#me and my ttrpg bitches ok.
realnielsbohr · 1 year
i need to get into new media ive been in an inbetween phase for a hot minute
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chompe-diem · 1 year
the starstruck odyssey adventuring parties r slightly painful to watch tbh bc of every time ppl, mostly specifically brennan, talks about how 'omg heres how this universe is diff from standard fantasy d&d and more like the real world' not bc of the actual content of what he's saying but more as a personal thing it does really irk me to see it keep being talked about as some kind of revelation
idk just as someone who does understand and appreciate traditional story structure but Ultimately finds a more quote, 'realistic' storytelling style more interesting on a lot of levels it's just like aaaaaaaghhh!!!! yea it's cool doing stuff like that!!! ur also making it sound super crazy out there as youre explaining ur personal discovery of it!!!! this isnt news to me this is my personal bread and butter and u are kind of making it sound weird and borderline other-ing from ur perspective!!!! grrrrrrr
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msmcnevertweet · 1 year
Into the Blind, and Wot I Like about Space Stuff
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I've been working on this for a while in between breaks updating As the Sun Forever Sets. Why is my idea of a break from writing games just writing a different game? I have dumb bitch disease. I wanted to talk about some of the inspirations for it.
Welcome to The Rim
Into the Blind is a sci fi game about a group of gig economy workers living contract to contract on the roiling, wild edge of space. It's about CRT screens, mechanical keyboards, junction boxes, pipes and wires. It's about the unknown, the stresses of capital, and horror - visceral and ephemeral. It's about working hard jobs in dangerous conditions for little pay, and the chance of a better life. 
You are a Freelancer - Salvager, Shipbreaker, Courier, Bodyguard, Assassin, First Responder, Negotiator, Investigator, Debt Collector. A Freelancer is any and all of these, depending on the contract. You'll take whatever you can get to make ends meet. 
Every job you do balances your need to pay the rent on your ship against your desire to remain alive. Grab what you can, get paid, and stay alive.
If this sounds cool to you, you can grab a free preview (with the old name) below.
Let me show you my favourite space things
Ok, time for the self indulgent ramblings.
(Potential) Spoilers for: Gravity, Interstellar, Contact, Arrival, The Expanse, the Alien series, the Thing, Annihilation, Homeworld: Cataclysm and Magnetic Rose.
Physics and Feelings at 10km/s
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There are a lot of sci-fi horror TTRPGS out there. Like a lot a lot. Mothership, Death in Space, the Alien RPG, You're in Space and Everything's Fucked, the list goes on and on. Not that that matters - people should make the games they wanna make and I wanted to make a scary sci-fi game with spaceships, so eh fuck it.
Something I realised while writing stuff for Into the Blind and working on the system is that the themes and feeling of a lot of the sci-fi stuff I'm into didn't revolve around a towering monster skulking around dark spaceship. Like, sure, Into the Blind will have a nasty alien somewhere, I don't need to say that I like Alien or talk about why it's good (I do, it is, and I'm going to), but there's more to write about than monsters. Space is already intrinsically stressful and horrifying:
Neil Degrasse Tyson and Chris Hadfield can shut the fuck up, Gravity has some of the scariest, tensest scenes in a movie I've ever seen in my fucking life. After watching this you could never pay me enough to go to space. The only enemy here is inertia, the only monster are the principles of physics that cause a cloud of debris to whip through orbit at 22,000 miles an hour.
Aside from the spectacle, Gravity is a film about finding the will to go on when you have nothing to live for and everything's against you. It's heavily implied that Dr Stone went to space because she's tired of existing on earth (or at least that's my read). She wants mercy and relief from the pain of her life, and watching it you want to gift it to her so badly, but the debris field crashes into her life over and over. It's a relentless, uncaring solar tide that returns like clockwork when to fuck her up any time she gets a break.
These extreme forces also generate incredible tragedy and loss. Interstellar is kind of a dumb movie but despite the memes about this scene it always gets me. You don't know what you have until it's gone, and sometimes the distance between you knowing you've lost something and it becoming lost can (thanks to black holes and weird gravity stuff) slip by you in an age that feels like an instant.
Both Gravity and Interstellar have soft, beating hearts encased behind the layers of radiation shielding, technobabble and worn metal, and when the colossal forces that make the universe turn rip it open, they're laid bare.
That's a fucking cool thing to make a game about!
Indistinguishable from Magic
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I'm not a big brain science person, when it comes to wormholes, relativity, folding space time and all that, I don't really get it. I just know that it's cool as hell and opens the door to powerful character stories about finding meaning and confronting your feelings at the edge of our understanding of reality.
Contact and Arrival are two sides of the same movie to me. Both are heavily grounded in big Theory and big Science Words, both are about powerful sciencey girlbosses who've lost something dear to them (one in the future, one in the past.) Contact leans more towards the hard science approach, but both are at their best when they're balanced on the edge of the plausible and the implausible. They're both about the incredible, incomprehensible nature of the universe. They're both about people who change the world, in ways both vast impercievable to everyone else.
They're both stories of hope and benevolence, but Contact frames this through 90's optimism and the power of nations working together towards a common goal (it's so optimistic, even the villain-coded megacorporation decides to help out, which uhhhh), Arrival frames these themes through personal tragedy - Dr Banks pays a high price to save humanity from itself.
Behind the calculations and clipboards and theories, these are stories about personal discovery, love and heartache.
These are also fucking cool things to make games about!
Magnetic Rose is probably the single biggest influence on Into the Blind - there's a full adventure heavily inspired by it in the preview. It's just so good. The visual design and animation are simultaneously grounded and real yet brilliantly beautiful and surreal. It's tragic gothic horror at the dark, gritty edge of space, and it's so good at being sad. The penultimate scenes in heart of the tomb-like space station, surrounded by rank brown water and decaying metal are heartwrenching. Heintz is tormented by visions of his past and you feel it so hard. The film doesn't care to tell you how this is all happening - are his memories ghosts? holograms? hallucinations? It only cares about the why, and it's incredible.
Breathable Air Prepayment Meters
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It's been ages since I watched The Expanse, so I'm not gonna dwell on it too much, but what I remember focused heavily on how capital and government care little about those they govern and sell to.
The level that our existence is monetised and used as a cudgel against us currently can surely only expand along with our expansion into the stars. You can go there right now if you have enough money to do so, and when life beyond earth becomes feasible, the companies that financed it will need someone to clean the ducts and polish the solar arrays. The amount of things that can be sold to you can only increase out in space. You think rents are high now? Wait till you see the price of a 1 bedroom apartment in orbit around Mars. Add nice breathable mix of nitrogen and oxygen to your list of monthly outgoings. You think you'll be able to repair your C02 scrubbers without voiding the warranty? Fuck no.
The Alien movies are obviously (despite what some grognards on twitter dot com will tell you) deeply about extreme capitalism. The galaxy is ruled by companies that could not care less about you, and the bottom line is all that matters. This kinda matters less and less as the films wear on, but the first 3 are all about working class people sacrificed on the altar of the interstellar dollar.
Alien 3 in particular has a lot of problems, but the edgy teen in me is still really fond of this scene. It's doing a Big Foreshadow (Do you get it? The alien is like.. the flower he's talking about right? But the flower is bad?) But it feels like an appropriate lament for prisoners on the ass end of space. Despite what the company wants you to believe, the inmates of Fury 161 don't deserve to die, aren't expendable.
We all have flowers within us waiting to grow, out from the shadow of capital.
You might've noticed mentions of a nasty guy in those last clips.
Ok fine, also Monsters
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We all love a little nasty guy, I cannot resist the pull of the weird monster that does Big Themes. Like I said, there's so much TTRPG stuff focused on them for good reason And space is ripe for the nastiest of guys.
There's really nothing more to be said about The Thing, it just fucking rules. It's a movie that cares as much about what a monster can do to peoples bodies as what it can do to their minds and relationships.
What a horrible fate for Sheppard. The idea of Annihilations mutant bear is just so sinister it makes my gut drop whenever I re-watch it. Again, not much else to be said about this movie. It rips.
Homeworld: Cataclysm is a weird game. It's a survival horror.. strategy game? Set in space? Where you never see a single person?? And somehow it's voice acting and plot is incredible???
The Beast is the nickname for the microorganism that emerges from the millenia old wreckage the mining vessel Kuun-Lan happens upon whilst scouring deep space for valuable minerals. The threat it presents is so real and visceral, it's one of those "if this hits our planet, it's so over" monsters, and it's obscenely scary and gruesome. Even the Bentusi, a race of nigh-on ageless benevolent machine beings are absolutely terrified, and try to abandon the galaxy in the face of it (they fear their biological minds will be trapped in their machine bodies if they're taken over by The Beast, locked in and forced to watch what it does to the galaxy. Damn.)
The scene where you and your fleet fight the Bentusi as they try to evacuate known space to force them to help you is intense and incredible. You're fighting gods, and all you can do is crash against their incredible technology again and again like a stiff breeze, pleading for help and humanity. You shame them into taking responsibility for helping the mortals in the galaxy against this ancient threat. That's the fear inspired by The Beast.
Thank you for coming to my Space Ted Talk
I told you it was self indulgent huh. Hopefully this goes some way to explaining what I'm going for with this game. Not only monsters, but the experiences of people trapped by incredible forces of nature, corporations and circumstance. Not only horror, but exploitation, sadness, love, longing and loss. Thanks for reading.
Again, if you want to check out Into the Blind, you can get the free preview below, and follow me on Itch to get notified for when game releases (soon? idk)
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pigeontheoneandonly · 3 months
All of your WIPs sound so interesting, but I think I'm most intrigued by Shallow Graves. Anything you'd like to share about it?
Oooo thank you! This is probably my favorite project lol
Shallow Graves is my "Pathfinder Fan Novel" featuring original characters in the Pathfinder TTRPG Golarion setting. (Though I've been flirting more and more with the idea of turning it into an original novel in the second draft...)
Shallow Graves is about a group of very old friends who completely fell apart when a member of the group was murdered ten years prior to the events of the story, on a zany adventure to settle old business, find closure, and try to move on.
It actually started out as a thought experiment on my part, wondering if I could write a revenge story and a fridge story that turned both those archetypes on their heads. So far I'm pretty pleased with the result.
Anyway, as the story progresses, they unearth a lot of rotting baggage. The below excerpt is a piece of that.
* * *
Gem scampered ahead of him and turned around, forcing him to address her.  “You’ve always treated that bow like a grudge but it’s clear someone taught you to use it well.  Since you seem determined to be relentlessly honest—let’s have it at last, shall we?”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“Not a chance.”  She poked him. 
He rolled his eyes.  “I was a terrible druid.  Druid initiate.  Whatever.  That’s really all there is to it.”
“That explains nothing.”
He made an exasperated noise.  “Look, it was the only thing I was any good at, ok?  My uncle made a bow for me.  My mother thought it was a distraction, tempting me away from her incessant curriculum of forcing me—”  Kel raked his fingers backwards through his hair.  “It doesn’t matter.”
“If it didn’t matter, you’d be able to tell me what happened.”  Her amusement had faded entirely, which was a bad sign.  When she got concerned her curiosity hardened into steel point.
Probably best just to spit it out and move on.  “One day, she got so frustrated she stole it and turned it back into a living branch.  Leaves, flowers, green wood, bark, all of it.  Impossible to use as a bow.  Then she told she wasn’t fixing it, and if I ever wanted to use it again, I’d have to figure out how to do it myself.”
“What a bitch.  What did she make you do to relent?”
“It’s never been clearer you’ve never met her.  She’d never go back on a threat.” 
“So you never did get it back.” “No, I figured it out.”
Gem blinked.  “What?  Kel, on a good day, if you sit very, very still, you can conjure half a spark.”
“It took me six months of spending nearly every waking hour trying.  I’m certain I couldn’t do it again if my life depended on it.”  It had been the strangest feeling.  All of sudden, he could see the branch as an imprint on the universe, something outside of time, existing in all stages of its life, and it had seemed so damn simple to shift it into the one he wanted.  Just for a single, hallucinatory second.  And then it was only a piece of wood again, lifeless and still.  “My mother was…”
“Happy, I imagine.”
“Happy.”  He laughed.  It wasn’t funny.  “She was overjoyed.  She’d never praised me like that… I spent half my life trying to please that woman, and for the first time…”
There wasn’t a but at the end of her sentence, no forced acknowledgements or despair-tinged false encouragements.  No biting criticism.  No complaints of his laziness or contrariness.  Just shear, unadulterated, lavish pride.  And he hated himself for how he’d basked in it.  Exhausted, yes, but that only led an extra edge of exhilaration for finally having the unconditional approval of his mother. 
She’d even hugged him to her, arm around his shoulders, squealing quietly over the quality of the work, the completeness of the transformation, how she always knew he could do it. 
His mother went as far as telling him it was the happiest day of her life, and for just a second, it had been his, too.
Gem interrupted his thoughts, hesitantly.  “Nobody avoids a happy memory.  What happened?”
He cleared his throat.  “She told me it was the happiest moment of her life.  Then she broke it over the back of a chair.”
“What?!”  That explosion of shock, from Gem of all people, underlined in red why he never told people stories about his mother.  “I don’t—it was what she asked?  I don’t understand.  She wanted to punish you further?  For—for liking something?”
“No, you don’t understand,” he replied, wearily.  “It wasn’t a punishment.”
It hadn’t felt real. He stared at the jagged ends of the once-proud recurve, as if expecting them to come back together, like it was some sick fever dream brought on by too much kindness. 
“It wasn’t a punishment,” Kel repeated, louder, overruling her questions.  “Like you said, she was happy.  I didn’t need it anymore, she told me.  It was a great day.  Now I could truly be her apprentice, I’d have druid magic, and wouldn’t require a silly toy to protect myself.  I’d graduated.  And she was so proud of me, she wanted us to celebrate and she was in the middle of planning some kind of dinner when I walked out.”
He hadn’t said a word.  In truth, his mind had gone entirely empty with some feeling that to this day he couldn’t name.  A cousin to resignation, but the kind that only came after a long and bloody struggle.  The kind born of knowing, once and for all, that you’d never been more than a thing to anyone.  Just an empty vessel.  And if they had to tip it over onto the floor to get it that way, so they could fill it up with what they preferred, well, that was a small price apparently.
It hadn’t worn off until he was five days gone.  And then he’d had a breakdown unrivaled even by more recent events.  Sixty years old.  Just a gangly kid.
Gem sat back with a sigh of sudden understanding.  “That’s why you left.”
“That’s why I left,” he affirmed, dully.  Then he stepped around her and resumed walking.  “We should keep moving.”
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my podcatcher is cool and great and open source and ad free and all that shit but I haven't set up my notifications good and because this is my first episode as they come out (my inner fanatic is all grown up) im not used to the schedule but HHHASD;LPIG AHIP'LSF AG THE WAY I SCREEEEEAMED AND ACTUALLY DANCED FOR JOY HERE WE GO!!!!!
oh opening music my beloved. Oh shit I got so obsessed with Blorbos I briefly forgot exactly where we are in the story. Coping mechanism (slash joking slash lighthearted) im 👀👀👀👀 very hyped bery concerned
"you need to be making eye contact to be frozen" means it's vry easy to free spar!!! ahhh so they somehow duplicated the pendants....or found more??
also the title of this episode is making me excited
Ila's stress about spar's condition is such a mood
ooh. oof. this drive. CRIT?????? NICE FUCK. WHEW.
Voracity fucking sucks sorry about your lineage bestie i do hope you die though
......that joker.
OH I FORGOT VELLUM CAN TELEPORT FOR A SEC with the power of looking INCREDIBLY sexy. I like this plan I'm feeling good about this plan
Jordan's clearly plotting some shit and i am HERE for it
"normally you are not conscious during it" NORMALLY???
Spar depersonalization crash course. OH WAIT NO SPAR STEVEN UNIVERSE MOMENTS. IM OBSESSED????
viscious spar.....hmmm......im making a face it's not a great face LASDFALHFAHS
I love that spar's first thing is to just get the gist of what he's got going on <3 LJSADFLKJAHSDJFKHASD HE GOES TO VELLUM A;LKSDFLJSHDFLJSADGFLJSHADFKAHSDFKLASDF SCOOBY DOO ASS LOVE BIRDS
Oh shit is Vellum gonna think spar is fucking dead???? VORACITY GOES TOPPLING WHICH IS HILARIOUS BUT SPAR TOO??????? HOLY SHIT????? LMAO????
we are thirteen minutes in.
Essay protesting Voracity's stats is such a mood. What if...what if ya jus didn???
As spooky as this whole situation is, the mental image of spar having royallllly biffed it is sending me
Okay when I was very young, I used to play chess with a younger sibling of mine. And I did this thing where I would just take one rook and systematically go around capturing all their pawns because they didn't know how to protect them, while just kinda giggling. And that's the energy ipswitch is bringing right now, tkaing out all their backup.
AD;ISFLG;ALKDSGASLDFK RING TOSS SITIONATION wasn't jakub with ipswitch? or going to him? and yeahhhh lunevella is an important ally.
Diamond? friend? mmmmmmmmmmmmnahhhh
nooo fuck PLEASE dont make it diamond please please please LUNEVELLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA lesbiamb...YEAS
I forget what beloved does but mechanical nonsense is my favorite
NO SUCESSES ONE JOKER there are not emojis on this computer that describe...you know that one image of the hot cook guy from Queer eye looking traumatized? that.
"I'm having fun being a useless ghost boy" VALID i am also having fun. sometimes in a ttrpg you just wanna be/add to the problem for a bit!!! And that's ok
Voracity being pissed about being launched off the catwalk is SO Funny.
"so I could accomplish my goal without violence" BITCH YOU THREATENED TO MURDER SEVREAL-----FJHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
oh shit but vellum's turn now.......kick them back off!!!!!! asjdhfakjsdhfasdkflakdhf
TAEKWONDO!! switching instantly for a drive does seem like a good balance I like that mechanic
god I love my gay rule-abiding detectives who for some reason keep trying to fight the ONE being that EVERY rule is like don't fucking fight for the love of god do not fight them for the LOVE OF
"I imagine that vellum gets a cat stance, which is like an L stance" i know there is more informaiton here but my brain has already shifted into the "someone i know is talking about something they love and i understand very little of what's happening here but I'm just excited to listen" mode. But no i do need to know what cat stance is because this is so art in my brain. ill look it up later.
im so *chinhands*
there are no ascii emojis for doing a silly stupid little happy stim but that's what's happening
oh shit luna can fly!
Lune deserves to be condescending to her enemies, she's dealt with so much bullshit.
Ooof we have the AA and now the bramble guard with MOTORCYCLES????? ugh!!! organizations!!!!! Lore!!!!!!!! im swooning. there is nothing sexier in my mind that good worldbuilding
tatiana related plans but not htis episode 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀????
yeah lmao fuck diamond.
okay but in my brain Desdemona was suuuuuuper pretty. Oh no!!! Don't make her endearing!!!!!!!
(sweetly) "So uhhh, people of cindershore as you can see....we have the people of theee passion fruit festival held hostage <3"
THEY WANTED TO DO THIS NON VIOLENTLY god fuck i hate fucking misinformation goddamn.
"side with crystallis of againse you own wellbeing" bestie how is that fucking nonviolent?????
"get your gummy jello fingies in here" hello i am uncomfortablleeee AHSDL;FHASDFHADJSFLHAKDSFJH
I like to imagine that Kit's comments was ipswitch being genuinely helpful
oh god. there was a SPLIT second moment when my entirely world lit up with the GLEE that was Voracity biffing it off the catwalk again.
i swear to GOD the host have an uncanny ability to say the joke i was thinking and I think we've just all got the same internet brain rot. my FIRST thought here was "None successes? left beef." and there we go. no funny left for the rest of us.
oooh what's jakub up to
"leave diamond where they are" you know, cause fuck em.
"Lunavella casts a spell that was taught to her by tara. Lunavella later taught it to jasper, who used it to talk to a god at a very crucial time"
the VOLUME at which i just sais "HUH?????" is IMMENSE.
Did jasper do the untethering???? Did jasper PERSONALLY speak to mommy magic???? Is that was Tara did to sacrifice her connection to magic for Merim & Josepha's freedom????? what...what does this mean....
An animatronic giant....HMMMMMM
okay but what is the triple threat if not just a small, minimalist mech suit?
"oh i do like information" "I know!!! Me to!!!" Oh my god they're suchhhh fucking nerds i fucking love them HASKLDJHFASDHFAKDJLFH GET ME TO A CLOSET.
I WANNA TRY TO POSSESS VORACITY Spar has been a ghost for like 2 minutes, and he was already like "When in rome!!!"
Spar's ALONE with the TIME GOD al;jsdflkasdjfasdjlf
he did NOT just introduce himself....holllly shit lmaooo. "those who may be frozen by my eye are unworthy by my sight" oh so Spar is like. Time daddy's favorite blorbo. This makes sense to me. or maybe somewhat.
Spar is NOT fucking out logicing this GOD im So here for this. fuck em up bestie FUCK EM UP!!!!!!
imagine your last name being considered by the GOD OF TIME now that's what I call clout.
"relative innocence" yeahhhhh. peace and lvoe on the planet earth, but emphasis on "on the planet earth"
Mayor lipton is the mayor of cindershore.
Okay I understanbd this scene im loving the vibes but MERIM FELSPAR THE SECOND IS NOOOOOTTTTT THE JUSTICE SYSTEM MR. TIME DADDY!!! He can't awnser for the crime and bigroties of Extra #8 and 13
YOU MAKE A GODDEX CHUCKLE that line will be living in my brain as something that can be so symbolism
I....I...I don't like this. wow i HATE how fast spar just traded off year of his fucking life span noooooo. fuck. fuck. fuckity fuck fuck fuck im in distress. ughhhhhh spar being spar.......I will have thoughts but first I need to sigh a lot ......Ugh.
but also fuck the gods im not vibing with this barter situation. is it good for the plot YES is deicide always an aspiration of mine also yes
"it feels like licking a battery with your hand' oooh mental sensory imaginings not good but very very cool
Like sourpatch kids watermelon flavor colorscheme.
*sadly, with hesitation* midtro dance midtro dance....
guhhhh spar....Spar why. Like I understand the choice but that was SO fast. HE DIDNT THINK ABOUT IT AND THAT'S WHAT I --UGHHHHHH
happy late birthday to essay!
Spar is a snacker and habituatally hands people snacks to keep them sustained.
God yall are just begging for me to write a communion (slash literary term related to chrstian, not christian practice itself. for as much as i say the words lord and god i like barely know who jesus is) fic....soon my toils will be over and my backlog will sing so my like the sirens lulling me away from an approaching storm, so instead my hyperfixation can crash violently upon the rocks and. it. will. be. GLORIOUS.
KIT CAME OUT SWINGING WITH THIS????? ....HUH????? BESTLJHAS;DIFHASDHFASJDFALKDSFKJASF. KIT SAID "IPSWITCH LOOKS AT SOME GAY SHIT END OF SENTENCE" IM DEAD. Im just imaginging Jakub looking at the performers, and at ipswitch, and at the performers, and in his head he's like "why does he look contemplative?"
Xbala, hilde, grey, anya play shoots and ladders at the safe house while knowing Spar, Vellum, ip, Jakub, and Luna are risking their lives fighitng voracity....that was me typing for speed but "Ip" as a nickname is really cute imo.
*much more enthusiatic end of midtro dance*
i made i sound like ID been bitten. Voracity. Rancid bestie, what if we like....didnt...
*A deep sigh as I realize by having Beloved as a ultimate Vellum is, in fact, another self-sacrificial blorbo for the lot.*
Oh fuck he's so determined and valliant but i want him to STOP.
People should be reinvigorating and spar should be around soon??? im....spoooked. I know being unconcious isn't the end of the world though....
I think some of the gumw as given to Anya and may not have ever been returned? Which i only mention as a brief note for efforts and because these eps are recorded long ahead of time: i aint a snitch
spar to the recsue <3 <3 <3 king I'm imagining spar like Baseball-sliding in, swinging the sword like he's going to a home run, in slow motion. It's VERY cool.
AHHHHH;LFRGHA jumped so hard I pulled my chair up off the floor and keysmashed irrespocibly enough to put my compter to sleep. I'm SO normal.
The Animaation of this that exists in my brain through. Vellum gets bitten and Voracity reals back enough for you to see, between their faces, spar sprinting towards them reaching for his sword. The Camera whips to a side angle for spar's baseball swing. Slice! Spray of blood as vellum gets up a bit. Shot from below spar's chin to show his determined face and the long line of his arm and Bang! Bang! They all drop until his gun clicks empty. As there's a zoom in on the bat going for the window. One last bang and as Spar looks down the Camera does too, to show Vellym propped up on one arm holding His derringer high for a beat before his arms fall when he slumps in relief and he just smiles as ash rains down around them. Spar falls to his knees, and vellum slides over to kiss him...augh. AUGH!
Spar with a subtle scar over his hear that after 26 is raised and more obvious. For you know. Eventual shiftless art that WILL happen
Oh shit Jakub's getting a fucking promotion, huh?
Okay but Jakub being attracted to that is SO dorky and i love them and they're such sillyy guyssss. IPSWITH STARTLES.
"i have one more thing to end on!" [the episode has twnety minutes left]
Governor thorn middle ages. violet haired. carries a spear. CLEARLY need to pack her ass up and fuck off before she messes with Hilde, Anya, Grey and Xbala. I was only gonna mention my favoirites out of that grpup but not yeah they're all good. So throne need to like. go. I don't trust this.
"What's this about? how do you know where this is?" GOOD QUESTIONS.
OH WAIT im realizing....If SUITS has been abolished that Spar did retire after all, huh? Huh. Good for not having to report info about clovenheart. BAD news for whatever the fuck is happening to jack. Interesting news for Vellum's blood theirvery theories. And damn, I just sort of assumed Mayor Thorne was just like...Good Guy(TM) until....well until chapter 3 of tempest and teapots yesterday. God i love stories where things only get bigger. crunchy as hell.
I'm in love with Asce's himbo ass, he should NOT be enabling this and YET.
Iris has jury duty and then she's getting a massage and then she's going to therapy and then doing her therapy homework: considering new employment.
"I just need to know whose on top and whose...whose...whose the legs" Ah, when nature denies us our low hanging fruit
oh god I hope asce is left handed because otherwise Caedyn';s hand is occupied and Asce only has access to his non dominant hand
added together they look like a great mintaur, yeah!! If someone shakes their head back and forth very fast
peer pressure confusion...sweet jesus.
JSADLFJALKDSFJAS just look abnormnal and blend in!!! This stratedgy would work in many of my social circles to be fair.
Not CALHOUN (just finished reading the 1619 project, that's the last name of the probably most cartoonishly evil & racist person in that entire book. Which, if anything, makes this mor funny for me
I was gonna make a joke about xbala getting arrested in the background but then it hit me: anya is a defense lawyer. A defense lawywer who already fucking hates Thorn. A defense lawyer who already hates thorn who has made up with spar and befriended Xbala and in all likelyhood has the support of the Harrington's behind her. She might. She might fuck it up. Take no prisoners, but like, the opposite way that's usually meant. still just as fuckign rad tho. my brain is turning. rotating like a microwave plate. mmmmmmmmm.
That scene was so funny though. cherry on top of a wonderful episode. i have...i have things to consider.
@threeheartscast @citrusandsalt @ilaalexei
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ghostsontelevision · 2 years
ok this is my tabletop bitching post of the day. i’m allowing myself this.
i really wish that when people defended dnd they would say like, "i like dnd i think it is a fun system" and not "well i paid $70 for the books and none of my friends want to learn something new soooooo i have to play dnd”
like it is FINE to like dnd. i am very much of the belief that a system is only as fun as the people you’re playing it with, so if you settle down with your friends to pretend to be elf wizards and dnd is the medium through which you do that, hell yeah, you can absolutely have a great time doing that. i’m currently playing dnd with friends and we’re having a really good time! we’re having fun! dnd can be fun!
but when your only defense of why you’re playing a system is the sunk cost fallacy, it doesn’t make you look like an adult who has made a reasonable decision, it makes you look like someone with stockholm syndrome. like you understand that if you say “i already spent a ton of cash on dnd!” my thought is going to be “oh! they think other ttrpgs ALSO cost $70! i should point out that most ttrpgs are $15-$30, and you can get a dungeon world pdf for $10″. if you say “my friends and i already spent all our time learning the rules of dnd, we don’t have the time to learn a new ruleset!” i’m going to think “oh! they think other ttrpgs are all at the same complexity level of dnd, i should point out that powered by the apocalypse games have pretty simple rulesets and often include cheat sheets in your purchase!”
but if you just say “i like dnd and i have fun playing it”, my response is “alright, fair enough”, ESPECIALLY if you’ve already played other games. i realized i loved other tabletop games because my friend introduced me to them and i realized things i found to be shortcomings of dnd weren’t inherent to tabletop, so i usually assume people are in the same boat i was, because if you’re not big into the culture, it’s hard to realize dnd isn’t the only game that exists. but when someone says “i’m aware of other games but i am playing dnd because it is fun to play”, then hey, i’m not in a position to tell someone else what makes them happy. i just think saying “well i already put so much time and effort into this thing so i’m going to keep playing it even if it sucks” makes it sound like you’re stuck playing a game you just tolerate instead of one you actually like, which is going to prompt people to try to help you find something you’d like better.
also i looked it up and the players handbook + dm guide + monster manual are $150 total which is an insane price and you should steal dnd like your fucking life depends on it
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aquadestinyswriting · 2 years
Writing Update
Ok, so things moved a lot more quickly than I anticipated. I'm not too sure how I feel about all the latest d&d developments, but I now feel a little more secure about putting things back to the way they were. Of course that's subject to change depending on later developments (IP is still IP after all and, as I said before, fandom is a very grey area). For now, I'll be re-editing my work again so it doesn't read like I wrote it at 16 years old again, though I still won't be tagging it as d&d fiction. Rather, I may end up using the tag ttrpg fiction instead. Especially since I have story ideas for the Elder Scrolls campaign (that I'm a player in) that is a completely different system altogether. We're basically playtesting a d10 system the GM came up with, which he is hoping can be developed into its own thing, but for now it's a homebrew exclusive.
I doubt I'll be too terribly active for the next few months (organising a huge birthday thing will do that), but you might see some work from me in the near future and I will get around to asks and writeblr tag games I've been sent at some point in the next two to three weeks (if I don't, could one of my mutuals harass me about that? Time Blindness is a bitch)
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drawnecromancy · 2 years
14, 11, and 19?
14. Any favorite motifs
Threes. A lot of things come in threes in my work, at least at the beginning. Sometimes they get reworked into other things ? But hey. Generally it's motifs of Magic, Justice, and Murder. Examples : Mark, Ava, Val*. [REDACTED], [REDACTED], the Emperor. The Scarred, the Shade, the Doomed One. The Arcanist, the Knight, the Empress. I have... a lot of these lmao
I also know exactly where that came from : an old old TTRPG campaign where we were 3 players. we had an assassin (Grim), a spellsword (Luki, my character), and an asshole (Eldraz). He was some kind of modified paladin i don't remember he ended up becoming a demon. I think his character concept was nice but the thought of this guy now nauseates me bc of his player (my asshole ex) lmfao. there's a reason the archetype i got from him was murder actually, while the assassin, weirdly enough, is justice. She was good ok. But yeah this campaign happened during formative years and now i do a lot of things in threes. Even if the third one is often a murderous bitch.
Light/Dark also. Often with dark-types playing the good guys and light-types being evil. Sometimes they're both good ! Sometimes dark is classically evil. Like : Dawn/Dusk (evil/good), Kaldan/Nyhm (good/evil-ish), the Guardians of Aeteris/the Hunters (evil/good)...
*If someone who hasn't read all the spoilers i post sometimes about break of dawn i'd love for y'all to figure out why Ava is justice and Val is murder !
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
Shisheyu or Mister MV playing The Binding of Isaac
This playlist (no i do not only listen to it when working on break of dawn lol)
This playlist (i also do not only listen to it when working on eshda stuff)
Sometimes i just put everything that's in my computer on shuffle, so you get Hozier, Arch Enemy, Metallica, several video game OSTs, an assortment of music i stole from my friends' TTRPG playlists......... the list goes on !
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Hm. Hmmmm. I don't draw a lot of inanimate objects ? I like... capes and swords, mostly, I think. Sometimes i do enjoy sketching a good rock.
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catrose13 · 2 years
Chapter 7 Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits, my favourite of this Chapters "Brought to you By" is IT'S YA BOIIIIII...the others are also good but that's one of my favourite memes so I have to choose it. This chapter also has a handy note telling me to pause and stretch and drink water and my first time reading through it was very handy. This Chapters Art gives me the slightest of wiggins
1616 When Shadi got The Chop
I'm getting Sandman vibes....
...Rabbit god?
Oh this dude is fully psycho. I really am getting Sandman vibes
Hmmm Iron......
Welp this is what happens when you fuck around in the realm of Gods
Bakura? Is that you?
Yami negotiating with the opposing sides pieces, whatta King
I'm with Yugi I did not know that Duel Monsters went in for Ren Faire
"PONTAYDO CHIMP" "POTAYGO CHID" I kinda love the Man-Eater Bugs, they just wanna eat Chips
Aw Mahad is confused about potatoes too
The Parasite receives no loyalty from his pieces
Kuriboh is fulled with Murderous Excitement...Kuriboh also knows chess??
Bakura taking the moves before the Parasite can... And It can't get revenge eh heh heh
Oops I forgot that the body is still Bakura's...The Blue Eyes White Dragon is very single minded
Celtic Guardian Riding The Man(And Potato Chip)-Eater Bug determined to be Knighted
The Blue Eyes is running on Spite, so long as the Parasite wants Bakura she'll protect him
...She's trying to hatch him. Aww.
They've Invoked the Hippo again
What is The Red Coat planning over there with that Celtic Guardian??
The Duel Monsters know rock-paper-scissors? I'm pretty sure playing against someone with no hands is cheating or at least unethical
RedCoat you continue to interest me with your vast amounts of knowledge. Who are you?
Welp The Parasite is now even more creepy. He done a murder...I mean honestly he's probably done quite a few but this one was a lead in to even worse things... How'd he get stopped last time?
Ah that most Ancient of Invocations "FUCK IT"
Welp Tristan felt that outside the Dome of Doom... as did his audience of Foxes
"Oh Good The Mad Man with a Millenium Item Doesn't have the God Cards (tm)" ..."Instead they are in the hands of A Mad Man (Teen) with a Millenium Item... and a very tired overworked Older Brother"
Ishizu Thanks the Gods for the Elder of her two Brothers
Shadi that's some truly terribly phrasing right there. When faced with Traumatised children one should act with Compassion....
"Mur-the most extreme self defense"....riiiiight
Joey spreading some hate towards his Dad...Male DNA Donor...
He's trying so hard to hold on to his scary factor...and failing so hard to do so
How strong is Téa? She just broke metal with her legs??
"The Heart of the Cars says you're a little bitch" The Cards have spoken Mr-With-A-K
Marshmallon... I love how Mai's just instantly in love
Ok so not only is Téa strong as all get she's also a Beast at Duel Monsters, good to know
Aw Tristan shares his skill points with Joey in TTRPGs
"Blorbo from the Feywild"
Téa is genuinely summoning the Duel Monsters...How strong is she in Magic to be doing that?
Welp Mr-With-A-K is really really screwed now...Op he's trying fire. You cannot burn away all of your problems dude. Especially when your problems are a terrifying Ballerina who could probably kill you by flexing
...Different armour...
...I think that man was being Racist.... He was looking for an Ancient Egyptian Guardian of Ancient Egyptian Artifacts and He thought the Egyptian man answering the door was Staff? Not very smart
Van Helsing and the Infamous Count!! I love picking a up references
"Hello Adopted, my name is Bakura" Bakura's so little and polite...and his Dad is a super Asshole... He's going in the Bad Parent Box
...Bakura's Dad may actually need to have his own box for Terrible People Inside the Bad Parent Box, wow
The more I read the more I want this man to suffer... not necessarily die, or at least not immediately but suffer, immensely, yes. Another persons life is not yours to Sacrifice, especially not a child
The Rabbit from the start?
...Grandpa... your past is just wild
Aw Dad and Uncle Shadi getting all those hugs
...Well that's... something? It's no longer in Bakura's body, that's a good thing right?
...Red Coat you are hella sus...
Yes Go For the Groin!! You let him go! You Evil Parasitic Demon!!
...Dragon penis... The Red Coat is very offended by this...I'm starting to get an idea...
The Celtic Guardian finally gets what it's wanted from the start
"Someone is doing something Very Stupid" They didn't have a lot of choices Shadi you and Ammit are gonna have to cut them some slack
Pegasus sets himself on fire... and Croquets still Stoned
...Hodgekiss' ass gets set on fire "THE PHAROAH SET MY ASS ON FIRE?"
Marik now thinks the Pharoah is trying to kill him and maim his friends. Dude the Pharoah doesn't even know who you are
Well one good thing is that people are used to Cursed Items...though probably not that cursed
You said it Shadi "Destiny is some Real Bullshit"
I love that Bakura's brand of Spellcasting involves swearing
Oh Oh my, Kuriboh is flirting with the Blue Eyes White Dragon. This is hilarious
DIE Parasite!! Muahahahah
"They have Comic-Con in Hell"
Mahad may have used a bit too much fire power. Lol Bakura
I don't think Mahad has ever been referred to as "Bruh" before
"Cheezy Prison" lol
I warned you Mr With-A-K, you poked the hippo now you suffer the consequences
"What if she kills him" "Theres no cops on this island" wow
Their first kiss...scented with Propane and Clown Blood...Aw?
Pegasus why do you own a Gauzy "Oh my Husband has tragically died?!" gown?
Cecelia probably liked Terry Pratchett
...that Rabbit is I think a different Rabbit... A New and very Shady rabbit....
...A Hare... not a rabbit... Harvey the Hare....
Oh no Kemo
Tristan Bakura is not a werewolf.
Téa disappointed Tristan thinks any of the blood is hers really doesn't he know her at all
I wonder who all was involved in the Yugi/Téa bet
Yugi's so used to his friends treating him as a comfort object/soft animal/hot water bottle
"Very Important Goth Bonding Moment" Bakura and Yugi both count as Goth, I guess I forgot that
...Are Bakura and Yugi gonna be another arm of the Poly?
Is the damned Chupacabra going to be a thing?
...I've learned things again...disturbing things
Ugh adults thinking they get a say in children's (especially unrelated children) hair length. That teacher deserved to be freaked out
Tristans gonna be hella good at whatever he decides to do in the future
THE RUSSIANS "My Weed Dealer's Mechanic's Friend's Nephew-In-Law's Friends'" These are the "Mad Reliable" people!
Who doesn't know how to jump out of a moving aircraft?
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crystalfier · 4 months
Ok I'm posting this here because I have very few followers here and just need to fucking get this off my chest.
I'm not naming anyone, because unlike this girl, I'm not interested in canceling someone over a (mostly) personal grievance. Reblogs are turned off for that reason.
You *continue* to rant on and on about how "content creators don't owe you a conversation", while fully ignoring that your boyfriend was mutuals with me on THREE SEPARATE PLATFORMS and had every opportunity to chat with me if there was a problem.
You continue to say that I "wormed my way" into the ttrpg group, even though I was literally asked by the guy who ran the channel if I wanted to play in the BitD campaign.
You continue to bring up my one fucking moment of showing my sh, which I admitted wasn't ok and apologized for literally 2hrs after it happened.
You continue to post about all of this to your >1K followers, 5 years after it happened.
You screwed over any chance your boyfriend had of being successful in content creation because YOU can't handle the jealousy that comes from him being in the spotlight.
And it's still fucking hilarious to me that if his original girlfriend had been as petty and jealous as you are, your fangirl ass wouldn't be where you are today (since apparently everybody has forgotten that you two met because you drew fanart of him).
Oh, and to top it all off, you claim to be a fan of a woman who has been through being canceled and despises the whole idea of it, and yet you continue to do it, proudly, like that just doesn't apply to you.
I really hope someday you'll get it through your head that you and your boyfriend aren't some massive fucking celebrities, that you're not above having an adult conversation, and maybe even that you'll quit bitching about someone you've never bothered to speak to. But tbh, I'm not holding my breath.
Either way, this is the last time I'll be acknowledging your bs. I'm going to continue being a fan of the creators I like, I'm going to continue to engage with them, and I'm not going to allow your horrible attitude towards me to tarnish the love I have for horror content ever again.
Given that we're both witches:
I bind thee from doing harm. Harm against others, and harm against yourself.
I bind thee from doing harm. Harm against others, and harm against yourself.
I bind thee from doing harm. Harm against others, and harm against yourself.
By blessed earth, and darkened sea, and guiding spirits, so mote it be🖤
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medouse · 3 years
today in Sweet Caroline news:
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ripperdoc-is-daddy · 2 years
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MaxTac Officer Katsuki Bakugo reminisces on what led him to where he is now. Yes, I know how people feel about aged up Bakugo. *Looks at Endeavor's imagining of them all as Adults.* I am going to run with this image that the mangaka has provided. If this ain't for you then scroll on by, ja? Danke. Cyberpunk 2077 SPOILERS, Violence, Gore, Angst, Blood, Crude humor, some suggestive dialogue If you have played the TTRPG or CDPR Game then you know what to expect. Cyberpunk RPG specific terminology, Established Relationship, Mentions of offspring. READER IS A BLACK AFAB-GENDERFLUID PERSON! BAKUGOU IS A WHOLE ASS ADULT MINORS DO NOT INTERACT! PERMISSION TO READ, REPOST OR TRANSLATE DENIED!
A cigarette falls onto the ground, blunting its cherry as the tanned hand drops it. The owner, done with it, sighs while standing up. Brushing a hand through Ashen blonde hair, Sanguine eyes stare at the scene before him. Another gonk trying to make a name for themselves who got in over their head. Decided to hole up in a Jinguji store which was the last of their idiotic mistakes. Blowing out a breath tainted with nicotine the man stands up and stretches. Walking forward he shoulder checks a Green haired NCPD officer and glares darkly at the man who shrinks in on himself and steps aside quickly.   
The Blonde opens his mouth to speak when a call comes through. The cybernetics in his eyes light up as he answers the call.   
Input: When you be back? I want to sleep.  
Katsuki: Whenever our pilot shuts the fuck up and stops chatting with the bitch at the counter. Wants to try out their new Mr. Stud. Personally, I’d rather they just braindance or go fuck a joytoy. I wanna be home.   
Input: I see. Sucks to be you!   
Katsuki: So empathetic. Best Input ever.   
The blonde glares at their pilot whose hand is running up the Jinguji hostess's over-priced dress. They are laying it on thick and the red-eyed man is losing his patience. He can feel the anger surging to the surface and he wants to splatter the pilot much like he had the dumbasses who failed in their heist tonight. His hands ball into fists as the rage starts to consume him.   
Input: Katsuki? Katsukiiii? Hey, asshole! I’m talking to you!  
He hears the voice of his Input but it’s not fully registering. His breathing starts to become erratic and his optics field of vision narrows as he focuses on his target. One steel-toed boot steps forward as he is about to give in to the urge when someone screaming his name brings him back to reality.   
His foot pauses, partially off the ground and he hunches forward mid-stride. His breathing evens out and the bloodlust subsides. Briefly, he shakes his head and yells out to his pilot. “Get your dick wet later! Let’s go!” Spinning on his heel he turns to return to MaxTac transport. Sneering at the NCPD officer he had intimidated earlier.   
Input: You with me, babe?  
Katsuki: Yeah, yeah. I’m here. Almost lost it for a sec. I’m back now. Don’t need the blockers.  
Input: I am sure you don’t. That was sarcasm, in case you couldn’t hear it over that ego of yours.  
Katsuki: Whatever. I’ll take something when I get back. I just want to get out of my gear and uniform and plug into you.   
Input: Seriously? I swear your mind only has space for 2 things. Just come home safe, ok. I probably won’t be awake when you get back and I have an early day tomorrow so please don’t wake me up! We have brain dances for a reason. There is also the old-fashioned way.  
Katsuki growls audibly as he climbs into the lift and takes a seat in the center of the craft. Head bowed in his hands. The other members of his unit filed in, all wanting to be done with this bullshit. Nobody pays him any mind. Used to his mood swings and behavior.  Sitting up and leaning back in his seat he sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.   
Katsuki: Yeah, I got it. Should I bring anything home?   
Input: Just your fine, non-psychotic ass would be nice. Mm! That reminds me. I have a chrome appointment in 2 days. Take the day off, please!   
Katsuki: Finally getting the platinum nipples?   
He grins at the thought, picturing his lovely input with metallic nipples and areolas. It was a hot thought but he knew that wasn’t happening anytime in the near future.   
Input: Har-har. Real funny, choom. No. I’m not telling you till I get the new installs. Don’t forget to update your Cyberware! Love you!  
Katsuki: Love you too, babe. I’ll take PTO. See you at home. No promises I won’t wake you. Man got needs.   
Input: I need sleep!  
Katsuki: You can try to sleep through it. Be my pillow princess?  
Input: You are infuriating. Sexy, But infuriating. See you at home, asshole.   
The call ends and Katsuki is in a much better mood. The flight continues with the usual lack of fanfare. His team discussing the latest BDs, whatever drama is going down on Wattson Whore, new synth bands Corpo trash are pushing out. The norm.   
He files his paperwork for the night and waits for the craft to land so he can shower and get home to relax and unwind. The time feels like an eternity and he is emotionally and mentally drained. Probably should take some immunoblockers but he really doesn’t want to. Scared of becoming immune to their effects or having them decrease in potency for him. Again. Shaking his head, he stands up and bolts to the raising doors as the vehicle lands. Jumping off before it has even fully landed. Implants in his legs absorbing the shock easily.   
He cruises his way to the showers after submitting his report. Leaving his team behind on the craft he strips in the locker room and tosses his uniform and gear into their respective duffel bags, leaving them out because nobody is going to klepp anything from him. He has a certain reputation within MaxTac. Well, in Night City. No drink in Afterlife is named after him. Well not yet. He still figures he might end up with a flaming hot shot there one of these days.   
Stepping into the shower he sighs again, letting the stress melt off of him with the warm water. Disappearing down the drain like the blood, viscera, and brain matter from one of the victims of the heist. Was it just one? He didn’t remember. They weren’t anybody important. Had no connections so no reason to try and figure that out beyond what he put in his report. The trash had been taken out and that is all the higher-ups would care about.   
He scrubs himself down thoroughly and massages his sore limbs. Amazed his body could even feel sore. Another thing to keep him grounded and remind him that he was still human. Still a being of meat even under all that chrome. He didn’t know if he should be upset or pleased.   
Shutting off the water he grabs a provided towel and dries off. Sending the 40 Eddies it costs for the towel rental and swearing at capitalistic greed. Returning to his locker he discards the towel on the bench and puts on his civilian clothing. His uniform boots, red cargo pants, Black Samurai crop top, and an old Silverhand leather jacket. The man chuckles to himself as he thinks of how much of a rocker groupie he looks like. It wasn’t that long ago people were wearing his merch and going crazy over his presence. Those days are gone now. His life was owned by corporate scum due to his own failures.   
Slamming the locker shut, and grabbing his two duffel bags he heads out to employee parking. Nodding to the secretaries as he passes by. Submitting a hastily filled out request to use his PTO for the date of his inputs upgrade. They make no sign of recognition though he knows they saw him. Can feel their stares on his back. Or maybe that was the paranoia? Perhaps he should take an immunoblocker as a precaution?  
The thoughts are pushed aside as he comes up to his vehicle. A Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X in black and red. Fully tricked out. One of the few things he kept around after his fall from grace and fame. Strapping the bags to his bike he climbs on, putting on his helmet. Something his input requested he do. They were always so focused on his continued safety and well-being that it made him feel guilty at times. Moving from one high-risk lifestyle to another.   
As he drives to their home in North Oak. Made possible by his previous life as a Rockerboy. Top of the game. Even overtaking Kerry Eurodine of the Samurai fame. His input had convinced him to pay for a home in full after saving up and so they had their own modest mansion up on a hill overlooking others. Looking down on the less fortunate like he used to do. The street kid, nomad, and Corpo trash. All milling about to get ahead of this cesspool of fuckery and despair known as Night City.   
The only light he had in his life during that time was his input. They were still with him even now which baffled him. He still had eddies in his accounts but without the fame and glory, he never understood why they stuck around. They had twins together, sure, but that isn’t a reason to stay with anyone. Maybe they actually did love him? Once upon a time he never would have questioned their affections.   
That was before he had lost it all. One implant too many or maybe it was faulty Cyberware? Who knows? What was for sure was that he had succumbed to Cyberpsychosis during an afterparty. He was coked out of his mind and just enjoying the high life. A previous argument with his input over him never being around to help with their offspring had sent him into a bender. Wanting to forget his responsibilities and the constant nagging to be a good father at least to their kids. They would be fine with that overpriced private school they had plus the personal Militech security. Shit should have been fine.   
But it wasn’t. At the time he had felt it was never enough and his input was always asking for more of him than he wanted to give. He didn’t mind they had kids or a somewhat stable relationship. What he did mind was that it never seemed to be enough. Wanting more time, extended stays, pick the kids up, or lingering before he left for a tour to say sweet nothings to each other.   
Now that he had survived going Cyberpsycho he understood none of the things being asked of him had even been all that bad. Just his family wanting to be with him for longer than 2 hours in a month. If even that. He had missed the first 3 years of his kids' lives because of his own selfishness and had pushed his lover aside to indulge in drugs and vehicles. The only request of his inputs he had honored was not messing with others. If he needed to slake his lust he would turn to BDs. Some legal. Some not. All adults and nothing creepy. Just their location was what determined the legality of what was shown. Not that he would be judged in NC of all places.   
Turning onto the 3-mile-long driveway that led to their home he felt the anticipation of feeling his lover in his arms. He wasn’t going to push for sex, that wasn’t the kind of man he was or who they deserved. Thinking back to the night he went Cyberpsycho he feels regret sink into his titanium-plated bones. Figuratively of course.   
He had just done a line of coke and was spiraling. The world was hard to focus on which had become the norm for him. Ignoring the fact they were early signs of psychosis. As were the tremors and short temper, loss of reality, and the bloodlust. He found he was wanting to injure others with the most minor of provocations. Things that any rational person would ignore would set him off. Throwing chairs, punching walls and mirrors. Which is how he found himself that night. Coked out and annoyed a groupie that had overstepped and patted his chest, complimenting his chrome in hopes of getting some of his legendary dick.   
The drugs and alcohol had taken down his inhibitions and his failing mental health did the rest for him. He was lost in a painting of red, strange music playing in his ears as he tried to grab the colors that ran, streaking away from him. All he wanted to do was to make them into a beautiful score written up on the wall.   
An electro grenade had shocked him out of his artistic bliss and before him he saw his input. Blood on their face and dripping down their chest. They shouldn’t have been there and yet they were. Why? Reaching out for them, he stoked their face as terror filled their eyes. He had never seen them that way. Not even when they had come out nonbinary to him when they initially started linking up. “Hey, what’s wrong babe?” he asked them in concern. And like a dam breaking their tears flowed making streaks from the blood on their face.   
Alarm spiked through his system and he pulled them closer to him. Trying to figure out what was going on. Reminding them that he loved them and would do anything to make things better, just tell him what was going on. Why they were here. They looked up at him and took his hand in theirs. Smiling weakly, like they were faking a brave face. They took his hand and placed it on their breast and told him. “I love you. Come back to us, Katsuki.” before the lights went out for him and he slumped forward into their arms.   
He found out later on that MaxTech and Militech had been present for his rampage. He had slaughtered most people at the after-party so the big guns had been called in. Both groups were getting ready to put an end to his life when a young NCPD officer had intervened and said that his life could be saved. Just give him a chance. If he failed then they would still have their kill. The Corpos found the proposition funny and allowed it. That NCPD officer had located his input and summoned them to the scene of his crimes. Used them to save him. Devising a plan where after shocking him his input would place themselves in front of him and hopefully the shock would bring him back. That officer had been correct in his hunch and that was one of the only reasons he still drew breath.  Besides his obvious love of his input. 
The same officer he had shoulder-checked and looked down on previously that night. It was true he was grateful for the intervention and the chance at a new life. He had conveyed that with his Eddies but what he couldn’t forgive was the willingness to put his partner in harm's way on a hunch. He would have rather died than hurt them. Which luckily, he didn’t. Still, he could never accept the fact his lover had to witness him like that or potentially be ended by his own hands. Something he also made sure to remind the officer every time they met.   
Coming up to his house he forgoes parking at his designated spot. Opting instead to stop his vehicle at the front door. Hopping off, grabbing his stuff, and turning the bike off he walks into his home. Biorecognition system working as intended. Dropping the bags on a couch in their foyer he makes large strides to their staircase, up the stairs, and into the living quarters. Peaking his head into each of the twins’ rooms. Watching them sleep and reminding himself that he must be better and continue to take of his health for them. The trauma team salary his input brought in wouldn’t be enough to maintain their current lifestyle so it was up to him. A burden he gladly took up.   
He walked into each room after personal musings over how they had grown and kissed them each goodnight. Making his way further in the back of the mansion to the massive master bedroom. Decked out in a typical Neokitsch style. They had never gotten around to decorating things how they wanted. Just updating to whatever the current style was.   
Opening up the door to the bedroom he shared with his lover he steps in and see’s their delicate frame sleeping on the bed floating in the center of the room. It was a gigantic, circular, floating magnetic bed. The radio was playing on low with Circ du Soleil. Stripping off all his clothes he hurries to their sleeping form. Wanting nothing more than to feel the warmth of their flesh against his chrome. They were still mostly meat. Hesitant to get any significant chrome or Cyberware mods. The mentality was present before his own battle with chrome had started. Reinforced by his descent into Cyberpsychosis.   
Climbing up on the bed he is careful to not disturb them. Taking a minute to look at their beautiful Medium Sienna skin. Running his hand through their short, undercut, cropped and spiked white hair. Most of their chrome was cosmetic. A thin gold plate framed their eyes which were closed otherwise he would see their inverted snake eyed optics. The black sclera was able to draw him in the same as they had the day he first glanced upon them.   
The AFAB body next to him began to stir and he paused stroking their hair. Waiting for them to settle back into their slumber. They wiggled back against him. Wearing his old band tee and nothing else. Their bright red heart-shaped pubic hair was on display for him. A smirk formed on his face. He slides his nude body against their back and brings a hand to cover their mons pubis. He takes his other hand out of their hair and reaches under and around them to cup a large, full, incredibly soft breast. Slotting their small frame against his. Kissing the back of their head where their port was he breathes in their scent deeply. The scent of a neutral conditioner they used on their hair further relaxed him.   
He closes his eyes and thanks whoever is watching over his life for giving him the chance to be here in this moment with his family. His input begins to stir again, turning into his broad and thickly muscled pecs. “Welcome home Katsuki,” they mumble into his chest. His hands reassign themselves to their ass and shoulder blades and he kisses their lids. “Glad to be back. Love you,” he murmurs into their soft lids. They smile as they fall back asleep. “Love you too.”  
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I know it's the last day but...
Ok, I really don't know how to edit font size, style and color, so just pretend it's a rainbow please? ;-; I was planning to do a special post on the 28th, but I got kinda busy and lost my own deadline. So I decide to get into CP77 and take a few screenshots of all my babies and their lovers. There's even my first girl here, and I've never posted anything related to her before. Also, I've decided to give them all a proper name, a definitive name. So here goes:
The first one is my rockergirl Mayumi "Blue" Kayoh, she's a Streetkid and was born in NC, I actually created her first on the ttrpg and decide to bring her to cp77, and then I just fall in love with the stupid bitch.
The boy is my Vince, his full name is Vincent Viktor Vitenka. He's my babyboy what can I tell? Also born in NC on a corpo family, and followed their steps, until... Well, I guess yall know the story :v
Veronica "V" Valentte was my first girl, my first ever cyberpunk playthrough was with her, and boy, what a ride! She brings me a lot of emotions, and opening her files was nostalgic.
And the last is my girl Valerie "V" Schäell, I guess yall have seen her around here before. She's a nomad (believe it or not :P), born in California but outside NC, she lived with the Bakkers until she doesn't.
And I guess that's it?! Thank you if you read until here ❤️ I really appreciate it c:
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transhitman · 2 years
My friend always makes insane over the top anime protag bordering on marry sue backstories for his ttrpg characters. In one game his character's father invented guns. I was like "ok well two can play at that game" and I told the DM I wanted my character's mom to have invented zippers and velcro. Because guns? Ok whatever, people can shoot fireballs. It's redundant. Zippers? Velcro? Revolutionary. Aesthetically bumpin. Imagine being the first amish bitch in your village with a rave goth outfit covered in this mysterious new toothy fabric. Everyone wants me physically.
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creacherkeeper · 2 years
ok but what if i want you to answer all the questions for the lost npcs you havent answered yet.... what then? :'D
well your wish is my command!!!!
under cut cause Long
2. Do you find it easy to create NPCs? Why or why not?
i have so much experience creating characters between original fiction, video games, art, and ttrpgs that making characters is extremely easy for me
3. Do you build settings/encounters or NPCs first?
well with lost it was more setting/encounter just because it was supposed to be a short shot so the small, contained setting and murder mystery aspects were "more important" than the npcs. but once we realized it was gonna be long running, the npcs got a lot more fleshed out. brownbird was definitely a balance of character and mechanics when making her stuff
4. Do you usually have a strong sense of who an NPC, or do they tend to be kind of basic/there to serve a purpose?
my npcs go from "here is a basic vibe" to "oh god theyre calling the shots now" fairly quickly. like lizzie was NOT really a person in game 1 and then in game 2 she was like "im going to lash out and arrest hawk because im in love with divine" and i was like yes maam okay maam i guess this is part of the plot now?
6. How do you pick names for NPCs?
in lost theyre all named after country/folk/americana artists, songs, or bands!! it started as an easier way for me to name them (inspired by mr will orville) but then it became long running and the cast list started expanding and i was like oops!! but yeah its mostly Vibes
7. Do you ever use NPC generators?
honestly didnt know that was a thing
which npc is ...
9. The biggest flirt?
brandi has zero shame <333 shes the biggest lesbian but that will not stop her from flirting w men whether they are into women or not
10. The life of the party?
for regular parties, sarah, for Wild Parties, brandi
11. Most unique?
to stop myself from saying brandi again. i think kelseys stuff is .....,, Interesting. they have the kind of backstory i wouldve written when i was 12
13. Most likely to succeed?
well waylon ... Has succeeded? his methods of getting there were :) its hard to name another character because everyone is in lost cause theyre fucked up in some way <3
14. Most likely to be on a reality show?
sarah would simply thrive with the attention and it would Not make her toxic because she would not understand or care that thats what is supposed to happen
15. Most outspoken?
sarah!!!! my girl has no filter (future flashback my beloved)
16. Most evil?
the jack of course :))
17. Best dressed?
probably kelsey. i think theyre the only one who takes advantage of waylons offer to buy the squad nice clothes. overdressed nonbinary rights. also latrowe <333 his god mom makes sure he is a very fancy little coyote
18. Friendliest?
sarah or scruggs <33 also kitten but she is. 7. and my baby <33
19. Most changed?
can i saw latrowe. is that cheating. okay real answer waylon or scruggs :))
20. Least likely to care what superlative they get?
hawk lmaoo. everyone else would pretend not to care but definitely care, or would care soooo much. hawk would simply be like. this is. dumb.
21. Which NPC is the easiest for you to roleplay? Why?
in the bit of screentime he's had, scruggs
22. Which NPC is the most difficult to roleplay? Why?
honestly probably lizzie? she's just sooo different from me. like trying to balance the Restrained Stoic with the Absolute Messy Bitch Disease is. something im working on. she's VERY much her own person but im still figuring out how to inhabit that person
24. Which NPC is YOUR favorite and why?
thats so hard ToT maybe hawk? i have unfortunately inflicted him with Sad Boi Disease so so fast. bea has received so much psychological damage from high insight checks on him <33
26. Which NPC is YOUR least favorite and why?
hmmmm. i do find things to genuinely like about most of my npcs? either dr clark or colter, not because colter doesnt have interesting stuff, he's just sooo not my type
27. Do you have a favorite NPC (ally or enemy) to use in combat?
well i've only used brandi in combat because im REALLY not a combat person. but she's. insane <3 yall did such a good job kicking her ass but she is a vengeance paladin/arcane archer fighter/wild card rogue who has +12 stealth and her max damage in a turn is 217 <33
29. Are there any NPCs you wish you could play as a PC one day?
if i had to choose one as a long running pc it would probably be scruggs but i WOULD have to break him mechanically more <3 playing brandi as a long term pc might. rot my brain.
30. Bonus question! Answer any that you haven’t been asked, or talk about any NPC you want!
one of the players has a little bit of info about brandi backstory :)) <33
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lemonjamdraws · 3 years
Me accidentally hitting unfollow while desperately trying to get to your ask box for the character meme lol but bro I know next to nothing about Rona please tell me your thoughts about Rona lol
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WHO IS RONA (leftmost character)
Rona is a tabletop character I have for a scifi TTRPG called Stars Without Number. she is the most selfish and morally gray character i have ever made
pro martial artist & a masseuse & 1000 charisma
STRONK BEEFCAKE. mechanically, she can NEVER miss a punch. she will ALways deal damage thanks to cool buffs
she is a HENCHKEEPER which means she has "a knack for collecting lost souls to do her bidding"
GIRLBOSS GASLIGHT GATEKEEP - she is so freaking arrogant
she is literally a SNAKE she has spied on the other party members
SIMILARITIES TO LILITH: fallen from grace from an incredibly high position and ALSO she has SISTER DRAMA
she's actually perfect. some party members don't think so though
ok she is a wine alcoholic though
I've actually been the most objectively useful person around, so I should be the most-liked.
(spoilers, she is not the most-liked and she is Dumb of Ass)
Rona and party member named Garrett. The two of them are called the SNAKE SQUAD bc he helped her spy on a third party member LMFAO
Rona & Sho, her doormat henchman who she is using as a chef and then also a boyfriend. this is very problematic behavior.
Rona & Myka (15yo psychic kid PC who is her roommate. she is an awful parent and he is an awful kid who probably was grown in a lab)
Rona and Ash, ash is the most normal player character and actually confronted rona about Snakedom
ok it just wouldn't be healthy for anyone involved but right now the only potential outcome is her and her doormat boy Sho
HER otp is her and revenge
unfortunately it is a tabletop game and yall aint know anything about it
due to her fucked up arrogance, she is also emotionally reserved
UNPOPULAR OPINION (amongst the other players)
i think she's great
I don't take insults lightly If I could speak politely With just a touch I could disperse your atoms into dust With just a breath I'll bring you screaming from the brink of death I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
If God's a Woman then you should be praying 'Cause I'm the only bitch that capable of sparing you Concrete cracks and crumbles Foundations fall to rubble The jaws of death are snapping The beak of Ravens cackling I break the high and mighty I don't take insults lightly
this is like the MOST girlboss song out of all my girlboss songs
Hello, it's so good to see you We met before but nice to meet you Yeah, I don't really wanna be here like, ah-ah-ah-ah What's my name, do you remember? I'm pretty sure you have my number So let's pretend we like each other like, ah-ah-ah-ah
This room is so suffocating Walking on ice, but nobody breaks it Stuck in this one-way conversation Guess I'll be here for awhile And you're blowing smoke in my face And telling me all about your paycheck Take a shot with a fake smile to chase it Guess I'll take another round
Everybody in this party feels so fake I really wish that I could say it to your face But I won't, so
this refers to ronas past life. she was basically heir to the number 1 richest most dystopian company and therefore had to do annyoing business networking. rona was a dumb party girl and her younger sister Katriane was actually like smart and fit to a run a company so they gave CEO-ship to katriane.
rona threatened to expose a company secret in exchange for ceo-ship and then her parents kicked her ass into the physical lowest level of the world. (its a vertical 3-tiered city, with the top tier being for rich fucks and bottom tier for like, 90% of the population in super poor land) and now she has to climb back for revenge.
i have a FAT playlist of songs but here a few more
PRAY FOR YOU by JARON and the LONG ROAD to LOVE (About revenge)
(thats her doormat henchman boyfriend Sho)
(she got 3d modelled)
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