#maybe cos they wanted the album out QUICK
defenestratte · 8 months
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thementalshawty · 4 months
PAC The Aura You Give Off
HAYLOWWWWWWW welcome back lol I’m here with a quick PAC cos we’re almost there to 2000 followers oooop our tarot event is near!!! So to celebrate my 1985 followers huh isn’t that a Taylor Swift album? 🤔 anyways I’m here to let you guys know and see what kind of vibes you give off. I feel A lot of you like anime! I was pulled to anime images for this PAC and you guys know I do emojis. I also feel Red, Blue,Teal, & Purple are inportant to some of you or are actually the color of some of your auras they can be your favorite colors too maybe that’s how you should choose your pile? Some of you I heard!! Anyways let’s get this going you know this is a GENERAL reading take what resonated and the let the rest ROLL off it’s for someone else!!! Okay bitches let’s fuccin GOOOOOOOOOOO
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Pile I
Yo this is deep and intense, I feel that’s the vibe you give off. You give off a death and resurrection vibes, the beginning and end the alpha and omegas I feel like there is plutonic energy about you guys, very scorpionic vibes. Some of you like black or are night owls. I get tortured soul vibes from you, very grungy. But so upbeat positive, unique, rare and goofy it’s like a goth singing 1000 miles by Vanessa Carlton I’m getting those vibes, pink and black vibes. You guys have been through so much shit! You guys give off defeated but thugging through with a smile vibe, happy go lucky. Sunshine on a rainy day I heard. You guys are a cloudy day but it’s still sunny. Very uranian energy too, you guys stand out and I feel you guys suffer for it. Very fun and outspoken. Outgoing! Risk takers and that’s gotten you guys into some deep trouble but you rose out of it! You guys give off soldier through war ptsd fighting for a happy ending vibes some of you have fake it til you make it vibes. Some of you. People see that you’re a warrior who’s been defeated but you’re not afraid of starting over from 0. The baddest period. Some of you may have sun in Gemini ♊️ which means happy birthdays gem babies!!! You’re unique be you and don’t worry about the pain you are the happy go lucky baby you will be ok!! You’re very strong you’ve died and came back so many times the transformations you’ve went through are endless.
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Pile II
Ooof! So this pile gives off selfish bitchery vibes, you guys seem so motherly, maternal, paternal, parental, loving. Very caring and sweet but I think you give off insincere vibes like you have to give something to get something from you. I also feel people feel like some of you are players or that you’re heartbreakers, you’re very helpful I feel but people may be reluctant to take your help? Some of you may be Taurus moons?? You like money, luxury, having things, people can assume you’re bougie or stuck up!! You are very careful with who you help, again this is why people may assume the worst about you. You guys are very grounded and earthlyd. I feel like you guys have a lot and you worked for that shit! A lot of you are self made and I heard jealous! They are very fucking jealous of you! Your whole vibe and energy shit what you got too! Even if you don’t physically or materially have a lot. They want what you got, you just have it! youre the it boys/girls/its/thems! You got a lot of haters ! People try to make you guys out to be “better than them”. Idgaf that’s cos you are! You’re regal 👸🏽 🤴🏽 👑. They can’t take you and I feel like you guys defend yourself! You guys are hella motivational too you wanna see your people succeed & make it. You’re a cheerleader cos you clawed your way and fought tooth and nail I heard to make it happen for you and I am all happy for you guys I’m rooting for y’all to keep going fuck the haters and the ones that have negative thoughts Ik know getting the vibe of this guarded energy that people are mistaking for selfishness and that’s on them. Some of your guides are talking and they have attitude and I’m here for it! They don’t play about you and I think it’s cos they know what you had to go through to have what you have so protect that shit with everything regardless of how little or how much you think you have. You have a lot! I love this vibe p2. You are tight as fucc. I love you! Stay true and even if you’re bougie stay having high standards! Stay classy
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Pile III
So this pile is a little sad, you guys give sad boy/girl/them vibes. It seems like you guys are very sentimental but you give off the vibe of being stuck in nostalgia if that makes sense. You can be the ones that still wear 90’s style clothes or listen to that music. lol I’m hearing still trying to make fetch work so maybe some of you like mean girls. Gretchen wieners I think her name was right? anyways you guys give off that vibe of being trapped when you’re not really trapped. You guys get into your head a lot! Some of you maybe Scorpio suns and Gemini Jupiters it can even be vice versa. I’m seeing that you’re over-thinkers and when you start thinking bout old times you can travel way back into your memories. Jupiter has to do with expansion and Gemini is mercurial mental energy so I feel like with that you guys are the biggest over-thinkers of this reading! You guys can stretch a thought for miles long! I feel like you’re hella intelligent too! You’re intense and you’re giving, romantic, sweet. You make everyone feel like they’ve met you somewhere before. You give have familiarity vibes. It’s just so easy with you I feel you can make others feel at ease and hella comfortable with you. Your aura and vibe is homely very warm like similar to p2 but more humbling. You’re generous. Kind. I feel like your aura is kind of trapped in a happy dream vibes. I heard happyland? I feel you guys are emotionally invested in your happy memories and good times. I feel in a past life you were trapped in some way. I also think you give off the vibe of being trapped so maybe some of you jail? I’m thinking that a lot of you think you’re deeper shit than you are, a lot of you feel like you’re trapped and you’re truly not. You just have to be grateful for those memories and create more, maybe you’re afraid to leave that happy space but there is a world beyond those happy memories! You’ll be surrounded by so much more happiness creating present love and happiness for yourself!
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Pile IV
Okay! So I’m seeing that some of you may be some Aries sun and mercury Virgos. My roasters of this entire reading! You know how to read a bitch down hunny! I’m seeing that you are a wholesome and fulfilled person, who doesn’t rush, you know the value of working hard and waiting for your fruits to grow and ripen. Very family oriented. You know who you are and what you want which is why you don’t rush shit, you know that what’s for you is going to be yours regardless. I feel like this pile here is very humble and confident at the same time! You have a deep balance about you, very passionate yet grounded so you’re not all over the place, it’s controlled. Your circle is little and means the world to you. You are a legacy or you’ll leave behind a legacy honestly! Powerful and passionate energy. I also feel like you know how to manifest this pile gives me magician vibes, you know how to create physical and material things from energy. You’re a great friend; a great hang and a wonderful time. You are amazing and magical, you’re wealth, a lot of you may have wealth or are destined for it, material wealth. You are in charge, you are the boss if there’s a CEO you’re the boss of them; you know what you want and you accept only that nothing less than the best for you. I’m so glad that you have that self love! You’re a leader meant to rule, you give off big boss captain energy. You are meant to have lots of people following your rules or journey maybe admirers? Followers maybe online? I get this vibe that you’re that fighter who never stops punching even when they’re on the ground, you’ve never lost a battle. You’re a champion!
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WELP! That’s it guys that’s all! I’m so happy that I can share this cool reading with you guys! Should I do more personal readings like this! I hope that it resonated with you guys and for my patreon group please get your questions in before may ends thank you!
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luveline · 1 year
what about a grumpy!reader / Eddie + roan. Reader is trying so hard not to let work things get to her but she ends up being a bit grumpy at home, that's when Eddie and our favorite girl Roan intervene.
Maybe. Just a thought. I just love them (and you) so much ❤️
thank you!! i love you <3 eddie and roan —your small family tries to cheer you up after a bad day. fem!reader, 1.4k
"It's a new one called the macarena," Eddie says, his hands around Roan's wrists guiding her arms into the right positions. "Macarena by maca-Roanie."
She's dancing on his thighs. You have no idea how he can cope with it. While Roan isn't a heavy girl, whenever she does it to you it makes you squirm. 
Eddie hums the song and poses Roan's arms, across her abdomen and then hands on her hips. "Hey, maca-Roanie," he sings, making her shake her hips in time with the song, bodily turning her to the left.  
She giggles at the suddenness of it, and her eyes light up with happiness when she sees you're back from the bathroom. 
"Dance with us!" she pleads, laughing more as Eddie messes up the move and quickly corrects her arms. 
"Maybe in a minute," you say, as gently as you can manage despite your foul mood. Neither of them deserve to feel shitty just because you do. 
"Now," she whines, her foot slipping off of Eddie's thigh. She runs with the momentum to the end of the couch, her hands grabbing for you. "Please! Dad will sing the song again." 
"Sorry, Ro," you say, giving her shoulder a quick rub. 
You walk over to the TV to turn down the volume a touch before collapsing with a puff into the fat armchair. Relief courses through you as you shield your eyes from the light. 
"Is she okay?" Roan whispers. 
Eddie must pull her or yank her toward him, if her little yelp and subsequent laughter is anything to go off of. "She's okay, mini me. Today's been really long, that's all."
"It feels as long as yesterday." 
"That's the problem. Come on, let's go make a cup of hot cocoa, okay? I'll show you how to do the dance again."
You're glad that they leave, though that soon melds to a bone deep guilt, kind to make you wanna get up and put on a smile and learn Eddie's new dance. You try to force yourself up. 
You sink deeper into the armchair. 
"Can I give her a hug?" Roan asks in the kitchen. She must think you can't hear her far away. 
"I'm sure she'd love that, but let's give her ten minutes, okay?" 
"Is she mad with me?" 
"No," Eddie says fondly. "She's definitely not mad at you. Just tired, babe."
"Will you toast my marshmalloweds with the flamethrower?" 
"Blowtorch," he corrects. You hear a drawer opening, a click, and Roan's impressed Woah.
I'm such a fucking dick, you think, curling into a ball. My poor loves. 
You sizzle in your bad mood, folding in on yourself as tightly as you can. They don't deserve to feel the cloud hanging over your head. Hopefully it'll blow over soon, and luckily they don't seem to mind. Eddie knows better than to think how you feel has something to do with him, or Ro, or that you'd ever take it out on them. 
You don't want work to make them feel shitty too. 
The kettle whines on the stove. You used to make cocoa in the microwave until Eddie found out about superheated water and said it was too dangerous. You can see him in your head pouring the hot water into their matching mugs, Garfield and Odie, Roan's very favourites donated from the Great Munson Mug Collection when she was a baby. Your heart hurts thinking about it 'cos usually you're standing there at the counter listening to her tell you how much she loves Odie the puppy. Eddie used to cut the Garfield strips out of every newspaper and save them in a plastic binder for her until she slowly lost interest, but the love is still there. The plastic binder is proof, tucked up on your bookshelf next to your photo albums and Eddie's records. 
"Sure you got it?" 
"Yes, daddy, I have it. Thank you for asking me." 
"Are you kidding? You're so welcome. Please don't burn your fingers." 
"I have the handle. You're doing that thing Y/N says you do with over drotectivity." 
"Over drotectivity, huh." 
"You're worrying about things more than normal dads worry and it's gonna give you chives." 
"Sweetheart." Eddie snorts, their footsteps approaching the living room. "It's called over protectiveness, and she thinks it gives me hives, not chives. Which it doesn't! I got hives one time and it was from that discount laundry detergent." 
"When Y/N put ointment on your back and said you felt like a rattlesnake!" 
You peek up from the depressed leather of the armchair your face is smushed in. Roan crosses the room with your favourite mug in her small hand, the weight of it straining her wrist. Cocoa sloshes over the side and a marshmallow rides the wave down onto the hardwood. 
"Don't slip," you say softly. 
"Won't slip," she says, grinning. Her smile is all Eddie like a master copy. "I made you cocoa in the best cup with just pink marshmalloweds 'cos the pink ones are for love." 
"What are the white ones for?" you ask.
You take the mug from her before she can burn herself. Eddie presses down on her shoulder as he sits on the floor in front of your armchair, wielding two mugs in one hand precariously. He swoops Roan into his lap and smiles at you from over her neatly coiled curls. "White ones are for making you taller." 
Roan points at her mug emphatically. "I got lots of white. I wanna sit in the front seat of the car." 
"That's a good reason," you say, slouched but not entirely collapsed in your chair, wondering why they've sat themselves at your feet and already knowing the answer. "Thank you for cocoa, Roro. I'm sorry I didn't dance with you earlier." 
Roan shrugs and leans back into Eddie's chest. He narrowly avoids scalding her, slurping a sip from the rim of his mug rather than have it pour down the side to splash her pyjama-clad shoulder. 
"That's OK. I didn't want to play Wombats with you last night and you still hugged me after teeth." 
She can be such a peculiar kid. Her vocabulary keeps growing in an explosion of mispronounciation and wrong definitions, as well as these unexpected shorthands; teeth means brushing her teeth. She'd brushed her teeth and dragged you to her room, imploring you to climb into bed with her for a half hour which you happily spent stroking her hair from her forehead and exchanging sleepy conversation. 
"Honestly, I didn't even think about Wombats. I just wanted to spend time with you," you say. 
Roan's little chin dips up and down as she nods, her hair bouncing against her cheeks. "Exactly! We don't have to dance. We can just sit down all night." 
"I like sitting down," Eddie adds. 
You lick your lips. They're too good for you, sometimes.
"Thank you, guys," you say, taking a sip of cocoa. 
Roan preens. Eddie puts his cocoa on the floor and his hand on your arm, the gap between you feeling smaller and smaller by the second, your bad mood at a low simmer rather than the roaring boil it had been. The ring on his pinky finger is distinct as his loving hand keeps you company, smothering the heat. 
They chat to one another and don't mind when you have nothing to say. All the sugar and love-flavoured marshmallows cheer you up some, enough to put down your empty mug and want a hug. 
"Come here?" you ask, laying back to make room. 
Roan makes a sound that can only be described as a rabid giggle and leaps onto the cushions. Eddie isn't far behind her, mugs forgotten and nearly kneed over as he encapsulates the two of you in his arms. 
"I'll be less grumpy tomorrow," you promise bashfully. 
"You're kinda cute when you're grumpy," Eddie says, indifferent. His smile curls against your shoulder. "Don't force it." 
"I like happy you and sad you," Roan says. 
You smile softly, tucking a silken curl of hair behind her ear. "I'm not sad," you promise, looking her in the eye and meaning every word, "I can't be sad for long with you and dad around." 
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jokeroutsubs · 10 days
[ENG translation] Joker Out: The destinies of "the Jokers" are linked
An interview with Joker Out published in the September 2024 issue of Pil magazine. Original article written by Jelka Šutej Adamič, photos by Vita Orehek. Translation by a member of JokerOutSubs, review by @kurooscoffee, proofread by IG GBoleyn123.
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The band Joker Out is at the centre of the Slovenian music scene, they're travelling from concert to concert, and they also have more and more fans. Right now, they're still on a big European tour titled 'See You Soon', on which they will have, or have had, at least 22 concerts in 13 countries¹. They've announced the release of a new album in the autumn. We caught up with them during the hot July days and chatted with Jure Maček, Kris Guštin, Jan Peteh and Nace Jordan, whilst Bojan Cvjetićanin wasn't able to join the conversation.
¹This interview was conducted in July 2024 and published in the September issue of Pil; the See You Soon tour is now already over.
A question that has probably been asked a hundred times already: how and when did you get together and form the band?
We formed the band out of two pre-existing ones, the bands Buržoazija and Apokalipsa. We met at a concert and decided that we should form a band together. That was in 2016, when we got together for rehearsals for the first time and named the newly formed band Joker Out.
Last autumn you sold out Stožice Arena, now you're preparing the new album and have been on a European tour for several months already. Did you imagine that you would rise so quickly?
Maybe not that it would be so quick, but we've always been quite ambitious, because we had hopes and dreams. It's true, however, that we didn't know exactly what it was that we wanted.
What would you suggest to beginners who have similar ambitions to you? How should they get to work?
They have to practise a lot and persist, they have to find the people around them who complete them. Our friends and family members helped us out a lot in the beginning. Jan's dad, for example, constantly drove us around for the first two years. We wouldn't have gotten anywhere without him. Our advice would be to use (in the positive sense of the word!) anyone who can offer help. But of course, you primarily have to play as much as possible, including with various musicians who show up on your path.
Aside from hard work, another important thing is probably the producer, someone who gives you direction, takes care of your sound, gives you advice?
Our producer is Žare Pak, who is admittedly a "peculiar fellow", but Joker Out probably wouldn't sound the same without him. He is the sixth ear of the band who listens critically and determines whether something is good enough to make a recording. At the end he puts everything we record into one package and that's what we then listen to.
Who are the other people who are by your side professionally?
We have Niko, our driver, security guard, the dad of the band. We have Maša and Sanjin who always make sure that we look good and make a good impression in interviews. Also very important is Mark Pirc, who started out as a video producer, but our collaboration has expanded into general visual artistic co-creation and coordination. Mark is our main visual producer. All the people who help out, who make a concert happen, are also part of our team, and that's not a small number. Right now, we wouldn't be able to put on a concert on our own anymore, without help. We also have to highlight Andraž Drobnič, who takes care of our clothes, our stage costumes.
Do you currently live in Ljubljana?
In Ljubljana, Logatec, and Vrhnika.
You performed in various venues on the tour – from Helsinki to Istanbul, where you're yet to go². Were any of the performances abroad particularly memorable?
Whenever we go to Finland, we're thrilled. It's always top-notch there. Last year we played in Turku where 2800 people came to listen to us, which was something special for us. The venue was sold out.
²The Istanbul gig the interviewer is referring to was later cancelled.
How does a festival performance differ from one in a concert hall or a club? Do you prepare a different programme for one versus the other?
A lot of people who don't know us come to a festival, and we adjust our playlist accordingly. The advantage of being at a festival is that we can hang out with other musicians who are playing at the same festival, because at solo concerts, we stay backstage. The most important thing at a festival is definitely that you also get the attention of people who don't know you, whereas at your own concerts, you primarily have to satisfy the wishes of your listeners.
And the audience? How does it differ from country to country?
They don't speak Slovenian anywhere, so it doesn't matter. (laughter) They differ in energy, since each country has its own unique energy. At some concerts, the audience is more intense and very energetic, at others, they sing very loudly or participate in clapping and singing on their own... Each country is a little different. Finns are the most like us, while Lithuanians are the best of all at waving. We do have a lot of fans who are with us at most of the concerts. They follow along...
Are you perhaps planning a tour in the USA?
No. Of course we'd like to go, but it's not the right time for a tour yet.
What else do you like to do when you're not behind your instruments or the microphone?
I spent all day yesterday fixing my moped. (Jure)
I like to cook, I made a good lasagna the other day! At home, I often take a look at what's happening on the music scene: innovations, new releases. (Jan)
I have a small puppy and I spend most of my free time trying to raise him to be a nice dog. (Nace)
I go to Rožnik³ to cool off. (Kris)
Basically, we like to use our free time for ourselves.
³Rožnik is a small wooded hill in Ljubljana, a very popular place for the locals to go for a walk and exercise.
Do you also hang out privately?
Yes. We would probably do that more if we weren't together so much for business too. We also go for drinks together or meet up at our rehearsal place to chat and hang out.
How do you react when you get recognised on the street? Are you nice to your fans?
We are nice and we take photos with people if they wish to do so. There might be a problem after concerts, when there are really a lot of people and you can't please everyone. But otherwise it's not a problem to sign an autograph, but what's best is to have a bit of a chat.
You've opened an Openstage platform, which makes it easier for your fans to access your activity. What has the response been like? Has it "stuck"?
It has stuck, but it's true that we constantly have to promote it. We've reached ten thousand fans on Openstage, which means that more than ten thousand people have access to exclusive things like, for example, hearing a pre-premiere snippet of our new single 'Šta bih ja', which was released in July. Besides that, they're always the first ones who can buy new articles, CDs, vinyls, and they will often have a chance to buy concert tickets on pre-sale, and maybe have some discounts too. We also get a lot of information out of it, which helps us going forwards. The fans tell us where they are and where they want to listen to us, so we can plan a tour based on that as well.
In 'Everybody's Waiting', a very intimate song, you highlight topics like anxiety, success, individualism ... How has success affected your lives?
Ever since Eurovision, we often get the feeling that we're not in control of our lives anymore. We are more or less dependent on a bigger goal and at least four other people. It seems like our future, our destiny is irrefutably linked now, and we often have a feeling that the individual can get lost within that.
I'm sure you're sticking with rock'n'roll. Nevertheless, are you still tempted by any other music genres?
We're staying based in rock'n'roll, but we can always add rhythms from other musical genres to our songs – from a hint of world music to jazz chords, electronic music, samba rhythms...
What do you think of Pil⁴?
We read Pil and we were always excited about the posters. We hope we will get another edition of the poster. (laughter) We're glad that Pil still exists, that it's just like the one we knew from our childhoods. The fact that we were already on a Pil poster once means a lot to us.
⁴Pil is a Slovenian magazine for pre-teens and young teens which has been published since 1948 and has been an important part of many Slovenians' childhoods and teenage years.
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irishhorse-blog · 1 year
I've been thinking about the tracklist for Golden, especially the writing credits. I confess that I sort of expected JK to write or at least co-write some of the tracks, so I was surprised that he didn't put pen to paper on anything.
Then I thought about what he's said about himself. He's said that he doesn't think he's good at writing songs, because he can't write lyrics that he likes. He constantly says how unintelligent he thinks he is, and I think the idea of writing for an actual album was too intimidating. He wasn't convinced that he would even release an album at all, according to what Bang Si Hyuk said in his interview. By the time they started presenting him with songs that other people had written, time was running out and he wouldn't have had the time and space to write and record an LP-length collection of his own songs.
He picked "Seven" and "3D" because he thought they'd be fun to sing, and, let's face it, they're catchy as hell and were always destined to be hits. As for the other songs, I would expect that he chose them for their sonic qualities and potential success, like how he selected the first two. He wants to be a hit, both in Korea and in the wider world. It stands to reason that he would want songs that were hit-worthy with a Western pedigree, at least to some extent.
So I was reconciling myself to the idea that the songs wouldn't be heartfelt and the lyrics wouldn't be illustrative of him at all. But then...
Then I thought about how for generations, singers have been interpreting songs written by others, but putting their own emotions and soul into the words. I thought about how I have turned to other writers - poets, lyricists, thinkers - to express my feelings when my own words were too weak, or too clumsy, or when I was feeling too much to let words flow at all, my emotions standing like a log jam in my throat.
Maybe these songs weren't written by JK, but he found something in them that resonated with him. Maybe it was their hit potential. Maybe it was their sound or their "fun" quotient. And maybe it was the lyrics, which might have been saying things he couldn't find a way to say for himself, especially in English.
You can't tell me that JK wasn't feeling some kind of way when he recorded his cover of "Falling." You can't tell me that he didn't feel the words for "Begin," even though Namjoon wrote them. The songs on this album will be helping him to display parts of himself, and he will sing these the way he always sings: with emotion, with dedication, with beauty and with intention.
I'm looking forward to the album. Even if he didn't write the songs, they're still going to give him a way to express himself, and I'm here for that expression.
Quick disclaimer: I know my interpretations of these songs and these performances will be subjective, but that's the way art has always been. Songs are heard by each person individually, colored by each individual's past experiences, present emotions and future hopes. We all live alone in a way, because nobody else will ever hear or feel or see things the way you do, or the way I do, or the way JK does. Humanity is connected but separated by the very singular, isolated perceptions of life that we all have. My interpretations may not be yours, but to me, they will be valid.
Let's give "Golden" a chance. I think it's got the potential to set the world on fire, because JK is destined for greatness. He always has been. It's time to let him shine.
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avianyuh · 11 months
Hello 👋👋 can I pls request BTS members unrequited love headcanons where they are in love with reader who is their friend. But reader is oblivious to their feelings and doesn't reciprocate because she is not a celebrity and she never thought that they will ever like her romantically. One day they get jealous when reader starts liking someone or maybe another member starts liking her?Thank you ❤️ ❤️
BTS getting jealous and confessing to reader
word count; 3,058
Seokjin had met you through a friend. 
You two had instantly clicked and Seokjin had fallen for you after a few months of knowing you. 
If he was being completely honest, he didn’t know why he had never come clean about his feelings. 
He had thought about it a lot and had come to the conclusion that you most likely just viewed him as a friend. 
So to him, he’d reather be in your life as a friend than lose you if you didn’t feel the same way. 
And for awhile, that all worked 
Until one day you had come over to his apartment to have dinner with him 
The night was going well
Seokjin had cooked dinner for you 
But then you broke his heart
“Seokjin! You’ll never guess what happened at the office today. You know that new guy who kept sitting with me at lunch? He asked me out’, you sighed clasping your hands together, all wide-eyed and red in the face. 
Seokjin felt his heart sink 
He wouldn’t be able to be around you if you started dating this guy
It’d be too painful for him to watch you
The woman who loved, with another guy
So unintentionally, he couldn’t help but blurt out, “I don’t think you should go out with him”
You’re smile disappeared as you looked at him, confused. 
“Why not?”, you asked him. 
His heart started racing. Quick, what should I say?, he thought to himself. 
He knew he had to come clean.
“Because, I like you.”
You’re eyes went wide again, but for a different reason this time. 
You were surprised. You never thought Seokjin had viewed you as anything more than a friend. 
“You like me?”, you asked staring at him. 
All he could do was keep his head down and nod his head up and down.
You stood up and walked over to him
Seokjin looked up as you pulled him into a hug. 
“Is this you telling me you feel the same way?”, he asked. 
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Though you and Yoongi work in the same profession, you led very different lives.
You were a producer. 
You didn’t have any social media. 
No one really knew who you were. 
You absolutely loved what you did
Which is what brought you to Yoongi.
You worked at Bighit and had been assigned to work on a song with him for his next album. 
The two of you bonded and Yoongi developed not only a friendship with you, but also a bit of a crush too. 
But, one night in the studio you had told Yoongi something that made him rethink his need and want to confess his attraction towards you. 
For reference; 
The two of you had been talking all night in the studio. The project had been finished for the day
Yoongi had been telling you about how he wished he could do some of the things he used to do before he had gotten famous. 
He felt like he couldn’t really go anywhere without the need of a bodyguard or a manager 
He missed his independence 
So when you had told him how you’d hate to give up your freedom and be famous. 
It had really gotten him thinking. 
If he were to confess his feelings for you, would you reject him because he was famous? 
Though he understood your feelings, it kind of crushed him 
He felt like you’d never want to date him because of your feelings toward being famous
And obviously, if you dated him, your privacy would be gone. 
So…he put his feelings on the backburner and tried to forget about it.
But, because you never knew he liked you 
And technically, you were not only co-workers, but also friends
His feelings were hard to get rid of because he had to see you all of the time
But one day when you mentioned off handely that you had gone on a date the night before
Yoongi had felt insanely jealous 
And he acidentally snapped at you
“I don’t want to hear about your stupid date okay Y/n?”
You looked at him, scrunched eyebrows, confusion and hurt evident on your face. 
“What’s wrong with you?”, you asked hesitantly. 
“I just don’t understand why you have to tell me about your dating life when I never even asked in the first place, that’s all”, he responded back angrily. 
By that point you felt uncomfortable, so you stood up from your seat in the studio and started gathering up your stuff to leave. Murmuring that you had somewhere to be and should get going. 
For a few seconds, Yoongi was actually going to let you go.
He thought that maybe this was all for the best.
You being in a relationship would help him get over you faster. 
But there was this tiny  voice inside his head that told him he’d regret letting you go without even trying to express his feelings. 
He sighed before calling your name. 
You turned around bracing for more hurtful words from one of your favorite people.
But unexpectedly, he walked over to you, saying a quick ‘sorry’, before pulling you into him and kissing you.
Yoongi braced himself for a slap, or a shove, but instead he felt you sink into his embrace. 
You broke the kiss first, looking up at him, “We have some things to talk about, but why exactly did you make things so hard for yourself?”, you asked, which received a laugh from him
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Hoseok had met you through his sister. 
She had a business event and the two of you had accidentaly bumped into each other
Which you both frantically apoligized to each other 
Which made you both start hysterically laugh 
And hence, a new friendship blossomed
Probelm was
Hobi caught feelings for you
But you had actually made it clear to him a few times that you didn’t want to be in picture with him or anything 
Mainly because you wanted to keep your privacy
So the two of you didn’t get to see each other often
It wasn’t out of character to not speak for a few weeks at a time
But you always invited in over to sit and chat about your recent whereabouts 
And considering how interesting Hoseok’s life is 
And just how infatuated he was with you
You both looked forward to these meet-ups
Well…except for this one
You had been chatting for an hour or two
When in the middle of your story about work, your phone went off 
You looked down at it
And Hobi couldn’t hepp but peak 
You sighed as you picked it up, unlocked it and started texting 
You put it back down and quickly apologized to Hosoek
Who waved you off, “Don’t worry about it”, he had said
You nodded in agreement and looked back down at your phone again, reading the response 
“Who is it?”, Hoseok asked. 
“This guy I’ve been seeing”, you said nonchalantly. 
Hoseok sat up straight at the sound of that
He tried to play it cool, “You were…seeing someone? Anyone I know?”, he asked you. 
“Uhh, no. Just some guy my friend  introduced me to a few weeks ago. It was actually right after you had come over that week. I just don’t know if I like him all that much, he’s kind of boring.”, you explained. 
Hobi would be lying if he didn’t admit that he was happy to hear that you weren’t interested in this guy. 
“What is your type Y/n?”, Hoseok asked, resting his head in the palm of his right hand, looking up at you almost like he was conducting an interview. 
“I don’t know, I guess I’m looking for someone funny. Someone who obviously isn’t boring…”, you said.
“Someone like me?”, Hoseok asked hesitantly. 
You looked up at him, squinting, “Yeah…I guess I’m looking for someone that reminds me of you.”, you couldn’t believe you were admitting that to him. 
“Then why not just date me? Isn’t that easier”, he asked, his smile slowly overtaking his serious interviewer expression. 
“I had no idea you were into me Hobi”, you said, also developing a smile. 
“Well now you do”, he said.
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You had met Namjoon randomly during an outing. 
You had been at the same museum, looking at the same exhibit. 
Namjoon had noticed you first, as you were trying to get a picture of yourself and the artwork displayed on the wall. 
He watched you for a few seconds, looking around to see if anyone had come with you to help you take the photo but he didn’t notice anyone 
At first he was going to walk away, but decided to approach you and ask if you needed someone to take the picture for you. 
“Excuse me, I noticed you were trying to take a picture. Um, if you need help I wouldn’t mind taking it for you?”, he asked kindly. 
You looked at him, responding with gratitude, “Oh, thank you so much! That would be great.”
You handed him your phone and walked backwards. Asking him if you should move over or readjust your position. 
You spent the next few minutes being redirected by Namjoon. 
After he took a few photos for you, you asked him if he had come to the museum alone, to which he responded that he had. 
You asked him if he wanted to walk through the rest of it with you, and possibly help you take more pictures
He agreed and boom, that was how you met
By the end of the museum tour, you had exchanged phone numbers and had became good friends. 
As you walked through the museum that day, you had asked him about what he does for a living, and thai took Namjoon back. 
Not because he was stuck up or offended that someone didn’t know he was in BTS
But it was actually because he found it cool that he had coincidentally met someone who didn’t know who he was
So when he told you, and watched as you gasped and covered your face in embarrassment, apologizing for not knowing. 
He immediately reassured you that you had no need to apologize to him
After that over the course of a few months of knowing each other, Namjoon had gotten to know your true feelings on a few different topics
One of those topics being your opinion on fame. 
More accurately, your opinion on how you could never imagine yourself as famous
You had told him how you thought it was too constricting and how ou didn’t know how he handled it so well.
Though he found it endearing how you obviously weren’t friends with him for fame
He kind of realized that you’d probably never want to be anything more than friends due to his job
But that changed when he had introduced you to his members one day
You two had made plans to go get coffee
You would come by the company building after his dance practice and then go to the cafe
But when you came inside and greeted everyone, Jimin took a likin to you very fast
He was cracking jokes with you and of course you were laughing because lets be honest Park Jimin is very charismatic. 
And Namjoon was starting to get angry
He became very jealous really fast
So, he quickly approached you and asked if he could speak to you outside. 
You agreed and followed him out of the practice room and into the hallway. 
He sighed and looked up at the ceiling
You asked him what was wrong
So he started with a question, “Are you interested in him?”
“Who?’, you asked, “Jimin? I just met him”, you explained look up at Namjoon. 
“I mean…it’s okay if you are I guess but…uh, I don’t know, I think you’d get along better with me.”, He shrugged, avoiding eye-contact with you. 
“Do you like me?”, you asked him. 
“Yes…I wasn’t sure if you knew”, Namjoon said. 
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Jimin had known you for over a year. 
He had never really viewed you as a friend and has always wanted to confess. 
But he knew you had no interest in fame so he decided to just try and keep his feelings to himself. 
He frequently introduced you to his other million friends (lol I had to)
And one of which was Jungkook. 
One of his closest friends and his group mate
He hadn’t expected anything to happen 
But when you told him a few weeks after the introduction that you had a date with Jungkook
He was very, very confused
In fact he actually stood up really fast and was like, “WHAT, WHEN, HOW, WHY”, and you side-eyed him 
“Don’t be so dramatic, he gave me his number after you introduced us.”, he had explained. 
And to be fair to JK, he had no idea that Jimin was into you since you had known each other for over a year and he made no moves. 
“I thought you didn’t want to be involved in anything that could get you linked to fame?”, Jimin asked you, trying to think of a plan to stop this *dreadful* date from happening. 
“I mean, I’m friends with you and nothing’s happened yet. I’m sure It’ll be okay”, you had said. 
Jimin got up from his seat and started pacing back and forth, still thinking of some excuse to give you as to why you shouldn’t go out with Jungkook. 
You had noticed his erratic behavior and asked him what was wrong. 
He looked at you and all he could say was, “I don’t want you to go out with Jungkook”, you looked at him ,puzzled as to why he cared so much. He noticed your expression and just decided to come clean. “I don’t want him to go out with you because…I like you. Ever since I met you, I’ve had a thing for you, I just never thought you’d be interested because you told me you didn’t want to be famous.”, you looked at him, then down at your phone.
You texted Jungkook explaining you had to cancel, and that was the day you started dating Park Jimin. 
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Similar to Jimin
You had been friends for over a year. 
Except you had met at a clothing store (I’m sorry IK this is predictable, I’m running out of ideas for where you meet. It’s tough writing 7 unique stories lol)
You had been working there and he came in one day and blah blah blah, you became friends over your shared love of fashion.
And honestly, Taehyung really valued your friendship and input on a lot of different things. 
He didn’t have any feelings for you as far as he could remember. 
But when one day over the phone you told him about how some guy had asked you out at a coffee shop that day while getting a drink with friends
He felt this weird feeling
Like he wasn’t happy for you 
That weird feeling he was feeling?
Yep, you guessed it; JEALOUSYYYYYYY
So he was kind of silent for a minute. And then he made up some excuse to hang up the phone because now he had to think about all of this.
Was he into you? He never viewed you in a romantic way, you were a close friend, nothing more, right? But the why would he be jealous, why would he not be happy for you?
So there he was. Laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling, utterly confused. 
But then he realized it, he’s obviously jealous BECAUSE he likes you. 
Who’s the person he calls first when he hears about good news? You
Who’s the person he goes to for advice on anything and everything under the sun? You
Who’s the person he stays up late talking to on the phone? You
Who’s the person he wants to be with? YOU
He immediately dialed your number
Yes, he knows it by heart 
And voila, confession.
Spoiler, you felt the same way. 
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I’ve made it to the last member
Okay, he actually met you through his friend Eunwoo (why Eunwoo? Idk, I know they’re friends and I don’t know where JK meets people lmao so yeah…Cha Eunwoo everyone…) 
Okay anyways, you met JK through him. 
How you were friends with Eunwoo, idk, but you weren’t famous, that’s what matters. 
Jungkook instantly liked you, but he actually thought that you liked Eunwoo, not him. 
But he actually ‘causlaly’, totally not casual btw, he asked Eunwoo if like…and I quote, “Knew if Y/n asked about me”, and Eunwoo was like, “Why? You like her?”, and Jungkook got all embarrassed 
But Jungkook begged him not to say anything and Eunwoo kept is word. But Jungkook still thought that it wasn’t worth asking you out because he genuinely thought he’d get rejected. 
But one day, the two of you were hanging out and you mentioned how you had been out with Eunwoo the other day. 
This made Jungkook mad.
And he got all huffy and puffy and you were really confused. 
“Did I do something wrong? You’re acting weird”, you asked him. 
“No”, is all he said in response. 
“Okay, anyways, I went to this restaurant with Eunwoo, it was so-”, Jungkook cut you off before you could finish. 
“I don’t care about Eunwoo. Why didn’t you ask me if I wanted to go. You know I love spending time with you”, he said angrily. 
You were shook
Like, jaw dropped, you never expected him to snap at you like that. 
“Jungkook…are you jealous”, you asked. 
“Do I really have to answer that?”, he responded. 
“You know there’s nothing between Eunwoo and I, right?”
“Well…now I do.”, he said. 
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{A/N; Helloooooo, I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to have a happy ending so I decided to end it with a confession (aka a happy ending) I hope this was good! Ty anon! Also I feel like when it comes to BTS, I write better for the hyung line. Idk why, but sorry lol if you read this and notice that the hyung line gets longer parts than the maknae line. Again, I’m not really sure why I have such a problem writing for them, especially Jimin and Taehyung} 
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thefrontofmymind · 10 months
12 Days of Christmas: Day 1 - Secret Santa
hello all! this is the first installment of @abiiors 's 12 Days of Christmas !!
NOTE: this is a continuation of Nothing's Changed, a oneshot I wrote a few months ago. i would say you should read it beforehand just so you know what's going on
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You weren’t nervous for the faculty secret santa, you’d seen a billion listicles of good generic gifts that could fit just about any of you coworkers.
It was only as you slyly opened the folded piece of paper you drew from the box and read the name, a shock went down your spine and you broke into a cold sweat. Ross.
You could argue it was silly to get so worried. You had your lists! But with Ross…it has to be special. You had to get him something meaningful–this was your first Christmas together, and granted you’d already ordered him a stack of vintage records of albums he loved, but you knew you couldn’t flake out and get him…a box of chocolates, for example.
But you had to be careful, anything too special could set off alarm bells in everyone else’s heads. It was common knowledge that you were friends in uni, and when given the chance you would be glued to each other’s sides, but there were policies about fraternisation between colleagues and you couldn’t lose this job.
You wracked your brain from the Wednesday morning of the name draw, up until Friday afternoon trying to think of something–anything–for Ross.
“You still here?” Lou said, popping her head through your doorway. “I thought I’d be the last one out of here tonight!”
You laughed–your neighbouring drama teacher was known for spending her evenings building set pieces and readying props and costumes for whatever performance her classes were doing next. “Just…milling around…”
“What’s up?” In the few months you’d known her, it seemed Lou always had the knack for sensing when someone was off; she’d know to send a student to the school nurse just with one glance at them.
“It’s silly, really…” You trailed off.
“It’s clearly bothering you, what’s up?” She persisted, taking a seat on the desk closest to your work station at the front of the room–where Ross would sit to eat lunch with you everyday for the past 2 months.
“I just don’t know what to get my secret santa–I know it’s stupid to get all worried about it–just…you know, I need it to be perfect,” you answered.
Lou let out a sigh. “What are you doing tomorrow? We can go into town and I’ll help you find a gift.” 
You breathed a sigh of relief at the idea of help. Though, how would you go about with Lou’s help without her cottoning on to the fact that the one reason you were so nervous was that you didn’t want to toe the line of co-workers and romantic partners too much around the people that couldn’t know.
“And maybe I’ll find something for my gift,” she continued. “What do you get Jimmy in Geography, anyway?”
“A map?” You joked.
“Well I imagine he probably has enough of those laying around,” Lou answered with a grin. “Who do you have anyway?”
“Ah, right, I get it now…” she commented before leaving, calling out a quick ‘I’ll drop by at 10!’ as she strolled out the door.
It wasn’t as cold as you expected the next morning. The sun had come out and there was a light layer of dew over the outside frames of the windows of your flat. You could even get away with just wearing your coat with a normal t-shirt for once.
You spoke to Ross the night before–he had grading to do before the end of term so he was spending his whole Saturday in a hole in his living room, surrounded by four classes worth of history essays to read. You were grateful he didn’t ask what your plans were, you just left it at a ‘then I’ll leave you to it’ and he seemed satisfied with it.
And in a stroke of rare luck, Lou was at your doorstep at 10 on the dot, with two oat milk lattes in her hands. It was never her forte to be on time, but you were glad your morning wasn’t full of anxiously waiting around for your coworker–and now friend. 
“So what are you thinking?” Lou asked as you strolled through the crowded street mall you found yourself in. She pointed to a fancy cosmetics shop. “Cologne or something maybe?”
“Not personal enough, I think,” you answered. “Why couldn’t I just get someone I don’t know anything about?!”
Lou laughed. It made you realise you may have been overthinking it just a little. You’d known Ross for years, you loved him… You just had to go with your gut.
“You and Ross are close, huh?” Lou continued after a few moments of silent strolling.
“In uni…we were inseparable,” you replied. “Like really close.”
She gave you a look, wide eyes. It was a silent question. Just how close? You gave one curt nod in response, a sign that you couldn’t talk about it, but it was clear what the answer would be.
Suddenly you felt like a weight had come off your chest. Finally you were honest to someone about Ross. You realised you didn’t have to completely hide your relationship, you just had to be careful about it. You immediately caught onto the notion that by and large you didn’t need to overthink this all; just go with your heart, and you’ll find the perfect gift for the most perfect man.
Walking past a jeweller, a gold glint caught the corner of your eye. It was a display in the window–a gold chain, not too delicate, but thick enough for you to see it immediately. You made a b-line for it without even looking to Lou. Every link interlocked with each other and laid so smoothly. 
You remembered Ross wore a thin chain in university–you remembered it dangling over your face as he hovered above you, begging for him to drown you in kisses yet again. At some point over the years he must have either lost it or forgone it as a growing moment. You missed it tickling your face, hiding within his chest hair like a hidden treasure waiting to be unearthed–you got butterflies just thinking about it.
Sure, it was a little out of the price range for the gift exchange, but you always took those sorts of things as just a guideline. You and Lou walked out of the little family-owned shop with a tiny navy blue bag in your hand and a spring in your step.
You kept one eye on the small wrapped box under the tree in the staffroom during the staff party. Even though no one, bar Lou, knew what it contained, you were still worried someone would take it or misplace it or mistake it for their own gift. Through drinks and shallow conversations about your holiday plans and picking at the spread of potluck appetisers provided but almost everyone in the room, every so often you would just quickly glance to make sure it was still in it’s spot sitting atop a wrapped cylinder that you could only guess was a candle–it made you giggle to yourself to think that someone panicked and grabbed the first think they could think of, the most basic gift imaginable.
You spent most of your time glued next to Ross. He looked so…beautiful in his knitted red sweater with his hair pulled back like usual. You just couldn’t wait for him to open his gift. You couldn’t help but stare at the glint in his eyes as he chuckled along with the group at Kerry from biology’s story about her sons’ antics.
After about an hour and a half of mingling, it was finally time for the gifts. You all sat in a big circle around the staff room as Principal Janine handed out the wrapped presents. You giggled at the gag gifts, smiled at the sweet gifts, and tried to hide your confusion at gifts that were clearly some kind of inside joke you weren’t privy to.
Janine finally picked up the box for Ross. “And this one’s for…Ross!”
You could barely contain your excitement as he began to tear at the corner of the wrapping. You could tell he was being gentle with it, trying to ignore the spurs of “rip it!” from the group. He looked inquisitively at the small velvet box once it was free from the paper.
“Open it,” you whispered from beside him. You almost missed the glint in his eye as he slyly glanced at you. You knew you’d already given the game away–he knew it was from you.
The gold chain didn’t sparkle as much as you hoped under the fluorescent lights of the staff room, but it still caused a mist in Ross’ eyes just the same.
“So who do you think it’s from, then?” Lou asked with a grin–after all, she was there with you when you bought it.
“It can only be from one person, I reckon.” He smiled and placed a firm hand on the back of your shoulder.
You could’ve melted under his touch then and there. Even with all the private escapades you had gotten up to, nothing could compare to the adrenaline rush you felt at the tiniest amount of affection you could show each other in public.
“Well, I noticed you don’t wear one anymore! I thought you could get a little nostalgia from it!” You were smiling so wide, it looked like someone had stuck a clothes hanger in your mouth.
You noticed that underneath the tree was beginning to get sparse. Only about half a dozen gifts were left, you wondered which one was yours.
Janine grabbed a bulky, square-shaped, wrapped box and read the nametag on it. She joyfully passed it to you.
You couldn’t help but immediately tear the wrapping, making just an ounce of the mess you used to love making on Christmas morning when you were a kid.
It was a bottle of perfume. Not just any bottle. Britney Spears’ Midnight Fantasy. You let out a deep chuckle once you’d registered what it was–the perfume you were just about addicted to in uni, you pretty much had a stockpile running of them for your full 3 years there.
You heard a laugh from beside you. Ross had a smile just as wide as yours, his cheeks had all bunched up and he got those little creases at the edges of his eyes that you loved so much.
“Of course!” You bellowed. You realised everyone else in the room looked confused, you thought it’d be kind to clue them in. “I was obsessed with this perfume in uni, like, I don’t think I ever wore another perfume then.”
“Never! We knew you’d be coming when we could smell it while you were still a mile up the road!”
Ross’ cheeks were lit but the LED tealights surrounding your flat. You set up a picnic of sorts–inside, of course, no one in their right mind would stay outside in the freezing temperatures for longer than necessary–with an Indian takeaway.
It was small moments like this, the intimacy, that made you appreciate Ross even more. You’d thought it out and come to a conclusion; you didn’t mind that you couldn’t be all love-y with each other in public, it was the private times that counted, and with each interaction you could feel yourself falling further and further.
“I hope you like it,” you said, when discussing your secret Santa gifts–coincidentally to each other.
“Are you kidding, love? You’ll have to wrestle it off me now!” He smiled, a little wonky from the two bottles of wine you’d shared that evening.
You giggled. “I’m glad, and likewise with the perfume I…I can’t believe you remembered the exact one.”
“Of course I did!” He replied. He placed his plate on the picnic blanket that was sprawled out on your living room floor. “I actually have something else–to go along with it…”
He shifted and turned to dig through his bag, normally filled with supplies for school and his laptop. He retrieved a brown paper binded scrapbook.
“This was the-uh-second part of the gift,” he continued. “But I couldn’t quite give you this bit in front of everyone else.”
He handed you the book, and you finally got a good look at the cover. There was a picture of the two of you back from some university party back in the day–probably scoured from someone’s Facebook memories. You tried to hide your cringe at your outfit, not quite something you would wear today.
You began to flip through the pages. Photos from your year together, tickets to the films you saw at the cinema, a concert ticket or two as well. Each page had a little paragraph written right onto it in Ross’ scribbly yet concise handwriting–sometimes explaining a memory of a day in the fall when you got excited to watch Hocus Pocus with him, or a poem about snow falling down on you and resting in your hair.
You flipped to the last page, there was a lengthy letter written.
My love,
If all is going as planned, I’m watching you read this right now. I could stare at you forever, you know that?
You looked up to see Ross smiling at you, you couldn’t help but let out a schoolgirl-like giggle.
Even though you’ll vehemently deny it, the truth is you are the most beautiful sight in the world. Ever. I will never get sick of being graced by those eyes, the curve of your neck into your shoulders, your arms that you swear dangle just a little too far to be proportionate, and those hips–my word, those hips.
I could go on about your looks forever, but that is barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the marvel that is you. You’re always so kind, so caring, and you’re the smartest in most rooms you’re in.
For a long time I thought the only chance I had with you was gone when we split so long ago. I must’ve accrued some bloody good karma to give me a second chance at loving you. I know it hasn’t been that long this time around yet, and I know we’re bound for a hassle the longer this goes on, but I want you to know that I’m in it. Whatever it takes, you are staying in my life and there’s not a chance I’m letting you go again.
All of this to say, I love you.
Your Ross
P.S. Don’t feel pressure to say it back or anything. It’s just important that you know.
You couldn’t stop the grin on your face. There was heat spreading all across your face and neck. You realised you hadn’t looked back up at Ross yet–you just couldn’t help but re-read the last few lines of his letter. I love you. I love you. I love you.
When you finally looked back at him, you could see his smile had faltered just a little. He was worried about your response.
You tried to find the words to tell him how you felt. How perfect this all was.
“Sorry if I…overstepped,” he started. “I just had to get it out, you know? Like there was this-”
You cut him off with a kiss. A deep kiss. The kind that did all the talking for you. The kind where you didn’t care that your teeth hit each other on impact and your neck was craning in an awkward position and all of Ross’ weight was settled on one hand leaning on the carpet and it was beginning to aggravate the skin on the palm of his hand.
In the end, none of that mattered. Because you loved each other, and after so long without one another that was the most important thing in your life.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
Fem!Reader x Postal 1 Dude
I noticed there is no fics of p1 Dude getting the p2 hair cut so 😱😱 I thought I would fix that!!!!!!!! UhhmmMM kinda of a au I guess where p1 didn’t go postal and he is trying to better himself :,0c tw for talking about religion uHH and scars
The fic gets a little silly towards the end :,)
As you swept the floors of the old hair salon for what felt like the hundredth time tonight, all you could think about was how much you wanted to quit. Since yet again, you’d been left alone to handle customer after customer all afternoon because all of your co-workers had came up with some reason or another to ditch early.
You hadn’t minded it the first couple times to be honest. You had initially thought maybe things just ran a bit differently here since all the workers seemed so tight-knit, which well, was the truth but you also quickly caught onto the fact that they all treated you differently since you were the younger newbie while they were all older ladies that for some reason acted like they had reasons to think they were all better than you and you had all the time in the world to work while they ‘needed’ to go out and do god knows what. You were sure having all this extra work dumped onto you recently breaks some kinda law or something somehow, but each night you came home, you were too exhausted to dig into it all since you felt like you couldn’t do much else other than have a quick meal and pass out for the night each night.
You sighed as you sat the broom back up against the wall and told yourself you’d have to remember to look up labor laws when you would finally wake up whenever you did tomorrow. Thank god it was Sunday tomorrow. It was the only day the salon was closed all day since your co-workers were die hard Christians who attended church.
While they were all going to be out worshiping some man in the sky, you were going to be sleeping in and eventually trying out that new game you bought and maybe listen to that album that you hadn’t had time recently to go through. Man once you left this place and joined a more stable and less stress inducing environment-
The sound of the loud ding from the bell above the front door cut your thoughts off as you jumped in surprise. You forgot there had been one more name put in for today since it had became dark out and things had slowed down and gotten quiet.
Quickly turning your head towards the front door you were met with a sight you really hadn’t expected. There, standing in front of the door was that one man you’ve seen a couple times acting strangely around town. It was really hard not to notice him to be honest since he was so tall, large, ginger and imposing. He also dressed somewhat odd for the current season and had shaggy long hair.
You’d been curious about him for some time now to be honest. He stood out so much and you had always loved and admired that in a person but right now you couldn’t help feeling at least a little nervous at the fact he was just…standing there and looking at you like a deer in headlights but since this was the last customer for the night and you could go home after this… maybe you could just speed this along or somehow kindly get him to leave if he was still freaking you out so you gave him the best smile you could muster up before you made your way up towards the old busted up computer near the front to check for his appointment information.
“Hi there! Are you uhm….” You refreshed the page the computer always sat on and looked at the name put in. Dude? Oh yeah.. you remember seeing that name added earlier on in the day and honestly thought it had been some kinda weird prank to just mess with someone’s schedule but he was here at the same time the appointment was set up for. “Uh- Dude?” You asked before looking up towards him again. He only stood there for a moment longer before making his way up toward you with a nod as he looked towards the ground. “Oh.” You smiled as he stood awkwardly in front of you and rung his hands together slightly. “Is that a nickname or something?”
The man glanced up at you and shrugged. “I just go by Dude.” He mumbled out. Oh wow.. his voice was a lot more different than you’d imagined it being. For some reason since he gave off loner vibes you were thinking he’d sound kinda nerd-ish but this man could make tons of money doing audiobooks if he wanted, but something told you he wouldn’t be willing to do that. He really should though with that deep, smooth voice. “Oh okay. I see. I thought it was just someone pulling a prank.. we get crazy names sent in sometimes yknow?” You explained still grinning. Dude didn’t do much though other than nod again and put his hands into his pockets while looking at you.
“Yeah.. anyways. Come with me if you wanna get started or if you need a little time to decide-” he shook his head in the negative. “Ah ok. Follow me then.” You said as you motioned over and led him towards the only booth still opened. You spun the chair towards his direction and he took a seat though he did so somewhat awkwardly. You could just tell he was anxious with the way he seemed so tense with almost every move and all you could really figure was he wasn’t used to both talking to people and going to places like this often. He probably hasn’t had his hair professionally cut in years by the looks of it. Not that it looked particularly bad, just his hair was super long with some choppy parts that weren’t probably put in there on purpose.
And from the looks of it, it didn’t seem like he didn’t keep good care of it either since you could already see a tangle you’d have to probably fight with. “So..what were you looking to get done today sir?” You asked as you went ahead and grabbed a cape and began to put it around him. “Just a trim.. I guess.” He mumbled again.
You hummed and once the cape was secure, you began to move his hair out of his face from behind as you looked at him in the mirror in front of you both and that’s when you noticed, with the booths light shining brightly and just feeling the hair itself, that his hair was pretty greasy. You weren’t going to judge him for it of course, you’ve seen much worse from much ruder customers so all you did for a moment was just mess with his hair a bit longer before deciding to do a little something extra for him.
“Since I’m the only one here and I’m closing up shop after you leave.. I wouldn’t mind washing you hair a bit. I think it could help out with how your hair will come out.” You offered with another grin. Honestly you’ve always felt a little bad for the guy since it seemed like he probably didnt or couldn’t practice self care often. “Can’t afford it.” He replied blankly.
“Oh- No! I mean like I’ll do it for free. I don’t mind and I think your hair will turn out really nice after a rinse.. and well I kinda like playing with longer hair anyways.” You said, hoping the last bit will get him to agree. He was silent for a minute as though he was weighing his options before he answered. “If it won’t be much of a issue I guess that’s fine..”
“It won’t be at all!” You assured him. “But would you mind taking off the sunglasses? It might make things a little difficult.” You added in.
He gave a little nod before taking off his sunglasses and sat them down on the little counter table before he rubbed his eyes, trying to get adjusted to the brightness of the room (you supposed) and once he moved his hands and finally opened his eyes, you really couldn’t help but to let out a “oh my god..” since the man’s eyes were such a vibrant green that you’d never seen before in your life. It almost seemed unnatural how bright his eyes and hair are. He was honestly a pretty handsome guy with all of his unique features and traits.
He looked kinda anxious though at you after you said that and kinda frowned while looking away. “What?”
“Sorry it’s just- your eyes. They are so fucking bright. I’ve never seen anyone with eyes like yours before..it’s really cool Dude!” You explained to him as you watched him look off. Noticing his face going a little red, you couldn’t help but feel a little flutter in your heart. Though he was pretty intimating on the outside, you were quickly learning he’s probably always this nervous. He said a quiet thanks while still not looking towards you.
You only stood there a moment longer before deciding to go ahead and prepare to get things set up over at the hair washing area, grabbing a shampoo and conditioner before calling him over to you once you’d gotten settled. “Ah, before you sit down maybe you should take your leather coat off. I would hate for it to get messed up with all the water and stuff.” You walked up towards him as you continued “Here let me help take the cape o-”
“N-no I got it. I can just take it off with it on.” He assured you before shimmying the jacket off and tossing it to a empty chair nearby. You couldn’t help but notice what looked like older scars all up and down his arms since he was wearing a t-shirt underneath but of course you didn’t say anything. You had your own scars you didn’t want someone else asking about so you just nodded. “Alright. Well, sit down if that’s everything and you’re ready.” You said as you made your way back to your spot as he listened. “And lean back.”
Once he did so and you’d started the process, you reminded him to tell you if the water was too hot or cold which he replied to with “it’s fine right now”, and with that knowledge you finally set to work.
You never really got to mess around much with mens hair. Most guys that came in or just lived around town in general had boring, short hair that you couldn’t ever do much with, which was another reason you’d wanted to know more about the man. He seemed to be the only other alternative person in this town other than yourself. So it was great you finally were maybe getting to know him some and being able to run your fingers through such bright red hair that you’d been curious about for a bit. You’d honestly thought maybe he had it dyed the first time you seen him but nah, this close you could see Dudes freckles, and those eyes proved he’s just 100% ginger through and through. Had you ever met a ginger before actually? You’d met some people with dyed red hair before in your old town but that was like.. red red this is red and-
Shit. Since you were lost in your thoughts, you knocked over the bottle of conditioner you had set on the other side of Dudes head which had startled him. “Ah fuck. Sorry about that Dude. I think I really need to get some sleep soon, huh?” You joked as you leaned over him to set the bottle back up. When you were sitting it back up you heard him make a strange sound however and once you gave him a quick look- yeah. You had your tits basically right in his face and he was redder than his own goddamn hair. It really didn’t help you’d had only a tank top on for a shirt since you’d gotten hot while cleaning around the salon earlier. “Oh- I uh-” you muttered out as you felt your own face getting hot since he was looking at you with those dumb green eyes, wide opened.
He held his hands together under his chest and quickly just tried to shift his gaze up at the ceiling, probably just hoping you’d ignore what just happened. Which, yeah what the hell were you going to say? ‘Sorry for putting my boobs in your face?’ Augh, god how embarrassing..You’d had it happen before where a guy was checking..those out while you were washing his hair but you felt more pissed off than embarrassed back then. Dude over here looked like he was trying to remember everything he’d ever learned at church about being a good christian boy which was honestly kinda cute despite the fact you both just wanted to hide from each other right now.
You just sucked it up though and tried to carry on with washing his hair and he helped a bit by settling to close his eyes while you continued and at least near the end, he looked more relaxed while his eyes were closed than they’d been ‘fighting every demon in his mind’ forced closed earlier.
Soon you had him back over at the original chair you had him in, currently brushing his hair. “So, are you sure you wanna do this big guy?” You asked as you got his hair finally ready to cut. “Yeah. Just uh-, not too much. Just a trim remember?” He asked as he stared at himself and you in the mirror. “Yep. Just going to fix it up a bit.” You said as you went ahead and cut a particular piece of his hair that had been bugging you with how janky it had been cut. “Do you usually cut your hair yourself? Or do you get it cut somewhere else?” You asked.
“Cut it myself. I went here once uh..maybe three years ago and I got yelled at to leave by some lady.”
“Why? What did ya do?”
“Nothing. She said something about devil worship or something. Which was funny since I was wearing the same necklace I’m wearing right now back then.” He replied. His gaze now mostly focused on only you in the mirror. You rolled your eyes at the fact one of your co-workers actually said that. “Damn. Sorry. I couldn’t even tell you who it was that probably said that since they are all like that.”
He gave you the first grin ever since he’d gotten here though only for a moment. “Yeah. Thought I would maybe get lucky and get someone less crazy this time around. All the other places that cut hair are too long of a walk or drive to get to.”
You nodded. “Mhm. That’s the only reason I’m working at this dump. My place isn’t too far from here. I’m not really into all the Christianity stuff..” Remembering the cross necklace he wore, you quickly added in, “No offense.” And then, oh boy did he do the most attractive chuckle you’ve ever heard. It was oddly dark which was.. very hot. “None taken. I uhm. Kinda have a weird relationship with religion. I won’t tell anyone what to do with their life. I wanted people help people see the ‘good’ before but-…….” His slight grin faltered back into a blank expression. “Eh uh. Nevermind.”
Deciding to ignore that last part for now thought it was a little odd.. you agreed. “I don’t have the time to even worry about that stuff. All I ever do it work or sleep. Well maybe I could dream about Jesus and whatever in my sleep but eh.”
“Nah. Just do what feels natural to you if it’s healthy of course. I think at least.. but uh- anyways. I’m glad I got you today. You seem really cool. A lot better than those old ladies.”
“Well that’s not much of a competition but thanks.” You joked with a grin. He grinned also again at that. His smile was something you were beginning to cherish since it just gave him this sort of glow.. “You seem cool too. I’ve seen you around and wanted to know you to be honest.”
Dude was silent as he just listened to more of his hair get snipped off. “Oh really? Well that’s nice.. I’m usually in my own head so much I don’t really notice who’s around.” He replied honestly. “I see. I know I’m not a rememberable lady. You don’t gotta lie.” You joked again to which he rolled his eyes to with a grin.
Soon enough you finished with his hair and both of you were extremely happy with the results. It looked way more healthy with all those dead ends and tangles gone. Once you were showing it off to him, he’d smiled wider than you’d seen him smile all night which again tugged at your heart. You knew he just needed that extra push to see how great you can feel when you take care of yourself.
Another tug to your heart came around the time he’d paid and was getting ready to leave, knowing that he probably wouldn’t come back again for a while and you’d just have to go back to cranky Karens wanting their hair cut once work started back up. You really wanted to spend a lot more time with him and get to know him even more and what his story was..maybe you could ask if he’s busy-
“Anyways. Thanks for the haircut y/n. I really like it. I’ll see you around?” He asked, interrupting your thoughts like he’d done when you first met him. “Oh uh- yeah! Next time I see you in public I’ll try to say hi!” You smiled. He nodded with a grin also and after a couple more words, he left just like that. Damn. Well at least he knew of your existence now. That’s something at least.
And what do you know?! A couple weeks later Dude reappeared to your surprise! He didn’t put in a appointment this time which annoyed one of your annoying co-workers but you honestly couldn’t give a damn. Since you had no one else specifically booked for you today you happily took him and cut his hair way shorter than last time per his request. Apparently he found having even semi shorter hair helped him feel better about himself so why not try something new and see how he’d like something way shorter. And in his words it would be easier to take care of so (though with a slightly heavy heart since you liked his long hair) you gave him what he wanted and not surprisingly, he looked damn handsome. You were sure so many people would be jealous of how he could rock both short and long hair, you know you were at least.
He had that big smile again and wouldn’t stop touching it and going on about how nice it felt to not have all that hair, making you giggle a little as you took the cape off him. “You look great Dude. The only thing I don’t like is all this damn hair I’m gonna have to clean up off the ground now.” You joked, ignoring the side eye you got from the worker walking past you for ‘swearing.’
Dude ran his hand through his hair one more time before turning the chair around towards your direction, his smile not leaving as he reached into the inside of his trench coat. “I’m glad you like it also because I was wondering..” he trailed off until he found whatever it was he was looking for, which turned out to be a random fake rose. “I should have asked before I left last time but uh- I would like to get to know you better and they are playing this one horror movie at the theater tonight’s so.. I was wondering if you’d like to come with?”
You stood frozen a bit though you could feel your face get a little warm which wasn’t helped by the customer next to you both covering her mouth all ‘happy shocked’ for you both (and again, you ignored all the side eyes of your co-workers) as you took the ‘rose’ from Dude and grinned. “Of course Dude! I was hoping you’d ask to be honest.” He grinned and stood up. “Great! I’ll see you at eight?” He asked.
You looked around at the old, saggy, mean ladies you were supposed to call ‘family’ and smiled. “Eh fuck it. Let’s go hang out right now. They can handle this place without me. Can’t you ladies?” You grinned with a goodbye wave as you took Dudes hand and left.
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pixiedust0 · 2 years
𝐴 𝑚𝑒𝑠𝑠
❥𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢 - 𝙰𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝚊𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚌𝚊𝚗’𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙 𝚑𝚒𝚖𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚏 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚜𝚎
❥𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝 - 𝟸.𝟶𝙺
❥𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 - 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝 𝚒 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚜? 𝙸 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚍𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚜.
❥𝙰/𝚗 - 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚒𝚜 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚖𝚒𝚡 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙰 𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚜 (𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚢 𝟺 𝚞). 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚖𝚢 𝚏𝚢𝚒 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙸 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚐 𝚕𝚘𝚕 𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚍𝚘 𝚊 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟸 𝚒𝚏 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚢𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚓𝚘𝚢.
Masterlist Part two
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It had been eight months.
Eight months since Jack lost the love of his life. Eight months since he was truly happy. Eight months since he could get a decent nights sleep. He missed you. Way more than he thought he would.
He thought about you every day. He was a mess. Everyone saw it, urban the most since he lived with him. He hadn’t talked you in almost five months. His choice of course. He told him self he cutting ties and getting a fresh start.
You two have dated for three years and in those three years you did everything together. You had developed an emotional attachment to each other which was understandable. The last time you had spoken was the day his album had released.
It was a short conversation. You shot him a quick Text saying congratulations on the album and he just responded with a thank you. He didn’t even know if you had heard it. He hoped you did most of the song were about you. Hell all of them had something in them that applied to you.
He was getting bigger and the Recognition he deserved but all he think about was how you weren’t by his side. How when he bought his first house you wouldn’t be staying in it with him. Now it was just him and urb. God he missed you.
He will admit it was his fault for the break up. He didn’t even really want to break up. He knew the long you were together the more serious it would get. He wanted kids with you he want marriage. He wanted all of that. He just got scared so he packed all his things and left.
He moved back to Kentucky and you were in New York now. He heard that from urban. He knew you guys kept in contact which he was fine with. Apparently after he left your shared Atlanta apartment you ended up leaving the city as well. When he asked urban why he told him you said ‘𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠’
Which to be fair there were. After the break up his management convinced him (more like made him) start a fake PR relationship. He liked Selena she was nice. He didn’t have any romantic feelings towards her and she didn’t have any towards him. She had actual boyfriend anyway. They had been faked dating for six months.
She was a really famous actress and he was a very popular rapper. There teams thought they just fit. Maybe in hindsight if she didn’t have a boyfriend and he wasn’t still so in love with you they would have. Every time they were forced to go out and be seen in public they mostly talked about you or her boyfriend.
Which one of the times they were walking Jack swore he saw you. He wrote it off on his imagination playing very cruel tricks on him. Fake dating an actress and real dating a musician were two very different things. He missed going to the studio with you. He missed bouncing ideas off of eachother.
He just missed you.
Like right now he was just staring at the ceiling of his hotel room thinking about you. He was in New York filming him co hosting with jimmy Fallon. He didn’t have to be on set for another six hours and he was supposed to be resting but he just couldn’t. A text message on him phone disturb him every more.
He reached over looking at the name on the screen ‘Selena’.
Selena: Hey…you okay?
Jack: Yeah why wouldn’t I be?
Selena: You haven’t seen it then..
Jack: Seen what?
He waited for a few minutes his nerves starting to increase as the three little dots kept appearing and disappearing. Finally she replied with an article from tmz. The headline made his breath catch in his throat.
‘𝑆𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑌/𝑛 𝐿/𝑛 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑒𝑥 𝐽𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑜𝑤’
You hadn’t made music in a year. Solely because you working on your album and if you finally Put out one song meant there were two more to come before you finally put out the whole thing. He was scared you made a song about him? He was scared about all the things you could have said.
His phone soon flooded with messages and calls from all his team and friends. One stuck out though it was for Urban.
Brother👏🏼: *Location* go see her while you have the chance she lives on the penthouse floor you gotta be buzzed up
He quickly got up grabbing his wallet and phone stuffing it into his pockets. Putting on his shoes, throwing on a hoodie grabbing his keys and walking out the door. He made it to his car and got inside. Grabbing his phone turning on the gps.
You only stayed fifteen minutes way from the hotel. He opened Apple Music and searched your name finding the song. ‘A mess (Happy 4 u)’. You were a mess too? He hadn’t heard your voice in so long. He honestly didn’t cared the whole song you were talking shit about him he just missed hearing you sing.
He knew you wouldn’t be though. You were the kindest person he had even met and you had the biggest heart he had ever seen. You were ridiculously funny and supportive. One of the things he loves about you was how down to earth your were to him you were just so in tune.
He clicked on the song placing his phone in the little stand on the dashboard and took off to your apartment.


Hmm, mmm
As soon as he heard the beat he got nervous. Maybe all this was a mistake he could just show up after eight months. He left he hurt you shit he hurt himself. You deserve so much better he went to turn the car around but it was to late he heard it.
No bad blood but we don't speak
It's been one-hundred-fifty days or twenty-one weeks
Who's countin' though?
God there it was that beautiful voice he missed so much. You knew exactly how many days since you two had talked? I mean he wasn’t one to talk he did too. To be honest he probably had it broken down to the second. But he would never admit that.
I saw you holdin' hands on New Bond street
She in the same cute tee that you bought me
She rockin' it though
He wasn’t crazy he did see you. He knew it. It just hit him you like the rest of the world thought him and Selena were together. But he wasn’t he was in love with you.
And you know I'd be lyin' if I said, "I don't feel nothin' at all"
I've been tryna be the bigger person but it's hard when I've been feelin' so small
And nobody knows
I'm still a mess
Oh, since you left
If I can't be happy, happy with you
I'll be happy, happy for you
I guess, no hard feelin's
'Cause love's lookin' good on you
If you're happy I'm happy, I'm happy for you
No you thought he was happy with her? He wasn’t he loved you. He didn’t know how many times he would have to say that. You were happy for him? See that’s that big heart he was talking about.
We fine (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Got my peace sign (in the air, yeah, yeah)
Baby we fine (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
If you're happy I'm happy, I'm happy for you
Don't wanna be sour but it's bittersweet (oh-oh)
A bad taste in my mouth 'cause you're over me (oh-oh)
Time to let go
Please don't say, "Hi", I don't wanna be rude
She seems so sweet and I'm tryna be cool
Hold tight all my broken-hearted
And you know I'd be lyin' if I said I don't feel nothin' at all
And I
I'm gon' get my drink on, fix my makeup, ain't got time for bein' emotional
And nobody knows
You thought he was over you? You thought it was time to move on? No you were the love his life he could’ve sworn you are his soulmate. He couldn’t picture life without you and for the last eight months he had to live it with out you and he just couldn’t stomach it anymore.
Jack told him self he could see you writing this song like he was in the room or something. He could see you pacing around listening to the beat over and over again making sure it was perfect. He could just see the crumbled up balls of paper on the ground filled with verses you hated.
He could see you in the bouth recording the way you would squeeze you eyes shut every time you hit a high note. The way you probably walked in there with a salad drenching it in ranch fully planning on eating it. But Your probably ending up throwing it away because it got soggy because you forgot you had it, to busy writing.
You probably ended up ordering yourself a pepperoni pizza with stuffed crust because it was your go to. Which you would also end up drenching in ranch. Another thing he loved about you. You obsession with ranch was almost as big as his.
When I see you walkin' by
(Check, check myself)
Don't wanna look into your eyes
(Protect myself)
'Cause the feelin's never lie
We fine (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Got my peace sign (in the air, yeah, yeah) (oh-oh)
Baby we fine (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
If you're happy I'm happy, I'm happy for you
Once the song ended he could hope but feel sad. Even though the song was about him leaving you and breaking your heart. You had a way with words that made it feel like something else. He could listen to it over and over again just to hear your voice.
He finally reached your apartment and parked his car looking over at his phone seeing multiple missed calls and texts from his team and a text from Selena
Selena: I talked to urban go get your girl lover boy AND DON’T SCREW IT UP THIS TIME!
He got out the car walking in the building and into the the elevator. It was a nice place although he thought it was super fancy he just knew you place was the complete opposite. He looked at the button before his eye’s landed on the one he was looking for. ‘Penthouse’
He saw the little buzz in button and clicked on it after a few seconds he heard you. “Who is it.” You sound even more beautiful than he remembered. Now that might not make sense but it did to him.
“It’s me… it’s Jack.” He was freaking out right now. Was this a mistake? Would you even want to see him? Would you tell him to fuck off and leave you alone? After what felt like an eternity he heard and buzzing noise and the elevator doors closed and began to move taking him to your room.
You buzzed him up.
Once he reached the top floor the doors slowly opened and there you were. You were wearing Nike joggers and small cropped top. Your hair was thrown into a lazy bun and you had on your glasses. Another thing to add to the list you both couldn’t see for shit.
He thought you looked breathtaking. Looking at you was like time slowed and it was just you and him. “Hi” He stepped out of the elevator. The doors closing behind him. The distance between you and him getting shorter. He would began to panic that was until he saw a genuine smile break out across your face. Your dimples on full display. “Hey superstar.”
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mcklunkers · 1 year
The last of the edited Mushy May Ghost prompts so far!
28- Sharing Clothes w/ Terzo
“Is that my shirt?”
Leah could practically hear the smirk in Terzo’s voice as he came into her office in the infirmary, throwing his feet up on her sofa.
It absolutely was his shirt. One of Copia’s ghouls had over indulged at the album release party a few nights prior and had ruined her work uniform when he finally came in for help that morning, and the third Papa’s shirt was the only piece of clothing in her office. It was quite a nice shirt – a little too long on her, but unreasonably soft and smelling like his cologne. Her collection of his shirts was rapidly grown by quick trysts in her office, and she had zero regrets.
“Maybe, but you can’t prove it Terz.”
“Amore, I have literally been looking for that shirt for a week. You HELPED me look for it!”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
He rolled his eyes – it had become a staple in their relationship at this point. She would steal clothing, he would look for it, she would wear it, he would call her out, she would deny it. Rinse and repeat. Yet somehow, he still seemed surprised by the outcome years later.
He rose, seemingly floating upright as he launched his weight onto one leg and spun towards the desk. It seemed it was a casual day – his hair was loose and product-less, he was free from his paints, his black jeans and boots complimented by the old band shirt, and the purple flannel wrapped around his waist was frankly unfair. He was hot, he knew he was hot, and he wasn’t above using it to his advantage. His smirk found its way back onto his face as she looked him up and down, eyes darkening. He circled the desk, encroaching into her space and placing a hand under her chin and nudging it up until she met his gaze. He leaned in and her eyes closed, and he kissed her. It was slow and sensual, and she soon stood in his embrace, craving to be closer to his touch.
He hoisted her onto the desk and stood between her legs, his arms reaching for the hem of the shirt. In her distracted state she didn’t think twice as it was pulled off, until he stepped back – brandishing the shirt like a trophy. He turned it inside out and showed the tag.
While he complained about it often, an upside to not growing since your teen years is that, as Primo labelled all of his younger brothers clothes to stop the arguments, the tags still brandished his name. Which he had no qualms about rubbing in his beloveds face.
“See amore? Mine.”
She sighed, caught once again as she moved to the closet in the  office that she shared with the sister who ran the apothecary, rummaging for another. Then she realised she could win. She could have his comfy shirts forever in one move.
“It’s okay Terz, if you want it you can have it back. I can just wear this one.”
The colour drained from the former Papa’s face as she pulled a T-Shirt he knew to be Secondo’s out of her co-workers side of the storage.
As she went to put her arms in the sleeves, she could hear the rapid footsteps before the hand had even ripped the shirt out of her grasp with a frantic “No, no, no, no, no, you can wear mine amore.”
With a smile, she put the shirt back on, his arms wrapping around her and his head resting in the crook of her neck.
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aswrm · 9 months
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Norman Brannon’s essay from Negatives by Amy Fleisher Madden
Text below
By the time I moved back to New York after a three-year stint in Oakland in 2004, the gap between what we now call second and third wave emo had become truly pronounced. Texas Is the Reason -the band whose name will be seemingly affixed to mine forever-had only disbanded seven years earlier, but it was already clear that a curious mystique around who we were had developed in the interim.
The reason for this is obvious now: Our entire two-and-a-half-year existence completely predated the social internet. Which is to say that if you wanted to be a Texas Is the Reason fan in 2004, your primary source of research wasn't going to be Google, YouTube, or Wikipedia. It was going to be the physical records we released, whatever blurry (and often black-and-white) band photos we used for album artwork or press, the few dozen interviews we did for out-of-print fanzines, or maybe, if you were lucky, a fuzzy VHS concert tape transferred to DVD.
We had no choice but to be "enigmatic."
Of course, we, as humans, almost instinctively hate ambiguity. And our steadfast refusal to live with ambiguity, to truly accept it, more often than not compels us to fill in the blanks, to make up our own stories, to draw our own pictures. Some of these pictures may be "true enough." But many of the ideas we generate in the pursuit and creation of "knowing" often contain significant details that derive from the shared assumptions of a frequently centered majority. They reflect our stubborn insistence that the things we feel most connected with somehow must resemble a dominant, and there-fore, familiar image.
So I bring up 2004 because of the time I met a younger Texas Is the Reason fan through some mutual friends during that cross-country move, And I bring up the "mystique around who we were" because that random introduction actually marked the first time l'd ever considered that younger fans
of the band during that time might have no idea what we looked like. And I mention "the shared assumptions of a frequently centered majority" because a few days after that meeting, I was directed to this younger fan's Live Journal, Where, after writing up an otherwise pleasant recap of our lunch, the young man concluded, apropos of literally nothing: "I never knew Norm wasn't Caucasian.
It was kind of a shock."
"Quick-close your eyes and tell me about the first person you see when you imagine a 'punk.'
Are they Black? Queer? Female?
Before you judge, quick-close your eyes and tell me about the first person you see when you imagine a "punk." Are they Black? Queer? Female?
Gender-nonconforming? Or are they white, male, and cisgender? Don't feel bad. We all know how this exercise typically ends.
Which is why I can truly say I was not at all mad when I read my new friend's LiveJournal entry.
If anything, those two sentences, which had been composed with such matter-of-fact clarity, were something of an awakening to me. They showed me how seemingly innocuous (and yet ever-insidious) our assumptions of whiteness can be. Despite having played in hardcore bands for over ten years by that point, I was really only just beginning to wres tle with my life as a musician who is also a queer person of color, struggling to define myself outside of whiteness. And maybe for the first time, it occurred to me that in my misguided need to fulfill the more socially noble role of being "a musician who just happens to be gay and Latino"-as opposed to being a proud gay and Latino musician-/ was actively playing a part in my own erasure. Without knowing it, my new friend had simply highlighted a fact about the way in which unchecked assumptions often go on to become indelible parts of our cultural memory-and how that same cultural memory, once established, is then paradoxically deployed as "proof" for those earlier unchecked assumptions. How else could my brown skin be
"a shock" to anyone if not for a completely whitewashed conception of what emo (or hardcore, for that matter) looks like? Knowing this has changed literally everything about the way I navigate my identity in the public sphere.
But that was then and this is now, right? Surely the modern power of Google has eased our ambiguity blues!
"And if you believe most of the documented histories that trace emo's origins back to 1985, when the punk scene in Washington, DC, declared a 'Revolution Summer,' then why don't we ever talk about Amy Pickering from Fire Party?"
I want to tell you that so much has changed, and if it weren't for a Buzzfeed headline from June of
2020-published a full sixteen years after that Live Journal entry-maybe I could. Because when I read "Pete Wentz Is Trending on Twitter Because Many People Are Just Finding Out He's Biracial," my past suddenly became prologue.
It was kind of a shock.
Whatever rationale I used to dismiss the general lack of knowledge about Texas Is the Reason in 2004 simply did not apply to Fall Out Boy in 2020.
By then, we had already lived with fifteen years of Pete Wentz's face being plastered all over print and digital media. His band had been packing arenas and stadiums all over the world. Their music videos were ever-reliable multimillion streamers for YouTube. In fact, Fall Out Boy's undying success is perhaps one of the reasons why a book like the one you are holding is able to exist. And yet our assumptions of whiteness are still so embedded in the cultural psyche that, when it came to Wentz's experience as a biracial man, we saw people actu ally refusing to believe their own eyes and ears.
The idea of punk and emo as a white-dominant space had become so entrenched in our imaginations that a simple confirmation of one man's Blackness was enough to send Twitter into a frenzy.
I get it, Pete.
That's why, when I was asked to write something for this book, I knew almost right away that I would have to make a point about emo that most visual histories documenting this scene-and the wider punk and hardcore communities that came before it-have failed to properly capture from a collection of images alone. Because while a majority of the most popular and recognizable voices in emo and post-hardcore do in fact belong to straight, cis-gender, white men, there is and always has been a plurality of invaluable contributions to this scene from women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ folks. And far too often, many of these sometimes groundbreaking pioneers have been unfairly sidelined, if not redacted from the historical record.
When it comes to emo's origin story, for example, there are valid questions we need to be asking.
For one thing, could emo have even been called into existence without the arrival of Zen Arcade by Hüsker Du - the 80s melodic punk trio whose Bob Mould and Grant Hart are both queer men? And if you believe most of the documented histories that trace emo's origins back to 1985, when the punk scene in Washington, DC, declared a "Revolution Summer," then why don't we ever talk about Amy Pickering from Fire Party, the woman who literally coined that phrase and, by all accounts, worked tirelessly to galvanize that summer into being? Also, why do we seem to gloss over the fact that the entire first wave of emo that came forth from Revolution Summer was decidedly multiracial? Its extremely influential ranks included Fire Party's Nicky Thomas, Kenny Inouye from Marginal Man, Scream's Skeeter Thompson, and Shawn Brown of Dag Nasty (and later, Swiz), to name a few.
Of course, the work did not end there. Emo's second and third waves, which make up the substance of the book you are holding - and whose alumni include both Pete Wentz and myself-continued to give rise to an abundance of female, BIPOC, and LGBTO+ talent. Queer and trans musicians like Jason Gnewikow of The Promise Ring, Kaia Fischer of Rainer Maria, Steve Pedulla of Thursday, Vanessa Downing of Junction and Samuel, Pete Moffett of Burning Airlines, and the late Sarah Kirsch of Fuel and Torches to Rome have all played significant roles in defining the genre. BIPOC artists- including the majority of At the Drive-In, Victor Villarreal from Cap'n Jazz, Teppei Teranishi of Thrice, Jeremy
Gomez of Mineral, The Van Pelt's Toko Yasuda, Coheed and Cambria's Claudio Sanchez, Taking Back Sunday's Eddie Reyes, and Longineu "LP" Parsons III from Yellowcard, among others- have all stitched a diverse range of experience into the fabric of what eventually became emo's breakthrough into the mainstream. And the singular contributions from so many women of these eras simply cannot be overlooked - including celebrated artists like Caithlin De Marrais from Rainer Maria, Kim Coletta from Jawbox, Elizabeth Elmore of Sarge, Jejune's Araby Harrison, Tracy Wilson of Dahlia Seed, Pohgoh's Susie Richardson, Hayley Williams of Paramore, The Anniversary's Adrianne Verhoeven, and Shift's Samantha Maloney (who actually went on to play drums for both Hole and Mötley Crüe).
I am not even scratching the surface here.
No one book can do everything. But in using this space to share my story here-and in turn, telling our story to the best extent that my time and memory will allow-I hope not so much to "correct" the public record as I do to make sure that the existing record is more vivid, more rich, more complete, and ultimately, more true. Every time emo is reduced to the trope of "the sad white boy crying over a girl," countless scores of us are not only pushed to the margins, but quite literally pushed off the page.
To write these words here and now is to make sure those assumptions no longer go unchecked. It is to say, We are here. We have always been here. We will always be here.
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victhinks · 1 year
Haunted By Ghosts (Of The Past)
Lockwood & Co. Angst week Day three: It's All In Your Head | guilt; @lco-angst-week
Also posted on AO3
TW: Implied/Reference Self-Harm, Panic Attack, mild Suicidal Ideation
Lockwood gets distracted during a job with Lucy. It does not go well.
“Do you sense anything?” Lockwood asked Lucy in a low tone of voice, not yet ready to disturb the quiet of the house. The casefile warned them of two Type I Visitors, but he had yet to feel them. 
“No,” Lucy replied after a moment of Listening. That made two of them. “Reckon the source could be upstairs?”
“Possibly,” Lockwood answered easily, the grip on his rapier never wavering. It was one of their easier cases, no doubt, but it paid handsomely enough for them to take it on anyway. In and out, this was a quick job. “I’ll look upstairs, you take the ground floor.”
With a nod, Lucy disappeared through the door leading to the living room and Lockwood made his way up the stairs. 
It was a one story building, no attic, no basement. The husband fell down a ladder while changing a lightbulb and broke his neck. His spouse died of an electric surge. Nothing unusual and nothing special. Their daughter had entrusted them with the case, confident they could settle it quickly so she could sell the house and move on from the tragedy. 
Lockwood stepped onto the landing and halted, looking around for anything that would suggest the presence of Visitors or recent deaths. There was nothing. Strange. 
He had expected a light, however faint, at the bottom of the steeps behind him at least, or somewhere on them. But there was nothing. Disgruntled, he turned to the first door to his right and started his investigation. 
The room concealed by the door was a master bedroom, no doubt the one the couple had used. It was comfortably furnished with a big rug covering the entirety of the floor and framed pictures on every inch of the walls. He ran a finger over the dresser across the big double bed and drew away a thick layer of dust. 
The pictures on the walls were all family pictures, the three of them smiling together in most of them. Lockwood observed them closely, feeling a pang of melancholy. 
He missed his family, their loss a gaping wound each and every day despite it having been years since they were gone. With a shaky breath and a deep exhale, he tried to concentrate on the case. The pictures could be a source, at least one of them, maybe.
They seemed to capture the essence of a very happy family, now torn apart by death and decay. He understood that all too well.
“Lockwood,” Lucy’s muffled voice cut through the haze in his mind as he renewed his search vigorously, resolute in staying anchored in the presence and no longer being swept away by his memories. One of these pictures had to be a source, he was sure of it, it was only logical. “Oh, Lockwood. Come over here, will you?” 
His eyes darted over countless pictures. Which one was the happiest, which one the brightest? (They remained all equally dark to him.) One of them had to show something the others did not: a location, an object — a special memory? Lockwood remained fixated on the pictures, Seeing nothing other than their smiling faces, taunting him. 
“Lockwood!” Lucy sounded panicked now, her voice echoing loudly through the hallway and the adjoining staircase. She had raised it enough to leave no doubt that he would hear her. Never let them know you are afraid, the Fittes manual came into his mind unbidden and Lockwood scoffed. 
“A minute,” he muttered to himself, continuing his search frantically. There had to be something there. Why did they have so many pictures in their bedchamber? His mother had always insisted on taking an absurd amount of photos, too. 
‘For the future,’ she had said and tucked them away, filling album after album with family pictures. They were all now securely tucked away in a trunk under his bed, to be looked at during the nights he felt especially weak or wanted to punish himself ruthlessly. He had found that to be reminded of their deaths and the life he could have had with them through these pictures was a pain sharper than any blade piercing his skin. 
A deafening crash of glass shattering made Lockwood jump, finally tearing his eyes away from the wall. “Luce?” he called, already rushing towards the landing and down the stairs. He saw Lucy, laying in the shards of glass residue from the cabinet in the hallway, two Visitors towering over her.
Lockwood drew his rapier on instinct, fighting them away with the piece of iron without truly realizing what he was doing. His training had taken over, operating his body on autopilot because his mind was stuck in a loop of panic. Lucy had not moved. 
Drawing them further away from her with his rapier, he called out, “Lucy?” Nothing. “Lucy!” he tried again, louder, more persistent. She did not react. “Lucy, damnit!” he yelled, growing desperate. 
She remained on her back on the ground, face towards the ceiling as if she could see the other side by staring long enough. No, please!
Fear shot through Lockwood’s entire being in waves so profound he thought they would suffocate him. His heart was beating frantically, his usually so steady hands shook with terror at having Lucy on the ground behind him, unmoving and lost. 
The Visitors were feeding off of his emotions — fear and desperation — growing steadily stronger as his own skill waned with the increase of his panic. He needed to find the source. Before long, they would overtake him and entrap them both.
After glancing back at Lucy to confirm his fear that she had not moved, he caught a glimpse of light. Two golden rings were laying next to her in the broken glass. She must have dropped them, they were the source!
With a few unsteady flicks of his rapier, Lockwood managed to put enough distance between him and the Visitors to draw out an iron net and drape it over the wedding rings. Lucy was right, as usual, and both of them disappeared. The source was sealed, the job was done.
“Lucy!” Lockwood cried, rushing towards her and fighting off the overwhelming dread in the pit of his stomach. The possibility of her being Ghost-locked made him faint, threatening to bring him to his knees in horror of what he’d done.
His heart was held in a vice grip, breaths coming in uneven gasps that contained too little air for him to breathe properly. He knelt down next to her, not caring about the shards of glass tearing at his clothes, cutting his skin. 
Lockwood shook her gently, trying to get her awake. “Lucy?” he asked thickly, throat closing on her name. She remained staring fixedly at the ceiling. 
What had he done!  “Luce, listen to me. You have to wake up now!” This was his fault. She had called out for him. How could he not listen to her? “Luce, hey. Wake up!” His fault. His name at the door— “Lucy! Listen to me, wake up. It’s over. You’re alright, you’re fine, please—” His responsibility to keep them all safe. His loss. Her life. “Come on, wake up. Lucy!” He was sobbing now, tears running down his cheeks in a complete loss of control. Frantic desperation had taken hold of him.
Lockwood had promised to always listen to her on their very first job together. Why could he not stick to his words? Allowing himself to become distracted by photographs like an amateur and now Lucy had paid the price! 
He was such an unreliable partner, a pathetic waste of space. It should have been him in her place. What did he have to live for now anyway? Lucy was special, she was talented beyond anyone he had ever met before and she was important, so tremendously important for the world and everyone around her because she was Lucy. She was amazing, she was wonderful — the best thing that had happened in his waste of a life was her walking through his front door! Now she lay paralyzed in the hallway of some haunted building because of him and he wished he had jumped all those years ago. 
Through the tears falling freely down his cheeks and the sobs wracking his hunched frame, Lockwood did not see Lucy’s eyes slowly open, focusing on him immediately. He almost missed her quiet voice, over the sound of his violently erratic breaths. Almost. “Lockwood?” she asked in a whisper, still regaining her bearings. 
He froze immediately, looking into the brown eyes focusing on him — responsive, alive — and he could not contain the deep sigh of relief tearing out of his chest. He was dizzy with relief (or loss of air), tears still fresh in his bloodshot eyes. “Luce, you’re alright, you’re fine—” he said heavily, fighting against the need to drown himself in his guilt and simply disappear forever. 
Lucy had little cuts all over her, made by the glass that lay around them on the floor. Lockwood gave her his unsteady hand to help her sit up. He was reminded of the loud crash he had heard and only now realized that she must have been flung against the cabinet. He paled.
“Where were you?” Lucy asked, rolling her right shoulder with a wince. She was hurt, physically. Lockwood reached out to her, not quite sure what this would achieve other than show him she was breathing and alive and mostly unharmed if Lucy’s quizzical gaze was anything to go by. This could have ended badly for them, for her.
And it would have been his fault for not listening to her when she needed help— for not being there for her.
“I’m so sorry, I got distracted,” he replied, still in a daze. Family photos, what a weakness that was— 
“I nearly got Ghost-locked!” And he had almost lost Lucy because of it.
“I know, I—” Lockwod tried, but he could not find the words to express the overwhelming shame and disgust felt for himself. There was only so much one could forgive and endangering Lucy through his own idiotic feelings was not one of them. 
There was no air in the hall anymore, or so it seemed to Lockwood. He had grown precariously lightheaded. When he locked up at Lucy again, searching her eyes for the all consuming hatred he was sure to find there — it was burning in his own chest, a fire threatening to annihilate the last of his air and composure — he only found her gentle, open eyes looking back at him in mild alarm. He looked lost and so out of breath.
“I didn’t though, Lockwood,” Lucy said carefully, taking his trembling hands in her own and squeezing reassuringly. This was wrong, it should be him comforting her. “I’m alright. Calm down.” And he tried, but the air would not stay in his lungs and it was his fault she was hurt and— 
She circled her arms around him, pulling Lockwood closer to her chest and drawing him into a hug. It was holding him together, assuring he did not shatter, did not end up like the broken glass they were kneeling in.  
He could feel her breathe deeply from how he rested against her chest and tried his best to follow her example.
Focusing on her breaths was an effort. There was a tidal wave of fear and guilt in his mind threatening to draw him under any moment. “So sorry,” he muttered, burying his face in her shoulder in a feeble effort to drown it out. The next intake filled him with her scent — a mixture of iron and her favorite blend of green tea — and his heart began to slow its frantic rate gradually. Alive. Alright. 
He squeezed back tightly, clutching her like a lifeline. “I thought you were gone” — Lucy drew in a sharp breath to reply, offer reassurances that she was very much alive, but Lockwood’s next words made her hold her breath, threatening  to halt her heart — “I thought I’d killed you, Luce. I couldn’t—” live with that. 
He did not need to say it for her to know.
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h3yyspac3cad3t · 2 years
Dj school fanfic (i am evil and insane and am waiting for my ao3 invite to be approved)
None of this has been like. spell checked or revised soo have fun with that!!! Any constructive criticism is welcome :]
God fucking damn was yellow tired. Both mentally and phisicly he was strained. The days had blurred together. He was on the road nonstop for the past week, on tour to promote his new album.
Blue was cooking dinner the evening Yellow was expected to come home. His friend and co-worker, Ann Glerr, had caught a large fish earlier that day and offered it to Blue. He hears the front door to the house open, as a tired Dj Yellow walks in, hardly murmering a greeting. He watches as Yellow dissapears into their room. After a few moments, He takes off his apron, and puts the fish into the oven to go join him. A few minutes of laying with yellow couldnt hurt, right? He lays down next to Yellow, who turns over to face him.
Dj Yellow was lost in thought. The events of the past days were keeping him up dispite how painfully tired he was. He wanted an escape from reality. The week had been long and tireing for the overworked dj. From fans to manegers, Yellow hardly had any alone time that week. All he wanted was to be with the man he loved, to be held and kissed by his wonderfull boyfriend as he drifted to sleep.
Yellow was shaken out of his thoughts by a sudden change of weight of the materess. This was familier to him. As expected, when he turned over, he was greated by a stunning blue complexion. The same stunning blue complexion he had found himself falling in love with time and time again. Although Blue was not his first love, he was by far his greatest. Never had Yellow been this affected by a person, but when they lock eyes he feels as if he could float, and he melts under his touch. A few words from Blue could send him into (rhythm) heaven. Yellow couldnt tell what was so different about blue, and he frankly didnt care. All he knew was he was in love, and he was happy with his life.
Yellow met the eyes of Dj Blue as he inches closer, laying one arm over Blues waist and one under his head. Blue, a small bit taller than yellow, put his chin on his head and wrapped his arms around him in a warm and strong embrace.
As clingy as Yellow is, it was not often his touch was so gentle and love filled. Normally it would be a simple small kiss or he would wrap his arm around Blues neck, never crossing Blues boundaries regarding pda of corse. But this was different. The way he held Blue was delicate, as if he could be broken if held to tight. Conterary to Blue, who dispite his normally laid back nature, held yellow close and tight, as if any moment he could slip through his hands like sand through an hourglass.
Dj Yellow sighs as he lays closer into his boyfriend. Blue uses one arm to comfortingly caressing yellow's head and support him. He wanted to savor this as long as he could. He had longed for this since the moment he last left blues comforting embrase. Codependant? Maybe. But happy none the less. He could ask for nothing more.
Yellow was, for once, compleatly relaxed. His face read no disernable expression, he could hardly register his own feelings. However Yellow, at the monent, was hyperaware of Blue. He could hear the quick heartbeats, in wich he found comfort as a reminder blue was alive and well, Yellow felt every rise and fall of Blue's chest as he breathed, the way his breath would catch when he places a kiss on his cheek, ..everything. Nothing could ruin the moment, he thought, as he began to drift away...
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melodyanqel · 2 months
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ── ✧ sh. (vi. celebrating you)
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congratulations! you have been invited to the romance reality show 'We Got Married' where you will live with your co-star like a married couple. but what will you do when you find out you are marrying your favorite idol?
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✿ pairing: idol!seonghwa x fem!idol!oc
✿ genre/tags: fluff, developing relationship, idol au, fake marriage, reality show
✿ word count: 2.9k words
✿ note: hello lovies! yes here is a brand new update! i was planning on updating at the end of july or the beginning of august but i got super busy. i saw ateez in concert which was a magical experience and many other fun events happened. but I'm super happy to update again and i hope you all enjoy this one! it's a much longer one too hehe
✿ melodyanqel taglist: @hwa-stars @forever-atiny @moonvol6 @10nantscompanion @chngbnwf @heheheeral @coldeforprez
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❪ April 2, 2024 ❫
Bella is not an early bird nor is a morning person. It’s ironic because she is the most energetic member of the group. However, she is committing because she has something special to prepare for her husband’s birthday.
7:30 am
The young wife is the first one in the dorm to wake up while everyone sleeps in because it’s their day off. Bella makes a quick and easy breakfast that she would make when living in America. It’s a classic omelet with toast. 
“Good morning. Wow, it smells good.”
Bella heard Isa’s voice. Her best friend is still in her pajamas, with messy hair in a bun, and a bare face, but she still looks beautiful. Bella finished making her breakfast and sat at the dining table. Isa goes to the kitchen to treat herself with cereal. “You’re up early, which is a shocker.” She chuckles blithely. The younger friend by six months replies, “I have to run some errands to make for Seonghwa’s birthday.” 
Isa’s mouth gaped and says, “What? Are you for real? You do know it’s just a reality show.” She reminds Bella she doesn’t have to do it because she is doing it for entertainment and no strings attached. 
It’s just a reality show.
Those words ring in her head. 
Bella tells Isa, “I know it is, Chaeyoung, but I want to create a healthy relationship with my favorite group. I never considered having idol friends; maybe this could be great for me.” She shrugged her shoulders. 
Isa approaches with her bowl of cereal. Sitting across from Bella, she spoke, “Well, do your best and be careful. What do our fans call it? Delulu or something.” Isa tried pronouncing the well-known K-pop fan term. Bella lets out a snicker and laughs out loud. A confused expression plays on Isa’s face. “What? Did I say it wrong?” She is so clueless that Bella is in a fit of laughter. 
Not in a million years, she would hear her other half say, “Delulu.”
Bella compromises by taking deep breaths. “Yes, you said it right, and no I am not delusion.” She denies it, even if it was a joke. Isa snickered. “You have his group’s albums, photocards, and the solo photoshoot magazine. I think that’s all.” She is mindlessly listing off Bella’s collection of ATEEZ and Seonghwa. Her best friend is just taking it because she is not wrong. 
“Alright, I get it.” Bella semi-believes she is a hardcore fangirl. Isa knows her through and through and she enjoys the embarrassment. 
When breakfast ended, Bella went on an adventure to purchase what she needed. All thanks to her manager, they contacted ATEEZ’s manager to let her know what Seonghwa likes. Even though she is his fan and knows some facts about him, she hopes to make his present super stellar. 
Bella decides to arrange his favorite things in a cute gift basket. 
She found a crafts store to purchase a small one and went on to other places. Bella is a crafting enthusiast so, she’ll design the basket that reminds her of Seonghwa. 
Three hours later, Bella returns to the dorm with a handful of bags. Her members are chilling in the living room and they notice her. They have appalled faces. 
Sumin is the first one to go to her. “Why didn’t you ask for help?” She wonders in a bit of a concerning voice. Sumin grabs some and puts them on the dining room table. Bella sighs and does the same. “I didn’t think you all would be awake by then.” She indicates that the girls will sleep more during their days off. 
Seeun hops off the couch to check out what Bella has brought to the dorm. “Chaeyoung unnie wasn’t joking that you went all out.” She said. Bella looks at Isa, who innocently sips her drink. Isa told the girls about her shopping for her on-screen husband. Seeun’s eyes scanned the pile and one of the items caught her attention. “Aw~ you got a star plushie.” Seeun grabs it from the bag and hugs it. 
Bella nods her head “Yep. It relates to his name.” She stated. Her members all squealed in unison and she playfully rolled her eyes because they would not let her live in peace for the longest time. She clasps her hands together. “Well! I must get going now because I have less than twenty-four hours.” Bella can predict she’ll not get any sleep. 
Sumin chuckled. “Alright, don’t overwork yourself.” Like a gracious leader, she reminds the younger because she is sometimes stubborn to admit she is tired. Bella collects her materials and Seeun hands her the star plushie. “I’ll try to keep my promise.” She winks and walks into the room where she and Isa share. 
As soon as the door gets shut, J asks the leader, “Sumin unnie, do you think she is in love?” 
A genuine smile etches on Sumin’s face. “I’m not going to beat around the brush but it seems like it.” Which is true. All of the girls have never seen Bella so elated over someone. 
Yoon snickered. “I say it’s real. Unless you all want to bet on it.” She has a mischievous glint in her eyes. Sumin frowned. “No, we are not doing that.” She scolded the tallest member. 
Sieun pouts, “You’re no fun, unnie.” Sulking like an upset child. 
❪ April 3, 2024 ❫
In the van, Bella is dressed in a beautiful dress with a lightweight knitted coat. Her ebony hair is in a high ponytail with a bow, creating a cute and pure appearance. She decorated Seonghwa’s gift and spent a long time spray painting the basket white with goodies. She also added some things that reminded her of him.
Bella tied silver ribbons into bows, glued a Miffy patch, and hand-painted gray stars on the handle. 
She is on her way to the party and thank goodness her manager contacted ATEEZ’s manager about the location. It still feels like a dream that she is meeting her favorite artists. Bella even tried to keep her calm before leaving the dorm. This will be a story to tell at a family dinner. 
As the PD crew is filming, Bella hops out of the vehicle with the gift basket. She then sees a gentleman standing in front of the building, standing by the entrance. She assumes it’s the ATEEZ manager. 
“Hello.” Bella greeted with politeness. The man is mindlessly looking around until he hears her soft voice. He sees Bella and brings a welcoming smile to his face. “Hello! Ready to see ATEEZ?” The man asked, who looked a bit young, to be a manager. 
Bella delivered a nod. “Yes, and thank you for navigating me here.” She appreciates the kindness. ATEEZ’s manager replies, “You’re very welcome. You know the group, especially Seonghwa, is excited for you.” He tells Bella and opens the door for her. 
She chuckled, “Really? I hope they’ll like me.” The butterflies are back in her stomach. The manager brings a genial smile to his face. “I’m sure they will. But I must admit they are a handful.” He let out the biggest sigh and Bella giggled blithely because she couldn’t imagine caring for ATEEZ 24/7.
They went up to the elevator and stopped at the second floor where all the living spaces are located. “Well, you have arrived at your destination.” The nice manager leads Bella to her husband’s home. She could feel her heart skipping beats. “Thank you so much.” She did a bow for respect and appreciation. The young man shook his head. “You’re welcome and I don’t need the formalities. I’m pretty much almost the same age as them.” He lets out a short laugh. Bella’s assumption was correct. But it does make her question how he can organize a chaotic group. 
The wife puts on a smile. “Okay.” She said. After the manager left, Bella rang the doorbell. She waits a little until a well-known, handsome face opens the door. 
“Oh, hi!” It’s none other than the captain of ATEEZ, Hongjoong. 
Bella does her best not to stutter. “Hello, sunbaenim! Seonghwa oppa invited me!” She reasoned as if he didn’t know about her invitation. Of course, Hongjoong knows because Seonghwa tells him everything. 
“Please, come in!” Hongjoong cordially has Bella enter the place. 
She spots six other members of ATEEZ in the living room doing their thing. They decorated the home very Seonghwa-esque: chrome silver, Animal Crossing, Star Wars, and bunnies. 
“Guys! We have a guest!” Hongjoong informed the members.
Wooyoung turns off his phone and is the first to notice Bella. “Hello! It’s so nice to meet you!” He hops off the couch to bow. His infectious smile plays on his stunning bare face. At once, the rest of them followed Wooyoung and greeted her. 
It now feels like heaven. 
“So nice to meet you all!” Bella bows to her favorite artists. She also sees them not wearing makeup and are in casual clothes. They still looked beautiful. 
Bella could sense the fangirl spirit in her was going crazy. 
To lighten up the mood and make her comfortable, Yunho approaches her with a loving smile. “I see you brought a gift for the birthday boy. And you’re probably wondering where he is at. He is doing a live-stream at the company’s building.” He explained about her husband's missing appearance. 
Hongjoong stands next to her and adds, “Seonghwa just texted me that he’ll be done soon after he opens our gifts.” 
San gives a kind gesture. “You can leave the gift on the kitchen counter. Do you like video games, Bella?” He questions as she puts down the gift basket.
Bella nodded, “Yes, I do! What games do you have?” It seems like a bonding is about to happen.
They sat together in the living room. Bella gets placed in the middle while Yeosang and Mingi are on each side of her. She chose Overcooked, a friendly yet complicated game. 
“Which team do you want to be with?” Jongho asked Bella. He is the biggest gaming enthusiast.
Blue Team: Yeosang, Mingi, and Jongho
Red Team: Hongjoong, Yunho, San, and Wooyung
The dancer replies, “Hmm, I’ll choose the blue team so it can be even.” She picks her avatar, which is a cute snowman. 
Yeosang on her right speaks, “Seonghwa hyung told us you’re a big Atiny.” He recalled the night the eldest expounded on his first date with Bella. She smiles timidly. “Yes. I’ve been following your journey since debut.” Her reply made them feel joyous. 
A bright smile plays on Hongjoong’s face. “That’s amazing. How did you discover us?” He is intrigued to know more about Bella. She then tells the group she discovered them through two music videos, Say My Name and Hala Hala. She had no clue at the time who they were nor her friends ever mentioned them. The girl was enthralled by their music and the members themselves. Bella has gone from a K-pop fan to a K-pop idol. 
Throughout the hour of their video gaming session, the dorm is filled with complaints, raging, and banters. Bella was laughing the entire time because they didn’t seem to care about their image. They have zero filter. Some of the guys did let out profanities when not serving the dishes. But she was having fun with her brother-in-laws. 
“Everyone, I’m home!”
The man of the hour is here. Bella hears her husband and she waves at him. “Hi, Seonghwa oppa!” She said in delight. He beams and a smile pasters onto his handsome face. “Bella you came!” Seonghwa giddies by his running his legs all cutely. He moves himself to the living room to see the bunch playing together. 
“It looks like everyone is in the zone.” Seonghwa detects their focused faces except for Bella. She is looking at him with a tender smile. The brother-in-laws aren’t sensing the tension, but the PD crew is watching the couple and perceives they have some type of emotion in their eyes. 
Flustered, Seonghwa clears his throat. “I’m glad to see you all are bonding. Which team is winning?” He wondered. 
Yeosang, Mingi, Jongho, and Bella speak in unison. “Blue team!” While earning some groans from the opposing team. Seonghwa claps his hands. “Hwaiting!” He chanted.
“Wow! Your room is so cool!”
“Thank you! It’s a lot smaller in person.”
Bella can tell because Seonghwa’s Lego collection, in a glass case, takes up the majority of his bedroom. She comments, “It’s cool though. It screams Seonghwa oppa.” She motions her hands in the air. Seonghwa chuckled because it was adorable. He also distinguishes how she looks today. Gorgeous, lovely, adorable, stunning, and so perfect. 
But he went with, “You look great today.” It sounded unconvincing and Seonghwa wanted to slap himself. Bella halts from examining his room and turns to him. She responded, “Thanks You look great as well.” Who was she kidding? He looks exceptionally magnificent. Seonghwa wore a feminine yet elegant white top with a pretty tied knot on the front and his raven hair was permed. 
Seonghwa thanked her wholeheartedly. Bella then notices an open suitcase filled with unfolded clothes by the closet. Her husband follows where her eyes are on. “Yeah, I’m still in the process of packing for Coachella.” He rubs the back of his neck because seeing a little mess is embarrassing. Bella gasps, “Oh, I forgot that it’s coming up! Congratulations!” She is proud of her husband and her brother-in-laws. They’ll be the first K-pop male group at Coachella. 
“Very appreciated.” Seonghwa feels grateful for the opportunity.
Soon enough, the couple takes a seat by the desk. Seonghwa grabbed an extra for Bella, which was Mingi’s desk chair. “Aw~ you displayed our pictures.” Bella points at their photobooth strips on the pegboard, next to the computer monitor. Seonghwa grins at the memories from their first date. “I love putting up things that are significant to me.” He reasoned.
Bella adores Seonghwa even more than ever. 
“Are you going to miss me while I’m in California?” He asked out of the blue and it had Bella taken back. Seonghwa seemed a bit upset about being gone for two weeks. Bella nods her head. “Yes, I will miss you! But we’ll see each other again afterward.” She tries to assure him. 
Seonghwa likes that Bella will miss him while he is away. Maybe it’s because he never had a significant other who waits for him to return. 
His wife realizes what she told him and her cheeks blush rosy red. 
Seonghwa would show Bella which Lego set took him the longest to complete, and how doing live-streams in his room is comforting because Atinys are his safe place. In the middle of their conversation, Hongjoong knocks on the door from the outside. 
“Yeah!” Seonghwa responded loudly. 
“When do you want to blow your cake?” His best friend asked. 
Seonghwa checks his phone to see the time. It’s close to evening and the sun is going down. “Let’s do it now!” He answers to Hongjoong. The members begin to set up the table for him. 
Bella looks at Seonghwa with a quizzical look. “I’m curious. I know Hongjoong is your best friend and your group and Atinys likes the idea of the parent and children dynamic. Do you both still do it?” Her question is silly to her, but Seonghwa finds it interesting. 
He answers the question. “Sometimes. Like, most of them know how to care for themselves, especially in public. However, there will be times when the members need us. Not too long ago, Jongho was concerned about his vocals during the Coachella preparation. He went to me about feeling unconfident and anxious. I reminded him to take it easy and you will get it right.” Seonghwa did feel his heart ached when he saw the youngest’s pressured mentality. 
Bella grows more of their relationship. She knows they’re like a real family, but hearing it from her husband is profound. “You have a nice heart, oppa.” She comments on his good nature. Seonghwa etched a smile on his plump lips. He slowly leans his body to be close to Bella’s space. She has no clue what he is doing, but she is screaming on the inside.
“May I?” Seonghwa wants her consent in a gentle voice. 
Bella goes with it by delivering a small nod. She closed her eyes and felt his lips peck her forehead. 
Their second affection was a short and sweet kiss. 
Afterward, everyone gathered at the dining table to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ and send best wishes to their Seonghwa. Then comes Bella’s present opening. 
“Wait?! You decorated this?” Mingi points his finger at the customized gift basket. The guys were astonished too. Bella giggles with a nod. “I did it yesterday and put things that reminded me of Seonghwa oppa.” Five hours was worth it. 
The husband pouts and says, “You did all of this for me. Thank you so much!” He cutely thanked his wife. Bella pats his head. “You’re welcome!” She’ll only do it for him. The members watch their moment unravel and it’s amusing. 
Seonghwa looks inside of the basket and he can’t contain his happiness. 
An Animal Crossing Lego set, a silver bracelet with a star charm, a handmade pop-up card, the star plushie, and his favorite snacks. 
The card reads, 
Happy Birthday, Seonghwa oppa!
Wishing you the best of luck and all the happiness in the world. Remember to cherish every moment, and never lose sight of what's truly important.
Your wifey, Bella
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chorusfm · 2 months
The Get Up Kids – “Ten Minutes” Video
The Get Up Kids have shared the first ever video for “Ten Minutes.” The Get Up Kids today released their first ever music video for “Ten Minutes,” the dynamic, fan favorite single from the 25th anniversary reissue of the Kansas City band’s genre-defining sophomore LP, Something to Write Home About (due out digitally on August 23rd and physically on September 20th via Polyvinyl Record Co). Directed by longtime friend and scene peer Josh Berwanger (The Anniversary), the “Ten Minutes” video lovingly assembles rare archival live footage of DIY shows, posters, photos, and other ephemera from the era. The remastered single is also out now alongside its auspicious demo version that showcases the song’s sturdy, road-tested origins.“When I wrote the opening guitar riff for ‘Ten Minutes,’ my inspiration was the song ‘Do the Vampire’ by Superdrag. It’s pretty obvious once you know. Their album, Head Trip in Every Key, was on heavy rotation when we were writing Something to Write Home About,” says songwriter/guitarist/singer Jim Suptic. “When I listen back to this song and watch the new video for it, my first impression is just how young we were. Some of us were literally teenagers. My voice almost sounds like a totally different person than who I am today. With that said, maybe that is why the album connected with so many people. We were singing about the things everyone struggles with at that age. At its core, Something to Write Home About is a coming of age record. I think Josh Berwanger did a fantastic job editing the video. He and his band The Anniversary were there for a lot of this, and witnessed some of these moments first hand.” Later this month, and following their current headlining tour of South America, the band of Suptic (guitar/vocals), Matt Pryor (guitar/vocals), Rob Pope (bass), Ryan Pope (drums), and Dustin Kinsey (keys), will embark on a headlining North American tour that includes various sold-out shows and across which they will play the seminal album in its entirety. The run will end with a performance at Las Vegas’ Best Friends Forever Fest; a full itinerary is listed below and tickets are on-sale now. The “Ten Minutes” video and its demo follows last month’s release of their first music video for the album's urgent opener, "Holiday," alongside “Holiday (Demo),” that saw praise and support from Pitchfork, Stereogum, Brooklyn Vegan, and more. The band was also featured on the July cover of UPSET magazine, and Pryor and Suptic were recent guests on The Brooklyn Vegan Podcast where they discuss behind the scenes stories while creating the fated LP. Something to Write Home About (25th Anniversary Deluxe Edition) is available for pre-order HERE. “Our first record is what it is—its imperfections are one of the things that people like about it,” says Pryor. “But I personally wanted us to record something that sounded like a real band, that sounded professional and, you know, big.” Working for the first time with Chad Blinman, who co-produced Something to Write Home About with Alex Brahl at LA’s Mad Hatter studio, The Get Up Kids achieved the massive sound they sought. The 12-track LP saw a quick release on September 28th, 1999, mere months after their stint in the studio, and emerged into a rock landscape dominated by commercial rock, post-grunge, and nü-metal. "Nothing that was popular sounded like our album," says Suptic. "That style of music wasn't mainstream." Yet the album, along with fellow 1999 releases like Jimmy Eat World's Clarity and the Promise Ring's Very Emergency, solidified a canon of expansive, pop-leaning emo that would guide the genre's explosion in the new millennium, and go on to inspire platinum-selling bands like Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance, as well as wave upon wave of emo revival acts.   But Something to Write Home About’s success wasn’t limited to its immeasurable influence. It also positioned Vagrant, which would later add emo luminaries like Saves the Day and Dashboard Confessional to its roster, as the genre’s… https://chorus.fm/news/the-get-up-kids-ten-minutes-video/
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246sn · 3 years
mc enemiez! ( ✶ ) chapter 15 : sunghoon // don’t forget to read the written chapter below! // word count : 1.2k // *italics are jungwon’s thoughts :]
⸝⸝ SYNOPSIS ‎𐪆 despite jungwon being a #humble leader, he was kinda salty about the fact that his almighty title of the “youngest leader in k-pop” has been taken by blackpink’s brand new juniors. the world goes against jungwon’s wishes in staying as far away from her as possible when they both end up being the new mcs for ‘the show’. ₊˚✸ ༘
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the idea of sunghoon accompanying jungwon this morning made him feel very uneasy. he wasn’t exactly sure why he felt this way but maybe it was because y/n and sunghoon would be formally meeting each other for the first time.
he trusted sunghoon with his whole life, of course but a part of him felt scared at the thought of you both hanging out. who could blame him? you’ve been fangirling over sunghoon since the beginning and well- sunghoon’s sunghoon; every girl who sees him, falls for him.
hi the rest of the story is below !
what if he charms y/n to the point that she would never look at jungwon again? he didn’t want to lose his brand new friend this quickly… or maybe he was just overreacting and sunghoon’s intentions were really what he said they were.
“jungwon!” he heard from behind him, seeing you running towards him at full speed with your manager far behind trying his best to catch up.
“y/n, hi! are you nervous for later?”
before you could even answer his question, sunghoon tapped jungwon’s back making the latter frown and look back at him.
“oh, i forgot... y/n, sunghoon hyung will come and watch us for support.”
“hello!” you said while bowing at sunghoon.
“hello!” you said while bowing at sunghoon.
“nice to meet you, y/n.”
“nice to meet you too, sunghoon sunbaenim.”
jungwon noticed how sunghoon’s smile got wider after that. am i the only one who saw that… does he think she’s cute… god, no… ew i really hope not… jungwon thought to himself.
“just speak to me casually, y/n. besides, you’re co-hosts with our jungwon so it’s okay.” he said while patting jungwon’s back a little too aggressively for the boy’s liking.
does he treat wonyoung like this too? ugh, i don’t wanna think about it… he thought to himself once more.
the two of you continued talking while jungwon decided to just cancel out your conversation which he was clearly not a part of. he wasn’t exactly sure how long he zoned out for while blocking out your conversation but he got sent back to the real world when he felt you tugging on his arm before linking it with his.
jungwon tried to stop the smile and blush from creeping onto his face thanks to your actions while also trying to ignore the fact that sunghoon’s big smile immediately fell afterwards.
however, just a few simple words from you would make his attempts on not smiling fail miserably. “speaking of being co-hosts! are you ready for later, jungwon?” you asked before looking up at him.
“i’m ready as i’ll ever be.”
maybe jungwon felt a little bit happier because you finally paid attention to him and not sunghoon but secretly it was because he thinks sunghoon is jealous about all the attention he gets from you.
“cool! we can practice before we go onstage if you’d like? we have an audience too, sunghoon sunbae!” jungwon’s smile immediately faltered after that. it sort of gave him a quick reminder of the fact that sunghoon was still there.
“ah, yeah… sunghoon hyung can watch…” he said with slight disappointment coming from each word. in other circumstances, jungwon would’ve been so happy to have sunghoon with him but this is y/n he’s talking about…
he’s had a hunch that the only reason why sunghoon hangs out on sunoo’s bed often is because they ‘secretly’ watch y/n and other arcane fancams. it’s not exactly a secret when it involves sunoo, though.
that boy is not great at hiding his emotions when secretly unboxing arcane’s album — jungwon still remembers when he screamed “wow! y/n’s so pretty here in this album.” which made sunghoon leave his steak to go to sunoo. maybe sunghoon did deserve his steak to be eaten by riki that day…
“jungwon, why are you smirking? are you planning something?” you joked, bringing him back into the real world.
“it’s nothing. let’s go?”
“great!” you and sunghoon said in sync.
jungwon rolled his eyes while you and sunghoon were giggling at how they said the same word at the same time. go ahead and giggle, sunghoon hyung. do you see whose arm hers is linked with? that’s right, it’s mine.
he was too busy threatening sunghoon in his mind that he got startled when he felt your hair slap his face when you looked back.
you immediately let go of jungwon’s arm when your manager getting closer and closer before ushering all of you to go to the meeting room.
right when you got there, you both spent no time to practice your lines for the final run through which surprisingly went even smoother than before.
“jungwon-ssi, do you see anything different about me?” you asked him with the same enthusiastic voice you used while mcing, twirling some strands of your hair at the same time.
“h-huh? th.. that wasn’t in the script? was it..?”
“hm? just answer.” you said with laughter coming out at the same time.
“i- uh…”
jungwon was absolutely confused. he kept thinking long and hard about the script while just staring at you. was there a line i missed? i’m so dumb i can just look at the cue cards. however while jungwon was trying his best to search for the line, sunghoon cleared his throat.
“ah, sorry. your parts… they were done right? by the way, i think the purple really suits you.” he says while pointing to his hair. this clearly had an effect on you since your face started turning bright red which sunghoon thoroughly enjoyed to see. i mean, could he blame you? sunghoon is a literal god.
oh so it wasn’t part of the script… y/n just tried pranking me… but why does sunghoon hyung have to butt in this wasn’t a question for him?!
“sunghoon-ssi, we have to go.” says his manager in almost the best timing since jungwon was fuming in jealousy towards his older member.
thank god he’s leaving. i can finally have y/n’s undivided attention.
“ah, sorry i have to leave early. work calls for me! see you on tuesday to watch the real thing, y/n. i’ll see you at home, won.” sunghoon said before tapping jungwon’s back and walking out of the meeting room.
“y/n, jungwon? are you two ready for the rehearsal stage? the director is waiting.” one of the staff says, leading everyone else towards the stage.
damn, seriously?!
while walking, jungwon tries his best to cancel out whatever you were talking about since you were just gushing over sunghoon.
“jungwon, are you listening to me?”
“huh? what did you say?”
“sunghoon sunbae’s aura is crazy! was i starstruck when i was in his presence or did i seem okay? gosh, he is so handsome! i can’t believe…” aaand he has turned on his avoid yn talking about sunghoon mode once more.
once the rehearsal ended and the director gave his final remarks, you and jungwon began talking once more which was basically just you complimenting how well he did and him doing the same to you.
“i bet sunghoon sunbae would think you’re amazing too. i must be going crazy! i’m still not over the fact that i actually met him today! am i fangirling? i don’t think i’m fangirling… am i?” with that, jungwon groans and walks out of the building, leaving you behind while still freaking out about sunghoon.
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⸝⸝ NOTE ‎𐪆 as promised if i got the memories 😁☝️ also help is that purple or pink i literally cannot tell 😭 i’m so bad w colors yall ++ jungwon feral catboy era <3
⸝⸝ TAGLIST ‎𐪆 [status : open for taglist 2 / italics can’t be tagged] @enhacolor @youngbloodslut @ceoyjw @lunaflvms @enhyped-up @yizhoutv @fairycheol @kissuzies @yvesismywife @ja4hyvn @wony6ung @vlykai @woopetals @papiibuprofen @hiqhkey @bloodylovelymary @luvarots @missmadwoman @hoonstrology @mitsukifilms @soobin-chois @venusesroses @bearseulgs @jiwlys @jaywonlix @jungwonniecore @awkwardnesshabitat @xuanya @ultnishimura @yjwfav @shynypeacekitten @stealanity @wonfiles @renjunvrse @niocity @higamersitsbarney @jwlvr @maeumiluv @annoyingbitch83 @darrensos @odetoyeonjun @s35nbae @nrksrealgf @afiaaaa19 @moonchilddfics @myluckycat @c9tnoos @yogurteume @gguksblush @drunkwithfever @staysstrays @limiliib @penghoonz @acciomylove @soobsdior @hobistigma @nikisgirlfriend
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