#maybe im wrong! maybe i just have to Believe! maybe they'll surprise me!'
it really is the hope that kills you huh 😭
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I just wanted to say that the way you characterize and talk about Miguel has actually really helped me with thinking about how to write for him 😭 genuinely I love the way you describe him as an actual like person and not just some sex addict or someone who's extremely distant and cold. I hope you continue writing mild Miguel because it's so refreshing compared to all the other shit I see 😭💕
My Defense & Evidence of a Milder, Non-aggressive Sympathetic Miguel O'hara.
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[This is a half-break down half rant about Mild Miguel, when we see Miguel's true nature, and what fandom gets wrong about him. I have my evidence.
this is shorter than my usual posts but I'm going absolute apeshit Miguel Mode by the end so sorry you have to see that.]
I think Miguel and Hobie are the two most complex characters in the film. Like - both of them equally.
It's just really easy to explain one over the other.
I feel this way because every character we see in the entire movie - Miles, Gwen, Peter, Jess, Rio, Jeff, The Spot, everyone - is forthcoming and clear about their intentions and motive throughout the movie.
When we're watching the movie the first time, we understand Miles motive, and Peter's, and Gwen. In real time. It's there and stated. Miles wants to save his dad, Peter wants to be a better mentor, Gwen just wants peace basically.
But when we're watching for the first time - we have no idea what Hobie OR Miguel is capable of until they do it.
They are the two we're surprised by. (And they're also exact opposites who somehow don't seem to be complete adversaries)
They're the only two within the film who we are left to speculate their motive, their drive, and what they'll do next.
They're the only two in the film who are truly meant to catch us off guard with their behavior.
Leading up to Hobie's big twist, there was a LOT of misdirection. I think the same is true for Miguel...but like..the fandom isn't picking up on the misdirection AT ALL.
I have a lot of ideas and thoughts about Miguel and his character and honestly I think it's the exact opposite of what the fandom sees.
But when its's Hobie, it's very easy to understand him, just read the wiki on Punk and you're good.
But I don't think anyone has look closer at Miguel yet.
I genuinely believe that the reason Miles got away was because Miguel went soft.
He was watching the videos of Gaby to remind himself why he was doing this - why he had to stand his ground, but when Miles started panicking, and begging to know how much time he had left - Miguel slipped up. He went soft.
And he told him 'two days'.
You can see it in Miguel's face when Miles is asking.
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That's not the face of a man considering assault. That's not anger. He's wavering.
He didn't have to tell Miles how long he had left. But he did - why? Cause he thought 'I'd kill for two days with Gabby. A lot of people get less warning about death - Maybe he can spend those two days with his fath-'
and then Miles is like 'word?? two days to stop you?? iight im out also fuck yall' - which understandable have a nice day
But like......Miguel wouldn't have said it if he knew it would fuck him over. He didn't KNOW Miles was radicalized cause he didn't know Hobie had spoken to him. He thought that telling him might convince him. If he knew Miles was gonna run - there's no need to tell him anything.
He could've lied and said "I DON'T KNOW. But maybe let's talk about this."
But he didn't. He slipped up.
He's SOFT. Everytime he's mean, or angry - He has to think about it. Like when he looked at Hobie - and thought about it. He has to MAKE himself do it. It isn't natural to him.
Nobody else in the room was gonna answer Miles. Miles wouldn't have known. But Miguel told him two days. And because of that, that specific slip-up, Miles is trying to save his dad.
Why? Because he's SOFT. CAPITAL S SOFT.
Miguel is not a raging monster. Or aggressive. Or manipulative.
He's a guy who thinks he's holding the universe together with duct tape and a kid is in front of him begging to know how long they have left with their father and he tells them and because of that they get away and now everything he worked for is gonna emplode in his face because he had a SOFT SPOT FOR A KID AGAIN AND DID SOMETHING HE SHOULDN'T AGAIN AND TOLD HIM AND NOW PEOPLE ARE GONNA DIE AGAIN BECAUSE HE MESSED WITH THE MULTIVERSE AGAIN FUCK-
Like...yeah- he snapped. A normal person would snap. I've snapped for way less and a lot of other people have.
Granted, we don't go mauling children.
I don't know, I just feel like he's an incredibly layered character.
Because when he's ranting and screaming at Gwen like an irritated school teacher we're already like 'oh fuck you dude but also fuck you ;)'
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so when he's right there doing things like this - we don't see it. The same way we don't see Hobie's stealing - because we think we have him figured out.
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We don't see Miguel's tenderness.
Because we assume we know who he is - he's cold and aggressive and rude and hates Miles,
but like...is he really?
Miles is getting upset - and the whole conversation leading up to it Miguel has talked to him from a far, hands when Miles can see them. He's not trying to stand over him, or intimidate him. Miguel knows he's scary. He knows how to be scary.
He isn't trying to scare Miles. The exact opposite. He's trying to comfort him.
And when Miles starts lashing out - Miguel is genuinely surprised. That isn't the look of someone who THINKS he's about to hurt this kid.
He's telling Miles, hands up "Hey, sorry. I'm not trying to hurt you." He immediately lets go, backs up.
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If you really really think Miguel is naturally aggressive, or angry, or cold -
If you write him that way -
I ask that you rewatch the leading up to Miles' escape. Look at his body language. Watch him, and look at his face. That's all I ask.
He's SOFT. The same way he caved for Gwen after a little pushing. He caved for Miles after a little pushing. That's why he told him two days. SOFT
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I'm going to go Miguel Mode.
If understanding Hobie was a house, the fandom is standing out on the road.
If understanding Miguel was a house, the people aren't even in the same neighborhood. We're in the next state over. Other side of the globe. Off base by like 12 zipcodes and 4 times zones
Mild Miguel. Please tell me you're seeing this.
Am I crazy for thinking that the slip up - of telling Miles two days - wasn't out of stupidity but PITY? SYMPATHY?
Because Miguel thinks getting to spend two whole days with some you'll lose is a BLESSING to him - not a curse.
Even though to ANY non-traumatized person - it would be a curse.
...... yo
Miguel stepped into Gabriellas life because he didn't want her to lose a father. He KNOWS losing a father hurts.
So when Miles is there in front of him, talking about not wanting to lose his father - Miguel KNOWS how he feels. Gabby didn't want to lose her dad either.
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I- I can't even i'm sorry I -
I have a longer post about this in the works like breaking down all of his body language from his moments with MJ and Hobie and like teverything
If you see him as aggressive or cold this post isn't meant to be an attack. I am just down bad for Mild Miguel and I'm going delirious with hunger and starvation for him
#Justice4MildMiguel Maybe I'm huffing copium but also i know im fucking not he's RIGHT THERE
[And if you hate Miguel like hate hate him Moche says dishonor on you dishonor on your cow dishonor your family and your land in the name of Aia Paec Almighty]
If you made it this far....Imsorry you had to see me that way I don't know what came over me here's a picture of Hobie to help me calm down.
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(aka Hobie judging the fuck outta me in my head)
I need a glass of water. Bye.
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milesmoraleswife4l · 1 year
Miles 1610 X Nigerian Y/N
notes: nigga when I tell you this took my too long to make. Like writing this is not for the weak bruh
warnings: jus fluff ig
summary: y/n takes miles to meet her nigerian parents. ( im nigerian so umm yea)
“Miles, they are not going to like you if you don't take this seriously.” You said this for the 15th time. Miles is coming with you to a party your parents are throwing at your house. You thought it would be a good time to introduce them to Miles for the first time. As much as you were excited, you were hella nervous because this was the first time you ever brought into this household. And not just any household, but a Nigerian one at that. 
Miles needed to understand that one wrong move will ultimately end in your mom gossiping to all your aunts and your dad to the uncles saying, “ arabinrin mi, o ko ni gbagbọ aṣiwère ti ọmọbinrin wa mu fun wa lati pade oh.” (my sister, you won't believe the fool our daughter has brought back for us to meet oh) 
It's like you could hear it from a mile away. The thought made you sweat bullets because you know that they'll never approve if they have a horrible introduction to each other. “ No Miles try again, that's not right! C’mon you actually have to try. “ You said about just giving up and saying maybe this isn't the right time for him to meet them. ‘’Mami por que te preocupas tanto?’’ He said coming closer to hold your waist. “ because you don't know my parents, they're super judgemental and really strict. Like they didn't want me to even think about boys until i was at the ripe age of 30.’’ “ Thats crazy.’’ He said while laughing. 
 ‘Not its not, because as much as i love you, i need our parents to support our relationship.’’ you said as you were pacing around your room. ‘’ Ok ok I understand. Tell me what I need to do and I'll do it ok?” he said while grabbing both of your sides and engulfing you in a warm hug. And you sigh as you take in a pleasant whiff of his cologne.
Miles rang the doorbell to your parents house. “ remember everything i taught you please, and just be yourself at the same time.’’ you said while giving him a nervous smile. ‘’ Don't worry mami everything will be ok’’ He said wanting to give you a kiss but the door flew open.’’ e kassan mommy this is Miles” you said very sweetly to your mom. “ ekassan ma o dara pupọ o pade rẹ” Miles said while bending down to greet your mom. You just stand there; completely shook because you never taught him all of that. ‘’ Here are some roses I brought you, and you look completely beautiful, now I know where Yn got her beauty from.” He says smirking a little at you and how surprised you are. “ AHH AHH YN, why didn't you tell me you got with this handsome man?! Please arewa okunrin, what's your ethnicity, let me have three guesses!’’ your mom said begging the poor boy. “ No mom please no, he doesn't need to tell you all of that.” you said completely embarrassed that it even came out of her mouth. Luckily, Miles just laughed and proceeded to answer the question. “ I'm actually African american and Puerto rican ma.’’ “
Ehen so Yn has now gone and brought home a latin boy, ok ohh.’’ Your mom says, folding her arms in astonishment. “ Ok well Yns dad isn't here right now but you're more than welcome to stay.” Your mom says pulling him away for him to meet all your aunties. “ Come and see the fine boy Yn has brought to me ohh.’’ She exclaimed while pulling miles away. You laughed as you saw him being poked and prodded by many aunties at once. When they finally finished, which felt like hours after, he came back to meet you with a smirk on your face. “ Well, that was definitely something.’’ he said like he just saw a ghost. “ This is my family for you.’’ You said while laughing your head off. “ Haha. very funny.’’ He said while rolling his eyes. “ Anyway, im super hungry, can i get something to eat real quick?’’ He asked, wrapping his hand around your shoulder. “ Not too close omo, do you want her to get pregnant?!’’ Your mom yelled from far away. “ Mom! Stop please im begging” you said covering your face in embarrassment. “ Sorry!” Miles quickly said while moving his arm, but still scooting closer to you so that he can be near you as much as possible. “ Ok lemme just get something for you to eat c’mon.’’ You said while pulling him off the couch. 
He followed you to the kitchen and jumped up when he saw plantain. 
“ You guys have platanos too?!’’ “ Mi vida, here if anyone hears you call it that you're in big trouble. We call it dodo or plantain.” You said while rubbing his face by how cute he's being. “ Well whatever you want to call it, give me two big spoon-fuls of that please.” He said  while looking at it like it was his prey he was about to catch. “ Ok OK! It's not going anywhere why are you looking at it like that?’’ You said, chuckling at how hungry he is. “ Oh and gimme some fufu and efo riro.” He said looking over the table. “ Miles bruh, how do you even know about that?’ You said dying of laughter. “ Mami stop asking my questions and just put it please i'm dying over here” He said all dramatic.
Ok so this is litterally my first story so dont judge me pls. :)
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aveys6 · 1 year
ted lasso 3.05 favorite parts in no particular order of scenes or adoration!!! + things i did not like
jade coming around :)
not sure what did it, maybe the defense of the restaurant (him finally being real with someone of status), but im glad because they could make a beautiful and healthy couple
trent being present for one of ted's famous talks
trent making odd noises 😭
gay mug
ted swearing during his speech, being intense with his movements towards his heart, head, and sternum, ripping up the sign PUTTING IT ON THE BENCH AND LEAVING IT THERE
ted playing roblox with his son
rebecca needing keeley :(
me and my dad not knowing whether she got good news or bad news from her doctor (aka hannah waddingham is a god at facial expressions)
shite in nining armor
rebecca not being surprised that higgins believes in psychics 💀
keeley appreciating her employees :)
a heckler being singled out.... i have a feeling i know what that's gonna be about but if i'm wrong im interested to see what they do with that
things i did not like!
in my experience it is not that easy to avoid an impending panic attack, especially for someone who isn't used to practicing coping mechanisms.
for the sake of pacing i totally understand why the sequence was so quick and i appreciate ted's self-soothing tactics and his growth
shandy's outburst. it felt similar to edwin akufo's. did not like. her character is like that, yeah, but why are they writing in comic relief temper tantrums?
please please please talk to me about shandy if you have any opposing thoughts! i want to hear your views as to why you valued her character or her involvement in the show! lmk!
bosses hooking up with their employees! im just not a fan of the power imbalance!
i hope keeley and jack have their fun, i know they'll steer from that storyline anyway. and although we knew keeley was bi it was nice to see anyway
that's it for now! talk to me about ted lasso!
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httpiastri · 2 months
i missed you!!! hope you’re enjoying your break from here, consider this an extension of my hug to wherever you are rn <33 big huuuuugggss for you from all of us here 🤗🩵
college!pepe going to his sisters for relationship advices 🫶🏻 correct me if im wrong, but i think pepe has older sisters? so maybe after the fight, or really just one random day where he feels like hmmm maybe i should confront my feelings and not run away from it anymore… he’ll sit with that thought for a bit until one day he just finds himself in front of their door (im thinking carla–i believe that’s one of his sister’s name–since she has a partner after all!) his excuse was that he missed his sisters and that he wanted to catch up a bit 💘
so imagine the look of surprise on their faces when he blurted out that he needs relationship advice!! just quietly says that he thinks he’s starting to fall for someone and he asked them how should he approach it because he’s feeling so confused and scared … he spent the next few hours just spilling everything to his sister and her wife, telling them how he thought he knew everything there is to be known about liking someone in courtesy of his last relationship, but when he met yn?! everything was out of the window. he tells them he thinks it’s worth taking the risk to fall for her, but he’s scared she won’t feel the same way and he’ll ended up being the only one to fall again 😵‍💫
and even as they attentively listen to pepe and his worries, they can’t help but share a look of like omg !!! their baby brother is all grown up JDHJDDK and also the fact that they don’t recall him asking them for any kind of advice during his last relationship and he was in an ACTUAL relationship then, and not in some sort of limbo between friends and something more like he is now!!! so they know he def reeeeeaaaaallly likes yn 🥹 they try to give advices where they can, just a few things from their own experience to ease his mind and though they know he’s capable of making good decisions, a little push in the right direction never hurts <33
- 🎀
aaaaaaa my love! thank you so much!!! big big hugs to you too <3<3
this ask is so sweet i feel like im getting a toothache 😭 pls he would be so cute going to his sisters like that... im imagining him being kinda nervous-ish when actually bringing it up, the like "so uh... i actually have something i wanted to ask you about....*long pause*..... well, there's this girl..." and they're kinda freaking out but trying not to because they don't want to stress him or anything, they don't wanna make a big deal out of it all. and they'll want him to tell it from the beginning, from how pepe and yn met and all of the things that have happened, and like... a sister can't not squeal from happiness when she sees her little brother all smiley talking about how the girl he likes fell asleep on his shoulder during a movie night at the apartment or something 😭
and yes like even if pepe might still have his doubts about the whole thing, the sisters are so sure just from the way he talks about her. he's lowkey blushing, only saying the sweetest things about her, and just :(( and his sisters ofc make sure to tell him that they'll always be there for him if he needs it for these kinds of things and that he shouldn't be shy to talk to them. they wanna support him all the way, and i feel like they would also continue to pester him with questions and ask him for updates when he's back at uni 😭
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bwoahtastic · 3 years
Omg i cannot stop thinking about Max/Lewis with surprise pregnancy, its killing me!!
Max coming back to Monaco to an empty apartment he hates, the stress of the race is finally gone and he goes to take a bath, then freezes in pain, cannot move at all, scared of what is happening and why. Until he feels a contraction and just knows. The panic sets in and he keeps going over everything, how it this possible, he didn't even notice it, something must be wrong!
Then it hits him how there was no one else since Lewis, so it has to be his, they haven't even acknowledged that night and now have a child together. What will Lewis do when he finds out, he'll probably think Max hid this on purpose! What if he uses this against him, or will he try to take the baby away from him?!
He would probably end up delivering it on his own, so much panic and fear, just half an hour later he's in the tub with the baby in his arms. Max thinking about how its so small and beautiful, sleeping on his chest, and he's so happy its here.
And reality hits him again how his small fragile baby was in so much danger and put to the risk for so long, every race for 9 months because of him, what if something is really wrong, his actions did this, they'll take it away and he'll never see it again.
Being so scared and alone, deciding to call Lewis first. Him crying and trying to explain, begging him at keep the baby, that way at least it will grow up with one of its dads and not be alone. Lewis not even hearing what he's saying just running across Monaco to get to him.
im sorry
Max always thinking back on that night with Lewis and how safe and loved he had felt then. And sure he felt a bit off but the year was stressful so he thinks it's because of that and doesn't dare to think it could be more.
Max feeling sick for a while already but he goes for a run in hopes of sweating it off and then when he returns and getting ready for a bath, he is just overcome by pain and when his water breaks he can no longer deny what's going on.
Max really would be scared and stubborn enough to deliver the baby on his own in the bathtub, and he doesn't want to tell Lewis at first because he is so afraid to have Lewis be angry at him at such a vulnerable moment and even more afraid that Lewis will use the fact that Max didn't know he was pregnant and didn't take care of the baby against him to get custody.
But then when he is sitting in the luke warm water with a tiny baby resting against his chest, he is suddenly so scared something is wrong with his tiny angel and his first instinct is not to call an ambulance but to call Lewis.
Lewis struggling to understand what Max is saying but hearing "hurt" and "baby" and he just slrients across Monaco.
Lewis just crying softly when he finds Max all alone in the bathtub, shivering and vulnerable with a tiny baby resting against his chest, carefully wrapped in a towel to keep them warm. And Max is too weak to get up and he is so scared and can only apologise as Lewis calls the ambulance.
Lewis just holding Max and stroking his hair while staring at the tiny baby and just telling him everything is going to be okay and that he will be safe
The doctors taking Max into the ambulance and maybe even to the hospital cos he lost a lot of blood and is in shock, but the baby is abolsutley fine as Max did everything right by instinct.
Poor Maxy waking up and he doesn't see the baby and he just cries because he believes Lewis took them, but then Lewis comes walking in with the tiny baby asleep in his arms and he just places the little one on Msx's chest before kissing his forehead and promising he will never take the little one from Max🥺
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a-pretty-nerd · 3 years
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Tomura Shigaraki x AllMight!Daughter!Reader
Chapter 10
When The League of Villains discovers that AllMight has a daughter, they are quick to snatch you up and hold you hostage. Shigaraki had a careful and thought out plan, but that was before you got there. Now you’re in the mood for some not-so-healthy rebellion.
I hope you guys like this chapter! If you wanna support me further and hang out, check out my Patreon for more of my content and my discord!
Word count: 1,818
Warnings: Minor violence
Chapter 9 Chapter 11
Loud announcement after loud announcement blasted from the speakers as the police spoke. Repeating the same few sentences over and over again. His stomach turned as anxiety took hold of him. Izuku Midoriya stood nearly a block away from the scene as he watched. He and Bakugou were given orders to sit on the perimeter and wait in case they were needed. Having experienced The League before, their assistance was helpful. But everyone was hoping it wouldn't be needed. For now, everyone's top priority was you. Bakugou huffed in frustration, folding his arms across his chest as he watched.
"I don't get it. We should just round them up while we still can. If we don't act fast, they'll slip out of our hands again." He growled.
"Arrest isn't our top priority right now. The hostage's safety is. We can't risk any harm coming to her. You know that." Midoriya answered. The blonde scoffed and spoke again after a long pause.
"I still can't believe it."
"Believe what?"
"That he has a daughter. You'd think he would have mentioned something like that by now. After all these years. Especially one with such a strong quirk."
"Yeah...I don't have kids of my own so, I don't know much about that but...It's odd isn't it? That he never mentioned her. Not even to us." Bakugou thought for a moment.
"Maybe it was the mom. Maybe she kept it that way. We don't know much about her."
"No...that doesn't sit right. Her mom seems intense, sure. But that's his daughter. I don't know about you, but if I had a kid like her, I wouldn't be able to stop talking about her. So, it doesn't make sense why someone like him..."
"They were young, right? About our age?"
"That's right."
"Think about it. If you and Ururaka got pregnant right now, what do you think would happen?"
"Thats different, she's a hero too-"
"No. Really. Think about it. If she told you tomorrow you were gonna have a kid, how would you feel?" Midorya thought for a moment.
"Scared, I guess."
"Would you slow down your hero work? After everything you've done, all the work you've put into this. Would you risk it all to be a proper father? And what about her? Would Ururaka be okay putting her life on hold for that kid? I doubt it."
"I see what you're saying. But that still doesn't explain why we're just finding out about her now."
"I'm sure he was just trying to protect her from shit like this happening. It's clear he still cares for her. It was probably his was of keeping her safe. As messed up as that is."
"I studied All Might my entire life. Became his successor and student. And still...I feel like I never really knew him until now."
"You're still my most valuable player. You're staying right here." Shigaraki's voice purred as his grip tightened around your arm. Pulling you closer to him. You felt your blood quickly rush up to your cheeks. The hot feeling coursing through your veins. You heard the loud squeak of a chair shifting across the floor. Your quirk unwittingly being activated. He ignored the sound, his deep red eyes glaring into yours as his scarred brow bone curved over them in a tight scowl. His eyes, so brilliant and full of passion. You were lost in them. Time always seemed to stop when he did this.
"Boss! We gotta get out of here! We can't fight them all!" Spinner shouted, tearing those eyes away from you. How long had he been starring at you? Was he just as lost as you? You were doubtful. If he was lost in anything, it was probably his rage. His grip on you loosened, slowly dropping your arm almost like he was reluctant to.
"The truck. Is the truck ready?"
"Yes, but I doubt we can get out of here without being caught."
"Of course not. That's why we'll need a distraction. Until then we need time. Toga, the phone, quick." She jumped at the command. Grabbing a smartphone of hers and quickly adjusting it to film. Shigaraki's hands quickly found your body again. But they weren't nearly as harsh as last time, just firm. Man handling you to appear threatening. One hand coming around your neck from behind to display his fingers, and the other around your arm. He pressed you against his body.
"Filming!" Toga shouted.
"You heroes should know better than to just barge into such a delicate situation. The conditions are simple. Make one wrong move, and the girl is dust. I'll even leave her in a pretty little urn for you, hehehe, All Might."
"Cut! Edit and send to the heroes right?"
"And social media, anything to get it on the news. Dabi, Twice, is there a way for you to contact our friends on the outside?"
"But boss! They have us tapped! They'll be prepare for our escape!" Twice shouted.
"They've planned for it already. We've lost the element of surprise. We need results."
"Shigaraki?" You croaked.
"What!?" He shouted in your ear. You winced, holding your free had up to tap at his wrist around your neck.
"Could you, loosen up a bit?" He swiftly pulled his hands away from you. Watching you gently cough and regain your breath.
"We're not, really going to kill her, are we?" Toga pulled her attention away from her phone and shuffled closer to you. Turning to be in-between you and Shigaraki, almost to protect you from being grabbed again.
"No. Not if we plan to get out of here." He and turned sat down on the couch, his hands coming up to rub against his sore neck. Toga patted your back.
"You alright there? You're burning up. You're not sick are you?"
"No...No Im fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm fine. Thank you, Toga." It made her smile to hear you say that.
"Don't worry. Tomura's smart. He'll get us out safe, you'll see." You smiled back at her.
"I'm sure. But somehow I doubt I'll see you again. So, if this is goodbye-"
"Don't say that!" Toga shouted. "We're gonna stick together. Remember? I promised you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you!" You starred at her with wide eyes as your heart raced in your chest. A loud flutter.
"But, Toga."
"But nothing, friends stick together, right?" You nodded. "Then that settles it! We're taking her with us, aren't we guys?" Confused faces looked up at the two of you. "Well?"
"Uh- Sure." Spinner shrugged.
"Hell No - Alright!" Twice shouted.
"Heh, alright." Dabi chuckled.
"Tomura?" Toga called the absent-minded man.
"We're taking her with us, right? She's one of us now!" Toga reached for your hand and curled her fingers between yours. Shigaraki looked up at her, his eyes lost in thought. "Tomura!" She scolded him like a little sister. He blinked a few times, shaking his attention to you.
"Are you, Y/L/N? Are you one of us?" You froze for a moment. No. Of course not. You're not a villain. You're not like these people! You're a heroes' kid! You're not evil! You're a good person!
You opened your mouth to speak, an overwhelming cacophony of thoughts keeping you from answering. For the first time in your entire life, you had been cared for in a way you never had before. No longer reliant on a bottle of pills to function properly. No longer forced to be productive. No pressure to be anything special. You could grow here. You could be yourself here. The room buzzed with energy at the activation of your quirk. Your emotional state boiling to a head, you opened your mouth to answer but before you could speak-
The building began to shake underneath you. You were thrown to the floor, eyes darting everywhere in search for the cause. The sound of explosions blasted above you, while what sounded like a bulldozer echoed below.
"Damn it! They're coming from both ends!" Dabi announced, gaining his balance to perform a ready stance before his blue flames emerged.
"C'mon Shigaraki! What do we do!" Twice shouted as he clung onto the man's forearm. The rest of you inching closer and closer to each other.
The blasts above became louder and louder until it became evident it was right above. Your stomach turned as you came to the realization. Before the order left his lips you had reached for a table across the room and brought it up above your small group for protection.
"Y/L/N!" Just in time for it to deflect the shrapnel of drywall that burst from the explosion above. Suddenly the floor below gave way, sending the six of you falling through the open air. There were supposed to be several floor to the building, but thanks to the hero, Deku, flimsy walls of the already rotting building had been quickly demolished within seconds.
You watched yourself fall, your hand desperately reaching for anything to hold on to. Failing and plummeting down with the rest of them. You watched as the DynaMight emerged from the smoke above to watch you with a satisfied grin plastered over his face.
The cries of the others behind you filled your ears. Why wasn't this hero doing something? Why wasn't he jumping to catch you? To catch the others? Is going to let you fall to your deaths? You can't let him do that! Quick- Quick- your quirk- catch them!
After a few attempts at activation in your panic, you were able to catch the others in the air. Just before their bodies hit the concrete of the building basement. Dropping them down from a safe few feet. The fall was uncomfortable, but a relief to you and the others that you could work so quickly.
But your success was short-lived as the building trembled and quaked with another explosion. You looked up just in time to watch what was left of the old hide out to come crashing down around you. Leaving you trapped in the basement, in complete darkness.
"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?" A familiar shriek echoed in Bakugou and Midoriya's ear pieces. They both jolted at the painful intrusion. Your mother, having just stolen a police walky talky huffed on the other end.
"Our apologies ma'am but they're fine. I saw it with my own eyes. They're just trapped under debris. Everything is going according to plan." Midoriya reassured.
"Ac- ACCORDING TO PLAN!? You mean to tell me, young man, that you intended to trap my daughter in with her KIDNAPPERS, WHO THREATENED TO KILL HER!?" She spat, understandably.
"If they wanted her dead by now, she would be. Shigaraki doesn't play games unless it's necessary. Trust me." Bakugou barked.
"So now what? We just wait until this psychopath decays his way loose?"
@craftybean13 @babayaga67 @imjustverable
@kamenoyaki @hentaiqween101 @skzero-99 @justanotherlifeff
@witch-o-memes @lolilith
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hitozy · 3 years
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twin stars ‹ masterlist › have you ever
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𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢
Iwaizumi had forgotten how rowdy his friends are, and one isn't physically present.
He had not seen any of his friends since the wedding and even then he didn't get to see and chat with them very long, he was out of it that day. But here he is on a Friday night, with YN sitting beside him per request of the three dumbasses sitting across from them; Maki and Mattsun with Oikawa on their phone screen, demanding attention like the needy shit he has always been.
He feels you more than he hears you laugh at whatever the others are telling you and he takes a chance to take a peek, as if he hasn't been doing that since you walked out of the room to go out with him.
Your short black skirt that he had already thought was short when you were standing is even shorter now as you sat, it barely covered your ass, leaving your beautiful legs on display for all the perverts. On top of that you wore a skin tight shirt that had a boob window and he has been wanting to punch every creep that keeps on looking at it. He wants to snarl at every single person that makes a double take on her, of course she's beautiful.
She's also too good for anyone out there.
He relaxes as he watches her laugh freely, her cheeks tinted pink, her eyelashes wet from laughing so hard at his friends antics. He decided he should bring her to these reunions from now on, take her out more, she must feel lonely just doing school work and being at home since most of her friends are to engrossed on their future or on their relationships.
"Earth to Iwachan!" He felt someone smack his head, finding the culprit to be a smirking Mattsun, "We get it! You're married and happy, I mean..." Mattsun, Maki and Oikawa all turn to look at YN, "I can blame you, YN has always been the most beautiful woman in our life."
YN, used to their flirty but harmless antics snorts at it, "That's not what I heard when Hajime and I walked in as you fucked that 2nd year cheerleader. What has her name again? Mina?" She smirked at it, making Iwaizumi laugh at the memory. He had been horrified and had accidentally pulled you into the bathroom instead of running outside. Both stuffed uncomfortably in there while hearing Mattsun pound (roughly) into the poor girl until the cheerleader moaned out a 'Daddy' to Mattsun, making you both laugh and interrupted them.
Mattsun laughed at it, "I can still hear you both laughing about it! What's so wrong about having a Daddy kink, huh? YOU KINK SHAMERS!"
"You weren't even close to daddy age, Mattsun!" YN joined Iwaizumi's laughter, leaning against him for support, "You were only 18, what's so 'daddy' about that!?"
Mattsun only huffed at that and Iwaizumi thought that maybe he was angry, the slight scowl on his face as he watched YN grip his bicep as she hid behind him from laughter remained there for a long time afterwards.
YN had just gotten up for the bathroom when his friends sharp glances turned to him. Usually, he would ignore it since it really wasn't their business, but he know from experience that if he keeps on avoiding it, they'll get worse.
Taking a sip from his beer and without sparing a glance to any of them, he gives. "Just spit it out."
It wasn't a surprise that shittykawa was the one to initiate it, "I can't believe YN took your stupid ass in marriage."
He turned to glare at his friend on the screen, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means that she could've and SHOULD HAVE gone for someone who is emotionally available and isn't still chasing after his ex."
"I- this marriage is just - it's-"
"It's what?" Mattsun interrupts him, "Convenience? Because she's your friend, so its comfortable? You think that's fair?" He scoffs at Iwaizumi and it makes him feel small, "She's so in love with you and you don't even see it," he points at his, harshly poking his chest, "its so infuriating seeing you chasing after that other bitch when YN has always been right there!" He takes a swing of his drink, obviously irritated with his wedded friend.
"I- its-... she isn't in love with me, we're friends, best friends." What the hell is wrong with his friends? "What the hell is this? Why do any of you care about me and yn? You guys said you were happy about me marrying her!"
"We were, until we saw that you aren't in love with her."
Iwaizumi feels his heart drop at his friends deadpanned expressions. He doesn't regret marrying YN, he just wishes he had done it under normal circumstances.
"I'm trying."
"We know Iwachan," he looks up to see Oikawa giving him a pained smile, "But you need to cut off Jae for good. YN deserves at least that."
"Speaking of the queen of Rome... someone is following her."
Iwaizumi feels his body tense at Mattsun's words, someone is following you? He turns a bit to catch you fast walking towards their table, a worried expression on your face. He can also see the creep walking behind you, eyeing you hungrily.
He doesn't like it.
Once she makes it to the table, all of the boys can see how out of breath she is and wonder just how long she's been trying to avoid him. She sits beside Iwaizumi, meeting no one's eye and soon enough the guy is there with a smirk, "Hey baby, why did you runaway? Come on, ditch these losers and come with me instead."
He has no right, Iwaizumi knows that he has no right to get so mad at this perverts words but he can't help the possessiveness that is pouring out of himself, blinded by rage, he acts on impulse.
Iwaizumi pulls her close to him, seating her casually on his lap and looking square at this randos eye, says, "She's taken, beat it."
When he notices that the other one is about to open his mouth, he cuts him off by kissing her instead.
The last time he had kissed her was while she was drunk and it hadn't felt right to return it since she was very out of it. Now though? Now, they're both pretty sober and in public. His friends are at arms length and he can't find it in himself to give a damn when your lips feel like the softest pillows ever.
He gripped the back of her neck to angle her face and kiss her deeply, he was surprised to feel her kissing him back with the same fervor. She took the hand he had on her knee up to her thigh, which he gripped on immediately and pressed her chest against his, her small hands clutching his shoulders as if her life depended on it.
At the back of his mind, he could hear his friends wolf whistles and a couple of others exclaiming at the way they were making out, but he couldn't find it in himself to care. She was here, she was present and so warm underneath his fingers, her lips following his, her tongue exploring his mouth just as he was with her.
He didn't know for how long they had been kissing, but when he slightly pulled apart, her lips were red and swollen, her eyes sparkled and shined like diamonds underneath the sunlight. She looked adorable and he felt his heart throb painfully in his chest.
"Well... I guess I'm not the only exhibitionist anymore, huh?"
His friends laughed when YN started to blush and the implication that was made. With Iwaizumi still feeling a bit high from what had happened, he pulled her against him close, his grip tight and barked, "Leave her alone, you pervs."
After a few jabs directed to him, they continued as if nothing had happened, though he did catch them stealing glances at him with raised eyebrows, questioning his actions at the passionate kiss he shared with her.
I don't know what's happening either, he thought as he peered down to look at her face, feeling himself blush at how small and comfortable she looked in this lap, in his arms, but I know I'm in trouble.
When they got home later that night, he feels himself feeling hot and bothered by every move you make. You way your hanged your purse at the entrance, the way you shook your hair out of its up do, the way you leaned forward to take of your heels.
He followed you down the hall to your shared room, watching the way your hips moved side to side tantalizingly. His hand itched, he wanted to move closer and glue himself to your back, to hold your waist in one hand as the other guided your head to kiss him, to have the hand on your waist dip down and shove his digits in your panties to find them soaking wet, to hear you sigh out his name "Hajime, please."
Your solid voice pulled him out of his trance, a blush adorning his face in shame. I need to snap out of it, its too late to be so horny about my best friend. "Yeah mochi?"
"I um..." He noticed they way she was twirling her hair around, a nervous habit she's had since they were kids and wondered what could have her in such a state. "I- urgh, there's no easy way to say it."
She smacked herself in that moment. "Mochi?!"
He would've moved forward, if it wasn't for the solid gaze she had, her shoulders pulled back, full of intent.
"Hajime, I want you to take my virginity."
... What
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When words run dry, he does not try, nor do I.
We are on par.
He just is, I just am
and we just are.
He and I - Lang Leav
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taglist ! @daphnxy @zukoslosthishonor​ @i-am-a-hoe-for-shinya @mrsdoradominguez-barnes @anejuuuuoy
a/n! went on vacation and forgot to queue the post for this chapter, im so sorry, my bad D:
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magnusgoetia · 3 years
Transcript of a Sinner’s Conversation: A Meeting with Caecus
--Begin (In Medias Res)--
Sinner: You kiddin'? Dyin' was the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Caecus: There’s nothing you left behind? No family to miss?
Sinner: My family? Fuck 'em, I'd ‘ave hired 'elp to kill 'em already if it meant they'd be dead-dead, and I wouldn't have to spend time wiv 'em down 'ere. It wouldn't be right for me to force this on my friends either, but they'll be 'ere in due time anyway. I can wait.
Caecus: So, you’re expecting your friends to join you here as well. The wait must be awfully lonely.
Sinner: Ah, not really. I’ve made friends while I’m ‘ere. The shit I can do ‘ere is like, fucking magic and with it I can make up for what I lack in a lot of different ways. Just wish I could remember how I ‘ad died.
Caecus: Maybe it’s better not to remember… Not all of us intended to be here, after all.
Sinner: No. No, perhaps it’s best not to remember. I quickly found out that it's not just evil folks that end up here, lots of good folks, plenty of weird ones too. I'm sensing you’re of the “gooder” ones, you radiate...well, it’s 'ard to describe, but I don't sense any hostility from you at the very least, even though you were born ‘ere.
Caecus: How amiable of you. But remember, a birth is just a new beginning of sorts. You couldn’t have been alone since you were… delivered to us.
Sinner: Ah, you’re a poetic type aren’t ya? Anyway, I’ve not made many friends but I do ‘ave a particular fondness for this one clown...me an' 'im seem to 'ave this weird connection wiv each other. Actually, he's more of a jester type, though rather embarrassingly his name escapes me...
Caecus: Are you, by chance, referring to an imp named Blocko?
Sinner: Yeah, don’t surprise me you know ‘im. He seems like the type to ‘ave a particular reputation.
Caecus: That he does, and yet a divine will connects us. I’m being led to believe your intriguing appearance has an even more… intriguing history.
Sinner: Riiiight...Well, you know what they say about skeletons and closets. Though I suppose I ‘ave nothing to hide ‘ere...Well, to put it simply, I was a broken kid. I never got help, and I did... unspeakable things to anyone who ‘ad wronged me—or simply didn't like.
Caecus: Even the purest of souls can be corrupted by another’s sins.
Sinner: Yeah...Well, it's not like I'll stop doin’ what I did while I was alive, with all that murder and hedonism. Though death has a way of humbling some people...In any case, the murders mostly stopped as I grew older. I seemed to have preferred to just traumatise people instead, ruin lives of the people I saw as bad or evil.
Caecus: Then you found a different punishment for those you had judged.
Sinner: I suppose so. A lot of it involved me spying on groups of people. I'd worm my way into the seedy societies that thought they were safe in their little circles and collect dirt on them. Really sick shit too by the way but don’t worry, the hypocrisy wasn’t lost on me either.
Caecus: Oh? You judged yourself a hypocrite yet continued along a path of self-appointed righteousness... Why?
Sinner: I don’t know, maybe a sense of catharsis? A lot of these were people who I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about killing or whatever. Sometimes it was more personal too, there were—still are people I am attached to up there that got hurt, and I took my revenge on them in their place.
Caecus: Ahh, how noble. Fighting for your friends.
Sinner: Yeah, there was this one particular bastard. Actually, there were a few…but…eh, nevermind…this one particular guy who was essentially lying to one of these “friends” and caused them a psychotic breakdown. I didn’t take action right away, but I did end up killing ‘im. Didn’t even bother hiding the fact it was a murder.
Caecus: What made you wait?
Sinner: Money, mostly. It makes the world up there spin, and you need a lot of it to get anything done, right? Well, I ‘ad to wait until I ‘ad enough money to fly to the states on top of all that shit involved in immigratin’. When I settled in, that’s when I made my move on a buncha grudges. This guy was just the first. Moving to the states made my life a lot easier in some ways. Was a lot easier to sleep when I took care of the grudges too.
Caecus: Oh, wow. You must have had remarkable resolve to keep a “grudge” that long… Tell me, did all of them truly deserve it?
Sinner: No, most didn’t, but I am…was, an angry person. I found I was very much capable of venting my anger, to put it mildly, and I was much too young when I had...shall we say...discovered it.
Caecus: Young minds are impressionable.
Sinner: Right, and the fact that I was generally good at getting away with it made me feel just that little bit better about it.
Caecus: So, you exploited that validation to continue justifying your actions. Most sinners in your position never reach awareness...
Sinner: Yeah? I’ll take that as a compliment, but I was totally emotionally disconnected when committing my crimes. Afterwards I pretty much always dealt with conflict. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. Though I had largely stopped my ways. I’m ‘aving way too much fun down ‘ere, and even though I won’t drag ‘em down here with me, I’d love to have my friends join me eventually.
Caecus: Would they be pleased being here, embrace this existence like you have?
Sinner: I dunno, some of them have a hard enough time as it is with one existence, I doubt they’ll be too happy to find out there’s another waitin’ for ‘em. The others I’d imagine would be quite surprised all the same, being atheists and such, but I reckon they’d come to like it.
Caecus: An existence you cannot escape is itself a prison. Albeit, choosing to enjoy it in spite of that perspective is a marvelous thing. If you could imagine them in your presence, what would you do?
Sinner: Again, I dunno. It’s hard to tell when they’re not here yet but I am somewhat interested in what’ll end up happening should they get here. I dunno if I’ll be able to tell if it’s them even.
Caecus: And how do you dare to enjoy existence now?
Sinner: Well, I’ve been doing everything I’ve ever wanted to do but could never do in life amongst other things. It’s kinda embarrassing, but I played a bunch of video games, so I miss those quite a bit. I’ve found plenty of ways to fill that void though. Some of your movies are pretty sick down ‘ere, and importing goods from the other rings to ‘ere means I don’t miss out…mostly, on their fun too. I just wish I could explore the other rings; I don’t get why us sinners can’t.
Caecus: Decretum is often difficult to understand. However, it would seem a blessing that you’ve been placed with the multifarious company of the pride ring.
Sinner: True enough, whatever that means. There’s a lot of strip clubs, greedy businesses and shit, stuff you think you’d only find in the other rings. Though I think I probably would’ve ended up in wrath if we landed in the rings based on our sins.
Caecus: Most catechisms view wrath as an excessive anger. You strike me as having more control than the average sinner.
Sinner: A lot of people on the surface woulda said the same too, I was and I suppose still am really good at keeping it in check, well, good enough to not make it obvious anyway. Though it’s been a lot tougher down here.
Caecus: This is a realm of collective temptation, after all.
Sinner: My only judge here is myself and perhaps my peers if I let them. I still kill down here, but it’s been in self-defence. I don’t think I’ve killed anyone out of anger yet but let’s just say I’d feel sorry for the poor sod who happened to piss me off on a bad day.
Caecus: You’ve always been your own judge. I suspect the lack of good comparisons for your behavior here has coaxed you further.
Sinner: Actually, I could tell you about the first person I “killed” down here. It was soon after I woke up. I suppose this guy thought it’d be easy—fresh sinner, just in time to be another tally mark on some statistic.
Caecus: A second death, the lake of fire…
Sinner: Uh...yeah, I reacted on instinct and it musta been a sort of “kiss of death” type shit. I only touched the dude with my hand, and he just kinda…shrivelled up and died. You know…like when a cartoon character eats a lemo—ah sorry, you can’t watch TV.
Caecus: Ah, yes… a shrivelling death is nevertheless descriptive.
Sinner: Anyway, I have a bunch of other powers too but that one I’m most afraid of you know? I can drop the ambient temperature of an area so shit gets cold, have some form of telekinesis and a buncha other stuff, like I have some kinda control over this weird glowy energy, it’s how I have my eyes, which are purely for show, I don’t need them since I can see perfectly fine without ‘em...not that you’d know I even have ‘em.
Caecus: I’m aware you observe our world, in a traditional sense. My observations are just a bit more… unorthodox. And I feel as if your fear is not from a lack of understanding.
Sinner: Well I seem to have it under control, but I’m afraid in a moment of weakness I might react without thinking, you know? I’ve not had it happen yet, but it would be so easy when flippin’ out that I just give ‘em the ol’ touch of death.
Caecus: Even a king’s heart is just a stream of water to the hand of… fate.
Sinner: Gonna be honest, I haven’t the foggiest of what you just said. Though if I’m being honest myself, I couldn’t care less if it was someone I didn’t know anyway. Only really care about my friends and such. You seem pretty neat yourself.
Caecus: The impression is mutual. It’s not often that I’m seen as anything other than senseless and intimidating. I don’t find it unwarranted, granted; my appearance is as disconcerting as my psyche.
Sinner: How do you even know what you look like? It’s not like you can just look into a mirror.
Caecus: I was presented with a vision soon before I arrived, my last blessing I suppose… Regardless, my rebirth is a tale for another time. I’ve relished in your company long enough, and I must answer my calling. I’m sure our paths will converge again.
Sinner: Hey, I hope so too...uh....
Caecus: Please, call me Caecus.
Sinner: Well, it’s only polite to give you my name too. I go by many names here, but I am quite fond of “Mr. Death” as silly as it sounds.
Caecus: Silly, yes, but very becoming of you. A pleasure, Mr. Death.
Mr. Death:Well, don’t let me keep you. I’d like to see you again sometime, Caecus. I’ll take my leave.
Caecus: All in due time.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Only Love Can Hurt Like This -4
Im Jaebeom - Angst
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Y/N doesn't want a relationship, especially not with an idol. Jaebeom only wants her.
Love after heartbreak and all the things that fall in between.
Angst, Cheating, Fluff, Smut
A new series inspired by lyrics, each chapter has a specific song that goes with it.
Chapter 1: Nice To Meet Ya
Chapter 2: Blood In The Cut
Chapter 3: Liability
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Chapter 4: That's Just The Way You Make Me Feel
You keep on asking me the same questions (why?)
And second guessing all my intentions
You've got the answers to my confessions
You know I love it, so please don't stop it
So real, so good, so fuckin' real
The way you make me feel Janel Monae. 
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He knew he fucked up and he didn't know what to do about it. He'd finally made some headway and now he was back to square one. 
So, the next day he was back. Standing in front of your counter he held out a cup of Hotteok.
Before he could speak you jumped in, "See JB, the way this whole retail thing works is, you pick something you want that I'm selling, then give me money for it. Nowhere in the scenario do you bring me random shit just because."
Your eyes were red, he felt terrible, after only 2 conversations he'd already managed to hurt you. 
"It's not random shit, it's an apology. I'm sorry I drew attention to you last night." he paused, "you don't deserve to be attacked like that." 
You turned away trying to gain your composure, "The one thing I've learned through all this is to never apologize for showing your feelings. When you do, you're apologizing for the truth." 
You looked back, "I've never apologized for loving Yoongi, because it was real whether people want to believe it or not."
You sighed, "You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't put the target on my back JB it's been there a while, I'm just sad because now you've got one too." 
His heart sank when he realized that you weren't choosing loneliness to protect yourself, you were keeping your distance so he wouldn't get dragged into it. 
He placed his large hand over yours as it lay on the counter. "There's only one thing that's going to make me walk away from you." He tipped your chin so you were forced to look into his eyes, "Tell me you don't want me here." 
The door chimed, you were no longer alone.
"Like I said yesterday, it's bad business for me to chase away customers, stay as long as you want."
He smiled brightly, "That's not a no." 
Taking the Hotteok from the counter you were still unsure, but he was right, it wasn't a no. 
Standing at the bar in the exact spot you'd met him, you'd hoped he'd be here tonight. You felt like a desperate fool with a schoolgirl crush.
Three days had passed since you'd last seen him and despite your best efforts, you found yourself missing him. You hated the way your heart hurt, of course he'd given up why would this be a surprise? 
A hand reached around placing a drink on the bar in front of you. "You look like you could use this, still pining over Min Yoongi?" 
"Actually I'm waiting for a friend Minho." 
"I could be your friend tonight Y/N. I guarantee I can get you to stop thinking about him," he grabbed your ass. 
"No thanks, I don't think 5 minutes in your bed will change my world."
He grabbed the drink back, "No wonder he cheated on you, you're such a bitch." 
Dumb, Dumb, Dumb...you'd let your guard down and everything was feeling all too personal. Shooting back the last of your Soju you grabbed your jacket and made for the exit. 
"You're not leaving when I just got here?"
Your traitorous heart fluttered, "I didn't know I was supposed to be waiting." 
His grin got bigger, "Are you mad because maybe you actually missed me a little?"
Mad, sad, who could tell them apart anymore? 
"Yeah, actually I am and I'm livid with myself for it." 
He put his hand on your waist, "Hey, I'm sorry, I got called for re shoots."
His thumb rubbed over your hip soothingly, "I only have your work number...I just got back and I was hoping you'd be here" 
A voice shouted from across the bar "Don't waste your time on that one JB, come sit with us"   
You closed your eyes trying to keep the tears at bay, "You heard the man. I'm leaving anyway, I guess I'll see ya around."
Shooting a look at Minho he ran out the door to catch up with you. 
Standing at the curb waiting for a cab he reached his hand out to you. "I wanted to be with you tonight, and I'm pretty sure you wanted to be with me. It's still early, let's go somewhere okay, can we still do that?" 
Placing your hand in his, "Only if we're alone...and there's alcohol."
He smiled victorious, "I think I know a place." 
Walking up the crowded street you felt better, anonymous. He kept squeezing your hand making sure you hadn't slipped away.
"Right here," he stopped in front of a pink neon lit Karaoke Bar. 
"Karaoke? I think one of us has an extremely unfair advantage JB." 
"Don't worry I'll let you win." 
Stepping closer to him you kissed his cheek, "Why are you being so nice to me JB?" 
"Y/N, why do you keep questioning my motives?"
His hand ran up your arm, "I hate that you've been mistreated for so long that you don't realize what normal behavior is."
He held the door open for you, "How's a private room and bottle service sound?" 
You consumed copious amounts of Grey Goose as you took turns performing for one another. What you lacked in vocal talent you made up for in your ability to mimic choreography.
"I think I've lost my voice," you shouted after your efforts to sing Itzy's Wannabe.
"I'm going to have to tell JYP about you, maybe with some training you can debut next year and come on tour with us," he laughed.
He queued up the next song, "Come here, I want to dance with you." 
You moved into his waiting arms and allowed yourself to surrender to his pursuits. His song came on and you laughed, "it's so cheesy Jaebeom-ah!" 
He sang anyway, 
Our love will lead the way for us
If the road ahead is not so easy
Like a guiding star
I'll be there for you if you should need me
You don't have to change a thing
I love you just the way you are
You let your head rest on his chest, his heartbeat was louder, more important than the words he was singing.
Glad he was holding you up, you felt a little drunk, a little in love and for once, you weren't going to stop yourself. 
He kissed the top of your head and held on a little tighter, "So does this mean you'll finally give me your number?"
You looked up at him nodding, locking eyes he moved slowly closer, lips almost touching ...until his phone went off.
He frowned, "Fuck, it's management. Sorry I've got to check in. Just stay in my arms ok?" 
"You're going to read texts over my shoulder? How romantic," you jibed, but you didn't break away. 
JYP: Dispatch has reached out to us for comment regarding a new dating scandal. They were tipped off that you were with Y/N at Cakeshop Night Club tonight and now they are outside of the Karaoke bar waiting for photos. We need to discuss your intentions immediately. A car will pick you up in 15 mins, wait inside for security. Do not leave the building together as it is still controllable speculation.
You could feel his body react to what he was reading, deep breaths, tensed muscles and finally pulling you in tightly. "What is it J?" 
"I've got to get you out of here, the press are outside" 
He handed you his phone, "add your number."
But JYPs text was still open and you saw every word.
You keyed in your info and switched it off before handing it back. 
You breathed deep, "You know, sneaking in and out of buildings is my specialty," You put your hand over his heart and gave a sad smile.
"Don't worry about me. I'm sure there's a back entrance, I'll just grab a cab home. If you go out the front they'll be too busy taking photos of you, they'll never notice me."
You tried to sound confident and uncaring so he'd do what was best but Jaebeom had his own plan. 
"Get your stuff, we're going out the front together." 
He pulled your hand through the bar and out the front door. Lights flashed as they took their photos for tomorrow's headlines.
Hailing a cab he leaned over and kissed your lips, "I'm going to call you as soon as I can okay?"
You weren't okay, your first kiss would be your last kiss. Your smile hid the stabbing pain in your heart, you knew it was over before it had started.
"Jaebeom," you called him back after he closed the car door behind you, "It's been a really great time."
He smiled and waved.
Getting into the companies blacked out Suburban he was happy, he was going to stand his ground.
He'd felt bad that your first kiss had been under these circumstances so he opened his phone to text you a quick apology.
Searching the contacts  he found your entry, "I'm sorry" with random numbers underneath. 
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Mark: rape victims. Theyre the most hurt out of all this and you keep thinking back to when you and Candy talked and you kept saying "Candy i need to do something about the rape victims. They need help" and she said "mom What about me?" And you said "candy all i know is i love you too much to know right now" and that was all. So, I'm thinking each race has barely enough tickets left. If we do the same as Woodstock on the teams. You know Matt Hagan's team has a guy who raped you yourself in the high school bathroom when you were trying to be "normal" and so. Im thinking eridacate those few make it safe for everybody before. Then when it's safe have tree insert free tickets and airfare what like a United airlines gift card and one for lodging with extra money on them of course to go on a separate trip later on their own someplace nice with their families, kids and soulmates, lost parents and siblings and more.
Me: mmhmmm
Mark: i know i lost you at DNA4U. Tree what is the percentage of rape victims not tested?
Tree: 2%
Mark: so see it will be perfect and tree can just email the rest.
Me: sounds good to me
Mark: and i will pay because you are truly running out. You only budgeted $4 Billion for the First Chandler of the Year Event. You're at $3.62 billion according to the trees calculations and i know youll add more midway because of the ones just beginning that hadn't earned all year. There's some special summer people the Tree sees coming in the future for the NHRA and associates. A whole entire family in human trafficking. Its Steve Torrence and you want to buy them a house and a few cars and a plane and butler and you're already out of money.
Steve: they can just live with me
Mark: your house isn't big enough
Me: let them pick a bunker location and we will remodel
Mark: what?
Me: my gramma went back and most of her bunker because they were so used to it and so many. If i build them what i think is the greatest house in the world, it won't be good enough. Im not like them
Mark: well i think you're wrong. They want out.
Me: the sunlight itself is damaging to the eyes. The weather changing all the time and it's so much to get used to the outside world. So i think Idk... Im not gonna assume. But my grammas is in the side of a hill and we put Windows in it. So there's many alternative opportunities that we can do. Im not trying to save money. I just want to spend it perfectly.
Mark: i know that's all you want to do. Jason Line's family has got out. And they're okay. I'm gonna expedite some people. I'll be back don't post yet.
Saint Luches: He's sexy. When she said his vein was popping.. Yum. Hey! I tap in her phone! I see her wallpaper! And it's his veins popping! Fucking hard!
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Fuck yeah man. It's life. Thoughts roaring through hos body at high rates of speed
Alex: that's all I was trying to say
Mark: i put video in for people i select in the DNA4U so they will have to check. They should ask you for help Alex. Okay? Even if yoh don't like them
Me: okay baby
Alex: got it baby. But only if yoh fuck me
Me: please. Pay me. First with a hard Dick then cold hard cash and gifts oh and feed me dinner.
Mark: feed me Seymour
Alex: i love you baby
Me: only me. Not that Saint Luches. He's mine.
Mark: will you two stop and listen to me
Me: only cause that vein is popping. Alright. what baby?
Mark: you make me laugh too much. Sabrina you know what to do. There is too many people still to attend the track so what do we do?
Me: well they will need to make room in the camps and double up in cars so there's enough parking and so they may be in the way of workers in the trailers.. So we will see if NHRA can make a special Chandler Love section
Mark: yeah let's decorate it with hearts..
Me: oh all romantic!!! Like white linen. Roses. Mmmm like dinner is that oyster romantic stuff
Mark: oh and cinnamon
Me: yeah cinnamon all floating through the air. We can put something on top of the trailer like a wax burner. Which will be perfect because a each cube really only lasts 3 days. So dump it out and get in the road.
Mark: yeah see yoh already have no money. You already got the candle wax and warmers and flower vases from me and tree. You and Candy arranged that in 2016. But you still need to buy flowers and you did have the families of special victims to take them home already. But not the vases, they wrap them in wet papertowls on the bottom of the stems then use wax paper they can later press the flowers into to have pressed flowers. So that is already budgeted in the $3.62B you have them going to local to the track homeless shelters.
Candy: oh dad i forgot that!
Me: how's it going there Chandler Bing?
Candy: call me Candy
Me: all right 007
Candy laughs surprised: mom!
Agent: alright they will be furnished by the CIA. Setting out tables and serving food
Mark: yeah we got real wooden tables and chairs. The chairs don't fold. They stack. Her dad made them.
Candy: oh dad!
Mark: her mom's idea. Jesse Tony was so shocked. He said "i know how to make those!" They're so beautiful with vines of love coming down. She really was in love with him again that day.
Me: :D
Mark: it happens, happiness. Ok. So then everything is fine. Alex you'll have to help Steve with his parents.
Alex: what about my parents?
Mark: this weekend since you can't have her Because she HAS to go to Columbia. Her children need since organizational skills.
Candy: that's good mom. You got to do that. She's killed him 4-6 times since you last saw him.
Me: I think she's like Alex. Into kink. She might be his daughter.
Alex: shit. I think she is
Saint Luches: whoooo the world we have on our hands
Me: this is how i just saw Alex in my head
Alex: don't you dare say what you just saw
Me: so hes all "you used to always wake me to eat. You'd give me a handy to wake me unless i was already out and and probably pretending to sleep and id pull you on to ride. Then youd feed me by hand the breakfast you made or dinner if It was ready and Saint Luches didn't tell you to wake me early. Then I'd tie you up on the weekends to the bed" that's what ive heard so far of our relationship in his eyes.
Alex: just the sex part! (He laughs) oh my god! I can't believe she said that about me
Me: that's not even... So I've been wearing pearls and hes all i want to wrap these around your neck so tight when we're fucking... But they're yours and they'll break so I'll buy you a different necklace to wear. A whole box
Saint Luches: whoo!! He went full kink!! Hes not holding back!!! Whooo weeeeee neat! This is gonna be fun.
Me: oh and i got all this saggy ass on my skin -- skin on my ass from that last 15 pounds i lost. He's all Saint Luches get this, hes all, i want to wrap my hands in it and just yank... Like its not attached to my body but then Saint Luches get this, im all okay sounds good because i can't even feel any thing there cause the nerves are all dead. Uh huh. I'm like yeah let's... Whatever you want baby.
Saint Luches: and you're serious!
Me: uh huh yeah
Saint Luches: that's what I know!
Me: so then last night he's telling me "I'm just gonna get a leash when you go to NHRA and put it around your neck", I told him that's too degrading in public bedside you don't want that any way. A leash and collar are boring. They're just standard. Pearls has control where you wrap around your fist and it's your intensity on your cock that makes you want to break the pearls. Its completely different. But i told him he can put a cuff on my wrist and leash me there because i know he really does want to leash me in public
Alex: i fucking do so bad!! I've always wanted to!!
Me: well people know who we are now so its not like walking around all randomly in NYC in a business coat. Suit and heels. With a spiked collar and leash... Besides you know the problems there... So a wrist is just an extension of your tiny short arm. And so in the current situation its applicable to chain me to him... But also Alex, you must remember if you're not looking some one can take it off me and put it on something else and you not even notice
Alex: yeah i know! That's happened and I heard you screaming and looked and then I was hooked to the fucking metal banister of the stairs you were sitting on and you were all the way down the street with 2 cars to pick you up
Me: I.... Uhh. Yep.
Alex: fucking mother Teresa kidnapped you said I was abusive in a sexual nature to you. So I started wearing the collar and I looked sexy, too. Maybe that's what we will do instead...
Me: if you want to baby. Mother Teresa had me so scared. I was afraid she would take off my clothes to find the bruises of you biting me and squeezing me so tight
Alex: she was going to until you told her you felt you were in a rape situation and told her to take off her robe which she did, all fucking wrinkled l nasty
Me: yeah and i told you to let's go Like 10 times and all yoy did was stare at her.
Alex: i was staring at her face! I was scared! Then sh3 dropped those mini blinds and I snapped out and I realized she was gonna fuck us on that table, you weren't kidding about her! God she was nasty. I don't even think she wanted to kidnap us. Just make us drugged and drunk and fuck us until her little shriveled ass dried all the way up.
Me: i told you
Alex: no! Dont say it!
Me: her pussy would always drip down her ass crack and she would never die unless someone killed her!
Alex: id rather talk about kink. And I didn't wanna talk about that either.
Me: we're supposed to be spending money. Help me. Ohhh kink for
Mark: no we got that! No actually we did. Star studded collars and shorter leashes and cuffs and also Abu in leather to strip. While walking around
Alex: oh my god. Did you really do that for me?! Oh my God!!!
Me: on a day too hot to wear clothes and waster hoses to water down t-shirts
Candy: mo-om!!
Me: we warn before hand and we got bathing suit tops -- string bikinis.
Alex: omg. Stop baby. Quit. Baby. Quit. Omg.
Me: and xl white t-shirt to 5x .
Alex: oh Fuck!!
Me: we got it all clean fun
Candy: and where are they gonna get dressed?
Me: by the water slides
Candy: well okay then!!!
Me: and we will have mud wrasslin
Candy: mom!
Me: please baby Like we weren't born in Alabama. Ut Its in plastic pools. We will have clean dirt brought in. So no little rocks or stickers or branches
Alex: oh my God! Why do i love you! This is why!!
Candy: mom! That is not what i want to do! But i want to watch!!.
Me: girl. You'll do it.
Candy: what--what?
Me: baby girl youll get to watching and you'll start wondering how that feels., like is the mud cold? Is it really so fresh? Like you can't watch a mud wrassle without wanting to get in. It's the law. At first youlk be all As long as it's not in my hair, but once it gets in there you'll be all fuck oh my God this mud is good you won't even,care. You'll start making yourself dreadlocks. For real. Its good shit,
Alex: that's so hot and heavy baby what else you got for me
Me: Alex. Its for my child! Every child needs a good mud puddle. She will go with her brother and sisters before anyone else gets in. Like off hours. During a private time. Just for employees and lovers. My children will play in the mud just like i let their sister Annabelle. Its my rule as a mom. But it's clean spa quality mud.
Candy: for real mom? Im gonna cry! I gotta walk away!
Me: you're welcome. I don't care how old And wiser than me you are you're my baby. Mark already bought everyone the tickets.
Mark: and some Columbian Abu that need to return to America and not to Columbia.
Alex: so when Sabrina comes. There will be whips and chains. This excites me.
Me: this way Every one knows the threat is present! No guessing! I'm here. Black leather is out. Whips.Whips. whips and chains. If Steve Torrence thought this weekend shopping was erotic and silly just wait, it gets worse and better! I bet we could put up an outfit for him. Get him topless, some long leather arm cuffs with fringe ... Chaps. Boots.
Alex: and what am i wearing?
Me: nothing. A loin cloth in public places,
Alex: shut up! You're Not kidding me are you
Me: i swear he just sighed with relief.
Alex: shit i did babe. I was like yeah! She's doing an new Animal house but animal. Leather is animal skin and she wull wear purple or pink or red zebra.
Me: it's caaaaaaaaavemaaan!
Alex: oh my God that was sexy. You know she iw the only 100% pure Neanderthal in the world. She has every single Neanderthal gene. No one else in the world does.
Me: mmhmmm Annabelle only has 75% because ironically yummy kinky bastard you only have 50%. If She's yours. But She has your lips
Alex: i know. And punishing attitude
Mark: it's because he evolved from bestiality.
Alex laughs: shut the fuck up.
Me: your face is too red for me to not to want to ask questions.
Alex: im a civilized caveman
Me: dont lie to me
Alex: i wear suits
Me: mmm
Alameaniae: great now can we get back to me? I kill my husband bring him to life and fuck him
Me: you're a healer and goddess of fertility. Its quite simple although authentically unknown around the world as many people try to mimic you without the known skill. But you're not evil. Just a Goddess of sudden powers that bestow truth and honesty beyond any means of life itself. You truly despise evil and you can't Fuck even your husband if he has even a dusting of evil on him. So you kill him and make him whole again.
Another killer daughter: Just like Saint Luches used to do to Sabrina. You all do. Even Mark.
Mark: WTF. I never did that to Sabrina. Saint Luches
Saint Luches: just that one time she went silent and didn't moan during sex.
Me: because i learned not to because it attracted attention from a child wanting to know what that noise was. Well IDK. Apparently its common in other relationships.
Tree: there is 1600 goddess to God relationships that are 100% that way. Mark never. Saint Luches on impulse. And Alex more often than not. Jesse Tony never.
Alex: hey I love the bitch, it's hot what can I tell you
Tree: but usually with Alex it's on accident, he's accident prone. But he heals all her scrapes and Bruises if he gave them to her or not. So he's only done it 45 times out of 648 sexual occurrences.
Me: it's passion. I usually don't feel it. Mostly I hop out because i do feel pain. And i know he doesn't want me to. Then i watch him fuck my dead body. Its very interesting.
Alex: I'd check my watch and see if it stopped. Check a wall clock to see how long she been dead then i tell her what the fuck are you doing dying on me? Where does it hurt? And then i heal it and she goes back to life, she's rhe sick one watching me fornicate on her dead self
Me: thats sexy as Hell.
Alameaniae: So all the rest of you are doing it on accident? Im doing it on purpose
Armageddon: currently there's 1600 of you purposely killing your spouse which is 0.000366% of the world. Which is quite interesting. You will be studied.
Alameaniae: okay! :)
Armageddon: usually that style of attitude we turn into cats, we were not aware why this was occurring but now we do. Because we fuck up and torture. So then you kill who you think tortured the most when we thought we were fulfilling a prophecy which we now know is a lie. Thanks to Sabrina and her attitude ans refusal to turn to lust to be her guide and instead strengthen love not only for herself but the world. Again as she did in the 1980s. And so now we will exclude prophecies as some are lies designed to take over the world which we now know in impossible. Due to the one actual full Neanderthal on Earth. Sabrina = Cleopatra = Lady Godiva = Goddess = S.Leigh and all hwr other names. Still her. Just like she said, you can change everything about the way she looks and the world around her but yoh can't change her. Its true and that isn't a prophecy. Its an anti-prophecy.
Me: because im awesome like that. All Neanderthal Gene!
Mark: baby You make laugh
Armageddon: and you did kill Sabrina Mark 2x. But the difference is you all do it during sex unlike the 1600. Saint Luches in the beginning because hes insecure he can fuck well enough. Alex at the end because hes certain she will run away. And Mark's two were accident related when they were interrupted (by rapists) and he was trying to hide what they were doing. I'm just saying there is a difference is all. And even still Alex doesn't do it on purpose. But Saint Luches will. 113 times out of 492.
Mark: Jesus Christ! God!
Armageddon: but Saint Luches was circumcised too far so sometimes he had pain and thought Sabrina could feel it as well.
Mark: oh
Armageddon: those 3 only lived together 6 months.
Alameaniae: God! She really is a nympho!
Me: and I advocate for Soulmates. Fix the issue with the cats please.
Armageddon: oh yeah hold on leg me call tree. Shhh.
Mark: He really uses his phone. That's so hilarious. You don't even know his number do you? Or mine or even Alex's. Not even Saint Luches.
Me: I dont even have their emails.
Mark: so we got rape victims, some human trafficking. No murdered but those come in. Abuse will be eradicated for some and educated to stop. We have all your other paperwork but most of the post -- well all till this one has been new
Me: ok. I'll rest. I still have till the weekend is up to add.
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Indie & Rio
Indie: you 👀 this Rio: edie's snaps Rio: yes bitch Rio: so she gonna have a dog now, they setting up house Rio: where WHERE Indie: you know it in a whip Indie: if it any place Indie: wtf wtf Indie: he aint even got a nice ride & we all been knew Rio: he be driving without a license rn too Indie: he be driving w out his head on right fr Indie: you think im always high bitch Rio: I swear he been high since he been on the scene as a younger Rio: she makes a point of not dating lads her age but why if he only gon provide you what any waste of any age could Indie: i kno he has cos he come thru to me & drew when Indie: wasteman Indie: from day 1 Rio: exactly Rio: god Rio: saying poor dog but not even the point Rio: how she livin he stealing dogs for her now what Indie: we aint even gon be set to call any heads in cos we dont know where they @ Indie: cant say a 🐶 be stolen & holed up somewhere Rio: she lucky if someone don't clock Rio: it's a pup and it's clearly pedigree Rio: that's thousands, not to mention if they love it and all that fucked shit he ain't consider Indie: it probs chipped thats how mans do when they drop cash Indie: bet he aint thought Indie: he could go prison w drew if 🐶 are missed least get him away Rio: oh god Rio: i'll warn her, not that that'll be appreciated Indie: he should b anyway riding a girl her age at his that shit nasty Indie: get a wifey in your years Rio: i know Rio: surprised he ain't make her keep it on the low til her bday Indie: how your ma not merk him ages afore this Rio: you know how it is Rio: she gon do it anyway so don't fight her on it Indie: i kno she been tryna chase away any boy i ever been near & dey in my bracket Rio: yeah well you ain't gonna do something 10x worse when you questioned init Indie: bitch maybe Indie: if she gon have a dog in a car imma live how i want Indie: deal w it mama cavante Rio: don't even play Indie: she 🤡ing nuff for us all Indie: im vexed af Rio: seriously Rio: this is ridiculous Indie: u do kno she dating drew younger Indie: he buy shit to keep peace thats literally how it plays Indie: boy aint even as cute tho awks Rio: but worse Rio: at least drew isn't an addict, whatever else he got going on Indie: nah that just how he want his wifeys Rio: he should be proud Rio: twat Indie: i feel 😷 Rio: at least she admitted she's feeling on it Rio: buster tried to talk to her and got nowhere so Indie: how that boy exist Indie: 😇😇👑😇😇 Indie: get you a daddy who Rio: clearly she good like Indie: i aint even get a call back from the lad i want 👁👁👁 madness Rio: you wanna be wifed up by a lad like that, i think not Rio: he only got no chill cos that's how he livin' his whole life Indie: i want who i want Indie: he aint that Rio: exactly Rio: lord Rio: at least it ain't an actual baby Rio: 'cos that'll 'bout be it, like bye 💀 Indie: dont even chat it Indie: we aint need that possible in the universe Rio: 😶 Indie: u kno he aint ridin proper all the drugs he on Indie: no gettin hard Rio: as much as i ain't about u puttin that in my head i hope u right Rio: god Indie: i is Indie: i been round nuff customers to get the vibe Rio: yikes Rio: drew making a side hustle selling the little blue ones is it Rio: can't be dealing Indie: he should it y them boys so 💔💔💔💔 & vexed Rio: cracked it Rio: we'll do it and get the money Rio: is it prescription, not tryna go to jail with him Indie: hacks Indie: nah man it over counter Rio: nice Rio: so doing it, untapped market Indie: shame it aint work for girls too Indie: you could make more if it do Indie: 🤑🤑🤑🤑 Rio: i think there's a female one but bet that's still prescription, if even available here Rio: bullshit Indie: is it? Indie: if i been knew i coulda hit that w my ex Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Rio: yeah? Indie: he aint good i told you nah? Rio: i didn't know if it was just the first or what and i weren't tryna be too in your face at that time init Rio: not on speaking terms Indie: innit Indie: i been thought it me but i 👂ed others saying since he dashed me Rio: ha Rio: unlucky Rio: know he ain't trying and that's literally half the battle so he ain't gon' do better Indie: bitch if i tried any harder w it id have to pray Indie: waste Indie: 😭😭😭😭 Rio: aw baby Rio: happen when you ain't looking Rio: ma realness of the day Indie: but i want it to happen w the boy i 👀 everywhere in my circles Rio: is this science boy or another one? Indie: we aint tryna call him science boy but you kno Rio: okay gimme a better name i gotta keep track somehow Indie: he called zamari thats he name Rio: that's cute Rio: i'll probably remember that Indie: [sends screenshot of a snap so she can see his face] Indie: lookit Rio: aww Rio: sweet Indie: be sweeter if he was bout me Indie: but you kno Rio: no chance you reckon or what Rio: what's the vibe Indie: the vibe is he one of the boys now Indie: w the rest Indie: he aint see me like 😍😍😍😍 cos we ✌✌✌✌ Rio: I get you Rio: never know Indie: help me cos you 🔥🔥🔥🔥👑👑💖💖💖 Indie: aint no boy ever friended you how Rio: i have boy friends Indie: bitch where Rio: Rian Indie: please he wanna fuck you since he been known Rio: 😒 Rio: Still Rio: I got friends bitch Rio: I just been busy 😂 damn Indie: i aint tryna come for you i saying you a MILF i needs you to help me Indie: it been long & no thing i done work Rio: Hmm Rio: Maybe you gotta stop being friendly for a bit so he see you like that Rio: that way you know Indie: like stop showin him skate tricks? Rio: yeah Rio: start showing him other tricks Indie: but i aint have none Indie: how i gon do that Rio: just pretend Rio: he aint gone know Indie: i cant b like oi lads guess who know how to suck a dick it me Indie: we aint rollin w no girlie sleepover moves Rio: that ain't exactly what i mean 😂 Rio: just be more of a girl Rio: then they'll see it and fill in the gaps if they feeling it, you know Indie: 😒😒😒😒 Rio: what you poutin for Indie: why he not want me how i is Indie: rude Indie: this aint happen to me afore Rio: idk maybe he got a type Rio: don't take it personal, some people be so specific Indie: @mckenna Indie: 😂😂😂😂😂 Rio: exactly Rio: shows there's hope yet, just work out what he likes Rio: probably tell you cos you one of the boys Indie: there is this girl in science he 👀 @ when i looking toward him Indie: I just do how she do? Rio: Yeah Rio: but better, obvs Indie: [sends pic of the girl in question who is obvs more girly etc] Indie: can you do it bitch or nah Rio: 'Course I can Rio: though Grace would be gutted if you didn't let her in on the action too, like Indie: she gon own me w it Indie: but k 💄👗 Indie: we on it Rio: It'll be fun Indie: is it? 😒😒 Indie: when tho? Rio: you don't gotta Rio: n u don't need to but if you wanna get your mans Rio: it might work, boys are that dumb Rio: so whenever you wanna roll up on him Indie: imma do it but i aint vibin Indie: lets kick this now afore i think any harder on it & chat myself out Rio: you know this only good for a hookup yeah Rio: you ain't gonna makeover scene yourself for life Indie: naaah he gon get a taste and then he gon love me Indie: dont get me twisted Rio: Hmm Rio: expectation management baby Indie: he gon get himself a girl who do both Indie: 👑👑👑👑 Rio: slow your roll gurl Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: wys i been waitin since he showed Rio: to ride him mayb Rio: you don't gotta go so hard for the d Indie: you want me to hit & quit now? Indie: damn ma Rio: nah you do you Rio: i just sayin if you wanna be w him then he gotta be about u for u Rio: goes without sayin but like Indie: so you not gon help me or you is? Rio: we gotta debrief harder on what this is and what you want Indie: 👌👌👌👌 Rio: just keep away from that tattoo gun this time yeah? Indie: 😂😂😂😂 you gotta chill ri ri its no thing Rio: nah Indie: nah? Rio: yeah but we dun had this argument then so we don't gotta now Indie: caraca bitch 😮😮😮 you gon do me like i aint learned Indie: i just want him i aint tryna head down no aisle w you & mckenna Rio: Nah, I know Rio: I'm just chatting on any more ink Rio: we're good Indie: his name aint fit in 💘 its all good Rio: 😒 shut up bitch Indie: you rude Indie: play w me Rio: I'm trying Rio: but her shit got me in no mood now like Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Indie: lets roll out somewhere some way Rio: where you wanna be Indie: idc Indie: far Rio: Okay Rio: I'll see what's on Rio: seeing as I do have friends, you know Indie: so you keep chatting 😂😂😂 Rio: 😒 Rio: lucky I don't have too many or I wouldn't roll w you would I 😜 Indie: bitch allow it Indie: im the most ✌✌ Rio: you certainly the most something Indie: innit tho Rio: 😂 Indie: tell yo friends baby 😏😏😏💘💘 Rio: You're chief Rio: also Jas and Kels are on pre-drinks now so you believe they exist enough to come or what Indie: i aint never said you w out squad Indie: just w out boyyys Rio: well they cramp your style how you gon meet boys when you surrounded init Indie: i aint had no issue w it babe Rio: 😑 Rio: you saying i'm dry Rio: i'm cool Indie: i saying what i been saying this whole they all 😍😍😍😍 cos you peng Indie: not tryna friend you when they can wife it Rio: they can't now tho Rio: soz about it lads 🤷 Indie: 💎💎💎 see from 🌚 Rio: You know it Indie: how you styled? Rio: Hmm Rio: I gotta see, my clothes are still all over Rio: Nothing too wild Indie: i feel that Indie: im clappin rn Indie: look & mood Rio: 😔 Indie: aint tryna have your mates think im dry crump Indie: gotta step in & up Rio: Nah they nice Rio: you know that kid in your year Rio: ugh, what do they call him Rio: O'Shea they last name, anyway, Kells is his sister Indie: !!!!!!!!!! Rio: Yeah but it'll be chill Rio: not trying wriggle into that fucking catsuit again and have you creasing 😂 Indie: i aint tryna help your drunk arse out again and be sweatin Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: 😂 rude but fair Rio: actual mess Indie: how mckenna get under that? the boy is 👑👑🥇 Rio: i mean you can ask but you already worried peeps be getting the wrong idea about you, babe so Indie: girl please Indie: i aint worried bout no thing you hush Rio: 😏 is it Rio: ma be so proud Indie: wys Indie: it all good over here Rio: i saying she got a bisexual agenda Indie: 😂😂😂😂 Rio: gutted by how many straight kids she got Indie: she turned my ma i aint tryna follow in dem steps soz bout it Rio: 😂 Indie: kissed few girls but she aint need kno Indie: not bringin them home to meet Rio: Exactly Rio: Such a cringe, bless her Indie: her hair always be sick tho Indie: how she do it Rio: #blessed Rio: jammy bitch Rio: in the genes, obvs 🍀 Indie: im mad Indie: you aint tryna do me one solid drew is it Rio: you know you cute sh Indie: dash that Indie: 👾👾👾 Rio: what you talking bitch Indie: he got me lookin 👽👽👽 cos his dna Indie: vexin Rio: you don't look like an alien you mad Rio: if anything he's given you the looks, like Rio: literally bout the only thing Indie: nah Rio: 😡 Rio: where dis coming from Indie: im in the mirror bitch Indie: & my feelings Rio: you want me to sort your weave Indie: its chill Rio: you can't go out not feeling 💯 Indie: i been done that trust Rio: 😢 baby no Indie: you aint gotta amp it Indie: im w out a man stealing me any 🐶 for my woes Indie: just out here w it Rio: you got a 🐶 and you ain't need no man for no thing else either Indie: you kno Indie: how i mean it Rio: i know Rio: it's nice to have one about but only if they not a fuckboy Rio: otherwise it's just hassle, more than already you don't need, trust Indie: im just tryna feel caught up in a thing that aint walking the streets w this face wearing his name while everyone kno where drew is and he been livin Indie: i been stopped mad amount times today only Rio: makes sense Rio: i don't blame you Rio: this town always talks Indie: u think thats how science boy dont fuck w me Indie: he aint new now he been around & he kno Indie: ?? Rio: I don't reckon Rio: why'd he be that anti-drugs or like Rio: nah Indie: not 🚭 just anti waste Rio: not like he gotta hang w ur dad Rio: i don't see it Rio: would be fucked if he was Rio: you ain't drew, like Indie: but i be livin on top like him Indie: too hype maybe Rio: if he roll w u and ur squad he obviously about that life too Indie: idk man Indie: if you right you right Indie: 💖💖💖 ty for chattin me down from 👑👑 Indie: big love like Rio: don't be silly Rio: always Rio: 🧡 Indie: how much time it gon feel like this for us Rio: How you mean? Indie: will it be good again when i kno drews stretch or nah Indie: i aint tryna feel worse Rio: I don't know Rio: better for knowing exactly what's gonna happen Rio: it always helps Rio: not gonna make everything magically better like but least we know the plan, like Indie: least if he gets a few i can age out of him playin da Rio: yeah Rio: we'll see Indie: & you can get mckenna down the aisle w out him not holding his ☮ Rio: 🙄 Rio: christ, probably not making the guest list either way, like Indie: you gon do big & white or lowkey Rio: go big or go home init Rio: gotta be grown to have those funds Indie: 😂😂😂😂 i shoulda been knew Indie: mckenna aint do lowkey no time Indie: he got the 💸💸💸 tho so go off Rio: just tryna get out of the matching dresses, i 👀 Indie: allow it Indie: you aint want me to go out feeling less than 110 but you bout 🤡ing me in 💒 k k Rio: 😂 Rio: it's my big day, bitch 😉 Indie: yeah so how you want me in all the pics looking bare owned Indie: catch me 😒😒😒😒 in every frame bitch Rio: Obvs Rio: that's the kinda bitch I am Rio: long as I'm slaying, none of you hoes can be Indie: ruuude Indie: how i be hookin mckennas best man in 👗 nah Rio: thought you reckoned it'd be nance Rio: sure she'll think you look lovely 😘 Indie: i aint got enough years to be her type innit Indie: dont wear nuff 💄 either Rio: True Rio: least jailbait ain't her vibe or she'd be in real trouble rn Indie: catch her waiting to be sentenced w drew Indie: wild Rio: Bless Rio: she's doing better, I think Indie: is it? Indie: safe Indie: she getting her head shrunk still? Rio: yeah, well, she ain't asking me to go out on the piss with her as often like so Rio: must be Indie: 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Indie: more ri time for me Indie: sick Rio: You know Rio: so in demand 😘 Indie: innit tho
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Edie & Diego
Edie: Aygo! I got a pitch, you buying? Diego: give me more to go on Edie: oh yea, you too young to know how it usually goes on casting couches, my bad lil homie Edie: you got any super 8 atm? Diego: Can get some Diego: a day or two? Edie: what u gotta clear ur schedule big man Edie: u on ur business boi respect Edie: well, i think we could do most of it in a day buuuuuuut i gotta secure a car to trash and i haven't convinced iggy he don't need that fuckin' hippie van so that'll be another day as and when, ye? Diego: I can give you that Diego: on your own with the car situ Edie: ye ye ye i won't get u in the shit Edie: what kinda big sister would i be?! Edie: but, similar vein, don't tell mum and dad where we shooting okay Edie: you'll be safe with me but they'd never sign off on it ya feel Diego: understood Diego: where we going? Edie: don't u like surprises? 😜 Diego: hard no Diego: get a car that goes so we can store the equipment before killing it I'd like that Edie: What about ones you can't hear, better or worse? cos I've got some fireworks that might be cool Edie: you don't like surprises but you wanna DIE Edie: boi i can't drive! Edie: I'll see if I can get someone to take us but if not, hitch ur wagon to my pushbike Edie: just like old times n'awwh Diego: I'll steer you do the pedals Diego: fireworks smell bad but I won't do fart jokes if you want the colours Edie: if we find a motor that runs Edie: know there's one that the O'Dwyer lads left under that dodgy underpass Edie: but I say we got only so long 'fore that's completely fucked/burned out Edie: time's a wasting boyo Diego: Can be ready day after tomorrow if you are Edie: not a cult classic but how you rate it? jake's usually a fittie but he's pretty dorky in that Diego: the special effects were bomb for the era Diego: I can give you the same commercial success with my skills Edie: dope 💎 Edie: i'll storyboard lowkey for u but i'm happy for it to be mostly in the moment real shit Edie: u can use editing magic after if ur so inclined lil dude Diego: send me the song Diego: I'll get a feel Edie: hoe u best hop on my soundcloud rn Edie: gimme them listens Edie: EDieM as you clearly forgot 😤 Edie: newest track on there Diego: I remembered how to sign it, giving you that promo to my friends, but yeah Diego: confusion Diego: you're you're name sign to me Edie: 🙌 ayo, jokes aside about being a musician with a load of deaf fans Edie: always amping that bass up so should be feeling it literal Diego: capitalise Diego: nobody else is Diego: take the silent disco concept and make it fresh Edie: 💸💸💸 Edie: i'm into it Edie: fuck the mainstream, making music for the kids at places like ur school n mine n all the other's who a lil fucked up Diego: Put that into your storyboard Edie: 😏 Edie: mightbebreakingintomyschool Edie: itseasyandriskfreedoneitbefore Edie: hey, d'ya reckon we could get our hands on some hearing aids and shit Edie: not about to suggest we break into your school, more to nick=not worth it Diego: Old people's home? Edie: yassss Edie: shame our grandparents are young as shit and we love 'em enough not to do it to 'em Edie: i'll give 'em a free performance, they'd LOVE that Diego: ma has my baby stuff kept cos she loves me real deeply Diego: won't be enough but its a start Edie: 🙄 lowkey a hoarder Edie: imma make billie n her go round all the antique shops, keep an eye out for those real old school ear trumpets Edie: that'd be sick Diego: my teacher has one of those! ill ask if we can borrow it Diego: he loves showing it around Edie: 👏 i've got a vision so hard now Edie: u can ask if any of ur friends wanna be in it but we'll have to do that 'round here Edie: look like pied piper paedo taking too many of yous away on a jolly Edie: esp. with a 🎥 in tow Edie: lord help me Diego: I'll do seamless cuts Diego: there's a girl that NEEDS to be in it Edie: I see how it is Edie: ur REAL muse Edie: better not be too cute, stealing my shine Edie: i'm the ⭐ remember Diego: Understood Diego: She's a good singer if you do need backup Diego: [Sends her soundcloud] Edie: oooooookuuurrr lil mama Edie: i see u Edie: if she's down then we can make it happen sure Edie: get you your boo thang 😍 Diego: I'll ask Diego: don't out me Edie: gon' get all shy? Edie: use your director swag Edie: just don't get #metoo wid it, Tarantino, alright? Diego: She's shy Diego: and with that voice Edie: or playing it Edie: best be chill then lil one Diego: You think she's faking coy? Edie: meh, might be too young to know how Edie: but that's what girls do Diego: do you? Edie: i'm not telling u all my signature moves! Edie: depends Edie: lots of lads don't like it if a girl is funnier, more mouthy and opinionated than they are, if that's what you're after, then sure Edie: some boys want that at the start, so they can 'tame' you and have that on their ego, so you end up pretending later Edie: but you'll get it as you grow Diego: Everyone's thinking too hard Diego: I just like her, she's nice and funny and talented Edie: you sweet sweet child Edie: don't ever grow up k Edie: once u hit 10, 11, you'll be a right dickhead Edie: always happens, the girls usually a bit before 'cos we're always ahead of yous Diego: Are not! Diego: and I'll be sick when I'm older you mean Edie: are so! Edie: we'll see Edie: not in my experience but prove me wrong Diego: I'll be the first Diego: Be ready Edie: 😂 believe it when i see it Edie: guess Junie isn't so bad but that's 'cos he's gay Edie: its different Diego: He's not? Edie: oh yeah shh Edie: keep that under your hat Edie: deal with that one later Diego: more importantly Diego: half the school want to be in this Diego: they're telling me Edie: ✋ hahaha yes brotha Edie: can do so much more with a full cast Edie: i'll make sure its fun, even if they can't come for the illegal bits Edie: love these kids, so hype 😂 Diego: im loving the song Diego: Feeling it Edie: forreal? Edie: u can be brutal, my ego can take it 😉 Diego: don't need Diego: it's bomb Edie: knew u was my fave Edie: feel free to rub it in w the others Diego: They'll state me a liar Diego: but you're on to something with these beats and you need to be told Edie: i got ya back Edie: i'll start bein a real cunt to 'em sharpish, like Edie: no room for doubt lmao Edie: gotta when u gassin' me up so hard Diego: ulterior motives Diego: can I use some of the footage for school Diego: If it turns out it's one less essay Edie: 'course you can Edie: its probably not all gon' be sfw, don't need the 'rents saying i got u in shit as prev. mentioned, but the salvageable shots, go for your life Diego: I'll do extra editing don't want you in the same trouble Diego: I'm trying to film what we do much as the whole fam'll stand it Diego: personal project Edie: Fair 'nuff, fill your boots Edie: I ain't camera shy Edie: And Rio and Gracie can't pretend they are either Edie: always pouting looking like braindead fish 😂 Diego: Got a mountain of footage of them already Diego: Only been doing a few days sly Diego: I want Billie's vibe but I can't catch her Diego: Iggy same Edie: Shoulda known 😂 Edie: yeah good luck with the rest, either too busy for the fam or moody lil fuckers Edie: take ya pick Edie: self included usually obvs but you know, wanna do this music thing proper so Edie: got 🍀 kid Diego: arrgh Diego: facts Diego: I'll keep at it Diego: maybe I'll strike it with them Edie: get gus to round 'em up Edie: hard to say no to Diego: Now that's an idea Diego: Bound to work Edie: i'd pay for that energy Edie: i do 😂 Diego: hahahah Diego: put a price on it Edie: if i could bottle what he has i'd be laughing Edie: don't give a shit what nobody thinks man, what a cool kid Diego: his piss bottles itself some of the time Diego: you're there Edie: ya nastys Edie: secured a ride Edie: ur equip is welcome Edie: but i gotta go now, favour fo' favour Diego: I'm in too then Diego: don't do anything I wouldn't Edie: 👌 Edie: like i said, don't grow up Edie: need that childlike wonder for my vision Edie: catch you on the flipside mofo Diego: not in my plans Diego: enjoy yours
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