#maybe even initiate a hug if he's brave
thebestsetter · 9 days
Thinking about Megumi Fushiguro only showing his vulnerable side around you.
And it's not like he doesn't trust his friends. It just happens that he doesn't feel safe showing that side of him near them. He thinks that it makes him seem weak. And he definitely doesn't want to look weak.
He didn't even use to show his sensitive side around you at first. He never initiated cuddles, kisses or even hugs. Maybe, if you were lucky, he'd wake up feeling brave and would hold your hand. Once in a blue moon.
But bear with him! It's his first relationship, so he has zero clue about what to do in this whole dating thing. He needed a patient partner, and, luckily, you were exactly that: never forced him to do anything he didn't want to do, never initiated anything without his consent first and never complained about his lack of experience. You were perfect for him.
One day, he was on his way to Jujutsu High after a difficult mission. His whole body was aching from head to toe, his head was hurting and he had some really bad cuts that were gonna scar for sure. The fight with a special curse had taken a toll on his body, even if he wasn't alone during it. And, honestly, even though he was literally limping, he couldn't think about anything else other than you.
His favorite part of the mission was the aftermath, not only because it meant that the problem he was choosen to solve was over, but because when he came to the dorms he knew you would be there, waiting for him with your arms between your thighs and a gentle smile. The thought of you always made him smile like a lovesick fool. Perhaps he was, indeed, a good old fashioned lover boy. Maybe he had, in fact, become one of the hopeless romantics he used to despise, because, on his way back to Jujutsu High, despite feeling like he was literally being eaten from the inside out because of how much pain he was enduring, he still found the strenght to squat and pick a pretty flower he saw on a bush. He handled it with so much care, his eyes literally sparkling with love when he looked at it. It was so beautiful. It reminded him of you. He imagined your reaction when he gave you the flower. Would you smile and smell it, looking for a vase to put it on your desk so everyone could see? Or would you laugh at him in an affectionate way and hug it close to you, smiling at how smitten he was for you? And you would be right (as you always were), because he was, indeed, smitten. He would burn down the entire world if you asked him to. He would do anything just to make sure that you were always smiling. He would rather be skinned alive than make you cry. You were his light, the one who guided him through darkness. He couldn't even remember how his life was before he met you, and he honestly didn't want to remember. You made everything so easier, his life had so much color with you in it and the sky seemed brighter. It looked like the birds were singing a soft melody made exclusively for you both, and everything was sunshine and rainbows. Life had never seemed so bright.
"Megumi? Did you even hear what we just asked you?"
"We're losing him. I bet he's thinking about his girlfriend again."
"Ugh, he's such a loser when it comes to her. It's so sweet it makes me sick."
"What happened to bros before hoes, Fushiguro?"
"I don't know what you idiots are on about" Megumi sighed after snapping out of his trace "And I was not thinking about my girlfriend." It's not like he's embarassed of you, but he didn't feel like being mocked by Nobara and Itadori just because he thinked about you once in a while. Maybe not only once in a while. Maybe he did think about you a lot. More than he'd ever admit.
"Suuuree. And that flower is for who? I bet it's not for me or Nobara." Itadori pointed to the plant on his hands
"Shut up." Fushiguro blushed, placing the pink flower (very carefully, may I add) on his pocket. Yuji and Nobara smirked at eachother, enjoying the abashed state their friend was at.
"As we were saying, we wanted to know if you're going with us to Shoko's. She probably has something to help us with our cuts. And some of these are nasty! I really hope they don't scar, because there's a really big one on my face. That will make my modeling job harder, I'm sure. But my pretty face will make up for it"
"I think the scar will be the least of your problems..." Itadori murmured
"What did you just say?"
"Nothing!" He sweatdropped and quickly changed the topic "Anyway, are you coming with us, Fushiguro?"
The black haired boy sighed.
"I don't think so. My cuts are not that bad. I just need a little rest. If they hurt, I'll go seek help."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, you guys can go without me"
"Okay then. Bye Fushiguro!"
"I still want to know what you said earlier."
"I said nothing, what do you mean?"
Hearing his friends playful chatter disappear in the distance, Megumi's thoughts drifted to you again. He was honestly so tired that he could only think about cuddling with you or laying on your lap.
He must have been really entretained by his thoughts, cause he didn't even notice he had gotten to your dorm before he literally knocked on the door.
"I'm coming!" He heard your sweet voice saying.
"Megumi! You're finally back! I missed you!"
No feeling could ever surpass the feeling of you holding him, your arms wrapped around his torso in a strong hug that made him weak. He hugged you back as quickly as possible and nuzzled his head on the crook of your neck, closing his eyes and ihnaling your scent that drove him half-insane. It was like a drug. You were like his drug.
"I missed you too" reaching for his pocket, he grabbed the flower and gave it to you, as if he was trying to show you that, even during his missions, he still thought about you constantly. "Here"
"No way. Gumi, you shouldn't have..." you said, taking the flower from his hands and sniffing it, a content smile on your face.
"But I wanted to." He returned your smile, grabbing the flower from your hands and putting it behind your ear, removing a strand of stray hair from your face in the process.
"Even though I'm absolutely loving this moment" you said, cupping his face "You stink. Please go take a shower."
Crap! He had forgotten to shower! Now you were going to think he was stinky! Ugh, how could he be so irresponsable?
He quickly grabbed a towel and some spare clothes he had in your dorm (he went there a lot. It was practically his second home or something like that. Actually, his home is wherever you are. So, it happened that your dorm felt like home, too) and took the fastest shower he had ever taken in his life. He just wanted to go back to your arms in less time as possible. He wanted to merge with you, wanted you to hold him so close that you became one.
"I'm finished" he said, going to your room. He had to put some bandage in his larger bruises, so he was still shirtless. That being said, you could literally see how big they were.
"Oh dear God! Megumi, did you go to Shoko's? These injuries look bad!"
"They're not as bad as they look" he said, laying beside you and staring at your eyes. He didn't know what came over him, but the next words he said made even him surprised "But I bet they'd get better if you cuddled with me"
It was the first time he was initiating something. You'd be a fool to let the opportunity go.
"Well, if you say so" you smirked, looking a him with a glint of playfullness. "I really hope I can help you with that. Not sure if I'm capable tho. Don't know if my cuddles are good enough"
"Don't act ridiculous, of course they are"
"Let's start with your treatment, then." You laughed. And oh, how he loved the sound of your laugh. He loved it even more because he was the cause of it.
Carefully, you slipped your arms around him, hugging him closer to you. Your legs linked together, and he buried his face on your boobs (he didn't even have any indecent thoughts behind that action. It just felt comfortable). And, just when he thought it couldn't get better, your hands found their way to his hair. You gently unraveled all the knots, one by one, while massaging his scalp. He let out a peaceful sigh and began moving his hands up and down your back, as if massaging you, and drawing random things in your exposed skin with his fingers, like little hearts or silly smiling faces. Everything was perfect at that moment. He felt safe with you, something he didn't feel with most people. He felt completely at ease. Nothing and no one could ever ruin that moment for him.
Until something did. Or even better: some people did.
"What. Are you guys. Doing here." It came out more like a comand than a question. Megumi felt frustrated that they had interrupted your alone time, and, honestly, even though he loved his friends, he just wanted them to go away. When they barged him uninvited, you had stopped playing with his hair, and he just wanted to feel your hands on his head again.
"Well, Gojo-Sensei asked us to come check if you really didn't need Shoko's treatment. But it looks like you have everything under control. We'll be going now. Just pretend we were never here..." Nobara said, trying to run away as quickly as possible before Megumi got even angrier.
"Hey! Isn't that the flower he grabbed on our way back? I knew it was for her! Look how cute, she even put it on her desk!" Itadori clearly didn't get what Nobara was trying to do.
"You idiot! We need to go fast, or else he'll get mad! Let's show the photo to Gojo-Sensei! I bet he'll find it funny. We can also use it as future blackmail, but we need to go before he gets us." The brunette girl whispered, but it was loud enough for the whole building to hear
"I can hear you, you know?"
"You're right! Let's go!" Megumi was promptly ignored.
In a normal occasion, Fushiguro would probably go after them, trying to get them to delete the picture. But he was just so tired that he didn't even have the strenght to.
"Ugh, I hate them"
"No you don't" You smiled, booping his nose and resuming your hands' work on his hair "you just need sleep. You're clearly tired, and the mission made you hurt. You deserve to rest. I'll be here when you wake up"
"Thank you." Should he say it? Oh, screw it. You needed to know. "I love you"
"I love you too, Gumi"
Honestly, he couldn't be happier right now. And so, with the feeling of your skin close to his and your hands on his hair, Megumi Fushiguro drifted off to a peaceful slumber, with the sweetest dreams he ever had. Of course they were sweet. They were only about you, afterall.
You were his everything. He loved you. And you loved him back. That was something he would forever be proud of.
~ A/N: I need sleep.
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
Hii I have a request 😊😊. Can u write something based on the line from my tears ricochet that says “you had to kill me but it killed you just the same” and either Ethan or y/n can be the one to kill each other whichever ur feelin!! And maybe y/n can be related to a past killer like jill or smt… whatever ur feelin 🥰🥰
three years since folklore came out, and i still can’t comprehend how taylor swift wrote this song and then expected us to move on. anyways, hope you like it🫶🏻🤍
my tears ricochet — ethan landry
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word count: 489
pairing: gf!ethan landry x fem!reader
based on: my tears ricochet by taylor swift
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Y/N ROBERTS KNEW THAT THE SIGNS HAD BEEN TOO OBVIOUS AND THE BLAME WAS ON HER FOR IGNORING THEM. All of the times he was conveniently missing during an attack, or when he magically appeared to save her just in time. It had been right in front of her face that Ethan Landry, her boyfriend, was one of the killers.
“I trusted you, Ethan. I defended you to my friends. I do not deserve the hell you gave me.” she tried not cry and shake as she held her knife high. Ethan had cornered her, and not precisely to talk. He was going to kill her. “I loved you.”
“I love you too, baby. And you can get out of this alive, you just have to join us. Make your older sister proud” Ethan tried to persuade her, he really did not want to kill her.
“Jill stabbed me seven times!” Y/N spat in anger. “She killed our mom, tried to kill our cousin. She was a psychopath.”
“Please, Y/N. Just join us.” he begged.
“No” Y/N was not going to change her mind.
“I’m sorry, love, but then you leave me no other choice” Ethan tackled her to the ground, and she fought hard to avoid being stabbed “Stop fighting!” he yelled as she cried and kicked.
Y/N recalled the words Ethan had told her a couple of days ago, in the back of an ambulance, after she had managed to knock out Ghostface all alone in her apartment. “You used to tell me I was brave for fighting the killer on my own.”
Her words broke Ethan, and his gaze fell on the ‘e’ chain that hanged around her neck. He had the same one, only with her initial. It had been a gift from her, for his birthday “I’m sorry. I love you, but I have to do this. For my brother. For my family.”
Her tears turned into his as he pierced his girlfriend’s heart with the knife. Y/N’s sparkling eyes turned lifeless, and her once warm fingers eventually turned cold. The arms that used to hug him tightly fell limp, and the red lips that had explored every inch of his skin were now a shade of blue. The person who had made him feel alive was dead.
It had been a ghostly scene that, even after months, still haunted him. Ethan still cursed her name, wishing she had accepted his offer to run away with him, wishing she had stayed.
When he couldn’t sleep at night, Ethan sometimes talked to her, looking up at the sky. He told her about how his day went, and his rants always ended with an apology. And he always fell asleep listening to the playlist they had made together.
He felt empty. He didn’t understand how it was possible to miss someone so much. He saw her everywhere, everyday. The guilt and regret was burning him alive.
Ethan had to kill her, but it killed him just the same.
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apollocabinrep · 4 months
• Castor was pansexual while Pollux is on the aro spec (demiromantic). Whenever Castor had a crush, Pollux would insist his twin could do better, or that they were "okay."
• Holly and Laurel compete in everything and if they ever end up crushing on the same person, it will also be a competition. Whoever can give them the best flowers, best date, etc. Essentially who can win the person's heart.
• If they crush on different people, the competition changes to who took their partner out on a better date.
• Nyssa is sapphic or unlabeled, probably just content with her work though she can point out a cute girl when she sees one.
• Chris Rodriguez is a bisexual, ambiamorous icon. (Ambiamorous is having more than 1 partner only if the person you're dating is okay with it. You don't mind not having more than one partner.)
• ^ Chris, Beckendorf, Silena, & Clarisse were definitely a polycule and when Silena and Beckendorf died, Chris & Clarisse got a tattoo with all 4 of their initials inside of a heart on their chests. (Clarisse won't ever say anything about it or admit to it.)
• Everyone thinks that because Butch is an Iris kid, he has to be LGBTQ+, but in reality he is just their biggest ally. He thinks the LGBTQ+ campers are extremely brave and admires them.
• But there's also trans Butch which I've started to like a lot
• Most campers think Connor is bisexual, but he's actually demi. He just likes to confuse them even more because he only hangs up the MLM flag.
• Connor tried to ask Malcolm out through a prank, because that's how Travis asked Katie out and it worked for them.
• Travis and Katie are Bi4Bi
• Clovis isn't labeled, so many (young) campers just think he's hetero. He's not awake long enough to care.
Warning: Leeluke below, don't like, don't look 👍
• Lee was the one to ask Luke out after 3 months of them flirting
• Luke fell first, but Lee fell harder
• Lee was pansexual, Luke was bisexual
• Luke always had his arm wrapped around Lee's waist or shoulder because Lee had so many people crushing on him due to his nurturing nature.
• Luke's betrayal was like a punch to the gut to Lee because the boy didn't leave anything for him. Not a note, goodbye, nothing.
• Lee saw Luke one final time before his death in BotL. It was right before SoM.
• For the first time in years, Lee had gone home for the school year, and Luke showed up outside his school. Lee punched him in the face before hugging him. It was an entire show for the courtyard. They spent the day enjoying each other's company. At the end of it, Luke told him everything he planned on doing, and said when Kronos rose, he'd come back for Lee.
• When Luke entered Elysium, Lee refused to talk to him at all. So many of his younger siblings had entered and he was rightfully upset.
• It took them 8 months before they could even be in the same room, but Luke had changed for the better and if it wasn't doing things to Lee's unbeating heart.
• Lee fell first this time, or maybe he had never really stopped falling, and asked Luke out, asked for a second chance for them.
• Turns out, second chances are worth it sometimes. Michael's jaw dropped when he saw and ranted endlessly, but Lee was happy that Luke had changed in the end.
• "Ain't no way I DIED and you're out here FORGIVING HIM!!!" - Michael Yew
• "And you can wait for him, Michael."
• "Bitch."
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larcenywrites · 6 months
need your thoughts/headcanons abt tony and PDA 😳👉👈 Please
I wanna do young!Tony too!!!
Warnings: like two sexual references | no pronouns used for reader
💠 Believe it or not, he doesn’t tend to be handsy in public, nor does he tend to wanna do too much lovey-dovey stuff 😔
💠 On a date at that cute cafe and start playing footsie with him under the table? He’s usually busier giving you the side eye rather than playing back… and not in a good way 😒 but when he places a hand on your calf in an attempt to stop you or blushes and whines for you to stop, he doesn’t realize it really only makes you wanna do it more 😉🤭
💠 He probably just doesn’t wanna look horny in public 😘 He does kind enjoy it, but he definitely doesn’t look amused 😅
💠 Of course, he won’t mind holding hands while walking to his class or along the street to a date spot 🥰🥰 in fact, he loves it! If you slip your hand into his first, he’ll get all giddy inside and smile, buuut unfortunately his smile is naturally all cocky and smug 🤧 so don’t take it the wrong way! He’s having a great time!! He feels loved!! Especially if you’re leasing him somewhere!
💠 Well maybe he is a little smug 😏 He’s proud to be loved!
💠 He also initiates it, obviously! But when he does it, it’s a little different. He wants to feel close to you 🥺 he wants to touch you 🥺 and let’s be honest, he likes to feel like the big and strong one in this relationship! Even if he is, in fact, neither of those things (yet) 😅
💠 If it’s crowded, he doesn’t want you to get lost or feel unsafe 🥺🥺🥺 he wants to feel like he’s kinda protecting you okay 🥺🥺🥺 practically cuddle into his side as you’re walking tbh 🥺🥺 he’ll probably be blushy but he’ll feel great 🥹
💠 Behind closed doors, Tony is a very eager…kisser 😏 but he’s a little more shy in public spaces! He’ll very obviously wanna kiss you out on that patio of the Italian place, but instead he has puppy eyes and (finally) a dorky smile while getting really close 🥴 he’ll probably just settle for wrapping his arm around yours or if he’s really brave today, a hand on your leg 😌
💠 You know, honestly, this might be more of a turn on anyway 🤔
💠 Now, this confidence definitely takes a 180° when the general public is now other rich assholes… and when he’s had a few glasses of wine 😅
💠 Galas, parties, Expos— you’re gonna be invited to a lot of rich people things! With a lot of other brilliant minds! And rich people! Attractive people! Maybe it’s the jealousy or maybe it’s the fact that these people know a lot more about Tony and are kinda watching him (or maybe he’s actually more comfortable in this environment???), but now his arm is around your waist all night, instead of just holding your hand he’s rubbing his hand up and down your arm a few times
💠 He also gets a lot more mischievous! You’ll probably be shocked when he not-so-subtly touches your butt 🤧 but because he didn’t usually do that he’s still a little red in the cheeks and smirking like he’s holding back a laugh 🤭
💠 He still loves it if you wanna lean into his shoulder, but this time he’ll kiss your forehead when you do 🥺🥺
💠 Tbh he still saves any of the real kissing for behind closed doors, but…. he never specified which closed doors 😏
💠 After a few drinks he definitely gets a little bold 😘 play footsie with him under his table now and he might play back! Don’t let him catch you elsewhere talking with a group because he’ll hug you from behind and probably be not so, er, subtle 😳
💠 Honestly though, you get the best of both worlds! He’s more cute and subtle out-and-about, but when you get to play dress up on those special events and occasions, he’ll turn up the hear a little 😘
💠 Tony has definitely gotten to the point where he doesn’t give a damn 😅 well, mostly. Like- don’t worry, he’ll take you to a lockable bathroom to fuck in 😏🥴
💠 But he’s older, routinely goes through the ✨horrors✨, maybe a little wiser but that’s sometimes that’s debatable…
💠 And while he’s certainly not touch-starved with how much attention and pampering he gets when he’s home, he does like having a point of contact with you when you’re out of the house 🥰
💠 And when he’s feeling the love??? He’s gonna show it!!! He’s not afraid to stop and give you a quick kiss!
💠 If it’s crowded, he doesn’t want to get separated and generally feels unsafe and anxious :( so he really likes holding hands pretty much everywhere! Like sure, he won’t have any problems with letting go while you’re looking in a shop or sat down in a restaurant, but when you’re out walking he definitely wants to hold hands!
💠 Tbh he feels very special if you initiate it even though by this point you’re probably literally married 🤧🥺 hold his hand and push yourself into his side as you walk and he’ll smile just a little 🥰🥰🥰🥰
💠 Naturally, if you’re both standing in a crowded area, maybe you’re in line for something, he’ll definitely have a grip on your waist and instinctually scanning the room… squeeze his hand and kiss his cheek and you’ll have his attention again 🥰 and you’ll probably get a real kiss too 😘 even if it is tame and short
💠 At a restaurant, absolutely play footsie with him under the table! He’ll, granted discreetly, smile like he’s having genuine fun!
💠 He’ll also probably end up bumping his knee against yours all the time and keeping it there, or man spreading so his leg can be pressed against yours. He just likes having constant contact and reassurance!
💠 And considering he nearly dies like every day, he certainly doesn’t mind giving and receiving kisses whenever and wherever! Watching my fireworks in the middle of the park? Kiss him!!! Everyone and the tv is watching him about to leave for god knows what or maybe he’s getting back??? Kiss him!!!!
💠 You could literally be in a museum and he’ll randomly lean into you for a quick kiss on your cheek or head 🥰 and some cheesy like about how you’re the best work of art here before quickly kissing your lips 😘😏
💠 Now he’s still a classy guy, okay 🤨🤨🤨🤨 don’t try any tongue action with him yet 🤨🤨🤨🤨 not here 😤😤😤
💠 But that’s not to say he doesn’t mind in— you guessed it— more intimate settings like parties, galas, Expos— whatever the hell he’s getting an invite to this time! Or throwing!
💠 He’ll even come up behind you and kiss your neck a few times 🥴 while you’re talking to someone 😅 with his hands on your arms or hips and drifting up and down 🥴
💠 Sure he’s obviously still proud to be loved, but he definitely likes to show off 😏 not necessarily just you but literally he just want to show off how his love is the best kind of love 😌
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razzellyn · 2 months
So affectionate!
Reader who gave them a daily hug! (You're going to be oofed)
Fluff and ! Angst !
Blue Cop:
• Flustered for the first few times. It's not that he didn't like it, it just barely happens to him. Jun made fun of him about it and he got even more flustered each hug.
• Eventually warms up to it and hugs you back! Only when the "immature" one isn't around though. Immature being Shadow X.
• Actually looks forward to it everyday now. It's a daily thing when it comes to you.
• Now that you are gone, now that you have just lost the privilege of living, he finds it hard to even go after the day like he usually would.
• He doesn't realize how lonely he felt until after you were gone. It makes him feel as if he was just taking your kindness, your presence for granted.
• The last time he hugged you was the last time he hugged anyone else. Any other hugs that has been given to him feels different than the ones you used to give. So, Instead of being hugged by someone else, he just hugs himself.
• Oh how he wished he could tell you how much those hugs meant for him.
Mega Trucker:
• Actually really likes them. But, obviously, he'd never admit that. He'd just play it off with a wave of his hand and walking away.
• He's totally not jealous when you give the others a hug too. He knows it's just what you do, but you don't choose how you feel, so..
• He'd much prefer if you hug him in private. That, or when you just gave everyone a hug.
• Sometimes you give them a hug after any kind of battles they go through, and he used that as an excuse to ask you for a hug sometimes.
• He didn't expect that today would be his last hug from you. His shield was already applied and yet... he couldn't protect you.
• He's the one with the shield, he was supposed to defend you. He feels pathetic now, knowing that he wasn't quick or fast enough to protect you.
• Sometimes, whenever he's alone, he's reminded that you were gone and he blames himself for it.
• He doesn't want to be hugged by someone else. Can't you just.. hug him one last time?
Mega Ambuler:
• He may be... stoic, and a bit cold at times. But your hugs are usually the reason that he melts. (Not literally)
• Honestly, didn't expect anyone to hug him at all! It was a nice change for him.
• Believe it or not, sometimes he initiated the hug. In private, of course. It's a bit awkward for him whenever he does, but for you it was like being blessed for a lifetime.
• Usually he refuses your hugs, but he often regrets it afterwards. Atleast you were kind enough to give him one after that.
• Somehow you still had the nerve to hold him close even as he was patching up your wounds.
• He wanted you to live, everyone wanted you to live. Everyone depended on him for you to live, and he failed.
• He blames himself. He apologized to you, even if you can't hear him he still does. It gives him some type of false hope that he clings to, that maybe somehow you still lived.
• He has never felt so dissapointed in his entire life. To himself. Silently begging for you to just... come back.
• It felt as if he had failed the purpose of a doctor.
Phoenix Fire:
• He's embarrassed from time to time, but he mostly welcomes the hugs with open arms.
• One of the bots who actually showed how much they appreciated your hugs. Your hugs also often calms him down from a panic attack. He's thankful for that.
• He also looks forward to being hugged, it always brightens his day by 100%.
• He was the one screaming at you, begging you to stay awake as he fought the fires and enemies from expanding further.
• He was being brave for you, extinguishing the fires like how a firefighter should! Why weren't you responding...?
• He hugged you as tightly as he could, running towards safety, murmuring promises of a safe place, a safe haven even just for the two of you. Only to look down at an empty husk that you left.
• He wondered what he could've done. He wondered what could've been avoided. He wondered if you wanted a hug.
Shadow X:
• It's hard to tell whether he likes them or not. Sometimes he hugs you back with a wide nonexistent grin, sometimes he just pushes you away. Not in an aggressive manner, of course
• One time he initiated a hug, without realizing that everyone was watching. Yeah you weren't gonna receive hugs from him anymore.
• Secretly the #1 enjoyer of your hugs. Cannot mentally function without one. You found out because he was being an annoyance before you gave him one, after you did he was much more calmer.
• Was the one who immediately stood by your side, picking you up to the best of his abilities, not wanting to hurt you further.
• It was the first time you'd seen him so serious. It was the last time he had seen you so amused.
• He didn't want to let go of you he just wanted to hug you. He didn't care if everyone else was watching, he didn't want you to leave.
• Stay for him, please. He begs of you. Let him be the one to hug you this time.
Fleta Z:
• Also #1 hug enjoyer. He actually shows that he does, not in an exaggerating way of course.
• He's not one to initiate hugs, but he's not one to decline them either. In fact he relishes in the hugs you gave him.
• Sometimes he wishes he could just hug you and never letting you go. Don't worry, he won't actually do that.
• He's really gentle with the hug. Sometimes even hugging you tightly on occasion. It's usually whenever he feels pissed off when that happens. It calms him down greatly.
• Oh was he furious when he saw you laying there motionless. Immediately running over to cover you with his frame as he shoots at the enemies.
• He doesn't want to believe it. But he knows it's true. He just wished it was him and not you.
• He doesn't feel like using his flute at times. For some reason he just didn't feel like it. When he does, he wonders, can you hear his tune that was made just for you?
• Whenever that happens he thought about going over to you, maybe you'd give him a hug. Until he remembered.
• He sighed to himself as he stared at the moon. Wishing that the moon was you.
• Though flustered and embarrassed, he still hugs you back.
• He's also one of the bots to appreciate your hugs, sometimes even asking you a second one.
• In return, he often takes you to explore the forest! Totally not a date, while also talking about the plants and wildlife of the forest.
• You somehow managed to hug him in his vehicle form, and even though it was an odd position, he still appreciated it.
• He immediately abandoned the battlefield, carrying you gently, hoping that he was fast enough to bring you to safety.
• Well, atleast he could hug you one last time before you go. Surely that could calm him down...?
• He only seeks your hugs much more than before now, only to hug himself once he remembers that won't happen anytime soon.
• The forest feels lonelier than ever. It's not as beautiful as he remembered.
Wild Guardy:
• He doesn't mind it at all. He just lets you do whatever you see fit.
• Overtime though, he gradually leans onto your hugs. It went from patting your back, to side hugging you, and all of a sudden he engulfed you in a hug.
• He doesn't care if the others see you two. Sometimes he even showed off that you hugged him rather than them.
• Safe to say he even hugged you as he ran with you to safety. You were bleeding in his car seat. Does he care? No. Cleaning might be a hassle though.
• He handed you over to Mega Ambuler, telling him to to bring you somewhere so you could be treated, and went back to the battlefield.
• His frame physically sagged down when he heard you couldn't make it. Demanding that he sees you for the very last time.
• Never had he felt so disappointed in himself before. He gently held onto your fragile little hand, sighing to himself as he brought your body close.
• Seems like he lost the privilege to your hugs.
Buffalo Crush:
• He looks like the type to not like hugs. Well you're WRONG. He THOROUGHLY enjoys them. Daily hugs? Even BETTER.
• At some point he just full on cuddled you instead of hugging, forgetting to let go until you started squirming. He apologized immediately after.
• He's learned to hug you gently now. Still snuggling up to you when he could, which then turned into a cuddle and he forgot you needed to breathe. Again.
• It takes... too long for him to properly hug you, but he did it! His learning of "how to gently hug others" had significantly improved thanks to you.
• He just didn't expect that you would go once learned. He hugged your form gently, not wanting your pain to increase.
• Of course he went to Mega Ambuler. He's a doctor isn't he? He should know what to do. He could bring you back! But Mega Ambuler's lack of response tells him otherwise.
• He was begging for someone, for anyone to help you! But even Buster Gallon didn't know what to do.
• He learned how to properly hug you now, won't you hug him back?
Buster Gallon:
• Oh he hates it. He's totally not embarrassed each time you try to hug him.
• One time he decided to let you hug him, guess what? He's not letting go. Then it just goes on after that.
• Whenever he's done something, or achieved some sort of breakthrough, he comes to you for a reward hug. Which is a normal hug, but he can only achieve it by succeeding in... something.
• Somehow you always came up with excuses to hug him, telling him that he'd done something great knowing that he didn't even do a thing yet.
• Oh how he wished he let you hug him more. He carried you away from the battle, ignoring Black Hook's orders.
• Only to find that his efforts were futile, as you lay motionless in his arms. He feels conflicted. He wants to hug you, he wants to keep you close. But he just couldn't bring it in himself to do so.
• Would you still hug him, even though he failed?
Black Hook:
• His immediate answer was a no. He didn't want to be seen as someone that could easily be 'hugged' by others. Only for him to lean into your embrace once you two were alone.
• He'd huff and grumble, saying that he doesn't want to be hugged, but you knew that he lied.
• Putting on a brave face and a strong figure, it deeply surprised you how easily he becomes a tiny spoon. Even a captain would like some time off, thank you.
• He melts every time you hug him, wishing that he could've hugged you when everyone was around but not wanting his dignity gone.
• Now he doesn't even care about dignity. He's focused on keeping you safe, only to realize that he was a tad bit too late. He's practically screaming out your name, ordering you to stay awake.
• In the end it was all pointless, staring down at your lifeless body, bending down to give you a hug. If this was going to be the last hug, at least give him the honor to initiate the hug.
• He stayed holding you, as gently as a captain could.
Heavy Iron:
• It's no surprise that Heavy Iron doesn't think much of it. Actually it technically is a surprise, considering that he's a huge bot who looks like he would stomp on you if he wanted to.
• It makes him wonder however, why you were hugging him in the first place. But he must admit, it's nice to be shown kindness even after your worse. He's never saying that though.
• Usually he just pats your back in return and lets go immediately after. Other times he just doesn't do anything, letting you hug him as he just stood there. (like an idiot!🏴‍☠️)
• It almost never happens, but whenever he's feeling particularly good he would actually, properly, hug you back. Even he got himself surprised.
• He wasn't sure what he expected after that. He lost his world, and then he lost you. It doesn't surprise him, but it still hurts.
• He mourns you silently, grieving in the fact that he's only ever hugged you a few times before, yet you've hugged him countless of times.
• Never in his lifetime have he ever felt so saddened by the loss of someone. Though, he supposed you were a different case. You treated him as equals even after he did the opposite, yet somehow that encouraged you to hug him?
• Does he even deserve a hug from you? From anyone?
Pls send req of character and scenario
Idk what else to write i BEG
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yyawnjun · 7 months
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an/summary; today for me was such a bad day! I wrote thus seeking comfort, hope this will help a bit y'all! - a comforting moment with Dino when yn is having hard times <3
fluff, hurt to comfort ; leechan × reader ; 0.3k wc ; short scenario ; @kflixnet
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Warm. A pleasant warmth through the sunlight caresses your cheeks, while a pleasant breeze passes through your hair. The cool spring air lets you avoid getting too hot, and it also carries lovely smells of flowers that try to calm your racing thoughts.
Lying on a quiet field of grass and daisies, you had your eyes half-closed as you let your mind wander through the noisy thoughts.
Your efforts to maintain calmness and optimism were useless against the intense discomfort you were feeling. Your soul fought hard against the serenity of the natural setting, refusing to give in to anything, not even the helpless cries of the birds.
Everything around you seemed to want to console your wounded soul for some reason unknown to all. As much as you wanted to detach yourself from those destructive thoughts, your uncontrolled mind always kept to return there. Your heart quickened, your eyes started to water, and you started to tremble all over.
"Yn, allow yourself to cry," Lee Chan whispered to you.
Directly directed to your soul, words as sweet and delightful as ambrosia awakened a deeper instinct. Something within you raised, and it was more impulsive than before, racing to your chest and then your throat.
And so you cried. You cried a lot of tears. Your cheeks turned red, crying sounded desperate, the tears poured out, and you started to cry now and again.
You initially raised your hands to your face to wipe away your tears—possibly a little embarrassed by the unexpected event—but the boy took them with gentleness right away.
He lay down next to you, and now your hand was joined with his, and your cries were the only sound in the silence.
Liberating. It had been far too long since you'd needed to cry deeply, so it was liberating to cry that spring day. You had accumulated so much in your soul that you were unable to fully understand the reason behind your intense feelings.
And as the tears, magically illuminated by the sun, flowed down unchecked, your heart was uplifted because it was lightened.
Your head had moved in closer to Dino, who had started to lightly brush the back of your hand. There were so many things he could say to cheer you up, he just wanted to talk. Because all he wanted was to brighten your mood. However, he was so dependent on how you felt that he quickly understood that the most useful option he could offer you was simply to remain quiet and watch your pain fade.
Just as soon as your tears ceased, he moved to rapidly get close to your still-wet cheek. However, you went faster and faced him. Your cheeks flushed as your lips brushed, but in the time of a single blink, your bodies were united in a warm hug.
His aroma took the place of the scent of the blossoming flowers and brought you comfort more than ever at that moment.
He hugged you without saying anything. A little ashamed that he couldn't find the right words to console you, but equally ecstatic to see that your heartbeat had accelerated in unison with his (and not from crying...).
Was there a secret declaration of love behind this?
"Achilles cries too, heroes cry in. And you are no less than they. Please pretty, remember that you will always have here a place to weep, a place to shelter, not only metaphorically" he said pointing to the position where you still stood.
Indeed your hug had never ended; you were still holding each other even though your gaze was now turned toward the brave boy who - with heart in his hand - was talking to you.
In that moment he noticed that your eyes glowed brighter than ever, partly still red and shiny from crying, partly also from his kind words...or maybe it was the magic of love's birth that made you and your eyes more beautiful than ever?
Once again, he had managed to speak to your soul through his soul.
As if you were without strength, all you could do was come closer again to you that reassuring boy who would give his life for your happiness. An explicit confession would only take away the purity from the moment. It was unnecessary to express verbally the soft love that had bloomed, and been validated by your tender actions.
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creedslove · 1 year
I have an idea. I don't know if it is ok or you'll like it. Something with Javier Peña. Y/N and Javier are partners. At first they bicker a lot. Cannot stand each other etc. Then became friends. They are both moody hehehehe. Reader is American or English ( you decide ). So she has to go back and only way for her to stay and work with Javier is having a citizenship. And the easiest way is marriage. Javier doesn't want her to go, she doesn't want to leave him. They are not brave enough to admit their feelings. So Javier proposes to her. Saying he needs his partner. They act like a real couple around people. Kiss, hug, pet names etc. Then slowly they do those things at home without even realising it. Maybe it could turn into series. With some agnst and fluff? Protective and jealous Javier. Equally protective and jealous reader. Thank you for your time! 💚
Javier Peña x f!reader
A/N: I'm so sorry it took me forever to do this, I hope it's nice ❤️
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• ever since you got to Colombia you and your partner Javier wouldn't stop bickering
• he was just so annoying, all the time smoking and flirting around, sleeping with hookers and having the attitude of a 10 year old, while you got under his skin and took every ounce of patience he had
• he didn't know exactly why, maybe it was because you didn't respond to his initial flirt or because unlike most of the women around Javier, you didn't seem affected by his charms
• you just treated him like any other guy, nothing special about him, you couldn't understand the fuss
• so the first couple of months, was kind of a pain in the ass to work with him, but eventually you got used to each other and at the same time you realized Javier wouldn't change, he also realized you wouldn't jump into his bed
• and that made your work dynamics better through the months, and soon enough you and Javi were able to work without any troubles
• not only that: you two ended up becoming friends
• and a year passed very quickly, you and Javier were each other's most meaningful relationship even if you didn't have anything sexual or romantic going on
• he just trusted you and you trusted him, you two looked out for each other and your partnership was very successful
• until the day you got some immigration letters saying you'd have to go back to your country because your permission to stay in Colombia had expired
• you didn't have many options to stay, they were all out of reach and you had accepted you would have to return home and leave your current life behind
• and Javi too
• you were upset, but that man was heartbroken
• he didn't know how to explain, but he didn't want to be left by you, he wanted you to stay next to him and he said it was because of work, of course
• but you both knew it was something more, and yet, neither of you said anything about it
• as Javi read the documents, he came across one very important information: you wouldn't have to go back if you were legally married
• so he came up with a solution: he would marry you so you could stay
• and you laughed really hard
• after all, it was Javier Peña talking about getting married
• but he was serious and you could tell the moment he groaned annoyed and asked you if you wanted to do it or not
• so his plan was simple: marry you so you would stay and you two would act as a couple in love in front of people
• it was a crazy idea, but it could work, so you agreed and in less than a week, you and Javi were signing the papers in the courthouse
• and that was when you became Mrs.Peña
• in front of other people you and Javi acted like a newlywed couple: holding hands, pecking lips, giggling and seeming always affectionate
• at home you were yourselves again, you even told Javi he could still go to his girls as long as he was discreet about it, because you didn't want a scandal
• he seemed pretty satisfied, but the reality was that he never returned to any of the whorehouses he knew after he got married, it just seemed weird to him
• and when you two were at home, he began acting a lot sweeter too
• he would help you with dinner or at least with the dishes; whenever you were taking notes or reading something at the table he would tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
• or he would rub your shoulders whenever you were too tense after work
• the peak of Javier Peña's sweetness was when he offered you to paint your toenails
• you were a little surprised but he said he would do it so you could relax, and while he did a pretty decent job, you fell asleep
• so you began being very sweet towards Javi too, wanting him to feel as good as he was making you feel
• you would offer him shoulder rubs and you would rest your body against his whenever you two watched television
• and one night he took too long to arrive, you knew he had a dangerous stakeout with Murphy and you were worried by minute as he didn't show up at home in time for dinner
• the moment he finally walked through the door you ran to him, wrapping your arms around his body and kissing his lips
• it got pretty difficult to hide how much you liked each other after that
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Could you please do headcanons with fuegoleon and nozel when their s/o gives them a surprise back hug ? I just love the little fluffy things
Hiya! ^^
Oh this was so fun to write! Just a little, cute, fluffy thing! I hope it makes you giggle!
Pairing: Fuegoleon x gn!reader, Nozel x gn!reader Fanfic type: Headcanons Genre: Fluff (maybe with a grin :3 ) Total length: ~0.9k
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He is someone to likes to act professionally in public all times. Which isn’t about him being ashamed of you, or public displays of affection per se, but rather it’s about not making your relationship more of a talking point of the entire kingdom than what it undoubtedly will be, granted his royal status.
But still, holding your hand, or walking side by side with your arm linked to his aren’t unseen, or unusual instances and sights by any means. Because he does want to be close to you.
And of course in private cuddle sessions and some playful teasing and taunting, and him scooping you into his arms unexpectedly, or you diving into a hug were anything but rare. Because love, affection and passion were there from both of you.
However, a part of you wished to see your very serious, dashing and poised spouse, at least a little bit flustered. In a way that would do no real harm of course.
So, one day, when you were at the castle together, him about to go into a meeting and you seeing him across the room, the corners of your lips turned into a cheeky grin. Because, you had an idea.
Your eyes glanced around, and people were coming and going, but mostly going. And it was peaceful enough around so you might be able to do a thing without having anyone else see it. But then again if someone would happen to see you expressing you loving your spouse, would that really be so awful? Nah.
So, you took a few, careful steps forward. As if you were a cat readying yourself for a bounce. Then another, and another during which you crouched a bit by leaning forth. Then you took a few steps…
And then you lunged forth while wrapping your arms around him from behind.
He stumbled forth by only a step as you hugged him from behind, and you could feel him trying to turn around in your arms.
“My beloved what…” he uttered with his eyes wide open as he tried to look over your shoulder.
“I wanted to give you a hug,” you told him while still pressing yourself against his back. But you turned your head to look at him, and saw his gaze soften into one of adoration and affection tender as the first light of the morning sun. And, you could swear, that there was a little tint of red over his cheeks.
Nozel was a rigid and poised man in public. You knew this, he knew this, and everyone else knew it. He was someone who wasn’t comfortable with public displays of affection, because he believed that affection between a couple shouldn’t be for anyone else to witness than the couple itself. Being courteous and respectful of one and another, even expressing the wish to keep the other safe and protected were of course something that he had no qualms about in public, of course, but kisses and hugs and other, such, forms of affection were in his mind something that were only for the two of you.
And he took a long time in being… you supposed ‘brave enough’ to initiate displays of affection, even in private. It had just been like he was unsure of if he might, or how to best go about it. He always seemed so flustered about it, which was, quite honestly, so adorable. Just trying to go about it, as if circling around wanting to kiss you unexpectedly, even if it was just the two of you.
In a way, he seemed more confident while offering his arm in public, so that you might link yours to his, or wrapping his arm around you by placing his hand onto your shoulder when he wished to appear protective. The motions that were textbook noble man behaviour. Of a kind. In certain situations. Those he could manage without a doubt.
But when it was ‘just him’. Him as Nozel rather than Lord Silva, he seemed to stumble.
One day, you were out in the Silver Eagles’ headquarters, and you saw him, staring some documents in hand out of office. Which was unusual as it was, but as he lowered the documents in hand, and pinched the bridge of his nose with the other, you knew that it must’ve been something less than pleasant.
You glanced around to see no one, and with it you thought that you might dare. ‘Dare’ only because you didn’t want to put him into an awkward spot when he was already worried about something.
Then you took a few steps forth, carefully and silently, until you reached him. You wrapped your arms around him into a gentle, yet swift embrace, because if you weren’t determined enough, he’d surely have slipped away.
He instantly tensed up and his head shot back as much as it could. And you were quite sure that there was a passing glare in his eyes.
“Darling, don’t-“, he said while looking around for anyone who might see.
“It’s alright,” you told him while keeping him in your arms. “So what if they see that I love you.”
He halted, as if he hadn’t expected you to say something like that. It was another passing moment where he just stood there, in your embrace, until he placed his hand over yours.
He didn’t say anything, just stood there, keeping your arms wrapped around him.
But as you peeked to his face, you saw that his cheeks were of a lovely shade of red.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
What're the Riddlers' favorite places to......cuddle? And who are the softest, snuggliest sweethearts about it?
Favourite Place to Cuddle
Riddler Headcanons THANK YOU SNOW for letting me write the fluff i thought i was going to write before lmao here's their favourite snuggling spots and their hug status too because you're right, some of them are huggers and some are. not 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: soft and squishy fluff, sexually suggestive
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favourite place: in bed
either directly after sex, or when you first wake up, or when you lay down to finally go to sleep
his arms are around you and you're held so tight there's no escaping
(but why would you want to wriggle free of his sweet cuddles?)
it just feels so natural and romantic to him, to have you in his bed with his body wrapped around you
hug status: gosh his cuddles are so sweet, they last forever and they take your breath away (or constrict your lungs...)
favourite place: on his stream
it gives him neverending joy when you come up behind him and wrap your arms round his neck and shoulders
or when you feel brave enough to plop yourself down on his lap
all while he's streaming to his loyal followers, who he hopes are very jealous that he has someone to hug and hold
it gives him the ego boost he needs to get up to his nefarious little silly activities
hug status: he says thank you everytime you finish cuddling with him because he feels like he needs to ;-;
favourite place: the shower
holding you from behind while the water beats down on you both?
hands free to caress your front, your stomach, your chest, maybe even a little bit further south...
it makes him feel dominant still, to be cradling you
to be in control of the length and manner of the cuddle
hug status: he'll only hug you when he feels like it, it feels stifled, almost for show sometimes, but there's warmth in it
favourite place: while you're dancing
nothing feels better than holding you tight, resting his head on your shoulder, you against his
as you both sway gently to whatever music he has put on
his arms around you, keeping you close, sighing softly
the joy of humming along to the tune and hearing you hum right back
hug status: he's not always aware when you need a hug but when he does cuddle into you it's always perfect
favourite place: anywhere, as long as it's private
it's unlikely that he'll ever take the initiative to hug you first, because it's not something he thinks about or feels like he needs
but he'll accept a hug from you, or at least he'll let you hang off of him while he stands still and waits for it to be over
but ground rules: you're allowed to hug him twice a day, at most, only when no one is around
and it can't last for too long either, he has things to be getting on with thank you
hug status: he's prickly, but the fact that he lets you hug him at all suggests that he might be softer than he's willing to admit
favourite place: the back seat of a car
it feels very much like you're on a date, makes him feel young
going to some lovers' lane where he can get into some heavy petting or maybe even more
it's really the only place he gets soft and romantic, the rest of the time he's quite cold and dominant
but the nostalgia, the adrenaline, the innocence, it all does it for him
hug status: don't even think about hugging him without advanced warning in writing
zero year
favourite place: anywhere
but you have to be constantly draped over him, wrapped round his neck
so everyone can see that he has someone who is willing to hug him
and he's definitely going to be grabbing you back
although... maybe not in the traditional sense of a cuddle... maybe more... desperate and gropey than that...
hug status: makes a pouty face and says "where's my hug?" but it's still somehow hard to say no to him
favourite place: back row of the movie theatre
it's less about the location of this one and more the sort of risk that accompanies it
because with him, hugs are always just the first step
they're a slippery slope to even more physical contact of a more lewd nature
and sitting in the back row, getting cosy, the risk of getting caught? perfect for him
hug status: cuddles are how he expresses himself, how he apologises, initiates sex, lets you know he missed you etc.
favourite place: snuggled up on the sofa
whether you're watching a movie, or playing a video game, he likes you to be close to him
he'll put his arm over your shoulder and pull you in
shifting you closer, inch by inch, until you're practically on his lap or sitting between his legs
just him and you, no one around to interrupt you while he's peppering kisses over any part of you he can reach
hug status: he's definitely a big hugger! absolutely loves being in contact with you
young justice
favourite place: anywhere, as long as it's in public
he'll literally take a hug from you regardless of the situation
he's so touch-starved and desperate to be loved and held and wanted and squished
a quick side-hug, a big bear hug, a hug that knocks him over
literally nothing makes him happier than knowing you're willing to be seen doting over him in front of other people
hug status: absolute soft boy, will melt into your arms when you hug him but is a bit nervous about intiating any cuddles
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devoted 2.
part 13
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Overall warning/s: kinkier smut (eg. voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc.) character death, dark themes
Chapter warning/s: dementia
Just how devoted is Jaehyun to you?
prev: part 12
wc: 6.1k
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“I’m flying back.”
“Absolutely not.” You grimaced. “It’s just a fever, Jaehyun. I’m not dying.”
He’s been in China for almost a week now and just yesterday, you felt sick like you’ve never been before. You initially didn’t want to tell him about it but it was hard to hide it from him if he asked for a call every night.
He frowned through the video call at you, crossing his arms over his chest like a child that’s been denied his treat. You were tucked into the corner of the backseat with a cooling patch stuck on your forehead and a heating pad on your stomach, pathetically putting on a brave face despite the cramps absolutely demolishing your lower abdomen.
It must have been a sight for your bodyguards through the rearview mirror to see you like this. Ever since you came down with a fever last night, Jaehyun had suggested that you check into the hospital but you insisted on staying with your parents. You’ll feel a lot safer there and what could possibly beat the tender, loving care of your mother, right?
“I don’t understand how you’re sick all of a sudden. Did you eat something? Food poisoning, maybe? Does your stomach still hurt?”
“It’s probably PMS, babe. It’s not my stomach hurting, my abdomen is cramping up.”
“You’ve never gotten fevers before your period in the past.”
You sighed, “Yeah, it sucks to be a woman, no? I’ll be fine, Jae. It’s actually right on time if it is.”
He still looked hesitant, his brows slowly merging together on his forehead. “Okay… If you say so, but I’m going to have a doctor come by as soon as possible.”
You reached your parent’s home and you sighed, “Alright. I’m here and you have a meeting.”
“I hope you feel better soon, baby. I miss you. Tell your parents I said hi.”
“I miss you, too, and I will.” You giggled. “Good luck, baby. I love you.”
“Thanks, I love you more.”
He took another hesitant, longing look at you before finally ending the call.
You settle back down and let your face contort into pain as another wave of cramps tortured your lower half while Jooheon gets out of the front seat. You’ve never had PMS this bad before. Usually it only cramped during your period and you never got a fever, too. You had a classmate back in high school that always got a fever before her period.
Seeing that Jooheon had circled around to your door, you sat up and let him open the door for you.
“[Y/N], dear!” Your mom came bursting out of the house, hurriedly making her way to you, and engulfing you into a hug while you gathered the heat pad and purse into your arms. “What happened? It’s been years since you had a fever!”
“It’s probably just my period coming.”
Jooheon had brought over your overnight bag inside the house for you and bowed as he passed by you, “We’ll be a call away, Ms. [L/N].”
“Please,” You shook your head, “you and Hyunwoo can go home for today. I’ll call when I’m better and can go back home.”
He looked unsure - you knew Jaehyun had different orders for them, but he relented and bowed again to both you and your mom as a bid farewell.
“I cleaned your room the second you said you wanted to stay over. Come, come. Go lie down and I’ll make you some hot soup.” Your mom assisted you up the stairs and into your childhood room. “I’ll have your dad bring your bag up when he’s finished taking a bath.”
You whistled as you looked around, “Did you preserve the room or something, mom? Nothing’s changed. I thought you would have wanted this extra room for hobbies or knick knacks.”
It dawned on you that you never brought Jaehyun up here, even when you brought him home for the first time so he could meet your parents. It makes you wonder how his childhood room looked; it was probably way bigger than this. More sleek and modern — his mom gave off that vibe and she definitely had a hand at styling his room.
Your mom clicked her tongue, “Don’t be ridiculous. Both your father and I always hope you’d want to come back and sleep over some time.”
“Aw, mom.” You cried, “You can always ask me to come over if you wanted. Jaehyun wouldn’t mind.”
“Gosh, you sound like he’s not invited! Stop stalling me, get yourself to bed and I’ll go cook now.”
You laughed at her, you could really tell she missed fussing over you so much. When you went home for long weekends or school breaks during college, she was always all over you — acting as if you were VVIP or something along those lines.
“I’m just gonna put a pad on just in case I start bleeding.” You reasoned, calling out as she scurried out of our room.
You fished out one of the pads you stuffed into your purse and tossed your bag onto your bed, along with the heat pad. The pain is still a bitch but this was something only you could do. The bathroom was across your room and the tiles were still a little wet when you entered. After carefully stepping on the mats, you pulled your leggings with your underwear down and sat on the toilet.
“Oh, there it is.” You grumbled, the faintest splotch of red on your panties. You would’ve preferred to change out of it already, but your bag was still downstairs and you really couldn’t be bothered by it. You were already starting to feel chilly again. Without a second thought, you slapped the pad securely onto your underwear and did your business.
You weren’t used to staying put anymore. Despite the immense comfort and nostalgia of being in your old bed again where you could remember a handful of times where you refused to move because you would rather sleep, your body wasn’t programmed that way anymore. You had woken up a little past midnight to a horrible cramp and you just couldn’t go back to sleep anymore after snoozing the entire day once your dad had delivered your dinner to your bed. You wanted to work so badly, you were thankful to have stashed your laptop into your bag to at least check your emails.
Once you had your email on, you noticed Jaehyun was also online.
“Jae?” You chatted.
Without missing a beat, there was an incoming video call from him.
“Hi.” You both greeted each other once the connection was stable.
“Your dad said you were sound asleep.”
You cocked your head to the side, “You were messaging my dad?”
“I wouldn’t want to ring your phone if you were resting. Besides, I’m trying to build a relationship with my future-in-laws, is that so wrong?”
“Well, if you put it that way…” You trailed off with a giddy smile. “How are you?”
Jaehyun sighed, “We can’t get the heads of the branches in the same conference room, let alone in the same building. Sicheng is very close to calling his dad for help but it’s not gonna look good for him. We’re gonna try again in a few days. Let them cool down some more. How about you? Your mom said your temperature was getting lower when she last checked.”
You didn’t have any more cooling patches other than the one you had on when you came over so you had to cool yourself off the old fashion way with a damp cloth. You brought the back of your hand to your forehead and nodded, “It’s still a little hot.”
“Hold on, why are you even awake and on your laptop?”
“I couldn’t sleep. I thought I could get a little work in and read some emails.”
“You still shouldn’t stay up for too long. I scheduled one of the family doctor’s for you. Dr. Bae. She’s gonna clear her schedule for you so you can have her come over at your convenience.”
Your phone chimed after Jaehyun sent the doctor’s contact information.
“Alright. Thank you.”
Jaehyun moved his face away from the screen, but you can see his jaws move as he let out a big yawn.
“You must be tired from today, Jaehyun. You should get some rest, too.”
“But I wanna stay on call with you.” He pouted, lower lip jutted out.
You giggled, “We can stay on call until we both fall asleep, yeah?”
You left the camera on, leaving him to do his own thing while you skimmed through your unread emails. You took your time responding to the important ones, making sure your grammar and tone was professional. After replying to a handful of emails, you checked on Jaehyun.
You snorted, “You’re such a creep.”
While you were working, he must have taken a quick shower because his hair was messy and damp and he switched out from a dress shirt to a plain tee. He seemed to be seated at a table with his body leaned forward, elbow propped up and supporting his head’s weight. 
“Am I not allowed to watch and feel proud of my wife working so diligently?”
Wife. You couldn’t hide your smile. Usually, you’d correct him — not yet, you’ll quip, but you didn’t feel like it tonight.
“I realized I never let you up into my room before.”
You watched him pout, a little confused, and then he nodded in agreement.
“I guess you’re right. But to be fair,” He shrugged, “Whenever you brought me over, I was on my best behavior. I did not want your parents — especially your dad — to think I couldn’t keep my hands off you so maybe I subconsciously avoided it if the opportunity arose.”
“But you couldn’t keep your hands off me.”
“I am aware.”
You laughed at him, rolling your eyes.
“But like I said,” Jaehyun’s features softened, “I wanted to show your parents that I’m worthy of being with you. That they can be assured that their daughter is safe with me.”
“You don’t have to worry about that now.”
He shook his head, “No. Not until they walk you down the aisle and your father personally hands you over to me. Only until then will I believe they trust me to take care of you.”
Your heart swelled at his admonition, tears springing to your eyes.
“Baby,” The corner of his lip curved into a half smile along with his brows that expressed concern.
“You can’t expect me to not be emotional over that, Jaehyun.” You sniffed, wiping at your eyes before the tears could even spill. “I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you.”
“You probably put a hex on me when we first met to make me fall for you.” He joked.
“Hey!” You reprimanded, trying to sound mad but you couldn’t help but chortle at him. “Maybe you were the one who hexed me.”
“If I believed in it, I would have if it meant having you to myself.”
The mood turned a little somber after he said that. 
“You don’t need to.” You murmured just loud enough for him to hear. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“I know.”
The moment was interrupted by something beeping in Jaehyun’s background and he looked over to the source of the sound. He disappeared from your view and after a while you hear the sound of water being poured.
“Are you having coffee at this hour?”
“No.” His voice was a little distant from the mic, “Ramen. I’m a little hungry.”
He emerged back into your view with a cup of ramen and a pair of chopsticks keeping the lid down.
“Ooh, ramen does sound good right now.” You longingly looked at the cup noodles on your laptop’s screen. “I just don’t know if my mom would have any in her pantry.”
“I can have someone bring you some.”
“No, it’s fine. It might keep me up longer.” And just on cue, you let out a yawn.
“Wanna go to sleep already?”
You huffed, “No. It’s my turn to watch you.”
You placed your laptop by your pillow, pulled your blanket over your body, and shimmied down the bed until you were comfortable. You faced your laptop to see Jaehyun’s amused expression at what he had just witnessed. “What?”
“You’re so cute. I wish I was there right now.”
“I wish you were here, too.” You mumbled, your eyelids feeling heavy already. “I hope you can come home soon.”
“I hope so, too.” You watch him stir his noodles with his chopsticks, taking a big bite after blowing on it. As he slurped his food, you commented, “You eat so well, babe.”
“I said you eat so well. I think I remember my mom commenting about it too when I first brought you over here.”
Jaehyun wiped the corner of his mouth while chewing, “She’s an amazing cook.”
“Please don’t talk with your mouthful. You’re a full grown adult, Jae.”
He rolled his eyes at you, making an exaggerated movement to show you he swallowed. “There, happy?”
“I hope our kids eat as well as you. They’ll be chubby toddlers like you were.”
Jaehyun pursed his lips, “I wasn’t that chubby when I was a toddler…”
“Your cheeks looked so squishy, though. No one wants skinny babies. Chubby babies mean they’re healthy.”
“You are aware that means it’ll be painful for you if you’re going through natural birth.”
You drawled, “Yeah, but if they’re healthy, then it would be worth it, no?”
Your eyes fluttered shut as he chuckled, watching you fall asleep in front of him. He doesn’t say anything more but you just know he’s still laughing at you. You wanted to open your eyes to check but you didn’t have the strength to do it and you couldn’t even open your mouth to talk. 
“Sweet dreams, baby.”
You were able to make a soft noise to let him know you acknowledged him.
“I love you. I’ll see you soon.”
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Dr. Bae was one of the most beautiful women you’ve ever laid your eyes upon - and she has a face mask over her mouth. Your own mother was flustered when she let her into the house and led her up to your room. Through the small talk you shared to break the ice, you found out that she was the Irene Johnny had mentioned before that he was supposed to get arranged to marry. She spoke so gracefully, yet confident and it almost made you insecure to be in her presence.
She goes through the usual tests; checking your vitals, heart rate, and blood pressure — she was about to forego checking your weight but your mom had brought over a weighing scale from their bathroom.
“Everything seems normal. Any other anomalies can be attributed to your period — and it just started today, correct?”
“No, yesterday. But the heavy flow started today.”
“Do you usually have a heavy flow for your period?”
You shook your head, “Oh, I have an implant, an IUD. My periods’ flow is irregular, if you can put it that way.”
Irene pensively looked at you with pursed lips, “By any chance, do you feel it?”
“The IUD? Right now?” You clarified, awkwardly shifting in your seat. “Not at all.”
“A displaced IUD could cause the user to experience heavy bleeding, cramping or soreness in your lower abdomen. I highly suggest you visit your gynecologist as soon as you can, Ms. [L/N]. Just to be sure.”
“Wait, how bad is a displaced IUD?”
“It’s not life-threatening.” She reassured you, “However, if it’s not in the proper location - your uterus - then it won’t be able to do it’s purpose as contraception.”
You mentally counted the days since the symptoms showed up and the last time you and Jaehyun had sex. Your gynecologist told you that sperm could live in the vagina up to 5 days. It should have been more than a week if you were counting right.
“You look a little frightened, Ms. [L/N].” Irene snapped you out of your thoughts and you forced out a laugh.
“Oh, sorry. I was just trying to count the days in my head since I last had intercourse from when the symptoms started… what are… what are the chances I could get pregnant?”
“It’s not in my field of expertise,” She sheepishly admitted, “But if you’re trying to avoid getting pregnant, you can take some birth control orally just to be safe. Again, you should really visit your gynecologist as soon as possible.”
After prescribing you with some pills for your cramps and fever (if it ever rises again), Dr. Irene left your parent’s home. Your dad offered to go and buy the medicine for you while he ran errands while your mom had to run her own errands — both hesitant to leave you until you convinced them you were fine. 
You had messaged Dr. Ahn immediately, explaining the situation already. While waiting for a response, you sent a similar message to Jaehyun to update him.
What if you were pregnant? It shouldn’t be so bad. Both you and Jaehyun have already talked about it — you even debated on having the implant removed but kept it in when you were informed you could easily get pregnant afterwards. You snorted, you couldn’t be pregnant at present though. You’re sure it’s been well over a week after having sex with him that the symptoms started. 
You checked your phone for responses from either Jaehyun or Dr. Ahn, but there was nothing.
The doorbell rang and you inwardly groaned, dreading the combination of walking down the stairs with the mild cramps you were experiencing. You fumbled around your bag to look for a spare facemask and put it on as you begrudgingly made your way down.
As you put your hand on the doorknob, there was a split second of fear that coursed through you. You were alone. You were so caught up with the implant issue that you had sent both your parents off without asking Jooheon or Hyunwoo to drive by. You peeked through the peephole and expelled a heavy breath of relief.
You swung the door open, “Kun?”
“[Y/N]? I didn’t know you were here. Did something happen?” Kun’s eyes widened in shock. “Are you okay? Are you sick?”
“I am. I decided to stay here because Jaehyun’s been overseas and I can’t really take care of myself. Would you like to come in?”
He shook his head, “No, I only meant to drop this off.”
Kun raised the box in his hands and then flinched, “Uhm, my… my family came to visit from China and they brought this for your parents. Tea leaves and herbal medicine.”
“Oh… they’re out, but thanks.” You tried to get it from him but he refused to hand it over.
“Let me. Where can I put it down?”
“The kitchen counter.” You stepped aside to let him in and you almost wanted to laugh that he didn’t even need to be directed to where the kitchen was. As you closed the door, you called out to him, “You didn’t come to the housewarming.”
Kun huffed after placing the box down, “Yeah, I’m sorry. I’m getting a lot of work done now so I could take a vacation to spend with my family.”
“How are they?” You quietly asked, “Is this the first time they’re back here?”
He sighed slowly, “Yeah. They’re well… but…”
Kun shrugged his shoulders, “My mom. She has, uh, she has early onset dementia.”
“What? She’s the same age as my mom.”
“Dementia can happen to anyone in any age group. It’s actually in our genes.”
Your mouth slowly fell open, unsure of how to react or say.
He took notice and waved his hand, “Don’t worry about it. She’s still doing fine — but also, I should really get back to them.”
“Where are you guys staying?”
“Our old house. It was fortunately up for sale when I decided to randomly drive by. I was able to lease it and have it ready for my parents before they came over.”
“That’s amazing.”
He chuckled, “Right?”
You both walked back to the front door and he opened it to let himself out. Before he stepped away, he turned to look at you.
“Would you like to have dinner with my family? It’ll be nice to catch up with you. It could help jog my mom’s memory as a mental stimulant.”
“Yeah, I would love to.” You literally felt like someone kicked your abdomen. “Uhm, when I get better, yeah?”
“Yes, of course.” He nodded, “I should go. Get well soon, [Y/N].”
“Take care.”
You closed the door after he had stepped off the porch. Usually, you would have waited until they got into their cars before closing the door but you couldn’t stand straight anymore. You trudged towards the staircase and sat down, pressing down on your abdomen. Have either Jaehyun or Dr. Ahn responded to you already? You were so preoccupied with Kun and the news of his parents being back in Korea that you had forgotten the urgency of your possible situation. You got up at once and turned to walk up to your room but there was a knock on the door.
“Kun?” You called out, “Did you forget something?”
You opened the door without a second thought and was confused to see no one there. You looked around until your eyes fell to the doormat and your body froze. Your blood ran cold at the sight of what looked to be a black flower on top of a small folded card. Your eyes shot up to look around, even bravely stepping outside of the door frame to look for something — someone, that could have left it there, but there was nothing. 
There was no one.
You snatched the flower and card from the ground and slammed the door closed, frantically locking it behind you. Your legs gave out and you fell on your knees to the floor, but the pain that struck your knees couldn’t distract you from inspecting the items in your hands.
It was a rose. And it wasn’t naturally black, but rather it was withered and dead. The dark gradation of the dried petals told you it was a red one. With one hand, you shakily pried the note open.
“Are you sure you know everything about the peccant man you love?”
Peccant? You weren’t even sure what that meant.
“The truth is in the apartment.”
You balled your fist, crumpling the note in your hand. This is a trap. It has to be.
You got up from the floor, rushing upstairs like your body wasn’t hurting to begin with. You grabbed your phone from the bed and checked the notifications for messages. Jaehyun hadn’t messaged but Dr. Ahn has and she told you to come into her clinic the day after next, as she’s currently out of town. After sending a quick thank you to her, you searched up the meaning of ‘peccant.’
“Having committed a fault or sin. Corrupt.”
You reread the note again. 
What had Jaehyun done for this person to call him corrupt? Was it so bad that it could possibly drive you away from him?
You pulled up Jaehyun’s contact and found yourself hovering over the green call button. 
Why are you hesitating? You wouldn’t have waited a second longer to tell him about this.
“Do I know everything about him?” You whispered to yourself, fixated on the pixels on your phone that made up his name. 
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“[Y/N]! Look at you! You’ve grown up so well.” Kun’s dad greeted you, opening his arms up for a hug that you gladly accepted.
It’s been two days and you were a lot better. You contacted Kun and you’ll be free for a few more days until you need to get yourself back to work. Dr. Ahn was going to see you in the afternoon later so Kun suggested having lunch at their house.
“Hello, Mr. Qian. How have you been?” You pulled away and smiled.
“Still kicking, that’s for sure.” He laughed, however his face grew soft as he turned towards the lady beside him. “Honey, do you remember this young lady?”
Mrs. Qian hummed as she looked up at her husband. He gestured towards you and her head cocked to the side. After a beat, she gasped. “Oh, Kun, is this your girlfriend? What a beautiful woman she is.”
“No, Ma, she’s not. Well… she’s my ex-girlfriend… from high school.”
“High school?” She repeated, tone a little perplexed. But after a few more seconds, she clasped her hands together in a ‘Eureka!’ moment, “[L/N] [Y/N]! My word! You’ve matured into such a lovely lady!”
You bashfully smiled at her, “Hello, Mrs. Qian. It’s been so long.”
“It’s been ages, dear! Gosh, let’s come inside and seat ourselves. My memory may be foggy, but I haven’t forgotten my recipes!”
As you entered, you couldn’t help but look around. The structure was still the same for sure, but a lot of things have changed. The photos and awards Kun had weren’t on the hallway wall anymore. They had a very traditional Asian vibe to their interior before but it seemed like the previous owners were more into Scandinavian design.
You walked into the dining room and smiled to yourself at the sight: although the interior screamed Modern European, the table set for brunch was clearly meant for Chinese cuisine.
“Oh, wow.” You remarked, “I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve had a proper homemade dumpling.”
“Well, you’re in luck.” Mr. Qian quipped, opening one of the few bamboo steamers on the table. “My wife has dumplings, dim sums, and pork buns ready to be gobbled up! Please, take a seat, [Y/N].”
Your eyes wandered over to Kun, clearly feeling a bit awkward and on edge. You do have to admit it’s a little weird to be having brunch with your ex from high school. Maybe he’s worried his mom would bring up the reason you two broke up.
Fortunately, lunch went on smoothly. Conversations jumped from fond memories of the past to catching up with the present to future plans — and it jumped from each one with no particular pattern. Mrs. Qian’s food had always given you comfort when you were able to eat it. Like a Chinese version of your mom’s food. You caught yourself glancing at Kun, who was playfully telling his father to keep quiet about an embarrassing childhood story. You feigned a smile, pretending to be listening but your mind flew back to when you were still dating Kun.
Back then, you were convinced that Kun was the first and only for you. Before the impending break up brought upon finding out you were going to pursue Arts, you really did get along with his parents. They practically treated you like a daughter-in-law already. It’s a bittersweet memory.
“Please tell me you’re in a relationship, [Y/N], unlike Mr. I-don’t-have-time-for-that-in-med-school over here.” Mrs. Qian dismissively waved her hand as if to dismiss her son.
“I, uh,” You cleared your throat, caught a bit off guard by the sudden attention on you, “I am. I’m actually engaged.”
You brought up your hand where your engagement ring fit snugly on your finger.
“Congratulations! Oh, how wonderful! I’m so happy for you, [Y/N].” She clapped, smiling brightly.
“Who’s the lucky fella?”
“He was a classmate in my first year in college.” You felt like a teenager telling her parents about a crush, “His name is Jaehyun. Jung Jaehyun.”
You could have imagined it, but the bright smile Mr. Qian had plastered on his face, dimmed. The air in the dining room seemed to have shifted as well.
“What a lucky guy. Congratulations, dear.” He nodded to himself before proceeding to focus on his food.
“Jung Jaehyun? What a familiar name.” Mrs. Qian leaned forward a bit, pressing her forearms against the table while looking up at the ceiling. 
“Their engagement was on the news. Maybe you had watched it in passing.” Kun quickly said.
Mrs. Qian nodded her head but didn’t seem satisfied with the answer.
You could feel tension between Kun and his father for some reason. Before you could properly react to it, Mr. Qian cleared his throat again.
“Honey, didn’t you make something for dessert? We should serve it now, [Y/N] has somewhere to be afterwards.”
“Oh, yes. I made some egg tarts! You can bring some with you, dear. Let me get it from the kitchen.” She got out of her seat and after a few steps away, she spun around, “Oh! I remember now! Jung Jaehyun’s father is the one who provided our retirement fund!”
“Mom.” Kun sternly scolded at the same time Mr. Qian stood up, saying her name in a similar tone.
“Am I remembering it wrong? It was Jung Jaegun. He had a son named Jung Jaehyun.”
You couldn’t properly process what’s happening. “He… provided your retirement fund?”
“[Y/N],” Kun interrupted, but his mom kept on going, clearly not sensing the growing distress from her family.
“Yes! That’s why we moved back to China. He even paid for Kun’s tuition up until college.”
At those words, Kun’s face turned red - but you’re not sure if it’s from embarrassment or shame.
“But.. But why?”
Before she could get another word out, Mr. Qian loudly cut her off with something in Mandarin. 
Mrs. Qian looked shocked at her husband, morphing into concern when she turned to you.
You hadn’t noticed but you had a death grip on the skirt of your dress. You could hear your heartbeat pumping in your ear as if you had a stethoscope to your chest. You’re still confused at what’s been said, you had so many questions.
Kun muttered something to his parents in Mandarin and you watched Mr. Qian escorts his wife out without another glance at you.
“Kun,” You whispered, unable to make your voice any louder. “What was that?”
He took in a deep breath, running a hand over his face. You could see that he tried to look at you but his eyes just wouldn’t follow through.
“Kun,” You repeated, “I would very much appreciate you telling me something I don’t know about a man I’m about to spend the rest of my life with.”
“It’s all true — what my mom had said. They were paid to leave their jobs here and move back to China. There were better paying jobs there prepared by Jung Jaegun and he also paid for my schooling.”
“Why?” You repeated the question from earlier. 
“I swear to you, this is the truth.” He calmly responded. “He said it was what his son, Jaehyun, would have wanted… and that’s all we ever knew.”
“I don’t understand. How did your family get mixed up into the business of a family like the Jung’s?”
Kun shook his head, “I told you. We don’t know. My parents were just approached one day and we were only given a day to decide. The offer was too good to be true, but too hard to pass on for my parents.”
“So we broke up because…”
“They signed an NDA… we all did.” He admitted, “So I’m gonna have to ask you to pretend you don’t know because I don’t know the consequences of breaching an NDA with the Jungs.”
You licked your lips, “When you said you were trying to protect me… did you mean you were trying to protect me from Jaehyun?”
“Yes. What are the chances the son of the man who essentially paid us to leave started dating — now engaged to — the girl I had to break up with? It was all too suspicious.”
It really was.
“But I didn’t meet Jaehyun until college.”
“I know. That’s why I think it’s just a horrible coincidence.” Kun pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again. “I don’t want to cause a rift between you two. I’m genuinely happy for both of you, but…”
“But what?”
Kun shrugged his shoulders, “What are the odds of it, you know?”
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“Ma’am, we’re here.”
You flinched, surprised to be pulled out of your trance. You looked at Hyunwoo who was driving and then outside to see Jooheon opening the door for you. Behind Jooheon was the familiar entrance of your old apartment building.
“Thank you. You don’t have to wait for me here. I’ll walk over to the clinic and I’ll call when I’m done.” You smoothed out your dress as you stepped outside.
“Okay, ma’am.” Jooheon bowed his head and closed the door, promptly walking to the passenger seat. The car didn’t move so you surmised they were waiting for you to go inside before they took off.
As steadily as you could, hoping you wouldn’t trip from how nervous you are, you walked into the building and greeted the doorman that still remembers you.
You approached the front desk with faux confidence, slowing down as you greeted the receptionist and giving a lame excuse that you wanted to change up the interior of the unit. They let you on your way without another doubt.
In the elevator, you finally let your nerves show. You pulled the note you had received the other day from your bag.
“The truth is in the apartment.”
You were very aware that this could be a trap. You were probably going to get jumped the second you step foot into the room, but you’re going to hope that you’ll get some answers from it either way.
The elevator opened and you cautiously stepped out of  it, approaching the front door of the apartment. With a hand on the knob, you almost thought that it could have been rigged with an explosive that would set up the moment you open the door. 
You lied to Hyunwoo and Jooheon about your visit to the apartment, giving the same excuse you told the receptionist. Jaehyun didn’t even know about the dead rose and note. No one did. But you had slept on it, deciding to keep it a secret. You weren’t going to do anything about it. At first. Not until the revelation from the Qian’s.
You were going to take matters into your own hands.
Fuck it.
You punched in the code with your other hand and opened the door once it unlocked.
You braced yourself for a few seconds, but when nothing happened, you peeked inside. All the furniture was still there, although a bit dusty. You were so caught up in trying to start your own company that you never got around redecorating the place to have it rented out as an AirBNB like you had initially planned. Most of the decor was gone, though. Those were family photos and some art pieces that you were too fond of that you just had to take them into the new house.
Your steps echoed as you slowly walked further in. It felt so empty. Memories of this place started to flood your brain; from when you and Jaehyun first moved in, when you realized you hated the interior and took it upon yourself to slowly redecorate until you were satisfied, when you two were almost caught doing the nasty on the floor by the front door because neither of you could keep it in your pants and Yebin just had to go back up to use the restroom (Jaehyun was very annoyed at her). So many milestones in your relationship happened in this apartment. 
Your heart started to clench in your chest; you’ve been through so much with Jaehyun. Yet somewhere in this very apartment is something that could ruin all that. 
You could walk away. Choke all of it down like what you did like that night in college. Keep it together until Jaehyun comes back home so both of you can talk it through like how both of you learned from therapy. 
Inhaling deeply, you swiveled on your heel to walk back out but you stopped. You blinked at the front door; it was just a few steps away. But your eyes caught something peculiar. Something you were sure shouldn’t be there when you had left the apartment for the last time.
You bit down on your lip.
On the dining table, there were stacks of paper - files and records of something. Some were bare on the table, just haphazardly spread across. Some were peeking out of manila envelopes or colored folders - as if to say, hey, there’s something interesting in here, too.
Your eyes skimmed through the pages, reading bits and pieces of what you can. Your throat started to burn as you picked up the first paper you could.
[L/N], [Y/N]. 
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a/n: happy birthday to me 🎉 we did it hoes, we're here 💪 its time for shit to go down 😈
next: part 14
159 notes · View notes
imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
You’ve hit such a big milestone! I’m so happy for you! For the event, can I have Rex with Song of the Ancients? It can be the Devola version, Popola version, or a version that combines the two (you can find that one on YouTube, idk if it’s on Spotify and had to be edited to combine them while keeping the soft tone).
Hello Anon!
First off thank you for requesting: Song of the Ancients.
This was a tricky one. Mainly because it was song in a language I didn't know, so I didn't have lyrics to help. So I went based on the feel of the song, more than anything else. I did try to research the song a little. I hope you like my interpretation of this.
Love oo and thank you for such an awesome request.
Song of the Ancients
Warnings: Angst, arguing, following S4E12, slavery, torture, putting on a brave face, walking away, hurt, apologies, lack of communication, deceiving of emotions, kissing, I think that's all of it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
There were always things Rex couldn’t predict as to how things would progress in his life, but the one thing he always thought he could count on being there was you. And now … now he was at a loss. Of all the ways he could’ve expected your friendship to progress, the last thing he expected had been this. How did things end up here?
You’d been friends since the start of the war; always been by his side. Had he taken it for granted? Maybe he shouldn’t have been so cavalier about your emotions. Yet, hadn’t you promised to always be there, so why weren’t you here now?
After all, didn’t you both agree not to focus on what each of you were feeling? Didn’t you both agree to remain friends regardless of what happened? So then why weren’t you here? Why did things become such a mess? 
You looked at Rex’s injuries as he sat in med surrounded by his brothers. They were all laughing and joking, downplaying what he’d been through. It was bad enough he’d been undercover and out of contact while he was on Zygerria, and it was even worse when you had learned they had been discovered, but now … after all the pain he went through, what they all went through, here he was acting like it was no big deal. 
“Could everyone excuse us for a minute?” You did your best to keep your cool, you gritted your teeth as you saw his brothers trudge out of the med cubicle he was in, as soon as they all left you initiated the privacy screens, turning to look at him. 
“Enough with the bravado, tell me honestly, how are you?”
“Really, mesh’la, I’m fine.”
“Damn it Rex! You’re not fine!” You finally lost it. “Look at you! There’s …” you started to point out all of his bruises and scars, but before you could your bottom lip trembled. He was on a slave planet having to suffer torture at the hands of those vile beings, and there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it.
Rex could see the turmoil you were going through, he’d been trying to put on a brave face for you, trying to do his best not to react to the pain and the trauma he suffered. However, seeing you like this falling apart, made him realize that wasn’t the way to handle things. 
He gently reached over and pulled you in, hugging you, as he rested his head against your chest, “I’m sorry.” He pulled back looking into your eyes, his eyes saying more than his mouth ever could, “I really am fine, though.”
You shook your head pulling back, “Is that all you have to say? I’m fine? Just because we might be deceiving ourselves about what we feel, doesn’t mean you should be deciding your own body doesn’t need medical attention simply because you’re denying what you should be feeling.”
“That’s not it.”
“Isn’t it? Rex you have a scar on your neck from where the collar binder sat, you have electrical burns from the collar. There’s cuts, scars, scrapes, you have an open cut on your arm, and you’re telling me that’s nothing?”
“Don’t! Don’t Sweetheart me!” You shook your head frustrated to no end with this man, “If this is how you look after yourself, if this is how little you care about yourself … then I have to ask how much, do you really care about me!”
You walked away and hadn’t spoken to him since then, now a month later he was standing in front of your quarters trying his best to gather the courage to knock on your door. 
He closed his eyes and reached out, gently knocking. On the one hand he hoped you were there, on the other he hoped you weren’t so he didn’t have to deal with your anger. 
You were shocked when you opened the door, “Rex? What are you doing here?”
“I’m sorry.”
Maybe it was the fact you hadn’t seen or talked to him in so long but you moved out of his way, allowing him inside. “About?”
Rex let out a sigh as he turned to face you, “About everything. I … I’ve been an idiot.”
“To say the least.”
“But you haven’t exactly been easy to deal with either.”
You nodded rubbing your forehead, “I know. I’m sorry too. It’s just…” you let out a sigh, as you looked into his eyes, “Do you know how freaked out I was when I saw you come off the gunship? To see you so injured, to see how you were mistreated, and then to see you act like it didn’t matter!” You shook your head, as you moved over and sat on the desk in your room, well more like leaning on it. “It made me upset and worried that you weren’t taking anything seriously. That you couldn’t care less about what happened to you, and in turn didn’t care how it made me feel.”
He was stunned and silenced by your statement, to think that you felt he didn’t care about you because he was simply trying to put on a brave face. 
“I’m sorry. I …” he came over and sat beside you on the desk, “I was afraid.”
“Of what?”
“Of everything, of you looking at me differently, of the pain I was in, the things I saw, to feel completely and utterly helpless in that situation. Of all of it. I was afraid the moment I admitted what I was feeling was pain and trauma, I wouldn’t be able to have the strength to keep moving forward.”
You let out a sigh, feeling stupid, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t’ve yelled at you. I … I was so angry seeing how little you cared about your injuries … I’m sorry.” You rested your head against his shoulder, “Do you forgive me for walking away from you?”
“As long as you forgive me for not being able to tell you the truth.” He gently rested his cheek on the crown of your head.
You smiled as you intertwined your fingers, “Of course.”
He smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head, “I’ll always forgive you.”
“Maybe we should stop putting off the inevitable.”
Rex smiled as he shifted his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side, “I’m game if you are.”
You tilted your head, looking up at him, nodding slightly as your eyes drifted to his lips, your own opening slightly as your breathing quickened. Rex didn’t hesitate as he pressed his lips against yours. 
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 months
dabihawks, (another) post war au
Life after the war had been strange for Hawks for sure, but this moment had to be a new high point.
It was hard not to overthink the whole situation as he was sitting in the black leather chair in this softly lit room, about to be permanently marked by his untimely crush and previous enemy (again), how could one not feel a bit strange?
Okay, maybe he was being a tad overdramatic, but come on, can you blame him?
He knew that Touya had a new career as a tattoo artist, of course he did, it was quite impossible to be friends with Twice without knowing what every single person they had in common was up to.
What he hadn't known was which studio, and he figured that the chance of him dropping by the one studio in all of Japan that Touya was working at was abysmal.
Clearly not abysmal enough.
After the initial awkwardness and surprise, Keigo was even more surprised to find that their conversation wasn't as awkward as he'd expect it to be.
The two of them had only talked a couple of times after the war, and while it was hard for Keigo to admit, he had been the one to reach out and the one who wanted to keep in touch, but Touya had asked for time away, time to heal and find himself and Keigo understood and respected that, no matter how much it hurt.
In the time it took for Touya to draw up the design, make a stencil and resize it a few times and do all the machine prepping the two of them had managed to catch up quite a bit, and if Keigo was starting to feel a twinge of hope again...
It was quickly dimmed when the machine in Touya's hand started buzzing.
To be perfectly honest Keigo had figured a little tattoo would be nothing compared to what he had been trough in the past, but damn.
It was kinda really fucking uncomfortable.
"It'll get better soon," Touya mumbled, and any hope that he was putting on a brave fast fell from Keigo's grasp.
"Heh, different kind of pain, I guess," he tried to casually reward, and Touya hummed.
"Probably doesn't help that I'm the one doing in, huh?"
Keigo's eyes widened for a second.
"That's not... or, it's not because I'm scared around you or whatever," Keigo mumbled back, and Touya gave just a tiny smile.
"Good," he said softly as he wiped the area he worked on with a clear liquid.
"Now shut up and sit still and let me work."
Keigo chuckled, but did as he was told.
An hour or so later he was standing in front of the full length mirror in the salon, twisting around to get a good look at the fresh tattoo.
"It's still gonna be red and swollen for a little bit, but if you take care of it like I said it should be good in a week or so," Touya commented from where he stood a few feet behind him.
Keigo hummed, but his voice wouldn't quite cooperate yet.
After a few more moments of silence Touya cleared his throat carefully.
"Do you... not like it?" he asked quietly, and Keigo shook his head.
"No, it's..." he started, fighting the small break in his voice.
"It's perfect."
He turnaround so he was facing Touya properly.
"Thank you," he whispered, and Touya gave him a small, wobbly smile in return.
"I'm glad you came here for this," he said back, and Keigo blinked a few times, unsure.
"So am I, but it was a totally lucky accident," he said with a crooked smile and awkward rubbing of his neck.
Touya grinned.
"Sure it was, Pretty Bird."
Keigo spluttered a little, but just rolled his eyes and went along with Touya's teasing.
After he payed (with a hefty tip to cover the "former enemy discount" Touya insisted on adding), the two of them shared an awkward hug initiated by Keigo, and an exchange of numbers and a promise of seeing each other again soon.
As soon as he was back home, Keigo couldn't help himself and hurried over to the mirror to look at his new tattoo a little longer.
How strange it was, that the man that had once burned his wings away, at least to a certain degree before someone else took them away, was the one to give him these tiny new ones.
It had to be faith.
And maybe faith had a little help from a few friends that worked together to set Keigo's mind on a tattoo, and to help lean Touya in the direction at accepting the job at the local studio after his apprenticeship, but...
If that's what faith needed, so be it.
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
As much as I like the idea of Steve and Eddie immediately being comfortable around each other, I also really want it to be a progression.
Give me Steve who isn’t used to a lot of physical contact, even though he desperately wants it. He isn't used to just getting what he wants from people anymore. Especially things he wants bone deep. He kind of associates people giving him what he wants with being an asshole which he's trying hard not to be so it loops back around to him being afraid to get what he wants.
Not to mention the very real possibility of internalized homophobia. While Robin and Will being queer is absolutely fine with him, being queer himself is a different beast altogether. He can suspend biases for his friends because they're wonderful and he loves them to the moon and back. But whenever he thinks about how much he wants to play with Eddie's hair or how happy he feels when Eddie calls him by one of his nicknames for him, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Richard Harrington tears him apart over it.
In Eddie's case, he doesn't fully believe that Steve would want any of his usual affection. There's way better people than him that Steve could get that from.
He was mainly invading his space to try to get a reaction out of him before he realized he's actually a good dude. He lays off out of respect, but he hates it. He's always been physical with his friends, and he's come to like Steve a lot. But he sees a divide between them, a social one, despite being out of school. He doesn't want to be the one to drag such a pretty boy down into the muck of his life by being overly familiar with him.
This little dance could go on for months before one of them breaks.
I'd like to think its Steve who asks to be held. Like maybe he's just having a shit day and he's too tired to care about all the reasons he usually doesn't do this. His body aches in that way he knows is from not having had someone touch him in more than passing in a while, and Eddie is right there.
So he breaks down and asks if Eddie would be okay with hugging him.
He sounds miserable and Eddie has never had anyone ask if he's okay with giving them something as simple as a hug. He's not really used to people asking if he's alright with much of anything.
Of course he agrees and pulls Steve in for a lingering hug.
Its clear he isn't used to it, he's so tense and he's not really sure where to put his hands, so Eddie directs him what to do. It takes a few moments but Steve starts to relax more.
So Eddie rubs his back, pets his hair, lets him lean into him more. Its like trying to tame down a hurt dog, and he's sure Steve will bolt if he makes one wrong move. He wants to suggest they lay down, but thinks cuddling might be a little too advanced for now.
So he just holds Steve like that, and when they break away, he hesitates but chooses to be brave and tells him he can ask him for that any time he needs.
It takes a while, Steve has learned to subsist on minimal contact the way camels subsist on minimal water, but he does ask again.
And again.
And again.
Its gradual, but they both begin to gravitate toward one another. Steve no longer gently elbows Eddie away if he gets too close. And Eddie figures out where Steve is alright with being touched and in what settings. He's damn proud of himself for the nuance in that last part.
A few months into this new dynamic sees Steve initiating touches too. He gets incredibly nervous the first time, but Eddie seems happy with it so he doesn't stop himself from doing it again.
Soon they’ve hit the point of nearly always touching somehow. If they're in the same room they're sitting side by side. Steve plays with Eddie's rings almost as much as Eddie does. Eddie's legs belong in Steve's lap and vice versa. Steve is sure if he goes a full day without hugging Eddie he will in fact wither and die.
It doesn't take long after that for them to realize they’ve caught feelings. It does however take an age to talk about. Neither wants to ruin what they have, its so good and it took so much time and work to build. They work as friends and that should be plenty.
It isn't.
This time its Eddie who breaks.
Its during one of the nights Steve has stayed at his place long after sundown. The man is laying on Eddie's chest, legs interwoven, half asleep and watching TV. He's the portrait of comfort and when Eddie cards his hand through his hair, Steve makes this little content noise and it just slips out.
Three little words that make time stand still.
He knows Steve heard him, he felt him tense up. He wants to take it back just for that, but he's long since learned his lesson about being a coward. So he lays still and let's Steve process.
Steve who's mind is on fire right now.
He's sure Eddie couldn't have really meant that the way he wants him to. Its just wishful thinking projected onto platonic affection. Robin tells him she loves him all the time. But Eddie is still rubbing his back and he's gonna lose it trying to figure this out by himself.
So he asks, and they talk and they learn they're both kind of idiots.
They agree to give dating a try.
Its quickly apparent that's what they were meant to be doing all along. At this point it comes easily, naturally even.
Up until their first kiss.
Its not that they don't want to kiss, they definitely do, its that Eddie's never done it before and Steve has never kissed a guy.
Just like everything else, it takes some work to get right. The first time Steve had flinched a little when Eddie's stubble had grazed him, and the second time Eddie got a little overzealous with his tongue.
It takes practice, but they’re willing to put in the work.
Soon they share the kind of kisses that are easy to get lost in. They once spent the better part of a Saturday afternoon just kissing, with Steve sat comfortably in Eddie's lap.
Eventually they build up to more and that's when their patience and the lessons they've learned about each other up until this point really get put to the test.
Once again, Eddie doesn’t have any experience in this arena. He’d had daydreams a plenty, but he’s never actually touched another person intimately before. Steve has, but only girls and only so far. He thinks some things ought to carry over, but when they get to the part that involves stripping off clothes, he panics a little.
The first time they don’t make it very far. They want to, more than almost anything, but their joint fumbling wrecks the mood pretty quickly. They get as far as their boxers before they both concede and let themselves head back to their comfort zone, which is long makeouts. It makes the tension that much thicker.
For a while they focus on getting comfortable with one another in that sense. There’s a lot more times when one of them loses a shirt during a makeout session, more often than not the victim of roaming hands and needy fingers. They map each other out the same way they’ve been doing for months now, until the other doesn’t feel like foreign territory anymore. It helps put them both at ease, but it also makes them both so much needier.
When they finally do end up going all the way, they cling to each other for hours after. Now that they’ve been as close as they can be, it’s difficult to handle being apart. Eddie traces the various moles Steve has, while Steve does the same with Eddie’s tattoos. It’s sappy, and neither of them would give up those details under pain of death, but they tell each other how much it means to be able to be so close to someone else without being afraid. Eddie confides in Steve about how hard it is to be so far ostracized and how sometimes he wishes he were different just so he didn’t have to feel that way. Steve tells Eddie about growing up in a big empty house and how he sometimes feels like he’s just the ghost of an idea his parents had about what he should be.
They agree that so long as the other is breathing, they’ll always have someone who will hold them and remind them that they both have value.  
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lemonxdaisybby · 5 months
May I request to have Dating Headcanons with Yagami Can be SFW or NSFW ones, If you're free 😳
I'm missing for my man and hooping He will come back one day for the Judgment 3 😩🙏😭
Maaaan, what I wouldn’t give for Judgement 3 😭 Hoping that because Sugiura and Tsukumo had a lil cameo in Y8, it might be a thing 🥺
Here u go some Yagami hcs, hope you like 💕
It likely took such a long time for Yagami to ask you out. There would be a lot of tension and subtle flirting beforehand, but he’d be so preoccupied with work that maybe Yagami would try and convince himself that he doesn’t have time to date.
Kaito would be having none of this, however. He’d push Yagami so often to confess to you or ask you out on a date, to which Yagami would attempt to deny his feelings, protesting that the two of you are just friends, but he’s fooling no one.
Once the two of you do start initially dating, despite being busy, he would try to make as much time for you as possible and would text you throughout the day. Casual dates would also take place once or twice a week, both initially and once the relationship is more established. Yagami would take you out to grab food at cafes or small restaurants, you two would meet up for coffees and for walks around the city, and maybe there would even be a little VR date every now and again.
Yagami would try his best to keep you separate from his work. He is a professional after all. However, you often hang out at his office with him when you have spare time, and he’s stuck working. Sometimes, he may ask for your input on some cases, getting you to look over things to see if you can bring a fresh perspective.
Be prepared to take lots of naps together. Yagami is a very sleepy man. Also, considering he practically lives in his office, more often than not you’ll probably invite him to stay at your place, to the point where he’s sort of unofficially moved in. He’d be super grateful for you allowing him to crash at yours so often.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Yagami smells amazing. It would be cologne, mixed with leather. It would be such a comforting and manly scent. It wouldn’t be overpowering, but you’d definitely get a whiff of it when he brushes past you, and when you hug him you’d just want to bury your face into his chest and inhale the scent.
He is protective, but to a nice degree, where it comes across as more gentlemanly. He trusts you, and knows you can handle yourself and make sensible decisions when out and about, but he will still walk you home if it’s late, or if you’re needing to walk through more shady areas he will accompany you. If anyone ever gives you trouble, he’s there for you straight away.
Yagami is really observant, and so has learned to be pretty receptive of your feelings. He caught on to your little behaviours and quirks very early on, and can always tell if something is off, or if you’re not feeling too good. He’d ask you about it outright too, letting you know that if you need any help, reassurance, or someone to rant to, he’s there for you.
When it comes to sex, he is a fairly passionate man. He’s pretty vanilla, and doesn’t go too wild, but he can be very intense and intimate.
He is obsessed with your hips and legs. His hands are always gripping on to your thighs or hips tightly during sex, to the point where he almost leaves bruises. Wearing short, tight dresses that really enhance the curve of your hips and showcase your legs would turn him on so much.
On days where he doesn’t get to see you, and the office is pretty quiet, Yagami would totally lean back in his office chair and jerk off to the thought of you. Maybe if you’ve recently sent him some dirty texts or pics he’ll use those as motivation. He might also send a quick video of himself jacking off in return, if he’s feeling brave, or if you’ve asked him to do so at one point.
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drvnkd4zed · 2 years
Watching a horror movie with Enhypen
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Heeseung
Heeseung's watching it just because you wanted to and he's acting tough and brave. "You can hold my arm or hug me if you're scared, baby" he says, but he'll end up being the one holding you out of fear. Heeseung's probably starting talking to the screen at some point, maybe crying, as if he was talking to the actual actors. "Why did you kill her? Why are you being like this?" and so on, you would just laugh the whole time.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jay
When you said you wanted to watch a horror movie, he was not happy about it but he finally gave up. Jay is sticking his eyes on the screen but whenever he senses that a creepy scene is going to occur, he's acting like he received a text or a notification from someone (and it's just an excuse to stare at his phone instead). If he gets caught by a jumpscare, at first he'll act unbothered but you feel that is hold is stiffer and his body is shaking. "Are you okay?" you ask him, "absolutely" he's answering. He's never watching a horror movie again, keep that in mind.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jake
I think Jake would initially agree on watching a scary movie with you, he'd start off the movie sitting comfortably next to you and commenting as if it's not creepy at all to him. An then he's hiding under the blanket, attached to you. "It's not fair if I'm the only one watching the movie!" you tell him. "Okay, okay", he removes the blanket from his face and looks back at the screen, but you notice something is off. You turn your head to see why he's so silent and unmoved, when you notice he kept his eyes closed the whole time.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Sunghoon
I have a feeling that you two would discuss on who should choose the movie and as you win, he's telling you that he's gonna leave. Sunghoon will complain the WHOLE TIME about the movie you chose, he's gonna be like "the movie I wanted to watch is way better than this" and so on... He'll act annoyed and unbothered but whenever there's a scary scene he'd literally fall off the bed/couch. I can literally hear him say "Ah! I got scared" and then he's acting cold again.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Sunoo
Your eardrums will be gone by the end of the movie. Sunoo might also end up crying like a baby, holding onto your arm and hugging your waist so tight that you have to slap his arm to make him loosen the grip. Even though that might become the scariest moment of his life, he will ask you to watch spooky movies with him again.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Jungwon
Well, I'm sure Jungwon won't be that scared but he'll have the funniest reactions ever. Whenever he gets scared, he will scream his lungs out and then just... laugh. But like, a creepy and hysterical laugh. "You're scaring me" you say, and he's leaning his head on your shoulder as a sign of reassurance. Sometimes you'll just glance at him and he's staring at you with his killer smile on his face. "What are you doing?" you'd scream, scared. "You're funny when you get scared".
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Niki
Be mentally prepared for Niki. He's showing at your house with a Halloween mask on, to make sure you start off being already traumatized. From time to time during the movie he'll take his phone out of his pocket and tell you "Look at what Sunghoon just texted me! You won't believe it" and show you a scary gif. Sometimes he might even just scream or hit you during a scary scene, just to make you even more frightened.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
I actually am a shipper so I wasn’t trying to make the rounds to stir shit. I haven’t been around for too long only about 2 years or less. I just got upset when I saw the Getty pictures of Sam’s hand on Eleanor’s hip and hand on her back and then the fan pictures and video too of his hand on her back and giving her hug made me start to question everything since he does that with Cait too. I’m sorry for giving the wrong impression.
But I took a little time to reflect and remembered videos and images we got of Sam and Cait from Outlander promo this year. Between the moments at 92Y where Sam gave Cait a kiss on her temple and rubbed her back as well as the end when posing with Sophie in Rik. To the looks and knowing glances he gave her during interviews and even giving her a pat on the leg I believe in one interview. I overreacted initially and now that I put things into perspective, I can see the difference. There’s an intimacy and connection between Sam and Cait that comes across in promo that isn’t there with Eleanor.
Sorry again for coming across the wrong way. I truly was just looking for some reassurance initially
Dear (returning) Weary and Distraught Anon,
That would be very strange, because it really (REALLY) looks very similar to an Anon @bat-cat-reader showed me perhaps ten minutes before you chimed in.
However, since this is a plausible deniability situation, please accept my apologies, even if I still am not 100% sure about you.
I was just writing a post about body language at tonight's BAFTA preview of TCND, but since you've made reasonable amends, I am including it here for you, Anon:
S&C at OL's S7 Premiere in New York, June 9, 2023:
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S & Tomlinson tonight:
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Please note the following:
Tomlinson is completely disengaged, watches confidently the press people in front of her. She does not smile. Translation: I am a woman who just showed the press, the PR people and potential employers my latest project. I am a pro. I am very married and I know this hunk belongs to someone else. I am only playing PR games in *urv's mind.
S does the same. He uses his left hand as a completely non-committal blocking shield. Colgate smile is somewhat too calibrated to be spontaneous, the result is pleasant (which is to say 'decent bordering on meh'). Translation: we are all buddies and I (S) hope you liked our wee series. I really, seriously enjoyed working with these people and I am relieved we were allowed to promote this series in the middle of the strike turmoil. My well-rehearsed Optimistic Gaze Nr. 4 hides very well my real thoughts, that even @sgiandubh can't telegraph to her readers. And these thoughts have nothing to do with being here (note to readers: above thoughts probably involve a living-room near GLA).
Alfred Enoch: he is the only relaxed person in this picture and the only one whose smile perfectly aligns with his eyes (both sincere, open and enthusiastic). His arms' position is completely natural. Translation: I am over the moon to be here, I managed to work during a really rough patch and I really hope someone has noticed me tonight. Maybe I'll get another gig soon. These people are my friends, but tonight, it's all about myself: it is me I am showing off, selling and promoting here. Hire me: I am the funny one.
Bonus (dotted arrow shows where S's gaze is directed):
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I think that needs no further comments. I rest my case, Anon.
Thank you for clarifying, I think you were brave to come back. Don't be a stranger, if I managed to not scare the bejesus out of you, yet.
PS: who knew my Business Intelligence uni credits would come in so handy, in the most unlikely of situations?
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