#maybe under a read under line?
yorshie · 8 months
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sfsolstice · 4 months
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exurb1a, from "Inventory" in Poems for the Lost Because I'm Lost Too
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averlym · 10 months
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no one would notice if i ever vanished // if bodies could sustain // this never-ending army // like blood pumping through a vein
(click for better resolution!)
:OOO hello. anyway since these are all posters i'd have in an ideal world or smth and i'd like to store the high res versions somewhere,,, here's the google drive folder for them? hehe ''
close up!
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#adamandi#vincent aurelius lin#i'm back with the posters! or smth! idk!!#i'm maybe just a bit obsessed with vincent. such a Character.#where can i run is sustaining me single-handedly through this exam season (<- has cried thrice in the last two days; alas; but moving on)#my stress response was that in a fit of apathy i shut myself down from academia and stopped to paint this#six hours total? on this funky little thing! had to push myself to finish the magnifying glass but!! looks so cool. i'm impressed with my e#fun fact: all the shades are hand-coloured. aka everything is digitally hand painted hooray!! i havent painted for a long time (ish)#smth about this musical makes me want to paint. it's very lovely that way#it's also a miracle i haven't gotten carpal tunnel or any wrist injuries so far... i'm a lucky person! hooray#i had so many thoughts to ramble about and now i don't recall any of them.#-! about this piece: inspired specifically by that one line that i doodled in the margins of a math practice last night#the diagonal slant was very. thinky. the rendering and angle were kinda contradictory to do but it's fineeee (draft was diff. pov)#i liked the red abstraction. and the way that people (misc) gave same vibes as red blood cells.#green for vincent because contrasting colour!! considered a spotlight that was more obv bc. again theatre lighting is so cool. but that was#a bit too literal? i think. so just fun little highlights. no one look at the accuracy of anything here though.. shadows do Not do this#also like hehehe lin. forest. forest of people. i really liked thinking about that. hehehe#i didn't know the font to use!! or quote!! so i slapped on the name of the musical and called it a day... the blank one is in the google-#-folder if you want to add your own stuff :') also also i wasn't sure about cropping at all. so again high res in google drive link#which is under the keep-reading sign! kind of a choose your own adventure because i'm lazy :3#ajhshdhfhfhfhf i think i've been fuelled by the tags under each post so far. so intensely. so very nice.#also when the cast or creators drop fun facts... serotonin right there.. they're all so nice waaagh it's so cool that they like my stuff ><#<laughs> really grateful that the whole fandom's so sweet <3 thank you for your support TvT#alright!! off to mess about with chemistry. jiayou me.#oh yes. a post script about the cropping crisis: i wasn't sure how small i wanted to make him. in proportion to the crowd. so if you see it#on mobile ig it's tiny and on laptop it kind of makes sense ...
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cherry-bomb-ships · 1 month
Ok damnit i couldn't fucking help myself so here's an extremely zoomed in WIP screenshot of the art Im gonna start lining tomorrow cuz I fully finished the sketch tonight and oh my goddddddddd its making me so 😳💖💖💖😳💖💖😳💖
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welcometogrouchland · 3 months
I am enjoying red hood: the hill, but it's kind of driving me crazy how after they did all that shit in Gotham War, they immediately tried to sweep it under the rug with joker: the man who stopped laughing (even tho the issue wasn't really resolved over there), and now giving Jason a series set in the past so it doesn't have to deal with the fallout...DC please...
#ramblings of a lunatic#dc comics#I heard someone say that the next installment of dc vs vampires is seemingly the last thing Matthew Rosenberg has lined up at DC#which is a shame bc after reading his red hood: gotham war tie-in issues i think he has a pretty decent handling on Jason#the complicated and oft times contradictory line he walks between what violence is necessary and what isn't#but his sympathetic elements and charm are still on display#sigh. i need to read task force z don't i#one day I'll read under the red hood in full to get a taste of full on villain!jason#if i stick w/ GA past the phsycial volume i own I'm bound to come across him again and see if ppl are being normal abt the mia thing#idk I think jason as a character has somewhat suffered due to the fact that his character development was very much connected-#-w the n52 reboot#which worked at the time but now that a lot of that continuity is being brought back#it's making ppl realise that we didn't get a true ''jason putting aside differences to try and work w/ the batfamily'' arc or moment#although I do remember him being anti-heroic in the final crisis tie-in?? with kyle and donna right????#i honestly think jason just needs a bit of tlc and introspection and this new storybeat provides a cool outlet for that#(someone talk to me about my red hood idea/pitch pretty pleasseee)#and definitely some cleaning up of his continuity (maybe after some more universe altering events. sigh)#but instead of hopping right on that when they have the opportunity we're getting an (admittedly fun) flashback series#in which jason is more of a co-star than headliner#bwahhh
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ranger-kellyn · 4 months
team star's boss battle music is actually so fucking good???? hello??????
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say what you like about having your vocabulary ruined by bertie wooster but at least whenever I'm indecisive from now on I'll always be able to say that I'm letting 'I dare not' wait upon 'I would' and make everyone think I'm cultured
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okapiandpaste · 2 years
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was this scene never adapted by anyone bc it’s too homosexual or bc no one could figure out whether holmes was joking or in actual distress
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kuroo-hitsuji · 6 months
Bro i really played myself with my trans Solomon hc huh
No visual evidence to subtly include in my art. No top surgery scars no nothin. No one will know but me orz
Fool. Imbecile.
Unfortunately though i will change Nothing bc it makes sense To Me but I will still be sad about it xgmxgmxxfj
#obey me#obey me Solomon#obey me trans hc#obey me trans Solomon#headcanon rambling in the tags#at least i can draw kuroo still visibly transmasc#bc Solomon forgot to mention he knows how to teetus deletus with magic before they went and got human realm top surgery#the bastard /j#and silver lining if i ever get the chance to depict the vague offhand comments he makes about his own transition-#everyone that doesn't know my hc will get to experience them like everyone in-world would lmao#(well. Mostly everyone in-world. a couple are definitely aware like thirteen and barbatos at the absolute least. possibly asmo as well)#like#it is literally a running joke in this hc that Kuroo is constantly wondering#if the thing Solomon just said is Actually as trans as they think#or if they're just reading into it too far bc he's just. So vague and weird so often as it is--#(and kuroo does figure it out eventually but it takes A While bc he really just likes fucking with people.)#(like its 50/50 between him forgetting people don't know/forgetting he even is-- and him just deliberately fucking with them bc its funny)#alternatively i could give him Magic “scars” that glow under certain circumstances. for fun... idk I'll play around with that idea maybe#Unrelated to the topic but fun fact#(/s)#sorting tags is an absolute fucking niGhtmare on mobile oh my fucking god#i rarely use desktop tumblr but holy fuck man#i had to dig out my poor dead laptop just to make my tag rambling have Any sense of coherency#i was fighting mobile for literally half an hour. fucking hell. im going to beD i hope someone at least gets a Lil kick out of this hc rant#personal headcanon#Solomon#Kuroo
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reinedeslys-central · 14 days
when it's been so long since you've read a fic that you forget about it and you find it in the search tags and start reading it again
and it's great, if a little familiar, but you've read a lot of these sorts of fics bc you like this tag a lot, so you assume it's nothing
but then the deja vu starts adding up and you start to wonder
and then moments before the great big Plot Twist Reveal happens you're suddenly like ah hell this is the bloody sundial fic again isn't it
smh this has to be the fourth time yet
#not that I don't love that fic bc I do#but also this is quite funny to me#have I made this post already? I don't remember#mdzs fic#time travel fix it#I love that tag#iceberg tags under see all#bc sm of the fandoms I'm in have such messed-up backstories that it works#it's funny. like for the media that doesn't have as dark backstories ttfi doesn't really make sense (although time loop might!!)#mdzs and st go perfectly with it as does hp (ew)#pjo not as much bc the big bad stuff (for the most part) happens much further down the line in canon than in the first few chapters#like. b99 and idk descendants of the sun or haikyuu wouldn't really work#ik it doesn't HAVE TO but I've also noticed this trend where ttfi is more common in fandoms where it's somehow plausible by the magic syste#haikyuu just does not have that magic system lol (for example)#whereas jjk? maybe. aot? probably not physically/magically but it's got such a messy timeline that at this point why not honestly#tbf the second time I read that fic I did get legitimately surprised by the plot twist#pjo#percy jackson#stranger things#atla? maybe. like it would be weird but still sorta plausible using spirit shenanigans#hp and mdzs by way of their 'hard' magic system side - wards/arrays and the like#pjo by the gods ig?? so kinda like atla with the deus ex machina and not exactly soft nor hard side of their magic systems#cinematic universes? depends but for the marvel ones it's plausible for studio ghibli idek man for kpop music videos sometimes.#not tagging hp lol#terfs dni#like literally if you've made it this far down my notes already if you're a TERF please just fuck off or block me or smth#anyway anyone know about monsta x?#they have time travel literally baked into their concept so I bet there's time travel fix it tropes over in that fandom#I don't really touch rpf these days so idk#if you have any good recs you can argue for I'd be willing to try them ig?
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ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: February 26
“Diamonds in the Mud” by Gerry Cinnamon
#song of the day#another song off that same excellent concept playlist by losersimonriley#there's so many more Scottish bands added to my circulation now it's wonderful#this is a song specifically about Glasgow being his hometown so he uses more of his accent for it which I love#I've been pestering my brothers with accent and slang fun facts for a while now#more or less since the first time somebody had Soap use a particular Scottish saying in their CoD fic and made me go over all !!!!#'innsidh na geòidh as t'fhoghar e' translates to 'the geese will tell it in autumn' and reading that nearly made me explode#because when I was a small child and I asked my uncle too many 'why' questions he told me not to worry about it#that the geese would tell me next fall#amazing to me to find out decades later through Call of Duty fanfiction that that's an actual phrase#preserved for who knows how many generations between the first Scottish folks who must've brought it to Appalachia#and then eventually my Uncle Tommy who decided to use it to turn the aggravation tables around on a child#I'm thinking about that again now not just because it still blows my mind a little bit#(really truly had so firmly accepted it as just my Uncle Tommy trolling me with nonsense. it's such a thing he'd do)#but also because of a specific bit from the end of the song 'it's thirteen degrees and there's folk in the street in the scud'#that's just under 60F (a blissfully warm sunny day in Glasgow it seems) and 'in the scud' means 'naked'#which is also a thing I've almost heard from my family!#my aunts up the mountain and therefore also my father at times would say 'in the scuff' (my aunts with a little tilt to the vowel sound)#there was a sort of connotation of it being a silly or immature or maybe drunken sort of naked. an unimpressive naked at least#like 'Tommy fell into the muddy end of the pond trying to catch that damnfool heron' (this is a true story btw. take that Uncle Tommy)#'when he got back his wife made him take off all his clothin in the yard and hose down first. had to walk into his house in th scuff'#and then all the old ladies cackle about Tommy walkin through his door 'both heads hangin low' and my dad winces a little bit#it's important I share all these memories with my siblings now. most of the family's dead and gone and the boys don't remember#very fun for me to tell the stories now and see Nick do the exact same wince at the slightly mean-spirited dick commentary#just a little family legacy in action. thank you Gerry Cinnamon#(in the spirit of song-of-the-day though I will share my favorite line without the contextual boost of silly ereborne family stories:#'I know a guy who's a lightweight / one or two jars and he's buckled#he's the guy that loses keys / has to break into his ain house and gets huckled'#ungodly fun to sing and I do know several of this guy. not related to them though. my whole family drinks like fish)
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depresseddepot · 7 months
It's been so long since I've read anything kingkiller chronicles related but the narrow road between desires was so unexpectedly emotional and sweet
#bast being so gentle with children is killing me#when he hugs rike............oh my fucking god.....#and the way he (in his severe ''we have just performed extremely powerful fae magic'' way) like#methodically and intensely tells rike that under no circumstances is he a bad person#silly and selfish bast looking an abused child in the eye and telling them they are not irredeemable because they've done bad things#ugh. ugh!!!!!#i don't have the time or energy to reread the kingkiller chronicles but i think i need to MAKE time lmao#the first (and last) lines of the first chapters are like. tattooed in my brain#gritting my teeth i have so many books to read i CANNOT read TWO 500 PAGE NOVELS RN#I HAVE SO MANY LIBRARY BOOKS#thank u rothfuss. writing IS hard#was neil gaiman the one who said ''the words will come back to you eventually'' or something like that#pressure and expectations can kill the love of something very quickly#and frankly i dipped my toes into the kingkiller fandom once and was really weirded out by just how many people acted like they were OWED#book 3#anyway: bast and his bisexual arrangements with emberlee and dax and kholi are so funny to me#im not 100% sure what was being implied but the possibility of it being a four way friends with benefits thing is so silly#also also it is always a treat to read present day kote/kvothe#book 1 kvothe was great but i didn't really like book 2 kvothe#then again its been years since ive read it so maybe i misinterpreted but he felt very arrogant#i think that may have been on purpose?? but idk ill have to reread them sometime#innkeeper kote my beloved#honestly ''innkeeper being a secret badass'' trope in general my beloved. gotta be my favorite type of character
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neverendingford · 9 months
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safyresky · 10 months
Crystal Springs Chapter 16: Now on ao3!
Chapter 16: It's Dinner Time!
Dinner time arrives and with it, a lore drop. Autumn gets to the bottom of Winter and Jack's disconnect.
This is one of my FAVOURITE chapters. I hope you all enjoy it too! It was v hard to pick a snippet to share, so I decided to go meta (this chapter has about 3 moments of self-awareness/fourth wall breaking, if you squint. It REEKS of author bias, lmao)
Jack turned back to his aunts. Summer had leaned in closer—an astonishing feat since she was already right beside him. Autumn watched, head on her linked hands, elbows on the table. Spring still sat with one leg over the other, arms crossed, glaring at Jack...but her eyebrow gave a little twitch. Interesting, Jack thought over a spoonful of mash. "Anyway, it didn't last, of course. Santa managed to come back and reverse trick me. We got back to the proper timeline, and I was almost immediately apprehended by the Elfficers for...other things, funnily enough." "Not the overthrowing thing?" Summer asked. "He froze a couple of people and locked them in a closet with their not-frozen kid," Jacqueline offered. "Shut. Up!" Summer exclaimed. Thanks Jacqueline. "Did you not know that, Summer?" Spring asked, a little too innocently. Sorry, were you not going to say that bit? "No! I didn't! Oh my gosh…then what happened?" Summer asked, shifting in her seat so that she now sat cross-legged, her chin in her hand as she leaned on the table, fully enraptured with Jack's tale. I was going to sugar coat it. You know Spring would've come back with the salt, Jack. Jack had to take a quick sip of his own drink to hide his laughter. "Well," he said, "Now we get to the good part. So, there I was! Two little elf men on either side, shoving me into the Workshop, and they bring me right before Santa. Bernard's temp had discovered Lucy and her parents in the closet, the parents frozen solid courtesy of yours truly. He and Lucy tell the big guy, who already knows all about the whole stealing Christmas thing, of course, as we were SURROUNDED by the Council, so the odds were already stacked against me!" "I can't believe I'm rooting for you right now," Autumn said. "I get that a lot," Jack joked. Autumn and Summer laughed; Jacqueline rolled her eyes, smiling, nonetheless. "Maybe you're rooting for him because you know how it ends, Aunt Autumn," Jacqueline mused, pulling her hair over her shoulder thoughtfully. "REDEMPTION ARC!" Fiera shouted down the table. Even Spring let a little smile escape, very briefly. She seemed to have loosened up a little bit, though she still sat rigid, watching Jack as intently as Winter watched her. "Spoilers, Fiera! Please!" "Sorry!" "Yeah Fiera, spoilers," Fino said, flinging more mashed potatoes at her. She dodged it in time, the potatoes beelining for Blaise. Lightning fast, Blaise smacked his spoon on the table, sending it up in the air; it deflected the mash and the pile fell with a plop onto the candle in front of them, extinguishing the flame. "You were saying?" Autumn asked, as the candle hissed. "Yeah, keep going!" Summer added.
Want to see how Jack wins over his aunts? Check out Chapter 16: Dinner Time, right HERE on ao3!
Want to take Crystal Springs from the top? Catch the Prologue, "An Encounter", HERE on ao3 and HERE on fanfiction dot net! Summary below the cut, as per the ush:
It's been almost a year since Jack Frost thawed and things are looking...well, not so great. Jack's powers are seemingly gone. Without them, the Dome that keeps the North Pole safe from the cold and its magic controlled is melting, putting everything and everyone magical at risk. Unable to hide his power shortage any longer, Jack is forced to admit the truth. Thankfully, there is a solution: enacting the Legate Law, bringing Jack and the sister that he hurt so many centuries ago back together again. But when Jacqueline starts experiencing destructive blackouts, the pair are forced to head back home to Crystal Springs, bringing Jack face to face with the rest of the family. Needless to say, between getting his powers back, helping his sister figure out what in the FROST those blackouts even were, reconciling with his parents, meeting the two even younger siblings he didn't even KNOW he had, NOT TO MENTION the ancient threat that's had it out for the ENTIRE Frost family finally making a move? Saving Christmas (regrettably) is looking to be a little bit...complicated.
And yes, if you're wondering, I did name this chapter with The Emperor's New Groove in mind. So it's best you read the chapter title exactly the way Yzma delivers THIS banger of a line (beware flashy gif):
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Next chapter will be up next week! We'll finally finally FINALLY get that sweet, sweet, Jack and Winter reunion. I think. Lemme go check smth real quick.
SORRY CHAPTER AFTER THAT. But next week: Some BADASS Frosty Sibs games, AND a good Blaise and Jack moment, AND some fun Winter moments! THEN WE GO TO THE MARKET AFTER THAT! YEAH YEAH YEAH! WOOO! (explodes)
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britneyshakespeare · 10 months
i read the first three acts of as you like it today
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didsomeonesayventus · 2 years
Two years and I'm still malding a bit over "you're coming home too."
#katie rambles#kh3 spoilers#kh re:mind spoilers#spoilers#kh remind spoilers#(dusts off hands) okay that out of the way.#it's not that i dont think vanitas deserves redemption or think it cant be done#or feel like he cant find a place with ven and his friends#its that the narrative isnt doing jack shit to make it. idk. healthy? warranted?#like from ven pov vanitas has tried to (and almost did) murder aqua twice. terra maybe once.#and when told 'you can choose to like. not be an asshole' he was met with 'well guess what I AM choosing to be an asshole'#and like idk i get that the line can be read as ven saying it like#get back in here you mangy little stray cat that I'm making my responsibility#like accepting that it's better to just get him under tabs and control so he can't do more evil gremlin shit#but unfortunately 'coming home too' also sounds. way too soft to really reliably be read that way#and more like 'i can fix you'#and i ABHOR ventus 'i can fix him' @ vanitas#when vanitas has literally been nothing but rude to ven that is their dynamic#i know kh is nice but they dont have to do this to my boy they dont have to make another layer of worse martyrdom for him#the nap was enough as is and at least constructive to some degree#this isnt even getting into vanitas being Darkness#(which is a whole nother level of stupid that i hate!)#and how that just makes ven trying to be nice. worse!#idk! vanitas can be redeemed sure probably but can it not be a person who (should) have rightful beef with the guy#when vanitas has displayed pretty much no interest in actually fixing himself and if anything is commiting to the evil bit#unpopular opinion im sure but im sticking to my guns on this one you cannot change my mind
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