuck into your room late at night so that he could see and talk to you. A lot of the time he’s working during the day so you don’t have a lot of time to see each other.
- Whenever he can get away from the ranch he comes to visit you and takes you on walks, horse rides, whatever he can think of that you’d like. It isn’t long before everyone in town knows that you’re his sweetheart.
- It’s the Old West so it probably isn’t long before he attempts to convince your father to give him his blessing to marry you. It was custom back then, nearly everyone married quickly.
- Regardless of that, your first kiss happened a little ways into your relationship. The two of you had rode your horses out of town together and were resting on a rock, enjoying each other’s company on one of your many dates.
- The sun had begun to set so the two of you were getting ready to head back into town. That was when he turned you around, moved his hands to your face and slowly leaned in, connecting your lips.
- Who knew that one kiss would lead to a lifelong addiction to each other.
- The two of you are inseparable and that’s just a fact. There’s no way a man that falls so deeply in love with a woman so quickly could not want to be by her side 24/7.
- Whenever the gangs together somewhere he’s always seen sitting down so you probably do a lot of sitting in his lap.
- All the regulators are touch starved and I refuse to believe anything else. So on that note~ Doc adores having you close to him and showing him affection.
- He melts when you touch his hair. You can literally see the love for you in his eyes whenever you do.
- Hairline and forehead kisses.
- Helping take care of his hand injury.
- Soft caresses.
- Soooo many compliments and sweet affirmations.
- Docs a poet. He’ll recite and write poetry for you (Some may not actually be his writing but you don’t have to know that).
- Your home has at least one bouquet of flowers in it at any given moment because he’s always picking them for you. Little by little the beautiful things invade your life.
- Every night he holds you close to him, your head resting on his chest as you fall asleep listening to his heartbeat. He’ll hold your hand and wrap his other arm around you while you curl into his side.
- He glances over at you with a smile on his face as he gets ready for work in the morning. He always kisses your temple before he goes.
- Slow kisses. He likes to press his forehead against yours when the two of you part.
- Going to town socials together and dancing the night away.
- The regulators have and will continue to tease him about the way he is with you. He just calls them jealous and says that once they find themselves a woman like you they’ll understand.
- Doc isn’t a particularly jealous guy unless he has a reason to be. Even so, whenever he does get jealous he never blames you. It will always be the guy he’s jealous of’s fault because he trusts you. In his eyes the two of you are made for each other, you’d have no reason to (purposefully) flirt with another man.
- When he’s jealous, he has no problem interrupting whoever is bothering him and taking you away from the situation. He’ll usually give you a hard kiss after you’ve left to calm himself down.
- Riding on the back of his horse. He loves feeling your arms wrapped around him and turning back to see the smile on your face.
- Going for long walks together, often they’re very scenic and away from town so you aren’t bothered by anyone.
- He always likes keeping you close when you’re out together. He’ll keep a protective arm wrapped around your back or his hand in yours.
- I have a feeling Doc would like going to the theater whenever he could so the two of you have been to quite a few shows together over the years.
- Speaking of theater~ I can see the two of you taking turns acting out parts of Shakespeare plays in your living room or bedroom. He’d take the male roles and you’d take the female ones, or sometimes if you wanted to have a laugh you’d switch.
- Need something to help you relax? How about a hot bath and a handsome man sitting on the edge of your tub?
- He loves being able to come home from work everyday and be greeted by your sweet face.
- None of the regulators are going to pass up a massage from a pretty girl, that’s all I’m gonna say about that. (I lied. They also wouldn’t pass up giving one either because well that’s pretty erotic for ye olden days)
- He uses quite a few nicknames and terms of endearment for you. Things like: my love, darlin, and my flower just to name a few.
- He’ll read the newspaper to you or a chapter of a book while you’re sitting together eating breakfast.
- Doc is pretty progressive compared to most men living in the same era as him. He loves you no matter where you came from or what you’ve done in the past and he’ll treat you with the respect you deserve.
- He used to have a pretty bad life so he’s glad to make new memories with you.
- Assuring him that he isn’t a bad person for his actions.
- If you want Doc you’re gonna have to deal with quite a few scary situations no matter how much he tries to keep you away from them. You’ll definitely be shot at at least once.
- Get used to seeing blood because this man always manages to be sprayed with it or get some on him in some way.
- He tries his best to deescalate situations and break the tense atmosphere thats in the room. He’s usually pretty good at calming you down whenever something ticks you off.
- Tries to lighten the mood and make you feel more comfortable. He never wants you to be wary around him.
“You have a big gun.” “It’s a big town.”
- He always reassures you when you’re feeling insecure.
- It breaks his heart to see you upset especially if he’s the one who (accidentally) caused it.
- Fights rarely ever happen in your relationship but whenever they do they never last very long. It takes a whole of two-five minutes for your issues to be resolved. There’s usually a quick burst of anger followed by a feeling of guilt.
- Although rare, whenever he snaps at you he feels bad almost immediately after and is quick to apologize. You may be a bit more stubborn than he is but you have to admit that it’s hard to stay mad at him.
- He always knows just what to say and it’s always the most romantic thing you’ve ever heard.
“Necessary is something you can’t do without and I can’t do without you.”
- Docs incredibly protective of you especially after everything that’s happened in his life. You’re the only thing he truly loves and can call his own. He doesn’t even want to think about you getting hurt.
- He’s more than ready to kill for you. God forbid somebody put you in danger or tried to do something to you, he’d be blown away in half a second.
- You ever wanted to be rescued and taken away from somewhere? Well you’ve found a man whose more than willing to be your knight in shining armor. All you have to do is ask and you’ll be towns away by nightfall.
- Every woman in town/that you know wants to have/find a relationship like yours.
- Being around each other never gets old. You could be married for years and he’d still look at you like it’s the day he first met you.
- God is he in love with you. Never in your life have you ever felt so cared about and adored. Everything he does and says shows you just how much he’s hopelessly devoted to you. You couldn’t have asked for a better man.
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soundofseventeen · 4 years
Worldwide (Joshua Hong)
Hello! This is one that was requested by our lovely haley!! Mild throwback to our rusher days!! Have a lovely day everyone!! 💛💚
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You sat on your couch, knees pulled up to your chest, staring at the package. You shouldn’t have this. You knew you should just put it back and then forget about it until Joshua got back again. But, your eyes kept staring at it, expecting it to burst into flames or open itself or do something. 
Things with Joshua lately had been… rough. You knew you loved him, and you knew he loved you, but it had been a rough patch for you two. You both knew this relationship wouldn’t be easy. When was dating an idol an easy thing to do? You got to watch him flirt with fans and say sweet things to them, but you always reminded yourself that at the end of the day, he was looking at you. He came back to you. 
But you also knew that he was tired, trying to juggle a growing career and a getting serious relationship. You knew the guilt he felt at not always being able to be there for you, no matter how much you reassured him that you understood he couldn’t always physically be there. 
While you understood, you still couldn’t help the hurt that you felt. You always saw your friends out with their partners, giggling and swinging their hands, smiles on both of their faces. You couldn’t really do that either, even when Joshua was around. He kept the skinship to an extreme minimum when you two were out, not wanting to expose anything about you two. 
You really loved Joshua, and he really loved you, but you knew you were both tired. You had this rock in the pit of your stomach, wrapped in fear that the end may be soon. 
He had just gotten back from tour, one that had been really long for both of you. You two had a weird air, Joshua giving you a tight hug before leaving and promising to be back soon. Once he got home, he basically dropped off his stuff, and then immediately had to go back to Pledis for some work emergency. He gave you a quick kiss, saying he needed to talk to you when he got back. 
You made it through most of the tour okay, but Joshua saying he needed to talk to you now? Terrified you. Considering he barely contacted you during the tour? You kept telling yourself he was busy, he had a lot to focus on while on tour. But now you were wondering if that was intentional? Did Joshua not need you? Was this tour a test to see if your relationship was something worth fighting for? Did he determine that he had to make your worst fear come true? 
So you distracted yourself until he came home. You cleaned your kitchen. You vacuumed. You read a couple webtoons online. You then decided to start unpacking his stuff, something you debated for a while. Because if he was going to break up with you, he would want to take his stuff with him, right? But why would he bring his stuff here if he was planning that? 
You had just started unpacking when you found the package. It was a simple brown package, with twine holding it together. As you picked it up, you saw your initials on the tag, causing you to furrow your eyebrows at it. 
And now you were in your living room. Staring at the package. Wondering what it was. 
If Joshua wanted to give it to you, he probably wanted to be here to give it to you. But man, your curiosity was killing you. Was it a good thing? Or was it a goodbye thing?
You jumped as your phone rang, seeing Joshua was calling you. 
“Hey.” You answered, hearing Joshua sigh. 
“Listen, I’m so sorry. I might be a little later than I planned…” 
“Really?” You asked, pouting. 
“I’m so sorry. Please go to sleep, we can talk in the morning, okay? Just get some good rest.” 
“Hey, I am coming home tonight. I promise.” He said, you letting out a sigh. “I love you.” 
“I love you too.” You muttered, Joshua sighing himself again. 
“Get some rest.” You both hung up the phone, your eyes going back to the package. You shook your head, reasoning that you would have to wait until the morning to find out. You got up, changed into pajamas and got ready for bed. You sat in bed for about 10 minutes, before you got back up, walking towards the living room. You sat on the couch, pulling the package onto your lap. You took a deep breath, opening the side of the package and pulling the contents out. 
It was… letters. A bunch of letters. A small stack of letters. Each one with your name on it. There was nothing else on any of the envelopes, just your name. 
You made a quick decision, making yourself some tea and grabbing a blanket, settling into the couch, picking up the top letter, slowly opening the envelope. 
Dear Y/N, 
Hey uh. How’s it going? How was your day? I’m not really sure why I’m doing this. I could just call you right now, but I thought I would try this? I don’t know, this is probably silly. But I guess it’s romantic, huh? Anyway, we just took off this morning. I always hate the look on your face when we have to leave for tour, but today it seemed so much worse. I guess that’s part of the reason I’m doing this. I really hope you have so much fun until we get back. So much fun that you have more stories to tell than I do. 
God, this was a dumb idea. xJoshua
Hey Y/N, 
It’s been a few days since we left now, and I just found the first letter in my bag. I still feel silly doing this, but oh well. Maybe you’ll think it’s cute or something. I’ve been thinking about you a lot the last few days. We found this dog while going to get coffee yesterday morning and I took a picture with him to show you later. I almost sent it to you, but then I remembered the time difference and didn’t want to chance waking you up. I did get the picture of you at our favorite restaurant. It made me smile from ear to ear that you ordered my favorite dish there instead of yours although your friend ratted you out and told me you also ordered your favorite to take home haha. At least you’re eating well while I’m gone! We have our first concert tonight, don’t worry, I’ll take your necklace on stage with me. It is my lucky charm, after all. 
This is still dumb. xJoshua. I’m not writing another one.
Y/N my own true love who I love more than Jeonghan Hello Y/N, 
So Jeonghan found my other letters. He is now making me write more of these because HE thought it was adorable. Also, excuse the crossed out part. I only have so much paper and I refuse to let Jeonghan win like this. We’re in another new town this morning, some of the guys want to go to a carnival later. I’m still debating on going or not. We don’t have the concert until tomorrow night, but traveling is tiring and I kind of want to sit by the pool for a while (yes, I’m at a pool, are you jealous? ;) ) I know if you were here, you would tell me to go with them. Just to get your voice out of my head for a bit I might go. Remember when we went to that fair? You were so cute trying to win me that stuffed tiger. I kept telling you that I was supposed to win you something since I took you on the date, but you just stuck your tongue out at me and told me to shut up. I’m pretty sure that was the day I knew I loved you. 
Ugh, I can’t show you these ever. xJoshua
PS. I went to the fair. I won you a tiger. Suck it. <3 (It’s pink) 
Dear Y/N, 
I’m sorry I called so late last night. I guess my timezone math was still a little off. I just needed to hear the sound of your voice for a bit. At least I got to kind of tuck you in, right? Even if it was on the phone. I’m starting to get into a habit of doing this. I still feel silly, but it’s getting easier, I think? Hosh hasn’t come back from DK and Jeonghan’s room yet, so I’m just in our room by myself right now. The moon is huge tonight. You would probably spend an hour trying to get a picture of it. I just tried, it’s not great but it’s a decent picture? No it’s bad never mind I even cracked the window open in your honor. It’s so weird. Remember how I always complained about you wanting to have the window open at night? I never understood how you slept with the cold air and the traffic noise, but it’s actually helping now. It’s not great since you’re not here to cuddle with, but it makes me think of you. Hosh usually shuts the window at some point in the night though. I promise when I come back, I’ll let you keep the window open every night if you want. 
Of course, I’m never actually showing you this, so we shall see. xJoshua
Hey Y/N, 
You are not going to believe this! You remember that old hand lotion you used to have? The one that smelled like honey? The one that when you ran out and we went to the store to get more and they told you it was seasonal and you cried? I FOUND IT. We were in a shop and I smelled it, so I asked the girl working about it and she showed it to me. It was a different little tube than the one you had, but I swear it’s the exact same scent. I can already picture how excited you’ll be when I give it to you. I’m half tempted to just mail that to you, but I also want to keep it with me until I get back. Then I can see your face when you smell it. I miss you a lot. More than you think. 
Only a couple more weeks. Then I’ll be home. xJoshua 
A carat asked about you today. I was not prepared at all for that. I mean, yeah, they know about you and everything, but I was not prepared to be asked about you. They didn’t ask anything bad, just that they wanted to know how you were and if I missed you while on tour. Kind of a weird question to ask at a fanmeet but whatever I guess? I told them you were doing well and that I was looking forward to being able to see you in 2 weeks. I at least hope you’re doing well. I’m sorry we keep missing each other this week. Between my schedule and yours… We just can’t line up at all, huh? God, this almost feels worse now that I’m almost home, you know? Like, we’re so, so close but still so far away. I can’t believe I didn’t notice how distanced we’ve been. I don’t know how. You were always there for me when I needed you and now that I can’t come see you after a long day… I don’t know. You know I’m yours, right? No matter where I go or who I meet even the fans you constantly point out as pretty, which I don’t know why you keep doing that to yourself because I still stop breathing when I see you or what happens, you’re my one and only. If anything this tour just made me realize that whether it’s Paris or London or Tokyo all places I want to take you, by the way, I’m going to think about you worldwide. 
I can’t wait to see you. I can’t wait to catch you and never let go. xJoshua
P.S. That carat earlier also told me about this candy store and I may have bought you different flavors of that one candy bar you like. I hope they taste good. 
I’m home now well, at Pledis but I felt like these needed a conclusion. Not sure why, because I’m still not sure you’re ever going to get them. But it felt weird to just… end? So I gotta write this I guess. I managed to get the next few days off because some guys are going home for family and such, and I intend to annoy the living hell out of you. I gotta make up for lost time, right? Hopefully we can pick up right where we left off. I plan to get those spicy noodles you love on the way home. That will be a good start to our days together. I can’t wait to remind you just how much I love you. I’ll even listen to you read those gross cheesy books you like to read I don’t know if you know this but you make the cutest face when you find something cute you read and it makes my heart just U W U We’re getting called into a meeting now, but I’ll be home in a few hours. I love you. 
Maybe these letters weren’t a terrible idea. You still might not get them. xJoshua
Joshua smiled to himself, picking up the envelopes with folded paper inside. He glanced at you, sound asleep on the couch, the last letter barely hanging from your hand. He looked over your face, examining softly. You looked tired. He wished you had just gone to bed, but he also knew that he probably gave you reason to be afraid of him wanting to have a discussion with you. 
He carefully took the letter out of your hand, chuckling a bit as you kept a hold on it. He got it eventually, shaking his head and he put it back in its envelope and tossing it on the table with the others. Joshua then stood up, stretching his arms over his head a bit before reaching down to pick you up. He was going to let you keep sleeping, but he might as well move you to your bed so you wouldn’t hurt in the morning. 
As he was part way down the hall, he heard you start to mumble. He stopped walking, looking at you with your eyes still closed. 
“..Shua?” You mumbled, Joshua chuckling again. 
“I’m here.” He whispered, not sure if you had actually woken up or if you were talking in your sleep. 
“Is it morning?” You mumbled, Joshua smiling at you. 
“Not quite, but almost.” He said, finally getting to your room. He carefully opened the door, leaving it open as he walked in. 
“What are you doing here?” You asked, eyes starting to blink open a bit. 
“I’m done with work for the day.” He said, pulling back the covers and laying you down, pulling the covers back and tucking you in. He sighed, thinking about how he had waited to do that for so long. 
“Mhm.” You said, your eyes falling again. Joshua just smirked, brushing some of the hair from your face before getting up to get ready for bed himself. Once he was ready, he walked to the other side of the bed, crawling in himself and letting himself relax. He felt you poke his arm, causing him to turn his head. You were looking at him, eyebrows slightly together. 
“How was the tour?” You asked, Joshua just smiling at you. 
“It was great, but we can talk about it in the morning, okay?” He said, turning to face you. “Get some sleep.” 
“What time do you go in tomorrow?” You mumbled. 
“Didn’t you read the last letter?” He asked, you shrugging. 
“I fell asleep at the start of it.” You said, snuggling a bit into your pillow. 
“I have off the next couple days.” He grinned as your eyes widened, head picking up a bit. “Yeah, you’re stuck with me now.” He laughed, you letting your head rest again. 
“Oh my.” You said, a slight smile on your face. You snuggled into Joshua a bit, which he happily accepted. “So, did you miss me?” Joshua placed a kiss on your head, holding onto you. 
“You know I thought about you worldwide.”
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pleom · 4 years
Hi :) May I request a fluff with kevin where you both like each other and the members rat him out pls? Thx
wc: 2.1k | CW: one (1) mention of weed
Saturday called your name. You had to wait painfully as the day dragged its feet through presentations and lectures. By the time the school day ended, you held no more excitement for the weekend as you sat in one of the university’s lounges waiting for your friend to drive you home.
All tuckered out from discussing and convincing your classmates of topics neither of you particularly cared about, you almost ignored Kevin when he approached you, phone two-inches from your face, headphones blaring in your ears at maximum volume, but then you remembered that he’s Kevin Moon, and when he’s got something to say, you listen. 
“Sorry to interrupt you there,” he started, and from his backpack he pulled out a small container of—, “Brownies. I had baked them this morning and wanted to give some to you as thanks.”
“Oh,” was all you squeaked out, though it wasn’t a sound of disappointment or even mild surprise. You had heard about Kevin’s godly baking skills, from the full mouths of those he generously gave them to. Usually his classmates, sometimes the professors, and it was enough to instill that hope that maybe you'll be one of  the receivers one day. Today, it seemed like an arbitrary gift. “Thanks for what?”
“For helping me with my group project.”
“Oh...Oh, yeah!” You gently took the container from Kevin’s hands. Soft confusion still lingering in your mind. “It wasn’t that big of a deal, I barely helped.”
“We got an A because of you!”
“Are you sure it was me? Because last I remembered, you guys did all the brute work, I just filled in the minor details.”
“Aren’t minor details the toughest part?”
You shrugged. You took a single brownie out of the container and put the rest in your bag. Kevin watched as you bit into it, humming a gleeful tune at the way you melted. It tasted even better than you expected. “This is too good to eat for free. How much do you want? Twenty dollars? Fifty?”
Kevin bit down a smile and waved his hand, sheepish. You noticed a brown mark on the back of his hand that wasn’t there the last time you saw him. You figured he must’ve burned himself. 
“You’re just gassing my head.” 
“No, I’m serious.” Kevin looked pleased to see you finish his brownie. “Did the others get some?”
The others being Sunwoo, Jacob, and Juyeon, the three who were assigned to the same project. You were actually called to help by Sunwoo, who pleaded and whined and bargained after your many attempts to say no, you had too much on your plate. Then, as a last resort, he began naming his teammates; guilted you with Jacob, tried to lure you in with Juyeon, and finally—the nail in the coffin—mentioned Kevin. You could imagine the cocky face Sunwoo must’ve had when he realized he had reeled you in. 
You gave up on trying to deny his accusations. You wouldn’t say you had a full-blown crush on Kevin Moon, but you were definitely fond of him in a way that could be described as infatuation. 
Now that the project’s done, you would see to Sunwoo’s promised reparations for the emotional damages he dealt. You were pretty sure he owed you five free milk tea bobas. 
“The others?” Kevin’s face contorted in confusion for a split moment, like he had already forgotten who had worked diligently on the project with him. He didn’t sound completely sure of himself when he answered, “yes, they did. I baked an extra large batch for everyone involved. Even gave some to the professor.”
“Is that why you have that burn mark?”
Kevin looked down at his hand before covering it with the other. “Oh, that. Yeah, this is what happens when you have an oven only as big enough as you can afford.”
“When I say I feel that…” You became increasingly aware of the dwindling topics to speak about, so before an awkward silence has time to settle in, you stand up from your seat and raise a hand for Kevin to shake. “My friend is probably waiting outside for me right now. Thank you again for the treat, really appreciate it! I’ll make sure to share some with her to spread the love around. Seriously, you should patent that recipe.”
“Learned from the best,” Kevin chuckled. “Thank you for helping. See ya later.”
“See ya!” And you were outside less than a minute later. 
Maybe you were the one that owed Sunwoo free drinks.
Saturday called and you answered, a bit more jubilant this time. Now that you had finished most of your homework and spent an hour cursing yourself to sleep over missed interactions with Kevin, you felt revitalized. 
You took the bus to Sunwoo’s dorm and let yourself in. On weekends, Sunwoo’s dorm room was rarely locked, considering that it took the name as the unofficial common room of the apartment building. Today, it was less crowded than usual, which to you was a relief. That meant there were less people you had to fight for access to Sunwoo’s computer. At times, you felt silly for acting so starved, but when you’re a broke college student with only one shitty laptop to your name, you had to take your graces as they came. 
Juyeon and Eric lied by the foot of the couch, competing with each other over some game displayed on Sunwoo’s TV. Sangyeon snacked by himself in the kitchen, and you spotted Changmin, Sunwoo’s roommate, quietly moving from room to room down by the hall. 
You decided to head into the kitchen first, whether to steal change off counters or food from the fridge. 
The fridge was destination number one, and frankly, it was empty. It was normally the usual sight, but you still had the faint taste of chocolate fudge on your lips that led you to ask, “you guys finished the brownies already?”
“What brownies?” 
“The ones Kevin made yesterday.”
“Ah, man, Kevin made brownies?!” Eric shouted from his seat. He screamed a second later, which was followed by Juyeon’s laughter, then rose to his feet to mirror you at the fridge door. “I told him to wait till Haknyeon gave me my $20 back! Can’t believe he made edibles and handed them out without me.”
“They weren’t edibles. Kevin made regular brownies for me, Juyeon, Jacob, and Sunwoo. Said it was because we worked on a project together due last Monday,” you said. You found a seat by Sangyeon on the kitchen island. Juyeon, who had set down his controller to stroll in after Eric, looked puzzled.
“Huh? Kevin didn’t give me any brownies.”
“Kevin made brownies? Where the hell is he?” Sunwoo barged loudly into the room thereafter, with mussed hair and grease-stained shirt and looking wholly comfortable up till he heard the commotion in the kitchen. He swept the room and the living room for signs of the boy, and brushed aside ingredients in the fridge for a confectionary he apparently did not receive. He came back empty-handed and confused; you were no different.
“Uh, didn’t you get them yesterday?” You asked. You were met with Sunwoo’s blank stare. “He said he baked them for all of you. I have a few left back at my house.”
“Yeah, as far as we know, there are none,” Juyeon peeped, though he didn’t look half as bothered as Sunwoo did.
“Are we sure you’re not playing us right now?” Sunwoo narrowed his eyes at you. He looked just about ready to kick you out. Changmin walked in, eyes wide but mischievous. It’s obvious that he’d been listening this whole time, and something in his gaze said that he knew much more than both of you, and that he was withholding it for the sake of drama. 
“Why would I lie?!”
“I dunno, to brag? To make us look like second-rate friends? You’re not even in any of Kevin’s classes!”
“Maybe he pulled a raffle…” Changmin said not-so-absentmindedly.
Sunwoo’s face was contorted with semi-offense. He patted his pockets before turning to dash down the hall to his bedroom, just in time for the front door to open and reveal the star in question. Kevin entered the room with exasperation etched clearly on his face. He didn’t seem to register you, his eyes glazing over people’s faces in search of one in particular.
Changmin, this time wide-eyed with panic, darted to hide behind the island.
“Hey, is Changmin here?”
“No!” Changmin yelled, slightly muffled. “But Changmin did relay a message. He said that he’s really, really sorry for any unfortunate events his actions may have caused. But he requests an extension on—”
“I’m too tired for this, Changmin. Just give me my—”
“Kevin, that burn mark still hasn’t healed?” You found yourself speaking without ever really considering what to say. You spoke on pure reflex, when Kevin came and leaned over the island kitchen with his hands curled around the edge, and the mark had turned less brown than inflamed red; the sight made you wince. 
“Is that…!?” Eric’s jaw dropped when he laid eyes on the same sight. He dramatically fell against one of the kitchen stools. “Oh man, he really did bake brownies without telling us.”
Sunwoo came back just in time to witness the climax of Kevin’s-secret-brownie-adventure story. Kevin looked like a deer in headlights. Changmin took the moment to crawl out from beneath the island to escape into his room. Sunwoo looked genuinely betrayed by Kevin’s arrival.
“Yeah, sorry bro, but that constitutes a two week ban from our place unless you pay us back in both brownies and cookies with interest.”
“I don’t even care about the brownies itself anymore,” Eric said, still curled up over a stool. “How come they got to have some but not us?”
Something about Eric’s question set something off in Sunwoo. Suddenly, his dramatics cooled down, and he looked at Kevin slyly. 
“No idea,” you said. At this point, as confusing as the whole thing was, you quickly grew tired of it. It became too much trouble for what seemed like a simple act of gratitude by Kevin, which was never out of character for him. And to top it off, now Kevin seemed to actively avoid looking at you, and the following disappointment was hard for you to swallow.
“I have some idea,” Sunwoo said, but he made no attempt to follow up on that statement. He sat down on one of the kitchen stools, pleased with himself.
“I do, too.” Juyeon said and sounded like he had an epiphany.  “I think Kevin must really like (Y/N) to be able to do that!”
Silence. All eyes in the room shifted from you to Kevin. Too scared to look directly at the boy himself, you peeked at him from the corner of your eye and saw the look of pure devastation on his face. Juyeon seemed oblivious to it all. Sunwoo, luckily, was there to reel it in. 
“Hey, Juyeon, can I borrow you for a second?”
“Gah!” Unfortunately, the damage had been dealt. Kevin hightailed it out over Sunwoo’s apartment with you hot on his tracks.
“Kevin wait!”
You found him sitting out on the apartment steps, face buried in his hands. He didn’t respond when you called out his name, nor when you sat down beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. The sight broke your heart, so you thought of ways you could help soothe his panic.
Reaching down you pulled Kevin’s hand into yours, the one with the bright red burn, and massaged it with the pads of your fingers.
“To be fair, I don’t think Juyeon’s assessment really holds any weight, so please, don’t worry about it,” you said. Kevin took a while to respond, but eventually he lifted his head. He didn’t look you in the eyes when he spoke.
“It does though,” he sighed. “I was going to wait for the right time to confess.”
His words made you halt.
“Confess?” You shot up straight, dropping his hand into your lap. “Kev,  do you actually mean that?”
You watched as his ears and cheeks began to redden. He chanced a shy glance your way, and you could feel his fingers flex in your lap.
“Uh...depending on your reaction, hopefully…?”
Returning your hand on his, you pulled it closer to you. You traced around his injury, keeping an eye on his reaction in case he pulled back or winced with pain. Then, bravely, you interlocked both of your fingers and inhaled with relief when he tightened his grip. 
You did it all without ever breaking eye contact, and with a small smile, you asked, “do you want to give it a try at least?”
Kevin’s stress seemed to have dissolved from him completely then. He mirrored your smile.
In the back of your mind, you hoped Sunwoo wasn’t scolding Juyeon too hard.
me mentioning sangyeon in the kitchen once before dropping him entirely from the fic 🤡🤡 anyways anon thank u for requesting!! this was kinda cringe but also kinda fun to write so lol
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lavendertwilight89 · 4 years
Shelter- 4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
....I don’t know if I can answer this HAHAHAHAHAA! This story is just... it’s so big. Honestly?? I think at the very beginning when they first met when Kag is trying to soothe Inu but Inu is being an idiot (but to be fair, a smarter idiot).
I felt like even with them just meeting it was just so them. So in character. So AH! I know it’s long but you made me choose
Also I won’t add a spoiler bar because this is literally the very beginning of the story
Inuyasha awoke feeling groggy. Something was wrong… he didn’t even remember falling asleep. The last thing he remembered it was the new moon--his night of vulnerability. His eyes felt extremely heavy; he must’ve fucked up. Miscalculated. There must’ve been a danger he hadn’t smelled or sensed before he lost his demonic abilities.
Fuck. His body hurt. The question had morphed from what happened to where was he? How was he alive? And why? He listened quietly and heard the pitter patter of rain--likely bouncing off of a roof. He smelled like he was in an enclosed hut. It was old--stagnant. Obviously, it hadn’t been used in awhile. But he wasn’t alone. There was a strong smell of lavender, honey, and jasmine flowers… it was alluring. Intoxicating. But it also scared the shit outta him. He also smelled a lot of blood. Not just his. Probably not just who he shared this little hut with either.
He sat up quickly and groaned from his stupidity. “Fuck…”
“Oh, you’re awake. You need to lie still,” he heard a soft melodic whisper from across the room. He turned to see a young woman in priestess garbs leaning against the wall of the hut he was currently in. He sensed her power and shit--he was about to fucking die. Or fry. Something. He gasped and clutched his gut as he tried to turn and run but his legs failed him.
Her sigh and shuffling made him panic until he heard her whimper. He looked over to her to see she also was grasping her own torso as she scooted towards him. She was pale. Sweating. She… didn’t look good.
“Stop,” he tried to sound threatening. It must’ve worked or she was where she had tried to get to. Water dripping from a bucket made him turn his head and see she was much closer. She grimaced and winced again as she shifted onto her knees and pressed a calming hand on his chest. She wiped the sweat from his brow and smiled softly--weakly.
“It’s okay… I’m not going to hurt you.”
“Get off me,” he said, grabbing her hands and pushing her away slightly. He hadn’t expected her to fall to the floor of the hut and cry out. Shit. He was an asshole. He noticed an overwhelming scent of blood--hers. Shifting he took her in and saw how dirty she was now that she was close enough. She was covered in demon blood--along with his and her own.
She rolled over onto her back and glared at him, “You--asshole! That’s not a way to thank someone for helping you!”
“Never asked for your help,” he shot back. “I told you to stop.”
“I thought you were just scared and confused! Not that you’d throw me!”
“I didn’t throw you, I shoved and you’re just weak.”
“Whatever,” she scoffed and rolled over to her side. She was whimpering as she pushed herself to get up and then made her way back to the wall.
He took the opportunity to see she had bandaged him--”Where are my clothes??”
“Your kosode is ruined but your haori is over there,” she gestured behind him. He wasn’t surprised. Only his kimono made from the fur of the fire rat could withstand damage. Standing uneasily, she remained quiet this time as he began to dress.
“Alright, I’m out of here.”
“I wouldn’t if I were you,” she said leadingly. He glanced back and saw a smug little sparkle in her bright sapphire eyes. He looked to the door and saw her barrier erected around the hut and grew angrier.
“Why the hell not? I’m not staying here with you, you weak ass priestess! You couldn’t even slay me!”
“Why would I want to hurt you?”
“Are you fucking blind??! I’m a demon!!”
“Shut up! Anyway--so you’re a dark priestess then?? Ya wanna make a deal? I don’t really do that kind of shit so you might as well lower your barrier. I’m leaving whether I have to kill you or get zapped.”
“There’s a rather large horde of demons past my barrier. It’s there to protect us… until we heal.”
“Don’t lie.”
“Smell for yourself,” she flicked her wrist and a tiny hole opened and he got a good whiff. Fuck. He’d die the minute he stepped out. There’d be no way he would make it past them.
“Damnit!” he yelled as he punched a hole through the hut. “Why didn’t you kill them, huh?? God, you’re fucking useless!”
“For your information, I was a little busy saving you,” she said in a huff. “For someone who had their life saved on such a time of weakness, you sure are ungrateful.”
“I should just fucking kill you now, bitch. But I need your fucking barrier.”
“Oh goody,” she sighed leaning her head back against the wall and closing her eyes. “Don’t worry. I’ll be out of your hair soon enough.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he snarled. She was planning to kill him after all! Fuck!
“I may be a priestess but I’m still human. I’ve lost a lot of blood, been using my reiki for three days straight, haven’t eaten anything, oh, and, probably have slept for maybe six hours total,” she said with a heavy groan at the end clutching her abdomen. Okay, he felt like a dick. But he was only protecting himself.
“Why haven’t you been taking care of yourself? You’re of age to be independent. How the hell have you lived so long if you’re this dumb?”
“Gods! I’ve been taking care of you, stupid!!!” She yelled at him with tears in her eyes. “Gods just shut up! I’m sorry I saved you! Obviously I messed up--you clearly were trying to commit suicide. Don’t worry, in a couple hours, I’ll probably be dead anyway, my barrier will fail and they’ll eat us both!”
“Shut up! That’s not what I meant!” Inuyasha kneeled down at her feet, still not willing to get too close to her but she wasn’t going to be able to reach out in her state at that moment.
“Oh??? Want me to use myself as bait so you can escape??? Lessen the guilt so you won’t have to watch me die?? Prefer to think I just waltzed right out of here rather than succumbing to my injuries!!?”
“No! Fuck! Stop fucking talking!!”
“No really!! Tell me what it is you want! What do you need?? I live to fucking serve!!”
He finally lost his temper and slapped his hand over her mouth and glared into her wide eyes, “Shut. Up. Look, I overreacted. I didn’t remember what happened--still don't--I thought you were trying to kill me like every-fucking-one else--and I admit, I’m a jackass.”
She just continued to glare at him and then she did the craziest thing he had EVER had happen to him. She. LICKED. Him. What. In. The. Fuck!??!?!
“Ugh!!!” he yelled and pulled his hand away like it was on fire. “You--you--youuuuu---WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!? YOU LICKED ME!!!”
“Jeez, you’re acting like I just shot you with an arrow,” she mocked rolling her eyes.
“You’re--you’re so fucking weird!! Are you even a priestess?!!?”
“Uhm, duh?”
“Don’t you know demons are inherently evil?? That as a priestess, we are naturally enemies?!" He felt like he was going to explode from rage that was driven by confusion. This woman hadn't tried to attack him yet. No matter how much he cursed her, poked and prodded her, insulted her-- she just took it. Rolling her eyes. Like she knew him.
"Yes-- I'm aware we are 'supposed' to be enemies. I just don't believe in that notion. Not all demons are bad. You exist because a human and demon obviously loved each other to make you. I have demon friends that I care for, well, cared for." She sighed and took a ragged breath. "Look, I don't want to spend what could be my last hours arguing. I accept your lame apology. I forgive you."
"You--you what???"
"You’ve obviously had a rough life to be so callous. I'm just sorry we couldn't have become friends," she added as her shoulders relaxed somewhat.
"Oh fuck no! You're not gonna fucking die on me!"
"Haha, are you a demon of the underworld that can prevent that? I'm also not dying yet. Just resting." Her demeanor didn't convince him.
"No, but I can heal you."
That made her eyes open again. "Hm? How?"
"I don't like owing favors and I unfortunately think I owe you a lot… my uhm… " Well shit. How was he gonna tell her? He doubted she'd accept help. She seemed to have about as much pride as he did. She wouldn't sully herself to be healed...
"How about while I rest, you think of a way to tell me of your little 'secret'," she said as gruffly as a kitten. She was pretty weak, he probably shouldn't let her sleep. If she did, he wasn't sure she'd wake back up.
When she didn't respond he slightly panicked and reached out and touched her to rouse her. Even though he shouldn't care, she rescued him and likely gave her own life for his.
"Hey! You cannot sleep!! Bitch, wake up!!"
"Ugh, I liked you better sleeping. I at least could imagine you being nicer."
He let out a breath he hadn’t known he had been holding and clipped, "Regret saving a half breed already?"
He blinked. Twice. Three times. She opened her glazed over ocean eyes and locked with his, "Why do you assume I'd regret giving my life for yours?"
"I can run off twenty reasons right now."
"Mmmm… I'd prefer not to hear any until after you let me nap. Next time you stir me I may make you regret giving me the idea of zapping you," she smirked weakly before letting her eyes shut again.
"You better just be sleeping," he grumbled.
"Don't worry. I'll see your handsome smirk again," she slurred, finally succumbing to sleep.
Sputtering and blushing from her words he got up quickly and exited the hut. Fuck. She was crazy. All he could do was equate her insanity to her exhaustion, blood loss, and hunger. Yep. That made the most sense. Finally calming his racing heart, he noticed the barrier wasn't just around the hut; it seemed to stretch out into the forest. Maybe he could find something to eat… rebuild their strength. Would animals be able to enter the barrier? How was the barrier able to even be maintained this long? How was this woman so powerful?
I just feel like it really ahhhhhhhh!!!! LOL Thanks for the ask @superpixie42!!!!!!!!!
Wanna read the rest of Shelter? Click here!
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hellowkatey · 4 years
Febuwhump Day 7
Prompt: Poisoning
Read on AO3
A Toast to Diplomatic Dangers
It's difficult to enjoy a nice dinner when everyone at the table is hell-bent on killing you. Anakin isn't entirely sure how or why he and Obi-Wan are sitting here so casually when they figured out not ten minutes ago the dinner party they crashed was of Separatist synthesizers-- murderous ones, at that.
Obi-Wan tried to justify it by saying, "It's social propriety. They think we think they are still part of the Republic, and we just won't let them know otherwise."
It took a moment for Anakin to think through exactly what his former master had even said. "But what is the purpose?"
And then he got that look-- the mischievous eyes and trademark Kenobi wry smile that only ever means he has a plan Anakin won't like. Obi-Wan gives him so much trouble for his plans being reckless, but if only the old man would look in the mirror every once in a while. Sure, his plans can be physically demanding, sometimes dangerous, but Obi-Wan's... they rely on the smallest securities that often the Jedi Master has deduced on his own but hasn't yet shared with everyone else. He once heard Master Windu joke that they are the two extremes on the spectrum of chaos, and he is pretty sure that is the best way to describe it.
"Information, of course."
Fantastic. Risking our lives to satisfy Master Kenobi's curiosity.
Anakin wanted to remind him that 1. they are not shadows and not trained to spy and 2. he has a bad feeling about all of this, but they were escorted into the dinner party before he could make his points. So now they sit there, and it is painfully obvious nobody at the table is pleased with their presence. It's almost embarrassing for the senators how poorly they are containing their disdain for their Jedi guests-- how they got this far without being outed as Confederacy converts is laughable.
But his master persists-- chatting them up as though he is completely oblivious to their curt answers and blank stares. Anakin just sips on his
"... but I do think that last bill regulating hyperspace lanes was quite necessary, at least in the long run. Wouldn't you agree, Senator Zurros?"
"If we expect to be in this war for the next decade, maybe Master Jedi."
Obi-Wan folds his hands in front of him. "Apologies, I saw your name on the supporting document, so I assumed we shared sentiments."
The Falleen senator pauses, receiving looks from the others at the table. "Yes, well, I can have opinions differing... from what still... makes sense, you see."
"Of course, well you are much more acquainted with political processes and the practice of choosing loyalties than I," Obi-Wan says, looking as innocent as possible. Silence falls over the others, and the Jedi Master takes a sip of wine.
Anakin has to hold in a laugh. Obi-Wan is enjoying this far too much.
Serving droids enter the room with plates of the main course, thankfully breaking up the tension in the room. Anakin spies two of the senators on the far end whispering to one another, looking up at Obi-Wan and then to one of the droids. Anakin grimaces. It looks like he will be saving his master again, after all.
"Excuse me a moment," he says, standing up and bowing politely. He feels the stares as he walks off toward the hall, but ignores them.
Fresher? Obi-Wan inquires through their old training bond.
Following a lead. Don't eat.
Oh good. Anakin smiles and rolls his eyes. Even through the Force, where there is no tone, he can still feel the sarcasm. It's admittedly been a while since he's seen this side of his former master. Ever since the war, he's been a lot more serious. A lot more stringent. General Kenobi is a different man than the Master Kenobi Anakin grew up with. It's by necessity, he supposes. Obi-Wan isn't just another Jedi knight anymore. He is a council member, a high general. Sometimes Anakin envies the responsibility and trust the Order instills in him so naturally, but most of the time he is relieved to have eyes off him for once. But right now, General Kenobi isn't here. Master Kenobi is and it's nice to see. A little nostalgic in ways.
He gets out to the hall, but instead of going to the 'fresher, he turns the other way toward the kitchen. He has a feeling if he finds that droid he will also find some sort of command to poison their food or something. It would be enough evidence to arrest them for an attempted assassination, or at least expose them for being traitors. Anakin grimaces at the thought. He doesn't understand the games they play. Join the Confederacy or stay with the Republic, the war will decide who is more powerful. But playing both sides? He doesn't see the honor in being a womp rat.
Anakin knew the hallway was long, but he feels like he's been walking forever at this point. Or maybe the gravity wells have suddenly faltered, and he's walking uphill now.
But that wouldn't make sense. He would hear the crashing of dishes and the paintings on the wall would be tilted. He still has part of his attention on the dinner party and all is calm so far. Anakin wipes a bead of sweat away from his temple, realizing that his hair is clinging to the sheen of sweat across his forehead.
He stops. Blinks. The hallway is tilting, but he has a feeling it isn't a gravity problem. Uh oh, he thinks, and as his knees buckle he sends out a plea of help through their training bond.
Obi-Wan is in the middle of subtly implying that one of the senators attended a particular political rally in the previous cycle when he is suddenly flooded with overwhelming feelings of queasiness, fatigue, and dizziness. He nearly drops his glass at the onset, and he immediately turns to his training bond with Anakin.
He's on his feet in an instant. The rest of the dinner party is staring at him, some with the first smiles he's seen all night, which is not at all comforting to him.
"What is it, Master Jedi?" Zurros says with a look that is far too satisfied to not be involved somehow. He bites back the urge to say a number of damning things about the scheming senator.
"I also will be right back," he says politely before eyeing the Falleen senator severely. Zurros's smile fades in an instant. "You can count on that."
Obi-Wan turns and walks quickly out of the dinner party room. He can feel the muted side of Anakin's bond, and he sends feelings of reassurance through it, though he knows his former padawan may not be able to feel them.
It doesn't take him long to find the young knight collapsed on the ground. Anakin only made it halfway down the hallway. Obi-Wan runs now, falling at his side and rolling him onto his back. Anakin's face is pale and clammy, his breathing concerningly shallow. Obi-Wan swallows hard, picking up his comm and sending the code for an immediate medevac and backup. He turns his attention back to his padawan.
"Anakin, wake up." he urges, trying to wake him. He reaches through the Force and plucks at his consciousness, assessing the extent of the damage. From what he can tell, it's a slower acting poison. It's possible even he has also ingested some and has yet to feel the effects. He picks up Anakin's hand and presses hard against his nail bed. He doesn't react. Possibly a paralytic agent as well...
He can already hear the pounding of trooper footsteps in the distance. Luckily they called for standby back up as soon as they learned of their villainous company. As some troopers with a stretcher come round the corner, Obi-Wan stands.
"General Skywalker has been poisoned by an unknown agent and needs immediate extraction and medical attention," He looks at the group of men led by Cody. "The rest of you are with me." Obi-Wan turns and Cody falls into step beside him.
"The situation, sir?"
"An assassination attempt has been made on a Skywalker. We have cause to hold the senators and their staff present and conduct an investigation into the perpetrator. Blasters to stun, unless deadly action is initiated."
"Yes, General," Cody pauses and then looks up at him. "Have you also been poisoned, sir, or only General Skywalker."
He smiles. Smart man, that Cody. He's picked up Obi-Wan's antics quickly. "If I have I haven't begun to feel the symptoms," he says, giving his commander a side-eye. "But after seeing Anakin's state, I will not be taking my chances on that."
He just doesn't like the medbay. It doesn't mean he has a deathwish, as much as some would like to believe.
They burst into the dinner party room, the senators jumping up in surprise at the Republic troopers that flood into the room with their blasters trained. Obi-Wan smiles, interlocking his hands behind his back.
"I hate to put a damper on our lovely dinner but it seems someone has soiled the wine," he announces, taking a little bit of enjoyment in the outrage on their faces.
"We are senators of the Republic, you can't do this!" Zurros yells as he is placed in cuffs.
"You are suspects of an attempted assassination now. I am implored to remind you of your right to silence, Senator Zurros. For all our sake."
More calls of protest, but Obi-Wan turns to leave the room. Cold sweat has begun to form on his brow, and he is quite determined to not give the medics the satisfaction of carrying him out on a stretcher.
Anakin has a horrible headache when he wakes up. The medbay lighting is never kind, forcing him to slowly blink his way to adjusting to the light.
"He lives," a gentle voice rings out. Anakin rolls to his side, seeing the blurry form of his master sitting on the bed next to him.
"Barely," Anakin groans. "What happened?"
"Poison in your wine. A nasty, but fairly common type, luckily. Kix had an antidote on hand. Those senators weren't exactly criminal masterminds it turns out."
"I could've told you that."
Obi-Wan chuckles. "I'm sure you have many, "I told you so's," for me right now."
Anakin can hear the regret and guilt in his master's voice. It hadn't even occurred to Anakin that any of this would be Obi-Wan's fault, though he hadn't exactly been conscious to contemplate such an idea.
"Someone had to drop otherwise we wouldn't have had evidence to actually arrest them," he pauses. "We did arrest them, right?"
"They are in custody. Two have already confessed to knowing about the scheme."
"They requested immunity, then?"
"Oh of course they did. They're politicians, Anakin," his Master's dislike of politicians is always amusing to Anakin. He wonders what he'll think of Anakin marrying one when he eventually tells him. There will probably be jokes. Lots of jokes. "I still am sorry it had to be you, though."
"Are you kidding? If it was you who collapsed in the hallway I'm sure I would not have the same General Kenobi decorum with those kriffing senators."
Obi-Wan hums with amusement. "I suspect there would be a lot of waving around of your lightsaber."
"We've been over this, it's called aggressive negotiations, and it works."
"Amazing how they don't call you the Negotiator."
Anakin can feel the tension airing out between them as Obi-Wan's guilt fades away. It wouldn't be a mission of theirs if one of them didn't end up in the medbay, anyway... though from the IV in Obi-Wan's own arm, Anakin has a suspicion that he wasn't the only one to get a taste of poison. He decides not to point it out and ruin the mellow mood.
He'll bring it up another time, for sure. Ammo for later.
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Secrets Revealed || Lab Rats ||
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Requested: can i request a adam davenport x reader? where you meet his family for the first time, right after adam told you about his and his siblings bionics? thanks love but i’m sorry if i am being intruding at all!
Pairing: Adam Davenport x Reader
Warnings: none
Words: 2.7K
A/N: Hey! Sorry this took so long, I hope you liked it. Adam seems a little more serious in this but I did it to fit the setting so I hope he wasn’t too off. Anyway, like I said hope you liked it!
You sighed heavily as your phone rang for what seemed like the millionth time today. But you didn’t pick it up, instead just watched it ring until it stopped. And when it finally did, you picked it up and turned it off, having had enough. You placed it back on your desk and concentrated on your homework, or at least tried to. Your mind was elsewhere, specifically on the person who kept calling nonstop. Your boyfriend, Adam, hadn’t stopped calling and texting since the minute you told him the two of you needed a break.
For good reason too, there was something he was hiding from you and refused to tell you. It would’ve been fine had this secret he was keeping wasn’t affecting your relationship. But it was, he was always sneaking off somewhere, canceling plans because something’s come up. And when you tried to ask him about it, he would always dodge the question by making some joke. At first it worked, you’d easily welcome the distraction because he always knew how to make you laugh. But after a while, you started to catch on to how he’d try to distract you every time you questioned his actions.
And you were sick of it, you thought there weren’t supposed to be any secrets between the two of you; you thought wrong. You’ve always told Adam everything, trusted him with your deepest secrets and he couldn’t even do the same with you. You couldn’t be with someone who couldn’t put their whole trust in you. But you didn’t exactly want to break up with him, you loved him. That’s why you suggested the break, to give him a chance to fess up whatever he was hiding. But so far all he’s done if beg you to come back without offering an explanation to anything.
If he wasn’t going to tell you, then you weren’t going to stick with someone who can so easily keep secrets from you. No matter how much it hurt. And it looked like you were heading down that path, you weren’t sure how much longer you could take before you finally decided to end things for good.
You sighed heavily and set your pencil down, unable to concentrate on anything. What was so bad that he had to keep it hidden from you? What if...what if he was cheating on you? No, that’s crazy, Adam’s way too good to do anything like that. He may not be the smartest guy but what he lacked he made up with his kind and caring personality. He would never hurt you like that.
Which is why you didn’t understand why he was keeping this from you, knowing that it was straining your relationship. You sighed again and checked the clock sitting on your desk, it was late afternoon. You decided to take a break and head to your kitchen for a snack, food always made you feel better. In fact, that was something that you and Adam had in common. It was great because the two of you could always go on food adventures and try new things.
Thinking about the different dates you’ve had with Adam only left a heavy feeling in your chest. Maybe you should just let it go and call the break off. You missed him a lot more than wanting to know what it was he was hiding. But if you did, that was just sending the message that he could just hide whatever he wanted from you. It hurt, but you have to keep your ground until he decides what he wants to do.
You walked over to your couch after grabbing a glass of milk and a plate of cookies. You sat down and turned on the tv, turning on the show you were currently watching. You curled up against the couch and started eating, partially paying attention to the show. A couple episodes in and you heard a knock at the door. You weren’t expecting anyone and your parents didn’t come home for a while. You set the plate down and paused the show before getting up to open the door.
“Adam? What are you doing here?” You asked.
“Hey, I needed to see you. You weren’t answering your phone,” He replied, worry in his voice.
“For good reason too. Finally come to your senses?”
“{Name}, I…I can’t. I know you think I’m hiding something, and if I am, it’s for good reason. Please, you have to believe me on that.”
“I do but I can’t be with someone who can so easily lie to me. So, we’re done here.”
With that, you went to close the door on him, blinking rapidly to stop tears that were coming. You didn’t get to close the door, Adam’s hand shot up and stopped it before you could. The sudden force making you stumble back more than it should have.
“Don’t do this, please! I’ll…I’ll tell you,” He said, almost sounding defeated.
“You will?” You asked surprised.
“Yes. I’d rather to tell you everything than lose you.”
You opened the door and stepped aside to let him come in, closing the door behind him once did. The two of you sat down on your couch, silence engulfing the two of you. You waited for Adam to speak up, he looked uneasy and anxious which only served to terrify you. You didn’t know what to expect and the more the silence carried on, the more terrified you were getting.
“Okay, what I’m about to tell you might come as a shock. I have abilities, bionic abilities. I’m bionic,” He started off.
You rolled your eyes, believing his words to be a story he was making up to try and get out of it. “If you’re not going to take this seriously, then—”
You were cut off by Adam shooting lasers out of his eyes, leaving a scorch mark on your wall. “What. The fuck! What was that!” You screeched.
“I’m sorry! It was the only way to get you to believe me!” He exclaimed.
“Right, okay, sure. So that just happened and you have bionic abilities. W-Why didn’t you tell me?” You asked.
“Because I couldn’t, for many reasons. But I wanted to, I really did, I hated keeping this from you but I had to. I did it to protect you but I see now it was doing more harm than good. It’s better that you know than I lose you,” He explained.
Guilt wracked your being, you shouldn’t have been so demanding about this. You forgot about how Adam must’ve been dealing with all of this. You were just caught up in your own paranoia, thinking he was hiding something terrible from you.
“I’m sorry,” You whispered out. “I didn’t realize this was hard on you too. I was just so scared that something bad was going on and you were scared to tell me. I shouldn’t have doubted you, I should have trusted you.”
“No, don’t apologize. I should have told you front the beginning, it wasn’t my intention to keep it from you but my family told me I needed to,” He told you.
“Your family…are they like you too?” You asked.
“Yeah, Bree and Chase also have bionics and Mr. Davenport, our dad, is the one who controls everything.”
“Wow, I would have never expected any of this…but its kind of cool.”
“Yeah and now that you know, I want you to meet everyone. Well they’re gonna want to meet you since you know now.”
“Okay, sure. Um, I’m free tomorrow if you want.”
“Great, now can we cuddle? This whole break really made me miss you.”
You laughed and nodded, crawling over to his arms and laying on top of him. He wrapped his arms around you, one hand resting on your back and the other going to play with your hair.
You nervously fiddled with Adam’s hand as the two of you approached his front door. Your heart was racing against your chest and there was this giant lump in your throat rendering you speechless. There was just so many thoughts running through your head. Like what if they didn’t approve of this? They might not allow you knowing their secret and force you and Adam to break up. Or worse, they do that and then wipe your memory of him and everything you knew. Adam told you about that, how his dad created a memory wipe device.
The hand holding yours squeezed gently, Adam’s way of reassuring you that everything would be fine. You smiled as a way to tell him you were fine and he smiled back. For a second you thought he believed you but the look in his eyes told you he didn’t. But that was too be expected, you weren’t so sure you were convincing with your smile.
“Babygirl, relax. Everything’s going to be fine,” He said.
There was this serious tone in Adam’s voice that you’ve never heard him use. Being serious wasn’t Adam style, so hearing him be so earnest really helped calm you down. You smiled again, this time more genuine as his words calmed you down. He smiled back, this time matching yours before opening the door.
“Hey Adam,” His stepmother, Tasha, greeted from the kitchen. “Who’s your friend?”
“Tasha, this is {Name}. She’s my girlfriend,” Adam answered.
Tasha looked surprised for a second before a smile appeared on her face. She walked out of the kitchen and over to where you stood to probably greet you.
“Hi, I’m Tasha. It’s so nice to meet you.” She said.
You were about to stretch your hand out for a handshake like you expected but she brought you into a hug. You were a little surprised but welcomed the hug with open arms.
“Likewise, Adam’s told me a lot about you,” You replied.
“All good things I hope,” She joked.
“Yes, all good things,” You told her.
“Hey Tasha, where are the others?” Adam asked. “I want them to meet her.”
“Oh I think they’re down in the la-basement,” She corrected, unaware that you knew about the lab downstairs.
“It’s okay Tasha, she knows. Actually that’s what I wanted to tell everyone,” Adam told her.
“Oh! Okay, I’ll go get your father and the others,” She replied before disappearing off.
Your nerves came back as soon as she said that and you practically clung to Adam as you waited for everyone to come up. And they spiked up once everyone was in the living room, making you wonder once again if this was such a good idea.
“Everybody, Adam has some news,” Tasha said.
“Adam has news? This is outta to be good,” You heard Chase say, a teasing tone in his voice.
His words left a sour taste in your mouth by the way he belittled his brother. You knew he was just teasing him but it still didn’t sit right with you.
“Guys, I want you to meet {Name}, my girlfriend… And she knows we’re bionic,” He said, ignoring his brother’s words.
You didn’t expect him to be so straight to the point about it but you liked it.
“What?” His father exclaimed. “Adam, how could you do something like that?”
“Yeah Adam, do you know how irresponsible and dangerous that is?” Chase continued.
“Please don’t get mad at Adam, I practically forced it out of him,” You told them.
“That still doesn’t make this okay, why would you do that?” Chase questioned.
“Because I love her. And I rather tell her this than lose her,” Adam answered, once again in full serious mode.
You were taken aback by his words, he loved you? Although you’ve been dating for many months, the words had never been said out loud. It made your heart flutter in your chest at the bold declaration, god why did you ever doubt he didn’t care about you.
“Do you… Do you really mean that?” You asked in disbelief.
Adam turned to look at you, holding both your hands in his. “Of course I do. I love you more than anything.”
You grinned widely and pulled away to wrap your arms around his waist. “I love you too.”
“Okay, I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I’m jealous of Adam,” You heard his sister, Bree, say.
“Yeah, you and me both,” Chase sighed.
“Which is why I know I can trust her with this secret. She won’t tell anyone,” Adam said, looking back at his family.
They were all quiet for awhile, unsure of what to say until Tasha spoke first. She was quick to sure her support, or rather she already supported you two. “Donald, I think we can trust her.”
“I… don’t know what to say. I mean everything about this is wrong,” He replied.
“Please Mr. Davenport, she won’t say anything,” Adam said, a desperate tone in his voice.
“Okay, fine. But any slip up and it’ll be your mess to clean up,” He told him.
Adam grinned and looked down at you, hugging you close to him. You laid your head on his chest, so glad that everything worked out.
“Okay, now that that’s out of the way, one question. How did this happen?” Bree asked.
“Oh well that’s a question I can answer,” You replied.
Since everyone wanted to know the story of how Adam got a girlfriend, you all sat down so you could share it. Honestly, you and Adam would have never crossed path had he not noticed you and decided to act. You didn’t share any classes since all of yours were advanced and he was just in regular ones. And you usually spent your time in the library when you had free time. He noticed you in the halls, more specifically near his locker when you were switching out books. He instantly thought you were one of the prettiest girls he’d ever laid eyes on and knew he had to talk to you. The only problem was how.
He thought about stopping you in the halls and just striking up a conversation but he didn’t know about what. Actually every time he tried, he just found himself tongue-tied and couldn’t get the words out. It wasn’t until he saw you reading on a bench did he do something. He came up with this ridiculous plan to pretend to know what you were reading, even though he didn’t.
“Hey, I love that book!” He exclaimed while approaching you.
You looked up startled, noticing a boy standing right in front of you. You knew who he was, Adam, he and his siblings had a sort of a reputation at school. “Oh, Adam right?”
“Yeah, can I sit?” He asked, a goofy grin on his face.
“Sure,” You answered before scooting over to give him room. “So, you’ve read this book?”
You got excited about the thought of someone else liking one of your favorite novels. The grin on his face turned into a guilty one as he answered. “Well I haven’t actually read it. I just needed an excuse to talk to you.”
“Oh… Wait, you wanted to talk to me?” You asked, a little disappointed.
“Yeah! I’ve seen you around school and well, I think you’re really pretty. How could I not want to talk to you,” He answered. “I’m sorry if that sounds really creepy.”
“Oh no! Just the opposite actually. No one’s ever done anything like that. I’m {Name} by the way,” You replied.
And that led to where the two of you are now.
“Wow, that is so cute. Way to go Adam,” Bree cheered once you finished your story.
“Yeah, I have to hand it to you Adam,” Leo commented.
“Well if you’re happy, sweetie, so are we,” Tasha said, smiling gently to show her support.
“Oh my god, it’s going to be so great having another girl around. We can go shopping and get our nails done,” Bree exclaimed, listing off everything she wants to do with you.
You laughed and agreed with her list, you were just happy that they accepted you and your relationship with Adam.
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jamsiesir · 4 years
A hundred fifty-six
Just in case: TW: self-hating thoughts; TW: depression
"Yes, but he has to eat —" 
"Have you seen him? I don't think he has slept a wink since he came here."
"I know, that's why I wanted —" 
Remus frowns as he enters the kitchen of Grimmauld Place and everyone becomes silent. Tonks and Molly are standing close to each other - their heads slightly bended as if they were trying to stay quiet as they talked. Arthur is on his wife's other side, sipping from his cuppa - the only one looking at Remus in the eyes. 
"We should talk to Remus about it," he says, eyes moving to look at Molly, who gives him a glare. 
"Remus has already many things to do and —"
"He may be the only one who —” 
"Arthur, I'm sure we can resolve it without disturbing Remus. I was going to go upstairs with lunch."
Arthur sighs and looks at Remus again. 
His frown deepens. "What are you talking about?" 
"Sirius" Tonks says, her voice sounds sad. "Molly says that he hasn't come down for days. He refuses to eat, and when I went up to see him, he looked like he hadn't slept for a long time."
Molly crosses her arms, looking everywhere but Remus. "He also needs to take a bath: he's been up there with that hippogriff for so long…"
If James were alive, Remus and he would joke about how many times Sirius has forgotten to take a shower in their teenage days, ending up smelling exactly like a dog. However, James isn't here and that's one of the reasons why Sirius isn't taking care of himself. 
"I will talk to him," he hears himself say with a surprising steady voice. "Don't worry about it."
To think that Remus believed things were going better: before moving to Grimmauld Place, while they were staying at his cottage, Remus had seen him slowly turning into his old self - even if for a short amount of time. Has he been too optimistic? 
"Sirius, it's me. Can I come in?" he asks, after a couple of knocks. The only sound from the other side of the door is the one Buckbeak's feathers make when the hippogriff moves. The werewolf waits for a couple of seconds before barging in. 
The first thing he sees is Buckbeak, resting its head on the ground with closed eyes. As soon as Remus tries to take a step in, the hippogriff turns to look at him sleepily. Remus bows and waits for the beast to do the same before walking into the room: he notices right away the large black dog curled up on himself against Buckbeak’s resting body, eyes closed, coat matted - the stench coming from them is awful, making Remus hate his own sensitive nose.
Nonetheless, he walks up to him and crouches down to caress the dog on his head, scratching lightly behind the ear. “Pads, I know that you're probably not in the mood, but can you please turn back? It’s been a week since I last saw you — can we talk?”
Padfoot opens slowly one of his eyes and looks back for a bit, before closing it again. For a moment, Remus thinks that he is going to remain in his canine form, but then the dog stands up and morphs right into a man. A sigh finds its way up his throat as he watches Sirius bring his knees to his chest, face pointed down - his dirty hair is covering the cheek on Remus’ side and the ex Professor just wants to tuck it behind his ear to get a glimpse of the other’s expression.
“I heard you’re refusing to eat” he whispers, sitting down beside him, trying to sound as comforting as he can.
“That fucking house elf is trying to poison me,” Sirius’ croaked reply comes after a beat - his throat might be dry. “I swear I heard him say so.”
“Well, I know that Molly is doing the cooking nowadays. I don’t think she would poison you.”
The animagus lets out a bitter chuckle, hugging his own knees to himself. “She might as well be. She hates me just as much.”
“Pads, I’m sure Molly doesn’t hate you.”
“She thinks Harry’s life can be so much better without me — says I’m not a good example, thinks I’m not fit to take care of him,” Sirius sniffles as he says it, making Remus’ heart break a little.
He reaches out to finally tuck away that hair, giving his expression a long look. “Since when do you care about Molly Weasley’s opinion?” 
Sirius closes his eyes, but bends his head back. “She’s important for Harry — she’s been his only positive parental figure for the last four years,”  he says, voice trembling. “and I — What am I for him, Moony? What am I for the people staying here? Who am I for you?” Remus can see the pain behind his old friend’s eyes as he stares at him - they may seem empty to someone who doesn’t know him, but the werewolf still knows how to read them. “I’m the reason he didn’t get to grow up with his parents — if it wasn’t for me, I —”
“Pads, you  know that’s —”
“You know, I can go and blame that rat all I want but in the end  — in the end it’s all my fault,” his eyebrows are scrunched up together, his lower lip shakes a little. "I'm the one who suggested that wretched idea. I'm the one who went after Peter instead of staying back for Harry" his hands are shaking, his eyes are shining. "Do you know, Moony, that staying in this damned house reminds me how much of a failure I am?" he asks. "Do you know that I can't stand staying in my room because those fucking posters are a reminder of all the summers I spent with James?" 
Remus has to swallow to get the burning in his chest to stay there, not allowing it to reach his throat and swell up his eyes. "I'm going to tell you this again, until you understand the point" he speaks, voice as soft as he can. "You couldn't know how it would have gone  — you couldn't foresee it." 
Sirius is staring at the ceiling, now, and he knows he is trying to block out his voice. Remus has done it too: every time someone has been trying to talk him out of the guilt, the disgust and the hate he feels for himself, the werewolf has shut them out. As much as it makes him look like a hypocrite, he can’t let Sirius do the same. He needs him to understand, he has to get into that thick head how much important he is - after all, Sirius is all Remus and Harry have left of what could have been if there hadn’t been a war in the way, and Remus needs Sirius to understand how much they care. 
How much he cares.
Remus sighs and changes position, so that he is now kneeling in front of Sirius  - the movement makes his joins hurt a bit, a reminder of both the past full moon and his age. He brings his hands on the animagus’ knees (he really has to get him to eat: that month at his cottage has done nothing to help fill him up), pushes his head a bit forward and tries to catch his eyes. “Hey, Pads, you can’t keep losing your mind wondering how it could have been if something had changed. Do you want to know who you are for Harry?” he asks, patting one of his knees to make him look down. “You’re his godfather — the only thing close to a family he has left. Harry has loved you since he found out the truth. Didn’t you say he was happy when you asked him to live with you?”  Sirius’ mouth twitches a bit at this, his eyes look distant - as if he is reliving that moment. 
“He doesn’t know me,” the animagus replies, voice quiet. “What if Molly’s right? What if I’ll spend every day expecting him to be just like James? What if I’ll put that pressure on him? I know how hard it is to live under certain expectations — I know what comes from fucking up them. I don’t want my stupid, tangled memories to burden him. I —”
Remus raises an eyebrow at that, wondering what kind of things Molly has said to him. He knows she feels like Harry’s mother, and that probably she has his best interest in her mind, but does she really have the right to make Sirius feel like this? Although, she may have just the guilt of saying out loud the things Sirius fears the most about the whole thing. “Do you remember why  James chose you to be the godfather? Dogfather’s joke aside.” 
At that, Sirius closes his eyes, squeezing them in pain - the very same one torturing him. For a moment, Remus feels like a right arsehole before he realises he has to go on. He has to take Sirius slightly out of these thoughts - enough to make him eat, enough not to let him neglect himself. 
“Because he knew that you would have been able to take care of Harry.”
Sirius shakes his head briefly, a self-deprecating smile on his lips. "Just because you would have been in the picture."
"That might have been why Lily agreed" Remus attempts to joke, meeting his eyes when the other opens them. "But James —" and he smiles a bit, without ending the sentence, because it feels kind of self-explanatory. 
Sirius' hand twitches in his, making him hold it tighter. "I miss him" he says under his breath, voice breaking a little. "I miss him, Rem. I miss him so much," he croaks out. "It feels like yesterday for me — their…" he swallows. 
"I know, love" that word comes out of Remus' mouth before he can stop it. He freezes a little, eyes locked with the animagus' ones, watching each other in confusion. "— I miss him too" he adds after a while, clearing out his voice. 
They haven't talked about that, not even when they were alone at Remus'. Harry has been the topic of every conversation, mixed up with some memories with which Sirius needed help to restore, and some theories about what would happen in the next months. They've always been shit at talking out their feelings, James was the only one of their little group who was comfortable with talking out feelings, showing his love loudly. The two of them have always dealt with some kind of miscommunication - having Lily and James helped them get the courage to talk about how they felt and get together, all those years ago. 
Remus watches as Sirius' face colours a little, it isn't really that evident, but it reminds him that it has been a while since the animagus has heard that word directed at him. It's the same for him, really, but being locked up in here makes Sirius' needs for affection more urgent. Then, he leans forward a bit more and cups Sirius' face in his hands, gently, trying not to scare him off. "Love, what did we say the first day we came here?" 
The animagus' grey eyes bore into his, as if trying to understand whether or not the use of that word is intentional. "We will trust each other no matter what." 
"Can you trust me on what I'm saying?" 
"It's — we were talking about the war."
"We were talking about us not falling into another stupid plot that could lead to one of our deaths" Remus says, every word pronounced carefully. "This — I can't let you go on like this" he lets his thumbs caress the other man's cheekbones. "Do you want me to bring the war into the discourse? Because I can." 
Sirius just stares at him, and Remus feels a little bit relieved to see that old flame burn at the back of his pupil. "You can't keep Harry safe if you don't take care of yourself; you can't fight if you can't walk without blacking out" he sighs. "And honestly, love, Kreacher can't poison you — you know that. No matter how much he wishes to do you any physical harm, he is still bound to you. He isn't allowed to," he reminds him, and Sirius looks down for a moment. "He can still get into your head, making you want to starve yourself so that you don't have to deal with his shitty cooking" Remus concedes, keeping on stroking his cheeks. "Are you really going to give into his wishes? Are you going to let him catch the snitch?" 
Sirius scoffs, looking slightly miffed. "I hate when you do this — you know I can't let this kind of bait go."
"I know: you're so easy to provoke" the ex Professor jokes, a little smile stretching his lips. 
The animagus brings his hands to close around the other’s wrists. "I'm a dragon's shit." 
"Must be why you're still so hot" a beat. "— hot-headed." 
"Nice save." 
"Thank you, I'm proud of it." 
"Although, I don't think I look that good anymore."
"You just need a nice bath and a few meals," Remus says, trying to sound reassuring. "C'mon, let me lend a hand and feed you up." 
Sirius' lips stretch into a sincere smile - it doesn't quite reach his eyes, but it is a beginning. "Merlin, Moons, it sounds dirty." 
The werewolf raises his eyebrows, feeling the man's thumbs caress the inside of his wrists. "It doesn't. I was completely innocent."
"In wanting to feed me up."
Something seems to burn in his stomach as laughter tickles his throat. "I didn't mean it like that," 
"Sure you didn't, sweetheart."
And just like that they're bursting out laughing, sounding a bit crazy from the outside. Remus frees his own hands in between chuckles and hugs him, holding Sirius tight as the laughter washes out, leaving only their trembling bodies. The fact that he can laugh doesn't mean Sirius is better: he knows this, because for him it's just the same. However, he can't help but light up a bit at that reaction. 
"You didn't reply, you know?" Sirius' voice is so low against his shoulder, that Remus can't hear him the first time. "You didn't answer."
Who am I for you? 
The ex Professor takes a moment before deciding what to reply. There isn't a straight answer to that question, Sirius is so many things to him - so many happy memories, so many regrets, so many faults. Sirius is all and nothing, the light and the dark. Most of all, Sirius is love. 
Because despite everything, despite the things he used to believe about him (his faults), Remus has loved him since the beginning and has never stopped. 
"You're Sirius. You're Sirius for me" he says, caressing his back. "Someone I dearly missed, someone I cherish" his voice is too low, yes, but Sirius' got those sensitive ears - a sob comes out of thin air and Remus doesn't know who let it out. "Someone I love" and both their breathings sound wet, now that he has said it. He feels his own shoulders shake. “I — I can’t lose you too, Pads. I’m trying to make you focus on what Harry needs, because if I —” he has to swallow down a sob. “If I pause to think about what you mean to me, I — fuck, we shouldn’t have this conversation on the floor of  your mother’s bedroom with a hippogriff at our side.”
“A hundred fifty-six,” Sirius sighs out right away, making Remus freeze on the spot.
“I said that I took count, when you let me spend the full moon with you again” the animagus clarifies. “I never told you how much that number weighed on me.”
Remus moved away enough to look at him in the face: Sirius’ eyes were shining, his left cheek flushed where it was pressed against his shoulder a second ago. His breathing is laboured, letting him know he feels as constricted as Remus. “A hundred fifty-six” he repeats. It’s not as if he has ever taken count of how many full moons he survives - it kind of feels like a countdown to his death. 
“In twelve years.”
There is a strange silence right now - Remus can feel something pass within them, can understand the meaning behind that number. Sirius’ words are as cryptic as ever, but he has learnt what they are supposed to sound like. 
A single tear rolls off Sirius’ eye, sliding down the still red cheek, going straight to the jaw and it looks so beautiful that he can’t help but think his mind is a little fucked up.
Remus takes a deep breath and then stands up, leaving the other man to follow his movements in surprise. “We need to talk,” he says, feeling his legs hurt from the position he was in. “But you need to clean up, eat, and sleep first. If a hundred fifty-six matters, then you can do something about it by taking care of yourself” he holds out his hand to the animagus to help him stand up.
Sirius looks at it - in his eyes the phantom of an inner debate. “You need a bath too” he says as he finally takes his hand, standing up a bit unsteadily. “I don’t know where you have been, but you smell bad.”
His grey eyes are shining in a way that reminds Remus of the old days and his heart misses a beat - he knows he is fooling himself, he just wants to believe that what has happened in the last half hour is enough for Sirius to be fine. “I will take a shower after you do” he promises. 
“And you need to eat too.”
“I will eat with you.”
“And sleep, you need to sleep.”
“I will,” he waits for them to be out of the room before ending the sentence. “With you, love.”
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gunslingertales · 4 years
Saving grace || A.M - Chapter 2
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Story summary: Arthur struggles with his guilt and his loyalty towards the people he always thought of as family. He starts questioning the life they’ve been leading lately and wonders if there’s still a place for him somewhere out there in a world that’s so quickly chaning. Then he meets a woman with fire in her eyes and gold in her heart who seems equally lost in the great unknown that’s life. 
Chapter Two: “ Dreams”  Find the other chapters on my blog under /masterlist
Chapter summary: As he rides into Valentine, Arthurs plans on having a drink or two with young Lenny and then returning back to camp. He doesn’t expect running into a familiar face. And spending the next day with that person. And learning about her childhood and her dreams.
Likes, comments and especially reblogs are more than appreciated ♥
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
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The small town of Valentine is an awfully dirty place. Both figuratively and literally. You don’t even have to take two steps and your shoes are already coated with mud. Like the sweltering humidity of the Lemoyne swamps that cling to your skin or the grimy winds coming from the mines of Annesburg that settle on your lungs, the dirt lies upon the town like a thick blanket you just can’t shake off. 
Arthur thinks it’s ironic, how the people turn their noses at him and the gang and their way of living. Of their makeshift camps and on-the-go lifestyle. They scowl at the thought of their tents and bedrolls yet voluntarily move to a town like this where you can’t tell if you’re wading through mud or your neighbors’ shit. 
Then again, Arthur doesn’t care an awful lot for other people’s lives. His own is chaotic and confusing enough, what good could it possibly do to rack his brain about other people’s choices? Least it ain’t quite as bad here as it is in Saint Denis. That place is a cesspool of every single thing Arthur has an unprecedented disdain for. Too many people pretending to be above everyone else just because their jackets got fancy gold buttons.
He can’t picture himself ever living in a place like that. Though to some it might be a place of comfort, of safety, to him it only feels like a cage. And he’d rather die than give up his freedom. 
Mouse slows down to a gentle trot as they approach the Valentine Saloon. A golden glow shines through the newly fixed window of the building and laughter and song echo through the room and flood out into the streets. Lenny hitches his horse next to Mouse and gives Arthur an expectant look “Just one of two, right?” 
“Sure. Just a drink, no drama”
None of the men are getting lots of chances to wind down. Sure some of them are perpetually drunk to some extent but to really get a night off to - to have fun, that’s not a chance that presents itself very often. Living a life like they do, you always have to be alert. Life ain’t your friend so you gotta look out for yourself and your people.
There’s quite a few people inside, drinking and eating and laughing. Sometimes Arthur wonders what his life would be like if he had married Mary and given up on the gang. Would he spend his free time here drinking away his sorrows and his feelings of inadequacy compared to Mary and all she could’ve had? Or would they wander into town every once in a while, grab a bite to eat, and enjoy each other’s company?
He shakes his head to push the thoughts away. There’s no use in getting lost in what-ifs. They’re just another reminder of what he can’t have and what he messed up.
“You,” the Barkeeper approaches, pointing at Arthur as he leans against the bar “ I don’t want no trouble!”
Arthur raises his hands in mock surrender “And you ain’t getting none from me. I was just defending myself.”
Though his eyes still hold a hint of doubt the barkeeper seems to be satisfied with that answer. Something tells Arthur that he isn’t the first person butting heads with that damn Tommy guy.
Lenny regards the exchange with a smirk playing on his lips as a shake of his head.
“Nothing. Just … do I wanna know?”
“Nah don’t think you do.”
They share a laugh and receive their drinks and for a moment, Arthur’s heart feels a bit less heavy. For a second the weight of the world doesn’t rest inside his chest. Like he can be unbothered for just a night.
Two drinks in he leans his back against the bar and lets his eyes wander around the Saloon. Drunk fools stumbling over each other, a piano player belting out melodies, smiles upon smiles and songs, and music. 
In the furthest corner of the place, a woman sits alone by a table, a plate untouched in front of her. She seems too fancy to end up in a dump like this. Her hair is pulled up in intricate braids and her blouse has frilly lace in the front. Something about her intrigues Arthur. 
The first time he ever laid eyes on Mary an electrical current surged through his system like waves crashing to the shore. She was beautiful and smart and she spoke like she knew the world belonged to her. He never felt deserving of her and he never was but for a while she let him believe it. She was beautiful and soft and she wasn’t … she wasn’t what he’d known all his life. And maybe that’s also part of what intrigued her when it came to him. The excitement and the unknown. But that novelty wore off for her rather quickly it seems. The night she broke the engagement and his heart, he doesn’t remember that night but he does remember the pain.
Looking at the woman in the corner, he doesn’t feel the excitement or the sense that he needs to have her in his life, the way he did with Mary. That doesn’t mean he’s unaware of his intrigue. As much as he doesn’t want to get involved with other people’s drama, he sure likes to hear their stories. After all, ain’t that what our life is made of? Stories. One after another. Sometimes you’re the main character and sometimes an onlooker. Sometimes your the hero and sometimes - sometimes you ain’t.
When she lifts her head though, a strange sensation floods through him. Though the dimly lit room doesn’t allow him to get a perfectly good look at her, Arthur can immediately read the sadness on her face. It’s radiating from her. He knows it ain’t his fault, at least not entirely but still, a pang of guilt settles in his stomach. A knowledge that he ain’t innocent in any of this either. Seeing her brings back all the heaviness and the weight that rests on his heart. It floods back in and clings to him like cigarette smoke.
He wants to leave now. Just get out of here and take Mouse for a ride through the fields and valleys and relish in the great wide somewhere. But he can’t. His legs feel like they’re stuck to the ground like flies on a honeypot. He feels guilt sometimes, about his deeds. Especially when the people don’t deserve his unkindness. He’s never really felt like this before. Then again, usually, they don’t have to face their doings again.
Drinking his third beer, he tries to ignore her. He genuinely does. It ain’t his fault and it ain’t his problem. Why should he care? No one asked her to pawn off her jewelry for a mistake she didn’t commit. Maybe that’s exactly the problem though, the knowledge that she’s a good person and the fact that Arthur voluntarily chose not to extend the same kindness towards her.
A commotion from the corner pulls his attention back towards her. A big burly man with a frizzy, unkept beard stands beside her table, leaning on it for support. A bottle dangles from his fingers and the sway in his posture tells Arthur that he’s way deep in by this point.
“I’m just tryin’ to be nice Miss. Ain’t no reason to get feisty on me.”
“Can you please let me enjoy my dinner in peace?”
“Come on sweetheart, lemme buy you a drink at least. Then maybe I can take you up to one of them rooms. How ‘bout that.”
“That’s disgusting and I said no!”
Though he can’t see her eyes, he’s sure they’re filled with the same fire and wrath that had been directed at him just a few weeks ago. With every moment passing, he gravitates more towards her, ready to jump in if the man got any more stupid ideas running through his head.
There’s a special place in hell for men who can’t extend a certain amount of respect towards the fair gender. He knows that even some men in his own group, his own family, often seem to forget that and Arthur is the first to call ‘em out on it. They call him soft for it but he doesn't think that’s him being soft as much as it’s him basically being raised by two men who value women for what they are. Smart and beautiful and human beings worthy of being treated with respect. Not objects for their own enjoyment and entertainment.
“Lady, I ain’t gonna be asking so nicely no more.”
“Is there a problem here?”
May’s eyes snap up towards Arthur as he approaches the table and he catches a glimpse of the flames, passionate and … pissed off. Though as they fall on him, a kind of calmness washes over her and he isn’t quite sure if he likes it or if it makes him nervous. 
“Just a dispute between two lovers, ain’t that right Dove?  None of your concern, buddy.”
“We ain’t lovers you delusional rat !”
Arthur can’t help but let out a laugh at her insult. It fits the guy, really, though his frame is broad and meaty, he’s got beady eyes and a long face.
“You better shut your mouth you-“
As the man lifts his arm, that’s when Arthur really sees red and takes a step in between him and May who, despite her best efforts, can’t suppress the worry and fear settling on her face.
“Nah, I suggest you shut up and get the fuck out of this place. They just fixed the window and it would be an awful mess if I had to break it again when I throw you out. Of course, I could also shoot or stab you right here right now but, I don’t think that’s in any of our best interests now, is it?”
Arthur’s voice is low and deep and though that’s both a result of bad genes and chain-smoking, it does come in handy every once in a while. Mary–Beth had once told him that it gives him a sense of perpetual danger and toughness. 
The man stares at Arthur, unsure of what to do. His eyes then shift towards May, back to Arthur and back and forth one more time. Carefully he considers his next move and then — then he shrugs his shoulders in defeat, huffs out an annoyed sigh and turns around, leaving the saloon with the slam of a door.
“What a horrible horrible man.”
“Sorry about that”
May rests a gentle hand on Arthur’s arm and signals for him to sit down, which he does - reluctantly. Again she extends a kindness towards him he is severely undeserving of.
“What are you apologizing for? You ain’t don’t nothing wrong. “
“Oh, I’ve done plenty of things wrong in ma life.”
“I meant right then. What brings you here then, Mr. Morgan? Spending my money on a beer?”
Though she says it with a smirk and not a hint of malice, it still sends a sting to his chest though. He could ease his mind and tell her that he hasn’t sold the ring, hasn’t even put it in the camp’s collective. The earrings yes but not the ring. It still sits in his saddlebag waiting for — well he isn’t exactly sure what for.
“Just having a drink with ma friend over there and saving women from delusional rats it seems. What about you amiss Everly? What’s gotten you dressed up so fancy? You look like one of them ladies on the poster they hang by the theatre in Saint Denis.”
She scoffs then takes a bite of her lamb fry. “Glad you think so but unfortunately that ain’t no consolation to me.”
“What happened?”
He’s well aware that he has no right to ask her about it. They hardly know each other and yet she’s been so open and forward from the first second she opened her mouth that day he came around the Downes Ranch, it doesn’t feel strange asking her about it. It feels natural. Like the right thing to do.
“ Well since Thomas ain’t doing good and I’m looking for a new place of work I thought about finally taking a leap and making my dream come true. But, as you know, I am no woman of a big fortune nor do I come from a family of money. I was trying to get a loan from the bank of Valentine but …. no luck.”
“Huh, ‘m sorry about that.” He’s not exactly sure what he’s sorry about. The fact that Mr. Downes is dying or the fact that she wasn’t granted a loan. Or maybe both. Probably a bit of both.
“Ah,” she shrugs “I’d already expected this outcome. Some big-shot oil tycoon from Saint Denis already has his eyes on my piece of land anyway so the money is only the first obstacle.”
“Piece of land? You wanna become a rancher now?”
May lets out a sweet chuckle, “ No. I wanna be a teacher. I want to build a school for Valentine.”
“A school? What for?”
“Well … to teach. The world is changing, Mr. Morgan. We’re living in the age of progress but what good does it do us if we have machines taking us anywhere and everywhere when we can’t read even the most simple of instructions? We owe it to the children to start the progress with them.”
Arthur has never set a single foot inside a real school all he’s ever learned he learned on the road. From Dutch and Hosea. Reading and writing were never something he was particularly fond of learning but now that he’s older, even he can admit that it’s a big advantage in life.
“If you say so.”
“I do. I taught Archie to read. Edith too. I think it’s a luxury we should all be able to afford.”
“ Well, I ain’t gonna disagree with that. Let me buy you a drink.”
She takes the last bite of her lamb, then wipes up the remaining gravy with a potato, before softly tapping a napkin to her lips. “That’s very sweet of you but I should go. I have a room at the hotel for the night and I’m quite concerned that if I agree to one drink I will agree to more and then I won’t make it to my room and that’s just money wasted now ain’t it.”
For a second he wants to be brash. Wants to tell her that he wouldn’t mind making sure she gets to her room safe and sound. Wouldn’t mind joining her there. But while he lets himself think it, it just ain’t his personality to speak those words. Especially not to a woman who shows him kindness time and time again when all he ever does is disappoint and do the wrong things.
“Alright, Miss. You stay safe out there. I sincerely hope it all works out for you. With that school and all. “
May places her small hand on his stubbly cheek, warm from the alcohol coursing through his system and the gentle touch of a woman.
“Oh don’t make this sound like a goodbye. Our paths will cross again, I know so. Trust me, Arthur!”
He likes the way his name sounds falling from her lips. Likes her warm smooth skin on his. Like the sincerity in her eyes and the fire softly burning beneath it. He likes this girl and that’s one scary thought. Ain’t nothing good ever happened to the girls he liked.
“You have a good night, Miss Everly.”
As he returns to the bar, Lenny already fixes Arthur with a look of amusement and mischief. His eyes are glossed over from the drinks and his balance don’t seem to work quite as he’d like.
“So who was that pretty lady?”
Just the woman he hasn’t been able to get out of his head since he met her. The one he’s been sketching in his diary over and over again. The one he ain’t don’t right by. The one that’s way too good for him.
“No one. Just some girl. Now how about another drink, Lenny ma boy?”
The night goes by in a flash. It’s a blur of yelling and dancing and laughing and fighting. Of searching for Lenny, several times. Of walking into a room he has no business walking into. Of making friends and enemies. And then fade to black.
That is until the next day when the midday sun beats mercilessly down onto his tired body, slumped against the trunk of a mostly barren tree. It’s the sun that wakes him up. The sun and — her.
May stands before him like a goddess in an ancient story from a foreign country. The sun shines behind her veiling her in a golden glow, giving her a gleaming halo.
“Look at you, I told you our paths would cross again. Why are you down there?”
“Fell asleep.”
“On the floor?”
“It happens.”
His voice is rough with sleep and exhaustion from the night before. He ain’t as young as he used to be and nights like the previous one leave marks now. It’s something he doesn’t like to admit but something he has to come to terms with.
“I know it’s past noon but I can offer you some breakfast if you like,” May exclaims pointing towards her horse and the little wicker basket strapped to the saddlebag. “Well it’s lunch for me but breakfast for you. I got coffee too.”
Arthur rubs the sleep from his eyes and scratches his beard in contemplation. He’s got nothing to do today and he’s, he could be checking up on Dutch and his plans but with the way things are right now, he doesn’t really mind getting some time away from all that mess. Micah is also waiting for him in a cell in Strawberry but that’s so far down on Arthur’s list of things to do. That nasty son of a bitch can rot there for a while longer. Might do him some good, actually.
“Coffee sounds mighty fine.”
“Alright, you’ll have to follow me though. “
“Sure. Lemme get Mouse real quick. “
Arthur drags his tired body back towards the Saloon and a few minutes later he returns, now straddling Mouse and carrying a big bundle of fur on the back of his horse.
“What in the world is that,” May asks, swinging herself back onto Beans.
“Fur of a grizzly.”
“No way! You’re a hunter, then?”
The two of them fall into a slow trot next to each other with May walking just a tad in front of him leading the way.
“Ain’t much of a hunter. Just pure luck. Had help from my —“
What exactly was Hosea to him? His father, kind of but it wouldn’t feel right calling him that. He had had a father, albeit a pretty poor example of it. But he’s more than a friend. He’s family.
“ from a family member.”
“I think you’re allowed to take pride in this, Arthur. It’s a nice fur and it seems like it was one big fella. That’s something not a lot of people can do. Allow yourself to be proud.”
Pride, Arthur knows, makes men do foolish things. It makes them feel invincible. Makes them stop paying attention. It leaves them vulnerable. Pride ain’t doing no one no good.
“Whatever. Where we going anyway?”
“Oh, I’m just going to break my own heart real quick,” May says as if it’s a completely normal thing to exclaim. 
They gallop on for a short while until she stops at the top of a small hill. Slowly, not moving her eyes away from the patch of land before her, she gets off of her horse and takes the wicker basket. “Come, let’s sit down by the trees.”
A row of oak trees provides some shade from the burning sun as they sit down on the warm prairie grass. For a moment the world is still. Not silent but still. Soft and comfortable. The scent of coffee fills the air, waves along with the desert winds. The mug May hands to him, it’s warm in his hand and for the first time in a long time, Arthur feels at peace with himself and the world.
“This is it,” May announces and, arms spread out wide, gestures to the land before them.
“Well I must say, this is quite impressive,” Arthur humors her, voice laced with sarcasm.
“Oh, you big oaf. Stop making fun of me. This is the piece of land I wanted to buy. The school was supposed to sit right there. Walking distance for the children of Valentine and the surrounding ranches. Now it belongs to Mr. Robert Montgomery and god knows what he’ll put here.”
“I’m real sorry about it. I ain’t ever really had a dream like that but I bet it’s not a nice feeling. It’s a damn shame too. Can see you teaching them kids some things.”
She looks wistfully across the valley, a glimpse of longing sparkling in her eyes. “It’s all I've wanted to do since I was a little girl. My daddy never had much and he wasn’t a good man but he was honest and he was a hard worker. My momma was soft and sweet like honey. She made him more gentle. Made life sweet for him. They both came from nothing but when they had me they wanted to make sure they gave me everything I needed to survive in this world. To make something of myself. Momma learned to read and write from an older lady who lived across the street and taught it to me and my daddy. From him, I learned to fish, to hunt, to skin and prepare animals. I think with the way they gave me all this knowledge they wanted me to become good at something and make that my crime. Instead, I became passionate about sharing knowledge. About giving this education to other children. That’s where our future rests, ain’t it? The children?”
She’s right. Whenever he looks at Jack. Whenever he watches Abigail or John look at Jack, all he sees is the hope that he turns out better. That his life doesn’t rest with them. That there is more for him than robbing and plundering.
“Do you have children?”
It’s an innocent question but it manages to hurt him more than any other question probably could. It reaches all the dark corners of his heart he tries so hard to ignore. He doesn’t have children, but he had. Past tense.  Ring a father, another role he failed at filling. He ain’t never been a good father to Isaac. He wasn’t there when it mattered. Wasn’t there when they killed him for a meager 10$.
“Did you go to school?”
Arthur scoffs a laugh at that, imagining himself young and wild sitting in a classroom with a bunch of other rowdy kids. 
“No. Never. I was taught how to write and read by my family. Like you.”
“See, I told you we ain’t so different.”
Her smile, it sends another shiver through him. Not uncomfortable but oh so scary. She doesn’t know the kind of person he is. The one he really is. A bad person. The goddamn villain of the story.
Everything in him screams at him to go. To leave her alone. To not get in any deeper. But for one day, just this one time, he wants to allow himself to relish in a what-if. So he stays and they relax in the shade as the sun fills the valleys with rays of gold.
They stay there for so long, that Arthur is sure the sun has turned his skin a shade of red. When they get back on their horses, he notices the crown of white daisies sitting on top of Mouse’s head. A crown matching the one adoring May’s. The white flowers shine atop her flowing red locks like little stars when the setting sun is coloring the sky a blood-red but the stars have come out to play already.
Her hair is down for the first time since he’s met her and she looks beautiful. Like the wilderness and the calm all at once.
“Thanks for listening to my dreams, Arthur Morgan.”
“Thanks for sharing them, May Everly.”
Her name sounds sweet on his tongue. 
“Now don’t look so blue. We'll meet again, I know it. I was right last time, wasn’t I?”
“You were.”
And as she rides away, red hair flowing in the wind like the wings of a Phoenix, Arthur hopes she’s right again this time. He ain’t ready to let go of the way she makes him see the world and her and himself. Not yet.
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