#maybe I should end every day with a doodle haha
sun-e-chips · 8 months
Ended my day with some magma on the @daycarefriendpickup discord!
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Doodle of Sun from my waterpark au
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 170 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: moved to the next plant, now cutting the French tamarisk in my garden.
Aw man, I remember briefly stepping back into the house during this episode and described it to my spouse as "I don't know if I should laugh or cry" xD Like how often do we have to go through this, how many painful memories try to seep through? When I was listening again last year while cutting the hedges I started work in the morning with this episode and was like "Oof, what a way to start a day..." (the following day started with MAG 177, so not that much better xD). And every time I'm surprised how often Martin's memories get reset here, every time it makes me think of that not knowing if I should laugh or cry again.
MARTIN: "Oh! Hello. (bit of a halting laugh) …What are you?" There's already static during the first of these hellos. And as far as I remember there is always static at the end there when Martin seems to remember, only to forget everything again.
MARTIN: "Can’t tell through the – fog, sometimes. You feel – n,not friendly. Familiar?" Right at the beginning letting us know that it's the Lonely. Also, that statement about the recorder. Not friendly, but familiar. Of course, they've been using them for 2 years, but still don't know what they actually are. Martin's comment on them not being friendly though, he’s acting rather intuitive here and is pretty much always right about it... After all, the Web isn’t necessary friendly to them. It simply needs them for its own purposes. And right now, it needs Jon to carry on and not lose Martin to the Lonely.
MARTIN: "But it’s not – not, not really" NOT REALLY! (Haha, fun fact, I used that exact same structure this weekend and my spouse immediately called me out on it xD I totally wouldn't have noticed xD)
MARTIN: "Maybe you’re blank as well, same as me." T__T (a lot of that episode's probably gonna be like this...)
MARTIN: "Like – like, like when I try to think back, to focus – um, focus on – um –" [HE’S TRYING VERY HARD TO REMEMBER.] [STATIC SWELLS.] MARTIN: (pleasantly surprised) "Oh, oh! Oh. Hello! What are you;" Ah yes, remembered right, everytime there's static. It iiis kind of funny because usually this static is used for the Eye not the Lonely.
MARTIN: "Oh, I, I met someone; did I tell you? (movement) He’s – I, I don’t know. I like him. He doesn’t like me, though. Not really." *inhale* NOT REALLY!!! (Also, god Martin! T____T)
MARTIN: "I don’t blame him. I don’t like me sometimes, and I am me." GOD, MARTIN!!! Q____Q That is probably why he could like Jon even when he was horrible to him, that thinking is caused by his abusive mother. (Also that is a relatable sentence in general. At times I've also felt like, why would anyone like me if I don't even like myself? I phrased it "like I understand when people don't want to be friends with me, I wouldn't want to be friends with me." The mind can be something very weird...)
MARTIN: "Plus he’s – he’s my, my boss? Is that right? Ei, Ei,Either way, it’s probably for the best. Wouldn’t really be appropriate. You don’t need to worry; I’m not doodling his name on my desk or anything." I am so happy we get to hear Martin's feelings on early Jon first hand.
MARTIN: "His uh – his – his, um. His… name… Wait. Wait, what is his name? (distressed) I don’t – (more distressed, sharper) Why, wha– Why can’t I remember his name? His, his face, I don’t –" [MORE MOVEMENT, AND A THUD] [MARTIN GETS UP AND TAKES A FEW STEPS] MARTIN: (still audibly agitated) "Wh-Where am I?" It's his memory of Jon what's snapping him out of it! <3
MARTIN: "My house, I think. (heh) Nowhere comfortable. So I suppose this is it." That comment about his "home" right after the episode that explains that a home should be a place where you feel safe, an extension of yourself!
MARTIN: "It is my house, isn’t it? Must be. Must be." Also this. Like, it must be my house because why would anyone want me at their house...
MARTIN: "No, no, no, no, not, not tiredness, just the – fog. I – can’t see through the fog" A comment on depression? Always feeling tired, like you don't have the energy to do anything? Because it's not tiredness in the traditional sense, it's because of depression, because of the fog.
MARTIN: "It’s sort of weird, isn’t it? Smell can trigger memory so… powerfully." Oh yes, I do this certain smell = memory very often! Or, it just comes often to me naturally. I generally like it. Mostly it's triggering nostalgia.
MARTIN: "Started lying on my CV; did I tell you that. I didn’t want to. I-I mean I tried to be a good person, but we’re really up against it, and I – and I – I know they’re going to find me out; I just know it. They’ll ask something, or I’ll say something stupid, and then – and then they’ll know. They’ll know, and then –" Martin was probably a very good snack for Elias with that huge juicy secret. And he always was very alone.
MARTIN: "What am I doing; I can’t afford a place like this! I need money, not just for me, but for – for…" A yes, capitalism...
[THE SAME STATIC AS ALWAYS BEGINS TO RISE FROM THE BACKGROUND.] MARTIN: "No… No, no, no, that’s not right! I-I’m not alone, no! Not alone, there’s – there’s – J-J-Jon? Jon. (suddenly realizing) Jon! Jon!" There the static rises when Martin can remember and not when he forgets again. It that Jon catching a whiff of his Martin and trying to Know his way back to him? There's also static every time Martin forgets.
MARTIN: (suddenly to Jon, frantic) "Jon? Jon, I’m here; can you hear me? I can’t – it’s – it’s this place, I – wh-where are you; I need you, I nee– (laugh, but humorless) – I need you, Jon." [THERE’S AN UNEASY DISCORDANT TONE PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND.] MARTIN: "Where – Where did you go." [A COUPLE MORE STEPS.] MARTIN: (voice about to break) "Please don’t leave me. I can’t do this on my own. Please. (inhale that could be a sob) I’m not enough on my own. Alone. (small, shaky) All. All alone." Can this episode get any more heartbreaking?
MARTIN: "Oh. Oh, hello. What’s this? Wow, retro! What are you up to, little buddy; just – listening?" Oh, hello. Are you still listening?
MARTIN: (half-whisper) "We should try to keep quiet actually, you know. Make sure not to wake her. The drugs – they, they hit her pretty hard, but – if you make enough noise and she wakes up, and – (quieter) and yeah, it’s not good. (bravado) Not a good time!" More about Martin's past! There isn't even more explanation needed, this tells us a lot about their situation and what it was like for him.
MARTIN: "Sometimes I wonder if I forget things on purpose. Easier not to think about them, I guess. Easier to just let them… slip away. They can’t hurt you if you don’t think about them; they can’t shout at you or call you names. (increasingly emotional) And I, I always think of Mum’s face when I’ve done something wrong, and I – (dead sober) Wait." See above.
MARTIN: "Did – Did she have a face? (berating) D-Don’t – Don’t be stupid, Martin; of course she had a face! (increasingly agitated) You just can’t remember it ‘cause – (breathing heavy) ‘Cause you’re a bad son; because you left you left her to rot in –" Martin blamed himself for so long for some many things that weren't his fault. That is a very interesting combination, he and Jon. In this regard I mean. Hm, don't think I ever found a fanfic which explored that? (If anyone got one to recommend, send it my way!)
So evil to let Martin remember Sasha. The friend no one remembers.
MARTIN: "I must have – left the window open. (struggles with the next word) L, L-L,Let the fog in." Blaming himself again. Thinking that of course it was him who brought him into this situation.
MARTIN: "Hm, they’re gone; that’s weird. I thought – I, I can feel them, but the words, they just – just wash away." That is such a strange thing to suffer from. I had anomic aphasia as side effect of meds once and I felt like I was going insane. You know on a very abstract level what you want to say, but it just won't take shape. It's frustrating.
That bit about Martin's granddad also feels so horrible. As a child funerals are a weird matter anyway and if something like this should happen... Phew. That was also around the time his father left. Losing two important family members in such rapid succession and then having to deal with his mother...
MARTIN: "Tape recorder. (heh) What, you want me to give you a statement, I –" [THE STATIC PRESSES.] MARTIN: (deadened voice) "Why. The Eye has won. It can already see everything;" Ha, that deadened voice sounds like Jon when he gets all ominous like the Eye is speaking through him again. But why would the Eye talk about itself like that. And this then again reminds me of Father Burroughs in MAG 19, when he was at Hill Top Road, when something (the Web?) used him so speak the words "I am not for you. I am marked."
MARTIN: "Oh, they nod and respond and say ‘No, Martin,’ or ‘Not now, Martin,’ or ‘Leave it, Martin –’ but, funny thing is – (false bright) I didn’t ask them to do anything!" I know, this is probably also a reference to his childhood and his upbringing. But when he does this impression he kind of sounds like Jon xD And I'm pretty sure Jon was also this dismissive of Martin that first year, when he wasn't outright hostile to him.
MARTIN: "Is that me? (unsure) Is – Is that me? Martin? Martin. Maartin. (close to Jon’s pronunciation) Martin." Maaahtin! First, really going for the jugular there, fan transcribers! Second,... I would have also pronounced Martin like that? xD What was that during the first (I think?) Magnus Protocol stream (that one on the 30th October?), MaRtin with that US-pronunciation is the real 15th Fear? xD
What's up with those uncomfortable chairs?? xD Why are they emphasized so often? Haven't gotten the significance of this, any ideas on this?
MARTIN: "I’m losing myself, and I – and I don’t know if I mind?" I know that mindset! There is so much in this episode that speaks to me so much!
MARTIN: "So much of what’s behind the fog hurts. So much of it just makes me wanna curl up with pain and embarrassment and – Maybe the fog’s here because I want it here. Is that why I opened the windows? Maybe I asked the fog to come." See bullet point of Martin saying "I must have – left the window open." But also with the flavor of creating this situation because the alternative is so incredibly hurtful. Which I absolutely understand. You can try to isolate yourself to avoid certain problems or conflicts, but that isolation opens a whole new can of worms.
MARTIN: "Hundreds, thousands of lost souls, wandering the halls. Hollow memories, with eyes full of tears. I’ve seen them. (shaky) They’re all trying to remember. T-To recall, to picture someone, anyone who loves them, and their hearts are all full of fear. Afraid that those people are gone forever. That maybe – maybe they never existed at all." Interesting to hear that concept of forgetting someone or being forgotten by others just hours after I finished Family Business!
MARTIN: "I-I fell behind. I was – I was too slow, and, and, and the fog caught up; I was following. Al-Always following, never leading. Never leading." Aw man, that's saying so much about his life in general and how his mind works.
MARTIN: "Yes. Jon, I remember him. (shaky exhale) I need to, I need to keep him here. If he can find me, I – he, he knows enough; surely he Knows enough to find me, but I can’t – (struggling) If I forget him, if, if I forget – me – maybe – maybe there’s nothing left to Know. No one to find." Yeah, that makes so much sense. There needs to be something left of Martin in order to find him. How can you find something that doesn't exist anymore, not in the way you want to find it.
MARTIN: "I am Martin Blackwood, and I am not lonely anymore; I am not lonely anymore. (voice shaking with effort) I want to have friends; I – no, I have friends. I-I’m in love. (heh) I am in love, and I will not forget that; I will not forget. (stronger) I am Martin Black–" JON: (far off, calling) "Martin!" Ah god, that is the perfect way to end Martin's odyssey through the memory manor. Him finally remembering himself. Remembering his friend, remembering Jon and his love for him. I think this is a classic anchor situation. Every time he got to something that remembered him of Jon, made him think of him, he found back to more and more of himself. His mother didn't do that, Sasha didn't do that. Elias of course not. But when he got to Jon, the fog loosened its grip.
JON (ON MIC): (relieved) "Oh, Martin; thank god, I – I was –" [AND IT SOUNDS LIKE HE’S EMBRACING HIM] JON: "I, I thought you were behind me." Yeah, never let go of him ever again! Also that bit of parallel to MAG 39/40. Martin thinking Jon was just behind him and utterly beating himself up about losing him (and Tim).
MARTIN: "I thought you’d left me behind. Gone on without me." JON: "No, never. N-Never, I, I just –" That's going to hurt so bad in about 30 episodes...
JON: "I, I didn’t want to – Look too h– I,I,I promised I wouldn’t Know you, and, and with the fog, and, and all the rooms, I, I just – I lost you; I’m – (inhale) I’m sorry." MARTIN: "It’s okay." [A BEAT OF JUST THEIR EXHALES.] JON: "No, I – I tried to use the – (sigh) to Know where you were, but it was – you, you were faint. It was so strange; it took me so long just to find you." Ahh, Jon sounds so frantic. Like he wants to respect Martin's privacy but then slowly realizing that this is serious and he might actually lose him there.
MARTIN: "It’s the Lonely, Jon. It’s me." JON: "Not anymore." [MARTIN MAKES A PLEASED LITTLE HM.] MARTIN: "No. (long inhale) No, not anymore." That fierce "Not anymore!" of Jon. Like also telling that place to keep its damp paws off his boyfriend. After all, he told Martin he won't let it hurt him. Martin did hate the burning building and was so scared, but this place here was a lot more dangerous for him that the fire.
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gurathins · 3 months
toby and klara!!
5, 10, 22, 42, 51 💖💕
ship ask game
5. Describe their cozy night in.
Most of their evenings are cozy night ins unless they go out for a dinner date or in a museum or on some science seminar or a walk or one of them is stuck at work JDKNFKFKCNGN
They tend to spent a lot of evenings just sitting together in some part of their apartment, watching Klara's favorite shows or reading, maybe kissing a bit or even doing some other things as well. Haha. Toby's not a fan of tv shows but tends to pay attention to them just so it could talk with Klara about them.
Sometimes they do these specific evening where they go sit in their cozy little reading corner they made beneath the stairs (they live in a loft) where they just read together or play board games or cuddle or also watch shows and stuff like that. Basically the whole place is a lazy pillow fort with tons of pillows, several throw blankets and two bean bags. It has two rules: no sex there (it is Supposed to be a comfy quiet place. also there's too much stuff beneath the pillows too which could make it also feel like stepping on a lego) AND no conversations about work. They tend to follow the rules, most of the time. Melody loves to come and lay somewhere near them and they have a special box of treats hidden in the bookshelf. There's also a snack box they refill like every week.
10. Describe their first date.
I think I've mentioned it before but they have two first dates, technically, the first first date being the one where they had just become friends and decided to go study in a cafe they both like during lunch, but instead of studying they just Talked a lot about different things. They stayed there until dinner time and decided to order take away dinner from the same cafe and go continue to Klara's apartment (which is very close to the cafe). There they just talked some more, played video games, talked again, and maybe fell asleep together on Klara's bed bc they both were somehow very exhausted.
As for the actual first date? They went to the same cafe a day after Klara confessed her feelings to Tobias while drunk, and then in the morning talked w it about the whole thing. I do think I should mention, by the way, that they just took a nap after breakfast (who actually believed toby when it said that it did in fact sleep), got ready together and went to the cafe for dinner. Both ordered something nice and picked a nice, quiet spot and just talked about different things, most importantly about basic relationship related things, but also about many other things as well. They both knew each other well already so there was no point of introducing each other and stuff. After the cafe got a bit too crowded & loud, they decided to order hot chocolate and go on a walk by the sea, and ended up sitting on a beach for half an hour, just enjoying the sunset and each other's company. They went to Toby's apartment and just kinda fell asleep on the sofa.
22. What reminds each of their partner?
Toby thinks of Klara every time it sees a gull bc they're her favorite birds and she loves to talk about them a lot. It likes to take a photo and send it to Klara, who will somehow reply with "cute <3" and correctly name what gull it is.
Some other things that remind Toby of Klara are strawberries, journals (he buys her cool ones w smooth paper as gifts), coffee, pillowcases (she likes to buy them), green tea (which once reminded Toby of Jack but not anymore!!!), the moon, forests and fancy pens.
Whenever Klara sees someone read in public or carry a bag from a bookstore, she tends to think of Toby and its book collection. Tobias loves reading and Klara loves to get it the books from its 'to buy' list as gifts :)
Klara also gets reminded of Toby by things like: scent of almond milk (due to the body lotion he tends to use, it has a very faint, relaxing scent of almond milk), golden hour, cats, pretty presentation slides, doodles on post-it notes, sweaters, lattes and croissants.
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
They enjoy all kinds of weather! Mostly depending on what they wanr to do, they love sitting at home listening to the rain. They like a partly cloudy day for a beach picnic together. They like occasional long storms that mean sitting home together, working remotely (bc it's not safe to go outside bc of it) and being aware of the other being in the apartment, too, sneaking off for some breaks or complaining about reports they're writing.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
There are dozens of them skdkkfkfkfkfkfcn god they love helping each other and getting little gifts or snacks for each other. But if I can be a bit specific, here's some examples hehe <3
Both love to give each other surprise hugs, Klara usually adding a little forehead kiss and Toby saying something nice or also kissing Klara somewhere where it can reach :^) Both also tend to give a little hug before giving the other something like a cup of coffee/tea. Not sure which one of them originally started to do that, but the other picked it up quite quickly and now they're both doing it.
Buying each other mundane things they keep forgetting or haven't had time to buy or refill, like favorite shampoo or snacks. Doing each other's chores. Buying something the other wants.
If we go even more specific, I do want to mention at least these two things hehe :^)
Since Klara tends to wake up much earlier, she tends to get fresh pastries like croissants on her morning run and makes coffee right before Tobias wakes up so they can enjoy their morning coffee together while laying in bed. Sometimes if she has to go to work early, she still makes coffee for him and leaves a cute little note that says something nice (and/or has a cute little doodle of Toby sleeping in bed).
If Klara has a typical work day, Tobias tends to go meet her by the office after the work day's over, often with her favorite smoothie and a danish pastry. If she's coming home late, he either orders her favorite comfort meal or makes something nice for her to enjoy once she gets home. It also tends to wait for Klara to come home just so they can cuddle and spend time together.
Honestly I could probably talk about this forever but. here we go. hehe
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(Based on the donghua because I haven’t finished any of the other versions yet. CONTAINS SPOILERS.)
I just have a lot of feelings about Lan Wangji mmkay.
First off, queer teen growing up in a clan that essentially practices a form of purity culture, being held up as the exemplary standard for all the other kids, and ending up super repressed and kinda kinky as a result: I feel you, bro. Desperately attracted to the kid who breaks all the rules and defies the leaders, while also terrified of stepping out of line himself? Haha yep, been there. 
But leaving aside the ways I relate to him, I just have so many feels about that thirteen year gap. Whip scars that will never fade, never stop reminding him of who he couldn’t save. Silence and seclusion, echoing with laughter he’ll never hear again. Getting drunk for the first time, alone rather than with Wei Wuxian alive and chattering at his side as he should be, branding himself in memoriam.
And then, crawling out of that pit of despair for A-Yuan’s sake, to protect and foster this last remnant of what Wei Wuxian wanted so badly to protect. Chubby fingers wrapped around his own and every milestone of growth a joy and a stabbing pain at once, Wei Ying should be here to see this. Watching him thrive, toys never put away quite as neatly as they should be in the evenings, little doodles on the margins of otherwise flawless schoolwork, manners perfect but eyes warm and laughing. And maybe Lan Wangji wonders sometimes, whether Sizhui is a burden, whether it was cruel to give a child a name like a grave marker. But Yuan bears the traces of a grief he does not fully understand with grace and gentleness.
In a way, they grow up together, Lan Wangji growing out of a youth interrupted by war and heartbreak, and Sizhui just...growing up. Wangji learns how to be a father figure and a teacher and a leader outside of a crisis, and he softens and matures and grows stronger all at once.
His fingers on strings call out for a spirit at night, and there is wine beneath his floorboards, a peony pressed between book pages, trinkets and scribbles and memories tucked into corners of his home alongside Sizhui’s outgrown toys and praise-filled notes from his instructors. And wherever chaos erupts, there is Hanguang-jun, hoping against hope that one day there might be a bright smile and sparkling eyes right in the center of that chaos.
And finally, finally, one night...there is a madman playing a secret song off-key in a mountain wood, pandemonium breaking out around him.
Sometimes, hope is rewarded.
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shingia · 3 years
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dating jean kirstein
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— sfw headcanons
— important a/n at the end!
i’m terrified haha :) i’ve never ever written for aot before but jean is on my mind TWENTY FOUR/SEVEN so i thought i should just go for it even if it’s just a one time thing yk?
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• okay first of all: this man’s main goal is to impress you. anywhere, anytime.
• he will spend his entire day in the kitchen without talking to anyone (except maybe you) just to cook you a homemade dinner
• but obviously, since he’s always pushing himself further, it means you often need to remind him that he’s already more than enough for you
• and how could he not be when he is constantly thinking about you??
• at the beginning of your relationship, he bought you a gift every single time you guys saw each other. but as you started going out more and more, his bank account couldn’t keep up and he had to slow down a bit
• but, one day, you were over at his house and he forgot to put away some drawings he had made. he was incredibly embarrassed because most of them were drawings of you, but you looked so happy looking at them that he decided these could be even better than his previous gifts
• and now you often find small doodles (sometimes more elaborate drawings) hidden between the pages of your books, or in one of your pockets
• for some obscure reason, he’s super good at giving massages, so you can expect to receive some before and after your naps. it’s the only times he won’t try to turn it into a makeout session (unless you initiate it of course)
• he trusts you 100% so yes, he will let you cut his hair. but also- yes, he will be a total drama queen and immediately freak out if you mess up just a tiny bit
• let’s be real here, jean and you bicker all the time. but it never lasts long because, as he once told you during a post-argument hug:
• “i love you too much to stay mad and it’s not fucking fair”
• but it’s perfectly fair, because it’s perfectly reciprocated
• did i mention that he’s is a living furnace?
• he secretly loves that about himself because it gives him an excuse to sleep in his underwear smh
• “wow uh- babe you’re staring so much it’s getting embarrassing” he’d scoff while looking perfectly comfortable with the situation, laying down on his side to make it even harder not to stare
• “oh- how rude of me, i’m so sorry! ..…well. good night then!” you’d respond, turning your back on him
• but i promise you that less than a minute later, you’d feel his arm drape around you and pull you closer until your back is pressed against his chest
• “you gotta stop acting like you don’t understand my sarcasm” he’d sigh, with a painfully obvious smile in his voice
• mornings with jean are usually pretty lazy. sometimes he’ll go for a run but he always comes back to bed where you both lie awake for at least 30mn, talking about anything and everything, your future, sometimes often sharing gossips, but always cuddling one way or another
• because yes, jean would love to be one of these men who are pretty casual about pda. but he’s not. he needs to be in contact with you as much as he can
• but although he loves to feel your hand in his, or to hold you by the waist when you walk, there's nothing he likes more than kissing you (you told him once that he was a good kisser and he hasn't shut up since)
• if he senses that you’re feeling stressed, he’ll gently kiss your temple to reassure you. if you’re feeling sad, a few kisses all over your face should do the trick. if you’re tensed and need to relax, a lingering kiss on your neck
• your friends are used to your pda now, but they will never stop making fun of him for that (jean, on the other hand, will probably never get used to their teasing. connie has stopped counting how many times he was told to shut up)
• jean is a very ambitious man, so naturally, he has big plans for your future together. and one of his craziest was to decide that the only way you two could move in your dream house was to build it himself
• so, after asking your friends if you could move in with them for a little while, you sold your flat and bought from an old man a house that was practically falling into ruins
• it was a colossal workload, so every day after work, you both headed to the house and did as much as you could until one of you began to fall asleep
• and every weekend for about a year, your friends came over to give a hand (sasha worked extra hard in the kitchen area obviously)
• you moved in after about a year and a half, in the middle of spring. and as if that day wasn't emotional enough for you, jean thought it would be nice to propose to you that exact same day
• you were on your patio, laying on the pallet couch that armin and connie had built together, your head resting on his knees. the sky was turning orange and it was one of these moments where you were grateful for jean's natural warmth
• both of you were laughing at the memory of the fear in armin’s eyes everytime connie was about to hit a nail with the hammer - when jean’s hand gently brushed your cheeks, and he let out an almost inaudible: “let’s get married”
• you agreed so quickly that he didn’t even have time to curse himself for not proposing in a more romantic way, like he had initially planned
• but as you looked up at him, your eyes filled with nothing but love and tears, fingers intertwined with his, and your skin painted with the shadows of your very own house, he thought that this was the kind of simple romance he had always longed for after all
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— a/n : QUICK EXPLANATION: a few days/weeks ago i created a second tumblr account (@gi0iawrites) because “why not have an aot blog and a haikyuu account :D”. bUT i changed my mind and decided to post everything here. which means that yes, this post has already been posted elsewhere but it was on my other blog! just wanted to make things clear!
— a/n #2: i could’ve written 12 pages about this istg 😮‍💨 i wanted to add how i think jean would be a terrible driver but i’m saving it for another time :)
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I hate that I love you p. 13
13. I hate you
Series Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Epilogue 
Warnings: annoyingly persistent dude shows up this time, but not for long so don’t worry! probably some swearing too, and a first time writer’s SMAU so might be awful lol
Pairing: Tsukishima Kei x Fem!Reader
A/N: how are we already done this fic omg... i won’t lie to yall, I finished the majority of the chapters within a few days cause I was so excited to write haha. But thank you so much for everyone who has kept up with this series and has interacted with me about it! I love interactions so never feel like you can’t interact okay? :) 
Anyways! Onto the story! More written things this time cause you know, we can’t have a big finale and a confession that needs to be said over a text (or at least i don’t personally like text confessions so here we are lol) Enjoy :)
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Tsukishima groaned internally as he thought about what to type next. This was the moment he had been waiting for all week. You were finally talking to him, even if it was over text. He didn’t want to mess this up and have your name never pop up in his notifs again. But what would he even say? 
He wasn’t even really sure what happened, how he ended up here waiting for the nurse to bring him an ice pack. He knew the gist of it but the details were still a tad hazy.
“Doesn’t matter how much she rejects me! I’m going to keep trying! Girls like that, you know. If you start slacking off, she’ll just start ignoring you!” The guy had practically yelled across the courtyard in Tsukishima’s direction. It wasn’t that it really pissed him all that much off. It was more the way the guy was talking about you that got under Tsukishima’s skin. “She’s just so beautiful and so smart, she’d make the perfect girl to have on my arm! I don’t care how many times she says no, Y/N’ll be mine eventually!”
Before Tsukishima even knew it, he had a fistful of the guy’s shirt in his hand, glaring down at him, “Stop talking about her like she’s some sort of prize. Besides, how old are you? Even a toddler can understand what NO means.”
Maybe Noya and Tanaka had been passing through and Yamaguchi had called for their help, or maybe they just decided to jump in, but before he knew it, Tsukishima felt himself fall back. Noya and Tanaka had both thrown him aside (neither of them meaning to, they just had a lot of adrenaline and wanted to get up in front). Even though Tsukishima told Y/N he didn’t really hit his head, he could remember the pain surging through his skull. His head was killing him.
Did he black out? Or was he just missing pieces? Tsukishima thought back to the moment and frowned. All he could really remember was the pain and then suddenly, you were crouched next to him with that worried look in your eyes. Honestly, he thought he was dreaming because you were sitting there right next to him, holding his hand and touching his face. 
“Tsukki, are you okay?” You had asked him, helping him sit up. He felt his cheeks flush in that moment, realizing what had just happened. Tanaka and Noya were still yelling at the guy, not even realizing they had practically thrown Tsukishima across the courtyard. 
“IF YOU SO MUCH AS LOOK IN Y/N’S DIRECTION WE WILL COME AFTER YOU. DON’T YOU KNOW THE POWER OF SECOND YEARS?” Noya had added in, the two of them making the best intimidating faces they could manage.
“We should get you to the nurse’s office,” you had told him and before he knew it here he was. He could remember leaning against you as the two of you walked but other than that, it was all a blur.
“Here’s an ice pack, try to rest okay? No volleyball for at least a few days too,” the nurse was telling him and he just nodded. He hadn’t even gotten another word typed out before she had come back and now he was going to have to face you without really knowing what to say.
“So?” You looked up at him in anticipation and Tsukishima wasn’t really sure what you were asking about - his last text or his head.
“I’m fine,” he stated quietly, holding the ice to his head. “I don’t think I have a concussion but I can’t play for a while.”
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled nervously, eyes darting away from his. This had been because of you. You felt the guilt fill you up - if you had just gotten the guy to leave you alone in the first place, none of this would’ve happened. Maybe you should’ve done what Bokuto and the others told you to do and talk to the school’s administration about it. But it seemed like such a trivial thing to complain about.
“Oi,” Tsukishima interrupted your thoughts, nudging you. He could see that guilt written all over your face. “Stop it. It’s not like you hit me or anything.”
“Yeah well, but it’s not like I didn’t want to,” you huffed, frowning up at him. The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment, both of you waiting for the other to bring up the topic of anticipation. “So... are you going to explain your last text?” You finally asked, a ball of nerves sitting in your stomach. 
Tsukishima bit on his inner cheek, thinking about all the things he had wanted to say to you for the past week. “I’m bad with words when it comes to how I’m feeling,” he stated quietly. “I’m good with facts. I know for a fact that there are so many things about you that I hate.”
Wow great start to the conversation, you thought to yourself, your heart falling a bit. The two of you hadn’t spoken in a week and this is how he wanted to do things?
“Let me finish,” he grumbled, seeing the discomfort in your eyes. “I hate how you click your pen when you’re nervous for a test, I hate that you doodle on my notes in class or that you draw smiley faces on my hand when I’m not paying attention. I hate that you text me at 3 in the morning to ask me questions about the homework or just to ask me how I am. I hate the fact that you refuse to put your books back in your bag and that you’ll just carry them in your arms because we both know you’re clumsy and that you’ll end up dropping something. I hate that you’re always the loudest person during my matches, I hate that I can pick you out of a crowd and that when I can’t see you I get worried.”
Your eyebrows furrowed a little as he continued, his eyes now starting to avoid yours. 
“I hate that you get along with all my teammates and I hate that they make you smile and laugh. I hate that you and Bokuto are good friends and that he makes you happy. I hate everything about you because everything you do just makes me like you more.”
You blink in confusion... was this.. supposed to be some sort of twisted confession?
“I hate that you were so childish that you ignored me for a whole week for being an asshole and that it’s been the most miserable week of my life. I hate that I heard your voicemail more times than your actual voice this week because you wouldn’t pick up the phone. I hate seeing that you hadn’t sent me a text message back, I hate that I wake up at 3 in the morning just in case you reached out to me. I hate that there were no smiley faces on my arm and no doodles on my notes, I hate that I wasn’t able to help you pick up your books or study with you. I hate that I can’t stop thinking about you from the time that I wake up, to the time I go to bed, I hate that you’re in my dreams every single night and I hate that no matter how many times I’ve dreamt about saying these things, it’s never the way that you deserve. I hate that you’re effortlessly perfect and that every guy who walks by you knows it too,” Tsukishima’s hands balled into fists as he thought about it all, scoffing a little at himself. 
How desperate, he thought to himself. He hated how absolutely cheesy he sounded. But he couldn’t stop now. “I hate... I hate everything about you because everything you do just makes me fall harder for you. I hate that I love you, Y/N because no matter how much I want to hate you, I just can’t.”
Time must’ve stopped right then and there. Or else that’s what it felt like. Tsukishima had finally said the words that you were waiting for the whole time you’d known him. Tsukishima... loved you? Everything you felt was... mutual?
Maybe time hadn’t stopped at all and you were just staring at him in complete shock, because Tsukishima was shifting awkward in the empty hall the two of you were in, waiting for some sort of reply out of you. “O-Oh!” He recovered quickly, his whole face turning red, feeling like it was you waiting for him to say something else. “A-And I’m sorry. For being an ass.” His eyes dropped to the ground, holding his head in shame, “I know I was being a dick about Bokuto. And after the first game you came to. I thought that the whole jersey thing was going to make you realize how I felt but you just thought it was to freak out your stalker and...”
“I only thought that cause when you gave me your jacket, you told me it was for the plan,” you interrupted quickly, biting on your lip nervously. “I didn’t... I didn’t want to believe that you would really give me your jersey cause that would mean that everything Yamaguchi said was true.”
Tsukishima looked at you for a moment, a small scowl on his lips, “What did Yamaguchi say?”
A small smile started to play on your lips, “That Tsukishima Kei had a big fat crush on me. Who knew?” You couldn’t help but giggle, watching as this tall glaring bean pole started to go pink with embarrassment. There was such a relief off of your shoulders, knowing that he was admitting how he was feeling and apologizing. 
“S-So you knew?”
“Of course not,” you laugh, shaking your head. “I figured Yamaguchi just told me that because he was encouraging my crush on you!” The words slipped from your lips before you could slap a hand over your mouth, eyes widening as you look up at him.
There was that stupid smirk on his lips, growing bigger as he tilted his chin up in pride, “So Y/N Y/L/N has a crush on me huh?”
You scoff, rolling your eyes a little in embarrassment, “Pfft. What? Me? No way.”
Tsukishima smirked, catching your chin in his fingers and forcing you to look at him, “Go out with me,” he demanded softly, pressing his forehead against yours gently. “For real this time.”
Your whole body was going hot with how he was looking at you, the soft but teasing look in his eyes was driving you insane. You hadn’t ever seen him look at you like this before, “O-Okay,” you mumbled quickly and Tsukishima smiled. A real genuine giddy sort of smile.
Before you could embarrass yourself further, you shove his shoulder gently and pull away, walking towards the exit, “But if you’re ever that much of an ass to me ever again, I’m never talking to you again!” You yell over your shoulder, trying to pretend like your heart wasn’t just leaping out of your chest. 
It didn’t take long for Tsukishima’s long legs to catch up with you, casually opening the hallway doors for you, “Fine.”
“Don’t think you confessing to me makes up for anything, I’m still mad at you.”
“What? Why! I said I was sorry! I thought you said it was ice cream or words! And I apologized!” His scowl was evident, even though his heart was fluttering. Everything he wanted, it was finally happening. 
“Well you were a real asshole so you’re going to need at least words AND ice cream.”
“You’re impossible.”
“But you loveeee me.”
“Just wait till Yamaguchi finds out your whole confession was about you hating me,” you mused as the two of you walked and Tsukishima groaned a little. With how sassy Yamaguchi was getting, he was never going to hear the end of it.
“I will literally buy you any kind of ice cream you want, just don’t tell him,” Tsukishima mumbled, not wanting to admit how embarrassed he would be if his best friend scolded him over his confession.
“No way,” you laugh, shaking your head with a huge smile. “Tsukishima Kei finally confessed to me and I need Yamaguchi to know that he did it in a very Tsukishima way.”
The blond boy just groaned but he swiftly grabbed your hand and stuffed it in his pocket with his own. You tried not to seem so surprised and quickly started looking in every direction but his, not wanting him to notice how nervous you were getting every time his thumb would slowly make a circle along your skin. The two of you walked back to your friends, chatting away the tension that had been so thick before, as if it was a totally normal day for you. As if both of you weren’t thinking I’m the luckiest person alive.
Taglist (Let me know if you’d like to be added to my permanent Haikyuu tag :) Thank you so much for all the love everyone!)
@random-fandom-girl-24 @intergalactic-mango @celestaire @lucyheartfilias-wife @owlnymph @lucyrocks86 @pinkhairedsapphic @mariachiii @aurumk @sana-li @mirikusashes @earphonekiyouka @why-000 @devilkittymusic @420-uwu @scphiredrafts @fantasycantasy @its-the-aerieljeane @laninasinnombre @trashy-simp @thisnoodlewritesao3 @darling-daydreaming @yourmajestythegreatest @so-lo-stuff @ibimyeon @satan-ruler-of-hells @ahiae @kpopandstarwarswhynot @imnisneedshercoffee @ramen-maker @chelly-ilysmiwdfy @animeanxiety @kaylig02 @upwardscomma @jeppiet @simplyyyy @ashtheticals @calumsfringe @kac-chowsballs @dreamsandregrets @flamingosis @loving-unicorns106 @darkvadeeer @mykuronekome​
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lostjulys · 3 years
what are your thoughts on cold war arc c!tubbo? 👀👀👀
GD ok (thamk u for asking) i am so sleepy so this will b incoherent probably and maybe i will be more articulate ab it tomorrow BUT.
-so um first of all something that fucks me up a lil bit every time is that historically, there has never been a missile control center (where u can launch nukes) with less than two people present at all times. especially in a nuclear missile control center. mostly for safety nd so no one can enter and launch weapons w malicious intent, but also because.... being entirely isolated in an underground bunker with a key that ends the world if you want it to isn't something that is conducive to remaining sane haha. (that's the context of the 'no-lone zone / two man concept mandatory' sign in my last doodle- those signs were at every control center) which is part of why it's so upsetting that snowchester is so Alone? there's no safety net, 99% of the time. not that ctubbo is slightly unstable at All he is but it's just.. unsettling. that really, the only thing between the server and a radioactive pile of bedrock is him. l'appel du vide, right?
-c!tubbo is above all a fucking genius and a tactician and he plays piano and is good at chess and that makes so much sense because deterrence theory is um. a lot like game theory? it's very rational, it's very much based on manipulating whatever scenario you're in to make the other guy give up first. which isn't necessarily what he's doing here? since his nukes aren't public knowledge? but he has that ace up his sleeve, and i think. i think there should be more content of unsettlingly comfortable, confident c!tubbo who's never worried about being targeted. there's always an aura of slight danger about him. he can be on a walk with michael wearing a stupid ironic sweatshirt and undyed roots and you walk past him and feel like someone just stepped on your grave.
-nother messed up thing is the concept of mutually assured destruction, which is fairly self explanatory. thats also related to the fail-deadly concept. tubbo's deadman's switch is an example of a fail-deadly: a mechanism ensuring that even if you die, there Will be a response to any attack. (this also implies that any counterstrike will be overwhelmingly greater than the first attack)
ok anyway um it's just really really fucked up to think about tubbo being isolated and paranoid and traumatized in his empty arctic village to the point where he creates weapons of mass destruction in an attempt to regain a sense of safety. also this implies he is/was at least passively suicidal because theres no way you start a nuclear war and survive. there's no way you sleep with a bomb next door if you're not kinda comfy with the idea of something going wrong while you're asleep. it's fucked up to think of him strategizing deterrence and retaliation and response all day in his cabin because there are hundreds of scenarios that can play out and 99.9% of them end up in total annihilation and he must think about that a while lot. he must be okay with that idea because if the things care about are gone then there's no reason for him to stick around and there's no reason why the people who've hurt him should be allowed to remain happy. he's also fucking stupid smart because of the whole. yknow. creating nuclear missiles on his own part (nd i think cc!tubbo's history w modded mc is cool i think more ppl should explore that as part of his backstory.)
and i think the temptation to just do it must be enormous sometimes. i think he sleeps in the control center a lot of the time. i think he hides the launch key. i think maybe after he and ranboo married, he altered the system so that it needs two people to authenticate a launch command. but like yeah that boy needs therapy because i feel like. a lot of people reduce 'o nukes! >:D" to just like. the cool radioactive aesthetic which is! understandable & cool! but also if u genuinely look at it. the entire idea of ctubbo cold war arc is VERY fucked up and heavily based on his deep paranoia & trauma (which r only encouraged by techno & phil etc) because. nuclear deterrence isn't the equivalent of sleeping with a baseball bat yk? it's the equivalent of sleeping with a pipe bomb that could level your entire country under your pillow.
also cool parallels btwn getting blown the fuck up nd then deciding 'hm! you know what would be a good coping mechanism? give urself the capability to blow OTHER people up, but like, more! :D"
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Happy Birthday|{Todoroki Shouto}
Here’s to my tradition of posting something late for a characters birthday!!
Happy Birthday Icyhot!!!
I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Male reader
Words: 1.2k (1,218)
Warning(s): None
Requests: Closed
Shouto met you when he was picking up flowers for his mom.
You were extremely nice and helped him pick out the perfect arrangement.
Since then he had his eye on you.
He didn’t even realize that he had a crush on you. He only realized after he asked his friends about what he was feeling.
They explained what he was feeling was probably a crush and he did not know what to do with that information.
So he continued to watch and even came into the store when you were working to buy some random flowers just to interact with you.
He thought his apparent crush on you wasn’t that bad until you smiled at him and he nearly set the flowers you were handing him on fire.
He asked his friends for advice and they all told him to confess.
Okay, so all he had to do was tell you that he had feelings for you. That can’t be so hard.
Except it was the next day he walked into the flower shop and you spotted him.
“Hey, Todoroki, perfect timing I wanted to tell you about a new side project.”
He nodded back at you.
“Okay so, we’re having lessons on the weekends to teach others the meaning of the different types of flowers.” You pulled out a card and handed it to him. “I was wondering if you would be interested since I’m going to be the one hosting them and it would be nice to see a friendly face.”
He looked down at the card in his hands.
“Actually, (Y/N) there’s something I would like to tell you.”
He looked serious so you nodded.
“Uh alright, is everything okay?”
He nodded.
“It’s just I—“ he looked back up to you. Big mistake.
You looked at him with such concern and the butterflies in his stomach returned full force.
He felt his left side tingle with warmth.
“—Uh I just wanted to say that I would be happy to come to your lessons.”
Your face immediately brightened up completely oblivious to the blush that appeared on his face.
“Nice! Well if you’re going to come the card I gave you has all of the times on the back, the first lesson is tomorrow so see you then?”
Shouto could only nod.
“Cool, so what could I get for you today?”
He walked out of the shop with a bouquet of pink hydrangeas, pink roses, and bluebells.
Since then he came every week at least once to your lessons.
There were never any other people there so he had a lot of time to talk with you and to get to know you better.
He wanted to confess but every time he tried something happened and he short-circuited.
So instead of asking his friends for help, he went to the internet.
There were a lot of articles saying to write letters so he gave that a try and showed Midoriya and Uraraka. But by the end of the letter, they were on the floor laughing.
So he went back to the internet.
The next option was getting him a gift.
He wanted to get you something special.
He couldn’t get you flowers since you already work at a flower shop.
He got to thinking.
You love flowers and the article said that handcrafted gifts are more romantic.
Shouto looked at his right hand and got an idea.
You were standing at the register doodling on a sheet of paper.
The day was ridiculously slow and Shouto was late.
All of the stuff that needed to be done was finished and the plants were all in order so there was nothing to do.
It’s already almost closing time so you started cleaning up around the register.
A jingle at the door rang out as you were putting some seeds under the counter.
You stood up to tell them you were closing.
“Hello, sorry but we’re— oh, hey Todoroki!”
Said boy stood in the doorway with one of his hands behind his back.
He walked over to the counter hand still behind his back. Watching you placing the last bags of seeds under the counter.
“Where were you today, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I had to attend a group study session with my classmates and it ran longer than expected.”
You nodded in understanding.
You finally took notice of his hand.
“So what’re you hiding back there?”
Shouto cleared his throat feeling the familiar butterflies in his stomach and tingling of his left side.
“I read on the internet that if you want to show someone that you have feelings for them you should give them a gift of something that they like.”
You felt your face begin to get warm.
“And so, I made you this.”
He pulled his hand out from behind him and held out a rose made of ice.
“I-I didn’t know what to get you and this was the only thing I could think of.”
You gently took the flower, your fingers brushing against his for a moment both of you felt the electric jolt at the contact.
You inspected the rose.
It was crudely crafted but you could see the effort he put into it.
You felt the smile tug at your lips before you remembered something.
“Oh wait!”
You shoved the flower back into his hand and dashed into the back room.
“Give me just one second!”
Shouto stood there, did you not like his gift?
He heard you rooting around for a moment before you rushed back.
You came back through the doorway holding a bouquet of pink roses lined with lavender and bluebells.
“I made this for you because I was actually planning on confessing when you came to the shop today.”
Both of you were silent until Shouto’s left side erupted into flames.
After putting out Shouto’s flames and grabbing him an extra shirt the two of you sat in silence.
His fire melted the rose and you dropped the bouquet in your surprise so both of your gifts were ruined.
Shouto cleared his throat breaking the tension.
“Um, so does this mean we’re dating now?”
“Yeah, I think so?”
He hummed.
“Well, if we are we need to go on a date right?”
You nodded.
“Well maybe we could go somewhere after your lesson tomorrow?”
You blushed and rubbed the back of your neck averting your gaze.
“Ahaha about that.” He looked at you in confusion. “Those classes weren’t real haha.”
His eyes widened in shock.
“W-well the information was real just the class itself wasn’t I just wanted an excuse to talk to you without seeming like a creep.”
You looked back towards him and his face was flushed.
“Well, I would still like to come to your lessons if you’re still doing them?”
He looked at you waiting for your response.
You smiled at him.
“I’ll keep doing the lessons.” You held out your hand. “If you agree to be my boyfriend.”
Shouto felt the corners of his lips twitch as he reached out and took your hand.
The two of you smiled softly at each other before you stood up from where you were sitting.
“Now, you can help me clean up the mess that you made.”
{Tag list}If you want to be added to the tag list, send an ask or look at my pinned post! 
@lotsofrandom @your-strangelove @yumeneji @nahtoolazy @squiddyyyy @naonaocat @tamakiwithcrab @delightfulcupquakequeen @brithedemonspawn @chatnoirfangirl1624 @redsharksimp <- Sorry anyone who isn’t tagged properly but I wasn’t able to tag you!
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stellar-lune · 3 years
*KOTLC incorrect quotes*
Anyways, a long list of incorrect KOTLC quotes, feel free to use these for anything if ya want!
Glimmer: Arson? Oh, you mean "crime brûlée".
Fitz: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its “intelligent” and “really cool”.
Fitz: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”.
Keefe, holding up his class notes: And then this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle”.
Marella, in shock: Wait a minute, is it “Chip-o-tottle”?
Sophie: I wasn't hurt that badly. Elwin said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
Police Officer: You have the right to remain silent.
Marella: I choose to waive that right!
Marella: *screaming*
Brant (whoops sorry bout this one): Do not come over to my house. If the house is on fire you may knock once, if I don’t answer assume I set the fire and I want to burn to death.
Sophie: I would never say that my best friend is a bitch and I don’t like her. That’s not true… Biana is a bitch and I like her very much!
Lex, Bex, Rex: If I can't cause tiny bits of chaos every day, I think my body will shut down.
Keefe on Tuesday: *glues a dime to the sidewalk* Heh heh heh.
Keefe on Wednesday: *walking down the street* Ooh hey! A dime!
Forkman, to the squad: And remember, if I get harsh with you it is only because you’re doing it all wrong.
Keefe, tearing up the room: Where are they?
Keefe, looking under a pillow: Who moved them? Who moved my children?
Keefe: Somebody moved my E.L. Fudges, and now I am going to run away again.
Tam: Your existence is confusing.
Keefe: How so?
Tam: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Sophie: I have one foot in the grave but in a kind of fun flirty way, the way one might slip on a fishnet stocking.
Linh: I've never encountered a problem that can't be solved by an spontaneous musical number.
Dex: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
Sophie: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Sophie, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.
Dex, to Stina: If karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Sophie: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look.
Dex: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one, Wonderboy.
Marella: As someone who has a long history of not understanding anything, I feel confident in my ability to continue not knowing what is going on.
Fitz: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
*out grocery shopping*
Linh: *takes a free sample twice*
Linh: Robbery and fraud. I am a Rebel (TM) .
Sophie: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices.
Sophie: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.
Sophie: Does anyone know how to relax? Asking for a friend.
Demon: Hey, I took your soul last month and-
Tam: No returns.
Demon: *sobbing* But it's making me sad...
Dex: So, according to my university, it is, quote, “my responsibility if there is an internet outage to contact the faculty and the department.”
Dex: Now, if you’re a critical thinker like me, you might be wondering one thing.
Tam: Hey, what’s the name of the other guy who lives with Tiergan?
Linh: His cats' names are Walter and Rose.
Tam: That's not what I asked.
Linh: That is all the information I have.
Keefe: Ro, remember when you said you weren’t going to interfere with my love life?
Ro: No, that doesn’t sound like me at all.
(alternatively, Alden)
Linh: Ayo, what the FUCK is this?!?
Tam, sitting down, surrounded by corpses: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Marella: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash.
Marella: *slow-mo walks out of the room*
Biana: I'm gonna get my piolet's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses.
Fitz: The big five licenses?
Biana: Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Dex: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Fitz: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Biana, do you think I have anger issues?
Biana: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Keefe: So how’s the food Sophie made?
Fitz: It's great! Compliments to her.
Keefe: *goes to the kitchen*
Keefe: You're adorable.
Sophie: *blushes*
Biana: And now for a gay update with Linh and Marella.
Marella: Getting gayer.
Biana: Thank you, Marella.
Sophie: Hey, do you know the password to Keefe’s computer?
Biana: I love you, Sophie.
Sophie: Aww, that’s so swe—
Biana: No, you misunderstood, the password is "iloveyouSophie".
Sophie: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.
Fitz: Hey, Biana, are you free on Friday? Like around eight?
Biana: Yeah.
Fitz: And you, Tam?
Tam: Umm... yes?
Fitz: Great! Because I'm not. You two go out without me. Enjoy your date!
Biana: Did he just-
Sophie: Do you cook?
Biana: I made a cake once.
Fitz: Yeah, it was good.
Biana: Really?
Fitz: Don’t make me lie twice, Biana.
Dex: Nice rock.
Keefe: Thanks, Tam gave it to me.
Tam: I threw it at you!
Keefe: Isn’t he the sweetest?
Juline: I just had a long talk with the triplets about hitting and now they are yelling “it’s my turn to perpetuate the cycle of violence” before hitting each other.
Sophie: I made you all playlists!
Sophie: Tam, yours has only heavy metal and punk, and is dark like your soul.
Sophie: Keefe, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression.
Sophie: And Biana has the ABBA Gold album.
Fitz: A pessimist sees a dark tunnel.
Biana: An optimist sees light at the end of the tunnel.
Dex: A realist sees a freight train.
Tam: The train driver sees three idiots standing on train tracks.
Mr. Forkle: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely.
Biana, Keefe, & Sophie: Okay.
Mr. Forkle: If you don't want to die, give me all your money.
Biana: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Keefe: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die.
Sophie: Bold of you to assume I can die.
Sophie: My life is a little too much panic and not enough disco.
Keefe: My life is a little too much fall and not enough boy.
Dex: My life is a little too much chemical and not enough romance.
Marella: My life is a little too much imagination and not nearly enough dragons.
Biana: What’s it like being tall?
Marella: Is it nice?
Sophie: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Fitz: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb four chairs, two boxes, a small coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Stina: You have friends and I envy that.
Marella: You're welcome to share my friends.
Stina: *looks at Dex and Sophie*
Stina: I don't want those.
Della: Tommorrow's garbage day.
Fitz: I can't believe you made a whole day dedicated to Alvar.
Linh: Bottling up negative emotions is bad for your health, so you shouldn't do it.
Tam: I know, that's why I bottle up all my emotions, both positive and negative, so it cancels out.
Linh: Th-that's not how that works-
Marella: Do you want to know your gay name?
Linh: My... my gay name?
Marella: Yeah, it's your first name-
Linh: Haha. Very funny Marella-
Marella: *gets down on one knee* And my last name.
Linh: Oh- oh my god.
Glimmer: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go.
The Black Swan: Those are wanted posters!
Biana: Are you mad?
Tam: No.
Biana: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Keefe: Astrology is fun because i can pretend that all of my behaviors are just a result of being a Gemini and not symptoms of mental illness.
Biana: Being a Gemini is a mental illness. That’s not hate it’s just a fact.
Biana: *on the phone* Hey Fitz, do you know my blood type?
Fitz: Of course, it's A+.
Biana: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Fitz, to Sophie: Are you ready to commit?
Sophie: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Literally Anyone: Hey, aren’t you Sophie Foster?
Sophie: You a Councillor?
Literally Anyone: No.
Sophie: Then yes, I am.
Sophie: I typed "bitch" into my GPS and guess what? I'm in your driveway.
Sophie: Vroom vroom, come out already.
Stina: I’m gay—
Sophie: Not what I meant, but cool.
Keefe: Remember that time you dared me to lick a swingset?
Sophie: No, I said "Keefe, don't lick that swingset" and you said "Don't tell me what to do" and licked the swingset.
Mr. Forkle: I’m not so sure you’re stakeout material.
Sophie: I’m a chronic insomniac, I was born for this.
Juline: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously.
Marella: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*
Marella: Nah, I’m just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.
Biana: Maybe the true treasure was friendship all along. But I hope not, because I can’t spend friendship on new clothes
Dex: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Fitz: Sure!
Fitz: Whats your favorite color?
Dex, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
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shadow--writer · 4 years
Hello there! I was wondering if you could headcanon a modern AU with Arsa, Julian, and Muriel being in their freshman year of high school and an older!MC (like, junior year) defending them from bullies, so the boys gain a massive crush on the MC but don’t say anything about their said crush until they find MC being bullied and just go “How dare they bully my future spouse!” Fluffy confession afterwards.
👀👀👀👀 why hello there. More modern au stuff? Heck yes this is my jam!
I hope you don’t mind me tweaking this a little bit for the guys + the beautiful Asra (who is non-binary so no gendered terms for this beautiful person! Just a reminder ^^ yes I use they/them and he/him interchangeably like the chaos demon I am it’s what Asra would’ve wanted) to be new in the High School but they’re all Juniors ^^ 
(sorry Freshmen x upperclassmen feels a little gross since Freshmen are right out of middle school, just feels weird to write so I aged em up a bit!)
I really did go bezerk today so much writing got done! I’m in class Wednesdays and Thursdays so nothing gets done haha :,) but today I got two things done! Requests are open check out my pinned post!
Also I went bonkers on these headcanons lmao enjoy! 
Julian, Asra, Muriel x MC highschool au
He’s new to your school and in your human anatomy class (along with your theatre and art class)
He’s very shy at first 
Once he opens up he’s loud and the classclown
But uhhh some kids aren’t too happy with him gaining as much attention and love as you are
After class during your lunch period a group of kids go after him, taking his stuff
When they come across his notes on anatomy (and more science notes) and when they find his sketchbook things go from bad to worse
Julian is almost in tears when they laugh at him, tearing up his notes and his drawings
But he can’t cry, he can’t be going around school known as the kid who cried over this
He’s taller than these kids but they move faster, he seems like a calf who just seemed to walk chasing after them
You’ve had enough of this group of kids. They go after every new person and you’ve had it up to here with them
Julian falls for you hard and fast, watching you chase after them, even getting into a fight with one
You got pretty beat up, cut your lip and you’re bruising. Since he wants to be a doctor and he’s pretty good with his hands and stuff he patches you up
You look so cool and badass wiping the blood off the corner of your mouth he could swoon right then and there
Don’t worry he takes you to the nurse
He now has the BIGGEST crush on you. Like it is huge
He draws you now, little doodles to help with face structure and anatomy 
He keeps drawing you after you got into a fight, he just loves how badass and amazing you looked
He’ll start to get closer to you after that, and you find out he’s actually really funny and cool
One day the bullies come back for a round two
This time Julian is ready, he’s been at this school for months he can deal with these guys now
They corner you two after school (y’all are probably going out to get ice cream with some more friends)
One tries to come at you but Julian punches them accidently yelling “STAY AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!”
You’re...you’re shocked
Everyone is shocked
Julian is mortified. 
After you two scare the bullies away he mumbles his way through an apology and how that was wrong of him to say and it was an accident
But you thought it was cute
And you kind of like him too. .....you like him a lot 
You kiss his cheek to get him to stop rambling with a small smile. “I like you a lot.”
He grins and picks you up in a hug. “Really really?!”
More giggles. “Yes really really!”
He’ll kiss you so hard your cheeks squish and your teeth clash together 
Ice cream and homework can wait
Asra is a very shy person to start off with 
Doesn’t make friends very easily, you have to come to him first 
But once he gets drawn out of his shell he’s outgoing and fun
With bring his tarot cards in to do readings during lunch. The other kids love it it’s very fun
But there’s a group of people who don’t like him or his cards at all
So they corner him after school and take his cards 
Now tarot cards are expensive (I say this from experience of buying a deck)
So he’s in tears by the time they’re done tearing some of the cards up 
You’re on your way home from school when you see it happening 
Without even thinking you charge into the fray, yelling at the bullies and yanking the cards out of their hands
You bite the hand of one of the bullies who wasn’t letting go
They hurl insults at you and Asra as they walk away leaving the two of you with the mess of torn up cards
The cards that did survive were the Fool, the Magician and the Lovers
Asra is still crying over the loss of most of his other cards. He was very attached to them and judging by their worn corners and faded art he had them for a while
You offer to take him to buy some new ones
He jolts up to look at you, his tears startled away.
“O-Oh MC you don’t h-have to do that...I’ll be okay...”
You insist, and finally he gives in
They pick out a deck that he does admit is way prettier than his old one (this deck being the deck in the game)
You buy it and suddenly it has way more value to him 
He watched you fight for his cards and him
So he starts to fall for you 
You being oblivious but a sweetheart, befriend him and you two become very close
He only does tarot readings for your close friend group now
He doesn’t want to risk the deck you gave to him
One day you two are walking home to do homework and hang out 
But the bully you bit corners you and starts yelling 
Apparently they were embarrassed over the fact you bit them and now there’s a joke about how they got taken down by someone who bit them
So they want to get you back to regain their honour 
Asra sees and just heckin
their backpack at them yelling: “IF YOU TOUCH MY CRUSH I’LL SIC MY SNAKE ON YOU”
They fall to the ground, Asra swipes the bag up and the two of you book it
You’re laughing really hard and he wonders why
Then you tell him about confessionsino and he about dies on the side of the road
Wheezing from being out of breath and laughing you kiss him 
“I like you too, snake lover.”
Muriel is shy before and after you get to know him. He’s the new kid so you expect it but he never opens up
He no talk
Nope nope no he’s very tight lipped and will blush whenever he gets called on
He gets bullied for being too shy
Like looking at the size of him he should be on the football team but no he volunteers at the animal shelter and is in the animal science club
I’m sorry but hear me out here: Muriel with thick black glasses (I don’t make the rules or take critique)
He gets cornered by some of the spots teams trying to pressure him into joining during lunch 
He doesn’t want to 
Things get a little violent
You’re eating nearby, listening to music and trying to get some Zoology work done
Sounds of a scuffle get your attention, you’re a little pissed off since you want to get some work done in peace
Then you see the new kid (Muriel) getting roughed around by some of the sports kids
Angrily, you get to your feet and stomp over to them, yelling at them to stop what they were doing
They don’t listen to you and Muriel’s glasses get broken (someone steps on them)
You start fighting them, yelling at them to leave Muriel alone
Finally after a bit they leave, spitting on the ground at your feet
You yell after them (probably calling them lowlife lizard skin cowards) hands trembling with your anger
Taking a deep breath you turn to Muriel, helping him pick up his stuff
When he sees his glasses in pieces he nearly cries
You pack his bag, asking softly if it would be okay if you hugged him 
He nods slowly, and you wrap your arms around him, letting him cry silently into your shoulder
You stick near him after that, becoming his friend and fierce protector 
He gets this huge crush on you soon after that
Poor baby doesn’t know what to do 
He helps you out with your Zoology homework and you listen as he goes on about the dogs in the shelter he works on
You develop a crush on him after that
One day the sports kids come back for a round two after school 
Muriel is in the bathroom and you told him you’d be waiting in the courtyard
The sports kids were going for Muriel but seeing you alone was too good an opportunity to pass up
They start pushing you around and when Muriel comes out to see them messing with you he gets so angry
Seeing this 6′5 (he grows taller by the end of the year) broad kid walk towards them scares the heck outta the sports kids 
But they don’t back off until he stands over them, eyes dark with anger
“Leave my friend and crush alone,” he snaps
They scurry off soon after that
You’re standing there shocked at what he said
When he realizes what he says he melts down
You jump into his arms in a hug and laugh 
“You’re my crush too!”
He’s very shocked, you tenderly kiss him with another smile
You go to his house, hand in hand, talking about dogs, laughing, and blushing.
Maybe moving schools wasn’t so bad.
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actualbird · 3 years
Hope you're doing well! ♥️
So I have a confession to make: I haven't played ToT for a whole week now. I'm kinda scared to go back in because of the new event, (the Christmas one) because I'm afraid I won't finish it in time but at the same time I don't want to miss out on it so I have just been sitting in this limbo.
I think I maybe burned out because I finished everything? So the only thing I looked forward to were the events (some of the events were brilliant, some not so much) and in my opinion, they aren't spaced apart enough for me to enjoy them. I play this game for the story so when there isn't much of it, it's hard to just even log in daily - keeping in mind I haven't missed a single day since I got the game.
I really hope we get new main and character stories soon because I can't see myself being interested enough?
I'm genuinely lost because I absolutely love this game!
I don't know, these are just my ramblings.
I'm 👌 this close to sending you angst about Luke dumping Marius and Aaron accidentally telling the NXX team about Luke's condition 😅
P.S. The recent Artem fic - first of all, how dare you make me tear up again? Secondly, I can imagine Artem grading himself after the appointments, like: Oh, the therapists didn't like what I said, I get an F!
I just want to hug him! ♥️
Okay, that was a lot! Please take care! 🌺
hullo, hibiscus!!! i hope ur doing well too :DDD
ooooohhh i can relate to this sentiment!! i havent stopped playing but i deffo feel a big mood at "events coming in too fast to enjoy them" like yep yep. im STILL processing luke bday and now theres xmas partyland!! before that, i was STILL processing symphony of the night and then RRG part 1 happened gbsdjkgsd
tho if it's any consolation, the current event Xmas Partyland doesnt have any event plot like Symphony of the Night or RRG. it's just a boardgame thing, like Summer Breeze!!!
also not sure if i u kno but it seems tot wants the global server to catch up to the cn server (i talk about it here and here) so that global wont stay 1 year behind cn server forever. this has pros (more stuff at a faster pace) but also cons (MORE STUFF AT A FASTER PACE, IT'S HARD TO KEEP UP, also it's fuckin up some of the relationship development espeeeeecially mc and marius hoo boy)
based on the cn server, we should be getting the Personal Story 3 AND Main Story 6 installments in February of next year, 2022 (the pvs for them for the cn server was released at that time, 2021), but again, with how tot wants global to catch up, who knows if we're gonna get it earlier.
i'd REALLY LOVE IT EARLIER. i want the main and personal stuff earlier and the events a liiiiittle bit more spaced out bc tbh, i can only write so much so fast to respond to it all HAHA (im enjoying myself, yes, but im close to collapsing at the end of every day so UH)
anyway, if ur excited for more story already, i guess one solution is to watch/read translation of cn server content!!! ofc only if u want, i used to be somebody who didnt want Any Future Spoilers At All, but then luke pearce happened and now im in shambles, i know what happens in future personal story, im in pain SO MUCH PAIN BUT ALSO it rlly bolstered my excitement a bunch, if that makes sense?
sdkjfsbkjBJKSD LMAO AT THE ANGST, HIBISCUS. as always, im very open to receiving angst hcs OwO.....just be prepared for me to find some kinda way to give it a hopeful happy ending HAHA, i have trouble accepting bad endings, when it comes to love....
thank you for reading "designed to send mixed signals, one image made up of different pixels" :DDDD!! sorry for the tears tho skjfbkjBK AND UR RIGHT. YEAH. THATS AN ARTEM THING TO DO (and also something i did back when i was having therapy, OOPSIE DOODLE)
artem: can i see the grading rubrics for this?
dr reyes: artem, this is therapy. there are no grading rubrics.
artem: oh. oh no. what do i do now, then?
dr reyes: love yourself, ideally, but we'll get there.
take care as well, hibiscus!!!!!
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sysig · 2 years
I didn't know abt the tumblr detox you're doing until now, but I hugely respect it. I was experiencing similar stuff, and actually wound up deleting my tumblr bc of it, for better or worse. You talking about how tumblr is temporary made me think though, i would be so sad if one day i wasn't able to see all your beautiful art. Your Vargas stuff especially has been a huge and much needed source of joy for me since i found it last year. Do you put all of your art anywhere more permanent online?
I can only guess this is about my blog cleaning? Although I’m not deleting any of the original stuff I’ve posted, so maybe my existentialism? All of them feel far away now lol, sorry I'm not Entirely sure what you're referring to haha
I am glad to have been able to provide some comfort and joy with my art, that makes me happy to hear ♥ I hope it continues to!
For better or worse, as you said, tumblr is my main social media at the moment - even the little bits of Vargas and other art that I’ve uploaded to DA have been cherry-picked out from the main sets, so not everything gets crossposted. Also, I’m sure you’ve noticed but I have a kind of daunting backlog, so every time I try to catch up I just feel like I’ve fallen further and further behind haha
The sad reality is, the internet is impermanent. Putting my faith into any one site is just asking for trouble *cough* because who’s to say it’ll be there tomorrow? And crossposting to other websites to try and diversify my odds feels like an uphill battle that only gets worse the longer I go without it and I just end up spiralling lol
Make no mistake, I don’t plan on leaving this hellsite anytime soon! I have no intentions of deleting any of my blogs, and I keep backups should the worst happen - I’m not going anywhere fast lol
All that said, the most reliable places that I’ve been uploading to/looking into have been my Patreon, where allllll my doodles from the last couple years are hosted, unedited, even the ones I scrapped haha, though without my usual commentary. I’ve made plans to add more to my backlog, should there be an interest for it. I’ve also been looking into neocities which has very much withstood the test of time, although I’m still extremely new to it, so don’t expect anything there for a while. I’m always open to suggestions too!
So yes, I’ve got other sites that I frequent, but none to the level of completeness that I’ve got over here. It’s been on my mind, believe you me, to start making a more comprehensive list of “Also find me here!��, I just get easily distracted and disheartened by how much work it’s going to be haha
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franeridart · 4 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: Are you still into krbk? I noticed you haven't draw them a lot recently (I don't mean to pressure you, I was just wondering)
I still very much am!!! but a convergence of unrelated happenings (my focus being unusually scattered, lack of general motivation, them not having interacted much in the manga lately, my having pulled out of the fandom a little for a bunch of reasons, having gotten into a lot of new things I want to make a lot of stuff for ??) had my output of stuff for them/inspiration related to them die down a lot ): I miss them though, I should fill a page with doodles of them one of these days... well, I haven’t drawn much in genereal lately, so maybe let’s start first with fixing that haha
Anon said: Fun Fact : In smash bros ultimate there are spirits with octopath traveler and they're in pairs and guess what ? Alfyn and Therion are together :3
I KNOW!!!!!! It makes me so emo I’m a bundle of feelings they’re soulmates I tell youuuuuuuuuuu ;;A;; (little inconsequential things making me a mess, what’s new xD) - another fun fact is that h’aanit and ophilia share one too!! and I ship them too!! and cyrus and tressa share one as well, and they’re my brother’s mains in his save! A series of delightful little coincidences haha
Anon said: Will you be drawing more Jujutsu Kaisen? I love your art sm and I would love to see more!!!!
Right now I feel like I want to spend the next ten years drawing these kids, so I sure hope so! But as I said my focus has been very scattered for the past three or so months, so I can’t promise anything ): let’s both enjoy it while it lasts haha
Anon said: You are my emotional support artist. I check back every once and a while and BOOM. Serotonin.
You’re too kind!!!! But thank you, I’m glad I can make you feel better! :D
Anon said: i'm super new to your art (and mha) and i just wanted to say your krbk stuff is just !!!!!!! it makes me so happy and makes my poor jaded heart feel something and it's just all around incredible!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like my way of portraying the kids!!!!
Anon said: I’m about to cry I’ve spent an hour looking though your bnha tag for that lil comic where Kiri hugs Baku and. It. Sent. Me. Back. To. The. Top. I didn’t even get to finish reading it. I’m so upset. So. So. So. Upset.
(samesame) Anon said: I. Found the hug thing. On Pinterest. In. Five. Seconds. I hate life but also it was really cute. Thank you but seriously I hate this website
The saga hahaha sorry anon I couldn’t get to you before you went out of your mind trying to find it, I got the asks in the middle of the night! Glad you could find it, though I’m kinda sad you had to look on pinterest for it (...sad it is on pinterest at all tbh) here it is anyway, if this is the one you were talking about! you really went back in the years for this one huh
Anon said: So for that thing that you made a w h i l e ago where Bakugou ruffles Kirishima’s hair, right? So I imagine Kiri is like w h a t and calls over Mina or Denki or Sero or all of them or something like that and tells them and is freaking out and they’re like “he wasn’t in the right mindset, you know he sleeps at 8:32” and make a joke out of it as Kiri is freaking out. And Kiri is freaking out soooo much as they are crying laughing on the floor at Bakugou’s sleeping schedule.
hahaha I’m sure he must have freaked out on them at some point after that, and bakugou must have done the same (probably with jirou, less likely but more hilarious with todoroki or tokoyami haha) - though, the original idea came from a bigger one where the scene in the comic didn’t bring them anywhere closer to getting together (or figuring out they’re into each other, for the matter lmao idiots) maybe one day I’ll get back on that >:]
Anon said: In your comments, you said “at this point my hands will never forget” and I had a nozaki-kun memory float into my head, imagining him sick and trying to make his deadline xD yes muscle memory
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anon you have no idea how often I think about that hahaha yes, I say my hands won’t forget but we all know that’s exactly how it’ll end at some point lol
Anon said: dang this happens all the time like I follow someone for their bnha content and then like two months after following them I find out they used to make yowapeda content and im just sitting their like dang thats wild because bnha and yowapeda are like the only two animes I watch
ANON!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always so nice to find other ywpd fans!!!!!!!! Sorry I’m not making art for it anymore (for now) but despite my sister insisting I read the manga already I’ve been putting it off......for years lol but it’s on my reading list!! So maybe I’ll get back on it at some point!
Anon said: FRAN!!!!!! i love ur art so much and im trying to buy ur products on redbubble and i geniunely cant decide what to get!!!!! i tired asking my friend but she doesnt know which one either hahahahhahah ig i just wanted to send this because i really appreciate u and u are very talented. im sending u lots of high vibrations and love❤️🧡
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! It means so much to me that you guys are still buying my stuff (TTATT) I should...........seriously update it..........gomen m(._.)m
Anon said:YES YES YEEES MORE ALFYON ON THE WAYYYYYY 💖💖💖💖💖 They're both the cutest really their ship is the beeest  Try reading some the alfyon fanfics if you have some time, they're really good ! The one i really recommend you is Crismonberries, blackberries by court_court on Ao3 !Your art is the best ever can't wait to see more octopath !!💖💖💖
Anon thank you SO MUCH for suggesting that fic to me I!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it so much I deep-dived into it and spent two straight days reading it it’s such a gem!!!!! ;;; bless you
Anon said: Have you watched Fullmetal Alchemist?
Hell yeah! Only Brotherhood though. I read the manga too tho!!
Anon said: Have you read Noragami? It’s one of my favourite manga, and the anime isn’t half bad either (still waiting for s3 tho lol) anyway it’s really good, concept-wise it’s similar to Soul Eater, I totally recommend
I watched the first season back when it aired! It’s not really my thing though ): feels a bit sad in that very specific way that always ends up just making me miserable as I keep reading............................... sorry
Anon said: I will never not be in love with your art. Everytime I'm feeling down and/or missing the boys I scroll through your krbk tag and it reminds me exactly of why I love them so much and I'm so thankful for that. Your brand of krbks is the one I love the most and honestly thank you so much for all your marvelous art of them and of other things as well because you art is just so pretty and I love seeing your ocs and other fandom art 💕💕💕
Anon I love you......................... ;;;;; thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me (oTT^TT)o<3
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onlyhereforangst · 4 years
this may be my latest one (aside from those that never saw the light of day), but sorry life calls sometimes. enjoy the rollercoaster of emotions at the end 😘
Oh Carl, poor Carl. How on earth is he going to survive with Nick? 🤣 Honestly though, Jack so sneaky with her therapy despite being halfway across the globe. I love McGee’s “obviously she thinks you need it Nick” because HAHA nail on the head right there Timmy, he definitely needs it. Needs it to prove to himself a living thing can depend on him and he won’t let it down. 
They clearly still don’t believe in personal space, Nick does NOT need to get that close to look at a simple picture of a body on the camera 👀 broooo you so hooked on her she’s like a magnet pulling you in. Alsooooo them both officially switching to first names even in the field is so key. They might not even realize they’re doing it but at the same time they’re so (relatively) comfortable in their feelings of each other that they’ll say it in front of everyone, no qualms about it. I will also never get tired of hearing Nick call her Ellie. For someone so closed off initially, to now have slowly grown to call her on a first name basis when not a single other soul (sans Toby apparently) gets that sort of treatment 🥺😍 Plus he’s teasing her about food just slightly and it’s like old times again. Ellie getting back into her foodie status is perfect, thank you NCIS for finally giving us that. 
Were back to Carl and I’m chuckling at Nick’s worry for killing it. That is all, it’s hilarious like Gibb’s creepy laugh. 
Ok and now it’s Nick almost making fun of Ellie again, just barely and then he just…listens to her 😩 he just says, oh shit she’s really into this and borderline obsessed and I think that’s actually really f-ing adorable so let me just quietly take this all in because I can’t get enough of this woman and when she’s excitedly rambling about something I’m just going to soak it in because she doesn’t do this often so instead of teasing let me just look, listen and smile like the idiot in love that I am. He’s even kind of holding back a smile when she corrects herself about Kosmic vs Killer Korn. Like goddamn this woman does things to my insides even when she’s just talking about corn and poking me with her finger. Also we’re back to Nick taking a step back and letting Ellie take lead with questioning the food truck people- I love that he respects her so hard that he’ll follow her lead and knows she is a BA with this stuff. 
Some more cute partner stuff as per usual, and I’m sorry Nick do you not have your own computer and desk??? I mean, I don’t mind and I know Ellie doesn’t either but Gould you BE more obvious??? Plus he just nods along when she’s talking because his woman knows what is up y’all and you should listen and bow down. 
Nick calling Fornell, Toby is hilarious to me- such growth. “Emily is finally squared away” FUCK YOU NCIS. FUCK YOU. THE MOST POINTLESS LAZY STORYLINE EVER OKAY. AND I REFUSE TO DIVULGE THIS SHIT MORE BECAUSE IT PISSES ME OFF TOO MUCH. IF THEY DON’T HAVE THIS AS A LARGER PLOTLINE I WILL BE RIOTING. And yes I knew something major was going to happen but good lord that was so unnecessary. I digress. Ellie pondering out loud about Gibbs’ sad personal life and Nick and McGee’s reactions had be ugly cackling. Like dyyyyyyyying. I can’t with her 🤣🤣🤣 she saying what’s everyone is thinking. Nick giving her a little grief is also so perfect for them “yeah you DID say that out loud.”
Ok now to my favorite part, Nick once again following Ellie’s lead and being initially like oh you writing an article ok we’re going with that ok cool. And then Ellie says hold my earrings we getting crazy but at the same time this is rolling off my tongue like I’ve said it a million times and doodled it in cursive in my diary, my HUSBAND and I can help so like you know let us on your truck mister we’re vaccinated anyways. AND NICK I MEAN HIS FACE. The initial surprise of oh no did she *actually* just say that??? Did she??? why yes she did and I’m sorry why do I like the sound of it so much??? What is this bubbling feeling inside my chest of oh damn I would very much like to be her husband and have her babies and have her announce to random strangers on the street that I am hers??? Is this normal? Do I need to call a medic?? Can she say that again is there a reason she would need to? Prove our cover one more time baby, give me a quick kiss, serious it’s for the good of the case. But ok fine no kiss but yeah I’ll roll with this and call you smoothly with your first name and just play into it. I love them both so much in this whole moment. I love them undercover together and just being all cutesy and Ellie’s deepest desires coming out while she’s just you know, investigating the case. 
Ok I am going to completely ignore the reason we are somber in this bullpen in fear of losing my shit again (see above) but we’ll break down the ellick part of it. Nick near her desk because he needs to be by her side even if it’s just her proximity 🥺 And then he takes a long look at Carl before looking at Ellie and man that is poignant even if it seems like just a fish. This living being that he’s been so stressed about keeping alive, realizing he HAS kept it alive. Realizing that he CAN be a person that someone (or a fish) depends on. Realizing he is built for long-term, he is built for the interdependency of a serious relationship. And looking up to Ellie and seeing that need for comfort, for strength, for a person to depend on. He knows her own strength and independence, knows yeah- she could do it on her own if she had to. But he also acknowledges he can be there to help her, he won’t break and he won’t let her down- just like he hasn’t let Carl down. So what does he do? He takes the corn he’d most definitely picked up *before* the news of Emily’s death (and oh good lord is that not the cutest fucking thing? He’d listened to her gush and obsess over Kosmic Korn (and yes if you freeze frame, he got her favorite because he’s observant) and he said, let me take notes, let me get my wife I mean girlfriend I mean partner some corn because it makes her happy, and if I can do even the smallest thing to make her smile goddamnit imma do it. I’m going to show her that any little teasing I give her is for show and I listen and I love this woman enough to go back to Kosmic Korn BY MYSELF—willingly Nick Torres will go back to a food truck—and get this lady some damn corn). But yes he got this before Emily’s death and now not only is it just to make her smile, but it’s a shred of “I hope I can bring you some comfort because otherwise I’m not sure how even though I desperately want to give you comfort.” And Ellie, the small smile of recognition at what Nick did is so sweet. And it morphs into a hesitant, yes corn is great but I really need to feel you, I need to touch you and know you’re still here. Feel you in my arms, feel your chest rise and fall as you breathe me in and I breathe you in. Feel you being alive after all we and this team have been through. McGee might go hug his kids but god I need to hug you Nick. I need to nestle my head even closer to get as physically close to you as possible, feel every inch of your warmth while I wrap my head around how short life truly is. And Nick looking down and stutter slightly at the overwhelming emotion he feels having her in his arms. The peace it brings him and the peace it brings her all-consuming. The realization this is where he was always meant to be and the same to her. How even in a somber moment he’s grateful to be her strength and yet he knows she’s also his strength. That hand that didn’t need to but came up all the same to cradle her head and stroke her hair- holding her head right at his heart. His heart that’s inevitably thumping in his chest for all the right reasons. Pressing her into him, doing everything he can to keep her from shying away and retreating behind those walls they both have. Wrapping his other hand around her upper back, shielding her from the hurt that is the world the best he can. If she never leaves his heart, she can’t be hurt. And he can’t lose her. He’d do anything to never leave that spot, that embrace he so desperately craves and needs. The grounding embrace of finally being in one another’s arms for more than a brief adrenaline-induced second. Neither wanting it to end, and yet knowing it will have to. And honestly I can only picture Nick’s hand still gently brushing her hair as Ellie leans back ever so slightly to look up at him, his warmth still radiating over her as he looks down. Wordlessly they both collect their things to go, never wanting a sound to break that moment. Hands maybe even brushing as they enter the elevator- the unspoken shift between them refusing to be broken if words aren’t muttered. They’re still locked in that embrace if the world stays silent. And that last look of longing at car doors, knowing the moment they step in and drive away it does have to sever- the shift is there but the embrace is split. Both swirling with thoughts as they drive their separate ways home as to where to go next…
Aaaaand then cue a Gibbs-centric episode with trash references to how vets do their job, I’m not bitter. She says as she ruins a sweet emo moment at the end of the wwr with her bitterness 🙄 ANYWAYS I’m gonna leave it with no side notes because honestly I don’t remember any and also it is literally the day of the next episode I’m so terrible at getting this done how do y’all keep waiting for me & reading this trash 😅❤️ 
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catcze · 3 years
Oh, Catte, my beloved... The bracelet is so beautiful. Goodness, did I cry when I took it out of the envelope. It's almost as beautiful as you are, I love it so much! I'm never ever taking this off. Oh starlight I'm so happy, you may as well have just proposed! I love you so so much, thank you💜💜💜
I'm glad Cyno is doing well for himself these days! It's not really that complex of a spell, simple transmutation really, but I'm sure he didn't want to overwhelm you. He may not talk a lot but trust me; he cares. I should write him sometime, if only so the next time an emergency arises he won't think I only remember he exists when I need his help, hehe... I'm joking of course, he's not the kind of person to care. I do still owe him a favor though. Two, now that he's gone out of his way to teach my girlfriend magic, and specifically for helping you make me this wonderful present. Send along my thanks please, but please don't mention that I said I'd write him, just in case I somehow forget to. You know me, heh..
Also I'm a little surprised to hear that name again! Collei was quite the visitor when she was here a few years ago, it's a long story, and one I doubt very much she'd want me to tell. Suffice to say she and Amber are good friends, but I'm sure she already asked you about her as soon as you mentioned Mondstadt. I'm so relieved to hear she's safe, and studying medicine no less! Tell her I'm proud of her. She'll do great things in her life.
I must admit I'm slightly bothered to hear that so many scholars accosted my poor babygirl to ask if I'd return, I'm so sorry darling. If they give you any more trouble, oh I'll come visit alright. To dispense punishment(although I'd definitely grab some food on the way as we left). Speaking of food, that's so sweet of you to offer to learn the local cuisine just for me~ you're so thoughtful, it's one of the many many things I love about you. My reputation around the school is honestly the only accomplishment you'll find though sweetheart. I wasn't really all that social there, aside from talking to the professors and scholars. I couldn't afford to procrastinate if I wanted to learn everything I could. Funny, that sounds completely unlike me, now doesn't it~ Those lectures can be tiresome at first, did they provide you with the appropriate reading materials, or are you only listening? I still have my copy of the first semester alchemy textbook--it's only about 800 pages, but they're packed to the brim with knowledge. I still reference it sometimes.
Like I mentioned though, most of my time in Sumeru was spent at the Academy or at the local restaurants. If you wanted food recommendations, those I can provide, but unfortunately I won't be of much use otherwise. Sorry cutie~
[the next page of the letter is a list of local restaurants, many with recommended dishes written next to them. There's also a fair number of heart shapes and "I love you"s doodled around the edges of the paper]
I hope you'll try at least some of those and tell me what you think. The more you talk about it honestly, the more it's beginning to grow on me. I do want to go back and visit with you, my love. I miss it, even if I don't want to admit that. It would be so much fun to sight see with you, being able to just meander aimlessly through the city, not a care in the world, and with you by my side... That sounds amazing. I'd want nothing more. Perhaps for our honeymoon~? [the last sentence of the paragraph is crossed out with a single streak of ink cutting through it]
Your photos are all amazing, darling. I just wish I had as many to send you in return, but unfortunately I don't own a camera, nor can I afford to leave the library long enough to travel to Liyue and buy one. That being said, Albedo does have one, and he already took that first photo. Darling, I'm curious, and please, *please* say no if it would bother you even slightly. If I... Perhaps wanted to take some... Pictures, just for your enjoyment~ ...would you mind if I had Albedo continue to serve as the photographer? I want my baby to be thinking of me, especially since I'm not there to pleasure you myself~💜 again, PLEASE say no if you'd have any problem with that. Or I could ask Jean if that would be better. I just want to treat my princess to some candy~
That line is going to have me up all night, I swear. I do wish I was there for you in every sense, but goodness does my heart ache for you. I miss the way you taste so much, my precious little munchkin~ you're not going to sleep at all the first night you're back in my arms, I hope you know that. I'm going to edge you so hard you'll cry for me, hehe~ I'm a little peeved you didn't take notice of my comment about punishing you! There will be ropes involved when you return to me. Just the way you always like it, cutie~ tell me, how bad do you miss me? Miss my tongue you love so much~? Don't worry baby--you'll get everything you could ever want for when you come home. I can't wait to taste you~ goodness, excuse me a moment baby... I need to scratch an itch before I finish writing this letter, hehe...~
Okay, I'm back. That was quite the itch, it just kept coming back~ that picture you sent with this letter may have helped with that... Celestia, you're so so beautiful, my rose..~ I love you so much.
Where was I... Ah yes. I'm very glad you've been eating and sleeping properly. Such a good girl you always are~💜 and don't worry; I'm taking care of myself as well. I've been becoming more adjusted to the late nights lately, since your letters often arrive around this hour(it's 11:30 right now, although up until a page ago it had been 10:15, hehe...). I don't mind it at all, since you know I love to sleep in anyway. I love reading your letters sweetheart. They truly do carry your love across the distance. I'm so happy that you're my partner. I love you so so much. I reread your letters every day, they put such a smile on my face.
Also, what's this about ideas you're having ever since I mentioned the uniform? Tell me!! Pretty please~? 💜
I'm going to call my letter to a close here, before I end up needing a bigger envelope, hehe~ I love you so much, starlight. Please take care, and I hope you're well rested when you read this. Hopefully I can put a smile on your beautiful face. I just wish I was there to see it. I love you so much, take care and write me back when you can, promise~?
Yours Always,
- Lisa 🌺💜
Milddd nsfw here muaH <33
Hi, love, I’m so happy that you like your gift! I love you very much as well— hopefully it can give you comfort on some particularly hard nights where I cannot be with you, dearest. Sort of like a reminder that although I cannot be there with you in person, you always carry a piece of my heart with you, you know?
I’ll be sure to relay your message to Cyno and Collei! They were rather surprised when they found out I was your girlfriend, haha! In a good way, of course— they’ve been great company so far.
And don’t worry about the other scholars, Lisa dear. I can handle them plenty fine. I’m sure they’ll go running if I even so much as imply that you wouldn’t be pleased with them for their behavior, my love. They wouldn’t want to mess with one of the best sorcerers to ever roam those halls, you know?
Regarding the lectures, they offered to loan me some textbooks actually, but I had to turn them down since, well, I am just an observer, and carrying so many books with me to and fro would weigh me down. Still, although I sometimes get confused while I observe, It’s such a fun and interesting experience! I can’t say I’m remembering every bit of knowledge I hear, but I’ve definitely learned at least a thing or two.
Just yesterday, there was a bit of a lull in lectures that I was attending— something about one of the scholars who had agreed to host me taking their class out to fieldwork, and I was unable to accompany them. So I took the time to check out some of the restaurants you listed for me! I went to just one of them for lunch, since I didn’t want to get too full throughout the day, and I enjoyed it very much!! I included a picture of one of the dishes you noted for me (a best seller of theirs, apparently) and I didn’t regret purchasing it at all. It was so good! In my free time, it’s one of the recipes that I hope to familiarize and bring back home to you— I think you’ll rather like it, especially since there’s no meat. Hopefully I’ll get good enough at making it that you’ll be able to savor the flavor too!
Though, I don’t mind either if you’d rather return with me next time, and we can have a dinner date here? I really like the ambiance of the place— its both romantic and private. And the view from the balcony here is absolutely magical. Or we can maybe visit a couple of the other restaurants you’ve recommended to me? I doubt that I’ll be able to try all of them this time, and being able to experience it with you would make the experience a million times better.
Also, regarding the photos you mentioned— well, I’m fine with it if you are. As long as you’re comfortable with whoever is photographing you love, then it’s perfectly alright with me. Besides, I know that we’re devoted to each other, so there’s no cause for me to be uncomfortable 💞 If you so wish to grant me such photos, I eagerly await them, love! They’re not the same as you being here, of course, but I’m sure they could help me with how much I miss you.
And ah, sending such things only makes me miss you more! Perhaps I should take a good, long rest before I come back to Mondstadt, if you plan to keep me up all night. And who says I didn’t notice your comment? Perhaps I was just teasing you by keeping quiet about it, especially if I know what’s awaiting me back home. And yes, I miss you so so much, I miss your tongue and you lips, your touch on my skin, the way you hold me and make me feel so good each and every time— Love, really, if your intention with that letter was to get me all worked up, then safe to say you’ve succeeded. My, I doubt I’m going to be getting any sleep tonight, thinking of you.
And regarding that bit about the Academy uniform… well, I might have found a local seamstress who was willing to make me a version of it, tailored to my measurements. It’s not ready quite yet, but hopefully I can send you some photographs soon 💞
By the way, love, there’s no need to have to wait up for my letters, not if you’re not getting enough sleep! I don’t mind waiting a bit for your reply as long as I know you’re sleeping on time. I worry about you as much as you worry about me, so for both your sake and mine, promise me you’ll get enough sleep? Either way, though, I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself, dearest. It makes me happy, knowing that you and the others are doing well. I love you very, very much you know? Please continue to stay safe, dearest, and know that I’m always missing you.
And, well, regarding a proper proposal, though I can’t say I haven’t thought of it before (how could I not? I can fully envision spending the rest of my life with you) I would much prefer if I were able to give you the ring and ask you in person, love. That being said, take the bracelet as a promise that I’ll return to you soon— and hopefully with a ring that I think you’ll like and a question that I plan to ask you.
All the best wishes, dearest. I love you very much 💞
—Catte 💞
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gaarasgirlfriend · 4 years
helplessly in love - kaminari x reader
in which kaminari finally gathers up the courage to confess to you
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god, that smile. it really brightened up his whole day. kaminari found himself sometimes barely listening to you whenever you were excitedly talking about something to just stare at the smile that was painted on your pretty face. that smile of yours always managed to provide him with some temporary amnesia for whatever tribulations he might have faced earlier.
“kaminari! there you are! i’ve been dying to tell you about the new switch game i finally got…” your voice called out to him but he was too far in a stupor to be pulled back into reality.
he looked into your e/c eyes that shone so brightly as you recounted your new game once more to the blonde-haired boy. whenever you gave a small laugh, the crinkles next to pools of e/c appeared, and kaminari felt his heart skip a beat. subconsciously reaching his hand up to his chest in a pathetic hole to calm the organ down, kaminari noticed you faltering in your words as you peered curiously at him.
“kaminari are you okay?” your soft voice asked him. you reached over to place a hand on his shoulder, your eyes slightly furrowed in concern.
“i-i’m fine! continue talking!” he insisted, noticing the way his heartbeat quickened when you placed your hand on his shoulder.
the concern still had not left your eyes, and honestly? it made kaminari happy. knowing that you cared for him. maybe, just maybe, he had a chance with you. but after taking a glance at your beautiful face that seemed to be what he saw in dreams, he decided that that wasn’t possible. a girl like you could never like a guy like him… right?
“class is about to start, you should tell present mic-sensei if you don’t feel well. i don’t want you to get sick kaminari, i care for you!” you said in a carefree manner, not realizing the effect those words had on the lovestruck boy’s heart. he was really whipped for you.
as he watched you take your seat he walked back to his seat which was only a few seats diagonal to yours— giving him a good view of you. in a daze, he sat back down and placed his chin on his palm, thinking.
thinking about what? thinking about you, of course! what else was there to think about? kaminari has been playing with the idea of finally asking you out on a date for a few weeks now. he even talked about it to kirishima, bakugou, and sero!
‘do it! you’ll never know if she returns your feelings if you never try! despite how much you err… ogle at ladies, you’re a great guy kaminari! i’m sure she’ll at least give you a chance! be manly and ask her out’ his redheaded pal had told him.
‘tch, like i care. i have no clue why y/n would say yes to a dumbass like you!’ bakugou said with an eye roll.
‘you guys have been close friends for awhile right? there’s a chance that she likes you back! based from all the movies i’ve seen at least….’ sero sheepishly said while rubbing the back of his neck.
‘could they be right? could she actually like me back?’ his mind raced as he subconsciously glanced over to you. you were soaking up all the words present mic spoke as he continued his lesson. your pencil moved furiously as you focused intently on writing your notes. kaminari gave a small pout, he couldn’t even focus in class because of you! truth be told, he probably wouldn’t retain the information anyways but still! he would like the option of being able to focus on aizawa’s words rather than paying attention to the h/c strand of hair that fell against your cheek as you tilted your head while writing.
‘not fair…’ he thought as he sighed while picking up his pencil, finally writing down notes. he had no idea what to do about you, but he would deal with you another time. he had more pressing matters to attend to. finally tuning into present mic’s babbles, his eyebrows furrowed. what the hell was an adverb?
kaminari soon gave up on the lecture, opting instead to just doodle on his paper, giving you the occasional glance. god, he really was living the life of a teenage boy in a coming-of-age movie. how lame. after adding finishing touches to the house he drew, kaminari felt someone poke his back. kaminari knew better than to turn and talk to kirishima, so he dropped his hand to the bottom of his seat, palm facing up expectantly. once he felt the folded piece of paper in his hand, he slowly unfurled it under his desk. present mic was facing the chalkboard currently, so he was safe.
‘hey bro, are you finally gonna ask y/n out?’
kaminari gave a small sigh before writing down his response and handling the paper back to the boy behind him.
‘i think i might, it’s just so nerve-wracking.’
after hearing kirishima scribble on the paper once more, he felt the familiar tap on his back before he collected the paper.
‘mina told me some second year student was thinking of asking her out on a date! you better hurry bro!’
kaminari’s heart stopped while reading that. you? with another man? that was just too much for kaminari to handle. he had to confess to you before it was too late! before he lost you to some cool, probably super handsome, super funny upperclassman.
as class went on, kaminari worked on his confession, writing some stuff down for kirishima to look over. it honestly wasn’t going too well. kaminari has so much he wanted to tell you, yet he couldn’t. the poor boy’s nerves were skyrocketing so much that he could barely form a proper sentence. he groaned frustratedly as he grabbed his hair. he felt kirishima pat his back in reassurance. class was about to end, and it was almost time for the students to go home. kaminari walked you home almost everyday, not wanting anything bad happening to you.
as the last teacher finally dismissed class, the students all got up and started to pack up their stuff. kaminari was scrambling to finish his confession letter.
‘what about her hair you idiot? how it smells like coconuts? or it seems so soft? no, no, no! don’t talk about her hair, that makes you sound weird!’ he thought.
he heard you walk up to his desk as he rushed to finish his paper. if only he worked this hard on his notes in class, maybe he would actually learn.
“you ready to leave kaminari?” you asked with that pretty smile of yours.
“y-yeah, just give me a minute.” kaminari said before getting his book bag and packing up.
“you still look a bit off, do you want to go see recovery girl before we leave?”
“haha, no i’m fine!” he chuckled unconvincingly, finally slipping his book bag onto his back.
before you made it out the door, kaminari made it there before you, quickly scanning the hallway in search of this mysterious second year that also harbored feelings for you. his eyes fell on a figure that was a bit taller than him, a brunette boy who was also clad in the ua uniform. he radiated a cool vibe and was also not to mention model worthy.
“nope, not today.” kaminari muttered before taking your hand into his and pulling you out of the door, power walking your way out of the school.
“k-kaminari- slow down! why are we running away? are you okay? what’s wrong?” you asked when you finally made it outside, standing beside kaminari as the two of you caught your breaths.
kaminari didn’t answer, he just focused on his breathing as he worked up the courage to confess to you. kirishima and sero’s words echoed in the back of his mind, urging the boy to tell the girl beside him of his feelings.
“kaminari are-”
“i like you. i’ve liked you ever since we talked during lunch on our first day of school! i liked the way you almost choked on your food because you were laughing at one of my dumb jokes! i like the way that your eyes crinkle whenever you smile! i like the way you do that stupidly cute dance of yours whenever you get food! oh god- don’t even get me started on your smile. that beautiful smile of yours… i just- i’ve liked you for a long time! and i’m tired of keeping it in! i won't wait for someone else to sweep you off your feet and be upset because i did nothing about it! y/n l/n, i like you! accept my confession!”
after he finished his speech it went quiet. kaminari could literally hear his heart beat with every passing second. oh god, bakugou was right, there was no way a girl like you would like him. he’d better start looking at other schools to move to. shiketsu was pretty good, right?
“kaminari… you like me?” your voice called out to him, breaking him away from his thought. he flinched at the mention of him liking you before nodding.
“yeah…” he said, twiddling with his fingers a bit as he waited for you to reply once again.
he looked at your face to see your mouth slightly opened in shock, your glittery orbs wide in shock as well. if he weren’t so terrified of rejection right now he would’ve laughed at that adorable look on your face.
“i-i can't believe it! you like me back!”
‘huh? like you back?’
“h-huh? does that mean...?” he trailed off, hopeful.
“yes! kaminari denki, i like you too!” you said, your face breaking out in the biggest grin he’s ever seen.
kaminari froze for a bit, taking a few second to register the words that you had just said. you, the girl of his dreams, liked him back? was this some kind of prank? no, you were too nice to do anything like that to him. kaminari could almost cry, his heart was overflowing with joy and pure happiness.
“y-you mean it? you’re not messing with me?” kaminari said while smiling, holding her shoulders.
the girl laughed while shaking her head, “of course not! i’ve liked you for the longest time! ever since you offered to charge my phone because it was dead! i thought you were really cute and funny!”
oh gosh, you thought he was cute? that’s it. kaminari could die happy now.
“i’m so happy right now y/n, you have no idea. i’ve waited for this moment for so long… this feels like a dream.” kaminari said while looking into your eyes.
you smiled before linking your hands together, “trust me, i know exactly how you feel.”
kirishima grinned as he saw kaminari and you walk out of the schoolyard while holding hands.
“looks like your plan worked bakugou! that note really did push him to confess to y/n! who knew that you were rooting for him…”
“tch stupid, i only got tired of him always talking about how soft her hair looks or dumb shit like that, not because i care for him.” bakugou said while rolling his eyes.
but maybe, just maybe, he did care for his friend who was so helplessly in love with you.
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