#me and you both anon (lesbians)
cutie-lumi · 10 months
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Some Fem!Rei requests~
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franollie · 1 month
with what you tagged the wlw Kataang I agree. I don’t know if it’s just bc I’m a lesbian but wlw-ified straight ships hit so much more. Anyways do you have any other ships you think would be infinitely improved by making them wlw? Mine is defo timsteph (even tho Tim couldn’t be a girl to me) just bc they’d be such fun Sapphic exes
to be honest i think everything is better once its hit with the wlw-beam but if i had to pick actual ships to make wlw:
1. DICKKORY genuinely forget dick is a man sometimes
2. Gwevin. everyone agrees with me dwdw kevin’s a nb butch lesbian
3. Gajevy…that one gavey artist i follow;;they’re the only one who understands…
4. Yamayachi 👍👍 no one follows me for haikyuu but just know they are lesbians to me
5. Dickroy not a het ship but they are always lezzing out and for what..
special bonus:
Capril (SHOUT OUT TO ROTMNT FOR MAKING CAPRIL LESBIANSSSS) <- not really their casey is just an unhinged butch girl
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repurposedmeatlocker · 2 months
If you had to eradicate one B&BH ship from existence, which one would it be?
UMMMMM probably Butt-Head x Daria 🫣
I guess whatever floats your boat. I'm in no position to judge in regards to fictional ships. There isn't anything inherently WRONG with it, but I just find it EXTREMELY out of character on both ends. Daria doesn't give af about Butt-Head or Beavis. At most she tolerates them or sees them doing bullshit like "woah! That's crazy guys. Get well soon!" Butt-Head is much the same. At no point in the run of the show do I see a smidge of chemistry between them that would suggest something romantic. When it comes to indulging in fan content for things like this, I tend to have a preference for sticking somewhat close to canon. I just can't see it as something that works whereas something like Butt-Head and Beavis is implied enough in the show as a joke to build off a legitimate interpretation.
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ask-thearchivists · 7 months
Does Curator know that the way she styles her hair makes her look like radiant solar flares that warm my heart? (seriously her design makes me so lesbian)
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The Curator: Aww, thank you~ Yeah, I style it to look like that on purpose.
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
Someone on the "is it not enough to see Tuvok" post commented "Unfortunately, seeing Tuvok frequently requires also seeing a Neelix, which is unacceptable." and Bea, I am being sooo brave about it, I've not even murdered them (yet)
I am pinning this to your lapel like a purple heart:
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They are worsties, they're divorced despite never being married, they have pigtail crushes on each other, they are mutually annoying co-workers, they are middle aged men and also high school girls with the most insane beef ever, family men without families, orchid breeders (one for sustenance and the other for beauty), they're everything.
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lovesickeros · 10 months
Absolutely love your sagau fic with neuvillette and furina, ur writing is actually insane! Looking forward to reading more of your works :)
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YOU!!!! when i find u...count ur days....... /j /lh
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spearxwind · 1 year
the eels, too, are yuri. lesb-eel-ans
LITERALLY SO TRUE. You can have this scribble of them I did the other day, as a treat
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damnation-if · 2 years
cyberpunk organised crime ring espionage with sexy demons
lmao... something tells me they wouldn't quite fit together.
#what does the chaos mirror see#anon#time flows differently in the queue#forgive me for rambling in the tags here but. the rot Consumes me#when i say cyberpunk i guess it's technically scifi since it takes place on another planet#but in addition to loving d&d and vampire the masquerade i'm also a big fan of shadowrun#the premise is that mc is a corporate espionage agent who has to seduce their way into a gang of criminals annoying your corpo masters#the planet has a wild orbit that takes it far away from the sun and through an asteroid belt for roughly the half the year#it's a miserable time; there's no sunlight and transports can't land because of the asteroids so the planet is basically on its own#so all the rich people leave during that period and it basically becomes anarchy and chaos as everything turns to lawlessness when they go#until they clear the asteroid belt and the corps send in their private armies to re-establish order via gunfire#both the corps and the gangs know that you can make a hell of a lot of money during this period by doing standard shadowrun crime stuff#but one gang has really been cheesing your corp's onions and they don't know How so they send you to seduce your way in and find out#you pick one of the ROs as a likely mark in the prologue and then it skips forward almost a year to just before the planet goes dark again#so it's like. you still haven't figured it out but also you've been fake-dating this person for nearly a year#i just wanted to write something with. that kind of more complicated relationship dynamic of a longer-term relationship already in place#anyway naturally you get to decide in the end if you destroy the gang or betray your corporate masters lmfao#shadowrun *jazzhands*#i know i said i was keeping myself from pitching RO ideas but. one of them i already decided on is a butch lesbian with a shotgun#she's their driver and is covered in tattoos lmao#also there's a guy who's a spy from a Different corp#anyway yes. Sorry about this
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yrsogross · 2 years
what if i burp in ur face n we’re both he/him lesbians..? but youd probably find being around me to be great cuz when im really comfortable with someone ill basically announce when i need to shit/piss/fart haha n plus im gassy all the time so thats a plus ig
DM me right now PLEAZE
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 2 months
first of all, this is all legit, and not bait, though i have a feeling it may come off that way, this did happen to me. please don't publish if tumblr sends it off anon.
i'm a lesbian with gender dysphoria, and while i haven't had much sexual experience, i would consider myself a stone top. in the last year and a half i began reading "terf"/radical feminist writings and reading "terf" tumblr blogs fairly actively, largely out of frustration with misogyny i was experiencing IRL. though i never engaged with the community i did stop identifying as genderfluid and started understanding my dysphoria as stemming from the trauma of being bullied by other girls for having a high-androgen DSD, and using different pronouns/transition thoughts as unhealthy coping mechanisms. i'm happy with this, but i also don't know if i'm attracted to women anymore.
i've always been attracted to women in a way that's stereotypically guy-like; i find feminine women very attractive and not so much fellow(?) butches, want to penetrate with a strap on, don't like bush much, cursory interest in BDSM/daddy kink. i read/watched het erotica and porn sometimes and identified with the man. what i read problematized pretty much every aspect of that- femininity as a cage, penetration as violence/straps as disidentification w the female body, infantilization of women, bdsm as abuse etc. also, desisting making me more conscious of dysphoria/knowledge of how extensive sexual dimorphism is putting me off both women with larger breasts and hips AND smaller breasts and hips/unrealistically masculine body types as well. so a lot of what turned me on before isn't arousing anymore, or i feel guilty about it, and i haven't been able to find butch4butch stuff which is much healthier very interesting.
i consider my sexuality healthier now on a political level but my ability to get aroused/jerk off has plummeted (used to be i could jork it sunrise to sunset) and thinking about being in a relationship w another woman makes me feel uneasy and weird, especially since a lot of what i read emphasized reciprocative cunnilingus/tribbing (which i don't like) as the healthiest sex options. i also think about both my dysphoria and my sexuality issues 100x more than i did before, even though i was promised the opposite (freedom from dysphoria and feeling happier as a lesbian), and it's stressing me out day-to-day. i'm aware based on your general ethos that you probably think i'm a terrible person right now, but i figured it'd be useful to seek the opinion of someone who radically disagrees with what i've read on what i could/should do next, since i admittedly miss being at peace with my sexuality.
thanks for reading.
hi there anon,
it's a bummer that you'd think I would assume you're a terrible person based on everything you've told me here. I generally try not to consider people terrible unless they're actively being shitheads or hurting other people, which doesn't sound at all like you're describing. from what you've told me, you've been up to your eyes in some information that's made you feel deeply uncomfortable in your sexuality and now you're seeking out a new perspective to help you make sense of that hurt. that describes most of the people who send me questions!
it's so striking to me that much of what you're describing is very reminiscent of what's recounted in The Persistent Desire, an anthology of writings on butch/femme identities edited by femme historian and archivist Joan Nestle that was released in 1992. in various essays and interviews countless butches and femmes recount their discomfort with the feminist turn against butch and femme identities that too place in the 70s, when both roles were declared problematic recreations of heterosexuality and summarily decried as politically "incorrect" for lesbians. it's shocking to me how much what you've described echoes these accounts experienced by lesbians half a century ago - the disowning of women who are "excessively" feminine or masculine, the demonizing of penetrative sex, general insistence that there are "correct" sex acts that every lesbian is supposed to enjoy, and the deep discomfort and insecurity that this causes among people who don't fit into the very rigid standards of proper lesbian identity set forth.
here's a link to a PDF, if that's interesting to you at all. it's very long, so feel free not to read it straight through; it's a great project to skim and an incredible way to get in touch with the lesbians who came before us. their accounts of their lives are so wildly different from the boundaries of "good" queer representation that feel so universal today; in discussing their own lives many of these women speak very bluntly about their experiences with abuse, drugs, sex work, and violence. it's a great glimpse into the lives and history of a lot of very ordinary lesbians just living their lives, and I'm very grateful it's been preserved.
now, as for what you're actually gonna do: hey. listen. first of all, if you haven't given up reading this stuff yet, you've gotta. you simply cannot keep internalizing stuff that makes you overanalyze your own sexuality so hard that you feel uncomfortable about being attracted to women. that's not "healthy," that's conversion therapy lite. there are other places to talk about feminism without being made to feel ashamed of yourself.
listen: there's nothing unhealthy about anything that you described about yourself. being a stone butch, being attracted to certain looks and aesthetics, watching porn, wanting to use a strap and roleplay during sex and not being interested in other sexual activities - all of those thing are completely normal and, yes, healthy. certainly healthier than feeling the need to repress your sexuality so hard that thinking about being with a woman doesn't feel right!
should we run through that list?
femininity as cage - sure, okay, femininity isn't for everyone, and there are parts of it that suck. that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with women who like to wear dresses or put on makeup or shave or whatever, or anyone who's attracted to those women. genuinely I cannot think of anything less interesting or important to feminist organizing than getting hung up about what people want to wear. it's clothes, dude. it's fucking clothes. pick a more important hill to die on, I implore you.
penetration is not the same thing as violence. there's just nothing to debate about that one; it's patently absurd to pretend that every act of penetrative sex is rape and you'd have to fundamentally misunderstand how consent works to believe that.
straps are not about "disidentification with the female body," they're about augmenting a sexual experience. a strap-on is not more problematic than a vibrator or a massage oils or a pillow used to prop up a body part. unless those are also bad? are those bad? are pillows disidentifying from the female body also? I'm not up to date on this.
straight up I don't even know which part of your whole deal the infantilization of women is supposed to address, but a thing that I've always found interesting about a lot of radical feminists who are deeply distrustful of sex is the way that many of them seem to assume that women can't be trusted to understand their own sexual desires and need to be taught what's appropriate. seems kind of condescending to me, personally.
BDSM isn't the same thing as abuse. abuse, crucially, is not a situation that people can safe word out of or negotiate the constraints of. it's kind of like how, you know, I purposefully pay people to shove needles in my skin when I want a tattoo, but I wouldn't be stoked about it if somebody just ran up to me in public and started stabbing me without any warning or conversation. context is crucial. there can certainly be abusive people within BDSM spaces, but that's true of people of literally every sexual proclivity on earth, and certainly not an innate feature of BDSM. it's just make believe, dude. it's dress up. it's sex LARPing.
also, psst, hey. that thing about being attracted to women in a "guy-like" way? no such thing. men are humans, dude; they experience attraction in as many different ways as anyone else. for every dude interested in the same stuff as you there are men yearning for hairy women, muscular women, masculine women, women who will dominate them, women who would rather be eaten out then penetrated, and so on. to say nothing of the men who aren't into women at all! and, as is obvious from your own experience, men don't have a monopoly on those kinds of feelings, anyway! there are no men or women feelings, dude; it's all just people having feelings and fighting for their lives trying to figure out what they're into to.
I want to particularly talk about that last bit, where you mentioned not enjoying or wanting to engage in cunnilingus or tribbing. that's totally fine! people like different shit in all kinds of combinations - I'm personally a huge fan of getting eaten out and scratched up or bitten, but I don't do penetration and I've genuinely never met anyone who actually liked tribbing - and there are absolutely people out there who will, to paraphrase the poet Tinashe, perfectly match your freak.
(have you heard about the perpetual, critical shortage of tops that the queer community faces? you'd be a godsend, just saying.)
also, actually, hey I wanted to circle back to another thing as well: it's deeply alarming to me that whatever radfem stuff you've been reading has you feeling "put off" of women with wide hips and large breasts as well as women with small breasts and hips. what is wrong with either of those? both of those are just ways that women naturally look. women just look a wide variety of ways, and it's sad that that's upsetting you now. just thinking about this, conceptually, is giving me hives.
having been up to your eyes in all of this, I can definitely understand why you'd feel the urge to overanalyze you own gender and sexuality to the point of completely talking yourself out of identifying with anything that feels good for you. as I said, that's actually not healthy in any way, and as a sex educator I can't say that I think anyone genuinely invested in your well-being would want that for you.
entirely aside from their feelings on trans people, which I obviously disagree with pretty vehemently, one of the things about radfems that's most endlessly vexing to me is the insistence that such an extremely narrow range of sexual behaviors are appropriate. seems like a miserable way to live, and I sincerely hope you can detangle yourself from the morass of shame it's landed you in. you deserve better.
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hihimissamericanbi · 8 months
Ever since I got that lovely anon asking for the best smut I've ever read, it got me thinking about some of my favorite smut creators in general.
So here is a very non-exhaustive list of fan-fucking-tastic smut writers and artists I've come across in the HP fandom that weren't mentioned (shamefully) in my last batch. Feel free to add to the list! We must keep the people fed.
xoxo go take a sip of cold water girl
Lord Espooky came into this fandom guns a-blazing with their kink headcanon a day for Wolfstar and it has spiraled from there. They GET IT. He has a super well-organized masterlist pinned to his tumblr ft tons of different kinks, fic lengths, scenes, etc. Go. Now.
The definition of IYKYK. Daddy kink isn't super my thing, but Five makes me enjoy it. If you vibe with age gap daddy Remus and pretty boy Sirius, their Adore series is a must-read. They also have a stellar A/B/O Wolfstar fic plus podfic and write some Marvel too!
An absolute legend in this fandom. Wolfstar, Jeggy, Rosekiller. Gritty, chewy, embodied sex.
Emery writes sex the way some people breathe. Like it's just part of the narrative. It's SO punchy. And also she is the queen of Crack Smut.
Patron saint of Wolfstar hatefucks. mic drop.
We snagged MK over to Wolfstar from the clutches of Dramione. Her series "mk's kink exposé" could also be called "celine's kink exposé." I'll just leave that there.
Everything they create is magic, but they are especially known for rare pairs and Dronarry.
The queen of Lesbian Wolfstar. Both art and fic. Also queen of humiliation and pain kink and Walburga psychological trauma. ye be warned.
@upthehillnsfw / @upthehillart
I am afraid no one is ready for this art. Truly. Tons of different ships, positions, acts. I gasp every time. And their Pansmione fic is epic (which I have talked about before).
I highly recommend getting on Indi's Patreon so you can enjoy their NSFW drawings, mostly Wolfstar and Jegulus, occasional Rosekiller. Too many iconic moments to count.
The officially-sponsored artist of Five's Adore series. Look, their work is nothing short of indulgent. Shhhh don't worry about the physics just let it happen. And by It I mean Remus' big dick hands.
By beloved. The one. The only. Bosh's drawings are so ALIVE. They leap off the screen. Her Drarry is nothing less than iconic. She also dabbles in other characters/ships like Wolfstar and Blackcest. Siriusly, you can't go wrong.
OKAY, Drarry people. There are so so many excellent Drarry smut writers it is impossible to name them all. Here are but a tiny handful I have pulled from my bookmarks. I'm happy to rec specific fics if asked :)
@cavendishbutterfly, @bixgirl1, @l0vegl0wsinthedark, @shiftylinguini, @kbrick, @fluxweeed, @academicdisasterfic
I'm tagging those other creators from older asks because I can't put this list out there without them on it <3
@crushofdoves @we-are-swearwolves @tenthousandyearsx @theresthesnitch @lqtraintracks Quietlemonhush @cuddlebugsirius
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kamii-2 · 3 months
Could you do nika muhl smut where nika and her girl go out with the team and someone starts flirting with nikas girl like so much and she gets all jealous and possive LIKE YUHHHH MABYE CAR SEX
hi anon, i hope you enjoy!! (this is gonna set when nika went to uconn bc idk much about seattle storm) also im gonna start adding songs to stories if i feel like they fit the story
warning(s): cussing, smut, jealousy
genre: smut
pairing(s): jealous!nika mühl x reader
you and nika were out with the entire uconn team, getting drinks and talking about everything and everyone.you were all sitting at a table. you drink was empty so you went to get another one “i’ll be back im gonna go get another drink.” you tapped nika on the thigh before getting up and grabbing your cup and going to the bar. while at the bar a guy walked up next to you, “hey.” he greeted, “hi.” you were being nice but you hoped and prayed he didn’t flirt with you because if he did nika would lose her shit and you simply didn’t want him to. “so, you alone?” he asked as the bartender gave you your drink. “no, my girlfriend is over there.” you told him while point to nika, trying to a sound as uninterested as possible.
“you’re too pretty to be a lesbian.” your eye widened the moment he said this, “what’s that supposed to mean?” you ask, started to get annoyed. “you’re too hot to be going after girls, why not leave with me so i can show you how much better i am than her.” he offered. “i’m good.” you reply as you try to leave but he goes in front of you, “let me go.” you say as you try to find a way out. he ignored you and continued to trap you between him and the bar. nika is as confused on why you are gone for so long so she turned around and seen the guys all up on you and got up to figure out what’s going on.
she pushed him off of you and you quickly walked next to her, “go sit down, i’ll handle him.” she told you as you obeyed instantly. “what happened?” azzi asked the moment you sat down. “he ask me if i was alone and i told him i had a girlfriend and he told me i was too pretty to be gay then i don’t even know what he tried to do after.” you said while fixing your bracelets. “he was like trying to keep me there. he wasn’t letting me leave but nika‘s spidey senses were on or something and she came at the right time.” you told the basketball team as they all started to talk about men and the ups and downs about them. when nika returned you looked pissed. “what did you to him?” you asked while turning you attention to her, “just know he won’t ever mess with a girl like that ever again.” she replied while grabbing her phone off the table.
about 15 minutes later nika was still mad, “do you want to go home?” you whispered in her ear, instead of answering she just told everyone you guys were gonna leave and got up, dragging you with her. “y/n’s gonna get it good.” you heard ice say as you two walked away, you looked back at her and nodded and mouthed ‘yes i am.’ making the whole team laugh. as you two walked out, nika held your hand tightly the whole way to the car. when you reached the car she opened the back instead of the front. you immediately got excited and got in, nika getting in the back with you. the moment the door shut she started to make out with you. you straddled her lap and put the hands on both sides of her face, her hands went down to your hips and made you grind against her.
she lifted you up slightly and moved you to one of her thighs, making you grind back and forth. you breathed heavily as she made you grind faster, “fuck nika.” you whimpered while breaking the kiss and leaving your head on her shoulder. sje continued to help you ride her thigh until you came on her clothed thigh. she laid you down on the seat with your head against the window. she touched your dress up to your stomach then took your panties off, tossing them to the ground. she dove into your pussy, licking you like you were ice cream. you moaned loudly as she continued to eat you out. “holy shit!” you cried, your legs starting to shake slightly.
“oh i-i’m gonna cum. nika please do not stop im gonna cum.” you whined as your legs shook more. you were so close to cumming it felt like you were going to burst all on her. after a few more seconds you came on her mouth, she came back up and wiped her face with her hands. “did i give it to you good?” she asked with a slight smirk, at first you were confused then you realized she was talking about what you said, well really mouthed earlier. you smiled back and nodded, “yes you did.” you gave her a kiss then picked up your panties and put them back on, pulling your dress down after. “let’s go home, then we can finish this.” you told her while getting ready to get out and walk to the front.
when you slightly opened the door you heard the team talking. “nika’s car is still here.” you heard paige say as you opened the door completely and got out, you smiled and waved at them. “there is absolutely no way.” aubrey said while laughing, “i’m never sitting in your car again nika.” kk said with a look of disgust. you laughed with them then got in the passenger seat, nika getting in a few seconds later. “i can’t believe they walked out at the same time.” nika laughed as she started the car and started to drive. “that’s lowkey embarrassing.” you laughed with her.
i hope you enjoy and i hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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noemilivv · 7 months
HIYA HIYA!!! this is the super energetic bro that u matched with velvette, qnd I was curioussss to requesttttt smthhh (also maybe if u want to easier identify me I could be ✨️anon??)
Ok! SO! ~Imagine~ maybeee that angel has a person he is romantically interested in (reader)
And so reader is ~severely introverted~ and thus, not much is know about them. But! Charlie is leading a art group one day, for like, rehab bc art therapy is super big, and reader is really good at it, and basically drops lore that they where in college to be an art therapist‼️
And so‼️
Maybe angel, seeing this opportunity to get closer, and was like- "ayo want me to model 4 u??👀👀" and reader is like " pls wear clothes this isn't gunna be nude modeling bc I will get super embarrassed" and so basically soft fluff of reader painting angel and getting to know each other and confession
Mayybbee a oneshot?? If ur willing! Nor pressure
Also make sure to take time to urself and rest and eat water and drink food!!!
Lots of love from a silly Lil fan!! :))
hello dear!! ofc you can be ✨ anon, you’re already on my list haha, as i’ve stated in the past, im not amazing at oneshots, but here’s my take on this !
Warnings: Mentions of Nudity, Lazily written (sorryyyy), Pretty short
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“Smooth Talker”
Angel Dust x Artist!Reader
After one of Charlie’s…interesting exercises, Vaggie suggests that the group should do therapy art, since y’know, it calms the soul. And Charlie couldn’t be more eager to do so!
The lobby was set up with canvases, paints, brushes, everything you could need!
Unlike most of Charlie’s previous activities, almost everyone was willing to participate, although Husk and Alastor kinda stood off to the side and watched.
Charlie was painting a cartoon version of Razzle and Dazzle, Vaggie was painting a sunset based off of the lesbian flag, Pentious was painting him in his war machine taking over Hell, and Niffty? Eh.. You don’t wanna know..
You on the other hand? Stood in front of your canvas, clueless, “Y’know, I could model for you..” Angel says into your ear.
Your head turned to face him “Sure.” You say nonchalantly before turning back to your canvas.
“Wait really?-”
“Just please keep your clothes on.”
Eventually you had moved your stuff over to the other side of the lobby so Angel could pose on the couch.
He had a soft smirk, as he layed on the couch, his arm propping up his face. Although, he began to get fidgety, messing with his fluff.
“Stop moving.” You said with a soft smile.
Angel kept messing his fluff. “Ange!”
“Gee, sorry!” He said, chuckling, moving his arm back to its original position.
“So uh, how’d you get into all this?” Angel asked as the sketching of your pencil went to a stop and you began actually painting it. “College, back when I was alive I wanted to be an art therapist.” You explained.
“Fitting.” He murmured. For the most part, it was silent, a comforting silence though, the presence of each other was oddly soothing.
“Okay.” You muttered, squiggling your signature down at the bottom of the canvas quickly, “I’m done.” You announce to him, turning the canvas around to show him.
Angel perks up immediately, amazed by your skill, he slowly gets up off the couch to get a closer look. “Damn…” He said, his voice above a whisper, “Can I… Can I keep it?” He asked, hopeful that you might say yes, “Duh.” You giggled.
“For once the smooth talker is shocked, that’s new.” You say with a smirk. “And for once the introvert is talking back, that’s new.” Angel replies, but the usual attitude in his voice isn’t there, his voice is barely above a whisper as his eyes are still entranced with the painting.
You take the painting off the stand and hand it to Angel. You look over to a nearby window notice the sun is setting, despite the red sky still being as clear as day, “It’s getting late, I’m gonna head up to my room.” You say. “Yeah… Me too.”
As you and Angel are both walking to your rooms, you don’t say much, until a voice pipes up, “Y’know, I really owe ya for the painting.” Angel says, still looking at it, “Owe me what?” You ask, as you both arrive at your door.
“A date, maybe.” Angel says, pecking your forehead, “Stop by my room at eight tomorrow, if your interested~”
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greynatomy · 10 months
bigger than the whole sky
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alessia russo x reader
based on this request.
been writing this for a while. my longest fic yet. i cried so much writing it.
thank you anon for the request, one of my favorites.
i also just reached 1k followers! thank you all for following and reading everything i’ve put out. i started writing for female celebrities then got into woso. i never knew people would read what i would put out, but i was wrong. i appreciate every single one of you who like, reblog, follow, or just read.
again, thank you! enjoy this angst!
In her twenty-four years on this earth, Alessia Russo can count every single event, party, or celebration she’s been to. Whether that be a birthday party, after party, or a simple get together. But the event she’s at right now is not something she ever saw herself attending for a very long time.
Walking to the field in her first day of practice at UNC. She didn’t know anyone and was a little shy, but you were the first person to introduce yourself to her. 
During both of your time at UNC, you were inseparable. No one would see one of you without the other, so it was not shock at all when you got together a year after meeting.
“Hey! Alessia!” You get her attention, catching up to her.
“Hey, Y/n.”
“Uh, I was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me tonight? Only if you’re up for it and aren’t busy.”
Alessia’s smile could not get any bigger.
“I would love to.” She kisses your cheek, walking away. “Text me the details.”
You stand frozen in your spot. You hand coming up to your face, fingers brushing where her lips touched.
A few hours later, you were standing outside of Alessia’s front door, flowers in hand. You go to raise your hand to knock, but it opens before you have a chance to.
“Woah.” You we’re speechless. Alessia was wearing a black dress, with a slit at the right leg and red bottom heels. You were in a simple black dress pants, white dress shirt with a couple buttons undone and dress shoes. “You look breathtaking.”
“Thank you.” She gives you her million dollar smile. “And you look very attractive.”
“Ready to go?”
“Yup. Let me just lock up.”
Opening the passenger door for her, she gets in, giving you a kiss on the cheek before you close it. You run to the driver side and get in. You put the car in drive and go on your way to your destination.
Alessia notices your fingers fiddling with the gear shift so she becomes very bold and grabs your hand to intertwine them, settling them in her lap.
The date went along perfectly. You talked about anything and everything, catching up on things that happened recently. Driving back home in a comfortable silence, smiles on both your faces.
You walk her to her front door, saying how you had a great time hoping to go on a second date and more after that, her agreeing. After a couple seconds of silence, you feel very confident and place your hands gently on her cheeks.
“May I?” You ask.
Alessia just nods, bringing her face closer to yours and closes the gap, lips molding together in a quick but passionate kiss. Pulling away she bites her bottom lip.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” She kisses your cheek, hurrying into her door.
“Yeah. Tomorrow.” In a trance, you slowly walk back to your car with the biggest smile on your face, doing a happy dance not aware that Alessia was watching you through the window, laughing.
Walking around the living room, she can’t help but tear up. All the memories you made coming back to her. All that you accomplished together. She was glad to be able to play with you and start on your professional football careers together on the same team for Manchester United.
“I thought lesbians were supposed to be good at building and stuff.”
You and Alessia are in the process of moving into your new apartment in Manchester after being signed by United together.
“That’s very stereotypical of you Less.”
“I’m just saying.” She shrugs, biting back a smile.
“Would you like to help me then?”
“Nah. I think you’ve got it all figured out.”
“You’ll do great.”
“Same with you.”
“Making their debut today, Y/N Y/LN and Alessia Russo, an unstoppable duo from the University of North Carolina, subs into the game.”
“Another goal for Alessia Russo from the assist from Y/N Y/LN. The duo showing us exactly what they’re made of!”
Years later, you’ve both just signed a deal with Arsenal. The club not wanting to separate the dynamic duo the two of you became known for.
She makes it up to your shared bedroom, not having been since that day, opting to sleep in the guest room. Taking a deep breath, she twists the door knob, opening the door.
Everything was how it was left two weeks ago. Nothing being changed. Eyes scan the room, landing on your bedside table. A picture sat on top, one of Alessia’s favorites. Hands trembling, she delicately picks it up, thumb running over your face.
Walking along the water, footprints remain behind them on the sand. Hands intertwined, occasionally swinging between the two.
“You ready for tomorrow?” You ask softly, not wanting to disrupt the calm atmosphere.
“Nervous, but it’s the world cup final.”
“That’s to be expected then.”
“Come here. I wanna take a picture.”
Holding her arm out, phone in hand, you place your head next to hers into frame. She turns her head, placing a kiss on your cheek.
Later that night, she goes through the photos as you slept. Seeing as they were live photos, she watches them. She didn’t notice at the time, but after kissing your cheek, you look at her with the look all her friends told her about.
Like she hung all the stars in the sky.
Alessia felt numb. All of the emotions she could feel are bottled up inside her. She thought of the last moment she spent with you, still not able to wrap her head around it all.
You and Alessia make you way to the garage. You open the driver side door for her, letting her get in. You close the door, she rolls the window down. You lean down, resting your arms on the door, head sticking in the car.
“Now, you be careful getting to training. It’s our first one with the team.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“I’ll meet you there.”
“See you soon.”
She leans up giving you a kiss. When she pulls away, you hold the back of her head to pull her back in, kissing her a bit longer.
“Be careful. I love you.”
“I love you more. See you in a bit.”
She watched you put your helmet on, swinging a leg over your motorcycle, driving off, giving her a little wave.
Alessia arrives to training first, waiting for you at the car park. When you didn’t arrive in a couple minutes, she went ahead inside.
“Hey! Where’s your missus?”
The door opening snaps Alessia out of her trance. Looking up, she sees her parents and your mom. She wipes her tears hastily, sniffling a bit.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
“Hi, Mum.”
The three parents look at each other, not knowing how to start. Alessia’s dad eventually sit next to her daughter on the bed.
“We need to tell you something.”
You knock on the front door, it quickly opening to reveal Alessia’s mom, Carol.
“Y/N! What a lovely surprise!”
“Hi, Carol.” You greet, returning her embrace. “Is Mario home? I need to talk to the both of you.”
She leads you through the house to where her husband was sitting on the couch.
“Hey, kid.”
“Sup, pops.”
“Y/N said she needs to talk to us.”
“Oh? What about?”
Taking a seat in between the married couple, you reach into your pants pocket, pulling out a small velvet box. You hear a gasp that came from Carol.
“Oh, honey.”
“I-I just wanted to let you know that I’m ready, been ready, to take the next step into my relationship with your daughter. Alessia is… she’s the love of my life and I hope you’d give me your blessing to do so.”
A strong hand finds itself on your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Kid. You’ve had our blessing since the day we met you.”
“There’s no one better for our Alessia than you.”
Your mom holds out her hand, a small velvet box sitting in it.
“She told me to hold onto it.”
Alessia let out a quiet sob, sliding off the bed, kneeling over onto the floor. Her mom follows, wrapping her arms around her daughter.
“She loved you so much.”
“Is this Alessia Russo?”
Alessia got a call minutes after walking into the locker room. An unknown number.
“This is she.”
“You are the emergency contact for Y/N Y/LN. How fast can you get to London Medical?”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
Alessia’s heart is racing, the unknowing of why she would be called as your emergency contact. She packs her things as quickly as possible, hands shaking.
“Woah. Where are you going? You just got here.” Katie questioned, seeing her stuffing her training bag.
“Uh, Y-Y/LN hos-hospital.” She stutters.
Katie realized how serious the situation is, grabbing her things for her.
“C’mon. I’ll drive. Which hospital?”
“Lon-London Med-Medical.”
“Okay. Get in the car.”
The two run towards Alessia’s car, giving her keys to Katie. After a twenty minute drive, they get to the hospital. Running to the emergency room, she goes straight to the nurse’s area.
“Y/N Y/LN. My-my girlfriend. I got a call.”
“Alessia Russo?” She nods. “I’m Kerry. I called you. If you can sit in the waiting room, I’ll have a doctor come out and talk to you.”
Not even a minute later, a man dressed in scrubs walk up to the two footballers.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Hill. This is Officer Randall. You’re here for Y/N YLN?”
“Yeah. What happened.”
“We got a call for a crash. Witnesses say it was head on. Driver was drunk and is in our custody.” The officer answers.
“What about my girlfriend? What’s wrong with her?”
“She’s in surgery right now, we’re trying to repair her broken leg, ribs, arm, but what we’re most worried about is her head. She was wearing a helmet, which is good, but with how the driver hit her, we’re unsure how she’d heal. We’ll let you know more when we’re done. Now if you’d excuse me.”  With that, the doctor heads back through the double doors.
“Earlier this month, Arsenal signed women football’s dynamic duo, Alessia Russo and Y/N Y/LN. We’ve seen what they’ve done at the University of North Carolina, Manchester United and we’ve been excited to see what they could bring here at Emirates Stadium.
Two weeks ago, Y/LN was struck by a drunk driver and unfortunately passed away. Let’s all take a moment of silence.”
Alessia is trying hard not to break down in front of everyone. She’s done that plenty enough.
“To the families of Y/N, we are with you. Alessia Russo, we stand by you. Y/N Y/LN. You are loved. You are missed. Rest easy.”
It’s been four days since the accident. There’s been no change in your overall health and brain activity. Doctors have told Alessia that there’s a low chance of you ever waking up.
“Ms. Russo.” Doctor Hill knocks on the door. “I need to talk to you.”
“We’ve gone through her file and you make all of Y/N’s medical decisions now. When we need to do something, you’re the one to make the decision.”
“What about her mom? I thought that only if you’re married, you’re the next in line or something?”
“She listed you as her power of attorney. She trusts that you make the choice for her. Ones that she can’t.”
“What do I do now? Is there still a chance for her?”
The look on the doctor’s face says otherwise.
After talking to your mom, her parents, she’s now back in your hospital room. She never thought she’d see you like this, lifeless on a bed, wrapped in bandages, wires poking and prodding all over.
“Hey, baby.” She sniffles. “Um. It’s been a few days since you’ve been here. Uh, it’s really all up to you now.” She grabs your hand, mindful of the wires and needles. “If-uh-if you feel like you can’t go on, I pro-I promise you that I’ll be fine. I can look after your mum.”
Alessia gets up from her seat, walking to the corner, bottom lip trembling, holding in a cry. Holding herself together, she goes back to where you lay.
“I don’t want you to fight for me anymore, to-to suffer and longer. If…if you need to let go, you can. Just know that I love you. As much as I want you to wake up, and see what we could’ve been, what should’ve been, I-I let you go.”
She watches your chest rise up and down, the movement slowing down. The beeping from the monitor slows, ending in a long beep. Flatline.
You were gone.
Nurses rush into the room to try and revive you, but Alessia waves them off, not wanting you to go through anymore difficulty. She let you pass peacefully.
“A hat trick for Alessia Russo on her Arsenal debut! What a player!”
Alessia couldn’t hold it in anymore. She collapses onto the ground, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her teammates surround her, Lotte gets to her first, embracing her in a tight hug. Lotte had become your best friend at UNC, so it was difficult for her too.
With Arsenal winning the game, Lotte and Alessia were asked to do a postgame interview.
“We’re now here with Alessia Russo and Lotte Wubben-Moy. What an amazing performance from the both of you. Alessia a hat trick and Lotte who assisted them all. What was going through your head?”
“Uh, well, it’s the first game of the season and there was supposed to be one more here from the UNC squad, but unfortunately she isn’t. I played for her. Y/N is-was my best friend.”
“Uh, yeah. We all started our football journey together back at UNC and supposed to be back together again, the three of us, so I just played for her. She always believed in me and was by my side, following to all the way to Manchester and now to London. So I-uh-the whole team really just played for Y/N.”
Walking down the path, flowers in hand, Alessia stops in front of headstone. She takes the old flowers out of the built in pot and replaces them with the new. 
She takes a blanket out of her bag and lays it out in front, sitting on it. She reads the stone, for what felt like a hundred times.
Daughter • Footballer • Wife
you are bigger than the whole sky
Even though the two of you never got married, your mom and Alessia decided to call you a ‘wife’. It just wasn’t official on paper, but it would’ve happened anyway. She now wears the ring you never got to give her on a chain hung around her neck, to keep you close to her heart.
“Hey, baby. Uh, played my first game as a Gunner. Scored a hat trick just for you. Pretty sure you were watching down on me, helping me get those goals in.” She wipes a fallen tear. “Wished you would’ve been down at the pitch with me, but, uh, yeah. I don't know what else to say. You’re usually saying something back. I’ll see you again soon.” She kisses her fingers and placing them overtop of your name. “Ti amo amore mio.”
At twenty-four, she didn’t think she’d have to say goodbye, but here she was, walking out of the cemetery, leaving you behind.
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does it not bother you that your position on trans people is the one consistently held and demonstrated by fascists? does it turn your stomach when nazis come to rallies for causes you believe in? i only hope you feel some remorse for being such a vile person
Does it bother you that Ben Shapiro supports gay marriage? Are you going to stand against gay marriage because a conservative man supports it? No? Do you think that makes you vile?
How about this:
You have two people who support abortion. One person supports abortion because they hate children, think that the world should end, and people should stop reproducing.
The second person supports abortion because they think women should have full control over their own bodies.
These people both support abortion but are they really the exact same? Can you look me in the eye and say that they really support the same exact thing?
The things is: I don't believe what fascists do. I have no problem with men who are feminine. I have no problem with women who are masculine. I don't want a world where every man is Kratos and every woman is Jessica rabbit. Fascists and nazi's don't care that someone is trans. Do you think they'd be happy with a man who wears women's clothing? Do you think they love effeminate gay men? You think they'd love seeing hairy butch dykes everywhere? Do you think their issue is REALLY with trans people in general? Or is it people not living up to their assigned, religion based, gender roles?
I have no problem with men who wear make up or nail polish or who love other men. I have no issue with butch lesbians who talk loudly about wanting to eat pussy. It genuinely makes me very happy to see gnc gay people out and about, regardless of it they're gay men or lesbians. It's instant vibes every single time.
How about another question for you, anon. Does it not bother you that teenage girls are being told that teenage males should be allowed access to their dressing rooms just because they say they "feel" like a girl? Does the discomfort and fear of those girls not churn your stomach? Do you have zero sympathy? Do the feelings of girls and women take a backseat to the feelings of men? Does it bother you that gay people are being fed homophobic rhetoric in a progressive package? Does it bother you that gnc kids are being told that they're doing boy/girlhood wrong and they should transition because no boy/girl would dare act how they do? Does it bother you that males are openly talking about wanting to fuck lesbians and how lesbians make their dick hard? Does it bother you that gay men are being told they're missing out on not eating pussy? Does it bother you that gay people are being called bad people for not liking the opposite sex?
Because it bothers me. If that reads as me having an issue with trans people then I think that says more about your ideology than mine.
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planetception · 3 months
could u write headcanons for nika as a protective gf?
Tumblr media
Protective Girlfriend Nika - Headcannons
cw: mentions of fighting, just a very protective nika
an: thanks for the request. i hope you enjoy this one and i hope that it fulfills your expectations. also first emoji anon?
༊*·˚ it all started when you were getting hit on by some guy in a bar after the team and you went out
༊*·˚ he tried flirting with you and although you told him that you were happily dating someone, he still was adamant on being a creep
༊*·˚ nika was standing next to paige ordering a few drinks when she saw the guy being really weird, she told paige she would be right back and she sauntered over to where you were sitting
༊*·˚ i can imagine it to happen like this, nika would come up to you and wrap her arm around her neck as she told the guy off "she said she wasn't interested dickhead, get lost" to which the guy made a disgusting comment back to her, "that's your girlfriend? damn i'm fine with you both. two lesbians? that's pretty fuckin hot"
༊*·˚ that's when nika lost her cool and swung at the guy, striking him right in the face. she scoffed as he got up and ran away to which she yelled at him, calling him a pussy
༊*·˚ from then on she became very protective of you
༊*·˚ will never let you out of her sight at bars so another one of those incidents will not happen again
༊*·˚ when she posts you on her instagram and someone insults you, she will reply back in an instant, insulting them right back
༊*·˚ one time nika posted you for your anniversary and someone was all up in the comments being a homophobic prick, you best bet nika replied and called them a dickhead then blocked them
༊*·˚ someone once called you a bitch while you and nika were walking together hand in hand, she turned around and said to them "say that again?" and dude ran away like a coward
༊*·˚ some weird guy ogling you in a class that you share with nika? yeah she's giving you a big fat kiss on the lips as she smirks at the guy
༊*·˚ some girl asking to dance with you at a bar while nikas arm is clearly wrapped around your waist? she will tell her to fuck off then give you a kiss to get the message across
༊*·˚ constantly working out to get that physique that you love so much so she can beat a bitch up if they disrespect her girlfriend in anyway shape or form
༊*·˚ is not afraid to get into fights to protect you at all
༊*·˚ you make sure to clean up any of her cuts and bruises that she got from fighting
༊*·˚you always tell her that fighting people in the sake of her girlfriend isn't needed, to which she calls you princess and tells you that she will always protect you no matter what
༊*·˚ we stan a protective girlfriend here
two posts in one day wow! anyways i hope you enjoy this and let me know your thoughts on this. also welcome to the family crab anon!
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