#mcdonalds has the best cheeseburger in my experience
catastrothy · 9 months
im burgerless. fryless. fountain sodaless..... a sad existence
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Sharing A Cheeseburger And Fries With A Memory
Today, I am attending a remembrance on the shores of Lake Superior and as you are reading this on my blog, I will be driving north, up “The Mitten”, and hoping to not run into snow. I am writing this a few days in advance, so as I bang away on my keyboard, the weather forecast is advertising good weather. I do not attend every year, it is every so often and I have enjoyed some adventuresome drives, to put it mildly, although these somehow always make these trips more memorable. It was several years ago when friends suggested I first attend, my initial response was to refuse as it felt, to me, that I would be intruding, however, my friends kept at it, eventually convincing me to go that first time since memories tied to this event/place wave through my life from early childhood continuing through young adulthood right up to today. Also included in my adventure today will be a stop at the closest Mickey D’s to pick up a cheeseburger and fries, with a coke. Granted, my fattening fast food will be cold by the time I arrive at my destination which GPS will tell me is close to Paradise but this abode of the just is what I imagine heaven, if there is one, to be like, very sparsely populated. Oh, a word of warning, if you do venture to this Paradise, stick to the paved road and do not trust your GPS because it will spit out winning suggestions such as “In 200 feet turn right and go off-road”.  By off-road, the GPS does not mean taking an old two-track or logging road but turn into Hansel and Gretel to make your way through a forest. Once I arrive using the blacktop as my guide, I will share dinner with memories of my Grandfather, but those memories are well worth a little frosty food. After my not so gourmet meal, I will make my way inside to the memorial service and when the boat’s bell chimes thirty times, you will see this man with tears in his eyes. So if you are curious as, to why I am traveling to where the pavement ends, which is about three hours north of where Mr. Silverstien’s sidewalks terminate to share a cheeseburger with memories along with a few tears please let me explain why today is special to me.
On this day, forty-seven years ago, at about 7:15 pm local time, the Great Lakes iron ore carrier, Edmund Fitzgerald disappeared from the surface of Lake Superior. While this event has been made famous by Gordon Lightfoot, it is an event that has always stuck with me. Even though I was a young child, some of my earliest memories are of my Grandfather taking me to McDonald’s for a cheeseburger and then heading down to the river to wait for the “Fitz” to come by. These were the days long before the internet, computer navigation, or a website with “AIS data” to find out exactly where one of these big boats is located. All we had was the best guess ETA based on how long it might take the boat to get from the locks in Sault Ste. Marie Michigan down to lower Lake Huron and the St. Clair River. So often my Grandfather and I would have an hour or two and sometimes more to just sit, talk, and for me to be a kid while we waited.
Those experiences of going down to the river to watch the big boats, and waiting for the Fitzgerald have stuck with me. As I grew up, I have not outgrown my love of Great Lakes shipping. I am a “Boatnerd”, wrote my thesis on the sinking of the Fitzgerald, and have taken thousands of pictures of the boats plying the lakes. However, today I look back and remember the 29 men who lost their lives in the icy darkness of Lake Superior as well as the other sailors who have lost their lives on the lakes while remembering my Grandfather who taught me to love the Great Lakes and the boats that sail upon them.  
I am guessing that some reading this probably do not know much about shipping on the Great Lakes or the Edmund Fitzgerald and if you have heard of the Fitzgerald it is just lyrics in a song, which you might have thought to be fictional. So here is a bit more about this boat, it typically carried iron ore and sank in Lake Superior during a fierce storm. When the Fitz was launched on June 7, 1958, she was the largest ship on the lakes and the largest one to have slipped beneath their waves. For seventeen years The Fitz carried taconite which is crudely processed iron ore pellets, from  Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, Minnesota, and Wisconsin down the lakes to factories in Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, Gary, and points in between. The Fitz worked hard during her time and could carry so much cargo that she broke records for the amount of cargo hauled six times. Often in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, Captain and crew would take the time to talk with and answer questions from those who were watching the Fitzgerald lock through making the boat not only popular with those who enjoyed watching the boats but endeared it to those who just happened upon it during a visit to a Great Lakes port or tourist attraction, like the Soo Locks.
On its fateful and final trip, the Fitz was filled to its maximum capacity of taconite in Superior Wisconsin which is across the river from Duluth, Minnesota, during the afternoon of November 9th and she departed safe harbor en route for Detroit soon after being loaded. Not long after departing, The Fitzgerald linked up with another ore boat, the Arthur M. Anderson which is still sailing on the lakes today, and the two captains decided to travel the long way across Lake Superior following the Canadian shoreline to try to take advantage of its lee since they knew a fierce storm was brewing. By the time dawn approached on November 10th, both boats were in the teeth of the storm which continued to intensify as the day went on. The Anderson had recently been equipped with what was then state-of-the-art equipment to monitor weather conditions for the National Weather Service which shows just how extreme the weather was. Snow squalls were coming and going but when inside one they were so intense that the vessel’s radar was worthless, the wind was blowing at a sustained 70mph and gusting to over 90mph, and all of this angered the waves on Lake Superior which were running a constant twenty-five feet with rogue waves coming in at thirty-five, forty feet or higher.
The combination of wind and waves, we will never know if it was the wind, waves, or perhaps both, knocked the Fitzgerald’s radar out, coupled with the storm-induced failures at the lighthouse and radio beacons at Whitefish Point, lead the Fitz to verify with the Anderson its position throughout the day and early evening. Shortly before 7 pm, Captain McSorley of the Fitzgerald checked in with the first mate on the Anderson and the mate asked McSorley how they were doing and he said “We are holding our own”. Soon after the Anderson entered a snow squall that not only whited out the view from its bridge but also its radar sets. At approximately 7:10 pm, the Anderson exited the squall but the Fitzgerald was nowhere to be found either by eye or radar.
Captain Cooper of the Anderson contacted the Coast Guard to report the Fitzgerald missing but the storm was so severe they did not have any aircraft or vessels that could mount a search until the weather abated. Since the Coast Guard had no resources to match the storm, they asked the ore boats which were sheltering in Whitefish Bay as well as the Anderson to start a search. The Anderson did turn and head back out into the tempest joined by another American ore carrier, the William Clay Ford. It was not until well after midnight on November 11th that the Coast Guard was able to get a lone plane in the area and after an extensive air and sea search in the following days, only a couple of smashed lifeboats and a small amount of debris were found. The United States Navy located the wreckage of the Edmund Fitzgerald on November 14th about fifteen miles from the entrance to Whitefish Bay. Whitefish Bay would have brought shelter and safety for the boat and crew but sadly its journey came to end just two to three hours from safety.
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So this is the story behind my adventure today and the part that always really gets me causing an emotional release, in other words, I cry, is when the Fitzgerald’s bell is tolled. In 1995, the Fitzgerald’s bell was recovered from the boat, with permission from the families, and brought to the museum where this remembrance is held. At the end of the service, the Fitzergald’s bell is rung as each of the crew members’ names are read along with the 30th toll for all the other mariners lost on the Great Lakes. For me, when I hear the bell, I also hear the voices of the sailors speak. My thesis research created a connection to these men I never met and hearing their names spoken followed by the boat speaking with its bell all wrapped up with my childhood memories of my Grandfather creates a unique whirlwind of emotions. I am a history nerd, so I believe the past always contains clues to our future and I also feel that honoring our past, good and bad, is part of making a brighter future. So today I will be able to connect to my past, remember, release, and look forward to the future.
I will end this with a link to the song The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald By Gordon Lightfoot for those who desire to hear it and the lyrics are below.
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee The lake, it is said, never gives up her dead When the skies of November turn gloomy With a load of iron ore twenty-six thousand tons more Than the Edmund Fitzgerald weighed empty That good ship and true was a bone to be chewed When the gales of November came early
The ship was the pride of the American side Coming back from some mill in Wisconsin As the big freighters go, it was bigger than most With a crew and good captain well seasoned Concluding some terms with a couple of steel firms When they left fully loaded for Cleveland Then later that night when the ship’s bell rang Could it be the north wind they’d been feelin’?
The wind in the wires made a tattle-tale sound When the wave broke over the railing And every man knew, as the captain did too ‘Twas the witch of November come stealin’ The dawn came late and the breakfast had to wait When the gales of November came slashin’ When afternoon came it was freezing rain In the face of a hurricane west wind
When suppertime came, the old cook came on deck Sayin’ “Fellas, it’s too rough to feed ya” At seven PM a main hatchway caved in He said, “Fellas, it’s been good to know ya” The captain wired in he had water comin’ in And the good ship and crew was in peril And later that night when his lights went out of sight Came the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
Does anyone know where the love of God goes When the waves turn the minutes to hours? The searchers all say they’d have made Whitefish Bay If they’d put fifteen more miles behind her They might have split up or they might have capsized They may have broke deep and took water And all that remains is the faces and the names Of the wives and the sons and the daughters
Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings In the rooms of her ice-water mansion Old Michigan steams like a young man’s dreams The islands and bays are for sportsmen And farther below, Lake Ontario Takes in what Lake Erie can send her And the iron boats go as the mariners all know With the gales of November remembered
In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed In the Maritime Sailors’ Cathedral The church bell chimed ‘til it rang twenty-nine times For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down Of the big lake they call Gitche Gumee Superior, they said, never gives up her dead When the gales of November come early.
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giffingthingsss · 11 months
Had a three-day weekend and saw all the movies. Well, three of them. 
Mission Impossible: Would be an A+ if not for a couple things. 
Indiana Jones: I can’t really think of anything that annoyed me about it, but I watched it after MI. A few similar set pieces and MI being a better experience overall make it good but not the best thing I saw. Not really fair, but hey. 
Barbie: It had its moments. The trailer was better. 
Elaboration with spoilers:
Mission Impossible was nearly impossible to beat. However, the Russians speaking English with Russian accents and too much exposition make it not perfect. Subtitle the opening scene and trim down the poetic audience hand-holding and you’ve got the perfect summer action movie experience.
Dial of Destiny was a nice ending for Indy, imho. And I thought Ford did a very good job with it. 
It could be annoying that it always has to be Nazis, but it was okay. And as plot convenient as it is that they wound up in the same era they had been talking about all movie long, it worked for me. 
Indy able to actually witness the history he loves. The tragedy of him feeling he has nothing tying him to the present. Me actually rooting for him to stay back there so he could have some morsel of happiness, only to thankfully have my mind changed by the ending. I just thought it was bittersweet and lovely. 
Barbie. Alas, I caved to tumblr hype and funny trailers. It was a mixed bag. I chuckled a few times. I think I would have liked it better if I watched it in my living room. 
I just have to ask: do people really think this deeply about dolls? Is that a thing? That’s really weird. Then again I never had a barbie. Maybe she’s what messes people up, idk. I had a water baby. It was squishy. I liked the squishy. 
My favorite part was the ending between Barbie and the woman who created her. I’ve always said that the people who sell beauty are just average-looking schlubs trying to put their kids through college. 
You’re supposed to look at a model on a magazine cover and go, ‘oooh. pretty. I will buy it and take it home so i can longer look at the pretty.’ Not ‘I’m not as pretty as that product. I hate myself now.’ 
Yeah, 90% of people aren’t that pretty. Including the people selling you the pretty. They just bait the hook with pretty so you’ll buy it. It pays for the rest of us ugly schlubs who write the articles, who photograph, who sort mail in the mail room. The pretty is a product; it’s a mcdonald’s cheeseburger, not the basis for your self-esteem. At least it shouldn’t be. For every gorgeous actor there are fifty overweight balding dudes holding lights on their face so they can pay their mortgage. 
I also like to look at the pretty. I like complication too. I like a story. I like an interesting face. More than one type of bait works on me. 
I did like the few lovely moments of Barbie connecting with real people, of embracing the beautiful mess of real life. Thought Margot did a great job. 
In conclusion: 
If you want to watch a bittersweet send off to a beloved character, watch Dial of Destiny. If you want to be entertained, watch Dead Reckoning. If you want to sort through a complicated mess of social and political talking points and write tumblr screeds about them, watch Barbie. 
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with Mcdonald's McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich (with my Paperdolls) [Dec 31, 2022]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls. And today, I’m reviewing another Mcdo item menu! The "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich" 🍔... Huh, that's something, but, is it worth my appetite? 🤔 Let's find out.
If you haven't seen my previous Mickey D's review, then please [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
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• My paper dolls were curious about what the so-called "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich" looked like. Let's not waste our time, I'm so hungry, and let the unwrapping begin! 🙂
By the way, shout out to my big bro for ordering us at Mickey D's via delivery.
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• Mmmmm... Interesting. Also, please ignore the look because of the delivery. What do you think? Their response, it looks like a regular sandwich. But, they want to deep down, what's in it between the buns? 🤔 Let's find out...
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5th to 7th Image(s): ↑
• Removing the top bun, you can see their weak veggie toppings & dressing. 👎 However, the chicken patty nails it (sort of). 👌And finally, I could see... A slice of ham with maple glazed syrup? Huh, that explains it, right you two? What do you think? They say, "let's give it a try!" You're right, one bite won't hurt...🙂
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8th to 12th Image(s): ↑
• Here's my first bite of the "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich", and the result was... Ruined. 😕 It's like a female crispy chicken patty married to an unexpected male fiesta ham. And a month later, they're starting to argue with each other. Or putting a pineapple chunk on our cheesy melt fiesta ham pizza, and ruining it. But, I digress. That sums up my experience as another Mickey D's meal, and not the good kind. Hey, you two. Want a bite? Panini's response was "No thanks", whereas Chowder's response was "Would I?". Go ahead, please. He took a bite, and he unexpectedly tasted it. 😕
• A chicken sandwich with a slice of fiesta ham & maple glazed syrup is nothing more than a concept stage. Honestly, this is worst than a slice of pineapple slapped onto cheeseburger (that's actually pretty good though), or maybe the "Hula Burger" in the 60s.🤢 Does anyone out there trying to get bites on the "McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich"? Not. 😒👎 The ala carte price of ₱ 122 ($2) is more like ₱ 62 ($1). Thank goodness, I didn't include drink & their world-famous fries. But, if I choose the main burger along with two aforementioned add-ons, then the McSpicy sandwich (or any of their best-selling premium McBurgers at Mcdo PH) is worth my buck than the utterly failed ham & crispy chicken sandwich (that nobody asked for). Should I recommend the McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich? Nah, only curiosity... 🤷😐
Well, that’s all for now, If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste: • Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
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Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King https://www.merchant-business.com/ranked-cheapest-cheeseburgers-at-mcdonalds-wendys-and-burger-king-2/?feed_id=28924&_unique_id=66659cd2e98c3 Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Burger King’s classic cheeseburger had the most flavorful burger and bun.Erin McDowell/Business Insider; NYC Russ/Shutterstock; Savvapanf Photo/Shutterstock; rafapress/Shutterstock I tried the cheapest cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s.They all cost around $3, excluding tax.I thought Burger King’s cheeseburger was the most flavorful and best value.The price of the fast-food burger has risen over the years.Average fast-food menu prices have risen between 39% and 100% since 2014, and McDonald’s prices have doubled in those 10 years, according to a May report by FinanceBuzz.Rising fast food prices are due to factors including inflation and increased labor costs, but the classic cheeseburger remains one of the cheapest menu items at most fast-food chains.I decided to order the cheapest cheeseburgers at the three biggest burger chains — McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s — to determine which one is worth your money.They all came with the same classic ingredients: a single beef patty, one slice of cheese, and ketchup.However, there was a clear winner in terms of taste and value.Here are the cheapest cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King, ranked from worst to best.I found the burger to be flavorful and well-balanced. Wendy’s junior cheeseburger.Erin McDowell/Business Insider All of the ingredients, from the burger patty to the cheese and the thick slice of onion, really amplified the flavor of this palm-sized burger.The bun held up well, and I thought all the ingredients made this burger worth $3.74, which was the highest price of the three burgers.However, it still wasn’t my favorite, or the most flavorful, cheeseburger.The cheese was thick and perfectly melted onto the burger patty, something I didn’t experience with the burgers from McDonald’s and Wendy’s. Burger King cheeseburger.Erin McDowell/Business Insider The sesame-seed bun also added a lot of flavor — something I didn’t get from the classic toasted buns at the other two chains.However, the standout star of this burger was the patty itself.The flame-grilled burger had a strong, smoky flavor that didn’t overpower the other ingredients and was complemented perfectly by the ketchup and mustard.Not only was this burger the most flavorful, but it was also the best value — at $2.59, it was the cheapest burger I tried.Source link Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King #Ranked #Cheapest #Cheeseburgers #McDonalds #Wendys #Burger #KingSource link Google News Source Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/review-cheapest-cheeseburgers-fast-food-mcdonalds-wendys-burger-king-2024-6?ampRanked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King:Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Burger King’s classic ch… Global
0 notes
blogbusinesswebsite · 9 hours
Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King - #Global https://www.merchant-business.com/ranked-cheapest-cheeseburgers-at-mcdonalds-wendys-and-burger-king-2/?feed_id=28923&_unique_id=66659cd232bea Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Burger King’s classic cheeseburger had the most flavorful burger and bun.Erin McDowell/Business Insider; NYC Russ/Shutterstock; Savvapanf Photo/Shutterstock; rafapress/Shutterstock I tried the cheapest cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s.They all cost around $3, excluding tax.I thought Burger King’s cheeseburger was the most flavorful and best value.The price of the fast-food burger has risen over the years.Average fast-food menu prices have risen between 39% and 100% since 2014, and McDonald’s prices have doubled in those 10 years, according to a May report by FinanceBuzz.Rising fast food prices are due to factors including inflation and increased labor costs, but the classic cheeseburger remains one of the cheapest menu items at most fast-food chains.I decided to order the cheapest cheeseburgers at the three biggest burger chains — McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s — to determine which one is worth your money.They all came with the same classic ingredients: a single beef patty, one slice of cheese, and ketchup.However, there was a clear winner in terms of taste and value.Here are the cheapest cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King, ranked from worst to best.I found the burger to be flavorful and well-balanced. Wendy’s junior cheeseburger.Erin McDowell/Business Insider All of the ingredients, from the burger patty to the cheese and the thick slice of onion, really amplified the flavor of this palm-sized burger.The bun held up well, and I thought all the ingredients made this burger worth $3.74, which was the highest price of the three burgers.However, it still wasn’t my favorite, or the most flavorful, cheeseburger.The cheese was thick and perfectly melted onto the burger patty, something I didn’t experience with the burgers from McDonald’s and Wendy’s. Burger King cheeseburger.Erin McDowell/Business Insider The sesame-seed bun also added a lot of flavor — something I didn’t get from the classic toasted buns at the other two chains.However, the standout star of this burger was the patty itself.The flame-grilled burger had a strong, smoky flavor that didn’t overpower the other ingredients and was complemented perfectly by the ketchup and mustard.Not only was this burger the most flavorful, but it was also the best value — at $2.59, it was the cheapest burger I tried.Source link Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King #Ranked #Cheapest #Cheeseburgers #McDonalds #Wendys #Burger #KingSource link Google News Source Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/review-cheapest-cheeseburgers-fast-food-mcdonalds-wendys-burger-king-2024-6?ampRanked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King:Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Burger King’s classic ch… Global BLOGGER - #Global
0 notes
merchant-business · 9 hours
Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King https://www.merchant-business.com/ranked-cheapest-cheeseburgers-at-mcdonalds-wendys-and-burger-king-2/?feed_id=28922&_unique_id=66659cd19d1be Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald's, Wendy's, and Burger King Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Burger King’s classic cheeseburger had the most flavorful burger and bun.Erin McDowell/Business Insider; NYC Russ/Shutterstock; Savvapanf Photo/Shutterstock; rafapress/Shutterstock I tried the cheapest cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s.They all cost around $3, excluding tax.I thought Burger King’s cheeseburger was the most flavorful and best value.The price of the fast-food burger has risen over the years.Average fast-food menu prices have risen between 39% and 100% since 2014, and McDonald’s prices have doubled in those 10 years, according to a May report by FinanceBuzz.Rising fast food prices are due to factors including inflation and increased labor costs, but the classic cheeseburger remains one of the cheapest menu items at most fast-food chains.I decided to order the cheapest cheeseburgers at the three biggest burger chains — McDonald’s, Burger King, and Wendy’s — to determine which one is worth your money.They all came with the same classic ingredients: a single beef patty, one slice of cheese, and ketchup.However, there was a clear winner in terms of taste and value.Here are the cheapest cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King, ranked from worst to best.I found the burger to be flavorful and well-balanced. Wendy’s junior cheeseburger.Erin McDowell/Business Insider All of the ingredients, from the burger patty to the cheese and the thick slice of onion, really amplified the flavor of this palm-sized burger.The bun held up well, and I thought all the ingredients made this burger worth $3.74, which was the highest price of the three burgers.However, it still wasn’t my favorite, or the most flavorful, cheeseburger.The cheese was thick and perfectly melted onto the burger patty, something I didn’t experience with the burgers from McDonald’s and Wendy’s. Burger King cheeseburger.Erin McDowell/Business Insider The sesame-seed bun also added a lot of flavor — something I didn’t get from the classic toasted buns at the other two chains.However, the standout star of this burger was the patty itself.The flame-grilled burger had a strong, smoky flavor that didn’t overpower the other ingredients and was complemented perfectly by the ketchup and mustard.Not only was this burger the most flavorful, but it was also the best value — at $2.59, it was the cheapest burger I tried.Source link Ranked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King #Ranked #Cheapest #Cheeseburgers #McDonalds #Wendys #Burger #KingSource link Google News Source Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/review-cheapest-cheeseburgers-fast-food-mcdonalds-wendys-burger-king-2024-6?ampRanked: Cheapest Cheeseburgers at McDonald’s, Wendy’s, and Burger King:Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Burger King’s classic ch…
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ajoytobeheld · 8 months
Food review - Lollapalooza 08/08/09
August 16th, 2009
So my aim of getting people to buy me food for me to review has sort  of paid off. We were asked by the people at The Cheeseburger Show to  help them review burgers! We were given two different types if burgers from the same Chicago  joint. We tried the vegetarian burger first which was made from rice &  beets. It was a chunky veggie burger, normally the patty is pretty  thin, but this felt meaty. You could see the grains of rice & it had a  sweet taste from the beets. The bun was a nice texture & a nice size;  you knew you were eating a burger. There was plenty of filling in it  as well. Unfortunately it had been hanging around for a while so it  had gone a bit soggy.
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The meat burger had the texture of a real burger, not the texture of a  McDonald's burger. With them you might as well eat a bit of soggy  cardboard! You could really taste the meat with underlying flavours of  onion & pepper. Biteing into it caused the filling to start running  down my hands. I don't know why but getting mucky hands seems to be  part of an enjoyable burger experience. The downfall of the burger was  that there was so much extras in there that at times I felt like I was  eating a salad sandwich rather than a burger. I like my meat!
But they were very good burgers. We agreed that the veggie was one of  the best we'd had. Best burger in the USA, well it is a contender,  perhaps a burger special is needed? I'm sure members of Team LC! will  be more than willing.
Last time we played Lollapalooza, I never really got to experience the  catering, I think there was too much free Bud going about. This time I  made sure I tried it. They had a massive selection of salad from  lettuce to olives to peppers. Salad is always a nice thing at  festivals where it is hot. I had some pesto chicken which was tender  but not that pestoie. I had some oregano potatoes which were soft with  slightly crispy skins. There were plenty of other dishes, & everything  was labelled whether it was suitable for vegans & vegetarians.  Unfortunately I couldn't taste everything as Animal Collective were  playing, & I wanted to see them.
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townpalm90 · 2 years
Obituary Writing - Four Reasons Why You Should Write Your Own Obituary
funeral programs funeral programs funeral programs
funeral programs Before you get yourself started on a new method lose weight, it is advisable to do an autopsy on your previous diets that didn't work out. You ought to find out why those diets did not work for the customer. What was it about them that triggered you start off eating more then you needed again? We like to think of ourselves as a melting pot society however the reality is that we are far from being homogenous. Granted several many similarities but lucrative also many significant variance. This is particularly true when it appears to the best way a family works with the death experience. While are usually several definite benefits to obtaining an autopsy, is always fraught with the choice that the defense may have gained useful information the following against as well as your family during a wrongful death case. Mentioned that, is actually very usually good have an autopsy. Reasons? To determine the precise cause of death. Whenever you have confirmed the exact cause of death, daily work backwards and assess if this the slow-growing cancer or fast-growing cancer. Distinction is significant and often times will be the difference between a valid malpractice case or one has no merit. The tissue samples from Markov's thighs were exposed to top-secret chemical defence establishment at Porton Down to get more examination. Doctor David Gall was remarkable Britain's highest authorities on poisons and nerve agents and he was invest charge among the investigation at Porton Down. While examining the samples, even he almost missed the one clue towards cause of Markov's disaster. It was only by sheer luck that he didn't. The very first thing you ought to do is send the birthday invitations formatted like an obituary. A cheesy grayscale white picture of a younger version of the decedent adds a touch of legitimacy to the document. Content articles or 1 of your cronies have a flair for creative offering this can thought to be very warm and funny tribute, as well as a keepsake for all attendees.
The first baby boomers just turned 65 presently there are 76 million more on their course of action. It's going to take 20 years for this wave to pass through the funeral home industry.
Sometimes customers have unusual verbal requests. When my uncle died, From the him saying he had to be buried with a McDonald's cheeseburger, a small carton of buttermilk, will cost seventeen dollars of Budweiser beer, alongside can of Copenhagen tobacco dip. His wishes were verified by funeral director's notes, i carried out his needs ,. Verbal wishes have their place, way too. Remember them, discovered that easily be forgotten. Also, remember that they too, can be written within your will or trust files. Beware of websites pretending staying funeral homes, or websites acting like funeral home guides are generally selling wedding flowers. These sites are not of this particular funeral homes they pretend to be and i would not recommend dealing with them.
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ashmitabadoni · 2 years
Ten best snacking options in India
Craving for a quick snack? Gol-gappa time? Maybe not because we have just emerged from a pandemic and hygiene is foremost on everyone's minds.  I asked  my 10-year old cousin and he too said that he's allowed to snack at 'proper shops' only. Thankfully, there are enough brands in India to satisfy every mood and craving.   Here are my top ten choices.
10. Dunkin Donuts
My search for a classic donut and bun maska came to a pause when I tried at Dunkin Donuts at Dehradun. The brand launched its first store in India in April 2012 in New Delhi, offering a wide variety of donuts, beverages, and baked products.
9. Haldirams
A good weekend to me is having my favorite chole-bhature and rasmalai at Haldirams. A common household name over years, Haldirams was founded in 1937 as a retail sweets and namkeen shop in Rajasthan. Some of the items include Soan Papdi, Cookies, and Pani Puri, among others. Haldiram restaurants can be found in nearly every city.
8. KFC
A couple of years ago, my best friend and I went to try a zinger box at KFC. We were not sure how it was going to taste, but even today,  whenever we meet we make sure to have a taste of it. Their menu includes Hot & Crispy Chicken, Fiery Grilled Bucket, Chicken Zinger, Krushers, Rice Bowlz, and 5-in-1 Meal Box among others; they also offer a vegetarian menu.
7. Barista
Espresso Italiano is my second favorite brew after filter coffee.  Founded in 2000, it has over 275+ espresso bars all over India. The second-largest coffee chain in India after Cafe Coffee Day,  it delivers an Italian coffee experience in a relaxed environment; try the non-milk versions as well.
6. Burger King
Just before I turned 20, I tried Burger King’s veg wraps, which were an absolute revelation. Launched in 2014 in India, the Brand offers a mouth-watering range of burgers and meals. My most favorite items of the brand are veg whopper, wrap, king paneer melt burger, among others.
5. Pizza Hut
My sister loves pizza and tries new restaurants every month to explore what's new; however, her constant dine-in place for years has been Pizza Hut. Famous for its Italian-American cuisine, it serves pizza, pasta, side dishes, and desserts. Our favorites are the country feast, paneer soya supreme and tandoori paneer. Recently, we also tried  the new Momo Mia Pizza- keep the innovation going guys!
4. JumboKing
I was pleasantly surprised when I visited Delhi Metro and found a JumboKing store. All my friends from Mumbai had been talking about it and when I finally tried its Nachos Burger, I found it worth the hype. Launched in 2001 in Mumbai, it is regarded as one of the biggest vegetarian QSR players in India and offers a variety of Indian burgers, wraps, shakes, flavors such as Nachos, Macaroni, and Cheeseburger, Spicy Mexican.
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3. Subway
I’ve never been a fan of ‘healthy’ sandwiches (who wants health if mom's not around!). But Subway’s veggie delight is something I think everyone should try. A ‘go-to’ place for people who crave a sandwich, it sells submarine sandwiches, salads, and beverages. The Signature wrap is also an amazing choice.
2. Dominos-
I remember knowing Dominos from its famous 30-minute express delivery, long before Zomato and Swiggy were in the game. My favorite pizzas from the brand are  Farmhouse with cheese burst, peppy paneer, and double cheese Margherita among others. Also, they keep providing exciting offers throughout the year. So much so, that it has become synonymous with home delivery.
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1. McDonald's
McDonalds has been around forever; and Indians call it MacD for some reason. I have lost count of the number of times a friend has said, "lets meet at MacD." Famous for its burgers and fries, their menu includes wraps, desserts, chicken products, milkshakes, and breakfast items. McAloo Tikki Burger, Dosa Masala Burger and the Veg Maharaja Mac, are some of my  favorite items on their menu.
That was my list. How many of you think we need a gol gappa brand! Or that I missed some good options in the list. Drop a line in the comments section.
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brelione · 4 years
Road Trip (Rafe,Kelce,Topper X Reader)
Takes Place before The Best Boys
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Arguing over who gets to play music
Merging all your playlists together and putting it on shuffle.That means going from the Moana soundtrack to Good Girls Bad Guys real quick
The ending location is Kelce’s lake house in Maine
Swapping spots in the car at every stop (Mostly stops demanded by Topper who just wants a slushie from every state)
Rafe driving when you guys first take off,letting you hold his hand
After the third snack stop you sawp to sit in the back with Topper,Kelce going into the passengers seat.You and Topper would watch Finding Nemo together and you werent wearing your seatbelt,leaning against him.
You used your polaroid camera so often,snapping pictures of Kelce whenever you could,even getting some of Rafe driving.
“OOH!MCDONALDS!PLEASE!”Kelce shouted over the music,Rafe glancing at you through the mirror,asking you silently. “Dont look at me!Get the poor boy some McDonalds!”You exclaimed,Kelce fistbumping you as Rafe pulled up to the McDonalds,not quite at the microphone. “Okay,we’re about to go throught the drive thru.Does everyone know what they want?”He asked,sick of Topper never knowing what he was doing.The three of you nodded,the boys ordering cheeseburgers,large fries,McFlurries and a yogurt parfait to “stay fit”.Rafe looked over to you,asking what you wanted. “Just a caramel iced coffee and a happy meal please.”You smiled,still having food from the gas stations.
Kelce was only allowed to drive during daytime because he has terrible eyesight
“Fuck-they forgot my happy meal toy!”You exclaimed,disappointed.The second Rafe saw another McDonalds he pulled up to the drive thu,asking for a cheeseburger happy meal,checking it for a toy after the worker handed it to him,letting out a relieved sigh. “Thats a good one,too.It looks like a Marvel person.”He handed it back to you.
At four in the morning the four of you were looking for a hotel to stay the night in,Topper driving this time around.Rafe noticed you go pretty much limp in his arms,your phone slowly falling from your hands and onto your stomach.He grinned,whispering to Topper and Kelce to turn down the music.
When they finally did find a hotel you guys were somewhere in Pennsylvania,getting a room with two beds and a pull out couch.
You were pretty tired,falling asleep on one of the beds immediately while the boys went to the vending machines,Kelce looking for something other than an energy drink for you to take your vitamins with.He had come back with an apple juice,grabbing your pills from the backpack you chose to bring inside,waking you up. “Hey,princess.You gotta take your vitamins then you can go to sleep.”He grinned,placing your pills into your palm,opening the bottle of apple juice.
Rafe was too tall for the beds,ending up on the pull out couch while old Mickey Mouse cartoons played on the tv.
You were clinging to Kelce when you woke up.He was scrolling through his phone,his arm at a strange angle so he wouldnt accidentally hit you. “Morning.”He grinned,setting his phone down,moving his other arm so you could sit up. You rubbed your eyes,yawning.The shower was running and Kelce had told you that Topper went to go get coffee.At some point you had fallen back asleep,face pressed into the cold pillow when an iced coffee was placed on the table next to you.You heard the shower turn off,Rafe emerging with a towel around his waist,hunting for his backpack.You blinked a few times,thinking that he was naked for a second. “Can we stay here for the day?Im tired of being in the truck.”You grumbled,reaching for the coffee and stirring the sugar and caramel syrup that was stuck at the bottom.Topper nodded in agreement,glad to finally stretch out his legs. “Yeah,yeah okay.”Rafe nodded,sitting on the pull out,watching the tv,glancing to you and Kelce every once in a while.He heard his phone ring,heart dropping when he saw that it was Ward. “I’ll be right back.”He told you guys,accepting the call.He paced up and down the hall as Ward demanded to know where he was. “I told you for the past three weeks I was going on a trip with (Y/N) and the boys.”He answered,biting his lip. “I dont remember that.”Ward grumbled. “Its cause you dont listen to me.”Rafe answered,hanging up and turning off his ringer,huffing as he leaned his head against the wall.You came out shortly after,sweatpants and Kelce’s baggy shirt on your body. “Hey,you okay?”You asked.He nodded,sniffling.You didnt say anything else,hugging him.His arms were tight around you,kissing your forehead,eyes closing as he calmed down. “He’s so bitchy.”Rafe whispered,voice shaky.You nodded,pressing a kiss to his collarbone. “I know,I know he is.But this is a fun little trip we’re having,right?”You asked,looking up at him.He nodded,his smile slowly coming back. “Right,so lets enjoy it.Lets go eat shit and watch stupid movies,i’ll even let you pick the movie.Even though its my turn-dont forget its my turn next time.”You grinned,tapping the tip of his nose.He chuckled,letting you drag him into the hotel room,sitting next to him on the bed.Topper had taken your polaroid camera from your bag,waiting for a good time to take a photo.Your arms were around Rafe,his head under your chin as he scrolled through the movies. “Isnt it (Y/N)’s turn to pick the movie?”Topper asked.You shrugged,not wanting to go into details.Rafe eventually picked a movie called ‘Shark Night’,a grin on his face knowing it would probably disturb you.You were on your phone most of the movie,a smile on your face as Rafe moved his face up so he could take a photo with you on snapchat,blue butterflies on his cheeks.You were oblivious to the fact of Topper taking a polaroid photo.It didnt matter how much it hurt him to see you and Rafe cuddling like a cute couple,you looked happy.He wanted to capture your genuine happiness in a photo,keeping the polaroid for himself.
Rafe had managed to stay clean for a bit of the trip,eventually doing a line in the hotel bathroom,pinching his nostrils so he wouldnt get a nose bleed.
Topper had went to go get you some fruit at a nearby grocery store,figuring that you’d be more comfortable eating something healthy.
He was right,watfching your happiness increase,loosening up as you ate a bowl of cherries and grapes.The second night at the hotel you slept next to-on top-of Topper,your arms around his shoulders and legs around his waist.
The morning of the third day you guys got back in the truck,enjoying The Descendants soundtrack,stopping at a beach to watch the sunset and have a small fire.
New york was a crazy experience,the place too crowded for you to really enjoy yourself.The four of you stayed at an apartment that Topper’s mother owned because of course she had to own a random apartment in the middle of New York.You showered at the apartment,the place so cold that you had to take Topper’s long sleeve shirt from him,shivering against him.
Thats when you chose to watch Z Nation,accidentally catching feelings for 10k.You had also gotten some of the best polaroids of Topper and Kelce,including two of Kelce eating a cookie the size of his head.In the first he was biting into it,the second he was glaring at the camera,realizing you had caught him.You also got a polaroid of Topper doing meditation,headphones on and sitting on the floor.The polaroids from that trip stayed in your mini backpack and away from the others just incase the boys ever wanted to look through your polaroid stacks.
The boys also got plenty of photos of you on their snapchat and around one hundred in their camerarolls if they were all put together.
Once you guys finally got to the lake house it was nothing but laughs,camp fires,kayaking and dancing around
You and Topper decided to bake a ton of sugar cookies and frost flowers and waves on them,most of it just looking like melted blobs of color but it was still fun to do.
Sitting on the large couch and binge watching disney princess films as you all ate the sugar cookies
“We love a bisexual bitch.”Kelce grinned at the television.You guys were currently watching Mulan,one of Kelce’s favorites. “He really puts the bi in bitch.”You agreed.
Campfires were fun,roasting marshmallows.Rafe being the dumb bitch he is burnt all of his,eating one that had ashes on it,gagging.
You and Rafe went kayaking in the lake but you were paranoid as hell from the movie you guys had watched,wanting to turn around when you guys got to the deeper part of the lake.He had laughed at you,agreeing.You guys decided to just sit on the sand,his hand on your thigh as you sighed,looking out at the clouds.
You guys stayed at the lake house for around ten days,not wanting to leave the cozy place. “We should move here.Like,can you imagine all of us living together?That would all be fucking chaos.”You laughed,eyes closed as you laid on your back with a pillow under your head.Topper blushed,glancing outside one of the windows. “I feel like it’d be fun.”Kelce shrugged,flipping through the channels. 
You and the boys had driven into town to the tourist shops,laughing about how you probably looked the same as the tourons in obx.You got a sweatshirt with the location on it along with a t shirt and a mug,a grin on your face when you saw Kelce looking at t shirts,figuring it would most likely end up on you more than it was on him.
The mornings were really fun,the air was cold and you could see your breath,the four of you drinking hot coffee outside and enjoying the sight of the water and the beautiful green trees.
Kelce had taken photos of plenty of leaves,claiming that they were ‘the chosen ones’
You guys found a farm stand,going and trying a ton of new things including a bottle of home made strawberry milk and dunking the leftover sugar cookies in it.
You guys even went to see a huge waterfall,Rafe doing a secret photo shoot of both the trees,the waterfall and you.
You found a really cool rock that was both shiny and green,giving it to Topper for his rock collection that only you knew about.
The drive back to North Carolina was kind of sad,missing the vibes of the house in the woods.You all decided to go back to your house and have a sleepover,not wanting to drive anymore than necessary.
“Can we get taco bell?”Kelce asked,half asleep against the window. “Bruh,I cant even think about food right now ill throw the fuck up.”You mumbled,reaching for his hand.It felt cold which was nice because you felt really warm for some reason,dragging him across the leather seat,enjoying how cold he was. “What are you doing?”He asked,not fighting it. “You feel cold.”You mumbled,clinging onto him.Rafe frowned,asking if you wanted him to turn the AC on higher.You nodded,enjoying the blasts of cool air.Luckily Kelce got his taco bell,eating only half of it before falling asleep.You felt the car pull into a gas station,Topper and Rafe swapping spots so Topper would be the one driving and pumping gas into the truck. “We’re almost there guys.”Topper told you and Kelce,the radio playing Billie Eilish quietly.When the truck stopped again you guys were at a motel,not far from the docks where you’d have to catch a ferry in the morning.Topper just carried you in,letting you sleep against him on the bed,only waking up to the alarm that had been set.
The ferry ride was a blur.Kelce’s silver car had been parked in his cousins garage,the four of you getting inside and driving right to your house,all of you going back to sleep in your living room.Poor Rafe didnt even make it onto the couch,falling asleep on your floor.You were all asleep until mid afternoon,Rafe having a slight sunburn on his nose,cheeks and forehead but not so bad that he needed aloe.Kelce was walking like a zombie,making coffees and hot pockets,serving them to you guys. “Shitting hell-you didnt take you vitamins last night.”He cursed,handing you the small fist full and grabbing you a water bottle. 
“dammit-we have to redo the whole trip!I forgot to get a slushie in every state.”Topper huffed. “Fuck dammit,bottom!” “Well who’s fault is that?Who’s is it?Not mine” “Maybe you shouldve driven the whole time!” Topper pouted,all of you attacking him at once.
“I made a cool edit though,you wanna see?”Kelce asked you guys,excited as he went into his cameraroll,not waiting for an answer.There were clips of you guys in the car,screaming the lyrics to the Ever After High theme song,the next clip of you and Rafe cuddling on the pull out mattress,weird filters on your faces.The next was Topper trying to get chips out of the vending machine,nearly getting his arm stuck. 
“Shut the hell up!Its almost my favorite part!”You shouted,shushing the boys as your favorite part of Rewrite The Stars came up.
 “Im going to catch this frog-im gonna do it.”You were determined,squatting over the long grass,staring down. “Shit-I lost it!”You laughed.
Topper tried to balance a sugar cookie on his nose,failing and losing it to the couch. “NO!THAT ONE HAD A SUNFLOWER ON IT!”He cried,searching desperately for it.The camera then moved to you and Rafe laughing then to Kelce,a smile on his face as he glanced down at the phone screen.
It was all funnier than it shoulve been since the theme song to little einsteins was playing the background,the video ending with a video of you and Rafe battling eachother with pool noodles,Topper shouting about fowl hits and how it was ‘illegal in the land of narnia’
“Wow,freaking photographer ass.”Topper chuckled,making Kelce shrugged. “I mean,I learn from the best.”He smiled at you.
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This blog still active?
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//TL;DR: Semi-active and a lurker more often than not. I ended up writing a fucklong essay as a response, lmao, so I’m just gonna tuck that under the Read Below.
I’m busier more often than not, and part of the inactivity with the Tiger blog is mostly because of the lack of a fuller Punch-Out!! community to interact with. I’ve tried reaching out to other fandoms, OCs, and even the Smash community, but each interaction felt so isolated and in a bubble that I end up burning my muse out quickly. This doubles when I use up prompts.
My RP style, I come to realize, works best with a thriving community that interacts with each other even if I’m absent, with constant storytelling that gives us motivations to meet up, catch up, solve problems, and feel alive. For the most part nowadays, you’ll find me RPing in WoW as a Storyteller, as not only can we RP in real time, but I can watch others interact and feel more of a community to merge into. Some years ago, the Punch-Out!! community had that--I was the resident Great Tiger, there were a handful of Macs, Joes, and Arans, we had a Don, we even had a Carmen. Folks would come to Tiger for shenanigans usually involving him being a shitlord showboat around them, or just for nice hangouts. Hell, some of the best interactions I’ve had often involved pushing Tiger into romance despite being asexual and averse to relationships, or when there was a story thread going on. Alas, not everyone can put the time and energy in RPing a thread like I do, and people run out of muse for good. And that’s perfectly fine and valid. Fads come and go, interests change, people outgrow, graduate, get work, get married, etc. Life moves on. I’m still in contact with some RP buddies and I still check out their blogs on Tumblr. Myself? I mostly lurk nowadays on other people’s RP blogs just to see how they’re doing because I still enjoy watching other people interact. And if I do actually RP, it’s likely going to be on @peppy-pilot​, as the Star Fox community is still fairly thriving.
I can, however, be more active when there are people to be active with.... but frankly, I can’t RP in an isolated bubble via one-on-one threads anymore. I need a community. I want to sit at tables and watch my colleagues talk about their recent date gone back. I want to have a poker game wherein we all yell on top of our lungs over who is cheating or not. I want casual hangouts in the gym where we throw barbs at each other while sparring or just exercising. And no, I’m not talking ships and coffee dates and happy endings AU where nobody is anyone’s enemy--they feel obviously constructed, lifeless, inorganic, and frankly, boring. Most RP I see within Tumblr (so not just Punch-Out!!) are very heavily involved shipping, interactive fix-fics, and isolated incidents that go nowhere, especially AUs where continuity doesn’t matter. I’m not slamming on those who enjoy them, though. You do you. And I did enjoy them for a time. But when that is all I have for RP, then I lost interest fast as I am taken out of the element wherein I join the RP to begin with: living the life of an Indian boxer capable of magic.
There is also the fact that few people will put as much effort into how I RP and it frustrates me. I have nothing--absolutely nothing--against people who only want short, sweet, shitposty funtimes; they’re fun too. But sometimes I want something well meaning that brings genuine character development. And sometimes... people don’t care about Tiger being more than a magical handsome Hindi-speaking boxer in a turban. And that’s fine--because in the end, in Nintendo canon, that’s all he really is. Sadly, past experiences with some RP here often don’t try to explore the humanity in our interactions beyond ships and other superficial scenarios. It gets tiring. 
And the same applies with my partners as well. If I’m going to interact with a Don Flamenco or an Aran Ryan, for instance, I don’t just want our interactions entirely be about Carmen, potatoes, and cheeseburgers. Give me a peek into Don’s life under Francisco Franco, or what Aran thinks about the Troubles. Give me Don’s opinions of Spain’s historical fascination of France and how it shaped Madrid today. Give me Aran’s thoughts on why he’s speaking English when he could be speaking Gaelic. No? Too hard? Too much history? Too much research to do? You just want to focus RP and interactions with Don using eyeliner and Aran having McDonald’s? Fine, go ahead, you can have your fun, I give you my blessings. But know that, in contrast, it’ll feel like my countless, countless hours of researching Sikh and Mumbaikar culture, hand and head gestures, understandings of the English language, fashion, Mumbai’s city demographics and layouts, the impact of the 1984 Sikh Massacre, and making Great Tiger a living and breathing person beyond memes would be absolutely complete waste of time.
I am not dissuading anyone from interacting with me if all you want to do is silly fun shitposty shenanigans. Those are fun, we can do it. But I will be absolutely upright and upfront in that I might get bored with that quickly, and if you panic at the idea of trying to keep up with me, just so you can have quality Great Tiger interactions, stop right there. It’s just roleplay. It’s supposed to be fun. And I am not your be-all-end-all person for all your Great Tiger needs. Don’t force yourself into something you will not enjoy. I will never forget about the time I have accidentally discouraged people from roleplay because I took the moment to tell someone that you should not mistaken turban-wearing Indians for Muslims. I am fully aware I intimidate people, but that is mostly because I’m a culture/history nerd who has been reading, writing, and creating since the 90s. I just have more experience under my belt and my RP needs are a reflection of that. If you’re absolutely new, hit me up. If you’re also experienced and want to try me out, go for it and send me an Ask or tag me in a post! If we’re not compatible, we’re not compatible, but at least we gave it a try. Discord is also an option (and a far better medium for private one-on-one RPs than Tumblr), and if you like WoW and are able to join a private server, I’m available on Freedom. As of this writing we’re currently on Legion in the Suramar arc and my main characters are a couple of draenei twins and an orc.
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heathendolan · 5 years
I Couldn’t Be More in Love [E.D]
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Summary: Ethan’s not about cliches, he swears, but he has the feeling he might just die if he doesn’t tell you how he feels during your last senior prom slow dance.
Warnings: nothing but like I’m very sorry for the cheesy picture BUT LOOK HOW CUTE
Author’s Note: just a lil something I couldn’t get out of my head, it’s cheesy, it’s lame, it’s short, and it’s nothing special but my prom is next weekend and like c’mon how perfect would this be. just stopping by, hope you’re all doing fantastic!! love you all, and photo credits to popstyledolan (?? i’m not sure if this is instagram or twitter or tumblr, lmk if you guys know and i’ll add a link!!) ALSO like isn’t this song such a prom song I FEEL LIKE IT IS 
Word Count: 2.6K+ || masterlist
Ethan had a gut full of fruit punch (spiked--thank you Casey Fraiser) and a head full of fuzz; what's a guy gotta do to get you for a slow dance?
He's slumped on the third row of the high school gymnasium's wooden, creaky bleachers, both hands threaded in the messy, over-gelled locks on his head, his foot tapping a mile a minute. And he should really be out there next to Grayson, whooping and hollering to the ancient Lil Jon song echoing out of the low budget DJ's rusted speakers, but he just can't stop thinking about you, okay? And this isn't new, and that's what's getting old.
He just wants one slow dance. Or two. Or three, or four, or ninety. It's the only time he gets the excuse to hold you close and make a fool of himself and not have to apologize once. He always does everything in his power to deprive the mood of romanticism, though.
Because this isn't the first or even the second dance he's spent beating himself up over you. No, this has become a tradition over the years; Ethan says something like, 'Hey, let's go together to the dance, just as friends, cause I don't want to waste my time begging some chick that's probably out of my league when I can take my best friend and have a way better time' (romantic, he knows), you guys suit up in your best homecoming, snowball, or prom attire, and spend the night together.
As just friends. 
Ethan's made that super clear to you; Just Friends. Every single dance is Just Friends. And it's started to make less and less sense over the years, why he wouldn't go with Molly Kozial even though he'd been talking to her right up until promposals started getting popular again in March. 
"Molly's a lot of work," he had said through a mouthful of fries, his feet kicked up on his dash in the parking lot of the McDonald's you guys went to all the time. "What's the good in going out, spending a shit ton of money on candy or whatever, getting all nervous to ask her, and having the drama of it the next day in school when I can just go with you? Easy as pie."
Right, you had thought. Cause I'm definitely not worth the time, or the candy, or the drama. Ethan had made that very clear by the eighth time he'd taken you to a dance. 
It's not like you were going to bother yourself with the pain of his backhanded rejection; this was your senior prom. Just Friends is what you needed right before heading off to college--no need to invest yourself in some guy who'd inevitably break your heart by the end of summer. 
"Yeah alright," you'd said, slurping a thick gulp of milkshake. "But I think I want to wear white this year and-"
"Nooo, everybody's going to say we're getting married," Ethan whined reflexively, his head flopping against his car seat and a pout on his lips. 
"Deal with it," you shrugged. "That's what you get for your lack of, uh, chivalry?" 
Ethan shot a glare your way. "Chivalry?" he asked through a bite of his cheeseburger. "I hav' pl'nty 'f chivalry." 
"Right," you snorted, yanking the burger out of his hand and taking the biggest bite you could. 
So you'd announced it oh-so-inanimately to your friend group at lunch the following day, ignored their pointed smirks and knowing glances, and searched for a prom dress worthy of your bank account. And it was fun! God, it was fun, it was always fun going with Ethan and your friends, but...
Well, but you wanted to feel wanted. You wanted that whole experience, getting asked with roses, being slow danced with and held tight. Ethan unfailingly went overboard on slow dances every year; he shouted the lyrics to the songs off key, spun you around dramatically, made fun of all the surrounding couples--just sucked any bit of romance out of it. Cause you guys were Just Friends. 
And that was fine, but it wasn't perfect.
You looked around and saw him stuck up in the bleachers, his hair disheveled and his face pale where it hung. He looked awful--he looked sick. You stopped grinding on your best friend Courtney for a split second to examine him more properly. 
Ethan did feel sick. He thought he was going to throw up thinking about what he was about to do. 
Should he? Should he really expose himself like this, at a school dance of all places? Didn't you deserve better than that? You deserved a fun, drama-free night full of shitty 2000's music and even shittier spiked punch--the staples of a good prom. You deserved a bed of roses and chocolate truffles in those heart packages and a million other cliches. You deserved more than Ethan. 
But it's May now, Ethan realizes. Realizes he's got exactly 24 days until graduation, and then only three months until college begins and you two split about half an hour apart. It's May and how much longer does he really have anyway? What if you died tomorrow? Ethan's heart actually sinks at the mere thought.
He looks up to see you frowning at him half a gym away, your hair dolled up all pretty, your face caked with all the make you don't need but love so much. You look spectacular in your dress, obviously. Ethan knows there's no way in fucking hell he can't do this tonight, cliches be damned.
And now, now Ethan's made a promise to himself--he's gonna tell you how he feels--and it feels like torture. He has the heaviest, most leaden bit of dread sunken in his stomach. And yet, he's gotta do this. He's just gotta. 
You've started trekking towards him--wobbling like a newborn colt in those heels you forced yourself to wear--when the DJ says with the stalest of voices, "Alright everybody, we're going to slow things down a bit..."
It's a song Ethan would never know off the top of his head if he hadn't heard you singing it in the shower one time when he'd come over. He can still hear your voice--less than angelic, he will admit--wailing the lyrics of I Couldn't Be More In Love by the 1975. Rasp and cracks aside, the memory still makes his knees weak, even weaker than they are now, rising despite the butterflies in his belly begging him to sit back down. You halt where you are and gaze up at the rafters of the gym once you realize what song's playing, and Ethan can see the faint smile on your lips even in the lowlight and beams of disco glitter. He thinks he just might faint. 
By the time he gets to you, he can hear his own pulse, can feel it too in the expanse of his neck and planes of his chest. His hands are clammy—no, clammy hardly covers it. He might just sweat through his dress shirt; luckily, he discarded the vest and dinner coat awhile ago. You're still grinning up at the ceiling and Ethan wonders if he should just run while he still has the chance. 
But he doesn't, of course he doesn't, because he has to do this. So, he taps you on the shoulder gently, the most gentle he's probably ever been with you, and swallows the lump of fear in his throat. You look at him and grin, all teeth, and mumble, "I love this song."
"I know you do," Ethan blurts too quick, his words strangled. Slowly, he slides a hand down the length of your waist and wraps his palm there and takes your hand in the other. Then, the two of you realize that that just won't work, so he chuckles and pulls you in close, tight, fits you between his arms with his wrists dangling over each other behind your back. You slip your arms around his neck and it feels different this time, much different, and you wonder when Ethan grew up without you noticing. 
"How'd you know?" you ask after a beat, a quirk in your brow. 
Ethan pinches his eyes shut, cursing under his breath. "Uh..." he begins, swallowing thickly, "heard you sing it in the shower one time..."
He knows there are better ways to explain that, but he can't figure out any bit of the English language right now, not with you pressed against him naturally, like you could slow dance with him forever. He prays to god you can't feel his heartbeat against your cheek. 
"Oh my god, tell me you're kidding," you groan, heat licking at the back of your neck. You bang your head against the bone of his shoulder, humiliated beyond repair. "I have the worst voice and you know that."
Ethan shakes his head right away, his hold on you tightening just a little. This is so foreign, Ethan being... God, if you didn't know any better, you'd almost say Ethan was nervous. 
"That's okay, I like your voice," he squeaks. 
You stiffen against him and then realize he can't possibly be serious, so you giggle in his ear. "E, stop sucking up to me, we're already best friends." 
Ethan knows he has to do it now, now. He lets out a shaky breath and squeezes his eyes shut tight, counting back from ten. 
But what about these feelings I've got? I couldn't be more in love.
By the end of that line, Ethan decides he must spit it out. "I know, and I hate it." 
He hears your breath hitch in his ear, feels you tense and pull back from his chest, warmth disappearing from your body and your personality. Ethan knows he has to keep going when a look of pure heartbreak splits on your face. 
"I-I don't like being best friends. Well- no, I love being best friends, but I don't- I- I don't like being just best friends, okay? I don't like pretending and I've spent the past four years pretending," Ethan breathes, his whole body shaking. 
You've caught on by now, and your jaw's completely slack. It's a good thing Ethan's eyes are sealed shut--permanently, from what you can tell.
"No, I gotta say this," Ethan whines, his head falling forward. He presses his temple to yours, so close and intimate in a way you've never seen him, never felt him. The two of you are still swaying, slow and steady, blending in with the crowd of lovesick teenagers. And it's weird because it feels so personal, you feel so alone in your own little world of Ethan. You love it. "I fucking love you. And I'm not saying it in that way that we end our facetimes with, I mean that I really fucking love you. I'm- I'm in love with you," he chokes out, his voice crackling. He pauses for a beat and shakes his head. "That's not even right. I don't even know if there're words out there that can describe how I feel about you. And I know I'm an ass about a thousand percent of the time, but that's because you make my legs feel like jelly and my head feel like static. And usually, I can just ignore it--well, not ignore it, I can never ignore you--but usually I can, uh, push it down," he says. 
Ethan pulls back and looks down at you, his eyes round and doe-ish. His tongue darts out to lick his lips and he shakes his head again. "But not tonight. Not when you're looking like this and acting like you always do. I- I think I nearly passed out when I picked you up from your house," he says, squeezing his eyes shut once more.
You're absolutely gobsmacked. Amazed. Stupefied. Speechless. 
"And I get it, I'm shit at romantics and even worse with words, but I mean it. I'm so into you. And this might be surprising since I'm pretty good at pretending like you're a little sister to me-" Ethan pauses to scrunch his face up distastefully. "-but that couldn't be farther from the truth. I, um, I couldn't be more in love," he finishes, wincing at his cliche and the way he's echoing the chorus's lyrics. 
You think you might just cry with relief, staring up at him. He's looking at you like you've just saved the world, or aligned the stars, or waxed poetry; his eyes are soft but full of awe, a few inches from yours. And his lips are parted like he wants to say more, but Ethan's right, he's never been that good with words, not until now. Your hearts thundering, pounding, racing in your chest, swollen with love for Ethan Dolan. And you thought he ought to know it.
You giggle with disbelief and shake your head. Your head falls forward on his collarbone and he takes the opportunity to kiss the crown of your head, and you wonder if Ethan feels this inevitability, that there has always been a spark of tension between you, that just friends can't care as much as you two do and remain just friends, that he's got nothing to worry about. So you pull back, inch your lips forward, and check his expression for permission, but Ethan's already halfway there. 
You lean in, and press your lips to him softly, graze your fingers against the peak of his cheekbone. He's kissing you back like he's got all the time in the world to love you under the glow of these disco lights, in the mass of these slow dancing bodies, in the middle of your high school gym. His tongue glides along the split of your lips, hesitant but warm and wet and stomach-flipping, and you crack open your mouth with a giggle, slipping your fingers into his over-gelled hair. Ethan slides his tongue along tentatively along yours. He must notice your shudder and feel you press into him more firmly, more sure of yourself, because he does it again, leaving you dazed and crazed and desperate. You cradle his jaw between your palms and kiss him like you mean it, lost in the feeling of love and the tune of a love song.
Subliminally, your brain registers the snickers and whispers sounding around you, but you're too intoxicated by the reality of your constant daydreams to really acknowledge them. However, Grayson has other plans as he claps a hand--hard--on Ethan's back as the song draws to a close, startling the two of you and peeling you away from one another. 
"About fucking time, bro," Grayson snorts, his eyebrows lifted skyward and his smirk far too smug.
Your cheeks are burning as you glare at Grayson and the way he's chuckling along with your crew of friends. Ethan decides there's far too much space between you and yanks you back to him, ignorant to your stiffness. "Suck my dick," he snaps back, resting his chin on the crown of your head. After a beat of swaying still, as the sound of a song less heavy rolls in, Ethan says, "I think your lipstick is like, all over my mouth."
You snort. "How much gel did you put in your hair?"
Ethan scoffs and shakes his head, his chin rubbing over your hair. "No idea. Too much."
"It's all over my hands," you giggle, squeezing them in the air and cringing at the way they stick.
"It's all Grayson's fault, the bitch doesn't know how to do hair apparently." 
You chuckle and shake your head, so familiar with this side of Ethan it comes as no surprise. What does shock you is the way he keeps his arms tight around your waist, the way he slips a finger under your chin and tilts your face to his, and plants another kiss--albeit tongueless--on you in front of half the student body. If Grayson gags violently and Courtney attracts the attention of everyone with her obnoxious awe's, that's okay with you. You couldn't be more in love. 
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thisiswhymomworries · 5 years
Week Three: Pause
OK so the patches didn't work because it turns out I have a latex sensitivity so fuck me. I stopped taking them on the 1st, had a doctor's appointment on the 7th to get a new prescription, and just started taking AndroGEL today (the 8th)
When: 11/1/19 - 11/8/19 (started T on 10/18/19)
Testosterone: I WAS using Androderm, a daily patch that stays on for 24 hours; I am NOW using Androgel, a gel that you rub into your skin each morning
Dosage: Androgel 1% that delivers 50 mg per day, but it's also available in a stronger dose of 1.62%
Changes: Appetite fluctuation, acne cleared up
Yeah so this week was super sucky. The skin reactions to the patches got bad enough that I couldn't sleep well due to how much they itched, each red spot took 4-5 days to stop itching and reduce swelling, and I actually STILL have the red spots! They're not itching anymore, but I have six red blotches left over from the week of 10/26 - 11/1 when I stopped using the patches that haven't healed yet.
That being said, I would still recommend the patches to people who don't have a latex allergy / sensitivity. You can do a quick and dirty test of how sensitive your skin is by lightly scratching your nail over your forearm, and if that leaves a red trail, your skin is probably too sensitive. (this isn't meant to be Medical Advice(tm) just an example of how my skin reacts and how my doctor demonstrated that my skin produces too many histamines and therefore will react badly to latex being stuck on it for 24 hours)
I didn't have any *terrible* side effects from stopping T, but again. Very shitty week. Full breakdown of what changed, what using Androgel is like, and my weekly selfie below the cut!
So the biggest change here was my appetite. Immediately after quitting the patches, it dropped back down to previous levels, which meant I didn't really get hungry and had problems motivating myself to eat. On the other hand, like three days later, I got a random burst of Big Boy Appetite and ate a full large-sized McDonalds meal by myself plus a McFlurry, in comparison to typically eating ¾ of a cheeseburger, a medium fry, and no room for dessert
Very weird fluctuation, and I hope my appetite goes back to the new normal of getting hungry and eating like a normal person now that I'm back on T again
My acne cleared up a little, back to the beginning signs of just redness near common breakout spots. The giant pimple on my chin disappeared, which is kind of nice, if it weren't a sign my body lost all its testosterone 🙁
Not really any mood swings or issues with that, other than the situational stress and anxiety of forcing myself to stop wearing the patches before I gave myself a fucking chemical burn or something (each new place I put a patch had a worse reaction than the last one, and it was getting pretty bad), plus needing to go to yet ANOTHER doctor's appointment
This one was with a new doctor I hadn't seen before, so that was super stressful. Planned Parenthood was great, didn't misgender me, and the informed consent felt like a conversation. 10/10 would recommend
The clinic I went to this time was not that good. To be entirely fair, the nurse that spoke to me and kept misgendering me was a nurse subbing in for this doctor for the first time and hadn't seen my paperwork beforehand, and I also didn't have the courage to correct her, but also my doctor that damn well knew I'm trans ALSO misgendered me, soooo. Plus, on my paperwork, I'm listed as a female-to-male transsexual like this is the fucking 80s and no one understands the difference between gender and sexuality yet
Also, the "informed consent" part very much felt like I was auditioning instead of describing my own experiences. The way the doctor would interrupt me to ask a very specific question and go back to it if I didn't say what I felt like she expected me to say very much gave the impression she had an idea of the "right" responses and the "wrong" ones. Planned Parenthood did NOT give off that vibe and felt way more understanding and comfortable with me
So obviously, yeah, super stressed, anxious, and pissed off this last week, but I only had those thoughts/feelings when directly thinking about the T situation and it wasn't unduly difficult to handle. It felt like any other stressful situation I've been through, so I'm calling it that going off of T for one week didn't affect my mood too badly
Still! The doctor did give me a prescription for Androgel; same situation as last time with Walgreens not having that in stock and needing to order it, but getting it by the next morning. It also went through my insurance without any problems, AND Androgel is a lot cheaper. Like, shockingly so. I'm calling it "androgel" but I'm technically taking the generic version instead of that exact brand name, so that might have helped with the price, but it's only $15 with my insurance for 30 packets of the gel in comparison to $45 for 30 Androderm patches (or $95 for 60 of them)
OK so I'm using the version that comes in packet, not a pump like soap. The application sites are your upper arms, shoulders/back, and stomach. You will need ALL of them.
Wash your hands first to guarantee they're clean. Make sure you don't have any hangnails or papercuts. Slap a temporary bandage on that if you do, because the gel stings a little and probably shouldn't get into an open cut. Take off your shirt and your binder entirely. It's really difficult trying to rub it in underneath a binder, so completely bare chest is the way to go
The packets come with notches on each side at the top that are fairly easy to tear once you get one going. Don't put it in your mouth and try to tear it with your teeth! I didn't do this, but from how easily the gel squeezes out, I can still guarantee you'll end up with a mouthful of it
The gel itself has the consistency (and smell) of hand sanitizer. I decided the "application site" I wanted to use was my upper arms and foolishly did not take off my binder. There is WAY too much gel to just pick one spot, and it rubs in the way hand sanitizer does, not like lotion. So you'll be smearing it across a lot more skin than you expect before it absorbs in. I had to use both upper arms, my shoulders, along my back, AND still spread the last of it over my stomach
Like hand sanitizer, it's also very runny and slippery, so don't squeeze a line along your right arm and your left and expect them to stay there. I can personally attest it will start running and dripping down your arm as you frantically attempt to moisturize
Finally, wash your hands again—and this is super important! The gel had tried on my hands and it really didn't feel like there was that much left over, but as soon as I put my hands under the water, I could feel the gel. And it felt like actual thick gel and not just hand sanitizer. I had to wash my hands three times before the gel feeling went away. Think like when you rub cooking oil on your hands to spread out a pizza dough without it sticking. It felt like that
You may have noticed this is a way stronger dose than Androderm! I'll double-check on the patches when I get home, but I'm pretty sure their daily dose is 2 mg and I didn't get that wrong, while the Androgel package says they deliver 50 mg (through 5 g worth of gel). If the T changes come back faster or strong over the next week while I'm on this instead of the patches, I'll take note of that so people deciding between patch or gel can get a better idea of which one would work best for them :)
comparison selfies:
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gemstone-gynoid · 5 years
Team Fortress 2 has some of the best, most iconic shorts in video game history. I mean sure, in Halo you got good graphics, and in Overmunch you have two women in skin tight clothing fighting each other.. Not like I haven’t seen that before on the internet like a hundred times... (Pretty sure I have that book marked actually..) Meanwhile, in Team Fortress 2 animated shorts.. You got people pissin’ in jars, people’s heads getting blown off, looking into gaping holes in people’s bodies to see hell itself, and you see birds.. The last 50 years, the movies have starred the nine playable classes of Team Fortress 2, and Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite wearing glasses. The first film starts off with the main character: Pootis. Basically sitting down and telling us we’re in for a BuMpY RiDE and also if anyone touches his gun, they’ll be fined 35$ and he’ll come over to your house and punch your lights out if you know what I’m sayin’. This short reveals that Pooter is more than just a disproportionate russian guy, he’s actually an intellectual that can do advanced trigonometry as well as high level mathematical calculations that he often uses to contemplate the human race’s existence… BUT FUCK THAT he’s gonna shoot everyone with his big ol’ machine gun! Next up we meet Private Ryan, a loud guy with a bazooka who hires Michael J. Fox to follow him around on the battlefield to film him shootin’ people, which is historically known as the most gruesome war ever fought on TF2 soil. This guy’s crazy, he thinks his grenades are little dolls and makes up stories of them walkin’ around and.. Oh. Oh. Oh this game is rated M for mature guys don’t look at this. The movie ends with Ryan remembering this one epic time that he got a random crit and then taunted afterwards, and an unforeseen twist that no one saw coming; it turns out that who he was talking to the entire movie… Was all a bunch of severed heads. O MY GOD, I give Shaving Private Ryan; 5 bags of popcorn. Just an amazing film. In the sequel we’re introduced to my personal favorite character: Hardhat Jones. Ya know I love this guy because he plays guitar, and I LOVE GUITAR. Some of my favorite musics, have guitars in em’. Um he spent the entire video taking song requests from audience. “Play Stairway to Heaven!” “NO!” “REVER! REVER! REVER!” “SHUT THE FUCK UP!”. Little does the crowd know that Hardhat Jones doesn’t take requests, and he only plays songs from the greatest band of all time; Coheed and Cambria. Coheed and Cambria starts playing Next up we meet Pirate, he’s just an old salty dog. Always walkin’ around like “Why’s the rum gone?” and basically just lookin’ for that booty, “Arg! Ya know why they call me Pirate? ‘Cause I’ll make ye walk the plank!”. All of a sudden he sees his friends walk around the corner and he’s like “Oh no! I told Stacy I couldn’t go to the mall because I had to study for geometry!” So he books it out of there to avoid that late awkward moment but it’s too late. Stacy and the gang catches up to him and are all like “I thought you said you couldn’t go to the mall??” “MALL THIS FUCKERS!” and they ALL DIE because Pirate will literally kill people to get out of an awkward conversation. Next movie there’s this guy called Boston, who goes on an undercover secret mission to the enemy castle. Somehow dodging bullets from a sentry gun (despite them supposed to have perfect aim and tracking..) and then he wrestles Pootis for a baloney sandwich. Umm what happens next is a.. Spoiler alert if you haven’t seen The Adventures of Boston the Rise of the Quick Fast Boy Wonder!” I highly suggest you turn the video off now, so okay you have been warned. So in the end of the movie he gets the baloney sandwich. some Brookyln song? The short that came right after that one is about everyone’s favorite sitcom dad: William Cheese! Who drives around spyin’ on people undressing through their open windows like a big ol’ perv. When asked why he only looks at men undressing he’s like “I’m not gay I swear! I can just appreciate the male physique!” But nobody buys it and he calls his dad and he’s like “DAd! Everyone thinks I’m gay! What to I dO!?” and his dad is all like “Son, you ARE gay.” YMCA starts playing The next short is the very first sponsored TF2 short, this one is funded by McDonalds to star everyone’s favorite meal stealer: The Hamburglar! In this movie, The Hamburglar tells an epic tale about the time he went to go find the Secret Cheeseburger of Lost Legend in which he fights Billy Cheese who is actually the holder of the Cheese Key. That’ll get him to the Cheddar Dungeon, with the dungeon master none other than Hardhat Jones! And The Hamburglar is all like “I’d like to make a request, DIE!” and then he fights the final boss the evil Dr. Crentist! Who is the master of karate, but then the hand man does a karate chop that steals the doctors face! And kills him in one hit, and steals the special glasses that’ll let him see the map to the Secret Cheeseburger of Lost Legend. When Hamburglar gets to the good part, Private Ryan is all like “This story SUCKS!” and he blows his FUCKIN’ HEAD OFF. “Well, I guess he should have ordered the Happy Meal.” Movie credits After that film received world wide critical acclaim, audiences demanded a spin off featuring evil Dr. Crentis. So next up we got Dr. Crentist: Origins, the doctor tricks Pootis into getting on his massage table and does EVIL experiments on him while the big dummy just watches him and doesn’t even care because all he can think about doing is shooting his big ol’ machine gun. “Ah I’ll just plug this night light into your heart so you’ll have a brighter heart okay?” “DUH okay DUH” “Uhh I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “SHUT UP PIGEON! HAHAHAHA! LET’s GO GET A CHEESEBURGER!” Yeah turns out this one was also sponsored by McDonalds, so Dr. Crentis and Pooter-9000 with his new robo heart and go outside to get their ass to Mickey Ds because they got hella munchies! “DR CRENTIS! SUPERSIZE ME DOOD!” “I GOTCHU FAM!” Making Medicine cover starts playing *“I’M GONNA GET A CHEESEBURGER!” *and that’ll be 5.99 at the second window The next movie is all about the backstory of one of TF2’s most beloved characters: The Gas Man. “I used to remember when the Gas Man was cool, he used to give me candy.” “One time, The Gas Man said my mask looked really nice, I almost cried because it was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.” “Uh, I’m scared of The Gas Man because he used to be nice, but now he’s meeaan.” In reality The Gas Man is a really cool guy, he just runs around blowing bubbles at people’s faces and locking them up in airtight presents. Gas Man turns out to be one of the most misunderstood characters in the whole franchise because people give him shit all the time because he thinks Pinky Pie is the best pony. WHAT ARE YOU STUPID?! AppleJack is obviously the best pony. After we got all the origin stories out the way we get our very first TV movie called: Christmas with the Yanks where Pootis gets to experience his first winter wonderland. sniff sniff “What’s that smell? It smells like… A SNOWBALL FIGHT!” Pootis then recruits his best friend Boston for his snowball team because everyone in school knows that Boston can throw a snowball better than anyone else in the Fourth Grade. Then they walk really really slowly to Private Ryan and Pirate house to totally beat them with a snowball surprise. Uh oh! But guess what? The prank is actually not real and you guys are invited to our snowball team! “Oh my god you got us real good.” So they keep walking around as slowly as humanly possible recruiting other members along the way so they can have the most epic snowball fight team on the block. Finally they see a big ol’ tank full of the neighboring school’s snowball team. “Come on out ya cowards. Show us what ye got ya big dorks!” EEEEEEEEEEHHHHHH COUHHHH Mann vs Machine starts playing * “Oh hoho, now you fucked up. Now you gon be fuckin’ OWNED! WE THE MASTERS OF SNOWBALL FIGHTS BITCHES, AND WE COMIN’ FOR YOU!” *Pootis screech
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roaring-2020 · 4 years
But even Better
There’s so many good things 2020 is going to bring for everyone's life this year. It is truly a magical year!  For me I’m turning 18 so I'll be a legal adult. This year is my dive into adulthood. It is my glow up year mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I decided to create a blog because I would like to document my 2020 decade experiences. My journeys, my ups and downs and struggles. I want to hold myself accountable for my goals because I have some really good ones this year that I will accomplish and I just want to give advice on things I’ve learned and will learn to anyone who needs or wants it. So to kick off the new 20s I have 8 ways on how make this year your best one yet. I hope you enjoy!
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How to make 2020 your bitch:
1. Clean Clean Clean!
Clean your room, get a planner throw out old papers you don’t need anymore organize your filing cabinet with all your important information, clean your makeup brushes, organize all your journals, clean out your backpack before you start school again, wash your clothes that dirty laundry basket isn’t going to get clean and folded all by itself (though if it did that’d be awesome!). Do those dishes you haven’t been wanting to do, go through your clothes and figure out what you want to keep and that you want to give away. There’s a saying that goes “When something is no longer useful you either donate it, recycle it, or throw it away.” make sure you go into this new year organized and ready to kick some ass! 
2. Care about yourself!
Pamper yourself this year! Get into skincare even if you’re a male or gender non conforming everybody needs a good skin care routine it is very important even if it’s just cleanser, toner and moisturizer get into a skincare routine this year, get into body care! Take love baths for yourself! Sing in the shower and just let loose, dance to music in your room like no body is watching. Go to the mall for yourself, try out that new restaurant down the street for yourself! Re-read your favorite book again, Go see that movie on Friday night after work. Go get a facial, join that pottery class. Take care of yourself and remind yourself that you love yourself and this temple that you have. Often we don’t think we deserve it or we’re to busy caring for others to care for ourselves but you have to care about yourself so please, pamper yourself this year.
3. Journal!
Yes! Buy a simple or beautiful journal and write. Journaling is so beneficial. You can look back in 6 months and see how much has changed and how your mindset is different now. And journaling doesn’t mean you have to write 2 pages worth of things everyday you can also do bullet points to remind yourself of things you did because I know some days you just aren’t going to want to write a whole lot of things. And if you want to, create an online journal instead in google docs! Write it all down and I assure you, you’ll see how far you’ve come!  
4. Never stop learning!
Take a dance class, Learn a new recipe, Learn that new language you’ve been wanting to learn or get better at a language you’ve already been learning, get that middle split! Never stop learning. Improve yourself for you! And have fun learning all these new things you’re interested in. Just because you’re out of school doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. Learn things you want to learn and check all of those off your bucket list. 
5. Exercise!
You don’t have to join a gym or exercise like what you see all these fitness people do yet. Especially if you’re just starting out your fitness journey. Right now Cassey from blogliaties is having a 2020 challenge starting today and all you’re doing is 2 exercises each day. That’s not even 5 minutes out of your day waking your body up and getting your blood pumping. Take a walk, do yoga. If you want to, join a gym but don’t feel like you have to join or feel like you have to have arm day, leg day etc. You don’t. Start slow and work your way up and eventually you’ll start to rock it and crave those endorphins from the workouts. 
6. Inside beauty!
Fuel your body, listen to your body and know everything in moderation. If you want to go vegan research and learn how to do that and transition to do that, same with vegetarian. But if you feel you don’t want to give up meat or even chips that’s okay too. This year we’re taking care of our bodies so don’t go out to fast food places as much. Instead meal prep, even if you make yourself that cheeseburger it’s way better than that McDonald's Big Mac. Instead of chips one day to go with your sandwich how about you bring skinny popcorn and fruit instead? And if it’s hard to make the change maybe watch a couple documentaries a good one is “What the Health” on Netflix. Just learn to listen to your stomach instead of your eyes and learn when your stomach is done. 
7. Make playlist!
That’s right to make your 2020 better then ever a step in that is making a playlist or playlists. Often we put things on pause to find the perfect song to go along with it, we want what were doing to feel like we’re in a movie (or is that just me? ) or maybe you just are a musical person and you function with music. You spend way too much time trying to find songs to listen to for those moments so create playlists for different occasions, a playlist for the gym, cooking playlist, hanging out with friends playlist, night time playlist, sexy time playlist anything you need it for make a playlist for and then when those moments come you got a playlist for it. And you don’t have to create multiple! For me personally I need multiple for different mindsets but if you don’t need that then just create one big 2020 playlist with your favorites right now and add new ones from this year later on! 
8. New Years Goals!
And Finally create those new year's goals. A thing I do is I do as many goals as my age so I’m turning 18 so I have 18 goals this year. Of course if you’re older let's say 23 or even 47 you’re not going to want to do that many and it will be almost impossible to do it so do the second number so for 23 year olds you got 3 goals this year 47 year olds you got 7 and if you’re in the 10s do the first number so 20 year olds you have 2 goals this year, and they don’t have do mild and life changing like some people have it can be as simple as graduating 11th grade or staying alive. Some people think you have to accomplish so many things that society deems big but something as simple as staying alive is huge for others who think their life is not worth living but trust me it is and this year is going to be good for you and bring endless possibilities just, let it.  
I hope you enjoyed my advice and my 8 ways to go into these 20s glowing up and improving our lives for this new decade! Please follow, like, and comment suggestions you have and anything you’d want me to write about in my next post! Happy New Year! 
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