#me posting two fics in one day??
oh-mydarling · 4 months
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Sharon suffers from a nightmare in the aftermath of the courtroom shooting, and Andy is there to comfort her
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slutifer · 2 months
touch tank
𝗆𝖺𝗆𝗆𝗈𝗇 𝗑 𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗆𝖼
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: 𝗌𝗆𝗎𝗍 (𝖬𝖣𝖭𝖨) 𝗈𝗋𝖺𝗅 (𝖿𝖾𝗆 𝗋𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗂𝗏𝗂𝗇𝗀), 𝗉𝗋𝖺𝗂𝗌𝖾, 𝖺𝖿𝖺𝖻 𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗂𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗂𝖺 wc: 1068 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾: 𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾 𝗂 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗇𝗀 (𝗍𝗈𝗎𝖼𝗁 𝗍𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝖻𝗒 𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗇𝗇𝗂𝖾), 𝗂 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗈𝖿 𝗆𝖺𝗆𝗆𝗈𝗇 😰 𝗂 𝗃𝗎𝗌𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝖽 𝗍𝗈 𝗐𝗋𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝗂𝗍,, 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗄 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀, 𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗈𝗒!! ♡
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‘cause he’s so pretty when he goes down on me gold-skinned eager baby, blue shirt out the laundry he tells me he’s gentle when he wants to be so i think he wants to be gentle with me
mammon's eyes glistened as he slowly scanned your face. his thumb traced your lower lip, cupping your chin with a touch so delicate, it was as though you were the most precious gem.
he finally had you alone, quite a rare occasion in the house of lamentation, and he was relishing in it. his greed burned aglow in his chest, the flame being stoked by your warmth radiating through the small distance between your body and his.
you giggled softly at the love struck look on his face and teased his thumb with a swipe of your tongue, his cheeks instantly heating up at the action.
"d-don't tease me, mc." his flustered voice was soft but it seeped through the still air in his room, raising goosebumps on your arms.
you pushed his thumb past your lips, smiling around it and wrapped your fingers around his wrist, holding him in place. he inhaled a sharp breath at your obvious beckoning, pushing his thumb lightly against the press of your tongue.
his tongue peeked out through his lips, dampening them quickly before he removed his thumb from your mouth. you pouted dramatically at the loss of his digit only for mammon to gently push your body down. he hovered above you with his hands pressed against his bed on either side of your head. you took the opportunity to make room for him to slot himself between your legs and he groaned in response, almost instantly laying into your body.
his face found its place in the crook of your neck where he left lingering, open mouth kisses and soft bites.
"so beautiful," he mumbled against your neck.
your hands wrapped around him, pulling his body even closer. he responded most eagerly and pushed his body further into yours, grinding himself against your heat.
"and all for m-me, fuck-" he moaned breathily.
his mouth found yours in a firm kiss, his tongue pushing past your lips. the urgency of his mouth juxtaposed the feather-like caress of his hands traveling from your cheeks, to your neck, and down to your chest. mammon's fingers grazed over your clothed nipple, sending a shiver down your spine. he swallowed your moans as he teased your sensitive nub, responding with his own whimpers when you pressed your own pelvis onto his hardness.
"need to taste ya, treasure." he mumbled against your lips. you moaned in response, your hands tugged lightly on his feathery white hair.
"words, darlin', i need to hear ya." he urged, his fingers trailing down to the elastic of your shorts.
"yes, yes. please, mammon." you bit down on his lip softly.
"good girl," he smirked, pecking your swollen lips once more before he sat up, pulling your shorts and underwear off in one swift movement.
he wasted no time as he positioned his head between your legs, nearly salivating at the sight before him.
"so wet for me already," his breath fanned over your sensitive core and your pussy clenched around nothing, your hands gripping the sheets. he began kissing your inner thighs, slowly inching his way to your wetness.
"ah, m-mammon?" you stutter out, your body shuddering, responding to his lips dragging against your inner thigh.
"yeah, baby?" mammon peeks up at you, eyes glazed over, pupils blown out. he tilts his head, lightly leaning it against your thigh.
"you're so pretty." your voice barely above a whisper, his blush deepened.
"you drive me crazy," a small smile graced his exquisite features. he placed his hands on either side of your thighs pushing your legs further apart, dipping his head down and placing an open mouth kiss to your clit. your body arched off of the bed, hips rising slightly with a rippling pleasure.
your hands shot up, burying themselves in his hair once again. he chuckled lightly before gently sucking on the bundle of nerves. you could no longer control the sounds that escaped your throat as he ran a finger through your folds before pushing two of them into your dripping core. your eyes flutter shut, teeth gritting as he curved his fingers, hitting the sweetest spot.
he began fucking you with his fingers as he focused on lapping up your wetness greedily.
"eyes open. look at me, baby.” he pushed his fingers in roughly, forcing your eyes to snap open. whimpering, you perched yourself up on your elbows and looked down at the beautiful man between your thighs. his hair had become disheveled, strands hanging over his forehead as his frenzied eyes connected with yours.
the sight of mammon between your legs - fingers fucking into you, his mouth expertly working your pussy - was overwhelming, pressure began to build in your lower stomach.
"m-mammonnn," you moaned, unable to think straight, "baby, i'm s-so clo-ose!" you nearly squealed, fingers tightening their grip on his hair, pulling his soaked face closer.
he sped up his movements, the pressure continued to build in your body, your pussy clenching harder around his fingers.
mammon could've cum right then - your voice, your body, your everything. his eyes never left yours, taking in the sight of your fucked out face, tits bouncing as he pressed his fingers into you. you were his human, all his.
you took my breath away so now i can’t suck in my stomach around you anymore
“cum for me, baby.” he moaned against your wetness. the vibrations of his voice pulsed through you and almost as though a switch flipped inside of you, you screamed out, throwing your head back as you reached your orgasm. sparks went off all over your body, stars blurring your vision. your body tightened around mammon's fingers as you rode out your release, heart pounding against your ribcage.
he placed a delicate kiss on your thigh, removing his fingers. you sucked in a light breath through your teeth at the sudden emptiness, watching as mammon sucked his fingers into his mouth.
"all mine." he smirked, leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. you moaned at the taste of yourself on him, sitting up and pushing him onto his back. mammon's eyes were wide, his mouth slightly agape.
"my turn." you smiled devilishly, straddling his hips.
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daily-odile · 4 months
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ohitslen · 1 month
BREAKING NEWS 🎉Ch. 5 of The neighbor from 311 is up!🎉
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
Bullshite Doctors (Broadchurch Drabble)
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Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader / requests are open
Summary: Alec is shocked by the type of care females get at the doctors.
CW: the healthcare systems systematic oppression and negligence of women/girls, also crying
Broadchurch Tag List: @clarina04 @kaylinelizabeth4004 @yeethaw13 (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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It’s growing clearer and clearer with every appointment that Alec has not been to many appointments with a woman before. At the first appointment, Alec was just so genuinely baffled by the fact that the doctor didn’t really do anything to help you or look at you that he couldn’t do anything but witness it. 
On the second appointment with a different doctor, he’d done his best to be polite but firm with the doctor, and when that didn’t work, he’d sat quietly chewing on his thumb and bouncing his knee with frustration. This, of course, made the doctor concerned, and the doctor turned his attention to making sure Alec was alright and not tending to his actual patient. 
The third time it happened, Alec was abrasive and irritable with the doctor. Every time the doctor tried to dismiss your concerns, Alec spoke up and did his best to get you the help you so desperately needed. But no, everything was just “normal for a woman your age” or “nothing to worry about.” 
Alec, in a last-ditch attempt, had swallowed his desire to keep his work and home life separate and asked Ellie for advice on who her GP was. It was a female doctor, and Alec had thought surely- surely this time they’d listen. 
Nope. Same shit, different doctor. This was where you were now, one hand pressed to your inflamed gut and the other giving Alec’s arm a warning squeeze. In your experience getting angry at the doctors only slowed the whole process down even further. 
“No, I’m sorry- but- what the fuck d’ya ken? All ‘a you God-f’ersaken doctors. Y’ all say the same thing, and it’s fuckin’ bullshite! I swear t’fuckin God, we’ve been to every doctor in this shithole of a town, and none of you! None! Have taken us seriously.” 
You blink, taken aback by this outburst. You can’t help the coy little smile that starts spreading across your lips, though you’re surprised when you go to brush some hair out of your face and pull your hand back to find that it’s wet. Oh. 
“Darlin’, what’s wrong?” Alec says, noticing and crouching before you. The doctor seems unsure what to do and passes Alec a tissue. 
Your boyfriend blots the tears away and shushes you gently, squeezing your knee comfortingly. 
“Sorry- I,” you take a deep breath. “I’ve just never had someone bat for me like that. The doctors, they- they just don’t listen.” 
“I ken what y’mean, love,” Alec replied, wiping away the last tears and turning away to face your doctor. “I don’t care what you think, but you are gonna listen to this woman ‘n take her seriously. Because otherwise, I’m gonna have t’ investigate you for negligence to y’er patients.” 
Alec stands and adjusts his coat to show the doctor a flash of his badge. The woman nods curtly, and you give her a stiff smile. While you’re extremely irritated that flashing his badge is what finally gets a doctor to listen, you hold onto the fact that there actually is a doctor listening to you right now.
You’re able to actually explain what’s going on after that, and get some help. 
It’s thanks to Alec that you’re able to get a diagnosis and medication. Things start to get better after that, and you always make sure to bring Alec along to your more serious appointments. 
He never refuses, and you always get your answers.
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tea-earl-grey · 7 months
i had an itching for comfort media so i went back to watch some s1 voyager episodes and s1 is soooo much better than i remembered. the later seasons appeal to my tastes a bit more but all the characters in s1 are so earnest and hopeful even when they butt heads and disagree and i'm just sitting here like "oh god they don't know what the next 7 years have in store..." i doubt it was that purposeful on the writers' part but it's so compelling how all of the characters have pretty open insecurities and are clearly people with lives and dreams beyond Voyager and bit by bit that's chipped away in later seasons. yes everyone becomes more confident and competent but is that really who they are or are they just losing themselves along the journey? (unfortunately the Doyalist explanation is just that the writers stopped putting focus on like. half of the main cast but shh i'm here for Watsonian analysis.)
like it's particularly noticeable with Janeway. she's definitely always been written as a strong leader but i forgot how much in early seasons we get to see her insecurities and vulnerabilities, how different she acts from when she's acting as captain to when she's alone, how often she questions her morality and whether she has the right to make decisions for her crew (and how often others questioned that right). then in the later seasons (around s3 and definitely by s4), she almost never questions her moral decisions, she rarely shows doubt, she plans heists on Borg cubes without a second thought, she dispenses her justice to the Equinox crew without really considering their position, she regulates others' autonomy (especially with Seven and the Doctor) without seeming to realize how easily that can go wrong. and don't get me wrong i love this development and think it's incredibly realistic for Janeway to deeply internalize her role and authority as a Captain and for it to permanently change her sense of self. Endgame is the perfect closure for Janeway's character because her future self exerts that same authority that she's been practicing over herself (also Janeway gets to live out her martyr complex one last time). i just wish the show was a little bit more self-aware that it was writing Janeway (and other characters) like this because there could be so many more interesting character conflicts.
anyways rewatching early ds9 made me say "aww these characters don't know that one day they'll all grow together and basically become family" and rewatching early voyager has me saying "uhohhhh these characters don't know the unhealthy relationships and neuroses they're going to uncover and develop". toxic found family for the win.
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cuubism · 1 year
It’s 3pm on a rainy Wednesday, and Hob is sleepily grading student papers, when Death of the Endless appears in his flat, lies quietly down on the couch, and rests her head in his lap.
Hob stares down at her for a long moment, hands aloft in indecision, because this is not... something they do. By now he can say he calls Death a friend, and they get drinks together sometimes and chat, but this...
“Everything alright, love?” he asks, finally resting a hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t mean to disturb your peace,” Death says quietly. The TV Hob’s left on as background noise—some silly cooking show—nearly drowns out her voice entirely.
“Nothing peaceful about trying to find nice ways to tell my students they can’t write for shit,” Hob says, pushing his papers away. He can’t see Death’s face well like this, but he doesn’t like the uneven sound of her voice, not when she’s usually so level. “Disturb away.”
After a long moment in which they both just listen to the TV program host blather on about crumpets, Death says, “I am not affected by deaths.”
“…Alright,” Hob says, though he’s not convinced.
“I am…” Death continues, but trails off on a breath like a whistle of cold wind. “May I... stay here awhile?”
“‘Course.” Hob carefully pets at her head, strokes her hair. Worry is building, but he doesn’t think Death needs him to pull her words out of her the way he sometimes has to with Dream. She will speak when she’s ready. “Do you want to hear some truly fascinating attempts at historical analysis? Or is peace and quiet what you’re looking for?”
“You can speak if you wish,” Death says, still in that quiet tone.
So Hob tells her about some of his students, the ones who truly seem to have some promise in the field, and the others who he’s pretty sure are just mangling their papers together from sentences out of one of those AI things, if the originality is anything to go by. It’s disappointing but does make for humorous reading. Though really, Hob’s not sure whether to laugh or despair when he has to read lines like War has negative effects on people in an actual university academic paper. Wow, you don’t say.
He does manage to get a few chuckles out of his friend, but none with her usual humor and enthusiasm, and eventually he trails off, and they listen quietly to the background noise of the TV.
“Is there anything I can do?” Hob asks quietly.
“Can you control the future, Hob?” Death asks, a rhetorical question without any of her usual lightheartedness.
“Can’t even control the present,” Hob says. He just keeps his hands on her, one on her shoulder, one on the top of her head. Grounding, he hopes. And he thinks on what she’d said.
Hob knows that Destiny is the only Endless that operates in the future, but he has wondered, now that he understands them a bit better, if Death may not have a foot in that direction as well. She must know, some way, how to be where she must when she must.
Death has never seemed overly burdened by the past, even though history is a tower of bones a hundred miles high. Hob had asked, once — do all those terrible things ever bother you? you were there for them all —and all she had said was, “It has already happened,” with neither pleasure nor pain, just acceptance.
The future is another matter entirely.
“Is something going to happen?” he asks.
“I will not burden you with knowledge that is not yours to carry,” Death says.
So, that’s a yes.
“Maybe I could do something about it,” Hob suggests, though he suspects where that query will lead.
“You could not.”
“What about you, then?”
“That is not my place,” she says, though she sounds less certain about it than she usually is when discussing her function.
“You sure?” Hob asks.
“Were I to change fates for some, what excuse would I have for not doing so for all? Unfair things happen hourly, and always will. If I upend the balance, there is no telling how things would tip out of control down the road.”
It must be hard, Hob thinks, to be so powerful and yet so powerless.
“You did spare me,” he points out.
Death huffs, almost a laugh. “In truth, I shouldn’t have done that. Although I suspect Destiny had it written in his book for other purposes entirely.”
Huh. Well, that’s probably something Hob shouldn’t think on too hard for the sake of his own sanity.
“Well, I’m certainly not complaining about it,” Hob says, and Death chuckles.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” he asks, when they’ve been sitting for another few minutes in silence.
“I… do not have many friends,” Death says. Common family trait, then, Hob thinks. Not that it’s really so surprising. Death is very personable, but most of her interactions with people are, well… fleeting. And it can’t be easy to make normal friends, when you’re as expansive a being as one of the Endless.
“Stay for a while then,” Hob says. He pulls a blanket over her and tucks it around her shoulders. “Until you have to go.”
“Thank you, Hob,” says Death, still sounding incredibly weighed down by her function, but given a slight reprieve, perhaps.
Hob rubs her shoulder and thinks about these endless creatures he’s chosen to love. Do they have anyone else to worry about them? He doesn’t think so. It’s just Hob, and he doesn’t think that’s anywhere close to enough, but he’ll just have to do his best.
“Any time, love,” he tells her, and means it.
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elvisabutler · 1 year
OK, I'll bite: since your requests are open, may we please, with all the cherries on top, get a Dove pregnancy fic? If you have the time and energy, of course - I know your WIP list is crazy, and I'm sure you have all kinds of things going on irl too, as we all do! 😘
if your child needs a daddy, i can help
summary: you find yourself pregnant with your first kid and you and austin make room for them in your lives despite how sometimes the whole pregnancy makes you feel emotionally and physically. fandom: austin butler | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: m, i suppose. he does get his finger inside of her. pairing: austin butler x priscilla actress reader ( little dove verse ) word count: 2261 warnings: the normal warnings apply for this verse. daddy kink. dom/sub dynamics. brief mentions of past relationships that were not at all pleasant. anxiety. negative self talk. pregnancy kink. breeding kink. THESE WARNINGS MAKE IT SOUND MORE SMUTTY THAN IT IS. but it's actually quite fluffy. austin's just horny for his wife. referenced/implied fingering. future and past p in v sex referenced. author’s note: consider this canon for the main verse? obviously set in the future so- god maybe 2024/2025? generally speaking i loved this prompt and technically meant to keep it short or at the very least fluffy but uh- well austin's a horndog is really what happened. thank you anon for this prompt, truly, i'm really trying to get up the courage/gumption to restart actually actively writing for dove and austin and stuff like this and the asks really help more than you know. also thank you for acknowledging my crazy wip list. didn't actually think i'd write this as quick as i did, and truly i meant to have it up on mother's day when i realized how quick i was writing it but this past weekend. lord she was a doozy in my work real life. anyway i hope you like it and anyone who actually wants to be tagged for this verse, either hit me up in my ask box or my dms or someway. i didn't do my normal austin tag list for this because i know this verse has been known to occasionally bother some people and i don't want to put it in your face if you don't want to read it, you know?
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It happens- as all things do with you and Austin- quickly. It comes within the two months of you telling Austin you want to make Austin a real Daddy. A daddy who can hold his child and rock it and sing it little lullabies until it grows up to be and strong like their parents. You'd think since you're a grown woman and a surprising amount of your life has become regimented in ways it wasn't after dating and then marrying Austin that you wouldn't miss your period and not notice. You wouldn't miss it one month, two months and only realize something's strange when you go to visit Austin to see his show and hiss and practically yelp in pain when he presses up against your chest. They were bigger but they always got a little bigger around your period, it was fine. But then Austin is murmuring in your ear and pressing his hand against your stomach where he can feel a firmness where there wasn't one before.
"Are you pregnant?"
That's a weird question to ask, you're due for your period any day now, you think, thinking that you're close enough to the beginning of the next month that you're due for one soon. Not that it'll be your third missed period in a row. You shake your head, "no, I'm due for it next week, I think."
Austin raises an eyebrow and presses against the firm spot, waiting for it to give only to realize it's staying firm, there's something there. "When was your last one, Dove?"
You open your mouth to answer once, twice, three times before you look down at his hand against your stomach and see how your breasts are practically spilling out of your bra and you let out a noise of delight and shock rolled into one. Your voice is soft when you answer him finally. "I don't remember."
The squeal of delight you let out and the way Austin laughs and laughs and laughs twirling you around before setting you back down so he can kiss your belly is something the cast talks about for the next week or two.
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It's a flurry to try and get things rescheduled, have projects pushed back or dropped all together as your belly starts to curve outward, becoming harder and harder to hide as the weeks go by. You and Austin had made an agreement to not announce a single thing before 12 weeks. It wasn't a guarantee nothing would go wrong but it put you in a safer territory than you would be if you announced earlier. Austin argues every so often that you shouldn't make an announcement, not because he doesn't want people to know but because he's so fiercely protective over your private life with him beyond what the two of you have to show that exposing your child to this nonsense fills him with dread. He worries about the judgment he figures you'll get over having a baby like this. Worries about how if you want to book something short that people may look at your belly and realize that it's not worth it. Maxwell and Simon, your agents and managers and pseudo dads rolled into one promise to get you just one more thing even if you'll have an obvious belly for them because they care about you and your career almost if not more than Austin does.
You tell him- no, you explain to him that you can't do that, you can't go into hiding because you're pregnant. You want to be able to tell the world that you're carrying his baby, that your belly is growing because you told him you wanted a baby. This baby may not be their child, but they're your fans and what would you be without your fans? No, you have to announce it so that you can finally stop hiding in oversized hoodies and dresses tailored to hide your bump. Besides, you've been known to read the gossip blogs and the magazines while waiting for your doctor's appointments. You know very well there's theories as to what's going on and how people find it suspicious you've gone from full body shots on instagram to above the waist shots. There's theories about why you had to drop out of a film that you'd be filming while nine months pregnant and ready to pop if you did. This is the only real way to put them to rest.
"Looking forward to this little one and I having many more mother's days to come. Your daddy and I can't wait to meet you." is the caption you go with on Mother's day with Austin's hands and your hands on your stomach. The comments make you cry though if Austin asks you're only crying because of the hormones. Not because of your little Elvis family bombarding your comments with congratulations or the way any negative comments get overwhelmed by happier comments. Even Kaia and Vanessa say congratulations and you feel something in your chest loosen at the knowledge. You feel the fear that had gripped your heart deep down that whispered how you'd have to hide this pregnancy like you hide your submission to Austin- like you hid your relationships with your other doms- disintegrate and evaporate into thin air.
Austin knows the second he sees your smile and sees your response to a few messages that he's doomed, he's lost the fight of getting you to remain a little more private about the pregnancy. Truthfully he's just thankful you agree with him that the two of you are going to try your absolute hardest to keep the baby themselves out of the limelight. And - as he murmurs, cupping your growing bump one night- their three siblings. Your feed is split between promoting your new project, random other things you'd do and posts about your growing bump, your occasional sickness and how pregnancy isn't really all it's cracked up to be even when you want a baby.
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It comes to a head one day when you're seven months pregnant with your big long baby that Austin felt the need to gift you with all his height genes and you're posting something about how this week has just been rough.
"I'm not speaking for everyone, obviously, and all you infertility moms can tell me I'm wrong, but for me- I'm- society gives us all some rose tinted glasses when it comes to pregnancy and from what some of you guys have told me, motherhood." You sigh, wincing as your daughter kicks your rib cage and does this somersault that has your stomach rolling and twisting. "I want more kids but- this hurts. This hurts and I feel huge and I can't breathe sometimes because they're pressing on everything and I know you guys have seen the pap photos, I can't even really hug Austin right any more."
Austin for his part knows better than to interrupt when he hears you talking to yourself and despite his better judgment waits outside your shared bedroom door until he hears words that stop his heart.
"It's selfish, I guess, but I worry sometimes that he doesn't- he isn't going to like me nearly as much when the baby comes out. We've all heard about how guys do that and Austin's but- I don't know. I'm being melancholy and that's not what you signed up for today." You lift up your shirt to show your bump as your daughter does another roll that you manage to catch on camera. "I guess they wanted to show off at the expense of mommy. You are definitely your father's kid."
When it's been silent for a few minutes and he hears you grunt in pain he finally walks inside the room to see you standing in front of the mirror, cupping your bump before running your hands over your chest. There's a part of him in the back of his head that finds the action arousing beyond belief but he sees the look on your face and sees how you're playing with your necklace as the hand that was on your breast moves up. You're so engrossed in looking at your body and allowing your mind to whisper things to you that you don't notice Austin until he's up behind you and his hands are lifting up your belly just so.
"Oh, Aus- Fuck, Daddy, keep your hands there." You moan, the relief palpable in your tone. "That feels so good, she's been-"
"Growing too fast and too big for my little Dove?" Austin's tone is light and playful has he kisses your neck, watching the two of you in the mirror. "The joys of having me as the other half of the genes. Two more months and then she's out of you and you're free until the next one."
Your jaw tenses just a little at the words. It's not that you don't want another baby but who's truly to say he's going to want you enough to make one. The silence after his joke is what makes Austin pause and has him kissing at your jaw. "What's wrong?"
Because something is wrong and you have to communicate with him, if you need something you need to tell him, that's always been the rule in your relationship. A sigh leaves your lips. "There's- you're not going to find me attractive-" you pause and try to take a breath before the first thought that comes to your mind leaves your mouth in a rush. "Elvis didn't like Priscilla after she had Lisa."
Austin drops your belly gently against your protests and turns you to face him while shaking his head, taking your head in his hands. "Dove. Don't- we're not them, remember?"
"I know that!" You practically whine before rubbing at your eyes that are quickly filling with tears. "I know we're not! I know you're Austin and I'm me but I look and feel like a beached whale and my boobs are huge and will probably sag everywhere-"
Austin places his finger on your lips before shaking his head. "I'm going to stop you right there and tell you to look down." He watches you as your eyes slide down his torso and stop between his legs. He's- he's hard just from looking at you and touching you. There's his arousal staring you in the face in his grey sweatpants and you can't help but bite your lip. It twitches a little.
"You're- Daddy."
"I'm hard. You know how I've been the bigger you get. I thought you were attractive before but carrying my baby? Watching your belly swell and seeing your boobs escape every bra you put them in? Dove, if my dick had it's way you'd be pregnant every second you could be." He murmurs, allowing his hands to slide down your neck to your chest where he gives your breasts and nipples a squeeze before sliding down to your stomach. "And when this belly is gone? When our daughter is suckling at your chest? I'm going to remember that you did this. Going to remember how my wife grew our daughter and is feeding her from her own body still. I'm going to know that you're strong and perfect. And I'm going to remind myself we have a baby schedule to stick to. That I can't just immediately put another one inside of you."
His words cause a shudder to ripple through you and Austin smirks just a little, moving his hands down lower and lower, "Dove, if I put my hand between your legs how wet is it going to get?"
You feel your breath shakily leave your mouth. "Soaked. Please, Austin-"
A kiss cuts off your words as Austin's hand slides in between your leggings and your skin, inching ever so closer to where he's ignited a fire. He pulls away just a hair and shakes his head. "Try again, lil Dove. Please who?"
The eyeroll you give him holds no malice but you can't help it even as your arousal threatens to overwhelm you. "Daddy, please."
"I'll always give my Dove what she needs," he murmurs, finally sliding his fingers inside of you with a low groan from both of you.
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It's funny how after that night your sex life with Austin up until the end of your pregnancy became a little more intense. More frequent as if to reassure you any time the voice inside your head got too loud and any time every trick your therapists taught you failed. Austin loved you and there wasn't a single doubt about that. Even if there was, the way he was by your side throughout your labor with your daughter would have done away with any doubts. There wasn't much more you could ask for in a partner than what he did for you that day and what he does for you as you recover.
It's a week before any of you are ready to take a picture but you're thankful for Ashley recommending a good photographer for the newborn pictures despite Austin's protests that he could take his own. After all, you wanted him in some of them, and you didn't trust an autotaken picture for this. When it comes time for Austin to post that your daughter's been born he goes for a simple picture that shows your hand on top of Austin's and Loretta's on yours with a simple caption: isn't she lovely, isn't she wonderful.
He saves the other photos for you to post.
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mamawasatesttube · 28 days
i wish it wasn't so normal for people to complain about unfinished wips or fics that take a long time to update. because sometimes i think i have a really fun idea for a fic but it'd take a while for me to write, and i like talking about my work as i do it and i don't like writing entire fics over like 20k without sharing, because i lose steam. so if i were to write and post that cool fic idea, it'd be as a wip. and then i think about all the people who just refuse to engage with wips, or all the other people who would just go "update pls" all the time, and of how people only really comment in the first 24 hours something is posted and then it's lost to obscurity, and then i just go "actually whats the point in going through the effort writing this out? i'll just daydream about it now and then and be done with it." and then i don't write it. alas!
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soaps-mohawk · 29 days
I wish you can update for like twice a week 🛐. I'm always checking for new update hahaha.. anyways, take ur timeee 🫡🫡🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Anon, I know you probably meant well, but this is not the time for something like this.
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(Gif courtesy of @collinnmckinley )
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taegularities · 6 months
regarding: colour me in – HMMMMM okay pls talk to me about this 🎨🤍
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beesinspades · 10 months
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if i'm late to post the next chapter of my canon divergence fic in which wolfwood finds eriks stuck in his creechur form, this is why :3
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hidey-writes · 16 days
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Day After Day | 日复一日
25k | T | Weilan | Case Fic, Undercover Married, Grief
Shen Wei swallows. “And this is why you asked me to—” he makes a vague gesture that means go undercover as your husband “—pretend with you.” Zhao Yunlan comes to a stop, eyes on Shen Wei. “That’s why the cover is a married couple. The reason I’m asking you is because there are no other options for people to go undercover with.” Shen Wei scoffs to give himself an excuse to look away. “You certainly know how to flatter someone, Zhao Yunlan.” Or: Four Haixingren disappear for two months after a stay at a romantic mountain retreat. Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan book a weekend there to find out what happened.
it's finally here!!! my beloved fic for the 520 day guardian reverse exchange! this was written for trobadora, who gave me the most delicious set of ideas to fit into a story. it was so fun.
i have no idea how to describe this fic, frankly - this is, hands down, the most complex and most heartwrenching and most incredible thing i've ever written in my entire life.
here is a list of some things in it: a kiss, a mystery, a change of heart. old chinese people, dark energy world-building, lesbians, big-time character parallels, forgery of documents, rainstorms, rowboats, lollipop symbolism, [redacted], bedsharing, grading, the stupidest undercover name ever. zhao yunlan described with so many light metaphors. shen wei being the most shen wei i could make him.
read Day After Day | 日复一日 on ao3 here!
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gayghostrights · 2 months
jonmartin week collection:
@jonmartinweek is over! I somehow managed to not only write something for every day but also by some miracle managed to get them all posted on time (the miracle is procrastination, it's been a really busy week in the real world and writing fanfiction is more fun than writing academic essays.)
Here's a master list of all nine!
Day One [first kiss]: My head is screaming words that I just don't wanna repeat
day two [outsider POV]: Hard to watch, hard to look away.
day three[nightmares]: I think I'm growing into someone you could trust
day four [tea as a love language]: I promise to take care of you if you promise to let me
day five [cryptids]: I was a wreck and you were the saviour type
day six [ace day]: I can’t read you but if you want the pleasures all mine
day seven [Eldridge powers]: don’t ask, cause I never could tell (all I need it four walls to make it my own hell)
day eight [Martin’s poetry]: all the lines you traced through my like like cursive poetry in sunlight
day nine[free day]: somethings bound to break
I had a lot of fun writing all of these! Thank you so much to everyone who read my work!
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 1 month
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and all the time the world unwinds i can't deny the way i feel and all these words they mean nothing at all
it stays in stella maris
it doesn't leave that room
but dawn comes, warm light over the east, warming the ruined streets of home. you were meant to be with me, here, for we are built, trained, conditioned to disappear
what comes next needs everything we got. elysium must wake
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imaginethathaikyuu · 10 months
literally anything with atsumu i love him and ur writing is always up to par so. i will be happy with anything. but a cute birthday themed piece could be fun perhaps
thank u so much i wrote this specifically for u and i managed to write a weirdly formatted atsumu centered fic that barely went over 1k words. we are so back
contains: fluff, mild childhood angst, a black eye, birthday cake word count: 1163 gender neutral reader x miya atsumu :p
October 5th, 1995 
Atsumu Miya is born. He’s gifted a bright flash of light, the sound of his own cries, and - seven minutes later - a brother. 
October 5th, 2003
There was a HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner taped to the cabinets in the kitchen. The R was ripped nearly in half, and the colors were dull. 
It was the same one as last year, and the year before that. 
Atsumu walked through the threshold with his brother right next to him. Osamu knew how to say thank you in the right way to get the best hug from their mom. 
They were presented with one singular cupcake. 
“Why can’t we ever get our own?” 
The two boys sat too close at the kitchen table, the strawberry cake sat right in front of them. 
“You have to learn how to share, Atsumu.” 
He knew how to share. There was nothing left to learn.
One candle was mashed in the frosting. Mom lit the flame and Atsumu watched wax dripping onto his half as she sang their happy birthday song, and told them to make a wish. 
Atsumu and Osamu looked at each other, then blew at the candle at the exact same time. 
The cupcake was cut in half, and Atsumu’s stomach hurt before he could finish his. Osamu took it without being asked. 
But if they had each gotten their own, Atsumu would've had more to share with his brother. 
October 5th, 2010
Atsumu was fifteen and he knew everything. He was always right - never, ever wrong, and if anyone disagreed, they’d have to take it up directly with him. 
He knew how to run his mouth. Maybe it was what he was best at. He’d never lost an argument - until his fifteenth birthday. 
He’d gotten good at taking his aggression out in healthy ways - mostly in sports. But, sometimes, the words he spit couldn’t be left on the court. 
He would say what he wanted, and he didn’t care who heard or hurt. 
He didn’t know what he had coming to him. 
The entire team had already abandoned the gym, all but Atsumu and the shitty middle blocker who played like he didn’t know his position. 
Atsumu was outside stretching when his words hit his ears. “You’re a piece of shit, Miya.” 
“Oh my god - get in line, dude, you’re about the fifth person today to let me know.” 
“That many people wanna rip your head off? I wish one of them would teach you how to shut the fuck up.” 
“And I wish someone would teach you how to block the fuckin’ ball.” 
The guy didn’t reply. He took one step in Atsumu’s direction - he remembered hearing the crunch of gravel under the guy's foot. His shoulder moved with the step, and with it, the first real punch Atsumu had ever been thrown. 
And it hit. Hard. Ten times harder than any hits from Osamu. 
The guy’s fist collided with Atsumu’s cheek and then he walked away. Atsumu didn’t even have a chance to hit back - he was frozen in place, anyway. There was no fight in him. He was too surprised. 
A black eye wasn’t on his wishlist for his birthday, but it’s what he got. A lesson learned? Not so much. 
October 5th, 2019
He was another year older - so what. 
The only part of Atsumu’s birthday that he liked was giving his brother a stupidly expensive gift, because it gave him an excuse to gloat. 
Other than that? It was a day like any other. 
Birthdays were nowhere near special to him - especially his own. But it just so happened that on that specific birthday, he had his first date with you. 
And it didn’t even come up in conversation. Neither did his twin brother, or any of his volleyball stories he’d usually tell to impress a date. 
Atsumu found out that he didn’t need to impress you, and he hardly needed to talk about himself. 
He left that date feeling like he was friends with you, and maybe that wasn’t how he should feel after a date, but he was beaming. The hours with you at that hole in the wall bar didn’t feel like enough. 
He took that feeling and ran with it, and he hoped - he prayed - you’d follow him. 
October 5th, 2022
It’d been late nights for as long as Atsumu could remember. He’d come home and you’d already be in bed - if he was lucky, you’d wake up just long enough to tell him you love him. 
That night was different from the rest. 
That night, he would be coming home to - literally - an empty home. 
Finally, you and Atsumu had moved into the house of your dreams that was yours. But, for the time being, you were living out of boxes and waiting for furniture deliveries. 
He opened the door to a dark living room and an even darker hallway, and he didn’t bother turning any on lights to get to the kitchen. 
There was a shred of light there, coming from an old bulb above the stove. He looked around the empty room and what he found was out of place. 
There you were, sat on the floor. A chair was next to you, funnily enough, but it was taken by a round white cake. A handful of candles were stuck into the top. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, the same time you spoke. 
“There’s my birthday boy,” and your voice was all sleepy smiles. “Happy birthday. Happy anniversary.” 
He sat in front of you, right on the floor, not caring when his knees popped on the way down. 
“Did you stay up just to tell me that?” 
“What’s wrong with that?” 
You picked up the cake and presented it to him like you were proud of it, and the size of his grin matched yours. 
“How mad would you be if I just tipped this up,” and he tapped the bottom of the plate, “right into your face?” 
“Atsumu.” Every time you said his name like that, he laughed. “I would kill you.”
“On my birthday?” 
He watched you pout as you sat the cake down again. “Aren’t you going to say thank you?” 
“Thank you,” he said, like he was insisting. He wrapped his hands around your legs and scooted you closer to him. “Thank you, baby, this is so nice.” 
You hummed. “You’re welcome.” And you dipped your finger in the frosting on the cake, and Atsumu immediately caught your wrist when you moved it toward his face. 
“Don’t you dare.” 
You kept pushing, and he didn’t push back fast enough - your finger and the glob of frosting smushed right into his cheek. 
And you laughed loud enough to fill the empty rooms of your house, and Atsumu didn’t know how to tell you how in love he was. 
He had birthday cake for dinner that night, and it settled into a sugary stomach ache. It was the best October 5th he'd lived through so far.
got a request for a drabble? send it in, i might write it :)  
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