#me and ren were just playing a horror game
yuri-is-online · 5 months
One Sided Love Triangles: Tokyo Debunker
Link to Twisted Wonderland Post
Because I hate when people have to lose. Though I'd be way more comfortable writing a normal love triangle for tdb than twst... there's a few of these bitches who could stand to be knocked down a peg or two.
Haru vs Peekaboo- betrayal never comes from your enemies does it. Haru wants to be happy you get along with his baby, and he's really grateful for your continued help in the anomalous animal sanctuary, really. He even originally found your interactions with Peekabo really cute! He's got a bunch of videos saved on his phone and everything but he can't help but feel just a wee bit bitter. He really wants to be the one with his head in your lap getting scritches and being told how cute he is. Something he'd never say to your face but whines about at the bar enough for Romeo to record and send to you. "For free?" Yeah for free he's had enough of this shit please come get your man MC.
Kaito vs Luca- this one is cannon to a degree I think... Kaito is deeply insecure about how much more confident Luca is around MC compared to him and how the girls on campus seem to like him more. The fact that he's so painfully oblivious doesn't help, meanwhile Luca is just overjoyed that his two best friends are in such a good relationship. You're genuinely perfect for each other, why all these secrecy and making him promise not to tell the other about the nice things you say? Isn't it natural to gush about your partner???
Towa vs Ren- Towa is such a pouty baby who doesn't fully understand his feelings and Ren is just happy to have a friend who understands the concept of a log in bonus. Neither of you fully realize that Towa is attempting to flirt, or would it be closer to say woo? All you know is one minute the two of you are casually chilling and talking about horror movies or something and then *BAM* Towa's thrown some flowers at Ren and pulled you into his lap. He's happy you wiggle to get comfy with him but very upset that you keep up your conversation with Ren. Stop being a good senpai and pay attention to hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim.
Tohma vs Leo- just hear me out. I don't think Tohma really gets jealous? He seems super secure in himself and his abilities so he doesn't have much of a reason to get whiny and silly over MC, that's your role in the relationship. And he knows, logically that this little video Leo uploaded is bait to test the security on campus but it doesn't stop him from damn near cracking his phone in half when he sees it. That's how Leo wants to play this little game? Well fine, Tohma hopes he's ready to be thoroughly humiliated. No one can flirt with another man's partner quite as well as a bitch with a monocle. Leo is totally unaware any of this for the most part, he just assumes the extra irritation he's picking up on from Tohma is because he keeps spying on him and Alan. The fact he keeps teasing MC doesn't even cross his mind, he's just doing that to irritate you.
... as a side note can you imagine how confused everyone would get if Leo and MC kept picking fights about their upcoming "divorce" when no one even thought they were ever technically together. Except for Ritsu who sits you down to seriously try to talk you in to let him being your divorce attorney and still doesn't fully get that it's a joke by the time you're done. Actually while I'm at it:
Leo vs Ritsu- where that's exactly your dynamic but Leo starts catching some genuine feelings when he tries to crack a joke about you cheating on him with your divorce attorney only to realize that makes him unironically angry. How dare you, after everything you've been through. Wasn't he he enough? You know he can't treat you like he can. And you're just like "what can't treat me wrong?" And then you have a very toxic make out session Sho has to hear both of you scream about later while he seriously considers taking up a drinking problem.
Taiga vs Haru- this game has one character named Haru (ginger, baby) and one named Haku (green, evil?) Which confuses me an unreasonable amount. I already mentioned I wanted a serious Taiga vs Haku love triangle... but Taiga vs Haru would just be silly. You have MC who loves anomalous animals and hanging out in Jabberwock and Taiga who hates emotional intimacy and his feelings for MC just as much as he hates the idea of you being with anyone else. And of all people why Harry? He thought they were friends... or cool at least even if he won't let him eat that chinchilla thing. And now he's got MC playing defense for it too, it's irritating. He already has to fight himself to remember who you are every time he sees you again and go through the annoyance of recognizing he's a bit in love and now he can't even break into the animal sanctuary without tripping over himself and paying attention to you instead. It's annoying and it's all Haru's fault for having everything he wants. (If you ask he'll say that complaint is about Peekaboo but Haru and Romeo know it's not.) Haru is just trying to get some help from a trusted friend he's so stressed out ;-;
Sho vs Jin- Sho and his excuses... he doesn't want to just invite you to hang out and he doesn't want to ask you to come help him with the food truck because you've got so much else to do. You deserve a chance to rest, and he wants to be who you come to do that with. But Jin... he'd make that so much easier if it was him wouldn't he? He's rich and connected, and you're so sweet he's sure you could thaw that frozen heart enough for him to see you as human and not a gopher. Sho knows you, the moment he started paying attention to you he saw you as a person. But he still hurt you... and Jin didn't really do that did he? Jin doesn't like Sho because he's in Vagastrom and he doesn't trust him with your safety. Sho might see a rival and a better option, but what he's really dealing with is MC's disapproving dad who can't stand that their boyfriend has a leather jacket and a motorbike. He bets he's got tattoos and an arrest record too doesn't he MC, Jin is judging you so hard.
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aayakashii · 25 days
“Favorite movie.” Ren asks, staring at his cellphone's screen instead of you.
You purse your lips, thinking about it for a second, before coming up with your answer.
“Frances Ha.”
He scoffs.
“Frances what? Is this one of those cult french movies? Are you trying to sound intellectual right now? Be for real.”
You roll your eyes and look up from your own phone, where you were writing Ren's own answers to the 20 questions game you were forcing him to play.
Haru had almost begged you to try and actually become Ren's friend, just like a concerned father with a problem child. How could you possibly say no to one of the few people who liked you?
Ren isn't a problem child, though. He's just incredibly, terribly, horribly annoying.
“It's not a cult movie. Maybe if you didn't watch only B-horror movies, you'd know about it” you stick out your tongue and flip your middle finger at him.
The “Become friends with Ren” plan was going great.
“Oh yeah? Then tell me about it and I'll be the judge of whether or not it's worth watching.” he flips his own middle finger back at you and then grabs a chip from the ridiculously big bowl of snacks you had prepared for the game. You were pretty sure you had depleted Darkwick's stock of chips just to be sure you had at least one type Ren would like.
Hey, no one could ever say you'd ever half-ass a mission after all. Maybe Leo could. But he doesn't count.
“Since when are you the judge of whether or not movies are good? You'd give Rubber an Oscar if you could.”
Ren gasps at the mention of that movie, almost choking with the handful of chips he had stuffed in his mouth.
“You know Rubber?!” he mumbles almost incoherently in between chews.
“The horror movie about a freaking homicidal car tire? Yeah, Ren, I think everyone knows about that movie because it's basically a meme… You're the only one that takes it seriously” you sigh, shaking your head. Why weren't you surprised that he knew and liked that abomination. What was wrong with him. God.
He sneers at you, shrugging.
“You just don't get the irony of it. The sarcasm! And you also can't appreciate the special effects, okay? Don't blame me just because you're a close minded uncultured human.”
You groan loudly.
“Oh goooood, before you try to fight for that movie's honor, can we please continue the game?” you say, exasperated.
“Not before you tell me why you like the cult french movie.” he puts his phone on the table face down and dramatically crosses his arms, adamant about continuing on the same topic. Suddenly you could understand why Towa called him Wolfsbane.
“It's not french!” you sigh “Fine, what do you want to know?”
Ren hums in thought for a moment, tapping his chin with his index finger.
“Why do you like it?” he finally asks, and you widen your eyes.
You weren't actually expecting him to ask why you liked the movie. You thought he'd ask about the plot or the cast or the cinematography, but not about your personal connection to it. Maybe it was just a whim or pure and random curiosity, but you still grab that and run with the idea that he is finally warming up to you and getting interested in knowing about his new “friend”. Haru would probably accept that as a sign too.
“I… relate to the main character, I think. She's, uh. Messy, has a hard time with relationships and all that.” you try to answer, avoiding his gaze and scratching your head. How much could you share with him, truly? Does he REALLY want you to step on a soap box and tell all of the reasons why you like the movie and why you relate to the main character? You hardly see Ren as someone who likes emotional or deep things if his disdain for cult movies is anything to go by. So you just say the bare minimum.
Ren deadpans.
“Wow, you gave me so much information to work with right now.” he says, voice dripping with sarcasm.
You roll your eyes.
“Do you really want to know why I like it?”
“Well, yeah? That's why I asked?” Ren raises an eyebrow.
Huh. Okay, I guess. Here goes nothing, you think.
“Okay. There's this monologue in which she talks about what she wants from love.”
Ren groans, loud and dramatic, slapping his own forehead.
“Nooooooo! Not the cheesy shit!”
You shush him, getting flustered in spite of yourself.
“Goddammit Ren, I KNEW you'd act like this! But you asked! Now let me finish!” you croak, embarrassed, avoiding his eyes.
“She says she wants to love someone in such a way that... when her eyes meet the eyes of that person, even if they're distant or in a crowd, they know they have something special. Like there's a whole secret world between them. Then she would know that that is her person in this life.”
You pause for a moment.
“And in the end, you find out that this special person, for her, is actually her best friend! I like this idea, you know. This depiction of- of love. And that's… uh, that's it.” you finish, clearing your throat and getting more embarrassed with every word you said.
Ren stares at you in silence for a long while after you finish.
“Well?” you ask, anxiously.
He stretches his arms wide, elbows and shoulders popping after being hunched over the table for so long, and then leans back on his chair, folding his hands in front of him.
“Well. It is some cheesy shit after all.” Ren says, flatly.
And then he starts laughing.
Ohhhh, this JERK. You spilled your most personal thoughts about your favorite movie right in front of him and he had THE GALL to laugh and mock you!
You grab a handful of chips and quickly throw them at him. He shields himself with his hands, still laughing.
“Hey! That's harassment! Abuse of power!” He says in between his laughs. “I'll call Ritsu! I'll sue you! I have a case against you!”
“You're insufferable!” you yell, cheeks tingling with embarrassment, and you hide your mouth with your hands to keep him from seeing the small smile that was appearing on your lips at the sound of his laugh.
Right as you were going to grab another handful of chips to throw at him, the entrance door slams open, and Haru saunters in. The red head gasps loudly at the scene unfolding in front of him.
“Ohhh, will you look at that! Ren laughing! Now that's a sight for sore eyes!” Haru says, voice brimming with joy.
“Ugh… The creep is back” Ren quickly morphs back into his gloomy mood like his happy switch had been turned off at the mere sight of Jabberwock's captain.
He grabs his phone, putting it inside his pocket, before grabbing a handful of chips from the bowl.
“Wait, you're leaving? We barely started the game!” you protest, picking up the chips that had fallen to the ground during your "attack".
“Yeah, he ruined the mood, obviously” Ren says, rolling his eyes and quickly making way to the stairs that led to the bedrooms.
“Awww, don't be shy to interact with your friend, Ren!” Haru says, blatantly winking at you at the word ‘friend’.
Ren only grumbles a complaint, to which Haru just sighs and shakes his head. He turns to you, immediately changing the subject to some errand he would love to get some help since his dorm mates definitely weren't going to fulfill their responsibilities at all and how you are the only one he can trust.
As Haru goes on and on about how you'd be a lifesaver if you just lent him a hand for a moment, your eyes flit towards the top of the stairs.
Ren was slowly dragging his feet through the last steps, lazily looking down at where you were standing.
Your eyes meet despite the distance between you two and, even though he blushes, startled, when you meet his stare, he sustains your gaze.
You smile.
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Get it? Get it? Please tell me you got the end
Anyway here's the monologue mentioned in this fic! Frances Ha isn't my favorite movie but I love it deeply <3 wrote this on a whim because there's barely any Ren love here! I know he's this close 🤏 to being an incel but we can fix him 😔
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katze-thief · 1 year
five days for love confession
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pairing: Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu x fem!reader
summary: Shujin Academy is holding its annual cultural festival, and it seems that five days of preparation is all it takes to make your crush fall in love with you.
chapter one: prologue
"five days for love confession" series' masterlist
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It was a fact that Ren Amamiya did not have the best reputation at Shujin Academy.
Of course, this was due to his criminal record status, but it was more about the implications of it. He couldn’t say anything when a student treated him badly, or delivered lies in form of hot gossips around the student body. Ren heard it all — that, supposedly, he carried a knife around, that he committed audacious crimes frequently and even more. All lies, surely, however, due to the student body being formed of high-profile students, a single complain about his conduct towards other student could mean the end of probation for him. For the worse.
Because of his reputation (and uttermost lack of capacity of deniability), teachers felt that they could basically use Ren as a fix-it man in the organization of Shujin’s events. After all, why bother convincing students to participate and form a minimum quorum, if you can just place the same one? And it wasn’t different with the annual cultural festival of Shujin’s Academy. When he squished himself in between of the crowd of students to see the lists, his name was in almost every single one. Shocking news.
At the end of that evening, Ren, the rest of the Phantom Thieves, and you, were reunited at the attic of LeBlanc, a.k.a. Ren’s bedroom. After you all ate cookies, cake and drank coffee downstairs, now you were trying to figure out in which activities each one was, to assure he wouldn’t go through this utterly traumatizing experience of being at Shujin all day alone (as in the words of Ryuji). The cozy smell of coffee embalmed the place, as well as the woody scent, both so familiar for you.
“I’m in the dancing and musical arts’ front, doing ‘Legally Blonde’” Ann chuckled. She was sitting beside Makoto on the floor, as they made matching bracelets with beads. “It’s the first time Shujin does musicals, right?”
Makoto nodded, reorganizing the beads. “I’m responsible for the festival’s haunted house. Indeed, we only have me, the student council and Ren at this one.” Ren winced at the reminder of work. “You all should subscribe for this one. It’s still open.” She said, stern.
You played chess with Ren on the other side of the bedroom, while they talked and scribbled on paper. Both of you were sitting on his bed, as the checkered board stood on a pillow. Ren didn’t want them to take on more work just for his wellbeing, in fact, he made it clear that was against this whole commotion on LeBlanc. You, however, already expected the school counsellor to put him in every activity, so you secretly sent him a letter asking to be in the same activities as Ren, so he wouldn’t be alone (which may or may not be because of your, also secret, crush for him).
Ren moved the bishop and grinned “Checkmate.”
“How?” you said surprised, not even paying attention to the entire mess of a discussion that your friends were having over the schedule.
The fact was that Ren was terribly bad at chess, at least in comparison to you. He never win, so it was a small joke in between you two ever since you met. It was always the ‘It’ll probably happen when you win me on chess’ for impossible things. However, today’s Earth decided to debunk your saying.
Ren adjusted his glasses, proudly, and redid the sequence of movements of the game, but you could only notice the flicker of his bright eyes, how his wavy hair moved as he explained his thought behind his actions with his throaty voice and—
“Guys!” Ryuji yelled, which made all of you stop and stare at him. He was holding a sheet of paper, one from the pile of lists’ copies, and in his face was the pure look of horror. “I’m gonna cook curry. Cook curry. Wha’ the f-??”
“Let me guess, that’s another one for Ren too?” Yusuke joked, making everyone (except Ren) laugh.
“At least is one thing he actually can cook.” Morgana added, intensifying the laughs.
After that, everyone chatted for a while, before going away. You knew all of them were the Phantom Thieves, so when they stood up to leave, scary looking at the clock, you got it why too. The ‘We need to rest to enter another palace this weekend’ was always there, implicit, even though they didn’t share their plans as thieves with you. It was like those unreachable places in the dreams — you knew the Metaverse existed and knew that your friends frequented it and was behind all those events on the news, but it wasn’t tangible for you. You could never experience it with them, see by yourself. And in those times, you felt less of a part of the group than them.
On the ride home, as you reminisced the memories from the day, you almost gagged when you remembered what you did. “I’m going to work endlessly all week, all day, at Shujin, because of a boy??” you thought to yourself. And oddly, that thought didn’t even scare you.
Because it was Ren Amamiya the boy you were going to spend the longest week of your junior year of high school with.
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danieyells · 3 months
I find the idea of Ren being a pervert so nice bc he seems like the least likely at plain sight to be like that, a few times he invited them over to watch movies after working in Jabberwock hoping that you leave something behind and more times than he wants to admit he came to the fantasy of you sitting on his face
He plays mobile games and you think he's the least likely to be a pervert? I guarantee you he is, at minimum, into all sorts of weird 2d shit--trust me, i'm just like that.
But yeah I can absolutely see him being a pervert! He doesn't have anywhere in his room to sit for when he invites you over for movies so, uh, sit on this pillow. He's got more than one pillow for his bed, stop making it weird. Of course after you go home he's huffing that pillow while he jerks off, cursing himself for being so gross but very much lost in the smell.
He doesn't know how to approach you socially so he fantasizes about you instead. After Haru returned the uniform of his that he had you wear he didn't even wanna wash it. It's not like he wore it much at that point anyway, it smelt more like you than it did like him. . .it'd be a waste, right? He's not sure if he wants to wear it or smell it more. (Getting a new one is expensive so he ends up wearing it of course.) If nothing else that you wore it makes it a lot better. If only he'd gotten to see you in it. . .he would never be brave enough(or willing to put forth enough effort) to but it's fun for him to imagine catching you in his clothes, 'getting mad,' taking them off of you. . .all your clothes got wet and dirty, were you even wearing anything under it then? Oh no, he's real hard at the thought. . . .
But most of his fantasies are in line with his usual interests. Not having to do anything at all. You come to him--you seduce him or push him around a little, tease him for getting hard, then. . .it varies a bit from there. You ride him or sit on his face or suck him off or whatever. Sometimes he gets so pent up he turns things around in his own fantasy and isn't so passive. Sometimes he's a little kinder to himself in his fantasies and it's more gentle and loving--you confess and things escalate. . . .
Or you sleep over--in his room for some reason--and he molests you in your sleep. Or you do it to him. . . .
And of course the more fantastical ideas. . .you get to be the couple in every horror movie that sneaks off to screw. Of course, you don't die in the fantasies, but the idea of being in a scary scenario and you only care about him. . .it's stupid, but it pleases him emotionally too. He's nobody special or important or interesting or strong like other ghouls but maybe that's what you'd want, just like him. All of this crazy stuff, the anomalies, it's too much--something ordinary fits you both way better.
. . .on the other hand he's watched enough hentai to think some of the anomalous plants and animals could have more. . .interesting effects. Maybe you're helping out and he told you you should just hide with him instead of working, you shouldn't help them, but you come to him needy and desperate because of some weird plant Towa's keeping. . . .
He can't be bothered to try and get away with being perverse towards you anywhere but in his own head but he thinks about it. If not for that Japanese phones are forced to have the shutter sound on them he'd have so many pictures of you on his phone. . . . He'd be a total hypocrite if he was open about it anyway--he complains about everything minutely able to be interpreted as harassment himself and then he harasses someone else? And who's not gonna believe that the loser loner sexually harassed somebody? He'd get in trouble right away! And with all your connections the last things he needs are members of every house hunting him down. Including his own. He can't hide forever. That's way too much effort just to satisfy himself once or twice.
Nah, he'll keep it in his head. He'll imagine groping you in the dark during movies and sleepovers and acting like some anomaly snuck in and did it if you ask. Try and peek at you in the shower when you stay over--or, think about it anyway because somehow Haru or Towa would definitely stop him. Maybe he could get some kind of little spy cam for the bathroom. . . . If you stay over or get messy while helping out again, they'll take care of the laundry here, he'll let you borrow his clothes again, and if your underwear occasionally go missing well. . .that happens with laundry sometimes, right? Hey, you think that's an anomaly too, whatever makes clothes go missing?
He'll bump his leg against yours to know what it feels like to touch you. You'll be watching scary moves in the dark and he'll grab you to startle you--no, it was too dark, he didn't realize he was grabbing your ass/thigh/chest, he swears! He did clamp his hand over your mouth on purpose though--he just didn't want anybody else to wake up! And yeah maybe that ended up with him holding you to his chest--that was incidental. He just thought it'd be funny. Sorry. Feel something against your back? What're you talking about?
I think he'd make a great pervert, just a very cowardly one haha. He keeps it inside or just hopes things end up working out in his perverse favor. Probably hates himself for it a little bit too--he'd hate if someone was like this towards him after all! Why should he think he's any less repulsive?
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
Have you heard or played this game called "The Quarry"? If so what would Ren be like if he was in that game? I've been hyperfixating over both games and I cant get the crossover out of my mind lol
✦゜ANSWERED: I actually got to play the game with Mon (my (irl) bestie) a while back, and I've had Kaitlyn brainrot ever since uwu
This ask also got long because I have A LOT to say about The Quarry!AU Ren gksdgbjsdgk. Also!! There's going to be spoilers for the actual game! IK it's been out for a while now, but if you ever plan on playing it, maybe skip this ask and come back another time!! <3
Okay!! So! Ren probably told the other councillors that he went to Hackett's Quarry to gain more experience as a music tutor, when in reality, he only joined the stupid program so that he'd get to spend the summer with you.
Would constantly show up to your camp activities with the kids and ask if you needed any help. Mainly because he was free right now and had nothing better to do. (He had to clean the kitchens...)
They would be insanely overprotective of you even if there was no one else around, and it would only get worse if Ren ever gets bitten (read: infected!Nick).
Realistically speaking, the only way Ren could possibly get bitten is by protecting you. Because if he had the choice, this man would literally lock the both of you up in the security room (that he tooootally had no clue about), and would just wait out the night there instead of walking aimlessly around the camp and getting stalked by hunters and werewolves.
I doubt they'd do anything to help the other councillors, and would instead watch them meet their demise through the security cameras.
If you were to witness them meeting their gory demise though, then Ren might put up an act and pretend to care. Maybe press a few buttons and switches in hopes that it'd somehow help them — when in reality, he's just flicking the audio channels on and off.
If you didn't want to camp out in the security room for the entirety of the night, then Ren would be glued to your side and won't ever let you out of his sight.
He'd let you carry the shotgun if it made you feel safer, but wouldn't mind using it himself if you thought that was the better option. Though... he'd probably forget that it was a gun at first and would try to smack the werewolves with the recoil/stock end before realising that, wait, this isn't a sledgehammer? It doesn't work that way?
Ren has seen enough horror movies to be able to put all the (cliché) pieces together, and would probably figure out what was happening by the time you (Abi) push Leon (Nick) into the pool.
Ren would 100% be like, "Oh, they don't like water? Alright then. Cool. C'mon Angel, we're stealing a kayak and sleeping in the middle of the lake tonight ^^ We can look at the stars while we confess our feelings for each other—" "Oh wow MC, you look hot holding a shotgun." "Shut the FUCK up you buff ass RACCOON, I'm having my moment >:(" "Ren, don't be mean to Teo."
If Ren does get infected, then he's just going to be extra clingy and creepy compared to usual. He'd be sniffing you every chance he gets and would try to rub his scent all over you. They'd probably be extra horny because even without being a werewolf, Ren is still very much addicted to your scent.
The real/[REDACTED] side of him would slowly start to surface, and would constantly ask you questions like "who do you love?", "D'you like me?", "No one can protect you like I can.", "You smell s'good. Come closer.", "Need to taste you. Now.", "I want t'be inside you."
Once he fully turns, I'd really like to say that he wouldn't target you simply because his sheer devotion to you would outweigh his animalistic urges. Idk if that's canonically possible in the game, but I'm gonna pretend it is because I can hehe :)
Everyone else is fair game though, especially any of the councillors that got a bit too close to you at the beginning of the season. All the people who tried to be friendly with you? Those who tried to kiss you during that game of Truth or Dare? Yeah, they better start hiding because Ren will be seeking them out.
He probably won't try to interact with you while in his werewolf form because he's afraid of scaring/hurting you, but would instead stalk you around the camp and fend off any other threats that go near your vicinity.
By the time dawn comes, Ren will be seeking you out and ensuring that you're alright. If anyone dared to hurt you while he was occupied with hunting down the other councillors, they'd be dead meat. Especially since they have a shotgun in their possession now :)
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inkblot22 · 7 months
I agree!! aftermaths are ALWAYS my favourite to read during forced pregnancy stories and I actually hate when it ends with the yandere impregnating darling like how do u know if she truly got pregnant? where’s the horror in finding out you’re carrying your rapist’s child(ren)? how does reader deal with that? how does the yandere react to that? (I’m sure he knows but finding out the news from you yourself would surely elicit different emotions) how does he react when you say you wanna get rid of it? how do they both cope as parents? sooo many possibilities!! I’m glad to know the story I requested will not end with epel just impregnating darling!! thank you sm for that <3
also seeing as how both you and the other anon rank epel low I hope to see he be ranked higher in the future >:3
- epel felmier anon 🍎💜
ALL the freaking possibilities! The machinations of the yandere's mind when the baby-trapping (consensual or not) isn't received well is bound to be endlessly fascinating. Idk, stories work well sometimes if you let the reader imagine the hopelessness of a situation, but they work even better if you showcase it.
I'm putting the other stuff under a cut because I'm about to go on a bit of a tangent. Also, I have not read book seven yet, if anyone spoils it, I will temporarily block you until after I have read it.
I ranked Epel a C the first time because I didn't know anything about him at the time, almost every character save for the ones I really loved the designs for were lower than I would put them today, and frankly some were higher. I've done another tier list, this is not the old one. I have a pretty high opinion of most of the characters regardless of their ranking, here's the maker I used.
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Okay, so, I feel the need to specifically explain Crewel: I don't like being treated like a dog. Pet play is not my thing, and I do not understand the hype surrounding him whatsoever. Why would I want to hang out with someone who probably smells like a really strong, expensive cologne and refuses to call me anything other than "good boy"? No thanks, y'all can have him. Crowley is self-explanatory.
Riddle, Silver, and Lucius all have their good qualities, I will admit. But I'm the type of person who would avoid both of the people for varying reasons (Riddle is annoying, I don't like being bothered when I'm minding my own fucking business because I'm "breaking the rules" and I don't want to wake up Silver and I don't know enough about him,) and I would get irrationally mad at Lucius for always getting into fights with Grim.
C tier is somewhat similar to D for me. I'd very likely not go out of my way to interact with these guys, but they're either more approachable or less irritating than D tier. I'm sure you can see a trend with at least two of them, but most of these mfs are too high energy or too intense. Sebek is here because while I don't like petplay, I do like degradation and I think he would be excellent at that, given his usual temperament and opinion on humans. Deuce is there because I find him to be a very one-note character. Everyone in this game is well-written, but not everyone can be interesting. Trein is here because I know I'd be constantly getting in trouble in his class for drawing instead of paying attention. By the way, when did people who were 50 become old? Idk I consider old to be like 70+ but maybe that's just because of the people I grew up around.
B tier is characters that I am aware I am sleeping on, with the bonus of Vargas, who I actually like quite a bit. Not enough to put him in higher than B tier, though. Ortho and Idia are sort of a package deal, but I do like Ortho less than I like Idia. Azul pisses me off but I am a sucker for a pathetic man.
EPEL!!! THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!! Epel is like Deuce, if Deuce had more of a twisted view of himself. Reading though his little dilemma in book 5 didn't make me sympathize, but it did endear him to me. I can understand getting upset because you are literally unable to express yourself in a way that you would like because of reasons outside of your control. Beyond that, I love it when characters have a secret rough side (sorry Deuce.) Two-faced characters are my favorite thing.
A tier is characters I would like to put in S but I am too scared of them to do so. While C and lower are characters I would avoid because they're annoying, A tier is literally just characters I would avoid because they're freaky. I think people forget that the first interaction we have with Leona is him threatening to beat the shit out of us because we accidentally tripped on his tail. While Trey is sweet, he's the absolute definition of a two-faced character and he's way too observant to be comfortable around. Idk, maybe that makes him boyfriend material. I feel like anyone who has been on this blog at this point already understands my viewpoint of Jade, Floyd, and Rook. They scare the mess out of me and I love them for that.
With S tier, I'm actually going to specify a couple things: Sam is up there because I know I'd constantly be in his shop, buying things with thaumarks I should save just because I know his shop would smell like home. I feel like where a lot of people see Sam and think "this man can FUCK," I see Sam and think "big brother material." The sibling that I am closest to is literally just barely a year younger than Sam. Also, to clarify, I'm Black with family from the south. Grim is also sibling material. He's like a little brother, and I love him for that even though he pisses me off.
Now back to the WHORE KNEE. I very desperately want to bring my personal Vil series to this blog. I think maybe someone else would enjoy it, because what's more lovely than a man who sees what he wants in a person that isn't what he wants but forces to be what he wants anyway? I love that shit. Lilia is prime fodder for coercion fics, and I'd love to see more of those because he's very wise (because he's old as hell) and he's had a lot of practice at being a sweet talker. I think with a gullible reader?? Oh my god??? I'm not shy about my opinion on Malleus, Jamil, and Idia, and I think I talk about Idia a bit too much. Jamil stole my heart from the minute he was all sweet and kind in book 4 because he is so obviously two-faced that only the overly trusting would fall for that. Also, Jafar was something of an awakening for me. Who cares about Aladdin? I want the old man. As for Malleus, I like that he fills out the gap moe trope, but not overly so. He absolutely strikes me as the type to assume he knows best for both parties involved, and if he doesn't assume, he decides for you.
Anyway, knowing me, this list will have switched all over the place in a month's time. Thanks for reading my garbled nonsense.
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castawavy · 2 years
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15 oc questions - tag game
I was tagged by @madeofcc (ty for the tag ben!) he answered for his ocs ic so I think I will too, and answer for my new ocs 💟
1) are you named after anyone?
ophelia: ‘I don’t think so! I know that there’s a Shakespeare character called Ophelia but she drowns... so I hope it’s not her- I think my parents just liked the name!’
lyra: ‘oh well... I was named after a star I think?’
ren: ‘my full name is laurent, but I don’t use it much. My mother was french so she picked the name, but she always called me ren’
jude: ‘errr no clue- my parents just named me randomly I guess, my little brother’s called ash’
2) when was the last time you cried?
ophelia: ‘god, all the time. I cried recently watching Mulan.’
lyra: ‘I’ve been keeping it together for awhile now.’
ren: ‘recently. I was opening up to a friend and I ended up crying, I was a little drunk though...’
jude: ‘my dad was in hospital recently and I felt like crying, but I didn’t. I know that’s weird of me, but it’s hard to’
3) do you have kids?
ophelia: ‘ew, no! I don’t even want to think about that...’
lyra: ‘no.’
ren: ‘erm, no. I’m way too young. also I’ve never really considered children, it seems more hassle than it’s worth.’
jude: ‘hah! no. I’d maybe like them one day though... but that’s something for another day.’
4) do you use sarcasm?
ophelia: ‘guilty!’
lyra: ‘not really. I don’t really like that type of humor. ophelia does it to jude alot.’
ren: ‘not especially. I’m more of a fan of self deprecation. I know... it’s not good but it’s how I’ve learned to cope, alright?’
jude: ‘no, it’s cheap.’ 😒
5) whats the first thing you notice about people?
ophelia: ‘their breath! if you have bad breath I notice right away eugh!’
lyra: ‘um. their eyes I guess, like, what colour they are maybe?’
ren: ‘I usually notice their mannerisms, like I always try to guess how someone is feeling based on their body language.
jude: ‘face mostly. I don’t know!’
6) what’s your eye colour?
ophelia: ‘I have brown eyes, like my parents do!’
lyra: ‘I don’t know err, black eyes I guess?’
ren: ‘brown’
jude: ‘brown’
7) scary movies or happy endings?
ophelia: ‘happy endings! I hate sad endings! I was devastated at the ending of The Haunting of Bly Manor- I even like when horror ends happy and I was really rooting for them!’
lyra: ‘scary movies. I love horror, but I don’t watch fims much’.
ren: ‘I’m not really into horror.’
jude: ‘spoookeh! I love a good horror, the more gory the better too, like, I wanna see blood and guts.’
8) any special talents?
ophelia: ‘well there’s my affinity, anything I draw with magic on paper comes to life, i’d say that’s pretty special!’
lyra: ‘what? like my affinity? I can read minds... I’m a psychic, but I don’t know if that’s that special... a lot of people have a psychic affinity.’
ren: ‘I’m really good at painting.’
jude: ‘dude, watch this!’
9) where were you born?
ophelia: ‘los angeles!’
lyra: ‘I don’t really know to be honest... I was abandoned by my mum at a mall so... yeah.’
ren: ‘lyon! but my parents also lived in london for awhile.’
jude: ‘new york. god I miss it...’
10) what are your hobbies?
ophelia: ‘errr I watch a lot of reality tv, I also play simulation games like the sims, stardew valley- those kinds of games’.
lyra: ‘I play a lot of video games. I really like Destiny, but also horror games like Dead by Daylight, and Resident Evil- yeah, I play a lot of games, just look at my steam library instead maybe. Sometimes I stream them, but I don’t use webcam so...’
ren: ‘painting and drawing... I don’t really do much else, but I like this one game I have on my laptop called Mini Motorways- it’s really relaxing’.
jude: ‘watching movies, reading comics, playing guitar... I like a lot of things, and I watch a lot of Youtube as well! I also play basketball.’
11) have you any pets?
ophelia: ‘no... and my mom wouldn’t let me get a snake’
lyra: ‘oh yeah, we have two dogs. a pomeranian named apple and a sausage dog called bean- my dad’s are really bad at naming animals’.
ren: ‘no, but there’s a cat with socks that comes into my garden sometimes.’
jude: ‘we have a cat. she loves me more than she loves my mom-heh’.
12) what sports do you play / have you played?
ophelia: ‘HA. I don’t ‘sport’.
lyra: ‘next question.’
ren: ‘I sometimes play football with my friends. I do it socially, I’m not that interested in sports.’
jude: ‘oh ya, like I said earlier, I play some basketball sometimes!’
13) how tall are you?
ophelia: ‘five foot eight! I’m pretty tall actually.’
lyra: ‘I’m about five three.’
ren: ‘err, five foot ten I think- I haven’t checked in awhile though.’
jude: ‘six one. you can measure me if you like, I’ll prove it.’
14) favourite subject in school?
ophelia: ‘I really like geography and textiles.’
lyra: ‘art is the most relaxing... I hate school to be honest’.
ren: ‘art, but I like history a lot as well.’
jude: ‘errr physics, or maths. I like maths as well.’
15) dream job?
ophelia: ‘I’d like to work in media! working on a tv set would be really fun, or a costume set!’
lyra: ‘if I could earn money playing video games I’d do that. yeah.’
ren: ‘well, I’d like to be an artist but that’s not always realistic. My second choice would be a job that doesn’t cause me any stress, or working outside somewhere...’
jude: ‘I haven’t really thought about that.’
im gonna tag @itsmariejanel, @sadnesshotline @rebouks @pralinesims @astralsi and @verthu ! (but don’t feel like you have to hehe) 💟
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rokkenjimaisland · 1 year
Ren's "similar to Umineko" list! (now overhauled)(You're welcome)
Stuff on here reminds me of Umineko for a variety of reasons. If I add to it, I'll just edit this post and add the date I added it to this list. Separated by genre this time.
Under the read-more, with the "why it reminds me of Umineko" blurb after the title rather than a whole plot synopsis like I had done in the previous list
Feel free to rec stuff in tags or in comments etc. if I haven't read/played/watched it it might be hard for me to add it but I'll definitely add it to my own list of things to check out!
VIDEO GAMES The House In Fata Morgana - Visual novel, Unreliable narration, witch haunting an illusory mansion for thousands of years, cycles of abuse and trauma, Gothic setting, romance 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors - Visual novel, "The killer is among us" (lol), murder mystery scoping out paranormal/metaphysical elements and twisting them into its own crazy logic, romance NieR Replicant - It's up to you to find your own happiness whatever that means to you despite the circumstances of the world you're living in or your own birth Alan Wake - Author creates and infers reality around him, horror setting, unreliable narration, creations rallying against their creator Alan Wake 2 - see the above, it's the sequel, except Alan Wake 2 is an actual survival horror. I didn't like Alan Wake 1 much but I'm LOVING 2 so far. The Forgotten City - I haven't played this just saw someone on Twitter say to play it if you like Umineko so I'm trusting their recommendation Pathologic Classic HD - Questions of morality, wishy-washiness on the reality of the fantastical elements of the town's culture, meta universe shenanigans forcing you to contend with "none of this matters, so why do/should I care?" Patho 2 can probably go here too but I am playing that at the moment.
ANIMANGA Naoki Urasawa's Monster - "Why did the culprit do this?" over "Who is the culprit?", murder mystery, cycles of abuse, questions of character identity, the ultimate "victim of circumstances has created the monster" situation Shiki - Sleepy town being annihilated by an unknown threat, humans doing unspeakable things in the name of justice, the question of the antagonist's morality/justice is brought to the forefront and maybe they were right all along...? Princess Tutu - Characters who have been created for a story and are living out a narrative sort of against their will, the narrative as a framing device and also a prison, love love love lots of love, the death of the author and what this means for a tale and the characters within it too--if you can only call them characters I Want To Hold Aono-kun so Badly I Could Die - romantic relationships as a way to combat your personal loneliness, horror and romance and how they intersect...kind of hard to explain this one unless you've finished Umineko but this manga really reads like AU Bato[redacted] to me so far, lots of supernatural elements, learning how to find happiness
TV Succession - Rich people dealing with their abusive and unpredictable father deciding who will be the successor for the family business and dragging everyone else into it, cycles of literally every sort
MOVIES Knives Out (2019) - Rich family called to a house to discuss the ailing patriarch's will only for him to be murdered, murder mystery Haven't seen Glass Onion yet but that too. Decision To Leave (2022) - Confessions of the unspeakable as acts of love, Another time another place maybe it could have worked, I created myself to love you, tragic romance, the sea as a motif representing character worlds Memento (2000) - it's up to the watcher to interpret events as they happen and piece them together, the most unreliable narrator of narrators, just go in blind The Prestige (2006) - Magicians get into a big dick competition and destroy their relationships for the sake of greatness, branches into metaphysical territory for the sake of pursuing magic House (1977) - Group of girls visit an ancient family home, horror setting, love is always enduring for better or for worse, witches, using other bodies to fulfill your own wish
BOOKS The Locked Tomb Quartet - Cites Umineko (and 999!) as an inspiration and Muir is a very very referential reader so it's kind of hard to say stuff without spoiling TLT also so honestly just go read it. Magpie Murders - Murder within a murder And Then There Were None (duh) - Directly inspired Umineko and the murders within Umineko The Last Unicorn - Characters acknowledge they are living in a fairy tale, the unicorn is often called the only 'real' one in the group due to her immortality, dream-like narration and fantastical whimsy, ocean representing character strife House Of Leaves - The metaphysical book of metaphysical books with stories within stories within stories and extremely unconventional formatting, house as a vehicle to tell a horror story IT - Two stories in different times existing side by side to inform the reader how to read it. I never finished reading this either though sorry </3 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - metafiction play about characters and the absurdity of their existence, repeating stories, tragedy is only a story and the characters within only exist to tell that story regardless of their own individuality Wuthering Heights - toxic romance the novel, idk why I didn't have this here yet. Honestly I'm not super big on this book but it's a classic for a reason. Dread, isolated spaces, fucked up romance, ghosts, etc.
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jerzwriter · 6 months
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
And... I wanna know for everyone. Got to keep you busy 😜
Oh, Ren... lol Let me try to keep them short (but yeah, keeping me busy is usually a good thing.) lol
From This List
What is your favorite childhood memory?
Casey: Summers at her grandparent's farm in Pennsylvania, riding bikes with her friends in Philadelphia, holidays with her Mom & Dad.
Tobias: Vacations with his Mother & Father (and later his brother) at their family's beach house; spending time at his grandparents (Vivian's) house, especially in the summer when he'd play ball with cousins and neighbors until the lights came on.
Kaycee: (Same as Casey's)
Ethan: Summer vacations with his family, usually to Newport, RI, sometimes to Mystic, CT.
Carolina: Baseball games with her Dad; large, loud family dinners.
Trystan: Sneaking away into the secret chambers with select siblings and friends where he got to just be a boy and not the heir apparent.
Zoe: Poor Zoe has very few memories from before the outbreak and life at the Tower was pretty bleak. Still, she managed to have a few good memories - all with Anna (her sister) and/or Troy. Anna holding her in her bunk and telling her stories about their fathers, the three of them making up games only they understood, and troy sneaking extra food that he "acquired" and bringing it to her room.
Eli: Pre-outbreak, playing ball, visiting cousins & friends, reading with his mom. Post-outbreak? The get-togethers they used to have with the few other families that lived in the forest, the quiet nights with his family - when his dad played the guitar, he would dance with his mom, and David would play nearby.
More below.
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
Casey: Her mother becoming ill and nearly dying, feeling isolated and alone on top of her fear/grief.
Tobias: Visits with some of his father's family who always treated him like he didn't belong; sometimes, loneliness.
Kaycee: (See Casey)
Ethan: In a word? Louise.
Carolina: Her father's murder (I really think I need to create some lore about her Mom, I don't want to leave it up to Pixelberry.)
Trystan: So many. Feeling so alone while being surrounded by so many. Believing no one cared about him, only his title. Backstabbing and sabotage by numerous family members.
Zoe and Eli: It's all about the outbreak and the horrors that followed.
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Casey: Her mom's illness. She was from a lower-income family, and her mother's illness threw the family into a tailspin. Her beloved mom was suddenly gone or too ill to be around her; she was terrified of losing her, and her father had to work three jobs just to keep afloat because medical bills were so high. This is when Casey decided she wanted to be a doctor. It is also why she's passionate about social issues, financial inequity, and healthcare reform. This is also when her lifelong anxiety disorder began.
Tobias: Growing up in two worlds - one white, one black - one ridiculously rich, the other lower-middle income. He never felt like he belonged in his father's family, but he did with his mother's... for a while. When they were teens, many of his maternal cousins were resentful of Tobias's privilege, and they began excluding him. This was very hard on him, and led him on a quest to find himself. That quest led to issues with his father and led to them becoming estranged. That influenced Tobias's life more than anything.
Kaycee: (See Kaycee)
Ethan: His mother's abandonment completely changed his personality, outlook on life, interactions with other people, and self-perception. In some ways, it motivated him to become the successful physician he is, but at a very great personal cost. It was decades before he fully addressed it.
Carolina: Her father's death (and whatever happened to her Mom which I have to create! lol)
Trystan: The expectation that he would be king was there before he was even born. Juliana's death too, but he was already an adult.
The outbreak.
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
Hmmm. This one is tough. I'm answering as if they are in canon timeline.
Tobias: Having to bury his father, knowing they hadn't fully reconciled.
Ethan: Probably the moronic decision to run off to the Amazon, then not taking Kaycee's call while he was gone. Also, Dolores's death. I'm not saying Louise again because... enough of Louise. lol
Carolina: Moving on after her father's death. For a while, she just didn't want to get out of bed.
Trystan: Coping with his grief over losing Juliana, having the guilt that he should have been there to save her, and allowing people to believe he was responsible for her death.
Zoe: (SPOILERS) Leave her sister behind in the cabin the night they escaped The Tower.
Eli: (SPOILERS) Having to "number 3" (kill) his family after they were attacked by zombies. Not only did he lose the only 3 people he loved, but now he was alone in the world.
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build, and where do you build it?
Casey: A huge, state-of-the-art clinic/hospital to serve the uninsured.
Tobias: A huge beach house that all of his children and future grandchildren could come to during the summer and holidays (he does this later, btw.)
Kaycee: (See Casey)
Ethan: A modest home on a secluded beach, but it would have all the bells and whistles.
Carolina: A large home for displaced LGBTQIA youth.
Trystan: Same as Carolina.
Eli and Zoe... well... lol
Well that kept me quite busy! lol Thanks Ren!
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magicalgirlagency · 6 months
I know this is magical girl blog, but i wanna ask, what's your opinion on pizza tower game?
You're only asking me this because of the The Noise Update that came out just recently, aren't you? Come on, be honest.
Anyways, I absolutely adore the aesthetics of that game. It's just so absolutely bonkers and it oozes lots and lots of passion. Those five years of hard work were worth it. I haven't played it yet, but once I get myself a potent and faster PC, I'll try it! So, I'll just talk about the aesthetics!
I like how Peppino is a Wario-expy, but not in personality. Sure, he is fat and ugly like that greedy garlic-munching goon, but his personality and life are totally different: He's a stressed middle-aged man, who struggles financially and constantly oscillates in anger or anxiety. Totally the opposite of Wario, who's absolutely confident in his brute strength and will take stuff without any awareness or care of the consequences that'll soon follow.
Also, did you know that "Peppino" is a legit real life name? It's a nickname of "Giuseppe" (an italian version of the name "Joseph"). And the person behind Funiculi, Funiculá (the funny pizza meme music) was named Peppino. Giuseppe "Peppino" Turco.
While the gameplay is obviously inspired by Wario Land 4, its visuals take cues from those Gross Out medias from the 90's/00's (Earthworm Jim, Cow & Chicken, Ren & Stimpy, etc.), which it really helps in the shaping of the game's identity. Not to mention how the game was projected to give major priority to speed mechanics, hence why the reason why it was firstly showcased at Sonic Amateur Games Expo.
Another interesting thing about it, is that this game almost became a Horror game! It almost became a FNaF copycat! But for some reason, Tour de Pizza felt the need to change the concept into a Wario-like midway, BUT! The Horror elements still remained with Don't Make a Sound and Fake Peppino (the game is one year old already; everyone already knows of Fake Peppino by now).
One interesting thing about FP, is back when the game has made its official debut, people made vows of not spoiling his Boss Fight, as TdP would keep him under the shadows in the development vlogging/lives. An addendum: This happened at the same time Hogwarts Legacy came out, and people were spoiling its ending on purpose! Meanwhile the froggy abomination (affectionate) was carefully kept a secret until the time was right.
...even though FP was already spoiled in WAR, but that's just me...
And the MUSIC. Oh my God, the music. It's so divine. Some of them feel severely out of place with the goofy aesthetics of the game, and I wouldn't have it any other way. The use of leitmotifs is clever and adds a lot of charm to the player character. They didn't have to go hard on the Ha Ha Funny Pizza Man Game, but they did it.
Also, the Final Boss has given me the adrenaline rush and catharsis that no modern-era Shounen has managed to do for me. No items, no power-ups, just pure, raw, and italian strength and blood-boiling rage (and the occasional tag-teaming of good ol' Gustavo).
As for The Noise Update, it's still pretty fresh, so I won't spoil anything major about it. However, I'll say that he is different than Peppino in every single way, not just in gameplay. While Peppino functions on Fight-or-Flight mode and is only concerned about getting things done and over with, The Noise does stuff for the shits 'n giggles, and WILL shamelessly gaslight you into getting the highest rank. And also with violence. Lots 'n lots of violence.
Also, The Noise's full name is "Theodore Noise" (yes the "The" in the name is not a definite article, it's short for his birth name). But I guess everyone already knows that, too. Just felt like remembering it, just in case.
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potatolordofficial · 2 years
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I posted 9,519 times in 2022
That's 9,382 more posts than 2021!
69 posts created (1%)
9,450 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 500 of my posts in 2022
#dracula - 58 posts
#friend art - 50 posts
#destiny 2 - 47 posts
#ask game - 35 posts
#ask game answers - 34 posts
#goncharov - 33 posts
#unreality - 21 posts
#ref - 19 posts
#inferno wip - 15 posts
#multi lefaiye - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#gordon introduces himself as a confirmed bachelor and dante is working through language and cultural barriers as well as brain damage
My Top Posts in 2022:
Gonna begin asking people who post about transandrophobia not being a thing if they were aphobes in 2016
6 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
bc ive been playing minecraft a lot lately on my brother's realm i've got a map mod so i can see the surrounding region and boy howdy so we're on the tundra island right, we've lovingly named it antarctica
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here’s the map for reference
i thought 'hey, i wonder what's around us' and went exploring found a lot of continents (or so i thought) so i went further, realized they're all part of one  supercontinent that's surrounding us, and we're in an inland sea
another interesting note, there are a lot of shipwrecks, ocean monuments, underwater ruins, ruined nether portals, all those things none of them are on or around antarctica so whoever came before us did not settle at all on this island, and i don't know why there are a couple little villages, so it's hospitable to villagers, but not to whatever our precursors were
6 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
Hey bestie it's me here to hand deliver a gas station blorbos ramble!!! Thank you for your participation!! Okay so I had to think a little about something I don't think I've told you about already (<3), and I think I will tell you about one of the original creepypastas that I love and adore. It's about the time Jack and Jerry get kidnapped by an old classmate of Jack's.
So the whole thing is about like. This guy, Beaux, kidnapped these two to sacrifice them and summon an ancient god. Thing is, he doesn't know what he's doing, and they're both unafraid and unimpressed. They spend most of the time heckling him, while he gets more and more agitated.
A running joke here is that Beaux is like. Incredibly racist and nasty. He believes people of color are the reason for all of his problems and he's the epitome of a white cishet man with a persecution/victim complex. I have no pity for him.
Anyway Beaux thinks he kills the part-timer he kidnapped with them, but the part-timer wakes up, punches him in the face, and runs away. Beaux fails to catch him, and he has a fit about how Jack and Jerry are being so difficult and his life has been nothing but suffering. Eventually, Beaux decides to sacrifice himself to summon the god, but he's too afraid to go through with it.
Jerry very enthusiastically offers to kill Beaux instead--Beaux wants to die and Jerry wants to kill him, so it's a win-win! And Beaux accepts. He lets Jerry out, boasting about how Jerry could never have the guts to hurt someone, and Jerry cuts him off by shooting him in the leg. The god comes and drags Beaux to another dimension, and Jerry stops it from taking him and Jack too by peeing on the portal. I'm not kidding.
Anyway yeah Jack and Jerry get to go home with minimal injury!!!
I’m fucking honking what is this series
6 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
p,,, perhaps Dante with 👔?
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his daughter gave him the shirt and he loves it
8 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
[points at you] tell me about a blorbo. you have ten seconds /s
(jokes aside hi i want to hear about ur ocs pls and thank u, i just don't have specific questions in mind)
Anyway I’m gonna talk about Renfield bc he’s always on my mind so, cw for body horror, cannibalism, and corpse talk under the cut
Ren is from Inferno, and is the ‘mouser’ in Gordon’s Ridge, the main town the story takes place in. By mouser I mean he eats rats and mice after chasing them on all fours.
He’s not human! In-text no one is sure what he is (except his partner Jordan). He’s actually a parasitic worm that’s attached to the brain of his dead bf. Because of this, he looks anemic and kind of waxy. Like a bad embalming job.
Worms need to eat flesh to survive, and often eat people; they don’t see the issue and don’t distinguish between meats. They’re not human, after all, so that’s not part of their outlook.
He’s also not fully developed; worms like him live in large colonies where they all work to protect the egg clutches and stores of corpses kept preserved for the new worms to live in. However, he was separated from his family in 1700s Britain during one of the Jacobite wars (I can’t remember if I ever specified exactly) and began wandering trying to find them.
Instead he found his first partner, Justin, (who belongs to my partner) who later died, and Renfield switched his old corpse out for his boyfriend’s in an attempt to save him. It didn’t work.
Eventually he stowed away across the Atlantic and ended up in Boston in the 1800s, where he met Jordan. They entered a relationship and, when Jordan left their home, the two headed west.
Ren is very animated, and is mostly gentle, he loves petting soft animals, playing in the dirt, and basking. Another worm has referred to him as a ‘lamb with fangs’, as the gentle aspects of his personality contrast the part where he needs to hunt to survive, and is very good at killing.
He tries to befriend people, but humans interacting with him have their fight or flight response triggered because of the way he moves is just outside of normal for the human brain. Inhumans (the term for supernatural creatures) don’t have this problem.
Also! He just didn't have a name for a while, either he wasn't given one or he forgot it, but he just didn't have a name for a while (he probably went by pseudonyms). Then Jordan read Dracula to him and he latched onto the name Renfield. (as an in-universe reason why he's named that when in reality i named him that as a joke)
12 notes - Posted August 25, 2022
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eclec-tech · 2 years
sweater, equinox, bonfire, full moon, rainy 🍂
I hope I didn't accidentally order you to kill Tony Stark's parents. 😬 Also, I hope you understood that reference. 😆
Sorry, guys! I got behind on things for a couple of weeks, so here's a very late reply to the autumn ask game with a compilation of all the asks I received.
(Also, no parents were harmed in the answering of this ask.)
sweater: My favorite autumn dessert is ice cream! I love all the different flavors that come out in the fall, from apple pie to pumpkin cheesecake.
equinox: My tombstone would say, "She took it to her grave," leaving everyone wondering.
bonfire: My favorite autumn activity is hitting the local pumpkin patch to find the perfect gourd and then going home with at least four of them.
full moon: My favorite candy this time of year is mellocreme pumpkins because they remind me of when I was a kid.
rainy: My favorite scary book is Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley. It is nothing like the movies and really fantastic.
cider: I don't dress up on Halloween. I am always the one helping others with their costumes.
squash: As far as traditions go I just hang out with my family on all the autumn holidays and eat until I feel disgusting.
amber: On rainy days I like to sit in front of a screen with whatever warm beverage sounds good on that particular day and let out the fanfics that keep me awake.
firewood: No, I have never played with a ouija board. I don't believe in the power of such things.
thrill: If I were in a horror movie, would I be the first to die, the comic relief, the skeptic, the smart one, the last one standing, or the killer? I would be the comically skeptic smart one.
leaves: My weapon of choice in the zombie apocalypse is more of a tactic. It would be to travel with people who are slower than me.
October: My favorite autumn-themed scent is maple.
flannel: Do I prefer sweaters, hoodies, cardigans, or zip-up jackets? Zip me up!
Thanks for the asks @apocalyp-tech-a, @tech-aficionado, @echoisles99, and @witch-ren!
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askrockandfriends · 1 year
Phoenix: "Somebody once told me..."
Jotaro: "The World..."
Sonic: "Is gonna roll me!"
Ruby: "I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed..."
Miu: "She was looking pretty dumb..."
Kazuma: "With her finger and her thumb in the shape of an 'L' on her forehead."
Mario: "Well, the years start coming..."
Cranky Kong: "And they don't stop coming!"
Yoda: "Fed to the rules..."
Ryuji: "And I hit the ground running!"
Yang: "Didn't make sense not to live for fun!"
Dr. Eggman: "Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb!"
Luffy: "So much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with taking the back streets?"
Anzu: "You'll never know if you don't go..."
Rise: "You'll never shine if you don't glow!"
Yugi: "Get your game on! Go play!"
Ibuki: "Hey, now! You're a rock star! Get the show on!"
Wario: "Get-a paid! Wahahaha!"
Giorno: "And all that glitters is gold..."
Ren: "Only shooting stars break the mold!"
Krystal: "It's a cool place, and they say it gets colder..."
Sol: "You're bundled up now, wait till you get older..."
Mettaton: "But the media men beg to differ, judging by the hole in the satellite picture."
Weiss: "The ice we skate is getting pretty thin..."
Aqua: "The water's getting warm, so you might as well swim!"
Bowser: "My world's on fire! How about yours?"
Junko: "But that's the way I like it and I'll never get bored!"
Ryoma: "Hey now! You're an all star! Get your game on! Go play!"
Hammerhead: "Woomy! Woomy woo woomy!" ("Hey, now! You're a rock star! Get the show on!")
Bridget: "Get paid!"
Ishtar: "And all that glitters is gold!"
Giovanni: "Only shooting stars break the mold!"
Gloria: "Hey, now! You're an all star! Get your game on! Go play!"
Yu: "Hey, now! You're a rock star! Get the show on!"
Deadpool: "Get paid!"
Leon: "And all that glitters is gold! Only shooting stars..."
Byakuya: "Somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas! I need to get myself away from this place..."
Mako: "I said yep! What a concept! I could use a little fuel myself-"
Monika: "And we could all use a little chaaaaaange..."
Minako: "Well, the years start coming..."
Homer: "And they don't stop coming!"
Makoto: "Fed to the rules, and I hit the ground running."
Tyson: "Didn't make sense not to live for fun!"
Rick: "Your brain gets smart, but you-uuuurp get dumb!"
Brook: "So much to do, so much to see..."
Kazuma: "So what's wrong with taking the back streets?"
Astolfo: "You'll never know if you don't go..."
Sayori: "You'll never shine if you don't glow!"
Captain Falcon: "Hey, now! You're an all star!"
Waluigi: "Get your game on! Go play!"
Rock: "Hey, now! You're a rock star! Get the show on!"
Majima: "Get paid!"
Saitama: "And all that glitters is gold..."
Goh: "Only shooting stars break the mold! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!"
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"Goh? When did you get in here? We were gonna use someone else for that last line!"
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"A little late now, isn't it boy? Consider it payback for all of my plans that you've ruined!"
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"You call it payback, I call it just plain pettiness! All right, if you won't leave quietly, then I'll make you leave! Come on!" The two lunge at each other as the others on the blog watch on in shock and horror.
0 notes
tagzpite · 4 years
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when you playin horror games with homie but it turns gay
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heliosthegriffin · 2 years
Inter-tribal relations
“Is anyone else concerned?” Weiss asked with pursed lip to the rest of the table, occupied by the rest of Team RWBY.
Ruby balanced a pencil on her nose, Yang played some game on her scroll, and Blake read through a trashy magazine.
“About what?” Ruby asked innocently, still balancing the pencil.
Yang looked up from her game, searching for fire and/or danger, but finding none went back to her game.
Blake however, responded. “Not really,”
“But, I am, though, I am greatly concerned.” Weiss said looking quite nervous.
The pencil dropped from Ruby’s nose and hit her in the right eye, she yelped and fell backwards into the floor.
Blake flipped a page in her trashy, terrible magazine. “You shouldn’t be, everything’s fine.”
“I really don’t think it is!” Weiss stood up, chair skirting behind her, pointing out of the library window at a small hut in the courtyard. “There’s a actual village out there!”
Blake flips a page. “Yes, and everything is fine, Weiss.”
Weiss scowls, still gesturing to the hut. “Team JNPR has been living out for weeks, they’re devolving!”
“Shouldn’t have lost the key to they’re room.” Yang said, turning with her scroll, as if that made her a better player.
Ruby got up from the floor. “They’re poor weapons! Stuck and alone, all by themselves!”
Weiss walked over to the window, observing the coming and going from the hut.
Ren was smoking fish, and Jaune was doing a rain dance to mixed success.
Pyrrha and Nora were gone though, likely on another hunting trip.
“This isn’t ethical,” Weiss moaned.
“What isn’t ethical, is how short they’re pelts are, hot-damn!” Yang said leering at the two.
“I wouldn’t worry about them Weiss, they haven’t even reach the bronze age!” Ruby cheerfully looked at her. “They’re no threat till they’ve at least reached the iron age, we live safely for another day!”
“I wouldn’t say that Ruby,” Blake stood next to her, inspecting the set up in the courtyard. “I spot a couple snares, a tiger trap, and what looks to be a log connect to a trip wire, and they’re location is situated in a way to optimally fend off invaders. I’d say they’re just about leaving the stone age.”
They’re was a yelp, and cry of fear. “Ren help!”
“How?! You helped me build these things!”
“I slipped while doing my rain dance! Help me, Nora actually put Tigers down here!”
Ruby looked at Blake smugly. “You were saying?”
Blake looked back at her. “That was Jaune, it was bound to happen.” She points back out. “Look, he’s even tamed the tiger now.”
The tiger had some how managed to get out of the pit, Jaune hanging from it’s jaws. It settled down next to the fire, and started grooming him, Jaune’s face contorted in pain from a barbed tongue that could lick paint off a wall, but unwilling to upset the creature.
Ruby hufffed. “Whatever, girl.”
“Hey!” Yang got they’re attention. “The girls are back! Damn, those pelts are just as criminal on them!”
Returning to the tribe from the woods, was Pyrrha and Nora, holding a stone tipped spear and a large club respectively, with Nora taking the lead and gleely skipping over the traps, with Pyrrha carrying something slung over her shoulder.
Weiss’s eyes went wide. “Do they have a war prisoner?!”
Blake nodded. “Yes, it would seem, so. Not uncommon for primitives to take captives to replenish low numbers, mostly to kidnap brides. Or for skilled workers.”
“That’s Velvet? That’s Velvet.” Yang asked, then confirmed, as Pyrrha roughly tossed Velvet before Jaune. Nora tried to pet the Tiger, only for it to hide behind Jaune in fear. “I heard her team got locked out of they’re room too, did they raid Team CFVY’s camp?”
Blake nodded. “It seems so, how interesting, I heard they had subjugated and assimilated team NDGO, so I assumed they were in a more powerful miltary position, especially after they raised Team CRDL’s camp to the ground.”
Weiss watched in horror as Jaune nodded appreciatively, leading Velvet into the hut. “We need to call the teachers!” Making to leave.
Only for Blake to grab her by both shoulders, stopping her in place. “And who are you to play god?! This must play out as nature intended, otherwise they’re culture will never achieve apotheosis!”
“Blake, you’re scaring me!”
“Hey!” Ruby called them back to the window. “Look, he’s showing her how to use the pottery wheel.”
Weiss felt a flush of embarrassment, as like Ruby said, Jaune was indeed just doing that.
They had brought a pottery wheel out of the hut, and Jaune was showing Velvet how to use it. The girl picking up the skill quite fast, seeming to also enjoy doing it, with Jaune helping to correct any flaws he picked out.
Ren, then came over with a fur-pelt with the word JNPR on the back, dropping it in Velvet’s hands, then pointing at the hut.
“They have a tribal identity! Fascinating!” Blake pounded her hand into her palm.
Weiss started to inch away, only for Yang’s iron grip to keep her in place. “Wow, look at that! We’re going to see a raid!” Pointing out a glow in the woods, where a warparty, consisting of Team CFVY at the back, with a collar team’s NDGO and CRDL at the front.
Coco barked out a harsh order, then sent them CRDL first, the team of boys running forth into traps, quickly being taken out by them, but exposing them at the same time.
Another bark, and Team NDGO was sent forth, wiping on the rest of the traps, before Coco, Fox, and Yatsuhashi charged forth.
Pyrrha and Ren chucked spears at them as they charged forth, while Nora threw boulders at them.
Jaune just started rain-dancing harder.
Velvet contently kept making bowls and vases.
The tiger was hiding in the hut.
“Alright, this is definitely against the rules!” Weiss shouted.
“I know, it’s awesome, right?” Yang asked Ruby, who nodded her head aggressively.
“OH! First blood!” Ruby cried out, as Yatsuhashi fell, Nora jumping into the air and striking him in the temple with her club, the giant falling back with a crash that sounded more like a tree falling then a human, as he tumbled back into a pitfall.
Only for a boulder to be sent to greet Nora, sending her flying into the treeline and out of the fight, from Coco.
Pyrrha and Ren teamed up on Fox, the blind-fighter more than holding him own, but eventually overwhelmed before Coco could assist him.
Before they could celebrate a victory, a rock hit Ren in the head, sending the ninja into unconsciousness.
Leaving Pyrrha and Coco to circle each other as the last combatants.
Pyrrha holding her spear in both hands, while Coco was spinning a sling in her hands, tossing a handful of rocks in the other.
An epic battle ensuing between the two tribal champions, Coco rapidly shooting rocks at Pyrrha, only for her to block them with her spear.
Charging forth, jabbing at her with the spear, but Coco deftly dodging, then grabbing the spear, lifting the spear and Pyrrha up into the air with one arm, then pulling her down.
Punching in the face with a cry that could easily be translated to, ‘This one’s not metal, bitch!’
Finally, Coco walked over to Jaune, the man dancing as fast his leg could go, still rain-dancing.
The tiger jumped out of the hut to attack Coco, only to be backhanded with no second thought.
Coco loomed before Jaune, reaching out to grab the blonde.
When Jaune finished his rain-dance, panting and out of air, falling to his knees.
Coco laughed.
Then the sky split open, rain coming down in sheet, thunder rolled violently, and a spear of lightning came down.
Hitting Coco head-first.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Coco proceeded to break the world-record for most consecutive lightning strikes in one minute.
Weiss looked out at the battlefield shocked. “What just happened?” Ruby swearing as she paid Yang twenty lien.
Blake nodded her head. “Divine providence, Jaune honored the gods and they favored him, pretty simple really.”
Ruby looked at Blake. “They cheated! Coco was totally going to win! No one said they were a part of this!”
Blake shrugged, then gestured to the sky. “Take it up with them, if you have a problem with it.”
Ruby pulls out Crescent Rose. “I will then!” She pointed the rifle at the sky. “Fight me,” The sky remained raining. “Unless, you’re a bitch!” The sky rumbled dramatically.
A angelic sniper-rifle peered out of the clouds, angelic laser-sight aimed at Ruby, who had a brief moment to express regret, before a arrow of light struck her head, knocking her out.
Yang cradled Ruby’s unconscious body. “I will avenge you, Ruby!” The dot realign on Yang’s head.
Yang slowly put her hands in the air. “On second though, revenge is over-rated, and she had it coming.”
“Traitor,” Ruby coughed.
Yang dropped Ruby. “You brought this upon yourself.”
“Look!” Blake said excitedly. “They’re integrating the losers into they’re tribe! How fascinating!”
Down below, Pyrrha was gleefully jabbing a annoyed Coco with her spear, as she was forced to make arrow heads and slings, as though that would get her to work faster.
Nora was riding on Yatsu’s shoulder a crude plough attach to his waist, using him as a beast of burden to overturn the courtyard’s soil, Team’s Cardinal planting seeds in his wake.
Ren was strictly monitoring team NDGO on how to sew, cook, and clean. Smacking they’re hands with a branch when they messed up, and glaring at them if they got disobedient.
Fox was assisting Velvet at the pottery wheel.
And Jaune? Jaune had fallen unconscious after dancing for twelve hours, stealthily being whisked away by Messengers of the Gods to be taken to the heavens.
Weiss looked to Blake, horror and confusion in her face. “What’s your stance on in intervention on Divine Intervention?”
Blake wiped away a tear. “May the dead rest in peace.”
Ruby leered with Yang as they watch him being pulled into the heavens. “I can see up his furs.”
“Nice~,” Yang nodded.
Weiss sighed, and walked away, absolutely done with this madness.
It was time to take a nap, walking to her dorm.
Scanning her scroll, when a look of horror overtook her.
‘Error, unable to unlock,’
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cullen-cannons · 2 years
Cullen Cannons #1
It’s never really mentioned in the books but the Cullens are a very musical family. While only Edward is the only one ever seen playing they have an eternity on their hands so they’ve all developed musical talents. One year Esme suggested that they join the school band (in Jasper’s case orchestra) . . . never ever ever again.
ALICE plays the flute and drums, (the bass drum probably weighs more than her, she once hid inside it during a game of vampire hide n’ seek) she, Emmet, and, Jacob started a garage band with the pack. Bella will join in occasionally on clarinet. They love playing kids songs like Baby Shark to annoy the crap out of Eddie Boi. Both Jasper and Rosalie have threatened to divorce at some point (bluffing ofc)
BELLA plays or rather played the clarinet she did it for one year in fifth grade, and has the trauma to prove it, Edward only found out after finding her old instrument when they were clearing out her room in Phoenix and seeing a tape of a recital, Bella was, of course, embarrassed but picked the instrument up again on a dare after Emmet learnt of this, she is now actually very good. But her hidden talent is that she is amazing at singing. On her first “birthday” as an immortal Alice dragged her to a karaoke place and she absolutely killed it.
CARLISLE plays the cello, (I don’t know why but I’ve always just thought he would) back when it was just him, Edward, and Esme, the boys would play duets for Esme, and Carlisle even worked with Edward to compose a piece just for her. (Separate from Esme’s song) He never brings it up but  . . .  that man can SING. 
Esme is always asking him to and despite his shyness, he loves indulging his wife so whenever they go to Isle Esme he will sing for her, nobody but Edward (and now Aro cuz he read Edward’s thoughts in BD; AWKWARD) knows.
Aro in the clearing in the midst of everything: My dear, dear Carlisle it would appear you’ve been holding out on me tch, tch, tch
EDDIE BOI there’s not really much to say but given how much music (especially LINKIN PARK) our boy listens to there’s no way he doesn’t know them all on piano. That being said, he takes music very seriously so he probably put a ton of effort into arranging classical versions of them. Emmet finds this hilarious. Esme finds it endearing.
Edward at ungodly hours of the night: *classical rendition of Leave Out All the rest* 
Everyone in a 10-mile radius: :( :( :(
He also had to learn the entire frozen soundtrack because he lost a bet with Emmet. 
EMMET plays the drums. He has experimented with saxophone and tuba though and is OBSESSED with the BA DUM TSSSS sound. This boy once spent a whole ENTIRE morning doing just that until Edward threatened to rip off his fingers and hide them around the country.
ESME also plays the piano as well as the harp she often does duets with Jasper and or Edward. Carlisle loves listening to her play. They sit together on the piano bench, or he pulls up a chair next to her.
JACOB plays the trumpet and Xylophone, recorder (you know, the cheap plastic one that kids get in primary school music class), and the kazoo (yes you read that right) his fave song is Pink Panther theme. Surprisingly talented and will take requests. Loves “playing” super dirty/cheesy songs on the recorder. 
He is a nice guy and never does this around Renesmèe. He does however love a good dare, and one day he asks if he could come shopping with Esme since he is after all the only one who eats human food (Ren prefers blood). Esme was happy to bond with her grandson-in-law. He snuck his recorder into the store and much to poor Esme’s horror started belting out Flo Rida’s Low in the produce section. 
Later though, Ren starts teaching him some Piano. He’s not that good and would never play on his own, but he loves doing it with Ren.
JASPER is an absolute fricking MASTER of the violin, he learned to play before he became a vampire . . . but he’s extremely shy and almost never plays except when Alice begs him, he can’t resist her puppy eyes. He can sing and is actually quite good but doesn’t like to, in fact, he absolutely loathes it. 
He knows all the meme/vine songs which comes in handy for screwing with Eddie Boi when he’s being a miserable drama queen. 
I personally HC him as having Synaesthesia. He just gives me that vibe, especially with his being an Empath (a colour for every emotion, and different people’s emotions are different shades of that colour.) 
He had no clue that he was different from everyone until he met Edward who was very confused by his thoughts at first.
When he plays music, each note is a different colour, but it can sometimes take on the shade of a particular emotion if he’s feeling strongly while playing. He often paints his sheet music.
He also knows a bit of piano because his mother kept one around when he was a child. He has perfect pitch, like Edward (but unlike Edward, he doesn’t realise it. He just thinks everyone can do that, like with his synaesthesia.) and learns by watching and repeating movements and sounds, so if he hears Edward play a piece enough he can give it a go. 
He knows that piano is Edward’s special thing so he never plays except when no one can hear him. He and Rosalie are also pretty close so they’ve composed a few pieces together.
After he was turned he found that Maria had an acoustic guitar so he picked that up as well. Of course, the cowboy plays the guitar.
ROSALIE plays can also the piano and is a trained singer. She can play the flute and has experimented with Viola. Because of the whole twin charade Rosalie and Jasper have actually become friends and he taught her to play the violin, and Esme has taught her a bit of harp. She doesn’t really do anything crazy, if she wants to be petty she can just destroy your car.
Actually, all the Cullens can sing but Carlisle, Bella, Jasper, and Rosalie are definitely the best.
Hope you liked it if you have any suggestions let me know.
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