#maybe because I was travelling last week and it hit me harder
petty-d4bblr · 8 months
That one scene in 2.14 of Once Upon a Time with Mr. Gold at the airport security scanner is just so powerful, I think. He's terrified that he's going to lose his memories and himself when they make him remove the charmed scarf, he's terrified he's going to not find his son, he's terrified that he will find his son and simply be rejected, he has spent his life trusting magic and thinking science is a pale substitute and now he has to trust a flying metal tin can propelled by pure science with his life, he's still heartbroken about what happened with Belle as he left Storybrooke, he has to walk unaided on his shattered leg through the airport scanner which is demeaning as well as painful, he wasn't allowed to simply murder that rude dude behind him, and Emma just made him feel old, and vulnerable. Like, there's so much going on in that scene, and Robert Carlyle just makes it so powerful.
Anyway, I'm just casually sitting here at 7am, still thinking about this scene I watched 3 days ago.
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polyamorouspunk · 10 months
Hi! You reblogged that post about being the one to reach out to friends and I have a question, bc I am terrible at reaching out. What do you say?? That doesn't end up ik the awkward smalltalk trap which ends after like 6 short messages at most? What do you say when you don't really have anything to say, and maybe the other person doesn't either, but you just want to keep in touch regardless? I don't understand how to Talk To People
So my friends and I have a system where for both of them honestly we just send really long messages about like 5+ different topics that the other will respond to days/weeks/months later. Last thing I texted my best friend (1) after she visited was that I almost hit a type of animal that we only have down here not back home the day after they left to go back to CT because she really wanted to see it and it was super ironic that I saw one (and almost hit it) the day after and then we talked about vulture culture stuff and the last thing I texted my best friend (2) was that my coworkers were saying we had to hurry up because my manager had a date after work and I immediately said “it’s so late though” and one of my coworkers was like you sound like my friend and I was like I sound like MY friend so since it reminded me of something they would say I texted them about it. Haven’t responded to them yet but I also want to tell them that I broke my customer service persona the other day and literally said “it be like that sometimes” to a customer because they say that all the time and I thought it would be really funny for them to hear. I text them about stuff I do on my trips, mostly bests friend (2), I text best friend (1) about vulture culture and tattoo stuff a lot. Mostly just catching up because I only see them like once a year. Like hey how’s work. Man this thing happened at work and it sucked. I have this class and I hate it but this one is cool. I had a customer dressed like you. This reminded me of you. Etc. I also send them out packages regularly of stuff I pick up on my travels I think they’d like. I have 2 postcards from the outer banks when I went Tuesday to send to them. It would probably be harder if we were talking 24/7 but because it’s so spaced out it’s easy just to throw like 5 different topics in a message and then wait a month for a response and by then I can respond to their response or pull up another 5 new things to talk about.
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shallyne · 1 year
SJM Crackshipmonth: Disney AU
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Tangled in Vines
It's the first day of @sjmcrackshipmonth YAY! Let's get started with Elain x Ithan in a Tangled AU
Words: 1,329
TW: none
Elain is trapped in the the four stone walls surrounding her cottage until one day a stranger falls into her garden.
Elain wiped the sweat off her brow as she finally planted the last glower, looking up only to be greeted by the same gray brick wall that she had stared at the last few weeks. She couldn't remember how it felt to have any freedom, those days were long gone since that sorcerer infiltrated the human isle. At least she still had her little garden that she could tend to. The work was always the same, everyday. Waking up, getting ready, cleaning the cabin, reading a book, gardening, maybe reading another book. Just killing time. Sighing, she stood and picked up the shovel from the ground when she heard a commotion outside of the wall. Gripping the shovel harder, she neared that wall, trying to make out what the fuss is about. She could hear hear hooves clacking on the ground, there was a horse right in front of the wall and some farther away. Elain debated saying something, maybe asking for help, but before she could, a man climbed over the wall and fell into her previous rose bushes. Gasping, she stepped closer, eyeing the man suspiciously. He was dressed in brown, baggy pants, a white tunic and a red vest. Almost like a pirate but his clothes seemed finer, a traveler then. When her turned his head, a strand of his brown hair fell into his face and his chestnut brown eyes fixed on hers. In a panic, Elain raised her shovel and hit him. She cursed when his head fell back, Elain rendered this stranger unconscious but fortunately alive. She pulled the sleeves of her dress up and dragged that man into the cottage by his feet. It was hard to get him onto the chair but in the end, she managed. Sighing, she took the scissors and cut her dear burlap sacks, which she used then to tie that man on the chair. A few knots and Elain was confident that he would not be able to escape her. While Elain applied the healing salve on his wound, she found a necklace in the pocket of his vest. It was a beautiful gold chain with a rose pendant. Looking around, she found a little vase where she could hide the necklace. Maybe she could use it.
She sat down on a little stool, waiting for that man to wake up.
It was about half an hour until he opened his eyes, groaning. Slowly he looked around until he found Elain.
"Hello." she stood as confidently as she could. "Struggling is pointless."
"I'm not–"
"I don't know why you're here but I'm not afraid of you." she said, standing straighter. Elain held the shovel in her hand again, weirdly enough it did give her comfort. "Who are you? How did you get here?" The man looked at her, from her ripped shoes, to her dirty dress up to her face. "Answer me." Elain demanded.
He cleared his throat, trying to raise his hand but failing because of her self made ropes. She bit down a smug smile at that. "I know not who you are," he said, his voice a little raspy. Maybe Elain should give him some water. "Nor how I came to find you but may I just say…" he took a deep breath as he lowered his head, then looked up at Elain and smirked. "Hi."
Elain huffed, waving the shovel in front of his face. "Who else is roaming this isle?"
"Listen, dear–"
"Okay. Here is the situation: I was traveling east when I found this island. I was just looking around, seeing what was going on around here when I found this gray stone palace, kind of like your wall, where this super grumpy dude resided."
"Koschei?" Elain asked.
"Gesundheit." he replied. "Well, he was rude so I…found a way inside. There was this trove and…wait. Where is the necklace?"
Elain crossed her arm, this time she was smirking down at him. "I hid it, somewhere you will never find it." He looked around frantically, trying to find where exactly Elain could have hidden this necklace. "Tell me, what's your name?"
"Ithan." he grumbled. Elain raised an eyebrow. "Ithan Holstrom."
"Listen, Ithan, you're going to tell my know why you would enter an mostly empty island and break into the house of an unmarried woman? What is you…goal?"
His eyes went wide and he started shaking his head. "I– that's not why I climbed over the wall! I didn't even know someone was living here! I got chased and I just needed a place to hide, I didn't have any I'll intent–"
"You don't want to–"
"No! I don't!" he said. "All I want is to get out of these ties, get my necklace and go home."
Elain started walking around him. He seemed genuine but was that enough? It had to be, he was her only ticket out of this place. She took a look at her reflection, cringing. Elain knew she was pretty, it wasn't a secret but right now she looked…rough. An exhaustion weighing on her shoulders that no sleep in the world would get rid off. Her hair was a mess, even though she tried to brush it everyday. Her clothes were torn from the garden work. Swallowing, her eyes turned to painting that Feyre had given her so, so long ago before they were brutally separated. Elain didn't have any other choice if she wanted to leaves this place.
"Okay, Ithan Holstrom," she said, turning back around to him. "Do you know what these are?" she pointed to the painting with her shovel.
"Flowers?" Ithan answered. "Looks like the flower fields on the continent."
"The flower fields in the continent." Elain echoed quietly to herself. "Well, Ithan, spring is in bloom and you Will get me to the continent, to these flower fields you just told me about." she said it so confidently, letting no room for any discussions. The hem of her purple dress swished on the floor as she took a step closer. "You will guide me to the flower fields and return me here," she wouldn't fall it home, "safely, and only then you will get your necklace back. This is my bargain."
"Yeah, no. I can't to that." Ithan said. "Unfortunately, an evil woman who listens to the name Sabine would send a bounty after me the minute I step foot on the continent. We aren't exactly on good terms."
Anger flared inside of Elain as she took a step forward. No wasn't an option. "Something brought you here, Flynn Ryder," she said, propping her hand on the top of the back of his chair, their faces only a few inches apart, "Call it what you will. Fate. Destiny."
"A bloodhound." he mumbled.
"So I have made the decision to trust you."
"A horrible decision, really,"
She ignored him. "But trust me, when I tell you this," she hissed. "You could take this tower apart but you won't find this necklace, not without my help."
"Let me get this straight," he cleared his throat, "I will take you to the flower fields on the continent, bring you back here and you will give me back the necklace?"
"Mhm," Elain hummed. "I promise." he looked at her incredulously, she sighed. "When I promise something, I will never, ever, break that promise. Ever."
Ithan looked at her, putting on his most charming smile, "Or you could just let me go, give me the necklace and we will forget this day ever happened."
Elain only stared at him, stared him right in the eyes.
"Damn, usually the ladies can't resist my smile." Ithan said, sighing dramatically. "FINE! I will take you to the continent to see the flower fields.
"Really?" Elain squeaked, letting go of the chair so abruptly that Ithan feel backwards groaning. "Oh no." she helped him back up and then threw her arms around him. "We're going to see the continent!"
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
Hi, on anonymous because I'm shy, but a while ago, I saw your discord status talking about Genshin Impact, and I was wondering what you thought of it. Sorry if that's intrusive! I really like that game and wanted to know.
Le gasp, someone who knows me!... Maybe, haaai~
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Genshin, yes (or Genshion, as I accidentally typo-ed it in my status and people were so kind to point out x'D). So my status said I was giving the game another try after leaving my account to rot for almost two years.
I made an account back then and tried to play but was so overwhelmed by it, I didn't find much enjoyment in it. I tried it long enough to get my adventurer rank to 7 or something, but I struggled hard with wrapping my head around the gameplay style. So I left it to the side.
Cue last week, when I brushed off my account and gave it another go.
Day one was hell: I had NO idea what was going on, I didn't remember anything, and once again I struggled with getting a hang of the playstyle. I was having no fun and decided to give up.
Day two was... okay: I figured I gave up too easily the day before and wanted to give the game another chance. It's a pretty game with nice designs and scenery, I like the soundtrack, and if so many darn people like it, then surely I'm not doing something right. I got some online assistance and slowly started to understand how the heck to play it.
Day three was actually fun: Finally, after trying for hours, I was starting to have fun. I could progress, I didn't keep getting my ass handed back to me, I dared to explore and got a better taste of the story. Beating harder mobs/bosses felt really good.
From here on in, the game has been rather enjoyable, but I have hit the "grind wall" now where I need to grind for level boosts, food materials, and other items to upgrade weapons and artifacts, and to ascend characters and weapons so they can gain higher levels. My "main-ish" team is now all in the level 33 brackets and my Adventurer rank/level is 22, so I've been doing okay, I guess xD
I'm still not that great at switching out party members to create elemental chain reactions or what-have-you for good damage; I'm not used to this kind of playstyle, especially this fast-paced, but I'm trying. I usually just go into fights with Xiangling and wreck things (most of the time). Takes a bit longer than it should but it works.
I think the game is pretty alright. I didn't have a high opinion of it before, but that was mostly because my own experience with it was pretty shit. It has a nice story, pretty graphics and a wonderful soundtrack. I like to explore and glide, I think those are my favorite parts of the game, and I do smile when I'm interacting with other characters.
Things I still don't like very much are:
The English voice acting. Some of the voices are pretty grating to listen to, while others sound very forced (aka not genuine or natural). Hopefully this is just throughout the "beginning" of the game and people ease into it better later on. I am considering downloading the Japanese voice-acting pack though.
Being forced to stick with the gender of the Traveler you picked at the very start and being unable to customize their appearance. I'm not going to make a whole new account just to switch gender for aesthetic reasons. Still sucks that this isn't something that can be changed, at all.
Adventurer level hurdles. I hate you... Just let me progress through the story, don't make me wait and grind.
Ice. The Ice element is my worst enemy and the mountain area can fek right off.
Can I have some more dudes on my team? Thanks.
I will say that the urge to make a Genshin OC is there but I feel like I don't have a good enough grasp on the game, the setting and the story yet to justify it. We'll see.
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exyugoth · 2 years
December 1st, 2022 (on grief and displacement)
As far as I can remember, at the age of 24, I have only been to two funerals. Both happened during warm summer days spent in Bosnia. I was just a teenager when I attended the first one to show support to my godmother, who had just lost her grandfather. He was buried in the orthodox fashion. Neighbours, friends and family were present. A priest said a few words, before singing a haunting prayer. Everyone was so quiet and sad. The second one occurred years later, when I was a young adult and my cousins, who live in Bosnia, lost their nana. She was buried in the muslim fashion, a street away from their home. Again, neighbours, friends and family were present. The imam and some of her male relatives prayed for her. The atmosphere was heavy. A lot of people cried and could not stifle their sobs. 
My grandpa, my dad’s dad, died when I was 15, but it is still feels like it only happened yesterday. I remember the moment I learned the news. I had been away for a week on a school trip to England. My grandpa had been sick for a little while and we’d get news over the phone regularly. I was young, so I didn’t think much of it, and my parents just let me be a carefree teenager. The day I got back from that field trip, my mum and my sister came to pick me up. As soon as we got home, I felt something wasn't right. Before we got there, the lights everywhere in the house were off. I asked “Where’s dad?” My mum took me to my room and put down my luggage there. She let me know my grandpa had passed away while I was gone and my dad had gone to Bosnia to take care of things. After that, I think I pretended I had to pee and locked myself in the bathroom to cry. We never were too good about communicating or sharing our feelings. I don’t remember much after that. I just know I felt really sad, but my parents made the choice for me that life had to go on. And so it did, except on the few nights I’m still occasionally hit by grief and I cry.
Death has hit a few other times since then. My grandma lost her sister during Covid, when travelling from France to Bosnia was impossible. I saw her melt in front of my eyes from grief. Only a year later, when they could finally go back, she was given some of her jewellery that she shows me from time to time. “Ovo je od moje Mine.” she tells me.
Then, a week ago, my grandma lost her brother, her only remaining sibling, from a devastating lung cancer. On a Thursday, his son called us to let us know he only had a few days left. My parents started planning a last minute trip to Germany where he lived, so they could see one another one last time, since Covid and old age had made travelling harder than ever, but he decided against it. He died on that Saturday.
"They were lucky to be in the same country when their relative died.” That’s a sick, selfish thought I had when I wrote those first few paragraphs. I try to make sense of things, and think for a second maybe if I got to bury all these people and say goodbye, it’d be easier. Of course, the reality is a lot different and it’s never that easy. As I got old, I realized wars create two types of distance, the geographical one and the emotional one. Because I don’t see my extended family that often, distance makes it hard to connect. If I don’t even get the chance to connect emotionally, it should be easy to handle death when it comes around, right? As a result, when I grieve those close to my heart, I think I mainly grieve what could have been. I grieve the stories I was never told about my parents, or my grandma, or their own life stories. I grieve the fact my sweet grandpa never really got to see me grow up and I never really got to see him get old. He saw me once a year, for a month. And, most of the time, I was too busy being a child running in the street with my friends, except for when he would force me to walk to the store with him so he could buy me all the chocolate in the world. Despite my occasional resistance, despite the little time we spent together, it was a widespread fact in the family that I was, somehow, his favourite grandchild. I always pretend I’m ashamed of it - because grandparents shouldn’t have favourites - but deep down I think I’m proud of it. I always wonder if he’d be proud of me today, were he still around. We both only got a glimpse of what our relationship could have been. I cannot wrap my mind around that kind of injustice.
In therapy, on Tuesday, as I sobbed because I felt like death kept knocking on my door too many times in a really short period and it was becoming inescapable and somehow the world kept spinning and life had to go on, I kept rambling about how impossible it was, because of the fucked systems we’ve created and continue to uphold, to live humanely.  “What if I wanted to stop everything for three weeks or three months to take care of myself? Of my grandparents? To deal with the fact even grief has to take a widely different form for us displaced people, and daughters and granddaughters of displaced people?”  “Why three months or weeks?” she asked. “I don’t know, Julia. Maybe all those years in Catholic school finally paid off and my subconscious can’t help but think about the Holy Trinity!” (Except I don’t actually call her by her first name, but I think it’d be funny if I did.) “But the point is I couldn’t do that!”  “No, you’re right, you couldn’t do that. You can’t stop everything for three months, but you can try to set aside some time to write down what you’re going through and take that time for yourself. You can do little things for your grandparents too. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.”
I think all these thoughts and feelings would take more than a regular lifetime to process. But I don’t know what to do with them, so I might as well write about them, as per my therapist’s suggestion. Send them off into the ether. Make them other people’s problem too. Anything to avoid keeping it to myself in my sad brain and dealing with it on my own. 
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purplesong1028 · 2 years
The Perfect Storm
Chapter 5: The Choice
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Miguel has a daring proposal for Cali, but the meeting takes a shocking turn before he gets a chance to discuss business.
Rating: General Audience
Paring: Pacho/Miguel
Words: 3,084
His problem isn’t volume; it’s cash flow. It’s not rocket science. Miguel has known that for over a year now, and that was exactly what he told Matta on his birthday several months ago, but resolving his cash flow issue will take time. He’s contacted Guerra several times now, but that fucking old bastard hasn’t responded. Doubling the shipments from Cali does bring him more money in the short term, so he’s been able to keep the plazas happy recently, at least happy enough to shut up.
However, as long as the payment cycle in this business doesn’t improve, the amount of money those Colombians owe him is still piling up, so in the long run he’s still losing. It’s like his organization has turned into an insatiable monster who sucks in more blood every day but keeps growing fatter at a faster speed, so it never has enough blood to sustain itself.
He needs to talk to Pacho again. Fuck, why does everything always come back to the same conclusion? Is there really nothing else he can do? Besides, even if Pacho somehow agrees to talk, how is he going to convince Cali to pay him sooner? Pacho didn’t agree last time, so why would that change now?
Miguel takes out a cigarette and lights it. At this point he can do that as easily as breathing, maybe it’s because of nicotine, or maybe just because he can think better when he has something random to do, something that occupies his body but doesn’t require any brain power.
Everyone needs something, and Cali is no different. He just needs to figure out what exactly that thing is, so he can make the right offer. But fuck, what is it? It’s not money, not power, not control, all of which they have more than he does.
Wait, that’s it. He doesn’t have more than them, but someone else does! Miguel thinks back about what Azul told him several weeks ago. Escobar bombed them and it hit pretty close, so from what he knows about Cali, or at least about Pacho, they are not going to just sit back and take it. That means they are at war with Escobar.
War is bad for business, unless it’s a win. Everyone knows that. Believe it or not, he can make it easier for Cali to win, if they give him what he wants first.
Miguel takes the phone and dials Pacho’s number.
Pacho picks up after it rings three times, and he suddenly realizes that’s a pattern, unless in unusual circumstances like last time.
“You’ve been calling a lot more frequently.” The Colombian says that with a flat tone, neither a happy comment nor a complaint, like he’s just stating a fact.
“I need to talk to you about something. It’s important.”
“Go ahead then. I’m listening.”
“This really isn’t something to discuss over the phone.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Any chance we can meet?”
“Alright, then come to Cali.”
“Look, you don’t want me to bring DEA’s attention to you guys, right?” That’s a valid excuse. With how intensely the DEA is chasing him right now, he will bring more risk to Cali if he travels there, but that’s not the real reason for him. Having this negotiation in Cali will naturally put him at disadvantage. There might be more than one Cali godfather there, and they can decide when and how the meeting will take place, and he might be under their surveillance. In conclusion, he will be at their home where they are in control, and he can’t have that when he’s about to ask again for what he already asked once.
Pacho scoffs, sounding not at all satisfied with the reason he offered. “So what? You expect me to take a trip every time you want to talk?”
Miguel bites his bottom lip, and after a few seconds of hesitation, he decides to push a little harder. He knows that’s highly risky, but what’s not? He can’t be in this business if he doesn’t like risks. “It also wouldn’t be such a bad thing for you to get out of Cali for a little while, no?”
Pacho doesn’t respond immediately, and when he does, his voice becomes clearly firmer, with a threatening undertone. “If you want to say something, just say it.”
“I’m easier to deal with than Escobar, right? And that’s what I want to talk about with you.” He can feel his heart beating faster. He’s never pushed this far with Pacho before, and doing so right now brings him a fascinating mixture of fear and excitement.
“You, want to talk about Escobar, with me.” Pacho doesn’t even phrase that as a question, like he’s literally repeating back to a little kid who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
Miguel smiles as he confirms with ease. “I do. Are you interested?”
“I sure am now.” The way Pacho says that with unmasked curiosity makes him wonder if the Colombian is a little impressed, or still in utter disbelief.
“The Arellanos are having a party in Tijuana on Thursday night. Sorry it’s a longer trip for you than Guadalajara.” He doesn’t need to say that last part, but he feels like he needs to offer some kind of courtesy or added explanation, since Pacho agreed to come to Mexico.
“Yes, I’m aware.” Pacho says unironically, which somehow makes it even more awkward. “I’ll be there, but it better be an interesting conversation.”
Miguel exhales deeply after he hangs up. This isn’t going to be easy, not just with Pacho. He knows why Benjamín is throwing this party: the Arellanos want to speak with him, about wanting more products, or about their conflicts with Sinaloa, maybe both. Either way the party is just a front, an excuse, just like his own birthday party a few months ago, so Benjamín would certainly not be pleased with him turning Arellano’s party into an opportunity to talk to Pacho.
He could have just asked Pacho to meet privately in Guadalajara on a different day, but he doesn’t want to. There’s no logical explanation of it besides he simply doesn’t want to meet Pacho privately. It’s extremely stupid, he knows, but he also knows that scenario alone will still stir so many unwanted emotions and cloud his judgments. He will get over it soon, but not yet, so he can’t take that risk now.
The next two days pass super slowly, not because he doesn’t have much to do, but other things don’t matter nearly as much as the upcoming big event that will determine the future of his organization, or rather, the survival of it.
Miguel was expecting Pacho to arrive very late just like he did last time, so he could talk to Benjamín first and figure out whatever Tijuana wanted. However, to his surprise and everyone else’s, the slick silver sports car pulls over by the entrance almost as soon as the party starts. Not many people other than the Arellanos are there yet, except himself and Amado, who was his ride here.
Both Benjamín and Amado shoot him a confused glance, but he honestly doesn’t know more than they do. He told them he asked Pacho to come, but it’s not like he can fucking control when the Colombian chooses to get here!
Pacho walks towards them, eyes directly fixed on him and him only, so Miguel has no choice but to take a few steps forward, although this isn’t even his party.
“Thank you for the invite, Miguel Ángel.” Pacho shakes his hand first, and then turns to Benjamín. “Nice party. I like the large pool in the back.”
Benjamín also shakes hands with Pacho, and they exchange a few rounds of pleasantries. Honestly, Miguel is glad that this is Benjamín’s party, because he doesn’t even want to think about what would happen if fucking Palma or Acosta were the host. At least Benjamín is able to keep a civil conversation going even when he’s displeased inside.
“As much as I would like to enjoy all these,” Pacho turns back to him, “you have something rather important to discuss, right?”
“Give us one minute.” Miguel gives Benjamín a nod first, and then leads Pacho away from the group, around a large fountain.
He really doesn’t want to talk to Pacho before hearing what Benjamín wants to say, because first, that’s just extremely rude, which doesn’t help his relationship with Tijuana. Second, and more importantly, if he makes it look like Cali is his number one priority, that will make him look weak in front of the plazas, and that is absolutely unacceptable.
“I’m glad you came, but this is still Benjamín’s party, yeah? You and I are both in Tijuana. We don’t have to steal their spotlight this early on.” He gestures to their surroundings, trying to play it casual, like a harmless joke. “Why don’t you have a drink first? Maybe check out the pool?”
Pacho lifts his eyebrows, not even in an offended manner, just truly surprised. “You invited me all the way to Mexico, and you want to talk to someone else first?”
Miguel resists the strong urge to roll his eyes, finding it very difficult to not show frustration. Is Pacho’s time so fucking valuable that he can’t wait ten minutes? Why does he think he can walk into any party whenever he wants, and instantly become the center of attention?
“Look, don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t tell me who I talk to first.” That came out a lot more aggressively than he intended, but it’s too late to take it back, so he silently swallows and keeps his posture.
“I don’t,” Pacho moves one step closer, calm and steady, hands in pockets, yet still looks deadly threatening, “and you don’t tell me to wait.”
With that, the Colombian turns on his heels and walks towards the direction of the entrance where he just came in a few minutes ago. On the other side of the fountain, Benjamín and Amado are staring in shock and confusion.
Something in him snaps.
“I did last time.” He says, already regretting it as the words come out of his mouth. “And you waited.”
He remembers the elevator ride, how he asked Pacho to hold the door and wait, while he told his securities to take the night off. He remembers everything that happened afterwards as much as he tries to forget, all the mesmerizing details reminding him, torturing him day and night, despite his best effort to bury them. They’ve been building, boiling under the surface but he’s been ignoring them, so now everything just erupted like a volcano, at the worst time possible.
Pacho stops walking, and Miguel feels his heart stop too. When Pacho turns around, he seriously expects the Colombian to magically pull a gun out of nowhere and shoot him in the face.
But Pacho doesn’t looks like he’s about to commit murder, or any kind of violence. The man’s fucking smiling, not a cold smirk, an actual smile as if he just heard something he really liked, and that’s even creepier.
Miguel almost wants to back away when Pacho approaches him again, still smiling, eyeing him up and down like a hunter appreciating an animal before taking the shot.
Pacho stops right in front of him, barely a few inches away. “What did you mean by that?”
“It wasn’t…” He forces himself to take a deep breath. His hands are sweating. “I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”
“So what did you mean?”
“Nothing. It didn’t mean anything.” This must be the worst lie ever told in human history, but it’s still better than admitting the truth. “I was just trying to stop you from leaving before we could talk.”
Pacho laughs, eyes sparkling with amusement, but with a sense of cruelty underneath. He has seen that look before, from maniacs who actually take pleasure from torture.
“Well, if you’re so persistent…” Pacho gently brushes the opening of his jacket, twirling the button between his fingers, and it makes his breath hitch, his stomach burn.
“Go talk to whoever you want, I’ll wait.”
Benjamín doesn’t know what the fuck just happened, so of course when Pacho walks away and takes a seat at the bar, Benjamín comes over.
Miguel tries to pay close attention to what Benjamín’s saying, if anything as a distraction for himself, but he can’t, not with Pacho still being here and waiting. Waiting to do what, he doesn’t know, but it certainly won’t be just talking.
Part of him feels like he might have just signed his own death sentence, so when Benjamín said Ramón almost lost an eye during a fight with Sinaloa, Miguel didn’t even have the heart to point out the obvious lie. Honestly, it was better than what he came up with earlier.
“From now on, Sinaloa will pay 10% tax for everything they move through Tijuana.” It’s not the worst compromise, and hopefully it will keep both plazas quiet for some time.
“Thank you, Miguel Ángel.” Benjamín says with genuine satisfaction and gratitude. “And about the product, we can take on…”
“Excuse me. We have some very important unfinished business here.”
Pacho suddenly walks right in between them, cutting Benjamín off mid sentence. Within a second, everyone around them falls deadly silent. Benjamín stands there with his mouth slightly open, seemingly too astounded at the moment to take offense. Ramón strides towards them from a few feet away, but thankfully Amado grabs him by the arm, stopping him from making an even bigger scene.
Pacho doesn’t move an inch, as if the whole event is meaningless background noise. “Don’t we, Miguel Ángel?”
The way Pacho stares at him right now really makes him worry that he might get strangled to death right here, on Arellano’s property. He finishes the rest of the whiskey in his glass.
“Good.” Pacho brings a hand up to clutch his shoulder, and then slowly leans in. He swallows, silently tightening all the muscles to stop himself from flinching, and prepares to hear whatever dire threat the Colombian whispers to him.
“Tell everyone you’re leaving right now, and I’ll let you fuck me.”
Miguel doesn’t know how to explain what just happened in his head. He didn’t even know it was possible, but it felt like he passed out internally while standing and conscious, and just woke up to reality again.
Everyone is still standing in the same position as before, so it couldn’t have been more than a minute or so, but from the look on their faces, his silence is already too long for their comfort. Benjamín cautiously takes a step back from them; Amado is still holding onto Ramón’s arm, but also giving him a very concerned look from a distance.
Miguel adjusts his perfectly fitting jacket, trying to calm his racing heart. No one heard what Pacho just whispered except him. He can just pretend nothing happened. He turns to Pacho and forces out a short laugh. “You can’t be serious.”
Pacho simply keeps staring at him in silence, and all of a sudden, he has an epiphany. Of course Pacho is serious. This is exactly what the Colombian wants! If he does what Pacho tells him to do, there’s no denying how badly he wants the sex, but if he doesn’t, it means he’s too afraid to say yes. For either way he chooses, he can’t win.
The crowd grows visibly more rattled. Even Ramón looks a bit concerned now!
“So?” Pacho speaks again, urging him to make a decision. “What’s it going to be?”
Everyone is watching. He can’t back down. There is no real choice here.
He tightens his grasp on the empty whisky glass, and grabs Pacho’s upper arm with the other hand to move him out of the way, so he’s facing Benjamín again.
“Sorry Benjamín, something urgent just came up. We have to leave now.” Miguel hands the empty glass to a waiter who’s brave enough to approach them. “It’s a nice party. Tell everyone to keep having fun.” As if that’s even possible.
He turns to Pacho again and meets his eyes. He doesn’t miss the glimpse of surprise under all that smugness, and that makes him happy, almost in a vicious way, knowing that maybe Pacho also didn’t expect him to go this far.
“Shall we?” He gestures at the large front gate, in an exaggeratedly polite manner.
Pacho doesn’t seem to be affected by his subtle mocking tone. “After you.”
They walk out side by side, and only when they’re completely outside of the property, Miguel starts to realize there are a bunch of details he hasn’t even thought about. Are they getting in the same car? Where the hell are they even going?!
“I suppose you must have some place in Tijuana.” Pacho leans on a wall and takes out a cigarette, somehow just reading his mind.
He does, but he hasn’t been there himself in over two years. Has anyone even been taking care of that apartment?
Pacho blows out a puff of smoke and chuckles. “What, too many houses to keep track of?”
It doesn’t sound malicious, and at this point, he kind of figures that’s just how Pacho jokes or flirts, which is fucking awful. At the same time, he can’t help but wonder, does Pacho really feel so safe to just go anywhere with him in Mexico? Is he not seen as a threat at all?
“Come on, Miguel Ángel.” Pacho drops the half finished cigarette and steps on it. “Do you always take this long before getting into action?”
He’s about to lose his temper when his driver pulls over, giving him a well-timed distraction.
“Are you getting in?” Miguel asks Pacho as the driver opens the door for him.
Pacho smiles and walks towards his own sports car right behind. “Lead the way.”
The party is still silent for quite a while after Miguel and Pacho left. Ramón doesn’t like that. Who likes a dead party?
“What, did they go have a fucking duel or something?”
It’s obviously a joke, but Benjamín gives him that look which Ramón has seen him give to little kids.
“Tranquilo hermano.” He laughs and pats Benjamín on the shoulder and walks to the bar. If he’s the only fun person in this entire fucking business, so be it.
Tag list: @ashlingiswriting @narcolini @yourlocalspacewitxch @drabbles-mc @mandaloria314 @alreadywritten @sikkui @cherixrosa @cositapreciosa @criatividad-e @dashavau @anunhealthydoseofangst (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list of this story)
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melodylnoelle · 2 years
A Complicated Matter
The Cards Have Spoken - Week 3 (@brightsun-and-darkmidnight ’s cards)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters: Thor and  fem!reader Category: Fluff - Falling asleep on the other Relationship: Mutual pining AU: Werewolf Warnings/Notes: just one little suggestive note / For these, we are setting it to a minimum of 500 words. You can use these same cards for your own story if you like, but please tag me and @brightsun-and-darkmidnight so that we can see what you do! This was a different one for me, for sure. Please enjoy Words:  1803 Summary: Thor falls asleep on you while watching TV Masterlist
          Thor shuffled into the house, his shoulders feeling heavy. When he closed the door softly, he allowed himself to lean his head against it, resting for a moment. The night had felt like it dragged on forever. The memories were blurred – his pack running endless circles through the dense woods in the yellowed moonlight, seeking answers or even a lead for what they needed to know, only to come up empty handed again. The moon had pulled harder on them because it was a supermoon. It had made them faster, stronger, heightened their senses, but it had also drained them of so much of their energy. That exhaustion was made worse by the long trip home this morning.
           His phone chimed in his pocket. He reached for it, not moving his forehead from its spot against the door. The light of the screen felt bright in the dark room, and he squinted until his eyes adjusted to it. He felt his heart flutter as he saw your familiar name on the screen. He tried to tamp it down – you were his best friend, and he had no business caring for you that way. Especially when he couldn’t bring himself to tell you what he was.
           His heart flew in a different way, though, when he read the message from you. Adrenaline ran through him.
                                   “On my way! Need me to grab anything?”
           He had forgotten he agreed to hang out this morning.
           He was suddenly very awake, buzzing around the house straightening up for a good five minutes before he remembered he had to respond.
                                   “We should be all set. See you soon. Safe travels.”
               He took a deep breath and looked around, trying to focus. He likely only had about fifteen minutes before you got there, and he had been in too much of a rush to get to the woods last night to clean up the place. He decided to put on a pot of coffee to wake himself before taking care of the hoodies and socks that had been lazily thrown about the living room. He folded and placed the blanket along the back of the couch, straightened the pillows…
           By the time ten minutes was up, he blew out a breath, satisfied. The aroma of coffee in the air made his mouth water, and he trotted off to the kitchen.
           He had just poured himself a mug when there was a quiet knock on the door.
           He moved to open it, mug in hand. The cold chill of the air hit him as he did so. As tired as he was, he was glad he managed to stay awake when he saw you standing on the porch. You looked bright-eyed and awake despite the comfy clothing you wore. You were bundled up against the cold with a flannel peacoat, complete with a scarf and beanie. Even around the artificial smell of apples in your perfume the wind blew towards him, he could still smell you – a delicious and unique mix of caramels and cinnamon from the candy store where you worked. That scent mingled with the coffee in his hand and sent his mind swimming with thoughts of fall.
           His heart beat faster. He tried to slow it down, feeling it pound against his chest.
           “Well, hi, sleepy head,” you teased.
           He realized he had forgotten to say anything. “Good morning.”
           “You gonna invite me in or are you just gonna stand there?” You smiled as you spoke, and that sent butterflies through his chest.
           “Hm… maybe.” He took a sip of his coffee without moving.
           You turned your mouth downward into a fake frown. “Please? I brought caramels.” You held up a small bag from your pocket, letting it rest in your gloved hand.
           God, he loved those caramels.
           He smiled over the rim of his coffee mug. “Well, if that’s the case, I guess you can come in.” He moved aside to allow you room to enter.
           “Why, thank you.” You stepped in, handing over the caramels. He watched as you started taking off your gloves and scarf, sticking them in the pockets of your coat. Then you shed the coat, too, letting it fall off your shoulders.
           “Here, let me take that,” he offered. He took the coat in one hand and hung it on the coat rack.
           “Thanks.” You eyed the coffee in his hand. “Can I steal some of that?”
           “Of course.” He padded back into the kitchen while you kicked your shoes off. He took another big gulp from his mug before setting it down, letting the vanilla and hazelnut settle on his tongue. He poured you a mug before turning to get the sugar out of the cabinet for you.
           He heard your footsteps pause a moment as you walked into the room. “Oh, hold still a second.” Your footsteps resumed and brought you closer.
           He hoped that you didn’t see the shiver that went down his spine as your fingertips lightly brushed his back, taking something off his shirt.
He turned to see you holding up a leaf and chuckling. “I guess the woods wanted to come home with you.”
           He smiled, taking the leaf. “I have not had a chance to change yet. Or shower, for that matter. I got back late this morning.”
           You moved to put sugar into your coffee – two spoonfuls, just like he knew you would use. “You can shower if you want to. I can just watch TV or something, I have all day.”
           “I thought the whole point of you being here was to hang out together. I don’t want to waste your time, I can do that later. Unless you wanted to join me-“
           The words were out of his mouth before his tired brain registered that he was saying them out loud. He clamped his mouth shut, tried to tame his expression into something that feigned that he was joking.
           Your laugh rang out like bells as you raised your eyebrow at him. “You wish.”
           You were right. He did wish for that.
           You took a sip of your coffee, hiding your face with the mug. When you lowered it, he could see that your cheeks were tinted a rosy pink.
           He’d embarrassed you. Which was fair, he never spoke that way. It probably threw you off.
           “Sorry.” He moved to retrieve his mug from its spot on the counter. “Bad joke. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
           “No, no, you’re ok! It was funny.”
           He knew you were trying to be reassuring. He tried not to deflate at the thought that you found it amusing.
           “Should we get to it, then? We’re three episodes away from the series finale.” You had a wide smile on your face now. “I am dying to know if my theory is right.”
           He chuckled, holding an arm out towards the archway. “Lead the way.”
           You both settled into the small couch. Thor placed his coffee on the table, grabbing the remote to turn the DVD player on. He tried not to get lost in the smell of caramel and cinnamon from you being so close.
           Thor had made it most of the way through the first episode before he passed out. You had been able to tell he was exhausted when you first got there, but you had – admittedly selfishly – not wanted to miss out on this time with him. You’d both been busy lately, and you missed hearing his thundering laughter, his quiet voice as you spoke of everything and nothing.
           He really was your best friend, and you missed him. You just also wished you could be more.
           Now Thor was snoring softly. In his sleep, he had slumped over to lean his head on your shoulder. You thought the jolt of your heart would have been enough to wake him, for it was so loud your ears, but it hadn’t. He hadn’t even woken when you leaned forward for the nearby remote to change the show before he missed too much. Not even when you slid your arm around him to shift him to a more comfortable position. When you took the soft blanket from the back of the couch and placed it over the both of you. He just continued snoring.
           You let him stay like that, heat rising in your cheeks for the second time that day. You thought back to his joke in the kitchen, to how you had felt the same heat when the words slipped out of your mouth like an accusation, a suggestion. The way you tried to hide how your heart sank when he said that he was only joking.
           You picked a show to watch while you waited. A spike of panic coursed through you as the theme song started, having forgotten how quiet the previous show had been.
           “Shit, shit.” You said under your breath as you flailed for the remote to turn it down to a more acceptable volume. You chanced a look at Thor, hoping he hadn’t woken.
           He stirred, pushing himself slightly closer to you, but didn’t wake. You allowed your body to relax as his snores resumed.
           All but your heart. There was no settling that.
           You started mindlessly brushing his hair with your fingers as you looked over his face. His beard had grown longer again, and you loved the way it framed his mouth. The lips you wanted desperately to crush against yours…
           You shook your head, forcing those thoughts from your mind. They were silly, you know. OF course he wasn’t interested in you that way. He had always seen you as his friend. Even as his best friend. But you knew there was something that he didn’t tell you. Always a shift in his focus when he talked about the moon and the stars with you, or about his family. He’s invited you to so many things before, but his monthly camping trips were never one of them. If he wasn’t even willing to let you in to something that clearly meant so much to him, how could you even begin to think that he could want a relationship? Clearly, he wasn’t interested. And that was alright – you were his friend, and that was what mattered most.
           But looking at him now, snuggled up against you and under your arm, it was easy to picture. And boy, did you want to. But you knew he didn’t feel that way. You felt your heart sinking the more you thought about it.
           You let out a breath and, still absently stroking his hair, settled deeper into the couch. You watched the show that played, trying not to get lost in the familiar scent of pine needles and earth from the man sleeping next to you.
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dehya-selei · 2 months
many ups and downs these past couple of weeks. perhaps writing makes me feel better.
i don't know what to say. i know that the pain i have is causing me to feel things that won't help me improve my situation, yet i can't help, but want to succumb to just laying on the floor for comfort. but no comfort ever lasts.
im trying to make plans to travel. something i had been afraid to do, because n used to be so obsessed with my schedule. nowadays, i don't think he cares about me anymore. i don't know what's worse. maybe i got used to his possessiveness, maybe i feel bad now that it's gone. what's wrong with me? maybe perhaps no one in my life ever truly cared about having me around, that's why, even though it was toxic, in a twisted way, i wanted to stay there forever.
but i know i need to focus on bettering myself. i removed my songs. i just couldn't do it anymore. the pain, the bruise in my pride and dignity as a woman were just taking too much of a hit. waiting, and waiting forever for reassurance, only to just keep waiting.
i wish i didn't have to rely on loving as a drug to keep me going. i'm just looking for anything to keep me going. who knew at this age, it becomes harder to find a crutch. i feel like i'm wasting away. but i'm trying so hard to see the positives. sometimes i can't help but to feel like i'm forsaken. i try my best to not see it that way. just want to be a happy person. but i know it doesn't happen overnight. just a series of steps one by one, because that's the only thing that can possible give me an ounce of hope to change things.
i can still appreciate things. maybe look forward to things. and deep inside, i wish, i wish i was wrong about n. but i'm no superwoman.
maybe perhaps its my projections that are sabotaging me. maybe i see a critical gaze from the people that i love and admire. and it makes me believe certain things about myself. is it just me, am i just distorted and not seeing things straight? what do i do? do i give it a chance still? do i hold onto hope? do i keep trying? can i do this?
0 notes
anovel70 · 2 years
October 2022
This year is going by fast. I've been busy with work, which is the reason for the lack of updates. I've been hit with a reality that I'm no longer young and girls see me as a creep. I might not get married at this point while all my friends around me are getting married.
I finally started an actuarial role on top of my engineering job. Now I'm working two jobs, and on top of that, I plan on taking IFM as well. These are all things to distract me from the reality that I might not get married.
I found that being an actuary is very difference than being an engineer. They get more time off and the workload is very light. I can get away with doing my engineering job while on the job, which is exactly what I do to keep busy.
All these years, I've wasted time trying to make friends when all I should've done was work two jobs. Back when I was a student 10 years ago, I should've been studying harder to get better grades so my GPA would be 3.8 instead of 3.5. I would have an easier time job searching, I would be making more money, and I would've gotten my PE by now.
I have no friends except for my high school friend from Alabama, and he won't even hang out with me unless something was in it for him. I have my Pokemon Unite friends, but they can't do anything for me.
I never got to take Exam 8 because of a lack of preparation, which would be useless for Exam 9 preparation. The point was to learn what types of tricks the upper level exams use in order to ask questions, but if I don't know the material, I won't be learning the tricks. Instead, my new study schedule will be IFM in November, Exam 9 in May, PE exam in July, and Exam 8 in October.
I don't recall saying this in my last update, but the "I think I will end the year with no friends. No one is around for me anymore." is becoming more true. Maybe I don't need friends. I find them all boring anyways and I don't know why I keep trying. I can't even join in on a conversation. I've tried so hard but I couldn't fit in. This is more justification that I should stick with what I'm good at doing: making money from remote jobs.
I'd still like to play volleyball at the end of the year. I like the exercise, but no one I can keep in touch with is still playing.
I ended up getting an apartment for a year. I just needed a break from home life. Looking back, it's nice to have some privacy about my second job, but at the same time, I wish I was travelling and seeing the country. I have the money to work from a hotel from time to time, but I don't know how to make friends in these new places.
I still need to get laid by a prostitute. I'll do it as a reward for passing IFM in two weeks.
The only reason why I'm online right now is because my work laptop's security is down right now, allowing me to update Tumblr for the first time since May.
0 notes
I wanna say that namjoons dad bestfriend drabble was so freaking hot….🥵🥵🥵 maybe part 2? 🙏 when they make out in family house of yn? And her dad is next room 👀 i am so dirty pls forgive me😂
can't believe it took me so long to answer this... okay, so, my requests are not open but i decided to clear up my inbox a bit, starting with this one. as for this part 2... i know it could have been just a short scene with pure smut, but i wanted the drama of the plot, okay? also i'm not doing another psa: this is wrong and pls don't do this, it's just fiction
part 1
Namjoon knew he had to stop this. This... Whatever it was the two of you had. He had found excuses to come see you multiple times throughout the winter, always missing you too much and being unable to stay away for too long. But when you surprised him, secretly coming back to your hometown to be with just him for a week, he wasn't as happy. It was the first reminder of how different your worlds were; he was a grown man minding his career, at an age where he should be seeking marriage and kids. And you? You were skipping school to see your crush.
"I think my daughter has a boyfriend," his best friend casually told him one day soon after that. Namjoon froze, his heart the only thing reacting to those words. But his friend went on nonchalantly, pointing to his ignorance. "I don't mind, of course. I've only told her one thing, and it's not to get pregnant. I don't want her to go through what her mother and I went through, you know? She's at this age... you know? She needs to enjoy her age."
Namjoon... The grown man who should be seeking marriage and kids was fucking this girl. All those times he came inside you, filling you up a little too aggressively– as if deep down he wished he'd knock you up and keep you to himself forever.
He had to end this.
When he told you those same words –you need to enjoy your age, you need to be with a peer– you seemed more mad than hurt. But perhaps you understood. You weren't stupid, you too knew this was wrong. Perhaps you were just waiting for it to happen, waiting for the excitement of doing something against the rules to die out and the realization of the responsibility to hit him. You didn't blame him. But you were still annoyed. Stopped talking altogether, the only news he got from you now came from your father. You did get a boyfriend, or so he was told. And you were doing well with your studies and you were generally living a great student's life.
Summertime and you were here again. Along with your so-called boyfriend. Namjoon was so pissed off when he saw the skinny, mussy, sweaty boy that seemed to either be very slow or high off his ass all the time. And you seemed pleased with yourself.
"You really had to bring him here?"
You chuckled– an evil laugh, he thought. "I thought you'd be happy to see me dating someone my age." When your eyes met his, you made him feel like your positions were switched. So confident while he was almost throwing a tantrum. "What about you?" you asked. "Dating anyone your age?"
On that topic, Namjoon had more than enough women showing interest. And your father, for some reason, was dead set on finding him a wife. All those blind dates he had to escape from! He was simply not interested. He didn't want to admit it was because he was still thinking about you; that no one else would ever be a good replacement for you. He didn't want to because he didn't plan on coming back to you; he had to be the adult, the mature one, and stay away. It was the logical and the right thing to do. He didn't want to admit that, despite all of his intelligence and reason, he still thought about you... Because if he did this would no longer be just some attraction, just some fucking around. If he admitted it was more, what would happen then?
No... this was good. You had already moved on. Enjoying your life the way you were supposed to, a life he had no room to be in. All he had to do now was follow your example.
That text was sent past 2 am on a rainy night in October. The only text he had gotten from you in months. That was all it said yet it made his stomach tight as if you had moaned his name in his ear. As if he knew exactly why you had texted him; needy in the middle of the night, that measly boy surely unable to satisfy you, knowing exactly who could help you at that moment. Fuck... Perhaps if he replied right then things would go back to how they were a year ago. He didn't. And you didn't text him again.
"Joon! You are staying for the holidays, right? You should spend Christmas with us." Your father was more than happy to share that day meant to be with family, with his best friend. Namjoon was like family anyway, wasn't he? When he tried to come up with an excuse, the other insisted. "See? If you were married now you would have someone to spend Christmas with, but you're not, so you'll come to spend it with our family. My daughter's coming home tomorrow, too. Ah. Could you pick her up 'cause–"
"No. I can't. Too busy."
The man laughed. "It's okay. But I am expecting you for dinner on Christmas!" he said with a pointing finger. "I'm not taking no for an answer."
And so there he was. Sitting right across from you at the table. In the months that had passed, you had gained some weight and he thought you had never looked better. Your face a little fuller, your jeans straining against your round thighs and hips, your breasts fitting your curves just right. The body of a grown woman. All Namjoon could think about was feeling you against him again. And he was mad again... Did your stupid boyfriend have the chance to fuck you like that? He didn't deserve you.
"You didn't bring that boy with you this time..." he commented.
"What, Eric?" your mother answered for you. "They broke up."
Namjoon raised an eyebrow, eyes never leaving yours. "Really? How come?"
The corner of your lips turned upwards. "He was just... Too much of a kid."
He hated the way he sighed in relief, the way excitement bubbled in his stomach. He shouldn't be as happy to hear that as he was... He glanced at you again, your hair that had grown longer pushed back to expose your neck. It was getting harder and harder for Namjoon to keep his mind from wandering off to inappropriate things. Along with other parts getting hard.
And then your father spoke. "Joon. You know she's graduating next month, right?" His eyebrows shot up high on his forehead because no– no, he didn't know that. "She's looking for an internship and I thought–"
"–you could help her get in your company? Maybe you could put in a good word for her?"
"Dad!" Your tone and the way your eyes widened towards your father's way betrayed the fact that the topic hadn't been new, and that you were clearly against the idea.
He looked at you until you finally turned back to face him. And surprising both himself and you, he said: "Yes, of course."
"I'm going to sleep," you announced after the dinner was over and you had helped clean up the table. You gave Namjoon a long glance before you disappeared down the hallway. Your parents had moved to the couch, TV on for some music and a game of cards keeping them busy when their friend asked to go to the bathroom. And you heard a soft knock on your door. "I'm assuming you know that's the wrong door you're knocking at," you spoke before you opened. Already in your sleeping outfit that consisted of an oversized t-shirt and just your panties.
"You knew it was me?" Namjoon whispered, eyes still stuck on your thighs.
"My parents don't knock."
You let him in, closing the door behind you and leaning on it as you looked up at him through your lashes. You both stayed silent for a moment, your breaths the only thing filling the empty, badly lit room. You noticed how he wet his plump lips and bit them while he was examining your face. So close you could smell his aroma, the one you never forgot.
“You don’t have to… you know,” you spoke, referring to your father’s idea. “I know you want to avoid me.”
Namjoon exhaled from his nose as if he was annoyed. “I- It’s not that I want to…”
“I know.” You gulped, finding your mouth wetting too much at the wish of kissing him, along with other parts getting wet. “You don’t want to— you have to.” You dared place your hands on his chest, and instead of pulling away, he leaned into your touch. Feeling his heart beat fast under your fingertips like the way he was breathing. He was slowly losing his mind but he knew he wasn’t the only one. “You don’t have to push me away,” you continued in a low tone. “I know what I’m doing. I’m the one coming to you.”
“Little one…” he rasped, and it had you catching a moan in the back of your throat. Oh, how you longed for his pet names, his voice calling to you lovingly. He stepped even closer. He knew he shouldn’t be there, he shouldn’t be doing this right now… But how could he stop? He wanted you so bad. His hands cupped your cheeks, lips just a breath away from yours, brushing against you as he whispered: “Come work with me… I wanna see you every day.”
The fabric of his shirt pooled in your palms as you grabbed him, closing the tiny gap between you. Both of you sighing in a mixture of relief and impatience as your lips crushed together. The softness only lasted a few seconds before you were moaning and Namjoon was pinning you on the door, deepening the kiss by slipping his tongue in like he was trying to devour you. Your arms wrapped around him while his hands traveled down your body, groping you like you were his stress relief toy. Your hips, your ass… He broke the kiss and buried his face in your neck.
“Ah- daddy,” you whined, grinding on him.
Namjoon felt like he was about to cry. “I missed you so much!” he choked out right before latching his teeth on your skin. Your naughty fingers were struggling to unzip his pants quickly and it made him chuckle instead of sob. “Fuck—” he growled. And he pulled back to stare at you with dark eyes. “Such a little slut, so desperate for my cock.” There he was; the Namjoon you knew so well. His words made you shiver.
“Please, daddy. I need you right now.”
He placed a hand on the door right next to your head, while he freed his dick with the other. “Your parents are right outside.”
Ignoring his words, you discarded your panties and took him in your hand, biting your lip. “I can’t wait any longer, need you to fuck me right now, plea-ase!” you whined a little too loud and Namjoon growled, grabbing your legs and lifting you until you straddled his waist, back on the door.
“Gosh, you’ll get daddy in big trouble, baby.” Tip of his cock brushing your wet folds, making your mouth drop. “They might come looking for me.”
“Quick,” you sobbed. “Be quick, please, just— ah!”
He slipped inside and you both gasped. Your legs were shaking at the feeling, eyes rolling back and a moan as quiet as you could manage rumbled through your neck. He got as deep as he could, face scrunching as if he was in pain. You kissed him.
“I’ve missed you, daddy. I’ve missed this so much.”
His head was spinning as he was trying to find the right words, the words that could describe exactly how he felt about you. “I- I-”
Laughter echoed through the house— your mother. You both froze. Namjoon glanced at the doorknob, and then he grabbed it; your parents could walk in at any moment. He didn’t stop though, nothing could stop him now. He angled his hips and started thrusting into you; fast and sloppy because the clock was ticking.
“Daddy…” you mewled, unable to do or say anything else.
Namjoon clasped a hand over your mouth. “Shh,” he demanded. “You better not start screaming like the little whore you are, or they’ll hear us.”
His words had the opposite effect of what he wanted; making you moan harder. And the fact that he had his big hand over your mouth made you not care to keep quiet. Your choked whines along with the wet sounds of his dick slipping in and out of you could definitely be heard from the other side of the door, perhaps even from that couch your father was on had it not been for the music.
“Shit, you—” he growled. He finally dropped his hand from your mouth, wanting to grab your ass to lift you higher, fuck you better.
Your head fell on his shoulder before you decided to bite down on it to stop yourself from screaming as Namjoon’s thick dick drilled into you with no mercy. “So-o good…”
“Yeah?” He sounded out of breath already, yet cocky. “Did you forget what it’s like to have a real man fuck your pussy, baby? That little boy didn’t do shit, did he? He can’t fuck you as good as daddy, right?”
Your nails dug in his back and you felt your brain so rotten like he was about to fuck you to sleep. “I… don’t know…” you mumbled.
Namjoon stopped. He pulled his head slightly back but he couldn’t see your face. “What?” Your body squirmed, trying to chase that high he had just denied you. “What do you mean—”
“I don’t know what he was like,” you whined. “I only thought of you.”
Another laughter, loud voices coming from that couch. It didn’t scare him that much this time, his heart was already racing and he only gave that direction a glance before he was pulling your head back to look into your eyes. Only then did he notice the tear stains on your cheeks, and you sobbed, choked as he thrust into you again.
“I only thought of you, daddy…” you repeated with a whimper. And it had his eyes rolling to the back of his head, pumping into you a couple more times, hard, before he spilled his seed deep inside.
A whisper. “Fuck…” Panting and groaning as he was trying to come to, and you watching his glistening face as he grimaced and bit his lip. He let you down, resting his forehead on the door while he still struggled to collect himself, and you basked in the pride it gave you. You tucked him back in his underwear and zipped him up with a smirk on your lips, seeing how he finally started to be able to focus his eyes on you.
You opened the door slightly and peeked out; your parents were still playing cards on the couch, they didn’t notice you just like they probably hadn’t noticed how long Namjoon was gone for.
“You should go back,” you whispered as you came back into the room. Namjoon kissed you quickly like he was trying to catch you off guard. And then he grabbed your chin, staring down at you, breaths still coming out too hard.
“Don’t fall asleep, baby. I’ll come back to finish what I started when your father goes to bed.”
You smiled, pushing him slightly back yet he wasn’t budging. “Go…” you prompted as you started feeling his cum sipping out of your cunt and slowly running down your thighs.
Namjoon smiled too. “Really. I’ll eat you out till you pass out, baby, I promise.”
In the dark of the room and the rush of the moment, you decided you had no reason not to let your thoughts slip out. “I wish you could just come to sleep in my arms.”
He got a little serious. And he kissed you again, slower than before. “I’ll see what I can do.”
He left through that door, meeting your parents that were happy to see him yet didn’t even bother to point out his long absence. Sitting next to his best friend while his breathing was still shaky from fucking his daughter.
Shit… That girl will get him in so much trouble…
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s.o.s, m | knj
pairing(s): namjoon x reader
summary: It's two in the morning and Kim Namjoon is at your doorstep, asking you to fuck. In a fuckbuddies way, because, as a wise man once said, "I may not know love, but I know snacks." Well, you do agree with this statement. Let's go with the flow!
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; smut (fem reader, slight D/s dynamics, blowjob, cowgirl); friends-with-benefits and feels through fucking (classic for me, haha, maybe I fell in love with him while writing it, oops)
happy birthday, Kim Namjoon <3 #happyRMday
now playing – pado by bibi
“Shit, Namjoon, are you trying to break my door down at two in the morning or what? What’s with you? Why didn’t you just type in the lock?”
Kim Namjoon’s large frame and big brown eyes glanced at the silver-blue electronic number pad on your apartment door. “Oh. Right. I forgot you had that now.”
“I have it because you keep losing my key!”
He rubbed the back of his now blond head sheepishly. He must have dyed it recently because it had been dark brown last week. It was shorter than before, trimmed at the sides and longer at the top. Usually it was styled, but right now it was messy and puffy like he had been running across the city on those long legs of his or, more likely, windblown from riding his bicycle on his way here.
Namjoon didn’t drive. He said it was to maintain world peace.
“Do you wanna fuck?” he asked you breathlessly.
You looked down at your massive black sleep shirt that made you look like a lump of fabric, but, well, he picked today to pop the question and what were you gonna do? Say no?
You snapped back up, smacking your finger on your left wrist. “It’s two in the morning!”
“One forty-five, yeah,” Namjoon agreed, glancing at his brown leather-banded, white-faced watch. Simple and sleek. You noticed he had a few colorful string-woven bracelets on his wrists, likely handmade by someone in the various rural villages Namjoon liked to visit in his spare time. He dropped his arm and smiled brilliantly at you with those dimpled cheeks.
“I was thinking about you. You know, that habit you do when you run your hand through your hair and flick your wrist at the end, elegantly spreading your fingers out. Super sexy.”
You felt your ears heat. “Hahah… what?”
He scratched his head and stuck his hands in his loose black pants, draping his warm gray t-shirt over his wrists. Lowered his chin and flickered his eyes to you, awkward half-smile on those full lips.
“D… Don’t look at me like that,” you muttered, backing up and shifting your eyes. “You always do that.”
“Do what?” Namjoon chirped, stepping inside and out of his brown sandals.
“Give me those puppy eyes even though you’re built like a fucking tank.”
“I snore like one too.”
“Yeah, I know.”
But none of those things really mattered because your arm was snaking up, your other hand slapping the door closed, looking down until you couldn’t look down anymore, lifting your head to playful dark brown orbs and a dimpled smile, already leaning down, his scent of warm cotton and faint florals washing over you, and then his lips touched yours and it was over.
You could say no, you could, but you never really wanted to.
Namjoon wasn’t being rude showing up so late. After all, you had already told him it was one of your fantasies, a late-night rendezvous, a bit of unexpected expected fun. Namjoon was willing to help, a game of ping-pong between casual, sometimes lovers, both too busy and scatterbrained at this point in life to commit to anything, but that worked for you and for him, or at least that’s what you told him and what he told you, his large hands now encircling your back, fingertips pressed into the thin fabric, sighing into your mouth, rhythm of those long fingers dancing up, up, sinking into your hair, tangling himself in it, nibbling at your lower lip.
“I just love touching your hair,” that deep, deep voice whispered to your lips, eyes still closed, smirking as the tip of your tongue darted out, playing with him as he spoke. “And I like messing it up a little.”
“A little? You like messing it up a lot.”
Namjoon curled his fingers inward and pulled back, your head following automatically, grinning with you as he opened his eyes, devious even with the dimples.
“Okay, yeah, you’re right.”
It wasn’t fun if it wasn’t with him.
You raised your hand and spread your fingers out, slowly running your nails up and then down his chest, smirking back at him, your tongue peeking out between your teeth.
Namjoon once said to you, let’s just go with the flow, ride the wave.
He sucked in a breath right now and pulled you close, hands letting go of your hair as he captured your lips again, deep, ravenous kisses that took your breath away, such wonderful lips that loved to travel across your body and wander that wonderland, his hands already reaching for the hem of your shirt, bunching it up as he stumbled back into your apartment, dragging you with him, you riding the wave of his passion, dragging his shirt up with yours, tossing them aside, body to body, exploring lips on that warm skin and muscular chest.
Namjoon also said things like, I may not know love, but I know snacks, so, yeah, he was always poetic like that. Full of wisdom and weirdness, arguably the best combination one could have when struggling through this nonsensical world.
You pushed him down on the bed, kissing all that tan skin, running your nails down his shoulders, walking down his defined biceps finger by finger, digging in a little harder, pairing it with kisses and drawing stars on his pecs with your saliva, making him smile and flash those dimples.
“Like that?” you teased, drawing back a little so he could watch the mastery of your tongue at work.
“You know me,” Namjoon chuckled, the sound radiating from his chest to your mouth, sending ripples through your spine. “I like cute things with a little pinch.”
“Like those tiny beach crabs?”
Now he actually laughed, that throaty, booming laugh of his, nodding with affirmation.
You sometimes wondered when the waves would stop and roll out, sometimes wondered if the tide of Kim Namjoon would go low and leave you behind, but maybe it was the moon or something, cosmic threads that sent him rushing back to your beach, bright and sparkling, always catching the light and looking good from every angle.
“Fuck, I always forget you’re huge.”
“I am not huge. You are being dramatic.”
“Dramatically sucking your dick.”
You knew how to take his breath away, how to make him gasp and his hand fly to your head, groaning as he pushed you down, your throat closing around his rapidly swelling length, tongue all over in the small window you had to wetly caress every contour and vein, bobbing your head in time with his gentle nudges, waiting for you and your jaw to adjust before thrusting a little harder, a little rougher, choppy waves and lost breath. His scent filled your nose, his toned hips in your hands, digging your nails into that muscle, inhaling and drowning in the feeling, pressing him between tongue and roof of your mouth, feeling the head hitting your throat, so you tightened your muscles.
Namjoon moaned your name, brown orbs turning darker from dilated pupils.
It filled your ears and soaked into your chest, your heart pumping faster, beating harder, drawn to the sound like a sailor to a siren.
You took him deeper, pulsing around the head, sticking your tongue out a little to lap at his balls collected in your hands.
“A-Ah, fuck… You’re always so, so good… always making me think of you…”
You watched his eyes close, his hand gripping your hair, not unkind, simply adding a little bit of force, but you were in control of the pace, riding the wave, filling your mouth with his hardness over and over, closing your own eyes, small tears collecting at the corners, unable to breathe, but you already knew you were diving and you practiced for this, holding your breath and bobbing your head fast and tight, your fingernails clawing at his sides just the way he liked, a little neediness, a little desperation, maybe an act or maybe not, honestly hard to tell with how often you had blown him, so maybe it was part of you now, just like how sometimes you would be alone and smell his scent even though Namjoon wasn’t there at all, maybe real but probably an olfactory memory, strange that it would happen just like that, a wave of warm cotton and faint florals that you drank in small trickles right now, your mouth occupied with his thick length, listening to the sloppy, wet sound of his cock being swallowed over and over again by your suffocating mouth, saliva sliding over his balls and onto your chin.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, fuck!”
Pushing you down, forcing you to deep dive, swallowing on instinct, clamping your lips around his jerking cock with every gulp of gushing cum, the strong salty taste lingering in the back of your tongue as your throat was stuffed with the swollen head. Namjoon shuddered deeply, resonating pleasure that drifted down his torso and through your fingertips. You lapped up anything you missed, sucking it off and Namjoon hissed at the sensitivity, tugging at your hair sharply.
You hummed and retreated a little, breathing again, licking the underside of the tip, wiggling your tongue over the slit and around head, opening your eyes to Namjoon’s panting smile.
“You want me to punish you or what?”
Nah, you wanted to ride the wave, but this particular wave was pretty fucking big.
“Oooh, fuck…!”
Namjoon raised his arms and grabbed your pillows, thrusting his hips up into your pussy after you had lowered halfway. The condom wrapper flew off the bed, probably to be found in some random place in your room tomorrow morning.
A later you problem.
Hands on his chest, sinking down, gasping for breath at the forced stretch at his girth, but it was nicer that way, wet and getting wetter, spreading your knees and arching your back, your hair falling down your shoulders, rolling your body to smack down onto his crotch, fuck, so hard and so full, starting a rough, choppy rhythm because Namjoon was deliberately not letting you set up a reasonable pace and kept thrusting up a little too fast, a little too hard, hot moans tumbling out of your mouth, feeling the crashing pleasure try to overtake you, drawing your knees back in to feel all of him, your palms sliding up, grasping those strong shoulders, lowering your head to speak to those sultry brown orbs reflecting your open mouth and half-lidded gaze.
“Namjoon… please, oh, f-fuck… if you’re gonna be like this, j-just fuck me…!”
He grinned, dimples on display.
“Anything for you.”
Mayday, mayday, you needed to be saved from that teasing smile and those words.
His hands fitted to your shaking hips and held you up easily, lifting his hips up at a deep, hard pace, emphasis on strength and less on speed, the muscles of his arms tense and locked to keep you above him as he slammed his hard cock into your pussy.
“Ah, yes, yes, right there, Namjoon, yes…”
You could go deeper so you did, slapping your hips down too and making Namjoon grin under you. Shit, something about those round cheeks and bright smile while he was railing you practically to heaven was doing something to you, washing out your senses and giving you no time to think, squeezing him inside you and feeling him twitch back, something so sexy about how he could do that even while fucking you, and you saw him suck in a breath, witnessing your effect on him, his hold becoming tighter, his dark lashes lowering, hooded eyes and locking with your gaze.
Drowning in the pleasure with you.
“Come on, you want it, right?” he panted under you, voice so deep it felt like you were underwater, your skin vibrating with the seductiveness of his tone and the depth of his sound mixing with the harsh slaps of skin to skin, wet and wonderful. “Show me you want it, give it to me.”
You couldn’t say no, already tightening your core and smacking down on him harder before he could even finish speaking, the ecstasy shooting up your spine and pouring all over your scalp and mind, letting go, pitched cries and blissful moans, Namjoon moaning with you, your name on his lips and filling up your bedroom, clutching his shoulders and staring into his eyes, breathing in warm cotton and faint florals, cast away into a wild paradise.
You clenched around him and gasped, a powerful jolt rocking through you, surprised at the sudden squelch but then you felt the overwhelming rush barreling through you, sweeping you into pulsing pleasure, one of your hands losing grip and grabbing onto the pillow beside Namjoon’s head, his heavy breath and your exhaled name blowing over on your prickling skin, realizing you were accidentally closer than usual because your hand slipped, his hands tightly wrapped around your waist and slamming you down onto his crotch, groaning and tipping his head back, his eyes closing, Adam’s apple prominent against his flexed neck.
If possible, suddenly you could breathe even less.
Your pussy throbbed around his twitching cock, his orgasm spurting into the condom and your juices soaking his skin with each flinch of the aftermath, wave after wave crashing into you, your arms trembling to hold yourself up so you could absorb it all – him, the dwindling pleasure, the moment when his eyes opened, your name drifting out of those lips in a lustful haze.
“I should… go back to mine, huh…” he wheezed, chuckling slightly. “Otherwise, I’m going to snore too loud and you’re not going to be able to sleep…”
You slid down, closer, closer, seeing the mole underneath his lower lip with his rueful smile. His fingers were drawing circles on your hips.
“I bought earplugs.”
You silenced his laugh with a kiss.
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Thigh riding with Peter
I got a request for thigh riding with Peter but my phone glitched and it accidentally deleted it, I’m so sorry I couldn’t respond to your request directly anon but here it is! (Thank you for the request I’ve been wanting to write something like this for a while) I hope you like it!!
Warnings: Mommy kink, thigh riding, smut, 18+ don’t read if younger
Word Count: 1011
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You had a final tomorrow and you were beyond stressed. You had been sitting at your desk all day immersed in your textbook studying nonstop much to Peter’s dismay. You had been busy all week and hadn't had any time for him and he was really needy because of it. He was sitting on your bed just watching you with hopeful eyes, you could feel his gaze on the back of your head. “No Peter.” You sighed without even turning around. 
“I didn’t even say anything!” He protested. You smirked to yourself at the way his voice cracked. 
“Yeah but I know what you’re thinking baby.” He groaned and threw himself back onto the bed. HIs pants were so tight and uncomfortable, he had been a good boy all week and hadn't touched himself like you said. You said that after your final tomorrow you would treat him but it was getting so hard to wait, and he was so needy for you.
He got off the bed and stood up behind you and wrapped his arms around you, pressing kisses against your neck, you tilted your head back instinctively to give him better access. “What are you doing?” 
“Nothing.” He hummed, he continued his attack on your beck and you lightly pushed him off. 
“Peter I can't.” 
He whined and buried his face in your neck. “Why not? You’ve been working all week.” He ran his hands up and down your sides, as he went back to kissing your neck. 
“Peter.” You warned him but he ignored you, his lips traveling down to your neck. You yanked his hair and pulled him off. You spun around in your chair and stood up before pushing him down on your bed. 
“I told you baby, mommy had to study and you insisted on interrupting me. If only you would have waited till tomorrow then I would have fucked you all day the way you liked. Now I’m just going to use you like the slut you are.” He whimpered at your harsh words but he couldn't deny the way your words turned him on even more. You slowly slid your shorts and panties off and placed a leg on either side of his thigh. You began to rock yourself back and forth moaning at the friction his jeans gave your clit. He reached his hands out to grip your waist but you grabbed his hands squeezing his wrists tight. “Hands to yourself baby, only good boys get to touch.” He moved his hands to rest on the side of him, grabbing the sheets as he watched you get yourself off on his thigh. 
You started to rock yourself harder and moved your knee up slightly to rub against his crotch, Peter let out a soft whimper and closed his eyes at the feeling. You lifted your hand to grab his hair, yanking it back and making his eyes open. “Eyes on me darling.” He watched you with watery eyes. “Maybe.” You cooed, lightly kissing his neck. “If you help mommy get off she’ll let you cum.” Peter’s eyes widened at the opportunity and immediately began to move his leg up and down at a rapid pace hitting your core. You let out a loud moan at the new sensation and began to rock yourself even faster. “Just like that baby.” You were in pure ecstasy the combination of the vibration from his leg and your rocking motion sent you over the edge. You came with a loud moan and Peter let out one of his own. You gave him a sloppy kiss and pulled away. He chased your lips and you giggled at his desperation. You got up and he quickly grabbed your hands. “Please please don’t leave me, don’t leave me, I was so good.” He didn't even care how pathetic he sounded he needed you. 
You lightly ran  your thumb over his cheek debating with yourself. Peter had been good all week even though he had misbehaved today. You gave him another quick kiss. “Okay.” His face lit up at your words. “But you better make it worth it.” He nodded eagerly and began to strip. You sat back on the bed with your legs spread apart waiting for him. In no time Peter was standing in front of you, he couldn't wait a minute longer and pushed himself into you with one thrust. You moaned together, his thrusts were quick and unsteady, he had been holding back all week you knew he wasn't going to last for that much longer. “You can’t cum unless I do baby.” He picked up his pace and you felt him reach his fingers down and place them against your clit vibrating them at an ungodly pace. “Oh my god.” You threw your head back with a pornagraphic moan. “I’m going to cum baby.”
“Please, pelase.” He cried out. “Let me cum with you mommy please.” 
You nodded your head as you felt you felt that familiar feeling threatening to burst. 
“Cum for me baby boy.” He released with a moan, gripping your sides with a bruising grip. He collapsed onto you, his breathing labored. 
“Thank you. Thank you so much-'' He rambled on thanking you for letting him cum. You just hummed at his jumbled words, running your fingers through his hair. You began to move to get him to let you get up but he wrapped his arms tighter around you.  You laughed and kissed his cheek softly. 
“I gotta get back to work sweetheart.” 
“No.” he protested, his voice muffled. “Please.” He added as he looked up at you with big watery eyes and you realized just how much you had been ignoring him this week. You brushed his hair from his face and gave him a soft kiss. 
“Okay.” He laid his head down against your chest, and pulled you closer. You sighed, you were so totally going to fail your final. But at least you no longer felt as stressed about it. You kissed the top of his head and let yourself relax in his arms.
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hi! I love your work and I’ve been binging it for a while! <3 I was wondering if I could have some angst and a broken heart since it seems I like to suffer. ;’) Can I have headcannon with an insecure adventurer reader who’s in a relationship with one of the Mondstadt boys (or just the dark night because I’m down bad since he didn’t come home). They are insecure because while they are a great adventurer, ever since the traveler came, they’ve been living in the traveler’s shadow with everyone, even possibly the readers lover, praising the traveler. The reader takes on increasingly difficult missions, even putting their life on the line since they feel as though they have to prove themselves. In an attempt to stop the reader, the Mondstadt boys tell the reader that they aren’t the traveler, but instead of the good intent behind it, the reader takes it as if their lover prefers the traveler and decides to try and give up adventuring since they realized that not once did their lover go on an adventure with them, but they did with the Traveler. This was long, I’m sorry, but feel free to reject it! Stay safe and healthy!
hey!!! a few little notes: i ended up going with just diluc and instead of hcs, i wrote a little one-shot. i hope you enjoy it and i hope i nailed your idea lol <3 enjoy! (requests are open)  also: u will pull diluc!!! and thank u for ur support :3
before reading: 1.8k words, little mentions of blood but nothing graphic, kinda angsty w feelings of despair (tw?? idk), under cut for length
The first time you realized you had fallen into Lumine’s shadow is when your weekly commissions are given to her. Jean didn’t give you much explanation when she sent you home for the day but you could only assume it’s because Lumine could do them better
The second time is when you were absent for a weekend to clear out Hiluchurls from Wolvendome and when you returned back to Mondstadt to share the news, everyone was preoccupied helping Lumine find her brother.
The third time is when, despite your tireless efforts to protect your hometown this year, Lumine was chosen as the Windblume Star.
You had gone from the Knights of Favonius' greatest knight to a mere shadow. Your accomplishments and achievements felt like nothing when compared to Lumine’s and you became desperate to be known again. You watched your teammates pick Lumine over you, choosing to accompany her on adventures, and your friends constantly chatting about how amazing she was.
And, well, she was.
Lumine was beautiful. She was delicate and soft and fought gracefully, while you often came home covered in dirt or blood. And she was kind - so, so kind. She offered her hand to you on multiple occasions, never once seeing you as the threat you saw her as. And beyond her looks, Lumine was passionate and strong and everything you were not. She had everything you had and more except for one thing.
But when you saw Lumine sitting at the bar in the tavern, sharing a daring story with your boyfriend, you became doubtful.
From your seat on the second level of the tavern, you had a perfect view of the pair. Diluc looked happy - perhaps even happier than with you - and your heart broke. Would Lumine be the end of an era between you and Diluc? You loved Diluc to death and all you wanted was for him to be happy.
The truth was, you were running out of patience, running out of fake enthusiasm and fake laughs and fake smiles when Diluc bragged to you about what Lumine did that day. The constant praises and compliments towards a woman who wasn’t even in the room tore you apart bit-by-bit. You were finding it harder to get through each day as Diluc slipped through your fingers.
When you finally broke your silence, you talked to Kaeya.
It was an accidental breakdown - Kaeya had made a cheeky comment about how his brother was spending an awfully lot of time with the traveler and you just broke down. Realizing the severity of the situation, Kaeya pulled you into his office and closed the door. He let you sit at his desk until you calmed down.
“What’s going on?”
So, you told him. You finally let out the bottled up despair and, frankly, jealousy you had been holding in for the past few weeks. You told Kaeya about how you went from ‘hero to zero’ and how you didn’t even deserve to be a knight anymore.
“If I’m not a knight, I don’t have a purpose,” You said solemnly. “I haven’t picked up my sword in a month, Kaeya.”
Kaeya makes a noise of acknowledgement and urges you to continue.
“And I can’t stand how she’s better than me! I’m the Revolutionary Knight - not her!” Despite your angered words, you’re suppressing panic deep in your chest. “She’s already taken so much from me and she’s going to take Diluc.”
“Diluc loves you,” Kaeya reassures you. You’ve never heard his voice this soft and serious before. “Nothing Lumine can do is going to make Diluc ever stop loving you.”
Deep down, you knew that. You knew that Diluc loved you and planned to marry you one day, you knew that. It was just hard to convince your heart of that. As you stared down at the floor, you heard Kaeya sigh.
“Maybe you just need to show him you’re just as good at Lumine.”
That night, you packed a bag before Diluc got home from the tavern and left for Liyue. You would fight the Cryo Regisvine and bring back Diluc a hoarfrost core. He would see your heroic nature and forget all about Lumine - they all would.
When Diluc came home that night to find your absence, he began to worry. You were never one to leave without saying anything so Diluc rushed to the Knight’s Headquarters quickly. He was fortunate that Jean and Kaeya were still there finalizing some paperwork.
“Master Diluc?” Jean asked, rising from her desk as Diluc rushed inside her office. “Is everything alright?”
“Y/N is missing,” He said quickly.
“Missing? Are you sure?”
“Yes! They never go anywhere without telling me,” Diluc continued. He noticed Kaeya avert his gaze and snapped his eyes over to his brother, “Kaeya, what do you know?”
“I may have told them to do something heroic to win you back,” Kaeya said, realizing his idea may not have been the best.
Diluc’s eyes widened, “Win me back?”
Kaeya sighed and explained what was going on with you. Diluc’s heart dropped into his stomach and he couldn’t believe how stupid he had been. He should have been praising you, not Lumine. “They mentioned something about the Cryo Regisvine-”
Diluc didn’t let Kaeya speak another word before he took off. You couldn’t have gotten that far and when Diluc noticed the darkening weather, his feet picked up their pace.
A fierce gust of wind made you cover your face with your arms. Out of nowhere, it started pouring rain but you wouldn’t let that stop you. You pushed through the impending storm and made your way down into the cave where the ice monster lived. You gripped your sword tightly as the monster sensed your presence and unraveled, turning the downcoming rain into shards of ice that landed on your skin like needles.
Without much delay, you charged the Cryo Regisvine and landed three hits on its corolla before one of its leafy arms wacked into you, sending you hurdling backwards. Your sword was knocked out of your hand and you struggled to catch your breath.
More sharp icicles pierced your skin and a spray of freezing air coated your skin. Yet, you still managed to grab your sword and stand. Your hobbled toward the monster again and when the same leafy arm came towards you, you slashed at it.
The monster let out a screech and retracted itself before slamming it’s head down towards your body. You dodged the first hit but were caught off guard when the second hit knocked you off your feet. You barely had time to roll away when it slammed it’s head down a third time.
Diluc surged forwards, grabbing your arm and forcefully pulling you to your feet. Your sword became lost from your hold and the sudden movement caused the blade to scrape down your leg before clambering to the ground again. A nasty gash was left and you seethed.
He couldn’t even think as he pulled you away from the monster. You had never seen Diluc move so fast. He didn’t let you go until you were both far enough from the cave to feel secure. Diluc’s arms wrapped around your shoulders tightly and you were too stunned to say anything.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
Your mind felt foggy. You tried to open your mouth and speak but no words came out.
“Do you realize how dangerous that was?”
“I just...Lumine…”
Diluc pulled back at this and stared in your eyes. You couldn’t quite match the emotion on his face. “You’re not Lumine!”
His words cut deep and you felt tears soak your eyes. Maybe if your head was clearer and you could actually hear your thoughts, you would have realized Diluc didn’t mean it that way. But the only thing consuming your mind was that he was right. You weren’t Lumine and you would never be Lumine. “I know!” You cried out suddenly, “That’s why I have to go and kill that thing! So I can give you a hoarfrost core and you’ll love me again!”
Diluc only looked at you. His hands ran down from your shoulders to your hands and he brought your left hand to his lips. You heard him sigh before kissing your knuckle gently.
Your wet hair was dripping water down your face in freezing cold droplets. At that moment you felt useless. You weren’t able to fight the Cryo Regisvine and bring Diluc a hoarfrost core. He would leave you for Lumine and there was nothing you could do about it.
“You’re hurt,” Diluc said, motioning to your leg. In your desolate state, you had forgotten about the gaping wound on your leg that was pouring blood. “Come on - we’re going home.”
You were too upset to protest and let Diluc maneuver your body onto his back. You loosely wrapped your arms around his neck and relished in the warmth his vision released. You held onto Diluc like it was the last time you ever would.
The walk back to Mondstadt was silent and when you two arrived at your shared house, Diluc let you down on the couch. You could only stare at your lap.
“I’m sorry,” You finally mumbled, “Next time I’ll finish what I started.”
“There won’t be a next time,” Diluc said sternly, “No way you’re ever going there alone again.”
Your face stiffened into annoyance. “I’m the Revolutionary Knight - I can do it.”
“No, you can’t.” His words seemed cold and unusual but they were coated in concern. Diluc reached up and cupped your face with his large hands. You tried to pull away but his grip was firm, “It’s okay.”
The situation was suddenly overwhelming and far too much to deal with. The tears you had been holding back tumbled down your cheeks and your words were choked between sobs, “Lumine is so perfect and I’m not...I don’t want you to leave me...I know I’m not good enough but-”
He stopped your rambling with a kiss. “Don’t ever think you’re not good enough,” He whispered, taking you into his arms. You hid your sobs in Diluc’s chest as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. Eventually, your cries settled.
Diluc spent the rest of the night dressing your wound and laying with you in your bed. He didn’t stop comforting you until every horrible thought about yourself was gone from your mind. In the morning he would talk to you more but for now, his job was to make you feel strong again.
And it would take a while but one day you would come to realize that you were just as good as Lumine and no one could truly compare to you. Like the storm on that horrifying night, this too would pass.
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loveelle · 3 years
Keep it On
Reggie Peters x Reader Smut
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Request from Anon: Can I request a Reggie x reader smut, while reader is wearing Reggie’s flannel?
A/N: Reblogs help inspire me to write more because then more people see!
Warnings: smut (18+)
WC: 2.4K
5 minutes was all you needed alone with Reggie which, unfortunately, was more time than you’ve had alone all week. You loved the band, but god, you would trade the three of them- Alex, Luke, and Julie- in for just 5 minutes with your boyfriend. Okay, maybe that’s not true, but that doesn’t mean you’re no longer eager for alone time with Reggie.
You were sitting on the couch in the studio, eyes scanning over your boy with his bass hugged right to his chest as the band finishes the last of their song. His hair was glistening with sweat as he pushes it out of his face, focused entirely on Julie singing in hopes he can get his playing on time. You know he does by the small smile he gives himself to celebrate and his eyes flicker up to you briefly.
The look Reggie sends you cause your heart to race as you wink at him, making his eyes widen when you follow the wink with a smirk. He knows that look you’re giving him and he knows exactly what you want, something he’s been aching for lately as well.
“I need a break.” Luke huffs as he falls into the chair next to him, his guitar slumped on top his chest before he picks his head up. “10-minutes?”
You almost cry out in joy.
“Sounds great. I’m starving!” Julie groans loudly when she puts her mic back in its stand and clutch her stomach. Luke follows after her, despite not being able to eat, he won’t leave the young girl’s side. Alex takes one look at Reggie and you who was almost squirming in anticipation before he makes the decision to follow Luke and Julie. As soon as the three of them leave the room, you pounce off the couch and into Reggie’s already awaiting arms.
“I actually thought they’d never leave.” Reggie mumbles as his hands grip the back of your shirt to bring you closer against him and his lips meet yours.
You hum into his touch, your fingers trailing lightly on his chest until they were brushing Reggie’s jaw before you pull from the kiss slightly, just enough to talk. “I was about to ask them to join us.”
You go back in, wanting more than anything to finish the kiss and other things, but Reggie’s gasp and surprised look stops you. “R-Really? I mean, r-really?”
“Me, Reggie.” You mumble, squeezing his cheeks. “Focus on me.” You giggle and Reggie’s eyes widen before he snaps them close, crinkling his face. You giggle more at the sight before kissing his nose, getting him to open his eyes. When they meet yours, paired with Reggie’s smile stretched wide, you were glad he was holding you because your knees became weak.
Reggie’s mouth dips in the kiss from your mouth to your neck, his fingers slowly but surely find the bottom of your shirt and before you could think, it was over your head and thrown somewhere in the studio. As his hands travel your now bare back, you moan softly and cup Reggie’s face so you could kiss him again, pulling the flannel off of him in the process. You smirk at the feeling of Reggie’s biceps, giving them a squeeze before you tug on his tank top and it’s over his head. You pull back, letting your eyes move down Reggie’s bare chest and Reggie looks down your bra clad one, adjusting the growing bulge in his pants and you decide to help out, reaching behind your back and undoing your bra, tossing it into the abyss along with your shirt.
Reggie’s breath hitches as his eyes fall on your chest, your nipples already hardening against the cool air in the studio. “You are…” Reggie’s voice trails off before he looks up into your eyes, “Did you know you are gorgeous? Because you absolutely are.”
You don’t know how he does it, but when he compliments you like this, you can do nothing but believe him as your cheeks flair and your heart races. “Well, come over here and remind me.”
Reggie was in front of you in a second, one hand slips behind your back while the other slowly trails up your front, cupping your left boob and rolling your nipple between his fingers. You moan into his mouth, Reggie’s tongue slipping in you kiss him hard, savoring the minutes you have with him alone. You start on the buckle of his belt, barely getting it undone before someone knocks at the door.
You pull back from a frozen Reggie with wide eyes. “Where’s my bra?” you whisper sharply to him as you look around the room, not seeing your clothes anywhere. “Where’s my shirt!?”
“Here, just take this!” Reggie’s whisper was louder as he shoves something into your hands and it takes you only a moment to realize it’s his flannel. Reggie watches you throw the piece of clothing on quickly and button it up, the view he had of your boobs slowly disappearing, but then something else strikes him quickly.
It was really hot seeing you in his flannel and knowing you had nothing on underneath.
He gulps and the thoughts disperse as the door opens and Julie steps inside, her hands covers her eyes and you stifle a laugh. “We’re decent.” You yell to Julie and she hesitates before letting her hands fall.
“Sorry, just didn’t want to walk in on anything because I forgot my water bottle.” She grabs her bottle, shaking it in the air before her eyes flicker down to Reggie’s flannel on you and realizes just how much she was interrupting. “Okay, have fun.” She rushes to the door before stopping and her eyes narrow at the two of you. “But wipe down anywhere that you um,” she trails off, her eyes widening as she implies ‘anywhere you fuck’ and you quickly stifle your laugh at her before nodding. “I don’t really know how doing it as ghosts work, but I don’t think it’s sanitary.”
Before you can say anything, Julie is out the door and Reggie’s mouth is attached to your neck again, your eyes rolling back immediately along with a moan you don’t even have time to try and hold back. “I see you’re as excited as I am.” You whisper to him, pushing your fingers through his hair and letting your nails scrape lightly against his scalp.
“Oh, you have no idea.” He mumbles and his smirk presses against your skin. You lick your lips, dragging your teeth across your bottom one.
“Believe me, I have an idea.” You reach your hand down Reggie’s chest to the front of his washed-out jeans, palming his hardened erection and causing Reggie to moan in your ear, the sound shooting right to your core. “Take your pants off, Reg.” you whisper and push away from him enough to undress yourself again, pulling the top few buttons undone on the flannel before Reggie stops you, his hands gripping your wrists as his eyes dart between your eyes and your great display of cleavage.
“Keep it on.” He mumbles and you hear him, but the surprise causes you to inhale sharply.
Reggie drops your wrists, continuing to undo his pants as he talks. “K-Keep it on. I wanna-“ He pauses only briefly, cheeks starting to redden. “I wanna fuck you in my flannel.”
His confidence as he tells you what he wants makes your knees weak and you nod quickly, gulping back how turned on you were. “That sounds… I mean, yeah. We can do… That’s hot.” Reggie drops his pants to the ground, leaving himself only in his boxers as he stands in front of you. You smirk. “And that’s hotter.”
Your pants hit the floor right after and Reggie groans at your black panties peaking out from under his black and red flannel, making his cock twitch inside his boxers. You jump forward, latching lips again tongues clashing together in the kiss. “The bed?” Reggie mumbles amongst the heavy and you nod, only breaking the kiss as both of you teleport to the bed up in the loft.
You fall back on the bed, head thrown back in pleasure as Reggie’s mouth moves down your front, pressing kisses along your neck to your chest, slowly unbuttoning the flannel as it goes. “Fuck, Reg!” you moan out as Reggie takes your nipple between his teeth, cupping and squeezing your other boob in his hand.
Reggie basks in the sounds he’s pulled from your lips, from your gasps and pants to your whines and moans as he slips a hand under the band of your underwear, grazing his fingers over your lips and teasing your clit. He battles between smirking and smiling at you as he pulls the last piece of your own clothing off you, leaving you only in his flannel and he slips his own boxers off.
“How much time do we have?” Reggie asks as he strokes his hardening member, your eyes drawing to the action and a rush ending to your core.
You shake your head. “Not long enough.” You mumble and Reggie grins at you, surprising you with a peck on your lips before he was putting a condom on and slipping into you. You gasp as he fills you, his slow movements causing the gasp to turn into a low moan from the both of you. His head dips onto your shoulder and after a few seconds he starts thrusting, bucking his hips against yours at increasing speed. “God, Reggie you feel so good, oh my-“ Your mouth hangs open as Reggie pulls his head back to look at you with his crooked smile, your eyes catching a beautiful glimpse of him before they roll back gently and Reggie reach your highs within moments of each other. Reggie was mesmerized with the sight below him, your chest was heaving and springing free from the flannel when your back arches off the bed.
Your moans turn to heavy pants as Reggie softens inside you and relaxes on top of you. He pulls out with a groan from him and a breathy moan from you as you kiss his cheek and he collapses on the bed next to you, taking care of the condom into the trash.
“Do we have time for another round?” Reggie asks quickly, his eyes battling to stay focused on yours when your boobs are still teasing him with peaks from his shirts.
You giggle, rolling a button between your fingers as you shake your head. “I don’t think so, baby.” He frowns and decides to leave his eyes on your chest, something that makes you giggle harder. “Why are you-“
“Because they’re going away when the band gets back and I’m gonna miss them!” He argues with a pout but it’s enough for you to cover your mouth as you laugh. Reggie sighs dramatically and pulls the flannel open before pressing a kiss to the middle of your boobs with a sigh. “I’ll miss you.” He whispers to them and you roll your eyes.
“Should I give you three some privacy?” You joke and run a hand through his hair gently. Reggie shakes his head before buttoning the button between your boobs, covering them but also giving Reggie the sexiest look he’d ever seen. You snort. “Why did I even bother with trying to look sexy when we were alive when I could’ve just thrown on a flannel and called it a night?”
Reggie’s eyes flicker up to you. “You could breathe and it would be sexy but there’s just something about you wearing my flannel that’s just hot.” He shrugs, moving his body up to reach to reach your lips. You cup his face you kiss him, only to hear the door open and your friends. Reggie’s eyes widen. “There’s no way that was 10 minutes.” He whispers and you shake your head.
“Reggie? Y/N? Break’s over!” Luke’s voice calls out and you face palm as Reggie scrambles after you, shrugging on his boxers and you slip your panties back on before grabbing his arm. He whips his head around.
“All our clothes are downstairs!” You whisper sharply to him and Reggie glances over the railing to see Luke and Alex chilling downstairs.
“Uh, guys?” He calls out as you button the flannel. He tells them to leave and the duo grows confused before Luke slaps a hand against Alex’s chest and focuses on a small pile of what appeared to be clothes laying by the loft’s ladder. Alex looks and sighs before catching onto why Reggie and you wanted them to leave. No one needed to tell him twice as he disappears to inform Julie not to head inside, however the younger girl was far more perceptive than the ghost boys.
Luke’s face scrunches in disgust as he looks up at Reggie hiding you behind him on the loft. “Really? In the studio?” He asks exasperated as you giggle against Reggie’s back and peak over his shoulder.
“In your old bed.” You tell him with a smirk and Luke fakes a gag, disappearing right in the middle of it. You shake your head and Reggie grabs your hand before you both teleport off the loft and downstairs, separating after a quick kiss to throw your clothes back on.
Reggie watches as you shrug off his flannel and put your bra back on, throwing your shirt back on. “I need a day off from the band.” Reggie sighs out of nowhere as you glance up at him, with a small smile.
“You need a week off.” You joke to him, raising a brow and grabbing his flannel again to hand to him.
Reggie gulps, glancing between you and the clothing article. “And- and with a whole week off, what would we uh…” he stutters and you wait patiently as he tries again. “What would we do?” He rushed out and you furrow your brows in minor confusion before You realize what he was getting at, what he wanted to do all week and you smirk. “Sex?” He blurts out, clocking the teasing smirk on your face. “We’re gonna- gonna have sex all week?” You smirk deeper and shrug, watching Reggie’s cheeks darken when all your friends walk back into the studio. You say nothing as you fall on the couch behind you, Reggie’s eyes don’t leave you as he clutches the flannel in his hand. Finally, he turns to the rest of the band. “I’m gonna need the next week off.”
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nyuksw · 3 years
Thin Walls — Juyeon smut
warnings: unprotected sex, masturbation, sex toys
You knew Juyeon because he was your neighbor living next door in a department building. You weren't exactly friends or talked too often other than the casual greetings and small conversations when you two bumped into each other. You couldn’t deny the fact that he was very handsome, beautiful facial features and nice body proportions, but you two were only neighbors and that was it.
That was until he came home one Sunday night with a girl and stayed up all night, the creaking and banging from the bed and their moans keeping you up all night annoyed because you had to go to work the next day. Couldn’t he take it somewhere else? stupid thin walls and stupid Juyeon.
The next day you saw him as you two took the elevator and he greeted you like always, earning just a small nod from you acknowledging him.
“Have a good day.” He smiled at you and walked out of the elevator making his way to his car.
You scoffed, have a good day — how could you have a good day when you didn’t even get to sleep more than 2 hours thanks to him. Your day at work went surprisingly well and your co-worker Younghoon offered to drop you off since it was late at night.
The rest of the week went as usual until Friday came and again, Juyeon had another guest staying over for the entire weekend, keeping you up from all the noise they made.
One month passed by and it became a habit of him bringing someone over for the weekend. You grew even more mad after each night and then seeing him the next day on Monday acting like nothing happened flashing you that gorgeous smile and wishing you a good day.
Why were you feeling like this? Maybe it was because you haven’t had sex in so long after your last relationship ended and he had it good every weekend while you didn’t, or maybe it was because you liked him deep inside. But how could you not? He was so sweet towards you, and yeah maybe you never talked to him for more than 5 minutes but his actions towards you were enough for you to feel a little something deep in your heart. But maybe he wasn’t such a good boy as you thought after experiencing those sleepless nights as his next door neighbor.
Friday came again and you were getting yourself ready, expecting his door to open and close with a loud slam at any minute. Hearing the noise caused by bumping into things on their way to his bed probably by kissing. But no noise was made that night and for the first time on a weekend you fell asleep peacefully and fully. You thought they would come around the next day but they didn't either.
You laid on your bed unable to focus on the book you were reading, your mind clouded with Juyeon. He must be really good in bed, considering the fact that the girls never stops moaning. You wondered how he was in bed, how his kisses must feel like. How he looked while shirtless, you have never seen him shirtless but you could see he had a nice upper body, the shirts he wore often showing some of his muscles nicely.
You didn't know why you were having these thoughts about him, and without thinking your hand no longer held a book and traveled down, passing past and under the waistband of your panties. You started touching yourself thinking of Juyeon, hissing at the sensation of your fingers rubbing circles on your clit. Would his fingers feel better than mine?
Not being satisfied with only your fingers, you reached to the last drawer from your night stand taking out a toy you haven’t used in so long.
You grabbed the vibrator and it replaced your hand inside your panties. You started moaning softly at first but then you clicked to make it vibrate harder. You were now a moaning mess, lifting your other hand to cup your boob under your shirt. But then the vibrator stopped working and frustrated you clicked repeatedly hoping for it to work again but it didn’t. You groaned and got up to change the batteries, but nothing worked.
“Stupid thing.” you said throwing the vibrator away not realizing it hit the wall, making the battery lid break and fly towards you.
You groaned and went to pick it up trying to fix it as you were still horny and desperate to have an orgasm somehow.
On the other side though, Juyeon was also sitting in his room finishing some work when he started hearing moans. Where are they coming from? He listened closely and realized they came from the other side of his wall. Were you moaning?
He got up and walked carefully towards the wall, placing his ear to it hearing more intense moans then they suddenly stopped. He heard some shuffling followed by a loud bang against the wall that scared the crap out of him and then he heard you groan. Are you okay?
He was concerned for a moment and was deciding if he should go check on you, opting to go knock on your door within seconds.
You heard a knock on the door. Now what?!
You walked towards the door and opened without looking at yourself first, seeing a surprised Juyeon standing in front of you. Juyeon eyed you from head to toe, processing the state you were in. Flushed cheeks, slight messy hair, he could see your nipples through your shirt and a vibrator on your hand.
You followed his eyes and realized you still had the stupid toy on your hand, quickly hiding it behind your back.
“W-what are you doing here?”
“Well, the walls are thin and I heard a loud bang and I came to check if you were alright but I see that you are perfectly fine.” He smirked at the last part making you blush furiously.
You were lost at words, you were beyond embarrassed.
“Does that work well?” He asked, referring to the vibrator.
No response. So he spoke once again “Do you think that could be better than me?” He asked looking into your eyes, his eyes darkening.
You don't know where the courage came from but seeing his eyes and face features become dark in a way you’ve never seen before, made you feel that tingling sensation between your legs again. “Why don’t you come and we can find out?”
He wasted no time walking into your place, quickly closing the door behind him and kissing you hard on the lips. One of his hands goes behind you grabbing the vibrator and throwing it away somewhere in your living room.
“You won’t be needing that.” He said against your lips and continued kissing you as his hands went to grab your ass and make you jump on him.
“The door on the left.” You managed to say between kisses and he started walking towards your room while carrying you in his arms.
Both of you fell into the bed without breaking apart from the heated kiss. He started grinding slowly into your clothed core making you moan and he took it as a chance to slip his tongue. His hands started wandering on your body, reaching your boobs as he pulled apart. He lifted your shirt and threw it away, attacking your boobs. Sucking and kissing on them before his lips went to wrap around your nipple sucking on it before letting it go making it pop. He gave the other bud the same attention, making the pool on your panties grow bigger. He pulled away and removed his shirt revealing his body, you eyed him hungrily and pulled him back for another kiss, running your hands across his body.
His hand sneaked between your bodies and went between your legs, touching and rubbing circles on your clothed pussy. His mouth worked between kissing you and then moving lower to suck on your nipples as he rubbed your clit.
“I’m dying to taste you.” He said, his breath fanning against your wet nipple causing you to feel more pleasure.
He took his hand out from your shorts and pulled them down along with your panties.
“Open your legs for me baby.”
And you did, giving him a full view of your wet pussy that was aching for him.
“So wet and pretty for me.” He smirked as he positioned himself in front of it, looking at it in admiration while caressing your thighs.
He placed a kiss on each of your thighs before giving you a long lick making you moan and arch your back. His hands went to grab your waist, keeping you still as he went to suck on your clit. One of his hands moved to spread your folds so he could have better access before inserting his fingers into you. He kept sucking your clit, earning beautiful erotic sounds leaving your mouth. He felt your walls clenching around his fingers and knew you were close, his lips releasing your now swollen clit and moving his other hand to rub circles on it. You came on his hand in seconds screaming in pleasure, he kept rubbing your clit as you came down from your high making your legs shake with the overstimulation. He stopped his movements and placed a kiss on your thigh before going up and kissing you on the lips.
“How was that?”
“That was incredible.” You said breathlessly. “Way better than that toy for sure.”
“And I’m not even done with you yet.” He said trailing kisses from your jawline towards your breasts, softly sucking on your bud once again.
He stood up and started unbuttoning his pants before you gained some energy to get up and do it yourself, falling into your knees you pulled down his pants and his underwear, releasing his dick with the head soaked in pre-cum. Your hand wrapped around his dick and you pumped him a few times before your lips wrapped around the tip, sucking all the pre-cum.
Your lips released his tip and you started pumping him again, your tongue starting to lick down the veins on his dick, making him throw his head back in pleasure. You wrapped your lips around his dick once again and started sucking his dick, bobbing your head as fast as you could.
“You look so pretty with your lips wrapped around my dick.” He said while pushing your hair back into a ponytail secured by his fingers.
“How does it feel?” You asked, pulling away only to give him a long sensual lick from the base of his cock all the way up to the tip, only to wrap your lips around it once again and sucking him off.
He was getting close but he pulled you away gently by the hair. “I want to come inside you.”
He helped you stand up and pushed you gently on the bed on four with your ass in the air. His hands are squeezing your ass, slapping it once before grabbing his dick pumping himself a few times as he lowered himself to kiss and lick your pussy.
He positioned himself and pushed his dick into you, filling you perfectly.
He moaned. “You are so tight, it feels so good.”
He started thrusting into you, holding you by the waist making your whole body also move and thrust back into him, the sound of skin and your moans was the only thing that could be heard. He lowered himself and started giving your back open mouth kisses all the way up to your neck. He grabbed your hair again and pulled you upwards making you support yourself in your hands. He thrusted hard and deep into you, making your boobs bounce. You came for the second time, shaking uncontrollably and collapsing into the bed. He pulled out of you and gave you a moment to catch your breath and come down from your high before flipping you over now facing him.
He positioned himself on top of you, kissing your neck and sucking on it leaving a mark.
“Can you do it one more time?” He asked in a sweet voice making sure you were comfortable.
You nodded and he placed a sweet kiss on the corner of your mouth as he positioned himself and pushed into you once again making you gasp. He pressed his lips against yours and gave you several small and delicate kisses as he thrusted into you, this time doing it slow but full of passion.
“You take my dick so well, it feels like your pussy was made only for me.” He whispered against your lips and moved his head to kiss and suck on your neck again.
“I bet no one can make you feel like I do, not even that guy you’re always with.”
Which guy? You were too immersed in the pleasure to think further about what he said, a soft moan leaving your mouth as he sucked again on your neck.
“You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed about this, about us. Fucking you, making you mine.” He whispered in your ear.
His hips started to move faster and one of his hands went to cup one of your boobs, fingers playing with your nipple as the other rested on top of your head caressing it softly and moving some hairs out of your forehead.
“Come on baby, come all over me.”
You felt yourself getting closer to your third orgasm, wrapping your arms around his neck bringing him down to kiss him.
“Juyeon” You moaned on his ear as you came, your walls clenching around him, pushing him to the edge burying his head on your neck, causing him to finally reach his orgasm, coming inside you, feeling his warm cum filling you up.
Both of you stayed like that for a little while, just on each other’s arms.
He started to get up to look at your face, wiping the tears on your eyes from the overwhelming stimulation. Planting a soft kiss on your cheek he got up to grab a towel and some clothes to clean you up.
He helped you clean up and put on a shirt on you, you were too weak and shaky to move on your own so he carried you and moved you a little further to the top of the bed so you could lay on a pillow. He disappeared again to the bathroom to clean himself and came back with his underwear on. He went to lay down next to you and wrapped his arms around you.
“Was it too much?” He asked with concern in his voice but you shook your head.
“It was amazing. I’ve never felt like that before.” You reassured him by tracing soft circles on his arm with your thumb.
“I meant what I said earlier, I’ve wanted to do this for so long. And I don’t mean only having sex with you, but being able to kiss you and hold you just like this.”
“So did I. Not gonna lie, I felt somehow jealous when you brought girls with you every weekend.”
“Oh, don’t even try to lie when I could hear everything you did. You know these walls are too thin.” You said hitting his chest lightly.
“But that wasn't me. Every weekend I go to visit my family so I leave my apartment under one of my friend’s supervision just in case.” He explained and now you were even more confused.
“Then that means that your friend was the one that came to your place with girls and didn’t let me sleep for 3 nights straight every week?!”
“Yes, trust me now that I know I’m as mad as you are. I will make him buy me a new mattress for sure. God knows what happened there...” and he cringed just at the thought of it.
“Well you can stay here with me in the meantime, that is of course if you want.”
“I’d love that.” He smiled down at you bringing you closer to him.
“But wait, don’t you have a boyfriend?” He suddenly asked.
“No, I don’t silly.”
“Then who is that guy that brings you home almost every day?”
“Oh you mean Younghoon? He is just a friend! He brings me home lately since our shifts are ending at night so he only wants to make sure I arrive safely.”
“I-I can drop you off and pick you up from your work from now on if you want.”
You smiled and turned to look at him. “Really? You’d do that?” and he nodded and smiled back at you.
“I really want to get to know you even more. Maybe I’m rushing into things but I would love to be able to be your boyfriend one day.” He sighed dreamily next to you thinking about what the future has for you two. “So how about I take you on a date tomorrow?”
“I would really love that. I can't wait.”
He kissed the top of your head as you cuddled him, laying your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he stroked your hair.
The two of you talked for a little while before falling asleep in his arms, both of you dreaming about each other that night.
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zeroweeenies · 4 years
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Desc: you and megumi play a “game” after your date plans get cancelled from the blizzard.
Character(s): Megumi x fem!reader
Word Count: 2k
an: whichever anon requested this I hope you see this ♡
94: “Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to”
98: “First one to make noise loses”
126: “Y-you’re not wearing anything under that are you?”
WARNINGS: 69-ing, reverse cowgirl, mirror fucking, anal mentioned, competitive reader, not proof read, aged up megumi, 18+ minors dni
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The snowstorm had ruined all of your plans.
You and your boyfriend had been planning this date for your two year anniversary for weeks now, so you were disappointed when you found that your car was snowed in on the sidewalk. The city buses and trains were out of service as well, and cab services refused to travel in the frigid weather.
You were on the brink of tears before you felt Fushiguro approach you from behind and wrap his arms around your waist.
“I’m sorry baby, we can order out if you want.” he speaks into the crook of your neck
You push back the tears that were welling in your eyes “I was really looking forward to this ‘Gumi, do you know how long we’ve been talking about this? Tonight was important.”
It was true. You managed to get a reservation at one of the most renowned restaurants in the city. It also didn’t help that you put on your most expensive attire, a silken black dress that stopped just above your knee with a back that sloped down to the top of your bum and the neckline resting at the top of your breasts.
You even made efforts to do your makeup and style your hair neatly.
“And it’s all ruined because of this stupid storm,” you kicked your foot at the wall and crossed your arms in true brat frashion.
Megumi took a deep breath before speaking again. “Well it doesn’t have to be completely ruined. How ‘bout we watch some tv?” he suggested “Order some food, hm? I know you’re hungry” he planted kisses to shoulder and neck whilst rubbing your hip tenderly.
“Tch, whatever.” you stated, walking off to wherever.
Poor Megumi. He just wanted to make his girlfriend happy despite the unfortunate circumstances they found themselves in, and here she was being a brat.
The dark haired boy rubbed the area between his eyes and loosened his tie before taking out his phone to call the pizza delivery service.
You were sitting in the living room watching tv, legs sprawled across the length of the couch with your head in Megumi’s lap when you heard the doorbell ring. “I’ll get it!” you sprung up from your position on the couch, sprinting to the door.
When you open the door, you’re met with the pizza delivery guy.
“Thanks.” you grab the box from his hands containing the food. “How much do I owe you?” you avert your gaze
The male in front of you scans his eyes up and down your body, taking in your appearance. His eyes land on your breasts before speaking again. “It’s on the house,” he smiles nervously. “You look stunning. Can I have your number?”
You can’t even finish your next sentence before you feel a looming presence behind you, gripping the side of your waist firmly.
“She does look beautiful doesn’t she?” Megumi kisses the side of your cheek possessively, causing your face to heat up. “Anyways thanks for the free pizza, man” he smiles as the driver protests before slamming the door.
You stroll back to the couch, scolding Megumi for being rude. “You didn’t have to close the door in his face.”
“Are you really defending him? He was clearly trying to hit on you.”
“Yeah, but he was sweet” you smile, taking a bite from your food before you feel a stiff grip around your neck.
“Oh yeah?” he turns your face to meet his glare. “Maybe I should get you a collar so you don’t forget who you belong to, bunny.”
You smile up at him “Don’t threaten me with a good time babe.” He releases your neck, turning his attention to the tv.
“You’re such a damn brat.” he chuckles to himself, finally taking a slice of pizza into his mouth.
“Mmm, but you love it” you reply cheekily, snuggling under his arm to get warm.
It felt like hours had passed, and you felt yourself growing bored. You complain to Megumi next to you, who was on the verge of sleep.
“How about we play a game?”
A game? You wondered what he had in mind.
“A sex game. It would be just like all the other times we’ve done it, with a few rules in place of course.”
You sat up to look at him “What are the rules?”
Megumi was interested now. He smirked before explaining the stipulations. “First one to make noise loses. Breathing is allowed, but if you breathe too loud you lose. Cursing is allowed as well.”
“And what do I get if I win?” you pique.
“What is it that you want?” You reflected over the question. There was a stuffie that you really wanted that you saw at the mall the other day, or you could make your boyfriend do something embarrassing. And there was always the option of making him do house chores for a certain period of time.
You think over it a while longer before the perfect idea pops into your head “If I win, I want to dom you.”
Megumi always fulfilled the dominant role in the bedroom, forcing you to always submit to him, bending you to his every will. As much as you enjoyed letting him take control, you sought to bring him to his knees.
Your eyes widen, surprised by his answer. “You’re sure?”
He nods his head “Yeah. I don’t mind playing subby for you. But I still haven’t said what I wanted yet.”
Your eyebrow ticked up. You knew it was almost too good to be true. Your heart raced in anticipation over what Megumi could possibly want as his prize.
“Anal. If I win, I get to fuck you in the ass.”
Your mouth gaped open at the request. It’s not like you were uncomfortable with his request. Hell, you and Megumi were always trying new things in the bedroom. The most he’s done was stick his tongue in your ass. But full on butt stuff was a whole new territory for you.
Megumi encouraged you to step out of your comfort zone, but he’d never pressure you into doing something you didn’t want to do. If there was something you didn’t like and you wanted him to stop he’d stop immediately, no questions asked.
“Okay,” you swallowed. “When does the game start?”
“Now” Megumi stated, attacking your lips hungrily. You were overwhelmed by the kiss, running out of breath as he pulled you into his lap.
You ran your fingers through his unusually styled hair, tugging lightly as he ground his hips up to meet your cunt. Megumi could feel your naked heat against his pants, causing him to let out a shaky breath.
“Y-you’re not wearing anything under that are you?” Megumi breaks the kiss, breath ragged as he stares down at where your bodies collide.
“Nope,” you state, popping the ‘p’ as you connect your lips with his jawline.
You were completely naked save the dress you were wearing in hopes that Megumi would fool around with you under the table at your date, but of course that plan was out of mind now.
Sucking bruises into Megumi’s neck, he trails his hand down to your already dripping slit to get you to moan, caressing your clit in small circles.
You nearly mewl at the sensation, almost forgetting the rules of the game. You knew what he was trying to do, but you weren’t going to let him win that easily.
“‘Gumi come on, I need it.” you rocked your hips against him, desperate for him to stop toying with you.
“Yeah? Tell me what you need, princess” he slows the motions on your clit tantalizingly, groping your breast with the straps of your dress falling off your shoulders.
“Fuck me, make me cum. Do something, anything, please.” In one swift motion, Megumi picks you up and carries you into the bedroom, practically throwing you onto the bed.
Situating himself on the bed, he pats his lap, a quiet gesture that you’re familiar with.
You bit your lip, turning your body until your pussy was angled right in front of his face.
You gripped his hard on through his pants that were already stained with precum, earning a whispered “fuck” from him.
You took his dick out, licking the tip before taking him all the way in your warm mouth.
Megumi threw his head back continuing to toy with your clit under your dress.
You were sucking him so good, taking his cock all the way to the back of your throat while vacuuming your cheeks. You bobbed your head up and down, gagging each time you felt his length touch your esophagus.
With Megumi’s strangled grunts and the way you were sucking him you were sure that you were going to win, until you felt his mouth on you.
Fushiguro’s cock slipped from your mouth as he sucked your clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around his mouth. The way he ate you felt so good, your orgasm already coiling in your lower belly.
Megumi was a fighter and he was playing to win, but so were you. As good as it felt, you weren’t going to let him have this, especially when you were so close to winning.
His cock twitched in your mouth, signaling that he was close. You sucked him harder, faster, your hand fisting him in an effort to get him to cum quicker.
Knowing he wasn’t going to last much longer, Megumi pulled you off of him by your hair, a string of drool connecting your mouth to his cock.
He positioned himself behind you, rubbing his length up and down your glistening folds.
“Can’t have you ending the game early, now can I?”
“You’re a dirty fucking chea-” you managed to get out as he plunged into you, his fat head grazing your cervix.
Your eyes shut from the sudden penetration, your mouth open with saliva running down your chin as Megumi thrusts in and out of you roughly, the only sounds filling the room being silent curses and the lewd squelches of your sloppy cunt.
“Look at you, what a desperate little cockslut,” he pulls your head up to face the mirror that sits in front of your bed, your ruined makeup on display. “Look at how I fuck you, only I can fuck you like this,” you feel your eyes roll to the back of your head, Megumi pulling your hair harshly making your back arch at a painful angle.
“You gonna cum? Come on baby, cum for me so I can win. I’m dying to fuck this little ass”
You push him off of you causing him to fall back on his elbows. “Shut the fuck up.” You slide up and down him at the new angle, your ass bouncing beautifully as Megumi lets out a slew of curses from behind you.
Your victory felt so close as you felt his cock twitch inside you, milking him for all he was worth. Your win was snatched from you, feeling Megumi’s thumb press inside your asshole, causing you to let out a shriek.
“Checkmate,” Megumi sits up and begins to drill your cunt, your breasts bouncing as he ruthlessly fucks into your hole.
“Y-you cheated,” you sniffle, tears brimming your eyes as you realize your loss.
“Awww, don’t be a sore loser baby, you lost fair and square.” he drags his cock out of you before slamming back into you, every thrust making you cry out more than the last.
“Now cum for me like a good girl” he reaches forward to pinch your clit, making you cum instantly.
The moans you had been holding back the entire time spill out, the aftershocks of your orgasm crashing over you. Megumi pulls out, shooting his seed on your back. You sink into the mattress, sobbing over the realization of your defeat.
“Don’t cry pretty girl,” He smiled breathlessly.
“I haven’t even claimed my prize yet.”
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