#maybe he got them for xmas :D
argisthebulwark · 8 months
Nine Mutuals I'd Like to Know Better
tagged by my friend @nejackdaw thank you!! <3
3 Ships
McKirk. It's the original, it's iconic, it's grumpy sunshine, it's friends to lovers, they have lived inside my brain for over a decade and they will never leave.
GhostSoap. I know the big men are in love i just know it.
Jurdan quite honestly. i'm a little insane about Cardan i love him he sucks so much.
First Ship
Probably a tie between Lawlight and Hidekane. I was 15 and just got introduced to anime and was absolutely feral over it. It's been so many years I can't remember which came first, so we'll just say both.
Last Song
Granite by Sleep Token. Indeimaus was humming it in his recent video and got it stuck in my head so of course I had to listen to it on repeat for a few hours.
Currently Reading
Daughter of the Drow by Elaine Cunningham. I've been playing D&D for like five years now and am still obsessed with drow, so my DM kindly got me these books for xmas.
Last Film
I don't watch too many movies anymore (working with them made me a little averse lol) but I will watch the 2005 Pride & Prejudice until my eyes fall out. My spouse and I recently rewatched all the extended LOTR movies too.
Currently Craving
Ohhh probably fancy little coffees. We were snowed/iced into our apartment for just under a week and i miss my best friend (iced oat milk white mocha) so much. she's everything to me. or maybe the urge to write again, i've been craving that for the past few months lol.
Friends!! no pressure of course to complete this, it's all for fun. if you do complete, please tag me!! @lagia @hircinesanters @somethingscarlet13 @skyrim-forever @queerbashir @singleteapot @daedrabait @miraakswhore @un-local
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typically-untypical · 2 years
decorating their house with halloween deco as a protest against xmas with any/all of the dork sides as a prompt :D
^_^ I'm all for people enjoying the Holidays however they want, but I think you have a point about the Dark Sides believing in Halloween Supremacy.
This Is Halloween
Remus could hear the sound of Christmas pouring through the door. It felt like heresy; the offending noise was scraping at his ear drums. This was completely unacceptable, it was still November and Remus was not about this life. Christmas was about hope, peace on earth, family, and all the other cutesy bs his brother subscribed to, and Remus would behave… ish… during the month of December, but it wasn’t December yet. Maybe if they lived in another country where Christmas meant more, Remus would find another thing to complain about, but they lived in the United States, Florida specifically. Christmas here was kept in check by the boundary line of Thanksgiving and it was only fair to the retail workers who would have to listen to Christmas music on loop, that Remus got his revenge. So, unless all of the other sides wanted nightmares of a decapitated Kris Kringle, they were going to respect the "no Christmas before Thanksgiving" rule. What better way to enforce it than with a Halloween takeover. 
Remus jumped up from the couch and teleported to his room, laughing all along the way. He knew what he wanted to do but he had to find just the right things, the perfect music, the perfect decorations. Sure he could just summon what he wanted, but sometimes a hint of authenticity was worth it. After finding a costume, a CD, and the decorations he wanted, Remus got ready for his plot. Was this an excuse to enjoy Halloween for another month, no, of course not. He would never force the others to continue enjoying a holiday about fears, lying, and disguises. It wasn't like those three things encompassed some of his favorite people. Nope, not at all.
Remus smiled as he snuck into the common room, looking for the CD player, he noticed that Patton had left the room, probably to look for more decorations, or to ask Roman to  conjure some. Roman was a fuddy duddy, he liked Halloween just as much as the dark sides but he had to pretend it wasn't his favorite because that wasn't what the light sides did. Honestly, Remus was a bit annoyed by his brother for playing to Daddy Patton’s wishes. Christmas was all well and good but where was the flair for the dramatics, the costumes? The candy? When they were younger he and Roman used to dress up in matching costumes.
With a snap, Remus turned all of Patton's Christmas decorations into 'tasteful' Halloween decorations, and he replaced the current CD with the 2001 Count Chocula "13 Day of Halloween - Rhythm and Boos" CD, an absolute classic. Then he disappeared quickly before he got caught, cackling back down in his own living room. He was sure his decorations and music wouldn't laugh, but even just the bit of change made him happy. The chaos was great and it helped ease some of the thoughts of making Paton the angel on the tree by shoving it up his... well.
Remus was laughing so hard, he almost didn't hear the CD stop and Patton's tirade of terror. Maybe he overdid it a bit on the spiders and gore, but if he was going to bring back Halloween for an encore, he was going to go big. By the time he stopped laughing, he heard someone coming down the stairs, though the didn't have the expected rush to their steps that he was expecting. Still, Remus changed into an outfit that would looked like Logan if not for the ripped cargo pants and torn green polo shirt. The glasses were at least correct, they should be since he had stolen them from Logan's spare drawer. He would probably never even know they were gone since Logan didn't typically need a set of spare glasses. Unlike some of the other sides, he was pretty good about taking care of his shit.
"Hey Re," Virgil said, dropping onto the sofa next to him. He was expecting to get reprimanded, chastised, something, but Virgil was acting positively calm. That was definitely not what Remus was expecting but he rolled with it anyway. Putting on the best fake nerd voice he could, Remus put down the book he was pretending to read and turned to Virgil.
"Why hello my esteemed college Virgin, what can I do for you today?"
Virgil rolled his eyes and shook his head. That had never been one of his favorite nicknames which was probably why it irritated him so much Roman called him that. "I was sent down here to tell you off for changing all the Christmas decorations." Again, he was calm, quiet even as he looked up at the ceiling rather than staring at Remus with those disapproving eyes the chaotic side knew Virgil had perfected. He wanted to gouge out those eyes sometimes, keep them in a jar. Maybe he should make a bunch of jars that had eyes that looked like they belonged to the other sides... later, right now he had someone else to focus on.
Remus looked at Virgil from behind his new glasses, everything was blurry so he had to push them up on his head to be able to actually see. "You aren't actually telling me to stop though."
"Nah," Virgil looked at him, "I like Halloween and I think your choice of music was... well it wasn't horrible. I actually thought it was kinda funny. Haven't listened to that since we were what... in middle school?"
A brilliant smile lit up Remus' face as he laughed. "Yes! See, I'm not the only one! Christmas can suck it!"
"Maybe I wouldn't go that far. Your brother likes Christmas so I'm happy to indulge him."
"Ew," Remus gagged and Virgil glared at him, rolling his eyes.
"But you aren't the only one who would be happy to indulge in Halloween for a little longer."
Remus' smile grew even brighter as he wiggled around on the couch until he was looking at Virgil fully. "What if we had a stupid little compromise or something?" 
Virgil raised his eyebrow, obviously attentive so Remus kept going.
"I'll leave the boring people alone so they can celebrate their holiday, and we could decorate for Halloween down here. The two of us could make it all dark and creepy and just have some fun." It had been a long time since he had hung out with Virgil and just existed in the same space as him. It would be nice to have his friend back for a bit. Remus sat watching as Virgil thought about, he was almost prepared to hear the other man say no when instead he nodded. 
"Yeah, Yeah that's a great idea." He stood up, holding his hand out for Remus. "We can pull out the old decorations, maybe make some new ones." Remus could see Virgil getting excited and everything buzzed in him like a hive of bees. 
Remus took Virgil's hand, laughing excitedly when it came off as Virgil attempted to help him off the couch. Anxiety only had a brief moment of fear until he obviously remembered it was Remus and he just tossed the hand back, shaking his head. 
"Alright Beetlejuice, I'm guessing you can get up on your own."
Remus reattached his hand as he, still laughing, sprang up to his feet. "You should go get your special decorations Vee, will set this whole things up Dark side style." Virgil smirked and nodded before heading off and Remus can already feel the change in the air. It was hard to explain, a hint of mysticism and dark magic, a hint of two people becoming friends again.
Remus wiggled excitedly, hardly able to contain his excitement as he started to place decorations. Maybe they could even rope Janus into it. He changed back into his normal outfit, this was gonna be so much fun.
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mrssimply · 2 years
Fic Advent Prompt Masterpost
It occured to me as I received the first prompts that having an idea of what the other prompts are would be helpful to make sure they are diverse enough, and also maybe to inspire others! So here are the prompts so far.
(I kept the prompts anonymous for now)
1st : Johnny/Male!V/Kerry for prompt “Two of the people in the relationship have accidentally done something hurtful to the remaining person. How do they apologize or make up for it?” It can contain NSFW or not, I don’t mind. It can take whatever tone you prefer, angsty hurt or wholesome hurt. S’il vous plait
2nd: angsty fic on Kerry overdozing with pills/drugs accidentally and either it has just the consequences of Ker being weird or almost dying, you decide :"D I'd love to see V's reaction at that. Could also be someone trying to specifically remove Kerry or make him an easy target!
3rd: kerry/dino post (their) divorce/breakup squabbling?? they just seem like the friendly/combative type of exes
4th: smut in the M/M pairing of [my] choice involving pee kink of some kind cause you got me good with that golden shower you wrote a while back and I need more
5th : purely horny V simping over Johnny's silver hand and suddenly finding that he seems to have a kink on it (huge bottom shit) you can change either of their genitals if you want :3 if choking happens i'll be kissin ur toes
6th : Johnny/V/Kerry and sexual comedy? Just ridiculous or stupid situations happening to them before, during or after having sex. Anything that might be embarrassing and funny to look back on.
7th : snowflakes that stick to my nose and eyelashes aka the winter weather date [Kerr/V] + ice skating?
8th : Kerry/Dino - If the "A slipping backstage to congratulate B" trope is too oblivious/already asked, I was also thinking of the "A calling B in the middle of the night" trope! (Both NSFW and SFW are alright, I'll let you pick who's A and who's B between these two!)
9th: All I need is some panam/male!v other than that have fun with it. There’s just not enough for those two
10th : For the advent prompts, and keeping it in theme with xmas, how about Johnny/Kerry spending their first xmas together? It can get spicy or not, your choice :)
11th : For the advent fics request: male v/Kerry or male v/ johnny (or the ot3!) and consensual somnophilia? the actual kink negotiation part of it can be either included or handwaved/assumed to have already taken place. bonus points if the one sleeping is in the middle of a sex dream only to wake up and realize their dreams have come true.
12th: The perfect present for a man who has everything: V and Johnny put their heads together to try and figure out what to get a guy who seemingly has it all [silverVdyne]
13th: Kerry/V/Panam threesome : Panam is a fan, Kerry can be really petty and V doesn't have the courage to tell them he's seeing the other. Too bad the cat got out, and now they're both angry at V.
14th: Sex pollen or truth serum [silverVdyne]
15th: Flowershop AU with Kerry/V
16th: Kerry adopts a stray [Catboy!Johnny - Silverdyne]
17th: Slice of life with the 3 boys [silverVdyne]
18th: Johnny decides to put an end to Kerry's never ending string of asshole boyfriends. He wants to be roughened up? Fine, Johnny can do that, better than them [BDSM Silverdyne]
19th: Coffee shop AU : Johnny Silverhand is a baker extraordinaire like Cedric Grolet. He would be on top of the bakery world if he didn't spend so much time terrorising his apprentices, and fucking his best friend in the kitchen.
20th: Is it worse to have sex with an angel or a demon? [SilverVdyne]
21th: The Sandman AU
22th: A little bit of shibari . Johnny has to be a good boy all tied up and has to watch V and Kerry before he is allowed to cum
23th: UWMA JxKerxV spending their Christmas Eve together (NSFW is fine obviously)
24th: Surprise! [I'm part polish, and in poland we celebrate the xmas eve more than the 25th so I'll go until that day only, and I've chosen this prompt myself ;)]
The list is now COMPLETE, though to be perfectly honest in completed it with some ideas i really wanted to try and unfinished projects in my WIP folder :D
Thank you all for your help!
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hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
D (just something you wished for & you almost missed ), F, H, I, M, S?
Hi Ariana! Thanks for the ask. 😊
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with just something you wished for & you almost missed?
Yes! The chapter title is from a bonkers Christmas song by the New Kids on the Block called Funky, Funky Xmas. You can listen to it as part of the playlist @majicmarker and I are curating as the chapters are being posted.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
One of my favorite dialogue scenes I've written is the library scene in Chapter 5 of Marigold. I'm proud of it because I think it does what I intended it to do; it's an inflection point in the story, and it's where it shifts into being a love story, a romance; a slow-burn over the course of what is, honestly, an affair. It's built largely on feelings, especially Chrissy's worry, but the way they talk to each other is fundamental. There are a lot of lines that I really like in that section, but I think that this is my favorite bit: The kiss lingers longer than it should given they’re technically in public and that these sorts of encounters should really be more clandestine considering the nature of the thing between them. Eddie alludes to as much when he pulls away, says, “We-- We should probably set, uh. Some ground rules? I don’t-- I’ve never had… Illicit… Uh, you know. Not in a recurring sense. What do we even… No, wait,” he grins. “Tell me, Chrissy Cunningham, what would you call what we’re doing? Hanky-Panky?” “Eddie,” Chrissy says, almost warningly, but genuinely she’s too amused and too well-kissed to really get indignant about his teasing. “Shush. As opposed to what, anyway? What would Eddie Munson call it? Skullduggery?” “What am I, a Hardy boy? Nah. What about a dalliance?” Chrissy scrunches up her nose. “No? Alright, well fling implies that I’m going to give up without a fight, and fat fucking chance Cunningham, so be warned. Love affair makes me feel like I’m feeling up Lady Chatterley, so that’s out.” He’s rambling now, but she doesn’t interrupt, because he’s too cute to be allowed. She bites her bottom lip. “In being upfront about my affections, madam, I’ll say that I pretty much wanna romance the shit out of you, ya know?” Chrissy sighs, brings a hand up to his face. He leans into her palm. “Can we call this a Maybe, maybe? A Could Be, Should Be?” Chrissy swallows hard. She doesn’t really know how to answer without flipping her life like it’s a table. So she kisses him again. “Maybe,” she cautions breathlessly once she pulls away. “I can work with Maybe,” Eddie replies. He gently moves her hand from his face to his chest, over his heart. “Feel that wild beat? Va va voom,” he says, then he takes a deep breath. “I might be, ah, drunk on post-coital reverie still, or like, recovering from whiplash, but. You rocked my world before you helped me rock my van, sunshine, ya know?”
H: How would you describe your style?
Descriptive, predominantly. I have very clear visuals in my head when I'm setting a scene, and I want it, to the extent that it's possible, to be immersive for the reader.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
For writing it's Modern AUs, and especially romantic comedy. I love writing texting in fics (which is not everyone's cup of tea, I know), and I've definitely leaned into the coffee shop AUs. I also love writing character studies. For reading? A little angst is fine here and there, but I love it when a story makes me laugh. I much prefer funny over serious.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Aw, man, I've got so many WIPs on the go. I want to finish a couple of more of them before I start exploring other things, but: - I have a rough outline of additional stories for the Last Chance to Run universe (runaway bride), which will more or less flow like a 90s sitcom style - I'd love to explore these HCs further: Pandemic Roommates, Hollywood Celebrities, and Fake Dating Ahem, I also may or may not be plucking away at a one-shot inspired by this post, where OPs mom met her dad by taking out an ad in the newspaper (and they dated for 3 months over the phone)? Because I have no self-control, I guess. 😅
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
Idiots in Love. Pining. Soulmates. Self-aware codependency.
From the FanFic Ask Game. Happy to answer more.
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fail-boy · 4 months
it would be very fun to do that, your lap would be rlly nice to be in and id be very normal about it >///> my favorite stims are bouncing and rocking and flapping my hands (and making noises....also biting!!!! i will absolutely bite you any chance i get) !!!!! so i hope that wont be bothersome :3
i had pizza today for dinner !!!! my parents got it n it tasted extra nice bc you had answered around the time it came :D i havent watched dan and phil in a loooong time and im so bad with keeping up with them now, but i really wanna watch them again ;0; idk where to start !!!!!
i absolutely adore philosophy tube !!!!! i also love contrapoints and a billion other video essayists (like quinton reviews !!!) that would take sooo long to list, but i have a playlist of my favorites somewhere !!! it'd be neat to send a link and compare what we've seen :D
id love to see your ajj playlist !!!!!! unfortunately my spotify stopped working with my apk so i have to use my partners premium account, n finding all my music has been hard with my bad memory lol, so it'd be super cool to have that :33 n omg im glad you used to like musicals, im really into a few musicals n i sing them all the time (fun fact, im a soprano II/mezzo-soprano apparently !!) so it's good to know i wouldn't annoy you haha. if you wanna !!!!!!! i could make you a playlist of songs i like !!!!!!! i dunno if you'd be into them but it's fun to share :3!
also...a little random but im rewatching my favorite movie moulin rouge n im wondering if you've seen it ??? i have it memorized :D!
(n i don't mind a tag :333333 ive only had an anon tag once years ago with a rlly close n old friend so it's fun to have that again !!!!!)
- 🫀🦷
aww sugar ur so cute <3 u r welcome to my lap anytime it's open 24/7 for u <3 those r some awesome stims! my favourites are rocking too, flapping my hands, whistling, and tapping <3 biting is perfectly fine with me i love being covered in marks so pls do bite away cutie <3
nice! im so glad it was good! omg ur really so so sweet and cute i wanna kiss your sweet face so bad and buy you pizza whenever you want <3 so for dan and phil id recommend starting with gamingmas 2023! for december 2023 they did a video everyday leading up to xmas and theres some good videos in there! its in a playlist !!!!
yippee!!! u have good taste baby, id absolutely love to see a playlist of your favourites <3
fuck yeah! ill put the link here <3 omg i know that feeling i had an ipod nano when i was about 15 that i lost at a music festival and to this day im still hunting down the songs i had on there (>_<) :3 well sugar i can't ever imagine you annoying me, but you definitely won't with musicals i promise <3 i love learning about what you're into! would never make fun of u for stuff u enjoy <3 pls do!!!! id love to see that playlist :D
omg yes i have seen moulin rouge!!!! my best friend loves it a lot so ive watched it a few times and it rules. i also rly love ewan mcgregor as an actor and i think he's great in it! that's so cool that you have it memorized! i think one of the few movies i have memorized is Saw 2004 and maybe also Hereditary 2018
yippee!!! cutie <3
0 notes
redrobin-detective · 3 years
Hey guys, as always sorry for the delay it was 3 days of work then a full day of studying plus the holiday party. To make it up to yall, I bring...
Weird Shit That Happened While I Was At Work
- I got very tired and accidentally fell a lil bit asleep in my chair and my charge nurse had to awkwardly wake me up and say that my new admit was here.
- Me and 2 others nurses got into a very spirited debate on whether or not patients on antibiotics have weird smelling pee. Went on at least 15 minutes
- Our confused covid patient kept trying to eat crackers even though she had a no food or drink order so we kept standing outside her room going “NOOO!!! YOU CANT EAT THE CRACKERS!!!” until we could the PPE on to take them from her and she’d hold them up like “excuse u but I have the crackers”
- Someone called me by my first name which is, you know, objectively fine but someone overheard down the hallway and screeched “she likes to be called [LAST NAME]!”
- I got really into singing American Pie for my anoxic brain injury patient and a doctor walking by interrupted me to tell me I had a good voice then left and CAME BACK to apologize for embarrassing me.
- There was a drug dealer hospitalized on the floor above us and 2 of our patients left our floor to go upstairs to try and buy drugs. I’m told there was a line outside the man’s room. I never found out if the man actually had drugs on him.
- I went to an ICU course full of ICU nurses and many of them ask me dumb questions as if they doubted I had any braincells whatsoever much less very experienced with nursing and ICU level nursing.
- A very sweet doctor wanted to buy shots for all the nurses at the party and asked me what kind to get. I very politely told him I was not the person to ask as I spit out and choked on my first shot.
- That same sweet doctor brought his very pregnant wife (who didnt drink) and asked S, who recently transferred to Labor and Delivery if she personally would deliver their baby and S who just started in L&D maybe 5 weeks before is like uhh.
- One of the newer, younger nurses did in fact do her first shot and was so nervous she’d become drunk she panicked. She was going on about how dizzy she was but the barstool she was on was uneven. She was fine but drank like 8 glasses of water before leaving.
- A more experienced nurse brought a few flushes from the hospital and a) sprayed out the saline contents at people (always fun) then b) filled them up with liquor and drank it that way.
- The absolute chaotic mix of people who’d just come from work still in scrubs, people who had to work the next morning and people off entirely was so fucking funny. I hope L is ok working bc she was downing liquor like it was going out of style.
- K, a very tall, quiet big teddy bear of a man walked in with no warning in a motherfucking suit looking like Idris Elba and we all lost our shit. He confided to me later it was a rental.
- I momed a couple of people who were worrying me, liquor flush lady patted me on the back and told me we weren’t at work, it was ok but I’m anxious ok?
- Was picked up by no less than 3 people, like they’re going in for a hug oops my feet are not on the ground okay. All my fellow shorties left so I’m now one of the tiniest on the unit >:(
- Oh also we were all showing off pictures of nasty wounds we’d seen bc we need photographic evidence for docs but also to gross each other out. The aline which looked like it was full of mustard won. 
- I met my coworkers wife for the first time and I wanted to make a good impression but instead was introduced as “This lil bitch looks so cute and innocent with her bows but then she opens her mouth and it’s nothing but fuck a hundred times in a row.” 
- Almost cried hugging the coworkers who’d left us for other units (whos xmas parties they ditched to come to ours). We’re all psychos but I’d die for every single one of those weirdos. Me and D, who I miss every day of my life, walked back to our cars hooting and waving our arms to scare off potential bad people with our weirdness. 
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@fishy-moirails I GOT YOU BOTH COVERED
first of all thank you for being so interested HUUEHHEUE IT MEANS ALOT 🥺🥺🥺 OTL YYWYEEURHEYRHEE OKOK STORY UNDER READ MORE!!! Bullet point styled writing my beloved
sorry if it seems like it's moving too quickly?? LMAODOAS I JUST WANTED IT TO GO TO THE PART™ AHAHSHFHHSHD there's a lot of skips shshh no I am not rewriting this draft I am winging it on one go
• tom hates christmas. always does. it was already december 23, two days before christmas
• edd knew that tom would be doing stupid stuff like wrecking havoc, burning down beautifully decorated trees, crushing presents down, that kind of stuff
• he had to think of something clever so that tom wouldn't go ruin the celebration again, it was really exhausting. he NEEDS to be distracted... by something.... or someone
• suddenly, edd had a bright idea. jesse! he had noticed by now that tom and jesse may have a thing going on with each other, but never said anything about it
• edd was the only one who noticed them first being so, subtly sweet to each other, and witnessing tom overreact over the idea of liking jesse — his stunned and red face said it all.
• edd calls up jesse on the phone. a quick wholesome small talk ensued, after a few minutes he asks her for a favor
• "anyways, can you go out with tom, tomorrow?"
• huh!??? it was completely out of the blue. edd suddenly asking jesse to... to... go out with him?? wasn't she subtle about her adoration for him?? it sounded like he knew. but she digress
• edd's reason was that "matt and I are going shopping, and tom is gonna be ..... er... lonely by himself.... uh. yeah"
• (but in reality he really was begging her to keep him distracted from becoming grinch 2.0. he's bad at making reasons)
• that was ..... a very peculiar request. isn't he an adult already? he makes him sound like ton is still a baby. what a way to degrade a man's honor like that.
• "well, I mean.... I guess I can do that, bu-" her voice slowly trailed off into silence
• "GREAT. THANK YOU. SEE YOU LATER" and then edd signs out
• jesse stood there confused, that was incredibly odd??? but no matter, she did want to try to go out with him, she just didn't know how. but now with this prompt suggested by edd, she can't just let it slide — and the most fun holiday was just in a few days
• the next step was actually asking tom to go with her.
• it's probably best she texted him about it.
• back in edd's house, tom sat on the couch minding his own business, and then his phone vibrated
• a message from jesse
• he couldn't help but, feel a little bit of excitement whenever he read that name. they rarely texted, and if they did, it was very short lived, but tom still cherished it
• still, he felt nervous because it was from her!! he was secretly admiring her too, how would you feel if you saw your crush texting you?? you'd wanna act cool even in text!!
• 'hi tom! :D' the message reads out
• he responded casually. 'heya, what's up?"
• 'its x-mas eve tomorrow, and i was wondering if you wanted to come along with me? maybe go to a mall? we can go buy presents for edd, matt and tor.d!'
• a tightness swelled on his throat. he's overthinking now
• xmas.... with her??? tom suddenly felt weird... he had huge distaste for this cheery holiday.... but with her???
• is this a date?? he felt nervous
• she didn't know about his opinion about xmas, nor does he wanna look like an asshole in front of her about it....
• he doesn't want to reject her either — he would love to go out with her anytime...
• ...
• ...maybe christmas doesn't sound so bad...
• he types out his response
• "oh sure, why not? :)"
• thank goodness did texting really mask their actual emotions and red tinted cheeks. but it's settled now
• the next day, it's December 24. edd sleeps comfortably in bed, he's murmuring by himself.
• "mhm..n... christmas eve...."
• edd suddenly shoots up from his bed, eyes wide awake
• edd runs to his bedroom. he's not there
• edd runs out to the main door of the house. he's still wearing his pajamas
• as he kicks the door open. the area is covered in thick, white snow. and lo and behold — tom is idling in front of the mailbox, all dressed up
• "oh, good morning edd." tom had his hands on his pockets, his head turned back to see edd's terrified look
• edd pauses for a moment... he's going out?
• edd played dumb, everything's under control now. he wiped off the nervous look off his face
• "morning tom, looks like you're going out today! where ya goin?" the smug face edd had plastered, ohh he's thriving so hard
• tom froze.
• no he's not allowing edd to think he's on a date hell no he's not!!
• edd chuckles, ohh silly little boy he knows what's going on. but he'll let it slide for tom's sake
• "well, have fun standing there! I'm getting cola for breakfast" and edd walks back in, closes the door.
• tom sighs to himself. he's starting to wonder why he's here again, until a voice called to him.
• "tom, you're here!"
• that voice. in an instant his eyes quickly tries to scan for that, familiar sweet voice.
• his eyes lands on jesse, she's dressed in a fluffy jade jacket, and cute white ear warmers.
• he couldn't help but feel, soft inside. her cute stature and smile made him smile.
• "you look nice" he spoke up
• her eyes shrunk at the sweet compliment, she awkwardly twirls her hair and smiles
• "haven't worn this in a while, I'm glad you find it nice, haha" she chuckled
• she's so pretty. he thought
• ”shall we go?"
• he nodded.
• they're in a mall now, as suggested by jesse
• the interiors was filled with christmas themed decorations, a big tree stood in the center of the building, jolly music surrounded the whole place. it feels so festive and bright
• tom cringed at this sight. eugh.
• but, it doesn't feel so, so bad? compared to last time? is it because she's around?
• tom looked at her, excitement filled her eyes, they were sparkling too. she's stoked
• gosh, he could look at her all day if he could
• jesse snaps him out of his trance
• "let's go look in here! maybe there's something here that i could give to matt!"
• they're window-shopping, jesse scans every item available, she's really trying to find a gift for everyone. how thoughtful!
• tom wasn't really looking for anything special, he's just following her. he's not mad though, he's enjoying it actually.
• suddenly, he notices a rack with "mistletoes" labeled above. he stops to look at them. it look pretty.
• "ooh, mistletoes! they're really gorgeous" she notices him staring at them
• "what are these?"
• "...you don't know what are mistletoes?"
• tom shakes his head. he doesn't know. apparently hating christmas means he doesn't really know much about certain items
• "people usually like to hang mistletoes by a doorway, and if two people happen to stand on one together, they... they kiss!"
• "they kiss?"
• "yeah! it's really cute. right?"
• "huh, that's- that's cool"
• he ended up buying one after jesse finished shopping. he didn't show her though. who knows? could come in handy...
• a few hours passed, they definitely had a great time bonding with each other, and being together alone.
• it felt like they truly got to know each other more, and their feelings for each other continued to swirl more
• jesse had to excuse herself to the restroom, so tom waited out for her. her shopping bags sat next to him.
• he was minding his own business, when he hears a couple pass by with an ongoing conversation
• "it's almost 12! we should go check the fireworks later!"
• "oh? where is it?"
• "it's at the outer area of the mall, it's the perfect view to watch the night glitter!!"
• fireworks... he should take her there to end the night
• and, maybe. maybe it was time he told her the truth.
• his face warmed with red, is he really going to tell her now?
• what if it backfires?
• 'am i going to hate christmas even more if things don't go the right way?'
• his worries gets shaken off into thin air when she comes back.
• "i'm back!" she runs to him, and picks up her bags of shopped goods
• "where do you want to go next? or should we go home now?"
• "actually... i heard there's a fireworks display starting soon..." he paused, and gulped
• "... do you wanna go there?" his voice got a little shaky there.
• "i'd love to" she nodded happily
• something about the way she said it, pulled his heartstrings too hard. she would "love to".
• walking outside, there's already a couple of people waiting. some are standing, sitting, and talking to others.
• there's an unoccupied bench, they both took the seat, and waited for the show to begin
• jesse suddenly felt cold, she's shivering a little. she tried to wear her jacket thoroughly and adjusted her earmuffs, but she still continued to shake in her seat
• tom couldn't just sit there and watch her freeze.
• not even saying anything, he scooted himself closer to her, and slowly placed his arm over her side and brought her closer. she jolted at the contact and felt a little flustered.
• "you could've told me you were getting cold" he teased her. that was smooth
• she was going to comment on his smug remark, but she simply thanked him and rested closely to him.
• 'tom. now's your chance'
• time to suck it up and say it here and now
• deep breath. breathe in — out.
• "jesse, can i say something a little odd?"
• "you're odd to me already" she joked. "but go on"
• he takes a moment
• "remember when we first met?" he started
• "i really didn't think we'd become friends from there"
• "i thought i wasn't interesting enough to be your friend"
• "heck, i feel like edd, matt and to.rd combined are far more interesting than me"
• "when you asked me to go out with you today, i-.. i felt — it means a lot to me, y'know?"
• "you're really kind to me. not just me explicitly — but even to my friends, it gave me this hope that maybe not everyone is absolute garbage here."
• jesse listened closely, not saying a word
• "what i'm getting at — jesse."
• he turns to her, and holds both of her hands. oh how she was not expecting this turn of events
• "i— i, i think i like you. and i'd do anything to take that next level"
• he said it, he did it. a weight off his shoulders has been lifted. he's been harbouring these feelings for months now. he needed to tell someone.
• he stared at her intently, his lips zipped shut and nervously expects her response. holding her hands firmly.
• meanwhile, as his words escalated, she almost knew what he was going to say, and she was ready to respond back.
• "can i say something a little odd, too?" jesse replies
• his eyes widened to respond to her
• "i like you as much as you do, tom."
• "i'd love to go further with you too."
• he was speechless. she felt the same way too. there's really nothing much he could say, but he smiled, and pulled her closer for a hug, she did the same
• suddenly, loud explosions can be heard, along with bright flashes in the sky. the fireworks started now
• the sky glittered the dark night with the wonderfully synchronized explosions. it was absolutely gorgeous.
• they looked in adoration, while still holding each other. she leaned her head on his neck. she felt comfortable now, there's no use in hiding how much she wanted to be close to him now
• he, in turn also snuggles his head on her soft hair, it was the best feeling in the world.
• "merry christmas, jesse"
• he said it, what a turn of events!
• back at edd's house, the boys were also having a good time, because tom isn't doing anything stupid! loud music blasted their room as they all sung together happily
• edd started to wonder if things went well with jesse and tom, given that his friend wasn't even home yet.
• suddenly they heard door knocks — that must be tom!!
• "MATT, TO.RD!! GET THE PRESENTS" edd loudly whispered. the duo nodded and grabbed blue colored gifts and a party popper
• "okay, i'm opening the door. let's greet him in unison. got it?"
• "go on edd!" "we're ready!" the two responded
• edd swings the door open, and the boys were ready to yell
• tom fell down face first on the floor
• ????? what??????
• "tom??!" edd was confused
• tord leaned closer to inspect tom, he rolled him over to check his face. tom looked like he was smiling even if he's... unconscious?
• that's not blood.....
• ... is that a kissmark?
• "is that lipstick?" tord was confused too
• edd realizes.
• "looks like tom had a good holiday after all." edd chuckles.
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jokertrap-ran · 2 years
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra XMAS (Side: Ryuzaki Hayate) Translation
*Yeah. Uh, well... welcome to my whims again? *Starlight Orchestra Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut
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Rei: I knew it. Well, who do you want to spend your time with tonight on this merry Christmas?
[Selection: Ryuzaki Hayate]
Rei: Brilliant. Who knows, he might even be waiting for you. See you, and have a nice Christmas.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ryuzaki’s calling…
Hayate: Hello? Sorry for calling this late into the night. Can you come out?
Hayate: I was thinking that maybe we could drop by the dockyard to see the projection mapping they’ve set up there.
Hayate: Of course, I could just go alone, but I thought I’d ask you if you wanted to join, just in case.
Hayate: As in, I’m just asking, so you don’t have to come if you can’t go out now…
MC: I’m coming along!
Hayate: R-Really!? Alright then. I’ll wait for you along the driveway. Travel safely!
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Hayate: Heeey! Over here!
Hayate: What a crowd. I should have expected it since it’s Christmas, but it took me a while to find you.
Hayate: And I got a good dusting of snow myself. —Achoo! 
Hayate: I’m freezing. If I was to catch a cold at such an important time like this, I…
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Hayate: W-What? Why are you staring at my face? …My nose’s red? It’s cold, duh.
MC: You look like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.
Hayate: Huh? A reindeer?
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Hayate: Why not something cooler than a reindeer…
Hayate: Oh well, but Rudolph’s a great reindeer, no?
Hayate: He worked hard, never gave up, and eventually helped Santa fulfil his mission.
Hayate: Hmm… But when you think about it like that… Don’t you think you’re more similar to Rudolph than I am?
MC: No way!
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Hayate: Hahaha. That’s one spectacular pout on your face. I’m praising you, you know? Stop looking so sullen about it, yeah?
Hayate: You’re brilliant. It’s easy to talk big about one’s dreams, but not giving up on them, and actually striving towards them is something else entirely.
Hayate: You’re the Concertmistress, so everyone wants to follow after you. It’s because it’s you that I want to be together with…
Hayate: …Um… No, I mean- I meant that, erm-
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Hayate: D-Don’t laugh! Now the mood’s all ruined!
Hayate: …It’s fine for me to say something a little more romantic, don’t you think? I mean… we ARE on a Christmas date.
Hayate: C’mon, quit laughing! Let’s go. The projection mapping’s about to start!
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twinklelilstarkey · 4 years
could you do a dad!rafe imagine where it’s their baby’s first xmas and maybe uncle!jj is there too and the baby gets excited to open presents and stuff 🥺
Christmas Morning - Dad!Rafe Cameron
Words: 1.4k+
Type: Fluff
Warnings: None, this is just pure cuteness overload.
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(Idk who this gif belongs to, sry)
It’s Christmas morning and everyone is super excited, mostly the kids (at least from the conversations that you all had last night). The parents are honestly just excited to see the kids open the presents they’ve been threading to open since the beginning of the shopping.
Rafe is the first one to wake up (between you two), but only because he has to use the bathroom. And right as he walks out from the room to check on the kids, he hears giggling in the hallway.
Rafe walks out to find Y/D/N, one of his friends’ kids and Topper’s kid sitting down on the ground, playing with some toys.
It’s 9 am, why are these kids already so awake?
When noticing the eyes on them, all the kids look up but only Y/D/N smiled up at Rafe. The other ones widened their eyes as if they had been caught stealing.
Y/D/N stands in her feet and runs her way to her dad happily waving her arms in the air while letting some fit of giggles escape her mouth. Rafe smiles and picks her up.
The toddler giggles into her dad’s naked chest as he starts kissing her cheek and top of the head and a smile spreads over his lips when listening to her.
“Who got you so excited today, uhm?” He asks in a whisper.
The girl doesn’t answer, just snuggles her face into Rafe’s neck as if to hide from the cold air. Rafe decides to close the door of the bedroom just to let you sleep for some more time and walks over to the kitchen.
“How the hell are you not cold?” Topper asks Rafe as soon as he sees him.
“I, honestly, don’t know” Rafe answers.
For some reason, this night was probably the coldest of all winter and that affected everyone’s ‘staying up late’ plans. The kids are all dressed in their warmest pajamas, but that still wasn’t enough since they’re all clinging to every adult human in the household.
“Were you the one that woke them up?” Rafe asks as Topper serves two mugs of coffee.
“No, they were the one that woke me up” Topper answers with a chuckle, “They were having a toddler meeting at the door of my bedroom”
Rafe laughs at him and Y/D/N lifts her head from Rafe’s chest when feeling his chest move as he laughed. She looks up at him and smiles a bit before snuggling back into the warmth.
“Thank you” Rafe tells Topper as he gives him the mug, “Is anyone else awake?”
“Uhm... I think JJ is taking a shower, and Sarah was on her laptop in the living room when I walked past there” He explains and Rafe nods.
Rafe brings the mug to his lips, tasting the strong coffee and the smell catches the attention of the toddler. Y/D/N’s small fingers grasp into the mug and Rafe brings it down so she can see.
The small girl stares at the dark liquid with a scowl and her nostrils frail as she smells it. Topper and Rafe laugh at her and the girl snaps out of her thoughts to stare at the men with a smile, acting as if she knows why they’re laughing.
“Morning” You say as you walk in the kitchen, wearing some pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt.
The two men answer at the same time and you frown at Rafe.
“Aren’t you cold?” You ask him.
Topper laughs at your words and you walk closer to Rafe and Y/D/N. The small girl lifts her head from Rafe’s chest when hearing your voice and a huge smile grew on her face.
Not wanting to take her away from the human furnace that is Rafe Cameron, you wrap your arms around Rafe and press a kiss into the girl’s cheek.
Rafe lays his arm over your shoulders as he uses that same hand to hold his coffee and gives you a peck on the lips when you look up. 
You smile and look at Y/D/N, who is already staring with a smile on her face.
“Merry Christmas everyone!” Your brother says from behind you excitingly.
Y/D/N takes her eyes from you and gasps at the sight of her favorite, and only, uncle. You look over your shoulder, and Rafe’s arm, at your brother and you and Topper chuckle at his shirtless state.
“You guys are seriously the same person” Topper comments while shaking his head.
Sarah thanks you as you hand her her drink and you sit down over Rafe’s lap since it’s either that or the ground filled with hyper toddlers.
Rafe automatically wraps one of his arms over your waist as he stares at all the messages from distant family members, all wishing him and his family a Merry Christmas.
You stare down at the kids sitting on the ground beside JJ and at Y/D/N, who sits comfortable on his lap and stares at the presents with widen eyes, deep in thought.
Rafe puts his phone away and leans his head into your arm, letting his messy hair tickle your skin slightly.
“Can we start now?” Topper asks everyone as he tries to calm down his hyper toddler that keeps jumping around on his lap.
Everyone agrees and all the unwrapping starts. The kids go first, obviously. And right as they start opening everything, the room is filled with gasps and screams of excitement.
Y/D/N holds all of her new plushies in her small arms and giggles as she shows all of them to JJ, who acted as excited as she does.
“You got an elephant?” He asks her shocked, “He’s so cute. I want an elephant too, now!”
You smile as they interact and the other kids also look at them. Topper’s kid stands right from his dad’s lap and runs towards JJ to also show him his present.
“You got a car?!” JJ asks again, “This is starting to become unfair. I want a car too!”
The kids laugh at him and as he starts a conversation with Topper’s kid, Y/D/N stands from his lap and runs with all her plushies towards you and Rafe. She puts them all down on the ground in front of you and you two stare down at her.
The small girl starts grabbing each one and holding it up in the air to you as if doing a whole presentation of each plushy. 
“The elephant is the cutest” You agree out loud, making JJ look at you.
“I know, right?!”
The other two kids try to get JJ’s attention back to look at their presents, and Y/D/N tries to climb the couch. With your help, she’s up and sitting on Rafe’s lap, behind you.
“Which one is your favorite?” Rafe asks the girl as you start a conversation with Sarah.
She holds up the elephant as an answer.
“And who give it to you?”
“Sa” She answers with a smile, shy by trying out to say her aunt’s name.
“Aunt Sa gave that to you?” Rafe asks excited and the small girl nods, “Wow!”
The girl smiles at her dad and throws herself against his chest to try and hug his larger torso. Rafe chuckles at her and unwraps his arm from you to hug the toddler tightly to his chest.
“God, you’re the cutest thing in the world” He whispers to the small girl who giggles into his shirt.
Rafe’s chest fills up with imaginary butterflies as he looks down and watches his daughter clinging onto his chest and giggling at him. He loves this small human so much that he can’t even express it out loud to her because she won’t even understand. 
You look over your shoulder at the two of them and smile at sight of Rafe having complete heart eyes while looking at Y/D/N. You run your fingers through his messy hair to try and tame it slightly and he looks up at you.
“You okay?” You ask him in a lower tone as everyone talks loudly in the living room, discussing who will open presents first.
“Yeah” He says with a warm smile.
Sarah stands from beside you two to go grab the present off Topper’s hands, since he’s stealing everybody’s to be the first one, and JJ gets up from the ground and runs to the couch.
He sits beside you and Rafe and Sarah turns to look at him.
“Lost your seat, princess” He says teasingly with a shrug, “Life is hard”
Sarah laughs at him and shakes her head before turning around to snatch the boxes away from Topper.
Y/D/N looks up from Rafe’s chest and holds out a hand towards her uncle. JJ grabs it and she grins before looking back at you.
Now this is a happy family.
- - - - - - - - -
Writing these imagines is making me dread to see Drew Starkey with a toddler. I CANNOT HANDLE THIS MUCH BABY FEVER!!
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haruhi1087 · 4 years
UA Dorms
Ok, first and foremost a huge thank you to my discord ppl for helping me figure this all out and find screenshots because I swear Hori was drunk when he made these dorms and I eventually just gave up, but we did figure a lot out!
So here y’all go. I use this dorm layout for Zero-verse, but not for Last Black because I hadn’t figured it all out by that point.
The Common Area:
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The Zero-Verse Room Assignments:
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Below the line is my huge rant explaining the dorm layout and why Horikoshi had to be drunk when he made it. Seriously, it’s months later now and I’m still bitter about how long this took to figure out. I hope this post helps all other fic writers and spares y’all the pain we went through.
So let’s start with what we can learn from the outside of the dorms.
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Ok, so first off after the third floor the building splits at the front! That’s why when they’d doing their tour they have to go all the way back downstairs after that point and then come back up. Also important are the two doorways! The dorm is split by gender and the two doorways reflect that. However! The boys and girls do not have to enter separate doors and there is no wall downstairs that separates that area by gender. I’ll get to how we know that in a second. First! Here’s the actual dorm layout:
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Alright, here’s where that ‘no common area at the front of the building’ becomes important. First off, there are definitely walls here separating the rooms by gender. The fact that there is no middle area on the 4th and 5th floors tells us that Kouda, Jiro, Mineta, Momo, Souji, and Uraraka have to be the ones by the elevators. The elevators have to be able to go up to the fourth and fifth floor, but the front part of the building doesn’t have a common area where the elevators would go. We also have seen the front left and front right and there’s nowhere for an elevator to be. Also yes, those would be split by gender too, and there would be two of them in the back of the building. 
Proof #1 that Hori was Drunk: Mineta’s room. Alright, Mineta *should* be by the elevators because he’s in the back. His room during the dorm tour *is* at the end of a hallway, but that hallway has a blank wall (see below). In addition, the girls very clearly walk away from his room to go to the other end of the hallway in order to go to the elevators, which we can even see. So either this layout is wrong, or the dorm tour is wrong. I chose the dorm tour and think Hori switched it for the “comedic” effect of the girls running from Mineta, which would be harder to do if his room was right next to the elevator.
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Alright! Now for the left side, which is the area of the common room that we know the most about.
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Alright, presuming that the translator for the manga has the plurals here correct, then the dorms have 1 dining area for everyone, but 2 laundry rooms and 2 baths, presumably split by gender.
In the front left, we have a large sitting area with two couches, four chairs, and one table. Then further back we have the dining area and kitchen, along with two small doorways in the back. I’ll get to those in a second with a closer pic, but for now let’s focus on the sitting area and turn to another pic:
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Ok! So where is this in the common area? If you compare the columns, that tells us that those are the same windows as the ones on the left side. The wall/window next to shoji looks a little different than the one in the earlier pic, but honestly that could easily be hori being understandably lazy in a panel with a lot of busy details. That means that this gathering occurs right in front of the dorm’s front doors. Which means that there are no gender separating walls at the front of the common area. In other words, it doesn’t matter which front door the boys and girls use.
Also! We’ve seen most of the front area, and these scenes would take up a huge amount of space. If anyone was holding out for the elevators being up here to make sense of Mineta’s floating room, there’s just not enough space here for elevators.
Now in the Xmas pic we have four couches and two tables, and who knows how many chairs, honestly. It also looks like they’ve gotten a table or two from the dining area to put food on. What’s notable here is that this is double the seating arrangement we had in that left corner. The left corner itself now looks empty except for a christmas tree. The easiest solution for the doubled furniture is that there is a lounge at the front right side that exactly mirrors the lounge on the front left side. They’ve moved all the furniture to the center for a big Christmas party. Yay!
Alright! One mystery solved and we know *something* about the right side of the common area despite the fact that we’ve never seen it in canon. Now for the close up on the other half of the left side:
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Alright so we have three tables with four chairs each, letting twelve students eat there at a time. The kitchen is small—there’s no island or anything like that, just the one big counter and shelves. EDIT: @raunchyredriot​ pointed out that we get a better overall pic of the kitchen and tables above in the pic of the full left side, which means this is zoomed in on the island in the upper left and the second row of tables. So the kitchen at least has a sink area, fridge, island, and some cabinets, and the dining area has six tables in three rows, seating 24 students.
Now for the puzzling part—the back doorways and that sound effect at the top. The sound effect is for running on stairs, and we see Deku sprint out a second later. Now Deku would come from the *right* side of the dorms since he’s a guy, not the left, which is what side we have here. That means there is no wall separating guys from girls at the back of the dorms, even though the baths are there. In a western society and with Mineta in the group, that seems like a terrible idea, but it’s honestly fairly common practice in Japan for doorways to be right next to each other like this. That half curtain is also very normal for bath doorways, so that tells us the baths are there, despite the fact that the elevator screenshots from about make it look like the elevators should be moved further inward. *aka Proof that Hori was Drunk #2.*
Now where are the stairs that Deku is running down? My best guess is that they’re at the back of the garden. There’s no room for them anywhere else in the back of the building, so it’s a process of elimination thing.
Which still leaves the elevators and laundry rooms. Now since there are two of those, it doesn’t make sense to put them on the right side, but maybe the translator got it wrong and there is only one laundry room and it’s on the right side. I think it could just as easily be that the laundry rooms are small with stacked washer and dryers on the left side of that small doorway we see on the back left. At the back of that little room would then be the elevators leading up to all the dorm rooms.
Now, things we know about the right side: seating area at the front. Elevators, baths, and laundry in the back (or laundry only on the right and parallel to the dining area). Or maybe two laundry areas and they’re both on the right side, and it just ignores the parallelism of the rest of the building. We also know that the right has no parallel dining area.
What could be there? Maybe a door to the garden. We know the area in the middle of the building is one and someone would have to have access to it to tend the plants, but we see plenty of pictures of the left wall and there’s no door there or at the front. If the stairs are at the back of the garden, there’s either a door at the base of the stairwell or there’s a door on the right side.
Other than that, who knows? Maybe hori will show us one day, but I’m not holding my breath. He doesn’t seem to want to think about the dorm layout too much. For my layout, I put a small gym there because it’s a heroics program and that makes sense to me.
If anyone has other ideas, feel free to reblog and add on to this or to reply and share! And fic writers, feel free to steal my layout :D :D I’m making this post to hopefully spare others the pain of decoding Hori’s mess.
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mozukumi · 3 years
HEYY IT'S ME AGAIN!! since it's ready christmas in my timezone, i remembered the spring troupe dads unleashing The Gift Reckoning on christmas!! if ur still doing mankai swap au asks, i wanna know how they all celebrate christmas (and maybe the days leading up to it?) :D!!
HI 🌸 ANON!!! i still am doing these - although i can't make any promises on how fast I'll respond, aha. this is a bit late, but like, it's still December in my timezone. it kind of counts!
under the cut for length!
Sakuya - do you ever think about the part in Merry Xmas Mr Blooming where Sakuya is like "oh i remember one year i did my best to be a good boy but still santa didn't ever come to me" and hisoka is like "put up your stocking you've been a good boy i'm sure santa will come". i think about that part a lot. Because Hisoka most likely never got to truly believe in santa, and I think about how christmas is so tied up to gekkagumi, and I think about him trying to give Sakuya a better life, and I - okay that's enoug canon stuff but it's just a sweet story.
Anyway, by this point, he's old enough to have figured out santa and all - but it's his hope to try and keep the spirit alive for the younger kids. I think that Guy and Sakyo would probably be the only kids who still believe, but even for all of the ones who "know better" by now, he tries to create a really happy atmosphere. He's still a freeter, so he has to work in retail a lot this time of year, but he manages to keep a grin on his face despite the rude customers.
And of course, the Gift Reckoning. Although he doesn't have that much money to spare, he makes sure to get a gift for every single member and tries to organize some quality time for each one.
Masumi - I think for a while he spent his Christmas's with his grandmother, until she passed on. For the next few years, he spent them in his Bachelor Pad or whatever, so he's definitely not used to having so many people around for Christmas.
But as you mentioned, he has a gift reckoning to unleash. He can afford to give out more gifts then Sakuya, but after their first year of doing this, Masumi tries to tone back so it doesn't seem like he's trying to one-up Sakuya. Unlike Sakuya, who arranges one-on-one time with each member, Masumi goes with the flow. If he overhears the kids talking about wanting to go to a movie, he offers to buy them the tickets and go see it with them, etc.
Tsuzuru - I think this dude deserves to just fucking relax at christmas. He's spent his previous ones busy with taking care of his siblings, but at this stage, they are starting to grow up more - so he vows that this christmas he is just going to fucking Chill. no cleaning! no cooking!! he is going to sleep until 12 pm!!! he will CHILL!!
... i don't think he succeeds, but it's a nice, thought.
Citron - ... yknow, I actually don't know if they celebrate christmas in Zahra or not! If anybody knows, feel free to tell me - I tried to check Citron and Guy's Christmas cards, but the ones that were translated didn't help.
So I'm not sure how he used to celebrate Christmas, but these days I think he has a lot of fun with it! I think since he's a bit younger in this AU, he's a bit over-eager and forgets to hide his wealth a bit - so he gets everybody extravagant presents and they're like ? how does a college student afford this?
Itaru - Christmas is for one thing, and one thing only: seasonal scouting in his gacha games. At least, that's what he used to believe!
He's used to getting really impersonal gifts (from his parents) or passive-aggressive gifts (from his sister), so when the adults actually give him gifts that match his interests, he's really moved.
Chikage - how long do we have. do you want me to cry over gekkagumi for an hour or for 2 hours-
Anyway, christmas is a lot more light for him then it is in canon - August is still alive, and he never believed that Hisoka betrayed him. Christmas is baking gingerbread together, a symbolic compromise. Sweet and spicy as one.
I think because he wasn't used to much fanfare around it, he's the kind of person who sleeps in big on christmas - much to the chagrin of everybody else, who wants to open their damn presents!
Tenma - His first Christmas outside of the media spotlight is... weird. He's used to having photoshoots lined up, and scheduled tweets by his PR team. He doesn't have that anymore, as he's recovering from his scandal.
It's so much more quiet then he's used to, which unsettles him, but overall he doesn't hate it. He's finding that there's a lot to be gained from going through life as a Person, not as a Celebrity.
I also think he believed in Santa for an embarrassingly long amount of time (I forget if this is canon or not?), so he's with Sakuya on trying so hard to protect Sakyo and Guy. Because it's COMPLETELY normal to keep believing in Santa at that age.
Yuki - Yuki is a big fan of Christmas! It's got a lot of potential from a fashion designer's perspective, for cute limited outfits. He loves designing himself cute pajamas for christmas eve and a classy outfit for christmas day.
At this point, Yuki is probably an uncle - I know in canon, his sisters are already getting married, so it's likely they've had kids when he's in his 30s. I think he takes to that surprisingly well, and they probably love getting presents from Uncle Yuki.
Muku - As a shoujo manga author, Muku probably more focused on the romantic connotations of christmas. He has to crunch a bit to make his seasonal chapters, but aren't they so heart-throbbing?
As for the family side, the first year has his first Christmas with Juchan again, which is definitely an experience! He's missed him so much, but of course, Juza is a bit closed off...
Kazunari - kazunaris rough draft of a character arc in this is that like, um. he has to rise and grind for the freelance work he does as an artist. im sorry that im introducing the anime boy to capitalism.
but aside from having to worry about his holiday bonuses, i think kazu celebrates much like in canon! he's still got a great relationship with his family, and he's super hyped for all of the christmas partying.
Misumi - Misumi celebrates much like in canon as well - with all the money he's saved up from his part-time jobs, he's able to give every single person a special triangle gift. He's also able to reconnect with Madoka bit easier, as Madoka would already be in college by Captain Sky's Pirates, so I think they try to spend some time together as a family. It's still awkward, but they're working on it!
Kumon - oh boy the kumon juza relationship in this AU makes me cry so much because like... Kumon still does idolize Juza! But he's also still mad at being abandoned! And Juza thinks Kumon was foolish to ever idolize him! And a part of him still worries that reconnecting with Kumon is going to hurt him!
But at Mankai, they're together again at last, and while things are awkward.. they're still the Hyodo brothers. i think they still give each other really thoughtful gifts and then they cry because after all this time they still know.
Izumi - Izumi has mixed feelings about celebrating Christmas at Mankai, at first. because I think her dad probably celebrated there too. So it's just a reminder that this place was more important to her dad then she was, and that's a bit raw.
But despite all that, she still has fun. Like all of the youngsters, she's doted on by the adults, and she realizes she can do better then her father. She can have love here without abandoning her family - which she doesn't! She either invites her mother into Mankai to celebrate, or she goes to visit her mother herself
Sakyo - so i've mentioned that I think Sakyo still believes in santa. this is because I think that'd be hilarious. like, sakyo is really having to carry a LOT on his back in this au, because he's still izumis childhood friend but he's ALSO the juza but he's ALSO kind of the azami. he is a man of many talents.
so instead of azamis like, really flustered and prim and proper thing about relationships, i just think it'd be funny if sakyo was still a santa believer despite otherwise being very edgy and stuff. it's charming. what else can i say.
I still need to figure out the exact timeline, but I think this would be around the time his mother remarried? So this might also be his first christmas with a step-sister and step-father! But since he's not actually joining the yakuza in this au, he's not trying to seperate himself from them, so they actually get to grow closer.
Omi - omi is one of the casualties of this AU because he was like, basically the center point. the metric i used only made him one year older. he is Barely different. which is part of why he got the spy role, as a way to give him something to Do.
so aside from feeling a bit more guilty, otherwise the same! he's still doing the cooking AND the cleaning.
Taichi - ? taichi is a character i have not thought about enough in mankai swap. i literally dont know what his job is. im so sorry taitai.
His siblings are getting older, so I think christmas has started to wind down a bit for him - so he's super excited to have such a high-energy christmas atmosphere at mankai! Even if his siblings think they're too cool for christmas, he's NEVER stopped being hyped.
Juza - juza my little onglydoop.
in Merry Xmas Mr Blooming, Juza says the following:
Every Christmas, I looked forward to eating the cake my mother made.
A day I could eat sweet foods. That was what Christmas was to me.
Which um. He's been estranged from his mother for like, 10 years in this AU. So I think his christmas tradition for a while was to try and make his own cake, and then he'd cry because it was never quite like his moms.
The christmas he returns to the family is very awkward, and makes him worry that he never should have come back - but of course, his family sets him straight! He gets to have his cake once more, and he probably still cries, this time tears of joy.
Azami - azami is probably used to celebrating with the ginsenkai, and i bet he still does! he scolds anybody who stays up too late on christmas eve, since it's bad for their skin, and sakyo joins in - because what if santa doesn't come! i just think it's a funny image to imagine both of them going around barking orders at people.
Tsumugi - he spends it with zabi. next question-
but nah. honestly, i think a part of him secretly dreads christmas, because his birthday is so soon! and he kind of just wants to get to that. not that he'd ever actually say that out loud, since that'd be rude, but it is always a bit depressing to get your christmas and birthday gifts squished togethert... which is why he's so happy when mankai throws him a seperate birthday party!
Tasuku - I think Tasuku and his family are usually pretty low-key about christmas, which makes celebrating with Mankai... a new experience, to be sure. as always, though, tasuku is a pretty good sport - and will go through with it all, to get new experiences if nothing else.
Hisoka - gekkagumi crying session part 2. i think year one is really hard for him, since it's the first time he's celebrated without august and april - and unlike in canon, he KNOWS what he's missing. but he can't talk about it.
it's tough, but when he mentions wanting to make gingerbread, it becomes a whole deal that everybody gets involved with - and he knows this won't replace what he's missing, but maybe it can add on to create a new tradition.
Homare - full of poetic inspiration, truly! alongside his gifts, everybody is also given a custom poem. he's not used to christmas being this lively... at home, it was always a very formal affair, but he quite enjoys the atmosphere.
Azuma - i dont know if theres a non-depressing way to say "he's probably still not used to celebrating christmas without his family." but um. ya.
but at least he doesnt have to celebrate alone anymore!!
Guy - as said earlier i think guy is a santa-believer. why? because this would be charming.
i think he's along with sakyo like, very seriously warning people to not be naughty because it'd be a shame if they got coal.
Banri - it's so nice for him to have a christmas that isn't just about company parties and end of year goals - instead, he can focus on whats important. SEASONAL GACHAS his theater family.
Isuke - i think about the 1 year gap a lot. the 1 year in this au that isuke spent at mankai alone. also tumblr isnt letting me unbold this help., but anyway uhh i think he's just really grateful that he wont have to spend another christmas alone.
OKAY MAMMA MIA THIS GOT LONG. I STILL CANT UNBOLD . thank you so much for the kind ask!!
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
Tumblr media
// fatherhood headcannons //
Characters: Kozume Kenma / Akaashi Keiji / Oikawa Tooru
Request: Heyyy merry xmas (if you celebrate it) can I request kenma fatherhood hcs I saw you other ones before and it was so cute (and maybe him having a daughter )
Warnings: some swearing
Word Count: 1.8K (~550 a piece)
Notes: bokuto with stretch marks. That’s all. That’s the note.
Kozume Kenma:
Oof how to put this nicely . . . 
He was terrible. Absolute t r a s h during the pregnancy.  And it wasn’t on purpose.  He wasn’t just sitting there purposefully dismissing your aches and hormone-induced cries.  Kenma just didn’t know that it was actually a big deal.  He didn’t know that you were genuinely in serious amounts of discomfort.
You would say that your back was hurting and he’d be like, “yeah, mine too.”  Which is v a l i d.  He has videos to edit, so he spends a lot of time hunched over his desk, but you’re also carrying a child. H I S C H I L D so he could stand to be a little more sympathetic.
Morning sickness? He’s not about to be there to hold your hair back.  He’s still fast asleep.  Probably didn’t even know that you weren’t feeling well.  Kenma isn’t a total jerk about it.  He does care about you! I need to make that clear.  He does care.  He’ll ask you if you’re feeling better when you mention that you were sick earlier that day, ask if you need anything from the store, etc etc.
It’s really more or less the fact that he’s going to be a dad in less than nine months hasn’t fully set in??  He knows that you’re pregnant.  He’s been there for the ultrasounds.  He’s heard the heartbeat.  He knows that there will be a baby, but it’s like his brain hasn’t processed that it’s his baby yet.
And it doesn’t fully hit him until you wake him up in the night, hitting his shoulder frantically, saying that something doesn’t feel right and in his sleepy haze he can only think to ask-
“Is the baby okay?”
bitch i don’t know that’s the problem 
But he’s out of bed faster than you are, practically shoving shoes on your feet to get you out the door and into the car. pspsps there was no problem just l a b o r
Kenma didn’t cry when the baby arrived, honestly he didn’t even make any moves to hold his little girl when you offered her out to him.  He was just so in awe?  He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.  She was so tiny and he was so scared that he might break her if he tried to hold her.
It takes him awhile to settle into the whole fatherhood thing, but once he gets it, he gets it.  He becomes some kind of expert multitasker.  He’s got the guys on discord through his headset, heating up formula, daughter strapped to his chest with one of those baby holders, ready to get back to gaming with his little girl right there.
She makes a few guest appearances during his streams, because she’ll start crying, wanting attention or to be fed, which brings him to sitting at his desk, bouncing his baby on his lap, continuing on with his stream like it’s the most normal thing in the world, watching as his chat blows up with people obsessing over how cute his daughter is.
Akaashi Keiji
I’m sure this a shock to everyone, but Akaashi is fucking clueless.  He was an only child and his best friend is the youngest?  He never really had to think about babies before.
He tries to research, but he gets so caught up in, ‘Is this a credible source? Can I trust what they’re telling me?’ that he learns absolutely nothing.  Like he knows all of the actual science behind what’s happening, but he has no idea how to take care of a baby.  What kind of diapers are the best?  Should you breastfeed or would formula be the better option?  How quickly should you be trying to teach them things like speech or walking?
Lucky for Akaashi, when his female co-workers, especially the ones who were mothers themselves, found out the exciting news that Akaashi was expecting a baby with you they were giving him every piece of advice under the sun.  “You need to establish a sleep routine!  It’ll take a while, but the baby will get it eventually!” “I know they say that you shouldn’t run to your baby every single time they cry, but that’s actually really harmful for their psyche in the long run.” “Make sure to play lots of classical music, especially early on.  It helps with development!”
When it comes to you, he’s pretty hit or miss?  He’s observant! Absolutely! But, he’s not really sure how to help you when you’re feeling insecure about your body or scared that you’re not going to be a good parent.  He can tell you that you’re beautiful or that everything will be okay, but it never fails to make the situation worse because, “You’re my husband.  You have to say that.”
The hormones.  They do be throwing hands with him smh
Akaashi spent the entire last two months of your pregnancy baby proofing the entire house.  If you wanted a glass of milk, it took you nearly 10 minutes.  You know he means well, but he definitely went a little overboard.
He used to give your forehead a kiss every morning before he left for work, but now Keiji will lean in to kiss your forehead before squatting down to place a kiss on your stomach
He also helps you get ready in the morning.  Your range of motion definitely isn’t what it used to be now that you have a baby bump, so he’s more than willing to help you tie your shoes or hook your bra if you need him to.
Everything that he was told just left his brain and he suddenly forgot everything that he had been told.  He was holding onto your hand just as tightly as you were holding onto his, but he’s trying his best for your sake.
But the first moment that he sees his little baby all swaddled up in that blanket, you swear that you’ve never seen Akaashi’s eyes so wide and his face so blank.  It’s like you could see the gears turning in his head, trying to process everything that just happened.  
He’s absolutely silent.  He doesn’t say a single word or make any noise when he finally has the opportunity to hold his son for the first time.  He can do nothing but stare.  It’s really a sight to see.  The two best things in your life just staring at one another with absolute wonder.
Akaashi takes his baby’s development very seriously.  He wants his son to be just as smart as the both of you some day, so he takes it upon himself to read to his son before every single nap.  
Poor Keiji has read Green Eggs and Ham more times than he would like to admit.
Oikawa Tooru
Now listen. I know we all want to give him shit, but my god is he the only one who knows what the hell is going on 
He has a sister who has been through this whole pregnancy thing at least once. He’s not helpless.  He knows how to take care of a kid.  Oikawa Tooru can rock a baby to sleep faster than you can say Seijoh.  He’s just that good.
Tooru bought you the ugliest pair of sneakers when your feet started to swell and your other sneakers started to get uncomfy, but god damn they were the best pair of shoes that you ever put on your feet.  Well, that he put on your feet.  It’s kind of difficult to put shoes on when there’s a uh . . . big ol’ bump in the way.
He frequently talks to your stomach in Spanish and has already given the little bean a nickname to match the Spanish one he gave you.  He also hums little songs while he rubs your stomach ugh lots of sweet vibes from oikawa
And it’s literally because his sister sent him P A R A G R A P H S just to tell him how to take care of you while you were pregnant.  All of these little things that he never would have thought of like getting one of those grabber things so you didn’t have to bend over so much or keeping snacks and anything you could possibly be craving on a low shelf so you didn’t hurt yourself climbing for the bag of pretzels.
While Tooru loves you and would do anything for you, he absolutely refuses to rub your feet.  Do not even bother asking.  He will turn up his nose and look at you like you’ve lost your mind.
He’s always telling his teammates about you and how big you’ve gotten, what size his little baby is, what names he was thinking about.  Ah it’s so cute.  He invites some of them over to help him put together the nursery, asking them if they prefer the elephants or the bears?  Should they choose yellow or maybe a nice grey?
When it came to the actual delivery of the baby, he was so calm???  Like?? Unnervingly calm?  He just held your hand, running his other hand over your head, pushing your hair back, reminding you to breathe just like he had practiced with you, telling you that you’re doing so well, that it will all be over and worth it soon.
And it really was.  Seeing his face light up with the most adoring smile that you had ever seen as he took his little one into his arms was one of the most beautiful sights you had ever seen.  He was absolutely in love and all it took was one little look and he was already cooing and making silly faces.
But those goofy faces and cute voices were just to mask the tears that had welled in his eyes at finally being able to hold the most beautiful thing on the planet.  He never thought he’d get to be a dad, settling down was something that had always seemed so distant and strange to him until he met you.  And yet, here he was.  A full-fledged dad, on the verge of sobbing as he held onto his first-born as if his entire universe would crumble if he looked away for even a second.
Please don’t even get me started on when his kiddo wrapped their hand around his finger.  SOBBED.  He’s gone.  Absolutely bawling his eyes out.
Ugh i could go on forever about dad!oikawa he’d just be so 10/10
{taglist: @moncymonce​ @nicka-nell​ @lovinnoya​ @celosiiaa​ @ush7jima​ @deephasoceanmagic​}
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 41
Sup my peeps. I hope you all had a good xmas and enjoyed your boxing day. I had a good one which is nice. Anyway, here's Chameleon. I hope you guys enjoy it :D
Chapter Forty-One: Chameleon
Marinette ran as fast as she could to school as she held a croissant in her mouth. After another late night akuma, she had missed her third alarm and was running late for school. She rushed up the stairs and through the door, just as Fred was about to close it. Calling out an apology, she ran up the stairs as fast as she could before stopping in front of the classroom door. Taking a deep breathe, she opened it and walked in. Almost instantly, she stopped and blinked. Everyone had swapped seats. Alya was now sat next to Nino, Ivan was sat next to Mylene and Nath had moved next to Alix. Sabrina and Chloe were in the same place as were Juleka and Rose but the only empty seats were at the front next to Adrien and at the back. Marinette frowned a little as she had a feeling Alya had got people to move so she could sit next to Adrien but since finding out that Adrien and Kagami were actually a couple, she had really began to move on. She had already began to take down the pictures she had off him but over the last few weeks, she had been removing more and more of Adrien from her life. It was a slow process but gradually, sunshine yellow was been removed from her life and sea blue was finding it's way into her heart. Not that she was quite ready to admit that. Sure, she knew she definitely liked Luka but a small part of her heart was still in love with Adrien. Not just that but she didn't want to use Luka as a rebound. He deserved better then that. Holding back a sigh, she moved over to Alya and cleared her throat.
 "Hey, girl, you made it just in time," Alya grinned, causing her to smile a little.
 "Cool but what's going on?" She asked, making Alya frown a little. Marinette just thought she was insulted at the fact that she wasn't groveling at her feet. "Not that I'm not grateful for you trying to get me a seat next to Adrien but I was fine where I was,"
 "What are you talking about?" Alya asked, clearly confused before shaking her head. "Your seat's not next to Adrien. You're seats over there,"
 Marinette turned to look in the direction that Alya glanced to and frowned as she realized moved to the back. Without been told. She decided to play along as maybe they had a really good reason to put her there. After all, it wasn't a bad place to be. It meant that she could doodle without Miss Bustier noticing and send sneaky texts to Luka without been caught but somehow, she got a feeling that wasn't why Alya had done that.
 "At the back?" She questioned, acting confused. "Why? What's going on?"
 "Well, since she's got a hearing issue, there's no way that she could sit at the back of the class right? Which means she needed a place up at the front ," Nino piped in, confusing Marinette. Just who were they talking about?
 "So to make it work, Ivan sat next to Mylene, Nath sat next to Alix," Alya explained, causing Marinette to look around. Ivan was talking to Mylene and Alix was chatting to Nath. Marinette frowned a little before looking back at Alya. "Besides, she came up with the idea of moving Nino here so now we get to spend more time together,"
 "Right... but who are you talking about?" Marinette asked as Miss Bustier came in.
 "Good morning, students," She smiled, facing them. "I'm sure you've all heard right now but Lila is back from her medical leave and has returned to class,"
Marinette felt her heart drop and her blood turn to ice as Lila walked into the room. Fear gripped her and she felt like she was going to burst into tears as she stared at the girl. Lila lifted her hand and waved as she wore a false smile.
 "Hi everyone," She smiled before noticing the empty seat at the front as everyone greeted her. She gasped in pretend surprise and clutched her cheeks. "Oh, a seat in the front row! You all remembered my hearing issue. You're such sweethearts all of you,"
 She blew kisses at them in an over dramatic way, causing Marinette to feel disgusted. She knew Alya was convinced that Lila had changed her ways but Marinette knew she hadn't. She frowned deeply as she took a seat next to Adrien, who looked like he wanted to run away. She didn't blame him and there was no way she was going to let that gremlin walk all over her again. Reminding herself that she was the one and only Lady Noir, she took a deep breathe and pushed her fear away.
 "You have hearing issues, Lila?" Marinette asked in a serious tone, causing almost everyone to look at her. Since no one was looking at her, Lila narrowed her eyes.
 "Yes, I suffer from Tinnitus. A constant ringing in my left ear," She stated as Marinette cross her arms. "I've had it ever since the sound of an airplane engine burst my eardrum on the runaway when I was saving Jagged Stone's lost kitten,"
 "Jagged doesn't have a kitten," Marinette gritted as she rolled her eyes. "He has a pet crocodile,"
 "Now he does but this was before then," Lila corrected as everyone looked at her. "Of course, he had to get rid of it before he found he was allergic. The best part is since you're such an excellent student, Adrien, you'll be able to help me catch up... right?"
 She lightly traced her finger up his forearm, making him feel uncomfortable before he took a deep breathe and pushed her hand away.
 "No, I won't be able to do that, Lila," He stated, surprising her. "And would you please not touch me? I don't like it,"
 "Oh, my gosh... I am so sorry," She gasped but both Adrien and Marinette knew it was a fake apology. Not just that but her eyes were full of anger. "I didn't realize it was an issue,"
 "Speaking of issues," Marinette muttered under her breathe. "Miss Bustier, why do I have to sit at the back?"
 "Marinette, you agreed to do so," Miss Bustier stated as everyone nodded but Marinette frowned deeply.
 "No, I didn't," She stated, surprising everyone. "In fact, I had no idea this was a thing until I literally walked in here this morning,"
 "You didn't tell her?!" Ivan gasped, looking at Alya who gulped. 
 "Well... I figured she wouldn't mind..." She muttered, making a number of people gasp in horror, including Adrien, Juleka and Miss Bustier. 
 "Alya, while I understand that you were trying to help out a friend in need, you can't just assume that other people would be ok with sitting in the back without asking them first," She stated, shaking her head. Alya went to argue but Alix beat her to it.
 "Yeah! You told us Mari was cool with it and knew about it, which clearly she didn't," She stated before turning to Marinette. "I'm sorry, Mari. I had no idea she didn't tell you,"
 "It's fine, Alix," She stated before crossing her arms and glaring at Alya and Lila. "But since you moved everyone around to 'accommodate' Lila, I assume she has a doctor's note as proof of her disability,"
 "Actually, I don't need a doctor's note as it states in my student-"
 "Lila, don't lie," Marinette stated, cutting her off with an icy glare. "The rules state that you need a real doctor's note as proof so accommodations can be provided and since you haven't been here for over a month, any doctor note you have in your school file would be invalid as you would need a new, up to date one. Also, I've seen in your student file and there is nothing on any of your 'disabilities'... and before you ask, it's part of my job as class representative to make sure files are up to date. Another thing, as class representative, I have to approve any change to the seating plan and since I didn't, you can all move back to your original seats. Lila, I'm afraid that means you will be in the back until you provide an up to date doctor's note, detailing your disabilities,"
 "Oh, come on, Marinette," Alya gasped. "That's not fair. Miss Bustier, can't you overthrow Marinette's decision?"
 Marinette looked at Miss Bustier, who looked a little conflicted before she glanced over at Chloe. She took a deep breathe and shook her head.
 "No, Marinette is absolutely in the right here," She stated, turning to look at Lila. "Lila, we'll be happy to accommodate you as soon as you have proof of your disabilities... until then, you're to sit in the back. Everyone else, please return to your original seating plan. Alya, I highly recommend you include all of your class mates when you come up with a plan like this. I know you can get carried away but you unintentionally banished Marinette to the back without her consent and lied to your classmates about that. If you continue with this behavior, I'll have no choice but to give you a detention. Since this seems to be an isolated incident, I'm just giving you a warning but this is your only warning,"
 "But Miss Bustier-"
"Alya, that's enough!" Miss Bustier shouted, shocking everyone even Marinette... but she couldn't deny she was happy. Apparently, Anatis really had gotten through to her. Alya went quiet and sulked as everyone moved to their original seats. Marinette sat next to her and took out her books as Lila moved pass her. She didn't miss the nasty glare she gave her but this time, Marinette felt more confident. She was not going to go down like before. Miss Bustier began her lesson as Marinette began to take notes. Alya slid her a note, making Marinette frown as she carefully unfolded it.
 What the hell, Marinette? I thought you were all for helping people.
 Marinette let out a little sigh but wrote back.
 I am but not when they aren't truthful. If Lila really does have Tinnitus then she needs proof like everyone else. You should know this given that it's in the class representative handbook, which you should have read given that you're my  deputy
 She slid back over to her and continued taking notes until Alya send her over another.
 Can't you just give her the benefit of a doubt? She's got a disability
 Marinette frowned deeply as she wrote back.
 No, I can't. In case, you've forgotten.... she is a liar and two, even if her disability is real, she still needs proof of it which she had not provided. I will revise the seating plan when she provides proof and if she really does have it then it won't be a problem getting proof of it. Now if you don't mind, I'd like to actually learnt something
 She slid the note back and shook her head at Alya's insulted gasp before continuing with her notes. Time past and soon it was lunchtime. As soon as the bell rang, Marinette jumped up and rushed outside. She was absolutely famished as she had only a croissant for breakfast. She headed into the locker room and put her books away, giving Plagg a slice of cheese as she did before she closed her locker and walked over to the canteen. By the time, she got there, Lila was getting a number of people to get food for her including Alya and Nino. Marinette wanted to shout at her but she took a deep breathe and walked over to the food counter, getting her dinner. 
 "You should try the cheesecake," Luka's voice instantly calmed her down, making her look up and smile as he moved next to her. "So Lila is back I see..."
 "Oh, you don't sound happy about that," She muttered as she reached for the cheesecake he recommended as he placed a macaron on his plate. "Got a sweet craving, Lu?"
 "Maybe," He grinned before glancing at Lila. "I don't like her... her music's all wrong and Anatis hasn't had pleasant things to say... oh god, she's looking at me..."
 He quickly looked away before grabbing Marinette's arm and rushing over to their usual table. They sat down and began to eat as Lila got up and made her way to the table, standing next to Luka and completely blanking Marinette, much to their annoyance. 
 "Hi, I'm Lila," She stated in her shrilled, fake voice. "I haven't seen you here before. Are you new?"
 "I guess," He stated, colder then usual. Not that Lila noticed or if she did, she didn't care.
 "Oh, my gosh. Me too!" She gasped, moving onto the new chair and leaning against him while fluttering her eyelashes at him. Marinette wanted to say something as Luka looked somewhere between uncomfortable and murderous. Again, Lila didn't seem to notice. "Let's be friends,"
 Luka, however, got up and moved to the chair next to Marinette, causing Lila to fall before she caught herself. 
 "No, thank you," He replied, sitting back down. However, Lila wasn't taking no for an answer. She got back up and sat next to him again, grabbing his arm as Marinette gripped her hand into a fist. Luka frowned deeply and tried to pull his arm from her but she dug her nails into him. He winced in pain but glared at her. "Let go,"
 "I just want to be friends," She smirked, leaning against him as she tightened her grip, thinking it would cause him to shut up like it did with Adrien. However, Luka was not Adrien.
 "I said let go!" He shouted a little louder then expected as he yanked his arm free from her, causing a number of people to look over as he took off his hoodie and checked his arm. Marinette let out a gasp as she saw the deep nail marks in his arm. They were deep enough to actually make him bleed a little. Lila was looking at him in surprise as he put his hoodie back on and moved again. Lila got up and went to sit next to him again but Juleka quickly took the seat and shot her a glare as Luka looked at her annoyed. "Seriously? Go sit somewhere else?!"
 "W-Why are you been so mean to me?" She asks, fake tears appearing in her eyes as she stood in front of him. "I just want to be your friend,"
 "Well, I'm not interested in been friends with a liar," He spat back as Alya and Nino walked in. Lila blinked in surprise. She hadn't expected him to know but then she remembered that Anatis had exposed her to all of Paris.  Still, she could spin it to make her look innocent.
 "Liar?" She gasped, fake tears in her eyes. "But I'm not a liar... Marinette told you that, didn't she? She's always had it-"
 "Cut the crap, Rossi," He stated, shocking everyone including Lila and Marinette. She had never seen Luka like this before. "I saw the video on the Ladyblog and I know how to recognize a fake. I'm not interested in been your friend, I don't want you near me and if you ever lean against me or touch me without my permission again, I'll sue you for sexual harassment!"
 The color drained out of her face as she realized he was been perfectly serious and a number of people was kind of glaring at her. She needed to spin this around. She began to cry, making a number of people look at her with sympathy.
 "I-I'm sorry... I didn't realize I was making you uncomfortable," She gasped, fake tears in her eyes. Luka went to say something but Juleka beat him to it.
 "I'm pretty certain him trying to shake you off, telling you to let go and moving shows that he was uncomfortable," She mumbled, making Lila look at her with surprise as Alya stormed over with Nino, having missed what Juleka had said. She had only heard Luka threatening to sue Lila.
 "What the hell, Couffaine?!" Alya gasped, glaring at Luka. "I thought you were cool but Lila was just trying to make friends!"
 "That's as accurate as saying I'm the king of England," He stated, coolly. Marinette wanted to giggle but she noticed the look on Lila's face. She looked smug and Marinette knew she was gonna get the blame.
 "Oh, don't blame him, Alya," She gasped, wiping her 'tears'. "He's obviously been poisoned by what Marinette has said about me, just like Anatis.... Wasn't she the first person to meet him?"
 "Yeah, she was," Alya agreed, making everyone frown as Lila sniffed.
 "No wonder why he thinks I'm a liar. She must have told him all kinds of lies about me after he deakumatized her..." She cried, making most people gasp in surprise and glare at Marinette. "That's why he claimed I was lying on that video and responsible for two akumas. She's obviously convinced him and this boy that I'm a horrible person!"
 "Oh, Lila, that isn't true," Alya gasped as Lila 'cried' on her. "You're a wonderful person,"
 "I know I'm not perfect but I've been trying to be a better person!" She gasped, hiding her face. Luka gripped his drink as people lapped up her lies. "I've been going to therapy for my own akumatization. Oh, Marinette, why did you tell Anatis I was a bully?! If you had been honest, he wouldn't have had a go at me and caused me to become an akuma!"
 "You did what?!" Alya gasped, glaring at her.
 "What?!" Marinette gasped, jumping up. "All I told him was the truth!"
 "I've only tried to be your friend, Marinette," She sniffed, causing Luka to stand up and try to argue for her. Unfortunately, very few people believed him because of the way Lila had spun it. Alya started to berate him for been on the side of the bully as he argued that she was the one standing up for the bully. Seeing her friends argue again, Marinette rushed out and locked herself in the bathroom as she began to cry. She really thought things had gotten better but Lila hadn't even been back for one day and she had already turned her friends against her. She flinched as she heard the bathroom door open, causing her to look up as Lila walked over to her.
 "Oh my god, are you crying?" She gasped in her fake voice, making Marinette frown and flinch. What is she up to? "You are, aren't you? You know it's really not worth fighting over a boy,"
 "What do you want, Lila?" Marinette asked, glaring at her. Lila pretended to look shocked before dropping her act almost instantly as she leaned against the sink. Her whole body language changed to the Lila that Marinette was unfortunately familiar.
 "Just to remind you who's boss, Marinette," She stated before facing her. "Do you remember the last time we were in here?"
 "You threatened me,"
 "Oh so you do remember?" Lila gasped, holding her hands together before stepping forward, causing Marinette to step back. "Then as you'll recall, I told you that if you decided to go against me, I'd take away all of your friends... well, I'm still gonna keep good on that,"
 She slammed her hand against the wall by Marinette to flinch.
 "And your new boyfriend will be the first one I start with," She grinned, making Marinette gasp. "By the time I'm finished, he won't be able to look you in the eye without been disgusted... oh and do you know what would make it so much better? If he fell in love with me... I mean who wouldn't but still that would be the icing on the cake. I mean he's no Adrien Agreste but he's cute in a rockstar kind of way. Definitely would make me look good if I had him on my arm,"
 "Don't you dare touch Luka!" Marinette growled, getting her fire back and surprising Lila. "You can threat me all you want but I will end you if you touch a single hair on his head!"
 She blinked as she stared at Marinette.
 "Oh my, you're in love with him, aren't you?" She smirked, making Marinette blush. "And here I thought you were still hung up over Adrien. Well, all the more reason to turn him against you or maybe I should turn everyone against him... oh, I know! I'll turn everyone against him and then turn him against you so he only had me left. Wouldn't that be grand? Of course, I'll leave him alone if you stop trying to expose me, tell everyone that you made up lies about me and be my friend,"
 "I will only ever be your friend when you stop lying and harassing people!" Marinette gasped, causing Lila to roll her eyes.
 "Marinette, we've been through this before," She smirked, making Marinette frown. "If you don't want to be my friend, fine. It's not a loss to me. After all, I've pretty much turned everyone against you already but if you don't become my friend, your little boyfriend won't have any friends left. I know you're less dumb then the others so I'm gonna give you another chance,"
 She slammed her hand against the wall right near Marinette's head.
 "You're either with me or against me. You don't answer right now. I'll give you to the end of today," She smiled sweetly before a dark expression came across her face. "And I really hope you make the right choice this time, Marinette. I'd hate for Luka to pay for your mistakes,"
 With that, she turned on her heel, leaving Marinette shaking as she slid down the wall. Tears slid down her face as she shook. She thought she could be strong enough to stand up to Lila but now if she continues, Luka will get caught in the crossfire. Lila will turn everyone against him then turn him against her and claim him as her own. She covered her face as she sobbed, unsure how to go forward. If she defies her, Luka will get hurt but if she doesn't, she'll be stuck in the same place she was before. There's no way Lila will leave her alone, even if she stops calling her out. Lila enjoys making her miserable after all. She carefully reached for her phone to text Luka but gasped as an akuma flew straight into it.
 "Princess Justice, we meet again," Hawkmoth smirked as she shook. "Ah, yes. It seems like Miss Rossi intends to make your friend's life hell if you don't do what she wants but I can give you the power to expose her again. Do we have a deal?"
 "I..." She gasped as tears rolled down her face. She wanted to give in but she couldn't. She couldn't do that to him. "N-no..."
 "No?" Hawkmoth asked, shocked. "But this girl is the voice of evil, I ca-"
 "Dollface, listen to me!" Plagg's voice suddenly interrupted Hawkmoth. "You are my best friend and you deserve better then this so resist it, please! You might be super clumsy but you always find a solution so you don't need that dumb butterfly!"
 "Y-You're right!" She gasped, feeling her resolve come back. "I am not a pushover! Lila has no real power over me! I am resourceful! I am confident! I am Marinette!"
 "Very well... but the power is there if you decided otherwise," Hawkmoth stated, surprising her. The akuma fluttered out of her phone and flew off, causing her to let out a breathe as Plagg flew over and hugged her.
 "Thank you, Plagg," She muttered, shaking as she got up. She shakily logged onto the akuma alert and put one up before turning to Plagg. However, before she could transform, the door opened again. Plagg quickly hid as Lila entered the bathroom again, making Marinette frown as she went to edge.
 "Oh, Marinette, I'm glad I caught you again," She stated, moving over. Marinette flinched and took a step back, making Lila frown. "Oh, no. I've gone too far. I'm so sorry, Marinette. I didn't mean to get so mean. I just want to be your friend,"
 "What?" Marinette gasped, taken back. Seeing her chance, Lila quickly kissed her cheek, causing the girl to collapse to the floor as she fell into a deep sleep. Lila morphed into her and smirked.
 "Oops, I lied but you already know that," She smirked, picking her up and dragging her into the locker room. She glanced around and smirked as she saw an open locker. She pushed her inside. "I saw a chance and took it but don't worry. I'm just gonna show everyone what you're really like,"
 She laughed as she closed the door before walking off. Plagg flew out of her purse and frowned as he looked at her.
 "Marinette?!" He gasped, trying to shake her head as she slept. "Wake up!"
 Luka frowned as he looked for Marinette. He had noticed her slip away and then be followed by Lila. He tried to leave straight away but Alya got up in his face, causing him to yell at her to get out of his space. As soon as she did, he rushed off but he couldn't find Marinette. He frowned as he headed to the locker room, only for her to exit. He let out a sigh of relief.
 "Marinette, there you are," He called, causing her to look at him.
 "Oh, yes, here I am," She replied, acting a little off but he figured she had been crying. He asked her if she was ok and explained he had been looking for her. However, she suddenly grabbed his hands and smirked at him. "Aww, you're such a sweetheart, Luka. Hey, why don't we go to the bakery and I can give you something sweet as a reward,"
 "Um... you said you would help Juleka and Rose with the designs..." He mumbled, trying to pull his hands away from her. She was not acting like herself. "And you know I prefer to buy from the bakery. Artists need to support other artists,"
 "Oh, I'm sure my parents won't notice a couple of items going missing," She gasped, moving closer. "And it's not like Rose and Juleka are worth my time... not like how you are..."
 She leaned in to kiss him, causing him to push her back.
 "What the hell, Marinette?" He gasped, surprising her.
 "What? Do you want to kiss me?" She asked, surprising him as she traced her fingers over his arm. "I mean you like me right and I like you... so we should kiss..."
 "Not like this," He stated back, stepping back from her. "You're clearly not yourself right now. I don't know what's wrong but your music is off,"
 "My music?" She asked, confused but it was all he needed to fully realize the truth. This wasn't Marinette. He stepped back even more, making her look at him confused. "Luka, what's wrong?"
 "You're not Marinette," He stated, surprising her.
 "What do you mean?" She gasped, wondering how did he know. "Of course, I am-"
 "No, you're not," He gasped. "I don't know who you are but you are not her,"
 "Oh, such a clever boy... why don't I reward you with a kiss?" She smirked, trying to kiss him again but he managed to dodge her. She laughed before jumping up to the first floor and blowing a kiss at him. He ran up the stairs to chase after her but she jumped to the other side o landed in front of Alya and Nino, who were coming out of the canteen with the others. "Oh, Alya! I've been looking for you!"
 "Really, girl?" She asked, surprised as Luka rushed over.
 "Yes, I just wanted to tell you that you're a terrible reporter and you don't deserve Nino! In fact, we all know he only settled for you because he couldn't have me," She smirked, making Alya look at her in betrayal. "Rose, you're nothing more then a dumb blonde, Mylene and Ivan... you're both really fat... Oh, Nathaniel, I don't know how you got that comic book of yours published since you have zero talent... Juleka, you're so moody. How do you think you could possibly be a model when you have no expression and... well..."
 She looked her up and down.
 "Shouldn't you lost the baby fat?" She asked, making Juleka's eyes fill with tears. "And Nino, you don't deserve your cap!"
 She grabbed it and laughed, running off with it as Luka reached them. They all looked outrage as he caught his breathe.
 "Whatever she just said, don't listen," He gasped, making them look at him with surprise. "It isn't the real Marinette. I don't know who it is but-"
 His phone buzzed, causing him to look at it. The akuma alert app had showed one was active near by. He frowned deeply before his eyes widen. Marinette must have been akumatized. 
 "She's an akuma..." He muttered, causing everyone to mutter and gasp.
 "How can you be certain?!" Alya gasped, causing him to show her the phone. She read the alert and frowned as the others read it too.
 "She must have been akumatized after rushing off," Juleka mumbled, making everyone agree. "W-We need to hide. She might come back to do worst to us.."
 "Oh no!" Alya gasped, making them look at her. "She might go after Lila! We need to find her and warn her!"
 "We should split up," Luka suggested, seeing his chance. He had no intention of finding Lila but this gave him a chance to transform. "We can cover more ground that way,"
 "Good idea,"Adrien nodded before giving directions. Luka offered to check the locker room as he could get Tikki from his bag and go out of the window. He ran off as everyone else went to look for Lila and made his way to the locker room. He slipped inside and walked to his locker but heard the sounds of light snores as he walked past a section of lockers. He doubled back and noticed one was slightly ajar. He walked over and opened it, causing him to gasp as he found Marinette inside, asleep.
 "Marinette?!" He gasped, trying to wake her up but she snoozed on. He noticed her cheeks were stained with tears but overall, she didn't look hurt. Feeling a little relief as she wasn't hurt, he decided to head to his locker and get Tikki. She followed him over to Marinette and frowned as she checked her over. "Well?"
 "She seems to be in an enchanted sleep," She muttered, making him frown.
 "Is there any way you can wake her?"
 "I'm afraid not," She mumbled, making him frown. "Unless I use the cure but to do that-"
 "You have to summon a lucky charm," He muttered, frowning. "Could you do that?"
 "Sure, if you want a new planet," She stated, making him frown a little more. "Best thing we can do is transform and find the cause of this sleep,"
 "It has to be the Marinette I saw earlier," He muttered, making Tikki frown. "She looked just like Marinette but wasn't her. Not only was her behavior strange but she insulted her friends and didn't know what I meant when I said her music. Marinette, akumatized or not, would have known,"
 "So another Marinette was running around?"
 "Yes... but this impostor has to be an akuma," He muttered, swiping his earrings. "Tikki, spots on!"
 He transformed and opened his yoyo to see there had been any news reports. One showed a car crash and the other the Marinette imposer balanced on the Eiffel Tower. Luckily, no one had been hurt in the crash and the cure would fix things but he was still annoyed. He frowned and closed his yoyo before looking at Marinette. He couldn't just leave her in the locker. He gently moved her out of it and picked her up. She snuggled against him in her sleep, making him blush a little before he left the room and headed to the nurse's office, coming around Juleka and Rose as he did.
 "Juleka, Rose," He called, making them look over. Rose gasped as she saw him holding Marinette in her arms. He gestured to the nurse office's door, causing Juleka to rush over and open it for him, allowing him to move inside as the nurse gasped and jumped. "Sorry for the intrusion"
 He gently placed Marinette on the bed. She curled up and breathed in lightly as he placed a blanket over her. 
 "What's wrong with her?" Rose asked, making Juleka nod as he faced them.
 "She's in an enchanted sleep," He muttered, making them frown. "She was inside a locker that happened to look in when I was looking for an akuma. I got an alert one was active here so I came to investigate. Your brother told me that he had seen Marinette act odd when he ran into me so I'm guess the Marinette he saw was the akuma and had hidden the real one in a locker,"
 "That means the things she said wasn't really her!" Rose gasped, clearly happy. "I knew Marinette wasn't so mean!"
 "We better tell everyone so we can clear her name," Juleka muttered, making him frown. "Oh, that akuma Marinette insulted us and was really mean. She even stole Nino's hat but since you've found the real Marinette, we can clear her name... but you can wake her right?"
 "She should wake once the akuma is dealt with and the cure has been cast," He muttered, making them nod. "Can you look after her? I have to go after it,"
 "Of course, Anatis," Both girls grinned as he smiled before he nodded at the nurse and left the room. He headed to the Eiffel Tower where a crowd of people had gathered. He jumped up and landed on the edge as Akumanette was balancing on the edge and acting like a total idiot. It was clearly an act to lure him here but still he couldn't just let her or whoever it was fall. The akumanette was holding on to two Lady Noir balloons and laughing as she moved across before misplacing her footing. She screamed as she plummeted down to earth but Anatis threw his yoyo and swung up, catching her. He landed on the ground as everyone clapped.
 "Oh, my prince charming!" She gasped falsely. "You saved my life. How about a kiss?"
 "No, thanks," He muttered but she tried to kiss him anyway, causing him to shove her off and jump away from her. "I know you're not the real Marinette,"
 "Oh my, what a clever bug," She grinned, standing up. "You're right though. I'm not Marinette... I'm Chameleon! You're getting better at this, Anatis, which is a good thing. It will make this fight all the more interesting... so shall we dance, my handsome bug?"
 With that, she charged at him, trying to punching him. He dodged and kicked at her as they spun around. However, she was constantly trying to kiss him as well. He grabbed her arms and flipped her over his arms, pinning her down.
 "Where is your akuma?!" He growled, causing her to wrap her legs around him and throw him off her, surprising him with her strength. He looked up and frowned as she had disappeared. "Damn it,"
 "Anatis, is everything ok?" Nadja asked, holding up her mic. "Why were you fighting against a civilian?"
 "That's not a civilian," He frowned, dusting himself down. "She's an akuma calling herself Chameleon. It appears she has the ability to take on any form so please be careful,"
 "Of course, Anatis," Nadja nodded as he threw his yoyo and pulled himself up to the rooftops. He took out his yoyo and tried to call Lady Noir but she didn't answer. He sighed but put his yoyo away and continued looking. He jumped down to the Trocadéro Gardens as a woman looked for her kid but didn't see Marinette anywhere. He jumped across to a lamp post before looking around then hopping to another one. He frowned as he still didn't see her but she couldn't have gotten far.
 "Anatis!" A little boy called, making him look at him. "I saw the villain running over there!!"
 He pointed towards the carousel, causing Anatis to look over. He jumped down and took out his yoyo.
 "Thanks, kid but you better get somewhere safe. It's dangerous," He muttered, walking over with caution. "Chameleon, it's over! Show yourself!"
 He frowned as he looked around, not seeing her.
 "My Quentin!" A woman gasped, making him look to her. "You've found him, Anatis,"
 "Found him?" He asked, looking at her before turning around, just as the child dived towards him. His eyes widen in surprise as he realized that Chameleon was the child but before it could kiss him, he heard Lady Noir yelling before suddenly been pushed aside, causing Chameleon to kiss her instead. He rolled and looked up as Chameleon turned in Lady Noir while the real one fell to the ground, asleep. "Lady Noir?!"
 She went to take her ring but he threw his yoyo, stopping her from doing so as she faced him.
 "It looks it's down to the two of us, Anatis?" She smirked, using Lady Noir's voice. "Don't you think I make a purrfect kitten?!"
 "I prefer the real deal," He snarled back, causing her to laugh before throwing up her hair in the air and summoning Lady Noir's cataclysm. Anatis frowned deeply as the dark energy appeared in her hand before he spun his yoyo. "Let's find out who you really are, Chameleon,"
 "Not before I discover your identity first," She threw back before running at him. He dodged her attacks as she tried to grab him or hit him with her charged up hand. "Too bad that Lady Noir's power is going to destroy you,"
 She tried to kiss him, causing him to dodge.
 "Ever heard of consent?!" He retorted back, dodging her again. He briefly lost his foot and tripped, causing her to try and jump on him but he threw her off and jumped over to a lamp post. "Hey, bet you can't catch me,"
 He jumped over the Eiffel Tower and climbed up it, causing her to follow. He stood on part of it with his arms as she landed on the edge and smirked at him.
 "No where to run, Bug boy," She growled as he smirked.
 "I don't intend to," He replied, throwing up his yoyo and summoning his lucky charm. He caught it and frowned as she laughed at it. "A t-shirt?" 
 "That's your plan, Anatis? Make me dress like you?" She laughed, clearly mocking him before glancing at him with a critical eye. "On second thoughts, such horrible fashion might actually do me in,"
 She charged at him, causing him to jump back and wrap the shirt around his arm before he threw his yoyo, grabbing her baton and pulling it out her hands. He threw it off the tower and blocked her attack as she tried to hit him. She growled and aimed a kick at him, causing him to move around the area they were in. She managed to kick him and knocked him back before diving at him. She landed on him, knocking him down onto the ground as his yoyo bounced down to the lower level. She tried to kiss him but he pushed back her head. She smirked and moved her hand, causing him to block her before he managed to threw her off, making her laugh as she walked towards him, corning him off as he took a fighting stance
 "You trapped and without your precious yoyo," She smirked, running towards him with her hand out stretched. However, he stepped to the side and grabbed her hand before tripping her up and slamming her hand into the ground, causing the floor to rush and break. The two of them fell down as his luck vision lit up the waitress, an oyster knife and an oyster. He smirked as he landed on the counter and grabbed the nearest one as she landed on the ground next to him. She jumped up and went to kiss him but he slammed the oyster onto her lips and smirked at her surprised expression as she stumbled back, causing the Oyster to drop. "Oh, no,"
 Pink sparkles appeared as she transformed into an oyster and fell to the ground. Anatis rolled off the counter and picked it up before turning to the terrified waitress. He helped her to her feet as Lady Noir came over.
 "Are you ok?" He asked, getting a nod of her as the oyster made a noise, causing Lady Noir to raise an eyebrow. He held it up and smirked. "Say hello to our akuma,"
 "Seems she clammed up a little," Lady Noir grinned, making Anatis shake his head. "So how do we get her out of the shell?"
 "I think I have an idea," He muttered, turning to the waitress and holding out the shirt and oyster. "Would you mind?"
 "Of course, Anatis," She smiled, taking the items of him and grabbing the oyster knife. She made quick work of opening it before holding it out to him. "Monsieur,"
 "Thank you," He smiled as he picked the black pearl that was inside. "Time to see what you look like, Chameleon,"
 "It's an old acquaintance," Lady Noir frowned, making him frown as well before he broke the pearl and released the akuma. He captured it with his yoyo and freed the purified version before taking the t-shirt that the waitress held out and threw it into the air.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He shouted, causing it to burst into the magical swarm. It flew around fixing everything before disappearing. The oyster turned purple and transformed back into Lila, causing Anatis to frown deeply and cross his arms as he looked annoyed and unimpressed. "Lila Rossi... why am I not surprised?"
 "Anatis? Oh my gosh, was I akumatized?" She gasped. "I am so sorry. I was just so upset about how Marinette was treating me. She's such a horrible girl and I know she lied to you-"
 "Lila, that's enough!" He growled, making him go quiet as he pinched his nose. "Marinette didn't lie to me about you. She didn't even mentioned your name or imply it was you when she was akumatized. Also, she didn't make you lie about been a superhero now, did she?"
 "I- urg! You're the worst!" She gasped, jumping down and storming off. Anatis shook his head before turning to Lady Noir.
 "I'm sorry but I have to get going. She tried to frame Marinette and I want to make sure she's ok," He explained, making her nod and attempt to hide her blush as he walked over to the edge of the tower before stopping and waving at her. "See you later, kitten,"
 "Bye..." She sighed, dreamily before shaking her head and leaving. She needed to get to the school before he does. She managed to find her way there and climbed into a classroom, de-transforming quickly before rushing out, just as he landed in the courtyard. He looked around and saw her, smiling as he did. He jumped up and landed on the railing near her, making her smile shyly. "H-Hi,"
 "Hey, I'm glad to see you're awake," He stated, making her blush. "I was worried,"
 "Oh, I'm ok!" She gasped, holding up her hands. He smiled and nodded as his earrings beeped.
 "Ah... gotta go," He mumbled, throwing his yoyo and flying off as she sighed. Rose and Juleka ran over.
 "Marinette, there you are!" Rose gasped, hugging her as Juleka caught her breathe. "Don't run off like that,"
 "I'm sorry. I just wanted to warn Anatis," She mumbled as Lila walked into the courtyard. She noticed Marinette and glared at her before huffing and walking off. The bell rang, causing the three girls to sigh and walk towards the class. However, Marinette heard her name been called, making her turn around as Luka ran over and hugged her. She blinked but hugged back. Juleka grabbed Rose and pulled her inside as she looked like she was about to squeal with delight. Luka gently let go off Marinette and looked at her.
 "You're ok," He gasped, happy to see she was alright. "I was so worried that you had been akumatized again,"
 "Oh no... not me... it was Lila," She muttered, holding up her hands but then Lila's threat came into her mind. The akuma had been after her and Lila had been in a pretty good mood after threatening her so how did she get akumatized? "But it doesn't add up..."
 "What doesn't?"
 "Lila been akumatized..." She muttered, looking down. "I think she might have been the next target for the akuma but I don't know why...."
 "Next target?" He asked, concerned. "But you said you weren't akumatized...."
 "And I wasn't but...." She muttered, looking down. "Hawkmoth did try. He promised me power again but I resisted I promise!"
 "I believe you," Luka smiled, looking at her with a gentle look. "And I'm proud of you for resisting him...but can I ask why? I know Lila had followed you to the bathroom. I tried to find you after I noticed but..."
 She frowned and looked down as tears filled her eyes. He frowned deeply and pulled her into his arms as Miss Bustier walked out of the class. She looked at him and then at Marinette, who was sobbing against his chest.
 "Mr Couffaine, would you mind taking Marinette home?" She asked, making her look up as she gave her a gentle look. "Tell her parents she has my permission for the rest of the afternoon off and if she needs tomorrow off as well, she can. I'll get one of the class members to bring any home work to her. I'll inform Ms Mendeleiev off your absence while you take her home,"
 "Of course, Miss Bustier," He replied, gently leading Marinette away from the class and out of the school. Marinette kept quiet as she sniffed and wiped her eyes as they walked. They entered the bakery, causing Sabine to look up and rush over when she saw her daughter in tears. Luka explained as best as he could what had happened and told her what Miss Bustier said, causing Sabine to fuss over her daughter and take her upstairs. She came back down and gave him some free food before telling that Marinette had fallen asleep for now and if he wanted, he could come by and see her later. He nodded and left, heading back to school. The rest of the afternoon went really quickly and soon he found himself telling Juleka he would be heading to Marinette to check in on her. She asked him to take the homework of that afternoon to her since he was already heading there, causing him to take them and place it into his bag before Rose and her ran off. He turned to walk off but found Lila in his pathway.
 "Oh, hi, Luka," She grinned, in her false voice. "I wanted to talk to you as I think we got off on the wrong foot,"
 "No, we didn't," He stated, coldly.
 "I don't understand why you seem to hate me," She gasped, insulted. "You haven't even given me a chance,"
 "I don't need to," He stated, making her frown. "I can tell what kind of person just from your song and yours can't even be called that,"
 "What do you mean?"
 "Simple, I hear the sound of people's hearts," He explained, making her frown. "And I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard then your heart,"
 "Harsh," She gasped as he went to walk away.
 "But true," He stated, making her frown even more. "Not that you would know about that. Now if you excuse me, I have places to be,"
 He went to walk away but she stopped him.
 "I see you've made a decision, Luka," She stated, making him glare down at her. "I was hoping you would become my friend but clearly, you've decided to move against me so from now on, you and I are at war. You're gonna lost your friends and end up alone. Not even Marinette will want to look at you when I'm done. She'll hate you and your life will end up in chaos, thanks to me,"
 She smirked at him, thinking it will scare him but he merely smirked.
 "We'll see about that, Lila," He replied, not even trembling. She frowned as he should be terrified. "You know what they say about Chaos right?"
 "From Chaos comes creation," He smirks, making her frown. "And I'm very creative, especially when there is chaos. After all, I am a Couffaine and chaos runs deep in my blood so go ahead and try,"
 He smirked as she stood there, shaking before he walked off, whistling to himself as he did.
 ~Later that Night~
 "Hey, Kitten," Anatis stated as he walked over to Lady Noir, who was sat on a rooftop. She looked over and smiled as he sat down before he took out his yoyo and reached in, taking out a bag of cookies before taking one for himself and offering one to her. She thanked him and took one, happily eating it. "So Lila got reakumatized..."
 "Yeah and I don't think it was unintentional," She muttered, making him frown. "I talked to Marinette as I was worried about her,"
 "What did you find out?" He asked, looking at her.
 "She was almost reakumatized," She muttered, making him frown. "She resisted it and activated the akuma alert to let us know then Lila came back in, caught her off guard and kissed her,"
 "That's how she changed into her," He muttered, frowning. "But why was she nearly akumatized and then Miss Rossi?"
 "I think I can answer that too," She explained. "I asked Marinette the same thing and she told me that Lila had threatened her and her friend, Luka,"
 "She what?!" He yelled, making her blink and look at him. He took a deep breathe and tried to calm himself down. "Continue please,"
 "Uh... Marinette said that Lila threatened to destroy his friendships then turn him against Marinette so he would only have Lila left," She mumbled, making him frown deeply. Lila clearly thought he was attractive enough to want to steal him from Marinette... not that he was actually hers but it made him glad that him and Jagged had agreed not to go public yet. "But she was confused that Lila got akumatized. Apparently, Lila was in quite the giddy mood after her threat,"
 "So why would she get akumatized?" He asked, frowning.
 "Her akumatization doesn't add," Lady Noir muttered, making him frown. "She wasn't upset or angry,"
 "What if she didn't need to be?" He muttered, making her look at him. "Hawkmoth uses negative emotions to track and make akumas but the butterfly miraculous doesn't work like that naturally. It's butterfly could just give any powers as long as they felt something so what if Lila saw the butterfly and took it for herself?"
 "But that would suggest that Lila did that intentionally?" Lady Noir gasped, making him nod. "You really think she would do that?"
 "She threatened two people despite knowing that there is a psychotic super villain who targets bad emotions and has made it clear she is willing to hurt people," He points out, making her frown.
 "Wait... two people?" She asked, making him sigh.
 "She threatened Luka in person," He muttered, making her frown. "He told me about it before I came here,"
 "Why that little witch!" She gasped, making him look at her with surprise. "You know what?! She is definitely capable of willingly helping Hawkmoth!"
 "I agree," He stated, looking back at the skyline. "I'm gonna ask my informants at the school to keep an eye on her,"
 "And the fact that she helped Hawkmoth?" Lady Noir asked, making him look at her.
 "We gather evidence," He stated, making her smile. "Every scrap of prove we have so she can't wiggle her way out of it and we cover everything. If she's willing to work with a terrorist then who knows what else she's done,"
 "Sounds good to me," She nodded. "I ask my informants to help out,"
 "You have informants?"
 "Of course, I do," She grinned, giving him a cheeky wink. He chuckled and shook his head before munching on his cookie. She gently moved over and leaned her head against his shoulder, causing him to look at her again. "This ok?"
 "Yeah," He smiled, looking back at the skyline. "It is,"
Next Chapter: https://ultra-sassyduck.tumblr.com/post/639463660148932608/miraclous-rise-of-anatis-42
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glynnisi · 4 years
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ShieldShock Holiday Fic 2020       FOR  @ava-rosier      
At Ao3:  Snowbound Christmas
-There's only one hotel room left and it's a blizzard outside and There Is Only One Bed.
-Either at a Mall or an Airport during the busy holiday season, a villain is trying to steal/ruin the holidays and Steve and Darcy, who are both there for Reasons, team up to foil the dastardly plot.
-When Darcy wore her new, risqué Captain America xmas/holiday sweater to work that day, she didn't expect that he would actually...y'know...SEE it.
So, it’s been a while since I wrote. Hi, friends!!! :)  But I adore ShieldShock still and will always adore @mcgregorswench and the ShieldShock Holiday Fic Exchange.  I tried to capture the feel of your prompts, @ava-rosier .  I’ve done holiday in the airport before but can NEVAH get too much of THERE IS ONLY ONE BED.  Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday, enjoying seeing 2020 finally end, and that you’ll enjoy your ShieldShock holiday fic gift!!! :)
Snowbound Christmas
Darcy startled as the car door scraped open over deep snow and a gust of wind blew in to steal her breath. It was even colder than the previous times. Steve could move fast, but not faster than the blizzard winds. He shook his head as he slammed the door closed behind him, sealing them in the relative calm. The only sound at first was the rustle of her shivering. He turned the car on again and they both savored relief as the air around them warmed.
She shifted position in her seat. “Steve, my friend! No room in the Inn?” Darcy tried to sound upbeat rather than weary. “I’d so hoped the eleventh try would be the charm. I mean, those two were raved over in Google as ‘simple’ and ‘budget’. You wouldn’t think that would draw a crowd.” She continued to watch the snow fall, eyes going out of focus.
Steve shook his head and pushed his snow-damp hair back. “I tried all five places in the village. Cut across town on foot rather than wasting gas.” He frowned. “I’m too stubborn. Should ‘a stopped twenty miles back where there were more possibilities. I’m sorry, Darcy.” He kept his eyes on the road as he started slowly moving. The snow was falling hard, gusting winds whipping it around them with abandon. Even with four-wheel drive, good snow tires, and perfect reflexes- Steve didn’t dare go more than fifteen miles per hour. Driving was hazardous, more by the minute.
Darcy shrugged her shoulders. “The forecast was off. I thought we had more time before it got bad, too. I swear! I only closed my eyes for like twenty seconds. When I opened them again it looked like I’d missed seeing three inches fall. You must be freezing. The other motels are two miles away, aren’t they?” She shivered, both sympathetically and because the car was still warming up.
“I’ll be fine.” Steve sighed again and glanced at Darcy’s phone before staring ahead of them again. “Any other ideas?”
Darcy squinched up her features, “well…” She was glad Steve focused his attention on the road. She worried that her idea wouldn’t be well received. “We could ask the others for suggestions? Surely Tony owns something between here and the City.” Darcy held her breath. She’d seen Steve and Tony clash at the Avengers Upstate Base enough to know that he didn’t want to ask Tony’s help.
Steve reached in his jacket pocket and handed his phone to Darcy, groaning in resignation. “Had the same thought. See if he’s replied?” He steeled himself.
Darcy laughed merrily as she read his incoming texts.
“That bad?” Steve’s frown lines deepened.
Darcy’s lips twitched. “Nah, buddy-o. Tony’s busting your chops about being a damsel in distress. He reminds you that he’s been away from Pepper for a week and has injuries to rest up from. Says to cool your heels at a summer lake cabin of hers. Coordinates and key code provided. And to resist the urge to crash dramatically into the lake as it wouldn’t be very festive of you. Cabin can be drafty, but was cleaned recently. Which, yay! They were going to come up last week for a dating anniversary celebration before the weather changed and he took that mission.”
Steve nodded and blew out an impatient breath. He glanced at Darcy again, “does anyone other than Jane know you’re with me?” His tone sounded wary.
Again, Darcy shrugged and avoided his gaze. “I dunno. If the local mechanic didn’t have sick kids at home, I’d be driving myself through this like I planned. Probably would’ve crashed in a snow drift by now or be caught in the sadly-parked madness on the interstate you were smart enough to skip. Why? I’m sorry that coming for me put you behind schedule. You’re too kind, putting yourself out for little ole me. You probably have plans with close friends, or something.” She trailed off, uncertain if that was a fair assumption regarding Steve. As much time as they’d spent together since they met over a year before, he seemed to always be working.
Darcy frowned, sad for Steve. And for herself. She’d tried in vain to shake the crush she had on the loneliest Avenger. He seemed determined to stay lonely and fill his time almost entirely with work. Whenever he came to Jane’s lab, she struggled not to let her extreme thirst for him show. She ended up babbling most times, griping about stuff and talking nonsense. He came by the lab a lot, so she had many embarrassing memories to cringe about.
“Not really. And don’t apologize, Darcy. I wanted to help you. I’m glad you’re with me rather than stuck, or worse.” Steve chose to ignore part of her question for the moment. “I was just going by Tony and Pepper’s party at the Tower to keep some peace between us. Then I figured I might go to Brooklyn to see the crazy lights they put up there these days, and then maybe head down to D.C. to see Sam. Nothing firm. No big deal.” He turned into a skid and eased up on the gas. Anyone else would have registered alarm at the need to maneuver like that. The majority of drivers would have wrecked. Sleet mixed in with the precipitation.
Darcy nodded, silent. She clicked on the coordinates Tony had sent and turned up the volume on the phone directions. When there was a pause, she spoke up, “still sorry to keep you from your party, lights, and Sam. I’m relieved that you weren’t just planning to ignore the holiday at the Upstate Base again this year, though. No offense, but hearing you did that last year made me mad at you.” She let out an indignant huff and blinked back tears.
He raised his brows, but didn’t reply at first. Finally, not wanting to seem rude, Steve asked, “mad? Why?” He fought against both flickers of hope and melancholy.
Steve tried not to wish for what he believed he couldn’t have. He’d found that Darcy won friends easily, but rarely let anyone get close enough to know her the way he’d like to know her. She kept things light and funny, using her humor as a shield against intimacy.  He admired her ability to deflect when she used it with others, lamented it when she used it with him.
The first day they met, Steve fell hard for the brash, strong-willed, funny, gorgeous dame. And then he met her boyfriend, Ian. Even after that relationship ended, Darcy made it crystal clear that she saw Steve only as a friend. Her emotional shield pushed him back like the strongest of force fields. She bristled if he held a door or pulled out a chair for her. She acted like it was weird if he did anything for her- like bringing her coffee when he was getting some for himself in Jane’s lab.
Also, there was Darcy’s apparent dislike of soldiers. She cursed agents and soldiers as ‘jack-booted thugs’ every time a piece Jane’s equipment misbehaved. He’d overheard Darcy rant to Jane about her sister’s hard life with a military guy Darcy disdained as ‘Soldier Boy’. Steve was a soldier. He'd never regretted it until it came between him and the only 21st century woman he’d met who captivated him.
Her tone as she spoke next brought Steve out of his reverie. “I know that those you love from your time were more like family to you… that you still mourn all you lost.” Darcy avoided looking at Steve, “But, I consider you a friend and I don’t like for anyone to treat my friends bad… especially, themselves. Thinking of you doing busy work and walking echoing halls alone. Imagining you eating frozen dinners and training alone while the rest of the world celebrated? Too sad. Awful. I wish you would’ve let me, I mean, someone, anyone, know that you didn’t have plans.” Darcy swallowed hard around the lump in her throat. She’d held that in for the better part of a year and was terrified that she’d overstepped enough to anger Steve. If her voice sounded brittle, she couldn’t help it. Her feelings for Steve ran deep. She’d taken one look at Steve Rogers and lost her heart irrevocably.
Steve shook his head and joked to offer one correction, “I hardly ever eat frozen dinners.” He cleared his throat. “What did you do for Christmas last year?” Steve’s tone was mild, unreadable. He’d spent a lot of the previous year’s holiday week reliving the pain of seeing Darcy being kissed by Ian under mistletoe. It was a harsh blow since he’d heard rumors that they’d broken up and dared hope for a chance with her. Thinking of that terrible moment still filled Steve with potent jealousy.
Darcy cut a glance Steve’s way. “I went to the usual lame lab holiday party, complete with joke gifts and too much mistletoe. Then, un-fun family time. As soon as I could escape my dumb sister Beth and ‘Soldier Boy’, I got back to Jane’s. I made Thor watch Christmas cartoons while I struggled to explain the pop nuances of them to him. We drank eggnog. I exchanged joke gifts with him and Jane and Erik. Then we all helped serve Christmas dinner at homeless shelter. And I ate too much and fell asleep on the couch at Jane’s place that night. I ‘peopled’.” She glared at Steve and repeated in an accusing tone, “’Peo-ple-d!’”
Darcy frowned as she also remembered Ian cornering her under mistletoe before Christmas. He tried to get back together with her until she threatened to tase him. It had cast a pall over Darcy’s entire holiday.  That was one interaction with people she did NOT look back on fondly.
Steve chuckled weakly, “and you’re mad at me for not ‘people-ing?’”  
“You never want anyone to pity you in any way, but then you do stupid stuff like that! I mean, I was drunk when Thor told me, but it made me CRY.” Darcy shook her head and looked away, frowning, angry. “Sorry. Said too much. Not my business. I know. Sorry.” She hunched her shoulders as though concerned he might offer a rebuke.
Steve's face fell into a sad grin. “No need to… It’s nice that you worry about me, Darcy. Thanks for that.” He resisted the urge to cover her hand with his. “I’m sorry I made you cry.” Genuine distress filled him, that she’d cried and that he had no right to offer comfort. Something in her reaction brought out his deepest protective instincts.
Careful to avoid distracting Steve from driving, Darcy poked his rock-hard bicep. “Pfft. Silly. You’re not alone, even if you try. You have friends. I’m your friend. You know that. Right?”
“Friends.” Steve nodded, grim. “Yeah. Thank you for being my friend, Darcy.” He sighed, long and low.
Darcy nodded, unable to speak around the lump in her throat.
 Soon, they arrived at the coordinates. A tiny cabin nestled in the deepening snow. It was dark, but for a dim light visible through its large windows.
Darcy moaned, “finally.”
“I could carry…” Steve’s voice trailed off as Darcy threw her door open and jumped out into the knee-deep snow. She almost fell, but righted herself. The winds swirled snow and sleet all around her.
“Shit! Cold!” Darcy trudged with purpose towards the cabin. “So cold! And, eww, wet. Oh!” She input the code Tony had sent for the front door lock and shoved inside. Darcy kicked off her snow-covered boots and dropped her coat inside the front door. She scurried to the bathroom. “Some of us don’t have super bladder capacity!” Her brief view of the cabin interior was minimal. Dark shapes stood out against the eerie snow light through the windows.
Steve slammed his car door and followed. He shook his head and yelled back, “nobody has that” as he picked up Darcy’s coat, shook snow off, and hung it on a hook. He toed off his boots and set them and Darcy’s boots near the fireplace. Then, he peeled off his snow pants and hung them on a hook near the door. They’d kept his jeans dry.
“Don’t get your tights in a twist. I’m hurrying!” Darcy called from the bathroom.
Brows raised; Steve surveyed the cabin. He flicked light switches and swore under his breath as low, golden light bathed the tight space. The room was dominated by a low bed and floor to ceiling windows. A Christmas tree decorated with lights stood by the bed. There were at least a dozen pillows and a sheer hanging canopy laced with warm string lights over the bed. There was no sofa, only two reading chairs and a small table in front of the fireplace. A kitchenette took space along one wall. It had a well-stocked wine rack.
Mostly, there was the ridiculously romantic-looking bed. Face prickling with heated anxiety, Steve found a thermostat and started the heater. Then, he began to build a fire in the brick fireplace. The cabin was cold and the windows were more suited to airiness than warmth. The back walls were brick, attractive but cold in winter weather.
“Uh, Steve?” Darcy sounded sheepish; voice muffled by the bathroom door. “Can you hand me a blanket or look for a robe or something? I’m sorry to trouble you. My pants are soaked up to the knees and I can’t put them back on. They’re freezing. Wet with snow.”
Steve closed his eyes, still for several seconds. He looked around for a closet and saw instead a wardrobe. He grabbed a black silk robe, frowning at the sheer and gauzy red alternative hanging beside it. The top shelves held baskets of swimsuits, shorts, and other summer clothes. He took the black robe off the hangar and walked to the bathroom. He knocked and held out the robe, eyes averted. Then, he went back to work on the fire.
“Thanks, I didn’t think. Just ran to the bathroom. I…” Darcy stopped as she got a good look at the cabin. “Oh, holy… uh, night.” She cut a careful glance Steve’s way.
Steve shook his head and chuckled. “Something like that. Don’t worry. I can sleep on the floor. I’ve done worse.” He arranged another log in the growing flames and warmed his hands.
“You can NOT! Don’t be stupid. I won’t attack you. Promise. We both need to sleep and there’s room for two if we remove a few hundred pillows.” Darcy’s tone sounded more certain and stubborn as she talked. She rolled her eyes at him. “Make a line of pillows down the middle of the bed as a dividing line if you want to keep me away. Or, I can do it.” She frowned at him, set her jeans near the fire to dry, and moved to the kitchenette. Darcy opened the refrigerator, freezer, and cabinets to see what they had to work with. “Sorry about my coat and boots. I was gonna get them, I swear.”
Steve frowned, disliking her urgent anxiety. “No problem.”
Darcy opened a bottle of water and drank it. “I didn’t dare drink much water while we were stuck in the car, but I still needed a bathroom for at least the past hour.” She offered him a bottle, which he accepted and downed before returning his attention to his work. Darcy moved food from the freezer to the refrigerator to thaw. She opened a couple of cans of soup and put them on to simmer, and sat in a reading chair. “I checked the weather forecast while I was in the bathroom. We’re not getting out of here on our own power before tomorrow night at the earliest.” She tightened the belt on the robe and leaned towards the fire, hands outstretched. “Nice. Getting a little warmth there. Thanks.”
Steve excused himself to the restroom. On his return, he sat in the other chair. He watched the fire’s progress, then turned his attention to the deepening snow visible through the windows all around them. “Quieter now. Slowing down, or a lull before more blizzard.”
“Lull, according to radar. Fresh snow absorbs sound. Something about air between the flakes dampening vibrations.” When Steve gave her an impressed look, Darcy grinned, “I saw it in a meme on the Internet. Must be true.” She winked at him.
Steve returned her grin. “Internet. So helpful.”
“Except when it’s REALLY not.” She made a face, both sad and angry. “Beth met ‘Soldier Boy’ online. And, of course his worst notions get amplified there. Bleurgh.”
Careful, Steve dared, “what branch of the Military is your brother-in-law with?”
Darcy choked on water. “Br... Whaa?” She shook her head, hard. “God, no! Don’t say that. It might come true if you say it.  Eww! Grandma Esther'd roll right out of her grave to beat the ever-living sh… heck… pardon me, out of Beth if she marries that Nazi wannabe.” Darcy shuddered dramatically. “Crud. They’ve been dating more than a year. And, Christmas… You may be right. Ugh.” She spoke as she texted into her phone, “‘If you marry him, I’ll give you kitty litter as a wedding present, used kitty litter. Dumbass. BTW I hate him. He’s awful.’ Ugh. Delete. Delete. Delete.”
Steve digested all this and stayed quiet. He noted with interest that Darcy’s cheeks reddened as though with embarrassment. In his experience she didn’t embarrass easily. Her plush lower lip jutted out in a pout. “Beth’s dating a racist faux-militia-type lunatic. She’s decided she’s Sub to his Dom and overlooks his politics and crazy behavior. It’s nauseating.” Darcy frowned, sad, “I don’t see the attraction. Mom says the sex must be great, cuz she doesn’t understand the attraction, either.” Darcy twirled a piece of her hair nervously on one finger. “Mom thought she had the worst taste in men in the family, but Beth’s making her wonder.” She shook her head. “Sorry. Nothing to you. You don’t know them. Crazy family of a sorta friend.”
“I know you… some. I care more than you think.” Now Steve’s cheeks reddened. He hadn’t meant to say that aloud.
Darcy gestured as though to bump shoulders with him. “Nice.” She arranged the robe over her legs, both from cold and modesty.
Hesitant, Steve ventured, “you never mention your father.”
Darcy’s gaze turned his way. “Nope. Long gone.” Her expression hardened. “Thank goodness.”
After an awkward silence fell between them, Steve went to the stove and spooned soup into two bowls. He returned to his place by the fire. He handed Darcy her soup, noting her mild surprise at being served. They ate without speaking. When they were done, they both took their bowls and rinsed them in the sink.
Darcy walked over to the bed and started moving pillows. “Do you want a dividing line?” She didn’t try to meet his gaze.
“Not necessary. Let’s put the pillows by the windows. They’ll block some of the cold that’s coming in and making it hard for this place to warm up.” Steve pressed pillows along the bottom edge of one window. He glanced back as Darcy slid beneath the covers, still wearing the black robe. The warm light brought out red and light brown highlights in her long hair. She looked even prettier than usual in the golden glow. And he thought she was always beautiful.
Darcy shivered hard. “Sheets are freezing!”
Swallowing hard, Steve sat on the far side of the bed from her. “Want the decorative lights off?”
“N…n..not unless you do. They’re p..pretty. Make me think warmer thoughts.” Her shivers shook the bed.
Steve shifted so that he could lift the covers and lay underneath them. They were icy cold against his pants. He imagined the chill was worse against Darcy’s bare legs. He lay back and closed his eyes, feeling the motion of the bed from Darcy’s shaking. The winds began to wail again, harder than before. He opened his eyes and turned to look out at the raging blizzard. “Wanna lay back-to-back? I run warm.” As she shifted so that she faced away from him, he rolled to his side and moved back against her. He cursed himself as a masochist.
“Ohhh. Fuck, yes!” Darcy swore under her breath and whispered, “sorry. So sorry!”
“I know what you mean and you don’t have to avoid cursing around me. We’re not on a mission communicator in an official capacity. That ‘language’ thing they joke me about is nonsense. I don’t give a damn about how people want to talk in regular life.” Steve closed his eyes again, trying to keep his tone even as Darcy wriggled against his back. He heard her mutter thanks a few times. Making her feel good pleased him.
Five minutes later, Darcy rolled over and pressed her cold nose against his shoulder. She spent several minutes trying to figure out where to put her hands. She ended up crossing her arms over her chest and tucking her hands under her chin. Within minutes, she was asleep.
Listening to the sound of Darcy’s breathing as it evened out and deepened lulled Steve to sleep soon after. His face settled into a small smile.
 Steve supposed it was a slight change in the blizzard-muted light of day that woke him next. Languorous, sensual dreams dissipated through his hazy thoughts. Dream images of Darcy, kiss-swollen lips and bared creamy skin, heated his blood.
Then, awareness hit him hard. He and Darcy clenched in a lover’s embrace. Their legs entwined and her head was on his chest. Her sweet, feminine scent filled his senses. Her amazing breasts pressed against one side of his chest. One of her hands was against his arm and the other warmed the skin of his stomach, inside his shirt. It all felt so good and right that it stole his breath. His body’s natural response to his dreams, to her, and to waking was extreme. He was afraid to move lest any friction push him past sanity. A small, low moan sounded in her throat as she shifted against him. He tensed.
Her voice was raspy with sleep. “I know it’s awkward, but I’m way too comfy to regret it. You feel good, Steve.”
“Right back atcha’, Doll,” he whispered. Wishing himself back in his dreams, he kissed her forehead and squeezed her even closer. He wanted her so much he could hardly stand it.
Darcy made another small sound in her throat as she wriggled against him. The realization that he was aroused sparked her passions, but she didn’t dare to presume too much. Maybe it was only an impressive sign of morning. She followed his example and placed a chaste kiss below his jaw. She felt his heart pounding more quickly and closed her eyes again. She flexed her fingers against his ridiculously-cut abdomen and felt him jolt. She debated if any of his reactions had anything to do with her in particular. She wished they did.
Both of them were awake, but neither admitted it.  Each of them savored the embrace and the feel of the other’s body. They each fantasized about the other.  They fantasized about passionate first moves, expressing affection and desire. Want. They became lost in imagining more and more.  Time passed. Their emotions swirled like the blizzard winds that trapped them together.
They lay cuddled and simmering with unspoken desires until Steve’s phone rang. It broke the spell. He moved away from Darcy and answered the phone.
She watched the play of muscles under the back of his shirt and struggled to stifle her lust.  Darcy closed her eyes.  It was futile.  Her lust for Steve had been growing for over a year.  In this circumstance, lust was inevitable.
While Steve talked with Sam, assuring him that he was fine though the storm prevented him reaching the City, Darcy left the bed and went to the bathroom. She snagged her dry jeans on her way there. She took a shower and did what she could with toothpaste she found in the medicine cabinet and her finger. When she came back out, she hung the robe in the wardrobe and put on her Christmas cardigan. She looked through the wardrobe and giggled at the sheer red robe. Then, Darcy took a step back. She buttoned and straightened her sweater by her reflection in the wardrobe mirror.
Steve paused in his conversation, a gob-smacked look on his face, “what…?!”
“Oh! Yeah. I know. Gaudy, isn’t it? Well, last year Tony gifted the ‘ugliest sweater at his party’ winner $10,000. I know what he can be like, so I thought I’d stand a better chance of catching his wallet’s attention if I went a little on the sexy side. And I sewed in lights.” Darcy twirled and turned on the LED lights that adorned the sweater. Her dark green Christmas cardigan had bauble Avenger emblem buttons. A Captain America Shield button strained to hold the sweater together over Darcy's breasts. Silver and gold trim around the hem resembled tinsel. Red and gold lighted and embroidered ornaments dotted the sweater at random. It was a bit gaudy rather than ugly, but sexy most of all since the fabric hugged Darcy’s ample curves. She wore it over a tight red top and skinny black jeans. The ensemble played up her natural assets.
Steve could only nod in reply. He tried to turn his full attention back to his conversation, but didn’t do well.
By the time Steve was off the phone and had made the bed, Darcy found waffles in the freezer and syrup in the pantry. She had coffee brewing and was downing another bottle of water when Steve began stoking the fire embers and adding wood. They shared a quiet breakfast. Steve tried not to look at Darcy’s figure and failed again and again. He tried not to fantasize as Darcy licked syrup from her lips. He failed.
As they finished breakfast, Darcy looked around the cabin. “Aw, man. No TV?”
“Actually, there’s one over the bed.” Steve swallowed the last of his coffee.
“Over?” Darcy gave him a disbelieving look and went over to look up inside the bed canopy. “You’re not kidding.”
He chuckled and shook his head, “at first I thought it was a mirror.”
Darcy lay on the bed, on her back. She looked around for a remote control, finally finding one in the nearby window sill. “Icy remote.” She pointed it up and sighed, “but it works!” Channel flipping and streaming services browsing occupied her for some time.
She hoped rather than believed that Steve was looking at her with lusty interest.
Steve was. The intimacy of their situation and Darcy’s sensual appearance were a potent combination. He could hardly speak. He excused himself to go get a quick shower. He came back out a few minutes later, dressed again but still toweling his hair dry.
Darcy didn’t meet Steve’s eye as she offered, “you’re welcome to join me. Just friends watching television, ya know. I’m watching a silly Christmas movie. ’Scrooged.’ Okay?”
Steve shrugged as he made his way back to the bed. He shuffled, awkward, as he drew nearer.
Darcy shifted towards one edge of the bed, not meeting his gaze. “Plenty of room. Don’t mind me.”
He smiled as he sat on the other edge of the bed and forced himself to speak up. “Sam said that they’re busy helping first responders deal with stranded motorists. Hundreds of them all across the state. A lot of people didn’t have our luck and find shelter. I had to agree with him that it’s more important that they help them than us. I’m sorry you won’t have the chance to win the sweater contest.” He eased onto his back beside her, folding a pillow behind his head.
“Of course, they need to help people who’re stuck!” Darcy shuddered. “It’s super cold out there and the storm got out of hand so fast. I can only imagine. We’re fine here.” She grinned and turned to him. “You really think I’d win?”
Steve was struck by how pretty her green eyes were. He blushed. Her look turned quizzical. He nodded and spoke a thick reply, “yeah. Definitely.” Steve forced his gaze up to the television mounted above them. “I assume that ‘Scrooged’ refers to the Dickens novella?”
“Yup.” Darcy shifted further to the edge and lifted the covers so that she could get under the blankets. Once under there, she groused, “darned lights and ornaments are poking me.” She frowned, and unbuttoned the sweater again and lay it aside. Buttons and lights made a clicking sound on the floor by the bed.
After debating for what felt like an endless time, Steve got under the covers and shifted closer to her. “Can’t let you freeze.”
Darcy rolled up on her side and looked him in the eye. “It would be rude to let me freeze. I’m glad you’ve seen the light.” She winked at him, trying to seem playful. She thought that he was looking at her lips, but dismissed it as wishful thinking.
Steve assured her, “I’ll do my best to keep you from freezing. Wouldn’t want to be rude.” He put one arm around her, hand spanning the middle of her back. “I’m a polite guy.”
“You’re the nicest soldier I’ve ever met. Have I ever mentioned that?” Darcy ducked her head as a blush filled her cheeks. The way his hand covered her whole back made her feel tiny. Did things to her. Made her want his hands on her in other places. The fire she tried to play with was backfiring spectacularly, leaving Darcy breathless with desire.
“No. But I’m glad to hear it.” Steve gave her a squeeze.
There was a loud noise onscreen. Darcy rolled onto her back so that she could see the television again. She hoped Steve wouldn’t notice that her breath was racing.
After a few minutes, Steve nudged her. “Tell me about other soldiers you’ve met? There are good and bad apples in any group, you know.” He felt Darcy tense.
Though she didn’t look at Steve, Darcy decided to answer. She told him about Puente Antiguo and the SHIELD agents and soldiers who took Jane’s research- and their computers and even Darcy’s personal iPod. SHIELD ran a strange, temporary military base near the town and Erik worried about their absolute power. She told him about the shifts in those soldiers’ attitudes after Thor returned to Asgard. First, they were obsequious, but gradually more restrictive. They coveted Jane’s research and tried to control them all. After a long pause, Darcy shared, “some of them reminded me of my dad. He was military, Marine. Not a nice guy, especially to our mom.”
Steve rubbed Darcy’s arm as she talked. He felt that it was a privilege that Darcy was telling him something so personal. He didn’t want to break the spell, rather hoped that she might open up to him more.
Darcy blinked back tears. “He found fault with everything she did. She couldn’t do enough fast enough to avoid setting off his temper. Then he… well, you know.” Darcy ducked her head.
Realization dawned on Steve. “So, he never served her a dish or coffee even if he was getting something? He never held doors for her or pulled out a chair? You never saw him treat her with respect?”
Steve stilled as Darcy sat up on one elbow and stared at him, eyes wide. “Respect? No. No respect.” She grabbed the remote again. “Let’s look for something else. I saw…” Darcy glanced at Steve. “’White Christmas’ is about to start on this channel. I remember liking the dancing and pretty outfits and thinking it’s sweet. The story starts in your time, though. Do you mind?  Will that make you too sad?”
Steve shook his head. “I’ve heard good things about it. I’ll be okay.” He wanted to say that he was more than okay with Darcy next to him, but was too tongue tied.
As the classic channel announcer talked, Darcy shifted closer to Steve again. “I want you to be okay. The 21st century’s not all bad, ya know.”
Again, Steve kissed Darcy’s forehead. “Yeah. Thanks, Doll.” He stroked her hair as they began watching the movie. “This okay?”
Darcy nodded, wondering if he was only being nice because he felt sorry for her or if there was another reason. “Yes. Very okay. Feels nice.” As his fingers trailed down her back, she shivered with pleasure. She wondered if he had any idea what his touch did to her. She savored the feelings, the want and heat, for a long time. Other thoughts ran through the back of her mind while she tried to ignore them.
Most of the way through the movie, the 'pretend-engagement' conspirators confessed to Bing Crosby’s character. Steve commented, approving, “at least they fessed up and set him straight. Too many times in romantic comedies the people avoid saying what’s on their mind until it’s too late. It's silly.” He stilled as Darcy pushed back from him and stared at him again. “What?  You okay?”
Darcy nodded.  “I… yeah. Sorry.” She sat up on the edge of the bed, paused the movie, and grasped her phone. After a moment, she nodded. “I’m gonna do this. I’m gonna make this call before I chicken out. Wish me luck.” She grabbed the green sweater from the floor and slipped it on over her red top again.
“Luck.” Steve got up and walked around the bed so he could sit next to Darcy. She looked up at him with a grateful warmth that transfixed him. He nudged her shoulder to offer comfort as someone answered her call.
“Beth? Hi. It’s Darcy. Merry something or other.” Darcy’s knee bounced, betraying her restlessness. Steve could feel tension fill her frame. After a moment, she continued, “yeah. Fine. I found a place to stay. I’m with a friend. And, Beth?” She took a deep breath, “He treats me with respect. Caring and respect. Even if he were…” Darcy paused. She rushed the next words out all at once, “well, if he was my Dom? He wouldn’t embarrass me or push away you or Mom by making me say ‘Meow’ and only ‘Meow’ to you at his whim. He wouldn’t think that's funny. He wouldn’t call me a ‘dimwit’ or a ‘bimbo’. He… Beth? I’m sorry to criticize your choices. But you deserve better than that kind of stuff. I hate the way Chad treats you, the way he talks down to you and tries to change you. You don’t need changing. I don’t know if it’s just me that Chad can’t stand. But, if it’s not? If he treats you like that in front of other people? I mean, would he demean you in front of your kids like Dad did Mom? Would he hurt you? How much like Dad…? Scratch that. Sorry. He’s not Dad. I’m not trying to be an unfair bitch to Chad, whatever he says. I worry that…” Darcy gasped, “don’t cry! I’m sorry! No! You… what? He what? He didn’t… What?!?” She shook, both in her body and voice. There was a long silence on Darcy’s end as her sister talked and cried. Darcy only interrupted the flow of words to utter sounds of disgust and disbelief.
Steve went to the kitchenette and got more water. He opened a bottle of wine and made thawed meat into fried burgers and baked French fries in the oven. He took Darcy water and returned to work on their lunch. The smell of good food soon filled the tiny cabin. He stayed busy, but most of his attention was on Darcy and her conversation.
Finally, Darcy rasped, “Well, that’s… What?! You’re thanking me? No. What? I thought you’d tell me to go to Hell, not take my call as a divine sign that you should say no and leave him. Oh, thank Baby Jesus!” Darcy laughed through tears. “Yes! I know I’m a bitch and I’m causing you to throw yourself on Mom’s mercy at Christmas. Enjoy her cookies for me. If it makes you feel better, I don’t have baking ingredients. Oh, fine! Hm? My friend? Awesome like you wouldn’t believe. Uh, I don’t know. It’s… pffft. I need to talk straight to him, too. Wish me luck?” Darcy wiped tears from her eyes. “Yes! I love you, too. Now, go. Text me when you’re safe at Mom’s and tell her I’m safe and I’ll call later. Merry Christmas.” Darcy hung up from the call and stared at the phone, rocking in place until she received a text. Then, she collapsed backwards onto the bed and stared up, unseeing.
Steve stayed quiet, letting Darcy calm from her talk with her sister. When the food was ready, Steve returned to her side and offered her a hand up, leading her towards the fire.
Darcy stumbled to a chair. “Thanks. You’re the best.” She drank more water.
“So, did he propose?” Steve began eating again and gave Darcy time to answer.
Darcy ate a bite of hamburger with a few fries and shook her head, “nope. TOLD her she was gonna marry him. Told her!” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Jackass! Good riddance.”
Wry, Steve shook his head. “Not very romantic. Not that I’m an expert in that department, but…”
Darcy only nodded as she devoured the rest of her food and sipped wine. “I had no idea how hungry I was.” She looked at Steve, thinking how lucky she was to be trapped with a good person who exuded calm and kindness. She especially appreciated that after the intensity of her conversation with her sister. Darcy sipped the wine as she focused on Steve. Being with him settled her, made her feel safe. And looking at him was always a delight. Steve Rogers was handsome, to be sure. He’d rolled up the sleeves on his green and blue flannel shirt. Unfair of him to subject her to sexy forearms on top of all the rest. Like every shirt she’d ever seen him wear, this one struggled to cover his muscles. She’d given up trying to think of adjectives that could convey how attractive Steve was. And nice. He didn’t call her out for staring at him like a weirdo, mooning after him. He didn’t even press her to speak up now, when she was sure he must be curious about the ‘straight talk’ she’d mentioned. He gave her the space she needed to regain her equilibrium.
Respect. Steve treated her with respect. She had a wonderful friend who treated her with respect. She ought to be forever grateful rather than daring to wish for more.
Steve finished his glass of wine and poured himself another.
Darcy held her glass out for him to top off, then sipped it again. “This is good stuff. I never spend more than $10 on a bottle. I’d bet the cork on this stuff costs that much,” she giggled, “or even the label.”
“I’ll give Tony money to cover it when we get back to the Tower.” Steve shrugged.
Darcy glanced outside. Snow and sleet fell still. “That’ll be a bit yet.”
Steve nodded, not sure what to say. He felt happy trapped with Darcy, to have a chance to talk with her and hold her close. Even if she only saw him as a friend who kept her from getting too cold. Silence fell between them again.
“Wanna finish the movie? Sorry I shut it off without asking.” Darcy needed more time to gather courage.
Steve nodded, “no problem. Yeah. I’d like to see the ending.”
They took their dishes to the sink and then returned to the bed. There, Darcy took off her Christmas sweater. She threw back the covers and snuggled next to Steve under the blankets. He put his arms around her while she used the remote to restart the movie. Finally, the lovers in the movie sorted out their misunderstanding, kissed, and made plans for their future. Fierce longing overwhelmed both Steve and Darcy. Unconsciously, he stroked her back.
There was no one and nothing to distract them or come between them. Nothing except for their own emotional shields. But it was a day for dropping those.
Cheers and strains of the song ‘White Christmas’ sounded behind the words ‘The End’. Darcy ducked her head so that she didn’t have to look Steve in the eye. “I wish…”
Steve interrupted, “I wish that you didn’t dislike soldiers so much, Darcy. I’m a soldier and I can’t change that, never could.”
Darcy pushed back from him, “what? Change? You? No! I don’t… Oh! No. I only dislike the bad ones. I don’t like jack-booted thugs who steal Jane’s research and my personal stuff. I don't like Nazi wanna-be’s or, well, mean soldiers. I like… I like you, Steve.” She swallowed hard and jutted her chin out. “I wish that your work didn’t take pretty much all your time and that you didn’t miss your good old days so much. I wish…” She blinked back unshed tears. “I really wish you wanted to be here- in this time- with me, Steve. I’m sorry. I know you only want to be friends. And I won’t say anything more to make you uncomfortable, friend.” She smiled a small, watery smile. “Friend. I’ve done that for you all this time. I can keep doing it. I want any relationship we can have, even just friends.”
Confusion filled Steve’s expression. “Is that why you say ‘friend’ to me so much? Because you think that’s all I want?”
“Uh huh.” Darcy nodded miserably.
He inched closer. “And you like me even though I’m a soldier? And you want to be more than friends with me? Darce?” He whispered, “do you… want?”
Darcy looked up at him, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry to make things so awkward when you’re stuck here with me. Yes. I want! I wish that you wanted to be more than fr…Mmph!”
Steve kissed her.
He pulled back and stared at her as he cupped her cheek with one hand. “Sorry. I should ‘a- May I kiss you? I’m crazy about you, Darcy. I’ve wanted you for months and months. Want you so much I can hardly stand it. Not just friends, please. More, Doll.” His eyes gleamed with fervor.
Darcy nodded, stunned.
Steve chuckled, kissed her forehead and kissed her cheek again, with reverence. “Darcy, Doll… can I get a ‘yes’ to me kissing you?” He shifted so that his lips were a hair’s breadth away from her lips. Charged air shook the space yet between the two of them. He waited.
“Yes!” Darcy closed the distance between them and met his kiss with her own. They both trembled into it, a feather-light exploration. They each absorbed the idea that they’d misread what the other wanted. She murmured again, “oh, yes, Steve.”
He grinned as he kissed her again, deepening the kiss. He nibbled at her plush lower lip as he’d fantasized and dreamed so many times. Reality was a million times better. Darcy shuddered against him and groaned with pleasure. Steve stilled and closed his eyes. “Oh, Doll.” Darcy teased at his lower lip and he groaned, “gonna be hard as hell to be a gentleman with you doin’ that.”
Darcy chuckled, “who says you have to be a gentleman?” She shifted her leg to brush against his hardness. “Mmm. You were saying?” She nibbled at his lip again and played with the top button of his shirt.
Steve jolted and cursed under his breath. He kissed her quiet, again deepening the kiss and learning how they fit together. Steve savored Darcy's lips and tongue and throat while also exploring what she liked best. Sensitive spots. Sweetness. Eagerness. It was pure bliss. Darcy was becoming short of breath. Steve lay back and looked up at the next movie that had started while his Christmas dreams began to come true.
Darcy glanced at the Santa onscreen and panted. “I no longer have anything to ask Santa for.” She undid Steve’s top shirt button and kissed at the base of Steve’s throat. “I can think of a few things I’d like to ask you for, though.”
Steve grinned down at her, “same, Doll.”
“Oh?” Darcy undid another button on his shirt and kissed the exposed skin. She looked up at him and held his gaze as she undid the next few buttons.
Steve pulled her up for a long, slow kiss that set Darcy’s every nerve ending afire. She undid another few buttons on his shirt. When he shrugged it off, Darcy stilled, staring at his naked chest. “Holy…”
“Night?” he suggested. She snorted a giggle. He shifted her so that she sat astride him. He asked with his eyes if he could lift her shirt.
She nodded. “I may freeze, but yes. Please do.” She lifted her arms.
He shook his head. “Not gonna freeze. Haven’t you heard? I’m the man with a plan.” His voice tightened as he pulled her shirt up over her head. He shifted another pillow behind him and sat up some, pulling her towards him. He kissed her breasts as he reached around and undid her lacy red bra. “Damn, Doll. You’re a fantasy come true.” As he began to tease at her breasts with his lips and tongue, Darcy shivered and moved on him. He groaned, “here.” He pulled his shirt out from beneath him and helped her put it on, open at the front but warming her arms and back. "Looks much better on you than Tony's robe."
“Ahhh.” Darcy tried to talk, but Steve returned to tormenting her with his insistent lips. “G...good plan. Ohhh.” She squirmed in his lap, grinding against his erection with abandon. He let out a lusty groan that made her proud.
Steve pulled her chest against him for warmth as he moved up to kiss her lips and face again. “You’re shaking.” He looked concerned, but couldn’t resist kissing Darcy again. And again. He plucked and teased at her with his dexterous fingers. He loved the frantic sounds she made in the back of her throat.
“Not cold.” Darcy pulled back, then kissed him again and again. “Just want. Want you. Want so much.”
Steve shifted, rolling Darcy down onto her back. “Good thing, Doll.” He kissed her. Long, slow, passionate kisses that she met with a fervor that lit him up more every second. He palmed her breast and continued his exquisite torment. Darcy arched up against him, writhing. He lowered his lips to her breasts again. First one, then the other. Kissing and nibbling and sucking. She cried out and bucked as he swirled his tongue, hard. Darcy wasn’t sure if she would be embarrassed to come just from his attention to her breasts or impressed. Possibly both. Likely both.
He resumed teasing her nipples with his fingers. He placed open-mouthed kisses all along her belly. Steve took his time. “Beautiful.”
Darcy whimpered and began to shove her pants down. Steve stilled her hands. “I got you.” He undid the snap on her black jeans and kissed the exposed skin. Then he lowered her zipper and kissed her more. Darcy held the covers up with one hand and ran the other covetously along Steve’s shoulder. Steve pulled her pants and panties off and then moved back up her body to kiss her cheek and lips again.
“Pants!” Darcy begged him between kisses.
Steve huffed a laugh and unbuttoned his jeans. Darcy pressed against him, skin to skin. She wore only his shirt and warm red socks. Finally, he pushed down his pants so that he wore nothing.
Darcy’s eyes went even wider. “Oh, my. You go commando?”
He shrugged. “Habit. The uniform requires special briefs.”
She reached for him eagerly and wrapped her fingers around his shaft.
“Fuck,” Steve hissed.
Darcy's grin had a wicked glint. “Something like that.” She kissed down his chest and abdomen until she finally took him in her mouth. Then, Darcy delighted in taking Steve completely apart.
When he’d caught his breath again, Steve gave Darcy a smile unlike anything she’d ever seen from him before. It was both delighted and full of mischief that caused her pulse to race. He again pulled her astride his legs so he could taste and tease at her breasts. He left lingering kisses along the column of her throat and over her wrists. He disappeared under the covers and kissed her thighs and the backs of her knees. Darcy squirmed and unseeingly stared up at the movie. Steve didn’t tire, didn’t cramp- only focused on Darcy's pleasure with single-minded, super-strong drive. He had her writhing with pleasure long before he let her come. Another Christmas movie was playing onscreen and halfway over before Steve came up for air.
Finally, when Darcy begged, Steve slowly slid home. She realized that he’d been prepping her so long because of his size. She felt stretched wide as he twisted to hit her G-spot just right. She came quickly and felt as though she continued coming again and again as Steve pounded into her. He twisted her around so that he could plunge in from behind while rolling her swollen clit between his calloused fingers. After he came, he laid his fingers flat, soothing. He cradled her body tight back against his. Aftershocks left her spasming with pleasure. Steve kissed Darcy’s head again and again, murmuring, “sweet Darcy. Crazy about you.” She dozed in his arms, warm and loved and completely satisfied.
Dinner that night was steak and vegetables from the freezer, paired with an exquisite red wine. As they lay in bed afterwards, cuddling and teasing each other, Darcy felt Steve’s arms tighten around her. He buttoned a few buttons on his shirt to cover her and murmured, “company.” Soon, Darcy heard the sound of Iron Man landing outside the front door of the cabin.
Tony threw the door open and sauntered in, “I’m here to rescue you.” He stared, looked around and saw the open wine bottle and two pairs of pants on the floor by the bed, and shook his head. “Or, not. I guess Pep can stop crying about you being lonely on Christmas again this year, Cap. And I can stop wondering why you’re not answering texts. Nice shirt, Lewis.” Tony was blinking hard, slack-jawed with surprise.
Darcy laughed, “you should see the sweater I was gonna wear to your party. It’s around here someplace.”
“Lights up, sparkles, and hugs her curves to perfection. I’m sure she would ‘a won your contest,” Steve grinned, enjoying Tony’s shocked expression.
Tony smiled, “I bet. Well, Mazel Tov! Thanks for popping Cap’s cherry, Lewis. ‘bout time.” He pretended to wipe away a tear of pride.
Darcy snorted, “no way was that his first time. Orgasm hall of fame. All my Christmas dreams have come true.”
Steve ducked his head against her hair. “Good to hear, Doll. Right back atcha’.”
Tony shook his head. “Good reviews all around then. Well, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays kids. I’d guess you’re all set here ‘til it’s safe to drive again?”
Steve looked down at Darcy and she looked up at him. They both nodded emphatically and turned to Tony, “we’re good.” Tony laughed.
“Merry Christmas, Tony,” Steve beamed. “We’ll see you in a day or two.” He repressed a shiver as Darcy began teasing him under the covers again.
Darcy called out, “Merry Christmas! Thanks for dropping in.”
Tony shook his head and waved back at them as he went out the door of the cabin.
Steve pinned Darcy on her back and began ravishing her again, mock joking, “naughty girl!” He pushed into her again and set a slow pace as he rained kisses over her breasts.
Darcy looked up at him and batted her eyelashes. “Your naughty girl.”
Steve kissed her hard. “And my nice girl. Merry Christmas, Darcy.”
Gasping with pleasure, Darcy answered him, “Merry Christmas, Steve.”
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teacup-tai · 4 years
Top Five of 2020
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
My lovely @the-starryknight thanks for the tag!  I’ll tag a few people, but you probably already did it: @ruinsplume @kasjophe @gallifrey1sburning @quicksilvermaid @prolix- @dazedandinked 
Right. This year was insane, I got stuck first half of the year in Ireland with only 2 friends close by, all my family in Brazil or Spain while I was writing my bloody master thesis (that is what I’m proudest of this year, but it’s not published yet, so won’t go in this list). I managed a lot of hard emotions in solitude, by myself, while reading drarry fics to keep afloat (great coping mechanism, actually!). And after handing my thesis and moving to Spain, I was feeling deeply empty. So I went back to fic-writing, after 2 or 3 years of not even looking at my old fics. 
It all started when I saw the posts for prompt claiming on the @hd-hurtfest  blog. To think how that post changed everything in my life is just bizarre. So I am very thankful! It has been a huge pleasure to go back to fic-writing and to re-embrace the HP fandom, mainly the drarry squad! To get to know so many lovely people and I’m forever grateful for that. 
Here is my Top Five:
hear me (with your whole body): (Drarry, E, 9k) this is the fic I wrote for the hd-hurtfest 2020. I saw @quicksilvermaid’s prompt and I shivered. It lured me so much I had the whole plot in my head as soon as I finished sending the claim. It was so hard to write it. Because the topic is very sensitive: open relationships, sexual mismatch, bad communication skills. I brought most of my bad experiences in all these sensitive topics as if I was purging it from my body while writing ‘hear me’. It was a very raw process of looking into my own still bleeding wounds, but very cathartic. And it was hard because it was my very first drarry (I love drarry and I normally only read drarry, but I’ve never felt confident enough to write it), so I was very nervous. And in bloody English xD LOL but I’m bloody proud of it. I wanted to write something real without making a show of blaming one of the parts, at the same time I wanted to use and unreliable POV (Harry’s) and to bring forth all those very uncomfortable realities of jealousy, insecurity of one’s sexuality etc. in a way people could relate to. I’ve never imagined the response to this fic would be so nice, and many of the comments drove me to deep reflection. I’m specially happy about this fic because after writing ‘hear me’ something cracked open inside of me, in my own personal-romantic life and also in writing. Like a small miracle. And then, I couldn’t stop writing anymore.
Rebel Rebel: (Sirius/Remus. E, 5k) heh, Wolfstar is my OTP *-* So writing this tiny fic with ‘there was no war’ prompt for the sirius black fest was a bloody delight. The feeling of exploring their youth, in the early 80s and the whole atmosphere of that time was exhilarating! Bowie’s concerts, HIV+ and Aids, queer community and old school crushes. Giving them a future and professions was fun as fuck. But the best part was making Sirius Black fuck around, wild and free, you know. Because he bloody well deserved it. I love the writing style I explored there, very influenced by Caio Fernando Abreu, one of my favourite Brazilian writers and it was just great great fun!
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise: (Drarry + Wolfstar, E, 40k+ WIP) I need to post 3 more chapters along this next few days.  I’m adding Dragons here because NEVER. IN. MY. LIFE I thought this story would come out of my head into the pages, and I’m so bloody happy, so bloody proud of myself. I cannot believe how much I’ve written in a month, about a plot that had some path in my head but never a shape, and how this all blossomed inside of me and how it’s coming out just brilliantly. I know I’ll think back at some point and think this and that are not great. But I think this fic is one of my best works, it deals with the queer community, with depression and acceptance, with HIV+ folk, and deep emotions. Everything I’ve ever dreamed of writing. And here it is, and writing it made me manage the fact that I wouldn’t be able to spend this xmas with my family, so I spent this last month with this characters and feeling the opposite of lonely. And to be able to write Harry having a family, you know, being raised by Remus and Sirius is just marvellous. I’m over the moon with wolfstar being great gaydads :D
Scorching: (Pansmione, E, 1.5k) first time I translated a Portuguese fic of mine to English. It was fun to do it, as it’s purely smutty smut and well, I love pansmione and it makes me greedy to go back to writing about this ship. I like how it turned out, but it’s not beta-ed so maybe it’s not great. But damn, I really like this Pansy. ^^
The Old Ways: (Voldemort/Walburga, M, 3k). So, I have a whole word document full of snippets on the Black family. As the Black family is my huge guilty pleasure (that’s why Tainara Black has been my pen name since 2005). I don’t like to think Walburga was only a mad pureblood bigoted woman, I like to think of her as being strongly magical and very sure of herself. Someone three-dimensional with knowledge of Dark magic of the old ways and a deep insanity that comes with legacy of pureness, but also with financial influence and  management of old wizarding land. I realised Walburga is only 1 year older than Voldie, she is closest to his age than her husband or brother (if we follow the Balck Family Genealogical Tree), and this sparked a whole idea inside of me. So this fic is a character study of Walburga when Sirius is only 10 and Voldemort is organising a war, and I honestly think is one of my best fics (even though it wasn’t beta-ed). I loved writing about this powerful witch, that got stuck in keeping her bloodline alive, that gave up on great deeds of power and freedom to become a pureblood mother and wife. But it’s the fic no one reads, so I’m adding a bit of it here in hopes it may interest someone:
He climbs the last step of the noisy, rusty, winding stair, his eyes mapping the place in silent wonder. The rooftop is sombre. Rough grey cement floor and dead flower beds in a far corner, big dark clay pots with dead branches and dry bushes scattered around; the only living thing is an imposing carnivorous plant, it’s toothed lips opening and closing sharply around bugs and other insects.
She is right there, in the centre of the chaotic rooftop garden and he thinks the house is in shambles, and so is she. The moon is reflecting its cold brightness over her as if it were a stage light. He takes a second to contemplate her stance. He has never seen her like this before. It is such an incongruous sight it almost feels like he’s intruding. Is not a feeling he’s used to.
She’s perched in a high frail copper chair, her ankles crossed lightly, with pale bare feet against the dirty coarse floor, one white arm falling languidly from the armrest, her elegant fingers holding a thin long smoking pipe. Rings of smoke rising into the night sky. The back of her skull resting on the back of the chair, he can’t see her face from this angle, but he’s stunned by the imagery.
She looks almost mythical; with her long black mane messy and loose, barely touching the ground. He can’t remember when was the last time he’s seen her hair down, but he’s pretty sure it wasn’t that long, nor were there silver strikes colouring it in a mix of salt and pepper.
“How long do you plan to stare?” her voice is as rusty as the whole house and he scoffs.
keep reading
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otakween · 4 years
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07-Ghost - The World (Part. 3)
Episodes 21-30 of the 07-Ghost radio show! Aww man, I’m really sad it’s over. I had a lot of fun listening the whole way through. It definitely made me a Namikawa Daisuke fan. I look forward to spotting him in another role!
Episode 21
Kuroyuri VA’s second episode. Honestly, she was kind of annoying (sorry!) She wouldn’t stop cracking up at everything and it made the whole episode very chaotic. They started out by discussing: their ideal birthdays and nicknames they’ve had in their lives. They then played a “what would you do?” game where they had to pick the most popular reaction to various scenarios. This time the punishment was to speak like a servant/butler. The loser was...Namikawa of course (lol every time!)
Namikawa failing at keigo was honestly the highlight of the episode for me because, same. Apparently this episode came out close to the end of the anime. Funny that the show would go on for so long after the show was already over. I guess because the manga was ongoing and they still had DVD sales to boost? 
Episode 22
The first no-Namikawa episode in a long time (another scheduling issue). This time though we got two guests: Castor and Lab’s VAs! Saiga called it a “church special” lol. It did feel like a mini reunion. The opening discussion was “what do you do to calm down when you feel stressed.” Lab’s VA said he likes to be alone/have alone time. Castor’s VA said he likes to eat sweets lol. Maybe it’s because Namikawa wasn’t there to react, but they barely read any fan mail. 
For a game, since Lab’s VA was there they played a “flower language” game where they had to guess what each flower signified. Somehow the flowers were also connected to birthdays? I tried to Google this but couldn’t find much. I want to know my birthday flower! Anyway, the final corner was a “Last Supper” where they ate something that was supposed to taste like chestnut and another thing that was supposed to taste like sweet potato. For once, both experiments were yummy. 
Episode 23
In this episode Namikawa comes back and so does Lab’s VA (sorry, I should probably learn his name). I was honestly pretty relieved to hear Namikawa again because he’s really the heart of the show. They discussed their blood types and caught Namikawa up on what he missed in the last episode. I finally looked up what the heck “Namikawa ga Kamu” means (the name of one of the corners) and I think what they’re going for is that he snaps at the listeners who send him ridiculous mail lol. Kamu has a bunch of different meanings so it took me awhile to get that.
They played another flower-themed game. This time they had to guess which flowers out of a bunch listed were currently blooming. They kept saying “ah that one blooms in winter, huh?” and I was like “wtf? Nothing blooms in winter!” Damn you Japan and your higher temps! This time Saiga and Lab’s VA lost and their punishment was to speak like a maiko (I didn’t even know maiko had a unique speech style). The final segment was responding to listeners worries but I honestly struggled to understand what they were saying and spaced out a little, oops! Lab’s VA said he wants to come back, but was disappointed in the lack of food this time around lol. 
Episode 24 
Wow, a Bastien episode, how unexpected. I honestly forgot what Bastien sounded like because he was in so little of the anime, but he has a nice, deep voice. Probably second deepest after Ayanami. It cracked me up how he and Namikawa bonded over how they both voice dead guys. The started the episode out by discussing what kind of food they like to eat in November and then talked about how popular/unpopular they were in their younger years. One fanmail asked what they would give Teito as a birthday present and no one really knew what to say LOL (it is a hard question). Namikawa said a camera and Bastien’s VA said “Mikage” loool. 
I thought the game they chose for the Bastien episode “find the impostor” was clever, but it was hard to play along. It was another game where they had to pick “which one of these doesn’t belong” out of a list of 07 Ghost things, but they didn’t clearly read out the options so it wasn’t super interesting to listen to. Bastien’s VA lost and his punishment was to talk like a country bumpkin for the next segment. They ended the episode by doing the confessional-like corner and listening to listener’s sins. Amen. 
Episode 25 
Another Kuroyuri episode! I guess she was really available lol. This one was recorded around Christmas time so it was slightly Christmas themed. They talked about sock fetishes (for some reason lol) & read some more chaotic fan mail. One girl that wrote in claimed to be from Namikawa’s elementary school and they freaked out. 
The game they played this time around was “what do you want for Christmas” where each person listed a bunch of things they might want for Xmas and then the others had to guess what the correct answer was. Kuroyuri asked something along the lines of “what cup size boobs do most women want?” I’m used to boobs coming up a lot in stupid anime so I was kinda surprised to hear real people have that conversation lol. Namikawa was clearly uncomfortable and gave the “I think size doesn’t matter” speech haha. (By the way, the answer was C cup). Namikawa lost as usual and had to use “reindeer speech” for the following segment. His interpretation of this was to add “tona” at the end of every sentence (because tonakai = reindeer). 
The final segment was Last Supper and they ate things that are supposed to taste like melon when you eat them together (white chocolate + apple juice, cucumber + honey). Apparently neither hit the mark but at least they weren’t too gross this time. 
Episode 26
Jun (Hakuren’s VA) returns! They call him “Jun Jun” which is way too cute. I think he’s one of my favorite guests, just cuz he’s so iconic and has great energy for radio. In this episode they discussed what color each person would be (Namikawa = orange, Jun = black, Saiga = blue). They also discussed New Year’s resolutions because this was recorded around January. They played an 07-Ghost themed version of karuta which was fun to play along with. Guess who lost? (It was Namikawa lol). I totally didn’t get what his punishment was. He had to talk like “maro/daimaro” and I couldn’t figure out via google what the heck that is.
In the final segment they gave advice to listeners. One listener asked what they should do about a mouse problem. Namikawa at first said “move” but then changed his answer to “get a cat” lol. Very inspired. Only 4 episodes to go~!
Episode 27
A rare no-guest episode. Namikawa seemed very fed up and low energy in this one lol. This was recorded in January so they discussed new years again. It’s kinda cool hearing time pass in these. Oh how innocent times were back in 2009/2010. The only thing that really stood out in the beginning of this episode was that one listener called Namikawa “Namikawa D-Cup-san” and Saiga and Namikawa died laughing. This was in reference to a past episode where Namikawa called himself that but he acted like he never said that loool. Honestly, the best part of this show is just hearing everyone laugh at dumb jokes.
The game they played this time around was pretty creative. Basically while one person was blindfolded the other had to help them draw a picture of a 07 Ghost character with verbal instructions. As they did so, they had to stay in-character. It was really funny hearing Saiga switch from polite Japanese to Teito’s feral speech style. You don’t really realize how cartoony anime character’s are until you hear natural speech right next to it (or maybe that’s just me lol). Namikawa lost again (I felt bad for him this time cuz he sounded genuinely disappointed) and his punishment was to stay in Mikage-mode until the end of the episode. He said acting so “pure” was exhausting. 
Episode 28
Another Haruse episode. He was really cute in this one, he admitted that he was nervous about doing radio and was worried his voice would shake haha. They again talked about New Years and New Year’s resolutions. They also took some kind of “psychology test” where they had to describe what color/pattern handkerchief they’d want to receive from a girl. The color handkerchief = the color of panties they like or something stupid like that lol. 
For the game, they had to put 07-Ghost characters in the correct order. Saiga had to order the ghosts, Haruse’s VA had to rank the Black Hawks, and Namikawa had to organize a bunch of characters in the order they’re introduced in the manga. Pretty difficult. Everyone did about the same so they had to do rocks, paper, scissors to decide the loser. The loser was, of course, Namikawa. His punishment was to sing everything like an opera singer for the next segment.
The final segment was giving advice to listeners. One person asked for advice on dating someone older than you and another person asked about giving “the talk” to their younger brother lol. At least I think that’s what they said. These advice portions have some tricky Japanese. 
Episode 29
The first Konatsu episode, it’s interesting to see them bring in new guests at the very end. Konatsu was one of my favorite characters so it’s unfortunate that I found his VA really annoying lol. His style of humor was to just repeat the same obnoxious thing over and over again and I found it really grating. This was recorded in February so they discussed how much you should spend on Valentine’s day chocolate. They also asked Konatsu’s VA what kind of character Konatsu is and he basically said “I had like no lines, so I dunno” lol. Too true. I forgot Konatsu was even in the anime.
For the game they had to pop some balloons and the more hearts they got the better their score was. (I guess they put heart on pieces of paper and stuffed them inside the balloons?) For once the loser was the guest and Konatsu’s VA had speak in a Kansai dialect for the final segment. The episode ended with “The Last Supper” and they ate avocado with vanilla ice cream, which apparently is supposed to taste like mango.
Episode 30
The grand finale! They actually called it that too. I wasn’t sure if they were going to acknowledge this as the last episode but they made it special. They did a lot of reflecting on how far they’d come and how the show seemed long and short at the same time. This was an hour long episode but they basically spent the entire time reading listener mail (which is my favorite part anyway). No games, no guests. Namikawa’s “kamu” corner got special background music for the first time. Most of the listener mail was people saying their goodbyes and being sad that the show was ending. 
At the end of the episode some staff person came into the studio to thank Namikawa and Saiga for their hardwork and to give them chocolate. Very cute. The depressing part is that both the hosts and the listeners were talking about “if season 2 happens...” which obviously never did. Pooor 07-Ghost :’( 
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