#maybe its because a few of my friends and mutuals do it... and i got it from them! :)
chitter17 · 1 year
I'm thinking about making another sideblog hmm ^-^ like a diary, or just a place to talk about whatever... i talk a lot on my twitter but i like tumblr a lot too so i think it would be fun! :) you might be asking: Valerie why not just talk on THIS Blog.... well i dunno! i dont talk on here often, so what if my followers dont like it? but then again, it is my blog... i'll just do what i want!!! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ i want to post more on here, not just reblogging stuff!!! And i hope you'll all stay with me!!!
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daegall · 9 months
☆ drunk confessions.
➷ in which a drunk person's words is a sober person's thoughts.
pairing: (opla!)zoro x (implied fem!) reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, slight crack, mutual pining, friends to lovers!AU (ish..?)
warnings: lots and lots of alcohol, none after that but if you find one i can add lmk!! (+ lots and love of love for smiley zoro!!!!)
word count: 3.4k words (SHEESH)
a/n: requested by @acupnoodle !! tysm bae for the request, i hope you like it!!!! my inbox is now open for requests for opla (mostly zoro tbh LOL) if anyone would like to request ^^ (make sure its sfw as i am a minor!!!)
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This is sick. This is just so sick.
Okay, maybe Zoro could be exaggerating. But what else is supposed to think, when you, the you who he has feelings for, is in the kitchen with Sanji, the annoying cook who he bickers with at least 5 times a day?
And especially since the day Sanji got him to blurt out about his feelings for you while he was drunk?
Zoro never thought he'd say it, but maybe he should lay low with the booze.
The swordsman can only grumble and huff as Luffy goes on and on about something—he hears something about Shanks. But all Zoro can do, is replay the memory of you sitting on the counter, right next to Sanji, who was peeling a few apples, and with a small frown on your face at that.
First, he thought maybe the cook had hurt you in any way. Then he realized it couldn't be, you'd be marching away from him. Then he assumed it could be you, with some personal trouble. But then you would always, without a fail, go to Zoro for help in that case.
Then, Zoro came to his final conclusion.
He had hurt you in some way.
But how could he? He'd never even consider the thought—he'd kill anyone who'd hurt you, because he cares—
There's no way.
Sanji didn't tell you about his feelings... right?
Indeed he didn't. But Zoro doesn't know that.
What he also doesn't know, is the fact that you went to Sanji to talk about your best friend himself.
"He's been avoiding me," You mumble out weakly, picking at a few crumbs left on the counter. Gross, but hey, it's a pirate ship. There could be much worse things than a few specks of food. "I don't remember if I did anything wrong,"
Sanji knows you didn't. In fact, it was all his fault that Zoro was avoiding you. At the moment, having the usually stoic, cold swordsman admit his feelings for you with a dopey smile, the most loving tone as he describes every little thing about you, it seemed like the best thing on Earth. The man who everyone thought would never break, broke, all because of you.
But now, Sanji thinks it's stupid. He thinks it's stupid that Zoro's avoiding you because one person knew about his feelings. How cowardly could he be? But then again, he has absolutely no experience in relationships.
Sanji offers you an apple slice, his voice comforting and soft. "I don't think it's you," He smiles when you take the apple, taking a bite. "you could never wrong him."
"Then what is it?" Your voice is laced with such helplessness, a tone of worry and guilt buried underneath. It breaks Sanji's heart to see you like this. You play with the bracelet on your wrist, something Zoro had bought you when you were at a small town. You hadn't taken it off since, and it's been 3 months.
3 months marks your feelings for him as well.
"Why don't you ask him?"
At this question, your head whips to Sanji's direction, shaking instantly. "No! Hell no, it'd make him hate me even more!"
"Y/N..." Sanji's hands are suddenly on your shoulders, his eyes glistening with genuine care. It shocks you how serious he is about the whole situation. "he doesn't hate you. You might be the only one he genuinely feels safe with, you hear me?"
It's silent for a moment, as you bask in his words, the words in which hit you unexpectedly deeply. Yes, there have been times you've patched him up after a particularly harsh fight, yes, you both have shed tears together, and yes, he lets you touch his swords and lets you use—holy shit, Roronoa Zoro does care about you!
You decide to ask him, just as Sanji had suggested you do.
Zoro, on the other hand, has a different plan.
Despite the wallowing pit in his stomach, occupied by the green monster labeled as jealousy, Zoro knows you wouldn't go for Sanji. He's like an older brother to you.
But alas, he cannot control his emotions. And so, he's come up with possibly the worst plan ever.
Roronoa Zoro is going to flirt with you. The same way Sanji flirts with Nami.
It's stupid, he knows it's stupid, but Zoro is desperate. He's never felt this way towards anyone, ever, and his pride is way too big for him to ask advice from anyone on the crew.
Said man's heartrate doubles the moment he realizes it's your voice, your sweet, sweet voice calling out to him. Oh, how special he feels now, to have you by his side, to have you care for him and make him smile, how has he not realized how blessed he was just in your presence?
Okay, maybe Zoro was exaggerating.
He glances over his shoulder, attempting to act cool with a neutral face, as he murmurs. "What is it?"
As cold as ever, his gaze pierces yours. But... there's something different in it. It's colder.
Of course, this wasn't Zoro's intentions, clearly just trying to act cool and not confess his feelings for you right then and there, but the ice in his tone, his gaze, his aura, has your heart sinking.
Maybe he really did hate you now.
"Do you mind if we could talk?"
God, just the thought of having a chat with you has Zoro's heart soaring, his whole mind and being flooding with tenderness knowing that you'd always talk to him.
"What's up?" He sighs, fully turning around to you. His body language is the usual, calm and collected, the usual hand on his swords. Zoro is thankful you can't get a look inside, you'd be seeing a whole zoo and his running thoughts about how pretty you look today.
You step closer to Zoro.
"Did... did I do something wrong?"
This time, Zoro's heart twists in confusion.
Wrong? You? How could you ever think that?
"Because if I have, don't hesitate to tell me—"
"—your face."
Holy shit, Zoro thinks you're ugly?
"...Is this your way of telling someone they're ugly?"
To be frank, you're kind of glad it's not about anything that you did, that would break you.
However, him directly telling you you're ugly? You never really cared if anyone called you ugly, but Roronoa Zoro? The only man you'd every trust? Your own crush?
Your heart twists in pain.
"No! No, that's not what I meant,"
Zoro's heartstrings tug at the sight of your pained face, the frown curling on your lips, he should never open his mouth ever again.
"I-I just meant that... you..."
He feels his cheeks warm up. Is he blushing?!
"you look really pretty today,"
Those were the very last words you would have expected coming out of Zoro's mouth.
A silence envelops the air. It's... awkward, to say the least, but a little endearing, with the both of you shyly looking away.
Zoro thinks you're pretty.
Absolutely stunning with your pursed lips trying to contain a smile, the glint in your eyes known as relief, and a little hint of mischief.
"Thanks," You mumble quietly, shrugging, though you're a far cry from casual.
Zoro mirrors you, leaning his hip onto the ship railing. "Don't mention it."
And you don't. Not for the next few hours, at least.
To say Zoro's plan of flirting with you failed, was quite the understatement. Sure, he finally got to say what he's been holding in for months, but he was expecting Sanji level flattery, the teasing smiles and confidence, not whatever the two of you went through.
Zoro feels like an idiot.
You, on the other hand, quite enjoyed it. it was genuine, and unlike Sanji's flirting, it's left you thinking about the moment for hours after it's passed. It seemed so genuine, carefully thought out (though it wasn't) and soft, something you didn't know Zoro could be.
You like Zoro's flirting much more than Sanji's. Though, that may be due to the fact that you have feelings for the swordsman.
The sun sets, leaving the pirate ship quiet (for once) and calm, just like the ocean, with it's soft waves and tranquil energy.
What isn't tranquil tonight, is you.
Instead of going to sleep, you've decided to have a drink. Yes, you may have stolen from Zoro's hidden stash in which he only showed you. Yes, you may have had more than one drink.
3, to be precise.
Why? Well, how are you supposed to go on the night? Simply thinking over and over about Zoro's words? His words that have left a permanent place in your heart? Your mind and soul?
How are you supposed to spend the night thinking about a man who you were sure hated you, who called you pretty and set your heart on fire, without a drink?
Besides, what's the worst that could happen?
Maybe the fact that Zoro wants a drink tonight as well.
Okay, yeah, he did say he was gonna lay low with the booze. But bad habits die hard. He's bound to drink a little here and there.
The moment he gets to the kitchen, Zoro is shocked at the sight of you, sitting on the counter, with a bottle of his beer in your hands. Your eyes are droopy, almost sleepy, a stupid lopsided smile spreading on your lips. The bottle has Zoro's name on it, written on the tape and pasted lousily over the brand name, and seeing you eye the writing and mumble his name has Zoro's heart pounding, filling with such unexpected fondness for you, ready to burst as such a volcano would.
"That's my booze,"
Your eyes blink tiredly, with no energy, as they trail to Zoro, and when you spot him, he can't believe the way your frown completely transforms into a bright grin.
"Zoro! Hey! Yeaahh, it has your name on it,"
He's shocked when you extend your hand with the bottle in it, shaking it side to side lightly. "Wanna sip?"
Your 'p' pops, and Zoro can't help but find it utterly endearing.
"Don't mind if I do," He murmurs with a small smile, wrapping his fingers around the bottle. He doesn't miss the way you maneuver your fingers to brush with his, catching your smile once they've made contact. His fingers are warm, and slightly rough.
Life of a swordsman, you suppose.
When he takes a sip of the bottle, you scooch over on the counter, tapping the space beside you. "Come join me!" Under the low light of the moon shining through the window, you look unexpectedly elegant, despite your tipsiness, the rays settling on your cheek just right.
Zoro complies, but simply leans against the counter. He takes another swig. "Any reason as to why you're here alone? Drinking my booze?"
"Been thinking," you say simply, reaching over to fiddle with a bandage on Zoro's forearm. The action is an abrupt source of serotonin to him.
His voice is laced with care and curiosity, as he asks you, "Thinking about what?"
Oh how you never fail to get him shy. His eyes grow wide, but with the little alcohol in his system, he supposes it could work as liquid luck for tonight.
"Yeah? What about me?"
You chuckle, drunkenly, your eyes flitting from the bandage on his arm to his own eyes, no hints of hesitation or doubt. "How pretty you are,"
"You think I'm pretty?"
"Mhm," You nod. A hand is placed on your cheek, as you lean on it and continue to gaze at Zoro, almost dreamily. "your smile is pretty,"
At the mention of his smile, it appears almost instantly, and causes you to swoon even more, if it were possible. "You like my smile?"
You sigh, your own grin joining his. "Always,"
You decide to elaborate even more, deciding your sober self will have to deal with the embarrassment of rejection later.
"And you've got these freckles on your cheeks and nose, from all the hours in the sun, I always tell you to use sunscreen,"
It's true, you do.
Zoro only chuckles lightly, growing fonder and fonder of you every time you speak.
"and I love how ambitious you are to become the worlds greatest swordsman. You're always the best. To me, at least."
God, Zoro might kiss you right then and there.
"And you're so caring for everyone on the crew, don't deny it, I always see the way you do! Helping Usopp clean the ship and tie knots, listening to Luffy's nonsense rambling and storing all the maps for Nami, even for Sanji! Always buying the right ingredients for him," You breathe out a soft laugh. "and you care about me too. I think. I mean, you're always there when I have a problem personally or not, sometimes I think maybe... we could have some connection, you know? And other days... it seems like you despise me."
How could you ever think he could despise you? Sure, there are some instances where you disagree with each other, but he does not hate you. He could never even think about it.
Before Zoro could comment on it, you carry on, voice growing louder and louder.
"Did I mention I love your smile?"
Zoro can't help but chuckle, reaching over to brush a few strands of your hair from your eyes. Wow, that took him more confidence than he thought.
"Yes, you have, Y/N."
"Oh... then let me mention it more," A sheepish smile grazes your lips, as you lean in close to observe his smile once you realize he is.
"And your lips. They're pretty too,"
Your eyes squint as you lean in closer, so close that your noses brush against one another. Zoro doesn't find the will in him to lean in, neither to pull back either. He simply sits there, his heart growing softer and softer when you purse your lips and tilt your head, shaking it.
"they look lonely," you state. "wanna meet mine?"
Oh, you're cute.
With the confident, almost cocky smile on your lips, eyes growing wider and wider as Zoro starts laughing.
Through your drunken eyes, seeing him smile is one thing. One thing enough to set you rambling and rambling about how much you enjoy it. Hearing him laugh? You could talk about it for hours, but you'd have too many things to say at once, you'd be left speechless. And that's exactly what happens at the moment, as you're left gaping at the sweet melody of his laughs, simply keeping your loving gaze on him.
"I'm not kidding, Zoro." You mumble. "I love you, I do."
For months, Roronoa Zoro has been so unsure about himself around you. Is he enough? Will he ever be enough? But now, hearing you state that you love him, he's sure. He loves you too, more than he could ever comprehend, and he won't doubt himself anymore.
He leans in, bumping your foreheads together clumsily. Though it hurts for a moment, it's fond, caring, as he smiles softly at your drunk state.
You could just be drunk right now.
None of this could be true.
Zoro doesn't care. If it's true or not, there has to be a reason you're telling him this. He'll ask you when you're sober.
Speaking of, "I won't kiss you," He says.
Your heart plummets to the ground, you can feel it deep in your chest, crashing through the base of the ship and sinking to the bottom of the sea, buried under such hurt hearing his words.
It lifts a moment later, however, as he places his lips on your cheek lovingly, a kiss to your forehead following.
"not when you're drunk. Don't wanna take advantage of you,"
"But you're not—"
"—I know, but it won't feel the same,"
Really, all Zoro wants to do, is place just one kiss on your lips, your lips that pout as you look up at him, hold you so closely to him, finally accept his feelings and make a move.
But, he'll wait for the morning. He'd wait forever just for you.
And as he leaves, warning you to stop drinking his booze, you're left... with a half heart. Half full with love, knowing Zoro could very much feel the same way for you, half empty, sad to have made so much effort (getting drunk should not be the way to confess to your crush) just for him to leave you hanging.
That's on you, you suppose.
He makes a very good point about the whole 'taking advantage' thing.
You guess you'll be too much of a coward when you wake up sober, too scared to fully confess, too scared to even look at him.
Zoro could not disagree more. He swears, the moment the sun has risen and you're awake, he's going to make you his. All his to hold, all his to take care of and protect, all his to love.
And as the day starts, both your minds are instantly flooded with thoughts of the other. The moment you see him, yawning as he listens to Luffy's rambling, your heart starts racing.
You don't remember that much from last night.
All you remember is the feeling of Zoro's warm lips on your skin, his caring gaze, and the ridiculous amount of alcohol you had drank. Sure, it was a far cry from how much Zoro would usually drink, but it's still a big amount to you.
Zoro has last night's events imprinted in his mind, every lingering glance he sends your way, every shy smile the two of you share, the way you scurry away quickly with an embarrassed scrunch of your nose, it takes him back to the night.
And finally, some alone time.
You find Zoro in the kitchen, checking on his booze stash, the one you had invaded the night before.
"Sorry about that, by the way," You call out, announcing your presence.
Zoro's heart soars just at the sound of your voice, small, almost guilty, and when he turns around, seeing you sit on the counter, just as you had last night, he can't stop the smile from tugging his lips upward. "It's no problem," He shrugs. "you'd never bother me,"
Roronoa Zoro, the lone wolf, the harsh swordsman saying that to you says a lot.
He approaches your figure slowly, growing more and more confident once he's realized that's exactly what you want. It's exactly what he wants too.
Finally, he's stopped right in front of you, your knees brushing slightly against his shirt. You look down at your hands placed on your laps, too shy to say anything, nor even look up at him.
"Hey," A sudden touch at your chin shocks you, and you eventually melt against his hold as he tilts your head up to meet his eyes. Like a magnet, you grow closer collectively, up until Zoro has both his hands sitting by your hips, your noses once again brushing.
This scene seems familiar.
You conclude it's what had been done last night, when he had kissed along the skin of your cheeks.
"I'm not drunk anymore," You whisper out.
Zoro chuckles, causing your entire being to wave with warmth of safety and comfort. "Yeah, I can see that."
"So you gonna give me that kiss or—"
Zoro's lips feel much warmer than you expected. They feel complete, pressed against your softly, almost hesitantly. The moment your fingers graze against his jaw, he relaxes, leaning in deeper to not only kiss your lips, but your entire soul, with love and solace, finally coming to terms with his feelings.
God, does Roronoa Zoro love you so much. He loves the way your hands creep up to mess up his (already disheveled) hair, the sigh you let out against his lips, the way you chase his lips once he's pulled away.
"What exactly did I say last night?" You mumble against his lips once he's pulled away, grabbing at his hand to play lightly with his fingers.
"Well, you mentioned how much you loved my smile," Zoro chuckles. There he goes once again, with his pretty smile and laugh, leaving you speechless and starstruck. "like, a lot."
"Did I mention that I love you?"
Zoro feels a warmth bubble from his stomach, feeling it envelop his chest, his arms and fingers when you finally intertwine your hands in a lock, his cheeks as they redden, and his lips as he finally gives you one last flash of the smile you claim to adore so much.
It's love.
"Yeah," He leans in to press your foreheads together. "I think I love you more,"
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darby-rowe · 5 months
༊*·˚ princely.
coriolanus snow x dark!fem!reader
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word count 1.5k cw dark themes, NONCON SOMNOPHILIA, dead dove do not eat, reader has a gross internal monologue, handjob, coriolanus is unaware of his assault, not proofread notes hey! i don't condone anything described in this fic irl! what the reader does here is gross and is literally assault. PLEASE HEED THE CONTENT WARNINGS BECAUSE SHIT GETS WEIRD! got it? good. then pls enjoy ♡ wanna give a quick thanks to my mutual @shellxrls for inspiring me to write more dark content, and for encouraging me to post this. if it wasn't for her, this fic would have never seen the light of day.
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Your fingernails grip so hard into the blanket you fear you may rip the soft fleece from its stitches. Staring down at the beautiful boy sleeping next to you in your bed, looking so utterly soft and peaceful. You watch his chest rise up and down slowly with each breath he takes, studying how his muscles move beneath his skin. His soft blonde curls sprawl delicately across his face. You didn’t even know it was possible to look so princely while you slept, but Coriolanus Snow was living proof.
You had previously allowed Coriolanus to stay at your apartment for a few days while his place went under renovations, courtesy of his newfound inheritance of the Pinths’ fortune. He was your best friend after all, so who were you to deny him hospitality?
But on the first night of him sleeping in your bed, you find yourself questioning every aspect of your moral compass now that you had him beside you looking so vulnerable. Your fingers twitch. The temptation is nearly killing you. He’s most likely deep within some kind of dream, so…
Before your mind comprehends what you’re doing, your hand is on his smooth, toned chest, feeling him breathe underneath your touch. You want to pull your hand away, to stop before you start, but your hand feels as if it’s stuck to his smooth skin. What’s happening? Why aren’t you stopping yourself? Oh god, Coryo looks so hot when he sleeps. Is he dreaming? Is he dreaming about you? If he’s dreaming about you, then surely that means he’s into you, so he wouldn’t mind if you were to just—
Before you could realize what you’re doing, your hand is moving further down south Coriolanus’s torso, heeding every single physical and verbal cue that could indicate he’s waking up. You bite down hard on your lip — almost a bit too hard — as your hand approaches closer and closer to the waistband of his boxers. So crisply pristine, a pearly white color, almost too perfect. Did he not have a single pair of ruined underwear? Surely he must have a pair in the hamper with his cum stains painting the front. Maybe even multiple pairs. Yeah, multiple pairs of ruined underwear caused by Coriolanus’s physiology. The thought makes your pussy throb, and you look down as you thumb the waistband of his boxers.
But you decide to not venture towards the promised land just yet. Instead, you ghost your fingertips over the print of Coriolanus’s large cock. You have to swallow hard as your mouth waters, frantically flicking your eyes back and forth from his face to your hands. You think to yourself, is it too late to turn back? Could you still save yourself from the horrifying embarrassment of getting caught touching your friend in his sleep?
A small groan escapes his throat, and at the speed of light you retract your hand and wait for further instruction. Coriolanus does not open his eyes, but you still wait a few moments before putting your hand back.
Oh, Coryo. Oh sweet, princely, beautiful Coryo — if only he could see how pretty he looks right now resting his soft curls on your pillows, then maybe he’ll understand why you’re doing what you’re doing. Just can’t help myself, you think.
You really begin to think about the circumstances. You’re a hot girl. You’re insanely hot with a sharp tongue and even sharper brain. You have ambitions, goals, and fully thought out plans for the future. You’re perfect girlfriend and wife material. Would Coriolanus really be bothered by someone like you touching him in his sleep? In fact, he would probably be grateful.
Ugh, no! What? Stop thinking like that. You’re so full of yourself you’re choking on your own ego. You’re a violator. A venomous pervert. A venomous, conniving, irresistibly hot pervert.
You sigh to yourself. Your brain just keeps thinking in circles and in circles and in circles and in circles. You can’t be doing this. Just a little won’t hurt? This is as far as you’ll go. He won’t even mind at all because you notice the way he looks at you like you’re a lamb for the slaughter. This isn’t right. You can’t be doing this. Just a little won’t hurt?
The room temperature rises. A lining of sweat appears on your hairline as you continue to lightly ghost your fingers over the print of Coriolanus’s hardening cock. He’s starting to make noises more frequently. He must be dreaming now.
You dare to whisper, see if maybe your voice will bleed into his dreams. You’re dying to know how he’ll react. Ever so softly, his name escapes your lips like a delicate puff of smoke from inhaling a cigarette.
You wait.
You wait for a moan, a sigh, a physical response.
You say a silent prayer to yourself before leaning in closer, attempting to manipulate his dreams once more.
“Coryo, I’m here,”
You perk up as a tiny moan escapes Coriolanus’s mouth, and even more exciting, his cock twitches beneath your fingertips.
This was your sign to keep going.
Carefully, you retract your hand and drool a generous amount of saliva onto your fingers and in the palm of your hand before slipping your hand underneath the waistband of his boxers. And as your fingers made contact with his hardening cock, you shiver.
Your entire body flares up with goosebumps and your pussy throbs and aches almost instantly. You have to take a moment to yourself before you begin stroking him, to just hold his shaft within your perverted, filthy hand. Your heart is beating so fast that you’re afraid you might pass out before you can indulge in the fun.
Your hand trembles as you begin to stroke him, keeping a light yet generous grip as you pump his cock up and down. He’s beginning to moan more loud than before, and more frequently. You think to yourself about how you could cum right then and there just from feeling his dick and listening to him moan.
It’s dark in your bedroom, but your eyes adjusted a while ago, giving you a fair view of Coriolanus’s cock in your hand. You swipe your thumb across his slit, and for a moment you stop as a sharp gasp emits from the sleeping boy. But when he shows no sign of waking up, you continue.
“So big…” you whisper to yourself, voice barely audible. You feel his cock begin to leak with pre-cum and you slick up his shaft with his own bodily juices, making your hand pump his cock more smoothly as you pick up the pace.
You wonder to yourself if you could even get away with straddling his hips to sit down on his dick, slowly impaling yourself as your tight pussy envelops him in his sleep. How would he react? You can picture it now: you, stripped of your panties and nightgown, tits bouncing up and down as you ride his cock. Eventually, he’ll stir awake to the image of your hot body on top of him, moaning and whimpering sweetly. And he won’t fight back, oh no. Because you’ve seen the way he looks at you — you don’t think he knows how you study the way he licks his lips as he eyes you up and down. Your pussy is on his mind 24/7. He’s obsessed with you. You’re surprised he hasn’t tried to touch you in your sleep. You’d welcome the sentiment, though, as your eyes would slowly flutter open to the sight of Coriolanus pounding his cock into you. You wouldn’t tell him to stop.
Would he tell you to stop?
You’d like to think so. But you can’t afford to think of alternate versions of this night as your hand is now thoroughly pumping his cock in a proper handjob. Coriolanus mewls and twitches in his sleep, and your mind can’t begin to comprehend how hot he looks completely at your mercy.
“Pretty, so pretty,” you whisper. “Don’t even know I’m fisting your fucking cock, yeah? Wish this was my pussy? Wish I was fucking you in your sleep instead of giving you this lousy handjob?”
You don’t know what comes over you as you lean down to kiss his sleeping lips, and before you know it, he’s lazily grunting as he spills his cum all over your hand.
And you’re so turned on you feel more as if you have to pee more than anything. Your pussy pulsates as you feel his cock throb underneath your hand, and you have to practically force yourself to pull your hand away and lay back down.
Mere seconds after his orgasm, you feel and hear Coriolanus stir and wake up. He mumbles a curse word under his breath as he assesses his sticky situation.
You just lay there, with your hand still covered in his cum, as a deep, dark dread fills your chest. Someone pours liquid lead into your heart as reality settles back in for you.
What have I done?
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darby-rowe, 2024. do not plagiarize my content, nor distribute my content onto any other website like AO3, etc. my writing is exclusive to tumblr only.
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alonetimelover · 10 months
pairing: Harry Styles x physicist!reader
summary: The aftermath of the leak is hard on everybody in dr YN YSN's circle, but especially for her. The gossip, magazines, paparazzi and haters do not help the case.
warnings: hate speech, swearing
a/n: hi! so yes, this is a re-upload of the 3rd part of the physicist!reader. earlier this week tumblr wasn't working with me, not showing this on tags or even my own home page. and with that, i decided to post it again so maybe some more of you could know what's been happening in the world of physicist!reader. i hope you'll enjoy!
part 1 part 2 taglist
The Sun
Oxford Is Firing The Famous 'Higgs Professor' and Harry Styles' Girlfriend Dr YN YSN
Written by John Addams
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The infamous and TikTok sensation dr YN YSN, lecturer at Oxford University, is being fired after intimate photos of her and boyfriend, Harry Styles, saw the light of the day.
Starting at the beginning, the relationship between two became a fact over a year ago, when dr YSN went viral for her explanation of the Higgs mechanism based on Harry Styles' music. As we got to know from their joined street interview for meetcutesnyc on Instagram, the relationship florished after meeting at their mutual friend's (Christopher Nolan) party. Dr YN YSN was the science consultant for the director's latest movie, Oppenheimer, and Harry starred in one of his films, Dunkirk - making it happen.
Everything was going smoothly till the morning of three days ago. YN's iCloud was hacked, revealing personal and intimate information about not only the owner but her boyfriend as well.
'Dean is furious,' says our source. 'He cannot believe that the best lecturer could be this reckless'.' After the posed question on whether the decision of firing could be announced any time soon, they said, 'it's just the matter of time. But it's going to be sooner rather than later. Oxford is going to lose a fair and talented professor, but it is not its fault. Someone was the author of those, let's say information that was exposed. And it's going to be their fault entirely.'
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liked by hArrysbtch, harryupdates and 23 482 others
harrysmoustache Harry and YN couldn't leave the restaurant safely because a bunch of paps and 'fans' showed up at the location. Not only was it physically dangerous, but the things that were spoken towards (mostly) YN were disgusting. Calling her names and ready to fire her on the spot because of the PRIVATE PHOTOS she took with her boyfriend, which then someone ILLIGALY POSTED ONLINE after HACKING HER ICLOUD. Did y'all forget about TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS?????
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harrysmoustache and don't make me start on that bullshit that the sun did... RIDICULOUS
harryupdates After all those years, and all those situations that he went through, I'm still surprised that people can be this cruel to him and people that he loves
hArrysbtch they hatin' my girl cause of some sexy photos... bastards
hArrysbtch why would they care what she does after Uni hours??? it's none of your business
scienceandharstyles it's heartbreaking to see a person that gives others the world and shares her knowledge and wears her heart on her sleeve being treated like garbage
harrymylove those were not harry fans
stylesbabie monstrosity
user56 why do y'all care for her this much??? jezz..
⤷ hArrysbtch maybe because she's a good human being treated like the worst person alive just because she snapped a few photos of her and her boyfriend
⤷ user56 wouldn't that be the consequences of her own actions?
⤷ hArrysbtch nope. her phone was hacked. how many times you take photos of yourself and think 'oh god, what if my gonna be hacked and this will be posted?'
⤷ harrysmoustache hArrysbtch ohhh, babes!!! you closed that haters mouth!!!!
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liked by harrystyles, harryupdates and 738 492 others
drynysn During one of my latest lectures one of the students asked about accuracy in Sci-Fi movies, so I decided to start a little series of: Is this SCIENCE or just FICTION? Firstly, we'd look into the scene from Spider-Man 2 (2004). The scene where Peter Parker (Spider-Man) is stopping the train from its eventual crash. he shot multiple web lines, then they stretched and didn't break. One would say it is not possible. But! From the way the scene is shown to us, we are able to estimate how strong the web needed to be for it to happen. After looking up the train's mass, you can estimate its initial velocity (how far it can go per hour, so km/h) by seeing exactly how long it takes to pass the city blocks. (1)
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drynysn (2) You can look up, measure, the distance over the webbing stretches, and then estimate its diameter . You can also count the number of web lines. NOW, we end up with a tensile (fancy way of saying elastic) strength for the webbing that has to be about 1 000 megapascals (mega meaning milion) which is equivalent to about 102 036 704 kilograms per square metre (which is 145 000 lbs/square inch - for you, my American friends on here).
drynysn (3) What is absolutely mind-blowing is the fact that actual spider silk has a tensile strength of 1 200 megapascals. So, if Spider-Man's webbing would be anyway that strong, that scene was very, very realistic. Rating it 9/10. What scene would you like to see next?
scienceandharstyles that is so informative and making this movie even more iconic!! Did you do all the equations by yourself, dr YSN?
⤷ drynysn Yes, I did! Took me some time to analyse the scene but it was worth it!
harryupdates oh, i need to rewatch this movie immediately!!!
harryismylife could the next scene be the one from The Avengers where Mjolnir after contacting Cap's shield makes that blue light? is that even possible?
⤷ drynysn that's a great scene! i'll look over it!
hArrysbtch i love the little explanations in brackets! i didn't need to look up the tensile thingy!
harrysmoustache you're telling me the scene i was 100% sure was as fake as my eyelashes is true???
user45 maybe you should try explaining showing of that body of yours
user75 is this the new way to make money after being fired?
user281 unemployment doesn't suit you but the consequences of your actions finally caught up with you
user374 i think you should start posting one of those photos the sun included in their article - you'll get more attention
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrymoustache nad 54 292 others
harryupdates HARRY nad DR YN spotted in a small restaurant in Oxford (i'm disabling the comments cause i don't want to deal with the haters)
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hArrysbtch and they look goooood
harrysmoustache i missed them so much..
stylesbabie yn looks so tired and sad
⤷ hArrysbtch it's just one phot of one moment
harrystyles via close friends IG story
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liked by harryupdates nad 14 302 others
londoboyharry went to oxford to bump into harry. it's better! i met dr yn ysn, drank coffee with her, talked and laughed my ass off! she is the funniest, kindest and most down to earth person i've ever met. also, after i asked her about all the things that were happening around her, she just said 'what things?' WITH A SMIRK ON HER FACE, SIPPING HER LITTLE AMERICANO AND BEING UNBOTHERED
view all 3 203 comments
harryupdates im so happy that she gives no damn to those people online
hArrysbtch I LOVE HER
harrymoustache the moment the legend the IT girl
stylesbabie happy for you!!!
harrysmylife who would want to meet harry when you can meet dr yn ysn?
scienceandharstyles best woman alive
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liked by drynysn, harrystyles and 56 482 others
scienceandharstyles WE GRADUATED OXFORD!!! to anybody who said there was no way to incorporating pop culture with a biology degree? eat shit! i wrote the whole masters based on musicians' impact on fans' hormonal production. hehe. ALSO, it would not be possible withouth the best teacher, academic inspiration, and person I've ever met - dr YN YSN. thank you!
view all 18 327 comments
drynysn MADELINE, I am so proud of you. It would be not possible without your persisatnce and will to find solutions and answers. This is all yours!
harrystyles Congratulations, Madeline! H, xx.
harryupdates congrats maddie!!
stylesbabie very very proud
harrysmoustache did you perhaps use harry as an example in your work?
⤷ scienceandharstyles YES, I did. Only positive affect of his voice, music and visuals...
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liked by harrystyles, harryupdates and 748 392 others
oxford_uni Acknowledging the upheaval around one of our lecturers - dr YN YSN, the Chancellor of Oxford University and the Dean of The Department of Physics decided to release the joined statement:
Refuting the words ans statements made by publishers not connected to our University, we would like to inform anybody in concern that one of our grates lecturers dr YN YSN is not decruited. The matter of private life is not concern of the University authority, even more when the said privacy was bridged. At this place, we would like to wish luck during dr YN YSN' s new path - becoming a professor.
view all 64 855 comments
harrystyles <3
harryupdates I KNEW IT
stylesbabie thank god! there is still hope for this world
scienceandharstyles Chancellor and Dean with the best decision ever made
harrysmylife now haters what??? ha??
harrysfan87 i believed in you guys i did
londonboyharry becoming a professor???? good luck yn!!!
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 275 others
yourinstagram There was no better thing that happened to me than meeting you. You support means the world. I love you forever.
view all 36 comments
harrystyles Loving you is the greatest honour of all time, my heart <3
annetwist My favourite girl in the world! (besides my daughter)
⤷ gemmastyles Thanks for clarifying, mum
gemmastyles My sister from another mister!
yourbestfriend We need to finally meet up!
⤷ yourinstagram yessss!
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates, annetwist and 10 746 646 others
harrystyles You're just finishing one of your latest publications on the way to becoming a professor. I couldn't have been more proud and honoured to accompany you during this time.
view all 98 757 comments
yourinstagram I love you I love you I love you
annetwist Our smart professor. <3
harryupdates ohhhhhh *melting*
hArrysbtch I'll never get over him posting her on here
harrysmoustache we are back to normal, baby!!!
scienceandharstyles professor YN YSN sounds amazing
harrysmylife BEST. COUPLE. EVER.
a/n: did you like the way it turned out?
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yesimwriting · 4 months
a/n i love taylor and taylor related angst and i get the jealousy thing,, but i think the thing with bestfriend!felix is that he's so obvious about his priorities that by the time reader can register jealousy,, felix is already there
so here's a drabble
Going out tonight wasn't your idea. A week of long lectures and even longer homework had drained you. But Felix wanted to...and you...You wanted to be around Felix.
Maybe Farleigh's comments about you following Felix around like a puppy aren't as exaggerated as they feel when you're sober. Ugh. The thought of Farleigh being right gives that pinch of irritation something to latch onto.
"They have those drinks you like." The voice is clear despite the base of the music that you can still hear from right outside the club. You turn your head away from the group of stragglers hanging around the outdoor bar. "Had. I got the last one."
You grin at Felix, any lingering angst not exactly evaporating into the cool night air, but the shift is enough to make the smile feel unforced. "Lucky."
He's finally within arm's reach, a fact that he takes advantage of immediately. Felix's palm settles against your shoulder, his thumb dragging across your skin. "Extremely." There's a fondness there that chips away at what's left of your irritation. "Here." You take the glass from him. "Sam almost tackled another bar tender to get the last of the simple syrup."
Ironically, the sip that's halfway down your throat seems to lose any hints of sweetness as soon as the words come out of Felix's mouth. You've met Sam, and while you don't dislike her, you're not sure the neutrality is mutual.
It's a fact you don't dwell. Sam's a bottle blonde bar tender who looks like she was born to walk around in low cut tank tops and cut off shorts. Not that her being pretty matters, but there's an edge to her beauty that implies an effortless coolness that doesn't usually meld with who you are. It's no one's fault. You think those types of girls are charming and fun in a way that's somehow even bolder than the friends that you consider wild. It's just never been a mutual admiration.
And Sam's been hanging around Felix a lot lately, showing up at parties, staying later than anyone else besides you. They've gone home together a few times. Felix hasn't said too much about that, but that doesn't indicate anything. You guys don't talk about that kind of stuff. Even best friends as close as you two have boundaries.
Not that it matters if Felix is with someone like Sam. She seems fun and pretty and bold and--the total opposite of you.
That hits you like a thumb jabbing into a bruise. Since when is Felix's constantly rotating door of flings a sore point? When he pawns you off on Farleigh--even when he's not in the mood for you--so he can have a moment in the employee bathroom.
You nod, "Yeah." Felix's eyebrows pinch together, a barely there implication of concern that's almost ignorable beneath the poor lighting. "Everything's just kind of hitting me a little."
He nods, "Do you need to sit?" Felix's hold on your shoulder tightens. "Is that why you came outside?"
"Uh--no." The response feels flat. "I mean--yeah, I wanted some air, but I don't feel sick or anything."
He watches you openly for what feels like its own eternity. You're not sure what he's looking for, but you must not pass the inspection because he frowns. "Okay." As if to validate Felix's attempt at letting your mood go, you bring your glass back to your lips. "You know--if you're not feeling--if you want to go, you can tell me."
"I know." You do know that. Felix has always been good about listening, about wanting to make sure you're comfortable.
You take another sip of your drink. Of course Sam's good at mixing drinks. You can picture her tripping over herself, rushing to grab the nearly empty bottle of syrup and risking making an enemy of a coworker to avoid having to tell Felix no.
Felix takes a step forward, his hand sliding across your back so that his arm can settle around your shoulders. It's instinct to lean into the contact. He's warm in a way that rivals the buzz in your system. "When we do go, we're going to have to go out the back way."
You let your head rest against his side. "Why?"
"Don't think Sam's going to be going out of her way to get me drinks again."
You crane your neck to look up at him, "What? Why?"
His eyes meet yours, and then he's dropping his gaze to the floor. "You have become such a gossip."
A sound that's a combination between a scoff and a laugh tumbles past your lips. "Have not."
"You and Farleigh," Felix continues, "You two always need to ask, always need to have an opinion."
"Not true," you defend weakly, "If I was a gossip I'd talk about how slutty--"
You cut yourself off, regretting your phrasing as soon as the word is out. Felix pulls back slightly, mouth falling open in exaggerated offense. "You called me a slut?"
"No," you defend yourself through a laugh, "I was saying that you have been slutty." Felix raises his eyebrows at you. "It's different." Felix's eyes narrow in an attempt to offset the smile tugging at his lips. "It is."
"Yeah?" He leans forward with no warning, his lips pressing against your cheek. That kiss is followed by another. Again and again, each more affectionate and touchy than the last.
His lips brush against your jaw. "Fe-lix." It wants to be a warning, but the nervous giggle that breaks his name into two makes coming off as threatening impossible.
"What?" He hums, his lips finding your neck. "If I'm that slutty, we should have a go at it."
You laugh, ignoring the heat burning its way up your neck because it's just Felix. "There's a bathroom inside."
Felix stills before pulling away enough to look you in the eye. There's the faintest flush tinging his skin. You laugh again, this time the sound fuller. It's nice to see flashes of the softer side of Felix while out in the real world. Felix laughs with you.
You tilt your head, pressing a kiss against his cheek. "For you, I'd spring for a hotel room."
"Now I feel special."
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny
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mydearesthrry · 11 months
hi! could you do a behind the scenes of the daylight mv?? maybe the reader is an equestrian and owns horses themself and they let harry borrow one for the mv?🤍
Behind the Scenes: Daylight - h.s.
a/n: hi lovely! thank you sm for the request. i kind of got distracted and only had a little bit of equestrian!y/n in this. this is kind of like a behind the album style behind the scenes, hence the interviews :)
🎀 warnings/cw: nothing, fluff the most fluff ever oh my goodness
🐇 pairing: famous!harry x equestrian!reader
💐 wc: 2.2k
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“So let’s talk about the Daylight music video,” The man behind the camera says. Almost immediately, a grin is plastered onto Harry’s face as he nods. “Where did you get the idea for all of that, and most importantly, where’d you get a horse?” 
Harry snorts at this, and he flicks his eyes over to his girlfriend who sits cross legged on the floor next to the camera. She smiles at him and winks, which makes a pretty pink color flush his cheeks. “Yeah, ‘Ve been getting a couple of questions on the horse. The set was easy enough to come together, jus’ rented a couple of things from different places, but the main inspiration and reason for the video was… It was a date that I had went on two years ago when everything opened up again and we went to the circus.”
Harry was so nervous.
Actually, he’s convinced that he’s never felt more nervous in his life. Performing at Wembley couldn’t hold a candle to how he felt right now.
He was going on a date.
Harry had dated around but he’s never felt a spark. In his other more serious relationships, of course that would be a different story, but on all of the other first dates he’d went on, sure, he had a good time, but he would sit at home and text the other his apologies before moving on again. But this time, it was different. He had already felt like he was in love. 
He met the sweet girl at a birthday party of a mutual friend, one of his closest childhood friends, Tom. He’d showed up at the party and was immediately greeted by another one of his friends, Aurora, who had then introduced him to the girl she came with. Y/N. He choked up when she first introduced herself, and he stumbled over his words, nervous because of how pretty she was. 
For the rest of the night, they talked and talked and were almost attached at the hip, only leaving each others sides for a refill or a trip to the loo. By the end of the night when she’d allowed him to drive her home, he walked her to her door with a kiss on the cheek and left with a number written on his palm since he left his phone in the car. On his drive home, he realized that he didn’t even get to say happy birthday to Tom because he was so entranced by this girl he had just met today. 
Harry stared down at his shoes as he contemplated knocking on the door, knowing he had a few minutes to spare. He’d been waiting nervously in his car for about 20 minutes before he worked up the courage to just walk to her door. He cursed himself out in his head before just bringing his fist up to the door thoughtlessly. He smiled at the sound of his date shouting ‘coming!’ through the door, before he heard the lock twist and the door open. Looking up, his breath caught in his throat and he stilled, completely wide eyed. 
She looked unreal. 
“Hi, Harry!” She greeted, pushing a bit on his shoulder to get him out of his trance. He blinked twice to come to his senses, and shook his head a bit before looking at her fully. 
“Hi beautiful, here, um– these are… these are f’you. I didn’t know which flower you liked, so I just got tulips, I hope y’like them, but if you don’t its okay! I jus’ didn’t wanna show up empty handed and come off as rude, I don’t really do this often, and I really like you so I want to do this right, and you look.. Beautiful. But um, yeah.” He ended, voice trailing off at the end. 
“You finished, silly boy?” She giggled, taking the flowers graciously and cradling them in her arms. Harry nodded fast, an embarrassed look on his face. “Well, thank you for the flowers, y’actually got my favorite ones, and the color is beautiful. I don’t think you’re gonna do this wrong either Harry, you’ve got me pretty tied up as it is, too.” 
They made it to the fairgrounds, a bright smile on Harry’s face as he watched her eyes light up at the sight of all of the rides, tents, and the sound of joy in the air. She subconsciously grabbed his hand, leaning into his side as she watched distractedly at everything that was to come. 
Squealing, she looked to Harry before smiling, “I’m so excited right now, you have no idea. I haven’t been to the fair since I was like, 17, and I could cry with how excited I am.” 
“Y’so cute, don’t explode, then I would be all alone! But I’m glad you’re excited, guess I made a good suggestion, yes?”
“Oh, the best.”
The two had walked around a bit, still hand in hand, occasionally stopping past a booth that would catch their (her) attention. She gasped when she saw a photo booth, booking it and dragging Harry along with her. They’d been at the fair for quite some time now, flirtatious comments and loud laughter filled their dialogue. They sat in the booth, Harry inserting his card against YN’s wishes. The timer started, and they both scrambled to hit their first pose.
The first picture was of them smiling, Harry holding up his infamous peace sign. Their grins were big, a gleam in their eyes. In the second picture, they pressed their cheeks together, Y/N with a pout on her full lips as Harry dropped his jaw, mouth open. The third picture rolled around faster than they thought, and they both looked at each other to figure out what their next pose would be. They could hear the booth speakers counting down from 10, and they both locked eyes, mutual understanding of what was about to happen. Harry brought his hand up to grasp the side of her face that was unseen by the camera when they faced each other, their hands coming together in an interlocked hold on her thighs. They leaned in as the countdown got closer to one, a smile encasing their features.
3! 2! 1!
Right as the timer hit one, their lips were connected, albeit a bit strangely from the wide smiles on their lips. The flash was seen behind their closed eyes, a soft smack filling the room as they pulled away. Harry decided he didn’t have enough, and placed, one, two, three more pecks on her unexpecting lips. When he opened his eyes, he saw the most beautiful smile on her now slightly swollen lips, staring at her with moony eyes. 
“C’mon sweet girl, time t’go get our pictures.”  
They walked around a bit more, a new atmosphere around them that trailed them since they kissed in the photo booth. The pictures were now tucked away in a secure pouch that she kept in her tote bag, the two of them coming to the agreement that they never wanted to lose those pictures.
They stopped in front of a large red and white tent, seemingly the most popular and main attraction of the night. He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, and dragged her in by her arm when she smiled and nodded. They found a place outside of the spotlight on the ground closest to the attraction, trying to find a place where Harry wouldn’t be easily noticed. He hadn’t been found tonight so far, and he was grateful for that, the mask covering his identity. They watched on in awe as the acrobats flew in the air, and gasped when a man got blown out of a red cannon. There were dancers on the ground in blue corsets holding feathers, and the loud music filled their ears, drowning out their laughter. The magician placed his assistant in a box and closed it, performing the magic trick perfectly. The next person to come out was holding a colorful parrot, and was talking to it as he performed tricks. Throughout the night, the acts were pulling audience members from the crowd and performing tricks with them and using them to help with their performances. 
However, the two didn’t know that they would be chosen at all.
“You! In the blue shirt! Come here, hold the parrot! And bring your boyfriend, he can help us too.” The bird tamer called, pointing out Y/N. Her eyes widened, and she looked over at Harry, tugging on the bottom of his shirt, mumbling out an ‘Oh God!’, whining when Harry pushed her up to go hold the bird. She grabbed his hand and took him up with her, laughter bubbling from Harry while YN walked up like a dog with its tail in its legs. The bird flew between the two, the trick ending with the red parrot on Harry’s shoulder. The photographer of the event got their attention, and they both smiled brightly as the flash went off. Almost unnoticeable, but in the bottom middle of the picture, you could see their hands conjoined and squished in the middle of them.
“The date we went on, there were a bunch of different acts but near the end of the show, we both got called up and were messing around with this parrot, which is why I have a parrot on m’shoulder, we have a picture of us with it on me when we went, and all of the same people who performed in the show then were in m’video now, which felt really full circle to me,” A reminiscent smile was on Harry’s face, and anyone who viewed the behind the scenes could tell that he was in love. “After that, though, we walked over to like– a pettin’ zoo sort o’thing, and there were like, baby ponies there and stuff like that, and m’girlfriend, she just freaked. And I mean like, ran over screaming. I asked her after we saw them why she freaked out and she had told me she was an equestrian, so I had the horse in as a nod to her, even though I wrote the whole song that night after I got home.” 
The video then switched to a video on the set, Y/N in a pair of leggings, a crewneck from her hometown covering her torso. In her hands was a reign, a beautiful horse behind her. 
“Hi! I’m Y/F/N, and we’re on the set of the Daylight music video. So, in the video you can see Harry riding a horse, it’s actually the thumbnail, and I’m the one who’s provided it! I work on a farm with a bunch of different animals, but I’m the main equestrian on our farm, which means that I handle all of the horses. But this one right here,” She smiled, turning on her heel to run her hand along the snout of the horse. “This is my baby, her name’s Honey. She’s my first horse and most special, and I thought it would be right if we had her on the set. She’s my best trained horse, and when Harry mentioned that he wanted to have a scene like this in the music video, I was instantly up for it, and now we’ve got my baby here!”
Harry walked over and stood by the camera man, catching her attention and smiling with his bunny teeth, dimples popping out, making her giggle and blush as she tried to continue speaking. “Um, anyways, yeah! Now we’re gonna show you how we trained Harry to ride the horse!” 
The camera turned off and the cameraman threw a thumbs up, making her hook the reign onto the band of her leggings and walk the short distance to Harry. She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug the best she could. Harry had on a skeleton themed ensemble, and when she pulled back, she giggled.
“Hi, Phoebe Bridgers.” Harry rolled his eyes and breathed a laugh, shaking his head at his girlfriend. 
“Silly girl. Thank you for lettin’ m’use y’horse, I love her, and I love you, so much.” He walked them over back to Honey, who snuffed and pushed her head up into Harry’s hand, who was scratching over her skin. Y/N watched in adoration, pulling out her phone from her waistband to snap a picture. 
Following the release of Daylight, fans lost their minds when Harry posted, leaving nothing to the imagination as the carousel contained a picture of him, a picture of one of the people who played a clown with a cigarette in their mouth, and what made the fans go crazy, a picture captured by Lloyd of Harry and YN next to Honey. Harry had his arms wrapped around her shoulders in a tight hug, half of his face hiding in her hair with a slight smile playing on his lips, YN with a hand on his arms, the other one in Honey’s maine. In the picture, you could see a thick band on Harry’s left ring finger, and a band and engagement ring ensemble on YN’s ring finger. 
harrystyles: Daylight. Out now. 2023.
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inumkii · 9 months
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ how you got together - inumaki x reader
bullet pointed scenario
genre: fluff, f2l
wc: 1.2 ish
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ an: hii this is my first jjk fic!! this might be the only thing i ever post LOLL currently ignoring my massive hiatus on my kpop blog T_T anywayss i wrote this super quickly its prob not the best ;p
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i feel like toge would be the type of person to have you make a lot of the first moves
like when you guys were just stupidly pining friends, he made it pretty obvious that he liked you but wanted you to actually confess verbally 
it was mostly because he didn't want such a big milestone of starting your relationship to be texted or written by him but maybe like 20% of it was because he likes to be annoying
he's a little shit so if your the type of person to wait on the other person to make a move, good luck! because he’s making you do it
like there was a point were he was certain about both of ur feelings being mutual so he’d just play it up by being really touchy, making it obvious that he wanted to be right next to you, always clinging to you, etc.. you know,, making it obvious that he really does like you
but poor you because you were spending your time overthinking eveything. maybe he was just really touchyyy!! maybe he's extra comfortable around you!!! (i wonder why.)
it was actually driving your friends insane tho
maki’s last straw was during a training session out on the field, her and panda were sparring as you and inumaki watched on the steps
inumaki, as usual, was glued to your side, hands toying with the fabric of your long sleeve uniform
as maki landed her last hit on panda, you got up with their water bottles and ran them over to your two friends 
toge followed closely behind, still attached to your sleeve
you were balancing both of the bottles in one arm since the other was being occupied as toges leash of some sort, but you approached the other two like nothing was out of place
this sight wasn't anything new to panda or maki so they kept their scoffs and eye rolls internal. it was mostly just driving them crazy that neither one of you had made a move. it was obvious you both liked each other so why aren’t you guys doing anything about it??
“nice one, maki!” you cheered as the two grabbed their respective waters, toge let out an ingredient of affirmation as well
“ah, that was nothing” she proudly boasted, part of it directed as being a playful jab toward panda. she glanced down at inumakis hand attached to the end of your sleeve as he seemingly refused to be more than a few inches apart from you
“anyways,, im planning on grabbing lunch after this, yn, you coming with?” maki turned towards you
“sure!! i didnt have any plans,” you mused and you and maki set off and away from the field, toge still trailing behind as if following you was the obvious route to go
“just me and yn today, inumaki. sorry man,, go do something with panda” maki had no problem brushing off your friend, she was trying to get you alone which was something that seemed more rare as days go by (cough cough toge let maki have some time with her friend)
he laughed and backed away in compliance before giving your shoulder a quick squeeze as the four of you split off
once he was out of earshot, maki finally groaned
“you need to make a move already, its so frustrating watching you two cling to each other without doing anything about it” she complained as you felt your face heat up
you were well aware of toge’s touchiness and couldn't ignore his potential intentions behind it,, but yet there was this looming fear of actually enacting a confession that stopped you from going further 
“do you think he really likes me?” you asked pathetically. anyone’s answer would’ve been a loud yes,, but you still felt like you had to ask maki for some semblance of confidence 
she stared at you, an incredulous look breaching her face
“i cant believe you're asking me that question” she scoffed out a laugh, “but since you need to hear it. yes, toge inumaki is one hundred percent in love with you”
she left it at that, causing a permanent fluster to torment you for the rest of lunch
your lunch with maki had left you a little more confident about where you stood with toge, however. she had begged you to do something about it soon, claiming she couldn’t bear to witness any more pining
you had to do something about it soon or else you’d continue to sleep on her advice, overthink it, and never do anything about your problem,,,, it was now or never
you shot a text over to toge and waited on a nearby bench on school grounds
a few minutes passed with you spending them painstakingly fumbling with your phone case, picking off the stickers that were already on their last leg
there were so many times within those short seven minutes where you debated sending a ‘never mind! something came up’ to him
he finally showed up fairly quickly, joining the spot next to you on the bench
immediately discerning your nervous state, he placed a hand over yours
his action didn't do much for your nerves but it gave a little more hope that your confession would have a good outcome
(you were painfully unaware that no matter what you did, you had a 100% success rate)
he voiced his concern, squeezing your hand as you turned to face him
it felt like your heart was about to explode out of your chest but you had to rip the bandaid off
meeting his concern gaze, you finally said it
“i like you”
maybe not the smoothest confession,, but given your anxiety over the situation, it was a miracle it was even said
all toge did in response was reach up to cup your cheek and smile 
his single expression gave you the answer you so desperately needed
pouring all his love and admiration into one expression, you hadn’t realized this was always how he had been looking at you
wordless communication though gazes and lingering touches had always been the way he was allowed to express himself
you had been overlooking it for too long, too caught up in your own mind to see the way he gazed at you like you were the only thing he ever needed to focus on, worthy of his attention at any moment you needed it
your heart melted on sight as you leaned into to press a kiss on his lips 
it was sweet, brief but not hasty. toge had always been good at placing his emotions into his actions and he made sure you felt everything he was feeling
the two of you parted before you leaned back in to place two more kisses, one on each side of his mouth where his seals were placed
he leaned in to your touch, pulling you in for a hug. as he buried his face in your neck, he breathed out a sigh that wordlessly expressed ‘you have no idea how long i’ve been waiting for this’ and you laughed into his hair
it might've been way overdue, but he’s here now in your arms, this time without the weight of wondering if your feelings were truly requited
oh an maki just got a text from panda of a blurry, zoomed in image of the two of you on the bench together from the distance
“fucking finally” -maki
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bbyquokka · 1 year
oh god
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pairing: kim seungmin x gender-neutral reader
genre: fluff (if you squint a lil), smut – MDNI
synopsis: you're seungmin's first
warnings: smut, established relationship, virgin seungmin, oral (m rec), protected sex, pet names, some nipple play
words: 2.8k ~ (2,899)
♡ m.list — ♡ you can also read it on my ao3
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dont repost. dont translate. minors, ageless & default blogs; dni! feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
he wants to wait, wait for the right person and for when the time is right. everyone around him, his friends, mutuals, acquaintances, everyone he knew was out doing it and to him, he didn't see the point.
the point being, why give away something that's precious to a complete stranger. someone you don't plan on having a future with. nowadays, sex is seen as a competition instead of something that's valuable. 
men cheer on their mates when they learn each others body counts, calling their dicks big and praising them whilst comparing and contrasting their past sexual partners, telling each other every explicate detail down to the T.
seungmin just isnt like that. the amount of times he has heard about another woman's breasts and nipples is beyond him. it puts him off sex even more.
he didn't really care about sex because he has seen and heard about it so many times that's he's become desensitized to it, but he is human after all. he has needs and sometimes, a lonely night with nothing but lube, his hand and a cheesy over the top porn video isn't cutting it for him any more.
then you came along. he didn't think it was possible to get an erection just from looking at someone but as soon as he saw your beauty, his cock twitched in an instant. 
it started of slow. seungmin wanted and needed that emotional connection with you first before going any further with you. you spoke on the regular, facetime, text messages, sending each other silly memes and videos, the usual's one would say.
it wasn't until seungmin caught himself blushing and giggling at a simple text of “hi! i miss you, min! hope you're ok. 🥺🖤” did he realise that maybe, he liked you a lot more than he thought.
his heart thumped against his chest every time you touched him or looked at him. your beautiful smile and sweet voice causing his mind to go all mushy. if that wasn't enough of a sigh that he was falling for you, he would go home and masturbate for hours on end with you on the mind, your voice ringing in his ears, your face popping up in his mind. body doing all sorts of positions and poses–its almost like you're there.
he'd curse himself for being a virgin. he wanted a bit more experience in that department. scared that you would judge him for being inexperienced, he kept it a secret even after you both got together. 
it didn't take long for you to notice that seungmin was hiding something from you. every time you tried to initiate something in the bedroom, he would make up an excuse, brush you off with a lie so you confronted him about it.
filled with so much guilt for making you doubt and question yourself as well as the relationship, did he blurt out:
“i'm a virgin!”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“yn” seungmin stutters as you kiss his neck. “w-wait.”  you pull away from him, eyebrows furrowed together. 
“everything ok, minnie?” seungmin's chest rising up and down at an uneven pace. his penis already hard just from a few neck kisses and making out with one another. he's sensitive to everything. his skin burning from the areas you have kisses and sucked. every time you drag your fingertips down his skin, it leaves behind a trail of fire.
“y-yeah. it's just, i'm just–” seungmin stutters, cheeks as red as a rose. you smile warmly at him, cupping and stroking his cheeks gently.
“hey, are you nervous?” your voice is sweet and soft. seungmin swallows thickly, nodding slowly. he's so sick with nerves, his body shaking due to the scary amount of pleasure and emotions he is feeling.
you notice his shaky hands as he reaches up to place his hand on top of yours. you remove your hand, holding it instead and stroking the back with the pad of your thumb.
“it's ok to be nervous, minnie.”
“is it though?”
“absolutely! it's new and scary. you're most likely feeling very overwhelmed with pleasure, nerves and anxiety but we take it slow, m'kay? we go at your pace.”
“does it not bother you? that i'm inexperienced.” he mumbles. you let out a soft chuckle, kissing his cheek gently.
“no, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. something like this is precious, it's precious to you so i respect that.”
“but what if i do something you don't like or–or i say something or–” he rambles. you lean in and peck his lips gently to calm him down of his nervous ramblings.
“we communicate. we're a unit, you and i. communication is the most important thing in a relationship, regardless of what type it is.  if i do something to you or say something that makes you think, oh. i don't like this, it feels weird, then tell me.”
“but what if i hurt your feelings..” his voice is nothing but a whisper as he bites his bottom lip.
“my darling. you could never hurt my feelings. i won't know unless you tell me. i'd be more upset not knowing i was doing something to you that you disliked than you being straight and honest with me.”
“ok..” seungmin chews his lips nervously, his hands still trembling against your skin. 
“hey.” you softly say, leaning in so your lips brush against his softly. he whimpers, closing his eyes slowly. “you'll be ok, i promise you.”
you kiss him softly being slow at first. you allow seungmin to slowly melt into the kiss, his lips moulding with yours and finding that perfect tempo. wanting to take the initiative and feeling a little more confident, he gently bites your bottom lip as a silent request for permission to open; to which you oblige.
parting your lips slowly, seungmin slowly slides his tongue past your lips. he whimpers a little at the feel of your tongues meeting in the middle, colliding and tangling together. saliva and breathy pants mix together. 
with shaky hands, seungmin cautiously touches your exposed chest. he gingerly plays with your nipples, flicking and tugging on them gently before rolling them between his fingers. you let out a soft groan, pleasure tingling down to your fingertips and toes.
“fuck baby. keep doing that.” you whisper.
“you like that?”
“yes. it feels good.” you groan as you slide your hand down seungmin's exposed chest and torso to cup his erection through the material of his black boxer shorts. he involuntarily bucks his hips in your hand which causes him to flush pink.
you kiss his cheek, trailing your lips along his jawline to his ear. you lick and suck on his lobe as you palm his erection, rubbing and squeezing his length.
seungmin lets out shaky breathes, his body trembling as pleasure courses through his veins. he feels so good, he's on the verge of tears and all you're doing is palming him. he has yet to feel you. with every minute that passes by, his brain slowly turns to mush. sweat accumulates on his forehead and chest, his toes curling as his hands are now stationary against your chest.
“can i give you oral?” you ask, biting your lip gently. seungmin swallows, the question ringing in his ears and making him feel dizzy.
oh fuck. oh no. god oh god! can you? the person he loves, adores and cherishes the most. the person whom he finds so unbelievably attractive, give him oral?! 
he mind and body screaming at him. he wants to yell “fuck yeah!” at you but instead, he whimpers and gives a small and shy nod. 
you beam at him as you shuffle between his parted legs. he holds his breath as he watches you, watches his many fantasies and dreams come true right before his very eyes.
grabbing the waist band of his boxers shorts, you slowly pull them down his legs and discard them on the floor by the bed. a sudden wave of embarrassment and shyness washes over seungmin, shackling him to the mattress. 
he instinctively covers his private area with his hands, his cheeks and tips of his ears red. you place your hands on top of his gently, removing them slowly as you make eye contact with seungmin. nothing but fear clouds over his pupils as he chews his bottom lip raw. 
“hey, it's ok darling. it's just me.” your voice is so soft, so soothing to him that all the fear and nervousness washes away in an instant. he lets you remove his hands, showing you all he has to offer.
“that's my boy.” you coo as you kiss his hands. he lets them flop to the side as your eyes flicker down to his penis. 
what he lacks in girth, he makes up for in size. his tip red, veins protruding along the sides and traveling to his tip. pre-cum beading and coating his skin making it glisten in the dim light with the occasionally twitch. you also notice how neatly trimmed his pubic area is.
“you have such a pretty cock, min.” you coo, watching seungmin stutter and become flustered. he never thought of his cock (or any cock for that matter) being pretty, he just thought of it as average. but hearing those words come from your mouth makes him so dizzy with lust and heat.
your hand wraps around his base. seungmin watches you with beady eyes, his chest heaving up and down in time with his laboured breaths. he bundles up the sheets in the palm of his hands as he watches you slowly stroke him.
it's slow and languid, something that normally wouldn't get seungmin off. however, it's you. it's your hand around his cock. it's your face that's so dangerously close to it. he makes a mental note of how small you look around him, his brain malfunctioning and failing to do the basic human things.
“fuck..” he mumbles as you slowly pick up the speed. you rotate your wrists at the tip, using your thumb to slowly rub it and smear the pre-cum. seungmin clenches his jaw, his body tingling and vibrating from excitement and pleasure. 
and then it happens. your lips wrapping around his tip. the warmth from your mouth paired with the wetness makes seungmin lose the ability to speak. instead, he whimpers, reaching down and tangling his fingers in your hair as he watches his cock disappearing slowly in your mouth.
you hum around him, closing your eyes as you suck. you swirl your tongue around his tip, making sure your jaw is slack to get more of him. what you fail to reach, you compensate for by stroking him in time with your sucks.
“shit shit shit. fuck–ah!” seungmin pants, tugging and gripping your hair. his head falls to the side, his bangs falling over his half lidded eyes. sweat soaks his body as pleasure and lust swamp him. he wants to cum, he most definitely could cum at any minute but he doesn't want to.
he wants to hold because he wants so much more of you. he wants to feel you, hear you and taste you. he's hungry for you, despite the fact he didn't know it could be possible.
the more time he spends inside your mouth, the more he slowly loses it. his mind is nothing but mush. his body shaking due to the high level of lust and desire. he watches you suck his cock so perfectly. he wants to praise you, to tell you how good you're doing but he can't because if he dares opens his mouth once, he's scared of the sound that'll come out.
and then you swallow. a new, alien feeling shoots up his spine. the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. the tightness of your throat around his cock automatically causing him to let out a long and throaty groan. 
you pull away with a smirk, licking your lips as you look at your fucked out lover. 
“i see you found your voice.” you giggle. 
“good..” seungmin mumbles. you laugh softly, shifting and straddling his lap. he looks up at you through his half lidded eyes. you push back his bangs, watching them automatically part and show more of his sweat coated forehead. 
his pupils blown out with lust, beads of sweat rolling down his temples. his lips parted and dry. he's a beautiful sight to see, a sight you want to see over and over again.
“shall we?” you ask. seungmin nods his head fast, making himself dizzy. you smile warmly at him before grabbing a condom and rolling it on his length.
“are you sure?”
“a hundred percent?”
“a million trillion percent. i want this, i'm ready.” you nod, giving the tip of his nose a gentle peck.
you hover over his cock, reaching behind and holding it at the base. seungmin holds your waist as he watches you lower yourself down on his condom clasped penis. 
you groan softly, head kicking back as you feel yourself stretching out. seungmin grips your hips tightly. he thought the warmth from your mouth was good but this warmth is a feeling he cannot describe. it's so alien yet so so good to him, for him. 
the warmth paired with the tightness is too much for his body to bare. he's melting into the mattress, his body uncomfortable hot and sweaty but comfortable high with lust, adrenaline and hormones.
“oh, god..” he says through gritted teeth as he watches you lower yourself down on him. you shakily pant, planting your hands firmly on his stomach to steady yourself.
“how do you feel?”
“strange. weird. but so fucking good. it's so amazing. i'm so.. it's so–” he digs his nails into your skin as you slowly bounce on him. 
“feels good.” you moan. seungmin can't speak, only nod his head as he leans in. he buries his face into the crook of your neck, arms wrapping around your back firmly as you bounce on him at a steady pace.
he doesn't know what to do nor does he know what he is doing. his body is on autopilot, doing what he thinks and feels is best. his teeth sinking into the skin of your neck, lips trailing to your shoulder blade where he bites. 
a string of moans and fucks leave his lips unwillingly. his voice increasing and decreasing. sometimes he is loud, moaning and groaning and not caring about the neighbours. other times, he is soft and whimpering, whispering your name over and over again.
he doesn't know what he is doing, that part is true. he doesn't recognise himself, the pleasure taking over his mind and body to the point where it feels like it isn't him anymore. 
“god yn. so good, you feel so good. oh fuck me, please.” he begs. you hold onto his shoulders to steady yourself as you use your thighs to bounce faster. you kick your head back to expose your neck as you moan his name, seungmin taking full advantage of your exposed neck to kiss, lick and suck the skin.
moans and groans combined into one. seungmin's body shaking as the pit of his stomach burns. it's tight, his balls hurt and his cock twitches inside you.
“m-mhm?” you look at him, his eyebrows furrowed and eyes glossy. he's close to tears as he whimpers.
“hurts. close. fuck.”
“it's–it's ok. listen to your body baby.” 
“what about you?”
“don't worry about me. it's all about you tonight baby.”
sinking his teeth into your shoulder blade, you give one finally bounce and seungmin is a sobbing, whimpering mess. he holds you close to his sweaty body, the heat from you both making you feel lightheaded. his muscles spasm as he empties into the condom, nothing but soft whispers of your name ringing over and over again in your ears.
once calm, you lift yourself up and off seungmin. he takes the condom off, tying it and discarding it in the trash before pinning you down on the mattress by surprise. your eyes widen before you swallow thickly. 
something about him has changed, like a switch has been flipped suddenly. his eyes hold nothing but pure hunger for you, his cock failed to calm down. his body is buzzing and mind mushy. he's not thinking straight anymore, his actions being driven by the pure hunger he is feeling.
“s-seungmin?” you stutter. he licks his lips as he grabs another condom, rolling it on his length before teasing your entrance with his tip by rubbing it. you whimper as you watch him.
“more. i need more of you.” you both groan in unison, your body arching up off the bed as he slowly pushes his length inside. he wastes no time in thrusting. his cock stroking and caressing your insides. you grip onto the sheets, watching seungmin lose control of himself. 
“sorry. i'm so sorry. i can't stop. so hungry. more, i need so much more. please yn, please give it to me.”
you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down to you. he pants heavily against your lips as you smirk and wrap your legs around his waist, keeping him close.
“then don't stop. we have all night, so feel free to indulge.”
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note: inspiration for this mess 😃 so uh, yeah. idk what else to say because my brain is mush rn. oh! i have also been working on a lil something so keep your eyes peeled for that! don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. curious as to what is next? here is my wips list! i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @septicrebel ; @bbujiikseu ; @cixrosie ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer
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marsprincess889 · 1 month
Me getting political
So, I know I mostly only really talk about vedic astrology here, but I'd like to speak to the very same audience who found and followed me because of that about what's going on in my country. So, followers, dear mutuals, those couple of ppl I know irl who are on here, or someone who randomly found this_please, read and interact. (!!!please)
For context, the vast majority Georgia, mainly gen z, has been protesting a "foreign agents law", which is almost identical to the law that russia passed in 2012 and that has resulted in significant restriction of the freedom of its citizens. So, eurovision, met gala, whatever.... this is the reality my country lives in.
I had no idea so many people from other countries were this misinformed about georgia(in general)? People thinking photos from our massive protests were not from here because we have "police" written in english and not "policija"(which is not a fcking georgian word??????)?
People thinking america funded, I repeat, MASSIVE protests that have been going on for a month(and have also taken place in the march of last year for the same reason), just because some of the protestors wrote signs in english? Like, the sheer idea of that is honestly infuriating.
I don't think anyone who has not lived in Georgia will understand the situation clearly. The government is ordering to beat up peaceful protestors, is using pepper spray on them.... and most of the protestors are teens and young adults, trying to make a better future for themselves and for generations to come, tired of fighting the same fight that their parents and grandparents have fought.
When you are born georgian, patriotism is instilled in you like vow. I was born in 2002, a decade after my country exited the soviet union, fresh out of the notoriously hard and dark 90s(full of poverty and crime), six years before I started school and russia invaded the city of Gori. We learned all the poems and novels of our great writers, learned the stories of them fighting for freedom of speech, for the freedom of our country, our teachers would explain every detail of their astristry and their importance. At some point I think we all got tired of it, no matter how loving and full of care they were, but then I remember the presentation my class did in sixth grade about february of 1921, how Georgia exited the russian empire in 1918 and how the brand new(at the time) constitution was implemented just a few days before the red army came in 1921... MY PARENTS were born when Georgia was in ussr, my mother had to spend her years as a young student in the 90s in constant fear of danger on the streets, our parents saw the worst of it and did everything in their power for us to live in a better environment. But we're first generation in georgia who grew up with internet, who is fluent in internet slang and is way more informed, with a completely different mentality, for whom the decades of oppression is more distant. We know russia is an enemy, we know what our country has gone through, but we are the first gen with the freedom to speak up when yet another attemp to control is made.
We have a very long and rich history and one thing that is clear from it is that we are supernaturally resilient, and our refusal to be subdued has protected not only ourselves, but countries that lie west from us, the countries that make Europe, that we consider ourselves a part of.
My friends know I'm the quickest to say that I feel like I don't belong here(georgia), that I never really connected to what I saw, generally, in my country, but maybe there are thousands like me here. Maybe(100%) the men in power haven't been paying their due respect to my generation and how persistent we have been in our actions and convictions. And maybe, the rest of the world(western countries) have significantly undervalued our importance. We deserve our due, and to me, the least that others can do, is to educate themselves before typing or speaking about us.
We are not a "former soviet country", we are an ancient civilization with an extremely unique culture that has survived to this day, that has protected its customs, identity and the right for freedom, and has been under almost constant threat for losing them. And, once again, if there was any doubt, we are not our government.
I sincerely hope for this to get as many notes or possible, or at least, to reach the right people.
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pyramid-of-starrs · 10 months
Don't Be a Sweat
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Pairing: Gamer Yunho x Gamer Fem Reader
Genre: Smut & Fluff
Warnings: Sub Yunho, dom reader, fem reader and parts but no fem names, cum eating, exhibitionism, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), unprotected sex (stay safe pls), cursing, if its anything I missed pls let me know.
Word count: 4.8K (one day I'll get past 4k lol)
A/N: First sub Fic, I think I did an okay job but let me know if you like it!
Minors dni
Smut under the cut
The door to your best friend’s room opens and you and her walk into it, you both plop down on her bed tired from a long day of socializing. You both decided to do attend a "group date" that the designated match maker of your friend group set up. 3 hours of karaoke with the lamest guys you think you've ever met it was so dreadful and boring, you would have much rather been home streaming yourself playing overwatch or the new PSN free games of the month.
"I know what you're thinking Y/N." Your best friend turned to you and said,
"And what am I think little Ms. Mind reader."
"You're thinking "God those guys sucked I bet they couldn't even beat me in a 1v1 on Minecraft." or something like that." you both laughed.
"Good effort but you can't 1v1 on Minecraft there is no fighting on it, Minecraft is-"
"Ah- spare me the nerdy details I hear enough gamer bullshit with my brother. Anyway, what the hell was she thinking setting us up with that pack of losers of the year." She laughs and shakes her head.
"Oh god did you hear the one ranting about all women wanting money." you joined her in her laughing.
"If you're gonna ask me my income you're gonna need to cook and clean blah blah blah go live in the fucking 50s then! Oh, and the one that hounded you when you told him that you're a streamer."
"I bet I could beat you at this! I bet you've never heard of this! Like gag me, literally."
You two started laughing louder at your impressions of the men, they truly were just that pathetic, but to you, every man was.
Being a streamer, you run into your fair share of overly misogynistic incels that hate you just because you like games and have a vagina but in reality they would crumble at your feet if they ever saw you. Hot women that play games make men angry for some reason and you wanted nothing more than to break them down . Beating them after they whine about how you're a terrible and only popular because you're pretty, always made you smile. It was kind of a sick enjoyment you got out of beating them but who care, sweats get no sympathy from you.
Speaking of sweats as you and your best friend were enjoying having a laugh you suddenly heard loud knocking on the door. Your best friend rolled her eyes.
"Ugh What!" she knew exactly who it was.
The bedroom door swung open and in walked your best friends twin brother Yunho. Yunho was also a gamer like you, very tall and handsome but you two have never seen eye to eye. Ever since the day you became friends with BF/N Yunho terrorize you. Calling you names,  embarrassing you in front of guys, making fun of your hair and outfits and just being an all-around bully. Eventually feelings became mutual, and you only put yourself around him to hang out with your friend but other then that you and Yunho couldn’t even have a conversation with out arguing.
“Can you guys shut the fuck up already? I’m trying to play squads with the guys, and they can barely hear me over you two.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever they will live.” Your best friend said while trying to wave her brother off.
You let out another giggle “You guys can barely shoot straight I’m sure we aren’t the reason you guys are losing, y’all just suck.”
You and BF/N started laughing together again as she slapped your shoulder.
“Ohhh Y/N maybe we should invite Yunhos friends over they are actually kinda hot and a few game like you, you’ll really like the really hot one uhm what’s his name- oh San!”
“Ooouuu, he sounds sexy, maybe we should invite them over.”
“As fucking if, my friends would never date a chick like Y/N.” Yunho rolled his eyes.
“And what the hell kinda chick am I Yunho.” You folded your arms and tilted your head ready to pop off at him.
“The kinda chick who can’t keep a guy even if he was locked in her basement because no one wants her ugly ass.”
“Now I’m ugly? Well, who dyed their hair Blonde just to get a girl that ended up fucking everyone BUT you.”
His ears and face turned red in embarrassment.
“Sis, you told her about that?”
“Yuyu, I had too, I wanted her to feel bad so you guys could talk, and you could finally tell her you like her.”
Boy if his face wasn’t red then it sure was red now, he even tried wiping the embarrassment off.
“What !? As if I would like some girl that spends all her time gaming and talking shit online like a fucking loser. I’d never date someone like her!”
“Good cause it’ll never fucking happen, maybe I should do what BF/N said and fuck your friend just to piss you off!” You stood up at this point, who the hell does he think he is calling you a loser.
“Fuck you Y/N!” He yelled before walking out and slamming the door, thank God Yunho and BF/N moved out and into their shared apartment so their parents didn’t hear the argument.
You plopped back down on the bed.
“God what the fuck is his problem? It’s like he hates my guts for no reason.”
“It’s just like I said Y/N, the boy likes you.” She yawned and stood up to change into her sleeping clothes.
“What? BF/N be serious here.”
She finished getting ready for bed and you got up to change into the shorts and shirt you brought with you to spend the night.
“I am being serious; he’s always liked you that’s why he’s mean to you.”
She got up and turned off the lights and got under the covers, you did too, you two faced each other.
“If you don’t believe me, ask him yourself tomorrow, good night, Y/N.”
You two eventually drifted off to sleep but your mind was still racing, did Yunho really like you? Isn’t that “boy is mean to the girl he likes” trope only in moves and poorly written fan fics? (Girl I’m trying my best)
Around 2am you were woken up by Yunho yelling, he was most likely playing the game with his friend, you could hear him faintly saying “Bro get him” and “Fuck” in the next room. You were going to go back to sleep but decided to see if what your friend said was true because it was slowly eating you up. You got up and walked to the room next door and knocked on his door. You could hear him telling his friends he would be back and then he opened the door. He had on random graphic tee and some grey sweatpants; fuck why does it have to be grey sweatpants. His room was nice, the lights were out but the LED strips around his bed still lit up the room.
“Oh, its you, what do you want?”
“Um, well can I talk to you for a second?”
“I mean I guess…” he walked back over to the gaming chair that was stationed in front of his TV and sat back down.
You decided to sit on his bed on the edge facing the TV and there was a brief awkward silence before he broke it.
“You came to my room just to sit here and stare?”
“Spit it out dude God, what’s your problem why can’t you be normal?”
Even with you trying to talk to him he just pisses you off.
“I heard you got the new street fighter game, lets play it.”
“What ?”
“Yea let play, loser has to do whatever the winner says.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you, no I’m going back to playing with my friends.” He picked up his controller and put his headset back on. You just couldn’t understand why Yunho was so mean to you, what you ever did or why he just woke up and chose to treat you this badly. If what your friend said was true then you needed to find out, tonight! While Yunho continued to play with his friends you took matters into your own hands and snatched his headset and controller.
“What are you-“
“Sorry, Yunho is busy he’ll get back on later.” You said directly into the mic then quit his game mid match.
“Y/N What the fuck is your deal?”
“Shut up.”
He sat quietly while you started up the street fighter game, you tossed him back his controller and grabbed the unoccupied one and turned it on.
“Now like I said, loser has to do what ever the winner says got it?”
You two selected your characters and the match started, 3 rounds, unlimited time. You and Yunho played while making random grunting sounds and shouting one worded taunt but even he couldn’t match up to your acute game skill. The match ended with you as the winner, and you raised your hands in victory.
“That was such BS.”
“Don’t be a sore loser YuYu.”
“Don’t call me that! I’m not a kid any more Y/N.”
“Whatever, since I won you have to do whatever I say now.”
“What do you want me to do.”
“Hmm…for now you have to sit next to me on the bed.” You said in a slightly shaky voice.
He arched his eyebrow but chose not to question it getting up from his gaming chair and sitting next to you on the edge of the bed. Your heart started to beat a bit faster, Yunho has never made you feel this way before but with the thought that he may like you in mind it made you feel a bit shy.
“Earth to Y/N, come on let’s go again.”
“Y-yeah okay let’s play.”
Why was this making you so shy, you aren’t that kind of person especially for Yunho, so why is the thought of him liking you driving you crazy. You had zoned out thinking and didn’t realize you were losing, by the time you snapped out of it you had lost the match.
“I thought you were supposed to be some awesome ass gamer, that was terrible.”
“Shut up! What do you want me to do ?”
“How about you play in just your bra from now on.”
You scoffed because you knew that he was doing this to embarrass you, you knew he just wanted to belittle you. Even if he did like you, he was still an ass, and you were determined to finally put him in his place.
“Fine you want to play it like that, say less.”
You took off your night shirt and Yunho looked back at the TV to get ready to play the next round. Round after round Yunho lost to you because you had to show him who’s the top gamer here. You kept his theme of stripping, and he was left playing in just his underwear, his face was red as a tomato, and he was flustered playing. The next round started, and he pulled the ultimate foul move of gaming, pausing to see the move list.
“Come on YuYu don’t be scared of losing.” You laughed at his embarrassment.
He growled lowly. “Shut up, why are we even doing this anyways?”
“I have my reasoning, so come on and lose like a champ.”
Your eyes focused back on the TV and before he could unpause the game to take his loss, a message from one of his gaming friends came up.
xX_CallMeDaddyMin_Xx: Yo, Yunho did you screw that streamer chick your sister is friends with finally lol.
You both read the message and before you both could react another friend sent another message; you realize it’s coming from the group party chat. You disconnected his mic but forgot to leave the party too.
__bl00dy__San__: Yeah, tell her how you always watch her streams, probs jack off to them to lmaooooo.
Before anymore messages could come through, he turned off the TV.
“Ge-Get out I’m going to bed.”
He was a blushing mess, everyone just kept outing his little secrets today, he got under the covers and covered his face, and you couldn’t help but giggle at him, he was so cute when he was shy, and you hated to admit it. You crawled up next to him, now was your chance to get some revenge.
“Come on YuYu, tell me if what they said was true.” You snaked your hand under the covers slowly, trickling down his leg.
“Leave me alone.”
“Do you watch my streams YuYu?”
“Go the hell away Y/N” he said in a muffled shy voice, you needed to tease him more now, this was your area of expertise. Once again you were used to toxic guys trying to come into your streams to harass you, but you had a love for turning those same yelling dickheads to whimpering messes, it gave you so much power, and to finally have that advantage over the same guy that has bullied you for years. You were going to enjoy this way more then you should, and so was he, you reached up and whispered into his ear.
“Why YuYu? Don’t wanna admit you like to watch me stream even though you hate me.”
Your hands reached his V line, you played with the band of his boxers.
“I-I don’t hate you…”
“Oh really? How do I make you feel then YuYu?”
Your hands dived into his boxers, and you found his semi hard length, you started to rub up and down the shaft slowly to really tease him. One thing you hated to admit about Yunho was that he was packing. You grew up seeing him in all kinds of clothing and sometimes would see the outline, but you’d rather choke then admit he had a big dick but now that you’re feeling it it’s undeniable.
His bit back a small moan at the feel of your fingers on him, his mind was racing, the girl he’s been madly in love with since they were snot nosed was in his bed feeling him up, how could he possibly function.
“….you’re okay I guess.” He continued to hide his face in the covers.
“No, no little baby, I need a better answer then that, or do you just want me to stop and leave.” You stopped moving your hands but didn’t take them out of his underwear.
“No…please don’t stop.”
“Oh, you don’t want me to stop YuYu? Am I making you feel good? Is that why you watch my streams? Because I make you feel good baby.”
He didn’t respond so it was time to push these answers out of him, or more so rub them out of him. You gripped the base of his length and started to slowly pump his dick, he let out a soft moan at the sudden friction and it made your clit jump, you needed more and so did he.
“You…you look nice when you’re gaming.”
“Aww thank you baby but I’m asking you how I make you feel, so tell me that.”
Moving your hands up and down his shaft you directed your attention to his tip, pumping it tightly as precum slowly oozed out of it, you spread it over his tip the more you pumped, you wish he wasn’t so shy so you could watch his pretty pink tip be teased right now.
“Do I turn you on Yuyu? When I watch and degrade those guys on my stream does it make your dick throb? Do you wish I was talking to you?”
He could barely focus, the slow stroking on his length made him dizzy because the sensation was so strong.
“How about you let me see you Yuyu, let me see you fall apart for the girl you claimed to hate all these years.”
You pull the cover back and pull his dick out of his boxers, his dick was red and ready to burst, the tan shaft had pretty veins bulging on it, he had some girth, but the length was something to look at.
“Wow Yuyu your dick is so pretty for an asshole.”
He covers his face and looks away from you, he didn’t know rather he wanted to disappear or cum, your teasing was so sexy, but he didn’t envision the first sexual encounter with you going like this, but he wasn’t mad at it either. You started to pump his dick even more and moved down to it. As you pumped his dick faster, he bit down on his lips hard.
“Don’t hide YuYu let me see what you look like when you cum, is that what you want baby? You want to cum for me like a desperate little slut?”
“Please what baby?” You kept a steady pace as your grip tightened a bit.
“…please let me cum for you Y/N.”
You grinned a bit at his begging.
“Show me Yuyu, show me how you touch your self when you watch my streams.”
He was shy but he was desperate, he sat up and you removed your hand from his needy dick, and he replaced it with his own. He avoided your gaze, his whole face was red, and his eyes were low, he wanted to cum for you so bad it was driving him crazy. He started to pump his sensitive cock, throwing his head back onto the LED lit bedframe, breathy moans coming from his plush M shaped wet lips.
“Ah…Y/N…please watch me cum.” He tightly closed his eyes as he could feel his climax steadily approaching.
You had a lustful yet evil smile on your face.
“Of course, baby I’ll watch you stroke your slutty dick all night if you want me too, but I want to see more baby so don’t cum just yet, okay?”
He opened his eyes, his vision was hazy, his climax was right on the horizon and having him hold it only made it worse.
“Please…please let me cum for you Y/N” his grip on his shaft was firm as he continued to fall apart under you gazes.
“Mm well since you ask so nicely and you’re so desperate, go ahead and cum for me Babyboy.”
His moans were soft but got louder as his strokes became faster until his came. He shot hot ropes of cum from his throbbing cock, he continued to pump as it shot out and landed on his legs. His chest puffed in and out as he held his dick in his hands, he tilted his head on the side of the headrest of the bed. You giggled at his fucked-out state.
“You’re actually so cute YuYu.” You gathered up all the cum that came out onto your fingers, his eyes opened to see what your next step was. You put your now cum covered fingers into your mouth and sucked all of it off as he watched.
“Come on Yuyu, I want to play some more.” You sat on your legs and reached behind you to unclasp your bra, when you removed it Yunhos eyes was glued to your 2 mountains. You took it a step further and removed your shorts and underwear. Yunhos breathing spiked again and his softened rod started to rise once again.
“Do you want to touch me Yuyu? Go ahead and touch me wherever you like.”
He eagerly nodded his head and reached out both hands and gripped both your breast, he started to massage them.
“Ah~ that feels so good, touch me more okay Yunho.”
He brushed his thumbs over your nipples, and you moaned even more, your aching cunt became hot as you threw your head back.
“Ca-can I kiss you?” he shyly asked.
“Of course, baby.”
He didn’t waste another minute and planted a hot kiss on your lips. You’ve had sex with plenty of guys before and kissed lots of them, but this wasn’t like any kiss you’ve ever had, this kiss had dept and meaning to it, however now that you realized it, this whole moment felt so sensual. His touch on your breast gave you goosebumps and his tongue entering your mouth made you want him even more, you never realized just how much your body yearned for Yunho until now. Your tongues were doing an elaborate dance before he disconnected your mouths.
“Y/N…I need to taste you please…” Before you could even respond he pushed you down and got between your legs.
“You’re such an eager little baby, you want to taste my pretty little pussy that bad?”
He once again nodded eagerly, the look in his eyes looked like he wanted to literally eat you. You decided to give him what he is craving, and you spread your legs nice and wide so he could get a nice view, he leaned down and put his face inches away from your soaking cunt, he was so close you could feel the small breaths he was taking.
“It’s so pretty Y/N” Your face got hot at the compliment, one of the rare times he has complimented you and its about your pussy, you felt like melting. He licked one long stripe from your hole to your clit, then flicked his tongue on your nub, your legs flinched to close, and he swiftly brought his hands up to hold your legs open. He was eating your pussy like he was on death row, and this was the last meal he requested. Your back arched and staggered moans started to come from your mouth. He inserted one then two fingers into your hole, your pussy clenched and unclenched repeatedly around them as he sucked your clit like it was a lollipop. Your hands gripped his newly bleach blonde hair.
“You’re doing so good Yuyu, I’m going to cum on your pretty face if you keep going baby.”
“Please Y/N, please cum on my face, I need more of you.”
He hadn’t even entered you yet and he was already pussy drunk, he kept licking your core like his life depended on it. Your hips started to buck and you grinded down on his face, the feeling of his lips wrapped around your clit and his long slender fingers deep inside you, you had reached your limit. You came on his face, your clit throbbed, your hole started to squeeze his finger tightly, you had a firm grip on his hair, and he kept lapping up your juices. Over stimulation started to kick in and it seemed like Yunho had no plans on stopping anytime soon. You tried to push his face away, but he was stronger than you and kept going.
“Yunho! I’m gonna go crazy and wake your sister up, stop!”
He finally released your swollen nub from his lips and took his fingers out of you, he looked up at you with his face covered in your wetness, his eyes looked to pure and sincere yet the entire scene of him still having your legs spread wide was everything but pure.
“I’m sorry…I just need you so bad Y/N…”
“Then hurry up and fuck me Yuyu.”
His eyes gleamed like a kid that just got told he can open his gifts on Christmas eve and not Christmas.
“R-really? Oh my god okay let me grab a condom.” He excitedly got up and walked over to his dresser. He grabbed on condom from the top drawer, and you could swear you saw his invisible golden retriever tail wagging, he was so cute you giggled to yourself. He walked back over as he was tearing open the condom, he fully removed his boxers before getting back between your legs. He rolled the condom all the way down his length and lined himself up with your entrance.
“Are you sure about this Y/N? We don’t have too if you don’t want to.”
You reached up to cup the side of his face and smiled warmly at him.
“I want this Yuyu, please take me, I need you just as much as you need me right now.”
He leaned down to kiss you deeply and inserted the tip into you. You winced as your pussy began to stretch around his dick. He kept the slower pace as you moaned into his mouth, his length just kept coming, it felt like it was never ending. Once he bottomed out in you, he stopped the kiss.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay baby, I promise.”
He stroked into you once. Twice. Three times. Then stopped deep in you and closed his eyes tightly as he held his position inside of you.
“What’s wrong? I told you I’m okay, you can keep going.”
“I-I know but- I’m not” a rosy blush covered his high cheeks bones yet again and that’s when you put two and two together.
“Yuyu did you…did you cum?”
He pulled out of you and the condom was filled with his cum, he took the condom off in embarrassment and tossed it into his bedside trash You wanted so badly to tease him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, instead you reached your arms out to invite him in for a hug and he gladly accepted it. He dropped down on your body, and you hugged him tightly, even though he just came his dick was still hard as rock.
“Are you still horny Yuyu?”
“Yea but that was my last condom.”
“So, you are a little slut huh?”
“Not now Y/N” he was still sad that he couldn’t fully experience his first-time having sex with you the way that he wanted too.
“…Are you clean?”
“Of course, what kinda question is that?”
“…well, I am too.”
“What are you saying right now Y/N?” He leaned up to make sure he was understanding exactly what you were saying, and he wasn’t just hearing what he wanted to hear.
“I’m saying…if you want to keep going without a condom…we can…I trust you.”
That was all Yunho had to hear, he leaned back down onto you, and you hugged him again, he reached down and lined himself back up into your entrance and slid his dick back into you. His ear was right by your mouth as you let out a throaty moan, he wrapped his arms around you, squeezing you tightly, pumping into your pussy slowly and deeply. You gripped both his shoulders and drip your nails into them.
“You feel so good inside me Yuyu it’s so deep.”
He started to pump into you deeply, his tip hitting your spot like it was a drum as he drilled into you. He groaned as the over stimulation and his soon approaching climax was rushing forward.
“I’m about to cum Y/N please cum with me.”
You dragged your nails up and down his back leaving red streaks up and down his back as he stroked deeply into you. You started to see stars; you tried your best to moan quietly but you couldn’t the feeling was too amazing. In perfect sync you two came together, you could feel the hot liquid deep inside you, thank God you were on birth control or you’d for sure be good as pregnant.
He still held you tightly and gave no signs of letting go, his dick softened inside of you.
“Yunho pull out so I can wipe up.”
“I want to stay in you forever Y/N, I love you so much.”
You couldn’t help but smile when he said that.
“I’m so sorry I’ve been so awful to you, it’s not an excuse but you drive me so crazy, and hearing about that stupid group date my sister dragged you too pissed me off so bad. I want to be the only one taking you out, I want to be the only one seeing you like this…” He kept going, just spilling out all these feelings he had held in for years, you felt like your heart was going to explode. As he was still talking, you pulled him into a kiss.
“I like you too loser.” You kissed him again and he slid out of you, you could feel everything seeping out of you, he reached over to his bed side table and grab a few of the tissues that were in the tissue box. He carefully wiped out your overstuffed pussy and threw the tissues away. He pulled the cover over you both and brought you in too cuddle.
“Yunho, I have to sneak back into your sisters’ room before she wakes up.”
The door swung open, and your best friend stood in the door frame with dark circles under her eyes.
“Too fucking late for that, I’m glad you two worked out your feelings for each other but next time do it quietly and when I’m not fucking home.” She slammed the door as she left, and you and Yunho just laid their giggling with each other.
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boxboxlewis · 7 months
for the talented genius @powerful-owl... a wise woman once prompted "Bodyswap but it’s just dick swap! 😈😈😈 You have to figure out the owner of your temporary dick. Also, it responds to its usual owner's brain!" cw for size difference & small dick max
Max wakes up slowly at first, and then all at once: because although his body is heavy and warm under covers, as usual, something isn’t right. Something is different, is differentnewstrangegood—new but juuuuust right—he’s grinding his dick against the mattress, he’s feeling the unfamilar length of it pressed against his stomach, the strange tug of something in the tip that must be a piercing—
He bolts immediately awake, panting, and flips onto his back. And then he lies still for a moment, staring at the ceiling, before curling back on his side and willing himself back into sleep, on the grounds that maybe everything will be back to normal when he wakes up again.
Yeah, it isn’t.
He decides to ignore the situation, for the time being. He gets dressed and walks over to the fridge to get himself a premixed protein shake without thinking any thoughts at all, without even noticing—anything. There’s nothing to see here. And definitely nothing to feel.
He drinks the shake, which takes about two minutes, and then figures he should probably try to man up. Deal with the situation. He gets out his phone and scrolls to his text thread with Daniel, because Daniel is, he’s pretty sure, the only person he knows with a dick piercing. 
Daniel, it turns out, has texted. Many times.
Hey max, how’s things, little out of the blue here but like
Anything weird going on with you, today? Pants-wise?
[missed call from Daniel Teammate]
Answer me motherfucker
Hey you know it’s really fucking annoying that you never have notifs turned on?
[missed call from Daniel Teammate]
I know you’re overthinking this cmon just call me
Otherwise I’m going to take drastic measures
Max mentally rolls his eyes. Drastic measures like what, text some dick pics to the press with the caption “Hey anything look different?”? He texts Daniel back, Please calm down you’re embarrassing me. And then, This happens sometimes, right? He thinks about saying more—how it happens between people with a strong emotional connection, how some people say it’s a soulmate thing—but that feels way too mortifying to type out. Also, Daniel probably already knows. Instead he writes KMag and Charles, everyone says, before they got married. Although that maybe is a rumour. He’s about to keep listing grid dickswap incidents—there have been quite a few, more than you’d expect, really—when Daniel calls again. 
Max picks up this time. “Hello, Daniel.”
Daniel is breathing heavily, as if he’s just come back from a run. “Fuck you. How are you so calm about this? You should be the one freaking out and I should be calm. This is bullshit. How has this fucking happened? I want my dick back, Max!”
Max feels a small bloom of hurt in his chest, which he tries to ignore. Of course Daniel wants his dick back. First of all, it’s his dick, the one he’s used to. Secondly, it’s—Max shakes his head to clear it. “Look, Daniel, I of course do not want your stupid dick. So. Come back to Monaco so we can jerk each other off.”
“So we can jerk each other off,” Max repeats patiently. “That’s how you reverse this, everyone knows that.”
“I guess I’m just a little confused about how we’re supposed to go from teammates and friends to mutual masturbators, but if that’s the solution then sure, let’s go!” Daniel says. He sounds slightly hysterical. “I’ll just get me and my Max Verstappen junk on a plane and get myself over to your boudoir.” He says “boudoir” sarcastically, as if he’s assuming Max’s bedroom is some spare, utilitarian space with no personality. Which is very rude, because actually Max has some of his most important helmets on display there.
“We can wait, if you want,” Max says. “We can see if it just goes away naturally. Only Pierre and Esteban, they are trying this, and they have been waiting now for seven years.” 
“Pierre and Esteban,” Daniel scoffs. “They’re fucking idiots.”
Max leaves a significant pause. Eventually, Daniel says “Fine, I’ll get on a plane.”
While Max is waiting for Daniel, he goes for a run. Running has never really cleared his mind or whatever it’s meant to do, but it’s nice, feeling tired afterwards, feeling his leg muscles aching virtuously. 
It’s in the shower that it happens. Max is very assiduously not looking down—he is staring, in fact, at the fucking ceiling—and he’s not venturing anywhere near the region of his junk. Daniel’s junk. Whatever. But then he feels himself getting hard, and it’s not just—he can feel the pressure of a hand on his dick. The pressure keeps on going, gliding and squeezing, and it’s like getting a handjob from a ghost, except the ghost is Max’s teammate who has Max’s dick. Max shoves his fist as far into his mouth as he can and screams a little bit, and then reaches down and cautiously wraps a hand around himself. He still can’t look, but the feel of it shocks him, fills his mind and sets it buzzing. Daniel’s dick is big, as Max had suspected, but feeling it with his own hand is different than suspecting it. The piercing at the end, right through the tip, that feels different too. When Max tugs it gently his eyes roll back, partly from the feeling and partly from knowing that Daniel is feeling it too, that Daniel, wherever he is, is responding to Max's hand—
Max comes so hard his vision blacks out; when he can see again, he’s still staring at the ceiling.
Once he’s dried off and dressed he texts Daniel. Was that really necessary? Daniel responds with a middle finger emoji. Then Max realises that while he was in the shower Daniel sent a photo. Max stares at the photo with his head swimming, and quickly makes the executive decision that he needs to be sitting down in a non-bathroom environment in order to really appreciate it and make sure that he’s seeing what he thinks he’s seeing. He makes it to the couch on numb legs and sinks into the cushions. 
And when he looks at his phone again, there it is—there’s fucking proof positive of everything Max was trying not to think about. Max’s dick, pink and erect, gripped in Daniel’s hand, the tip barely peeking out. He can feel himself starting to get turned on again, thinking about Daniel touching himself, Daniel’s hand on Max’s dick: except the dick on his body doesn’t respond. Which means Daniel must be getting hard right now, with Max’s dick.
You’re sick, he texts. Daniel replies right away: Yeah yeah c’mon, give me a picture. So Max does, reluctantly, heading back to the bathroom where the biggest mirror is, feeling stupid the whole time. The mirror is still kind of steamy from his shower, which lends a softcore kind of vibe to the scene that Daniel will hopefully think is funny. Max rucks his shirt up, over his nipples, and gets his other hand on Daniel’s dick, at the base. He's hard again, can feel the ghost-strokes of Daniel touching himself, and he looks—he looks pretty good, he thinks. Then he realises that his pose leaves him without a hand to take the photo. He takes his shirt off and tries again, and sends the pic to Daniel before he can think too much about it. Daniel responds with a row of flame emojis, which should maybe be off-putting but just makes Max crack up.
They jerk off two more times before Daniel gets to the apartment, and Max is starting to feel familiar with the shape of Daniel’s dick, the heft of it, where it’s sensitive, what to do with the piercing. When the man himself arrives Max feels ready. “Daniel! Come in,” he says, and can hear how oddly formal he sounds, as if the undoing of a dickswap is some grand social occasion. 
He leads Daniel into the living room, and then before he can chicken out, he asks the question that’s been nagging at him since the morning. “Daniel, why did you straightaway think it was my dick?”
Daniel gets the mildly electrocuted expression he gets sometimes when he thinks a situation is about to get awkward. “Did I?” he says. “Think that?”
Max flicks him in the ribs. “You texted me about eight hundred times,” he says. “I assume you did not also send those messages to anyone else on the grid, but I don’t know your life. Maybe you did.”
“Ah, no, you got me,” Daniel says. “I guess I just, uh. Suspected, maybe?” He clears his throat. “Because of, just, like. Uh. And like, people say it’s always like someone you’re close to, right, so like—”
Max cuts him off. It’s embarrassing for Daniel, hearing him dance around trying not to say I thought you had a small dick, so when I woke up with a small dick I assumed it was yours. “Okay, enough,” Max says. “Thank you Daniel, that is a great explanation that definitely is very plausible.” Daniel makes a protesting noise, but Max powers on. “Before we swap back I anyway have something I want to ask you. You do not have to say yes, it is not—I will not mind, if you say no. I will understand.”
He looks at Daniel, to make sure Daniel is listening. Daniel doesn’t look electrocuted anymore: he’s half-smiling, eyes warm, so. That’s good. “Yeah, Maxy, I got you. What’s your question?”
Max takes a deep breath, and says, “Before we swap back, can I fuck someone with your dick?”
huge thank you to @lights-out-go for a) organising this and b) helping me take this ficlet from "pile o' words" to "pile o' words i can post on tumblr" 💖
DON'T MISS: previously, on emfest! @officialmood's soulmates masterpiece and @onadarklingplain's scholarship in the key of alpha toto/omega george!
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wangxianficfinder · 3 months
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Fic Finder
Apr 7th
1. Would have been Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian.
After the Sunshoot campaign and for some reason Wei Wuxian is in Cloud Recess and Lan Qiren discovers that they don’t have a core. But the lan clan had a technique to fix a lost core for others that had been attacked by others that could melt their core. @nikkiwhitecraft
I was the requester for #1.
I am sure that part of the story that Wei Wuxian and Lan Q had to travel, and that was when it was discovered that Wei Wuxian had no core, and Lan Q was annoyed he never said anything and the Lan Clan had a technique to restore a core that was lost/melted as the core melting clan was known.
Thats all I remeber
NOT FOUND Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, no one dies, LQR finds out about WWX’s core, WWX and LQR are friends??, In My Fic?, its more likely than you think, LWJ in the bg like whats happening?, Fluff, WWX goes to Gusu, Mutual Pining, Golden Core Reveal) Might be this? LQR discovers WWX lost his core, brings him back to CR & finds a way to restore it
2. Hey! Im looking for a fic where the jins got the tiger tally, and that they wanted to 'flood the world with vermillion light'. I remember that it was post-the first siege of the burial mounds, and WY was maybe dead? After which the other sects had to fight the Jins, and there was also something about the people wishing that WY was alive. Please help me find it! Thank you so much!
FOUND! I'm pretty sure this is the deleted "When the World Comes Crumbling Down, you Will Call my Name" by pft_a_Frog22. The archive link was https://archiveofourown.org/works/35867848.
the deleted fic for #2 can be found at the wayback machine here
3. Hi! I’m searching for a fiction on AO3 where Wei Wuxian is a Rogue cultivator, he founds Lan Wangji floating in a river/lake and saves him. Wangji don’t remember anything due to the trauma he has suffered and his core is damaged altogether. He had a severe injury on his back but when he recovers he starts to travel with Wei Wuxian, not knowing his brother is searching for him. Because of his poor health issues he breakdown with a fever in the middle of a hunt, far from everything, during this time Lan Wangji loses consciousness, Wei Ying is visited by a strange fox spirit, really creepy whom he made a pact with to save Lan Wangji life's. In the history, Wei Ying has an uncle that reach both of them to advise something, Lan Wangji discorver to be a really powerfull fox spirit, i think they call him Huxia or something like this, Wei Ying "dies" by the venom of a fierce corpse (most like become one of them) and is ressurected by the Jade Emperor himself, the Demon subdue palace is actually a palace and Wangji's mother was the previous Huxia.
I’m going crazy cuz I remember ALL the history, but not the name of the fiction.
I appreciate the help with all my little heart. ❤️ @myukisora
4. Hi, could you please help me find a wangxian fic? I apologize for the inconvenience, especially because i don’t remember much of the plot except select few parts of it and i dont remember if it was a thread on twitter or on ao3.
The scenes i do remember are as followed: Prior to this scene, wangxian might have had an argument or were avoiding each other because i dont think they had spoken to each other in a while. The scene i remember is WWX going to JYL’s place where everyone is gathered for a get together, wwx dotes over JL, going on about how he’s the favorite uncle. When he enters the living room, he sees LWJ on the couch, and sitting next to him is JZX half brother MXY talking to him. He thinks they are sitting a little too close and he gets a bit jealous but doesn’t say anything. I’m not sure if I remember it right, but i think people or mainly nhs kept saying how MXY resembles WWX, worsening the situation. Wangxian and their whole eye contact happens and everyone in the room is tense because of their interaction or lack their of. WWX suddenly goes to the bathroom, leaning into the sink…waiting and LWJ follows him in. They end up reconciling.
Thats all I remember, I know its not much, and i have been struggling as well because of it going through my bookmarks on ao3 and twitter. I’m hoping someone remembers this part as well and can mention the fic. Thank you!
Hi, the fic you mentioned is not the one :/ i am so sorry for the inconvenience. I can try adding more context. It’s the fic about WWX entering JYL’s party at her place and finding LWJ sitting on a couch with MXY. The scene is towards the very end so MXY’s presence is more of a cameo, he wasn’t present for the fic. WX might have a fwb situation that went wrong or it might be a lwj fucks fic. Lwj follows wwx to the br, its tense as wwx stares at him through the mirror but they both make up
NOT FOUND Talk Hard by DeviyudeThoolika (E, 161k, wangxian, LXC/JYL, JZX/WQ, JC/MM, Modern, College/University, Roommates/Housemates, rare pairs galore, Falling In Love, Getting Together, Separations, Getting Back Together, BAMF WWX, Drunk LWJ, Protective WWX, Good Parent YZY, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Cultivation Sect Politics, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Angst with a Happy Ending)
5. Hi,
I’m trying to find a fanfic where instead of Jin Zixuan dying to Wen Ning at the pass it was Wei wuxian who pushed him out of the way and died instead? I’ve been trying for ages and still can find it. Thank you!
neither of these are exactly what you described, but it might be
NOT FOUND! A Butterfly Flaps, A Sword Stabs by RadAceFriend (T, 37k, JZX/JYL, JZX & WWX, JZX & LWJ, JZX & JGY, JZX & JL, Major Characted Death, JZX Lives, WWX does not, background wangxian, Not Jiang Family Friendly, Sect Leader JZX, POV JZX, Canon Divergence, the horrifying experience of killing someone you didn't like much, and finding out that you're one of the only people you know upset about it, Wen Remnants Live, LSZ is a Wen, WangXian Get a Happy Ending)
NOT FOUND! in this place where we don’t have a prayer by Cerusee, Mikkeneko (T, 42k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, WWX dies at Qiongqi path, Demonic Cultivation)
FOUND! finding you always, all ways by BlueFrogs (T, 31k, WangXian, ChengQing, Reincarnation, Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending, Romance, Memory Loss, technically there is character death, but he comes back lol, Age Difference, due to reincarnation)
6. Hi, hope you are having a great day! Could you, please, help find a fic, which, I think, had a wangxian arranged marriage due to growing Wen threat, but honestly cannot remember the exact premise. But there was a scene where wrh manages to get wq married to lwj as a second wife, and wwx felt like he failed the Jiang-Lan alliance. And there was a big confrontation between wq and wwx, where she tells him the reason for the marriage was to save her family. And lwj might have been ill or cursed and wearing a mask (not sure).
FOUND? The deleted "A Price to Pay" by wangxianist.
7. Looking for help finding the name of this fic on ao3 I’m have trouble hunting it back down. Burial mounds settlement days canon divergence.
Essentially the premise is that the people living in Yiling often see Wei Ying taking care of and teaching A-Yuan by the river and a woman one day who was also there to wash her clothes asked him to look after her son while she was busy. This snowballed into Wei Ying basically running a little informal school out of Yiling where he teaches and just looks after any child that is brought there, including orphans and prostitute’s children which is kinda illegal. Lan Zhan knows and regularly visits. If the children show aptitude for cultivation they usually get sent to the Lan or (later in the story) the Jiang. The rest of the Wens kinda accidentally become a part of the Yiling community so much so that they all move out of the burial mounds and into the town proper. Because they’ve all left the mounds and disconnected pretty hard from the cultivation community they don’t even realize that the Jin’s sent people to attack the mounds. They found no one and declared to the world that they had slayed the rest of the wen dogs alongside Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng only finds out his brother is alive because he’s been informed that a small school in the Jiang territory hasn’t been paying taxes and when he goes to investigate finds Wei Ying safe and sound. @coffeehousefanfics
FOUND? Just as the Snow Melts by draechaeli (T, 66k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, SL/XXC, Everybody Lives AU, Canon Divergence)
8. Hello, could you please help me find a fic where Lan Zhan finds a number to call Wei Ying which Help? to people at night and calls himself patriarch yilin afterwards They (wei Ying and lan Zhan) meet in the university library
FOUND? Maybe You’re the Reason by Clearpearls (E, 67k, WangXian, Modern AU, College/University, Phone Sex, slight D/s, Secret Identity, Praise Kink, Phone Sex Operator WWX, he’s part-time though, slight internalized sexual repression, Fluff, Light Angst, Dirty Talk Orgasm Delay/Denial, Slow Burn, Sub LWJ, Bottom LWJ, Vibrators, Aftercare, Introspection)
9. There's an au where Wangxian are like murder husbands and it has very dark themes. It's a series but I remember one of the fics in it had a scene where a woman tries to get their attention so the other cuts off her body parts or something like that? Would you be able to help me find it?
FOUND? So Full Of Love (Wouldn't Know Where to Start) by witchupbitch (M, 63k, wangxian, Best Friends, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Eventual Romance, Eventual Sex, Possessive LWJ, Protective LWJ, Blood and Violence, Killing, Idiots in Love, Humor, Mafia AU, Modern, Flirting, shameless WWX, Confident WWX, Explicit Language, Swearing, Mutual Sexual Tension, dark LWJ, Dark WWX, They're both twisted, Exhibitionism, Sex, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Twisted and Fluffy Feelings)
10. Hey!!! Love your work!
Do you know of a fic where jiang cheng's younger self sort of takes over his future self for some while before going back and this repeats for some time? I remember a young jiang cheng talking to older wwx. Older wwx doesn't believe that it's really the younger jc so he asks him to ask about why wwx dislikes dogs (i think). Young jc asks young wwx and it's because www had a pet dog named 'doggie' who had turned on him during the winter. Sorry that's all I can remember
11. Hi, I dunno if my ask got lost in the mail but i was looking for a fic that had a line "lan wangji was a musician, he know how to make his hands do different things" in reference to one hand jackin wwx off and the other up his ass. if this sounds familiar lemme know please
12. Hi! I really am looking for this story in AO3 and still can't find it. It was about Wei Wuxian who got married to Wen Chao but Lan Zhan couldn't take it so he plans to take Wei Wuxian back by claiming Wei Wuxian each time he got (even in the wedding night of WWX and WC) and destroying the company of the Wens. As they (LWJ & WWX) continued the deed, WWX ended up pregnant and LWJ is more than determined to take WWX back. I do hope you can help me find this story. Thank you in advance!😘
FOUND? 姻緣 | this marriage was always predestined by saccharinings (E, 43k, wangxian, Cheating, Infidelity, not between wangxian, WWX is married and LWJ persuades him to cheat on his husband with him, Dark LWJ, A/B/O, Feminizing Language, Exhibitionism, Size Difference, WagnXian Have a Breeding Kink, Stomach Bulge, Possessive LWJ, Manipulation, WWX Wears Lingerie, Rape/Non-con Elements, for one part, Hair-pulling Kink, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Mirror Sex, Vibrators, Phone Sex, Rimming, Edgeplay, slight choking kink, Light Bondage, Inappropriate Use of Gūsū Lán Forehead Ribbon, LJY's Big Fat Crush on Milfxian, Pregnant WWX, WangXian Endgame, Spanish Translation)
13. Hello! I've been trying to find a fic I lost on AO3 for a few days now so hopefully you can help 💚💚
It was canon-verse but an AU where lwj and wwx hadn't met and wwx was still the Yiling Patriarch. Someone has an idea to give wwx a "bride" and wwx picks lwj and he goes to live at the burial grounds with wwx and the wens. At some point lwj gets stabbed and almost dies and wwx reveals he picked lwj because he assumed lwj would be in on some kind of plan to spy on/hurt wwx and the wens but lwj wasnt a part of that at all. It had a happy ending but i cant remember exactly what it was. Pls help 🥺 i want it in my bookmarks soooo bad
FOUND? 💖🔒 love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, YLLZ WWX, Arranged Marriage, political scheming, Gratuitous Domesticity, Mutual Pining, EXTREME SLOWBURN, the inherent eroticism of the forehead ribbon, The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, neither wwx nor lwj want to be Perceived, but sorry kids! it's gonna happen!, rated E but the the NSFW stuff doesn't begin until chapter 19!, bottom LWJ in chapter 20 and 27)
14. For the next fox finder
Pls help me find this fic where wwx and lwj are night hunting and wwx gets hurt badly lwj makes a deal with a spirit/god but in exchange to save wwx he will lose his love/ emotions (he only acts on what’s needed not on the things he like or is want)
Wwx ofc suffers because of this but is able to re awake lwj love after 3 years while he’s playing wangxian (( he has already lost hope lwj would recover his emotions))
15. hi! im looking for a post canon fic where jc sends a letter to cloud recesses saying that gusu lan owes him a debt since wwx married into the lan. lwj responds very angrily. it wasnt jc friendly and at the end of the fic, wwx finds a bitter letter from jc who dies alone. wwx and lwj live longer and happier lives. id love it if you could find it, thank you!
FOUND! The Price of a Golden Core by AshayaTReldai (M, 9k, wangxian, LXC & WWX, WWX & JC, Major Character Death, Angst, Tension, Aggression, JC pays the price for his choices, demanding letters, JC is a Brat, Supportive Lan Brothers, WWX deserves the best, Life Debt, Sad Ending, Sad Ending for JC)
16. Hi! So, I’m looking for an AO3 fic, Lán Zhan/Wei Ying, that I read what feels like years ago and I can’t find it again. I remember it is a bit of a dark lan zhan or dark cloud recess fic, with Wei Ying being brought to this ‘hunt’ type thing with a group of people. I believe all the people brought are given Lán Zhans scent, so that he may track them. I also believe that it’s not expected that the participants will survive, and they’re being offered a reward if they do. Please help me find it! @diabolic17
FOUND? 🔒 Five Fifteen by 3neetee (M, 11k, wangxian, rape/non-con, modern, ABO, alpha LWJ, omega WWX, mating runs, graphic depictions of violence, dom/sub undertones, light bondage, rape/non-con elements, dark LWJ, betrayal)
17. Hey mods! 💜
I’m pretty sure I found this fic on here but now I can’t seem to find it. I’m not sure if it was on a itmf or fic finder. But it’s the one where wwx takes a curse from some ghost in order for her to move on. It’s a curse where he can’t see or feel anyone that feels “strongly” about him. He assumes the juniors all either hate or fear him and I forgot what he assumed lwj. They say to break the curse he has to accept the others’ feelings. So he tried to accept the fact that jin ling hated him although jin ling did not mean what he said and was confused at how wwx reacted. I think lan jinyi was the one who figured out wwx couldn’t see them because he launched at him as if he was going to attack him and wwx didn’t flinch. In the end he starts seeing and feeling impressions of them until he can see them in full again. Please help? I’ve been through my history and bookmarks and all open tabs of ao3. No such luck.
Thanks for all that you do! @jikcf
FOUND! See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey (T, 29k, WangXian, POV WWX, WWX Needs a Hug, WWX’s Abyssmal Self-Esteem, Emotional Healing, Angst, The Juniors love their Senior Wei, Curses, WWX is an Unreliable Narrator, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Platonic Cuddling)
18. Hi! I’m searching for a fic that I’m pretty sure was a threadfic on twitter... It was foxian and dragonji, and LWJ came across WWX while he was in heat in a cave and they mated. WWX went back to Lotus Pier not knowing who he’d been with only to find himself pregnant. He has hybrid babies and LWJ eventually tracks him down and he turns out to be a prince or something? WWX goes to visit Cloud Recesses, still unsure about LWJ. There was also a scene when one of the babies gets snatched by an eagle or some other bird and LWJ saves them? I think that’s as far as I got, as it was a WIP at the time and I lost track of it. Thank you!
FOUND? Twitter thread by cerbykerby (wangxian, cw: dubcon, mpreg, memory loss)
19. Hello! Hope you're well! I've been looking for a fic like crazy and have not been able to find it, so hopefully you know it? It's a fic where instead of nie mingjue dying, nie huisang dies as a result of jgy and nmj attacks the cloud recesses because he blames Lan xichen in part due to him defending jgy. Please help me find this if you can. Thank you in advance!!! 🫶🙏🏼 @cherryblossom8
FOUND! Digging Graves by nirejseki (Not rated, 13k, NHS & NMJ, WWX & XY, wangxian, Revenge, Broken Moral System, Non-Graphic Violence, the masterless sabers)
20. Pls there was this one fic in ao3 , I was so looking forward to it but I lost it 😭😭😭I don’t know much about it but the summary was smth like Wwx getting pregnant and being in an island?? Shizui grows up and smth please 😭
FOUND? The Winner Takes It All by YilingSani (M, 46k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent WWX, Old Friends, One Night Stands, No Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Forgiveness, Second Chances, Inspired by Mamma Mia! (Movies) Teen Pregnancy, Mpreg, mention of miscarriage, Birth Trauma, amniotic fluid embolism)
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AITA for taking part in testing a stranger a few years ago?
Sounds worse than it is but I just want to ask. Long story bear with me. Fake names, all of us were 19-21 when it happened.
I'm in a very close friend group where we all share multiple fandoms, went through all kinds of discourse hell and fandom drama together for years. We're closeknit and we only get closer with time. One of the pillars of this group is Pearl who I deeply admire. Pearl is popular because she has good meta analysis and she's a vocal progressive just like everyone else in the group. All of us are popular to some degree but she's the most eloquent among us.
A few years ago we were hosting a group chat session to discuss a new show, Pearl was the host and she posted the invite for anyone to join. A new account named Ruby who was following some members of our group for a while, joined the chat along with a some other unknown people and a few mutuals. The chat had about 20 people, don't remember the exact number. So it was Pearl, her friends including me, some mutuals, some new people- all from Sauce fandom.
We were really happy to see so many Sauce fans like the new show. We were having fun until Pearl brought up shipwar from Sauce fandom for the sake of a mutual who was out of the loop. It was a mayo/ketchup vs ketchup/mustard drama and we were fans of mayo/ketchup. We were all shitting on the delulu ketchup/mustard shippers when Ruby said she was one of them. Pearl immediately showed her shitty takes from mustard fans, screenshots of anon hate Pearl got and some other things I can't remember. She asked for Ruby's opinion on those.
I admit Pearl was a little bit condescending, but at that time I was too busy agreeing with her and laughing about mustard/ketchup shippers' idiocy. I was giving more examples to support Pearl in case Ruby decided to counter. Ruby on the other hand laughed and said she also thought those anons were obnoxious and said she was only a casual fan. Pearl said she was relieved because these days you can't trust mustard/ketchup shippers to be normal. We went back to the original topic.
That was over, but I kept an eye on Ruby and I remember she unfollowed Pearl after a few days. I brought it up later a couple times when new members of our group became mutuals with Ruby. And one of them was outright making fun of her for being a little simpleton but we grew up and had other things to talk about.
Then I saw Ruby left Sauce fandom for Fruits fandom where she became a little more popular for meta discussions. She's still friends with a couple people from my group who are casual fans of Fruits. She sometimes shows up on my dash for general fiction takes I agree with. All good. But yesterday I saw her talking to her friends about something friendship and virtue signalling related, she said it was weird how many times she's been "tested" by fellow fans including people who she knew for years, and she thought maybe it was because she came off as dumb and oblivious. She implied She never needed to test anyone.
Now I don't know about other times Ruby was tested but I remembered the story from above when I was one of the strangers testing her and I'm wondering if it was a bad thing to do? I can see why she thought it was maybe rude. But it is true that many shippers happen to have dumb takes and I'd rather not waste my time, rival shipper or not. It's not even a big deal.
So Was I the asshole?
PS thank you for reading the full story and sorry I will not say the real names of Sauce fandom or its ships, none of us go there anymore.
What are these acronyms?
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alonetimelover · 10 months
pairing: Harry Styles x physicist!reader
summary: The aftermath of the leak is hard on everybody from dr YN YSN's circle, but especially for her. The gossip, magazines, paparazzi, and haters do not help the case.
warnings: hate speech, swearing
part 1 part 2
Oxford Is Firing The Famous 'Higgs Professor' and Harry Styles' girlfriend Dr YN YSN
Written by John Addams
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The infamous and TikTok sensation dr YN YSN, lecturer at Oxford University, is being fired after intimate photos of her and her boyfriend - Harry Styles, saw the light of the day.
Starting at the beginning, the relationship between two became a fact over a year ago, when dr YSN went viral for her explanation of the Higgs mechanism based on Harry Styles' music. As we got to know from their joined street interview by meetcutesnyc on Instagram, the relationship florished after meeting at their mutual friend's (Christopher Nolan) party. Dr YN YSN was the science consultant for the director's latest movie, Oppenheimer, and Harry started in one of the gratest war films, Dunkirk - making it happen.
Everything was going smoothly till the morning of three days ago. YN's iCloud was hacked, revealing personal and intimate information about not only the owner but her boyfriend as well.
'Dean is furious,' says our source. 'He cannot believe that the best lecturer could be this reckless.' After the posed question on whether the decision of firing could be announced any time soon, they said 'its just the matter of time. But it's going to be sooner rather than later. Oxford is going to lose a fair and talented professor, but it is not its fault. Someone was the author of those, let's say, information that was exposed. And it is going to be the payment for that foolishness.'
When will the statement from Oxford dean's office be released? And what stir will it cause? Be always on time with fresh news with us, The Sun.
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liked by hArrysbtch, harryupdates and 23 201 others
harrysmoustache Harry and YN couldn't leave a restaurant safely because a bunch of paps and 'fans' showed up at the location. Not only was it physically dangerous, but the things that were spoken towards (mostly) YN were disgusting. Calling her names and ready to fire her from the job on the stop because of the PRIVATE PHOTOS she took with her boyfriend, who someone then ILLIGALY POSTED ONLINE after HACKING HER iCloud. Did y'all forget about TREAT PEOPLE WITH KINDNESS????
view all 5 402 comments
harrysmoustache and don't let me start on that bullshit article that The Sun did... RIDICULOUS
harryupdates After all those years, and all those situation that he went through, I'm still surprised that people can be this cruel to gim and people that he loves
hArrysbtch they hatin' my girl because of being sexy on photos... bastards
hArrysbtch why would they care what she does after Uni hours??? it's none of their business
scienceandharstyles it's heartbreaking to see a person that gives others the world and shares her knowledge and wears her heart on the sleeve being treated like garbage
harrymylove those were no harry fans
stylesbabie monstrosity
user65 why do y'all care for her this much?? jezz...
⤷ hArrysbtch maybe because she's a good human being treated like the worst person alive just because she snatched a few photos of her and her boyfriend
⤷ user65 wouldn't that be the consequences of her own actions?
⤷ hArrysbtch nope. her phone was hacked.how many times are you taking a photo on your phone and think 'what if I'm gonna be hacked and this will be posted?'
⤷ harrysmoustache hArrysbtch ohh, babes! you closed that haters mouth!!!
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liked by harrystyles, harryupdates and 738 392 others
drynysn During one of my latest lectures, one of the students asked about accuracy in Sci-Fi films, so I decided to start a little series of: Is this SCIENCE or just FICTION? Firstly, we'd look into the scene from Spider-Man 2 (2004). The scene where Peter Parker (Spider-Man) is stopping the train from its eventual crash. He shot multiple web lines, then they stretched and didn't break. One would say it is not possible. But! From the way the scene is shown to the audience, we are able to estimate how strong the web needed to be. After looking up the train's mass, you can estimate its initial velocity (how far it can go per hour, so km/h) by seeing exactly how long it takes to pass the city blocks. (1)
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drynysn (2) You can look up, measure, the distance over the webbing stretches, and then estimate its diameter. You can also count the number of web lines. NOW, we end up with a tensile (fancy way of saying elastic) strength for the webbing that has to be about 1 000 megapascals (mega meaning milion) which is equivalent to about 102 036 704 kilograms per square metre (which is 145 000 lbs/square inch for you, my American friends on here).
drynysn (3) What is absolutely mind-blowing is the fact that the real spider silk has a tensile strength of 1 200 megapascals. So, if Spider-Man's webbing would be anyway that strong, that scene was very, very realistic. Rating it 9/10. What scene would you like to see next?
scienceandharstyles that is so informative and making this movie even more iconic!!! Did you do all the equations yourself, dr YSN?
⤷ drynysn Yes, I did. Took me some time to analyse the scene but it was worth it!
harryupdates oh, i need to rewatch this movie immediately!!!!
harrysmylife could the next scene be the one from The Avengers where Mjolnir after contacting Cap's shield makes that blue light? is that even possible?
⤷ drynysn that's a great scene!
hArrysbtch i love the little explanations in brackets! i didn't need to look up the tensile thingy!!!
harrysmoustache you're telling me the scene i was 100% sure was fake as my eyelashes is true???
user45 maybe you should try explaining showing of that body of yours
user98 is this the way to make money after being fired?
user197 unemployment doesn't suit you but the consequences of your actions finally caught up with you
user348 i think you should start posting one of those photos the sun included in their article - you'll get more attention
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 54 281 others
harryupdates HARRY and DR YN spotted in a small restaurant in Oxford (I'm disabling the comments cause I don't want to deal with the haters)
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hArrysbtch and they look good
harrysmoustache I missed them so much...
stylesbabie yn looks so tired and sad
⤷ hArrysbtch it's just on eohoto of one moment
harrystyles via close friends IG story
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liked by harryupdates and 14 201 others
londonboyharry went to Oxford to bump into Harry. it's better! i met Dr yn ysn, drank coffee with her, talked, and laughed my ass off!!! she is the funniest, kindest, and most down to earth person i've ever met. also, after i asked her about all the things that were happening around her, she just said 'what things?' WITH A SMIRK ON HER FACE, SIPPING COFFEE AND BEING UNBOTHERED
view all 3 201 comments
harryupdates im so happy that she gives no damn to those people online
hArrysbtch I LOVE HER
harrysmoustache the moment the legend the IT girl
stylesbabie happy for you!!!
harrysmylife who would want to meet harry when you can meet Dr ysn??
scienceandharstyles best woman alive
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liked by drynysn, harrystyles and 55 301 others
scienceandharstyles WE GRADUATED OXFORD !!! to anybody who said there is no way of incorporating pop culture with a biology degree? eat shit! i wrote the whole masters based on musicians' impact on fans' hormonal production. hehe. ALSO, it would not have been possible without the best teacher, academic inspiration, and person I've ever met - dr YN YSN. thank you!
view all 18 392 comments
drynysn MADELINE, I am so so proud of you. It would not be possible without your persistence and will to find solutions and answers. This is all yours!
harrystyles Congratulations, Madeline! H, xx.
harryupdates congrats maddie!!!!
stylesbabie very very proud
harrysmoustache did you perhaps use Harry as an example in your work?
⤷ scienceandharstyles YES, I did! Only positive affects of his voice, music and visual...
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liked by harrystyles, harryupdates and 748 392 others
oxford_uni Acknowledging the upheaval around one of our lectures - dr YN YSN, the Chancellor of Oxford Univeristy and the Dean of The Department of Physics decided to release the joined statement:
Refuting the words and statements made by publishers not connected to our University, we would like to inform anybody in concern that one of our gratest lecturers dr YN YSN is not decruited. The matter of private life is not concern of the Univeristy authority, even more when the said privacy was bridged. At this place, we would like to congratulate and wish luck during dr YSN's new path - becoming a professor.
view all 64 392 comments
harrystyles ❤️
harryupdates I KNEW IT
stylesbabie thank god! there is still hope for this world
scienceandharstyles Chancellor and Dean with the best decision ever made
harrysmylife now haters what??? ha??
harrysfan87 I believed in you guys I did
londonboyharry becoming a professor???? Good luck yn!!
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 284 others
yourinstagram There was no better thing that happened to me than meeting you. Your support means the world. I love you forever.
view all 34 comments
harrystyles Loving you is the greatest honour of all time, my heart ❤️
annetwist My favourite girl in the world (that is not my daughter)!
⤷ gemmastyles thank for clarifying, mum
gemmastyles My sister from another mister!!!
yourbestfriend We need to finally meet up!
⤷ yourinstagram Yessss!
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liked by yourinstagram,harryupdates, annetwist and 10 302 302 others
harrystyles You're just finishing one of your latest publications on the way to becoming a professor. I couldn't have been more proud and honoured to accompany you during this time.
view all 98 392 comments
yourinstagram I love you. I love you. I love you.
annetwist Our smart professor. ❤️
harryupdates ohhhhhhh 🫠
hArrysbtch I'll never get over him posting her on here
harrysmoustache we are back to normal, baby!!!!!
scienceandharstyles Professor YN YSN sounds amazing!
harrysmylife BEST. COUPLE. EVER.
a/n: did you like the way it turned out?
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retrointhenow · 2 years
Worth My Time
I do believe that i have corrected my mistakes. I've gone through a few times and double checked. I do tend to drift into first person so if it says 'me' let me know and I can fix it. I also haven't written anything in a while so I'm a little rusty. I'm not sure if I can make a part two to this or not but I can try and if y'all like it I can post it. I'm not a smut writer by any means so I can't do that, sorry. But either way, have fun !
Word Count : 1.6k Mattheo X Hufflepuff Reader
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You swore after him you would never let another guy in. Not after the heartbreak he left you with. He was sweet and caring, everything you had wanted from a guy. But things didn't seem to work out. It was not a mutual break by any means. You didn't want to let him go. It didn't help that you were in the same house so you were bound to see each other every once in a while. You didn't hate him, not even a little bit. You resented yourself for falling so hard and getting so caught up in your feelings. From that night on you swore to yourself that you would never let anyone get that close, you would never feel that way again.
After a while you started to get back into the social life of Hogwarts. You attended almost all of the house parties and smaller ones that your friends held. The Slytherin parties attracted you the most. They knew how to throw real parties. You often got tipsy or drunk and found yourself waking up on the common room sofas, sometimes in the room of your latest fling. You never felt more free. No one was there to hold you back and you didn't have to worry about hurting anyone's feelings.
Tonight was another Slytherin party, they beat Gryffindor in the quidditch match earlier. You quickly ready before heading to the common room.
"My dearest Y/n. Always a pleasure to see you." Theo Nott greeted you. "Always a pleasure to be invited my love." You kissed his cheek and walking into the party. You and Theo were a reoccurring flight. You found it more interesting that way. Always a steamy make out session and a little more, never sex though. You didn't like the idea of being easy and letting anyone claim you like that.
"Enzo! Fire Whiskey for one please ?" You gave him a soft smile. "One fire whiskey for our Hufflepuff coming up." He handed you a shooter. "Whose your victim tonight?" You both stood back from the dance floor. "Guess we'll find out. You know I never coming looking for someone." You took your shot and made a face. You never liked the harsh alcohols. You liked the sweeter and more toned down drinks like mimosas. "Looks to be whoever gets to you first." He glanced at you. "Depends on if I deem them worth my time." You shrugged. "Everyone must be worth your time then." "I choose not to see it that way Enzo, It does no good. Better to turn a blind eye at my actions and enjoy myself." I turned to him. "So it seems. Such a dangerous reputation for a Hufflepuff you know. Not so sweet and loyal as you'd think, huh?" He smiled. "Judging a book by its cover." You handed him the empty bottle and made your way to the dance floor. You had no idea who you were dancing with but there was never enough time to figure it out because every time you looked back there was a new person.
"Y/n. You are looking good tonight." Draco grabbed you by your waist. "Oh well thank you." You danced rather closely to him. He was your 'victim', as most called them, last party. "You could have woke me up before you left. Could have let me properly thank you." He talked in your ear. The music was rather loud tonight. "I never stay long Draco. You know that, besides I like to make a quick get away. Staying any long could lead to feelings." "Right of course. Can't let anyone hold you back." You could see the annoyance in his face, but just like that it was gone. Draco doesn't show emotions often but when he does it's hardly anything nice. "Maybe next time you'll stay for a little?" "Might be a while before there's next time Draco. I'm not looking for anything serious, you were fun though." He nodded and went onto a new girl after the song ended.
You left the dance floor and made your way to the group of Slytherins playing cards.
"Pansy my love !" You hugged her and looked at her cards. "Good set I think." You whispered. "Indeed. Any contesters for tonight ?" She smirked and played one of her cards. "Really Parkinson? Setting me up for failure !" Blaise groaned. "Only the greatest play Zabini. Can't handle then let Y/n take your place. She manages to win almost every time." She laughed. "Not every time. I've lost a couples here and there ? Not fun." You smiled. You looked around the table to see who was playing. A few Gryffindors, two Ravenclaws, and a bunch of Slytherins.
"10 o'clock. Who is that?" You studied the boy. You knew a few Slytherins and he looked to be in your year. You grew to knew almost everyone in your year by this time. "Mattheo Riddle. Thinking of picking him up tonight?" Pansy turned her head to you. "Need him on the dance floor first. You know my ruse. He could be fun though." You played a card for her. "No no no! Pansy that's cheating, she is not allowed to play for anyone." Theo pointed. "Let's look at your hand then Theo. I'm sure you won't complain if I played a round for you." You walked to the other side of the table. He was sitting next to this Mattheo character. "I think I could work with this T. How do you want to play?" You took his cards and traded seats with him. "Play to win darling." He stood up and pushed the chair in for you.
It took a couple rounds for you to get into the grove. You knew how Blaise , Pansy, and Enzo played. It took a minute for you to pick up on the others. But you couldn't figure out Mattheo's angle, and you two seemed to be fighting to win.
"Looks like you have some competition Y/n." Theo smirked. "Such little faith in me Theo? Checkmate." You played your best card and sat back. You had him, he had a slim chance of out playing you. "I think Theo is right." Mattheo played his card and ended the game. You stared at the card as everyone whooped and hollered that a newbie had beaten you. Everyone moved out of the table and let a new group take their places.
"Y/n. But I'm sure you've learned that." You grabbed a drink from Enzo and winked to him. "Mattheo, but I'm sure Pansy told you." He smirked. "I like to size up my opponents." You smiled. "You didn't do too good of a job then. The grand master was beat." He took your drink from Enzo. "You're not at heartless as you think you are." He looked at you. "You don't know me." You leaned against the bar. Enzo watched eagerly, most of the boys try to impress you and make good impressions. "You don't think? You're not an original. A girl who gets her heart broken then goes off on a hookup spree? I've heard about you Y/n." He smirked. "Exactly. You've only heard about me. That doesn't mean you know me." You turned and headed back to the dance floor.
"He's a cutie ain't he ?" Pansy giggled. "He's something that's for sure." Most of the boys you talk to aren't as hard to break. Usually a few minutes of talking and they're ready to go. But Mattheo was gonna put up a fight, that made him different a quite desirable. If there was one thing you could get, it would be boys, and that made it even more fun when they acted like they didn't want you.
Pansy and Daphne kept handing you drinks and pulling you around the dance floor. A few of the guys tried to get you off the floor but you weren't ready to leave, no one seemed to interest you. The night kept going on and on, guy after guy. Finally you ended up with Mattheo again. But not before the line of Slytherin boys.
"Back again Y/n?" Mattheo kept you close. "Looks to be that way doesn't it Riddle?" You swayed back and fourth. Your mind was already a little frazzled and your eyes were starting to bug out. "Rumor has it you're waiting for me to give you the green light." He pulled you closer. "I always have a back up if you don't." You smirked. "Do you ? Because your back up just left with a Ravenclaw." He nodded to Theo trailing after a girl. "So he did, Then it looks like you still have time" You lightly grinded up against him. "There are a dozen other guys here who are waiting for you to give them the opportunity. What are you waiting for ?" He returned the gesture. "I'm sure the boys have told you my tactics. I've got to make sure you're worth my time." His hand on my waist tightened slightly. "But from the way this is going..." You leaned up to his ear and whispered, "I think you might be." "Let me show you then." He whispered back.
It did take a few more songs before you ended up making out while dancing, high with tension. Then after flirting and a drink or two you went off to his dorm. As you climbed the stairs you heard Blaise yell, "There they go !! Riddle and Y/n are off!!" There was a burst of cheers and drinks being thrown as you ran up the stairs to Mattheo's dorm.
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solarpunkani · 6 months
okay so pardon me as I wax poetic late at night about solarpunk again but like
and once again, I'm biased because I'm co-hosting the aesthetic week event, you know the drill, but
I feel like sharing our projects--big and small--are so important because they can inspire other people to do their own. And obviously this can be about sharing news about climate action, and scientific projects and progress and discoveries, but tonight I'm thinking about crocheting.
As we think about the future we want to create as solarpunks, we trade ideas. And oftentimes a lot of the ideas we trade are about futures with barter systems, where many many people do crafts like sewing and mending and knitting and the like. But--and I could easily be the only one but I feel like I'm not--I personally was too nervous to start many crafts myself. Because I didn't know what I'd do with the craft, if I was even capable of it, or if it was too big and complex for me. I'd been tossing around the idea of learning how to crochet for years, and my mom's been tossing the idea around just as long if not even longer for herself, but y'know what brought me over? You know what finally got me to give it a shot?
An online Solarpunk friend sharing pictures of a bag.
I saw that bag and I went 'huh maybe I could do something like that,' and within a few days I'd bought a bunch of yarns and hooks and was on a call (with a different online friend) learning how to do some basic stitches and knots to get started. By the end of the night, I was teaching myself how to make granny squares, with the help of a (different) online friend writing instructions to help me out as I got stuck.
And maybe I finish my bag, or my scarf, and I post a picture online--not even a professional, pinterest-ready photo, just a quick pic of it laid across my bed or something--and I inspire someone else to start crocheting. Hell, I've already inspired my mom to take a crack at it once the Christmas season is over.
But it doesn't even have to be me. It doesn't even have to be crocheting. Maybe someone posts a picture of a hat they just finished knitting, and someone else decides to pick up a loom or some knitting needles. Maybe someone crafts a birdhouse or a desk or a bench out of wood, and someone picks up a hammer for the first time. Maybe someone crafts something awesome out of clay and wire, and someone gets inspired for a new project. It can even be across artforms! Maybe someone sews an awesome dress, and someone else is inspired to write a short story by it. Maybe someone writes a short story, and someone else goes to paint a mural somewhere inspired by a scene in that story.
And in a sense I find it incredibly solarpunk. To inspire one another to learn and grow, develop new skills, to always find inspiration and hope to keep trying new stuff.
Some people laugh and scoff at the idea of posting ~aesthetique~ homemade clothes to the solarpunk tag, a handful think the whole aesthetic week event is pointless, but I find it the opposite. Solarpunk is about revolution, but it can't always be big revolutions. Sometimes its the small revolution of picking up a craft that changes your life, or creating an image that inspires others to fight for a better future. It can be about writing something that makes others question why things are the way they are, when they can be better. Sometimes the desire for a nice knit scarf can be the start of a mini barter system, or become part of the mutual aid we all dream of.
I feel like I had a point with this but I forgot. But uhm... yeah.
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