#me now a year and a half later: hahaha ok so....
dianagj-art · 3 months
Oh I forgot to say, I plan to keep updating the SLAU comic every friday from now on until I run out of pages/I finish this episode
After that I'm either wanna wait until I stack up on pages again or gonna get myself to work on my httyd comic cause I've neglected it for too long
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bonbonchocolates · 7 months
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Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Summary: When you take the wrong taxi.....
Warnings: yandere jungkook, obsessive behaviour, non-con touching, smut (not descriptive)
A/N: Again originally from my Wattpad account. If you like it please leave a like.
You checked the time on your wrist watch.
It read.
You are really late today it's all because of your rude and arrogant boss. Sometimes you feel like to kill him. You don't know why he is always after you, giving you more work than others, making you work at late hours.
What problem does he have with me?
You thought.
It is already too late. Now your mother will scold you as soon as you reach home. But still you want to return back home as soon as possible. You know it is not safe for a young girl to be out at this time. Moreover, recently a lot of young girls are going missing and you don't want to be one of them.
You booked a taxi but it still had not arrived. You are waiting for it patiently for the last fifteen minutes.
Then you finally heard the honk of a car, indicating your taxi has arrived. You could not get more happy and this. You rushed towards your taxi. You quickly opened the door, got inside and closed it.
As soon as you closed the door the driver started the taxi and towards your way home. Just then you got a call, you checked your phone, it was from your mother. You quickly picked it up.
On Call:
Y/M: Y/N dear where are you?
You: I'm in a taxi on my way home.
Y/M: Why are you so late?
You: Mom you already know my boss.
Y/N: Oh yeah. Come back fast, you heard the news, right?
You: Yes mom.
Y/M: Ok bye.
You: Bye Mumma.
With that you ended the call. You were busy in the call that you could not notice that the route the driver took was not the way to your home. As you looked outside you noticed it.
And you panicked.
"Excuse me"
(In Jimin's voice. Hahaha. Sorry, back to the story)
The driver looked at the rear view mirror to look at you. You knew that you grabbed his attention but you could not see his whole face. You couldn't see his eyes because he wore a black coloured cap.
"This is not the way to my house."
You told him but he just shrugged it off. After a long moment of silence he finally decided to speak.
"Mam, this is the shortcut."
He said in a husky voice. After hearing it you felt relaxed and you believed it because it's only been a year since you came to this city. The only strange thing is that you felt like that you heard the driver's voice somewhere but you decided to ignore it.
(Typical Y/N thing)
You checked on your phone and found a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: Mam, where are you?
You: Who are you?
Unknown: Your taxi driver, mam. Actually I have been waiting for the past half an hour but I can't find you.
You: What are you saying I already got my taxi and I am on my way back home.
It was really weird. Did the company sent two taxis for you? You then just to confirm you opened and found that the taxi that you booked arrived five minutes later you boarded the taxi.
What? How can this happen?
You then quickly opened google map on your phone and found your location to be 2 kilometres away from your house.
You panicked and as soon as you looked at the rear view mirror you found the cab driver stealing glances at you from the rear view mirror. Now you can see his whole face, he looked oddly familiar.
You quickly dialled the emergency number and waited for them to pick it up but as soon as they picked it up, someone snatched your phone away from you and threw it out of the window of the car.
(I wrote it as emergency number because all the countries have different emergency numbers and I have not mentioned which country this story takes place. So you can imagine as your country.)
You looked at the driver who gave out an evil smile. You were terrified of him.
"Who are you? And where are you taking me?"
You asked with all the courage that you had gained.
He then stopped the car and looked back at you. As soon as you saw his whole face you were shocked.
"Don't tell me that you already forgot me, love?"
You were currently at the last year of high school. One day when it was lunch time, you saw the one and only Jeon Jungkook, the most popular playboy of the school approaching you. He is in the last year of college.
(I don't know if such schools exist or not. Please let me know.)
But why is he coming towards you when you always wanted to stay a mile away from him.
He came towards you and did something that you never expected him to do in his whole life.
He took your right hand on his left hand and got down on his knees. Everyone was staring at you. You hated attention and and wanted to disappear from there.
"Y/N the moment my eyes fell on you, I felt something strange which I never felt before. I know that I'm a playboy but I'm ready to change that for you. I really love you Y/N. I want you to be in my life. Will you become my girlfriend and maybe my future wife? Please don't say no I love you very much."
Everybody started to clap. You looked at his face, his eyes were filled with hope and love for you. You contemplated what to do? It's not like Jungkook is a bad person but the only problem is that he is a playboy. Each and every week he has a new girl with him.
The sound of his voice brought you out of your thoughts. You once again looked at his eyes. You don't know why but his feelings for you seemed genuine but still you can't trust him because it can be one of his bet with his friends.
"Sorry Jungkook but I can't be with a playboy like you."
You tried your best to sound kind and gentle. You quickly withdraw your hand from his and ran away.
End Of Flashback
After that he never approached you again. You assumed it was one of his bet with his friends. The next year your father got transferred to another city so you all shifted from there. You never saw or heard of Jungkook again until now.
You shuttered.
"So you remember me, good."
In a moment he was at the back seat near you. You tried to open the door of the car but he was quick to grab you.
"Don't you dare try to escape me"
He warned you.
You were terrified you had no idea why he was doing all this. Is it just because of a simple rejection? You didn't even have the courage to question him.
His hand then went down to your pants and he tried to pull it down. But before he could do anything you tried to push his hands away but he was too strong. So your attempt to push his hands away went to vain.
"Let me do what I want or othe-"
"P-ple-please l-leave me"
You begged in him. You don't know when you started sobbing. You kept on begging in front of him but he just gave you a smirk.
In a moment he ripped off your pants along with your undergarments. Now your lower body was completely naked and he could see it clearly. You were embarrassed and started to cry even more in the fear of what is about to happen to you. You tried to hide yourself from his gaze but he stopped you by grabbing your thighs.
"You are beautiful, love. Don't hide from me."
You then saw him opening the zipper of his pants and pulling down his boxers. Now you were well aware of his intentions.
In a moment both his pants and boxers were gone and he lined his member near your entrance. You wiggled about but he grabbed you and without any preparation he pushed his hard member in your entrance.
You screamed.
It hurts a lot and without letting you adjust to his size he started to move. You kept on crying due to the pain and there was no pleasure in it. While you cried he kept on moaning and groaning.
"For others it may be a simple rejection but not for me."
Saying that he kissed on your forehead.
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for-a-longlongtime · 10 months
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Wow. Y'all. I truly never expected so many awesome responses on the post I wrote last night about Dieter, Goya and Pedro on Talk Art. It is the first 'fun' thing I've written in so many years - after having felt blocked/paralyzed re: creative pursuits since 2020 (shit happened) -, without stressing about how I wrote it, and it means the world to me that so many people liked it and shared it.
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I don't want to clutter up all the feeds by individually sharing and responding to the reblogs etc, so I'm throwing it together in one post here - because I want y'all to know I appreciate it so much. And it honestly made me even more excited that some of my favorite PP fic authors did so, because I've been enjoying YOUR work so much!
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@chaoticgeminate Sending those hugs right back, and your fic was absolutely not a silly little piece! I truly love(d) it, and I'm glad it sent me down this little rabbithole. And yes, while writing that piece I also became more convinced that Pedro himself was a really big part in shaping Dieter and his background story. It's so damn intelligent and very much his style.
One thing I didn't mention yesterday (and I'm sure this is something a lot of people already spotted since the first day that the movie was online) is that I also came to realize how much Pedro has based Dieter's outfits and some mannerisms on Jeff Bridges' character The Dude from 'The Big Lebowski'. Never really saw that movie but I put it on today for a bit, and it was striking -- I'd even dare to say that the "'Bola, hold my hair!" moment on the toilet is a nod to how The Dude (who has longer hair) gets his face shoved into a toilet. Also, at one point when Bridges' character is addressed with "Mr Lebowski", he dismisses that and tells the guy to call him Dude, or even 'Duder' which, yeah, that's just a small step from 'Dieter Bravo'.
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amycben on Reddit said the same thing about Bridges, and shared these Dieter pics, which definitely made it clear how our Feral Raccoon Boy's style is inspired by 'The Dude' <3 I don't care much for the Lebowski movie, but I love a good reference, especially since it's a Coen brothers movie - and we all know that Pedro now has a small role in Ethan Coen's upcoming movie 'Driveaway Dolls'. Anyway, I honestly hope that at some point Pedro will be asked about the work he did in shaping Dieter, because I'd love to hear more about this. There's no chance in hell that'll happen, because which journalist would ask him this? But I'm cool though if the universe wants to manifest one of us getting to interview him some time in the future, haha.
Anyway, again @chaoticgeminate - thank YOU really. I needed that deep dive more than I knew thanks to your writing!
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@nicolethered thank you too for being responsible for my deep dive, haha, it were your screenshots that made me recognize the other Goya paintings! <3 (and I love your gifs btw!
@mysterious-moonstruck-musings well hearing from you that you loved MY writing is just such a super awesome thing after how much I've been enjoying your Dieter story! <3 <3
@julesonrecord I'M TOTALLY IN hahaha, I saw your comment right before I went to bed last night and it made me smile so much!
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@imaswellkid I'm def not an Apatow person either, and I'll be honest - the first time I watched the Bubble I couldn't get past the first half, haha. But I later began to realize that you should indeed watch it through a critical lens and as a reflection about the craziness that was going on, rather than 'oh this is a movie about the pandemic'. The Mando bud is great btw! But even better is the Baby Yoda bud - I have no clue how growers/dispenseries (I'm in the midwest) get away with naming their product after Disney stuff, but I'm sure glad it got me to try that hahaha.
@lunapascal IKR artist Dieter is so damn underrated, and I'm so glad that at least a whole lot of fic authors are giving him more of what he deserves! OK and I totally want to write some too now, hahaha. Especially because there's a lack of Dieter x OMC/m!reader fics, which tbh needs to be fixed.
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@survivingandenduring @sp00kymulderr @thesimulationswarm @pedrit0-pascalit0 @gemmahale @sin-djarin @perotovar @ladamedusoif @gracie7209 thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly mean so much to me! @angelofsmalldeathandthecodeine WOW, that Dali piece is fuckin incredible! And @basicoccult woahhh maybe y'all did!? See now I feel like I need to inquire about whether y'all take new initiates! <3
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@chronically-ghosted God don't get me started, it's so tempting - next thing you know I'll have suckered myself into writing Dieter fic (while I'm only just getting started now on two other WIPs), haha. But yes I'm so curious about what the unspoken canon is there -- and most probably Pedro is the one with answers to that since it seems so much like he created Dee. I ended up googling some Apatow interviews this morning and saw that he set out to make the Bubble as a sort of Christopher Guest movie (the mockumentary style), and other articles said that there was a lot of improv involved - so obviously Pedro must've contributed a lot. Particularly because I've read at least interviews with four directors (Zeke who did Prospect, Craig Mazin from TLOU, I wanna say Patty Jenkins, and I'm currently blanking on the other name) who spoke about how involved Pedro was, down to specific dialogue and character's motivations etc in shaping the movie (I think Zeke said that Pedro worked with them to tone down Ezra's Shakespearian manner of speech a little, which I can totally see happening since Pedro has done/read so much Shakespeare and it's easy to picture that he wants to fine tune it so it's accessible enough for audiences). Ugh, it's probably gonna take a long while until there'll be any long form interviews with him again, and sadly interviewers are probably not gonna ask about any of this.
Re: painting or acting, yesterday I read @blueeyesatnight 's That's Not Your Name-Dieter fic (LOVED it, can def recommend it!) and one of the coolest things about Dee's character development there is that it indeed delves into 'okay how did he pick acting versus art' and more background story, plus how in the current day events of the story he is even making his own oil paint. That has become my headcanon now <3
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@tessa-quayle I'm so glad you liked my post!! I really really wish that Russell and Robert would do another episode with Pedro. I love Russell in particular (sorta followed his work since Being Human was released, which holy crap was already 15 yrs ago?), but the way they attempted to interview Pedro back then was kind of a hot mess - and I say that lovingly hahaha. They were so enthusiastic that they talked over him so/too many times, so I'd love a tad calmer conversation where P has the opportunity to go more indepth.
@tvversionperson IKR there is SO much plot and character development to be explored with Dieter in that movie, which of course it doesn't have room to delve into but shit I wish they would/could. Or at least to just hear Pedro talk about what his thoughts are on it, because you know he most definitely had Dee's entire back story fleshed out in his head when he shot this movie.
Super long post, but again, I just wanted to thank y'all for the love. This is the first time I've done anything writing wise re: the PP cinematic universe, and all your responses have been so heartwarming and really encouraged me to do more stuff in one way or another with the Pedro boys, be it rabbit hole analysis or fic.
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Senadina: How have you been? Have you been having fun? Senadina: Wait did I dial the wrong number?! Wait a second! Let me check. Isn't this the right one? Senadina: Alas, in other words this must be a phone call across time and space. Senadina: Oops this might be a problem. If I tell you what we go through later would it cause a time paradox? Senadina: Heeeeehh- What should I do? It would be mean to just hang up. Senadina: Then it's best to satisfy your curiosity. Senadina: Hmm Hmm. My name is Senadina and I'm from Mars. My martian hobbies are outdoor activities, dancing and Yo-yoing as earthlings call them. My favorite color is red. Senadina: Hehehe. Reintroducing myself to you so formally is making my face blush and my heart start to race. Senadina: After all we… Too bad, for the you now this is still a future matter. Senadina: Sure enough, telling you a little secret won't cause any issues. Senadina: If it's year 2023 on Earth now… Senadina: Hmm, that would be when Helia and Coralie just landed on our planet. Senadina: And Songque would be sitting in Amber Street on the latest Crisis. It's a market where things are traded with the help of superpowers. Senadina: Oh yeah, there's that guy, Donegal. Right now they are probably still trying to figure out how to smuggle things from Langqiu to Ouxia. Senadina: Ahahah, ok. I'm afraid I will really make a time paradox if I keep going. Senadina: Well, Dreamseeker, see you in half a year. Senadina: Uh? You don't know this name yet?! Senadina: Sorry sorry. Please forget what you just heard. Senadina: Hahaha, bye bye.
Teaser phone call roughly TLed by Carv on 09/25/2023
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fullmetalscullyy · 10 months
I read some of your fics and let me just say that I LOVED them!!!! Riza and Roy's relationship was just beautifully written!!! Can I ask if you have any specific headcanons or aus you want to ramble about?
i will preface this with saying it's been about 5 years since i actually watched fma lmao so my concept of royai in general and canon may be (definitely is) skewed purely by my own self indulgence, delusions, and poor memory (for real, i read a fanfic once where they said grumman's first name was walter and i took that on board and for about 8 years thought that was his canon name 💀 i'm easily influenced hahaha) but who cares i'm thriving anyway so i'm happy 😌
ok so. headcanons
most of these change with my mood or what fic i'm writing to fit in with the story i'm writing. i love having flexibility and things to play around with lol
roy calls riza "my love"
tenderness ✅ affection ✅ adoration ✅
this man dragged himself back from the brink of death/unconsciousness under central just so he could go to riza (and alphonse but shhh just riza)
roy fell first
riza fell slowly
he fell HARD and when riza realised she was like "oh shit 😳"
feelings developed tentatively when they were young (roy was both scared of but impressed by quiet, feral little riza). he was patient tho and eventually, riza fell too
idk when they each realised. i like to play about with that idea like toys in the sandbox lol so it chops and changes depending on my mood
they're both v professional obvs and hide their feelings well but sometimes roy gets a wee bit too into the role he ""plays"" while speaking to elizabeth and hears about it later. but he just shrugs and doesn't care bc how can he be sorry when he gets to pretend he's in love, or close to it at least, w elizabeth - not that there's any actual pretending hehehehehe
they end up becoming a dog family. all the pups. because it's what riza wants
realistically, would they have kids together?? hmmm ask again later but in my mind where there's 0 consequence and things are hand wavey yes 😌 need girl dad roy and mama hawk in my life
there is definitely a way they could play marriage between them and having a family strategically and politically and i've read some fab fics and thoughts where they do but i'm not clever enough to think anything up hahaha but i feel like they absolutely would in the canon world. it would suit them and their goals well if they did
obvs the kid would be loved and doted on don't get me wrong it would just be convenient that it worked out politically for them too
i'm sure i have more rattling about in my brain somewhere but i was up at half 4 this morning for a road trip and this is all i got for now hahaha
in terms of aus, i don't have anything cooking atm. i would love to delve into another one but i've done so many at this point i feel i've exhausted my wee list but!! also accomplished and written everything i've wanted to write for royai 🥰
however. i will say. for years i've been dreaming of a royai/x files au. royai as mulder and scully??? roy the believer and riza the skeptic??? stunning. i would LOVE to write that but i just. do not have it in me anymore unfortunately. that being said, i will never say never!! it might eventually come back around to me. but we'll see :)
thank you for the ask!!!!! and the kindness 🥰🩷
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sylvia-forest · 1 year
[CN] Shaw's 5th Anniversary ASMR - Sweet times
⚡Warning: This post contains detailed spoiler's for an ASMR which hasn't been released in EN yet!⚡
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“In each other laughter, the sweet and sour taste was lost in the heart”
[stepping on grass sounds]
Walk carefully.
You were about to hit your head against a tree.
You were working overtime.
How can you bump into a tree while walking during the day?
Let me see…
You've got dark circles under your eyes.
You look like you’ve stayed up for three nights without sleep.
We're here, there are many oranges.
Wait, I will pick more.
To give you some Vitamin C.
[continues to walk] 
Why did I bring you to pick fruits on the weekend?
Didn't I say that on the way?
This is the orchard of a friend's grandfather's house.
The fruit produced this year was good.
Plus the suburban scenery here was also pretty good.
Those guys from the band suggested camping.
A few days ago, didn't you say that you worked overtime for half a month?
You've been staying in the office building, but you didn't have time to relax.
Now you've got the chance.
I'll take you out to experience a farmhouse.
[Shaw takes a deep breath]
Don't you like this the most?
To have zero distance with nature. Do you feel it yet?
Now that you know my good intentions…
Just leave the work and all that stuff to the back of your mind.
[MC trips over something]
Follow me and you'll be fine.
If you don't want to fall again, just follow me.
Give me your hand.
[Shaw grabs MC hand]
Don't bother about those guys in the band.
They will come later.
[snapping of twigs and leaves rustling sounds]
Let's pick the best oranges first.
Let them eat sour ones.
[Shaw exhales lightly]
That's right, smile more.
We're here to relax ourselves. 
[Shaw stretches himself]
Anyway, it's just us here now.
[Snapping of twigs and wildlife sounds]]
Here you go.
If you want to pick it, just pick it.
I was kind enough to pick out the best ones for you.
You don't know how to appreciate goodwill.
How can you tell it's delicious?
Well, of course.
These oranges grew on the top of the tree.
At first glance, they look bigger than other oranges.
The colors are the best.
I'll pick some more.
We'll eat these oranges when we go back to the tent.
Why are you fighting with the oranges by peeling them off with all the juice? 
It splashed onto my face.
There was no orange peeler.
Isn't it here?
It's right next to the table.
What are you doing
Suddenly getting closer to me?
Okay, you wipe it.
[sound of shaw's breathing]
Tsk, have you wiped enough?
It's time to eat the oranges.
[peeling of oranges sounds]
[Shaw started speaking while eating the oranges]
Is that all the skill you've got?
Don't peel it. 
Here, I'll give you mine.
Sweet or not sweet? 
Yes, I just tasted it, it's very sweet.
This seems to be some jelly orange.
Just relax and eat it.
[MC takes the orange from shaw's hand and put it in her mouth but start spitting it out]
You trust me so much.
You really ate half an orange in one go. 
What I gave you earlier was
Randomly plucked from the tree.
I took a bite  
I almost lost my teeth. 
I just wanted to tease you. 
Who knew you would trust me so much?
[MC beats the crap out of Shaw]
All right. 
That way, even if we all eat limes
Everything will balance out, how's that?
Why are you still angry?
[Shaw laughs]
How about this?
You go and get another lime.
I'll also eat it.
So, let's call it even.
Still not satisfied?
So, how about this?
This winter, the oranges you eat
I'll buy them all.
As an apology for cheating you into eating limes. 
OK, it looks like you agree. 
Wait, don't move. 
You seem to have gotten orange juice on your face, too.
You just didn't pay attention to it. 
Now it's all "cleaned up". 
⚡ASMR texts
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tiressian · 6 months
thought abt this little scenario following melon's missing blankie.
they find it half an hour later then comes the challenging part of escorting melon to her room (just gonna assume she's a girl for now) and convincing her to sleep alone. the task falls to Gojo, much to his chagrin, but he loves her too much anw. and the father-daughter convo goes like:
"You're a big girl now. Big girls sleep on their bed."
"But i still want to sleep with you and shoko." Melon looks up at him.
"You call her mommy, Melon (I can't think of a name, ok! don't kill me)" Gojo reprimands lightly
"Why? you call her shoko?"
"yes, but you can't"
"why? Melon's a big girl now"
"not big enough"
"so she can sleep with you and mommy?" melon implores innocently.
"no, she's big enough to sleep alone."
"dad, tell me, you're a big boy, then why do you still sleep with mommy and I can't."
Cuts to Gojo getting an epiphany about how they created a mini shoko, much to his pride and doom. then the next years of his life starts doing a montage in his mind showing an adult and a lil gremlin created in the former's image roasting him for as long as he lives.
lol, and in true dramatic gojo fashion, he laments all this to shoko after finally convincing their daughter to sleep alone - "our sex life's doomed!", "timing is optimal shoko! how-", "I'm done, she's gonna roast me, there's two krakens now." and through all this shoko just looks at him, smiling knowingly, finding his lil rant cute, like 'you get what you bargained for, 9 months for at least 9 years of your life'
this. i love it, so cute!
aww 🥹 a mini shoko would be so cuuuute, big brown eyes that have an iridescence to them, barely 80cm tall, wearing agumon pyjamas and still managing to hold 50 kinds of ordinances on this 190cm tall man with zero effort hahaha
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scalamore · 1 year
Ch 96 - Random thoughts and impressions (small spoilers)
Fangirl time
I LOVE how Lari is the one who's a blushing mess during the horse ride home. Usually the ML is flustered because of the FL's boob squish, but Lari is as affected by it. She's completely paralyzed because all her senses is focused on his solid, muscular chest HAHAHA. Surprisingly, Rupert isn't blushy or awkward about hit, he's ok with it. BUT I BET IF THE POSTIONS WERE REVERSED HE MIGHT BE REALLY BLUSHING?? haha
On a random note, I wish we got more Lari cleavage. Apparently KKP doesn't allow too much since this is the all-ages version. I think it's nice Lari has a nice chest, makes her extra soft and fluffy :3
Yup, Lari is not getting the think that Rupert likes her romantically. She's still thinking about TL1 and how he married Tory. She's not quite sure if RupeTory have a romantic inclination, but at least confirms he has no active plans of marrying Tory or anyone else right now. Interesting I WONDER WHY THAT IS LARI.
OK tory is just ridiculously creepy, just using Lari's balcony as an entrance/exit , staring at her when she's asleep and then moving on. Lari's a pretty light sleeper so she knows this has been going on. CREEPY.
THERE IS BOUND TO BE SOME COMMENTER who sees that in this time skip things are boring ("that's it"?), that Lari fixed her initial problem already and she's just idling time away passively. I will try my best to ignore the haters and not spoil HOW this is the calm before the storm... this calmness is what made it extra painful later when plot hits.
IDK what to make of the manhwa saying she's 17 soon. Is it an error? instead of a 6 month time skip, is it now 1 year and 6 months??? IDKKKKKKKKK (see my prior post)
ANYWAYS. LARI LOOKS EXTRA ELEGANT AT THE SECOND HALF OF THE CHAPTER. She's winding down for the night, drinking tea, and she looks extra mature and pretty to me. The S3 cover makes it seem she doesn't get a haircut/permanent hair style change, so maybe this is her casual hair on a cold winter day?? I also don't know what to think about this.
I like Elaine, she's cool
YES, THE DETAIL WHERE RUPERT GRABS HER HANDS AAAA I hope we get the internal monologue about that it's v cute to read
OMG THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS ARE AMAZING. You can see the moment the light is extinguished from his eyes in those cuts. There's a subtle texture oh his cheeks/nose/hands - showing he's been out wandering out in the snow for who knows how long before he arrived at Lari's balcony.
I call it a balcony, but it's on the 1st floor. I don't know a better word for it.
HAHAH so he does flop on her bed in the novel, but it just hits differently to see him just getting nicely tucked into 'Lari's bed by Lari herself. She actually tries to kick up out with the comment of needing a bath in the novel lol. DOMESTIC LARI IM OK WITH TOO
OMG RUPERT LOOKS SO EMPTY AND DEAD INSIDE. POOR GUY IS JUST LOST AND BROKEN RN while Lari is trying to get him to open up and talk about what's wrong
So technically Rupert's red eyes aren't because he's been crying, but rather, they're red/baggy because of the shock/realization he has nothing left. he's completely empty, the emperor is dead, he killed him himself, yet EMPTY. NOTHING. IS HE HAPPY? no. IS HE SAD? No. EMMMPPPPTTTYYYYY
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apollo-gate · 1 year
YEAHHH!!!! VANESSA FLUFF LETS GOOOOOO!!! I'm genuinely not sure if it's me you're referring to but I'll do anything for Vanessa Fluff. May I have all 3 pls 🥺 I can wait since you're driving and all. Also, may I pls have a pic of your fur baby?
In return I will say that V was the most popular nickname of the many my friends gifted me which included Van, Vanny, and Batman.
Oh, that is so cool. I want the story of batman one. Did you like to dress up in like all batman stuff? That's cool I was like that growing up and star wars too. I let you in on a secret my room as a kid was decorated with all batman stuff.
Shoot I could just imagine someone shouting "HEY BATMAN." everyone would be confused but you would know. hahaha but Id defiantly would call you V but only after permission. Then again I would probably say your name as it's a good name.
So I have three. I hope you like them as this is the first time I did something like this. And I can get better the more I do them.
Each is an event with Vanessa.
The second one is pure fluff while the first and the third did happen.
My fur baby is at the very end. 👀🤭😁
This one is early on in the story so 4 years before the main story starts. (Atlas is 20 in the current story.)
You look at the time it's 9:30. You pull into the tower's garage. A part of you just wants to go home. You get out and head inside. The garage is empty besides the staff who stays to watch the students. As you enter the lobby you see the receptionist speaking to a young girl. She can't be more than 13. You step towards them.
"What's wrong Stacy." Stacy looks at you. "She's not answering my questions." You look at the girl. She's half-starved and filthy. Stacy would have asked those stupid questions. You sigh and kneel. "Do you know who I am?" She nods. "You came here to be a hero yes." She nods to this. You look up at Stacy "Get the paperwork going I'll take her upstairs." Stacy does not say anything but starts the process of a lot of paperwork.
You stand straight and look at the girl. "Follow me little one." You hit the elevator button.
As you walk into the elevator the girl follows in. She pulls the coat tighter. "I will be filling out your paperwork. As I'm doing that there is a shower and a dresser with fresh clothes. Pick what you like. Dont worry. It's yours now."
The girl looks up at you. Her face is filled with relief and hope. "Thank you," she mumbles. The elevator opens. You walk towards your office. When the elevator opens you lead her to your office.
The door opens and you let her walk in first. She walks in very slowly taking in your office. "The room and bathroom are here. You walk towards the bedroom. You turn the lights on. She walks in after you and you go to the shower and get it running. As you walk out you see she is looking at the clothes.
You leave her in there. You walk out and head to the kitchen area. You remember when Jade suggested the kitchen and it helps. You start to make some food for the girl. By the time you are done, the girl walks in. Her eyes focus on the food. She sat at the table and devoured the food. When she's done you push some more food toward her.
"I know you didn't tell Stacy your name downstairs and that's ok. I don't need that but can you give me a name or maybe what you want to be called now." When the little girl looks up her eyes are sad but you get the feeling it's about something else. Then she gets a thoughtful look. "Atlas," she says hesitantly.
Atlas. An interesting name. "I like it." Atlas beams at you. "So Atlas you got an idea of what you want to wear or the type of mask you like.
Atlas shakes her head. So you give her some ideas for masks. As the outfit will come in time and she can change later.
Atlas perks up at a reflective face shield with a pink band and outline. It will cover her entire face. You also find out Atlas is actually 16 and that she does not remember her family. Your only hope she can grow into the person she wants to be and have the family she deserves.
The Second one. Vanessa and a very tired Mc. (Totally fluff but something similar might happen 😉)
(Vanessa Pov)
You and Mc have been in Meetings back to back. You are exhausted and you notice so is Mc. When you check on them they say they're ok.
You know they are lying. When the last meeting is over you both get in your jeep. As your Driving, you noticed Mc is asleep. You can't help but smile. They work hard for their age harder than most. You do admire their dedication to helping people with power issues.
You notice the grey storm cloud floating above. It starts to rain. You look at the clock. You don't have to be anywhere and Mc could use the sleep. You pull the car over and shut off the engine. As it turns off the rain turns light rain not heavy but just right.
A part of you can't help but get giddy. You step out and shut the door gently. You move and put your hands out and spin. As you spin your dress trails up. It soaked in seconds. The rain gets a little heavy. You get drawn out of your head when you hear the door open and see Mc stand out. Their face is mixed with concern and amusement.
You don't say any words you just freeze in place. You feel the heat in your face. You haven't felt that in years. Mc just walks towards you. You wonder what they are thinking. After all, you look like a dead wet rat. Your skin must look worst than usual.
You then hear a slight giggle leave their lips. "Will you show me how to dance like that?" You can't help but stare. "Yes," the words slip out of your lips before you can think. You want to dance in the rain with Mc.
It's not romantic or at least you don't think so. The splashing of your movements and the way you both do is wonderful. Your eyes never leave them. You do notice Mc looks at you as a person, not as a cold-hearted person or a monster yet. Maybe you can have a friend a best friend again.
The rain starts to pick up. You both run back to your jeep As you get in you close the door fast. Mc isn't far behind. You soaked and so is Mc. You both stare at one another and bust out laughing. You look down and are so glad you didn't wear white or you would be way more embarrassed.
"So what's next" Mc leans over the middle console with a friendly grin.
You can't help but return the smile. "Well how about dinner?" Mc is about to say something till their stomach growls. "Ok, I can eat."
You laugh "As much as I can take us to a restaurant we are not appropriate so you get option two."
Mc pouts. "What was option one."
You move your hands to start the jeep. "Uptowns Gala." Mcs eyes widen. "WHAT how would we get in they don't just let people in."
You laugh at their slur of wording. "I may or may not own it." You turn into the next lane. It's just dead silence nothing is said for a while. You stop at the red light. You look over and see Mcs eyes shining. "That's so cool," they mumble. Your sure they said a dozen other things but that stands out.
Mc clears their throat. "So what option two." You hum and tap on the stirring wheel. "Well, dinner and a shower. I'll cook and you can shower." You're busy turning on your blinker and turning but you're sure you hear Mc gasp and say something.
The rest of the drive is quiet besides the radio on with some news announcements about the cold cases on the Butcer are back. You turn the channel. You check on Mc and see they are looking out the window.
You pull into the underground garage and park near the elevator. "Come on." You get out and feel excited. You haven't had someone over before it's weird. Then a moment of panic hits you. Did you put everything up? You walk faster to the elevator. Mc is right behind you and you run through a list of the items. You put it all away yes you did.
"Oh Mc the elevator goes straight to my apartment so don't worry." As you both enter Mc is leaning heavily on the wall. The elevator goes past many floors. It finally stops at the 80th floor."
Mc walks in and is in awe at your home. You get them into the bathroom and lay some dry clothes for them. You hope they don't mind borrowing yours.
You grin when you start cooking you know what their favored food is and hope they will like it. When you have it almost done they walk in drying their hair. They grin at the food. "It's almost ready to go get the Tv ready." Mc takes off to the living room. You walk in and see a sappy rom-com on. You sit beside them and start watching it. After a while, the food is gone and the movie is off. Mc is leaning on you fast asleep. You smile at them and feel something new and it scares you.
What will they do when they see the real me will they still let me comfort them. You pull them closer. You will enjoy it till it last.
The Third one
This would be roughly 2 years before where the main story starts. So you are DEAD/MISSING still. And Vanessa meets lovely Miss Sloane. this woman might make an appearance later. And what Vanessa feels later well all I'm just pocketing it for later.
Vanessa walks into the training room. After the shitty day, she just needs to get out of the frustration.
Vanessa already got rid of her armor but still feels some blood on her she should shower but it doesn't matter.
As Vanessa turns the last corner she hears grunting in the room. As she walks in she is annoyed someone is there. She figured it is empty with classes being in session.
Vanessa is taken aback by the woman who is running the training bots down. Vanessa catches herself staring at the woman her body is covered in sweat. She shakes her head and decides to start up a session.
Vanessa pulls out two short swords and starts crashing through them. When the session is over Vanessa feels she's being watched. She turns and sees the woman staring at her.
She starts clapping. "That's Impressive but what did they do to you." Vanessa tilts her head. "Sorry." She gets closer "Well by my guess those guys will be prepared in a month." Vanessa rolls her eyes. "I guess you wanted to burn that stress you have." Vanessa smiles and nods. "I did." The woman walks to the free matt. "How bout me."
Vanessa is taken aback. "You want to fight me." The woman shakes her head. "No, I want the famous Ice Queen to fight me." You grumble. You hate that nickname. You're nice it's just that everyone treats you differently now after, after what happened.
Vanessa walks towards her. "Alright, what's your name. I don't recognize you." The woman smiles sharply. "My name, My name can be whatever you want it to be. Cutie."
Did she just, Fuck she did. Great, she's like what half my age. And why am I getting hot? "Cat got your tongue." You sigh "You should stop that." She tilts her head as you step on the mat. "Why would I. Your hoy and I like what I see."
"You don't even. Just get ready" you stammer out. "Alright, So you want to get sweaty and on top or maybe bottom." She teases as she gets ready. You then see her body turn into glass.
"Don't worry Ice Queen you can use that wonderful ice it won't hurt me." You don't get a chance to think before she jumps at you
You throw up an Ice barrier. But she gets a hand through. She then morphs her arm into a sharp blade. You form ice gauntlets to catch it.
Your equal matched. You are both panting for breath. You on one end she on the other. You try one more time as you move you feel it. Your eyes widen in panic. You double over in pain. As you fall you hear the women. Shout. You try to warn her but she touches you. Your ice shoots out. Her eyes widen. "I got you." She pulls you close tightly. All the ice that would overwhelm you goes to her. You hear her grunt but she pulls you tighter. You feel her heart beat its racing. You feel your vision get dark. You lose consciousness.
You wake up to being rocked . You feel safe something you've never felt before. When you look up you see her smiling. She's no it’s impossible "Aspen." you mumble out. She strokes your face and your vision clears. "You ok Ice Queen." You look at her she has such striking silver eyes. "Yeah, I'm ok." You become aware of your position cuddling into the women. And become very hot you pull away. She pouts.
"Aww I was enjoying the cuddle." You flush. You also notice a light flush on her as well. You sit up. "So your um." You nod. She looks away "That sucks. If it gets worse you should see a doctor." You scoff. You look at the time. You need to get to a meeting.
You stand to leave. "So you're just going to leave." You nod. Before you get to the door. "Sloane!!!" You turn to look at her. She's flushing hard. "What?" She moves towards you. "My name is Sloane. And maybe we could meet later." She puts her hands up. "I know you are busy. But I do think you're cute and I want to have the chance to know you." You smile it hurts your checks. You turn and get the door. As you touch the door and walk through the door you stop. "Dinner at 6. Ask the front desk. They will tell you where to go."
Say hello to Gracie.
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yuzukult · 11 months
hi sorry this is really long but i was thinking about ybny earlier and why it felt so real to me like too real. and then i realized that my boyfriend and i actually went through something similar lol when we first started dating in high school i guess you could say that we ran in different circles and i believed that we were more different than alike. i was in band and he was popular so our friend groups never overlapped and it was just a weird sight. so when he told me he liked me it took me a while to believe him and take his feelings seriously out of insecurity. not that i was embarrassed of him but more so i felt like it was too good to be true and that it felt like an elaborate prank to humiliate me. although i was practically in love with him i still questioned his sincerity over and over again to the point where he broke up with me after 4 months. it was only then that i realized how insanely stupid i was and i became miserable without him LOL but we ended up going to the same college and a year later we got to know each other all over again and we talked through my issues BDIDNFJDJJ so now we’ve been dating for a year and a half 🥹🥹 reading ybny is like reading about my love life in an alternate universe where y/n and cheol play me and my boyfriend HAHAHA i relate to y/n so much and her inner thoughts and i fully understand cheol’s perspective too THIS IS MY FAVORITE FIC OF YOURS IM SO HAPPY YOURE STILL WRITING FOR IT 🤍🤍🤍
WAHAHAHAHA SHUT UP NOOOOO THATS SO CUTE 😩😩😩😩😩 PLEASE !!!! thank you for sharing this !!! srsly i love this so much this was so cute 😭😭😭😭😭
i LOVE LOVE LOVE writing fics that are realistic but at the same time with the delusional twist (we can’t fall into a trap ok i gotta be a little be exaggerate) BAHHAHHAH but that swells my heart HAHA that’s so sweet I LOVE !!!
i hope your love lasts like cheol x oc hehehehe
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Hi dear
I'm a big fan of your writing, especially the way you write Sy. Love it. If you are still taking prompts, I have one.
How would Henry and his characters react to having an Erectile dysfunction?
I think that topic is not being discussed enough.
Thanks for the ask Anon. I was having trouble with this ask so I discussed it with @henryobsessed and we worked on it together. To be fair, she did most of it! If you haven’t read any of her work I suggest you visit her blog and take a look at her Masterlist . She is a great friend and has a wonderful perspective and a unique style. I love her!
@henryobsessed here I have to interject and have my say too, I loved this request, it was so much fun finding creative ways to discuss a delicate subject. And for the record I may have done more characters but @sillyrabbit81 wrote more words per character HAHAHA. You are a wonderful Friend and Cavill sister you inspire and push me to be myself and I cannot be more grateful. That being said have fun reading guys 😊
Summary: Situations in which Henry and his characters suffer erectile dysfunctions
Word Count: approx 3k
Warnings: smut, masturbation (m), oral sex (m and f receiving), anal play, p in v sex, bad medical advice, incorrect use of prescription medication, bodily fluids, period sex, drunk sex, Dom/sub relationship, descriptions of violence and death,
Erectile Dysfunction Headcanon
Henry Cavill
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Henry had been filming for months and now he was headed home for a week’s break. You sat there waiting in the tinted people mover, as Henry was ushered to the car. Lights blinded you as the door opened, he climbed in, and smiling a weary grin, he pulled you into a big bear hug. He missed you so much.
That night, he fell into your arms in a passionate embrace. You had both craved each other, missing one another’s touch. As the night progressed, you noticed things were different. For the first forty minutes you were ecstatic, he had bought you to orgasm three times. Your body was super sensitive, but every time he seemed to be close himself, the phone would ring, indicating someone needed him. You had switched it off after an hour, having enough, and wanting his undivided attention.
Henry had managed to stay hard, but after an hour and a half, it was beginning to be painful for you, and he seemed no closer. Eventually, he flopped beside you, drained from the physical exertion.
“I don’t know what’s wrong. It’s like I’m right there, but I can’t let go.”
You brought him into your arms, and caressing his back said, “Don’t worry love. It will be ok. Just give yourself a day, and maybe we can shut your phone off. I think the stress it is causing you might be a big part of the problem.”
He huffed at the thought. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe.” He sighed and soon you heard soft snores spilling from his lips.
Walter Marshall
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It had been a long day, scratch that a long month. Walter had been working day and night to catch a serial killer. That night as he came home, he couldn’t forget the latest victim. What they had found had turned his stomach. In all the years he had been on the force, nothing could have prepared him for what they found that night.
Arriving home he collapsed on the bed, he was so physically exhausted, and for once sleep immediately consumed him. He woke nearly twelve hours later to the smell of bacon, eggs, and coffee. He groaned; he had forgotten it was his two-year anniversary with you. Walking into the bathroom he washed his face, staring at the blood shot eyes reflected back at him.
“Come on man, get it together. You promised her,” Walter tried to fire himself up. It was no use, he was spent. Sighing, he walked into the kitchen wrapped his arms around you and breathed in the soft floral scent in your hair. For the first time in days, he felt a spark within himself, and although the horrific images still played on his mind, he felt a slight peace. He kissed your head, relieved, something could still reach him, something was still good. “Happy anniversary, love,” he growled.
After a wonderful breakfast, Walter sat on the couch with you and the two of you cuddled while watching a movie. His eyes kept sliding shut, his exhaustion made worse by his full belly. His fatigue became even more apparent when after reaching your hand beneath the blanket, you could not bring his flaccid muscle to attention.
Normally this situation would turn heated quickly, you had a way with your tongue that often had him begging for more. But Walter couldn’t get rid of the images in his mind, the battered and dismembered bodies, and the fact they were no closer to catching the killer weighed most heavily on his thoughts.
After half an hour of you trying to arouse him, Walter said in a resigned voice, “Sorry love, I don’t think I can.” With eyes that spoke of immense pain he looked at you and asked, “Could we please just cuddle? I think I need that more than anything right now.” In that moment he knew you were the one for him. He had expected huffing or crying because you thought you weren’t good enough or you asking him to please you. Instead, you had adjusted your position, so he was tucked into your body, holding him close while your hand stroked his curls.
A calm filled his soul as you whispered, “I am here for whatever you need my love. Rest now.”
Captain Syverson
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You were just about to turn the light off and go to sleep when you heard the front door open with a crash and heard a rough curse. You grin, Sy was home and wasn’t sober. You knew what that meant, rough, wild, primal fucking. You quickly turn the light off and hide under the covers, well acquainted with the game, you knew how to play your part.
“Where are ya, woman?” Sy’s voice boomed at your bedroom door. “Don’t think you can hide from me. I’m hungry!”
You peek out from under the blanket, Sy had turned the light on again and was quickly undressing. You lick your lips, watching your big furry ox as he dropped his jeans, and his cock was revealed already on its way to being hard. Turning suddenly, he saw you, and you yelped covering your face again. “I see you woman, don’t play shy!” You giggle nervously, excited, your core already dampening with arousal.
Sy pulls the covers back and smirks as he sees you’re already naked waiting for him, “You’re a cheeky little thing ain’tcha?” You bite your lip, opening your legs slightly, inviting him in. Grabbing your ankles, he pulls you down the bed and gets on his knees. A low growl emanates from his throat before he dives between your legs feasting on you with an eagerness that brings you swiftly to your peak.
Licking at his lips and sucking on his glistening whiskers, he stands up pumping his cock getting it ready. Your brows pull together, puzzled, he’s always hard when he eats you out. You don’t have time to dwell on it because he’s soon ready. Sy flips you onto your knees before he enters and begins his assault on your core.
Something is wrong though, you can feel him falling out of you. Did he cum already? Sy mumbles curses, pulling out and you turn around and see him fisting himself again as he slips his fingers inside you. In a few moments he is hard again, removing his fingers and replacing it with his cock. You sigh, relieved, as he builds his rhythm, and you hear him start to groan. But soon, it happens again, and try as he might he just can’t stay hard.
“Fuck,” Sy growls. You turn around and see the look on his face, a mix of frustration and embarrassment that melts your heart. “I think I drank too much Sugar,” he says, running his hand over his short hair. “Fuck. This hasn’t happened… Fuck!”
“Hey!” you say sharply to get his attention.
“What?” Sy replies just as sharply, but he doesn’t look at you.
“It’s fine, Baby,” you assure him. You see him jut his jaw and you reach up and cup his cheeks, making him look at you. “It’s ok. You’re just a little too drunk,” you smile and give him a soft kiss. “It happens.”
“Not to me it don’t.”
“It’s not forever,” you say. “Come on, let’s go to sleep. I’m sure it’ll be back normal in the morning.” You kiss him again and pull his head down to whisper in his ear, “maybe you could wake me up like you did last week.” You pull back and smirk raising your eyebrows.
Sy grins, still a little sheepish, but there was a hint of mischief in his eyes again, “You’re a good thing, Sugar.” He kisses your forehead and says, “I love you.”
Geralt of Rivia
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Geralt had never in his life had this happen before. The bar maid who had eagerly agreed to keep his bed warm on this cold winter’s night, gaped in confusion.
How could it be? She thought, All the myths about Witcher’s said they were virile and could last most of the night. She had been consumed with the thought ever since The White Wolf had arrived in the area and was quick to accept his offer to take her to his bed. She was bitterly disappointed and pouted at Geralt. Her sweet, plump lips alone should have been enough to make his cock stand, but tonight it lay unmoving, and useless.
That blasted sorcerer, it must have been him who had cast a curse on Geralt. It could be the only explanation for his inadequate showing. Looking at the poor wench beside him, Geralt pitied her. She had been most eager to satisfy his needs tonight, giving a valiant effort to arouse him. No matter, he had other ways to enjoy bringing her to the height of pleasure. Granted he didn’t normally concern himself with their needs as his own normally coincided with theirs. But tonight, his fingers, and tongue would be adequate until he broke the curse and returned to give her what she truly deserved.
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The party had been epic, the drinks flowed, pot was smoked in abundance and Mike had managed to capture the attentions of a wonderful long legged blonde beauty. She helped him back to her apartment and his heart rate raised as she slowly stripped him, leaving him in all his naked glory. Laying on the bed he watched as she did a strip tease for him, her perky breasts bouncing as she jiggled her ample peach in his face.
But something was wrong, the situation was right, she was right but… he held his hand out to the two or was it three beauties before him. One took his hand as he guided her to sit in his lap. He caressed her as they kissed, his tongue violating her mouth with as much enthusiasm as his inebriated self could manage. Even with her grinding against him nothing happened.
“Shit” he swore.
The girl frowned and her lips seemed to move in twisted patterns which stilled again before she snickered. An evil cackle reverberated in her throat and her face twisted into that of a demented creature. “Can’t get it up, boy?” she taunted as she continued to laugh. She collected his clothes and managed to push him out of her bedroom and into the night. Standing in the cold with only his briefs covering his body, he stumbled as he began his walk of shame home.
August Walker
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August Walker was hands down, far and away, the greatest lover you have ever had. He was the only man who had ever been able to keep up with you, your average session lasting for four hours. He was able to cum and get hard again faster than any guy you had ever been with too.
But being with August meant following The Rules. There were many Rules, rules which governed how you would dress when you saw him, how you were groomed, how you were to address him and when you could contact him. There were punishments too, but you had been a good girl, never broken any of his rules, so you never gave the punishments a thought.
One of the many Rules was absolutely no snooping. He said it was for your protection as much for his privacy. You didn’t know exactly how August made his money, but you assumed it had to be from some sort of illegal activity. So, you obeyed this rule as you did the others until one evening after a marathon session, you realised you got your period. You were shocked August hadn’t said anything, clearly he had continued to fuck you while you were bleeding. You started opening his bathroom cupboards searching for a tampon or pad or something, hoping you wouldn’t have to stuff your panties with toilet paper until you got home.
You opened the cupboard behind the mirror and were surprised to see a pill bottle with little blue tablets. You recognised them and after checking the label and confirming it you were speechless. August used Viagra? But, it didn’t seem possible that he would need it, his stamina was out of this world… unless…
“What do you think you are doing Petal?” August said from the doorway, a box of tampons and a towel was in his hands.
Quickly recovering your senses, you grabbed the box and towel out of his hands and kissed his cheek saying, “Looking for those. Thank you, August.”
Quicker than you thought possible you were bent over the counter, cheek pushed into the stone benchtop. “You found my pills,” August said coldly. Leaning his body over yours, his weight pushed down on you, holding you in place as he kicked your legs apart. You muffled a cry as you felt him hard again against your ass. “I don’t need them, for most women, Petal. But for particularly slutty, insatiable, cock hungry brats such as yourself, it’s a necessary assistance.”
“I didn’t mean to pry,” you murmured, hoping he would take pity on you. Tears welled in your eyes as his finger pressed against your ass, forcing your tight muscles apart and you cried as he entered you. “I’m sorry, August.”
“My dear sweet, Pet,” August grunted as he violated you with a second finger. “If you aren’t sorry now, you will be.”
Napoleon Solo
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Napoleon had been watching the siren from a distance all night. Her lithe body commanded all around to her attention. After she finished singing her call to the night goddess, he made his move. Two drinks in hand he set his sights and went in for the kill.
The two danced, drank and now were in her apartment, laid out on her bed he was happily pleasing her, mouth buried between her delicious thighs. His tongue flicked expertly over her button bringing her to climax, exciting his body, he climbed forward and for the first time that night claimed her lips. They kissed passionately until something changed, his mind grew foggy, and his cock deflated.
“Aww, is the great Casanova having trouble?” she laughed her sweet siren song changing to a bitter retort. His confused eyes tried to fix on hers as she began to distort, her last words filling his gut with fear. “Don’t worry love. I’ll take good care of you Napoleon Solo.”
Clark Kent
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Clark was in college and his new friend Tommy was egging him on to take Crystal out for a date. He couldn’t understand why the cheerleader wanted to take him out. He wasn’t anything special as far as she knew, but she had been flirting with him all week.
Dinner was nice and Clark was surprised when Crystal suggested they return to her share house for dessert. Nervous as he was around her, he was pleased when after ice cream he had allowed her to talk him into a make out session in her room. They had only been in the room a few moments when he had felt strange. They had been kissing, it was enjoyable, but his stomach had begun to feel off and he felt unusually tired and weak.
The more they kissed the more frustrated he was to realise he wasn’t getting a rise out of his little friend. He noticed a pendant hanging on the wall near her bed, the green stone glowed eerily at him giving him a bad vibe. After a few more moments he politely excused himself, saying he must have eaten something off. Clarke murmured apologies and gave promises that he would call her and he left. Strangely, by the time he left her house he felt better, as if he had never felt ill at all. He was only a little upset that he had ruined his chances with Crystal, something about that pendant made him hope he would never see it again.
Charles Brandon
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Charles sat in the apothecary rooms, wondering what he had gotten himself in for. The King had recommended him when Charles confided in his friend of his problem.
“So young man, why are you here?” the old man asked, his face kind but stern.
“Well, I’ve been having trouble, when I pee it burns and well, I can get an erection, but it deflates quickly and sometimes I cannot get one at all. I’m also having abdominal pain.”
The old man chuckled. After examining the affected area, he turned to his wall of potions. Pulling together some salves, and powdered herbs he turned to address the Charles. “Here, rub this on the affected area twice a day, and drink this tea three times a day.” The apothecary paused and said with a grin, “And finally, give the ladies from court a rest for a bit, you will regain your vigour again.”
Shame and chagrin filled Charles as he pulled his coverings back over his privates. Taking the medicines, he snuck out of the room trusting that no one saw him, and hoping against all hope, that this would work.
Sherlock Holmes
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Sherlock sits back in satisfaction, marvelling at his new invention. Based on some literature he read from the America’s he perfected the design and made it fit himself perfectly.
Having commissioned the glass tube and rubber attachments, the contraption worked by winding a small handle, creating the necessary suction to create a vacuum, pooling enough blood into his cock to make it erect. By placing a rubber ring at the base of his shaft, he found he was able to maintain an erection for approximately thirty minutes. He could even bring himself to orgasm by his own hand.
It really was a delightful invention. Now, he just had to find that little vixen of a maid and see if it worked with her too. Perhaps he should try and use her mouth first.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Vampire!Law or werewolf!Law?
Hi, hi! I used to be obsessed with vampires back then. Never seen/read Twilight, though. But still. I didn't know if you wanted something NSFW, so I included some, not that explicit just in case. I hope you like it ♥. I loved the prompt so I'd probably be extending this story, perhaps with more OS someday!.
Vampire! Law x Reader.
Countryside town AU. No gender description. Everybody is 18+. No spoilers. TW: Blood. Slightly hurted animals. Kind of blood play. Soft NSFW. WC: 4.4K AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31552169
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Drawing done using a base from: deviantart.com/shadow-bases
It’s a cold night, puffs of steamy air coming out from your mouth as you quickly walk to your parents’ house. The moon shines in between foggy clouds that cover a dark sky. You regret the moment when you accepted going out, plus everything around seems a little threatening. You are used to the city you were living in until now, and somehow forgot the feeling of living in your hometown. But, your old friends wanted to see you, and you couldn’t just say no.
The old town you were born in seemed to have never evolved. Since the day you left your parents’ house and moved to campus in the big city, the town has preserved its own style, the same houses, the same old shops.
Reddish dried leaves crunches under your feet, and some crickets sing in the dark. You grab your phone just to check the hour. 00:00. You are a little bit tired; you’ve been driving the whole day to get there, but even though you were exhausted your old friends insisted on celebrating your comeback to the nest.
You are about to get to your house, when a sudden noise creeps the hell out of you, but you realize it’s just a cute white cat. “Hello kitty, you scared me!”, you say as the little cat comes purring. You crouch and pet it, after all it was too cute to not play with it.
“Bepo… Bepo… where the hell are you?”, you hear a man’s voice that comes closer. “Are you Bepo?”, you ask the little kitten and try to see what his collar says. “Bepo!!, there you are!”, a young man says with a gravelly voice.
“Oh, excuse me!”, you tell him as he comes closer to grab the white ball of fur. “Oh no, it's ok! I was about to go to sleep and I was looking for him. Did you scare her/him/they, Bepo?”, he says, approaching you, bending down and petting the kitten’s head.
The clouds move allowing the moonshine to bathe his face, revealing refined face features. A straight but snub nose, white pale skin, black spiky hair that ends up with sideburns, a goatee, and intense grey eyes with very dark circles were his main features. He was the most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life so you stay caught on his face for a little while.
A cold breeze blows your hair and somehow a chill runs through your spine, as you hear the sound of wind chimes dancing along on the front porch of a wooden house. “Do you live in this town? I haven’t seen you before… I mean, I’m kind of new into town though…” he says to you with a smile while lifting the cat on his slender, pale and tattooed hands.
You stand up and say “Oh, uhm...I’ve recently graduated so I came back to my parents’ house to work with them, I used to live here, though”. “Oh, I see! Nice to meet you! My name is Law”, he says while extending his hand to you. You hesitate for a second, but then you say “Nice to meet you Law, I’m Y/n”. You shake hands, and realize how cold his skin is, almost as if he was somehow… dead?.
The encounter is disrupted by your dad, who got worried of you not arriving at home and opened the door to see if you were coming. “Y/n! there you are!. Oh, hello young man!, How are you?”, your father says from the front porch. “Goodnight Mr. Y/sn, everything alright! What about you and your wife?” Law says waving at your dad. “She’s inside a little worried for her pancake, that I see you’ve already met!”, your dad tells him while laughing. “Dad… I’m ok, go inside, I’ll be there in a minute”, you say to him, embarrassed.
“Nice to meet you, Law. Have a good night”, you say petting the little cat. “Have a goodnight too, Y/n-ya. I hope I could see you again”, Law says, giving you a side smirk. You nod and walk away.
You flop onto your bed, tired, exhausted. You close your eyes, total darkness until… his eyes… Those crystal grey eyes are the only thing you can see, and then they turn to yellow. And you wake up with a big gasp to the smell of blood.
“What the fuck was that?”, you say, agitated. An orangey sun ray filters from the windows of your teenage years room and hits directly your face. You block the sun with your arm realizing soon it was already morning and today you start working on your old family farm as a vet.
“Good morning little pancakes!!”, your dad greets you, as well as your little brother. Your mum is cooking those delicious breakfasts you used to have when you were younger and you sit on the table, pleased and filled with your family’s love.
The day passes with you meeting all the animals on the farm, you even have to take care of a wounded horse. “Don’t worry Violet, it’s just a little blood, but your leg will be fine”, you say to a black spotted mare that has been jumping on the field and somehow hurt his leg.
At noon, your childhood best friend sends a text telling you that tonight you two should go to “Shambles Bar'' - the one and only bar that has ever been there since you were born - to have fun since it’s Friday. You agree, not because you were a fan of partying but because you missed those old days before you left for uni.
“Leeeeet’s go party like the old timeeees, babeee” your best friend shouts at you while jumping on your bed. “hahaha stop it, you are going to break the bed!!”. You both laugh, get ready and head out.
You pass next to Law’s house and try to see if he is at home, but it seems as if no one is there. “Oi, do you know Law?” you say pointing with your thumb to his house. “Law?”, your best friend asks confused, and continues, “You mean the vampire guy who lives there?, yeah. Why?”. “Vampire guy? what do you mean?” you ask, half confused, half curious. “Haha, the guys call him like this. I mean, have you seen how pale he is? and those dark circles? He looks like he is dead. Plus no one has seen him during the daytime. Ever. But how do you know him?”, she tells you. “Oh, yesterday, his cat, Bepo, came to me. He was looking for the kitty and we happened to talk”, you tell her with a tone that tries to downplay the topic. “Oh, I see. To be honest I don’t even know what he does for a living so I don’t have any more info. Maybe Luffy or Zoro know him, you can ask them tonight”, she says. “Yeah, maybe”, you say and change the topic.
A few drinks after and you and your friends are already dancing to the sound of country music and the humble light system of the old bar, when the same image of those eyes of your dreams flashes before your eyes and a sudden smell of blood hits your nose. You stand still for a moment, scared. “Babe, what is it?”, asks Nami, one of your friends there. “Uh.. n- nothing”, you say confused and keep dancing.
A few seconds later, someone is touching your shoulder from behind. Your friends stand still for a moment with a subtle scared expression, but the touch of that hand felt warm for you, even as if some type of power was running through all of your body.
“Y/n-ya?”, a well-known voice calls you, and you turn around. There he was, Law, “the vampire guy” as your friends call him. “L-Law?”, you say slowly smiling when you see his pale face. “What a coincidence, huh?. I mean the town is not that big…”, he says, and you finish his sentence with a “yeah, and this is the only bar…”. You both laugh and for some seconds your eyes are fixed onto each other’s.
“Oi, Torao! you wanna drink with us?” says Zoro, inviting Law to our table. “Yeah, thanks, Zoro-ya”, he tells him. You all sit and ask waiter Beca to bring you another round of drinks. Law sits next to you.
Sanji, another friend of yours, asks you “You two already know each other?”. “Kind of”, you say laughing a little blushed. “Y/n-ya met Bepo, first!” Law tells your blond friend, laughing.
An old song you and your friends used to dance as “your song” starts playing on the jukebox and you run to the dance floor. You can’t help but gaze at where Law is just to see if he is watching you dance. And he does, he is looking at you, with a smile on his pretty face. Your cheeks turn to red, but you are way grown up to act like a teenager, and decide to invite him to dance. You are driven somehow to him, you don’t really know why, but you are.
“Law, do you wanna dance?”, you tell him, extending your arm as you were calling him to the dancefloor. “You too guys, come here!!” Nami shouts to your friends.
Law stands up and walks to you. Smiling, he incorporates to the circle and starts dancing. He doesn’t dance well, but you just don’t care, you either after all.
A slow song starts to play, romantic also. Robin, another of your friends, tells you that the song is called “I Hear a Symphony”, and that Law should dance with you. You look at her, widening your eyes trying to tell her to stop, but Law grabs one of your hands and tells you “May I have this dance?”. You giggle a little, I mean why is he talking like a prince?, but then you just let yourself go and accept his offer.
The pale guy puts his other hand over your waist and you two start dancing to that pretty melody. For a moment you feel as if you were dancing into a castle, like in another century.
Interlocking your eyes, you start to think that coming back to your hometown wasn’t that bad and somehow you feel as if everything around you disappears. For an instant you believe to see his eyes change colors, from that crystalline grey to an intense brilliant yellowish color, but this time you don’t get scared. You feel attracted more and more to him, as if something invisible was pulling you towards him.
The touch of his hands feels cold, really cold, just like the first time… “is it because it’s almost winter?”, you think. Law is looking at your lips, neck, and something on his expression shows as if he was willing to devour you. And frankly, you too… you lost yourself looking at his mouth, he has it barely open. He has prominent canines that show through the little space in between his lips, and you remember your friend's words “the vampire guy” ...
The slow music is over, and now pop blasts on the bar. The couples part and you all come back to your table. It’s already 2 am, and you all feel exhausted from working all day - except Law, who seems to be really energetic -.
“Well, my dear friends, I’m not a teenager anymore, I think I’m coming back home now”, you inform your friends, to which some of them reply protesting and the others supporting the motion.
“If you want to, I can walk you home. I mean, we are neighbors”, tells you Law. Something inside you says “oh no darling, you are going fast”, but your mouth simply slips a “Oh, thank you, that’d be fine”.
You grab your coat, and head to the door followed by your deadly crush. None of you two say a word the first few steps. Tonight, is even colder than yesterday, but your cheeks are so red, full of blood that you don’t seem to notice the freezing breeze. “He is going to think I’m desperate, like he is the hottest guy I’ve ever met, but still… calm down Y/N”, you say to yourself, while walking thinking about what to say to break the ice.
“The moon looks pretty tonight, doesn’t it?”, he says to you, timidly. You look up to the sky and contemplate a big full moon with reddish tints on its hue. “Oh, I think it is the eclipse they were talking about on tv last night… the “red moon” ...”, you say, but got interrupted by Law, “Yeah, a “blood moon””. The way he said that, felt almost as threatening, but you look at him, and there he is, smiling at you with a friendly face.
You remember you still don’t know shit about him, so you ask him, “Oi, Nami told me you moved into town a few months ago, what did it bring you here?”. He stops for a moment, looking at the ground, but then sketching out a fake smile he tells you, “I got bored from the city, so I moved into the countryside… but to be honest I came mainly because I heard that pumpkin pies here are delicious”. You look at him, because that sounded like a terrible lie but you chose to believe it and when you were about to ask him about what he does for a living, he interrupts you, “Well, it looks like we are already home”. “Oh, yeah, I haven’t noticed, ha-ha”, you say, a little bit annoyed because you wanted to ask him more questions, but mainly sad because the walk was over.
“So… goodnight”, you say to him while fidgeting back and forth with your feet. “Goodnight…” he says. You are both facing each other, and you nor Law are moving. He got his eyes fixed on your lips, and you wish he would just kiss you.
Slowly, little by little, Law approaches his face to yours, closer, closer, until... he stops himself violently. You get scared, but you don’t move a single muscle. “Why… why you… why do you smell like blood?”, he says gasping.
“W-What?”, you ask him confusedly backing up. “You, you smell like blood… have you… your arm…”, he says, snatching your forearm. Suddenly, you remember this morning, you cured Violet, and some blood got spilled on your forearm but you washed the area and took a bath right before going out. “How did you know?”, you ask him.
He remains silent, trying to calm down. “I’m… I’m sorry I have a really sensitive nose”, he says and continues, “Why don’t you go to sleep, we can talk tomorrow, it’s pretty late now. Goodnight”. He says and runs to his house.
You are left there, and for a moment you just can’t process what just happened. “What the fuck, Law?”, you think. A cold shiver on your back announces to you, you should go back home and go to bed. There was no point in staying there.
You snuggle on your bed, still trying to understand but the exhaustion your body felt wins and you fall asleep. Again, those eyes, the smell of blood, the cold touch, you can see, smell, feel it all… “Y/n! pancake!!! wake up!!!”, you hear your dad shouting at you. You open your eyes violently, “What??? What happened dad??”. “The cattle, some… something attacked them…”, he says horrified. “What?” ...
You get dressed and run to the cowshed. A poor steer lays there, he has been attacked by some kind of animal… with fangs, and the poor thing looks like he has lost some blood. Luckily he was still alive, so you helped him instantly.
“Pancakes, what are those wounds on the neck the animal has?”, your dad asks. “To be honest, dad, I don’t know. It looks like some kind of animal has bitten the steer, but didn’t eat it… it looks like… has drunk some of his blood…”, you say to your dad astonished even more than him. “But, what kind of animal could do such a thing?”, he inquiries. “The only ones that could do it are the Desmodontinae, or vampire bats… but they are not typical in this hemisphere…
The incident quickly spread and everyone in town was talking about it. Luckily the animal recovered in a few hours, as the wounds weren’t that bad.
You can’t stop thinking about Law, and quickly you forget about the animal incident. He has been on your mind all morning, “why did he run away?” ... That afternoon you decide to go see if Law is at home, you really need to ask him about last night… Plus, deep inside you are a little bit annoyed, you wanted him to kiss you…
You ring the bell of the wooden house, but there is no answer. Since the blinds were all shut down, you think that he must be at work.
Suddenly little Bepo appears meowing from the backyard. “Hi Bepo!! Is your daddy at home?”, you ask the little cat while ruffling his head fur. The cat rubs on your leg and then walks back to the backyard, so you decide to follow him.
If Law isn’t at home you could perhaps take a look at his patio. You are curious and he represented a mystery you wanted to decode, really bad.
At first you think you’ve seen someone looking at you from one of the windows of the house, but you thought it was just your imagination. You trespass private property.
The patio showed nothing but a bucket on one of the corners, next to an old mossy bench. You follow Bepo, and as you are approaching the metal pail that has something red inside, your phone rings. “God damn!!”, you jump scared. The phone screen shows an unknown number calling, “That’s weird”, you say and pick up. “Hello?”, “Hi!, Y/n-ya, it’s me, Law. I’m sorry to bother you but I wanted to apologize about last night”. Law… LAW! You realize you are still in his yard so you quickly leave the place and start walking home. “Don’t worry, I guess it must be a little intimidating to be with someone that smells like… blood”, you say. A silence takes the call but then Law simply laughs -again, a fake laugh- and tells you that he will call you later to compensate you for last night. You agree and say goodbye.
You close the door behind you leaning over it, gasping. Your heart races. What if he knows you’ve been stalking his house…? “I’m such a creep”, you say to yourself, and go to your room.
You spend the afternoon in your backyard with your mum, October is about to end so the fall season is at its peak. Maple leaves fall from a big tree next to your porch and garnish the patio with its coppery colors.
That night, your parents and brother were invited to a party in the next town, so they won’t come back until the next day. After a hot meal you go to sleep. You haven’t received any messages from Law yet and you wonder if you should text him or just let him do it first. You finally decide that he should be texting you first, so you snuggle in bed and close your eyes. For the third night in a row, you dream with those eyes, with the smell of blood. But, this time it's so intense that you awake instantly in the middle of the night. “Again?”, you say while brushing your hand over your eyes.
Suddenly you hear something knocking on your window… “Law?!”, you say, gasping. He mimics something similar to an “open please”. Your bed is next to the window so you are still sitting there in your pjs, so you stretch to open the window.
“What are you doing here?”, you ask him while helping him to enter. Law sits on the bed and tells you, whispering “I’m sorry, I was missing you, I really, really needed to see you… plus I told you I wanted to compensate for yesterday”.
A subtle light from the moon illuminates half of your faces, and you are speechless. “So, this is how he plans to compensate for running away last night? He is on my bed… he looks so sexy… damn”, you think. But Law starts acting innocently, and begins to ask you about the trophies on your shelves.
You tell him about how good you were at volleyball when you were in high school, and he tells you that he was too. “Where did you take that picture?”, he asks, pointing to an old photo you had pinned on the cork board. “This one?” you say, and when you grab it the side of the paper cuts your finger softly but enough to make some blood sprout. “Ouch!”, you say and you are about to take your finger to your mouth when Law grabs your wrist violently. “L-Law?!! What are you doing?”, you tell him, scared trying to unfasten from his hand. Law doesn’t speak, he starts to tremble, he is breathing fast, he is squeezing your wrist.
“Let me go, Law!” you say, but he doesn’t hear. He is somehow focused on perhaps staying still, trying to avoid something. He suddenly looks at you, his expression resembles a beast, beads of sweat run through his temples. His eyes change from grey to a bright yellow, his pupils dilate. His prominent canines are now true fangs.
Law is salivating, his veins are now visible on his forehead, you can see how his blood pumps faster. You can’t understand what the hell is going on, but for some reason you don’t scream. You concentrate on his eyes, you are able to see a remaining humanity in them, so you are far from scared.
He lets go of your hand, and kneels on the floor. Law is panting soundly; he is fighting against himself. “Calm down”, you say to him. He looks up to you, with tears in his eyes, still emitting guttural sounds. He is surprised to see how your face doesn’t show terror, nor contempt. You don’t know why, but you are even more attracted to him, dangerously attracted. You were willing to let him drink your blood if he wanted to…
With a smirk on your face, you say to him, “Blood is what you want, huh?”. He opens his mouth, and a pair of sharp fangs are shown. He shakes his head, he doesn’t want to hurt you, but he needs you. “I trust you; I know you won’t hurt me. You can drink from me”, you offer him. You know he is able to stop, and somehow everything makes sense. The poor animal this morning, he has just drunk a little blood but didn’t inflict mortal wounds to it. If he was that considerate to an animal, he will probably be with you too. -Or that is what you wanted to believe-.
He swallows, and still trembles and without any warning he pounces on you. Your back hits your bed and he's over you. He fixes his eyes on yours and asks you, "are you sure about this?". "Uhum", you nod. You are so desperate for him, that you probably consider yourself a beast more than him.
Law buries his fingers on your cheeks, and violently moves your head to the side, exposing your neck. You feel a few drops of saliva that falls into your skin from his mouth, and see how he approaches your neck.
He bites you, but even if it hurts, he is drinking your blood from your carotid so subtly, so carefully. A few seconds later, he stops. Some of your warm blood runs from the wound onto your bed.
"T-Thank you…" he says, planting a soft kiss over the little holes on your skin, caressing your hair. "You are welcome", you say, almost naturally as if being bitten by some kind of beast was something you always do.
But suddenly, you start to experience some kind of pressure on your chest, and breathing becomes difficult. Your eyes roll back, and you feel different. You look at him, trying to understand what is going on, and he simply brushes his tattooed hands over your face. "Don't worry, it's normal. You are not going to turn into… me. But, a little bit of me runs through your veins now…". He says, brushing his hand over his mouth trying to clean the mess your vital fluid has left on his lips.
You are not worried about becoming into a vampire or whatever the hell he is, but because you are experiencing a strong need to touch him, to kiss him, to fuck him. "Kiss me", you command him.
He looks at you, still settled over your body and your lips meet. His tongue invades your mouth, and you can taste the metallic rests of your blood on his mouth.
Without separating your mouths helps you take off your white -blood stained- shirt and then you do the same with him. His torso shows a big design inked on his skin, and a few wounds.
His fangs subtly scrape your skin, from your neck, to your chest, lower through your stomach. He spreads your legs with his strong arms, and softly but enough to leave some marks, bites the skin of your inner thighs. The feeling of those fangs softly ripping the first layers of your skin made yourself squirm in pleasure.
His yellow eyes fix on yours, and now he is devouring your sex. You throw your head back and surrender to his skilled tongue movements. What follows next is an extremely hard pounding session, that leaves you trembling, exhausted, sore… but satisfied.
Since then, every night you let him slowly drink you up, drop by drop, giving to him a bit of your life every time. Your eyes slowly changed colors, first a little patch of yellow, then half of your right iris…
A deadly, dangerous attraction, that won’t last forever… or maybe, if you decide to let everything aside and turn into a full vampire like him… who knows? maybe your obsessive love for him would end up changing your life… forever. ♥
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alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
Inside “The Pact”
Hello! For those of you that followed along with The Pact, I received a few questions and requests to get an inside look. I’ll link the post here that explains a bit more about what this is gonna be about. 
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We’re gonna break this down into sections: first will be answering your questions about The Pact & the characters. Then I’ll show you guys a little about my notes & decision making process (which is very obscure because I just tend to keep a hypothetical tab open in my brain most of the time lol) as well as some pictures of my ideas!! 
Thanks for requesting such a fun thing to do now that this series is over. It’s been fun to look back!
Q. What song did the boys dedicate to y/n?
A. “Her” || This is a sad song, but I felt like it fit so well with how the boys had to hide a part of themselves (their feelings) away for the sake of the pact!
Q. Did the boys get mad/how did the boys react to Jungkook’s kiss?
A. Jungkook was a little shocked, and felt extremely guilty on the drive back home. He wasn’t sure if he could stand to tell his hyungs, but he also knew he couldn’t lie to them. Naturally, the second he walked in the house and everyone saw his face, they knew. It was just quiet, everybody was a little hesitant to say anything/bring it up because they were all upset. Only Jimin has heard all of the details of JK’s kiss, whereas the others are simply aware that he kissed her and that’s that.
Namjoon was the most upset, although he didn’t say anything. He just sat there on the couch and did the jaw-clenching thing he always does. Yoongi just tried to change the subject and ask about other aspects of the date. Taehyung was actually pretty pissed, especially because he’d been so good about refraining from kissing you even when you’d asked for it. Hobi had a chat with him later that night and calmed him down. Jin wasn’t angry so much as he was worried that he missed his shot & couldn’t stop replaying his date in his head.
Q. Who fell for y/n last?
A. Namjoon. He’d had a little crush, and that’s why he was willing to go along with the pact. But it hit a point less than a year ago when he fell hard and fast. (you called him in the middle of the night when he was on tour and he realized that your sleepy voice is possibly the most beautiful thing he’s ever heard) The boys noticed and as a result teased him endlessly about it, because he doesn’t quite know how to navigate his feelings. 
Q. Who did the boys bet on? (We already know that Jimin bet on Yoongi and won lol)
A. Namjoon bet on JK, Tae bet on Hobi, Hobi bet on JK, Jin bet on JK, and Yoongi bet on Jin, and JK bet on Namjoon (because we all know JK would pick Namjoon lol)
Q. Didn’t y/n ever date other guys? How did the boys react?
A. hahaha ok I actually would have such a fun time writing this Yes, she dated around a bit. For the first year of the pact, she had an on again, off again bf. It wasn’t very serious, and she always made that clear to the boys. They still hated the dude. After they broke up, she only went on a few dates here and there. Didn’t really seriously date. (except for that one time she went on vacation and had a fling, but everyone has decided to forget that) They just smiled and supported her, although Tae was always very clear that he didn’t like any of the guys she dated. 
Q. In Namjoon’s date, who was the 1950′s author mentioned?
A. Agatha Christie, the queen. 
Q. How did y/n meet Jimin? (he was the one that introduced her to the rest of the group)
A. She was a PR intern for Lee Hyun. Jimin and Lee Hyun are close, and they crossed paths fairly often until Jimin decided to invite her to hang out. 
Q. What is y/n studying in school?
A. Public Relations (which will honestly come in handy with her new relationship lol)
Q. Where was Jin in the last chapter when y/n came to the studio?
A. Agh how could you ask me this and bring back all that pain?! Jin was at his brother’s restaurant for some much needed R&R. He ended up staying the night with him, not wanting to go home just yet and have to face his decision.
Q. Who would you personally choose to end up with and why?
A. KIM SEOKJIN. Date #5 was basically for me lol. Like, unapologetically wrote that for myself. Not just because he’s my bias, but because I personally felt like I could picture myself chilling on that couch watching Dateline with him. And it was beautiful. 🤧 Also, while Jin can be loud and goofy, he’s an introvert. I’m an extravert with introverted tendencies, so I just feel like his date would have been the most comfortable for me.
First thing’s first, I have an on-going page in my notes on my phone which is FILLED with ideas & half-formed thoughts. Before I began writing The Pact (or even Spooked, for that matter), this happened:
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So you can see that I had no idea what I was doing lol, but I thought that it would be cool. Mainly I wanted an excuse to write OT7 and display all the members in a sweet light. Also, we see that not all of these actually made it into the series. (Tae w/ the family)
ngl, I cracked up when I looked back at my notes and saw this. 
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“Sweet Gloria what am I doing to myself” 😂😂 this was when I was pushing “Lost & Found” out and planning for Taehyung’s series (which is why so much is blocked out on my notes, because it’s riddled with spoilers lol) so I literally had no idea why I was jumping into another project as I was already super busy. That’s why I scheduled it for just Saturday’s! (and also why I sometimes posted super late at night lol)
As you can see, Seokjinnie’s date was literally always on my mind. From the very beginning. Which is odd, considering the fact that he didn’t end up being endgame. wow it’s like he’s my bias or something
Occasionally I’d take breaks from hw and work on getting to know how the boys were with y/n. Quotes and poetry serve as a great source of inspiration, and I assigned a quote to each member. (notice the little stars by Jin, Yoongi’s and JK’s names lol, they were my top three as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now)
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There were a couple of things that I didn’t think of adding until I was reading through your theories and got an idea of what you needed to push the series in the right decision. i.e. bringing Gina back to explain that she closed the door in Spooked. 
I have a whiteboard in my room that I use to map out what I need to do that week for whatever series I’m working on (as well as jot down ideas for new series, which I why this photo doesn’t show the whole board haha) 
So here’s a peek at my thought process for writing about how the pact was formed. Sorry if you can’t read it haha
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NOW, the last few questions you guys had:
Q. Did you ever change your mind while writing the pact?
A. Yes! I actually originally intended for Hobi to have written the note. It fit very well with how angry he was at first and how worried he was during the date. But by the time I'd gotten to Jin’s date I kinda knew that he wouldn’t be that petty but Jin would haha
I also planned on Yoongi kissing y/n on their date. It was supposed to be on a rooftop somewhere, which we know didn’t happen. In fact, I didn’t really intend for their date to be so disastrous until I was coming closer to having to write it. I think I was a mess, so the date was a mess lol
I had no idea what I was doing for Tae’s date until I wrote it, all I knew was that there had to be a museum. The rest I just made up as I wrote and hoped that it made sense. (also, for some reason I hated the museum portion of the date. Idk why, but it just felt so stark to me. still don’t like it lol)
Q. When did you know how it was going to end? 
A. That’s a....difficult question lol. Honestly, I thought of just doing an audio recording and uploading it because it I didn’t really know how to put it into words, but then I realized that most people probably wouldn’t wanna listen to that lol. So here we are. 
I had the ending scene in mind before The Pact even became a thing. I knew I had a series that I wanted to end with baking cookies. (weird, I know.) It didn’t exactly go how I planned, but I remember having the thought while writing Spooked (when I thought I was just writing a one shot) that it would be nice for y/n to be with Yoongi. I just instantly felt like they had a connection, when he was the first one she went toward. From then on out, I always kinda kept Yoongi in the background. 
I had a crisis about halfway through (right before Jin’s date) when there were a bunch of people rooting for Tae, because he hadn’t even been on my radar. But then Jin’s date went much better than I thought it was going to/received better, so I think that got me back on track. 
But from the beginning, Yoongi was #1. (I wrote this in the back of my Career’s notebook lol) when I was trying to figure out for myself who wrote the pact. 
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So yeah! There you have it! Just an FYI, I had to physically restrain myself from throwing caution to the wind and making Jin endgame. Especially when so many of you were on board. :( However, the survey helped because Yoongi was the majority of votes (closely followed by Jin & JK) and that showed me that we were still on the right track! 
Ngl, my brain stopped working around Wednesday of last week, so writing the finale took FOREVER because nothing would compute. But I’m so happy you guys enjoyed it and reached out to me about it! This really is like a part-time job most days, and I really felt like this series paid off. 
Hopefully I covered everything! To end, here's the most satisfying part of every project for me:
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Thanks guys!
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angstymdzsthoughts · 3 years
I promised that I would share the convo me and @time-flies-by​ had earlier today regarding the Maleficent AU post, so here it is!
time-flies-by Dude that Maleficent AU-
angstymdzsthoughts I knoooow
angstymdzsthoughts It got a bit dark on me
time-flies-by It did, but goddamn was it good!
angstymdzsthoughts Right? I'm super happy with it
time-flies-by As you should! It actually gave me chills
angstymdzsthoughts WWX goes to sleep in his husbands arms, happy and in love. Wakes up to that husband mutilating him Thank you!!!
time-flies-by The best part, is that LWJ doesn’t even see anything wrong with it. He’s just like, “it has to happen”
angstymdzsthoughts Yep! Just another part of getting married to him
time-flies-by WWX definitely leaves understanding Madam Lan a lot better.
angstymdzsthoughts Oof LWJ grows up around spouses who seem perfectly happy with life after losing their wings And his mother, who still had her wings, was miserable So he thinks hes actually helping to make WWX happier
time-flies-by Double oof WWX really doesn’t understand what he was getting himself into.
angstymdzsthoughts Oh my god other spouses try to warn him (in a quiet subtle way so their husbands don’t get upset)
angstymdzsthoughts All the Lans are taught that this is a special, intimate experience between spouses
angstymdzsthoughts I feel like Su She is jealous that LWJ got to experience that and is vindictively happy when WWX ran away
time-flies-by Oh my god, the Lans all brainwashed into thinking that the tight smiles, and the tears are signs of love, when in reality their spouse is trying so hard to not hate them. Soakxldowkenenw fuxking Su She
angstymdzsthoughts The spouses are all trapped. Oh wait
angstymdzsthoughts The "soulmate" thing only happens once or twice in a generation and Madam Lan had been the most recent before WWX so the spouse around who tries to warn him away is an old woman who has been married and trapped in the CR for life 55 years That makes it so much worse
time-flies-by Oh my god, imagine wwx accidentally runs into the the wing room, and is absolutely horrified to find all the wings there, so he goes to lwj and is all like “Lan Zhan? What’s this?” And LWJ just goes “don’t worry Wei ying, I’ll make sure that never happens to you.” And what he means is “I’ll make sure your grounding isn’t as painful as theirs.” And wwx trusts LWJ 100%, but then their own grounding happens.
angstymdzsthoughts OOF Oh my god just rip my heart out
angstymdzsthoughts All I can picture is WWX crying and calling LWJ a liar before he's silenced Most disturbing part is how gentle and loving LWJ is being while hes Removing His Husbands Limbs Soft little praises and telling WWX that they will be happy together now
angstymdzsthoughts Ohhh WWX is totally gonna blame himself if he saw the wings and didn't immediately run Gets to Yunmeng like 'how could I be so stupid to believe him'
time-flies-by Ooh especially if the spouses before him tried warning him too.
angstymdzsthoughts Yes Exactly
time-flies-by WWX: The signs were all there. . . There was a red flag everywhere!
angstymdzsthoughts The way WWX sees it is like that 'face eating leopard party' meme Everyone else is just plain horrified
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time-flies-by Oof 😂
angstymdzsthoughts LWJ is crying in the CR asking what he did wrong Yunmeng Jiang is ready to start a war in order to get WWX his wings back
time-flies-by Omg yesssss The Lans are all clueless and offended because they see NOTHING wrong with their traditions.
angstymdzsthoughts Someone tries to put it in perspective for them. "How would you react if your spouse cut off your hands?" But the Lans dont get it and just dig their hole deeper. "Thats ridiculous! You Need hands! Wings are in no way a necessity."
time-flies-by Aish 😓
time-flies-by Yeah no, the Jiangs are definitely cutting all ties with the Lan after that.
angstymdzsthoughts The Lans argue that wings do nothing but make someone fickle and reckless and arrogant. They Need to be earth bound so they can learn stability and humbleness ... Oh my god... Horrible thought
time-flies-by Do tell
angstymdzsthoughts Some children of grounded spouses end up with wings too But they get them cut off when they are younger Should it be LXC or LWJ who use to have wings?
angstymdzsthoughts Spend their entire adolescence being ashamed of the wings and eagerly waiting for the day they can be removed
time-flies-by Oooh maybe LXC?
angstymdzsthoughts The most recent wings added are a pair of small white ones maybe half the size of WWXs and the sight of them make him run out because he may be sick
time-flies-by Oh god, what if there’s like, a whole room just full of children’s wings.
Angstymdzsthoughts Of course the Lans would keep them Ohhh WWX hears people talking about the grounding ceremony that will follow the honeymoon and has no idea what their all talking about He asks and the Lans explain that it's a sacred ceremony between spouses that truly binds the new spouse to the Lan family WWX is like- oh wow that sounds really great! Like a big 'welcome to the family'!
time-flies-by Oh no that make it worse! WWX is super excited for the ceremony. He’s like hyping himself up nonstop.
angstymdzsthoughts Oh with the Lan members with wings- they normally have a form of the grounding ceremony when they get their courtesy name and become a Real Lan. Lose your wings and get a name Oh my gooood WWX and LWJ go to bed that night talking about how the bonding ceremony will be tomorrow morning and LWJ assures him that he knows WWX will be perfect
time-flies-by Oh god no, I’m just imagining a bunch of children scared but super willing to lose their wings, because they’d been taught that having them made them everything the clan was against
angstymdzsthoughts WWX, cuddling close: What if I mess up and make a fool of myself? No ones really told me what to do yet. LWJ, petting WWXs wings lovingly: Don't worry, I'll take care of everything Exactly
time-flies-by Oooh I just got chills again
angstymdzsthoughts Something about LWJ touching and admiring WWXs wings in this context... 😨
time-flies-by LWJ: once I get rid of these, he’ll be all mine.
angstymdzsthoughts Touching wings isn't a normal thing outside of family (given that touching in general isn't normal in Chinese culture) but WWX was always super ok with friends petting his wings. He totally offered to let LWJ touch his wings when they were teenagers after catching him admiring them
angstymdzsthoughts LWJ hadn't felt a wing since his mother died shortly after her Binding and WWXs are a really beautiful glossy black color that turns a dark, rich purple if the light hits them just right. Of course he wants to touch
time-flies-by 😥😥
angstymdzsthoughts LWJ, cautiously running one finger along the feathers: They are so big... WWX: Of course they are! My wings have to be big and strong to carry me while I fly! LWJ immediately snatching his hand back, suddenly cold at the remainder that WWX can and will fly away far, far away from him
time-flies-by LWJ is really undermining the love WWX has for him by being that concerned that he’ll leave him.
angstymdzsthoughts He got brainwashed by his clan and he saw his mothers constant attempts to escape. Everyone around him said that the only reason she was trying to leave was because of her wings. If his own mother would leave him because of wings, what would stop WWX?
angstymdzsthoughts Madam Lan got way too close to actually escaping and QHJ was pressured into finally doing the ceremony. Madam Lan didn't last long after that
time-flies-by sent a post Source (****)
angstymdzsthoughts Hahaha
angstymdzsthoughts You know what would be worse? Baby A-Yuan with wings
time-flies-by Oh noooooo
angstymdzsthoughts Like au where LWJ didn't do the binding and unbrainwashed himself Then A-Yuan is born with wings and he grows up being told he won’t be a Real Lan if he keeps them So his parents have no plans of removing them but as his naming ceremony gets closer Yuan says he Wants to get rid of them WWX is immediately packing a bag and getting him and his son the hell out of there. LWJ is right behind him with another bag
time-flies-by Oof yes I like that
time-flies-by But like what if, the day before they leave or something, A-yuan runs to the elders and tells them about what his parents plan to do, and he’s so desperate to get rid of his wings that he asks them to just do the ceremony there and then
angstymdzsthoughts AAAAAAAAAA
time-flies-by When LWJ and WWX wake, they’re so stressed cause they can’t find A-yuan, but a few minutes later he comes in all proud and wingless
angstymdzsthoughts I mean since its Maleficent au wings are apparently magic and can be put right back on but Still Horrible WWX cries LWJ is gonna fight to get his sons wings back and then get his family the hell out of there Oh my god..... LWJ walking through a room full of tiny, near identical wings looking for the little pair that he would recognize anywhere
angstymdzsthoughts Let's a few tears out when he finds them. Remembers helping WWX clean and groom them and watching while WWX taught their son to balance and fly using those wings Hates himself for not seeing what his clan was doing to LSZ and not getting them away from all of it sooner
time-flies-by Codnekaoenen perfect
time-flies-by Heartbreaking, but perfect
angstymdzsthoughts Also, if things had gone according to plan and they left before LSZ did the Binding Yuan, struggling and crying: But I won’t be a Real Lan! WWX, throwing Yuan over his shoulder to carry him mid tantrum: Then you're gonna be a Wei. Lan Zhan, would you please carry this bag? LWJ, taking the bag: Mn. Wei Yuan sounds nice.
angstymdzsthoughts Then they go to Yunmeng so LSZ can grow up in a healthier environment
time-flies-by Oh I like your version better.
angstymdzsthoughts You brought the pain, I brought a bandaid
time-flies-by Haha yes yes, thank you
angstymdzsthoughts Oof tho. LWJ finds the wings and brings them home where WWX is guarding Yuan while he sleeps. They Return the wings while Yuan sleeps and return to making plans to go to Yunmeng once Yuan wakes When he wakes up and has his wings back he bursts into tears.
angstymdzsthoughts Could be because he really missed his wings and is glad to have them back or because this means he's gonna have to go through the grounding AGAIN and it really hurt the first time and he doesn't want to go through it again. Maybe both
time-flies-by If both, then WWX and LWJ will do their best to reassure him that he won’t have to go through the grounding ever again.
angstymdzsthoughts Aww little Yuan crying so hard he can hardly breath and bringing his wings around himself so he can pet and groom them because he needs to make sure this is real and their back
angstymdzsthoughts Oof. Imagine LXC seeing this and wishing he could have kept his wings. Goes to visit his wings and knows that they are too small to fit his body now that hes an adult so he's lost his chance
time-flies-by *sigh* we really should give LXC a break.
angstymdzsthoughts Never Ok how about he gets his wings back and even tho there too small because they never got the chance to grow with him and he'll never be able to fly hes so unbelievably happy WWX and Yuan teach him how to groom his wings correctly because the only person who ever did that was his mother and he cant quite remember how to do it
time-flies-by *sniff* family bonding time
angstymdzsthoughts He starts an arrangement with Yunmeng Jiang so he can send any winged Lans to them for half the year so they can learn that having wings Isnt the worse thing in the world
time-flies-by Oooh yes yes That’s good.
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
I recently read Shades of blue after you rwcommended it and Oh My God was it worth it. That was beautiful and amazing and do you have any other recommendations?
AAAAAA I’m so glad you read it!!! Honestly I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me for recs for awhile because I have.........a few...
Miscellaneous ships here, not just Revalink but the first lot are
- Pinesong by @a-perplexing-puzzle D-Do I even need to explain myself more??? I talk about this fic every other day of the week..... it’s just great vibes....soft and fluffy and angsty just *chef’s kiss* two gay boys searching through their old memories to remember how gay they are 
- Shades of Blue by @unapologetically-asexual OK I know original anon just said they read this but for you idiots that haven’t read it yet....uhhhh get on that. Nothing I could say would really advertise this fic better than this post
- somebody’s always looking (nothing’s quite as sweet) by @kouzaires One of my FAV Coffee shop AU’s for botw....so sof......so tender...........so warrmmmmm.............they characters are written so well.....just love it...a lot
- Broken Spirits by @legendoftoad It’s just AAAAAAAAAA??!!? My boys are hurting and the malice for half of it is frickin doing things to my boy and then of course you got your PTSD themes meddled in there and hnnnnnnnnnnhhhhhghgh my hurt/comfort itch is sufficiently scratched go read
- Linger On by ICanFlyHigher [idk if they have a tumblr] Ok I actually haven’t finished this fic yet but it’s been recommended time and time again so I’ve been reading this in my spare time I’m on like Chapter 12 or 13 I think but I can say with CERTAINTY that the writing is fantastic and tender moments are off the charts and my boys are so precious and also the Yiga are actually cool in this so that’s nice
- Learning Flight by homewardbound This is just *chefs kiss* *standing ovation* *throws confetti in the air* quality quality Revalink. Just a delicious chocolate cake of botw and Revalink. You got your mysterious Revali waking up 105 years later batter, and your angsty PTSD gay boys duo chocolate chips, and then you can chuck in some engaging sideplot elements as a few tall tiers, and then the cake is all whipped up with the wooden spoon of subtextual writing just mmmm delicious. and ALSO I betaed a thing that is gonna happen and let me tell you shit is gonna happen like VERY IMPORTANT SUPER COOL plot twists be happening so you better read it 
- Conversations After The End Of The World by @bismuthllie Ok this one’s a oneshot but I always go back and read it because...idk it just strums my heart strings a lot...I’ve said Pinesong was my first big Revalink fic I’ce read, but this was like...my first, first piece of Revalink content I read ever so...yeah <3 ....and also the art for this comic is fantastic too even thought it gives me the emotions......hahaha ok Revali it’s time to stop being dead
- I See You Swimming In The Sky by @unavoidablekoishi OK OK I know my logic isn’t the best considering it’s the only Revali/Mipha fic I’ve read, but god dammit it’s the best Revpha fic I’ve ever read I still need to catch up cause I’m like 3 chapters behind but this fic CONVERTED me ok, miphvali went from a “huh yeah the art is nice I can kinda see it” to “THAT FISH IS SIMPING FOR THE BIRD 24/7 AND THEY DESERVE EACH OTHER″ This is some *claps* GOOD. SHIT. Ok? *slaps roof of fic* This bad boy can fit so much charming characterization and interaction (and also has made me scream both happily and not happily on several occasions)
- Guardian of The Wilds by @no-themes-just-memes in which I constantly miscall it “Guardian of the Wild” because I’m stupid This isn’t so much a ship fic but it’s so cool Link is a spirit, Urbosa and Zelda’s mom are a thing, Zelda is HERE and she is AMAZING like no spoilers but holy shit Zelda is here and slaying in more ways than one and riding Satori and hhnnnnhhhhhhhh it’s all about those ~plot twists~ and tone changes ya know? very very very nice...
- Firebird by @paellaplease Oh no, it’s Kip’s obligatory Firebird gush whoopsie poopsie who would have guessed surely not me. This is just my standard for Oc ship content now it’s so good I am gay for one fire girl Maiya is my spirit animal and I just wanna cup her in my hands softly even though I know she would probably burn me for it but it would totally be worth it. The writing is just superb and I am also gay for great imagery and action which this is chalk full of so go read it 
Ok it’s actually 2am right now and I still need to finish a bunch of AP work so I’m just gonna speed run the rest of these recs
@echogekkos writes such cute and soft Miphlink fics that are on my top tier list like this one and oh crap this post made me realize Healing Touch updated crap there are so many things I need to read and catch up on anyways want more miphlink angst? BOOM read the inspiration for eternity by Merakkli and oh what’s that? You want deep lore that was custom made with lots of hot ocs in a fic that spans way beyond BOTW welp here’s Hyrule Bound a universe entirely created by @themisadventurescrew which is yet another fic series that I am behind on crap but oh shit @kittmoon has started a chapter fic called Jaded Seas recently so you should go read that but also all of their oneshots are great as well so you should follow them and did I mention that everyone I’ve tagged are people you should follow because yeah anyhow here’s a crackfic about Goron children that had me shaking out of either fear or confusion for a few days by @angsttronaut ok moving on @thatsnotzelda writes beautifully just take a look at this angsty Revalink thing and also bambambambam you’ve been ambushed by @hatenostorms @going-fancognito @ashrel @lizards-writing-blog so now go request some from them because I said so they’re great also uhhh @idiotic-canadian and @moonchildrenn [Pins_and_Patches on ao3] hate happiness but that’s ok because I get to be emotionally wrecked by their angst and whump hurray! wait fUCK I completely forgot to rec this earlier but my first Zelpha fic was this gorgeous Coffeeshop AU by @theseventhsage called Dreaming of Coffee and Love so go read that *flipping through entire history of ao3* let’s see let’s see... All of the Rito Chronicles by  sturms_sun_shattered is great, and this Teba/Harth one is also a fav and oh CRAP my zelink content is just everything by @fatefulfaerie because it’s just *throws colorful streamers in the air* pretty and I love their writing welp I’m about to collapse lets just end it off with the z’s like @zzariyo and @zeawesomebirdie on ao3  they are some pretty radical french fries if i do say so myself and and ok ok read this other Zelpha coffee au which is also by @kouzaires and this Modern au also by @unavoidablekoishi ok that’s all I can remember right now bye 
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nocturnalazura · 3 years
Picture Perfect- Bakugou Katsuki
A/N: This is my first piece of work on tumblr! I don’t usually do self insert so please forgive any akwardness!
Summary: Bakugou drops a box of memories and you can’t help but go through some of them while wondering about the future.
Warnings: Cursing. (It’s Bakugou what do you expect.) Pregnancy. 
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A loud thud and curse draws attention away from the pile of laundry you’re currently buried in, pausing the soft music playing from your phone anticipation loud yelling and explosions only to be met with silence. Reaching to turn the music back on you finally hear soft cursing from the hallway, giggling softly you push the laundry to the side and clamber out of bed. Sliding your slippers on you quietly pad over towards the bedroom door and peek out in the hallway, only to find a flurry of papers and photos scattered around. Opening the door fully you finally catch sight of the culprit, crouching down muttering constant curses and attempting to gather everything back into the once neatly organized box. 
“‘Suki? Babe, what happened?” You giggle, covering your mouth with your hands as he glares up at you. Bright crimson eyes narrow at your giggling figure letting out a soft growl at you.
“The fuck does it look like happened. I knocked this stupid box that you packed off the top shelf and all this shit was crammed into it.”  Bakugou growls out gesturing to the mess around him.
Shaking your head you pad off towards the edge of the mess and slowly lower yourself down, instantly his hand is grabbing yours helping to help support you. 
“Careful dumbass, don’t fall you’ll hurt yourself.” Bakugou grumbles once you’re settled on the floor.
“I’m pregnant Suki, not made of glass. If I can manage to be a hero and not get killed I can sit on the floor just fine.” 
He softly glares at you before shoving some of the pictures over to place the box between you too. Quietly you begin gathering and flipping through all of the different pictures, smiling at the memories and happy faces throughout the mess. Not long after you and Bakugou had gotten married and purchased your perfect little house Mitsuki had appeared at your doorstep dropping a box of pictures and other various items into her son's arms, wrapped you in a quick hug and disappeared. That box of course contained pictures of Katsuki, almost every picture she had taken of the two of you over the years, and any picture Bakugou had in his childhood room. 
You can’t help but smile at the picture of you two and the rest of class 1-A back in your first year at UA. You were sandwiched between Kaminari and Kirishima while Bakugou scowled on the other side of Kirishima. Flipping to the next photo it’s another class photo of you guys in your second year, this one was taken not long after you two had started dating. Of course in true Bakugou fashion he had his ever present scowl while you were pressed against him with Sero on your other side. Kaminari’s kneeling form covers the fact that Bakugou’s arm is wrapped around your waist.
“Aww Katsuki look! I found our class photo from third year!” You squeal happily, waving the photo around. Quirking an eyebrow at you he reaches over and snatches the photo from you. Snorting at the picture he can’t help but allow the smallest hint of a smile cross his face. 
“Shit, twelve years. Hate to say it Y/N but you should work out a little, looks like you’ve gained a little weight right here.” He teases lightly tapping your pregnant belly. 
“Hahaha you’re so funny. Carrying around another human isn’t exactly easy.” You joke sticking you tongue out.
“Mmhmm, you make it look good though. Love watching your cute little ass waddle around.”
Shaking your head at him you grab the picture and place it in the box neatly with some of the others. Half an hour later and the two of you have the majority of pictures once again neatly packed away in the box. Only left with a small pile composed of your combined collection of childhood photos. Thumbing through them you one of your own baby pictures and one of Katsuki’s. Holding them up together you try to imagine what they would look like combined. 
“Hmm?” he hums not glancing up at you.
“What do you think he’ll look like?”
“Who? The baby?” He questions looking up at you.
“Yeah. I mean do you think he’ll look more like one of us? Or maybe bits and pieces of each of us?” You ask holding the two baby pictures out towards him.
“Honestly, I think he’ll look more like you. But either way the brat will have good genes so he’ll be fine.” He says setting the final two photos back into the. “Thank fuck those are all back in there now.”
“What were you doing to knock this down?”
“I was clearing out the closet in the nursery since you were folding all of the clothes. Figured you’d want to actually put them away right?” He says while helping you off the floor. Once you're settled on your feet he closes the box and puts it back into its spot in the closet. 
“You know if in our first year at UA someone told me I’d be pregnant and married at 30 I’d say that sounds ok. But then, then if they told me, I’d be married to hot headed, loud Bakugou Katsuki I’d say they were fucking insane.” You say wrapping your arms around his neck. “ And all these years later here we are and I can’t imagine being anywhere else. You’ve grown up a lot over these past 13 years.”
“Yeah, well you gotta grow up eventually. I’ve gotten better at controlling the hot headedness.”
“You could still work on the loud thing. I’m glad I gave you a chance in second year. You were still loud, proud and a little crude but you’ve always had a soft spot for me huh Suki?”
“You’re pretty hot, so you know.” He shrugs. “Thought I’d give it a shot.”
Rolling your eyes at him you lean up to kiss him. Smiling into the kiss you feel the soft kicks of your baby. Pulling away you pull his hands towards your belly so he can feel the baby as well. With a slight smile he kisses your forehead and rests his head against yours. 
Two months later you’re laying in a hospital bed with Katsuki leaning over you. You both stare down at the perfect little bundle wrapped in blue. Pushing his little blue hat back you’re met with small tufts of ash blond hair that almost perfectly matches your husband’s. Bakugou can’t help but gently run a finger along his son's soft newborn little cheek, stopping immediately when he starts to squirm and let out a quiet whine. Cooing down at him you immediately pause when you’re met with eyes that perfectly match your own.
“The perfect combination of us.” Whispers Bakugou. “Perfect y/e/c eyes just like his mom.”
“Grab the camera, we need a picture of our perfect little boy.”
Nodding he walks to the bags set in the corner searching through them to grab the small camera you had packed away. Once he’s hovering over you two again he quickly snaps a picture of just your baby before backing up to take a picture of the two of you. 
“Perfect, the brat is perfect.”
“I love you Katsuki.”
“I love you too Y/N” He whispers, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
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