#maybe i can add some coupons but omg this look this look
mistress-light · 7 months
Oh no, I just found such a great look and I wanna buy it. But the price tag... I don't feel so good.
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dourpeep · 3 years
OKAY time for a college au!!
You 3 know each other from before college
You and kazuha were seating next to each other during your first year of high school you became close enough to greet each other whenever you guys pass by each other
And you and Xiao were best friends from kindergarten to 2 grade but unfortunately you had to move suddenly you two tried to keep contact but the two of you made new friends and kinda lost contact with each other
So when you go to college you meet kazuha at the front desk when you're trying to get your schedule and yall are like "omg I'm so happy to see someone that I know here!" and when you guys check your schedules it turns out that the two of you have the same class during the first period
And you're like "we've got 30 minutes wanna go grab a cup of coffee and get lost together?" and kazu knows that you playfully flirt with your friends so he jokingly says "are you asking me out for a date? Because if you are then I accept!" and you guys talk on the way to class and the two of you barely make it on time
Class ends and you're sad to say goodbye to the only person you know on campus but then all of a sudden he hits you with a "by the way can I have your number?" so you two exchange numbers
Later you're going to your last class and it turns out that this class doesn't have many people you go sit in the back and someone comes up to you and is like "can I sit next to you? " you say yes obviously
But the thing is... there is something very familiar about this guy and you just can't put your finger on it so you kind of stare at him without realizing it
Of course he noticed how hard you've been staring at him and turns around and is like "what? Is there something on my face?" that's when it finally clicks
And you're just like "XIAO??! IS THAT REALLY YOU?!!" but the teacher comes in so you two can't really talk
But the moment class ends you tell him who you are and take a few minutes to catch up
Though I say catch up it was mostly you teasing him saying shit like "I can't believe the shy kid who used to tear up whenever his turn on the swing was taken would grow up to be this handsome!" (he's starting to think that maybe he should have sat somewhere else)
So you're like "hey how we go actually catch up I've got some coupons for this café I went to this morning with a friend"
He doesn't have a reason to say no so he just accepts the invitation
When you guys get there who do you meet? KAZUHA! This man actually works there!
When you see him you're like "kazuha why didn't you tell me that you work here?" but he pretends not to know you and is like "oh? Well who might this fine customer be?" you can tell he's joking by the way he's trying not to laugh so you decide to play along
Poor Xiao is starting to regret coming with you (but don't worry he got 2 plates of almond tofu as an apology)
-no primogems (I'll make another part later where you 3 become roommates)
dhfaeiahe I realize now that I should've just posted this as is since I wasn't planning on adding to this but might as well add in some thoughts I've had about this lovely trio eh??? tbh I didn't add much I just slipped in a few little things hehe
Can you guess the roomates?? Also the bio professor is Albedo ehe
Considering it's the first semester of college, you haven't yet decided on your major. Luckily, you have quite a few general education classes to take, so you register all in one night.
You'll have the time to figure it all out as time goes by, no?
The rest of summer is spent juggling moving into the campus' dorms, working, and keeping up with some friends from high school. While you've kept contact with a few friends, you definitely kicked yourself in the ass for forgetting to ask Kazuha for his number...how could you forget one of your best friends?
But, you suppose that he's far off in a whole other city with his wish to experience more. You can't help but wonder what he's up to.
Then, the first day of classes starts.
How did you not figure out where everything is first? Instead of moping, you trudge to the administrative building early to ask for directions and, even better, a map of the large campus.
Instead, you find a familiar head of cream-colored hair.
Immediately, you gasp and he turns around in confusion, only for a soft smile to spread over his features. It's only been a summer but it's a relief to see that you know another person. Comparing schedules, he points out that you both have Communications 1301 together.
For once, you're glad you have to take these mandatory courses...
But with an abundance of time (as Kazuha just so happens to know where the class is), he accepts your jokingly firtatious proposal to head to the cafe just across campus to grab a morning drink.
It's hardly been long since you've last spoken to him, but there's still so much to talk about! It turns out he opted to rent out a small studio apartment just a few blocks away from campus! Naturally, he invites you over sometime.
He's also admitted that he decided to major in English--something you're not surprised to hear. After all, Kazuha's a natural at the subject, exceeding the assignments and always so eloquent.
If you recall correctly, he used to tote around a little notebook full of little musings and poetry during high school. You wonder if he still does that.
You talk about how you've just moved into the dorms a week ago, how you're lucky to be rooming with two musically inclined (if not a bit rowdy) people. You're sure that he'd take a liking to them once everything is calmed down a bit. Kazuha just raises a brow in half-doubt.
Before you know it, it's been an hours and, to your horror, your first class starts in five minutes. Not to mention that it was back closer to the admin building and you were on the opposite side of campus.
But it's still fun, Kazuha laughing as you jolt up and tug him to stand, the two of you running to get to class on time. With heaving breaths and flushed faces, you make it just a few minutes late. Luckily, your professor didn't mind because it was the first day...
Following class, you have to make your way to Bio 1301, Kazuha having a major-specific English course to get to. Before you can speak, though, he offers his phone to you. It's newer than his old flip phone you'd tease him about all the time, the screen clean save for a few stray fingerprints.
After you put in your number, he beams and quickly sends you a call so you can have his too.
"Call me after you're done with classes, alright?"
You promise to and the two of you set off.
Biology proves to be uneventful, a full hour and a half of the (rather attractive) professor going over what to expect as well as passing out lab waiver forms. A necessary precaution, he said with a reserved sigh. You wonder what happened.
When the hour ends, you have some time before World History, followed by a Trigonometry course.
By the time you find your trig class, most of the seats are already taken, making that feeling of dread fill the pit of your stomach. Nothing is worse than being forced to take whatever seat is left. But, noticing a seat by the windows, it's not so bad.
You're in the back, though, settling your bag beneath your chair and picking out a pen and schedule book.
At some point, someone walks in and asks if the seat in front of you is taken. You don't bother to look up long as you fish out a notebook, letting him know it's free.
As class goes on, you realize that the guy in front of you most likely hasn't been paying attention. Considering that the professor has been rehashing stuff from Algebra...you're not surprised. But something about his dark hair catches your eye. Not to mention his striking gold eyes...hm.
It's not until you catch his profile as he stares out the window that it clicks.
His eyes dart to look at you, a confused look washing over his face. You repeat his name.
Part of him is just about ready to leave as recognition floods your expression, smile wide. How could you possibly---
"I can't believe the shy kid who used to tear up whenever his turn on the swing was taken would grow up to be this handsome!"
The tips of his ears turn red fast, something that you remember very well about him, and his gaze quickly flicks over to the professor still dragging on. When gold settles back on you, they're practically begging for you to lower your voice.
"It's been forever--I can't believe that you-"
"If you're going to talk, do it outside of class."
Ah. Oopsie.
Time seems to drag on while you buzz in your seat, excited to see your childhood friend after loosing contact. You've missed him over the years, always wondering what happened to him, how he's been. And finally, when class ends, he gets up and waits for you.
Naturally, you want to catch up, so you invite him to go to the cafe with you for a late lunch.
"You still like almond tofu right? It's all you used to eat when we were little." Laughing, you nudge his shoulder and the color returns to his cheeks as he mumbles a yes.
When you step into the cafe, a familiar voice greets you.
"If I knew a cute customer would be coming, I would've gone on break."
Kazuha leans on the counter, mirth in his eyes and you gasp. It makes sense now, why he's so well acquainted with the campus and why he'd already known what to order when you arrived for drinks-
"What can I get for you today?"
"Your number."
Xiao's face pales at the blatant flirting, wondering if he should've just declined the invitation to the cafe until the two of you burst into laughter. Though, it's hardly better.
"Sorry, sorry- This is Kazuha, one of my friends from high school. Kazuha, this is my childhood best friend Xiao."
With a day so filled with nice coincidences, you doubt that life can get any better than this.
Oh, how wrong you'd be.
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tsunderedoctor · 3 years
Hay Purple! How are you doing?
I would like to request some Headcanons with female reader and the characters: Law, Kidd, Ace and if you feel inspired every character you want.
The idea was a bit on the modern AU side? Hope that's okay haha. How would the characters react going grocery shopping with their s/o?
I hope this makes sense and is not too boring. If it is, feel free to delete! Thanks a lot (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Hello~!! This is so cute omg--! I'm going to add Mihawk to this too because the man is an Ace at grocery shopping! 💞💞
Trafalgar D. Water Law
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Was the one to suggest (demand) you two go grocery shopping. Has a whole list and will refuse to buy anything not on it. Bread is not an option either I’m sorry-
He tries to get anything healthy for both of you and gets things he knows you will need to help you stay healthy (Diabetic? He knows the right foods for it. Anemic? He’s got you boo.).
Will also buy bundle packs of coffee and you cannot stop him- this man lives off rice and coffee, and he’s a doctor so you can’t say anything! If you like sweets will refuse those as well, unless you give him some puppy dog eyes, then maybe you can have one or ten, but don’t push it!
Has a schedule of what items you get first and has a preferred store he shops at. Will not see him at a regular grocery store, he will go to those organic expensive places because he’s “healthy”- 
Also goes at certain times and days and he keeps coupons (he collects them like his coins-) so bae knows when it’s the best time to get those deals. Honestly 10/10 I need a man like this in my life so I don’t die from eating sweets-
Eustass "Captain" Kid
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The one who eats all the samples and doesn’t give a shit if the worker tries to stop him, they shouldn’t have left it out if he couldn’t eat it! Honestly, it’s their fault not his! Will also complain the entire time and try to sneak alcohol into the basket, if you catch him, his next step is to hide it in his pants. 
Glares at everyone who walks past you guys, he feels the need to claim his dominance, especially at the little old lady who asked him to reach something for her. How dare she assume she can ask him for help (Oh you’re looking he better help-)!
His favorite food is cabbage rolls so he expects a lot of your recipes to include those (please-). Will also want a lot of meat dishes so also add that to your list.
Is the one to wear his pajamas because he was last minute dragged to go to the store with you. His hair will be down and he will be grumpy as hell (maybe that’s why he asserts his dominance?). 
Doesn’t speak to the clerk or workers at all and if they say “Welcome/Goodbye” his response is his middle finger and his back walking away from them.
Portgas D. Ace
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The chillest to take shopping. He can also be a prankster too so expect him to want to ride inside the basket or off the end. He buys things based off how they look; so usually goes for items designed for kids because “That robot looks so cool babe!” 
Will ask to be sent on missions to find items that are halfway across the store for you just so he can run around and act like it’s a scavenger hunt. Unlike some people, will help the little old lady with no issues! He actually ends up making friends with strangers at the market and it gets difficult to leave because he wants to talk more-
Would totally go to the grocery store shirtless and be offended when they tell him he has to wear a shirt to get inside. Will probably wear something insane in protest.
Has no complains on what you purchase, literally doesn’t care what he eats as long as you can cook and it’s not all the way burnt the boy is happy. He does like spicy foods so keep that in mind if you ever decide to impress this boy with your cooking skills!
Is the type to carry all the bags in one go and will refuse your help. It’s like watching a train wreck and not being able to do anything to stop it- however, he manages to get them all inside!
Dracule Mihawk
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This man takes what you like into consideration more than what he likes. Doesn’t expect anything from you so if you don’t want to go shopping that’s okay, he will do it happily. 
He also oddly knows when you are low on other household and hygienic items so he stocks up on pads or your favorite scented soaps. You could literally forget to put it on the list and he will just pull it out saying he knew already. 
His favorite food (should be a drink but whatever-) is wine so he has an assortment of different types and uses your pantry as a wine shack. It can be a bit annoying, but you know your party guests won’t mind so you allow it. 
Will dress up going to the store like he’s going out to dance. Will also only talk to people if they talk to him first; doesn’t say anything when the cute old lady asks for help, just does it. 
Another couponer, but unlike Law he doesn’t get a thrill of collecting them, he gets a thrill of watching the price drop. Would totally be on “Extreme Couponers” and would have the store pay him back for shopping. 
Has your kitchen area organized to the point everything has a place, will also know if something is out of place even if he wasn’t in the room. Also cleans the house to perfection. Perfect house husband, marry this man-
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Do you feel comfortable wearing tube tops? Noooo. You’ll never see me in a tube top. I don’t even wear tank tops. Has something someone said today annoyed you? Not so far, ha. I haven’t interacted with anyone, yet. It’s only 4:33AM.  Can you hear the crickets chirping at night? No. Do you like listening to new music, or just sticking to your favorites? I like new music, but I do love listening to my good ol’ favorites. I have a playlist that consists of a variety of music, new and old, from various genres and decades, that I just click shuffle and listen.  So far, where have you been on vacation? I haven’t gone anywhere this year, yet. 
Did you ever feel that there was something you couldn't tell anyone? Yep. Old stuff and ongoing, current stuff. Do you tend to gossip, even if you don't mean it to cause harm? It does happen. I’ll see something on social media about someone I know and tell my mom or brother. Family gossip stuff. Not to talk shit, but it’ll be like, “omg did you see what so and so posted/did/whatever.” Or like if someone is pregnant or broke up or whatever.  My main gossip is celebrity stuff, though. ha. When was the last time you were bitten by a bug? I don’t recall. It’s been a long time, thankfully. Have you ever gotten your hair permed? No. Do you have a pair of sunglasses that are worth over $200? I don’t have any sunglasses. I don’t wear ‘em, but if I did I sure wouldn’t spend that much. Not anywhere close. Would you ever go on a trip to Europe? Absolutely. I’d love to. There’s so many places I’d love to visit. Are you brave when it comes to trying new foods? Nopeee. I have the same few foods I rotate between. It’s a small list. When was the last time you saw your significant other? I’m single. Is there a friend that you can always go to for advice? I can go to my mom. Have you ever been to a town/place where the people were just creepy? No. Ew, I hope I never go somewhere like that. What's the fastest you've ever driven in a car? I’ve never driven a car. If you see a piano, are you tempted to go over and play a little something? I would. Especially because it’s been over 10 years since I last played.  Is there someone you know who bakes amazing sweets? Yeah. Are you ashamed of your singing voice? I can’t sing for shit, but it doesn’t stop me from singing to myself or around my family. I try to sound as decent as I can, ha. I’m not like those people on American Idol they show that can’t sing well at all, but they think they can and they’re just on there wailing. lol. Has anyone teased you with the "K-I-S-S-I-N-G" song? Yeah. Have you ever had a dream where you could understand a foreign language? No. That would be weird. What time is it where you are? 4:45AM. Do you have anything important to do tomorrow? I have my Bible study stuff. Have you ever owned a beanbag chair? Yeah, when I was a kid we had one. If you own a laptop, do you have a case for it? I do. What was the last movie you purchased on DVD? I don’t even remember. I haven’t bought a physical DVD in yearssss.  Are you a fan of retro things? Yeah. Do you do your own laundry? No. I need help with that, which my mom does. Have you ever used pastels? Yes. Is there a song you're listening to at the moment? No. Would you be considered to be knowledgeable about World War 2? Not really. Have you ever been in possession of a hundred dollar bill? Yes. Is there one food you cannot give up, even though you know it's unhealthy? I don’t eat healthy at all, but the worst thing I eat is probably ramen. I love it, though.  Will you bother having a party for your next birthday? Nah, I’m old. I just like doing something lowkey with my parents and brother. Although, last year my aunt and cousin came over for a game night and cheesecake for my birthday and that was fun. I’d be up for that again. If you're with someone right now, do you think it will last? Who was the last person you flipped off? I have no idea. That’s not something I really do. Like, ever. Do you currently have a job? No. What was the last movie that was unable to capture your interest? Hmm. I don’t remember.  Have you heard of the Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers? The name rings a bell. Do you have something to do, that you would rather not do? There’s a few things. Are you, in any way, feeling hopeless right now? I’ve felt that way for a long time. Is there someone you just need to call and talk to? No. I don’t like talking on the phone. Are you one of those people who can eat anything and not gain a pound? Yes. I used to like that about myself, but it’s a problem for me, currently. These past few years I’ve lost weight due to health stuff and as someone who was already thin...yeah, not good. It’s caused problems for me. Are you nails painted at the moment? No. It’s been a few years since I’ve painted my nails. Is there a song you've been listening to lately on repeat? There’s a few songs lately that I always like to listen when listening to music. I just hit shuffle on my playlist, but there’s a few I like to just add to queue to make sure they come up. Lately, it’s been a couple Billie Eilish songs. Do you know who you're planning to ask to your grad prom? I’m 30 years old. I did go to prom; though, but I didn’t have a date. I just went with friends. When was the last time you went shopping? A few weeks ago. Is there anyone who did something absolutely hilarious today? Not so far. Again, it’s really early and I haven’t interacted with anyone, yet.  Are you having one of those days where you feel unattractive? “one of those days” is everyday for me, old sport. I feel unattractive and I am unattractive.  Do you like hot dogs? No. Do you ever get bored of your music collection and get new songs? I like to check out new music and add it to my playlist to add to the rotation, but I love my old stuff, too. Have you ever bought a designer purse? I’ve been gifted one. What's the limit on how much you would pay for a shirt? I’d say like $30. I mean, I’d obviously prefer cheaper if I can find a good sale or have a good coupon, but if not then yeah about $30. Would you ever like to see the Walk of Fame? Sure. Is it currently humid where you are? No. Have you been in any sort of physical pain today? Of course. Have you ever heard of the German movie Das Boot? Nope. Who were the last people you hung out with? My mom and brother. Has someone ever called you "obnoxious"? Not that I’m aware of.  Most commonly, do you obey rules, or break them? I’m more of a rule follower. Do you like making funny faces in pictures? Nah. Is there something you look back on and go "I can't believe I did that"? A lot of things... Are you good at offering advice? I think I used to be. At least, my friends seemed to think so since I was the one they always came to for advice. I wouldn’t say I am now, though. No one should ask me anything. When was the last time you had to resort to a map? I just use Google Maps if I need directions. I’ve never used an actual map. Your significant other: have you told them you love them lately? What was the last thing to confuse you? Life. How many different colors have you dyed your hair? 3. Do you know someone who always spells "bored" like "board"? No. Are you wearing make up right now? No. I haven’t worn makeup in over a year. Is there a phrase that you use a lot? Words and phrases, yeah. Are you old enough to vote? I’ve been old enough to vote for over 10 years now. Do you have a favorite pair of earrings? Yes, the rose gold Minnie Mouse earrings I got for Christmas. Have you ever been to Disneyworld/Disneyland? I’ve been to Disneyland a few times. Have you dated someone more than twice? Not more than twice, but twice. Are you a fan of Keira Knightley? I’m indifferent.  Have you ever resorted to alcohol to make you feel better? It never helped. Maybe briefly, but it was always short lived. Do you own a full-length mirror? Yeah. Do you ever go on PerezHilton.com to get all the celeb gossip? I see his tweets. Have you heard about Mel Gibson's rant/freakout? Yeah. That was ages ago. Do you wish your bedroom was bigger? Yes, that would be nice. My room is quite small and I have too much stuff. Are you aware of the significance of the date April 14th, 1912? I am, actually. Do you ever just lay back and watch the stars? No. Lately have you had much time to relax? You would think so since I spend majority of my time at home in bed. I wouldn’t call it relaxing, though. Not for me. I have health stuff, physically and mentally, and feel like crap, so. Did anything important/changing happen to you in March 2009? That was over 10 years ago, I don’t remember. I guess nothing that important happened. Nothing memorable, at least. Have you ever felt like a "new person"? Yes, but not in a good way. These past few years have changed me and not for the better. Do you own any expensive jewelry? Yes. What size is your TV? 32 inch, I think. Do you occasionally creep on people on Facebook? Nah. I don’t spend a lot of time on Facebook and what little time I do spend I’m just scrolling through my feed “liking” stuff and sharing an occasional post. I won’t say that I’ve never done that, though. ha. Who hasn’t. Has there been someone in your life that just wouldn't leave you alone? Yeah, in the past.  Do you hate to use public bathrooms? Yes. I very rarely do. Do you find most remixes of songs to be good or bad? It really just depends. I’ve heard good ones and I’ve heard shitty ones. There have been some I liked better than the original. Write something to someone who means a lot to you: Nah. I’ll just say goodnight!
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thesmithfamily08 · 3 years
Summer 2021
We started off the summer with our Disney trip and never really slowed down.  Rob worked tirelessly on the kitchen, right now all the cabinets are in all the drawers are in, all the appliances up and running, and he got the floors in!  Hallelujah! They are beautiful too, I’m so happy with our choices at this point.  We have the countertops bought...but they are booked way out, looks like it may even be into October when they finally come and install them, yikes.  Rob has put plywood down and I put down table cloths so I can clean them off and what not, so honestly it is working just fine, It’ll just look a lot better when the actual countertops are in.  All he has left at this point in the kitchen is the drawer fronts and all the trim work.  We have kind of put a pause on everything though because Rob is officially back to work as of yesterday and the kids start in two weeks.  Not to mention the cost of wood right now is crazy high, from the pandemic, we are hoping it goes back down soon so we can buy the rest of the wood but until then, we wait.  
So what else did we do over the summer, the kids and I did the summer reading program at the library, then we went around and use all our little coupons.  The biggest one was a day at Safari Joes waterpark, which Max and Penny went down the giant slides, Penny kind of ping ponged down the first time so she was done but Max went back and did it a bunch more.  Lily rode the taller slides, we call them the twisty ones for the first time this year too, plus she rode the tube ride.  She was super scared but tried it and didn’t want to do anything else the rest of the day.  It was a great day, stupid hot and somehow we managed to leave without a sunburn so all in all it was a fantastic day!  The kids have had friends over quite a bit this summer too, the girls down the street come over often and Max has a couple friends he cycles through inviting over.  It is hard to believe they are getting so big sometimes.  Our other big trip this summer was going to the river with Robs parents and Katie and Daniel.  Plus baby Caroline was there which was great because we haven’t seen her since she was just born.  She is 4 months old now and almost sitting up on her own.  We all floated the 12 mile on a raft and stayed at a cabin at Arrowhead resort for 2 nights.  It was really hot then too but with the water we managed to stay cool and had a lot of fun, I hope that it becomes a more regular trip.  Max went to two summer camps this year with boy scouts.  The first one was right after Disney like we had only been home two days and him and Rob left.  They camped two nights and did a bunch of activities, archery, bb guns, crafts, etc.  Then he went on another one called Webelos Aquatic camp and that was also 2 nights but it was all about water, they did a swim test, which Max passed! They also did canoeing and took a boat ride around Skiatook Lake.  He seemed to really enjoy it I think he will probably go back next year to the swimming one at least.  The girls didn’t do any summer camps this year but they did dance all summer.  They have upgraded from just ballet to, ballet and tap and Jazz!  They learned a dance in each class and they recorded them.  They are going to stick to those classes for the fall and Penny is also going to add in a hip hop class!  Plus, omg Lily had decided she was going to do soccer this fall...well now Penny is doing it too, so between 3 different dance classes and two different soccer teams, plus Max’s scouts (which Rob and I are the den leaders for) and Max is going to start swimming lessons and hopefully get on the swim team in the spring...we are going to have a busy fall too! I guess when kids are the ages they are you are just busy all the time, it is just part of the life, but honestly I’m super excited about it, I think they are all going to have a lot of fun and I can’t wait to see them do amazing things.  So more about the summer, the kids played in the pool a lot, my mom has her pool open too and the kids and I have gone over there a few times and swim also.  It seems to have been a pretty hot summer this year, like 100 or close to it almost every day.  My garden has suffered from the heat but it is all still doing ok.  I made like 15 jars of dill pickles a couple weeks ago, and I have 3 gallon bags of frozen squash, though the squash bugs have officially done those plants in.  I wish my tomatoes were doing better but we have made over 10 jars of salsa and ate every bit of it!  I have another pile I’m going to make into salsa either today or tomorrow.  I have decided that salsa that has been cooked and canned doesn’t taste half as good as fresh salsa so we are sticking to just eating is fresh.  So maybe it is good my tomatoes aren’t doing great because I don’t think we would be able to catch up otherwise.  I planted 4 pumpkin plants and ended up with 1 pumpkin, the squash bugs moved to them after I pulled the squash.  At least I got one pumpkin though, and it is huge and beautiful so I’m pretty stoked about it.  We will see if it’ll last until October...
So Penny learned how to do a back bend this summer!  Max learned to do a pullover on the bar, and Lily is soooo close to getting it on her own.  Max learned how to land his front flip on the trampoline which he has been trying to get for what seems like forever at this point, He is pretty proud of himself.  So we only have a few more weeks until school starts back up, I should find out the kids teachers next week.  Robs school starts a week earlier than the kids but he is helping with some coursework at the school this week for the science department.  Something about getting more stuff online because damnit covid is still around.  On that note, we have had an almost normal summer, masks aren't a thing in stores anymore everything is open to full capacity, movie theaters and concerts are back, California even opened up finally everything looked like it was going in the right direction....but it is creeping back up again, there is a new variant called delta and I guess it is easier to spread and more serious than the original....and the numbers are starting to skyrocket again.  Kids aren't going to have to wear masks at school and they say they aren’t going to contact trace kids ot of the classrooms...so maybe it wont get too bad.  They are definitely wanting to have a normal year but if people keep not getting a vaccine I don’t know how it is going to go away without killing a lot more people.  At least everyone I know over the age of 12 is vaccinated.  I think we are all pretty ready to get back to normal life. 
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grocery--stories · 6 years
Which Came First--the Chicken or the Loss of my Sanity?
I wanted to make soup tonight.
I’ve found a lovely recipe for a creamy chicken and mushroom soup, and I’ve tinkered with it enough that I’m very happy with the results. I make a big pot every couple of weeks and just keep perpetual soup in my fridge, which will be lovely as the days continue to get colder and colder. 
To make it, I buy one of those hot, cooked rotisserie chickens from the grocery store and boil it in the stock with all the veggies and flavorings and seasonings. then I pick the meat off the bones and boom--delicious soup with tons of flavor. So I stopped at the store to pick up a chicken, which I thought would take ten minutes, tops.
My first obstacle came in the form of a teeny Japanese woman. As I approached the case that holds the cooked chickens, I saw there was only ONE LEFT. So I started to hurry...but to no avail. I was within 10 feet of my goal when the aforementioned teeny Japanese woman swooped in--yes, SWOOPED--and took that last chicken.
Right out from under my nose.
Grumbling, I went to the deli counter, as I knew they kept the chickens in an oven in the back. There were two workers there, both of whom totally ignored me.
I cleared my throat. Nothing.
I gave a little wave and said, “Helloooooooo.” Still nothing.
Okay. It was time to bring out the “I was trained as an actor and can make myself heard across a crowded theatre” voice.
“HELLO THERE,” I boomed, and yes indeedy that got their attention. The young man, who looked an awful lot like Chris Griffin from Family Guy, looked at me, but didn’t say anything.
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The woman looked up at me and said, “I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I have to go over there.” And she quickly scooted away.
I looked expectantly at Chris Griffin. He stared at me as if terrified. He finally came up to the counter and asked, “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” I said. “I just need to know if you have any cooked rotisserie chickens back there.”
“........Chickens?” he asked, as if he’d never heard the word.
“Yes,” I said, pointing to the case where the chickens usually live. “You know, the ones from over there.”
“I don’t know. I’d have to find out.” He didn’t move.
“Um....could you then?” I asked. Fortunately there were no other customers needing help. He finally disappeared in the back, but returned almost immediately.
“They said the other person, the woman who just left, has to ask them,” he told me.
I asked if he would be kind enough to ask her to ask them if they have any chickens. He went to get her, and to her credit she did come back immediately. She said there were chickens and she’d just pop back and get me one.
Finally! Progress!
Ten minutes later, I was sourly thinking that progress was very slow indeed. I finally asked Chris Griffin if he’d please go back there and find out about my chicken.
Honestly. I just wanted a freaking chicken.
So he went back, and then came out with a strange expression on his face.
“She just closed the oven door and now she’s on the phone,” he told me. He saw my expression (I can only imagine what it must have looked like) and flinched. “I’m sorry,” he said.
I believed him. 
“You can buy one of the cold whole chickens if you like,” he told me. I asked him what he meant, and he took me to another case that had, apparently, the unsold rotisserie chickens from yesterday. They had been refrigerated, but since I was just going to boil the whole thing in a soup, I didn’t care if it was fresh or not. I thanked him soundly, told him he’d been very helpful, and started picking through the chickens for a nice fat one.
I just just made my choice and put the chicken in my cart when the other woman came puffing up to me.
“Okay, so here’s the deal,” she said emphatically. I suddenly wondered if I’d inadvertently stumbled into some sort of situation. Was “chicken” a password or code for something? Was I now embroiled in a game of espionage? Had the woman been on the phone with another agent getting the assignment for whoever gave her the password, “Do you have any rotisserie chickens”? And do I now have to write a novel where this happens?
But no. She simply explained to me that some yahoo had left the oven door open and so the chickens were not cooked to a high enough temperature to be safe for eating. I thanked her for not selling me a chicken that would make me sick, and she gave me a coupon for a free chicken as an apology for my inconvenience. So the store bought me a cold chicken and now it is in a soup that I heartily enjoyed for supper. But never have I had so much trouble just to find out about a chicken.
To add insult to injury, I found an open express lane at the checkouts and just as I approached....THE TEENY JAPANESE WOMAN SLID IN FRONT OF ME AND PUT THE LAST HOT ROTISSERIE CHICKEN ON THE BELT.
Hrmph. Maybe it WAS an espionage setup after all.
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brittanykotary · 7 years
OMG, LOVE! - October
Who has two thumbs and isn’t omg, loving that it gets dark at 4pm and my summer tan is distant memory? Okay, I guess four thumbs total because my mom (Kath) really hates it too. My October was filled with tons of fall fun - going on adventures and exploring new spots with old friends and getting in some quality relaxing time after lots of traveling. Here are some of my favorites from the month! 
Beauty and Fashion:
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EcoTools Perfecting Blender Duo - I picked up these sponges to try when Ulta was having a Buy One Get One 50% Off sale on EcoTools products and I’m really enjoying them! They are a fraction of the price of Beauty Blenders and maybe even work better in my opinion! The lighter yellow/green one is smaller and perfect for applying and setting concealer under the eyes and they both wash/reuse really well. 
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Macy’s Beauty Box - After seeing EleventhGorgeous review this box on YouTube, I knew I had to try it out for myself. If you’ve been around Ginger Snap! for awhile (lookin at you Kath and Laura Cocco) you know I’ve tried my fair share of subscription boxes - Birchbox, Ipsy and POPSUGAR Must Have to name a few. This one from Macy’s is $15 per month and comes with five deluxe beauty samples, a bonus item, a collectible cosmetics bag and a $5 beauty coupon you can use at Macy’s. I’ve gotten it for three months now and I’m really loving it! The samples are awesome, higher-end brands and generous sizes. I especially liked the October box that had a lot of great skincare items in travel-friendly sizes that I will definitely be refilling and reusing. If you’ve tried Birchbox and Ipsy and are looking for something new and fresh or are in need of a one time gift for a beauty lover, I’d definitely recommend trying this box out! 
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Spiffy Mobile Car Wash & Detailing - If you know me, you know the upkeep and parking location of my car is something I take very seriously. I definitely have my dad (Tom) and brother (Patch) to thank for that. After my yearly inspection and maintenance, my adorable little Civy was in dire need of some love. I saw an ad for Spiffy - a mobile car washing and detailing service - on Facebook and decided to give it a try. Let me tell you, it was amazing. They come to you - at home or at work - and do everything from a simple wash and vacuum to a full detail and hand wax. You can even add on an oil change! So stinking cool. It was really easy to book and pay - you do everything through the app - and the technician I had was prompt and incredibly nice. Spiffy currently operates in Raleigh and Charlotte, North Carolina, Atlanta, Georgia, Los Angeles, California and Dallas, Texas. If you live in any of those areas and want to give it a try, share your email address with me and I can get you a $20 off promo code!
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Wemo Mini Smart Plug - Thanks to a tip from one Mr. Patrick Van Tassell, I picked up this smart plug on the last Amazon Prime Day and I’m not sure how I ever lived without it. It connects to your wifi and Amazon Alexa - I currently have my living room lamp plugged into it. So when I say, “Alexa, turn on the light” the light. turns. on. It’s awesome and yes probably not completely necessary, but #technology and #thefuture.
Food and Bevies:
Delish Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Chip Cookies - Who else is addicted to watching every single Tasty and Delish cooking video that shows up in their Facebook feed? After I saw this one for Pumpkin Spice Chocolate Chip Cookies I had to give it a try. I’ve made them twice now and they do not disappoint! Super cakey and not too overly pumpkin’y. Last weekend I tried another recipe for Bakery Style Soft Baked Pumpkin Cookies that uses a lower amount of oil (that Delish recipe uses two sticks of butter 😳) and they came out really well too! They have a similar cakey texture and are much larger if you follow the baking instructions. Rounding out the pumpkin cookie goodness, I also tried and became addicted to the Trader Joe’s Petite Pumpkin Spice Cookies in October, so go try those before they are gone for the season!
Laura in the Kitchen and Everyday Food with Sarah Carey - These are two of my very favorite YouTube channels and influencers! Laura has the sweetest accent and family and Sarah always makes me laugh. I love them and their channels because they both teach and inspire me to try new things when it comes to cooking! I like that they encourage creativity and simplicity in the kitchen, too! Definitely check them out if you’re looking for food’spiration around the holidays. {While editing this, I realized both of these videos I pulled for examples of their awesomeness are recipes for some variation of “cheesy” and “potatoes” related dishes. Definitely a coincidence, but I’m going to guess no one is complaining.}
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Kevin (Probably) Saves the World - I started watching this after my TV (and so many other wonderful things) partner in crime, MRS. Rebecca Van Tassell recommended it and I really (zero surprise there) like it!! It’s such a cute and funny story and I love both Jason Ritter (hello, Parenthood) and JoAnna Garcia Swisher (hello, Reba and Nick Swisher). Everyone please go watch it so it doesn’t get cancelled! {Omg Rebs, remember Ringer? UGH miss and love you and that show.}
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Taylor Swift - {Carla if you’re reading this stop here and go watch something true crime.} This past month I have been really into listening to old (like really old) Taylor Swift in anticipation of her new album. “Mean” from Speak Now and “All Too Well” from Red are just two I’ve had on repeat lately. I have been a fan of hers for a long time and I’m not ashamed to say I pre-ordered Reputation! Whether you like her or not, it is pretty amazing how she has A - evolved as an artist and B - how she can make such HUGE waves and create so much buzz around a single Instagram post or lyric. I truly feel like she means well and is just trying to live (even though the old Taylor is no longer with us) her best life sharing her musical creativity. All I’m saying is, her music may not be for everyone, but what music really is? LWYMMD.
What fun things did you get into in October that I should try this month? What is your ALL TIME favorite Thanksgiving dish? Let me know and also what you think of the new layout on Twitter @brit_kotary using #OmgLove!
Clinks and winks <3 
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