#maybe when I feel it I might make a silly meet the oc post w them
34saveme34 · 7 months
SMG3's Interactable Adventure - Chapter 2
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Previous chapter
[As you can see, we meet our host clearer this time. Forgot to include this before but
Word count: 4354
Vote by the end of chapter, choose Wisely :) ]
“The votes are in, boy!” exclaimed the mysterious figure with a cheerful tone.
“Votes for what?” 3 looked at them confused. He still couldn’t shake it off that something looked familiar about them. Though appearance didn’t do much, that voice was all too familiar. He swore he heard them somewhere before.
“The audience’s choice! To help you feel better in this odd situation!”
“So… I wasn’t the only one feeling it?”
“That’s right! Now here” the figure handed him the receipt.
“What is this? It’s… huh” 3 found it strange “What should I do with this?”
“Is it really fun if I told you?” the figure laughed, lightly punching him in the shoulder.
“I don’t want it to be fun”
“Well that’s not very entertaining” they shook their head “Alright, off you go, you’ll figure it out. You’re pretty creative and smart afterall… or so I’ve heard” the figure teased him as they disappeared, then with a snap of fingers that seemed to come from all directions, he was back. Back in the forest. It was dark.
“3!!! 3, where are you??” 3 could hear an all too familiar voice. 
He still hid, still wary… Why did 4 kiss him then? Was… Was the 2 of them being in a relationship really true? When did they get together then? The idea that this could be an elaborate prank made his heart sink. It reminded him of how in school no one really wanted him like that, and when he was asked out, it was for a joke or a bit. 
He shook his head, he did not have time for this. 
He snuck around 4, as best as he could, avoiding him and finding his way back to his cafe.
He entered his cafe, the light illuminating inside standing in contrast to the outside. His current situation felt similar to it. He looked around the cafe, it was mainly the same… just with a few different touches. He had pictures of his friends on the wall, and his employee of the month wasn’t Eggdog… it was 4. He was working here? Since when? Well, he worked there once but then 3… sort of got the hang of it. At least he thought. It got hard over time, which was… pretty prominent on his mind. It felt weird seeing his cafe doing well. Though it was nice, it filled him with warmth he had been missing. This was nice.
He went back to his room, also looking around more clearly now. He found his notebook. He started flipping through it… It looked different from how he remembered it. His doodles, his thoughts seemed to easily soften on 4. He found ideas on how he should confess to him, with silly sketches to accompany them. He would lie if he said he didn’t think about stuff like this but he didn’t remember actually drawing these. He was never… that open. But he knew, these were true. More true than he could ever bare. He felt tears again. He yearned for this so much. He needed this kind of honesty in his life. It kind of made him feel nice. Although he still couldn’t shake off the oddness… maybe it was just the fact that he couldn’t remember, for some reason. That must be it.
As he flipped through the notebook, a strip of photos slipped out, one you would get in a photobooth. It had him and 4, being happy, being close… in one 3 pulled him in for a kiss and… 4 looked so content, just the image sent 3’s brain to a different world. He felt so flustered. He put it back into the notebook and put it down. The evidence around truly suggested that he was remembering things wrong. Since… this would be a lot of effort just to fool him. 
He went back out to the cafe, running into 4. 4 looked worried but he was glad to see him.
“Hey, you’re back” 4 spoke softly, clearly being careful. 3’s heart melted with how careful 4 was clearly being. He was so in love.
“Yeah… I’m sorry, 4… I’m sorry I did… all that”
4 chuckled.
“It’s not everyday my partner runs off crying so yeah… yeah I got worried… What’s up?”
“I… well, promise not to freak out?”
“Of course, I won’t!”
“I… don’t remember too much, as I found out”
4 blinked, not sure how to react.
“As you found out?”
“Yeah… I don’t… I don’t remember being in a relationship or… hiring you for real” 3 chuckled, looking anywhere but to 4.
“Oh, uhm” 4 looked down at his feet, trying to think “Do you… mind it then?”
“No… I…” 3 sighed, knowing the truth and know he had to speak the truth “Even without remembering, I know that I love you”
4 smiled, finding it lightly amusing how red 3’s face became over this.
“You really don’t remember… It’s been so long since I saw you so flustered”
“No no. I missed it” 4 walked close to 3, then wrapped his arm around his waist “And I love you either way too”
3 felt so happy hearing these words. It felt so weird. It felt so weird for him to be this vulnerable but he never felt so great. It was hard, his body was fighting him but he never wanted something this badly. He leaned into 4’s touch, seeing 4 smile at that only made him feel even more flustered.
“Now you’re just too cute” 4 joked and booped 3’s nose. 3 giggled, he was just too lovestruck. Then 3 remembered something.
“Hey, 4” 3 started, 4 looked at him curiously “I… got this receipt”
He handed 4 the receipt he was given by the stranger figure back in that void. 
4 stared at it for a bit before recognition showed in his eyes.
“Hey, this is from our first date” his smile was comfortingly warm “It was at this one restaurant… it wasn’t too fancy but it wasn’t one of our usual places… That’s pretty special, I didn’t think I could see this again, I thought we threw it away!”
“Huh… I guess not”
“Where did you get this?”
3 wasn’t sure if he should actually share how he got it.
“I found it while looking around after I got back”
“Huh! And I thought I was sentimental” 4 laughed, kissing 3’s cheek. 3 was so very flustered once again.
“Heeey…  didn’t know I had it so I wouldn’t know!” 3 laughed right back. The vibes were nice.
4 yawned.
“Hey, what if we sleep here? If… you’re still okay sleeping beside me that is” 4 looked at him a bit sad, although obviously willing to give 3 space.
“No, I’d rather you sleep with me”
4 hugged 3, his happiness clearly showing. 3 was so so happy… 4 showing this joy just because of him. He could get addicted.
The 2 went to his bed. 4 went to take a shower, 3 stayed back, for which 4 seemed to stop for a second, shook his head then went to the bathroom. After a bit, he was back, he had shorts on with a simple but comfortable T-shirt. Maybe 3 was looking in places where he shouldn’t but he was getting quite flustered at the sight.
“What’s on your mind, 3?”
“Oh uh-” 3’s face became so red, he could match the Ugandan Knuckles.
“You know” 4 grabbed 3’s face, clearly teasing him “considering you don’t remember, I didn’t ask you to but… we actually showered together a lot. I was about to ask before but then remembered…” 
3’s mind was a mess.
“I-I’ll go shower” 3 got up and hurried to shower. His face was almost unbearingly warm.
The shower calmed him down a bit. At least he could be alone with his thoughts for a bit and adjust to the fact that 4 showered with him before. That was crazy to think about… Well, guess he had a lot of things he had to get used to now.
He went back, 4 waited for him patiently. As soon as 3 reached within 4’s reach, 4 pulled him in by his waist, basically slamming him in bed. He didn’t let go afterwards.
“Not gonna lie… I didn’t know you were so clingy” 3 joked, which got 4 to chuckle.
“Only with you”
3 tried not to think about it, but the thought wouldn’t escape him.
“Only with me?”
“Yeah… you’re my…” 4 pulled enough out of the hug to face 3, very close at that “special boy”
3 didn’t even know how to react to the petname. He was screaming internally.
“Hehe..” 4 laughed “was that too much for you to handle?”
“H..Huh… no, I’m… I’m strong enough, you can’t beat me that simply!”
“I’ll believe when I’ll see it”
3 thought for a second before pulling 4 in for a kiss. 4 leaned into it so much. He loved it.
3 pulled away, feeling warm again but at least not as flustered as before. He couldn’t believe he just did that.
“Heh… nice, maybe I underestimated you” 4 spoke softly into 3’s ear. 3 felt so much.
“Yeah, you bet” 3 yawned “Hmm.. we should sleep”
4 turned the light off in the room.
“Night, love” 
“Night, 4”
They both fell asleep.
The room looked cold. It was dark. It would’ve been fully dark if not for the bright screen. The bright screen was obstructed by the figure in front of it. They could be heard mumbling. It was hard to make out what they were saying but they didn’t sound calm, that was for sure.
There could be knocking heard, then words. It sounded like words of concern, from a familiar voice. The mumbling from the figure in front of the screen got louder, then suddenly quiet. They seemed to answer the voice outside then go out. Leaving nothing but the darkness and the screen to look at. It was hard to figure out. 
“Hey, what is this?” a familiar figure came, this time the voice was clear to be heard “How did this get here…” 
The figure looked at the screen confused. They had fair skin, long, gray hair, tied into a ponytail, their bangs obscuring one of their eyes. However their other eye was very visible, it was a vibrant green. They seemed to eye something curiously.
“This place looks similar to… wait” they seemed to take the thing with them. As they left the dark room, it was revealed… they were inside SMG4’s castle. It was a lot brighter outside. They looked around but saw nobody.
“I’ve… got a bad feeling” the person who took the camera spoke softly, although they weren’t in the frame anymore, even without seeing their face, you could tell they were nervous.
As they looked they seemed to spot someone.
“Hey! Who are you?” the voice was heard but not having time to look, we didn’t even get a chance to look ourselves. The person ran out of the castle, fast at that, their running making rather strange noises… as if they were… slithering metal? How is that possible?
“Oooh shiiit” their voice sounded distorted. 
“HEY, GET BACK HERE!!” the same voice from before could be heard. Then everything went dark.
3 woke up before 4. He thought for a bit, thinking about the strange dream he had. What did that mean? Did it mean anything? The stress of figuring things out just probably got to him, that’s all! Although he couldn’t fully shake it off, something felt so… odd about it.
3 got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face. It felt nice and cold. Refreshing. He needed that. He couldn’t help but gaze at himself in the mirror, empty thoughts rushing through his head. It felt like his head was empty. Something about looking at his own reflection, staring into his own eyes captured him. As if the world was only him and nothing else. The thought put a weird taste in his mouth as he shook his head, splashing water in his face again.
He went back to 4, seeing he was still asleep. Just looking at him so peaceful… He couldn’t help but lie right back next to him, snuggling up to him. He really liked being beside him. His warmth really grounded him.
He didn’t know how long he had been there by then, just embracing 4’s closeness. He could feel 4 stir awake.
“Morning, handsome” 3 said to him in a soft voice. 4 smiled at him.
“Greater morning to you, my special man” 4 reached for 3’s face, which got rather warm. Being called special seemed to be his weakness. Like… him, special? One of a kind? Out of the ordinary? His heart melts.
“Am I really that speci-”
4 quickly kissed him on the lips. It may have been short but it still left quite the impression on 3. 
“Hey, I was thinking” 3 started, after processing the kiss.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“What if… we went to that restaurant, where we had our first date… maybe it could help me remember or something…”
4 thought for a bit.
“Honestly, why not! I know it’s not the type of restaurant where you need the appointment so… it could work whenever really”
“That’s nice… so like maybe after we’re done with the work day?”
“I’m sure we can leave it to the others for today”
“The others?”
“Yeah! You actually employed a lot of us”
“Good… to know”
“But yeah, we could go if you wanted to”
“I’d… I’d like to yeah! I have to make it up to you for… forgetting us” 3 looked away kind of sad.
“Don’t worry!! We’ll be fine, I promise”
“Are you sure?”
“More than sure”
4 notified the others, who were more understanding than 3 thought they would be. It felt… odd. They were truly… friendly? He kind of liked it, he couldn’t lie. It felt nice to be cared about.
They both got ready, 4 was wearing something similar to his spy outfit but instead with a comfortable light jacket instead of the vest. 3 wasn’t sure what to wear for a bit but then decided to match 4. That was… such a fond memory for him. The whole heist. It may have happened due to something he wasn’t so happy about but it was nice to work together with 4 like that. 
They got going, their friends waved them goodbye then got back to work. 4 used his own portal powers to open one and they were right in front of the restaurant.
“You can just do that now?” 3 looked at 4 confused.
“Oh- Yeah… you actually helped me practice”
“Huh… Heh, nice… me teaching you… I wish I remembered”
“I’ll see if I can find some stuff from that later” 4 put a hand on 3’s shoulder. 
The amount that 4 cared almost made 3 nauseous. He loved it.
They went in and found a table that wasn’t taken. They had a nice time talking, 3 could truly feel it… That they’ve been there before. Everything just felt familiar in a strange way. And even through all this, it was really hard to take his eyes off of 4. The man enraptured him. 4 noticed it. He smiled but took a bit to comment on it.
“Am I that great to look at?” 4 joked
“Absolutely” 3 said without much thinking. Though it didn’t take him much as his response settled in his brain, his eyes went wide, face red… He really said that. He looked away, 4 giggled at the reaction.
Even the atmosphere of the restaurant was nice. The lights were soft enough but not too dark, overall giving the place a comforting orange glow, contrasted by the outside light. It felt like 2 different worlds. 2 different worlds…
That’s when 3 remembered the weird dream he had. He almost started forgetting about it but he could, and he… only seemed to remember more. 4 noticed the sudden change.
“Did something happen?” 4 asked, reaching out for 3’s hand, squeezing it.
3 thought for a bit… He could trust 4, he should just tell him!
“So… I had… a weird dream…”
“A weird dream?”
“Yeah it’s… kind of hard to explain… I think it took place in your castle”
4 hummed.
“Do you remember anything else?”
“Sort of… it…” 3 looked down, not wanting to face 4 “It kind of reminded me of your 100 hour livestream… The darkness with nothing but the screen…”
4 didn’t comment on it, only squeezing 3’s hand. They sat in silence for a bit as 3 calmed down.
“I’m sorry I reminded you of that, 4”
“It’s okay… It’s not your fault… That’s in the past anyways, you know? We’ve become stronger since” 4 smiled at 3 full of hope. He really needed that. 
“That helps actually, thanks… It’s almost like you always know what to say”
4 chuckled then let go of 3’s hand. They continued the meal, now more peacefully
They finished and paid for the food then left. 4 seemed to be lost in thought… 3 couldn’t help but comment on that.
“Something on your mind?”
“Yeah… I was thinking about going to another special place”
“Oh? Where?”
“It’s a secret… and a long ride, if you don’t mind that”
“Can’t use portals for that?”
“It’s… unlike the places where portals could take you”
“Well! Colour me intrigued then” 
4 summoned his RV he was living in before. Surprisingly, he still kept it clean. 3 was impressed.
“Hey, nice that you still keep it in good condition”
“It’s not like it became junk once I had a place to stay”
“True that but I thought you wouldn’t”
“You think I’m that lazy?”
3 just shrugged, close to chuckling at his own remark. 4 just rolled his eyes.
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that” 4 sat in the driver’s seat. 
3 now couldn’t help but laugh as he took a seat beside 4.
He always liked looking outside the window, watching everything go past them… Just like the opportunities in his past… Times when he could’ve done better, times when he could’ve done worse. And how much different he would’ve become. These thoughts kind of scared him. The idea that there could’ve been so many opportunities where he could’ve killed 4- and where he would be now. If 4 wasn’t around, he… he didn’t know what he’d do. Sure, he has flaws, lots of it but… He cared. He cared too much.
He sighed, seemingly loud enough for 4 to hear.
“Something on your mind again?”
“Just thinking about what my life would be if you weren’t around”
“Just- That bluntly, you’re gonna say it that bluntly?” 4 looked at 3 a bit too long, he quickly looked back at the road. It seemed to really upset him.
“If it makes you feel better, I definitely wouldn’t be happy… I don’t even know where I’d be without you”
“You’re strong yourself, don’t worry… I’m sure you would be okay. So another reason I’m glad you’re here with me now” 4 calmed down then reassured 3.
“You really think so much of me…”
“It’s hard not to” 4 giggled. 
“You know, back then… I always thought you thought of me as lesser”
4 frowned.
“If… that were to be the case, we wouldn’t have been rivals you know”
“Oh! I… I see what you mean”
“I’m glad”
“Still… I’m sorry I tried to kill you before… and tried to take over your channel…”
“And I’m sorry I’ve ruined your dreams a lot! See, we both did bad things! Don’t worry”
“Huh… When… when you put it that way”
“It changes everything”
“You’re stealing my words now?”
“No! Well… yeah. You said the exact same thing when we had a heart to heart… I remember you having a bad day. And I wanted to help”
“Oh- and I’m guessing it helped.”
“It did, maybe it worked a bit too well… I think it was one of the first times I started thinking… maybe… maybe I have a chance to well- date you… That I could be good enough for you”
“You were always good enough”
4 was very flustered by that. It was hard focusing on the road.
“Well, I’m- I’m glad” he chuckled nervously.
“Didn’t think that would get you like that. Your power over me weakens” 3 imitated an evil laugh over his silly revelation. 4 could only chuckle.
“Tch, well maybe, but I have tricks up my sleeve… and other places, things you’re not ready for”
“Other… places?”
“I’m not going to just tell you! I gotta keep you on your toes after all”
“Unfair honestly, considering my state of not remembering much”
“Yeah yeah, don’t care, didn’t ask plus I’m a bit of a troll”
“Wow!! Rude! Guess we are still rivals, huh?”
“I just like messing with you, your reactions are amusing”
“They make me love you even more”
“H… Huh… you… you” 3 was struggling “You’re…” he was stumped. There was just no way he could counter that. If they were to be like what he remembered… Oh, they would fight now. But things were different. 
“See? Tricks up my sleeve”
“Yeah… yeah… you are… so gay”
“Kind of, yeah, took you long enough to figure it out”
“Did it actually?”
“Yeah.. honestly I wasn’t sure myself. Feelings can be… odd”
“I get that… feelings will do that. I should know”
“Cuz our rivalry made you gay?”
“Hmmm” 3 thought for a bit “I think it’s the other way around”
“Maybe, I didn’t think too much about it then”
“Yeah, your mind only had place for memes”
“Hey now! It has space for my friends and you as well now. And the memes, I would never abandon the memes”
“Do… Do I get a special space?” 3 asked softly, you could hear him almost plead for that special space. 
“The most special of them all” 4 teased 3, who in turn giggled about it. My man… His once-cold heart was like a cup of tea now, so warm, so sweet… Who knew a man could butter him up so much?
They spent the rest of the road relatively similarly, with some playful words to get reactions out of the other. It was nice… Although the day was getting long by then. The sun was setting. 4 yawned.
“Hey, we’ve been going for a while now” 4 said, looking tired as all hell.
“Yeah, should we rest for a bit?”
“Yeah… a nap in your arms would be nice right now”
“Wow, in my arms specifically?”
“Don’t you want to rest as well?”
“I do I do- I was just playing”
“Well, I was almost planning to just nap by myself then”
“No no- I want to join, I want to join, okay?”
“You’re clingy”
“You love it”
“You’ve got a point”
The 2 took off their shoes and jackets, putting them aside, then got on 4’s rather tiny bed.
“I’m gonna have to press you in there if I don’t want to fall off” 3 commented.
“Feel free to, I can’t object to being pressed”
3 raised an eyebrow at 4 but decided to shrug it off. He was not ready for that conversation right now. It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep.
It was dark. All dark again. A darkness he was rather familiar with at this point. 3 got up and looked around.
“What is it now?”
“Um-” 3 heard a familiar voice.
“Hiiiiii, how are you, SMG3?”
“I’ve… never been this good honestly, thanks for asking”
“Yeeeaaah…” they were clearly nervous about something.
“... Is… something wrong?”
“Nooo, what makes you ask that, nothing is wrong!!” 
“So… what am I here for this time then? Last time you gave me the receipt… and it came pretty handy! Thanks for that. I had such a great day because of it”
“Yeeeeaaah so… you don’t mind if I um- make them vote again on something-”
“I… I don’t really care? Just don’t let it interfere with my plans with 4. I wonder where he’s taking me”
“Yeah yeah yeah!! Uh-”
“I’ve… I’ve been wondering… what’s your name?” 
The figure proceeded to stare into 3’s eyes, seemingly frozen. He never really paid attention to it, but although one of their eyes is obscure by their bangs… they have really bright green eyes. Like… the person in his ‘dream’... 
“Wh… What are you?” 3 further questioned.
“I’m- I’m… you can call me Annie, I usually… go by that name in non business settings”
“Non… business settings?”
“Didn’t take you for a business person…You’re dressed pretty casual”
Sure enough, the combination of their comfy looking purple scarf, their white tanktop which was tucked into kind of fancy dark green flare dresspants. It was… actually a rather odd look. How did 3 not realise this before?
“I-... I do business while comfortable-”
“Sure thing”
3 chuckled at the odd behaviour. It was strikingly different from last time he saw them.
“Anyways… I… I’ve got to let them choose between things again… It is… uh… part of the story”
“Yeah- we’re basically playing choose your adventure right now”
“Oh… OH??? WHAT?? The hell you mean choose your adventure??”
“Yeah! I don’t know how you got here, I was just told to moderate it. They… can’t choose for you to die for example!”
“Well they better fucking not!!”
“Okay um, I’ll present them with their choices now! You… still can’t see them. It’s part of the rules that even I’m not allowed to break”
“Please… Choose wisely”
They manifest 2 items.
The first one was… Nothing? It was literally nothing. 
The second one was an envelope, it was a bit crumpled but it was still sealed. Presumably the person who put their letter in there struggled with it a little. Skill issue or something like that.
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ketherite · 6 months
Hello! First post on hit site Tumblr!! I offer you an extremely rushed Cypher x Reader! I'm so sorry if he's a bit OOC here. Do note that I originally made this with an OC in mind! Comments will be greatly appreciated. Enjoy :)
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(C/N) - Code Name
(Y/N) - Your Name
(C/N) looked at the man right across from them, a mug of tea in hand. His eyes, never peeling away from them— at least that’s what they thought. They couldn’t read much from Cypher’s face because of his pesky little mask covering every identifiable inch of him. The blue lenses only provided them small insight with how frequent his shutters— or eyelids blink. Despite that, they still feel his eyes on them, as if they have his undivided attention.
“So, Cypher, what did you call me here for?” (C/N) asks as they look down into their mug, gently swirling it around to gather the loose leaves in the middle while awaiting his answer.
“What? Is it not normal to want to have a cup of tea with a friend?” He teased as he giggled, holding up his white mug of tea to them. He then lifted his mask up ever-so-slightly to take a sip of his still-hot tea, making (C/N) turn away for the sake of courtesy.
“You gotta warn me before you do that. I don’t wanna accidentally see your face, Amir.” Their voice had a hint of annoyance in it. Cypher was a man of mystery— the man kept his entire identity; from appearance to past a secret for Christ sake! Despite that, it seemed like he had no issue with (C/N) seeing a bit of his face, but he hasn’t told them that yet, which prompts silly situations like this.
“I know, dear. But it’s alright, I know you aren’t telling anyone about what you saw.” He pulled his mask down to hide his smirk. “You and I aren’t so different. We practically think the same! Minus the hidden identity, of course.”
(C/N) sighs at his antics and rolls their eyes. “I suppose we are.”
A moment of silence falls between the two. It doesn’t feel awkward, but it feels like something’s hung up in the air. Like a question that needs an answer.
“(Y/N), there is something I need to tell you.” The once goofy air suddenly turned serious. It wasn’t everyday people called (C/N) by their real name instead of their code name. Whenever their real name is used, they know the topic is gonna be something rather important. They tilted their head to the side, as if questioning the sudden shift in tone.
Silence once again, but this time Cypher’s nervously fidgeting with his mug, looking down into its contents. A sigh escapes him as he looks back up to meet their gaze. Oh their gaze; so piercing. It was as if they were staring into the deepest depths of his soul, digging through the dark matter that lies within to see even a glimpse of his thoughts.
“I thought about it for a while. My past, Nora— everything really. It’s all been so dark, so dreary ever since it all crumbled for me. But you— when you joined, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Everyday, I look forward to seeing you. Our little hangouts have been the highlight of my days recently. Whenever you’re around, I feel like a sailor lost in the raging sea finally seeing the light from the lighthouse. A beacon of hope, if you will—” He cuts himself off with a cough, slightly tilting his hat to hide his embarrassment.
“I may be too old for this word, but I think I might have a crush on you.” He visibly cringes at the word. “Truth be told, I haven’t felt this way since I first met Nora. It’s strange to feel that flutter in my chest once again. Just thought I had to get my feelings out there. Didn’t want them brewing in me for too long.”
Cypher now refused to look at them, opting to look to the side and focus on any piece of furniture or clutter instead of them. (C/N), on the other hand, only gave him a sigh before standing up. ‘Maybe it was a bad idea…’ He thought, thinking they were just gonna leave him with no response— a rejection.
He was so lost in thought he didn’t notice that (C/N) was now standing at his side, opposite from where he was looking. One could imagine the surprise he felt when they grabbed his chin to face them, raised his mask just right above his nose, and kissed him.
They kissed him.
They kissed him.
It lasted only a second, but to him it felt like eternity. A kiss he so desperately wanted for so long, finally given to him. They only tasted faintly of cardamom and honey, but it tasted like sweet, sweet nectar to him; sweet, addictive, and intoxicating.
They pulled his mask back down and scoffed. “Despite being a genius, you’re a stupid man, Amir. I already knew from the get-go. I just wanted to hear you say it.”
“So, was that a yes?” He said as he looked up at them. If he wasn’t wearing the mask, (C/N) swore he’d have some puppy-eyed look on his face right now.
They crossed their arms over their chest and stuck their tongue out at him, a rare display of immaturity from them. It was cute. “I don’t know, was it?”
Cypher chuckled at their sarcasm. He then stood up and pulled up his mask halfway to give them a kiss, one they gladly returned.
“Eww, gross! can you guys get a room? I’m about to cook lunch here and you guys are literally making out.” A voice from behind the two interrupted them. It was Jett, and it seemed like she had brought Phoenix and Neon with her. Cypher immediately broke the kiss to quickly pull his mask over followed by (C/N) hiding their blushing face from the group.
Knowing the group, they’ll probably never hear the end of it. They’ll most likely spread it around the Protocol, but for the first time, it didn’t even matter to Cypher. He’s just happy they feel the same, happy that he finally has what he’s wanted for so long.
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lady-starbind · 8 months
A very random ramble about fiction ideas... some which might could turn into fanfics lol
As a person who enjoys writing, I've made a few fanfics and a few original pieces of writing in my time... Funny, when I first started being on the internet, I didn't really fancy myself as a writer... but now? I think it's one of my passions... or at least, writing ties into my passion of creating characters, and building worlds for them. Whether that be some fanon (like Splatoon or Pokemon, ect) or my own original work. Creating or thinking about characters/fictional worlds is something that I think about on a daily basis, whether that entails trying to create fiction, or simply enjoying a walk through the realms of my imagination lol. I have all sorts of random ideas in mind... some that could have fanfic potential, and others are just dumb thoughts ig. These random ideas that could potentially be crafted into stories/scenarios include: A dumb fic/scenario idea of how my Undertale/Deltarune sona (who's a snow woman monster), might meet North Star/Starlo from UTY... Perhaps him and his family could be selling corn to the residents of Snowdin, in which my sona would get to know him as they sell their corn there... She'd get a huge dumb crush on him, but wait for him to ask her out because she's old fashioned... Later on, she notices that he's rather happy. And when she asks him why, he ends up telling her that he and his childhood crush are finally going out. Cue my sona to making a friendly/not rude excuse to go back home and then once returning home, proceeding to cry of heartbreak... In the end, this works for the best, because my sona prolly couldn't handle the climate of the dunes lol. (she also does her best to be happy for Starlo and Ceroba lol... after she mourns her heartbreak) ....I'd like to imagine the my sona and Starlo remain as friends by the end of the fic
And of course another fic idea I have that I would love to attempt is a Side Order fic... We honestly don't know much about Splatoon 3's Side Order yet BUT I'M HOPING AGENT 4 GETS CAUGHT UP IN IT... It would make for some great angst between Cryo and Tom. (Tom is my Agent 4 lol) ....Like perhaps Tom and Nestor (my Agents 4 and 8) would be going to Inkopolis Square for old time's sake or something.... Then the events of Side Order happens. Perhaps Tom and Nestor both go missing, and with her best friend Tom gone missing, Cryo goes to Inkopolis Square to investigate, only to be caught up in the Side Order antics as well! ....I imagine she and Nestor would play the role of Agent 8, with Nestor taking on missions by Daylight, and Cryo taking on missions by Moonlight... (in my Splatoon fanon, Cryo is known as Agent Ice) ...if the Splatbands make cameos as NPCs to rescue, and those NPCs included Ikkan and Warabi, that could potentially make for some fun interactions between Cryo and Tom! (since in my fanon, both Cryo and Tom are musicians and end up at least being friends with Ikkan and Warabi) ...tbh I've gotten so attached to my oc x canon ship Cryo x Ikkan, I might just make it canon to my fanon. And seeing Diss-Pair in Side Order, would give me the chance to see if such a silly ship could be viable to my fanon lol. (if not, then it could have the event of Ikkan rejecting Cryo's feelings and heartbreak ensues for the poor Octoling) SPEAKING OF IKKYO I definitely intend to continue the oc x canon fic, seeing as it's my favorite oc x canon ship of mine.... I can't help it, I ship them so hard. ;w; So much so, I might make it canon to my main fanon. I've got rough ideas for Chapters 4 and 5, as well as Chapter 3 being mainly done, just not posted lol. Speaking of Undertale, Undertale Yellow and Ikkyo, I have another dumb fiction idea that might not be turned into fanfiction, but it's fun to think about: Like an UT AU where the monsters and humans live on the surface, and maybe there's this fair/event for monsters and humans to maybe work together, like mentors and kids who look up to them? Like Clover looking up to Starlo, since he's a rootin tootin cowboy... (ok so he's still just a dweeb farmer who enjoys LARPing as a Sheriff, but they look up to him nonetheless) And Tom (who in my UT fanon does the role of Frisk) maybe looking up to Mettaton and wishing to take the stage, albeit by playing the saxophone rather than being a famous actor/star like Mettaton. And Cryo, who looks up to Ikkan (who might could be a squid monster in this AU?) who's the bassist of the band Diss-Pair. (in this scenario Ikkyo is not shipped romantically, but purely in a wholesome, platonic manner) Also it's fun to imagine Tom and Clover being friends and chilling out like pals... It's also fun to imagine how the kids would get along with their mentors, and how they might look up to them... Especially Starlo and Clover, like maybe he could be the cool farmer/cowboy uncle they never had and they enjoy playing Wild West with him as well as maybe helping him on his farm sometimes... Looking up to the funny star monster and aspiring to be like him someday~ I dunno man... imagining fictional scenarios is just too much fun for me lol
(Also just want to point out that any dynamics between adults and minors here are STRICTLY platonic, as we do not romantically ship adults and minors here!)
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genshin-obsessed · 3 years
hi pocket! moth here, and as promised, i'm giving you word after word after word after word....
i got cicada to type some stuff down too since he also wanted to send something to you in congratulations!! <3 <3
congratulations on 6k! you're really rad and i genuinely think that you deserve all this support and love, it's just really nice to see that you've progressed so quickly and smoothly! you've put a ton of effort into things your write, your events, everything! your interactions with your anons are just so nice, and that's all because you're an amazing person!
when i joined the genshin fandom, you were one of the first blogs that i had run into, and that's pretty neat. at first, i didn't follow you, since i wasn't really used to your writing. but as i kept on encountering your works, i eventually grew accustomed to it- and i like your writing style! v swag :)
your oc, toxin, is just- perfection. i like the whole background thing, powers, but the fic i liked the most was the one where toxin attempts to poison you. my imagination can just run wild from there, picturing out what the character did after running out to go after toxin, but for zhongli's case how he took care of you + what he did after.
you, pocket, are a wonderful person- if you receive hate, you don't deserve it! 6000 seems like a large accomplishment, and it must've felt really nice to hit that number. a great person like you deserves the world, but the world may not deserve you. your presence alone on tumblr is practically a blessing, and i'm grateful for everything that you've wrote! not only that, but you've helped me become bolder and interact off anon. i think that's pretty neat, genuinely.
i'm sure many others think the same: ilysm(/p) pocket! even if i fall out of the genshin fandom(which i most likely won't bc of XIAOOOOOOOOOOOO <3 <3 <3 <3), i'll still revisit your blog. reading over your works always makes me crack a smile, whether it's angsty or not. your ability to write is amazing, and some of your works had even inspired a few of mine!
a collab with a person like you is like a dream come true. i look forwards to future interactions, and hopefully they're all positive! i support you no matter what, and you can't change that, hehe.
-your local xiao simp,
hello, i believe you've never interacted or heard of me before? i go by cicada online, a friend that appears on moth's blog every now and then. they told me about your 6k followers, and i think that's pretty neat. to be honest when you told moth that you'd do a collab with them i was happy they chose you, since you're a really good person. pocket, thank you so much for everything you've done for me, moth, all of us- i cannot express my gratitude towards you, and i am proud of that because i can usually express my gratitude to others within words. however, since my gratitude towards you is off the charts, i cannot form it in words. regarding the collab, i will attempt to help moth with angst, however my help might not be needed. i thank you deeply, for fueling my everyday energy to get up. reading through your works gives me so much serotonin, and i appreciate that greatly. have a good day or night, perhaps afternoon, mx. pocket.
----any last words before we go sleep?
moth - ily, pocket! /p
cicada - thank you, congratulations. (note: get your well deserved rest, pocket.)
----goodnight, good morning, good afternoon wherever you are ! !
ok so like i genuinely started crying at this and I don't normally get very emotional. You both left me speechless, so that's one of the reasons why I'm taking so long to respond T^T
I'll split my response here to the both of you!
its kinda long- sorry xD also can I just call yall "the bugs" cuz its just so cute ;-; your names are adorable-
Moth, you are such a sweetheart. Like I said earlier, I'm not someone who gets very emotional! But your words brought tears to my eyes (tears of joy ofc) and it took me a while to respond because every time I saw what you'd written, I'd just have this giant smile on my face. I'm really glad you chose to follow me and I'm so happy you chose to talk to me! I always try to be fun and welcoming so that people who do wanna interact can do so, but I get it, there are so many people here it can get daunting.
But I'm glad you reached out! I'm so happy to have a friend like you! Ima be honest, the first few times you sent something in off anon, I was like "o.o they forgot anon-" BUT NOW LOOK AT YOU! Thank you, I really appreciate it. I'm actually pretty self-conscious about my writing but I try to do my best and post- even though I don't like what I've written, so your words really do help me! You're the type of reader every writer wants. Seriously!!
Ah, Toxin! Yes, I've had her as an oc for such a long time and then I finally perfected her! She's been in so many fics of mine and she's finally getting the recognition she deserves!! I'm glad you enjoyed that fic, it's one of my faves! I planned to do a p2 with some other characters but held off cuz I thought people would get bored- yet here you are, sparking my will to write it again!
I still can't believe I hit 6k! Honestly, that's so many people!! and they all like me and my stuff!! it's really hard to believe- there are days I think its a dream >.< silly, I know xD actually, when I first joined tumblr, it was because of BNHA and I saw this writer who had 10k followers at the time and I just was like "that's not even possible" yet here I am- 4k away T^T
I genuinely hope Xiao keeps you here, but if you have to leave for another fandom that's ok too! I can only hope we'll meet once again there too! I think some people in life are meant to be friends and are just meant to know each other! And I'll hope you're one of them! Cuz you're one of the awesomest friends I've had and I love you as well (/p)!! <333
Cicada, omg haiii!! I've heard very little about you since Moth took FOREVER to tell me there's another writer hidden back there!! I'm glad I got a chance to talk to you, even if it's like this! I'm not sure how much you know about me >.< seems like a lot so I'm sorry that I don't know that much about you!
Thank you so much, you're so very sweet and I can't express how happy your words made me. For a long time now, I always wake up and wonder how I can make my friends smile or laugh, and now that's extended to this blog. To hear how happy my writing makes people brings me so much joy that even I can't express it. I know there are many people out there who have lots of things to deal with in life and to know that my writing's helping them through that fuels me to write more!
I'm so glad I can do the same for you! We may not know each other- or maybe it's mostly on my end- but I still want to make you smile! I want to make everyone who stumbles upon my blog smile as well! Life can get hard and it feels so impossible sometimes but if I can give someone the energy to go on, then I'm pretty content with my own! Thank you for reading my works and thank you for telling me this because it really did make me happy.
Aw, thank you, I hope it's not too much! Though I specialize in angst (at least, I like to think so), I wanted to give Moth the opportunity to try! I'll do my best to make the fluffiest fluffing comfort you've ever seen!! Or uh something like that ^w^"
I really do hope that you and I can talk more so I can get to know you! Oh! And that google form- it was super adorable ^w^
You two are too kind and you best believe I'm saving this lil ask <3 you both very well made my entire week (along with that meme anon with those cute memes) and I'm sending you both hugs!! or cookies ^w^ whichever you prefer!
Also, it was nighttime when you sent this and now its 3am >///< i need sleep-
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jacensolodjo · 4 years
First of all, thank you again to the recent anon message that gave me the push to finally write this down to be able to put Jaster into the mix, not just Sheres, as I wasn’t really sure if I should or if it was best left unsaid for the time being. The Alphas are my domain and will be forever more but sometimes I worry about going a tad too far and whatnot with weaving my OCs into ‘canon’ story. (Seriously I wish I could express how much it means when people show an interest in my OC stuff or even just stuff in general. I know it is starting to sound silly but gosh. I like knowing I'm not just using my blog as a notebook lol mi blog es su blog, please pick up a fun goodie bag on your way home)
I apologize for the chunky-ass paragraphs and the rambling.
So, a quick recap for people who either don’t have a lot of knowledge about the comics or just Legends stuff in general:
In ‘Legends’, the story of Grievous, clones, Asajj, and others is entirely different from the story we now have. In the original story, Grievous and Asajj fought against clone troopers (and Jedi of course) on a planet far different from the planets they were on in the new canon. The former grievously (haaaaaaaaa) wounds Alpha 17. Asajj is also injured in the fight (not by Grievous tho which yes I have to make that clear because they have fought each other before lol) and considered to be nothing more than a corpse. And someone had the bright fucking idea to put the two of them in a shuttle back to Republic space (even if you really do believe she’s dead why the FUCK would you put someone who literally tortured another someone in the SAME TRANSPORT with said tortured someone. Since 17 is not dead and may or may not have been unconscious so waking up to Asajj would not be a fun thing). The very last thing we see where A17 is concerned is... Asajj taking control of the shuttle by killing off the pilot and so forth. This puts an already possibly paralyzed Alpha 17 in some dire straits. This is unfortunately the last we hear about 17 and so he is presumed dead, killed by his literal torturer so many months after their initial meeting. 
Now that we have that out of the way.
In my slightly happier fun time idea for 17 regarding this, I decided anyone with even half a brain cell would realize putting him on the same shuttle as Asajj Ventress is the worst idea in the history of the galaxy, dead or NOT. MAYBE if he wasn’t fucking paralyzed now (but would still be really gross to do w/ his history where Asajj is concerned). I change nothing else about this end of the war for him (because it IS the end of the war for him). The only other thing I decided was that his injury needed to be elaborated on, to be narrowed down to WHAT exactly did Grievous’s saber hit? And so I decided, L4/L5 spinal severance which means he cannot walk. He’s alive. But he can’t walk.
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This is where I have to really decide where to bring Jaster into the mix, since I already decided it takes a few months post O66 for Sheres and 17 to buddy up. Jaster has the personal touch going for him, but Sheres has the medical. Next to that, I have managed to get myself firmly planted into the ground when it comes to having Jaster and 17 as an ‘item’ and no you can't change my mind.
Jaster during O66 is kinda in a maelstrom just like everyone else just with different conflicting thoughts since his orders actually have nothing to do with the Jedi. He is trying to figure out which orders to follow, which ones to not. Next to trying to figure out how to keep his young charges safe. But the fight with Grievous isn’t during O66 (since Obi-Wan is involved). So where is Jaster when 17 is getting his spine severed? In the interest of ‘might as well go all the way’, I feel like he may have picked up on the chatter about Asajj and Grievous and whatnot and managed to meet 17′s shuttle halfway to Coruscant. He was likely on a ship with a group of young clones who were freshly graduated, simply so it makes sense for him to be able to slip away to find 17. If he had been with actual cadets, he would have been conflicted about leaving them for 17. “You could have saved yourselves” is one of the important lines that 17 has when the cadets try to thank him during the Defense of Kamino. But Jaster was explicitly told by Jango that the cadets were his number one priority. And they are for 17, as well. Just in a different way. Jaster cares because they’re young vode. 17 cares because they are alive for one purpose: to fight for the Republic. But Jaster then knows that 17 would bite his head off for leaving the cadets during the death throes of the Republic/Clone War. One of the few things the Alphas all agree on is that Jango’s orders are paramount (even IF 17 is a hypocrite because he scolds the Nulls for listening only to Kal for the most part but that is... way more to unpack that we don’t have time for lmao needless to say he’s an asshole about it and there’s little defense for it). 
So, through sheer coincidence one could be forgiven for blaming the Force for, Jaster is in the right place at the right time. He is once again saving 17's shebs, a fact that 17 will never be okay with. (like just in a general ‘no i was gonna be JUST FINE’ but he is actually thankful and when all the planets align just right he even says thanks.)
Since all clones have basic first aid (as does pretty much any soldier for obvious reasons), Jaster is at least able to stabilize 17 and keep him fed and hydrated and in as little pain as possible. Because unfortunately through my own first hand experience, I know spinal damage doesn’t mean no pain. 
This is actually a lot better for 17 than the idea of him kinda drifting, falling through the cracks, before and after O66. In the original ‘rewrite’ of this part of the war, 17 essentially barely survives until Sheres finds him. But having Jaster there, even if he still has to keep doing his job until O66, means a lot for 17. His heart doesn’t grow like the Grinch, it’s more of a House situation where he softens. Still ‘a little rude for a clone’. But not a complete 180* of his personality. I mean he was already kinda softening anyways. He was learning, he wasn’t ignorant of what happens to his siblings like Tavo. He cares. In his way. 
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max-is-tired · 5 years
Magic Mirror (Mirror’s Magic) Chapter 1
Pairing: Romantic Royality
Characters: Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, various OCs
Words: 5.002
Warnings: angst, blood, war, crying, magic, loneliness
Notes: Welp, here it comes! This is part of my fic for the TS Big Bang 2019! Or at least, it should have been -as I said, I haven’t quite managed to finish writing the whole thing, so I can’t post it all today. But I still wanted you guys to see it by the end of the month, so here we go, everyone hop on the angst train!! :D
Hit me up if you want to be added to the taglist and let me know if you liked this, reblogs, comments and asks are always very welcome and much appreciated! And if you would consider buying this broke college student a coffee (link in description) you’ll have my eternal gratitude and a thank-you ficlet of your choice, so there’s that.
(This story is heavily inspired by two Vocaloid songs. This chapter specifically is inspired by this cover of Rin’s Magical Mirror, by SirHamnet)
Commission me!!
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Go check @keuwibird‘s amazing art for this fic here!!!
First || Next
Sometimes, Patton finds himself dreaming of laughter and happiness, of sunny days and chirping birds. He dreams of a faraway land, untouched by war or famine, by misfortune or death.
He dreams and dreams and dreams, running through endless fields without a care in the world.
Those are the times when waking up hurts the most, when the memories fade away and all that remains is nothing but pain and an ache where his heart should be.
On days like those, it’s difficult to remain optimistic. Memories linger in the back of his mind, echoes of his old life filling the small wooden cottage he now calls his home.
On days like those, when Patton looks in the mirror, all he sees is a tired boy with blue, dull eyes staring back at him.
(Sometimes he wonders what his mother would say, if only she could see him now -his hair a mess, scrapes and dirt covering his body, his clothes reduced and nothing more than rags. She’d probably go full mother-hen on him, he muses with a small smile. Then he closes his eyes and shakes his head, locking those thoughts in some dark corner of his mind -he can’t think of her, of his family, of what he has lost and will never get back. If he does, he’s not sure he’ll be able to get back up again.)
Today, though, Patton can’t help but wish it was one of those days. He wishes his dreams could have been filled with bittersweet happiness, with long lost smiles, with the faces of those he had once loved most. Anything, but the memories of that cursed day.
An explosion, that’s how it starts.
Screams, yells, the clashing of swords and shields filling the halls of the castle, blood splattering to the ground as the enemy’s force advances inexorably.
“Mother! Father!” Patton screams, desperate, confused, afraid.
“Run, Patton! Quick, before they find you!”
And he does, heart thundering in his chest as he turns and bolts towards the secret passage behind the throne -he found it when he was five, when everything was well and war was something he only heard about in fairytales.
He runs without looking back, emerging in the forest behind his home and not stopping until he trips on a branch, tumbling to the ground with a startled shout.
Patton lays there for what feels like an eternity, staring at the sky as sobs rack through his body -searching for a reason, just one, for all this violence and hatred and blood plaguing his home and destroying everything in its path.
“Why?” he chokes out, tears rolling down his cheek.
The moon stares back at him, silent, and Patton feels something inside him break and crumble to a million pieces.
Patton shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut to stop the tears from escaping out. He can’t let himself fall down that rabbit hole, because he knows there’s a great chance he might do something stupid -like give in to despair and finally let himself rot away, all alone in that abandoned cottage in the middle of nowhere.
Taking in a steadying breath, Patton stands up and stretches his arms up, eyes sweeping on his surroundings.
He still remembers the state this cottage had been in when he’d first found it, crying and freezing in the middle of the night. Patton had basically passed out as soon as he had gotten inside, but once he’d woken up again, the light of the day had helped him better take in the place –it had been abandoned for a while already, clutter and dust filling the cottage and sending Patton into more than one sneezing fit.
He had spent the day cleaning and sweeping, trying to keep his mind off of everything –not that it had worked, in the end. Everything was still too fresh in his mind, the cries and blood and fire screaming endlessly in his head.
The first days had been… hard. After the first night, sleep had become its own hell. Between the nightmares, flashbacks, and loneliness, Patton had found himself hitting rock bottom hard and fast –sleep-deprivation and grief smashing and merging in his heart until all he could do was curl up on himself and let the tears fall.
Things had slowly gotten better though, mourning leaving the place to numbness, like a thick fog settling on his heart and never letting go. That had left too, with time –not completely, of course, he can still feel it creeping at the edge of his mind, but now it feels less like hopelessness and more like melancholy.
The cottage had become Patton’s home, the forest around him his entire world, the deer, squirrels and rabbits living in it his only companions. The war had kept raging in the distance, the only proof of its existence being the columns of smoke he would sometimes spot on the horizon or the occasional soldier passing through the woods –they somehow always missed the small cottage, blissfully unaware of the boy cowering inside of it with tears in his eyes and memories flashing in his head.
Almost a year has passed since the day Patton ran into the woods, and for the first time –despite the nightmares, despite the sadness and grief still dancing in his heart- there’s a tiny, sincere smile on his face as he lets the memories wash over him. Maybe, just maybe, he can finally start to move on.
Then, he lets his eyes sweep over the dusty mirror in the corner and lets out a shriek of surprise, ungracefully falling down the bed.
Patton blinks, eyes boring a hole through the wooden ceiling as he tries to make sense to what he’s just seen. He’s awake, right? He must still be dreaming, obviously, because Patton’s pretty sure that the boy who was staring back at him from the mirror a few seconds ago was, in fact, not him at all.
Patton frowns, pinching his arm and immediately after letting out a pained hiss. Nope, definitely not a dream. Then, what –or rather, who- did he just see, exactly?
Patton slowly gets up, nerves buzzing under his skin as he slowly approaches the mirror. Gulping, he moves to stand in front of it, eyes closed and heart beating wildly in his chest. He’s probably just being silly, he knows that. It was probably just a trick of the light, with the help of his still-half asleep brain. Now, he’s gonna open his eyes and all he’ll see will be his own reflection, same as every morning-
“So, are you ever going to show me those lovely eyes of yours?” comes a sudden voice from in front of him, drawing a surprised yelp out of Patton as he takes a few startled steps back. Eyes snapping open, Patton finds himself meeting the gaze of a boy who’s very much not him, white, red and golden robes flowing with a breeze he cannot feel as a pair of amused, forest green eyes stare back at him.
“There they are,” the boy chuckles, cocking his head to the side with a small smile, “I know I called them lovely mere seconds ago, but I have to admit that it doesn’t even come close to how breathtaking your eyes are. Only fitting for someone as stunningly beautiful as you, truly.”
Patton can distinctly feel his cheeks growing warmer by the second, wringing his hands in front of his chest as confusion, fear and a hint of curiosity clash and merge in his head.
“Who- Who are you?” he asks, his voice small and uncertain.
“You can call me Ro,” the boy says with a bow and a wink, the golden details of his robes catching on the sunlight coming from the open window, “I’m a magician, and wishes are my specialty. What about you, my dear?”
"I’m Prince P-” Patton starts, the familiar introduction already on the tip of his tongue, before catching himself, “ I’m Patton,” he finally says with a sad smile on his face, “just Patton. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’ve never met a magician before.”
“Patton, mh?” the boy –Ro- hums, tentatively rolling the name on his tongue, “a name almost as gorgeous as you, my prince.”
That last part makes Patton look away, smile turning bitter on his lips despite the small blush still present on his cheeks. “I’m sorry, but… I’m not a prince. Not anymore, at least.”
“You sure about that?” Ro asks, a chuckle escaping his lips as Patton snaps his head towards him in surprise. “I told you, my job is to grant wishes. Just say the word, prince Patton, and everything you’ve ever wanted will be finally yours.”
“Wha- for real?!” Patton exclaims, excitement evident in his voice as he unconsciously leans towards the mirror. “You’re not lying?”
“Of course not, my dear,” Ro says with a grin, “after all, I’m a magician meant just for you.”
“For me…?” Patton whispers, slightly in awe, “but- why me? I’m just a prince without a kingdom, a coward who ran away and left everything behind, I’m sure there are so many other people in the world who could use a blessing like this far more than I ever could!”
Patton doesn’t notice it, but Ro flinches almost imperceptibly at his words, sadness and something else flashing in his gaze for a second before he conceals it behind a kind smile. “Trust me, Patton, there is no one else in this world who deserves it more than you.”
“Are- are you sure?”
“Positive, my heart,” Ro says, “now, Patton, tell me –what does your heart desire most?”
For a moment, Patton feels overwhelmed, a million possibilities stretching in front of him. What do you ask for when you can wish for every single thing your heart ever wanted?
Then, he thinks of war and blood, of sorrow and pain. He thinks of his family, his kingdom, of happiness and laughter echoing in the halls of the castle, and slowly places his hand on the mirror’s surface, gaze bordering on pleading as he looks up at the magician.
“What can I ask for?” he asks, a spark of something growing in his soul –it makes excitement flow through his veins and his heart beat wildly in his chest.
“I shall grant anything that you wish for-” Ro answers as he places his own hand in front of Patton’s, a charming smile on his face and eyes full of a million promises –for a single instant, just one, Patton can almost feel the ghost of a touch on the tip of his fingers, warmth traveling up from his palm to his chest-  “so won’t you chant for me from the other side of the mirror?”
Patton lets a grin stretch out on his face, eyes sparkling in barely concealed delight. He feels like somewhere far, far away from that little cottage in the woods, the wheels and gears of fate have just started turning.
“I think I know what my first wish will be!”
The spark in his soul is starting to feel a little bit like hope.
“Can I wish for everything to go back the way it was before the war?”
“Well, there’s no limit to what you can ask, but-” Ro’s gaze turns hesitant, doubt flashing in his eyes as he turns his head to the side- “time is… tricky. It’s powerful, ancient, more than magic itself. Messing with it is dangerous, my heart. If I grant that kind of wish, you need to be aware –not even I can fully anticipate what the end result may come out to be.”
Patton’s smile dims but doesn’t disappear. “That’s alright,” he hums, nodding, “I can work with that.”
“I wish for the war to stop.”
After Patton makes his first wish, Ro gives him a warning –he can fulfill it no problem, but it won’t be an immediate change. He’s a powerful magician, yes, but things like this don’t happen overnight.  To see the results, they need to be patient.
“That’s okay!” Patton says, smiling at the young magician. “If it means the war will end, then I’ll wait for as long as it takes.”
Ro nods, smiling in response, and waves his hands in the air, foreign words slipping out of his mouth as red sparks fly around him –Patton can almost feel the moment the magic happens, like a switch being turned as something new clicks into place in the fabric of the universe.
After that, they wait –but not for long.
The news arrives around a week later, in the form of a caravan passing through the woods, bringing to the people of the kingdom the joyous news of a peace treaty finally being signed between the two fighting forces. They don’t see Patton, as it always happens, but Patton sees and hears them, a grin stretching on his face as he sprints back into the cottage.
“Thank you thank you thank you!!” he yells as he hugs the mirror, tears streaming down his face –for the first time in a long while, they’re tears of joy, heart bursting with happiness in his chest as the realization that this awful nightmare is finally over dawns upon him.
“There’s no need to thank me, Patton,” Ro says, a soft smile on his face, “it’s your wish that did this.”
Patton sniffs, shaking his head. “But your magic is what made it possible in the first place! Without it, this might have never happened. I- goodness, I don’t think there are enough words to express how grateful I am, you- I’m-”
Tears blur Patton’s already foggy eyesight, the occasional sobs making it difficult for him to keep talking. Inside the mirror, Ro’s smile turns softer still, murmured words slipping from his lips as his magic takes the form of a gentle red wisp. With a wave of the magician’s hand, the wisp flies out of the mirror towards Patton’s face, softly caressing his cheeks.
Patton gasps at the sensation, letting out a startled laugh as he feels the magic tenderly wipe away the falling tears.
“Awwww!” he coos, watching the red wisp fly in the air around him and rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. The magic feels playful as it glides around, wiggling as zipping through the air and messing Patton’s hair up. The boy lets out a giggle, tears forgotten as he spins around to follow its path.
“Your smile shines more brightly than a thousand suns, my prince,” Ro says, smile so soft and gaze so earnest it makes something warm spread in Patton’s chest. “Happiness looks amazing on you. I can only be humbled by having been able to bring something so beautiful to the world.”
“Oh, shut it, you flatterer,” Patton grins, gaze focusing on the red wisp of magic still flying through the air of the cottage as his cheeks burn a pretty shade of red.
“Is it flattery if I’m only saying the truth?”
The way Patton’s eyes widen and his cheeks bloom an even brighter shade of red makes Ro only want to compliment him more, a boisterous laugh escaping his mouth as he watches the boy sputter and wave his arms around in embarrassment.
 Distantly, he wonders how long has it been since someone told Patton how beautiful he is.
“I wish for my parents to be alive and well.”
News of its beloved king and queen’s fates travels through the kingdom rather quickly, moving from village to village as the story of their imprisonment by enemy forces reaches even the farthest border in less than a week. The news of their freeing thanks to the treaty makes even the poorest farmer rejoice, making the realization finally sink in even for the most skeptical: the war has finally ended.
They’re free.
Festivities run rampant in the kingdom, people working on rebuilding what was destroyed and mourning what was lost. The royal family works hard to give its wounded kingdom and people what they need to put themselves back on their feet and finally start working towards recovery, but both the queen and king are also mourning the loss of their son, the prince, whose fate no one seems to know.
Their pain is short-lived, though. As soon as the news reaches his ears, Patton basically sprints out of the cottage and into the woods, jumping branches and zipping through the trees with the expertise only someone who has grown to know the forest like the back of their hand can have.
He doesn’t slow down even as he runs through the capital and people call for him with startled shouts and surprisingly delighted yells, his blonde hair and blue eyes impossible not to recognize. He doesn’t slow down as he passes through the gate of the royal castle, the guards too stunned to think of stopping him, or as he dashes through the familiar hallways of his old home, his quick steps and heavy breathing bouncing on its still crumbling walls as he makes his way towards where he hopes his parents will be.
Patton only stops when he not-so-gently barges into the throne room, where his parents and what remains of the royal council seem to be discussing something important –not that it matters too much, the king and queen immediately dropping everything as soon as their eyes land on Patton.
The prince stares at them, panting and sweating, before something between a sob and a wail leaves his lips and his legs push him forward once more.
His parents meet him in the middle, his mother enveloping him in a crushing hug as tears fall freely down both of their faces. Patton feels his father’s strong arms enveloping them both, his laugh resonating in the room as he lifts them both and starts spinning them around the room.
Patton’s delighted laugh mixes with his mother’s, happiness exploding in his chest like a million fireworks, and he wonders how will he ever be able to repay Ro for all he’s been doing for him.
(Over the throne room, hidden by the shadows of the crumbling ceiling, a familiar red wisp of magic zips through the air, watching over the reunited family.)
(Far away from the castle, inside a little cottage in the woods, Ro looks through the wisp at Patton’s smile and lets his own tug at his lips, in stark contrast with the fresh tears falling down his cheeks. Quiet happiness and raging sadness clash and collide in his chest, squeezing his heart like a million vines, and he gives himself a moment to just let himself feel, pain and guilt running rampant in his soul with the silence of the woods as his only companion. Then, he steels himself once again, wiping away the tears with the edge of his sleeves. After all, there’s still some work to do.)
“I wish for our resources to be enough to feed our people and rebuild our kingdom, for sickness to not touch us, for famine to be far away from our land.”
Our land is strong and fertile, most say as the earth keeps giving and resources never dim.
It’s a miracle, the people whisper as the sick and frail all recover and get back on their feet.
It’s a blessing, the kingdom cries as what was destroyed gets rebuilt and all traces of the war slowly disappear.
No, Patton thinks as his home flourishes one again in front of his eyes, tears prickling at his eyes and a knowing smile on his lips, this is magic.
During his first night back in the castle, after reuniting with his parents in the throne room, Patton tells them about his escape through the forest, about the little cottage in the woods and the year of loneliness he went through. He tells them about the woods that had grown to be his home, about the animals that had kept him company even in the darkest of nights, about the river flowing just a few feet behind the house and those little bushes who were incredibly difficult to find, but bore the sweetest of berries.
What he doesn’t tell them about, is the mysterious magician living inside the mirror, the young boy with twinkling green eyes and a dizzying smile who has given Patton so much and asked for nothing in return.
Not that he doesn’t want to! It’s just… he doesn’t even know how to start explaining everything and besides, his dad has never been too fond of magic and Patton doesn’t want to make him worry or worse, have a fight with him –not now that they’ve just reunited, not after a year believing he would never see his parents again.
So he keeps Ro’s existence to himself, holding this little secret tight to his chest as he tells them about the dusty, old mirror sitting in the corner of the cottage, about how he got attached to it and he would really like to have it with him, in his chambers at the castle.
His parents are more than a little confused by his request, if not somewhat suspicious. Patton doesn’t miss the wariness flashing in his father’s eyes, the way his expression turns into a pensive frown as he shares an uncertain glance with his wife. For a moment, he fears they’ll call out his bluff and demand an explanation, press and press until the truth comes out –he fears they’ll take the mirror away, forbid him from seeing Ro ever again.
But that doesn’t happen, the wariness replaced by soft sighs and a nod. They may not understand, but that mirror seems to be really important for their son –that’s a more than enough reason for them to grant his wish.
And so here he is, not even two months after his first wish has been granted, sitting in his room as he giggles at something Ro has said. They’re both happy, grins stretching on their faces as laughter fills the atmosphere around them.
There’s something burning in Patton’s chest, a feeling that sparked to life when he met those deep, green eyes for the first time and only grew with every grin, every laugh, every quiet moment shared in that little cottage in the woods.
It feels like amber flames licking at his soul, like warmth spreading through his body, like butterflies in his stomach and happiness in his heart.
It feels like love, and it makes Patton’s heart ache and yearn like nothing else.
“Are you happy, Patton?” Ro asks sometime later, startling the prince out of his thoughts.
“Of course I am!” Patton says, clearly confused. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You looked… distant, for a second,” Ro explains, searching for the words to best describe what he means, “melancholic, I’d say.”
Patton blinks, taken aback. “Oh,” he says, because how do you respond to something like that when he hasn’t even noticed it himself?
“Is there…” Ro tentatively begins, hesitant in his question as he gives the other a questioning glance, “is there maybe another wish you want me to fulfill for you? You know I won’t mind, right? It’s the reason I came to you, after all.”
Patton thinks about the surge of warmth he feels every time he looks at Ro, about the dreams filling his nights and those wishes he hasn’t shared even with the boy he now calls his best friend. He thinks about the arms he wishes could surround him, about the hands he wishes he could hold and the smile he wishes he could kiss.
Then, he smiles, shaking his head.
“As long as you’re with me, there’s nothing else I could ever wish for.”
(Little does Patton know, that’s the moment Ro feels his heart shatter in his chest.)
The last six months have felt like something straight out of a fairytale for Patton, like the ones his mother used to tell him when he was a kid, just before tucking him in bed and kissing his hair, before sleep overtook him and dreams filled his head.
Patton feels like he’s finally found he prince of his dreams –he sees him every time a pair of forest green eyes meet his gaze, every time white, red and golden robes glint behind the surface of the old mirror in the corner of his room, every time red wisps of magic fill the air and a dazzling grin makes his heart race in his chest.
But like every story his mother told him, even this one has to reach his ending.
And this time, there’s no happy ending in store for him.
“… What?”
Ro gives him a sad smile, eyes melancholic as he repeats one more time those four cursed words.
“I have to go, Patton.”
“But… where? Why??” Patton asks, clearly taken aback, “when will you be back?”
Ro shakes his head, looking away. “I won’t, my prince.”
“No…” Patton whispers, before throwing himself toward the mirror and placing his hands on the glass, “no, please! You can’t leave just yet, not like this.”
“Patton, please-”
“No!” he yells, tears flowing down his cheeks, “I refuse to say goodbye- I won’t!”
Ro looks on the verge of tears, eyes wet and sad as he puts his hands in front of Patton’s –for a second, they’re back at the beginning, in that little cottage in the woods where Ro smiled at Patton and everything changed forever. For a second, they both find themselves wishing they could go back to that single, magical moment.
Sadly, this is one wish Ro cannot make come true.
“Please-” Patton begs, voice breaking as sobs rack through his body- “please, don’t leave my side.”
Ro shakes his head, his own tears falling down his cheeks as his smile turns downright heartbroken.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, leaning his forehead on the mirror, “I’m so sorry, Patton.”
“Why?” Patton asks, desperate.
“Because if I don’t, then it will all have been for nothing.” Ro answers, “because if I stay, I will only hurt you, and I can’t bear the mere thought of it.”
“You’re hurting me by going away!” Patton argues and yeah, maybe it’s petty and unfair and absolutely, utterly selfish, but he can barely bring himself to care. if it means Ro will stay, then he’s ready to do almost anything. “Please, I can’t- I can’t lose you. Please.”
He can see the resolve breaking in Ro’s eyes, the heartbroken expression taking over the magician’s face as he seems to be physically restraining himself from breaking down completely.
“Patton, if I stay, everything will go back to how it was before.” Ro finally reveals, gaze falling to his feet as his arms wrap around his waist in a desperate attempt to hold himself together. “All your wishes, all the good and happiness they brought… it’ll all disappear, forever. I can’t let that happen, Patton, I can’t be the cause of your despair. Not again.”
It’s Patton’s turn to fall silent now, tears still falling down his cheeks as he registers Ro’s words.
“What?” he whispers, taken aback. “Not again? You’ve never hurt me, Ro, what are you talking about?”
This time, Patton doesn’t miss the way Ro tenses at his words, arms tightening around his waist as he hunches on himself and shakes his head -as if trying to physically protect himself from something buried deep inside his mind.
Still confused, the prince stares as Ro takes in a few deep breaths, slowly straightening his back as he appears to steel himself –for what, Patton doesn’t know, and a little, frightened voice inside himself whispers that he really, really doesn’t want to find out.
“I was scared,” Ro finally whispers, eyes still fixed to the ground, “I was scared, alone, and so, so tired. Everything was crumbling, my life, my home… I just wanted it all to stop. When he arrived, he gave me someone to blame, someone to be angry at –and like a fool, I believed him.”
When Ro finally looks up, his eyes are red and puffy, fresh tears streaking down his cheeks. “I was selfish, I was greedy, and because of that I hurt you in ways I will never forgive myself for.” He lets out a melancholy chuckle, lips stretching into a bittersweet smile. “Everything that I gave, was only given to repay. You showed me a side of life I would have never dreamed to see –your kindness and love will always, always inspire me to do better, be better.”
With a wave of Ro’s hand, a familiar wisp of red magic leaves the mirror, flying to Patton’s face and tenderly wiping away his tears. “I will never forget your smile, your laugh, that twinkle in your eyes you get when something makes you happy. And I won’t forget your tears, your sorrow, even if they break my heart –so that I’ll never make the same mistakes again.” His expression morphs then, sadness momentarily leaving the place to tenderness as his gaze turns fonder still. “May I ask for one last promise, my heart?”
Patton wants to shake his head, vehemently say that no, he won’t promise anything because Ro can’t go, not yet, not now that all Patton wishes for is to have him by his side forever –as his consultant, as his best friend, as his soulmate.
And yet, he doesn’t, doing his best to keep his sobs at bay as he gives Ro a small, shaky nod.
“Keep me in your memories, my sunshine, and think of me, once in a while. But never with sadness or grief. Think of me as you would of an old friend, with fondness and maybe love, if you believe me worthy of it.”
Ro smiles, bowing at Patton as cracks start to appear on the surface of the mirror.
“I love you, prince Patton. Goodbye.”
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escapingreality1992 · 4 years
A Fake Engagement Leads to Love
Wanda Maximoff x OC
When Rachel learns her ex is engaged, she feels a bit lonely. At a party, Wanda takes things into her own hands when she pretends to be Rachel’s fiancee. They are both invited to the wedding and a vacation. On vacation, things get heated between Rachel and Wanda. Feelings are revealed.
Rachel’s POV
           I sat in the dark scrolling through social media, a habit I had taken up while on downtime from training with the team. Today in particular happened to be a day off leading into more before a part at the end of the week. It wasn’t an important one, but one to celebrate the end of summer. Bonus points for it not being thrown by Tony Stark. No, this was all Steve Rogers’ idea. Surprising right? Nothing fancy, but you were allowed to dress up if you wanted. I had already picked up my outfit for the occasion; a light pink, polka dotted dress. It was strapless and the hem stopped right above my knees.
           I hoped to impress my crush on that night. I wanted to capture the attention of Wanda Maximoff. I hadn’t expected how I would end up doing it.
           Under normal circumstances, I’d be on my phone with lights on, but in this case, it happened to be well past midnight; everyone had turned in for the night. Except me. I am a night owl and sometimes don’t go to bed until after 1 a.m. I kept scrolling, falling deeper into a rabbit hole, liking pictures or statuses, when something caught my eye. My finger paused, hovering over the tagged post of one of my friends:
           “Liam Hanover was tagged in a status post. Engaged to Carly Ibsen.’
           I blinked. I scanned over it a few more time before reading all of the congratulatory comments. Liam, my ex, was engaged. He hadn’t even texted or called to give me the good news…or that he had even been dating anyone. It didn’t bother me that he was now engaged, but it stirred a pent-up loneliness I had shoved away far in my mind.
           No, I had been over him for years. I only thought I’d be the one who would marry first. The status change brought out a new sadness in my heart. I no longer thought I’d get married. Instead what crossed my mind was I thought I’d be forever alone.
           “No. I’m all by myself,” I whispered in the dark. I logged out and put my phone on charge after setting an alarm for 7 a.m. Tears wells up, spilling over onto my cheeks as I buried myself beneath the covers.
              The loud noise of my alarm woke me. I sprang up out of bed and changed into workout clothes. I pulled my long, chocolate brown hair into a ponytail and – as quietly as I could – left the compound for a run. One factor I didn’t account for was Natasha waiting for me at the front door; she was also wearing workout clothes, perhaps anticipating for me to come down the stairs this morning.
           “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked. Oh, shit. How can she know already? I thought. I pretended I didn’t know what she was referring to.
           “What do you mean? I don’t…have anything to talk about,” I said. I paused when she held up the status post from last night on her phone.
           “How do you do that?” I asked, motioning for us to head outside.
           “I followed him after you two started dating. For precautionary measures of course. What I don’t get is why you haven’t gotten over him,” she replied.
           “I am over him. That’s not why I’m upset. I feel like I’m going to be alone forever,”
           “I don’t believe that for a second. You’ll find your special someone. There’s still time,”
           “Nat, I’ve been single for eight years. You managed to get a relationship with Bruce within two years. Steve is with Sharon and Bucky had the woman who he met at the movie theater. It’s bad enough, I have to see Liam’s engagement, plus all the pregnant former classmates from school. Not to mention my cousin who has also found out she’s pregnant,” I said.
           “You know… Wanda’s still single. I know you like her. Why not ask her out?” Nat suggested.
           “For starters, I don’t know that she likes women. Even if she does, I doubt she would be interested in me. Plus, I don’t want to ask her out after my ex got engaged. I’m sure that will really turn her on. Like, ‘hey, Wanda, my ex just got engaged and I’m feeling a little lonely. Want to go out?’ Yeah, that will be so great,” I snapped.
           “Don’t be grouchy. I’m only trying to help. If you don’t want to be lonely anymore, then do something about it,”
           “You don’t think I’ve tried. Nothing has worked. Forget it. I’m going to get breakfast. Alone. Don’t you dare say anything to Wanda, Nat. I mean it. I don’t want her pity. It’s the last thing I want from her,” I said.
           I stopped in the compound long enough to grab my keys and wallet. I left and spent the entire morning in a French café. I came back showered and picked up a favorite book to sit in the library with for a couple of hours. I’ll give Natasha credit. She didn’t say anything to anyone leaving me in peace. She left her plan for the party.
           I dreaded going to the party. Before, it had been about trying to impress Wanda, but now it was more I wanted to be with myself. My mind kept running back to the engagement post and I worried someone would see my pain. Wanda didn’t need to be one of them. In the end, I decided to go in favor of Steve, who really wanted all of his friends to be in attendance. I forced back my thoughts and held my head high as I stepped out on the rooftop.
           “Damn, I wish I could pull of polka dots as well as you,” Natasha greeted me.
           “Then I might have competition. I can’t let you beat me at impressing W…everyone,” I teased. Great. I still want Wanda to notice me despite of everything, I thought.
           “Ah. I see. This is for Wanda. Are you sure you don’t want to ask her out? You don’t have to mention Liam. Just tell her how you feel about her. The worst she can do is say no,”
           “No. I’m not feeling like myself. I guess I’m still reeling a little from the news. I think I’ll get a drink, maybe dance it out,” I said. She flashed me a thumbs up and left my side to find Bruce. I made my way to the bar and requested a run and coke to sip on. I watched the crowd, waiting on an upbeat song; I almost choked when I saw a familiar face. Liam.
           “Fuck. What is he doing here?” I muttered when he walked my way. I turned around, shielding my face and hoping he wouldn’t recognize me. Luck was not in my favor tonight.
           “Rachel? Is that you?” Liam asked me. I swallowed, forcing a smile to face him.
           “Liam. How have you been?” I said.
           “Good. Great, actually. I heard you moved in with the Avengers. Who knew you had a hidden ability? What was it again?”
           “Oh, you know. Animal magic. I’ve always been good with animals. I never would have expected to be able to call them into battle,” I replied.
           “Right. I got engaged to my roommate of all people. I guess things could happen like that. Let me bring her over here,” Liam stated. Of course, she’d be here, I thought. I fought the rolling nausea as he brought her to the bar.
           “Rachel, this is Carly. Carly, Rachel,” Liam introduced us. Wonderful. I’m in Hell, I thought, shaking the woman’s hand. At least things can’t get worse.
           “So, are you seeing anyone?” Liam asked. No, that’s a silly thought. It appears things can get worse. Not only that, but they were about to continue.
  Wanda’s POV
           I was mid-conversation with Carol, Bucky, Steve and Sam when Rachel walked in. The polka dot dress hugged her figure perfectly making it hard not to stare.
           “Wanda, you’re drooling. Why don’t you go talk to her?” Sam said. I turned away and went to wipe my mouth, finding it dry.
           “That’s not funny. I don’t want to interrupt their conversation. Besides she hadn’t noticed me yet,” I told him.
           “Natasha is already headed back this way. Go talk to Rachel. Get her to notice you. If you want to be more than friends, you’ve got to ask her,” Sam said.
           “I’m too nervous. Maybe later. Anyways, she seems as if she’s been in a bad mood the last couple of days,”
           “If you talked to her, you might know the reason. Wanda, she’s one of your best friends. There’s no reason to be nervous. Even if you do have crush on Rachel,” Natasha said.
           “Do you know why she’s been moping around the compound?” Bucky asked. Natasha nodded; her gaze locked on Rachel. The smile on her lips faded as she picked up on something else.
           “What? What’s wrong?” I asked. Nat quirked an eyebrow at my worried tone.
           “Is there danger? You would be worried too if there was going to be an attack,” She laughed, shaking her head.
           “No. No danger. Unless you call Rachel talking to her ex dangerous. What makes matters worse is that he’s engaged. Not to mention he’s brought his new fiancée here and he’s introducing them,” She stated. We all turned to see it playing out, Rachel’s body growing tense as it happened.
           “Is that Liam? The one she dated a couple of years ago. Weren’t they close? Oh my god. That’s why she’d been mopey. She’s lonely. Hey, Wanda, where are you going?” Bucky said.
           “Don’t worry. I’ve got an idea,” I told him, floating closer to the three people by the bar. It might be a disastrous one, but it would inevitably bring Rachel and me closer together.
  Rachel’s POV
           The doomed question. ‘Are you seeing anyone?’ Of course not. Instead, I’m watching Liam live out his happy life while I wallow in loneliness. I was about to answer when the feeling of soft skin draped over my shoulders. I turned my head to see Wanda standing beside me; my pulse quickened.
           “Is she your girlfriend?” Liam asked.
           “Fiancée, actually. I’m Wanda Maximoff. It’s nice to meet you…” Wanda interrupted me.
           “Liam. This is Carly Ibsen, my fiancée,” my ex said. I shot Wanda a look that said, ‘what are you doing?’ but she ignored it.
           “Liam. Right. Rachel didn’t mention you’d be in town,”
           “I decided to stop in. I heard there would be a party. I’ve never seen the Avengers compound. It’s funny. Rachel, you didn’t mention you were engaged, much less dating anyone,” Liam commented. Neither did you, I thought. I decided to play along with Wanda’s plan.
           “We wanted to keep things quiet. We can’t have enemies kidnapping one of us in order to draw the other out,” I said. I wrapped an arm around Wanda’s waist, pulling her closer to my body.
           “Oh. Well, you’re both invited to the wedding. Maybe we can double date before then. The wedding is in a few months. It’s an outdoor wedding in the mountains. Carly and I were thinking about heading down to the beach for a mini vacation in two weeks. Care to join us?” Liam said.
           “Sure. We could have a little fun ourselves,” Wanda answered. With that, she lifted my chin up to press her lips against mine. A shock went through me and I gasped, allowing her to slip her tongue inside my mouth. Warmth flooded my body all the way to my toes; I clutched Wanda closer, drinking her in. We broke apart when someone cleared their throat.
           “Okay. We’ll see you at Hatteras in two weeks. I’ll send you where we’re staying, so we can go out for dinner or hand out at the beach one day,” Liam said. He moved Carly through the crowd away from us, letting me adjust to what had happened.
           “Wanda. What was that? We’re not actually engaged,” I said.
           “Sorry. You looked like you were in trouble. I thought I could try to get you out of it. Though, you’re the one who pulled me closer with that kiss. You didn’t have to play along. You could have told him the truth,” she replied.
           “Fair enough. Maybe we should keep this going until after the wedding. I hadn’t expected him to invite us to the wedding or go on vacation. Unless you want to cancel,”
           “I wouldn’t mid some time off,” she told me. She grinned before placing another kiss on my lips and walking away. I stood there stunned but enjoying the way she made me feel.
 Two weeks Later
           Wanda and I arrived at the house we rented for the week. We would be alone for two days before Liam and Carly joined us. Two days of not pretending, though I wished the relationship were real. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t be able to do anything fun today because it was storming.
           Instead, we unpacked and opted for a movie day inside the house. The freezing house. I wish I had brought a blanket, I thought.
           “We can share if you want. I don’t mind,” Wanda offered. After the party, I’d been too nervous to be close to her. The warmth I felt from the kiss had kindled a fire I thought I wouldn’t be able to control.
           “Are you sure? I don’t want to crowd you,” I said.
           “Get under here with me. I don’t want you to freeze your ass off,” I gave in snuggling close to her, relaxing immediately with the warmth. Instinct took over and I laid my head against her shoulder. She moved her arm pulling me into her body, my head now on her chest.
           “Comfortable?” She asked. I nodded. Her hand rested on my leg, her fingertips meeting bare skin. Halfway into the marathon, I felt her hand move closer to my inner thigh, closer to my core. Electricity hummed between us, but I moved away to my original spot.
           “Rachel, are you okay?” Wanda asked.
           “I’m fine. I think I’m going to turn in for the night. I’m a little tired from the trip,” I answered. I got up and went to my room before she could say anything; I closed and locked the door behind me, sliding to the floor. What did I get myself into?
             The second day flashed past by us quickly; we did our own separate thing, not interacting with each other. You could say I avoided her, and you’d be right. The night before confused me. Did she fell something for me? Was that why she had tried to make a move on me? These questions invaded my mind and I found I wasn’t able to be around her. I feared I wanted to do something about my own feelings. In fact, I had wanted to, but if she didn’t return my feelings the rest of the week would be awkward. Today, we had no choice but to interact. I received a text from Liam asking us if we wanted to grab dinner.
           I didn’t want to cancel, so I had said ‘We’d be delighted.’ In addition, we both wanted to lounge at the pool until we had to get ready. My eyes constantly wandered to stare at her. Wanda had broken from her standard red to wear a deep purple bikini with a strapless top. Right now, she was sunbathing, lying on her stomach asleep. Meanwhile, I kept swimming, the water easing my nerves. I dove underwater, wetting my hair again and nearly jumped out of my skin when I came back up.
           “Wanda, I didn’t see you get in,” I said.
           “You were underwater. I just needed to cool off before I head upstairs. It’s about four o’clock. We should prepare to go to dinner. I want to relax a bit before we leave,” she told me.
           “Okay. I’ll be up in a little bit,” Wanda left me alone at the pool and half an hour later, I went up myself. I entered our shared room, stunned to see her lying on the bed in only her underwear; the signature red had returned as a lacy thong and a bra that accentuated her breasts grabbing my attention. I didn’t think anything of it heading to the bathroom for a shower. When I returned, I was surprised to find her still in her underwear.
           “Are you going to change any time soon?” I asked.
           “We still have a few hours. I hadn’t planned on changing now. Why? Does this bother you?” she replied. My face flamed hot.
           “No, I only thought you might be more comfortable with clothes on,”
           “I do this all the time. I don’t see what the big deal is. We’re both women after all,” Wanda said.
           “I already said-,” I gasped when she used her powers to pull me over to her. I landed with my body between her spread legs, my head against her chest. Wanda removed my hands from the towel wrapped around me, slowly unwrapping it. She pulled it from between us, tossing it to the floor. I shivered as the cool air hit my body, more when her fingers traced the outward curve of my breasts.
           “Wanda…I don’t…think…” I began, the moan I let out silencing my thoughts as she circled them around the areolas.
           “Don’t think. Relax. I know you want this. I know because I want it too,” she said. He thumbs grazed over my nipples, the buds perking up at the touch.
           “We don’t have to pretend. Not anymore. I’ve liked you for a while. Let me play,” Wanda confessed. One hand moved to cup my jaw, turning my head so she could cover my mouth with hers. I moaned into it as she pinched a nipple; she rolled it between her fingers, the sensation driving me wild.
           “Let me play,” she whispered, breaking the kiss. I nodded, kissing her again. She kneaded my breasts, pulling and pinching my nipples; wetness pooled at my center. One hand was kept playing with my breasts, while she moved the other between my legs, using her own to spread mine wider. Wanda rubbed my clit with her thumb, one finger slipping inside me.
           “Fuck. Wanda, more please,” I begged. She complied, adding another finger and pumping in and out of me. I didn’t hold me back, moaning her name as the first orgasm hit, coating her fingers in slick, sticky cum. She shifted, laying back, coming between my legs. She licked a thick stripe up my pussy, my hips bucking in response. She continued eating me out until another wave hit and I came screaming her name. She came back up to kiss me, my hands unhooking her bra. I took it off, moving to slide off the thong, it too being discarded on the floor.
           “My turn,” I told her. I flipped Wanda over prepared to pleasure her in all the ways I could. Finished having our intimate afternoon, we lay beside each other, our sweaty bodies tangled together.
           “We should cancel the double date. Order in and do this again,” Wanda said. She stroked my arm, sending goosebumps all over my skin.
           “Or we could go and come back to do it again. Besides it’s only one night. We have the rest of the week to have more fun doing this,” I commented. She smiled, leaning in to kiss me.
           “One night. Then you’re all mine,”
           Let’s just say we became official at the end of the week.
   The Wedding
           By the time Liam’s wedding came around, Wanda and I were officially engaged; no pretending necessary. We realized we had been in love a month after the events of the beach. This came as no surprise to our friends who had tried to push us together in the beginning. Sitting with her at this wedding while waiting for a wedding our own was the best moment ever. I held her hand as we both cried at the love shared between Liam and Carly, who would undoubtedly be happy for the rest of their lives. My heart brimmed with happiness while they shared their vows.
           I sat in Wanda’s lap at the reception watching the first dance. Halfway through, we shared a kiss that was as magical as the first. I had met my soulmate and dreamed of the day she would become my wife. We danced having a good time, before returning home for a celebration with our friends. My loneliness had faded away, leaving with the most perfect woman I was meant to be with for the rest of my life.
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rosegardentwilight · 6 years
Satisfied Chapter 5: Fundamental Truths
Satisfied Summary: Fate must hate her or her so-called good luck had run out. What other explanation was there to the course of events that would collide with her life that would bring her to Adrien Agreste’s Wedding? Rated: T Pairing(s): Marichat, Adrienette, and Adrien/oc Word count: 3k ish for Chapter 5 Also read on: fanfiction, AO3
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A.n.- Don’t know if anyone is still reading it on here but I figured I would post anyway. Sorry it has taken so long. Everything is kinda crazy at the moment. This chapter is dedicated to whimsolute for being the best temp beta I could ask for.
Chapter 5: Fundamental Truths
Why was she so nervous?
Marinette’s fingers traced the edges of her cup. It wasn’t like this was a date. Adrien hadn’t even waited a week before reaching out about getting coffee. But she couldn’t ignore the way his face lit up when he asked, and despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach and her chest tightening, she managed to agree.
She had arrived early and scoped out the perfect seat next to the window. If words failed either of them, they could people watch until one of them made an excuse to leave.
The bell above the door chimed, drawing her focus from her mindless sketches in her notebook and her stomach turned at just the sight of the model. He ventured towards the counter and started ordering his coffee, she assumed that he hadn’t seen her. Not that she minded, it gave her more time to collect her thoughts.
Adrien was either oblivious to the flirting of the barista, or he didn't care. When he turned around, he had two coffees in hand and she couldn't help but smile at his thoughtfulness. It only took seconds before his eyes landed on her and he hurried in her direction.
"Marinette, I'm glad you came." His tone slowed to a stop when his eyes landed on the cup that was already sitting in front of her.
"Me too," she managed to reply. The third cup of coffee was placed to the side as he took his seat.
The silence sat between them until Adrien and Marinette’s voices collided in the air in an apology. Adrien's eyebrow rose, as his face contorted to one of confusion. He quickly motioned for her to continue. His eagerness gave her reason to pause, but if she didn’t get this off her chest now, it might haunt her for the next couple weeks.
"I shouldn't have left the club that night,” Marinette confessed, “I know we haven't really seen each other; I think I was just afraid that things changed between us, which is stupid, but when I didn't hear from you once college started, I just naturally assumed..." Marinette finally allowed her voice to fade out from her rambling, slightly embarrassed. She wasn't planning on admitting any of that to Adrien, but now it was too late to take any of it back. Her back slid down a little in her seat, wishing nothing more than to blend in with the floor.
"No, Marinette. I'm the one who has to apologize. There were so many times that I reached for my phone to text you, but everything I wrote was super lame,” He released a small chuckle to himself only for it to fade, and his eyes darkened, and his gaze landed on the table. “Then school got harder, and Dad got more demanding with my model schedule, and time got away from me. It doesn't excuse my behavior, but I'm hoping to make it up to you. Just like old times."
"We did make a good team, didn't we?" Once she had gotten over her stuttering communication issue, she couldn't remember a time where they didn't hang out constantly.
Adrien grew a mischievous grin showcasing his perfect model smile. "Remember when we pulled that prank on Wayhem?"
She didn't know if it was the question or the way he was looking at her, but suddenly her nerves began to die down and allowed her to respond. It hadn’t gone unnoticed by Marinette that their hands were slowly inching across the table over the course of the last hour. She didn’t know when it started, they were just volleying stories of the glory days back and forth. Maybe it was just her body’s way of reacting to her suppressed feelings.
“You were always the charmer in high school,” Marinette mused. This time it was Adrien’s turn to laugh.
“I was the weird boy that always dreamed of getting out of his house, so he could have friends,” Adrien stated. Was he serious? Did he not know how many girls doodled his last name in their notebook?
“Adrien, you had all the girls drooling over you.” A small silence fell between them as his green eyes focused on his coffee.
“Even you?”
“I did.” She took a sip to keep her composure.
“Did?” Adrien’s eyebrows knitted together, pulling his hand back to his side of the table.
“It was just a silly school girl crush.” He let out a polite laugh, but she knew him better than that, all the life in his eyes had died in an instant. She eyed him silently, urging him to share his mind.
“I just wish I would have known. I had the biggest crush on you for most of high school.”
“What?” Marinette thanked her luck that she wasn’t drinking her beverage at that moment, otherwise it would have been sprayed all over the table. “W-what about Ladybug?”
It was no secret among the school of how he felt towards the red-clad superheroine. In fact, Marinette had even considered stopping by Adrien’s room as her alter ego plenty of times in high school, but she always seemed to lose her nerve. It was a gamble to bring up Ladybug, but her curiosity was too great.
“When I was younger, I thought she was my soulmate- my other half- but then things changed. Ladybug will always have a piece of my heart but...” he stopped himself fighting his own blush, “I slowly started to realize that you have always been there for me. You’re creative and gorgeous. I tried to tell you so many times.”
The news hit her like a wall of bricks. Adrien liked her? Her mind tried to comb through the memories to find any hints but came up empty.
“Guess we have rotten timing.” As much as she tried to use her upbeat tone it came out flat.
“Marinette-” Adrien was interrupted by his phone ringing. His eyes jumped down to see his father’s name flashing on the screen. “I have to get this.” Marinette watched as he started to pace- whatever his father was telling him was causing him to stress. After all the years that passed, she still could study his mannerism and facial expressions for a lifetime.
She was deep in concentration about his confession when she looked up and Adrien was standing at his chair, which caused her to jump.
“I hate to do this, but I need to go,” Adrien said.
“Oh.” It was hard to keep the disappointment from her voice, but she still offered her best smile.
“I’m really don’t want to go.” His hands gripped the chair tighter and his eyes fell to the floor.
“Your father needs you. I understand completely.”
“Rain check?” Her mouth grew dry, so she nodded in response. He grabbed his things and hurried out the door.
* There was a new-found confidence running through her veins after her cafe meet-up with Adrien. She could take on the world right now, or at least be able to tell Amelie how she really felt about the blonde. The consequences would be messy, but at least she wouldn't feel whatever it was that she felt when she saw the two of them together.
She never kept secrets from her roommate, besides the one where she was Ladybug- that was better off untold. Not that she didn't want to expose Amelie to that part of her, but she had never shown a real interest. Every time Marinette had brought Ladybug, Chat Noir, or the Akuma attack to the forefront of their conversation, it would always get derailed. This time she hoped that her lucky charm bracelet would give her the extra boost that she needed.
Adrien had no idea how much those beads would come to mean to her. They were always on her when it came to big decisions, and she had a mini panic attack when she had lost the bracelet for a week during her high school years.
High School.
Adrien's words echoed in her mind and everything started to blur once more. How could she not notice that he had a crush on her? Weren't they supposed to be too obvious that you couldn't miss it? There were so many instances where he had looked at her as if he knew.
“Mar-Mar, is that you? Where did you go?” Amelie called out as Marinette stepped into the apartment. She hadn’t expected the red head girl to be there, she had to come up with an answer quick.
“I went to get some coffee with an old friend.” It was a partial truth, she just omitted who the friend was.
“Oh?” Amelie’s eyes lit up as she took a break from blowing her nails dry. “Is he cute?”
‘More than you can imagine.’ Her mind retorted dryly.
“Amelie, I have to tell you something.” Her lack of answer was lost when her roommate released an excited shriek.
“Guess who finally agreed to escape for a weekend to my parent’s summer home.” Marinette’s heart sunk inside her chest, all the confidence in her was gone. Now she knew she was imagining things this morning, they were only friends, she had to keep reminding herself of that.
“Adrien was the best mistake that’s ever happened, and that includes ordering that wrong material for the dress I made for my midterm project.” The word caught the Marinette’s interest.
“Mistake?” She parroted. Adrien Agreste had been referred to as many things, but a mistake was not one of them.
“I have a confession to make.” She didn’t waste a second taking the seat next to Amelie. “The night we met him at the club, I thought you were lying…about having feelings for Adrien.”
Instantly, Marinette felt her whole body tighten. Maybe she had gone on a little excessively when they first met, but she had never mentioned a name. The fact that she pieced together Adrien was the guy from her story in a matter of seconds left other questions unanswered.
“Then why…”
“Did I ask him out?” Amelie finished for her with a small smile. “I thought that if I put you in a position where you would want to speak out, it would force you to address your feelings. But you didn’t, and I’ll admit that I read you wrong. Then the more that I spent time with him, I realized how much I liked him. He’s so down to earth, funny, and when I look into those eyes I feel so …” Amelie trailed off dreamily much like a younger Marinette did when she was 14.
Marinette on the other hand was trying not to become sick. Her roommate had only pursued him to push her towards him? She could have spoken up and Amelie would have stepped back and then Adrien and her could have been together?
“But what did you want to tell me?” Amelie asked. There was only a list of things that Marinette could not tell her roommate at the moment. The top two were that she had went to get coffee that morning with Adrien and that she was sure that she was still in love with him.
She was trapped. "I-I" Her mind raced for something, anything to say but she just kept drawing a blank. At this point, she would be content bringing up something as mundane as the weather. A weird look from Amelie was better than whatever she was feeling right now.
Suddenly there was a loud boom that shook the apartment. Within seconds an automated message started playing on their television that Paris was under attack. It stated that everyone needed to remain calm and get to a safe spot until Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Rena Rouge could take down the akuma. Marinette jumped out of her seat and raced to the window. There was a small billow of smoke that clouded the air right by the bridge next to the Eiffel Tower. Marinette's heart rate sped up, she needed to go. Paris was in danger, and she would have people counting on her. She couldn't let them down. The conversation would just have to take place at a different point in time if she ever regained the courage to bring up the subject again.
"You know what I realized, I have an appointment with Mrs. Saint Clare. I had questions about the final project before it's due next week." Marinette was proud that she had come up with a plethora of excuses when she needed to transform, she credited all the years of time to think.
"You're going out there now, while Paris is under attack? Stay here Mari till the police handle everything. Mrs. Saint Clare will understand." It was touching to see how much she cared, but Chat Noir and Rena Rouge would be waiting for her already.
"I'll be fine; it sounded like it was on the other end of town. Besides, any minute Chat Noir, Rena Rouge, and Ladybug will be jumping in to fight whatever is out there. I'm sure this whole thing will be over by the time I reach school." She didn't wait for any more objections and bustled out the door. Tikki flew out of her hiding spot from her pocket.
"That could have gone better." Marinette's eyes narrowed, choosing to ignore her Kwami's words. There was a more important task at hand, none of which related to telling her roommate that she was in love with her boyfriend.
"Tikki, spots on." “Ladybug, wait up.” Marinette released a sigh allowing her best friend to catch up with her. When she had given Alya the Fox miraculous in the first place, she thought it was a good idea in the moment. But when Rena Rouge had returned, this time because of Master Fu, it had changed everything.
The first couple months were hard, she felt guilty. She knew Rena Rouge’s identity and there was no getting around it, she even almost yelled Alya’s name a couple times. So, she did the only thing that made sense at the time, she told Alya who she was.  Meanwhile, in the back of her mind, she knew (even though he didn’t bring it up) that Chat was patiently waiting for when his Lady deemed it the right time. Alya had kept her secret faithfully for the last three years, and Marinette had to admit it brought them closer than they already were.
“We don’t have much time before we turn back.” It was a weak excuse at best, but all she wanted to do was go back to her room, so the only thing she had to think about was designs and fabric.
“Forget the Miraculouses. I spotted that something was wrong from when you arrived. Talk to me.” Sometimes it was scary how Alya could read her. She looked around to check if her Kitty had followed them. He would just use the information to tease her further.
“Did you know about Adrien’s crush on me back in high school?” Her best friend’s eyes widen, giving Marinette the answer she wanted.
“I’m going to hurt that boy the next time I see him.”
“Don’t.” The last thing she needed was Alya to go into her protective mode, it would only draw more attention to her feelings. “It’s...ok.” The lie slipped from her lips so easily. Something seemed to click on Alya’s mind probing more questions.
“When did he tell you this?” She rested her hand on her hip at the shift of information.
“We got coffee this morning.” Marinette tried to reply as casually as possible. If she was able to convince her that it was not a big deal, then maybe they would drop the subject. Alya instead crossed her arms over her chest.
“And what does his girlfriend think about that?”
“Ecstatic. They’re going away for a weekend to her parent’s summer home,” she mumbled bitterly. She chose not to tell her about the rest of her conversation with the redhead, Alya already disliked the girl for obvious reasons.
“This is a terrible idea.”
"I know, isn't it too early in their relationship for a weekend trip?" Her contribution earned a glare.
"That wasn't what I was talking about. As much as I hate to say it, you either need to stand up and tell Amelie how you feel, or you need to stay away from Adrien. This is going to hurt you in the end if you don't." Stay away from Adrien, the thought caused goosebumps to form underneath her suit.
"But he's my"- Marinette only managed to get a few words out before Alya cut her off.
"Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't have any feelings for him?" Marinette's shoulder slouched in defeat, even if she attempted to deny the fact, it wouldn't be convincing enough. Alya reached out and rested her hand on her friend's shoulder. "He's still your statue to your compass, Marinette. Until something changes, I would attempt to move on." The moment was broken by their Miraculouses beeping again.
"Thanks, Alya." There wasn't much else she could say, and as much as she hated to admit it, her best friend was right.
When it came to decision making regarding the blonde there was hardly much thought process behind it. She glanced up at an old billboard for the "Spring Edition Adrien cologne" and sighed. How one boy could make her so confused was beyond her. But for the sake of Alya and Amelie's happiness, she would attempt to move on.
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