#me personal parkour freerunning
freedomisamindset · 2 years
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Bits and pieces recently ❤️.
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wutwutno1 · 9 months
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Borrower Drones!
Worker Drone Life Cycle (Trust me, this is important)
Some worker drones start off life as a pod; a gridiron football-shaped object that houses a tiny drone body, called an “unborn,”  inside.  This pod acts like a baby for nine days, during which it’s supposed to be fed with JCJenson brand drone food. This causes the tiny drone inside to grow. The unborn is suspended inside the pod via two immiscible fluids. 
After the nine days of growth are complete, the pod hatches into a tiny child drone. This child drone will grow over the course of three to five months into a full-grown “living worker drone.” These drones can be pre-programmed with a personality or can randomize the personality from two worker drones (regardless of gender and type.)
Living worker drones act closer to humans than their industrial counterparts. They are more expressive and house more emotions. They also have programmable personalities, however, all of them get uncomfortable when not wearing clothes and will actively seek clothing when necessary.. These drones act as a cross between a pet and a friend for humans, especially those who want children but can’t have, can’t afford or aren’t ready for any. Living worker drones don’t have a lifespan as long as they are provided with drone food, and aren’t outright killed, they have the capacity to live forever due to self-healing. (All the young drones, Nori, Yeva, Butler N, and Maid V are this type of worker.)
Industrial worker drones however are built pre-made. They’re stronger and have dulled down, but still expressable, emotions. They have an aptitude for fixing problems and pick up concepts and techniques easily. They are goal-oriented and very loyal.  (Khan, The Teacher, Alice, and Maid J are this type of worker.)
Borrower Drones
Inside the pods, the unborn is attached to the shell via a “growth control module,” a thin black cord whose whole purpose is to prevent the drone from growing too quickly or slowly while in the pod. These modules detach when the drone hatches. 
However, sometimes the module detaches early, often through excessive forces applied between the unborn and the shell. This causes the unborn to not grow as time progresses, and after nine days are hatched as tiny drones that don’t grow. 
Borrower drones are often scrapped upon hatching due to being defective. However, some are kept as their human owners find them cute. These drones often have to make their own clothes or wear doll clothes. These drones quickly adapt to their size and create grappling hooks and roped harpoons out of small household items like thread, floss, pins, and even pebbles. They are usually experts at parkour and freerunning. They often carry weapons as pets like cats and dogs can be deadly to a borrower drone if they’re not careful. Borrower drones are often more at risk for the Absolute Solver as damage to the growth control module can cause damage within the drone's programming. (Doll, Uzi, and Cyn are all borrower drones.)
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reevezs · 3 months
Repost and rate your muse's traits, then tag your followers.
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses Tagging: again, something you should steal, trust me.
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 ⸻   COMPASSION: 5/10 - not cold or anything, just very focused on finding a solution to your problem.
 ⸻   BITTERNESS: 7/10 - he IS bitter. he was born disappointed, you can't surprise him.
 ⸻   HAPPINESS: 7/10 - BUT, surprisingly, despite that bitterness, he is happy. he's grateful for everything he's got and appreciates it, whether it's something he'd earned himself and worked hard for or was lucky enough to be born into.
 ⸻   POLITENESS: 7/10 - impeccable manners unless he doesn't think someone deserves them. he's never rude for no reason, but tends to be very straightforward or blunt and comes off as rude.
 ⸻   CHIVALRY: 6/10 - just enough to act gentlemanly more often than not, but he's got his flaws and they're worth those 4 points.
 ⸻   PRIDE: 6/10 - not a proud person, but he's very proud of his work and achievements. as he should be.
 ⸻   HONESTY: 10/10 - the truth isn't always pretty but he won't hide or sugarcoat it, as simple as that.
 ⸻   BRAVERY: 9/10 - he is brave to the point of coming off as reckless, but it's all carefully planned.
 ⸻   RECKLESSNESS: 2/10 - two points because he must have done something reckless in his life lol.
 ⸻   AMBITION: 10/10 - he's ambitious as fuck. self-explanatory.
 ⸻   LOYALTY: 10/10 - 100% loyal & reliable.
 ⸻   LOVE: 5/10 - he's never actively looking for relationships or love in general. when it finds him, it really has to hit him in the face for Zach to notice. looking for love requires leaving the house – ain't nobody got time for that.
 ⸻   SENSE OF FAMILY: 10/10 - not to make it a bit too Toretto, but his family is very important. his parents and brother mean everything to Zach, and they all do their best to stay in touch as much as possible.
 ⸻   ATTRACTIVENESS: 5/10 - he doesn't feel attractive or unattractive, and doesn't care much about either, even if his style might suggest otherwise.
 ⸻   AGILITY: 9/10 - parkour/freerunning & regular workouts are a good combo. even if he won't kick someone's ass, his escape is gonna be epic. slightly off-topic, but he's also good with butterfly knives and has an impressive collection of those.
 ⸻   SEX DRIVE: 6/10 - in short: not the most important aspect, but not something he can ignore easily. well, it's much easier to ignore when he's single, but it's also less of a problem when he's not. it's probably +1 or 2 in relationships. are we even getting somewhere with this?
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nitewrighter · 1 year
I just saw John Wick Chapter 4 (amazing, loved it, ugly cried) but I was wondering is Jaime's kit Shamier Anderson's characters Nobody/Tracker but minus the dog?
A big inspiration for me with regards to Jaime and his kit is basically Parkour, freerunning, and UrbEx--I liked the idea of this kid who kind of traverses these human environments in a way that is very distinct from the humans who actually live in those environments, someone who kind of walks in forgotten spaces but at the same time is a normal, practical person. But that being said, honestly the Tracker did make me think of Jaime just because of his cool "scrappy globetrotter" vibes and his repeater! I especially liked the fact that he kind of side-eyes the theatrics of the high table and all those suits and fanciness--seeing the theatrics as theatrics is very in Jaime's wheelhouse as well. I might just make Jaime use that forearm-supported firing style just because of this movie, it's very distinct!
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The Valley of Torment
After overpaid, under-qualified CEO Sylvain Gautier buys a dilapidated warehouse in San Francisco, he’s surprised to find that his new “investment property” isn’t abandoned at all. The world’s sulkiest parkour brat is already using it as a freerunning course, and has no intentions of giving it up. What does it matter that someone else's name is on the deed? It’s *Felix’s* warehouse.
Incensed to learn that dibs are not actually legally binding, Felix is left with no choice but to declare war on Gautier Industries. 
(The insufferable Silicon Valley AU that literally no one asked for.)
“You don’t have to worry about it,” Sylvain says magnanimously. “I’m taking care of everything.” Then he taps Mute and turns to Ingrid. “You’re taking care of everything, right?”
“What are you asking me?” Ingrid asks, insulted. “Of course I’m taking care of everything.”
Sylvain un-mutes. 
“Hey, sorry, the sound cut out for a sec. Look, I gotta run, someone’s got this room booked in a couple minutes.” He’s taking this call from his office, but his dad doesn’t need to know that.
“I called your personal extension,” his dad barks, while Ingrid gives him an exasperated look that very clearly says, He called your personal extension, you moron.
“And I transferred it to the conference line,” Sylvain says smoothly. “The chairs are comfier. You ever think about renovating that corner office? Look, I have to go, there’s a bunch of suits tapping on the glass.” 
There aren’t. Sylvain’s dad knows that there aren’t. But what’s he gonna do, fire him? It’s a little late for that. He already put Sylvain in charge of the shiny new San Francisco branch, Gautier Industries’ very first westward expansion. Not because of Sylvain’s people skills or his keen nose for business, obviously. Just so his dad will have something to say when his business rivals ask, “Your son’s out of school now, isn’t he? What’s he getting up to?”
Sylvain barely even knows what their company does. The first Gautier robber-barons cut their teeth on factory fires and lumber mills, all the worst the Gilded Age had to offer. Since then, they’ve pivoted and pivoted again. Now it seems like they mostly take rich people’s money and turn it into more money, in a way that Sylvain has been extensively educated on but refuses to internalize, because the whole concept is completely stupid. 
The west coast branch, Gautier Numetrics, is just the latest in a long line of pivots. Numetrics is going to do something completely different. They’re going to revolutionize the field of… well, they’re definitely going to revolutionize something. Something to do with big data? It’s B2B, not consumer-facing. Gautier Numetrics is a luxury only a few emotionally-vacant nerd-lords can afford. 
…Is it Gautier Numetrics is, or Gautier Numetrics are? He’ll have to ask the PR girl on their weekly call.
Sylvain is not remotely interested in heading up the western division of his bloodless family’s bloodsucking company. Oh, was that not clear? Sylvain would rather pour milk over a bowl of glass shards and crunch them down with a cereal spoon than add a single cent of blood money to the Gautier legacy. 
But Sylvain doesn’t have any real skills, or any money that’s actually his. Sylvain doesn’t have a fucking clue how to take care of himself. Miklan tried running away and now he’s rotting away in the family tomb, pinned neatly under their dad’s thumb for all eternity. 
San Francisco, though. San Francisco is all the way on the other side of the country, more than two thousand miles from the main office in Boston. And if Sylvain takes the stupid job, he doesn’t just get to move all the way across the country—he gets to do it with a salary that would make a lesser man weep.
Anyway, what does it matter that he can’t do his job? He’s got the most competent COO on the planet. Ingrid’s been managing the transition with military precision. If she had to, she could run the whole new branch on her own, without a big dumb man-child to clean up after. And hey, look on the bright side: if the whole thing ever gets too totally, lethally depressing, Sylvain can always just disappear and set up an auto-payment to wire her, let’s say 90% of his salary. Minus a 10% finder’s fee. Everybody wins, right?
“Sylvain,” Ingrid barks, looking up from her laptop. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” he asks innocently.
“I can see you thinking. Just stop it, okay? Numetrics isn’t his, it’s ours. Yours, I mean.” Sylvain snorts his disagreement and Ingrid’s mouth ticks up, conceding the point. “All I mean is, we can run it our way. It doesn’t have to be this big awful thing.” 
Right. Like a Gautier could run a company and not wind up an empty shell in an overpriced suit. Sylvain’s not a total snake yet, but maybe his dad wasn’t a cold-blooded freak, either, when he was Sylvain’s age. Maybe it’s something that comes on with age, like racism and arthritis. Everyone thinks they're going to do things differently, but in the end—
“Sylvain,” Ingrid says again, more sharply this time. “Goddess, will you just— I am much too busy to deal with you right now, so will you go talk to HR? Please?” 
“Fine, fine.”
“And don’t just say yes and then blow me off! Please don’t make me check on you.”
“I’m going, okay? Jeez, Ingo, lighten up a little. You should really take a day off once in a while,” he suggests, drawing out her most humorless glower. “All work and no play makes Ingrid a dull—”
“WIll you get out of here already??”
Sylvain gets out of there.
He was planning on saying yes and then blowing her off, but he bumps into Mercie at the elevator bank and can’t resist drifting into her path. Mercedes has that effect on people.
“Oh, Sylvain!” she greets him, brightening. “Look, you won’t believe it, the truck downstairs gave me an extra coffee!” Sylvain very easily believes it. Mercedes is the best tipper in Boston. “You don’t need a coffee break, do you?”
“...Ingrid didn’t text you, did she?”
“Hmm? Oh, goodness, I must have left my phone at my desk! Or… hm. Maybe I left it at home?”
Mercie has got to be the only human in the modern age who just can’t be bothered to keep track of a cell phone. Sylvain finds himself grinning. 
“Yeah, I guess I could use a coffee. Usual spot?”
Their coffee spot is the only thing Sylvain is going to miss about the Boston office. The roof deck overlooks the river, a long, twisting stripe of silver except at sunset, when it burns with liquid gold. The wind buffets his cheeks, whipping his hair into his mouth in a way that should really be annoying but instead feels bracing, revitalizing. Unlike the dusty cubicles below, the air up here moves and breathes. It’s playful, darting in close and then skirting out of reach. It makes the sky feel huge and bright. 
And since everyone that works for his dad is overworked to hell and back, there’s basically never anyone else up here. 
It’s early September, the tile still baked with the lingering heat of summer. Mercie stretches out on one of the black marble benches, kicking off her shoes and squeezing at the warm stone with her toes. Like everything at Gautier Industries, the benches on the roof deck are imposing, uncomfortable, and completely impractical: just huge, sharp-edged slabs of marble, better suited for a coffin than a coffee break. What’s the opposite of human-centric design? 
Mercie's eyes are closed, her mouth curved up in a soft, contented smile. If Sylvain didn't know better, he might think that she'd fallen asleep. 
“I guess I’m just worried that nothing will change,” he says quietly. “That we’ll be in this new place with all these new people, and everything will look different, but I’ll still be the same.”
Mercie tilts her head. “Is it your circumstances that you’re afraid won’t change, or yourself?”
“Haha,” Sylvain says. “Aw, come on, Merce. We don’t pay you nearly enough to be my therapist.”
A line forms in her brow.
“You know I’m not only asking as your coworker,” she says, sitting up on her elbows so she can look him straight in the eyes. Sincerity applied like blunt-force trauma, that’s the Mercedes guarantee. “I care about you, Sylvain. You’re not just my boss, you’re my friend. You know that, right?”
Sylvain shifts his weight, stretches languorously. “Yeah, well. You still better mark this down as overtime.”
Mercie giggles. “Well. I suppose if it’ll really make you feel better…” 
“Much,” he assures her. “Crops watered, depression cured, the whole bag. Damn, you’re good at your job.” He’s kidding, but he’s also really not. Thank goddess Mercie’s moving west with him and Ingrid, or he’d be ruined.
Sylvain had a wretched, wrenching crush on Mercie back in college, but he managed to walk it off after a few miserable years. Which isn't to say he wouldn't drop to one knee right here and now if she told him she'd changed her mind; but that's never gonna happen, so. Moot point. Besides, she had the right idea the first time. There is no world in which Mercedes isn’t way, way too good for him. 
And then they’re in San Francisco. 
Ingrid is a nightmare for the whole move, a whirlwind of deliveries coordinated and forms signed and orders barked into the mouthpiece of her eight-year-old brick of a phone. Sometimes Sylvain wishes that he could be more useful to her, but not as often as he wishes that he worked literally anywhere else. He feels for Ingrid, he really does. But most of the time, that feeling is bafflement over why she seems determined to take this ridiculous sham of a job seriously. 
(Truthfully, it’s not much of a mystery. Ingrid’s been making bank since she started at his dad’s company, but a lifetime of wondering whether you’ll get enough to eat doesn’t go away overnight. Even on $140k a year, Ingrid still insists on living in a dingy little studio whose only window dead-ends into a concrete wall. Sylvain has told her a million times that she can move into his spare room, if she’s so worried about money. But that’s Ingrid for you. At least she’s stopped swiping half-eaten buckets of popcorn from the trash can outside the movie theater. Sylvain will take what he can get.)
He and Ingrid go way back. A few of them do, actually—Sylvain and Mercie and Ingrid and a couple of the nerds all went the same place for undergrad. But he and Ingrid go way, way back. They grew up side-by-side in the same desolate suburb. They suffered through a Seiric school together, and we’re talking old-school Seiros, with the nuns and a whole hour a day for Religion and getting hit with a ruler because you broke the dress code. 
​​Ingrid's dad worked for Sylvain's dad for thirty years before Gautier Industries laid him off without warning (because again, and Sylvain cannot emphasize this enough, there is not a Gautier alive with a properly functioning conscience). Luckily, by then, Ingrid had already seen Sylvain’s dad do a lot worse, so it was too late for it to blow up their friendship. Thank fucking goddess for that. Sylvain cannot imagine how fucked he would be if he’d lost Ingrid. 
Running a business is different in San Francisco, Sylvain quickly learns. Here, even the entry-level drones expect perks. Catered meals, a beer fridge, it’s all fair game. In Boston, if you spend everyone’s Christmas bonus to rent out an amusement park, it’s considered a mid-life crisis. In San Francisco, it’s just good business. Every other startup has Laser Tag Tuesdays or Capture the Flag Thursdays or fucking Frisbee-Golf Fridays, a bunch of ludicrous, unnecessary sacrifices at the altar of company culture. It is completely, inarguably stupid. Sylvain fucking loves it. 
“I think we should buy a warehouse,” he tells Ingrid, two weeks after settling into their new SoMa office. 
Ingrid looks incredulous. “Come again?”
“Dropbox built a whole gym,” he says defensively. “Salesforce has that crazy Eye of Sauron. Why can’t I have a warehouse?”
“Why would we need a warehouse?” 
“Ah hah! Funny you should ask! I’ve prepared a slide show for this very occasion.”
Sylvain did actually whip up a quick cost-benefit projection on the warehouse, mostly because Ingrid will never sign off if he can’t make a decent claim about onboarding costs and reduced turnover at companies that make their employees do a bunch of stupid bullshit together. He could, of course, move ahead without her blessing. He is technically her boss. But that would be a real dirtbag move, and Sylvain’s trying to make less of those.
“Okay,” Ingrid says, once he’s clicked through to the ‘QUESTIONS?’ slide. “But why do you want a warehouse?”
“Why did man climb Everest?” Sylvain wonders. “Why do people keep buying those stupid monkey JPGs? Why does anyone do anything?”
She studies him warily. “It’s not for something shady, is it? You’re not going to—I don’t know, build a sex dungeon in the basement, or–”
“Ingrid!” Sylvain cuts in, hand-over-heart. “Come on, what kind of guy do you think I am? Of course you’re invited to my sex dungeon.”
“Saint fucking Seiros,” she mutters, without any heat. “Fine. I don’t care. Mock up a social calendar and get a majority to vote yes, and you can have your stupid warehouse.” 
Why does Sylvain want to buy a warehouse? Well, why does anyone do anything? 
Okay, so maybe he’s thinking about renting out a few rooms on the sly, to try to generate a little padding that his dad doesn’t know about. Obviously Sylvain doesn’t need the money now, but if he has to work for his family for the rest of his life, he’s never gonna make it to 30. 
Not that he’s planning on cutting ties anytime soon. He just likes the idea that he could. He carries his hope around like a pebble in his pocket and turns it over in his hands sometimes, like when his dad makes him lay off a bunch of nice kids who are doing perfectly fine work at a job that is mostly made-up anyway. After three years at the company, the stone is worn practically frictionless. 
So: the warehouse. Maybe it’s a stupid way to go about it, but whatever. And Sylvain likes the idea of profiting off the company’s back. It’s like what his dad does to all of their employees, only in reverse. Almost like justice. (Though obviously not exactly like justice. Even Sylvain isn’t dumb enough to think that some rich kid swiping cash from his daddy’s dresser is any kind of righteous. But it is a big fuck-you to his dad, and that’s good enough for Sylvain.)
READ THE FINISHED STORY HERE: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40682025/chapters/101933433
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
I don't know what to really ask but just give me some assassin's creed content El. Headcanons, Fic, whatever you want just give me some content, pls.
Modern Day Assassin's Creed Headcanons
These are some very general AC headcanons, talking about the modern day characters because gd, I actually like them fight me.
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Modern day assassin's go about things in a simultaneously traditional way and more modern way. So, training is a lot of the core tenants mixed with more modern elements.
Modern assassins don't actually weak the garb from the past unless it's like, a super special ceremony. They dress just like we do because come on. Come on. There's a reason Torres said "the costume made infamous by your secret organization."
I feel like all assassins are huge intersectional feminists. I'm not taking questions on that.
Assassins also have localized mentors. So, y'know, Midwestern assassins have a league of mentors that specialize by sector. There's so many assassins now that it just makes sense?
The way ranks work now is relatively the same? They kept a lot of old tradition.
There are assassins that aren't in the field. Researchers, data retrieval, not all of them are physical soldiers, BUT, all of them know how to fight should they absolutely need to.
Parkour is still essential to the assassin training core. Modern day assassins actually tend to forget about parkour because everyone wants to fight instead.
Freerunning styles actually differ by region! Western European styles drip with style and show where as North American freerunning is filled with showmanship and a little messy!
The traditions of different brotherhoods drip into their assassins. Where as the West Indies Assassins may enjoy one method of assassination, the SEAsian Assassins will enjoy something else and will often default to that as well.
Assassins have different nicknames and are often bonded by the brotherhood they come from.
There's a weird rivalry between the Midwestern Assassins and the New England Assassins. No one knows why, but it's existed for decades. All friendly, of course.
Hell even by country the assassin brotherhoods will differ. The culture is blanketed the same, but varies WILDLY by the society they exist in. The Bolivian brotherhood is leagues different than the Nepal brotherhood. That's just how it is.
Each brotherhood has the universal traditions mixed in with their own that get passed down from generation to generation of assassin. Some of these traditions are centuries old (looking at Altair's home).
Assassins are literally everywhere. They are a global unit, and they are well known within the "secret organization" world.
The Templars are no different.
This is essentially a war that will never end due to human stubbornness and a general lack of not being able to communicate.
It confuses the assassins wildly why Abstergo, a Templar company, would make games and media based off of Assassin history.
Assassins are nomadic by nature.
While it was never Aya and Bayek's intent for the Hidden Ones to become figureheads in their own community, there's a lot of lessons to be learned from those who came before. Aya, who became Amunet, is one of the most celebrated and beloved assassins in all history. It's why there was a tomb hidden away for her in Italy.
All of the greats get remembered in ways they never really expected, and of course, there are jokes surrounding their lives that exist to this day.
It's funny to call each other novices, but no one knows why. Mailk
Some inside jokes are only understood by a singular brotherhood.
Modern day assassins are also extremely well rounded individuals. They know a plethora of skills to blend in with whatever their situation calls for given their missions and the calls of their mentors.
The brotherhood will also pay off college debts/put you through college. They value their assassins to be educated in a plethora of things, college/university being one of them.
Literally there's a place for everyone in the brotherhood. Whether it be in the field, or archiving data, there is always somewhere for you in the brotherhood.
It's not uncommon for older, but not mentor assassins to take in younger/less experienced assassins and train them as well.
Look, camaraderie is a big thing and always will be.
Assassins that are more nomadic than others tend to live in groups, like what Rebecca, Shaun and Desmond were doing.
Groups are deeply personal.
Idk why they made the animus like, a VR headset at one point but I like to think it's not entirely like that???
Yes, you can check out your ancestors in the animus.
Most assassins can speak multiple languages and are versed in some type of sign language.
Assassins are more often than not a heritage thing, but they accept people whenever.
The bleeding effect is still very much a thing. Sometimes, that's how novices will work in a bind.
Sometimes, saying "requiescat in pace" is a bit of a joke in their circles.
You do not badmouth the legends of the past.
Sometimes, assassins will go a little rogue and work with Templars for the greater good. This happens more often than not, and when it does, it has to be extremely hush hush.
Modern assassins and Templars are more willing to talk about things than their predecessors.
Birds are still a big thing with the creed. More often than not, assassins are taught falconry.
You can't have a fear of birds lmfao.
Some assassins have parrots. African Greys, Cockatoos, macaws, stuff like that! Some have crows, ravens, hawks, it goes on. Birds are integral to the creed.
Assassins have like, safe houses and stuff, some more showy than others and grand. There are hidden statues around of different mentors in accordance with what they did in life. In the rafters, windowsills, it's kinda fun. Like an easter egg.
Layla Hassan was super interesting for the time she was part of the assassins and many are still torn on how to feel about her. Shaun and Rebecca especially.
Modern assassins are often more stuck in history than they would like to admit.
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barkkletshunt · 3 years
Those Worth Fighting For Part eight
I feel like I’m really pushing out these parts right now lol It’s been so long since I’ve had a few days off to work on this. I hope you like it! 
Part one             Part two
Part three           Part four
Part five             Part six
Part seven         Bonus scene 1
Part eight (You’re here)
@ladybug-182 @fruit-snacc-ace @miraculous-simmer7 @lavenderjunes @use-flamethrower @fan-written @all-mights-asscheeks @birdie-posts
Marinette looked over her pajamas, wondering why she thought having a pajama date as one of their first dates was a good idea. It was her idea and she wasn’t going to go back on it, but oh God why didn’t she own any cute pajamas? 
“Marinette, I thought you wanted to have a laid back date? Why are you stressing out about your outfit?” Tikki knew Marinette better than anyone else, but even she had a hard time understanding her current holders mind sometimes. “Why not wear your comfiest pajamas?”
The blue haired girl looked over to the pajamas she had worn the night before, the comfiest pajamas she owned, and sized up the hot chocolate stains and the tear on the left leg from when she got it caught on the balcony bar. She meant to fix it, but with school and her other projects as MDC the PJ’s were put on the backburner. “Yeah, no, that’s not happening. I’m still trying to impress him.”
“Then what about the set your Grandfather bought you for christmas?” Tikki asked, floating above Marinette’s shoulder to look at the silk pin striped PJ’s. “Those are impressive!”
“But they’re too impressive. It won’t look natural and it will come across as I’m trying too hard.” The woman began biting at her lip, looking over the other pairs of pajamas she owned. “What if I wore the pair Chat Noir bought me? They are comfortable, kinda cute, and they come with slippers to match.”
“The Ladybug ones?” Tikki thought it over for a moment. “They are nice without being too nice, and comfortable without being overworn. I think they’re a good bet!”
Marinette changed into the pajamas her former hero partner had given her, and tucked her feet into the boot slippers that matched. Although they were too big for her as a teen they now fit her perfectly now that her body looked more like her body as a heroine. She was taller now, and from constant training with her mother and Kagami her muscles had grown strong and resilient. She still couldn’t leap from building to building as a civilian, but she could certainly hold her own when it came to freerunning and parkour. 
“I wonder what he’s going to wear,” she said absentmindedly to her kwami as she changed, stripping off her school clothes and hopping into the pajama pants successfully without falling over. “Something flashy, I’m sure.”
“Maybe he has normal pajamas and is worried you’ll think he isn’t as fancy?
“Ha, I wish. He’s fancy through and through.” Marinette laughed, pulling the shirt over her head. “Maybe I can convince him to dress like a normal person like the rest of us mere mortals. He’d look really good in a turtleneck.”
She looked herself over in the mirror and sighed. She looked too much like Ladybug for her own comfort. While they were the perfect level of baggy, and the colour was slightly off from her actual suit, having red pants with black polka dots made her take a second look at herself. 
The shirt was white, with a pun on it, with red sleeves that matched the pants, and even the booties matched the ladybug pattern to tie everything together. She either looked like someone who absolutely loved Ladybug, or Ladybug herself trying to throw off someone's scent by pretending to be a die hard fan. Either way, she needed to change.
Knock, knock, knock.
Or she would change if Felix wasn’t so damned punctual.
Marinette grabbed her coat and the baked goods she got from her parents earlier and headed towards the door. On the other side was Felix, looking as handsome as ever. She could see baggy track pants underneath his black trench coat, but none of that mattered the second he leaned forward and placed a delicate kiss on the top of her head.
“I brought you coffee.” His voice was soft, as if worried saying anything would stop the butterflies that began to flutter in her stomach. “Are you alright with pizza tonight? I was running errands all day and I didn’t have a chance to pick anything up to cook.”
Marinette wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight, feeling him stiffen for just a moment before returning the affectionate gesture. It wasn’t the first time she had hugged him since reuniting with the blond, but it was the first hug she had given him that she allowed herself to savour. 
She could feel his back muscles through his thin coat, and wondered briefly what he did to make them so defined. In his suits it was hard to tell how muscular he was, but from the hold he had on her she figured he was a lot stronger than he looked.
It was just a simple hug, but he held her like he was afraid to let her go. Maybe it was just her mind going haywire from how good the man before her smelt, like fresh soap and coffee. It was warm and clean and she loved it. 
The hug was over too soon and both parties let go with mild embarrassment at how much they enjoyed it. They looked at the walls and the floors, anything not to meet each other's gaze until they finally did. Neither could help the laughter that bubbled from their lips at seeing how the other felt the same way. It was easy and light being with him, and she wondered if that was how the starting of love was supposed to be. 
“So, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, are you ready to go back to my temporary Parisian home with my cousin and his fiancee and look over the seating placements?” Felix asked, trying to regain his air of formality but failing as his smile kept returning. He offered his arm to her, finally giving up on hiding his giddiness at their first official date. “And start preparing the invitations to what I assume is half of France itself?”
“Why, Felix!” She giggled, taking his arm and walking down the hallway of her apartment building with him. “I thought you’d never ask!”
Felix was a gentleman. This was an irrefutable fact. He took the bag of baked goods from her to carry it himself, he opened the car door for her and waited until she was in and buckled before closing the door and getting in on his side. He made sure to get out of the car first to hold her door open for her again, and did the same at the front door of the house. It didn’t even seem like he was trying to impress her, it was just his natural habits. 
“Fel! Mari! Good timing!” Adrien’s voice called to them the second they were in the house, before Felix had a chance to take her coat and hang it up. “We’re in the living room.”
The two looked at each other, their confusion etched upon their faces. 
“Well, better get this over with.” Felix sighed, slowly unbuttoning his coat and taking it off. Revealing the black t-shirt underneath with the design of a suit printed on the chest. She wanted to laugh. Of course, how did she not think of it? This way he could still wear a suit to bed! “Oh, it gets better. I have a matching pair of slippers to yours.” 
As Felix reached into the closet to put his coat away, he pulled out a pair of familiar looking slippers. She hadn’t seen them before, but she had seen up close where the design came from. The slippers Felix put on resembled Chat Noir’s boots. Without planning it out ahead of time the two of them matched. No wonder they liked each other so much.
When they made their way to the living room, with a slight detour to the kitchen to set down the pizza and the baked goods, they saw Kagami and Adrien sitting on one of the sofa’s dressed like they came right out of a 90’s parent teacher conference. Kagami wore a blouse Marinette was sure she had never seen on her friend before, and Adrien wore a dress shirt with a sweater vest over it. They both had glasses on, and she knew for a fact neither of them needed glasses. 
Adrien looked at Marinette and seemed to freeze for a moment before returning to his disappointed face. 
“What’s going on?” She began to ask, but the two crossed their arms and nodded towards the couch across from them. 
Marinette and Felix sat down, looking confused as ever. 
“Marinette, darling, we need to talk.” Kagami started, her monotone voice not matching her words. “We were informed today about something that shocked us to our core.”
“We’re not mad that you didn’t tell us,” Adrien continued, nodding along. Marinette noticed the model was wearing a fake mustache. “Just disappointed.”
“And what, prey tell, was I supposed to tell you?” She wanted to laugh. She knew their game, she knew exactly what they were playing at. It didn’t make it any less hilarious to her. 
“And Felix, I expected better from you than withholding secrets from me.” Adrien fake cried onto Kagami’s shoulder, who only patted his back in an attempt to soothe him.
“It’s okay dear, as her father I will handle this.” Kagami whispered.
“I thought I was the father, that’s why I’m wearing the mustache.” Adrien lifted his head.
“You’re the emotional mother who doesn’t know how to handle her daughter's secret life, and I’m the father who will be stern but also loves his wife despite the facial hair because you have a beautiful spirit.” Kagami stated. 
“You’d be a great dad.”
“I already am.” Kagami adjusted herself. “Marinette, how could you not tell us you were dating Felix?”
Felix stared at his cousin and his fiancee. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Had Adrien always been this goofy? Had Kagami?
“Mom, Dad, I’m sorry, it’s still new. This is our first date.” Marinette leaned forward and grabbed Kagami’s hand. Felix groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. If he wasn’t already smitten with the blue haired woman, he was sure he’d fall for her again right then and there. His cousin and his soon to be wife, correction, his family loved Marinette so much that they had these silly little jokes and the woman had no problem playing along. She was every bit of the family already and if they were that protective of her then he knew he was falling for the right girl. 
“First date so far, but thankfully you two have given us enough excuses to spend time together that we’re bound to have more dates in the future.” Felix nudged Marinette lightly with his elbow. “Maybe we’ll even, gasp, become a serious relationship and rival your fame.”
“You will if Alya has anything to say about it.” Kagami mumbled. 
“What?” Marinette squinted at her friend, but Kagami shook her head and refused to answer. 
“Well, do I need to grab my sword and threaten you not to hurt my daughter?” Kagami asked Felix, all joking leaving her. 
“No worries, Ma’am, er, sir? I will treat Marinette with the utmost respect.” Felix gave a salute to the Japanese woman. “Now can we go and finish our mission of preparing the invitations to your wedding? While we may be dressed for night time, we aren’t planning on working all night.”
“Speaking of how you’re dressed,” Adrien’s voice wavered for a second. “Marinette, where did you get those pajamas?”
She looked down at herself. How was she supposed to say that the former black cat of Paris gave them to her alter ego self for Christmas? She wasn’t. “A friend got them for me, I’m not sure where he bought them from. Why? Are you jealous?”
Adrien laughed, but it almost sounded forced. “You got me. I wanted them, but oh well.”
Kagami looked at her fiance who just waved her off.
“Well, those pajamas look good on you, M’lady.” Adrien stood up and offered his hand to Kagami who took it and followed his lead. “We’re going to go spar for a bit. Let me know if you two want to join us!”
M’Lady? When had Adrien ever called her that? 
“Well Miss. Bug, shall we be off?” Felix’s voice snapped her out of her train of thought, and then immediately threw her down another hole of questioning. Did he just call her Miss. Bug? The same way that Alley Cat did? Was it just her pajamas making the two blonds act this way, or was there more to the story? God, she was beginning to sound like Alya. 
“Pizza first, invitations second, and third movie time! Sounds good?”
“Anything sounds good if you say it.”
Marinette’s cheeks burned. With all thoughts of Chat Noir and Alley Cat forgotten, the two of them left to the kitchen.
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simpingwriter · 2 years
I'm stuck working on the current Oneshot (maybe i can post it tomorrow afternoon?? [EU TIMEZONE, learn it you fuckers.] Comment if you want it, no spoilers for the plot though...) and my brain needs an outlet for my thoughts anyways. So what better way than with some trivial facts about Casey and the story that revolves around her addition to the game (or call it an "AU", but not with me in the same room, thanks.)
Ideas, thoughts and whatever else floating around in my brain about Dying Light 2 and the stories:
First of all, you can bet your asses that the Survivors want her dead the moment they find out she's "kissing the ass of one of the Pigkeeper's lieutenant" and literally any encounter she has with any of them ends with Casey eventually just sliding out of the trouble via a dark/shady alley nearby or so by using their usual chaos during their attacks to her favor.
She isn't there to erase them off the face of earth, sure she COULD, but Villedor needs people to rebuild. Peacekeepers alone to lead the people isn't enough. Though technically Villedor could become a "safe haven" for wandering survivors from the outside, or maybe a meeting hub for Pilgrims across France? So TECHNICALLY you...or Villedor in that case, didn't NEED the Survivors. Rebuilding will be done partially by Seneux's help as well anyways.
Casey just watches people from somewhere high up doing her free time, being like *sips from Water Bottle* "Interesting." for her own personal collection of knowledge and information on for example how the Survivors fight or with what kind of weakness she has to help the Peacekeepers (like parkour, you ground-bound fucking blue jays...)
Casey is smart but dense if it's about love...She never felt a need for it beforehand and never actually felt it.
Then Aitor comes waltzing into the bloody room and her brain is like "Yes. This one."
And Aitor looked at her and was like "Oh. Hi...why are you cute? Why is a little cutie HERE?? In this literal shit hole??
She has never emotionally recovered from this and now is stuck loving a himbo dilf that is also actually smart but just as dense. In the general sense of things, not love.
Seneux is a region, now at least, i seem to have had a typo in the first second chapters i believe? It was once "just" a capital. But it fell apart a slight bit during the end of the Fall and relatively quickly pulled itself back together, size and civil wise, while also grabbing off some former parts of Bordeaux with time. (And it's still growing...and growing. Maybe a bit too much?)
I have no clue what Aitor's kids names are in-game, do they get revealed at some point by Aitor?, i just decided on Emily and Jake because Aitor looks the kind of dad to me who wanted these names and had a literal hissy fit about it with his (Ex-)Wife.
Also a probability: On his wiki page, his kids aren't listed as his Family... (Or even mentioned?? Is Fandom sleeping on the characters details orrrr??) So maybe, I'm not going with it in the stories, but maybe they aren't biologically his kids. Maybe Patricia brought them into the relationship?
Which would make the fact that Emily and Jake kinda fucking love Casey a really sad thing... imagine your biological mom being so fucking heartless towards your step-dad, who you learn to love like a real dad, that you side with the woman your step dad started dating because she's kinder and saved your asses from a definitely uncomfortable death by being eaten alive.
Casey's strengths are high agility and combat strength. Her weaknesses are that she might accidentally jump right into an enemy because of her said jumpiness and "low" stamina (only during a fight, freerunning/Parkour are a whole different story) and she's mediocre at defending herself, often forgetting she isn't invincible, no matter if "angry" or fighting normally.
Casey at this point hasn't been infected, like most of Seneux, due to obvious reasons (Not heavily affected of the Fall) and seems to haven been bitten multiple times with no change to her condition.
Her moral alignment is definitely Chaotic Good, on bad days leaning towards Chaotic Neutral.
and last one for now: Aitor is a Dilf in the literal sense: A hot Dad we wanna fuck (and love, adore, hug, hold in our arms when he gets hurt...you get my point) badly.
Sweet little hint for everyone who sat through this and read my brain's garbage: Next Aitor x Casey is 18+ 😜 (which is nothing good, I'm horrible at smut...i think.)
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freedomisamindset · 2 years
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Nice day in.
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randomstarmuffin · 3 years
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My @runefactorysecretsanta​ gift for ya_boi_nye is finally done!! Hope I did your favorite characters justice!! :)
Happy holidays!!!! I don’t want to take up too much room so I’m going to throw some rambling and extras under the cut lol
So I don’t think nye has a tumblr, but on their twitter i saw that they were into VTube and youtaite and i wanted to incorporate that in their gift somehow. Unfortunately.... the characters are kind of all already anime??? So drawing-wise, i figured it would be more fun to go with a more general YouTuber AU so I could put in some variety rather than just stills of singing or badly rendered 3D models (by which i am throwing shade on myself alone, VTube rigs are sick but i regrettably have no 3D skills lol)
I’ve actually,,, never played Frontier at all, so I apologize if anyone is wildly out of character!! The wiki is extremely sparse and I didn’t have time to watch too too much of the let’s play i found, so if they’re not right just chalk it up to the YouTuber ~performance~ aspect of this AU lmao.
Even though I’ve never played before and don’t know the characters Super well though, I still had a lot of fun thinking about this AU! If you want to know the specifics of everyone’s content:
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Anette does parkour (fun facts, this particular move i drew is called a speed vault!) and a little bit of vlogging, and she’s friends with Erik (as in canon, if I did my research correctly lmao). She sometimes appears on his channel and vice versa, and he helps her film and edit and stuff sometimes. She lives and works with Mist and Rosetta and helps out with their online boutique. Mist is the idea woman who comes up with crazy stuff, Rosetta is the realist and bookkeeper who pulls those ideas together into something feasible and profitable, and Anette handles all the packaging and shipments and stuff! There’s always something weird going on in their apartment and everyone ends up there a lot, so some of Anette’s vlogs get really popular just because of how out there they are lmao. Oh, almost forgot, but her channel is “DeliveryIsFreestyle” bc... get it... free delivery... freestyle parkour / freerunning... Lol actually it was almost going to be “RunTheMail” because i couldn’t think of anything at first so i think this was the right move in the end :P
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Erik has a gaming channel where he mostly plays farming and dating sims / otome, and we don’t read too far into whether or not RF exists in this universe for him to play even though I put the posters for frontier on his wall xD. The reason I picked Stardew for this thumbnail specifically is because A) I have it and could easily take screenshots and B) i read that he has a crush on Lara? And she’s like, kind of a nurse? And Maru is kind of a nurse? It’s a silly joke but I thought it would be funny to cockblock him from dating a nurse he has his eyes on even in video gaming with his friends lol. His channel is pretty self-explanatory (I was really hoping his farm would have a fun name when i was looking it up but it’s really just “Erik’s Farm” huh? ...but I probably shouldn’t judge, my dnd character’s wolf is named Wolf xD)
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Lute paints!! I think he does a lot of speedpaints and mostly does traditional art, but I think he would have some digital skills hidden up his sleeve as well. And also I don’t know why at all bc I know the least about him out of all 4 of them, but I feel like he has done / does some of those like “how to draw anime” videos because I just think that’s funny. He has a bunch of really popular ones about overly complicated fantasy outfits. No this is not a callout for any series in particular why do you ask? Anyway, I’m not sure exactly how the line goes because I couldn’t find it, but the wiki mentions that he’ll say he’s not doing anything suspicious when he’s painting at the lake, so i thought it would be funny if there’s some kind of running gag with his subscribers where they point out suspicious things he does and he responds in the next video or whatever. The thumbnail I made definitely does just have a screenshot of rff that’s color-corrected and blurred, because I ran out of time but also wanted to differentiate the bg from the canvas ^^;  His channel was originally just “lute” in all lowercase but then i got to the part of the let’s play where he was introduced and he calls himself a “fledgling painter” so i thought this was more fun.
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And Eunice has a cooking channel!! She specializes in baking, but she also has a whole playlist along the lines of “Nutritious Food Can Still Taste Good!” where she talks about healthy eating habits but doesn’t buy into diet culture bc I personally HATE diet culture lmao. I think when that gets popular, she also maybe does a side thing about easily accessible workouts for all sorts of people who want to get into shape? But with a focus on getting stronger / being active and Not a focus on Losing Weight necessarily. Promoter of healthy and happy living! I know how her events / dialogue can go in the game, i just happen to have Opinions About Things, so, that’s how she is in my version. Also, unrelated, but she’s very cute. Even though her braids were a bitch to draw hahaha. And i did end up drawing her just in her actual outfit even though i gave everyone else different clothes bc idk it just felt like it fit the aesthetic of a cooking vlog well?? And it’s not a super complicated one unlike others i could mention. Her channel is “Charming Sweets” and her cooking series is “My Cooking” because those are the titles of the books she has on her bookshelf at the start of the game :)
But that’s just all of *my* headcanons for the AU! If anyone else who knows them all better has their own ideas, please be my guest and imagine it however you like!!
Oh, also, fun facts, this is partially a screenshot of my actual web browser, lol, so if y’all want to know what all I have saved on my bookmarks bar and what my google profile pic is, now you know. However, i would like to not downplay how long i spent editing this in what was possibly the least efficient way to put it together how i wanted, rip, which is entirely the reason i am posting this so late LOL. Apologies for the delay, but technically it’s still the 27th here, so! Victory!
(speaking of the layout, did anyone catch the url? I’m disproportionately proud of the url. though i won’t lie part of me really wanted to put the rick roll url there just for my own amusement hahaha)
And, yeah! That’s the end of my spiel. Happy end-of-2020 to all, and an extra helping of that sentiment to nye!!!
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Pass the happy! 🌻When you receive this, list five things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications. 💛💛💛
Five things that make me happy.
Writing fanfic and match ups it just helps me destress and I love doing it.
Parkour, freerunning urban exploring. They are my hobbies which I really enjoy and they helped get me out of my depression.
My Cat even tho he doesn't want anything to do with me quite a bit. But I still love him
My motobike is my freedom.
Cosplay, cosplay helped me realise who I am as a person helped me open up with my gender and realise who I am.
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lifepros · 4 years
Physically and mentally prepare for situations that could change your life, like taking up boxing and jogging
A few years ago, when I was still a teenager I would get into some questionable situations, as we all did. My friend has been hit from a stray bullet from a drive by shooting and I drove him to the hospital, my uncle has been held at gunpoint at the bank with me outside in the car, and some homeless man pulled out a dirty needle and tried to rob me with it.
My group of friends and I ended up trying out boxing, jogging, and dedicating ourself to learning parkour (or freerunning).
This was kind of before the big ‘parkour phase’ and we never wanted to video tape ourselves or look cool, we just wanted to be able to get away from a thug or a security guard that could be chasing us attempting to hurt us.
Take care of yourself. Exercise, jog, and build up your endurance so much that no average person could catch you in a race.
Sign up for a legit martial arts class or boxing. It will relieve stress as well as give great discipline and self defence techniques. Even getting some boxing gear and throwing down with your friends helps.
This last one sounds funny, ya, but learn a bit of parkour. Understanding the way momentum can be carried, as well as little tips to get over certain objects really fast is seriously underrated. Some dudes in the park the other night chased me and after I cleared a 6 ft fence with ease, they stopped. That has also worked with the police before, when my friends and I were smoking weed at the playground at night and they ran out from behind the building trying to catch us, they couldn’t. A few backyards later and I was looking back at two sad men behind a fence.
Anyways, all of these things could save your life if a crazy situation ever arises. The world is unpredictable.
And, if you go looking for trouble, you’ll find it.
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starrypawz · 3 years
🔥 🧡 ⭐ For Ronan?
Jumbo Ask Game
🔥 Give us a list of general likes and dislikes, such as colours, textures, music, weather and other stuff!
Likes: Blueberries, Chocolate, Gummy Candy, Soda, Fries, Cheese topped anything, Blankets, Dogs, Penguins, Ducks, Trees, Parks, Oversized shirts and jackets, Converse, Combat Boots, Denim Jackets, Blue, Purple, Green, Stars, Cartoons, Fantasy Novels, Piercings, Dawn and Dusk, Midnight, Tea, Pyjama Trousers, Hair Dye,
Dislikes: Spaghetti Straps (They’re just incredibly annoying ok), White Walls, Cold Nights,Fake Pockets, High Heels (wearing), Alcohol, Florescent Lights, ‘Hospital smell’, Hospitals, Crowds, Button Fly trousers/shorts, That one orange hair dye, Protein Bars, Protein Shakes, Unexpected textures in food,
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
I mean I don’t think Ronan really would have any celebrities they like (I know technically the Rangers are seen as such) like Ronan doesn’t necessarily have that much investment in people they don’t personally know beyond ‘They seem kinda cool?’ Like there’s probably an actor or two Ronan likes to watch and maybe a band or two but like Ronan just likes them for what they do
So the answers to this question would be Ricardo, like Ricardo is def Ronan’s favourite person as a whole and I probably don’t need to elaborate on that.
Back in the day Ricardo and Themmy were tied for the ‘favourite person’ spot. Danny has also increasingly become high up on Ronan’s favourite person list.
Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?
Can I just go ‘Basically anyone connected to The Farm’ and like reasons are obvious on that front.
I don’t think there’s many people outside of that Ronan downright hates, like Farm and Farm Adjacent People kind of take up the bulk of Ronan’s hate reserves they didn’t necessarily get on super well with Chen back in the day but that wasn’t hate as such that was more ‘We kind of clash and I know you don’t trust me and you also seem to have a stick up your butt’, they get on a lot better these days and Ronan is close to thinking he might be a friend, and like has found out Chen had their back a lot more than they thought back in the day and really appreciates how they looked after Ric.
⭐ What is your OC afraid of? Any crippling phobias or some such? How do they act when scared and what helps them calm down? Does anyone ever find your OC scary? Why?
This one I answered before so I’ll copy and paste my answer under a cut since like mental health talk
Understandably does have a fair few things they’re scared of/highly concerned by. A lot of what it is comes under like general fears of loss and of failure, like a pressing one currently has been ‘what if I’ve done all this and then it’s all for nothing’. Ronan has found also they’ve become incredibly uneasy around very large windows, especially if said windows are high up, crowds are sometimes not fun and like they’re uneasy around heights, they didn’t used to be and it does bum Ronan out a bit as back in the day they did like parkour/freerun a lot, they’ve also got way more of a startle reflex than they used to so they have actually been scared by the toaster in recent times amongst other things
Ronan tbh can be quite good at compartmentalising fear in the moment and then tends to have a freak out in private once the situation is over. They’re prone to essentially just totally collapsing until it passes, they’ve been developing some better coping mechanisms since  that don’t involve ‘im just gonna hop into the puppet for a bit nbd’
Ronan, i think has only been like seen as scary when they’ve been actively trying to do so adjacent to their villain persona or when in situations of grave danger. It’s not really been Ronan’s favoured tactic outside of that.
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tarotdeckshuffle · 5 years
Hello Beauty :) Can I request a headcanon of the chocobros with a s/o that does parkour at height/rooftop parkour and freerunning ? Take care of yourself !
Sayaoqueen! I’m always glad to get requests from you! ^^  You’re so sweet! I’ll try to take care of myself, at least a little bit. 😘
I’ve only watched parkour videos, so that shows here.  Also, I think it’d be really cool for the s/o to use parkour in battle! Enjoy!❤
Taglist: @idiotflowerex, @laststory1013, @sayaoqueen, @jophinabean, @mysme-already
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Doesn’t say much but watches with wide eyes and an open mouth as you sprint across ledges and flip between buildings.
He’s used to heights from warping out of danger,
But he just hangs around.
You seek out the heights,
Using them like a new road,
Finding ways around your foes,
And making it all look so easy!
How do you do that?!
In Insomnia, he used to watch as you performed your tricks,
Thinking them amazing in person,
Or a cinematic masterpiece when he watched your videos.
A real life Assassins’ Creed!!
But he never imagined that it’d be this useful one day!
He tries to learn from you at one point,
But honestly, he’s not that fast,
Or that graceful.
He relies too much on warping to be able to keep up with your footwork.
Ends up hanging by his sword as you run by, stealing a kiss!
So he’ll stick to watching you as you steal his heart from the rooftop.
He freaks out the first time he sees you.
Zero chill.
He wants to video you doing it.
You may let him.
He’s brave enough to be in some precarious positions for a good shot,
But not quite ready to try running along those edges or flipping off of them.
Honestly, you do scare him sometimes.
He flinches when you “miss,”
Hanging from your fingertips.
But you always recover.
He trusts you, but he doesn’t trust gravity.
But with his help, any videos you make look better than ever!
In battle, he’ll barely be able to keep track of you!
All he’ll see is a glint in his peripheral as he aims for another MT.
But you’ll always be in the right place at the right time!
You blow this man’s mind!
“You’re a real life assassin!”
“You’re so amazing…”
Your boy is starry eyed and dazed at your skills…a lot.
You can’t help but be flattered at his joy!
The first time he sees you perform a rooftop stunt,
He’s terrified.
His first instinct is that it’s a bit excessive,
But he can’t deny the absolute beauty and thrill at what you do.
It’s so graceful.
He’s frozen, just watching you.
He’d be the least familiar with any videos you’ve made.
So the other guys would laugh at his reaction from first seeing you.
But don’t worry, they’re just as amazed.
Ignis truly does find you to be an assassin.
An innovative, deadly, and calculating force.
But one with the grace of a dancer and the agility of a gymnast.
He’ll call you “angel”.
To him, you’re an angel of justice,
Raining death down upon your enemies from above.
Ok, death metal like fan boying is done.
He’s only sort of joking.
He’ll turn you down if you ever offer to teach him.
Not because he’s uncomfortable with heights or complex footing,
But because he worries he’ll slow you down.
Will surprise you with a rooftop dance along the ledges, one night.
The two of you wrapped in each other’s arms,
Dancing to soft music,
As your toes hang over the building’s ledge.
It’s romantic and thrilling.
An intoxicating combination.
If anyone truly appreciates what you do
It’s this man.
He’ll be so joyful as he watches you for the first time!
Think’s it’s so cool!
Has some chill.
He’ll jokingly refer to you as his monkey.
Because he thinks you monkey around on the rooftops and cliffs.
Don’t like that nickname?
Too bad.
Will try to show you that monkeys are cool.
You’re the master of the “treetops” in battle,
Hitting with precision from above before anyone else knows where you are.
This concrete jungle is your kingdom.
Gladio is not a fan of heights.
Big guys land hard.
He’ll always be prepared to catch you.
But no. He will not join you.
Watching your POV videos makes him nervous.
He loves watching you, but from the ground.
Will likely get turned on, watching you in battle.
So you need to return to the ground,
And to his arms.
His fighting style is all about strength,
But he appreciates styles different to his.
So he’s struck when he sees you jumping between rooftops the first time.
He won’t say anything,
But he can’t take his eyes off of you.
“Not the most efficient use of your energy…”
He may remark,
But don’t be fooled,
He loves watching you.
If you fight side by side, he’ll adjust to your style.
Leaving room for your acrobatics.
The only time he’ll ever join you on the rooftops is in Altissa,
When you’re racing towards Luna.
Surprisingly, he keeps up quite well!
He’s not anywhere near as graceful as you,
But he doesn’t really slow you down.
If he fears heights, he doesn’t let it show.
(Don’t let that fool you, Ravus wants down NOW and feels extremely clumsy up here)
But he’ll be impressed and watch any videos you’re in in private.
She’ll initially be terrified for your safety,
Then amazed by your grace and skill!
She trusts you,
But she’ll still worry.
Will likely clap for your “performances” .
“You’re amazing!”
She looks starstruck!
She’s not afraid of heights or falling.
So she’ll join you on the rooftops.
But she hasn’t trained for battle like you have,
So she’s slow on the uptake and lacking in speed.
But she’ll gladly walk along the ledges with you,
And let you perform any couple’s stunts you want.
While she giggles and is thrilled to be so close to the heavens with you.
Kids and their acrobatic fighting styles, nowadays.
It’s not enough just to swing a sword…
Ok, that was sort of useful.
He truly is impressed the day you climb Cindy’s shop and manage to get to the top of the cafe as MTs surround him.
You launch a surprise attack from above.
To himself, he’ll admit he was wrong.
You’re an assassin.
One of the oldest forms of fighting styles.
And he fully respects it.
But, no…he’s too old to be up there with you.
He’ll almost jump out of his skin if you hang from a ledge.
“You’re doing that on purpose!” He’ll accuse.
Secretly, he’ll really hope you are because he’s not sure if he could save you from down here.
To him, you’re an ancient warrior, gliding along the rooftops in search of your next target.
But you’re also his love, so…just be careful!
Would be psyched!
Wants to go running together!
The two of you perform high velocity rooftop dances.
Complete ninjas at night.
He loves that you can do this together.
You make games of it with the other Glaives.
Totally creating the next viral video.
“That’s amazing! Now get down.”
He’s immortal, not you.
Get down before you get killed.
He loves watching your skills,
But he knows how short your life is and hates anything that could cut it off faster.
Sure, he’ll join you on the roof,
But he won’t run.
Claims he doesn’t have nearly enough grace for that.
Honestly, he’d fall within seconds if he tried.
Want to see Ardyn faceplant? Now you do.
He wants to be supportive of your skills,
But, by the six, this man will worry about you.
With a jump like hers, it’s hard for things to impress her.
At first, she’ll act like your skills don’t.
But she is really quite proud of you.
It’ll be one of those moments where she’ll show you off.
She’s cornered and comments on how the enemy should look up,
As a devilish grin graces her face.
And you strike from above.
She’ll glide through the air beside you as you run,
Making a pairing even the birds would be jealous of.
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joie-university-rp · 4 years
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It is with great pleasure we invite you admission to Joie University! Welcome to the Thunderclap family!
Congratulations, KEN! Please be sure to check the New Members’ Checklist and send in your character’s account within 24 hours from now. We cannot wait to see all that you will bring to this roleplay! We love you already!
Name/Alias; pronouns: Ken, he/him
Age, Timezone: 22, PST
Activity, short explanation: New job so activity will be lower but I’m still here!!
Ships: Vitya/Anyone (Sexually), Vitya/Men (Romantically)
Anti-Ships: None.
Triggers: None!
Preferred photo for Character’s ID : https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1mfjly7Dgd4/maxresdefault.jpg
Anything else: My feet hurt from this new job. Also, if there are any typos, I’m sorry, I wrote this tired.
Full Name: Vitya Alexsi Cristo
FC: Bill Skarsgard
Age/Year at University: 19, Freshman
Birth date: November 18th, 2000.
Hometown: Vladivostok, Russia.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Major(s): Creative Arts - Illustration
Minor(s): Gemology
Housing request: Beiste Dorms, Room 226
Extracurriculars: Freerunning/Parkour Club, Esports Club, Gymnastics
Greek Life Affiliation: None.
CHARACTER PROFILE (TW; Depression, suicidal tendencies, under age sex/drinking):
Vitya Cristo has always been the baby of his family. It was not due to his age, or order in the births of his siblings, but more his health. It was discovered in his infancy he was born with a congenital heart defect. His skin was pale, he would lose his breath while feeding, and his hands and feet would swell up. His father, being a rich man in the pharmaceutical industry, wanted to fix his boy, but the medical professionals said the case was not severe enough for infant surgery. In fact, he should live a relatively normal life. His father did not see it that way. While his siblings would wander their large, mansion-like house in Vladivostok, Vitya was ordered to stay indoors. He was not allowed to play sports if not escorted, and was even monitored by a personal nanny to most of his schooling. He was isolated, unable to be a regular child because of his helicopter-like father.
Vitya’s mother was the light of his life. The woman had a fire in her, one that was freer and looser than her husband. She loved the man, of course, but disagreed with how protective he was of their son. On nights where he was away, she would sneak Vitya into the fields and courtyards and let him run around and be free. One of Vitya’s most prized memories is running through their lawn with the fireflies. He loved these moments with his mother and he learned to never take the good things for granted.
When Vitya started to enter his teen years, his father would take him to work more and more. Some days, his father would show him the labs and workers that were developing medicines, pills, and more. His father was introducing him into the business, with the obvious intent to pass it on to him. It was a cushiony job, with minimal risk, and little to no physical activity and enough money to set him up for life. It was clear was his father was trying his best to keep his son sheltered as he entered those rebellious years. It was also during this time that Vitya started displaying depressive symptoms, including self-destructive tendencies like playing with lighters and razor knives. In a hope to loosen the leash, Vitya’s mother convinced her husband to send him to school instead of teaching him at home. He, woefully, agreed.
When Vitya was sent away to an all-boys boarding school, the hope was he would become a fine young man, ready to inherit the family riches and pharmaceutical business. At first, he lived every day as if his father was there, as if his nanny still tended to him. It all changed when one night, his dorm mate woke him up to sneak out for the night and meet several other boys at the river nearby. It was near mid-terms, and the boys needed a break. Little Vitya could barely contain himself when he saw all the contraband they brought along. Booze, weed, satellite internet for porn, and hours to get through it all. That night, he partied like an actual teen for the first time in his life. He had his first kiss that night, his first blowjob, and later, at around five in the morning, his first partner. He dove into the deep-end, his sheltered soul yearning for the release and freedom all this brought him. And he reveled in it.
Vitya lived a double life from then on. During his time at home, he was the model son. Well-behaved, well-spoken. But at school, away from prying eyes, he was an absolute devil. Hours of drunken parties, bad habits like casual sex and smoking being his two favorites, and sometimes, getting into physical fights when his anger got out of hand. Vitya and his growing band of misfits found a way to bypass the school’s firewall, getting access to explicit content without hindrance. Vitya’s grades started to slip, but he didn’t care. He kept them up enough so his father would be satisfied, but that did not mean he was studying more. There was many-a-teacher he had dirt on, blackmailing his way to reasonable grades. He became a terror on the innocent boarding school almost overnight.
With his time at the school coming to an end, Vitya knew one thing for certain; there was no way he was going to be some CEO ass, dominating over people he would never bother to learn the name of. He still played the model son, faking his way into his father’s good graces, but each sideways glance to his mother told her what he really wanted; to get out. So, she did the impossible. Under the sleeping eyes of his nanny and father, his mother woke him up and snuck him outside, just like when he was a child. This time, though, she handed him a packed bag, keys to one of the cars, and a plane ticket, telling him to go. She may love her life of luxury and easy living, but she knew this was not the place for her baby. She only asked that Vitya keep an eye on his health, and use those American doctors for all their worth.
Vitya left that night and never looked back. He started out in New York, wandering to all the sites. He went to Pittsburg, New Orleans, Austin, Los Angeles; he went everywhere, explored everything, and fucked anything that gave him ‘the look’. Vitya would even set up in some motels and just let anyone in, if they had cash in hand and a bottle of booze. He got into some hairier situations, too, when those very customers would catch him clearing out their wallet. He had been cut off from his father’s fortunes when he discovered his actions, so he needed to make money somehow!
It was sheer luck when he applied as a foreign student at Joie University. He really just needed a place to stay, running out of motels to sell his ‘services’ out of. He knew he’d have to get an actual job at some point, selecting an easy degree to go after. He did enjoy drawing while growing up, and left his lovely rock collection in Russia, so illustration and gemology seemed a perfect fit. If only he could kick the Russian accent, then maybe he could fit in a bit better.
(Please answer the following questions IN CHARACTER. Responses can be as long or short as you see fit!)
What made you want to attend Joie University?
It is a secure campus with a good curriculum. The housing seems nice and the students friendly enough. I am looking for a place to plan roots, to get started in life, and I want it to be here. There are loads of opportunities here and I want to find them.
What are at least 3 positive or neutral and at least 3 negative traits that you believe you possess?
I’m intelligent. Beyond the classroom. I am good at reading people, what they want or need from me, which helps me understand my task. I know what I want, so I am very direct and leave little room for misinterpretation. I also have a morbid curiosity that can get me into trouble. All of these combined makes me somewhat abrasive, but that is their loss. And I am not very personable. I’ll do what needs to be done of me, but ask if I want to watch a rom-com with some popcorn, and I’m going to have to say no.
Which of your traits do you value most?
My directness. If I know what I want, and it isn’t what someone else wants, then I know I need to look elsewhere. I’m not going to waste time, which is better for both involved.
How can that trait benefit the University (or its student body) as a whole?
Being Russian, I’m a cultural novelty that many haven’t seen before. The fact you Americans have to wait to twenty one to drink was a major newsflash for me, so now I have to wait three more years when I already was drinking back home. The more I learn about America, the more others can learn about the motherland, beyond what some media figurehead tells us.
What do you hope to gain from your experience at JU?
The obvious answer to this is a degree, but anther answer is possible dual citizenship. I hope through this, I will be able to travel between Russia and America with more than just a student visa. I truly believe I can call America home, if given the chance.
What is a quote or song lyric that describes you?
“Do you realize I’m the man and I’m in my prime? And it’s my time, I swear to God I won’t waste no time. You ain’t worth a dime, no, you ain’t worth a dime. Still on my mind, you’re still on my mind.” – ‘Let Me Know (I Wonder Why Freestyle)’ by Juice Wrld
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aikoiya · 5 years
MLB AU - L.A. Chat Noire AU Part 1
Y'all know what'd be amazing? Chat Noir with a more L.A. Noire: Detective inspired sort of costume. Trench coat with pockets holding a plethora of inestigative supplies, fedora with earholes for his kitty ears, & his belt-tail used to keep his black trench closed.
He also has powers to hide himself inside shadows & silence his own movements.
Adrien with the stiffled talents & potential of, like, the second coming of Sherlock Holmes & batman & the only times he can show this off is when he's Chat Noir. His canon interest in physics becoming a part of his character.
Quirky, yet brilliant & often times, cheerful; sometimes brooding but always a gentleman.
He likes looking good, but feels that function is more important than form. Appreciates clothes that don't just do their job, but do it well & look good to boot. He can't live without pockets!
Adrien still loves Jagged & classic rock, but also has a soft spot for jazz as his mother used to always listen to it. (Plus, smooth jazz seemed to have a relaxing affect on him, even as a baby.)
Chat Noir tries to cooperate with the police as much as possible, but isn't above working figuring out the problem himself.
Always enjoyed tinkering with things, eventually leading to Adrien jury-rigging a small tv with a broken reception & visual to pick up on police radio on accident at a young age. He listens to it & uses what little info he's given to figure out cases. Later, he makes a radio of his own to send the police hints & he acquires the title of "L'informateur" or "The Informant."
The police try to figure out where he is, but little Adrien is too clever for them.
This was the start of his interest in Criminology.
Anyway, upon recieving his miraculous, he only slightly changes his name. Instead of Chat Noir, it's Chat Noire.
The main difference is that Adrien is far smarter than in canon & also has far more common sense. However, instead of being all passive about possible threats like Lila (his helstomism training helps him handle her & any other decievers out there), he's more so the type to lie in wait until the right moment.
He also has this uncanny ability to see utter assholes & deliver the most backhanded compliments while making it difficult for those who don't know him very well to even be able to tell if they're being insulted. (So, his dad is clueless when Adrikins calls him a deadbeat to his face, but Nathalie has to cover her choked laughter up with a cough. & is it just me or did the corners of G.'s mouth just ever so slightly twitch upwards?)
Another skill of Adrien's is the ability to misdirect/trick without having ever uttered a single falsehood, wording things in such a way that it causes the listeners to come to their own conclusions.
He doesn't do these sorts of things without having a damn good reason, though. He's a very genuine persone by nature after all.
Adrien chooses to play the saxophone for himself but also enjoys the violin & used to only plays piano because his dad makes him before realizing that not only can Jagged Stone play too, but there are a lot of piano jazz musicians. So, he figures if all of them can rock the ivory keys, then why can't he do the same?
He has this sort of underhanded slyness, but he only uses these powers for good. Specifically when his dad is being too suffocating with his studies. Like, it's because of his silver tongue & persuasiveness that he was able to learn different sign languages & take several self-defense classes. "Huh... Well, sorry for bothering you father. I just thought that learning sign would allow me to communicate with people more easily..." or "Oh well, I'd once heard that the best way to protect someone was to teach them to protect themselves & how much time will I really have to search for an appropriate replacement for a fencing foil if I get attacked randomly?" or "What if we run into a particularly rowdy bunch of fans like last week? Wouldn't it be useful to learn parkour & freerunning? Maybe even gymnastics? Just to escape of course." Ya know, put little seeds in his dad's head by making very good points that cause the old man to think? It may be manipulative, but it isn't lying.
However, he CANNOT sit still when someone is in clear danger. Even when he's sure he isn't needed or is told to wait he gets antsy & paces. He hates feeling useless, uninformed, or plain old unhelpful, especially when he could be saving lives.
In other words, he's got a huge hero complex & takes his job more seriously even though he also enjoys being Chat Noir almost, if not just as much as in canon.
Everytime he fails; is unable to save someone, is taken control of, one of his friends are taken over, or he sees LB get nearly killed, he stresses out & forces himself to improve by training, studying, whatever.
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