#maybe some art? 👀
yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
may i have ler!cancerlord hcs from the tickly alphabet with A, C, E, F, K, and J pls?
Your wish is my command, mon amour (∗˃̶ ᵕ ˂̶∗)
Headcanons ✨
A - What is their aftercare like after a heavy round of tickling?:)
He won't be gentle or soft with you after such an intense session. He'll just leave you on the ground, watching as you regained your breath after such a merciless session. The most he would do for you is squatting down right in front of you, like a dear friend offering advice and complement you for your efforts, giving you a hard pat on the shoulder to congratulate you.
"You suffered a humiliating loss, but I must say, your endurance is quite impressive~ The next time you challenge me to...such a childish activity, be ready. Have a nice day, good sir~"
The guy would shockingly leave you alone, ending it with a sort of ambiguous grin; does he await your rematch or is that just his pride, glad he reduced you to such a level?
C - What are their chances in a chase, both as a lee and ler?
If you happen to be the one targeted, you'd better be a fast runner; Cancerlord would never hold back on a challenge. Initially, when you proposed the idea, the concept made him scoff but he agreed. And boy, he had fun. Cancerlord would allow you to get a headstart, the scariest game of hide and seek you'll ever play. He will prowl around the area, taunting you, growling sinisterly. Cancerlord knows exactly where you are, he just wants to relish in the chase. Once he gets to you however, it might as well be a jumpscare, he would just appear out in the corner of your vision, you won't notice until it's too late. It's game over for you at that point
Cancerlord, being such a powerful man, isn't used to being targeted. So once it's time for the tables to be turned, he would be slightly confused. Does he hide like a coward or does he just wait for an opportunity to ambush you? It's going to be the latter option. You can look up and down everywhere and you'd never find the guy...most of the time. The moment he's caught slipping would be the best opportunity to sneak up on him and ambush him from behind.
E - How do they express their wish to tickle/be tickled?
Being king and all, Cancerlord would beckon one of his many subjects closer, appearing completely innocent with a somewhat innocent smile. It is only when you get a little too close, he strikes, grabbing you quickly and pinning you before absolutely destroying your shit. The little beckon with his finger would be your only warning he wants something more. Worst part about it, he uses it regularly for requesting the most benign of things, so you're never gonna know if he's gonna ask you something completely unrelated or attack you so fast, the wind in your lungs is wiped out.
Cancerlord, when he first heard of the concept of tickling amused him to such a degree, he asked one of his subjects to purposefully tickle him. Lifting his arms to make access to his body easy and quick. That's how he found out his underarms are a very sensitive spot, along with some others. Needless to say, he hates being tickled now.
F - What is their behavior in a tickle fight like?
While prideful as hell, he won't hesitate to play dirty. Headlocks are his strong suit, using his other hand to wreck the shit out the lee, but will occasionally pin them down using his body weight. I wouldn't recommend engaging in a tickle fight with them, he will use every underhand tactic in the book, but if you manage to break apart from him and confront him head-on, he would be very impressed. You guys might as well be actually fighting since the guy likes to throw punches and blast people with his arm guns (what lol).
K - As a ler, do they have special skills to use against their lees and drive them crazy with?
Two things: his analytical teasing and fingers. If the guy has you pinned but as a hand free, he would make the experience unbearable in the worst kind of way. Always speaking of how you react to certain touches, able to read you to a tea. Somehow this guy is able to learn everything about your body with just his fingers, so anything is new to him. Meaning he will never shut the fuck up. Next up is his hands, the guy has strangely hot hands, it won't burn but when they touch bare skin, it leaves a pleasant tingling, so even after he's moved on to a different spot, ghost spiders are roaming and skittering all around.
J - Their absolute favorite thing about tickling?
Power trip, the authority it gives him with such a stupid, childish thing. While Cancerlord would mostly establish this through demonstration of his powers or intimidation, he can't help but feel smug a few wiggling fingers can get someone to beg and plead for their life. Sometimes, the lee will ask for more, confusing and amusing the king, but he won't fulfill this, letting the lee soak up in all their lee-mood. He knows damn well you're thirsty for more, so he'll subtly touch you, adoring the way your face turns red and how you wrap your arms around your sides.
"Such a silly way to tease, is it not?"
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marclef · 1 month
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until he was around them for all of about 10 seconds.
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(he.... *AHEM* might've grown on the idea of kids a little bit.)
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leapdayowo · 2 months
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Them <3 I’m still figuring out how to draw these two
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oh-cawsh · 6 months
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my take on the white wolf!! honestly i didnt love his in game design cus despite being a big deal plot/characterwise hes like kinda visually nondescript.... hence i give him big tendrily floaty hair bits to remedy this
is that maybe some informed design decision to give him an eerie weightlessness and emphasise his ghostly, enigmatic nature? to visually echo the flames that burned the circus, defining his presence as a haunting parody of the initial trauma that unleashed him onto the hacketts? or do i just like the way the murlocs look from world of warcraft? who can say...
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mjtheartist04 · 5 months
Say hello to the two new members of the shinazugawa family👀🥹💜🩷
Meet my two new boys, Shoji!and Yoshiro!
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Shoji is the middle child of the brothers! ill-tempered, quiet, loyal and smart!
Gets his temper side from his father, NO HES NOT MEAN TO HIS FAMILY, anyone but his family, he just sometimes gets annoyed easily and most of the time, that’s just how he looks <:)
He’s A MAMAS BOY, baby is attached to her hips at all times, he just loves her dearly and just wants to be near her and protect her, he would do anything for her🥺…
Don’t think he doesn’t love his papa! He loves him just as much!, he’s just more closer to his mama☺️
Baby gets flustered easily, takes it from his father
There’s Girls around? He’s running away, face flushed and all…mama showing affection and smothering his cheeks with kisses? A BLUSHING MESS, his brothers teasing him over something small? RED IN THE FACE AND BROWS FURROWED😂
Just a Little grumpy bear, that secretly loves to receive affection and loves his family dearly.💜
Yoshiro is the baby of the family! Fun-loving, social butterfly, cheerful and energetic!
VERY energetic little guy, the boy that can literally make anyone’s day and make them smile, he loves to talk a lot and socialize, the clown of the family🤭
LOVES FOOD, baby has an appetite! Doesn’t matter what it is, he will eat it clean off the plate. He admires both his older brothers a lot, and loves to show affection towards his family🥺💖
Overall a loving little goof ball full of energy, that loves to bring joy into your life.🩷
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l3ppa · 6 months
they are so 🤏 i love them. tubbo girl dad real ‼️
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v-exian · 6 months
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Redraw of past oc made..four months ago?
Belongs to the colony Oardivian created by —> @dimorphodon-x
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grumpy-nyks · 1 year
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Below you can see every single one of them in separate pics.
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greglow03 · 2 months
Pixel Art part 2🧑🏻‍🎨
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Pixel Cassie + Ellis makes his first debut as Pixel art!!!🤗 (This is the first time I've drawn Ellis in any shape or form so here's my take/ design of him😊)
Hope you like 'em!!🧡
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quasieli · 2 months
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[ID copied from alt text: A digital drawing of Vax and Keyleth from Critical Role, both seen from the chest up in side profile, set against a fiery gradient background with a heart surrounding the two. Vax, on the left, is a young, thin, tan complexion Half-Elf man with long black hair and a brand scar on his shoulder. Keyleth, on the right, is a young, thin, pale complexion Half-Elf woman with shoulder length red hair, a matching brand scar on her shoulder, and a crown of antlers. The pair are close to each other, with Keyleth holding Vax's face, the pair smiling as they are close to kissing. End description.]
Me drawing Vaxleth art in 2024? More likely than you think.
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