#maybe i need a vacation
mikes81vw · 1 year
I feel I can't really talk to anyone right now. It's not that I won't, it's just no one really makes me feel like I can trust them.. Not that people aren't trustworthy, but I'd want to feel like I can get things off my chest without having to small talk, you know?
Maybe I'm meant to not have people like that in my life.
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maple-writes · 2 years
Hate when I'm driving and the person behind me wants to go faster and so they tailgate me and then when I dont go faster flash their high beams
like I SAW you there and I and SO uncomfortably aware you are right behind me so it's not like I don't know you want to go faster but I don't and flashing lights at me certainly doesnt change that
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werewolf-fricker · 2 years
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lurukifennecfox · 4 days
Ember had an idea!
Babypop had it rough lately and things have calmed down but he still seems stressed so she's gonna help 'im out!
the thing is, he needs a way to express himself an' get outa 'ere because Amity has way too much shit goin' on and she knows for a fact babypop is gonna try and help and won't get any rest so she's plotting.
Amber will get him on tour! she's already got herself established as a "meta" so no one's gonna bat an eye at her and she knows Phantom has nice voice when he tries!
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saetoru · 1 year
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al-haitham’s the kind of guy who tilts his head slightly for a kiss before you even lean in to give him one. he just knows it’s coming. expects it. trusts it’ll happen.
he’s yawning when he sits at the table for breakfast, hair slightly disheveled from sleep. he sits down and when you place the mug of coffee in front of him, his head angles a little for that kiss you place on his cheek.
he’s drowned in endless paperwork at the akademiya when you stop by to visit, chuckling when he gives you that look of despair at the all the work he has to do. you don’t even manage to walk up to him fully before he’s leaning in and waiting for the kiss to the top of his head.
he’s shirtless in the bathroom, brushing his teeth at night when you walk in to brush yours too, bumping hips with his as you giggle. you don’t even have to turn before he’s tilting his head so he’s exposed and ready for that gentle peck you leave at his jaw.
“have you ever noticed how demanding you are for these,” you chuckle one day, pressing a kiss to his cheek to prove your point.
he grunts, leaning in and burying his head into your neck as you greet him at the door after a long day. “what makes you say that,” he mumbles.
“you’re ready for one before i’ve even come close,” you grin, “what if one day i don’t kiss you?”
“you’d stop kissing me?” he asks, squeezing your hips as he nuzzles into your neck. something tells you he already knows your answer.
and he’s warm. he’s close. he’s here and he’s everything all at once. he’s all you need and everything you’ve ever wanted. he’s the messy hair of your mornings and the pouty lips of your afternoons and that shirtless back of every night. he meets you halfway—maybe even takes the first step so you don’t have to.
he leans in for that kiss before you do. because he needs you, wants you, loves you—and he never lets you forget it. so you turn your head, press your lips against the side of his head and run your fingers through his hair as he sighs in content.
“no,” you hum, falling in love all over again, “no i’d never stop kissing you.”
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reineydraws · 9 months
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wanted: marine hunter takanome mihawk
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no-see-um-incorrect · 1 month
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To anyone who was watching the stream tonight and witnessed me losing my goddamn marbles over this man
I’m not sorry 
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thisgingerhasnosoul · 11 months
I've been trying and trying and trying to get back into fandom shitposting and metas and writing—escaping and finding some enjoyment in being here, but I just… can't. Fandom seems so unimportant now. What's the point of getting invested in any it? None of it's real, none of it truly affects our lives. And it doesn't change the real world; it doesn't change that so many people have died and are dying still—or that those I thought would protect Jews are engaging in the very tactics the Nazis and so many before them used to justify their genocides against us. I'm struggling to find the motivation to do anything besides wallow in the pain of losing family members, the slaughter of my people, and the danger posed to me, personally, within the diaspora. To be honest, finding any joy in life feels futile and wrong.
And this is why I'm so angry at all the random goyishe fandom blogs posting about how evil white Israeli colonizers control the world and are lying about what happened to them (but also how it would totally okay if had happened, since they deserve it). Because these supposed progressives? It's all performative bullshit for them. It doesn't affect their lives in any actual way. They can post about how (((Israelis))) are the real baby killers; they can deny the murder of Jewish children and rape while in the same breath claiming it would be justified if it was true. They can parrot every Nazi talking point in all but name, from Blood Libel to Holocaust Denial to the Elders of Zion, and still believe they are on the side of social justice. Then they can go back to their petty fandom drama feeling good about themselves and forget all about it, while everyone I love and everyone like us suffers the consequences of their actions for years to come. We'll live with the trauma and the pain and the loss—and they'll go on with their lives feeling morally superior to the people they intentionally, callously hurt.
Just... fuck them.
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pluvio-floret · 1 month
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lost-in-fandoms · 2 months
Rich business owner Daniel is on vacation, staying in a fancy beach resort, spending a lot of time at the beach bar and at the pool. Resort worker Max who stumbles all over himself to be around him and bring him everything he asks for (and everything he doesn't).
One night after Max has asked for the fifth time if Daniel needs anything else (he doesn't), Daniel tells him listen you're very cute but you're way too young for me and also this is your place of work, you need to lay off a bit. Everything Max hears is "you're very cute" and kind of stops listening after that, but Daniel is right, it is his place of work, so he tries to be a little less obvious.
The thing is, Daniel is on vacation with a couple of friends, but he's still kind of bored? They have a few activities planned, but mostly they just hang around and go for swims (which Max really appreciates) and he's used to be busy all day every day, so this is not exactly his thing.
On day four he ends up asking Max if he knows of anything he could do to entertain himself (Max needs to work very hard to not answer "yes, me") and Max tells him a few things and then very selfishly kindly offers himself as a guide.
Daniel says okay fuck it and they start hanging out a lot, Max driving him around to places, showing him the island and taking him to secret spots, and Daniel forgets he is not only working but also several years younger and just enjoys himself. Max is funny, hot as fuck, laughs at all his jokes and is very clearly into him, so one night they stay out a bit too late at a bar in town and Daniel gets slightly too tipsy (Max is sober since he's driving) and they end up kissing. Max uses literally every last bit of his self control to not give in when Daniel asks him if he wants to go back to his room, because Daniel is drunk and also he had told Max he had to lay off before, but does end up dragging Daniel back and if he leaves a kiss on his forehead when he lays him in bed nobody needs to know.
Daniel has sort of a freak out the day after because he thinks he took advantage of Max's kindness, staying in his room with the excuse of being hungover, but Max knocks on his door that evening bringing him dinner (that Daniel hadn't ordered) because he's a no-bullshit man.
He tells him that it's fine if Daniel doesn't want to do anything, but Max is plenty old enough to know what he wants and to know what he can and cannot do at work, so if Daniel wants to fuck him, Max is free after nine, and then he leaves as Daniel bluescreens.
At 9:30 he calls the front desk to ask about Max.
The next morning they talk about it, Daniel insists Max can't risk his job over this so they need to be discreet, but he does want to keep seeing him. Max tells him he can do whatever he wants, but they find out the secret is actually exciting, and the hidden touches and glances during the day are almost better than being able to kiss by the pool.
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matchalovertrait · 4 months
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Dulce and her friends are enjoying their summer break before school starts again ☀︎
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my-beloved-lakes · 8 months
Had a dream last night that Eliot was sitting in a hospital bed with some bandages and stuff on and said "maybe we provide too much leverage." In a grouchy and sarcastic voice.
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scampfire · 6 months
Ngl I need a cute boy to pick me up, take me to bed, and cuddle me while I fall asleep. Right now. I'm so fucking tired
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agendratum · 8 months
all this talk about protecting minors from adults on the internet, what about protecting me from annoying people on the internet
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prodogg · 6 months
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Azula is seething but I get it, I’d be pissed off too when my friend betrays me for the brother who dumped her via letter
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lucysgraybird · 16 days
thinking about alex nilsen x reader after a night out...
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
you must've mumbled your love to alex at least a dozen times this evening - at some point, he started teasing about it ("nothing's changed in the last five minutes?") and you've had just enough of remaining wherewithal to nuzzle into his shoulder with embarrassed giggles. you're not gone, so to speak, but you're one or two or three drinks past tipsy. after prising one more kiss from him (it's not hard) on the steps of the house party you've been at for far too long, alex eventually convinces you to let him start to walk you home. he's not sober, either, but he handles it better than you, so with one arm looped around your waist, he guides you back to your apartment. your immediate goal when you arrive is to tug him into cuddles in the full bed wedged in the corner of your too-small room, but he holds you up and back with a gentle hand on your shoulder as he digs through your nightstand.
"you'll wake up with glitter in your eyes," he admonishes, a feeble attempt at something stern before finding the makeup wipes he was looking for and beginning to swipe at the sparkles smudged on your eyelids. you interrupt his efforts with absent kisses to the inside of his wrist, goading the uneven swell of his lips to quirk up in a little smile. when he's satisfied with the state of your face, there's another shot on your part to tug him into your sheets, but he resists again.
"water first," and then he disappears to your kitchen only to return with two glasses of water. once you've both had a satisfactory amount to drink (to his standards), he finally, finally, acquiesces to snuggling you against his chest, one big hand splayed under your shirt and over your tummy.
"i love you," you murmur, one last time as sleep drags you under.
alex huffs a laugh against your hair, nestling a kiss into the strands. "i love you too."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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