#maybe i’ll post them sometime? we’ll see
quinn-pop · 9 months
merry christmas if you celebrate and happy holidays in general lol
strangely i have 2 somewhat christmas related unfinished animations just sitting around. huh. weird coincidence
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scholarhect · 1 year
the moment you have been waiting years for is here. i bought my food house ticket. i am going to see food house
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beauzos · 1 year
I will say the one regretful thing about The Endless Ocean is I somehow once again managed to not include George at all in it. He haunts the narrative of it sure but he doesn’t even have a line in it KDNDN like he has more lines in ACOH (one)
I swear I’ve thought about that guy a lot and really like him. I never planned on having him in this MUCH but I thought he’d have a brief scene. Bryce, George, and Barb are three of my favorite villager-adjacent OCs which is why they were there but Bryce was the only one who got a decent Amt of time to be shown off
Somehow I always do that, it’s so funny. I always intend to use them more than I do. I think the way the fic is written is completely fine, it’s just funny realizing I managed to sidestep including him as a major character AGAIN. You’re just never gonna see this kid at this rate
Barb was also supposed to be in ACOH and this more but wasn’t, though this time she had lines lol. I guess it’s tough when all these characters have been dead for like twenty years.
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
We Can’t Be Friends
Pairing: George Russel x Reader
Summary: George’s girlfriend, a former child actor, is not well liked by the public
TW: mentions of alcohol and drug abuse, implied child exploitation
A/n: going off of the more popular interpretation of the song (ari vs the public)
requests open!🫶 masterlist
You just finished filming a short interview in a docuseries with some of your former colleagues, those who fell into the same trap and downfall as you did. You prefer not to air everything out, but you knew your statement would support the others.
The industry basically forced you into a drug and alcohol addiction, one that you thankfully beat, but you went from someone who was once loved to someone hated, just from how the media spun your name.
You met George at a hospital event -you now work as a biochemist and bioengineer- and he immediately recognized his childhood crush. You dated for a year before feeling strong enough to go public, but ever since he posted a very cute picture of you, the hate has started again.
“I’ll make a statement asking them to leave you alone,” George offers but you shake your head no. He hates seeing you upset, but both of you didn’t expect the backlash on you.
“They won’t understand, they could never even try. They will never know what it was like to grow up like that, even the docuseries won’t help,” you start to dismiss the thought.
“We can’t do nothing,” he tries to reason, wanting to protect you.
“I don’t want to tiptoe around the public, but I don’t want to hide, either way I’m feeding this fire,” you groan, running your hand through your hair as you pace the room. You had to call off of work today, the entrance to your townhome being blocked by paparazzi.
“The story is gonna die, and we’ll be alright,” George stands up and pulls you into a hug. In your mind you picture the public liking you again, waiting for their love again.
A few days later, George drags you out of the house for lunch, you had only been leaving for work. The two of you step out, a reporter immediately coming up to you. You ignore the first few, sitting in your silence.
“It’s just me and you, Baby girl,” George whispers to you, supporting you however you choose to respond.
“Y/n, is it true that you have been in and out of rehab for the past year? You are in and out of hospitals,” one reporter, who always hounds you, asks causing you to whirl around. You don’t want to argue, but you don’t want to bite, so you choose a confusing answer.
“You’ve got me misunderstood, but at least I look this good,” you smirk, watching their face scrunch in confusion, gripping their paper and pen, before continuing your walk.
The next day a clip of one of your short interviews drops, taken while you were in college, as a trailer for the docuseries release the following week.
I don’t like how this industry painted me, but I’m still here hanging, just not what they made me. It’s almost like a daydream sometimes, finally leaving that world. I feel so seen, I am everything that I defined myself as, not all that the industry made me be. My truth and I may always sit in silence, but one day I hope I am brave enough to say it out loud. For now, it’s only me on the road after recovery, but maybe that’s all I need.
A list of every child actor we need to apologize to after watching “Drugged: The Truth Behind the Lives of Child Actors”
1. Y/n Y/l/n
“Are you sure you want to go out there?” George asks, looking at the crowds of journalists. You nod, tired of being silent and waiting for things to be better, not caring about feeding the fire anymore.
“Let’s go,” you release a shaky breath, stepping out behind your boyfriend as he walks you to work.
“Y/n! Anything to comment regarding the documentary that’s been released and the allegations made by your former colleagues?” A journalist asks, the rest hoarding, pens at the ready.
“Actually, I do. You owe us an apology. Villainizing children who needed someone like you to expose how awful our working conditions were, that’s sick and cruel. You wrote lies about us, and instead of apologizing, you want to ask us for statements and exploit our names more? You’re sick. We can’t be friends,” you chem them out before continuing on your way to work. A part of you will always wait for their love, but you are tired of waiting for them to like you.
“You’re a badass. I hope they will see you are the biochemist and bioengineer, not the child actor. You’ve come so far and I’m so proud,” George says once your breathing steadies from the adrenaline.
“Thank you, Georgie,” a small part of you wants to flip them off behind you, just like you would’ve done ten years ago, but you don’t, finally moving forward.
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jenosbliss · 5 months
Hi, can I req for jaemin enemies to lovers with 4, 16 & 23?
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pairing. fem!reader x enemy!jaemin | genre. fluff | wc. 2k | warnings. none
a/n. i’ve idea for a part 2 , will probably post it after sometime
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‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.’ I once read in a book which I regretted reading afterwards but again in another book I read ‘Hating someone feels disturbingly similar to being in love with them.’ The book which goes by the name The Hating Game.
I would have loved that book if it wasn’t an enemies to lovers trope, the only form of romance I dislike the most. Enemies-to-lovers is something which could not exist in real life, you can never fall in love with your enemy, someone you hate from the bottom of your heart. At least I can’t with Na Jaemin .
Not that I want to fall in love with him —it’s even scarier than my worst nightmare— but even thinking about loving or liking that jerk makes me want to throw up.
Yes, you can also say that it’s all just in my head how my friends remind me everyday and who so happily enjoy watching our bickering, our death glares at each other, our hatred for each other. They are living in the daily soap they spend hours watching because only both of us can see the anger and hatred dripping from our eyes.
Even friendship can’t exist between us, jokes on me to even think of friendship when we can’t stand each other if we are in the same room, as snarky comments and death glares fly across the room. No one can stand us together to be honest.
Why do I hate him? I don’t know when my hatred for him even started, maybe it was hate at first sight. Such a self-absorbed, cocksure, smug, stubborn jerk he is. The way he walks, the way he talks, the way he smiles, the way he looks —he’s handsome almost like a Greek God, but I’m not going to accept it— just his whole existence pisses me off. Also not like he ever gave me a reason to change the way I felt for him cause he reciprocates my feelings, if not more.
“I’m not sharing the room with him.” Trying my best to tone my voice down I yelled at my friend who was allotting the rooms. “Y/n try to understand please, we don’t have any more rooms left.” She pleaded, pulling me inside her room.
When my friends asked me if I wanted to be a part of this two-day holiday to the beach, never had I imagined that when I would enter the room of the hotel we’re staying for the weekend I would find him sprawled –like a starfish– on the bed, the bed I was supposed to spend the night peacefully on!
“But you know I can’t stand him even for a second! No, change his room.” huffing, I crossed my arms around my chest. “But all the other rooms are occupied y/n, you came late so…” she trailed off, fueling my anger even more. “I didn’t turn up late on purpose! I had informed you beforehand that I’ll be late!” Looking behind her I saw a figure coming out of the bathroom.
“Maybe your boyfriend, who happens to be his friend” rolling my eyes I continued “can switch the room with me?” That’s the most I can give in, I’m ready to switch the rooms which should’ve been him instead. “C’mon Y/N! I understand the tension between you two is as high as Mount Everest…” gasping dramatically I passed her an offensive look, there was no tension between us, it was just hate.
Ignoring me she continued “… but everyone has needs and I have a life too, I want to spend some time with my boyfriend. So will you please let us? It’s just a matter of tonight. We’ll sort something out tomorrow. It's already past 2, go sleep.” Even before she finished her short monologue I was pushed out of the room with a large wooden door slammed shut in my face.
Was she for real? If she planned this whole trip just to fuck her boyfriend she didn’t have to ask me! Why make my already not so good life even worse? Stomping my way aggressively to the room I grabbed my head in frustration.
“It’s just for a night, you can do it y/n. Calm down. Relax.” Taking a deep breath I tried to prepare myself, “Or you always have a second option if things go out of your hands, killing” A little voice inside my head said. It’s not like this voice has appeared for the first time. Last week when he “accidentally” spilled his iced tea on me, I was about to throw the chair I was sitting on his face. This voice appeared that time too. “I don’t wanna go to jail because of such a useless human.” I thought.
“You know it’s better to sleep than making plans to kill me and I’m not useless.” The door opened to reveal him with an utterly idiotic smirk. Can he read minds too? Okay I’m in trouble then, no I didn’t think anything for which you should smirk too but all my plans of tricking him will be known.
“Are you a stalker or what?” Pushing him away I entered the room, which was supposed to be mine. “No darling, your footsteps can be heard around ten miles from here. I just happen to have great hearing skills.” He whispered the last part.
I could have replied, I could have continued this which would soon turn into bickering but I was too tired for that, I just wanted to sleep peacefully, ironically peace and Na Jaemin don’t come together. So let me change my statement, I just wanted to sleep at any cost.
“Here, take the pillow, sleep on the couch.” Throwing the fluffy white material filled with soft feathers at him, I started unpacking my bag to take out my night clothes. “And why should I listen to you?” He plopped down on the bed, stretching out. “Jaemin, right now I’m not in the mood to argue.” Raising my hand, I shook my head.
“Neither am I, but I’m as stubborn as you. Which means I am not sleeping on the couch.” Closing my bag I faced him, as stubborn as me? It’s not a good start, it can never be with him. “Why are you like this?” Scowling, I moved to the bathroom. “Why are you like this?” He mimicked. God, save this guy from me.
Coming back to the room after changing my clothes I saw him still lying on the bed, scrolling through his phone. Rolling my eyes out of annoyance I walked up to my side of the bed and started putting the spare pillows and cushions between us. “Is this really necessary?” Sparing a glance at what I was doing he asked.
“Very much necessary, I don’t want to wake up with your limbs around me in the morning.” Even the thought of it disgusted me. “But this is eating up too much space.” He complained. “Better than you eating me-” Realising how wrong that must have sounded I looked at him, who had that mischievous smirk which made me furious. “That one sounds better.” He lied back down.
“Shut that mouth of yours and sleep.” Switching off the lights I faced the other direction. “It's hot when you talk back, princess.” He teased, I hate these nicknames so much!
I shouldn’t have come on this trip, everything about it was wrong. First, sharing the room with Jaemin , almost fighting with my friend and the worst of all coming even though I twisted my ankle –the sole reason I was late– to the hotel. My left ankle felt as if someone was slowly cutting it off with a sharp axe, it’s so painful!
Groaning, I shifted to the other side, trying to get in a comfortable position to fall asleep, forgetting about the man next to me. “Are you uncomfortable?” A husky voice made my eyes shoot open to find the sleepy ones of Jaemin already on me. “What do you expect when you’re lying next to me?” Scoffing, he shifted closer much to my dismay.
“Look I know your ankle hurts cause Junhee told me you’re at the hospital getting your ankle treated so don’t try to pull up an act.” Taken aback by his interest in me –I know she’ll never tell him about my whereabouts until he asks– I questioned further. “Why did you ask her about me?” How dumb of me to raise an eyebrow as if he would see it.
For the first time in the three years I have known him he stuttered when talking to me, was he that taken aback by my question? Omg y/n don’t forget to write it in your diary. “H-huh? I- I…” he cleared his throat “I thought I was using this room alone when Junhee came and asked if you could stay in this room too as you were late and there weren’t any spare rooms left… so I asked why you were late…” this sounds convincing, not very much but it does.
“Oooh. By the way, what about your girlfriend? Shouldn’t you be on this trip with her and the one you should be sharing the room with?” I smirked. My eyes were begging me to sleep but my brain forced me to put up this question. “We broke up a year ago.” He deadpanned as I facepalmed myself mentally. What a stupid question!
“So you haven’t dated for a year?” I gasped genuinely shocked. “Yes.” Wait really, the OH SO GODLY Jaemin hasn’t dated anyone FOR A YEAR!! “Not even a fling?” I was about to get up but the stinging pain in my ankle pulled me back. “You own my heart” he said, was it my heart skipping a beat? No y/n don’t be fooled by him! “C’mon tell me.” Slapping lightly on his arm I whined.“No. Not even a fling.” He repeated. “Woah, wow! I mean it’s surprising.” It was surprising, at least to me. “Is it? Because I thought you knew the girl very well I’m interested in so I don’t think it should surprise you.” He whispered. Wait what?
Leaning his head on his elbow he stared in my eyes, even though it was dark –nothing could be seen as there was very little light coming from the curtained window– but his eyes shone in this darkness, as if they were the only source of light in this dark room, as if they are the most beautiful pair of eyes to ever exist, as if I could stare at them forever, as if I could drown in th-
‘What the hell are you thinking y/n!? You hate him, you can’t like him! He’s your enemy’ the same voice from before alarmed me, it was right, he’s my enemy…
“Did you take painkillers?” He questioned, eyes not leaving mine. “Yes, after dinner I did.” Neither did I break the gaze. “Then we can try this.” With this said he stood up, took two pillows –which were used to limit our respective bed spaces ‘by me’– and placed one of the pillows under my leg which had been aching and the other beside it as if securing my ankle.
“I hope it’s better than before.” His eyes creased, hinting the smile on his lips. “It is, thank you.” mumbling, I closed my eyes shut not wanting to let my thoughts move freely. ``Sleep y/n, you just need to sleep.’
“Sleep well y/n and don’t worry I won’t throw my limbs on top of you.” the mattress next to me dipped inwards, he had lied down, probably facing the other side I hope. Opening my eyes I looked at his face, so close to me… I really hate this guy.
I hate him because firstly he didn’t face the other side, secondly he made me feel all these weird things for him and thirdly, he didn’t keep his promise. After he had fallen asleep and probably I was too I felt his arms curling around my torso as he shifted closer to me.
I even heard him mumbling something along the lines of "It's time to stop lying to ourselves." Maybe I was dreaming, maybe not but I couldn’t care less right now because he felt warm, and I liked that warmth. Maybe he isn’t that bad, maybe I shouldn’t hate him this much.
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nct dream | nct 127 | wayv
100 follower event 🌷
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f1byjessie · 7 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part seven.
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liked by mancity, oscarpiastri, and 431,912 others
tagged: mancity
yourusername february has come too soon… thank you to these wonderful lads for all they’ve done for me in the short time i’ve gotten to work with them. i’ve been a manchester city girlie my whole life, and getting to see the time and effort all of these men have devoted to this team and this sport ensures i’ll stay a manchester city girlie for the rest of it. but it’s lights out and away we go, and it’s time i get myself back into some papaya 🧡
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mancity Training won’t be the same without you!
↳ yourusername can’t say i’ll miss all the times i was nearly clocked in the head by a ball, but i’ll definitely miss all the happy smiles 🩵
↳ mancity And we’ll miss yours! 🩵
jackgrealish you better not forget about us
↳ yourusername as if i ever could!! i’ll even wear sky blue in the paddock on match days if i have to 🫢
↳ mclaren 😨
↳ jackgrealish real talk though, it was wonderful working with you. you’re an incredibly skilled photographer and having you around was loads of fun. we’ll miss you lots, but we’ll be cheering you on with the mclaren lads
↳ yourusername you’re gonna make me cry grealo 😭
erling.haaland we will miss you! 
mclaren Can’t wait to have you back in the garage with us Y/N! We’ve been missing you around here 🧡
↳ yourusername can’t wait to be back! i’ve missed you dearly mclaren admin
↳ mclaren Our love has grown stronger with the distance 😌
↳ yourusername that it has 😉
kevindebruyne great time working with you! best of luck with your future endeavors 😁👍
oscarpiastri you look better in orange anyways
↳ yourusername since when were you a fashion expert??
↳ oscarpiastri it’s better if i don’t say… 😔
philfoden you gotta come have one last celebration with us before you go!
↳ yourusername if i did that, i’m pretty sure i’d be too hungover to make it to my other job
↳ philfoden maybe that’s the plan 👀👀 if you can’t get there then you’re stuck with us
chloekelly come work with the girlies next time babes! we’re jealous the boys hogged you all for themselves 😜
comments on this post have been limited
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername, and 217,172 others
tagged: oscarpiastri, landonorris, yourusername
mclaren the muses and the artist
view all 1,609 comments
yourusername i had no idea this was being taken…
↳ mclaren We felt the need to share your beauty with the world! 😁
↳ yourusername you just wanted to show me off and prove i’m back with mclaren
↳ mclaren And if we did? 😁
oscarpiastri when the photographer becomes the photographed
user y/n is my favourite part of f1 actually sorry mclaren 🫣🫣🫣
↳ user i think the admin understands with the way they flirt in the comments lmao
user i’ve been following y/n’s stint over with the football club and i’ve been so jealous waiting for her to come back to mclaren!! her photos are on a whole different level of skill and i can’t wait to see oscar and lando’s smiling faces in her style again!!
user awww i’m kinda sad she left man city, i really liked her work and it was like a crossover of my two favourite sports teams ☹️
↳ user me too, but if she worked during the off season with them then she might do it again next year or during the summer
↳ user i think the 24/25 premier league season starts up again in mid august, but the f1 summer off season is supposed to end in late august so i don’t think that would really give her enough time to start a gig
↳ user that’s a shame
↳ user not necessarily! footballers do get a bit of a break to take vacations and recover mentally and physically during the summer, but a lot of them are back at their clubs a good chunk of time before the new season starts. assuming man city makes it to the finals in the champions league, their last confirmed scheduled match will be on june 1st, and the 24/25 premier league season starts on august 17th, which means they’ll probably be back at etihad in late july/early august if not sooner
↳ user at the very least, i hope her time with man city has gotten more people interested in f1 🙌
↳ user i’m not too sure… when she started dating ward apparently there was lots of backlash from city fans so who knows what the overall perception of her is over there
↳ user still shocked about that, i had kinda thought her and lando were together since they seem so close 🤔🤔
user mclaren admin please post more y/n behind the scenes bc she doesn’t post herself enough and we always love to see her 🙏🙏🙏
↳ user REAL
landonorris looking good! 😁🧡
↳ user what a bland comment…
↳ user bro gives us radio silence for weeks and THIS is what he comes back with..?
↳ user trouble in paradise methinks 🧐
user haven’t seen any of the garrett ward stans causing a stir in these comments which either means war is over or the mclaren admin isn’t taking any shit and is deleting them, in which case good on you mclaren admin for defending your wonderful official unofficial gf 😩😩
↳ user mclaren admin is better at protecting their official unofficial gf than garrett ward is at protecting is actual official gf 🤨
There’s a certain sense of rightness that comes from being back amidst the McLaren staff dressed in the bright papaya orange. Manchester City had been a fun adventure, and you hadn’t been lying when you told the team you’d miss working with them, but Formula One is where you belong and that had become more and more apparent as the last days of January came to an end.
The last couple of weeks had been nice. The boys had thrown you a small party on your last day, with a cake that they all spent a good hour running off afterwards. Jack had made you promise to keep in touch, and you planned on holding true to that and keeping him updated with selfies from each of the Grand Prix locations at the very least.
The dates with Garrett had worked as planned, his agent was already claiming that just you two being spotted together more than once was doing wonders for his reputation, and Garrett had been treating you civilly since then. You still resented him for how exactly he’d forced you into this situation, but you’ve managed to find a middle ground of at least appreciating what the arrangement can also do for you.
As for Lando, you hadn’t yet gotten any confirmation about how things were going with your plan. Apart from refusing to meet your eye all day and resolutely staring either into the camera or anywhere that wasn’t you, he’d been professional.
Things felt like they did back in 2019━ back when you were convinced he was just an arrogant, pretentious, self-righteous prick with a complex. You’re torn between hating every moment of it and feeling wickedly vindicated by forcing him to acknowledge the consequences of his own actions.
At the very least, however, you have Oscar.
You’d gotten to know him relatively well in 2023, not to the same extent that you knew Lando of course, but Oscar had filled a brother-shaped hole in your heart that you hadn’t even known was there. His teasing was shy at first, like he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to act that way with you, but the ribbing you’d given back had been assurance enough and he’d been a steady presence at your side ever since, cracking jokes at your expense.
There’s an unspoken agreement between the two of you that you both act as an escape. It was never acknowledged, it kind of just came to be as you both got to know one another, but you’re to Oscar what Oscar is to you━ the person you can go to when you need to pretend your more serious problems don’t exist and when you don’t really want anyone asking questions.
That’s why it surprises you when Oscar asks, “What’s going on between you and Lando?”
There’s nobody else in the car park, the sky is dark and most of the staff have already gone home or━ in the case of a few engineers━ won’t be leaving until the sun is rising tomorrow morning. The silence makes Oscar’s voice sound a bit louder, a bit harsher, a bit more like being doused in cold water.
It’s easy enough to ignore the reality of the problems between you and Lando when you hide behind your frustration. It’s even easier when Lando is so frustratingly good at pissing you off and keeping you in a haze of annoyance that perpetuates your justification of letting the tension linger. It’s hard to miss the closeness when you’re too busy being angry at him.
But the quiet emptiness of the world around you now gives you nothing to hide behind and nowhere to run━ not from Oscar’s scary perception, which has never before been locked on to you.
“Not really sure what you mean,” you answer after a moment. “Me and Lando are fine.”
It sounds as fake as it is.
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “Because whatever that tension was today was totally ‘fine.’”
The only real downside to having Oscar fill the brotherly role in your life is that he can be just as annoying as one.
You heave a sigh and shrug, “I don’t really know what you want me to say.”
“Try starting from the beginning.”
You’re at your car now, with your keys in your hand. It would be easy to get in, drive away, and ignore it all. That’s what you and Oscar use each other for anyway━ it’s your dynamic. If you really told him to drop it, you know he would. A single word would make it all go away and you could show up tomorrow morning still pretending like nothing’s different.
But the only other person who knows about everything with Garrett is Jack, and you don’t have him anymore.
So you do. You start from the beginning.
“I’m not actually dating Garrett Ward,” you say. If Oscar’s shocked at the revelation, he doesn’t show it. His face is calm and blank, and it reassures you to continue. “He needed someone to be his pretend girlfriend so he could fix his reputation, and he blackmailed me into agreeing by threatening to make up rumors that would ruin my career.”
You lean against the side of your car, fiddling with your keys. “Right after it happened, I kept trying to reach Lando. Nobody else knew and I was alone and afraid━ I didn’t know what to do but I thought that he, as my best friend, would at least be able to help me calm down and rationalize. But he never answered me.”
Oscar hums.
“When he did finally call━” you bite down on your lip when you feel tears burn at the back of your eyes, “━he berated me the entire time and asked how dumb I had to be to date Garrett of all people. Then, he proceeded to tell me exactly what people online had to say about me and my choices. He didn’t even give me a chance to explain what was going on.”
You heave out a sigh and tip your head back until you’re staring up at the never-ending expanse of the night sky. The clouds from earlier are still there, blocking out the stars and leaving it all an abyss of black.
“He still hasn’t apologized,” you mutter, sniffling. “He hasn’t said a word to me since then.”
Oscar’s quiet for another moment. He’s got his hands shoved into his pockets, and his eyes are focused on where he’s kicking the toe of his shoe down against the pavement. The tap, tap, tap is all there is for a moment, and then he hums again.
“Lando can be a real twat sometimes.”
You burst into laughter, startled. You give Oscar an incredulous look, and he shrugs.
“I mean,” he starts again, “he’s a good dude, but sometimes he can just be stupid. He does something dumb and even though he knows he’s wrong, he doesn’t know what to do about it or how to make it better, so he doesn’t do anything and just hopes that it’ll fix itself on its own.”
You nod. “That sounds pretty accurate.”
Oscar lets himself rest beside you, pulling his hands from his pockets so he can cross his arms. “I’m not saying you need to let this go, but talk to him, yeah? He was able to dodge your calls and texts, but you’re here now and he can’t dodge a face to face conversation for forever.”
“I was gonna try and really sell things with Garrett to rub it in his face,” you admit.
It makes Oscar laugh, and then you’re both laughing and it feels good to have this again.
“You know,” you breathe out when you eventually fade back into silence. “I think I’m in love with him.”
“No. Lando.”
Oscar hums.
“I think one of the reasons his whole spiel pissed me off so much is that I’ve been pining after him for years now, pushing it down so that I don’t ruin things or make it awkward━ trying to get over him,” you rub at your eyes, pressing as if it’ll erase the memory of what Lando’s grin looks like and how warm it makes you feel when you’re the one who puts it there. "But then he goes and does things like this and it frustrates me but it also gives me hope that maybe he feels the same way, because why would he get so upset about this if he didn’t?”
“I think you should really talk with him,” is all Oscar says, before pushing off from your car and walking away.
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry @sideboobrry11 @d3kstar @mcmuppet @happylittlereader @casperlikej @5starl1ght @bellezaycafe @whentheautumnleavesfall @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ssprayberrythings @landosgirlxoxo @lifelessfan @81ja @wcnorris @a-disturbing-self-reflection (CLOSED).
━━ a/n: i have mixed opinions on how this part came out. it's a bit filler-y, but trying to include anything more would make this singular part longer than i want it to be. but it's also very late (early?) at the moment and i've been staring at this for hours trying to get it done up as fast as i can, so perhaps that's why. anyway, i hope you enjoy!
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specialagentlokitty · 6 months
Aizawa x reader - one day soon
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listen to it, if you can. but maybe it's R X Aizawa (duh) and R is the one saying I love you, and Aizawa is the second lyric but this is placed in highschool. then it switches to when their adults, and it's flipped, and them maybe plot blahblahblah and they love happily ever after - @nyxiethesimp
The winter festival was coming up and you were practically bouncing with excitement as you padded down the hallways.
“Aizawa!” You called.
The boy sighed, turning around to look at you, and you jumped in front of him, clasping your hands behind your back as you wore a bright grin.
“Come find me on the roof at lunch!”
“Because I wanna talk to you!”
You gave him a bright grin, then you turned to the boy next to give, high fiving him as hard as you could.
“Training was awesome yesterday (N/N)!” Hizashi beamed.
“I know! Your quirk is amazing Hashi! Like you’re gonna be such a popular hero!”
“So is yours! Hell hound is so freaking cool!” He gushed.
You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly, grinning a little bit at him.
“Yeah but I don’t have full control yet, I’m just glad Aizawa was there to stop me from going all out of control.”
“You just need to train more.” Aizawa huffed.
“Well am trying!” You pouted.
Hizashi laughed loudly, throwing his arm over your shoulder and you grinned up at him.
“You got this!”
When the bell went you went to your class while they made their way to their own classroom, and as lunch came you stood on the roof waiting.
You heard the door open, and you turned around, giving the dark haired boy a bright smile as you clasped your hands behind your back.
“What did you want to talk about?” He asked.
You padded over, standing just in front of him.
“I want to go to the winter festival with you.”
You were more soft spoken this time, not like your usually energetic self, you kept your voice quiet and soft, your grin and melted away into a soft smile.
Your smile widened slightly, a spark in your it eyes.
“I could never choose to love another.”
Aizawa sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, and he glanced away from you.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t feel the same way, you should go with somebody else.”
He glanced back at you to find you still smiling, and you leant forward, kissing his cheek before you stepped around from him, twirling around him so you could head to the stairs.
“That’s okay, I knew it was a chance.”
Aizawa quickly turned around to look at you.
“Maybe one day I could learn to love you too.”
You paused, turning to cast him a bright grin.
“I hope so, but it’s okay if not! I’ll still love you!” You beamed.
With that you ran down the stairs with a laugh as you called the name of your other best friend, trying to find him.
Aizawa spent a lot of time thinking back to that day, the day you admitted how you felt about him, and the bright smile on your face as he rejected you.
Even after him turning you down, you still stayed his friend, giving him the brightest smile he had ever seen.
After graduating UA you went on to becoming a deep underground hero, deeper than he was, and slowly your two friends had lost contact with you.
Sometimes they would see your posts on the hero communication network, but that was it until it came to the UA festival.
You had been contacted about acting as security for the school so the could hold the festival, they needed much more protection than they did at the sports festival.
You had agreed, and you stood in the principals office with your hands clasped behind your back.
“Thank you for coming shadowhound, I’m sure with your assistance we’ll have no problem protecting our students!” Nezu smiled.
“I’m here to help, where do you want me?”
“Well, we’ve got people patrolling outside, I was wondering if you could focus on inside, along with the dorms of course, taking account for all the students making sure they’re present at the start of curfew.”
You gave a nod of your head, reaching out to take some papers from him as you began to make your way over to the dorms.
Curfew was about to start for the night, so you made your way to the closest dorm, letting yourself in, calling down all the students.
Those who weren’t down right away were rounded up by your hellhounds.
You finally made your way to the last dorm, and you knocked on the door, holding the list in your hand.
The door was opened, and you looked at the boy, you held out your hero card so he could look at it.
“I’m here to make sure you’re following curfew, you’ve got two minutes to get your classmates before I round them up.”
“Of course!”
He ran away and you walked inside, the hounds around your feet whining and barking, waiting for their orders as you stared at your phone.
You watched as the timer counter down, and when it went off you put your phone in your pocket, reading out the names on the list.
They all responded, and you put the list back inside your pocket.
“Watch them.”
The two hounds barked, and left your side, laying in front of the students.
“If you leave they’ll know, then you have to deal it’s me and whoever your home room teacher is.”
With that, you left, heading back to the school where you sat on the top, able to get a good view of the dorms and carefully watch what was going on.
A black fire coated your body to keep you warm.
Hearing the door creek open, you turned around, raising your hand only to lower it when you saw the man standing there.
He gestured for you to follow him so with a sigh you did, following him down the stairs and the moment you were in the hallway you were tackled to the ground.
“Ya can’t just turn up and not say hi!” The other yelled.
“Hello Hizashi.” You greeted.
You pat back a couple of times, and he sat up to look at you, a small frown on his face.
“Well that wasn’t very energetic of you.” He huffed.
You sat up, pushing yourself from the ground as you brushed your clothes down, leaning your back against the wall as you crossed your arms.
“I wasn’t aware you two were teachers.”
“We did try to tell ya! But you just disappeared man!”
You slowly nodded your head, looking at the ground before you looked back to the pair of them.
“How did you even know I was here? My presence hasn’t been announced to anybody, I never saw either of you on my travels.”
“I saw your hound at the door of the dorm when I came back.” Aizawa said.
You slowly nodded your head, lifting your gaze to look at them both, but they couldn’t get a good view of you through your flames.
Aizawa couldn’t put them out because he knew it could erase your hounds as well.
“Well what have you been doing?!” Hizashi grinned.
You went to speak, but stopped when the howl of one of your hounds echoed through the ground.
“Aizawa one of your students are trying to leave the dorms.”
“Right. Thanks.”
He started to leave, and Hizashi stared at you intently, narrowing his eyes a little bit.
“Undercover changed you, huh?” He asked quietly.
“Hero work changes everybody.”
You sighed.
You looked at him, and you walked over, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, and he hugged you back gently.
You sighed softly, and he ran a hand up and down your back.
“I missed you (N/N)…” he pouted.
You laughed softly, pulling away and put your flames out so he could see your face this time.
“I missed you too Hashi, now come on, I want coffee.”
He grinned brightly, snatching your hand into your own as he happily dragged your down the hallways.
You didn’t see Aizawa again until the next day, you were back on the roof, staring up at the clouds.
“I heard Mic spent all night talking your ear off, I’m shocked you’re still awake.”
You turned around to look at him, and Aizawa took a moment to take you in.
You weren’t smiling like he remembered, you had a scar that covered half your neck, and a slight cloudiness to one of your eyes.
He furrowed his brows a little bit.
“You’re half blind?” He asked.
“I had an accident some years ago, lost control of my flames, burnt myself pretty badly, and a villain managed to get me good. Still standing though.”
He walked over, brushing your hair away from your neck, getting a better look at the old scar, and while he was looking, you brought your hand up to his face, touching the scar under his eyes.
“I’m not the only one who had it hard.”
“Nothing compared to yours.”
“We’re comparing battle wounds now?”
He let out a small laugh, shaking his head at you.
You let your hand fall away, stuffing it back into your pocket and he placed his hand on the side of your face.
“I was worried about you.”
“Thank you I think?”
He sighed.
“You aren’t the same person that you were back then. You have no smile.”
You shrugged a little bit, looking away from him.
“I have to go.”
You brushed past him, making your way towards the stairs.
“I could never choose to love another.” He said.
You stopped, looking down at your feet.
“Maybe one day I could learn to love you too.” You quietly replied.
You left, and that was the last he saw of you for the rest of the festival, you had to focus on your duties, and when the festival ended they thought you had left.
It wasn’t until after the weekend when they saw you again, standing in the teachers lounge looking a little confused.
You were being brought in as extra security for the school, since you had to take a break from your undercover operations.
You slowly got back to talking to your old friends, but you still kept your distance from them, having spent so much time alone you weren’t to sure about other people now.
Aizawa found you patrolling the grounds with one of your hounds, and you stopped to look at him, offering him a wave which he returned.
He began to make his way over, and when he was closer you send the hound over to the dorm, and began walking with him next to you.
“It’s late, shouldn’t you be inside?” You asked.
“I could say the same for you. Why are you patrolling, it’s not your night.”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
He nodded his head, glancing at you before looking away.
“Been struggling to sleep for a while now.”
“Because of your undercover work?”
You nodded.
“Come on.”
He turned around, gesturing for you to follow him, so you did without really thinking much about it.
He took you to his office in the dorm, gesturing to the couch and you sat down.
“No. Lay down.” He sighed.
You laid down, staring up at the ceiling and he went back to working.
After a few minutes he looked over, getting up he stood over you, looking at you with his hair in his face, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“You’re supposed to go to sleep.”
“Well you didn’t specify that.”
He gave you a little grin which you gave back to him, and you sat up, gesturing for him to crouch down and he did.
“Turn around and sit.”
He nodded, sitting in front of you and you took his arm, taking his hair band from him, and you began to work your hands through his hair.
You tied his hair back for him, and he titled his head back look at you.
“Why’d you do that?”
“So you can see dummy.”
You gave him a soft smile, one that he remembered you having all those years ago.
“I like your smile. You should smile more.”
You huffed, looking away.
“Shut up…”
Aizawa stood up, and you turned your head back to him as he sat down on the couch, holding his arm out for you.
You stood up looking at him utterly confused, and he reached for you hand, pulling you into him, laying down with you on his chest.
“Go to sleep.”
You placed your hand on his shoulder.
You could feel him playing with the ends of your hair.
“Aizawa?” You asked confused.
“Less talk, more sleep.”
You sighed, nodding slightly and closed your eyes.
You were nearly asleep when you heard him speak again.
“I should’ve said yes when you asked me to the festival…”
You let out a small laugh, sitting up a little, looking down at him.
“Then say yes next time dumbass.”
“Shut up.” He huffed.
You grinned down at him and he grinned a little bit at you, placing his hand on the back of your head to guide you back into laying back down
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monbons · 3 months
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WIP Wednesday
I've been keeping busy making more SnowBaz fan art dolls this week. If tiny boudoir Simon has not crossed your dash yet, please find him here. He is adorable. I make them in matching sets, so below is Baz of Only Creatures fame by the amazing @emeryhall.
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Much like writing, doll making comes with its own ups and downs. I always stage the poses 2D before I start sewing and stuffing things to get an idea of how things will turn out. Here was the plan for the next set. Can you guess the fic?
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However, sometimes the final product does not play nice. Baz was supposed to be long and lean compared to Simon, but maybe he's too long and lean?? These are the exact same dimensions as Baz's Beard--Character, only this Baz is naked and his feet are pointed. Not sure what went wrong. I might take the legs off and try again.
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Simon is also presenting problems, but that is mostly the fabric. To get a good skin tone, I had to buy a different brand that is not as high quality as the Baz felt. *Sigh.*
As for writing, this is likely my last preview/teaser for The Eternal Life of Baz Pitch. There is no good way to preview Chapter 14 or the Epilogue without spoiling my own story. Enjoy a bit of Chapter 13 below the cut.
In August, Simon decides they must go to the beach, even though Baz is incapable of enjoying the sun. He sits under the umbrella the whole time, covered head-to-toe in layer upon layer of sunscreen, and reads a book dejectedly or complains about the existence of sand. Meanwhile, Simon splashes in the ocean with glee, the sun making his golden skin glow.
I’ll be at the beach next week, just like the boys! We’ll see if I remember to post.
Hellos and high-fives: @thewholelemon, @raenestee, @bookish-bogwitch, @cutestkilla, @roomwithanopenfire
@hushed-chorus, @iamamythologicalcreature, @ic3-que3n, @artsyunderstudy, @rimeswithpurple
@larkral, @talentpiper11, @drowninginships, @valeffelees, @skeedelvee
@facewithoutheart, @aristocratic-otter, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @beastmonstertitan, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
@youarenevertooold, @blackberrysummerblog, @shrekgogurt, @run-for-chamo-miles, @messofthejess
@theearlgreymage, @arthurkko, @supercutedinosaurs, @rbkzz, @fiend-for-culture
@katatsumuli, @noblecorgi, @comesitintheclover, @stitchyqueer, @ivelovedhimthroughworse
Let me know if you’d rather not be tagged, especially since updates moving forward will likely be for sewing projects and not writing. If you’d like to be added, let me know too!
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nnnyxie · 11 months
I‘m inlove with an au I saw- it was bakugo x Popstar!reader so why don’t we Just Switch That and make it Izuku x Popstar!reader??🤭 like Imagine reader being a Popstar since middle/high school so Izu has been a Stan from the start!! And he works his way up to becoming a pro, Reader becoming a fan quickly and appearing on a live stream wearing his merch (I’m thinking an oversized hoodie??) And Deku hears of it- super flustered hehe and also ofc him posting maybe a story with readers music in the bg?? Stuff like that
Does that make sense?? You get what I mean right?? Okay cool
#𖢥 izuku anon
i heart ur brain so bad!!!
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you’ve been a popstar since your first year of high school!!!
you quickly gained popularity because of your unique voice and music style!! i’m thinking smthn along the lines of daoko and jun togawa!!
when you first debuted— he just loved you— he loved your music, voice, and style choices. he’s been your biggest supporter since day one!
now you…. you’ve also been a big supporter of his too!! he was just a sidekick when you first saw him in action. and you were so happy to see how he climbed the ranks!!
you loved how he interacted with his fans and how he treated the younger ones!!
when he started to gain more popularity, merch of him started coming out. you were pretty much the first to get every item. you collected all the posters, figurines, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. you were as bad as he was when it came to all might.
though— he was the same with you. he collected your albums in all forms, he had tour shirts and sweatshirts too. (despite never being able to go to a concert.)
now onto the live stream part………
izuku usually isn’t able to watch your livestreams. they’re usually at night and he mainly does night patrol. but!! his schedule’s changed a bit and now he’s doing early noon!! how convenient!!
lucky enough!! as soon as he got home, your stream started. it was labeled:
let’s talk hero!! (aka let’s talk deku!!)
the way his face lit up—
he was definitely quick to join—
though, his ‘username just joined’ notification got drowned by all the other fans so you didn’t see it <//3
but— when you appeared, you were in his newest world heroes era costume— well, it was a sweatshirt design but still!!
he was so surprised that you were a fan of his!!! it made him so happy!!
if homeboy had a tail, it’d be wagging.
“hello everyone!!” you spoke to your phone, laughing at the amount of comments. sometimes it was overwhelming but, you’d do anything for your fans!!
canklebiter: h-h-he-hell-hello🥺
“oh…! hello cankle biter!” you tried not to laugh or outwardly cringe.
cuntryside.living: NAHHHHH THE FUCK???
patricksslutera: ignoring that. LETS TALK ABT DEKU🤭
nana.sei: yes pls 💥 let out ur fangirl side!! we luv it 💥
“alright, alright. we’ll get on with the conversation!” you clasped your hands together in excitement. “did you all see his recent save? he’s such an amazing hero! the way he was able to save all of those residents— it was truly inspiring! and he had the brightest smile on his face when they thanked him.” you smiled fondly, remembering the news report. “it must’ve been so difficult though. having all of that weight on you. all of that expediency. i can’t imagine how difficult it all is for him. he’s strong in many forms. i think that’s why i love him best.” his heart skipped a beat—
“but, he knew what he was getting into, you know? and i don’t mean that in a bad way! i mean it like— he decided to do it, knowing the repercussions. he did it because, he wanted to save people and make them happy.” you sighed, happily. “it’s so admirable.”
“and i’ll be honest— i’d be too scared to ever do that. but, seeing him in action? it’s just… inspiring. i’ve uh… this is a little embarrassing… but, i’ve dedicated quite a few of my songs to him… especially on my recent album…” you held your face in your hands. “you know the songs i’ve never explained the background of? yeah… those were the ones.” you groaned in slight embarrassment. “don’t go spreading that around now though— okay?” you playfully glared at the screen.
koushi.kt: @/mei.mei WHAT DID I SAY
earphone.jack✔︎: the green makes sense now…
pinky✔︎: @/earphone.jack I WAS JUST ABT TO SAY
nana.sei: HELP WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING SO SURPRISED??? this is them we’re talking abt c’mon🧍‍♀️
koushi.kt: wait bc i need to see them tgthr now
izuku feels dizzy and giddy.
he honestly thought that you might’ve had some secret lover due to the nature of the songs— but now that he knows the songs are for him??? he’s just !!!!
(i mean i’d be dying if i were in his shoes /pos)
he watches your live until its end— taking note of when the next will be
he also decides to ‘discreetly’ post on his story about your new album……. tagging you…….
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‘thyme’ was symbolic to courage, strength, power, and sacrifice in ancient greece & rome. which is why i chose it as a song title!!
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buttered-milky · 3 months
Messmer can actually turns into a snake it's his original form, and he looks soo abused and neglected maybe because of the seal?
Eeeee okay so. The summon he uses a: appears to have more blood and/or burn wounds on it. and b: otherwise has most of its scales and doesn’t have the transparency effect I thought it had like the winged serpents!! Also there’s a bunch of eyeballs all over the place but we’ll get to those later.
Burn wounds are pretty straightforward and also interesting since they imply either the serpent fucked around and found out (Messmer burned it) or the serpent fucked around and found out (burned itself like an idiot, not surprising in the slightest for snakes since they miss prey strikes all the time and are, in my humble snake owner opinion, some of the dumbest creatures you’ll ever meet. Curious yes. But also. Idiots)
The snake Messmer turns into has much deeper wounds and scarring on it than just the summon of the abyssal serpent. This snake also appears to have a blind right eye (note for any reptile keepers who care: not the temporary blindness that comes with shedding). Its body is very misshapen and there are scales trying to protrude along the spine, and in several places where there don’t appear to be any wounds the scales are just…missing. This is as expected not good for snakes! They need those scales! I am honestly not quite sure how to interpret the overlapping layers of scales in some places. Like sometimes it looks like a shedding issue but also it seems like it’s the attempts of two souls trying to occupy one body? Also missing shed transparency effect! Idk what the hell was going on in my brain or if it was just lighting but I was sooooo fucking sure of the shed buildup. I was also really tired though and don’t care. The visual read was still fun. It can be a headcanon to me <3
So on those thoughts of it being two souls trying to occupy one body. What strikes me about this design is that some of the wounds look like bite scarring you’d see from live prey fighting your snake back. Again, this is a thing entirely avoidable with good husbandry (don’t live feed unless absolutely necessary). The scales to me still imply shedding has gone very wrong at some point. You’d expect to see shedding heal and scar over these wounds, but they’re all fresh. Very symbolic. You can’t heal violence by just pretending it doesn’t exist.
Ideally when a snake is wounded, you do routine care to help them with sheds and make sure the wound is clean. The scales will grow back and the wound will scar, but it will take several sheds and consistent work! You cannot, as Marika tried to do, just put a bandaid on it. You also can’t just lock a snake in a cage it will hurt itself trying to get out of (ie messmer himself) and expect that to go even remotely well.
Some of this feels like visual symbolism of self-hatred. Like I said, the base serpent looks like it’s gotten in a fight. With its host. Some of it also feels like visible neglect (ie the wounds not being healed, missing scales)
I’m gonna discuss the eyeballs bc I fuck w them immensely. First of all congrats Messmer on having an Eldritch Horror in ur body. Second of all, all these eyes appear to have lids. Actual snakes don’t. They have hard eye caps instead and cannot blink. Some of the eyes seem like they might not be able to blink, but the scales around them are still more closed than you’d expect? I fuck with it. Fits with Messmer’s blindness motif which maybe I’ll make a post on eventually. But in regards to the base serpent specifically, of course violence can afford to close its eyes and be blind to who it chooses to hurt. Violence is also something that, when committed, always seems to haunt you. Its gaze will always be there.
It’s interesting that Marika replaced Messmer’s eye to seal the serpent off, and so maybe it grew more eyes? That could be why the scales around them aren’t correct—they’re trying to protrude from the body. This occurs in both the summon and the physical snake form Messmer has. Repression of identity = Eldritch horrors? Sure I’ll take that fromsoft.
Final thing on the eyes. They’re red, not green. The winged serpents have green eyes, Elden Ring’s color of endurance. Super fitting! The abyssal serpent’s eyes are all red, the color of rot and death in this game. Red to me also feels primordial given its use in lightning by the dragons, but I digress. It’s pretty obvious why a base serpent would have base powers. This thing is old as fuck.
Okay. I’m sure you all thought the post was done but one last note on snake biology! So, snakes’ tongues retract into their mouth. When a snake opens their mouth you won’t see a forked tongue just curled up, hanging out. It’s in a little pocket for safe keeping :)
Neither of the base serpent’s forms appear to have the anatomy for this, since there are eyeballs replacing this anatomy. This is problematic for Messmer in a snake form specifically since he’s blind, and real snakes compensate for shitty vision by having an incredibly strong sense of smell. Messmer’s snake form also doesn’t have the heat pits that the abyssal serpent has. Heat pits are another part of snake anatomy, usually located below the nostrils, and are what they use to “see” heat and locate prey. In pythons (like the winged serpents) you’ll see multiple heat pits all in a row above the lip as opposed to the single very deep pit behind and below the nostrils in vipers. This single pit is what the base serpent (summon) has. Neither Messmer’s base serpent form nor his winged serpents have heat pits which is…interesting. It could be a modeling error but I don’t think so given base serpent has very clear heat pits.
My point is, Messmer is somehow even more blind than you’d expect from a snake. Maybe this makes sense given Messmer carries an internal fire, which would likely fuck with infrared? Still interesting nonetheless.
In summary: The base serpent alone (summon) seems overall in better shape than its other form (transformation). I think this is pretty straightforward symbolism—as a being on its own the serpent would probably be fine. It’s just that it uses Messmer as a host and this causes issues. Fuck around and find out I guess, base serpent.
And holy shit Messmer Cannot fucking see. Good luck with the seeing eye snakes babe because snakes notoriously have shit vision !
(Also just an aside both of the base serpent forms kind of have narrower faces than you’d see on a real snake? Like they’re more eel like to me. Anyways.)
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familyvideostevie · 6 months
okay. hello! i'm back. :)
maybe you noticed, maybe not, but i have been away for a while.
i wish i could say i've been out living my life, so caught up in happiness and joy and loving each day that i've just not had time for tumblr. but....that is not true. i have been having a tough time! being away has been good, as i've had time to do other things that i like and to put energy into my own well-being, but it hasn't been the best time, I'll tell you that.
i peeked on the dash every now and then to keep my queue full and reblogged soothing things to my main blog and tried my best not to feel guilty about it all (i was also booping on April 1 lol). i just...I really needed a break. i've really enjoyed being here the last six or so months as i've changed my blog and entered the pedro/tlou space but i've also felt so, so alone.
and i know that it doesn't really matter!! like, we should all take breaks and go outside and all that stuff. and I know plenty of people are not very active, but this blog has been such a vital part of my life and happiness since I started it almost two years ago, so any lapse in activity feels like a loss. I've met lifelong friends and flexed my writing muscles and learned a hell of a lot. the fact that I have started to feel isolated and alone on here is a sort of personal betrayal, and there is no one to blame but myself.
So, I’m pulling back.
it means a few things — i don’t know how much writing I’ll be doing from now on. For Joel, especially — it’s been wonderful to meet folks in that community but it has also been really detrimental to my passion for both the game and writing. I’d like to return to some other characters on my masterlist, but we’ll see. I’ve got endless personal projects away from tumblr that I want to pour love and time into (my non-reader fics, my newsletter, a romance novel, a sci-fi novel, poetry, etc). I need to fall in love with my own work again.
it's a me problem, I want to stress that. i'm working on it! irl stuff has been kicking my ass. I've had a really, really hard winter and my mental health has suffered probably more than ever before. i let things I love -- like this blog -- fester and become negative and no longer being me joy. writing became stressful and difficult and I was focused on notes and interaction and looking around me and seeing success and then looking at myself and only seeing lack.
but that's why I took a break! i am getting help and support irl, i am putting in the time and effort to feel better about being alive and to be a better friend and person all around. And I want to tell you all about it because I am so grateful for your time and attention and support, even if we’re just strangers on the internet. i know this probably seems silly -- who cares about a fanfic blog? well, i care! i care a lot! it matters to me and therefore it matters!
anyway. on to the important stuff. here I am! and here's what's going to happen on this blog:
I am working on replying to asks and reblogs and comments I missed. Thank you for being patient with me! I don't know if I'll get to them all but know I see them and I am honored every single time.
I made a totally separate ao3 account with this blog url. I'm working on uploading everything I've posted here onto there and hopefully will continue to crosspost. It is going to take a long, long time, so please be patient! (you can follow my other ao3 here for my non x-reader fanfic).
I posted this fic! Jackson!Joel pulled me back into his world. It’s the first thing I’ve written in ages, so let me know what you think. as of now it's the last planned fic for that series, but who knows!
I hit a milestone while i was away that I am absolutely blown away by. I'm planning a celebration around it sometime this spring (hopefully) and I’d love to see you participate :)
lastly, thank you so much to my friends for letting me complain, whine, winge, etc. I am so sorry for missing all of your work, your celebrations, your bright energies, and all the rest. i am so sorry if it seemed like i was ignoring you. you are my guiding lights, my silver linings, my touchstones. you make me want to be here. i will try to make it up to you!
I want to be online less but make sure I’m connecting more in the moments that i am here. I want to pressure myself to write less and not feel bad that I’m not engaged all the time. I want this blog to once again feel like a place that nourishes me and not sucks me dry. i want to stop feeling like shit about all of it!!!!
so. come hang out in my inbox, my dms, let me know what you've been up to. I am really sorry for missing so much. thank you for sticking around. <3
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thecatghost111 · 15 days
Crossposted from my ao3!
also kinda long lol-
so everyone in the cg now has an evil counterpart/doppleganger/what you call that
green join the club, you finally have one now :D
i should draw this. If I had any form of art skills XD-
i can remember when the fandom joked about Green being the only one not having an evil side lmaoooo
also, I do believe that green screen (my favorite name for that weird corrupted green thing) didn't really intend on attacking the CG. Rewatching it, it seems even more clear. Though arguably, the CG didn't attack green screen until it punched Green. (These goddamn stickfigures and their bond oisfhdjoihsdiofhsdoh)
also uh if I had a nickel for every time a creation was deleted by its creator and happened to make itself into clones and stuff i'll have
*checks list*
two nickels.
i'd have twenty cents if I had a nickel for everytime a stickfigure cloned themself (In LoL with Purple, and later Second)
also the Green youtube channel comments confirm that the sticks do, in fact, call them Orange
(I'm still holding on the hc with Green calling them Sec, but most often everyone calls them Orange, and the hollowheads + Alan call them Second.)
it's so sweet :3 osdhfoidshfiohdsoifhoiwehiofhwofheeiowhfioewhdlscvnjibejbvdf (i'm jealous man)
also i love how the weapons and fighting styles they have still so consistent and matches personality-wise with their characters! kudos to Alan and his team :D
i have so so so so so many moments in here that I can frame on a wall with their bond. it's so cuteeeeeee 🥺
i know for a fact that green screen is gonna make a comeback. i just know it.
they didn’t empty the recycling bin at the end.
Now, the ending.
this is kind of what interests me the most, to be honest. Because I have a personal hc with Green having RSD (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria)
but this isn’t about my headcanon right now, it’s something a little more.
And something. SOMETHING tells me that the next ep of this series might have either:
1) Green receiving a hate comment, and uh you know shit happens.
2) Green loves the positive validation so much that he pushes himself to get more of that, forgetting the 'fun' part of creating stuff in the process and yeah, shit also happens
that might not be true. it's just me going self-projection time and telling myself how is this guy getting more relatable every day.
When I first found out it was going to be about green, and influencers as a result, I went "Are they going to address the fact that being an influencer comes with a lot of shit involved?" now, i'm not one myself, so I wouldn't know lmaooooo
but like Green, I do crave positive attention, and the ominous lighting at the very end just tells me that something
something is gonna happen regarding that. he likes it, and he wants more of it.
I mean, he's portrayed as the talented one, the one who's kind of a show-off and sometimes a bit arrogant
but then again, all of this was made before his channel technically blew up, so although it might not go in the comment direction he still wants validation and stuff, he wants someone other than his friends to tell him that what he makes is good because he craves it. he craves the attention he's getting.
and maybe he doesn’t want to just do it for fun anymore. Maybe he wants it moreso for the attention.
(oh shit I accidentally inserted myself at the end right there, don't mind me being relatable onto this guy. i might write about this scenario happening idk)
it feels like the start of something bigger. and i like it. we've seen from multiple other shorts how his ego affects him, how would this be any different?
edit: during the avg reaction, DJ said that in terms of youtubers, Green seems pretty wholesome. And Alan replied with: “we’ll see”
What are you hiding.
Okay, maybe it might not likely happen and I’ll look super embarrassing and consider deleting this entire post but shhh, we'll save that for future me to deal with
this is just a theory, A GAME THEORY-
shut tf up not everything’s about you
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amarylliasky · 22 days
Number 29!
Soos in TBoaH
-A rough timeline-
- After dying to the unranked monster, Lee Soo Hyuk and Choi Jung Soo find themselves in a forest in the middle of nowhere. They soon realize that, not only are they not in Korea anymore, but their bodies have apparently changed from what they remember. They appear to be a few years younger than when they died. Luckily, they still have their skills and weapons with them in this new world.
- Unluckily, this new world is also apparently overrun with monsters. Great.
- They can only hope that their dongsaeng is doing okay without them.
- Their dongsaeng is not okay without them.
- For the next decade or so, he leads the new Team One with a death count of zero, solidifying his reputation as the number one team leader in the company.
- Until one lazy afternoon on his day off changes everything.
- He had just finished volume five of The Birth of a Hero, when the alarm sounds and swarms of monsters start attacking civilians.
- He can’t leave his team to fight alone, so he cuts his only day off short to assist.
- But he hadn’t expected it to end this way. Sure, it’s all part of the job, he does fight monsters for a living, he just didn’t expect that he’d go out like this; pierced through the heart by a monster with unmatched speed. Well, almost unmatched. He was luckily able to use instant in time to save his teammate. That teammate has a family waiting for him, it’s Kim Rok Soo’s responsibility as his leader to make sure he returns home. Besides, it’s not like there are many to miss him. Sure, his colleagues would mourn him for a bit, but Kim Min Ah will make a fine Team Leader. They’ll be ok.
- Closing his eyes amidst the sound of his teammates crying, he finally allows himself to rest. Maybe in the next life he’ll finally be able to be a slacker.
The rest of this will be Kim Rok Soo’s journey. I’ll do Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk in a different post.
- The boy wakes up in a forest. It’s cold and dark and he doesn’t know where he is. Or who he is, for that matter. It’s as if there’s a fog covering his mind, and when he tries to remember anything, all he gets is a sharp pain in his head and some wooziness. No thank you, he’ll do without.
- After some walking, he decides to take a small rest before BOOM, a wild Radish appears!
- Radish takes one look at the child and instantly sees a new accomplice/underling/successor. Also, this kid looks almost exactly like him, he would be an idiot to let him escape.
- So the boy, in the absence of any other options, trails along after the mask wearing redhead until they reach a secret Arm base, where the boy is given a room and questioned on his sudden appearance.
- After a brief convo in which he learns that the redhead’s name is Barrow, he reveals that he doesn’t have any memories. WS offers to name him, to which the boy answers that he’ll think about it.
- (Here’s the thing. I’m debating over whether to let him get a new name from Barrow before learning of his own name, or to remain nameless before he eventually remembers. So for now, we’ll say that Rok Soo is also debating whether or not to let this random stranger give him a name or think of one himself.)
- As time goes on and Barrow comes and goes, the boy starts picking up random bits of info about this world. Sometimes words of places just come to him, while other bits of knowledge are revealed in a dream or vision. All of this accumulates up until Barrow decides to take him to the Henituse territory.
- Barrow gives the boy some money, along with instructions to buy himself some new clothes and books (if the kid’s gonna work with him, he might as well have some sort of knowledge about the world. And besides, the boy is obviously suspicious of him, so there’s no need for him to know about Arm or the Ws’s goal just yet).
- Krs does buy himself some clothes and books, but he also finds that he has tons more money from Barrow, so why not spend some on a way to protect himself? That’s right, he picks up the shield. While he’s not entirely sure how he knows about this weird power, (or if it’s even real) he has nothing better to do while waiting for Barrow to return from his “errand.”
- After picking up a shield, he also picks up some kittens. Since he doesn’t know about the cat tribe, he also doesn’t know that On and Hong are not ordinary kittens. They follow him around the rest of the day after he gets the shield and he finds them cute, so he decides to take them with him.
- Of course, Barrow immediately recognizes them as Cat Tribe children, but they don’t recognize him. As he is in disguise and they had never actually seen a member of Arm in person before then, they don’t know about the WS or what he looks like. Of course, they are still very scared of this guy who is apparently taking care of their new companion, but they can tell that the boy is completely innocent at least, so they go with him anyway. They are still very cautious around this red haired human-but-not-human, but figure that their boy will not let them get hurt, so they’ll just observe for now.
- Barrow decides not to say anything about them being from the Cat Tribe, letting them get more familiar with the kid first. Which krs does. He figures it out a few days after taking them in. Which works perfectly for him, since he does have a dragon to free in the near future.
- The only problem is how to smuggle a dragon out of the cave without Barrow noticing. While he could ask the man for help, his gut tells him that would be a bad idea, and he’s inclined to trust it. Besides, for whatever reason, this Barrow guy just gives him a bad feeling.
- His chance comes a few days later. Barrow has some business in another region(read: Endable), so he won’t be back for a month or so. That leaves him some time to procure all the needed supplies and equipment to save the dragon and be back, having erased any evidence, before the man returns.
- Luckily, Barrow leaves him in a nearby city, which just so happens to be Puzzle City, another place he’d seen in his dreams housing one of these “ancient powers” that Barrow had told him about.
- Speaking of, when Barrow had returned from Harris Village to Rain City, he was able to immediately tell that Krs had acquired an ancient power. How he could tell, the boy didn’t know, but he is determined to be extra cautious when collecting them from now on.
- WS actually thinks it’s a good thing for krs to be collecting ancient powers. Actually, him finding one on his own just proves even more that he should carry on Barrow’s legacy. In fact, he’s even keeping an eye out for some more for the boy. It’ll take some time, and he will have to be careful so the kid won’t explode, but he’s working on it. That’s one of the reasons WS frequently leaves him for a while.
- Meanwhile, Krs somehow manages to procure the mana disturbance tool and the cutters for the mission (whether through Billos like in the novel or through some other means), and finally sets out for the Tolz territory with several scrolls, potions, and means of quick escapes (one can never be too careful).
- He figures that once he saves the dragon, it’ll go off and do its own thing, so their should be no problem trying to hide it from Barrow after getting rid of the rest of the evidence.
- The dragon follows them. And now he has to figure out how to hide it from the man. He’s got roughly a week. Great…..
- Something tells him that even with invisibility, Barrow would still somehow be able to detect the dragon’s presence. Call it his intuition, which keeps being more and more reliable when it comes to the man.
- He manages to convince the dragon to stay in the cave where he got the Vitality of the Heart. It’s a bit of a hassle, but he promises to come visit when Barrow leaves again or if they have to move.
- He mostly stays away from the main plot, giving Cage and Taylor their new hope while in Puzzle City and saving the dragon will pretty much be the only way he interacts with it for a while. Though with the other Soo’s traveling with Choi Han, they manage to bring some much needed wisdom and stability that the heroes were lacking in the original timeline, “filling in” a lot of plot holes that krs’s absence leaves.
- As krs is absent during the plaza terror incident, Raon is also not there to help diffuse the mana bombs and there is no mana disturbance to interrupt them. He also hasn’t remembered a whole lot of the plot by that time, so he has no knowledge of it.
- So while the heroes travel around solving problems and saving people, Krs is busy collecting the Sound of the Wind, saving and ditching a whale, meeting a barbarian, and somehow getting acquainted with another redhead.
- Throughout the next few months or so, he gets brought to other Arm bases and meets Hannah and the Magic Spearman, training with them some time before they leave to fight the Whales. During all this, he doesn’t actually make a connection between them and the “secret organization.” He’d never actually seen them in uniform before, and even if he had, he’d never remembered.
- Until an offhanded comment by Raon sparks an impromptu vision. It was a vision of a single paragraph in some sort of book. He doesn’t know what it means, but what he does know is that he needs to stay away from whatever this “secret organization” is.
- Easier said than done. Apparently Barrow is apart of this very secret organization. How does he know this? When he saw the Magic Spearman after the fight with the Whales, the man was wearing the very same outfit. Luckily, Raon wasn’t there. That’s a can of worms that he can’t afford to open right now. Not while he’s in the middle of a terrorist organization. Why is this his life? Just what did he do in his past life to deserve this sort of situation?!
- Now he’s gotta tiptoe around Barrow and the rest of the base’s inhabitants. There mostly seems to be low level grunts in their newest “temporary home,” but who’s to say that he won’t eventually meet someone at the level of the Spearman again? Or even more powerful? He already has suspicions about this “Barrow” being some sort of authority figure, given how everyone refers to him as “liege.” Don’t tell him this guy is the leader….
- Really, what did he get himself into?
And that’s about how I imagine events going from the beginning through the sea battle. I’ve definitely got more things planned, but I’ll have to go through the novel again to see which events happen when, and which events from tboah happen or don’t, based on krs’s presence.
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gunsandspaceships · 4 months
OG6 Avengers’ The “Nice Guy” Contest: Results
It's time to sum up our results. Here are links to all the rounds:
Round 1: “Thank you”
Round 2: “Sorry”
Round 3: “I was wrong/It was my fault”
Note: I'll add more stuff in the future and the overall result may change.
Rules of the contest are here.
Now we will collect all the points and add them up for each character. This way we will get our Nice Guys or Not-So-Nice Guys of the OG6. Let's do the same as we did for each round and list the scores from lowest to highest.
#6 – Natasha
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Her total “Nice Guy Score”: 34.1+56.8+22.7=114 points or 1 per 8.8 mins.
Maybe she’s in last place in the “Nice Guy” Contest because she is not a guy…
Nat often apologizes, but not so often thanks people.
#5 – Clint
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 39.6+19.8+59.4=119 points or 1 per 8.4 mins.
Not-so-Nice guy Clint is last by total number, but his 50.5 minutes of screen time gives him some advantage. He often admits his fault (it's always someone's death), but very rarely apologizes or says "Thank you."
#4 – Bruce
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 85+49.6+21.2=156 points or 1 per 6.42 mins.
Despite the popular belief that Bruce thanks, apologizes and admits to things more than others - none of this is true. He's pretty average, with 4th place in total number and the same place in frequency. He even came in last place in the "I Was Wrong" round. At least Hulk says “Sorry” sometimes.
#3 – Steve
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 82.2+53.4+24.7=160 points or 1 per 6.24 mins.
“A very polite person” Steve came in third place. He's second in total, but he's also second in screen time, which lowers his score. Average for all indicators, he never rose above third place. So seems like there are more polite persons on the team…
#2 – Thor
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 87.9+44+34.2=166 points or 1 per 6 mins.
That's impressive for a guy who started out as an arrogant prince of Asgard and, in the first half of Thor 1, was as polite as Odin to Jane in the Dark World. This is what Asgardian upbringing is like… But Midgard changed him for good in every sense.
And here we are. You already know who is the Nice Guy of OG6...
#1 – Tony
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His total “Nice Guy Score”: 78.4+98+36.4=213 points or 1 per 4.7 mins.
With double the total number of any indicators compared to second place (Steve), and 213 points against 166 of the second place (Thor) by frequency, Tony is the absolute winner.
He didn't win any polls and I think few people would call him the nicest person on the team. But he is. Math doesn't lie. Maybe he will give this position to someone in the future, when I’ll count other indicators. We’ll see.
Yeah, as you can also see – Steve and Bruce are not the “nicest” of them. With Thor in the same group, they have an “average” score of 156 to 166 points.
The last group, Nat and Clint, are actually the rudest. It’s not that they are really rude, but compared to others – they don’t do very well.
Conclusion: All that glitters is not gold. And pure gold is not very glittery. You know what I mean.
These results surprisingly (or not) correlate with my “How to recognize your friends” posts (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). You may have noticed that Tony cares about his friends and teammates. Thor is not present in the posts, because he didn’t act towards Tony in the way others did (he did mean things too though, but of different kind). And the others (3-6 places) are those who did something unpleasant, to put it mildly.
Some notes for fic writers:
Based on the results, if you find these somewhat useful…
Tony apologizes a lot. And much more than others. Not always verbally, but mostly. And when politeness demands it – always (if he bumped into someone, expressed his condolences or accidentally broke the children's crayon).
He often takes the blame for things he didn't do. And contrary to popular belief, he often says that he was wrong.
He's not the guy who says "thank you" the most, but he does it a lot. Sometimes without words.
Thor thanks-a-lot. He may also express his gratitude in other ways, such as kissing hands and the like.
He is also quite good at admitting his misdeeds and bad habits, but mostly of the past. His anger issues are still with him and there is no sign that he thinks anything is wrong.
Apologies are not Thor’s thing. Sometimes he says “sorry”, sometimes not. He is a man of emotions.
Steve is, again, average. He thanks. But sometimes he doesn't when he should. He has a habit of taking things without asking their owners or saying "thank you" or "sorry". He apologizes. But, again, sometimes he doesn't when he should. He admits his fault sometimes, sometimes he doesn’t. He says he was wrong, but often it’s something like “I was wrong to trust you”, meaning he wasn't really at fault.
Bruce seems more polite than he is. In fact he's a sassy guy. There's actually a big difference in Norton's and Ruffalo's portrayal of Bruce. Norton's Bruce was bad at apologizing and thanking. Ruffalo’s is nicer, kinda.
Clint kills people. He then feels regret and admits that the bodies are on him. However, I have never heard him say that he was wrong about anything.
He rarely thanks and almost never apologizes.
Nat does apologize. She doesn't always do it when she should though. She's not so good at verbally admitting when she's at fault or when she's wrong, but she takes the blame even though it's not really her. And of OG6 she's the one who thanks the least.
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rabbittwinrithings · 3 months
An Announcement
(The announcement below is copied from my discord)
   Hey everyone! This announcement has been a long time coming, I’ve just been pretty busy these past months. This announcement will have some good news, but also, some bad news. 
   First off, the good news: 
   End of last year I graduated from college and a few months after I got a new job! I had to move to a whole new state and it’s been perhaps one of, if not the, best experience of my life. This job has been amazing. My new place has been amazing. And just my life in general has been amazing! I can’t remember the last time I’ve been so content in my life! Sometimes I’ll just start looking around and be struck with disbelief that things turned out so well for me. Basically, I got a really nice job in writing and I couldn’t be happier! 
   With this new job, it has also given me time to discover old and new hobbies such as writing my own new material, reading, and I’m getting back into playing/running Dnd! (And once I get my hands on my sewing machine next month you better bet I’m gonna start sewing again!! And get back into cosplaying!!!) 
   But with this all new amazingness comes with a down side. My new job offers little time in the terms of modding. By the time I’m done with work I’m usually exhausted. (this may also be health related which I’m trying to figure out, but we’ll see.) And on the weekends I find myself looking for new hobbies. 
   Let me rip the bandaid off real quick:
   For now, I will no longer be working on my mods. That doesn’t mean I hope nothing new comes out of them. I’m still hoping to make an announcement later that may open up *some* of my mods for fan made expansions (if users wish to do so,) but I’m still trying to get all that sorted out. There was a lot of update work being done, and I’m still figuring out what to do with it. 
   I also still love seeing mod patches like replacers, translations, and such (like always, just shoot me a message first so I know they’re coming out.) 
   This also doesn’t mean it’s forever over. One day, I may return, but for now, I’m stepping aside.
With that sad news said, I want to let all of you know what a ride all this has been! I first started modding because I wanted to find a creative writing outlet, then it turned into realizing I could make a portfolio for a future career with it, and then, finally, I realized how many people enjoyed my work. There were a lot of times where I self doubted whether or not I was a good writer, but seeing the overwhelming support over the years for my art has helped me get over that. My final years of college weren’t great, and modding and you all helped me through the vast majority of it. Because of all that, I want to thank each and every one of you for your support!
   Now, just because I’m stepping away from modding doesn’t mean I want to stop creating. Like I said, I still love writing in my free time, so maybe in the future I can post various personal writings I make here. 
   And with that, once I get everything figured out about the future of my mods, this server may be taking a shift in a new direction from being solely about Sidekicks of Tamriel, but just as a general Rabbitt Winri server and whatever personal projects I pursue in the future. (I will also be changing my various social media accounts accordingly too.)
   Once again, I cannot thank all of you enough for what you’ve done for me! None of this would have been possible without you!
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foreverjustaplace · 3 months
The Bear, Season 3 PREDICTIONS
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OKAY! So with The Bear premiering slightly earlier now, I wanted to go ahead and get my predictions (and maybe some delusional wishes) out on here because I just saw the still where Syd and Carmy are drinking tea after Carmy gets out of the fridge and I definitely had Syd being there when he got out of the walk-in. I never did get my fanfic out before the new season (although who knows. There’s still time!) so I hope I’ll still be in the headspace to finish it after I see the new episodes!
I would LOVE to see everyone’s predictions, too, so add them in the comments or create a post and tag me!
My Predictions:
Let’s start with Sydcarmy first. Oh, hell. This season is going to be one that drags us through all of the emotions. It’s already giving angst galore from all of the promos. A lot of us are worried about this ship, but I have to believe that while Storer may have not initially been on the sydcarmy train, we have a believer in Calo and loves love. We’ll be okay but it’s not going to always be pretty. We’re about to go through it, 100%, but I think the arduous emotional jouney will be worth it in the end (the end perhaps not being this season…). 
As mentioned, I predicted to myself that Syd would be waiting for Carmy when he finally is freed the walk-in refrigerator before I saw the image. To add to this, I believe this will be a very tense moment. Syd is incredibly disappointed with Carmy, but we’re going to get a hellava moment between the two in the very first episode. This moment is going to show just how deep Syd’s love (and I actually do mean in the friendship sense here) runs for Carmy. Despite Carmy already fucking up by not get the fridge fixed, we will get to see Syd give Carmy more grace than he deserves. But she is going to be skeptical as hell of him. He is going to seemingly change overnight and ignore all healthy ways of coping and go straight into this maniacal version of himself. 
They are about to put us through a Sydcarmy fight for the ages after Carmy does his whole partnership shit. But when I tell you this is going to remind us of the most dramatic romances we read on our Kindles, I mean it. Imagine this trope as one of those whole ass agreement list things that one or both of the romance leads (in a friends to lovers, especially) have. The agreement is done when the friends have an insane, amazing friendship and there’s more there, obviously, but they’re afraid to admit it. Sometimes they truly don’t even know that they like each other! In the case of Carmy, he is so avoidant of all of his feelings, he doesn’t even allow himself to think he likes her in this way. And even if he does recognize it, he certainly doesn’t know how to properly channel that into a romantic relationship with Sydney but he is 100% cognizant of the fact that he doesn’t want to lose her. That he CANNOT lose her. This agreement is done under the guide of a professional work agreement, but what he is proposing sounds more initamiate this just a work agreement. I honestly think it’s going to be jarring because on one hand Carmy believes this will lead to a star, but on the other hand what he’s trying to do starts to look and sound more like a non-platonic relationship.  
There is going to be a DREAM sequence that will make sydcarmy shippers happy. I just have this feeling or maybe this is me in delululand. Look. There were one too many damn dream sequence jokes for me to not take it seriously. I’m always a big believer that dream sequences should go big or go home; in fact, I’m trying to go through all of the dream sequences I’ve watched before in my head right now. I can’t think of one that did not involve kissing OR the wake-up-right-before-they-kiss moment at least. Think back to last month’s Polin (Bridgerton). I hope we get the kiss but I’ll even take the latter. BUT I’m going to go big and say that this may not even be a all heated and sexy dream. Um. What if it’s a Sydcarmy wedding!!!  
Syd and Carmy will sit next to each other at the funeral. There will be some comforting hand holding that is going to put us in a chokehold. I think Syd cries and Carmy comforts her. 
Ya know how Carmy helped Claire move whatever the hell furniture last season? Yeah, we’re gonna see a parallel of the moving thing when he helps Syd. We’re gonna get a Sydcarmy moment inside Sydney’s apartment and they’re going to talk about the future. This will be a great scene and will be use in all the future edits for sureee. Fantasyland me wants Carmy to say some shit like, “Syd, I don’t even know why you didn’t just move in with me?” “Carmy, use your head. You have one bedroom ? ? ?” “I would’ve taken the couch, nbd.”
Carmy sees Syd’s tattoos. I hope!! Perhaps this is in the dream sequence? Or maybe they have an actual conversation. Carmy tells Syd what one of his tattoos means. She does the same. But, forreal, this is a headcanon for me. 
To end the season, Syd and Carmy forreal do something that makes it hard to deny they are 100% in the platonic love category. They kiss and there is a conversation that rivals the under the table scene. Richie is the one who helps them get to this point. 
Sydney makes the decision to step away from Carmy a bit. Does she go to Ever? God, I hope not. But I think her health problems are going to be crazier (PLEASE STORER do not make her sick!!! I beg you!) and she can’t deal with Carmy’s shit any longer. I honestly think we’re going to see the season span months and the angst will be rough. Hopefully it’s one of those, “Three Months Later” things so we don’t actually have to see it. LOL Just get me to the end. 
Carmy is about to piss everyone off. I think we’re going to see Tina, Natalie, Richie, Sweeps, even Pete get into it with him. 
There will be a good number of flashbacks this season:
*Mikey in his last few months, weeks, and/or days leading up to his death 
*But also we’ll see some fun, sweet memories involving Mikey. Moments with Richie, Nat, and Carmy.
*Carmy as a chef before The Beef/The Bear. I’m so looking forward to these! 
*We are finally going to see Syd’s mom in flashbacks! 
Emanuael and Carmy meet. Syd’s dad will not like Carmy. He’s not gonna be impressed at all. They are going to talk and Carmy is going to do everything in his power to convince Emanuel he will be better for Syd and that she’s everything to him. Emanuel is going to give him some advice to win over Sydney. 
Richie is going to start dating and at least semi-successful. I think his redemption arc is still happening and specifically related to his relationships. Not gonna lie, I do actually like the idea of Jess and Richie and so I’m going to keep that in the mix and say Richie is the one who sets up Syd with the Ever guy. Richie will attend Tiff and Frank’s wedding. 
Syd and Marcus grow so much closer. Syd is going to serve as a supporting, loving friend to Marcus. They’re going to bond over the dead mom club. It’s going to be wonderful to see their friendship.
Donna is there for Nat. Perhaps she goes into labor and Donna is there to ease her nerves. It’s a wild moment for sure but a pretty poignant one. 
Luca. Dude. I don’t even know. I LOVE his character. I want him to, like, I’d love for him and Marcus to hook up. That would be the absolute best. Hell, I’d really love for Luca to be Sydney and starting flirting with her and with get to see jealous!Carmy! (PLEASE!) but I’ll settle for some flashback scenes. I guessss. Perhaps Luca comes help out at The Bear? I’d love that.
I’ve seen a lot of people say that The Bear will struggle greatly and close. I cannot deal with this LOL. I don’t want this to happen so I’m not going to predict it, but I think there will be some struggling. 
Tina’s story is gonna be emotional. Her journey into the kitchen is going to be one that happens because she desperately needs a job. We’re going to see her with Luis’ father. We are going to see her with Mikey. We’re going to see that she has always been bright and so capable. 
Claire. Man. I don’t like that she is even in this season, but I appreciate a great story and don’t think we can fully wrap this whole thing up if the walk-in fridge breakup was it. Fak is starting to get on my last nerves with his matchmaking shit lol but I think we will see Claire in at least a slightly different and enhanced light. Chris Storer is intentional in everything he does and I don’t believe for one second this doctor can be so surface level. Carmy may have this guilt eating him up and his trauma keeping him from  wanting anything good, but ultimately Carmy doesn’t actually want her. She’s meant to represent this nice person and serve merely as (physical) relief. But I don’t even know. I don’t think she and Carmy are endgame at all. I want Claire to tell Fak to stop his nonsense. I want her to understand her worth and not go back to Carmy after he said all of this shit about her (and not just because I love Sydcarmy but because I’m for the girlies knowing their worth!). 
What I would really love to happen is Claire cursing Carmy tf out. I’d love for Claire and Syd to have a one-on-one conversation and Sydney says something that exposes how she feels about Carmy to Claire. Awkwardness ensues. 
Okay. Damn. I started typing and I couldn’t stop. It was as if I was ten years old again and typing my predictions for the upcoming Harry Potter book. Dang. Take me back to those days! Those prediction threads were unreal. Tell me your predictions! 
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