#maybe i shouldn't say that
rxdscarf · 1 month
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lil-gae-disaster · 2 months
Writing love letters like a normal person ❌
Writing love letters in a very neat print font and switching my inner 1800s infatuated poet writing letters to his love on so that the best part of the gift isn't the aesthetic but the words themselves ✅
(Wanting something like that from them too ✔)
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Basically, my philosophy around disability fakers is: I would rather a thousand people fake a disability than have one disabled person suffer without care, aids, compassion, or any help.
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you know not to air out my own grievances among all this shit but this whole thing really did put the degree of disdain white transfems have against transfems of colors sometimes on full display.
i see the women who harassed my wife and i out of our social spaces, who refuse to engage with us in a remotely professional or mature capacity thanks to rumors of abuse and "being predatory", banging their drums loudly about how horrible the transmisogyny of this entire event has been.
and i agree! it just strikes me as convenient that they become so loud when it's not a face to a name, and more importantly, when they can't leverage their power to pressure women of color out of their communities for being marxists a little too loudly. they still stalk us to this day with the pretense of "we simply don't want you around us because these rumors make you a danger", and nobody bats an eye. but maybe i'm just bitter.
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things we learn about scully in s1
she has a godson (and she told his mother that she thinks mulder is cute)
she did her residency in forensic medicine
she's good with dogs and is naturally drawn to all kinds of animals (even evil-looking monkeys)
she wants to keep her christmas tree up all year because her father always made her take it down as soon as the holiday was over
(and she was never positive that her father, who was in the navy and involved in the cuban blockade, was truly proud of her, because she joined the FBI instead of becoming a full-time doctor like he had wanted)
((and he didn't say "i love you" the last time he spoke to her. ouch))
when she was 14, she stole one of her mother's cigarettes, which she thought was disgusting, but she wanted to do something Forbidden for once
she once forgot her own birthday (which is february 23rd) when she was studying for her exams
she has a little cat sign on her apartment door <3
when challenged by the preacher's kid, she refused to deny the power of God; she was raised catholic, and remembers that "God never lets the devil steal the show"
(she's almost always wearing a cross necklace, even while declaring that she considers science sacred)
((and yes, her favorite movie is the exorcist))
she took some biology courses on bugs and is now going to tell you some bug facts
she has two brothers, one younger and one older
her dad- with whom she did not have the greatest of relationships- nicknamed her "starbuck"
(he called her this after the steady and rational first mate character from moby dick; all the more cruel when you consider he pushed her aside for joining the FBI rather than doing the "logical" thing, becoming a doctor. to cast her in a role of the dutiful daughter without her permission and then create a conditional sense of love is just. so mean. it's a miracle she didn't turn out as emotionally repressed as he did)
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wasyago · 1 year
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im gonna start killing
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inkskinned · 1 year
what is considered "beautiful" by society is inevitably sexist, racist, ableist, classist, transphobic, and bigoted. it targets and attacks any perceived difference, and it particularly villainizes women of color while co-opting aesthetics; as if features and cultural norms can be worn as accessories.
and the scary thing! you can see all of these things, know them to be true logically, and also know that you are treated better if you are perceived as beautiful. if you have ever been treated as "ugly", you know exactly how much society reviles you if you don't manage to scamper along and perform to their rules.
and how are you supposed to balance that? do you want a nose job to fix your broken nose, or have you just recently been seeing videos about how many people look better after nose jobs. do you want to lose weight to feel good, or is it that when you lose weight people treat you better. do you want to wear this outfit, or is it just the thing that's least likely to get you harassed. do you want to get lip injections for your reasons or is your whole reason that you don't feel beautiful unless you get those lip injections?
and the definitions shift. the goals get more specific. in the way that you only become aware of your tongue when someone mentions it; parts of your body are introduced as problems. i had never heard the term "hip dip" until about a year ago - and it was in the context of how to get rid of this. i'm 30, i know this shit is invented, and yet! i still find that strange voice saying but do you think someone is going to notice?
how the fuck am i supposed to say "this is my genuine choice i am making for my body" when i also know that years of my life have been spent socializing me to accept this as my inevitable fate? how do i know i'm actually doing this out of love for my body - or am i doing it for how i want others to see me, which will be lovely enough to feel loved? how am i supposed to recover when my unhealthy habits are seen as self-discipline but if i relax i'm openly mocked for "letting time win"? how the fuck am i supposed to say "i'm doing it for me" when i'm also very aware that i'm doing it to stop myself from being teased or demeaned? is it my choice if the other option is being bullied?
we are living in a hostage negotiation - either consent to the demands or spend the rest of your life being treated like you're a despicable person.
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vivelareine · 8 months
I didn't have someone claiming that only royalty at Versailles were allowed any access to toilet facilities, and everyone else had to walk around with miniature chamber pots strapped to their butt under their dress (men were apparently outta luck!) on my "Versailles myth" bingo card, and yet here we are.
Anyone that knows Ben Franklin was at Versailles knows that man would have written home immediately wbout how the women at Versailles walk around with teeny-weeny chamber pots strapped to their bodies underneath their dresses.
Abigail Adams, too, for that matter. Just for different reasons...
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add1ctedt0you · 5 months
Canonically speaking, jc' reaction to someone he doesn't like/has strong negative feelings towards, because that person was a jerk to his sister, is to regulate his emotions according to how his sister feels. In a jyl lives au, after wwx's return, canon jc is going to his sister, saying something like: 'while I think we should throw at least a cup of tea at him because he left us you and a-ling like that, it's your choice, jin zixuan was your husband. What are we feeling now, jiejie?'
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maypersonne · 11 months
Shang Qinghua really does think that he is unlovable huh
He really thinks that he is of no value to anyone if he isn't making himself useful he will be disposed off and that will be it
He genuinely believes no would ever want him so he manipulate and posture as a lesser so to be seen as a necessary annoyance rather than the pest he believes himself to be
He hates all the work he has to do but he prefers exhaustion to the paranoia and anxiety that eat him up when he isn't showcasing his value
He is in a constant battle just to be acceptable rather than loved so he can just be in the presence of those who are dear to him
Like damn like father like son I can see where binghe got all his issues like airplane bro stop unloading it all on your OCs look you gave the poor dear anxiety
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non-un-topo · 7 months
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Young adults kaysanova?
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
Alright darlings. I can't believe that I'm having to write this, but even if you're joking, even if you say you're joking or end it with /j, please don't threaten writers.
Joking about grabbing a pitchfork or torches is fine, cliche angry mob and all! Joking about the writer hurting reader, jail for 1000 years is fine! There's lots of okay joking ways to express things. But as soon as it crosses into actual jokes of physical harm, you've crossed a line.
Do not threaten to actually harm people. Not to punch them or slap them or stab them. Do not threaten to break into their homes or stalk them or follow them.
Not only should you just not do this to the general person, but you also don't know if who you're telling this two has a history with abuse or home invasion or stalking. You could really mess someone up.
Even if you're joking saying 'I'm going to punch you for this (/j)' is not okay. Joking to break into someone's home while they're asleep for a 'prank' is not okay. Especially when your tone comes across as less than joking. Even if that's how you joke with your friends it is not okay to say to a stranger.
Please remember there is a difference between being friendly and being friends. And writers are not your friends just because they're posting work on ao3 or social media, even if you and them are friendly with each other. You're still strangers to each other and you do not know what jokes they are okay with.
So just don't.
It can really hurt people and even if you can only be selfish about it, it is a good way to make someone not write anymore.
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shokveyv · 25 days
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shut up
#transformers#maccadam#drama#i like the cover#people saying it's too 'sexy' are the problematic sexists#this same shit happened with z0ner's cover. yes i bullied her too because i believed the stupid shit you guys were saying#I MANAGED TO GROW UP BUT YOU PEOPLE ARE STILL DOING THIS TOXIC SEXIST ASS DANCE#i thought i was the bad person but honestly it's yall and your bullying asses#you're disgusting for bullying artists just because they draw women how they want#GROW UP.#I LOVE DRAWING CURVY SLIM SEXY ROBOT GIRLS#THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT#WE SHOULD FILL THE WORLD WITH MORE OF THEM BECAUSE IT'S WHAT I WANT TO SEE#IF YOU WANT TO SEE SOMETHING ELSE... DO IT YOURSELF!!!! MAYBE ONE DAY THE COMPANY WILL LIKE YOUR ART ENOUGH TO HAVE IT ON A COVER#i like milne's stocky arcee just as much as average arcee from TFA just as much as svelte arcee in this cover#i really thought it was me that was why i left the fandom due to my ignorance but coming back and seeing this petty ass drama you guys#are unleashing... im realising that you guys are the problematic ones. omfg#you make it so unfun to be in this fandom. might as well publish the most recent animation i was working on then take the ones i've already#finished into hiding. you people suck the joy out of drawing for transformers.#transformers was my last bastion out of depression and you guys reminded me why people shouldn't get into transformers#getting back into tf revitalized my desire to draw and held me back from suicide. but knowing how toxic environment you guys are...#there's no reason to keep living with such inhospitable negative toxic bullies.
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jeff-from-marketing · 2 months
For fuck sake, I'm this close to just blocking the asexual tag on Tumblr. Not because those people aren't valid, they're so fucking valid and deserve to be loved and respected! I love you all and you deserve to be represented in society
But apparently some people don't know how to not conflate aromanticism with asexuality. Say it with me people:
They're different things! Yes, for many they can be tied together, but that doesn't make them inherently interchangeable! You can love someone with all your heart and never want to fuck them, and conversely you can want to fuck someone you find hot without ever even knowing them.
The amount of fucking times I've seen a post only aimed at asexual people tagged with all the aromantic tags is absurd. I'm not ace, I do not identify with being on that spectrum. But I am fucking aromantic! Stop putting me in the same group when they're not the same thing! It's disingenuous to people who are only asexual and not aroace, and it's dangerously fucking close to just erasing aromantics.
I don't like trying to police how people use the site, even if it wasn't a pointless endeavour it would just be rude, and I don't want to be that person. But I'm also just tired of seeing every other post tagged with aromantic actually just being about asexuality. I don't want those posts to stop, I just want them to be tagged properly so that asexual people get proper representation without drowning out aromantics. Obviously if it's an aroace post then yeah tag both, that makes sense, I'm not going to fight that. But otherwise, please, I just want to be able to see stuff about aromanticism without it being drowned out by asexuality.
I want to be seen.
(side note: the reverse of all this is obviously true. Do not fucking tag a post that's just about aromanticism with asexual. We all deserve our own representation without drowning each other. We should be working to lift each other up, not use each other as stepping stones)
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strangeasf · 2 months
in my head zack was never a gormogon's apprentice. in my head all interns are friends and often hang out together. it's just like the lab au. but daisy have a girlfriend. zack and sweets kiss. vincent and wendell also kiss. everyone is queer. cause I said so.
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Look, I'm not too far in the story, but is Satan really a mirrored image of Lucifer? Look how uncannily similar he is to Simeon—
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