#maybe i’m delulu
noona-is-afk · 2 months
Also we’re getting a 2023 in which Sol can walk?? And is girlbossing it up?? Potentially adult Sol x Sun Jae meeting again and being cute?
Monday hurry up, I’m ready NOW
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blunt-talks · 1 month
Just finished catching up on Doctor Who and I genuinely think Ruby is Rose’s kid. Like idk how exactly yet but there’s been so many parallels to her and Rose, she looks like Rose, and also it would explain why Ruby could never find her bio family even with help - because they’re on a parallel earth 👀
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sternenwaisin · 10 months
I would love for slime that the entity would learn how to be a real egg, maybe that’s what the entity wanted all along. She’s jealous off all the other eggs because she wasn’t perfect, a experiment from the federation, to clone an egg, that went wrong. The desire to be just simply loved. To simply has a family. And with slime, lonely and grieving for his deceased daughter, far away from everyone else, the entity found someone vulnerable and easy to infiltrate themself. I wouldn’t even say to manipulate, maybe to learn what it’s like to have a family?
Maybe she just wants to be a normal egg. With loving parents that wouldn’t see any flaws. Wouldn’t see her imperfections and wouldn’t realize that’s something is off. Slime will not realize. Even not if someone will point it out. But because entity flippa wants to stay hidden, for now, no one will find out.
But maybe the real flippa is still out there and it’s all an illusion of an perfect imperfect family. And slime is just being used. With all his new presents now and the camouflage gear to spy on people.
I would love a scenario where the entity just wants to be loved.
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annahxredaxted · 1 year
Did Erik’s posting schedule change?
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glitterus · 8 months
might make out with my friend tomorrow…. idk
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sshaw0l · 11 months
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trying not to go insane bc I messaged my friend 7 hours ago asking if she wants to hang out this week and she hasn’t even seen the message yet BUT, she did see my message I sent just 1 min earlier in a group chat we’re both in 🥲
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tris-caroline · 9 months
The sim I created for my boyfriend got a whim to break up with my sim. I’m feeling deeply effected and will now be asking him if he hates me irl.
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I binged all of season 3 after the finale and I can’t shake the feeling that it was changed at the last minute.
I feel like cx-2 was supposed to be Tech and the batch would have worked on reversing his brainwashing but it would have taken several episodes and they couldn’t fit it all in in time. So instead of being like oh he’s fixed after 5 seconds they just scrapped it.
Because they spent several episodes showcasing cx-2 and we ALL saw the parallels. Especially if you see some of the tiktok edits that transition between Tech and CX-2 like it’s the same build, body language and mannerisms. The accessories! Cx-2 has an ankle strap. Tech is the only one to wear a pouch strapped around his ankle that he kept even after modifying his armor for season 2
It’s not like one or 2 Tech girlies were really reaching to make the connection- the parallels really were there.
Why do all that for cx-2 end up being literally no one at the end. Just a reg with the same standard clone face that we only saw a side profile after the helmet fell off in the finale like it was quickly edited in.
Don’t get me wrong I’m so glad the helmet fell off and it wasn’t Tech because he had just been killed and that would have been super devastating.
But still why go through all those parallels for nothing?
If they did actually run out of time or didn’t want to rush his recovery, they could have made it so the batch finds him on tantiss, stuns him, lugs him onto the shuttle and back to Pabu and then while Omega and Hunter were talking under the tree it could have been like:
Omega: “Will Tech be okay?”
Hunter: “We’ll bring him back and take care of him. Together.” *pans to Phee already carting him off to the clinic or something *
And then in the epilogue he could have popped out to remind Omega one last time about evasive maneuvers because this ship is a little different than the Marauder or something. It would have shown that he really was okay and back to himself.
I think we would have been fine with that, just happy our beloved nerd boy is ok.
But nooooooooo we had to start our grieving way after plan 99
Idk I’ll never get over it. Perhaps now I’m really reaching. It just has too many gaps still for me.
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moonchildsorcery · 4 months
so like we already know that us halsin lovers are gonna be eating really fucking good next week with this new patch
can i be a little more greedy in hoping that halsin’s point and click lines will also be fixed next week too????
or am i just asking for far too much
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yourlocalgrass · 9 days
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Ok wait now I need to rant about this (if you haven’t watched the trailer you’ll think I’ve gone gibberish) so like with everything feeling off and weird going on right Lucifer trying to persuade mc in a way ‘everything is okay, just take my hand and everything will be fine, there’s nothing to worry about’ (spoiler there definitely is lmao) like imagine it as a whisper by the ear and then imagine an mc who just wants to be at peace and live normally again especially one that cares for Lucifer and his brothers trying so hard not to fall into these sweet honeyed words because they know something is wrong and feels off but Lucifers words are so close to making them give in despite the gnawing feeling but oh how badly you’d like to give in, take his hand fully, and hear his words for longer so that it will ease your worries…
But yet you know it won’t remove the feeling completely. It will only complicate your feelings further. So you know you must move away.
Wow. That was a lot. Haha brain rot time :D
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prince-kallisto · 9 months
Here’s a compilation of Crowley sounds, Aka him just humming, clearing his throat, crying, etc. I tried containing it to non-speaking voice clips, but sometimes he emphasized a word SO ODDLY that I had to include it. @snakevsnis …use this wisely 🫡
Audio warning for Crowley screaming every now and then 😭 I pulled clips from the entire main story, Culinary Crucible, and the exam voice lines. If you have any requests for a Crowley voice compilation, hit me up! 🙆💞🐦‍⬛
But I have a confession to make 😭 I literally JUST realized how weird this is 😭😭😭 who IN THEIR RIGHT MIND records 95 VOICE CLIPS and puts them together like this 😭😭 I swear it wasn’t for any creepy reasons 🧍it’s just that I already posted about his odd mannerisms before, like his humming and voice changes…I’m already hours into this project so might as well upload it 🤪 but now I seem like a pervert 🫡 the struggles of an irredeemable Crowley simp…
I plan on making a massive video one day compiling ALL of Crowley’s voice lines from all sources…if you know a strange source where Crowley speaks (e.g Twst commercials,, Twst website) please let me know! ^_^ 🐦‍⬛
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zaptrapp · 3 months
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chaosinstigator · 14 days
jesus who drowned y’all in depression water
just bc it’s a 2 year extension doesn’t mean that things can’t happen like, it’s redbull
also I’m gonna have to start unfollowing people if this is all it takes for y’all to start yelling about retirement like my god people take a breath
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atlasavian · 8 months
just watched Loki ss2 ep 5 and OMG GUYS
Guys.. the absolute lokius brain rot this episode has given me is insane- and Loki wanting nothing more than to be surrounded by his friends?? Hello?? I am feelings??
some of my favourite parts:
-“You saved my life when I first arrived. You saw something in me that I haven't seen in myself.” THE WAY IM ACTUALLY SOBBING
-Loki, the literal asgardian god of mischief, preening himself before visiting single dad jet ski salesman Don
-deep philosophical conversations ™ with Sylvie
-“if we don’t hurry up they’ll gut us like fish” hehe nice one
-Don/Mobius and the way he kept dropping hints that he was single and on the market 💀💀
-“what do you really want”
-and just (most) of the plot in general? I might honestly prefer this season to the first one to be honest
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ghosts-cyphera · 7 months
It's MWIII Ghost edit sooo spoilers, but Lo, you gotta see it 😭😭 🪼
oh my god oh my god oh my god I worship the ground you walk on for sending this ?? he is so beautiful what the hell aaaa—
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dumbnotstupidfuck · 7 months
I think raj and wayne are gonna be the final two
1) the confessional after bowie picked wayne, they talked abt not knowing what to do if they aren’t able to work together
2) them being extremely insistent on playing fair (pretty sure that mentality will be rewarded this season since bowie didn’t win last season by being shady, but still made it to the final two, they might wanna balance that out this season)
3) wayne got cut off by an announcement after saying ‘can’t we do both?’ in response to julia and mk saying ‘we don’t want to play fair, we want to win’
4) the only reason they went home last season is bc of an injury
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