#me being pesimist
belovedsanie · 1 year
the fact that we might see tarlos on their honeymoon feels too good to be true??? something bad is gonna happen i can feel it
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Clash of Cultures -P.G
We can think of this one as Sister's Best Friend part II where we can see the insides of Gavi and Vnzlan!Reader relationship and his reactions to some stuffs. Warnings: Swear words and lots of Venezuelan slangs/acts/sayings and more
Summary: When Gavi's culture clashes with yours.
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The first Clash of Cultures in your relationship with Gavi was your way of speaking, but it was also one of the facts that drove him into you, besides your beauty, of course.
Your unique way of expressing yourself had him at your feet, even if about a 90% of the words you were saying were in your slang. Something like "Coño", "Webon", "Pana", "Alebrestao'", "Guáramo", "Beta", "Bicho", "Vaina", "Bochinche", "Chamo", "Curucutear", "Vacié", "Naguará", "Depinga", "'Toy pinta' en la pared", and a few others had him crazy and definitely looking in Google for their meaning.
And definitely the fact that you guys don't point out with your hand but rather with your lip, always had him guessing what you meant to
"Bring me that" You pucker your lips "...thing, please amor"
"Bring you what?"
"That thing" You did it again
"What thing?"
"That thing, Pablo! The vaina that's next to the bicho ese!"
Your meeting with Gavi was pretty normal, you had met through Aurora, his sister and your best friend, your beauty instantly had him hooked and thankfully you liked him back enough to agree on a date with him. That date turned into two, three, four and eventually you became girlfriend and boyfriend.
Still, six months in and he was still left amazed by your Latina facts, doings and sayings
"Mira, mira" You had said one time "Cachicamo diciéndole a Morrocoy conchuo"
"Wait, what?" He stopped what he was doing with the biggest frown on his face making you laugh out loud "What the hell is a Cachicamo?"
He loved it tho.
Your way of being and seeing things was the second Clash of Cultures on your relationship. You look for jokes and double meaning in everything because, Venezuelan's are happy; it's in the loudness of your screams when you are happy; you don't take too seriously when someone takes your mother out because you know when people are joking around since you say that way too much to know it. You guys see the bright side of everything when it's all dark and that's something Gavi also loved from you.
Seeing as he often was the pesimist and you the optimist, he never really got too much to see you worked up or angry. So he always got surprised to see you angry and that mostly happened whenever you were driving.
"Amor-" You cut him off
"I won't even stress" You said shaking your head feeling Gavi's hand on your thigh "I'm driving like I know how to, nothing and no one can make me go ma-...¡maguevo, hijo de tú grandísima madre, cabrón!" You said honking on and on "¡Luego dicen es que nosotras las mujeres no sabemos como conducir, nojoda! ¡Viejo estúpido!" (Then you guys say it's us women who don't know how to drive, fuck! Stupid man!) You exclaimed without taking a breath
"Bebé" Gavi tried to calm you down
"Don't you see I had the green one? If I didn't stepped onto the brakes we would probably be dead! He was going like 120m/h!"
He knew better to stop and try to argue with you so he left you be and rant agreeing with you. In deed you were right.
The third Clash was definitely dancing, the thing is simple... Venezuelan's dance a lot and you guys have a lot of parties to know Salsa, Bachata, Champeta, Joropo, Tambor, Merengue, Samba and everything else to have a good time and never stop dancing; Gavi barely knew Reggaeton.
"Venga mi amor" You said lips on top of his kissing them repeatedly
"I don't know how to dance Bachata"
"That's why I am here, I'll teach you and we'll dance together!" You exclaimed happily "You don't know how sexy it is to dance Bachata with your partner"
"We can do sexy things without even having to dance!" You gave him a look
"I wanna dance, I wanna dance with you and I can't exactly dance that alone... Unless you like me being chest to chest with another man"
"Yeah, not happening" He instantly got up "How's this thing going?"
You always got him with that one
The fourth one was pretty funny, Venezuelan's take seriously holidays, you make hallacas, pernil, you dance, share the time with your family, exchange gifts, eat the twelve grapes asking for a wish each month (even tho you sometimes back in Venezuela had to do two months in one grape or something like that for the amount of personas you had at home) but the thing that stood out the most is that you guys get dressed up meanwhile, as for example, Spaniards don't.
"What are you doing dressed up like that?!" You ask Gavi surprised when he entered the bathroom with a black tee, black pants and white sneakers as yo were doing your makeup
"What are you doing dressing up like that?" He asked back
"I asked first" You replied
"This is how we always dress"
"¡Mentira!" You exclaimed laughing "¿Enserio?" He nods
"We do dress up a bit to welcome the new year and baby Jesus birth" You explain while laughing
"Y/N, why didn't you told me that? Our parents will be here any minute!"
"Can you let Aurora and your parents know that too?!"
And let's not talk about the fact your parents brought their suitcases for when the twelve chimes went in indicating the new year and started going all around your house and neighborhood walking around with them, he went all in crazy, asking you every minute "Why did they do that?"
The fifth one was your guys way of singing birthday, it was your mom's birthday and all of you got ready to sing, he looked confused at you when the song started with an: Ay, que noche tan preciosa... The addings to it like "y ruego a Dios porque pases un cumpleaños feliz, (con los pañales que te di)" confused him a lot and basically he just stood there clapping mentally making a note to learn the Venezuelan birthday song
"What's wrong?" You asked him hugging him
"We don't sing Happy Birthday like that"
"Yes, well... We like to improve some stuffs"
The sixth was the celebration of Santos and Images. This one wasn't really out of place since they also do it but he had never saw one bigger than that one and so colorful.
For example, La Divina Pastora, he has barely woken up when he heard you yell at the top of your lungs making him go out running off the bed and make his way to you: "MY GOSH SHE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL, I'M CRYING MY EYES OUT, MOM!" He thought something bad had happened, but when he saw you sat at the Kitchen counter laptop on with your family on facetime and your phone proped up with a live transmition of said ceremoy, he felt his soul come back to his body
"Don't do it again, please" He asked hand on his heart sitting next to you after waving at your family "Who's she and what it's about?"
Your heart melted at that, explaining to him who she was and why was she important; Pablo nodded telling you he quickly had to shower, when he came back he was wearing a Divina Pastora shirt.
Let's just say your mom had to stop you from eating your boyfriend with kisses
The seventh and last one for now, isn't that kind of clashy, it's rather a learning thing for Pablo, it was your myths and legends and food. He found himself being incredibly attracted to the stories that were mostly born on Los Llanos.
And as for the food, you had that sazón, those ideas, you were never afraid to combine pasta with fried plátanos and shredded chicken.
He loved his food but he fell in love with yours too.
He never dared to say no to some arepas, in fact he always asked for one more, the black beans you always did with fried pork was the best he ever eaten, the pabellón your mom does had him on his knees. And the desserts...? He would happily break his diet if he gets to eat for himself a whole Quesillo while eating a whole litro of Chicha de Auyama.
Now, it was your turn to be surprised when you saw and heard him picking up on some habits of yours, you didn't believe it, the guys told you he did it at trainings but you never saw it until now.
"Amor, ¿me pasas aquella vaina?" (Love, could you pass me that thing?) He said without looking up making you smile
"The what?"
"La vaina that is next to the bicho aquel" (The thing that's next to that stuff) He pointed with his lips before coming back to his work of knead arepas "Please" You laughed hard
You loved the fact he took his time to learn your culture, it meant a lot to you, just like it meant a lot to him you learning his.
"Now you're talking in Venezuelan slang? What's next? Wanting to sleep in a chinchorro?" (Hammock?) You ask in disbelief
"Well, you never know, me puedo echar mi camarón ahí" (I can take my nap there) You laughed hard once more, he washed his hands forgetting about the arepas, pulling you into him "What? I gotta keep up with my girl"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride
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omi-papus · 9 months
Miyazaki is doing what hes doing because in reality, he respects no one in the animation industry but himself and that is what will kill him one day.
And like thats his life, you go, but I genuenly dont think its out of anything other than his ego and the only victim is his own health. I will not mourn him when he dips, because this man is actively trying to die while working, (genuenly dont buy the retierment thing, I am seriously convinced he is disapointed that he survived the production of The boy and the heron) and while the quality and spirit of his work will always be the same, I need yall to understand that this is a jaded, self centered, pesimistic person that is choosing misery. (I dont care about weather he "enjoys" it or not. He could adore it or hate every second of it and it wouldnt matter to me, and honestly I find it unempathetic to think that its imposible for him or anyone to be stressed or unhappy doing their creative work just because its good. Its kind of how people went crazy when the Spy x Family author said hes not attached to his characters, thats a thing that can happen and crazy as it might seem to you. The idea that art, especially good art can only be created out of love is a myth.)
This is made out of no hatred for him, he is a genius, and compleatly within his right to be this way. And people thinking that they somehow cant like hes movies if they aknowledge how he is,is what leads people to deny it. This isnt about him being a "good person", he seems like a rather shitty dad but thats for Goro, Keisuke and Ota to decide, not us. And hes employees are yet to give any testament as to how good of a boss he is, (as far as I know) I doubt they ever will, so it dosent matter.
He is also most likely addicted to it at this point, weather its the stress or the creative process or both its clear that this is something he genuenly cant let go of.
He thinks the art of animation will die with him, and wants that death to be out of spite.
Hes wrong about that but godspeed muy guy. I envy your resolve.
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midnight1404 · 4 months
For Lovu! 🍼 🍨 🍄🍎🍒 🍅🥭🧅🍕🥃🥐🌾 🥒🌳🍃🌸🍧
i will respond these questions for family tree!Lovu :3 (he's very diferent from the possible I'm you and you're me!Lovu
tw: idealization to self-harm, emotional abuse, etc
🍼 What's your OC's first memory?
Being held by his Grandmother Christine in the rocking chair next to his crib, he remembers she has blond-white long hair, she was cold and her arms were very thin and wrinkled, he remembers being called "jakey" or "Tommy" but never by his real name as he was falling asleep.
(When he mentioned this to his family at dinner one night. Taliya and Lo'ak were shocked while Jake has an amused face like it was just a fucking joke.
"It seems he's crazy like your sister, baby." Jake says to Lo'ak.
At bedtime, Taliya said to her little brother that Grandmother Christine died a year before his birth.)
🍨How does your OC compose in stressful situations?
The majority of times, he just cries until he can calm down and think better the situation. When he gets to be 13, after try to be more like jake told him a boy is supossed to be but failing, he just accepts that he is a cry baby, so he just hides from daddy when he cant take it anymore, and cry until the nerves are gone. Also but this is mostly a way of cope with any bad situation in general that is fun of the situation, making bad and pesimist jokes about it.
Tw: self harm mention.
He is not gonna lie that he thought sometimes in hit or cut himself every time he cries in a form of punishment but one of the bad things of be capable of see and interact with ghosts is never be alone and privacy is a foreign concept to him, so he ended to decline that option.
[MUSHROOM ASK] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Very high, i can see him picking a white mushroom from a tree in one of the family trips to the beach and his curiosity winning over his reason (something that happens often), and as consequence having to being taken to the hospital inmdediately.
Also, i have the hc like one of the characters from "One hundred years of solicitude" By Gabriel Garcia Marquez, between his 4-8 years he liked to eat dirt until Jake had to force him to stop by the bad way.
🍎Who does your OC value above all else?
I think the easiest answer would be Taliya bc is not just his oldest sister but the person that helps him in everything and often deals with the problems he causes. But, is also truth that Lo'ak is the person that always showed him the most affection and love when he needed it, and Jake...well Jake is Daddy and he always was there to protect and take care (if the care was good or bad way is another topic) of him, so yes, he is also important.
In resume, i think he values his family above everything else even if it is fucked up.
🍒Who is your OC's perfect companion?
Between the alive, Taliya without doubt but between the ghosts that are always walking, looming, etc through his house is Neteyam, the first ghost that presented to him by his real name, something that ghosts doesnt do often.
Neteyam would help him escape from Jake when things are tense, he would talk with him about almost everything (Except about Jake and Lo'ak and the forbidden attic) and he is maybe is his best friend.
🍅How misunderstood is your oc?
Well, we can say he suffers over toxic masculinity from part of Jake (also a little bit from Taliya and Loak but is more something that they have internalized from living in pratiarchy, etc). Being too strict with what he does, make him try his same hobbies (hunt, shooting bc #americamilitardad trauma and boxing when he is older), openly dislike when Lovu shows his emotions by crying or being too excited (even if lovu inherited being emotional from him bc lets be honest: loak is in harmony with his heart and Rjake is emotions mess like his son (just that Lovu is more of the crying type while rjake the oppsite)).
He is also very judged by his teachers, having problems to take attention to class, almost always being found sleeping during class (he and taliya share the same sleep problems but he is worse bc even if she can see shadows, she can't heard them unlike her brother can with ghosts. "Grandpa Ron loves sing in the bathroom at midnight." He says to his oldest sister one morning on their way at school. "He sucks at it but he pretends the oppossite.") and sometimes he screams in class out of nowhere (a ghost's problem, they like play rude with him in some ocassions)
🥭 What colours represent them the best? And why? Does this differs from their favorite colors?
Mmmm...blue, dark green and gray, mostly due the ghost magic thing and because he is a sad anxious boy 24/7 that love rainy days while his favorite colour would be yellow or orange.
🧅 What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
He hates the silent treatment, the silence is not jus unnatural for him, and if he doesn't talk with someone alive the dead ones's voices would be the only sound he could heard, but is also always has the meaning he did something really bad even if he cant understand what. Obviously, the one who apply this the most is jake but sadly, pre-teen taliya used to do it too when they fought until her brother ended crying all night one time, making her realize it was very serious for him.
🍕How good is your OC at sharing? How do they share something if there is not enough supply?
More than share, Lovu never had something he could call completely his (his clothes are his daddy or uncle, toys were taliya's first, the ghosts love steal his things or hide them to mess with him, etc) more his relationship with taliya makes him learn to share almost everything since young age so i can see him always being open to share something that there is not supply for (except inthe specific case where is to someone outside of his family and is about basic life item like medicine that they would need, in that case he would say the other person to fuck off (not literally ofc bc he would shit his pants first)
🥃 What does your OC look for in a friend? What do they find is a turn-off?
He is a happy with a friend that would stay with him even after they notice how he talks to a wall sometimes. tbh, he is a very lonely kid like his sister and their daddy is Rjake, he doesnt have high-moral standards for a friend, while they don't treat him like if he were stupid and is a good person making conversation, he would not care if they have killed all their own family and keep the bodies in the back garden of their house as long as they don't involve him in that problem.
("Your bestfriend is fucking ghost," Taliya said to him one time.
"And you don't have friends at all," He fought back. "That's why you make me follow you in everything."
"That hurts my feelings."
"Sorry," He answer quickly, trying to fix it. "i mean it but that doesnt have something bad, you know? like Daddy says Weirdos stay together."
"Shut up, Lovu."
🥐 Where is your OC from? How do they feel about their homeland? Where are they now?
As his sister, he is from a small hidden town that my peanut brain didn't chose a name yet for it but tbh even if everyone there knows each other due to be so small, he likes his house that has a lot of privacy and space, also there are rumors about ghosts being stronger in big cities and he already has enough of that in the present.
🌾 How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
Thanks to Grandfather Ron's ghost telling him about his most explicit experiences in combat (he was exagerating a good part of them tho) Lovu started hate meat and he is vegetarian (this causes a lot of jokes from Jake)
🥒 How innocent are they (unaware to the bad happenings around them)?
We can say he is very an inocent kid in general but not bc he cant understand what is hapening around him (Taliya and neteyam are also a good help atleast know when something bad is happening in the house) to him in that way but more bc he is constantly deniyng what is the reality of why his house is full of ghost haunting it, especially the ones who are not related to him or his family.
🌳What's your OC's favourite thing to do at the park?
Unlike Taliya, Lovu doesnt like being at the park at all, too much sun, too much kids (even if himself is one) too much noise but when he is there, he likes pass hours in the hammocks, playing "i spy with my litte eye" with neteyam or his sister, doing his best to ignore the ghosts of kids around the place bc they always have the worst backgroud stories of how they died and he doesnt need to know about it.
🍃What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through?
I cant so much here bc it would be heavy spoilers from Family Tree so i just will say he and Taliya are separated from their parents for some months and none of them is having a good time with it.
🌸 Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
In a way, he can make contact with some of the own legends and myths by himself, so yeah, he is completely sure they are truth.
🍧 What's your OC's favourite flavour of edible thing (e.g., strawberry)?
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i-know-geography · 2 years
Yandere! Corrupted star guardian! Xayah and Yandere! Corrupted star guardian! Rakan (Poly relationship with reader) headcanons.
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I'm not a fan of league of legends but i just fell in love with the star guardians universe,so i'm doing this since Rakan and Xayah became my favourite ship.
Some bit of storytelling.
You were a star guardian from Ahri's former team,being a good friend of Sarah,Neeko and Ahri,but you were closer to Xayah and Rakan.
The three of you were in a polyamorous relationship,you would walk trough fire for your partners.
Things were alright! You and your team were always together,nothing could ever stop you six.
That's what you thought...until that battle with Zoe,that battle was the biggest despair you ever felt.
You saw Rakan dying while Xayah held him,you wanted to aprooach her but Ahri was holding you and Sarah, keeping you from getting closer.
"Xayah!" you screamed to your girlfriend,that looked at you,shocked."I'll come back for you! I promise!" That was the last thing you could say before Ahri draged you away.
The vision of Rakan already dead,Xayah holding him and crying while Zoe got ready to kill her never got out of your head.
The time went by,Ahri got a new team,the three new members were cool but,you always felt like something's missing,you felt...empty.
Until one day,Ahri had told you that Neeko was alive,but in a possible danger,since Zoe's still alive.
You were so happy to know she was alive that you asked to go meet her with Ahri.
You went first,because Ahri needed to warn the others about this "secret mission".
You found Neeko in a kind of a temple,she was running for someone...who was very familiar to you.
"XAYAH? RAKAN?"—You screamed,so happy to see them again,they were alive! But...you felt that something was wrong...why were they attacking Neeko?
Ahri saved Neeko at the perfect time,but you were distant from her and she didn't saw you,so she left you there.
"Wait! I'm still here! AHRI!"—You tried to warn her but she were already gone.
You fell on your knees...hearing the sound of steps getting closer to you.
"You should get used to it,Ahri always left people behind on purpose..." You looked up to see Xayah,but she was different,her clothes and her wings were darker,and she seems a bit...colder.
"Don't be that pesimistic,my love,at least she brought [Your name] to us." Rakan came in,looking at you with a smile,an evil and carelees smile.
That's when the hell began.
Zoe let you stay,just because she could have a new servant.
She tried to corrupt you,but you were only half corrupted,somehow Zoe couldn't corrupt the rest,there was a little bit of hope protecting half of you.
The actual headcanons-
Your new life with your former partners is nothing like before.
You always go on "dates" with them.
...With dates i mean missions to destroy planets and kill star guardians.
Xayah is the most caring of them both.
She asks if you're okay when she sees you're sad.
"[Your name],are you okay? You want me to destroy who made you feel bad?"
You couldn't say to Xayah destroy herself.
If you ever say you miss Ahri,she'll remind you that she left you to die on there.
It wasn't true...was it? She didn't left you! But...why she didn't came to save you yet? And why did she left Xayah and Rakan to die?
She likes to cuddle you,she missed you so much! She waited for your return,just like you promised. So why you seem so sad in being with her?
She feels kind of annoyed that you still fighting against the corruption.
Don't you want to be with her and Rakan? Then you should simply fall into the darkness! That's the only way to make sure the three of you will always be together!
Since we mentioned Rakan,let's talk about him.
He's a bit better than Xayah.
At least he doesn't remind you that Ahri left you three.
He loves when you praise him,any compliment from you makes him melt.
He also likes to cuddle you,but it seems to...be something more,sometimes you see a spark of light and somehow,you felt that the corruption is a little bit...gone. Was Rakan...purifying you?
You couldn't see a reason for him to do it,since he also hated that you didn't gave up and fell into darkness.
If some male star guardian ever touches you,oh god...may the first star save his soul.
You try to cheer yourself,saying it's not that bad but it's that bad...
There wasn't any chance for things to change,The Xayah and Rakan you knew would never come back,it's impossible to save a corrupted guardian.
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drdtsurvivors · 11 months
// David's rizz extends to this story blog too? He took one look at Ace, one look at Levi and said.
"Damn okay Levi/Ace sure i'll help you cope with the death of Ace/Levi, but allow me to also wish you would look at me the same way you looked at him and suffer in silence to help you get back on your feet."
ITS SO? DAVID TO DO? I've said it before but I love love the way you write for the characters you use, you incorprate fanon into their canon personalities so well it's just, mwah, cheff kiss.
(If you know whos sending this umm! no you don't!/silly)
I think I do know who this is (I may be wrong), but you made me laugh even when I'm like half asleep.
Because yes, I support the theory of David actually being pesimistic and the killing game just screwed his mindset even more. I mean, the dude kinda wanted to die and was willing to make himself the culprit just so he could rest.
But he learnt to appreciate the others after ch5, even if he may still be an asshole to them, but that's because he's not pretending to be his cheerful self anymore (despite me using pre ch2 trial sprites)
Again, idk if this would be canon or not (I mean, the ch2 culprit seems to diverge already), but this is my own au I came up with after me finishing ch1 a few months BEFORE ch2
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if you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog !
I am not a " real " person. This is not me being pesimistic or anything i am literally Beatrice Reden from webcomic I Love Amy !! I am just a silly manga yuri girl :3.
I am just one of many people running this blog !! The Main Character system have many individuals and we all love to get asks !! Why don't send something to someone you'd like to know better?
I love to hear everyone's creative ideas !! I am not the best at feedback but do know you are heard !! Why not share some Aus or some Ocs you may have? I am always here to hear it !!
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picturejasper20 · 1 year
I know many people have pointed out the lack of focus on Rick and Morty’s relationship this season... but has anyone brought up how there seems to be various parallels and emphasis on Rick and Jerry’s relationship? Yeah, i know that both are intended to be foil of each other, just hear me out:
In the season premiere, episode 1, ¨Solaricks¨ Morty finds himself back in his original dimension- the ¨prime¨ dimension. After some minutes of wandering off he finds the version of his father that he left behind: Cronenberg/Prime Jerry.
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This version of Jerry lost both Summer and Beth and has embraced a nihilistic view similar to Rick’s of ¨nothing matters¨ and not caring about anyone else except his own survival. He calls out his son for leaving him behind and leaves him on his own- in a world he has no idea how survive in. Prime Jerry’s story shares many similarities with protagonist Rick’s backstory: Some time after loosing their wife and daughter they both started to adopt a more pesimistic worldview and became very distant. They started to mainly look after their own selfs, not caring what happens to anyone else.
Moving on to ¨Night Family¨, Jerry tries to be nice to Night Jerry, his night persona, by sending friendly messages to him. The rest of the Smiths makes fun of this, telling Jerry that what he is doing is too silly. In contrast Rick throws a temper tantrum when the Night family asks the Smiths to do a very small favor. This makes things escalate more and more until the Night family wants to take over. Rick doesn’t consider the Night family as people in the bare minimum. The irony comes when Jerry is indirectly the one who saves the Smiths thanks to him being nice to Night Jerry, leading the later to free the Smiths and helping them with escaping.
In ¨Final DeSmithation¨ is about their relationship. Jerry gets infected with this destiny almost god like state that breaks reality rules. Rick gets jealous that this doesn’t involved him at all. He isn’t the center of the issue, nobody is looking for him. Rick expresses his frustration of not having this inmortal like powers that Jerry has. He spends a good chunk of the episode wishing to find the source to this power and save it for himself. On the other hand Jerry isn’t interested in this destiny alien power. He wants it to go away (totally understandable given the context).He doesn’t care about being inmortal. A few times he suggests to Rick to blow up the building instead of exploring it further.
At the end of the story Rick gives up the destiny cookie fortune power and saves Jerry. Rick chooses the well-being of other person over having control for himself, this person being Jerry, someone he doesn’t always see eye to eye. For this Jerry calls Rick ¨friend¨, Rick kinda ruins this but later apologizes for acting like that.
On last point there is ¨Analyze Piss¨. This one is interesting because is one episode that Rick and Jerry kinda reverse their own roles. In this occasion, Rick is the one that chills out and avoids going on an adventure for while until he decides to visit Pissmaster. He ignores his enemies, waiting for them to go away.
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Jerry takes a more active role as he is the one that has the adventure here. He first fights Pissmaster- something that Rick would usually do- and then becomes superhero persona, a thing Rick suggested him not to do because it would make the power of the orb to go to over his head. Jerry later invites his family to go with hih to fight bad guys in space- again in other episodes is Rick the one that does this. Rick gets jealous of Jerry being chosen to use the orb instead of him. He doesn’t get why things turn out well for Jerry. He is angry at the idea of him not being the one with the power.
Things later get more wild when Rick makes himself pass as Pissmaster helping and saving people. For once he is doing something that isn’t to feed his own ego. He is trying to fullfill Pissmaster’s last wish before he commited suicide. However, it could be argued that he is doing this in part because he wants to be seen as a good person- maybe the same way Jerry is seen during the events of the episode. What is it shocking is that when Jerry offers the orb to Rick, he rejects it. Jerry attacks him without knowing that Rick is Pissmaster. For a moment they were acting in opposite roles: Jerry being the one that was fighting for power while Rick not wanting it. This is a cool inverse scenario to ¨Night Family¨ and ¨Final DeSmithation¨
Honestly i find all these parallels intriguing. This season has parallels and development between Rick and Jerry almost in the same level (if not more) that Rick and Morty’s relationship has had. I wonder if the series is setting up something for Jerry or between these two characters. It’s certainly strange they are given so much focus in contrast to the main duo of the show.
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Is it wrong that I like Hector and the Mycenean Princess together as well? That’s be a great AU if she married Hector.
OMG thank you for sending this. I love to talk about my fic, but almost never get asks allowing me to go deeper into it. I'm so excited i could start a long ramble, but i will try to avoid doing that. Mostly because i don't want to accidentally be a self spoiler hahaha.
The thing is that, you are absolutely right. The point of the dynamic i'm trying to build between them shows they could be a good fit for each other. Odysseus himself is trying to do the match and that man is not a fool. The most resourcefull man in Greece wouldn't take a step so huge if he wouldn't be sure of what he is doing.
People can look at them and go like " they are a power couple meant to rule the world", but they are just being themselves to each other. It's a paralelistic situation regarding the perceptions people have of Helen and Achilles, both judged the most perfect people on Greece and for so automatically expected ( and wrongfully suspected) of wanting each other.
And, in this case, they also happen to share a good amount of similarities.
Hector is the archetype of the perfect prince for his people and a flawless son for his father. He has so many expectatives to fullfill of people who has idealized him that he sometimes can feel like he is loosing himself on that. And she understands that, because she struggled with that her whole life. She is meant to be the femenine equivalent of what Hector represents but, unlike him, she started to resent it sooner.
For her there is no positive reward in doing that sacrifice. Hector does it and gets loved by his family and country, but she is obligated to do it in order to exist and not be suspected. As girl who was born in royal family with a long history of queens becoming failures, she has to be the perfect princess just to survive. She is stucked in the middle of what Helen and Clytemnestra represent. Greece will never get over the obsession with her aunt, so her good behavior will not necesarily make her iconic in the sense of being loved by everyone. In contrast, the memory of her mother is like a boogeyman. She has to appear flawless to not evoke that latent fear Clytemnestra inspires.
That's why her vision is a bit more pesimistic and cynical. She has come to a point where she knows nothing will ever be enough and incarnating the perfect princess becomes harder and harder for her.
When she acknowledges Hector as a man who carries the sensibilities of a woman, she refers to this. Hector is an icon and for that he has given himself to Troy. He does what he has to do, what he is told to do, at any given time because serving his country is his reason to be. In the POV of a girl who is used to rampant masculine impunity on the powerfull men arround her, Hector's sense of duty hits way closer with the feelings of a woman.
It's a fascinating dynamic because they see a bit of themselves in each other. From the start Hector has always treated her like if she was another greek dyplomat. He makes no differences. Talking with him she doesn't have to feel like a woman all the time, but not in a sense of denying herself of her feminity to appear a serious politician.
He doesn't care about the fact that she is a woman, in their interactions there is no trace of hierarchy. On his part, this comes from a position of genuine acknowledgement of her as another royal he is meeting who is in equal esteem for their host.
In the imaginary of Agamemnon Hector is what he thinks he could have got if his daughter would have been a son. She has competed against this lack for years and now she meets the guy and discovers an equal.
They do have an amazing, super interesting dynamic that I plan to keep exploring.The point is that they know that, if they would get married, it will be a win-win situation for everyone else but them. Troy would get peace, but Hector would be doomed to occupy the spot of Achilles. His father in law would want to drag him into his wars thinking he would be the obbedient hero poster boy of his empire that Achilles never would be.
Knowing they are perfect for each other in the eyes of everyone else pushes both to decide if they are going to follow duty or do what they want for themselves. I'm going to get deeper into this on the next chapter so, if you enjoy this dynamic, you will enjoy what's coming.
I don't want to get into any spoilers, so i will try to stop here, but i want to show i understand where you are coming from. Hector and her are a good match, they would do great things for their unified kingdom together … if they wanted each other. What isn't the case in this particular escenario, since both have already met other people they have fallen for. The tragedy they present is the world needing them together while that's not what they would choose for themselves.
What you said it's accurate, they have potential for an AU. In this particular fic i'm not going for the romantical route regarding them, but i see the potential your ask implies and it also feels to me like an interesting alternative.
In some ways, although the paralel is not a perfect analogy, it can be said the choice presented to her is the equivalent the princess has to the two options prophecy signaling the doom of Achilles.
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izacore · 1 year
He looks much older in the second pic and its been only 4 years.his whole face has change and he looks “rougher”if that is the word.one day he is going to break down because nobody could keep up with this tempo and pressure. and this is not me projecting or being pesimistic but realistic
DWD, the holivia mess and constant touring are really getting back to him and no matter how much he loves his job and performing, learning how to rest is important too. I'm wishing for Harry Stylesless 2024, I don't want to see him (and Louis) for at least 12 months.
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aarontoyne-blog · 1 year
Okay so, I’ve been a huge fan of Andrew Callaghan for quite some time now, so when the news came out that he was allegedly a sexual predator i was pretty devastated. Honestly there is a major lack of male role models on the internet at the moment and he has been one of my major inspirations recently. I think that the work he is doing in the field of journalism is so important in a world where media is almost entirely dominated by corporate punditry and wholesale distribution of ignorance. 
 To be honest, as soon as i heard the news i knew instantly that regardless of the facts, his reputation would take a major hit given the demographic of people that tend to watch his content. The thing that has been pissing me off about the situation is the way in which this whole saga has been covered by the main progressive political personalities on the internet (Hasan, Vaush, h3 etc.) It has become so clear to me that there are certain issues in modern day politics that bring out the worst in both progressives and conservatives. What i mean by this is the tendency to fucking switch off your brain and generate your opinion as if you were solving a maths problem. If you are a young man with some conservative tendancies, your reaction will almost always be “he didn’t rape anyone, she said yes how can she be complaining after the fact”, and ultimately ignore that there is anything wrong with the action. On the other side of the debate i saw a video of Ethan Klein having to justify to his audience the claim that he didn’t want Andrew to commit suicide, a comment that instantly had people calling him out for “playing defence for a sexual predator”. Then you have Vaush and Hasan both so clearly reading from the fucking progressive handbook “what we say online when someone is accused of SA”. I understand the logic and i dont think that any of these guys have anything other than good intentions with thier positions but i think that its undeniable that, either directly or inadvertantly, they are influencing a whole generation of young progressive people not to think deeply about something before making a judgement. None of them will say it that way, and to be honest they always have something to say in response to a criticism like this, but to me it seems like they are so wrapped up in their ideology that they dont even know that this a habit/trend pretty consistently throughout their coverage.
The reason i think that this is important is that i see this so consistently in political analysis both in the large corporations and also the internet personalities that discuss it as a part of thier content ( which seems to be every fucking person with a platform these days). We are getting more and more devisive politically and it’s making me really pesimistic about the state of the world. I’m honestly as progressive as they come politically, but i keep getting this feeling that progressive politics doesn’t actually have the product that its selling. Most of the time it is people in a position of genuine priveledge trying to dunk on someone less educated than them to satisfy a level of moral superiority that we dont like to talk about but is almost always there if we are really honest with ourselves. This is not to say that i think those guys are having a negative effect with their content, i really do agree the the majority of their political takes, i just think that this is a major problem that is not adressed enough. 
I dont really know what the answer is and to be honest, i don’t see this as getting better any time soon, because even if youve got the best intentions and a progressive world view, sympathy for people on the other side of the political spectrum and real, deep analysis and thought is seen as being obstructive and centerist or contrarian. Maybe i’m just thinking too much :9 
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richardsphere · 1 year
Still on RWBY catchup. S7E2
an episode Crunchy sumarises as “Arresting people isn’t exactly the best way to make a first impression. However, once the initial shock has worn off, Ruby and her friends learn there’s a lot more to these Ace Ops - and even General Ironwood - than first meets the eye.” More then meets the eye indeed. but not in the way they hope to paint it. Instead of the “petty small-minded despot with big-brotherscreens all over the lower city” he’s instead revealed to be intending to cause a global catastrophy that’ll let atlas conquer the world from a position of relative strength. As it alone flies safe above the ashes. not that i expected much better from the guy who brought an invading army to a celebration of international peace and unity. I cant believe this is the guy that has a significant percentage of the FNDM claim “He was right all along”. I cant wait to see how RT screwed this premise up enough to make people actually believe he’s the “real hero of the story”. ------------ (i took a break mid writing this to continue watching the episode. Ruby just repeated Ozpins lie about them being out of questions. I see now that this is probably going to be the reason why the FNDM elements think James is the “real hero”isnt it, because they misinterpret “keeping an actual panopticon out of hands of a self-admitted wannabe global dictator” to be the same as Ozpins refusal to trust even those who have earned his trust while denying them mission-critical information such as the relic’s ability to attract Grimm.  I stand by ruby’s decision to lie to Ironwood, same as I stand in horror at how horribly OOC I just know the entire cast is going to be forced to become as the production inevitably forces them support “operation eradicate 90% of the human population” for the sake of the plot. ------- Ah, Ironwood returning the Panopticon to Ruby as a “show of trust”, an act that i can just tell will be used by bad faith elements to prove that James was an honourable man compared to Ruby’s deceptions, an act i also 100% dont believe he would’ve done if he’d known there were questions left to ask. ----- one last talk by Mr Stache and Scorpio about how the lower city is getting neglected before the episode ends leaves me fearfull that the crew that has openly acknowledged they couldnt handle the sensitive topic of race relations, is now trying to tackle class/income inequality on top of Fascism and Authoritarianism. ---- So hereby take at the end of the Atlas Arc Introduction: RT, Please stop grappling with difficult subject matters in this show. You know from experience you dont have the skills to do it respectfully. I cant believe such a likeable cast of characters can exist in a series this terribly written, but i am getting closer and closer to the seemingly inevitable conclusion that S9 will lead me to permanently abandon this series because it cant stop tackling difficult topics wihtout the skills or respect needed of the task. Im even starting to struggle to believe that RT could possibly be as incompetent as it claims to be, as the sheer consistency of its mistakes leads me to suspect them of actual willfull malice. Obviously there are 2 seasons of missed content left, and it could be feasible that the series succeeds in at least making the arc convincing, but i somehow highly doubt it. (but then again, im admittedly a massive pesimist) but then the RWBY Die-hards will inevitably claim “you cant judge a series until its complete”, and they’ll keep claiming that until the series is complete. Not until a chapter or season is complete, as long as there is space left to make another chapter they’ll claim no one is allowed to critique anything.
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mnovenia · 9 months
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Day 4 in Korea - 30 July 2023
Today we're heading to church!! When I wake up turn out Eunchan has left and his parents didn't allow him to join church today huhu --
Then I went with the kids and Oppa because Eonnie left for make up etc earlier. On the way Sooyi was very cutely practice banchak banchak song. In the car I talked a lot with Oppa, about how hard it is to share the gospel to family. It's amazing that I can speak about things so deep like that with my limited korean, Oppa too can understand. Idk how.. it's purely the Holy Spirit..
We arrived, kids left, I was in Oppa's studio again until finally Bella came, also Eonnie, we finally took picture together. We went to the 1st service, and she asked me to stand up when her name is being said. OMG so malu hahaha..
Morning message said: Paul's stratefy to raise Bartizan, he shared about Jesus everytime they find opportunity, that's when God's kingdom expanded (I wrote this as I listened to the song I heard when I was in Yewon's youth service, I missed it so much). Don't say thing pesimistically, all in just give all to God. If you're not interested in the gospel, you lose the blessing.
Afterwards we're heading to Ibadah bahasa indonesia. Twas fun to meet Jihoon, ci Yenny, Cisco, Chris, even ada HakMan/Park Jihoon/Amanda, Ibu Anita, Ibu Oh, Pak Yoon, Ahn Family, Ha Jangronim and I helped ensure the headset because we expected many visitor that time. Bella preached about Josua that pierced to my heart, that both me & Ci Yenny cried:
5 No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. 6 Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them.
7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
God wants renew Josh' feaful heart a changed heart. Recall and remember the covenant, be loyal to the end, cling on God's promises. Whatever happened in the world (even its bad) , if God see it's good, then you're sucessful/prosperous in His eyes.
God said be in the word day and night, pray to connect our soul with God, as he said: I'm with you, isn't is enough?
Afterwards we ate together at restaurant nearby (selalu dibayarin dong gantian sm jemaat Bhs Indo), we ate something like naengmyeon which not really my favorite haha. I sat with jangronim who lived in Sanur back then as well. Then we rushed to met Chung Muksanim and there I met Ps Maurice, OMG that was so fun, we're queuing in the room speaking mix language. Then off we go, idk whats going on but he asked why didn't you bring en elders but instead three young girls hahahha.. rightaway me + Yoora headed to Young Adult worship. The sermon was about debtors to mission, that's how the gospel begin, remember HMCC, the old ministers that gave up their life for God's mission. Go and make at least 1 disciple. That's so fun, I love all the songs and Yoora put me into 237 group to have forum (met the band guy who gave Masker pack of Indo's national football team manager). There I met Grace, William, Oz guy, korean man 3rd culture who lived in Java lol and have a blessed time. Then I met Yoora again ready to go where Bella was, planned to go to Yeonnamdong but it rained so we went to Yoora's office, talking a lot in the car about Park Ji Hoon and just ate at Tous Tous (Bella' hotel) and there we had a long convo with Ps Maurice. He mentioned how his birmingham church was taken over by the couple korean grew up in Indo met Chinese american who then both got a job/study in Birmingham according to God's plan, where the source of problem in the UK are but they came against what the world avoid). Ps Maurice himself is a testimony of God's disciples making disciples. The tous tous foods were sooooo sooo good I couldn't forget.
Then we head home (Eonnie/Oppa house) because the gimpo family has gathered to welcome and speak to us. I was so exhausted actually, Yoora also didn't join. They hosted and asked to eat sashimo, ramyeon, etc omg so good I can't resist. Then I headed with kwonsanim Sharon Jei (hayong's mom) to her apt to take clothes, bags that she wanted to give away. Twas so fun coz we went with hayong hajin's bike I got so many goods: 2 bags, skirts, dresses. Headed back to apt, i just play around with the kids cos I'm so exhausted I can't catch up with Korean hangukmal n adult convo anymore. I secretly sad coz they're talking about men in the church and how they can intro Bella to guys etc. Part of me, I felt this is when I realize that I'm different, I can't speak comfortably (yet) and many on my head. However I just prayed, being in silent, be patient and heal my self by playing with Hayoung and Sooyi, love them so much <3
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chalisley · 1 year
28/365: Arahan untuk Hidup di 2023
-Less fair, less overthink, just let it go. Dont think too much when you want to meet someone, friends and relatives. Dont overthink if you really want to ask for help from others. Please be realistic that you need help, you need support, you need someone to teach you, critist you and make you better. Go to someone place, talk for a while might seem un-important to you at first, but believe me, you never know if you never try. I belive you would get something kind of life learning, inspiration, a little support and spirit.
Dont think about rumors when others talk bad about you, really. They dont really mean it and you dont actually that mean daughter.
Think simply, dont try to be perfectionist to start something and work for your task. Just do it and spare your time. Because it you are too perfectionist and wait for the ideal condition, you would end up to procastinate all your plan. Even for something you want, you still procastinate about it. How pity it is.
-Know your healing therapy or copying mechanism when you are down
You should remember every time you become pesimistic and see the world so dark, you should go for walk to the place you never been. A short walk would really help you recover and probably make you get energy to work on your career again.
You know that you find yourself at best everytime you "GO OUT, LEAVE YOUR BEDROOM" but these days you are too stupid for often stay in your bedroom.
-Dont let your mood ruin your life. You should fight your bad mood. Being adult and wanted a successful life is not driven by your mood you effort should be unstopable no matter how you mood is.
-Do it because you love yourself. Dont do it because you want to get revenge of others because you would tired and easily give up. Just be you are and get you ambitious self again.
-Be a good child
-Maximize what you have till now. Its not a sin to take benefit from all relatives and connection you have. Remember, you really need help and support. Dont always think you can do it all alone, because it would take a long time if you pretend to be that independent.
-Stop crying and turning down everytime you remember you brother you already get married. Stop feeling left you, just be realistic, and cool sister. You are adult now really. Just tell him directly without drama. And again, most importantly, since you often cry because of him these days, you should not to get emotional too easily. Dont let negative things run in your mind and turn you to cry again. Because crying is really bad for your energy.
And then, if it happen again, you cry without you could handle, thats the limit and at that time, you really have to speak up what you feel to make him understand. Just tell it honestly, dont driven by your pride. Just give up and tell that you really sad, need him, especially in this phase of your hardest part in life.
Oh really, I cant believe I really wait this things LOL
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I will make a official comemoration for this, but unfortnally i still have 2 tests left, so i will have to commemorate another day
But nonetheless, thank you for accompanying this big jorney
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kurolini909 · 2 years
New shipkid~
Aaaand here he is! Everyone, meet Enginee! I had this shipkid initially meant to be an adopt, but as time progressed I kind of got attached... Not one for rare shipkids most of the time, but he grew into me. -w-
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- Enginee isn't the product of any kind of relationship. He is literally a glitch gone... Right? Kind of.
( Probably a resulting glitch from when Geno left the Savescreen... It had an effect creating a souling in a previous point of the timeline so he exists pre-Undertale events. Is very aware of other universes and the 'Classic' timeline though.)
- Lives with Sci, Papyrus and a version of Classic!Gaster. Again his timeline still seems to run before a lot of the things from the game.
(including Gaster's 'accident', Chara and Asriel's death and most of the human souls ordeal.)
- Can't stand Snowdin because the cold freezes up the gears of his prosthesis.
(So he actually lives in the lab with Gaster. His Grandfather barely leaves there anyways, its no issue for him. Might worry Sci to no end... But he'd take hotland and New Home any day rather than agonize with stiff joints.)
- Doesn't enjoy leaving his 'AU' that much... But can with the use of devices.
- Birthday: 09/25.
(yeah, had him for a long time but was just too lazy to write a post. -w-")
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- There's no other way to put it, Enginee is a pesimist and a jerk.
(with his 'condition' and all, he pretty much believes he could die anyday, so its his way of being kind by making himself hard to like. Its EXTREMELY blunt when talking about his possible death because no one else wants to, so he takes upon himself to remind them with subtle comments every now and then.)
- Will strangle you if you imply his condition makes him 'weak' in any way.
( Its enough that Sci and pretty much everyone in the lab is always hovering over him, HE CAN AND WILL throw an edgy angsty teen temper tantrum if you attempt to baby him.)
--> Just convincing his dad to let him stay in Hotland was a pain. Having to care for such a fragile child rightfully made him extremely anxious of leaving Enginee out of sight for long... Wouldn't want to come back and find out his kid disintegrated another limb.
- Sarcastic and pricky... But is sort of the motherhen kind of friend.
( If for some miracle someone gets to be close to him... Although having literally no regard whatsoever for himself, Enginee will always be sure to message them - worrying greatly if left with no response for a long time - and help whenever he can, even If that last one IS filled with complaints.)
--> Rly, you can ask him to fix your phone, and he's gonna be grumbling about your carelessness,how he has better things to do, that there are regular mechanics... All the while already working on it.
- Likes to tinker.
( when not helping around the lab, he really enjoys building small clockwork animals and other little things with spare or discarted parts of machinery. )
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