#god this was SO FUCKING FUN though. i got to think SOOOOOOOO much about 1) including so much chinese stuff from my childhood in here
hidey-writes · 4 months
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Day After Day | 日复一日
25k | T | Weilan | Case Fic, Undercover Married, Grief
Shen Wei swallows. “And this is why you asked me to—” he makes a vague gesture that means go undercover as your husband “—pretend with you.” Zhao Yunlan comes to a stop, eyes on Shen Wei. “That’s why the cover is a married couple. The reason I’m asking you is because there are no other options for people to go undercover with.” Shen Wei scoffs to give himself an excuse to look away. “You certainly know how to flatter someone, Zhao Yunlan.” Or: Four Haixingren disappear for two months after a stay at a romantic mountain retreat. Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan book a weekend there to find out what happened.
it's finally here!!! my beloved fic for the 520 day guardian reverse exchange! this was written for trobadora, who gave me the most delicious set of ideas to fit into a story. it was so fun.
i have no idea how to describe this fic, frankly - this is, hands down, the most complex and most heartwrenching and most incredible thing i've ever written in my entire life.
here is a list of some things in it: a kiss, a mystery, a change of heart. old chinese people, dark energy world-building, lesbians, big-time character parallels, forgery of documents, rainstorms, rowboats, lollipop symbolism, [redacted], bedsharing, grading, the stupidest undercover name ever. zhao yunlan described with so many light metaphors. shen wei being the most shen wei i could make him.
read Day After Day | 日复一日 on ao3 here!
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tartsinarat · 5 months
Ngl was thinking about this whilst drawing some toh au stuff while watching doctor who in the background but I really feel like Pip would really be into the toh version of doctor who.
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no idea what it would be called tho in the owl house but Pip’s into it for obvious reasons of sci-fi but also occasionally randomly fantasy?? show, which has chaotic mess of lore that makes no sense whatsoever (I say this with extreme love tho) and has a main character who’s a mad genius and criminal who stole a time machine and ran away to explore the universe and time which I feel meshes very well into what Pip would enjoy
Like I don’t see him enjoying space frontier as it’s pretty much Star Trek and that show has an really optimistic grand view of the future, it focus mostly on the good of people as a whole and that anything can be achieved if people work together and put their minds to it, I can see why Hunter and Gus would enjoy it which I find really sweet and adorable
On the other hand Doctor who has a very complex but pessimistic view on people/the universe, it mainly focuses on the crazy situations that a lonely alien on who’s constantly running away but desperately trying their best at all times to either atone for what they did in the past or to help people across time and space which I think Pip would find more interesting and relatable.
He’d also probably think that all the historical stuff in doctor who is real and that Britain is just constantly getting invaded by aliens.
Funniest thing though about him discovering Doctor who is Pip finally learning what a British person is, and that he’s got a British accent himself as I’m pretty sure there’s literally no one on the boiling isles other than Belos and Pip have that accent so he wondered where it’s from.
Pip also enjoys this show even more because time travel is a concept in toh, soooooooo the guy is just itching to figure out how to make a real Tardis, the only thing stoping him is that he’s in the human realm and in the demon realm the titan themselves was like “nope not even risking it” and decided to never allow him to be able to find a time pool again (he was apart of the events of elsewhere and elsewhen along side Luz and Lilith… it was awkward between him and Philip to say the least but it was more on Pips part because he was like” holy shit is he an older me?? Or my great great- something?? grandad what is going on???” So he didn’t know how to react to that and neither did Luz who was like yep they’re related, and Philip was like “what a strange hooded kid, I didn’t know that demons could mimic accents and appearances so well, I should be stay wary of that abomination and slay it when I have the time”. Oh yeah Pip does almost get killed but Lilith springs into action and does the badass punch to stop Philip. Ngl I’ll have to draw this as a comic at some point because it’s interesting to imagine/draw)
As well I had some ideas of him in thanks to them dressed up in a nerdy doctor cosplay which I found fun but idk if that’ll end up being what I draw him as for his Halloween costume, all three were picked because they all had similar Pip personality wise and I feel like he would relate most to these three in particular;
Like Pip, 10 is pretty much a wild card personality wise depending on the situation he can either be a sad destructive arrogant bastard with a slight god complex who takes matters into his own hands because he believes that he’ll make the right decision without thinking about the consequences or be a lonely silly guy who rambles a lot and is always running around and just wants to have fun.
1 is a grumpy trickster that has strong opinions about right and wrong, he also appears rude or uncaring but actually cares a lot and is the guy who ran away and stole a fucking time machine. He and 14 (14 is basically a mature 10 but I was tempted to go with him instead of 10 but he doesn’t have the ego problem so 10 it was lmao) fought a god like being that’s from another dimension thats obsessed with playing games.
4 is a bit of an odd ball though, he’s the weirdest doctor out of the bunch. He’s pretty silly, but at times he’s shifts into being quite callous and broody but still has a heart of gold. As well as 4 seems to struggle a lot in acting human as he’s pretty distant, aloof and alien at points, he even emphasises a lot throughout his run how he’s not human. Which I feel Pip would find extremely relatable as well as enjoying 4’s adventurist spirit and his extreme hatred of authority.
I think 4 is Pips favourite so he’d most likely cosplay as him during thanks to them.
Omg almost completely forgot to mention but I didn’t add his scar on purpose, he’s used illusion magic to remove it to make the cosplay more accurate and because his curse at that point is showing more physically on his body at this point in season 3 (he goopy 😔) and I can imagine it’s hard to explain to people in public why you a rotting infected looking green scar across your face and an even worse looking arm that’s weirdly proportioned to your body.
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Liu Qingge/Zhuzi Lang: Both these dudes are from Scum Villain's Self Saving System, which is a chinese novel by the author MXTX (I cannot remember the full name im sorry).
Liu Qingge is known as a 'war god' and he's, to put it lightly, Fightsexual. Boy's got IQ specifically geared towards getting into and out of fights. He was one of the strongest characters in the story (like, 3rd strongest if you dont count the protagonist's dad who was uhm 'retired' by the start of the story lol). He's also Incredibly Princely Pretty.
Zhuzhi Lang is a half-snake demon with self-esteem issues and can turn into a large snake, and can also probably give Liu Qingge a good fight! ngl I just love Liu Qingge and I ship over half a dozen people with him. Zhuzhi Lang is a top contender though because he's a sweet guy, can totally get into vore, can give Liu Qingge a challenge, and also probably has 2 dicks-
Naruseku: Yeah i can gurantee this is the only submission for them for Some Reason. Because no one ships them. Like i have searched the internet far and wide and turn up with like. Close to literal zero. And here's the thing, this is entirely illogical. They work together in this evil group and their deals are essentially that they're. Unhappy people. At first you think they're just annoying but actually they're annoying snd Extremely Miserable. In silly ways, they are such losers and so cringefail. I could write an essay on both of them individually, but basically i love how their focus isn't on being better people, it is on being happier. Individually.
The show is divided into clear parts of who is the main antagonist at the time which really makes you FEEL how unhappy they each are. They're a group but they're also not bc they choose to be unhappy ad get on each other's nerves about it and that's a prime focus of their characters. Anyway, these two make me insane, they spend a lot of time together during the middle part of the show, bc the first villain is gone so now it's just the two of them and their leader who isn't doing much yet. After this part, one of them, narcistoru, is defeated so he's gone for the time being. But these two, they hate each other SOOOOOOOO much it's insane. This is because Narcistoru is an annoying bitch and Secretoru hates that. And they're both generally insane people with dumb beliefs and issues that they view wrongly. It's just so glorious to see them annoy each other so much. Post Narcistoru's main screen time, he gets his conclusion episode. He escapes from prison and Secretoru is supposed to retrieve him. But like not because they need him, in fact, they absolutely did not care that he was arrested because none of these people give a flying fuck about each other. It's just that he wasn't supposed to be a risk. Secretoru and Narcistoru have a rather petty and hilarious fight. Because you see. Now they don't have to get along. They are not on the same side. So the hostility is really thriving here. In fact, she manages to capture him, and while fighting the pretty cures (magical girls), hensays some annoying shit and she goes "actually i changed my mind" and shoves him off this rock in order for the monster (they always summon one) to fucking kill him. Like she tries to murder him in cold blood soley because he's annoying and this was entirely inevitable actually. She wants that twink obliterated. They don't bring this up again in the finale when they're both in prison. They just. Kind of hang out now. They've reached a level of tolerance.
And you may think "why do you ship this" LOOK. THEIR INTERACTIONS. ARE SO FUNNY. IT'S JUST. A VERY FUN SHIP. BECAUSE THEY'RE HILARIOUS. The hostility is so great and i think it would be neat if they had some t4t hatesex. It would solve nothing. They mske each other so much worse. But it would be very hot. Also secretoru has a general "can you shut the fuck up" attitude towards him. I don't even technically ship it but i ENJOY the ship.
And yet. I am so alone in this which is insane because i definitely expected ship content for them even before i actually wanted it myself.
But no, of course people ship Narcistoru with actual fifteen year olds. Like so much. And there is ZERO content for the ship with the other Actual Adult that he interacts with on a regular basis and who he has a fantastic and entertaining and INTERESTING dynamic with. So basically, i am not just sad, i am also SO SALTY. They are so insanely rarepair despite being an absolute epic duo. Awesome crackship, 10/10, literally comedy
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vizowrites · 3 years
My BlitzStrike Twins: Headcanons and Shenanigans~ [probably with a bit of my M&M kids thrown in just for fun]
So today I got a couple of fantastic asks about Blitz and Striker as parents, and since there seemed to be a pretty positive response to them--and because @helluva-simp​ is amazing and encouraged me to be brave enough to write this up--I thought I’d go ahead and make a full post of my headcanons for these two little devils.  I really do love the hell out of them and hope you guys enjoy hearing about them too!!  <3 <3
Twist’s and Ty’s full names are Twister and Typhoon but literally nobody calls them by their full names ever so they like to make the joke of “the ‘-er’ and the ‘-phoon’ are silent”
Ty is actually the older of the two [though not by much] but everyone thinks that Twist is because his name is always called first.  It’s always “Twist and Ty” [or just collectively “Twist-Ty”] instead of “Ty and Twist”.  Ty honestly doesn’t mind that much as far as following after his brother goes, just don’t make the mistake of trying to label him as the younger of the two.  There are a lot of things Ty’s perfectly content to let Twist take the lead in, but having the title of “the older twin” is just going too far.
Twist and Ty are mirror twins, meaning that they’re mostly identical except for a few key things: 1. Twist is left handed and Ty is right handed, 2. they both have heterochromia but Twist’s eyes are Left: Red | Right: Green-Gold whereas Ty’s eyes are Left: Green-Gold | Right: Red, 3. Twist has a birthmark on his right hand and Ty has his birthmark on his left hand--and yes when you put the two marks together, they form a design not unlike the heart shaped one on Blitz’s forehead :) 
Both of the twins are incredibly agile, but Twist is faster and Ty is more flexible
Striker affectionately calls Twist “Whirlwind” because of said fastness
Blitz affectionately calls Ty “Noodle” because of said flexibility
.....Though it should be noted that it’s not all fun and games because Twist is CONSTANTLY crashing into things or tripping over his own two feet from going too fast, and Ty is so flexible that he’s able to contort himself into positions that honestly make both of his parents throw up a little in their mouths with the split-second panic of “OH GOD OUR BABY WAS BORN WITHOUT BONES!!”  DX DX  They’re both usually just fine tho!!  :D
As noted in an earlier post--but I want to say it here too--Twist’s first word was “Bang!” and Ty’s first word was “Fuck!”  Twist was the first one to talk, though, and it made Striker and Blitz second guess the context of his first word by the time Ty said his. XD
Another thing that was noted in another post but I want to put it here too is that Twist and Ty have incredibly high self esteem and both Striker and Blitz wouldn’t have it any other way
Twist is dyslexic and so gets easily frustrated when he has to read a book, but he love love LOVES the hell out of stories.....and so Ty is almost constantly making up random stories to tell him
This actually also works out well in Ty’s favor because Ty’s attention span is about as short as Blitz’s patience and he has a lot more fun telling stories than he does sitting still long enough to read the ones that other people made up unless it’s a book about something he’s reeeeeeally interested in
It’s also made Ty hella good at bullshitting on the fly, which I think most of the older/adult members of his family wish he was a lot less convincing at
Twist knows how to lie and is a natural at acting, but his flair for the over-dramatics tends to give him a way a lot easier than his twin
They both have what I’m calling a “hierarchy of obedience” within their family which really translates into a range of “eh I can think about maybe listening to this person sometimes” to “oh SHIT I need to listen to this person 5 fucking minutes ago”.  For Twist, his hierarchy of obedience is: Millie --> Blitz --> Striker --> Loona --> Moxxie.  For Ty, his hierarchy of obedience is: Loona --> Millie --> Blitz --> Striker.....and Moxxie doesn’t even make the list for him because honestly I’m pretty sure Ty just naturally tunes him out most of the time and not even fully on purpose.  As he puts it: “You just have one of those voices”. XD
Ty can sleep literally anywhere and on anything.  I’m pretty sure there have been mornings where Blitz and Striker have to play the game of 'Where the hell is my kid??' because they THOUGHT that he went to sleep in his bed like their other child did but NOPE they go into their room in the morning to get them out of bed and are just like, “.....Twist where the hell is your brother??” and Twist just gives an innocent shrug and says, “I don’t know--probably on the roof or something.” u3u and goes out into the kitchen to make himself breakfast--and then two seconds later Blitz and Striker hear him calling out “NEVER MIND!  HE’S IN THE OVEN!!” and that starts off a whole new kind of panic because they know damn well that Twist’s favorite thing to have for breakfast is cinnamon rolls XD
Twist’s laughter is infectious--this really cute witch-like cackling that just bubbles out of him in the most adorably genuine way when he’s that delighted about someting
Ty does this adorable thing where--when he sticks his tongue out at someone--he flicks it in a very snake-like fashion and even gives the tiniest of hisses in lieu of a raspberry when he does it
Ty also manages to twist himself into the most uncomfortable-looking positions when he sleeps but rest assured, he’s never been more comfy
Twist’s tail never stays still.  It is constaintly flicking to and fro, back and forth, swishing and swirling like a cat’s tail, and he loves flicking it in front of people’s faces to get their attention
Twist in general doesn’t really stay still very often but the one time he did was when Ty broke his arm--and then he spent almost every moment of the day and night plastered to his side because he knew it was driving Ty crazy not being as mobile as he usually is while having to wear a cast
The twins really don’t ever go that far apart from each other.  If you look and only see the one, you can rest assured that the other one is around somewhere nearby and it’s probably not a good sign for you if you can only see the one.
Ty is much more of a biter when it comes to self-defense and Twist always goes straight to using his claws
Twist is the outwardly more protective twin and is vicious with his words when defending his brother.  He will force every last ounce of moisture out of your body from how hard he makes you cry.
Ty, on the other hand, will fuck you up hard physically if you try to hurt his twin--and Lucifer himself would not be able to save you if you actually do hurt his twin
As they get older, and their sexualities and gender develop and grow, Twist would discover that he’s a nonbinary he/they homosexual panromantic and Ty would discover that he’s a genderfluid he/she pansexual homoromantic
The above being said, both Twist and Ty wholeheartedly say “fuck you and your gender norms” from a very young age and well into their teenage and adult years, with Twist enjoying painting his nails and Ty carrying all of his stuff around in a purse--and they both have a preference for wearing high heeled shoes [Ty because he just likes being tall in general and Twist because he likes being specifically taller than his parents because it drives them crazy XD]
Twist and Ty’s best friend is “Missi” [Moxxie and Millie’s eldest daughter, Missile] and she’s honestly an absolute hero for putting up with as many of their shenanigans as she does
Whenever they go out on family outings, Twist is that kid who just NEVER wants to leave--and so Blitz usually, after spending ten minutes of trying to get him in the damn van and Striker even using his Dad Tone (TM) and that not working, will just be like, “Alright kiddo, I tried playing nice.  You asked for this.”  And he puts his fingers to his mouth and whistles with a, “Loona Sweetie?  Fetch.” >3 And Loona gets the BIGGEST grin on her face and Twist gets the biggest “oh shit I’m so fucking screwed” look on his face and Ty--who’s honestly probably very awkwardly coiled up in Striker’s arms because after a long day of family fun he’s tired af and decided that he doesn’t want to use his limbs anymore--just kind of looks over at his twin and says, “I believe in you, but also maybe try to run faster than last time” u3u
I think that they would both love their Auntie Barbie a lot and she would have soooooooo much fun teaching them different circus tricks--especially how to yeet each other back and forth on the trapeze XD
I also think that their Auntie Barbie would really love just how close they are.....and probably inspire her to make up for lost time in her relationship with her own twin too
For some reason I can’t shake the thought of the twins being great at acapella and I have no idea why but I’m also ttly here for it XD
In school, I feel like Twist’s favorite class would be Art [he loves to paint and happily makes all kinds of messes with his “expressing creativity”] and Ty’s favorite class would be P.E./Gym [because he loves testing the limits of his physical body]
Family game nights are always fun in their household because usually what happens is Twist and Ty team up against Blitz and Striker, and while they’re in the middle of duking it out, Loona ends up getting a monopoly on every street and is just like, “Pay up fuckers.” u3u
Moxxie and Millie both love and hate babysitting for the twins because on the one hand, they love them to pieces and love seeing how well they get along with their three kids, but on the other hand.....the twins keep finding Millie’s strap on and putting it on their middle child [Mark]’s head and calling him a “cockicorn” XD
Ty’s favorite food is ramen noodles and Twist spent three weeks [and probably set their kitchen on fire at least twice] learning how to make them with JUST the right flavor profile that he knows his brother likes the best
While I think both of the twins know that they can talk to their dads about anything, I think that they still keep their most personal thoughts reserved only to themselves and each other
Twist’s favorite type of weaponry tends to be more of the flashy ‘sharp and pointy’ kind whereas Ty’s favorite type of weaponry tends to be more of the aggressive ‘point and shoot’ kind.  However I honestly kind of think that in terms of what they’d use themselves in the field, Twist’s primary weapon of choice would be a whip [though he would definitely have some throwing knives and handheld revolvers in his back pocket too] and Ty’s primary weapon of choice is honestly poisons.  Assume that everything this kid has that he throws at you--be it a knife or a bullet or even a fucking cannonball--is poisoned somehow.
They both definitely play wrestle like Blitz and Barbie did as kids.....and just like Blitz and Barbie, they also get their horns tangled together more than once and need to have someone come rescue them.  There’s almost always a photo taken that gets posted to Voxtigram first tho. XD  
There are plenty more headcanons where this came from but I feel like this is already waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fucking long so I’m going to go ahead and stop here for tonight!!  If you guys are interested in hearing more about these two, please please please feel free to let me know and I’d be happy to write up a Part 2 to this, or just overall write up a quick little oneshot with them in it, or if you want to send me specific questions about them that I can answer, feel free to do so!!  Thanks so much again and I hope you guys have as much fun reading these as I did writing them up!! <3 <3
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Flat Whites & JJ
Mia: Mum can take four of us, so three of you are still going to need to find your way there, Dad's away on a Golf weekend 🤷 Grace: I'll ask if any of the fam can take the rest of us 🤞💜 Mia: Aw, thanks so much, babe Mia: so you're cool not coming with us then? Grace: there's like 1000s of them so 🤷🙄 someone'll will totally be talked or bribed into doing it 💅 Grace: oh yeah sure, it's like not even a problem, babes Mia: 😂😂😂 for real, got to have some upsides, yeah? Mia: Great 💗 Mia: the rest of you, you can only bring what you can hold on your laps, Dad took the range so we're in the sports, the boot is like non-existent 💁🙄 Grace: ugh IKR?! 😂😂😂 Grace: at least we can take SO MUCH of the stuff whoever's behind the wheel, you're so welcome huns Mia: Love a helpful queen Mia: Asia, are you even coming with us or are you going to ditch us for your boyfriend, again 💅 Asia: Of course I'm coming!!! Asia: Literally just got my hair done 👌👌✂ Asia: [and a million pics that nobody asked for] Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍😍 Grace: WOW! SO CUTE Mia: Yeah, but are you coming with us or coming with us like Maya's party where you left SO early with him instead of having a good time with your besties Ella: 😏🍵 Hollie: wasn't so early she didn't have a good time with ME tho! 💃💘 views to prove it Asia: UM like isn't it LAW that what happens at parties stays there?! 🤫🤫 Asia: & he doesn't even wanna come with soooooooo Jimmy: 💔 Ella: Oh, so we're your 2nd choice? 🤔🤔 Mia: 💔 is right, so rude Asia: ???!! Asia: not even Mia: We all heard you, you can't deny it Mia: at least own it, babe, omg Asia: you asked if he was coming?? Mia: Literally no one is concerned about him but you 😂 Mia: shame he's not, I might need your seat, actually Mia: but that's cool, yeah? seeing as you've got so many options Asia: ?????????? Mia: 🤫🤫 Grace: Why might you need her seat though? Spill on who you're trying to bring, thank you Mia: I'm not trying to make this convo all about me Mia: so cringe Mia: we're meant to be planning, thank you Jimmy: Go on, we're obvs all DYING to know Mia: Have to wait and 👀 Mia: be a nice surprise for you all Janis: How will we ever bear the suspense? Jimmy: there's only one of you who's getting mouth to mouth if you stop breathing, soz Janis: Things are looking up, Asia 🤞 Jimmy: I'm SO not going if Asia's not going, FYI Janis: 💔 Mia: There'll be room in whatever you're showing up in Mia: assuming she doesn't ditch you too, it's her thing rn Jimmy: put her on my lap ✔ you don't mind, do you, babe? Ella: 🤢 Jimmy: green's right Jimmy: no need to be jealous, El Ella: Don't ever call me that Jimmy: Babe 💔 come on Jimmy: this TENSION between us Ella: Repulsive and delusional, cute 🙄 Ella: Why are you even in this chat, though 👏 it's not nice to make fun of Asia, or helpful rn Jimmy: Bit rude to chuck me out of a chat she started Jimmy: but alright we can plan without her Jimmy: Mia* Mia: You aren't funny, new boy Jimmy: is that @ Asia's boyfriend or? Jimmy: he's got a name Janis: You aren't funny, babe Janis: what's to plan anyway, we have tents, we have lifts, sorted Hollie: Is Asia coming? Mia: Grace, can you please explain to your sister how much more there is left to do Mia: and Asia why are you like making people ask after you??? hello, answer a question, would you, silence ain't cute Grace: Janis does lowkey have a point, babes, it is chill Grace: she doesn't need or want to be involved in our outfit planning, obvs 😂😂 Asia: I LITERALLY SAID I'M COMING Ella: 🔉 Ella: Why are you shouting though Asia: why are you the volume police, Ells?? OH MY GOD Mia: Obviously Mia: but there's actually important stuff still to do, thanks, like who's getting the drink, for one Mia: Asia needs to calm down and find herself a seat, and a whole new tent if she's going to bring everyone down with her attitude??? Mia: don't take your relationship drama out on us tbh Jimmy: The unfunny dickhead with the unflattering fake ID, duh 👋 Jimmy: Love me again now, don't you? Mia: Don't get excited Mia: I want 2 bottles of vodka Jimmy: You gonna put me on a timeout, an' all? Cute Mia: El? Ella: Same Janis: You know it's a weekend Janis: you two don't need 4 bottles between you Janis: and you aren't even meant to have glass anyway Mia: You suddenly care about the rules? Mia: We'll pay you now, chill out 😂😂 Jimmy: I was waiting for the #flex Jimmy: can rest easy and count my 💰 now Mia: 🙄 you wanna pay for us Mia: literally none of us will be impressed Jimmy: and live off bread and water for the foreseeable? You're alright Jimmy: So poor, me, you just put the reminder out yourself Mia: 💔 Mia: like we're all SOOOO rich Jimmy: 🙄 Mia: like, bang on about it more, so not boring Mia: is anyone else going to order or are you just going to keep him waiting forever? Mia: what's wrong with you lots, like are you being shy Hollie: you bringing up Maya's party has me 🤔🤔🤔 maybe we should chill out with the 🍾🍾 idk Mia: You make those little videos sober, don't think you need to worry about being any more cringe, babe Mia: why are we going if to not have fun, come on now Hollie: WOW, ILY too babe Mia: it is what we 💗 about you Mia: so funny Hollie: 👌👌👌 Mia: OMG, this MOOD Mia: you're all stressing me out, actually over this Grace: Vodka is like totally fine for all of us, okay? Just get enough to have fun with, like Mia said Grace: without getting CRAZY like Hollie warned Grace: then we can all just move on Jimmy: 👍 Mia: Yeah, this is so much fun Mia: 🙄 Mia: I'm over this convo Jimmy: 💔 Mia: El, be ready in 15, okay? Grace: Is that everything? Mia: 🤷 Mia: Like I'm doing all the work for what? Mia: You wanna be boring, you'll have to work it out yourselves Grace: I'm literally asking so you don't have to do it all yourself, honey Mia: I said, I'm over it Mia: We're going shopping, you can all do what you want Grace: Ugh Grace: everyone stop Ella: The problem is you're doing nothing though? 💁 Grace: Excuse you? Ella: What? 😂 Grace: That's like the opposite of helping Grace: I'm trying to sort everything out Ella: 👌👌👌 Grace: Do you wanna talk to Asia rn? cos I don't think you appreciate how upset she is Grace: That's what I'm doing Ella: Such a saint 🙏 Ella: she's got nothing to be upset about, just like the rest of you, this is such a joke Grace: mhmmm Grace: we all know you wanna call the whole thing off, Ella Grace: but maybe the rest of us wanna go, so like ?? Don't be so rude Ella: That's why me and Mia are the only ones who have made any suggestions in this chat??? Ella: Okay Grace: 4 bottles of vodka isn't a suggestion, it's a shopping list Ella: We all know you can't handle your drink Ella: so why don't you ask for some cocktails in a can and get realistic about it Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Mia: El, leave it Mia: this chat is so hormonal Grace: Call off your clone please, so over her Ella: Ha, now who's excused Ella: what was that about green? Grace: yeah cos I was so in favour before Grace: okay Grace: I literally don't care, count me out if this is how it's going to be the whole time Ella: The tantrums 😂 Ella: your sister finally invites you to something and this is how you act Grace: my sister isn't the one being a total bitch, you are Grace: eat something, you'll feel better Ella: Seen enough changing room meltdowns to know that's not worked for you, hun 😚 Mia: This is so toxic and we all know why Asia: I don't Mia: 🙄🙄🙄 Mia: God 😂 Mia: she speaks Hollie: stop shading her Mia: And another one Hollie: her and her bf will be done before the tents are set up, like hello? Hollie: it's not worth dragging her over Asia: 😱😱😱 Asia: Hollie! Mia: Wow Mia: it says so much about you that you only pipe up when things get bitchy Mia: both of you, where was this enthusiasm earlier? Damn, say how you really feel, Hols Hollie: I have to do my own dirty work 🤷 Hollie: if Ells had a twin too, I could sit back and get comfy too Mia: No one's asked you to be such a bitch Mia: this is why people don't fuck with you, so uncomfortable 😬 Hollie: yeah cos only you two are allowed, isn't it? Hollie: is it a boy you've invited? Mia: 😂 show me where Hollie: maybe where Ells is about to pull Gracie's weave out? Hollie: or when you uninvited Asia cos you're so salty that she has a bf Mia: Grace is trying to threaten she's not coming and Asia is clearly doing the same since no one uninvited her Mia: like, try to hide your drama behind us some more Mia: we're shopping for outfits, MY mum is driving us, I've paid for my drinks? Mia: sort your lives, honestly Hollie: my drama is you, you're being cringey bitches and I'm so done 👌 Asia: So I can come with you? Ella: Mime to a sad song, you'll feel better Ella: duh, Asia Hollie: I'll feel better when that boy you have a crush on, who I won't name to the entire chat cos I'm not that bitch, slides into my DMs again Hollie: thanks so much though, Ells Ella: It's tragic you think that means anything Ella: as if you've ever made it to the tent being put up Hollie: It's sooooooo funny that you think that's going to get to me Hollie: I don't want a 💍 and you know it Ella: that's lucky Ella: don't think they do engagement rings in man-sized Jimmy: Well I'm fucked then Jimmy: soz babe, the proposal's cancelled Mia: Are you two legit still here? Mia: That's even more pathetic than you three, you're in luck Jimmy: waiting on my shopping invite, no manners, you Mia: You've got your list Jimmy: But how can I join the cult if you don't tell me the dress code Jimmy: Kool-Aid's on order, like Mia: 🦗🦗 Mia: less reaction than your fake proposal bombshell, I am SO sorry, sweetie Jimmy: I proper felt that, you should go to drama school Ella: and Brits are meant to be decent at sarcasm Ella: try harder, new boy Jimmy: What's sarcasm? Please tell us, attack dog #1 Ella: Get Grace to, seeing as she's such a martyr Ella: Asia's stopped blubbing now Grace: Get over yourself and my name out of your mouth, hun Grace: your changing room meltdown atm isn't my problem Ella: OMG, a real-life 👼 Ella: deigning to talk to us commoners for a sec Ella: you wanna talk about names in your mouth, be sure to tell Asia what you said about her after she left Maya's, k 😘 Grace: Jesus loves everyone babes, even you Mia: 💁 so true Mia: make sure your hands are clean before you start pointing the finger, Gracie Grace: Oh please, I was drunk after I left that party cos OBVS I can NEVER handle my drink, DUH Grace: Do we wanna take a moment to talk about what you both said about my sister and her boyfriend after they invited us to this festival or no? Mia: Try on another excuse, see if that one fits Ella: 😏 Ella: doubt it Grace: we for sure don't wanna take any moments to discuss body image, unless of course you really would like to leave the chat and focus on your ootds Ella: 🐢🌵💚 Asia: ??? Asia: what does that even mean?? Ella: She knows Ella: Asia are you at home? Asia: not my home Asia: why? Ella: to pick you up Ella: you still need to get stuff too, right? Asia: OH Asia: I'll get him to drop me off rn Ella: 🙌 we'll wait 💗 Asia: 👌💗 Mia: We'll do nails and tan after, Dad's paying Asia: I can't tan too dark tho it'll clash with 💇 Mia: 'course, babe, that'd be so cringe Mia: you'll look amazing 😘 Asia: 💗💗💗 Mia: k, toodles 👋 Asia: SO excited Ella: Us too 💃🍾 Hollie: 🙄🙄🙄 Ella: Your negative energy is really draining Ella: speak up if you've got a problem, Hols, maybe we can help Hollie: I just can't remember stepping into a time machine and popping out again when we were like 12 tbh Ella: Your backne is acting up again? Ella: Worst timing, the sun will do it wonders though, don't worry Hollie: 😂 Ella: See, that's more like it Ella: positivity, ladies Hollie: Mia, are you really doing this? Mia: Doing what, babe? Hollie: you know Hollie: 🥶🥶🥶🥶 Mia: I really don't, though Mia: sorry 😕 Mia: DM me if you don't want to say it in front of them, yeah Hollie: okay Hollie: be really cool if you could swat Ells off your shoulder first though Hollie: just saying Mia: Why are you being like, jealous Mia: so weird Mia: we're all friends, 'cos we're not 12 😂 Hollie: check your inbox Hollie: you won't be BFFs with her when you read that Ella: Beg an invite harder Hollie: you'll be begging to keep yours, babes Hollie: gonna have to do your own tan, uh oh Ella: You'd know all about that Ella: 🍊🍪😷 Asia: OMG yay! I understood that time Ella: 😂 it'd be hard to miss, right babe Ella: bless Asia: 😂😂
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Chapter 11: And I had an anxiety attack... again.
In which the title describes the whole chapter
*Your POV*
I slammed the door behind me, fell to my knees, and closed my eyes. Today was such a shitty day I actually don't want to go back. But I have to. Unless I want to get fired, which actually doesn't sound THAT bad.
Wait... yeah, that sounds reasonable.
My apartment was just like my mind: a complete fucking mess that made no sense and looked like Narnia. But despite that, my personal laptop was hanging out on the small table I have in front of the TV. I sighed and went to the kitchen, trying not to worry.
It's been a while ever since I met the group of monsters and, honestly, I'm loving it! They are super nice and a part of me has changed a bit... so I'm becoming more dedicated to making them as happy as I can.
And that also refers to some of their complaints, like "you should seek a better job" or "this is dangerous for you, you should have something that makes you happy". And that's what I was about to do.
After taking my cup of coffee and I sat on the couch, I opened my laptop and started to search for different jobs and opportunities. I'm a scientist and a... politician? We could say that. I'm experienced in both terms and I'm really trying to look for a scientist post today. I want to do what I love and, well, I'm a science nerd. Fite me.
I just don't want to work in the Congress anymore. It's boring, it's lame, and I'm not going to stay in an office for the rest of my days- not when I'm starting to care about things. Alphys and Sans have said that they want to become part of the science world, but they have to study hard to get it. While I'm waiting for them, though, I'll make them proud and work in science!
While browsing around, I ended up on a Facebook page and noticed I had a shitton of notifications. Interested, I checked the groups and started to read the messages... bad idea...
Paula: Hey, monster lover! You should just go with them to the Underground, hah!
Anna: Jesus, when did we let this happen?
Anna: I thought you were smarter than this!
John: You are gonna put us in trouble
John: And it'll be all YOUR FAULT!
And so it went. I frowned slightly and decided to check Discord, trying to get distracted for a bit. My mind was starting to make bad moves, and I just couldn't make them real. What if it was better to leave the topic? Did I make a mistake? Should I start protesting AGAINST them?! Are they a threat to humans? Oh my God, what have I done? Should I-
Do you wanna get... Frisky?: Hey (Y/N)!
Do you wanna get... Frisky?: you wanna play UNO?
CoolSkeleton95: YES, HUMAN!
I shook my head with a smile, knowing I could never do that to them. Not after the little and funny history we have together, and how much comprehensible they looked with my problems socializing. They've made laugh like there is no tomorrow and to learn a lot of things. I just can't wipe them away from their dreams. I just can't wipe them away from my life.
Smartass: Sure, right now?
puns are love, puns are life: we're startin' right now, kiddo.
puns are love, puns are life: join this round before undyne comes with her shitty strategies again
I giggled softly, remembering the stupid nicknames we all had in that Discord group. I immediately went for my headphones, then joined the chat.
"Hi!" I exclaimed, praying that everyone could hear me. Fortunately, they could.
"hello kid, ready to lose?" A deep voice said, which I immediately recognized it was Sans. Everyone seems to have a high-pitched voice comparing them with him. Heck, even my father would sound like a three-year-old girl if we compare their voices!
After a bit of playing stupid rounds of UNO and hearing Sans's awful puns, I lost track of time. Eventually, Sans and I ended up playing Dead by Daylight together, the skeleton by some coincidence having the game installed. And so talked privately from then, and... got used to the game, I suppose.
"DUDE WHAT THE-" I stopped myself before I could use a bad word, not knowing how he would react. I still don't feel comfortable enough to be my usual, swearing, and boring self around them. I'm trying to be as less boring as possible... but I know that I'm still boring, even if I, indeed, try hard.
"i hate this game soooooooo much... what if we play somethin' else?" he asked, making me sigh in relief. This game's no good for someone with anxiety, keep that in mind. Bad thing I'm kind of a masochist in that aspect.
"You hate a lot of games, don't you? And sure, any suggestions?"
"do you have... mortal kombat?"
This is going to be interesting!
"Which one?"
"x, i'm too poor to buy the new one"
"Sure, I have it! I'll love to play it, it's been a while"
"cool cool, i'll invite you then"
And we played like for, what, hours? Mortal Kombat is sincerely one of my favorite sagas of videogames since I was a little child. Dolls? Nah, videogames were my thing since the beginning of times.
I forgot my problems, I forgot everything. It was just me, my character, and an angry Sans rattling his bones all over the mic. I was enjoying it, even if he tried to deconcentrate me with his jokes, that at the end were all just corny comments trying to make me flush but made me laugh instead.
I joked now and then as well, and hearing his laugh was such a gratifying feeling I couldn't do anything but to laugh with him. Besides, his laugh is quite contagious, and I'm easily influenced when other people laugh, so this got the best of me.
When I looked at the clock though, fear ran all over my body, and I stood quiet for some good minutes. I tried to contain my anxiety, to calm down. I took deep breaths and closed my eyes, telling myself I'll be just fine.
"(y/n), are you-"
Nice job, sweetie.
My mind was being a huge and stupid mess whenever those awful screams were out of my mouth. Sans wasn't answering, so I felt worse. I started panicking and creating ways to make him hate me less, and before I could say anything, I heard laughter.
His laughter.
"oh my god (y/n) you panic a lot" he said between breaths, while I just remained silent. What the- "i'm sorry, it's just... you should not worry about anything, k? remember you said tomorrow you don't have to work, k? just relax. nothing's wrong with staying late once in a while, right?"
"Wait, so you don't think I'm pathetic or anything like that?!"
"wha- of course not! everyone has their moments (y/n), and you have anxiety, for god's sake! it's totally normal for someone to freak out now and then. you shouldn't feel guilty of that"
I felt tears trying to escape from my eyes and I hold them back, keeping my cool... temporarily. I draw a weak smile in my face, even if Sans couldn't see it.
"Thank you. I needed that" Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd my voice broke down in the process. Shit.
"don't worry (y/n)" he said kindly, and I bet he was still wearing that permanent shit-eating grin. I chuckled to myself, slowly making tears disappear "hey, do you wanna meet up tomorrow? maybe you want some time to yourself, i know, but maybe you should try to interact more with people... since i'm assuming you don't"
I never thought I would get lectured by a skeleton. Guess life is unexpected, huh?
But I realized he was right. My social anxiety can only be solved by interacting with others. There is no escape, and I'm conscious of that. Besides, what can go wrong? Sans has been nothing but a nice guy, and I'm starting to enjoy his company a lot. Maybe I'll be able to consider him as a friend?
"I'd love that, thank you so much. I don't get to hang out often, so that means a lot"
"don't sweat it. everyone deserves a chance to express themselves"
We hung up the call with a quick "see you tomorrow" and I went straight to bed, never erasing that last sentence he said from my mind.
"Everyone deserves a chance to express themselves", huh? Maybe...
Maybe this is my chance
*Sans's POV*
We hung up the call and I let out a sigh. I never realized I was playing until late, mostly because Papyrus didn't come for his bedtime story, and so I lose track of time. I was having a good time though, but I can't be stubborn and keep her up any longer. Not after she almost had a heart attack.
She's nice, and she seems pretty genuine. Doesn't look like the type of girl that should hide anything, not with that anxiety of hers. She's a goddess in Mortal Kombat, though. She knew how to use almost every fighter perfectly, and I felt like a punching bag with jokes in its interior. The more she won, the more I joked. At least she laughed... a lot, actually. She's a good audience, just like Tori.
Then I remembered she cursed when she was starting to freak out, and I started to wonder if she uses "strong" language daily. Or well, at least in her head.
I looked over that beautiful website called Youtube and watched some memes, that are truly gold if you ask me. A sick and dark sense of humor combined with random things and retards living their lives- in one word, perfection. I would also watch Tumblr, but that site gave me a good uncomfortable feeling that I don't want to relive any sooner. I also wanted to check Wattpad, but ever since I knew that it was mostly FanFiction, I thought more about it. Then I remember that Alphys told me she had an account and I immediately never went to that place...
Alphys is scary sometimes, no one can judge me. Her weird FanFictions are pretty much apart from anything I like to read or write...
And yes, I'm a writer.
That's why I thought Wattpad would be a good idea...
Thank God I changed my mind.
I'm mostly a science fiction lover, but drama and suspense are not that bad. I also like a lot of horror novels, but I'm no good at writing one my self. Believe me, I tried. It's hard to make it as noncliché as possible, considering that paranormalities are a huge cliché themselves.
I always include romance in my stories though. I realized it's quite essential in defining people's personalities and actions. Besides, romantic scenes leave a nice drama feeling when they are not exaggerated, so I try to put them once in a while.
I'm currently writing a novel instead of a short story, but it's hella difficult if you are bone dry of ideas. It takes a skele-ton of effort to come up with something good, and it's harder to put it in words. I also need to do some more research, since it includes scientific things...
Ah, sci-fi. What would I do without it?
I'm also a classic novel lover. Macbeth it's just wonderful and Journey to the Center of the Earth are old masterpieces that have a special place in my soul. I read them when I was a kid, and I would do it over and over. But I also want to see what new books the surface has to offer- one of my wildest dreams is to visit the biggest libraries around the world, like the ones in Paris or in Tokyo. But that has to wait.
I'm tired, but I never get myself to sleep. I suffer insomnia since... quite a few time, actually. It all started with the first reset of that goddamn flower; it started whenever I realized that the timeline theory was real and that, whoever got the power- the DETERMINATION- had the entire world at their hands.
Flowey was first, then Frisk came and had the power. Now I don't know if she has it anymore, considering we are at the surface and anyone could be more determined than her. But there's still a chance she has time and space at the tip of her fingers, and with a snap, she can make everything and everyone I love disappear.
That kid... she probably wants to see me suffer. After everything I've done to stop her, she hates me even more. She's selfish. She's a prick. And I'll never forgive her.
She knew I would remember when she did that. She killed everyone I loved, she destroyed the little hope I had on my home... and laughed at my face about it. That fight, that crazy look in her eyes... I have nightmares about it. Whenever I see the kid, a part of me replaces it with the painful memories of past timelines.
And I can't make them stop. I can't erase that devilish and empty smile Frisk had. I can't erase the vision of that flower becoming a God before my eyes.
I can't erase Papyrus's smile still with hope before turning to dust.
I shook my head and sighed. Out of all the times, I can't bring myself now into thinking like that... not anymore. We're on the Surface now, for God's sake! I should be happy because now I can fulfill my happiest dreams!
I lack the motivation, though.
There's no hope for me, or that's what I think.
I want the best for everyone (except Frisk and Flowey; screw them), but me? Heh, this old sack of bones won't be his usual self any sooner. It's just... it's just stupid to think I'll ever be the casual and relaxed skeleton ever again. I'm paranoid. I'm scared. I'm a fucking coward trying to protect his brother, but being too useless to do anything about it.
I can't go back to Snowdin. I can't go back to that goddamn house. I can't.
I glanced over my desk and noticed the folder with the things for my education. I let a sigh, knowing that I would never be able to keep up with that kind of stress. Not if my mind it's worried about something else.
I turned off the lights and went to my bed, trying to clear my mind. I let a new human enter my life, one older than Frisk...
That doesn't mean it's less dangerous.
That doesn't mean she's not a murderer...
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
More thoughts about DA: I so far!
I said I’d do this like a week or two ago but lol. Have mercy on me ;u;
But yeh! Just a lot of random thoughts to share about my experience so far:
Honestly from beginning to the point I’m in, it’s so EPIC, like- the SUMMIT of epic!!
The story and the lore and the world are all so vast, so impossibly vast, it’s mindblowing. The writers of this are true masterminds and I must applaude all this work, they created a full whole new universe that’s real and breathes and lives. Holy. Fuck. It’s truly mindblowing and mesmerizing, I can’t even put it into words so I won’t even try.
Leliana and Cassandra, though? FUCK ME, THEY’RE GLORIOUS.
I’m SO in love with this game’s portrait of women, because there are SO MANY, and all in actual PRACTICAL and realistic armor! Like, no giant anime tiddies protected only on the nipple, it’s full armors not even shaped to make them look attractive or “like women”. And not just your companions; throughout the story, you find women enemies and allies in armor, it’s AMAZING.
I love Cassandra’s accent/voice color. I want her to fuck me. But DAMN me, I went with female elf in the end, after SO MUCH thinking about every choice (as in, gender, race, and class. I took SO LONG picking one of everything).
Blackwall is charming? Like...I don’t know. I didn’t like him in a beginning but then he just. Went and spoke and FUCK HE’S CHARMING.
I really feel like praising more the lore and story-telling/writing but there’s just no putting it into words goddammit.
From the moment the attack starts I was like HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO COOL
Watching Cullen in action was GREAT, too! He gets so little screen time (in my opinion), like, he could have been given a bigger role, it’s sad to watch all his potential just standing there doing nothing. What I would give so he was a party member! But yeah, that’s why it was so cool to watch him act in that part.We’re used to Cassandra and Leliana by that point, so it was good to see Cullen in charge for once. Watch him give orders, raise the voice, command the army, GAWDS, IT STILL GIVES ME CHILLS
Surviving the whole thing was AMAZING, the thing with (I forgot the english word lkasjdlakdg) “bombing”/attacking the snow mountains to Mulan the whole thing and bury the bad guys in the avalanche was SO GLORIOUSLY EPIC.
I couldn’t save the people of Haven, though! I saved...the lady in charge of the...the one table that requests random things. Lady in armor? Forogt her name. Also saved Adan, I’m SO happy he made it!!! But Minaeve died lmao aah :’( And I think I lost someone else, but not sure who.
I wasn’t too scared of him, like, the design doesn’t look that scary. But he’s got a nice air of villain! And the way he grabs you and picks you up, and then when you fire the thing to cause the lastavalanche?
And the best part personally is that it’s Cullen teddy bear who spots you aaah ;A; <3
And the next bit? When you wake up and the advisors are arguing. So you decide to chime in to try and ease it. But you have no idea what to say, so Mother Giselle comes in and starts singing?
And then Leliana joins?
And then Cassandra
And then CULLEN
So I went mages instead of Templars. Because ya know, it felt better? Like, yes, I know mages have done bad things before, but templars are hunting for them like they’re “things” or beasts, so I felt that it was best to support mages instead of Templars.
Okay but sidenote; I thought Cullen was going to be upset at me, like MAD. Because, you know, he used to be a Templar, and he still is so in love with the Templars and always talks so nicely and excitedly about them, and tried to encourage you to go with Templars. So I chose Mages thinking he was going to rage at me.
And what did he do? “Oh well, yes, the mages are good, they may be able to help us close the rift. They’re good allies :)”
Seriously, I’m SO IN LOVE with how mature he is. That and his shyness are what convinced me to romance him. He took it so nicely, like, he doesn’t throw tantrums or argues; he knows what’s at risk, he wants the best to turn out of everything, and when things happen, he knows to just get over it and take it to his vantage and see it in a positive way and fUCK GODS HAVE MERCY ON ME, IT WAS GREAT
SO YOU GO TO THIS CASTLE and well I guess you know the whole thing already lmao, SO THAT TIME TRAVEL WITH DORIAN? 
Exploring the castle alone with him wasamazing (gotta talk about orian ina sec). And when you learn you were transported a  whole year into the future? I was like HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL TRY WAITING TEN (was definitely thinking about FFXV OTL these poor babies waited so much... :( ). I felt bad finding Cassandra and Varric poisoned/consumed by the lyrium, but when you find Leliana?
I had regretted making a female avatar int hemoment I learned  Cassandra doesn’t romance female. But I moved on. But when I learned Dorian only romances male??? INSTANT REGRET.
DORIAN THAT FUCKING IDIOT, I’M SO IN LOVE WITH HIM. There’s somethingabout the “guy that loves himself so much, it’s narcissistic”, because they’re fun. And like, eh’s not selfish, just narcissistic. Loves himself, but is kind and supportive. He’s so intelligent, wise, he’s so kind, he’s lots of fun, damn me, he’s elegant, and he’s a MAGE. I LOVE MAGES.
I love his voice, too. All of him is GREAT and I love him. Sassy little shit that loves himself, GAWDS. I have to romance him someday!
Also loved the whole thing with Solas when he’s like “I just casually happen to know this huge abandoned castle nearby here, maybe it can be of use c:” Solas you adorable idiot. But honestly, watching the Inquisitor and Solas lead the way to Skyhold was PHENOMENAL and so beautiful. I’m in love with snowy scenarios so I truly loved it, and Skyhold? MAGNIFICENT. A PIECE OF ART. SO BEAUTIFUL SUCH A BREATHTAKING SIGHT AKLSDJFAKDLGJ ALKFJA
The game sort of tried to incline me to romance Solas multiple times, and I for sure will do that in a second playthrough, because GODS HE’S CUTE. I love how profoundly wise and mature he is. And he has an air of melancholy that sort of attracts me, not like “ooh sexy!” but like...I want to comfort him, and love him, and clean him. He feels like such a melancolic character. Even Cole says Solas is sor tof a “sad creature” or something. It breaks my heart when Solas says bye because he says it so sadly like omg no pls ;A;
I LOVED going into the dream with him. It was just natural to go and kiss him but I didn’t aksldjdagk, I wanted to romance CUllen so badly XD But it was amazing!! And the way he asks the next day if you enjoyed your dreams, it was so cute. Solas is such a good and nice friend!!
I loved his quest rescuing his spirit friend. I felt sad in the conversation afterwards because, as I didn’t romance him, he ended the conversation with “It means I respect you profoundly, Inquisitor. And that I’ve taken too much of your time already” and left I was like NO SOLAS DARLING PLS I SWEAR INA  SECOND LIFE I WILL LOVE YOU AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
But yeh. Solas is amazing.
Also, Iron Bull and Dorian are flirting and I love it. There was a point, Dorian tried to argue with him about the Qunari attacking Tevinter and he was like “So would you prefer to see me ona leash?” to which Iron Bull replied “I’d take you out for dinner first”.
Omg Bull. Omg IRON BULL OMG THAT IS PRIVATE XD And today Dorian was like “Can you PLEASE be careful with that pointy thing and not direct it towards me?” and Bull was like “Lmao kkinky”, so Dorian was like “JESUS CHRIST, I meant your weapon!”
I WANT THEM TO FUCK. if I can’t fuck Dorian, then may the Bull fuck him for me DAMMIT
Josephine is adorable and so kind. I almost romanced her, too. Talked with her at the balcony and she was all gratitudde and joy ad shyness. 
And now it’s like “omg Vivienne cAN YOU PLEASE STOP! >:’(” because hahaha, BOY! She’s gorgeous and strong, but so difficult!! We just disagree morally. I’m all hero-like regarding “Everyone deserves peace/a chance/freedom, love and peace, do the right thing, spirits are friends” and Vivienne is all “WE NEED TO BE STRICT. LIKE IRON FIST STRICT. TELL THAT SPIRIT TO FUCK OFF. KILL THIS PERSON. FUCK THE MAGES” and like nooooooo!!! Vivienneeeeeeee, that’s not how you show mercy!!!!
I think she’s the only one I won’t be able to befriend...she’s disapproved of almost all that I’ve done... OTL
Also, why can’t weromance Varric with ANYONE? Honesly, he’s one of my favorites! He’s so charming, outgoing, so lighthearted. He’s so understanding and mature. I love that he has the heart of an artist and dedicates to writing. I love how he doesn’t take things personally. I love his sensibility. Honestly, he probably would have been my option 1 of romance if only he was romanceable. I’m so upset he’s not an available option!
The reason he was my first option was because of that first reaction you get at Haven. When he goes all excited talking about protecting the weak and innocent and saving the world then he is like “Haha, sorry, I ranted and you’re not here so to hear me talk :)”
And you go “But I like your enthusiasm”. I picked that because I REALLY thought his enthusiasm was nice.
And his reaction??? HIS REATION!?!?!?!?
Like...you look at him. And you think “Oh, it’sa pretty boy. Charming and outgoing. He’ll probably just laugh it off, your casual, stereotyped Romeo”.
The way he just stared at my elf like .____. *brain death* zomg what do I do what do I say pls halp I’m lost and he just stuttered and went shy and looked away and PANICKED
And all throughout the courting process with him, he’s all shyness and adorableness, I swear to the gods, I AM SO WEAK
I think at some point of the War Table, he’s staring at the Inquisitor? Like, before you are the Inquisitor. Because Leliana goes “So, you were telling us.........Cullen?”, and Cullen goes all “HM? OH- AH-...YES- AH...”and talks about something else, so like. Was he daydreaming OR was something in sight range, hm?
And then at Sky hold? That ADORABLE conversation when he’s staring and staring and tries to not say bye and right before you walk away he goes with what he has been containing about “You stayed behind, at Haven. You could have...” and then he swears it won’t happen again and he’s there for you AND I DIE, GIVE ME MY FAIRY TALE VANILLA LOVE, I LOVE IT.
And stuf stuff blah blah, AND WHEN YOU FINALLY ROMANCE HIM?
HONESTLY I’M JUST SO HAPPY BECAUSE HE’S THIS SHY STUTTERING IDIOT, YOU WOULD EXPECT HIM- LIKE YOU KNOW, strong warrior archetype, with the big armor, strong and badass, you would EXPECT him to be charmming, confident, utgoing, charming, flirty. But instead? Stuttering shy idiot that gets nervous. AND HONESTLY THAT MAKES ME FEEL SO HAPPYAND INLOVE WITH HIS CHARACTER GAWDS DAMN ME IT’S SO CUTE
So when you ask him to talk alone with him, is he confident now?
He just stares away, gets nervous, and stutters” I-IT’S A NICE WEATHER, ISN’T IT? AHAH” like bruh. You nervous, anxious idiot PLS KISS ME ALREADY.
And that almost-kiss. IT WAS ADORABLE. And then the kiss-kiss. EVEN MORE ADORABLE. And they even give you soft piano music, aaaahhhh, I DIE ;A;
I could make the one quest...Wicked Hearts, something Eyes (I’M NOT PLAYING IT IN ENGLISH I’M SORRY), I think you go to a ball? But I have this habit of trying to complete as many sidequests as I can so you know. I’m taking long and doing it slow OTL
But enjoying it!!! And anyway, I spent too long writing this and now I feel guilty alksjdfkladjga
But yeh! My experience so far! C:
Thanks for reading!
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formula-what · 3 years
Different anon. But fever dream anon sounds like they’re describing a Spanish film on Netflix. Forgot the name but yeah I remember it was along the lines of the two friends having a relationship or affair or whatever. Soooooooo, guy #1 doesn’t really accept himself/he is just using it as a fun thing on the side and ends up getting a gf. Cool. They end up dating for 8 years or whatever. Guy #2 is an aspiring film writer so he just sticks to that but is sad and alone(I would too tbh) because I presume he got attached but the guy #1 does not fully accept himself. Sweet. So now at the end of 8 years(so to set the scene they live in Madrid in an apartment along with their best girl friend and guy #1s gf). Peng. So on the last day before they move away(guy #1 to some medical residency , girl best friend other side of town because while an aspiring actress she’s struggling so she’ll become a waiter because she’s given up, guy #2 to London on scholarship) guy #1 wants them to go out as a last hurrah. So like a few days before shit hit the fan guy #2 was out to fetch Gurl best friend from a one night stand(#no money because being an aspiring actor/actress sucks monkey balls) and so guy #1 and his gf were left alone, but it was the hottest recorded day or whatever it was and so they were just sleeping but gf was not really sleepy so she snuck out to the living room with this small hand size ominous box. She sits and then opens it and starts drawing on a map that already has “checkpoints”(?) but essentially tracks where they promised they would go or whatever. Truly don’t care. But her pen marker thing runs out and so she goes into guy #2s room because he’s a writer and so hopefully he has a pen(HE DOES). But she notices a script on his desk which she takes, locks herself in the bathroom and reads it in case guy #1 wakes up. She eventually takes it back and for the moment you think ok that was just a filler but NOPE. So they’re shit faced off alcohol and some drug from the fairy godmother(they were fabulous, I wouldn’t mind a spin off movie just for them) they go back to their shared apartment and then the girl best friend suggests that they play a game. And this game boils down to you’re on a desert island who are the 2 people you take. Anyways no stress because the number of people involved avoids drama. But as they are just chilling they start reminiscing and shit and then they move on to how guy #2 is such a “I don’t kids complicate life whatever” but jokingly. BUT then guy #1s gf starts talking about how guy #2 just be in his feelings or whatever and then she speaks out a line or 2 from his script which talks about being a shell and alone and whatever. Now important thing about guy #2 he’s one of those people who, even if they produce work crafted by god himself, he’ll think it’s shit. Now pair that with the fact they’re all shit faced and don’t know what guy #1s gf is talking about, guy #1 and girl best friend mock it because it sounds stupid. But guy #2 gets extremely HACKED at this gf reading his stuff. So he basically throws guy #1 into a corner where the game is modified and they can only choose 1 person. Now because guy #1 is actually far from straight and can’t really lie he tries to deflect and convince everyone to go to the roof. But guy #2 is persuasive as shit and does not let down. At the same time he pisses off gf so much so she slaps him and also confronts guy #1 about what’s so fucking hard about just saying your gf before living. Like it’s so multifaceted and intricate that I don’t even think I explained it right. But it’s not complicated. Didn’t finish it though because I CANT carry on through scenes of tension so I’ve been meaning to go back to it but ho hum. I’ll probably watch it now to see if at the very least they don’t disband angry at each other.
what brocedes au is this
0 notes
survivormykonos · 6 years
Episode #1: “everyone knows I’m here for the drama™️” ~Robbie
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First impressions these people are basic players who wont have very big personalities, and not willing to put a lot of effort into this game. Hopefully thats not the case and its just late so no one is really wide awake :) Because I came to play and I hope thats what everyone else came here to do as well 
Okay so my plan basically worked, winning the first reward competition by placing a good score has opened up one of many avenues to come. Ryan, and Zeezo want to work with me (bad choice for them since I will be winning this aka taking them out eventually but oh well)
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Him hitting it off really well with this tribe they are all so friendly and welcoming, Ain is my main homegirl at the moment she is the best and jared is a nice friendly face so it should be interesting to see what the coming days are like.
so not 30 minutes in and meowth comes out with the question "what if someones racist" which to me carried an air of accusation it was public and clearly meant for all to see it just gives me a bit of an icky feeling towards meowth
I'm glad that others are getting higher scores than me because i definitely don't want to be presenting as a threat in challenges particularity not the first day so i just am hoping that ill land middle of the pack challenge wise
so this immunity is fun i love puzzles like these even though they are hard tbh im not completly happy about our chances but i hope we can push through and win or the other tribes internet fucks up, either or really
so right now the vote seems to be between Robbie and Mewoth (Josh) and tbh i dont care which goes because they havent spoken to me but whatever, in any case id rather keep someone who actually contributed to the challenge and if he doesn't step it up then Josh will be gone next
Going into tribal council i am very nervous, you never know where the vote is until the votes are read and if im on the wrong side of the vote i might not be around much longer
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I dont know whats gonna go down here but i hope i do well
reunited with lukas my love
she sells seashells at the seashore
why is the first vote already so confusing and wild.... just decide on a person
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WHATS UPPPP!!! Can’t say much because I’m busy but I’m stoked!!! Only two other girls on my team tho :/ but it’s ok! I have Stephen who I know but I’ll get into all that later and I have lukas and Sammy on the other tribe who I LOVE TO DEATH but obviously can’t tell anyone that. Ain is on the other side who I hate but I just hope she gets voted out and we never have to interact :’)
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Honestly, living my best life and enjoying the brief small talk with my tribe mates. So far getting a good vibe from everyone but lets be real, shit (I can curse right... I lowkey have always wanted to say that) is definitely going to go down as soon as something goes wrong. But like *shrug*. 
OK LET'S TALK ABOUT THAT TIME THAT I DIDNT WANT TO GRAB THE LIGHT AND SHINE IT ON ME AND WE WIN FIRST IMMUNITY AND I GET SENT TO PARADISE ISLAND!!!!!!!!! Yeah, because like, screw the idea of trying to lay a tad low for the first vote. But hey, I guess when you are working with Zeezo and she tells you the immunity boxes must be evens because of the clue she got, and then you get sent to PI, it can't be all that bad. I'm so shook I don't even know if I'm making sentences rn hahaha. I hate saying this, but like I am so happy with where I am rn, but I def know there is so much more work to put in before my tribe ends up going to tribal. AND SPEAKING OF TRIBES, WHET ON EARTH? Two abstains in the reward and then a tie and only two points in the immunity challenge for Yalos? Did they also think they were cast in ANTM because like same. We've all been there, amiright? Can they continue to do this so I can just breeze my way to merge and start playing this game already??? Please and thank you. 
When I wake up and realize I have so much work to do for school but at least I don't have to worry about going to tribal tonight! I aint mad! At least Im not gonna be the Francesca of this season soooooooo..... 
So... ya boy just beat Jared in a word search comp... and beat him... and went to Super Paradise Island... and idk which greek god is on my side, but one them has ya boy's back because he just the sapphire gem... Like no big deal... I didn't expect to be the first voted out and then just somehow came across getting one of the first big advantages of the game... WE ARE ALL FINE GUYS!!!
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I have Oakley, who voted me out on Athena: Himalayas and Olivia, who I voted out on Atomic: Isle of Skye on my tribe. And my immediate thought is I want to work with them. Olivia more than Oakley, I don’t have any beef with him from another season but he is sneaky. However my strategy especially at this point in the game is just make lersonal connections and pretend to have the strategic knowledge of a goldfish. Here’s hoping it works.
So far I’ve talked to most people but some are easier to connect to than others, Joanna seems the most distant, she responds but it doesn’t feel friendly. But we won, so we’re all good this round. I really hope Ain goes home, shes manipulative, vindictive and isn’t afraid to use underhanded tactics.
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WOAH! So after being recommended to play by a friend, I found out he ALSO recommended Miles to play, although in the other tribe.. I have someone I know here although I kinda got them eliminated in a Twitter Survivor... Hmmm... So far in Kalafati tribe, Im liking Miles and Joanna, Haven't had much contact with the others but they seem really cool. Im so excited to play, Especially with winning a lucky hidden immunity Idol
I’m still waving the flag
I’m still waving the flag I hate that challenge. I got a respectable score but if i did all that just to have the Yalos player stop after a low score, I'll be sad
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My first impressions of the tribe is pretty positive! No immediate negative figures jump out at me. I'm still testing the waters, trying to figure out if any people are potentials for alliance members. Some people like Olivia, Jacob, Miles, Stephen and Thomas have reached out to me which makes them seem like good potentials for friends. However, I want to see how the reward challenge goes before I can evaluate my teammates further. 
It's amazing that we won the reward challenge and I'm so happy that I performed as well as I did. However, I am worried about the immunity challenge. I'm happy with the flash game, but the controls are really wacky and I already know it will take forever to get used to.
I'm honestly a little worried seeing that I didn't preform very well in the immunity challenge. Thankfully, we still managed to pull off a win and we didn't have to worry about tribal. Speaking of tribal, I don't think there is anyway Robbie is going to stay, seeing that he abstained in the reward and striked in the immunity. Also, I feel like I want to work with Olivia, but Miles also seems like a good person to work with, but I haven't approached either of them yet. Still weighing my options and figuring out the best way to proceed. 
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Honestly it doesn’t seem like anyone is playing hard yet which is annoying me. Because I want to play hard, but if no one else is people can get sketched out by highly strategic, social players
Honestly if I finess this vote and stay in the game after forfeiting two comps it will be hilarious. But everyone knows I’m here for the drama™️ Hope no one gets blind sided
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So the first night went..... alright. My tribe wasn’t as energetic or as talkitive as I had expected. It appears as though I am on a tribe with all gay men, which sounds nice in theory, but I’m bracing for the moment these twinks start wildin. Aside from the gays, I know Ain from a past org and am starting to warm back up to her. We will probs stick together for awhile. As of now, that’s all. 
Robbie, queen of being inactive and making cases to stay last minute, came to me with the idea of booting Meowth instead. I said hell yeah! All for that shit! Not that I don’t like Meowth, it’s just I would love to do something unexpected for the first tribal. However, Sammy and Michael seem to be so against it for some reason. Lord knows why. I’m going to aim to be in the majority, but I may just cast my vote for Meowth for the hell of it. 
Ok I don’t quite remember what my last confessional was but I know for a fact I fucked up the names. Robbie is the one on the line, Sammy is just another gay. I swap their names all of the time. 
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I really like this tribe so far! Everyone seems pretty chill and it's nice to know that at the moment, nobody is really mean-spirited. I know that Jacob has some past with the other Miles, but he's on the other tribe, so there's really no past relationships to deal with either, at least that I know of! I think that by far, I'd probably like to align with Olivia and Joanna for sure, and maybe Stephen, Zeezo,  Oakley, and Julian as well? I'd rather not get into scheming this early! I think it'd be much better for my game at the moment not to be the leader or figurehead of a group, but rather an updated member. I guess I'll have to see!
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Alright so... Not a whole lot is going on, it's just the start of the game, we're just doing the first reward challenge. This tribe is just a bit too large for my taste but whatever, I'll manage. Getting to know all these people is interesting, which is funny because the absolute LAST word I would use to describe myself is "interesting"
I'm not entirely sure what use one would have for a fire making kit in an online survivor. Am I meant to set my laptop on fire? ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME SOMETHING????????? lmao...
There's a few people that I'm getting great vibes from. Miles would probably be the biggest one rn. I would love nothing more than to get some sort of alliance going sooner rather than later JUST IN CASE but like I don't want to be the one to actively go out and do it because if someone leaks RIP ME. Idk what I'm doing just yet. We'll figure this out.
We won the first immunity and don't have to vote anyone out, that's awesome. I can't help but feel just a little concerned though, everyone's almost a little TOO peaceful on this tribe. I'm not saying I'd want to LOSE a comp and have to face tribal but the reads I'm getting from everyone is giving me a sense of unease. I do enjoy winning though and wouldn't mind winning out. I'm just saying, I feel very uneasy with the vibes I'm receiving. Good lord I just repeated myself there. Oh well.
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I really like this tribe so far! Everyone seems pretty chill and it's nice to know that at the moment, nobody is really mean-spirited. I know that Jacob has some past with the other Miles, but he's on the other tribe, so there's really no past relationships to deal with either, at least that I know of! I think that by far, I'd probably like to align with Olivia and Joanna for sure, and maybe Stephen, Zeezo,  Oakley, and Julian as well? I'd rather not get into scheming this early! I think it'd be much better for my game at the moment not to be the leader or figurehead of a group, but rather an updated member. I guess I'll have to see!
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I think I'm pretty safe after this immunity challenge. I was one of 2 people to win the head to head for my tribe and therefore I have a chance to go to Paradise Island! I'm trying my best NOT to go though because I think that would put a target on my back very early on.
Right now my closest ally is Matt and I feel that we have a strong bond. We're each other's #1's and talking back and forth over who should go tonight. I'm very torn for who I'm voting for at tribal tonight, it's either Meowth (Josh) or Robbie. I've heard that Robbie may have gotten the majority but I don't feel 100% on wanting him still in the game. Yes, Meowth is weak in challenges but he's another easy vote moving forward in the future.
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So, what's been going for me so far?  Well, reward challenge I busted my ass and showed what I can do, which was great!  WE lost, which sucks, and 2 people didn't submit.  Those 2 were Miles and Robbie.  This made me upset, mostly because Miles I know from my Minecraft UHC days, so we made an instant alliance from that.  Robbie I didn't care about.  Then came immunity, where once again, Robbie was unable to compete, and I still stand by that I was robbed in my challenge because of a shit quality image, but this is what I'm used to from online games like this, so I'll move on (eventually).  We got rekt in immunity, and the obvious choice was looking like Robbie for not submitting twice.  So, being the intelligent player I am, I basically pitched to Robbie that he was going home unless he made a better pitch about someone else.  He aimed at Michael, someone who I somewhat wanted to work with at the time (in hind sight, I wouldn't have cared much).  I proposed, instead, we vote for meowth (Joshua) because he just rubbed me the wrong way, under-performed, and refused to talk game strategy with me at all.  I pulled in Lukas and Jared, as well as had Ain in my pocket, and with the acquiring of Sammy by both me and Robbie, the vote should be set in our favor.  I'm still trying to convince Miles to roll with us so he's not on the losing end of the vote, but I think its 50/50 whether he will or won't.  Honestly, I feel pretty safe with this vote, being that I was a top performer and have shown how active I strive to be in these games.  I'm not super worried about this vote and hope that Robbie sticks around.  Hopefully, he becomes a powerful player and a big help in challenges.  If he's not, he'll go next for sure.  Let's hope I don't live to regret these words!
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I think I’m in a pretty safe spot right now, but we def have people who think they are running the show around here...SIT DOWN or else you’ll become a target early😉 but I like everyone just don’t know who we should keep...someone who hasn’t been active or someone who tries but does not communicate. Eh either way I’m not on the chopping block sooooo. Okay wow that sounds rude but um i like everyone:) yikes
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Honestly, this is a fung ame and a fun set of people. Just hope my time here isn't too short.
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So far I feel pretty good about my tribe even though there a couple people I forgot to ever talk to oops. We seem to be good at challenges and get along well. I've connected most with Ryan so far and told him my idol clue to gain his trust. He's told me he trusts me the most out of anyone so that's good. After we talked we decided to pull in a 3rd and settled with Thomas since he got the best score in the reward challenge. After consulting with Ryan I decided to share my clue with Thomas too and the 3 of us officially performed an alliance. I think with this alliance my goal is to think more long term. Thomas is probabaly going to on Tinder performing well at challenges and be a shield for me. He also doesn't seem to talk to a lot of other people. Meanwhile Ryan seems like the type of person who might play too hard so he could be another shield. Plus we get along really well so far so that's good :') We might pull in a 4th for the alliance later since Thomas is kind of inactive and Ryan suggested Stephen so I'm interested to see how that will pan out. In other news Ryan got sent to paradise island and got the sapphire gem thing so that's great :') So if one of us finds the idol we should have great power in the game so I'm looking forward to the rest of the game 
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Nothing is going really because we have been on a winning streak and have been crushing it. I knew Stephen from a previous game and we agreed to work together. He is not being extremely subtle about it but I think he wants to work with Olivia because he has mentioned her a lot and how he likes her. I don't mind that because I do like her but I am worried about the two of them being closer to each other than to me because I know they know each other. I am really liking Ryan as well and would like to work with him. I am worried I am not being as social as I should be because I do notice that I don't talk to as many people as I would like. Miles I have talked to a bit but haven't built much of a relationship with him and everyone else I have said hi to and talked to a bit but I haven't really built anything or know anything about them. I just hope we can win long enough for me to build those relationships because I am worried that I am one of the two people to lose my round in the immunity challenge.
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captainehren · 7 years
List of anime that influenced me
While watching CDawgVA talk about the anime that influenced him, I got to thinking of what has influenced me. I’m older than many fans now, so what I grew up with isn’t what everyone else grew up with. 
1) Sailor Moon
This show was the first real anime show I ever watched, though I had watched “anime” when I was younger in Voltron and Akira. However, they didn’t have nearly as strong an impact on me as Sailor Moon. I heard about it from one of my friends, and she was the kind of overly obsessed fantard that makes you cringe when you think of anime fans, but that came a bit later. I was in 6th grade and she told me I should try watching Sailor Moon in the morning. So I did.
I was instantly hooked. The girly clothes, the magic, the romance, the daring and mysterious Tuxedo Mask... I was in love! And so I got as many Sailor Moon things as I could get my little hands on. I got the small dolls, I also managed to get a hold of an Artemis plush that got ruined, and a big Sailor Venus doll. I really, really wanted a Tuxedo Mask doll, because good God he was pretty, but I could never find him. 
Over the years, I frequented anime stores, or Japanimation as we called it. I got a couple of Sailor Moon CDs, one of which was an import from Japan. I got a couple of imported manga from Japan that I could never read. And when the manga started being translated by Mixx Entertainment, I got the Mixx Manga magazine, which was kind of like Shoujo Beat or Shonen Jump except they smashed both the Shonen manga in with the Shoujo manga. I think I sold my copies to Half-Price ages ago because I needed whatever money they were willing to give me for it. And when I saw that Mixx was finally putting out the manga volumes for $10, I got my grandma to buy them for me. I was in high school when they were coming out then.
I learned to draw anime style by copying Sailor Moon’s style. My first attempts were awful, but I kept trying. I had a Sailor Moon character of Sailor Neptune way before I ever knew about the outer senshi showing up later in the series. (she was Serena’s sister and showed up to take Tuxedo Mask.) And later in 6th grade, my too obsessive friend not only claimed she had written a script for a Sailor Moon play that I was to play Sailor Jupiter in, but that, over the phone, she claimed she was turning into Sailor Moon when she looked into the mirror. And that she was having adventures in the mirror while talking to me on the phone. As I said: too obsessed.
Needless to say, Sailor Moon is one of my staples. It broke my heart when I had to sell my old Mixx manga Sailor Moon volumes and the newer ones that I had collected so that I could get some money. It’s okay. One day I will get them again.
2) Tenchi Muyo! or Tenchi Universe
I had not watched a lot of anime after Sailor Moon. There just wasn’t a lot that interested me and no real way of watching it unless I convinced my grandma to pay for it. I think I was in high school when Tenchi Muyo! showed up on Cartoon Network. I know I was thrilled to learn that Cartoon Network was airing Sailor Moon, so I was still in Sailor Moon mode. Whenever it showed up, I was hooked. I got on that train and careened right off the cliff. I love this stupid show, but the manga is soooooooo much funnier. Oh so much! This is where a lot of my old humor came into play when drawing my Harry Potter fancomics in high school, as well as the numerous comics that I started, but dropped when I got bored with them. (Attention span of a gnat.) It became more fun to just tease the shit out of my friends who wanted to know how the stories ended, but were sorely disappointed when I didn’t bother with them.
When I started writing out my super long and stupid Harry Potter fanfictions, it was a few years after high school. Before then, I was drawing them in high school when I wasn’t doing homework. And lo and behold, I’d copy the page layouts from Tenchi Muyo! and Oh! My Goddess, but only Tenchi Muyo! got a lot of interest from me. It might have helped that Tenchi Muyo!’s humor is pretty on par with Monty Python and other such British comedies I had grown up on, so it wasn’t a huge stretch to start picking up on how to draw some of its humor.
3) Fullmetal Alchemist
If you’re a long time fan of mine, then you know that this was bound to show up. FMA was one of those animes that I had no idea about until I randomly caught it on Cartoon Network when I was staying over at my great grandpa’s house. I was with my grandma and we were taking care of her dad--my great grandpa--who was suffering from dementia among other problems. The rest of the family took turns taking care of him and accompanying him on trips so that he was never left alone for too long. He had a problem of ending up in trouble and never bothering to ask for help when he couldn’t get back up. Now, I knew about a few more anime at this time, because I had anime loving friends in high school and out of high school who knew of stuff to suggest to me. I’d watch it on Cartoon Network and be somewhat interested in it. I watched Cowboy Beebop, Trigun, Outlaw Star (which has one of the best anime closing themes I’ve ever heard omg)... I can’t remember anything else at the moment.
I turned on the TV and found cartoon network was playing its late night anime block and watched FMA. And never looked back. Now, while my love of FMA is not as apparent as my love of Sailor Moon, it’s still there. I made my own Edward and Alphonse Elric dolls, for crying out loud! I would get the manga and I loved the art style so much I started trying to incorporate it into my own a little, much the way it happened with Sailor Moon and Tenchi Muyo. I would sit and listen to the soundtracks I would get from one of my friends. I have a signed picture of Vic Mignogna that I have stored away in a nice, safe place. I’m a fan. And it still stays with me to this day. I spent so much time playing with Harry Potter and FMA with one of my friends that we blended them together. 
Yeah. That’s right. My Mini-Erik series shows this bizarre shit in there and i will always be proud of how insane we got with it.
4) Princess Tutu
This one sounds goofy, and it is a little goofy, but it is so much deeper than you can possibly imagine. if you love magical girl stories as well as ballet, then you will love this. I love this. I LOVE THIS. This seriously came about when I found out that we had an anime channel. Back when my mom had a premium package for the cable, I could get free anime series to watch. I watched Pretear on there and a few other things, but what I took to the strongest was Princess Tutu. And trying to get my mom to sit and watch it with me because I know she will enjoy it if she gives it a chance was ridiculous. For some reason, she can’t handle anything where the characters have high pitched voices. She equates it to children’s voices and she can’t stand that. Not only that, but she, to this day, equates animated shit to cartoons for children. As I said, it’s fucking ridiculous to get her to watch this thing and enjoy it even though I know for a fact it has everything I know she will enjoy if she just stopped being a dumbass about it.
So this one has forever inflicted itself upon me. I still want to come up with a knight and princess like Fakir and Ahiru, but that will come when it comes. In the mean time, it will never leave me. Ever. I will always recommend it.
5) Fate/Stay Night (Fate series)
If you’re a long time fan of mine, you also know of my obsession with this series. It will never leave. NEVER. It always calls me back! Just like FMA, Princess Tutu, Tenchi, Sailor Moon, and a few others! But I think the most inspiring thing about the series is not so much the story, but the characters. Namely the heroes. See, I had a book I had taken from my great grandpa’s house upon his death. Actually, I had a lot of books that I had accumulated after his death, and all of them were mythology based. I staked a claim on those faster than you can blink. I have a Welsh Mythology book, an Irish mythology book, and two Scandinavian folk tale books that I got from his house. Well, I had read through the Irish one and enjoyed the Cattle Raid of Cooley and Cuchulainn, but it didn’t stick in my head. It was Fate’s Lancer that shoved that bastard right into my brain and he made a home there. I had always been a huge fan of King Arthur, and seeing a female King Arthur kinda weirded me out at first, but I liked the idea so much that I kept it for my own versions of King Arthur. 
“The Dark Queen”, “The King’s Hound”, and “Hound of the Dark Earth” all came from utilizing the images of the characters of Lancer Cu and Saber Arthur, but using them in my own way. So even now I’m still playing with these stories, and it has everything to do with fate/Stay Night being a huge influence on me.
6) Axis Powers: Hetalia
Oh, Hetalia. We have a love/hate relationship, you and I. I love you to pieces, but your fans tend to be fucking psychotic and/or stupid. Or at least the ones I always encounter minus one of my besties. My bestie Alex introduced me to Hetalia and I keep coming back to it while she’s kind of stopped caring. I always come back to things I enjoy, such as Harry Potter, Narnia, Lord of the Rings, King Arthur, yadda yadda.
 I instantly fell in love with America and continue to this day. I also fell in love with England, and later France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, China, Russia, Lithuania, and Japan. To this day, I have characters that are at least in some part influenced by the characters of Hetalia. My character Jimmy Stark was influenced by America, my character Bastian Wylde came from England, same with Fabian Santiago from Spain. I think even Darius Lis came from my usual portrayals of Lithuania in roleplays. How these came about was from a lot of role playing with Alex in various stories, including,but not limited to, Twilight and Harry Potter. We always paired Alex’s version of India with England, so in Twilight they became vampire lovers and in Harry Potter they were students. And then we used India in The Witch’s Son/Phantom of the Opera type shenanigans back when I was just trying to figure out how to make The Witch’s Son work.
However, I stayed far from the fandom outside of making overly dramatic fanfictions of a dumb parody cartoon. I know I had at least two Mexican idiots try to tell me that the Texas Revolution was America stealing Texas from Mexico instead of Mexico being an abusive dickwad and Texas raising a shotgun to his face and saying “No More.” Or that Palestine would have never picked on a young Israel, even though Palestine, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and a number of other places around Israel all declared war on Israel for simply existing. Israel won its independence in fire and blood, and then kept on surviving every single time these same nations never learned their lesson and declared they would “drive the Jews into the sea” ie kill them all. Or that America was never a conservative nation. However, they’re small fry in comparison to the bizarre fantards on gaiaonline. Had at least one of them molest my America and then, when I played such a thing straight and had America scream “BAD TOUCH! I NEED AN ADULT!” they started screeching about “straight helatians” being impossible and “straight hetalians” in their fandom. Like... dude? Seriously? The boys liking Hungary’s tits and ass don’t connect with you anywhere?
7) Hellsing
This one is more for two characters, specifically Alucard and Anderson. I played Alucard for years and then finally wanted to incorporate him in something without like... actually doing Alucard. If you know me, you know what I’m referring to. Anderson, however, kind of more just... visually influenced another character that has absolutely zero to do with him... though I suppose you could make the connection because they’re both priests that murder. The image in my head was more of the scarecrow variety, though, with Anderson’s long arms being more lanky, as well as his body. So perhaps a little of Batman’s Scarecrow fell in there somewhere, too.
8) Fushigi Yuugi
I literally only heard about this when I was... I think high school and then got out and ran into it later because of my bestie Amanda. This one is one of the lesser influences, but I suppose it still counts because some of it still lingers with me today. 
9) Ouran High School Host Club
A silly manga and a silly anime that makes the Captain a super happy person. This influenced more because of the stereotype characters in the same way Hetalia did. I’ve been noodling with the idea of romances surrounding similar types, including twins with a chick. We’ll see where that goes... if it goes anywhere. 
10) Anything CLAMP has created
Not gonna lie... I was a huge CLAMP fiend when I got out of high school. While I don’t really give a shit about the yaoi in the stories, my interest has always been in the cute, girly, adventure, or the DESIGNS. Jesus fuck, I would kill to be able to design some of the outfits they design. I’ve never been that imaginative with clothing. The detail put into the designs made me try to do the same with my own artwork, for good or ill. And the art styles were ones I emulated, particularly from eeh... Angelic Layer and Tsubasa Chronicle. I, in fact, used to rely on the manga from Tenchi, Sailor Moon, and Tsubasa Chronicle to get ideas for page layouts and whatnot when I drew comics. I incorporated a lot of it into my drawing style and then let it relax into something else when I finally got bored with keeping up with CLAMP. 
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onewfantaesy · 8 years
It’s 2010 bitch!!!
written also with @spacetaemin, @5hineesback, @choitaemins and @sabakunocasali  (and probably many others)
“Minho shoot the ball” yelled super jock Kim Jonghyun as he ran down the footballl field. Minho, baseball in hand, hit the soccer ball so hard it become a touchdown. Everyone in the audience cheered but especially Taemin, long haired bb child innocent my son,,,doesn’t know a damn thing about anything. Evry1 thinks hes a girl but rly hes just feminine and cute and clueless!
Sitting next to Taemin was his best-friend-but-also-pseudo-mother, Kim Kibum, better known as “Key Umma.”
“I did it I got a homerun!!!” Choi Minho, the coolest jock in school, yelled as he ran on the track. He locked eyes w/ his super beautiful girlfriend, Yuri. She was so hot and he wsa really heterosexual and straight. Nothing would ever change that!!!!
Jonghyun, the token gay on the Sports team, immediately ran to his boyfriend in the stands, Key. The two embraced lovingly, proclaiming their love in front of the entire school because apparently homophobia isnt a thing and high schcool is just Amazing. They were the only Gays (Trademark) in the entire school (a/n: or so everyone Thought!!!!! Wink wink!!!!), and everyone knew that they Loved each other So Deeply that they would probably get married right after graduation. (a/n: jonghyun is thinking of proposing right after the game!!! He has a ring in jock strap and everything!!)
Minho looked on, disgusted. How could they possibly be okay wit THAT? He knew deep down he was truly homophobic. Minho hated gays!!! Suspicious that no one ever questioned why…
The next day they had to go to science class because it’s school and that’s what happens sometimes. Of course this was only for Loser kids, and Kim “Straight” Jonghyun wasnt One of those kids. He didnt even go to school he just sat in the basketball courts and pretended. He was cooler than That
Minho was still in class though because he was even cooler than Jonghyun and the coolest kids break the expectations of what’s expected of them. He sat in sciencey class ignoring the teacher. He scribbled down his favorite cereal recipes to pass the time.
Meanwhile, sitting int he back of the class was Taemin, even though he and minho aren’t even in the same grade. Taemin scribbled Minho’s name in little hearts all over his notebook, slamming it clsoed as loud and dramatically as possible when his teacher called him out for not paying attention.Minho didnt even know taemin Existed, let alone that he was a…..boy.. (and minho, as established, is not A Gay..he couldnt be!.. ..
Minho looked up at this. “Who’s That Girl” by EXID played in the background as Minho looked at Taemin for the first time...who WAS this boi? And WHY did he want to know? There’s no possible way that this literal nobody could make Minho question himself
The bell rang, and now it’s lunch because of course lunch happens right after the only class of the day. Taemin went to sit with Key Umma and Kim “Call Me Appa” Jonghyun at their usual lunch table (which was the only place at school jonghyun would actually go because usually hed be sitting alone in a basketball court). Taemin had lunch from home, because he would never eat the gross Cafeteria food that was served. Of course his Key Umma made the lunch for him since Taemin didn’t knwo how to make lunch at all. Taemin sipped on his 2 liter jug of banana milk(through a bendy straw courtesy of Key Umma) and innocently hummed a tune, blissfully unaware of the tragedies that occur in daily life.
“Life i s so good ummma” taemin said happily with a ray of sunshine coming down onto him from the window. Coincidentally, the sun also shines straight out of his asshole, and sometimes, a rainbow. “I don’t think anything can go wrong ever”
Just then!!! Minho, carrying his tray of Cafeteria food, tripped and fell and dropped all of his food right on Taemin’s head!!!
Key immediately stood up to defend his perfect pure virgin son, screeching at Minho for corrupting him with his School Food!!! Taemin didn’t even know what food was!! How dare Minho do this to him/!!!
“*sorry in Korean*” apologized Minho but Key umma was not having it. He hit Minho over the head with a his gucci bedazzled rhinestone purse, careful not to damage his perfectly manicured nails which no one at this school questioned, because he was the Queen Bee (and Shin Sekyung WASN’T) who everyone Feared.
Key immediately turned to Jonghyun, slapping his shoulder and saying, “Protect your Son!!!111!!”
Jonghyun, conflicted between defending his son’s honor and offending his Star Teammate, could only sit and now know what to do.
“Uwu it’s ok key ummma i-i can just go wash this off” taemin said as he poured banana milk on his head as a makeshift shower of sorts. Minho escorted him to the water fountains, dribbling a basketball as he did at literally all times ever.
“Minho oppa what’s basketball” taemin innocently asked.
“Ball is life” was the reply, Minho looking soulfully at the ceiling as if staring into the very eyes of god
“Ooooooh! That sounds so fun! Oppa-HYUNG you’re so dedicated and tall and amazing and I’m so...me” he said, sunshine still falling on him even though they were indoors, with the first hint of disappointment he’s ever shown in his whole Kawaii, Clueless life.
“Just you?” Minho yelled, dribbling his basketball faster. “NO”
“Taemin you are so...kawaii” minho didn’t realize he said the words until he said them. A single tear rolled down his cheeks as he let himself realize...Taemin neomu yeppeo. He didnt want to admit it….but could these doki dokis…..be gay doki dokis????? It couldnt be. He continued dribbling.
“Minho ophyung..” taemin said dreamily as he stared into his chocolate orbs. This was it...he had fallen in love with the coolest jock in the school! But how could this happen? Taemin was just a lowly science nerd who even thoough was extremely pretty and beautiful nobody @ school liked him except for Key umma (and jonghyun but again, did he really evene go to this school? How old even is he???? Does he havea home?)  
Minho pushed taemin away. “Taemi i’m not gay okay and also...you’re in the sciencwe club. That’s fucking dumb” “Bbut……...hyoppa………...without science would ball still be life?”
“Ball is ALWAYS life!!!1!” Minho shouts in his face. Still dribbling.
“What if it isn’t??” Taemin challenged Minho’s way of life for the first time.”Without science, you wouldn’t even HAVE life!!”
This was too much thinking for Minho’s basketball brain to handle. Suddenly, he felt like he was going to explode. Key Umma hoped he would explode. “What if…..” taemin started, shakily, already in tears, “what if you’re–” “N O” minho answered, sprinting away with his long, gazelle like legs.
“What if…..ur my life……...hyoppa”
Minho was too far away to hear the tragic confession….
Today I’m wearing a gucci bedazzled purse, ripped jeans that has a cheetah print on them with black lace at the ends, red converse which have mud all over them from marching band even tho i don’t play an instrument, that’s only for preps! EW! (I dont march either, wwalking is too much work! They carry me on the drums because everyone fucking loves me and worships me like a god, but anyways) My diamond studded earings shone gracefully in the wind as I walked to the stupid jock-ey school holding the hands of the HOTTEST BOY I’VE EVER MET my boyfriend jonghyun! He has an eightpack and literally LIVES in a basketball court. Jonghyun isn’t just my boyfriend he’s also my bitch
Suddenly, Shin Sekyung.  And bees. What a stupid whore I hate her because she gets in the way of me and Jjongie!!! Also she has 30 boyfriends already, because shes a prep and a slut, and i only have three! Well, three counting all of jonghyun’s edgy personalities. At least two and a half are straight.
Shin Sekyung and her prep friends look at me. I put my middle finger up at them. I continue making out w my beautiful, hot bf and ignore them.
“What the hell are you doing you motherfuckers!!” Lee Sooman yelled as he ran across the campus, angrily shaking his fists.
“Oh no” Jonghyun said wearing his hot Good Charlotte shirt that I bought for him because I love Good Charlotte and MCR. Gerard Way is soooooooo hot. But not as hot as Jonghyun
“Key umma what’s going on” asked Taemin innocently as he tripped over his -2 sized shoes and fell onto the ground and dropped his banana milk. I had to protect my son from the stupid preps who go to this school that doesn’t even have any real emos in it. Sad!
I ran towards my baby careful not to get my $200 pedicure ruined by the grass
“My lil bab are u okay????? U lil innocent soul” I said as I pet his hair
“Umma what’s gay i don’t know what’s this is!”
I starts screaming that someone has corrupted his baby, even though he himself is the MotherGay, and he cradles Taemin’s perfect little cherub head close to his chest and tells him that he doens’t need to know what a penis is.
“That is only for grown ups!!!! You're too young bby” I said as I shook my head
“I went on the internet with my parents permission last night and looked it up but I just got confused! What’s a penis i don’t?? UNDERSTAND”
“YOU DONT KNOW THAT! GO TO BED!” “Wwe;re at schcool” he sobbed
I heard balls dibidibidribbling in the distance, getting close and closer. I turned my head it was Minho with at least 50balls!
Minho was such a stupid prep and I put my middle finger up at him. “Go away minho” i yelled sexily, “you must be the reason for my small baby child son’s corruption……...
Minho sneered “psh yea i got a functioning diccccc”
“Umma,” taemin piped up from his nap, “i think my penis likes minho”
“Taemin i’ve” minho started “i’ve come to terms w/ it..i’m Gay but only for you!!!! And only because you look like a girl with your hair!! My bae you’re so beautiful if you just wore contacts and wore a lil makeup..i wanna fuck you btw. But its not gay its just you! Because ur basically a girl!”
Taemin blushed and swept a strand of his long hair away from his face. “Gomawo…. Oppa.. hyung…. What is a fuck? Can you teach me?”
Kibum SCREETCHED and ascended to another plain of reality away from the preps. Hes not dead but like, hes basically in gods hands now
Taemins so hot I wanna have sex with him but from behind so I can pretend he’s a girl. Suddenly i got phone call from my girlfriend yuri who i completely forgot about! She squealed about how hot i was at my lacrossesoccerketball game and then asked something that i didnt care about and then hung up. I went downstairs to cook up my signature “cereal”
I put bananas and honey and spiders and a little bit of granola in it to make it into the perfect meal. I knew Yuri would love it. When did yuri get here? I dont know. I have no sense of what time is, and ive heard its fake anyways so its cool
“Taemin here’s your meal- oh no i mean yuri!!!!!!” yikes!!!!!!!!!
Taemin started crying “minho hyoppadeul what are spiders..why are you doing this to me”
I had to pretend like I didn't know what he was talking about I had to bully him because I have gay feelings that need to be pressed back in my head until i can believe they dont exist anymore because im not gay? Whats a gay? Ive never Heard of that! Shut up
Now I’m back at school, because I don’t know hwy I ever left in the first place, but I have to start bullying Taemin!!! In front of everyone!! No one can know that i am Part of a Gay. mostly the dick part because thats the manliest part
“Fuck you taemin” i said while breaking his arm just by breathing on it. I felt a little bad but then I remembered my social status is really important for my lacrosse scholarship and I’ll only get the $5 in financial aid if I’m the coolest person in school so……………….
I dibidibidribbled a baseball in one hand and pushed Taemin intoa trashcan with the other, smirking the entire time as the rest of the entire student body Laughed at him !! haha!!
Key appeared from behind the trashcan. “HOW DAR E YOU HURT MY PRECIOUS SON”
“Umma what’s death i hear it calling for me” taemins tiny bb eye s blurred with tiny tears..he was hurt and beautiful
Key umma rushes to Taemin’s side and pulls him out, pointing a manicured finger straight at Minho’s face.
“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU YOU STUPID fucking PREP” Key screeches!! He puts up his nails like a cat, having recently got them redone to be Sharp. “knock it off you mediocre dunces!!!!” Lee Sooman yelled from across the hall. He used his special principal powers to teleport us to the prinipals office which was his office actually so it was convenient in many different ways!!
Key takes his gucci purse and WHACKS me in the eyeball with it!
“ANI!” I screamed as my contact fell out and glasses magically appeared onto my face. I hid my disgusting face. Nobody could know that I swear vglasses i wanna fuckin diE
“NOW I’M AN UGLY STR8 not gay NERD!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!!”
Taemin starts crying, because he thinks his miinho hyoppa thinks he’s ugly because he wears Glasses like a NErd. Taemins half dead corpse whispered from the floor, “omo…..i………...wear glasses too Hyungpa..”
“Taemin my soul mate,,,” i reached out to grab taemins hand in my pinky finger because he’s so small. “I want to tell you i- I am only part of a “gay” for you”
Taein cried “wgat is part of gay...are you a buy of sexual?”
“Yes,” minho whispers, “i’m buying a sexual… my peen…. Lovs u….”
“Minho hyoppa” taemin croaks from his half dead state “what’s a peen?”
“Is it what i have?” taemin reaches down to show key the extra leg he thought he had in his pants. Between his legs wasn’t a penis but….is that senator Bernie Sanders??!?!?!??!?!
Minho gasps. “Here’s how Bernie can still win!!!”
Then Minho dribbled a basketball into the distance with Taemin hanging off of the ball.
“It’s time to dibidibidie, taemin”
“What’s a die?” taemin asked
Key umma could be heard yelling in the distance, but MInho was already dribbling Taemin into the light. As they approached what was (probably) heaven, and not just a hallucination due to taemins pain meds which were actually just bird seeds(key umma would never let him take real drugs!! Those are DANGEROUS!!), krystal, aka G O D, appeared unto them and stated her wisdom,
“Taekai is real..minho who?”
“Whos kai this is 2010”
“I’m from the future and you’re gay” “Whats gay”
“Sorry did i say kai i mean...nickhyun. Taenickhun is real”
Suddenly onew appeared eating chicken, trippping ovr everything.
Taemin looked at him and gasped. “Hyung… i havent seen you in years… since you died in the skeleton war………..“
“I was off raising a heavenly chicken farm!! I’m marying a fried chicken leg!! Pls come to my wedding in Chicken Heaven” onew said
“ENOUGH” said Krystal aka G O D as she clapped her thunderous hands, obliterating Onew from existence. He doesn’t belong in 2minjongkey universe.
Taemin started crying. “Where did hyung go, minho hyoppa?”
“Taemin…” Minho said, trying to shield his tiny bf from the pains of death but ultimately failing to do so. “Sometimes people jst fucking leave ok. Jsut like my dad”
“But minho we just went to heaven and god didnt let me die”
“God doesnt let angels die”
Taemin wings grew just then...it was then that everyone remembered he was a Literal Angel. A literal angel. Actually.
“Is this why you didn’t know anything about sex?” Minho asks.
“The only sex ed in heaven is Abstinence” taemin tells him “so you’re going to hell”
“Well damn can we fix that” minho asked, still fucking dribbbling a basketball. Or something
“But hyoppa i don’t know how to sex you have to teach me ;) bb”
Key materialized from the got damn toilet, previously having brunch with GOD, and clapped his sparkly magenta, not green bcs green is for dicks(except jonghyuns dick bcos key liked that one) manicured hands twice, transporting them to who fucking knwos “LISTEN BITCH” Shin Sekyung roared as she tore out Key’s sparkly pink hair extensions. Key tried to hit Sekyung (jfc poor girl i can see her funeral) with his gucci purse but missed, flinging it into the distance as he screamed.
Key turned, telling his super hot muscular popular bad-boy boyfriend Jjong to tell this Prep Bitch Shin Sekyung that he was dating Key now!!! And she needed to get her Prep Ass away from him!! “Jonghyun. Buy me a new purse” key said to his boyfriend, flicking his hair in a diva-ish manner and bounced his soft hips (i read something like this in a fanfic holy shit)
Event hough Jonghyun is still in high school and never goes to class and has no job, he has rich ass parents, so he can buy Key anything he wants. He pulls out his dad’s credit card and tells Key to pick out any purse he wants!!!
Key picks out the purse that those ugly preps would dislike the most, and makes a mental note to slap all of them with it.
Jonghyun buys the purse for him and gives it to his diva boyfriend. Then taemin appears.
“Umma i ran out of banana milk :( minho said i could drink his but i don’t know what he means… i didn’t see him with any milk” Key Umma started screeching into oblivion, and Jonghyun had to wave aroudn his credit card with promises of a new outfit to get him to calm down and come back to the mortal plain of existence.
That’s when Key Umma ran straight to Minho!!! That PREP had corrupted his baby!!!
“HE WAS INNOCENT U BITCH!!” Key screams in Minho’s face. “YOU TOLD HIM WHAT A PEEN IS!!”
Minho frowned, dribbling his basketball more aggressively hsi totally stoic cold face(trademark) existing.
“But he has a peen”
Taemin, sipping on a new bottle of banana milk that Jonghyun had pulled out of his ass for him, only shifted his eyes between his umma and his new (secret!!) boyfriend. Key Umma couldn’t know that Minho was his (secret!!) boyfriend! No one could know, because then everyone would know that Minho was part of a gay, and Minho didn’t want anyone to know that. He might lose his spot on the basketball team since Jonghyun is the only gay allowed!!!
“I didn’t tell him.” minho said. “Telling him might make people think… i’m a…. gay...w hich i’m not. I have a girlfriend her name is yuri. Shes really hot and i know this because i’m straight”
Taemin’s eyes filled with tears. “Hyoppa….”
Minho pushed Taemin into a trashcan again, the banana milk flying from Taemin’s hands and up into the air, only to open compeltely and spill onto the top of his head. His tears mixed with the banana milk flowing down his chubby baby cheeks. He couldn’t believe his Minho hyoppa would say he was a Straight.
“Key Umma, what is a straight?” Taemin asks through banana tears.
Key umma, finally so fed up with that DUMB PREP!! flew (a/n: very literally!!) at Minho, hitting him in the head with his brand new gucci purse!!
Minho’s brain popped straight out of his skull, and it was actually basketball this entire time!!!
Minho’s body was still working without it’s basketball brain, and so he reached over and started dibidibidribbling his basketbrain.
Suddenly Amy walked in she was so cool!! She’s an OC shh.
“Who are you?” key asked. “Another dumb prep?!!!! Are you here to steal my popular hot muscular jonghyun?”
(A/N buy press it on iTunes)
Suddenly, Amy hovered in the air and magicalyl turned into Shin Sekyung!!! THAT PRE P BITCH!!
Key threw his purse straight at that Prep Bitch’s head, killing Shin Sekyamy instantly. She ascended into Prep Heaven and haunted them all for the rest of eternity.
Suddenly, her soul turned into a piece of chicken. Onew appeared and picked up what was left, munching on it happily. “My kokoro goes dugeun dugeun for chicken” he said when he had finished.
Taemin gasped. “Hyung!!!!!!!! You’re back!!!!!” and then he started crying again, clutching minho’s shirt wetting it (with tears xdxdxd)
“I must go” onew said. “I need to finish marrying my chicken wife.” and without another word, he evaporated, leaving behind a trail of chicken grease and nuggets.
Out of sudden and behind the grease and dust the gucci slippers appeared.
Taemin gasped. “Hyoppa…. Look… they’re beautiful….”
Key took the slippers right off of Taemin’s feet and hit him over the head with them.
“But I am your innocent perfect baby child” taemin stuttered, banana tears welling up in his eyes.
With that, Key disappeared into the void. To finally burn those shits
Taemin cried harder. “Hyoppa… why did he take them from me…. My kokoro is so sad… please make me happy again”
Minho kept dibidibidribbling his basketbrain.
Taemin didn’t seem to notice that Minho no longer had the top of his skull, which was where his basketbrain fell out of. It was okay, because Taemin loved his Minho hyoppa no matter what!!!
“Minho hyoppa…. Do you think… i’m a gay?”
“You can’t be a gay,” minho tells him. “Because i can’t be in love with a gay. I am a straight.”
Taemin starts crying. Key Umma can be heard screaming sassily from the Void(which now was pink)
“I can be the only gay on the basketball team” bling bling says.(a/n: bling bling is jonghyun xD)
Jonghyun, furious at the thought of not being the only gay on the team, shoves Minho away from him. In the Heat of the Moment, Jonghyun accidentally pushes Minho into Taemin!!! Minho was already dead, his body dribbling his basketbrain post-mortem, but Taemin, who was still alive, gets shoved into a trashcan for the last time. His head cracks open from hitting the edge of the trashcan, and a bottle of bananamilk spills out of his head. That was the end of Taemin, for he ascended into heaven so he could take his rightful place as Perfect Baby Virgin Angel of Heaven (trademark).
Jonghyun looks down at them sadly, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Dibidibidis… his name was minho.”
Key, furious from his place in the void, literally fucking launches himself at Jonghyun, and the two of them blow up at the impact. A Gay Rainbow is left in their place, permanently.
Shin Sekyamy ressurrects from the dead, and she laughs maniacally. This had been her plan all along - to get them to all kill each other!!! Now she could be the Real Queen Bee!! Key Umma Whom???
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lifeofwatashi · 7 years
Blog entry #31: Hey, I’m back.
20/03/18; 0130.
Hey thurrr! Ahhh my first entry in 2018. Amazing how I’ve come this far though but alhamdulillah obviously. How have you guys been? Probably a rhetorical since there’s literally no one reading this and no one could answer that for me. But hey ask me back. “How have you been, Shahin?” Oh I’ve been fine. Or not.
So why haven’t I posted in so long? Well, I’ve been really busy. Nope just kidding. I bought a new phone and I forgot this platform existed hehe sorry Tumblr I love you loads. So 2018. We’re already in mid-March. Time has passed by super quickly. Before you know it, we’re probaby already in 2070. I’d be 71 years old. (totally did not use a calculator). Life hasn’t been that great thus far. It’s like bad times continuing from 2017, which wasn’t that great either. But I’m thankful. Let’s talk about 2017 another time though.
Lots of things has happened so far in 2018. We’re only in March and it already feels like I’m at the top of an active volcano ready to hop in. The first part of this year I was busy working my ass of for finals. Oh yeah I’m having my internship now! I had many many depressing moments during that period of studying. Sleepless nights, stress, negativity. I was really scared at that point that I might have to repeat a module (which ended up happening, but that’s for later). I was really afraid. Through the rough times during the first couple of months however, I found out that I wasn’t alone and that there are people who constantly have my back. Really really thankful for them. I studied at NUS a few times and I realised my number 1 dream ever. To enter a university course of my choice. I wasn’t sure at first, but now I am. I want to enroll into the University of Queensland, Bachelor of Biomedicine after I graduate from polytechnic. Oh gosh my heart hurts and feels really horrible typing this but you will know about that later. Anyway, I found a reason to do well in this course that I really do not like so that I could get a degree in Biomedicine. I’m finally sure of what I want and it is set in my mind. I had hopes. So I studied really hard for my finals. I really can’t say more though cos my heart feels damn light and empty talking about this. Let’s stray from this for a paragraph or two before we get back.
So that’s one of the main things that happened so far. This one’s pretty lit and dope. On January 30th, I saw a band that I anticipated the most live in Singapore. One of my all-time favourite bands: Foster the People. Oh boy were they amazing as fuck! I queued really early with my friend Ilyas and we got a super good view of the band. We stood right infront of the stage in the middle. How amazing is that?! They were soooooooo good when they performed live. I could never listen to them the same way. They even played my favourite song Ruby! It was super chill and I loved it soooo bloody much. They even advised the crowd super meaningful things. “Love should be our mantra. Love is such an easy thing to say but a hard thing to do. I think its time to put our hands out, listening before speaking, listening to people who don’t agree with you and trying to understand where they’re coming from and building bridges not building walls” - Mark Foster, 2018. Really blessed to have been able to see them live because I’ve been in love with them since I was quite young.
I went to another concert, Peach Pit. I only knew two songs and I still paid 30 bucks to see them live and I swear it was really worth it. One of the best perfomances I’ve been to and they’re such an amazing and chill band. They had many solo rifts and it was freaking cool and nice. They are one of a kind because they took the time to meet ALL the fans that queue up to see them after the perfomance and it’s really a good gesture. I got my phone case signed by all 4 members and it made my case look dope as fuck. Even talked to someone like throughout the concert which was funny but super fun too hehe. We didn’t talk actually. We texted hahaha which made it funnier. But it’s cool. My forte is texting anyway...sadly. (i’d like to change that about myself and TALK to people more instead of text). Anyway I met the band after the performance and even talked to them. I told them how I never really listened to them and that I had totally no regrets at all coming for their concert because it was that good. They were like “Oh wow we really really appreciate that thank you!” We took a picture afterwards but I swear each fucking concert I go to, my face would look like a mess. I’m damn sad cos I wouldn’t be able to post them up.
Back to the first paragraph. Remember I said I was working my ass off to not repeat a module? Yeah I have to repeat a module. Applied Mechanics, a module that I was honestly confident in. I expected to remodule Thermodynamics but nope. I gotta go through another 6 months of bullshit because I really hated that module. It really sucks. Having to remodule at the end of my second year. It’s like I’ve wasted my time. Never people. Never repeat a module because it’s really gonna waste your damn time. That semester hasn’t even started but I could already imagine how tiring its gonna be. Anyway, this incident affected my GPA really really badly. My hopes of going into a university are crushed, just like that. I literally can’t go anywhere. That’s why my heart was hurting as I was writing the first paragraph. I studied really hard and yet I still failed. It’s horrible. The thought of forking out so much time, just to see all the effort go down the drain. I don’t deserve this. I tried my best but is it not enough? Now all I’m hoping for is not having the need to delay my graduation. That would suck so bad for me and my family. I would really bring my family name down and disappoint my parents like mad.. sighzzzz.
But it’s okay. I know I will find a way to pull through this phase in my life. If something good comes out of this, I’ll be glad. Gotta see the light in everything. Try to find it even if its coming through a small little gap. Grasp onto every positivity that you can get and I’m sure you’ll pull through. I am honestly grateful for whatever that has been happening in my life even though they may have been super bitter. (but obviously not grateful to remod) Things may be horrible now, but once you accept it and get through it, your life will blossom. That’s what I’m hoping for right now. In God’s will, things will get much better. Things honestly are getting better, I’ve been pretty bubbly in the past few days hehe. May it all be great for all of us.
May you be blessed, always.
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nosakkayuuma · 7 years
Year-End Fic Round-Up and Meme
2017 Fanfiction Round-Up (Template adapted from https://trey.dreamwidth.org/584.html!) My AO3 page! Total Year-Long Wordcount: AO3 tells me 18,160. Actually about 4200 of those were written last year but at this point I will take what I can get, so, Genghis Khan, you belong to 2017 now. Also, I wrote a whole ton of words in draft form, but it doesn’t count until it gets published, so I guess this year’s work will bolster next year’s (fingers crossed) word count!!
This year I wrote and posted: 6 whole new shiny fics!!! (OK, 5, because Genghis Khan was actually written by 23 December 2016 or so... but it’s near enough to 2017 that I’ll count it.) They’re all oneshots varying from 1.5k-4k in length, and fall in either the Inazuma Eleven or Saint Seiya fandoms. More under the cut~
Overall Thoughts Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? I wrote a heck of a lot less than I thought. Should probably figure out how to write faster next year. I have been thinking of taking 1 day out of the 5-day workweek off for writing, but ultimately I think it’s either anime/manga/video games or writing which is not a fun thing to consider. This year, I have played a lot more video games, which I think is a great thing, but maybe not if it affects my writing (not saying that it does... correlation does not equal causation x)) What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? Saint Seiya fits the closest, because even though I had started watching it by then it firmly fell (and still falls) in the category of fandoms where I don’t feel like there’s anything I can contribute. What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? It has to be What draws me to you. No contest. I feel like I just about put myself into a depressive funk for 2 weeks just writing it and it was really worth it. And, for once, the title came to me and I didn’t have to do silly Google tricks or listen to a million songs to come up with a title. Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? This year was so tame, I guess the biggest risk I took was in [redacted] (it is still not posted under my account due to being judged in a writing contest... but it is up, go look for it please) where I played around with nonlinear narratives... KIND OF. I guess I should take more risks next year, which I was already planning to do anyway but am definitely gonna do now! OKAY I went back to this because while I have mentally blocked out all the effort of working on [redacted] from my mind because it’s taking like four months to judge a contest and I’m a little frustrated... umm... I mean, anyway. I definitely thought long and hard about meta for once when writing it, and tried my hardest to make it so that readers had to put the pieces together to figure out what I was trying to do. One can say I was too subtle; honestly I’m not sure because there has not been a lot of feedback. Still, while it was a gruelling experience writing it, it was fun in the end, and the end result is pretty nice too. From my past year of writing, what was.... My best story of this year: What draws me to you My most popular story of this year: It was First Time according to hits, but that’s to be expected since the Saint Seiya fandom is a lot larger than the Inazuma Eleven fandom. Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: What draws me to you What draws me to you What draws me to you also [redacted] Most fun story to write: Okay to be honest, it was Peripeties, mostly because it was so fun to revisit the world of Renegade (my Fudou longfic about him between Shin Teikoku and Inazuma Japan) again and also think about what my convenience store gang OCs would be like a few years on. Antagonistic Fudou flowed so easily as well. Also I really enjoy thinking about Teikoku high school :^) Story with the single sexiest moment: I guess I’ll have to say [redacted], since there’s like, an established relationship in it which is probably the closest thing to sexy. I mean in Genghis Khan Someoka and Fubuki share a Look and in What draws me to you Fudou and Sakuma fucking hold hands. What more do you want from me!!! A kiss?! Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I guess that’s on my to-do list for next year. Actually, one of my WIPs (the one I wrote 20k words of notes/first draft during NaNoWriMo for but haven’t got around to refining) will have elements of that...  Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Definitely A Request, because I never write Gouenji or Kidou so I learned quite a bit about them while writing it. Which is probably a hint that I should challenge myself next year lol.  Hardest story to write: I don’t remember any of them being particularly difficult to write, which is weird because when I eat my own cooking I remember how much effort I had to put in to make it (although the fact that there’s a much shorter wait between cooking and eating probably explains that). Probably What draws me to you. I obsessed over every word, I did so much research (but it was interesting reading), I focused so hard on the vague images in my mind and tried to translate them faithfully into text... Biggest Disappointment: I am not entirely satisfied with [redacted] which is probably a good thing. I don’t think it’s quite exactly what I wanted to write, but only minutely different. Biggest Surprise: I guess I didn’t realise how big (or HyoShun-starved?) the Saint Seiya fandom was until I posted First Time and watched the hits grow day by day. Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I already did all of that in Renegade so I guess being its sequel, Peripeties is probably it. Favorite Opening Line(s): When Raimon had been told that they would all be sent to various schools around Japan to serve on their reinforcement committee, Someoka had been over the moon. Finally, some real responsibility. Then they had told him that he was assigned to the boondocks. From Genghis Khan Favorite Closing Line(s): I mean I could pick any of my emotional punchlines or whatever but who am I kidding, it has to be from First Time. "Nii-san," Shun finally said. He took the potent cocktail from the counter and drank, eyes sparkling with mischief. "Whoever said we weren't?"  Favorite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere: His heartbeat quickened, and he was about to drop Fudou's hands, only to freeze as Fudou started to tug his fingers closer in with his own and intertwine them together. Their palms touched, and Sakuma felt the calloused skin where Fudou's fingers met his palm. He couldn't help but close his fingers around Fudou's cool hands and give them just one light, hesitant squeeze. The answering pressure sent Sakuma's heart madly aflutter, and Fudou flushed, complexion growing darker even as he stubbornly maintained eye contact. The two of them stared at each other for the shortest eternity, or was it the longest moment? To be honest, there were multiple contenders for this just from What draws me to you alone, but after a close fight this won. Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:  1. What draws me to you, New Year’s festival at the temple, Sakuma in a suit, Miyabino next to him, both staring at a rogueish corn vendor Fudou in a dark blue kimono who’s fanning the coals with a rolled up sheet of newspaper, to the orange backdrop of the setting sun. I WANT THIS SO BAD I CAN’T EVEN 2. The final punchline of First Time. Shun’s sly grin!!! 3. What draws me to you, Fudou and Sakuma holding hands and all around them is the flowy, fluffy white of sakura petals 4. The chicken nugget confrontation in Peripeties! 5. Sakuma being a badass in [redacted]. Shouldn’t be more specific than that but I don’t think there are many scenes of Sakuma being a badass in that fic anyway... Also I have to say that my friend Ro illustrated the shooting stars scene in Peripeties and it’s soooooooo. Good!! <3 Fic-writing goals for 2018: 1. Finish Real Illusions, my Souda- and Sonia-centric post-SDR2 [Super Danganronpa 2] fic. OHHHHHH MY GOD. I THOUGHT THIS YEAR WOULD BE THE YEAR SINCE DR3 /AND/ NDRV3 WERE BOTH RELEASED. APPARENTLY NOT. 2. Finish part 1 of Blind Sin AU, and also think of a title for it instead of constantly calling it Blind Sin AU all the time, I guess. 3. Finish Redemption? To be honest I want to focus equally on original next year so I’m not exactly going to write 20 fics or anything like that. 4. Oh, yes. Try to push myself by writing characters, situations, styles, structures etc. I’m not familiar with.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: Did you even tell anyone you were staying out?? 🤔🤔 Janis: Did YOU warn the fam you were inviting the devil inside? 🤔🤔 Grace: Rude! Grace: Someone woke up on the wrong side of the barista's bed Grace: OMG is he that bad? How shaming Janis: Wouldn't you all love to know Grace: Like you would anyway, you don't have anything to compare him too Janis: Again, you wish you knew Janis: but yes, I text them Janis: that it? Grace: Oh honey, we ALL knew you were a virgin Grace: Did he? Grace: Before you made it obvious, I mean Grace: You should have come home first, me & the girls could have helped you out Janis: It's cute Janis: all the things you THINK you know Janis: yeah, that'd be fun Janis: Mia must've dropped the invite on her way out Janis: with the story, likw Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: girl please Grace: Mia'll get over it Grace: Unlike ME! You could've told me! Janis: Get over herself? Janis: Unlikely Janis: Told you what? Grace: OMG how hungover are you!? Don't be dense Grace: THE GOSSIP obvs Grace: I have to hear it from Mia Grace: so UNACCEPTABLE Janis: It's gossip 'cos she made it Janis: as if I had a chance to tell you or anyone, even if I wanted, when she went live with it Grace: There's always time to give me the real story Grace: You've got a phone Grace: Look how quick you answered this morning 🙄 Janis: 'Cos I thought you might have some real concern Janis: shoulda known better Grace: I AM concerned bitch Grace: you could be in a ditch Janis: Yeah, new boy's a serial killer Janis: this ain't the CW Grace: I didn't even know you were with HIM, did I? Grace: You never tell me anything Janis: Now who's being dense Janis: 1+1=2 Grace: Excuse me for having a nun for a sister Grace: Usually Janis: Again Janis: get a clue Grace: OMG Grace: I'm trying Janis: Bless 💕 Grace: Are you coming home TODAY? Janis: Are the coven gone Grace: I wouldn't bother asking if they hadn't Grace: I'm not stupid Janis: Probably then Janis: I got stuff to do Grace: One of them better be 🚿 Grace: Whelan's is soooooooo gross Janis: Not like you've ever got inside to know Grace: It's not like I want to Grace: like I said, ew Janis: Not with that baby face 😂 Grace: Shut up Janis: Like I said, bless Grace: I hate you so much Grace: This is what I get for being nice Janis: Nice Janis: Where? Grace: This WHOLE convo Grace: From the moment I checked you were still alive Grace: & I defended you last night GOD KNOWS why Janis: Shouldn't have to Janis: if your friends weren't cunts you wouldn't be in such a mood Grace: You're the only one being a bitch to me, Janis Grace: Newsflash Janis: Nah Janis: I'd have to be interested for that Grace: Yeah we KNOW you're only into barista boy Janis: Why would I be interested in anything you're doing Janis: it's them with the fucked priorities for giving a shit Grace: OMG get over yourself Grace: getting one boy to sleep with you doesn't make you God's gift Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: Like I told you before, he'll get bored Janis: You first Janis: Like I told you before, get a hobby Janis: pass it on Grace: Whatever Grace: Don't come crying to me when he realises how much of a bitch you are Janis: 😰 Janis: Don't come to me when you grow a backbone and/or personality of your own Janis: still won't be interested Grace: I already have both thanks Janis: 👌 Grace: 👋 Janis: Cute 😂 Grace: At least one of us is Janis: Sick burn Janis: If only someone that weren't Mia thought so, eh babe? Janis: Sad times 💔 Grace: Take your own advice and get a clue Janis: 😂 #exposed Janis: get some self-esteem Grace: You need it more Grace: Letting that boy use you like this....tragic Janis: I'm God's gift, remember Janis: Can't have it both ways baby Grace: I said you think you are Grace: Not that he does Janis: SELF-esteem, Gracie Janis: not 'this boy would chuck it up me from behind' esteem Janis: poor thing Grace: Faking having it doesn't mean you really do, hun Grace: We can all flex on the snap Grace: You're honestly so embarrassing Janis: I don't need facetune to flex Janis: no filters gonna fix all...that 💋 Grace: You DO need it, you just don't USE it Janis: Nah, I don't though Janis: tragedy Grace: Sure Jan Grace: Keep telling yourself that, babes Janis: You keep telling yourself Janis: can't talk someone into feeling as bad as you do Janis: let your bestie in on the secret and maybe you'll both stop being such poisonous little trolls 💕 Grace: 😂😂😂 Grace: You wish Grace: Can't be bullied without a bully, but you're not that important to Mia 💔 Janis: Oh no Janis: not queen Mia Janis: suck her dick a lil better and she might love you back Janis: story of your life though, that 🤷 Grace: You're actually disgusting Grace: Save it for your boyfriend, I'm sure it makes him really 😍😍😍 Janis: Yeah, and I'm the Nun Janis: the swings and roundabouts you have to go on to make me the bad guy Janis: no wonder you're braindead 😵 Grace: Yeah sure 🙄 Grace: I don't have to say things to cover up the fact I don't know what I'm doing Grace: You sound 12 Janis: Lie of the year goes to Janis: that's all that comes out your mouth Janis: fuck what's going in it 😂 Janis: I'm glad I don't like you, it'd be exhausting having to pity you as hard as is needed Grace: Again, you wish Grace: You tell me to get a hobby, you make the same 'argument' over and over again Janis: it ain't an argument Janis: irrefutable facts Janis: don't like it, change it up Janis: we all got bored a long time ago Grace: Exactly, it isn't, it's you trying to throw shade TERRIBLY Grace: You don't know a single fact about me, babe Grace: Clearly you don't like THAT if you have to keep pretending you do Grace: Hm? Sounds like me with his convo Grace: Don't you have a boy getting bored rn? You might wanna focus on that Janis: Nothing to know Janis: Shadow of a shadow Janis: Literally how are you the blandest granola ass bitch outta the lot and they're all white as hell Janis: not even earning them mixed points, it's a real talent how uninteresting you are, truly Janis: tutorial on that, please Grace: 😂😂😂😂 Grace: But you're STILL talking to me instead of him Grace: What's the matter? Not everything you hoped it'd be? So sad Janis: I got more than one braincell Janis: can talk about put mascara on Janis: though the memes of you failing in your last vid have been amusing, tah for that Grace: You should try doing it Grace: Obvs you need more that mascara but every little helps Janis: Not with a face like that Janis: but you know, more is more and it almost constitutes a mask at this point Grace: 👏👏👏 Janis: There you go, now when you cry like a little bitch about it, you've got reason beyond your victim complex Janis: welcome ✌ Grace: MINE? You're the one who thinks that we're so invested in your little love story that we're all out for sabotage Grace: Please Janis: You know you can see when people watch your stories, yeah? Janis: she was like, the first view Janis: so much for not being important, don't worry, I won't steal your girl Grace: She's mad 'cause you outshined her coffee date moment Grace: Like I said, she'll get over it Janis: Should stop making herself vom Janis: wreaks havoc on your natural glow, but that's neither here nor there Grace: And she's the evil one Grace: That's not funny or true Janis: Cry me a river Janis: not gonna if she kills herself making herself look even worse than her personality Grace: OMG STOP Grace: You're as bad as she is Grace: Obsessed with each other 🙄 Grace: Get a room or something Janis: Awh, wanna be BFFs then?! Janis: 😏 Grace: Shut up Grace: I'd rather be the one who dies Janis: Didn't think so Grace: The first thing you've got right this whole time Grace: Well done, babes Janis: I ain't the one in remedials with the rest of the thickos Grace: Stop calling me stupid Janis: Any time you fancy stopping Janis: be my guest Grace: And what? Be more like you? 😂 Janis: You wish Janis: Be less braindead, would be a start Grace: YOU wish Grace: Caring about what I look like doesn't make me braindead Grace: It makes you a judgey bitch Janis: Yeah, that's the issue Janis: look like Sephora threw up on your face all you want Janis: at least be a person with it, not a painted fuckdoll Grace: So sorry I can't get top marks in maths or whatever OMG Janis: 🔬 Grace: I don't even know what you're talking about now Janis: Just trying to find your last surviving braincell Grace: Find it with the last place you cared about anything Janis: 🔭 Janis: Nope Janis: no signs of life Janis: soz Grace: So glad I could make you feel better about your crap shag by insulting me Grace: But I'm the idiot 👌 Janis: Awh, don't do yourself down Janis: never let it be said you don't have your uses Grace: I'm not here to be used by you, hun Grace: Deal with that Janis: Just a cumdump and Mia's personal bitch Janis: coolio 👍 Grace: Says you Grace: You've known that boy for like a day Grace: & Mia's more concerned with you right now, like I said Janis: 😱 Janis: Are you SLUT SHAMING me Janis: dundundun Janis: know you're 💔 but babes, girl code Grace: I'm stating a fact Grace: You think you're better than me, you aren't Janis: You think I am Janis: I just don't disagree, that's all Grace: I think you're the worst person this family has so far produced Grace: But whatever you need to tell yourself Janis: A dagger through my heart Janis: good thing you've got no place then init Grace: Yeah Grace: Bad enough I have to have the same last name as you all Janis: Marry the first boring white boy who will settle for you and no one ever need know Grace: And follow in your footsteps? No thanks Janis: You couldn't fill these shoes, figuratively and literally Grace: I don't want to Grace: You dress worse than your boyfriend Grace: At least he gets paid to look like that some of the time Janis: as much as I'd LOVE to look like topshop's sale rack Janis: you rinse 'em every time, what's a girl to do Grace: Obvs Grace: It's all my fault you look a state Janis: I don't, so don't trouble yourself Grace: You do, but I won't Janis: Mia don't seem to think so 😘 Grace: She hates you, that's her obsession Grace: Keep looking like that, it fuels her Janis: What, the body she's actually killing herself for? Janis: Will do and it's so effortless Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: I'm the one who needs a hobby and is soooo uninteresting but you keep talking about Mia cos that's really not Grace: Go into her inbox, please Janis: Like I said, get a personality and we might stand a chance Janis: surgically remove yourself or are you less of a Siamese and more parasite? Grace: Sure, I'll turn myself into her so you can be obsessed with me Grace: You two are ridiculous Janis: 😂😂 Janis: Oh honey Janis: you clearly can't, been trying for years Grace: You wish Grace: Does your boyfriend know you're in love with my best friend? Grace: You might wanna share before he catches feelings Janis: Do you know your best friend kinda hates you? Janis: 😬 too late for you, awkies Grace: Rn the feeling is mutual Grace: Get over it Jan-Jan Janis: 💔 Janis: You'll get over it Janis: well, she'll walk over you, doormat Grace: Like you care Grace: either way Janis: What's the point Janis: You're never going to Grace: I care bitch Janis: You're never going to stand up to her Janis: Why should I be waiting on it with baited breath Grace: You've never waited on me Grace: Don't act like it's Mia's fault Janis: It ain't, it's yours Janis: she's a decent scapegoat though Grace: Again, you wish Grace: Nothing's all my fault, sorry about it Janis: Trust, no part of me wishes for you as my sister Janis: especially what you've become Grace: That makes two of us Janis: You said Janis: with all the care and concern you're claiming Grace: I do care, I just wish I didn't Grace: and that you weren't my sister Janis: Get over it Grace: You can try and tell me what to do as much as you like Grace: Not gonna happen Janis: I know, you're hopelessly pathetic Janis: like I said, no baited breath here Grace: Me? Oh babes Grace: Like I said, tragic Janis: Yeah, you Grace: 😂 Janis: 😥
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Let’s Get Personal
   1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?            (In not particular order)          *The Red--Chevelle          *Elastic Heart--Sia          *Love on the Brain--Rihanna          *I Feel a Sin Coming On--Pistol Annies          *40 Day Dream--Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes          *any songs by 21 pilots of The Foo Fighters
   2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?          *Yeeeaaahhh, I don't like people, soooooooo.....I'm good.
   3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.          *There are no books near me and I'm not getting up.
   4: What do you think about most?          *Work.
   5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?          *It's a pic from #Kid_1 about her new ab workout
   6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?          *I have small children who still sneak in my bed at night, sooooo--clothes
   7: What’s your strangest talent?          *I can read really fast.
   8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)          *Gender is a social construct and I refuse to participate in this narrative.
   9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?          *Many, not to brag.
   10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?          *The last time I watched "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", probs.
   11: Do you have any strange phobias?          *No, Imma basic bih
   12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?          *Noooo?
   13: What’s your religion?          *Atheist raised Catholic
   14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?          *walking to the lake
   15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?          *Behind
   16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?          *The Foo Fighters
   17: What was the last lie you told?          *I'm sure I've told one today--everyone lies--but I can't remember
   18: Do you believe in karma?          *No, that would mean that I believe in a higher power
   19: What does your URL mean?          *Stripper name
   20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?          *Weakness = Not giving a shit (Husband says CARBS)  Strength = Not giving a shit (Husband says it's my ability to keep my eye on the big picture)
   21: Who is your celebrity crush?          *I like Fassbender, even though I don't think he's that great of an actor, traditionally handsome, and I don't think we'd get along were we ever          to meet or be forced to interact. Crushes are kind of weird little things.
   22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?          *No
   23: How do you vent your anger?          *Scream into a pillow or write a scathing letter and never send it.
   24: Do you have a collection of anything?          *So many things
   25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?          *Video chat
   26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?          *Yes
   27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?          *I hate too much noise, and I love the quiet. (ha ha)
   28: What’s your biggest “what if”?          *What if we don't "make it"?
   29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?          *Ghosts = no, Aliens = FUCK YES ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!
   30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.          *My leather sectional couch
   31: Smell the air. What do you smell?          *Cinnamon rolls baking in the oven
   32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?          *There was this campground we went to when I was about 12 or 13 in Brown County, IN and it rained the entire time and I ended up getting my first UTI.
   33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?          *East Coast
   34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?          *uuuuuhhh......don't really fancy any singers.
   35: To you, what is the meaning of life?          *Arrive late, fuck shit up, leave. LOLZ
   36: Define Art.          *I have nothing profound to say that's not already been said. I have a great-uncle named Art who lives in Indianapolis?
   37: Do you believe in luck?          *No, you make your own
   38: What’s the weather like right now?          *Dark
   39: What time is it?          *9:38p EST
   40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?          *Yes, and a couple of times, both involving black ice
   41: What was the last book you read?          *For Fun? Pride and Prejudice. I want to re-read all of Austen's novels
   42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?          *Sure.
   43: Do you have any nicknames?          *Yes
   44: What was the last film you saw?          *WONDER WOMAAAAAAAAN (2017)
   45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?          *I broke my left ankle in March
   46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?          *Yes
   47: Do you have any obsessions right now?          *No
   48: What’s your sexual orientation?          *Hetero
   49: Ever had a rumor spread about you?          *Probably
   50: Do you believe in magic?          *Ever fallen in love? That's a sort-of magic.
   51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?          *Until my last dying breath, LOL
   52: What is your astrological sign?          *Aeries
   53: Do you save money or spend it?          *Save
   54: What’s the last thing you purchased?          *I had some prescriptions filled.
   55: Love or lust?          *It depends on if you want Mr(s). Right or Mr(s). Right Now
   56: In a relationship?          *Since 1993
   57: How many relationships have you had?          *Romantic? 25
   58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?         *No
   59: Where were you yesterday?         *Many places on Earth
   60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?         *Yes, my Chihuahua, Pinky
   61: Are you wearing socks right now?         *Fuck socks
   62: What’s your favorite animal?         *I love foxes. We have a family that lives by the lake and I see them a lot at night when I'm walking my husky.
   63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?         *Paying attention to little things and don't try to one-up them.
   64: Where is your best friend?         *He's sitting next to me. (husband)
   65: Give me your top 5 favorite blogs on Tumblr.         *Anglerfishy         *The-Haven-of-Fiction         *DisasterGeek         *WriterNotWaiting         *DrBennedict
   66: What is your heritage?          *Irish/German
   67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?          *Probably reading
   68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?          *Morningstar
   69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?          *Almost every day. ;)
   70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?          *Absolutely.
   71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you        are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?          *SAVE the FUCKING DOG
   72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are        going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?          *A) No B) Nothing different. I like my life C) Bring it on bitch
   73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.          *TRUST
   74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?          *Smells Like Teen Spirit--Nirvana
   75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?          *3825 (ha ha not really, see if you can figure out what that spells)
   76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?          *Never falling out of love at the same time (it happens, yeah--they don't tell you that before you get married)
   77: How can I win your heart?          *It's the little things....and compassion/kindness
   78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?          *Hmmm, I don't think it would necessarily dampen it? Unless one could LITERALLY not function.
   79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so          *Forgiving those who have wronged me
   80: What size shoes do you wear?          *US 10
   81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?          *I'm going to be cremated and my ashes pressed into a gem that will be mounted on the hilt of a sword that will be used to avenge my death because          YOU KNOW the only way I'm dying is by MURDER!!!!
   82: What is your favorite word?          *FUCK
   83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.          *Elastic
   84: What is a saying you say a lot?          *Oh my god
   85: What’s the last song you listened to?          *Ha Ha The Red--Chevelle
   86: Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?          *Black, gray, dark blue, dark red, olive green
   87: What is your current desktop picture?          *David Tennant as The Doctor snapping his fingers to close the Tardis doors
   88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?          *ONLY ONE PERSON??  It's too hard to choose.....
   89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?          *How do you REALLY feel about me?
   90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing        anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?          *Well, if Mummies were able to somehow come back to life and were surrounding my bed--that ALSO means I can teleport, sooooooo...buh-bye
   91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice!        What is that power?          *The ability to control the arachnid and insect populations of the world.
   92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to        experience again?          *...........I'm good, thanks.
   93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?          *My entire childhood before my parents divorced. My father is an abusive alcoholic/addict
   94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?          *Yeah, I'll pass.
   95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?          *London to see meh Bestie and his Partner
   96: Do you have any relatives in jail?          *Not that I know of
   97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?          *No
   98: Ever been on a plane?          *Yes
   99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?          *I voted for Hilary!!
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longarmsshow · 8 years
All or five of the question prompts
You got it! (It’ll be under the read more so I won’t kill anybody else’s timeline.)
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? - My girlfriend from like… 2009-ish… I think? Yeah. That sounds about right. Although the girl I was last in a relationship with most more that likely would have, but she lived in Florida, and we broke up before we ever got to meet each other.
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - Shy. Very, very shy.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - My brother when he gets back from college for his summer break. I wanna hang out with him as much as I can for his summer break.
4. Are you easy to get along with? - I feel like I can be depending on how I’m feeling. If I’m in an entirely different mood, like if I’m upset or if I’m just not feeling sociable I’m probably hard to get along with.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - There’s nobody I’m interested in atm, so I’d be all by my lonesome~
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? - Someone who’s nice, and caring, and supportive. Basically someone who’s nice, haha.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - Probably not.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - Nobody.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - Nope! I’m absolutely fine with talking about sex.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - I honestly can’t remember. Its been a long time since I’ve had a really good conversation with someone.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - It’s a link from my mom that has to do with companies that will help pay off student loans, haha. If that isn’t indicative of my being in debt, I don’t know what is, haha
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - ‘Death Cup’ by Mom Jeans five times over.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? - I’ve never had that happen before, but I imagine it must feel nice.
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - Nah.
15. What good thing happened this summer? - I saw Brand New, but that was like, after the summer… so, I guess nothing good really happened this summer, haha. I got really depressed around August, and it lasted ‘til the new year, so like… uhhhh, yeah, nothing really, haha. Except for maybe some S’awesome Bros. funtimes. That was fun.
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - Nope.
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - I don’t think so, but we could probably colonize planets for there to be life on. It’d just… take a while, haha
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - Nope.
19. Do you like bubble baths? - I haven’t had a bubble bath since I was a kid… buuuuuuut, who knows, it might be fun to try it again, haha
20. Do you like your neighbors? - I honestly don’t talk much to my neighbors. I’m a terrible person.
21. What are you bad habits? - I have terrible posture whenever I sit down in my chair. Absolutely TERRIBLE I TELLS YA
22. Where would you like to travel? - I’d love to travel! I’d be down to travel pretty much everywhere! I wanna see more of the US, and maybe take a trip up to Canada one of these days~
23. Do you have trust issues? - Kind of, yeah.
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - Daily… routine…?
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - Like… the whole thing.
26. What do you do when you wake up? - If its when I have to work, I’ll wake up, brush my teeth, check my hair to see if it looks acceptable, and then roll on out to work. If I don’t work, I’ll sleep in ‘til whenever, make myself some breakfast, and then see where the day leads me!
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? - I’m perfectly content with the color of my skin.
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - I don’t know! People who are easy going and are easy to talk to, I guess, but that’s probably just a vague description of just about anyone you could put a name to a face to, ya know? Haha. 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? - Nope.
30. Do you ever want to get married? - I’d just like to be able to be comfortable around a woman for once in my life.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? - It is!
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - Hahahahahaha, like any celebrities would want to have a threesome with me
33. Spell your name with your chin. - Oh, god. Okay. Here goes. msawre4c v p;lderf mn b6desrffgcdvftgrklo n8
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - I used to participate in bowling, but I haven’t played in a league since I was like… eighteen. I still do love to bowl every now and again, though!
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - TV. I love music too much to ever be without it.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - Yes. #socialanxietyproblems
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - I’d probably just ask a question. Asking questions is always a good way to get to know somebody.
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? - I really just want someone I connect with. Someone who can be my friend. ‘Cause deep down that’s all I really want.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - I looooooove Meijer. I go to Meijer all the time.
40. What do you want to do after high school? - I’ve been done with high school for like… nine years, haha. I’ve been trying to find a more secure job. It’s something I’ve been doing this year alongside bettering my mental health. Is taken up a lot of my focus, but I still have been trying to do creative things. I wanna get back into making videos sometime this year, and I wanna write a full length album. I don’t know when that all will happen, but hopefully it will soon!
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? - It depends on what they did.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - That my social anxiety is kicking in something FIERCE
43. Do you smile at strangers? - I try to!
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - Knowing that I can make my life better.
46. What are you paranoid about? - Soooooooo many things, haha.
47. Have you ever been high? - Nope. I wouldn’t mind trying out marijuana, but it’s basically like, super illegal here in Indiana, so, uh, I probably won’t try it ‘til I move to someplace that at least has a medical marijuana status, haha.
48. Have you ever been drunk? - Yes. Being hungover before is awful. Thankfully I know my limits and try not to exceed them!
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - Nope. I’m a pretty open book. If there’s something you wanna know about me I’ll tell you.
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - It was grey! That’s probably like, the oldest hoodie I’ve ever held onto. The zipper on it is busted, but it can still zip up and down. Goddamn, that hoodie is old.
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - Many, many times.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - Holy shit, where do I start.
53. Favourite makeup brand? - I’ve never used makeup before, but if I did I’d tell ya! =)
54. Favourite store? - Meijer ftw!
55. Favourite blog? - Uhhhhhhhh
56. Favourite colour? - I like a lot of colors, but I think sky blue is my favorite!
57. Favourite food? - Oh, man. Probably pizza. Pepperoni and bacon~~~~~
58. Last thing you ate? - I had some steak with a veggie mix of lentils mix of zucchini, carrots, and chick peas. It was delicious~
59. First thing you ate this morning? - Eggs, bacon, and a bagel, a pretty normal breakfast that I make!
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - I don’t think I’ve ever won a competition before, but I have gone to a bowling competition before. Never came close to winning, but it was still fun!
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? - Nope. I was homeschooled, so I was under my parents thumb pretty much the whole time. Never had time to do anything wrong or get in trouble, haha.
62. Been arrested? For what? - I’ve never been arrested and don’t plan on it anytime soon.
63. Ever been in love? - Yes.
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? - We went to a movie (I can’t even remember which one) and after it was over we went to our cars in the parking lot, and we hugged for a long time and we kissed each other on the cheeks because we were too nervous to kiss each other on the lips.
65. Are you hungry right now? - I’m always hungry.
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - I don’t really have any Tumblr friends, so uhhhhh, haha,
67. Facebook or Twitter? - Twitter.
68. Twitter or Tumblr? - Twitter, but I do like Tumblr as well.
69. Are you watching tv right now? - Nope. I only watch TV when I go to sleep, but even then it’s whatever I’m watching on Netflix. I haven’t watched TV in a long time.
70. Names of your bestfriends? - Tylor’s been one of the best friends I’ve ever had.
71. Craving something? What? - Nothing really.
72. What colour are your towels? - White!
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - Two
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - Nope.
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - I used to have a SHIT ton of stuffed animals as a kid. I’m not quite sure where they are now =/
75. Favourite animal? - All of them
76. What colour is your underwear? - I’m wearing plaid boxers rn
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? - Both!
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - I’m a sucker for some really good mint chocolate chip ice cream.
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - Light blue. It’s a shirt from the band Dowsing.
80. What colour pants? - I’m wearing a grey-ish colored shorts with a yellow stripe on the side.
81. Favourite tv show? - Parks and Rec? Maybe? God, there’s too many to choose from
82. Favourite movie? - God, I don’t even know, man. Like, I love too many movies to choose one. Like, one minute my favorite is Goodfellas the next its fuckin’ something like Inside Out, ya know?
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - Uhhhh… neither?
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - Is this… is this from like, 2011 or something?
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -OHMYGODHOWDATEDISTHISTHING
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - holyshithowdatedisthisthingalsoobviouslyitsdory
87. First person you talked to today? - Nobody.
88. Last person you talked to today? - Nobody.
89. Name a person you hate? - Nobody.
90. Name a person you love? - My brother. I’m so proud of him. He’s such a good kid, and I wish him a better life than I’ve lead.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - No.
92. In a fight with someone? - Nope.
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - I’d say at least ten.
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - Only a few. I really need to but some more. I love me some hoodies.
95. Last movie you watched? - Logan. It was really good!
96. Favourite actress? - Ummmmmm, pass.
97. Favourite actor? - Also pass.
98. Do you tan a lot? - I’ve never tanned a day in my life.
99. Have any pets? - I have three cats!
100. How are you feeling? - Pretty good at the moment! I’ve been drinking some beer tonight, and I streamed, and I watched one of my friends stream after my stream, so its been a fun night!
101. Do you type fast? - I wish.
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - So, so, so, so, soooooo many things. But that’s why it’s all in the past.
103. Can you spell well? - I like to think I can. There are definitely some words that trip me up, though.
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - Yes.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - Yes! Bonfires are fun!
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - Yes, unfortunately.
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - Yes.
108. What should you be doing? - Probably getting ready for bed rn.
109. Is something irritating you right now? - Nope!
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - Yes.
111. Do you have trust issues? - Yes.
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - My therapist.
113. What was your childhood nickname? - I never had a nickname.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - Yes.
115. Do you play the Wii? - Holy shit, this question is so outdated, haha, but yeah, I’ve played on the Wii before, I used to love that thing.
116. Are you listening to music right now? - Yes! I’m listening to a band named Pteradon. They’re great!
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? - I do, especially if I’m sick
118. Do you like Chinese food? - Yes.
119. Favourite book? - I don’t read much, but I particularly like To Kill a Mockingbird. Such a great book.
120. Are you afraid of the dark? - Not really
121. Are you mean? - I hope I’m not! And if I ever am I’d hope that somebody would call me out on it so I could try to not be mean. ‘Cause I don’t ever want to be mean.
122. Is cheating ever okay? - No.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - No.
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - Not really.
125. Do you believe in true love? - Yes.
126. Are you currently bored? - Nope!
127. What makes you happy? - Making music, streaming, anything creative.
128. Would you change your name? - I’m good with my name!
129. What your zodiac sign? - Sagittarius! 
130. Do you like subway? - It’s okay. Doesn’t hold a candle to Jimmy Johns, tho.
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - Continue being friends with her…? And if feelings develop then I’d let her know…?????
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - Isn’t this… isn’t this from a previous question…?
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - Check out Death Cup by Mom Jeans. That song’s a lot of fun.
134. Can you count to one million? - What
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? - I can’t even remember the last time I told a dumb lie, so uhhhhhhhhhh
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - Closed
137. How tall are you? - Six foot six! I’m a tall fella.
138. Curly or Straight hair? - Either.
139. Brunette or Blonde? - Brunette.
140. Summer or Winter? - Summer!
141. Night or Day? - I like both! There’s something really special about being awake during two in the morning just as there is being awake at noon. I wish I could be awake all day every day, but goddaMN THESE HUMAN BODIES AND THEIR INABILITY TO STAY AWAKE FOR FOREVER
142. Favourite month? - May.
143. Are you a vegetarian? - No, but I wish I was.
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? - All.
145. Tea or Coffee? - Coffee!
146. Was today a good day? - It was!
147. Mars or Snickers? - Isn’t… isn’t Snickers owned by Mars….??????????
148. What’s your favourite quote? - N/A
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - I think so
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -ohmyfuckinggodpleasedontmakemedothis
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