#mayberry rip
hellsing-dusk · 2 years
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Just when he came out of hiding for the Christmas festivities.
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kyuponstories · 5 months
So I finally started the rough draft of OCB ep 1 again! :D It's already smoother and farther than I got the first time. Even thought of a couple headcanons (is it weird to have those for an OG wip? lol) that'll make the story pop out a bit. Like Akachi's grandfather speaking through sign language due to being hard of hearing, and then Akachi having a crush on Kiki. It'll make one of his goofy choices in a future episode make a lot more sense later lol.
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duranduratulsa · 6 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Television Showcase 📺...The Andy Griffith Show: A Plaque For Mayberry (1961) on classic DVD 📀! #tv #television #comedy #sitcom #theandygriffithshow #aplaqueformayberry #andygriffith #RIPAndyGriffith #DonKnotts #ripdonknotts #RonHoward #FrancesBavier #ripfrancesbavier #elinordonahue #HalSmith #60s #DVD #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsastelevisionshowcase
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thanotosomega · 3 months
Martha gets a twisted kind of validation out of Mayberry's violent possessive behavior, she regularly flirts with people just to watch Mayberry beat them senseless then drag her home and angrily rail her brains out, and is just in general enjoying her afterlife being a bratty power bottom,
Mayberry insists to anyone who sees them that Martha is a slave being forced to keep her house clean cook her meals ect, because she's very busy with being a valuable commodity in hell as a teacher with up to date credentials who you can trust around kids, Martha is not her house wife, and she could care less about her, then rips someone's eye out for winking at Martha while screaming not to touch her woman,
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courtingchaos · 1 year
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Gator Tillman x Fem Reader
Warnings: Cheating, sex, mean-ish reader
A/N: starting off, this isn’t my Gator from Shared Inflicted Pain. This is me trying to Frankenstein Fargo Gator together, though I’m probably still off 😂 anyways this is a little rough, a little sloppy, but it’s a prompt! It’s okay! Have fun!
Having to fuck your way out of a speeding ticket or a possession charge or something with gator (from that prompt ask from last week)
Red and blue lights flash off the tree line and the spotlight blinds you where it reflects in your rear view. You’ve been sitting here on the shoulder, both wrists draped over the steering wheel with your ID and insurance in hand. The muggy heat of the night creeps in from your rolled down windows, just incase whoever is pulling you over decides to ride your ass about your tint too.
The cruisers door closes and you can hear footsteps approaching your driver side. He comes into view slowly, his hand resting on his gun, thumb tapping the nylon of the holster. You don’t even need to look all the way up or make out his badge, the tilt of his hips telling you exactly who it is.
“I caught you doing 85 in a 40.” He bends down to look into your car, a few strands of his slick hair falling with his head tilt. “That sounds like you were tryin’ to get caught.”
The flat look he levels at you makes you smile big. “Well if it isn’t Sheriff Tillman! Didn’t know you were patrolling this particular stretch tonight.”
“Where you going in such a rush?” He ignores your comment and swings his ticket pad around so you can see it.
“Oh like you give a shit.” You snort and start to relax, dropping your hands into your lap. “Do we really need to do this little song and dance?”
“I should be arresting you.”
“Come on, you really need these?” You barely flash your drivers license at him and he’s reaching in to snatch them out of your hands. “Hey!”
“45 over!”
“Are you suddenly Mayberry’s finest? Seriously you’ve never actually written me a ticket.” Gator just shakes his head and laughs, wedging his penlight between his lips to shine on his notepad. “What, daddy on your ass about quotas or something?” You see his eyebrows knit and you can hear the huff he pushes out from his nose. “Oh that’s what it is, Roy’s disappointed.” You lean on your windowsill and prop you chin on your forearm, other hand freely dangling down your door. “Still not his favorite deputy?” A big frown pulls at your lips and you slowly reach out to hook a finger in his belt.
He’s annoyed. No longer writing your ticket but staring through the pad of paper as you tug on a pouch. “You’re my favorite deputy, though.”
“Don’t be a bitch.” He mumbles around his flashlight and starts writing again quickly. Your head shoots up and you pull yourself up and out of your window. “I’m not being a bitch!” You gasp, the hurt in your voice true. He was your favorite deputy and not just because he let you flirt your way out of umpteen tickets. “I’m serious!”
“Get back in the car.” He drops the light into his open palm and rips your ticket off to shove in your face. “Make sure you actually pay this on time, I won’t be the one to come get you otherwise.”
You snatch the ticket and your license and he immediately turns on his heel to walk back to his cruiser. “Gator!” You yell out the window and he doesn’t turn but you can see his shoulders all hunched up around his ears. There’s a minute where you sit in your car and contemplate speeding off, gravel kicking up into his headlights and making him chase you but you know it’ll just end in cuffs and not in a fun way. You listen to see if he’ll start his engine right away and when he doesn’t you roll your windows up and turn off your headlights, pushing your door open with a kick. That spotlight is still on your car so you can’t see into his windshield but you keep walking, shoving the ticket into your pocket.
“Get back in your fuckin’ car!” He yells out of his window. You ignore him and when you stop next to him he pretends like he can’t see you staring directly into his SUV.
“What are you upset about, huh?”
He pointedly ignores you now, instead looking over to his laptop dimly lighting up the front seat. You lean into the driver side, face close enough to his to smell his aftershave.
“I’m not upset, I need you to get in your car.” His jaw flexes when he clenches it and you laugh.
“Yes you are! I thought this was our little game? I speed around the county roads and you pretend to get all mad about it and be a ‘real sheriff’.” Your air quotes get his attention but the look he levels you with is dead weight. “You threaten me with a ticket, I bat my lashes, we get in the back of the cruiser.” You jerk your head towards his backseat with a slick grin. “What changed?”
That muscle still ticks along his jaw, especially when you drag a fingertip down it and flick up off the tip of his chin. “You got a girl now or something? Anyone I know?”
“Oh then she doesn’t need to know I guess.”
He pushes your hand away from his face but keeps his eyes trained on you.
“I can keep secret.” You start to inch your way to the back door, waiting for him to unlock it. When you’re far enough back you watch him in the side mirror sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose. A click from inside and you’ve got the door open, pulling yourself up and into the back, fingers weaving into the small holes of the partition. He gets out before you can open your mouth again, undoing his belt and tossing it in the front seat. He climbs into the back and shuts the door behind him, sliding into the middle of the bench seat. You don’t wait for him before you crowd him, swinging your knee over to straddle his lap.
You’re immediately working at his buttons while his hands find your hips. The small gold cross glints in the dark as you work your way down to pull the hem out his pants and he watches your fingers move smoothly to unbuttoning his pants.
His front pocket vibrates and you laugh. “Excited?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” He digs his phone out and ignores the call before you can see who it is. You can’t even get his belt undone before it goes off again a moment later. He tries to toss it off the seat but you snatch it before it leaves his hand. The contact says Jess and her long hair gleams chestnut in the setting sun behind her, gold chain cross prominent around her neck, an obvious selfie sent with the intent of a contact photo.
“Is this her?” You flash the screen at him. His eyes flick to the phone still vibrating in your hand. “You might want to answer it before she calls you in.” You grin at his predicament and he snatches it back from you.
“Hey.” He answers, a flat tone to play at neutrality. Her voice comes through tinny, an immediate dive into a conversation that he won’t be paying attention to. You move with purpose, avoiding anything that would make a sound over the phone, a slow roll of your hips while you close in on his other side. Lips pressed to his warm ear that turns bright red under the tip of your tongue.
“Is this one Roy picked for you?” A whisper made of mostly breath and directed only to him. He stutters for a second before clearing his throat.
“No, I’m just…sorry I’m working on paperwork. Yeah, just lost track of time.”
You grab his earlobe with your teeth, a soft press before you pull a little. “Church leader? Something to do with the kids, right?” You run your tongue up over the shell of his ear before you trail kisses back down the side of his face. “She looks like a preschool teacher.” You giggle quietly, still firmly on the other side of his head. Fingers push up the hem of his shirt slowly, featherlight touch of your hand so you can keep him quiet.
“I got it. I know, he told me.” He sighs deep when you run your palm up his stomach but it’s not from pleasure. “Well why are you talking to him about that? No, it’s a valid question.” He snaps and there’s a change in the mood. “You don’t need to talk to my father about it!”
You refuse to let the church mouse ruin your good time. Gator sighs again and tries to sit up, tries to push you off his lap but you press your knees in and hold on. He shoots you a dark look and nods his head to the side like that would make you move, instead it just urges you back into the crook of his neck. You find those two moles under his jaw and start there, lips and teeth and tongue leading your way to his collar. Still quiet but no longer silent, you almost hope she catches a hint of a wet kiss against his neck through the phone.
You undo his belt slowly to avoid the clink and rub of the nylon and metal slide, he keeps arguing with Jess and you get his pants open. He’s close to pushing you off at this point but your hand getting in to grab him over his underwear makes him falter.
“L-look. I’m gonna call you on my break.”
You run your tongue up his flushed neck as you run your hand down his cock and he has to tip his phone away from his mouth, face pointed into the roof to catch his breath.
“Yes I will, I’m busy.”
“So busy.” You say and he turns his head enough that you can see the red circle to hang up. With one hand still in his pants you creep your other up and tap the screen once, cutting off his conversation. He stares at you and blinks slowly before clicking his tongue and dropping his phone.
“I’m never gonna hear the end of that.”
“Do you think she heard me?” You ask, leaning away and taking your hands off him.
“No, but it doesn’t matter, she’s gonna think I hung up on her.”
You start working on your own jeans. “Do you even give a shit?” He helps you when you struggle to pull them down your hips, his brows creased in thought. When your shoes and pants hit the floor you settle against him again and leave space so you can work him out of his underwear.
“If Roy’s picking them then why do you care?” You ask softly while wrapping both hands around his cock. He’s still a little soft but he throbs when you let a line of spit fall from your lips, collecting it in your palm to slide over the fat head of him. “Or do you actually prefer her?”
He won’t look up at you, just watches your hands working over him slowly, concentrated on something that isn’t your voice. “You can be stoic all you want, I’ll keep asking questions.”
“She’s fine.”
“Just fine?” You let fingers wander lower so you can grab his balls firmly. That earns you a pant that blows across your face and makes you smile. “Does she fuck you in your cruiser too? Right here?” You move both hands in tandem and he still won’t look up at you. He grips at the hem of your t-shirt and pulls it in his fists to wrap around his knuckles when you spit into your hand again.
“Not even in the church storeroom?” You tut, palm rubbing over and over the sensitive underside of his cock. “No?” There’s a tremble in his breathing that tells you he’s loosing his focus on his anger, exactly what you were aiming for. “See, there’s the difference.” You speed up your hand, wet sound of your spit loud in his backseat. “I would.” He squeezes his eyes shut and whimpers through his nose, fists digging into your sides. “I do.” You can feel his balls tighten in your palm and you know your teasing should come to an end. He just looks so different like this, face twisted in pained pleasure in the dark. No shitty smirk or grimace on his face and you can actually see how handsome he is under all his stupid bravado.
From the front seat there’s a crackle of his radio, the station calling in to check on him. A line of codes you don’t know and then a pause.
“…Gator where are you?”
You let him go to slide your underwear over and before he can protest you guide him along your folds, already wet from your antagonizing. “Yeah Gator, where are you?” You rub the head of his cock against your clit and grin at him falling apart at the seams.
“Tillman? Jessie called and said you hung up on her.”
“Jessie?” You laugh and roll your hips against him more, slowly working him towards your entrance. He does look up at you then, his fingers leaving your shirt to dig into your soft hips.
“Gator…c’mon answer damnit, I don’t wanna have to call Roy.”
His cock finally catches and you push down in one swift move. He stretches you but it’s his jaw dropping and his cursing filling the air.
“Oh fuck fuck.”
“You better be dead in a ditch if we send someone out, asshole.”
You use the back of his neck for leverage, nails digging crescents into his hairline every time you roll your hips. Knees dig into the cloth seats, the feeling of rug burn already evident. There’s more radio talk and you can see that frustration shining in his eyes, that anger rolling back in when he drops your gaze.
“Don’t listen to that.” You grab his head between your palms and make it a point to drag your nails against his scalp. “Listen to me.” You pant through your smile at his rapt attention, slight nod under your hands. His phone vibrates against the cloth seat, ignored again in favor of keeping his eyes trained on yours. You can see that sunset photo bright until she hangs up again and you give him a shake to keep his eyes on yours.
“Look at me.” You’ve built a rhythm that he’s just along for, something he’s actually good at. He can follow instructions, just from the right teacher. You rock into him, thighs sweaty against his canvas pants, the cargo pockets digging into sensitive skin. The humidity in the backseat rivals the outdoors, the murmur of the radio mimicking the crickets outside in the tall grass. His jaw tenses before he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes tight again, forehead dipping down to hit your chest.
“Aw, Gator.” You coo and cradle the back of his head. “She doesn’t fuck you like this, huh?”
“No.” There’s a sob somewhere in his throat that he’s keeping down and you make it your goal to ride it out of him.
“You wanna cum inside me so bad, don’t you?”
“Who’s Jess?” You ask it right into his ear, fingers gripping his hair to pull his head to the side.
“Nobody.” He bucks up into you then, pulling your hips down to keep you against his lap. You clench around him when you feel him throb and that cry finally cracks his voice when he bursts. Still pressed into your chest, nuzzled into the underside of your jaw, this is better than any climax you could hope for in the back of a sheriffs car. He trembles under your hands and breaths heavy against your neck, a distinct wetness that you don’t draw attention to.
He doesn’t say anything in his afterglow. He stays leaned into you until you push him back against the seats and then he sits there looking lost.
“You okay?”
“Mm.” He feels blindly beside him till he hits his phone and flips it so he can see his screen. Another blank stare until he snaps out of it and taps your leg to get you off of him. He shoves his pants back up his hips and has the decency to gather your stuff off the floorboards for you before he jumps out of the back.
“Oh what, no goodnight kiss?” You laugh at him and he shuts the door in your face just to open the driver side to grab his radio. You listen to him call in and apologize, tell dispatch he was doing paperwork and fell asleep. When you’re dressed you make it a point to slam the door on your way out so it makes him grimace. He gives you a stare when you stand in front of his headlights and wait for him to finish.
That sweet begging he slides into when he’s close never lingers long, something you miss when he puts his sneer back on.
“Should I tell them we already handled the ticket?” You wave the paper in front of you like a white flag and he hastily puts his uniform to rights. He hitches his belt back in place and double checks his holster and hefts himself back into the driver seat.
“You can tell them whatever you want.”
It’s then that you actually look at the ticket for the first time and see his note.
Your backseat or mine?
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critter-time · 3 months
rip mayberry you would’ve loved brainrot </3
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This is my drawing for actress Elizabeth MacRae who turned 88 on February 22. She played Gomer's girlfriend Lou-Ann Poovie on GOMER PYLE USMC and she currently resides in North Carolina. Her character Lou-Ann was not only a spoof on the Southern Belle, but she was also a spoof on Marilyn Monroe's character Chérie from the movie BUS STOP (1956). Gomer meets her in a nightclub called the Congo Club where she is singing an off-key version of Marilyn's ''Old Black Magic''.
Though Elizabeth (or ''Betsy'' as friends call her) was mostly popular for playing Lou-Ann she also did one guest star role in the color seasons of THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW in the episode ''Big Brother'' as a temporary love interest for Howard Sprague (played by Jack Dodson). She has one more Mayberry connection in that she lent her distinct voice to an animated character, Lady Fish, the love interest of Henry Limpet played by Don Knotts in his first starring role in a major motion picture THE INCREDIBLE MR. LIMPET (1964).
She was also known for playing April, Festus's girlfriend on GUNSMOKE. She did many other television series from the late 1950s to the 1960s and 1970s and played in movies as well. She was most notably seen in Francis Ford Coppola's THE CONVERSATION (1974), as Meredith who seduces Gene Hackman's Harry Caul. She has been retired from acting since 1989 but she has the distinction of being only one of two main cast members still alive from GOMER PYLE USMC (the other cast member being Ronnie Schell, who played Gomer's buddy Duke Slater).
Fans can still send Ms. MacRae cards or fan mail to this address:
Elizabeth MacRae c / o Mary Kuebler
112 Middle Court
Raeford, NC 28376
Ms. MacRae sadly passed away on May 27th early in the morning. She died in her sleep from natural causes. She was 88. Her caretaker Mary told me she loved the drawing and the gifts I sent her. 🥹
RIP beautiful Angel 💔
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attaboyluther · 2 years
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OMG such sad news!
She sadly passed away yesterday at the age of 98, Jan 11, 2023, just three days before her birthday. 😢  RIP Angel ❤️ 
Carole Cook was most known for her appearances on The Lucy Show and Here's Lucy.
She also has a part in Mayberry-ish history as she played Don Knotts' human wife in THE INCREDIBLE MR. LIMPET (1964)- his first major starring role in a movie while he was still on The Andy Griffith Show.
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abalonetea · 1 year
I want to hear about the werewolf summer vibes!
Werewolf Summer is has killer vibes, I love them! It’s about, uh, werewolves! Very expected and typical of me, I know. But this one has like, a very interesting plot going on! It’s about Colton and Dizzy, at the heart of it. See, Colton lives in a small little town with a small werewolf problem. His family has been in charge of keeping this underwraps for a while now, and they mostly do a good job at it.
Unfortunately, there’s a very nasty werewolf running around causing other problems. Three counties up, he bites Dizzy – who goes searching out the nearest wolf he can smell, Colton’s big brother, out in Mayberry. He gets there right before the sun comes up and shows up buck-naked at Colton’s place. Chaotic hi-jinks ensue.
Werewolf Summer is about sweaty summer days and nights spent out at the lake, and learning about yourself in ways you didn’t know needed to be discovered. It’s about getting over past loves and past lives, and making something new out of something that's kind of a mess. It's also being relentlessly hunted by a new werewolf who is also your boyfriend except that he wants to rip you to shreds when he's a werewolf.
And more than anything else it's about grief and shame and love <3
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thebunniesgrim · 1 year
Ok so like part 1 go to part one for context
But they don't say alot about her to me it's just a crop top with Mickey Mouse buttons and torn pants. Also it's just plain black :/
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Lol her outfit is so black she camouflaged into the background of the wiki I nabbed these pictures from...
Anyway with Moxxie's outsit I looks professional and business ready he even looks like music conductor.
I'm not sure how I'd dress millie, but I think I'd make her outfit less black add more colors to compliment the red of her skin
you know?
I suppose the ripped pants show that she's rough
Maybe put her in practical clothes or she still wears clothes like how she did when she still lived with her family
But I honestly think viv is better at designing male characters they look awesome in they're outfits. See look
helluva boss characters
Male Female
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Idk about you but it seems like the Male character look more appealing and to me
The male characters get more detailed they're seen in brighter colors they just look better
And don't get me wrong Sally Mae and verosika are a definitely a slay and a bucket of paint but they're outfits are SO boring to me
Even fan fav loona her outfit is very boring to me it's just shorts and crop top... if she's so goth and rebellious why are her clothes so normal?
If Blitzo and Stolas were women how different do you think they'd be? Or would viv do what she did with Angel Dust and said step the female protag for the more popular male counter part maybe Moxxie or Fizzarolli (if introduced earlier) would be helluva's Angle Dust.
( I think Fizzarolli is already hellua's Angel Dust after the Fizzarolli eps for S2 are done I think alot of people are going to stop watching. )
Also is it just me or does viv use brid logic for her character designs?
Like male birds or colorful and female birds or dull and gray
Because most of the female characters in Helluva have like 2 or maybe 4 colors
Millie is mostly red and black. She also has buttons, a tooth gap and a tattoo. Also very few white spots with how violent and rough she is I'm surprised she doesn't have more
Moxxie has black, white, yellow and whatever off blackish blue color his suit jacket is. Moxxie also has freckles, his bow tie, his buttons. It's just more detailed
What I'm saying is male characters are just better designed even Vortex has way more detailed than loona... wait
You know what!?
Even Beelzebub!
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Bee and Loona have the same fucking outfit! Just different colors, and Loona's shorts has distress on the bottom and they're crop tops have different straps but other than that pretty much the same outsit to me!
Even the sinners! like lyel and loopty look way better than Mrs./Ms. Mayberry
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Mrs. Mayberry is just in the outfit she died in but her hair is a different color and her clothes torn this there's barely anything to her old job as teacher
And it's not like she didn't have time change clothes she was in hell long enough for Martha to recover with should have taken at least a while
And lyel and loopty just came with they're outfits and what I'm assuming is they're ship.
And this isn't just helluva boss it's hazbin as well vaggie and Charlie's outfits are so boring to me
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Official (I think)
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I even personally think Katie Killjoy, Tom Trench, Cherry Bomb, and Sir. pentious
are also victims of this lets be honest with each other Tom and Pentious have better designs that Katie and Cherry. (I mean with they're respective person like Tom and Katie and Pentious and cherry. I'd pick cherry over tom and so would Tom)
I mean come on Charlie's outfits is literally just bell hops uniform! Where's her glam! The spark?
Small character quirks!
Like how moxxie has that possum thing going
Or Stolas botany thing
Or Blitzo's horse thing
Or Blitzo breaking his phone
Or Blitzo being sleazy
Or blizto being mean
Don't mean make her like Apple Jack from my little pony where country is a part of her personality. I mean what she had a small smoking thing or she had a random thing about gum flavors. It seem only important characters get little hobbies or interests.
But yeah! That's just stuff I'd change or add to make Millie even better than she already is
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chorusfm · 1 year
Lauren Mayberry Talks Solo Work
Lauren Mayberry talked with NPR about her solo journey: Me and the managers and the label were like, “What song do we put out?” I definitely wanted to make it clear that I’m not just going to be trying to rip off the band all the time, but also it’s not all going to be downbeat sobbing piano ballads. I love the band, I’m grateful for the band, I’m never going to cut that grass — that grass is meant to be over there. And I think that’s partly why I was like, something that’s so different is a good palate cleanser. It kind of, like, scorches the earth. So people can be like, “Just so you know, don’t expect that.” But then there’s definitely more bangers --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/linked/lauren-mayberry-talks-solo-work/
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duranduratulsa · 7 months
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Television 📺 Showcase...The Andy Griffith Show: Mayberry On Record (1961) on classic DVD 📀! #tv #television #comedy #sitcom #theandygriffithshow #mayberryonrecord #andygriffith #RIPAndyGriffith #DonKnotts #ripdonknotts #RonHoward #FrancesBavier #ripfrancesbavier #elinordonahue #howardmcnear #BillIrwin #60s #DVD #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsastelevisionshowcase
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my-fall-from-grace · 4 years
tom my beloved
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sketch-pencilpoint · 4 years
Art dump
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If you saw any of my previous posts about me, ignore the missing arm and grainy effect, I decided to remove that as it was dumb. Also, we got phantter, a crappy redo of that one vine with the guy who almost dropped his croissant, and my ice mayberry cortex, neo's twin sister. She is almost exactly the same as her brother, just tends to be more cold towards foes and friends alike, and is also a flower specialist and weaponist.
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dr-pepper-cherry · 4 years
The Crimson Rangers
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Where would Robin Hood be without the aid of his Merry Men? Or how could Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid accomplish their heists without the aid of The Wild Bunch? Neither of them could have gotten as far as they did without the aid of their gangs and the same goes for Deadeye, legendary gunslinger or not. Deadeye's group, The Crimson Rangers are composed of rogues and mercenaries two hundred and fifty strong that bring their own sense of vigilante justice to the lands of Hell. Founded and led by the Ranger In Red, Deadeye, they are infamous for their skills in stealth, accuracy and deadly efficiency. Whether it is to steal from the rich to give to the poor, assassinate the malicious and monstrous or to simply lend their skills as the greatest gunslingers and sharpshooters in Hell, they are the guns for hire when quality is wanted more than quantity.
Wiley “Dust Devil” Jackson
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Demon Form: Jackrabbit
Age: 26
Division: Gunslinger
Rank: Sheriff
One of the fastest gunslingers around in both his time and the modern day, Wiley has always been quick on the draw, quick on his feet, and quick to run his mouth. Born as an orphan on the back alley streets of Boston, Massachusetts in 1860, the young outlaw began his path to banditry after he grew tired of the upper classes complete disregard to his existence and stole food from them to feed himself. Overtime, his quick hands and quicker feet would gather more than just food as he stole money, bullets and a gun, which finally got him in trouble after he used said gun to shoot a state marshal dead. With a bounty on his head at the age of 18, he ran off to the west, where he would only continue his life of crime by robbing stagecoaches and shooting strangers with a smile. His time finally came to an end when he entered a quick draw contest and attempted to draw guns against Johnny Harlan, who he discovered too late was just a bit faster.
Even after his death, Wiley refused to slow down his wild ways and continued his life of crime, unaware of all the attention he was drawing. When he crossed guns against a overlord who wanted him dead, he thought he was as good as gone until another gunslinger, cloaked in signature red, saved his life. Between feeling indebted to The Ranger In Red and wanting to be on the stronger side, he joined up with Deadeye's growing gang and was even promoted to the rank of Sheriff after his service in the Black Army Wars. Now in charge of the Crimson Ranger Gunslingers, he always skipping with a smile, running as fast as he talks, and ready to draw on just about anything.
Fun Facts About "Dust Devil"
. He has a tendency to be rather boastful about himself and his skills as a gunslinger. But if he can shut his mouth for two minutes and focus on the task at hand, many demons find out the hard way that he can back up his claims.
. Out of all the Crimson Rangers, he knows the streets of Pentagram City best, having grown up in a similar background.
. He's a pretty big fan of baseball, having spent most of his childhood playing baseball with the other orphans before his turn to gunfighting. Because of his years of practice, he is also the best thrower of the Rangers.
Voice Claim: Jack Marston - Red Dead Redemption
Art Credit: gimmieasmile
Doc "Rip Van Winkle" Friday
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Demon Form: Hound Dog
Age: 76
Division: Sharpshooter
Rank: Sheriff
A soldier since adulthood and a sharpshooter since his first rifle, Old Doc may seem lazy, lofty and so paranoid he will never use his real name, but give him a reason to stare down a scope and he'll happily demonstrate why he leads the Crimson Ranger Sharpshooters. Born in Monterrey, Mexico in 1787, Doc joined the army at a young age and fought in many wars over the century, such as the War of 1812, the Texas-Indian Wars and the Mexican-American War, before entering the Civil War for the Union as he believed Mexico would be next, should the Confederates win. Being assigned into the 1st United States Sharpshooters Regiment, he lent his skills with his rifle to the United States and took control of the forces after his former captain, Josiah McGrath, was believed to be killed.
Although he was renowned for his sharpshooting prowess and professionalism, the horrors of both wars past and present began to take a toll on his mind as he began targeting anyone and everyone who even supported the Confederates, soldiers and civilians alike. His last fight would be at The Battle Of The Crater, as he was caught up with trying to shoot down another confederate when he was caught in a blast of cannon fire.
In Hell, Doc slowly began to cool from his soldiering days and often explored the many forests that laid through Hell before stumbling upon The Red Woods and even finding the son of his former captain, Cyrus McGrath who was now known as Deadeye. Helping the McGrath get back on his feet in an attempt to pay back Josiah, Doc was the first of The Crimson Rangers and even led them in the Black Army Wars, leading to his promotion to Sheriff. Even hundreds of years old, Doc doesn't plan to retire any time soon.
Fun Facts About "Rip Van Winkle"
. He's quite skilled with an acoustic guitar and doesn't mind playing the occasional song on his time off.
. Due to his laid-back personality, his years of wisdom and the occasional complaint about his old bones, he is often referred to as Grandpa Doc or Old Man. He doesn't really mind the old man nicknames. He does mind being called McGruff, however.
. His bloodhound form has made him a far better tracker than he was when he was alive. With enhanced senses, including a much stronger sense of smell, he can follow the trail of practically anyone.
Voice Claim: Raul Tejada - Fallout: New Vegas
Art Credit: Juju 
Tacitus “Taci” Macello Andronicus, III
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Demon Form: Alligator
Age: 44
Division: Stalker
Rank: Sheriff
An quiet and silent enforcer to The Crimson Rangers, one may be surprised to learn that the giant in scales actually leads the Crimson Ranger Stalkers, something that they might find funny until they realized Taci is right behind them. Raised in New Orleans in 1846, Tacitus's human life is a subject he barely likes to touch upon. Aside from his past as a enforcer for a local gang and his death at the hands of a rival gang throwing him to the gators, not much else is touched upon in his tales of his past. But while his past may remain a mystery, his present in Hell is all well known.
After his death, Taci's was quick to rejoin his old gang, making a comfortable living off cracking open skulls and bashing in debtors who tried to swindle them. He grew so comfortable in his position, he would even believe himself unbeatable. But that attitude was all but lost when a new arrival in Hell, a maniacal fox who called herself Viy, sought to take claim over more than just the business. Even though Taci tried to end her reign of terror then and there, he underestimated the warlord's strength and was beaten to unconsciousness. When he next awoke, the hideout was burnt to ruins, the bodies of his allies laid scattered around him and he himself was taken as a prisoner. Enslaved and transferred to Camp Beznadiynyy, Taci was experimented on and tested on with many of the Black Army weapons in an attempt to get him to break to the warlord's will. But even after being a test subject for several years and the torturous process that left numerous unhealable scars all across his body and the lost of his left arm, he would refuse to break, clinging on to a hope that he can escape and crush that warmonger's throat.
While he would never get to deal with Viy personally, his hopes for escape were answered when The Ranger In Red attacked the camp and freed the prisoners inside, Taci included. After Deadeye got him to safety in his woods and even crafted a replacement arm with a hidden cannon from his father's blueprints, Taci felt indebted to the gunslinger and served with Deadeye in the Black Army Wars, even being promoted to Sheriff for his efforts. The gentle giant he may be, he will show no mercy to anyone he hunts.
Fun Facts About "Taci"
. There have been some rumors that Taci manages to keep his assassination targets hidden by eating them, bones and all. It's probably not true. Probably.
. His mechanical arm actually contains a few more nifty gadgets. His fingertips can shoot out .357 Magnum ammunition, his wrist can detach and shoot out with a chain, allowing him to grapple objects or pull targets to him from far away and by detaching his arm, he can fire a last resort cannon blast.
. Due to his crocodilian form and his own swimming skills, Taci does his best work in the water, being practically undetectable in the waves.
Voice Claim: Wrex - Mass Effect
Art Credit: FatForSurvival18 
Jessie "Silver" McCoy
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Demon Form: Wolf
Age: 19
Division: Gunslinger
Rank: Deputy
While tales of The Reaper in Red struck fear and terror into the hearts of most who hear them, Jessie only found them awe-inspiring and hopeful. Born to a middle class family in Kansas, Jessie had always sought to separate him from the boring deeds of his family. He didn’t want to be known as some random farmer. He wanted his name on wanted posters, to be the next outlaw of legend. Going so far as to begin dressing up like a gunslinger, this wish for fame got him into a bad spot when a greenhorn bounty hunter believed he was the infamous Reaper In Red and forced Jessie to a duel, where he discovered his knack for the quickdraw just in time to shoot the bounty hunter dead. With the bounty hunter's death, Jessie found pride in his actions and left town to continue his life as an outlaw, even though he had no bounty. Despite his lack of experience, his talent for gunslinging was not only keeping him alive, it also brought a good amount of fame to his name. He might have become a legend of the west if not for the bounty hunter's younger brother, who stabbed the "outlaw" to death while his back was turned.
At first an aimless drifter in the afterlife, his actions as a gunfighter soon landed himself an audience with his childhood idol. But instead of greeting the Reaper In Red with the standard hostility, he left Deadeye confused as he went completely starstruck, going on a million miles a minute about Deadeye's past. While Deadeye was confused at the sudden attention, he found Jessie to be a reliable asset to the rangers, not to mention rather enduring that there were some people who actually liked him. So when the ranger offered a spot in his growing gang to the kid, Jessie joined on the spot with a grin on his face. Even after all these years, Jessie may still be as reckless as ever, but his persistence and talent have never once failed The Crimson Rangers.
Fun Facts About "Silver"
. Silver, by his very namesake, is one of the most charming and charismatic members of The Crimson Rangers. Because of his wordsmithing talents, he is often sent as the messenger and communicator to many deals with other demons or those who claim they wish to aid the rangers. And should his wording fail, he's got one hell of a gun hand to back himself up.
. Despite the form of a wolf, Silver is one of the kindest members of The Crimson Rangers, always facing every problem with optimism. However, during the rare times he actually loses his temper, he has a tendency to growl and bear his fangs.
. Having spent most of his childhood pouring through adventure novels and the like, he seems to be a bit genre savvy and tends to anticipates tropes that their targets would use in order to catch them.
Voice Claim: Shinji Ikari - Neon Genesis Evangelion
Art Credit:  ✘❝ • 𝕱𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖊 𝕰𝖝𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 • ❞✘
Todd "Ranger" Clarkson
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Demon Form: Elk
Age: 20
Division: Sharpshooter
Rank: Deputy
Character Owned By: Ranger Todd
Out of the thieves and rouges in the Crimson Rangers, practically no one would expect to encounter a park ranger from the 80's. But don't be so quick as to laugh him off as the eye down the iron sights of his Winchester may be the last thing you never see.
What started as a simple summer job in Beaver Brook National Park quickly spiraled into a mysterious death trap for any poacher who dared to step into those woods. Park Ranger Todd Clarkson, who loved nature and wished to preserve it, often used his rifle to hunt poachers and those who disrespected the forest. While missing posters began to fly up on billboards and milk cartons, his fellow rangers never thought much on it until another park ranger discovered his hideaway shack, filled with evidence of the missing poachers. In his attempt to talk with Todd about the bodies, words were mixed up and a fight broke out. Although Todd managed to win, a fire had broken out in their brawl and gave Todd no time to react as he passed out from both his wounds and the smoke.
Todd would continue to stay near the trees and forests he grew attached to and was even bold enough to camp in the Red Woods, drawing the attention of the Crimson Rangers. While wary of Todd at first, the Crimson Rangers soon found his skills impressive after he aided in securing their home from corporate hands and offered him a place among them. With some refinement from Deadeye and Rip Van Winkle, Todd grew into a valued sharpshooter who now lends his rifle to the cause of The Crimson Rangers.
Fun Facts About "Ranger"
.  His hat was given to him by the love of his life just before he died, and it's his most sentimental possession.
.  Ranger dosen't keep pistols. He's confident in his ability to nail his target with a repeater at long range or short. And on the rare occasion he misses a point blank shot, he has even more confidence in his hunting knife.
. While a rarity, there’s a chance every now and then where he will cough up smoke. He’s not really sure why.
Voice Claim: MacCready - Fallout 4
Kozō "Kage" Jirokichi
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Demon Form: Rat
Age: 41
Division: Stalker
Rank: Deputy
Originally a street rat from the streets of Kyoto, Japan, Kozō had grown to hate the taxes and laws that oppressed his people and sought to fight against the might of the local lords. His attempts to protest against the lords resulted in his branding and banishment, further dragging his name into the dirt. However, he was undeterred in his fight and instead snuck into the palace and ran off with their entire supply of gold. Working on his own, Kozō adopted a Robin Hood like persona, robbing the rich and sharing his wealth to the poor. He grew infamous for his exploits and managed to sneak and steal for fifteen years until he was finally caught and executed. Even though his intentions were for the greater good, thievery is still a sin and so he was dammed to Hell.
Upon arrival, Kozō attempted to fade into obscurity, but his actions had caught the attention of the overlords. They were worried they too would be robbed by the infamous thief and attempted to have him killed once again. But before one attempt almost claimed his afterlife, he was rescued by The Crimson Rangers, who he felt rather grateful towards as they were some of the first few people who showed him kindness since he landed down in Hell. Lending his skills as a thief, he was taken into their fold and has resumed his old life of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Just with the aid of more than himself.
Fun Facts About "Kage"
. The blade at his hip is the infamous Juuchi Yosamu, or 10,000 Cold Nights, that he stole from legendary swordsmith, Sengo Muramasa. The blade is so perfectly sharp that it is able to slice through anything as if it was passing through water, be it solid steel to even the air around him. While it is a incredible weapon, he finds it is also an incredible thieving tool since he can practically make his own entrances and exits.
. He is rarely ever far from a bottle of sake. While he usually keeps himself off the bottle until his task is complete, there are times where he will sneak a quick sip if things get too stressful.
. While he primarily speaks in Japanese, he can understand English fairly well and has been teaching some of the rangers Japanese in return. It's a slow process, but a process nonetheless.
Voice Claim: Kazuma Kiryu - Yakuza
Art Credit:  Shakers
Rosa "Bullet-Weaver" de la Costa
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Demon Form: Fox
Age: 28
Division: Gunslinger
Rank: Deputy
For Rosa de la Costa, life is as wild as you wish to make it. And if you must be the one to make it wild, you better leave a performance that will be remembered. A dashing pistolera from Mexico, Rosa life started out with a dream to see the world and indulge in every pleasure she could achieve through dance and song. But in a time before such things would become popular and where those who reached fame had to twirl guns or be feared, life was often poor for Rosa who had to expand her talents to keep a stable income. Through a combination of dancing, singing and sleeping with anyone who paid every now and then, she had begun to earn a name for herself, short as it was yet enough to live a life of comfort and carefreeness. Of course, this life wouldn’t last forever, much to her dismay. But a richer, more exciting one would be drawing near as one night, she was accosted by three thugs, a gaggle of foul-mouthed morons who were interested in a free performance and were not looking to hear a no. But when they fired upon her after a rather violent refusal, the dancer was miraculously unscathed from the flurry of bullets, leaving her bewildered and amazed. Even more so as she stole a pistol from them and fired three rounds in their heads, despite never even holding a gun before. For Rosa, this was a sign that her life was meant for more, a sign to be something greater. And with three men dead and her being the only witness, she was eager to leave her old life behind anyway. Over the next few years, tales of the Bullet-Weaver were spread far and wide, a queen among gunslingers who no bullet could touch. She was feared for her pistol work, beloved for her beauty and skills, and was proud of the reputation she had earned. But she had attracted more than just looks as she found out too late one night when a handsome stranger she had taken to bed revealed himself to be a bounty hunter. And while no bullet could ever touch her, the hangman's noose certainly could.
She may have known exactly where she was going in the afterlife, but she had no idea it was going to be so alive and vibrant, especially in Pentagram City. Putting her pistols aside for the moment, Rosa spent her early years lavishing in her original dream, finding fame and fortune as a lounge singer. But even though she had found a life of comfort, she found it rather boring and uneventful. Every day was a song she knew and every want was taken care of in tandem. The life of a wandering pistolera had left quite the impression upon her and she ached to return to the life of adventure once more. But with the end of gunslingers approaching and more advanced guns being forged, she felt as if it was a dream she couldn't reach. She felt she was now stuck in her afterlife until one of her fans, a certain jackrabbit who knew about the pistolera, was more interested in her skills with a gun instead and invited her to join The Crimson Rangers. Finding comfort, safety and familiarity in the Crimson Rangers, Rosa has since become a valued member of the gang, even teaching them her ways of evasion. At least to anyone who can keep up.
Fun Facts About "Bullet-Weaver"
. She may no longer practice prostitution, but the attitude for it never left her. She’s not above using her charms to seduce her targets, loves a good dirty joke and tends to flirt with just about anyone and everyone.
. Though her skill with guns is as good as any ranger, she’s also quite skilled in the capoeira marital art, often getting through every fight with flare and grace.
. The red bandana she wears was a gift from the first man she ever grew to love. While his name has now been lost to her, the bandana remains as a treasured possession. 
Voice Claim: Isabela - Dragon Age: Inquisition
Art Credit: Sugartooth
Holly "Iron Maiden" Mayberry
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Demon Form: Horse
Age: 35
Division: Sharpshooter
Rank: Deputy
While she is now known for her tough-as-nails personality and unwillingness to take anything lying down, There was a time in Holly’s life where her only wants were raising a family and living a life of home and comfort. But that dream has long since died.
Formerly a loving wife to Eric Mason, a local cowboy in Marble Falls, Texas, her former life was taken from her after the recently appointed sheriff took an interest in her. Even though she was married and completely uninterested in such a vain and callous man, he cared not of her concerns and wanted to make her his, no matter how. And when one of his attempts earned him a black eye from Eric, the sheriff twisted his sentence from assault to attempted murder and sentenced him to hang. Seeing her husband hanging from the gallows brought something cold and vengeful in her soul as she used the sheriff’s feelings against him, brought him out to Eric's grave and murdered him with her bare hands before giving one last goodbye to her husband and running out of Marble Falls as fast as she could. Bringing Eric's killer to justice brought a sense of belonging that left an impression on the widow as she decided to pick up a line of work she knew would both be bringing in money and the feeling of vengeance being dealt: bounty hunting. Over the next years, her true talents began to shine through the veil she had once believed she had to be. With either rifle or revolver, her skills as a shootist made her into a force of nature and a fearful sight to any bounty she chose to pursue, even managing to match the best bounty hunters in the west. However, her final target, the infamous Johnny Harlan was never claimed as she was shot and killed by rival bounty hunter and inside man of The Outlaws, Graham McKendrick.
At first, she was a bit distressful where she had ended up. But she knew there was no undoing what was done now and continued her bounty hunting ways. Incidentally, one of her bounties, more specifically the bounty on Doc, led to her recruitment into the Crimson Rangers after finding their ideals appealing to her need to dismantle the corrupt people in power. Finding no reason to doubt her or her excellent sharpshooting skills, she quickly became a welcomed addition. And while she mostly keeps her outlook of stoicism and bluntness, there's been the occasional smile on Holly's face since joining the rangers.
Fun Facts About "Iron Maiden"
. Her eyes are a bit sensitive to light and, as a result, are why she often wears a pair of sunglasses. While she's went through many over the years, her favorite are a pair of aviator shades.
. Her hat and lever-action Winchester rifle, Ol' Hickory, were the last gifts from her husband before they parted long ago. She refuses to let another soul lay so much as a finger on either.
. Holly has a weakness for similarly tough women and tends to get a bit flustered around them.
Voice Claim: Femgineer - DustyOldRoses
Art Credit:  𝕾𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖗 𝕻𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘𝖘𝕾
Roblyn "Huntress" Valencia
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Demon Form: Chicken
Age: 27
Division: Stalker
Rank: Deputy
While many have the choice to become a criminal or not, this wasn’t the case for Robyn Valencia, daughter & heir to the Valencia mafia family. Born between the union of mob boss and leader, Alessio Valencia, and a former mistress of his, Robyn had spent her whole life learning the skills of a criminal and was personally taught by both her father and the members of his growing gang. Despite their infamous reputation, she never saw them as villains as they treated all with the upmost respect, especially her and her father. She grew to carry a great respect for her father and his trade, finding their work powerful and practical, even growing proud how one day it would all be hers. That day came sooner than she would have liked when her father was killed by a shot in the back after he attempted to duel a swindling gambler in white. She wished to avenge her father by tracking his killer, who had fled to the United States, and began a promising start to her family by expanding their work to the San Francisco area. When she learned that her father’s murderer had been killed by a so called “Reaper In Red”, her fury grew restless and disastrously as she attempted to take on The Reaper In Red. But her attempts to kill him ultimately resulted in her end after a risky chase across the city rooftops caused her to miss a step and fall to her death, leaving her gang without a leader.  
For the first few years, her afterlife was spent in waiting, doing hit jobs here and there to improve her skills. And when The Reaper in Red finally died, she attempted to try again on Cyrus's life, who had long since calmed from his more murderous days as The Reaper in Red. Even though he had retired from his murderous persona, he managed to win once more but wanted to put away his past and chose to spare her. This left Robyn in a state of disbelief and revaluation of both her afterlife and what had led here. When tales of The Crimson Rangers began to surface around Hell, it was surprising for Deadeye to see her again, especially hearing that she wanted to join them. Her reasonings remain a mystery but she joined the gang and slowly began to move on from her past. Finding a home with the Crimson Rangers, she decided to stay and has stuck with them ever since. 
Fun Facts About “Huntress”
. Huntress was one of the first benefactors of The Crimson Rangers as her ties to the Valencia family remain strong and loyal. In exchange for turning a blind eye to her family, she has supplied the rangers with plenty of soldiers, hundreds of weapons and a whole lot of money for whatever else is desired.
. Huntress is prehaps the coldest member of the group, but there is hints that the Crimson Rangers examples of selflessness are starting to rub off on her. Barely, but it's there.
. Do NOT make fun of her sinner form. Taking cracks at her appearance tends to never go well for whoever started it.
Voice Claim: Rose Of Sharon Cassidy - Fallout New Vegas
Art Credit: I just exists 
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cuddyclothes · 7 years
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Don Knottsferatu
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