#maybe the cutest thing i ever saw đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
russellsppttemplates · 6 months
Hii loveđŸ„ș I saw this tiktok and immediately thought how cute it would be with Charles or Lando. Like its the readers first pregnancy and going through a hard time adjusting to her new body . Tysm if you do this ❀ https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe58WWrr/
Cw: body changes because of pregnancy
"What's the matter, amour?", Charles walked into your closet when he heard sniffles coming from there, "they don't fit anymore", you pouted. You stood there, your cream coloured jeans unzipped and unbuttoned as your baby bump was visible.
"It's normal, right?", he said, immediately regretting his choice of words, "I mean, our baby is growing because your body is doing this amazing thing of growing them, so it's going to happen, and it's okay, you're still the most beautiful woman for me", he tried.
"But I wanted these to fit!", you pouted again, wiping your tears.
"Would it help if I told you I don't really like them anyway?", he attempted, making you giggled a little, "you said they made my butt perky and nice", you argued.
"Your butt looks nice and perky in anything, Y/N", he tried again, "Guess what? We can go shopping for those maternity jeans that have that elasticated band so it's comfy for you", he suggested.
"But they're all ugly and weird!", you grumbled, "it will be like a teletubby, might as well start singing and dancing like them - how does it go? Tinky-Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, Po!", you sang.
"You'd be the cutest one if you ever were one", Charles said, "they're nice looking enough", he joked when you went up to hug him, hoping it would put you out of your misery. You knew it wasn't a big deal, but between hormones, this was how you felt like.
"I'd be Po, it's the red one - Ferrari all the way", you smiled up at him, kissing his jaw, "maybe we can look into them - the jeans, not the teletubbies", you said.
"They're really nice now, I think - Charlotte told you the other day, didn't she? Maternity clothes are a lot more fashionable now", he cooed as you nodded, "okay, we can try, I'll change into something else", you whispered.
"What about this dress? You'll look so gorgeous in it, little round bump showing", he tried, getting the piece from the hanger and kissing your lips.
When you got dressed, Charles whistled exaggeratedly, "look at you, amour! You're going to kill me with all of your beauty!", he dramatised as he fell into the bed, "shut up", you mumbled despite the blush on your cheeks, "you look so beautiful, mon ange", he got up to kiss your lips, "let's go shopping for this cute little bump", he smiled.
(Thank you for sending this in ✚)
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mountttmase · 9 months
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A Mountain To Climb
The Christmas Special
Part Two
Note - they finally got their happy ending đŸ„ș little baby George is my whole heart I swear I think of him as my own child at this point I just love the little squish. Thank you so much for the love on part one and I really hope you like this part just as much đŸ©·
Pairing - Mason Mount × Reader
Word count - 6.2K
Warnings - fluff and a tiny smidge of angst
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‘I’ll pop the heating on yeah? Get it all nice and warm for the little man’ Mason shouted to you as he opened the front door to let you in. The three of you taking your first family outing to the big Sainsburys to grab some last minute Christmas supplies and you couldn’t wait to get back into the safety of your home.
The run up to Christmas was always hard, there was always so much to be done and so much to plan but this year was different. You’d spent most of it heavily pregnant until your little boy made his entrance a week before Christmas Eve.
Mason was at training when you found out you were pregnant. You wanted to wait until he got home so you could take the test together and find out but you couldn’t handle not knowing and when the little test told you you were pregnant you collapsed on the floor in happy tears.
You managed to make them stop until he got home. The pair of you sinking to the floor once you’d shown him the positive test so he could hold you in his lap as you both silently cried. Counting back to realise your baby was probably conceived the night of your third anniversary and it just made everything feel even more special to you.
By all accounts it was a perfect pregnancy and Mason has been your rock through it all but as your due date approached you could feel yourself getting more and more anxious. Being a good mum was important to you and after everything that had happened throughout your childhood you were determined not to leave your little one with the same fate.
Just like Mason always was, your little bubba was late. Two weeks in total and you were starting to get to the end of your tether with being pregnant until your waters broke at 4am whilst you were tossing and turning in bed next to Mason who was more than horrified by all accounts.
George was a perfect mix of the pair of you. Your hair colouring and lips but Masons eyes and cheeks and you couldn’t be more in love with him if you tried. He was the cutest thing you’d ever seen and all you wanted to do was wrap him up and protect him from the world.
You had always been told you’d feel that feeling as soon as you saw him but there was a voice in the back of your head telling you it won’t happen for you. That you were a product of your family and it would take time for you to bond with George but thankfully that wasn’t the case and you’d turned into a big mamma bear almost instantly.
It was hard though. The pair of you adjusting as well as you could and even though Mason was the perfect father so far, your motherly instincts had kicked in ten fold and you very rarely let George out of your sight.
You weren’t sure what it was, that new baby fear maybe, or if it was something a bit more than that. If it was something you were trying to prove to yourself that you could be a good mum. The best mum. Nothing like the woman who raised you.
You knew it was in the back of your mind even though it shouldn’t be but you wanted to be perfect even though you were still healing from childbirth. Taking on every task that needed doing over Christmas and making sure it was done to perfection. Not accepting help from anyone, even Mason, as you organised a special Christmas Eve get together for all your family but the stress of it and learning how to take care of a little human was making you snappy.
Mason left you to it at first. Knowing not to rock the boat as your hormones were all over the place and you never backed down but eventually he stepped in. Telling you to relax and take a breather but rather than listen to him you exploded at him.
‘Will you just leave me Mason, I know what I’m doing’ you told him angrily. Moving your shoulder so his hand would drop away from you.
‘I never said you didn’t love, I’m trying to help’
‘Well that makes a change’ you scoffed and you felt awful immediately but your pride stopped you from apologising straight away. Under normal circumstances you knew he would probably have said something back but you heard him let out a short breath before carrying on speaking to you calmly.
‘Tell me what you want me to do’
‘What I want is for you to go away. I want these to be perfect and you’re just ruining everything’ you shouted, tears burning in your eyes before you slammed the napkins down on the table and made an exit.
You felt awful. Saying hurtful things to the man you loved who was only trying to help and when you stormed off upstairs he let you have your moment to calm down. Only going to look for you when he thought you’d been gone too long and finding you fast asleep on his side of the bed.
There was something about finding you on his side of the bed that made Mason's heart sing. He knew you were tired and stressed and not in any state to be doing as much as you had but he also knew how stubborn you were and how much it took you to ask for help but knowing you were taking comfort in his space made him feel just a tiny bit better.
By the time you’d woken up and calmed down you found Mason in the living room, sitting in the armchair with George asleep on his chest as he slowly rubbed his back with Parker asleep at his feet.
Ever since you’d fallen pregnant it was like Parker could sense the change. Rarely leaving you alone and forever laying his head on your ever growing bump and now that George was finally here he was just as protective. You wasn’t sure how Parker would react to such a little baby when he was such a huge dog but he was his usual gentle and loving self and no matter where George was, Parker wasn’t too far away.
Mason’s eyes were on you as soon as he sensed your presence but you didn’t know what to do so you played with your fingers whilst thinking of what to say. By the time you looked up, he’d moved George onto the one side of his chest before holding his other arm out for you to come and join them. Helping you sit on the arm of the chair and cuddle into his chest with your legs dangling over his lap and you felt even worse than before.
‘I’m so sorry’ you whispered, your tearful eyes looking into his sympathetic ones and you carried on talking before he had a chance to tell you everything was okay. ‘I just really want everything to be perfect you know? It’s George’s first Christmas and our families are gonna be together and I just wanna show everyone that I can do it’
‘I know baby. And I know you can do it but you can’t do it on your own okay? You pushed this little human out of you four days ago and you’re still healing, not to mention your hormones are all over the place. You need to rest’
‘There’s just a lot to do’ you sniffed. Reaching for George’s hand that was resting on Mason's chest and your heart thumped as he wrapped his fingers around yours gently.
‘How about we make a list of everything and then we divide and conquer? My mum said she’s happy to do whatever’s needed so we can see if she can help?’
‘Maybe that’s a good idea. I just wanted to do it myself’ you confessed. Not wanting to look like a failure but deep down you knew you could really use the help.
‘I know’ he breathed, pressing a small kiss to your nose. ‘And I know why too but you’ve got nothing to prove to anyone okay? You're a perfect mum and no amount of handmade place settings will change that’ he joked, causing you to nod at him with a smile. ‘You’re not superwoman. No one expects you to be okay? In fact I think they think you’re all mental for wanting to host them a week after you’ve popped a baby out’ he teased.
‘Thank you Mase. And I really am sorry for having a go, I didn’t mean it’
‘I know, there’s a lot of change going on but as long as we stick together we’ve got this okay? Now show me my favourite smile, pretty girl’ he teased, a smile taking over your face automatically and you felt a shiver roll through you as he reciprocated it. ‘There we go. And as for this one’ he mumbled, head nodding to the little boy who was still fast asleep on him. ‘He doesn’t remember anything half the time. We could literally skip Christmas and he’d be none the wiser. He’d just sleep right through it’
‘We’re not skipping Christmas, Mason’ you scolded, knowing he was only joking but you appreciated him trying to make you smile just like he always did.
So you did as he said. You made a list and a timetable and made sure to make lots of room for breaks and as soon as it was all written down you realised it wasn't as scary as you thought. But the last few sleepless nights had taken it out of you so when you got back from the shops to get on with your final task you felt yourself slowly slipping into sleep at the table.
‘Right miss, nap time for you’ you suddenly heard, feeling Mason’s hand on your shoulder but you shook it off. Wanting to finish what you were doing.
‘I’m fine-‘
‘Nope’ he laughed, forcing you out of your chair and looking at you with a stern face. ‘You’ve been in a mood all morning so you need a nap before everyone gets here’ he teased, pushing you up the stairs before he grabbed George from his basket. Parker sitting just below it like he always did but as soon as Mason picked George up he was up too and following you up the stairs and into your bedroom.
‘I’m fine’
‘Come on babe, you know what the nurse said. You sleep when baby sleeps’ he told you softly. Pressing a kiss to your forehead as he tried to attempt to push you to the bed but you resisted ever so slightly.
‘But I need to sort the-‘
‘Baby, we spoke about this’ he whispered. Popping George in the next to me crib before holding your face so you could really look at each other. ‘You’re exhausted and you’ll be even more so when everyone gets here later. I can do what needs doing okay. Will it be as good as if you did it? No, not at all. But I’ll make up for it with my charm and wit’ he teased, hands slightly moving to your neck as you smiled lightly. ‘You need to let me help, remember?’
‘I’m sorry Mase’ you whispered tearily but he cut you off with a kiss.
‘You don’t need to be sorry. Just please have a nap’
‘Okay’ you conceded, letting him tuck you into bed. George sleeping softly beside you as Parker took up a spot at the end of the bed and as much as you wanted to just sit and look at George you knew you were too tired and eventually gave into sleep.
You slept for longer than you wanted to but you knew you must have needed it. Waking up to quickly feed George and get him changed into his little Christmas outfit before meeting Mason downstairs. Feeling warmth rush through you at the sight of him finishing up the table settings and you resisted the urge to run over and kiss his face off.
‘It looks great Mase, thank you’ you told him, startling him a little bit but he sent you a kind lopsided smile before taking George from you so you could go and get yourself sorted and ready for everyone to come. Your heart melting at the way he was looking at him all dressed up and you could see how much Mason loved being a dad as clear as day.
Freya was first to arrive with Woody in tow. Making a beeline for George’s basket so she could pick him up and sit with him on Woody's lap.
‘Didn’t have you down as a baby woman’ Mason laughed, his arm around your waist as you watched the pair of them fuss over your little boy and it warmed your heart looking at the pair of them.
‘Well no, but this isn’t just any baby though is it’ she laughed. Stroking his little cheek with her thumb as Woody made the same gesture on Freya’s thighs and the pair of them looked at him in awe. ‘This is my little Georgie Porgie, the cutest baby in the world, yes you are’ she babbled to him and it made your heart flutter to see how much they loved him.
‘You’re supposed to be here to help’
‘I’m saying hello to my godson first’ she joked, but you smiled softly. Knowing there was a special gift for her and Woody under the tree from George asking to be his god parents so you were even more hopeful now she would accept.
‘You can come help me put the crisps into bowls if you like’ Mason offered, throwing her a bag after she’d popped George back into his crib and letting Parker take his spot underneath to guard him. ‘Woody, you too’
‘Yes dad’ he huffed before you watched Mason put him in a headlock and ruffle his hair.
‘Don’t talk back son or Santa won’t stop at your house tonight’ he joked, trying to mess his hair up but Freya was quick to separate them so they could finish sorting the snacks out.
Mason's family were next to turn up, Freya having to begrudgingly give George over so Masons family could meet him for the first time and you almost burst into tears as Tony pulled you in for a warm hug.
‘How you doing, love?’ He asked, walking into the house with you under his arm, your eyes full to the brim at his affection. Knowing how protective he was over you made you feel so full and watching his eyes tear up as he caught sight of little George almost sent you over the edge.
You loved sitting with his family and watching them fawn over him, knowing whatever happened that George would always have a loving family and people around him but when the doorbell went for the third time, you knew who it was immediately and the nervousness in your tummy was threatening to overflow.
‘You wanna get that, baby?’ Mason asked, a bright smile on his face and with a quick nod and a kiss to his cheek you were running to the door.
‘Hi dad’ you smiled, enveloping him in a big hug straight away and you felt your eyes sting as he held you back just as tightly.
‘Hi love. Are you okay?’
‘I’m good, how was the journey?’
‘Not as long as I thought but long enough’ he laughed, before stepping aside to reveal the rest of your family.
You’d met his wife Liz and your two step sisters Abi and Hailey twice before and even though you thought it might be awkward and weird you all got on like a house on fire. Pulling them in for a hug each as they came inside before leading them into the living room so they could mix with Mason's family.
You noticed straight away that George was back in Freya’s arms with Parker sat patiently besides her and you laughed as you made your way over to them.
‘What? He was handed to me. I didn't steal him I promise’ she laughed but you saw the pout from a mile off when you attempted to take him.
‘Come on Frey, my dads here and he wants to meet his grandson
 god that sounds weird’ you laughed, taking George into your arms and you were surprised at how settled you felt as soon as he was back with you.
Watching your dad get emotional at the sight of your baby set you off, feeling Mason's arms wrap around your waist from behind made you smile though and with a kiss on your cheek you turned to pull him into a much needed hug.
George was an angel, never once crying or making a fuss as he was passed from person to person for a cuddle and you distracted yourself by refilling the snack bowls and getting drinks so the empty feeling you felt whenever George wasn’t in your arms didn’t linger.
After a while, Freya came to find you. Pulling you away from the washing up so you could spend some time with your family but the pair of you spent a little time just people watching as yours and Mason's families mingled.
‘You okay?’ She smiled, her arm around your shoulders as the pair of you stood to the side and watched everyone get along.
Your sisters talking to Jaz, your dad in deep conversation with Tony and Lewis and Debbie speaking to Liz who had George safely cradled in her arms. It all felt surreal to have everyone here together and it was overwhelming at how big your family was now.
‘Yeah, I’m okay’ you smiled, looking up and fraya before you bundled each other into your arms. You knew you both wanted to tell each other you were proud of the other but you let your arms do the talking before you pulled away. Laughing as you wiped your tears before going to join in with everyone. Freya choosing to go sit with Mason, Woody and the kids as they played with Parker whilst you went to see Debbie and Liz. Hoping you could steal George back as you felt incomplete without him.
Thankfully Liz and Debbie moved apart and patted the seat in between them and handed George over to you as soon as you sat down. Your heart hammering at the way your baby nuzzled into you and reached for the neck of your top to hold.
‘Now I want you to be honest, how’s Mason been this week?’ Debbie laughed and as much as you wanted to joke about him with her like usual you really wanted her to know how perfect he’d been.
‘Honestly? I really couldn’t ask for anyone better to do this with’ you smiled at her, watching her face soften instantly before you looked down to see George yawning adorably in his sleep. ‘He knows me like the back of his hand and knows when to tell me off when I’m pushing it too far. I think I forget I only gave birth a week ago but he’s really looked after us this week. You should be really proud of him’
‘I am’ she breathed. Tapping your knee lightly. ‘But I’m proud of you too. I know it’s hard to admit when you need help and I know you’ve spent a lot of time doing things on your own. But he really is a good boy and he loves you so much’
‘I love him too’ you laughed tearily, wiping your eyes with your free hand. ‘Sorry my hormones are all over the place still, I’m crying at the drop of a hat’
‘It’s okay, love’ Liz smiled, placing her hand on your other knee. ‘You should have seen me after I had Abi, I was inconsolable for weeks. It takes time and you’ll get there but you’ve got the best support around you by the looks of things’ she reassured you. ‘And you can always rely on your dad and me and the girls too’
‘Thank you’ you told her honestly. ‘And thank you for looking after my dad’
‘Of course’ she smiled tearfully. ‘He’s always spoken about you and I had to really give him a kick up the bum to speak to you. I think he was ashamed of how he acted’ she confessed, and sensing you might need some alone time you felt Debbie shuffle next to you.
‘I’m gonna go find my son and give him a big hug’ Debbie told you, standing up to go and search for Mason but before long her seat was taken up by the other man in your life.
‘I think me and Mason's dad are gonna get on great’ your dad smiled. Wrapping his arm around you and dropping a kiss on your forehead as he stroked George’s little cheek. ‘I still can’t believe I’m a grandad, I’m so proud of you’
‘Oh don’t you start, I’ve only just calmed down from Debbie saying the same’ you laughed, bumping your shoulder into his chest slightly. ‘But thank you’ you told him, smiling as Abi and Hailey shyly made their way over to join you all but you waved them over with a smile. ‘Would you guys like a hold?’
‘Me first’ Abi interjected, sitting herself down on the floor and Hailey joined her in a huff but you carefully passed George over and watched as he got himself comfortable in his new aunties arms. You felt so complete. The only person missing being Mason but little did you know he was currently feeling the love from his family too.
He was standing in the kitchen talking to his dad when Debbie approached him. Wrapping her arms around him with a tearful expression but he knew she wasn’t sad from the first glance as she held him tightly.
‘You alright mum?’
‘I’m more than alright’ she laughed, pulling back to look at him and the look of pride on her face made his bottom lip wobble. ‘I can’t tell you how proud I am of you. You’ve got the most gorgeous little boy out there and such a perfect family. I couldn’t be happier for you Mase’
‘Thank you mum’
‘It's not just that though, I’m so proud of the man you’ve become. She’s got nothing but praise for you out there and I know you’re looking after them so well. I just couldn’t be anymore proud of the man you are’ she sniffed. ‘And I know you’re not even doing it intentionally, it’s just who you are but it’s so lovely to see’
‘Stop it, you’ll make me cry’ he laughed, pulling his parents in for a much needed hug. Knowing they were proud of him was all he ever wanted and he was overwhelmed with how emotional they were for him.
You were soon up and making the rounds to ask if anyone needed any refills but everyone seemed to be fine so you went off in search of your boys.
You’d lost sight of Mason a while ago and now George seemingly too and as the noise in your living room grew louder you excused yourself to try and find them. Eventually finding the pair of them sat in the conservatory on the big sofa with a big fluffy blanket around the pair of them. Your chest feeling warm as you sat and watched Mason talk quietly to him before his eyes caught yours and he sent you a shy lopsided smile.
‘Look Georgie, mummy’s here’ he told him, poking his hand out from the blanket so he could beckon you over and once you were close he let you join him under the blanket so you could all cuddle up together.
‘What are two doing out here?’ You asked looking over to see George’s eyes were fully open and he was looking back at you when you spoke.
‘Little man was getting a bit overwhelmed with all the noise and people I think. Thought i'd just bring him in here for a little breather’ he told you and you felt yourself melt as you looked at him. His own eyes softening as they looked into yours. ‘What?’
‘You’re such a good dad, Mase’
‘Oh no you too’ he laughed. ‘I just had my mum and dad both crying in the kitchen saying the same’
‘But you are, you’re so good with him. And with me’ you laughed tears spilling down your cheeks. ‘Thank you for letting me join your boys only party’
‘You’re always invited to the boys only party’ he laughed, hearing Parker’s footsteps getting louder and louder before he rounded the corner and came into view. ‘Hello mate, you feeling left out?’ Mason laughed, tapping your thigh before Parker got the hint and jumped up next to you on the sofa so could lay his head on your lap. His eyes constantly flashing up to George as you scratched between his ears. ‘Well try and have a girl next, I feel like you’re a bit out numbered’ Mason laughed and you blushed at his words. Knowing he wanted to extend your family even more made your tummy flutter but you knew you had plenty of time for that.
George was starting to get fidgety and upset so you knew that meant only one thing. Carefully taking him from Mason as he passed him to you so you could feed him and as he settled down you felt Mason pull you into him further. A satisfied smile on his face as he looked down at his little family.
‘Just like your daddy you are’ you smiled, kissing George on the forehead. ‘Hungry all the time’
‘He’s just as obsessed with your boobs as I am’
‘What? I haven’t got so much as a look at them lately, he always gets there first’ he huffed but the slight squeeze of your shoulder let you know he was only playing around but the look on his face let you know he was thinking about something else.
‘What is it Mase?’
‘Just seeing you with him, makes me realise how far we’ve come. Remember when you didn’t even want to be my friend? Now look at us’ he laughed. ‘I’d do it all again though if it meant we ended up here’
‘Me too’ you whispered. Leaning over so you could press a soft kiss to his lips before you both sat in silence to watch George. ‘We shouldn’t stay out here too long, everyone’s come to see us and we’ve gone and hid in another room’ you laughed once George had finished. Mason leaning in to kiss you softly as if he knew they should but he was sad about it.
‘I guess so. Why don’t you take George back to everyone and I’ll come back in a minute’ he told you. Helping you stand as Parker jumped up to join you and with a quick pinch to your bum you made your way back out to your family.
The rest of the night went without a hitch. Mason taking over the rest of the cooking with Freya and Woody and between the three of them they managed not to burn anything which you found quite impressive.
‘We’ll have to get the kids to bed soon or they’ll never sleep’ Jaz told you, stroking George’s cheek as she held him but Mason was pouting as soon as he overheard as he was having so much fun spending time with his little people.
‘Well you’ll have to wait a bit, we need to put snacks out for Santa’ he told you all seriously taking Summer and Mila into the kitchen so they could get a plate together of milk, cookies and a carrot for Rudolph before coming to get you and George so you could all take it outside and pop it on the porch. ‘We can check it in the morning and see if they ate it’ Mason told them before you handed George over to Mason so you could take a picture of the four of them and their snacks for Santa.
Everyone was off to bed soon after. Your dad and his family heading out as they had a long drive back home and after an emotional goodbye you walked back in to find Mason and everyone else finishing up getting things tidy.
‘You didn’t need to tidy up guys, I could of done it’
‘You’re hilarious, y/n’ Lewis laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder before walking you towards the stairs. ‘We’ve got this. Go to bed and we’ll finish up and see you in the morning, yeah?’
‘No, I can’t let you-‘
‘Mums orders!’ Debbie shouted from across the room, making you laugh as Lewis pushed you up the stairs. ‘We’ll see you in the morning okay?’
‘Okay’ You huffed, looking down at everyone appreciatively as you all shouted goodnight to each other before you went to your room. Getting dressed in your special Christmas pjs before Mason appeared with George not too long after.
‘I’ll just get ready and join you’ Mason smiled. Handing you over George and throwing you his Christmas babygrow that matched your pyjamas before Mason took his own matching ones into the bathroom so he could get ready himself. ‘I’ll have to go take a bite out of that bloody carrot in a bit, make it look like Rudolph ate it’ he huffed, shuffling into bed next to you and you looked at him with a fond smile before he looked down at George. ‘He’s so cute I want to eat him sometimes’ he laughed, pressing a quick kiss to his head before you did the same and place him in his crib next to you. ‘You okay?’ He asked, placing a kiss on your forehead, a confused smile on his face at the expression on yours but you just wanted to appreciate him and all he did for you.
‘Thank you for today Mason’ you smiled, the pair of you getting comfortable next to each other and his shy smile as blushy cheeks melted you.
‘There’s nothing to thank me for baby’
‘There is. It scares me sometimes how well you know me. How you always know what’s best for me’ you whispered. His face softening as he took your hand in his so he could rub comforting circles into the back of it.
‘It’s cause I love you’ he told you sincerely, picking your hand up to drop a kiss onto the back of it and you felt your fingers tingle at the sensation.
‘I love you too. And that’s why I want to give you a present early if that’s okay’
‘What?’ He laughed, watching you reach just by the bed to pull out what looked to be the size and shape of a shoe box. ‘What’s going on?’
‘It’s actually sort of a joint present but I want us to start using it as soon as possible’ you told him. Placing it on his lap before nodding your head so he’d tear into it. Once he had he was met with a cardboard box that he lifted the lid off of to reveal the present inside.
‘George’s book of firsts?’ He read aloud, picking up the folder so he could get a better look before his eyes were on you.
‘Its like a memory book. We can take pictures and fill in all his information so we’ve got something to look back on when he’s all grown up. I thought it might be fun for us to do it together’
‘I love it, thank you so much’ he whispered, leaning over to give you a small peck on your lips.
‘Open it up, there’s loads we can do’ you told him, watching his face the whole time as he flipped to the first page and you knew he’d seen it immediately.
This book belongs to:
George Tony Mount
To say naming George was easy would be a massive understatement.
First name, sure. You know you wanted something fairly traditional and when Debbie suggested it one afternoon as you all sat around to try and share ideas, the pair of you looked at each other with hopeful eyes almost immediately.
The middle name picked itself. Carrying on the tradition and a gentle nod to Mason's dad and all he did for the pair of you. You still remember the day you told Tony your thoughts around this and the little twinkle in his eye told you all you needed to know.
It was the last name that was a bit of a pickle. The pair of you not speaking about it as it had always been a bit of a contentious subject and so far no one had the guts to talk about it.
You knew it was partly your fault. Telling Mason soon after your engagement that when you got married you were unsure if you wanted to change your last name. It was the last tie to your old life and where you came from, the last piece of them you had, as you weren’t fully back on track with your dad yet but things had changed since then.
You knew Mason wasn’t thrilled by your thoughts on this subject. He wanted you to be his in every sense of the word and for his little boy to be his. But he also understood where you were coming from and loved you enough to look past it.
You could see Masons eyes full of tears as his bottom lip wobbled. A shaky breath leaving his lips as he looked up at you and your heart was thumping out of your chest.
‘Mount? You want him to be a Mount?’
‘I do’ you whispered. Taking his face in your hands so you could press a kiss to the end of his nose. And when we get married next year, I want to be a Mount too’
Your heart broke at the relieved whimper that left his lips. Dropping the book to his lap so he could wrap you up in his arms. His tears making your neck damp as you held onto each other for dear life before he pulled back to hold your face. Your own eyes now full of tears as you hadn’t realised how much it meant to him.
‘Really? Are you sure?’
‘I’m sure Mase. I want everyone to know we’re yours and we belong to you’
‘What changed your mind?’
‘You’ve given me everything I could ever want or need Mason. You’ve loved me when I didn’t deserve it and stood by me through thick and thin. All that I am, and all that we are now, it’s because of you and I’m ready to give myself to you fully. I know I said I didn’t want to lose my ties to my family but you’re my family. You and little Georgie are my whole life and it just feels like the final missing piece’
‘You’ve always deserved my love’ he whispered. ‘You deserve everyone’s love and I’m so happy you get to feel it from everyone now.
‘I think that’s partly the reason why. Knowing my dad and his family better now helps. I know I’ve got him now and losing my last name doesn’t mean I’m losing him or that side of me. But I’m gaining a part of you and you’re the most special person in the whole world to me and I’ll always choose you. Good days, bad days, come rain or shine I’ll always choose you Mase.
‘God I love you so much’
‘I love you too’
‘I can’t believe I’ve gotta wait another five weeks to show you’ he joked, making you roll your eyes as you realised what he wanted but couldn’t have just yet.
‘Well how about you run down and grab those cookies from outside so we can share them. Distract you a little bit’
‘That sounds like a good idea. I’ll drink some of the milk too’
‘Don’t forget the carrot’
‘I could never forget the carrot’ he winked, kissing your forehead before jumping out of bed and sneaking downstairs. Making you laugh at his attempts of being quiet and as soon as he was out of sight you realised this year for Christmas, you finally had everything you’d ever wanted.
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pedrithink · 1 year
doctor ✩ kylian mbappĂ©
request: heyy could u maybe do a social media au where kylians girlfriend is like a medical student or smth, has that typical beauty and brains to her, and kylian is always posting abt her and her achivements always letting her know how proud of her he is and everyone just admiring them
faceclaim: lexie grey
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Liked by ynusername, k.mbappe, and 121.492 others
KMbappeNews congratulations to Y/N, another medicine award and another win for women in the science’s world. kylian was there đŸ„ș💗
View all 1.002 comments
user1 kylian was smiling ALL THE TIME
user2 he was so proud of her :(
user4 it is so good to see young women winning such important awards
user5 worldwide famous football star with his smart doctor girlfriend
user6 kylian is having the best moment of his life
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Liked by ethanmbappe, antonelaroccuzzo, and 3.018.944 others
k.mbappe ta réaction quand tu as vu que tu avais gagné un autre prix est la plus belle chose que j'aie jamais vue. merci d'étudier et de travailler si dur pour améliorer la qualité de vie de nombreuses personnes. tu es la personne la plus étonnante que j'aie jamais vue, je t'aime infiniment. (your reaction when you saw that you won another award was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. thank you for studying and working so hard to improve the quality of life for many people. you are the most amazing person I have ever seen, I love you immeasurably.)
View all 22.012 comments
ynusername thank you for you immeasurable support. love you!
user8 kylian is so in love lol
user9 they’re so cute omg
user10 she’s so adorable
user11 kylian’s support is so important :(
user12 @user11 fr, they are so so cute!!
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Liked by k.mbappe, antonelaroccuzzo, and 567.817 others
ynusername extremely happy to have delivered my beautiful friend's baby, welcome to the world! thank you for believing in me, @marco_verratti92 and @jessicaaidi! the prettiest baby girl ever.
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k.mbappe this baby was born in the healthiest way because she had the best doctor in the world. ❀ congratulations, friends. đŸ‘đŸ»
ynusername @k.mbappe i love you!
antonelaroccuzzo so pretty 😍
marco_verratti92 thank you so much ❀
jessicaaidi we are so happy, thank you for being part of this very special moment in our lives. đŸ„ș💗
georginagio đŸ„čđŸ„ș❀
ethanmbappe ❀
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Liked by antonelaroccuzzo, k.mbappe, and 701.972 others
ynusername amazing night with friends đŸ«¶đŸ»
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k.mbappe i’m so lucky
ynusername @k.mbappe naaaah i’m the lucky one
antonelaroccuzzo hermosísima 😍
ynusername @antonelaroccuzzo te extraño, amiga 😓
ethanmbappe miss you sis
ynusername @ethanmbappe let’s go out next saturday, miss you 💗
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Liked by k.mbappe, leomessi, and 1.023.997 others
ynusername psg’s all-time top scorer. 7ïžâƒŁđŸ’™ you were born to make history and i am very happy to be able to accompany you as you conquer the world with your talent. you deserve it. i love you! đŸ€đŸ«¶đŸ»
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k.mbappe you and me forever, i can't put into words how much you help me everyday. thanks for everything and i love you! 💗
ynusername @k.mbappe đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»
leomessi felicidades @k.mbappe por el rĂ©cord!! đŸ‘đŸ»
antonelaroccuzzo 😍😍😍
marco_verratti92 starboy!!!!
antogriezmann kyky de bondy ❀❀
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Liked by ynusername, antonelaroccuzzo, and 4.577.018 others
k.mbappe i’m beyond proud of this hardworking woman, thank you for everything. my partner in crime đŸ€đŸ«¶đŸ» i love you.
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ynusername i love you, i love you and i love you.
antonelaroccuzzo đŸ˜â€ïž
user14 the cutest
user15 THE 2ND PIC
user16 i love you both
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howdoesagrapewrites · 1 year
How would poly gayatri and pavitr react to their s/o surprising them by speaking Hindi? I have some books on Hindi that I’ll be getting for my birthday on the 16th. I may or may not have decided to learn Hindi specifically because of my crush on these two lmao. Love your spiderverse stuff btw~
𝙎𝙖𝙼 đ™©đ™đ™–đ™© 𝙖𝙜𝙖𝙞𝙣
Cw: just fluff
Notes: Happy birthday! I'm sorry, I forgot it was today, but I rushed to write when I saw the request:') + I don't speak hindi, so if there's any mistakes, don't be scared to correct me!
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>I think Pavitr speaks hindi and a little bit of urdu (he understands and can speak enough to make small talk)
>And Gayatri speaks hindi, tamil and punjabi (she's canonically sikh!!)
>They'd honestly be in tears if they saw you learning hindi for them
>Since they both can speak english I don't think they speak hindi around you, they don't want to make you feel left out
>They do call you pet names in hindi and their other languages, they know you like it<3
>When they saw hindi books around the place they didn't think anything of it, thinking one of them was the owner
>You practiced a lot before showing your skills, you don't think they'd ever make fun of you, but you want to d your best for them!!
>You tried to learn compliments and cute things to say before you learned greetings and basic stuffđŸ„ș
>Once you're ready, you wait for the perfect time to strike, it'd be better to do it individually, to see their reaction better
>For Pavitr, you decided to go pay him a visit when he was submitting his work to the daily bugle, you got him flowers and as you were walking alongside him, you turn your head to look at him in pure adoration
>"aapake saath samay kaise beet jaata hai, pata hee nahin chalata." [When I am with you, time flies away so fast]
>it doesn't matter if your pronunciation was off, or if you stuttered mid sentence, it was perfect to him. You're* perfect to him
>He's hugging you and spinning you around while he kisses your face
>Success number one 💯
>For Gayatri, you decided to pick a more dramatic occasion and phrase
>It was Pavitr's patrol night, so you two went alone to a fancy dinner, even if it maybe wasn't your style, there's nothing wrong with satisfying your lover's whims
>When you left the restaurant and where about to head home, the bright silver moon illuminated the sky, it was almost as beautiful as her brown eyes
>main tumhen apana banaana chaahata hoon [I want to make you mine]
>Like with Pavitr, it doesn't matter if you didn't get to say it without any inconvenience, she'd just let out a small amused laugh and call you adorable
>She puts her hand on your cheek, pulling you in for a slow, romantic kiss<3
>Success number two 💯
>They definitely talk about it when they're alone and fawn over you like giggling schoolgirls
>"omg did Y/N talked to you in hindi too?!"
>"I know, aren't they the cutest??!!!"
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mikasa-stan · 11 days
Maybe a little late, but I saw your post about sukufushi and yeah I wholeheartedly agree. I've noticed people tend to exaggerate with the ship to the point that they talk shit about Yuji. They say stuff like Sukuna is iN lOvE with Megumi lmao. I mean, they forget Yuji was literally made to be his vessel *and* prison. Yuji puts up a fight, Yuji never breaks. This drives Sukuna mad, made him question his own philosophy. Megumi, after a while, gave up. It's also obvious that he conveniently wanted Megumi's CT (very useful against Gojo)
I also find it interesting how the age gap is justified because WELL at least he likes Megumi!! Bruh Sukuna only likes himself, power and fighting. And even I question all that... Sorry for the little rant, but I came across someone's tumblr giving the most boring, overrated "explanation" about skfs being this and that and subtly shading Yuji (like they usually do). Completely ignoring his words to Sukuna in the last chapter lmao, I wonder why.
To be honest, in season 1 and 2, I don't think there's a way to say that sukuita is better than skfs when the ship was made for silly reasons. Sukuna's interest to Megumi is very obvious as well as his dislike to Yuuji. But I just don't like skfs dynamic, also bc I don't like Megumi that much. The reason I ship sukuita was bc of their first interaction. I thought it was an interesting way of starting their relationship. I've been thinking what-ifs like "what if at some point, Sukuna starts to like Yuuji?" The "will they won't they" type of thing. Also bc I'm into twincest/selfcest hahahaha. I did not ship them intentionally for that reason but I guess it was the start of my liking. Take stancest for example which I'm currently shipping.
And I just don't see the reason of seeing sukuita as different from skfs when they're like almost the same thing. "But Sukuna hates Yuuji" yeah, but it's still shipping that is made from imagination of them being in love with each other. And that goes the same with skfs, Megumi hates Sukuna. And another reason I ship sukuita is that Yuuji was willing to talk to the king of curses, out of all people, it was him who is brave enough to do so. I was thinking of possibilities that Yuuji could convince Sukuna about something good or good morality. Also, they spent most of the time together so I could imagine some scenarios. And ch. 265 gave us the answers, they were having a date together đŸ„ș. Like, that is literally the cutest thing I've ever seen. Yuuji is a very forgiving person and he was willing to give that to Sukuna. This is why I ship them, they have more development together. And if Gege went with the route of them being actual twins, they would be closer beyond their souls.
"Oh but it's incest! Sukuna is Yuuji's uncle!" So what? He doesn't even act like one, coming from a different era lmao. That is so easy to forget and it's fucking fiction, idgaf. It's not even immoral but only disgusting to some people. But who cares? We ship whatever we want.
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onlyswan · 11 months
hi art 💓 so im rereading iw couples breakup drabble as one would do everytime shes on her period (its a canon event i think ppl would relate) and i have a few questions!!! đŸ„č🩋
1. what were the iw couple doing before they were in the car? like did they spend the day only to then break up? i rmb reading that jk was on tour, did he came back and break up w them right away? did he at least get them a present???!
2. what events led him to the decision? we know that prob he’s overwhelmed, the uncertainty of his career and the drabble from where he saw how draining it is on oc. but is there a bigger thing that happened?
3. u wrote that he “practiced” breaking up with oc. like is this true? how long has he thought of breaking up w oc before he actually did it? and how did oc not expect anything??? â˜čâ˜č
4. who is this “not married yet” girl that jk was teasing tae about? that sounds so saucYY a drabble for that would be super fun!! its gonna be super angsty too!!! hahahahhaha
5. we know jk regretted it right away after breaking up w oc, but why didn’t he backtrack and take it back? i know oc must’ve thought hes crazy but he didnt even call or text first? us reading is comforted by knowing that jk is also having the worst time, but oc doesn’t. yet theyre brave enough to be the one who reached out first, bc for all they know, jk could be with some other people right now, alr over them. did oc know that he’s not that kind of person or deep down they’re just being as brave as they can asking for what they wants which is him?
6. can we pleaseeeee have more drabbles where we can see how much the boys adore oc? or just their dynamic i would say. also do they have a special connection with each of the boys on different things? like maybe a drabble where jk & oc pack a homemade lunch to bring when visiting jin hobi or yoongi đŸ„čđŸ„č
7. after the initial breakup, were things ever awkward? were there times when oc had to get used to him being in their life again or something less dramatic? did he ever see doubts or worry in oc’s eyes and is the even when he gave u reasons to drabble, the first time they had to address the traumatic event in their relationship? do they ever talk about it now? or laugh about it?
8. what happened with the “someone else i met in a bar turned out to be a jerk”??? when was this?! HAHAHHA jk must’ve lost his fucking mind after learning about this
9. kinda curious has there been a time when jk really needs quality time w oc and just brings her on tour? my dream is becoming a tour wifey so this would hit all the right spot:( esp w how easy he handled the situation from the last drabble of just inviting her to come w him. cutest â˜č
thank you so much for providing one of my comfort fics!! i hope ure having a great dayđŸŒ·đŸ„č
oh!! also!! i think we’ve never seen iw couple be on a date date, like fancy super dressed up date. is that just not them? can we see more of their date nights??
heyyy beloved i missed you đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș omg???
there are two types of onlyswan readers: one - those who reread the period drabbles then they’re on their period / two - those who reread the breakup drabble when they’re on their period 😭😭😭
ALRIGHT [cracks knuckles]
1. he broke up with oc as soon as he arrived back from tour đŸ„Č like literally. our guy was still jetlagged. he just wasn’t in his right mind at the time honestly. oc hopped in the car thinking they were going to spend time together someplace else but
 yk what happened
 ofc he got oc lotssss of presents though </3 including those gifts he talked about in the video oc watched before they called him :(
2. at the time they were already making plans about what will happen in the next few years of their career including the m word ehem ehem so. yeah he was overwhelmed and tired and he felt guilty of having to always leave oc + we know how oc is so empathetic so he also felt guilty that they have to carry his burdens as well â˜č
3. probably a month đŸ€š but he didn’t actually want to break up with oc yk? it felt more like a thing that he had to do </3 so oc never suspected anything because the way he was acting towards them never changed. he wanted to hold on.
4. LMAOOOOO maybe in the future i’ll get around to that đŸ€žđŸŒ but tae was going through it for reaaaaal
5. he didn’t jump out the car to chase oc because him immediately changing his mind would’ve pissed oc off thinking that he was just playing a joke on their feelings and that would earn him a slap on the face 😭 he thought of that. and oc said they wanted to decide for theirself too :( so he wanted to respect that but he ended up becoming too much of a coward to reach out first after that bcs what if oc already decided that the breakup was for the best too đŸ„Č what if they hate him now đŸ„Č but he should’ve thought about it more from oc’s pov bcs they were suffering thinking that he alr gave up frfr </3
hmmm joon did talk to them about jk having a hard time, but during the breakup they did ask if he cheated so we know that they have this anxiety :( oc is just our bravest soldier who knows what they want and always tries their best to get it (him) đŸ«Ą
6. omg yessss more soon i’ve been thinking about one with jimin too specifically !! oc definitely bonds with each of the tannies about different things đŸ„ș
7. yea, the even when he gave u reasons to drabble was the first time they brought it up again :( after they got back together jk really made efforts to reassure oc and that’s partly because he did see how they became kind of timid when he expresses affection. (i.e., jk saying “i didn’t love you any less and you know that.” and oc not saying anything and walking away instead) (this shit still kills me today sorry)
8. this was oc’s bf before jungkook aka guy with the dirty nails aka the ex who cursed them out like crazy when oc broke up with him (called them a slut) AND ALMOST made oc delete jungkook’s first ever texts to them bcs they lowkey started believing him. (he makes me mad sorry)
9. heeee wanted to but oc has only tried flying out for the ptd la and vegas shows bc the circumstances before then were different :( they were balancing school and multiple jobs. and we know how hard oc studied. they were so committed 😭 but now they live together and oc has a stable job and everything’s just more flexible overall so going with him overseas when he has work there is easy and not a problem at all đŸ„ș
oh ofccc they’ve been on fancy dates esp that oc loves feeling pretty <3 but someone take me on a fancy date first so i can write about it đŸ€§
this is the first time someone called the giving up drabble a comfort fic lmaoooo this made my day i love you 😭 i hope i answered your questions and thank you soooo much for reading my works đŸ„ș💕
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rubendiasthoughts · 11 months
Forgive me, ruben girls, i've just noticed that he has a deep dimple 😭 Imagine spend lazy evening after his practice and your work/college with him laying on your lap. You two are talking about how's the day was going and he gets excited everytime you spill a hot tea that going around on your workplace, end up you two are gossiping. Then he accidentally makes a cute face when you tell the most anticipated part of the gossip then you notice the deep dimple on his face. You stop talking and focus on his face then with your index finger, you trace his dimple and press his dimple with your index finger. You can't hold back to shower his whole face with a uncounted kisses until he tells you to stop. The evening end up with both of you are fighting over who can give a more kisses to another one.
In words of Taylor: I saw the dimples first and then I heard the accent đŸ€­đŸ€­
This scenario is the cutest thing ever!! No joke
Him just laying his head in your lap, and you are running your fingers through his hair đŸ„ș and something is probably playing on TV but neither of you are paying attention to it, cause you are telling each other all about how your day went. And he is so invested in all the hot goss that you are sharing with him and he is laughing so hard and that cute dimple appears on his face and you instantly melt when you see it. And you start tracing your finger over it and Ruben is like "what happened then?" cause you just stopped talking but you can't focus on your story anymore and you start pressing kisses all over his face, telling him it's his fault that you got distracted. And the more kisses you give him, the more visible this dimple is becoming, cause he's just grinning like an idiot and you are telling him how cute he is, making him blush đŸ€­ and maybe he would tell you that you are even cuter đŸ€­
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waitingtobebroken · 7 months
i’m trying to think of funny things to say but.. i wish you would write a fic where they’re doing a murder mystery podcast? crowley’s wearing a purple dress (pls for me đŸ„ș đŸ‘‰đŸ»đŸ‘ˆđŸ»)? they’re being the cutest beans falling in love with each other while working at a coffee shop oh wait you’re already writing that (thank god) 💜😌
Awwww, you are so sweet đŸ„șđŸ„ș
Crowley can absolutely wear a purple dress (and look amazing in it of course!) but I am actually TERRIFIED of murder mysteries! Yes, even though I was trying to get you to listen to The Magnus Archives haha! There is just something about it being real life stuff that makes it more scary than paranormal things!
So, here is my alternative suggestion! Ghost hunters podcast with both of them being awkward beans already halfway through falling in love. And Crowley being the biggest scaredy cat ever but trying to act all tough and protect Aziraphale. And maybe he falls and hurts himself while they are breaking into an abandoned house and Aziraphale has to carry him out (do you see my ✹vision✹???). And of course he is fussing so much that he completely misses the actual ghosts that are right in front of them! And Crowley decides to keep quiet because if he tells him maybe Aziraphale'll want to come back (he won't, he is never going in there again. He SAW those things, thank you very much).
And then they start a different podcast and get married and live happily ever after (with lots of purple dresses and cafe shops!)
Wait... did you... did you trick me into adding ANOTHER thing into my WIP folder??? đŸ„Č
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borathae · 11 months
Sorry, this is not BTS related. Let me share something sweet with you. I am currently dating a guy who is shy and incredibly kind It's his first time dating, and we're both in our mid-20s. After about 3 months of dating, we planned a date in the park. I decided to surprise him by bringing flowers as a gift. When he saw the flowers, he was both surprised and touched. We're taking things slow. About 10 months into our relationship, I finally went to his place for dinner. While sitting in the living room, something caught my eye. I noticed framed pressed flowers on the wall with my name delicately written in the corner. They looked familiar to me, so I curiously asked him about them. Blushing and shyly, he confessed that those were the very flowers I had given him on our park date. He further explained that those flowers were incredibly dear to him, and he wanted to preserve their memory by framing each one. So sentimental of him đŸ„șThought of sharing it or be might use it for.somethimg, maybe Sibi will use this for her next fic 😂
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watchingthecredits · 3 months
my love!💗! my dear!💚! my girl!💜! saw this and went omg. me and my wifeeeee <33 I love to hear the sound of your voice!!! has me falling even more in love with u every voice message u send is sosososo infinitely special I love u!!!
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aughhh my angel my love i love you so much đŸ„ș💗💘 this is the cutest sweetest thing ever i can't believe it reminded u of me!!! still falling crying swooning over the fact that u love my voice thats so crazy to me considering!! u!! u have the prettiest voice i've ever heard!! and u like mine!! maybe its just more proof u and me were meant to be in love or whatever wolf alice said mhm <333
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poltergeist-coffee · 8 months
I'm not okay
She is just a baby:(
On the bright side, fit and pac are dating yay
Uh... I'm not thinking about that post about pac having two hands or something, nope, it's not like eoiles have ttwo hand too, one for fighting other to hold pac's hand...
Polyqsmp for the win, y'know?
Also, Ramon and Pac's relationship is the cutest thing ever, they are father and son your honor đŸ„ș
I love them
At least a couple is okay because guapoduo, on the other hand... meus pais meus pais where are them?
Slimeriana too...
I really want Mariana to log on, but specifically when Richas is awake because it would be funny
Roier traumatized him kkkkkkkk
Oh, and I friend of mine really likes goodomensduo(Scott + Febatista), the thing is that they had very little interactions... The poor guy is suffering with lack of content
The problem of liking not popular dynamics/ships is that you have to make the content yourself
We suffer
Apparently, Cellbit, Slime and Baguera's thing is running their voices on karaoke every time they meet up
They are having fun:D
I don't have that confidence kkkkk(I don't know if I wait or fear the day my friends decide to do a karaoke while I'm with them because they are liking the idea recently)
I was remembering your royal(? Or was medieval, I struggle with names) au the other day and I don't remember if you talked about Baguera's kingdom, or Phil(who is on the wall, the sigh must be nice), does she still a duck?(and the other winged people too?) Or they are just humans?
And I'm fearing that the owl Cellbit hc will catch me, I AM ALREADY A INDECISIVE PERSON I DON'T NEED MORE IDEAS TO FREAK OUT
But I saw some fanarts and... owlboy... I love owls...
Anyway, I hope you had a great day and week:D
Good day/night!
- đŸœ
empanada dying was probably an accident too :((( (based on tubbo's analysis on stream) it's so sad :(( she's the first egg to lose a death ever since the new eggs arrived + everyone got their two lives back.... i really thought richas would be the first one to lose a life again ngl just because of how he is
DSVAKLSMDLA PLLATE ANON YOU'RE MY HEROOOOO XDD you're right. etoiles has two hands, one for pac and the other is to fight the eye workers from purgaotry <33 pac has two hands, one for fit and one for etoiles and mike is helping fix his prosthetic leg <33 romance <33 at it's finest
i loved that ramon called pac his dad and mike didn't realize janvkjasdjk he completely forgot that fit and pac dating now meant that ramon is pac's son XDD the favela family grows bigger every day...
i would love for mariana to log on when roier and richas are both on because i want to see roier make a big deal out of it and richas runs for his life XDD i want richas to spread his fear to the new eggs too like imagine how funny that would be asdvkjaska poor pepito,,, being told one of pepito's dad is an egg eating monster
EVERY DUO AND FRIEND GROUP FROM PURGATORY IS SUFFERING!! THEY LIVE OFF OF SO LITTLE CONTENT TT at least they can make up whatever lore they want with the purgaotry cubitos... im shaking your friends hand for liking a rarepair TT we make the content all ourselves... life is so hard for us
ive never done kareoke before but it looks like fun to do with friends :oo i can't sing so i would be so bad at it kjnsdavjkask
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YAAA THE ROYALTY AU (which is also a little medieval, it's like both so it's okay adsjkvnask)
baghera is the queen of her own kingdom!! everyone is human in this au but they have magic they specialize in and can create items to give them things that are sort of like wings!!
philza is a special case tho because his wife is the goddess of death so maybe she blesses his cape to act like wings or something... since baghera is a queen im sure she has the resources to find someone to make her a cape or item that works like wings because i feel like something like that would be super hard to make.
jaiden is a witch in this au and she doesn't live in any kingdom!! she lives sort of by herself surrounded by a rose garden and she uses a lot of nature magic which is focused on birds!! because of this and how long she's been studying it she's able to enchant herself a cloack that allows her to glide short distances :DD more similar to the paraglider in mineraft then an elytra. the feathers she used for her cloack were all shedded feathers she gets from her bird friends :]]
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IVE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF OWL CELLBIT HCS BUT THAT'S SO COOL,,,,,, he would be so unnerving, imagine he can turn his head all around 360 like an actual owl advknaskja poor roier if he ever sees that,,,, he would scream so loud
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mxddyhero · 1 year
yo I heard some gossip... more like I accidentally listened to this behind the mankai company... but I kinda saw this purple haired guy talking to a friend about how thankful he was to see you in the public of the theatre that day, maybe he even teared up a little because of the strong feelings of both his character in the show and actually seeing you enjoy his acting on stage, it sounded like he loves you so much you have no idea, but don't tell him i told you this...
This was the cutest thing ever to wake up to ohh ym god... đŸ„șđŸ„ș GRAH... implodes..
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eleganzadellarosa · 10 months
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pairing: male oc x female oc
genre: fluff and angst
word count: 1.4K+
AN: would you believe me if I said this plot came to me in a dream? I kinda woke up crying đŸ„ș it’s so cute and so adorable and I hope it warms your heart. As always, enjoy and thanks for reading <3
P.S - characters are seniors
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“Hi Sweetpea, good morning!”
There it was again, the sweet smile that fills my heart with love every morning. The one that makes my heart flutter and flips my stomach. Does he know how much love I have for him? Can he tell?
When I smile back, his smile gets brighter as if his smile is powered by mine. Sweetpea has been his nickname for me for as long as I can remember. The only boy that didn’t throw dirt on me during recess or steal my milk in the cafeteria. I didn’t love him then, he was just nice, a good person, soon my best friend.
It was the start of high school that I realized the small jump my heart did every time he was around wasn't only due to being happy to see him but that I wanted to be in his arms forever. Can he tell?
He didn’t care that he lived 3 miles away, he always came to walk me to school without hesitation. I looked forward to it. Looked forward to looking left and right until I could finally see his shape round the corner. He always did a little jog and wave when he saw me standing in front of my house.
It was cute, maybe even the cutest thing he did and he has a long list of those.
“You look so cold, sorry I had you waiting for so long.”
His hands came up to warm my cheeks, hopefully hiding the blush that threatened to paint them. He was perfect in my eyes, the most handsome I had ever seen. He truly shined inside and out.
“Hi Pumpkin, good morning.” That was the best nickname I could come up with for him after all these years but of course nothing could beat Sweetpea and he didn’t seem to mind it at all. “I didn’t wait long so I’m not cold.”
Maybe I should have kept the last part to myself so I could feel the warmth of his skin a few seconds longer. Truthfully the brisk of the winter air froze the moisture in my skin, yet I never felt cold when he was around. He was the sunshine that melted the cold snow.
At school everyone knew we were two peas in a pod. Rumors circulated that there was no way we weren’t dating with how much time we spent together. He always denied them and it broke my heart. Did I really not have a chance?
“Okay class, today we’re finally going to announce the two leads for the play.”
The drama club teacher was nice, very bubbly and brightened any room she entered. Being a part of the drama club helped me express my feelings without having to claim them as my own, labeling them simply as acting.
I never knew why Pumpkin joined, he had a knack for it but it didn’t really seem like an interest of his.
“Pumpkin and Sweetpea congratulations, you will be our two leads in the upcoming play. You have 3 weeks to go over your lines but I’m confident that you’ll both push through and give us an amazing performance.”
My face flushed hearing the “ooohs” and whistles from everyone after hearing the announcement. My nerves were triggered, my hands were shaking. The play was about a romance between two royal parties who belonged to opposing sides who eventually confess their love for each other, a forbidden romance of sorts.
And there was a kiss scene. Nothing vulgar, quick and innocent but knowing who I had to do it with made me anxious. This would help none with the burning desire I felt for him. And with his skills, he would make it as believable as possible.
The weeks passed by and the script flowed smoothly as if we lived as the characters themselves, but the kiss scene we never practiced. It would have to be perfect for today on the first try. No room for mistakes.
“Sweetpea, how you feeling? I’m kinda nervous, I don’t wanna mess up.”
How would he? He was perfect for the role and he looked like a prince himself. He didn’t know what nervous was. I stood thinking about kissing my best friend for the first time and enjoying it. I wanted it but I didn’t want to mess up the picture perfect friendship we had. I didn’t want to break the cycle.
“You two are on in 5!”
The deafening silence from the audience and the booming dialogue from the stage battled for who could break me the fastest. Each step we took toward that stage, arms interlocked, my heart rang closer to my ears. My face had to be cherry red by now, no one could tell me otherwise.
“Deep breaths Sweetpea, we got this. I got you.”
It was time, no more giving yourself a pep talk when the curtain had already risen and you were exposed to the crowd.
It went well, the first half, just like we both practiced for weeks. The emotions, the dancing, everything. Everything except the kiss. The kiss that was approaching like rapid fire, something I could no longer stop.
What was I so scared for? It was one kiss lasting 5 seconds at most. I was in a comfortable setting with my best friend of 10 years. I was scared of the change, not between us but within myself.
I knew my love would grow stronger to the point of sleepless nights, but the fear of losing him was too painful. He said it himself, we weren’t dating and the stern manner in which he said it made it known he had no intentions on ever changing that.
The moment was now to deliver his lines and get it over with and never look back.
“My love, I cannot bear to live without seeing your beautiful face everyday.”
His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me in.
“It pains me having to return home without you in my arms.”
A hand came up to cup my cheek.
“I love you.”
His lips were on mine and everything around us faded. Only he and I stood on that stage, no one else in sight as he confessed his love to me. Oh how I waited for this day to come. Or so I hoped. My delusion could not get me any further, so I let the tear fall from my eye as he ended the kiss.
Applause roared through the auditorium. The performance was perfect but my heart was broken. The curtain dropped and I pushed my way past the heavy double doors and ran to the dressing room.
The tears flowed down my cheeks and my heart burned with pain. My knees could no longer hold my body and I fell against a chair clutching my chest.
It was an ugly cry. The kind that wet your face, shortened your breath and stuffed your nose.
He came. He came to check on me as he always would whenever he knew something was wrong. I couldn’t see his face this time but I knew from experience that he looked as if the doctor told him a family member had only days left to live.
what’s wrong? Did I do something?”
Ah, the pain in his voice as he accused himself of doing something that would put me in this state only further pained me. Of course he didn’t do anything wrong, he never did. Especially not this time.
He came closer, cautiously and put a hand on my shoulder.
look at me, tell me what’s wrong. I don’t wanna see you like this.”
I looked up at him because I needed him to know that as badly as I was crying, nothing he did or is currently doing was the cause.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong? You did an amazing job with the play, the audience loved it!”
“I love you Pumpkin!” I confessed through teary eyes and a snotty nose, but better late than never right? “I love you and I’ve loved you for years now and I can’t take it anymore. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me and I want you to love me too.”
why is that making you cry? I do love you. I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. I care about you so much and I’m sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell me that sooner. You are my Sweetpea from before, now and forever.”
He kissed me again but this time after his own confession, one that I waited to hear for a long time. It was worth the wait and worth everything that lead up to it.
I am his Sweetpea and he is my Pumpkin.
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cr to kgymz for divider
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
I saw that you were having a bad day. I hope it will be better soon.
I am giving you a big hug.
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I will try to distract you a little bit.
I have some questions that you might have answer before but I will still ask. 😁
What is the fic or story that you wrote that you will recommend and why?
Which one is the most personal?
Which one is the one that you feel the proudest?
And finally in which one do the characters are you babies and you will kill/die for them?
Have a lovely evening/day.
I hope it will distract you a little bit đŸ„°
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Hi hi. Sad thing about today is that other than the foot injury it's been a good day. I had ice cream earlier in the afternoon, and I had pasta for dinner. Like had it not been for the constant pinching in my foot and the bruises forming I would've been a happy lil potato đŸ„șđŸ„ș (but istg that lil hug is the cutest thing gaaaaaah đŸ« )
For a story that I recommend, and that I feel the proudest over, and the one with the couple that I would fight & kill (maybe not die though bc who else will tell their story lol) is 'relinquish the crown'. I have not yet written anything that has involved this much brain power from me as this series has taken. From a lil thing of 5.6k words and it's grown into seasons long story arcs, companion pieces, companion mini-series (coming soon), and so many "What If
?" roads to go down, it can singlehandedly make my head spin 😂 But the world I've built around them so far is something I'm so proud of and I will never stop being proud of it, even if a good number of my readers potentially aren't really here for that particular plot (i know this because this series notoriously has the least traction among everything i've ever written in the Loki community but it's okay because the readers it does have are about just as passionate about this story as i am and i get to talk to some of them in depth about some elements that would soon enough make it into the story)
As for the one that feels most personal to me
that might just be 'all the right answers' from the 14 days of valentines collection, since it's the only thing I've written so far where I created a reader that has the most of "me" in it, with the certification and the job
it's honestly who I wish I was
? Someone who was able to quit my day job and pursue an acting career, but alas
my time hasn't come yet 😅
thank you so much for sending in the ask! i really appreciate the cutie lil gifs đŸ„č💖
send me a 'get to know the blogger' ask to distract me from my foot injury
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jihyocentric · 2 years
lumi!! hi i hope ur doing well with ur classes starting up again, and that ur taking care <33
so many ppl talking abt pup!hyo omg i get so so happy when i see that!! its ur genius idea that u so graciously allowed me to put my 2 cents into in the beginning, i really do love the au so much though
but the last fill abt 2yeon fucking jihyo with nayeon being rough and jeongyeon soft was sooooo good ur too good at this im so serious. and jihyo just shouting "again!" when she got came in 😭😭 she's so precious i cant
and nayeon better be proud jihyo can last that long cause SHE DID THAT!!! she trained her to cum so many times, we talked abt that once a while ago...how time flies when ur talking abt pup!hyo
i love anxious little hyo that needs nayeon (and jeongyeon) around to feel comfortable, she would totally beg nayeon to wear one of her hoodies to the vet cause smelling like her makes her feel better, like she's safe and protected :((
jihyo biting them is actually the most realistic thing abt this bc the amount of videos we have of her biting jeongyeon is crazy but thats just how she shows love!!
and for belly rubs i think her leg would kick out bc it feels so good and maybe she's kicked 2yeon a few times but its ok bc she is so cute. and i can see nayeon taking advantage of her being so like. blissed out from the belly rubs that she cups her face and talks in that baby voice ppl do to dogs like: "who's the best girl? you are! yes you are! you're my best girl" while jihyo just grins and purrs cause shes!! so!! happy!! and oh my god that's the cutest idea i've ever had wow
jihyo: im not getting the ball thats just stupid
2yeon: *throws it*
jihyo, already getting up: well SOMEONE has to get it
PLEASE i imagine jihyo, short ass jihyo, trying (and failing) to peek over jeongyeons shoulder and being like an annoying sibling with the "whatre you doing? what is that thing? why does it look like that?" she is jeongyeon's pain in the butt (affectionate)
jihyo who falls asleep on the couch and wakes up in nayeon's bed and doesn't question it cause it smells like nayeon and nayeon is love and safety im gonna make myself get emotional hold up
pup!hyo is my favorite, ty for always writing abt her and just doing it so well. u are so talented lumi, its just incredible
oh don't worry about sending asks! i love them. i won't answer the jichaeng ones atm because i'm not sure if i want to talk abt chaeyoung rn, but i saw them and i'm glad you liked my last non rq drabble, i wrote it thinking you'd like it! :)
and pup hyo learned so well đŸ„č like she's so obedient to nayeon. she might be a brat at times but she's like 95% the best behaving pup ever and it's all on nayeon!! girlie took so much time and effort to deal with jihyo's eager ass
when she goes to the vet and jeongyeon drives, even if nayeon tries to make her sit safely and put on the seat belt, hyo will still go to her lap anyway with her tail between her legs bc she's afraid and anxious and she just wants nayeon 😭
now YES jihyo loves to bite jeongyeon for some reason. like is she tasty? i wanna know too! share with us!!
and for belly rubs i think her leg would kick out bc it feels so good and maybe she's kicked 2yeon a few times
YES. just yes. she can't control when she kicks them, they need to understand!! and abt the voice jihyo wouldn't even understand nayeon at first,, like i see jihyo getting really confused the first time nayeon does that, she'd be like "is it me?" "am i the best girl?" bc she isn't used to receiving affection at all and it just shocks her that someone loves her like nayeon does :(
jihyo: im not getting the ball thats just stupid 2yeon: *throws it* jihyo, already getting up: well SOMEONE has to get it
PLEASE you say i'm funny but this made me giggle HARD 😭 aww and jihyo is totally a pain in the butt but jeongyeon wouldn't change it for a thing đŸ„ș you're right, nayeon is love and safety, and so is jeongyeon!
(i didn't answer the other asks before everything went downhill bc there was /there is actually/ a lot in my inbox and i was going to answer them soon, but rn it's like i said in the first paragraph. thank you for passing by nonetheless anon, your asks always entertain me!)
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killian-whump · 2 years
I watched the second day’s panel finally! Thanks to @colinoeyebrows​ for helping me find the links that I completely missed in the multiple posts of hers that I reblogged 😂 I blame Colin for the fact that I totally missed them, because I just get all heart-eyed about him and it’s really difficult to see with all those hearts in the way!!!
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Anyway! So I finally saw the panel and it was wonderful and lovely and Colin’s just the cutest ever and R.I.P. his coffee, because he didn’t get to have any of it before it was probably ice cold đŸ„ș 
So many cute moments, though. I loved him telling the audience “I love you” in Dutch before he left. So sweet! And all the heartfelt things he said about how much it means to him that the show is still touching people’s lives and helping them through tough times. And Helen being his biggest crush ❀ And Buckley! He talked about Buckley and I love Buckley ❀ And they have two little goldfish, too!! I wanna know their names and see them, but I bet we probably won’t ever, but I’m sure they’re lovely little O’Donofish! ❀❀
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like Colin was more upfront about his nervousness and shyness at this con. He was super candid about it in some of the stories he told, and he made several comments about how scary doing panels is for him. I think that’s really great, because as someone with lots of anxiety, I’ve always found that it’s so much better to just let it be known than to try to play it cool and act like you’re not nervous. Just letting it out can be so freeing and ease a lot of the stress and I’ve often found that other people are eager to help however they can, and then I’m too busy being touched by their kindness to even be nervous anymore. People can be great ❀
And it’s really inspiring to hear him talk about his struggles with things like that, because I do look up to him and admire him in so many ways. My own anxieties have had such a major impact on my life, it’s inspiring to know someone you look up to has to fight some of those same demons - and does! - in order to be the person they are and achieve the things they do ❀
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Also, he’s NOT too old to be Bond. The only reason he even possibly could be is because the stupid people running the franchise were talking about going for someone “younger” or a “Millennial Bond” or whatever - but nobody actually wants that. Colin is just the right age to play Bond!! And he’d be PERFECT in the role!! And I really, really, really, really want it - both for him and for me, because I think it would be awesome and I think everyone would really enjoy what Colin could bring to the role!!
Listen, I took on Cinnabon just to get him a follow.
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I’ll do it, too. Don’t tempt me. DOOOON’T TEMPT ME.
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