#maybe the real evil was the mcs we made along the way
leviachansbaka · 1 year
I know this is super toxic but if it turns out we can't go back to the original timeline because *someone* planned this, I'm gonna make them fall even more in love with my mc and then kill mc in the most tragic way possible just to destroy their heart and traumatize them deeply.
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jayflrt · 3 months
if you left any clues in this chapter, i let you know I can’t pick it up because i felt they were left in some kinda human experiment. how have they not got alcohol poisoning atp ?? i have no clue on alcohol, since I don’t drink but assume that many shots of alcohol would be bad. or did math be wrong in my mind ? the haze felt like, it was they lived a normal life in the morning and at night some magical creatures 🧛🧛🧛🧛🧛. I feel like this was a mild haze because most insane thing was doing exercises after shots. Also Jay is so smart for the presentation thing, I would have thought of it and made some kinda random thing. talking bout a broad topic but giving one single message that’s smart 🫡 I want Jay so bad honestly. be MINE JAY AHHH 🐺🐺 it’s time for me to get into my thinking chair (pls get the blue’s clue reference) and put my thinking hat on. so far im just so taken back with everything however, I haven’t lost my goal yet. I have grown some suspense towards sunoo and rest of yn’s friends. first sunoo has been acting kinda weird lately, I always had my suspense with the friend group. most close people are on the suspect list always. after the small thing Chaewon pull im so confused idk if this small agenda against yn because of her past. but I don’t want to put her on the suspect list because only issue is heeseung was in love with yn while dating chaewon. people can be nasty but I don’t think she would go that far ? but she does fit the unknown doing it for their personal gain ?cuz a little revenge for ruining her relationship (as in chaewon’s) with no actual faults of her (yn) ? I know we are nearing the time yn finds about Jay but if i ignore maybe it’s not real 😅. actually what if you feel evil and go “surprise it was yn !” the whole time and she wanted to see how far jay was willing to go hide his secret. It because equal level of betrayal on both sides 😅 okay no don’t this because wtf that’s actually insane. pause, this might be nice approach because her dad has so high expectations and shit. maybe ? just…. okay no. anyhow I have no additional, suspects so far. I saw you say this maybe be 80 parts long well sign me UPPP im so invested. wait did you already reveal the secret that they blackmails Jay with ? cuz for some reason in my mind he has fake the administration and shits like that ? and maybe manipulate with the scores for him to be closer to suspect ?? or am I just tripping ??
ALSO NEXT UPDATE ARE WE GETTING LIKE THEM CONFRONTING YN ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED OR NOT BECAUSE ILL LAUGH 🙏OR DID SHE ALREADY TELL ANTON ALONG THE LINE OF “hypnotically speaking, what if you fucked (with clothes on) your crush who is also friends with your ex and childhood bestie who is still in love with me, totally didn’t happen to me asking for a friend ?” at most random hour of the midnight 😅. I just know yeonjun would be first one to question it from both yn and jay, THERES NO WAY IN HELL HE WILL LET THAT GO. I KNOW HES NOT CONVINCED praying for jayn HAHAHAH ‼️ actually non of them is convinced im praying both of them. Jayn wanted a put of sight out of mind situation but now everyone kinda knows. and curious.
theory anon
LMFAOO i used that chapter more for relationship developments between different characters (especially jay) and i Did seed some plot points that i want to incorporate later but nothing that would be obvious right away if that makes sense 🤧 LMFAOO yeah it's kind of a lot but they'll live!! with terrible hangovers the next morning probably 😃 yeah the exercises added with their lack of sleep the entire week would've been brutal 🥲 and the constant anxiety that they're doing something wrong or gonna get in trouble for something,, and i def used this chapter to flex how smart jay's supposed to be LOL that is MY main character <33
sunoo and mc are weirdly secretive of their friendship i'd say so definitely some suspicion there ! and chaewon's intentions with trying to put jay and mc on the hot seat are interesting too,, and could potentially be because of heeseung?? jay now knows her father was the one who wrote the article on mercy health too so if not her, her father does know something about what happened there 🫢 and anything can happen !! but you're right that we're just about nearing the time that mc finds out about jay 🥲
also yes it's gonna be around 80 parts!! maybe longer?? hopefully not because i don't want to have to make a second masterlist 😿 but i gotta do what i must for the storyline 🙏 also jay's "secret" hasn't been revealed yet!! also his client got his admission into yale falsified (not his scores) but that's also somewhat hanging over his head and keeping him working for someone he doesn't necessarily like or agree with because he's already in too deep of a hole :')
LMFAOOO pretty much all of them know Something is going on between jay and mc but just don't say anything because they either don't wanna accept it (the case for hoon and heeseung LMFAO) or they're just satisfied watching it unfold before them (100% yeonjun)
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desultory-novice · 2 years
hey:) i really love your character analysis posts- thoughts on hyness?
[This ask is from Early August. My backlog is cry...]
I've mentioned on Discord once or twice that I like Hyness. 
To clarify some, I find him fascinating.
I'm not going to go into a big "defense" on Hyness's actions here because...
...like, there is none?
The man runs a cult. A doomsday cult! Plans to end the world for selfish reasons by summoning (a) God (?) of Destruction. He uses the Sisters as actual weapons - after robbing them their will and draining them of their power. Something implied to cause them pain.
Not a good man. So, when I say I like Hyness, I don't "support" Hyness's actions as a villain. Obviously?!? But I think he's a really interesting character and I like analyzing him!
Things like, "What possibly made him this way?" Or "How does HE explain his actions?" "At what point, if any, did he think about turning back?" And "What sort of things did he do that inspired such devotion from the Mage Sisters? What did they see in him that they were willing to go so far for him?"
Now, because of some commonality/overlap, it's very easy to group Sectonia, Max, and Hyness together as this pocket group of older-coded villains who all bring decidedly more "real world" evil upon the peaceful Dream Land...
Sectonia is a cruel monarch of an imperialistic empire, Max is a greedy, resource-stealing capitalist, and Hyness an aggressive and abusive religious madman.
But with a little bit of digging, we learn that both Sectonia (Joronia) and Max were corrupted first, and that it was the corruption that turned them into the black-and-white end-game villains. There's even reason to suspect they were good people before the change!
Hyness though...
Even Kumazaki comes out and says 'Nah, Hyness was always cuckoo-mad about the betrayal and obsessed with summoning whatever God of Destruction he could find just for petty revenge against whoever he could find to blame - when he should have been a shepherd to his people.' So, yeah.
The guy doesn't have a spotless record or even a remotely clean one. And yet, of the three - two corrupted innocents and one who chose to walk a path of corruption himself - it's Hyness who survives!?
(I say this as a Hyness fan, but he's....ODD looking too. He's this bright, Dedede-blue, but not based on any particular Earth animal that could excuse the weird color scheme. He's fully clothed from head to floating lower half, so we have no idea what compliment of limbs he's got, if any. He's got large, bulging eyes reminiscent of a chameleon. And that nose! That Squidworth nose that haunts Magolor fans to this day, as they pray Magolor isn't SO descended so directly from the Ancient that he has a similar nose under his scarf!
I bring Hyness's features up because, unfortunately (though the pendulum swings on this) "ugliness" - aka, non-conventional looks - has been pasted onto villainous characters to make them as "un-sympathetic" as possible. 'Oops! People think the villain might have justification? Just give him some warts and oh, maybe a limp! Yeahhh! Then people will really want to stay away from him!'
...Awful, awful stuff. Cruel, hurtful, and untrue. Shallow as well. Of course, turning the tables a perfect 180 degrees and making all your villains pretty has its own problems. But that's a different discussion.
The long and short of it is, Hyness is perfectly designed to slide nicely into the “classic” role of "...the mean old bad guy you can cheer for when they blow up and we're told the day is saved and everyone (else) lived happily ever after.")
Back to Hyness’s survival...
...There's an old anime OVA series I love dearly where, toward the end, the young MC is talking at the most sus of his allies by pointing out that of all their friends that died along the way, he’s left with just this one, and he's the only one the main character doesn't even like!
I think about that kind of thing when I think about Hyness. The "out of everyone with their tragic backstories we felt sorry for, why did the ‘ugly,’ ‘creepy’, and ‘abusive’ one survive?" thing that surely some players were thinking of. And yet, I believe those "hard to love" traits of Hyness are purposefully baked into him and incredibly important. To not just Star Allies, but the whole series.
We have decent reason to suspect that, had Max or Sectonia lived and been restored to how they were before their corruption, they would have quickly found ways to redeem themselves. "Oh god, what have I done?!” “Could you ever forgive me...?" And all that.
Now, Hyness lives and...we have NO IDEA when he is saved if he's even capable of being a better person! To be the leader/caretaker the Sisters always saw in him. It's a risk. A huge risk. Saving the guy who doomed who knows how many worlds? Who always had darkness in his heart? Won’t he just go back to his old ways?
The numbers don't add up in his favor.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
...The risk pays off...!!!
He turns around. He betters himself. His relationships. Hyness no longer contributes a newborn god’s worth of anger and bitterness to the world but now contributes laughter, smiles, and silliness!(1)
God, that is...amazing to me. What a story!
Star Allies is about the power of friendship. But the power of friendship ISN'T just "Hey, look at how powerful my friends are!" or "Look how much power we can summon together!"
The whole point of a good "power of friendship" story is that it can’t be about already HAVING friends. It should be about making them too. In the most unexpected places.
Maybe befriending Hyness will directly lead to something good for Kirby and Co in the future. Or maybe it won't! Maybe he'll just be "a friend" and that's okay too. Outside of life sims, you (hopefully) don’t befriend people for reward. You befriend them because you get something emotionally fulfilling out of the friendship. And I get the feeling Hyness will end up being a very unique friend for the gang.
(Personally, I adore his trait of being able to fit 5 minutes of exposition into 1/100th of the time and would love to see him use that ability on other characters and confuse the heck out of them.
Of course, the mechanically-enhanced like Susie could understand him just fine, but then you've got that clash of religion vs science so she probably translates him wrong for fun. And also to see a flustered Zan try to correct her.)
So yes. I do like Hyness! (Seriously, I like all the characters in Kirby. Even Dark Crafter. ...Possibly. Sorry for not taking you seriously earlier, Crafter!)
I think what Hyness adds to the story and the MYTHOS of Kirby - not just the "lore" of Kirby, but what the very idea of Kirby means - is so incredibly important! Also, for all his silly looks, he actually is cute when he's happy.
(And he brought us so much lore and of course I'm thankful for that too!)
By the way, everyone needs to watch THIS video, which does such an amazing job giving a potential glimpse into Hyness's chaotic mental state during SA and those of his followers.
Btw, it's been a while since I've answered any kind of shipping question, and its probably unusual to go back to that for Hyness of all characters, but in a certain HC of mine, I do ship Hyness w/ Galacta and Nightmare as a polycule of sorts... And yes, that relationship goes as bad as can be expected.
One lover "betrays" you, the other is ordered to turn around and destroy him, and then you have to mete out their eternal punishment for just following orders? :angst:
(1) Isn’t it kind of amusing to think that Hyness is way more honest/contrite and far less dubious post-boss stage than Magolor (and DEFINITELY Marx) after their respective turns with villainy?
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villainousif · 2 years
second, all ros seem to have luxurious hair, would they allow us to play with i? all of them would get free braids (caius too idc short hair or not, if theres a will theres a way) and flower crowns
Maybe The Real Evil Was the Braids We Made Along the Way
Of course, I love the idea—maybe a fun little scenario where the MC can braid everyone's hair in a small room. Amalia might even help with braiding. 
"Maybe The Real Evil Was the Braids We Made Along the Way" An amazing quote it might even be true. 👀
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HDD Curse Rewrite Part 2
A/N: Dateables edition, no Luke because even though you could interpret these as platonic I'm not willing to expose that child to an evil MC.
Best to read at least the intro of Part 1 first. Think of this as the 'key' story line - more of an alt story than a sequel.
Warnings/Mentions: This likely takes place post-s3 at least now, but there's no real spoilers worth mentioning past s1 or maybe further along with Simeon. Once again, MC is not great in this one. Dubcon non-sexual touching, primarily in Barb’s. Some physical violence in Simeon’s. Verbal abuse/emotional manipulation in all of them.
A bright light filled the room at your incantation - Solomon’s hand grazed your sleeve, Mammon called your name, Lucifer cursed - but by the time they could all see again, you were long gone. The slam of the door the only thing you left behind.
For a long moment, there was silence.
“Lucifer and Satan will work on a way to break the curse,” Diavolo took command. He could see some of the brothers still getting to their feet, Solomon still staring at his hand, and even Barbatos looked shaken. “Those of us who don’t have pacts with them will search.”
“One last thing…”
Everyone’s attention was drawn to Valago. The little demon was on the floor, the magic it expended for the curse apparently too much for its body.
“You better break it before midnight. Or else you’ll never get back your sweet little human.”
The Devildom was his domain, so it was only natural that he found you first.
It wasn't where Diavolo expected to see you right now.
A crowded cafe, open late - as many things were in the Devildom. Your outfit drew curious glances from the patrons, but none bothered you. Even without your own magical prowess, the Devildom knew how attached the brothers were to you. Knew better than to threaten you.
You were sat in the corner, a little separate from the rest of the customers. A waiter set down tea for two before Diavolo even reached the table.
"Sit," you offered. The black smoke surrounding you was barely visible in the dim lighting of the booth.
"MC, we should really-"
"I don't want to leave until I've finished my drink."
Diavolo met your eyes and you didn't look away. That was something he liked about you - you didn't avoid his gaze or try to shrink away, you didn't try to debase yourself to please him. You treated him like an equal.
This, though... Diavolo knew a challenge when he saw one.
"I really think-"
"You don't want to make a scene now, do you, Lord Diavolo?"
The interruption made Diavolo's eye twitch, but he maintained his smile and followed your gaze through the cafe.
The other patrons were too far to hear your conversation. Still, they snuck glances over, some openly gawking at the human exchange student and the demon prince. When he turned back to you, he could only describe your expression as a smirk.
Diavolo sat.
"Just felt a sudden urge for the night air, did you?" Diavolo sipped at his own tea. He wasn't sure if you'd ordered it, or if the barista had seen him enter and prepared it especially for their prince. He considered his options as he waited for you to respond.
If he grabbed you and pulled you away, or if he left here carrying your unconscious body, people would talk. Demons could be terrible gossips. The future demon king, the head of the exchange program, kidnapping a human in public? If it got back to the Celestial Realm, that would put him in a very difficult position.
If you decided to cause a scene - screamed, cried out, begged for mercy - it would cause a similar issue.
And it wasn't just this cafe - it would be the whole walk home. Far too many witnesses.
"Your adaptability is always something I've admired about you," Diavolo continued. From the start, you had managed admirably in the Devildom, handled the chaos of the House of Lamentation, and made friends from all three realms.
Even as your cursed self, you adapted well to treating him as an enemy. If Diavolo thought too hard about it, his chest clenched uncomfortably.
"I didn't exactly have a choice."
Diavolo met your eyes. There was no longer a challenge there - instead it was undisguised anger.
That was new.
Diavolo was selfish. He knew that. He didn't like seeing you mad at him. He didn't like you bringing up things you didn't like about him.
But Diavolo was also a prince. He could handle short-term hardship for his ultimate goals.
"I have always admired your kindness and understanding." He never let his smile drop. "If getting out your feelings now will help you return to yourself, I will gladly take it."
You raised an eyebrow and looked doubtful. Diavolo didn't falter.
"My feelings on what? On how you kidnapped me and dropped me into the wolf den for a year?"
Diavolo let you speak.
"How you locked Lucifer into servitude in exchange for his sister's life?"
He took a drink.
"How your unwillingness to listen to others, how fear of your wrath, led Lucifer to lock Belphie away?"
"Now that's not entirely-"
"I died, Demon Prince."
Diavolo wasn't sure what stopped his speech.
The sheer audacity of you interrupting him.
Your sudden use of his title.
Or the reminder that you had died.
Diavolo had never seen your body. Barbatos had carefully timed it so they arrived after your other self disappeared. He'd known what had happened, known that you had died, but he'd never had to truly face that reality.
Never had you throw it in his face.
"You took me from the human world and told me I'd be safe. That you and the brothers would protect me. I could've died so many times, and then I did die." Your voice was quiet. Somehow that made it worse. The other clientele of the restaurant kept glancing at the two of you.
"I know you don't wish that you'd stayed in the human world." Diavolo's tone held no doubt. He felt no doubt - or at least, it was easy to ignore any cracks that had formed.
"I could have destroyed your exchange program by telling anyone outside of the House of Lamentation what happened."
"You would never." Diavolo, under the table, clenched and unclenched one fist. You had kept Belphegor's secret - kept your secret - from your friends, from the Devildom public, from the Celestial Realm.
You had to.
"No, I wouldn't. I was ordinary, Diavolo. I wasn't a prince or an avatar or an angel, but I had a life before this." The resentment in your tone held none of the glee which he would expect from such a curse. Merely a bitterness, like tea steeped too long. "I didn't ask for this. I never asked for the weight of three realms on my shoulders."
"I'm sorry." Diavolo wasn't sure if the words were to placate you or because he needed you to hear them, but they were sincere nonetheless.
"Who was I supposed to talk to? The brothers? Barbatos? You?"
Your voice had risen on that last word- the cafe had more or less emptied out, but Diavolo still had to stop himself from tensing at the extra attention.
"Me. You could talk to me." Diavolo had to be strong. He had to be confident. His voice could hold no doubt, he could show no cracks in his armour.
It was odd, treating you as a friend and an enemy all at once.
"I am well aware of the weight of such responsibility," Diavolo powered on. He reached over, slowly - laid one hand over yours. "I always knew my role. I am sorry you had yours placed on you without warning."
The word felt less a question and more a command. Diavolo could no more deny you than the brothers could, not when the smoke in your eyes cleared and you saw him.
"Because I made a mistake."
Your eyes widened - a reaction so small and brief he nearly missed it. Diavolo pressed his advantage.
If this was what it took to get you home, he would do it.
"I did not know how little I understood of humans." Small and big things he'd never considered. Your need for sunlight, your fear, what pain you could hide. "I did not know how to help you when you were hurting. I didn't know..."
I didn't know how to be a good friend and a good prince.
I didn't know how badly you would be hurt.
I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know.
Too late, he noticed the way you smiled, the way your eyes dimmed with the smoke.
Your name left his lips - but Diavolo could see whatever hold he had on your true self was gone.
Cold tea splashed onto his hand. The little plastic cup had crumpled in his grip.
Your removed your hand from his.
"I'm going to walk out of here, Diavolo," you told him. Before he could even gather his thoughts to protest, you continued. "If you try and stop me, I will scream, and cry out, and fight, and I won't win. I'm nothing compared to you, after all."
Was the bitterness in your tone true, or just another way to twist the knife? Diavolo was no longer sure.
"But I will make a scene. And you know how much damage rumours can do, don't you?"
"I will inform the others of your location."
You nodded as though you expected nothing less. It didn't stop you from pushing your cold tea away.
"I'll see you later, Your Highness."
Diavolo watched you go. He didn't move - he didn't flinch, or try to follow, or put his head in his hands like he desperately wanted to.
You were right, after all.
Rumours would cause problems.
Diavolo would have to pretend to be strong a little longer.
The sudden downpour was concerning.
It seemed your encounter with the Young Master had left quite an impression on his emotional state.
Barbatos did not have the time to return to his room to locate you easily, but he still knew you well enough to have a few ideas.
The Young Master had reported that you had been in a nearby cafe. You were sticking to public locations, places where those not in your control couldn't cause a scene. It seemed the curse had not robbed you of any intelligence.
Thankfully, the rain was encouraging more people to head inside - so when he spotted you, it was in an empty street.
Barbatos knew you saw him, but you didn't try to run. He followed you calmly - he doubted chasing you would do any good - until you stopped, sheltered from the rain by Hell's Kitchen's patio cover.
Lacking a towel, Barbatos offered you a handkerchief to dry your face.
"Thank you." You smiled at him. Aside from the black smoke surrounding your form, you appeared normal. Your formal attire, that had been so carefully chosen for you, was now damp.
“Please allow me to escort you home. It would not do for you to get sick.” Barbatos didn’t expect you to agree with his words, and so was only mildly disappointed when you responded with a laugh. Inside Hell’s Kitchen, patrons glanced your way. Some, he saw, gestured and winked teasingly.
“They think we’re on a date,” you said with a grin.
Barbatos hummed in agreement. He had agreed to avoid looking into your future any further than absolutely necessary or to follow his prince’s orders. It was a decision he was coming to regret.
“We rarely get time to each other, do we, Barb?”
Barbatos raised an eyebrow at the nickname but did not protest. “No. I am most often with my Young Master. Or Luke joins us for baking lessons.”
“It’s too bad. I like having you all to myself for a bit.”
Despite the circumstances, Barbatos had to battle to stop his usual polite smile from turning into something more sincere.
“I must confess I enjoy your presence as well. Perhaps we can talk more at the castle?”
The House of Lamentation would be ideal, but the castle was a good second option - Lucifer and Solomon could get there quickly, or Mammon if they’d found a cure and were really running out of time.
“May I ask you a question, Barbatos?”
Barbatos knew a trap when he heard one. Millennia of experience told him something was coming, but you were certainly right that you two hadn’t gotten much time to yourselves. He didn’t know you well enough to predict how the curse would manifest against him.
“Did you know I would die?”
Barbatos was silent. If you noticed any change in his demeanour, you didn’t show it.
Barbatos could feel his smile freeze and then flatten, the hand held behind his back clenching.
He searched your gaze and found a certain manic glee he had never seen from you before. The curse, surely, making you enjoy watching him hesitate, trying to find the right words. But there was a genuine sort of curiosity to your eyes, something that Barbatos thought might be you.
“I hope this question has not weighed too heavily on your mind,” Barbatos started slowly, testing your reactions. You narrowed your eyes, unsatisfied. Tilting your head back to rest against the glass, you reminded him of the many witnesses to the scene.
“Honestly, I think about it at least once whenever we’re together.”
Barbatos nodded. He could not blame you for that. Solomon aside, few humans he had met were ready to face their own mortality. Questions around your death, the circumstances of your murder and your return, only made sense. It was likely your human mind trying to find rationality.
“What do you think of?”
It may have been playing into the curse’s hands, but Barbatos wanted to know. Perhaps he would find some way of convincing you to come back, some way through the curse’s hands.
Your reflection in the window showed the black smoke, but it was easy to mistake it for a trick of the rain reflecting on glass.
“I think… that maybe you at least knew it was possible.”
Barbatos waited a moment more, forcing himself not to nod, not to shift your attention back to him.
“I think that I understand. You serve Diavolo, and your priorities have to be his, and his priorities are this realm and the exchange program. If somehow me dying and coming back was the best possible timeline, if it was the only way for Belphie and I to coexist, then…”
What an odd thing it must be for a human, to have to grieve oneself.
The search for logic, for reason, for the world to make sense once something that had seemed vital was taken from it. And what it meant for that thing to be returned, but not quite the same.
“Your understanding and reasoning are both impressive.” Flattery wouldn’t help him, Barbatos knew, but the gentle words were all he could manage.
“So I’m right?”
“I am sorry.”
Barbatos rarely had to apologise for his actions. Certainly not to anyone who wasn’t the young master. You were unique, in that way. You were a witness to the timeline he corrected. You remembered where others would not. Your pain was not erased so easily.
So he apologised and hoped it lessened your burden.
“I understand, Barbatos. You had an entire kingdom to consider. The future of the exchange program and the three realms. What’s one human life to that?”
Your words were understanding, your voice was bitter.
It was a rare thing for Barbatos to be at a loss, but it still happened. Somethings the Young Master got ahead of him and managed to sneak out. Sometimes one of Lucifer’s brothers would cause some trouble he hadn’t prepared for. With you, Barbatos found he liked to be surprised. He found that without noticing, he had begun to trust you - that more often than not, he enjoyed when you surprised him.
“You are not the same person to us now as you were at that time,” Barbatos said. Neither of your faces were visible to the diners. Barbatos was thankful for that. He had no idea what they would read from your expression.
“So you wouldn’t make the same choice?”
“The Young Master would not allow it.”
Barbatos spoke with certainty. He met your gaze and hoped you would sense the truth in his words.
He was getting distracted - his priority should be returning you to the others. Witnesses be damned, if they ran out of time...
"What are you so worried about? You can always choose another timeline, right?"
Barbatos did not rise to the bait, merely smiled placidly.
"I would rather exhaust all other options before I would consider doing such a thing."
Ignoring the eyes watching you both, Barbatos laid a gentle hand on your elbow and drew you just a little closer.
"I have grown fond of this timeline."
I have grown fond of you.
And he knew that you understood him, heard the unspoken words. Your eyes cleared, your face softened. You opened and closed your mouth and Barbatos couldn't help but smile a bit more sincerely, seeing you at a loss for words.
"Barb..." That nickname again, this time in a wavering voice. Did you think of him so casually?
The smoke intensified and you swayed, leaning more against him for support. Barbatos steadied you, suddenly glad for his gloves - touching you did not disgust him, but the sickening magic that surrounded your body forced him to repress a shudder.
Barbatos called your name and you looked at him, scared but so trusting - Barbatos tried to move you away from the window, from prying eyes at your most vulnerable.
His timing couldn't have been better.
A single step, a sudden surge and your lips were on his, muffling his sound of surprise - his eyes widened, yours closed, and on instinct he placed one hand at the small of your back, inadvertently pulling you closer.
The kiss wasn't deep, yet it was earnest. Yours hands rested on him, one on his shoulder, one on his waist. A gentle touch, one he could easily escape.
Whether it was surprise or a foolish mistake, Barbatos' eyes closed.
You broke the kiss for a breath - and too late he heard your murmured words.
"...Create a path where there is none..."
"No-" His grip on you tightened - it was futile. You finished the incantation.
Barbatos still felt warm, but he was certain that feeling would fade soon, just as you had.
The last thing he saw were your eyes - a cruel expression of victory. His hands gripped onto nothing, your body faded away. A teleportation spell. How impressive.
Barbatos needed to inform the others, needed to resume his search, needed to check on Solomon and Lucifer's progress on breaking the curse.
He needed to, but... first, Barbatos needed some time.
Luke was safely in Purgatory Hall, baking comfort food and preparing Celestial Realm hot chocolate.
Simeon’s DDD had pinged with updates - that you’d left the house, that you’d run into Diavolo, that you had teleported somewhere - but it had been unnervingly silent for some time.
Diavolo and Barbatos had been vague in their descriptions of their encounters with you. Simeon had come to expect that from those two - he couldn’t exactly blame them either, even though it frustrated him at times.
Simeon gathered that the curse was likely getting worse.
Still, Simeon believed that you were fighting it. You fought it off long enough to get Luke away, and you could fight it off long enough for them to save you.
But now finding you was the issue. Simeon took the long way back to the House of Lamentation. You had to be within the Devildom - Barbatos would’ve noticed the power needed to teleport between realms in your spell. And if you were conflicted while the spell went off, you likely retreated to somewhere familiar to you.
If you were back in the house… Simeon shuddered at the thought. With the pacts and you like this, the demon brothers would be vulnerable.
But if you weren’t, then perhaps somewhere you visited regularly.
The gardens were quiet, though not abandoned at this time of night. Late walkers, those returning home from parties or study dates, and demons who were more nocturnal all wandered through.
And one lone human, sitting on a park bench, staring at their DDD.
Did those around you not notice the smoke? It was less present now, less obvious. Perhaps Simeon only saw what he knew to look for.
He knew you noticed his presence before he stood in front of you, but you didn’t acknowledge him, just tapped away on the screen.
If it were any other circumstances, it would remind Simeon of one of Luke’s tantrums.
“I’m taking you home.”
"No, you're not."
Finally you looked at him. It wasn't a glare, it wasn't anger, and somehow the simple annoyance felt worse.
Simeon reached for your hand, ready to lead you back - at least if you were more apathetic, you might not fight back as hard? - but he was interrupted.
"You okay, human?"
The one who interrupted was a tall demon who Simeon recognised as a member of Beelzebub's Fangol team.
"I'll be alright, Belial," you reassured, but there was just a hint of discomfort in your voice. The demon, Belial, looked between the two of you and backed off, but Simeon could see him and others lurking nearby.
Ah. An interesting tactic.
You were far more popular in the Devildom than Simeon was. That wasn't particularly difficult to achieve - there were enough demons who remembered the war that Simeon was at a disadvantage from the start, and demons were generally more tolerant of humans than angels in the first place. Combined with your close relationship to the brothers, Simeon knew who the demons would side with in any altercation.
If he made a wrong move, he'd be in for a fight... Which might be worth it, if he had no other options left.
"This would be a lot easier if you just came home," Simeon sighed. He sat beside you - you'd chosen a bench with a nice view of a pond, the park dark enough that the water reflected the stars peeking through the clouds in little wavering lights on the surface.
"You're used to choosing the easy way out, aren't you, Simeon?"
The comment was enough to make him freeze, looking at your face as you gazed at the water. The dark and the smoke obscured your expression.
"I can't say you're wrong," Simeon admitted casually. So this was the path the curse was taking. Harming them physically was much harder for you, after all, so emotional attacks were your best bet at fulfilling the conditions of the magic. Easy for you, too, with how much of themselves they had shared with you, combined with your own observations.
That was fine. There was little you could throw at Simeon that hadn't already been said.
"You didn't fall when you had the chance."
Simeon tilted his head. He couldn't say this angle was entirely unexpected, but...
"Fear, right? You were afraid."
"I was." Simeon had little issue with confessing this now. The wounds were old, and while he couldn't say that picking at the scabs didn't hurt, it was tolerable.
"Of your Father? Of falling?"
"A little of both." Gazing at the slowly clearing sky together, the conversation felt almost light, casual. Your questions poked and prodded for weak spots, for a chink in his armor, but your tone couldn't be more calm, more idly curious. "I'd be quite willing to talk to you about this in more detail, if you like. Maybe tomorrow."
You hummed but made no move.
"Do you ever regret it?"
Simeon sighed. "You already know the answer to that."
The silence dragged on. What time was it? How close was midnight? Simeon was afraid to check, but he felt the seconds passing.
"Lilith didn't deserve it."
"She didn't," Simeon agreed.
"Where does that leave you?"
Simeon shifted, suddenly uncomfortable. A point for you.
"How do you mean?” he asked slowly, trying to calculate where you would go with this.
“You didn’t fall for Lilith.” There was a new lilt to your voice, an odd sort of coyness. Simeon had heard something similar from you before, but without the hostile edge. You bounced your DDD on your knee.
“But would you fall for me?”
Simeon’s breath hitched. Another point for you.
He remembered Michael’s expression quite clearly, the long talk he’d had back in the celestial realm. His eyes slid to your hand, resting on the back of the bench. A sliver of moonlight reflected in an unassuming ring.
“You would never ask it of me,” Simeon said, wishing his voice reflected the confidence he truly felt. You wouldn’t. You would never.
But this cursed and twisted version of you?
“Lilith’s human never asked it of her, either.” You smiled at him. Too shy, too gentle for the malice now clear in your eyes. “And you’ve already done so much for me, haven’t you? How far will you go, Simeon?”
“To the end of every realm.”
You stiffened, shock written all over your face at his blunt answer. Simeon smiled, allowing himself a moment of vindictiveness. You weren’t the only one with surprises, apparently.
You recovered faster than he would’ve liked.
“It would be such a shame, though. For you to fall.”
“I’d survive,” Simeon shrugged. It was a thought he’d entertained too often, a worn groove in his daydreams. Not enough desire for it to be a true wish, but more than a passing fancy. To live by the brothers again. To be free of the judgment of the seraphim.
“How would Luke feel, to hear you speak of damnation so calmly?”
Your DDD, still in your other hand. Simeon was not good with technology still, so it took him a moment to recognise the recording app open.
For a moment, he thought it was a call.
“You wouldn’t,” Simeon whispered, suddenly feeling less confident than before. Luke was young, Luke wouldn’t understand, Luke-
You wouldn’t hurt Luke.
And yet, Simeon could not see any hesitation in your eyes. No sign of affection, none of the protectiveness you’d shown for the little angel earlier.
“Isn’t it better to prepare him?” You leaned closer, but it wasn’t your eyes Simeon was looking at. Your DDD, your fingers moving across the screen, Luke’s photo appearing. You’d taken that photo. You’d laughed with Luke. You loved and cared for him.
“Stop this.”
“To lose someone so suddenly would be worse.”
“This isn’t you.”
It wasn’t you. It wasn’t you. You wouldn’t speak so callously about Luke, you wouldn’t use him as a weapon. You wouldn’t hurt him to hurt Simeon.
This wasn’t you. This wasn’t you. This wasn’t you.
“What do you think he’ll tell Michael?”
It wasn’t you.
“I wonder if he’d emphasise with the brothers?”
It wasn’t you.
“Learning what it’s like to have your loyalty split, I mean.”
It wasn’t you, so Simeon could do this.
Your DDD clattered to the ground.
Simeon’s hand held your wrist, bone grinding within the joint. You grinned even through your gasp of pain, your gritted teeth.
“You won’t talk to him.”
Simeon’s other hand pinned you to the bench by your shoulder, hand dangerously close to your throat.
“I won’t allow it.”
Simeon was aware of some movement around him. Lesser demons, barely worth his time. Most too young to recall the battles of the old wars.
Simeon remembered all too well.
Something behind him caught your attention.
“You would make a good demon, Simeon,” you whispered, voice watery with pained tears. Simeon squeezed tighter, earning a groan. It wasn’t you.
Simeon jolted, his grip loosening. You made no move to leave.
Solomon had approached, his pale skin flushed from - from exertion, with the run here? From anger?
Simeon felt like his mind was moving through molasses, looking between your wicked grin and Solomon’s fearful eyes. Lesser demons still observed, but kept their distance. Some seemed to trust Solomon to protect his fellow human.
Simeon opened his mouth to explain. It wasn’t you. You’d threatened Luke. He had to stop you.
But Solomon shook his head.
“I’ll take it from here.”
It took too much effort for Simeon to release his grip. Bruises already formed on your skin, swelling already visible around your wrist, the dark mark on your shoulder looking unbearably tender.
Slowly, Simeon came back to himself. It wasn’t you - but you would pay the price for whatever he did to the monster in your body.
“Simeon, I’ll take care of it,” Solomon insisted. Simeon stood with wooden legs, eyes darting from your wrist, your shoulder, your triumphant eyes.
“Go check on Luke,” you told him. It took everything in him not to let his hand find your throat.
You’d found a way under his skin, found a way to the wrath he tried to keep hidden.
He met eyes with Solomon, trying to express without words just how far you had fallen. The lesser demons in the area visibly relaxed as Simeon stumbled back, sparing the two humans he loved most another glance before he stalked away.
He hated to admit it, but Simeon would take your advice.
You weren’t entirely wrong, after all.
If Luke lost someone tonight, he was going to need the support.
Solomon did not have pacts with all the demons in this park, nor did he have the trust of many of them.
But as Simeon left, so did the rest of the park empty out. Whatever wrongness they sensed, whatever they thought was going on, evidently they all thought it best to leave the humans to deal with it among themselves.
You straightened your collar. Your breathing was a little heavier, you winced when you put too much weight on your wrist. It was a startling lack of reaction after you faced an angel’s wrath.
Solomon took a moment to stretch his senses to the magic in the air, surrounding you. The thick miasma of it made his stomach churn.
Solomon had a plan. It was astounding how quickly he'd forgotten his gift to you - still wrapped around your wrist, the pretty stone shining dimly.
He needed to get close enough to use it - to get the time to use it.
“Are you alright?”
Solomon had always tried to be a rock of humanity for you. He wouldn’t pretend to be ordinary - that wouldn’t help you, not in the Devildom. But he could try to remind you a bit of your home.
At first, it was mostly a sense of responsibility. While he may have found amusement in watching you learn to navigate the Devildom by causing Lucifer as many headaches as possible, you were still a fellow human, vulnerable and surrounded by demons.
Later, it was genuine affection and a hope, however dim, that amongst all the remarkable beings you called friends, he could offer you something unique. A bit of comfort. A reminder of the familiar. A special bond between the two of you. Someone you could reach out to, could rely on.
So when you didn’t respond, he asked again.
“Are you alright?”
You nodded slowly, the smoke making your bruises look darker, the shadows on your face starker.
Slowly, slowly Solomon approached, kneeling before you. You let him lace one hand in yours, examine your injuries up close. Whatever you’d said to Simeon had provoked the angel enough for him to truly lose control.
Solomon didn’t want to heal you right away, not until this curse was gone. He didn’t know how the two spells would interact.
Letting his senses reach out, Solomon immediately found another problem.
The curse thrummed within you - deep in you, in your veins. Too deep.
Solomon took your hand in his and waited for you to speak. There was still time… but not much. He had to figure out something. And while he did that, he had to keep you here.
“Solomon, I feel tired.”
You looked it. Your eyes looked sunken, your hand in his was cold. The curse took a physical toll - like your body was fighting off an infection.
“I’m sorry. We’ll fix this, alright? You’ll be just fine.”
He couldn't break the curse like this. When it was so settled in, when you were so tired, removing it could... it could hurt you. Solomon wouldn't hurt you any further.
Not unless he truly had to.
You didn’t insult or fight him. The curse was dormant - looking for an angle of attack, or consolidating its power over you?
He had a checkered past, but you’d never held that against him. You’d trusted him despite all the warnings from the demon brothers. You’d spent time with him, despite so many others fighting for your attention.
Solomon was self-aware enough to know his weak spots - but he was also aware enough of you and your feelings to know that whatever came out of your mouth likely wouldn't be the truth. Nothing you said under the effects of the curse could do any permanent damage.
Watching you sway lightly in your seat, eyes fading, Solomon realised there was one thing that could hurt him very badly.
Would the curse risk its own host in an attempt to fulfill its conditions and harm him?
Were you fighting against it enough to cause yourself pain?
Were you faking it to hurt him?
Whatever it was, your current state couldn’t last. Solomon had to do something. He had to think.
Solomon had to find a way to bring the curse to the surface. Make himself its target, not you.
“Is such a pathetic curse really causing such an issue?”
Solomon wanted to think of something better than that, but… too late. This was the quickest way. Provoke the curse. Bring it to the surface with your anger.
Break it.
Your expression twisted from something miserable to truly pained - and angry.
“Solomon, it hurts.” Your voice took on an almost whining tone - it reminded him of Asmodeus, when he was looking for sympathy. Not something he was used to hearing from you. Solomon steeled himself.
“I thought you were stronger than this. You’re my apprentice, remember? You should be able to handle more than this.”
Tears started to well in your eyes and Solomon observed you closely for any sign that the curse was responding to his words. There was wrath starting to shine through, and he held onto that. Angry was better than depressed. The more energy you had, the more the curse rose up to attack him, the easier it would break its hold on you.
“I can’t believe how much you let it control you. Simeon could’ve seriously hurt you, you know?”
You smiled, vicious, and Solomon winced. Okay, no mentioning your previous encounters. He wanted the cursed you angry, not vindicated.
“Where’s the MC that brought seven demon lords to their knees, hm? You couldn’t command Mammon to gamble right now!”
“Shut up.”
“You’re pathetic.” The words forced their way out before Solomon could think too hard about them. Whatever got a rise out of you. Anything to bring you out of that depressed, weak state. “How much time have we spent on counter-curses? On uncrossing? You should be better than this.”
Your face twisted and Solomon bit his lip. He could apologise afterwards. Right now he needed to provoke the curse to the surface, get you to hit back, so the removal wouldn’t - so to break it wouldn’t -
“I suppose I can’t blame you for this,” Solomon filled his voice with mock-sympathy. The kind of condescension he knew would drive you crazy. Already he could see your eyes narrowing, your nails digging into his skin. “It’s you, after all.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” you hissed, trying to pull away from him. He didn’t let you. Solomon tried not to aggravate the bruises left by Simeon, but you still winced in pain. He had to stop himself from doing the same.
“I mean you don’t belong here, do you? You never would’ve been able to summon a single spark of light if it weren’t for me. Your presence here is dumb luck.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” you said through clenched teeth, and alright, Solomon was filing that away for later because you sounded a bit too honest.
“I know exactly what I’m saying now. You’re weak.” No, you’re not. “Your pacts, your power, all of it given to you.” You’d earned everything you had. “You’re incredibly, obliviously, pathetically mortal.”
You stared at Solomon. Solomon stared at you.
His hands gripped yours too tight. It was the only way to stop them trembling.
“What the fuck, Solomon?”
He'd gotten a response. He could feel the curse pulsing under your skin, feel the magic rising to the surface.
He was so close.
He had to push forward.
“You heard me.” His voice sounded foreign to his own ears. Or was it too familiar? Solomon had said and done terrible things. Hurt so many people.
He never wanted to add you to that list.
“You’ve got another 80 years in you. Maybe 100 if you’re strong enough, which looking at you now…” Solomon trailed off. He hoped you thought he was just trying to annoy you more. He hoped you didn’t notice he just couldn’t finish that sentence.
“You lasted longer,” you spat back. Solomon grinned darkly.
I want to talk about this with you later. I don’t wish this on you. I want you to stay but I can't force you to live forever. If you asked, I couldn’t say no.
“You think you’re anything like me?”
You’re better.
“You’re weak, you’re inexperienced, you’ve gotten this far by acting cute with those demon brothers.”
They love you.
“You're going to be here for an infinitesimal fraction of their lives. You're insignificant."
You were well and truly crying now. Solomon kept his face blank, his shoulders level. If he'd had a century less experience, there was no way he would be able to hide his regret from you. If he'd seen any less tragedy, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from begging your forgiveness.
Solomon didn't expect it.
He'd known exactly what he was saying.
Even as he gripped tight to the gem, even as he felt the curse surge just underneath your skin, even as he spoke the words that would free you - Solomon could only feel the barest relief that you were safe.
But before the curse fully lifted, you managed one last grin.
"I win."
"How does that work?" Solomon asked through gritted teeth as the magic took hold, straining with the effort of drawing the curse out at this late stage.
You locked eyes with him, the last vestiges of hazy smoke still clinging on.
"Because you're never going to forgive yourself for this."
Solomon opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, the curse finally shattered.
Smoke filled his lungs, causing him to hack and cough, but he couldn't let you go - what if, after his moment of weakness, he found you gone again?
When the air cleared, you collapsed against him - an incoherent mumble all you managed before you lost consciousness.
Solomon held you tight, making sure your breath was steady, your pulse strong. The curse had exhausted you, weakened you... but it would not hurt you any further. You would sleep off the worst of the effects and recover.
With your life out of danger, Solomon's shoulders slumped. His eyes slipped closed, his chin rested in your hair.
It was only then he let the tears fall.
Solomon: The curse is broken. I will be returning to the House of Lamentation soon with MC.
Barbatos: Does MC require any medical attention?
Solomon: Nothing serious. Please notify the others. I'll be there soon.
Barbatos: Are you certain you don't need any assistance?
Solomon: I'll manage, Barbatos. Thank you.
Barbatos considered insisting - but he knew his old friend well. Solomon could be remarkably stubborn. He could only inform Lucifer of Solomon's words, letting the first born inform his brothers.
The Young Master had returned there earlier, guided by Barbatos. Simeon had run past him towards - somewhere. It didn't seem to be the House of Lamentation. Barbatos had best message him as well.
How one human had come to hold so much power over some of the most powerful beings in all three realms was beyond Barbatos' understanding, even with his unique perspective. He could only hope his Young Master would permit him a glimpse into the future tonight. Barbatos needed to ensure no permanent damage had been done to this timeline.
With his lips still burning with the memory of your kiss, Barbatos walked through the streets towards the House of Lamentation.
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moemammon · 3 years
I wanna request hcs of brothers getting surprise tickles from MC. Like, everything's going okay and suddenly MC starts tickling them (idk why, this idea just seems funny to me, especially when I imagine Levi's reaction)
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Tickle Fight: Demon Bros vs MC
The fact that you thought you could sneak up on him is enough to make Lucifer laugh. There's no way to tickle this man unless you're crafty enough, so you've gotta get real creative.
But in the event that this is your first time tickling him and you DO catch him off guard, just know that you'll never get him again.
This man watches like a HAWK, especially after you found your pesky fingers tickling at his sides and made him choke on his coffee 🔫
Not necessarily ticklish, but still sensitive to surprise touches like that. When do you think was the last time he's been touched there, anyway?
"Clearly you have plenty of free time, if you're running around pulling pranks like this. Why don't you spend your time studying instead? Unless.. you're asking for my attention?"
When I say this boy has the strongest fucking reactions-
He practically LEAPS away from you to escape your evil, tickling fingers. Destroys everything in his path and thrashes around like a fish out of water.
Mammon is probably the most sensitive to touch, especially since it's you. You've triggered his fight or flight instincts and he's ready to square up 💪💪
Once he's put a safe distance between the two of you using a broom for protection, he's prepared to get revenge. You thought you'd get away with tickling THE Great Mammon?!
"O-Oi! What're ya touching me for?! Don'tcha know that tickles?!" "Grr... that smug look on yer face is tellin' me ya did that on purpose! Don't think I'll hold back!"
All of his years of dodging unwanted physical touch have prepared him for this very moment. His ninja-like reflexes are so sharpened and honed that there's no way you can possibly tickle him!
...Is what he assumed, until you?? Tickle him?? Because you pull that stunt when he's dead focused on a game, and doesn't have time to notice how you're creeping up on him
Flinches so hard he slams his knee on the bottom of his desk-
Will use EVERYTHING at his disposal as a shield and makes empty threats about getting his revenge, but we all know he won't do it. Probably.
"M-M-MC!! That's no fair at all! I wasn't even looking! To think you'd stab me in the back like that... I won't forgive you! I'll get you back! I definitely will-!"
So you have chosen death.
The fact that you have the AUDACITY to tickle Satan is what he's most impressed about. Then there's the fact that you startled the hell out of him-
But he can't stay mad for long when he realizes it's you, and catches that cheeky look on your face. So you wanna play that game, huh?
Petty as hell. He'll cast a curse that makes you feel ticklish for an indefinite amount of time (or until you complain to Lucifer about it and he makes Satan undo it)
"What, do you give up already? I thought you'd have more in you, since you're the one that came up with this game. But if you admit defeat, I might remove the curse."
As the second most ticklish of the brothers, Asmo immediately senses your intentions from a mile away (and because he heard you were going around tickling everyone-)
He secretly wanted in on the fun, so he was thrilled when you finally came his way! ❤️
100% tries to make it lewd (horny bonk). Tbh he's used to light tickling thanks to his 'social life', but he can't handle anything more than that.
That being said, he prefers to tickle you, as opposed to being on the receiving end. He'll literally use his brothers as shields if he needs to in order to get away from you.
"Enough alreadyyyy!! I told you, you're messing up my entire outfit! I've got creases all over it, and my hair is- hey! Stop tickling-! Ahaha! MCCCC!!!"
You discover pretty quickly that Beel isn't exactly,,, ticklish. Maybe it's the layer of rippling muscle that protects him from your assault? Or maybe the call of hunger is too strong for him to notice what you're doing.
Either way, he hardly notices your tickling, and just looks at you like "you good?" Enjoy awkwardly explaining that you were trying to tickle him-
He does pick up on the fact that you're trying to be playful, and he’d feel bad if he didn't play along too, so he decides to tickle you back....And there's no escape.
His stoic face has the slightest smile on it while he watches you desperately try to escape his tickling, and your laughter makes a fluffy feeling flutter in his chest.
"Is it really that funny? ...You know you can't pull away from me that easily, right? But if you really want me to stop, I will." "....In exchange for a month's supply of pudding."
This is literally his domain, and you're a fool to challenge him in what he reigns champion...
What do you think that vice grip of his is for? Not only does it keep you from escaping when you nap together, but now you can bet you're not getting away from his tickles.
Somehow he KNOWS what you're about to attempt, and the next thing you know, you're being pushed onto the bed and tickled until you're read in the face.
"You can do better than that, can't you? Come on, where's the fight you had earlier? Should I tickle it out of you? Answer properly. I can't understand you with all that laughter.... heh."
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Okay so I got a weird request for you 🥸 how would the demon brothers and undateables react to an MC that is turning into a demon? Like MC gets fangs, tail, wings ect from being there for so long or is maybe being corrupted? Could you make it a little bit fluffy, though but I can also see this being funny 🤪❤
This doesn't seem weird at all! The concept is actually really interesting
Lucifer was going off on you and the other brothers; all of you were caught with his stuff
You just wanted to see what he was hoarding but turns out it was just cursed music and screaming skulls
He immediately charged over and began scolding his brothers
But when levithan made a comment about Mammon already selling his items
He went full demon mode, summoning a whip and began to twist it
Mammon bolted away, Lucifer hot on his trail
You soon found mammon tied to the chandelier
You glared at Lucifer and went off instinct
"let go off my horns-"
"not until you apologize!"
He kept trying to get out of your grip but you just held on tighter
They brothers were aware you were changing but he didn't expect you to get demon strength so soon
"I will prevent you from becoming a demon if you keep acting like this, this kind of behaviour will not continue-"
"Silence or I'll shake you like a goat!"
You found out about your corruption before anyone else
You've been trying to hide it - unsure if it's a curse or you're actually turning
You were hoping you could get the prince to see you but it turns out fate had a different path in mind
"Oi, I want my shades back, I've let you borrow them for too long-"
He was tired of going for his shades and them not being there
Too caught up in how cute you looked in them he let you borrow them much longer than expected
"Wait - no-"
"YOU GOT DEMON EYES! the hell- you turning into a demon?!"
"uh- suprise?"
He grabbed your face, examining your new eyes
"they're real pretty- not like your original eyes weren't but- forget I said anything, we need to find out what happened to you, dumn hu- uh demon."
The way you both found out was purely accidental
You both noticed your teeth appeared sharper but they both shrugged it off
Believing it to be normal as alot of demon food was meat and had that kind of fleshy tough texture
You were watching some new anime and you got excited
Your favourite character seemed to be on the urge of being killed off but then suddenly - they unlocked a hidden power within and survived!
You jumped up from your seat and cheered
You looked behind you and sure enough, a pair of wings were flapping behind you
"WHOA!!! wait so I can fly now?!"
"But how are you- YOU'RE TURNING INTO A DEMON!!"
You were too excited to care about the corruption of your body, jumping off the walls testing out your new wings
levithan had to quickly rush you to the others to show them what happened
None of them get how you're turning but glad you're taking it in stride
When you showed him your growing horns, he was fascinated
Immediately taking you to his room to find his study on demon and human history
"it says here that demon corruption can turn humans into lesser demons but it's normally for those who are already damned to hell and have a bad soul."
You gasped
Wiggling your fingers at him as a wicked grin grew on your face
"so I'm secretly evil, like a villian~"
He just handed you the book, amused by your attitude
He was glad you were fine with your corruption
His eyes wondered and noticing a tail forcing itself out from your clothes
He couldn't help but blush seeing it wag, watching as you read through the process of corruption
"you're the furthest thing from a villian, but if you'll let me - I'll document this, you'll be making history."
"Really? I guess so though - did something just fall out of my body? I'm too scared to look."
"it's just your tail, it seems your body isn't processing the corruption the same so some parts are developing faster than others."
You whipped around, grabbing your tail and began to squeal
Yep, Definitely was the furthest thing from evil
But perhaps it was how open you were to the devildom that it made corruption easier on your soul
"Fangs suit you, make's you look more vicious~"
He grinned, a small growl on his voice as he admired your new sharp teeth
You tried not to get embarassed as he prodded at the bottom of your fang
You thought the whole transformation was really cool
This is what most humans want! Or atleast you believed so
When he finally let go, you checked your teeth out in the mirror
"they're so cool! But what's the point it's not like I'm going to be eating anyone-"
"you could always bite me, you know that option has always been open for you."
You ignored his wink and amused smile
You knew he was just teasing but deep down you were happy he was so positive about your transformation
You were scared they wouldn't like you anymore
But they were all supportive, especially asmo
"It's not like you're really changing that much so I don't see any issue, besides I'm curious if you'll be like me and have wings!"
That was a discovery you were yet to find
Your horns were growing steadily and your eyes have changed along with your teeth
But you were yet to get any wings or tail
When the brothers found out you were turning Into a demon
First the reaction was panic and wanting to fix you
But you said you were fine with it and the process wasn't hurting you in any way
They relaxed after that
But you actually growing extra limbs such as wings and horns the panic was growing again
"you're going to be alot stronger now, I'm glad."
You flexed your arms, bringing up your fists with a grin
"Oh? You wanna try to brawl or something?"
Beel still easily overpowered you, keeping your little fists at distance from him by pushing back your head
He was smiling, a light blush on his cheeks whilst you were trying to punch him
"No, I'm happy I'll finally be able to hug you without being scared of hurting you."
You immediately got embarassed
You stopped trying to fight him, looking at him with a smile
"Let's test it out! I wanna see how much stronger my body is!"
"Get your tail off my tail-"
You glared at him, trying to pull away from his arms, Getting overheated from how close he was cuddling you
You processed his words; wondering what he was talking about
"My tail?! I don't have a -"
He raised his tail to reveal that his and another tail were looped aroulnd each other, clinging
You were able to shuffle away, bringing your tail up to your face
You were just staring at it, not expecting to see it
"you're becoming a demon........wanna learn some demon swears?"
"there's special demon swears???!!! TELL ME!"
He chuckled, rolling closer to you and began speaking in a different language, it easily rolling off his tongue
The words felt familiar but you couldn't understand what he was saying
"What does that mean?"
"Let's just say you shouldn't repeat it until you want a demon to die."
He was immediately informed about your predicament
Demanding to see you as soon as possible
When he finally saw you, you were barely changed
Less prominent changes were already in effect but you were yet to truely look like a demon
He was both excited and scared
Excited to see this unique change and that you'll be able to stay in the Devildoom
But scared that this is going to be a hard thing for you and you'll regret and hate them all for corrupting you
But he was surprised by your enthusiasm
"What kind of horns do you think I'll be getting? I hope they're cool."
"I'm glad you're enjoying this, I didn't know un-damned humans could turn into demons."
"me either but I practically live here already so there's not going to be a difference."
He laughed, squeezing your shoulder
You were looking at yourself in the mirror
Just trying to find any horn bumps
"I think they'll be unique type of horns, like Barbatos."
He moved his hands to the side of your head, mimicking his butler's horns
You both agreed barb had super cool horns
"Wait- won't I get that special outfit all of you have when you're in your demon form?"
"i- i actually haven't thought about that."
"do those just magic on or were they chosen and now they're just attached to that form?"
You both had to sit down and actually think about this
He wasn't too surprised you were having a transformation
It was only due time before the life of the Devildom effected you
But when you came rushing in to see him, tears in your eyes
That completely threw him off
"If you don't want this to happen, I'm sure my lord will let me shift the timelines and you'll be back to normal."
"No way! I wanna be a demon~ I'll have big fangs and spooky wings-"
Seeing your tears weren't one of despair
He smiled, cutting you off
"You'll have a tail actually."
You grew more excited, jumping up and down
When asked why you were crying
Turns out on the way to get him you bashed into one of the doors
He had to check if you had any bruises after you told him that
You took it as a good time to ask what kind of tail you'll have
But he just tapped his noses
"it would be better I keep it a secret, it's your corruption after all, I understand I'm doing this not to be mean."
You let him be
But as soon as your demonic features grew in more you were rushing off to see barbatos
"Hey, Solo! Guess what!"
You surprised your giddy up glee
Standing at the end of the stairs to his mini potions lab
He didn't look at you, too focused on his latest project
"What is it? You've turned into a demon?"
He laughed at his sarcasm
You just grinned, bouncing over to the opposite side of him
"yes actually! I'm finally allowed outside!"
His head snapped up SO FAST
when he saw your demon form he was shocked
Never would he assume you would turn into a demon
He's like Satan, wanting to research and document your progression and abilities
"We could make a pact, perhaps then the brothers will finally-"
"I'm not making a pact with you."
You two spent HOURS discussing your corruption
You were excited to learn more about the possibilities and he wanted to figure out how a non dammed soul was able to turn into a demon
"so, I'm going to be immortal like you, it's seems you're never getting rid of me~"
"After the first 10 hundred years you'll get bored of it."
"Oof- I forgot you're old-old."
He was not pleased
Explaining he was wise not old
You just shook your head, letting him ramble about how aging works for immortal beings and how the concept of age blurs
"Is it painful at all? When the brothers fell I know they had to go through a similar transformation like you."
He never saw his brother's transformation, just watched them descend from the heavens
He was looking at the few differences your new form was doing to you
But you seemed fine, smiling as you sat with him
"It feels weird, I know it's happening - it's more like an itch?"
"I'll see if I can get anything that'll help, you seem fine with the change."
You fully turned to him, grinning
"oh yeah! I think it'll be cool, I'll get to be immortal and stay with all of you."
His heart softened at your words
You'll be a peculiar demon, indeed
But that was okay and he was happy you were okay
He started guessing what animal would represent you
Wondering what type of wings you'll get
Or how your tail would look
"I'm excited to see what your demon form will be when it's complete, I want to see if my theories will be correct."
"I think you can see the future, your TSL story was remarkably close to what happened between me and the brothers and their bonds leading up to my arrival."
He just laughed, that secretive glint to his see
"it's but a mere coincidence but we'll see when the time comes."
His best friend is becoming a demon??!!!
This is so unfair!
You were his HUMAN friend! His favourite human out of all humanity!
He was so grumpy about it
Mumbling how the demons corrupted you and now you're forced to stay in the Devildom
Meaning if he wants to visit he'll have to be there which he definitely 'doesn't' want because his friends mean demons are there
"Is there no way to reverse it?"
"probably but I don't wanna - I'm happy to become a demon!"
"But why?! Won't you miss your human life!"
He felt very conflicted; he wanted you to feel the way he did so you could understand him
But he knew you were happy and he wasn't too opposed to it
It's just the fear of change and you being upset or regretting your fee decision
You were always so nice to him
He truly believed you'd become an angel like him and Simeon
"nah, the Devildom has made me the happiest I've been in years, besides if get wings we can go fly together."
You wrapped an arm around his shoulder, hugging him close as he finally un-puffed his cheeks
"you- you wanna go flying? I guess I do want that... it'll be nice."
He smiled, calming down but still wasn't sure how to feel
He wanted to fly with you and even if you didn't get wings, he always wanted to show off his growing wings
If you had a tail he'd just find a different way for you to sour into the sky
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 years
Me debunking astrology generalizations and misconceptions or smth idk...
Squares and oppositions aren't pure evil. 
I can't believe I have to say this because I thought ya'll have learnt the characteristics of every aspect but here we are. Nothing in astrology is black and white. And I saw some ridiculous statements (not necessary here on tumblr) that said things like "if your Venus squares someone's ascendant then you don't find that person attractive AT ALL". Or "Mars square Mercury people can't speak politely and have an annoying voice". Like????? First of all, that's ridiculous. Second of all, square in not "everything bad" just like trine is not "everything amazing". Squares bring tension, which leads to motivation, they’re stimulating; sometimes excitement or charisma; sometimes they can make you overdo things. I'm not saying they're oh-so-marvelous because the challenges are still there, but they're not as bad as people paint them to be. Squares happen between two signs that are in the same modality so they have a bunch of things in common. Besides, some of them (Sagi-Pisces and Gemini-Virgo) are ruled by the same planet so there's a special type of chemistry between those (especially when applied to synastry). Oppositions work in two ways, planets either meet in the middle - opposite signs usually complete each other and fuel each other up. And worse case scenario? Natally this means being pulled in two different directions; synastry-wise, you can completely miss each other like two passing cars - so there may be some misunderstandings but I don't think that's the end of the world... And, as per usual, may be mitigated by other positive aspects.
This is me debunking other people's attempts at debunking Sun sign compatibility. 
Sun IS very important but when people ask about compatibility and go with Suns... and then someone tries to be a smartass and debunk the "compatible-incompatible" and does the same thing without even realizing it. Like, "oh I actually see a lot of Aries and Pisces having amazing relationships because *insert someting that is a total stretch and refers to their Sun sign traits*"... But you seem to forget that they're neighbouring signs... which means they probably have personal planets in those neighbouring signs... which means they're compatible not because of some made-up stuff that you're trying to come up with but because their other planets are compatible with each other. But you're still feeding into the Sun sign compatibility talk. (So like, what I'm trying to also say, yes, the entire synastry chart comes into play; Also, side note, everyone can get along on some level if they’re mature enough).
Planet in a sign is NOT the same as planet in the house. 
There may be some overlaps in some of the sign-houses associations (like in the overall energy; like for example, it sort of makes sense that 3rd, 7th and 11th are referred to as “air houses” because they’re the most social) but in NO WAY there are similarities between planet house position and the "ruling" sign. That association started a few decades ago and some would say that NOT linking houses with signs is a purely traditional approach. But there’s plenty of professional modern astrologers with 20/30/40-year experience who still differentiate between sign/house position... because they know (and have learnt along the way) that there’s a huge difference.
I'll give you 3 quick examples: Gemini planets and 3rd house planets both may put emphasis on communication, mental stimulation and gathering data. But Geminis are often scattered in their approach, they may be easily distracted, may be indecisive, may be jack of all trades and talkative jokesters. They actually hate routines and dullness. "Spice it up" is probably a Gemini's philosophy. Now 3rd house planets may indicate you actually LIKE doing things on the regular - like running errands every other day in the mornings or going to that one specific coffee shop to pick up a snack. You may actually work in logistics or as a postman (especially if your chart ruler or MC ruler is in the 3rd). Planets in the 3rd talk about your siblings, neighbours or school experiences - like having Venus in the 3rd may point to positive experiences within those areas - something Gemini Venus has nothing in common.
Venus in the 9th can study at an art/beauty or fashion school (or even teach there if the MC is involved); can be very attached to spiritual and religious matters; can also find love in a foreign land. But imagine it being in Taurus - rather shy, needing those stable values to feel secure, being an exceptionally great student at that art school thanks to its domicile. Venus in Sagittarius on the other hand, likes adventure, things being shaken up from time to time, lightheartedness and exploration. But what if we flip the scenario and that Sag Venus is in the 2nd house. This can denote earing money through travelling and looking for ways to expand but in a financial matters.
Continuing with the Venus examples, having Venus in Aries is completely different than Venus in the 1st. What do people usually say about Venus in the 1st? That it makes the native charming, lovely, well-put together, with great manners, maybe beautiful, graceful, maybe a bit shallow. When in Aries? None of these characteristics fit, on top of that, it's in its detriment. Our poor gal Venus is uncomfortable and confused in Aries. She's like, "conquer? Swords? Selfishness? Obnoxiousness? Sparring? You're telling me to fight people? What am I doing here???" 
And I'll leave you here with that cause those examples weren’t that quick lol and in fact, I could give you a 100 of those. Besides, this actually inspired a 3-page rant that I've already posted not so long ago that you can read HERE.
There's no such thing as "more accurate" astrology. 
Both western and vedic are valid. Both can show you the same things. JUST KEEP THEM SEPARATE AND DON'T MIX THEM WITH EACH OTHER. And don't say things like "sidereal shows your soul" - omg I saw this statement soooo many times, who the hell even came up with this?! Actually, if anything, it's the modern western approach that "psychologized" (yea I just made up a word, you mad?) astrology while Jyotish still sticks to the very real "here and now", sometimes fatalistic predictions of how exactly your life is going to roll out... But hey, reach for hellenistic methods and they can tell you the same things, just with different tools. So no, they do not show different things, it's just their language is different.
If you say you don't identify with your chart then you're just reading it wrong.
This partially connects to the last one in some ways... Switching to a different astrology or different charts is not a solution. Learn how to read your natal. If you say it doesn’t describe you, I can guarantee you that you haven’t studied it properly. (Now this hasn't turned into a rant yet but I may actually do a whole-ass post on this because if I start elaborating on it now I'll end up with another 3-page essay).
Learn how and when to generalize. Also learn how to take generalizations. 
I understand that you have to pick up on every single thing separately in order to put everything together. It's like learning a new language: first you need to learn individual words and then you need to know the proper grammar to create a full sentence. This is 100% understandable and necessary, but it's important to take the entire thing into consideration. And this goes for all branches of astrology, but I guess it's especially annoying with synastry. This, again, comes down to the very black and white approach. You know, like when you see those long paragraphs where people elaborate on all the intricacies of Venus-Pluto aspects or whatever as if that one thing was determining the entire relationship between two people. (Side note, no shade but some of ya'll should start writing fiction or poetry cause the amount of fluffy speech and waffle that I see floating around here on tumblr is insane sometimes). Why are you wording everything as a make it or break it type of situation? And on the receiving end - learn how to take *properly phrased* generalizations constructively. Example: it IS a rule that Aries is a competitive one, maybe you're not one of them (for many reasons) but don't make a fuss about someone saying this. It IS a basic rule that energies of the same sign in two people are going to get along (well that depends on the planets involved but I digress), if that, for some other reasons, doesn't apply to you, don't go yelling that it's bullcrap because you hate people of the same sign. You know? Like, learn the difference.
I had a mini-rant on this one a while ago, but I think this deserves a constant reminder (and refers to the last point), I don't want to see any more posts that would say things like "xxx house placements will bring you suffering" or "stay away from people with planets in your xxx house" or, even worse, making a (completely untrue btw) prediction based on one single thing like "someone with so-and-so aspect is going to harm you". And you're so casual about it??? You know there are sensitive people in the world. Learn some ethics. Learn some counseling skills. Don't be ignorant. Don't throw these random stuff at people just like that. And learn some actual astrology cause most of these aren't even closely describing that particual aspect. LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.
Ok now I'm pissed again.
Studying astrology and believing in free will doesn’t go well together.
It's not just psychological and spiritual. It's useful to know that western astrology made it like that because there were still people threatening astrologers for using it as a divination tool. So they moved away from the predictive/deterministic aspect of it. Now, I'm not here to change anyone's beliefs cause that's a very personal thing that everyone should develop on their own. But once you start diving deeper into astrology you'd notice that there's a heavy emphasis on fatedness and things being predetermined. That includes both the good and the bad stuff and you should learn to accept that. And with the bad things specifically, let's not excuse it with some "oh that was an opportunity for growth". Like yea, maybe, occasionally??? But just acknowledge that sometimes things happen not because there was a deeper meaning in them... but because you have a Pluto-Mars conjunction in the 6th that makes an applying square to your chart ruler and you were going through a profection year where Mars was your time lord and it transited that chart ruler while making a conjunction with Neptune so you were attacked by a baby crocodile while swimming and it bit off your toe and you got a nasty infection and that’s it (I just made that up btw, I don't actually know anyone who was attacted by a crocodile). So like, sometimes shit just happens and there's nothing psychological about it. Also, I bet your free will didn't want to be attacked by that croc.
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missnight0wl · 3 years
It's getting popular in the fandom and I don't remember if anyone has asked you this before, but what are your thoughts on Evil Ben???
I mean the fanart is pretty cool and the set up is written between the lines, but I fail to see the background of all this. And doesn't matter if it's for R or the Cabal, or idk his evil family xD
We've discussed a long while ago 'Why Ben out of everyone else?' and the game still hasn't given us the answer. But, do you think he'd be a good candidate for evilness??
First of all, just to be clear: I’ll be referring to in-game Ben only as I assume that’s what you’re asking about. If you create content for Evil Ben, he’s evil in your story, or you simply enjoy this concept: you do you. I’m basically answering the question: “Would it make sense if it turned out that Ben was secretly evil all along?”. And my answer is: no, it wouldn’t make much sense, in my opinion.
Ben is probably the character who has the most developed character arc in the game. If it’s revealed that he was evil all that time, it’d be simply… disappointing. Because it’d mean that Ben’s personality was just an act. And don’t get me wrong, being shy and quiet and whatnot could work very well as a cover. For example, if Professor Sikander turns out to be evil, I’m probably gonna be pretty ecstatic. But the difference with Ben is that we saw him actively trying to overcome his insecurities. If the writers try to say that it was just misdirection, I’ll be like: “Seriously, bitch? You gave one character some complexity, and now you’re saying it wasn’t even real?”.
If anything, I’d say it’s more likely that Ben would turn evil post Y5, but even that… I can’t really call “being evil”, y’know. More like twisted? Brainwashed? Because his need to protect is so strong that I just don’t see how it could stop being his main motivation.
I also talked about it a bit before it was revealed who’s the mole. You can check it here if you want.
Honestly, the only character who could really work as “secretly evil all along” is Penny, if you ask me. Her happy-go-lucky personality could be a good cover, as well as her love for gossips. MC never questions her loyalty, she’s also pretty close to MC basically all the time (and by the way, this is why Rowan being evil wouldn’t make much sense either). The situation with Beatrice in Y5 could work as another cover, or perhaps R wanted to punish Penny for something (she didn’t make enough progress with MC etc.). Ironically, it made MC update her regularly about the situation with the Portrait Vault. The only thing that doesn’t really work for Penny is that she wasn’t very involved with the Sunken Vault. But other than that… Seriously, I’m quite surprised that Evil Penny is not more popular in the fandom.
Anyway, maybe I'm missing something, too, but... that’s my thoughts, more or less!
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beelspillowpet · 3 years
if its not too much to ask, could i request mammon with a gn or male reader with severe anxiety and sleeping problems? but around him they're relaxed and playful and can actually sleep? i dont mind if its a fic or hcs, whatever you're more comfortable writing!! and if you dont want to write this, please feel free to ignore it! have a nice day <3
Kinda wanted to do them all sorry SOB;;;
MC has Sleeping Issues
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You’re such a giddy and naturally optimistic character, it’s hard for him to imagine you’ve had any real hardships in your life. At least, not ones you couldn’t handle on your own.
He’s had his fair share of nightmares and bad anxiety over certain situations in the past. None could compare to the massive failure that resulted in him and his brothers falling, along with the death of Lilith.
However, he suppresses it well. He doesn’t expect others are always able to do the same. Which is why when you come to him at night, wishing to have comfort, from your bad dreams, he is quick to accept you.
When he’s got his arms around you, brushing the top of your head and humming to you as you drift off, you never felt safer. It seemed like the ceiling could fall away, but as long as he’s got you, he wouldn’t let go. With that, sleeping became much easier, and he expects you to depend on him in the future should you need to.
He’s not making fun of you. Nope. He doesn’t really get nightmares or anything, no. He gets a fright every now and then, but he’s more likely to face his fears awake than he does when he’s asleep.
That is further proven when he finds you having an anxiety attack in the kitchen one night, by yourself. You had an intrusive thought about doing something horrible, and thus started to panic. What if you were sick? Evil? Worse than a literal demon?
He’s slow to approach you. He knows how these things work. He’s seen the twins have plenty when they first fell. He calls to you first, softly. Reaching his hand out and touching you next, before turning you to face him. He doesn’t move too much. He doesn’t want to scare you.
You hug him. Your arms squeeze around him, still trying to breathe but looking for any sort of physical comfort you can grasp. You found Mammon, and he’s found you. He doesn’t even know what happened. He just knows that you’re upset, and he wants to help you.
He lives with his anxiety. No doubt. But seeing you happy has always brought him comfort in some weird way. That it’s possible to be happy.
Even with as happy as you are, you have your downs too. In the form of an anxiety attack. It’s more than subtle- it’s almost unnoticeable. But not to Leviathan. He can tell by the way you tremble and lose focus. You were staring down silently at your lunch for a bit too long, blocking out any sound nearby.
At least until he put a hand on you. He’d scared you and you flinched a little too hard from his touch. He backed away in response and frowned at your reaction. He went to apologize, but his words came crashing together in an ugly fit.
In the end, you took his hand and quietly went back to eating. He wanted to ask what exactly was wrong, and why you just... spaced out like that. But he never liked when anyone asked him things like that, so he didn’t bother to ask you. Just as long as you went back to your giddy, happy self.
His room is always dark. And messy. Only lit up by magic and candles in certain places, it was terrifying to be in. The constant night of the devildom made his room a living nightmare for you.
Sleeping over in his room sometimes filled you with a toxic mixture of fear and anxiety. What if something was in there? Watching you sleep? What if it got to you while Satan slept peacefully nearby?
You sat up in your bed constantly, glaring into the darkest spaces in the room. Daring something to come out only for you to scream to alert Satan to protect you. But nothing ever came.
Instead, at some odd hour, Satan sat up and huffed. “Why aren’t you trying to sleep?” “Because I’m scared.” It wasn’t even you thinking for a moment. You were actively admitting to your fear of the unknown lurking nearby. With a defeated sigh, he left his bed and went to your side. He supposed he could stay with you until you fell asleep this time...
Oh hell yeah anxiety. Please let it be known that even though he talks his game up BIG, he sometimes locks himself in his room and CRIES his eyes out.
You’re such a ray of sunshine in his life though, it’s rather hard for him to feel so down anymore. You two probably do cry together a lot.
He’s not sure why you feel so anxious sometimes. Is it RAD? Maybe him? One of his other brothers? What about life back at home? Whatever it is, he wants to try and help you. What cheers him up is a nice skincare routine, complete with a face mask to exfoliate his skin.
There probably comes a point where he doesn’t bother to ask. He just rushes you to his bathroom and the two of you blow off some steam. Either by bathing together, going to a salon, or just reading a magazine and filling out the silly questions.
You and I both know Beel has horrible nightmares. Not often, but when they happen, it’s a dream usually about Lilith. Sometimes though, they’re about you.
He’s gotten accustom to holding your hand. Whether that comforts you in your nightmares or not is null and void in the moment. Beel is a big dude. If no one else has your back, Beel certainly always does.
To feel unsafe or insecure around Beel has to come from something he may have done, or someone or something similar to him, in the past. Maybe a societal demand for you to weigh a certain amount in order to be beautiful? He may not understand that himself, but would absolutely comfort you in it.
Should you feel as if something will creep up on you and attack, all it takes is a look from Beel to still your wandering thoughts. He will hold you close, and never let any pain find its way to you again. He’ll battle his own nightmares in due time, but yours come first.
Anxiety problems out the ass. We all know why. He has intrusive thoughts. He tries not to act on them, solely because he wants to believe he genuinely would know better. But he’s proven himself wrong.
He tries to keep his distance from you. He wants to be nice and get along, but he feels as though he may be unintentionally grooming you. To see you so happy all the time, even after what’s happened, it worries him. What he did was unforgivable, and yet you smile in his direction anyways? Truly, you must be Lilith’s descendant.
It’s when that happy smile breaks, and he finds you pacing the floor, holding yourself and crying, does he realize you’re not always happy. Maybe you were thinking about what he’d done to you and how absolutely fucked it was. That you can never feel safe around him?
His first instinct is to protect. He comes to you with arms open for a hug. The memory flashes in the back of his head. A offering of a hug, only to squeeze the life from you. He stops short and waits. Will you take his hug or back away? He doesn’t wait for the rejection and drops his arms instead. He looks away scared, as if he’s going to have another intrusive thought. But when you do hug him, it’s enough to bring tears to his eyes. It’s a full body hug where he can’t move his arms to return it, but he’s glad nonetheless. Glad you can find some sort of comfort in him.
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One locked lesson
Mammon, Luke & MC are visiting Diavolo’s hotel. Mammon talks about wanting to book a suite and have a party, Luke says he doesn’t like the devildom opening businesses in the human world cause he’s scared they’ll take it over completely. Barbatos says that Diavolo is only interested in coexisting in peace & if he’s gonna snitch to Michael he should tell him their actual intentions. Luke says he’s not a tattletale Mammon vehemently disagrees with that. Barbatos reveals that Diavolo & Levi have started staying up till dawn gaming together (I’m so happy they’re friends!). Mammon said he never knew that Levi previously had issues against Diavolo. When Luke asks where Diavolo is Barbatos tells him he’s out on a date with Lucifer. Mammon asks about Barbatos’ choice of human clothes and MC says he looks really good in it. He says the look he was going for is ‘tea leaf importer’. In a private lounge Barbatos serves them fairy ring tea which surprises Mammon & Luke. In the Devildom on rare occasions small sparkling golden flowers grow in a ring rather than the more usual mushrooms, and the teas is supposed to smell like those flowers. He says despite what the ring is made of there’s a legend they form when fairies dance in a circle. Luke says the tea smells and tastes amazing and MC asks if fairies are real. Barbatos says fairies in the human world are supposedly extinct and us humans are really fucking up the ecosystem huh
Mammon seems really disappointed by that and when MC asks why he says that treasure can be found near fairies, leprechauns are also related to fairies btw. Barbatos says there’s still a chance there are fairies somewhere in the human realm – there are rumours about fairy rings made of flowers in the human realm which can only be caused by fairies whereas mushroom fairy rings have a scientific explanation. And that there are rumours that those flowers can be used to make a rare sweet. Obviously Mammon & Luke are excited about finding fairies for their own reasons (AND is this gonna be a Mammon & Luke lesson!??? I desperately need that) and MC says lol good luck with that anyway byeeeee~ Mammon & Luke immediately strongarm MC into coming along. Barbatos tells them to bring some flowers back and he’ll make tea for them out of it. Luke & Mammon briefly argue about whether they’re after sweets or money, and Luke wonders where they might even start looking. Mammon suggests going to a library to find out what they can and Luke is surprised Mammon suggested that to which Mammon gets annoyed.
Mammon suggests splitting up to be more efficient and Luke is surprised ‘efficient’ is part of Mammon’s vocabulary. MC can go with either of the boys. With Luke; they find books about angels and demons, including a picture of Michael but nothing about fairies. Luke says the picture doesn’t capture how amazing Michael really is. MC can say A.) that Luke seems to really love Michael. He says everyone loves Michael before remembering the brothers and saying they’re the only ones who don’t (no offense but everything I hear about Michael has made me highly suspicious of him too – I’ll get into that later). B.) MC asks how Michael’s been doing lately and Luke says the way they worded it made it sound like they know him personally. But he says it’s understandable that they’re curious when Michael’s the greatest angel to exist (how can you say that when Simeon is literally raising you!?). He says Michael is till sad about what happened with the brothers and seems to regret it and that though their portraits are no longer in the Celestial palace you can find Michael standing and staring at the empty spot looking lost time and time again – that though he doesn’t say it, he misses them (I’LL GET INTO IT). Luke says that the brothers are happy in their new home and have forgotten the celestial realm and Michael and that after meeting them Luke acknowledges that they have a FEW good qualities but whenever he remembers Michael standing under that empty spot and how the brothers don’t even stop to think about how Michael feels or to look at things from Michael’s perspective he gets pissed off (do…do you think Luke knows about Lilith…..I – I highly doubt it because the circumstances behind her death and everything we’ve seen and heard about the celestial realm so far makes me feel like the brothers were completely justified to leave it all behind). With Mammon; He finds a book about Angels, Demons, Fairies and their worlds – though it’s mostly about angels and angel!Lucifer. Mammon asks where the part about him is and MC says they’d love to hear about his time as an angel. He says he was really talented and that Lucifer recommended him to be a Cherubim (so the others as angels said that angel!Mammon could do anything he set his mind to and we’ve seen that despite what his brothers say Mammon actually has a pretty vast array of skills and can really step up and be the responsible big brother when it’s needed so am I the only one who feels like Mammon’s that ‘gifted’ kid in highschool who got burnt out and then said fuck it and decided to stop trying? And now everyone looks at him shakes their head and asks wtf happened to him? Solmare gave me a blank canvas of a character to project on to and instead I go and choose Mammon :))) I’m in pain). Michael & Raphael treated Mammon like he was a problem child but Lucifer saw his potential (GIVE ME THEIR BACKSTORY!). MC can ask A.) If he was sad to leave the Celestial Realm. He looks surprised and then thoughtful and distant and says he never thought about it. He says dwelling on the past isn’t his thing but if he had to pick he’d say he didn’t miss it. But he doesn’t hate it and or like he never wants to go back and that he doesn’t hold a grudge (okay so usually during a Mammon centric lesson I write this after I finish the whole lesson instead of one by one after each chapter like I usually do and I’m gonna tell you things happen that show that he might’ve been unconsciously lying about the grudge thing). He says he doesn’t know how his brothers feel and that they maybe less happy with the celestial realm than he is (calling back to the grudge thing we know Mammon tends to bottle things up emotionally, specially when it’s things that hurt him, we also know that right after they fell Mammon was the one who took care of everyone so I think it’s very likely while the others had their emotional fallout about Falling and Lilith and being Demons and Satan’s birth Mammon just never got the chance as he was taking care of their well being and I have this whole fic floating in my head about it let’s see if I put it into words). He says even if they wanted to it’s not like they could go back )  B.) If he loved Lucifer back then. Mammon goes Loved!? LOVED!? -ED!? PAST TENSE!? I still love him and fjeodkkfnak BABY! (love that angel!Mammon refused to admit he loved Lucifer while demon!Mammon was like fuck yeah I love him what’dya think!?). Mammon then blushes and then tells MC not to tell Lucifer cause he’ll get a ‘I knew it’ look and grin like he was self-satisfied. Given how happy Lucifer became the last two times Mammon admitted to caring about him and how in the recent lessons Lucifer said he didn’t think his brothers love him I really want them to tell Lucifer. In the end they don’t find anything. Mammon wants to quit. Luke doesn’t want to, he wants to see Michael’s face when he eats one of the Legendary sweets. Mammon gets annoyed saying that Luke’s always going on about Michael and asking if he’s worth it (NO GRUDGE HMMMMMM?!) Luke gets really pissed in return. Mammon laughs and tells him to cool down and that despite being a demon he’s being honest and asks why a ‘goody-two shoes angel’ so pissed (no grudge huh? I mean it’s miniscule rn but everything’s way too complicated for Mammon to be just over it). Solomon interrupts them and tells them to stop shouting. Okay so first off starting from S2 Michael’s being brought up a LOT and I’m pretty sure MC spoke with as well and nearly met him and he said he’ll have to meet them on a later day. S3’s going into depth about the Celestial Realm and Michael’s getting way more mentions and they’ve started bringing up Raphael as well and at this point I’m 100% sure they’re gonna actually introduce them as new characters? Maybe by the end of the season? And I’d love this cause I need new dynamics and to learn more about the brothers’ past and the celestial realm but it also sucks cause I have such a clear vision of what they look like and ik solmare’s gonna destroy that. ANYWAY I don’t think they’ll introduce “bad guys” to the story given that this is a dating sim at the end of the day and Michael & Raphael will probably wanna bang MC too but with what they’ve given so far the Celestial Realm and the higher up angels seem very morally dubious? We know that Michael as an angel gave out punishments that were worse than Lucifer as a demon – Mammon saying he still shakes when remembering them thousands of years later. We know they were against mixing with humans and demons – enough that they were willing to kill off an angel for healing a human. We know they supported the war with the demons and were not actively looking for a peaceful end to it unlike Diavolo (to the point that even Lucifer one of the highest angel in ranking was surprised by the notion of peace). We know their rules were much more strict than that of the Devildom and Raphael acted as somewhat of an enforcer and he considered human parties immoral. We know they highly looked down on the demons and considered them pure evil & below them despite not really knowing anything about them. And sure all of these facts are things that happened when the brothers were still in the celestial realm and I bet they’ve changed after thousands of years and are more open minded, but have they changed enough? The way ‘Michael’ spoke to MC when he called the brothers wicked despite not really knowing what they are like as demons, despite the fact that ‘wicked’ doesn’t cover what the brothers are at all and that there are probably humans who are worse people than them, that he thought MC would be wicked too just because the brothers liked them, the fact that Luke still had these beliefs that all demons were evil and terrible despite having never met a demon, which were the same beliefs angel!Lucifer had when he met Diavolo thousands of years later, the fact the angels still have a very strict idea of what exactly an angel should be like and enforced those ideas on the brothers during the angel event to the point that after they were back to normal they all freaked out. All makes the angels seem highly…..um? questionable. Also luke said Michael missed the brother, but does Michael actually miss them or does he miss the perfect angel versions of them? We know in the celestial realm the brothers had to repress a lot of their urges, likes and even small parts of their inherent personalities to be accepted/to not be threatened to be kicked out (ex: Mammon supressing his pranks/more playful/mischievous side in the celestial realm vs being comfortable enough to fully express that side despite Lucifer’s punishments in the devildom) to the point that they had a secret room they’d escape to just so they could skip work/hang out/relax, we know angels still see demons as evil beings and probably don’t still accept them despite the peace, we know that Michael’s view of the brothers as ‘perfect angels’ completely strips them of any identifiable characteristics even if you were to compare them to what they were like when they were really angels. So when luke says Michael misses them I feel like he doesn’t miss them he misses them as these perfect angel versions of themselves that never really existed. If this season is about getting MC’s stars will next season be about getting Michael and Raphael to accept the brothers for how they truly are? More interdimensional therapy sessions? Does this make sense? Talk to me
Solomon says he doesn’t know what happened to the fairies but that they’d have more luck finding them if they went out and looked deep in places free from human influence than looking for info in a human library. Mammon says Solomon should change his name to the “not so wise” & Solomon says it’s not like he came up with his nickname in the first place. Luke has the idea to ask Crowe for help. When Mammon asks Levi about his falling out with Crowe Levi says though they aren’t friends anymore he’s still useful. MC asks crowe where they can find fairies and they find out about rumours near Lake Io Lanthe. Though they can only get there and back within a day with a private jet. Mammon says it’s not like they can use their own wings to fly in the human world either and I’M!!!!!!? would Mammon have had to carry MC? Have they seen the brothers flying in the devildom? Has anyone carried them and flown? In the end they decide on an overnight train ride. Levi says the “kids” should probably first get permission from the “adults.” MC who’s a fully independent grown adult doesn’t need permission.
Simeon happily agrees as long as they can find someone to cover Luke’s shifts in the café. Luke asks MC which of the brothers they should ask, there are 6 options and for each the 3 of them imagine the scenario that would take place. 1.) Levi; Simeon getting steadily more and more irritated while Levi tries to win a game instead of working till black-purple smoke is rising out from Simeon even as he smiles sweetly and calls Levi. 2.) Lucifer; looking deeply disappointed with crossed arms says “So, are you going to tell me your order or not? Hurry up. I don’t have all day. I have (list of café related chores) French chocolate cake with hot cocoa? Are you insane? Who in their right mind would pair chocolate cake with hot chocolate?” why is this so funny!?? 3.) Satan; Fully serious “Simeon, table two wants an earl grey. And a pretty kitty special to go with it.” Simeon, “WTF is a pretty kitty special!?” The pretty kitty special is paw shaped pancakes and Simeon thinks they’re cute. In this universe no customers or Levis are harmed. 4.) Asmo; Asmo starts almost instantly hitting on the customer. “You know I don’t usually do this but how about I sit down with you for tea?” Luke says while bright red, “ABSOLUTELY NOT! He’ll turn the Angel’s Halo into a different sort of place.” And umm Luke buddy what exactly were you thinking of here… 5.) Beel; Simeon: Hey have you seen the BLTs? Beel: *actively munching away* No. Can’t find them? Want me to help? Simeon: …Nevermind 6.) Belphie; Orders food for himself from Simeon during a lull in the customers and takes a nap before Simeon even gives it to him. In the end they decide on Satan.
They find Satan at the pizza place watching his tab with a serious expression, Luke wonders if he’s learning new things about the human world (languages, the economy, etc) Mammon says that’s the face he makes when he watches cat videos. When Mammon tries calling him he pretends he doesn’t know them until Mammon’s yelling his name and he can no longer ignore them (Wonder how humans feel about some buy yelling ‘SATAN’ in the middle of a diner). Satan immediately refuses to work at the café cause he’s busy (watching cat videos) until MC lies through their teeth and says that Simeon wants to turn the café into a cat café. Luke jumps on board instantly and starts supporting MC’s claims further adding that as a cat lover they need Satan’s advice and that working part time at the café will give him a better understanding to how the business is normally run. He then agrees to help. (Luke none of that lying seems really angelic…). At the café Satan immediately goes “okay, so… let’s talk cats”. And Simeon’s like????????
At home Lucifer’s still not back from his date & they tell others about their plans for the trip. Asmo says if he had a choice he’d like to meet Narcissus… Mammon tries to play off the fact that he’s nervous about asking permission from Lucifer and Belphie tells them to watch out for Banshees – a type of fairy - when they get there (I first heard about banshees as a little kid and they freaked the shit outta me, gave me way more anxiety than I already had). Satan says there are lots of types of fairies including those that make you fall in love. Mammon is way more interested in them than in Banshees – Asmo tells him he’s being a pervert. Lucifer arrives after dinner and they follow him to his room. Lucifer says a quiet lake might give Mammon the chance for some self-reflection and personal growth (pretty sure Lucifer needs that too ngl) and it’ll give Lucifer some peace and quiet but also who the fuck’s gonna pay for you huh!? Mammon tries to play the “my favourite older brother” card. Lucifer disagrees and they decide to gamble on it – if Mammon wins he gets to go and if Lucifer wins Mammon gets bathroom cleaning duty for a week. Lucifer says Mammon’ll just cheat so MC volunteers to play and Mammon gets really happy that they’d do that for him, saying he feels like crying. Lucifer agrees except if they lose BOTH of them get bathroom duty. MC has to guess if the card Lucifer draws is odd or even. Even’s correct and they get to go without a fuss. If they pick even they lose.
If they lose the next chapter starts with Mammon crying in MC’s room about MC and Luke being allowed to go and not him and how with MC gone bathroom duty is all his, MC says they’ll do anything to get him to forgive them and he blushes and asks them to stay with him till he allows them to leave and that means they’re gonna be at it all night…. ALL RIGHT ANYWAY Luke then texts them saying he’s impressed that they managed to convince Lucifer to let Mammon go and that Lucifer had actually sent Luke three tickets for “Mammon’s journey of Personal Growth” and Lucifer’s such a good dad sometimes I can’t deal with this BS. Mammon immediately runs off to thank Lucifer and you can then hear lucifer screaming at Mammon to get out and stop hugging him cause he’s in the shower and I love them both so much I NEED them being soft to each other more and the only reason Mammon ended up being the avatar of greed is cause Lucifer probably spoilt him rotten growing up *cough*Lucifer’s B’day Present To Him*cough*. If they win the next chapter starts in Mammon’s room where he’s asking crowe, who’s apparently been borrowed from Levi, how much money he could make selling fairy ring flowers, he then asks MC to ask crowe something too. They can ask crowe about tomorrow’s weather or tease Mammon by either asking crowe how to control Mammon or asking if they’re compatible with Mammon. Mammon blushes but Crowe says they’re fairly compatible and if they can control Mammon’s self-destructive tendencies and how he puts money before everything they may last – mammon says all of that is wrong (I mean we have seen that he actually puts MC before money and material goods quite a few times so yeah…). He says they already know how well they work together better than anyone in all the 3 worlds and they don’t need anyone to tell them that and MC kisses him. Mammon blushes and says “yeah ik Luke’s gonna be with us but let’s try and get our own room to share cause this is the one chance to get time alone away from the others so we can have all kinds of fun. Though we can still have plenty of fun rn” and then he calls them closer and the screen fades to black :) It later opens to screams being heard from inside the house somewhere.
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mytastessuck · 3 years
Gorillaz: Plastic Beach
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mAh, nostalgia. This album was my high school years. I got a digital copy for my birthday from my mom and became obsessed with this album well into college. The dominance of electronica, the use of people with great voices, the expansion of the lore, Lou Reed...this album was all of music when I got it. It's my favorite Gorillaz album and it looks like it's gonna stay that way for a while. But how is it on a not even approaching semi-objective level? Let's find out.
1. Orchestral Intro
You can probably guess it by my awful taste but I'm not really into orchestra. This opening though, with the sound of waves and the mourning instruments, really tipped me off that I was in for something different. This album wasn't going to start off with something chill or even a zombie movie clip. No, at this point, Gorillaz were officially done fucking around.
2. Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach
Then we get the brass leading us into a good beat and then HOLY SHIT, SNOOP DOGG?! He leads us in like a bandleader while a chorus of women back him up Just Like That while he goes with his usual flow. He adds the needed touch of instant cool to an album that's practically frozen with the artists already on it and with this song, it feels like you're walking past the gate into Disneyland.
3. White Flag
Some nice Arabian sounding instruments on this one. Pretty cool for Gorillaz to keep engaging in world music. Anyway, this was a really cool instrumental but it's time to move on to the other son---
Suddenly, we get beeps and mixes backing up Bashy and Kano as they kick so much ass talking about pacifism for the sake of survival. This song kicks an undisputed amount of ass and it barely even tries.
4. Rhinestone Eyes
What I like about this song is that I keep finding new things to like about it as the years go back. First, I liked the weirdly-threatening nature of the song along with the woman moaning in time with the verses. Then I liked the video (even though it was insanely shady of EMI to release that without Damon's and Jamie's permission and it ended up being the thing that led to Phase 3's premature ending and Gorillaz going on hiatus). Then I liked the continuation of the moaning that I first noticed in live performances then finally heard in the song itself. This song is like Rolexes falling from the sky.
5. Stylo
Ah, the first single from the album. I remember telling my dad about this when I first saw the video for it. I was about to write off Gorillaz as a relic of my past before I saw Murdoc and 2D get run off the road by Bruce Willis. This song has an awesome bridge by Yasiin Bey, nice crooning by Damon Albarn and incredible back-up by Bobby Womack, who manages to lift the entire song over his head using just his voice. Damn, wish he had another song that put his voice on full display. Maybe later in the album...
6. Superfast Jellyfish
Yeah, De La Soul is back! And they're singing about TV dinners! Seriously, these guys can make guessing crossword actually fun instead of a dredging experience and have Shiny Toy Guns frontman Chad Petree singing about radioactive seas brings the whole thing home. It makes you want to really go out and eat a random jellyfish but don't do that. It'll hurt.
7. Empire Ants
Okay, before I give this song its totally fair score, it should be noted this is my third favorite song of all time. I love Damon's reassuring lyrics in the beginning but the switch in the middle to a more upbeat electronic pop tune pushes this song past perfect.
Then there's Little Dragon...
This song introduced to me to Yukimi Nagano's voice and wow...I didn't think humans could sound like that, let alone an Asian woman singing soul. If you think the instruments are carrying her here, obviously there are clearly no other songs on the album that showcase her talents so I have to recommend After The Rain, Twice and Constant Surprises by Little Dragon. Seriously, this woman's voice will water your fucking crops.
8. Glitter Freeze
Where is north from here? Don't ask me, I'm not a compass. Anyway, this song has Mark E. Smith from The Fall and they use him to his fullest extent...by which I mean letting him make an absolutely evil fucking laugh somewhere near the end. The instrumentation makes it feel like you're in a storm on a shaky ship and you're definitely going to feel like you need some pills after you're finished. This stuff will put hair on your chest.
9. Some Kind of Nature
This song introduced me to Lou Reed and I'm grateful to it for that. Lou was a shitty dude but damn his voice really made things better than they should have been. Fuck, I was one of the eight defenders of Lulu for this reason. But Damon doesn't sit with his thumbs up his ass on this song. He holds his own and makes the chorus sound legitimately dreamlike. All we are is stars, indeed.
10. On Melancholy Hill
This song is awesome to chill to...unless you're escaping a cruise ship while being gunned down by fighter jets. But other than that particular example, I recommend this song for anyone trying to relax while thinking of someone special. But be careful with the last note of this song. That gong can be a real eye opener.
11. Broken
Bummer of a song but if there's one song you absolutely NEED to learn on melodica, it's this one. Aren't we all broken? Well I am. And this song speaks to me.
12. Sweepstakes
Yasiin's back and there's gonna be trouble. He plays a carny in this track and you know that no matter how many times you listen to this song, you'll always gonna fall for his schemes. He's gone on to say that this is one of his finest achievements as a MC and I can see why.
13. Plastic Beach
Holy shit, they got the 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover guy on this track. Makes since because this, outside of Empire Ants, is my favorite song on the album. The harmony, the little imp they got for the bridge, the triangle...everything makes this song better than it has any right to be on an already awesome album. Damn, plastico indeed.
14. To Binge
Shock of all shocks, Yukimi's back! And it's a duet with Damon! And it's a song about a relationship torn apart by addiction! It's not my birthday so it must be Christmas. These two manage to drown the listen in waves of audio goodness that leaves them feeling like they spent 3 minutes and 56 seconds standing under a waterfall.
15. Cloud of Unknowing
Okay, I cried to this song. And now, with Bobby Womack's passing, I cry even harder. This song should be an anime ending with how solemn it is but you need to listen to the end to hear, "It may bring sunshine on its wings." Also, Damon covered this song live after Womack's passing. I suggest you look it up because it is tear-ripping.
16. Pirate Jet
Eh. Pretty average song compared to the others on the album but I appreciate the message. Sweet Lord, people. Turn off your shit when you're not using it. We only got one planet and I don't trust Elon Musk.
Album Score: 60.1/10
Whoo! No biases! Anyway, next week is The Fall, otherwise known as the album Albarn did on his Ipad. Otherotherwise known as the album a significant portion of the fandom has a hate-on for. Does it deserve the hate? We'll find out!
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dibberdipper · 4 years
Where to go next (Part 2 of cheap frat party beer)
Pairing: Poppy x MC (Bea Hughes)
Warnings: Comfort, implied past sex, language
Word count: 2,000
Summary: When kickoff day is over and everyone’s going home, two girls walk around in the street enjoying each other’s company until they have to fight at school again tomorrow.
Authors note at the end
Bea watched the blonde-haired girl angrily stomp away. She’s recognized the kind of person she is-
She’s a spoiled rich brat who just minutes prior threw a tantrum just because Belvoire’s newest farm girl won over the student body. Bea was undeniably attracted to Poppy, it’s been known at this point. But she wanted nothing more than to take her down. What goes without saying, she wanted the top spot. What made things complicated was she also wanted the girl in the top spot.
They never talked about that shared night in the dorm room, how even after they did the deed they stayed to cuddle. The school’s top rivals were cuddling. Poppy got back with Carter, and Bea felt like there was nothing she could say or do about it. So maybe there was just a little hint of spite involved.
She was on her way back to her and Zoey’s shared place but hesitated to keep going. A certain moment in the day kept plaguing her mind. Poppy just broke up with Carter today. For her reputation, this was the perfect chance to date the school’s football team captain. Carter was attractive, he was sweet… but her mind kept lingering to his ex-girlfriend. She knew it was evil, but she hoped she’d actually stay his ex-girlfriend this time.
She already knew she could surpass Poppy in a week tops, why not try to get in deeper with Poppy now? Worst case scenario, Poppy could embarrass and expose her. But even then, Bea just didn’t really care. She could probably get more momentum in some way and try to make the whole ‘Farmgirl simps for the queen of the school”. On the other hand, best-case scenario, Carter may be out of a girlfriend while she just got one.
As she took her phone out of her pocket, she walked away from her dorm. She could already hear Zoey’s lecture later onto why she left alone without any backup. She went to Poppy’s Instagram page and slid right into her DMs.
“wanna meet later”
She didn’t even wait a second for her reply, it was immediate.
“excuse me???? hell no”
“why not :(”
“have u met me? no”
Bea thought about what to say next when her phone came up with another notification.
“ok how do I know you won’t show up without your bootleg media manager”
Bea rolled her eyes as she kept typing. Okay, she’s crossing her fingers that Poppy does have a secret soft spot somewhere under her blunt rudeness. She couldn’t expect Zoey to support her and Poppy if Poppy couldn’t even treat Zoey with bare minimum respect.
But then again, who says there’s even a relationship.
“how do I know you won’t show up without any of your minions? oh wait they left :(“
She could already see Poppy’s fingers angrily tapping her phone.
Bea came up with an idea that’ll hopefully make things more fun for the both of them that won’t lead to screaming over DMs.
“here, i’ll drop my number so we can FaceTime each other on our way to McDonald’s. foolproof”
“🤢🤢🤢 barf, no”
“Who would expect Poppy Min-Sinclair at a McDonald’s?”
She didn’t get anything back until she got an unknown number trying to FaceTime her. She smiled to herself as she took out her earphones and answered.
“Hey gorgeous-“
“Who do you think you are?! Asking me to meet up after humiliating me?!”
She only saw her neck up, a deep red wool scarf covering up the lower side of her face. She was also adorned in an ugly mud brown hat.
“Poppy I-“
“To think I actually slept with yo-“
“Poppy sweetie, you should be a little quieter on the streets in NYC. Just a little tip.” Bea said laughing, as Poppy flushed. Bea obviously had a view of the buildings behind Poppy.
Poppy huffed. “I might as well not even talk to you on the phone, you’re being such a bitc-“
Poppy heard footsteps behind her and slowly turned around her.
“Then you don’t have to!”
Poppy was so startled she almost fell, and her hat fell off. She put a hand over her heart and took a deep breath.
“Bea! You scared me!”
Bea picked the hat up from off the ground and placed it back on her head.
“Whoops. Sorry.”
Bea looked Poppy over, and now she got to see along with the hat and scarf, she was wearing a tan dress coat with dark brown boots. She looked like a stereotypical cartoon character in a disguise minus the glasses with a mustache attached, plus the tacky hat. There was something charming about her attempt to look less suspicious.
Poppy glared at her but slowly her expression softened.
“Here, I brought these.”
She handed her matching sunglasses, they had some sort of brand name that Bea couldn’t recognize on them.
“Awww babe you brought us matching sunglasses?”
“Don’t think you can just call me babe, I’m pissed at you.”
Poppy crossed her arms after slipping her sunglasses, looking away in annoyance. Bea could’ve apologized or whatever, but the way she said it as if she did nothing riled her up.
“You shouldn’t have tried to sabotage me, sweetie.” Bea said as she slipped her matching pair of sunglasses on.
Poppy wrinkled her nose in anger.
“Then you shouldn’t have tried to upstage me.”
“Here how about this Poppy, we’ll say sorry on three?”
“Okay.” Poppy said uncrossing her arms. Bea felt her eyes on her through the sunglasses.
They waited for one of them to say sorry, but none of them did. They left each other hanging.
They kept eye contact and started laughing. Almost as if they were moving on their own, still laughing, they interlocked fingers and started walking. Poppy laid her head on Bea’s shoulder.
“Ugh, do we still have to go to McDonald's? “
“I guess not. Where do you want to go then?
“I don’t mind just walking.”
They walked, enjoying their shared silence as if they were just two girls holding hands because they liked each other. They both individually loved their reputations, socializing, but at the end of the day, it’s probably the only thing keeping them apart. The school is watching for a catfight, not a love story.
“Bea, why did you really call me here?”
“I just wanted to talk.” Bea replied.
Poppy lifted her head away.
“Ask me ten questions, and I’ll ask you ten questions after.” She remarked.
“Poppy, are you really trying to get to know me through a trivial game?” Bea said.
“You do know that’s one question down, right?” Poppy smirked.
“Oh come one, you’re not going to seriously count that as a question.” Bea said in annoyance.
“Ah, that’s two.” Bea scoffed at her statement, but Poppy giggled in reply. Time seemed to stop every time Poppy genuinely laughed, almost as if the world knew that was the only time she looked truly innocent.
“Okay I’ll stop teasing you, you can ask. But you only have eight questions left.”
Bea squeezed her hand, as she looked around trying to think of one.
“Cats or dogs?”
“That’s seriously what you’re asking?”
“Sue me, but you can tell a lot about a person by which one they prefer.”
Poppy was silent for a moment.
“I wanted a cat when I was younger, but my mom’s allergic.”
“Ah okay. Next question I guess. Look I know we’ve done things, and you dated Carter, but I don’t want to assume anything. Are you bi?”
Poppy winked at her. “Let’s just say I listen to girl in red.”
Bea rolled her eyes but laughed.
“Okay, five more questions I guess. Coke or Pepsi.”
Poppy didn’t miss a beat. “White wine. Why drink those when you have a wine cooler?”
Bea punched her arm playfully. “Hey, your ‘too cool for soda’ rich kid is showing.”
They both laughed among each other.
“I mean I don’t have any more questions except one I guess.”
“Please do ask.” Poppy said, moving her hands upwards to clutch onto her arm.
“Have you even tried McDonald’s?”
“I’ve dated Carter, I went with him and I’ve come to the conclusion that almost none of their food looks like their advertising.” Poppy said.
“Well do you have a favorite fast food place? Or are you simply too fancy?”
Poppy looked around for a moment.
“You tell anyone and I swear to whatever God is out there Bea Hughes, I’ll make you pay.”
Bea started laughing, covering her hand over her mouth this time trying not to annoy other passers among them, previous people shooting them glares for being so damn loud.
“Okay, you have to tell me now.” Bea said finally calming her giggles.
She noticed Poppy’s face glow with a red tint as she buried herself in her scarf.
“After my first break up in high school, I ate at Wendy’s. It’s now my guilty pleasure.”
“I’ve actually never had Wendy’s.” Poppy gaped at Bea in surprise.
“Why? How could you not!”
“In my hometown, I mainly had food from mom and pop type diners and restaurants, you know?”
Poppy felt herself burn inside. On her first day of school, she relentlessly went at her for where she came from. Poppy let go of her arm and took a deep breath. As much as she could’ve never said this, the over-attachment she’s already grown so much to this girl couldn’t let her brush it off.
“Poppy are you oka-“ Before Bea could finish, Poppy interrupted her.
“I’m sorry for being such a piece of shit to you. Hell, I’m kind of a piece of shit to everyone.” Poppy tried to hold it in, but a tear or two slipped past and left streaks on her cheeks.
“Poppy…” Bea sighed.
“I’m not going to pretend and tell you you’re forgiven or that you haven’t been a real bitch to everyone. But I mean, who am I to judge? I’m not any better than you.”
Poppy looked up at her through her glasses, she didn’t even feel like being defensive. She knew she was right.
“One part of me wants to believe you have some sort of secret soft side, but I know that’d be me making up some other version of you. I want to get to know you, know every deep secret you have, I want to know all the little quirks that make you…you. But another part of me wants to be that power couple I’ve always selfishly wanted.”
Poppy felt the tears being unleashed. Carter was always sweet to her, pampered her even, he’s an amazing guy. But for some reason, this very moment meant so much to her than anything else.
“Would you… want to date me one day?” Poppy slipped the words out as she wiped the tears from her face with her sleeve.
Bea thought to herself for a few minutes, making Poppy shrink in paranoia as to what her response might be.
“We both need to grow first. I want to get better for you, and I want you to be satisfied enough in your life to not seek validation within some college ranking system.” As much as the words stung, Poppy nodded.
Bea looked down at Poppy and she stopped in her steps. She pulled her away from the sidewalk and closer to the wall of whatever building was next to them. She held her hands in hers.
“Instead of asking me ten questions, you know what you could do for me?”
Poppy looked at her puzzlingly.
“You know… you could kiss me.” Poppy giggles uncharacteristically in reply.
“Close your eyes.” Bea’s eyelids fluttered down. Poppy stood on her tippy toes and placed her lips on hers. It was different from that first night. Instead of sexual tension and passion, it was soft. As fun as that night was, she could say she preferred this one in a heartbeat. She pulled away as she something vibrate in her back pocket.
“Bea where are you??? Not to be a mom, but weren’t you supposed to get here a while ago?”
“Oh shit.” Bea accidentally said aloud”
“What is it?” Poppy said suddenly looking at her phone to see what she was looking at.
“I forgot to tell Zoey I was going out.”
“You forgot?!” Bea felt so stupid, as she went on her Uber app.
“I’ll get us both an Uber and I’ll walk you to your floor so you’ll be safe okay?”
Poppy sighed dejectedly. “Okay.”
“You do know you could keep your lips on mine in the Uber, right?”
Poppy smiled at her.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
okay I just wanted to say 😳😳
i have another Poppy x MC WIP but as soon as i read chapter 4 of Queen B I just h a d to write this
because first of all, it was intended to be a one-shot but a couple of people asked and I had no idea how to start it but chapter 4 gave me life so here we are
thanks for reading 🥰
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
Hi! Have you played the game Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey ? The game follows an amnesiac young girl (the protagonist who is controlled by the player) that is brought to a dilapidated castle called Gentlehaven. The character that the player controls may have the appearance customized by the player and that protagonist has no official name. Do you think Mc/Yuu (Twisted Wonderland) could be that character? Or her children? Your writing is wonderful, you are very creative and talented.
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So quick disclaimer I've never actually played the game but while I was reading through the game summary I came up with this theory 
-- I doubt that Yuu/MC from TW is the child of the princess, instead, I'd be more certain that Yuu is the princess (I know Yuu is gender-neutral but I'm factoring that out for now) In a way it would make sense, assume that the "princess" got transported into the "Disney" world when they were rather young (between 8-10) she met the five princesses went on adventures with all of them than got transported back home. Flash forward a few years where the "princess" is now in her teenage years, she (yet again) gets transported to the "Disney" world only this time the place looks completely different. That's because, while only 6 to 7 short years have passed for her, literal centuries have passed in the "Disney" world. Now the "princess" currently going by Yuu has somehow convinced herself that the magical world she went to as a child was all part of her imagination, it wasn't real, it couldn't be real and even if it was, there is no way in hell that this messed up world is the happy go lucky place she visited. Since Yuu was so young, she also wouldn't really remember the princess or their stories....that is until she meets the twisted wonderland boys and their similar actions spark subconscious memories. That would explain how Yuu has such vivid dreams of the Disney characters without having ever seen the moives.--
....Then I read the ending where the "princess" was actually from the Disney world herself and was the long lost princess of Gentlehaven. SO as you can tell the theory quickly disbanded....but that got me thinking. "What if there is a person from a parallel world (where Disney doesn't exist) who has the ability to jump to different dimensions, more specifically going from their world to the Japanese Disney universe."
Quick side note: I'm going to say (and use) the Japanese Disney universe because games and franchises such as Kingdom Hearts, Disney tsum tsum, and twisted wonderland don't exist in the Disney canon of America (at least I don't think so). BUT I wouldn't be surprised if they all exist in the complete canon of the Japanese version of Disney (meaning that in twisted wonderland the idea of key blades, heartless and tiny four-legged characters similar to classic characters exists. Also excluding Marvel and Star wars from this theory)
Now in kingdom hearts union cross, we play as a character who suddenly wakes up in Daybreak Town with no idea who they are or how they got here. That's when they meet a cat named Chirithy (who reminds me of Grim) who tells them that they have the power to wield a key like sword called a Key blade and that they have to rid the world of the "darkness". While they embark on their journey to defeat the darkness and slay the heartless they come across multiple Disney characters and their respective worlds (that are kinda just like neighboring countries considering how easily they go from to the other) which include Snow-white, Aladdin, Hercules, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Tangled and Sleeping beauty. Now at night when the player falls asleep, they start having rather vivid dreams of either current events or passed events most of which consists of (I'm pretty sure) seven hooded figures. 
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In a way, the player from Kingdom hearts and Yuu kind have a similar power set. The ability to have dreams that can almost predict the future or see into the past, some times both. So this made me draw a wired connection "what if they are similar because they are the same person!" I think that in the universe in which most Japanese Disney games are set; there are two worlds, one world that's identical to ours but without any sort of Disney franchise existing and another where Disney is that world. Now in the first world, there is a child who somehow develops a sort of power to be able to transport from their world to the other world. Granted they can't control this power, it seems to act on its own, transporting them to the other world when the other world is in dire need of help. Now I believe that once when the player was very little somewhere between the age of 5-8 they get transported to the neighboring world and met the Disney princess/princes/sidekicks/Villians, generally speaking, they become good friends with the "good guys" but when there is no immediate threat they get sent back home. Every time that they return to their world they lose a big chunk their memory of the "Disney World". They think it was all a make-believe dream or a figment of their imagination. Despite everything they still have distinctive recollections of the occasions that occurred but only in their sub-conscience.
Now sometime in the future, "Yuu" gets transported to the "Disney World" again only this time years have passed and an evil known as the "darkness" is plaguing the world. The Disney characters (or most of them) seem to remember Yuu. I say this because in the game (Union cross) characters like Alice, Cinderella, Hades, and Hercules says vague things that make it seem like they knew the character or at least had met them prior to the game. Other characters such as Snow while, Aladdin, and Rapunzel all seem to automatically trust the player despite claiming to have "just met them". Now, this could just be fan service or a way to move the plot along quicker. But I think it was deliberately placed so that we as the player get the feeling that not only have we met these characters before, but they too, vaguely remember us for some reason or another. Now the same thing repeats, "Yuu" helps subdue the current threat, says a heartwarming goodbye, gets conveyed back home, ends up thinking it was a crazy dream, and then continues to have random dreams about their time as a keyblade wielder.
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All this finally brings us to the "current" timeline. Where for "Yuu" only a few years have passed until they are 16-17 but hundreds of years have gone by for the "Disney World" this time Yuu's power could have activated when they were close to a mirror making them think that it was the mirror that transported them rather than their own power (which they have also forgotten) in twisted wonderland (the current name of the Disney world) overblots have become a hazard and like always Yuu is the only one who can knock sense into the characters and restore order. This time every little thing the boys do triggers Yuu's memory about what the older villains and heroes did, giving them a headstart as they can kind of predict exactly what the boys will do before they do them. Maybe their stay will be longer because after the overbolt threat is dealt with, there may be a threat from royal sword academy.
Never the less eventually Yuu would once again return home, once more forgetting most of what happened in NRC, and only coming back years later after every one of their new friends are dead or don't remember them.
Honestly, this is kinda sad, imagine spending so much time in another world, a better world, where magic and adventure exist. You make amazing friends, friends that you can never quite remember but who haunt your every dream. Every time you're resent to this mystical world so much time has passed that whoever you once knew is dead, doesn't remember you or is in some sort of life or death situation. I'm actually starting to feel very bad for Yuu, poor kid.
Okay a part of me really wants to make a blog dedicated to making theories about Twisted wonderland (and maybe some other games like KH, hypnosis mic, Obey me and argonavis)
Anyone else wants to share their two cents on this matter? Or their own theories?
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bloodyshadow1 · 3 years
just finished Alanna’s route and I gotta say, I’d give it a C, it wasn’t bad, but I didn’t see a lot of good either.  There was so much crammed in as much as possible between the Society (that we barely get to see anything of), Time travel (which is fine but done pretty poorly with little buildup or fanfare or explanation), Immortals (like time travel, a decent story enough on it’s own, but only mentioned in the final 3rd of the story and barely talked about afterward), and Magic power stones (pretty vague power system that no one seems interested in telling the MC about) it feels like they accidently threw 4 darts at the idea board this time and never bothered to throw again.  It’s such a mess that the MC has to take on faith without ever being given a real reason to side with the Circle over anyone else other than her ex girlfriend is part of it and they hate her dad.  It’s so quick and it doesn’t ever feel like the right decision at least to me since you spend so little time with the Circle even as background characters to Alanna’s story.
Alanna as a character is kind of meh for me overall.  Physically her design is fine, seems cute more than hot or sexy, but sort of bland and generic.  there are other cute love interests that never felt this generic, she feels like she should be the sister or best friend character instead of the love interest of the MC.  It doesn’t help that by making her the MC’s ex returned, we know little to nothing about her, so much of a romance arc is missing because even if the MC knows, we the player don’t know what’s so great about Alanna.  All of Alanna’s character feels told instead of shown, the MC seems to worship the ground she walks on, but the actual story leaves much to be desired because we don’t really see her do anything super charming or amazingly skilled.  She’s pretty, but she’s not even the most beautiful woman in her route much less London or the world. I could understand why the MC would love her since she’s still hung up on her, so I could believe it if I took the story with a grain of salt, but the fact that her personality seems to be she’s so charming and everyone loves her without every truly delivering on such claims makes her whole route fall even flatter than it’s plot led to. The fact that the MC slept with her right away as a ‘palette cleanser’ was sort of interesting, but it still felt like being told about her, nothing about what she and the MC had gone through felt like she was so irresistible that the MC would need to get her out of her system, because we don’t know anything really about her relationship with Alanna.  And that’s a big problem to her selling points as a love interest
  We don’t know all the stories the MC has with Alanna, especially if they only dated for 2 months, the audience/player/readers, need to understand why the MC is in love with their love interest besides the route being named after them, by making their entire relationship when they first fell in love we miss all of that and are left with empty feelings and gestures between the two of them. The little back and forths between them about their past are okay to start with, but nothing about Alanna as a character from her 12 chapters makes me believe that she’s so lovely the MC can overlook her massive flaws and go along with her very unpersuasive desire to have the MC join them to help the world.  Her depression and feelings of helplessness after 200 years was interesting, but it felt like it came too late.  I’m actually really glad the MC called her out on her bullshit, by the end of her first chapter, I get a bit of where she’s coming from, but what Alanna did to the MC was fucked up and she doesn’t get to just pretend it never happened.
Plot wise, the story is a mess, like Alanna, so much of the story is told to the MC and she’s supposed to take it on faith that the Circle is somehow more morally right than the rest of the Society.  It fails because the Circle has barely any real character, they have interesting traits that if they were around more to make me care about them as something other than the vehicle to do the time travel and nothing more.  In so many routes, you’re introduced to all your love interests at the same time and they’re already a group, while you spend the most time with your love interest, you get to know most of the characters as people outside of their routes, but the rest of the Circle is pretty bland.  Not to mention that the Society is built up as this big maybe evil maybe just powerful and in the wrong hands thing..., but you barely interact with them at all.  The only people tell  the MC and her brother that the Society is bad is the Circle who are actively members of it and nothing about what they say or do makes me feel like they’re any more trust worthy than the rest of the society except most of them are going to be future love interests.  In Alanna’s route, the only member of the Society not in the Circle that has a unique character portrait is Arabella and she’s kind of a more interesting character with a more sympathetic story than the Circle. We hear about how corrupt and morally bankrupt the higher ups in the Society are, and we know the MC hates her dad, who seems to be considered the worst, but aside from being a bit stuff and arrogant, (much like the wealthy elite of our world) we don’t see much evil, and it confuses me if the Circle wants to bring down the Society or try and take control of it for the greater good without much of a reason to trust them.
The Immortal plot point fell flat to me, like the story basically skipped over the time travel plot device by making it literally a this happens and barely talk about it, but adding the Immortality plot felt unneeded in a narrative that needed a lot more structure, not irons in the fire.  I feel like if Alanna/your love interest was the only one of the Circle that was immortal other than the Elites of the Society it would have made a better route to go.  Having an immortal character in your romantic story is fertile ground, they could be a tragic figure, a figure who is hedonistic and loving their immortality, etc, there are plenty of ways to go, an immortal character with a bunch of their pals who are already incredibly powerful and have a vague sense of goodness about them, makes it feel far from a curse or whatever they’re trying to portray it here.  It could have also been introduced better to the MC by say meeting Arabella in the present day and being shocked by seeing her and needing confirmation from the Circle or Alanna, instead of Alanna dropping it in a mood to the MC.  
Overall, it felt to complicated of a story to tell with all the moving pieces that didn’t deliver on any of them sadly.  the whole story felt like it was a mix between Queen of Thieves and Astoria Fates Kiss, without the charms of either the story or the characters, replacing Greek Mythology with time travel.  I will also say, it the plot made me kind of uncomfortable with how a bunch of mostly white young adults have decided to be judge and jury throughout time with the first antagonist being a powerful black lesbian in london 200 years ago, and we only have their word that something is afoot.  I know that she actually was doing bad stuff, but the Circle is just a vigilante group with no actual authority and using time travel as their own means of policing people and if it wasn’t a simplistic romance story disguised as a scifi fantasy story, I feel like more nuance would have saved it.
The good parts: Alanna’s route for Immortal Hearts Society wasn’t all bad, I  I will admit I am probably overly harsh since I just finished it.  I actually really enjoyed the both the Female and Male MC character designs, they both were surprisingly interesting compared to a lot of MC’s.  I really did enjoy the MC for the most part and I liked her relationship with her brother, most of the time I’ve seen sibling relationships in Lovestruck they’re fine but don’t tend to have much actual conflict, just superficial.  But I like that the MC loves her brother, but burned her bridges with him to keep him safe, she regrets what she had to do but not what happened which is a pretty interesting take.  Alanna was enjoyable as a love interest in the beginning, but as the story got more and more convoluted, it felt like she didn’t have much actual character.  I do have a soft spot for the Circle characters, except for the two current love interests, I’m more annoyed that we didn’t get to see and interact with them more, especially since it looks like they’ll be future love interests if the pattern holds.  It was a fine story and I know I’m being overly harsh, but it just felt underdone instead of bad, which tends to make it worse in my mind because the lost potential is frustrating. 
 I wouldn’t mind continuing if the writing got tighter next season, I’ll still give it a try.  I would very much like an Arabella route before anyone else, she has such a gorgeous design and despite not seeing a huge amount of her character being a warm genuinely kind person stuck between a rock and a hard place for her family was an interesting take instead of making her one of the many false sweethearts in Queen of Thieves that stab you in the back.  I also think that if she still is around in modern day she would have fit the story as a love interest better than Alanna. 
Not sure if anyone is going to bother to read this but it feels good to get it out.  Maybe you think I’m full of shit and I’m fine with that, maybe you love Alanna and she’s your favorite love interest.  I’m sorry you read this because I don’t want anyone to feel bad, this is simply how I feel after reading the first chapter
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averagesmw · 4 years
Penny Haywood x MC- A sense of normalcy (2/4)
Game: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery
The steam coming from the machine, the crowds of voices becoming the ambiance of the place, even the shadows that passed by now and then
Those elements combined served as a clear indicator as the eyes slowly opened
They had arrived at the station
When Y/N realized this, they moved, only to realize a gentle weight above their head, followed by golden braids following the effects of gravity
Did...did they just cuddled to sleep?
A yawn caught their attention, Beatrice had just woken up from her slumber. While looking around at first, she eventually laid eyes on you
When she did, Beatrice smiled and mouthed "hello" before getting up to pick her things
It was time to continue their journey, and that would have to start with all of them being awake. Gently, Y/N nudged Penny's shoulder, just enough to get a reaction from her
"Wha? Is it time?..."
She muttered in a way reminiscent of that of a child, which of course, brought a smile to Y/N's tired face
"I'm afraid so, Penny. We ought to keep moving"
She whined but eventually moved away from her resting place and stretched while Y/N themselves got up and grabbed their luggage, and since they weren't carrying as much, they also helped with some of Beatrice's
And so, the three youngsters left the train in search of Penny's parents. This station was much more crowded than Hogsmeade's, but it didn't seem to be a problem for the girls as they swiftly moved through the crowds
They kept walking until an adult voice stood out from afar, the resemblance made it clear who they were
"There they are! My little girls!"
"Mum, dad!"
Penny's eyes sparkled upon identifying the source before running towards them and eventually hugging them
"It's so good to see you!" She declared with such relief
"You too, darling!"
Beatrice hugged her parents as well. Considering how much change she had gone through, it was quite a sight to behold
At least until said adults turned their attention to Y/N
"And you must be Y/N. I've heard a lot about you!"
Interestingly enough, Y/N themselves had heard that phrase plenty of times before. One would say they'd grown accustomed to it
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N"
"Likewise, Mr. and Mrs. Haywood. Thank you for bringing me along " They stated smiling while shaking their hand
"It's the least we could do, darling"
Penny's mum stated with a smile, then, her husband grabbed his daughters' luggage and carried it around himself
"Are you ready to continue our journey?"
"Yes! I've never been to the countryside before"
The man smiled at this, watching Y/N's enthusiasm for a trip that never got old
"Then you're in for a treat"
And he was not wrong. Throughout their trip, Y/N got to see first-hand the various placed they had only heard of, even getting to walk amongst Muggles without any problem
But most importantly to them, they got to see the lights that decorated London for the holidays.
The sense of wonder they provided the curse-breaker was, as Penny described it in her mind, "breathtakingly cute"
Eventually, they decided to stop at a nearby restaurant to eat something and recharge their energy. Their destination being quite close
Penny's parents entered first, while Y/N held the door open for them, Beatrice, and eventually Penny herself
"Thank you!"
However, when they closed the door, a small sleigh bell caught their attention. One that was attached to a Mistletoe just above the door
Oh no...
Penny's smile turned into a nervous mess as soon as she noticed the decoration, especially what it meant during this time of the year
"W-Would you look at that, mistletoe"
"Almost didn't s-see it there"
Both of them tried their best to keep a normal conversation, not knowing how to approach the topic
Penny wouldn't mind it, in fact, she wanted it to happen. But like this? And so soon? That was so risky!
Y/N too found their cheeks getting warm, even words were failing them now. What were they supposed to do?
The curse-breaker took a step closer towards her, with a flustered smile and iron willpower to keep themselves even breathing at this point
The blonde followed in and stepped closer as well, even reaching for their hand in such a subtle way, only she knew what she was doing
Wouldn't Penny's parents scold them for doing something so bold in front of them? Or--
"Penny? Is everything alright?"
Like a hot knife cutting through butter, Beatrice's voice startled both teenagers, who promptly realized what just happened
Penny scratched the back of her neck as she turned to face her sister
"Y-Yeah, Y/N was just asking me about the menu. You know, since they are new around here!"
Beatrice bought it. It was a surprisingly good lie, especially considering the time she had to make it up
And even if Y/N didn't quite recognize some of the items on the menu, they felt an absurd amount of relief when Bea left them
A heavy sigh left the blonde's lips before she returned her attention to her "friend" and gave them an awkward smile
"Come on, Y/N, l-let's get something to eat!"
They nodded eagerly, just wanting to be put out of that misery
"Absolutely, I'm starving"
The rest of their journey went by with nothing else to report. By the time the Moon was in the sky, they had reached the countryside
It was charming and beautifully stuck in time. Of course, it had enough technology, but it still retained somewhat of the traditional look for a village
Honestly, it could give Hogsmeade a run for its money
"Here we are! Get ready to unpack, girls!" Mr. Haywood announced when entering the house they use for these occasions
The girls grabbed their luggage and went to their rooms, meanwhile, Y/N stood in the living room with Penny's parents
"Excuse me, Y/N?"
They turned round to find both the mother and father sitting on the couch, with a bit of a serious look to them.
"I don't think we've had a chance to talk for real"
For a couple that had been nothing but friendly, this sight was terrifying. Y/N gulped and nodded, embracing whatever might come next
"First, dear, let me start by saying that we know about what happened with you and those vaults"
"That is a lot, too much for someone your age to deal with" added Mr. Haywood
"I wasn't alone, I had a lot of help. From friends to teachers, everyone tried their best"
This answer earned a smile from the couple, seeing as Y/N kept somewhat of an optimistic outlook and appreciated everyone who helped them
"Maybe, but it was you who went out of your way to help our girls whenever one of them needed it"
The student didn't respond to this, but instead, they went over the events of the last few years
It was true, they helped Penny both times she resorted to using potions to escape her problems and also accompanied Beatrice in her journey to accept her new self
None of these tasks had a direct relationship with the Vaults, yet Y/N went ahead and helped them both
"What we're trying to say, is that we appreciate having someone looking after them in Hogwarts, especially given what happened"
The man stated while looking over to the room Beatrice had chosen for herself
"It's still a tad challenging to get used to things as they are now, but having good influences always helps"
Y/N smiled at this. They couldn't quite believe the conversation they were in
They were expecting Penny's parents to be a bit stern or angry at them for what happened with the Vaults. Not that it was Y/N's fault, but they had grown accustomed to people blaming them for it
This was more than a welcome change
"They would've done the same for me, you've raised wonderful people. In fact, Penny refused to let me spend the holidays by myself"
This comment earned a chuckle from the woman in front of them
"So we've heard. The least we could do was to bring you along with us, you've earned a little break"
"And talking about it, you must be exhausted from all that traveling we did. Your room is down the hall, next to Penny's"
Mr. Haywood gave them their luggage and they smiled back
"Thank you, Mr, and Mrs. Haywood. I appreciate this gesture"
They waved the teenager goodbye and were left on their own to talk
"They are quite a case, aren't they?" The man chuckled
"Indeed, but rather charming as well"
"I'm just glad they're not the troublemaker the papers make them look like"
Y/N was able to find the room assigned to them with no trouble, a cozy room with a bed, nightstand, bookshelf, and even a small window. It was rather charming, although they couldn't unpack their things due to the exhaustion
They placed their luggage next to the bed before getting in it, the soft sheets gently embracing them and providing a shield from the cold weather. Definitely inviting a good sleep
However, there were still prominent thoughts going all over Y/N's mind, from recent memories to the situation they found themselves on
Experiencing all of this journey with the Haywoods didn't feel like a favor or a reward for the student's achievements
It felt... normal
This was a nice break, and surely what most Hogwarts students must've felt when they lived their normal lives
No evil organizations, no Cursed Vaults, nothing that a student shouldn't deal with at that age
Just life, as it was intended to be
Y/N L/N excelled at everything they put their mind to, but if there was one thing in which they were far behind all of the other students...was at living a normal, happy life
Until now of course. It only took six years to get there
And so, the student allowed themselves to close their eyes and finally call it a day after so much walking and talking, it was ironic how this would get them more tired than their usual adventures in the castle
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