#maybe i'll just ask for an extension. i have had a really bad couple of months
fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
I love when I open the guidelines for next week's assignments and it literally makes no sense. I don't mind this
#i know we haven't covered this material yet but also what does it MEAN. what does it all mean#and my netlify blog is broken ✨ and i don't know why ✨ the debug console tried to tell me but i couldn't understand what it was saying ✨#when i tell you i haven't changed ANY of the deploy settings or info. i haven't changed the njk files. i haven't done ANYTHING#i suspect either netlify or github has updated and broken my blog themselves#or maybe just Maybe i accidentally did something but.... no. i don't think it's anything that i personally did#because i'd see it in the version history in my repository and there's nothing. i don't see anything#i love this. i love that i didn't even break it and it's STILL on me to fix it. that's great actually. i don't mind this#i am so heavily thinking about quitting this course but i'm literally 2 weeks from the end so that'd be stupid. right? ...right?#i'm not going to do it. unless.....#no honestly the time to quit was like a month after starting lol. i have been confused and annoyed this whole time#yes i've learned stuff but most of the time i just get so frustrated i end up cutting corners and doing the absolute bare minimum to get my#assignments done because i honestly do not care anymore. i don't want to work in tech after this. i am so blatantly not cut out for it#i'm going to defect back to education but in a support role this time and just hope for the best#which is also what makes me think i might as well quit the course? idk. i should've quit weeks ago because now sunk cost fallacy#is kicking in. i told my friend and she was like 'i had no idea it was this bad :( you can't quit' 1) yes it is 2) yes i can#maybe i'll just ask for an extension. i have had a really bad couple of months#y'know what; yeah. if they can't give me an extension (to give me enough time to fucking figure this shit out) i'll just quit#either give me a long ass time to do the assignments or i'm not doing them#personal
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itstheghostofmypast · 4 months
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Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: At this point, he didn't know who she loved more, him or Byeol, either way, he was happy. What else could Choi San ask for other than his two favourite girls in the world getting along?
Warnings: NONE
Word Count: 2.1K
Est. Read Time: 10 min
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels
A/N: No- see @edenesth 💗 did this to me. This timestamp is for my saviour, the one and only @edenesth 💗 , like we should totally blame San for posting such domestic core pics- no wonder we get all delulu- PS THIS COLLAB HAS ME DYING
@edenesth version: [12.58]PM
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"San?" she called out, walking down the hallway as she paused in front of the wall-length mirror, fixing her hair once more and checking out her outfit, simple, crisp and a dash of purple. Very different from her usual office attire, very colourful too- after all the first time he had seen her she was in a plain suit, a white dress shirt and slacks, running around collecting printouts for the upcoming spring magazine. That also being the first time he had realised how much he loved the word 'simple'. Okay, fine, perhaps she was dressed on the softer side, but was it so bad to play cute for once? Especially, if she was doing so to please her man. Call it her way of simping.
Truth be told, she wasn't even sure if he was going to show up, after their extensive tour, when he had mentioned the upcoming off days he was to get, she had suggested going to his home town to relax, leaving the city life for a while and although it pained her to know that she would be too busy with her own work at the office, also known as the company he too worked in, she wanted him to rest and relax away from the hustle bustle of his idol life, what she did not expect that after a week of his departure to Namhae, the very next weekend her fluff of a man would be ringing her doorbell in the late hours of the weekend.
"Byeol wanted to see you and so did I, I spent a week there and I'll spend a week here."
Was all he the dimpled man had made his way inside to the living room, opening the carrier to let Byeol out, the living room already a place of her liking. She had been here with San a couple of times; she had also been a very important part of their relationship. Especially on their third date where he had delicately brought up the topic, "Are you allergic to cats?"
"No, why?"
"Do you like cats?"
"Yeah, why?"
He never really answered her question that night, only smiled at her, leaning over the table to add more meat to her plate considering the late hours of the night, her hunger had distracted her from asking more questions, already too emotional at the thought of this angel of a man sacrificing his portion of protein for her - especially after grilling it so well. The only thing that did change was that the next morning she received around 400+ pictures of San's first love, Byeol.
The first time he had brought Byeol over, he was cautious and attentive, making sure both his girls were happy. He asked her cute questions all day- maybe she just found them cute because it was him, or perhaps it was because he was letting her in, into his domain, which is the little kitty roaming around the house.
"Can I put the litter here?"
"All your windows are locked right?"
"Do you mind if I keep the food bowl next to where we eat? She feels lonely otherwise."
"Can she sleep on your bed? I brought her cat mat just in case."
"Can we leave the bedroom door open a bit, so she can come and go without waking us up?"
He stopped when he realised, she wasn't even responding, panicking he looked up from the cat supplies. Maybe she felt like he was intruding or invading her privacy but was too afraid to tell him. Maybe bringing in Byeol was a big step he shouldn't have taken so quickly. What if she meant like she liked cats, at a normal level, like 'oh a cat.'  Not like cuddling them or baby-talking to them. Turning around his eyes scanned the room to spot her holding onto Byeol, carrying her like a baby and cooing at her. It was only then he realised how loud his cat was purring loud enough for it to echo in the silent room.
"Hmmm? You say something, Sannie?" she looked up from Byeol to him, eyes as curious as a cat's, hand resting on the cat's tummy, letting Byeol grab her hand with her soft paws. His heart felt as if it were about to burst out of his ribcage, running to her and landing on her palm, beating in it with an intensity that would borderline scare her. Licking his chapped lips the feline-eyed man shook his head, a genuine dimpled smile forming, one that would send thousands flipping with joy- or in her case have her gushing over it in solitude.
Thus, giving birth to a ritual, often he would spend his free days at his own home, sometimes calling her over, and gratefully his family welcomed her with open arms. On other occasions, he’d drop by to her apartment, bringing their 'daughter' with him.
She remembers the time Byeol had gotten sick. Unfortunately, San was busy that evening, and his parents were out of town so Byeol was to stay with her. Not an issue, at least it wasn't until the third night when San checked his phone after hours of practice late at night. He had decided to stay at the dorm, travelling would be more tiring she understood, but as the man checked his phone his heart almost stopped.
"Byeol is sick, she's vomiting. "
"I'm taking her to the vet."
"She's shivering."
"Okay, my car isn't working!"
'"I ran here, dw, made it in time, they're checking her."
"They say she has a fever, some bug?"
"They want to keep her overnight, idk I mean I can't just leave her here. She looked scared."
"I'm not leaving, but she's sedated. They say she'll be fine."
"San plz reply soon."
"San I'm scared."
Choi San had never run faster in his life he was sure of it, because the moment he burst into the 24/7 pet clinic his lungs were burning worse than a forest fire, his eyes red and blurry, the world around him extremely out of focus as he stumbled to the reception, about to take the patient's name but someone called him instead.
His head snapped in her direction, running to her, enveloping her in a tight embrace, trying to calm her down as she began to shiver in his embrace, her words coming out with choked sobs. Hand pressed against her head, he rubbed her back up and down with the other one, looking through the glass window at his cat, sprawled on the table with an IV tube attached.
"It's gonna be okay, it'll be okay."
It took almost an hour to calm her down, he had tried to convince her to go home, she had work the next day but she refused, instead blaming herself for Byeol's health. Though the doctor had assured him it was not because of her incompetency, but the cat food, the cat food Sanhad insisted on changing. Once she found that out, Choi San had to get an earful the remainder of the night, “How can you- I told you not to do that!”
“Babe I- “Don’t babe me! She doesn’t even like salmon! She prefers tuna.”
After the wonderful argument, that through the eyes of an elderly couple waiting for their dog looked like a cute domestic quarrel, came to an end. San remembered sitting next to her sulking as she gave him the silent treatment, though a few moments later her head had landed against his shoulder with a thump, followed by her snores. That night Choi San had realised two things, firstly that he was in love with her and secondly, she probably loved Byeol more than she loved him.
Hence, today they were supposed to go to a cute cafe she had been eying for a month. They had planned on taking Byeol out but since the cat had decided to stay up all night, running around the apartment she was tired today. San had just mocked her, claiming that Byeol knew it was Valentine's Day so she wanted her parents to spend the day together. However, he later countered himself with a, "Though each day is like Valentine's Day with you, love."
Clearing her throat, she dusted off the invisible dust, adjusting her cardigan before making her way to the living room once more, calling out to her significant other, "San! I'm ready to let's go." though his lack of response was confusing her, so she called out again, "Sannie where are you-" her word stopped as soon as she turned the corner, into her living room, spotting a giant starfish sprawled out on the wooden floor. Next to him was Byeol, staring down at him, San's hand pressed against his cat's back in a soothing manner, but she knew what he was doing, making sure his cat didn't move because Byeol was not only pretty but smart too, she knew what her dad was doing.
Sighing she walked closer to him, standing next to Byeol who looked up at her, blinking slowly, before turning back to stare at San. She stared down at him, arms crossed before slowly poking his side with her foot, watching him pretend and stretch, groaning as he cracked an eye open, "Oh~ you're finally done?"  
"Mhmmm." Raising a questioning brow she nodded, "And?"
"Oh, I mean" Sitting up he stretched his legs, much similar to how Byeol would do so, "Byeol said her mommy was taking so long in the shower that we fell asleep, waiting for you…" his words trailed off when he turned to look at her, his breath hitching at the sight of the soft pastels, the pretty purple, purple really was her colour. Clearing his throat he quickly got up, standing to talk in front of her, merely a few inches away from her as he stretched his arms over his head before casually bringing them down, not so discreetly wrapping them around her and slamming her into him, smirking when she whined.
"The dress will wrinkle Sannie." she tried to push him away but he pulled her closer, leaning down to peck the tip of her nose, "You can't look like a pretty pixie and not expect me to hold onto you like Captain Hook kidnapped Tinkerbell."
"What an analogy."  she mumbled, letting him squeeze her into his warm chest, feeling the vibrations as he chuckled, "You look very pretty…I like your cardigan."
"Thanks, your mom gave it to me last birthday. " Her arms wrapped around his waist, letting him gently sway them from side to side.
“Who do you think chose it?” he smiled down at her, finally meeting her with a gentle kiss, one she savoured greatly, hands fisting his shirt as his palm pressed against her back before slowly trailing down, though their little moment came to halt sudden when a high-pitched squeak caught their ears. Pulling back, she looked down at Byeol, frowning before turning to look at San, “Why isn’t she wearing her leash?” “What do you mean?”
Tutting at her gorgeous idiot of a man, she pulled away completely before crouching to grab the cat and walking towards the door where they hung coats and her leash. “I said we’re going to the café.”
“I know,” he mumbled scratching his head, a bit confused as to what she meant, “I got a booking for it, no? Why are you – we can’t take her there and it's almost time for our reservation.”
“Aww~ don’t listen to daddy, Byeol” San watched her talk to his cat instead of him, watching her put on Byeol’s harness and leash, somewhat impressed because Byeol never let him do that this easily, though the next statement had him blushing mad. “He’s a bit slow, handsome, but slow, he forgot we’re going to a cat café, you’ll have fun there~ Won’t you baby~”
Letting out a hearty chuckle he closed his eyes and shook his head in disbelief, of course she’d come up with this idea on her own. She had mentioned earlier how leaving Byeol home wasn’t fun especially when the cat was their ‘child’ and leaving their child unattended was cruel. He watched the cat jump off the table and onto the floor, meowing up at his lover who sent Byeol a flying kiss, San didn’t know what heaven was, but if anyone were to ask him to describe what it looked like, the view was right in front of him.
“Any kisses for me?” He asked walking up to his two girls, who were almost out the door, pausing when she winked at him, “depends big boy. Might need to send our baby back home for a while if that’s what you want.” And that had the man shivering with excitement running after her as the two made it to the elevator, already planning on asking someone or one of the guys to watch his little baby for the night, so he could have a night with his kitten.
“Don’t worry, I think that can be arranged, kitten.”
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Taglist: @edenesth @mlysalt @spooo00oky @cereal-simp @yessa-vie
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asteria7fics · 2 months
i'm back!!! o(>ω<)o i don't usually make outlines (mostly because i was never taught in a way that makes sense to me) i guess what i wanted to ask is how u make your outlines? or how you decide what will be in ur story ik i could just search it up but i like hearing it from someone I'm mooties w/ or someone in the same genre as me sorry for bothering u w/ this pooks (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
-i'm stalking ur blog and inbox again (◞ ‸ ◟ㆀ)
Welcome back! Thank you for gracing my ask box once again!
I'll happily break down my outlining process! I've tried a couple of different methods and have found success with both! (´⌣`ʃƪ)
Mild spoilers for TSOB under the cut, so if anyone hasn't read it yet tread lightly!
SO specifically for TSOB I kept my outline really simple because I ended up coming up with the logistics of a lot of the events as I wrote them (a bad idea, truthfully! If you don't have to do it this way, don't!)
I literally found some kid's presentation on the Trojan War (paired with my existing knowledge of the war lol I promise I know things) and copied down the events in chronological order, using the original characters names and everything.
Wedding of Peleus and Thetis
Judgment of Paris
Paris goes to Menelaus 
Paris steals Helen
Menelaus goes to Agamemnon for help
And so on and so forth, until I'd covered the entire war. I chose to use events outside of just The Iliad because I thought the additional context would be helpful for readers who maybe weren't as familiar with the source material.
I did make a few small notes for events I had planned in advanced (the crappening was one such event!) but for the most part, that list was a majority of my planning. The rest of my notes were character based, or just small things I wanted to remember to include (like all of Jimmy's jokes, I would write them down as people told them to me irl)
I cannot lie, my outlining for this fic was not very extensive. If you want a more effective idea I'd honestly recommend trying the method I used for my next fic, Exactly Where I Left You (coming to an ao3 near you veeery soon!!)
For that fic, I ended up with a whole board absolutely covered with sticky notes. I posted this picture a while ago, but I'll drudge it back up because I know a visual can be helpful!
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Obvi I blurred it because I don't need you goobers getting spoiled for the whole dang fic before I even post it, but I found this method to be extremely helpful for crafting a narrative fully from scratch, rather than pulling it from a pre-existing source like I did with TSOB.
You don't have to follow a 3 Act structure (I hardly did myself) but I found it easier for my own creative process. I also prefer using stickies to, say, writing on a whiteboard or chalkboard because if an idea didn't fit in a specific part of the story I could easily move it. I regularly rearranged entire arcs as I was working on this fic.
I don't have a photo of the backside, but that's where I wrote down character information, as well as plotting out the overarching narrative of the story. This will all make a lot more sense once the fic is out!
I hope this explanation has been helpful for you! Finding the right strategy takes time and lots of trial and error, but if you try either of these let me know how it goes for you! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
Thank you again for the lovely ask!!
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sharoscylla · 1 year
Your turtle iteration is so cool! Can you tell me more about your iteration? Maybe some more stuff about April and Casey?
Have a lovely day by the way!
So, April is the first one to meet Casey and brings him to the turtles for help. I am working on a comic book script for this event to try to learn how to write comics, so hopefully I'll be able to show it on here soon!
April is 15 years old. She's super into horror media and video games, and has known the turtles for about a year. Raph met her first and she considers him her BEST friend, but the other turtles are all a very close second. The two of them play video games online a lot even if they don't see one another in person that day, and they're working on a horror game together. She is kind of the opposite of Raph and Mikey - they both dream of being normal kids and being able to be normal and live around other people, but she hopes and wishes her mom would somehow fall in love with their dad, pull a brady bunch to fuse their families together, and give her unlimited Turtle Little Brother Time in their world instead of having to return to the human world. Donnie is teaching her some Turtle First Aid (as well as what Human First Aid he knows) and the two of them watch How It's Made and do cute things together. Leo and Mikey are both teaching her martial arts - Leo because he thinks it would make their dad proud if he did a good job teaching her (despite Splinter currently not knowing she exists,) Mikey because he's wracked with anxiety and has terror-visions of her being defenseless against Bad Guys. (Raph does not feel like he has to teach her anything, they're just friends who have fun together and are making fun stuff together and he really feels like he needs a friend who doesn't... depend on him for anything, poor boy.)
Casey is 16 and he's had a very rough life so far. Meeting Casey (and by extension meeting April, who introduces herself to him this way) is like a thirty-second process from Splinter going "Oh no a human" to "Oh no, a human THAT I MUST ADOPT, POOR BOY." (He does ask if April needs to be adopted, which adds fuel to the "April wants to Parent Trap Splinter and her Mom" fire, but she politely declines FOR NOW) Casey is VERY into the Fallout games and pretty explicitly models his way of dressing/weapons of choice/general aesthetic after Fallout New Vegas, which the turtle boys are too young to have played but April knows what's up. All four of the turtles feel incredibly obligated to teach Casey how to fight and take care of himself, especially when they find out that he's on the run from the same apocalyptic death cult that mutated them* mutated their dad into a rat** and chased them from Florida to the sewers of New York***. Casey likes all of the turtles equally, but has a special attachment to April, Donnie, and Mikey for nebulous Genders Reasons that he is not equipped to deal with at this time.
*= a lie
**= sort of true and sort of not true
***= only in the vague-est sense possible
(Splinter has fallen into the trap of Making Shit Up when he's not sure of the answer or is ashamed of the truth and despite having good intentions he has caused bonkers problems for his boys, mentally)
(also: Leo's decision to train April started with Leo going "Hey, Dad, GIRLS can be ninjas too, right?" and Splinter, Trans But Awkward, Firmly Stating, "ANYONE can be a girl." which did not really answer the question but Leo decided it would work as permission until he did a grand reveal of Girl Ninja April)
(Splinter then spent a couple of months trying to State To The Room that any of his sons can be a girl if they want and they can just tell him if they're a girl, that's normal and fine, just let him know, he has girl names lined up if anybody's interested)
(Donnie is Not A Boy either but he's too caught up in "Thinks He Might Not Be Alive" to put too much thought into it right now. give him a few years)
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beinfriends · 1 year
[[ 16, 17, and 18 for the munday meme! ]]
Munday Meme: Some questions to get to know the mun’s rping habits | Accepting
16. Favourite trope?
Oh, I don't know... maybe it's bad but I never have any introspection about stuff like this. Or at least I don't when I get asked. I don't know what characters I gravitate towards (beyond "something is deeply wrong with this person", that's usually a shoo-in and is why I gravitated to Porky and Claus, for example, or like, autistic-coded characters), or tropes either.
I like the loser protagonist trope, maybe? It's not my favorite, I don't know, but I think it's interesting. There is a very fine line with it, and it can definitely be done super wrong, but I think it's neat examining pathetic characters if there's sufficient complexity in them. You know that's a thing for me considering SOBR, lol.
I guess I also like whatever you'd call the real world with minor fantasy elements-- it's not necessarily magical realism, because that implies that magic is completely normal within the real world. Sometimes, I like magic/fantasy elements being a thing that exists but people don't really know about it.
17. Least favourite trope?
Oh, I also don't know KRHF. I guess I don't really like one-dimensional characters. A villain can be super evil, but I still like to see more to them than that. They don't have to be sympathetic or justifiable, I would just like to see more, I guess. Same with perfectly good characters. The only Perfect and Amazing protagonist allowed is Beowulf lol. But it's more interesting when there's complexity going on!! I know it's a basic answer, but still.
18. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
Yeah! A couple. One AU I've had around for a while is what I was referring to as an Earthbound AU for the Tazmily... basically Tazmily existing during the same time as Earthbound as like, some rural town in Texas or some shit. It was another form of modern verse, but obviously not wholly modern since it'd be in the 90s. I think the plot was Hinawa and Claus would get abducted by aliens, and Lucas would set out in hopes of finding them, basically.
That'd be the fun plot, but I also have it just as a fun slice of life plot for Tazmily in the modern world. It'd be neat, because it'd give the villagers a chance to have bonds with their biological families, and have them fold in to the dynamics that already exist in Tazmily... or see how people living with their bio families would change Mother 3's family dynamics in some cases. I could talk about that extensively since I've fleshed out a lot of the villagers' families but I'll spare you for now. Maybe another time.
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Punch It - Chapter three
on Ao3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/39623298/chapters/101202933
Ben Solo had been certain, absolutely certain, that his parents had both written him off. The voice in his head, reinforced by Voe's nastiness, told him that so very often.
But the moment that he'd asked his dad to fetch him, he had, all blasters blazing and without a jot of hesitation
He watched as Han slid into the pilot's seat in the cockpit and set course.
A little face looked over his dad's shoulder at him, freckled and grinning. She spoke with a chirruping core world accent. "Hello Ben, I've missed you."
Ben scrunched up his face. "I'm pretty sure we've never met."
She climbed over his dad and Ben tried to squash the spear of jealousy at her comfort both with his dad and the ship. "I know," she grinned again, “but I've missed you anyway." And with that she hurtled toward him, giving his leg a fierce hug before clambering back to what had been his bunk.
“Erm, Dad, where am I gonna sleep now?” Ben chewed his lip.
 Han laughed. “I’ll have to weld you a new bunk in a bit, you need a bigger one anyway, you can bed down in the bunk behind the dejarik table for now and I’ll convert one of the storage bays to give you a bit of privacy once we hit Zhadalene.”
Ben slid into the co-pilot’s seat, “How’ve you been dad?”
Han shrugged, “Hell of a lot better now kid. Do you wanna raid my crates, maybe find yourself something a little less… pyjama shaped?”
Ben loped toward his Dad’s bunk, what had been the family bunk when he was a kid, and everything felt oddly out of proportion, like he was on a miniature ship set to 2/3rds scale.
The galley was just as it was when dad tried to get mom to eat synthmeat fritters. Where he had learned to pulp the jogan fruit to make tarts with three points, where mom had warmed him milk when his nightmares were bad.
There appeared to be most of a sensor array coupling disassembled across the counter, and a thin layer of dust and grease told him they'd not been cooking much.
The Kowakian-esque kid bounced out again, dragging a dusty trunk from an underfloor storage bin. "Han's old clothes," she passed him a small lasknife and nodded toward his long Padawan braid.
Luke had let him wear his hair a little longer than would have been allowed back in the old Republic era, but had insisted on the braid; he'd not minded really, his extensive training in the Alderaanian braiding traditions meant he could occasionally weave a subtle 'eff you' into its narrow length. But the kid was right, it was time to let the past die, and so, he sliced it away.
Rey grabbed the fallen braid and stuffed it into one of her many pockets with a broad smile.
"Scavenger!" He growled but held back his temper. "What are you going to do with that?"
Rey grinned, "I'll tell you when we get to Byss."
"We're not going to Byss, Rey, we're going to Zhadalene." 
"We're not going to Byss yet, Ben, but when we do, you'll be glad I kept this."
The black was a strange comfort, but the nightmares never really stopped. Ben was used to them now but the pressure in his head, the urge to run was stronger than it had been at the temple, maybe because now he could.
But he had his Dad and Uncle Chewie to hold on to and the kid was growing on him, most of the time, when she wasn’t driving him nuts.
She wore his old clothes, played with his old toys, sat on Uncle Chewie’s shoulder, and drummed on the ceiling to his dad’s old ‘Modal Nodes’ recordings just like he had done, but the minute he tried to teach her anything she went ballistic.
Dad had asked him to, for Kriff’s sake; he’d gotten out the balls and the blindfold that he had used in the early days of his force training and called her across. “Hey Little Sister, I have a game for you.” And she had screamed with rage. Called him a moof milker and slammed herself into her (his old) bunk.
Not the most auspicious of beginnings.
Dad suggested Sabbac, of course, he did, karking sleemo, and of course, there are two out of the 76 cards caught in Uncle Chewie’s fur, and four in Dad’s sleeve and four in his, just the way they’d taught him, so how was the kriffing Scavenger winning?
Rey grinned and slid out her cards, twenty-three in 5 cards is almost impossible, especially with every card below a 3 tucked away on someone's person, but there it was. She wrinkled her nose before exclaiming, “I’d have had it in seven if you lot wouldn’t keep hoarding all the ones.”
Rey grabbed the handful of chores chits from the middle of the table, doing a little shuffle, and Han shoved back his chair. “C’mon you little terror, let’s get you to bed as apparently you’re never gonna be tired as again what with you never having to do any work ever again!”
He hauled the small girl over his shoulder toward the ‘family quarters’, and Ben watched them disappear around the corner before he shoved the table, knocking the pile of cards to the floor.
Chewie put his large hand on his nephew's shoulder. Ben shrugged it off, the last thread holding his temper snapped. “Don’t,” he snarled. “You don’t get to sympathise with me, and you can’t karking comfort me. I lost that, my Dad will never pick me up again, and you could have stopped it, he listens to you. Kriff, Mom listens to you, you could have stopped it and you just let them throw me away.”
Chewie’s ice blue eyes reflected Ben’s pain for a moment before he grabbed his gangling nephew by the waist and threw him over his shoulder, spinning him around in a circle for a moment, before holding him to his chest like an infant as Ben beat his fists against the dense brown fur. “It’s ok,” he growled in shyriiwook, the vibrations rattling Ben’s whole body. “I’ve got you little cub, be angry with me, I’m not going anywhere”.
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queridopascal · 3 years
The new job (Din Djarin x F!Reader)
Part 1 of the “Ad Astra” series
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Summary: as your eyes scanned the page, the words “spatial coordinates” and the phrase “writings and symbols no one has been able to decipher” made your eyes widen and your interest spike... (word count: 1.7k)
Warning: mention of food and drinks
A/N: my first ever Mando fic/series (even though we don't get to meet him in this first chapter)! Huge thanks to @hnt-escape for beta reading, and I hope you guys enjoy it ✨
Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated ❤️
Sitting alone in your home office with a mug of coffee in your hand, you shuffled through the heap of unopened mail you found upon your return from your last expedition: advertising brochures, leaflets, bills and, at the bottom of the stack, a cream-coloured paper envelope with slightly torn edges.
Prompted by curiosity, you put down the mug and opened the letter with an old knife you kept in the first drawer: it was typewritten, dated 25th of September and signed at the bottom by a certain Elizabeth Williams.
As your eyes scanned the page, the words “spatial coordinates” and the phrase “writings and symbols no one has been able to decipher” made your eyes widen and your interest spike. Your work as an archaeologist had given you the opportunity to travel the world, discover different types of artifacts and ruins, get closer to cultures and their ancient origins; but something inside of you, a feeling in your gut, was telling you that what was described in the letter was unique and, possibly, something you had never seen before.
Without giving it a second thought, you dialed the phone number scribbled underneath the signature and waited with bated breath as you began fidgeting with a pen, clicking it open with every beeping sound coming from the other side.
“Hello?” a calm tone greeted you.
“Mrs. Williams?” you asked, clearing your throat.
“Yes, it’s me.”
“Hi, I’m-”
“I know who you are, I’ve been waiting for your call.” the woman said with a smile in her voice.
“Oh,” you gasped, “I... received your letter and I would love to hear more about this artifact you mention.”
“Great. I’ll have someone pick you up tomorrow morning at 9 sharp.”
“Thanks, Mrs Williams,” you nodded, “do I… have to bring anything?”
“Your knowledge will be sufficient, my dear.”
Once you both ended the call, you took a deep breath and closed your eyes, feeling anxious and impatient for what was about to come and reliving the exact same sensations you had experienced the day of your very first excavation.
After a sleepless night, you were awakened by the furious pitter patter of heavy rain against the windows. The dark grey of the sky made every room of your house incredibly cold and humid, and you put on your favorite cardigan as you dragged your feet into the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast.
When you finished eating, you took a quick shower and got dressed in your favorite black pencil skirt and a white blouse, a matching blazer and a pair of heels completed the look. You took a seat on the couch in your living room and waited for the driver.
At 9AM there was a knock at your front door, and you immediately grabbed your blazer and your purse and walked over to it.
“Good morning, Miss,” the driver bowed his head a little and extended his gloved hand to you while opening a black umbrella with the other. “Please, follow me. Mrs. Williams and her colleagues are waiting for you.”
You put your hand in his as he walked you over to the sedan; he opened the car door and waited for you to get in, shutting it swiftly once you got comfortable in the cream leather back seat.
After a two hours drive, the car stopped in front of a wired mesh and barbed wire fence, lined with several “Military Zone” signs. A couple of seconds later, the guarded gates opened with a screech, letting the car enter what looked like a tunnel carved inside of a mountain.
The driver pulled up in front of a large white door with soldiers on either side, where an elderly woman waited with crossed arms.
“Goodmorning my dear,” the woman stepped towards you. “I’m Elizabeth. Welcome to the Falls Hill military installation.”
She hugged you tightly and you stiffened at first, looking at the two soldiers, whose eyes were fixed on a point in front of them.
“Come, I’ll show you around.”
One of the guards stepped to the side and held the door open for you and Mrs. Williams. The large corridor that extended in front of you reminded you of a war bunker: it was grey and cold, illuminated by pale neon lights, and it had the same distinctive smell you would find in the subway.
You followed her obediently, and when she reached the end of the corridor, she slowly opened a set of double doors bearing an "Authorized Personnel Only" sign; taking a step forward, your mouth dropped open in wonder as soon as you laid eyes on what looked like a giant stone ring covered with strange inscriptions.
“I've never seen anything like this,” you gulped, keeping your eyes fixed on the object.
Mrs. Williams chuckled, pleased at your reaction. “No one has, my dear.”
“Can I…?” you asked in a trembling voice as you pointed at the artifact.
Elizabeth nodded and you walked over to it, placing your hand on the rough surface of the stone to feel the engraved characters under your fingers.
“These inscriptions,” you started, turning to her, “might be hieratic or maybe cuneiform, I think I've seen some of those symbols before.”
“Perhaps you could help us with the interpretation?” she moved to stand beside you and tilted her head to the side, looking at you expectantly.
“Yeah, of course. I'll get to work right away.”
The hours passed quickly, and between one cup of coffee and another, it was already evening. The succession of symbols and characters engraved in the stone kept repeating in your mind, a mix of infinite combinations and interpretations, from the most logical to the least plausible.
Wrinkling your eyes for tiredness, you looked up from all your papers and notes, finding a new possible interpretation of the second row that made your heart race.
“Mrs. Williams, was anything else found in the proximity of this object?”
“I was hoping you'd ask me,” she smiled and motioned you to follow her.
Elizabeth led you through a hallway and stopped in front of another door, resting both hands on the opening handle.
“You are not to speak of this to anyone, understand?”
You simply nodded, your breath catching in your throat at her request.
“Mrs. Williams, I haven't issued any new authorization papers for this lady.” a baritone voice captured your attention, and you turned around only to find a soldier in uniform staring back at you.
“Colonel Shaw, it's nice to see you again,” Elizabeth greeted him with a gentle smile, but the man looked at her with a serious and impenetrable gaze.
“Mrs. Williams, I don't think I'll have to remind you that what's inside this room is classified.” he walked over to the both of you, his expression unfazed.
“She's the new addition to my team, Colonel,” she said, looking him straight into his icy blue eyes, “a world-renowned archaeologist who is going to help us decipher the inscriptions on the stone ring.”
“Exactly. Then why are you here?” he glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.
“Because,” you cleared your throat “the second row of inscriptions refers to another object, described as the portal.”
The Colonel raised an eyebrow at you and sighed, then looked at Elizabeth.
“Permission denied.”
“Excuse me, Colonel Shaw. I was told you would have given me carte blanche, especially since the government authorized this project,” she stepped towards him with her usual calm tone.
“Not for long,” he retorted, “you have one more week Mrs. Williams, the clock is ticking. And since she doesn't have any authorization at the moment, I won't grant her access into this room.”
“Then I guess I'll have to ask Captain Gallo,” she crossed her arms. “See, he was the one who helped us get started with this project and I'm sure he would authorize this young lady in a heartbeat.”
The Colonel exhaled angrily, his jaw was clenched in frustration and you smiled to yourself.
“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth “You have my permission.”
6 days later
Staring at the portal, the inscripted characters on dark metal and stone looked so similar to something you had seen before, but also so different. You felt intimidated by that object, almost in awe, it was as if it gave off vibrations within the room, as if it wanted to give you clues to solve that riddle that had been keeping you and the rest of the team awake for days.
“Morning guys,” Elizabeth walked into the research lab with a box of donuts, “I brought something to eat.”
“Thanks,” you beamed at her as you took a glazed donut from the container. “I really needed something with sugar.”
“How is the research going?”
“Bad,” Linda, one of the members of the team, shook her head, “no matches whatsoever.”
“Is that so?” Elizabeth turned to you, her expression somber.
“Yeah,” you sighed, “even if the inscriptions look familiar to us, when comparing them to all the material we have available, we found no similarities. We’re missing something and tomorrow is the last day.”
“I’m gonna ask for a permit extension, I'm sure they'll grant it to me,” she stroked your back, comforting you.
“I found another reference!” Linda squealed with excitement “Shall we start with the comparison?”
“Absolutely,” you rushed to her side and took a seat on the corner of her desk, looking at the monitor of her computer.
The documents she had just found showed incredible similarities, and referred to an engraved metal fragment found a few months earlier in the Atacama Desert.
“These three symbols are exactly the same ones of the central row!” you exclaimed, not believing your eyes.
Linda nodded, then gulped, “They also say here that they found out some symbols represent a stylized version of constellations, and that this type of metal is not…”
“Terrestrial,” you added as you kept on reading the description under one of the pictures.
Mrs. Williams looked at the both of you with a proud smile, then she walked over to the other desk and dialed a number on the phone.
“Captain, we finally found a match for the inscriptions.”
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @withakindheartx @katiebits1 @evelynseventyr @derretendotoda @darnitdraco @janebby @mswarriorbabe80 @audreyispunk @agingerindenial @jediknight122 @princess76179 @elegantduckturtle @t3rradactyl @cheekygeek05 @serini-ty @tobealostwanderer @tothejedi @castleamcc @thatgirlselectryc @rosie-posie08 @snow30285 @radiowallet @heythere-mel @hnt-escape @kestrelmando @greeneyedblondie44 @carstwirs @hb8301 @sara-alonso @pedrostories @phoenixhalliwell @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage @sleep-tight1 @jennacide02 @aana4664 @jasterslegacy @almaeunice @hexedeslichts @midwesternwitchery @what-iwish-you-knew @littlemisspascal @ew-erin
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dressing-pafe · 3 years
can i request barber!mukuro x fem!reader where the reader has a crush on mukuro and asks her for a haircut. due to a miscommunication mukuro shears all her long hair off leaving the reader with a crewcut, but thankfully you like it and get a date with her to top it off!
rookie's thoughts <3
(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞ This reminds me of my Mikan Tsumiki fic where the reader and Mikan shaved their hair off together!!! Also I v recently got a short haircut, definitely not short as a crew cut, but pretty short-
warnings b4 u start <33
╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭ Scissors, clippers, other hair cutting tools?
character(z) <333
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Barber!Mukuro Ikusaba
anything to add? <3333
(ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ fem!reader, "pride" color palette recommended, barber shop AU
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The overhead bells chimed peppily as you swung the door open to your friend's barber shop.
"Mukuro! Is the shop still open? I need a favor!" You called, stepping into the empty place.
As you looked around, you spotted a familiar purple-grey bob and a splattered apron from behind the back door. She quickly put her clippers down at the sight of you, rushing over to your side.
"Hey, I didn't hear you come in. What do you need?" She asked, voice the same monotone as always, despite her semi-frazzled expression.
"It's not big, but I need a haircut! I got gum in my hair and tried to cut it off, but I think I messed up somewhere." You explained, running your fingers through your choppy hair. "I think I want it a little shorter. I trust you to make my hair look good, just work your magic!"
She nodded, smiling awkwardly. "I'll try my best. Ah, and you want it how short?"
"I dunno, pretty short, I guess? Just do what you think looks good! I trust you more than myself on this!"
She nodded, taking your hand in hers delicately, leading you to a chair. Clipping the hairdressing gown around your neck, she got to work, brushing and cutting at your hair.
You didn't pay much attention to your hair, distracted by how pretty she looked while she was doing it. Her tongue peeped out from her mouth in concentration, gentle hand stroking at your neck every now and then as she brushed off a severed lock of hair. Her eyes were trained on the blade of her scissors, slicing off the hair professionally.
You only noticed how short your hair had gotten, when you heard the loud buzz near your ear, scaring you into looking back at the source of the noise.
"Ah!" Your eyes widened at the clippers. "A clipper? Why would- holy crap!"
"Is there a problem?" Mukuro inquired, voice shooting up in the slightest.
"Well..." you gave a nervous laugh. "By short, I meant maybe about your length. Maybe I should've been more clear..."
She turned off the clipper, eyes shooting wide momentarily. "Sorry, I just assumed... you don't have to pay for it, this is my fault. I didn't ask you about the exact length."
"No! No, it's okay! I like it, really! Keep doing what you were going to do, if I do this, I might as well finish it!" You exclaimed, not wanting her to feel bad.
"You don't mind? If we stop here, I could probably put some extensions in until it grows out." She asked, her surprise seemingly breaking her monotone.
"Really, just keep going, I'm sure I'll like it. Plus, it's only hair, it'll grow back!" You reassured her with a grin.
She stared at you in the mirror for a second, before nodding. "Alright."
You heard the same loud buzzing near your ear, watching the small bits of hair falling over the long ones that were already on the ground. Again, you watched Mukuro work, accidentally making eye contact a couple times.
"And... there. Uhm... what do you think?" She muttered, setting down her tools in the pockets of her apron.
You turned your head to the side, pressing your hands to the side of your head, feeling how short your hair was and how much lighter your head felt. "I... love it! Wow, I can't believe I didn't do this earlier, it's so pretty."
"I'm glad you like it. To be honest, I was a little worried." She admitted, undoing the gown around your body and helping you out of the chair.
"It's really nice, I've got to tip you extra!" You exclaimed, reaching for your wallet, when she stopped you.
"No, you can't pay. I messed up, and even if you like it, it's not what you asked for, therefore, you aren't paying." She insisted, pushing your wallet back into your pocket. "No negotiations."
You sighed, taking your hands off of your pocket. "Fine. Then... how about I pay you with coffee?"
"Wh-what?" Her face heated up, the question catching her off guard. "A cafe? You mean... like a date?"
"It doesn't have to be!" You exclaimed, just as flustered as her at the mention of a date. "Unless- unless you want it to be...?"
She turned around, scurrying to the back room, calling back to you. "I-I'll get changed and meet you at the place across the street!"
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All Dream Portals
Danganronpa Portal
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shelobussy · 2 years
hey this was a bit ago but can I hear hour opinioks about vent channels on discord, im curious
(Disclaimer: I'm talking about huge servers that are anywhere from 150-300+ people. Your small six person server where you play among us does not count, because that's just friends hanging out.)
This is literally a topic I could go on about for fucking pages, but I'll try and be as concise as possible. My opinion on Vent Channels aren't very high, but it's not really due to a specific bad experience I've had with them (although I have had a couple of really bad experiences with people on there). In theory they work fine. You're part of a server, the people on there want to be there for each other, they create a Vent Channel so people can talk about their problems and get advice/support/etc. Cool motive, bad fucking idea.
Vent Channels are an echo chamber of negativity. That's kinda the point, to be perfectly honest. But the drawback is that they introduce performative negativity and reinforce the idea that people want to hear your problems. Which sounds mean, but bare with me. The unfortunate outcome of being allowed to air your dirty laundry is that venters slowly evolve into the mindset that it's okay to put their personal shit online for hundreds of people to see.
And, more often than not, venters get incredible salty when people either a) don't care (which is entirely valid because you don't have to care about the problems of randos on the internet) or b) don't have the time to respond or encourage the venters.
The former of those two is something I see all the time eventually evolves into people going into dms of people who literally Did Not Ask and basically demanding that whoever their messaging has to care about their problem right now. Which is selfish as fuck.
Vent Channels also encourage the mindset that it's healthy to interact with strangers in a super personal way. I can't name the number of times I've seen people literally list out an extensive list of triggers and like??? Great idea, just give 300 strangers a list of things that can fuck you up.
Keeping your personal shit in DMS between you and someone you actually trust is a better idea than logging onto a server and telling everyone about your Dad's divorce, trust me.
Idk maybe I've been on the internet too long. It's just so fucking stupid to go on a gaming or fandom server and tell a bunch of people that you don't personally know some really real shit.
It's almost as bad as Fandom Salt Channels.
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cosplayingwitch · 3 years
"Presentation is Everything"
Part two of "Finding My Way Home" series
Takes place 6-8 months after the last chapter
Prompt: flowers
Pairing: f!reader x Poe Dameron
Summary: Reader has graduated with their masters and had to leave their roommate/best friend/(crush?) behind as they go on to a doctoral program at a different university. Reader is about to present her work at a professional conference and an unexpected surprise calms her down.
Triggers: panic attack, slight stalker-ish behavior, these two being complete idiots, swearing
Tags: @make-me-imagine
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It’d been over six months since you’d seen your best friend, Poe Dameron. You were successful enough with your thesis (even while practically teaching a field class for Professor Solo) and graduated with your Masters degree. And with the help of Professor Solo’s recommendation, you'd gotten into your dream school for your PhD.
Which meant moving two states away from your best friend/roommate. Not exactly something you’d wanted to do, but this wasn’t an opportunity you could turn down.
When you’d told Poe, he was very supportive, but still sad about the whole thing. You’d definitely stay in touch, you insisted. There was social media, zoom, all of that.
“Plus we could always meet up somewhere between us!” you told him. “It wouldn’t be more than a couple hours for each of us.”
That didn’t mean you didn’t miss him. His random breaking into song at what could be described as the worst possible times. What he always described as his ‘fact of the day’, which always dissolved into a random string of thoughts. (He still sent you his ‘fact of the day’ via text, but it wasn’t the same without his commentary.)
Remembering the night you spent stargazing, you also realized you missed your chance to tell him how you felt. To outright ask him out on a date. You always rationalized the urge away as not wanting to ruin your friendship, as him probably not feeling the same way as you. Who knows if he was even into girls (or anyone at all). In the many years you’d lived together, he’d never brought someone back to the apartment you shared.
(That’s because he wanted you, your heart shouted at you, you’re an idiot to let that go. But your brain insisted there had to be other reasons.)
Either way, the research you’d done with Professor Solo didn’t just get you into your doctoral program. You’d be presenting at a research conference soon. On your own. (That was a theme with Professor Solo. He’d help you start something, then insist you do the rest of the work.) This was your first time even attending this conference, let alone presenting at one. My god, you thought. How am I supposed to do this? Alone?
This will go down in flames, the voice in your head continued. You’ll fuck it up and ruin your academic reputation. And then never get your doctorate or a job.
When you get to your hotel the day before the conference was set to begin, every worry you’d ever had was spinning through your head. All the ways you could screw up nearly had you in a panic attack. Oh god, you thought, please let me get to my room before I start hyperventilating.
But then, you entered your room to find flowers. Yellow roses with a hint of red. Your favorite.
There was only one person on the planet who knew that. Poe Dameron. But how did he know where to send the flowers? Was he stalking you? The card read:
‘For my friend who I haven’t seen in forever,
My friend who is likely in a panic attack,
My friend who will kill it with her presentation.
You don’t need it, but good luck.’
God, he could write. And it’d been six months and hundreds of miles, but he still knew you well enough to anticipate what you were feeling right now.
In an instant you had your phone out and were calling him.
“Well look who finally called. I guess the flowers did the trick?” Poe answered.
“How did you even know where to send them? I never told you where I was staying! Are you stalking me or something?”
Poe explained, “Well, while you didn’t tell me the hotel you were in, you did tell me every other detail about the conference. And their website had the ‘official hotel’ of the conference, so I figured you’d stay there. The office there wouldn’t say if you were, but did tell me I could get flowers delivered there and he’d make sure they went where they needed to go. I took the chance. Obviously it worked, you called me and I didn’t even leave my name on the card.”
“You could say that. Thanks, by the way. You were right, I’m starting to freak out. I’m presenting my research tomorrow. The stuff I did for my masters. All these other presenters already have their doctorates.” you reason with him. “Maybe I’ll get there someday.”
Poe about exploded through the phone. “MAYBE? MAYBE you’ll get that degree ‘some day’? I did NOT lose my best friend to another university three states away to ‘maybe’ get a degree. You WILL get it. Not tomorrow, but eventually.”
You couldn’t tell if he was angry, joking, or trying to encourage you. A mix of the three? Somehow it did feel like he was trying to give you a pep talk. Break you out of the panic setting in and focus you back on the goal. He knew how much you wanted this and he would never discourage you from going after it.
“Okay then. How about you tell me about what’s going on back home and take my mind off this whole thing.”
Oh god, you thought. You referred to where he was as home. I mean the university, you rationalize, the place where I just lived and studied for six years. Poe’ll probably think that’s the case anyway. You certainly did not mean him.
“Well, you know while you’ve been gone, I went and knocked off another thing on my bucket list. I’m a few weeks away from having my pilot’s license!” Poe stated, which sent you into a small laughing fit. You knew he’d always wanted to, but with his awful driving skills you never thought it’d actually happen.
“Good for you, I guess. Just be careful- I definitely don’t need my best friend dying in a plane crash.”
When you finally got off the phone with Poe, it was late. You’d had room service delivered while you were still talking, him likewise with delivery. In some ways, it was like you were back together again, having dinner on the coffee table while gossiping about the faculty and staff at the university. Who was having an affair, who was being suspected of plagiarism, whatever the next big scandal would be and how the university would cover it up this time.
It was just the thing you needed to make you relax. Your boyfriend best friend supporting you.
You stopped yourself. Not again. Poe was not your boyfriend. He was a friend and nothing more. And you certainly weren’t screwing that up.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, or maybe the bottom of your heart, you couldn’t help but think of him in a romantic way. That maybe your relationship with Poe could evolve into something more. Maybe even hope for that happy ending. After all, he could have just texted you good luck, but he chose to send your favorite flowers and a beautifully written card.
That would count as a romantic overture in your mind. If you were in some kind of cheesy rom-com with him, that is.
Friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Friends. You remind yourself.
Poe kept running that conversation over in his mind for days. I was a fucking idiot for sending her flowers, he thought. The note was even worse. Both were definitely something romantic, but he didn’t want you to know that he felt that way about you.
Then you asked about ‘what was going on back home’. Home. Poe asked himself if you meant the university as home, you’d been there for more than six years. Or did you mean him? Your formerly-shared apartment? Was your intention to say you considered the apartment, and him as an extension, as your home?
God, Poe thought. I’m way over thinking it.
But what if she meant that in the same way I meant the flowers? He asked himself. Some kind of idiotic slip of the mind that was only there because of underlying feelings?
Her slip of the tongue wasn’t as bad as his flowers, but it gave him some kind of hope that someday you might actually be a couple, growing your friendship into something more. But he pushed this hope out of his mind as best he could.
After all, they were only friends. Friends only. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just really good friends who know each other's favorite flowers and things that could send them into panic attacks. Friends who lived and studied together for long enough to practically be family.
Home? Just the university they went to. And where he just happened to live, too.
Author's Note: So I used this type of flower because they are my personal favorite, but then I decided to look up the 'meaning' behind them... I suggest you do the same... (not intentional, but a really nice coincidence for this)
Also, I'll be updating this again next weekend with posts on Saturday and Sunday. Let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
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chanelhamitlon · 4 years
but its always been you|| Thomas Jefferson x Reader
word count: 1550
warnings: cusing, lack of proofreading, mentions of death
A/N: my first Thomas fic🙈 (Modern AU like most of them) Idk how collage works pls 😭
Inspiration: Youuu - COIN (its really good omg)
QUICK NOTE: the cuts are usually to switch between y/n and thomas
tell me if you wanna be in my permanent tag list :))
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Blessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders.
"Jefferson,Thomas". He walked up the stage to receive his much deserved diploma. Four years of extensive studying just for this moment. He looked at the crowd and as if the world suddenly stopped. He focused on this one person. She had a camera up to her face, her hair glistening in the daylight. He looked like her as if he had seen a ghost. He snapped out of it as she lowered her camera. His girlfriend, of course. She smiled at him as the announcer calls on the next graduate. He walked down and towards her. Now that he thinks about it, he'd gaze out to her like this multiple times now, but he feels this is not because of her herself. He saw someone else in her. A high school sweetheart perhaps. He might've seen the gold flakes in her e/c colored eyes as he did with Y/n. He was sure he had long forgotten about her. She was special, sure but as high school sweethearts go, they stay in high school. He was convinced the countless exes he'd have were all to drown out her calling out for him once more. Just one more time at least. He'd like to think that moving to the other side of the world also helped with the cause. That was his number one priority; to forget about the one year they spent together.
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You always thought that it wasn't anyone's fault that you and Thomas broke up. It was just not in anyones best interest to keep it going after high school and if the feelings last, he'd always say that he will find you. You lost faith that he'd come back of course. Whatever goes on in high school, stays in high school. You would go on several dates with people in college but you would always find yourself comparing them to Thomas. You focused on your studies, everyone telling you that you were smart; 'If only they knew how much I know about the things that really matter'.
You look at the clock '12:34 am'. Graduation was tomorrow or later. You were trying to fall asleep, and quickly at that, but you can't refrain from overthinking. Every scenario running through your head in a fast pace. Every outcome possible, you could have saved that relationship. Were you thinking of going back to New York to find him? It was nice as it is in California. You had your essentials, a good connection to your family online, but it was never really enough. You needed him.
The day came through fast paced. You would think that one of the most important milestones in live would be savored by time, running slowly. It was the opposite, time was never forgiving of you, years came by in a glimpse. You still felt like a kid, just not now. Graduation had such a surreal feeling to it, no one was never obliged to finish school of course, but you would think that something this sentimental would finally saturate the world with colors.
At the bus ride to downtown San Fransisco, your mind drifted off with ease. The music flowing to your ears made you feel like you were in a music video, those artsy kinds who would always try to incorporate daily life then proceed with a shot of a glamorous mansion. A song comes on, one of your favorites actually, Youuu by COIN.
' She moves just like you
She tastes like you
But its always been youuu...'
They say that music with certain themes will always trigger memories, flowing back to your brain. Even the ones you could have sworn you have forgotten. Thomas springs in to mind. He was a player in high school, of course he would have found someone new by now. That year was still pretty vivid to you though. All the sneaking around, all your firsts, the mini get togethers turned dates. You remember everything.
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"Hey do you want to go out on Saturday?"Thomas' voice echoes through the walls of the almost room. He was staying with his girlfriend for the meantime since her parents were to insist on them 'not spending money on property' yet. Although Thomas was to never have a problem with money, his family was filthy rich at that. He was still deciding whether to stay here, with his girlfriend, in the suburbs, content with a stable income job; or to his family in New York City, a corporate job, and maybe even to you.
"What's the occasion?" Her voice sweetly said. Running her hands through his curls. "I wanna see you dance again." He said with a light chuckle. She laughed, "Come on... I don't dance THAT bad". He enjoyed moments like this. He truly did. The light touching and cuddling, just enjoying each others presence. He knew that she was human and he was truly sorry. He was sorry that she was being played like a pawn in the game of life. He was sorry that this was temporary. He was sorry that he was looking for someone. And he is sorry that that sorry that that someone wasn't her. They both noticed that the vinyl record had stopped playing. She stood up and changed the track record. Thomas sat up and looked at her. Her back was faced towards him. 'Even her silhouette reminds him of you' . The decision is clear then.
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You started working a minimum wage job to pay the bills. You live in an apartment, sharing a space with your roommate, Reese. She was kind enough as it is, you both treated each other like family. She got you through when you were looking for a job. Now paying her back, you got her a little cake to celebrate her birthday. Going home from the cake shop, you stopped your tracks to see a rather tall man in the street, he was talking to someone on his phone. 'It couldn't possibly be him'. You wanted to think rationally at that moment, but you were overtaken by your emotions. You lightly tapped his shoulder. He turned around to reveal a completely different person. You quickly apologized to the person. You weren't lying to yourself at this point, you were pretty devastated that it wasn't him.
Unlocking your apartment door, you heard mild sobs in the far left to you. That was your roommate's room. You closed the door and headed straight to her door. Knocking three times, you opened the door to a disheveled Reese, frantically grabbing tissues.
"What happened?" You were still going to approach her, mildly forcing her into toxic positivity. You were ready to listen to her. "I'm moving out." In your role as her roommate, this was the only thing that should concern you, but you were close and so you thought that something had happened at home. "My dad died. I'll move home and live there from now on." You understand completely that that was what she needed to do. You offer to help her on countless things of course. That night was one of the gloomiest in the apartment. You slowly watched her pack away most of her stuff, sulking away most days, above all that, conversation halted and was now a thing of the past.
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"Have you made your decision yet?" Trying to make conversation at dinner, Thomas' girlfriend asked him to whether they would actually last or not. Long distance never really works for anyone, might as well rip the band-aid off now. Thomas looked like he was burried in a million thoughts, he looked at her apathetically, without an answer. They ate away the evening, they were the opposite of this lively restaurant. She looked at him, wanting to ask him more; what's are you thinking is at risk? what's weighing your shoulders down? is there 'a someone'?
Just as Thomas was to suggest leaving the restaurant and just saying sorry for the melancholy he brought to the evening, she stood up and suggested a dance. 'That's what they came for anyway.' He gladly accepted and took the lead, whisking her away to the dance floor. There were about 3 other couples around them, lost in their own world. He wants to think rationally, he doesn't want to loose his mind and let his emotions seep through his walls. They were slow dancing now. 'She really feels like y/n'.
"Who's y/n and why do I feel like her?"
Thomas froze. He accidentally said it out loud. There's no stoping it now, just tell her the truth; rip the band aid off.
"She's a girl I used to date in high sc-"
"Every relationship in high school stays in high school Thomas. grow up"
Thomas didn't know what to say.He didn't know why that sentiment ticked him off that way. He didn't know why his body was suddenly in flames. He didn't know what to say so all he did was run; run far away. She didn't understand. If you would've explained where you came from she would. No, she wouldn't.
Just before they reach the car she caught up to him. He turned around looking so distraught.
"Ive made up my mind."
part 2 👀?
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postmortem-bookworm · 4 years
Bright - Bucky Barnes - Part Five
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Fandom: Avengers
Type: Series
Word Count: I've given up keeping track
Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Shuri, T'Challa
Warning(s): Cussing, Mentions of attempted suicide (but shouldn’t be anything triggering), smut (maybe), mentions of X-Men, Steve is crushing
A/N: This picks up almost right after Black Panther, but before Bucky is awake, there is no Thanos, and everyone is alive.
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After that lunch, Maeve was more relaxed, and back to her usual self. Working in the garden more, painting, making dinner for herself and Bucky, sometimes T'Challa and Shuri would joining them, but most of the time it would be just the two of them. Therapy seems to work for the two of them, they feel a lot more free and relaxed after each time they go, and the change is noticeable. Almost a month goes by, and a couple nights after Natasha and Steve's annually scheduled visit, she arrives on his doorstep as the night weighs heavily on the land around them.
"Maeve?" Bucky yawns out as soon as he opens the door, she finds herself blushing at the sight of his sculpted abs. She hadn't thought about the time when she walked over, she just couldn't sleep, and she definitely didn't think he'd answer the door in only his sweatpants. "Hey, is everything okay?" He asks as he rubs his eyes, letting out another large yawn, and she snaps out of her stupor, aware of how much she was staring. It's not like she's blind, she knows how much he works out, and takes care of himself, she just never really puts much into liking the way people look.
"Oh, yes." She answers softly, shifting in place as she rubs her arm shyly, looking pointedly at the ground. "I-uh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was so late, and I just came over. I shouldn't have done that without thinking about the time, and I know that we don't really do this sort of thing a lot, and I just couldn't sleep. I thought, hey maybe Bucky can't sleep either, so I walked over and I'm really sorry, I really shouldn't have-"
"Hey hey, It's okay." He places his hands on her shoulders as he ducks his head down to look up at her face. "I understand, it's nothing to stress about." He states as she bites her bottom lip, nodding as he gestures her inside. "You have something on your mind?" He asks as he closes the door behind them, walking over to the kitchen as she stand by the front door awkwardly.
"Well, I..." She pauses as he lights a lantern for a low amount of light, opening the fridge to pull two cans out. "I just couldn't sleep, I was thinking a lot." She explains as he turns, walking over to his couch.
"You can sit down." He says as he pops the top on one of the cans, setting it on the coffee table before him, and she sits on the chair at the edge of his living room. "Why couldn't you sleep? What were you thinking about?" He asks as he pops the tab on the other can, setting it before her as he takes a drink of his own.
"I..." She pauses as she grabs the can, taking sip of the carbonated drink, the bursts of bubbles leave the aftertaste of beer on her tongue, and she takes a larger drink, before resting the can on her knee. "It's about when Nat and Steve were here, a couple days ago." She starts to explain as the can in her hand slips a bit do to the perspiration rolling down the sides of the metal. "Nat and I were talking about it, but..."
"Talking about what?" Bucky asks after she trails off, causing her to glance at him, before taking another long pull from the can, draining the contents halfway. "Hey, hey." Bucky touches the table, as though it were an extension of her. "Breathe, and talk to me." She let's out a slow sigh, setting the can on the table as she picks at her cuticles, something he's noticed is as much a nervous habit for her as biting her lip, before she looks up at him.
"I don't like Steve, like he likes me." Bucky blinks in surprise, studying the girl before him. "I know it seems like it might be otherwise, but I've been trying to treat him like my family- it's hard when you hardly ever know what your own feelings are around others. I just don't know how to explain it to him, without hurting him, and I-"
"Breathe!" He's quick to remind her, causing her to pause, taking a deep breath and relax her shoulders as she looks up at him pleadingly.
"I need help." She explains.
"Why?" He inquires as she blushes, biting her bottom lip as she looks away from him.
"He uh... Sorta asked me out?" Her words drip down into a question at the end, causing Bucky to look at her quizzical as he takes a drink, and she takes the opportunity to do the same. "He said "next time we come to visit, is it alright if I ask you on a date? You don't have to answer now." and I was so thrown for a loop, he took the opportunity get into the Quinjet." She finishes her explanation, causing Bucky to let out a growl, shaking his head as he drops his head into his hand.
"What the hell punk?" He mutters as she twists the can of beer between her hands, studying the golden glint in the light of the lantern. "Look, you mentioned something about a teacher at your school, that you had a past with?" She nods sheepishly. "How did you end things there?"
"Uh... He ended things." She answers quietly, sipping the rest of her beer, before getting up to throw the can away as Bucky leans back on the couch, watching her. "He said he didn't need the burden that I provided." She explains as she settles back on the chair.
"I see..." He observes her as she stares at her hands in her lap, anger biting at him like a puppy nipping at his heels. "So, how do you know that what you feel for Steve is different?"
"Because, I have the ability to shut others emotions out, Steve's emotions a just a bit harder, like yours, because of the enhancement of the serum." She explains as he watches patiently, listening. "Anyway, the Professor taught me, because if I went around feeling everyone's emotions and hearing their thoughts, it would be like how they found me, all over again." She slaps a hand over her mouth at those words, causing him to observe her for a moment, before he clears his throat.
"A-And how did they find you?" He asks softly, almost hesitantly, as if he does and doesn't want to know. She mutedly shakes her head and he nods. "Alright, if you would like, I can talk to Steve for you." He offers, feeling slightly bad considering that he's the one to encourage Steve to express his interest.
"No no no. I should be the one to talk to him, I just... don't know how. I don't want to hurt him." She explains, causing Bucky to watch her as she fidgets nervously in her seat, and he sets his beer down, standing to round the coffee table, and squats before her, looking up at her face.
"You speak honestly, and explain that while you care for him, it's not the same affection as he feels for you. Express that you don't want to ruin your friendship, and you hope that he'll stay in your life as a friend." Bucky explains as he places a hand over her own that are clasped in her lap. "Steve's an understanding guy. He might hurt for a while, but it won't end your friendship. If it does, I'll be here for you, I promise." He says, causing her to look up at him with tears shining in her eyes, before she nods in understanding.
"Thank you, Bucky." She murmurs, causing him to smile as he reaches up to tussle her hair, and stands as he holds his hand out to her.
"Come on, I will walk you back. Then you need to get some sleep." She nods as she takes his hand, yawning as the beer helped relax her more than she knew, lethargy seeping into her bones as he pulls her to her feet. The two of them cross the grassy expanse between their huts, and he opens the door to her hut for her, causing her to smile sleepily as she leans up to kiss his cheek, before she walks into her home. He watches her disappear into her room, before he shuts the door, walking back to his hut as he places a hand where she kissed him. It tingles under his touch, and before he realizes it, he's smiling to himself, causing him to shake his head, mentally scolding himself. You are not getting sweet on Steve's girl! He repeats in his head over and over as he lays down in bed, falling fast asleep.
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Three weeks to the day, or night, as the case may be, Bucky finds himself being roused from his sleep again by a night terror of his own. The feeling of flesh beneath his hand causes his tiredness to be wiped away instantly as his eyes snap open, the flesh under his hand is a throat. Not just anyone's throat, but Maeve's throat as she claws weakly at his wrist, tears in her eyes as she softly murmurs his name. "It's okay. Bucky, i-it's okay. I'm here, it's okay." She chokes out as he jerks his hand away like he's been burned. She drops to the floor from the wall he had her pinned against, she chokes, rasps, and gasps for air while coughing.
"Maeve! Darlin', I'm sorry!" He cries as he drops to his knees before her, reaching for her only to stall as she holds a hand out to stop him, her other hand rubbing at her neck as she coughs. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He repeats as she shakes her head.
"No!" She manages to choke out, swallowing and choking at the same time. "N-No apologies." She shakes her head again. "I understand more than anyone." She manages to breath out as she looks up at him in the darkness. "So, no apologies." Bucky watches with a hesitant hand held out to her as she clears her throat twice, rubbing her neck as she looks up at him with damp eyes. "I heard you screaming." She finally confesses, causing him to hesitate, struggling to remember when he had started. "Do you... wanna talk about it?" His silence echoes between them as he becomes lost in thought, struggling to remember what he was dreaming about, or what lead to him pinning her to the wall. "Or we can just sit together," She offers softly, looking in his unfocused eyes. "we don't have to say anything, alright Bucky?" He snaps out of his thoughts at the sound of his name.
"I-I'm fine." He stammers out as she softly reaches out, pausing when he flinches away from her touch, and she rests a hand on his arm, even though it looks like it pains him, and he vaguely wonders when either of them had moved.
"Bucky, I'm fine." She promises as she watches his expression on his face. "You didn't hurt me, I'm made of sturdier stuff than that." He hesitantly looks up at her with sorrowful eyes, causing her to sigh. "Look, Bucky, I've honestly had worse things happen to me. Logan is a vet from both world wars and Vietnam."
"Wh-Who's Logan?" He asks curiously, causing her to pause.
"Logan was the teacher's name." She confesses, before she unbuttons the front of her shirt from the bottom to up a few buttons, before she tugs the plaid material to the side, and up a bit past her beltline are three slash marks, between the bottom two ribs. "He has adamantium embedded into his body, and the ability to eject claws from his fists. One night he had a really bad nightmare, and I woke up to his screams as he had his fist plunged into my abdomen. I had to have four surgeries, but I didn't care. I was glad he was alright." Bucky gapes openly at the scars on her skin, silvery and pale, all three are pulled in on themselves in the slightest way. "My point," She says as she clears her throat, buttoning her top again. "is that I'm a victim of PTSD, and I lived and shared a bed with a victim of PTSD. You can't always control your actions when you're asleep, or having flashbacks." She reaches out to rest her hand on his arm again. "I understand that. So, if you want to talk, I'm here. If you just want to sit in silence together, I'm here. If you want to be alone, I'll be waiting for you in my hut, willing to talk. It's your choice." He observes her, looking deep into her eyes as she moves to sit next to him. "And, if you need someone to hold, or hold you, so you can go back to sleep, I'm willing to be here for that as well." She explains softly as he drops his gaze to his hands in his lap. He glances at her for a moment, before she moves to stand before him, and he wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her close as he rests his head on her sternum.
"I'm still sorry." He murmurs, but she just shushes him softly, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, absently carding her fingers of one hand through his hair. It isn't long until he's closing his eyes, enjoying the close proximity of another person, who isn't afraid of him, and Maeve's gentle and caring nature makes him unwind from the tension that remained from his nightmare. She hums softly, almost like she's soothing a child, making him feel a bit silly, but willing to accept it as he tightens his hold around her. The two of them eventually move as he starts to doze off. At his insistence, he pulls her into his bed, curling around her with his arms like a steel cage as she lays there, his face buried in her hair as he falls asleep almost instantly. She lies there, remembering when Logan had held her like this, barely a week before they discovered Jean's alter-ego, the Phoenix existed, after which he never held her again.
"Good night, Bucky." She murmurs as he holds her closer, her own eyes slipping closed from the comfort and heat his closeness provided. Morning comes soon enough, rousing Bucky from the most peaceful sleep that he's had in the last 70 years. The plush body in his arm let's out a soft whine as his arms tighten around it for a moment, before the realization hits him, causing his eyes to snap open to find a head of soft burgundy hair before him, the female mutant's face tucked against his chest, as though struggling to escape the morning light. She settles in his arms once more, a soft smile on her sleeping face as a long lock falls across her face, and before he can find himself, he is brushing it away, rousing the sleeping woman in his arms. She gives a tired smile as she blinks drowsily up at him, reaching up to rub a heavy eye, when realization seems to strike her as she bolts upright. Her hair flies everywhere as she looks around, before scrambling to get off the bed, when Bucky wraps his arm around her waist, holding her to the mattress.
"It's alright." He promises in a warm and husky voice, his arm moving once she relaxes. "You'll hurt yourself, jumping about like that. You didn't do anything wrong." His words seem to sap the panic right out of her, she gracefully relaxes in his arm. He allows himself to smirk as he moves to stand, unwinding his arm from her waist as she slowly goes to stand up. "Breakfast?" He offers, causing her to nod mutedly, shyness over coming her as though they had done more than just slept in a bed together. Breakfast is quiet, but comfortable even with her picking at her food sheepishly, but soon after they're done with their food, they're doing the dishes together.
"How did you sleep?" She finally asks as she rinses a dish, stacking it in the dish drainer.
"Better than I think I've ever have." He answers as he focuses on scrubbing a dish, pausing as he looks up at her. "Thank you for being there for me." He says as she nods.
"There is no alternative. I'm not going to abandon someone in need." She replies as she takes the dish from him, running it under the water, then stacks it as well. "We're in this together, Bucky. If we can provide even a modicum of comfort to each other, then we should." She smiles at him, unlike her usual toothy wide smile, it's a small one, lips pressed tight together, it's one that he's never seen before, but makes him sad and happy at the same time, as though she's wearing it for his sake, more than her happiness. He reacts without thinking, splashing some water at her, suds smacking her in the arm, causing her to gasp, grin widening into something real as she flicks water at him. It's a water combat of retaliation, ever did flung her way is met with water smacking him in the chest, until the two of them are soaking wet and laughing as they finish the dishes.
"Thank you, again." He replies as she dries off with her hand towel as much as she can.
"No," She looks up at him with a smile, a real one, as she shakes a damp lock from her eyes. "thank you, Bucky." He glances at the door, before offering her his arm.
"Let me walk you home. Never know what kind of ruffians or thugs might be in this neighborhood." He gives her a cheesy grin as she throws her towel in his face. It falls to the floor, revealing his chuckling face, which makes her heart give an excited thump.
"You might as well. You always do, even if I say no." He nods in confirmation as she loops her arm through his own, and he directs them out the door. "Typical, a girl wakes up in her bed, and you send her home." She teases as he nods, chucking beside her.
"Yes yes. A terrible womanizer." He plays along as the cross the field towards her hut.
"So, how's the goat business coming along?" She asks, glancing back at the goats all snoozing in the morning sun.
"Goat business?"
"Goating?" He bursts out laughing at her inquiry, causing her to smile as his laughter echoes through their small two person village, bouncing off the woods along the side, startling a few of his goats awake. Something in her feels good at the sound of his genuine happiness, a warm feeling builds in the pit of her chest, but she just casually waves it off as something Bucky is feeling. "What?" She finally asks as he doesn't stop. "What's so funny? I dunno what it's supposed to be called."
"Darlin', you just made my day!" He chuckles as he wipes a tear from his eye. "Alright, the "goating" is going just fine." He places a hand on her head as the get to the door, messing up her bed head even more as she puffs her cheeks out in feigned annoyance, batting at his hand. "The cheese should be ready in a few more days, if you'd like some." He says as he drops his hand, looking down at her with a wide smile.
"I'd appreciate it." She replies, smiling up at him as she leans against the door behind her. "I've got some basil coming in, I'll dry some for you." She offers in return.
"I'd like that." He says as she nods.
"Okay, have a good day. See you in a bit." She opens the door to her hut, stepping inside before she pushes it shut, resting her back against it as she looks down, struggling to get rid of the smile on her face. In the other side of the door, Bucky is resting a hand against the barrier, smiling to himself before he shakes his head, and turns to walk away.
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Guys, lemme know what you think! Am I doing Bucky justice? Is the story good so far? Also, Happy New Year! Let's make 2020 a good one! Enjoy!
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00sheven · 4 years
business as usual
(taking a scary and unpredictable time and making it mor scary and unpredictable.)
well shit,
unemployment is insisting on giving me a good spanking.
when I was on it before I was using it as a safety net. a lot of stagehands will file for it to fill in gaps between work ( it is considered being under employed) so at least they receive some income when things get slow. it's not much but at least its something.
in my case I believe if I made over 200 and change I wasnt eligible to receive benifits. (maybe 300 I dont remember, but it wouldnt be much over that) it is impossible to live on but you can pay a bill and buy some groceries.
well silly me forgot to log sick time into one of my certifications.
you practically need a course in simple accounting when being a freelance stage hand when filling out an unemployment certification. (jokes.)
when you know you wont quailifiy you have to do it anyways.
how many hours did you work?
tally tally tally tally tally
who were your employers?
list employers 1 through let's just say 10
A) employer's name and address
how much money did you make?
tally tally tally (didn't get paid yet) guess tally tally guess guess tally tally.
did you look for work?
provide contact information.
have you pooped today and if do how many times.
hopefully you are getting the drift.
I was happy to do it, it was helping me out.
anyhow, forgetting to log in sick time.
I forgot to log in sevral hours of sick time and was paid by my employer and unemployment.
honest mistake.
well, I had to pay back the money, fair enough.
then I had to pay penalty money, understandable. they will let me make payments.
we are going to refuse benifits for (I cant remember how long) okay that sucks.
(apparently) you must continue to certify for benifits during this period to be eligible for unemployment benifits. that you are not going to recieve.
what I have not mentioned.
I was going through such a bad depression at that time that I couldn't even put on my shoes. I would sleep for one or two days at a time. I would leave my bed to eat and use the restroom, it was difficult to do simple things like hygiene related tasks. I know it's hard for people to understand. you really cant unless you experience it for yourself, and I wouldnt wish that on anyone.
I worked when work was available, but it was very difficult.
I scraped by and made enough to pay off the debt.
I thought I was done and got off unemployment.
although I needed it I managed to get by without out it. I ended up getting a job with the AV company (the one i was working with full time until all this craziness started happening. see earlier posts) on a freelance basis, and doing music production as a runner. I started making good money and making ends meet. dont get me wrong. I wasn't making enough to get an apartment. but I was making enough money to live a little more comfortably at the hobo compound. ( see hobo compound in previous posts.)
kick in the balls time. (recap)
I have to move from the hobo compound.
(the overlords are remodeling wont be taking tenets anymore) I am homeless, goose moves in at the outpost.
(see money breakdown in earlier post. if you think my bills went down, they didnt.)
covid 19
I work in the entertainment industry. no shows. no work. I get laid off.
(lots of other fucked up shit happens. review the blog if you wish.)
I have to refile for unemployment.
my case gets accepted, no mention of previous problems.
2 maybe 3 weeks later. nothing.
I check my account online last night.
your benifits are denied for this week due to penalty period.
the next week
your benifits are denied for this week due to penalty period.
what the fuck.
I paid the money back.
I paid the penalty money.
I did the pointless certifications.
how much longer is this going to last?
I tried to make a call to talk to them.
they are no longer taking calls.
I go online and through an online maze to find something close to a predetermined question that I can choose from that matches my situation.
it allows me to ask for information.
message sent.
we will get back to you in 5 to 7 business days.
okay I'll wait.
I have an indefinite amount of money to sustain the goose and I while we wait.
it's cool guys.
this commercial break is brought to you by the circle jerks and the endowment for the arts.
I wake up to a vague text message from the insurance adjuster.
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as you can see from my response I required a little more information.
what you dont know.
when dealing with my insurance company
I was kept in the dark
they didnt respond to my calls
I found out they settled my claim when I went to pay my bill
they sent the check to the hobo compound.
the check was issued to the guy I bought the car from.
they didnt notify me of a settlement at all.
they didnt inform me about where I should go to get my car fixed. as far as I know they got a random estimate and then subtracted 500 dollars for my deductible.
the payout to my claim was like 730. somthing dollars.
when I called them to inquire
goes though phone maze.
waits on hold due to covid 19
finally gets through.
it appears we forgot to subtract 20% for some type of fee. you were over paid we are going to stop payment on your check.
we can write you another check minus 20% or you can contact the insurance company the other party yourself to see if you have better luck. we are terribly sorry for the inconvenience.
yeah, fuck you.
so I call the insurance of the other party.
phone maze
on hold, covid 19
we thought this claim was closed
no it is not. I rejected the offer from my company. why would I pay a 500 dollar deductible when I am 100 percent not at fault.
we need to talk to your insurance company call you back.
they call back
we see you want to settle through us we are going to send a guy in a couple of days.
guy shows up hella early in the morning. (yell talks.) is rude. tells me a guy is gonna call me to discuss outcome of my claim. takes pictures. leaves.
hella early receives text message.
try to text number the text originates from.
you can't text that number.
why would I want to speak to someone regarding my claim you ask.
well I'll tell you. it so happens I'm my case that people are dropping the fucking ball mother fuckers and I want to avoid any more possible complications and dragging this situation out any further than it needs to be.
I call insurance co.
goes through phone maze
doesn't have correct option.
chooses incorrect option in an attempt to speak to someone.
gets put on hold due to covid 19
someone answers.
you need to talk to claims. I will try and contact your adjuster. (knows who I am because of phone number.)
your adjuster isn't available. I will put you through to someone who can give you the information you've requested.
gets put on hold.
other person picks up.
I repeat information to new person.
new person has no idea who I am. (has no information tied to my phone number.)
new person asks when the loss occurred.
I dont know that off the top of my head.
new person can't proceed without that info.
I dig the info up.
new person what was the other parties name.
I'm getting really annoyed at this time
digs up other parties name.
new person can you spell other parties name
I spell other parties name.
new person do you have a claim number
how may fucking people with that name on that date have had accidents mother fucker.
gets put on hold.
waiting on hold
waiting on hold
waiting on hold
new person comes back.
new person. here is the number and extension for you claim adjuster.
hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
puts in extension
phone rings
phone rings
phone rings
phone rings
some weird electronic music comes on.
electronic music plays instead of going to voice mail.
keeps playing
keeps playing
keeps playing
keeps playing
I hang up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
something goes wrong hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze chooses different option
something goes wrong hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
chooses different option
gets put on hold due to covid 19
something goes wrong hangs up
calls insurance company
goes through phone maze
puts in extension number again
gets put on hold due to covid 19
adjuster picks up the phone.
the clouds part and Angel's sing
talks to adjuster for 3 minutes confirming information is correct.
hangs up the phone.
red tape circle jerks
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wheresmulder · 2 years
In my extensive experience there are quite a few racists in the Wheel of Time fandom. They're especially bad on reddit but they've made their way to Tumblr as well. Engaging with them is a fruitless endeavor unfortunately. They rarely ever admit to being wrong about anything. After spending years arguing with them I personally try to block them on sight these days. It's really sad but there are lots of good people too! I truly hope this guy doesn't discourage you from engaging with the fandom.
Oh ty but I'm not discouraged 🤣🤣🤣 not even close especially not by racism bc at this point the racists are losing sooooo bad rn like HOW DOES IT FEEL THAT HALF THE CAST ARE POC???? Bc for me? PARA MI? It Feels fucking PHENOMENAL 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 COULD NOT BE MORE PLEASED literally love to fucking see it and love even more to see ppl mad about it 💕💕💕💕💕
But in this situation they didn't say anything racist on my post, i just saw their top post was one lamenting that the show runners were picking black people for "white characters" (as if it fucking matters) bc oMg mUh bOoK dEsCriptiOnS but that was totally unrelated to my post
No this bitch just rly thought they told me some shit I never thought abt before 🤣🤣🤣 like omg I never would have considered that moiraine might use rand 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and he might not be comfy telling her shit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 like im not sitting here reading the fucking books myself and couldn't draw that fucking conclusion that has been beat over my head by every book so far in the series (I'm on book 4 thats a couple thousand pages of rand not trusting moiraine) like goddamn man, you don't say, this is brand new information 🤣🤣🤣🤣 tysm 4 your insight 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeaaaaaah no that shit is so insufferable. And on a shitpost I made in 30 seconds. It ain't that fucking deep and I Definitely didn't ask. AND DID NOT ASK FOR THAT SPOILER THEY HAD TO SLIP IN THERE🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 TYSM
It literally kills me that the mf didn't even know wtf my post was about 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 EGWENE HAVING A DREAM ABOUT MAT LOOKING HER DEAD IN HER FACE AND SAYING HEY HO IMA COME FIND YOU and her being like damn what a weird thing to dream about well anyway,,, only to find out that hm I guess mat rly was coming for me after all 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and also to a lesser extent perrin was trying to convince himself the wolf dreams weren't Significant bc he was in denial still.. But yeah rand is the only character in the books, my bad I forgot 😅
Maybe this guy is just salty that his 1k word dissertations get 10 notes and my 30 second no effort vagueblogging shitpost has ten times the notes??????.........???? idfk ????? Get a life???????
This was a nice message tho thank you and feel free to message me off anon whenever 💕 everyone I've talked to so far in the wot fandom is super nice and I'll be blocking that person as soon as I know they've read my response
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the-sheep · 2 years
Me again! I understand you're going to avoid the problem at hand, but this directly involves you now. You openly admitted to being sexually inappropriate to a wildly uncomfortable point. This isn't just "confession blog" discourse at this point. Acknowledge what you did and apologize to me. Then, I'll leave you alone.
You're ability to self-victimize is insane. Genuinely, why did you at all find that a reasonable thing to send? You accuse me of "letting minors find it" but what if I had posted it, then who would be at fault? You can write as many essay long meltdowns as you want, it doesn't change the fact that you are at fault and I, by extension, put the idea in a communities head that allowed you to be.
I thought we already established Who Sent That Ask last time, and didn't want to make a long message longer. It's long or incomplete here.
In the future, start out with want you want from someone. I didn't know you wanted an apology until you spelled it out, and didn't even know you hated the message until your second or third ask on my confessions blog.
I know the guy who sent the message. He talked about it to me and about how he felt horrible, and apologized to me for the fact my art connected me to it instantly. He can talk to you if he wants but I do wanna apologize for thinking it was a good idea. He came to me with the idea and I went and tagged my art accordingly. I want people to see my art, and make friends willing to talk about NSFW muppets, and your blog already had some of that. No thought beyond that, and was a bad idea because of it.
Breaking boundaries is bad, but having no idea the boundaries were broken and joking about "killing bugsnax confessions with fat muppets" with each other for a couple weeks until you came back? Really bad! I'm sorry you're a point of ridicule, I'm sorry for going "yeah sounds great", sorry for seeing you as a threat for your persistence.
I'm assuming that's everything, maybe even more than you might have been hurt by, but I don't know until you tell me.
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