#mcu my beloathed
eternalgirlscout · 1 year
every single mcu property is like "that's the villain The Puppy Kicker! he wants everyone on earth to have clean drinking water, but also he kicks puppies so he must be stopped. we have no plans to fix the water thing btw"
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dumbassalex · 11 months
Laura Kinney: a short, queer coded, sometimes covered in blood quiet woman who has an expressive face, hinted to he half-latino
Jenna Ortega: *heavy breathing*
(for anyone asking yes, this is fully inteded as a joke, Laura should be 13-15 when she first appears imo, Jenna would propably be around 30 by the time Laura would appear in the MCU)
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
The way Steve was wearing the uniform that Bucky saw him in last time he knew who he was when they fought in Winter Solider I CAN'T
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drempen · 5 months
But what did you vote for babe. Tell us. SPEAK YOUR TRUTH
There's something about mcu spider-man fans and their willingness to ship an under-age peter parker with a 50yo man that rubs me the wrong way y'know?
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smolvenger · 1 year
Me seeing pics and gifs and edits of Loki:
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Me seeing pics and gifs and edits of Prince Hal/Henry V:
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Me seeing pics and gifs and edits of Jonathan Pine:
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Me seeing pics and gifs and edits of Sir Thomas Sharpe:
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Me seeing pics and gifs and edits of Dr Robert Laing:
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Me seeing pics and gifs and edits of James Conrad:
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Me seeing pics and gifs and edits of W*ll R*nsome
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stilinskiderek · 12 days
I miss xmen so bad
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agendergorgon · 26 days
Worm Crisis Protocol
Marvel Crisis Protocol is a tabletop miniatures wargame where the heroes and villains of the Marvel universe (well, a Marvel Universe, and a fun one at that where MCU inspired pouch fest heroes are stood shoulder to shoulder with leotard clad villains fresh from the 60s) get into manic brawls and gradually disassemble all the pretty dollhouse terrain pieces you spent so long laying out by chucking them at each other, and chucking each other at each other. Worm is a webnovel about a young woman who controls bugs and has too much of an imagination. Her and her friends have some well cool powers, like smoke clouds that sap people's powers, or a mind that unravels a foe's secrets over time. And her foes! Heroes that can conjure forth any weapon, villains that can summon blades from any surface. There's a whole rogues gallery. Or there would be, if Worm's fights weren't quite as cutthroat. What if one was to make a couple custom rules for adapting some of Worm's beloved and beloathed characters to Marvel Crisis Protocol's madcap combat? What if one was to make more than a couple? Whole teams and rosters to let people field everything from the Undersiders; a bank robbing team of teen supervillains who pull together to pull off daring heists and escape certain death or capture at every turn, to the Slaughterhouse 9, America's most feared roving gang of sinister slashers only barely held together by the machinations of their mad leader. And what if it came with little cut outs of character art so you could print tokens/proxies at home? What if indeed! Anyway, me and my husband to be have been working on this for a while but it sort of fell on the way side while other projects came up. BUT! figure if I stick a big ol COMING SOON on this to maybe kick my arse into finishing the Undersiders before I make rules for yet another Slaughterhouse 9 member that I'd only have to make up an alter ego for. Any Worm fans do tell us your own headcanon names for those we don't know and I'll use the best ones in this or a fanfic. Any MCP fans do give Worm a check out for some superpowered shenaniganry in literary form. Any questions or interest do DM me it'll help with motivation. Anyway, here's a sneak peak. Thanks again to @creator-crash for letting us use some phenomenal Worm fan art in this project.
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doberbutts · 11 months
It does always throw me for a loop when people look for a moral reason not to like something. You can always just. Not like something. And even be normal about your dislike of the thing!
I've said it here before (not recently, see above point and also the one I'm about to make) that I don't really like the McElroy brothers. Not for any particular reasoning, I haven't heard of any particularly heinous wrongdoing as of this moment. I just think they're largely unfunny and outside of a single podcast of theirs I listened to [The Adventure Zone: Balance] I don't knowingly consume any of their media. I liked Balance, but I've also heard that's their best one, and there were pieces of it that were *too much* of the unfunny humor I dislike about the rest of their stuff [Crystal Kingdom my beloathed], so if that's the best one I'm not really willing to try again with anything... "lesser".
(and I only listened to Balance because I saw Cool Art of Taako and Lup and wanted to know more about these trans-and-gnc elf twins, much like I'm only [slowly] listening to Mighty Nein bc I saw Cool Art of Essek and Caleb and wanted to know more about purple elf and ginger wizard)
However knowing that I'm really not their biggest fan, I also... don't go looking for dirt on them? Don't blog incessantly about how much I dislike them? Try to find a moral justification for my lack of interest? I think their brand of comedy is Incredibly Annoying. That's it.
Now for all I know there might be Something they've done that I've just missed by actively refusing to pay attention to them. Or there might not. I don't really care either way- finding out that there is a valid moral reason to not engage with their stuff changes nothing because I already don't like their stuff and so am already not tuning in. Finding out that there's nothing nets the same result, I'm not interested for a completely mundane reason and so they could be the most morally pure content creators out there for all I know and I still wouldn't pursue anything of theirs.
It's not even to say there's not stuff I dislike due to moral reasons- there's a reason I'm not into HP or MCU anymore- just that it's weird to me that people try to look for one. You can always just not like something. You don't even have to justify it. "I didn't like it" is a totally normal reaction that doesn't need further explination.
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stackthedeck · 2 years
People who say Peter is naive because of his no kill rule my beloathed
I'm convinced the people that say this have only seen the mcu and frankly they shouldn't be saying that after nwh. Like the Raimi and Webb spider-men are so fucking jaded and tired. Andrew Garfield made Peter so dark emotionally and god I love him for that
but let's talk about comic Peter because frankly, I don't think he was ever naive. Like he's painfully aware of how the world is because he's poor and he's fighting in the streets. He'd tried to make spider-man profitable not because he wanted money but because he needs to pay his aunt's medical bills. So many heroes who kill don't actually know how the world is and if they did, if they did they would probably think twice. Peter as a hero is well aware of how unkind the world is and refuses to be another unkindness. He's not a hero that's focused on stopping bad things, but rather on helping people.
And like here's the thing, Peter has gotten dangerously close to killing several times. Peter is jaded and angry and could kill easily. But something stops him every time and that something is usually someone. It's Peter's support system that helps him remember the value of human life. And like even if Peter did kill, most of the crimes he stops don't require killing. Like he stops everyday crimes done by desperate people. He's not a cop, he's not going to kill someone for stealing a loaf of bread, hell he'd probably help them steal it from a chain grocery store. Even his big villains don't deserve to die (except Norman Osborn, Peter should get to kill him while Harry cheers) most of them are scientists that got their funding stolen or there was a terrible accident or they just can't do anything else at this point in their lives. Peter wouldn't be "doing what needs to be done" if he killed them, he'd be cruel
Yeah, I don't understand people who want Peter to kill and I don't understand how being unwilling to kill translates to naivety. Anyway, I think characters that don't kill are way more interesting than the ones that kill
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nevermindirah · 9 months
fic writer interview! thanks @energievie for tagging me as part of your lovely annual tradition! tagging @sindirimba @gaal-dornick @laviejaguardia @sweetwithheatwriting @mongoose-bite @what-alchemy if any of y'all feel like it <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
problem solved it's dissolved (my first BoN fic! my first ever smut!) My Bags Are Packed (I'm Not Ready to Go) (my first Nile & Booker fic!) I See Your Eyes Seek a Distant Shore (my 65k BoN epic with like another 10k+ in footnotes) Imagine Your Dessert Platter (cute lil SamSteve au! ahhhhh I love this fic it's aging so well) Seneca Falls Selma and Stonewall (MCU ensemble / stucky, spiritual predecessor to ISYESADS but full of things that in hindsight I would've written very differently)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! I love the back-and-forth of comments, on my fics and others'. what a lovely way to get to know people and talk more about our blorbos and learn things about writing. and as much as I love to get wordy in comments, I also treasure the keysmashes and emojis and respond in heartfelt kind.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
yeah I don't really do angst
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
any ending where our main characters are in love and getting a good night's rest
Do you write crossovers?
sometimes! I have several crossovers among my wips but I don't seem to have finished any… yet
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
many many years ago on what in retrospect was an undertagged and poorly considered mess of a Spuffy fic
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sure do >:))))))))))))
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no thank you!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
no but that would be so cool!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah! a few times now!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Book of Nile <3333333333333
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Eartha Grit 😭😭😭😭 drag queen Sam Wilson!!! will the planets ever align so that I can finish this? 😭
What are your writing strengths?
I have them! can't think of specific ones right now
What are your writing weaknesses?
various writing skills etc etc but above all EXECUTIVE FUNCTION DEFICIT MY BELOATHED
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I have a thousand-word essay in me about this which I may sit down to write and post eventually. short version, the role of "other" languages in my own day to day speech is significantly different from how most characters in fics would experience "switching" languages, and my thoughts on this in fic are changing as I think more about that and where the line is between that and Gratuitous Foreign Language TM
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
a certain crossover that has been in my wips for TWO YEARS now! it would be not only my first time writing this ship but the first time anyone has posted this ship to ao3! unless of course someone beats me to it, in which case I will be very enthusiastically 👀 about theirs while continuing to work on my own.
what ship might this be? Meeka/Vincent from Coming 2 America and Disorder respectively >:)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written
Not a Gentle Laughter continues to be the fic I go back to for comfort. off the charts Jewish Booker feels with a happy ending because BoN are both in love and in political solidarity, so of course it is, you can't get more me than that.
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ninawolv3rina · 18 hours
Last time I posted about John Walker here I had to block someone for calling me a fake fan (something I haven't had to do since 2017 in the MCU's peak) but I'm going to risk it again since I'm thinking about him.
John Walker is my favorite Marvel Comics character after the general bulk of Xmen Characters. I love him because he's so deliciously grey and cocky and the comics acknowledge that. Its so hard to find a "love to hate them" character in Marvel comics where it feels like the writers are on the same page as you about them. Like Swordsman or Hank Pym or Wonderman - I always got the feeling that the writers thought I should feel sorry for those guys despite how pathetic they were.
Not John Walker. Everyone always knows what they're doing with John. He is there to serve one purpose and it's being a sad sack of pretty much irredeemable shit. He uses people, he's angry, he doesn't respect the position he's in, he's cocky, he's vengeful and never knows when to stop. And I love him for that.
I appreciated that we actually got a taste of that in Falcon and Winter Soldier. I was really worried they'd sterilize how nasty he can be but the one iconic shot of him did make my blood run cold in the same way it did when I flipped comic pages to see him surrounded by corpses of the Watchdogs back when I read his run as Cap when I was a teen.
John Walker my beloathed. I might just watch Thunderbolts for him.
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tumblingghosts · 13 days
fic writer q&a
re: post | post | post - tagged by @scandalouslamb, @meekmedea, & @keeperofsecretsunderthehill!
How many current wips do u have?
i'm just going off the ones i have published on ao3 bc if i tried to count the wips still in my docs it would be too many :/
tbosas (6), hp (4), mcyt (4), mcu (1) = 15 wips (😅)
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
welcome to the madhouse - the tribute time loop fic is my favorite fic but also that treech chapter is killing me ;-;
i'm not too happy with the way he's characterized (esp what i currently have for his dynamic with lamina) but at this point it's hard to tell if it just feels stilted bc i've read it over too many times or if it's bc it needs to be scrapped and redone- at this point, i might just leave it as is and post it :/
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
immediately typing it out on the notes app on my phone and/or doc if my computer is in reach- i know that i will 100% forget it if i don't have it written down so putting the words "on paper" so to speak is so important for me!!
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
i don't have any fic-specific playlists, but there are certain songs that i tend to listen to when getting into a writing mood! (it's a lot of ajr, the oh hellos, and the crane wives + misc indie songs)
often times, bc the songs i listen to usually fit the fic, i'll end up taking lyrics from the fic to use as a title [fic titles my beloathed >:(]
Do you go balls to the wall and write or are you more organized?
definitely the former! i've tried organizing with outlines, but my brain decides 'yup, that au is finished' when i have outlines and refuses to continue making it into fic format. best example of this is one of my hp fics (making do), which had been sitting in my docs as bullet points for a while before i made it into a fic, and i feel like it's still pretty evident that it was literally just adding periods to the end of each bullet point i had for that concept.
so yeah! i tend to go directly from concept to fic snippets - if i have an idea, i'll usually write out scenes, then editing is just reorganizing each scene to where it fits best chronologically :)
no tags this time, but feel free to join in!! :D
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martianbugsbunny · 11 months
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This is the face of a man thinking I knew he was going to leave me but I hoped he wouldn't actually go through with it
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bedlamsbard · 9 months
I want to rant about my MCU beloathed but I should probably wait until What If finishes airing because then I'll have more material.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
ok ok 10, 42, and 50? please don't spare anyone feelings
10. What’s the most cursed panel you’ve seen?
I can't think of anything but I really hated Itsy Bitsy from spider-man/Deadpool, super creepy. Idk I can't find most of the panels I've downloaded in my phone rn for some reason
42. What’s a fandom trope you hate?
I've spoken at length about my dislike for the pit rage trope; although sometimes it can be done well usually it just come off as basically abuse and gross negligence that everyone forgives for immediately. It sucks. Also the boxes being so omnipresent in Deadpool fic. Wade deserves better.
50. What’s something that bled into comics from a tv show or movie that you hate?
MCU synergy my beloathed. Honestly though I can't remember something specific rn. Uh can I blame the xmcu for Ellie Camacho disappearing in recent comics? I think it's more the fact that every author reboots the character, it's just incredibly common in comics. Also not sure I can blame the xmcu for Wade's association with the X-Men right now. He's not a mutant !! but historically he's been tied to the X-Men anyway because of his first appearances, partnership with cable, and the source of his powers, so, you know
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thousand-winters · 2 months
Ah, The goal of our game. A good question, our cradle of frost. To get to know each other. We Also Just love to be theatric about it.
Our move- what's your fandoms?
Yours truly
Oh, that is not a bad goal at all, certainly a lot less anxiety inducing than I was expecting, with my catastrophically bad guessing skills. I can agree to those terms easily.
As for the question... TOH, of course, as one can guess my association with Cramity probably, Mob Psycho 100, Saiki K, Star Wars, though I'm extremely picky with it especially now that my beloathed Dave Filoni is trying to turn it into the MCU 2.0, Dungeon Meshi, the Shadowhunter Chronicles, Fire Emblem and Welcome to Night Vale. That's... so many things but some of those are more dormant than others, in all fairness.
I'm honestly on a Saiki K-ick (ha!) lately, if that's helpful. For what? I don't know but it feels like I gave such a cop-out answer.
Now, because fair is fair and this has been so far a rather equal agreement, I would like to know yours in turn.
And hoping you had a nice day so far
-Thousand Winters
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