#me knowing two of these and one of them is the mountain one: huh. kinda similar
thusjuniperus · 6 months
stories about small birds trying to destroy huge natural features
Chinese, recorded 4th century BCE to 1st century CE: The daughter of an emperor drowned while swimming in the sea. Upon her death, she became a bird. Known as Jingwei, she continuously carries twigs and stones down from the Western Mountains to the Eastern Sea, trying to fill the waters that drowned her.
Egyptian, recorded 1-2nd century CE: The Pharaoh says he wants to devastate Arabia. Well, here's a story for him: A swallow laid her eggs beside the sea. One day, the sea raged up to an unusual height and washed her nest away. The swallow, in her grief, worked from that day forth to cause the sea's destruction. She carries in her beak water from the sea to pour out upon the sand, and sand to pour into the sea. The day she finally achieves this will be the day the Pharaoh devastates Arabia.
Indian, recorded 1st century BCE to 4th century CE: A pair of shorebirds were deciding where to build their nest. Over the wife-bird's reluctance, the husband-bird insisted the shore would be a safe place. "Don't worry," the husband-bird said; "the ocean would not risk drawing my ire." The ocean, overhearing this, thought the husband-bird sounded like a bit of an arrogant ass, and so naturally took their nest once they had built it. The husband-bird retaliated in various ways, such as trying to dry up the ocean by carrying water away in his bill (this did not work), calling his friends to help him fill the ocean with dirt (this did not work), and finally asking Garuda, king of birds, to ask Vishnu to ask the ocean to give the eggs back (this worked).
Hebrew, recorded 5th-7th century CE-ish: What can we say about Haman, a man who tried to slaughter the Jews of Persia? He may be compared to a bird who nested on the shore of the sea, whose nest was swept out by the tide. The bird said: I vow never to stop until the sea becomes land, and the land becomes sea. It took seawater up in its mouth and dropped it on dry land, and took dirt from the land to drop into the sea. Its friend said to it: Unfortunate fool, how do you hope to succeed? Similarly, G-d said to Haman: Hey, moron, if I couldn't destroy the Jews (Moses intervened, long story), what makes you think you can?
German, 19th century CE: A king is asking a shepherd boy a series of "head-scratchers" such as you might encounter when interviewing for a flashy tech company. One is: "How many seconds of time are there in eternity?" The shepherd boy asks the king to envision a bird, which every hundred years comes and sharpens its beak on a mountain -- wait, where's the ocean? No ocean, apparently. Rookie mistake, Germans really fumbled this one
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crusty-chronicles · 1 year
is there any chance you could add killua for the airheaded but strong s/o headcanons? If not, then no worries, I just love how you write them!
Yeah, I don't mind but it's gonna be platonic because I'm a little iffy about writing for him romantically. He's just a boy 🥺🥺🥺 This is mostly a crack fic.
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Honestly tried to kill you at one point
Oh you're strong huh?
Then proceeds to hit you with everything he's got, only to see that it hardly affected you. (Kinda like the way he first treated Zushi)
After that he's petty, but impressed.
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 You've earned his respect 🥳🥳🥳
You're basically Gon 2.0
And he hates it
Cannot take you two anywhere
"We should break the lock to get in." Gon suggested.
"Are you stupid?" You scoffed.
"What's the point of having a door if you're just gonna break it?"
And Killua is momentarily at peace that at least one of you has some sense. Until you open your mouth again.
"Obviously we should smash open a window."
And Gon is nodding along enthusiastically
"You're right! What would we do without you 🤩"
And Killua is just 😮‍💨.
He is the parent of the group and I will die on this hill
If Gon's the sun, you're a nuke
He's constantly dragging you away from Hisoka
Nope. Not today
Why do you insist on talking to strangers.
No scratch that.
Why do you insist on talking to creepy strangers????
It gives him a massive headache everytime you almost get abducted.
Honestly thought about putting a tracker on you to avoid this happening.
But then he remembers you're practically indestructible so he drops it.
Is afraid Illumi will come for you and hurt you.
He was never allowed to have friends, and after Illumi threatened you and Gon at the Hunter Exam, he's very protective.
But then he remembers something you said after Greed Island.
"The three of us are all gonna become the best of the best. We're gonna get all wrinkly and old together and still kick butt!!! We're gonna stick together no matter what!"
And it temporarily quells the fear of his brother.
It makes him look forward to that outcome and gives him something to fight a little harder for.
When it comes to fighting, he does get a little envious of how you and Gon just rush in without thinking.
And how you always manage to win despite the circumstance.
But he never feels left behind because of it.
Like with Gon, he won't baby you, just call you an idiot and move on.
You fell?
Get up loser.
You can't read?
Find somebody else to translate. Or he'll make you do it and be laughing nonstop while you struggle to pronounce the word "Apple"
"Gon what color's an orange?"
"An orange is the same color as it's name. Just like a lemon."
Please somebody take you two back to first grade.
Killua is begging.
Even though he won't baby you, he'll rush as fast as he can if you're in actual danger.
You got caught by the phantom troupe?
"Are you completely brain dead!?!!? Where are you!?!?"
Now he regrets not putting a tracker on you.
"This nice clown man gave me candy and told me to follow him." You tell him over CALL.
He is screaming and panicking.
You trespassed into the mountains his family lives to see him.
And when he gets there he sees you rubbing the monstrous canine's tummy. Petting him and calling him a "Good Boy."
Names he has called you out of spite: Idiot, Moron, Dummy, Psycho, Airhead, Ditz, and probably Pea Brain
On the bright side, you are Alluka's favorite person.
"Give me your ribs."
"Oh, are you hungry? Let's see if we can't find you a smokehouse for those ribs."
And it baffles both souls so much that Nanika accepts that as fulfilling her command.
Plus you have endless amounts of energy that works to drain both girls out. Even when they've both already swapped twice.
Killua designates you her official babysitter when he's busy.
You are a complete lunatic and moron, but you're one of the people he trusts the most.
Even if he does complain about you a lot.
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wandabear · 8 months
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Summary: Your duty is to watch her 'till Chton comes for her, even if you hate it, but do you really hate it? Especially when you start to get to know Wanda. The bond begins to torment you. But, oh Lord, you've never been so in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter fivechapter six
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ tw: angst, fluff, angst with a happy ending. ㅤ
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane. Here.
Florence + The Machine - Mermaids
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤchapter one
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
ㅤㅤ ㅤ Six thousand years ago, after the beginning, there was a malevolent and ancient demon that plagued the face of the earth for a long time.
Chthon, one of the most powerful deities among the demons as he was one of the firsts to exist, managed to maintain control until he was banished. Unwilling to give up power, created a castle on top of Wundagore Mountain, carving his dark magic into the walls with evil spells prophesying the existence of a sorceress. The most powerful being, the Scarlet Witch, who would end up freeing him from his eternal exile.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Chton was gone, but his followers remained over time, as did his sacred book: ‘The Darkhold’.
Demons roamed the earth, but not as everyone thought.
ㅤㅤ ㅤ
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
The sound of gunshots echoed,  stinging and destructive; soldiers on one side and rebels on the other shooting and falling to the ground. The fire in the streets, terror had an exquisite scent for beings like her.
Civilians hid to avoid being caught in the firefights, trying to live as normal a life as possible in what they believed in was hell.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Suddenly, the gunshots stopped, exposing the sound of those combat boots against the dusty ground.  That woman came out of that dark alley, there was no fear in those deep eyes. Her hair and clothes were immaculate, there were no traces of gunpowder on that leather jacket, nor dust on her perfect hair.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N walked towards that street but in matter of seconds she appeared on the terrace of a building. Seemed that they would soon fall apart, the dim lights just showed the power would go out soon.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Oh, she hated those places and at the same time she loved them. Chaos always had an exquisite flavor.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
But Y/N just smiled, her eyes changing color to a yellowish tone. Her pupils were vertical, like those of a cat or a snake.Those were her true eyes. She was a demon, of course, and not a very young one.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“What a turmoil, huh?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “The US Air Force will launch the bombing soon…” someone said behind her, watching as the planes hovered over the city.   A sensual and deep female voice. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
A red-haired woman stood next to her, watching that beautiful city be devoured by fire and violence. It was scary, but for them, it was perfect. Chaos was something they needed, they fed on it. It was no coincidence that she and a demon like Abaddon were there.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Abaddon was a demon of a much higher rank, more dangerous, and much more loyal to Chton, for a reason she was his second.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Why have you summoned me here? Lots of work?” Y/N tilted her head, watching the redhead. She looked like a sharp-tongued woman. “I mean, this place looks really bad and it’s kinda my specialty, but I'm a little busy with a war between-.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Leviathan.” Abaddon said her name, making Y/N stop. That was her real name, not Y/N. Although Y/N was the one she chose to feel part of the… world.Names had power and Y/N knew that if Abaddon said it, she had power over her.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “She’s here.” The voice and the way Abaddon said it made her blood run cold. Y/N frowned at her, that could only mean one thing and it was impossible. Millennia waiting for that moment, so much so that now it seems so distant and impossible.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Who?” She played that game, naivety, and she was so good at it. A nearby explosion caused the ground to shake, but neither of them flinched. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “Who Chton has been waiting so long for.” Abaddon smiled proudly, finally happy to say those words.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “The Scarlet Witch.” Y/N gasped, couldn't believe that was true. “But…” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Although that was good news for any demon from the depths of hell, Y/N didn't seem to think the same.
That meant the end of a world she became accustomed to, the end of comforts, the end of hedonism. Goodbye New York Pizza, goodbye to the sunsets in the Maldives, goodbye to good movies and good music.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Despite that, Y/N tried to fake her best mischievous smile. “Are you sure?”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Yes… Thanks to you, we found the place where the Darkhold was buried, and now... You need to take care of it.”  Abaddon pointed towards one of the buildings in front of them, through the window you could see an adorable woman lying on an old sofa, with her two little ones. “That’s her.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“The woman?” Y/N asked curiously, tilting her head. Her hair was brown, had a charming smile and big eyes although you couldn't distinguish their color. A happy look despite the tragedy surrounding her family.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “No.” Abaddon rolled her eyes and pointed at the little girl, cuddling next to her mom. “The girl.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ But Y/N took a moment before speaking, her brow furrowed in confusion, she took a better look at the little girl.
Without a doubt, she had an undeniable resemblance to her mother.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“But she’s a kid.” Y/N mumbled, somewhat confused. “They’re children.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Yes, and?...” Abaddon raised an eyebrow, already more annoyed than she expected.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ After a few seconds, Y/N just wrinkled her nose and shook her head.  “Yeah, no, I don’t mess with the tiny ones.” ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Surprised by her rejection, the higher demon turned to see Y/N, who was still looking at the little girl curiously. How come something so powerful was so small and insignificant?
Abbadon could tell a hint of pity, perhaps sympathy, something that shouldn't have been there but Y/N had always been a pain in the ass. Y/N had spent more time with humans than she had in hell.
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Your job is to do what Chton ordered you to do.” The redhead growled, showing those terrifying red eyes. Abaddon was superior to Y/N, just because Y/N had screwed up a few times.
The truth is, Y/N didn't want to be a 'demon', like it was a big deal.
She always repeated over and over again that she was only there because of a mistake, Y/N -or Leviathan-  didn't mean to fall, was a high-ranking angel, she just hung around the wrong people... wrong time! ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Therefore, she has always been a ‘bad’ demon. Cruel sometimes but morally decent. And the children, well, it was something she was never going to be able to understand. She would never attack children. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ “But they’re kids-”   This time, she seemed more confident in her words. ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ Fed up with her rambling and babbling, Abaddon quickly cut her off. “We don't need you to kill her, just... make sure her destiny continues as it should be. Watch her, do not intervene.”
ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“And I’m not a fucking guardian angel or something, I fell for something- ”  Y/N growled.
ㅤㅤ “Do as you're told.” Through her teeth, Abaddon grabbed the collar of Y/N’s shirt, showing  why she was superior now. She was much more aggressive and volatile.  “We're not playing… he’s not playing.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
After a few tense moments, Abaddon released her and took a few steps back. Annoyed, Y/N simply sighed and shook her head.
“Take it as a promotion for such good work on your… what do humans call it? Red Room.” Abaddon hissed with an evil smile before completely disappearing from that place.
Sighing, Y/N stared at that place, knowing that it wouldn't last long if Chton needed that girl to exploit her potential. Three hours later, she witnesses a missile destroying Wanda Maximoff's home, beginning the chaos and pain in the girl’s life.
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2014 HYDRA Research Base
“Hail Hydra!” One of the soldiers yelled, stepping aside, letting the woman in. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The cold, musty dark walls of the place seemed depressing to Y/N, her combat boots echoed down that hallway until she reached that horrible man's office.
She had known this man for fifteen years and there wasn't even a moment where she didn't want to rip his head off. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Hail Hydra.” Baron Von Strucker said quickly, but Y/N didn't return that greeting.
Y/N wasn't interested in having any kind of contact with Hydra, especially with the ‘leftovers’, but right now it was a necessary evil. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“We found two volunteers for the tests, as you said… I must say that the results have been extraordinary.” Strucker smiled brightly, more than the demon expected.
Y/N frowned, walking through the office until she reached the window, a beautiful view of the lake and the forests of Sokovia. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I know.” The woman murmured somewhat thoughtfully. “How is she?”  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ She didn’t expect Wanda and Pietro to seek refuge in Hydra, but the girl's resentment grew more and more. Something Chton and Abaddon believed was essential, Y/N had never taken the time to know or care about Wanda either. Despite knowing the girl for fifteen years, she had always been distant, fearing 'closeness' or as Abaddon would say: 'attachment'. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“How do you know it's a 'she'?”  Von Strucker asked, raising an eyebrow, quite confused. No one but him and some soldiers knew that they were twin brothers, a boy and a girl. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
But Y/N's glare made him reconsider his words. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I know everything, don't forget who has helped you all these years. I am your superior, I am your god.” she said through clenched teeth. Suddenly, those human eyes changed to yellowish serpent eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
But before Y/N could say anything, a screeching sound and the red lights indicated the alarms were activated, they were being attacked.
The Avengers crossed the walls that surrounded the castle, ready to take back Loki's scepter.  ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Growling in annoyance, Y/N walked towards the door. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Attack the city, split them up.” Y/N said to Strucker  before disappearing from that place. She needed to look for Wanda, needed to get her out of that place before the avengers found her but an empty room answered everything the demon needed to know.
Screaming in frustration, the demon disappeared from the scene. How could she have lost her?
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“How did you lose her?!” Abaddon shouted, violently approaching to Y/N.  Her face was as red as her hair, and her eyes threatened to pop out of their sockets soon. There were very few times that Y/N had seen Abaddon like that. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Both were in an office in one of the tallest buildings in New York, close to the Avengers Tower.
It was no surprise that a demon like Abaddon had a firm like ‘Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz’ in her hands. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N squeezed her fists preventing herself from exploding. She didn't like being reprimanded by Abaddon at all, much less in front of other demons.
Things in Sokovia had gotten out of control.
Wanda and Pietro escaped, first manipulated by Ultron and then by the fucking Avengers. As a result, Pietro died in Sokovia trying to save the world. That would have been great if it served its purpose, but it didn't.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “She lost her twin brother in that battle, her potential has not been unleashed yet.... but is there, I know is in there.” Y/N was quick to say, then clenched her jaw. Abaddon was about  to lose it until she heard the last thing.  “The Avengers took her, she's with S.H.I.E.L.D. now.”
Those words managed to appease the redhead's anger, who sat back down in her huge chair. Some of the demons around her whispered a few things, good or bad, but good enough for Y/N to stay alive.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Go with those 'Avengers' or whatever. Do what you must, don't let her out of your sight.” The fierce-eyed woman said, raising an eyebrow. “Chthon will destroy you if you don't, he needs the girl alive.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Clenching her jaw, Y/N just nodded.
She decided to turn on her heels and walk towards the door but the war spirit inside couldn't leave it just like that.
Why? She spent fifteen years making sure that stupid girl was suffering to fulfill her own destiny. Through suffering, Wanda Maximoff would transform into the Scarlet Witch, taking on the mantle that belonged to her.
Should she keep doing it now? Even more? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“If she's so powerful, why should I take care of her? I’m not a fucking angel anymore.” Y/N complained, looking at Abaddon one last time. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demons around them closed their eyes in suffering, they knew that later they would have to suffer and endure Abaddon's wrath because of Y/N. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Just do as I say, Leviathan!” Abaddon hissed through those white teeth and then glanced out of the corner of her eye at one of the demons. It was a woman with black hair and brown eyes like a puppy. She was wearing a white shirt buttoned all the way. Her black hair was tied in a tight ponytail. Looked like a secretary or something like that. “And take this useless spawn with you. I'm sick of her.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Sighing, Y/N just shook her head and left the office, quickly followed by that girl.
“Stolas… what did you do now?!” Y/N asked, pressing the elevator button, noticing how the brunette next to her finally untied the collar of that perfectly ironed shirt. Y/N knew that if Abaddon kicked her out was because she was fed up with Stolas, a rather young and troublesome demon. Had some important hierarchical level, but not as high as Abaddon or herself. She this big problem called: being naive.  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Stolas was going to speak but Y/N stopped her. “You know what? I don't wanna know.”
Once both entered the elevator, they remained silent until Stolas couldn't take it anymore and blurted out everything. “I fucked up in the Red Room, big time.”
“I told you I didn't want to know!” Y/N growled and then shook her head, thinking that maybe now with Stolas it would be a lot harder. After a few seconds, the elevator reached the ground floor but before they got out, the brunette turned to look at her.
“Lev?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
At that 'nickname', Y/N turned to look at her and noticed the concern in those brown eyes.
“You don't want to disappoint him again.”
And those words chilled Y/N’s blood, not just because of the way Stolas said it, with so much fear. But because they both knew that disappointing Chton was a direct ticket to nothing, to the abyss, to be thrown into a black hole never to come out again.  That was much worse than hell.
If that sounded bad, betraying or disappointing him was much worse. Frowning, she just shook her head. “I won’t.”
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“Thank you for this, Ma'am. You won't regret it.” Y/N said with a kind smile. She was wearing a dark combat suit, typical of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
After the fiasco in Sokovia, Y/N used her tricks to stay on S.H.I.E.L.D as an agent. She couldn't just walk in and take Wanda away like it was nothing, it would alert the Avengers and the demon didn't have time to unleash chaos like that.
She needed to be sneaky, and passing as an agent and keeping an eye on the Sokovian was the best idea in mind. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“After what I've been told about how you've performed in Sokovia, I know you'll do very well here.” Maria Hill smiled and shook her hand.
Maria was an excellent agent, but she could not overcome a demon’s manipulation. 
After half an hour talking about the job they would have at the Compound, that of course working with Avengers was much harder. The missions were much more complex, dangerous, many times with risk of losing their lives and it was a responsibility that they had to assume, if they wanted to be there.
She also explained to Y/N and Stolas that their superior, Natasha Romanoff, would look for them later to meet them.
After five more minutes, both left Hill's office walking through the hallways, greeting some agents who passed by them.
“So… What’s your name?” Stolas asked curiously. “Your human name, I mean.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“The same as always, I get confused if I change it too much.” Y/N wrinkled her nose and then held out her ID. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Y/N Y/L/N?” Stolas read slowly and then handed back the ID. “Cool name.”
“I've been using it for so long that I already forgot mine.”  Y/N shrugged as they left the elevator and walked towards the room they would both share.
“It’s Leviathan.” Stolas said quickly and in an overly naïve manner, causing Y/N to let out a confused giggle.
“... It was a joke.”
“Oh.” The brunette nodded slowly, surprised. Of course this was all new to her, she had some 'jobs' on Earth but not much to socialize with humans. After a few seconds she took out her ID and showed it to Y/N proudly. “I’ll be Julia Hale. I’m an agent.”
Y/N watched with curiosity as the girl smiled seeing the ID and then put it in her pocket. “Why are you so excited? We're supposed to hate them, you should hate this like you all demons do.”
“Well, I haven't been around here much...” Jules shrugged.  “We're supposed to use them, I'm more excited to experience new things and I like to hurt them sometimes over there, in hell. Working with Abaddon was… awful and boring. Mostly awful, so this is better.”
But Y/N just listened to everything carefully, noticing that she was telling the truth. In a way she thought that perhaps Abaddon sent Stolas to spy on her, but Stolas - or 'Jules' now - was telling the truth. Abaddon just wanted to get rid of her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Once they finally arrived at the training area, both walked through the gym, approaching a more private training area where only the Avengers and some agents close to the group trained.
In the distance, you could see how a brunette and a redhead battled in a ring to maintain control but the widow defeated the sokovian easily.
Y/N tilted her head, noticing that Wanda didn't seem bothered by hitting the mat again and again, but rather tired, staring blankly waiting for it to finish.
"That's our best weapon?" Jules frowned looking at Wanda.
“That one is interesting.”  Y/N referred to Natasha.
The woman was very skilled, fast, and of course even if Wanda tried hard, she would never make the widow fall without powers. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“The Black Widow. Dangerous. One of the best weapons in the Red Room for a long time…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Come on. Jab, Wanda!” Y/N muttered under her breath, trying to encourage her 'protege' but once again, Natasha ended up making Wanda fall. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demon just shook herhead, how was it possible that that girl ended up being the Scarlet Witch? She could barely stand up. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“At least she’s pretty.” Jules mumbled, breaking Y/N out of her thoughts.
“You shouldn't think that.” Y/N frowned.
But the brunette just shrugged. “Come on… Like you never fucked humans.”
“I did, but I don't worship them, I just use them.”  As if she was seriously offended, Y/N just grunted and rolled her eyes.
“I just said she's pretty... it's not like you thought that too.” Jules rolled her eyes too. She didn't know why there was such a scandal in liking a ‘human’, without a doubt seeing them was better than some infernal beast in the depths of the darkness. “Anyway, that's all we can do, she’s Chton’s pet.”
Y/N didn't say anything, just stayed silent as they watched the blonde and brunette fight one more time.
Wanda just sat far away so she could drink some water, but although the demon thought it must be tiredness, the sokovian seemed down. You could tell in her aura, something wasn't right about her at all and it stirred something in Y/N, something she couldn't identify.
“Do you already know what will happen to her?”Jules asked curiously, watching Y/N who kept her gaze fixed on the sokovian.  “... that makes her... You know, change?”
“No one knows... I thought it would be Pietro's death, but apparently it's something more devastating.” Y/N sighed. “Just that it will be painful enough to break her whole world.”  
Although she didn't know it, those words would weigh heavily in the future. As if it were a revelation. Wanda got up again but this time she walked away from the gym.
“Who’s the golden retriever?” Y/N asked as she watched the brunette fall to the mat once again, the blonde seeming to be winning once again.
The blonde raised her ice-cold gaze and collided with Y/N's for a moment, like she knew something wasn't right, until returning to Kate it softened.
“Kate Bishop… and Yelena Belova, she is the widow’s sister.”
“Mh… interesting. Maybe we should start there, Kate looks like a weak point and desperate for a friend.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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That day passed slowly, first day at the Compound had been quite tiring. As if interviews with Maria Hill weren't stressful enough, briefings between Avengers were worse. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Do we really have to do this?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yes. We have to.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The sun finally hid behind the huge treetops that surrounded the place. 
Y/N and Jules were returning from a long training session, and although they had much higher stamina than a human being or a superhuman, it was quite boring doing things that you could easily overcome as a demon.
Once they reached the rooms, they bumped into a redhead who was waiting outside with crossed arms. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“You must be the newbies.” With a smug smile, Natasha greeted them both.  “Shame I wasn't at your training today, but someone told me you both are deadly.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N didn't say anything, she knew that if she drew too much attention it could complicate things. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I spoke with Maria and now you both will work with us-” 
ㅤㅤㅤ Before Y/N could say anything against it, Natasha continued speaking since she was her superior.  “You can dine with us if you want. Meet the team... there are just a few of us now.” ㅤㅤㅤ
Jules's eyes widened excited while Y/N remained the same, of course she didn't feel like socializing with those people but couldn't arouse suspicion either.
Y/N just nodded slowly, giving a fake kind smile.
ㅤㅤㅤ ‘I'm not hungry now, but  thank you. Maybe another time.’ It was something she would have said but ended up saying:  “Sure.”
“Great.” Natasha exclaimed, winking flirtatiously. The three walked together to the kitchen while chatting pleasantly, it was a more private area where the other agents wouldn't be snooping around. ㅤㅤㅤ
At the table were Kate Bishop and Yelena playing some video games, Steve was chatting with Bucky and Bruce, who was cooking. Wanda was on the couch far away, trying to read, and Vision was looking out the window with a thoughtful look.
“Hey.” Natasha caught everyone's attention.  “This is Y/N and Julia, they are new and tonight they are going to have dinner with us.”
Y/N felt everyone's gaze on her and could feel the heat on the back of her neck. She had never felt so exposed, and above all, she had never felt so uncomfortable in centuries. ㅤㅤㅤ
Everyone greeted them kindly, Steve was very kind to come over and shake their hands. Yelena just nodded her head saying 'hey' and Kate looked like an adorable puppy excited to meet the new agents, which made Y/N slowly walk away. Feeling deeply uncomfortable. ㅤㅤㅤ
Bruce was quick to say that dinner was ready, and everyone seemed happy about it, willing to help set the table, but something caught Y/N's attention.
Sighing, Wanda walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water and instead of returning to her seat, she walked away. ㅤㅤㅤ
“Where is she going?” Y/N asked as she watched the sokovian disappear.
“Wanda doesn't like spending a lot of time outside her room. She's having hard times, the girl lost her twin brother recently.” Natasha wrinkled her nose as she helped carry the salad to the table. ㅤㅤㅤ
“In her Emo era, huh?” Jules joked but Y/N nudged her. “Ouch.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“You know, I think… I want to take a shower first, I'm not that hungry anyway but thank you.” Y/N said as she walked out, finding the perfect reason to leave and not have to socialize with them. That job was tedious enough without having to listen to Bruce Banner or Kate's jokes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
She decided to go up to their room, taking a nice hot shower and read a nice book until the clock struck midnight.
Jules was snoring on the next bed, really tired. Frowning, Y/N wondered if perhaps it was because that young demon didn't have any experience on Earth. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Her belly growled saying that despite being a demon, she had some basic needs like eating. Sighing, Y/N got up from her bed and left the room to attack the kitchen while everyone rested.
And it would have been a magnificent plan, the kitchen was empty which made her smile victoriously as she opened the fridge. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Taking some bread, chicken salad and some cold cuts, the demon made herself a huge sandwich to satisfy the hunger.
Of course, she accompanied it with some spicy fries that the package clarified were 'property of Yelena -AND ONLY Yelena Belova-’' ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Not caring in the least, Y/N was about to take a bite when a soft voice interrupted the moment. She knew how to recognize that Sokovian accent perfectly, even though Wanda tried hard to hide it. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Yelena doesn't like people eating her chips.”  Wanda said from the other side of the kitchen, slowly approaching as if she were a grieving ghost. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I'll deal with her later.” Y/N shrugged. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Convinced with that answer, Wanda just ignored her and went to the kitchen so she could make herself some steaming tea. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“My name is Y/N.” She looked at Wanda but the brunette didn't even look at her.  “What's yours?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Of course the demon knew everything about Wanda, even the things that not even the Sokoviana knew. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Why are you asking something you already know?”  Finally, she lifted that completely blank green gaze. Y/N could see the deep sadness behind them.
That made Y/N stay quiet and surprised. How was it possible? How did Wanda know that-? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Oh. How silly.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Of course she should know, she’s an avenger, right? EVERYONE knew who Wanda Maximoff was.
Shrugging, Y/N just sat down at the table so she could eat her sandwich. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
That was strange to the Sokovian, who perhaps was expecting a sarcastic response or something like that. Perhaps a curious mind asking about her powers or about Sokovia like everyone else, but Y/N just kept eating.
Taking the warm cup in her hands, Wanda was about to leave until she stopped in front of the table.
The silence was so pleasant that she couldn't help but end up sitting too. A bit surprised, Y/N decided to share some sandwiches.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I’m Wanda.” The Sokovian finished by saying, taking a chicken salad sandwich. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The demon looked up, colliding with those beautiful, huge green eyes and all she could felt was terror. Not because of the fear of knowing who Wanda was or being recognized, but because there was something about them, something different, perhaps attractive. She really liked those eyes. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I’m Y/N.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I know, you said it before.”ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Finally they both smiled.
And maybe the demon let loose a little more. And perhaps the Sokovian smiled a little bit more, almost in an imperceptible way. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Silence reigned again and both decided to enjoy it, keep eating without needing a word other than the sound of the clock hands.  Although it seemed like a pleasant coincidence, it became routine.
Every night, Wanda and Y/N decided to have dinner together at midnight, avoiding the 'avengers' reunion. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The talks were usually short, they enjoyed the company without needing to go further. Or so they wanted to think. Wanda was not going to admit that Y/N slowly made her forget the pain and that normous invisible wall was beginning to fall, and Y/N was not going to admit that she liked Wanda's presence, but they were always together sharing that sacred moment. Y/N tried to ignore all those thoughts that reminded her that she should NOT maintain any ties with the witch and it wasn't easy at all.
Some nights Wanda would cook something for both of them, other nights Y/N would bring some Chinese food or pizza.
But one night Y/N just didn't show up. That Friday night, a storm was hitting the Compound so hard that the treetops were moving violently. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Wanda excused herself from dinner saying that she wasn't that hungry cause in one of their ‘small talks’ with Y/N, both agreed to make some pasta on friday night. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Does anyone know where Y/N is?” Wanda asked, trying not to look too worried. Of course Natasha noticed the concern in her voice, but she didn't say anything.
Nat was a very good spy and confirmed it when she found both girls having dinner together, but neither of them noticed it. The redhead was happy for both, especially for Wanda who was beginning to open up a little bit. Natasha respected Wanda's silence, although she made her pay for it in training.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Noticing that the hours were passing and Y/N didn't return from that mission, Wanda walked back and forth with her arms crossed as she watched the furious wind move the treetops through the window.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Why hasn't Y/N come back yet? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The only thing she knew – and thanks to Natasha – was that Y/N was on a mission in Norway. Things had not gone well at all, but they would soon return with the news and information they needed about the last remnants of Hydra.
But that storm was bringing out the worst in the Sokovian, who seemed to relive the worst thoughts over and over again.
Why was she so concerned about Y/N?
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Well, maybe because together they managed to establish a small friendship or bond without saying much.
After half an hour and a lot of tragic thoughts, the door to the room opened, letting in this woman in a bit of a hurry carrying a package on her hands.
Y/N's hair was wet as was her clothes, but the package seemed intact. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I'm sorry., I'm sorry, I know!” The demon said, approaching Wanda and stopping right in front of her. The drops of water were falling down her face, she didn’t even stop to go up to her room or change clothes. She knew Wanda would be waiting for her, and knew she might be worried. “I really couldn't do anything, the mission got so bad in a blink.”  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Lost in those eyes, Wanda's heart skipped a beat. Couldn't even say a single coherent word. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “We were trapped, the agents were waiting for us but we managed to overcome them-” Y/N said quickly, babbling as droplets fell from her hair.  And at that very moment, Y/N knew that something wasn't right with her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Frowning, the demon rethought all her actions that day. Why was she explaining herself to Wanda? Why was she so worried about being on time and not standing her up? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Because she knew that Wanda created a routine with her, because she knew that Wanda  lost her brother a short time ago, and that she fled any kind of ties with the Avengers but not with her. Not with Y/N. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Because she cared, because it mattered. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Suddenly, Y/N remembered that she was still holding that package and decided not to let go. Without further ado, Wanda came to hug her tightly. Closing her eyes, the Sokovian let herself get lost in that warm sensation. Oh, she was so happy to see that Y/N was okay. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The fear she felt at the thought that she could lose Y/N, even though Wanda barely knew her, was overwhelming. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Completely shocked, Y/N didn't know what to do. No one had ever held her before, she had never before allowed anyone to touch her so intimately.  Much less hug her like that. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Are you okay?” Wanda asked quickly, breaking away to look at her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ “I- I'm fine.” Y/N stammered, feeling the heat in her ears. She was definitely blushing and no one, no one had ever managed that. “Some bruises… but we’re okay.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Is your girlfriend okay too?” Wanda lowered her head, somewhat embarrassed but perhaps also jealous. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Girlfriend?” Y/N frowned quite confused. “Oh… no! Jules is… my friend. Just my friend.” She stammered quickly, nodding. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Oh, great.” And as if her soul returned to her body, Wanda just smiled and nodded too.
Finally, the demon smiled slightly without needing to fake it.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “What’s that?” The Sokovian looked at that perfectly wrapped package.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Remembering it, Y/N opened her eyes wide and handed it to her. “I brought pasta from Sicily!”  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ That took Wanda by surprise, who just let out a small, confused giggle.
Noticing her mistake, Y/N blinked quickly and added babbling: “I mean, not really Sicily but the place called ‘Sicily’ in Little Italy. I know it’s not chicken paprikash but…” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Taking a huge breath of air, Y/N seemed about to explode but Wanda simply stopped that bombshell with a small smile and a soft voice.  “Thank you.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ And that's all they needed, to share a moment together. After Y/N took a quick shower, both finally sat down to taste that exquisite pasta together. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Why don't you have dinner with them? I'm not saying it bothers me, I’m flattered. I like this.” Y/N said curiously as she devoured that delicious pasta. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It's different… with you.” Wanda whispered, watching her face in detail. Y/N was strangely unique; those lips, her nose, how adorable her slightly blushing cheeks were. Although those eyes... they made her feel different, weird but good at the same time. She knew they were hiding something. How strange. “You are the only one who doesn't torment me with loud thoughts.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Oh, how curious that was. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Why couldn't she hear Y/N’s thoughts? That question was haunting the brunette for weeks but then she came to the simple answer: did it matter?
Y/N made her feel comfortable, who cares why she can’t? She had to learn to trust Y/N, it was exciting. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Everyone here does it, and I can't help it. It’s driving me crazy…” Wanda lowered her gaze for a moment, embarrassed.  “...like I don't have enough pain in my heart. I must deal with anxiety and other people's pain too.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Staying silent, Y/N completely understood Wanda's reasons for distancing herself from the others.
Even though she pretended not to care and even though she should NOT care, Y/N  was beginning to make a bond with Wanda and it was inevitable not to feel… empathy.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ It was inevitable not to feel appreciation for those sad eyes, wasn’t that the reason for all this? To create the Scarlet Witch, to forge the most powerful being in existence through pain. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I won't tell you I'm sorry, everyone does it and it doesn't seem to help you at all.” Y/N barely said, she knew some things about torture and pain. Many, but she had never experienced it that way. “I know some stuff about pain… and if you need me, and want to talk about it... I'm here.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Pursing her lips, Y/N just tried hard to smile and shrugged, showing for the first time who she was.
And maybe that was what Wanda valued most, that she didn't need to make her feel better with empty words. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ The Sokovian nodded. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How is your ravioli?” Y/N finally asked, taking a bite.  
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s good.” Wanda smiled widely, taking another bite as well.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I’m glad.” Y/N smiled tenderly, wiping her lips with a napkin.  “The owner told me it was late but that she only made an exception because I was soaked.”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “You did that for me?” Those beautiful green eyes shone with some hope. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Of course not, I did it because I was hungry!” Y/N joked. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Stealing a giggle from the Sokovian, they kept enjoying for a while until the clock invited them to retire to their rooms before Natasha found out and kicked their asses.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N?”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah?” As she finished putting the dishes in the dryer, the demon looked up to see Wanda in front of her. She was playing with her rings, something she did when the girl was nervous and it looked adorable. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“Thanks for coming back safely.” After saying that, Wanda walked away slowly, feeling her heart racing and her cheeks blushing like a teenager in love. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
And the demon's old heart gave signs of life, jumping when she heard that. Joy could be seen in those 'human' eyes. Oh, what was she doing? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Look, you’re a sea beast! … What’s that? A whale?” Jules asked excitedly as she looked at the screen, searching for information on some random pages about demonology.
Since she arrived on Earth, Stolas was fascinated with all the technological advancement and the knowledge that humans had of them. Some are totally wrong, according to her. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “A snake! I'm not a whale, I'm a snake! Just- … Can you stop looking for us on the internet?”  Y/N growled as she changed into her pajamas so she could lie down on her bunk. “If someone see you, they'll say you're crazy and you'll ruin our plans.”ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “No, I wanna see-” The brunette tried to continue but Y/N took her phone from her hands in annoyance and then threw it away, pointing at Jules. ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “You're a gay owl with skinny long legs.”  Y/N hissed, arching an eyebrow. “You teach about astronomy and herbs when you are summoned! Happy? HERBS! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, a demon teaching about herbs!” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Hey! that’s not me.” Jules stood up to grab her phone to look for the picture, it clearly looked like an owl exactly like Y/N described it. “I don't look like that. I know a lot about astronomy tho.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Rolling her eyes in disdain, Y/N laid down on her bunk so she could rest.
Every night, it took an hour to find sleep. Her body was never so tired as to fall asleep easily, and  thoughts came to her to haunt her one more time.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Y/N sighed thinking about her once again, but Jules' voice saved one more time, something the demon didn't think could be possible.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “How is everything going? With Wanda…”   Jules glanced at Y/N, who seemed to focus her gaze on the ceiling. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s okay.” Y/N shrugged. “Like a hurt beast, but nothing that indicates… you know.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ The brunette turned to see Y/N with a mischievous smile. “I know you both have dinner together at midnight. I can hear her heart pounding fast in the distance.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ How dare Stolas offend her like that? Watching her with a murderous look, Y/N growled: “I never said that you should follow me. And you shouldn't get involved in other people's affairs.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
“I didn't do it!” Jules quickly defended herself, a bit scared. “I just… noticed it. Abaddon didn't say anything about you having to bond with her.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “I like to have things under control.” Sighing, Y/N kept staring at the ceiling. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Or you like to spend time with her.” Of course Jules was more astute than she looked, despite being naive she was no fool. Jules was a high-ranking demon, with the brain and body of a woman who had never experienced anything more than torture her entire life.  “Time is something so simple for us, Y/N, we are eternal… We have seen empires rise, we have seen empires fall. We have seen great people and many other people so horrible that hell was not enough for them... all thanks to time. For us, it is nothing more than sand, but for her it is important, and you like her to enjoy it with you.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N turned to look at Jules, who didn't seem to say it in a mean or judging way.
The brunette just blinked slowly, a little thoughtful, maybe even relaxing between those huge pillows.
She wasn't trying to attack her or use it as an advantage, Jules seemed rather curious.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “And I’m saying: mind your own business.” Y/N narrowed her eyes and grabbed one of the pillows, hitting Jules. “Sleep now, Stolas.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “It’s ‘Jules’ here!” Rolling her eyes, Jules settled on her bed and Y/N did the same after turning off the lights. Silence reigned for a moment until the voice of the demon brought Y/N out of her thoughts again. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N?” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Sighing, ready to get up and hit her to shut up, Y/N opened her eyes.  “What?!” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “If you think the girl needs to clear her head or feel better or... if you want to share your time with her, I think it's the right thing to do… that’s why you’re so much better than Abaddon.” Jules said in a whisper as she rolled over and settled down to sleep. “And you don't hit me all day long, that's good.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ And perhaps those words finally managed to steal a small smile from Y/N. The urge to hit Stolas or -Jules now- wasn't far, but she understood the demon's relief at being away from someone like Abaddon.
Although demons had an evil nature, they were not all exactly the same. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Many of them had previously been kind beings who ended up falling. Some with reasons, others not so much. Some were cruel, others were sadistic, and others simply existed. But Abaddon was different, if demons were chaos, Abaddon was cruelty and malice. She was a cruel general, addicted to blood, hungry for violence and that was why Chton had considered her over Y/N.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ There was no room for cruelty in Y/N, except for beings that were truly malicious. Y/N loved giving them what they deserved. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ “Yeah…” Y/N sighed. “That's why I'm not where she is. In control.” ㅤㅤㅤㅤ And although the demon tried to sleep and clear her head, it was difficult not to think about that girl all night. The way Wanda looked at her, or the way she cared for her was so…disgustingly nice.
She had to do something to stop it, and she had to do it soon or everything would become even more complicated.
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Well, I hope you like this new story that is running through my head and is saving me from the daily stress in which I begin to die. But a beautiful song made me think about that story, so why not? In my defense, watching 'Good Omens' helped a little. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ I'm sorry for leaving you for so long, my life is getting a bit complex these days… The economy in my country is burning and I try to survive by working hard so writing was difficult for me. ㅤㅤㅤㅤ If you want me to tag you in the next chapters, just comment and I will. Thank you very much for reading me, honeybee! It means a lot! 🐝 ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Do you want to help me? Wow, that's adorable and means a lot. You can buy me a coffee here!
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'You need to understand,' I tell my brother with a manic look in my eyes, 'that, as a community, we were used to queerbaiting. We were used to crumbs. If a show had two semi-attractive male leads with a minimum of chemistry, we shipped them. Yeah, sure, it could be cringe, but it's not like we had a lot of queer characters to obsess over.
'And most of us were girls, right, or at least were subjected to media aimed at girls all our lives, and we were trained to recognize romance. We know the story beats, the dialogue, the framing, the language used in media that says this is a romantic scene. And then, there was a decade or two where all the stories were about male friendship (but let's be honest all the stories are about male friendship since bloody Gilgamesh and Enkidu, but don't get me started on that)-- and anyway, they kept using all those framing devices for romance to talk about friendship. The silences, the stares, the jokes, the sacrifices and promises and-- you get what I mean. So of course we shipped the hell out of these guys.
'And if they really wanted us to ship straight couples, maybe they should have given bigger roles to women, huh. But that was the scene: great shows with a male lead and his best friend, and they were all interesting and handsome and they faced adversity together, and overall had the most romantic story arcs without being romantically together. Yeah, I know you've seen the Winter Soldier.
'So we were pretty okay with crumbs. We made mountains out of crumbs. It was fine, relatively speaking.
'And then there was Sherlock,' I say, waving at the tv, where episode one is on pause on a frame of John Watson licking his lips while he asks Sherlock if he has a boyfriend. 'That show brought it all to eleven. The handsomeness, the chemistry, the drama, the stares. The jokes about them being a couple, so many jokes. You know that haha are you a married couple is a romance trope, right?
'The actors made acting choices that hinted at attraction, and the directors kept those choices and framed them in images and music and timing-- because everything in a show is a choice. Those are the choices they made.
'So of course we went crazy.
'And the people who made that show loved the attention. They had fun with us, until it was too much for them. And then they started making fun of us.
'I think it kinda broke us, as a community. Because we loved the show, and the characters, and the actors, and the writers. And the show kept framing the story in a way that said "You're right! This is a romance!"
'And then the interviews went from hinting at romance to plainly mocking us. Haha those silly fangirls, they see gay stuff, but Shelock Holmes isn't gay, what are they thinking, huh. Silly little girls.
'I'll be honest, it hurt. And it's not like there was a lot of queer media to focus on either, at least not mainstream, well produced shows like that. It took many years after that whole debacle to get canon queer characters. We're still all surprised that Our Flag Means Death had a real kiss.
'So yeah,' I sigh, looking at the paused tv, 'imagine, in an era where queerbaiting was the norm, to become the one show that became synonymous with queerbaiting.'
I unpause.
"It's fine, it's all fine," says the tv.
'Yeah right,' I scoff.
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heartfullofleeches · 8 months
*slowly opens your closet door and hands you the rest of the chips I was eating in there*
What if. Reader kissed King's scars or traced over them n asked if shed tell them how she got em? I think scars are neat and I dunno about you but personally I'd love to know how she got em. Hope your day is well!
Not a scratch on her.
You distinctly remember the claws of your attacker digging into the exposed meat of the knight's bicep her armor failed to shield yet here there is no mark to prove it. The two of you sat in King's dressing room following the incident, and all the time it took you begging to pull her off them. You thought you'd be fine on your own for a little while without her - clearly word hasn't gotten around the casino that you belong to her just yet. After she checked you over and made sure you weren't hurt it was only fair of you to do the same, but once you scrubbed all that blood off her there really wasn't much else for you to take care of.
King lifts her head from the pile of pillows you both lay on, dismayed by absence of your hands on her. "Everything okay over there? Seems like you got something on your mind."
"Just thinking.... You've got so many scars, but that other demon didn't even put a scratch on you ... Kinda curious why.."
"Oh, that? That was nothing.-" King sits up, pounding a fist against her chest as she rises. "Takes a lot more than a coward like that to put a dent on this body. Hell, my skin's thicker than the steel I throw on. The stories behind every single one of 'em could the tale of centuries."
"Really?.... Then do you think you could tell me how you got your scars? I actually think they're pretty neat, but I didn't know the right time to ask you about them."
The mountain of pillows crumbles under the heavy swish of King's tail. "Yea....course... we'd be here all week if I told you how I got them all, but I can start off with some of my favorites for now."
King removes her chestplate - gesturing for you to climb in her lap as she regroups the pillows beneath her. She leans back down as she takes your smaller hands in hers, placing them on her abdomen. It was almost impossible to tell where her skin began and the old wounds ended. She guides your fingers to a crescent shaped hole just below her left pec - right over her ribs.
"Feel that? Got that one during the first tournament I feared I might lose. Underestimated the little bastard due to their size - barely came up to my knee in this form, the fucker. Unfortunately for them, they got a little too confident and all it took for me to wipe the floor with that small fry was catching them once.
"Amazing...." Your trace your fingers over the scar, dipping your head until in range to place a soft kiss on her hardened skin. King flinches - tail threatening to foundation of the pillows again as it shoots up with her.
"Wha- Huh?!- The fuck was that?"
"Sorry... Was that not okay? I guess I should've asked before I did that."
King's used to people asking about her scars. She may have been asked to be been kissed once or twice, but that was often by drunken fans - not the little treasure she picked out for herself. You are aware she could snap you in half at any second? You most definitely did, and that she'd never put you in serious danger. Still, you being so careless around a beast like her has got feeling a rush that's incomparable to the surge she feels in battle.
"Nah...." King shifts her tail benath her legs to hide the excitement it gave away. "A warning might've been nice - but your boldness makes it kinda hot. I knew I picked the perfect person to call mine.... Let's move on."
King nudges your fingers further north over her heart to anotger oddly shaped scar over her heart. With three points it almost look like a crudely embroidered crown. "This one. Welcoming gift from the boss themselves. Should'a known not to underestimate that other demon after dealing with them, but they're such an airhead it's easy to forget they can take care of themselves just fine."
Again - you kiss the blemish, the dragon's heart hammering loudly in her chest you can feel its rumble from your lips. There's other's she'd like to show you, but it you're so willing to kiss all her marks....
"Hey, got another one I think you might like."
King lifts her helmet over her jaw - shadows pealing away to unveil the wide, branching scar starting from her lower lip to benath her chin. She grins to show off the extent of the injury, the skin of her lips splitting to reveal more of her gums the further her smile creeps up the side of her face.
"This one? First and only time an angel tried to mess with our staff. Something about some demon winning the soul of someone they were watching over in a gang of cards. Made a huge fuss, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Scar I'm most proudest of."
You ghost your fingers along her jaw, smiling as she slides her large hand down your back. "Uh-huh.... Something tells me there's another reason you wanted to show me this one in particular..."
"Don't get too full of yourself... Heh, who am I kidding." Tossing her mask aside, King pulls you for a kiss - a loud, yet oddly polite banging on the door interrupting the happy moment.
"Ms.King? We are all very glad you have found someone you are willing to protect at any cause, but some guests have raised concerns about your displays of victory. Please stop stringing your prey up over the pool. This is the third time we've had to close it this month."
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orangecarton · 4 months
Pt 2 Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
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Part one:
Here you are sitting in a sad break room chowing down on a bag of cool ranch doritos, because for some reason they didn't seem to have any other flavors. As you're munching Nordic Bunny tries to fit himself into one of the small break room chairs. They were obviously not meant for him but he seemed insistent on trying to sit there.
After a while he got himself awkwardly squished in the chair and triumphantly looks up to you.
"So huuuman, seeing as we are now friends AND hanging out. It is my right as your BESTEST BUDDY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!... to be asking you some... bonding questions!"
He laughs off to the side and mumbles something about being so clever and tricking us into handing over our "planetary secrets", whatever that means.
"Oh yeah sure man, shoot." You reply between chews. Nordic Bunny grimaces then shakes his head.
"First question! What are Shred Force's weaknesess?"
You ponder that for a bit. No one really knew anything about the two rascals that called themselves "Shred Force". They kinda were just... there. Every now and then there would be some sort of monster and then they would show and blow up half of the city you lived in. But you really didn' know anything about what they dealt with and who they were, being more preoccupied with your own life and problems.
"Hmmm, I don't really know. I've never really interacted with them."
You shrugged, grabbing another chip from the bag.
"Wha- You gotta know SOMETHING! Ugh... Ahem, well then what, pray tell, is the weakness of EVERY SINGLE HUMAN? AND DON'T YOU DARE THINK OF LYING TO ME!!!"
"Uhhh... Well, everyone is kinda different so I wouldn't really be able to say..."
Nordic Bunny scowled at this. Trying to save face you make something up on the fly. Those improv classes you took during highschool better not fail you now.
"Buuut, most humans are weak tooooo-" You look around quickly looking for "HuManIty's gReatEst WeakNess".
"-uhhhhh ranch?"
"... Liste-"
"You humans have MOUNTAINS of that stuff! You just can't live without it! OH, how did I not see it before?!"
He abruptly stands up, knocking over his chair, and grabs you by your arm. Dragging you behind him once again.
"What scheme?"
He laughs to himself, and you can't help but smile along with him. He has quite a nice laugh, in your opinion.
Walking back down the halls to his strange war room, the reality of your situation sinks in. You are stuck in space with a crazy 10ft tall guitar man who wants to take over the Earth... Hey, we'll at least you aren't hungry anymore!
You both make it back to the "war room". This time you get a good look around. It was filled with all sorts of tech, including a medium holo-Earth that Nordic Bunny seemed to gravitate towards. Towards the back end of the room was a huge window that made up most, if not all, of the wall. Around the sides were extra doors, lights, and tubes that you had no idea what they went to.
"Muahahahahaaa, oh yes I can see it now! We can even make little ranch stealing ROBOTS to do our bidding. AHahahahooo!"
He pulls you aside and starts rambling on and on about his plan, and you listen intensively. He just seems so passionate and creative! You can't help it!
A couple minutes later he calls over some of his minions to bring over blue print paper and a table. When they arrive they are heaving over a big metal table with some paper and pens on top. The two minions let it down with a bang and Nordic Bunny rushes over to it enthusiastically. They seem out of breath, how long have they been carrying that?
After they collect themselves one of them turns over and sees you. They turn back around and nudge their partner whispering to them, they both are now just staring and talking to each other.
Nordic Bunny takes notice of this and spins around, looking back and forth between his minions and you. You honestly could care less about what anyone thinks, but you don't really want to get caught up in whatever space drama is going on right now. So you're feeling, reasonably, a small bit uncomfortable at the moment.
Before your eyes the two are blasted away by Nordic Bunny's hand and are now nothing but feathers.
"Wha- What the HELL?!"
You look incredulously at Nordic Bunny.
"Oh not to worry my dear compatriot! They are simply clones. Of MY design, might I add!"
He poses pridefully, looks back over to you then looks away awkwardly.
"Huh, uh cool."
Taking a breath in you walk over to the work bench he had been working at before to see unfinished sketches of what looks to be robot eels designed to steal... ranch. It does look super advanced though. At least more advanced than you could understand.
"Wow, you did all this?" You gesture to the blue prints and look up at Nordic Bunny.
"W- Why yes! I did!"
"Geez, this is some high level stuff. Super smart, and it looks so wicked!"
He appears to be taken aback by the compliment, donning a shocked expression on his face, then replacing it with a look of smug satisfaction.
"Of course it looks cool! Only the best made by yours truly!"
You snicker a bit at that and he grins then perks up. Grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you towards the huge windows you saw before.
"AND! AND! The robots will be produced over there! In my very own factory!"
Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Through the windows you are greeted by a production line of sorts, all kinds of machinery moving rhythmically and in pace with each other. You squint and look past the factory and can somewhat make out... a city?
"Impresive!... right?"
You look over to the validation seeking guitar and nod, stars in your eyes.
"This is so freaking cool, dude."
You turn back towards the window to keep gawking at the machines. Unbeknownst to you, the overlord beside you doesn't look at his factory, but at his new partner in crime. With just the same amount of fascination.
(I will be crossposting this on ao3 here's a link:
(Here are some doodles B))
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suguwuus · 9 months
★ love bites
*sighs* i miss my man... also will get started on reqs after i post pretty impressive, huh? already set on rewriting hehe
wc: 870
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"Have you noticed Michael's hands?"
"They're kinda green honestly, why?"
"That's my fault."
You smacked your boyfriend's arm as he giggled, sounding pleased with himself as he snickered about his most recent prank. Though there was not much reason to be suppressing your noises, as he insisted you sit at the farthest row at the campfire and Michael was leading the singalong anyway so he wouldn't have heard you at all. Unless one of you pushed the other off the log you were sitting on, which could happen anytime. That would've definitely caught more than just Michael's attention.
Luckily no pushing was involved, at least not too much shoving. You whispered and flirted and told jokes and chatted there in the back row. Though you didn't have as much freedom as you would have had at the edge of the woods, you were glad you got to spend time with your boyfriend.
At some point you started rambling about your opinions on the latest counselors' meeting, but you couldn't focus. How could you when every time you looked to the side, you'd see Connor gazing at you like you hung the stars in the sky and rooted the mountains in the earth.?
Your cheeks hurt from smiling so widely and trying to resist it. You'd lose your train of thought every time he'd move an inch beside you. You could've sworn you had the biggest crush on him even after you confessed to each other, even after he said he liked you back, even after the dozen times he'd kissed you at just the right times in just the right ways.
"But that wouldn't be effective, right, because majority of the camp is kids, we wouldn't listen, it won't do much to stop us because we'll keep coming back to do it all over again—what?" You asked, catching him for the millionth time that night just watching you speak. You doubted any words were getting to that head of his as he took your hand.
"You're just damn pretty!" He mumbled, whisper-yelling as he kissed the back of your palm.
"Is it my fault?" You whispered in the same tone.
"Yes." He grinned cheekily, and you squeezed his fingers in response. A moment of silence passed, until he asked, "Can I bite you?"
"Can I bite you?" He whispered, slightly louder this time.
He giggled, and then continued doing so like an excited child, pulling you closer until there was barely any space between you two. "So cute, sweetie, I love you, hehe, the cutest..." He mumbled words as he pressed kisses onto your skin. You found it endearing until he actually bit the skin on your forearm. Not that it hurt, you just didn't expect the feeling of his teeth on you.
You gasped, but didn't pull away. You watched as he kissed up your arm until he reached your hand, and then continued on each of your knuckles. He nipped at your fingertips with a big grin on his pretty face, and then went on his knees, pulling your legs to straddle his waist while you stayed on the log.
"Didn't think you'd be into this. You got an oral fixation? Or am I just too...sweet?" You started in a low voice as he kissed up your neck, his other hand going to knead your thighs. He nibbled at your neck, collarbones, kissed your cheeks, lips (and left bites on that, too), any exposed skin you were comfortable with him placing his mouth on out here in the open, concealed only by the darkness.
"That's really corny, baby. Maybe you should leave the comedies to me. Gosh, you know, if you weren't wearing long pants right now..."
"But you call me sweetie."
"Yeah!" You went on, leaving him to his business as he continued, kissing over the spots he nibbled at. Eventually, he slowed down, taking both your hands and cupping his face with them. "Anyway, this is nice. again, unexpected, but it's forgiven because it's you. You think this would look weird if anyone caught us? Nah, I think it should be forgiven because it's you. Is this—what's the word? Cuteness aggression? That's probably what this is. Honestly, I'd prefer you give me a full body bear hug squeeze, but I guess I have no choice but to go to bed covered in—"
"—Love bites," you finished, beaming at him.
One of his hands went to the small of your back, nudging you to come just a bit closer. Still rubbing circles into your skin, he chuckled. "Love bites? Those aren't love bites."
Your smile faded slightly. "They're not?"
"No?" He paused for a second, then laughed. "Sweetie, do you know what love bites actually are?"
"I don't...I used to think I did, but now, probably not. Wait, what are they? Connor!" You swatted his arm at how his teasing smile quickly grew into a snicker. "I didn't know, okay? I thought it was something else!"
He patted your side, mumbling an apology while holding in more chortles. His eyes glinted with the reflection of the bonfire before he said, "It's alright, N/N, I'll give you real ones next time."
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my-prompt-dump · 2 months
I can't remember if Charlie met Jack but no one here is dead and everyone is sorta friends.
Also was supposed to be a Fem!Sam au but I can always make another post with that version if any of you want!
Someone screams in the bunker and keeps screaming. It Dean was already up at the first scream and was about to run to whoever was in trouble until the door to his room opened with a bang.
It was Charlie, holding a... copy of Vogue Magazine? Ugh, Dean is too tired for this. He flops back down to sit in his bed. He's exhausted as fuck but he knows he can't go back to sleep now.
"Jesus, Charlie. I thought someone was dying"
"I wish I was! Cos you just scarred me for life!"
Dean looks at his phone to see that it was still 8 in the morning. Okay, too early.
"Will you two please shut up?" A voice says behind Dean. There buried under their blanket and a mountain of pillows is Sam, birds nest hair and all.
"No! Just- Here! What the shit is this?!"
She shoves the magazine right up to Dean's face and he takes it to see it better.
"Holy shit!"
He feels Sam sit up and position himself to look over his brother's shoulder.
"Oh. They actually did it."
"Man, looks like they weren't full of shit after all. Hey, Sammy, you think we can still get royalties from this?"
Charlie makes an indignant noise. "Huh???"
Dean is still grinning proudly but at least Sam sends an apologetic look her way.
"We were broke." He says like that explains everything. Sam must have seen the doubt in her face because he repeats himself.
"That's literally the whole story, Charlie. We were broke. Chuck didn't include this in the books?"
"NO?? What's the story of this then? Please elaborate for my sanity."
"I would like to know too."
They all turn to the door and see Castiel there, Jack smiling shyly behind him.
Sam and Dean share a look, doing that soulmate annoying silent telephatic talking voodoo whatchumacallit with each other.
Dean stares at the picture again on the page. A picture that takes up the entire spread of the page, followed by an interview with the owners of a booming clothing line.
The picture is him and Sam in their younger years, in a position that will never make people guess they were brothers. They are hugging and wearing clothes too fancy for either of them to ever own. Dean's back is to the camera, but his head is facing right so that his eye is still trained to the lens of the camera; protective and possessive. He's standing in between Sam who was sitting on a table, legs wrapped around his older brother's waist. Sam's arms are around his shoulders, fingers almost clawing his back. His brother's eyes are looking directly at the front; dangerous and equally possessive as Dean's.
Not only that, they were wet and made to look sweaty as fuck so it looks like it's a during-sex kinda shot.
Jeez, how did they agree to that. Not a single thing about this shot was promoting the clothes, you can't even see them properly!
"Alright, but no talking or we're stopping."
They all nod and begin to listen intently.
Flashback to teen Sam (19) and Dean (23) being banned from every bar at an nth mile radius because of constant hustling and brawls but they're almost out of the allowance John gave them.
John told them it'd be enough til he comes back and that they need to leave as soon as he's back so "no need to get a job, Dean".
Dean should've gotten one anyway just in case because even if he went and got one now, they'd be starving before he gets his first paycheck.
Sam was walking home from school one day and spots an ad stapled to a pole.
'Urgent: Looking for models for our clothing line! Not a scam! Inquire at XXX-XXX'
He thinks it over and says fuck it, he is not having junkfood for dinner again.
Arriving home, he slams the poster at the table where Dean was cleaning their guns.
Sam pays him no mind and just points at the thing.
"Let's do it."
At first Dean was confused but he sees the ad and raises an eyebrow at his brother.
"One day of our photos being taken and we'll get money enough to last us a week. Come on."
"Don't know what you're thinkin but we are not models, Sammy."
"We're not ugly, Dean."
"Being not ugly doesn't mean we can model, dude."
Dean would marry himself if he could, that is how good looking his brother thinks he is. Sam was relying on Dean's vanity to get him on board but this. This wasn't what he was expecting.
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.
"What? Lady-killer Dean Winchester is too chicken to be rejected and find out he's not that handsome after all?"
Dean freezes and Sam already knows he won.
Dean's pride is so easy to mess with.
It's a starting clothing business that hopes to be big one day. They didn't want to spend too much money but figured that investing in good quality will get them far.
So when two guys in secondhand clothes from Goodwill came for the modelling job, they were hesitant. But when they were cleaned up by the crew, they look like proper models. Handsome, beautiful, pretty, fit, TALL.
Brothers they say but there's an air around them that they can use to say otherwise.
They dressed them up, did their make up, gave them a wet look for the final set and they were done.
Their first promotional poster was born.
Sam and Dean went home with a month's worth of cash and the company was left breathless.
It took them a while to get an audience to see them but it was that photo that blew the growing internet up and put them in the spotlight.
They have it framed in the middle of their new big ass studio like a trophy.
Years later, when they were reached out to by Vogue (VOGUE!!) for an interview about their journey, they knew what photo to use as a centrepiece for their page.
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how to disappear | d. targaryen
Description: part two of two white butterflies. three years later, you come up with a song that explains your love for him - and you are comfortable enough to share it with the public. Pairing: accomplished!daemon targaryen/singer!reader
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He always put you first.
If there was a zombie apocalypse, he'd probably find a way to keep you safe. He was your hero - the knight in shining armor.
"Fuck," he cursed while holding you steady. The last thing on your checklist was experiencing an earthquake. "Are you okay?" he whispered, keeping a hand on top of your head - and the other steady on the leg of the table.
You hold onto his forearm tightly, in fear that the earthquake would get worse. "(Your Name)," he called your name - worry seemed to be etched into his handsome face. "I-I'm okay," you mumble, seeing that the ground stopped shaking a few moments ago.
The manager emerges from underneath the table, carefully ushering the other guests to an open field. "I was so scared," you exaggerated, crawling away from the table. "You're safe with me," he promised, helping you stand up and follow the rest of the crowd.
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y/nupdates: mom and dad out for a swim, (exclusive picture)
78 comments 12,890 likes
luvgibellz: y/n stans stop being crazy for one second challenge
bhadidfiles: She's literally a priv citizen, y ya'll taking pics of her
ima_omir: her bf is kinda hot doe....
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"I don't know how to swim," you giggled while he led you deeper into the ocean. The salt never settled properly with your hair - and you couldn't stand the feeling of seaweed on your toes. "Hold me, babe." he chuckled, placing both of his arms around your waist.
You kept staring at his features - and he kept you floating. "Why're you looking at me?" he smiled, moving your body around the water. "I don't know - I just feel accomplished," you hum, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. "Huh?" he frowned - a small laugh exited your mouth.
"You were so different before we were together." you commented, and his face softened at the insinuation. It was true, he was a different man. All he ever did was fuck, nothing else. "You changed me, then." he grinned - placing another kiss on your lips.
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(your full name): Three years later, still writing songs for my one and only. I got so proud of this one - I wanted to share it with you. 🦋
189,345 comments 5,678,012 likes
theworldofash: "I LOVE THAT MAN LIKE NOBODY CAN" babe you ate and left no crumbs
whotfislanaj: I spy with my eye a butterfly, IS THIS A CONFIRMATON OF 'DID U KNOW THAT THERE'S A TUNNEL UNDER OCEAN BLVD' ??
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Another laugh exits your mouth as he brings out his recorder. "But I love that man, like nobody can." you giggle while strumming your decade old guitar. A faint smile graces his lips - focused on listening to the song.
"He moves mountains and pounds them to ground again." you sing, placing the guitar down as his body moves closer.
"Love you." you hum, and he turns the recorder off.
"Love you more."
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next part
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I Choose Us Every Time
Daryl Dixon x Reader
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Young Daryl Dixon x Fem reader
Synopsis- short story based on the song Carry you home by Alex Warren.
No apocalypse AU! Artistic surfer girl meets southern boy and over summer they fall in love.
Warnings- Daryl’s abusive past, trauma, readers parents are overbearing but not bad parents, small amount soft smut so 18+ please, some suggestive parts too, no use of y/n, reader is described as female with female parts, but there’s no physical description of what she looks like, hurt, arguments, small amount of angst but with a happy ending.
Word count - 3250 ( this is short for me! Ha!)
It’s a Saturday evening, golden hour is in full glow. A hazy orange light illuminating everything as you walk through the meadow. Poppies dancing in the warm summer breeze, the red flower looking even brighter as the sun begins to set. This meadow is your happy place, its peaceful and quite, with only the sound of nature around you. This is where you come to ease your mind, to contemplate your worries and troubles to find some kind of solution. It’s also where you come if you want to read in peace, without the sound of your mother’s constant demands.
You find a good spot within the poppies, lay out your blanket and plonk yourself down. You’d been coming here a lot recently, trying to work out your thoughts and feelings, It’s been wearisome to say the least. When you’re young people tell you that you’ll meet your person, fall in love, settle down. That you’ll find a nice house, with a white picket fence, and you will grow old with them. They don’t tell you how messy the whole thing can be, that when you meet the one it could be someone your whole family doesn’t approve of or won’t approve of if you build up the courage to tell them anyways.
No they just tell you the good points, not the arguments, or the fighting of one’s feelings when you know it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Nor do they tell you that it hurts! Love it can hurt so bad sometimes that it feels like the whole chest is caving in. But yet, you needed to make a decision.
You’d been offered an amazing opportunity, one your parents have put their whole worlds on hold for, they put you through college, let you live at home so you could afford to chase those dreams you’d always wanted. But what if they weren’t what you wanted anymore? Because when it came to reality it wasn’t what you thought it was, or that the person you love can’t follow you down this path, your parents would be so disappointed in you, and humiliated. They have boasted to everyone in this middle class, little seaside town. “Our daughter has been given the job! She’s going to be an Art client Manager in Paris!!!” The job is managing the company’s client base, and finding them the highest quality fine art pieces. The best perk about the job was that it was in Paris, that and the fact it’s incredibly well salaried.
But when you studied art and music in college you didn’t want to find talent for others, you just wanted to be able to paint and write music while living by the ocean, Surfing in between the two, or swimming at sunset, maybe buy a camper-van and travel the world too. You wanted adventures and peace, not one adventure into a high stress job, one that pays so well you’ll never feel like you can leave, that felt like being trapped, not free.
It would also mean leaving Daryl behind, the boy who had stolen your heart. He’d moved here last summer, from a small town in the Georgian mountains. You’d arrived home for the summer after completing college, and bumped into him during your early morning surf session. He had been attempting to surf himself and after watching him fail several times, you’d decided to offer him some pointers.
“Hey! You’re trying to pop up too soon” you kinda shout across the beach “Huh?” He responds not really hearing you over the sea breeze, picking up your board under your arm you run over to him, “I said your trying to pop up too soon, so the wave is catching you off guard when it hits you, because you’ve gone too soon, that’s why you’re flying off” you explain, he gives you a slight nod “Yer an expert or sumthin’?” He asks, and you notice the hint of sarcasm under his southern twang.
“No, I wouldn’t call myself a pro by any means, but I’ve been surfing since I was eight, so I have a general grasp” you say, trying to stay friendly, you’d had countless lessons as a kid, then spent many days down here with your friends riding the days away. But you’d never taken it any further, just enjoying it as a hobby, something to let off steam.
“Would you like me to show you?” You offer, nodding in the general direction of the waves, “Yer ok” he agreed, what did he really have to loose, he wanted to learn and he’s yet to meet anyone his age to hang out with. Since moving here Merle was out most days on drug runs a few towns over, and as thankful as he was to Merle for getting them away from their abusive father, he got quite lonely sometimes. It was Merle who bought him the second hand surfboard, told him that most the kids his age around here surfed, and ‘Ta go make sum friends n’ shit’.
You showed him when to pop up, how to feel when the wave was close, you showed him where to place his feet and when it was safe/un safe to surf. He was a quick study and caught on in no time, after a few weeks of giving him lessons he had it down. After that he became your frequent surf buddy, which turned into constant hang out buddy and soon you were both spending nearly everyday together.
He told you about his past, how his dad was abusive, and how Merle had moved them here to get away from it. He showed you his scars, spoke about all the trauma he’d been through, generally letting you in, allowing you to get to know the real him. You’d opened up to him too, wanting him to know everything about you, you didn’t have a lot to compare to though, although annoying your parents had been very loving and supportive your whole life. It’s just that they were also very middle class and expected a certain amount from you in return, sometimes they could be a little snobbish, but as a general rule when it came to you, they meant well.
Laying on the beach together watching the sunset had become a favourite between you both, talking about dreams and big plans for the future. You’d told him how you wanted to see the world, even if it meant living in a campervan. He told you he just wanted to stay in this peace forever, this was his dream, getting away from his dad, making friends and having a real life. “I’m happy fer once ya know, a life away from constant fear n’ pain, n’ a life with yer” he mumbles out the last part.
You smile to yourself before lifting your head up to meet his beautiful blue eyes, he looked so nervous, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth. “You going to kiss me then Dixon or what?” You grin. Sitting up he crashes his lips into yours in a somewhat clumsy kiss, but still it’s perfect to you. As you both lay back down, huge grins on your faces, you link your fingers together, taking his hand in your own, as you go back to watching the sun go down, while listening to the waves gently crashing onto the shore.
After that night you made it official, starting a real relationship, which was a first for both you and him. Nights were spent in his run down wooden beach shack, sweating under the sheets as you learnt each others bodies, and enjoying the pleasure that came with that. The feel of his hips flush with yours, the way he’d place his forehead against your own, fingers interlacing by your head as he picked up the pace, thrusting into you faster and harder as you both started to reach your peak. You were both learning what it meant to fall in love, to feel the rush, that passion which came from giving yourself to another completely.
Letting out breathless moans against your mouth, you knew he was close, his pace becoming sloppy, moving his hand down between you, he rubbed your little bundle of nerves causing you to whimper “Come on darlin’ yer so close I can feel ya, need yer to cum for me, shit! Please baby, need yer ta let go” he whines, the added friction and his words send you over the edge fluttering around him, he follows just behind painting your insides with his spend.
Pulling out and panting beside you he lets out a small giggle, it’s still a mystery to him how he got you. This amazing girl! You were so clever, funny, talented and so so beautiful. Yet somehow you chose him, he doesn’t understand it but he’s too happy to question it. Laying there in the afterglow those three words float around his mind, he knows he feels them but he’s never been good with words. “What you thinking about baby? I can hear your brain working from here” you tease, “I’m thinkin’ that I love yer” he admits. You smile at him before pulling him in for a soft kiss, “I love you too”.
That was almost a year ago now, you’d spent everyday together since. Falling deeper in love, getting to know each other inside and out. Even Merle began to like you, you’d made his brother happy and that was enough for him. Everything was going well, you’d found a part time job at your local craft store, which gave you 50% off all art supplies. You carried on playing the violin in your free time, and running small orchestras and music clubs with the local kids and teens.
You were finishing up practice when you noticed Daryl leaning against the door. You give him a small smile, before handing the kids their sheet music, telling them what to practice at home before your next meeting.
Walking up to you after the last kid leaves he wraps his arms around your waist “Yer good with those kids, yer shud be a teacher or sumin’” he says into your neck, placing a sweet kiss just below your ear. “You think?” You respond, wrapping your arms around his. “Yah most definitely” he murmurs placing more kisses down your neck, “Merles out tonight, think yer shud come back to mine” you laugh at his antics, “Oh really?” You tease, “ummhmm” he mumbles, “Ok come on then” you laugh, pulling him out the door.
You’d yet to tell your parents that you and Daryl were an item, the main reason was how much they disapproved of your friendship with him. They knew you spent a lot of time together, but they believed the two of you were still just friends. There had been a lot of talk in the town about the Dixons, and your mother loved to listen to gossip. They knew what Merle did for money, they had presumed Daryl sold drugs too, but after seeing the two of you together all the time, or him at the beach everyday, never doing anything suspicious, they soon realised that he was not.
Still, talk about the ‘red necks’ was a constant in this town, you always stood up for them of course, and as time went on Daryl had earned the respect of many. He had helped paint his elderly neighbours fence, not asking for anything in return. He’d helped fix your mums friend Mrs Franklins car when it broke down at the side of the road, again never asking for anything in return. So things were now a lot better than they used to be, still some people including your mother thought he was up to no good, or eventually he’d do something wrong or illegal.
It was no excuse though, you should have told your parents about him. You loved him for christ sake, you just didn’t want an argument with your parents. Basically you were being a coward and it was driving a wedge between you and Daryl. During the last argument you didn’t even try to defend yourself, you knew you were in the wrong, that he had every right to be upset with you.
And that led you to now, sitting in the poppies contemplating everything.
You got the call this afternoon informing you that you’d gotten the job. You were yet to tell Daryl, it was looming over you like a thick fog of poison gas, ready to choke the happiness out of you. You knew it would be another argument and you were tired, he’d tell you to go say it was too good of an opportunity to miss out on, but you didn’t want to go you didn’t want to live without him. The very thought was causing you so much pain, you didn’t ever think you would fall in love, now you were sat here too scared to loose it.
It then dawned on you, you needed to tell your parents about him, and you needed to do it now! Getting up you grab your blanket, screwing it up into some carry-able state and shoving it under your arm, before racing home.
The house is very quiet upon your arrival, still and peaceful in contrast to the havoc playing in your mind. Walking in to the kitchen you blurt out “Mum, Dad, Daryl and I are together, we’ve been in a romantic relationship for the past year and I should have told you sooner, but I was scared and now the only thing I’m scared of is loosing him. So I needed to tell you”. Your dad calmly places his newspaper down and looks at you, your mum stands there mouth open eyes wide.
“A year!! A year you’ve been involved with that redneck boy! And you didn’t think to tell us! My goodness child! Why him? He’s no good! He will ruin you!” Your mother rants, “Ruin me how?” You yell back, “Well what happens when you two become intimate huh? No one else will ever want you after that, you’ll ruin yourself for anyone else” she cries, “Mum it’s been a year” you deadpan, how can she even think you two haven’t been intimate. She just looks at you confused, “Mum that ship has long sailed” you laugh completely bewildered. “You’ve been…” she gestures with her hands “God mum, yes obviously it’s been a year and for the record I don’t want anyone else!” you sigh, completely embarrassed by the turn this conversation has taken.
“Look I love him, I really love him. You told me I’d find true love one day and I have. He means everything to me and all I’m asking is that you give him a chance.” You plead, looking towards your dad “Yeah ok sweetheart, we will give him a chance won’t we Judy” you dad says to your mum. She gapes at him in shock before storming out of the room “You just need to give her time kiddo, I’ve heard the good that boys done around here, and I'm willing to give him a chance” he explains, you rush to give him a tight hug “Ok thank you dad”.
Pulling up outside Daryl’s home you take in a deep breath, you needed to see him after all that, and you needed to give your mum a breather. Upon hearing your car he opens his front door, looking at you sadly.
“Hey” you whisper,
“Hey, look I dun wanna fight anymore” he pleads. You shake your head, “No me either, I umm…… I told mum and dad about us” you declare.
“Yeah? N’ how did they take tha?” He asks, “Dad took it well, said he’s happy for us and is gonna give it a chance, mum needs time to cool down but it went better than expected” you explain. He nods,
“Come ere’” he says opening his arms, you don’t waste anytime running into his comforting embrace, nuzzling your face into his neck as tears escape your eyes. Hearing your sniffles he comforts you “Hey hey, it’s ok, we’re fine, we will always be fine”.
“I have something else to tell you, I got a call today, I got a job offer in Paris as a Fine Art client manager, but before you tell me to go do it, I don’t want too” you sniffle, pulling back to meet his gaze, “I don’t, I want to be here with you, I don’t want to feel trapped in a busy city job the other side of the world, I want to have a home with you where I can paint, maybe be a music or art teacher?” You explain. “When did yer find out?” He asks, “About 4 hours ago, mums already told half the street!” You grumble, he huffs out a laugh, “Yer I can imagine tha” he smiles.
“I want you and us Daryl, no matter what I need you to know, in this and every life, I choose us every time” you admit.
He smiles pulling you in closer again, “Ok, just yer and me yah? I got a job today at the garage, I start in a few months when the other guy retires, is a few months enough time to travel?” He asks. “Wow baby that’s amazing! Well done, I’m so proud of you! Yes a few months is plenty of time” you grin. He crashes his lips against yours in a sweet, passionate kiss, you knew then that it would all work out.
6 Months Later
Since returning home from your travels a lot had changed, the best thing was that you and Daryl got married while away. Grabbing an elderly couple of friends to be witnesses, the two ladies were more than happy to support ‘young love’. It was the best day of your life, you wore a white cotton dress, rainbow shoes and you celebrated after with cheap diner burgers, milkshakes and cheesecake. Before making love camping under the stars.
Upon arriving home you told your parents the news, your dad was happy for you, your mother took some convincing, but things are better now. You’d managed to get a job as the music teacher at the local school, and so far it’s been amazing, they are very impressed with you and have offered you the role as art teacher too. Daryl is doing great at the motor shop and things for the first time are looking great, you’ve even bought your first house together, a little two bedroom house down the road from your parents, it’s not much but it’s your first home together and you’re both incredibly excited about that.
You’re currently getting ready for Christmas dinner at your parents house, your first big event as a couple, you will get to show off your new husband to the rest of your family and friends. “Babe, can you grab my red purse from the closet please?” You ask, “Yah sure” he says reaching up and grabbing it with ease, before presenting it to you.
“I can’t believe we are here, first formal dinner as husband and wife with my family. Who would have thought it a year ago hey?” You ask, teasing smile on your lips. “Nah, I always knew we’d be here, I knew you were it for me that first day on the beach”.
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Hey! So saw your ask yanderes and I decided to ask :)
It is okay if I ask : MK, Mei, Redson, Wukong, Macauqe, Syntax, Mayor, and Nezha ?
If I can then what would they do if their darling decided to just end the friendship because of their issues? Ahaha... TRUST ISSUES. their darling don't trust them no more and decided to end the friendship. And their darling will not be hearing any excuses from them and will end that friendship right there.
(My issues😘)
Hope you can do!
- 🌼 (did I request too much?)
A/N: You're good! I said no character limits, so no limit shall there be. Just a lil heads-up for anyone else, yes there are no limits, but do be warned I'll be taking extra time on longer asks to make sure everything flows properly A/N: Since Tumblr won't let me write too much (and started not letting me post it) I had to break it up into two parts! Don't worry I'll be posting it soon after this one <> CW: Kidnapping 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 "Wait- what do you mean you don't want to see me anymore?" MK felt tears beginning to sting his eyes. "Listen, I know sometimes I kinda got intense, but I told you I don't mean to scare you. It's just- when I see someone who looks like they're gonna hurt you I get really angry, and I want to keep you safe. Y/N, please! Don't go!" He suddenly grabs you by the shoulders. "I can change, I swear! Just don't leave me!" As you turn and begin to walk away, his breathing gets shorter as panic begins to swell within his heart. In a blink, he's struck you unconscious. "It'll be okay...it'll be okay...I'll just get you home. Then we'll talk this out, it'll all be okay..." MK repeats this to himself like a calming mantra as he carries you off. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Upon you saying you're breaking things off, Mei laughs. "Ahh, that's a good one Y/N. You really had me goin' there for a minute." When you continue to stare at her, she slowly sets down her milkshake. "You're...not kidding? But why would you want to stop hangin' out with me? Don't we have fun together? Don't you like hanging out with me?" She stands up from her seat, hand twitching towards her jade sword. "Who is it, huh? Who's so much better than me that you're willing to just throw away what we have for them? What do they have that I don't?! Are they prettier? Smarter? WHAT IS IT?!" Mei can feel her power beginning to spark up, but she's too upset to truly care. "TELL ME!!!" ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Before you can even get the words out, Red Son's got you by the throat and is lifting you up into the air. His hair is completely aflame, and his eyes are blazing. "So that's it? You think you're just going to leave me? Well there's just one teensey little problem there, Y/N." He pulls you closer until your faces are inches apart. "You. Are. Mine. And I am not in the habit of letting go of what I rightfully own." Red Son's fingers are squeezing your throat, he doesn't seem to notice how much force he's using. "Now we are GOING back to my home, you will SIT in the dungeon and THINK about what you've done, and I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU from EVER mentioning leaving me again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 "Aww, it's cute that you think you can leave." Unbeknownst to Y/N, the seal to the entrance to Flower-Fruit Mountain begins glowing brighter, sealing them in. "Look Y/N, I think you've had a very long, very stressful day. Why don't you..." He picks from his fur a few strands and blows on them, transforming them into the sleep bugs he's used so often in his Westward journey. Before you can jerk back, he's got you by the throat and has dropped them upon you. "Take a little nap? Then when you wake up, you'll feel better! I'm feelin' like goin' out for dinner, we can talk then!" As the world begins to fade and your eyes begin to close you hear his laugh before he says, "Sweet dreams."
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entities-of-posts · 6 months
yknow i wish i could exaggerate this and say this isnt real but i keep ending up in liminal spaces. i feel like this is the best blog to discuss such things. i dont know why, just feel the need to share my strange experiences! i just found this blog, but it calls to me or something dramatic like that. i dont know, im pretty sure these liminal spaces keep finding me instead of me finding them.
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heres a few pictures of the places i go! i kinda wonder how i get here. those first two was when i went to see a movie, and it was kinda full when we got there, but when we left there was no one! no cashiers, and the theater we were in was empty too. the whole town seemed kinda dead at that time, which was strange, cause it was only 8pm.
second one… not sure how i got that, to be honest. i just found a slide. i dont know how far it goes up, or where it leads. you cant see it, but it turns and spirals to some far off second floor.
the warehouse one was when i was trying to find something for someone! was sent to grab something from a warehouse. the warehouse was on the 6th story, strangely. never found what i was looking for.
ooh, that street. that was a strange seat. was trying to find the car after a long night. there was a lot of alleys. that was one of the alleys! no idea where the alleys went to. they simply existed. they are simply alleys.
the last one. i just.. found it like that. it was in an empty room in a church. i didnt really dwell on why it was like that.
theres a lot i didn’t get pictures of, either! that church i mentioned is really strange. me and my sister broke into a room below the chapel once, and the floor was covered in dead bugs. we didn’t get far past it. there were so, so many bugs. that church underground lead to a few other tunnels within it. I’ve gone through those tunnels many times, and I’ve gotten lost in them so many times too. Possibly more than I’ve entered have I gotten lost!
Oh, what else. Ah! I was in the backstage of a theater once. I don’t know what play they were performing. They werent playing it yet, It was a few months before the show. In fact, the show should happen soon! Regardless, I found strange things in the backstages. A lot of black, cardboard cutouts of human shapes. There was a large room, so large. There was some kind of mountain of props, with a stairwell leading up it.
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i only have a blurry images of that theater. i don’t actually know why they’re blurry! they just turned out like that. better not to question, huh.
i hope you enjoyed reading this! all of this is real, to be as honest as possible. you can throw away this ask, i don’t mind! or publicize it. i don’t mind either! I just felt that, seeing as you are an archive, it was fitting to settle down my own ‘statement’ or whatever. have fun, and remember! there are liminal spaces around every corner. for some weird reason.
Oh I love those uncanny little corners of the world! I would have climbed up the inside of the slide 👁👁
Liminal spaces are generally in the Stranger/Spiral overlap. It may be an overused word, but nevertheless the feeling remains as strong.
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31nightshade · 23 days
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath and lets it out.
“ I need to go ”
He can hear the disapproving sounds coming from his brothers.
“ You just got back and better! Why do you need to leave when you have been fine staying this long?”
He opened his eyes to look at Branch who was obviously frustrated, and Floyd gave him a tired smile.
“ I have someone to find and I will be back this time.”
He tried to sound as reassuring as possible. He has no plans on leaving branch like he did last time.
“ Who?”
‘Shit! I can't tell them’
“ Uhh I c-cant tell youuu?”
Branch did not look to happy with that answer.
“Floyd tell me who it is”
Welp fuck it!
“ Riff “
There u go little bro
“Who's that?”
Dam more information ahhhhh
“ He's a rock troll “
Branch's face for some reason looked like he just realized something.
“ Welp I can help you with that.”
Huh! He was shocked how could his little brother help him!?! I know he's been out of the village, but to rock mountain? His little brother a rock troll!?! Wait no he could totally see it.
“ Deep breath”
He breaths in and breaths out.
Branch just shrugs.
“Poppy's friends with the queen and I am pretty sure you're talking about her drummer?”
“I-i okay?”
I mean this does mean I don't have to leave so soon,His face softens at the realization that riff could meet his family.
“ Yeah I think I can get on board with that.”
Branch took him to Poppy's house yesterday to get things figured out. They talked about how they would get them here and if there would be any needed accommodations. Bc even though they are friends, pop trolls don't know a good bit about a rock troll's dietary needs or how they can't be in the sun for too long, but I guess that can be easy to forget if you don't interact that much.
He made sure that everything was in order. He enjoyed talking to Poppy. She's a nice girl, a little accidentally empathetic sometimes but if you call her out on it she will take it, all he hopes is that she treats his little brother ok. She is the one to write and send the letter out so it will actually be received by barb.
Shockingly It only took an hour to get one back! Poppy went over and grabbed it from the bat creature cooing at it before sending it to.
She opens the letter to read it out loud.
“ Hell yeah man we'll be over soon it will be metal a f$@## to see y'all again!!.”
He giggles
“Barb really has a way with words”
He wakes up in his pod of the bunker groggy and in need of coffee so he gets out of bed and drags himself to the kitchen.
He groans as he makes his way to the coffee machine. Completely not noticing Branch at the counter.
“ Soo rock?”
He jumps as he presses the on button to start his coffee and turns around to see branch with the most unimpress expression on his face.
“Uh yeah why?”
Branch looks at his coffee he made prior to Floyd waking up and shrugs.
“I don't know I always thought you'd be more into jazz funk maybe you know something like that”
Floyd guess he can kinda understand but he was the emotional one not the calm one or happy one.
“ I can see where you're coming from but I was the emotional one, not the calm or happy one. Not that I didn't try to like them, they just weren't emotional enough for me I guess.”
Branch looks at him considering what he was saying then understanding.
“ I think I understand now”
Floyd just hums as he continues to make his coffee. He checks the clock on it and it says 10:30 am riff and barb will be here around 12:00 so he has an hour or two to get ready so he starts breakfast and teasing branch.
It's 11:28 and he just got out of the shower. He's now drying his hair, setting out his outfit. He's just going to do something simple so he doesn't give riff a heart attack and a boner in front of everyone again. All it is are some baggy cargo pants and a cropped mouth eating sweater with a couple other accessories.
He hurries up and gets everything done and by time he gets ready it's 11:44 so he quickly gets himself out of the bunker and to poppy's place where they will be meeting.
‘What if riff has already moved on?’ no ‘ I mean for all he knows you abandoned him' no I didn't. He could feel his thoughts start spiraling and he's ready to get Lost in them until a loud voice cuts him out of it.
his eyes meet riffs single as he holds up his beany and waves smiling as he slides down a giant angler. Floyd can help but be charmed bye his goofy metal head.
He runs right to him tackling them both to the floor.
“ Yo what's up man been doing well?”
‘Pfft- this dumbass’ he looks up at the riff . He's a little more disheveled than usual. At least his beanie is on the floor and you can see his loving eyes. Floyd can feel himself about to cry.
“Your lucky I am happy to see you”
Riff smiles, wrapping his arms around Floyd, making him feel safe again. :Hell I am going to cry so fucking hard.’
“ Yeah yeah tell me about it, but for real I have missed you so much and when I seen what happened I wanted to come here as soon as I could but I didn't kn-”
Floyd leaned in and kissed him and riff instantly melted into it. They just lay and kiss until Floyd breaks it.
“ It's okay I understand I have missed you to I have been so lonely without you I was in that Crystal jar for two months I was so scared u thought I left you or that you move on and wouldn't love me any more-".
This time it's a riff that initiates the kiss using his hand to bring Floyd's face to his. He pulls them into a setting position before breaking.
“ No baby no, I just couldn't find you I was so worried about where u were I never stopped loving you”
Floyd was now sobbing into riffs shoulders.
“L-love..you t-to man”
Riff just holds him there until they have to go.
Might put this on ao3
When u join fandom late 😭
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herofics · 2 years
Dabi Dragon AU, part 1
I got this request on wattpad about fantasy AU Dabi being a dragon. He gets injured and crashes into a forest where the reader finds him and helps him get better. I added a bit of a twist and made it so he's a dragon shifter, because I just kinda needed the human aspect for my purposes, also black hair/scales since I like it more than the white. I plan to write more parts to this and I’m gonna tag this with “dragon AU”, so you can find all the parts under that tag. It ended up super long for me so under the cut
You were walking back home from the village, when you saw something huge and black falling from the sky. You could feel a big thud as it hit the ground about five dozen meters to your right.
You were sometimes a bit too curious for your own good, and this was definitely one of those times. You couldn’t resist the urge to go see what exactly had fallen out of the sky, so you stepped off the path and into the forest you went.
It only took you a minute to make your way through the thicket and get to the spot where the thing had fallen. 
Except it wasn’t a thing, it was a dragon.
“Holy shit” you whispered, drawing the dragon’s attention to yourself.
You’d heard stories from hunters and mercenaries passing through town, about how there was a huge black dragon living on a nearby mountain. You’d seen it occasionally too, taking people’s livestock for food, but you’d never imagined you’d get such a close look at it.
Dabi couldn’t really think straight, he knew he’d crashed into the forest, but he didn’t know where exactly, and he wasn’t looking forward to a mob of angry villagers coming at him with torches and pitchforks.
So when he heard a voice and saw someone entering his field of vision, he just spewed fire in that direction.
The dragon managed to burn the tree next to you and even though you could clearly feel the heat, you weren’t in any danger.
“Hey, hey, I’m not gonna hurt you! I just wanna help!” you exclaimed.
Dabi wasn’t in a very trusting mood, but he didn’t really have a choice in the matter. He could stay there and wait for the hunters to find him, or he could take your offer of help and possibly live to see another day. He decided to take the gamble and trust you.
A small tornado of fire erupted in front of you and when it dissipated, there was a bloody man with dragon features on all fours on the ground in front of you. You were so very thankful that at least he was wearing pants.
“Wow” you gasped.
“Help me, human” the man commanded weakly.
“What did I get myself into…” you muttered as you stepped closer.
You couldn’t not help him. He was a person and you couldn’t just leave him to die.
You grabbed the dragon man from under his arm and helped him up. You threw his arm over your shoulder and started pretty much dragging him towards your cabin. He was just barely staying on his feet and you had to support most of his weight.
“Goddammit you’re heavy” you grumbled.
“Shut up and walk” the dragon man growled.
When you got to your cabin, you dragged him inside and he collapsed onto your bed. He was out cold as you started to tend to his wounds. He was covered in deep gashes, smaller cuts and bruises. You covered his wounds with moss and wrapped strips of fabric around them to aid in the healing process. You were a botanist so you knew well the healing properties of specific plants. This particular moss would help ward off infection and help the wound heal faster.
“You got hurt pretty bad, huh” you said as you wrapped the last wound on his leg.
You felt bad for him, you knew he was the dragon that had been taking people’s livestock, but surely he didn’t deserve to be killed for it. You didn’t want to speculate on what else he might have done to incur the wrath of the hunters that had come after him. You just wanted him to get better.
When you looked back up at his face, you saw two strikingly blue eyes staring back at you. He didn’t say anything, he just continued to stare at you.
“Oh, you’re awake, good” you said and stood up, trying to take a few steps back, but he stopped you by grabbing your wrist very tightly.
Dabi didn’t know what to say to you. He wasn’t used to receiving any kind of kindness from humans, so he was quite sure you had some sort of ulterior motive for helping him.
“What do you want from me? Surely you wouldn’t help me just out of the goodness of your heart” he grumbled, still holding onto your wrist.
“I don’t want anything from you, I just don’t like people dying when I can do something to help” you said.
If you were to be honest, you would’ve had to admit to yourself that you were absolutely terrified. You’d heard the tales about the dragon that dwelled in the mountains, and if those tales were to be believed, you were in trouble if you happened to anger him.
Dabi let go of your wrist, but you didn’t move, you just stood there for a while before saying: “You must be hungry, I know I am. I’m going to make us some supper”
“Meat” Dabi said, more as a command than anything.
“I-I don’t have any, but I make good vegetable soup” you gulped.
“I guess I’ll eat you then” he smirked devilishly as he slowly sat up on the bed and licked his lips.
You took a few steps back and Dabi could see the fear in your expression. He quite liked the face you were making, but he wasn’t strong enough to hunt you right now, he just wanted to make sure you would be intimidated and under his thumb.
“I guess I’ll settle for your soup this time, human”
You sighed in relief and started making the food. You ate in silence, but the amount of food that would usually last you a couple of days, was gone in a matter of minutes as your guest gulped down all of it.
“So what happened to you anyway? You look like someone tried to kill you” you noted, trying to get rid of the awkward silence.
“They tried, but it never ends well for anyone who tries” Dabi said.
“Well that’s ominous” you remarked.
“Hmm” Dabi muttered, looking at you up and down.
“What?” you asked, looking at him up and down in turn.
“You interest me, human”
“You could stop calling me “human” and use my name” you said.
“And what would that be, human?”
“(Name). How about yours?”
“You can call me… Dabi” he said after a while of consideration.
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Dabi” you smiled at him.
You were still nervous around him, you didn’t really know him after all. You’d never met a dragon before but now that you had, you didn’t really know what to think about him. He wasn’t what you’d expected of a dragon. What you expected was to get burnt to death on sight, so this was a very different experience from that.
As the night drew nearer, you had a realization. There was only one bed. One quite small bed, and two of you. One man-dragon, that would take up over half of the bed on his own, because of his tail and you, who was never good at sleeping in a small space.
“Sooooo, we have a bit of a problem…” you started. “There’s only one bed…”
“I don’t see the problem here” Dabi yawned, laying on his side on the bed and scratching his stomach.
“Of course you don’t” you muttered as you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks.
You sat down on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath. You were just going to sleep. With a very attractive man in your bed, who didn’t really seem to have any sort of boundaries.
“Oh god” you muttered, burying your face into your hands.
“Just shut up and let me sleep” Dabi growled, and grabbed you by the arm, making you yelp as he pulled you down on the bed.
“Why-why did you do that?” you stammered, as you laid with your back against his chest, just staring into the darkness of the room.
“Because you need to shut up so I can sleep” he huffed.
“Shut up” Dabi snarled.
You shut your mouth and tried to focus on anything else but the fact that he was so close. You could feel his chest moving against your back as he breathed in and out.
Only when you were certain he was asleep could you relax. The moment you did, you could feel something wrapping around the lower part of your leg. It was warm, rough and it was covered in scales.
“You’ve got to be kidding me” you whispered.
It was his tail, wrapping around your calf as he slept. You tried to move your leg, but his tail wrapped itself around it tighter, pulling your leg back down. You almost wanted to kick him in an attempt to break free, but decided you didn’t want to anger him by waking him up. So you laid there, until you got so tired you just fell asleep.
When Dabi woke up, you were still asleep. He was stuck between you and the wall, and since he was awake now, he didn’t feel like staying there.
“Wakey, wakey” he whispered into your ear, before pushing you out of the bed and down on the floor.
You yelped as you hit the floor.
“What the hell?” you grumbled as you sat up and looked at him over the edge of the bed.
“Oh good, you’re awake” Dabi smirked.
“You pushed me off the bed” you hissed.
“Way to state the obvious” he rolled his eyes.
“Asshole” you muttered as you got up from the floor.
You glanced at Dabi and noticed he looked a lot better. The dark circles under his eyes were gone and he didn’t seem as clammy or pale anymore.
“You look better” you noted, a bit weirded out by his sudden improvement in health.
“You really don’t know how dragons work at all, do you?” he grinned mischievously.
”I feel like you’re about to tell me” you sighed.
“We heal when we sleep, and the moss you used happens to work well on us too” Dabi said as he started ripping off the bandages and throwing them on the floor along with the moss.
He stood up and stretched a bit. Even his deepest wounds just looked like shallow cuts now.
Dabi could feel you looking him over, which made a very self assured smirk spread on his face.
“Like what you see?”
“Yeah, I did a really good job on the wound care it seems” you answered, ignoring his innuendo completely.
Dabi rolled his eyes, but he was still looking at you. There was just something about you that he couldn’t put his finger on. In that moment he decided he wanted you all for himself, he didn’t want to let you out of his sight or to let anyone else even look at you. From now on, you would be his.
“Come” he said as he marched past you and grabbed your wrist, dragging you outside.
“Where are you going and why are you dragging me with you?” you asked, trying to dig your heels into the ground to stop him from dragging you around.
“You’re coming with me” he stated sternly.
“Coming with you where?” you struggled against his tight grip.
“To my home, you’re going to be mine”
“Huh?!” you exclaimed. “No, no, no, no. You can’t just force me to come with you”
“I can and I will” he growled.
You finally managed to free yourself from his grip and you stumbled back, falling on your ass on the ground.
“I’m not going with you, this is my home and I’m staying here. You’re welcome to visit any time, but I’m not leaving my home” you argued.
“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. You’re coming with me” Dabi snarled.
“No, I’m not!” you yelled and started backing away while still on the ground.
Dabi loomed over you and pushed you to the ground, pinning your hands down above your head.
“I said: You’re coming with me”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do. I don’t care if you’re a big, bad dragon, you can’t scare me into complying” you said tearfully.
Dabi wanted you with him, but what good would you be if you hated him for it? For reasons he didn’t understand, he didn’t want you to hate him. Normally he wouldn’t care, he would just take what he wanted from whomever he wanted, but this was different, you were different. You were the first human to ever show him kindness without any ulterior motives.
He sighed, and let go of your hands, moving off from on top of you.
“Fine. If you’re not coming with me, I’m staying here”
“What?” you blinked a couple of times in confusion.
“I said, I’m staying here” he said as he stood up and offered you his hand.
You were going to be living with a dragon. A dangerous, unpredictable, fierce, self centered, moron of a dragon. He might have been handsome, but he was a moron nevertheless.
“Fine” you said and grabbed his hand, letting him pull you up from the ground. You had no idea what to expect from the future, but it was certainly going to be an adventure.
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
Mushy May Day 23: Falling asleep/ watching the other sleep
Rain comes to Swiss after getting high with Mountain. He promises not to fall asleep while they hang out but alas. Some super fluffy Rulti because I love them. Those two are incredibly goofy with one another and you cannot change my mind!
I need it to be known that an outline for this has been sitting in my ideas folder since like early March and I was super excited for an excuse to finally make myself turn it into something. This is also another one that I hope to revisit and bulk out later. Snippet of song at the end is from One & Only by Fortunate Youth. Once again the Rain Chill Vibes playlist is one that you can rip from my cold dead hands.
Words: 669
Rating: Gen/ Everyone
Read below the cut or on AO3 here
Swiss takes in the very high ghoul in front of him, already clambering to snuggle up next to him on his bed. He had been reading a book, but knows that the time for that is now apparently over and quickly marks his place before closing it.
“Now, I can’t help but notice you didn't even share, Raincloud” he teases, already shifting so that Rain can situate himself more comfortably. 
“Mmmm, wasn’t mine to share, babe. You’d have ta bother Mounty ‘bout that.” Rain mumbles as he crawls into Swiss’ lap, accidentally knocking the book out of his hand as he goes. “So whatta you up to?”
“Well I was gonna try to get some reading done, but then a ravishing water ghoul appeared. I guess it’s best that I stop that silly plan and talk to him instead, huh?” 
“Hmmm, wise plan. This water fella’ sounds super handsome, I would hate for him to have to go talk to somebody else.” 
Rain shoots him a playful look, his smile a little overly wide before breaking out into a fit of giggles. Swiss leans over to give him a quick peck on the nose before turning to grab his phone from the nightstand beside him. 
“The playlist I had going was one of the ones you made for me but it’s kinda slow and chill. Let me change it to something a little less sleepy.” Swiss explains, following the small discontent huff Rain had let out at all the wiggling he was doing. 
“No it’s fine, I was enjoying it. Leave it on?” Rain asks gently. Swiss shoots him a quick knowing look. Both of them are well aware of how sleepy Rain gets when he is high in general, and clearly the multi ghoul does not believe for a second that Rain won’t immediately nod off with the music still playing. 
“‘M not gonna fall asleep” Rain lazily asserts, but only gets a singular raised eyebrow in response. 
“Swisstopher K Ghoul, do you doubt my word? Here, I pinky promise!” Rain challenges in fake outrage, face scrunching up in an adorable way that Swiss can't resist. He holds up his pinky and wiggles it at Swiss to prove he means it. 
Swiss hooks their pinkies together then pulls Rain's hand up towards his face. “This sounds serious, I better seal that promise with a kiss” he remarks before kissing both their entwined fingers and the back of Rain’s hand. Rain pouts up at him after taking his hand back, so Swiss gives him one more in between his horns. 
A grand total of 10 minutes passes before Rain’s responses to what Swiss is saying stop making sense as he predictably starts to fall asleep. Swiss knows that if he were to challenge the water ghoul on this, he would blame it on how nicely Swiss is playing with his hair, the comfort of his bed, and his own excellent taste in pleasant music. 
Eventually Rain stops responding completely, letting out a barely audible noise that is either a snore or a gentle purr, Swiss can’t tell. Either way, he continues to play with Rain’s hair as he looks down fondly at him sleeping. 
The water ghoul is smiling even in his sleep, and Swiss is completely entranced by him. He listens to Rain’s soft noises and the music playing from the speaker across the room. 
You know when I sleep at night/ With you, right by my side I'm fine/ Hoping to be forever/ You and Me
The sentiment expressed in the music could not more perfectly encompass the current moment. Swiss thinks he may just have to finally admit that there is something nice about the hypnotically chill playlists Rain makes, even if it’ll inflate the ghouls ego. 
“I’m so happy I get to call you mine, Rainbow” he whispers against the water ghouls hair. Rain snuggles closer in his sleep at the words and for Swiss that's more than enough confirmation that the feeling is mutual.
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lizavet · 4 months
@heropartnerweek - Day 4: Great Canyon | Hidden Land | Glacier Palace | Revelation Mountain
There was something strangely nostalgic about the peak of Revelation Mountain. Tuft knew for a fact they had never been there before. But even still, they couldn’t shake the feeling that something about it was… familiar.
How they found a massive clearing with a giant forcefield of light surrounding a small pond familiar, they didn’t know. Maybe they had been here before their Pops found them? He did say he found them close to Revelation Mountain. Maybe this had something to do with their past!
“Looks like some sort of spring,” Archen noted.
Poppy rolled her eyes. “What an astute observation,” she drawled sarcastically. “I wonder why Mawile is the head of archaeology instead of you.” Archen glared at Poppy for a moment as Tuft bit back a laugh. The two of them had been taking shots at each other ever since their first mission together when they encountered Entei, and it never failed to make Tuft giggle.
Mr. Nuzleaf walked over to the forcefield, pressing a hand against it, only to flinch back as sparks exploded across his palm, making him hiss in pain. “Right, reckon that won’t work,” he muttered. “Looks like this crystal thingy be protectin’ the spring.”
“Another brilliant observation,” Poppy noted, though this time with notably less heat.
“Must you?” Archen asked tiredly.
“Unfortunately, yes.” Poppy gave a faux sad face, putting a palm over her heart and shaking her head. “It’s a fatal condition of mine. If I don’t point out the stupid things people say or do, I’ll die on the spot. Extremely tragic.”
“Wonder why this is here?” Mr. Nuzleaf mused, completely ignoring the argument in the background.
“Must be important for something,” Archen said without looking away from Poppy. “Maybe we should look around, see if we can find anything that could-”
“Or we look at the obvious stone tablet that’s right there,” Poppy deadpanned. Tuft followed her gaze over to a slab of stone sticking out of the ground, messy writing scrawled across it. Huh, they hadn’t noticed that. Neat.
Poppy walked over to the tablet to read it… only to squint her eyes and frown after a couple of seconds “Great,” she huffed. “It’s just a load of gibberish.” Archen sighed as he made his way over to her, shaking his head.
“If only Mawile had come with us,” he said. “She could have helped us.”
Tuft walked up behind them, glanced at the tablet for a moment, then squinted their eyes in confusion, looking between Poppy and Archen. “I don’t get it. What’s the problem?”
“We can’t read this.”
“Why not?”
Poppy gave Tuft an unamused look, the one she gave them when they made a stupid joke. “Because the writing is chicken scratch.” Three pairs of confused eyes turned to her. “Oh for- it’s illegible. Nonsense. Stupid squiggly lines of nothing!” she yelled, throwing her hands in the air.
“No it isn’t?” Tuft said, though it sounded like a question more than a statement to them. What was Poppy talking about?
“Yes, it is,” Poppy said slowly. “We can’t read a word of this.”
“I can.”
Silence. Poppy opened her mouth to reply, only to promptly shut it, her eyes narrowed. “Excuse me?”
Tuft pushed their way past a confused Poppy and Archen, sitting down in front of the tablet. They cleared their throat and started to read. “Should you seek to overcome this crisis-”
“Woah woah woah, hold up!” Archen squawked, flapping his wings and jumping up and down. “You can read this?”
“You can’t?”
“No! It takes Mawile ages to decipher this kinda stuff, and you’re telling me you can just read it? What kind of joke is this!?”
“It’s not a joke,” Tuft pouted. “I don’t know why you can’t read this, but I can.”
“Now listen here-”
“They’re telling the truth,” Poppy cut in. Archen snapped his gaze over to her, but she just crossed her arms and met it head on. “Tuft is too stupid to lie. The second anyone calls them out, they start smiling and giggling. If this was a joke, they’d have cracked already.”
Tuft smiled, nuzzling slightly into Poppy’s side. It was nice that she had so much faith in them.
Archen still looked unconvinced, but Mr. Nuzleaf let out a low whistle, running a hand over the leaf on his head. “Well I’ll be an aipom’s uncle,” he whispered. “Reckon we shouldn’t question this an’ just be thankful!” He gave Tuft a reassuring smile. “Hows about you go on readin’, eh?”
“Right!” Tuft chirped. They turned their attention back to the tablet again while Poppy gave Archen a glare, daring him to interrupt them again. Tuft cleared their throat and started reading again.
Should you seek to overcome this crisis, summon a person. A person will have the power to break the barrier over the spring. And the font of light will breathe life into the world anew.
“…Poppy was right,” Archen noted. “That was gibberish.”
“Hey!” Tuft yelled indignantly. “It’s not gibberish! That’s what it says! It’s not my fault you can’t understand it!”
“Oh yeah? Then what do you think it means?” And okay, Tuft didn’t exactly have an answer for that, but they weren’t going to let Archen know that! They really didn’t appreciate him just writing them off like that. They read exactly what the tablet said, and it obviously meant something! They just… needed a second to figure out what.
“To be fair, it is a bit cryptic,” Mr. Nuzleaf said. “Reckon this ‘Font of Light’ is this here spring, but what’s this ‘bout ‘Breathing life into the world anew’? Sounds a bit too vague for my likin’.”
“More importantly, what exactly is a ‘person’ supposed to be?” Archen snapped, fluffing up his feathers. “I’ve never heard the term before, and it’s certainly not any species of pokemon I know!” Tuft tilted their head to the side. Person… they had definitely heard that word before, hadn’t they? They’d heard it from-
“It means me.”
Everyone turned to look over at Poppy, who was watching the barrier with a strange glint in her eye. Her hands were shoved far into the pockets of her hoodie, pulling it down tight on her.
“Pardon?” Mr. Nuzleaf asked.
“A person,” Poppy explained. “It’s… another way to say a human. You need a human to break the barrier.” She looked back at the group with resignation. “That’s me. This… this is why I’m here. This is why I was brought here.”
Oh, right. That was where Tuft had heard that word. Poppy had spent the first couple of months referring to others as ‘People’ instead of pokemon, confusing the folks in Serene Village. It took a while for her to adjust, and to that day she still slipped and used human terms and sayings every now and then.
But hey, that was a good thing! Not only did they figure out why Poppy had been turned into a pokemon, but they also had a way to get through the barrier! It was perfect!
…so why did she look so sad about it?
“That’s all well and good,” Archen cut in, “But what good does that do for us? We get some water. How is that supposed to help us? We came here to find Krookodile, not sit in a hot spring.”
“Maybe the water is magic!” Tuft suggested. “Maybe it’s the solution to all our problems!”
Archen gave Tuft a dry, unamused look. “Please grow up,” he deadpanned. “I know you’re still young, but you have to realize by now that this isn’t a fairytail where magic is real and will fix everything you need it to.” Tuft felt their fur bristle a bit, but gave Archen a smug look in return.
“Oh, right, sorry, is pokemon getting turned to stone not magic enough for you?”
“You know what I mean! We can’t just hope for the best and expect things to go right! That’s not-” he shut his beak as a beeping sound filled the air. Poppy, Tuft, and Archen all looked over at their packs in unison, pulling out their ringing communicators, clicking them on.
“Prehistoric Ruins expedition team here,” Dedenne’s voice called out from the devices. “Do you read me?”
“Krookodile pursuit team here!” Archen replied. “We read you. Are you alright?”
“We’re fine. We had a bit of an incident with the guardians of the ruins, but it’s all sorted. Anyway, that’s not important.”
“I disag-”
“We have great news!”
Needless to say, Tuft was extremely smug when Dedenne informed them that the spring (which was apparently called The Luminous Water) was indeed the solution to all of their problems, as it could reverse the petrification of pokemon. Archen was not impressed.
It did bring up more questions though. Who put the Luminous Water and the barrier there? The stone tablet was ancient, which meant that this had all been put in place centuries ago. How did the ancient pokemon know this would happen? Who summoned Poppy?
But those were questions that could be answered another day. For now, there was only one thing to do. Break the barrier and get the water!
“…and how exactly am I supposed to do that?” Poppy asked, crossing her arms.
Tuft blinked a couple times, tilting their head to the side. “I mean, the tablet says you can,” they said. “So… just do whatever feels natural! I’m sure it’ll come to you.”
“Whatever feels natural?” Poppy asked incredulously. “What, do you want me to punch it or something?”
“Yeah! That’s how you solve most of your problems.”
“…you want me… to punch… the giant, crystal pyramid?”
“…and you expect this to work?”
“…how many hits to the head did you take on the way up here again?”
Archen scoffed, crossing his wings. “Oh please, as if this isn’t standard behaviour from them.”
“Hey, I’m right!” Tuft argued. “Something goes wrong? Poppy punches it and it stops being wrong. Works every time!”
“No it doesn’t!”
“Yes it does! Pancham is bullying me? Punch fixes it. Ferals attacking? Punch makes them stop. We’re not allowed to join the Expedition Society because we’re too young? Punch stuff to prove we’re good enough. Shopkeeper trying to rip us off? Punch wall to intimidate!”
“Wait you did what?”
“I’m telling you, Poppy’s fist is the solution to all problems!” Tuft said proudly, before looking thoughtful for a moment. “Except pokemon turning to stone,” they amended. “Then the solution is water. Except to get to that water, Poppy has to punch. So once again, Poppy punch is the solution!”
Tuft stood proudly, tilting their chin up and looking very pleased with themself, while Archen and Poppy just stared at her with mirrored long-suffering expressions. Mr. Nuzleaf just looked down at Tuft with a somewhat amused smile. “Ya know,” he said, “I’d pay good money to see what it’s like livin’ in that head’o yours. Figure I’d have some good fun.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty great in here,” Tuft giggled. “One time, I-”
“Oi! You there!” a rough voice yelled, dragging everyone’s attention to the other side of the clearing. Tuft’s eyes blew up wide when they saw who was standing there, glaring at the group with anger and contempt.
Krookodile towered over all of them, the shadows of the trees painting his body darker as he loomed, eyes scanning each and every one of them, before landing somewhere at the back and narrowing. He took a step forward, the ground shaking beneath his heavy form, then another, and another, slowly inching closer and closer.
“Finally,” Poppy snarled, cracking her knuckles. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Now hold on there!” Nuzleaf hissed, throwing an arm out in front of Poppy as she tried to move forward. “We can’t go an rush into this! We slip, and he gon turn us to stone!”
Poppy slapped his arm away from her. “Get off me! We literally came here to capture him! We’re not backing down now!”
“Maybe not, but we do need to be careful,” Archen warned. “Nuzleaf is right. One wrong move, and we’re dead.”
“Unless we get that there water,” Mr. Nuzleaf stressed. “Poppy, you need to-”
“I told you, I don’t know how!”
“Guys!” Tuft yelled. “He’s getting closer!”
Krookodile was taking his sweet time, his menacing glare never leaving the group as he stomped across the clearing, completely unafraid. Tuft felt their body shudder under his gaze, the idea that he could end them with a snap of his fingers making their stomach turn to lead. But! They hadn’t come here just to be afraid! They were a fully fledged member of the Expedition Society! They weren’t going to back down.
“Archen!” they yelled. “Help me distract him.” They looked back. “You two get that barrier open! We’ll buy you some time.”
“Like hell you will!” Poppy snapped. “I’m not letting you-”
“Oh for- NOW WHAT?”
The second the words left Poppy’s lips, a cruel gust of wind swept through the air, sending leaves scattering and nearly knocking Tuft over. The sky above them darkened as storm clouds rolled in from nowhere, blotting out the sun. The wind roared in Tuft’s ears, drowning out the sound of their own screams until-
Lightning struck and tornadoes swept through the clearing before dissipating in an instant, revealing two new pokemon, both with canine forms that were all too familiar to Tuft.
“The hell?” Krookodile snarled. “Who are you two supposed to be?” The pokemon both stood tall, holding their heads up high and sneering down at Krookodile like he was a rotten fruit to squash underneath their paws.
“Suicune the Gale!” one declared.
“Raikou the Storm!” the other boomed.
“And you are the one who turned Entei to stone, are you not?”
Krookodile didn’t respond, just narrowing his eyes at the two massive beasts, a low growl rumbling out. Tuft watched the scene play out in awe, trying to figure out what the heck was going on. Everything was moving too fast, and they were having trouble keeping up.
“Suicune and Raikou,” Archen mumbled. “The legendary beasts of water and lightning. They’re Entei’s siblings.”
“They must not be too happy about what happened to him,” Tuft noted.
“Now hol’ on,” Mr. Nuzleaf cut in, keeping his voice low. “This here’s our chance!”
“Our chance?”
“The spring! We can get the water while them two keep Krookodile distracted!”
“He’s right,” Archen said. “Poppy, get that barrier open!”
“I’m telling you, I don’t-”
“JUST TRY!” Mr. Nuzleaf insisted, his voice angrier than Tuft had ever heard.
While Poppy continued to argue with Mr. Nuzleaf and Archen, Tuft’s ear twitched at the sound of grumbling, their head snapping over to look at Krookodile, who was ignoring both Suicune and Raikous, walking straight past them towards the group near the spring. Tuft was about to warn them, until they heard him speaking under his breath.
“-wasn’t part of the deal…”
The deal? What deal? Tuft gave Krookodile a wary look. Was that why he was turning pokemon to stone? Because he made a deal with someone? That… didn’t feel right. Something was wrong. Tuft could feel it in their bones. They were missing something.
“FINE!” she yelled. Poppy stomped her way right over to the barrier, rearing back a fist. Tuft couldn’t decide whether to watch her or the approaching Krookodile, head whipping back and forth between them, their nerves on fire. What was going on? Why did they feel like they were missing something?
“We had a deal,” Krookodile muttered lowly. “Where the hell is my money?”
Money? He did this for money? No, no that couldn’t have been it. Krookodile was greedy, sure, but this? And the way he just waved off Suicune and Raikou, despite their demands and threats. They couldn’t put their paw on it, but Tuft knew something was wrong. They just didn’t know what it-
“Where’s my money you hick?”
“Poppy, wait!”
Too late. Her fist smashed into the barrier, sending fractures racing through the crystal structure, before SHATTERING into shards of light that dissolved in the air. The spring underneath shot a beam of teal light into the sky, signalling to the world that it was free. Hope was alive. But Tuft’s heart sank at the sight.
“There,” Poppy huffed. “You happy?”
“Good work, Poppy,” Archen replied, before turning to glare at Krookodile, adopting a battle stance. “Now that we have the spring water, we can deal with him without fear of being turned to stone!”
Tuft watched as Krookodile’s eyes scanned the group, their heart getting colder and colder as they saw his confused and bored expression. “Spring water?” he scoffed. “I don’t give a damn about that. I just want my money!”
He took a step forward, baring his teeth and pointing a claw out.
“I did everything you told me to! I left those warnings! I let myself get seen! Hell, I even came out here ‘cuz you told me to! And you brought Expedition lackies with you? The hell you trying to pull, Nuzleaf?”
White noise filled Tuft’s ears, the entire clearing going dead at his words. The wind stopped blowing, the trees and grass were still, and no one moved an inch. Slowly, ever so slowly, Tuft managed to drag their head to the side to look at Mr. Nuzleaf, fearing what they would see.
It was somehow even worse than they imagined.
Gone was the chill, laid back country man that they knew. Instead, Mr. Nuzleaf had a cruel smirk on his face that looked so out of place. Shadows danced in his eyes, a purple fog coiling around his feet. His body shook ever so slightly, Tuft barely able to hear his low chuckling.
“…reckon it’s time,” he sadistically grinned, an otherwordly echo following his voice that made it sound so wrong. “I don grown tired of all this. The barrier is gone, and now… we’re invincible!”
Laughter filled the air as Mr. Nuzleaf threw his head back, his cruel cackles the only sound in the world. Tuft saw Poppy take a step back, and uncharacteristic look of fear on her face. Tuft found themself at her side in an instant, curling their tail around her back protectively.
Slowly, Mr. Nuzleaf’s laughter faded, and he looked over at Krookodile, giving him a strange smile. “You done good, Krookodile,” he declared. “I reckon… you’ve earned your reward.”
With a snap of his fingers, something dark began to seep out of the air, twisting and coiling around Mr. Nuzleaf’s outstretched hand. It wasn’t shadow, or anything black, it was just… nothing. Nothing at all. Like everything that existed in that space was consumed, destroyed, replaced with utter void. The very sight of it made Tuft’s entire body scream, their brain begging for them to run, telling them what they were looking at was wrong wrong wrONG WRONG! It shouldn’t exist! Nothing can’t exist! But it was there and it was wrong and they had to run!
“The hell are you-” Krookodile started, but his voice was cut off as Mr. Nuzleaf thrust his palm out, the nothingness stretching out and wrapping around Krookodile’s mouth, forcing it shut before dancing over his form. He thrashed and flung himself about, trying to rip it off, but everywhere the void touched his body turned grey, the life draining from his form until…
…there was nothing left but stone.
‘No… it can’t be.’
But there was no denying it. They had seen it with their own eyes. Mr. Nuzleaf was the culprit. The true mastermind. He was the one that turned the pokemon to stone. Tuft should have screamed, should have demanded to know how he could do this, how he could betray them, why he wanted this, or just attacked. He was a grass type! They had the advantage.
Instead, they looked up at Poppy, seeing the life leave her eyes as she shrank in on herself. Tears started streaking down her cheeks, her arms wrapping around her chest, making her look so small. Then, Tuft learned it only took one word to break their heard.
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